University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-16-1921 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-16-1921 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-16-1921." (1921). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/387 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY G ALBUQ1JEBQUE MORNING JOURNAL. EDITION FORTV-S- VK.AH New Mexico, November 16, 1921. Dally by Carrier or MU, 85c a Montt VOTi. CLXXI. No. 47. Albuquerque, Wednesday, single topic Be 0, S. NAVAL LIMITING 101 NATIONAL BRIAND IS HERE TO REPRESENT II JURORS ARE NAVAL WAR E L AND ARMAMENT FRANCE AT DISARMING MEETING IN GUARD ORDERED v ; j II THE BOX IS DOOMED IS PROBLEM VITAL PROGRAM IS ACCEPTED TO STRIKE ZONE ARBUCKLE GASE VIEW OE HUGHES TO THE FRENCH BY 4 LEADIKG POWERS Situation at Ottumwa, Five of Those Tentatively Secretary of State Believes DELEGATES SAI Where Packing Employes Seated Are Women; Jury Conference Will Agree to Walked Out, Is Beyond Won't Be Selected By Discontinue Offensive Control of Local Officials Tonight, Attorney Claims Strife on the Seas. Representatives Take the ITALY AND Initial to the FRANCE, AnKOfllltrri Steps Bring (By Thr PrfM.) (Bf Thi Amoclatfd Tmm.) (By The A"noliit'f(1 Piw 1 Eimm, IB. Two Des Moines, la., Nov. San Francisco, Nov. 15. The Washington, Nov. 15 (by the As- Question Before the companies of Iowa national guard In man- sociated to- ALL PLEDGE ADHERERC U. end of the second day tho Press). Speaking at Washington JAPAN were ordered by Governor N. day's session of the armament con- Parley, Ot- trial of Roscoe C. Kendall to report for duty In slaughter ference after spokesmen the em- saw elevon tem- for tumwa, where a strike of (Fatty) Arbucklo four other major powers had de- RETENTI0N0F HER ployes of the John Morrell Pack- porary Jurors in tho box, and Ihz clared acceptance In principle of Details of the Prooosals Probably Will Have has been In progress the American ing company general interest in the Jury selec- armament reduction ARMIESJECESSARY mc h. The troops ' se- proposals. said: ; Five of thoss Secretary Hughes to Be But the American Proposals "SoS fo' i word from tion dwindling. "Gentlemen, we have Changed, women. There was listened France's Aim Is Protection; tho country sl jounty attor V. v lected were not only with gratification, but I Are Acquiesced in "In Principle and Spirit; ney and tho .y of Ottumwa in the sessions to give may say with profound emotion, to Has No of Dis- tiff nothing ordi- Thought that tho s' ? was beyond them more Interest than the these expressions, so rorrllnl, of Discussions Are Begun. their contrc f nary criminal action, although the agreemrnt in principle with the turbing Peace of the Fifty .eputles, sworn In frequent clashes of opposing coun- proposal that has been made on World, Premier this aftershrg y Sheriff Georgo sel occasioned mirth or sharpened behalf of the United States with re- Asserts, Nov. 15, the Associated Press). II. Giltn r - .e on in tho on of the spec- to Washington, (By duty curiosity the part spect the limitation of naval (By The AMrwruted and American vicinity Morrell plant In court officers at times. armament. It will now be in order prens.) Formally accepting "in principle spirit" "e tators and Nov. 15 Ottunv . gilt, according to in- The did not differ ma- to consider the mnnv details which Washington, (by the As- proposals for reducing and limiting naval armaments, questions sociated Press.) France took tho form? Vceived here. Many of terially from those asked at the must bo associated with an exact first Great France and and thesf ' .es, It was are of agreement for that slep today toward bringing Bnta'in, Italy Japan today piedgea reported, opening the trial yesterday. purpose. tho of land of. ot Ott' ousiness men. Arbuckle's attitude was of such "There are subjects It has been question armament, , their adherence and began discussions details armies, before the Washington con- wants more than the 60 Britain will ask a further reduc .ng to reports received deep apparent dejection that he suggested here, which will appro ference. Japan sub- Governor Kendall from He did not be examined ex- to Unit- tion of the limit proposed on toi, y.iy remained almost aloof. priately by naval In for in per cent as compared the Adjuthf,t General L G. LflBher, who and at the perts, and It is the desire of the concurring France the which marine tonnage, Japan will endea- consult with counsel essential principles of the Ameri- ed States and Great Britain, vor to her to a greater was in Ottumwa, no disturbances recess periods remained by him- American government that what can 11 al- prove right proposals regarding naval tho original proposal would ratio of naval strength than has occurred today except outbreak self. has been proposed by that govern- Premier Briand low. been suggested, and France and early this morning. Between 6:30 There were vacant seats In the ment, with the suggestions that, touched on the 7 have been Mr. on army probem as far France and Ilnly. Italy will request that their nava! and o'clock this morning groups court room throughout the day, made by Balfour, more vital to France. bo of workers clashed in of the behalf of the British By agree- France and Italy want to questions be considered along with and pickets although the crowd front government; ment M. Briand, probably ut a pub- into consideration at the naval and a number of men. Including to see the go by Admiral Kato, on behalf of the lic taken those of the three stronger building principals r session of tho convention later Outset and not wait for disposal embraced in the American several officials of tho company, to and fro was larger than yes- government of Japan, and any-othe- this week, will "most powers modi- present fully," of the questjon as It affects the plan. sustained minor injuriea There terday. Many of the spectators suggestions by way of as .Secretary Hughes stated, "the big three. Moreover, both France Thus the diplomacy of tho had been a number of previous In court were talesmen who have fication of emendation or criticism views of Franco with regard to the and feel should be per- American won its first outbreaks with minor casualties not been called to the box. that may be proper shall all be of land Italy they delegation to subject armaments which mitted to increase rr.ther than de- victory In the conference but still since the strike started on Oct. 19. Gavin Mc.N'ab, Arbuckle's chief thoroughly considered, the end wo must discuss." crease the sea forces to bring them finds itself confronted with ques- Workers at the Morrell plant counsel, said that there was a pos- that after the most mature and There was no Intimation In tha careful deliberation, we may ac- M. up to a figure comparable with tions of admitted importance and numbering approximately 1,300, Arlstido Briand, premier of naval armaments at tho Washing- sibility of the Jury being finally remarks of Briand, that he had what Is allowed the other ' whose solution Is walked out on Rtrike following I selected tomorrow night. complish tho great purpose which a definite plan for reduction ot being delicacy, requi- France, who Andrew J. ton conierence Tuesday. nraj by this conference In this matter has Great Britain wants the replace- site to attainment of the purposes differences over working condi- supported we are back of you, Mr. The activities of the women s armaments to suggest. Me did say, say that been assembled to nehlev ". ment program spread over a per- for which the nations were called tions and a reduction In the num- Balfour's acceptance of the Ameri M. Briand said In con- vigilant committee, a moral uplift however, he was satisfied that the ber Secretary." "But while the time Is now op- iod of years rather than taken up together. of guaranteed working hours can proposals for limitation of clusion, addressing Mr. Hughes. organization, In watching the case conferees would be convinced "that at the end of a ten technical advisers per week. Company officials yes- and to the portune- for the consideration of France, after the' necessities of year holiday, While wrestle sending representatives these and she wants further reduction with the armaments problem and terday reported that It was operat- court room, figured largely In the details, the great, first step safety and life have been ade- and definite limitations on sub- continue ing with about 600 workers. as it did hns been taken In this notable ex- quately secured, harbors no the delegates Informal Jury questioning today of In ol thought marines. conversations on the American Mayor Charles Chilton and yesterday. The medical testimony pression approval principle of disturbing the peace of tha A Short Session. other County Attorney Newton W. Rob- to be introduced also was men- what has been suggested by the world." plan, the big subject, the TEXT OF BALFOUR'S ADDRESS AT American And do I M. After a session of little more Far Eastern situation, will be erts joined Sheriff Giltner In the tioned.
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