V o l . xxxviNo. 2 November 1928 The Alumni Association of the University of Bishop's College President: G. F. Savage, M. A. V ice-President: A. M. West, B. A. Secretary-Treasurer: L. F. Martin, B. A. The Secretary will be glad to receive commun ications from any graduate or other friend of the University, and suggestions for the advancement of the work of the Association will receive the careful consideration of the Executive. Address: L. F. MARTIN. P.O. BOX 46, ST A TIO N B. MONTREAL. i 2 University of Bishop's College THE COLLEGE OFFICERS Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Art* — Rev’d A. H. McGreer, O.B.E., M.C., M.A. (O xon), D.D. (T rinity, Toron). Dean of the Faculty of Divinity — The Rev’d Philip Carrington, M.A., 1st. Class Honours in Theological Tripos Part I. B.A., Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1916, M.A. Cam bridge and the University of New Zealand, Hulsean Prizeman and Carus Greek Prize. Chancellor’s Gold Medal for English Verse, 1915. Vicar of Lincoln, New Zealand. Warden of St. Barnabas Theological College, Adelaide, South Australia, 1923 - 27. Vice-Principal and Professor of History — E. E. Boothroyd, Esq., M.A., D.C.L. M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; M.A., Bishop’s; Sizar and Prizeman of Trinity; Honours in Historical Tripos, Part I and II. Formerly Assistant Anglaise au Lycee de Sens; Lecturer in History, Bishop’s College. Mountain Professor of Pastoral Theology and Warden of the Divinity House — The Rev’d F. G. Vial, M.A., B.D., D.C.L., First Class Honours in Classics, B.A., (Bishop’s) 1895; Mackie Prizeman, 1895; Haensel Prizeman, 1897; M.A., 1901; B.D., 1905.
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