ॵᙕԲ ᄎᤜᇷற Organizing Committees Dr. Ming-An Lee Professor & Chair Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science College of Ocean Science and Resource National Taiwan Ocean University Dr. Don-Chung Liu Chief Secretary Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture Taiwan Dr. Cheng-Hsin Liao Associate Professor & Director Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science College of Ocean Science and Resource National Taiwan Ocean University Dr. Shean-Ya Yeh Professor Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University Dr. Kohji Iida Professor Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University Steering Committees Dr. Kohji Iida Professor Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University Dr. Dezhang Chu Supervisory Physical Scientist (Acoustics Team Leader) NOAA/NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center Dr. Chen-Fen Huang Associate Professor Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University Dr. Hsueh-Jung Lu Associate Professor Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science College of Ocean Science and Resource National Taiwan Ocean University Dr. Long-Jing Wu Director Coastal and Offshore Resorce and Research Center Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture Taiwan Keynote Speakers Kohji Iida Professor Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University 3-1-1 Minato-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido, 041-8611 JAPAN Email:
[email protected] Research Interests: x Development of hydro-acoustic instrument for fisheries science. x Biomass estimation of marine organisms using acoustical methods. x Application of underwater acoustics for fisheries. Education: x B.S.(Fisheries) HokkaidoUniversity, 1976 x M.S.(Fisheries) HokkaidoUniversity, 1979 x Ph.D.(Fisheries) HokkaidoUniversity, 1987 Dezhang Chu Supervisory Physical Scientist (Acoustics Team Lead) NOAA/NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA, USA Telephone: (206) 861-7602 Fax: (206) 860-6792 E-mail:
[email protected] Background: Dr.