Banks Are Reopened Under Restrictions Board Trade Banquet
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LEDGER Odds and Ends ENTRIES Here mul There Pithy PointN Picked Ip and Btinic a Collection of Varioui alto solo Patty Put RT Our Peripa- Topics of Local and letic Pencil Pusher General Interest VOLUME XXXX LOWELL, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. 1933 NO. 40 Well, we're over at least one THE BANK HOLIDAY depression the one in the ther- mometer. OCAL bank employees hope Board Trade Banquet ASHLEY AGAIN | that the next huliday will lu- Banks Are Reopened L called during the fishing or Mrs. C. L. Williamson was bunting .season. Of course they E ADS TICKET brmiglit home yesterday from the could have gone fishing through hospital and IN rejiorted as recov- the ice last week up at the Con- Was Brilliant Success [!. ering nicely from her operation. suinerN but that would onl\ Under Restrictions n have served to remind them o( Win. Van Vorst ventured on frozen credit. FOR PRESIDENT thin ice this morning and went iu up to his neck. Hill seems lo The banks of Lowell and Alio reopened for business Fitzgerald, Vau^han and Hayes Prove have a penchant fur such things A brother editor asks the (pics- tiiis (Thursday) morning following the slate-wide H-day WILLIAM C. HAHTMAN NOMIN-' v,r> sl>ring. lion; bank holiday declared last week Tuesday morning by (tov- "U the Union (iuardian Trust Great Headliners ernor Comstoek. ATED FOR VILLAGE TKEAS- Uvi Edson.l^ear-ohl Civil comiMny a banking institution or The annual bampiet of tlu-lelected to that oflice in mam I I RKR—ALL OTHER INCL.M- VV!,r veteran, who knew Lincohi n n'al estate company? With In compliance with Ihe new proeiamation issued this I LoweII Hoard of Trade, held years. His experience and fa | BUNTS TO fti rrtRl) TIIKM spoke lo Lowell High nearly three-fourths of its assets morning by the governor providing for the reopening Monday evening. February 20. miliarity with stale affairs was :> llfc. l> Sl ( ( hhll THh.M- school pupils at a special assem- in real estate it appears to mosl in a limited manner of the banks of Ihe slate all cheeks is- {1933, at the City Hall, will go valuable asset. SELVES. bly, honoring Lincoln's birthday. people that the company is pri- sued prior to February '2X 19113, and not paid by Ihe bank down in local history as one ofj "Now what were Ihe reasons' J. M. Hutchinson also talked on marily in the real estate business the most successful in the 27 for his steady advancement? ~ ... Lincoln's life. upon which drawn are to be returned to the makers and sal- At the Citizens' village caucus as that is where its greatest in- years of Ihe Hoard's life. There "First—An alert mind and un- L.?.! iL'si'KrW.Iv ..n ;, terests lie." isfactory arrangements made for the issuance of new j wasn't a dull feature «.n Ihe pro- tiring industry . V" 1 1 , "Cooperate!M remonstrated a checks against trust funds provided by Ihe makers. gram, a program which seemed "Second—Fidelity lo the mat-1 I, r, /!' V T 1 falhcr of Ih. cilH vrhonl In hi- The principal took of conver- jto have just the proper balance lers entrusted to bis care. W T r. i ' • npminnitliVf Mn. Thil.k of th. sation when the bank holiday All new deposits made on and after February 23. of music, thought-provoking ad-j "Third—fniform courtesy Il<" v" "'"1 lixMW-fWTy lime one IOHVCN was declared was Jlcnry Ford. either savings certificates or on checkinR accounts, are dresses and humor. The meeting,all at all times. ' " 1 "n"T i":'1 Ih. 11 ml, minimi. ' -Vrs, d d Most talkers were in agreement ROBEIIT E. SPHINGETT was honored with Ihe presence The thousands of friends m f..- pn ..lonilnn T^ K r 1™1 - " » " " fr»rlor> to be trust accounts and held in trust by the bank and 0 m,< that Henry Ford was merely a Hoard of Trade President for 1933 of several dilsinguished guests Secretary Fitzgerald are not J...... ,t . !• " jscion, not forgetting the outcome depositor in the I'nion Trust. An are payable 100 per cent on demand. Such funds can- from other parts of the stale, in- friends merely because he is ai; .. " .. .. ' "f some of the father's past deals, ancient grudge on the |>art of a not be invested but must be held in cash for the bene- eluding Hon. Frank D. Fitzgerald, office holder, but because of his | ' ,'1,s,<'l>l,l' \. I-.. Ashley : clerk, "and I've noticed that the grecn- former associate who started fit of the depositor. secrelary of slate, Hon. Coleman rare (pialities of heart and mind. treasurer, W. (.. est one gels skinned last!" with Ford with a few hundred C. Vaiighan. secretary of state, and his dependability, and |j,J|«ar|n,an; ®sscssor, Chris.^Hergin.j nis t t N , 1 rx dollars and retired a multi-mil- This arrangement is temporary |)ending new legislation Tries Hold-up from 1915 to I92U inclusive, James|one can take Ibeiu away fronrl ' " ' l 1 "fj Day, (.. \\. Cooki Tlie lire department was called lionaire, (with his millions in which is lo Ix* enacted at the earliest possible moment for H. Hayes of M. S. C. and secretary him. Dr. H. H. Khepard. oni lust Saturday noon to sub- tax-exempt securities) more than the pur|M)se of protecting both depositors and banks. of the (Stale Holslein Hreeders "Another reason why I am glad The caucus was organized wilu due a fire at Ihe Maynard house likely accounts for the attempt Association, Charles Shean, war-'to be here is because it gives me|l-^rl Thomas, chairman; F. F.jon North-sl., occupied by Mr. lu put Ford in a bad light. The Lowell and Alio banks are meeting the unfortunaU Loses His Life den of Michigan Heformalory at .» chance lo visit Editor H. G.l'^ons. clerk; tellers. W.J. Kropf. and Mrs. Norman Hall. Most of bank situation which exists not only here, but in even Ionia, and the Hev. Mr. Carpenter,I JefTeries of Ihe Lowell Ledger. -\1-; Morgerson. Dr. J. U. Slrykcr. the household goods were re- Socialists and communists were community in Michigan, in a way designed to be as helpful chaplain of that institution. who is making one of the best William Christiansen. moved to safely bill the house One of Ihe two would-be ban- was s in glee over the bank holiday, The music for the hanquel was local newspapers in Michigan. I Mr. Ashley was nominaled on 'Inmnged about l.')0 worth, as |M)ssible to ail, but without fmrtiality to any person or in- dits, who attempted to hold up cover< but terribly disappointed because provided by the Michigan He-|do not see how Ihe Held could be the lirsl ballot to succeed hiiu-l '^insurance. The fire terest. Normal banking facilities cannot be resumed hen Ihe Thompson gas station at (las- s,: r n l1 u roo a revolution did not break out formatory Sixlelte and as one belter taken care of. Mr. Jeffer- self as president, having X2 of the : ' ' ' ' " ' f- Mr. and cade early last Saturday morning ls nmv within L'I minutes. One such until they are permitted throughout the state and until sat- l/owellile. qualified to s|Hak on ies was foreman and later busi- 14(1 voles cast. His was Ihe only ^ - hving witn got a bullet instead of money. son bird here in Lowell went home isfactory and appropriate legislation is enacted. It is the such matters remarked, "that is ness manager of Ihe Clinton He- name presented for Ibal office Waller on West-st, I'lie hold-u^i men were brothers along about noon to parlake of a the finest orchestra music I have publican at SL Johns for quite a although others received voles as — hope and intention of the banks to promptly restore to their by Ihe name of Mazzerella. of M good meal thoughtfully prepared ever heard here." It was all high 1 number of years. While 1 wasifollows: Harry Day 17, M. N. ' ' pleased to learn clients all of their customary facilities at the earliest IM)S- Grand Hapids, 17 and IX years of ,i,, ss 0 by capitalism. grade, not a jazz number on their publisher, other interests frt-jllenry 12. scattering 29. " ^' M.yl' Taylor, who has sible moment. age. The wounded youth was program. Warden Sheaa may quenlly took me to Ihe Pacific; n,, n,.. mi.-v .... ,H'in vcr> for Ihe past two taken to St. Mary's hospital where wcc s Township treasurers are still well be proud of "my boys." as Coast, but 1 always knew the p.i iH-nded md (»s< n- Mmin 1 w is' ^ " shown marked im- EDITORIAL be died Sunday nighl. The olhc.- p^ vnncn, ,,,,rinK lhc m, wcck occupying golden seats. The\ he aectjonately refers to them, inr would come out on time and ,nimoush nominaled for vil- " ' - boy was picked up on US-Hi by lmj can still take in money. One of The people of this country have passed through many a N. h. Horgerson was the chair- that il would be a good issue. 1,.|,.rL wii|lllll| .....v^iii,.,, . stale police and taken into cus- them said to Jhe Ledger that he man of the meeting and H. M. whether 1 was there or not. I ' . r • n . ^ ' Mrs. Charles Mclnlyre fell on crisis in the past, financial and otherwise, but have always tody.