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11-16-1921 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-16-1921 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-16-1921." (1921). abq_mj_news/387

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY G ALBUQ1JEBQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION FORTV-S- VK.AH New Mexico, November 16, 1921. Dally by Carrier or MU, 85c a Montt VOTi. CLXXI. No. 47. Albuquerque, Wednesday, single topic Be 0, S. NAVAL LIMITING 101 NATIONAL BRIAND IS HERE TO REPRESENT II JURORS ARE NAVAL WAR E L AND ARMAMENT FRANCE AT DISARMING MEETING IN GUARD ORDERED v ; j II THE BOX IS DOOMED IS PROBLEM VITAL PROGRAM IS ACCEPTED TO STRIKE ZONE ARBUCKLE GASE VIEW OE HUGHES TO THE FRENCH

BY 4 LEADIKG POWERS Situation at Ottumwa, Five of Those Tentatively Secretary of State Believes DELEGATES SAI Where Packing Employes Seated Are Women; Jury Conference Will Agree to Walked Out, Is Beyond Won't Be Selected By Discontinue Offensive Control of Local Officials Tonight, Attorney Claims Strife on the Seas. Representatives Take the ITALY AND Initial to the FRANCE, AnKOfllltrri Steps Bring (By Thr PrfM.) (Bf Thi Amoclatfd Tmm.) (By The A"noliit'f(1 Piw 1 Eimm, IB. Two Des Moines, la., Nov. San Francisco, Nov. 15. The Washington, Nov. 15 (by the As- Question Before the companies of Iowa national guard In man- sociated to- ALL PLEDGE ADHERERC U. end of the second day tho Press). Speaking at Washington JAPAN were ordered by Governor N. day's session of the armament con- Parley, Ot- trial of Roscoe C. Kendall to report for duty In slaughter ference after spokesmen the em- saw elevon tem- for tumwa, where a strike of (Fatty) Arbucklo four other major powers had de- RETENTI0N0F HER ployes of the John Morrell Pack- porary Jurors in tho box, and Ihz clared acceptance In principle of Details of the Prooosals Probably Will Have has been In progress the American ing company general interest in the Jury selec- armament reduction ARMIESJECESSARY mc h. The troops ' se- proposals. said: ; Five of thoss Secretary Hughes to Be But the American Proposals "SoS fo' i word from tion dwindling. "Gentlemen, we have Changed, women. There was listened France's Aim Is Protection; tho country sl jounty attor V. v lected were not only with gratification, but I Are Acquiesced in "In Principle and Spirit; ney and tho .y of Ottumwa in the sessions to give may say with profound emotion, to Has No of Dis- tiff nothing ordi- Thought that tho s' ? was beyond them more Interest than the these expressions, so rorrllnl, of Discussions Are Begun. their contrc f nary criminal action, although the agreemrnt in principle with the turbing Peace of the Fifty .eputles, sworn In frequent clashes of opposing coun- proposal that has been made on World, Premier this aftershrg y Sheriff Georgo sel occasioned mirth or sharpened behalf of the United States with re- Asserts, Nov. 15, the Associated Press). II. Giltn r - .e on in tho on of the spec- to Washington, (By duty curiosity the part spect the limitation of naval (By The AMrwruted and American vicinity Morrell plant In court officers at times. armament. It will now be in order prens.) Formally accepting "in principle spirit" "e tators and Nov. 15 Ottunv . gilt, according to in- The did not differ ma- to consider the mnnv details which Washington, (by the As- proposals for reducing and limiting naval armaments, questions sociated Press.) France took tho form? Vceived here. Many of terially from those asked at the must bo associated with an exact first Great France and and thesf ' .es, It was are of agreement for that slep today toward bringing Bnta'in, Italy Japan today piedgea reported, opening the trial yesterday. purpose. tho of land of. ot Ott' ousiness men. Arbuckle's attitude was of such "There are subjects It has been question armament, , their adherence and began discussions details armies, before the Washington con- wants more than the 60 Britain will ask a further reduc .ng to reports received deep apparent dejection that he suggested here, which will appro ference. Japan sub- Governor Kendall from He did not be examined ex- to Unit- tion of the limit proposed on toi, y.iy remained almost aloof. priately by naval In for in per cent as compared the Adjuthf,t General L G. LflBher, who and at the perts, and It is the desire of the concurring France the which marine tonnage, Japan will endea- consult with counsel essential principles of the Ameri- ed States and Great Britain, vor to her to a greater was in Ottumwa, no disturbances recess periods remained by him- American government that what can 11 al- prove right proposals regarding naval tho original proposal would ratio of naval strength than has occurred today except outbreak self. has been proposed by that govern- Premier Briand low. been suggested, and France and early this morning. Between 6:30 There were vacant seats In the ment, with the suggestions that, touched on the 7 have been Mr. on army probem as far France and Ilnly. Italy will request that their nava! and o'clock this morning groups court room throughout the day, made by Balfour, more vital to France. bo of workers clashed in of the behalf of the British By agree- France and Italy want to questions be considered along with and pickets although the crowd front government; ment M. Briand, probably ut a pub- into consideration at the naval and a number of men. Including to see the go by Admiral Kato, on behalf of the lic taken those of the three stronger building principals r session of tho convention later Outset and not wait for disposal embraced in the American several officials of tho company, to and fro was larger than yes- government of Japan, and any-othe- this week, will "most powers modi- present fully," of the questjon as It affects the plan. sustained minor injuriea There terday. Many of the spectators suggestions by way of as .Secretary Hughes stated, "the big three. Moreover, both France Thus the diplomacy of tho had been a number of previous In court were talesmen who have fication of emendation or criticism views of Franco with regard to the and feel should be per- American won its first outbreaks with minor casualties not been called to the box. that may be proper shall all be of land Italy they delegation to subject armaments which mitted to increase rr.ther than de- victory In the conference but still since the strike started on Oct. 19. Gavin Mc.N'ab, Arbuckle's chief thoroughly considered, the end wo must discuss." crease the sea forces to bring them finds itself confronted with ques- Workers at the Morrell plant counsel, said that there was a pos- that after the most mature and There was no Intimation In tha careful deliberation, we may ac- M. up to a figure comparable with tions of admitted importance and numbering approximately 1,300, Arlstido Briand, premier of naval armaments at tho Washing- sibility of the Jury being finally remarks of Briand, that he had what Is allowed the other ' whose solution Is walked out on Rtrike following I selected tomorrow night. complish tho great purpose which a definite plan for reduction ot being delicacy, requi- France, who Andrew J. ton conierence Tuesday. nraj by this conference In this matter has Great Britain wants the replace- site to attainment of the purposes differences over working condi- supported we are back of you, Mr. The activities of the women s armaments to suggest. Me did say, say that been assembled to nehlev ". ment program spread over a per- for which the nations were called tions and a reduction In the num- Balfour's acceptance of the Ameri M. Briand said In con- vigilant committee, a moral uplift however, he was satisfied that the ber Secretary." "But while the time Is now op- iod of years rather than taken up together. of guaranteed working hours can proposals for limitation of clusion, addressing Mr. Hughes. organization, In watching the case conferees would be convinced "that at the end of a ten technical advisers per week. Company officials yes- and to the portune- for the consideration of France, after the' necessities of year holiday, While wrestle sending representatives these and she wants further reduction with the armaments problem and terday reported that It was operat- court room, figured largely In the details, the great, first step safety and life have been ade- and definite limitations on sub- continue ing with about 600 workers. as it did hns been taken In this notable ex- quately secured, harbors no the delegates Informal Jury questioning today of In ol thought marines. conversations on the American Mayor Charles Chilton and yesterday. The medical testimony pression approval principle of disturbing the peace of tha A Short Session. other County Attorney Newton W. Rob- to be introduced also was men- what has been suggested by the world." plan, the big subject, the TEXT OF BALFOUR'S ADDRESS AT American And do I M. After a session of little more Far Eastern situation, will be erts joined Sheriff Giltner In the tioned. government. Biiand's statements were than appeal to Governor Kendall were the go too far in saying that we may construed generally as showing his an hour, the conference, given its first formal consideration for The talesmen asked by to after addresses of at an executive tomorrow troops. All three officials stated PARLEY ACCEPTING V. S. PLANS defense If such might commit this matter a teehnical purpose to explain fully why France hearing general meeting testimony examination with the assurance, it to acceptance by A. J. Balfour, for of the delegations of the nine in- that the situation was beyond lo- be connected by them in any wav regards necessary retain the cal control. on which I am very certain will be great force in her armies. As the the British; Baron Admiral Kato terested nations. Tonight every with any possible moral lapse of our for It was here DV Miss gratifying to the hearts nation with tho largest army, the Japan; Senator Schanzer, for delegation was In a waiting atti- unofficially stated rilK ASMM'IATKU PltC.'SS.) tho part of Virginia Kappe, Hint will come out of and that the 15 honor in whose people. there premier pointed out today, it Was Italy, Premier Briand for tude toward this question and If tonight troops would Washington, Nov. (by the As the necessities that national connection with dca'a an to to leave Des Moines is tried. an- this conference appropriate appropriate for her take that Franco, adiourned meet again any nation had a comprehensive shortly after sociated Press.) The official text and national defense require. Arbuekle being They con- on call of midnight, and would in ot- agreement of satisfactory import- question up, but neither at the tho Secretary Hughes plan of settlement' to present at arrive of Arthur Balfour's address at the Land Armaments. swered that they would be guided essential reduction of naval nor in other and new tumwa for 6 evidence. ance, ierence, any quarter, the committee on navai the outset It was carefully con- ready duty before solely by the to Hie end offen- is there such armament went ses- o'clock tomorrow Col- firmament conference today follows, "Again, it does not touch a ques- armament, that suggestion that any Into secret cealed. morning. Indicated transgressions of th? sive naval will be no more for reduction ot sion. In onel Guy Brewer, Governor Ken- in part: tion which every man coming from law Arbuckle and warfare sweeping proposal The lead accepting the prin- "Mr. Chairman: Tou have in- be prohibition by and this advance will be armies is to be as the Committee of Admirals. of dall announced, will be In com- Europe must feel to a question Miss would have no effect great expected, ciple the American naval pro- vited those who desire to continue of Immense and almost Rappe made to the accomplishment of an naval plan put forward by the The result of the latter meeting posal was taken In con- mand. paramount on the talesmen, they answered. was today's District the discussion which began Satur- importance; I mean the heavy enduring peace? United States. a decision to refer the matter ference by Great Britain, whose Judge D. M. Anderson I be un- They also said that the detention is to have fur- Tho American of naval late a fern onrn rv day. think It would very burden of land armaments. That attor- "If it not desired Army. limitation to a committee historic naval supremacy would today granted in fortunate if wo were to allow the of witnesses by the district ther discussion of Uie matter which Ko far as the United States is of admirals, to be over junction members of is left on one side, to be dealt would not them presided by eventually give way to an equality enjoining the events of, Saturday to pass without with other schemes and In ney prejudice has been brought before us, 1 sup- concerned, the army question is Theodore Roosevelt, assistant sec- of with the United maigamatea Meat Cutters and tho by either against the prosecution or academic. The. strength States, Butcher some ' further 'observation on other ways. What it d,oes is sure- pose It will be In order to adjourn largely American retary of the navy, which will make If the plan became an actuality. Workers from picketing of those to whom you, Mr. tho witnesses Involved. to for the consid- army, far below its authorized an expert of the American A. the plant, part ly one of the biggest things that The women in the box are all give opportunity report J. Balfour, head of the. Brit- intimidating employes Chairman, addressed your speech has boun done construc- eration of the project to which I strength of 150,000 men, is cut to proposals, nnd alsn make recom- ish th-- or acts of violence. More .' oyer by housewives and some of delegation, announced than and,' if for 'any rwasore swhl:h I tive them have have referred. And may I add that the bone. Further reduction would mendations for amendments of de- British 100 strikers were named defeu-dant- s statesmanship. children who said mill-- ,, acceptance In a speech shall venture to explain, I ari the "There are and I they enjoyed the that I have no doubt that I express be opposed l,iy both civil and tail. Tho committee was author- In the he questions motion that stirred delegates and specta- petition. first to 4ake- up-t- chantigtj( it is no iAibi.fklo pictures. They the wish of the conference that nt tary chiefs of the war department. ized to consider the naval tors and as- have doubt that our chairman are Mrs. Anna Butler. Mrs. Helen No fixing started a discussion In because, of all the powers here would be first to tell us thf.t an opportune time M. Briand will American plan of army reduc- strength of and France at which 100 MEN DKPVTIKD which I rep- the M. Hubbard, Mrs. L. tion will be and may Italy diplomatic cards were laid sembled, the country i details can Kitty enjoy the opportunity of presenting presented it the same time with the United on the table In an UX COUNT Y OFFICIALS as the there are which only Mrs. L. V. Sanden and lie that there will be nominal unprecedented resent la, everybody knows, be adequately dealt with in com- to the conference most fully the only States, Great Britain and Japan. manner. most intimately interested i:i all Mrs. Edith Unsworth. views of France with regard to discussion of tho subject. The following etatement was issued While Ottumwa. Iowa. Nov. is. rvmn- - mittee. At the first glance, for American is looked the hall still echoed with naval question?. I as land armament, which we must The army tonight by Secretary Hughes: ty officials have deputized 150 local Difficulties of Peace. example, and give it merely KILLED IN PLANE upon by its leaders as no more applause, Admiral Baron Kato was man to an our In- CRASH. discuss?" "The first meeting of tho com- help enforce the temporary "Statesmen of all countries are example, experts are Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 14. Ma- than tlio national police force for n? "adiness injunction clined to think that too mittee on limitation of armament th,. granted late today by beginning to discover that tho perhaps chinists' Mate Colton was killed OIL WELL STRUCK. which there is always need. Rec- was held at 4 p. m. M! Anderson, of are large an amount of tonnage ha3 ords of tho war show ing ilWfreductions" in her fleet s u.V,, enjoining labors and difficulties peace been today when a seaplane carrying Shreveport, I.n., Nov. 15. An department "There were .i- - permitted for submarines. - to the present delegates ator Jkhanzer of Italy, and Prem- - iinrlfr niil0,?.. almost as arduous and require him and Lieut. Steadham Acker oil well was struck near here In t that prior 190J, through of United British company, from as thoso Submarines are a class of vessels twenty-fiv- e the States, the ior Briand of France added a most as great qualities and O. D. Spaulding went In to a nt 397 feet. The oil preceding years, the Empire, France, and Japan, the plant, intlmidat in nresent pm which are demanded for the con most easily abused in their uso yesterday army was called In action in some Italy pieoge of cooperation in tho or and In tail spin at an altitude of 1.00 tested 20.5 gravity and the well with a secretary for each delega- American ployes committing acts of vio- duct of a successful war. which, fact, in the late war, feet near beach. Acker quarter for work, program. lence. The filed the restore tho were most abused. Barancas will have a capacity of not hs tion, and the secretary general of Mr. Balfour alone petition by "These struggles to grossly and Spaulding were seriously oil men mora than live hundred times. In eonference. who was chosen made specific company names the condition of equilib- Oucstions of Detail. than 5,000 barrels, it was used to Moru the .....t.uii ui some or modlflca- - Amalgamated world to tho lKU'i, quell of the committee. llnn timt tile meat cutters and Butcher Work- - rium, so violently interferrcd with "However there may be other troubles In the Philippines and to secretary- ted men's eon- - "A subcommittee composed of Redut . ion n,ijf be,s"Pes later, union. Its officers, executive liv five vears of war is one that questions of detail, questions aid citizens during the San Fran- Z ann over with one technical adviser for each of maximum of "B,'c aiLonimiuee llfty persons taxes and must tax the efforts of ;nected replacement, questions cisco earthquake and fire; in 1907 the five was constituted to submarine tonnage serving as pickets And I congratulate yott, connected with cruisers which are tho went to Cuba and powers, prnect on which he indi- - The everybody. army take under Immediate advisement i L action followed a disturbance If I may, Mr. Chairman, on the fact inot connected with or required for dealt with a Ute Indian uprising; would twenty-fiv- e an- - fleet fiuestlons raised by the proposal of IfJ ,80Yer"men' be today when employes that you have added the new action. But those arc matters in i'J09 it made a seeond movement insistent, but later were injured. General U be for consideration the tec hnical the United States for' a limitation or tne British members; Adjutant niversary which will henceforth by to Cuba; in 1910 forest fires in of naval armaments, and to report group elaborated theiO. Lasher, after investigating con celebrated In connection with this .experts, and however they be de- - REORGANIZATION OF CHAMBER Montana, Idaho, Washington and to tho committee from time to time (Continued on Page Two.) ditions at the plant, refused to con- movement towards reconstruction luum, mty no nut loucn mo main California: 1911. Mexican border the progress of their deliberations. firm a report that state troops, in the same spirit in which we wel- outline of the structure which tho protection and police work in Min The subcommittee la of sought by the company, have been comed the celebrated United States government desire danao, P. I.; 1K12, relief ot Missis- composed ordered anniversary erected we OF COMMERCE IN DUKE CITY Colonel Roosevelt. Admiral Beatty. here. only a few hours ago, on the day nnd which earnestly sippi valley flood suffurers; 191o, FRENCH Few disturbances at the plant on hostilities came to en wish to help them In erecting. border and flood work in Vice Admiral do Bon. vice Admiral were which putrols Acton and Vice Admiral Kato. with reported this afternoon. Most end, "That structure stands as It tho Ohio and Mississippi valleys, of the men dur- for- seems to clear and I full power o' substitution for each entering the plant "I count myself among the me, firm, and Curmcl valley, Calif., fires, and ,l 11 the to and to cannot help In the Weil Entrusted With Task of Select- advisor. At the suggestion of Mr. ing morning planned spend tunate in that I was present, thinking that Sidney fires on Mount Tamalipas, Calif.; Colonel the night there. extent had a Bhare in the pro- broad outline whatever may happen Omaha tornado; Lower Beach Tree, Balfour it was agreed that EXPERTS that in these the Meet- Roosevelt should act as chairman NIL ceedings of last Saturday. They discussions, during ing Personnel for Undertaking; First Ala., cyclone; forest fires in the next oc- of subcommittee. were memorable indeed. few weeks, that structure will Adironducks; 1914, Vera Cruz this WOULD STOP WORK ON tv remain as it was Its dis- "The committee adjourned to "Mr. Chairman, in absolute presented by ing of New Group Set for This Afternoon; cupation und Colorado mine meet at the call of the chairman." 9 BATTLESHIPS AND of the procedure, the easy original architects, for the admira- turbances; 1915, border duty and i tion and for the use of munkind. is Co- Tomorrow the committee of nine STUDY PROPOSAL transition and the great dramatic Night Session Great Success. Colorado disturbances; 1916, to dls BATTLE CRUISERS ellmax. were the perfection of art, Saving To Taxpayers. lumbus raid and Mexican puntive will have Its first meetine 6 have more ex- and Pacific which shows that the highest art "I little to say expedition. cuss Far Eastern prob cept this: It is easy to estimate In One hundred and business lems. (By The Amincliltcd PrM.) and the most perfect simplicity fifty Albuquerque men, Military Police Force. Have are often, indeed very com- dollars or in pounds, shillings and In 1917 tho world war came and Reached the Conclu Washington, Nov. 15 (by the very tho to the of who met at the Chamber of Commerce parlors last night, ACCFPT Associated A resolution monly, combined. pence, saving taxpayer with the absorption of the regulars GRKAT Press). each of the nations concerned will take an active part in the pf a more be- AMERICAN PROPOSALS sion That Their Navy directing the secretary of the navy Profoundly Concerned. rejuvenation and national guard in the war it "Now I said I would explain, if I which the adoption of this scheme progressive chamber for the city. The reorganization came necessary to organize a mili- Forces Would Be Increas- - I venture to rise will give. It is easy to show that The force was Washington, Nov. 15 (by tho il was Billowed, why of the Chamber of Commerce will start at once. tary police force. first to deal with the subject which the relief Is great. It is easy to tho United States guards. Asoolated Press). The sweeping ed Rather Than Decreased ,cruisers nw in various stages of As I have show that It as I Active work of the "hundred committee to for reduction was is in all our hearts. indirectly, will, and fifty" In 1919 the army was used American proposal construction introduced toaay it Is because the British em hope and believe, greatly stimulate I. W. W. troubles in Ari- armament became the ac- B Th AMorlntril Illinois, hinted, will begin today under plans formulated by Sidney Weil, deal with of naval by Representative Britten, and Oreat Britain, these two industry, national and Interna zona; riots in Nebraska and fundamental policy of the on the house pire con- to chairman of the and the com- lace cepted Washington, Nov. 15 (by the As- ranking republican together, are more profoundly tional and do much diminish the campaign committee, Kansas; Hood relief n Texas; steel armament conference, today by the sociated Press). French nnd Ital- naval committee. with all that touches mat-nnv- ni difficulties under which every civ- mitteemen who were him last situation in Indiana and assent of the five named In resolu- cerned appointed by night. strike unanimous great ian navy experts studying how lim- Battleships the than It is possible for ilized government Is at this time The Tennessee; coal strike duty in . were reorganization meeting held last night was one powers. itations to be Imposed "n the Unit- tion the Colorado, Washing- any other nation to be, and this not, laboring. It all can be weighed, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Utah, the bold lead of the ton. West South -- all is mat- of and most enthusiastic of Al- Seconding ed States Great Britain and Japan Virginia, Dakota, believe me, tor any reasons m measured, counted, that the largest gatherings Wyoming, New Mexico, Kansas, United Ftntes, accredited spokes- would affeet them, come to the Indiana, Montana, North Carolina. bltion, not for any reasons drawn ter of figures. But there Is some- buquerque business men in the history of the city. The Oklahoma and Washington; strikes men of Great Britain, Japan. conclusion that Iowa and Massachusetts. Battle or tradition but from thing In this scheme which is above in race troubles in Ar- In their naval forces from history for the and the of the com- Louisiana; Italy and Francs rose their should be increased rather than re cruisers specified are tho Lexing- ibn hard, brutal necessities ol and beyond numerical calculation. plan reorganization naming kansas and in Kentucky; preserv- places at today's plennry session duced, ton, Constellation, Saratoga, Rang- claims and obvious facts. There is something which goes to mittees was arrived at after lengthy discussion and a order at trials of alleged agita- of and declared tho the root which is concerned with ing the conference, Tho Italian viewpoint, ns It pre- er, Constitution and United States. "There never lias oeen in mc number of addresses on the of the members tors in Washington and strike duty readiness ,of their governments to vails torv of the world a great empire the highest International morality.! stirring part Montana. smong their experts, is that re does and officials. in accept the American proposal In Italy should be pen.iltted to have constituted bs the British emi This scheme after all what There have been many similar and principle with the MAUALT NIM UAN WtU T. n Ket no doubt familiar It do? It makes Idealism a prac- The Tlun. The election and selection of the the since spirit but, a navy as large as that of France r.V; o employments for army of a fo t I am address-oiiu- tical reservation rlht suggest and In any event on a ratio of eight TILL RESTORED to eVerybody whom proposition. and work for the important projects to be taken up then from stopping a coal strike. modifications of detail. to hfl moment, but . "It takes hold of the dream which in to ten. prpHent - even betterment of Albuquerque will be by the chamber will be done in an civil war West Virginia, guard Then tho problem of these de- The nnval question as It afreets TO FREEDOM, RULING has everybody whom I am.address- reformers, poets, publicists, unique manner. A list of seventy ing the mail, and it is to be noted, . as Heard tbe other the slogan of tho reorganized tails, which every one rea'ires may Itaiv and France la not dls potentates, we for the good of the ofilcials say, no section is wholly " under ing chamber. The of reorgan- projects city occupy the attention llims"li"njthe. situation of tne day, have from time to time put plan to members from need and yet pro'ou'ed cns'lon. aving been reserved by (By Tbe Amocliiat Prn.) cisely what connec- to ization follows: will be submitted the immune possible ct the conference and Involve the Nov. 15. The re- British empire is in this before mankind, as the goal with a list of the member- need of a federal police. the conference until the status of Los Angeles, which endeavor should Sidney Weil will have charge together quick success or failure of the plan the United States. Great Britain of Mrs. Madalynne Oben-chal- n, tion? human ship of the chamber. With less than iuu.uuu regulars in I wntnrTaA trr- r win marriage of the reorganization work and ni'Alln.lnam, ewi i and .Tann can be d'snosed of held in Jail on a charge of Admiration nnd Approval. be Each member will be asked to the United States, the distribution - But, and will assisted by the following some tion to a committee of five technl- meanwhile. Admiral de Bon, head the murder of J. Belton Kennedy, "We have had to consider, committee named him check off the ten moat important by corps is such as provides cal one ench Vt,icV.nn T?nlnh we mo by shortly and to check the names of of the within quick naval, advisers, from of the French exnerfs. and Admiral ti kn, .fanont have considered., after this as reorgan- projects elements troops i of the big five powers. Within Acton of tho Italian her scheme laid before you by oui appointment the men on the membership list reach of any possible scenes of in- delegation are Obenchaln, will have to await .! OUR FRIFNDS THE ization leader: Arthur K. so I this committee, first of all. Great with their experts, for restoration to freedom, the sheriff chairman. We have considered Prager, who he thinks could best put the ternal emergency. Yet, they are preparing vv a ENEMY. Baldridge, A. R. Hebenstreit, The ten that It would be dif- (Joilderatlon of the subject. having decided today to refuse with admiration and approval, Col, V. K. B. projects through. projects far scattered wun it in George Roslington, receiving the most votes will be ficult to get in any one Kxperts of both countries point permission for a wedding in Jail agree ,'"" '" Sellers, C. Oden, H. B. Henning together out li- We look to it as being A as basis for the chamber area over night, as much as five that during the war Italy and Obenchaln yesterday obtained a principle. systematic effort Is on A. Ogle, Carl Dr. H. 11. adopted devoted basis of tho greatest reform Magce, work for the year, and the men re- thousand men, and if 10,000 were France themselves almost cense to wed his divorced wife. the foot to embarrass us over the Raper. Dr. B. 11. Briggs, E. C. to WEATHER j entirely to their In the matter of armament and In the bonds we ceiving the most votes to carry needed it must take several days strengthening war has ever delay (retting Morgan, Ralph Melbourne, Guy these will con- mobilize them. armies. preparation for that have sold delvvered. Tho same C. O. through projects Is a JAKE SCHAEFER, JR., been conceived or carried out by Lauderbaugh, Cushman, stitute the new board of directors. It Is for these reasons, as well as Among the Italians there Influences are trying to put all Frank Strong and N. F. Le Suer. of a force FORECAST. , a comnlete In The head committee and the for the necessity having '. strong party urging BEATS GEORGE SUTTON pnsslhlo obstacles the way of The "committee of one hundred in Denver, Colo., Nov. 15. New agreement with France to relieve 3 tho will "Buddy" committee will work out sufficient for quick expansion 1 transition which retlrr and was divided Into seve- Mexico: enerally fair hoth c untrles of a of course It folly to pro- fifty" the plans for both membership and case of war, that any proposal at Wednesday large part the old bonds and substitute nty-five each would colder extreme northeast their burdens. Is (By The Assarlnttil t'roH.) tend that this or any other "buddy" divisions, financial rejuvenation of the cham- the arms conference which portion; ml'l'ary It point- Nov. 15. Schae- - the new ones. member with one American Thursday fair, colder north and ed out that thp (wo fl'"ts united Chicago, Jake scheme, by whatever genius It mny These obstacles hnvc lieen working buddy. ber. The "Buddy" committee will reduce further army east fer, Jr., defeated OeorM can deal with Campaign plans for th. securing work In would be opposed by portions. would dominate the Mediterranean today have been contrived, overcome now nnd the bond)-wil- l of groups. strength armj Arizona: Wedries-- 10 whele memberships will be formed this both new and will officials. Generally fnir ', while the combined armies would every subject;. can cover the be forwarded in tho Im- afternoon the committee Members, old, day, colder northwest be relied on to face 260 In the second afternoon game reconstruc- by chief not vote for directors or projects portion; any attack. bil- group of international mediate future, with accumu- and will be worked out with the i of the world's 18.2 balk line make unless their dues for the are I'RAXCF RAISFS LAND Thursday probably fair, There Is also some expression of .ition. It would be folly to lated Interest. assistance of the commit- year liard championship tournament. It would' be "buddy" paid. It is that all old ARMAMENTS yiESTIOX opinion that ef'icncious measures the attempt and folly There has been n slight do. tee. Plural memberships will be expected s LOCAL REPORT. w might be considered to 1 ok to the The match went seven innings. to that the has memberships for tho year will be Schaefer run of pretend attempt lay occasioned by the absorb, asked in many cases, but there will Nov. 13 the Conditions for the twenty-fou- r limitation of armnmont of the made a high yet been made in any aingle tlon of the attention of the be 'no paid at once and that checks for nt Washington, (by ended at 6 p. m. on 187 in the sixth Inning nnd went ex- plural voting. ieast one dues will accom- Associated Press). Premier Bri- hours yesterday, Pnlkan states as well as Poland scheme as was most clearly publisher of tho Journal In Immediately tho comple- year's recorded by the university; out In the seventh with an unfin the of state upon pany the new subscriptions. and of France, addressing thH the ground that complications plained by secretary getting an of the tion of tho drive there -- SO ished run 144. Investigation membership W II. Highest temperature V would be avoided. of His average yesterday. The scheme deaH and edneationnl under will be an election of the "N'o Lagging" armament conference today, said: 3 A was 67 7. was department officers, Mr. I Lowest The Italian argument for a navy Button's high run deals only with three nations The ot the "There will be no lagging." "Mr. Chairman, fully concu, 7. way. reorganization present directors stating at Range 30 equal to France Is that Italy while 148 and his average 37 which-ow- the largest fleets In the Chamber of Commerce has re Weil stated last night after the with what the president of th 61 meeting last night that their can sup- Mean having less colonial empire than the world. It, therefore, of ne- also our attention would be bunded in the meeting. "Albuquerque British delegation (Mr. Balfour) . - distracted signations com- Humidity at 6 a. m . , 26 France, now ha a population about NATURAL- GAS WKLL. cessity omits all consideration for somewhat. moment directors were ar- port an active chamber of has said, when nt the beginning 6 m 24 A other merce can of Humidity at p. the same, has more than 4,000 Alexandria, La., Nov. 15. the 'time being of those European If our friends will not allow ranged for. At this time there will nnd furnish plenty of his statement ho said that this J'recipitntlon , . , . None miles of const line and Is obliged to natural gas well four miles west nations who have diminished their our enemies dlsconoerl also bo a selection of tho ten most funds to function It properly so that conference would be one of the. Maximum wind 20 of 490 no to, It will lie effective. We expect in of velocity,,,.. here todav showed pounds fleets and who nt nresent havp them, I lie mutter will bo Important projects upon which the great landmarks the history or .South one-thir- d of her wheat and of pressure The well is 2,880 feet 1 never will have every person who has the good of tho world nnd of civilization. j.iucruuu winu...... nearly ' (desire, and hope soon. chamber will work during the com Character of day. , ...Cleai all raw materials. to own deep. 'any desire, fleots beyond ing year. (Continued on Paso Two.) (Contluued on Page Two.) Page Two ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL November 16, 1911.

who had been trained for year in chamber work, LEADERS mils, itmm&uv uccycu in "But we can effect our own re- organization," he declared, . "The mere fact that citizens are asking JOURNAL'S AUTO CAMPAIGN what is the matter with the cham- ber and with Albuquerque activit READY TO MEET ies is an indication that they are awake to a civic enterprise after 300 TOOT RANGE More Prizes Than Active Candidates at This the war excitement and are ready to put their shoulder to the wheel MAN Time Five Late Model Autos and Hun and boost. t ROADS ; Faith Necessary. dreds of Dollars in Cash to Be Awarded to In a plea for cooperation George il Roslington urged that the com Out Those Who Take an Active Part in This munlty reestablish itself on i Brotherhood Chiefs Map friendly basis and forget past Plan of Action to Meet Out the Nomination Cou- personal greivances. Campaign Clip "What we need is faith," Mr, Requests for Rules Re- in Today's Paper and Send It in At Roslington declured. "We cannot Cuts. pon fight all day among ourselves and vision and Wage Once Make More Real Than then expect to quiet down at night and Money and work out friendly plans for (By The AtmmttU Pre' ) Possible in Short the city. Albuquerque resembles Chicago, Nov. 15 (by the Asso- You Ever Thought a Few an armed camp. What wo need is ciated Press.) Plans of the Broth- Weeks Wins. a peace meeting, rather than a erhood of Locomotive Everybody reorganization meeting. Engineers "I firmly believe in Albuquer and Brotherhood of Locomotive que," he declared, "and in the to meet The first list of candidates nom- Po toii realize that In tills Firemen and Enginemen YOX7 CANNOT Chamber of Commerce and its the revis- inated in the Albuquerque Journal's cnmpniifii but the foundation of demands of railroads for biar Club arc activities, Salesmanship Campaign IjOSF that yon positively reorganization must be that ion of rules and working conditions will be published soon. If you have guaranteed an automobile) or a yester and for further day is dead and the present is agreements wage given any thought to entering the sum In casli? here. Unless we can got that cuts were after a then send In name completed today campaign, your and Best Credit Offer spirit of cooperation, any plan of two-da- y C5U away sn that it will in Blceest session of general right appear Now On. reorganization will tall." chairmen and officials. the first published list, and let your Mr. Roslington then moved that W. S. chief of the friends see that you are in the race The present "FIRST PERIOD" the officers of Stone, grand is and best the chamber be engineers, and W. a. Carter, presi- for automobilas and other valuable Credit offer the biggest given a vote of complete faith on New EVEREADY dent of the firemen and prizes. of the entire campaign. You get the of business of credits part Albuquerque Focusing un- to twice number Flashlight men, explained the settlement Now Is the Time Kilter. the regular men. The motion was unanlm der which the recent general strike Are you nwnro of the fact on each subscription you secure ously carried. order was cancelled and received flint this campaign which 1 now over the number you will re- The discussion then became their followers' endorsement of jiint starting. Is open to YOU ceive during the last week of the informal, many members and Throws beam Is You credits 300 their action. nnd that rlelit now the vrry campaign. get the big visitors taking part in evolving a feet long Bequests from ninety-eig- rail- time to enter? Now Is the time NOW and less later on. That is plan. Sidney Weil, then gave a roads for revision of rules and to send In your nomination why this campaign Is very different brief outline of the plan which working conditions were considered, lilank nnd Mart to wi'k pntli-orlii- fr from the usual newspaper circula- ho and several men had worked The new Evereacly Flash- it back to the dealer and he will re and the counter demandH of the c'lib credits. Tlio cam- tion campaign. out, combined with many of the Focusing unions Mr. an- Is n short em!" Think It Over nntl Get maao formulated, I'tone paign very one, Busy. suggestions at the meeting. light, with the zoo-fo- range, has taken fund your nounced that the unions were itiK on December ?2, nnd yon Clip out the Nomination The plan, although lacking in money. agreed on a conceited program on must get busy RIGHT NOW if Blank in this issue and send it many of its details, was unanim the country by storm." Everybody the rules cases. you Intend to win. in at once. ously aaoptea ana Mr. well was There is an Eveready Flashlight for Announcement was made that elected as a committee of one to everywhere is talking about it. .the four big brotherhoods have put it through at once with the every purpose tubular, pocket and" signed agreements with roads In U. S. NAVAL LIMITING C. OF C. PLANS FOR assistance of any other com- Instead of time to tell all the eastern, western and south- mittees he might Bee fit to name. taking you lantern types at prices ranging down eastern districts for setting up ad- PROGRAM IS ACCEPTED REORGANIZATION ARE He immediately appointed the about this want to justment boards. Two assistant entire 150 business men on the light,'we you go to 70 cents, including the new Pocket en- BY LEADING POWERS FORMED AT MEETING grand chiefs will represent the 4 "buddy" committee and named to the nearest dealer, 3.75 for The Flash- gineers on the hoards F. A. Bur- the members of the executive com pay Light at 1.75. Focusing gess on the southeastern and H. P. (Continued From Page One.) (Continued from Page One.) mittee which will meet this after- it, including the Eveready Battery is for out- baugherty on the western. The noon at 4 o'clock to work out light designed especially Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen suggestions they are to put for- - the city at heart to be a member the remaining details of the plan. Special Exclusive Fea- worth 51 cents and two extra Eveready doors, for automobiles, and wherever will be represented by A. F. Whit- ward somewhat as follows; of the chamber, and not only a V. N. 'Mazda worth 60 cents. Ask ney on the western and Uoak First Reduction of the subma- but an active one." LAND ARMAMENT tures of New lamps long is the Dif- On the board. member, Eveready range light required; southern rine tonnage the United States, to boost Al- Creation of the boards is ex- and would be The proposed plan PROBLEM VITAL for "The Spotlight" fused forindoors.and wher- Great Britain Japan active type. Flashlight pected to speed up the work of the allowed to maintain in the proposed buquerque through an Focusing Flashlight: railroad labor board relieving in chamber of commerce, It TO THE FRENCH home and After ever a Ijroad field is needed. by limited fleets. Figures Secre although Spotlight Take it try it. you've cf light its docket of the hundreds of petty tary Hughes' proposal were 90.000 had been worked out with care Type cases. tons in (Continued from One.) flashed on far on ' each submarines for Great was not Page Concentrated" filament it objects away, Each board is to have eight Britain and United States nnd by many boosters, adopt HI lamp, the ed thor- Eveready Mazda, a new" cre- members, one from each of the 54.000 tons for was in- until the matter had been While I do not agree with road from the seat of car, Japan. It discussed. quite ation. signs your brotherhoods and four representing dicated Great Britain would urge oughly him, at least not to the same ex Only genuine Batteries itl insure roads in its The ex- house don't tverpeaiy the territory. this in half, to 43,000 tons City Needs Cliamncr, tent, as to his feelings, as True parabolic reflector, Spot- on numbers, if you agree run one cutting 121 long-ltre- bright-burnin- g seme for Eveready agreements for year and for the two and a similar Col, E. pressed when he first heard tin also brand new. your be powers George Breece, president light type, it's the most marvelous may renewed. reduction for Japan. In addition of the chamber of commerce, statement made by the represen flashlight Flashlight But EvertaJy Batteries ft and im- In the western territory the sub- of the United I Shock absorber to prevent the British propose to limit opened the meeting ley a short tative States, may 31 ever held in take all flashlights. agreement has been approved by in to for own that when accidental breaking of lamp. you've your hand, prove Short marine units such fashion as statement of the purposes for say my part the Union Pacific, Oregon confine them to defensive opera- which it had been called and a coming here I felt sure that a Oregon-Washingt- Railroad Focusing device to Line, tions and make them unusable recital of some of people like the United States 41 keep "spot An- the hills the great and , and Navigation company; Los could not a mo- sharp bright. To-pe- overseas. chamber had been forced have begun such geles and Fait Lake; Atchison, to climb Second that to protect future since he had assumed its nresl mentous Initiative without having 151 Two extra reserve tamp in end Santa Fe; Gulf. Colorado skill In war- some cut nd Santa Fe: Burlington knowledge nnd capital aency. definite, clear purpose. bottom compartment. tram Chicago, re- 1 I we have and Colorado and South- ship construction, each nation Upon becoming a director. think, gentlemen, that Qulncy: tain one capital ship building yard was at no longer the in those ques- 61 Correct battery and lamp ern; Fort Worth and Denver City; surprised the general lack right renewal capable of producing a ship a year of Interest of the citizens In the tions of peace and war, when w numbers tumped on Northern Pacific; Great Northern; end and and scrap all other warship build- activities," Col. Breece stated. "The undertake to promise to the world cap. Spokane, Portland Senttle; facilities. be no more war. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, ing people who should have been most that there shall the St. and Third That allowances be made interested were not Interested. that there shall be everlasting and Minneapolis, Paul In sched- There Sault Ste. Marie railway. the American replacement were back dues which we peace. After the painful struggle ules of light craft, such as light had great trouble in collecting. It from which we have just emerged HASHUGHTS cruisers and gunboats, not of par- was not a bright outlook. we have no right to let the peopi 2 ARE ARRESTED IN ticular use in any naval offensive "We looked the matter seiuarelv of the world hope for a final peace r or defensive for the In the face. We did the best we we our NATIONAL CARBON CO.. Inc. 599 EIGHTH STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA LISBON BOMB BLAST operations, unless have made up mind adequate policing of the seas. could with what we had to work to share and decide on the means 50 EAST 42nd STREET. NEW YORK- - So far as could be learned to- with. We cut expenses and In ao that are most appropriate in order (By The iMKcltfil I'm.) night, Japanese modifications to be cutting also cut the sphere of the to realize these hopes. ( j Lisbon, Nov. 15 (by the Asso- urged will concern mainly the fix- chamber's activities. "Is it only a question here of ciated Press). Two men, said to ing of Japan on the basis of 60 per But our present inactivity and economy? It is only a question of be communists, have been arrest- cent of the naval of either the crisis which we are here to dls- - strength estimates and budgets If It were ADVICE FOR WOMEN WHO ed charged with placing the bomb other power. Her spokesman, it cusse tonight, simply shows us the so, if that were the VALENCIA TEACHERS' SHEEP HERDER FOUND on need of chamber only purpose SUITER. which exploded the staircase flt was iPsrned, will later endeavor to of commerce work you have it view, it will be really the American consulate here No- - show that some increase of for the development of the ritv and ASSOCIATION MET AT DEAD INHISCAMP BED "I advise every woman who suf- tonnage unworthy of the great nation that to vember 1. A third man, who is should be offered her. The sug what our duty as citizens is at this has called us fers with kidney trouble try here. So, the main GRANTS ON SATURDAY i Kl Mrs. Said to have remained outside as gested increase will probably relate moment and how we must stand by the crucial (Special CorreepnndeBcei to The Journal Foley ney Pills," writaa question, question, A Bessie 2!22 Scovllle Ave.. a guard against the police while to all classes of ships, including that duty." which is to be discussed, is to Ramah, N. M., Nov. 15. Rrawner, You can't get anywhere in tha ills did submarines. Directors Not Criticised. (Spectul Correspondence to The Journal ) Cleveland, O. "I could not do my companions their work, know If the peoples will be at last sheepherder named Watklns was business world unless you are Still is being sought. A strong impression prevails that Sidney Weil pointed out that an able to come Santa Fe,. Nov. 15. State Sup- housework, but since taking Foley almost to an understanding found dead In lils camp bed sev- Pills I feel like a new wom- properly trained. the British proposals for limitation dormant condition of the to avoid the of war. And erintendent of Public Instruction Kidney Want Ads of size of submarines will not) chamber was not an unusual atrocities eral miles from . Crockett Bros.' an and am able to do my work." Journal bring results. the thing then, gentlemen, when it comes on Conway has returned from Grants, school offers ad- prove acceptable to American naval in any city at times. the Valencia county where ranch, 12 miles sotitl of Ramali Rheumatic pains, swollen ankles, This superior agenda, which it will Inevit- In western is lolnts. sore muscles In DAS AND NIGHT officers. It is well known that "Our chamber here was reorgan- to arma- attended a meeting of tho Val- The eause of his death supposed backache, sti' vantages naval ized a few a ably, the question of land he to been disease. The and bladder ail- American opinion regards the years ago by profes- ment, a deli- Teachers associa- have heart sleep disturbing SESSIONS. Special Speed Classes. submarine as a war sional He had and qupstlon particularly encia County collie who was his sole com- ments indicate disordered kidneys. potential organizer. pep cate for France, as you are aware, tion, Saturday, November 12. Ho dog Private Instruction to backward to the Va.-onc- ia In came to the Crock Pills act OUITTODAGGO weapon of greatest value got results, but he took the pep we have no Intention to that nearly all of the panion camp Foley Kidney promptly. United States and not to be sur- away with him. We have con- eschew reports ett ranch and later the entire herd Sold everywhere. students in all grades of public just this. We shall answer your ap teachers were in attendance rendered on any argument thus far sidered the reorganization plan hundred school pat- of sheep drifted in grazing over school work. its ef- peal, fully conscious that this is and several presented. To reach full suggested by the American City a a coun- the hills. Walter Crockett, seeing So to American officers argue, bureau. The bureau has but question of grave and sjrlons rons from the surrounding sheei. were without their Easy Drop Cigarette, ficiency, pep, nature for us. The will were also present, that the the submarine must be a sea keep- so has Albuquerque and we can re- question try mer- rode to where he be raised it has been Charles Neustadt, a local herder camp Glass-Lumbe- r I Cigar, or Chewing Habit ing vessel of great size so as to b organize ourselves. raled and coun- found the herder dead In his camu Wind Shield if there is a countrv donire and member of the I habitable for her crew. There A long list of the general ac- tht chant a bed. A coroner's Jury was ap- E. Fletcher i. O. BAI.I1HI. I E M1MBCK CO. that demands, that the uf board of education, delivered 6. Street. I'bune 402 I has helped thousands were decided expressions against complishments of the chamber of question ty to pointed by Justice of Peace Frank 422 Soutb tlrtl nerve-shatterin- mno address of welcome the to break the costly, g the British idea that by limiting commerce was then read Mr. armaments should be ralred the Nlcols of Ramah to visit the bodv by It is France, tt will in ah teachers and visitors. tobacco habit. Whenever vou size the submersibles could be tied Well. rami wa and make an examination, after have a for a smoke a to In time before the conference, nnd A most interesting program onument Works longing or down defensive operations "Our chamber has lacked activ- I and aft- which the body was burled at the Just a harmless waters. To to such a we are hope that I shall enlov tlio op- rendered at the morning chew, place home agree ity lately," he stated, "but and In eve- Crockett rmch. tablet in your mouth instead. it was said, would be to sae-- not here to criticise the portunity and that I shall be able ernoon sessions the Idaho plan, j tonight to state In of Grants enter- Watklns was from where N. M. FOR SALE All desire stops. Shortly the habit rifiee a weapon the United etates board of directors. We are here to publicly one of thm ning the citizens he has several children. He has Albuquerque, is broken, and you are has reason to retain. to meetings of this conference vhat tained the teachers and visitors completely every stand firmly behind them and which several hun- been working for Crocketts for Memorials MOTOR better, off mentally physically, fi- As to the in British In posi- the position of France in n hm with a ball at of the Better WATER suggestion help put the chamber the the United were six months. nancially. It's so easy, bo simple. circles that submarines are not a tion to operate as a real States and ih.i wri dred people present. Kind Inquire Get a box of If it may know; and I have School Superintendent O r if t and proper weapon of naval warfare, for Albuquerque." tried to County Journal Want Ads results. JOHRNAI r n doesn't release you from all crav- the American view is that the use H. B. In address prove this, when you have listened Saturnlno Baca and Charles bring Hening a short to of the Tome We the to ing for tobacco in any form, your of the submarines In warfare Is a brought out the fact that the recent this demonstration, I am sure Gooch, principal pay freight you druggist will refund your money question aside from that now being oriticiflm of the chamber s inactlv that you will be convinced, gentle- schools gave excellent talks to thi without question. discussed. ity had nothing personal in it re men, that France, after the ne- teachers. cessities of - John v. garding the directors. safety and life ha- State Superintendent Chamber been adequately Conway delivered the address of C. H. CARNES Active Wanted, no secured, harbors "It was criticism of the thought of disturbing the the day In both English and Span- SPECIALIST IN OCULAR general of the world. peace New Mexico Steel Co. gB:::i!iii;iiiitni!!n:;iiraii:;tii!iram inactivity," Mr. Hening stated. ish. Inc. REFRACTION "The citizens want an active cham The time will come for this The Valencia county teachers Boilermaker ana ttelilera. tt 2100 8. 107 Fhone 1057-- ber to with it demonstration. Today I will sim- have a most healthy county teach- Second St. Tel I847-- 8. Fourth. I and want once in getting results." Mr. Hening ply record, with great feelings of ers' association and meet h then spoke of several chances for joy, the agreement already month to discuss plans of work. the betterment of the city and this reached here on this first great part of New Mexico which has problem of the conference, and ex- A SCHOOL LIBRARY IS been passed up during the past few pressing the wish that we shall come to a, AT RAMAH BY months and whloh should have similar agreement upon STARTED Bad Colds all the been taken advantage of had the other questions that await COMMERCIAL CLUB FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON FURNITURE chamber been active. the conference. THE stormy weather, exposure, "What we want Is a chamber WST, and the heavy cokl a oo. Ramah. N. M... Nov. IB. Tho that can have the strength to grasp 22 HAVE APPLIED FOR Dr. King's New Diacovtry breaks it op Albuquerque Journal Salesmanship Club such chances and we will all be be- Commercial club of Kamah dedi- and Head cleaned in quickly pleasantly. Good For 20,000 Extra Credits hind such an organization." JOB AS PRESIDENT OF cated a Liberty pole the yard relieved and fed better. Finn. of the public school on Armistice up, cough you Pemoera 'c ARIZONA At your druggists, 60c Speaking of the recent criticism UNIVERSITY day. A committee consisting of Accompanied by the nomination blank, and your Orst which has been sriven the chamber, Duane Hamblin, F. a. Nlelson, subscriplton. this coupon will start you in the race for the Tucson. and H. A. Closson Carl C. Magee stated that It was Ariz., Nov. 15, Twenty-tw- o Jesse Johnson magnificent Morning Journal prizes, with a grand total of con- Tho more not personal criticism, but persons, ranging from high arranged the program. polo Dr. than 37,000 credits. This coupon may be used only school in was a beautiful spruce, 50 feet Kin once and la valid when a structive criticism. principals Nebraska and only accompanied by subscription "It was that very criticism which Tennessee to chemists in one of the high, cut in the woods near New Discovierv remittance. has t about this meeting of state's copper mines, have filed Ramah. For Colds men and such a group as this can their applications for presidency of The school children under the and CoujKs Name of Subscriber. it sets about the state of direction of Miss Sheffield. Mrs. accomplish whatever university Arizona,' Bowels for Dr. to do for the city, made vacant by the resignation of Smith and Miss McCuIloch rend- Begglnft Help? Candidate's Name. "The criticism of the chamber Dr. It. B. von Klelnsmid. Nune of ered a patriotlo program before a King's Pills will bring you the was simply the reflection of what the applications have been accepted large crowd of interested parents happaeaa of regular, normal bowels Amount Enclosed, was heard on the streets from for this position paying $10,500 a and friends who had gathered for and Brer renjetioning. Mild but al- The city has recov- year with a home thrown in. observation of Armistice day ways reliable. At all druggists, 25c This will count 20,000 when tha r coupon free credits returned ered from the war and Is now de One applicant, enclosing his pho- A school library has been start- TT. PBOMPTi vroN-- gripe to the Salesmanship Club Manager, together with the first manding activities." Mr. Magee tograph, said since having the pic- ed In connection with the school, you obtain. It must be ture 'ubscription accompanied by the cash, urged that a plan be formed at once taken five years before he the Commercial club having gath- Uz Pills and the subscription must be for a period of one year or for the rejuvenation of the cnam had ehaved off his mustache and ered several hundred volumes ICinffs longer. The 20,000 free credits ar In addition to the number ber. was considered much better look- from friends of Ramah who sent Kiven on m suoscnyuou. as per regular acneauie. "Towns may Just happen but ing than the picture indicated. their surplus books where they cities never happen, they are the will be widely used and greatly results of plans and these are the appreciated. Among those who sort of plans we want our chamber Don't made gifts of books are Mrs. Louis of commerce to make and to nave Girls, Wash Ilfeld and Mrs. Max Nordhaus of to Mr. INCOMl the strength carry out." Albuquerque. FINANCIAL RUG Magee urged that the reorganiza- TATtMLNTX one in Your Face AJ tion plan be a democratic The season of amateur boxing which all the members had an In New NViuiamj tournaments has opened euat cco"ahw Zanhjiewauta4 equal voice. York and the slmon pure shows is C. Vet TJkska cold cream lnatnd (yon This the season when rugs are especially in I A. Bureau Plan. never ueeil are going big. A. a director of the hv anything like it), just Egg J. Coons, - Gallup demand. With the present low prices there is I to members try It one, and you will never be wim- no chamber, outlined the nut It. Soap and water ha a tendency c reason why any home should be without j the general plan proposed by the maka tire akin rough, and doea not of floor and besides its dan-- representatives of the American cleanse ttit akin aa thorouihly ei Llika plenty coverings jj for the cold cream. To prove It make thla teat: out City bureau reorganization Waali Fuel gerous, getting of bed on a cold floor. of the chamber. This plan waB your faca with aoap and, Letterheads Aztec Our stock of was more the who felt dry thoroughly, then apply Llekj cold With Special Holiday Designs Must Company rugs never i rejected by directors, cream, It well Into the complete could do massage akin, then SOON. See our and we own them at the new low prices. that the chamber lti wipe err tne auparnuoua cream with a Folders be ordered Samples own reorganizing. aoft white cloth; examine the cloth and an excellent line. Orders for En- Phone 251 "We would do the work and see how inucb dirt baa accumulated Small aoft-en- Blotters can Rugs, $1.60 to $8.00 they would get the money," Mr. thereon. Llaka cold cream cleanaea, a graved Greeting Cards be Coons stated, "This is well and beautlflea the akin. For aunburn placed for only a few more days. from I we can not or after a duaty auto trip there n noth- Checks Large Rugs, $8 to $125 Up enough if reorganize ing Ilka It. It's fin after ahavlng, ton. ourselves and if we can not do Let hubby or brother try It. luat com- it, the bureau is in the reorgan- - pare Llska cold cream with any 1," GLASS PAINT STRONG BLOCK SECOND at COPPER j ization business and we can got you have ever uaed. and you will na them after we have failed." Mr. no further arg'imen' to convince ynu im & Inc. 1 It'r tha beat. It'a Din In lubes. Albright Anderson, LUMBER CEMENT. PLASTER. Phone 75 toons would up l'i suggested mat it only aanltary way. Try ;t .onUrlit. V01, I i be better to use the money the will be At ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER F.ii,i;.:L1ii;ii'jii,.iii;jM,;i:i.jiNiii::L,.ii,inij;ii!j!;rj;Hiiiii;iii;1ii:iIi;iiiii:.;Piuiuui,;i;:ii!!ii. ::liii!H!i.;: i.Hi;.!:: iwinii"!!fti':';i!i!iiii!iiirMii!i;!ri:iii;!iiii!:i:m:ifij delighted. toilet counters 208 West Gold Avenue COMPANY bureau would collect as fees for everywhere Including the Brlgga' IJ 428 NOHTII FIRST KTKKKT. securing a high class secretary and Highland Pharmacy. November 16, 1921. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Pasre Three

afternoon. The Indian ST. MARY'S TEAM TO tsterelay .. BIG TEN TITLE MAY GO UNDECIDED IN GREATEST YEAR ATTEMPT TO R0& ...... itK 1,,!..,ttr..f irt- - CONFEREES HAVE IESJ AS FLAY BELEN H. S. ON Yard pass across the goal line for The i western confersnee teams, State has taken Chicago's meas- no oriiy tatiy or ine paine. iiib oe. ure 7 to 0. Ohio's over SANTA FE MAIL SATURDAY AFTERNOON team best eniovins the biesrest vtar in their dctory JHfct II Mary played their Chicaeo came late in the of the season but the Indians history, are plunging along to game game TAX when State pulled clever play CAR FRUSTRATED With the 52 to 0 defeat of ten seemed invincible. Komero was : AGREED 01 tbe end of the season with little HE'S ABOUT Myers shifted fro.n end to full 10 the hands of Helen hK-- the star of the game. No substi- hope of the champion- St. tute's were used by either team. deciding The backs spread to the npht and The Annnclnled school still lankling tliem the (IJ.t l'rci.) footb.-ii- The was the best seen ship definitely. O. S. U., or its rec- left winirs s if to receive a for- at- .Mar's ten in Mary's football attendance Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. Hi. An ou St. field this season. ord and the record of its oppon- ward pass from Myers. Mvers to rob the mail car on train Mary's football team has its dan- Mary's REVISION BILL, ARD STEAMER tempt der tip for the return game here on ents, stands out as one of the took the pass from center Pixley number 170 of the To-pe- Atchison, s'atunlay. Tho Helen team h MKKMANY IlKXIKS Rl.PORT. r Ereat teams of the Prince- and a hole made whi c Asso- year. throuph Pixley and Santa Fe railway St. tweniy-fi- v Berlin. Nov. 15 tby the ton has beaten Chica- 12 sta- Mary's by Harvard, nluntred Yards 'p a touch the train was standing at tin; The will be ciated Press.) The report that go hnnt Princeton now Ohio dnevrt $ was frustrated pounds. ganio played Excise Levies as Finally .pd Auto Salesman Charged tion here tonight at Washington park at 1 o'clock on (lermany has notified the allies UBBHBBH when Herman luderlicd of Phoe- Satnrelav aflcriioon. that she will be unable to meet Uv- Adopted By the Senate Selling Securities Stolen nix, mail clerk in charge of St. Maty's suffered her third the next reparations installment ' would-b- e official Are Approved, After Mak-- : From the Mails in San eal-, overpowered the defeat at the hands ot was denied tonight in robber. Inderlied's nrtsailant was the Indians in a 7 to 0 game, played Herman quarters. ing a Few Changes. Francisco, March 3. taken to the county jail where! he told police that his name was B. P. Wilson and he had one ac- Washington, Nov. 15. Agree- tll Ttie AoMieliilrd Prenn ) that ment on excise and soft drink taxes N'ew York. Nov. 1 5. Bert K. complice who deserted him when was reached today by the house Chapman, an automobile salesman Inderlied struck him. mid senate conferees on the tax re- of Boston, was arrested today as Train No. 170 was due to leav? vision bill. After striking out the he was about to sail for Europe on ten minutes after the attempted senate proposal for a four per cent Hie Ai:itniu. He is charged with robbery for Los Angeles. Who,", manufacturers' tax on perfumes, having disposed of securities which the robber boarded the car. thei-- toilet waters were of the loot of a mail truck was another A. T. & P. V. railway essences, extracts, and part ' WITH A NEW SPIRIT the like, the manugers agreed to holdup in .San Francisco, March 3. train on a nearby track and a AN OLD STORE mvt.: a the excise taxes as finally approved Tlie arrest was made by California Southern Pacific train just feu by the senate. They are: i.'m.wp?! post office inspectors. hundred feet away. There were Automobile trucks and automo- The postoffiee inspectors, O. K. two marine guards on the mail bile wugons, including parts and Cellar and C. B. Webster, of the San car on the Southern Pacific train accessories, three per cent. Francisco district, said Chapman but no guards were on the train Other automobiles and motor had been under surveilance since attacked. Local post office offl cycles, including parts and ucces-oilo- s, he reserved accommodations on tho cial.i said there was nothing of tin five per cent. Acinitania several days ago. usual value in the mail In the ca Tires, inner tubes, parts or acces- .Securities valued at $10,000, al- attacked by Nelson. sories for motor vehicles sold to any leged to be part of the loot from the Inderlied said that Nelsor J 15 person other than a manufacturer bos Angeles hold up. we traced to masked and a revolve; of five said. Half carrying he or producer motor vehicles, him, tlie inspectors got into the car when he was no per cent. were bonds of the Chicago, Bur- and stuck his not mora and looking revolve Cameras, weighirj lington and ijuiney railroad against Inderlied's body. Indcrlie;' than luu pounds, and ienses for half foreign securities. The latter, turned Nelson ami it was were while around, struck such cameras, ten per cent. added, recovered, took his gun away from him, then holographic films and plate, the sale of the former through a to he sat on him until police offi- (other moving picture fumsj, Boston concern drew suspicion cers arrived in to his live cent. Chapman. response en per calls. three per cent. While the robbery occurred Candy, 14 Nelson was a big man, about Fire arms, shells, etc., ten per March ::, it was not until June six in Bos- feet tall and weighing cent. that the securities appeared but and uowlo Knives, ten ton. Inderlied was bigger, Hunting A State-Chicag- o thrilling line play in the Ohio game arid Capt. "Truck" State who scored m ii-iii- ftf iim nvirtpiine neainst being six feet two inches tall and Sale cent. Myers, end, hoe per HOO Dirk knives, daggers, sword ning touchdown for Ohio. Chapman were withheld, but the weighing pounds. canes, stilettos and brass or metal inspectors said they expected to knuckles, 100 per cent. prove he was the man who dis- SUCCUMBS TO (Continued) or at- WOUNDS Cigar and cigarette Holders ONCE RICH NEW YORK posed of the railroad bonds and composed wholly or in part, PENALIZING THRIFT tempted to sell the foreign securi- RECEIVED AFTER HE pipes, humi- tomor- of meerschaum or amber, BROKER WINS FREEDOM INDICT JUSTICE BY TAXATION WRONG, ties. He will be arraigned HELD UP POKER dors and smol.tng stands, ti .1 per row, charged with violation of sec- GAME I'.i l code. cent. (By Tile AhhoHuU'tl WILL HAYS DECLARES tion of the penal Automatic steel device vending Press.) When arrested, Chapman made (By Tlie AieanrMeri I'reiw.) auto- Riverhead, K. Y., Nov. 15. De- well the Albu- machines, five per cent and The a vigorous protest, the officers Thermopolis, Wyo., Nov. 15. So have people of ma- E. P. PIERCE OF (Ily ANnrlnle! Press.) exam- Jack Oood. who matic sp. devices, weighing livering to a trustee his golf clubs New Nov. 15. Pnturc said, and when under cross held up a poke-- cent. York, tlie but of- game nt a camr chines, ten per and all his other assets $6.'.. r0 in federal revenues must be provided ination denied charges Kirhy, mining the wonder- and livery boots ami fered what the inspectors termed near here, at 4 a. m. Monday died querque appreciated ,iveries cash, an old watch, n pocket knife other than by taxation which here hats, ten per cent. thril'L" "unsatisfactory explanations." today from wounds thought and two razors P. 1). Porter, once ','pciializoH and "destroys to have been Hot ful Shoe Values we arc Hunting and shooting garments SUPREME COURT the incentive to save." Postmaster Two women who accompanied Inflicted when offering1 ten cent. a wealthy New York broker, .vnn to wero but Yoakum, one of the flre-e- and riding habits, per him the pier questioned players, 1 not de- Ceneral Hays declared tonight in into adits and motor boats, freedom from his exllo In Suffolk an address. not detained. the darkness wlon (iood wa in our cent sale, that we are for trade or fishing or na- county today. Their investigations in Boston, making his escape. Yoakum is signed bouts, He said that tho United States disclosed held nn tion defense and pleasure f'ountv Judge Furmnn signed an Massachusetts Jurist Is should a of taxa- the Inspectors added. pending investigation to continue this if sold 101 tin-;'al- adopt systnii no regu- of the goincf bargain and pleasure canoes, order discharging him from tion that combine virtues Chapman apparently had shooting. more than $100, ten pev cent. limits where ho had hcen held With lar although he stated Oood entered a where the Charged Conspiracy 01 being an rather occupation, garage Works of art, five per cent. on complaint of a creditor. encouragement, he was an automobile salesman. game was being played, according feast until Thursday night. Xo tax of five pc. To Deprive Certain Per- than a deterrent to initiative, to took A manufacturers' Before he left, however, ho sew while the witnesses, $175 from the cent of so much of the price lor his gnlf kit sold for $7. hi.-- wuloli safeguarding earning players, backed out of th" garage doubt we still have size in ni- -j sons of Property Rights. power oi' labor and a A your tho following articles for $11. his razors for $2 insuring ARMAMENTS BURDEN and slammed the door. Yoakum which tin. and (hp citizen's to the of 1'old or loused as is in excess of knife for a $77.73 right enjoyment threw the door open and fired as to each artic.e: quarter making Uiy The AhMirhilcfl I'rpw.i wealth. CURSE OF THE TIMES, the shoe vou want. price specified to a judgment for Nov. 15. Justice R. P. flood was found seriously woundee' and rugs, including fiber. Boston, "Our present system of taxation an hour later. Carpets o. Pierce of the Massachuscttn su- to JAP PREMIER ASSERTS tl.r.U sdtiure yard in the case Mr. was a of a destroys the incentive save," per in Porter member preme court, was indicted by the he declared, "it is tile business of and $0 per square yard lirm of him- AwNurinlril brokerage composed grand jury today on charges of a civilized government to encour- tUy The Trew 9 MEN ARE REPORTED Hie case of rugs. self, Lewis Gouverneur Morris and E. rim-.-r- an Tol io, Nov. 15 (bv the Associated ei-h- . conspiracy with W age thri.'f and Trunks, $:!." .lames H. When the firm :afeguard its "I am confident the TRAPPED IN A MINE suit cases Pope. attorney, to deprive certain per- fruits, rather than to penalize Press.) that Valises, traveling bags, failed Charles Morgan, creditor, in conference will be will to look, as one used by travelers and sons of property rights stock thrift and take away its fruits Washington It pay you hat boxes obtained a judgment for $1 0.383.75 and to Justice. epoch-makin- g in the realization of (Ily The AetMielnteil l'res.) toilet cases, $25 each. de- obstruct through a malevolent form of fitted and alleging the firm had .1. W. Allen peace and good will by diminishing, Denver, Colo., Nov. 15. A fire a of shoes pocket boons, shopping obtained or- Attorney Oneral taxation. don't get pair every J'urses, frauded its creditors, also was indicted. Tlv! a if not removing, causes of distrust which broke out in the and hand bags, $5 each. ders all three charge "in addition to sanely mod- tonight in- confining partners him of $151 erate income tax 1 and suspicions among nitions," surface buildings of the Mon- Vnrtable lighting fixtures, within the tail limits of tho coun- against being larceny inns') earnestly Baron Taknhashi, the new day for a penny. all kinds and and is said to be tiacd on a case favor a 'sales la:;' or a 'produc- jsaid arch mine, two and a half miles lamps of ties in which were served. to tne Associateu to- de- cluding they in which he acted as counsel sev- a "i urn-ov- premier, south of Louisville, Colo., shades, $10 ea.1 , and fans, tion tax' or tax' or lamp eral years ago. whatever you choose to call a day. stroyed the tipple of the mine SI each. "The burden of armaments," be and to now in force, the The other indictments resulted system which taxes the consump- en- - caused damage the Excise taxes VILLA VOLUNTARILY rontin ied, "lends to a waste of amount of which is agreed upon from a grand jury investigation of tion of goods rather than ab- which has not been repeal of in orgy and destruction of purposes to a APPEARS IN COURT charges of bribery and graft stinence from the consumption of of estimated, according report 0, rc Wa-ba- n land is a curse the times. .Tapnn's of the bur-ide- received here. Articles made of fur, 10 per connection with affairs goods." feels the of the n e finance Nine men were The Asc-.ii- Uoie Conservatories and the to tho armament who reported cent. (Ily Ileferring of armament as keenly as the to in 5 per cent, El Paso. Nov. 15.:.) Henry Woods' company; paint conference he said: ' ne have been trapped the mine Musical Instruments, Tex., Hipolito in other powers. Nothing would were said to have been rescued cn-- ino- including pool Villa, brother of the former revo- ninmuactiirer.H Welleslev. "The conference called by Pres- more than relief from this i ' The v,rere welcome through an air shaft. The cause billiard tables, 10 per cent. lutionary leader of Mexico, volun- case; presented ident Harding will be successful burden through n mutual under- and . office of DiWiet At- -' be a of the fire has not been discov- C cent. tarily appeared in court here today through the and successful in shorter between the nations. Chewing gum, per .1. ( '. standing ered. The mine Is electric fans, 5 per to answer to the charge of kidnap fornev Pollplier. who time than you anticipate." "The outlav for national defense the properly 1'ortable himself in court as a de- of the National Fuel cent. ing his three children, liond was today should be reduced to the minimum company. 5 per cent. set at $700 which was promptly fendant in disbarment proceedings for national security." Moving picture films, the RAILROADS WILL ASK necessary Thermos and thermostatic bot- furnished. The charge is brought brought by attorney general. PARD0NING0F DEBS Ameri- The disbarment action and a pe- tles and jugs, 5 per cent. by Villa's former wife, an PERMISSION TO CUT taxes on articles can, who claims her marriage is tition also filed by the attorney VARSITY PROFESSOR BEING CONSIDERED lietail (luxury) of Mexico for Pellcticr'n removal for WAGES OF EMPLOYES of clothing, umbrellas, parasols, invalid under the laws general AND WOUNDED because the couple, after being alleged improper use of his offi- SHOT (B. Tbe Aanneinted rreK. sunshades, picture frames, carpets, - valises, hat boxes, married by the priest, neglected to cial position are now pending be- (B The AhMieirfteil I'rehH.) Washington, Nov. 15. Consid- - rugs, trunks, fore the 15 The Mcn Trem.) is toilet cases, shopping and go through the civil ceremony. The supreme court. Chicago, Nov. tby the Asso- (Bt l'iel eratlon being given to the fitted The asked ciated i Montreal, Nov. 15. Sir Andrew of V. im- portable lighting fix- children are in school in Torreon, district attorney for Presij). The ennsylvania pardoning Eugene Debs, handbags, Mexico. Villa not postponement of both actions un- railroad will not reduce ex- McPhail, professor of medical socialist on spe- tures and fans costing in excess pleaded guilty. wages was prisoned leader, amounts. He claims the laws of Mexico give til after the municipal elections on cept through the orderly process history at McGill university, cial grounds. It was said toelny of specified him the to the of the December 1 3. of to the railroad shot and wounded in the right in administration The Manufacturers' taxes on soft right custody appeal labor of- quarters. children and be proposes to edu- The announced board, as the trans- shoulder today in bis private If however, will drinks, to be in lieu of the present attorney general provided by of a pardon, granted fol- cate them and then them that he would appear in court later portation act, President Samuel fice by Louis Ogulnik. son not involve extension of a general Ooararsteed One Year levies, wero agreed upon as permit sui- to return to their mother if they to answer the charge of larceny. Itea announced today in a letter tailor, who then committed amnesty to others in prison for lows: Ulmer was cide. Professor McPhail tele- all beverages derived so desire. arraigned on a addressed to every employe, noti- war time offenses, it was stated. Upon charge of conspiracy to obstruct fying each that the road phoned for the ambulance which To 25 in town wholly or In part from cereals, would bore him to the where the families who have been waiting cents a ing others of their rightful posses-in- g file tho necessary petition. hospital two gallon. IMPROVEMENTS FOR e the bullet was extracted. His unfermer.ted fruit other of their rightful posses- Keventy-fiv- roads in the west- on these irons, we wish to have arrived. Upon all sion of stock. He ern condition is considered not 82 Years Old and As say they Juices intended for consumption as 2 PORTS MTH0RIZED pleaded not district mailed notices of con- addition of guilty and was given until tomor- templated requests for wage cuts Good as a beverages with the row to to Youngster and on all Imi- furnish $1,000 bail. their employes Kastcrn 8 Worth $8.50. New Price $6.00 water find sugar, (By The Aociinert rrrK.) today. KOAD CONSTRI CTION'. "7 or years ago I was a very formerly of such fruit juices, and Nov. lei. Th-3 roads took similar action. sick man. Doctors said tations Nctgales, Ariz., Nov. 1 5. Construe catarrh carbonated (ex- author- Washington, of af- OUR SPECIAL PRICE $5.00 on all beverages Mexican government has SHOTS ARB EXCHANGED tinn of more than 6,261 miles of trouble stomach and bowels, cept cereal) two cents a gallon. ized improvements for the ports of TO SUE FOR SHARE OF fecting the liver and heart. For cost IN highways at a coft of $76,400,000. to Upon all still drinks (except Manzanillo and (Juaymas, the CHICAGO STRIKE and more 150,000 more than a year I wanted die cents gal- $6,000,-00- DAN H employing than Call see two pure apple cider) two a of which is estimated at ANNA'S ESTATE is be undertaken but could not. Upon the advice of and them as we have patterns and received workers, uhout to I lon. according to word Chicago, Nov. 15. The first ex- as a result of the a friend tried Mayr's Wonderful or artificial by thirty states 82 old are beauties. 1 Upon all natural here today. change of shots In connection with White Plains, N. T Nov. 15. recent passage of the federal high- Remedy, and although years they Everyone guaranteed year. mineral waters or tablo waters, The work nt Manzanillo, it was the strike of Chicago teamsters .Miss June Avis Evans, who Hoover an- I now feel as good as a youngster." at more will of work way act; Secretary It Is sold by the producer than said, be resumption and truck drivers, occurred today claims to have been engaged to nounced tonight. a simple, harmless preparation 12 cents a gallon, two cents a halted there ten years ago be- when lolicemen as a guard the late Dan It. Hanna. million- that removes the catarrhal mi cause of The acting the tract and gallon. revolutions. improve- for wagons and trucks manned by aire Cleveland publisher, . intestinal allays all carbonic acid gas sold ments at ac- today EARTH TREMOR the inflammation which causes Upon planned Guaymas, nonunion drivers returned the fire began proceedings indicating her Bakersfield, Calif., Nov. 15 An for use in tho preparation of soft cording to the reports received of several hundred strike sympa- intention to sue Ifor a share in practically all stomach, liver and cents a earth tremor was felt by residents Intestinal ap- IWARE GO. drinks, four pound. here, include a floating dry dock, thizers who attempted to break up the estate, estimated at his death con- ailments, including all finished .or fountain to of this city today. The shake One dose will convince Upon marine railway and repair yards the caravan. No one was hit but be worth $10,000,(ioti. Mr. tinued for several minutes but was pendicitis. syrups for use In compounding large enough to accommodate several in the clash Hanna's filed Here- or money refunded. For sale by participating will, today, not violent, to cause 7 roft drinks, nine cents a gallon. to 6,000 tons. were beaten. divided enough any Briggs' Pharmacy and druggist Phone 76 305-- W. Central Ave. ships up the bulk of his estate damage. Two distinct shocks were between his three sons, provision felt. everywhere. luiv'rr been made for his daught- er in his life time and no having Jjeen made to his four divorced wives. IDENTIFYB"0DY OF A filiiilfi! MAN TAKEN FROM LAKE What Are You Teaching Brighton, Colo., Nov. 15. The Move Child's Bowels with is body of a man taken from the lake of was Taste today identified as that a matter tonight "California Your Children? of John Thill, a laborer who had Fig Syrup" been stopping at a rooming house in Denver. A postal receipt slip A found in the man's clothing gave Fine Selection To spend or to save? Isn't it quite tobacco the clew to his name and former quality add ress. fair to assume that the youngster who The coroner save his opinion to- of Ladies' Wrist all of his at the corner night that Thill probably had com- spends pennies mitted eulcide because of supposed shop will grow up into improvident man poverty. Watches or woman? GIVES TJLOOD TO FRIEND. In Gold Filled. Solid Butte, Mont., Nov. 15. VV. A. and Platinum Campbell, editor of tho Helena. Gold, You can't begin too soon to teach your Mont., Independent underwent an Our collection this fall contains child the principles of thrift and econ- operation in Helena today, giving an fine selection is a of blood for transfusion exceptionally omy. And the bank account the Ws state it as quantity of high grade wrist watches in our honest helicf to the veins of his friend Jake American and Imported move- finest teacher in the world. do Hart, former game warden of ments. In that the tobaccos used in Chester- Montanu. Splendid timekeepers unique and distinctive cases. : field are of finer quality (and Start one at this bank today and see hence of ROB POSTOFIICE SAFK The prices arc from $15 to $100 how interested boy or girl will be- better taste) than in any Tacoma, Nov. 15. While your Wash., come in it grow. $1.00 is other cigarette at the price. tho postmaster slept thirty feet watching away, tho Bafo of tho post office all you need. Lieectt & Myers Tobacco Co. at National, Washington, about 30 Even a sick child loves the miles southeast of here was blown "fruity" taste of "California Fig open some time before daylight Syrup." It the littlo tongue is coat- today and robbed of its contents In ed, or if your child is listless, cross, stamps and cash estimated at or has rt bal no it la, It It. . 1 1 about feverish, full of cold, colic, nj- ttJ $700. a teaspoonful will never fail to open f the bowels. In a few hours JEWELERS DI A MONO you Pi EARTH SHOCKS RECORDED. can see for how San Nov. 15. Four yourself thorough- MERCHANTS Jose, Cal., ly it works all the constipation State National Bank 10 earth shocks were recorded on the sour bile and waste from nesten seismograph at Santa Clara uni- poison, le the tender, little bowels and near All gives CIGARETTES versity here today. ap- a child Affiliated With parently originated at points far you well, playful again. Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended distant. The most severe was at Millions of mothers keep "Cali- State & Bank". of 2:30. o'clock this afernoon. fornia Fig Syrup" handy. They The Trust Savings know a teaspoonful today saves a Albuquerque Foundry Combined Resources NAIJEIi CIVEV DECISION. sick child tomorrow. Ask your Works New York, Nov. 15. Sammy druggist for genuine "California and Machine New Fig Syrup" which has directions for Nabel, York bantamweight, founrtrm Morhlnll was babies and children of nil nges Eniilnwrn One-Ha- lf given the Judges' decision over CmiiriK. in Iron Hreen. Alum Four and Million Dollars Phil of printed on bottle. Mother! You Hmt O'Dowd,. conqueror former t ifium Kleelrln VMeert. OH Engine" must may-ge- champion Joe Lynch, at tho end say "Call'ornla'or you funin 4inl Iitism nn. of, their bout here tonight. an imitation fig syrup. Work and Offlrt Alhuquf iguo. i J ;. ' - -

November 16, 1921. Page Four" ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL: purchased the Perry Crlsslei MISS PANSY HICKS blacksmith shop and will put in for both Cuticura COUNTY BUDGET PLACE AS JAPAN 'S flflL PFRSONAL NOTES OF THE STATE an equipment Sap WINS FIRST farm machinery work and aut Touch WITH D EC LAM ATI ON work. The Velvet HAfiERMAX. Floto, Haines, Hanna, Holloway, ' Albu- McHugh made a big hit the Skin Pansy Hicks will represent E RATIO BE BOOSTED AT on T. Meader, Fhlllips, Terry For IS APPROVED By in tho state de- 0 The L. C. club met Tuesday McKlnstry, In New York in his bout with Soap,01nftnfnt.Tilnim,tt.Terywher. Tcrumvlf querque high school Mn. Van tddrew: 0Uovr H14al, Kmi contest to lie held here afternoon at tho home of Paddock, Rice, Rowell, Fhaw, Chick Suggs. UborttorlM.Dept.X, clamatory Sanders. In the absence of the Arsdol, Walton, W. P. West, Wil- on Wednesday of next week, having vice won first in the contest held president, Mrs. DeWccse, the son, and Miss Esther James. place Mrs. at Ladles' Aid THE Monday night at tho high school. HOT SUFFICIENT MEETING president, How, presided The Presbyterian COMMISSI of declamation was a short business session, then tho met on Wednesday afternoon at The subject her over to Mias Mrs. R. H. Mans- "A High School Romance." meeting was turned the home of Second in the contest was Catherine Taylor, county nurse, field. A very enjoyable time was place most instructive talk twelve members Your Son's Education won by Hiss Kdna Upper, with an to Conference Feel Rally to Be Held at Labor who gave a had with about Requirements Envoys members on the subject of Operating address, "When Love and Beauty to tho present. right thinking father wishes to give his children an - School .Meet." Miss Dovie Mae Johnson That It Is Not High Temple November 28; the most nourishing and health- The Baptist Ladies' Aid held a Every Higher Than Usual; the education, but he sees about him from day to day boys and won third place with "A Perfect of ful foods, emphasizing the diet for called meeting Tuesday at education has been cut are Needs City Levy contestants Enough and Some Mod , Organization Several children At th. and an meeting girls whose short and who only Increase Tribute." The other school especially. church interesting able to the wolf from the door by going to work. were Thelma Nop, Edna Curtis, Will Be New Locals Is close of the afternoon a delicious was enjoyed by those who attend- keep Board Cut. , ifications Proposed. the necessities of those who have the Which City Don-is- urged. luncheon of two Recognizing children, Gladvs Florence liiair, pink and white ed. devised a which an education can be Nathalie Furs-tenfel- of and nut school children en- Equitable has plan by then-fina-l Louise Dozier and Aftnrlnted The increased activities the kinds cake, fruit jella The publlo commlFstonerB put (B The Prens.) of cream was served Armistice assured to any boy or girl whose father can afford to Bave County Nov. 15 the As- unions in Albuquerque will bo the witli whipped joyed a vacation Friday, sum out of his income each of on the will Washington. (by were Mes-dam- a moderate year. voto approval Maxwell Merritt represent sociated Japan feels that object of a "rally" to bo staged at Among those present day. rrlmol in the stnte ora- Press). YV. C. A number of went over county tax budget at their special the high her ratio of warship tonnage is not Labor temple November 28 by the Bradley, Bartlctt, Ray people The Equitable now offers for this special purpose a new pol- The torical coi having won first Bauslin, Burck, Howe, to Hope to attend the Armistice meting yesterday morning. contest a week high enough under the American Central Labor union. The public is Bartlett, icy containing an Educational Fund Agreement, providing for for the coming year was place in til '.ocal it was said Invited to in the meet- Hanson, Menaud, Ogle, Missej celebration. Among those who the of the in instalments to budget hiuh school is entitled proposals, tonight by participate Mr. the payment of proceeds policy by the commissioner niro. Kaeh members of the delega- ing. Catherine Taylor and Esther went were and Mrs. BIythe, for the education of the son or prepared in the declam Japanese San- Mrs. If. L. furnish funds daughter, some time ago with the assistance to one representative tion. During Admiral Baron Kato's Among the speakers will be City James, and the hostess, Mrs. Mr. and McKlnstry, tax commission and atory and ono in oratorical coniest. ders. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, Dr. and Will Rc Sent on Of the state new musical di- speech at the armament confer- Commissioner Ed Swope, chairman Full Particulars Request. association. It Miss I'eete, the ence of electricians' union on the The Woman's Missionary society Mrs. Rowell and children, Mrs. the Tax Payors school, gave two today his statement that Japan the was then sent to Santa Ke for the rector at the high would suggest some modifications Santa Fe system; L. B. Atwoodand met on Wednesday afternoon at Nunn and eon, Miss Wagner. vocal selections in connection witn Wal- approval of the state commission in the tonnage basis for replace- W. P. Seyfred, president of the the church. Tho regular business Misses Bernice Roxy, Bessie tho program. The Judges of the was held and the first ters, Lester Walters, Mr. and Mrs and returned by them a few days Rabbi Mrs. ment caused some speculation as to State Fed ation of Labor. meeting The Life Assurance contest were Hergman, It referred to It is understood that arc four chapters of the book, "Tho Michelet and family. Equitable S. Mr. una ."is. whether regulating plans - nmounts necessary for the R. Rocliwood, and the of so that now under for the Meaning of Prayer" were reviewed Mr. and Mrs. Mount and chll- The C. T. French, capacily shipyards way organization expenses for tho coming year are new warships could be built regu- of several new unions in the city. by Mrsdamcs Curry and Burck, dren, Molane and Novalee, left last United much higher than this year, lint larly or whether It meant that Keports indicate that an effort will tlie fifth chapter was then most week for Roswell. They have sold Society of the States increase in the tax rate is but favored a higher ratio of be made to organize tho laundry Interestingly discussed by Mrs. their business interests here and j the Japan elbse due. to the fact that there compared with the United workers, cooks and waiters. These Paddock. At the of the will locate elsewhere. . Blight, CHAVEZ TO MEET tonnage Ma-- 1 for-N- M. Is a larger property valuation this States and Great Britain. workers, it is said, are in favor of meeting a delicious luncheon of Mrs. Shaw and daughter. THOS. F. BOURKE, Agency Mgr. statement clears up nnd it is expected that sandwiches, pickles, salad cake an1 bel, have Joined Mr. Shaw and son j year. Tonight's organization some The city tax levy was decreased this point and shows that Japan they will enroll 100 per cent in tho week for Iloswell. They have sold who nave been ftere ror OLIVER C. KING, Asst. Agency Mgr. three-fourth- Shaw is from by s of a mill, but in A will later put. forth tho factors proposed locals and affiliate with who was hostess for tho day. time. The family GONZALEZ IN in- Mes-dam- tho total levy It will be larger which lead her to believe some tho Central body. Among those present were West Virginia and have decided 114 South Third St. Albuquerque, N. M. last due to the special crease of tonnage should be af- Bailey, Bauslin, Burck, to locato in the valley on account than year Mr. has school levy, which was added. Tlv-- forded her. How much increase is Journal Want Ads bring results. Cowan, Curry, Camp, Gchman, of the climate. Shaw budget carries provision fur $327,-08- 0 desired was not explained tonight, for schools. 5240,000 of which 15 round but emphasis was laid on the spe- li for the oily school system. This bout; cial conditions surrounding Japan addition raises the city tax rate as an Insular power in need of an to the point where it will amount adequate fleet. to 16 cents higher taxes on eaci Return Bout Between the Practical considerations are said J valuation was the case i to ne rieninri tne aiuiuus ol 1,000 than to- - last year. TWO BOXerS tO Be Staged j whose representatives reiterated sne naa no As approved by the commission- at Nov. 28; Pa- - nignt inai nmuuiun in ers yesterday morning, the budget Armory equal the navy of England or the as follows: is Card. t'nited States. The probable de- is dilla Planning In o Amount velopment of science increasing Peoi le of a fleet State levies Amount last year Sailor flonza-le- z the mobilization power oosasid Chavez and : Benny fiftee- to waters in an offensive Gen'l purposes.? 77,3."0 $ 67,85 are booked to box the first distant Albu-quorq- the of naval bases near State school... 10.770 n-round seen in presence bout augment 1 mobili A JLJ. 1 State road 22,100 32,312 for some time at the arm- Japan, and the - Ji JLl. - zation power of an adversary's fleet County levies ory, November 28. Gonzalez got a mm Court $ ,840 5,385 here on Octo- when reduced in units all enter i decision from Benny the mind as indicating Wild animal ber 17 after twelve rounds of snap- Japanese than u of ratio sterda me the wisdom a higher bounties .... 1,105 1,077 py boxing. Courthouse and has the past two six to ten. Bennv spent The increase will prob. jiiienam jnll 3,315 4.308 weeks at Jemez Springs taking suggested returned to ably affect --all classes, including Indigent 2,210 2,154 light workouts nnd has cx-- he claims to be the submarines. The Japanese j County agent.. 3.53S 3,231 the city In what confidence that the com- - road... 24,310 31,235 of condition. pressed County pink best of mitteo of experts would understand osenwa 8 the Onenina of m 22,100 "I've been - R Salary 21,541 taking case that a ratio adjust- Interest 11,41(2 care of mvself," Benny stated yes- their and 12,924 than I ment would not materially affect Sinking 6,630 6,462 terday, "and I feel better of tho health have for several years. On the Japan's blanket acceptance jmniaii sishij rniiin snii ii in wjji psik. iiL phmiiii sat County 11,050 I American school 327,080 S3 6,9 5 4 of the bout with Gonzalez, proposal. County night show fans ' High school.. 44,200 43,083 will be in condition .to the best scrap I ever put up for DELEGATES APPOINTED Farming them." ton road... 11,050 10,770 Fa-dill- a, n As the semi-finis- h bout, Dan BY GOVERNOR MECHEM who is promoting the card, COMMERCIAL CLUB AT will match Kid Anaya for trji JOURNAL' i several ISPIOIAL OIA1CM LAS VEGAS EMPLOYS rounds against one of Santa Fe, Nov. 15. Governor boxers who are being con to a Mechem appointed as delegates ! ESTES AS SECRETARY sidered as likely to put up good the Western States Reclnmatio fight against Anaya. association at Salt Lake "A contract will be signed with- meeting (Sprrinl fnrrpupondonr to The .TnnrnnM Tadilla City: Efflo V. Hart, S. I. Robert!! 15. in a dav or two," Dan Richard East Las Vegas, N. M., Nov. tine on several F. O. Tracy, Carlsbad; -- V. II. stated, ;'I have a A. Oll-let- Estes, secretary of the to with and Burgess, Las Cruces; Leslie board of good boys box Anaya A. development at Amarillo, to the one who will Charles May, Santa Fe; as as merchandise Texas, has been the want pick Charles Cimarron; C. T. They bought rapidly employed by match up best with him.' Springer, We must ask pat- Commercial club hero ns secre- will not be Brown, Socorro; A. B. McMillen. respectfully be and because be- Escorted ladies V. could wrapped change made; tary. He will arrive about Decem- admission, neither will W. C. Reid, Albuquerque; D. rons to observe these necessary ber 1 to take charge of the of- charged H. R. Parsons, Fort merchandise they be required to pay war uia. Laubman, fore them, plainly marked were fice. Ho has already begun his jSumner; T. F. Brewlngton, Aztec; work by starting an advertising such as never before been seen in Al- Las RED CROSS WORKERS values had campaign for Vegas through- I Sales Conditions - out the Panhandle. Mr. Estes is a TO MEET AT Y. W. O A. I. & EMPLOYE cut to below strong1 believer in the future of ;c, R. P. buquerque; undamaged goods this section of IS'ew Mexico as an AI y Irtlb muhwwu AT TUCUMCAR KILLED Cash wholesale cost because of their Yiu Want agricultural center. He is so fond only. simply presence of nnd Its vacation Chris-- ! Ijis Vegas With the Young Woman's 'PCCIAk DISPATCH TO MOANIN4 JOURNAL, No mail or telephone orders. in our store at the time of the fire. allurements that he lias been mak- tlan association headquarters as Tucumcari, N. M., Nov. 15. C, O. ing two or more visits hero every the renter of their activities the cur R. summer. Golden, inspector for the C, No or re several score of volunteer Red Cross Golden, car Inspector for the C. R. I. approvals, exchanges Whole families were equipped with clothing Vincent K. Jones, president of workers will start out today in me crushed FIRST FLOOR killed early tonay by being funds. at-hal- tho club, has received a letter from first canvass for the 192L' roll call. to death under the switch engine. for the winter season f the fam- Sir. Estes in which will assemble at the as- anticipated he says: All workers Golden had thrown tho switch for No S. & II. Green Men's Clothing I.aces "Your suggestions about adver- sociation headquarters on North the (iolden State limited number 3. stamps. Hundreds of women restocked their Furnishings and Notions the Las street at 9 o'clock. i on ily budget. tising Vegas country and Second to pass out and stepped back Checks can be cashed at Shoes Travelware the mountains in that vicinity The workers will receive tneir number two track to let it pass. only linen closets for many months to come. Every lewelry and Silver Toilet Articles prompted action on my part at instructions for the campaign from The escape of steam from number ware Table and Bed 1 the main office, second floor. once. had the honor of meet- It. W. Faw, 'general chairman, and :i's englnoi together with the noise, personal and household need was supplied to Silks Linen and Towels ing with the I'anhandle-Plain- s will get a supply of membership caused Golden to fail to notice the Please cash your checks there Woolen and Cotton Curtain and Drap- commercial executives, with which buttons and cards. They will re- approach of the switch engine. He those who could reach the various Dress Goods er)' Goods body I have been affiliated with turn at noon for luncheon when re- leaves a widow and three small before you begin buying. It departments Neckwear Hosiery since Its organization, and made ports will be made of the morning's children. Ho was 36 years old. will save YOUR time and assist at savings. Handkerchiefs Gloves an announcement then of my res- activities of the teams. huge Trimmings and Leather floods ignation. T told them of my con- Volunteers arc still b'idly needed, our salespeople. Ribbons' Groceries nection with you and invited according to the roll call officials. And even with such we every can work for a buying buying ono present at the mass meeting Persons who only and to few hours or half a day will be in banquet spend their sum- the have never seen equalled speed and volume mer vacation with us out there. I welcomed. It is hoped that canvass of tlie can be com- SECOND FLOOR am also mimeographing at my ex- city Pimple,PILESjBn lis, Cnrbunclei, eta., quickly and shelves and sales counters were ill two W. 1. McDow- although pense about DUO letters, which I pleted days. relieved hy shall send to my fellow secretar- ell is chairman of a "strong-arm- " in some cases a number of the Ladles Ready-to- - Ladles' and Chil-dre- ies team which will cover the business Fire Sale emptied times, Wear Shoes broadcast, and to tho m.-n- tiurs papers ex- or BOILENE6iic located in this state district of the city, where it Is your hacH. nt druggist been touched the Boys' and Girls' Ladies' and Chil- and elsewhere that the. contributions will or by mull postpaid. Rosenwald stock has barely by dren's Underwear that have often published nowi pected THE BOII.KNK CO., Alhwiuerque, N. SI Wearing Apparel items that I sent be the heaviest. Today and every day during the in Millinery of all kinds. them. I am biggest day's selling our history. Corsets mighty glad to do this, and hope Fire Sale that some benefit may accrue from my effort this Remember this is a stock of along line." 9:30 a. m. to 12:30 noon . that $400,000 Mr. Estes is making a trip is through tlie country south of Las 2 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. department store merchandise which being THIRD FLOOR Vegas and has had his car let- tered: there are reserves in "Spend your vacation in LOOK! The interval from 12:30 to 2 absolutely clear; that vast China and Glass- - Thonographs and Las NPW ogas, M,.Xco, the play waro rhonograph ground of the southwest. Moun- SPECIAL SALE OJV IVORY GOODS enables us to replenish sales our basement storage; that if you were unable to Kltchenware Records tains, trout fishing, good roads Rugs and Blankets and good hotels, good garages counters and places the whole reach all the you desired yesterday, Linoleum Comforters Vea8 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT departments Cor"mcrcial sales force at the disposal of will find the merchandise in ample supply Mr. Estes takes the We are overstocked. Now is the time to buy for you Colbert c. place of customers at all times while the Root, who has resigned Christmas. See our windows. Come in and get today. to take up his duties with store is open. Optio the acquainted. Publishing company. Mr Chemicals, Sick Room Toilet ' were inconvenienced secretary for the Past Drugs, Supplies, We regrei that many Hotice to Merchants tftree years. Articles, Stationery, Candy and Cigars. Us Your by the huge crowds; that many could not reach rOTTOX COXSCMFJ1. Bring Prescriptions Service and Phone us desired to Osit-of-To- wn 'I',""' Xov- - 15. cotton reliability. your orders. departments they particularly visit; and Free and prompt delivery. There's Plenty for of service of ""' of Ilt and fil,- - that all the accustomed standards J, "'"rs. compared with 401,-oL- k ?nrt 4S'364 of this store were broken down by the rush of buy- last "iters In Woodwort h's Prescription Using an acre of floor space as reau year, ,he census bu- - maintain them. announced today. wp. do on our three floors it is ers, try as we would to still to on dis-- . to ''l':?' In London Pharmacy impossible place be in to- We are forced to say "NO", J!,' opening of a We ask you to as patient as possible laundry 14-- W all, or even a portion by a countess. The titled "wash- - Phone 222 W. Central play major both mail and telephone orders; , of stock of Our service will improve. There is JBy rionnell, wh ) a $400,000 depart day's buying. of merchandise, ,or eSt''lblishm- -t nea- - seas- regardless Oxfo?S:frUn ment store merchandise, of merchandise in line, for all. 1 plenty every Buy quantity desir? In fairness to onable stocks those you need do s SHaE KOHS AFTKIt 20 as will; and you are most welcome to so; the c? our YF.RS now you people When U nas "vel-?tMn-ha- to use and wear right n.2 will be to clear these stocks. patru ve must and cUKh, difficult FREE CREDITS COUPON have been put forward. These days required regular sleepless nights, raw .Vice thi3 rule. throat and sore lungs even will rigidly ti cold then a are being replenished hourly So conie tomorrow, this yields quickly to Foley's Hon-e- y Good for 100 Credits in today; any day Rosenwald's Fire Sale and Tar. reserves in our To buy at Mrs. Milton Waite, The Albuquerque Journal from the storage the sooner the but come. We told Box 82. Azalia, Mich., writes: "I Other stocks will be week; better; you must come and make your have used Foley's Honey and Tar basement. dis- that this fire our enforced for the past 20 years and find there SALESMANSHIP CLUB brought forward as fast as you sale; sacrifice; selections in person. Is no other cough or croup remedy with the like It. You may use my name." play room can be made. would provide you saving opportunity It gets right at the seat of trouble. !s of a lifetime. Those who and Children like it. Sold everywhere. 100 100 Remember this Fire Sale in bought yesterday sale. carried out merchandise know how absolute disposal Every by armfulls, Please assist us and serve LEGAL NOTICE Credits Credits item of every line will be sold truthfully we stated the fact. Come and get your voncjK ton i'iTHIcation. know ll'LUI.IKHEH) at prices you now repre life- own convenience by HKPlIHt ICiTIHV savings. This is indeed the opportunity of a your Department 0f the interior, U. 8. Land I HEREBY CAST 100 FREE CREDITS FOR sent an enormous sacrifice to Offk-- t Santa Fe, N. M., Novembtr time for real saving. at sales counter a. 1921. savins: to that no money remaining Miss, Mr. or Mrs ua anda you Notice Is hereby Riven that Julian Car- - 4 ela, ut Barton. N. M.. who, on December buyer can afford to overlook. until your change has 13, ) 91b. ruoile Homestead entry, No. Address Cist. Ko. OUSzs, f.jr BIS'4 NW!4, W!4 WV4 bW'A No matter what it is you need NE, and EM, SVV'4. Sectlun 1.1, Town- - been made and delivered. ahlp 8 N liange K., N. M. P. Meridian, This coupon, neatly clipped out, name and address of tho it can be bought at a great sav- baa filed notice of Intention to make candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered to the Campaign three-yea- r proof, to eatabliah claim to Department of The MorninR Journal, will count as 100 FREJ3 ing at this sale. For less than If move it is difficult the land above described, before the U, CREDITS. It does not cost to cast these Coupons you S. Commlnaloner, at Albuquerque, N. M., anything it can be found elsewhere, now, on for your favorite candidnte, and you are not restricted In any the ltti day of December, 1921. sense in them. In to find in the crowds. Claimant names as wltnesees: Will- voting Get all you can and send them or for years to come. you iam Meilulnneaa, of VUeraa, N, M. : Jesus they all count. Maria Oarcla, of Harton, N. M. : Demeat-r- o Mctfulmifs. of Tl.leraa, N. M. j tjoloin This coupon must he polled before 0 p. m.( Tuesday, Nov. 22. i Chavez, of Mori any, N. M. H. M. BEKOEHE, Register.

' November 16, 1921.' ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Five

ground, he gave a fine ride to the ORATORICAL CONTEST M m Kcjulggle Bug. TUBERCULOSIS SB "Why, Toodle! What are you AT STATE COLLEGE IS Dr. aiass haa pusltive doing?" asked the bunny. "Don't prtiof he la able to cure you know you are late for school, WON BY ROSWELL E0Y tuberculeele by Inhalation w s and the lady mouse teacher Is in any climate. otnan M CorrenDonrienre For further Information ase (Speclnl to The Journal.) Daily waiting?" addreta TUB T F. OI.ASf agazine r "Oh, I all about school!" State College, N. M., Nov. 15. INHALANT CO., MASON forgot us ANOB-t.K- tell for the day's lesson? Do exclaimed Toodle. "You see, Un- At the oratorical contest held Sat- ntlll.DINO, I.OS you ?" CAUFOBNIA. cle Wlggily. a little while ago I to select man HOIIE ASSIST "Yes'm! No'm! I mean I don't was I urday evening the fill coming through the woods, to the in the THE HEW GENERATION Social Calendar know," stammered Noodle. "Hut met this poor little Squlggle Bug, represent college what you said just now, about all and she said she never had had a state oratorical contest to be held By JANE of us we rHELPS being here ell, aren't sled ride In all her Ufa. She said at Albuquerque Thanksgiving week TAKES PLACE OF all here!" as soon as snow comes she has to Wednesday. "Oh, aren't we?" asked the Tomllnson Fort, Jr., of Itoswell, Eleanor Marron will have after- live far under ground, and she won. teacher mouse In some surprise. Fred Ruiz of Las Cruces JOAN RECEIVES A LESSON. were assembled on the porch. noon birthday party. never has any jolly times. So I was It was The clat- Mrs. Thomas will be "I didn't call tho roll on account told her I'd her a ride even his strongest opponent. Two Again Saturday. Danf.hy ('at of Undo but I give were also CHAPTER 14. ter grew louder and Margaret stolo home" for honor guests. FORMER KMmm Wlggily coming, if there was no snow. She got on plays given under the to the window on the Sew and So club will meet with thought surely all the boys and my flat tall and I'm her." direction of Dr. Herman L. Mor- ijy Joan was remarkably "flush," as opening were 9 pulling ton. Joan was speaking: Mrs, Lynn Cook, on West Now ill. nini'Ji girls in their seats, as the The first being "Crossed h expressed It, for the rest of porch. o'clock bell some time sine". "So I see!" laughed Uncle Wlg- Wires" and the last a come- ' "I never was so ashamed In my York avenue, at 3 p. m. rang "It was kind of farce tho week, Joyously relating to her Who is absent?" asked tho lady gily. very you, dy on the faculty. After this life. Here's your money, Gloria, Toodle. But must go to . mother and Hannah how she had Women Entering Housework mouse teacher, while Uncle Wlg- you moving picture was given-- and here Is yours, Malcolm, and COLLEEN LOOKING school. After school you may give "skinned" the boys and Rirls. Lonnle. I Hortense In York on Business gily sat on the platform and look- Hortense's mother yours, gave New ed across the not to the little Squlggle Bug a ride on Journal Wants won't give hors the other day. But to hear ROUGH FOR ROLE room, trying tall sled as as bring results. her another cent, so I gave back Basis With Hours smile at his boy and girl friends. your long you i - those dirty little darkles tell moth- Regular please." some I won from her. I don't bc- er that no one like me shot IN WALL FLOWER "If you please, teacher, my lieve I could live with such a craps, and Salary. brother Toodlo Isn't here," went "Oh, thank you!" squeaked the that their mother, who is a wash- on "I'll off now. mother. I think Ilortense is erwoman, said I was a 'little Noodle. Squlggle Bug. get lady,' (lit The Associated Pros.) "Isnt lie? so he Isn't!" Toodle, and wait for you after DYED mighty patient." and no little ladies ever shot craps, Why, I d, Nov. 14. New York school. had a time." So HEHfT "Mrs. Thompson la quite New York, squeaked the lady mouse. "Where lovely made me so ashamed." Is she crawled off Toodle's tall and dear. But she Is a very "I'll bet is employing business methods to Toodle?" she asked of Noodle. Hor-tens- your mother made a beaver went to nice woman, and I imagine e of domestic serv- "I don't know, if you please," the boy school with fuss," Hortense said. "Mine would solve its problem answered Uncle Wlggily. loves her quite as well as have had and made me the other beaver boy. SKIRT 5WFATFR love me." fits, prom- ice. "We both started out for school "Here's the truant!" the $is.oo you ise never to play again." The long vacant place of the laughed prize "Oh, but she couldn't, Mumslo! -- taken together, but I ran on ahead and bunny, leading Toodle In. "And One Chance for Kacli Person "My mother didn't say a word & AM servant is being by I was Ton are so different." She I I $ assistant" a thought. Toodle would come right as he doing a kind act I think J15 for the best trade mark didn't have to. guess know (lie "home working ho he should f and emblem for our Margaret had spent much what is for with- week and going along. Only didn't!" bo excused for Dairy right ME to do "Dear me!" exclaimed Uncle AND DRAPERIES Products. Contest closes 12 thought upon how best to make out I I to work each day as a mother butting in. gues; and coining and "Of o'clock Nov. 20, Joan feel she must not gamble knew all the but when o(.,n,o-v.- nhi.y nr fnrtorv workers. Wlggily, standing up looking course," said the lady midnight, In time, that and for bis white and blue mouse. more 1921. All contestants must but vain. Nothing occurred to ragged little said no She also buys her own meals red, striped Ana, than that. her as was not darky girl to address rheumatism crutch which he had our next lesson shall be about how accompany their Riiggestions a deterrent that like me shot craps. I remembered. expects her employers Every "Diamond Dyes" package a of too ohvlouc. the onvtous was That's us "Mrs." or "Miss." placed in a corner near teacher's kind Toodle was." So they had to with bottle cap the all, but I never shall play here desk. "Dear I for a tella how dye or tint any worn, Asso- not to be used with effect where You can The reluctance of women since me! hope nothing that story kindness lesson, faded or new Albuquerque Dairy again. play though, righ: n ban to on hU .lust as I have garment drapery a ciation. The board of di- Joan was concerned. here too, all you want to." Mm war to in nousewm happened Toodlo told you hero. rich color that will not to school. I In t- - And lf streak, spot, rectors to bo the judges. "If I seem difforent It Is per- "No, we want to Dlav! nnri domestic service at wages way Perhaps had the dusting brush doesn't fade or run. Perfect home don't li-- l II Its dyeing FREE TO ALL haps because you look at me Lonnle which families of moderate means KU o;ick aim 1O0K IOr lit, forgot hair ribbon when it goes Is Carpenter answered, stuff- New York the out with the guaranteed with Diamond DycB through Joan Haydon's eyes In- ing the dimes and nickels which !nn mv led a group of suggested rabbit gentleman. walldng broom, I'll even lf you havo never before. problem-The- "It would bo kind of tell you next about dyed stead of Hortense Thompson's. had fallen to him down In his women to Investigate the very you," Uncle Wlggily Just tell your druggist whither the deep th:it women revolted paid the lady mouse. "Then we and Noodle's splasher. Albuquerque Come, dear, let us take a walk; pocket. "I asked dad for a quar- found ot material you wish to dye Is wool or domestic service because Is I have some errands to do." ter yesterday, and when he asked from de- silk, or whether It linen, cotton, - of lack of Two once macaroni- When they left the houso Mar- what I had uone with mv n !' the long hours labor, Italians had a or mixed goods. For fifty-on- e years Ass'n. of their tasks, uncertainty -eating In which Dairy garet had no slightest Idea that ance, and I had to tell him I had finition ami contest, the millions of women have been using would to been of their hours of recreation, winner stowed away 2.180 yards of Diamond to add of anything happen help shooting craps, he wouldn certain social tho Dyee years 351 her solve this new problem. But give It to me, and said I shouldn't the feeling that a stuff, being a quarter of a mile wear to their old, shabby waists, Phone was attached to their posi- ahead of his to con- as they emerged from a fruit store have a penny next month. I tell stigma rival, who had skirts, dresses, coats, sweaters, dra- two or three ranged little colored you I am to tions. fess with reluctance that he could peries, stockings, hangings, every mighty glad get this." Tho result of the investigation cat no more. boys were shooting craps on the He rattled the coin. The others to house- thing! was a determination put --- - sidewalk, their notion said but . - punctuated nothing, all seemed on a business basis and make --a, u with words more emphatic than pleased over something. work as polite. Just at this It as dignified an occupation gmp.lUAK iff 111 juncture Margaret office or factory. The women who " Margaret stopped, and Joan appeared and proposed they all to housework to arm ping-pon- g, 1 have been attracted clinging her was also play rigging up the f v2 basis re- halted. game on the table. i on the home assistant porch Then, ceive J is a week for a 4 "My little plrl shoots craps, too," after she had them she hol-itla- started, week. They get Sundays and Margaret said on the spur of the and Hannah followed their usual time off moment. formula for the or their equivalent keeping boys and and vacation of two weeks with "Ah, go 'way! No girl like her girls out ot mischief they fed a shoots tho of the them. After nav at tho end 01 a yeurs craps!" larger they left Joan said are overtime at a spec- boys returned. "Hhe's a little lady, "Ray, Mumsie, did you hear They paid my ma lol' me and little ladies what that little colored ified rate. boy said?" A schedule of household don't shoot craps, not oh "Part of it, dear. About weekly your his tasks in the employer's home is life!" motner being a washerwoman?" work- "Who Is arranged that will keep the your mother?" Mar- "No, he said his ma told him I is sched- He .ve AT garet as:kod, not to see was a little- - er busv every hour she a. ride to the pretending l;idy. I wonder how to work. She at noon I the flush on Joan's face, a shame- she knew me, and oh, well! Of uled quits faced course and roes out for her lunch. When flush. I am a lady, and I guess she leaves ouiggle Bag !f is ended "Sim washes; her name Is Car- it shows." the day's work ter. Colleen Moore as a pirate bold. for her own home. The domestic We lives down on the flats." "It always shows, dear. No one a business can have the little kindne. s ssan "Thank you. I some can take it a servant has become when you and Toodle come back may need away from you. And, Colleen Mooro looks like bold, woman with tho same freedom The Fashion one to I am sure find D wssh for me Mar- ever is so for you will soon," dear, don't let anyone have bad pirate here, but it very and as tho rest of Shop garet replied, then hurried away. reason to think can." for her to capture hearts as Independence him," she said to the bunny, smil- , they easy world. Neither she nor Joan "You bet I was her sisters In the business mentioned won't, Mumsie! Not her own sweet self that it The success of the new venture ing. the incident. for to dress In de- long anyway." scarcely necessary up led the investigators to organize "O, surely I'll find him," ) Margarat smiled the this fashion. She wears this ef- clared Uncle Wiggily. 220 WEST CENTRAL Once ... recalling the bureau of household occupa- more the boys and girls previous Saturday. fective pirate's suit in her next tions which acts as a clearing- Out of the hollow stump school picture, "The Wall Flower," a house for the homo assistants and ho stumped, his rheumatism crutch ii Rupert Hughes story produced by going tappity-ta- p on the floor. A a place where both the workers Goldwyn. Miss Moore Is one of dif- "While we are waiting for Un-d- o A and can have Nellan's finds. She their employers and Toodle to ' Marshall many ficulties adjusted as they may Wiggily return, BEAUTY played In "Dlnty," "The Lotus arise. Mrs. Richard Boardman, said the mouso teacher, "we will We want to emphasize and to CHATS Eaters" and more recently in Mrs. tako up our spelling lesson, chi- say you Mrs. George r. Trait. Henry ldren. "Bits of Life." ft. Roberts I'll ask Noodle to spell By Edna Kent Forbes. Patterson and Mrs. " Walker are among the women who 'willow.' Charlie Chaplin has announced are actively engaged In tho work. As the beaver boy was very fond once again that every Wednesday is to write a 50,-00- 0 of willow bark, he spelled ANSWERED LETTERS. Get one ounce of hen- that he is going easily powdered word story for a magazine that word. Then Kittle Kat spelled na and three ounces of powdered recent abroan. "milk," and Jollio the Short Lashes: Even two months castile and mix these. Put a about his trip Longtnll, FIRE SALES DAY at the Fashion soap While in Europe he met Pola mousie, spelled "cheese," of which Shop Is not enough time to find any im heaping tablespoonful into a pint as mico arc fond. In tho after of Negri, whom he described BedtimeStorieb very provement eyelashes hot water, lather this hot on the more and viva you have begun to treat then. It head, let the lather ten "even charming Meanwhile, Uncle Wiggily hop- stay for screen than on." on and on 'woods, V may take a year. Castor oil is minutes, rinse with three or four cious off the For Little Ones ped through the but if think waters. Wonder who'll be the heroine of and pretty soon he heard a voice usually very good, you Howard B. its action is I'll send a Eileen: re- his story? By Garts saying: slow, you There is no way to Charlie takes his Ladies' Muslin and Curtain in white and formula for an eyelash tonic that move all the hair from the arms But before up "Now hold on tightly and I'll Outing QQ Scrim, ecru, good is even Send me a letter pen he's going to bucklo down to Copyright. 1921. by MeClurs give you a nice ride on mv sled." Each 36 inches wide. better. and legs; If you did they would not mak- Night Gowns. VOL quality, with a en- look well. You can bleach the more serious business of Newspaper Syndicate. "What's that? .Sled? Can I be QQ stamped the another comedy. Four and 0ne Half Yards UO I, velope In It. hairs on the arms with peroxide, ing dreaming or is winter here'.'" ask- Wednesday is n, dat Anna: I know of so will not no- INCLK WIGGILY AND ed Uncle Wiggily of himself. Mary nothing they be annoylngly Joan who an " the merits of tho tablets you are ticeable. Try this for your freckles, Gordon, playel TOODLirS SLED. The bunny gentleman looked all WEDNESDAY IS 93o DAY to increase too. Important part in "The Queen ef around, but there was no snow on taking your weight. was directed But I know that if you can man- Worried Sixteen: You are Sheba," which by her "Now, children," squeaked the the ground, though there might Ladies' Silk in about J. Gordon Edwards, was re- mouse In hollow Hose, brown age to take two tablespoonsful of ten pounds overweight. If you diet uncle, lady teacher the soon be some, for it was near to QQ - olive oil in a littlo of for awhile cently married to Roland Hooker, stump school, "as we are all here, Thanksgiving. and black. Pair glass grape you will reduce and the Ed- iOt with each meal, it will In- will fresh from Yalo and son of and as Uncle Wiggily is paying us "Hold on to mv sled." went nn juice pimples disappear. ward former of 36 inches wide crease your weight remarkably M. DeW.: You can use a cleans- Hooker, mayor a visit this morning, we shall have the voice, "and I'll give you a fine Wednesday IS 03c DAY Cambric Percales, fast fast. ing cream instead of if Hartford, Conn. a little lesson In kindness. I am ride!" a all new fine soap you to ask Uncle to tell I colors, patterns, QQ Mrs. F. B. S.: If your hair is so wish; it is quite as cleansing, pos- going Wlggily "No, wasn't mistaken," raid as to be almost the more so. Blanche Sweet is convalescing us a story about a kind act that Mr. Longears. "Sled Is what I quality. Four yards light colorless, sibly But I've found that an iOt henna shampoo is just tho thing the best way to cleanse the skin in a Los Angeles hospital from romo animal boy or girl has done heard all right. But who can it Table Oil Cloth, all colors. to give it a shade. Used Is to use operation, the second she has un- and then " be?" GQ brighter thoroughly both that is, in last month.i. Three VOL Wednesday is 93c day as a shampoo it does not change to massage in a littlo cream, then dergone the three Noodle the beaver boy, Ho looked through the bushes yards raised ono there ho saw the color, merely gives ruddy glints wash this out with hot water an.i paw. and a queer sight. WEDNESDAY IS 93o DAY and lights to make the hair that soap. The cream In her next screen stoy Bebe "Yes, Noodle, what Is It?" pleas- Seated on tho broad, flat tail of keeps the soap Daniels will be seen as a The - much more attractive. and water from making the skin boy. antly asked the lady mouse teach- Toodle, the beaver boy, was a lit- too In case play was especially written for "Do you know of some kind tle Squiggle Bug; and as the bcav- - dry, the of a dry or her Wilcox Gold Medal delicate complexion. by Nina Putnam. act about which you are going to er chap dragged his tail along the Bleached Sheeting, Brand, QUAINT FROCK OF The other cream you have made Canton Flannel, extra heavy grade, g jncnes wide. is a QQ CERISE TAFFETA nourishing cream, though of snow white. Two and One Fourth Yards. . . . VO C course it is also cleansing any Five QO n cold cream is that. But this heav- JO yards...... WEDNESDAY IS 93c X)AY ier cream Is to bo used after wash- WEDNESDAY IS 9So DAY ing, massaged In thoroughly, and That last if there are wrinkles, or If the skiu one drop,' is dry, left on all night. What r. mains on the surface of the skin dearer to many "EXTRA SPECIAL" An extraordinary bargain on all our can be wiped off with a soft cloth. Ponce de Leon: Fruit stains than a cup full of $1.50 Madras and Percale shirts, best patterns EACH 93c laundered in are to remove U hard If 111 V!"LV.all)r lit WEDNESDAY IS 98o DAY from linen, but javelle water would coffee rfB probably help a great deal. Build ordinary VJJ 1 up the flat bust by deep breathing Km exercises and massage with cocoa '; full human Ladies' Lisle Hose, in brown butter, though if it has 1 Dolor!, shaped after gone flat fii$! Nine for ..VOC and black. Two weaning a baby, it will bo f , 1 Hair Net.. pair hard to it again. J SVX ITJiif. WEDNESDAY IS 93c DAY FlWy i iWj"V 7 sSjr, Wednesday is 930 day 1 CUT THIS OCT IT IS WORTH I MONEY pir rj vgjyjr' Cut out this slln. enclose with jfi '' and mail it to Foley . Co,, 2835 IrS'1' l La- Cotton Hose, in black, Ladies' Union Suits, extra A9 Sheffield vs.. Chicago. 111., writing J -' QQ Each Five . your name and addi ss clearly. &tKtir , brown and white. pair for. JOt good quality. You will receive In return a trial I package containing rt"". WEDNESDAY IS 9Se DAY Foley's Honey WEDNESDAY IS 93c DAY and Tar Compound for coughs, Lf" colds and croup; Foley Kidney TWk Pills for pains In sides and back; 'WT rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailment; and Fole Ca- Turkish Towel,, sizes 23x42, Cotton Batting, snow thartic Tablets, a wholesome and -- hiie- thoroughly cleansing cathartic for T-h- 93c 93c constipation, biliousness headaches , and sluggish bowels. Sold every where.

ITK-STIN- GS h ;, 93c Ordi-na- 1 b7, rr V-r.,?- Each B PP'T wet baking sodaor ST 93 ammonia, followed bv M i Iff Jj'7X C WEDNESDAY IS .So DAY I X&iVV? I Wednesday is 93c day tpimijpj ,1'tfu y VmI 1yt v& y V '' VOmt Milliona Rues Ity ELOISE. 17 ioJan Uud Uartj L fewlL- ' f PIay SuJts ,onS sleeves, extra The frock of old fash- " Bys quaint Cn. j(r,t:m,MM i , - 1 XAihSai W in blue Combination of 6 Bars Olive ioned lines is being used for eve fw,..-,.,,-- J good quality, and QQ Palm Soap nlng dinner and dance wear. Paris I ''H1!--- i khaki, size 4 to 8. Each...... VOL and z. Bottle is usually the sponsor of these QQ gowns, which hint of grandmoth- rmftmTnmmri rrv-i- I shampoo voc er's day or ancient times, and this pviI l v ' nI I I i WEDNESDAY IS 93o DAY season Paris designers are once fl U more approving of the quaint dis L. lines A h tended hip by using them on kiln v A 4 several formal r evening gowns. wiwMjf .iijiiii glOil'JNuI Arrow Brand Laundered all Pictured here is one such gown. MMjjijjjijJr lfrrFJ Collars, Is -- ""acngyyV j and sizes. It a startling creation made of OJ "tt - styles Men's Cotton Hose, in AO cerise silk with a long, full skirt, Ti"" acolors. VOC distended at the hips by a whale fr "C Eight pair. bone contrivance. It Is embroid- CCdfOy L-- PI 3iPmmmmmJ I I Z' WEDNESDAY DAY ered all over in silver and black li - L!3 5 3 IS 930 WEDNESDAY IS 03c DAY , motifs which bear a strange re- f VS- L semblance to clusters of dice. The tight fitting, sleeveless bodice is afeS WteSH NO trimmed with strands . of jet PHONE ORDERS around the waist and over the shoulders. Silver slippers with WP (MMM NO EXCHANGES NOC.O.D. ..cerise hose complete the costume. Jjr Fajrft Six ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL November 16, 1921.

mn 'jupwuji"').i "1riBMMCn ifiii ilrinifr''i";i'"

E3i IF8 JBSR '3 i Pi 4 r i s si I Pi I ft Wit L13



Credit Schedule of the The Albuquerque mm Complete Morning Journal Period 111 Prize List ( First i'ihst i;i:dit ri iiioi) I p In Wednesday, December Till Credits 'ft One'l!!2 Studebakor "6" Sedan, Price. Value ii $ 7 r 5. (Ml" $2,205, purchased from the Coop- M..n(lis iB er Year !UiO 12.001 1' Jlotor Co, Years IS. 00 .",0.000 'it Credit Offer Ono 1322 StudebaUer Light "6" Tour-Inp- r Years 2'i.nn nO.OOi Car, equipped with wire wheels. Yearn lUi.oO 120. 00i Value $1,350, purchased from the Coop- , Years 45.00 240.0IH' r er Motor Co. Years- - 54.00 300.00' One Chevrolet Touring Car. Value $ti!2, Purchased from the Cooper Mo- iti:i)ir i'i:!ioi Ends tor Co. si'(i)n 17 liecciiihiT Sill (ci Kieeniher One Chevrolet Car. Value I 'rice. Credit Touring $092. purchased from the Cooper Mo- t; Months $ 4.75 4.001 tor Co. ,1 Year "Oil 9.001 One Chevrolet IX. oo 22.501 Touring Car. Value Years $1192. purchased from the Cooper Mo- ;! Years 27.00 45.000 Dec. tor Co. 4 Years iiii 00 90.000 Years 45.00 ISO. 000 One ...... $160.00 In cash i; Years 54.00 270,000 One 150.00 in cash Tumi) cnr.iMT i'i:uioi One . 150.00 in cash Iteri'iiilier IS to December 22nd ilk One 75.00 in cash 7th no 75.00 in I'rire. Credits cash . $ 4.75 2.501 )ne 75.00 in cash Months ne 50.00 In I 0.00 ti.OOl cash Year ine 50.00 In . IS. 00 15.00' cash Years 50.00 ;; 27.00 iiO.OIH )ne in cash J i Years One 30.00 In I 30.00 liO.UOO cash Years One 30.00 In ;, 4 5 00 1 20.000 cash Years One 30.00 in cash ii 54.00 ISO. 001' Years 'ine 25.00 in cash I'll11 "I ll-!- i! uiuive selieiiule One 25.00 In will lint lie cash lusiihev ehanyeil lllllilli; One 25.00 in cash l!ie oatiiiialmi. A Special Vnle Hall"' uniiil for 1M0.M00 KXTKA CllKDITS will hundreds of dollars in cash commissions i'C en of issued eery "club" $27.00 o be distributed to non-priz- e winners on turned ill. This special offer will re- of ten on cam vJ'"!if a salary basis 10, per cent, main in effeet during the entire all subscription collections turned In ac- paicn. anil will he considered part ol to the rules of the 'he srhcdiile. cording campaign.

? 1 i 'i You Can Win Yes You Can


5,000 USE THIS BLANK NOW 20,000 FEE CR FREE CREDITS Nomination Blank in the Albuquerque Journal Club" ft Morning "Salesmanship ARE GIV Campaign. ARE GIUEII I HEREBY NOMINATE AND CAST 5,000 CREDITS FOR WITH THIS Miss (Mr. or Mrs.) Oil THE FIRST Address KOMIHATION As a candidate in the Morning Journal Everybody Wins "Salesmanship Club" SUBSCRIPTION campaign. NOTE Only one nomination blank accepted for each member nominated. YOU SECURE ft FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL, WRITE, OR PHONE THE SALESMANSHIP CLUB MANAGER ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO November 1C, 1921. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Seven

FIRE-WATE- swimmers before he lost both of KEGEL TO MOUNTAIN R IS ARMLESS SWIMMER TO AIR. GENIAL AS EVER ins arms in a factory accident in Santa Fe, Nov. 15. Walter L. TIME HAS COME GOVERNOR REPORT EXHIBIT AT THE "Y" 1!U7. .Since tlren he has developed auditor of llio Na- BREWED JJV BIG fli JE1S' into not only as good a swimmer Kegel, First the armless swim- as lie was before losing his arms, tional bank of Santa Fe, has John Kiemell, is mer New will but also recognized as one of the bought a controlling interest in IS EXTINGUISHER from Britain, Conn., foremost trick ewimmers of the the Citizens' Bank of Mountainaii FOR WIFE TO ITCH an exhibition in tho "Y" AGIN, II give pool country. No regular admission will and has been elected president of HEMIC hi- In Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Kie- charged and tho public is that institution. He leaves for Among the Interesting relics was ono of the U. s. musium of distillation mell the nation's expert Mountainair tomorrow. VIEW OF ITALY maintained in the federal building GAME SATUHDAY STATE CAPITAL for tho safo keeping of articles in common usage during the "B. P." era. is a largo-slue- d fire extinguish- America er which saw service as a whisky Governor Meehcm notified Pres- Schanzer Praises, still N. M. Educational Auditor Sub- at Katon. cient David Spence Hill of the for the Initiative The big copper Container had mits Which Taking boen fitted with various coils and state university yesterday that he Statement - World of to Relieve the traps for the distilling. Since the r $r?rr and Mrs. Mechem would be pres- Deals With 5 Vouchers, still was of copper construction ent witness foot- . Armaments Burden. Saturday to the throughout the product brewed was Mex- Referred to By Whittier. than some ball game between the New Ansoclntnl probably less poisonous ico Lobos and the Arizona Wild- ( ny The Prew.) made in tin oil cans with 'tltCIAL OltPAICM TO MOftN.NQ JOURNAL IB As- motor cats. Washington, Nov. (by thp lead plumbing pipes. Stills of the Santa Fc, Nov. 15. Educational Send No sociated Senator Schan-rer- , Tho Interstato contest between Press). latter variety have also been added the of two univer- Auditor John Joerns' report of his head of Italy's armament del- to the collection. athletes the examination of the ses- of the chief expenses from of todny'B steam sities, under the eyes Smith-Hugh- egation, speaking Ten gallon milk cans, executive of the state and a fund for vocational sion ot tho conference, said: pressure cookers, wash boilers, oil education, made public today, deals "The time has come and this and colls and throng of spectators, promises to Money cans, iron lead copper be tho event ever chiefly with five vouchers. These conference has been called, not containers of all sorts are among greatest athletic Include one of $650 for a n seen in this state. sending for general resolutions and for tho collections of the federal proht-tlo- stock judging team to Denver from Just mail the coupon mutual but for These are On the morning of tho game advice, action, agents. specimens Dona Ana another for 10-da- t the county; y "You proved found after a close hunt on boacd of regents of the school for this test. (Secretary Hughes) only will convene, The will $530.40 for the industrial contest At once that you mean to carry the part of the government collec- university held at Albuquerque; another for out your Into practical tors and are not infrequently taken provide entertainment for the dis- contest- Then wa,tch your suggestion tinguished their $91.30 for medals for tho execution, from their owners by force. guests during ants and engraved letters; another r "The first made The stills and other articles in stay here. Official Albuquerque teeth improve. Impression by lock will be for $55 for mailing tho vocational vour statement concerning the the museum are kept under represented by Mayor and bulletin, and the last for $5no for k limitation In the federal building. Mrs. Walter Connell. In the ab- Wilt of naval armament is and key Mrs. C. are hundreds of sence of Mrs. David Ruth Miller's Atlantic City one of great sincerity, great force, In the iarge vault Spence Hill, trip. lws of wine, whisky, brandy and Mrs. J. A, Iteidy will act as Sfreat courage. You stated clearly gallons offi- hostess Referring to tho first three. and the of mash which are seized by the to Governor, and Mrs. Joern the unhefltatingly question cers about tho state. At Intervals Mechem, the members of the says expenditures may the limitation of naval armament board have been justifiable but suggests as concerns the quantities are destroyed upon the Arthur J. Ba'foor. of regents, and the presi- that the state board for vocational especially great order of the federal court, the dent of the at a naval powers, and you did it with J. one of the university education should fix a limit. Com- liquor being poured Into the river Arthur Balfour, luncheon at the Country club, for precision of facts, and of figures, the be- to the arms tho menting on the item of $53.00 thus a solid basis for and distilling apparatus delegates conference, preeceding game. entertainment of on the At- affording the mar-sha- ll has been known for The visitors will nu- guests discussion. ing destroyed Ty deputy many yeira inspect the lantic City trip, he said he didn't here. A quantity of liquor as one of the most genial of Brit- merous new additions to the uni- "We shall not consider the tech- was last week r.nd more believe this was a proper charge nical side of the question which destroyed ish statesmen. That time has not versity buildings. Including the against the state, and that it Bhould will be disposed of in a tew aaya him is evidenced the new residential hall for women, concerns especially the great nav- Rradv U. S. marshal, changed by not have been allowed. ex- Juan deputy few tho Korber wireless station, and al powers. We only wish to returned from Farming-ton- , accompanying picture, taken a the This document was made before In fhe tho has just in large grandstand which was Auditor Whlttler's re- press name of Italian N. M., where he arrested P. V. days ago Washington. erected Traveling 10 In recently by the students was to Whit- for delegation our great satisfaction port and referred by Irvin and John Thomas for selling and financed by generous Days the order. jointly in his Quit proposals "firewater" to the Navttlo inaians. tier report. ' citizens and tho board of regents. C. of the "We think your proposal Is the The men were given a hearing H. Lane, Washington, first effective step towards giving .and were under federal board for vocational edu- Your old methods of teeth there placed Theaters Today be- cleaning the world a release of such nature bond eacn until the next cation, arrived here today and to $1,000 an of voca- ds enable it to start the work grand term. gan examination the of its economic reconstruction. jury tional department's accounts. It See what this new way does. Watch your teeth Pepsodent, with every use, brings five desired ef- "B" Theater Repeating today JAPAN WILLING the "In respect to .Mr. Balfour's ref- Moment," ono of was said ho would report to whiten note how clean they (eel. Millions have fects. It attacks the film in two efficient ways. It erence to "The Great which meets tomorrow aft- sali- the question of French GREATER SERVICE IN Elinor Glyhs best stories, with board, learned in this way how much film removal means. keeps teeth highly polished. It stimulates the ull-st- of g nnd Italian naval forces, way I Swanson and an ar ernoon. Frank Clayton, also It is that should know. vary flow Nature's agent bo DEPARTMENTS IS Gloria was to something you great allowed to say a few words. ALL cast; also repeating the Burton the federal board, expected I "I think it rather difficult to and the TO REDUCE ITS arrive tonight. It multiplies the starch digestant in the saliva. ASKED OF CHURCHMEN Holmes "Travelogue" You must film to which to Separate the question of Italian "Current Events' pictures. fight That digest the starch deposits cling and French naval armament limi- Your teeth are coated with a viscous Rim. It clings teeth and often form acid. It multiplies the alka- (III Thr Aiaorlnlrd I'rfH.) acids tation from tho general question IijTlc Theater Ono of the best JUMPING BEANS FOR to the teeth unless you combat it, gets between the linity of the saliva. That to neutralize the Of tho limitation of arma- Detroit, Mich.. Nov. 15 (by the is of which cause tooth naval A call to "ever," the "Playthings It teeth and stays. decay. ments. Certainly, as have Associated Press). clergy with Anita Stewart as GIRLS WHO'LL WRITE you and of the Methodist Epis. Destiny," It forms a dingy coat which dims the luster of the Modern authorities regard these effects as essential atated, Mr. Chairman, the question laymen the leading star it is being YANKS tho conal church for creater service in also the TO DISABLED teeth. It is the basis of tartar. It holds food sub- aids to Nature, in view of the avemge diet. To bring concerning great naval powers of today; repeating must bo considered In all departments the church's Talks." stance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the those effects twice daily means such protection as tho first was seconded Gayety comedy. "Money Tokio As to to The Jounal.) place, and you have stated that activities by speakers Speculating (Special Correpnnleire acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. you have not known before. the United at the opening session of the de Pastime Theater "A Wife's What Will Be Santa Fe, Nov. 15. Lookie! it.' States proposes that national conference Attitude of Millions of germs breed in They, with tartar, this matter bo left for nomination's Awakening," with Frltzl Brunette Watch It! Thero It goes! These the later all-st- ar U. are the chief cause of Thus most tooth See and feel them consideration of tod a v. as the leader of an cast, S. Towards Demands pyorrhea. the conference. Pleas for more concerted effort re- exclamations will soon be heard troubles are now traced to film. And, despite the So we wish and feel sure in ac- is being repeated today; also To The results can be seen and felt. are for sick and needy aliens in con- tho News" Be Made By Japs. all over the United States, with daily brushing, very few escape them. The old brush- They delight- cordance with peating "Fox pictures' 10-d- your statement that those in n tho distribution of thousands of methods do film. ful, and this test will bring them 20 times. the French and gested city districts, and the comical "Mutt and Jeff" ing not effectively fight Italian naval ques- cartoon-comed- y. (By Tbe Amorintrd Mexican jumping beans. tion will be mountain and desert places, PreM.) genuine Send the for it. Note how clean the teeth considered by the con- and for elimination of racial preju Tokio, Nov. 15 (by the Associated The Jumping beans have been New to combat it coupon ference beforo concluding the Press.) Considerable trained to and ways feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous dices were made by bishops, min GLORIA SWAXSO.V IS speculation leap through hoops film-coa- Involved In film. See how whiten as the ts question your propo- lsters. missionaries and laymen. THK LKADIXG ST A It IV is being Indulged in here as to what stand unhitched by the 6,000 dis- Dental science has now found ways to combat film. teeth disap- sal. tesslon will be the attitude of the United abled war veterans in pear. Watch the other good effects, and the book "In conclusion At the afternoon Bishop "TIIK UittCAT MOMENT" recuperating The methods are embodied in a dentifrice called ' I express In the C. Mead of Denver paid tnat me States towards demands which it is this state. They are to be sent It has so effective that we send you will tell you what they mean. name of the Italian delegation the I. anticipated will make at the the Pepsodent. proved leading most fervent church must look to the physical Dealing with subtle human emo- Japan to girls throughout country dentists everywhere are now advising it And mil- Do this now in justice to yourself. Learn how wish that the con- as well as the spiritual side of the tions in a characteristic manner. Washington conference on fortifi- who agree to correspond with one ference, as cation of the Pacific islands. lions of people have already adopted it much this new-da- y method means to you and yours. Ms taking your proposal world's needs, and urged greater Elinor Glyn's original picture of the war veterans. working basis, may lead to a efforts to alleviate suffering. written by her for Paramount "It is understood that the Japan- "Who wants one of these novel- fpsult which would be extremely and in which Gloria Swanson ese government has an idea of re- ties?", asks Herman G. Baca, of not 'eight-eigh- t' happy only for the powers makes her debut as a star, "The ducing its naval pro- Santa Fe, of the New 633 ur adjutant mtwrnm mtxnm:itf,aem Ten-Da- interested but for the entire APPARENT DEADLOCK Great Moment" wan shown with gram to eight-fo- If the United Mexico of the Ameri- pat off y Tube Free world." States is to her department IN IRISH SITUATION no inconsiderable success at the willing abandon can Legion. Ho will see that one "B" theater yesterday afternoon three-yea- r building program and is forwarded to wno PEPSODENT Pacific eve'y girl THE COMPANY, ATTORNEY and last night, give up her fortifications," writes to him and oxpresses a will- - 1101 S. Wabash Ave., DISMISSES 'By Th Aociiited Pmt.t "The Great Moment" swys Asahi Shirnbun. "Such in- KE6.U.S. Dept. 15 Asso- deals with ingness to correspond with a con- I1L GOVERNMENT'S CASE London, Nov. (by tho the love trials of Nadine 1'elham. structions have been given the Chicago, All in Ire- valescent veteran. New-Da- ciated Press). parties Swan-so- n, Japanese y a gypsy, portrayed by Miss delegation. The Jumping beans are dark The Dentifrice Mail Tube of Pepsodent to .'. AGAINSTJIRS. STOKES land fcent nationalists, who, how and Bayard Delaval, a mill- "What the attitude of the United now States will be sur- brown, somewhat larger than the ever, are largely incorporated ing engineer, played by Milton cannot easily be bean. The animation of A scientific film combatant, combined with two other modern , sinn fein. have had their nay mised. ordinary Hr Th Amiorlnlod Pre with Sills. There am several intensely Judging from the spirit of Is ' the tho the bean caused by a tiny worm requisites. Now advised for daily use by leading dentists Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 15. The In the negotiations regarding dramatic situations all of which conference, the American gov- eats of Ireland. are ernment will not insist on pro- that crawls into it and tho in tubes. federal government's case against future artistically handled by tho the worm everywhere. Supplied by druggists large Southern who are op star and her-- to force to reduce her edible portion. The dies but Only one tubo to Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes, New unionists, supporting players. posal Japan tho bean on family. York was dismissed posed to a dual parliament for the The picture directed hv Sam C3pltnl ships to ten." keeps jumping. socialist, here The today by W. II. Hallett, assistant island, saw i'remier :uioya ueorgc Wood, has a majesty all of its Jiji shimpo says it hopes any United States district attorney for today, while the Ulsterites had be- own and its beauty is as unden additional suggestions or counter western Missouri. Mr. Hallett's fore them the government's refu iable as its anneal is irresistible proposals the other powers make was to sal of their counter proposals). It That it was fully appreciated by from individual standpoints will not rti'tion pursuant Instructions the its be of such a to from tho attorney general's office was understood that the govern- audience, flattering recep nature) restrict In ment's reply contained no new tion ampiy indicated. the range of limitation. Washington. Asahi Shirnbun it im- Mrs. Stokes was convicted suggestions leaving the situation declares is here 'PLAYTHINGS OF DESTINY" pressed with the wisdom of the three years ago before a Jury In apparently deadlocked. John Miller Andrews, secretary IS AN INUSUAL PICITHE: American authorities in not giving tho federal court on charges of NOW AT Pacific over arm- utterances. She was of lubor in the Ulster cabinet, on LYHIC Til EATER questions priority unpatriotic his return to Belfast made ament. sentenced to ten years imprison- today sees the ment, but the case. it clear, in a statement, that the Chugal Shogyo SImpo appealed to was Auction of "Playthiiics of Des- - advisability of introducing more government proposal ulster firmness In balance for a single for a unit auirring Anna Stewart, me the of power parliament Associatedmi, Firiaf TVTntinnnl PIMnrAa of the three leading powers, on the ed Ireland, and that Ulster had to replied she must have a separate attraction which opened an en- - ground that the proposals appear oi inree at the ignore the difference in their in- parliament a suggestion which nasrapni , aays neither sinn feiners nor southern Lvrfn thenfep vadAi-ilni- r, A whtnk dustrial capacity. is Attributing the economic de- unionists would agree to. being repeated today. Seldom has ex- & pression to the tremendous Bum utumauc siory oeen toiu Klnzo so skilfully, and rarely nas an penditure for armaments, LEWIS IS TO MANAGE author hit a of in- Ikeda, a leading banker, advocates upon series consent to disarmament LAKE CITY stances on rertnln in ttin ready SALT CLUB terest of an Vice Admiral Funakoshl, presi- audience. Combine dent of the Yokosuka naval these with the excellent talent of Finishing (Ttj The AMoetatrd Prru.) the cast and arsenal, halls the proposal as a 15. the splendid settings concrete Salt Lake City, Utah. Nov. auu uiiecis mat nave plan, but says he fears George E. (Duffy) Lewis of Boyes been pro- the inevitable aggravation of the Means n higher quality cured, and "Playthings of Destiny" In of of work. Springs, Calif., former Boston and becomes of labor question consequence New York American league out worthy classification the abandonment of the work on with the best screen entertain- Faster service fielder, and a part of last season ments. the battleships Mutsu, S"ga and was Tosa. with Salt Lake City, today ap- Anita Stewart v. i. - Standard pointed playing manager of the nafiiraii., prices stellar honors in the cast, but Her- - local club for the season of 1922 uert TEXAS PIONEER DEAD. Absolute satisfaction. was wawnnson and Walter Col- H. W. Lane presi a ttroii. n ii i . San Benito, Tex., Nov. 15. dent for the fifth consecutive year. muH mcnarn onel Alba 62, a Vot us demonstrate the superi- Headrick, do work which Heywood, pioneer The financial statement submitted entitli In tho development of the lower ority of this service on your to stockholders at " lne nR"est praise for next roll of films. the their annual thei histronioI. Rio Grande valley, died today at meeting today showed a small def ability they display. his home here of heart troublo. . . $18,-00- Each of them does a bit iclt for the season, but still an 0 of char- He became widely known through balance in bank. Lane acter building which makes their the and roles am on . . spectacular operations In the Lewis will go eaet on a rni it player quest their whole lives Beaumont oil fields some years at the time of the minor league in the envlron- - ago. meeting at Buffalo, N. Y., on De "" "urrounaing the characters cember 6. "A WIFE'S AWAKENING," TRIUMPH vnn. THE WOMAN CITIZEN STILL nitv.rn Be Rid of That AT THE PASTIME How is it possible for the woman of y to meet the requirements Backache! Following his memorable' tri- - or a home-make- r, mother, and What made the automobile Nagging ana voter, with all her social and politi practicable? T . - , Tiuln ud cal if In to on suf I- rench screen activities, she go director, had added fering the pain that comes from another distinguished success to ailments to her sex? There can be no that the automo- II- -C Pictures -- peculiar question gasoline preceded rnmnralfAn'. ' Check the malady at once by a productions. It is called "A bile and made its present universal use possible. - Wife's conscientious treatment of Lydia E. waKtning- ana is being screened Pinkham's Vegetable at at the PuHttmn u, i Compound Work Jn I be- ihnoH the first sign of backache, and Internal combustion engines have been made to run with other yesterday and belner n fore 11 t.!m.i repea'ted today. dragging-dow- sensations, so com kinds of fuel coal and out 5 nAm. urv.uo j wiieg Awakening" inon to women who suffer from fe alcohol, benzol, natural gas, kerosene, same treats of husbands and wives, a male diseases. day. theme rina& v. - i etc. But gasoline, because of its greater effectiveness and that ilea (Aiv, inn iitrn.i i or every man and woman, no mat- , economy compared with all other known motor fuels, has been Work In be- ter of what race, creed or color, it fore 6 p. m., carries a stirring appeal. Its char- responsible in a large measure for the tremendous growth of out noon next acter, who lay bare tho most sub-- the entire iB automotive industry. day. "Zc una nasesc or human Tttlfitrf hA I I V. . Will . - 1 - ' around 1 u 1 uiu- For over decade Continental Oil Are you dragging uay types of thousands tho world over. a The Company has been serving a great after day with a dull, never-ceasin- g The motives which accentuate territory consisting of the six intermountain states. Its task has been a backache? Do you suffer head- the stab- dramatic climaxes in "A Wife's big one and has called for much strenuous effort and the of aches dizzy spells and sharp, Awakening," have in development feel tired, irritable served real a bing pains; iuu, tu vnng aoout preat large organization. without life or ambition? t Likely -Pawv tinAannco III IIIUu. ...n.uWUIIU then your trouble Is due to kidney have failed to feci Volume production, particularly in the and efficif dis- weakness not hard to correct If the anguish, the petroleum industry, : ana tile happiness tribution make possible a lower selling price for each made treated promptly, but dangerous if Of Florence ftt In Iha nhnlnnliv commod)", neglected. For quick relief use Few homes than would be practicable for a legion of small producers. And, as applies Doan's Pills. Doan's have have escaoed the j Kidney storms brought on by selfishness, not only to petroleum products but to every necessity of modern life, from helped thousands. They should hatred. nMsttmiiat Q n ,1 AvtMwoCTnnr-ac- . An matches to steel rails. help you. Ask your neighbor! Few men and women have failed to Albuquerque case: r W. inese storms m a manner various J. F. Summers, 617 Lead Ave., . storage stations of The Continental Oil Company, its - ,a Diiunii in Lilt) jThe many back became lame and te GET RED AllUOW says: "My characters in - j fleets of trucks and service the me. When I "A Wife's Awaken- delivery wagons, its stations, SERVICE AT sharp pains pierced Inn. The uniformly high of its all these areevidencesof the efficient was 1 Ideal quality products over it difficult to unman cttn..r... t - tn Lunch stooped Thn . i i u u oi- - ' I used Doan's ' in will ill fl TRADE jCj MARK in which this is straighten. Kidney cero and direct j manner, which way company handling the big job that it has undertaken. O. A. Matson's Pills and a few boxes cured the unit to Standardize on Continental and them with Conoco ', and in my back.". anoiner its Bread la tha mnnt Kiuntui mrf ni products buy Coupons. lameness pains of reality. This, of course, , 806 West Central Over two yeara later Mr, Sum- my lunch. But our bread should is aue to the superb direction of be the malnafiiv little mers said: "Doan's greatly bene- Mr. Qasnler. tt vnuf fited me and I havo only had slight daughter'! lunch because you real- THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Butts Store ize - Drug attacks of kidney troublo since, DEED CANCELLED the wholeaomeness. the pure- ana cm-bine- s Colorado when a short . use of Doan's has Houston. Thy Maw 1 R Tha iiess aenoiousneas that (A Corporation) Central and First, stopped tho trouble." first deed to to make our bread. Thif a child filed in realization RhntlM loo A unn In ha. Great Falls Salt Lake or directly from Harris county, filed yesterday to Albuquerque City make Ileve that sandwiches made of out triply binding adoption bread are Ideal. Butte Pueblo Boise RED DOAN'S "huT papers was cancelled today. Pub- Denver THE ARROW licity attendant on the wording Cheyenne 118 Sooth Third. 60 at all Drug" Stores of the deed $10 and other co- Pioneer nsiderationswas given as the Bakery cause for the withdrawal. 207 South First Street IT

7 Pap Eiffht ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL November 16, 1921. the great number of people living now It Is a most WHERE HIS MORAL FIBER DISINTEGRATED. and ribs touched lowest prices this Albuquerque Morning Journal decided gain. season, but rallied. our is to world very much Closing prices: AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER If object keep the THE MARKETS Wheat Dec, $1.04; May, the -- Published By ns it alvt'ays has been, if the past rather than . j JOURNAL PUBUSHINO CUM PAN V future is our chief consideration, then of course Corn Dec. 46c; May, 52c. C. D. A. MAt'I'H fciUSON. 31 36 c. ; CARL MAOEE. there is reason in this writer's melancholy message. (By The Annaclsttd Oats Dec, c; May, President. rrtnrw I'rett.) Pork $14.00. if our concern Is then the more we New York. Nov. 15. Stock mar- Jan.. D. A. MACPH EKSON Business Maruittt-- i But the future, Lardr $S.35; May, $8.75. ket prices reflected fresh unsettle-me- nt Jan., CARI. C. MAHEE Brttior-in-Chl- travel the better; then everything that makes possi- Ribs Jan., $7.05; May, $7.47, between today, although the disturb- H EPK B8ENTATI V KS ble easy means of social Intercourse peoples ances of yesterday, which were C. J. ANDERSON .... Marquette Bids:., Chicago. Ill is to our advantage. From a poetic point of view attributed to the disarmament pro- NEW YORK COTTON. RALPH H. Ml) I J.U 3 A N . . 4tl B. 4 2 0 fit . Ne w V orfc and in n seemed to exert less Influ- of love for the past, Mr. Harrison is right, posals, fu- second-clas- s ence. New York, Nov. 15. Cotton Entered as matter at the postofflce measure he In that kind of N. M.. under act of of great may still Indulge Shares of to tures closed steady. Dec, 16.65; of Albuquerque, Congress the of view of companies likely March 17. 187!). travel if he wishes. But from point suffer reduction of operation from Jan., 16.44; March. 16.47; May, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION social progress there can be no doubt that the ex a naval holiday made partial re- 16.35; July, 15.98. Dally, by carrier or by mall, one month, SGc: press train has It on the stage coach. coveries. Equipments strengthen- yearly. In advance 19.00. ed In spots on prospects of early LIBERTY BONDS. Morning has a circulation announcement of the Pullman-Haskell-Bark- er "Tha Journal higher BEING MADE. and rumors New Nov. 15. rating than Is accorded to any other paper In New PROGRESS WHEN HE WAS A CHILD HE WAS ALWAYS TENDER HEARTED AND KIND merger York, Liberty The American Directory. that large contracts are soon to be bonds closed: $95.10; first 4s, Mexico." Newspaper awarded. $94.00: second3s, The only paper In New Mexico Issued every day lmo noeented principle Involved In 4s, $94.48; first) i?nini the Foreign oils were under attack, $94.20; second $94.22; In the year. It Is rumored third4s, 4s, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. the proposals of Secretary Hughes beginning wltn trie European group 44s, $96.20; fourth iVa, MEMBER OF to d to the lat- $94.34; Vic- The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to that Japan will do likewise. If tnis proves and extending Mexicans, Victory 3s, $99.70; use. for of all news credited to rtotniia nlone must be adjusted In order to ter being affected by rumors that tory $99.68. the inn, Mexico intends to add a heavy im- 4s; It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also a curtailment of armaments. These details local bring post to its present export tax. NEW YORK MONEY, the newspuhMshehereltK some time in adjustment, dui wun Rails made a better showing November 1921 may require WEDNESDAY 16, settled, the rest will follow. than any other group, notwith- New York. Nov. 15. Call money de- the unrest manifested in The outlook Is very hopeful. Friction over standing Easy. High and ruling rate, 5 labor circles as a result of the pro- per offered T II A X K Y O V. not be to the people. It cent; low, at and last tails should discouraging posed wage cut. More than a half loan, 4 per cent; closing bid, 3 v,o remembered that these delegates represent score of high grade issues made per cent. The Journal is in receipt of a letter from a prom- nations,t and that the public sentiment among their gross gains of one to four points, Time loans Steady. Sixty days, coalers and transcontinental lead- 5 to 6 citizen of an in which he be nvoramy Deiore i.iejr per cent: 90 days and six inent outlying community people must crystallized ing. These were Impaired months. 5 to 6 have learned, will bring a partly per cent; prims says: "The people of this community can act. Patience and understanding In the late selling pressure. Sales, mercantile paper, 5 to 5 conference. per: as other communities are rapidly learning, that you fairly satisfactory result from the 700,000 shares. cent. Release of large sums in connec- are a real friend of the people." In this comment The world moves forward. AS ABOY HIS INSTINCTS WERE NOBLE AND GENEROUS tion with the November 15 Liberty FOREIGN EXCHANGE. our correspondent has paid U9 the highest possible bond Interest payments created un us conceivable compliment and given tho greatest GUARD SMALL INVESTORS. usually easy money conditions. Call New York, Nov. 15. loan from 5 to 4 Foreign Incentive to "carry on." rates dropped per heavy. Great Britain de- cent on mid-da- y Journal is edited with one con- Bankers' asso- the exchange at mand, cables, The but purpose The meeting of the Investment and the minimum was shad- $3.96; $3.96, to serve No other advice figure France demand, 7.24: cables, stantly in mind the people. ciation at New Orleans heard Borne pertinent ed on prime collateral in private 7.25. to it. when of Italy demand, 4.14; cables, motive is allowed actuate Sometimes from two speakers who dealt with the problem transactions. 4.15. Belgium demand. 6.99! we are we strike back in e. We from becoming the Foreign exchange was featured 7. no. .38: assailed, protecting the small investor tho further rise of ster- cables, Germany demand in to be able to serve. To allow the awaken- mainly by cables, Holland demand. must survive order prey of swindlers. Stress was laid upon ling to its highest level in several .38. to be or weakened would leave need and the ef- on 34.87: cables, 34.93. Norway ourselves destroyed ing interest of the banks to this months. The rate reacted later niand Sweden to So such a be- with funds to In- offerings of food and cotton bills demand, us helpless help the public. fight forts being made to Induce thoso 23.10." Denmark, 18.30. Switzer a for the and most continental remittances comes, in reality, fight the people. vest to consult their local banks regarding good eased land demand, 18.90. Spain demand, no moderately. 13.55. Greece 4.15. Ar-- Sometimes we doubtless are wrong. We beg faith of the enterprises under consideration. Strong Investment conditions demand, j We to be as sel- to follow this ad- were enormous over gentlna demand, 32.75. Brazil de- claim to infallibility. try wronK If the public could be induced denoted by the mand, 12.87. Montreal. dom as Our mistakes are of the head and would be saved from "blue-sky- " subscription to the $50,000,000 New 91. possible. vice Incalculable sums 8 cent the We have had no but to The Interest York per bonds and not of the heart. purpose and concerns. $10,000,000 Rio Grande do Sul is- CHICAGO PRODUCE. we In the cir- to be en serve. We have done the best could . Vmnkprs is especially AS A MAX HE NEVER COULD EX DIRE CRUELTY ABUSE TO D ANIMALS sue. The telephone bonds sold at n. i.....mni OK Dill Nov. 15. Potatoes-Ma- rket cumstances. the suggestion that the a premium over the public offering Chicago, listed, and It may. be hoped steadv. Receipts 97 cars. us to be to you, wo in wun u.e Sit- price during the day. Total sales For strong enough help association name a committee to cope of Total IT. S. ehipments. 624. Wis- We need more readers bonds, par value, $17,275,000. turn must have your help. uation will bo adopted. A thorough investigation 5T ?.0rr) "Don't ' Closing prices: consin bulk, $1.85(312.05 cwt.; sack- to more dis- the ir vC v if you r ed, $1.75(3)2.00; Minnesota sacked. to broaden our influence and widely of the field and Judicious publicity educating American ("Jan 30 & . 3 9 Vt $1.75(0)1.95 cwt.; bulk, tribute the overhead cost of producing our paper. i Ki with the same real that those who American Smelting Ref'g. $1.852.00; Tobacco.. 33 Michigan bulk. $l.90(2.10 cwt.; need more advertisers. The way we can exhibit, would save American Sumatra We only prey upon the small Investors American Tel. & Tel 112 Minnesota and North Dakota bulk them is for the advertising already in the Jour- enormous losses and at the same time American Zinc 9 and sacked Red rivers, $1.60 1.70 get individuals cwt. nal to bo more profitable. Tho way to make it and investment. Anaconda Copper 43 promote Intelligent profitable 86 Alive, lower. Fowls, more profitable is for our readers to trade more Atchison Poultry & Ohio 36 14(?i)21c: springs, 18c; turkeys, So can us you. Baltimore with our advertisers. you help help Bethlehem Steel "B" 54 35c: roosters, 15c. , Our subscription drive is on. The prizes used in VERSE OF TODAY ! Butte & 14 Butter Market higher. Cream-pr- y Superior 44 this drive are costing us a fixed amount, which is California Petroleum 42". extras. c; firsts, S6? 114 seconds, stand- Whether the cost of these is to be an ab- A CRAVE SONG. Canadian Faeific 43c; 3335c; large. Central Leather 31 ards. 38 c. r.v how Re- normal per cent of the receipts depends upon Dear. Chesapeake & Ohio 54 Eggs Market unchanged. for you, my . . much money is taken In from subscribers old anJ I've a pocketful of emptiness Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul 23 ceipts 3.468 cases. a like a loaf was baked yesteryear, 26 new. So by helping make our drive a huge success I've heart Chino Copper a mind like ashes spilt a week & 24 to serve I've corkscrew. Colorado Fuel Iron KANSAS CITY PRODUCE. you can help us be strong you. I've a hand like a rusty,, cracked BUT AT LAST HE GOT AX AUTOMOBILE AND LEARNED TO DRIVE Crucible Steel 63 The Journal has no source of income except that 11 Kansas Nov. 15. Butters-unchang- ed. and find It good? Erie City, which comes over its counter in the course of legit- Can you flourish on nothing Great Northern pfd 73 make do for food? 36 Market imate business. We entirely on the general Can you petrifaction on a ne? k Inspiration Copper Eggs lc higher. Firsts. depend Can warm yourself at ashes Int. Mer. Marine 50 41c; seconds, 31c. our revenues. The man Is as val- you which hai AS UTTLE pfd public for poor Can you give my hand the cunning THE PEOPLE VIEW IT Kennecott Copper 23 Poultry Hens and turkeys un- uable to us as the rich. Each reads but one paper. gone? BENNY5 Mexican Petroleum 112 changed; springs unchanged to 2o There are few rich men, but there are thousands in Miami Copper 24 higher, 19 23c. I will go and lay me down Another Viewpoint. THEY, but In terms of WE. When circumstances. Tho latter are our reliance. If you can. Missouri Pacific l"i modest And kiss the edge of your purple gown. Morning Journal. a city thlnkH in terms of THEV tTOTE, BOOK, New York Central 72 LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Numbers count, both In subscriptions and patron- I will rise and walk with the sun on my head Dear Editor: I have read with that city is divided, but when tnoy Pacific 78 the dead terms Northern age of our advertisers. Will you walk with me, will you follow much interest the letter of T. B. think in of WE that ily is Pennsylvania 35 Chicago Livestock. Lowell In The New Republic. Crabb in the Journal of November united. Consolidated 14 Nov. 15. Cattle Re- Our passion Is the common good. We want all Amy Mr. Ray Copper.... Chicago. 14, and I believe ho Is right in Crabb points out that climate Heading 70 16.000. Market opened very friends we can have, if we can have them ex- is tho on to ceipts the rich nearly everything he mentions, only thing which build. Republic Iron & Steel 49 slow, undertone lower on practical- without obligation. But somo rich men will not cept where he refers to committees This, to my mind, is our biggest as- Sinclair Oil & 23 choice CRISP PARAGRAPHS but when healthseeKer Refining ly all kinds. One load long friends because can not use us. We not funclioninc. I have noticed tti:.t set, the Southern Pacific 79 steers, $11.00; bulk beef be our they do comes he must have move yearling committees in Albuquercma than Southern 18 steers nround $5.75 8.40 ; are sorry, but not penitent. es- - climate. He has his for Railway early CHEERFUL PROSPECT FOR CONSUMER. function, and I refer to one hours Studebaker Corporation .... 73 sales bulls and calves steady; best The common people neither expect nor ask millions to enforce dry laws means that did a good piece of creation; our shows must be clean 45 Appropriating well our Texas Company vonlers to packers, $8.50; bulk sho favors. They merely want a square deal for for bontleggers.-W- all Street Journal. work. Last summer a committee jund ventilated; city was for mippir agen last Tobacco Products 60 stock $3.50(3)4.75; Canner special higher prices nt one, was to tn be and he must feel tn::t I late mostly tho is a nnnninreri irn Salt clean, and I started to set down at Union Pacific ...122 cows stockera everyone. For that Journal making dally Lake In the interest of tho Park to when he buys merchandise ho is nite, 82 largely $2.252.40; THAT'S AS GOOD AS ANYTHING. my as if nuthing was tho United States Steel and feeders slow. fight. We want the friendship and which Park highway, and thanks to D. K. not being overcharged; he must place E5 We assume that one of the diseases for so lis matter, thinking maybe it mite Utah .Copper Hogs Receipts 43,000. Market of average folks. These constitute ninety-nin- e and Dallas B. Sellers, who was that committee feel at home in every way beer is prescribed is chicken snake bite. can himself to believe he is make pop think nuthing was. Ony active, mostly 10c lower than yes- nine-tent- of With their the wj are on the Park to Park high- bring Never mind METALS. $7.15 for the people. support News. could mention a of really and a healthseeker and It dtdent, him saying, NEW YORK terday's average. Top, way. I number truly Dident 1 160 to 170-pou- carry- Journal will be a growing power for good. committees that have functional not a HEAITII SUCKER. sitting down Jest yet. averages JAPAN CAN SEE POINT. Let us all make hcalthseckor dlstinkly tell you not to dare to be New Yor, Nov. 15. Copper, firm. ing a pig end; practical top, $6.86; WONDER IF and will continue to function if the 13 to evidence that it needs a guardian, to do The feel that he Is glad he is here and late agen for at leest a week? Electrolytic, Bpot and nearby, bulk, $6.556.80; pigs steady China gives they are given work It was 10e lower. THE GOVERNOR'S INVESTIGATION. but guardian should not be of is not dead, let him know we are interested ill Yes sir, but a pop, gosh. 13c; later, that spirit Albuquerque he the you awt of bin Tin Easier. 1313cSpot and nearby, Sheep Receipts 5,000. Chicago News. never was dead and never will be him aside from the dollars funniest thing, ?hep functioned for are to be citizms there, pop, wait till you heer about $28.62; futures, $28.75. weak to 25c lower. Texas wethers, There have been quiet rumors that all has not dead. Our C. of C. has brings, they most desirable ewes around a great deal more than people give of our great southwest, and if we It, pop, I sed. Iron Steady, unchanged. $4.60; been well at the Insane hospital at Las Vegas. The to make it for them toe;; will Well how long do I haff to wait? Lead Steady. Spot. $4.70. $3.75; heavier kind, $3.003.25; DAY them credit for and will continue pleasant de- feed- governor has taken note of these criticisms and has EDITORIAL OF THE function In the future. remain with us and make theli sed pop. Zinc Steady. East St. Louis lambs steady: natives $9.00; en- here and will never think of ahed and tell it If livery, spot $4.75. ing lambs steady, early top, $7.50. appointed a committee of men of extraordinary I, too, think we should have home Meenlng go gaged the services of the America going back when they are well. it was so funny. Wlch I started to, Antimony Spot, $4.75(9)5.00. ability and character to conduct a thorough Inves- THE FAR EASTERN REPUBLIC. know the fair- There la no doubt In my mind Well, you see me and Puds Foreign bar silver, 67 c." Kansas City Livestock. City bureau. I plan saying. 51 15. Cattle This is a most commendable course for have seen it worked in about the future of Albuquerque, it Slmpkins and Leroy Shooster was Mexican dollars, c. Kansas City, Nov. tigation. ly well; towns 21,000. Beef steers dull, the governor to pursue. (From the Boston Transcript.) other cities of the state and I am is one of the best known wawklng along and G pop, do you Receipts information has reached this coun- sure have been a west of Kansas City and destined know that fire down at tho CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. parly sales steady to 25c lower. Top, The Inmates of the hospital are powerless to Little enough It would great plug calves to 50c lower; try with respect to the Far Eastern Republic, whos) thing for the C, of C, but the board to be the greatest city in the south corner? $8.00; steady of our sip-pos- 15. protect themselves. They should be objects government is sending a mission to Washington to decided to get along without them. west if our citizens so will it. I know It Innimately, am I Chicago, Nov. Reported best vealers, $8.00; bulk, $6.60) Erected Tn WE WEL sed sales of new Argentine wheat at 6o 7.50: many medium and heavys, especial solicitude. Nothing but the most intelligent ask recognition from the western powers. We can If everyone takes his share the healthseeker. to laff now? pop. west- of oven its bound- and works. COME YOU AND WE WANT YOU; No not I well me a bushel under the cost of United $3.50(3)5.00; canners steady; and sympathetic care will satisfy the people. Gov- from the ruins the czar's empire, of responsibility sir, yet, sed, in- aries are a matter of dispute. Its capital Is Chita, The future of Albuquerque lies 10 me lourisi. we nave niuitj iu and Puds Simkins and Leroy States wheat had a depressing erns mostly $2.652.75: she stock ernor Mechem seems to entertain this view. No Russian of show in New Mexico than you fluence today on wheat. Prices and hulls steady to 15c lower; most the capital of the former province In the hands of the public spirited you Shooster was wawking along and net doubt the committee will view the matter similarly. a town of some 11,000 Inhabitants, citizens, and that future is to be can see elsewhere; to the capitalist, we to see who could closed unsettled. to 2o. cows, $3.50(3)4.00; choice heavy Transbaikalia, we started spred Decemberlc $1.04 to kind held nround The Investigation will be wholesome. If the situated several hundred of miles east of Lakfj Just what we make It, we can have we need you and will their legs and Jump over the fire lower, with $5.25; yearling boundaries of In ten in every way and let us say to our- $1.04 and May $1.07 to $1.07. hetfprs. $7.60; many other heifers, are will be set at rest. If Baikal. On the west, therefore, the a city here of 60,000 people plug without toutchlng, and ferst c rumors false they they con- we so but we must selves and to the C. of C, we are Corn finished unchanged to $4.00(3)5.75: most bulls, $2.75 the Far Eastern Republic touch upon territory years If desire, I did It, and then Puds Simkins c are true, appropriate action will no doubt follow if the bolshevikl. a united front In all mat- going to do our share In making and Shooster did higher, oats down c to and 3.50; stockers and feeders mostly trolled, nominally not actually, by present should be. did It then Leroy de- undertone the report. The effect on other institutions will be and on the east, the territory claimed by the Chita ters nertalninz to the community. Albuquerque what it It. and none of us toutched. bo wo provisions varying from 2e steady, weak; heavy not think In terms of DIt. H. M. BOWERS. cline to 60o advance. feeders, $6.00; early sales stockers, wholesome in cither event. government brings it In contact with the Japanese, We must started to see who could do It with showed Btill the mari- behind From the start wheat $4.00(3)5.50; mostly $4.40(3)5.25. We are convinced that Governor Mechem is try- whose outposts are scattered through one hand their back, and on with at- 14,000. Market and the of Amur. I did and then Puds Sim-ki- ns leaning the bear side, Hogs Receipts to be a We wish he were a time provinces province Perhaps ferst it tention of traders focusing largely active to both and ship- ing good governor. the most significant thing about this new Siberian did it and then Leroy Shoo- packers trifle more militant sometimes. We also wish that the mass of the none of us on Argentina and Australia owing pers; opened 15c to 25c lower, state is Its democratic character; ster did it, and dident to near of the har- closed 10c to 15c lower. Good and house-cleani- the gov- the approach he might see that good politics demands a population and the elements controlling RHYMES toutch. vest choice and lights, ernment are land-owni- peasants, who naturally RIPPLING Is this ware I laff? sed pop, and there. light weights of all departments where loose or improper Crop conditions in both countries $6.70(ff 6.75: packer top, $6.75; have a vital interest in the maintenance of the I sed, No sir, not yet, G pop, you favorable and this bulk methods are used. Especially should the criticisms The state, By WALT MASON. it was were reported as bulk of sales. $6.25(3)6.75; principle of private property. therefore, awt of bin there, certeny circumstance at least throwout sows, $5.50 6.00; stock of the management of the land office command is and by all accounts the seeds of funny, and then we started to see appeared In- temporarily to outweigh the serious pigs 25c lower, bulk $7.25(8)7.50; his attention. If defeat overtakes the republican bolshevism have borne ecan fruit among Us who could do it with both' hands in south- of did complaints of drought the bulk desirable. $7.657.75; few up It will be because criticisms of some state de- habitants. THE MOON. framed up some dizzy tales, behind their back, and ferst I west. Scantiness of domestic re- to $7.90. party The Chita government has dispatched a mission we It that way and then Puds Simkins are not proven untrue in fact, or proper living beings dwelling there, ceipts failed also to attract much Sheep Receipts 18,000. Fat partments to Washington with two objects in view. First, it The learned Professor Pickering were no did it that way and then Leroy to 25c correction made. is to and file thought their tales bunk; notice. Under such circumstances, lambs 15c higher; fat sheep It unfair the rank wishes to enter Into trade relations with foreign finds life upon the moon; there no Shooster did it that way, and none announcement Argentine lambs strong. fat and more It Is seek- orators were yelling there, of us dident toutch even that way. that steady; Top of republicans, who demand good government, to powers; and, second, Important, are and statesmen bunk. We wheat for January-Februar- y ship- lambs to shippers, $9.40; to pack- recognition from the nations scheduled men, perhaps, dickering, peddled gave Is that the sed pop, ignore the criticisms. ing political doubloon. We've al- funny part? ment hnd sold in Europe far cheap- ers, $9.25; choice ewes and wether to take part in the Washington conference. The chasing the ifo time to bickering, our plat- and I sed, No sir, and pop sed. to The governor has it within his to correct un- er than United States wheat proved yearlings city butchers, $7.10; power status of the mission, nevertheless, win De an ways thought It tenantlesa, and form was so strong; but now Pro- Well at a ruff estimate how long effective the few loads choice lanvbs or one. Its will be It will to decidedly against feeder disprove irregularities. official members merely observers, cold and gray and dead, without fessor Pickering has shown us do you figure take you bulls. Covering by shorts here led early, $8.35 8.40. and they will be unable to negotiate directly, either baseball, and penantless, with where we're wrong. He's found a finish this book? of or 20 to something a late rally. with the United States government that of any none to paint It red. But now Pro- lot of greenery, strange plants Ony about minutes, I sed. Brisk export call for corn, with Denver livestock. TIIEX AND NOW. of the sees ev- Sit down eat other participating powers. fessor Pickering life signs that grow and thrive; amid that and your eupplr, sales totaling 1,500,000 for today Denver, Nov. 15. Cattle Re- The Far Eastern Republic, nevertheless, seems erywhere, and maybe men are ghastly scenery some cow feed is sed pop. to give firm- Market In af- werst and yesterday, helped ceipts 3,200. steady. Beet to he a factor to be reckoned with Siberian liquoring In soft drink Joints up alive; and is It merely Wlch I did, the part being ness to corn. was current steers. heif- Frederic Harrison, Englishman of letters, writes Level-heade- vanity? Gossip $5.006.50; cows and fairs. d peasants have erected it, and there; and maybe skates political if such green there's corn beef and cabbage and the for assist- level-heade- things appear, about government plans ers, $3.60 5.00; $5.50 In a reminiscent vein on the Joys of when d to lend It their un- statesmen best cinnimin bun. calves, traveling peasants continue as gifted pose, and sure to be humanity on hand, to part being ance in financing the carrying of 9.50; bulls, $2.00(3)3.00; stockers he was a young man. Since this man's early efforts divided support. Some measure of permanency It kickers, dourly critical, denounce profiteer. The learned Professor corn. and is sure to have. In run the feeders, $4.508.00. to see something of the country in Europe date back Tet the long Far Eastern the movie shows. We've viewed Pickering to our belief says, There Is no denying the fact that Oats, though, reflected the weak- Sheep Receipts 16,000. Market Republic can not hope to endure the will the moon "Scat!" So him on swiftest to the middle of tho last century, these reminis- against through telescopes, its play your Cornell has about the ness of wheat. steady. Lambs, $7.508.40: ewes, of Japan, and Japan therefore Is the power thai craters and its vales; though fa- Checkering and paste him In your scoring machine seen on the grid Provisions fluctuated In line with feeder cences are interesting because they put side by sid3 holds the to Its future in $3.504.26; lambs, $7,250 key destiny. kers, their yellow . scopes, hat. iron in many a day. 0g values. All deliveries of lard 8.15. ." ,.T two entirely different modes of travel. . ' European provincialism and qualntness are gone, "REG'LAR FELLERS" (Copyright 1921 by Georjre Matthew Adams Trade Mark Registered V. 8. Patent Office) Mr. Harrison tells us. In 1845 each Belgian town By Gene Byrnes wag unlike any other. Many of the little European town visited were little changed from what they haj been for three or four centuries before this Englishman saw them. They had an Individuality. SHE THE. PefcS In Florence, Italy, the Armo river flowed beneath the same bridges as In Michelangelo's time. Today all this Is changed Well appointed hotels all very much alike, modern styles of building, the one type but little dllerent from the uther, and all the rest of the standardized Improvements have de- V fr boy oMe.1 stroyed the essential characteristics which had clung to these little towns from the time of the Middle Ages. Fast and comfortable steamers take you by them, and tralnB almost as comfortable but faster than the steamers now rush from one of these towns to the other so that there Is little time for reflection and mediation and observing which In other days were the great delight of traveling. There Is, of course, another side to this story. At the age of 90 and in circumstances which even now permit his traveling in luxury, Mr. Harrison is likely to overlook the fact that the very things of which he complains as being modern have made it possible for hundreds of people to travel as com- pared to a dozen who traveled 70 years ago. For our English critic this may not be a gain, but fo.' November 16, 1921. ;UQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Page Nine

BRINGING UP FATHER. Copyright 1921 by the International Newt Service. Roistered I! 8 Patent Offio. By George McManut

E ILEV1S1ETT '4S-W- ARE - MPF SETTING UPA tW 6 oll-th- i FER BEMJTIFYIN- rvnu I If OUK Ci t)Lu t Ti OTX It) FULL OF i THl PUT MT NAME mm WILL. YOU CONTRIBUTE. ? - ( C,T' HEAI-TOIlS- r BEAUTY- i. Bimm W, I -- V DOWN AN' ONE OF THE. CLOSE AND A BARGAIN. THE CITY oi'i? . FRtT THNi we Otll MOTTO: Eight rooms, modern; furnace SUVTb ME '11 U JV WOULD DO lb TO HAVEtflkirJrr"r "SERVICE TO THE PCBUC heat; good fireplace; all kinds ?!!? P3 X n JUtT We of built-i- features; gas heat- t- - w grive special attention to lo- er connected with hot water IT r cating tho stranger in a homo. tank; large screened-i- n front Our autos are at your service porch; screened back porch', Several houses and apartments rood walks; east front. ffo (or rent. shade; This property is located just four blocks from Central av- TO OVR DEAR enue and in a good locality MEN: The price is only $5,000 ana With the mud of France can bo had on extra good three terms if We are years past, why not a home in desired. this beautiful restricted addi- agents. tion to Albuquerque. Where Every one who knows prrants FOR RENT that the air Is the healthiest Highlands in the country. for light house- Nice lovol lota 50x142 feet sold keeping" furnished. .. .$36.00 for cash or terms, $10 down and sleeping and $10 per month. porch, furnished ....$40.00 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Lowlands, WE ARE IS 1921 Imt Fcaiuhb Inc. JL GENERAL AGENTS house, fur- l 8evic J g Let's help you start thii home nished $ 65.00 J. now? Our Autos are especial- house, fur- ly at your services nished $100.00 EAST 61XVEB HOMES today. house, .fur- batli ana, mod SOME BARGAINS nished $ 15.00 ern, a beauty $6,000 SEE THIS ONLY SIX LEFT TAKE A LOOK FINE HOME SITE Second and Cold Avenue. 2- - Room apartment, $5,000 Two I'liono 6 to. bath and porches, mod- 850 Six toom modern pressed brick I still beautiful lots on East furnished $ 25.00 ern, a have six fifty foot lots at some of the homes we have Silver. Price reduced jewel $8,500 450 house, hardwood floors Albright-Moor- e for quick 3- -R"oms furnished Dandy lot through- left in tho Ad- for sale before or two baths and porches, out, gar- you buy sale, singly or togethor. Want and garaga $3t.00 trees. A Lot and Adobes for six large basement, heat, dition at $300 each. Seventh build. Our listings are the to lots of vines and shade room house 750 age, corner lot. It are street Is see them? Call real mansion $8,500 jou now being opened best and most complete In Tell us what you want w may We have a customer for your looking for something good which makes these among the town. 3. A. HAMMOND, don't fail to sco this. The 82 E. Silver. 1522-1- nave It. ACKERSOX & GRIFFITH. house let's have It price best located lots In the entire to Phone 120 S. Phono 414. is and can offer at- If you want build see us 4th Realtors. SHELLEY REALTY CO., right wj addition. Don't delay. Get start- about our $1200 CASH BUYS tractive terms. ed on now. easy monthly pay- Realtors. the upgrade right ment Five-roo- fur- D. T. KINGSBURY, $20 cash plan. modern house, Phone 450-- J. 216 W. Gold. and $10 per month. nished or REALTOR FURNISHED, $750 CASH A, L Martin Co,, Realtors We write Insurance for the FOR QUICK SALE unfurnished; fire- Leading American Companies Modern five place and Bleeping porch. New- Loans and Insurance. Six large rooms, two good porches Real Estate, Fire and Auto W, C. THAXT0N home, rooms, brick; ly decorated inside and out. 907-- very close ir. in Fourth ward. J10 W. Gold. Phone modern house, close in, splendid Insurance, Loans. 705 West Mountain Road. J, D, KELEHER, Realtor, Close In. Balance monthly. fine A Terms reasonable and will be location; newly decorated, KICK UTTI.E HOME 223 W. Gold. 1'hone 150. 211 W. Gold. Phone 410 A. C. STARES shade; $750 cash, balance like uti'SWB CITY LIMITS sold for $4,750.00. rent. OX t ACKKS OF ROLL1M E. GUTHRIDOE Real Estate Insurance Step lively, the price, $4,000 WEIX 31$ W. Gold Ave. FOR SALE. lMl'KOVKO UXU, Phone 1023. 814 W. Gold Phone 168 J. P. GILL. KEAL ESTATE. Four-roo- GREAT BUY 3.8t brick, modern, sleeping adobe, pebble-dashe- d A A. 115 S. 7S3-- J. HOME A HOME DO.-c- corner lot. highland, cloie In, Second. I'lionc woodwork newly painted, cement five-roo- Five-roo- 84,2to sidewalks, fine atore-hous- e. That to corner, hardwood Rent-Room- PROFESSIONAL CARDS brick, modern, large well, adobe will appeal you, 5 rooms For s with Board rooms, targe glassed porch, Third ward, stable, chicken houses and brick, white oak furnished, glassed In porch floors, garage, $4,500. Eight-roo- Al IOKJvH. SUDDEN runs, main finish, cloae in SERVICE. ditch, plenty of water for built-i- n base- large frunt porch, fireplace, lawn, corner, two garages, hardwood ROOM AND BOARD; also W. tucoo, adobe The Red 40 floors, features, etc. utile board; JOHN WIIOX, 15,500 New whits Arrow (all over the West) ren Irrigation, bearing fruit treea, Good location and priced floors, steam heat. They are fine home cooking, 209 North High. bungalow, Just completed, oak floor, dcrs sudden Service on Kodak vines, bushes, flowers, shade ment, furnace, garage, splendid Attorney. finishing trees; right with terms. locations and Close ItOuM and with HO' tis II. 17 and 19, Cromwell fine garage, Heights. to who Work place Is well located one-ha- location, in Fourth ward. Price good buys. sleeping porch, good Building. Unlverialty people demand quality. mile hoard. Rates reasonable. Phone 806-- Phone 116S-- Srme good ranches for Bale. Housst :n 11 a. m. mailed ssme da north of town; good neighborhood. $5,250. fiood terms. H. F. GILMORB to postofflce. Busi- Price la M.750. 442-- NICELY, and lots In all parts of the city. Work In before 6 p. m. mailed noon next Ea,y termfc Bee u, II. McCLtGHAV. J14 W. Gold Phone W. II. McMILLIOX, furnished roon. with board; FHYHU'IANM i.MJ 8tMJ.EO.SS. no sick: 1027 ness property and business opportunities. day. Address work to 204 W. Gold. 4 12-- J 20 West Gold. family; Forrester. Hit. Is. Ul RTON, DIECKMANN REALTY COMPANY, Phone FOR I. A. FIJUSCHKR, REALTOR. THE RED ARROW, Beallors. KENT Room and board, with Disease of lue Btnmarh. Fire Automoli.le Insurance. E. Sleeping porch; first-clas- s bosrd. 410 8 - Albuqusrque Las Vegas Insurance, toans. "A BARGAIN" Suite, Harnett Building. . Glass. Public Lis- E"'. East Central. rinl Burglary. (We want representative In YO'Jr. 800 West Gold Ave. 1'hone 10. FRUIT TREES UK. 8. 0. CLARKE. Comprnsatlnn Insurance. FOR RENT Rooms new four-roo- cot- FUR KENT hlllty, territory.) Practically AND ORNA- Large furnished room with Eye, Ear, Nost, and Throat. Honda, SHADE TREES table ratea for 217 Runty FOU KENT Itoulil. 01H West tage, large front and back porch board; two people. Barnelt liulldlng. phone (26. lit 8onih Fourth St. Phone Copper. furnished 60x MENTALS FROM ALBU- South Fourth, FOR HUNT 415 complote. Lot Office Hours Room. North Fourth. NURSERIES FOR 1 FOR RENT Dwelling. HELP WANTED 142. Only $2,400. Terms. QUERQUE KENT Deslrablo room and porcy, to . m, and I to 6 p. m. FOR RENT front room. '1488-r- ! net Your Order in Now. Write with board, for jiit; ' t'ult Four-mu- modern house. Largo & gentleman convalescent, IR. sJAKOARif-I'VRTWklt- Male. FOU Mcdonald worsham, l"n South Cedar 1005 South Arno. KF.NT Sleeping rooms. 11: North Heal Kstate Insurance. for catalog. Otflee Utant Wclg, Room 16. Phon 673. WANTKijE,perlenced - Kdlih. . YOUNG & BOARD by the or first-clas- s for homes. Phone FOR RENT Five-roo- rurnlshed house. oook.Manhat- Phone OBfl-- 108 Third. J. T. CO., day week; Residence 11:3 Fast Central BARBER private tan orthFourth. 8. home cooking. 1105 1421-- Uarage. Inquire at 303 South First. afeJ2i FOR RENT Furnlnhed room. Tib South Albuquerque, N. M. ilast Silver! near Phone 671. w A TED Au torn obi le mac hln SiTA Bi'oTdwav, eanatorlume. F6& it IS N T Th ree rooms', pply . y BARBER For "homes, sanatorium. furnished; lauros, UIU own. FOR KENT S307-- water lSlli South li; Ftit ltlCNT Mo.lorn furnlHhed rooms, Nicely furnisned room with W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. Phone Pajd20.00 Kdlth. WA. ItU-Mess- FOR SALE rosrd Five-roo- boys, not to DnH West Central. Hout. Lady preferred 61$ Wesl FOR going -- steamjlient. FOR Miscellaneous VIOLIN essona hy a French violinist KENT modern house, scnoo . Western Union Teleirmnh .. SAIX Fruit Phone 472-- Practice Mnilli'd to 522 Sou;h 1561-- unfurnished. 88 North Walter. FOU RENT I'iVrdsheTroo'ms! 5Tti"VVest im i.h.- - an I,. i m uru-- uuuia. GENITO . Broadway, phone - man no TRV BOUDV'S MILL. BUST IN TOWN .IAMKSON'8 RANCH Ideal I'RINARY DISEASES FOR KENT four-roo- without Tljeras; sick. N.'tth Edith. Phone iitol HI location lor AND WAM ED Private puplla, teich'.l has r.,ii ,"'a; Phone S1J-R- . healihseekera; few DISEASES OE THE SKIN 328 FOR KENT reservation! now Kindts house, at North Fourth Dr. Phone 240 5 Z. s.'v,rai uorurnisbed rooms FUR SAI.i, OR TRADE 22H8-.- Wesserman In special training for prlmor R tiuod Income DENVER POST delivered at your door, ovaliaM Phone I Connection. 819 High, UOS-- J N South Edith property owner, Sin . Bank. NNH, N'tth phou Man. with Apply Wsst S5c month. Phona 1949-M- Citl7ng Illilu;. Phone our-room aut.imublle, to per Full sleeping and STUDY FRENCH with French teacher KOa RE.NT-e- d m .'l it rurnisn-7D- handle FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms porch room, yeast buelness. See Mr. Frlsble. FOR, SALE New 11,600 Baldwin adjoining hath, with class or Instruction. For house, East Alvarado 8L'!tN .rth Fifth St. FOR SALE By owner, seven-roo- brick. player hoard; rates tii CHIROPRACTORS Either private sleeping porch. lintel, Wednesday. 1500. Phone 182S-W- ! month 16,76 East Centrnl 8outh I'tlltl Hi. FOR two lot. 214 plane., " " particulars call at '.2J Broartwa i HENT Three furnished rooms. porches, lull North elor, Waller SALE with tank FOK Kfcl.'T Furnished errTc AKfiESC or phone lml W FOR l.KN ii;i-- lurnisb-lnquir- e ejert modern 1011 North First FOR, Laundry slove. rooms with or -l American: must .n.Atr unani.i. ...'. 473-- wl.h-- ut Chiropractor. CAN care to a amall L. ihrts-ro- heater attachment. Phone hosrd; bath and I give moiher'e ed, ((09 Eust Pacific. 8'J2 South 314-- , RICS"! Kumlsni-- houso phone. 81(Uj 10 SB Third. Pbone roonis ruit and S "..ih 820-- and Armljo Ituildlng. child, from good S'ut'i K I g. Lh u "c a Ion, war tax Phone healthy family 'trr. STOP! LOOK i vt t Iflfi', fci.'p,,ig porc, i.iuatrn; SWEET CIliKK ga Ideal home and excellent vn t 6 110 : R training FOR itNT-Tw- o housi-s- ictdv, ti so.u louay. Inquire b!4 boutll cents. South Walnut. liFIT HoomansieepiiiB WAN I ED no terms rea- furnished MR, McNERNY, of the Mc.Nern'y Com- - F0 HHKNT Furnished front room, whh Ith hnnril tit porch. Miscellaneous for child! other children; and watrr 1306 la in uign. sa i. L canary birds, 218 South n,.nBi.anAH.. , ngnts paid. Inquire pany, your city for a few ' '"th conneftlon. 710 West l.etd. Full sjen:ie second-han- sonable; references. Address Mother South in ... days only FOR SALE Five-roo- 1W-J- . men only, home. S148-- WANTIiK Good Walter, rear. ainie uiemuuior for the Mn. bungalow, "priced Walter, phone private Phone Alajestlo care Journal FOR RENT Front bed room, modern. 11 range, at 60S North Heoond. FOR Flvt'-foo- steam ions over anil be own ii wt-Nic- ely RENT furnished house. Henry generator and Lubricating Call after 6 p. m., 418 Went iigoi, your FOR r,AU,E Nice apples, by tho box, tvn rurnlshed roems Marquette. firBt-ola- WAN! A horse fc jTVriTWfAllJldwhat has passed, Ilio, at 803 South Arno. 322 t'ystem for all typea of motor cars Mid J" "no t"rms. 141a West Phone 162S-- w'th ptam heat and ("hie F.l) for a few weeks for inquire FOR RENT d CtuitrHl. , Us 172. Forever will my friendship Inst; South Arno, 1310-R- . trucks. Saves 80 oer cent of ...... Furnlshe room, tun iace "ard HO H,,i,th Am-.- nhone kep. phone phone no 807 F'iit uaiTs Thiesnitig machine. $io. i7.w In difficulties. Oh, call on me, iiioio power ana heat: sick. South Walter. FOR SALE r built "nV.v - WANTKi) i- to" "Toard! FOU RENT one side of double speed makes your Ext weir taw- Postofflce box 412, Modern a- - cuti- phons 1 will serve thee. house; MMir nave nun ... FOR city. or,Ai.i ni,t,i,Ai,,iib 2J'i-K- Give thine commands, Hunts and mat ft.m. RENT Two or three rm mi for room niouern stucco bungalow, close commoclntlons. with nurse U. private bath; furnished, 423 FOR SALE One ton loose hay. $18 eervice water I..0. " very , light housekeeping West Iron. in; line location. 118 North Elm. Ca S13 West 614-- Wanted paid, 100, south Arno. Ti,,, ...: 121 ppiy North phone 91 '".de Pro, Oold, phon Carpeulet work. Job or days. A SHOUT I will be In F.l FOR North Elm. Eleventh, 1032-- FOR SEASON FOR RENT Nicely furnlmied bed room. v FOK Phone RENT Three light noueekeeplng all agents and slat. FUR SALE Adobe nulla bouse. RENT Nice rooms with sleeping Paso and will be glad to have authors - close In. Phone 1S85-- .'0 West Coal FOR SALE l. roums wit IL'4. Oil- ; real By owner, leaving town, with FOR and send in their and leeplng porch. opportunity to a party with a ni.a- - nvo n Onrfia. 1802 North Arno. porche. bosrd, for convalescents. cooking serving dinner ar.d rejected manuscripts dersleeve Electric Co., pnone I720-- J record Ft'RNIPHED rooms, hot wau-- r no rurmsneci cottages; modern; terms; mu. Ried. 612 South 1S8S-W- . have me construct them for the publisher and small csnli.l nrrm.. - .it heat; inuno oe NAVaTo KUUB cost. U7 Broadway, phone psrtles, phone no children 414 niuei sola iq me next few days. ly at sV JJ FOR RENT Modern furnished Prlielpal cities of the Dnlted States sick; Wist Silver 173Q-- OVKH PUMBHHD and or the screen: terms moderate. cottage, eeo and " ' Call 714 South High. North Mulberry, phone wl up rviu 701 Rio Grand" three rooms and bath, d aaada. Mr. McNerny, Hotel Combe, FOR RENT Furnished bed room. to FOK KENT Rooms Bedding Co., 171. Chalmers Morrison, East &ALE i'ive-ru- RI 15 cents with sleeping phone sleoplng porch Inmiire 21 S South fl'y. reasonable. 809 eult modern stucc i"E"TiCaSTED P1NONB pir porches; board If desired. Also street. El Ps". Texas. High. employed lady; North n gar- JANITOR for house, screened-l- back pound. Robert Macpherson, 1114 West for 301 housccleuning work, floor FOR RENT Three, four, five and six- - Eleventh. sleeping porch, age nnt. South Edilh. Pli me W. Lowe, liid-M- . room am' fron porches, bath lighu and gaa Central. 1340-J- . wuilng.J. phono D houses and apartments; WAN'I Ed iiri 1? FOR RENT Two nice" clean furnished H WANTED Your 240D-K- .VPAT FOUND. West1 Esperlcnced coliai owner, 821 South Arno. FOR KALE Small wardrobe trunk, priced FOK garbage Phone ; ? n furnished. W. H. McMUHon, 206 eclsmr rooms and sleeping porch for house- RENT Large, airy front room, or W. LOST- - female Airedale pup. from Oold. Laundry . call after $ p. m., at 1116 write C Hunter, general delivery. Young i keeping J21South 1670-J- ur sale At a bargain, If taken at reasonsbie, suitable for two; two also finder see WANTED second - Walter, phone bsds; glassed WANTED ranch at :M0 North Fourth; Three-roo- Competent glrl Ap- once, new house, Norih Twelfth. in Cash register! also Uinger FOR KENT house with 701 FOR RENT Hi oms. by the jr- - large lot: sleeping porch, with best of board. M. Mandell. city ply morning, West Copper. week; suitable foi Ad- - A rugs, 719 South both must be in weter and electric at 108 South nace V ne garden and chickens. FOR SALE few choice Navajo Walter. sewing machine; good lights, WANTED heat, lisy, est 8Ilvir. ih dress J. JJ. F., care condition. Call L'llM-- LOST Child's brown coat, In highlands, Ninth, rert (.SO. Co., 207 Experienced cook for small journal. right from reservation; reasonable M I R A M 400 city Realty Z4U0-J- return to South West Gold, 667. ""'""""iini noiei. uail fr'UH SALE New four-roo- 208 South Arno. A SANATORICM-KOTE- L bXl'KRTS trunk and furniture last Saturday; phone FOR RENT Two rooms, modem fur for tubercular crating. Arnn; reward. WANTED Girl for furnished for nlshed on 8outh at- Call for Joe, Phones 307 or 336; FOR RENT Modern" furnished general housework, 20S cottags, Waller, jt'ti FOR SALE $126 hot water heater, for convalescents; graduate nurse In prices be- 1516 light houstkeeplng. $6 per week. uown ana reas table. LOST Small wrist watch, Sunday, house; fine location, near McClellan mornings only. Apply East Silver. South Arno. mommy payments. J. A. $35; suitable for nenting store, ware- tendance: rates by the week or month. pnwmlll car 8S4 1523-- 110 Call 2400-J- tween Indian school and par:t, only .",0, Beo Mr. Conlston, at WANT fcU Woman for house- ing Ilsmmond, East Silver, phone house or work shop. South Walnut. STOVES and set up. Call Indian general FOR RENT finished-sleep- O. 1870-J- . return to Julia Sedllln, Journal office, 4:30 p. m. work, 140 Neatly I'OK UK Five-roo- 1 FOR K. Hheet Metal Works, line; re- after per month; family of two. OWNER PHOTOS, 15 CENTS A DOZEN till RENT Sleeping porch, southern phone School road, or 1542-- and Phone 1834-R- . room; steam heat, close In. 317 South stucco. 316 North Third. phone FOR RENT Furnished three-roo- mod- Hardwood floors throughout change my mind. New Studio, over exposure and room; bed or convalescent reward. Third. firat-riaa- s ceive h n WANTED large room, extra man nurse's RANCHERS. NOTB We ern luie, with glaesed-l- sleeping Oirl for general housewurk. living- large garage Butts' Drug Rtorej patient; board, buy chickens, from pen FOR KENT Furnished, three rooms for excenen- 906 care; reasonsbie. 1128 STRAYED Smar gray sheep porch, and garage, at S17 East Pacific. Apply mornings, 423 Luna boulevard. condition. West Tijeras FOR SALE Nice fresh eggs. SOc per Eaat Central. turkeys and eggs. Southwestern Poul- on University of New Mexico campus; at 1000 South housekeeping; ground floot. 415 West I "Nil Cedar street entrance. try Co., !18 North Eleventh. La- Inquire Edith. WANTED Girl for housework dojen, at Ely'a Poultry tarda, 628 B"uih to Public Health general Lead. Two-roo- reward it returned FOR REST No. 902 North "al- no 310 $1.400 home, 1168. FOR RENT Room and bo"ard.wlth UNION LATHKUS done building. University Second, washing. Apply North Thir- FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for furnished, Eighth, phono long Lathing boratory, chemistry ways In Is for fur- teenth. rortn fourth street, corner lot 50 by 6 sleeping porch, In connection with by J. a. Thlthoff & Sons. Mexico. demand. agnln rent, FOR SALE Used tractors, and promptly New nished, $r,0; six two light housekeeping; adults; no sick. teei; souu casn balance $10 per dressing room; men convalescents pre- 704 North Eleventh, hone S75-- rooms, sleeping WANTED h 513 South Arno. " with gang plows. Hardware Depart porches, water paid, double house. Real for month. Franklin & Co., Realtors, Third ferred; fresh eggs, milk, etc Phone UNION LATHEKS done BUSINESS CHANCES girl general housework, Apply cos oou ment J Korhet Co. 2404-J4- ; west Lathing Estate Exchange, 409 West Copper, South Fourth. FOR RENT Furnished front room, pri- n"io, pnone ear. m.le Barelas bridge. promptly by J. E. Thlehoft & Sons, vate 233 FOR in: V ful'R ul'N . before the season FOR SAI.K Garage, best location Id FOR RENT Five-roo- brick house. WANTED entrance, bath adjoining. SALE OR FOR KENT Six brand-ne- llu4 North Fourth, phone Assistant seamstress In al- S70-- four-roo- and rifles to town. Phone 879. bath, screened window NorthHlgh, phone houses, corner of Ninth opens, fifty shotguns AND sleeping porch, teration rmm; must be competent. Ap. and select from west tjnld WELDING CUTTING of metals; SALE Butcher good location. shades and coal range In house, newly Economist. FOR RENT Furnished room "with sleep- Oold, will sell one or all on reason- lis KENT also welders' and carbide tor FOR shop; ply able terms. See on FOR Furntsned apartment and supplies miTrner. deenrsted, garage, f AO. water free. Call ing porch, In private home, steam heat. F. II. Strong, or L. C FOR SALE One rocker, clothes 1590-- sale. N. M. Steel Co., 1947-- Annreea chip j"u'"i. WANTED A cook In a of Call 490-- 75. or 145. garage. Phone Inc., phone In- at 220 North family four; Bennet, phone chest, library table, Hoosler kitchen WANTED Man with small capital to High. good wages to Mrs. FOR PEN r Desirable MAX BARGAIN' STORE," at 815 Bouth G. right party. D, FOR RENT Three rooms, fur- FOR SALE Account fur cabinet, child's bed. 116 North Sixth. furnisned apart- vest In good business. Address O. Weinman, 708 West Copper. modern leaving city, ment, close In: no sick. 116 N. Fifth First, will pay the highest prices for WANTED Position nished for 423 West nished or unfurnished mod. CLARIFIED and Pasteurised milk. Thete second-han- M., care Journal. FOR THAT sea mn housekeeping. ern - your clothing, ahoe and rejected manuscrlnt. Santa Fe. house; screened porches, nicely ar- Is onty one to obtain It. Albu FOR RENT Furnished or unTurnlshed 858. SALE One of the best business A HANDY man wants work of kTn'if. H. 701 place furniture. Phone FOR ' any Chalmers Morrison, East Ilto tor two lamniea. West Phone 851 two rooms with Phnne In 116 Booth 1940-- FOR RENT Sleeping rooms for gentle- langea central, querque Dairy Association. sleeping porstr. II UU properties Albuquerque Phone uranoe street, m Paso, Texas. near park. Phone owner, 2204-J- . 2128-- CLEANERS street. Inaulr at Savoy Hotel t WANTED men employed, $8.00 up; no sick. SIS ('OR SALE OR TRADE For Ford, $300 MATTRESSES 13 60 First Work by exservlce man. Ad- WANTED Good for gen FOR BALE i FC : RENT Furnished mod- rennvated. and up, Box competent girl West Silver. By wner, at bargain price, Dallon talking machine, In excellent dress 11, care Journal. eral nousework; good wages to new five-roo- atuccu ern hot water $14 furniture repaired and packed. Ervin right FOR KENT house- bungalow; good condition, with records. Address K. it apaitment; heat 471. BALE y brick WANT party. Front room for light We t Coal. Bedding Co., phone FOR rooming FD Laundry work to take home, Apply mornings, lis North well nr location, Fourth ward; fire place, oak Cunnard, postofflce box 216, Helen, N. M house and residence combined, on large or hy the Phone 810I-- Twelfth. keeping phone, bath, people; floors wood In BETTER DOKAK day. children. 419 Oold. throughout; all work Ivory U A IT. ITraah hut COt FOR RENT Desirable FINISHING It is room for a West CO trirmilk and apart- lot near business aeUlon; RBCISTERED ORADU ATE nurse wantl EARN BOARD Room and $10 month enamel, only $7 cnah and balance like In ment; no sick; no children. 1104 North better. Return postage paid on mall at 8H.800, FOR RENT furnished oom, e rent. 1889-- tage cheese; also fresh milk gallon business building: a bargain or Phone 2.1S9-- while attending achool; free. Nicely Phone 1915-- Second. orders. Tho Barnum Studio. West 824 day night duty. catalogue no lots. Swayne' Dairy, phone 21i, terms. J. A, Hammond. East Mackay Business entrance; also garage; sick. FOR flve-roo- Central, Albuquerque, N. W. port NURSE, rea- College. 90(11, South 1116 SALE By owner, and FOR RENT New small, modern furnish- Silver. hospital experience; prices Main, Los North Second, front FOR SALE Wheat, $2.16 a 100; oats, WANTF.D sonable, obstetrics Dreferred. 804 Angeles. large porch, modern bungalow, will ex- - ed apartment. 7, Careful Kodak finishing. BALE Old 'abllshed FOR RENT Nice room with In good residence 11.80 a 100: corn. $1.60 a 100; Inquire apartment Twice service. satis- BUSINESS FOR South Walter. WANTED Woman of cheerful dlsposl- - private section; east front, or Phone 1215 West Roma, dally Remember, business, located in railroad. family; with or without board. 807 lawn and treea, in very best condition; change for Pigs poultry. faction Send mercantr WANTED To do llKlit housework, half t,on' ! keeP house for three adults; 1957-- FOR RENT PurnlBTied guaranteed. your finishing Will sell for value .if Improve nenta i.lone a t0 North Fourth. would sacrifice for quick sale; leaving apartments; to a reliable, established firm. Hanna l or short hours. Address Mrs. g00L "ome.' ?"e.rea ,h" ra"ht l,er 1486-W- . three rooms with bath. Intirest-x- in days I 1394-- town. Phone FOR SALE Qood selection of Navajo Albuquerque A Good reason for selling. If son. Phone or 1424 FOR RENT Two front rooms furnished 91 8 Harms, Master Photographers, s care Journal. apply East Hotel, H North Second. good-size- d proposition, addr-s- jostofftce Oold. for after 2 FOR SALE-- New ruga and Germantown pinow tops, LADY or light housekeeping. Apply two rooms and large 1006 East Cen ALBUQUERQUE WINDOW CLEANING box 538 Albuouerque. wants position as housekeeper p. m . 408 West Lead. lot 50x136; alfalfa priced for quick sale. FOR RENT Three rooms, glassed sleep- CO. care of one or two convales- Male and Female. sleeping porch, 1419-- Windows cleaned and floor taking furnished bed acequla water, large chicken shed, tral. Phone ing porch, private bath; furnished for offices and houses cents. Address Box 88. care FOR RENT "Icely front yard, 1701-- scrubbed; stores, DRESSMAKING Journal. WANTED Solicitors. Call In furnace-heate- SOFT SPOTS and arch cushions light Phone person. room, In d home, close chicken house and goat stall, cement Heel housekeepln. cleaned; reasonable ratea and honest work, Hanna's foot Three-roo- WE AUDIT. CHECK. OPEN. CLOSE and 40$ West Central. in; no sick. 833 North Fifth. floor, $700 caah, balance very easy prevent fallen Insteps, cures all FOR RENT furnished apart- - Postofflce box 101. phone A. Oranone, JS3. keep hooka. WILLIAMS ft ZANCJ, YOU are terms. 1411 North 1662-- troubles. $1. Thomas Keleher, Leather IF unemployed and efficient, FOR RENT Room n sixth, phone f msnt, glaBsed.ln sleeping porch, heat COW OUTFIT room ! Mellni 701 W. and glassed-i- sleep- Co. 408 West loai-J- . WANTEDWIll lease building. Phone register with our Employment Depart- 224 FOR SALE By owner, in the Fourth Central pnone, and water furnished, 1601 East Central, 1.000 Room 1! South 1923-n- range and buy or more cowa, at DRESSMAKING NURSE ment. Western School for Secre- ing porch; gentleman only. . with two lo Private St S272-- J. ward, modern bungalow, gar- irrm Guaranteed Dure extracted phone actual market value. Write Imperial Hotel, phone 505. yejra' experlenco 801-- Walter Phone me, giving hospital, wrn:i position and taries, phone age, has light and heat; very best resi- honey. In five and d palls; If FOR RENT Two large rooms, nlcsly definite description and bottom price. DRESSMAKING of all kinds, by tho day. house for healthseeker. 419 WANTED Well FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms and dential district In right; oannot you, pnone furnlshsd for and Tlromaa 1B49-- keeping qualified bookkeepers no city; priced your grocer supply housekeeping; gas Hester, general delivery, phone Mrs. RJWashburn.;. phone South Edith. and atenographera for In New sleeping porch, for two persons; easy terms; not priced over phone; 1302-- or call at Topular Apiary. Ed coal range, desirable location. 616 West 419-- Mil-- . positions children. 110 South HF.M8TITCHINO. pleanng. Williams' BUSINESS Mexico and Arlxona, Apply Walnut. shown by appointment only. Phone Kneese. Coal. 1073-- depression makes available mornings. 2040-- Son Booth One Silver-plate- d Three-roo- llnery. Broadway, ph capable American accountant-bookkeep- Exprrt Berries Bureau. FOR RENT room and sleeping FOR SALE solo cornet. FOR H F.N T furnlahed WANTED Dr, ssmaking. by day or at and stenographer, with thorough porch, furnished for housekeeping: BY OWNER, modern house In low pilch, long model, new case and apartment, with bath and two sleep- ROOF WORK of all kind Repairing home; children'! aewing a speclal- - knowledge of Spanish and salesmanship; AUTOMOBILES, light and water, $18 per month. Phone Fourth ward, hard wood floors, fire- condition: less than half price tor quick ing porches, newly decorated Inside and and painting, roofs built up, work guar- - nij 1130-- detailed on Ad- 1511-- place, acreened three Fred K. Ellis, Call ty. goo North Second, phone qualifications 'request. jH)R SALE 1921 Ford touring," $37 large porches, sale; guaranteed by nut; water and lights pa'd. $23 East nteed. (42, for man. dress Postofflce box 241, ROOMS bed rooms with extra 302. J, 169-- PLEATING, accordion, side and box; Results, pbone Square Deal Oarage, 418 West Copper. IMPERIAL Flee, clean rooms; light airy large phone Coal. Phooe 815 289. rates by day or week. Over Pastime closets, fronta east on large lot with gaa range, niali orders. N. Crane. North FOR SALE 5 Bulck FOR SALE Detroit Jewell -- touring car; 211 14. A- -l BOOK K first-clas- Theater, West Central. lawn, treea, etc.) everything In excellent oven and broiler, Seventh Crane Apartments, phone. KEEPER ACCOUNTANT. s condition. Bond-Dillo- n Co.. four burners, large FUR SALE Poultrv-Eir- r n condition; terms If desired. Phone Also cook stove INDIAN for em- Having sold my Interest In the firm olty. FOR RENT Olassed-l- porch and two rinnj enndition. has Among the women of the Eng- ORIGINAL designs of 114 1977-- J 606 Boulevard. Phone FOR SALE Bucks, does end mo blouses, smocks Williams and Zang, Puhllo Account airy rooms, board across street. attachment. Luna frying lish who becoma broidery stencilling; EXPERT RADIATOR REPAIRING. O. 1888-- 3085-- rns nens. 710 West aristocracy have 381-- J. ants, to my partner, Mr. Charles North FOR SALE 313 and Lead. I clothes. Phone 1801 Zang, K. 216 Maple, phone By owner, McKiniey motion or children now a Sheet Metal Works, North four-roo- actresses are Lady am In the market for position Third. FOR RENT furnished front bed avenue new house and bath FOR SALE Pearl necklace, best made. FOR SALE Two dosen White Leghorn picture nst Bl'ver. with a concern where services of Nicely 1680-J- . 201 Diana of tho I the a room, suitable for twoi no sick. 315 room; large front porch, double windows Imported, indestructable; If not as laying pullets. Fhone Cooper, daughter first-cla- or accountant are FOR SALE Some extra good used cars; In $25 to $46. North Arno DuK;e of Lois bookkeeper North Eleventh, phone 1670-- all rooms; extra well built by day beautiful a those sold for Rutland; the Hon, location position, but easy terms. Mcintosh Auto (08 one-hal- f block Address desired; prefer Co., labor; electric lights; from you may return It; price $13. Fult SAl.L Twenty-fou- r hens, Sturt, daughter of Lady Allngton; Hl9 abund- will go anywhere. W. I,. Williams, Elks' West Central. EtJIN HOTEL Sleeping rooms and North Fourth close to achool. laying RENT Bench and range; street; pearls. csre journal. twepty-fou- r mated pigeons, cheap. Miss Poppy Wyndham, daughtec yolant grass, permanent water, ample club, Albuquerque, N. M. FOR" SALE model N housekeeping apartments, by th dny stores snd csrs; large shade tree In 1tlT4.tif week or month ROaty West Central. Dh. of Lord Inchcape, and Lady Eden. protection and winter browse; good rancn Hupmoblle, at a sacrifice. See Mr. front; make the first psyment, the rest kinds of roofs. II per sal thousand FOR SALE Ranches like 1513 QOOD for all FOR SALE Young R. I. Red pullet and Souse and buildings; twelve Pearce. at Whlto Oarage. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for rent. Apply North First. Ion. Co., 110 Soutn feed fenced with light Th Manzano rooster, thoroughbred, price 84.60, acres of fine mostly FOR SALE Fine Valley "Jtunch. close In, HAVB DODGE car. driven 900 miles, housekeeping, with bath c nnectlons; 1$$4-- a built up 1108 on twelve acres of alfalfa Walnut, phon Try East Grand. LONE STAR AITO room outside; at less than Improvements cost; or will sell or trade for cheaper car. Ad- - water, lights and phone. 710 West Lead. FOR SALE Livestock roof, will last a long aa th bulldm; LINE m1th water thirty-eig- miles from - A SPLENDID flock of bronie turkeye. Th orange colored Ele- right; will trade for good residence In town. dresa Dodge, care Journal. WOODWORTH car. Engle, on good road, one mile from 824 566. Newty furnished, nice FORATw.Tfr.- breeding birds; also . oung turkeys for phant Butte Dam and Hot Oallup, Postofflce box or phone 5 first-clas- s Springs, N, and one hundred FOR SALE Bulck, con- clean nmme and South Broadway George Blake. your or dtn'itr, M. Meet postofflce good achool; FOR stucco house. housekeeping apart Sunuay Thanksgiving all trains at Engle. leaving Improved land for dry farming SALE Country home, dition; a real bargain; must be sold ments, hy week or month. SI 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE Five hundred shares of City II. 13. Watklns, 941D-J- Hot 11:30 a. m acres seven this week. D. 610 day, Large Jersey cow; she goer K. phone Springs at and p. m. room for much mora farming. Oats, room, steam heated, electric E. !oyae, North South Third. $76. E eclrlo Railway, below par. Dr. with ten-ao- for J. T. Young's Nersery. RED POULTRY YAKDS Oldest Dam beal Dam eara on corn well. lights; on ranch; In alfalfa and Eleventh. L. N, T. building. Thoroughbred driver, potatoes and produce ars, Holsteln-Jerse- y llust, Armljo S. C. R. I. the Dam line. We wheat, box 277, or FOR RENT furnished close-i- n FOR SALE cow and Reds, Kinglet Barred Rocks, drive our own care. Seventy-fiv- e head Hereford cattle for orchard. Address Postofflce FOR SALE A few sma'll used-c- Nicely Write 2407-R- will cockerels, hens and pens for breed for reservations at our at once. E. Z. Vogt, Raman. phone 4 terms If desired. Korber's Auto sleeping room, adjoining bath; private heifer calf: take pullets, expense. sale. Reply Dept., entrance; suitable for one or two alfalfa In trade for calf. 1220 South High. ing. 413 West Atlantic, phone 148J-- HEFFBRNAN BROS.. Props. N. M. FOR SALE Nine-acr- e on Dodge Brothcrg Dealere, 216 North gentle- AND IRON PAINT. ranoh, main men. 41$ Bouth Third. FOR USE VELVA ROOF "MOUNTAIN VIEW" S. C R. I. Hot Springs. N, M. ditch; new house and garage; phone 789. SALE Gentle driving horse and Roof Koter: Roof Cement, stop leans. Reds, Rent-Room- In 1306 won ribbons 1921; a s with Board mile from school, one and one-ha- lf TSuIck FOR RENT or spring wagon. rear South Wal twenty January, For FOR SALE Two light sixes, 1918 One two well furnished ter. Mohair top dressing; Plymouth Cottage superb lot of cockerel and cock now mllea west Barelas bridge. In- models, 650 and 7B0; Ford truck, rooms, in new modern home, private Enamels, for automobiles. ex TIME RENT Room and board for lady. d - Paint; Valapar ready for sale; bred from my flneet CARDS tOU at Hunt's Ranch $175; one-to- n outside access to FOR SALE One choice pure-bre- Hol- in 120 East Gold. quire ord truck, worm drive, entrance, and private Homestead Floor Paint. Benefaction hibition visitor welaora. C private home; $3S0; Furd tour- bath and no sick. 1949-- steln. four year old cow and day old Co.. matlnga; furnished rooms IF LOOKING for a comfortable home speedster, $178; Dodge phone; Phone assured Tho. F. Keleher Leather P. Hay. 2S4 North High, FOR BENT Newly ana a and estab- ing car. $400. 116 West Gold. heifer calf, also pure-bre- $160; can be 408 Weat Central, 10E7-- or without board. 413 Bouth pleasant profitable FOU RENT To In good seen 115 phone MY ENTIRE stock of S. C. R. I. with can secure same at AUTO gentleman at Bell's Livery Stable. North Reds; phone H08-- lished business, you necessity of the highest merit that health and employed; furnished front Second. hens, pulleta, cocke and oookerela; Broadway, a bargain; four acres, two miles from sells Itself on 80 days' free trial. room. South "MONEV TdTGAN RESERVATIONS may now be had at St. Edith, short distance JUHT ARRIVED with a carload of breedln. pen or singles; pur bred C. P. postofflce, on main ditch, douoia usj, Profits liberal Fast seller. Thousands from Central, Phone 1451-- young to on close-I- n backed of John's Sanatorium ( Episcopal): rates, blooded now In use. Excellent for Colorado horses and mares, for sale WE "HAVE $10,000 lon Hays stock, by generation garage chicken houses, tools, opportunity Closer, Short winners In toe beat abow in the 117.60 to 126 per week; Includes private alao substantial buatness of own. Write FOR RENT December 1, exclusive cheap; some broke and some unbroke; Albuquerque property. prise with connected to chickens and turkeys; furniture; your largo ana uooer. country. H. B. Watklns, phone 5418-J- room sleeping porch, will sell on terms lo responsible .eopie. now for exclusive territory. Service room, northeast and south exposures weigh from nine to thirteen hundred WESTBOUND-Dall- y. medical care, medicines, MONEY TO LOAN On Year-ol- d a bsth and toilet; Phone 2416-J- Cushion Tube Co., 4010 East 1Mb, St., with south sleep! g porch, In a strictly pounds; also hive a good wstohss, FOR SALE hens, .bout two Train. excellent meals, first-cla- oott of one-na- 1 -- 1 t.. ' general nursing: tray Kansas City, Mo. private home; woutd consider stud to sell and one aet harness. gun and everything valuaol ana puunda each, over flv to Nu - Th.- - Bm, . t rooms have sleam .".10 .w yin service: no extras. All caring for person not too 111, who la will- North Uroadwsy. Kcott Rldenour. Mr. B, Marcus, (1) South First one party. 28o pound, delivered: also No. J Calif. Limited. and cold water. Rev. CARPENTERING H:30 am 11:00 am heat, hot running ing lo pay for services rendered; can FOU BALE We are breeders of grade MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches springs, yesrly roosters, fat hen, ducks, east am 11:20 W. H. Zlegler, Superintendent, Phone ODD MAN. sFecial notice furnish no Ad ana prg io:50 am PETTIFORD THE JOB goats' milk: other irk Hoisteln cows, and have on hand be- - and gold Jewelry: liberal reliable, con turgey geese. Come to our yard No. I Th Navajo. 13:35 am 1:00 am 491. . A Rind of work Fhone 1673-- dress Exclusive, care Journal, een choice 106 N. do you own picking and save money. GILDB .SLEEWB ELECT3IC CO. three and (our hundred fidential Oottlleh Jwe;ry Co., 1st, anttTurtntiMn WANTED Odd Jobs fcows and heifers. As we are a little - Albuquerque Poultry Co., 103 South No. 89 El Paso "WANTED Airent. carpentering paint- ELECTRICAL supplies of ill kinds, due CONFIDENTIAL loana on Jewelry, dla- Exp 10:10 pm ing and roof repairing Phone 1466-- crowded for room, would sell a limited Broadway, No, J7 El Paso Exp 11 ra water to our low overhead expsiM, we esn WANTED BoarfJ & Room number a The monds watches. Liberty bonds, planja, s: a :jo US "P"Eir DAY "selling circulating BEFORE BUILDINO or your on at reasonable price. City automobiles. Lowest rates. P.othman's HTSBAND AND RTtirinwn having give you better prices fixtures, lamps, WANTED Room Park Denver, Colo., WIFE WRITE 8 Th pumps for FORDS, exclusive territory. house call 3.14-- our We Phoris and board for IiIrIi Dairy Company, 117 South First Bonded to the state. nr1 Mr .fnrr.a No, Navajo., l.lo' pm !:40 pm men wanted. Write repa!rd, figures wiring, supplies, eta deliver. ctrool clrl : reference exchnnifoil. Ad- - nhone York 7541. Ml. rn ranrt rA. No. 4 Calif. Also county right are' lght N" o , ioo Inrge oi tot small. l.'20-J- . 1720 West Central. Limited 1 .00 pm 1:40 pm Bear Pump Co.. -- n Angeles. Calif. drew Box 1S7, care Journal. lumbtis, N. M.. aign a letter r.u. o. Polar - MATTRESS RENOVATING saying 7:2s pm :10 pm CARPENTER AND FIN1SHE1 will be FOR we have both w 10 tARGHl SHIRT MANUFACTURER wants a WANTED Room and board by man em- RENT Office Rooms concluded shall No. The Scut..!(.. 7:20 am ;:5 am of ihlrta. ready for another building within Wilkin dlitanca! in nrlvate never hA wllhntlt ITnlao Cafl, PtlOM HfMITII agents to sell complete line few work guaran- WAN fED Houses ployed: run JtENT Office space or desk loom. rur wearsr. Exclusive patterns. flays; highest quality family. Artflrpus Pox 44, rnro Journal. Rug cleaning furniture repairing, Tablets and we No, 28 Prom El Paso direct to teed. Work or contract. Ad- olos In; reasonable. Addresa Box - believe them to be H pm Madison by day WANtBlSyfo" or nltur Phuu 471. Ervln Bed- No. 30 7 Big values. Free samples. dress care The 120 buy four care Journal. packing, essential to grood health." From El Paai :00 am Carpenter, Exchange, modern must be for ding They no. 10 lllls. 5Q proanwsy, new West Oold. .ne 1111. houae; bargain FOR SALE Real Estate Company keep the stomach liver ac- connect at Pelen wtth No, ph cash, or don't waste your time. Address FOR RENT Attractive offloe, alexin " sweet, for Clnvle, Pecoe Valie-- Kan ij IV. city and TYPEWRITERS MACHINES . Kay, care Journal, J tfALJu ui.e lo' 40x142. corner e.rt'e heat, light and water furnished FOR SALE Furniture tive and boweli regular. They ban. O Oast. T SEWING New " WANTED To owner of and York avenue. Inquire at 419 Wright building, opposite postofflce. Ish constipation, indigestion, hil. No. !9 connect Helon am hear from good West Santa FOR' S'aLB ioxio'1'tenti Victor phoiioi at with No, 21 Wit ITERS All makes overhauled EWINO MAi'HINti repaired home of not less than five rooms; Fe. FOR RENT Three "very desirable" office lougneaa. stlob hpaHaoVie hlnatlne. from Clovls an east yPE ma- and for graph, beds, new cotton isttresses, point and euth and repaired. Blbbona for srsry cleaned, parts euppllea all prefer Fourth ward or close In highlands; FO.l BALK At a lot M)xl42. rooms light, heat and water: will rent Morris aour stomach, gas on stomach bad - Ex. all wiirk ruarenteeri H bargain, chair, wardrobe, shot guns, rifles, chine. .Albuquerque- Typewrltsr makes; c state terms. If Address Box 99, ear located Ninth and Sllv r, If or as a A. B. also flrst-claa- a H6-- any. price $700 separately whole, Mllotr, used furniture, 136 South breath, coated tongue. Not habit DV3-- 1! South Fourth, Morehead, J 41 W. li$6-W- . 313 Va change, phone phone Copper. journal. old at once. Phone West Central, phona 123. First. forming. Sold everywhere. " '"wwwiwhi w spew. JVd.rowHawwnirxwnri


H. S. CLASS TO FOR RENT r.,11. jail .teii&&LU22. PURE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ESQ Unfurnished Apartment tif four rooms Is in stock again and the price is much lower Gas and Coal Ranges. GIVE SPANISH MEET 916 FORRESTER. hipmepif of Cakes and Crackers IIS THEATRE In PUTS FRIDAY THUR SDAY TOD4Y AND TOMORROW Just I Fresh Country Pork ARMORY A assorted will Pure Sausage, Backbone, Fresh Free Tickets on Turkey HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY WAY pound of the following please you. On November school's Cocoa Canto Cocoanut Friday evening. Albuquerque high grid Mams and Bacon and Pure SAND STORM Taffy Bars, Cakes, Fads, IS, tho Spanish department of the contest with the Indian school has Lard, any quantity delivered ORCHESTRA Chocolate Fingers, Chocolate Marshmallow Creams, Albuquerque high Hchool will pre-- j been set for Thursday, November Phone 1915-- Let us send a for sent two short Fpanlsh plays to 17, instead of the Saturduy follow- Spiced Jumbles. pound your 'the public of Albuquerque. These ing as previously announced. The inspection and approval. two plays are pronounced by crit- high Bchool will be dismissed at ics to be of the very best. The 3 o'clock and the students will at- authors of theso comedies are tend In a body. SALE OR KENT. IT WILL PAY WARD'S STORE CRESCENT GROCERY local teachers. Tho change was made In order Six brand new houses, "Los Sabios Deben Casnrse," Is that the squad might be in better corner Ninth and Coal." Will sell ono or all oh You to look over our stock HOHEK H WARD ROHERT JONES the title of tho first play that shape for tho battle with El Paso reasonable before will Gita-nlllo- s on turkev Another reason for terms. See F. H. or L. buying. 115 Marble Avenue Coal and Sontb Walter delight the public. "Los day. Strong do la Ruerto" comes next. ha shift is the desire of the high C. Bennett. PHONES 75 Wiseman's Watch Shop Phone Phone ...... 676 Both aro good, perhaps tho best school that there be no conflict or 145. i S A3 215 South Second that tho Spanish department has with the university contest with i. A ever offered. Arizona on Saturday afternoon. The Highest Grade Macaroni "Los Sabios Deben Casarse" was The high school squad is weak will A- -l Egg Noodle, Spaghetti and written by Enrique Blanco, while ened because Roybal probably sold tn Miss be in for the due to Havfns my lnturnt tho firm Carmen Durkce is the author not shape game of WHIIiimn & l'uhlio Account-wi- t, Skinners other Macaroni Products a ankle which he received unit, of "Los Gitanlllos do la Puerto." sprained to my partner, Mr. Uharlel 8f Hoth of these authors are teachers in practice. His position at right Zaiiff, am now In tho murket for a of Spanish in the high school. half back will be filled by Charles position, with a concern where the Kenfro. Nathan Classman is back services of a l''int-Cla- s Bookkeeper or Acco unt Is desired. Prefer local into the best of form and will play 8 LOCAL DOCTORS ON position, but will bo anywhere. WJS . at left halt Thursday. Malcom Vt'. 1 at WII.MA.MH, PROGRAM OF MEDICAL Long Is still filling tho position Car Klks' I'luh, Albuquerque, N. M, LET'S GO T0DflY quarterback and iiammonu is in SESSION AT PHOENIX fullback. ti PUSSIlflL In the line Benjamin and Hol-com- b will ends. Wilson, cap- Several Albuquerque physicians play tain, will play left tackle and Coen will take prominent parts in the tackle Find Out About BY GASNIER Med-- will fill tho other position. DIRECTED seventh annual session of the ! Noble are slated for Ical and Surgical Association of the Dinelli arid Well Camp guards and probably Foraker for Country Southwest, and tho fifteenth semi- is bruised session of the Pacific Coast center. Foraker badly The mountain resort for health-seeke- rs "A WIFE'S AWAKENING" annual and if he is not able to play Hoentgen Kay society, which will up of rhoderate means Our Own be held Thursday Ward will play in the Just east of Albuquerque. together at Phoenix, Ariz., the line. The talc of o man with a twisted soul: of a wife who trusted on December 1, 2 and 3. center of Kates reduced, rhone 490-- Orchestra in iiiotlicr-lii-ln- Normal nml ft with common sense. Dr. A. G. Shortle will read a At the Las Vegas game Write on Armistice day enough money paper on "Ten Years of llelio-- i Arch Howard, TIJcra8, N. M. the Balcony on the of was taken In to put the High Also "FOX NEWS" and therapy" opening day the School Athletic association on a convention. is Con-- i enables busi- Swansoriinthe ditions in Chest" will sound basis. This the Cloiia Paramount Picture, MUTT AND JEFF CARTOONS the be the ness of the high school Tonight subject of Dr. Leroy S. Peters. manager THE GR.EAT MOMENT PRICKS athletics to announce that a very REGULAR ADMISSION Dr. Gillett Cornish will speak on chedule will GRAND BALL With complete basketball "Lithopedian, Report and to local fans. In Case." Dr. M. K. ad- be offered ' Wo specialize Have You Listed Your Rooms for the Teachers' Convention? Wylder will Given by A. I. M. P. Chicken Sandwiches. GLORIA SWANSOR'S If Not, Phono, tho Chamber of Commerce 1.1. dress the meeting on the subject: Colombo Benevo- "Is tho Diagnosis of Neurasthenia RECEPTION AT Y. W. C. A. Christopher Hot Chocolate, and - lent Society. Thursday Evening Chicken Salad. First Paramount Vehicle Ever Justifiable?" Dr. J. W. Han- WORKER November 17th. Starring nett of Gallup will speak to the FOR W. C. T. U. session on "The Importance of COLOMBO HALL will a In Early Suijery of Abdominal In There be reception given Admission Ice cream deliver- "THE GREAT MOMENT" juries. honor of Miss Theodosla Whiting ,.....$1.00 ed In LOCAL ITEMS rooms Tax 10 anywhere tho Dr. Wylder holds tho post of sec- at the Y. W. C. A. recreation city, 00c a quart. The wild ond vice president of the Medical next Kridav at 3 o ciock, uy uic girl, a gypsy song in her heart, had INDIAN and W. C. T. U. Miss Whiting is $1.10 wasted in Goal Supply Co Phone 4 and 5. Surgical Association of the local Ladles her youth sheltered luxury. The man, Southwest, and Dr. J. K, Van Atta a field worker in the Americaniza- Free. Mr. and Mrs. Tloy Johnson of Music blazing civilization's the wilds, cared is the organization's secretary and tion department of tho union. She by Step Lively Fresh path through 21B South Walter street, return- BEADED from Syncopators. shipmentCan- nothing for woman or love until m Chi- BAGS, treasurer. has recently returned Gallup, Pig 'n Whistle you'll want to ed from a vacation trip to schools. dles came Cali- Includ- where she started night from see the great moment! cago, Toledo and Denver, MOCASSINS, CURIOS, Miss Whiting will begin similar fornia today. ing their old home in Kansas. EVER HAMMER KNOCKS to be carried PILLOW TOPS, work here, which is ALSO Teddy Relig has returned from OUT EDDIE MAHONEY on by Mrs. Dennis Chavez. it five "months' to mm. ai- trip European BASKETS, RUGS, At the reception I'riuay, - countries. L. Fox will talk on her reminis- FIESTAS Four dollars full wagon .load NAVAJO JEWELRY Omaha, Neb., Nov. 15. Ever cences of Frances Wiliard. Miss "HOLMES TRAVELOGUE" Hammer, Chicago lightweight, a soso, mm mi--- " in factory, wood; limited amouir knocked of Eddie Hill will sing Hahn Coal Co. Phone 91. At Reduced Prices Mahoney, ol Norma Williams will offer Bevcral College Inn San Francisco, JarV Dempsey's solos. SAN JOSE Albuquerque Lodge No. 80. protege, in tho sixth round of their piano Poncing "CURRENT EVENTS" meet ten-rou- Fraternal Aid Union, will scheduled bout KI.FXTH1C gHOK SHOP 7:45 the tonight. flTV and tonieht at o'clock at Kid So h la iter, Omaha, knocked rhone 5C17-- 213 Smilh Sffoml Friday Saturday Eats Sweets Odd Fellows hall. out Frankie Welch, In the Free t all mid NOTE APVANCE IN PRICES ROTHMAN'S Chicago, ltlhrj. Nov. 18 and 19. Phone 241 Mrs. A. D. Ogle left yesterday fifth round of a scheduled d Matinee . .' Schlaifer Adults,. 25c; Children. . . .10c afternoon for St. Louis, where go. was arrested We deliver any size any DANCING 1 1 Music and Jewelry Store by federal All Welcome. Night ( 6 to ) Aul ts .... 35c ; Children 1 5c she will visit relatives for two or authorities immediately where. Transfer Co., .... three weeks. 117 S. First St. Phoiie 917-.- I following his bout, charged with Henry (Including Tax) club will meet for misuse of the mails. According" to Phone 939. J. F. ARMIJO The Kiwanis the he sent an Insult- dinner at 6 p. m. at the Y. M. authorities, Have you listed your rooms for the Teacher's of forenoon lunch- ing letter to Ike Bernstein, of Chi- C. A. Instead cago, his former manager. Convention? If not, phone the Chamber eon today. THE PROFIT-SHARIN- G of Commerce Dr. Murray, osteopathic physi- We Are on the Job 43 cian. Woolworth Bldg. Phone 44 W SALE AT KISTLER & DEATHS ANDFUNERALS Your Trunk Hauled for W. II. Springer, of tho Springer SUCCESS Transfer company, who now COLLISTER S.VNG1IKZ Funeral services for 25 Cents DAILY'S RASH AND KARRY in Los Angeles, Calif., is Florcntio Sanchez, 80 years of age. Transfer Co "Profit-sharin- g Sale" In Call Albuquerque here on business connected with The who died Sunday night, were held Phone 543. 206 East Central Ave. his company. He will remain augurated by the dry goods concern yrsterrtny from the family residence several weeks. of Kistler, Collister & Co.. and at 1902 South Williams street to School. one Pay Poll Tax at High which opened yesterday, proved the Jose cemetery. Garcia & BIADES. Mrs. Luke who was re- of the biggest sales days in the his- were in RAZOR Walsh, Sons charge. Send or your dull blades for cently injured in an automobile tory of this store. Every regular bring APPLES SPUDS sub-cler- k continu- collision at the corner of Fourth and was kept TRT'JILLO Anastacio Trujilln 35c Lead is report- at business from ths opening died Double Fdge street and avenue, ously last night at his residence -- 25c ed to be getting along nicely. of the store until closing hour In after a short illners. Funeral serv- iliiKle Fdge We expect to be rushed all of next week. Specials Sunshine Circle of the Kcbekahs the evening. ices are still is (Per Dozen) Theater pending. Crollott Have razor honed and set by will meet at 2 o'clock this after- Mr. Collister stated last night in charge. your to induce you to buy early. AV. H. 815 without a dull experts. Work Guaranteed. noon with Mrs. .Tames, that It Was a sale BROTHERS. CONipvtJOCS 1 TO 11 P. M. North street. Misses Eliza- moment, and the man- LUCERO Lucero died KOR.A Eighth purchasers Eliglo At s Drug Store. KANSAS CITY MEAT beth Griffin and Leomi Wenborn ifested their approval of the meth- yesterday afternoon at his residence Ruppe TODAY AND TOMORROW stated -- will assist tho hostess lr. entertain- ods uped. Mr. Collister also of lobar pneumonia. He is sur- Hams (whole) per lb. . ,30c 100 lbs. Spuds $2.85 that the cash receipts went away vived one brother, who was with Best Bacon (side) ...... 4110 1 Box Wincsap .$3.00 ing "Profit-sharin- g by Apples. There will be special communi- beyond expectations. The him at the end. The body was WE ARE IN BIKINESS TO Good Bacon (side) 30o 60-l- Hard Wheat Flour $3.00 (if No. fi, A. F. bo continued 15-l- B. cation Tempi'' lodge Sale" will taken to Crollott's funeral parlors PLEASE YOU. lb Box Bacon 50c Sugar $1.00 LOUIS MAYER Presents A. M.. Masonic - and at Temple during the week. pendin;- funeral arrangements. us next order for Pork Roast 22c lb Butter 47c nt 7:::o o'clock for work in Phone your Chickens, Turkeys and Eggs Pork Chops (lean) SOc .8 Pet Milk, Tall 25c the M. M degree. HEIGHTS Shelled Pinon Nuts. Phone SOUTHWESTERN POULTRY Pure Pork .... ,25c 1 Nut Ola 27c Cottonwood No. 2, Wood- UNIVERSITY Sausage. ANITA STEWART Grove, 802. Fannie S. 323 COMPANY Beef Roast 15c Crlsco ..60e men C'irc:e will hold lis regular Spitz, -- DOINGS Phono J14-- J. Beef 10e 1 dozen Eggs inimitable meeting this afternoon at 2:30 Boiling ,...50ef the star in a drama of human pawns North Tenth. Quality. Service Pure Beef Hamburger. . ,20c 3 Palmolive Soap 23c o'clock at I. n. o. F. hall. 24c on the chessboard of Vez will he the W. L. Harlow purchased a lot Lamb, Veal, Oysters Swansdown Cake Flour.. marriage The (lira (bib of of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Baca, on Columbia avenue, corner OUR he con- on Thursday evening. Highland avenue, which templates in the near future im- WATCH REPAIRING Do You Keep a Fireplace "PLAYTHINGS OF DESTINY" proving. Must Meet NAMED AS & tht Rigid Requirement In Your Home? HICKMAN Hock Pnell of the University of tho Santa l'o Time Service now have a salesman vis- We logs for fireplaces, and U REPRESENTATIVE Grocery Department. keep drama of a iting tlio trade and making prompt also sawed and split wood YOU'LL ENJ0Y-T- he girl who marrricd CONTEST deliveries. Their business is show- VANN Cash Wood Yard COAL and WOOD once for love and once to love IN STATE iVateti Santa Fe Chavez forget ing a splendid Increase. Inspector, R'j Phono 1866-- 1425 S. Second new home of Thos. S. Doz-ie- r Hickman was first The We service and and every order. Roy given is now ready for the plasterers give you quality guarantee ADDED ATTRACTION place Monday in the university and consists of a five room Cali- oratorical contest, and will repre- FOR SALE BY OWNER fornia type bungalow. BY sent the school in the state ora- New five room, modern bun- FOR SALE OWNER to the Immense traffic six-roo- "MONEY torical contest to be held next Owing in location lust finished modern TALKS" over that street Is galow excellent, five-roo- COAL AND LUMBER CO. with th-- ! Silver avenue, brick nd new SUPPLY Wednesday in connection as bad as Central was at Fourth ward. A fine home press teachers' convention. getting or business Investment modorn except heat. Both in its worst. The county commis- good Also mod- 4 PHONES 5 A Hickman was given tho unani- for Address L. M care Journal. Highterif's. Gayety Comedy mous vote of the three sioners should do something ern house on West Gold, lust Let Onr Trucks Brine Comfort to Tour Home Judges, this growing section. The although the judges also expressed rapidly ompleting. Call at REGULAR PRICES made Heights Development company 821 W. Sliver. Phono 1949-- approval of the showing by has cleaned all of the weeds from Fred Wagner, one of the other Have you listed your rooms for the Teacher's Convention? contestants. tho sidewalks along the entire Let Us Send a Man If be length of E. Central avenue and not, phone the Chamber of Commerce 43 The state contest will open will next week on the To repine thai broken window to of the schools of the state, begin all streets. glass. Albuqnerque Lumber Co.. . .. - but contestants will he classified Phone 421. 423 North First STAGE ,.-,- ,t kiwis'--- or I according to their high school J. W. MKASHKlr, the Watch Maker. Albuquerque ATTENTION FORD OWNERS collegiate standing. American, Swiss and ..ngllih Makes. All Work Guaranteed. to Santa Fe. 158 Taxi & 158 117 South Mrsi. rhone 917-- Baggage The Jeweler Leaves Albuquerque.. 7:45 am FOGG, In . .10:45 am SERVICE Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelnr Arrivese Santa Fe. QUALITY ECONOMY Also Leaves Santa Fe 4:80 pm Repairing. Engraving. All Arrives In 7:80 Is Here ' Post-offic- Albuquerque pm work guaranteed. Opposite e. The Ford Dattery Highest First Class Real NUTS HUTS NUTS Phone 600 rhone 903-- J. 122 S. 4th St. Our stock of nuts is complete and all new crop. SINGER TAXI We have now in stock the only genuine Ford NEW STATE COAL CO. The market indicates all nuts will be Office Singer Cigar Store, that higher. 210 West Central Storage Battery, the only 13 plate Battery on the PHONE 35 We are quoting you in quanties and you will make MEDICATED AND SIXPIIt'R for all other contain no in now. BAT1IS market today selling $25.00, mistake laying your supply Graduate nurse GALLUP, SUGARITE, SWASTIKA COALS 1 lb and masseuse only 11 plates, insist on the Genuine Ford Battery No. Soft Shell Walnuts, 36c n attendance Shampooing and ALL SIZES No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, b. lots $1.75 scalp treatments a specialty when replacements are needed. CEDAR AND PINON WOOD 10-l- Sail for No. 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, b. lots .....$3.40 appointment. MRS. TERRY DEAMER. Prop. At the sawed and to suit N. P. Almonds, lb ;., 35c ahone 68.J-- 508' W. Central Army Dry split your needs. N. P. Almonds, 5-l- b. lots.. .$1.70 Phone and tell us your coal and wood requirements N. P. Almonds, 10-l- b. lots . .$3.30 and Navy Store Washed lb .29c & Co. Large Brazils, ..,...... ,.. Quickel Auto Supply Den b. - Large Washed Brazils, lots ....$1.40 Rossiter McConnell ' Snow Large Washed Brazils, 10-l- b. lots . ...$2.70 DESIGNERS AND BUILDER? 350 Engle Iron Phone 750 Sixth and Central Thursi lb Jobbing promptly attended to fair. Filberts or Hazel Nuts, 29c Cement work and floor Ariz b. sanding Cots Filberts or Hazel Nuts, lots., ...$1.40 Phone 945. 211 West Gold. Army $3 Also BELEN MOTOR COMPANY BELEN, N. M. snow Filberts or Hazel Nuts, 10-l- b. lots. $2.70 colder Mixed Nuts, lb 34c Visit. Our Jew Friday Some of these have been Mixed 5-l- b. lots...... Nuts, .;.1;. $1.65 CURIOS used a little, but are Mixed Nuts, 10-l- b. lots NAVAJO RUGS they $3.20 as good as new. Black Walnuts, lb 14c Cont 5-l- Moccasins, Baskets, Black Walnuts, b. lots. .t 65c Remember the is hours Jewelry, Gems, Laces. price 91 Your Fuel recordi Black Walnuts, 10-l- b. lot3 $1.25 Phone For Toy WRIGHT'S T'"nB Post, Department Hlghes Your 10c. Indian BuUdlng GALLUP GALLUP EGG Lowest We Deliver Order for Why Pay More? Opposite Postofficc. only $3.00 LUMP, Range Orders Over $8.00 Delivered FREE Wood and Factory Wood Mean Kindling Humldi Twenty-si- x of and low " years high quality prices. Combine satisfaction and economy by using Humldi Fresh Lime ARMY AND I'reclpii Lump Cerrillos Egg, burns produces more heat. - JlMXimt In Bulk Best on the longer, WHITNEY c WILLY-NILL- Y Market. HARDWARE CO. SUPERIOR WHITE LIME CO NAVY STORE A Cliaract Warehouse COMPANY 305 WEST CENTRAL k J. A. Skinner 205 South First Street Coal Supply & Lumber Co. IIAIIfl COAL Phones 4 and 5.' 323 South First