Tourist-Information Fürth Information • Guided tours • Accommodation service Bahnhofplatz 2 90762 Fürth Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sa 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tel. (09 11) 7 40 66 15 Fürth Fax (09 11) 7 40 66 17
[email protected] Impressions How to get to Fürth: You can reach us easily by car on the extensive motorway network, by Inter-City (IC) and regional trains, by using the public transport system (VGN) or by fl ying to Nuremberg Airport. · · Imprint Publisher: Stadt Fürth, Referat für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Stadtentwicklung und Lie- genschaften – Tourist-Information Fürth – Cartographic Database: Stadtplanungsamt/Abt. Vermessung Editorial team: Eike Söhnlein (V.i.S.d.P.), Renate Schneider Christina Littkemann Design: da kapo Photos: Archive des BAMBERG Tourismus & Kongress Service und Congress- und Tourismus-Zentrale Nuremberg, Uwe Arens, Rolf Beres, Comödie Fürth, Hajo Dietz, Stefan Fürst, Fürthermare, 1. Golfclub Fürth e. V. , Greuther Fürth, Andreas Hub, Karen Köhler, Logenhaus, Erich Malter, Museen und Galerie der Stadt Fürth, Playmobil FunPark, Quelle, Thomas Scherer, TVF/Fürth/Andreas Hub, TVF/FWL/Andreas Hub Translation: John Jenkins Printing: Fleßa GmbH welcome to the clover-leaf city Relaxing in the municipal park Goldsmith’s house in the old town Give yourself a little time to get to know Fürth, the city of the This little city guidebook takes you on a stroll through Fürth, point- clover-leaf crest. You will be surprised how many interesting, un- ing out the most important sights but also introducing you to places expected, and charming sights there are to discover.