& WELLBANK COMMUNITY COUNCIL Meeting held in Wellbank Hall on Thursday 16th November 2017 at 7.30pm.

Present: S. Anderson (Chair/Planning); Cllr B. Whiteside; Cllr C. Fotheringham; Allan Martin (Vice Chair); H. Zhang (Angus Council Community Planning Officer); Gavin Reid (Treas); G. Cowper (Secy); PC S. Wilson. Apologies: D. Murdoch; G. Anderson.

The Chair opened the meeting and introduced Hong Zhang. HZ started by informing the group she was employed by Angus Council on job share with Sylvia Breen. HZ confirmed she had been in post since May 2017, and was involved with Youth Work, Adult Learning and Planning for Place. HZ informed the group the remit of Planning for Place was to help communities become involved in various ways. Support communities through Charettes and this was taking place in South West Angus with Muirhead/Birkhill and Liff CC, but not with Murroes & Wellbank//. There had been several meetings with other community groups and the Planning for Place Team to explore ideas in local areas for short/long term outcomes. Locality Planning team are talking to communities, Including representatives from various local groups and Community Councils looking for these groups to become involved in developing the future plan. HZ advised if the group have any questions, to forward them onto the various council departments for answers. Community Council or Groups can promote events through the social media portal for Angus Council. Community Empowerment Act – communities with empty properties can now take over these properties with the appropriate help and advice. Charettes – funding is available. Money has been targeted to Murihead/Birkhill/ CC at the moment, but may be made available for others. CC’s in Sidlaw area could pull together to help find ways to utilise any available funding for projects. BW stated if groups have any specific projects, there is LEADER funding available. Path Network – SW is to find out more on this issue. SA asked if funding would be available for the football coaching in the Murroes/Wellbank area. HZ confirmed she would forward minutes of her presentation. SA thanked HZ for her interesting talk, and she left the meeting. Petterden GC confirmed she had contacted the site regarding dust generated from the activities being undertaken at Petterden, as this is causing concern for local residents. GC is to contact SEPA.

Ballumbie SA confirmed there had be no issues raised recently.

Police SW confirmed the Murroes & Wellbank area had minimal issues raised. There had been break-ins at Tealing and a theft from Tealing Farm. There had been an incident at with dogs hunting deer. SW informed the group there were tea dances held in for senior citizens in the Community Cabin, and SW would try to confirm any further tea dances in the area.

Planning There were various applications within the area, but none raised any concerns.

AOCB Flytipping is on the increase, and it was hoped the joint Litter Prevention activities with Council will make a difference. Angus Council, Education, Estates Management Team are undertaking a consultation process which would hopefully provide better access and availability for spaces in local schools. AM – Suggested signage to enable drivers to find Westhall Terrace. There are signs to Tealing from C6 junction, but nothing to direct drivers to Westhall Terrace. CF will enquire into this issue. Litter at the side of the A90 is damaging the impression north bound to Angus and South bound to Dundee. BEAR is the contractors to raise the issue with.

Future meetings are: 15th February 2018 - Murroes Community Hall. 19th April 2018 - Wellbank Hall 21st June 2018 - Murroes Community Hall 16th August 2018 - Wellbank Hall 18th October 2018 - Murroes Community Hall.

The Chair closed the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance and wished them all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.