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4209indx.qxd 2/21/03 12:22 PM Page 921 Index Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. “404 - Document not Found” error Symbols & Numbers message, 129 & (ampersand) in attribute values, 625 for character entities, 643 A (nonbreaking spaces) <a> tag. See anchor element for empty table cell, 353 abbr attribute for indentation, 87, 277, 277 of td element, 830 for vertical white space, 204 of th element, 842 # (number sign) abbr element, 662–663 in hyperlinks, 109, 659 above attribute, of layer element, 760 for id selector in style, 525 absolute size for font, 876 " (quotation marks), for attribute values, absolute URLs, 119–120 49, 53 absolute width for frame column, 244 * (asterisk) accept attribute to set frame column width, 244–245 of form element, 720 to set table column width, 373–374 of input element, 557, 748 .. (parent directory), 121 for file fields, 569 /* and */, for style sheet comments, 866 accept-charset attribute, of form / (slash), for directories, 121 element, 720 @page element, for printed media style access logs, ISP maintenance of, 137 sheets (CSS2), 915 accessibility _blank target for link, 258, 266 alt attribute and, 306 _parent target forCOPYRIGHTED link, 258 aural MATERIAL style sheet, 536–537 _self target for link, 258–259 color and, 94 _top target for link, 259, 266 planning for, 177–186 <!-- and --> for comments, 656 adaptive technologies, 181–184 < > (angle brackets), for element need to address
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