Seats Pachen Lama, S Tibet Revolt Crushed

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Seats Pachen Lama, S Tibet Revolt Crushed ^^7 ' r T h e Weather ForooMt of D. S. WMtlfer ■■MM ClMsr. colder tonlglif. flonto t fair, csrid, below freeclng bt morning, alowtjr rising vAbout Town Hi ten In afternoon. ’nw Klwimis Chib w-Ul meet «t 12:15 p.tft. Tuesday st the 3 The annual Maundy Thuraday | IlMtaurant. William C. Fenniman. ■ vice president. Trust Department Tenehrae aeiwice held laat evening MArNCHKSTKK, CONN., S.\TURI).\V, M.\RCH 28. I0.'i9 (t'lMaairted Aifvertlaing on Page I*) PRICE FIVE CENTS of the Conneclicui Bank and Trust at the, Secqnd Coogregational ^ Hale's stock is siilt COi. will speak on ■ Services of the Church waa well attended 1»y, mem- j Trust Department." bera, and families of the eonfirinfi- The Laure. Garden Club of East i Uoii riasa. of young people. In the complete arid whether Sunny Skies Hartford will hold its next n ieew group of 34 boys and girls were the Iraq Reds Pushing For Parade inr April 6 at the Well-s Tucirtr: following: , Library. Glastonbur>% at 5 P m..' .lane Blodgett, .lane Brook.s, you're looking for a This meeting is in coyijunctlon Robin Brow.n. Merrill Colton,' Washington, March 28 i.T) with the Glastonbury Garden Club Thomaa Crafts, Jane Crandall, —Sunny skiea for Easter pa- Seats Pachen Lama, and the speaker will be Mrs. Emily Ruth Currier. Sharon Kldridge. Lee Kassem to Break radera in most of the nation S Parcher. whose subjeet will be ^ Frazier, Raymond Gauthier, David ; complete faster outfit are forecast by the Weather "Gardening in the Shade." Howe.s. Alan Hutrliings, ’ Carol Bureau. Marlin.] Jack McCarthy. Carol In a apecial Easter .Sunday Royal J Duquette of the luirge Meier, Georgia Mepycr, Diane Mi- IT'S or just a handbag, With West, Nasser forecaat, the Weather Bureau Lamp Division of the General , kolrit. ' aaid: Elettric Co. New Havfn. will i Also, Donna Miisehko. Nell Pat-j ■'After a chilly dawn that ia speak Tuesday to member.< and i teison. Robert Patulak. James; likely to find freezing tem­ guests of the Connectirpt Section, j Fallot Photo s Tibet Revolt Crushed Prentice, Nanry, Reggefts, David , Beirut, Lebanon, March 2 8 9 American mUstonary hoapltal at peratures in the East reaching American Institute of Electrical ! EASTER you'll find it at Hale's, Rnhrhach, Tony Rubacha. Joyce’ ’ Amara In southern Iraq to pro­ South Carolina, rising tem­ Engineers, at 8 p.m. in the audi­ Makittff Dehut (/P)—Iraqi Communists are vide "Equipment it presently ; Rylaiulcr, Tinntia .'ihockey, David putting new pressure on Pre­ peratures are foreeast during torium of the Conneetieul Light , .'iimpsnii. Lorella Staples. Charyl HANDBAGS lacks." Tlie denomination of the the afternoon from Illinois in­ and Power Co.. Waterhury. Ij Miss Lorraine Lcclerc will make hospital waa not identified. The 1 her acting debut on April 10 and .Starkweather. William Stiles, Gary ... And the best part of mier Abdel Karim Kassem to to New England and the inid- EASHION Many atylea In decorated break with the Western pow­ mis.aionariea reportedly were com- Allantir states. " St. Mary's Guild will hold a rum­ II when the Manchester Commii- Taggart, tbeslon Trombly. Sally . straw basket; also new SOFT2 Dalai Lama Tubbs, Deborah W'olls Robert Dun- pen.sated. I Tonight will he d ear and mage sale Thursday. April 2 in the nit\- P!a>ers present "Ten .N'iqhl-s EE.S, patent plastic and gen­ ers by suggesting Gamal Ab­ The Communlsta found an in­ - in a Barroom " at Rowers hool field and Robert Topliff were ran- cold with the low 1.3 to 20. panah hall. Mf.s Walter T. Aitken. it all-’Hale's prices are uine leather. Colors: Black, del Nasser is the West's fluential ally inaide the Kaa.sem i Tomorrow will be mostly kiin- 869 Main St . Mrs Arthur Biirnap. ^ auditorium. dleligliter.s. TIME! navy, red, bone, white and pas­ Her role will be that of Mebit- cats paw. regifiie 1.1in keeping n...alive the hitter ny with the high in llie 40s. Post Taken McKee St .' or Mr.s. naiide Por­ The inml.ster, the Rev Arnold tels. ■ ■■ and the abcl Cartwright, a •'sentimental Thbre were growing Indications feeling toward Nasser ter, 2P Hy<<Je .St , ina\ be rontacted W. Tozrr. and the foHp\j-ing men' /■ today that Gen. Kassem is being; West, {or pickup of artieles for the sale. : Yankee girl who is addii ted In of the •chui ch pai ticipaled in the so easy on your budget. Ea. dime novels." played sgalnsl a overridden in his "forget Nasser " He is Col. Fadhil Abbas Msh- ancient Teiieprae service: Perley »2.98 ,« *7 95 campaign to check hotheads of his fiawi, 'president of the People s By Pro-Red 'backdrop of aiitlientle nld-fime Towt) of Manchester firemen Trimbly, Carl (leissler. Kingsley Iced Hi»jhwavs' HANDBAGS—MAIN FLO’OH revolutionary regime. | Court’In Baghdad, which has been were called to twn gra-s fires yes­ melodrama. Kuhney. Thomas Dawkins. Neil The Amerii an Legion is aponsor- The Iraqi Communist party nr- carrying but the purges The terday aftemrton within 20 mln- Patterson. Clifford Hansen, Harry Tokyo, March 28 (IT)—Tied I mg tills piodurlion; lic kpt.s nia\' be gan Ittihad AI Shaab ignored this' Egyptian preks has repeatedly Ini- Slows Traffic ■ utes of each other, Co l wen; in Rrd.amier. and .\fnJia'd Rubacha. advice and declared yesterday the ' plied he is under Communist in- China claimed today it has ! obtained from nieiiibers of-the 1/e- The choir, under the direition of W. Center end M' Kee .St.s »i •3.2‘' gnon and the Commimity Players. recent Mosul uprising should be 1 fliience. .sma.shcd an npri.sing in Tibet and Companies 2 and .3 went to Mr.s. .*\nMc .Sfricklr nfl I’r ■ . o „ ;- GLO VES are an Faster mnst. looked upon as an imperialist re-I Four Iraqi Air Force officers 111 State Areas, and in.stallcd the Panchen 89 Russell St at .3.4.3. ist. sang an aniliem. also responses actionary one in which the Trnited brought to court this week m the I tended by all elemenlaiy acliool during the service. i Arab Republic president "pla^d trial arising o'.it of the recent Lama—pro-Communist rival ' principals, is the thirri m a series SCARFS the role of cats paw." anli-Ka.ssem uprising in .Mo.sul are B r t h f : ASson.\TF:n p r k s s of the relirllions Dalai Larna Principals Study j of five aperial meetings William E. Wa.ihahle fabric jjloves in alip-on Ka.ssem has publicly proclaimed expected to he seuleneed tonight Traffic Tiiovorl witli raution to- ! —a.s head of a new regime. Rurkley, member of the hoaid. Is a poliev of positive neutrality and AP. corre.spondent Stan Caitei day ov^r (VHincriirut r<>ada j An order h\' rrom ier Chou En- in charge of the series. For Easter wear 8tylc.3. Plain' or triin back.a. Short, Teachinji; Mctliods $1.00 Dorothy Gray has gi\Vn the impression he wants said in a dispatch from Baghdad made slippery by infennit tent | Inl abolislied ' ihe Tibetan goverti- Clioo5^ from « lovely as- mofliiim or longer Icngth.s in white The t«o previous meetings had trtin keepMpr » friendlyiiiuimn'T-. with...V.. the Ihrouph censorphip that wit- meni iiommally headed by the , as their subject the ( urnculuhi m soi'lnient of sheer scarf* or colon's. snow sqiiaDa and tiimblinjf teni- Daliii Hanwi Peiping aaid the The Board of Pxiucatioii will Wp,sT''de.'ipile'"hia'Tncrea.sing re- empha.sized-links beTween peralmee study Ihr riirririiluni and teaching the senior and piiiior high schools LIPSTICK-^ 50c in square and al.'o long ■'a> liance on the Soviet i:nion for eco- the plotters and Nas.ser s I nited riiiliii ijuiia "imder dureaa hy the style.'. Gorgeous colors One deatli waj^ attributed to the rehels " tore up Ihe treaty he method.s in Manrhc.stcrs elemen­ Other meetings will he centered on V-* • P a ir nomir and military aid Arab Repii’dir government. ■ special classes, such as art, and WELDON DRUG CO. and white. , aprinp snowfall wbirh .started yc.'- signed m It'.'il with P.ed China. tary srhool.s Monday night st s Baghdad newspapers said the Iterday. .lark Andy. 67. of Xew ; mii.sir. and the audio-visual pro­ 001 MAIN STREET A hroadrii.'t hy Peiping aaid the special meeting. *2 00.0 *3 50 government has taken over an (ConHniied on Page Eight) Britain, rollapaed. apparently fioni The meeting, which will be at- gram. 2.3-yeai-old Dalai I.ama had been V a heart attack, while ahovelinp abducted bv rebel.' who rose 59c n .98 ■\ GLOVES— MAIN FIXK)R. snow near hi,«i home. agniuat the )3ed OiineSe o\'erlords SCARFS—Main Floor .Snow, fallings at interval.** dur­ Inst week, ing the night, brought hazaifl to Peiping eharged the rebels had Kansas Mother Gets I nio.*!t highway,"?. Snow removal and ; been armed by,supplies airdropped sanding rrew.s, operating through ; by Ihe Chinese Natlonallstt;. The the night, contrniled most danger supplies included rsdin equipment. point.'*. The rebels nttsckeil Lhasa on It's not too late to get Brief Toueh of F ame State police at the lieadcjuarter.s Man h lit snd were defeated in two your barj-ack.'? in Hartford ,<4aid no ma- davs of bnitle. Peiping said. It joi a«-cidenl.s were cau.sed by the listed rebel I'nsiialtles si 4.000 cap* FITS LIKE A KOREllI alippe’-y higliwayn "hut there \\’ere ONLY A tVashington.
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