Driving Growth Towards the Future

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Driving Growth Towards the Future Head Office Jidosha Kaikan, Shiba Daimon 1-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0012 Japan Tel: +81-3-5405-6126 Fax: +81-3-5405-6136 DRIVING GROWTH http://www.jama.or.jp/ Singapore Branch North American Office 143 Cecil Street, 1050 17th Street, N.W., Suite 410 #09-03/04 GB Bldg. Washington, DC 20036-5518, USA TOWARDS THE FUTURE Singapore 069542 Tel: +1-202-296-8537 Tel: +65-6221-5057 Fax: +1-202-872-1212 Fax: +65-6221-5072 http://www.jama.org/ 2015 Beijing Representative European Office Office Avenue Louise 287 Unit 1001B, Level 10, 1050 Bruxelles, BELGIUM China World Office 2 Tel: +32-2-639-1430 No. 1 Fax: +32-2-647-5754 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue Beijing, China 100004 Tel: +86-10-6505-0030 Fax: +86-10-6505-5856 KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD. SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION DAIHATSU MOTOR CO., LTD. Kobe Head Office: Head Office: Head Office: Kobe Crystal Tower, 1-3, Higashi 300, Takatsuka-cho, Minami-ku, 1-1, Daihatsu-cho, Ikeda, Osaka 563-8651 Kawasaki-cho 1-chome Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8611 Tel: +81(72)751-8811 Kobe, Hyogo 650-8680 Tel: +81(53)440-2061 Tokyo Office: Tel: +81(78)371-9530 Tokyo Branch: Shinwa Bldg, 2-10, Nihonbashi Hon-cho, Tokyo Head Office: Suzuki Bldg, Higashi-shimbashi 2F, 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, 2-2-8 Higashi-shinbashi, Tokyo 103-0023 1-14-5, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8315, Japan Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0021 Tel: +81(3)4231-8856 Tel: +81(3)5425-2158 http://www.daihatsu.com/ Tel: +81(3)3435-2111 http://www.khi.co.jp/ http://www.globalsuzuki.com/ FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD. TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Head Office: MAZDA MOTOR CORPORATION Head Office: Ebisu Subaru Bldg 1-20-8 Head Office: 1, Toyota-cho, Toyota, Aichi 471-8571 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, 3-1, Shinchi, Fuchu-cho, Aki-gun Tel: +81(565)28-2121 Tokyo 150-8554 Hiroshima 730-8670 Tel: +81(3)6447-8000 Tokyo Office: Tel: +81(82)282-1111 http://www.fhi.co.jp/ 4-18, Koraku 1-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Head Office: Tokyo 112-8701 NBF Hibiya Bldg, 1-7, Tel:+81(3)3817-7111 Uchisaiwai-cho 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, http://www.toyota.co.jp/ Tokyo 100-0011 Tel: +81(3)3508-5031 http://www.mazda.com/ HINO MOTORS, LTD. 1-1, Hinodai 3-chome, Hino, Tokyo 191-8660 Tel: +81(42)586-5111 UD TRUCKS CORPORATION http://www.hino.co.jp/ 1-1, Ageo, Saitama 362-8523 MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION Tel: +81(48)781-2301 33-8, Shiba 5-chrome, Minato-ku, http://www.udtrucks.co.jp/ Tokyo 108-8410 http://www.udtrucks.com/ Tel: +81(3)3456-1111 HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD. http://www.mitsubishi-motors.co.jp/ 1-1, Minami-Aoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8556 Tel: +81(3)3423-1111 http://www.honda.co.jp/ YAMAHA MOTOR CO., LTD. MITSUBISHI FUSO TRUCK & BUS CORPORATION Head Office: 1-2, Kashimada 1-Chome, 2500, Shingai, Iwata, Shizuoka Saiwai - Ku, 438-8501 ISUZU MOTORS LIMITED Kawasaki, Kanagawa 221 - 0058 Tel: +81(538)32-1115 26-1, Minami-Oi 6-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tel: +81(44)330-7700 Tokyo Office: Tokyo 140-8722 http://www.mitsubishi-fuso.com 1-1 Marunouchi 2-chome, Tel: +81(3)5471-1141 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 http://www.isuzu.co.jp/ Tel: +81(3)5220-7200 http://www.yamaha-motor.co.jp/ NISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. 1-1, Takashima 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 220-8686 Tel: +81(45)523-5523 S p e c i a l F r i e n d http://www.nissan-global.com/EN/index.html GENERAL MOTORS JAPAN, LTD. Head Office: 12-8 Higashi-shinagawa 4-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-8687 Tel: +81(3)6711-5700 http://www.gmjapan.co.jp/ Printed in July 2015 02 03 ASEAN-JAPAN Hand in Hand Towards The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Japanese automotive manufacturers attained a total production Towards the goal of establishing the AEC, ASEAN has achieved 02 Foreword 10 Statistics of 3.7 million units, sales of 2.7 million units and exports of 1.34 more than 80% of its AEC 2015 Blueprint measures, such as (1) million units of passenger cars, trucks and buses in 2014. In view of a single market and production base, (2) strongly competitive 03 Contents 12 JAMA Activities in ASEAN this favorable trend, JAMA member companies have been making regional development, (3) equitable economic development, and About JAMA active investments in ASEAN, bringing the combined number of (4) integration into the global economy. However, the elimination 15 JAMA Members’ Recent factories and facilities to 93. The number of direct employees also of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) trade facilitation, simplification of rules 04 Production Facilities in ASEAN Activities in ASEAN increased 12% over last year, reaching approximately 177,000. of origin, evaluation of standards vis-à-vis technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures remained important issues. in 2013 & Related Data In order to attain sustainable growth in the automotive industry, as Negotiations on these issues are underway among members. For by Country well as other industries in the region, an ASEAN-centered economic the automotive industry in particular, it is hoped that the self- integration agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic certification of origins currently being considered will be endorsed, Partnership (RCEP), was proposed, with official negotiations started promoting trade facilitation. since 2012. The realization of RCEP will leverage the strength of a population of 3.4 billion, accounting for approximately half of On the technical front, JAMA hopes that the ASEAN Mutual the world’s population, with a total GDP reaching approximately Recognition Arrangement (MRA) for automotive technical one third of the global total, or 20 trillion dollars. The creation of regulations will be practiced within an international framework such an immense economic bloc is expected to bring significant that will lead to the adoption of International Whole Vehicle Type Established in 1967, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers • Assists in the rationalization of automobile production, and helps benefits. In order to achieve desired higher level of liberalization, Approval (IWVTA), expected to be introduced in 2016, across ASEAN. Association, Inc. (JAMA) is a nonprofit industry association currently establish policy for the development, improvement and promotion comprised of fourteen manufacturers of passenger cars, trucks, of production technology. the facilitation of further economic growth within ASEAN will play buses and motorcycles in Japan. • Establishes and promotes policies related to automobile trade and an important role in RCEP, and it will be necessary to ensure the ASESAN has embarked on a process to develop the post-2015 The globalization of auto manufacturing contributes significantly to international exchange. firm establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) at the vision – a new road map for the next decade and beyond. Deeply local and national economies around the world. As directions in auto • Engages in public interest, international cooperation and other manufacturing increasingly influence the world we live in, JAMA activities involved in meeting its organizational objectives. end of 2015. grounded in a history of cooperation with local partners spanning takes its role and mission ever more seriously, acting not only to half a century, Japanese automakers hope to further strengthen promote increased environmental protection and greater road safety Chairman relationships of positive interdependence in order to drive growth but also to enhance the international business environment. Fumihiko IKE (Chairman, Honda Motor Co., Ltd) hand in hand for ever-greater mutual development of regional Overseas Offices Objectives automotive industries in the Next Decade. North American Office (Washington, D.C., U.S.A.) To promote the sound development of the automobile industry and European Office (Brussels, Belgium) contribute to social and economic welfare. Singapore Branch Activities Beijing Representative Office (People’s Republic of China) • Conducts studies and surveys related to automobile production, distribution, trade and use. 1 RCEP is an ASEAN-centered proposal for a regional FTA with countries already holding existing FTAs – Australia, China, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and New Zealand. Production Facilities in ASEAN in 2014 & Related Data by Country 04 05 (2014) (2014) Land Area (sq.km) 1,811,570 Land Area (sq.km) 328,550 Population: 252,800,000 Population: 30,100,000 GDP at current prices GDP at current prices (US$ million): 888,500 (US$ million): 326,900 GDP per capita (US$): 3,514 Serendah GDP per capita (US$): 10,860 Source: World Bank (http://data.worldbank.org/) Source: World Bank (http://data.worldbank.org/) 15 14 18 22 23 24 25 17 20 15 16 Tambun 19 21 13 Cikarang Seremban Purwakarta Automobile production Companies Components Manufacturing Companies R&D & Other Operations Automobile production Companies Components Manufacturing Companies R&D & Other Operations Manufacturer Company Name / Facility Name Est. Capitalization Equity Products Annual Prod. Employees Manufacturer Company Name / Facility Name Est. Capitalization Equity Products Annual Prod. Employees (x 1 milliion) Stake Cap. (x 1,000) (x 1 milliion) Stake Cap. (x 1,000) Daihatsu P. T. Astra Daihatsu Motor Jan 92 IDR 894,370 61.75% Xenia, Terios, Gran Max, Luxio, Ayla — 11,847 1 Daihatsu Perodua Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. Feb 93 RM 140 0% (1) ALZA, MYVI 230 5,446(2) (Avanza, Rush, Agya, Townace, Liteace)(1) 2 Perodua Global Manufacturing Sdn. Apr 13 RM 200 0% (1) AXIA 100 1,313 1 Sunter Assembly Plant Jan 92 Xenia, Terios, Gran Max , Luxio 330 — Bhd. 2 Karawang Engine Plant Nov 06 Engine, Engine /Transmission parts — — 3 Hino Hino Motors Manufacturing (Malaysia) Oct 12 RM 78.8 58% Trucks and buses 10 329 Sdn. Bhd. 3 Karawang Assembly Plant Oct 12 Xenia, Ayla 200 — 4 Honda Honda Malaysia Sdn.
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