Downloaded 10/10/21 09:06 PM UTC Bulletin American Meteorological Society 1059
John F. Griffiths A Chronology ol llems of Department of Meteorology Texas A8cM University Meteorological interest College Station, Tex. 77843 Any attempt to select important events in meteorology The importance of some events was not really recog- must be a personal choice. I have tried to be objective nized until years later (note the correspondence by and, additionally, have had input from some of my Haurwitz in the August 1966 BULLETIN, p. 659, concern- colleagues in the Department of Meteorology. Neverthe- ing Coriolis's contribution) and therefore, strictly, did less, I am likely to have omissions from the list, and I not contribute to the development of meteorology. No would welcome any suggestions (and corrections) from weather phenomena, such as the dates of extreme hurri- interested readers. Naturally, there were many sources canes, tornadoes, or droughts, have been included in this of reference, too many to list, but the METEOROLOGICAL present listing. Fewer individuals are given in the more AND GEOASTROPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS, Sir Napier Shaw's recent years for it is easier to identify milestones of a Handbook of Meteorology (vol. 1), "Meteorologische science when many years have passed. 1 Geschichstabellen" by C. Kassner, and One Hundred i Linke, F. (Ed.), 1951: Meteorologisches Taschenbuch, vol. Years of International Co-operation in Meteorology I, 2nd ed., Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig, (1873-1973) (WMO No. 345) were most useful. Leipzig, pp. 330-359. (1st ed., 1931.) B.C. 1066 CHOU dynasty was founded in China, during which official records were kept that in- cluded climatic descriptions. #600 THALES attributed the yearly Nile River floods to wind changes.
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