Svran CnnNrvonr CoNSERVATToN The Newsletterand Journal of the IUCN/SSC Mustelid,Viverrid & ProcyonidSpecialist Group IUCN Number28 April2003 SPEcrEsSunvrvAL CoMMISSIoN Stflpe-necked/vlongoose Herp€stes vitticollis - Photo:M. N.loyokunor, lFS,ARPS, AFIAP The productionand distributionof this issuehas beensponsored by "l\,4arwellPreservation Trust Ltd", Colden Common, UK "RoyalZoological Society of Antwerp",Antwerp, Belgium "CarnivoreConservation & ResearchTrust". Knoxville. TN. USA "ColumbusZoo", Powell, Ohio, USA and "WildlifeConservation Society/Central Park Wildlife Centel', NewYork, NY, USA ColumbusZOO ...1'!hiigtr4rr iihtr r.ontt. t.t dos Svrnn Cnnxrvonr CoNSERVATToN The Newsletterand Joumal of the IUCN/SSC Mustelid.Viverrid & hocyonidSpecialist Group Editor-in-chief: HarryVan Rompaey, Edegem, Belgium Associateeditor: William Duckworth,Bristol, UK Editorial board: AngelaGlatston, Rotterdam, Netherlands MichaelRiffel, Heidelberg,Germany Amd Schreiber,Heidelberg, Germany RolandWinh, Miinchen, Germany Thc !icws cxpressedin tbis publicalioDare thoseoflhe authorsand do not necessarilyreflec! lhose of lhe IUCN. nor the IUCN/SSC Musteljd. viverrid & ProcyonidSpecialist Group. Thc ann ofthis publicatbn is to offc. thc mcmbcrsol rheIUCN/SSC MV&PSG, andthose who are conccmedwith mustclids,vi!cnids, and procyonids,briefpapers, news items. abstacts. and titles of recentliterature. A1l readersare invited to send material toi Small Carnivore Conservation cy'oDr. H. Van Rompaey Jan Verbertlei,15 2650 Edegem- Belgium Pnnredon reclcledpaper ISSN 1019-5041 Brown-tailed Mongoose Salanois concolor in the Betampona Reserve, eastern Madagascar:Photographs and an ecological cornparison with Ring-tailed Mongoose Galidia elegans Adam BRITTT and Mcki VIRKAITISI Fi! 1 Bt \tn 1orl..l Moh(..t SaL3i.,a .oicolor Ph.b: V Vnkniis Abstract Photographsot' the lir(le knoNn Bros,n tailed Mongoose Sa I un o i a tu no lor in rhe BetamponaReser!c.
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