~I(d cfit \11 ... '110 l.-:t I 1991 CENSUS OF 1991

. ~(qcll - 13 SERIES-I3


~ {"II \Tt.-:t ~I °l.-:t I ~ffd Cfi I DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK


~cll \T1.-:t~lul"'l ~R:dCfiI (~ ci ~ PliIrulCfiI am ~ ~ ...... I{lll "9T~ \i1 .... \lj OI.... 1 "ffi{) DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK (VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY AND VILLAGE & TOWN PRIlVIARY CENSUS ABSTRACT)

4"'11 ~{"II

\i1 ...... IOI.... 1 Cflrf Pt~:tllclll, "lJtlI9~:t1 DIRECTORATE',OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, MADHYA PRADESH ( 'O'iTENTS



~ IX -X Preface XI-XII

3fMR XII[ - XIV Acknowledgement XV - XVI

ftlit CfiT o:rcrnr XVII Map of the Distnct

"1$,<1101 ~ 1 - 3 Important Statistics

~ ~ 'l'TR-ir 4 - 19 Figures at a Glance

R'4fiJl'"Ii ~ cx:m:czrr 21 - 26 Notes and Explanations 27 - 32

~ ~ 3ffi- ~ \11'1\11IH cfiT ~ (mTr'iFf fcrm 1976) 33 - 37 List of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Amendment Act 1976)

fuwrr \11'1.1 01'11 ~ CfiT ~ ~ iP.r 38 - 41 History and scope of District Census Hand book 42 - 45

~~~ 46 - 48 Physical Characteristics 49 - 50

0Ti ~ 1f

I )fPw%- \11'1.1 0 1'11 ~ - ~ 1 it 18 53 - 98 Primary Censlls Abstract - Table 1 To 18

I I 1JT11 f.,Jf~ICflI - "BRUiT 19 -n 24 99 - ]]8 Village Directory - Table 1<) To 24

'" 'f1R f.ie~ICflI - ~ 25 it 29 119 - 124 Town Directory - Table 25 To 29

fclCfM'I(ClO'5<1I( ~ 125 C. D. Block wise Maps II


127 P;lI't A - Village and Town Direct()r~'

~ - I 4Jl1f Pi{,RI'fl1 129 Section I - Village Directory

1JF1 f.:J{~IChI -it ~ fcni't

~ fClChlfRqUij cf;- m ctT ClUITj<;fl~Cfl ~ 140 - 145 Alphabetical list of villages of CD, Block 146 - 151

~ fClChlfRqUij cf,f 1JF1 P1{~IChI 152 - 173 Village Directory of Ajaigarh C.D. Block

lFlT fClChlfRqUij cf,- ~ cfiT qUrTj<;flMCh ~ 174 - 185 Alphabetical list of villages of Panna CD. Block 186 - 195

-q;:;:rr fClCfllfRqOs ctT l)T1f f.l{~ICfiI 196 - 231 Village Directory of Panna CD, Block

~ fClCflR:RCfOij cf;- wTI ctT qOrT"j<;fl~Cfl ~ 232 - 244 Alphabetical list of villages of Gunnar CD. Block 245 - 255

~ f4CfllfRqO.5 cf.r 1JT11 f.:J{I1IChI 256 ~ 297 Village Directory at Gunnar C.D. Block

299 - 308 Alphabetical list of villages of C.D. Block 309 - 317

~ FcICfllfHClOs q'J l)T1f f.:J{~ICflI 318 - 351 Village Directory of Pawai C.D. Block

~ fClCflI(1\QI)$ cf;- ~ q'J qUITj<;flfi"lCfl ~ 353 - 363 Alphabetical list of villages of Shahnagar CD Block 364 - 371

~ fClCflI(1(Q lJ s cf.t "1,l"Ff H

1JF1 f.:J{~ICflI cf,- ~ 413 Appendices of Village Directory

~-I 414 - 417 Appendix I

m~, RlfcI:;ffil ~ ,3F1l ~trr3ff 'fiT FrcnTff ~ TIR C.D. Blockwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities. III


~ -II 418 Appendix -II

-lR ;;:lll{QIf\:lCfd ..,-.ro: ("1'1 l I0 1'11 ~) -iT ~ ~ +1"2fW ~ Land Utilisation data In respect of Non-Municipal Town (Census Town)

-qfffipz - II I 419 - 423 Appendix-III ri cfiT ~<:fllmqOsql{ ~ \J"l1?T -m-il1fiJrcn, RlRhI"ftI, STCfi -(1R, ~ -TIC, ~ R'"f /~, ~ ~~ ~ cfiT ~ cfiT ~n~ 0"Y(1

~-IV 424 - 452 Appendix-IV

"fI1TI]" \TI'1<1·{041 -iT ~ ~ ~ ~ \TI1\T1IH

~ - II 0J1R "'iflllCfiI 453 Section -II Town Directory

455 - 459 Notes explamlllg the codes used in the Town Directory 461 - 465 fctcRur~ - l,mfu~~"<:flT~ 466 - 467 Statement - I Status and Growth History


Statement - II PhYSical aspects and location or T0\\ ns 1')89

fctcRur ~ - III, -;::rlR ~ fctro, 1988 -89 469 Statement - III, Municipal finan·ce, 1988-89

fcWur ~ - IV ~ 3.fR 3RT ~tTn7, 1988 -89 470 - 471 Statement - IV CiVIC and other Amenities, 1988-89

fctcRur ~ - IV (Cfi) ~.m ~ -iT ~ 3.fR 3Fll" ~m(f - 1989 472 - 473 Statement - IV-A: Civic and other Amenities in Notified Slums. 1989

fctcRur ~ - V RlRf.f(1I, ~, "1.;j,,:\TI'1 ~ <11·fi;fiH<:fl ~ - 1989 474 - 475 Statement V - Medical, Educational. Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1989. IV 1110 Pages j~ ncl) - VI CZJT1W, crrfiJr:R.r, ~ JlT( "6fCf.ll - 1989 476 Statement VI- Trade, Commerce, Industry allel BClllking, 1989

'fIR "frRftrcfiT ~ q R~ IlZ 477 Appendices to Town Directory

~ - I W

~ - J I ~ cF. -;:nffi -it ~ f~TB 479 - 480 Appendix 11- Places of Tourist interest in the Town of the District.

'WT - (~) 911!jf4:1Cfi \iI~.IUI~1 ~ 481 Part B - Primal'~ CellSlIS Ahstract furi2t CfiT ~ \Ii., II 01'11 "BR - fcl Cf.lfl{CI °s 'CIR 482 - 493 District Primary Census Abstract- C.D Block-wise furi2t CfiT ~ \Ii"i'IOHI "BR - n6ru\"lCJH 494 - 497 District Primary Census Abstract- Tahsil-wise

~ fclEfiI('1(q 0 "S CfiT WI'.,WJq;- \Ii'1110HI "BR - 1~ 498 - 513 Ajaigarh C.D. Block-Primary Census Abstract- Village wise

~ fClEfiltl(Cl0"S Cf,'[ '9T~..:rm \Ii.,lIOHI "BR - ~11 514 - 541 Panna C.D. Block-Primary Census Abstract- Village wise

~ fclCf,lfI{ClO$ CfiT W2.~ \Ii'1ll01'11 "BR - ~ 542 - 569 Gunnor C.O. Block-Primary Census Abstract- Village wise m fclEfilf1(Cl O"S CfiT w~~ \Ii.,lllJl.,1 ~ - ~ 570 - 597 Pwai C.D. Block-Primary Census Abstract- Village wise

~ fclEfilfl{ClUil 'EfiT ~ \Ii'1'IOHI ~ - ~ 598 - 629 Shah nagar C.O, Block-Primary Census Abstract- Village wise

"11JWT W~ \Ii., II 0HI 'BR 630 - 641 Urban Primary Census Abstract

w~ \iI"iII OI'11 ~ ~ ~ 643 Appendices to Primary Census Abstract

-qfffi'psc - J ~ ~ -it ~ fclCf.R"RClo,il 'EfiT fcTcRur 645 Appendix I - The Particulars of C.D. Block in different Tahslls.

~ - II 'nM \iI.,A«4I, ~ '\T!'Ifu -a2.TI ~ ~ cf.r 646 - 658 \Ii.,tl'

~ \i'l'1B CfiT W~ \Ii'1 lI0 HI "BR - R!EfiIAWsCJI< 660 - 665 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes- C,D. Block - wise

~ \Ii~irllfci 'EfiT '9T~ \iI'111 0 1'11 ~ - WEfi/tl(ClOilCli( 666 - 671 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes - C.D. Block wise.

~ ~ ~ ,,341{\IIEfii1T ~ 673 - 70) Publication Plan and User's Index. frrc;n \Ji"'III1)HI :rf~1rr Cf,T ~ 1951

;J1'"PIOJI"1I TIFT "l'1-;]jm I j (f;j ct ~'" ~0 ~ /-mTrtRl cf, ir ~·~I" 1'111~1 cfiT -;rn . ~ *.. ~ W?=r m

C1 ~ ~ ~ lJTl1 3ft< cni:!

~ -if m IiFlll01'11 ~ -if \11 "i AM 1 cfi' om- -ir ~ '15<:-<1'i01 \Ji"i JIOI'11 tmiiJ'rzrr, ~ 3fR Al'1lfGiCh AI'fijffciq

~ m TIFT m~ ~ ~ 1Jl1l 3ft< ~ (cni -CfTT) Cf,T'TII'.Wrcn \Ji'1 JloHI W( m~ M \i'lTill ~ I 1961 cf,f ~ cfi' ~ ~ ftR;rr \Ji'1JIOHI ~w -if ~ Cf.T -a:fm 9$IIAHCh A l'Rillihl, IiHlluHI ~ om:- ~ \11"i 110 1"11 W( ~

1Jl1l om:- r:nT< Hef"SICfiIQ AIHiP!'i

~ Plel1l

~ om:- AI:!~IF2lCfi ~TP.21 Cfi4'

~ ~ \Ji1'1CfiI{l ~ ~

3l1C1QllChclIW ciT t1lR -if ~ SQ ~ H~ijICfiIW -it ~ ..-Rt ~ ~.m- -it ~ -4 Cfl0'lM

1991 cf,f liFil1'11"i1 em frrc;rr \i!'1 l l'IHI ~W ~ ':HtlRtCf,(OI CfiT diTCfiT ~ qf.f i lIlt 1981 -if ~ ll'lT ?·TT I ~~m;

~ ~W ~ ~ cf,- #r\r 1991 q'J liH1luHI -B 1JFWrcn \Ji'1 11 1J{"l1 W( cr. ~ -ir ~ ~ fu:;it .m ~ I ~ 'CfiT11 CflT' ri 'CfiT -;:ft- ~ -if ~ ~ fum ll'lT i ~ 1981 cfiT \Ji'1 1101"l1 -B W ~ -if ~ ~ WIT ll'lT m I ~

38fC1T, 'TI~ Gi'1 l lol"l1 W( -B 0 -6 3TTll ~ ctr -.:it /ljm CfTT Gi"lA'{C£!1 ~ ~ CfTT fl[i+JP!cl ctr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 311: -..) C> ..._, • Cfl FclQCl{i;:ftll mWilT TI f.:rcF;rc;r m ~ 1991 cf.r ·n'1 l loHI -if. ~ 7 qq if CflWn fcTCf;m ~ fum q,r;:t -it mr:rcrr ~ I

1991 cf,f Gi"i 1Iol'1l

1:1{ ~ cf, ~ cfi' 'f'

-if m.~. ~ ttIT 'R 3ITccil cr. ~ if ~ ~,m cit ~ ttIT 1:1{ RlCfiIHl\'ljc.h ~ ORR ~ ~ ~

~ Nt /~ m ~ ~ n1JFI ~ 1"9T.\il."ffi. ~ 'tT ~ ~ cnit~. ~ ~w ~ -mucr.m3ft cf; CU1l cit 'Jfcr~ ~ cf; ~ n1981 cf, '1~ nfti11991 cf.T 0FfI JTlAl-B ~ 1Jl7f

~ %m m WCliT\/w;r (]\i'l:fm ~ ~ "HIII)HI ~ 'tT ~ '[.':1m ~ I W ~ eli- ~ eft ~ m

~ l-ff<:r <:l\f11~ mTTfR -2{ en;., $r .g 3ffi WM m.lT ~ ~ ~ \11"'11101'11 Cfll7.f ~ "11'i.-~ cfi ~ -it ~ oW ~ t~ ~ i I ~ 'Fl"JSR cf.t ~, ~ oW ~ Cf\T ~ Tl 0'1 +'j15I(Mf<;Ol{ (flI"iIFJiCf, :mzr:r;:r) ~. eli-.-q]- Wl"f1 3ft< ~ ~ ?n \"T~. ~3rr &RT ~ M 1J1TI qr I ~ 13fI'ctit eli- ~I1Hch{OI -it ~ cf.t ~ if oW ~ ~ tR \ij·:1l10I"'l1 I-m- ,rFi1loHI 3m cfi ~ if ~ Cfi\ 3mf ~ fcritwiiT q?r -mm ~ ~ fclS(:l"lOIlMen ftu:!uTI ~ qi(~(cf, m ~ 011 +'jhHf\J'jt~.I( (morr.) I>.lT ~.cit. ~ cit ~ -it ~ ~ a-m: ~ ~ m .lT ~w

11 ,¥, 1992 VII


Publication of the District Censns Handbooks (OCHs) was initiated Clfter the 1951 Census and IS continulI~, since then with some innovations/modifications after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable district levf publlcatill brought Ollt by the CenslIs Organisation on behalf of each State Govt.!Unlon Territory administration. inter-alia provides data-lilformation on some of the basis demographic and socio-economic characteristics and 0 the availability of certain Important civic amentities/facilities in each village Clnd town of the respective destrict5

This publication has thus proved to be of Immense utility to the planners, administrators, academiciasns an. researchers.

The scope of the DCH was initially confined to certain important census tables on population, economic ane socio-cultural aspects as also the Primay Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of the distric The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics census tables and village and Town Directorey including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of the DistrlC­ Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Village and Twon Directory and part-B comprising Village and Twon PCf. were released in all the States and Union Territories. The third part (C) of the District Census Handbooks comprisin~

administrative statistiCS and distnct census tables, which was also to be brought out, could not be published in man,

States/UTs due to considerable delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981, some new features alongwith thf

restructuring of the formates of Village and Twon Directory were Introduced in the DCHs. These were published I

two parts for each destrict after the 1981 Census. While Part-A Comprised Village and Twon Directory, the PCA 0'

villages and towns (ward-wise) including Scheduled Caste and Schduled Tribe PCA upto tehsil/town level werl'­

provided III Part-B. To illustrate, all the amenities except electricity, were brought together in the Village Director

and if an amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest plac::

having such amenity was given. Information on some new items sllch as abult literacy centres, primary healn sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet some of the requirements c the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the village was also provided fc

the first time in the village Directory so as to give an idea about the number of inaccessible villages in each distriC'

In case of Town Ditectory also, keeping in view the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme, a State mer

IV-A on slums provided so as to enable the planners to chalk out the programmes for providing better civic and otht:

amenities in the slums. In this statement details on civic and other amenities were reported for the slums of class

and Class II towns. Apart from this, one column on the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population an

another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in Statement IV and V respectively.

The manner of presentation of the DCHs for the 1991 Census IS by and large the same as followed I'

1981 However, the format of PCA has been restructured slightly in the 1991 Census for the benefit of data user~

Nine told Industrial classification of main workers has been given as against four-fold industrial classifieatio'

presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, the sex-wise population III the 0-6 age-group has also beer

included in PCA for the first time with a view to enabling data users to compute more realistic literacy rate as a children below 7 Years of age have been treated as Illiterate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expcted that th:

above mentioned modifications will help the planners In chalking out more effective developmental programmes V II I

One of the most Important innovations III the 1991 Census is the Community Development Block-level presentation of data In ttle Village Directory and PCA Illsteild of the trilditlonClI Tashll/Taluk/PS level presentation. It

IS expected that the presentation of village Directory and PCA datCl ilt C.D Block level will help the plannel"s In forrnulCltlon of micro-level developmental plans, as ttle C 0 Block IS the lowest admllllstrCltlve unit for developmen­ tal planlrlg.

In orderto facilitate the task of administrators. planners and researchers Intending to use Village Directory! PCA data, either from the magnetic tapes/floppies or tram the published records. both the computer and manual codes for each village have been provided for the 1991 Census alongwith the corresponding codes of 1981.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Govt./UT administration and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled under the direction of Shri Dilip Mehra, Director of Census Operations

Madhya Pradesh on behalf of the State Govt.lUT administration which has borne the co.st of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of the publication was initiated by Dr. K.P. Ittaman, former Deputy Registrar

General (Social Studies) and Shri M.M. Dua, JOint Director. For the sake of uniformity in presentation of information/data and for preparation of analytical note depicting the salient features emerging from a micro-level analysis of Census/non-Census data, a model District Census Handbook from each State and Union. Territory was ...,. thoroughly Scrutinised in the Social studies Division Linder the _guidance of Shri M.K Jain, the present Deputy

Registrar General (S.S.). This task was carried out by Shri A.K. Singh, Deputy Director who was assisted by Shri

N.S. Soam, Assistant Director and his staff. Technical guidance in the preparatIOn of the maps was initially provided by Dr. B.K .. Roy, former Deputy Registrar General (Map) and later by Mrs. Minati Ghosh, the present Deputy

Registrar General (Map).

I am thankful to all those who have contributed to this pr9ject.

(A.R. Nanda)

Registrar General, India

New Delhi

June 11,1992 \\

'1i'i'IIlHI ~, '>W<1 -mcr.rr"imT ~ f;wrr '1i'ilIIlHI ~ '1i'i l oHI Cf,T ~ ~ m -g I ~ fct -.:rrl it fuf ' t fct <:n; ~ cf, ~ frr<2r cf. m ~ cf.! \ilf'TI i I ~ ~

~ cf.! '1i'ilIOHIa-IT -if ~ ~ Cf,T :rcr.mrr ~ \i1T(1T ~-lT I Y1 "'t. ~ -if ~ lrrir cf, ~ lJTl1 Cf,T "'iT'1l0i ~ ~ ~ ~ cf.! ~ cf.t ~ \TfACWr cf.t %f;m ir "~ fuq:;m Cf,T q:;;;

B\ "!R ~ 1991 cf.! Cii'i'luHI cf.t ~ ~ m I

2. 1951 it m '1i'i'IOHI ~ cf.! ~ -if ~ 'lfCtii'i

~ ~ -it m "111T 'Cj)' ~ 'm' Cf.T ~ t I ~ mlT 'q;' -if 1ll*l' /~ ~ ~ lWl-tr '3'R1oU ~ ~ c@ ~ ~ CJiT ~ t, ~ "111T 'm' -tr 1991 CJiT '1i'il loHI "!R ,mtrrftf1JT~ Cii'illoHI W Cf.T ~ ~ I -w 3-fq) -tr ~ mf.=:' fCl~l'SC:iiI4' 3ficit ~ 'CfIill3li cit ~ Cf.T ~ t.t dCfi ~ f; I 'l'4T 'l'f -~, 1iTfucfiT, ~ ~ cp:rwu'it ft:rR Cf.T ~I . ~ . ~ qRillll(+lCfi ~ cf, ~ 1ll*l' Rfflr

Cii'itl{oql cf.! ~ ~ 1991 '1i'iII OHI q:;y 10fl ~ 3WWT m ~ I ~ w.:r m1991 cf.! Cii'illol'il -if +w.i ~ -tr 3-lP-'

J4l j)IICfidTW cf, m 'Jq4l1ICfidT~) (User's Index) Cf.T ~ 10fl 3Flf ~ ~ m ~ I

3. 1989 -if ~ ~ cf.! ~ irm: cf.! I1lT m 'l,TT ~ 31Iccl ~ Cfii?t CJiT j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ct'

'1cfiR (i'

4. ~ ~ *' fct )l'P;riBCI) ,i1"1l10HI tlR -it ~ ~ ~ cfi' ~ m<1 Rf1l f

ctr~*, I

5. m Cii'1 110 1"'l1 ~ ~ -tr tt 'TIf \Jl'1(iiRalctl cf, ~ ~ c@ ~ cit ~ ~ -tr ~ ~ ~ ~ Cf.T Wurr=r -r. I W ~ -it ~ fliRClIctt cir ~ \Jl'1 110HI ~, un ~ 0lf f.fuTq:,- cf, 3fUl;::r m, lrr(T ~ fcT

7JIIT , ~ ~ Cii'11101'11 ~, qr( ~~, ~, ~, ~ 'QCT ~ -if f1~T<1 ?t , ~ ~ ~

TfP-f 30 f.l<:WRr Cfi;fiIlMI q\t ~ it ~ 7JIIT, ~ ~ '*~ ch"l'iJ,Rin Cf.T m

~, 428 ~ ~ 143 'l7fctcw. ~ I 11' :wR ri m,.J,fi'LJI' ~ 0'T f.'lhrcr. vci ~ ~ 7¥ ~ Cfi;ftl I fNl'

3fT'® t I ~ 661 BT(cf it 3-f!Uq;- CLlf<}d111i ~ ~ ~'lflT 117 ~ ,'1ftcm' ~

'fCt;-qr I ~ ~ ~ H~~ICf" Cf.T q:;r4 ~ -if 31ll"l'f 'fCt;-qr 1Tm t. I it 0'i' t=PTI 3~ 10T m Cfi<=ltllR4!' q;r ~-;y

m3fMRl1. fu;:iR 3flV'lr q:.JoqRCOI it q:;r4 ~ M, fit{ 'llI ~ -if 'RrR .m~ \'Cf CfAillR41' ~ -w ~ ~ fa t. ~ -.w1 '2~ it RIt I1lT ~ 1; I ~ \Jl'iI IUI'11 ~ -if n;:;rr;, ~ ~ ft ~ -c(. ~ ~ -it ~ f .m t I

6. fulc;rr \Jl"11101"11 ~ ctt 0'l ~ ORR -it ~ ~ cbi:- ~ un ~ ~ W:rr 1Tm ~ ~"4 ~ cK W

if, oTt,~.~. m 10i ~ m;41fij1:ir ~ W~.~. \]q, ~ ~~, Iljj~ ~,fmc:Tf ~ ~ P;{t ~ IF ~ Cf.T ~ ~ ( fuRcf, 3R~ ~ it '3

m it ~ czrq:(1' ~ ~ , '" ~ ;rFjJIUHI ~JiT ct- ~ ct.t ~ ~ ct- 8it -.t *1:11 ~

7 W ~ l0lJig-,cUChlan Cf\Tll ct- ~ 3-fS<)Fcf 9,n ~ TM ~, ~ Ji('I{f-J'f*<;F l0l \Ji'ilIOHI ~

101 :JHJIOHI 3.fTlTcl('f iT \?1 f

~ 26.12.95 XI


Tile District Census Handbook (DCHB), compiled by the Census Ol\janlsation, Govt. of India is one of tI most valuable products at the Census As Its name qoes, it is broUgtlt out for each district in the State. TI' publication started from tile 1951 Census. but pllor to this, a similar publication was released in the earll: Censuses. Those publications only contained Village Statistics, Village names, and total population thereof. TI' 1951 Census could, therefore, be said to represent a significant step forward, in the process of making detallf

Census statistics available. down to the village level An important achievement, for the first time in 1991 Census, ' that the village level data is being presented Community Development Blockwise.

2. The scope of the District Census Handbook has undergone considerable change since 1951. This

basically due to the growing demand for more information. For the purpose of convenience, as well as with a Vie,.

to make the basic statistics available to the Data Users, as complete as possible and as early as possible, tr District Census handbook of 1991 have been brought out in a single volume, as against the earlier practice .:

bringing it out in two parts. The volume IS however, diVided in two parts VIZ. PClrt-A and part-B. Part A contains tr,

Village/Town Directoryi.e. official statistics pertaining to the infreastructure available in the village, while Part ::

contains the Primary Census data based on the 1991 Census count. Physical Characteristics in this volume, confine

itself to IntroduCing the distnct to the Data User, i.e. PhYSiography, Geology, Flora and Fauna and, a brief history of tr

district. Inset Tables, based on the Village Directory and Primary Census Abstract, follow immediately after ti-,

Introductory Note, An important feature of the 1991 census has been the Presentation of Villagewise data, pertainlf

to the population in the age group 0-6, Inclusion of an 'Users Index', for the first time, in the 1991 District CenSL Handbooks, exclUSively for Madhya Pradesh, is another Important feature of the 1991 DCHB.

3. When the planning for the present census was started in 1989, the Tahsil was contemplated as tho

lowest unit of data presentation. However, just before the Houselisting Operation, at the behest of the Directorate (

Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh, Community Development Block was also decided as a unit of presentatlG

by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner India, and accordingly made uniformly applicable,

4. It has to be remembered that the villagewlse area figures presented in the Primary Census Abstract a;

based on Village Paper, as furnished by the Revenue Authority, and the 'total' given forthe administartive units Vi

Community Development Block, is the total of the area figures of villages cOllllllg under it. While in the case of tr

administrative unit, viz Tahsil, the 'Total' area shown, is based on the information furnished by the CommissionE

Land Records, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior. In some cases, the 'Total' area shown against the tahsil; may Il'

tally with the total of the area figures of villages coming under it.

5. The Population statistics that are contained in the District Census Handbook, are the end result of

massive and marathon exercise, in the compilation and tabulation of voluminous data. The compilation of tr

statistics contained in this volume was carried out at the Zonal Tabulation Offices, each under a Regional Depu'

Director of Census Operations, located only at 4 Divisional Headquarters, viz. Gwalior, Bhopal, Jabalpur and BilaspL

These Zonal Offices were run with the help of only about 30 regular employees in term assisted by purely tempora' XII slaff-roughly about 2570 Tabulators, 428 Checkers. and 143 Supervisors I am grateful to my colleagues. the

Regional Deputy Directors and those temporary staft fOl' the speed i1nd ;!ccuracy In ttle basIc compilation and editing of more than, 661 lakh slips, and nearly 117 lakll of housellOleJ sctw(Juies TI18 compilation of the village directory was taken up at tile headquarters, and, I alll equally grateful to tiw officers and staff who have worked whole heartedly on the Job Anyllow names of the otflcers and other stafl who worked 111 head quarter is given separately The maps contaliled in the District CenSlJS Handbook have been prepared In the Cartographic Section of my office.

6 For the invaluable co-operation provided in generating the inset table of the District Census Handbook. I am extreamely grateful to the Director NIC Dr. V.V.S. Rao, and his colleagues particularly shri C.N. Rao, principal system Analyst, Sm!. Dipti, System Analyst and Shn Guru Prasad. Programmer whose untiring efforts made it possible to generate the tables in computer. I express my special thanks to all of them.

I take this opportunity to offer my grateful thanks to the Government of Madnya Pradesh for having been so kind as undertake the publication of District Ceusus Handbook and to the Controller, Printing and Stationary and his staff for the printing arrangement made.

7. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is of our indefatigable former Registrar General, Shri

A.R. Nanda and present Regislras General Dr. M. ViJClyclnllnni to whom we 81'8 811 deeply grateful.

(V. K Bhargava)

Joint Director

Bhopal, 2612.95 \: III

~ ~ Cfil1f ~ ~efUT

(1) W it-qr. ~

(2 ) l'~ -qrcj;-

(1) W'J1l ~

(2) ~~~

(3) ~M-'JTI

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~ 9T'lfPlCfi 1J1"1"IOHI tIR ~

( 1) W '(fl.-qr. 'Sll1l

(2) ~)r i't-qr ~

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( 1) W' 3ffi.W 'Sll1l

(2) ~lWlTe-'it~

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(1 ) ~~'F


Writilwb Unit

Drafting, Editing and Supervision:

Shn D P Khobragadc Deptll\ Director

2. Shn Ph. Challdhan ASSlSt;lI1t Director

Village Dil:ectory and Primary Census Abstract Section

l. Shri Mohd. lsrcul [ll\'CSttg,ltor

2. SmL Yimla Agrawal Statiwcal Assistant

1 Smt Diptl Guha Statistical ASSistant

Shri A. K Khare Statistical Assistant

(Urban) Primary Census Abstract Section

1. Shri N P Sharma h1\'cslIgator

2. Sim D.P. Namdeo St:ltI~tlcal ASSistant

Town Directory Section:

Shri R.S. Sharma 1m cstlgator

2. Sm!. Minakslll Koranne Statisllcal Assistant

Shrt G.P. Banwmi Stltlstlcal ASSistant

Shn B.R. Somkunwar St,ltlstlcal ASSistant

Regional processing Centre Section

L Late Shn V S Joshi Assi~t,lI1t Dircctor

2. Shri Satish Alyyar Data Frocessll1g Assistant

1. Shri S.C Sood Statlsllcal Assistant

4. Smt. Pnta Bharga\\Cl Opcrator

Map Section:

Dr. Kandhm Singh Senior Geographer

2. Mr. M Joseph Scnior Anist

1 .l. Shri VS. Ballad Senior Draftsman

Ku. Meena Jagtap Draftsman .\:\'I

Shn A. P 1\ 1:l.111md;lI

(, Shn M P 0l:11h

Printing Section:

Shn Vlshr:lI11 Slllgil 111\ cSllgatOl

2 Shri S.fVI A Naq\ I Stat 1St Ical ASSlst:lI1t

J. SIlll. Shobha K.hare Statistical Assistant

·L Shri G. P. Namdc\' Pri nllllg lnspector

5. Smt. Anita Shri,·astava Computer

(,. SIlll. Rizl1:ln:l Khan Computer

7. Shri 0001 SlIlgh Assistant Complier

Typing Section:

I. SIlll. Sunanda ladhav Hindi Typist

2. Shri B GUl1ullurtily English Typist

English Translation

I. Shri Surcsh Chand Hilldl Translator XVII

fufB CfiT '1 ~ II Map of the District Important statistics fct-

2 :I 4 5

\J1 '1e'(OlI1 .mr ~ 66181170 v687945 POlmlation lotal Persons ~ 34267293 362721 Males furqf 31913877 . 325218 Females ~ ~ 50842333 <598378 Rural Persons ~ 26164353 314800 Males ~ 24677980 283578 Females

~ ~ 15338837 /89567 Urban Persons ~ 8102940 47927 Males ~ 7235897 41640 Females

<:~lqlfqCfl WRIMI (~ G{ 1981-91) +26.84 +27.40 Decennial population (Growth Rate 1981-91) ~ (cm~.-r) 443446.00 7135.00 Area ( in Sq. km.) \J1"'1fl

"ffi~ G{ (~~ 0-6 ~ ~

~ \J1'1(i·<041 "CflT "Cfm" " 'l1 '1 #(04 I ~ ~ 23.18 13.02 Percentage of Urban Population to Total Population 2

Jj6~'iQf ~ Important statistics

~ ?:iflT ITola) ~/Pcrsons ~ IF'lT ~ Discnption lJT. I Rural ~/Malcs MADHYA PRADESH Dlslricl "'/U rb,ll1 ~!Females Panna

2 3 ) ~~ir~ Percentage to Total Population

(i) ~ CfiTll ~ 'l'8 ~ 37.68 35.31 Main workers Persons ~ 5151 52.30 Males ~ 22.82 16.35 Females

(ii) ~ CfiFf ~ qffi ~ 5.14 6.29 Marginal workers Persons

~ 0.75 0.90 Males -m 986 12.32 Females

(iii) CfiFf ., ~ 'l'8 'Ci!lfcffi 57.18 58.40 Non-workers persons ~ 47.74 46.80 Males -m 67.32 71.33 Females ~ CfiFf ~ ~ CliT ~ Break up of Main workers (~ CfiTll q;frt crrriT CliT ~) (Percentage among main workers) (i) CflI~dCflj( 'Ci!lfcffi 51.75 55.45 Cultivators Persons ~ 52.07 60.12 Males m 50.99 38.76 Females

(ii)~~ 'Ci!lfcffi 23.52 26.97 Agricultural persons Labourers ~ 17.74 20.76 Males ~ 37.50 49.14 Females

(iii) qli«lIm ~ 'Ci!lfcffi 2.41 2.25 Household-Industry Persons ~ 2.16 2.09 Males Important statistics

1M/Total ~/PcrSOI1S ~ l:F'IT ft:R;rr Discription W./Rural ~/MaJes MADHYA PRADESH District -;;./Urban ff:r:n'IF C111 alcs Panna

2 3 4 5

m 3.02 2.82 Females

(iv) 38Pj~CWT~~ ~ 22.32 15.33 Other Main Workers Persons ~ 28.03 17.03 Males m 8.49 9.28 Females

3q. 'ijj'[fu CIi1 CfiB ~ it ~ ~ 14.55 20.40 Percentage of Scheduled Persons Castes population to Total ~ 14.67 20.51 population Males ffl 14.41 20.29 Females

3q. ~ CfiT ~ ~ it \lRl~ldoqPtn 23.27 14.90 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Persons population to Total population T'1'.f 22.64 14.51 Males ffl 23.94 15.34 Females

3fTOIR 3fTCITffi<:r ~


Cfi'B ft cfit 'ffioqr

~ q'.1-ffian 465 6 Number of Towns

~ rm 'ffian' 317 5 Number of Tahsils

~~cttmarr 459 5 Number of C.D. Blocks

iil'1 410 1'11 1991 CENSllS 1991


~ ~ -::rum ;}Rl 'WI (m) mm J.lT1! fl1JF (fc1f=Ml"l mTTlR 'q;f.j

1981- ~'R ~ 'l'fA'fiI') 1991-

Populaton Percentago Se\ Ratio Total El!..;ctlvc TO(;II Cdtivators Agricultural lIousehold Other Percentage S.C. S.T. Decade! (Females No of Llkracv No. of Labourers lndustrey Workers Workers \ an at IOn per. 1,000 Literate, percentage workers. ll1anut'lcturing. to total (1981-91) males). (I-LX') processing popUlation

S~f\'H':lOg and repairs. 14 15 1(' 17 IX 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 'lit>r T 3287263,00 274 587242 4689 147011586 152009467 846302688 439230458 407072230 150421175 ""'"Inclia lIT. R 587242 107940429 111591326 628691676 324321614 304370062116828332 "1'. lJ 4689 39071157 40418141 217611012 114908644 10270216933592843

'l'~ WI T 443446.00 149 76220 71526 465 11333438 11714945 66181170 34267293 31913877 13091!,70 Madhya lJI R 435538:;3 117 76220 7lS2b 8663513 50842333 26164353 24671980 10408924 Pradesh 'I tT 7907.67 1940 465 2669165 2769511 15:138837 3102940 1235897 2682640

WIT 1159400 148 1406 1293 II 240795 247106 1710574 936993 773581 369313 Morena lJIR 1142183 119 1406 1293 189860 193521 1359632 744760 614872 293941 'ItT 172.17 2038 II 50935 53585 350942 192233 158709 70372

96.00 1538 20499 21489 147124 81349 65775 29298 Morena

WIT 4459.00 273 933 877 II 170843 175610 1219000 671347 547653 251740

Blund 1)1. R 4261.00 227 933 877 133361 136881 967857 533892 433965 201902

"'I II 198.00 1268 II 36982 38729 251143 137455 113688 49838 m Bhind "'I.'lT. M 1718 6389 16079 17180 109755 59728 50027 20515

3. ~ WIT 5214.00 271 776 106 9 209121 224299 1412610 710849 641761 266014

Gwahor 1)1. R 4804.96 121 776 106 83604 86800 582163 320191 261912 120456

"'IU 409.04 2030 125517 137499 830447 450658 379789 145558

Gwalior '1<1 UA 303.19 2368 108004 119076 717)80 388324 329456 123850

a Gwalior 'Iff. Me 289.85 2383 103993 114691 690765 371363 318902 118821

'fR~ h Morar Canttk Cantl 13.33 2027 4011 4335 27015 16461 10554 5029

4. ~ m-.r T 203800 194 445 402 60309 62942 396317 214529 181788 78824

Datia 1)1. R 201297 153 445 402 46969 48310 307352 167032 140320 61789

"'I. [J 25.03 3554 13340 14632 88965 47497 41468 17035

&, 1m1I m-.r T 10278.00 110 145? 1326 187119 188476 1132977 612821 520156 24~511 Shivpun lJI R 1012427 95 1459 1326 158710 15979B 960907 519937 440970 207410

'I' lJ 153.73 1119 28409 28678 172070 92884 79186 33101 5

\11'1"1 0 1'11 1991 CIi:NSIJS 1991

~ ~ ~ ~ \fffif/~/ft:R;rr ~ "1t?t'"


8nrylR m~ ROT " ~ q,Jlj

(fi";:n) 3iT1[ 11')7 'l7f.!

~ 10.000 0-6 -,j; ~ q;\

1981- ~'!l"


I'opulalon l'~rc~ntage Sc"\ Ratio Total Ellcctlw Total Ciltlvators AgrIcultural lioll,,,hold Other Perccntag~ SC ST. Decade! (Femak, ;\0 of Likl

variation per LOOO LIterates perC'~ntagc \\'orkers. manul .• cturing. to total (19RI-91) males). ([.IX) processing population \ell'lcing and repairs.

14 15 IG 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

138223277 67758330 +23.85 927 359234417 52.21 285932493 110702346 74597744 6804021 93828382 33.79

112343797 62751026 +20.01 938 226144087 44.69 221658584 88480942 46164747 4555016 82457879 35.26

25879480 5007354 +36.47 894 133140330 73.08 64273909 22221404 28432997 2249005 11370503 29.54

9626679 15399084 +26.84 931 23465301 4420 24934521 12904121 5863029 601729 5565642 3768

7522394 14652730 +22.24 943 14502947 3587 20531221 12533360 5549621 427688 2020552 4038

2104285 746304 +4489 893 8962354 7081 4403300 370761 313408 174041 3545090 28.71

340241 95216 +3126 826 554381 4133 494009 354508 43501 3757 92243 2888

270099 92914 +2086 826 383341 36,14 407754 333856 38471 2255 33172 29.99

70142 2302 +9688 826 171040 60.96 86255 20652 5030 1502 59071 24.58

34889 436 +110 59 809 73807 6264 35556 9448 2033 354 23721 2417

260106 3291 +2518 B16 476192 4923 321461 21>910 40633 3616 63302 2637

214584 1419 +19.84 813 349900 4568 260584 197216 34034 1643 27691 26.92

45522 1872 +5110 827 126292 62.74 60877 16694 6599 1973 35611 2424

19456 599 +4729 838 62602 7015 25057 3005 1526 834 19692 2283

288730 40976 +2751 833 661592 5770 403585 141392 41219 7069 213905 2857

138803 30441 +16.79 818 175026 37.91 181645 124999 33410 1702 21534 3120

149927 10535 +3627 843 486566 7104 221940 16393 7809 5367 192371 26.73

128298 9510 +29.13 848 H6648 7183 189759 10713 5207 4298 169541' 2643

120785 9330 +2815 sse 411244 7190 179544 10462 50n 4193 159816 25.99

7513 180 +60.36 641 15404 7006 10215 251 134 105 9725 37.81

97/91 6780 +2707 847 138345 4357 124367 78205 16228 2379 27555 31.38

83684 5989 +2250 840 93039 3789 101446 74533 15253 1503 10157 3301

14107 791 +4587 873 45306 6299 22921 3672 975 876 17398 25.76

219384 127762 +30.84 849 294788 3303 399019 279799 49252 3972 65996 3522

190951 122807 +2731 848 204258 27.11 352665 273597 46936 3082 29050 36.70

28433 4955 +5481 853 90530 6514 46354 6202 2316 890 36946 26.94 \Tf"'l ",0,"'1 , 1991 CENSUS 1991



lfml mv 3f11] 1l'f' (FlR

1fu 10,000 0-6

j'0plIlaton P~rc"ntage Sex Ratio Total Etliec\lve '1 utal Ciltlvators At;nclIIlural Iiollsehoid Other Percentage S.C. ST V"cadd (Femaks No. of LIteral\' Nu of Lahllllrers Ind[(strey Workers Workers per 1.000 Literates pcrccnt'lgc manuiadllnng. to total (19X1-91) males) (I-IX) procC'sslng population

\~I \ IL'lI1g and rep'llrs. 14 15 1(, 17 18 19 20 21 n 24 25

Slll 1335 17919 18035 108277 58385 49892 20734 Shl\'Pllfi M

G. ~ m.T 11065.00 118 2265 2059 10 208031 211499 1310317 698747 611570 277495 (,una lJI R 10889.74 97 2265 2059 166579 168053 1054741 562488 492253 227949

'I (i 175 26 1458 10 41452 43441 255576 136259 119317 49546

~ '1'l1

Guna Iv[ 45.75 2197 15303 16530 100490 53390 47100 19031

mT 504800 186 973 863 12 153538 155009 940829 502822 438007 194301 1JI. R 487400 160 973 863 128675 129,63 781815 418538 363277 162256

"'f lJ 173.98 914 12 24863 25446 159014 34234 74780 32045

9. ~ mT 8687.00 133 lin 1076 14 190395 196015 1158076 62387B 534198 241148 lJI. R 8347.44 112 1192 1076 ,53769 157254 934552 503845 430707 198175

'I. U 33956 658 14 36626 38761 223524 120033 103491 42973

9. 'AT mT 7135.00 96 1048 939 125892 128349 687945 362727 325218 142922 Palma 1JI. R 699577 86 1048 939 109816 111702 598378 314800 283578 126054

'I U 139.28 643 16076 161047 89567 47927 41640 16868

10. mm 10252.00 161 20Bl 1868 13 278475 283053 1647736 876079 771657 338953

Sagar 10068.63 116 2081 1868 201086 204278 1166357 619205 547152 249780

183.37 2625 77389 7877, 481J79 256874 224505 89173

Sagr llA 52.07 4933 40437 .11134 257119 137532 119587 46090

a. Sagr 35.72 6159 35022 35559 219984 116529 103455 39727 ('«1') mm;f;;z

Sagar cantt.Cantt 1635 2271 5415 5575 37135 21003 16132 6363

11. <:'iTlr m.T 7306.00 123 1199 1205 166780 168743 898125 471384 426741 182389

Darnoh 1JI. R 7171.27 103 1399 1205 137839 139432 735302 385412 349791 152103

'I U 13473 1209 28941 29311 162922 85972 76950 30286

Damoh "'"llA 35.65 2947 18559 18744 55460 49583 19090

12 'ffiAI m. T 7502.00 195 2040 1784 11 250531 258818 1465384 763983 701401 301169

Satna lJI. R 7202.33 163 2040 1784 198229 205046 1176220 609756 566464 246334

"I. U 299.67 965 11 52302 53772 289164 154227 134937 54835 7

\l'l'"'1JI OI'1I 1991 CENSIIS 1991

~ ~ rt\iR ~ 'lmf/"UiPl/fuffiT ~ I]t;rl'(ut OFR/OFR ~-(lOOOOO+) I]txl9~:11



(f0In) ffijl' W1J

'[fu<:r %l10.000 0-6


Populaton P~rc~l1tag~ Sex Ratio Total Elfel'tll e Total Cllttvators Agricultural liollsehold Oth~r Percentag~

S.C S.T. Decadd (Females No. of Literacy No. ot' l .. lilOlIrers Indllstrey Workers Work~rs

vandtion per 1.000 Llterat~s percentag~ \\'orkers. 111<1 III I L.dllring to total (19X1-91) males). (I-IX) proc0ssing population


and repairs. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

17200 3174 4296 855 59344 6779 28654 1635 906 467 25646 2646

236903 157426 3077 875 357165 3458 413413 243597 77552 10379 81885 3155

198267 148000 22.S9 875 225123 2723 342900 235861 74091 5175 27773 32.51

38636 9426 8049 876 132042 64 09 70513 7736 3461 5204 54112 2759

14876 4298 5542 882 53918 6619 27601 1771 873 823 24134 27.47

214064 38850 27.66 871 259666 34.78 330150 242568 38556 7563 41463 3509

183080 35930 20.73 868 189384 3057 283946 225137 33209 5472 20128 36.32

30984 2920 77.85 887 70282 5535 46204 17431 5347 2091 21335 29.06

274438 43482 3061 856 322757 3520 397833 237131 81513 11643 67546 34.35

234660 41615 24.84 855 208207 2827 334130 223190 71444 9209 30287 3575

39778 1867 6188 862 114550 6344 63703 13941 10069 2434 37259 2850

140374 102520 27.40 B97 183558 3368 242893 134674 65520 5468 37231 35.31

125494 98089 2017 901 138247 2927 217101 129780 615103 4648 21110 36.28

14880 4431 113.05 869 45311 6233 25792 4894 3957 820 16121 2880

347432 139467 2453 BBI 699421 5344 568652 185714 123841 113141 140946 34 51

250471 132117 22.19 884 403341 4401 420422 175927 123841 75230 45424 36.05

96961 7350 30.59 B74 296080 7549 148230 9787 SOlO 37911 95522 30.79

53032 2355 23.93 B70 167290 7927 78690 2(5) 13'18 16449 58186 3060

46979 2128 2587 BB8 14251B 7906 65976 2152 mo 15649 47045 2999

6053 227 1353 768 24772 8050 12714 505 268 800 11141 3424

180350 111114 2449 905 331163 4627 321609 116312 83841 47990 73466 3581

1480S5 108489 19.08 908 233324 4001 273502 113036 62034 35151 43281 37.20

32255 2625 5662 895 97839 7377 48107 3276 1807 12839 30185 29.52

21099 1176 3685 894 65335 7601 29936 1153 573 6307 21903 28.50

261505 202412 27.05 91B 519852 4465 527001 222997 154032 32373 117599 35.96

214452 188760 2168 929 367456 3952 438418 211914 143349 23711 59444 3727

47053 13652 54.85 875 152396 6S 04 88583 11083 10683 8662 58155 3063 1l1'1 410 1'11 1991 CENSIIS 1')')1

~ ~ ~ ~ 'llffif 1m I~ ~ SJ6C"4'["f ~ I~ ~ - (100000 +) SJUl\lhl

FICl:RES AT j\ CL \,,(,1<: INDI.\. 1\1 \1)11"..\ PK\[)FSII. DISTRICT ,\NI> II\IPORTANTTOWN llAS (100000+) OF M.P.

hlrrorm 'J. I q;pJ 1)1 F'1

'l1/lTc'll rfq,nl TIF.F 3W]'l1f" ri·iWn"l nnnn m 7lfil 'jf:;r;:< 'If:! 10 ,000 "mlll1am 1981- 'jVi\'IT lJTl'B )


l'op"l..tOIl 'Iotal Flled.\ c Other PacC'ntag~ SC ST I .te,,,,'\, Indll

per I,O()() 1,lter .• tc, pcrL'cnLlbc 1ll,llluj,ldllrmg to total

(Inl-91) Ill •• ks) (I-IX) procc,sing population

\.;/ \ ICIng

.\ ntl 1 ~rHlrs. 14 15 1(, 17 IX I') 20 21 22 2) 24 25

S.lln" II \ 86 n 1850 30684 160500 86744 73756 292,3

mT 631400 246 2725 2352 12 25436 264160 1554987 805000 749987 329826

1JI R 604796 218 2725 2352 212882 221176 1318172 67754 640631 285229'

2,./· O~ 127459 109356

om 1\1C 5499 2346 22772 236'13 128981 70735 58246 21733

14 ~

Sh,.hdol 1JI R 13606.14 101 2106 1977 252792 262023 1375673 701585 674088 282172

1 {T 42136 8n 2f1 70105 72299 31>8196 197085 171m 71585


S,dh, 1JI. R 10459.00 123 1882 1822 213399 222571 1284586 664376 620210 292030

1 (' 67.00 1326 t9766 20323 88848 50296 38552 19334

16 ~ 979100 159 1761 1575 IH 264566 271331 1555208 799481 7,,727 282239

~!anlhaur w R 9568.37 12, 1761 1575 205120 2U'I299 1195939 613128 582811 221562

1[1 222.63 1614 59446 ,,2032 359269 186353 172916 60677

17 B"iIT'l

Ratlam wR 476117 139 1077 1051 114921 117377 662151 338472 323679 132380

"" [I 9933 3103 S3132 30')737 160326 149411 51743 4087 4790 34781 ,)5570 195776 101855 93921 31465

Rati.lI11 Me 3919 4679 32286 33021 183375 95242 88133 29743

(" ) "fmWl tiil ~ l! 1 'IT h Ratlam Rlv

(,,,I ()n\' '-J ~I 168 2495 ? 'j49 1740J 6613 5788 1722

18 ~

UJJ-.in wR 5937.88 141 )135 1092 137575 141237 836403 431964 404439 157392

"" (I 15312 3570 87522 Yol'I07 54M'I83 285054 261629 88268

1 n (IA 92.94 3902 58323 62670 36263~ 188787 173846 56609 .. 19 ~ >itT 6196 00 167 1124 1068 12 171862 t14307 1033248 538694 494554 196324

Saiapilf lJlR 610040 139 1124 1068 141633 143390 850362 442939 407423 163107

l' (I 9560 1?B 17 30229 30917 182886 95755 87131 33217 \jf"I"IOI"'l1 1991 CENSUS 1991

~ ~ -.::r\if{~' "lRO/~/~ ~ l1ih-<1,(UT ""'1"lR/""'1"lR ~-(100000+) I1fA9~:1I


%I 10,000 1981- ~'R


POfllllaton P~rc~nlag~ S~X RatIo Total ElkdlW Tellal CIlliYa\ors Agncllitllf,d HOll,dlOld Other Pcrc~ntage s C. ST Decade! (Females No of Llkracy No of 1,ahomers Indllstr~y Workers Workers vanatlOn per, 1,000 Llkrates pCll'entage \\'orkers, manlll'lclunng to tolal (Inl-91) males). (I-IX) processing population

~l'r\'ictng and repairs, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

22357 6091 6603 850 92476 7046 46399 2973 3172 1891 38363 28,91

229915 193105 28.77 932 543812 4439 524958 215841 193962 15953 99202 33.76

202683 178734 2555 946 418710 4054 457304 206592 181889 12030 56793 34,69

27232 14371 5021 858 125102 6498 67654 9249 12073 3923 42409 2857

12852 3947 28,16 823 78930 7360 34395 1666 2561 1605 28563 2667

134295 807764 29,64 940 483429 3478 655807 347986 166367 11925 129529 37,61

99094 746493 24,44 961 297589 2721 554897 335889 156842 9475 52691 40,34

35201 61271 5366 868 185940 6265 100910 12097 9525 2450 76838 2741

156157 418004 38,67 922 309562 2915 495867 297428 119395 8558 70486 36,10

148006 410929 3232 934 263397 2654 468435 295328 117733 8285 47089 3647

8151 7075 352,06 767 46175 6643 27432 2100 1662 27l 23397 30 S8

246631 74625 23,10 945 619531 4967 651964 385643 126889 8451 130981 4192

207519 68066 1871 951 408083 4188 540600 367261 116184 5639 51516 4520

39112 6559 40,38 928 211448 7082 111364 18382 10705 2312 79465 3100

133376 226156 24,17 948 347814 4415 385923 212117 69955 6459 97392 3971

100557 216669 2211 956 161876 3056 295615 204164 64807 3931 22713 44,64

32819 9437 2879 932 195938 7207 90303 7953 5148 2528 74679 29,16

20273 6720 25,84 922 129260 7867 54946 985 1003 1243 51715 28,07

18441 6110 28,85 925 120181 79,23 51605 984 1002 1236 48383 28,14

1832 610 875 9079 8502 3341 3332 26,94

339618 29160 23,82 929 558017 49,06 502205 204763 119680 8949 168813 36,31

253t44 21742 19.77 936 227370 33,49 346807 195724 112805 5435 32843 4146

86574 7418 30,58 918 330647 7213 155398 9039 6875 3514 135970 28.43

61340 4908 28,50 921 228052 7452 101962 2709 2891 1759 94603 28.12

230828 24452 22,97 918 329047 39,20 ;96024 198255 122157 764; 67969 38,3;

209499 22793 1885 920 231711 3372 342051 188779 113538 6342 33392 4022

21329 1659 46,58 910 96336 6437 53973 9476 8619 1301 34577 29.51 10

\i1'141 0 I'll 1991 CENSI'S 1')')1


hnf'flR ~~'TIi\>J JPr'WI

(IBm) lllTI'fTTi' T.


I'opulaton Tot.tI Other l\.:-rl'I2'I1t.\gl: SC S.T l.1klac\ \Vorkers \\'"rkef'

Vttnatlon rCI I.U()O Lltcrate, pcrL'cI11,lgc \\"Ikers nlcll1ulacturtng. tn total (J9l<1-911 male,) (I-IX) popUlation

",-" \'IClllg

dnd rl:pam.. 14 15 1(, 17 I X I') 20 21 21 H 25 mT 702000 1134 1058 11 168087 173365 1<133807 537426 496381 20603, 1Jl H 681178 112 Jn4 1058 121990 12[.085 766147 396449 369698 155068

'! I 20B 22 1265 46088 .t6260 26766U 140977 126683 SOOo .'


D~was 1\IC 10022 1640 29575 :\1038 164364 86955 77409 3079,

21 ~3lT mT 678200 167 1357 1313 177383 1790SS 1130405 571764 558641 2659' Jhahua 1)1 R 6719.90 154 1357 1313 159643 160991 1032325 520671 511654 2488,

"I LJ 6210 1579 17740 18064 98080 51093 46987 170/. :

22. UR 815300 168 1571 1487 226615 229620 1367412 700952 666460 2768/9

Dh"r 806741 147 15ll 1487 194335 196780 1187702 605976 581726 245621

8559 2100 32280 322840 179710 '14976 84734 31208

389800 471 045 624 In 314381 318889 1835YI5 ?6JJll 872604 314659

364222 154 645 624 92448 94077 56H?7 29250A 268891 108420

25578 4983 10 221933 224812 1274518 670805 603718 206230

Indor.: UA 16,17 6715 19498B 197470 1109056 583653 525403 17840)

2 4. '1. f.lqjs mT 1345000 151 2m 1384 14 322040 3259&5 2028145 1039970 931!175 42563} We't lJT R 133691B 2171 13BJ 270092 212821 1722871 880684 842187 374481

NUllar "I [i 80.82 3777 51948 53164 JU5274 159286 145988 01156

mT 1077900 133 1068 10<0 234719 242418 1431662 738883 692779 2903'12

East Nimar '1l R 106384'1 98 1068 1060 174471 179235 10)7491 5.34765 502726 220341

"I U 14051 2805 60248 63183 394171 204118 190053 700S1

~ "18

Khandwa MC 3577 4057 24634 1451.1.1 75781 69352 24339 'PR'l' "18

Burhanrllr MC 1207 13631 22113 24544 172710 88511 84199 32314

26. ~ >liT 615400 161 1736 1664 12 160478 167396 516152 476612 194241

Rajgrah 1)1. R 597106 138 1736 1664 132744 825926 428601 397325 162652

"I IT 18294 12 27734 26804 166838 87551 79287 31589

27 f

Vidisha 1)1R 729300 106 1624 1522 127135 133059 175303 414142 361161 165758

"IU 7712 2S30 30339 195085 103716 91369 35391 II

\i1"1~IUI'1I 1991

C1~NSlJS 1991

~ ~ "l\il"{ ~ \lffif I~ I~ ~ SJ ~fq'rf "'1lR 1'flIT ~ - (100000 +) SJtA9~ ~I


f;1lrr-rlR 1-lT~ff'lT-.;1 ~q:]Jll '1llmRq; JciPJ

(f~) 3H'! TI'Y ~ Jlir~ (f

',@ 10.000 Q6

1981- ~'IT ~ >J

1991 -

l'oJlLllatoll I'~I c~lllago s~'\ RatiO Tol.1I EtkcllVC Tolal CIIII\'alor' ,\gncLll1l1f,1l IltlLl,,,hold Olher I'crccntag S.C s 1'. Dcc,lde! (Pemaks No ot Lllcr,lcy Nil of' 1."l1ollfer, Indllstrcy Workers Worker,

""n,llI0n per L(JO(J Llkrak< pcrccnl"g" \\'01 kcr~ manul.lL'lUflllg to total (19X1-91) malos) (I-IX) popliIatll11

c.,~I\'H.:tI1g ;ll1d repaIrs 14 15 lG 17 18 I') 20 21 22 24 25

187680 155493 2999 924 364909 4408 379062 164905 170551 7050 86556 36.67

149786 141748 1850 933 219066 3590 299811 156242 108780 5387 29402 3913

37894 13745 79Y2 899 145843 6703 1V251 8063 11771 1M3 57154 2951

25570 5648 9693 890 96103 7195 48227 2374 634 42209 2934

:;4Ml 96B:;12 4216 977 104321 1901 444263 373650 26227 3948 40438 3930

28935 940886 411>3 983 107616 13 74 415588 368409 25191 2731 19257 4026

5906 27486 4803 920 56705 6999 28675 5241 1036 1217 21181 29.24

94995 731212 2931 951 376631 3454 564849 334547 l3f1256 5919 88127 4131

81401 706082 2847 960 276549 2936 507097 328767 127677 4685 45968 4270

134,4 25190 3514 892 100083 6742 57752 5780 657'1 1234 42159 3214

305767 100913 3026 906 1008945 6632 607467 112419 89837 7974 397238 3309

111271 67B84 1695 919 197935 4370 227758 103407 78808 300B 42535 40.57

194496 33029 3713 900 811010 7592 379709 '1011 11029 4966 354703 2979

166761 26525 3373 900 713943 7671 329656 4639 4395 4240 316382 29.72

19B018 937710 2435 950 576170 359S 810793 J45067 233326 9405 122995 399B

168193 913115 2397 956 406260 3013 716737 437166 217568 5863 58138 41.72

29825 24595 2658 917 169910 6680 92056 78'-1'1 15758 3542 64857 3016

163160 3B3231 2411 938 519136 4519 568445 235675 lB9065 6746 136959 3971

127180 374413 2297 940 297419 3640 457400 23u007 17%36 3693 44164 44.09

35980 8818 2748 931 221717 6841 111045 5668 952? 3053 92795 2817

16452 3246 2651 915 91372 75601 39336 '/42 109 774 36911 2710

10311 712 2250 951 89102 6346 47983 1/,15 2292 lH59 42197 2778

178114 32775 2388 923 254015 31 Bl 367871 213818 78<.81 7549 65823 3]06

154486 30379 1859 927 )70154 2565 319650 2[17641 7.1277 7381 81351 3870

24228 2396 5902 906 83861 6200 48221 om ';404 2168 34472 2890

197061 42689 2392 874 339114 4408 321146 13%77 106'172 5559 68938 3309

169089 40584 1924 872 226937 3723 268588 134735 IU3825 4361 25667 3464

28972 2105 4679 891 112177 7024 52558 4942 3147 1198 43271 2694 12

\i1"1~lul'1l 1991 ('ENS lJS 191)1 ~ ~ -;wJ{ -if \lRO/~/fuJBr ~ IJEi~'l0f 'PTUOf1R ~-(100000+) IJtq9~~J, FIGllRES AT:\ GLANCE INDIA. MADIIYA PR.\DI~SH, DISTRICT AND IMPORTANT TOWN UAS (100000+) OF M.P.

Wi! 10,000

1981 - ~)


I'opulaton Pcrc~ntage Sex Ratio Total Elkctl\ C Total Cillivators. \gneultural HOll,,,hold Other Perc~ntag~

SC ST. Oecadd (Female, No 01 [.lkl:Il·\· No of I.ahomer, Indll\trcy Workers Worh.crs vanatilln pcr. 1.UOO Llterak, percentage worker" manut.lclurlllg. to total (19)0:1·91) males). (l·IX) pnKes\ing popUlation

~~n Il.:mg and repairs. 14 15 1(, 17 1l< 19 20 21 23 24 25

28 >ffiR:I mT 2772.00 488 542 511 241689 247911 1351479 715283 636196 237502 Rhoral 1]1. R 247311 109 542 311 45953 46795 270677 144516 126161 59630

Of. 1I 29889 3616 195736 201116 1080802 570767 510035 177872

Off.t. Ilhop,11 Me 28490 192726 IQ8057 1062771 561208 501563 174103

29 m m. T 657800 128 1072 1011 136408 139501 841358 443332 398026 175556 Sehorc 'lIT. R 644539 1072 1011 110920 113214 690025 363000 327025 146810

Of.U 13261 25488 26287 151333 80332 71001 28746

'30 U!!iH 846600 104 1509 1429 141398 152096 876461 466389 410072 179613 RalScn 8,1689 1509 1429 7381045 392102 346543 153147

14911 23496 25183 137816 74287 63529 26466

31 ~ m. T 1004300 118 1406 1328 194901 201528 1181501 600935 580566 242853 Betul 1)1. R 999155 1406 1328 153997 159474 961551 485361 476190 200791

Of. U 5145 40904 42054 219950 115574 104376 42062

32.~ m. T 1003700 126 1554 1420 14 210985 223019 1267211 667413 599798 247606

1I0,hangahad 1]1. R 985981 1554 1420 150655 159031 920695 463608 437087 189262

Of II 17719 14 60330 346516 183805 162711 58344

m.T \0160.00 261 2400 2257 18 489430 496179 2649962 1383654 1266308 483792 .Iahalpur 1]1. R 971483 149 2400 2257 271963 277507 1443501 744539 698962 288563

'I. l' 44517 2710 18 217467 220672 1206461 639115 567346 195229


Jahalpur UA 224.45 3960 1,8962 161318 888916 472324 416592 139742


a. .Iahalpur 15421 4958 136032 138233 764586 402966 361620 123214 ~ ~>k' h Jahalpur

Canlt Canlt 28.49 1970 9473 9491 56124 33458 22666 7124

11~ 1\:"'1.'11.

C, K!lamana NM 2843 940 4964 4998 26731 1418, 12546 3707

'l. ;;j\:!lI~ ilOf.'II.


d.GCF .lahalpurNM 7.00 2566 3615 3630 17961 9430 8531 2319 l: ~ 1I,Of.'II'.

c. Bilpura NM 256 3972 1896 1984 10168 5406 4762 1935 II

\iI'1~IUI'11 1991 CENSliS 11)1)1

~ ~ -;:r\iI"{ -if' 'iRO/~/~ ~ st6C'<1,(uf ;::nrr/;::nrr ~-(100000+) Slt4'l{!n


JF11 q;ll\ ~ ~ m~K1J 7[f ~CfJ.JJ qli


l'op"I.,ton Pel cent.I~" Sex Ratio Tot.,j FIJCd" " Tntal Cliti\'atol' \gn,lIltllral 1l()lIs~hold Other Percentage

SC ST ]\;0 01' 1,lkr;,c\ No of I ,almur~r~ Industrev Wor".:rs Workers

\\lnahon reI' 1.000 Lltel ates perccnt.'g,' \\'ork~r~ m.lllLll.t".'luring. to hltal (19R1-91) males) (I-IX) proc(:ssing poplllatHIIl

I."l!rvlclllg .md repairs 14 15 16 17 IX I') 20 21 22 23 24 25

186538 41205 5105 889 715924 6427 407199 55392 37639 4605 309563 3013

58684 11523 2715 873 69889 3312 96905 50018 32469 1226 13192 3580

127854 29682 5851 894 646035 7155 310294 5374 5170 3379 296371 2871

125572 29432 5838 894 637732 7176 305608 4721 434B 3217 293322 2876

170796 85643 2799 898 269200 4043 305946 152241 93956 5741 54008 36,36

149967 79566 21.08 901 188585 3472 263364 147479 88767 4121 22997 3817

20829 6077 72,99 684 80615 6576 42582 4762 5189 1620 31011 2814

145095 126254 2~,35 679 284059 407" 294415 114655 110713 6743 62304 3359

129734 120939 1545 684 211565 3613 254400 110662 105964 6030 31724 34.44

15361 5315 9483 855 72494 6510 40015 3973 4749 713 30580 2904

127438 443132 2768 966 430720 458? 496013 281533 119821 6553 88106 4198

92079 428615 2270 981 295018 3878 437554 276815 115846 5459 39434 45,51

3~359 14517 5518 903 135702 7629 58459 4718 3975 1094 48672 2656

206~62 2200,8 2622 89? 5254 425990 154979 1319122 9705 122184 33.62

155072 204412 2246 904 311004 4252 333399 150301 134589 6805 41704 36,21

51290 15626 3746 885 224735 77 99 92591 4678 &533 2900 80480 2672

339912 474466 2052 915 1280372 5911 894598 259754 2213'17 33435 380012 3376

180462 404690 1947 939 503819 4362 561325 249767 208383 16025 87150 38,89

159450 69776 2180 B8B 776553 7679 333273 9987 13014 17410 292862 7762

121752 39243 17,3B B62 591050 7889 240649 3335 3878 7865 225571 2707

104795 \7 79 897 7792 203250 2832 7356 189604 26.58

8077 1383 803 677 41971 8566 20510 281 113 170 19946 3654

3340 3473 43.36 884 18137 8138 6452 136 141 215 5960 2414

2406 702 905 13924 8902 4560 16 4537 25.39

2501 \656 681 6795 2>88 84 161 105 2238 2545 1+

iii'1'IUI'11 1991 CI<:NSlJS (')')(


mm 3Wj 11lJ1" m 10,000 0-6


l'oJlulaton Percentage Sex Raho Total Total Ciitll'ators ,\gn"llitural Iiolischoid Oth~r Pcrc~ntage s.c. S.T Decadel (Females No of Liter:,"y No, of Industrey Workers Workers varlHtion per 1.000 Literates pa.. "ntagc \\'orkers. manutacturmg. to total (Inl-91) maio') (I-IX) procl!ssing population


'if. ~~ 'ii"l'll, f Vellld c F "dory .I"h"ll'uI NM 3.76 3549 2932 2982 13346 6879 6467 1443 " 'I"fIU (~).,.f.t g Murwara (Katl1l)MC 10710 1526 30154 30331 163431 85753 77673 27488

34.~ >iI. T 513300 153 1081 1040 132428 137015 785496 410693 374803 145674

Nar.mnhapur 1)1, R 5073.75 132 1081 1040 112494 116198 668708 349125 319583 126964

.,.U 59.25 1971 19934 20817 116788 61568 55220 18710

35 >mIT >ilT 13269.00 97 2160 2106 245912 249318 129263 649444 641819 256313 Mandla m. R 13183.09 90 2160 2106 226954 230131 1192213 598115 594098 240270 .,.. U 85.91 1153 18958 19207 99050 51329 47721 16043

36 fm:mr >iI. T 11815.00 133 1984 1903 22 269254 282294 1568702 803386 765316 311977

Chhmdwara1)l. R 1165182 104 1984 1903 203376 214876 1206351 613313 593038 249895

.,.. u 163.18 2221 22 65678 67418 362351 190073 172278 62082

37 fmrll >iI. T 8758,00 114 1613 1585 176641 183325 1000831 507076 493755 195228 Sconi mR 8715.97 104 1613 1585 159443 11.5718 906024 457701 448323 179662 .,.. U 42.03 2256 17198 17607 94807 49375 45432 15566

38 ~ >ilT 922900 148 1388 1269 243559 259248 1365870 682260 663610 245794

Balaghat m It 9149.09 135 1388 1269 219366 234277 1236083 615256 620827 225254

.,. U 79.91 1624 24193 24971 129787 67004 62783 20540

39 oopII mT 22337.00 2432 2414 16 384136 399742 2082630 1064628 1018002 434699 SurguJa m R 22230.29 82 2432 2414 . 335479 349639 1831471 929950 901521 386069

.,. U 10671 2354 16 48657 50103 251159 134678 116461 48630

40,~ 1989700 191 3590 3501 2(1 677303 715510 3793566 1917420 1876146 749832

Bill,'pur m R 19514 27 161 3590 3501 557408 390887 3148763 1581970 1566793 637561

.,.. U 382,]3 1665 26 119895 124623 644803 335450 309353 l1n71

~ "UI

Bdaspur UA 46,47 4941 42410 44114 229615 120066 109549 35600 ., ~ "I.f.t

a Bila.'pur Me 35,92 5356 35845 36583 192896 100543 91853 30466 ~ ~ "''''.'lI. ~ 7ffiMr h Bilaspur

Rly. Colony NM 4.07 6912 4810 5753 28132 14691 13441 3434 1:;

,T1'1'1 0 I"'I1 1991 CENSllS 1')')1

~ ~ Y1crR if \lffif/~/ftwrr ~ IJ6i""


qRcrrf{q, "TIim

nn.:rr :;wJ"'" ~ (~ rmT!F1

o-0 ~~ "A1 ,,~ "IR1 TIf~ilTrT ,m ~" 1981- clvn ~)


l'opul,ltOI1 l'ercelltd>;e Se\ R"tll' '1'01,,1 Etledl\ C Total CJitlYators \gllclll[ural Ilou,ehold Other l'er,'entage

SC ST. [)~c",kl (Female, No. of Lltera,\ No ot 1.. ,hour"I' illdu,lrey Worker' Workers

\ "1"I.,t1<111 pCI' I.()(J(J Llkral", rd,elllel,:" \\{Irl-..,r, 1ll.11l1l1iIL"lUrtllg. to total

males) (I-IX) prl)L''-'~Slt1g popul:tlloll

,1"t:1\ 11'IIlg

,Ind lqMlfS

14 15 17 11< 1~ 20 2\ 22 24 2S

633 277 940 11055 9283 3289 3286 2464

20649 15185 :1285 906 99339 73 07 45977 2334 2017 836 40740 2813

130291 101368 2076 913 356048 5565 283414 112825 110103 100.57 50339 3608

114360 96113 1892 915 278273 5137 250144 110713 107498 7212 24721 3741

15nl 5255 3252 897 77775 J9 30 33270 2112 2695 2845 25618 2849

67499 785587 2447 988 385960 3729 600661 391253 145128 7926 55754 4652

5<;336 773408 2365 ()93 322150 3384 572454 388409 7{)30 35153 4802

a .1 12179 3535 ')30 63810 7687 28207 2844 J~66 8'16 20601 2848

mAl9 540708 2721 953 564249 4490 ~87232 293474 131678 3743

137311 507923 2411 967 346694 3625 488228 284173 1~1466 5725 56864 4047

54108 32785 3874 906 217555 72 45 99004 9301 10771 411B 74814 2732

107792 369827 2360 974 358415 4449 414419 215127 14U195 5394 53708 4141

97952 363882 2129 980 296072 4076 :lB890B 21367? U8084 4150 33002 4292

9840 5945 5120 920 62343 7868 25511 1455 2111 1244 20701 2691

113105 298665 19 00 1002 596248 5323 587389 '1O1ll 1/,11,04 95680 4300

101294 286224 1795 1009 513494 5080 549618 306775 18752 66469 4446

11811 12441 3004 937 82754 7575 37771 3336 3'182 1242 29211 2910

114832 1117577 27 SO 956 495881 3009 748327 497597 12(,218 6783 117729 3593

93219 1084515 22 79 969 359716 2489 683209 494861. 1)4714 6235 57394 3730

21613 33062 7692 865 136165 6723 65118 2731 1004 548 60335 2593

687221 873741 2845 978 1377634 4526 15A4431 849551 3796(,8 20576 294636 4071

601903 829156 2374 990 996179 3967 1353491 828954 1/,0\(,\ 15480 148896 42 qs

d5318 44585 57/4 922 381455 7163 190940 20597 1'?~U7 so'n 145740 2961

27391 9666 2272 912 150452 77 55 65086 2130 2919 944 59093 2835

22545 liOb 701 914 125912 7771. 55127 1983 23(,8 906 49870 2865

3943 1523 915 19732 )'/39 7327 27 Jt, 20 7244 2605 \11'1 410 1'11 1991 CENSlJS 1')')1


~ (~) nrH< WlJ WJ." m 10.000 o 6';:

1991 -

POPllla(ol1 Pcrc~nlag" Sex Rallo FlkLlIl c '['o(al Cillll'"lor, .\gllcllitllral liousehold 01her P~r~~l1tagl!' s.c. ST Deca,kl (Females No of Llteracv No or I.ahollrcrs Industrey Workers Workers

\\'orkers mall111'ldliring. (0 total (19X1-91) males) (I-IX) processing populalion st!rvicing and repairs.

14 15 16 17 I~ I') 20 21 22 23 24 25

648 1402 1755 1718 9087 4832 4255 1700

d Korha NM 3507 3550 26201 26667 124501 66085 58416 23681

;:j]1 12'124 UU :-l/iJ 33U4Q4 11222'/1 860902 861329 3lU~22 Raigarh lJ1 R 12823.45 122 2196 300537 312334 1559232 776013 783219 282592

'I' IT 10055 1622 29867 31976 163059 84949 78110 27930

42. ~ >iTT 11127.00 129 2378 2273 257296 266204 1439951 715549 724402 275474

R'~inandg'l<)n lJ1 R 10985.85 110 2378 2273 216301 223686 1213184 600229 612955 238050 'I U 141.15 1607 40995 42518 226767 115320 ll1447 37424

~ '1f-1'

Rajnandgaon MC 93.34 1343 22485 22975 125371 63960 61411 20771

43. ~ >iTT 8537.00 281 1821 1803 440560 4560YO 2397134 1218814 1178320 442479 Dlirg lJ1 R 8219.12 189 1821 1803 269053 281194 1551734 771833 779901 300209 'I Ii 317.88 2659 171507 174896 845400 446981 398419 142270 Ti fllMrf -;pfl' '1<1 Durg

llhil:ll N•• g.lr 1::\ 18300 3746 139493 142193 685474 364315 321159 115014

J)urg MC 5080 3286 30414 31142 166932 86380 80552 28385

'" NilTf -;pfl' 11 'I '!I h Bhihll Nagar NM 89.87 4399 84020 395160 212035 18:1:125 65580 1I~ 11 'I '!I

I\.ohka NM 787 4378 6730 6812 34455 18319 16136 5532

d Chhaol11 NM 802 3124 5711 b036 25028 14047 nOll 4766

Charoda NM 5.52 4373 4788 4818 24137 12682 11455 :l370

Jamul NM 1180 1349 3296 3381 15913 8507 7406 3066

~ fir.Irf """ >i'l.'!I. g Bhilai Kalan NM 9.12 2590 4534 4635 23619 12345 11274 4295 17

1J1"1'I U I"l1 1991 CF:NSliS 1991

~ ~""1"IJ1(" -it. ~/~/~ ~ 1115~'l()1 "PR/-;pf{ ~-(100000+) 'iW94~1


BTU! 31J!j WJ" 0-6

1981- ~


1'0 1'1I1a(011 P~IT~l1tagl? s~\ Ratio Tolal Total Cilti\'atol' "\~rIL IIllural Iiolischoid Otha Pen..'~ntag~

SC. ST D,,~add (Females No. of Llkr.,c), No. of I", huurers Industrc), Workers Workers

V,Htahl1l1 per 1.(JOO Llkra(C, perccnl.'gc workers. I1Mnui(lcturing. to total ( 19XI-91) maks). (I-IX) processing population servicing and ro;:p" irs. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

903 1037 24.26 881 4808 6509 2632 120 515 18 1979 28.96

14675 12607 4931 884 73497 72.90 35692 265 432 334 34661 28.67

195913 821477 1934 1000 581906 4122 682877 412742 165136 18465 36534 3965

173518 797659 1794 1009 487380 3818 635252 408458 161414 16862 485118 40.74

22395 nSIs 3461 919 94526 6995 47625 4284 . 3722 1603 38016 29.21

148018 362355 2334 1012 516914 4439 712731 454313 144876 10835 102707 49.50

116893 349841 18.56 1021 382959 3927 638658 445735 135648 7414 49861 52.64

31125 12514 5720 966 133955 7075 74073 B578 9228 34021 52846 32.66

157~9 6027 4516 960 75536 72 21 40341 4029 4U97 1071 31144 32.18

305916 298059 2680 967 1147427 5870 1015627 439302 254211 11788 310326 42.37

209665 249062 2035 1010 630402 SO 37 766529 430432 242210 9199 84688 49.40

96251 48997 4064 891 517025 7353 249098 8870 12001 2589 225638 2947

78776 31600 3983 882 430513 7547 196793 2893 3922 1628 188350 2871

18218 7214 40.76 931 104674 7555 49343 1380 204B B95 45020 29.56

48482 18793 23 )6 B65 247305 7499 113191 815 910 575 110S91 28.63

2533 1520 881 23600 BI60 9150 106 401 64 8579 26.56

2986 1045 7B4 14219 7007 8627 58 69 37 8463 34.43

3214 802 B.l0 903 17070 8220 5796 138 227 19 5412 24.01

947 739 4507 B71 9050 70.55 4616 335 162 17 4102 29.01

2446 1487 2517 913 14595 75.53 6070 61 105 21 5883 25.70 IX

,iFI410l"li 1991 CENSllS 1991

~ ~ ~~. "lmf/~/~ ~ S1t'i<:


,-RilF.lTI :m1!RnTf.l P"' m 10,000 JI-6ctrl'l1 ~ ,,~3h<

l'o[!Ulatol1 I\:n.:~nlag~ S~\ Ratio Total FII"L'iJ\" Total Olt"',llo" \~II' lIltural 110lIs"hold Other Pt::rc\!ntag\!

SC ST D~cadd (Eemale, No of Llkl:lc\' No oi I ,'\ht)lIr~r~ Indllstrey Workers Workers

vall.llion pCI' l.OCH) Llt~rak' po;,;!rl'-'nt,lg~ \\nr~~rs m.llllliaL'iurll1g. 10 total (191<1-91) lIlaks) (I-IX) rroc('!ssing population


and r~pairs. 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 44 ""'Jt

Kaq)ul ! 1.-\ 64 29 7197 82043 "4881 462694 240921 221773 77861 "

45 .-w


'I. li 70.64 2292 33190 .13))8 161883 63545 76336 26591 I')

1l1'1'IOHI 1991 CENSlJS 1991

~ ~ WfIl1'"{ -to 'lRO /~ /~ ~ 116('q'[uf "'1'R /"'1'R ~ - (100000 + ) I1tzl'l~ :11


7JHflm:n m"rl~ f':rrn:J'llil ~ m~J('""11 'TI "§i Cf,lTf ~ iTl;rn ~~ >RI 'f'lll ~'l)fif

311 ll'j >RlTI'1IT (~) "fTlm jjl~ 'I')'" Jf~ (~mmA



SC ST Deeadcl (Female, No of LIteracy No of l,ahouTcrs [lldllqr~y Work~rs Workers

Varldtloll per I.O(JO 1,lkr.ltc", pcn..:..:nta£.: \\'orkcrs. manut:ldurlng. to total

(19X1-91) mai0s) (I-IX) pn)l'~'''lIlg population

!o,..:nH. .'ltlg

and Icpalr",_ 14 1 < 1(' 17 1R 1<) ~() ~ 1 " 21 24 25 563577 714027 2691 993 1524625 48 DB 1713854 845684 4~3388 26700 348082 43,35

472416 676806 22,98 1007 1073311 4240 1472921 829172 473531 21041 149177 46,96

91161 37221 4580 941 45Bl4 7059 240933 16512 19~57 565? 198905 3122

50388 16307 3679 921 283973 7379 137223 2493 3?78 2567 128885 29,66

132881 1529888 2325 1002 451647 2489 998762 730991 146909 13148 107714 4397

116246 1501309 2185 1007 355130 2115 950011 727780 143298 11895 67038 4504

16635 28579 4492 938 96517 7134 48751 3211 3611 1253 40676 30.11

21 Roa:t oll ~ oq ROl4I

1- mJfFlJ

1.1 ~~~~~'3Wim~m1T'{~~~~ 3IrnlTC!iT~mr1J

2.1 ~ - "1'1TtFJ iiI""~rRoqq\) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 'CflT ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ fcWf ~ ~ iiI'1l I01'11srt' ~~ ~ t, ~ ~ ~ it 'G1""I'1IURT:m it M ~ lClI( ~ ~ ~ ~ M'iiIl"ffi" t, ftffi~ ~ CIib' q;m 'iiIl"ffi" t I ~ ~ c@ ~ ~ F ~ ct~-~it ~ ~ ~ iII it ~ F ~ ~ ClCfi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3lA qffi wit

~ "fIR ~ '. W """'" 2 ~5 ~ 'I"I'C f*>:Ir 1JlIT ~I 22 it ~ en :Jlt ~1JrfI cf,j ~ J((110l 78 \J'R1T1JRT ~ ~ ~ I

2.2 'fIR ~ ~ ~ ~ $I' 2 2 1 1971 chl \fR1TlJRT il "\l~ 0flT ';flIT ~

(1) m<:

2.4 \1'1"4101.,1 'JfCIlR 2.4.1 3flOl' ~ 'IR ~ ~ ~

'1991 lJ"~, ~ ~ mmr ~ ~ 8. ?I~illl"l<: ~ cf; ?I~illl"'<:, ~, orror{, ~, ~, ~ ~ ~ -i'f 9. ~ ~ ciit~~-trlQ ~~

1991 cf.T Jf11T1JFfT it ,mq cnf 0 - 6 3WJ

L[i'": ('jCf; ('jCf; Clrnffi TrfCf,T ~c ",TT tiT. ~ ~ ~ i: '"1°] ,~ efT ~ ~ ~ .,-Rr mlTlT ~ ;mr fu; ~ 7 qq

14 ~ i!' if ('

~ t ? if (1) 1'9'tT (2) ~ 16 <:& ~ 16 'Cfl if iT 31J'i-t ~ ~ 'Cflf11 M t I if (1) /~ (2) 2.8.2 m 16 <:&

if,1 ~C1ChI(, ~ ~, ql f{q I f{Ch ~ 'ICJ 3A CfJ11 q:;f.t ~ I

l.~ ~I 2.~~ ~II 3. qIR&IR'tt ~ ~ V t~) 4. 3FlI' q;Jll q;f.t ~ ~ Ill, IV, V (~) VI, VII, VIII, XI (~-mit)

~ cf; ;Jq41l1C'fllffi3il' cf; ~

~iRr~,c. 4,f{qIR'

I ~ ~ ~ ~ 'R 'CflliST~, 'C'fll1?T W;rr, ~, ~ OART, ~ cf; ~ ORAl, ~ ctT ~ Cfi("IJ', ~ 'CfiT 'CfiFf Cfi("IJ' ~ I ~~, iirw, lJ']'

tNt q;Jll q;f.t ~ \JIl ~ crrl ~ Of M ~ ~ -it ~ iI' ~ \JIl C'fl1~dC'fll< 'llT ~ ~ 'llT 41 f{qIRCfi '3"Wr -it 'ffilr.f Of iI', 3Rl' 'CfiFf q;f.t "

3lj(1HCfl - mm \iI"1~loHI cfi" ~ ~ CJiT tl(1"1lf11Cfl Fclq{ol 1901 - 1981

1901 1~11 1921 1931 1941 1951 1,61 1971 19BI 91!;j1O~ 9

'f;)~1 l'1l'Iffi (t!o3!l'Iili~ q\)~'f.I Il~~ 10 'IlJ.l)'Iil'fu! ~/i<>!I'[l/ 3flI'fil1) ------9,~ 95"1~ -9,~ fim~W!I) ~1Mf,m' ~3flIlJfuf.lfu1 ~-'flIl'lI1'Wl n-ifJIl-;p1if.r~ 'lit '1~/3J/fVfV 1O,3flI m3fll_ 103flI.. It3fll"lm 'R 3l1fiA:lt 1 >l-'11.3PIiT_ (2~tf/3Jlftlm lmff1l[~ "iir'F."prn~ "lmf'iFr'R 'lT1I"F.iITt I) ~-%fim 1 1O*~'!ifI! (ff)-1A'l-'1ftl~i(ifiT1.irnt I lJl'f ffi14'r~ 'f.IJfll1!lt1M)

ijq ~ 3JilIIm'!iT 1lJU'I'FG'lffilTl? lIR'lItilr'l'l

  • 1. GENERAL ()1l1~ consLsts of the 'AbadL' Le. inhabited area. but also Illcludes agricultural fields and other lands of I I ThLs L1l1te gL\ es the meanLLlgs and the \ t1lage It has a defllllte bound:HY A \ 1Iiage ill e \. p I a n ~1 tiL) Ll S () f 1crill ~ .1 Ll d con c e p t sus e d III t his tillS State. \\ oldd not al\\ ays mean Olh.' habltatlOn. but h~1ndbol)k ThiS IS Lll'Cl'SS~H\ because. \\ ItllOut a qUite oftell. there arc more than onc habitations. proper gl~lSp ur thc Slll'(l~d Illeallings or the CLlIlCepts scattered In some cases Kilometres. apart The mall1 used in Census such ~IS budding. house. household. habitation IS generally kno\\n by the Village name. \\orkers etc It IS not possLble to appreCiate and cvaluate thc data presented in the District CenslIs and others are hamlets (vanously knO\\ll as para, Handbook Thus. one \\"ho does not known that an Tala. Mazra, , PhaiJa. fr0111 region to region). unpretentious hut in the thick of Baster forests. " ith A village yvhieh contal11ed no population at the time unplastered bamboo \\;dls and a thatch at roof With of the census countmg, has been classified as 'Unin­ hardly enough space for t\\O cots. is equally a bUlldll1g habIted'. All villages. as recognised by the State as the sky scrapers in our metropolitan cities. or that Government have been taken into account. "hether, 'inhabited' or 'Uninhabited' and presented in the a hil housing all manners of crimmals and shad~ characters. is as much a 'household' as the concerned District Census Handbook. Villages in a 'household' of the most pious and god-fearing citizen Tahsil (an administrative unit within the District) are gn'en a serial number in census, continous mthin the 111 the state. may not bc able to appreclate either the nature or. the context of the data presented. Tahsil, which constitutes their 'location codes' for the purpose of identIficatIon. The numbenng is done 111 a 1.2 Territorial Composition: particular order, beginning fro111 the North-west point Population distribution presented in the of the TahsiL and proceeds in a surpentine manner. Distnct Census Hand-book senes arc for the terntory keeplllg to geographIcal contlgUlty. down to the South as it existed on 1st March, 1991. Accordingly. there -cast point. While doing. so, the villages within a were 45 distncts. 317 Tahsils, 459 Community Patwari Halka (an administrative unit Within the Development Blocks, and 465 Towns in the state. Tahsil) are not disturbed. That is to say. that villages inclusive of 78 + 'Ccnsus Towns"* 111 a particular Halka. arc kept in the serial order to the extent possible depending upon their contiguity 2. CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS 2 1.3 A village or a Town is recognised as 2 .1 Rural- Urban the baSIC area of habltatioll. The former cannotes a 2 I I The dichotomous classification of rural rural area. while the latter refers to the urban area. and urban Ulllts is an accepted demographic practice. I n rural areas, the smallest unit of habitatIOn, viz. the and is recoglllscd by all the censuses throughout the \illage, generally follows the defined limites of a world. But, there have been varying criterion adopted revenue 111ouza. However, for the urban areas, the for the recognisition of units as urban in the Censuses Indian census has adopted the following definition of different Countries. The Indian census has a for the 1991 census, which is similar to the one tradtion of presentlllg tl.le data for the rural and urban adopted in the 1981 census. areas separately. (a) All places with a Municipality. 2.1.2 The Village: Corporation. Contonment Board or A 'Village' or a 'Mollza' means any tract of Notified Town Area etc. land \\ hlch has been recognised as such at any (b) All other places which satisfy the Revenue Survey. or any other tract of land which followl11g criterion: has been recog11l sed or declared as a vi Hage by the (i) A minimum population of 5.000 S tate Go v e rnI11en t for the purpose of reven Ue (il) At least 75 percent of the male collection, etc. Villages establish by the Forest workll1g population engaged in non­ Department and recognised as such for the agricultural pursuits: and management of forests, are also treated as Villages (iii) A density of population of at least for the purposes of census. A village or a l110uza, not 400 per sq k111. (or 1,000 per sq. mile). *+ 'CensLls Town' has been defined at para 2 1.5 2,1.4 A piquant situation resulted in the Urban Agglomeration therefore, constitutes :- finalisation of the Urban frame for the 1991 census. (i) A city or town with contiguous in the context of the Special Area Development outgrowth(s) the outgrowth(s) being Authority (SADA) under the aegis of the Nagar outside the statutory limits of the town/ Tatha Gram Ni\'esh Adhiniyam. 1973 By definition. city but falling within the boundaries of the SAD A IS a statutory entity with defined the adjoining vdlage(s), geographical Qnd administrative jUrISdiction, and also (ii) One or more adjoining cities/towns with enjoying the power to function as a Municipality, thClf urban outgrowth(s). if any, which However. majority of them did not posses predomi­ 'form a continuous spread, nant urban characteristics, and therefore, did not 2,2,2 On the basis of the aforestated justify treatment at a par with other urban Bodies, ,~ like Municipal Corporation. MUl1lclpal Committee defll1ition, 60 urban Agglomerations have been etc, Thus, by and large, majority of the SADA's identified in 1991 census. These 60 U,A.S. comprise manifested, predol11ll1antly, rural characteristics, 35 cities/towns in the state without O,G,; 57 core Hence, th" finalization of the urban frame, the towns/cities which have either one or more urban relevant area of a particular SADA. which satisfied outgrowth(s) the total number of urban outgrowths the census definition of a 'Town' \\"as classified as is 153, 7 urban Agglomeration are such, which are Urban and the remaining area was naturally, formed of two or more contiguous cities/towns 6 with bracketed as 'Rural', two or more towns and outgrowth(s) and the remaining 47 Urban Agglomerations have one core 2, 1,5 Accordingly in Madhya Pradesh a list town with outgrowth(s), of 465 Towns has been finalized for the 1991 census, which consisted of 17 Municipal Corporations, 357 2.3 Size class of U rban Agglomerations/Town~> Municipalities, 8 Notified Area Committees,S Can­ 2.3,1 The Urban areas are claassified into tonments and 78 Census Towns, * 6 classes referred to as towns of class I to VI. The 2.2 Urban Agglomeration (U.A.) and Outgrowths (O.G.) classification is shown below:- 2,2,1 The concept of urban agglomeration Class I 1,00,000 and above was adopted for the first time in 1971 census and is Class II 50.000 to 99,999 being followed Sll1ce then, it represents a continuous Class III 20,000 to 49,999 urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining Class IV 10.000 to 19,999 urban outgrowths, or two or more physically Class V 5.000 to 9.999 contiguous towns or cities with contll1uous and well Class VI Less then 5,000 recognised urban outgrowth if any, of such towns, It is customary to treat a tbwn having a Quite often, around a core town or city, fairly population of 1 Lac and above as a city. large well recognised colonies, university campuses, 2.4 Building and Census House: port areas. military campus etc. come up, and even 2.4, I A building is generally a single though they arc outside the statutory limits or the structure on the ground. Sometime it is made up of Municipal C orporation/Municipality/ Notified Area more than one component unit which are used or likely Committee/Cantonment etc, and they lie within the to be used as dwelling (residences) or establishments revenue limits of the village or villages contiguous to such as shops, business houses. offices. factories, the city or town, it was not considered realistic to workshops, Schrols, places of entertainments, Places treat such areas as rural. At the same time, such of worship godawns stores, etc, It is possible that, individual area(s) did not satisfy the eligibility tests buildings which have component units may be used to qualify for being treated as an independent urban for a combination of purposes such as shop-cum­ unit, i,c, Census town, Such areas have been treated residence, workshop-cum-residence, office cum­ as Urban Outgrowth(s) (O.G,) and reckoned residence etc, alongwith the town, Such a city/town together with its urban outgrowth(s) forms a single demographic 2.4,2 A 'Census House' is a building or part urban entity and is called 'Urban Agglomeration', An of a building having a separate main entrance from * In 1991 census, a Census town is an area which satisfied the following criterion : (I) A minimum population of 5,000, @ At least 75 percent of the male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits, and (Ill) A density of population of atleast 400 per sq. km, Or (1,000 per sq, mile), 29 the road or common courtyard or staircasc, etc .. used households were enumerated, during the enumeration or recognised as a separate unit. It may be occupied period from the 9th February to 28th February, 1991 or vacant. It may be used for residcntial or non­ The houseless households were enumerated on the residential purposes or both. night of 27th February, 1991 instead of 28the Februar) 2.4 3 lfa building had a number oftlats or 1991, as originally scheduled.This was necessitcl blocks whieh were independent of one another bccause the 'Holika Dahan' fell on the night of 28tl having separate entrances of their own from the road February, 1991. or a C0111mon staircase or a com1110n courtyard leading 2.6 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to a main gate, they have been considered as separate 2.6.1 Scheduled Castes and Schedule,: census houses. Tribes are those which are mentioned in the 2.4.4 In some case's, however, it was Notification of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes difficult to apply the definition strictly. For example, order (Amendment) Act, 1976 (108 of 1976). By thiS in an urban area, if a flat had five rooms, each room amendment, Area restrictions for most of tl1l having direct entranee to the common staircase or Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have been courtyard which by definition had to be treated as removed. However, the area restriction among the five census houses. If all these five rooms, were Scheduled Castes. still exists in respect ofDhobi (ll' occupied by single household, the entire flat was Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts), Kotwal and treated as one census house. In such cases singleness Pardhi (in Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna. Gwalior of use was taken into consideration to avoid undue Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur. Morel~.l proliferation of the number of census houses. Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and 2.4.5 An occupied residential census house Vidisha districts) and Kumhar (in Chhatarpur, Datta. means a census house which is actually used for resi­ Panna, Rewa, Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh dential purposes, either v"holly or partly by one or districts). Likewise Keer and Pardhi Scheduled Trib" more households. are still restricted only in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehoft: districts; Mina in Sironj sub-division of Vidish~. 2.5 Households: district; Panika in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa 2.5.1 The term 'Household' in census IS Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts: Pardhl defined as a group of persons who commonly live Bahdia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Langoli Pardhi, Phall' together and would take their meals from a common Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia (in (I) Bastar kitchen unless the exisgencies of work prevented any one of them from doing so. There may be a household Chhindwara, Mandla, Raigarh, Seoni, and Surguja districts; (2) Baihar Tahsil of Balaghat district (3' of persons related by blood or a household of unrelated persons. Unrelated households or having Betul, Shahpur and Bhainsdehi tahsils ofBetul distric\ (4) Bilaspur, Bilha, Takhatpur, Pendra road, Korb:: mix of both are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, Jails, ashrams, etc. and Katghora tahsils of Bilaspur districts (5) Durg These are also called 'Institutional households'. There Dhamdha, Patan, Gunderdehi, Dondilohara, Gurur ant may be one member household, two member Balod tahsil of Durg districts (6) Mohala ane households or multimember households. For census Ambagarh tahsils of Rajnandgaon district: (7 purposes, each one of these types is regarded as a Murwara, Vijayraghavgarh, Patan and Sihora tahSIL household. of Jabalpur district; (8) Hoshangabad, Itarsi, Babal Sohagpur, Pipariya and Bankhedi tahsils 0' 2.5.2 There are, three types of households Hoshangabad district and Narsimhapur dIstrict: (9 VIZ., 'normal', 'institutional' and 'houseless' Harsud tahsil of Khandwa district, (10) Bindr: households. A 'houseless households' is normally Nawagarhs, Rajim, Deobhog, Dhamtari, Kurud, Nagr found to be residing on the road side pavements, in Mahasamund and Saraipali tahsils of Raipur district hume pipes, under staircases or in open, temple Persons belonging to the Castes/Tribes mentionc. mandaps, platforms and the like. 'Institutional above, found in the districts other than those wherl household' has already been explained above. Those Scheduled have not been treated as Scheduled Caste: households, which do not fall in the categories of or Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be. It may b, 'Institutional houseliolds' and 'Houseless household' mentioned here that Scheduled Castes can belong tl have been categorised as 'Normal households'. the Hindu or the Sikh or the Buddh religion only, while 2.5.3 The enumeration of institutional Scheduled tribes can belongs to any religion. The lis households was done, in the manner, the normal of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes relatin~ 30 to Madhya Pradesh relevant to 1991 census has been 2.8.1 Economic Questions, 1991 : gi\'cn immediately after this note, At 1991 census the questions which were, 2.7 Literates and Educated Persons: canvassed in the individual slip to elicit information on economic activities and characteristics of the 2 7 I The Instructions for treating a person population were as follows :- as ltterate \\ ere as 1I nder - I Q 14.-\ Did you work any tllne at YES 2,7 2 "A person who can both read and illl last year'! No (H/ST/D/R/BII!Ol write with understanding 111 any language is treated as literate, A person who can merely read but cannot (lIlcluding unpaid work all farm or ill family entcrpnsc), \\Tlte. is not literate. It is not necessary that a person who is literate should have recieved any formal Q. 14.Blf'YES' in 14,A, did you YES (l l/NO (2) education or should have passed any minimum work for major part of last year? educational standard". II, Q. 1S.A Main activity last year 'YES' in 14,B(CIALIHHIIOW) 2.7.3 The test for literacy was necessary 'NO' in 14.B (H!STIDIRfBIlIO) only when the enumerator had any doubt about any person . returning as 'literate'. The test for literacy Q IS,E'YES' in 14 B·Any other YES( CI ALlHHI!OW)!NO was ability to read any portion of the Enumerator's work any time last year? Instruction Booklet and to write a simple letter. Ability merely to sign one's name was not considered 'NO' in 14.B Work done (el ALlHHIIOW) any time last year? adequate to qualify a person as being able to write with understanding. If a person claimed to be literate IlL Q, 16.A If No in 14 A, Seeking! YES(1)1 NO (2) in some other language with whic.h the enumerator Available for work? was not familiar, the respondent's word was taken Q. 16.Blf'YES' in 16,A, have you YES (I) INO (2) as correct, ever worked before '! "All children of the age of 6 years or less were 2.8.2 In all the questions, except 16.B, the treated as illiterate even if they might be going to Reference period was the one year proceeding the school and had picked up reading and writing a few date of enumeration. However, in respect of certain words" . types of work, such as agriculture, household industry 2,7.4 By definition, a departure has been like, gur making etc., which are carried out either made in 1991 census as compared to 1981 and earlier throughout the year or only during certain season or censuses, when all children in age group 0-4 were parts of the year. depending upon the local trc<:lted as illiterate. circumstance, the broad time~span of the agricultural In 1991 census all children in the age group season, proceeding the enumeration was taken into 0-6 have been treated as illiterate, In previous census account. For Question 16. B, the reference period was it was the practice to present the crude literacy rate any time before one year, preceeding the date of which did not portray the real situation. enumeration. In 1991 census effective literacy rate has 2.8.3 The above questions have been been calculated by excluding the population in the framed in such a way that first of all, it attempts (in age group 0-6 fro111 the total population. question 14.A.) to divide the population into two broad streams viz. (I) those who have worked any time at This modification in the definition of literacy all irrespective of the amount of time they have spent has been done at the behest of the Department of 011 the work, during the last one year and, (2) those Education in the Ministry of Human Resources who have not worked at all in the year preceeding (Government of India) and the planning Commission the enumeration. The latter group consists of Non~ (Government of India). as these departments had workers. views that the ability to read and write with understanding is not generally achieved until the Having classified the popUlation into two children attain the age of 7 years or more. broad streams the next attempt has been made (in Q. l4.B) to classify those who have worked for the 2.8 Economic Activity major part of the year or less. By major part of the The Indian Census has been collecting data year is meant six months ('183 days) or more. Those on the economic activity of the population ever since who had worked for the major part of the year are the first census of 1872. The concepts and definitions termed as main workers. Those who had worked fer in regard to the collection of economic data have less than six months (183 days) in the year are termed been changing from census to census. as Marginal wqrkers, 31 2.8.-+ Question 15.A. seeks to elicit Cul·tivation involves ploughing, sowing and information on the activity of the main workers, as harvesting and production of careals and millet crop~ also the 1113in activity of the marginal workers. In slIch as wheat. paddy,jowar, bajra. ragi etc. and othel Question IS 8. detads of secondary work or margina I crops such as sugarcane, groundnut, tapioca, etc. and work arc sought to be obtained. Qucstion lo.A pulses. raw jute. kindered fibre crop. cotton etc. intends to filld out who among the non-workers are seeking/avaIlable for work. while Q. 10.8. seeks to h does not 111clude fnllt & vegetable growin_l' ascertain "'ho among those seeking/available for or keeping orchards or groves or working o~ work, had c\cr ,\orked or not. The mall1 purpose of plantations like tea, coffee, rubber, cinchona and this question has been to elicit information about the other medicinial plantations. fresh entrants in the labour market. 2.9.4 Agricultural labourers: 2.8.5 . A comparative chart of economic Persons working on another persons land for questions of the Indian census 1901-1981 is given in wages in money, kind or share. have been treated Annexure:- as agricultural labourer. An agricultural labourer has 2.9 Main Activity : no right of lease or contract on land on which he 2.9.1 On the basis of the details collected works. in question 15.A. the main activity of workers has been classified into four broad categories, Cultivators, 2.9.5 Household Industry: Agricultural Labourers, Household Industry and Household industry is defined as an industr: Other workers. However, the final figures pertaining conducted by the head of the household, himself to the main activity of workers are presented herself and, or by the members of the household. In according to nine categories as under :- relation to the Rural areas such activity can be at I. Cultivators, II. Agricultural Labourers, III. home or within the village, but within the precincts Livestock Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations of the house ifthe householder lives in Urban areas Orchards and allied activities, IV. Mining and The larger proportion of workers in the household Quarrying: V(a) Manufacturing, processing, industry would consist of member of the household. servicing and repairs in Household Industry, V(b) including the head. The industry should not be run on Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs in the scale of a registered factory which would qualit~ other than Household Industry; VI. Construction; VII. for or, has to be registered under the Indian Factoric5 Trade and Commerce; VIII. Transport, Storage and Act, 1948. Communications; IX. Other Services. Household industry relates to production. 2.9.2 The correspondence between the four processing, servicing, repairing or making and selling broad categories presented in 1981 and the nine-fold (but not merely selling) of goods, such as handloom industrial categories indicated above are gi~en below :- weaving, dying, carpentry, bidi rolling, potter~ Four Broad Categories of Nine Fold Industrial manufacturing, bicycle repairing, blacksmithy etc. Main Workers. Categories of workers. It does not include professions such ao 1. Cultivator Category I pleader, Doctor, Barber, Musicians, Dancer 2. Agricultural Labourers Category II Waterman, Dhobi, etc. or merely trade or business 3. Household Industry Category Veal 4. Other workers Categories !Il, IV, V(b), VI, even if such professions, trade or services are run a) VII, VIII and IX (combined). home by members of the household. 2.9.6 Other Wor~ers : The definitioi1a1 aspects of the four categories of main workers are summarised hereafter for the All workers, i.e. those who have beer data users. engaged in some economic activity during the las: one year, who are not cultivators or agricultura 2.9.3 Cultivators: labourers or in Household Industry are 'Othc For the purpose of 1991 census, a person is Workers'. The type of workers that come under thlo working as Cultivator if he or she is engaged either category include factory workers, plantation workers as an employer, single worker or family worker, in there in trade, commerce, business, transport, mining cultivation of land owned or held fro111 the Government construction, political or social work, all governmelr or held from private persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or share of crop and, whose servants, municipal employees, teachers, priests cultivation includes its supervision and dir-ection. entertainment artists etc . 32

    Annexure: A Comparative Chari of Economic Questions of The Indian Census 1901-1981

    J901 J91J 19Z1 1931 19H 1951 1961 1971 1981 9 & I(I OCCllP:llwlI 9 c\ III Oc,lIp::II(\1I ",\ I,· (\'Gup::I\II1I I) r:lllIll ill' 9 ,\1 C i"u II hllll\' 9 ECIlIIOllllC status I Th,' u,'(ual man· 16 Mam Actlvlly 14 A Worked ar,\ or means of suhsls, [lr means of sub· or mealls of subm· dependent 01 party dependent l'arlOne gemenl (a) Ilillad.category lime at all last year tenee of actual sistenee of tenee of nelual on anyone else Dependency 8 Worklllg as (I) Worker (C,AL,HIll, Yes workers pari two. OW) (il) Non Workers NO (H/STIDIRfBI actual workers workers '" as cultivator Employment 9. Worlmg as (II,ST,R,D,BJ,OW) 110) 9 Principal 9 Pnnclpal. 9 PnllCipal I(I PrulC1pal 10 If so. means 10 Pnnclpal Agncullural (h) Place of work 14 B If yes in 14 Occupahon occupallOn livelihood of means of Labourer (Name of Village I dId you work for (ThiS Will he person on whom IlVChhood 10. Working 21 Town)(c) Name major part oflast blank for dependent Household Indu~lry ofEstabhshmenl year? Yes/N 0 dependent) (a) Nature (d) Nature oflndust· 15 A. Matn actl' of worl ry, Trade, ProfeSSIon vity last year? 10 Subsidiary 10 Subsid13fY. III. SubsldJalY II Subsidiary II Do you employ 11. Secondary (b) Nature of or Semce. (e) Desen· Yes 111 14B occupation, occupatIOn (a) paid assistants, means of Household Industry ption of work. (ClAUHIll/OW) if any (Occupahon (b) members of livehhood. (c) If Employee. (0 Class of workers) No in 14B of dependents house· hold If so I LDotng work 17 Secondary wort (H/STIDIRfB/IIO) II Means of II. If dependent, II For depend· may be given) how many? other than 8,9 (a) Broad-category 15 B. 14B Yes·any subsistence of Pnncipaloccupation ents.lhe 12 Industry 12 Are you In or III raj Nalure of (C,AL,HHl,OW) other work any dependents on or means of occupahon of 111 which employment now? work, (b) Nature (b) Place of work time last year? actual workers subsistence of the worker by employed IJ (Only to those of Industry, (Name of Viliagel Yes(C/ALlHHII actual worKer whom (For organised who reply 111 the ProfeiSton Trade Town) (c) Name of OW) ~ Ul1 whom suppurttd employees negahve to or Scrvtce (C) Establishment (dj 15B············ dependent. only) queshon 12) Class of worker Nature of Industry, 14 B. No·work Are you in search (d) Name of Trade, Profession done any time of employment ? Establishment or Service. (e) last year 1 To those who 12. ActIvity, If Descnption of work. 16.lf (H/STIDIRI reply in the affir· nol working (I) Class of worker B/I/O) No 111 14 A. mative the further or 14B, seeklfr: queslion Will be available for put How long work 1 YeslNc have you been 111 search of il 'J 14 Means ofhveli· hood 111 order of Importance 15. (Only to be asked mregard to means of liveli· hood of a person shown as partly dependent agamst Q. 9 of any subsl' diary means of lJVehhood returned by other persons aga11lst Q 14) Does thiS means of livelihood eXISt throughout the year? IfnoL for what part of the year? 16 !fyou are employed by some one else, what IS hiS business? 33

    IJVOI9~~J ~uma~~ ~

    Scheduled Castes 311'H.:J~d ~

    1. Audhelia 1. ~

    2. Bagri, Bagdi 2. OlT1ffi,~

    3. Balma, Bahana 3. ~,

    4. Balahi, Balai 4. ~,~

    5. Banchada 5. ~

    6. Barahar, Basad 6. ~,w

    7. Bargunda 7. ~

    8. Basar, Burud, Bansor Bansodi, Bansphor, Basar 8. .mR, ~, W, ~, ~, GmR

    9. Bedia 9. ~

    10. Beldar, Sunkar 10. ~,~

    1L . Bhangi, Mehtar, Balmik, Lalbegi, Dharkar 11. l2. Bhanuamati 12. ~ 13. Chadar 13. 'ISJr 14. Chamar, chamari, Bainva, Bhambi, Jatav, 14.

    16. Chikwa, Chikvi 16. ~,~

    17. Clnlar 17. ~

    18. Dahait, Dallayat, Dahat 18. ~, ffi'lICJ, ~

    19. Dewar 19. tcm:

    20. Dhanuk 20. Uf¥l

    21. Oiled, Oller 21. ~,~

    22. Dllobi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts) 22. ~ (~, wffi;:r ~ ~ ~ -tt)

    23. Dohor 23, ~

    24. Dom, Dumar, Dome, Domar, Doris 24. Wr,~, iFr, ~. ~ 25. Ganda, Gandi 25. mm, 1JliT 34

    26. Ghasi. Ghasia 26, ~,~ 27. 27. Holi~a ~

    28, K(Il~iar 28. ~

    29. Kalla. Palllaria 29, ~,~

    30, Khatik 30. ~

    31. Koli. Kori 31. ~, cittT

    32. Kotwal (in Bhind. Dhar. Dewas, Guna. Gwalior. 32. ~ ( ~, UR', tcm=r, 'TIT, ~, ~ ~3lT Indore. 'Jhabua. Khargone, Mandsaur. Morena. ~,~,~,~,~,~,~, Rajgarh. Ratlam, Shajapur, ShivpurL u.ijail1 and ~, ~ filfurr mit) Vidisha districts.)

    33. Khangar, Kanera, ~irdha 33. ~,~, flRm

    34. Kuchbandhia 34. ~

    35. Kumhar (in Chhatarpur. Datia, Panna. Rewa, 35. ~ (~, ~, 1F'IT, ~, 'ffi'RT, ~, mut Satna. Shahdol. Sidhi. and Tikamgarh districts) ~~mit)

    36. Mahar, Mehra, Mehar 36. ~,~,~

    37. Mang. Mang GarodL Mang Garudi, Dankhni 37. -;ulr, -;ulr m, -;ulr 1M, ~ l=JJ1r, l=JJ1r ~, Mang. mang Mahasi. Madari. Gamdi. Radhe Mang ~, ~, m) -;ulr

    38. Meghwal 38. ~

    39. Monghia 39. ~

    40. Muskhan 40. ~

    41. Nat, Kalbelia, Sapera, Navdigar, Kubutar 41. "Ie, CflIi't4~41, 'ffiu, ~, ~

    42. Pardhi (in Bhind, DIm, Dewas, Guna, Gwalior, 42. W (~, UR', tcm=r, 'TIT, ~, ~, ~3lT, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, Morena, ~,~,:t-u,~,~,~, ~, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur. Shivpuri, uiiain and ~~~fm;ITit ) Vidisha districts.)

    43. Pasi 43. -qffiT

    44. Rujihar 44. ~

    45. Sansi, Sansia 45. 00 'fIffillrr

    46. Silawat 46. ~

    47. Zamral 47. W'RTi't' 35 Scheduled Tribes 3t'j)tt.J~d \iFI\T1J Rt l. Agariya 1 3f1fR'zu

    2 Andh 2.

    Baiga 3. tm

    -+. Bhaina 4. *rr

    5 Bharia Bhumia. Bhuinhar Bhumia, Bhumiya. 5. ~~. ~~,~,~, Bharia, Paliha, Pando ~,~

    6. Bhattra 6.

    7. • BhiL Bhilala, Barela, Patelia 7.

    8. Bhil Mina 8. \ffi;r ~

    9. Bhunjia 9. ~

    10. Biar, Biyar 10 f.tw:, f.r

    11. Binjhwar 11. ~

    12. Birhul, Birhor 12. ~,~

    13. Damor, Damaria 13. ~, WIR'

    14. Dhanwar 14. t.ACIR'

    15. Gadaba, Gadba 15. ~,~

    16. Gond; Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, Badi Maria, Bada 16. .m-, 3ffiCf, 3RRcr, 3f1fR'zu, ~, ~ ~,

    17. Halba, Halbi 17. ~,~

    18. Kamar 18. ~

    19. Karku 19. ~

    20. Kawar, Kanwar, Kaur, Chenva, Rathia, Tanwar, 20. cn

    21. Keer (in Bhopal. RaisCH and Sehorc districts) 21 ctfu: (~, ~ ~ mm ~ ~) 22. Khairwar, Kondar 22. ~,.

    23. Kharia 23. ~

    24. Kondh, Khond, Kandh 24. ~, m, q;fc:r 25. Kol 25. m

    26. Kolam 26. Cfit¥r 36

    27. Korkll, Bopchi. MOllaci, NihaL NahuL Bondhi. 27. ~~, mcmr, f.hm;r,~, oiTUt, m Bondeya

    28. Korwa, Kodaku 28 .

    3l. Mawasi 31. ~

    32. Mina (in SirOl~j sub-division of Vidisha dis_trict) 32. ~ (~~ Ftt 1ffifu1-mr - ~ it)

    33. Munda 33. ~ 34. Nagesia, Nagasia 34. ~,~

    35. Oraon, Dhanka"Dhangad 35. ~, W1cfiT, ~

    36. Panika (in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, Satna, 36. ~ (~, ~, 1f"lT, 00, ~, ~, ~ 3fu:

    Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts) t)Cfi ..... I~ ~ it

    37. Pao 37. -qrq

    38. Pardhan, Pathari, Saroti 38. lRUR,~,m 39. Pardhi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districrs) 39. 1:fmft (~, ~ .w mm ~ it)

    40. Pardhi; Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi, Langoli 40. 1:fmft; ~, ~, ~ ltRUT, ~ ltRUT, q;ffi

    Pardhi, Phans Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar, Takia ltRUT, firq;Rt, CI Cfi'1ifi R, ~

    [ in (1) Bastar, Chhindwara, Mandla, Raigarh, Seoni. and SUQ,'Uja districts.

    (2) Baihar tahsil of Balaghat district (2 ) ~ ~ ctt ~ ~ if,

    (3) Betul, Shahpur and Bhainsdehi tashils of (3) ~ ~ ctt~, ~ 3ffi: ~ ~-if, Betul district (4) ~ ~ Ftt ~, f.R;m, ~, ~ W, cmr, (4) Bilaspur, Bilha, Takhatpur, Pendra Road,

    (5) Durg, Dhamda, Patan, Gunderdehi, Balod, (5) ~ ~ q';T~, tJTll"

    Dodilohara and Gurur tashils of Durg 3ffi: ~ ~ -if, district. (6) Mohala and Ambagarh tashils of Rajnandgoan district,

    (7) Murwara, Vijayraghawgarh, Patan and (7) ~ ~

    (S) Hoshangabad, [tarsi, Babai, SohagpuL (8 ) tTIQiJlliIIl~ ~ ~ tTI~iJlliIIl~, ~, ~, ~,

    Piparia and Bankhedi tashils ofHoshangabad mR1.rr 3ffi: ~ ~ -it W-lT ;:HR163< fu8 -it,

    district and Narsimhapur district,

    (9) Harsud tashil of Khandwa district, (9) ~~~~~-it,

    (iO) Bindra - Nawagarh, R(~jilll, Deobhog, (10 ) ~furRcfit f.HI'1qIJI~,~,~,~,~,

    Dhamtari, Kumd, NagrL Mahasamund and "IlRt, '161f1'j;:(\ 3ffi: mlllQlcll ~ -it

    Saraipali tashils of Raipur district,]

    41. Parja 41. %TJT

    42, Sahariya, Saharia, Seharia, Sehria, Sosia, Sor 42. ~,~,~,~, mfWrr, ~

    43. Saonta, Saunta 43. ffT.,~

    44. Saur 44. -fffi:

    45. Sawar, Sawara 45. ~,~ 46. Som. 46. m 38

    1. ~:

    111"'111 0 1"11 ~, ~ m, &m m ~ ct CfiH -if ~ ~ 111"'1 110 1'11 ~ ("fi1,\if,~,) 11'1'1 110 1'11

    ~ ~an !:'RT fif;

    2. ~:

    ~ liI"'IIIOI"'l1 ~ 'CfiT ~ qr.f 1901 if ~ Mif

    3. 64jqq;dl :

    1951 it ~ ~ ftwrr 1iI'1110i'"f1 ~

    4.0 1971 ctt \TI .... loI.,' ~ ~ iiI""o'"11 ~

    4.1 1961

    4.2 ~ ~ 'if \U1T '~J \"I' \U1T 'it' q,l- ~ tt ~ 'if ~ ~ 1T

    5.1 1981 jqj( ~~: ~

    III tf?lT IV ~ l\'l~, ~ ~ I q II ~ tt ir ~, ~ ft:rnr \'11'1 1101'11 ~

    5.2 ~ 1Il ~ ~ /~ ~ f.fur 4l oICfilfl ~e-<:r ~ ~an -$ ~ ~ ffi f

    5,3 1981 ')'1'"1'1 0 1"11 ~ ~ ,)'F"I'l ol"1l ~ "1T1f '~' ~ ~ ~ 'WI ~ ~ 3~ ~ IV ~ l\T ftfntfA\'I fcn<;-

    1fln' I ~ ~ ~ CJ'1T I ~ II ~ 3Rf1fu 3fA cm?t -;p-ffi ~ ~ ~ '\1'~ ~ ~ 1Rt ~ ~ ~ ~ 3FT W'f -(jfctm3n'

    5.4 1981

    O 1 0 1 0 WiII I'11 'BRIlT =r,.l¥::1,'''-1-'" ~ \11'1 1 1'11 'BRIlT

    6. ~ Wt4j ol'1l ~ ~ 1991 :

    6.1 \J1'1 1101"11 1991 ~ ~ ~ '\if"1lTUT"1T ~

    ~ - ~ ~ : - f.lJTjfAR'ct1"l ~W 'hl' ~ 0iR ~ fcnit '\IlFt fr 1991

    1. 1991

    2. 1981-91

    3. \J1"1fl'{i41

    4. 1901-1991 '\1"Cf)'~/~

    5. ~

    6. \11'1ft'{i41

    7. ~ ~ ~cS ~~CfiT!l~'CfTffiq;r~ (~-18)

    (~) lJPf PI

    1. lJT11' ~ cf; ~ -1 ~ f

    2. fctcfim ~ ~ 'IR lIFf ~ ctt ~ 'iffl"1'Cfi'Rt ~ F ~ ~ 1991 ctt \J1"1 l j ol"1l ~ ~ 0iR ftfAifAl"I ~ 1flIT t I

    (~) ~ 3t111i41~iCfii :


    7. ~ 111'1"1 0 1'11 ~ 1991 ~ ctt ~ ~ :

    7.1 furfrr \J1'"1~lol'1l ~ ~ q'iJ ~ ~ cfi iRT 'WTI '~' ~ '011'

    7.2 'lJlT "~"

    7.2.1 1J11l PI{l1l

    ~ ~ it \J1"\lIOHI fcro:rr1T 'imT ~ em- Rir ~ ~ ~ ~ m cfi -;w:r, 1JT11 CfiT ~ ~, ~ liI'1fl{dJl, m it ~

    wcfi ~lJll1~ct ~~ f; I

    (1) (5)

    ~ -2. 1iI'1~IOHI -;:rm: it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I

    ~ -3. W ri

    ~ -4. 3':!. ~ ~: ~

    7.2.2. "flR PlfRICflI

    fcmur- 1 ~ ~~~

    fcmur - II ~ 'fCJm ~ ;:pri)'

    fclcRuT - III rrm: ~ fcffif - 1988 - 89

    fcmur - IV ~ ~ 3Rf ~ 1989.

    fcmur- IVA~-mt~it~~3Rf~-1989.

    fcmur- VI ~,~, -;ffi)1r ~~-1989.

    c,7.3 'UlT' ~'

    ~ "IT1T -;pJ\/lJll1 cfi' ~ IiI'1 JIOI'1I"fIR cfi" 3fTUTR' ~ ~ ~ lJll1 'CflT ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~

    ~ "3"1"

    3Rt CfIIQCfll'llq, '{CR"1' ~ ~ 'CflT!l, ~ 'CflT!l, ~"Cfll

    ~ Ti, ~


    ~ 7.3.1 cfi- ~ tt ~ ~ ~ G1"ltl{01:fI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.u ~ j

    8. ~ '1J1IJT -it ~ \11"'1.1 0 1"'11 ~ CJiT ~ •

    1981 it ~ ~

    IJ"1'1l101"'l1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it ~

    "if. it -fuwrr WllloJ

    History and Scope of District Census Hand Book

    1. General:

    The District Census Handbook (DCHB), complied by the CenslIs Organisation Gov!. of India. on behalf of the State GOyefilment is one of the most yaluable products of the Census, It is brought out for every district and is a very useful publication which is widely used by planners. administraters, academicians and researchers as it provides, among other things. the primary census data down to the village level.

    2. History:

    The histro!)' of the Distnct Census Handbook could be trraced from the "Village lists" brought out for every district in 190 I and "Village Statistics" for every district in 1911, This \\as discontinued in 1921 and 1931. In 1941, however, "Village Statistics" were brought out by th,e then Central Provinces and Berar Government. It was for the first time in 1951, that the practice of bringing out a single volume known as District Census Handbook. giving village-wise statistics and other census tables for the district, at the cost of the State Government, was initiated and is continuing since then.

    3. Seolle:

    3.1 The maiden publication of the District Census Handbook of 1951 contained villagewise primary census data and census tables for the district. With the increasing utility and demand for statistical data for the planning process, the scope of the District Census Handbook was enhanced to a great extent in 1961 by including non-census data like climate, agriculture, animal husbandary, cooperation. industry, education, health etc: apart from presenting the villagewise primary census data, and census tables. An 'Introductory Note' giving information on historical background, physical features, soil, climate, civil

    administratioin, agriculture. industry, education etc. together with detailed ~nalysis on census tables, was also a novel feature of tile 1961 census DCHB. Maps of District and C.D. Block were also included.

    3.2 Publication of DCHB at the 1971 census: The desire to make the District Census Handbook more comprehensive in 1961, delayed the publication in some states. Therefore, in 1971, the Registrar Genral and Census Commissioner of India, decided to bring out DCHB in three parts viz. Parts A, B & C, in order to release the maximum data as and when ready. Accordingly, Part A was to contain the villagewise Land-use data and the amenities and facilities available in villages, these being part of the non-census statistics. Part B was to comprise the villagewise primary census data, while in Part C. the varioius non census statistics at the district level, and a few at tahsil level, were to be presented.

    4. However, in Madhya Pradesh, Part A and Part B were published in one volume, since it was economical to do so and data for both the parts had become available early. For various reasons, collection of non-census statistics took a long time and consequently, finalisation of Part C w'as unduly delayed. Though the manuscripts of Part C were allotted to different Regional Presses by the Controller Printing and Stationery, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh for printing ultimately this publication had to be abondoned due to the enormous delay in the process of its finalisation and printing.

    5. Strategy at the 1931 Census:

    5.1 In 1981 Census, with a view to avoid delay in the publication of DCHB series, Part C containing the non-census

    statistics, as well as census tables for the district were dropped. The scope of the District Census ~andbook was, however, enlarged by the addition of tahsilwise list of villages where no amenities were available, and tahsilwise list of the villages ~. according to the proportion of Scheduled Casteffribes population by ranges in the fOrol of Appendices III and IV respectively 43 were added. since Appendices I & II were already there.

    5.2 Appendix III has been helpful for planning input in areas/villages where basic infrastructure is lacking, while Appendix IV has been helpful for planning welfare programllles for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribves at micro leveL particularly in relation to area development oriented programmes.

    5.3 In the Town Directory portin of DClffi Part A. an additional statement IV-A was also introduced in 1981. This statement was meant only for class I and Class II towns and indicated the civic and olher amenities in notified slums.

    5.4 The inclusion of the Primary Census Abstract relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at the tahsil/town level in Part B portion of the DCHB was another important feature of 1981 DClffi. As an additionality, an appendix containing Development Blockwise totals of Primary Census Abstract was also presented in the DCHB series of 1981, though it was not prescribed in the All India pattern.

    6. The 1991 DCHB Series:

    6.1 It is for the first time in 1991 census, that at the behest of the Director of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh, Village Directory and villagewise primary census data are being presented community Development Block-wise within a tahsil, on an All India pattern. In the contexst of development planning the C.D. Block has come to stay as an operational unit; the presentation of village wise statistics at the C.D. Block level will be immediately helpful for the administrators and planners in formulating various development plans.

    6.2 New features of the DCRB 1991.

    The scope of the 1991 DCHB, particularly the village Directory, has been enhanced to a great ex1ent by the inclusion of the following information, for the first time:

    The scope of the 1991 DCHB, particularly the village Directory, has been enhanced to a great extent by the inclusion of the following information, for the first time:

    A) Inset Tables:

    (i) Area, population and density in the districts, tahsils and towns, 1991. (Table 1)

    (ii) Difference in the number of villages between 1981-91. (Table 3)

    (iii) TO,wns by six-class of population, 1991. (Table 4)

    (iv) Percentage of variation of population 1901-91 for the State and Districts. (Table 7)

    (v) Percentage of Scheduled Castes population by population ~ange of villages. 1991 (Table 11)

    (vi) Population of Scheduled Tribes population by population range of villages. 1991 (Table 13)

    (vii) Distribution of Main Workers by broad industrial Categories. (Table 18)

    B. Village Directory :

    (i) Appendix I of Village Directory showing C.D. Block-wise abstract of education. medical and other amenities.

    (ii) An appendix showing the abstract information of village Directory, at the C.D. Block level, has also been included for the first time in 1991, census. 44

    C User's Index:

    For the first time, a User's Index is being included inlhc 1991 DCHB senes. This will facilitate Data User's to locate what information IS available \\ here.

    7. Contents of the DCHB series, 1991 :

    7.1 The present series of District Census Handbook consisting of two parts viz. Parl A and Part B is being published in a single volume.

    7.2 PaliA:

    7.2.1 Village DiI'cctory :

    Village Directory contains information about the name of tIle village with locatIOn code number assigned to it by the census organisation, geograpillcal area of the village, total population and number of households in the village, amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post & telegraphs, market day, communications, approach to village together with distance in Km. distance from the nearest town, power supply (including non-conventional source of energy), land use.

    In addition, there are four appendices to the village Directory as under ;-

    (i) Appendix I C.D. Block abstract of educationaL medical and other amenities and land use data.

    (ii) Appendix II Land utilisation data in respect of Census Towns.

    (iii) Appendix III : C.D. Block-wise list of villages where no amenities are available.

    (iv) Appendix IV : C.D. Blcokwise list of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population to the total popUlation, by ranges.

    7.2.2 Town Directory:

    The Town Directory contains the following seven statements indicated below:

    (I) Statement - Status and growth history.

    (2) Statement - II Physical aspects and location of towns, 1939,

    (3) Statement - III Municipal Finance, 1988-89.

    (4) Statement - IV Civic and other Amenities, 1989

    (5) Statement - IV-A Civic and other Amenities in Notified slums, 1989.

    (6) Statement -V MedicaL educationaL recreational and cultural facilities, 1989 and

    (7) Statement - VI Trade. Commerce and Industry and Banking, 1989.

    Part B:

    7.3.1 Primary Census Abstract of Total PopUlation:

    The Town/Village-wise Primary Census Abstract gives the basic data like geographical area of the village, occupie!' residential census hosues, total number of households, population by sex, as also the sex-wise population of scheduled castes 45 and scheduled tribes. Literacy and total main workers by sex classified by the Nine Industrial categories. viz. Cultivators Agr'cuHural labourers, Liveslocks. Forestry. Fishing. Hunding and Plantations. Orchards and allied activites: Mining and Quarrying: Manufacturing. Processings. Servic1l1g and repairs (a) in household industry and (b) in other than Household Industry: Constmction : Trade and Commerce. Transport. Storage and Communication. and other Services. marginal worker" and non-workers.

    7.3.2 PrimarJ Census Ahstracts for' Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Trihes.

    The primary census ab~tract relating to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is also b~ing presented separately al the C.O.Blockwise! Town level. It will have the same characteristics as indicated in para 7.3. I i.e. the Primary Census Abctract in relation to the total population.

    8. Publication of DCHB in Regional Language :-

    In 1981, part A and part B ofDCHB were brought-out separately for every district which were printed insigist i.e. ,I mix of Hindi and English versions, while in 1971, both the parts i.e. Part A and Part B were brought out in a single volume but separately in Hindi and English versions. The 1961 DCHBs were, however. published in a single volume in English version only for district, since there were no separate parts like OCHB of 1971 and 1981 censuses. The 1951 census OCHB seric~ were publisehed with a mix of both Hindi and English. but with a difference. That is to say that the 17 districts belonging to the erst-while state of Madhya Pradesh comprising the Mahakoshal Region and 2 districts of erstwhile Bhopal State hac; the Destrict Census Handbook in English version only. while in respect of 16 districts of Madhya Bharat region, the OCHB were published in diglot (i.e. Hindi and English combined ). The DCHBs of 8 districts of region, were however, published in Hindi version only. 46

    3t(d~fd :-

    m cf.t ~ cF. Bit ~ lFlT ftR;rr ~ cfi ~ mTT it ~ t I

    q;:;:rr ~ cf.t J~qf&J Fch~Fch~1 ~ cF. fclrl'R lR 'fcli W qGSiIClJ) ~ cF. ~ ~ ~ ~ rt t I ~ ~ fct;ffi' 'R ~ ~ ~ W -qcf cF. ll"1T ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~ lTlIT t I 1.4.1949 1f

    ~UCfiRlq) f4~tI(all<" :-

    'l~J1IPlq) ~ '?r 'lf6 ~ ~ ~PslLI"1 fi cfiT 3f

    (1) ll"1T ~ l1cfu ~

    (3) m q61~41 (1 )

    fTJB ~ ~ \iT1T -il ~ ~ ~ -il ~• ~~ 1AT cmfu;r ~ ~ 3fR t 1 ~• \fe- -~ cfi m~ 'lffi m1f

    (2) lFJT q)f 1JOR :-

    '46 m ~ ct +ro:T mTT 1R ~ S;3IT t ~ aRnTo lFU ~~ l{qf a6Rlclf cfi' ~ f1fAotfcla t 11AT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ \lJ1f ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ -it m t 1 400 ~ cfit~ cfit lJffuqr cfit ~ GRRlt t ~ ~ B11 ~ ~ it tim ~ qclf \lJ1f it Cfill' ~ ~ ~ w anr em C'\ c... c:... ~ • t 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fITlJFlf ~ ~ ctt CRtfi cn1 t 1 cfi;r -w cfit ~ ';r~f t ~ fct ~ it ~ \lJ1f oq) ~ en) ~ t I 'd"~ 'GflG 'if ~ ~ ctt 3fR cn1 ~ ~ t 1~ cfit ~ cfi ~ -~ l' ~ \lJ1f 'if ~ 'd"~ ~ ~ cfi"'1" ~ -il \iffiiT t 1 f7:!{61(i"11:ffii cfit 3RT Ji6(qq~ ~ t ~ fcn ~ m Co. 47

    ~ 3fR qil ~ ct (:lIiHHH ~ ~ -ffi;:rR ~ ct 1ffi"l ~ fln;r \ilT"8t t I ~, ~ ~ ~ 3A ~ t, ~ ~-MT ~ cfi";:r ct ~ t "G'liT -q()f{ q)) 3lf9T -fu\"m ~ ~ t I

    (3) m q61~lll :-

    Gffi 'm1T ~ ct ~ ~ ~ ~ t I ~ 'lCl{ CfiT ~ mrr "G~ l:FIT ~ CfiT ~ mrr fll"A1k1d t I Gffi ~ ~ CfiT 'TIlT t, ~ fct~ ~ it ~ CJ8I ~~ mu ~ t I Gffi ~ ~iT~ t cr~ ~ ~ iT ~ mrr ~ ~ t I ~ mrr ~ fcIfiJlsc 9CfiR ~ ~ t I %ft!rr (647 -4T.) R:CfiI~1 (515 -.1T.) ~ (493 tlt.) ~ (422 -.1T.) ~ ~ ~ ctt ~ wWrr t I

    (4) m qjJ'tfOT{ :-

    Gffi ea ~ ~ GfflMt "fTlT ~ ~ t cr~ ~ m ~ CfiT ~ mrr 3fICIl tim ~ ctl 'd'\6 1@ ~ ~-~ ~ fcl;:v:T ~ CfiT tt mrr t ~ 1ctrtl~Cfi ~ iT


    cfi";:r, ~ cfit ii6CG'iuT 'rtCft t ~ fcn ~ cfit ~ iT ~Cfictd1 t "G~ ~ cfit ~ m ~ m~ -m~ 1j? \i1ffiT t I 'lf6i (fiT ~ cfi";:r ~ ctt ~ ct ~ t I Gfe1ur ~ ~ ~ ~an ~ ~ cm;Tr GfuUit ~ mrr ctT ~ ~ ~ 3A ~ ~ licT -~ ~ t I Qf{UJIS1S1d: ~ (fiT ~ GM'R 1li ...:> w • C"\ mn w • c:-.. iT ~ ~.3fR 'Cfil t I

    \liclQI9> :-


    ~Rt61tt :-

    atrmr~~~~~-q;;rrct~~ t I ~~lif({f"G~ 1635 ~~mctt~m;, 1R ~~cl(qus ~ 3i

    1971 ~ ~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~ Cfi'( ~ I 1:FIT Cfi) fl~R1d ~ ~ ~ GJ?T \"fJlT ~ aP: T-f ~ "fIT6 ~ ~ ~ 3iflIT I "fffiIT ~ 3lFr ~ GfTG ~ 'tim' ~ -q;;rr 'CfI) ~ ~ ~ I ~ 48 m (1739-527) ~~~ ~tJ1flJ ~ ~ tft cfit ~ ~ CfiT2l M lllrT I ~~ q8 ~ WR cfit ~ ~ am ~ ~ tT If{ I fR'tra" illU ~ cnl- mt ~ cfi ~ m 'ilTf ~ ~.a-r:R 'ilTf q){ ~ 7Tm I ~ cfi 3fCIm

    1- ~ ct '?\'fC1R4cl1l\r!C ~- ~ ~ ~ ~;mum: I '" 49


    District Panna known for its Diamond mmcs, IS situatcd in the northern P,lrt of the state. It lies between the latitudes 23° 50 and 25° OR' North and longitudes 79° 44 and 80" 40 East. The district is bounded by Banda district of Uttar Pradesh in the north, Satria district in the cast, Jabalpur district in tile south, distnct in the south-west and in the north-west.

    The name Panna is according to the popular version derived from Padmavati an old temple dedicated to this goddess standing on the banks of the kilkila stream which flows ncar by. The district which is situated on the northern fringe of the state, has been carved our mainly out of former Panna and Ajaigarh states. It was formed on the merger of former princely states into Vindhya Pradesh on 1.4.1949. There has been no important changes in administrative boundaries of the district except for some villages were transferred to Raghurajnagar tahsil of Satna district. Formerly the district was part of the Rewa commissioner's division but since the formation of Sagar commissioner's divison by carving out two districts each from Jabalpur and Rewa divisions, the district now comes under the Sagar Commissioner's division.


    Geologically, the district belongs to Lower Pre-cambrian to Lower Palaeozoic period. Besides the granites occurring in the north, the remaining major part of the district shows the rocks of the Upper and Lower Vindhyan Systems.

    On the basis of physio-geographic characteristics the district can be divided into following four sub-micro regions :-

    1. Panna Ajaigarh Ranges 2. Panna Plateau 3.. Pawai Hills 4. Pawai Plateau

    1. Panna A.iaigarh Ranges: The region is situated in the northern part of the district occupying Ajaigarh and the part of Panna tahsil. It extends in

    the ea~t-west direction along the hill tract. Panna ranges are more prominant in the north of Panna tahsil. The dissected topography in the region in the middle part of the region. The entire tract is hilly with steep escarpments. The maximum height above the mean sea level is 553 metres near Sukuha village whereas the minimum height is 336 metres near Dhabari village. The main peaks are Sukuha (553 m.), Bakehar Chauki (451 m.), Ahirgawa (512 m.) etc. There are large variations in slope. However. the general slope tends to north. The region is composed of recent alluvium, granites and Lower Vindhyan system rocks. Ken is the main river which flows on the estern limit of tIle region frolll south to north. Baghain and Ranj arc the other notable stream in the region. Ral~ drains towards the north whereas Baghalll drains towards the east turning further to the north along the district boundary Large part of the hills is covered with dense forests where reserved and protected categories of the forests are seen.

    2. Panna Plateau: The region extends over the middle part of the district occupying the portions of Panna and Pawai tahsils. Small parts of Panna hill ranges are located in the north-western and north-eastern parts. The contour of 400 metres height marks the boundary limit of the region where 11at topped table land topography exists. A few residual hillocks are located in the eastem part of the region. The general slope is towads tIle west with local variations. Ken is the main river which drains through the southern balftowards to west later on turning to the north. Bearma and Sonar join ken in the western part along the district boundary. Mirhas,m is the other importarlt stream in the region which flows parallel to ken towards the west and joins it near the consfluence of Sonar. Patna, Gurne and Bumi are the other streams. All these streams arc part of the ken river system and have criss-crossed the plateau. There are scattered patches of reserved and protechcd forests mainly concentrated in the north eastern part of the region. 50

    3. Pawlli Hills: The region is situated in the southern part of the district covering a large segment ofPawai and a small patch of Panna tahsil. It is pari of the Vindhyan ranges which are dissecuted by humerous streams draining in the region. It is marked by deep valleys and escarpments mostly III the eastern part. The ,,"estern p;lrt has typical hills. Jherial (M7m). Tikaria (515m). Jodpur (-193111). Chllnglllla (422m). etc are the lllalll hillsorthe reglOll The general slope is towards the north but there are considerable variations at the local level. Southern part is relatively hIgher th;m the northern. The steep slopes make the area unfit for cultivation. The flat-topped land between Patm and ken riYer is, however. under cultivation. Besides. valley provides suitable sites for agriculture. Although major roads are missing in the region but there arc a number of jeep able roads which serve this hilly tract.

    4. Pawai Plateau: The region is situated in the southern part of the district covering a small segment of Pawai tahsiL Physiographically. it is also a part of Vindhayn system and similar to Pawai hills but relative height is less and surface is flat-topped. There are small hillocks dotted in the east and wes~ corners of this plateau region. The maximum height above the mean sea level is 507 metres 11ear salara village whereas minimum is 221 metres near Machhopura village. The general slope of the region is towards the north, The region is composed of the rocks of Uper Vindhyan system (Upper pre-cambrian). The erosion along Patna and UmehL the tributaries of ken. is also observed. Forests are seen in the west and south-west of tile region.

    The River System: The ken is the most important river of the district which originates from the kaimur hills and truns along the western boundary of the district with Chhatarpur. The drainage is governed by the ken riycr system. Excepting a few streams of the south -western part which flows in the south and southeast directions, all other streams flow in the east-west direction. Consequently. the general slope of the district is from east to west.

    CLIMATE: The climate is generally hot but in winter it some-times becomes severely cold. The district receives the rainfall from south-west· monsoons during August to September. By October the monsoon receades and the cold season commences from November onwards. December and January are the coldest months. It becomes warm after March and May and June are hottest months.

    HISTORY: The Panna chiefs are Bundela Rajputs, descended [rom house. After tlle revolts and subsequent death of Jhujar Singh ofOrchha in 1635 the whole of plunged into anarchy. Taking advantage of this state of affairs Champat Rai established himself as the recognised leader of the territory east of Dhasan river. even extending his operations into the country around Gwalior and Eastern Malwa. By 1671 he was virtually ruler of Bundelkhand.

    In 1731 Chhatrasal divided his vast possessions. The largest share which included Panna fell to Hirde Sah, his eldest son, Hirde Sah on succeeding made Panna as his capital. He was succeeded by Sabha Singh (1739-52) in whose time the famous diamond mines first worked. The next ruler, Aman Singh was murdered by his brother Hindupat. Hindupat passed over his eldest son in favour of a younger, Anirudh. Animdh being a minor. state was left in charge of Beni Hajuri and a Brahmin. Khemraj Chaube. The jealousies of these two plunged the state into a civil war. Owing to these internal dissensions.

    *(i) Based on the description given in the Imperial Gazatteer ofIndia Vol. V & XXIX

    (ii) A Cartographic Analysis Regional Division of India Occassional papers series I Volume-Xl, M.P. Census of India, 1981.

    the BundClkhand became an easy prey to the Gosain leader Hinunat Bahadur and his confederate Ali Bhadur. British Supremacy was established in 1811and they were firmly established in Bundelkhand. Kishorc Singh was nominally rolling through in exile. He was reinstated and granted Sanad, Thus, the Panna state came to be known as Sanad state, '3lJ tt RfV IIIi ~ Fcl :t cl lSI 0 II t+I Cfi R'4 of) Ins'et Table and Analytical Note

    "9T~~Cf) \J1~~IOI~1 (1R ftRoTl ~. 1 ~ 18 Primary Census Abstract Table No. 1 to 18

    II ~ f.:l4~1Cf)1 ftRoTl ~. 19 ~ 24 Village Directory Table No. 19 to 24

    III rJ1R f.:l4~1Cf)1 ftRo'n sn. 25 ~ 29 Town Directory Table No. 25 to 29 52

    1FIT ~ q;r ~ \JFHloHI ~, 1991 -1l "31:f fiRiUlq]' q)T ~ ~ J16cqqo~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ -nTl7!BnPmT~ 1/ p,:t~ ,,1/ p,:t~ , 'I/~~ " ..:;;; _"" _.:;.. ~ aqtllRollll "l)Ff H~iWtll , ~ H~iiiICfiI -n~ ;l1<11.,q-, \JH~loHI"fIR '1~..u ~\HI ctI 31TUR 'G\ d~l( q;r ~ t I ~ fiI(fUjI~1 ~ q;r fcWFf ~W tf{ ~ ~ ~ I

    1FIT ~ 23° 50' it 250 08' ~ 3re-~ a.fk 79 0 44' it 80 0 40' ~ ~ ct "J1Uf aqiBId tl

    ~~, 1991 ~ ~ W \J1'1~loHI ~ ~ ~ ~,~ fuffi q;r ~ \JiYifi{C41 687945 ~ ~ it 86,98lJfctw \r1'1fi'(041 ~ mIT ~ -n~ tq- 13,02 ~ ~ cF. ~ mIT ~ f.1crrff ctmft t I ~

    ~ Vl:.!\'~~ "1\1 IilTftf ~ ~~ ~ 1il'1lillRl q;r lil'1fi'{oql q)T ~~:~ 20,40 ~ ~ 14,90 lJfctw ~ I -qn:rr ~ q;r ~ ~ G{ 33,68 lJfctw ~ ~ it 46,29 ~ ~ -n~ 19.41 ~ ifffi~"mt WeR ~ I

    ~ ctt ~ Cfiftl w f.=rm: Cfl&t ~ I CfiB lil'1tt{oql ~ CfiFf CfiR cm;IT CfiT ~ WJ'f1T 41.60 G ~ ~ I ~ it 35.31lJfctw ~ CfiFT ~ ~ t \JfGffcn CfiR li1'1ti"{dll ~ fnifldCfl CliJlf ~ cm;IT CfiT ~ w- 6.21 ~ ~ I CfiR ~ Cfii1i ~ cm;IT ~ it CflI~dCflI{1 ~ ~ ~ cF. ~T ctt l"JURT~: 55.45 ~ ~ 26.97 lJfctw ctt lIt t I ~ cfi" ~ mIT ~ ~ ~ 1lAT, ~ ~ -nm _ ~ ~Ftql~ ,~aiT q;r ~ fidl~\i1'1Cfi t I

    Ft&:rtRll{qd ~ ~ JqfiRfUlq)' cF. FcI~8qOI q)T 1J'ITff M 11m ~ :-


    Inclusion of Inset Tables in the District Census Handbook of Panna 1991 of is a unique feature. These tables have been prepared on the basis of information contained in the 'Village Directory and Town Directory' and 'Primary Census Abstract' which qualifies various characteristics of the district.

    Panna district lies on the 23 0 50' to 25 0 08' Northern latitude and 79° 44' to 800 40' Eastern Longitude. According to the final tally of the census count at the sun rise of March 1, 1991 was 687,945 out of which 86.98 percent population live in rural areas and the remaining 13.02 percent reside in the urban areas of the district. The share of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population of the district are 20,40 percent and 14.90 percent respectively. The literacy rate of Panna is 33.68 percent of which 46.29 percent of males and 19.41 percent of females are literate.

    The economy of the district is based on the agriculture. About 41.60 percent of the total population oftlte district is classified as workers. Out of which, the main workers constitute 35.31 percent, while the marginal workers from only 6.21 percent of the total population. The proportion of cultivators and agricultural labourers to the total main workers have been worked out to 55.45 percent and 26.97 percent respecti~ely. The position of basic amenities such as drinking water, powersupply and education in the rural areas of the district is very impressive.

    An attempt has been made to analyse the 'Inset Tables' in the following paragraphs :- 53

    "lffi ~ ~, ftwrr, ~ ~ ~ cfi ~ ,J'HftMI 3ffi: ~ ~ CfiT \iH~I01'11 1991 cfi 3f:FW ~'kHI~'Fh Fcl~;)\\lOI ~ ~ ~ I ~ cfi ~a-TCfi cfi 3AfIR ~ CfiT ~ ~~~~~Cfl ~ 7135 Ft. Tit. ~ ~ ...,:,....:t em %, ~ Ft ~ cfi ~ ~~~~Cfl ~ CflT 1.61 ~ % I ~ ctt ~ ~ ~ cfi 45 ~ 1l WCfil 30cIT "f'4R ~ I ~ cfi ~ ~ -H ~ ~ ~ cfi ~~ fcNm, IDU 1JGTlT fcfiit ~ ~, ~ -;pRl' cfi ~ ~ f~ ~ {ffiT ~oU ~ .m ~ I

    TABLE No.1

    This Table deals with a comparative analysis of area, population and density in respect of district, tahsils and towns as per 1991 Census. According to the Surveyor General ofIndia the total geographical area of the Panna district is 7135 sq.kms, covering 1.61 percent of the total geographical area of the state. It stands 30th in area among 45 districts of Madhya Pradesh. The figures of total area of the Tahsils have been supplied by the Land Records Department of Madhya Pradesh while for towns by the concerneJ Urban Local bodies. It has population density of 96 persons per sq.km. which is lower by 53 persons as compared to the density of the state. There is a sharp variation in the rural and urban areas of the district in this respect. The latter has density seven times more than the former. It can be observed from the table that there are 5 tahsils and 6 towns, of which Panna tahsil is leading in the population and Ajaigarh tahsil as we;. as in density as compared to other tahsils. The urban areas of Panna tahsil isinhabited densly .

    •. 'J' 54

    tmVft - I 1991 -if ~, ~, -;mU qrr ~, \if'i(1(C41 3itt ~ Table-l Area, Population and density in the district tahsils and towns 1991

    iJi". ~/~/~/"flR "iitlT1 ~ \i'FffRClIT ~ 1)1'. I (em fcI:;.~. (%tcm -1 ~) ~.~ SL. No. Statc/Dislrictrrahsilrrown Total Area in Population Density Rural Km2 per. sq. Urban Km .)

    .,tcI9~:U Madhya Pradesh lIT. T 443446.00 66181170 149 m. R 435538.33 50842333 117 rm. U 7907.67 15338837 1940

    -q;:;:rr tffi;rr

    Panna District ~. T 7135.00 687945 96 lJ'T. R 6995.77 598378 86 "I1T. U 139.23 89567 643

    1. ~~ Ajaigarh Tahsil ~.T 617.62 116164 188

    1)1'. R 603.20 103901 172

    "I1T. U 14.42 12263 652

    ~ (Of. '!U.)

    Ajaigarh Tahsil (M) "flT. U 14.42 12263 852

    2. ~~ Panna Tahsil ~. T 1404.88 169659 121 lJT. R 1350.47 110303 82

    "flT. U 54.41 59556 1095

    IF'fT (Of. ~.)

    Panna ( UA) 'llT. U 2.10 42547 20260

    IF'fT (Of. '!U.)

    Panna (M) 'llT. U 1.37 36110 27818 -q;:;:rr ru (C1T. ef.)

    Panna gird ( O. G.) 'llT. U 0.73 4437 6078

    ~ 0f1R ('if. '!U.)

    Devendra Nagar (M) "flT. U 25.46 11100 436

    ~ ('if. '!U.)

    Kakarhati (M) 'llT. U 26.85 5909 220 55

    "ffi{Ufi -I 1991 ~ ~t ~t ~ qjJ ~t \TI'1it(041 am- ~ Table-l Area, Population and density in the district tahsils and towns 1991

    , SIl. ""{]"\j'l:f I~/~/..,-m: 7WT1 ~ ~ ~ "lJ"T.1 (em fct.~. (lJfu em '1. ~) ~.~ SL. No. StatelDistrictffahsilfTowll Total Area in Population Density Rural Km2 per. sq. Urban Km :"I

    3. ~ cmfu;r Gunnor Tahsil en. T 985.02 141177 143 W. R 967.58 132925 137

    "flT. U 17.44 8252 473

    ~ (OJ.ltT.) (M) '1lf. U 17.44 8252 473

    4. -qqf cmfu;r Pawai Tahsil en. T 1330.78 136829 103 W. R 1277.82 127353 100

    '1lf. U 52.96 9476 179 m (3!: ~.) Pawai (N.A.) "flT. U 52.96 9476 179

    5. ~cmfu;r Shallllagar Tahsil en. T 1646.82 123896 75 W. R 1646.82 123896 75

    '1lf. U 56

    ~ flRU'IT ~ ri it ~ \i1'1flMI ~ flll1C:li"llfh mfhlfi(qOscm Cf~ ~ -'tmIT ct 3Rf1R ~ 1R ~ ~"~ ~ %nIT ~ t Cf~ ~ ~ ~ mCfdfl(qOs it ~ ~ ri q;r 'ffiom cit ~ ~ t I ~ ir ~ WlZ itrr t fc{l

    TABLE No.2 (A)

    This Table presents CO. Blockwise and sex-wise distributions of rural population in inhabited villages and also shows the total number of villages falling in each CD. Block of the district. It is clear from the table, that there are 1048 villages. 939 Villages are inhabited and the remaining 109 villages are uninhabited. Total rural population of these inhabited villages are 598,378 persons, out of which 314,800 are males and 283,578 are females. As far as the number of villages is concerned, Gunnor C.D. Block is having the maximum number of221 villages, and population. As regards population Ajaigarh C.D. Block occupies last rank where 103,901 persons persons reside in 117 villages.

    "fIR1Jft 2 ( 3f) \i1., t1" (OQ I 3ik 1J""PJ)' cn't ~, 1991 Table 2 (A) Population and number of Villages, 1991

    <.Ii. fcfcfiR'i ~ q)T ~ lJl"id' 1tt \li"H1«4t lJl"id''itT~ Sl. Name of cd Block Population of Villages Number of Villages

    ~ ~ ~ "$r ~ Persons Males Females Total Inhabited


    1. ~ Ajaigarh 103901 55676 48225 122 117

    2. -q;::;::rr Panna 110303 58287 52016 223 185

    3. :FiR Gunnor 132925 69401 63524 226 221

    4. m Pawai 127353 67015 60338 226 200

    5. ~ Shahnagr 123896 64421 59475 251 216

    1F1T Panna 598378 314800 283578 1048 939 57

    tffiUft ~ "11 Cfi - 2 (at" )

    TABLE No.2 (B)

    The table furnishes sex-wise distribution of population in each urban unit of the district alongwiti­ the civic status of towns. As can be seen from the table there qre 6 towns in the district where 89,567 persons are inhabited, of which 47,9'27 are males and 41,640 are females Panna is the most populatior town and town is placed last in the race of population. 5 towns have municipality status. An outgrowth population can also be observed in Panna town.

    T\BLE No.3

    This table shows the changes in number of total villages during the 1981-91 decade in which an attempt has also been made to present Tahsilwise changes of villages Apparantly the number 47 ofvillage5 could decrease for the indicated reasons or could increase due to creation of new villages or transfer tt villages from one tahsil to another 58

    tlW'ft 2 (GJ) \i1 '1fi(C41 ~"'11RT qft ~ Table 2 (8) Population and number of Towns

    Ifi :;rlRl Cfi1 ~ ~ -.:rm- \TFR1fclIT cfit 9 SII H f.1 Ch ff

    CivIc St;ltus of Town czWn:r ~ ful

    1. ~ (-;:r.-qr.) Ajaigarh (M) 12283 6642 5641

    2. ~ (-;:r.-qr) Amanganj (M) 8252 4405 3847

    3. ~~r~'1II{ (-;:r-qr.) Devendra Nagar (M) moo 5831 5269

    4. ~ (-;:r.'QT.) Kakarhati (M) 5909 3161 2748

    5. -q;:;rr (-;:r.~.) • Panna (U.A.) $ 42547 22813 19734

    6. ( I) -q;:;rr (-;:r.'QT.) Panna (M) 38110 20405 17705

    7. m (3f~) P;mai (NA) 9476 5075 4401

    1FJT Panna 89567 47927 41640

    oUc :-$~ ~ ffi ~ ~ ~;pJ\ ~ 'ItT fct<:rr 1flU~, fliAiPla t I

    Notc:- $ (U A ) Includes O.G Which are not declared seperate towns 5SJ

    tffilJfi -3 1981 - 1991 01' ~ ~ anR T;ilJI{'-J Differcllce ill the 1111 III her of \'illages hetweclI 1981-1991.

    fuliTI/~ :;;rr;:i)if.imun 3fi'I"< ~ +~ -hRl Sl No District.' railsll No or Vlll;I~C~ Dlncrncc Rcmarks

    I'JX I I lJ') I (+) Increase (-) Decrease

    2 + )

    ], ~~ 127 122 ( - ) 5 5 W"ll '1l'R -i¥ ~ Ajaigarh Tahsil :' Villages mcrgcd III TO\\ n

    2. -q;:;:rr ~ 491 223 ( -) 245 245 lW1 ~ ~ it wr I Panna TahsIl 2.t:' Villages transfer to Gunnor Tahsil ( -) 9 9 lW1 '1l'R -i¥ ~

    l) Villages merged 111 Tml'l1 ( -) 14 14 W"ll ~ il wr l-l Villages Transfer to forcst ci rcle

    3, ~ cmfu;r 226 ( +) 245 245 lW1 -q;:;:rr cmfu;r it aWt I Gunnor Tahsil 2-l5 Villages Transfer from Panna Tahsil ( -) 4 4 lW1 '1l'R il ~ -l Villages merged 111 To\\'n ( -) 16 16 m-.:r ~ il 31IOlTi!' m-.:r -it ~I 1(, Villages merged in inhapited vIllages due to setellmcnt ( +) 1 1 lW1 "f'IlT lJI11 ~ I VIIlagc declared as new

    4. m~ 477 226 ( -) 250 250 lW1 ~ ~ it wr Pawa I Ta hsll 25() Villages transfer to Shah nagar Tahsil ( -) 1 1 m-.:r ;;14 1'(4 1ft:! Cfll it ~ 1 Villages merged 111 P;l\\al Tahsil

    5. ~~ 251 ( +) 250 250 m-.:r m cmfu;r it aWt Shahnagar Tahsli 25(1 Vi lIages transfer to Paw;1l Tahsil ( +) 1 1 lW1 "f'IlT"RT ( m, 'Cfl), 251 m-.:r ~ ~ lJFPRT) I Village declared as new (L.c. 251- Uncha) ~ - "F"rr 1095 1048 47 District - Panna 60

    ~ «iiSi{Cfl - 4

    ~ ~ II \THf1\CZIl PJo'iT cfi ~ m cf. ern T.R ~ STill 1TllT t I 'frnlI'it -B ~ 1TllT t ~ ~

    II Cfi"M"..., 6 -;rm: ~'" -g I lFIT -;:pf{ em III it ~ -g dm ~, ~ q CflCfl(6Cl ~ em v ~ 318 -g I TABLE No.4

    An idea ofthe size-class of town according to the population range has been presented in this table. It is observed from the table that 6 towns have been listed in the district. Panna are is class III town (a) and Pawai, Arnanganj and kakarhati are class V town.

    'lf6" ~ 1991 II ~ .w -;pffi dm 1981 cfi ~ 3iClIITCfj_ii dm ~: ~ ~ ~ flfiJRlct -;pffi ctT IiiHCflI{l ~ t I ~ ~ 'lf6" ~ '\i1T 'ffCfi'ctT t ~ 1991 c€r \rF1~10i'i1 II 4 ~ o:J1R ~ .w l ~ -B ~ ~ ~ ~ 3ffUq) \li"1f1·(ClJI t ~..., 1981 ~ 1ii"1"IOHI ct ~ ., it fctffi ~ en) 3iClmCflct, M 11m t ~ -;:rr tt m- cF fctffi 3Rr 'i1R ~ ~ 1TllT t I

    TABLE No. 5

    This table gives an idea of new towns added in 1991 census and towns declassified/wholly merged with other towns after 1981 census. It may be seen from the table that 4 new towns have been added in 1991 census, of which has the highest population but no town has been declassified/wholly merged with other towns in the district after 1981 census. 61

    ~ -4, m q M ~ 3f1ffl\ 0flR ~ \l1'1~f(041 - 1991 Table - 4 Towns by size - class & population 1991.

    , ill. -;:pR CfiT 3fTCfiR q ll)1iit ~4~ '1"1T\ CfiT -;w:r 111 "lffi01! I Sl. No. Size - class of Town Location in Tahsil Name of Town Population

    2 ~ .'l

    ~ Panna ~ ("."B".) $ Panna (U.A.) $ 42547 1. III 20,000 - 49,999 ( I) "G"'IT (1) Panna q;:;:rr (".-qr.) Panna (M.) 38110

    ~ Ajaigarh ~ (".-qr) Ajaigarh (M) 12283 2. IV 10.000 -19.999 ~ Panna ~(H:'1lR (".-qr.) Devendranagar (M) 11100

    3. V 5000 - 9. 999 ~ Pawai ~ (3[~.) Pawai (N.A.) 9476 rffi Gunnor ~ ("'1".-qr.) Amanganj(M) 8252 "G"'IT Panna ~ ("'1"."IlT.) Kakrhati(M) 5909

    lJ"Jr PANNA 89567

    ..uc :- $- iiITm ffi cp- ftAq;) ~ ~ "'1"7R ~ '1tl M If!1T t, *1lR1icl\'1 t I Note :- $ (U.A.) Included O,G. Which are not declared seperate towns

    "flRIJft - 5, ~ "i'f1R 13tQ4l"Cfj_ d, flP=t1R1d, "'1lR 1991 \'11"'1 410 1"'11 Table - 5, New Towns/Towns declassified merged in 1991 Census ill. "'17R CfiT -;w:r 111 '1 tR01! I S!. No. Name afTown Population


    Devendranagar 11100 (3f) ~w 2.~ Kakarhati S!)09 (a) Added 3. 3fl'!T'17iin Amanganj 8252 Pawai 9470

    (if) ~ (b) Declassified NIL

    (*1') 3F

    ~ ~ -if \J1"ifl{dll ~ cf; qlll"iflJ{ fll

    ~ Wfj n cf;-fllljqlfl'lCfi Fc1CfiIfl{CjO$'W ~ CfiT ~ t, ft:8 cf, ~ FclCfilmcf~r l¥ 'ii'ifi'

    A C.D. Blockwise distribution of villages according to population density of range has been described in this table. It is evident from the table that the percentage of villages falling in each density is increasing from the density of 0&10 to 101&200 person per sq- km. thereafter it tends to decrease. Out of 939 inhabited villages, major portion of 377 villages (40-15 percent) have a density between 101 to 200 persons per sq. km. followed by 160 villages (17.04 percent) with 51-100 persons per sq. km. There are only 28 villages (2.98 percent) in the district where the density is more than 500 persons per sq. km. About 3.83 percent villages have registered density up to 10 persons per sq. kill. . As far as C.D. Blockwise density of villages is concerned density 101-200 represents most of the villages in all C.D. Blocks of the district. 63

    ~ - 5 (3f) ~ ~ ~ lJl1iT


    ('Cf1t fcn. -It.) ri q';f 'ffiarr q;r~ Sl. No. Rang of density Total no. of Villages in Percentage of Villages in (per sq. Kill.) each density range each density range

    1:FlT -~ / Panna Distt.

    1. -lO 36 3.83

    2 11-20 40 4.26

    3 21-50 98 10.44

    4 51-100 160 17.04

    5 101-200 377 40.15

    6 201-300 138 14.70

    7 301-500 62 6.60

    8 501+ 28 2.98

    9 Not Known

    lU1J Total 939 IOO.OO 64

    tfRlJft - 5 (M) ~ ~ 3r-J:ffi\ ~ qjJ q~ffCfi(uJ Table - 5 (A) Distribution ofViJlages by Density ill. ~~~~ ~~"ii~"# ~ ~ ¥if ~ "if 1JTilT (cnT f


    ~ ~CflI('j~oMAjaigarh C. D. Blod.

    1. -10 2.56 2 11-20 O.g6

    3 21-50 4 H2

    4 51-100 9 7.69

    5 101-200 49 41.88

    6 201-300 34 29.06

    7 30 I-SOn 13 11.11

    8 501+ 4 3.42

    9 Not Known

    'ij1f Total 117 tnO.O(l 65

    ~ - 5 (3f) ~ cfi 3J¥fR m CfiT q4ffCfl(OI Table - 5 (A) Distl'ibution of Villages by Density

    Ifl. ~it~~ .~"iK~lt m ~ it 3Jmffi It lJlil) (q7f fit. ~.) wn ~ 'ffio:rr CfiT~ SI. No. Rang of density Total no. of Villages in Percentage of Villages in (per sq. Km.) each density range each density range

    -q;:;rr ~ ~ / Panna C. D. BIod,

    1. -10 12 G.49

    2 11-20 4.32

    3 21-50 17 9.19

    4 51-100 30 16.22

    5 101-200 70 37.84

    6 201-300 2S 15.13

    7 301-500 13 7.03

    8 501+ 7 3.78

    9 Not Known

    1ifu Total 185 100.00 66

    ffRUft - 5 (3f), ~ cfi- ~ ~ q}f q~ffCfl{UI Table - 5 (A) Distribution of Villages by Density

    ~"i~~ ~ ~ "i 3RffiM :;sr 'ii'ifci ~ ~ :mmR "B 1JTii\' (em fct- <'it.) 1J11lt c@- "ffiCLlT Cfi1~ Sl. No. Rang of density Total no. of VllI;lges III Pcrcent;lgc of Villages in (per sq. Kll1.) each densIty range each densit\' range


    ~ ~ ~ JGunno .. C. D. Block

    1. -10 -i 1 81

    2 11-20 5 2,20 3 21-50 12 5.·n 4 51-100 ·n 19.-i0

    5 10 1-200 112 50,oX

    6 201-300 29 13.12

    7 ]OI-50() 3,02

    8 501 +

    9 Not Knwon

    "lft1i Total 221 IOO.fIO 67

    m"{Ufi - 5 (3f) ~ cfi" ~ m

    2 .) m ~ ~ I Pawai C. D. Blod. 1. -Ill 9 4.50

    2 11-20 10 5.00

    3 21-50 17 8.50

    4 51-100 3(, 18.00

    5 101-200 80 40.00

    6 201-300 29 14.50

    7 3()1-500 15 7.50

    8 501+ 4 2.00

    9 Not Knwon

    'iU1i Total 200 100.00 68

    • ~ - 5 (3f) ~ ct ~ lJP11' q)l ~JffCfl

      ~ "i 3-RnRv 3-fc'RT;;f ~~"i~it (cnf fct >It.) m cfit "fVcZIT SL No Rang of dcnsIty Total no. ofVill,lges In Percentage of Vi 1l;lgcs i 1\ (per sq Km) cacll densi!\ range each denslty range

      2 .:I. ~ ~ ~ f Sh;lhna~ar C. D. Block

      1. -10 no 2 11-20 16 7.-11

      21-50 22.22

      4 51-100 -12 ]9 -1-1

      5 IOI-2()()

      6 201-3()O IX

      7 301-500 11 6.02

      8 50 ]-t. 5

      9 Not Knwon

      lU"iT Total 216 69

      ~ f!R1lTI it f;rn2t ctT C[R (rHAMI ~ (:H-;f1I~CjI< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iR ~ ~ ~ ~ cit ~ 1f1TI t I f!R1lTI if F irill f, fcf, ~ ~ ~ 26.84 ~ Vi"jA·MI ~ ctT"¥AT ~~, ctT Vi'i'moql it ~ ~ it 27.40 ~ ~ ~.g I ~ ct-

      ~ it it ~ ~ cf,t C[R (J"HA'MI ~ troffi 3fft:rct:I ~ (30.05 ~) 0if cf,t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ itIT ~ ~ ~II~H~H ~ ~ 3FlT ~ ctT '¥f'"lT ~ 3flit t I

      TABLE No.6

      This table indicates tahsilwise decadal variation both in case of rural and urban constituents so far as the total population of the district is concerned It is evident from the table that an overall growth ot population 27.40 percent has been recorded in the district as compared to the state growth of26 84 percent The growth of population in rural areas of the district during the decade works out to 20.17 percent while in urban areas, it comes to l13. 05 percent, meaning there by, that the population of the district has grown at a faster rate in urban areas than that in rural areas.

      Among the tahsils Ajajgarh has registered the highest growth (30.05 percent) in total population but in rural and urban areas Shahnagar and Panna are dominating in this respect respectively as compared to the other tahsils. 70

      ~ - 6 : liHtl(d11 rt ~ ~ Gtf ~ qRCfJ'1 Table - (j Oecadal Change in distribution of JloJlulation

      ftn, ~/ \iH+i'MI / POPlll.lI lOll (1981 1991) ~ ffi ~ \iHf\'cl.11

      2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

      1. ~ Ajaigarh 89336 80969 8367 116184 103901 12283 +30.05 +28.32 +46.80 9.36 10.57

      2. 'F1T Panna 132378 98704 33674 169859 110303 59556 +28.31 +11.75 +76.86 25.44 35.06

      3. ~ Gun nor 112894 112894 141177 132925 8252 +25.05 +17.74 5.84

      4. lfCf{ Pawai 108974 108974 - 136829 127353 9476 +25.56 +16.86 6.92

      s. ~ Shahnagar 96396 96396 - 123896 123896 - +28.53 +28.53

      Distt. Tot:!1 539978 497937 42041 687945 598378 89567 +27.40 +20.17 +113.05 7.79 13.02 71

      ~ ~ -if 1901 it 1991 cf; lWT"ffi?-l-c;q' ~ cf.t ~ ~ \Ji"m·MI cf; ~ -if ~ (fiT dc+ilfiFf '" ~~c:1~ol ~ lTllT t I 1911-1921 cf; ~ LF1T ~ ctt \i'i'ift·@ll -if 2.08 ~ cf.t ~ ant, ~ m -ij wnr ~ it 1.38 ~ ctt ~ 3fT"{ m 11961-1971 CfCFl \i'i'ift·@ll cfi ~ qRqd'i if ~ ~ ~"\liT ~ t I ~ qrc; \i'i'ift·@ll -if 25.85 ~ fr (1971-1981) 27.40 ~ CfCFl (1981-1991) ~ 8f I 1981-1991 cF,~cfi~~ctt~ \i'i'ift·@Ol1 cf.t~G{if~8f, ~~~ 1971-1981 ctT~ if ~ \Ji'ifl{O':l1 em CJfu" (f{ if ~ s{ I

      TABLE No.7

      A comparative analysis on percentage wise decadal variation of population from 190 I to 1991 for the state and the district has been shown in this table. In 1911-21 the population of Panna District suffered by 2.08 percent as against a loss of 1.3 8 percent for the state as a whole but a reverse situation can also be seen between state and district during 190 I-II decade. Afuctuating trend may be abserved in decadal variation of population till 1961-71 afterwards, the growth of population has gone up from 25.85 percent (1971-81) to 27.40 percent (1981-91) During 1981-91 decade, the growth rate of rural popualtion of district has Decreased but the growth rate of urban populaiton has increased as compared to the previous decade of 1971-1981 72

      ~ - 7 : 1901-91 eli"lfVT m ~ ~ ~ ,iHti(df1 ~ 9R1~lacll -If ~ Table - 7, Percentage variation of Population t901-9t for the State and the District.

      iii ~/f'i'ii'ii ilT1JI 1981-91 1971-81 1961-71 19S1-61 1941-51 1931-41 1921-31 1911-21 1901-11

      Sl Sta le/O I~in ct ~I No ~ Tolal Rural Url1an


      1'f~ ~ Madhya Pradesh Total 26Kl +25.27 +2K67 +2.1.17 +11.67 +12.34 +11.39 ,1.3!l +15.3() lJPfIvT

      Ruml 22.2-1 +19.21' +25.6X +211.95 +6.111 +111.49 +10045 ,2.26 +17.7!l -.r:rttzr

      Urb,1I1 .j-l.X9 +56.113 +-16.63 +.j7.7fl +33.16 +32.7N +23.113 +l(Un -10.91

      tAr furc;rr

      ~ Rural +2017 +2492 26.74 +1239 +2.79 t 15.51< +5.93 -U3 +27.37


      \Ifhan '11, OS .:Jl( 01 +X200 ,H 2(, +2194 ) 19 2~ LX 7(, ,29 R7 ,520 73

      ~ fl'R'l'iT fll

      - ~ ~ ~ cfi FclCfilfl(Cl0scW ~ "CfiT 1JTrf t 1fCif if 5000 ~ 9999 cfiT lif'if1·(041 -cm;rr 1 ~ t ~ cfi fctffi ~ fll

      TABLE No. 8

      This table presents C.O. Blockwise distribution of villages with their percentage according to th population range. It is observed from the table that maximum number of323 villages which accounted f(1 34.40 percent come in the population range of 200-499 persons. Another group of237 villages fall in th population range of 500-999 persons 171 villages are having a population ranging between 1000 to 49c, persons (i.e. these with 1000-1999 and 2000-4999 population together). There is only 1 village of th district where the population is between 5000-9999 persons,

      As far as C.O. Blockwise distribution of villages is concerned Pawai has one village havin population between 5,000-9,999 persons. No village is reported in any of the C.O. Block of the distric where the population is more than 10,000 74

      ~ - 6,1991 \J1 ... tt~1 ~ ct 3flUR 1R ~ q)f 9Rt:tld cfl\fCfl (U I Table - 8 Percentage Distribution of Villages by population Range 1991.

      J11ICfi RlifllmqOil ~ ri :;m -ffioTI ~ ~ ~ lJTiTI ~ man ~ ifcfit CfiT 1ffii"mf (1~~ (~ ct ~ ~ ~ -it 3lT\' lJT1li CfiT ~ ~t) :I. e D. Block No. and percentage No. and percentage or Villages in each range (Figures in) ~o. of inhabited percentage indicate percentage of villages in each range) villages Less than 200-499 50tl-999 1000- 20()()- 5()OO- 10000 200 1999 -1-999 9999 and above

      -1- ) () X 9

      ~ Ajaigarh 117 II 37 32 27 10 0 (100.00) (9.40) nUi2) . (27.35) (23.08) (~.55) (0.00)

      , 1FU Panna 185 50 61 46 21 7 () (100.00) (27.03) (32.97) (24.87) (11.35) (3.78) (0.00)

      I. ~ Gunnor 221 49 79 62 20 11 () (100.00) (22.17) ()5.75) (2805) (9.05) (4.98) (0.00)

      L -qqf Pawai 200 45 65 49 34 6 1 (10000) (22.50) (32.50) (2-UO) (17.00) (300) (0.50)

      5. ~ Shahnagar 216 52 81 48 30 5 0 (lOO.OO) (24.07) (37.50) (22.22) (13.89) (2.32) (0.00)

      'IFIT I Panna 939 207 323 237 132 39 1 (100.00) (22.04) (34.40) (25.24) (14.06) (4.15) (0.11 ) 75

      ~ t=fR1lTt 1991 cf.t \iF'I~loHI cfi ~ 4]ir " cf.t \rF'IflMI cfi Bt ~ a-Fr1Rf q:i1- fll*1GIfl!q- m '" '" '" ~q:;lfl(qO$c:m ~ ~ t I ~ cfit 00 -B 1:fill ~ t % Cfi"B ~ ~ CfiT Bt ~ a-Fr1Rf 901 t '" '" '" ~ ~ ~ 3fftIq:;- ~ey ~ fllflGlfllCf, ~q:;lmqO$ ~ Cfill -it . "" -it t TABLE No.9 (A)

      This table gives the C. D. Blockwise sex-ratio of rural population as calculated during the 1991 Census. It is observed from the table that the sex-ratio for total rural area works out to 901 persons. It i~ highest in Shahnagar and lowest in Ajaigarh C.D. Block.

      w ~ -it \i1·1fl·(dll 1991 cfi ~ ~ ~ ~ Bt ~ ~ CfiT ~ fct

      TABLE No.9 (B)

      In this table, town wise sex-ratio of the district is being presented as per 1991 census. It can be seen from the table that Devendra Nagar Town is having highest sex-ratio. Lowest sex-ration has beer calculated in Ajaigarh town. It is 869 females per 1,000 males for the total urban area of the district. 76

      ~ - 9, (3f) ~ lJi'1fl(C41 CfiT ~'~1I1qll:1, 1991 - fqq)lf1(qu~ cfi" ~.

      Table -9 (A) Sex Ratio of Rural population 1991 CO. Blod{ Wise.

      ~ Fcl Ch Ifj(q o:s

      - 1. ~ Ajaigarh 866

      2. ~ Panna 892

      3. ~ Gunnor 915

      4. "lfCI{ Pawai 900

      5. ~ Shahnagar 913

      ffiiiIT "II"U Distt. Panna 9111 77

      tfRUfi - 9, (or) m- q)f ~··1i1qld 1 Table -9 (B) Sex Ratio of Towns 1991.


      1. ~ (-.:r.1JT.) Ajaigarh (M) 849

      2. ~ (-.:r:qr.) AmangaI"U (M) 873

      3. ~

      4. ~ (-.:r.1JT.) Kakarhati (M) 869

      5. 1f"IT ('Uf.) Panna (UA) $ 865

      6. 1f"IT (-.:r.1JT.) Panna(M) 868

      7. ~ (3f.er.) Pawai (N.A.) S(17

      fufiiii -q;:;rr Distt. Panna 869

      -.:r)c : - $ ~ ~ m~ ~ if 0f1R ~ -.:rtf fcfi

      ~ flRUlt -il, -wlr' -il ~ \Ji'ifiMI it ~ ~ ct.t \Ji'ifi(CllI ~ ~ ciT -wlr' ct.t man-"dCfi ~ ~ v~ ~ ':I fd ~Id d I cir ~ ~ ':I fd ~I d d I cn1 cf,- Jqffi[ d gAl &F1 I{ ~ fcFi<:rr ~ ~ I f1RU'IT it m \iff "flCfldT t fct ~ -Jf2111W1 (22.47~) Wr ~ 1W1 ~ ~ Lf{ ~ ~ ctt \Ji'ifi'(DqI CfiT ~ ~ ~ I 9.37 ~ ~ -il ~ \i'lTft1 eN \li'ifi'(dll ~ \li'ifi'(DqI ~ 5 ~ it ~ ~ I 202 ri -il (2.51 ~) ~ ~ \li.m'(Dq I CfiT ~ ~ -qp:rr \TIRlT ~ I ct.t u

      ~ '\ilTfc1 ctT \Ji'ifi·(C>.q1 ~ dtifl)&lClI< fctmuT ct ~ -il <:ffi %T \iff m ~ fct ~, m 'd"~ ~lIti'i~l( ~ ciT ~ ~ ~ -il ~ ~ 1W1 Wr t \il6T 1R cm1 \Ji'ifi·{C>.q1 ~ 31 ~ # 3ffu . ~ Cfi ~ '\ilTfc1 ct.t \11'ifi'{dll f.f

      In this table proportion of scheduled castes population to total population in the villages is presented according to percentage range indicating number and percentage ofvillages tahsilwise, From the table, we can see that there are 211 inhabited villages (22,47 percent) in the district where the inhabitation of Scheduled Castes population in NIL 9 37 percent of villages have a Scheduled Castes population less than 5 percent of the total population 202 villages (21,51 percent) have a high proportin of scheduled castes popUlation,

      As per tahsilwise distribution of such population, it can be said that maximum number of inhabited villages have been found where inhabitation of Scheduled Castes population is more than 31 percent of total population in all tahsils except Ajaigarh, Pawai and Shahnagar. 79

      "ffR1J\t - 10 ~.r~ \i1"1tl(OQ1 ~ 3t"F1c-~d \illfd qft \i1"1tl(OQ1 (fiT ~ Table -10 Proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total population in the Villages.

      ffiii I nl'tnrt "iiimB /1.11",1 if' 3( ;;U q;j "i"I 'AI 1';)11113 ~ A,.ngarh 'AI 1\11111.\ ~ lilillilror '!if{ P.lwal m6-'JlTl: ShaJmagar ~iI ~ "!lfttm! ~ ~ ~ %mil $ "!lfttm! ~ ~ ~ ~

      3IiRIi! 3IiRIi! 3IiRIi! 3«!

      Sl Percentage N(. 0t Perce- N<> nf Perce- No 0f Pac..:- N0 ~f Perce- N., "t P.:!fCC- N(\ ('If Perce-

      No flU\l!,e ofSC V~la~e, ntage. V~lage, ntage Vulages nta!;,e. VUlages ntage Vllttl~es l\t,,~e V~l.ge, ntage

      populatwn Ul each Ul each III each III each Ui each Ul each t(lt(\taJ range range range ronge r.mge range


      4 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14

      Nil 211 22.47 II 940 52 28 II 38 17 19 41 20.50 69 31.94

      2. 0-5 88 9.37 12 10.26 30 16.22 10 4.53 12 6.00 24 11.11

      3. 6-10 67 7.14 12 1026 IS 8 II 11 4.98 17 8.50 12 5.56

      4. 11-15 85 9.05 12 10.26 10 5 40 18 8.15 15 750 30 13.89

      5. 16-20 105 11.18 18 15.38 16 8.65 24 10.86 19 ') 50 28 12.96

      6 21-30 181 19.28 28 23.93 22 11.89 46 20.81 51 25.50 34 15.74

      7 31+ 20221.51 24 20.51 40 21.62 74 33.48 45 22 50 19 8.80

      11111" Total 939100.00 117 100.00 185 100.110 221 100.00 200 1110.110 216 100.00 80

      "lffi fIRU'it ri ott \Ji'ifl(DqI ~ -qfu:R ~ aAffi ~ ~ ott \Ji'ift'(DqI eft 9R1~lctlil ~ ~ '" '" ~ cfit ~ ~ t I 1991 ctt ,iH~laHI ~ 3RBT{ "C!Wr ~ \iFlft' ...:;. ~ .._;, c-.. ~ -B ~ t I ~ ~ q'jf ~ affi:rcfi ~ 1000 -1999 ~ 2000 -4999 eft \Ji'ifl{ClJI ~ 'lTB ri ~ lWlT ~ t ~ ~ 3fiUq:) 323 -m

      1R 18,41 ~ 3l'itlfilli~~ Ii'ITR1" cfiT \Ji'itl'(dll ~ ~ %n~ ~~~~\I~ IilTfu W ~ 3lfucfi 'Ji'itl'(<41 1000 -1999 <4Fch'141' ~ 'l"i

      TABLE No, II

      This table shows percentage wise distribution of Scheduled Castes population according to the population range of villages, As per 1991 Census, about 20,97 percent among the total rural population belong to Scheduled castes, The highest representation of such population in found in the villages with population range of 1000-1999 and 2000-4999 persons in spite of the fact that maximum number of 323 villages fall in the population range of 200-4999 persons and have 18-41 percent Scheduled Castes population, The maximum Scheduled caste population is, however, found in the villages with populati.on range of 1000-1999 persons followed by the population range of 500-999 persons.

      ~ - 11 1IFIT cfit \Ji'iil«41 3fam;r cfi' am.JR 1R 3r.J:. \JiIRl4'f cfit \Ji'itl(OQ1 ~ 9 Rllliddl Table -11 Percentage of Scheduled Castes population by population range of Villages.

      Ifi. iJi'1 fl(O<1 I 3RRrR l)lll¥"&ft~ ljJ¥JT~ 3[ 'ii1T, 'itt ~ lil'1fl@:l1 CfiT 'iiffimf Sl. Population No. of Villages Rural Population Scheduled Caste Percentage of No. Range Population Population 4

      1. Less Than 200 207 21640 2924 13.51 2. 200-499 323 110314 20310 18.41 3. 500-999 237 166200 35502 21.36 4. 1000-1999 132 179997 40340 22.41 5. 2000-4999 39 113901 25522 22.41 6. 5000-9999 6326 896 14.16 7. 10000+

      "ii)if 1FIT I Panna Total 939 598378 125494 20.97 81

      m ~ ~ ~ \Ji'"lfl{CllI ~ 3Ff. \Ji'"l\JiIRi eft \Ji'"lfl@11 '$ ~ cir ri eft ~ G~ ~ '" '" '" yfci!llcldl ~ ".-rt yfd~lclcll 3fffiR cl6f1I('1ClI( ~ 1fIlT t I ~ ~ '\liT ~ ~ cit 8,"'" em '$ '" '" f

      3Ff. \Ji'"l\JiIRi eft \Ji'"l(i'{OYI cfi cl6ffi('1CfI{ ~ cfi -if CfiN '\liT 'Wfi'dT fct ~ G~ ~ '" w- t . '" ~ cir ~ ~ ~ it' ~ ~ 1Jll1 W t 'ii16l' 1R ~ \Ji'"ld{OYI cfi 51 1Jfuw if ~ 3fJ. \Ji'"l\liIRi eft \Ji'"l(i'",OYI ~ Cfi'@ ~ I

      TABLE No. 12

      In this table proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the villages is presented according to percentage range including number and percentage of villages tahsilwise. From the table we can see that there are 353 inhabited villages (37.59 percent) in the district where the inhabitation of Scheduled Tribes population is NIL 14.70 percent of villages have a Scheduled Tribes population less than 5 percent of the total population, 180 villages (19.17 percent) have a high proportion of (more than 51 percent) Scheduled Tribes population.

      As per tahsilwise distribution of such popUlation, it can be said that maximum number of inhabited village have been found where the inhabitation of Scheduled Tribes population is more than 51 percent of total population in all tahsils except Ajaigarh and Gunnor. 82

      ~ - 12 lJ1l1l-il~ \J1'1t1~1 it 3f'i~d \iFi\i1lR1 cfit \J1'1t1~1 W 3f1tffir Table -10 Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the Villages.

      fufffi I Dls!nc! ~/T'hsil in. 3f. ;;n q;r '!lB 'FIT Panna ~ AFII~arh 'FIT P~UUI,l ~ lllllUlClf m P.1W,H ~ ShalUlagar ~i\ • 'Jfm • 'Jfm ~ 'Jfm ~ ~ • ~ • ~ 3i

      Sl Percentajle Nfl (It P~rce, No {It Perce- N(l {If Perce- Nll (II Perce~ No of Peru:- No of Perce-

      N" Jan~e "fSC Villages ntage Villages ntage VLllages utage Vtllages Ilta~e Village, nt.ll.:c Villages ntage

      populatwll U\ each Ul each 111 each 01 each Ul each Ul each

      to total range range range fallge range range populabon

      3 4 6 9 10 II 12 13 14

      l. Nil 353 37.59 43 36.75 51 27.57 149 67.42 83 41.50 27 12.50

      2. 0-5 138 14.70 42 35.90 17 91927 12.22 34 1700 18 8.33

      3. 6-15 70 7.45 9 7.69 16 X.65 II 4.98 14 700 20 9.26

      4 16-25 74 7.88 6 5.13 271459 G 2.71 7 3.50 12.96

      5. 26-35 50 5.33 4 3.42 12 6 49 8 3.62 6 3 00 20 9.26

      6. 36-50 74 7.88 4 3.42 20 10.81 8 3.62 12 6.00 30 13.89

      7. 51+ 180 19.17 9 7.69 42 22.70 12 5.43 44 22.00 73 33_80

      1Il1J / TOTAL939 100.00 117 100.00 185 100.00 221 1()0.00 200 11111.(111 216 100.00 83

      ~~ Cfi1:-at ~ I \JirJ~loHI 1991 cfi- af.'R1R~ ~v ~ \Ji"ifi(041 it ~ 16.39 ~ \Ji"ifl(041 .:u;:r.V'~ \JirJ\JiIRl41 if ~ ~ I ~ ~ CfiT ~ a.rfUq) ~ 200 if Cfil1 cfi- \Ji"i fj\04 I ~ ~ " it ~, ~ ~ a.rfUq) 323 'ID11 200 -499 dlfihl41 cfi- \l'Hfj'(dll ~ it affit ~ -a-~ %i 1R 26.16 ~ 3R. \iH\JiIRl cfif ~ \Ji'1ti'{041 ~ '\Ji'ffiT ~ I 3R. \Ji'1\Jilfd cfit ~ 3fftlcn \Ji'1fj{041 200 -499 dlFcfd4r cfi- \Ji'1t1{CllI 1lfU:R it ~ '\Ji'ffiT ~ -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ 500 -999 dlFcfct4Y cfi- ~ CfiT ~ t I

      TABLE No. 13

      This table shows percentage wise distribution of Scheduled Tribes population according to the population range of villages. As per 1991 census, about 16.39 percent people among the total rural 'population belong to Scheduled Tribes. The highest representation of such population is found in the villages with population range of Less than 200 in spite of the fact that maximum number of 323 villages fall in the population range of 200-499 persons and have 26.16 percent Scheduled Tribes population. The maximum Scheduled Tribes population is however found in the villages with population range of 200-499 persons followed by the population range of 500-999 persons.

      ~ - 13 m' ~ 1i1'1t1'~1 ~ c6 3ITUR 1R ~. \l1'1\l1IR1tf1' qft \l1'1ti~1 qft 'lRl:uddl Table -13 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes population by population range of Villages.

      Ifl. \i1.,ti{czH 3Rfm;r iWii~mczrr ~ \i1.,('!'<0lI1 3( '\J1'. '\J11 ~ \i1.,fROlII \i1"'1f!(0lI1 q;r iifu'i'Rf S1. Population No. of Villages Rural Population Scheduled Tribes Percentage of No. Range Population Population 5

      L Less Than 200 207 21640 7792 36.01 2. 200-499 323 110314 2gg58 26.16 3. 500-999 237 166200 2g()()7 17.25 4. 1000-1999 132 179997 23g(,() 13.26 5 2000-4999 39 11390 I 8579 7.53 ..,..,.., 6. 5000-9999 6326 .U.l 5.26 7. 10000+

      ~- Panna-Total 939 598378 981189 16,39 84

      3R'J"Rf 11\ ~ ~ % I ~ ~ cf.t 'J"Fifl{ClII -if~: 16.61 lJft1w l0i 4.95 ~ ~ ~ l0i ~ ~~

      _~ ,iFi\Ji IRI cf.t \Ji'ifl{Cll1 l:fT{ ~ % I "'i1'ffi -if ~ "\Jilfct CfiT ~ a-rtU-cr. ~ (28.7 9 ~) ~

      -;p-f{ ~ -rwrr \i1R1T ~ ~ ~ \Ji'i\JiIRl CfiT ~ 3ffUq:; 3qqRT (9 .04 ~) ~ -;pf{ ~ t I

      TABLE No. 14

      This table depicts population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and its percentage

      proportion to total population townwise 16.61 percent and 4.95 percent of the population in urban areas

      comprise of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively. The highest proportion of Scheduled

      Castes population works out to 28.79 percent in Pawai town while this proportion of Scheduled Tribes is

      maximum in Ajaigarh town with 9.04 percent. 85

      ~ - 14, 19 91 ~ "f11iT ~ 3i'jfi~ a '\il'l'ftr / 3J'j. \1'1"1 \iiI I'd CfiT 9 1'd:1I a Table -14 Percentage of SC/ST population in Towns 1991.

      SIl. -;:pr{ qm '1FHlfclll ~ 3f. \J"lT. "itt ~ M \11.\J"lT "itt ~ \J1 '1 «fclll it ~ \J1'1fflall it '" M. \J"lT.

      1. ~ (.,.1U.) Ajaigarh (M) 12283 2293 1110 UL67 9.04

      2. ~ (.,.1U.) Amanganj (M) 8252 1638 276 19.85 3.34

      3. ~4"l:'1~1{ (.,.1U.) Devendranagar (M) 11100 2066 537 18.61 4.84

      4. ~ (Of.1U.) Kakarhati (M) 5909 1614 500 27.31 8.46

      5. lFfI (OfJi.) Panna (U.A.) $ 42547 4541 1277 10.67 3.00

      6. lFfI (Of.1U.) Panna(M) 38110 4203 388 11.03 1.02

      7. ~ (3f.Iit.) Pawai (N.A.) 9476 2728 731 28.79 7.71

      ffiiiiT 'l"IT Distt. Panna 89567 14880 -1431 16.61 4.95

      om- :- $ ~ ~ ea ~ ~ if "'17R mm -m f

      cfit IJ1HCfiI{l ~ % I ~ cfit tllAlRtCi ~ slt ~ tll~~I~Cfi FclCflltl(Cjui)' cfit tl111J ~ G{ 29.27 ~

      3ficfit 1Tf %, ~ if 42.08 ~ ~ ~~ 14.85 ~ ~ mw % I tll~~I~ijj FclCflItl(CjUs ~ -q"{ ~

      ~ ~

      TABLE No.iS (A)

      This table provides information on sex-wise literacy rate for rural population inhabting in C.D.

      Blocks ofthe district. The rural literacy rate for all C.D. Blocks including forest villages has worked out to

      29.27 percent, of which 42.08 percent males are literate and 14.85 percent females are literate. At the C.D.

      Block level, the literacy rate for the total rural areas varies from 26.44 percent in Ajaigarh to 31.55 percent in Gunnar maximum literacy rate for males and females have been aloulated in Gunnar and Panna C.D.

      Blocks respectively. 87

      ~ -15 (3f) 1991 qft "1JT4luT \iHfi«41 ~ ~'~1I1fI1( ~ G\ (0-6 3Wl cpf q1 ~ qiT ~1~q)<) Table -15 (A) Sex wise Literacy rate for rural Population, 1991 (Excluding children, 0-6 age group)

      ~ f4 CflII.'HCl 0 s <:fiT

      2 3 4 5

      l. ~ Ajaigarh 26.47 39.29 11.32

      2. lAT Panna 30.49 42.30 16.97

      3. ~ Gunnar 31.55 45.13 16.48

      4. ~ Pawai 28.93 41.32 15.02

      5. ~ Shallllagar 28.46 41.81 13.98

      "tI""IT ~ Panna Distt. 29.27 42.08 14.85 88

      ~ ctt ~ trTWill ~ 62.33 ~ t I ~ ~~ 73.13 ~ ~ crey 49.67 ~ ~ trraR t I

      'AT 'l1R it 00- 3-fftrq:) trT~ ~ (12.8 4 ~) Cf~

      -rr (28.90 ~) t I

      TABLE No. 15 (B)

      Sexwise literacy rate for each town has been mentioned in this table. It is clear from the table that the total literacy rate for urban areas is 62.33 percent. About 73.13 percent of males and 49.67 percent of females are literate. Panna town has registered maximum 72.84 percent literacy rate as against 42.95

      percent minimum in Kakarhati town. Among the males, the percentage of literacy ranges between 82.23

      percent in Panna town to 55.32 percent in Kakarhati town on the other hand, females have attained highest literacy rate with 61.74 percent in Panna town and lowest with 28.90 percent in kakarhati town. 89

      tJRUft - 15 (~if) 1991 ctt ~ ,iHfi(O!f1 ~ f~i""1t11( mwor G{ (0-6 3Wl

      2 3 4 5

      1. ~ (.,.'IT.) Ajaigarh (M) 54.47 65.29 41.48

      2. ~ (.,.1lT.) Amangal~ (M) 58.36 68.87 46.20

      3. ~4O:S:'1.I( (.,.1lT.) Devendranagar (M) 58.55 7l.46 43.79

      4. ~ (.,.1lT.) Kakarhati (M) 42.95 55.32 28.90

      5. 1Ffi' ("1'.ff.) Panna (U.A.) $ 70.l6 79.75 58.82

      6. 1Ffi' ("1'.-qr.) Panna(M) 72.84 82.23 61.74

      7. m (3f.tit.) Pawai (N.A.) 56.69 .69.62 41.70

      ~~ Distt. Panna 62.33 73.13 49.67

      oflc : - $ orrm cff.k ~ ~ ~ ~ "1'1R ~ "1'tl ~ 7flIT t ('IfAiRi\'1 t I Note :- $ (U.A.) Includes O.G. which are not declared Seperate towns 90

      ~ cK it f.fcm:r ~ cm% ~ \TIli(1 l0i 3FHi Rl d \it'i \it Iffi \JHfl{CLlI it l1lt "\li"A cm% m ....:l <='- ....:;, ~ em ~ - ~ "illaffiIT G{ cit ~ fIRU'it ~ ~ 1FIT t I flROTI it ?:ffi ~ "\liT ~ t fcn ~ ehIT ~ f.1cntr CfiB qRt 3lj~Rld ~ ~ ~ \it'1\JiIRl rtf \Ji'ifI{CllI ~ fIl'l1f"illmT CIT~: 33.04 ~ ~ 11.23 ~ t I Gffi ~ ~, ~ atrr ~ ~ \Ji'1\Jilffi rtf rn1'1T ~ 3l'1f1Rld \JlTfc1 ctt \Ji'1f1'{OQI 3ffuq:)"illeR t I c:-.. ...:l~ ._ ..,:, ...:;, c:'\ •• 3lj~F.1d ~ cfi- ~ ~ ~3ff ~"illa-Ttffi CIT~: 45.04 ~ 19.08 ~ t I W 1JCfiR, ~ \Ji'1\JiIRl rtf \Ji'1f1'{OQI ~ ~ ~ ~3ff ~ cnt "ifIR crrm -meruIT CIT~: 17.07 ~ 4.78 ~ t I ~ ~~, 3l'1f1F.1d ~ ~ ~ \Ji'1\Jilffi

      TABLE No. 16

      Sex-wise literacy rate for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes popUlation residing in town of the district has been shown in this table. It may be observed from the table that the total literacy rate for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population living in urban areas stands at 33.04 percent and 11.23 percent respectively. In other words, the scheduled castes population are more literate as compared to scheduled tribes population in urban area. The literacy rate of males scheduled castes is 45.04 percent and for females is 19-08 percent. Similarly males and females literacy rates of Scheduled tribes are 17.CJ7 percent and 4.78 percent respectively. Among the towns Panna town represents maximum percentage of literates Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation. 91

      "flRUfi - 16, 1991 -if m -if ~ G"{ (0 -6 3WJ: <.f1f ~ ~ cnT ~l¥Cfi() Table -16 Literacy rate for Towns -1991 (Excluding children in 0-6 age group)

      ~ -;:m{ CfiT '1fl1 ~ -;:m{ mWOTCfiT ~ ~~llflPl

      S1. No. Name and Civic ~ \iHfl

      ~ ~ fuI

      2 3 4 ) 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. ~(~.'IlT.) Aiaigarh (M) 54.47 65.29 41.28 27.39 40.47 11.43 5.00 8.77 0.94

      2. ~ (~.1U.) Amanganj (M) 58.36 68.87 46.20 20.68 30.58 8.84 8.33 12.82 3.03

      3. {~"l:'1'1( (~.1U.) Devendranagar (M) 58.55 71.46 ·n 79 35.53 49.02 20.41 2.15 4.13 0.00

      4. ~ (~.'QT.) Kakarhati (M) 42.95 55.32 28.90 16.48 . 24.72 6.92 4.02 6.60 1.14

      5. ~ (~.~.) Panna CU A.) $ 70.16 79.75 5X.82 44.11 55.91 30.04 21.85 31.05 11.54

      6. ~ (";['QT.) Panna (M) 72.84 82.23 61.74 45.47 57.64 31.12 32.09 42.33 19.55

      7. m (3{~.) Pawai (N.A.) 56.69 69.62 41.70 34.69 48.69 19.49 14.96 23.51 5.70

      ~ffim p.mna Distt. 62.33 73.13 49.67 33.04 45.0~ 19.08 11.23 17.07 4.78

      -.m- ;-$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it "'1'lR ~ ~ M 1fltT t flfA1R1\'1 t I Note ;- $ CD.A.) Includes O.G. which are not declared Seperate towns 92

      ~ "RRU'it IJ"i'"i ~ 10 HI! 1991 cfi- 3RfIR ~ fllfJ <:: I fllCfi ~ Cfi IfI(Cl 005 it ~ ,iFtd

      riur ~ CfiFl "Cfi"f.r fl "CfiT ~ 3-1fUcn ~ (37 .61 ~) -q-;:;:rr fll:!, <:: Ifll Cfi ~Cfi IfI

      TABLE No. 17 (A)

      This table provides sex-wise distribution of main-workers marginal workers and non-workers of rural population in each CD. Block of the district as per 1991 Census.

      The percentage of rural main workers is highest (37.61 percent) in Panna CD. Block while it is lowest (34.52 percent) in Shannagar C.O. Block. As against this the percentage of rural non-workers to rural populaton is highest (58.44 percent) in Pawai CD. Block and lowest (54.87 percent) in Ajaigarh CO. Block. The percentage of marginal workers is very small in all the CD. Blocks. It can also be seen that the percentage of non-workers is more than 45 percent in all the CD. Blocks for all the categories, total, males and females. It is much higher in case of females. 93

      ~ - 17 (3f) (4iliJtt(C1ug 1991 If ~ \i1'1d(Q!OfJ If ~ Cfi1lJ q)<~(n~, ~J1(dili Cfi1lJ -m qffi ~ Cfi1lJ ~ -m

      fcI"if.Ri ~ q;r "If"! ~

      Sl. Name ofC.D Block Percentage of Mam Pl!n.:\!nlage of margInal P~rcentage of Total Percentage of N 011- No. Workers to total Workers to total Workers to total Workers to total populatiol) population population population

      ~ ~ f#>:ri ~ ~ fu<:n' ~ ~ fuflIi ~ ~ f#>:ri Person ~fale Female Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female

      2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l) 10 11 12 13 14

      1. ~ Ajaigarh 37.41 53.17 19.21 7.72 1.01 15.47 45.13 54.18 34.68 54.87 45.82 65.32

      2. 'FIT Panna 37.61 53.35 19.97 G.09 1.19 11.59 43.70 54.54 31.56 56.30 45.46 68.44

      3. ~ Gunnar 36.98 53.19 19.27 6.37 0.84 12.42 43.35 54.03 31.69 56.65 45.97 68.31

      4. 'l"'If Pawai 35.20 52.78 15.69 6.36 0.82 12.51 41.56 53.60 28.20 58.44 46.40 71.80

      5. m;t'lR Shahnagar 34.52 53.97 13.46 8.33 0.94 16.32 42.84 54.91 29.78 57.15 45.09 70.22

      'q'"IJ' Panna Distt. 36.28 53.29 17.41 6.96 0.95 13.62 43.24 54.24 31.03 56.76 45.76 68.97 94

      ~"f!RUlt \rH~ 10 1'11 1991, cfi aqBR ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiTif cnB cnB, ~flid 11 CfiTif Cfif.'t qffi Cf~ Cfil11 w:r m ~ CfiT "cit -~ ern: \lRl~lddl ~ ~ ~ t I

      ~ ~ q'iTlf ~ cm:iT CfiT ~ affi:rq) ~ (32.7 8 ~) 1111{6t) "'flR ~ t ~ lFIT ~ II ~ ~ Cfi11 (2 6.61 ~) t I ~ ~ 3-!R ~ \li"R1·(CLIllT CfiFf ~ 'Cfi'R ~ em ~ 3fftlcfl \li'ifi'{dJl (72.69 ~) '"FIT"'f1R -if -t I fflffi'f -;nit IT 6)flii"JCh q;m ~ ~ CfiT ~ ~ q)lf t I

      TABLE No. 17 (8)

      This table provides sex-wise distribution of male workers, marginal workers and non-workers of urban population in each town of the district as per 1991 census. The percentage of urban main workers is highest (32.78 percent) in Kakarhati town while it is lowest (26.61 percent) in Panna town. As against the percentage of urban non-workers to urban population is highest (72-69 percent) in Panna town. The percentage of marginal workers is very small rather negligible in all the towns. 95

      "ffitUfi - 17 (cr) 1991 ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiT1l Q1{~qlcl, ~J1idQl ifiTlf CfiH ~ CfiJf CJiTlf ~ CfiH ~ CfiT 9 Ri:J1 d Table -17(B) Percentage of Main workers, Marginal workers and Non-worker for towns, 1991


      SI. Nam~ of Civic Percentage of Mam Percentage of marginal Perc~ntage of Total Percentage of N on- No. Administration Workers to tolal Workers to total Workers to total Workers to total Satatus of the Town population population population population

      fun:Jj fun:Jj ~ ~ ~ ~ m' ~ ~ m' ~ ~ Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female

      2 j 4 5 6 7 8 ') [0 [ [ Ii B 14

      1. ~ ("m.) Ajaigarh (M) 29.50 46.42 9.57 0.85 0.15 1.69 30.35 46.57 11.26 69.65 53.43 88.74

      2. ~ ('1m.) Amanganj (M) 27.42 45.79 6.40 1.21 0.75 1.74 28.64 46.54 8.l4 71.37 53.46 91.86

      3. ~ ("m.) Devendranagar(M) 31.21 -t8.IS 12.43 2.40 0.82 4.1633.GI 49.00 16.59 66.39 51.00 83.41

      4. ~ (".~.) Kakarhati (M) 32.78 50.'93 11.90 10.15 1.55 20.05 42.93 52.48 31.95 57.07 47.52 68.05

      5. tAr (".

      6. 'AI (".~.)

      Panna(M) 26.61 43.63 6.99 0.70 0.34 1.11 27.31 43.97 8.11 72.69 56.tB 91.90

      7. m (M.tf.) Pawai (N.A.) 30.79 48.00 10.95 2.87 0.71 5.36 33.66 48.71 16.31 66.34 51.29 83.69

      'FiT Panna Distt. 28.8(1 45.85 9.16 1.87 0.53 3.41 30.67 46.39 12.57 69.33 53.62 87.43 96

      ~ flRUTt -it ~ cfi ~ Cfill1 ~

      TABLE No. 18

      The distribution of main workers according to four-fold industrial categories with their rural and urban constituents is being highlighted in this table. It is evident from the table that the economic activities of rural areas are primarily dependent on the agriculture which is supported by the fact that cultivators (59.78 percent) and agricultural labourers (28.36 percent) together constitute 88.14 percent of main workers. On the other hand, it is 82.42 percent at district level. In case of urban areas the .proportions of cultivators and agricultural labourers come to 34.32 percent only and share of other workers including household industries workers is about 65.68 percent. These workers are mainly engaged in the fields of manufacturing and processing, constructions, trade and commerce, transport, communications and other works. This is in kepping with the definition of urban areas. At tahsil level, we observe that the maximum proportion of cultivators has been found in Ajaigarh tahsil (65.85 percent) and other workers in Panna tahsil (30.87 percent). The agricultural labourers and household industries workers have the highest share of main workers in Gunnor tahsil. 97

      ~ - 18, 3I'hn fll Cfi ~ ~ 3ffUR -q"{ ~ CJi'I+f CfiB qrffi

      ~/furi'iT1 li1"lT ~ itffiiii ~ mTffci "3mii w

      StateIDi~1rictJ Total elf. 1- ~ elf. '1 ~ elf. '1 ~ elf. '1 ~ elf. -g. ~ Tahsil Rural P. M F P M. F. P. M. F P. M. F. P. M. F. Urban

      2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~~ 11i"1T 134674 114063 20611 65520 39389 26131 5468 3968 1500 37231 32300 4931 242893 189720 53173

      Panna District Total (55.45) (60.12) (38.76) (26.97) (20.76) (49.14) (2.25 )(2.09 )(2.82) (15.33) (17.03) (9.28) (100.00) (100.00 )(100.00)

      m;ftvr 129780 109643 20137 61563 36730 24833 4648 3356 1292 21110 18015 3095 217101 167744 49357

      Rural (59.76) (65.36)(40.80)(28.36) (2\90) (50.31) (2.14)(2.00)(2.62) (9.72) (lo.74) (6.27) (100.00) (100.00)(100.00)

      ~ 4894 4420 474 3957 2659 1298 820 612 208 16121 14285 1836 25792 21976 3816

      Urhan(18.98) (20.11) (12.42) (15.34) (12.10) (34.02) (3.18)(2.79)(5.45) (62.50)(65.00) (48.11)(100.00) (100.00)(100.00)

      ~ ~

      AjaigarhTahsil Total (65.85 ) (67.87) (59.10) (m9) (17.71) (35.39 ) (1.75) (l77) (1.71) (1061) (12.65 ) (3.80) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      wiJuT 27187 21473 5714 8514 5310 3204 670 517 153 2495 2302 193 38866 29602 9264

      Rural (69.95 ) (72.54) (61.68) (2191) (1794) (34.59) (1.72) (1.74) (165) (6.42 ) (7.76 ) (2.08) (10000) (100.00) (100.00 )

      ~ 791 711 80 745 479 266 75 60 15 2012 1833 179 3623 3083 540

      Urban (2183 ) (23.06) (14.81) (20.56) (15.54) (49.26) (2.07) (1.95) (2.78) (55.54) (59.45) (33.15) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      "FIT ~

      PanlLa Tahsil Total (41.53 ) (44.05) (32.65) (25.10) (19.94) (43.26) (2.50) (2.17) (3.65) (30.87) (33.64) (20.44) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      wiJuT 21549 17615 3934 12500 7602 4898 945 641 304 6486 5236 1252 41482 31094 10388

      Rural (51.95 ) (56.65) (37.87) (30.13) (2455) (47.15) (2.26) (2.06) (2.93) (15.64) (16.84) (12.05) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      ~ 2733 2443 290 2177 1479 698 514 346 168 11564 10172 1392 16988 14440 2548

      Urban (16.09) (1692 ) (11.38 ) (12.81) (10.24) (27.40) (3.03) (2.40) (6.59) (68.07) (70.44) (54.63) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) 98

      ~ - 18, 3l1cll11tfl ~ q1 3fllJR 1R ~ ~ ~ cm-rr qrr q~tfl{UI (ChlCZtfl ~ ~ 9Rt:tld ~ t) Table -18. Distribution of main workers by broad Industrial Categories (Figures within brackets indicate percentage)

      Wl:! IffiiiT I 1iT1T ~ i)fuiii ~ ~ "J"iltiT 3F'I"

      GunnorTahsil Total (53.68) (60.73) (3169) (33.61) (25.13) (60.04) (2.52) (2.48) (2.64) (10.19 ) (11.66) (5.63) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      ~ 27021 23060 3941 16771 9432 7339 1158 831 327 4202 3570 632 49152 36913 12239

      Rural (54.97 ) (62.53) (32.20) (34.12) (25.55) (59.97) (2.36) (2.25) (2.67) (8.55 ) (9.67) (5.16) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      ~ 578 563 15 509 352 157 138 13S 3 1036 967 71 2263 2017 246

      Urban (25.54) (27.91) (6.10 ) (22.49 ) (17.49) (63.82) (6.10) (670) (1.22) (45.87) (47.94) (28.66)(100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      'lq-f ~

      Pawai Tahsil Total (56.24) (61.82) (35.07) (28.92) (22.56) (53.09) (2.39) (2.32) (2.62) (12.45) (13.30) (9.22) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      ~ 26065 22666 3399 13284 8180 5104 1046 807 239 4439 3716 723 44834 35369 9465

      Rural (58.14 ) (6408) (35.91) (29.63) (23.13) (5392) (2.33) (2.28) (253) (9.90 ) (10.51) (7.64) (100 00) (100.00) (100.00)

      ~ 792 703 69 526 349 177 93 71 22 1507 1313 194 2918 2436 482

      Urban (27.14) (26.66) (18.47) (18.03 ) (14.33) (36.72) (3.19) (2.91) (4.56) (51.64) (53.90) (40.25) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      ~~ m.r 27958 24809 3149 10494 6206 4268 829 560 269 3486 3191 295 42767 34766 8001

      Total (65.37) (7136) (39.36) (24.54) (17.85) (53.59) (1.94) (1.61) (3.36) (6.15) (9.18) (3.69) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

      ShahnagarTahsil ~ 27958 24809 3149 10494 6206 4288 829 560 269 3486 3191 295 42767 34766 8001

      Rural (65.37) (m6) (39.36) (24.54) (17.85) (53.59) (194) (1.61) (3.36) (8.15) (9.18 ) (3.69) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) 99

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fllll<:lfllCfl f2lCflIfl(Clog -iT ~~ ~ mwarr CfiT ~ f2lScllSJOI l,ffifCf ~ " " '" I ~ "lfb "NGC iInr %fcfi -qR cfi 1ffiT ~w ~1~\lRisl~ ~ " -iT ~~ % I ~ ~ ~~ t it ctt '" ~lrr 67.73 ~ 1WIT -if a~ ~ ~ ~UT 62.30 ~ 1lFTt -if~.u t I 23.00 ~ -m+r ~ ~ituft.t I ~ 19.91 ~ri-ifORf~, ~~ ~~ctt~~~t I ~Cfq)Wfi ~ CIR Cf~ RlFctlct=ll "ftfcfur w ~

      ~ ~ CfiT fll:1<:lfllCfl f2lCfllfHqO~{m fclS~iSjOI ~ ~ fcn ~ fll:1<:lfllCfl fclCfllfl(quJl' cK ~ 3fJGlTG "-if -qR cK 1lRt ctt ~UT ~ ~ I 11

      TABLE No. 19

      This table reveals a brief analysis of various amenities which are available in each C. D. Block of the district. It is clear from the table that the drinking water is available to 100 percent of inhabited villages followed by educational facilities in (67.73 percent) and power supply facilities in (62.30 percent) More than 23.00 percent villages are connected by the metal road. About 19.91 percent villages have communication amenity such as bus stands, Railway Station, etc. As far as the availability of post and telegraph and medical is concerned we can say that these amenities are available from 6 to 14 percent of inhabited villages. T4e position of market/hat amenity is' not satisfactory in rural areas.

      A C.D. Blockwise analysis of this table shows that the drinking water is available to all inhabited villages of all the C.D. Blocks Pawai Ajaigarh and Gunnor is being best served by medical, educational, post and telegraph and communication amenities whereas Gunnor C.D. Block is comparitively in better position of power supply facility. 100

      ~ - 19, ~ ~ w.rur3lt' ct ~ lJFfl qjf fcrcRuT Table -19 Distt'ibution of Village according to availability of diffe"ent amenities

      iWlT ~ -ffioqy iillriii "ffifcf #iii"i¥ '((Cl1 '1T '((Cl1 ~ 3m'ii ~ ~ t I No. (With Percentage) of villages having one or more of the following amenities , Ifi fuifilt1


      1. ~ 96 12 117 29 0 23 24 83 Ajaigarh 117 (82.05 ) (10.26 ) (100.00 ) (21.37 ) (0.00 ) (19.66 ) (20.51 ) (70.94 )

      2. 1FIT 120 9 185 26 4 45 75 104 Panna 185 (64.86 ) (4.86 ) (100.00 ) (14.05 ) (2.16 ) (24.32 ) (40.54 ) (56.22 )

      3.~ 147 9 221 27 7 81 84 162 Gunnar 221 (66.52 ) (4.07 ) (100.00 ) (12.22 ) (3.17 ) (36.65 ) (38.01 ) (73.30 )

      4.m 132 24 200 22 7 19 32 138 Pawai 200 (66.00 ) (12.00 ) (100.00 ) (11.00 ) (3.50 ) (9.50 ) (16.00 ) (69.00)

      5. mo:rrR 141 8 216 25 7 19 1 98 Shahnagar 216 (65.28 ) (3.70 ) (100.00 ) (11.57 ) (3.24 ) (8.80 ) (0.46 ) (45.37 )

      1FIT 636 62 939 125 25 187 216 585 Panna 939 (67.73 ) (6.60 ) (100.00 ) (13.31) (2.66 ) (19.91 ) (23.00) (62.30) 102

      ~ - 20, ~ ~ ~a«' cfi ~ ~ \l1~\ft'(Oq1 ffiT ~ Table -20 Proportion of Rural population sCI"Vcd by diffcl'ent amenities

      1JTiWiT \TI;:m'«Zl1 . Total populatIOn Education M~dical Drinking p()~t & Market! Commu- ,'\pproach hy Power No. inhabited vi lIage~ water Tckgraph flat Illcation Pucca Road Supply 111 C.D. Block

      2 4 :1 (, ~ () 1. ~ 99229 28574 103901 43736 0 36917 41136 88136 Ajaigarh 103901 (95.5o ) (27.50 ) (100.00 ) (42.09 ) (0.00 ) (35.53 ) (39.59 ) (84.83 )

      2. 1Fn' 97453 20509 110303 41127 8373 40057 56830 90373 Panna 110303 (88.35 ) (18.59 ) (100.00 ) (37.29) (7.59 ) (36.32 ) (51.52 ) (81.93 )

      3.~ 119625 17428 132925 44974 15013 68955 73218 118505 Gunnor 132925 (89.99 ) (13.11) (100.00 ) (33.83 ) (11.29 ) (51.88 ) (55.08 ) (89.15 )

      4.m 116042 43128 127353 39852 21543 35761 39103 110984 Pawai 127353 (91.12 ) (33.86 ) (100.00 ) (31.29 ) (16.92 ) (28.08 ) (30.70 ) (87.15 )

      5. m"f1R 109262 ·17508 123896 40785 16438 25595 1574 81457 Shahnagar 123896 (88.19 ) (14.13 ) (100.00) (32.92 ) (13.27 ) (20.66) (1.27) (65.75 )

      -q;;rr 598378 541611 127147 598378 210474 61367 207285 211861 489455 Panna (100.00) (90.51) (21.25) (100.00) (35.17 ) (10.26 ) (34.64 ) 35.41) (81.80 ) 103

      w ffR'llt ~ ~ ctt "ffia:rr ~ ~m ~.u ~ t) ~~ cf,- B-TR -H ~ cf,- ~ ~

      TABLE No. 21

      In this table distribution of the villages not having certain amenities arranged by distance ranges from the places where they are available, have been presented. In the district 303 villages are not having educational facility in village itself but the school going children of 283 villages can avail this facilities in a near by village within a distance of 5 kms. and in case of 15 villages they can avail the facility within a distance of 5-10 kms in a near by village. Position of medical, post and telegraph market/hat and communication amenities are not sound in the district. Out of939 villages medical facility is not available within 877 villages, Post and Telegraph 814 villages, market/hat 914 villages.

      ~ - 21, ~ ~3IT cfiT ~ ~ ~ lWlT CfiT q .. ffifi{UI ~~~~~t Table -21 Distribution of villages not having certain amenities arranged by distance ranges from the place where these are available

      ~ lJJTf fuFl1¥ ifciUT ~ ~ t iJTij ;:fit "fRCZIT fuR"il "ijfciur ~ :;m ili ~ t =aT "itt lR SI. Village not having the No. of villages where the amenity is not available and available No. Amcmty at distance of 5 Ffi. ~. -il

      1. w~ Education 283 15 5 303

      2. ~ Medical 463 255 159 877

      3. ~CfiT-qA't Drinking water 0 0 0 0

      4. STCfi <'W Post & Telegraph 586 183 45 814

      5. ~/mc MarketIHat 260 357 297 914

      6. ~ Communication 380 231 141 752 104

      $B ffR1llt -11 PlCflcd~ -;:rlR it cit C1~ ~ "BfcfW3IT ct.t ~~

      TABLE No. 22

      Information regarding distribution of villages according to distance from nearest town and availability of different amenities has been presented in this table. It reveals from the table that out of 939 villages, highest number of villages 464 come within the range of 16-50 kms, than 327 villages come in the range of 6-15 kms. The remaining 108 villages come within a distance range of 51 + kms from the nearest town.

      ..::. t • q-v:JT ctt:IfiZ itft tim ~ 5000 it 31fi:mi \Ji'ifl(01JI ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ C1~ B fMt

      TABLE No. 23

      This table shows the distribution of villages according to population ranges and amenities available. It is evident that higher the population range, larger is the percentage of villages having various amenities or on the contrary, lesser the population range, lesser the percentage of villages enjoying different amenities. These facts are justified by the data given in this table. There are only one village in the district (with more than 5000 population) all of which have the maximum proporation of all types of amenities while the proportion of available amenities come to the minimum level in 530 villages falling in the population range of 1-499 persons. 105

      ~ - 22, f.:iCfii'Odll -;m{ -u ~ Cl~ ~..u ~m3iY rt 3FJ:flR 1lfq) Cfil '1 ~ff

      ~ -;:mT if ~1f.q :rfuW\' I(c!~ ~ Tffcit ir m (9PISlrl fifi;...,) ~ (fu:I<1r) ~ "lTfC!T -sTtl-TfJTcf; ~ qRcr.r~ ~

      I\l:d [I.,~ .... l vdJ.'gl.?\ 111

      (0\\11 (~ \1 I 1..'.11..11 1,l!l!2

      2 J :-, (, X ') () -q;::;rr f.i:R;rr I Pa n n a 0 i stt. 36 2 40 8 1 12 20 38 u -5 40 (9000 ) (500 ) (100_00 ) (2000 ) (250 ) (3000 ) (50_00 ) (95.00 '

      227 21 327 48 6 78 112 24~ 6-15 327 (6942 ) (642 ) (10000 ) (14_68 ) (183 ) (2380 ) (34.25 ) (7492

      305 36 464 62 16 89 84 259 16 -50 464 (6573 I (7.76 ) 110000 ) (1336 ) (3 ,t5 ) (1918 ) (1810) (55.b2

      68 3 108 7 2 8 43 51+ 108 (6296 ) (2.78 ) (10000 ) (648 ) (185 ) (741 ) ( - ) (3981 i

      ~ <

      Unspccillcd ( - ) ( - ) I - ) I - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) \ -)

      636 62 939 125 25 187 216 585 "*"Total 939 (67.73 ) (6.60) (100.00 ) (13.31) (2.6(. ) (19.91) (23.00 ) (62.::10 106

      tmU1t - 22. PlCflcd"1 -;:m{ -n ~ ~ ~ ~3IT ct ~ 1JiclT qrr ~ Table -22 Distribution of Villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

      f.lChCd'i ~ if 9CilChClli ;?f ~UN "VcR q8 'liCIT

      2 .'~ 4 :l g 10 ~ fClq;lfi(qUiS IAjaigarh cn, Block

      2 2 1 2 0-5 2 (100.00 ) (-) (100.00 ) (-) ( - ) (-) (50.00 ) (100.00)

      54 6 61 14 12 15 46 6-15 61 (88.52 ) (9.84 ) (100.00 ) (22.95 ) ( - ) (19.67) (24.59 ) (75.41)

      39 6 53 11 11 8 35 16-50 53 (73.58 ) (11,32 ) (100.00) (20.75 ) ( - ) (20.75 ) (15.09 ) (66.04 )

      1 1 51+ (100.00 ) (-) (100.00) ( - ) ( - ) (-) (-) (-) ~ Unspecified (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-)

      "lh 96 12 117 25 23 24 83 Total 117 (82.05 ) (10.26 ) (100.00) (21.37) (-) (19.66 ) (20.51) (70.94 ) 107

      ~ - 22, f.:lCflcct'i ~ -u ~ ~~ ~&U ~3IT ~ 3J:J:ffi{ fi CfiT q;ijfCfl{UI Tablt., -22 Distribution of Villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

      ~ -.:rm if ~"ii ~'LW; Wl il qR 7JlCit cf,t TJ(':lIT (\) fi'm:"1 f1 rg ii) ~ (f~-AT.) 3-lTiI!l"G 'lfCiT -sr&TfUrct" fufcm=m mCfiT1lRt ~ ~/mc ~ ~mcF fuwl cf,t ~ No of \ Illages h;I\'II1~ the amenity or I II It It Rercel11agc) !m1 ~ ~ ~ DI~tanc~ r~!Ilg No oj Fdu..:at!on ~kd'l\t1 11, ",klllg Po{",l8.: \I.ukd' l'ommu- ,·\ppr'l.I"h hy 1\)\\'':-1 lillln thl' IIlh"h,kd \\,111... '1 TekgI.,ph Iidt IllcallOl1 I'licca Road SlipI'll.' Ilt:art!st I'lIlages 111

      town (h !\,[ ) ~aL!l 1dUg

      2 .j. :' (1 7 X () 10

      1f"lT f4ifll<1(i:4U$ / Panna C.D, Bloc!;.

      15 16 6 3 7 15 0-5 16 (93.75 ) ( - ) (100.00 ) (37,50 ) ( - ) (18.75 ) (43.75 ) (93.75 )

      60 4 90 11 20 44 57 6-15 90 (6667) (4,44 ) (10000 ) (12,22 ) ( - ) (22.22 ) (4889 ) (6333 )

      45 5 77 9 4 22 24 32 16-50 77 (5844 ) (649 ) (10000) (11.69 ) (519 ) (28.57 ) (3m) (41.56 )

      2 51+ 2 ( - ) ( - ) (100.00 ) (- ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - )

      ~G Unspecified ( - ) ( - ) (- ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - )

      lU"lT 120 9 185 26 4 45 75 104 Total 185 (64.86 ) (4.86 ) (100.00 ) (14.05 ) (2.16 ) (24.32 ) (40.54 ) (56.22 ) 108

      ~ - 22, ~CflC:dli ~ -R ~ Cf¥.IT ~oU ~ur3fl' ~ ~ "lfl'q) "CflT q4ffifl(OI Table -22 Distrihution of Villages according to the distance froll} the ncarcst (own and availahility of different amenities

      ~"lWn ~

      1,11111 If.: ~I) ,..:,Id} r.ln~

      2 -t 5 (, X ,) (l ~ ~41ltl(CIUil I GUlino!" C.D. Blod ..

      12 1 13 2 8 9 12 0-5 13 (9231 ) (7.69 ) (100.00 ) (15.38 ) (7.69 \ (6154 ) (69.23 ) (9231 )

      61 1 101 10 4 37 41 79 6 -15 101 (6040 ) (099 ) (100.00 ) (990 ) (396 ) (36.63 ) (4059 ) (7822 )

      70 7 101 15 2 36 34 67 16 -5C 10; (6931 ) (693 ) i 10000) \ 14 85) (198 ) (35.b4 ) \33.66 ) (6634 )

      d 6 4 51+ 6 (6667 ) ( - \ (100.00 ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) (6667 )

      3·ra~ ~ UnspeCIfied ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - \ ( - ) ( - ) ( - I

      7U1i 147 9 221 27 7 81 84 162 Total 221 (66.52 ) (4.07 ) (100.00 ) (12.22 ) (3.17 ) (36.65 ) (38.01 ) (73.30 ) 109

      tfRlJfi - 22, PtCflc:a .... ";f1R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3iT cfi ~ fi CfiT CJ4l"CfI

      ~-;:pr{~ \l~Cflql\ "it ~unt 00 cm;t l11'clt cfit man (\lR\~'d tl[gd) ~ (fcf;.~) ~-m

      2 ) ~ 0 m 14

      51 10 73 12 2 9 12 61 6-15 73 (69.86 ) (13.70 ) (100.00 ) (16.44 ) (2.74 ) (12.33 ) (16.44 ) (83.56 )

      74 13 118 10 5 9 17 68 16 -50 118 (62.71 ) (11.02 ) (100.00 ) (8.47 ) (4.24 ) (7.63 ) (14.41) (5763 )

      51+ ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - )

      ~ ~ Unspecified ( - ) (-) (-) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - )

      lft1J 132 24 200 22 7 19 32 138 Total 200 (66.00 ) (12.00) (100.00 ) (n.oo) (3.50) (9.50 ) (16.00) (69.00 ) 110

      ~ - 22, PtCfit::dl1 ";f1f{ -a ~ ~ ~ ~m3iY ct 3f¥fR fi 11iT q~Cfi(OI Table -22 Distribution of Villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities

      f4 Cfl co cPi -;:rm "i¥ ~ii "@~ 00 ~ 7ficIT ttt 'ffiO'TI (9 f8 51 \i fl~\i j ¥ (fct.~.) ~-mm me-m mrur ~CfiTTfRT 5TCfl"C1R 0iTiJlR/"NC fI'

      0 .l -+ ) S () ~ f4

      0-5 ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( -) (-) (- )

      1 2 1 2 6-15 2 (50.00 ) ( - ) (100.00 ) (50.00 ) (-) (-) ( -) (100.00 )

      77 5 115 17 5 11 1 57 16-50 115 (6696 ) (4.35 ) (100.00 ) (14.78 ) (4.35 ) (9.57 ) (0.87 ) (49.57)

      63 3 99 7 2 8 39 51+ 99 (63.64 ) (3.03 ) (100.00 ) (7.07 ) (2.02 ) (8.08 ) ( - ) (39.39 )

      ~, UnspeClfI~d ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) (-)

      "lU1T 141 8 216 25 7 19 1 98 Total 216 (65.28 ) (3.70 ) (100.00 ) (11.57 ) (3.24 ) (8.80 ) (0.46) (45.37) 111

      'fI'RI1fi - 23, \i1"1ti(OQ1 ~ ~ ~ ~arr ~ ~ -wIT

      , 111. ~ 1Ji$i ~~ if~ ~ :q'f.¥ CfiT :q:f.lf ~ q ~ "TI\TfR Imc "B

      j (, ~ 1l"lT ~ I Panna Distt.

      233 3 530 8 68 83 234 1 1-499 530 (43.96 ) (0.57 ) (100.00 ) (151) ( - ) (12.83 ) (15.66 ) (44.15 )

      363 32 369 81 11 87 103 311 2 500-1999 369 (98.37 ) (8.67 ) (100.00 ) (21.95 ) (2.98 ) (23.58 ) (27.91) (84.28 )

      39 26 39 35 13 31 29 39 3 2000-4999 39 (100.00 ) (66.67 ) (100.00 ) (89.74) (33.33 ) (79.49 ) (74.36 ) (100.00 )

      1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5000+ (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 )

      :qpr 636 62 939 125 25 187 216 585 Total 939 (67.73) (6.60 ) (100.00 ) (13.31 ) (2.66) (19.91 ) (23.00 ) (62.30 ) 112

      'flRUfi - 23, \l'Hfi(Otl1 3fum;r ~ ~ ~3iY ~ 3J¥iR ~ CIiT qiifCfi(UI Table -23 Distribution of Villages according to Population range and amenities available

      ... \11. iJi'itRdJl "ii"iiCfi~l¥ ~ fufcfum fA" CfiT l"IRf STCfl q m\ 0ITiTlR IhTC ~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~ri iffiT ~ ~ 3fJ1!ftl 3fC'RTM

      81 PopulatIOn No 01 Ed.lIc~Jhol1 Melll,al ])rmklllg I'ost & Markdi Conunu- Approach hy Power No. range mhahlkd waler Telegraph lI.lt nlcation I'ucca Road Supply villages III ,'a,h range

      2 3 ) () g 9 10 ~ {4<'fiIt1(q06 / Ajaigarh C. D. Bloci{

      27 48 4 6 4 26 1 1-499 48 (56.25 ) (-) (100.00 ) (8.33 ) ( - ) (12.50 ) (8.33 ) (54.17 )

      59 6 59 12 9 10 47 2 500-1999 59 (100.00 ) (10.17 ) (100.00 ) (20.34 ) (-) (15.25 ) (16.95) (79.66)

      10 6 10 9 8 10 10 3 2000-4999 10 (100.00 ) (60.00 ) (100.00 ) (90.00 ) (-) (80.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) .- 4 5000+ (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) ( - ) (-) (-)

      liiT 96 12 117 25 23 24 83 Total 117 (82.05 ) (10.26 ) (100_00 ) (21.37 ) (-) (19.66 ) (20.51 ) (70.94) 113

      ~ - 23, iii '1 ff @OIl ~ am ~O>tf ~W3IT' c$ 3J1:ffi\ ~ q)f q~ffCfi(U' Tahle -23 Distribution of Villages according to Population range and amenities available

      111. ~ ~~1\ -sta-m fufcf.iffi ~ Cf,T 1iRi SfCl) q ~ 3RRTi1 q;r "ffiOQT SI PopulatIOn No or hluc,'['Oll \!~

      ~ (, X l) 'IFrr ~Cflm~uil I Panna C. D. Block

      49 III I 18 34 37 1 1-499 1lI (44.14 ) ( - ) (10000) (0.90 ) ( - ) (16.22 ) (30.63 ) (33.33 )

      64 4 67 18 2 22 37 60 2 SOD -1999 67 (95.52 ) (5.97 ) (100.00 ) (26.87 ) (2.99 ) (32.84 ) (55.22 ) (89.55 )

      7 5 7 7 2 5 4 7 3 2000-4999 7 (100.00 ) (71.43 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (28.57) (71.43) (57.14) (10000 )

      4 5000+ (- ) ( - ) ( ~ ) ( ~ ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - )

      1iiT 120 9 185 26 4 45 75 104 Total 185 (64.86 ) (4.86 ) (100.00 ) (14.05 ) (2.16 ) (24.32 ) (40.54) (56.22 ) 114

      tffil1ft - 23, \Tf "1'fi" (OIl I afom;r a~ ~«U ~m3ff ~ 3FJ:ffi\ 1WfT

      :F ~ 'FiFci ~ Tf ~?-iiiJTii ~ 'Wi Cf,T '"iRf ~ q "ill( ~ />'lC ~ mmCfi ~ Cf,T ~ lJlTil fiffi ~~ ~ " ~ ~

      ~1 )\'11u).ltl()tl ",0 ()! i',dIlL'.Illtlll ~kdic'al 1Jrll1hlllg 1\"1 & \Iarhc'l Commu- ,\pproach hy POWl!f '.;\, I.mg...: 1t\l\,I\llkll \\d\('t T... kgraph ll.lt n1l'atlon l'lIcc" Road Stlpply \ dLlg~\ III

      ~ach rang~'

      I 2 :l :i (I g l) 10 ~ f.lq;ItFl<~05 I Gunnor C. D. Blod, 59 128 1 37 37 75 1 1-499 128 (4297 ) ( - ) (100,00 ) (078 ) ( - ) (28,91 ) (28.91) (58,59 )

      81 4 82 17 4 35 36 76 2 500-1999 82 (98,78 ) (4,88 ) (100,00 ) (20,73) (4,88 ) (42,68 ) (43.90 ) (92.68 )

      11 5 11 9 3 9 11 11 3 2000-4999 11 (100,00 ) (4545 ) (10000) (81.82 ) (27.27 ) (81.82 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 )

      4 5000+ ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - )

      m1T 147 9 221 27 7 81 84 162 Total 221 (66.52 ) (4.07 ) (100.00 ) (12.22 ) (3.17 ) (36.65 ) (38.01) (73.30 ) 115

      ~ - 23, \if 'i it(01:11 ~ ~m ~coU ~3~r ct ~ -wrr qrr '1;afftfl{ul Tahle -23 Distribution of Villagt's according to Population range and :tlllt'nities ;lvailable

      , :> (, X ') 1fCl{ F¥tilti(CtUiS I Pawai C. D. Block

      42 2 110 2 1 8 54 1-499 110 (38.18 ) (1.82 ) (100.00 ) (1.82 ) ( - ) (0.91 ) (7.27) (49.09 )

      83 15 83 14 1 11 19 77 2 500 -1999 83 (10000 ) (1807 ) (10000 ) (16.87 ) (120 ) (13.25 ) (22.89 ) (92.77 )

      6 6 6 5 5 6 4 6 3 2000-4999 6 ,100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) ,83.33 ) (83.33) (100.00 ) (66.67 ) (100.00 )

      1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5000+ (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (10000 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 ) (100.00 )

      iIfIT 132 24 200 22 7 19 32 138 Total 200 (66.00) (12.00) (100.00) (11.00 ) (3.50 ) (9.50) (16.00 ) (69.00 ) 116

      ~ - 23, \l'Hft(0.41 ~ ~ ~.u ~malY ct 3fO.!ffi\ " CfiT qJffCfi{UI Tablr -23 Distrihution of Villages according to Population range and amenities availabl,r

      III \Jj"Hi(CLI1 ~~'1 me-TftiT"ii ~ 1:M Cf.T 1"iRi SfCf;" q <'IR

      Sl P')jlulallon No oj l,due,lllon ~le,lIcal 1)1 mf,.lng 1,<,,1 & 1\l.lIk.::l COm11l11- ,\pproadl hI' PO\\!i."f- :'\(\ rangt! IIlhahltcd \\,IkT 1.::leglarh lIal Illcatlon Pucca Road Surrh \,ll1agl2:s 111

      (:~H:h r.\llg~ , _l ) () 7 g ') ~ f4ifll«(qu~ / Shahnagar,c. D. Block

      60 1 133 6 42 1 1-499 133 ( 45.11 ) (0.75 ) (10000 ) ( - ) ( - ) (4.51 ) ( - ) (31.58 )

      76 3 78 20 4 10 1 51 2 500 -1999 78 (9744 ) (3.85 ) (10000 ) (25.64) (513 ) (12.82 ) (128 ) (65.36 )

      5 4 5 5 3 3 5 J 2000 -4999 5 (100.00 ) (60.00 ) (10000) (10000 ) (60.00 ) (6000 ) ( - ) (100.00 )

      4 5000+ ( - ) ( - ) (- ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - ) ( - )

      "lfhi 141 8 216 25 7 19 1 98 'Intal 216 (65.28 ) (3.70) (100.00 ) (11.57) (3.24 ) (8.iO) (0.46 ) (45.37) 117

      w fffiUTt it ~ ~ cv. :)ffi1R ~ ri CfiT ~ ~ ~ ll<1T t I ~ flR1llt it ~. ~ 0 0 tlll1<:Ifi1Cfl ~Cfdtl«:lQ5 cf.t GiHCfd{) cv. ~~ -~~ ~ cf.t ~ GiHCfd{) ~ ~ cf.t ~ I "Cfi""B 8hr it it w ...:;. 0 t -.2' artUcn ~ ~ 8hr CfiT ~ ~ tllll~Ifi1Cfi ~Cfdtl(qOS it t ~ ~ (fill ~ ~ tlll1clfZ1( G ~...:J ...:. FclCfi ItI(q Os it I CliC1 ~ ~ !$r if it ~ 3fftrCfi ~ 8hr ~ tlll1~ Ifll Cfi FcI Cfiltl(qO $ it I ~ Cf t ...j G • -.=.. t CliC1 ~ ~ ~ CfiT ~ 5.48 ~ 8hr ~ I o (0 ~ t

      TABLE No. 24

      This table gives the distribution of the inhabited villages according to land use. Information in th! table has been given for each CO, Block as well as for the district as a whole. The percentage of cultivah; area to total area is the highest in Gunnor CD. Block, while, lowest in Shahnagar CD. Block. Percentag, of irrigated area to total cultivable area is the highest in Ajaigarh CD. Block About 5.48 percent of ti total cultivable area of the district is irrigated.

      ~ '*':&11 ttl 25

      7:ffi flR1llt ~ if 1ffir ~ Jw:r ~ crr:r cv. ~ ~ cf.t ~ ~ t I ffRU'iT it ~ \TIT frCf)r t fct ~ ;rm it ~ ~ if ~ Jw:r ~ crr:r it CfiT%t fiF:rcrr t I ~ 3ffuq:; ~ 3Wl ~ CT; '" ma ma ~ ~ if ~ \i1Tat t ~ Cfiq:,U;[I ~ if it ~ (fill t I q:;{t it ~ 1JfR ~ 3Wl ~ 3ffuq:; ~;.. ~ if t I d~HlfI1Cfi ~ it a:rl:f CfiT 3R"1I'Cf ~ ~ TR e~r:s:'1~1( if, M ~ TR ~ ~ if ~~ ~6 o ~ CflTll1 TR 3i II H ~ IGi ~ if affi.rcti t I

      TABLE No. 25

      This table persents townwise per capita receipt and expenditure of the district. It can be obsen l from the table that per capita receipt and expenditure vary widely from town to town. The per capita receij and expenditure are the highest in Panna town \vhereas these are lowest in Kakarhati town, per capll receipt from taxes is the maximum in Panna town The share of expenditure on General Administarion comparatively more in Oevendranagar on public health in Panna and on public works in Amanganj To\\! 118

      ttRUfi - 24 I "JJ1T ~ ~ 3FJ:flR m CfiT ~ Table -23 Distribution of Villages according to Land lise.

      !~CfllmClOil ~WiT ~~ ~1llTIf ~ fflRfu e&liif

      4 . )

      1. ~ 117 59X47,11 -0382.19 6524.17 Ajaigarh (69.15) (15.77)

      2. -q;;:rr IX5 111387.0\ 55270.77 4740.59 Panna (49.62) (8.58)

      3. 221 94179.79 81617-48 1517.43 ~ ~ Gunnar (86,(j(,) ( 1.86)

      4. m 200 122877.00 70935,22 2221.96 Pawal (57-73) 0·13)

      5. ~ 216 151906AO 69857.04 2485,57 Shahnagar (45.99) (3.56)

      -q;;:rr 939 540197.31 319062.70 17489.72 Panna (59.06) (5.48) 119

      "ffRUft - 25, omU ~ '9ftr ~ ~ ~ ~ Table -25 Per c~lpita receipt and expenditure in Towns

      -;n'R CfiT "ci"lf, ~ m;r m~ Per Capita \'ci~~ mf

      4 X

      IV ~ (OfllT. ) Ajaigarh (M) 33.75 9.3() 24.4S 30.6X 19.57 400 070 o.4!

      V ~ (Of.llT. ) Amanganj (M) 68.15 29.91 38.24 80.60 29.92 12.10 27.:n n.22 17.09

      TV n~? ... tli( (OfllT. ) Devendra- nagar(M) 65.52 51.91 13.61 58.08 30.04 S.05 11.39 0.34 8.SO

      V ~ (Of.'1T.) Kakarhatl (M) 42.44 4.91 37.53 34H 22.98 2.44 6. ()o US I Xl

      III 'IF'IT (Of.llT.) Panna (M) 91.20 04.72 2G,48 90.95 25.63 35.0() 15.87 I-U9

      V 'f<& (3f.8f.) Pawai (NA.) 42.18 32.52 9.66 42.85 23.07 13.90 O.S8 530 120

      ~ fffi1l'iT 1J8 ~ ~ q'J \ii

      -;:pf( ~ 3.60 ~~ ~m ~~ 1.69 ~~ Cflct,(68 cf.- +=rVl t I ~ it 1.23 ~ /il5)CflC')~HXl ~ dm 1.00 ~ ~/~/cIT.Il.m./\Tff.12:R ~ ~ 1"0 Cfi1 ffiit 3fft:lcf/ aR1:fRf Hrs:'1 JI( -if I ~ ~ ~ t mmm ~ . t

      TABLE No. 26

      This table depicts townwise status of educational institutions per ten thousand population. There as 4.47 primary schools in terms of number of institutions per ten thousand population in the district. The maximum ratio is observed in Devendranagar town and the minimum ratio in Panna town in respect of primary schools. A ratio of 2.46 middle schools is seen for the district, for towns it ranges between the maximum of3.60 schools in Devendranagar town and minimum of 1.69 schools in Kakarhati town. There are also 1.23 SecondarylMatriculation and 1.00 Higher Secondary/lnterlPUCIJunior college in the district Devendranagar town claims the highest proporation of these institutio.n with the same average.

      ~ fITtdit m ~ ~ cf.T \ii'1fi(ClJI TR ~fchctil m~ if ~

      TABLE No. 27

      This table shows number of beds in medical institutions per thousand of population. There are 1.83 beds in the urban areas of the district. Amanganj town has the highest ratio ofJ. 64 beds while this ratio is found to be lowest in Devendranagar town with 0.54 beds. It can be seen from the table that Kakarhati town does not have any medical institution with beds. 121

      Table -26 Schools per 10,000 Population in towns

      ~ 10,000 \iFH'hCllI 1R No per HU)OO Population

      ~ '1T~ / W / -.:rrrnf1:rq:; /~ ~'1T~/ m.'lm/~~ Tf'1T~ Class. Name and Higher Secondary/Inter SccondaryfMatncu- JUllIOf Secondary/ Primal' CIvic status of TO\vn PUC/JunIOr College latlon Middel

      IV 3f\ifll"11G (rr."QT.) Ajaigarh (M) (LSI 2.44 6.SI

      V ~ (rr."QT.) AmanganJ (M) 1.21 121 2.-1-2 -1-.85

      IV 4<1'"i: '1 ll( (rr."QT.) Devendranagar (M) LSO I XO 3.00 720

      V ~ (rr."QT.) Kakarhati (M) I ()9 1 ()t) 5.oX

      III lJ"'IT (rr."QT.) Panna (M) O.7l I) 71 2.35 2.59

      V~ (Met.) Pawai (NA) I O() 2 II 2.11 ():n

      Total UIII 1.23 2.46 4.-1-7 122

      -fJRUft - 27, -;:pffi ~ ~ ~alT' .r ~. ~ -man­ Table -27 No. of beds in Medical Institution in towns

      -rm: it l>Mt -;w:r ~ ~ 1jW& lffit 10,000 ~ 1R W"itt~ Class. status of CI\'IC StatliS of No No of beds III I\ledlcal Institutions per the tm\ 11 I (lOOO Popula! ion


      1- IV~ (~.~.) Ajaigarh (M) () R1 2- V~ (~.'fl.) Amanganj (M) 3.(,-1

      3- IV ~~"'l:'1~1{ ('l.'fl.) Devendranagar (M) (l5-1

      4- V~ (~.~.) Kakarhati (M)

      5- III 1FIT ('l.-qr.) Panna(M) 2.63

      6- V ~ (3{&t.) Pawal (NA) {) 63

      un 123

      ~ fffiUTI cnT 1 ~ cnTll ~ -;:nffi cf,t -mt ~ ~ ~ q8t \i1'ifi

      TABLE No. 28

      This table provides brief detaih of slum population residing in class I and class II towns of the district. There is no town, in the district of class I and II.

      ~ ffRUlt ~ ~~flld, ~ Cf~ ~lllRld J16~'iJi ~an ctt \i1HCfiI~ ~ t I ~, ~ c ~ ct. ~ Cf~ fficit ~ J16~'i0Y f4Plflld ~ t Cf~ ~ -;:nffi it f.rlIfu '4t ~ \TIRlT t aRT\i1, ~ ~, fRf!T Cf~ ~ ~ ~ 3W1T"ef cf,t \ilR CfAt J16~'i0Y ~ t I

      TABLE No. 29

      This table shows town-wise important commodities which are being manufactured, exported ane imported. Furniture, Earthen Pots, Brass Pots and Sanitary Pipes are the most important items manufac­ tured and these are also being exported from the towns Grain, Readymade garments, oil seeds and cemen­ are imported in the towns 124

      ~ - 28,

      -;:rm it ~ ~"R mt~ 1T€t ~ ~ Cf,T ~ 1ij'i(-f'@lJ Cf,T ~ (~ em f

      2 .l

      ~ -it 50 ,000 ~ 3flWn ~ <.nB ~ ~ om t' I No. any town in the district with populatIOn 50,000 and above.

      tm:Ufi - 29, -;nR)' ~ ~ IiSt

      Most Important commodity

      AAfifu ~ ~ Class, name and Civic status of the town Manufactured Exported Imported

      1. IV ~ ("f.1U.) mRll"l ~cfi"~ ~ Ajaigarh (M) Food grain Earthen Pot Fllfl1l ture

      2. V ~ ("f.1lT.) if8~~ frm;r'cli' ~ Amangan.1 (M) Readymade Cloth Brass utensils

      3. IV ~

      Devendranagar (M) Mustard Mustard oil Earthen Pot

      4. V ~ (-;:r.1U.) ~ ~cfi"~ 1furR cfi" ~ Kakarhau (M) Cloth Brass utensils Brass utensils

      5. III 'IF'IT ("f1U.) ~ ~~ ~~ Panna(M) Cement Senitory Pipe Senitory Pipe

      6. v1fCf{ (3{ef.) ~3R ~ ~ Pawai (NA.) Arhar Furniture Furniture 125

      FclCfilti (qogql{ ~cri) c. D. Blockwise Maps

      (1 ) 3Fl'1l1~l~ fCICfllfHqo$ (i) Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      (2 ) ~ f4CflIt1(qO$ (ii) Panna C.D. Block

      (3 ) lFlk f4Cf1It1(qO$ (iii) '" Gunnar C.D. Block

      (4 ) ~ f4CflIt1(qO$ (iv) Pawai C. D. Block

      (5 ) ~1It:FI~I( f4 Cf1 ItI(q 0$ (v) Shalmagar C.D. Block


      {qug en - ;UI ... ~ .. ;al{ PlifllCfiI Part A - Village and Town Directory


      'fflr - 1 4J1 .... r.t~tlICfiI Section 1 - Village Directory


      Wi ~ -ij m *~ m1l (~) ~ qft ~ ~ ~ ~ TJl t. IDlf ~ ~ t?I ~~ ~ ~ 31Tim: (ftU ~ -~ IDlf q.11fili ~ ~ ~ t, f-im ~ IDlf q;r ~ m li'RT -amrr t. ~ mq ~ 31ftlfuf; CA m Cfi) ~ ~ fcn


      qUlfj5flfiOlCfi m4f qft ~ m~ WJ6 it! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --rrq mmm ~ -rrit f. "31) Otr fqq;H4&ij~ if amft t ~ iUff-~ ~ f<.tCfiIfl&O;S'i qft ~ ~ arnrm wmr t- fu'it ~tf€i; it ~ ~ ~ t. qOffjlllf'iih ~ 'if ~ Wi ~ fWt 1991 qft \iR11UAT ~ ~ 1Fg3W! otn ~ m ('{l"Jq, ~~,rmq) ~ 1fq ~ ~ t ~"tt 1981 itiT ~ m (f?U ~ ~ ~ itiT 1fq ~ R

      Wi~iimt'~ (~-.:i. 2) Wi <;iT ~~ii (1SRT-3) ~~w.rr'qftqffi

      ~wrif~~~~m~em~t~~·~ctt~~~~~if~1Fft t ~ 1ft (3), ~ (2), ~ (2) 3iTR, ~ 3t~ t fq:; 3 m~~, 2 fi:!f.m ~ ~ 2 -m ~ f.

      ~ ~ ~ 'qjlffi if -q¥fJ ~ ~, ~ ~m if; ~ 3lvro ~ ~, f1:Imf ~m ~ ~ "R JJilm: ~ ~ 0"« ~ ~ ctt ~ if ~fUifffi1 ~ 1ltlT t. a~f$(Olltf ~ ~ 'if, 2 ~ ~ to ~ ~ ~~t ~~~tmtriq.q)IT~~Cflt~-3~1'f7.iftafR~~

      i!jt mtIT if ~ ~ ~ m t em t'i'fE1 "_" f;cy ~ ~ om ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0-5 f

      "iOlf!fI ~ (~-5) ~~ fl:mr~ ~/tlr.~tl:A...f~f1~aoI1 ~ ~ ~ lm ~/~i!(;ftfMwfr <{1C1f(f~1~ ~ ~(~~~om)~) ~,~,~~) aft cftfi 141 lip[ ~~ ~mn~~ ~~~

      ~ ~. ~afR~~~ ~.~.~ ~~ ~.~. firlI~~ lit.. ~ liT. ~~ ~.lfi. ~~~ .qt. ~. lit. ~oq~~ ~.~.~. ~ 1ft. ~~~ ~. '1ft. W. it.1ft.~ it. 1ft. ~m ~.~. ~~~ ~ '1ft. (Ofac{fl'lfai ~ ""wctllo::A."..,-( ~. ~.lft. QIIj

      'qI'Ift' ~ .. (~-7 )

      ';ffflfiT-qr;ft' it.. ~ lfiT 'q!;ft it. ~. tum ~. '1ft. v-tt~-m (~) l1;tli. lim ~, ~ ~. F1i ~ 'lflIIrF 'it.~ 'I'(r ~. m lit. ~ ~. ar-:q an.

      ..... Ifrtlllt ( Wf'II'-8 )

      '1ft. an. it. an. '1ft. it. an. ~. I ', ,,

      ~ 1R' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mt ~ ~ ~ q'l'li11~lctl l1Tft:rcf; ~

      ~ ~ fqcMHgu6 t- TJF.y .q ~ Of! ~ qft ~ .q cirt ~ om ~ 1Jtit t -m ~ lIA lfI1 ~ ~ Ti'II t. mm~(lIAT-10)

      .~' .

      ~ ~ ~ lII1f ~ ~ (1IRT-l1)

      ~ Cf'fi ~ t- -qpf ctiT ~ t 1$ ~ q;) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft t. ~ ~ lI'lfi ~ ltft l7,lfi -g. ~ ~ ~ "

      ~~ '$. am. ~~ '1ft. am.

      ~ 'Q;I\". '1ft. ~~ ~. am. "'" 'Q;I'. -m. ~ 'Q;I'. ~

      ~ -qpf qft ~ t- ~ ~ .q ~ ~ qft ~ '6'1T ~ ~ ctiT ~ \ft ~ Tp:R t. a

      ~ '8A.q ~"PR ctiT ~ ~ ~ ~ -q" ~ OR ~ m ~ ~ -q, lift \ft ~ (1$. '1:ft.)-q ---q m lPn t.


      ~~t-~~ ~ ~ ft-lit~ ~Gtfilq;, qlfblf>tqq; ~ ~ 3A~~~~ ~~~t-~~

      * ~ 1JTt1 it itt ~ ~ m ~ ~ <1f ~ iffi ~ ~ ~ iKft t, "3"l) \ft morn ~ ~ \fi wff~ 'tld, ~ ~qihtiljwt ~ ~

      ~ ~ (lJRI'-14-1S)

      m11 f1~f:tI~1 if 'Iff ~ ~ ~ ~ t "IT 'tmI' ~ ~ ~ ~ 'IDU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t. 'l,flI ~ in ~~. )T. 'mR t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f. 'iflJ ~ t- Slqil(lieR ~ ~ fcmur ~ ~ if ~~ q.f (~-14) ~ t- ~ ftm«r (<9RT-1S) ~ (~-16), mIT ~ ~ ~ "afaR: 'tfii (lmT- 17) atn ~ t- ~ ~ (~-18) w:rr 11

      ~ ~ ~mtt 'ifl1Wll1-lTt ~ q;~~fcfim~t- ~CR%~if~~ll~~ ~t-tR"tR~~;;mnit, ~ -a1'ti 'tfli~~~itoerT~~1)~~CR 'W'~tm 00 7J1.IT ~T.

      ~ tt ftffiR (1JAT-15) em 1tt~ (~-16)

      'f-! ~ ~ if ri ~ ~ ~ amft t ~ ~ cm{1fq'f) ~ ef"'ifcta t ~ ~ oerT ~ wrr~ ,~' m

      (~-15) if lW ~ TFn' t ~ flfitRT ~ ~ 'Wfil\ ftif.ffl ~;;mn t. ~ m (5.67 ~), ~ (1.5, ~)J ;;atT (3.75 ~) ~ (4.60 ~) ~.

      1. ~m '\;ft. -m. 2. f.Fift m 'tft. ~. 3. Fri(~~) ~ 4. ~(~~) ~t 5. ~(~~) it~t 6. ~(.~) it.~ 7. ~ it t". 8. "11ft ~ 9. 11m ~. ~ '$ ft;rt ~ *"t ~ (~-'7)

      ~ ~~, '{fq ~ t \ill lim t-~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ it 1U ~ ~ 11$", ~ ~ ~~~'lIl ~~~WtmR~'tR~~~"llt IT.l1mt-''TflW'lll, ~ ~~~, $R 'tfi:r* ~ am f. q ~ ~ $' ~ ~f~f('1<1 ~ t am ~ ~~ ~ ~ 'if-;R 'if4 t" ~ ~ 'lfi1 m t.

      1. ~~zyrr~ 2. ~~~~~~~~~1WTaitt 3. wr~ ~)nr '{fii ~r mt t. .~ if ~ ~, m t.

      ~ c5 ~ ~ 'Iftr (lIAf-18)

      ~ $R ~, U *~ ~ 'If4 afR itt ~ ~ ~ ~ 'I_fq m"lf~(I t ~- ~ ,", ~, ~ (~-~ "Q,lf m) ~ aW{. \OTES EXPLAINING THE CODES tlSED IN THE VILLAGE DIRECTORY

      The Village Directory (V D ) give detailed informatIon about even village (]\'lauza) in the dIstrict EvelY ViII; whether Inhabited or uninhabited in a tahsIl has been assigned a serialnuIl1ber which serves as the location code Ofl village, to facilitate identiflcation Besides, Revenue Villages and Forest Villages have also been lIsted Villages t' ha\ c been treated \\ holly or parth as urban outgrowth(s) of city It own ha\'c also been listed in the \'illage director\' ,; assigned Location Code numbers In ~L1ch cases, ho\ve\Tr. a note stating includes "wholly ur palth as urban outgrcw ofsuch and SLlch to\\'n". has been gl\ en agclinst each such village While presenting the data 111 the \ illage directol'\'. ' villages have been listed COl11mUnltv De\'elopl11ent (CD) Block-wise, e'(cept Forest Villages, these \~llages \\l listed at the end orall C D Blocks, which is a departure In 1991. frol11 the practice of previous censuses, when i presentation was tahsil-wise Owing to this, the location Code Number of Villages within a C D Block may not Dt a contll1uous serial.

      The alphabetical lists of\~llages have also been given C.D Block-wise indicating also the tahsil which IS 1 part ofC D. Block However, for cross reference with respect to the location ofC D Blocks in tahsils an Appent: has been given. In the alphabetical list against each and every Village-manual as well as computer codes (StatelDist TahstllViliage) for 1991 have been given alongwith 1981 L C. No. with name of Tahsil and district The villa directory includes name of village (col 2), total area of the village in hectare (col. 3), total population and numbel Households (col. 4), amenities available in the village like educational (col. 5), medical (col 6), drinking water (col - post and telegraph (col. 8), market ': ... ' ' (col 9), communications covering Bus-stop, Railway stations etc. (col 1 approach to village (col. 11), distance from the nearest town (col 12), Power supply (col 13), and land-use patte ((,,,1 1 1 1 Q \ \ "- ~ , , I , )

      The method of presentation of data and the abbreviations used in the Village Directory are explained belo\

      If there are more than one institution of a type in the village, in such cases the number of institutions wit:­ ,brackets against th~ abbreviatIon have been given, for example P(3), M(2), H(2)

      If no facilities available \vlthin the village, a dash (-) has been given in a particular column and next to it brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz (-5 kms ), (5-10 kms) and (10+ kms ) of the nearest place where the I1ll modest facility is available, has been shown.


      Educational Institutions (col. 5) P Pnmary School M Middle School H High SchooVMatriculation or Secondary School PUC Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Pre University/Junior College C College (Graduate level and above) like Arts, Science, Commerce etc Industrial School Tr Training School AC Adult literacy classes/centres o Other Education Institutions

      It means that there are three primary schools, two middle schools and two high schools In case ofcomposite schoi like middle schools with primary classes or secondary schools with middle classes, these have been included in t number of primary & middle schools respectively. For example, [n a village, there are two primary schools and l middle school with primary classes, the number of primary schools in the village has been given as three and that middle school as one even though there are only three educational institutions. So also in case of Secondary scho" 137 Medical Institutions (col. 6)

      H Hospital MCW Mother and child welfare centre MH Maternity Home cwe Child Welfare centre He Health Centre PHC Primary Health centre PHS Primary Health Sub-centre o Dispensary FPC Family Planning centre TB Tuberculosis Clinic NH Nursing Home RP Registered private practioner SMP Subsidised medical practioner CHW Community Health Worker o Others.

      Water Supply Source (col. 7)

      T Tap Water TK Tank HP Hand pump F Fountain L Lake N Nallah W Well TW TubeweU R River C Canal S Spring o Others

      Posts and Telegraph (col. 8)

      PO Post Office TO Telegraph Office PTO Post and Telegraph Office Phone Telephone connection

      Days ofmarket/hat (col. 9)

      Under this column is mentioned the days of market or hat, if any, within the village. Sun Sunday Mon Monday Tue Tuesday Wed Wednesday Thu Thurstday Fri Friday Sat Saturday I,X Daily Daily 1"011 FOl1nighty Mont Monthl\'

      1flllarkd/or hat arc not held in village/ofthe concerned C 0 Block at all, no information has been given an. pal1icular column is left blank

      COlllmunication s('rvicrs (col. 10) RS Railway statIon BS Bus Stop NS Navigable water ways

      Road Facility (col. 11) The approach to village refers to the state of road etc. leading to the village If there is more than one SUL' approach facility, these have been indicated separately by individual codes, like KR, PR FP etc. KR Kutcha Road PR PuccaRoad FP Footpath NR Navigable river NC Navigable canal NW Navigable waterway

      \Yhik pi cscnting the lldleL c,LtpproL(ch road, it:-- ]ulgth has also been sho\\n in brackers alongwith the t\ pI.. approach road. For example, PR (7) would mean that the approach road is 7 kms long Pucca road.

      Distance from nearest town (col. 12)

      In this column the name and distance (in kms ) of the nearest town (whether in f\ 1adhya Pradesh or any adjacC' state) has been given in brackets.

      Electricity Supply (col. 13) ED Electricity for Domestic use , EAG Electricity for Agriculture EO. Electricity for other purposes like commercial, industrial etc. EA Electricity for all purposes listed above

      In case, electricity is aVailable in the village through non-conventional source like, solar or gobar gas etc., it h, also been taken into consideration and classified according to use indicated above

      Land use pattern (col. 14-18)

      The land use pattem in the Village Directory confonTI to the pattern of classification ofland use as recommende: by the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. oflndia and the data has been supplied by the Revenue Authorities ofthe GO\ of Madhya Pradesh Land use; Break up of Area under different types ofland use viz Forest (col. 14), Irrigated art by sources (col. 15), Unirrigated area (col. 16), Cultivable waste land (col. 17) and Area not available for cultivatic, (col. 18) has been furnished under the respective columns.

      (a) Forest (col. 14) This includes all lands classified as forest, under any legal enactment dealing with forest, or administered, forest, whether state owned or private and whether wooded or maintained as potential forest land. I,,) (b) Irrigatrd hy sourn' (col. 15) and lInirrigatcd (col. 16)

      These two cl)llllllllS together cm'cr illl agricllituralland ilnd Include net arca sown with crops and orchards or net cropped area and also current and other t:ll1ow lands The latlc:r includes all lands which were taken up for cultivation some time but are tempurarily out ofcultl\'ation for a period varying from one to nve years These columns will not in.clude gross (m~a Sll\\ 11 or gross cropped area Net area sown, thus, represents the area sown \vith crops and orchards coulltll1g area Sll\Vl1 more than once in the same year only once

      In colul11n 1:\ the name ofirrigatlol1 source has been indicated \\ lth area In hectare \\11111111 brackets e g Canal ( 15,67 hectares), lank (I 50 hectares), \\ ells (:1,75 hectares), tubewell (4 60 hectares), etc

      The abbreviations llsed for coL 15 are as follows -

      Irrigation facilities (col. 15) GC Government Canal PC Private Canal W Well without electricity WE Well with electricity TWE Tubewell with electricity TW Tubewell without electricity TK Tank R River L Lake

      (c) Culturable Waste (col. 17)

      It includes all lands which are avaIlable for cultivation but not taken up for cultivation or once taken up for cultivation, but not culti\'ated for more than ti\ e years in succession Grazing land and land under gl \.)\ es have been included under cultwable waste, but this does not include 'Orchards', More specifically culturable waste includes:

      (i) Permanent pastures and other grazing land,

      (ii) Land under miscellaneous trees crops and groves, and

      (iii) Cultivable land not put to at:,Jflculture

      Cd) Area not available for Cultivation (col. 18)

      This column includes the area barren and uncultivable lands and lands put to non-agricultural use, like village sites, roads, under water (e g rivers and canals etc) Mountains, etc 140

      qOI8:~P1Cfi ~ Ch'T ~

      1991 \i1"'1 <110 FI I 1981 \i1"'1<1l oHI

      ~. l'J"PJ

      em. ~ -.wr


      ~ r4

      1. :ww<1t 13/9/1/104 13/09/0010/0104 108 ~ (arr)

      2. ~ 13/9/1/57 13/09/0010/0057 61 ~


      3. ~ 13/9 II 1110 13/09/0010 10110 114 ~ 1FIT

      4. ~ 13/9/1/78 13109/0010/0078 82 ~ -qn:rr (\3")

      5. ~ 13/911/32 13/09/0010/0032 33 ~ (CfI)

      6. ~ 13 19/1 199 13/09/0010/0099 103 ~ 1FIT

      8. ~ 13/9/1/84 13/09/0010/0084 88 ~ 1:FIT


      0 10.

      11. ~ 13/9/1/94 13/09/0010 /0094 98 3~ 1FIT 12. ~ 13/9/1/53 13 109 /0010 10053 57 ~ 1FIT 13. ~ 13/9/1/116 13/09/0010 /0116 120 ~ 1FIT

      14. ~ 13/9/1/5 13/09/0010/0005 5 ~ 1FIT

      15. ega 13/9/11122 13/09/0010/0122 126 ~ 1FIT

      16. ~ 13/911/21 13/09/0010/0021 21 ~ FU

      17. ~ 13/9/1/107 13/09/0010/0107 111 ~ 1FIT

      18. ~ 13/9/1/98 13/09/0010/0098 102 ~ 1FIT ("ft)

      19. ~ 13/9/1/89 13/09/0010/0089 93 ~ 1FIT

      20. ~ 13/9/1/40 13/09/0010/0040 41 ~ 1FIT

      21. m 13/9/1/109 13/09/0010/0109 113 ~ FU 141

      q 0 If:t~ f&t Cfl -wIT th'T ~

      1991 \TJOiJIOHI 1981 \TJOiJIOHI

      ~. "lJiq q)f '"'1lll ~~~l!IOi <1iT6 m. ~q)f ~q)f W. ""'1'fJf rrJlT

      ~ Cfl

      ~ ftl Cfl Itt (Cf 0 OS ~~

      22. ~ 13/911 145 13/09/0010/0045 46 ~ (IT)

      23. ~ 13/9/1/50 13/09/0010/0050 51 ~ lFfl

      24. 1'11'1~{\jj 1319/1/3 13/09/0010/0003 3 ~ lFfl ("Tf)

      25. ~ 13/9/1/66 13/09/0010/0066 70 ~ 1FU

      26. ~ 13/9/1/105 13/09/0010 /0105 109 ~ 1FU


      2B. ~ 13/9/1/74 13/09/0010/0074 78 ~ 1FU

      29. ~ 13/9/1/64 13/09/0010/0064 68 ~ 1FU (~)

      30. \jjW~

      31. ~ 13/9/1/87 13/09/0010/0087 91 ~ ~ 32. ~ 13/9/1/37 13/09/0010 10037 38 ~ IF'fI' (\fi)

      33. ~ 13/9/1/11 13/09/0010/0011 10 ~ (a)

      34. ~ 13/9/1/54 13/09/0010 10054 58 ~ -q;:;::rr -q;:;:rr 35. ~ 13/9/1/103 13/09/0010/0103 107 ~ (~)

      36. ~ 13/9/1/12 13/09/0010/0012 12 ~ -q;:;:rr

      37. ~ 13/911/48 13/09/0010/0048 49 ~ 1FU

      38. ~ 13/9/1/17 13/09/0010/0017 17 ~ 1FU 39. ~ 13/9/1/101 13/09/0010/0101 105 ~ q;:;:rr (u)

      40. ~ 13/9/1/121 13/09/0010/0121 125 ~ q;:;:rr

      41. ucnfI 13/9/1/23 13/09/0010/0023 23 ~ q;:;:rr 142

      q olf:!~fSf Cfi -wIT qft ~

      1991 \rF'I~IIlI"l1 1981 G'I"l~IIlHI

      Ifl. ~ CfiT ~ ~ RlCl1:u~ ~ ~. ~CfiT ~qrr

      ~ Cfl~C:< 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ filttllfl(qIlS

      ("£) ~~ -q;:;:rr 42. ~ 13/9/1/75 13/09/001010075 79 ~ 43. ~ .. 13/911/73 13 /0910010 10073 77 ~ -q;:;:rr -q;:;:rr 44. ~ 13/9/1/102 13/09/0010 /0102 106 3N'flr11"G -q;:;:rr 45. ~ 13/9/1/70 13/09/0010 /0070 74 3N'flr11"G 46 '1111t1 0Ig1 13/9/1/118 13 /09 /0010 /0118 122 3N'flr11"G -q;:;:rr -q;:;:rr 47. ~ 13/9/1/18 13/09/0010/0018 18 3N'flr11"G 48 ~ 13/9/1/115 13/09/0010/0115 119 3f~ 1FlT ("If)

      49. 1:ISm 13/9/1/16 13/09/0010 10016 16 ~ 1FlT

      ~ 1FlT 50. ~ 13/9/1/56 13/09/0010/0056 60

      51 COOT 13 /9 11 /26 13/09/0010 /0026 27 ~ 1FlT

      52. ~ 13/9/1/47 13/09/0010/0047 48 ~ IF'R"

      53. ~ 13/9/1/41 13/09/0010/0041 42 ~ -q;:;:rr i~)

      54. ~ 13/9/1/33 13/09/0010 /0033 34 ~ (or)

      55. ~~ 13/9/1/13 13/09/0010 10013 13 ~ -q;:;:rr

      56. ~W 13/9/1/24 13/09/0010/0024 25 ~ IF'R" 57. • 13/9/1/67 13/09/0010/0067 71 ~ -q;:;:rr 58 ~W 1319/1/31 13 /09 /0010 /0031 32 ~ IF'R"

      ~ IF'R" 59. ~ 13/9/1/51 13/09/0010/0051 52 60. ~~ 13/9/1/7 13/09/0010 /0007 7 ~ 1FlT

      61. ~ 13/9/1/19 13/09/0010/0019 19 ~ 1FlT 62. m 13/9/1/90 13/09/0010/0090 94 ~ 1FlT

      63. ~ 13/9/1/43 13/09/0010 /0043 44 ~ IF'R"

      64. ~ 13/9/1/77 13/09/0010 /0077 81 ~ IF'R" 143

      qOI8Sh~Cf1 lWU qft ~

      1991 \TI"'1~loHI 1981 \TI"'1~IOHI

      WI. l1icr CfiT ""'1F'f ~~~111"'1 qih ~. ~CfiT ~ CfiT CfiT. ""'1F'f -.wr

      ~ CflALLC( 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ ~Cfllfl(qO~ ~ cmfu;r

      65. ii11<1

      66. ii11<1:SI~MI 13/9/1/30 13 /09 /0010/0030 31 ~ -qn:rr

      67 ~ 13/9/1/49 13/09/0010/0049 50 ~ -qn:rr

      68. f.tMrtT 13/9/1/2 13/09/0010/0002 2 ~ -qn:rr .

      69. f.tM$ 13/9/1/72 13/09/0010/0072 76 ~ -qn:rr

      70. o1Rr 13/9/1/82 13/09/0010/0082 86 ~ -qn:rr

      71 ~ 13/9/1/83 13/09/0010/0083 87 ~ -qn:rr

      72. ;4) 15(ft{q R'lt I 13/9/1/81 13/09/0010/0081 85 ~ -qn:rr ('l)

      73. ~ 13/9/1/92 13/09/0010 10092 96 ~ 'F1T

      74 ~ 13 19/11106 13/09/0010/0106 110 ~ 'F1T

      75. ~ 13/9/1/63 13/09/0010/0063 67 ~ 'F1T

      76. ~ 13/9/1/27 13/09/001010027 28 3f\?

      79. ~ 13/9/1/85 13/09/001010085 89 ~ 'F1T

      80. ~ 13/9/1/59 13/09/0010/0059 63 ~ 'F1T

      81. ~ 13/9/1/62 13/09/0010 10062 66 ~ -q;:;:rr ('If)

      82. ~ 13/9/1/93 13/09/0010/0093 97 ~ -q;:;:rr

      83. ~ 13/9/1/113 13/09/0010 /0113 117 ~ -q;:;:rr

      84. ~ 13/9/1/20 13/09/0010/0020 20 ~ -q;:;:rr

      85. ~(~) 13/9/1/6 13/09/0010/0006 6 ~ -qn:rr

      86. ~(~) 13/9/1/117 13/09/0010/0117 121 ~ -q;:;:rr

      87. ~ 13/9/1/97 13/09/0010/0097 101 ~ -q;:;:rr -q;:;:rr 88. ~ 13/9/1/69 13/09/0010 10069 73 ~

      89. ~ 13/9/1/15 13/09/0010 /0015 15 ~ -qn:rr 144

      q OI8:(,f\~Ch 7WIT qft ~

      1991 ;iFI~lol;=J1 1981 ;)N~IOI"'11 91. "IJtq (fiT 0ff1T ~ ~cfi~l;=J m m. ~(fiT ~(fiT


      ~ f<1

      90 ~ 13/9/1/1 13/09/0010/0001 ~ l:FfT

      91. ~ 13/911/100 13 /09/0010/0100 104 ~ l:FfT (l: )

      92. ~ 13/9/1/96 13 /09 10010/0096 100 ~ l:FfT

      93. ~ 13/9/1/112 13109/0010 /0112 116 ~ l:FfT

      94. W'R1'Ir 13/9/1/120 13 /09/0010/0120 124 ~ l:FfT

      95. ~ 13/9/1/91 13/09/0010/0091 95 ~ l:FfT

      96. ~ 13/9/1/46 13/09/001010046 47 ~ l:FfT

      97. ~(~) 13/9/1/60 13/09/0010/0060 64 ~ l:FfT

      98. ~ 13/9/1/25 13/09/0010 /0025 26 ~ l:FfT ({{)

      99. ~ 13/911/39 13/09/0010 10039 40 ~ l:FfT

      100. ~ 13/9/1/86 13/09/0010/0086 90 ~ -q;:;:rr

      101. ~ 13/9/1/79 13/09/0010/0079 83 ~ -q;:;:rr (q)

      102. f


      103. ~ 1319 II 176 13 109/0010 10076 80 ~ ("ff)

      104. ~3ll 13/9/1/8 13/0910010 10008 8 ~ l:FfT

      105. ~ 13/9/1/52 13/09/0010/0052 53 ~ 1FIT

      106. ~ 13/9/1/10 13/09/001010010 11 ~ 1FIT

      107. ~ 13/911/34 13/09/0010/0034 35 ~ 1FIT 108. ~ 13/911/71 13/0910010 10071 75 ~ 1FIT

      109. ~ 13/911/29 13/09/001010029 30 ~ l:FfT

      110. fff1m ~ 13/9/1/4 13 /09 /0010 /0004 4 ~ l:FfT

      111. fff1m~ 13/9/1/22 13/0910010/0022 22 ~ l:FfT 145

      qOI8>~PlCfi ~ qft" ~

      1991 ;iF'I~lolW'l1 1981 \i1W'l~lolW'l1

      1fi. "IJfq CfiT -;:wr ~~~!!IW'l cn)s "ffi. ~CfiT ~ CfiT Cfit. -;w:r -;:wr

      ~ CflA2lC'( '" 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ ~CflltHqO{; ~cmfu;r

      112. ~ 13/9/1/35 13/09/0010/0035 36 ~ IF'fl'

      113. ~ 13/9/1/44 13/09/0010/0044 45 ~ lFtT

      114. ~ 13/9/1/55 13/09/0010/0055 59 ~ IF'fl'

      115. ~ 13/9/1/lll 13/09/0010/0m 115 ~ lFtT

      116. ~ 13/9/1/38 13/09/0010 10038 39 ~ IF'fl' ('~)

      117. ~S'$ 13/9/1/36 13/09/0010/0036 37 ~ lFtT

      118. ~ 13/9/1/14 13/09/0010 10014 14 ~ lFtT

      119. mt 13/9/1/68 13/09/0010/0068 72 ~ lFtT

      120. ~ 13/9/1/108 13/09/0010/0108 112 ~ lFtT

      121. ~ 13/9/1/42 13/09/0010/0042 43 ~ lFtT

      122. ~ 13/9/1/65 13/09/0010/0065 69 ~ lFtT 146


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S.No Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      Ajaigarh Tahsil


      1. Amarchi 13/9/1/104 13/09/0010/0104 108 Ajaigarh Panna

      2. Aramganj 13/9/1/57 13/09/0010/0057 61 Ajaigarh Panna


      3. Bahadurpur 13/9/1/43 13/09/001010043 44 Ajaigarh Panna

      4. Bahirwara 13/9/1/77 13/09/0010/0077 31 Ajaigarh Panna

      5 Banhari Kalan 13/9/1/13 13/09/001010013 13 Ajaigarh Panna

      6. Banhari Khurd 13/9/1/24 13/09/0010/0024 25 Ajaigarh Panna

      7. Bara kagreka 13/9/1/28 13/09/0010/0028 29 Ajaigarh Panna

      8. Baradandeka 13/9/1/30 13/09/0010/0030 31 Ajaigarh Panna

      9. Barauli 13/9/1/90 13/09/0010/0090 94 Ajaigarh Panna

      10. Barhapuro 13/9/1/19 13/09/0010/0019 19 Ajaigarh Panna

      11. Barkola Khurd 13/9/1/31 13/09/001010031 32 Ajaigarh Panna

      12. Baryarpur 13/9/1/51 13/09/001010051 52 Ajaigarh Panna

      13. Baryarpur Bhumiyan 13/9/1/7 13/09/0010/0007 7 Ajaigarh Panna

      14. Baveru 13/9/1/67 13/09/0010/0067 71 Ajaigarh Panna

      15 Beera 13/9/1/82 13/09/001010082 86 Ajaigarh Panna

      16. Bhadaiyan 13/9/1/106 13/09/0010/0106 110 Ajaigarh Panna

      . 17. Bhairaha 13/9/1/62 13/09/0010/0062 66 Ajaigarh Panna

      18. Bhakhuri 13/9/1/92 13/09/0010/0092 96 Ajaigarh Panna

      19. Bhanpur 13/9/1/27 13/09/0010/0027 28 Ajaigarh Panna

      20. Bhapatpur Kurmlyan 13/9/1/9 13/09/0010/0009 9 Ajaigarh Panna

      21. Bhapatpur Kurmiyan 13/9/1/80 13/09/0010/0080 84 Ajaigarh Panna

      22. Bhasuda 13/9/1/63 13/09/0010/0063 67 Ajaigarh Panna

      23. Bhina 13/9/1/85 13/09/0010/0085 89 Ajaigarh Panna

      24. Bhujwai 13/9/1/59 13/09/0010/0059 63 Ajaigarh Panna 147


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      Ajaigarh Tahsil

      25. Biharpurwa 13/9/1/83 13/09/001010083 87 Ajaigarh Panna

      26. Biharsakhanya , 13/9/1/81 13/09/001010081 85 Ajaigarh Panna

      27. Biladi 13/9/1/72 13/09/0010/0072 76 Ajaigarh Panna

      28. Bilahi 13/9/1/2 13/09/0010/0002 2 Ajaigarh Panna

      29, Bimtaha 13/9/1/49 13/09/001010049 50 Ajaigarh Panna


      30. Champatpur 13/9/1/74 13/09/001010074 78 Ajaigarh Panna

      31. Chandaura 13/9/1/88 13/09/0010/0088 92 Ajaigarh Panna

      32. Chandrawal 13/9/1/105 13/09/001010105 109 Ajaigarh Panna

      33, Chataini 13/9/1/66 13/09/001010066 70 Ajaigarh Panna

      34. Chunaha 13/9/1/64 13/09/001010064 68 Ajaigarh Panna


      35. Deogaon 13/9/1/48 13/09/0010/0048 49 AJaigarh Panna

      36, Dewalpur 13/9/1/101 13/09/001010101 105 Ajaigarh Panna

      37. Dewra Bhapatpur 13/9/1/17 13/09/0010/0017 17 Ajaigarh Panna

      38. Dharampur 13/9/1/121 13/09/0010/0121 125 Ajaigarh Panna

      39. Dhawari 13/9/1/23 13/09/0010/0023 23 Ajaigarh Panna

      40. Dugaraho 13/9/1/12 13/09/0010/0012 12 Ajaigarh Panna


      41. Farswaha 13/9/1/33 13/09/0010/0033 34 Ajaigarh Panna


      42. Gadarpur 13/9/1/50 13/09/001010050 51 Ajaigarh Panna

      43. Gumanganj 13/9/1/3 13/09/001010003 3 Ajaigarh Panna


      '44. Hanmat Dandi 13/9/1/36 13/09/001010036 37 Ajaigarh Panna

      45. Hanumatpur 13/9/1/14 13/09/0010/0014 14 Ajaigarh Panna ~ 148


      1991 Census 1981 Census s. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      Ajaigarh Tahsil

      46. Hardi 13/9/1/68 13/09/0010/0068 72 Ajaigarh Panna

      47. Harnampur 13/9/1/108 13/09/0010/0108 112 Ajaigarh Panna

      48. Harselll 13/9/1/42 13/09/0010/0042 43 Ajaigarh Panna

      49. Hirapur 13/9/1/65 13/09/0010/0065 69 Ajaigarh Panna

      50. Icholiya 13/9/1/110 13/09/0010/0110 114 Ajaigarh Panna

      51. Imlahat 13/9/1/78 13/09/0010/0078 82 Ajaigarh Panna


      .52. Jahangirabad 13/9/1/119 13/09/0010/0119 123 Ajaigarh Panna

      53. Jaitupur 13/9/1/37 13/09/0010/0037 38 Ajaigarh Panna

      54. Jhinna 13/9/1/11 13/09/0010/0011 10 Ajaigarh Panna

      55. Jigni 13/9/1/87 13/09/0010/0087 91 Ajaigarh Panna


      56. Kadraha 13/9/1/84 13/09/0010/0084 88 Ajaigarh Panna

      57. Kajipur 13/9/1/94 13/09/0010/0094 98 Ajaigarh Panna

      58. Kalyanpur 13/9/1/61 13/09/0010/0061 65 Ajaigarh Panna

      59. Kalyanpur (Khora) 13/9/1/114 13/09/001 % 114 118 Ajaigarh Panna

      60. Katarra 13/9/1/99 13/09/0010/0099 103 Ajaigarh Panna

      61. Kathgaon 13/9/1/95 13/09/0010/0095 99 Ajaigarh Panna

      62. Keshawpur 13/9/1/98 13/09/0010/0098 102 Ajaigarh Panna

      63. Kewatpur 13/9/1 Ii 07 13/09/0010/0107 111 Ajaigarh Panna

      64. Khamariya 13/9/1/40 13/09/0010/0040 41 Ajaigarh Panna

      65. Kharoni 13/9/1/89 13/09/001010089 93 Ajaigarh Panna

      66. Khora 13/9/1/109 13/09/0010/0109 113 Ajaigarh Panna

      67. Khoramajh Patriya 1319/1/45 13/09/001010045 46 Ajaigarh Panna •



      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      Ajaigarh Tahsil

      68. Kiratpur 13/9/1/116 13/09/0010/0116 120 Ajaigarh Panna

      69. Kishunpur 13/9/1/53 13/09/0010/0053 57 Ajaigarh Panna

      70. Kudai 13/9/1/5 13/09/0010/0005 5 Ajaigarh Panna

      71. Kudra 13/9/1/122 13/09/0010/0122 126 Ajaigarh Panna

      72. Kunwarpur 13/9/1/21 13/09/001010021 21 Ajaigarh Panna


      73. Laincha 13/9/1/39 13/09/001010039 40 Ajaigarh Panna

      74. Laulas 13/9/1/79 13/09/001010079 83 Ajaigarh Panna

      75. Lodhapurwa 13/9/1/86 13/09/001010086 90 Ajaigarh Panna


      76, Madarka 13/9/1/113 13/09/001010113 117 Ajaigarh Panna

      77. Majgaon 13/9/1/20 13/09/001010020 20 Ajaigarh Panna

      78. Majhgawan Kalinjar 13/9/1/117 13/09/001010117 121 Ajaigarh Panna

      79. Majhgawan (Kodai) 13/9/1/6 13/09/001 010006 6 Ajaigarh Panna

      86. Maukach 13/9/1/100 13/09/0010/0100 104 Ajaigarh Panna

      81. Makari 13/9/1/93 13/09/0010/0093 97 Ajaigarh Panna

      82. Makhanpur 13/9/1/69 13/09/0010/0069 73 Ajaigarh Panna

      83. Manipur 13/9/1/97 13/09/001010097 101 Ajaigarh Panna

      84. Mohacha 13/9/1/15 13/09/001010015 15 Ajaigarh Panna

      85. Mohari 13/9/1/1 13/09/001010001 1 I Ajaigarh Panna


      86. Naharpur 13/9/1/18 13/09/001010018 18 Ajaigarh Panna

      87. Nandanpur 13/9/1/75 13/09/0010/0075 79 Ajaigarh Panna

      88. Narayanpur 13/9/1/118 13/09/0010/0118 122 Ajaigarh Panna 150


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      Ajaigarh Tahsil

      89. Nardaha 13/9/1/102 13/09/0010/0102 106 Ajaigarh Panna

      90. Nawasta 13/9/1/70 13/09/0010/0070 74 Ajaigarh Panna

      91. Nayagaon 13/9/1/73 13/09/0010/0073 77 Ajaigarh Panna

      92. Nizampur 13/9/1/115 13/09/0010/0115 119 Ajaigarh Panna p

      93. Padraha 13/9/1/16 13/09/0010/0016 16 Ajaigarh Panna 94. Palraha 13/9/1/41 13/09/0010/0041 42 Ajaigarh Panna

      95. Partappur 13/9/1/56 . 13/09/0010/0056 60 Ajaigarh Panna

      96. Patha 13/9/1/26 13/09/0010/0026 27 Ajaigarh Panna 97. Pista 13/9/1/47 13/09/0010/0047 4B Ajaigarh Panna R 98. Raipur 13/9/1/25 13/09/0010/0025 26 Ajaigarh Panna

      99. Rajapur 13/9/1/112 13/09/0010/0112 116 Ajaigarh Panna

      100. Rajpur 13/9/1/96 13/09fOO 10/0096 100 Ajaigarh Panna 101. Ramnagar 13/9/1/120 13/09(0010/0120 124 Ajaigarh Panna

      102. Ramnai 13/9/1/91 13/09(0010/0091 95 Ajaigarh Panna

      103. Rampur 13/9/1/46 13/09/001 Of 0046 47 Ajaigarh Panna

      104. Rampur (Hardi) 13/9/1/60 13/09/0010/0060 64 Ajaigarh Panna


      105. Sabduwa 13/9/1/8 13/09/0010(0008 8 Ajaigarh Panna

      106. Salaiya 13/9/1/10 13/09/0010/0010 11 Ajaigarh Panna

      107. Salaiya 13/9/1/52 13/09/0010/0052 53 Ajaigarh Panna 108. Sanguraiya 13/9/1/34 13/09/0010/0034 35 Ajaigarh Panna

      109. Shahpura 13/9/1n6 13/09/0010/0076 80 Ajaigarh Panna

      110. Sidhpur 13/9/1/71 13/09/0010/0071 75 Ajaigarh Panna 151


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      Ajaigarh Tahsil

      111. Silona 13/9/1/44 13/09/0010/0044 45 Ajaigarh Panna

      112. Simra Kalan 13/9/1/4 13/09/001010004 4 Ajaigarh Panna

      113. Simra Khurd 13/9/1/22 13/09/0010/0022 22 Ajaigarh Panna

      114. Simarda 13/9/1/35 13/09/0010/0035 36 Ajaigarh Panna

      115. Singh pur 13/9/1/55 13/09/0010/0055 59 Ajaigarh Panna

      116. Sinhai 13/9/1/29 13/09/0010/0029 30 Ajaigarh Panna

      117. Sukwaha 13/9/1/111 13/09/0010/0111 115 Ajaigarh Panna

      118. Sunahara 13/9/1/38 13/09/0010/0038 39 Ajaigarh Panna


      119. Taroni 13/9/1/54 13/09/001010054 58 Ajaigarh Panna

      120. Tulapur 13/9/1/103 13/09/0010/0103 107 Ajaigarh Panna


      121. Udaipur 13/9/1/32 13/09/0010/0032 33 Ajaigarh Panna


      122. Vishramganj 13/9/1/58 13/09/001010058 62 Ajaigarh Panna 152 "ID1l PlJ~ICfiI \iFf -wr~ ~ ~ \jqql.1

      ~l -::rR -¥imcT liifu lJTl'l -.l ¥i~ ~ :;m t 11 ~"ii ( - \ hi <'fTIT!ll mn i }1)7 ~ 'i!P. it ~ i\ lJTl'l i\ ~ '0 'IT

      \11"'1111",, \\,,,I.illi-' IlIlllll ,\I."I.ll1k Illlhlll Ihe \ dl.I",." d.hh (-I h ,lllll1'l) in

      ~Ih.' L(llLllllll dilli Ih.'\t Il\ It IlliHdl'\-,_C\'-.. lh~ th .... t:lIll'~ III hl\)'llll.\llb~" \'11 - 5 klll'''.

      5-111 kllh &111 t I..lll' lit Ihe IIc.lIc,1 "Lice II 1101 e Ihe 1.1,,1111 I' "I'ml"hk. IS

      gl\\:I1. )

      W>f 'f;T 'lJT'1" q;r 'l'tal'filTcf; ~ ~q;r -:sr

      ~ ''IT'l '1'Rt ~ fu';! I

      Location Name 01 Tolal.\r~" Tolal I'llpll­ FdllC,,11011 Medical Drinklllg 1'",1 & Ih)' 01 COllll1lunation Code of Vill"gc ollhe !;lllOn .md wakr Tdc~rph d"v, ot' mus Stop Rail Vtllage Vill'l~c (111 ","mhel 01 (I'ol"hk) Ihe ~1,,,kcL lVay Statton Ikclar",) hOll,,,hol,b 11,,1. II allY W"ler way)

      .' 4 'I (i X '! 10

      ~ I .. E) 57 302(57) -( -5) -( 10+) W,HP -( -S) -( 10+) -( )(1+)

      2 ~ -1-19.84 176(120) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5 ) -( 10+) -(-5)

      3 ~ 70 l.O') J 1%(23() P -( 1M) W,HP -( -'I I -(10+) -( 10+)

      4 !f1 '"Hi ct, "II ,()X (, I 425(SII) r -(~-}(I) \\'. HP -(-'i ) -( III') -( '1- H»)

      5 ~ 315JO 142(7(}) P -( -'i) W.HP -(-5 ) -( 10+) -( -5)

      6 ~ 233.82 ,)S(l7) -( -5) -( -5) W,HP -(5-10) -( 10+) -(-5) (~)

      7 ~ ()~I J 1 15(15(2)l5) HP W.. HP -( -5) -( I()+) BS ~

      8 ~ 992.40 1320(H) PM -( -5) W.. HP PO -( I ()+) BS

      9 ~ 916 76 21RI(388) P.M .. AC(4) -(-5 ) W.. HP -(-5 ) -( I(}+) BS ~

      10 W,7lT 5()XX9 I009( 176) P.M.AC -( -5) W.HP -( -S) -( 10+) BS

      11 ~ 53?90 1032( \75) r,AC -( -5) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      12 ~ 147.38 388(78) P -( -5) W,HP -( -S) -( 10+) -( -5)

      13 ~~ 57957 2384(-1-75) PM -( -5) W.HP PO -( 10+) BS 153 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      '!fll ~ Land Usc (¥

      1J1l'T~ ~'1m ~ F.ffi1mn 'm~ -ffi1!r ~cr.r '0l"3W(;T~ "it ~ ~l 'i!'SR ~ 'lTll (f

      }T- 12 L 14 X

      KR-12 A,FlIgarh 28 S ] I W(1385) 26.66 IOO.IS 1. (,() Mohari

      KR-19 AJ

      KR-IO Ajaigarh 38 24.22 W(IX.J..IO) 183.30 2() t.02 IOX.45 GlIlllanganj

      KR-9 Aplgarh 2') ED.EAG 5 SO W(70 78) 29.(.') 17525 n (II) Sinua Kalan

      KR-4 AJ

      KR-4 AJ

      PR-O AFllgarh 2l EA ').28 W(92 l2) 221 (,2 (IX ..I') 247 (,t) 8aryarpllr Bhllllllyan

      PR-O AJaigarh 21 EA 270.23 W(l7X ..m 17427 71')X 295.5() Sabduwa

      PR-O Ajaigarh 2(, EA 13.32 W(271.0l)) 1.1. l.2 I :171.1 0 120.0-l Bhapatpllr Kurmiyan

      PR-O Apligarh 32 EA 41 l)2 W(7675) 9X 41 II I) (,7 2J.J. 14 Salmya

      KR-5 AJatgarh 30 ED,EAG 38.46 W(l3S.27) IOl) 37 22(,,(,S 27. IS Jhinna

      KR-4 A.lalgarh H~ 121.64 12.')2 IVQ Dligaraho

      PR-O AJalgarh X EA II.lO W(12!) 73) 222.X(, IX5J2 IO.S(, Banhari Kalan 154 lJTlJ PI ~~I Chi ~ (jfcr~ ~ ~ JQ41"1

      ~I ~ - "if

      \nlL'lull," \\.III.thk (II nol ,\\.Ul.lhk \\'llhll1 Ih" VIIL'g", ., <1,,,11 (-) 1\ ,I)I)\\'II III

      thL' In)lIllltl .IIH.lllc\t to It 111 hl:h:kt.:'h lh~ <.I1',I.II1C(, 111 hr()"d I.lI1g('S \'11 - 5 klll!--.

      5~1() hill", 1..\:1\) I kill .... 011i1.: 11L':II('sl pl.Il'(' \\1h.'Ii.? til ...' 1.11...1111\ I'" .1\',1I1.1hk. I'

      glV(,1l )

      merfii'm; fufu;-mr qf.tq;r S]Cf,'~

      Lo~ahon Name 01 '1'01<11 Area Tnl,d Popu· Fdu~.llJ(lJ1 ~kdll.d Orinkmg 1'",1 &. I).IV or COlllmunatillll Code of Village of the 1

      ') " x o

      14 5H·U r -( 11'+) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) BS

      15 I·WU9 12-+2(221 ) l' -( 5-l0) HP.C -( -5, -( 10+) -(-5)

      16 219,X6 1279(27-+ ) p .(5-10) W.HP PO -( 11)+) -(5-10)

      17 19720-+2) P.M -(-5) W.HP PO -( 10+) -(-5)

      18 I-IX,06

      19 In35

      20 P(2).AC CHW W PO -( 1(1+) -( 10+)

      21 P.AC CHW W.HP PTO -( I ()+) BS

      22 IXS.20 30(,( .n) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-IO)

      23 l()7.o7 459(77) p -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 155 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Ajaigarh C. D. Blocli

      ~ "1'1ZiPT Lalld Usc i Jf'lR 1" "TIliTn

      W'l ('If ~1t it) ~ (1Jtm ~ '-lRTlTTil ~) .-\pproHch ,kar~~t P{)\\'~r Forl?"t 10 reg,lIed 111l1IT- Cullllr,lhk . \1 ~.. a not Name of vlllag< to Town and '''pply h\ ig.t,,,d W,,,k \\',III,lhlc VIllage 1J1"1mH.:~ S()lIn;c~ (mdudlng lor (Ill kim) gallchar 'x C"lltvallon


      II- i- L1 X

      PR-O A.I'llgarh 13 EA 3.00 W(I)X4~) 240 (,3 131) (I') 55.07 Hanumatpur

      KR-~ AJllgarh n EA 437.19 W(1445) ()XI 73 I) I 3X 173 ~.t Mohacha G((20 Oil)

      KR-o Ajaigarh 22 EA .l3.50 W(21011) 77 34 :-In 11 II Padraha

      R(ll) Dill


      KR-3 Ajalgarh 23 EA .to.()S W(X() Oil) 200.1) I IIX']I ')(,58 DewraBhatpur R(().t 55)

      Uninhabited W(151)Il). 494') 5X (1\ IS 21 Naharpllf R(I(I,II

      Unlllhabited 30.]3 ()4 14 X5 Oil )XX Barhapllf

      PR-12 A_FlIgarh 12 EAG 3~n 38 W(55 I,). 847 J() 25tl.02 178.70 Majgaol1 Ge(2177)_ 0(11 ()7)

      PR-O A.laigarh 12 EA 1()5.51 W(X4 Xln ,OX 5(, 154 45 31.15 KUl1warpur On III)

      PR-5 Ajaigarh (I ED.EAG W(X() 2() 4(1 07 15.(14 17.l0 Simra Khurd

      FP-IO Ajaigarh X W({t"15(lj XO 1)9 57.11 (OS.99 Dhawan 156 "IDlT -f.lifflICfiI \iFf ~ ~ ~ dq41


      ,\1\\01\\110\ \\.,,1.11110 (If 11,)1 ,\\;,,1.11110 \\\11\\11 Ih~ V,Ii.lgC .•, da,h (-) i, ,11",," 11\

      tIll' tnlUllln ,lilt! 1l~,1 to ,I III IHal'hd .... _ Illl.' t!1"I

      '-I () '111\ ,"-III' 'Ill' ,,\ Iho 1l~.11 0'1 pl.,,,O \\'hac Ih" I."dlly " .I"adahk. "

      gil 0" )

      "IW1 <'f,J 1WI <'f,J -iterfilN; ~ ~<'f,J iWf;.:HR "i\N1R Imc <'f,J <1'IR

      ~ 'WI 'lR\ ~ ~ I

      Location Nam~ of Tolal Area To(al P"PII­ hlucallol1 ~kdlcal Dnnlll1g 1',,,( & 1).1), or COIllIl111nation Cod~ of Vi II ag.: of the lallol1 and wakr T"k'grl'h d.", of (Bll' Slop Rail Village \"llIag~ (m Nutnha of (Potahk) tho ~ larlotl way Station Ik"tar" ) hOIl,~hold, 11.11. 1\ any WaleI' way)

      .J 5 () ~ ') ()

      24 ~~ 232.S7 341(70) P -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5-10)

      25 ~ 164.52 246(47) P -(5-10) W.HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      26 %3T 1491.57 827(132) P -(5-10) W_HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      2.7 ~ 72XJ2 7XJ(llS) P -( I()+) W -( -s) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      28 -.rm~ 817.55 %7(147) P -( 10+) W_HP -( -5) -( I()+) -( 10+)

      29 ft);m{ 260.30 522(l()2) r -(5-10) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

      30 iii 1<1 il~ Cfll 82.97 I X-H2)) -( -5) -(5-10) W.HP -(-5 ) -(5-10) -(S-IO)

      31 ~~ x·nUII 1'+53(236) p -( 111+) W.HP -(-5 ) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      32 983.53 1292(209) r.M -(10+) W.HP -(5-10) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      33 525.82 832(143) p -( 10+) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      34 3()8.20 570(lOO) p -( 10+) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+) 157 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Usc Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      '!f'l ~ Land Usc (M'

      Approach f\!r.::.lfl2sl PO\\~I For~st In.:~atr.:d \ llllff- ClIltlll,thk \1~4l not N.lIll!.! of \'illag~ 10 Town and "'pplv h\ 19:tt.;d Waq" .\vaJlabk Vill,tge ()"laIlLe SOllH;~"" (lIldlldlng lor (in kl11') g.IllCh.1I & CultivatIOn


      ----n- L, I· I) I) X

      KR-IO Ajaigarh j() W(5(' 55) XO.OO % 32 Banhari Khurd

      KR-4 Ajaigarh 10 W(5455) 38.33 7l.M Raipur

      KR-5 Ajaigarh 8 817.21 W(79 13) 120.8] 40.1-1 4]4.2(, Patha

      KR-Il AJ

      KR-2 Ajaigarh 12 EA 18(,.31 WCJ I.()O) 379.29 IS!.99 3S.3(, Bara Kagrcka

      PR-5 Ajaigarh 10 EA 43.43 W(21.29) 118.n ('2 9.1 Sinhai

      KR-8 Ajaigarh 8 ED.EAG 7.15 W(:\9.72) 21.(, 1 ().95 7.54 Baradandcka

      KR-.S Al'ugarh 18 ED.EAG 17 4(, W(2 (7). 572 55 (l) lX X244 Barkola Khllrd GC(9820). O(IDO)

      KR-a; Ajaigarh IX ED.EAG 37.99 W(5() ]0). 590.77 5').01 117.97 Udaipur GC(I()549). O(220() )

      KR-15 AJaigarh 15 ED W(I.1.51). 188.18 I L'lA7 70.o(J Farswaha

      GC( 140 ()(»

      KR-12 Ajaigarh 12 9.39 W(h22). 197.23 21.·U) ](05 Sangllraiya GO-t 15) 158 ~ PI~T~ICfiI ~ ~ ~ ~ \344141

      ~I "G'R "ijfu!~ ("im' l)T11 it "Wilt11\' ~ om ~ iii

      \111(11111(, \\.IIi.lhk (Ii nol ,\\'ali.lhle \llllun 1I1~ \'dl.lt;e .•1 ".I,h (0) is 'hO\\'11111

      til..: l..'ll!tlll1n dilL! Ik,,:t to It III hrad~d...;_ tlh.' (.h .. l.lllL'1! III hm,H.i r.lIlg~!': VIi'. - 5 km:-..

      S·IO 1..111' &101 kms ollhe nealcsll'l.l.:e \\'her~ Ihc J.IClllly IS aVdllahk IS

      l)T11 'f.1 l)T11 'f.1 l)T11'f.1~ ~~

      Location Namt of Tolal .·\r~a TOlall'opu o EducallOn MedKal Drinl..mg I'"s\ &. Day or Comlllunnhon Code of Village orlhe lallon and wah::r Tl.~h.'!!rph day... of (Bus Stop RaIl Village VIII.lg~ lIn NUl11h\!f of (I'ot.lhk) the ~l.lll..el \V.I\' StatullI H~ctare') households Ilat. II any Water way)


      35 587.80 489(74) p -(5-10) W.HP -( -5) -( I 0+) -(5-10)

      36 (i 1.24 2(1) -( -5) -( -5) W -( -5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      37 (>I3.'){) 805(131) [' -(5-10) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

      38 254A4 381(70) p -( 10+) W.HP -(-5) -(10+) -( 10+)

      39 215.78 387«iO) p -( 10+) WHP -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      40 195.75 538(88) p -( 10+) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -(10+)

      41 ~ 127.91) 330(56) P -( 10+) W,HP -( -5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      42 ~ 274.1)() ],)2«) I) -( -5) -( 10+) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      43 ~ 34.71 120(21) -( -5) -( 10+) W.HP -( -5) -(10+) -( 10+)

      44 fffilAr 47.24 162(27) r.M -( 10+) W.HP PO -( 10+) -( 10+)

      45 .~ 926.7(} 361(55) P -(10+) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      46 ~ 102.64 2('()(37) -( -5) -( W+) W.HP -(-5 ) -(10+) -( 10+) 159 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use AjHigarh C. o. Blocl\.

      '!fir ~ Land lIsc (Jf'-lR ~ ~

      1JT'l ~ ~";flR ~ r:i'Rwn -it< ITif


      ----n- 2 X

      KR-JO Ajatgarh 10 EAG 189.0G W(-t5 (0), 250.G() :ruo 5lU-t Simarda

      D( 10 ()-t)

      KR-8 AJaigarh 10 W(lO(l). 52.21) I (l) 2.')8 Hanma( O(l.ll) Dandi

      KR-Ill AJ


      KR-14 Ajaigarh 15 ED.EAG W(:lOOO). 152.1-t 1-t.11 ]8.1)2 SUllailara GC( I') 2S)

      KR-X Ajaigarh l-t W(,O (0). 107 00 28.71 I X.OS Laillcha

      GC(12 (2)

      KR-S AJaigarh IJ ED.EAG W(20 (JO). I I 15') I'1.1) , - \().7.1 Khamaria

      GC (I-t OX)

      KR-S Ajmgarh 12 ED,EAG WH~ II) 52.IS HIO t).()] Palraha

      KR-X Aj;llgarh J] ED.EAG W(-t7 12) J()() Ii ,728 2·U] Harselll

      KR-3 A.laigarh J-t W(X 3X) IXJI{ OAS 7.50 Bahadurpllr

      KR-5 . AJ,lIgarh 12 ED,EAG Wee) (d) ]-UJ 2.t() 4JO -Silona

      KR-2 Ajaigarh IJ ED.EAG -tIS.g) W(G-lXI) 1]8 -l9 (») 7() 241.85 Khora ajhparia

      KR-8 Ajaigarh l() W((dS). TUX 8A() X.45 Rampur 160 lWf PlifrtlCfil \iFf ~~ ~ ~ d44hl

      )Tffi{I "f'l - ifc!Ul1::! (iifi lJ1l1 11' "ijfu~ ~1 :;m t :;:;r

      1j{j] i 3-it< ~ 'I"IC!" it ~ +l lJ1l1 it ~ ~ 'R ~"3'iW.U t

      \Illc'lllll'" \1'.lIlahle (II 1101 .\I'.III.Ii)k \lIlllI11lh" Vlil.,~e .1 d.l'h (.) IS Sho\\'11111

      th ... L'olulllll .\Ill! 111..'\1 (ll It 111 hlal'ld~. lh~ lh,.... tam:.: III hlOdd I.lngcs VIZ - 5 l...ms. '·1 () kl1" & 1()1 kill' "I' Ih" 11" .... ",1 pl.,,,,, where Ihe 1.11·llIlv " .1\"III"bk "


      -irarliJ'rq; ~ ~

      3 5 G X () 0

      47 f%:r 151370 22280(8) P(2)M -( I(l+) W.HP PO -(10+) -( ((1+)

      48 ~ 30G.94 1032(164) P -( -5) W.HP PO -(-5) BS

      49 ~ 232.17 -WO(58) P -( -5) W.HP -(-5) -( -5) BS

      50 ~ )1)') ')7 2()S(·1-3 ) P -(S-Ill) W.HP -(;5 ) -( -5) -(-5)

      51 ~ 297.86 889(132) P(2) -( 5-10) W -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      52 'fIWrr 52-t.99 -J.9-J.(72) P(2).M -( 10+) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      53 ~ 300.20 -J.18«(,3) P,M -( -5) W.HP -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

      54 m 13') 20 1330(222) P -( 5-10) W.HP -( -5) -(-5 ) -( -5)

      55 ~ SS8.S0 1() 12(530) P(2).M -(5-10) W.HP PTO -( -5) BS

      56 ~ 2(,i.S2 848(138) P -(5-10 ) W.HP -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      57 ~ 23,35 -J.')(II) P -(10+) W.HP PO -( I!l+) BS

      58 f

      59 ~ -t 14.1G G47(l () 1) p -( 10+) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      60 ~ (mt) 17G.56 635(98) PAC -( -5) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

      61 Cfi~IUI~ 211. 93 -J.(,3(77) P.AC -(5-1 () ) W.HP -(5-10) -( 10+) -(-5) 161 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use A,i:ligarh C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (:x,fA ~~ tt P1fiR ~cr, m ~~ ~~#;<:) ~'WiI 'No) (I C area tinder dIfTcrcnt types or land lise ill hectares rOlluded lip 1'0 two decllnal places) lJTl1 ~ ~-;pn: ~ ~oo m~ 'ffiltcr.~ 'ffiltcr.~ lJTl1 q)f "Ir'! ~q)f ~;m11


      1T- IX

      PR-R A)illgarh I~ ED.EAG 2-l1 ')0 \V(1-l0 SO) 57(,1)3 2X().IS 2(,7.S,) Pista

      PR-O Ajillgarh ') EA W(52.J5) 1')].51 32.55 .10.53 Deogaon

      PR-O AIm garh (J ED.EAG W(4750) 12727 42.:10 15. I () 8imlaha

      KR-4 AJ'lIgarh (J ED.EAG 1%.<)') Wl20 )\5) GS )14 12.11h <)21 Gadarpur

      KR-S Ajmgarh X EAG ') 17 W(2(J.')O) 206.45 :n;,5~ I(,l{l 8aryarpur

      KR-S AJiligarh 12 EAG 26.54 W«J,(IG) -l15.0!~ 44 ()O :\2 71 Salaiya

      KR-O Ajaigarh) EA W(l02.1)) ')(j 24 SO.O() 21 77 Kishunpur

      KR-L A.i;ngarh X ED.EAG W(577,)) 2]5 IX 2121 2 '\ II Taroni

      KR-O A.liligarh () EA W(III 05) 155.25 JO. I :l (,2.37 Singhpllr

      KR-3 A.laigarh I) ED.EAG W(71.15) 110,42 71 70 . K 55 PartapplIr

      PR-O A.Fugarh 13 ED.EAG W((,] 5) 15.47 ().j.4 1 (I') Aramganj

      PR-O AJatgarh 15 ED.EAG Wen (,:\) 21:l 0 I 12.25 I-lU.45 Vishramganj

      KR-2 AJaigarh I() ED.EAG 2.):14 W(7 gO) 172.24 H.:n IX() ')5 Bhlljwai

      FP-2 Ajaigarh 10 ED.EAG )20 WE(X!),)) 144.31 (i. 56 l.'dO Rampur (Hardi)

      FP-] AJiligarh 10 EO.EAG 18.n WE(IS 12) 158.59 S.') I 10]4 Kalayanpllf 162 lWf f.l clnl Cfi I \Wf ~ ~ ~ dq~"1

      "3'"R"""~I JR - iifu~ (i"ifii "l)1+I ~ "ifol~ ~I "'liT t ill"if.TM1l ~ (-) tiT wnm 1NTiirr"3Tl'i: 'IT'!"it ~-itWlil~~'R ~~t ..w: oW 'R en-: '?' 1iRT S<1 ')R i -5for.-~, 5 -10. ~ 1:11 10 +~

      \1I1,·lIllle' \,.Id.lhlc (II 11(\( .\,.lIl.lhk \\llhlll (he Vdl.lge ..1 d.l,h (-) IS ,hown 111

      Ilk' ll)\11I1111 ,llld Ih.:,t to it III hr:.tl~I..·" th~ (.tJ"(.\Jll~ III hro.ld rang\!" \'1/ - 5 h.Jll'.

      "-I() kill'-. l~l(}j k.1ll~ of the 11<.'.I1.:"t pl,ll'L' "helL' thL'l.ll'Iht, 1\ a\'allahl~. IS

      gl\,~11 } ~e~ ~ ~'-'foT = -;rr;;m fmc '-'foT

      Locallon N,mlC of To(al ·\r~a Total Popu­ l~ducallOn Mo(lical Drll1klllg Po,1 &. Day or Communatio" Code of Vtllag~ of (h~ latlOll and wakr Tckgrph days of (Bus Slop R'1I1 \r,lIage Village (ill NUl11ha of (Potahle) th~ ~ larkd} W

      ) X 9 0

      62 \h-m I 29-Uj2 J (,34(348) PAC -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -( ]()+) -(-5)

      63 ~ 12:l0 ..f4 (,85(115) P -(5-10) WHP -(5-10) -(-5) -( -5)

      64 ~ XI7.('5 7()(l1 ) -( -5) -( 5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) -( -5)

      65 miT' sox 29 352(59) P.AC -(5-10) WHP -(5-10) -( -5) -( -5)

      66 ~ ·WL79 S20( 145) P.M -(5-10) WHP -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5)

      67 ~ 118.52 1720(,) P -(-5) WHP -( -5) -(10+ ) -( -5)

      68 mt 252.18 132('(221) P.M,PUC MCW WHP PO.PHONE -( 10+) BS

      69 ~ 352.73 4

      70 183,38 573(98) p -(-5) WHP -(-5) -( ((l+) -( -5)

      71 1275.Hi 1548(264) p -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -( 1<1+) -(-5)

      72 315.97 24(8) -( -)) -(5-to) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      73 1821.48 3777(621) P.M,PUC Mew W,HP PO.PHONE -(10+) BS

      74 107.0() 205(33) -( -5) -(-5) WHP -(-5 ) -( 10+) BS 163 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Ajaigarh C. O. Block

      ';Ifir~ Land Usc (31

      Approach N~<'r\!~l PO\"~I l'or..::-.t Int.:gakd 11 n1lT_ ClIllllL,hk \' ..·.l not Nal11l.! or villagt: ,,, Town and ,uppll' hy Ig,tkd W,,,k .\\,,,I,,hl.: Village DI~tal1ct! SO\ln:~~ (IIll'iUdlllg tOl (m kJlI') gaLidMI & Cul1i\atlOll grovL:s

      11 12 , l-l X

      FP-I A_Fligarh 5 EAG 189.97 WE(40 97) 517.40 15~Ui7 IX7.-l1 Bhairaha

      FP-4 AJaigarh 14 ED,EAG 167.17 WEO.12) 355.-l9 5.05 ()95.GI Bhasuda

      KR-5 AJaigarh 15 83.(,7 W(l3 ()(») 117.-l() :I 05 51)9.81 Chunaha

      FP-J A_Fligarh 15 ED.EAG 51 75 WE(l-l II) lCiX 07 5 80 2(,X 5Ci Hirapur

      KR-4 Ajaigarh 15 , ;EAG lCi2.50 WE(4.1)8) 170.71 7% 72 ()-1- Chataini

      KR-5 Ajaigarh 12 ED.EAG W(I-l.-l5) 70.0-l 20.7-l In9 Bavcm

      PR-O Ajaigarh 12 EA WE(3S.28) 171.84 13.72 JIJ4 Hardi

      KR-: AFugarh 12 EA W(435()) 25S 41 IS 51) :l() II Makhanpur 0(2.15)

      KR-2 Ajaigarh 16 EA W(7527) -l824 U.57 -l() JO Nawasta

      KR-4 Ajaigarh 16 EA 112.71 W(l()8')O) DO.61 113.81 5-l() 87 Sindhpur O(2.2(»)

      KR-6 Ajalgarh 17 W(L88) :1'1 ox II.-lX 2111).7R Biladi 0(775)

      PR-O Ajaigarh 18 ED.EAG W(l02.31)). 1023.02 I()1).2-l -,t%.ln Nayagaon (lOll (0)

      KR-I Ajaigarh 20 EA W(15.1(,) 7X.14 8,43 5.27 Champatpur 164 lJPT -PlifIlICfiI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ \j q41 Oil

      ~,u iif'1-~ ~ 1Jl1f ~ WI!.ITI; ~"'iif ~ m~"it ( ) iii ~ 1mJ i Jir< ~ 'IF!" m ~ 1) 1Jl1f il ~ ~ 'IT Wnmf ~ t ~ ci\r 'IT ~ ;j\ W1r ~ 1J'f,T( <:;;l

      \1\\"\\1(\" \\"ti"hk (,I no\ ,\vallahk \\,,(1\\\\ Ih" Vdl,I!'.". a d,,,11 (-)" shown III thl' lolullHl .l1ld nl'~1 to It III hral'k.ets. thl' dl't.l!ll'~ III hroad 1.11Ig~.S \":1 ~ 5 "-Ill ....

      5-10 'Ill' &1Ut "'n\ 01 th" n"ar",1 1'1.1"" \\'h"I" lh" 1,1l'lilly I' ,tI'adahk IS

      gll'oll )

      ) 8 () 75 346.95 367(54) -( -5) -(-5) WHP PO -( 10+) -( -5)

      76 7X7A7 12.+2(176) P.M -(-5) W.HP PO -(IO+) -( -5)

      77 333.92 1527(23) PM D W,HP -(-5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

      78 358.11 586(85) P -( -5) WHP -( -5) -( I 0+) -( -5)

      79 552.70 1227(205) P -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      80 25.75 153(59) -(-5 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      81 ~f>H1«"H41 515,63 1145(190) P -(-5) WHP -(-5) -( 10+) BS

      82 -.TW 1193.88 2980(505 ) P.M.H.AC MeW W.HP PO. PHONE -( 10+) BS

      83 ~ 218.53 497(88) P -(-5) W.HP -(-5 ) -( )(1+) -(-5)

      84 ~ 275.12 259(42) -( -5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -( 1<1+) -(-5)

      85 ~ 487 ()() 6'))(91) P -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -( -5) 165 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Ajaigarh C. D. Blodi

      ~~ Land LJsc (Jfi.J8 'ji11 ~ W1 (~. .)') 4 (fi 3ffi: ~ tmo) '\rrroach ~~ar~q I\)\\('r PorL'st lrrL'gakd 111l1lT- Cultulahk Ar~a lIot Nam" of vill:lgc 10 Town and 'L1pply hy Igakd Wash: r\\,lIIlahl~ Village DI,lanc< Sourc~" (Illcludlllg I,ll' (m kim) gall char & ('ulliv.llmn gro\'l's.

      -11-- 12 13 -J. 15 l) IS KR-3 Apigarh 20 EA -J.507 W(-J..OO). II-J..09 13J.I-J. -J.X.I () Naudanpllr

      R( I (III) O(LS5)

      KR-4 A;aigarh 12 ED.EAG (d.77 W(5() (3). 296.54 250.S0 120.73 Shahpura R(7 (10 I

      KR-6 Ajaigarh 12 ED.EAG W(ll.ll) 264.72 27.17 27.19 Bahirwara RO.7:I)

      KR-5 Ajaigarh 15 EAG W(17.IO). 150.8] 170 <.n II.IG Imlahat R(lUI)

      KR-5 Ajaigarh 12 ED.EO W(2J.OS). 32(1.45 112.50 SI.55 Lallias Onl) 15)

      KR-5 Ajaigarh 14 W(2.52). IX.59 0.22 J.30 Bharatpllf O( I 12)

      KR-I AJaigarh l() EA W(2(, ()7) 358.38 8 UiX 4X.90 Biharsakharia .

      PR-O AFlIgarh 15 EA GC'(20').1)5) 577 25 2U,57 171).51 Bccra

      KR-2 Ajaigarh 20 ED.EAG GC(2().9S) 148.48 31.07 12.0() Biharpllnva

      KR-2 Ajaigarh IG GC(I).Sg) 17G.JO 71:24 18.00 Kadraha

      KR-5 AJ

      ~ ;j'f'l-'rifiiUR (~ lJT>l "4 ~ ~ :;om t "l'i

      ,\"",,"1'0' \\',III.,hk (,fnot ,\I'atlahk IlIthll' th" V,llage. a dash (-j,' ,holl'n in

      til ...' l".'l)11I1ll1l

      5-IU ~II" &IU, kIm ot the n"are,1 place "h"re the taCll,ty ,s "",lIlahk IS

      gll'ell )

      :ttalfU'rq;- ~ .wtq;r ~Jrt<

      Location Name of Total r\r~a Total 1'0ptl­ Educat,on lI"'d,"al DrinJ..tng I'o,t /:.:. Davor COl1llllunation Code of Village ofth" lation and wat.:r Tckgrph d"ys of (Bus Stop Rail Village Vll1ag(: (111 NlImh~r ot (I'ol,'hk) Ihe ~ I.,rkd,' way Station Hedare,) households 11<11. ifanv Water way)

      (> 10

      86 211.02 546(79) P.AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( \()+) -(-5)

      87 ·B6.74 1177(187) P(2) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

      88 j SO 77 1W-+(27 -+) P.M.AC MCW W,HP PO -(10+ ) -(-5)

      89 171 35 ')62(177) P(2) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

      90 505.g2 1763(253) P.AC -(-5) W.HP PO -( 10+) -( -5)

      91 .15707 911(132) P -(5-LO) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      92 410.12 965(132) p -(10+) W -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      93 455.-+8 LO 17(176) P.M -(10+) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( 10+)

      94 95,22 253(31) -( -5) -( 10+) W -( -5) -(10+) -(10+)

      9S 122 00 209(22) -( -5) -( 10+) W -(-5) -( Hl+) BS 167 \'ILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      '!fil ~ Land LJ s(' (W-lR ')fi'l ;-m'm R ~ -q; an ~ 1'! ~ ~ cr. i\ 7'1lRr ~) (I e :1l'::1 Iinder dllTerent types or I;! lid lise III hectares rOllnded up to two decimal places)

      "!Wl" "ifCf," ~~ f'.r;rn;TI riB 1:1i1 mfufuo ~cr.fui) ~cr.fui) m+1 CfJ "'l1+I ~q;r 1Z. (tIldlldlllg 101 (tIll-.lm) g,IlIdwr IX Culttl'atlon


      ! ! L I ~ ! . IX

      KR-3 AJaigarh 20 WUO.(,l). 3070 1-l.52 2().11 LodhapurWll


      KR-:l A~aigarh 22 W(55 ()O). 172.40 )0 }) 52.0) Jigni GC(lO() XX)

      KR -.J1 AJiligarh 2() EA W(·t5 ()(I). 1.13.X7 27.-n H.-l3 Chandaur;) GC(lOl)()4)

      KR-3 Ajaigarh 3() GC(3() 15) 253,37 52.55 29.28 Kharoni

      KR-3 I\J:llgarh 25 ED.EO G((l-l-l-W) 249.42 -l7 !I)

      KR- N:)railli 12 ED GClI22-2-li 15972 -ll) X, 1-1 X)l Rall111

      KR-7 Naraini 15 O.

      KR-5 Narallli 15 W(I()()()). 350.7-i (to -l ., U )\ Makan UP 0(21 (i(I)

      KR-o Narailll 2() W(1)71) X1.13 -l7X XW K(~iipur U.P.

      KR-2 Narail11 20 W(1J(,).

      I! P 0(" ()I)) 168 lJl1J - PI (ftll Cfi I \iFf ~~ ~ ~ \3q4l41

      ""3""'TM'U iJ1'! -¥iiw\; (iifu 1J11l1:1 ~ "3'1<'1

      .\IllCllIllc" .\\ :"Llhk (1lllot ..\1':lIl"hk \\'Ithlll th~ Vtllagc ..1 d,1S11 (-) IS ,11",\'11 ill the \..o!LlIlln and ll~\.t 10 It III hrach.d.". 1111..' distance III hroad rangC'!-. \'11. - =' kill'.

      5-10 klll:-- &1()+ kill:" 01 th~ Ih!HI\.~:-.t pl.tL'1..' \\h~I\~ th~ 1



      Location Name of Total Ar~a Total Popn- Education Ivledlcal Dnnking p."t & Day or ConllllunatlOlI Code of Villag" 01 th" lation and watl!f T"'''grph d,I\" "f (BII' Stop Rail \'Iliage Villag" (Ill NUl1lhcr of (I'otahk) til" Id,lrk.:U I\','y Statton Ikdares) hou,dlOlds lIat. it any Wa!.:r way)


      96 -l-l,34

      97 1')2.50 514(92) p -(5-10) WJ-IP PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

      98 1()5()2 35(5) -( -5) -(5-10) W -( -5) -(5-10) -(5-1O}.

      99 24409 850(108) p -(5-10) W.HP.C -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      100 210.11 332(47) p -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      101 273.15 501(59) P -( I()+) W.HP -(5-10) -( 10+) -(-5)

      10? 1527.(j3 2120(354) P(2).M.H MeW W.HP PO -( 10+) BS

      103 "¥'~ 2() 1.13 354(56) P.AC -(5-10) W -(-5 ) -( 10+) -( -5)

      104 ~ 478.()6 1]()6(l94) P.M.AC.O -( -5) W.HP PO -( 10+) -( -5)

      105 ~ 204.94 355(50) -( -5) -(-5) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      106 ~ 482.60 6G5(l07) P.AC -(-5) W.HP PO -( 10+) -(5-10) 169 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      ~ TI1tn Lalld Usc IWfR.w,~

      "l)TIl d"fi ~-.,m ~ ~lWT mf#fi:Rl mtct~ m

      \rproach '\L'.I112't jl(I\\L'f FOIL',t IIIL'galL'd llIlIIT- ClIltllrahk \11.::1 not N .11110 of vJila~" to 1'('''II,tnd '''1'1'1\ 11\ ,!;"kd W;"k \\;"I"hk \'III.1g.: 1)I'tdIK~ SOUIl'L'\ (",d",hll~ lor (Ill km~) b,'lICh,,, & ('"II'l'aliol1

      ~nl\ l..'<"

      12 Ii l-+ I) 7 IX

      Uninhabited O( 12.82) 21) 00 () 50 2 02 Rajpur

      KR-3 Narailll 15 ED.EAG W(7 m 132.20 -l77X 53l) Manipur U.P

      KR-1 Narallll 15 0(2 (>(») S(, ](, 'i X7 I Il I 'J Kcsha\\pUf UP.

      KR-x Narallli 15 W( 1 XIl) 11)1)30 (').S2 21 17 Katarra UP

      KR-2 Narail1l III ED W(1.20) 1C,831 ](,2l) -ll,) Makachh UP

      KR-5 Narall1l 12 ED II -1-5 WO 10) 202.l)X 50 21 :) ]9 Dcwalpur UP

      PR-O Narall1l 15 ED I]l) 20 W( IX XO) (,SH7 52-l.92 I(d 2-l Nardaha UP

      KR-5 AFlIgarh XO 1780] 12 -lO 10.70 TuJapur

      KR-5 A)

      KR-5 AJill garh 20 ED.EAG W(·UD) 160.14 .11.5-l 1).0(, Chandrawal

      KR-5 Atai~arh 20 ED. 3G7.17 XX 4l) 2(, ')4 Bhadaiyan 170 lJPf ~(f~.CJi' \TR ~ ~ ~ 3Qq) ••

      ~1 iTA' -"ifcii11\' ("ilfu' lJTl'I ~ ~ "3'ffi" <0 m ~ ".T<'fo"R ~ ;f.I ~ t -Sw,l'i\, 5 -10, ~ 'l:lI 10 +f

      \IllCl1ltIC' \',IILlhk (1ll1ot ,\":IILlhk \\'1th111 th~ Vdlag",.1 da,h (.)" ,IH)\\11111 the' COIUIllIl .md 11",1 to II 111 hra"I""h. th" dlSt.I1Il'" 111 hro.ld rang.:' VII ·5 kIm.

      5-10 kill, &10 f kin ... of'the n~aro;!!--t pl.l~~ wbd\! thl! lalt..llltv IS availahl..:. IS


      Location Name of Tolal Area Totall'opu, Educatiol1 ~kdl"al Drinking Posl &. 1>:1\' or COm111L1l1ation Code of Villag~ of the iatlOn :tnd wat~r Td"grl'h d.I\' 01 (Bus Stop Rajl VII lag" \ IIldge (111 ,umh", oj (l'otahk) the ~t.l1he!J way Siahon Heclares) hOIl,ehold, lIaL II any Water way)

      -l ) X <)

      107 ~ 253.55 ' -t 75(7()) -(-5) -( -5) C -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      108 ~ 1\17 .20 551(X9) PAC -( -5) W,C -(-5) -(5-l0) -(5-lO) 109 • 14%.29 4J99(70J) P,M-RAC PHC W,HP,C PO,PHONE -(5-LO) BS

      110 292.00 J52(50) -(-5) -(-5) HP,C -(-5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      III 43 Lo2 135(10) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      112 61S.S3 lK2!J(J32) P(2).M -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

      113 ~ 312.51 (i,)5(l05) P -( 5-10) WHP -(5-10) -( 10+) -(5- 10)

      114 Cfi \'41 0 I~'!;< T

      115 ~ 25R 47 54-1-(R7) PAC -(-5) WHP -(-5) -( I()+) BS

      116 ~ 51)9 () 1 15')3(274) P.AC MCW WHP -(-5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      117 ~ 218.53 -l()7(74) P.AC -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -(-5) ~

      118 '1RI~ijl:!< 235.78 550(,)()) P.AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( 10+) -(-5)

      119 'TI~ljTl~]iillC: ()K,S() cfuA' 171 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Anh.:nities Ami Land lise t\jaigarh C. D. Block

      '!Jil ~ Land U~C (Jf<1R ~~ cf,t ~ f.v+!T ~ ~ ~->r ~~ ~oT ,,,.!Rt '1'f: I (I e area tlilder dliTerent t\ pes or 1;lI1d lise In hectares rounded lip to t\\·o declIllal places)

      ~""I'1R ~ fu'f


      1 \ 14 \ ~ 17 I~ 12 1"' KR-5 AJlIgarh22 165.18 ()281 255t KewatplIr

      FP-5 AJalgarh 24 EDEAG 172.75 I·t IX 10.27 Harnampur

      PR-O AJaigarh l{) EA wnl :15) 112557 III :1') 1(,-+ 76 Khora

      O((d 22)

      KR-3 Aj;llgarh 22 3')8 2-+\ 8') 7.23 17.50 lcholia

      KR-4 AJaigarh 1') W(lO

      KR-; AFligarh 1') ED.EAG W(20 ')3) -n70') (,-+ -+2 IJO \ 7 RajaplIr O( () (HI)

      KR-() A_Fllgarh 22 ED.EAG \\'(37 -tl,) 2:\8 -15 17 (,X 18.'>2 M,ldarka

      KR-6 Ajaigarh 30 ED (In.')7) 8').58 1-+-+) 20 l)(i Kaly'anpur Khora

      PR-O Ajaigarh 30 ED.EAG WEn.O()) I ')() 72 -+') 51 15.2-+ Nil.ampllr

      KR-3 A_laigarh 30 EA 12 10 WE(17,(I) -114 I') -+U7 II LIS Klratpur

      KR-3 A_lalgarh 18 ED.EAG WE03(0) 146,)') 20 -II 18.n Majhgawan Kalanjar

      KR-4 A.i

      Uninhabited W(O 14) 2531 ?A5 15.46 Jahangirbad 172 lJ11f PI ffll cti I ~ ~~ ~ ~ \jqlfl.1

      ~ \WI-ijfcfuTii (* lJT"[ "i¥ iffii~ ;rnJiU 'iffi' t iii ~"i¥ ( - ) 'hi ~ lTmt3ffi:~ "ilNtT ~~lJT"[it~~'l\ ~~~ mt ~ 'l\ ~ ~ 1T, 5 -10. ~. 1lT 10 +fbjT

      .\1I1~11I!t<' 1\\'.III.,hlo (,fnot A\·,"I.,hl< \lIlhmlhe V'lla~,'. a d,,,h (-) 's shown in the collll1ln and n,,\1 to ,t III h, ad.ch. the' d"tance m h, ,).Id ranges VIZ - 5 kms.

      5-10 kms &11H kills ofth~ nc,"est place wh~r~ the "'",lIty IS av,"lahk IS

      g,wn) lJT"[ 'fiT lJllf Cf,T ,re~ ~ .wr'fiT ~3ffi:


      120 2902

      121 2662,(13 4261(713) P(3),M,RAC PHC W,HP PO,PHONE -( 10+) BS

      122 ~ 1750.86 286( 46) P -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -( -5)


      P(1117). (5-111)32. HP(H12). (5-111)17. (5-111)11. (5-10)22,

      M(25), (HI+)28, C(7). PO(23). ( 111+)95. (10+)22,

      H(5), MCW(Ii). PTO(2). nS(23)

      PUC(2) PHC(2).HC PHONE(5)

      AC(26),1I D,CHW(2) m:- ~ ct q)RUi ~eR ~ ~ ~ ~ .m ~ I ~ ~ ct ~ ~ f.iJ~IChI Ti ~ ~.m ~em 1:R ClJI

      ~~ Land Usc (3f4Rl ~~

      1J1l'I~ ~-;;-m ~ CR Bl'A1lRl lh~ ~

      II 12 13 14 I) 16 17 18 2

      Uninhabited 2310 515 0.77 Ramnagar

      PR-O Ajaigarh 26 EA 66 86 W(422.42). 792.18 576.57 794.00 Dharampur 0(10.00)

      KR-3 AJaigarh 33 S7l) 19 57.47 20.91 7'J:1.29 Kudra

      PR(24), ED(47), 6154.51 . ,.J, W(4493.1l), 26446.82 8758.37 123'.18.10 Tlltal fnt· Bluck

      KR(86), EAG(4S), WE(2112.77),

      FP(7) ED(2) GC(142S.23),

      E.A(28) R(124.70)



      TOTAL 6562.64

      Note: Due to the shortage of space, the abbreviations have been given only in English. For bilingual purpose, Hindi abbreviations may be seen in the Notes Explaining the codes used in the Village Directory (Page No. 136 -139). 174

      1991 \11'1.101'11 1981 \11'1.101'11

      ~. 1Tiq CfiT -;w:r ~ cl)ifilll'1 m ~. ~CfiT ~ CfiT qTI. -;w:r ~


      3fCiWIT 13/9/2/ 56 13/09/0020/0056 53 "IF1T "IF1T

      2 ~ 13/9/2/136 13/09/0020/0138 157 "IF1T 1FU

      3 ~ 13/9/2/131 13/09/0020/0131 155 "IF1T 1FU

      4 ~ 13/9/2/136 13/09/0020/0136 146 "IF1T 1FU

      5 ~ 13/9/2/210 13/09/0020 /0210 412 'F'1T q;:;:rr

      6 ~ 13/9/2/116 13 109/0020/0116 133 'FIT 'FlT

      7 ~ 13/9/2/104 13/09/0020/0104 106 'FIT 'FlT


      8 ~~ 13/9/2/152 13/09/0020/0152 267 1FU 1FU

      9 ~"@(l 13/9/2/106 13/09/0020/0106 104 1FiT 1FiT

      10 ~~ 13/9/2/213 13/09/0020/0213 413 1FiT 1FiT

      11 ~~ 13/9/2/216 13/09/0020/0218 421 lF1T 1FU

      12 ~ 13/9/2/67 13/09/002010087 90 1Rl 1FU

      13 ~ 13/9/2/9 13/09/002010009 10 1Rl 1FU

      14 ~"1&i1 PlI'n 13/9/2/62 13/09/0020/0062 59 1Rl ~


      15 ~ 13/9/2/113 13/09/0020/0113 126 1Rl -qrTff

      16 ~ 13/9/2/71 13/09/0020/0071 68 1FU 1FU

      17 341($Ilcll 13/9/2/105 13/09/0020/0105 107 1FU 1FU 175

      qUI'i'iflflitfi ~ ~ ~

      1991 ,iFI 410 FI I 1981 ,1'1'141 0HI

      Wi. ~ CfiT ';f111 ~ cll~:U'1 ~ m. ~CfiT ~CfiT

      1fIP4 I::{ '"

      lFIT fq IfII fHq Q6 tRT~

      18 J"i{$ll&ll 13/9/2/128 13/09/0020/0128 149 1iiTJT lFfT

      19 ~ 13/9/2/27 13/09/0020/0027 14 1iiTJT lFfT

      20 "3""ift 13/9/2/82 13/09/0020/0082 _ 78 1iiTJT lFU


      21 ~ 13/9/2/ 176 13/09/0020/ 0176 383


      22 *MICfl~II)I~{ 13/9/2/114 13/09/0020/0114 129 q;:o:rr lFU

      23 ~ 13/9/2/129 13/09/0020/0129 153 q;:o:rr 1F'tT

      24 ~~ 13/9/2/10 13/09/0020/0010 8 q;::;:u "'FfT

      25 ~ 13/9/2/147 13/09/0020/0147 167 q;::;:u "'FfT

      26 ~ 13/9/2/173 13/09/0020/0173 444 q;::;:u "'FfT

      27 ~ 13/9/2/30 13 /09/0020 /0030 30 q;:;:rr -q;::;:n

      28 Cfiitft 13/9/2/54 13/09/0020/0054 51 q;:;:rr "'FfT

      29 ~ 13/9/2/59 13/09/0020/0059 56 q;:;:rr "'FfT

      30 Cfi~IOIT' 13/9/2/121 13/09/0020/0121 137 q;:;:rr 1FIT


      32 ~ 13/9/2/67 13/09/0020/0067 63 q;:;:rr 'IF'IJ

      33 ¥;R 13/9/2/29 13/09/0020/0029 29 lFlf q;:o:rr

      34 ~ 13/9/2/32 13/09/0020/0032 32 lFlf -q;::;:n

      35 ~ (0Rt't) 13/9/2/84 13/09/0020/0084 84 lFlf q;:o:rr

      36 ~ 13/9/2/36 13/09/0020/0036 26 lFlf '!FIT 176

      C1 0 Ifj)h Pl Cfi lJFfl ctt tffi

      1991 \1'Ft

      ~. "lfiq CfiT ";fJlf ~ ctl~:lI"f ~ ~. ~CfiT ~ CfiT qIT. ";fJlf ";fJlf Ch.

      -q-;;rr FcI Ch 1(1 (q Q '5 lF1T~

      37 ~ 13/9/2/160 13/09/0020/0160 361 "FlT 1:AT

      38 ~ 13/9/2/145 13/0910020/0145 160 "FlT 1:AT

      39 ~ 13 /9/2 /133 13/09/0020/0133 144 "FlT 1:AT

      40 citcr~ 13/9/2/137 13/09/0020/0137 147 "FlT 1:AT

      41 ~ cffir 13/9/2/76 13/09/0020/0076 75 "FlT 1:AT

      42 cti1C<"lIJl~ 13/9/2/31 13/09/0020/0031 31 1:AT 1:AT

      43 CJiRT 13/9/2/11 13/09/0020/0011 169 "FlT 1F'IT

      44 ~ 13/9/2/153 13/09/0020/0153 269 1:AT 1F'IT


      45 ~ 13/9/2/35 13/09/0020/0035 34 1F'IT 1F'IT

      46 ~ 13/912/179 13/09/0020/0179 387 1F'IT 1F'IT

      47 ~ 13/9/2/101 13/09/0020/0101 103 'F'1I 1F'IT

      48 ~ 13/9/2/107 13/09/0020/0107 125 1F'IT IF'IT

      49 ftqrqr 13/9/2/49 13/09/0020/0049 46 IF'IT IF'IT

      50 (cn"~)\Wt)1 13/912/135 13/09/0020/0135 145 IF'IT 1:FU


      51 7J"1T3i 13/912/4 13/09/0020/0004 5 1:FU "IFfT

      52 ~ 13/9/2/96 13/02/0020/0096 97 1:FU "IFfT

      53 ~~ 13/9/2/170 13/02/0020/0170 372 "FlT "IFfT

      54 ~ 13/9/2/144 13/02/0020/0144 159 1:AT "IFfT

      55 7fm 13/9/2/69 13/02/0020/0069 65 'lFlr "IFfT 177

      qUI8J~~Cfl ~ ctt ~

      1991 iifi''I~'O'~' 1981 \i'f~.,ol~1 'ijl. mer qjf -;w:r ~ Iifl ~ :lI01 ciT6 *. ~QiT ~qrr CfiT. rrT+{ rrT+{


      -q;:;:rr f4 Cfll fH.ct 0 g -q;:;:rr ~

      56 fiRqrn 13/9/2/220 13/02/0020/0220 424 ~ -q;::;:{T

      57 ~ 13/9/2/199 13/0210020/0199 401 ~ -q;::;:{T

      -q;:;:rr -q;:;:rr 58 ~ 1.319/2/43 13/02/0020/0043 40

      59 ~ 13/9/2/42 13/02/002010042 39 ~ ~

      60 Jj)R100G~ 13/9/2/190 13102/0020/0190 117 -q;::;:{T lFD"

      61 ~~ 13/9/2/208 13/02/0020/0208 410 1FlT ~

      62 ~~ 13/9/2/207 13/02/0020/0207 409 1FlT ~

      63 ~:Wrr 13/9/2/217 13/02/0020/0217 420 1FlT lFD"

      64 -mu (~) 13/9/2/156 13 102/0020/0156 271 1FlT lFIT


      65 -m:Rt 13/9/2/164 13/02/0020/0164 363


      66 -$m 13/9/2/ 60 13/02/0020/0060 57 ~ lFIT

      67 ~ 13/9/2/188 13/02/002010188 110 1FlT 1FI1


      68 ~ 13 /9 12 /28 13 /02 /0020 10028 25


      69 ~ 13/9/2/119 13/02/0020/0119 136 1FlT lFIT

      70 \TA'

      71 ~~im" 13/9/2/182 13/02/0020/0182 390 -q;::;:{T 1FlT

      72 ~ 13/9/2/81 13/02/0020/0081 81 1FlT lFIT 178

      qOlfwj~PfCfi m ~ ~

      1991 \T1'i~loHI 1981 \iI+lloHI

      ~. 1Jfq

      CfI SUf._CO <

      -q;:;:rr ~ Cfllfl{q °S -q-;;rr ~

      73 ~ 13/9/2/102 13/02/0020/0102 101 -q;:;:rr -q;:;:rr

      74 ~~ 13/9/2/195 13/02/0020/0195 112 -q;:;:rr lFU

      75 ~W 13/9/2/185 13/02/0020/0185 114 -q;:;:rr lFU

      76 ~(~) 13/9/2/132 13/02/0020/0132 150 -q;:;:rr lFU

      77 \JlMI

      q;:;:rr 78 ~ 13/9/2/124 13/02/0020/0124 141 lFU

      79 ~ 13/9/2/211 13/02/0020/0211 415 q;:;:rr lFU


      80 "WST 13/9/2/75 13/02/0020/0075 72 q;::;:rr lFU

      81 ~3fl' 13/9/2/149 13/02/0020/0149 263 -q;:;:rr q;:;:rr

      82 ~ 13/9/2/139 13/02/0020/0139 156 -q;:;:rr lFIT

      83 ~~ 13/9/2/7 13/02/0020/0007 7 -q;:;:rr -q;;rr

      84 fWrcr 13/9/2/146 13/02/0020/0146 166 lFU -q;;rr


      85 ~ 13/9/2 180 13/02/0020 0180 388 q;::;:rr q;::;:rr

      86 ~ 13/9/2 172 13/02/0020 0172 443 q;::;:rr q;::;:rr

      87 -mt 13/9/2 12 13/02/0020 0012 170 q;::;:rr q;::;:rr


      88 ~ 13/9/2 148 13/02/0020 0148 168 -q;:;:rr lFU

      89 ~ 13/9/2 140 13/02/0020 0140 161 -q;:;:rr lFU

      90 ~ 13/9/2 117 13/02/0020 0117 132 q;::;:rr IF'IT 179

      qOJf.j~l'Siij) ~ ctT ~

      1991 \TF'I~lul"'11 1981 \if"'1~luHI

      Sfi. 1Jiq CfiT ";'JFJ ~

      -q;;rr ~ ifll (1(q Q i; 1Fff~ (G")

      91 ~ 13/9/2 63 13/02/0020 0063 67 lFIT ~

      92 ~ 13 /9 /2 93 13/02/0020 0093 93 lFIT ~

      93 -mr 13/9/2 21 13/02/0020 0021 17 -q;;{f ~

      94 ~fi 13/9/2 33 13/02/0020 0033 76 lFIT ,~

      95 ~ 13/9/2 79 13/02/0020 0079 76 lFIT ~

      96 ~ 13 /9 /2 201 13/02/0020 0201 405 1FU - "IFlT

      97 ~ 13/9/2 189 13/02/0020 0189 115 lFIT "IFlT

      98 ~ 13/9/2 162 13/02/0020 0162 365 lFIT "IFlT

      99 ~ ( •• ci)q¥Rtn) 13/9/2 171 13/02/0020 0171 373 1FU 1F'IT


      100 ~ 13/9/2 158 13/02/0020 0158 359 1:F1T -q;::;::rr

      101 ~ 13/9/2 94 13/02/0020 0094 95 1:F1T -q;::;::rr

      102 ~(~) 13/9/2 221 13 109 /0020 /0221 423 1:F1T -q;::;::rr

      103 ~ 13/9/2 53 13/09/0020/0053 50 1:F1T -q;::;::rr

      104 tWW (~) 13/9/2 95 13/09/0020/0095 96 1:F1T -q;::;::rr (Of)

      105 -.mr 13/9121 16 13/09100201 0016 19 1:F1T q;:;{f 106 ~ 13/912 212 13/09/0020/ 0212 414 tFIT 'IFfT

      107 ~(~) 13/9/2 78 13/09/0020/ 0078 73 1:F1T 'IFfT

      108 ~ 13/9/2 77 13/09/0020/ 0077 74 tFIT 'IFfT 180

      qUlrj~ftJCh -wIT cfiT ~

      1991 \T1'1~loHI 19 61 \iH~lol'1l

      ~. TJiq CfIT -;rr+f ~ ('1) cf; ~1'1 qih- m. ~CfiT ~ CfIT

      qiT. -;w:c ~


      -q;:;:rr ~ ifll fI (q 0 S lFfT~


      109 ~ 13/9/2 222 13/09/0020/ 0222 426 -q;:;:rr If"'IT l10 .m-(~) 13/9/2 120 13/09/0020/ 0120 138 -q;:;:rr If"'IT

      111 'I'4Rm 13/9/2 64 13/09/0020/ 0064 60 'FU If"'IT

      112 If"'IT nR 13/9/2 125 13/09/0020/ 0125 140 -q;:;:rr ~

      113 'RTfT 13/9/2 61 13/09/0020 I 0061 58 -q;:;:rr 1F1T

      114 ~~ 13/9/2 41 13/09/0020/ 0041 38 -q;:;:rr ~

      115 ~ 13/9/2 50 13/09/00201 0050 47 ~ q;;:rr

      116 ~-fcm 13/9/2 86 13/09/0020/ 0086 88 ~ q;;:rr

      117 'lRST 13/9/2 40 13/09/0020/ 0040 37 ~ 1F1T

      118 'lRt 13/9/2 47 13/09/0020/ 0047 44 ~ tFIT

      119 ~ 13/9/2 206 13/09/0020/ 0206 408 1FTI tFIT

      120 iitW 13/9/2 154 13/09/00201 0154 270 -q;:;:rr tFIT

      121 WR ffi 13/9/2 2 13/09/0020/ 0002 3 1FTI tFIT

      122 'FW 13/9/2 92 13/09/00201 0092 94 'FIT q;;:rr

      123 g

      124 j;n (~


      125 ~ 13/9/2 203 13/09/0020/ 0203 407 qr;:rr IF'IT

      126 ~ 13/9/2 204 13/09/0020/ 0204 404 qr;:rr IF'IT 181

      qUlf'1ShfSiCfi "ID1J1' ctt ~

      1991 \iJ"i·1 0 1'11 1981 \J'I"i.loHI

      Wi. 1Jfq "ifiT ";JPl ~~i1~llH~ ~. ~(fil ~qlf

      ~. 0{l'Jl ~

      -qn:rr f4

      127 ~ 13/9/2/90 13/09/0020/ 0019 18 lFIT "IFJT

      128 ~ 13 /9 /2 19 13/09/0020/ 0161 362 lFIT "IFJT

      129 ~ 13/9/2 161 13/09/0020/ 0161 42 lFIT "IFJT

      130 otmrr 13/9/2 45 13/09/0020/ 0045 42 tFfT "IFJT

      131 otmrr 13/9/2 174 13/09/0020/ 0174 445 tFfT If"'IT

      132 13/9/2 14 13/09/0020/ 0014 20 q;:;:rr tFfT

      133 -~~ 13/9/2 5 13/09/00201 0005 4 1FIT If"'IT

      134 ~W 13/9/2 57 13/09/0020/ 0057 54 1FIT If"'IT

      135 ~7Jiq 13/9/2 143 13109/0020/ 0143 165 ~ ~

      136 ~7Jiq 13/9/2 181 13/09/0020/ 0181 389 -q;::;u 1:F'IT

      137 u$T 13/9/2 97 13/09/0020/ 0097 98 -q;::;u 1:F'IT

      138 ~ 13/9/2 127 13/09/00201 0127 143 -q;::;u -q;:;:n

      139 ~ 13/9/2/177 13/09/0020/ 0177 385 'If.'i'lT 1:F'IT

      140 ~ 13/9/2/151 13/09/0020/ 0151 266 'If.'i'lT 'If.'i'lT

      141 ~ 13/9/2/157 13/09/0020/ 0157 358 'If.'i'lT -q;:;:n

      142 ~ 13/9/2/193 13/0910020/ 0193 118 -q;:;:n -q;:;:n

      143 ~ 13/9/2/17 13/09/0020/ 0017 22 'If.'i'lT -.:r"lT

      1.44' m 13/9/2/184 13/0910020/ 0184 108 'If.'i'lT -.:r"lT

      145 ~ Cflffi 13/9/2/150 13/09/0020/ 0150 264 -q;:;rr -.:r"lT

      146 ~~ 13/9/2/22 13/09/0020/ 0022 16 -q;:;rr 1:F'IT 182

      ~ 0 1f:1Q1 fTi Cfi -wIT qft ~

      1991 \Tf'1 Jlol'1l 1981 \Tf'1 Jlol'1' ~. llfq CfiT "'1TTf ~ cl1cfilll'1 m *. ~CfiT ~ CfiT CfiT. "'1TTf "'1TTf

      148 ~"31t~ 13/9/2/100 13 /09 /0020 / 0100 102 'F1T "tAT

      149 f.t;;rqm 13/9/2/48 13/09/0020/ 0048 45 'F1T "tAT

      150 ~ 13/9/2/175 13/09/0020/ 0175 382 'F1T "tAT

      151 ~(~) 13/9/2/111 13/09/0020/ 0111 128 'F1T "1FU

      151 ~ 13/9/2/110 13/09/0020/ 0110 127 'F1T "tAT ("f)

      153 ~ 13/9/2/163 13/09/00201 0163 364 qn:rr "tAT

      154 ~ 13/9/2/215 13/09/0020/ 0215 417 qn:rr "tAT

      155 ~ 13/9/2/214 13/09/00201 0214 416 "tAT "tAT

      156 ~~ 13/9/2/ 6 13/09/00201 0006 9 "tAT ~

      157 'l11cfiT 13/9/2/52 13/09/0020/ 0052 49 qn:rr "tAT

      158 ~ 13/9/2/83 13/09/00201 0083 79 'F1T "!AT

      159 ~ 13/9/2/89 13/09/00201 0089 89 -q;:;:n 'F1T

      160 ~ 13/912/209 13/09/00201 0209 411 'F1T tFlT


      161 ~~ 13/9/2/191 13/0910020/ 0191 121 -q;:;:rr tFlT

      162 l=RCm 13/9/2/169 13/09/0020/ 0169 371 -q;:;:rr tFlT

      163 ~~ 13/9/2/142 13/09/0020/ 0142 164 "1FU tFlT

      164 ~1FiT 13/9/2/141 13/09/0020/ 0141 163 1FiT "tAT

      165 ~ 13/9/2/13 13/09/0020/ 0013 171 1FiT tFlT

      166 ~ 13/9/2 108 13/09/0020 108 124 1FiT q;:;u 183

      q Ulf.j)al f}J Cfi lJFiT qft ~

      1991 \i'j .... ~loHI 1981 \if .... ',oHI

      ~. 1Tfq qrr ~ ~cth~:tH m m. ~CfiT ~qrr CfiT. .~ Wflll iflA:£lc(...

      1f"ff 14 ifll tI (til °il 1:FIT~

      167 ~ 13/9/2/24 13/09/0020/ 0024 11 ~ 1FiT

      168 ~ 13/9/2/23 13/09/0020/ 0023 15 ~ 1FiT

      169 ~ 13/9/21197 13/09/0020/ 0197 120 'F'lT 1FiT

      170 ~ 13/9/2/130 13/09/0020/ 0130 154 "G"lT lFU

      171 -.,.w 13/9/2/20 13/09/0020/ 0020 23 "G""'IT 1Fn

      172 ~ 13/9/2/18 13/09/0020/ 0018 24 "G""'IT 1Fn

      173 "'frnT 13/9/2/37 13/09/0020/ 0037 27 "IFfl 1FlT

      174 lje

      -q;::;u 175 ~ 13/9/2/166 13/09/0020/ 0166 367 FU

      176 ~ 13/9/2/46 13/09/0020/ 0046 43 -q;::;u lFfT

      177 ~ 13/9/2/165 13/09/00201 0165 366 -q;::;u tRT ("{)

      178 ~ 13/9/2/109 13/09/00201 0109 123 -q;::;u "IFfT

      179 ~ 13/9/2/200 13/09/0020/ 0200 402 -q;::;u "IFfT

      180 BClm 13/9/2/159 13/09/0020/ 0159 360 'F'lT ~

      181 {J1Ri:l \{til 13/912/68 13/09/0020/0068 64 'F'lT 1:FU

      182 ~ 13/9/2/192 13/09/0020/0192 119 'F'lT ~

      183 ~ 13/9/2/44 13/09/0020/0044 41 -q;::;u ~

      184 ~ 13/9/2/196 13/09/0020/0198 400 q;:;:rr 1F'fT

      165 ~ 13/9/2/34 13/09/0020/0034 33 'AI 1F'fT

      186 ~ 13/9/2/166 13/09/0020/0166 46 ~ ~


      qOlfjQ1fl!Jtfl ~ cfiT ~

      1991 \11"1 410 1"11 1981 \11"1 l lol"11

      QI. "tTfq "&iT OWl ~ clI~:tI"1 ctil5 ~. ~qrr ~ CfiT cfiT. OWl "'I'Pf CflHllc( '" TFIT ~Cflltf{qog 1FfT~

      204 ~ 13/9/2/65 13/09/0020/ 0065 61 1l"1T "'F'1T

      205 fWRr 13/9/2/39 13/09/0020/ 0039 36 1l"1T "'F'1T

      206 ~ 13/9/2/58 13/09/0020/ 0058 55 1l"1T "'F'1T

      207 ~¥ 13/9/2/183 13/09/0020/ 0183 398 If"tr "'F'1T

      208 ~~ 13/9/2/200 13/09/0020/ 0200 406 If"tr -q;:;:JT

      209 ~ 13/9/2/55 13/09/0020/ 0055 52 If"tr -q;:;:JT

      210 fu<;pft 13/9/2/223 13/09/0020/ 0223 425 lFlT -q;:;:JT

      211 fffin:m 13/9/2/78 13/09/00201 0078 70 lFlT 1F'IT

      212 ~~ 13/9/2/98 13/09100201 0098 100 -rr-n 1F'IT

      213 w

      2M wmr 13/9/2/123 13/09/0020/ 0123 139 ~ FlT

      215 ~ 13/9/2/ 3 13/09/0020/ 0003 2 ~ 1:1"'1

      216 ~ 13/9/2/187 13/09/0020/ 0187 109 -q;;:jT FlT


      217 ~(~) 13/9/2/80 13/09/0020/ 0080 77 -q;;:jT 1FfT 218 ~3{T~ 13/9/2/112 13/09/0020/ 0112 122 -q;;:jT 1FfT

      219 ~ 13/9/2/15 13/09/0020/ 0015 21 If"tr lFfT

      220 ~ 13/9/2/91 13/09/0020/ 0091 92 -q;;:jT lFlT

      221 ~ 13/9/2/26 13/09/00201 0026 13 -q;;:jT lFlT

      222 ~ 13/9/2/178 13/09/0020/ 0178 3B4 lFIT 1FfT

      223 ~ 13/9/2/ B8 13/09/0020/ 0088 82 lFIT lFIT 186


      1991 Census 1981 Census s. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil


      1. Ahirrguman 13/9/2/104 13/9/0020/0104 106 Panna Panna

      2. Akla 13/9/2/56 13/9/002010056 53 Panna Panna

      3. Akola 13/9/2/138 13/9/0020/0138 157 Panna Panna

      4. Amdar 13/9/2/136 13/9/0020/0136 146 Panna Panna

      5. Amhai 13/9/2/116 13/9/002010116 133 Panna Panna

      6. Amjhmya 13/9/2/131 13/9/002010131 155 Panna Panna

      7. Amsil 13/9/2/210 13/9/002010210 412 Panna Panna


      8. Babupur Alias Rajpur 13/9/2/100 13/9/0020/0100 102 Panna Panna

      9. Babupur Kalan 13/9/2/25 13/9/0020/0025 12 Panna Panna

      10. 13/9/2/143 13/9/0020/0143 165 Panna Panna

      11. Badagaon 13/9/2/181 13/9/002010181 389 Panna Panna

      12. Badera 13/9/2/97 13/9/0020/0097 98 Panna Panna

      13. Badagado Kalan 13/9/2/5 13/9/0020/0005 4 Panna Panna

      14. Badagadi Khurd 13/9/2/57 13/9/0020/0057 54 Panna Panna

      15. Bador 13/9/2/127 13/9/002010127 143 Panna Panna

      16. Bagonha 13/9/2/14 13/9/0020/0014 20 Panna Panna

      17. Sahera 13/9/21184 13/9/002010184 108 Panna Panna

      18. Sakchur 13/9/2/19 13/9/0020/0009 18 Panna Panna

      19. Bakhtari 13/9/2/161 13/9/0020/0161 362 Panna Panna

      20. Bamurahiya 13/9/2/177 13/9/002010177 385 Panna Panna

      21. Sandhi Kalan 13/9/2/150 13/9/0020/0150 264 Panna Panna

      22. Sandhi Khurd 13/9/2/22 13/9/0020/0022 16 Panna Panna

      23. Bangia 13/9/2/45 13/9/002010045 42 Panna Panna 187


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.O. Block Panna Tahsil

      24. Bangia 13/9/2/174 13/09/0020/0174 445 Panna Panna

      25. Barachh 13/9/2/157 13/0910020/0157 358 Panna Panna

      26. Barbaspura 13/9/2/151 13/0910020/0151 266 Panna Panna

      27. Basai 13/912/193 13/09/0020/0193 113 Panna Panna

      28. Basariya 13/9/2/17 13/0910020/0017 22 Panna Panna

      29. Bhadar Khusmani 13/9/2/6 13/0910020/0006 9 Panna Panna

      30. Bhagepur 13/9/2/163 13/0910020/0163 364 Panna Panna

      31. Bhamka 13/9/2/52 13/09/0020/0052 49 Panna Panna

      32. Bhasuda 13/9/2/89 13/0910020/0089 89 Panna Panna

      33. Bhatharjit 13/9/2/215 13/0910020/0215 417 Panna Panna

      34. Bhatharmegha 13/9/2/214 13/0910020/0214 416 Panna Panna

      35. Bhawanipur 13/9/2/83 13/0910020/0083 79 Panna Panna

      36. Bhilsay 13/9/2/209 13/0910020/0209 411 Panna Panna

      37. Bijwara 13/9/2/48 13/0910020/0048 45 Panna Panna

      38. Bilha (Bilkhura) 13/9/2/111 13/0910020/0111 128 Panna Panna

      39. Bilakhura 13/9/2/110 13/09/0020/0110 127 Panna Panna

      40. Birwahi 13/9/2/175 13/091002010175 382 Panna Panna

      41. Brijpur 13/9/2/90 13/091002010090 91 Panna Panna·


      42. Chhapar 13/9/2/28 13/09/0020/0028 25 Panna Panna

      43. Chopra 13/912/60 13/091002010060 57 Panna Panna

      44. Chopra 13/9121188 13/09/0020/0188 110 Panna Panna 0

      45. Dad Wariya 13/9/2/180 13/09/0020/0180 388 Panna Panna 188


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7 Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil

      46. Dhalan Chaul<.i 13/9/2133 13/09/0020/0033 28 Panna Panna

      47. Damchuwa 13/9/2/63 13/091002010063 67 Panna Panna

      48. Damchuwa 13/9/2193 13/09/002010093 93 Panna Panna 49. Darera 13/9/2/21 13/0910020/0021 17 Panna Panna

      50. Deopur 13/9/21189 13/09/002010189 115 Panna Panna

      51. Deori 13/9/2/162 13/0910020/0162 365 Panna Panna

      52. Deori (Cadhipadariya) 13/9/2/171 13/09/002010171 373 Panna Panna

      53. Dhangarh 13/9/2/158 13/091002010158 359 Panna Panna

      54. Dhanoja 13/9/2/94 13/0910020/0094 95 Panna Panna

      55. Dharampur 13/9/2/53 13/09/002010053 50 Panna Panna

      56. Dharampur (Dhanoja) 13/9/2/95 13/091002010095 96 Panna Panna

      57. Dharampura Amsil 13/9/2/221 13/09/0020/0221 423 Panna Panna

      58. Diya 13/912179 13/09/0020/0079 76 Panna Panna

      59. Dondi 13/9/2/12 13/09/0020/0012 170 Panna Panna

      60. Dubahiya 13/9/2/201 13/0910020/0201 405 Panna Panna

      61. Dubki 13/9/2/172 13/0910020/0172 443 Panna Panna G

      62. Gagau 13/9/2/4 13/09/0020/0004 5 Panna Panna

      63. Gahdara 13/9/2/144 13/09/0020/0144 159 Panna Panna

      64. Gahra 13/9/2/69 13/09/0020/0069 65 Panna Panna

      65. Ganja 13/9/2/96 13/09/0020/0096 79 Panna Panna

      66. Garhipadariya 13/9/2/170 13/0910020/0170 372 Panna Panna

      67. Gaura (Barbaspur) 13/9/2/156 13/091002010156 271 Panna Panna

      68. Ghatari 13/9/2/164 13/09/0020/0164 363 Panna Panna

      69. Girwara 13/912J220 13109/0020/0220 424 Panna Panna 190


      1991 Census 1981 Census s. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil

      92. Jamunha 13/9/2/81 13/09/0020/0081 81 Panna Panna

      93. Jamunhai 13/9/2/102 13/09/0020/0102 101 Panna Panna

      94. Jamunhai Kalan 13/9/2/195 13/09/0020/0195 112 Panna Panna

      95. Jamunha Khurd 13/9/2/185 13/09/0020/0185 114 Panna Panna

      96. Janmakpur 13/9/2/119 13/091002010119 136 Panna Panna

      97. Janwar 13/9/2/126 13/0910020/0126 142 Panna Panna

      98. Jardhoba (Indragarh) 13/9/2/132 13/09/0020/0132 150 Panna Panna

      99. Jaruwa Kheda 13/9/2/72 13/09/0020/0072 71 Panna Panna

      100. Jaruwapur 13/9/2/124 13/0910020/0124 141 Panna Panna

      101. Jhalai 13/9/2/1 ?9 13/0910020/0139 156 Panna Panna

      102. Jhalar Khamanya 13/9/2/7 13/0910020/0007 7 Panna Panna

      103. Jhanda 13/9/2/75 13/0910020/0075 72 Panna Panna

      1 o~, Jharkuwa 13/9/2/149 13/091002010149 263 Panna Panna

      105. Jhirata 13/9/2/146 13/091002010146 166 Panna Panna

      106. Jhirata 13/9/2/211 13/091002010211 415 Panna Panna K

      107. Kachha 13/9/2/134 13/091002010134 148 Panna Panna

      108. Kaimasan 13/9/2/133 13/091002010133 144 Panna Panna

      109. Kalyanpur 13/9/2/121 13/0910020/0121 137 Panna Panna

      110. Kandawaha 13/9121147 13/09/0020/0147 167 Panna Panna

      111. Karahiya 13/9/2/173 13/0910020/0173 444 Panna Panna

      112. Karola 13/9/2/59 13/0910020/0059 56 Panna Panna

      113. Karondi 13/9/2/54 13/091002010054 51 Panna Panna

      114 Karri 13/9/2/30 13/09/0020/0030 30 Panna Panna

      115. Kathari Bilhata 13/9/2/10 13/09/0020/0010 8 Panna Panna 190


      1991 Census 1981 Census s. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil

      92. Jamunha 13/9/2/81 13/09/0020/0081 81 Panna Panna

      93. Jamunhai 13/9/2/102 13/09/0020/0102 101 Panna Panna

      94. Jamunhai Kalan 13/9/2/195 13/09/0020/0195 112 Panna Panna

      95. Jamunha Khurd 13/9/2/185 13/09/0020/0185 114 Panna Panna

      96. Janmakpur 13/9/2/119 13/091002010119 136 Panna Panna

      97. Janwar 13/9/2/126 13/0910020/0126 142 Panna Panna

      98. Jardhoba (Indragarh) 13/9/2/132 13/09/0020/0132 150 Panna Panna

      99. Jaruwa Kheda 13/9/2/72 13/09/0020/0072 71 Panna Panna

      100. Jaruwapur 13/9/2/124 13/0910020/0124 141 Panna Panna

      101. Jhalai 13/9/2/1 ?9 13/0910020/0139 156 Panna Panna

      102. Jhalar Khamanya 13/9/2/7 13/0910020/0007 7 Panna Panna

      103. Jhanda 13/9/2/75 13/0910020/0075 72 Panna Panna

      1 o~, Jharkuwa 13/9/2/149 13/091002010149 263 Panna Panna

      105. Jhirata 13/9/2/146 13/091002010146 166 Panna Panna

      106. Jhirata 13/9/2/211 13/091002010211 415 Panna Panna K

      107. Kachha 13/9/2/134 13/091002010134 148 Panna Panna

      108. Kaimasan 13/9/2/133 13/091002010133 144 Panna Panna

      109. Kalyanpur 13/9/2/121 13/0910020/0121 137 Panna Panna

      110. Kandawaha 13/9121147 13/09/0020/0147 167 Panna Panna

      111. Karahiya 13/9/2/173 13/0910020/0173 444 Panna Panna

      112. Karola 13/9/2/59 13/0910020/0059 56 Panna Panna

      113. Karondi 13/9/2/54 13/091002010054 51 Panna Panna

      114 Karri 13/9/2/30 13/09/0020/0030 30 Panna Panna

      115. Kathari Bilhata 13/9/2/10 13/09/0020/0010 8 Panna Panna 191


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S_No Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil

      116. Katriya 13/9/2/129 13/0910020/0129 153 Panna Panna

      117. Khajuri 13/9/2/35 13/091002010035 34 Panna Panna

      118. Khamariya 13/9/2/101 13/09/002010101 103 Panna Panna

      119. Khapataha 13/9/2/179 13/0910020/0179 387 Panna Panna

      120. Kharguwan 13/9/2/107 13/09/002010107 125 Panna Panna

      121. Khirwa 13/912/49 13/0910020/0049 46 Panna Panna

      122. Khonchiupka 13/9/2/135 13/09/0020/0135 145 Panna Panna -

      123. Kohni 13/912/153 13/09/0020/0153 269 Panna Panna

      124. Koni 13/9/2/11 13/09/0020/0011 169 Panna Panna

      125. Kota Muhli 13/912/137 13/091002010137 147 Panna Panna

      126_ Kothitola 13/9/2/76 13/09/0020/0076 75 Panna Panna

      127. Kotwalipur 13/9/2/31 13/0910020/0031 31 Panna Panna

      128. Krishnakalyanpur 1319/21114 1310910020/0114 129 Panna Panna

      129. Kudakpur 1319/2/84 13/0910020/0084 84 Panna Panna

      130. Kudan 13/9/2/145 13/0910020/0145 160 Panna Panna

      131_ Kudar 13/912/29 13/0910020/0029 29 Panna Panna

      132. Kidari 13/9/2/32 13/0910020/0032 32 Panna Panna

      133. Kudraiya 13/9/2/36 13/091002010036 26 Panna Panna

      134. Kulhuwa 13/9/2/160 13/0910020/0160 361 Panna Panna

      135. Kunwarpur 13/9/2/67 13/091002010067 63 Panna Panna l

      136. Lalar 13/91211 13/091002010001 Panna Panna

      137. Laxmipur 13/9121115 13/09/0020/0115 131 Panna Panna

      138. Luchgawanbarachh 13/9/2/155 13/09/0020/0155 268 Panna Panna

      139. Luharhai 13/9/2/85 13/09/0020/0085 86 Panna Panna 192


      1991 Cellsus 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil


      14(;. Madaiya 13/9/2/23 13(091002010023 15 Panna Panna

      141. Madhoi 13/9/2(197 13/09/0020/0197 120 Panna Panna

      142. Madia 13/912/24 13/0910020/0024 11 Panna Panna

      143. Malra 13/9/2/46 13/09/0020/0046 43 Panna Panna

      144. MaJhgawan Charkhan 13/9/2/142 13/0910020/0142 164 Panna Panna

      145 Majhgawan Panna 13/9/21141 13/09/0020101 d 1 163 Panna Danna

      146. Majholi 13/9/2/13 13/0910020/0013 171 Panna Panna

      147. Makari Kuthar 13/9/2/191 13/09/0020/0191 121 Panna Panna

      148 Makhra 13/9/2/169 13/09/0020/0169 371 Panna Panna

      149. Manjha 13/9/2/37 13/0910020/0037 27 Panna Panna

      150. Manki 13/912/130 13/0910020/0130 154 Panna Panna

      15',. Manor 13/912/20 1 3/09/002010020 23 Panna Panna

      152. Mathll 13/9/2/108 13/09/0020/0108 124 Panna Panna

      153. Mihguwan 13/9/2/18 13/0910020/0018 24 Panna Panna

      154. Mohanpura 13/9/2/165 13/0910020/0165 366 Panna Panna

      155. Murachh 13/9/2/166 13/09/002010166 367 Panna Panna

      156. Mutwa Kalan 13/9/2J196 13/09J0020/0 196 113 Panna Panna N

      157. Nahn 13/9/2/16 13/0910020/0016 19 Panna Panna

      158. Nalgawan (Chaublyan) 13/9/2/78 13/091002010078 73 Panna Panna

      159 Nalguwan 13/9/2177 13/09J002010077 74 Panna Panna

      160. Nunahl 13/9/2J212 13/09/002010212 414 Panna Panna p

      161. Pahadl Khera 13/9/2/86 13/091002010086 88 Panna Panna 193


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil

      162. Paharuwa 13/9/2/50 13/09/0020/0050 47 Panna Panna

      163. Pali 13/912/47 13/09/002010047 44 Panna Panna

      164. Palthara 13/9/2/41 13/091002010041 38 Panna Panna

      165. Panari 13/9/2/61 13/091002010061 58 Panna Panna

      166. Pannagird 13/9/2/125 13/09/0020/0125 140 Panna Panna

      167. Patha 13/912/40 13/091002010040 37 Panna Panna

      168 Pathariya 13/9/2/64 13/0910020/0064 60 Panna Panna

      169. Pati (8ajariya) 13/9/2/120 13/0910020/0120 138 Panna Panna

      170. Patiya 13/9/2/222 13/0910020/0222 426 Panna Panna

      171. Phuldari 13/9/2/203 13/091002010203 407 Panna Panna

      172. Phulwari 13/9/2/204 13/091002010204 404 Panna Panna

      173. Pipariya 13/9/2/206 13/0910020/0206 408 Panna Panna

      174. Pipartola 13/9/2/2 13/0910020/0002 3 Panna Panna

      175. Pipri 13/912/154 13/0910020/0154 270 Panna Panna

      176. Pukhra 13/9/2/92 13/0910020/0092 94 Panna Panna

      177. Puraina (Devendrnagar) 13/9/2/216 13/0910020/0216 419 Panna Panna

      178. Purushottampur 13/9/2/122 13/0910020/0122 135 Panna Panna


      179. Rahuniya 13/9/2/44 13/0910020/0044 41 Panna Panna

      180. Raigarh 13/9/2/219 13/091002010219 422 Panna Panna

      181. Raipani 13/9/2/51 13/0910020/0051 48 Panna Panna

      182. Rajapur 13/9/2/198 13/09/002010198 400 Panna Panna

      183. Rakseha 13/9/2/109 13/09/0020/0109 123 Panna Panna

      184. Ramkhiriya 13/9/2/68 13/091002010068 64 Panna Panna

      185. Rampura 13/9/2/192 13/0910020/0192 119 Panna Panna

      187. Ranipur 13/9/2/168 13/0910020/0168 370 Panna Panna , 194


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village LocatIOn Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Narr,e

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block

      Panna Tahsil

      188. Ranwaha 13/9/2/159 13/09/0020/0159 360 Panna Panna

      189 Ratgawan 13/9/2/200 13/09/0020/0200 402 Panna Panna


      190. Sakariya 13/9/2/186 13/09/0020/0186 111 Panna Panna

      191 Sakra 13/9/2/8 13/09/0020/0008 6 Panna Panna

      192. Salaiya 13/9/2/66 13/09/002010066 62 Panna Panna

      193. Samana 13/9/2/167 13/091002010167 368 Panna Panna

      194. Sarangpur 13/9/2/103 13/09/0020/0103 105 Panna Panna

      195 Sarkoha 13/9/2/38 13/0910020/0038 35 Panna Panna

      196. Shahpur 13/9/2/99 13/09/0020/0099 99 Panna Panna

      197 Shahpura 13/9/2/74 13/09/0020/0074 69 Panna Panna

      198 Shankarpur 13/9/2/70 13/09/0020/0070 66 Panna Panna

      199 SlldharCl 13/9/2/73 13/09/0020/0073 70 Panna Panna

      200. Sllgl 13/9/2/223 13/09/0020/0223 425 Panna Panna

      201. Siman Dube 13/9/2/183 13/09/0020/0183 398 Panna Panna

      202 Siman Balshya 13/9/2/202 13/09/002010202 406 Panna Panna

      203. Simanya 13/9/2/58 13/0910020/0058 55 Panna Panna

      204. Simra 13/912/39 13/0910020/0039 36 Panna Panna

      205. Singhpur 13/9/2/65 13/0910020/0065 61 Panna Panna

      206 Sirswaha 13/9/2/55 13/0910020/0055 52 Panna Panna

      207 Sonal 13/9/2/187 13/09/0020/0187 109 Panna Panna

      208. Sukwaha Kalan 13/9/2/98 13/09/0020/0098 100 Panna Panna

      209. Sunara 13/9/2/123 13/091002010123 139 Panna Panna

      21 L. Sundara 13/9/2/205 13/09/0020/0205 403 Panna Panna

      211 SuralPura 13/9/2/3 13/09/0020/0003 2 Panna Panna 195


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S.No Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Panna C.D. Block Panna Tahsil T

      212. Talgaon 13/9/2/140 13/091002010140 161 Panna Panna

      213. Tara 13/912/148 13/09/0020/0148 168 Panna Panna

      214. Tilguwan 13/9/2/117 13/091002010117 132 Panna Panna


      215. Udaipur 13/912/71 13/091002010071 68 Panna Panna

      21(· Udk, 13/912/113 13109/002010113 126 Panna Panna

      217. Umari 13/9/2/82 13/091002010082 78 Panna Panna

      218. Umarjhala 13/9/2/105 13/09/002010105 107 Panna Panna

      219. Umarjhala 13/9J2/128 13/09J0020/0128 149 Panna Panna

      220. Umrawan 13/9/2/27 13/09/0020/0027 14 Panna Panna

      221. Untan 13/9/2/176 13/09/002010176 383 Panna Panna V

      222. Vikrampur Kalan 13/9/21118 13/091002010118 134 Panna Panna

      223. Vikrampur 13/9/2/194 13/09/0020/0194 116 Panna Panna 196 lWJ -PtJ'~ICfiI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ \jq4l41

      '3'TMiU ~ -~ (* WI' 'if ~ ~ "'itT t ill ~ 'if ( - ) til FrllTQT 1Tl<1t3fu:~ ~tt ~~WI'il~~'l'{ ~~t ~

      . \lllc·llItlc" ,'\\';III"hlc (If not "\\'",I"hl~ within the Village, a d;L,h (-) i., ,hown III the colunll and nc>.i 10 il III hrackets, the distance in hroad ranges viz. - 5 kms.

      5·10 kills & 10+ kills of th~ ncar~st place wher.: the facility is ;11';lIlahk, IS


      Wl CfoT 1W! CfoT WlCfoT


      ~ 338(1.02 934(176) P - (5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10)

      2 q)q

      3 ~ 392.01 119 (25) -(5-10) -(5-10) HP,N -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      4 1f1T3'i 2457.52 51(13) -(-5) -(10+) N -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

      5 ~qmi 2805,61 94(27) P -(5-10) W -( 10+) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      6 'l1SR~.., 1179,51 ~

      7 'Wcl\' ~ 3282.43 Hi-l(28) P -(5-10) W -(10+) -(5-10) -(5- 10)

      8 ~ 275.19

      9 ~ 634.36

      10 ~ f.tcl'm 1533.50 293(63) P -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

      11 CJM) 949,51 375(64) -(5-10) -(10+) Vl,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

      12 mt 315.26

      13 ~",< ,. 700.10 161 (28) -(5-10) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 197 YILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (3148 ~ ~

      WI :m. ~) ~ (mm~ ~ ~) "\prroach Neare~t Power Forest Irregated lInirr- Culturable Ar~a not Name of village to Town and ,upply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation


      II Ii Ij 14 15 16 Ii Is 2

      "'-'R-IO PalUla45 1036.03 W(34.16) 316.41 395.05 159S.37 Lalar

      KR-lO Panna 40 89.86 76.64 214.83 630.S9 Pipartola

      KR-12 Panna 42 1115.25 55.18 6.17 225.41 Surajpura

      KR -8 Panna 46 0.10 61.44 10.06 2385.92 Gagau

      KR-1O PatUla41 1358.67 W(6.52) 130.59 231.07 1078.76 Badgadi Kalan

      Uninhabited 113-t46 27.08 17.97 Bhadar Kushmani

      KR-JO Pamm 42 207066 63.93 99.9.1 1047.90 nlalar Khamariya

      Uninhabited 130.8-l 12'()9 27.73 104.53 Sakra

      Uninhabited 614.13 20.23 lmaliya

      KR-JO Panna 42 1328.19 105.71 &8.59 lUll Kathari Bilhata

      KR-IO Panna 63 632.56 35.73 251.74 29.48 Koni

      . Uninhabited 182.11 40.76 91.12 1.27 Dondi

      KR-IO PannaG3 643.99 27.44 16.23 12.44 Majholi 198 "IDlJ Pt~1l1 Chi \Wf ~~ ~ ~ \jq4)~1

      ~ 01'l - ~ ("iifu '!lIlJ 1¥ ~ "3"'l'M1 it ~ ~ 'R

      5-1 U "Ill' & 10+ killS of the ncarest pla~e where the fa~tlity IS availahk i,


      '!lIlJ<'f.T'!['l '!['l~ wlllfilTcf;" ~ ~<'f.T SJ'Cfo'3h 'I'1"TlR/mc <'f.T


      14 ~ 267.54 192(30) P -(5-10) W.HP,C -(S-IO) -( 10+) -(5-lO)

      15 1m1T 164.14 307(54) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      . 16 ~ 145.79 189(24) -(-5) -(-5) W.HP,t -(-S) -( 10+) -(-5)

      17 ~ 333.2lJ c1RA

      18 ~ 458.62 c1RA

      19 ~ 11.95 66( II) -(5-10) -(5-10) \V,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      20 ..,.m 1099.()X 490(121) P -(-5) W.HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      21 ita G7.SG 350(81) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(S-IO) -(5-10)

      22 ~~ 75.17 c1RA

      23 $ 72.(iJ- 164.30 -(10+) -(10+) W,HP -(lO+) -(10+) -(10+)

      24 ~ 464.14 17H(3G7) P.M PHC W,HP,C PO'pHONE FRl BS

      25 ~~ 405.78 cfuf.J

      26 ~ 252.60 1130(l93) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -(-5) BS

      27 "31RJ'CFI' 44.00 170(33) -(10+) -(10+) w,HP -(lO+) -(-5) -(10+) 199 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (3148 'lfB ~ q';j ~ ~ ~ er.r ~ -it ~ ~ of;

      ~"'1'1T1: ~ ~6m -,h:~ ~~fM ~~~ 1JT'f

      11 Ii Ij 14 15 [i) [7 [s i

      KR-16 Panna 21 R(lS.S5) 27.01 95.83 125.85 Bagonha

      KR-12 Pmma 30 15.88 WE (15.99) 27.16 87.4U 17.71 Harsa

      KR-5 Panna 21 EA WE (9.26) 36.4D 29.73 60.4{) Nahri R(lll.OO) Uninhabited 323.90 lI23 1.l(J Basariya

      Uninhabited -t43.13 IU~8 I.lll Mihguwan

      PR-O Panna 8 8.45 3.50 Bakchur

      PR-O Panna 3 918.89 73.45 lI5.17 21.57 Manor

      KR-3 Panna 8 40.03 19.57 7.% Darera

      Uninhabited 15.16 57.50 2.51 Bandhi Khurd

      KR-3 Palma 8 26.67 37.22 8.77 Madaiya

      PR-O PcllUl£l 20 EA 7.89 WE(30.00), 73.81 151.70 176.-W MadIa R(24.30) Uninhabited 309.79 95.99 Babupur Kalan

      PR-O Pmma-25 EA 120.27 106.70 25.63 Hinota

      PR--4) Panna 10 17.43 24.88 1.69 Umraw;)n 200 lJT1J f.l{~ICflI ~ ~~ ~ ~ \3q~.1

      1TllT~,*,~"ilKtt ~11'lJT'lir~~'l1: ~~~ ~ em 'R "" ~ tWIT ~ 'J'fiT( ~ cfiI ~ ~ -sf

      \1110nltl<" A\'atl.lhlc (if not .-l.l'allahl< within th" Village ..1 d

      given.) l)1ll

      28 "ffiIR 17.98

      29 ~ 681.52 685(135) -(-5) -(U}t) W,HP -(-5) -(lU+) -(W+)


      31 cfi)dql('jl~{ 99.21 101(18) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(U}t)

      32 ~ 50-t46 39(14) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

      33 ~fi 673.57 823(157) P -(10+) W,HP PTO -(10+) BS

      34 ~ 1997.64 316(57) P -(10+) HP,F -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      35._ ~ 402.87 381(70) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) '"

      36 ~ 435.10 2(2) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      37 .mrr 49.63 145(30) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      38 mcilm 635.92 68(17) -(-5) -(1M) WF -(5-1O) -(10+) -(-5)

      39 mr 288.50 45(11) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-1O)

      40 "!ffi5T 176.85 341(66) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-1O) -(10+) -(5-IO)

      41 ~m 66.10 54(12) -(-5) -(5-1O) HP -(5-10) -( 1()+) -(5-IO) 201 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land lise

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ LalllllJs~ (3f'1R 'flB ~

      WlMo ~-;;m: ~ ~1mf

      II I~ [j I~ 15 16 17 Is ~ Uninhabited 5.73 9.74 2.51 Chhapar

      PR-O Panna j I ED ~93 73 mA2 37.54 le).S3 Kudar

      FP-5 PannaS 294.20 S.24 0.S7 Karri

      FP-5 PalUla 11 () 55 39.14 47.34 G.lg Kotwalipur

      PR-O Panna 9 50t08 0.38 Kudari

      PR.. O Panna 11 ED 14.99 130.(x) 166,15 362.37 Dahlan Chauki

      KR-9 Parma 11 1310.20 PC (12.87) 75,91 221.02 377.64 Rmupur

      KR-5 Panna II 142 ()7 1]5.99 110.77 13.44 K111Uuri

      FP-3 Panna 18 ·H794 15.97 l.ll) Kudmiya

      PR-i' Panna 25 20.n 2S,O& 003 Manjha

      KR-IO PalUlaG -U)J57 PC(7.51) 24.GI 30.29 109.9~ Sarkoha

      KR·6 Panna 6 %.94 30.67 40.77 l2().12 Simm

      KR-8 Panna IS W(4.00) 81.13 79.23 12.-W Patha

      KR-8 Panna 28 IIG3 26.05 24.89 3.53 Pal(ilam 202 "IDlJ f.lif~ICfiI ~ ~~ ~ ~ \jq41

      "3'T<'f'U ;;vr - "ijfu~ ~ lJ'Tl1 'il ~ "3'T<'f'U <;ijj' t ill ~ 'il ( - ) "fiT WJJm wrr t ~ m 'ITO t\ ~ ~ lJT"1 iI ~ 'J!I '1< Wt~"3'T<'f'U i .w~'1

      \1ll"llItl~' \\adahk (Ifnnt :\\'.ul.lhle IIlthll1 the \·lil.lg~. a d.lSh (-) I' ,holl'n 111 Ih~ coluilln .lI1d nc\1 to it lI1.hl ackch. Ih~ ''',taIKe 111 hro.ld range, III - 5 1..111'. )·10 !.-nh &IU+ !.-ms of the :leMest pl.llce where the tacdity " a","lahk. is


      \Jl11 q;J \Jl11 q;r -iTalfilrf; ~ ~'fiT SJCf,"~ -;;n-;;m:/mc 'fiT

      ) 8

      -t2 ~ 20895 I I 1(18) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      43 ¥IR 288.75 175(32) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(H}+) -(5- 10)

      -t4 ~ 41J32 241(44) P -(Hl+) W,HP -( 10+) -( J(l+) -( J(l+)

      45 ~ 209.10 76(16) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-Ill) -(5-1ll)

      46 "4rr 1-tr,7.91

      47 -q-rffi 43.38 88(15) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(10+) -( I(}+) -( 10+)

      48 ~ 27.()1

      49 ffcRcIT 412.99 309(57) -(-5) -(1(}+) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      ~ ~ 7f'iJ

      51 ~ -UJl.49

      52 \pf(fiT 195.51 173(29) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      53 ~ 323.08 338(78) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      54 ~ 31 (I> <1Rrr

      55 ~ 199.27 829( 130) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 203 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (M

      1Jlif ~ ~"'fIT{ ~ "if'1 m&m m~ ~cr.~ ~cr.~ mil CJiT "lf1l ~CfoT '0f"311'f.l~


      Approach N ~ar~~t Power ror .."t Irreg.lted Unirr· ,"'ulturahle Area not Name of \'illag~ to Town dnd supply hy Igated \\'a,t.: Availahle Village D"tance Sources (Illduding for (in kim) gauchar & CultivatIOn groves

      II 12 [j I~ b Ii) 17 IR 2

      KR~ Pann:1 X nl)50 \v(201)) 31.09 1453 4)(1 Gud~!ha

      FP-lO PaIma 16 37.11 W(O 90) 59.84 177.49 13.41 Gtyar

      FP-1O Panna 30 6389 76.48 2W66 2329 Rahuniya

      KR-9 P3IUla26 176.63 39.55 .t6.73 6.19 BangIa

      Uninhabited 929.42 321.41 217.08 Maim

      FP-I Panna 27 17.95 23.Hl 2.25 Pali

      Uninhabited () 5') 2(,J),) lU3 Bij\\(lm

      KR-3 Panna 26 22.61 W(1160) 90.89 2ll-Ul2 8).87 Khirwa

      Uninhabited 7.()5 Pllaruwa

      Uninhabited 177.26 13.57 2GO.20 9.46 Raipani

      KR-5 Panna 25 158.40 1R01 9.30 9.80 Bhamka

      FP-5 Palma 23 ED 81.51 W(9.00) 140.62 40.&', 5l.09 Dharampur

      Uninhabited 20.00 8.15 151 Karondi

      KR-5 Panna 30 ED W(O.80) 114.63 (,<).00 14.~ Sirswaha 204 1JT1J - ~J~I Chi \JR ~~ ~ ~ \3q41~1

      "3'RR ill< 'R q]':" <0

      \I1ICI1I11,·' Avail.lhk 111'11"1 .\v.1I1.lhk "'llhlll the \,ll.lgC ..1 d."h (-)" ,h01111111 tl(~' u)iUtlIll and n~.\t \,) It III hl.td\'d~. the dl"talh:1! III hro.ltl r,mgc.!s \1/ - 5 i...1l1 .....

      '·11) '"'' &J()+ "Ill' 01 Ih,' 110.110\t 1'1:,,0 "hac the '''''tiltl' " RI',"I.lbk "

      gl\ 1!1l.)

      Lllcatlon Namc.! 01 Total Ar~a Total Popu­ [duc'atlon I\kdical Dnllh.lng Post & D.IY or Commullation Cod~ of Village of the latIOn and water Tckgrrh days or (8u, Stop Rail Vill.'!;e \,illdge (Ill ;\umba of (Pot ah Ie) th~ I\larket way Station Hect.lre,) hou,cholLh 1I.1t. If all) Water WdY)

      ) g

      56 ~ 191.60 .f3(8) -(-5) -(SolO) HP -(SolO) -(SolO) -(5-10)

      57 ~'W 217.0G 5.f8(lOg) P -(5-10) W.HP PO -(5-IU) BS

      58 ~ 86.31 1O.f(lS) P -(5-lO) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      59 ~ 1314.39 clt<:R

      60 ~ 19.49 clt<:R

      61 1RTft 1293.71 135(29) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-Ill)

      62 'P"lcllHlll 75.73 122(21) P -(5-10) W.HP -(5- 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      63 ~ 559.71 clt<:R

      64 ~ 851.58 clt<:R

      65 ~ IG9.GI ()3(lO) -(-5) -(5- 10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      66 ~ 753.52 clt<:R

      67 ~ 1086.12 J(XI(22) -( -5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      68 ("1~R'41 408.86 718(141) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

      69 ~ X7()(X) 5\'1(102) P -(-5) WHP -( -5) -( -5) -(oS) 205 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      '!fi'!~ Lanli Usc (314B ~ "J'T1i'm



      II 12 13 1-1- 15 16 17 18 2

      KR-l Panna 20 122.51 5612 12.97 Akla

      PR-O Panna 24 46.64- W(500) 3l.oo 68.82 65.60 Badgadi Khurd

      KR-3 Panna 38 25.87 50.21 5.54 4.69 Simariya

      Uninhabited 1313.09 0.30 UXl Karola

      Uninhabited 5.10 14.39 ChoprJ

      KR-6 Panna 39 1197.30 26.94 59.22 10.25 P,lllari

      KR-6 Pallll:l 37 37.38- ]O..fl 7.94 Imloniya

      Uninhabited 529.46 18.21 12.04 Damchuwa

      Uninhabited -1-8.29 79-+26 9.03 Pathariya

      KR-6 Palma 35 114.42 18.m 23.87 13.32 Singhpur

      Uninhabited 144.16 (,(.)333 6.03 Salaiya

      KR-3 PalUla 28 483.8 W(5J9) 113.90 49.05 433.94 Kunwarpur

      FP-4 PmUla28 EA 4.36 295.83 73.94 __ 34.73 Ramkhiriya

      FP-4 PatUla 30 336.32 177.75 31lJ(, 44.57 Gahra 206 lJPf ~~ICfiI ~ ~ ~ ~ aq4).1

      "3'«00 iiR-~ (1& wpt ~ ~ ~ hit ~"ij ( -)"hi ~ lFllt*,~ ~~ ~~l,Wr~~~'l< ~~~ -m?: ifu: 'l< qo~

      given.) 1Jl1'I Cf.! 1Jl1'I Cf.! 'lJ'fI'ICf.!'!iM '!iM~ ~~ ~ ~Cf.! ~*' ~/mcq;r *m:~ ~ ~ ~ ~'lWrrUcf.T "!:!At em m-/ci'im- ('iI'tr\'CT'l'.~ m"l'. (~~) ~ ~

      70 ~ 129.74

      71 ~ 33-L35 9(1) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      72 ~~ 556.36 8>(17) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      73 Rrntm 926.30 1373(249) P -(-5) W,TK,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      74 ~ 340.72 450(69) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      75 ~ 182.40 140(27) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      76 q))61ih11 388.92 319(62) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      77 ~ 276.(X)

      78 ~ (~) 72.44 298(50) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      79 m 449.60 805(147) P -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5)

      &) ~ (~) 405.54 220.37 -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      81 ~ 236.66 496(86) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      82 ~ 359.83 890(162) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      83 ~ 357.31 4lXJ(73) -(-5) -(-5) W,Hf -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 207 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~~~

      WfMo ~';{71( ~ milRT mfuf.rn mt;f;~ mt;f;~ lJI+f Cf,T ';'jJ'I:{ ~Cf,T ~~~

      • grovc!~.

      II I~ D I4 b l(j 17 !8 2 Uninhabited 120.44 no 2.10 Shankarpur

      FP-7 Panna 33 76.23 48.64 193.29 16.19 Udaiypur

      KR-5 Panna 39 ill 216.58 72.29 236.72 30.77 Jaruwa Kheda

      KR-5 PalUla 28 ill 114.87 W(3.36) 257.92 327.76 222.39 Sildhara

      KR-5 Panna 45 164.87 143.68 32.17 Shahpura

      KR-5 Panna 45 13.63 78.99 62.72 7.llG Jhanda

      KR-5 Panna 45 W(8.07) 247.32 113.40 20.13 Kothitola

      Uninhabited 81.81 155.21 39.58 Naigawan

      KR-5 Panna 44 W(3.92) 43.(X) 13.1X1 11.62 Naigawan (Chaubiyan) KR-5 Panna 45 EDEO 148.35 W(4.65) 213.08 61.18 22.34 Diya

      KR-5 Panna 45 236.45 91.39 77.70 Hardwahi (Bhaw,mipur) KR.Q Panna 46 ID 214.32 2.76 19.58 Janmnha

      KR.Q Panna 46 - GC(178.64) 125.15 19.24 36.80 Umari

      KR.Q Panna 46 GC(48.44) 197.55 86.41 24.91 Bhawanipur 208 -wr PtifrllCflI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ aqq-'hl

      ~m-~ (*1JFi"fi~~~tm~1f (-jfij(1lJTQJ 1TlIT t 3rt< '31lIi'; ~ tI ~ ~ 1JFi ~ ~ ~ 'R ~ ~ t -i!rt oR 'R ~ ~ ~ ~ %'R' ~

      All1el1ltl~' AI'allahle (if not Availahlc within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the COIUIlU1 and Ilc:\1 to It 111 brackets, the distanw 111 hroad ranges viz. - 5 kills, 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available, is


      W'f Cfi1 lWI Cfi1 1JFiCfi1"!F' "!F'~ ~~ ~ ~Cfi1 ~3ffi" lII\i'IR'/mc Cfi1 tr.m: 'C!J'lINT ~ ';jJ+f ~ ~~~ 'lAt

      2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      84 ~ 424.60 446(68) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      85 ~ 304.11} 703(151) P -(-5) W,W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      86 ~~ 550.50 1738(349) P.M H,FPC W,HP ro SAT, BS

      87 ~ 142.94 263(48) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      88 ~ 341.11 426(77) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      89 ~ 1784.06 856(178) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      90 ~ 243.74 2146(413) P,MH H T,W,HP PO,PHONE MON, BS

      91 ~ 715M 388(79) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      92 ~ 125,68 60(14) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      93 ~ 411.44 778(161) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      94 ~ 3%.46 530(106) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      95 ~ (tRtnt) 224.22 612(110) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      96 ll"\i'PfT 375.39 660(122) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      97 ~ 211.58 206(37) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS 209 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (31ll1l (f

      II I:! I~ 14 13 Ii) 17 IS 1 KR-5 Panna 38 38.63 239.40 14.34 132.23 Kudakpur

      PR-O Panna 43 ID 14.35 217.94 19.01 52.89 Luharhai

      PR-O Panna 40 ID 270.08 98.l6 182.26 Pahadi Khera

      PR-O Panna 40 99.79 18.39 24.76 Itaum

      PR-O PalUm 35 ID 146.34 19.78 174.99 Hirdpur

      PR-O Panna 45 ID 294.61 602.05 224.20 663.20 Bhasuda

      PR-O Panna 25 ID 4.98 R(3.87) 121.18 19.18 94.53 Brijpur

      PR-O Panna 24 ID R(24.41) 148.19 137.51 405.53 Hatupur

      PR-O Panna 30 22.13 93.24 10.31 Pukhrn

      PR-O Panna 30 ID 1K(36.72) 57.92 230.47 86.33 Damchuwa

      PR-O PalUm26 ID R(40.88) 191.46 121.49 42.63 Dlmnoja

      PR-O Panna 30 ED,EAG R(46.29) 127.95 25.12 24.86 Dhardtnpur (Dhanoja) PR-O Panna 30 247.46 96.43 3qO Gajna

      PR-O Panna 29 R(lB5) 112.47 . G359 21.57 Badem 210 TPf PtCfI1ICfiI ~~~~Jq4}.1

      ~ 'fFI-~ (~ 1)Iif ;f ~ "J'«'IiU;jtf t mCfiR'Ilf;f ( - ) "hi (;'1JIln lJllT t 3ffi: ~ OIR tt ~ ~ l)lIf it ~ ~ 'Ii{ ~ ~ f * oR 'Ii{



      98 ~qmf 58.30 85 (16) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      99 ~ 11S.S3 334 (73) -(-S) -(-S) W,HP -(-S) -(-S) -(-S)

      100 ~'3lt ~ 4OS.57 478 (86) -(-S) -(-S) W,HP -(-S) -(-5) -(-5)

      101 ~ 128.23

      102 .~ 410.56 610 (117) P -(-S-lO) W,TK,HP -(-S-10) -(-S-1O) -(-S)

      103 ~ 269.33 203 (33) P -(-5-10) W -(-S) -(-S-1O) BS

      104 ~ 762.03 1645 (319) P(2),M -(10+) W,TK,HP ro -(10+) BS

      105 3f({$Ilcll 3OS.25

      106 ~'{Cfffi 36S3.71 1528(257) P,M -(10+) W,HP ro -(10+) BS

      107 ~ 788.l0

      108 ~ 182.97 379(60) P -(-S) W,HP -(-S) -(10+) -(-S)

      109 ~ 568.66 753 (146) P,M,PUC H W,HP ro -(10+) BS

      110 ~ 461.86 1126 (206) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS

      111 ~ 260.38 496 (94) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) (~) 211 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      'jfi1~ Land Usc (3f'4fu ?r~q';t~~~ ffiI~~~~~~ mtflfi) (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      ~~~ ~~ (~ 3ffi ~ m) Approa"h Nearest Power Fores! Irregated Unirr­ Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves 11 12 13 14 b 16 17 18 2 PR-O Panna 31 39.99 12.02 6.29 Sukwaha Kalan

      KR-O Panna 30 68.46 39.18 8.29 Shahpur

      KR4 Panna 19 163.44 124.81 75.00 42.32 Babupur Alias Rajapur Uninhabited 119.39 4.00 2.07 2.77 Kharnariya

      KR-3 Panna 15 EA 139.29 TK(65.30) 41.51 100.74 63.72 lamunhai

      PR-O Panna 18 ID W(31.l0) 57.00 166.99 14.24 Sarangpur

      PR-O Panna 18 EA W(30.IO) 524.00 134.37 73.56 Ahirguwan

      Uninhabited 1:20 304.05 Ummjhala

      PR-O Panna 19 EA 1656.66 W(30.lJO), 908.47 669.66 385.64- ltwaKhas 0(3.28) Uninhabited 100.27 662.96 24.87 Karguwan

      KR-5 Panna 20 74.29 96.95 11.63 Mathli.

      PR-O Panna 15 ID 54.24 487.35 27.07 Rakseha

      PR-O Panna 15 ID 247.36 174.74 39.76 Bilkhura

      KR-2 Panna 15 ID 206.17 34.45 19.76 Billia (BiIkhura) 212 lJ11f -~(f~lctil \TFf ~ ~ ~ Jq~"1

      ~'\Tf"I-~ ("iifbmil~~"'liitm'?,f;ffilfil (-j'hTW1JtIT <1'11~3IT<~ ~tt ~i¥"W1it~~tR ~~! -.TIt mr -q( ~ ~ -wrr w wm: ~ qij 11t t -sfcl;fit. S -10. fcI;fit.


      Wf 'fiT Wf 'fiT Wl'fiT<§R <§R~ :UeM ~ ~q;r Sl


      112 ~3rr (~) 218.39 791 (156) P(2) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS

      113 ~ 108.89 353 (70) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS

      114 wwrr

      115 \1~ 381.36 663 (121) P -(5-10) W,HP PO,PHONE -(5-10) BS

      116 ~ 143.03 l36 (21) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      117 ~ 1650.27 1673 (305) P(2),M -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      116 ~ ~ 132.97 246(35) P -(10+) HP,N -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      119 ~ 832.29 1498(292) P(2) -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) BS

      120 W (~) 474.15 370(66) p -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)


      Panna C. D. Block

      'l!'1~ Land Usc (3f>ffif~~


      KR-2 Panna 18 ED,EAG WE(lO.OO), 1Ol.94 100.20 15.26 Krishna 0(10.70) Kalyanpur

      PR-O Panna 10 ED,EAG 94.34 WE(28.18), 92.72 24.72 70.40 LaxmipJf GC(60.00), O(Il.oo)

      FP-3 Panna 9 GC(22.oo), 64 ..50 19.35 9.43 Amhai 0(27.75)

      KR-l Palma 8 EA 421.35 WE(10.90), 215.45 216.33 648.24 Tilguwan GC(120.00),

      , ' ~ 0(18.00)

      KR4 Panna 15 54.% 35.31 42.70 Vikrnmpur Kalan PR-O Panna 5 FD,EAG WE(24.60), 355.Q7 331.38 4l.24 Jankpur GC(80.00)

      KR-5 Panna 10 176.73 WE(20.l7), 82.21 136.99 16.05 Pati (Bajariya) 0(42.00) KR-5 Panna 10 W(5.30). 21.81 7.23 5.34 KalYdnpur O(l).(Xl) 214 m1J ~?I1ICfiI \iFf ~ 1{Ci ~ '3qli}~1

      ~~-~ (l&~"Jl~~~tiil~"Jl (-)tiiM1ll'lT 7J

      Amenities Available (if not Availabk within the Village, a dash (-) is ShO\\11 in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kms & 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available. is

      given.) .


      607(129) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      123 -wrm 992.43 818(161) P(2) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5)

      124 ~ 934.28 624(106) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      125 -q;:;:rr 11'r€ 8094.43

      126 ~ 2789.39 580(120) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      127 ~ 568.88 620(134) p -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      128 J*l{$llcll 454.99 -clIwr

      129 .~ 601.12 137 (25) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      130 ~ 739.19 479(%) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      131 ~ 980.00 165 (28) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      132 ~n.ncrr (~) 1506.78 850(174) P -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

      133 ~ 516.tX.l 39(3) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) BS 215 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~cm~~cf;~~~~~cf;~ mi'fi'l)) (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      W'1i'fi'1) ~";j1"]1 ~ mmu mf@ffi ~cf;~ ~cf;~ WiT CfiT"'fIl'I ~CfiT ~~~

      II 12 I~ 14 13 11) 17 m 2 KR-l PaIma 3 EDEAG WE(16.00», 6.90 38.87 620.16 Purushttampur .GC((:'O.OO)

      KR4 Panna 10 EDEAG 120.92 WE(7.02), 226.57 20.59 577.33 Sunara GC(40.00)

      KR-l Panna 5 ill 425.37 W(S.21) 102.72 184.28 213.70 Jaruwapur

      Uninhabited 1779.34 0(389.59) 478.54 1671.37 3775.59 Panna Gird

      KR4 Panna 5 ill 2252.54 214.

      KR-l Panna 10 290.80 W(lOO), 39.77 126.88 95.10 Bador 0(13.33)

      Uninhabited 327.46 127.53 Umar Jllala

      KR-4 Panna 10 345.78 33.77 21.93 199.64 Katriya

      KR-3 Panna 13 268.63 92.fJ7 250.19 127.40 Manki

      PR"() Panna 10 8) 780.44 1.79 67.70 130.07 An~hiriya

      Panna 15 FD,EO 842.00 W(14.00) 98.72 491.75 60.31 Jardhova (Indmgarh) PR-O Panna 11 314.03 0(3.71 ) 20.79 91.80 85.67 Kaimassan 216 1JTJf -Pt~IlICflI Wi" ~ ~ ~ \344)41

      ~~-~ (1iffWl~~~:;m*m~~ (-j'hJwmrr lfQTt3W~ ~tT ~~Wl-R~'0'R ~~i ..nt mr 'R ~ '0 ~ ~ 'J'IU\ ~ cf.t llt t -5~.. 5-10. ~.



      134 CfiroT 467.40

      135 (q'i'

      136 ~ 81.98

      137 cnm~ 359.22

      138 31CfiR;rr 1438.21 99 (25) -(5-10) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) BS

      139 ~ 1903.46 108(22) -(5-10) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(ll}t) -(5-10)

      140 ~ 2999.66 380(83) P -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      141 ~ -q;:;:rr 296.75 2745 (517) P,M,PUC PHC T FO WED BS

      142 l1WJq]' ~ 25.42

      143 ~ 1068.93

      144 ~ 454.83 497(97) P -(10+) N -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      145 ~ 98.33 252 (61) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(J(}t) -(10+)

      146 firocT 446.48 c1RR

      147 ~ 39.32

      218 "WJ ~~IlICfiI \iFf ~ ~ ~ 3q4hl

      ~ \i'R -~ ("IM"WT"it ~ ~"iii! i m


      \lFI" Cf;T \lFI" Cf;T mIl"Cf;T'll'" 'll'"~ ~~ ~ ~


      148 om smUG S45( 1(7) P -(10+) \V.HP PO -(10+) -(-5)

      149 ~ 1565.99 3604(652) P,M HW,TK,TW PO -(10+) -(-5)


      151 ~ 599.27 1213(243) p RP W,HP -(5-1O) -(10+) -(5-10)

      152 ~qmj 6014.72 3890(727) P(2),M PHS,D W,HP PO -(10+) BS

      153 ~ 381.38 601(94) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(1O+) -(5-10)

      154 ~ 281.35 457(91) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      155 ~~ 209.84 282(38) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(Hl+) -(-5)

      156 700 (~) 778.22 1171(220) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS

      157 ~ 1505.60 2676(544) P(2),M,PUC H W,HP PO -(10+) BS 219 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      '!fi1~ Lltnd Usc (3P&! '!fi1 ~ ot.T ~ ~

      PR·] Amanganj 12 EDEAG \VE(S.J.t) 351.27 105.0S -t377 Tara

      KR"() Amanganj 13 EA 117.12 WE(17.03), IIS0.48 65.(16 156.30 JharkuW3 O(30'(X» KR·7 Amanganj IS EDEO W(O.42), -t45.79 157.24 71.91 8andhi Kalan GC(92.13), 0(15.60)

      KR-7 Arnanganj 13 ED,EO W(4.30), 515.1X) 13.48 55.64 8arbaspura 0(10.85)

      KR-l Panna 27 EA 4233.66 WE(3.43), 136O.3S 205.15 191.70 ItwanKalan 11«4.00) 0(16.40)

      FP-5 Kakarhati 15 ED 0(3.39) 335.32 9.82 32.85 Kohni

      FP-5 Kakarhati 14 PC(8.%) 215.56 28.41 28.42 Pipri

      FP-5 Kakarhati 14 ED,EAG WE(15.68) 149.81 28.27 16.08 Ludhgawan bamchh PR"() Kakarhati 15 ED,EAG WE(16.10) 542.24 lSO.21 69.67 (laura barbaspur PR"() Kakarhati 12 EA GC(459.50), 612.22 261.96 139.27 8amchh PC(32.65) 220 lJlIT - f.lflil Cfll \iR" ~ ~ ~ aq4)

      ~~-~(i&wpf~~~hlT~1f(-)tiT~ TJ1:ITi3ffi~ 'lRtT ~~W'f~~~'R ~~t -mtmr'l1:~~~ltl %T<~

      AI11~lllti~, Availahle (if not Availahle within the Village, a da.h (-) is shown in the column and nCl>"t to it ill hrackets. the distance 111 hroad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5·10 killS & 10+ kms of the n"arest place ",h"r. the I"c,!tty is availahle, is


      W'fq;r~ ~~

      156 ~ 482.98 167(34) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      159 ~ 562.81 825(160) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      160 ~ 2%.68 551(100) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      161 ~ 416.92 1104(198) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      162 MT 487.84 1298(239) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(1O+) _(_S)

      163 ~ 313.80 302(56) P _(_S) W,HP, -(-5) -(10+) -(-S)

      164 lRrtt 101.54 280(50) P -(5-10) W,HP -(S- 10) -(5-10) -(5- I 0)

      165 ~ 1938.03 437(77) -(-5) _(_S) W,HP _(_S) -(-S) -(-S)

      166 ~ 301.14 670(102) P -(-S) HP -(-5) -(-S) -(-S)

      167 WJRl 534.50 S20(76) P,M -(-S) W,HP ro -(-5) -(-5)

      166 ~ 361.58 801(162) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      169 +rom 109.43 287(65) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      170 ~~ 1126.62 2806(S44) P(2),M -(-5) W,TW Po -(-S) BS 221 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ?r~ Land Usc (3N1a~~c€t~~~aa~~~~~ir m

      1lJlf I' ';fI1'I ~'lf>I' ~~13t

      II Ii I3 Iii 15 It'i I' IS 2

      KR-7 Kakarhati 11 142.41 311.27 29.30 Dhangarh

      KR4 Kakarhati 12 ID 0(22.22) 452.67 62.42 25.50 Ranwaha

      KR-3 Kakarhati 12 ID 0(7.61) 238.34 29.31 2l.42 Kulhuwa

      KR4 Kakarhati 13 ID 0(8.33) 345.09 23.34 40.16 Bakhtari

      KR-5 Kakarhati 12 ID 0(40.83) 391.21 5.79 50.01 Deari

      KR4 Kakarhati13 ID 0(5.42) 245.56 41.78 2t.04 Bhagepur

      KR.{i Kakarhati 7 0(l.69) 84.23 6.33 9.29 Ghatari

      FP-4 Kakarhati5 ID 1313.04 0(8.36) 336.89 222.72 57.02 MohanPura

      FP-5 Kakarhati5 ID 0(22.72) 203.50 53.42 24.50 Murachh

      FP-3 Kakarbati3 ID 0(25.l2) 371.44 89.lXJ 48.88 Samana

      KR4 Kakarhati4 ID 0(24.l5) 292.97 18.70 25.76 Ranipur

      KR4 Kakarhati4 EAG 89.18 3.(Xj 17.19 Makhra

      KR-2 Kakarhati4 EA 54.50 W(6.15), 738.92 186.08 82.l1 Garl1i WE(4.00), Padariya GC(30.45), 0(24.41) 222 "IDlf Ptiftlltfll \iA" ~~ 1{Ci ~ \3q~'hl

      "3'ffiiU "WJ -~ ("Qff W'i :q ~ "3'ffiiU :;m *"ii) W<'JlT"i!i ( - ) hi ('IlI1t!J If!IT t 3fu:"3"tI"Cf. ~ tt ~ ~ lJIlf ~ ~ ~ 'R ~ -;mr;u t ~


      1IJll "'" WI 'fiT

      171 ~ (1$~) 1173.36 1799 (324) p -(.5) W,TW .(.5 ) -(.5 ) .(.5 )

      110.09 179(25) p,AC -(10+) W -(5-10) -(lp) _(5.10)

      173 ~ 264.44 462(83) p,AC -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(lQ) .(5.10)

      174 ~ 217.94 302(45) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(5-1O) -(lQ) .(5.10)

      175 fin:

      176 R;:r &4.82 47(5) -(-5) -(5-10) T -(-5) -(5-10) .(5.10)

      210.65 255(45) P,M -(5-lO) W -(-5) -(5.10) . (5.10 )

      178 ~ 79.12 313(65) -(-5) -(5-lO) W -(-5) -(5-10) . (5.10 + )

      399.76 767(119) P -(10+) w -(-5) -(lO+) -(10 + )

      180 ~ 507.59 557(110) P,M -(10+) w PO -(5-lO) .(5.10) 223 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~

      PR-5 Kakarhati 5 EA WE(S.78), 670.56 63.60 ')9.42 Deori GC(33 1.00) (Gadhipadariya)

      PR-8 Devendra-12 8) 92.26 7.CfJ 10.74 Dubki Nagar PR-9 Devendra-ll 8) W(1.63) 202.76 29..50 30.55 Kamhiya Nagar PR-9 Devendra-ll 8) W(119) 185.85 10.62 18.28 Bangia Nagar PR-{) Devendra-7 EA W(2.20), 216.62 36.99 Binvahi Nagar GC(86.90)

      -PR"'{)' "Devendra-7 W(I.88), 65.98 7.% Unlan Nagar GC(9.00)

      PR-{) Devendra-6 ED,EAG GC(148.97) 39.41 '11.27 Bamunthiya -Nagar PR-{) Devendra-8 ED,EAG 69.85 9.27 Hinota Nagar PR-{) Devendra-ll EC,EAG WE(2.95), 155.53 44.28 Khaptaha Nagar GC(197_()O)

      PR-{) Devendra-6 ED,EAG W(lOO), 420.00 0.65 44.83 Dadwclriya Nagar GC(38.11), PC(I.00) 224 lJ1lT Plil1lCflI \Wf ~ 1(Ci ~ \344)<11

      ~\iR"-~ (~W1~~~~tm~~ (-)hT~ 1TQI~3ffi:~ ~tt ~~W1~~~'tJ'( ~~i +i'tt

      Am~niti~s Available (if not Available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in th~ column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kros,

      5·10 \..m~ &10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available, is


      1lT'f CfiT 1lT'f CfiT W"fCfiT~ ~~ 0ITffi /me CfiT ~ ~ ~ 'IF! ~ ~~

      3870(666) P(3),M -(-5) W,HP ro -(-5) -(-5)

      182 ~ ~ 34.63 16(3) -(-5) -(-5) W (-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      183 ~¥ 386.23 593(99) P,M -(5-10) TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      184- ~ 55.84- 144(25) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      185 ~~ 982.82 121(27) -(-5) -(10+) W,lK -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      186 ~ 140.21 524(85) P -(10+) HP ro,PHONE -(10+) BS

      187 ~ 516.33 c\'R'R

      188 ~ 728.33 262(49) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) BS

      189 ~ 90.58 c\'R'R

      190 ~nfcl;:;:~ 48.79 143{23 ) -(-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      191 ~~ 501.30 984(152) P -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      192 ~ 952 351(69) P -(lOt) HP,N -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 225 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      'Pr~ L;wdUse (3f>.Ifu ~~ fWfO ~~ ~ mm m~ mlt;f;~ ~;f;~ Il1lf CfiT 0Wf ~CfiT ~~~ ct1 ffI'ftffi ~4I'iiR ~ 1'IJli (~. .q) ~ (fim ~ ~) Approach Nearest Power Forest [rregated Unirr- Culturable Area not N arne of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves.

      II [~ [j 14 b 16 17 [s ~

      PR-5 bevendra-5 EDEAG WD(81.05), 783.<.Xl . 311.32 130.96 Badagaon Nagar GC(SI1.1 0), PC(30.05)

      KR-5 Devendra-7 GC(33.34) l.29 Jamin Nagar Pratap singh PR-6 Devendra-6 .ED GC(11.65) 320.68 22.30 31.60 Simridube Nagar PR-O 'Panna 10 .ED 30.42 12.82 ?2.60 Bahera

      PR-3 Panna 12 913.76 11.<.Xl 23.51 33.65 Jamunhai Khurd PR-O Panna12 .ED 28.46 22.50 41.81 47.44 Sakariya

      Uninhabited 421.75 50.50 32.30 11.78 Sonai

      PR-O Panna 12 .ED 342.89 95.36 167.66 122.42 Chopra

      Uninhabited 89.88 0.70 Deopur

      PR-IO Panna 15 48,62 0.17 Govindpur

      KR-I0 Panna 20 .ED 218.83 228.73 53.74 Makri Kuthar

      KR-I0 Devendra-12 0.81 ?71 Rampura Nagar 226 'IDlJ -PtifRICfiI \iFf ~ 1fCi ~ aq41:a1

      ~ 'JR -~ (~ Wi 11 ~ ~:;m t~ CfiffilJl1 ( -) "hi ~ 'flITt3Rt~ 'iIR"'ST ~~Wi~~~'R' ~~~ ~ oR 'R'



      2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 193 ornf 571.72 640(93) P -(10+) HP,N -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      194 ~ }S7.1S clRR

      195 ~CJiffi 457.78 418(71) P -(10+) HP,~ +5) +5) +5) . 196 lj0U

      197 ~ 33.47 clRR

      198 ~ l309.73 1588 (351) p,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      199 ~ 416.53 1579(260) P,M -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      200 ~ 85.16 139(22) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      201 ~ 141.09 324(58) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      202 fi1<:RT ~ 320.43 403(80) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      203 ~ 311.62 3585(64) P -(5-10) W. -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      204 ~ 196.51 596(91) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS 227 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (3-Nfu ?1~q'it~~qi- thr~~~~qi-m m-a


      ., .. ~ ~ . , (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation , groves.

      II I~ I~ 14 15 Ii') 17 IS 2 KR-I0 - Devehdra-12 34.74 204.56 158.12 174.30 Basai Nagar Uninhabited 177.41 1.25 3.93 4.59 Vikrampur

      KR-5 Devendra-13 ED,EAG 153.85 109.90 136.00 58.03 Jamunhai Kalan Nagar KR-8 Devendra-9 ill 87.08 GC(lSO.SO) 197.29 24.18 43.S2 Mutwakalan Nagar Uninhabited 29.52 3.95 Madhoi

      PR-3 Devendra-5 EA 404.31 W(12.00), 544.77 281.96 55.89 Rajapur Nagar R(lO.80)

      PR-6 Devendra-7 ill W(lO.31), 221.86 17.34 33.02 Gukhaur Nagar WE(34.00), ,;, GC(100.00)

      , PR-4 Devendra-6 0(6.84) 68.50 1.92 7.'Xl. Ratgawan Nagar PR-O Devendra-6 ED,EAG 0(6.00) 109.82 13.21 12.06 Dubahiya Nagar KR·3 Devendra-7 ED,EAG O(IS.17) 262.16 19.09 24.01 Simari baishya Nagar KR-3 Devendra-8 ED,EAG 0(9.51) 273.46 11.20 17.45 Phuldari Nagar PR-O Devendra-7 ED,EAG 0(7.24) 151.77 14.73 22.77 Phulwari Nagar 228 lWf ~ifllCflI \iFf ~ ~ ~ J'q41

      ~ ~ -~ (~ lIT'f =if ~"3'ffi'iU "iItT t ~ Cfiffi1f"if ( -) "hi ~ "lfQTt 3ffi:~ ~tt ~~lIT'f~~~'R ~~t ~ R ~ ctt 1Tf ~ -5~" 5 -10. ~, m 10 +~. Amenities Available (if not Available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in (he column and nex1 (0 it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz .• 5 Ian., 5·10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available, is given.) llT"I

      :> pro 205 ~ 493.10 618(122) P,M,AC -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) BS

      206 ~ 39.44 2&(6) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      207 fi 1ffi5'ifi 297.68 368(74) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      208 fi~ 161.08 III (26) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      209 ~ 1199.50 1951 (356) P(3),M -(10+) W,HP pro -(10+) -(-5)

      210 3Pffffi;r 134.39 300(46) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      211 ~ 743.74 1283 (237) P,M -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5)

      212 ~ 246.54 385(68) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      213 ~~ 218.93 380(67) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) .

      214 ~~ 159.87 431 (88) P -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5)

      215 ~ 220.71 407(64) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      216 y.rr

      (~4'1:"1 j I< ) 2%.58 533(85) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      217 fi~ 393.45 408 (75) -(-5) -(5-10) TW -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 229 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ';jfi=r~ Land Usc (mWr~q\t~~ct7W;r~~~~ct7it m


      II 12 Ij 14 b Ii) 17 IS .2 PR-l Devendra-S ED,EAG 0(20.00) 403.ro 20.55 48.95 Sundra Nagar FP-2 Devendra-9 0(3.05) 33.64- 0.90 1.85 Pipariya Nagar KR-2 Devendra-6 EA GC(19.71) 254.32 9.98 13.67 Golhipathak Nagar KR4 Devendra-7 EA 124.84- 25.32 10.92 Golhigadhiya Nagar PR-O Devendra-12 EA .. - W(10.00), 97l.88 122.04 76.13 Bhilsay Nagar 0(19.85)

      PR-6 Devendra-14 W(10.l6) 95.04 17.62 n.57 Amsil Nagar PR-5 Devendra-5 ED,EAG GC(155.95) 454.31 72.08 6l.40 Jigdaha Nagar PR-7 Devendra-7 ED,EAG GC(38.90) 176.01 5.70 25.93 Numahi Nagar PR4 Devendra-7 ED;EAG R(19.84) 154.% 11.14 32.99 Itwantilha Nagar PR-O Devendra-4 ED,EAG R(S.71) 126.73 0.55 23.88 Bhalharmegba Nagar PR-O Devendra-l0 ED,EAG R(11.58) 17S.30 12.68 18.15 Bhathrujit Nagar

      KR-8 Devendra-l0 ED,EAG R(25.26) 232.40 15.06 23.86 Puraina Nagar (Devendnagar) PR-6 Devendra-lO ID 0(2.02) 34l.61 24.72 25.10 Golhimidiya Nagar 230 lJ1lJ -PiIDICfiI \iFf ~ ~ ~ 3q~.,

      ~ '\i'!'i -~ (ijfb;lllf;f¥ifci~ '3"l'i'!.tpm 'hhli1\'1l'1"it ( -) hi ~ lTQT*Jffi~ ~-tt ~TflJ11l~~~'R ~~~ -iilZ 'ffi<" 'R ~ 'i1t"WIT ltI %R G'iTi 'IiIllt ~ -5~.• 5 -10. ~. 'til 10 +~.

      Am~nitI~s Available (if not Available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in Jlrackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kms & 10+ kms of the .nearest place where the facility is available, is


      W'PfiT "Wlf CfiT 'ITiiIR ~ CfiT tr.m: ~ ~ ';JF[ ~/cf;~ (;m~. ~ ~rj. ~~m m,'ili'IO!Pf) Location Name of Total Area Total Popu­ Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, if any Water way)

      ~ 3 4 :l 6 7 8 9 10 218 ~cqi"'61 290.48 507 (105) P -(10+) TW -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      219 ~ 767.27 972(167) P -(10+) TW -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      220 f1Rcmr 880.03 970. (179) P,M -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) BS

      221 ~ ~ 203.65 255 (46) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

      222 ~ 159.37 103 (18) P -(01+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      223 ~ 405.38 1147 (211) P -(10+) w,HP -(-5) -(10) BS


      m :- ~ cfi CfiRUT ~eR W ~ ~ ~ om i' I ~ ~ cfi ~ lIJl'T ~mlCflI -l¥ ~ ~ om ~am 'T{ 04J(C4If+1Cf1 m (~mr 131-135) -q'{ ~ ~ ~ ~ 231 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use

      Panna C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (3I'fu 'If'1' ~

      1l11f o

      KR-3 Devendra-20 ID W(2.09) 170.76 10.42 20.38 Dharampura Nagar Amsi KR-3 Devendra-17 137.29 9.28 12.80 Patiya Nagar PR"() Devendra-18 ID W(4.60) 305.28 4l.92 53.58 Silgi Nagar

      PR(75), ED(83) 48557.10 W(298.9S),34594.37 22313.23 24451.62 Total for Block KR(92), EAG 32, WE(363.98), FP(18) EO(4), GC(3023.29), ·1_ • EA(19) PC(149.36), R(263.92), TK(106.02), 0(925.16), TOTAL 5130.18

      Note: Due to the shortage of space, the abbreiations have been given only in English. For bilingual purpose, Hindi abbreviations may be seen in the Notes Explaining the codes used in the village Directory. (page No. 136 - 139). 232

      q OIf1~~ Cfl 1JTliT qft ~

      1991 \iI .... IQI ... 1 1981 \iI ..... ol ....

      1fi. 7fiq W """1FT ~ dlrf141 ... ~ "ffi. ~W ~W CfiT. wwr WWJ

      ~ CfiAl(c( 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ fclCflltl(Ctog ~ d~fl){1 (ar)

      1. 3fcfiFrr 13/9/3/103 13/09/0030/0103 275 -q;::;rr IF'IT

      2. 31~(f.lRql 13/9/31 92 13/09/0030/0092 286 -q;::;rr IF'IT

      3. 31~(f.lRzn (~) 13/9131 111 13/09/0030/0111 350 -q;::;rr IF'IT

      4. 3fflJft 13/913/166 13/09/0030/0166 457 lFfr IF'IT

      S. 3R1Mt 13/913/147 13/09/0030/0147 330 lFfr IF'IT


      6. ~ 13/9/3/150 13/09/0030/0150 326 -q;::;rr lFfr

      7. ~ 13/913/ 37 13/09/0030/0037 213 -q;::;rr 'tFIT

      8. ~) 13/9/3/ 54 13/09/0030/0054 229 'tFIT 'tFIT

      9. ~~ 13/9/3/124 13/09/0030/0124 292 lFfr 'tFIT

      10. ~~ 13/913/ 118 13/09/0030/0118 287 -q;::;rr 'tFIT (l)

      11. ~ 13/9/3/152 13/09/0030/0152 325 (\J) . 12. ~ 13/913/203 13/09/0030/0203 464 "tFIT 'tFIT 13. ~ 13/913/174 13/09/0030/0174 378 "tFIT 'tFIT

      14. ~ (mtu) 13/9/3/205 13/09/0030/0205 463 -q;::;rr -q;::;rr


      I!? ~ 13/9/31 29 13/09/0030/0029 203 'IFJJ 'IFJJ

      16. ~ 13/9/3/108 13/09/0030/0108 353 -q;::;rr -q;::;rr 233

      qUlf1~~Cfl lWlT cfit ~

      1991 \TI""I"lol""l1 1981 \TI""I"lul""I1 w. ~ CfiT ~ f¥'Il;fili I."ilcfi:tH ~ ~. ~CfiT ~QiT cn1. "'"'1llf ~ ~ Cfl4,_<:1{ 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ i¥tCflIt1(€tUcl ~ dtiflicl

      17. ~ 13/9/3/113 13/09/0030/0113 349 lFlT lFlT

      18. 'CfiCfm 13/9/3/ 33 13/09/0030/0033 208 lFlT 'tAT

      19. Cfio/IRT 13/9/3/134 13/09/0030/0134 313 lFlT 'tAT

      20. Cfio/IRT 13/9/3/106 13/09/0030/0106 355 'tAT 'tAT

      21. ~ 13/9/3/ 3 13/09/0030/0003 172 lFlT lFlT

      22. ~ 13/9/3/224 13/09/0030 /0224 489 lFlT 'tAT . 23. ~ 13/9/3/ 66 13/09/0030 /0066 260 lAT tFU

      24. ~ 13/9/3/215 13/09/0030 /0215 479 lAT tFU


      26 ~. 13/9/3/ 32 13/09/0030/0032 207 lFlT lFlT

      27. ~ 13/9/3/183 13/09/0030/0183 442 lAT 1AT

      28. ~wrr 13/9/3/160 13/09/0030/0160 339 1AT 1AT

      29. ~(~) 13/9/3/ 56 13/09/0030/0056 235 'tAT 1AT


      31. cffitT 13/9/3/ 65 13/09/0030/0065 252 'tAT 1AT

      32. ~ 13/9/3/ 50 13/09/0030 /0050 227 IF'IT 1FIJ'

      33. ~ 13/9/3/ 42 13/09/0030/0042 218 'tAT 1FIJ'

      34. ~ 13 /9~3/ 206 13/09/0030/0206 459 lFlT 1AT



      qUlf1~PJCfi 'WIT ctr ~

      1991 ,i'FI~Jul"11 1981 \iJ"1~lul"1l

      1P. ~qrr~ ~I;ftq cll ~:11"1 ~ m. cmfu;r qrr ~qrr CfiT. "lfIJ "lfIJ

      ~ thw(<:< 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ ~Cfilft(CIUs ~ d6fllcl


      37. \

      38. ~ 13/9/3/ 1 13/09/0030/0001 IF'Jr IF'Jr

      39. ~ 13/9/3/ 78 13/09/0030 /0078 241 IF'Jr IF'Jr

      40. ~ 13/9/3/ 88 13/09/0030/0088 297 IF'Jr '1F'rr

      41 ~ 13/9/3/ 22 13/09/0030/0022 193 IF'Jr IF'Jr


      42. 1l'mcr 13/9/3/226 13/09/0030/0226 491 IF'Jr IF'Jr

      43. 'lfu; 13/9/3/219 13/09/0030/0219 484 IF'Jr IF'Jr

      44. ~ 13/9/3/ 30 13/09/0030/0030 205 1FIT 1FIT

      45. 1T'ffir 13/9/3/157 13/09/0030/0157 336 1FIT IF'Jr

      46. f1Rcmfi 13/9/3/ 86 13/09/0030/0086 299 IF'Jr IF'Jr

      47. ~ 13/9/3/119 13/09/0030/0119 288 IF'Jr '1F'rr

      48. l_FIR 13/9/3/116 13/09/0030/0116 344 IF'Jr IF'Jr

      49. 100~ 13/9/3/ 76 13/09/0030/0076 239 IF'Jr IF'Jr


      50. lRrtt (~) 13/9/3/ 60 13/09/0030/0060 236 IF'Jr IF'Jr

      51. me fWrt{qr 13/9/3/127 13/09/0030/0127 305 IF'Jr IF'Jr 235

      qUI\1CJl~Cfi lJllll cn't ~

      1991 \TI..,.I u I.., 1 1961 \TI..,.I u I.., ,

      t ,~~ ql. -mer qrr -.wf ~14'lq Iif) cfi :u .... ~ m. ~qrr ~qrr Cfl1. -;;(If ""1Tlf ~

      52. ~ 13/9/3/178 13/09/0030/0178 446 'IFU 'IFn

      53. fil

      54. ~ 13/9/3/135 13/09/0030/0135 314 'IFU 'IFn

      55. ..mr 13/9/3/ 82 13/09/0030/0082 245 'IFU 'IFn


      56. ~ 13/9/3/211 13/09/0030/0211 476 'IFU 'IFn

      57. ~ 13/9/3/158 13/09/0030/0158 337 'IFU 'IFn

      58. ~ 13/9/3/142 13/09/0030/0142 321 'IFU 'IFn ('ijJ )

      59. ~ 13/9/3/218 13/09/0030/0218 483 'IFU 'IFn

      60. ~ 13/9/3/ 73 13/09/0030/0073 253 ~ 'IFn

      61. \i1tl

      62. ~ 13/9/3/ 31 13/09/0030/0031 206 'IFU 'IFlT

      63. ~. 13/9/3/ 85 13/09/0030/0085 302 ~ 1F'IT

      64. ~ ('Q\cIlU) 13/9/3/141 13/09/0030/0141 320 ~ 'IFlT

      65. ~ ('(JlRT) 13/9/3/ 44 13/09/0030/0044 221 ~ 'IFlT

      66. ~ 13/9/3/ 12 13/09/0030/0012 183 ~ 'IFlT (lJ)

      67. lJ1RT 13/9/3/ 39 13/09/0030/0039 211 ~ 'IFlT

      68. ~(~) 13/9/3/ 52 13/09/0030/0052 232 IF'IT 1AT

      ~ \ - " 236

      q OI8:Sh~ Cfi lJTlJl ctT ~

      1991 1i't"i'lul"i1 1981 1i't"i'luHI

      ~. "lJiq CfiT '"'1FT ~ Jlcf111H ~ m. ~CfiT ~ CfiT CfiT. -;wr OWl

      ~ ifiWLc:( 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 ~ f4Cfilfl(CfU~ ~ a881(>f

      69. ~ 13/9/3/169 13/09/0030 10169 451 lFIT lFU

      70. 1fICT 13/9/3/120 13/09/0030/0120 289 lFIT lFU (?:)

      71. ~ 13/9/3/ 89 13/0910030/0089 296 lFIT lFU

      72. ~ 13/913 1175 13/09/0030/0175 377 lFIT -q;:;n

      73. ~ 13/9/3/ 64 13/09/003Q/0064 261 lFIT lFU


      74. -mt 13/9/31 59 13/09/0030/0059 237 lFIT 'IFIT

      75. ~ 13/9/3/156 13/09/0030/0156 335 lFIT 'IFIT

      76: iNT~' 13/9/3/ 68 13/09/0030/0068 258 lFIT 'IFIT


      77. ~ 13/9/3/ 16 13/09/0030/0016 189 (a)

      78. ~ 13/9/3/ 13 13/09/0030 /0013 186 -q;:;:n- 'IFIT

      79. ~~ 13/9/3/181 13/09/0030/0181 440 lFIT 'IFIT

      80. ~ 13/9/3/179 13/09/0030 /0179 438 -q;:;:n- 'IFIT , 81. ~ 13/9/3/182 13/09/0030/0182 441 -q;:;u 1AT

      82. ~ 13/9/3/195 13/09/0030/0195 470 -q;:;u 1FIT

      .... ,. 83. gr;rr 13/9/3/ 63 13/09/0030/0063 249 -q;:;u 1FIT 237

      qOIf.j:Sfl~Cfl lJTffl qft ~

      1991 \J1'1.lol'1l 1981 \TI"i"lol"i1

      1fl. m CfiT rwr ~ ~"j)cfi~I'1 ~ ~. ~CfiT ~1fiT cit. ~ ~ ~ Cflwt._c:{ 2 3 .. 4 5. 6 7 ~ ~ctllt1(qog (<;") ~ d66)cl

      84. mt 13/9/3/ 17 13/09/0030/0017 188 'FIT ~

      85. imUT 13/9/3/ 49 13/09/0030/0049 226 'FIT .~

      86. ~ 13/9/3/100 13/09/0030/0100 272 ~ ~

      87. MT~· 13/9/3/ 40 13/09/0030/0040 215 ~ ~


      88. ~ 13/9/3/170 13/09/0030 /0170 450 'FIT ~

      89. ~ 13/9/3/ 45 13/09/0030 /0045 222 -.:p;u ~

      90. ~(~) 13/9/3/ 38 13/09/0030/0038 216 -.:p;u ~

      91. ~ 13/9131 97 13/09/0030/0097 2~6 'FIT ~

      92. tR


      93. ~ 13/9/3/220 13/09/0030 /0220 485 'FIT ~

      94 ~ 13/9/3/107 13/09/0030 /0107 354 -.:p;u 1FIT

      95. ~ 13/9/3/221 13/09/0030/0221 466 'FIT 1FIT

      96. ~ 13/9/3/ 171 13/09/0030/0171 361 -.:p;u 1FIT

      97. "4Iqj'


      98. 1:JlRJ -mer 13/9/3/ 69 13/09/0030/0069 262 1:F!T ~

      99. "Q1Rr om 13/9/3/ 46 13/09/0030/0046 223 1:F!T ~

      100. -qc;:n 13/9/3/222 13/09/0030/0222 467 ~ ~ 238

      qOIf.j~~Cfi lJfJiT qft ~

      1991 \1'1'1.1 0 1'11 1981 \1'1'1.1 0 1'11

      Wi. "tJiq qrr "'1'Ff flI'Il;fIq cl)~:tH m m. ~qrr ~qrr CfiT. 9fJ1f -;;r;r

      ~T iflA2[C:< 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 ~ FclCfilfl{qog ~ d€i6\cl

      101. ~

      102. lfc-'IT ~ 13/9/3/)121 13/09/0030/0121 2'14 -q;::;:rr 'If"'IT

      103.~~ 13/9/3/ 43 13/09/0030/0043 220 -q;::;:rr 'If"'IT

      104. ~ 13/9/3/114 13/09/0030/0114 347 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      105. m 13/9/3/161 13/09/0030/0161 340 1FlT 'If"'IT

      106. ~ 13/9/3/167 13/09/0030/0167 458 1FlT -q;::;:rr

      107. ~~ 13/9/3/ 87 13/09/0030/0087 298 1FlT 1F'IT

      108.~ 13/9/3/210 13/09/0030/0210 475 1FlT 1F'IT

      109. ~

      112. ~ 13/9/3/ 21 13/09/0030/0021 192 -q;::;:rr 1AT

      113. mft'ln ~ 13/9/3/ 36 13/09/0030/0036 210 'Il'"'IT 1AT

      114. ~ 13/9/3/139 13/09/0030/0139 317 'Il'"'IT 1AT

      115. mft'ln ~ 13/9/3/ 53 13/09/0030/0053 231 'Il'"'IT 1AT

      116. ~(~) 13/9/3/129 13/09/0030/0129 307 'Il'"'IT 1AT (or) .

      117: ~" 13/9/3/125 13/09/0030/0125 303 -q;::;:rr 1AT

      118. ~ 13/9/3/199 13/09/0030/0199 469 -q;::;:rr 1f"IT

      119. ~ 13/9/3/212 13/09/0030/0212 477 1FlT 1f"IT 239

      qOlfoj'llPtCfl m: ctT ~

      1991 \11"1'11 01'11 1981 \1'1'''1 410 1'''11

      111. ,mer qjf 0Wf t¥l1;:ftq cll cfi :Uii m m. ~qjf ~qjf Cfi1. ~ ~ ~~ CfiWl c:< '" 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ ~Cflltt(qOg ~ dgijl(.t'l

      120. 0FtITu 13/9/3/146 13/09/0030/0146 331 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      121. ~ 13/9/3/216 13/09/0030/0216 482 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      122. ~ 13/9/3/ 47 13/09/0030/0047 224 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      123. ~ 13/913/ 70 13/09/0030/0070 261 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      124. ~ (~~Y~'iIJ{) 13/913/201 13/09/0030/0201 4~7 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      -. , . ~. , 125.~ 13/9/3/185 13/09/0030/0185 430 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      126. ~ 13/9/3/ 98 13/09/0030/0098 277 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      127. iilU\lCflcli 13/9/3/74. 13/09/0030/0074 257 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      . '128. Grm W 13/9/3/ 81 13/09/0030/0081 246 -q;::;:rr 1FfI'

      129... 13/9/3/ 5 13/09/0030/0005 176 -q;::;:rr -q;::;:rr

      130. Gfcl1m 13/9/3/ 10 13/09/0030/0010 181 1FfI' "I:f"rr

      131. omfu 13/9/3/'0" 102 13/09/0030/0102 274 "I:f"rr "I:f"rr

      132. ~ 13/9/3/ 84 13/09/0030/0084 247 "I:f"rr "I:f"rr

      133. ~~ 13/9/3/ 15 13 /09/0030/0015 184 "I:f"rr -q;::;:rr

      134. ~ 13/9/3/109 13/09/0030/0109 3S2 -q;::;:rr "I:f"rr

      135. ~~ 13/9/3/144 13/09/0030/0144 323 "I:f"rr "I:f"rr

      136. ~W 13/9/3/209 13/09/0030/0209 461 -q;::;:rr "I:f"rr

      137. ~ (~) 13/9/31 41 13/09/0030/0041 217 -q;::;:rr 'Q'"'IT

      138. ~ 13/9/3/105 13/09/0030/0105 356 "I:f"rr "I:f"rr

      139. ~ 1319/3/184 13/09/0030/0184 429 'Q'"'IT 'Q'"'IT 240

      qOlrlWi~Cfi lJl1=fT cfit ~

      1991 \T1'1 4IuHI 1981 \T1'14IQHI

      9i. 1Jfq

      140. ~ 13/9/3/ 94 13/09/0030/0094 283


      141. \lC1J'qf 13/9/3/173 13/09/0030/0173 380 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      142. ~ 13/9/3/208 13/09/0030/0208 460 -q;:;u IF'Ir

      143. ~ 13/9/3/197 13/09/0030/0197 472 -q;:;u IF'Ir

      144. ~ 13/9/3/ 20 13/09/0030/0020 190 -q;:;u IF'Ir

      145. 1\rmt 13/9/3/191 13/09/0030/0191 436 -q;:;u IF'Ir • 146. ~ 13/9/3/202 13/09/0030/0202 465 -q;:;u 1FU'

      147. ~ 13/9/31 48 13/09/0030/0048 225 -q;:;u 1FU'

      148. ~ 13/9/3/192 13/09/0030/0192 437 -q;:;u IF'Ir


      149. ~qmf 13/9/3/188 13/09/0030/0188 432 -q;:;u 1Ffr

      150. ~W 13/9/3 I 187 13/09/0030/0187 431 -q;:;:rr IF'Ir

      151. ~ 13/9/3/200 13/09/0030/0200 468 -q;:;:rr 1Ffr

      152. lW1

      153. ~ m

      154. ~·mcr 13/9/3/ 9 13/09/0030/0009 180 -q;:;:rr 1f"1J

      155.~ 13/9/3/190 13/09/0030/0190 435 -q;:;:rr IF'Ir

      156.~ 13/9/3/131 13/09/0030/0131 310 -q;:;:rr IF'Ir

      157.~ 13/9/3/165 13/09/0030/0165 454 If"'IT -q;:;:rr 241

      qUlf1~flICfllWIT qft" ~

      1991 \iH410FlI 1981 \TI~4101~1

      Wi. "lifer q;r -;w:r fl"Il;fiq \'1) cfi :11 ~ Cfi16 -m. ~q;r ~q;r CfiT. ~ ~

      ~ CflJOal c:{ C>o 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ i'4Cfiltl{qug ~ dt1tf)cl 158. ~ 13/9/3/143 13/09/0030/0143 322 11"U 11"U

      159.~~ 13/9/3/223 13/09/0030/0223 488 11"U 11"U

      160. ~ 13/9/3/186 13/09/0030/0186 433 11"U 11"U

      161. ~ 13/9/3/132 13/09/0030/0132 309 11"U 11"U

      162.~ 13/9/3/104 13/09/0030/0104 357 11"U 11"U

      163. ~

      164. ~Wf 13/9/3/ 35 13/09/0030/0035 214 11"U 11"U

      165.~~ 13/9/3/ 57 13/09/0030/0057 233 11"U 11"U

      166.~ 13/9/3/148 13/09/0030/0148 328 11"U 11"U

      167. 11m 13/9/3/2 13/09/0030/0002 173 11"U 11"U

      168.~ 13/9/3/ 19 13/09/0030/0019 191 11"U 11"U

      169. ~ 13/9/3/ 62 13/09/0030/0062 250 1:fT!T 11"U

      170. ~~ 13/9/3/149 13/09/0030/0149 329 11"U 11"U

      171 ~~ 13/9/3/159 13/09/0030/0159 338 11"U 11"U

      172. ~iRr 13/9/3/154 13/09/0030/0154 333 1:fT!T 1:fT!T

      173. ~m 13/9/3/ 7 13/09/0030/0007 178 11"U 11"U

      174. ~ 13/9/3/ 75 13/09/0030/0075 248 11"U 11"U

      175. ... 1PI

      176. ... IPI

      177. ~ 13/9/3/194 13/09/0030/0194 428 11"U 11"U 242

      qOIf.j~flICfl lI"fJIT

      1991 \11 .... 101 ... 1 1981 \11'1.loHI

      SIl. lJiq CfiT -;wr ~ cll~:tH ~ m. ~CfiT ~CfiT CfiT. -;wr ""'fT1f

      ~ CfiN[C:< 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ r4Cfllfl(CjOg ~ d6fl1H

      178. ~ 13/9/3 I 61 13/09/0030/0061 238 1:FtT 1:FtT 179. P 13/9/3/225 13/09/0030/0225 490 1:FtT 1:FtT t{)

      180.~ 13/9/31 6 13/09/0030/0006 177 1:FtT 1:FtT

      181.~ 13/9/31 18 13/09/0030/0018 187 1:FtT 1:FtT

      182. ~ q;ffi ~ 13/9/3/145 13/09/0030/0145 319 1:FtT 1:FtT

      183.~ 13/9/31 4 13/09/0030/0004 175 1:FtT 1:FtT

      184. 1m1?r 13/9/3/162 13/09/0030/0162 341 1:FtT 1:FtT

      185. l(u 13/9/3/140 13/09/0030/0140 318 1:FtT -q;;u


      186.~ 13/9/3/151 13/09/0030/0151 324 1:FtT -q;;u

      187. ~ 13/9/3/204 13/09/0030/0204 466 'l"'IT -q;;u

      188. ~ 7Jiq 13/9/3/164 13/09/0030/0164 453 'l"'IT -q;;u


      189. oq)mt 13/913 I 153 13/09/0030/0153 327 -q;;u


      190. w~r(~ 13/9/3/117 13/09/0030/0117 343


      191. ~ll1l

      192. mm 13/913 I 96 13/09/0030/0096 279 -q;;u -q;;u 243

      - ClOII:!>SflI"iCfi -!JI~I cfil ~

      1991 \11"'1~IQHI 1981 \11"'1~IQI"'11

      ~. l'JiqqjJ";{TlT ~I;fttj cll~:tI"'1 ciTs m. ~qjJ fiffi qjJ

      ~T tti~c:{ 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ f4CflIt1{CfOg ~d6~~

      193. ~ 13/9/3/136 13/09/0030/0136 312 lAT lAT

      194. ~ 13/9/3/ 27 13/09/0030/0027 202 lAT lAT

      195. ~ 13/9/3/130 13/09/0030/0130 308 lAT lAT

      196: ~ .. - 13/9/3/ 34 13/09/0030/0034 209 lAT lAT

      197. ~ 13/9/3/ 51 13/09/0030/0051 228 lFiT lFiT

      198. mcrru 13/9/3/133 13/09/0030/0133 3'11 lAT lAT

      199. miim 13/9/3/176 13/09/0030/0176 376 lAT -q;:;u

      200.~ 13/9/3/122 13/09/0030/0122 295 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      201. .• 13/9/3/214 13/09/0030/0214 480 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      202. t1~cl<:U(1 13/9/3/155 13/09/0030/0155 332 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      203. futm:R 13/9/3/126 13/09/0030/~26 304 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      2 04. fu't.IRr 13/9/3/ 28 13/09/0030/0028 204 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      205.~ 13/9/3/168 13/09/0030/0168 452 -q;:;u -q;:;:rr

      206. ~(iil61!i(R16) 13/9/3/196 13 /09/0030/0196 471 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      207. ~(WRr) 13/9/3/ 24 13/09/0030/0024 199 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      208. ~(wr) 13/9/3/ 80 13/09/0030/0080 244 lAT -q;:;u

      209. ftRr 13/9/3/ 11 13/09/0030/0011 182 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      .210. ~ 13/9/3/115 13/09/0030 /0115 346 -q;:;u lFiT

      211. ~ 13/9/3/ 71 13/09/0030/0071 254 -q;:;u -q;:;u

      212. wrm 13/9/3/163 13/09/0030/0163 342 lFiT -q;:;u



      1991 Census 1981 Census s. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      A Gunnor Tahsil 1. Akana 13/9/3/103 13/09/0030/0103 275 Panna Panna 2. Amari 13/913/166 13/0910030/0166 457 Panna Panna 3. Antarbidiya 13/9/3/921 13/091003010092 286 Panna Panna 4. Antarbidiya 13/9/3/111 13/091003010111 350 Panna Panna (Majwaha) 5. Asauni 13/9/3/147 13/09/0030/0147 330 B 6. Bachharwara 13/9/3/199 13/09/003010199 469 Panna Panna 7. Bakulaha 13/9/3/125 13/09/0030/0125 303 Panna Panna 8. Balgaha 13/9/3/10 13/09/0030/0010 181 Panna Panna 9. Bamhaur 13/9/3/216 13/091003010216 482 Panna Panna

      10. Bamhori 13/9/3/47 13/091003010047 224 Panna Panna 11. Bamurha 13/9/3/70 13/091003010070 261 Panna Panna 12. Bamurha 13/9/3/201 13/091003010201 467 Panna Panna (Devendranagar) 13. Bamurhiya 13/9/3/185 13/091003010185 430 Panna Panna 14. Bandhaura 13/9/3/146 13/091003010146 331 Panna Panna

      15. Bandhur 13/9/3/212 13/0910030/0212 477 Panna Panna 16. Baraunha 13/9/3/5 13/0910030/0005 176 Panna Panna 17. Barha Kalan 13/913/74 13/09/0030/0074 257 Panna Panna 18. Barha Khurd 13/913/81 13/091003010081 46 Panna Panna 19. Barshobha 13/9/3/98 13/091003010098 277 Panna Panna 20. Basaura 13/9/3/102 13/09/003010102 274 Parma Panna 246


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 I . 3 4 5·· 6 7

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      Gunnor Tahsil 21. Beli 13/9/3/94 13/091003010094 283 Panna Panna

      22. Bhadar 13/9/3/20 13/091003010020 190 Panna Panna

      23. Bhainswahi 13/9/3/48 13/091003010048 225 Panna Panna

      24. Bhatanawara 13/9/3/208 13/0910030/0208 460 Panna Panna

      25. Bhatgawan 13/9/3/173 13/09/003010173 380 Panna Panna

      26. Bhatiya 13/9/3/197 13/09/0030/0197 472 Panna Panna

      27. Bhaurha 13/9/3/192 13/0910030/0192 437 Panna Panna

      28. Bhitari 13/9/3/191 13/0910030/0191 436 Panna Panna

      29. Bhulgawan 13/9/3/202 13/091003010202 465 Panna Panna

      30. Biharsir 13/9/3/84 13/0910030/0084 247 Panna Panna

      31. Bikrampur Padhar 13/9/3/15 13/09/0030/0015 184 Panna Panna

      32. Bilghadi 13/9/3/105 13/09/0030/0105 356 Panna Panna

      33. Bilha 13/9/3/109 13/09/0030/0109 352 Panna Panna

      34. Bilha Kangali 13/9/3/144 13/0910030/0144 323 Panna Panna

      35. Bilha Khurd 13/913/209 13/0910030/0209 461 Panna Panna

      36. Bilha (Dharmur) 13/9/3/41 13/0910030/0041 217 Panna Panna

      37. Bilhai 13/9/3/184 13/09/003010184 429 Panna Panna


      38. Chanpa 13/9/3/178 13/091003010178 446 Panna Panna

      39. Chauda 13/9/3/82 13/091003010082 245 Panna Panna

      40. Chauki 13/9/3/135 13/091003010135 314 Panna Panna

      41. Chhaparwara 13/9/3/211 13/09/0030/0211 476 Panna Panna

      42. Chhigamma 13/9/3/158 13/0910030/0158 337 Panna Panna

      43. Chhijora 13/9/3/142 13/0910030/0142 321 Panna Panna 247


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      s. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manu<;ll Computer Code Name Name

      -1 2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      Gunnor Tahsil

      44. Chikalhai 13/9/3/72 13/091003010072 255 Panna Panna


      45. Dagdha 13/9/3/49 13/091003010049 226 Panna Panna

      46. Daharra 13/9/3/59 13/091003010059 237 Panna Panna

      47. Deogaon 13/9/3/100 13/09/003010100 272 Panna Panna

      48. Deori Purohit 13/913/40 13/091003010040 215 Panna Panna

      49. Dhanokhar 13/9/3/170 13/09/0030/0170 450 Panna Panna

      50. Dharampati 13/9/3/45 13/09/0030/0045 222 Panna Panna

      51. Dharampura 13/9/3/97 13/091003010097 278 Panna Panna

      52. Dharampura 13/9/3/38 13/09'0030/0038 216 Panna Panna


      53. Dharwara 13/9/3/138 13/0910030/0138 316 Panna Panna

      54. Dighaura 13/9/3/156 13/0910030/0156 335 Panna Panna

      55. Dobha 13/913/68 13/0910030/0068 258 Panna Panna

      56. Durauha 13/9/3/16 13/0910030/0016 189 Panna Panna

      57. Dwari 13/913/17 13/0910030/0017 188 Panna Panna


      58. Gabhaura 13/9/3/157 13/0910030/0157 336 Panna Panna

      59. Gadokhar 13/9/3130 131091003010030 205 Panna Panna

      60. Gangota 13/9/3/226 13/091003010226 491 Panna Panna

      61. Ganj 13/913/219 13/091003010219 484 Panna Panna

      62. Gaura Khurd 13/913/76 13/091003010076 239 Panna Panna

      63. Ghat Simariya 13/9/3/127 131091003010127 305 Panna Panna

      64. - Ghatari (Amanganj) 13/9/3/60 13/0910030/0060 236 Panna Panna 2-l8


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      Gunnor Tahsil

      65. Girwahi 13/9/3/86 13/09/0030/0086 299 Panna Panna

      66. Gunaur 13/9/3/116 13/09/0030/0116 344 Panna Panna

      67. Gundaura 13/9/3/119 13/0910030/0119 288 Panna Panna


      68. Hardwahi 13/9/3/101 13/09/003010101 273 Panna Panna

      69. Harira 13/9/3/207 13/0910030/0207 462 Panna Panna

      70. Hinauta Dube 13/9/3/26 13/0910030/0026 201 Panna Panna

      71. Hinauta Bhed 13/913167 13/09/0030/0067 259 Panna Panna

      72. Hinauta Misar 13/9/3/58 13/091003010058 234 Panna Panna

      73. Hinauti 13/913/23 13/0910030/0023 197 Panna Panna

      74. Hinauti Patna 13/9/3/93 13/0910030/0093 284 Panna Panna

      75. Hirapur 13/9/3/83 13/091003010083 Panna Panna

      76. Imaliya Mallju 13/9/3/118 13/0910030/0118 287 Panna Panna

      77. Imaliya bhurekha 1319/31124 13/09/0030/0124 292 Panna Panna

      78. Ishwara 13/9/3/152 13/0910030/0152 325 Panna Panna

      79. Itaura 13/9/3/37 13/091003010037 213 Panna Panna

      80: Itauri 13/9/3/54 13/0910030/0054 229 Panna Panna

      81. Itawa 13/913/150 1310910030/0150 326 Panna Panna J

      82. Jaitupura 1319/3/12 1310910030/0012 183 Panna Panna

      83. Jamrai 13/9/3/218 13/0910030/0218 483 Panna Panna

      84. Jamuniya 13/9/3n3 13/09/003010073 253 Panna Panna

      85. Jaswantpura 13/9/3/14 13/0910030/0014 185 Panna Panna 249


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 1

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      Gunnor Tahsil

      86. Jhagra 13/9/3/39 13/091003010039 211 Panna Panna

      87. Jharkuwa (Kudra) 13/9/3/52 13/09/0030/0052 232 Panna Panna

      88. Jhiriya 13/9/3/169 13/09/0030/0169 451 Panna Panna

      89. Jhumta 13/9/3/120 13/091003010120 289 Panna Panna

      90. Jijgaon 13/9/3/31 13/091003010031 206 Panna Panna

      91. Juditap Maheba 13/9/3/85 13/0910030/0085 302 Panna . Panna

      92. Judi (Dharwara) 13/9/3/141 13/09/003010141 320 Panna Panna

      93. Judi (Pagra) 13/9/3144 13109/0030/0044 221 Panna Panna


      94. Ka chhgawan 13/9/3/224 13/09/0030/0224 489 Panna Panna

      95. Kachnara 13/9/S/106 13/0910030/0106 355 Panna Panna

      96. kachnara 13/9/3/134 13/091003010134 313 Panna Panna

      97. Kachnari 13/9/3/3 13/0910030/0003 172 Panna Panna

      98. Kakarhai (Panna) 13/9/3/113 13/09/003010113 349 Panna Panna

      99. kakarhata 13/9/3/108 13J09/0030J0108 353 Panna Panna

      100. Kakra 13/913/33 13/09/003010033 208 Panna Panna

      101. Kalyanpura 13/9/3/8 13/091003010008 179 Panna Panna

      102. Kamtana 1319/3/32 13/091003010032 207 Panna Panna

      103. Kanchaura 1319/3/29 13/091003010029 203 Panna Panna

      104. Kanti 13/9/3/65 13/091003010065 252 Panna Panna

      105. Karhiya (Ghatari) 13/9/3/56 13/091003010056 235 Panna Panna

      106. Karhiya (Itwa) 13/9/3/160 13/09/0030/0160 339 Panna Panna

      107. Kartariya 13/9/3/183 13/09/003010183 442 Panna Panna

      108. Kathwariya 13/9/3/193 13109/0030/0193 427 Panna Panna 250


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      Gunnor Tahsil

      109. Katkaha 13/9/3/66 13/091003010066 260 Panna Panna

      110. Katra 13/913/215 13/091003010215 479 Panna Panna

      111. Khalpura 13/9/3/88 13109/003010088 297 Panna Panna

      112. Khamariya 13/9/3/78 13/09/0030/0078 241 Panna Panna

      113. Khamra 13/9/31137 13/09/0030/0137 315 Panna Panna

      114. Khamri 13/9/3/1 13/09/0030/0001 Panna Panna

      115. Khirwa 13/913/22 13/0910030/0022 193 Panna Panna

      116. Kat 13/913/79 13/0910030/0079 242 Panna Panna

      117. Kota 13/913/213 13/091003010213 478 Panna Panna

      118. Kudra 13/913/50 13/09/003010050 227 Panna Panna

      119. Kulhuwa 13/9/3/42 13/091003010042 218 Panna Panna

      120. Kushedar 13/9/3/206 13/091003010206 459 Panna Panna


      121. Lamkush 13/9/3/151 13/091003010151 324 Panna Panna

      122. Looka 13/913/204 13/091003010204 466 Panna Panna

      123. Luhargaon 13/9/3/164 13/091003010164 453 Panna Panna


      124. Machharha 13/9/3/200 13/091003010200 468 Panna Panna

      125. Madaiya Kulgawan 13/9/3/223 13/091003010223 488 Panna Panna

      126. Madausa 13/9/3/186 13/091003010186 433 Panna Panna

      127. Madha 13/913/132 13/09/0030/0132 309 Panna Panna

      128. Madhiya 13/9/3/104 13/09/0030/0104 357 Panna Panna

      129. Madhiya Kalan 13/9/3/25 13/0910030/0025 200 Panna Panna

      130. Madhiya Rao 13/9/3/35 13/091003010035 214 Panna Panna 251


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      1 . 2 3 -4 5 6 7

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      Gunnor Tahsil

      131. Madhiya Siristedar 13/9/3/57 13/091003010057 233 Panna Panna

      132. Mahadwa 13/9/3/62 13/091003010062 250 Panna Panna

      133. Mahalrampur 13/9/3/149 13/091003010149 329 Panna Panna

      134. Maheba 13/9/3/75 13/091003010075 248 Panna Panna

      135. Mahguwan 13/9/3/19 13/09/003010019 191 Panna Panna

      136. Mahidwa (Rich houri) 13/9/3/159 13/0910030/0159 338 Panna Panna.

      137. Mahuwa 13/9/3/154 13/091003010154 333 Panna Panna

      138. Mafuwadando 13/9/3/7 13/091003010007 178 Panna Panna

      139. Majhgawa Shekh 13/9/3/9 13/091003010009 180 Panna Panna

      140. Majhgawansarkar 13/9/3/55 13/0910030/0055 230 Panna Panna

      141. Majhyari 13/9/3/190 13/0910030/0190 435 Panna Panna

      142. Majhyari 13/9/3/131 13/0910030/0131 310 Panna Panna

      143. Majhyari 13/9/3/165 13/0910030/0165 454 Panna Panna

      144. Majwaha 13/9/3/110 13/09/0030/0110 351 Panna Panna

      145. Malhan 13/9/3/194 13/0910030/0194 428 Panna Panna

      146. Mandahiya 13/9/3/148 13/09/003010148 328 Panna Panna

      147. Mangraila Kalan 13/9/3/188 13/0910030/0188 432 Panna Panna

      148. Mangraila Khurd 13/9/3/187 13/0910030/0187 431 Panna Panna

      149. Manikpur Bishnu 13/9/3/217 13/091003010217 481 Panna Panna

      150. Manikpur Kalan 13/9/3/189 13/0910030/0189 434 Panna Panna

      151. Marha 13/9/3/2 13/09/003010002 173 Panna Panna

      152. Matewara 13/9/3/143 13/091003010143 322 Panna Panna

      153. Mudiya 13/9/3/225 13/091003010225 490 Panna Panna 252


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnar C.D. Block

      Gunnar Tahsil

      154. Mukeha 13/9/3/61 13/0910030/0061 238 Panna Panna


      155. Nachnaura 13/9/3/107 13/09/0030/0107 354 Panna Panna

      156. Nachne 13/9/3/220 13/0910030/0220 485 Panna Panna

      157. Naiguwan

      (Ghatsimariya) 13/9/3/128 13/091003010128 306 Panna Panna

      158. Nayagaon 13/9/3/221 13/091003010221 486 Panna Panna

      159. Nibhari 13/9/3/171 13/0910030/0171 381 Panna Panna p

      160. Padariya Khurd 13/9/3/43 13/0910030/0043 220 Panna Panna

      161. Paderi 13/9/3/114 13/091003010114 347 Panna Panna

      162. Pagra Bada 13/9/3/46 13/09/003010046 223 Panna Panna

      163. Pagra chhota 13/9/3/69 13/09/003010069 262 Panna Panna

      164. Palhari 13/9/3/210 13/09/0030/0210 475 Panna Panna

      165. Pali 13/913/95 13/091003010095 280 Panna Panna

      166. Palka Kalan 13/913/90 13/09/003010090 301 Panna Panna

      167. Palka Khurd 13/9/3/87 13/09/0030/0087 298 Panna Panna

      168. Pataura 13/9/3/161 13/09/0030/0161 340 Panna Panna

      169. Pathradi 13/9/3/167 13/09/003010167 458 Panna Panna

      170. Patna 13/9/3/222 13/09/003010222 487 Panna Panna

      171. Patna Kalan 13/9/3/123 13/09/003010123 291 Panna Panna

      172. Patna Khurd 13/9/3/121 13/09/0030/0121 294 Panr:ta Panna

      173. Pawaiya 13/9/3/77 13/091003010077 240 Panna Panna 253


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnar C.D. Block

      Gunnar Tahsil

      174. Pipariya 13/9/3/139 13/09/0030/0139 317 Panna Panna

      175. Pipariya Khurd 13/9/3/36 13/09/0030/0036 210 Panna Panna

      176. Pipariyasarkar 13/9/3/53 13/09/0030/0053 231 Panna Panna

      177. Piparwah 13/9/3/21 13/09/003010021 192 Panna Panna

      178. Puraina (Gunnaur) 13/9/3/129 13/09/0030/0129 307 Panna Panna


      179. Rajpura 13/9/3/6 13/0910030/0006 177 Panna Panna

      180. Ramna Karimati 13/9/3/145 13/0910030/0145 319 Panna Panna 181.. Rampur 13/9/3/4 13/09/0030/0004 175 Panna Panna 182. Ratanpura 13/9/3/18 13/09/0030/0018 187 Panna Panna

      183.· Richhauda 13/9/3/162 13/0910030/0162 341 Panna Panna

      184. Roondh 13/9/3/140 13/09/0030/0140 318 Panna Panna


      185. Sahilwara 13/9/3/155 13/09/0030/0155 332 Panna Panna

      186. Saleha 13/9/3/214 13/0910030/0214 480 Panna Panna

      187. Salgadha 13/9/3/122 13/09/0030/0122 295 Panna Panna

      188. Sanaura 13/9/3/27 13/09/0030/0027 2002 Panna Panna

      189. Sanaura 13/9/3/130 13/09/0030/0130 308 Panna Panna

      190. Saptai 13/9/3/34 13/09/0030/0034. 209 Panna Panna 191. Saptaiya 13/9/3/51 13/09/0030/0051 228 Panna Panna

      192. Sarhaja 13/9/3/176 13/0910030/0176 376 Panna Panna

      193. Sarwara 13/9/3/133 13/0910030/0133 311 Panna Panna

      194. . Sathaniya 13/9/3/136 13/09/0030/0136 312 Panna Panna

      195. Satwa 13/9/3/96 13/09/0030/0096 279 Panna Panna 254


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      Gunnor Tahsil

      196. Selha 13/9/3/172 13/0910030/0172 379 Panna Panna

      197. Selha 13/913/198 13/091003010198 473 Panna Panna

      198. Shala Gunaur 13/9/3/117 13/0910030/0117 343 Panna Panna

      199. Sili 13/9/3/115 13/0910030/0115 346 Panna Panna

      200. Simari (Jhagra) 13/9/3/24 13/0910030/0024 199 Panna Panna

      201. Simri Bahadursinh 13/9/3/196 13/0910030/0196 471 Panna Panna

      202. Simri Surat 13/913/80 1'3109/0030/0080 244 Panna Panna

      203. Singhasar 13/9/3/126 13/091003010126 304 Panna Panna

      204. Singhaura 13/9/3/28 13/0910030/0028 204 Panna Panna

      205. Siri 13/9/3/11 13/0910030/0011 182 Panna Panna

      206. Siro 13/9/3/71 13/09/0030/0071 254 Panna Panna

      207. Sithauli 13/9/3/168 13/091003010168 452 Panna Panna

      208. Sugarha 13/9/3/163 13/0910030/0163 342 Panna Panna

      209. Suhgi 13/9/3/99 13/0910030/0099 276 Panna Panna

      210. Suhjani 13/9/3/91 13/0910030/0091 300 Panna Panna

      211. Supantha 13/9/3/180 13/0910030/0180 439 Panna Panna

      212. Surdaha 13/9/3/112 13/09/0030/0112 348 Panna Panna

      213. Syamardanda 13/9/3/177 13/09/0030/0177 447 Panna Panna


      214. Tamgarh 13/9/3/13 13/09/0030/0013 186 Panna Panna

      215. Tedha 13/9/3/175 13/09/003010175 377 Panna Panna

      216. Tidunhai 13/9/3/179 13/09/0030/0179 438 Panna Panna

      217. Tighrabujurg 13/9/3/181 13/09/0030/0181 440 Panna Panna

      218. Tikariya 13/9/3/89 13/09/0030/0089 296 Panna Panna 255


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Gunnar C.D. Block

      Gunnar Tahsil

      219. Tilhadi 13/9/3/182 13/09/0030/0182 441 Panna Panna

      220. Torah 13/9/3/64 13/09/0030/0064 251 Panna Panna

      221. Tunna 13/9/3/63 13/09/0030/0063 249 Panna Panna

      222. Turkital 13/9/3/195 13/09/0030/0195 470 Panna Panna


      223. Udki 13/9/3/174 13/09/0030/0174 378 Panna Panna

      224. Ujnehi 13/9/3/203 13/09/0030/0203 464 Panna Panna

      225. Umri (Harira) 13/9/3/205 13/091003010205 463 Panna Panna


      226. Vyauhari 13/9/3/153 13/091003010153 327 Panna Panna 256

      lJ1ll frI if~ I en I UFf ~~ ~ ~ dQ41"1 ~ 14ChI6(q06

      '3'Tc'fiU Ol'f - ~ ("iiff l)llf '# ~ '3'Tc'fiU :;m' t "a)

      Amenities Available (if not Available within the Vrllage, a dash (-) is shown in the column and ne}.i to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 krns, 5-10 krns & 10+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available, is

      given.) l)1lf 'fiT l)llf 'fiT l)llf'fiT~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~'fiT -mi3IT< "ilTiTII1: Imc 'fiT ti

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      3 ) 8 10 1. ~ 812.01 265(50) -(10+) -(10+) TK -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      2. ~ 1822.18 233(37) -(10+) -(10+) N -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      3. ~ 476.83 <1R"A

      4. ~ 3962.60 1192(238) P,M -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      5. WID 1309.47 456(72) P -(5-10) HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      6. ~ 1818.77 ~

      7. ~3!T -mt 386.40 512(92) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      8. Cfl&llIOI~{I 76.20 36(7) -(-5) -(5-10) N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      9. ~m 206.85 429(78) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      10. ~ 418.61 670(118) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      11. 1tRT 1828.41 2075(395) P RP W -(-5) -(5-10) BS 257 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      'iPl~ Land Use (~~~ cf.T ~~cfi ehr~~~~cfim .. m~) (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      1W1~ ·~0flR ~ ~iDU ~~ ~cfi~ ~~~ 1W1"Cf\T~ ~"Cf\T ~~~ q;r fur.ffi "31ffiiU 1ft:R ~ ~ (~.~) ~ (fi 3ffi: ~ mta) Approach Nearest Power Forest Irregated Unirr- Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves. [I IL IJ 14 b [6 Ii IR 2 KR-12 Amanganj 30 45.05 208.40 558.56 Khamri

      KR-14 Amanganj 29 1168.41 101.15 323.64 228.98 Marha

      Uninhabited 116.91 56.43 291.44 12.05 Kachnari

      KR-lO Amanganj 10 ED,EAG· R(20.50) 473.61 2506.2t 962.28 Rampur

      KR-9 Amanganj 14 ED,EAG 48.25 46.45 1214.77 Baraunha

      Uninhabited 992.62 31.30 48.15 746.70 Rajpura

      KR-5 Amanganj 15 ED,EAG R(l2.30) 154.31 175.63 44.16 Mahuwa dando

      KR-5 Amanganj 15 EAG R(l7.50) 22.31 27.60 8.79 Katyanpura

      KR-9 Arnanganj 11 ED,EAG 129.76 53.04 24.05 Majhgawa sheka KR-9 Amanganj 10 ED,EAG R(35.50) 260.77 77.51 44.83 Balgaha

      PR-O Amanganj 5 EA W(7.30), 1291.64 262.80 186.67 Siri R(30.00), 0(50.00) 258 lWf f.l4'fll Cfi I \iFf ~ ~ ~ Jq41~1

      "3"'R'fiU ~ -~ (* m"I 'if ~ '3'«'I

      given.} m"I CfiT m"I CfiT lJIll'CfiT'!}\1 ~ 'iii'l'ffi&rr ~~ ~ -qMCfiT ~3ffi: ~ Ire CfiT 'fi

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Educahon Medical Drinking Post & nay or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (10 Number of (Potable) the Market! way Statton Hectares) households Hat. Ifany Water way)

      12. ~ 372.76 906(183) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      13. ~ 226.54 258(47) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      14. Il1tt chlg<1 1789.81 310 1(589) P(4) -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      15_ ~~ 974.65 935(177) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) BS

      16_ ~ 379.15 636(108) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      17. &Rt 1285.91 3022(556) P(4),M -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS

      18. ~ 109.62 314(67) -( -5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      19. ~ 167.39 374(78) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      20. 'l?R 234.54 135(22) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      21. ~ 824.32 1099(174) P,M -(-5) W,HP PO TUE, BS

      22_ ~ 112.74 272(39) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      23. ~ 854.31 1439(292) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS 259 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~ ~ ~

      PR-4 Amanganj 9 ED 211.77 3.97 10.80 Tarngarh

      PR-3 Amanganj 8 EA 1342.79 292.62 154.40 Jaswantpura

      KR-l Amanganj 10 EA 649.24 233.87 9l.54 Bikrarnpur padhar

      PR-S Amanganj 10 ED R(13.90) 321.41 5.86 37.98 Durauha

      PR-O Amanganj 8 EA (31.15) 1092.26 36.49 126.01 Dwari

      PR-O Amanganj7 ED 94.72 1.23 13.67 Ratanpura

      KR-3 Amanganj5 EA R(7AO) 119.51 19.22 21;26 Mahguwan

      PR-4 Amanganj 5 EA R(15.30) 158.73 41.46 19.05 Bhadar

      PR-O Amanganj 3 ED R(24.50) 580.63 124.36 94.83 Piparwah

      PR-3 Amanganj3 ED R(5.19) 75.12 20.74 11.69 Khirwa

      PR-O Amanganj2 EA R(1.51) 578.33 188.72 85.75 Hinauti

      261 VILEAGE DIREC'fORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~~~

      Wi CfCfi ~rrm: ~ milRf -m ftt'f

      II U I~ 14 13 16 17 IS ~ KR-5 Amanganj 7 ED W(O.30) 69.97 12.27 6.16 Simari (Jhagra)

      KR-5 Amanganj 7 ED W(B.30) 160.90 11.82 24.83 Madhiya Kalan

      PR-l Amanganj 5 EA 0(8.65) 1Ol.41 8.34 16.44 Hinauta dube

      PRo} Amanganj 5 ED' W(0.10) 175.15 76.75 16.59 Sanaura

      PR-O Amanganj 10 ED,EAG R(39.68) 413.79 42.14 108.33 Singhaura

      PR-O Amanganj 10 ED,EAG R(11.45) 184.48 18.28 23.89 Kanchaura

      KR-5 Amanganj 10 ED,EAG R(40.15) 412.06 34.54 54.92 Gadokhar

      PR-O Amanganj 10 ED,EAG R(l2.l0) 301.73 19.12 50.37 Jjjgaon

      PR-O Amanganj 20 EA R(8 l.l 0) 1441.31 279.69 162.25 Kamtana

      KR-5 Amanganj 20 EA R(22.80) 332.66 145.38 37.99 Kakra

      FP-O Amanganj 20 64.52 39.44 14.77 Saptai

      PR-2 Amanganj 10 73.87 10.76 Madhiya Rao 262 lWf ~ffl.Cfi. \iFf ~ ~ ~ dq41

      ~ \i'R -~ ("1& lJ11'f 1:¥ ifciiffii ~ :;m t "at Cfiffi1'I 1:¥ (-) "hi Blt., S-10. flt.1II 10 +flt.

      Amenities AvaIlable (If not Available within the Village. a da"h (-) is shown in the co\unm and nel\'t to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available, is


      lJ11'f CfiI lJ11'f CfiI lJ11'fCf,[~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~Cf,[ ~m

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat,ifany Water way)

      36. ~W 156.51 213(33) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      37. ~ 61.01 34(4) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      38. ~(~) 187.52 375(71) -(-5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      39. wrn 305.19 369(62) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      40. ~~ 151.48 191(30) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      41. ~ (tWW) 279.32 527(116) -(-5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      42. ~ 117.69 68(11) -(-5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      43. ~W 144.10 309(67) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      44. ~ (~) 284.73 224(41) -(10+) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      45. twwtT 47.83

      46. ~~ 1528.26 2047(379) P(2),M -(5-10) TW PO -(5-10) BS 263 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~~~ctt~~~~~~~~~~ ~oq;) (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      "ID11 oq; ~";j7J\ ~ q;:r mlD"U -m~ m1'r~~ ~l(;~ "ID11 'fiT "illf ~'fiT ~~~ q\f ~ ~~ ~ 0fPf (~.~) ~ (ft~ ~ mta') Approach Nearest Power Forest Irregated Unirr- Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kIDs) gauchar & Cultivation groves. II Ii n I4 I5 [e; 17 1& i PR-2 Amanganj 10 114.l9 30.98 11.34 Pipariya Khurd

      PR-2 Amanganj 10 48.31 5.98 6.72 ltaura

      PR-2 Amanganj 10 166.48 4.40 16.64 Dharampura (kunwarpur) PR-2 Amanganj 10 ED 242.70 34.60 27.89 Jhagra

      PR-3 Amanganj 10 EAG 134.21 7.03 10.24 Deori purohit

      PR-2 Amanganj 10 EA W(0.24) 214.65 28.01 33.42 Bilha (dharampur)

      PR-2 Amanganj 10 ED 81.23 23.17 13.29 Kulhuwa

      PR-2 Amanganj7 ED 124.26 2.67 17.17 Padariya Khurd

      PR-5 Aruanganj 11 ED 237.76 15.46 31.51 Judi (pagra)

      Uninhabited 39.50 1.74 6.59 Dharampati

      PR-O Amanganj9 EA l352.20 105.65 70.41 Pagrabada 264 lJ1lf PI if~ I Cfi I ~ ~~ ~ ~ Jqzil~1

      ~ \1f'f - Wltr1'C!" flJfu lJlll "ij "ijfumi ~ :;;:gj t "ill"1fiT\¥f"ij ( - ) hi <'fITT

      Amemties Available (if not Available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the colunm and nell.i to it in bracket., the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms, 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the tacility is availahle, is

      given.) lJlll 'liT lJ1+f 'liT lJ1+f'IiT'fFl 'fFl~ ~~ ~ ~'IiT ~ am: ~/m 'liT .r.m: ~ ~ "IJ7i ~ ~~

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (10 Number of (Potable) the Market) way Station Hectares) households Hat. if any Water way)

      2 3 4 :1 8 l) 10 47. ~ 1174.53 1542(301) P,M -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      48. ~ 587.00 426(88) -(-5) -(10+) T,e -( -5) -(10+) -(5- 10)

      49. GlUT 355.55 265(51) -(-5) -(10+) w,e -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      50. ~ 415.37 634(128) P -(10+) T,W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      51. ~ 135.43 66(19) -(-5) -(5-10) T -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      52. ~(~) 922.77 804(144) P -(5-10) T,W PO -(5-10) -( -5)

      53. fMRtrr m

      54. ~ 478.26 474(94) P -(5-10) T,W -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      55. ~ m

      56. ~ (d) 238.77 230(48) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      57. ~ ~ 126.98 175(35) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 265 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (3r4T

      11FT -aq; ~"l1R ~ ~ -m

      KR-5 Amanganj 17 EAG R(10.99) 41l.63 97.26 67.12 Bhainswahi

      KR-5 A,manganj 15 264.43 53.95 37.17 Dagdha

      KR-5 Amanganj 10 GC(I1.00) 274.78 94.01 35.58 Kudra

      PR-8 Amanganj 8 94.85 22.44 18.14 Saptaiya

      PR-l Amanganj 15 ED,EO 639.46 227.72 55.59 Iharkuwa (kudra)

      PR-2 Amanganj 7 216.35 15.14 21.48 Pipariya sarkar

      PR-2 Amanganj 8 ED W(0.74) 385.96 48.02 42.46 ltauri 0(1.08)

      PR-6 Amanganj 6 ED,EO W(1.24) 223.76 10.85 35.99 Majhgawan sarkar

      KR-I Amanganj 4 ED 194.76 21.71 22.30 Karhiya (ghatari)

      FP-2 Amanganj 6 102.27 15.26 9.45 Madhiya siritedar

      267 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~~~

      'Wf oq; ~

      KR-2 Amanganj 6 ED 273.68 33.00 32.74 . Daharra

      PR-O Amanganj 7 EA 451.59 36.64 97.56 Ghatari

      " (amanganj) KR-4 Amanganj 8 ED 306.10 1.33 33.45 Mukeha

      KR-5 Amanganj 6 0(7.58) 209.42 5.32 24.65 Mahadwa

      KR-5 Amanganj 9 ED R(7.16) 277.23 52.89 36.75 Tunna

      KR-5 Amanganj 8 ED 0(24.31) 390.90 25.16 57.13 Torah

      KR-5 Amanganj 10 ED,EO 0(11.37) 299.23 39.17 41.21 Kanti

      KR-l Amanganj 10 ED R(7.44) 180.21 15.81 27.78 Katkaha

      KR-I Amanganj 10 ED,EAG R(5.17) 203.03 31.31 31.79 Rinauta bhed

      KR-3 Amanganj 15 ED,EAG R(9.02) 434.99 60.90 53.88 Dobha

      KR-I Amanganj 15 EA R(6.12) 182.35 29.06 23.43 Pagra chhota 268 "ID1f ~~tlICfiI ~ ~ ~ ~ \3q4)~1

      ~ 01"1-~ 0ifu W1 'il ~ ~ :;rtf t iiT Cfiffil'I 'il (-) "hi 'i'fIlTtIT IT'IT -t 3it< ~ 'llGtt ~ ~ 1JTl1 it ~ <;?t 'R ~~t -ii'rZ iW 'T{ 'fO ~ "ffi;rr ~ gq;R ~ q;r ~ t -5~., 5 -10 finm.



      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Statton Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      1 2 ) 8 l) () 70. ~ 39l.68 710(124) P -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

      71. ~ 146.97 176(38) -( -5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      72. I'ilCficl51{ 496.85 624(124) P,M -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      73. ~ 32l.49 589(120) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      74. OJ@ 'Cfi'cli 569.38 768(124) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      75. ~ 3154.66 4626(926) P(3),M,H -(10+) W PTO FRI BS

      76. muW 395.17 450(84) P -(5-10) T,W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      77. • 368.95 367(75) p -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      78. ~ 249.69 330(52) p -(10+) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 269 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~


      II n n I~ 15 1(; 17 IS 2 KR-2 Amanganj 12 EA W(0.32) 313.05 46.23 32.08 Bamurha

      KR-5 Amanganj 10 W(0.36) 110.45 24.l3 10,03 Siro 0(2.00)

      KR-2 Amanganj 15 ED W(4.66), 363.42 93.05 30.72 Chikalhai 0(5.00)

      KR-4 Amanganj 15 ED W(3.00), 230.62 66.26 19.01 Jamuniya 0(2.60)

      KR-3 Amanganj 15 ED W(5.57), 356.28 142.01 64.52 BarhaKalan 0(1.00)

      PR-O Amanganj 12 EA W(3.03), 1574.78 1330.71 218.97 Maheba 0(27.17)

      PR-8 Amanganj 8 ED 308.37 49.22 37.58 GauraKhurd

      KR-2 Amanganj 7 ED 266.80 52.47 49.68 Pawaiya

      KR-5 Amanganj 12 215.29 18.84 15.26 Khamariya 270 -m1f f.i ifl1l Cfll \jfof ~ ~ ~ \3q(~hl ~ ~Cfile(qog

      ~ """ -ifoiUiii (iiR l)1lI' "l¥ ifoiUiii ~ "iijf t m~"l¥ ( -) hi "('fT11'lT Tj'"1:J[t"m-~ 'llGtt ~~l)1lI'

      given) l)1lI' M.n ~ OJTI'I ~ ~~

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day Of Communation Code of Village ot'thc lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus St()P Rail Village Village (m Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, if any Water way)

      , 2 _) .f 5 6 S ') 10 79. itt 741.74 660(122) P -(10+) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      80. fu'iRt ~ 291.15 271(56) P -(5-10) T,W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      81. ormw 118.56 245(48) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      82. ~ 175.38 177(31) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      83. ~ 515.64 356(70) -(-5) -(10+) w,e -(-5) -(10+) BS

      84. ~ 766.42 862(171) P,M -(-5) w,e PO -(10+) -(-5)

      85. ~~ 209.16 455(98) P -(10+) W -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+)

      86. ~ 109.56 55(13) -( -5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      87. ~W 107.01 183(29) -( -5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      88. ~ 286.21 376(67) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      89. ~ 645.75 715(129) p -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5) 271 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      'lfl1~ Land Use (3!'ffi1?t~

      Wi~ ~'Ofll"\ ~ m ilffi m: film ~~~ ~~~ Wi CfiT -::n1f ~CfiT ~~~

      KR-7 Amanganj 16 ED 225.95 43.48 21.72 Simri surat

      KR-I0 Amanganj 15 ED 0(4.90) 93.20 14.24 6.22 Barhakhurd

      , ,KR-5 Amanganj 15 ED, 0(6.00) 8i.40 71.43 10.55 Chanda

      KR-2 Amanganj 15 EAG 0(8.10) 178.10 276.52 52.92 Hirapur

      KR-5 Amanganj 15 ED,EO 0(14.10) 194.30 467.35 90.97 Biharsir

      KR-5 Amanganj 16 W(2.29), 182.59 4.05 16.23 Juditap 0(4.00) Maheba

      KR-4 Amanganj 15 75.16 26.94 7.46 Girwahi

      KR-3 Amanganj 14 0(2.00) 91.12 6.28 7.61 Palka Khnrd

      KR-2 Amanganj 18 227.50 35.58 23.13 Khalpura

      KR-3 Amanganj 20 0(15.60) 466.93 126.66 36.56 Tikariya 272 1JTJf f.i~~ICfiI \iFf ~ l[Ci ~ aq4)"1 ~ f4

      ~ iTA" -~ (ilfb;wr 'if ~ ~ :;m t "i'IT ~ 'if ( - ) "hi B11l'lT 7J

      given.) l)Ilf :n ~

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      2 3 4 ) 6 S 9 () 90. ~~ 165.81 337(61) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-lO)

      91. ~ 282.13 301(56) -( -5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      92. 3l"*l

      93. ~ lfG-fT 389.46 580(117) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      94. ~ 572.40 603(123) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      95. ~ 385.37 886(157) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      96. ~ 327.81 333(59) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      97. ~ 375.46 276(60) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      98. ~ 468.84 632(119) P,M PRC W PO -(5-10) BS

      99. ~ 499.87 688(147) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      100. ~ 434.99 705(145) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -( -5)

      101. ~ 516.34 633(122) P,M PRC W,HP PO -(5-10) BS 273 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~~~

      W'f~ ~">flR ~ ~wu m:~ -mt~~ ~~~ W'f 'fiT ""!Pi ~CfiT ~~~

      KR-3 Amanganj 18 EAG 227.81 34.04 15.28 Suhjani

      KR-l Amanganj 12 WeO. 07) 128.73 21.18 13.28 Antarbidiya

      PR-O Amanganj 15 ED,EO 305.08 46.l8 38.20 Hinauti patna

      PR-l Amanganj 15 ED,EO 454.59 72.21 45.60 Beli

      KR-l Amanganj 17 ED,EO 0(3.47) 280.04 67.60 34.26 Pali

      KR-13 Amanganj 20 ED 0(21.32) 220.09 23.00 63.40 Satwa

      KR-12 Amanganj 19 ED 270.57 57.70 47.19 Dhararnpura

      PR-O Amanganj 18 ED,EO 0(10.46) 346.95 24.53 86.90 Barshobha

      KR-8 Amanganj 10 ED 0(7.16) 312.47 87.91 92.33 Suhgi

      KR-S Amanganj 43 ED 369.49 27.54 37.96 Deogaon

      PR-O Panna 42 ED,EO 430.65 50.40 35.29 Hardwahi 274 lWl f.l~~ICflI \iR" ~ ~ ~ \jQq1"1 ~ i"4CflI(l«log

      ~ ;;'f'f -"§fciUiii (iM Wf "4 ~ ~ "'itT t ill ~"4 ( -) tiT ~ 7f!:!Ttw<~ 'Il'Gtt ~TflJl'f~~~"'R ~~~ ~ *' 'R qf, ~

      Wf Cf)[ Wf Cf)[ m>!q)f'§R '§R~ ~~ ~ ~Cf)[ ~w< ~/m Cf)[ mm: ~ ~ ""fI+f ~ ~~

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- EducatIOn Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village cfllle lalion and water Telegrph days of {Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hal, ifany Water way)

      8 102. ~ 458.83 713(141) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      103. ~ 124.03 152(33) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      104. ~ 164.00 232(33) -(-5) -(5-10) C -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      105. ~ 1239.42 1652(287) P(4),M -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS

      106. ~ 244.79 208(39 -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP ~(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      107. ~ 734.69 1070(215) P,M -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      108. ~ 815.63 844(155) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      109. ~ 968.31 928(157) P -(-5) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      110. ~ 174.14 228(46) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      111. 31'*1

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~

      PR-3 Panna 40 365.96 52.70 40.17 Basaura

      PR-3 Panna 40 ED 95.21 23.48 5.34 Akona

      PR-O Panna 33 R(5.38) 107.71 31.40 19.51 Madhiya

      PR-O Panna 15 ED,EO R(3.97) 973.58 186.85 75.02 Bighadi

      KR-2 Panna 40 198.72 24.01 22.06 Kachnara

      KR-5 Kakarhati 10 EA 0(31.20) 546.74 101.21 55.54 Nachnaura

      PR-O Kakarhati 5 ED 0(13.50) 584.13 138.63 79.37 kakarhata

      KR-3 Kakarhati 5 ED,EO W(lO.30), 759.27 116.03 67.41 Bilha 0(15.30)

      KR-3 Kakarhati 5 W(0.67), 146.89 9.18 12.39 Majwaha 0(5.01)

      KR-3 Kakarhati 10 ED 83.65 13.48 15.20 Antarbidiya (Majwaha) 276 1J1lf ~ff~1 Cfi I \JA" ~~ ~ ~ \3q~",

      ~ ffl-'Wfu11i (iM lJl7f ~ 'Wfu11i ~ :;:rg t 'ffi' ~ ~ (-) hi I'!1'T1!IT 7JZIT~3ft<~ ~m ~~"lll"T~~~"'l<: ~~t +lit *' 'R C!6 ~ .i to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 kms. 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the !;\Cility is available, is

      given.) lWl' (f,'f lJl7f

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      3 :1 g 9 ()

      112. ~ 157.46 584(90) P -(-5) W -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

      113. ~(~) 174.42 229(40) -(-5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

      114. ~ 822.72 1305(245) P,M -(-5) W PO SUN, BS

      115. ~ 798.10 1228(270) P -(-5) W,HP -( -5) SUN, BS

      116. ~ 1163.91 3216(645) P(3),M(3), PHS,FPC T,W PTO SUN, BS PUC RP(5) 117. llTffi ~ 145.76 23(4) -( -5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      118. ~~ 301.04 248(45) P -(-5) W,C -(-5) -(-5) BS

      119. ~ 314.43 267(44) +5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      120. WlCT 719.54 683(135) P -(-5) T,W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      121. ~~ 420.79 188(41) -( -5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      122. ~ 189.29 321(61) -( -5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 277 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      'lJi1~ Land Use (~'ifi1~

      lIJif 0l:I'i ~"I'IT ~ ~ "§RT mftlffil it8t

      KR-3 Kakarhati 10 ED,EO W(IO.OO), 120.45 . 5.46 10.25 Surdaha O(11JO)

      KR-1 Kakarhati 10 ED 0(1.45) 110.70 37.44 24.83 Kakarhai (panna)

      . KR-5 Kakarhati8 EA 0(83.09) 545.73 143.11 50.79 Paderi

      KR-2 Kakarhati 11 EA 0(10.00) 279.68 299.06 209.36 Sili

      PR-O Kakarhati 11 EA 934.47 131.64 97.80 Gunaur

      KR-l Kakarhati II ED 29.75 108.35 7.66 Shala gunaur

      PR-O Amanganj 19 ED 216.73 63.44 20.87 lmaIiya mallju

      KR-3 Amanganj 19 235.94 52.39 26.10 Gundaura

      PR-O Amanganj 19 ED 392.08 259.50 67.96 Jhumta

      KR-5 Amanganj25 361.12 37.11 22.56 PatnaKhurd

      KR-5 Amanganj 25 171.13 8.22 18.94 Salgadha

      279 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ?r~ Land Use (3Mfu'~~

      -wr~ ~-;p'R ~ m&:m m~ ~$~ ~~~ -wr CfiT -;plf ~CfiT ~~~

      KR-5 Amanganj 25 EAG 243.95 23.44 33.28 Imaliya bhurekha KR-3 Amanganj 16 303.28 15.60 61.13 Bakulaha

      KR-8 Amanganj 20 733.34 182.24 91.25 Singhasar

      KR-5 Amanganj 19 ED 250.14 11.48 19.57 Ghat simariya

      PR-6 Amanganj 15 71.28 50.10 20.14 Naiguwan (ghat simariya) PR-3 Amanganj 15 ED,EO 579.56 250.71 126.04 Puraina (gunnaur)

      PR-4 Amanganj 15 ED 245.93 205.03 22.28 Sanaura

      KR-5 Amanganj 45 81.97 2.28 14.86 Majhyari

      KR-5 Devendra- 45 ED,EO 219.97 34.76 21.39 Madha Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 45 ED,EO 206.82 34.44 30.70 Sarwara Nagar

      281 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      '!f4 M>r Land Usc (.wM '!f4~ q,'t ~~

      ~'\'fIfi ~'1l1< ~ mm m:~ -mt~~ ~~fAA l)l'i ~ "II"! ~lfiT ~~~ q,'t ~ "31miU~ ~ "IfTlf (~.~) ~ (fim ~ ~) Approach Nearest Power Forest Irregated Unirr- Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village DIstance Sources (including lor (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves. II 12 [j 14 b 1(; 17 Is 2

      PR-5 Devendra- 39 ED 344.00 55.96 68.15 Kachnara Nagar KR-l Devendra- 40 ED,EO 148.80 7.59 22.72 Chauki Nagar PR-O Devendra- 40 ED,EO 570.17 122.32 137.75 Sathaniya Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 37 ED 149.14 4.64 11.17 Khamra Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 35 ED 445.66 75.90 45.72 Dharwara Nagar KR-I0 Devendra - 34 R(0.67) 17l.25 8.19 29.64 Pipariya Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 31 ED 207.66 6.96 19.81 Roondh Nagar KR-5 Devendra-.30 313.11 94.34 36.64 Judi (dharwara) Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 30 ED R(0.36) 23l.80 14.10 24.80 Chhijora Nagar KR-IO Devendra- 35 157.31 47.21 27.16 Matewara Nagar KR-I0 Decendra- 40 57.23 2.49 10.90 BiIha kangali Nagar 282

      lJJlf ~~~Ictli \iFf ~~ ~ ~ \jq4).1 ~ f4q)lfl(qO~

      ~ 'JR-~ {"iItii"1ffl'i\'~~:;m'im~'if (-j "hi~ 1flIT ~ 3h ~ "ilTGtt ~ -i1' l)l+l' il ~ ~ 'R ~~t ~

      Amenities Available (if not Available within the Village, a dlL.h (-) is shown in the column and ne",i to it in bracket., the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms. 5-10 kms & 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is availahle, is


      "1ffl q;J "1ffl q;J "1fflq;J~ '!FI~ ~~ ~ ~q;J ~3h ,",""lore q;J ~ ~ ~ "ITlf ~ l0i~

      LocatIOn Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      2 ) () ~ l) 0 145. ~~ 44.27 3(1) -( -5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-lO)

      146. ~ 634.07 988(202) P -(-5) w,e -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5)

      147. 3ffiMt 123.41 432(90) P -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      148. ~ 105.08 61(11) -(-5) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      149. 416(1(1413< 199.48 254(41) P -(-5) W,HP -(5-LO) -(5-10) -(-5)

      150. wrr 229.68 461(91) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5)

      151. ~ 120.35 98(18) P -(5-10) w,e -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      152. iTcRr 101.16 cfuA'

      153. aITmt 136.54 126(28) -( -5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      154. ~mr 626.18 677(118) P -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      155. ~lfg(1ctl(l 367.93 697(132) P,M -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS 283 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~ ~ ~ cfi'r f

      KR-I Panna 48 ED W(l.OO) 81.69 23.33 17.39 Asauni

      KR-3 Panna 58 R(2.55) 93.59 5.22 3.72 Mandahiya

      KR-2 Panna 58 ED R(5.00) 166.14 7.71 20.63 Mahalrampur

      KR-4 Panna 58 ED,EAG R(3.83) 197.84 5.19 22.82 Itawa

      KR-l Panna 58 ED,EAG R(6.30) 100.32 6.61 7.12 Lamkush

      Uninhabited 84.23 5.53 11.40 Ishwara

      KR-6 Panna 58 R(3.86) 107.26 16.20 9.22 Vyauhari

      PR-l Devendra~ 30 482.01 106.84 37.33 Mahuwa Khera Nagar PR-l Devendra- 32 ED,EO 224.05 93.65 50.23 Sahilwara Nagar 164.~ 682.13 1410(290) P,M -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS

      165. ~ 177.87 43(9) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS 285 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (3f>.Ifu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      II I2 B 14 15 It'; [7 IS ~

      PR-2 Devendra- 35 ED,EO 323.90 127.78 28.07 Dighaura Nagar PR-3 Devendra- 36 93.35 30.96 10.33 Gabhaura Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 20 ED 372.51 117.28 50.44 Chhiganulla Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 20 392.44 19.73 22.49 Mahidwa Nagar (Richhouri) KR-3 Devendra- 23 EA 295.45 7.82 43.74 Karhiya (Itwa) Nagar KR-7 Devendra- 22 ED 158.23 3.99 17.36 Pataura Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 20 ED ,EO 408.84 l4.42 50.56 Richhauda Nagar KR-4 Devendra- 24 EA W(l1.50), 1550.60 184.64 207.27 Sugrha Nagar R(l2.30), 0(3.03)

      PR-O Devendra- 23 ED,EO 496.62 97.43 88.08 Luhargaon Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 26 ED 158.26 5.97 13.64 Majhyari Nagar

      287 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~~~

      Il1if ~ ~"fIR ~ ~ilffi m: fuNa" -mt~~ ~~~ "Wl" CJiT 'Wi ~CJiT ~~~

      KR-1O Kakarhati 10 ED,EO R(8.10) 234.90 11.51 25.05 Selha

      KR-lO Kakarhati 10 ED R(3.00) 214.76 9.02 23.45 Bhatgawan

      KR-5 Kakarhati 10 R(6.25) 80.88 4.50 12.02 Udki

      KR-IO Kakarhati 10 R(2.0S) 103.01 7.17 18.04 Tedha

      KR-lO Kakarhati 10 ED,EO R(12.1O) 300.72 17.15 35.04 Sarhaja 288

      ~ ~if~,Cfl' \iFf ~ ~ ~ \3Ql41

      ~ Wf -Wfuiii (iifu \Wl '4 WfuRi ~ "'1M i m~"il ( - ) hi ~ ,["<[d 3ffi: ~



      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      2 3 4 J 6 8 9 10 177. ~~ 612.78 1175(211) P(2) -(-5) W PO -(10+) BS

      178. "'

      179. ~ 600.77 808(156) P -(10+) T,W -(-5) -(10+) BS

      180. ~ 813.75 22(5) -(-5) -(10+) T,W -(-5) -(10+) 8S

      181. fcrcm~ 275.35 507(83) P -(10+) T,W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      182. ~ 305.33 230(42) -( -5) -(10+) T,W -(-5) -(10+) -( -5)

      183. q;

      184. ~ 99.08 161(31) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(5-10) BS

      185. ~ 244.32 267(53) P -(5-10) w,lIp -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      186. <$n 25l.99 383(85) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      187. ~W 233.32 524(99) P -(5-10) T,W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 289 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (3P1fu~~q\t~~cfi ~~~~~cfim m_'ijCfi) (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places) m;; n

      291 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      '!fi1~ Land Use (~'J?f~


      "3'ffi"iU iWi ifciUiii (1ifu wrif ifciUiii "3'ROO :;:m hit CfiR'I11"i¥ ( -) hi ~ 7Jl:I1 *3ffi ~ .mdt ~i¥

      Amenities Available (if not Available within the VIllage, a dash (-) is sllown in the colunm and ne)"i to it in bracket~, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 luns. 5-10 !uns &10+ kms of the nearest place where the t;lCility is availahle. is

      . given.)

      JllflflT 1)Pl'

      Loca1ion Name of Total Area Total Popn- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water TeIegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Statton Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      2 .1" ~ 5 6 g 9 10

      199. ~ 116.26 343(55) P -(-5) W -( -5) -(5-10) BS


      201. ~ (~~)1l7.12 66(13) -( -5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      202 ~ 177.60 181(27) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      203.~ 152.78 280(49) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      204. ¥T 173.15 216(38) P -( -5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      205. ~ (mtu) 101.16 113(22) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      206.~ 349.71 764(136) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      207. ~ 382.79 963(183) P,M -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5)

      208.~ 516.88 758(158) P -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(-5)

      209. ~'-¥ 217.77 184(35) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 293 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (3NFf~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mm) (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places) mlim ~~ ~ CA' mllRT m~ -mr~~ ~~~ mli CfiT 'Wi ~CfiT ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ (~.~) ~ (ft 3W ~ .) Approach Nearest Power Forest Irregated Unirr- Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves.

      II 12 13 l-l b 16 Ii IS L

      PR-O Devendra- 22 ED W(0.20) 95.28 2.30 18.48 Bachharwara Nagar PR-O Devendra- 22 W(0.04) 62.31 0.28 12.37 Machharha Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 23 ED R(2.40) 103.72 1.07 9.93 Bamurha Nagar (Devendra Na~ar) KR-5 Devendra~ 24 ED R(4.41) 145.16 2.33 25.70 Bhulgawan Nagar KR-3 Devendra- 34 ED R(5.28) 128.66 l.97 16.87 Ujnehi Nagar KR-3 Devendra- 20 ED,EO W(0.14) 153.96 0.67 18.38 Looka Nagar KR-S Devendra- 22 ED R(7.57) 78.70 7.39 7.50 Urnri (Harira) Nagar KR-S Devendra· 25 ED,EO R(24.63) 247.80 40.96 36.32 Kushedar Nagar KR-S Devendra- 24 W(13.38) 317.Gl 19.32 33.08 Barira Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 30 EAG R(19.46) 444.98 9.21 43.23 Bhatanwara Nagar KR-lO Devendra- 24 W(0.07) 186.47 10.80 20.43 BilhaKhurd Nagar 294

      "IDlT Pl"iflll Cfi I ~~~~~Jq~"1

      ~ iR"'f - ijmiiii (iifu lJI'l' "4 ijmiiii ~ "'f5 t -at CfilW1"4 ( -) hi W1TlIT TfZIl t o-m: ~ 'W:"m ~~W'1ir~~'R ~~t -.iTt '* 'R

      Amenities Availahle (if not Available within the.Village, a ,h~h (-) is shown in the colullIn and neAi to it in bracket., the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms. 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the lacility is availahle, is

      gIven.) lJI'l' CfoT lJI'l' CfoT lJI'l'CfoT'!F! '!F!~ ~~ AA

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village VIllage (m Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, ifany Water way)

      2 5 8 10

      210. ~ 219.20 269(49) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      211. WRC!m 456.24 722(134) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      212. ~ 548.32 623(117) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

      213. W 247.51 2(1) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5)

      214. ~ 718.34 2516(521) P(2),M,AC PHS T, W,TK,HP PO TUE, BS


      216. ~ 168.28 26(6) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

      217. ~~ 69.79 .346(85) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) . BS

      218. 'WRTtf 296.30 1915(345) P -(-5) W,TK,HP PO -(-5) BS


      220.~ 30.50 1101(220) P -(-5) W,TK,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 295 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. n.'Block

      ~~ Land Usc (3MB ~ ~


      ~ 'JF1-~ ~ mil "'¥ ~ ~ ~ t i1T

      given.) lWl' CfiT mil CfiT l)1l1CfiT~ ~~ ~/re CfiT t!'

      Location Name of Total Area TotalPopu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (in Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) • households Hat, ifany Waterway)

      221. "flIT1Tiq 203.07 978(184) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      222.~ 546.96 3113(594) P(2),M,PUC PHC W,HP PO -(-5) BS

      223.~~ 104.52 1041(214) P -(-5) N -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      224. ~ 133.53

      225.~ 9.54 28(4) -(-5) -(10+) N -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+)

      226. wncr 33.38 5(3) -(-5) -(10+) N -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      ~qij'~ 96757.91 132925(25298) -(-5)70, -(-5)99 T(24), -(-5)137, -(-5)49, -(-5)99, (5-10)1, (5-10)82, W(202), (5-10(49,(5-10)134, . (5-1032, (10+)3, (10+)31,H,TK(8),TW,(10+)8, (10+)31 (10+)9, P(165), PHC(3), HP(60), PO(24),TO BS(81) M(27),H, PHC(2), C(29), PTO(3) PUC(2),ACFPC,RP(8) N(5)

      m :- ~ ~ CfiRUT ~eR W ~ '# ~ .m f I ~ ~ ~ ~ "W'f f.i{ffllCflI '# ~ ~ .m ~em 'R <4[(exUI:'+1Cfl iN (~'ffi.a:n 131-135) 'R ~ ~ ~ ~ I 297 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Gunnor C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~'l?r~ cfiT~~-t w..twrr~~~~~ - moq;) (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      Approach Nearest Power Forest Irregated Unirr­ Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves. 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 2

      PR-O Devendra- 26 EA 0(28.75) 148.54 6.48 19.30 Nayagaon Nagar PR-O Devendra- 29 EA W(67.74) 369.74 46.73 62.75 Patna Nagar KR-5 Devendra- 29 EAG 75.56 3.34 25.62 Madaiya Nagar Kulgawan

      Uninhabited 67.10 41.73 24.70 Kachhgawan

      KR-16 Devendra~ 42 9.54 Mudiya Nagar KR-IO Devendra~ 24 13.06 11.62 8.40 Gangota Na ar PR(84), ED(121), 231.84 W(327.27), 64442.67 16324.53 12160.44 Total for Block KR(134), EAG(26),GE(11.00). FP(3) EO(33), R(648.79), EA(29) TK(8.10) 0(522.27), TOTAL 1517.43

      Note: Due to the shortage of space, the abbreviations have been given only in English. For bilingual purpose, Hindi abbreviations may be seen in the Notes Explaining the codes used in the Village Directory.. (page No. 136 - 139).


      qOlf1ai~Cfi m+iT q,'l ~

      1991 \iI'1~IQI'11 1981 \iI'1~IQI'11

      SJI. "lJiqCfiT~ ~ cllq1~H

      ~T (fiROlJ t:::( c:-. 2 3 4 5 6 7 m ~Cflm(qU~ m d6fllcl (ar)

      1. ~ 13/9/4/74 13/09/0040/0074 181 -qqf ~

      2. ~ 13/9/4/67 13/09/0040/0067 162 -qqf ~ 3. ~~ 13/9/4/220 13/09/0040/0220 329 m ~ 4. Wj3fT 13/9/4/200 13/09/0040/0200 305 m ~ (3fT) 5. 3fl+fmC 13/9/4/47 13/0910040/0047 54 m 1:FIT 6. ~ 13/9/4/224 13/09/0040/0224 335 m 1:FIT (~) 7. ~ 13/9/4/104 13/09/0040/0104 222 m 1:FIT 8. ~ 13/9/4/174 13/09/0040/0174 292 m. 1:FIT 9. ~ 13/9/4/113 13/09/0040/ 0113 228 m ~ ("3" )

      10. ~ 13/9/4/15 13/09/0040 10015 14 m 1:FIT 11. ~ 13/9/4/189 13/09/0040 10189 273 m 1:FIT 12. ~ 13/9/4/82 13/09/0040/0082 187 m '1l"lT 13. ~ 13/9/4/133 13/09/0040 10133 250 m '1l"lT 14. ~ 13/9/4/184 13/09/0040/0184 283 m '1l"lT (\3i' )

      15. d"lfl«(~~1 13/9/4/135- 13/09/0040/0135 254

      16. ~ 13/9/4/186 13/09/0040/0186 279 'N{ '1l"lT

      17. ~~ 13/9/4/204 13/09/0040/0204 311 'N{ ~ 18. ~ 13/9/4/151 13/09/0040/ 0151 262 m '1l"lT 19. ~ 13/9/4/70 13/09/0040/0070 176 m '1l"lT

      20. ~ 13/9/4/187 13/09/0040/ 0187 275 -qqf ~

      21. ~~ 13/9/4/163 13/09/0040/0163 219 m ~ 22. ~ 13/9/4/149 13/09/0040/0149 261 m '1l"lT 300

      qUIf.j)SfiflJCfi ~ ctt ~

      1991 \i1'1~I\l1'11 1981 \i1'1~I\lI'11

      111. "IJiq q]f "'1TJf f%l1414 JJ cfi 1I1'1 qils m. ~q]f ~q]f CJil. rJl11 "'1TIJ

      ~T CfiJOl46( '" 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 m f4CfiltH.c4 Ua m d68)cl

      23. ~ 13/9/4/79 13/09/0040/0079 186 ~ ~

      24. ~ 13/9/4/225 13/09/0040/0225 330 ~ ~

      25. fcf;n:rr 13/9/4/78 13/09/0040/0078 183 ~ ~ 26. ~~ 13/9/4/203 13/09/0040/0203 312 m ~ 27. 'tic:

      47. ~ 13/9/4/143 13/09/0040/0143 271 -qq{ 'IF'IT 48. ~ 13/9/4/58 13/09/0040/0058 45 m IF'IT


      qOlf1Wi~CfI lJ"Jlff ctt ~

      1991 \11"1~lol"1l 1981 \11"1~IOI"11

      Sil. ~q)f~ ~ cilc:fi,,1"1 ~ ~. ~q)f ~q)f cnT. ~ ~

      ~ Cfl'l'C!Ol.,_ c:{ 2 3 4 5 6 7 m f4Cf1It1(C10g m d6ff)cl

      72. ~ 13/9/4/142 13/09/0040/0142 259 m -q;:;::rr 73. ~ 13/9/4/155 13/09/0040/0155 214 m -q;:;:u 74. "J?T 13/9/4/212 13/09/0040/0212 327 m -q;:;:u 75. ~ 13/9/4/202 13/09/0040/0202 309 m -q;:;:u ('1l) 76. \fiilR 13/9/4/168 13/09/0040/0168 286 m -q;:;:u 77. ~ 13/9/4/129 13/09/0040/0129 247 m ~ 78. ~ 13/9/4/ 5 13/09/0040/0005 5 ~ -q;:;:u (c)

      79. ~ 13/9/4/35 13/09/0040/0035 35 lJCf{ -q;:;:u 80. ctf 13/9/4/127 13/09/0040/0127 244 m -q;:;::rr 81. ~ 13/9/4/62 13/09/0040/0062 167 m -q;:;::rr 82. ~t

      (~) 85. ~ 13/9/4/51 13/09/0040/0051 59 ~ "FIT 86. ~ 13/9/4/164 13/09/0040/0164 404 m "FIT (-0) 87. ~ 13/9/4/156 13/09/0040/0158 211 m "FIT 88. fu'i:RT 13/9/4/83 13/09/0040/0083 190 m "FIT 89. fu'i:RT~ 13/9/4/152 13/09/0040/0152 268 m -q;:;:u 90. 1ffi;RT 13/9/4/185 13/09/0040/0185 282 m "FIT (G) 91. ~ 13/9/4/42 13/09/0040/0042 49 m "FIT 92.,~ 13/9/4/66 13/09/0040/0066 174 m "1"'IT 93, ~ 13/9/4/20B 13/09/0040/0286 317 m 'IF'IT 303

      qUlf1S1l~Ch -wIT ctT ~

      1991 \TH~lul"'11 1981 ,iH~luHI

      ~. 1Ji11. ~!fiT ~ !fiT ctiT. -;wr ~

      ~T ifl +=Qj co { '" 2 3 4 5 6 7 m f4CflltHqUg m cHHllcl

      94. tern 13/9/4/90 13/09/0040/0090 191 ~ lFIT 95. tern 13/9/4/27 13/09/0040/0027 27 ~ -q;:;u 96. tern (~) 13/9/4/169 13/09/0040/ 0169 287 ~ -q;:;u 97. ~ m

      98. Ull! 13/9/4/162 13/09/0040/0162 218 ~ ~

      99. muqmi 13/9/4/ 6 13/09/0040/0006 6 ~ ~

      100. UMW 13/9/4/ 3 13/09/0040/0003 3 ~ ~ (OJ)

      101. 'fln1Tiq 13/9/4/ m 13/09/0040/ om 230 ~ ~ 102. ~ 13/9/4/134 13 /09 /0040 /0134 253 ~ "I:FlT

      103. ~ 13/9/4/179 13/09/0040/ 0179 299 ~ "I:FlT

      104. "'F(lqol~1 13/9/4/140 13/09/0040/0140 257 ~ 1Fn 105. f.1cffit 13/9/4/32 13/09/0040/0032 32 ~ 1Fn (~) 106. qlffi 13/9/4/24 13/09/0040/0024 24 ~ -q;:;:n 107. qlffi 13/9/4/57 13/09/0040/0057 46 ~ -q;:;:n 106. lllRT 13/9/4/60 13/09/0040/0060 47 ~ -q;;:rr 109. ~~ 13/9/4/16 13/09/0040/0016 15 ~ -q;;:rr 110. ~~ 13/'9/4/77 13/09/0040/0077 185 ~ 1:FIT 111. ~~ 13/9/4/37 13/09/0040/0037 38 -qqf 1:FIT 112. m 13/9/4/115 13/09/0040/ 0115 233 -qqf 1:FIT 113. ~ 13/9/4/107 13/09/0040/ 0107 226 ~ 1:FIT 114. ~~ 13/9/4/144 13/09/0040/0144 270 -qqf 1:FIT 115. ~~ 13/9/4/41 13/09/0040/0041 40 -qqf 1:FIT

      116. .~ 13/9/4/56 13/09/0040/0056 43 ~ -q;:;u 117. ~ 13/9/4/81 13/09/0040/0081 189 -qqf 1:FIT 118. ~ ",l{lqol3lJ 13/9/4/73 13/09/0040/0073 179 -qqf -q;:;u 304

      ~OI8>WiPJCfl lWiT Cfl't ~

      1991 \l"1"1 4Iul'1l 1981 \l"1'1 4Iul'1l

      "ijl. l'fiq "ifiT -;wr ~ cll~l1l'1 ~ m. ~qjJ ~ qjJ

      qit. ~ ~

      ~~T Cfi "'Illc: <: 2 3 4 5 6 7

      m f4Cfiltl{ct U1¥5 m d6fl1t>1 119. ~ 13/9/4/118 13/09/0040/ 0118 234 -qqf -q;:;:rr

      120. ~~ 13/9/4/105 13/09/0040/0105 221 -qqf -q;:;:rr

      121. ~iA' 13/9/4/171 13/09/0040/ 0171 290 -qqf -q;:;:rr 122. lJ\

      132. ~ 13/914/137 13/09/0040/0137 255 -qq{ '!"IT 133. ~ 13/9/4/55 13/09/0040/0055 61 -qqf -q;:;:rr

      134. ~ 13/9/4/76 13/09/0040/0076 184 ~ -q;:;:rr 135.

      ClOI8>Sh~Cfl -wff cfit ~

      1991 \i1.'I'lloHI 1981 \11"'1<11 0 1"'11

      91. "lJiq (fiT ""'1TJf ~ cl)~:jH

      ~~T qjJZ14 c:{ '" 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~ Fc'iCflltt(Ct05 m d6ttlc'l

      144. ~ 13/9/4/128 13/09/0040/0128 246 ~ -q;:;:rr 145. ~ 13/9/4/108 1~ /09 /0040 10108 225 m 1FIT 146. ~ 13/9/4/106 1~ /09 /0040 10106 224 m 1FIT 147. ~ 13/9/4/69 13/09/0040/0069 212 ~ 1FlT 14B. ~ 13/9/4/95 13/09/0040/0095 200 m lFfT 149. mm 13/9/4/19 13/09/0040/0019 19 ~ 'IFlT 150. mm 13/9/4/195 13/09/0040/ 0195 302 ~ lFfT (\f)

      151. ~ 13/9/4/93 13/09/0040/0093 202 m "lFlT 152. ~ 13/9/4/198 13/09/0040/0198 303 m "lFlT 153. ~~ 13/9/4/211 13/09/0040 I 0211 318 m "lFlT (~)

      154. ~ 13/9/4/218 13/09/0040 10218 323 m lFfT 155. ~ 13/9/4/167 13/09/0040/ 0167 285 m lFfT 156. +rrm 13/9/4/36 13/09/0040/0036 39 m ~ 157. ~ "ffir 13/9/4/88 13/09/0040/0088 198 m ~

      158. ~-qms 13/9/4/68 13/09/0040/0068 177 lfCf{ ~

      159. ~ 13/9/4/23 13/09/0040/0023 23 lfCf{ ~ 160. ~ 13/9/4/ 2 13/09/0040/0002 m ~ 161. ~. 13/9/4/141 13/09/0040/ 0141 258 m -q;:;::rr 162. ~ 13/9/4/80 13/09/0040/0080 186 ~ -q;:;::rr 163.

      q 0 18:~ ~ ifl lWit cfit ~

      1991 \l1"'!.loHI 1961 \l1"'!.loHI

      \fl. ~ CfiT ~ ~14)l! cll~ lll"'! cfiT6 ~. ~CfiT ~ CfiT CfiT. rrJ1i ~

      ~¥.T ctl~14 c:{ '" 2 3 4 5 6 7 m fc4iflltl(qO~ m C16«1cl

      170. ~ 13/9/4/199 13/09/0040/0199 304 -qqf 1FlT 171. ~ 13/9/4/131 13/09/0040/ 0131 248 -qqf 1FlT In ~ 13/9/4/160 13/09/0004/0160 210 -qqf 1FlT

      173. ~ 13/9/4/63 13/09/0004/0063 42 ~ 1FlT 174. ~ 13/9/4/114 13/09/0004/ 0114 236 -qqf 1FlT 175. ~~ 13/9/4/223 13/09/0004/0223 336 m 1FlT 176. *m 13/9/4/190 13/09/0004/0190 276 ~ 1FlT ("\) 177. ~ 13/9/4/119 13/09/0004/ 0119 235 m lFIT 176. ~ 13/9/4/92 13/09/0004/0092 201 m lFIT 179. ~ 13/9/4/29 13/09/0004/0029 29 m lFIT 180. ~ 13/9/4/72 13/09/0004/0072 160 m {fffJr 161. ~ 13/9/4/50 13/09/0004/0050 57 ~ IF'IT

      162. ~ 13/9/4/191 13/09/0004/ 0191 277 ~ IF'IT

      183. ~ 13/9/4/146 13/09/0004/0146 263 qq{ IF'IT 184. mft 13/9/4/53 13/09/0004/0053 60 qq{ IF'IT 165. f?scr 13/9/4/99 13/09/0004/0099 205 qq{ IF'lT 166. tcJm 13/9/4/26 13/09/0004/0026 26 qq{ lFIT 167. :qm 13/9/4/14 13/09/0004/0014 16 qq{ 1Fff (\1)

      166. ~ 13/9/4/43 13/09/0004/0043 50 qq{ 1Fff

      169. fu;wm 13/9/4/207 13/09/0004/0207 315 qq{ 1Fff 190. ~ 13/9/4/46 13/09/0004/0046 53 qq{ 1Fff (w)

      191. ~ICf'R:"!{1 13/9/4/161 13/09/0004/ 0161 217 (fl" ) In. tfCf,(T 13/9/4/126 13/09/0004/0126 240 qq{ 1FlT

      193. ~ 13/9/4/221 13/09/0004/0221 325 qq{ lFIT 307

      qOI8:~~ifllWiT ctT ~

      1991 ,rfW1.l olrtl 1981 \if...,.I01rt1

      "91. 41icr CfiT -;wr ~ cl1Cf1:tI'1 ~ om. ~CfiT ~ CfiT qIT. -;wr "OfPT

      ~~T 'fl1''''4 c:< '" 2 - 3 4 5 6 7 m (4ttiR1(qO~ m ~fjfflcl

      194. wm 13/9/4/201 13/09/0004/0201 303 1f

      197. ,ilT(J~ 13/9/4/17 13/09/0004/ 0017 18 1f

      216. w~ 13/9/4/177 13/09/0004/ 0177 295 ~ 1FIT 217. ~ 13/9/4/91 13/09/0004/ 0091 197 1f

      219. ~ 13/9/4/156 13/09/0004/ 0156 213 m 308

      qOlfjWif1:lCfl ~ ~ ~

      1991 \i1"l'lloHI 1981 \i'1"1 4IoHI g). ~ CJiT OWl ~ cll ~ :U'1 qils m. ~CJiT ~ CfiT

      4i .... ~(,o{ ~ e.. 2 3 4 5 ·0 7 m f4Cf1If1{CtOg m dt1iftcl

      220. ~ 13/9/4/103 13/09/0004/0103 220 m -q;:;rr -q;:;rr 221. ~ 13/9/4/117 13 /09 /0004 / 0117 231 m -q;:;rr 222. ~ 13/9/4/206 13/09/0004/0206 313 m 223. 6(1ql~'1 13/9/4/85 13 109 10004/0085 192 ~ -q;:;rr -q;:;rr 224. ~~ 13/9/4/48 13/09/0004/0048 55 m 225. ~-hT 13/9/4/132 13/09/0004/ 0132 249 m 1l"'IT 226. ~ 13/9/4/45 13/09/0004/0045 52 m -q;:;rr :lO9


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai C.D. Block Pawai Tahsil

      A 1. Adhradi 13/9/4/67 13/09/0040/0067 162 Pawai Panna 2. Amajhor 13/9/4/224 13/09/0040/0224 335 Pawai Panna 3. Amghat 13/9/4/47 13/09/0040/0047 54 Pawai Panna 4. Amn kllUrd 13/9/4/220 13/09/0040/0220 329 Pawai Panna 5 Amua 13/9/4/200 13109/0040/0200 305 Pawai Panna B 6. Atarhai 13/9/4/74 13109/004010074 181 Pawai Panna 7. Bachhaun 13/9/41205 13109/0040/0205 310 Pawai Panna 8. Badkhera 13/9/4/52 13/091004010052 56 Pawai Panna 9. Badkhera Kalan 13/9/41l25 l3/09/0()40/0125 238 Pawai PaIlla 10. Badhera Khnrd 13/9/4/153 13/09/0040/0153 269 Pawai Panna II. Bairgarha 13/9/4/95 13109/0040/0095 200 Pawai Panna 12. Banbhai 13/9/4121 13/09/0040/0021 21 Pawai P3lilla 13. Bandha 13/9/4/138 13/09/0040/0138 256 Pawai P3lilla 14. Banoli 13/9/4/55 13/09/0040/0055 61 Pawai P3lill3 15. Banwar 13/9/41137 13/09/0040/0137 255 Pawai Panna 16. Baraho 13/9/41l73 13/09/0040/0173 293 Pawai Panna 17. Bartala 13/9/4/76 13/09/0040/0076 184 Pawai Panna 18. Beda 13/9/41106 1310910040}0 I 06 224 Pawai Panna 19. Be1dabar 13/9/4/69 13/09/0040/0069 212 Pawai Panna 20. Bhadar 13/9/4/198 13109/004010198 307 Pawai Panna 21. Bhatpura 13/9/4/93 13/09/0040/0093 202 Pawai Panna 22. Bhitri Mutmuru 13/9/41211 13/09/0040/0211 318 Pawai Panna 23. Bijadllha Khilsari 13/9/41216 13/09/0040/0216 321 Pawai Panna 24. Bikaura 13/9/4/197 13/09/0040/0197 308 Pawai Panna 25. Bilha 13/9/4/121 13109/0040/0121 239 PawaL Panna 310


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai c.n. Block Pawai Tahsil

      26. Birasan 13/9/4/38 13/09/0040/0038 37 Pawai Panna 27. Birha 13/9/4/159 13/09/0040/0159 215 Pawai Panna 28. Birsinghpur 13/9/4/176 13/09/0040/0176 291 Pawai Panna 29. Birwahi 13/9/4/215 13/0910040/0215 322 Pawai Panna 30. Boda 13/9/4/19 13/09/0040/0019 19 Pawai Panna 31. Boda 13/9/4/195 13/09/0040/0195 302 Pawai Panna 32. Bndha 13/9/41108 13/09/0040/0108 225 Pawai Panna 33. Budheda 13/9/4/128 13/09/0040/0128 246 Pawai Panna C 34. Chadra 13/9/4/40 13/09/0040/0040 41 Pawai Panna 35. Chandanpur 13/9/41124 13/09/0040/0124 242 Pawai Panna 36. Chaumukha 13/9/4/130 13/0910040/0130 245 Pawai Panna 37. Chaupra 13/9/4/175 13/09/0040/0175 296 Pawai Panna 38. Chheola Khurd 13/9/4/89 13/0Y/0040/0089 195 Pawai Panna 39. Chhirraha 13/9/4/150 13/09/0040/0150 266 Pawai Panna 40. Chikhla 13/9/4/34 13/09/0040/0034 33 Pawai Panna D 41. Damuiya 13/9/4/66 13/09/0040/0066 174 Pawai Panna 42. Danwara 13/9/4/42 13/09/0040/0042 49 Pawai Panna 43. Deori 13/9/4/169 13/09/004010169 287 Pawai Panna 44. Deora 13/9/4/90 13/09/0040/0090 191 Pawai Panna 45. Deori 13/9/4/27 13/09/0040/0027 27 Pawai Panna 46. Deori Sarkar 13/9/4/145 13/09/0040/0145 272 Pawai Panna 47. Dhamoo 13/9/4/162 13/09/0040/0162 218 Pawai Panna 48. Dhesai 13/9/4/164 13/09/0040/0164 404 Pawai Panna 49. Dhimari 13/9/4/51 13/09/0040/0051 59 Pawai Panna 50. Dhorra Kalan 13/9/4/6 13/09/0040/0006 6 Pawai Panna 51. Dhorra klmrd 13/9/4/3 13109/0040/0003 3 Pawai Panna 3 II


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai cn. Block Pawai Tahsil

      52. Diya 13/9f.l/208 13/09/0040/0208 317 Pawai Panna G

      53. Galleshgm~) 13/9f.l/112 13/09/0040/0112 229 Pawai Panna 54. Gallyari 13/9W30 13/09/0040/0030 30 Pawai Panna 55. Garhi Karahiya 13/9/417 13/09/0040/0007 7 Pawai Panna 56. Garlaga 13/9/4/33 13/09/0040/0033 34 Pawai Panna 57. Gham 13/9/·V170 13109/0040/0170 288 Pawai Panna 58. Ghudsar 13/9/41196 13/09/0040/0196 306 Pawai Panna 59. Ghutariya 13/9/4/49 13/09/0040/0049 66 Pawai Panna 60. Ghutehi 13/9/4/213 13109/0040/0213 319 Pawai Panna 61. Golahi 13/9/4/39 13109/0040/003') 36 Pawai Panna 62. Gubarda 13/9/4/219 13/09/0040/0219 324 Pawai Panna 63. Guda Gauraha 13/9/4/64 13/09/0040/0064 173 Pawai Panna 64. Gudha 13/9/4/20 13/09/0040/0020 20 Pawai Panna 65. Gudmama 13/9/4175 13/09/0040/0075 182 Pawai Panna 66. Gurji 13/9/4/210 13/09/0040/0210 316 Pawai Panna H 67. Hada 13/9/41156 13/09/0(]40/0156 213 Pawai Panna 68. Harduwa 13/9/41117 13/09/0040/0 117 231 Pawai Panna 69. Harduwa 13/9/4/206 13/09/0040/0206 313 Pawai Panna 70. Harduwa Byarma 13/9/4/48 13/09/004010048 55 Pawai Panna 71. Harduwaken 13/9/4/85 13/09/0040/0085 192 Pawai Panna 72. Hathkuri 13/9/4/103 13/09/0040/0103 220 Pawai Panna 73. Hinauta Baish 13/9/4/132 13/09/004010132 249 Pawai Panna 74. Hirapur 13/9/4/45 13/09/0040/0045 52 Pawai Panna I 75. Imalia 13/9/41113 13/09/0040/0113 228 Pawai Panna 76. Intay 13/9(4/174 13/09/0040/0174 292 Pawai Panna 312


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai C.D. BJock Pawai Tahsil

      77. ltwan 13/9/4/104 13/09(0040/0104 222 Pawai Panna J 78. Jagdishpura 13/9/41183 13/09(0040/0183 281 Pawai Panna 79. Jaitupura 13/9/4/202 13/0910040/0202 309 Pawai Panna 80. Jall1uni 13/9/41142 13/09/0040/0142 259 Pawai Panna 8l. Janpura 13/9/41214 13/091004010214 326 Pawai Panna 82. lhanjhar 13/9/4/168 13/09/0040/0168 286 Pawai Panna 83. Jhirata 1319(4/5 13/09/0040/0005 5 Pawai Panna 84. Jhirmila 13/9/4/129 13/09/0040/0129 247 Pawai Panna 85. Juda 13/9/41212 13/09/0040/0212 327 Pawai Panna 86. luhi 13/9/41155 13/09/0040/0155 214 Pawai Panna K 87. Kadlma 13/9/4170 13/09/0040/0070 176 Pawai Panna 88. Kaimuria 13/9/4/182 13/09/0040/0182 284 Pawai Panna 89. Kaithi 13/9/4/l39 13/09/0040/0139 260 Pawai Panna 90. Kakari Kachhar 13/9/4/204 13/09/0040/0204 311 Pawai Panna 91. Kalda 13/9/41225 13/09/0040/0225 330 Pawai Panna 92. Kamta 13/9/41187 13/09/0040/0187 275 Pawai Panna 93. Karahia Kheda 13/9/41163 13/09/0040/0163 219 Pawai Panna 94. Karhi 13/9/41149 13/09/0040/0149 261 Pawai Panna 95. Karia 13/9/4/79 13/09/0040/0079 186 Pawai Panna 96. Katia 13/914/151 13/09/0040/0151 262 Pawni Panna 97. Khairi 13/9/4/58 13/09/0040/0058 45 Pawai Panna 98. Khajmt 13/9/411 13109/0040/0001 2 Pawai Panna 99. Khajuri 13/9/4/44 13/09/0040/0044 51 Pawai Panna 100. Khalon 13/9/4/4 13/0910040/0004 4 Pawai Panna 101. Khamariya 13/9/41110 13/09/0040/0110 223 Pawai Panna 102. Khamri 13/9/4/209 13109/0040/0209 314 Pawai Panna :113


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 '3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai C.D. Block Pawai Tahsil 103. Khara 13(9/4/143 13/09/0040/0143 271 Pawai Panna 104. Khannora 13/9/4/166 13/09/0040/0166 400 Pawai Panna 105. Khatw

      106. Ki II 11<1 13/9/i/78 13!!l9/004010078 183 Pawai Panna 107. Kolkardiya 13/9/4/26 13/09/0040/0026 26 Pawai Panna 108. Kolo 13/9/41116 13/09/0040/0116 232 Pawai Panna

      109. Kond~l 13.'9/4/178 13/09/()040/0 I n 297 P,mai Panna 110. Koni. 13/9/4/18 13/09/0040/0018 17 Pawai Panna Ill. Kothi 13/9/4(65 13/09/0040/0065 172 Pawai Panna 112. Krishllgarh 13/9/41186 13/09/0040/0186 279 Pawai Panna 113. Kudgawan 13/9/41102 13/09/0040/0102 209 Pawai Panna 114. Kuluwa 13/9/4/25 13/09/0040/0025 25 Pawai Panna 115. Kumhari 13/9/4/98 13/09/0040/0098 206 Pawai Panna 116. Kunwarpur 13/9/4171 13109/0040/0071 178 Pawaj Panna 117. Kupna 13/9/4/193 13109/0040/0193 301 Pawai Panna 11&. Kutarhia 13/9/4/157 13109/0040/0157 216 Pawai Panna 119. Kutmi Bandora 13/9/41203 13/09/0040/0203 312 Pawai Panna L 120. Lidri 13/9/4/43 13/09/0040/0043 50 Pawai Panna 121. Lilwar 13/9/4/207 13/0910040/0207 315 Pawai Panna 122. Ludhni 13/9/4/46 13/09/0040/0046 53 Pawai Panna M 123. Madhpura 13/9/4/2 13/09/0040/0002 Pawai Panna 124. Madli 13/9/4/23 13/09/0040/0023 23 Pawai Panna 125. Magarda 13/9/41218 13/0910040/0218 323 Pawai Panna 126. Magarpura 13/9/41167 13/09/0040/0167 285 Pawai Panna 127. Maharajganj 13/9/4122 13/09/0040/0022 22 Pawai Panna 128. -Mahod kalan 13/9/4/97 13109/0040/0097 204 PawJi Panna 31-l


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai c.n. Block Pawai Tahsil

      129. Mahua Chapela 13/9/4(123 13/09/0040/0123 241 Pawai Panna 130. Mahua Dol 13/9/4/226 13109/0040/0226 366 Pawai Panna 131. Mainha 13/9/4/190 13/09/0040/0190 276 Pawai Panna 132. Majhgawan Khera 13/9/4/88 13/09/0040/0088 198 Pawai Panna 133. Majhgawan Pahad 13/9/4/68 13/09/0040/0068 177 Pawai Panna 134. Majra 13/9/4/36 13/0910040/0036 39 Pawai Panna 135. Mania 13/9/4/80 13109/0040/0080 188 Pawai Panna 136. Manki 13/9/4/141 13/09/004010141 258 Pawai Panna 137. Marda 13/9/4/148 13/09/0040/0148 265 Pawai Panna 138. Mihgawan Kalan 13/9/4/120 13/09/0040/0120 237 Pawai Panna 139. Mohadia 13/9/4/160 13/09/0040/0160 210 Pawai Panna 140. Mudwari 13/9/4/192 13/09/0040/0192 278 Pawai Panna 141. Muhandra 13/9/4/63 13/09/0040/0063 42 Pawai Panna 142. Muhli 13/9/4/114 13/09/0040/0114 236 Pawai Panna 143. Muhli Dharampura 13/9/4/223 13/09/0040/0223 336 Pawai Panna 144. Murachh 13/9/4/131 13/09/0040}013 I 248 Pawai Panna 145. Murkuchhu 13/9/4/199 13/09/0040/0199 304 Pawai Panna N 146. Naradpur 13/9/4/179 13/09/0040/0179 299 Pawai Panna 147. Narayanpura 13/9/4/140 13/09{0040/0140 257 Pawai Panna 148. Nargi 13/914/134 13/09/0040/0134 253 Pawai Panna 149. Nayagaon 13/914/111 13109/0040/0 III 230 Pawai Panna 150. Niwari 13/9/4/32 13/09/0040/0032 32 Pawai Panna p

      151. Padaria kalan 13/9/4/41 13109/0040/0041 40 Pawai Panna 152. Padaria Kalan 13/9/41144 13/09/0040/0144 270 Pawai Panna 153. Padwar 13/9/4/56 13/09/0040/0056 43 Pawai Panna 154. PagnI 13/9/4/24 13/09/0040/0024 24 Pawai Panna 315


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai C.D. Block Pawai Tahsil

      155. Pagra 13/9/4/57 13/09/0040/0057 46 Pawai Panna 156. Pagri 13/9/4/60 13/09/0040/0060 47 Pawai Panna 157. Pairothi 13/9/4/147 13/09/0()40/0147 264 Pawai Panna 158. Palohi 13/914181 l3/09/0()·H1/0081 189 Pawai Panna 159. Pati 13/9/4/115 13/09/0040/0115 233 Pawai Panna 160. Patna Kalan 13/9/4/16 13/0910040/0016 15 Pawai Panna 161. Patlla Kalan 13/')/4177 13/09/00.l0/0077 185 Pawal Panna 162. Patlla Klmrd 13/9/4/37 13/09/0040/0037 38 Pawai Panna 163. Patori 13/9/4/107 13/09/0040/0107 226 Pawai Panna 164. Phudhwani 13/9/4/222 13/09/0040/0222 328 Pawai Panna 165. Piparia 13/9/4/118 13/0910040/0118 234 Pawai Panna 166. Pipariya Don 13/9/4/171 13/09/0040/0171 290 Pawai Panna 167. Pipariya Tiwari 13/9/4/105 13/09/0040/0105 221 Pawai Panna 168. Pipra Narayanpura 13/9/4/73 13109/0040/0073 179 Pawai Panna 169. Pondi 13/9/4/84 13/09/0040/0084 196 Pawai Panna 170. Puraina 13/9/4/96 13/09/0040/0096 199 Pawai Panna 171. Purwa 13/9/4/87 13/09/0040/0087 193 Pawai Panna R 172. Raiguwan 13/9/4114 13/09/0040/0014 16 Pawai Panna 173. Raikara 13/9/4/28 13/09/0040/0028 28 Pawai Panna 174. Rajpur 13/9/4/50 13/09/0040/0050 57 Pawai Panna 175. Rakseha 13/9/41119 13/09/0040/0119 235 Pawai Panna 176. Ramnagar 13/9/4/191 13/09/0040/0191 277 Pawai Panna 177. Rampur 13/9/41146 13/09/0040/0146 263 Pawai Panna 178. Rampura 13/9/4/72 13/09/0040/0072 180 Pawai Panna 179. Rangia 13/9/4/92 13109/004010092 201 Pawai Panna 180. Rataru 13/9/4/29 13/09/0040/0029 29 Pawai Panna 181. Richhi 13/9/4/53 13/0910040/0053 60 Pawai Panna 316


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3' 4 5 6 7

      Pawai c.n. Block Pawai Tahsil

      182. Rihuta 13/9/4/99 13/09/0040/0099 205 Pawai Panna S 183. Sagra 13/9/4/201 13/09/0040/0201 303 Pawai Panna

      184. Sakra 13/9/~/126 13/09/0040/0126 240 Pawai Panna 185. Saktara 13/9/4/221 13/09/0040/0221 325 Pawai Panna 186. Sarra 13/9/4/86 13/09/0040/0086 194 Pawai Panna 187. Sarsela 13/9/-1-1122 13/0'J/()O-l-O/0 122 2-1-3 Pawai Panna 188. Sata budhasingh 13/9/4/17 13/09/0040/0017 18 Pawai Panna 189. Shikarpura 13/9/4/161 13/09/0040/0161 217 Pawai Panna 190. Sigada 13/9/4/180 13/09/0040/0180 298 Pawai Panna 191. Simariya Garhi 13/9/4/31 13/0910040/0031 31 Pawai Panna 192. Simariya Guladsingh 13/9/4/136 13/09/0040/0136 252 Pawai Panna 193. Simra Bahadur 13/9/4/172 13/09/0040/0172 294 Pawai Panna 194. SimraKalan 13/9/4/11 13/09/0040/0011 II Pawai Panna 195. Simrakalan 13/9/4/101 13/09/0040/0101 207 Pawai Panna 196. SimraKhurd 13/9/4/10 13/09/0040/0010 10 Pawai Panna 197. SimraKhurd 13/9/4/100 13/09/004010100 208 Pawai Panna 198. Simri 13/9/4/109 13/09/0040/0109 227 Pawai Panna 199. SimriKhurd 13/9/4/54 13109/0040/0054 58 Pawai Panna 200. Singhasar 13/9/4/188 13/09/0040/0188 274 Pawai Panna 201. Singwara 13/9/4/61 13/09/0040/0061 44 Pawai Panna· 202. Sirsi 13/9/4/13 13/0910040/0013 13 Pawai Panna 203. Sonai 13/9/4/217 13/09/0040/0217 320 Pawai Panna 204. Sotipura 13/9/4/91 13/0910040/0091 197 Pawai Panna 205. Sunehi 13/9/4/181 13/09/0040/0181 280 Pawai Panna 206. Sunwani Kalan 13/9/4/9 13/0910040/0009 9 Pawai Panna 207. Sunwani Khurd 13/9/4112 13/09/004010012 12 Pawai Panna 208. Sunwari 13/9/4/194 13/09/0040/0194 300 Pawai Panna 317


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S. No. Name of Village Location Code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer Code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Pawai C.D. Block Pawai Tahsil

      209. Sur,~jpura 13/9/4/8 131()9!OO40/0[)O8 8 Pawai Panna 210. Surdha 13/9/4/177 13/0910040/0177 295 Pawai Panna T 211. Taltanga 13/9/4/35 13/091004010035 35 Pawai Panna 212. Tai 13/9/4/127 13/09/0040/0127 244 Pawai Panna 213. Ta1gaon 11/9/-1.1158 11/091004010158 211 Paw,li Panna 214. Tedha 13/9/4/94 13/09/0040/0094 203 Pawai Panna 215. Thingri 13/9/4/59 13109/004010059 48 Pawai Panna 216. Tighra 13/9/4/83 13/09/0040/0083 190 Pawai Panna 217. Tighra Khurd 13/9/4/152 13/09/0040/0152 268 Pawai Panna 218. Tikaria 13/9/4/62 13/09/0040/0062 167 Pawai Panna 219. tikaria Deori 13/9/4/165 13109/0040/0 165 399 Pawai Panna 220. Tilli (Tilni) 13/9/41185 13/09/0040/0185 282 Pawai Panna U 221. Udla 13/9/4/15 13/09/0040/0015 14 Pawai Panna 222. Umaria 13/9141133 13/09/0040/0133 250 Pawai Panna 223. Umrahat 13/9/4/189 13/09/0040/0189 273 Pawai Panna 224. Umri 13/9/4/82 13/09(0040/0082 187 Pawai Panna 225. Urdani 13/9/41184 13/0910040/0184 283 Pawai Panna 226. UsarKheda 13/9/4/135 13/091004010135 254 Pawai Panna 318

      lWf Pt4'flICfiI \iFf ~ ~ ~ \3q4).1

      ~ ~-~ «ifu lJ1ll' =if ~ ~ ~ t "ffi~"4 ( -) tiT "('J1lJl:II lJZlTt~~ ~m ~~lJ1ll'ir~~'R ~~~ W oR 'R qo ~ <1Tl1T ~ '9'fi1'"< GiTT q'it

      Amenities Available (if not Available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the ~olumn and neJo.t to it in brackets, the di~tance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is availahle, is

      gIven.) lJ1ll' CfiT lJ1ll' CfiT ~~ ~ ~CfiT ~3ffi' ~/mc CfiT -mrr< ~ ~ "I1"f "'!AI'

      2 3 of 5 6 S ~ III

      1. ~ 1411.76 548(88) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      2. ~ 233.61 624(114) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

      3. WU~ 488.31 537(97) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      4. ~ 397.66 414(81) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      5. ~ 541.36 682(131) P,AC -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      6. mqmi 166.58 ~

      7. 1$~ 566.85 1446(294) P,M,AC CHW W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      8. ~ 507.16 359(72) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      9. ~~ 606.55 2168(419) P,M,AC,PUC PHS, CHW W,HP PTO,PHONE THU BS

      10. iWRr~ 121.76 109(29) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) .-(-5) -(-5)

      1l. iWRr qmi 244.42 266(41) P -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      12. ~~ 307.50 469(67) P -(-5) HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      13. iBffit 345.66 523(99) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      14. ~ 644.13 699(128) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(-5) 319

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      'if'l~ Land Usc (~ ~ '3'VlTrr qit ~ ~ cf; if.!" ~ ~ ~ ~ cf; it m

      "ID\T f®ffi mltcf;~ ~q;-~ Wl q;r "Il11 mii "'" ~~ ~ ~ m: ~'fiI ~"3"f!

      II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 PR-5 Amanganj-22 EA W(lO.61) 599.53 762,28 39.34 Khajrut

      PR-3 Amanganj-24 ED,EO W(0.92) 2]3.43 4.05 15.21 Madhpura

      KR-5 Amangalli-26 ED,EO R(5.74) 394.80 41.07 46.70 Dhorra Khurd

      KR-4 Amanganj-23 351.60 21.75 24.31 Khalon

      KR-7 Amanganj-27 EA 417.52 27.01 96.83 Jhirata

      Uninhabited 132.19 14.53 19.86 Dhorra Kalan

      KR-5 Amangallj-15 ED,EO 0(0.32) 488.15 18.77 59.61 Garhi Karahiya

      KR-4 Amanganj-13 ED,EO W(O 30) 440.52 24.92 32.90 Surajpura 0(8,52)

      PR-O Amanganj -12 ED,EO 0(7.08) 48U7 61.14 57.16 Sunwani Kalan

      PR-2 Amanganj~ 14 84.00 15,91 21.85 Simra Klmrd

      PR-3 Amanganj-14 0(5.24) 192.64 8.91 17.63 SimraKalan

      PR-5 Amanganj -15 R(3.22), 233.88 12.32 55.96 Sunwani Khurd 0(2.12)

      KR-3 Amanganj-ll EA R(40,56) 250.13 10.23 44.74 Sirsi

      KR-4 Amanganj-lO ED W(5.00), 370.71 209.87 28,46 Raiguwan 0(30.09) 320

      ~ PtiffllCfiI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ 3qq} 41

      ~ ~-~ (1ifu 1J1+!"i¥ ~ ~:;m i "iIT~"i¥ ( -) hi <'J111tl[ l'flITtm~ ~m ~~1J1+!il~~'R ~~t ~ m.: 'R


      1J1+! 'liT 'WI 'liT 1J1+!'IiT~ ~~ ~~ ~ .wt'IiT ~3ffi" 'IT'Rl1: Ire 'liT '#w ~ ~ ';jfl'I ~ ~~

      2 3 4 5 () H ') 10

      15. ~ 19:1672 1092(206) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      16. 1R'1T Cfi\1l' 225.30 449(80) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      17. mcr~ 967.14 1353(245) P,M,AC -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      18. q;);lt 775.72 1132(228) P,AC CHW W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      19. ofiGT 740.43 1139(225) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      20. ~ 761.64 502(87) P(2) -(-5) HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      21. ~ 205.71 II (2) -( -5) -( -5) W -( -5) -( -5) -(5- 10)

      22. '16Rllifl (1if 241.84 76(12) -( -5) -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      23. ~ 47.81 76( 11) -( -5) -( -5) R -( -5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      24. lflRT 446.07 418(79) P,AC -( -5) R -( -5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      25. ~ 227.08 306(52) -(-~) -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      26. qffi;r ~ 760.32 1089(202) P,AC -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      27. t.:Rt 619.61 796(156) P CHW W,HP PTO,PHONE -(-5) -( -5)

      28. ~ 291.47 911(177) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -( -5) 321

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      'If'1~ Land Usc (Jf'fio 'If'1 "J"l'l'm qit f

      ~ ~Grn m:~ ~~~ ~~~ lJI+I

      II 12 13 l-l 1J 8

      KR-6 Amanganj-8 EA 1008.51 R(40.00), 341.16 l73.15 363.76 Udla 0(10.14)

      KR-7 Amanganj-8 ED R(15.00), 158.03 7.69 37.37 PatnaKaian 0(7.21)

      PR-3 Amanganj-33 EA R(65.86) 738.85 27.16 135.27 Sata Budhasingh

      PR-4 Amanganj-31 EA R(5.60) 556.76 148.99 64.37 Koni

      PR-2 Amanganj-29 EA R(50.50) 527.38 113.32 49.23 Boda

      KR-3 Amanganj-29 EAG 289.39 R(l6.42) 339.99 52.23 63.71 Gudha

      KR-5 Amangal\i-20 19.92 156.74 23.48 5.57 Banbhai

      KR-5 Amanganj-26 125.22 107.67 8.95 Maharajganj

      KR-5 Amanganj-28 25.26 R(1.94) 5.63 6.16 8.82 Madli

      KR-5 Amanganj-32 EA 116.30 R(6.79) 150.16 108.53 64.29 Pagra

      KR-6 Amanganj-26 EAG R(7.40) 126.95 50.65 42.08 Kuluwa

      PR-7 Amanganj-30 ED,EAG R(64.86) 470.20 113.07 112.19 Kalkardiya

      KR-3 Amanganj-28 EA R(26.51) 510.00 7.65 75.45 Deari

      PR-l Amanganj-28 EA WE(4.33), 234.60 9.82 39.57 Raikara R(3.15) 322

      lJTlf f.l {~I Cfi I ~~~~Jq4hl

      ~ '"" -WiUiii (iifu"l)T'l"if ~ ~ :;m t ill q;n;r;r"if ( -) "hi B1Tl


      "l)T'l q;y "l)T'l q;y i~ ~ ~q;y m

      2 3 5 i; SJ ill

      29. BR\ 247.84 cfuA'

      30. '1R

      31. ~<$ 1000.34 3090(589) P,M(2). MH,D,FPC, T,W,HP PTO, WED BS PUC,AC,O CHW PHONE

      32. f.tcIro 476.46 281(48) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      33. '1RWlT 122.49 cfuA'

      34. ~ 807.30 1066(217) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      35. ~ 184.85 291(53) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      36. 'JfiiRT 150.28 166(21) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      37. ~~ 220.36 cfuA'

      38. ~ 418.27 519(95) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      39. ~ 517.44 654(118) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      40. ~ 698.73 614(109) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      41. ~~ 791.88 1593(306) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      42. G-1

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~cf.T~~cfi ~~-if~~cfim mWfi) (i.e area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      l)11f Wfi ~"l7R ~ -citnGm lIT fuNil' ~cfi1Bit mtcfim lJ1l1 'fiT "Wf ~'fiT T(Ci~~

      12 14 ) 8 Uninhabited W(7.45) 206.05 17.04 17.30 Rataru

      KR-3 Amanganj-28 EA R(8.84) 1142.55 149.00 82.89 Ganyari

      PR-O Amanganj-28 EA WE(21.22), 808.77 82.40 77.75 Simariya Garhi TK(5.00), 0(5.20)

      KR-l Amanganj-25 ED 54.61 W(2.00) 316.67 78.05 31.37 Niwari 0(2.76)

      Uninhabited 97.47 11.75 3.27 Garlaga

      PR-O Amanganj-20 ED,EO 618.98 124.74 63.58 Chikhla

      KR-3 Amanganj-25 133.95 40.48 10.42 Tahanga

      KR-5 Amanganj-30 117.35 19.68 13.25 Majra

      Uninhabited 164.51 46.80 9.05 PatnaKhurd

      KR-5 Amanganj-28 ED W(6.94) 331.29 65.51 14.53 Birasan

      KR-6 Amanganj-39 ED W(3.36) 428.20 56.90 28.98 Golahi

      PR-O Amanganj-27 ED W(0.10) 570.64 85.81 42.18 Chadra

      PR-O Amanganj-31 ED,EO W(40.04) 698.85 7.36 45.63 Padaria Kalan

      KR-4 Amanganj-31 ED,EO 0(3.96) 257.20 130.66 61.10 Danwara 324

      7JPJ PI

      ~ ;n;;-ifofuiii' ("Iii W1"4'~ ~:;rn t "iiT


      1J1ll' qa m+f qa 'l)1l'IlTlf) Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village of the lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (Ill Number of (Potable) the Market! way Station Hectares) households Hat, if any Water way)

      2 3 ) ):; ') ()

      43. ~ 189.57 ~

      44. ~ 158.20 ~ 45. ~ 1239.87 1149(234) P,M CHW W,HP PTO,PHONE -( -5) -(5-10) 46. ~ 536.14 981(184) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      47. 3fT11mC 523.82 210(39) P -( -5) HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      48. ~3IT~ 282.35 513(94) P -(-5) HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

      49. ~ 334.34 275(63) P -(-5) HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      50. ~ 493.91 533(109) P -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      51. ~ 176.76 275(58) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(10+)

      52. ~ 528.84 1220(246) P -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      53. 'Wi 77.29 275(49) -(-5) -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      54. WRT~ 178.70 92(20) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      55. ~ 1648.78 2330(510) P(2),M, CHW W,HP PTO,PHONE FRI BS PUC

      56. ~ 284.99 602(112) P,O -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) ~25

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~q\t~~~~~~~~~~ ~ <1cFi) (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places) l)T11

      11 12 13 I~ 15 16 17 IS :2

      Uninhabited 161.97 15.20 12.40 Lidri

      Uninhabited 129.83 20.28 8.09 Khajuri

      PR-5 Amanganj-32 EA 3.66 0(30.73) 1035.83 94.30 75.35 Hirapur

      PR-3 Amanganj-28 EA WE(95.35) 452.29 44.75 33.75 Ludhni

      KR-5 Hatta-30 ED,EAG R(44.96) 335.13 75.92 67.81 Amghat

      KR-5 Hatta-30 ED,EO 3.24 R(24.18) 160.82 49.78 44.33 Harduwa Byarma

      KR-6 Hatta-31 EAG R(20.34) 254.17 21.67 38.16 Ghutariya

      KR-3 Hatta-38 EA 0(12.28) 396.03 47.05 38.55 Raj pur

      KR-4 Amanganj-38 152.28 14.24 10.24 Dhimari

      KR-5 Amanganj-37 EA W(12.10), 434.12 33.63 39.11 Badkhera 0(9.88)

      KR-4 Amanganj-36 W(12.72), 47.82 3.61 2.49 Richhi 0(10.65)

      KR-S Amanganj-38 W(3.32) 120.64 47.58 7.16 SimriKhurd

      PR-O Pawai-34 EA 351.30 W(49.00), 750.71 301.00 85.99 Banoli GC(110.78)

      KR-7 Pawai-32 ED 0.62 0(6.72) 247.66 14.41 15.58 Padwar 326

      1Wf Pt4"flICflI \iR" ~~ ~ ~ \j4q131

      ~ -;n;r-~ ("iiffm+fl\'~~~tm~l\' (-) "hI~ lJ'lT~:;m:~ 'l'l'Gm ~~m+f~~~'1\ ~~t ~ eft< '1\ i'fO ~ WIT ~ "9


      1)1lI' q;'[ m>1 q;'[ m>1q;'[~ ~~ ~~ ~ .qMq;'[ ~~ 'ifNiT< fmc q;'[ Wm: ~ ~ 0fIl1 ~ '«

      2 3 4 5 6 t) ()

      57. 'IflRT 426.59 ~

      58. ~ 10l.86 181(37) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      59. f<51rtT 244.54 296(45) P,AC -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      60. ll1Rt 97.51 121(18) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      61. fuIrqm 1947.88 1352(264) P(4),M, -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) AC(2)

      62. ~ 1141.75 130(30) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      63. ~ 2546.40 6326(115 I) P(2),M(2), D,FPC,CHW T,W,HP PTO,PHONE SAT BS PUC,AC,O RP

      64. ~

      65. cmt 3750.83 541(111) P CHW,RP W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      66. ~ 1718.81 243(36) P -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      67. ~ 1146.28 288(49) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      68. ~~ 1053.50 294(59) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      69. ~ 306.55 172(42) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 327

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      '!f'l~ Land Usc (~~~

      'lJl+I' O

      [ I 12 13 I.J. 15 16 17 Il:I '2

      Uninhabited 286.99 77.73 46.48 15.39 Pagra

      KR-5 Pawai-30 ED 6.72 78.74 13.01 3.39 Khairi

      KR-5 Pawai-28 W(0.83) 219.61 9.56 14.54 Thingri

      KR-6 Pawai-30 83.14 8.86 5.51 Pagri

      KR-6 Pawai-28 ED,EO 1127.46 0(3.59) 402.99 110.21 303.63 SingwaT3

      KR-6 Pawai-35 179.06 46.21 6.45 910.03 Tikaria

      PR-O Pawai-25 EA 528.82 WE(59.48), 1011.77 763.93 107.81 Muhandra TK(3.13), 0(7l.46)

      KRI0 Pawai-24 84l.49 14.45 l.92 2.31 Guda Gauraha

      FP-9 Pawai-24 ED 3410.74 D(3.00) 148.91 . 153.89 34.29 KoHli

      FP-8 Pawai-25 EAG 1550.59 95.48 40.56 32.18 Damuiya

      FP-12 Pawai-24 1022.60 67.73 22.70 33.25 Adhradi

      FP-13 Pawai-24 959.14 0(1.11) 72.57 5.61 15.07 Majhgawan Pahad

      FP-ll Pawai-23 89.79 31.96 16.01 .168.79 Beldabar 328

      "IDll PI ffll4l1 UFf ~~ ~ ~ aqq)"1

      3'm'tT iiR -~ ("ilk l}f'1 "i¥ ~ ~ ::m t m1it~~'R ~~t ~ Iffl" 'R ern- ~ tWlr ~"9

      Amalities Available (if not Available within the Village, a da.,h (-) is shown in the column and ne1.i to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges VIZ .• 5 lam, 5-10 krns & I 0+ krns of the nearest place where the facility is available, is


      i'r~ ~ ~CfiT mtfiam: 111m Imc CfiT ~ (

      2 3 -+ 5 6 8 9 10

      70. ~ 3201.96 471(89) P -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      71. ~ 1364.42 1869(350) P,M -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

      72. ~ 323.77 433(80) P -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -(-5) -( -5)

      73. f\l1m '1HIlj 0l:!{i 329.55 398(76) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      74. ~ 607.32 940(168) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      75. ~ 387.57 529(104) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      76. ~ 542.63 409(73) -( -5) -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

      77. ~~ 906.61 1218(230) P CHW W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      78. ~ 355.04 29(6) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      79. ~ 930.37 1805(349) P,M,.AC CHW T,W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

      80. ~ 321.09 226(41) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      81. 263.51 568(97) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 82. -~ 582.30 977(180) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 329

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      'lfi1"~ Land Usc (~~ ~ ct.t ~ ~ ~ ~ twn:-.l ~ ~ ~ it ~ r ~CfiT ~~~ ct.t W'ira ~OfU:R ~ 0JTIi (~.-.l) ~ (~ 3fR ~ ~l Approach Nearest Powu Forest [rregated Unirr- Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply hy I gated Waste .\vailahle Villag~ Distance Sources (including for (in lullS) gauchar & CultivatIOn groves.

      Ii 12 13 14 I:' 1(; Ii ]s L FP-Il Pawai-28 2807.24 122.91 101.79 170.02 Kadlma

      KR-l Pawai-22 EO,EO 266.26 W(2.91), 632.55 76.34 365.34 Kunwarpur GC(20.02)

      KR-2 Pawai-24 ED W(4.57), 228.05 34.16 37.28 Rampura GC(l9.11)

      KR-2 Pawai-24 W(O.72), 268.84 20.52 17.16 Pipra GC(22.31) Narayanpura

      KR-5 Pawai-30 EO,EAG 523.72 50.69 32.91 Atarhai

      KR-6 Pawai-30 EO 316.85 48.02 22.70 Gudmania

      KR-5 Pawai-22 EO W(4.02) 256.15 260.45 22.01 Bartala

      KR-6 Pawai-22 EO,EO 0(4.50) 724.63 126.89 50.59 PatnaKalan

      KR-3 Pawai-22 W(O.75) 237.20 100.40 16.69 Kinna

      KR-3 Amanganj-21 ED,EO 0(22.37) 778.98 65.04 63.98 Karia

      KR-5 Amanganj-28 EO 0(7.61) 274.91 10.46 28.11 Mania

      KR-4 Amangallj-20 EO,EO 0(8.46) 206.72 38.54 9.79 Palohi

      KR-3 Amangallj-28 EO,EO W(4.61), 478.72 43.36 5l.62 Umri TK(3.99) 330

      lJ'111 PI 'fill Chi \iFf ~ ~ ~ aq4hl

      ~ \JR - ~ ("1& l)r1 "ij ifciiiiii "3'm:lt.

      Ameniti~s Available (if not Available.within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the calunm and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kms &10+ kms afthe nearest place where the facility is available, is

      given.) l)r1

      2 :1 8 I) 83. -Rr

      84. ~ 74.34

      85. 6<5>(U~'1 216.64 336(55) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      86. mY 122.09

      87. ~ 86.78 237(50) P -(-5) R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      88. ~mr 39.49

      89. ~W 196.79

      90. t

      91. ~ 43.08 49(8) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      92. ~ 100.07 92(13) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      93. ~ 67.71 53(9) -( -5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) 94. ~ 43.33

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      '!)lr~ Land Use (~'!)lr ~


      12 13 1.+ \:l 16 g PR-O Amanganj-16 ED R(150.80) 1100.22 244.09 22.09 Tighra

      Uninhabited 0(12.13) 21.56 24.35 16.30 Pondi

      KR-2 Amanganj-19 111.01 56.01 49.62 Harduwaken

      Uninhabited R(5.l1) 70.42 34.76 11.80 Sarra

      KR-3 Amanganj-20 ED,EAG 62.49 19.75 4.54 Purwa

      Uninhabited 19.51 14.55 5.43 Majhgawan Khera

      Uninhabited R(7.21) 167.30 19.07 3.21 Chheola Khurd

      KR-2 Al11anganj-16 ED,EAG W(6.0g), 142.22 81.77 46.06 Deora O(g.OO)

      KR-l Amanganj-16 27.41 5.80 9.87 Sotipura

      KR-2 Amanganj-19 56.15 32.52 11.40 Rangia

      KR-3 Amanganj-19 54.44 10.62 2.65 Bhatpura

      Uninhabited 30.99 11.05 1.29 Tedha

      KR-3 Amanganj-lS ED,EO 233.85 142.03 32.28 Bairgarha

      PR-O Amanganj-15 ED,EO R(14.74) 241.67 294.47 81.55· Puraina 3 3 2

      ~ Pt(II)ICflI \TFJ ~~ ~ ~ Jqlj)"1

      J'1"T'Il Jf'l -7jfu~ (1& 1)TIl ij "lJhi~ ~ :;om t "if ~ ij (-) -nT "fITT1lT 1T1lJ i '* ~ "IT'! it ~ -it "lJT'l il fiR;\\ ~ '1(

      ,'\lllellllie, ,\\ aliable (If not AVailable "'llllln the Village, ,I d,lSh (-) " ,ho\\'n In

      th~ L()lUIl111 and 11..;\.1 to it In hrack~l". th~ dl<;t.lOce til hroad ranges \'17 - 5 k.. m<\. 5-1 () km\ & I U+ kms ()fth~ nearest place \\here the t'\L'lltty " availabk "

      gl\C'l1 )

      l)Tl1CfiT~ 'B'~ ~~ ~ ..wt'lil ST'f, 3-h 'fl'i'!R 1m 'Iil 1T'lR ~ ~ zrq~cf.r w!i't 7!T( ~/

      (~-it) "ffi'ZlT -.:rfu

      Location "alll~ 01 Tot,II,\IO

      ( ,) 7 S ') IIi

      97, ~qmi 1546,15 1672(324) P(2) -( -5) W,HP.R PO -( I 0+) -( -5)

      98, ~ 452,85 701(l43) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(10+ ) -( 10+)

      99, ~ 795 S() 1039( 1%) P -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -(10+ ) -(10+)

      100, lWmW 2647.57 1221(253) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(10+ ) -( 10+)

      101 lWm qmi 731.70 1462(2S2) P.AC -(-5) W.HP -( -5) -( I 0+) -(10+ )

      102, ~ 282,92 16(2) -( -5) -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(10+) -( lO+O

      10], ~ 2242.57 1661(342) P.M PHS. FPC, W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10) '" CHW

      104, ~ 5H)5 ~

      105. mWrr fuqffi 2,)X 4() :lO5(()5) -( -'i) -( -'i) W.HP -( -5) -(5-10) -(:1-1 ())

      106 im ')1773 ~

      107 "1itft 12552 X75(153) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      108 ¥.T 14(>.7') In(lS) -( -5) -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      109 ~ 20877 3X4((,') P -( -5) W.HP PO -(5-10) -( -5)

      110, ~ 155563 11')0(215) p -( -5) W,HP,R -( -5) -(5-H) -(5-10) " ,

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land llse Pawai C. [). BIodi

      1"~ Land Usc (:WW!>M~if,)~~~ ih~-it~~~i\ m~) (i e are;] ullder dliTerellt ty'Pes of land use III hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      "lW! No ~ ""f1R ~ ~ "ID

      It I_ l' 1-+ 1'1 ,<) 17 Ii) 2 KR-2 Am

      KR-15 Pawal-15 ~ 15 :11 68,50 n04 Kumhan

      KR-ll Pmvai-13 ED,EO 0(2 -1-1) 72(,50 25.(14 -H 1)1 Rlhuta

      KR-9 Pawai-15 ED 232 X'+ 57522 1754,59 X492 Sinua Khurd

      KR-') Pmvai-15 ED ()7 8-1- :1')·uo 178,02 %J)-t Simrd Kalan

      KR-X Pawai-16 230 X3 33,34 IX,75 Kudgawan

      KR-IO Pawai-12 ED.EO SOO 26 765,09 54,35 922.87 Hathkuri

      Ul\lnhablted 55 ')-t 0,32 1.1') IIw

      KR-9 Pawai-IO ED X7,02 15-+,(,() 31.14 25.70 Pip;mya Tiwari

      Unillhablted 1(,').23 18,64 729,8() Beda

      KR-7 P,m

      KR-() Pa Wi II-C) ED I 14 9X 13 42,58 4% Budha

      KR-() Pawat-6 ED 5 5(, 18844 11.38 3.39 Sllllrt

      KR-S Pa\\'at-(j ED.EO -t05 75 W(7,1O). 5(,7 12 19.10 5-1-931 Khamariya TK(7,25) 334

      lJl"Jf ~ 4'rll Cfi I \iR ~~ ~ ~ Jq41.1

      ~J iR'l-+i~ (m:! W'1 "4 "iJf'T~ "3'T<'f'iU ""Itt t m~ "4 (-) nr "ffIIT11T ll'l1 j; :Hr. "d1',

      \lllCllliIC' ,\\',III"hlc (II nllt ,\\',III"hk \\'Ithlll thc Vll1,'ge," d,l.\h (-)" ,howil III th~ l'l)[Ulllll and 11.:-\1 tn It III hrack~h. till! di .... tanc~ III hro.\d ntl1~~ .... \ IZ - 5 km ....

      5-10 hill' &10+ hm\ ot the ncare,! place where the t"clilt\'" a\,lllahk IS

      g1\ en ) lJT'1

      - .t -' () I ~ ') l() lll. ~ 21,7 19 112(19) -( -S) -( -S) W.HP -( -S) -(S-IO) -(S-IO)

      112. ~ 11,791, 2:1S(47) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      113. ~ '~-l.l) I S80(103) P -( -S) W,HP -( -5) -(S-IO) -(S-IO)

      114. ~ X978

      115. W S-l94

      116. ~ 17.96

      117. ~ 2X998

      118. mmr I 7S.-l I 294(60) -( -S) -( -S) W,HP -( -5) -(S-IO) -(S-Ill)

      119. ~ 133.-l2 139(24) -( -S) -( -S) W.HP -( -S) -(S-IO) -(S-IO)

      120. ~~ 2()2 9S 728(132) P,M -(-5) W.HP -( -5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

      121. foh;m 106.73 419«(i(» P -( -5) W.HP -( -S) -(10+) -(10+ )

      122. m-ffi;rr 210.23 264(53) -( -5) -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -(10+) -( 10+)

      123. ~~ I I (•. (iO 15(3) -( -S) -( -S) W -(-5) -( ]()+) -( 10+)

      124. ~ 29377 4IS(70) P -t -S) R -( -5) -(]()+) -( \()+) VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc I 31'm ~ y:p:i\1r of.t f


      11 12 II 1-1 1) 18

      ------~--.- KR-5 Pawai-5 ED,EAG 27.m; W(1.2J), 126.02 5578 I') -I') Nayagaon (7 (jJ)

      KR-5 Pawat-5 ED 2-1.8-1 0(1.86 ) 82,13 21 II 7.')') Ganeshganj

      ED,EO Il) 09 O(() -1(,) 250.08 906-1 2-1 (,-I (ma lia

      Uninhabited 78,88 541 SAl) Muhli

      Ullinhabitt:d -17.39 (j.Ol) 1.-+6 Pati

      Uninhabited lSAI 1.36 1.19 Kolo

      Uninhabited 3736 76.32 173.7l) 2.51 Harduwa

      KR-8 Pawal-I II ED W(l 25}_ 152.98 5n l) 17 PlJJana R(5 J 5), 0(1 ll)

      KR-(, Pawai-IO ED \V(ll 88) ]01 98 U7 1-1.7') Rakseha

      KR-5 Pawal-ll ED 236,60 l.66 24.(,l) Mlhgamlll kalall

      PR-5 Pawai-l J ED 84.58 13.00 9_l5 Bilha

      PR-5 Pamll-ll 168,50 22.30 19A] Sarsela

      FP-5 Pawai-IO 88.07 17.30 1123 Mahua chapela

      FP-5 Pawai-7 19(),04 56.74 46,')9 Challdanpur 336

      ~ PtJ~ICfiI ~ ~~ ~ ~ \3q~JI

      ~JT11 ;r "iifutl1'1; ~JT11 it ~ ~ 'R "Wrtl1'1; 0'li'11t. 7:JT 10+fu;:#.

      Amel11ltcs Av,lIlable (If not AvaIlable withmthc VIllage. a d,lSh (-) is ShOll'1l 111 the colullUl and 11",1 to It III hrackeLs. the dlS(.lI1ce 111 hroad r,lIIgcs VIZ - 5 kim. 5-10 klm &10+ klns of the nearest place where the IitcIlity "avaIlahle. IS

      gn~ll ) lJPl CfiT lJPl CfiT ~lllli1r;c "fth" LltHJI1 and wakr Tckgrrh d"y' 01 (Iltls Stop RaIl Village VIllage (Ill ;\ulllha 01 (I'otahl,,) the ivlarkdl ,\ay Station IIectares) Ill'u'cholds Il.ll. II an, Wakr wav)

      , , :, (, l) - -t X 10

      125. ~ q)ffi -i]] 5:1 G5-l( JIG) P ~( -5) W.HP.R PO -( I 0+) -(10+)

      126. ~ 155.37 clRR

      127. m 1 161 63 1361(271) P,M,AC -( -5) W.HP PO -(l()+) -(l()+)

      128. ~ 5~3 .55 47 -l(~O) P -(-5) W.HP,R -( -5) -( ]()+) -(10+)

      129. ~ 144.47 364(67) -( -5) -( -5) W.HP,R -(-5) -( ll)+) -(-5)

      130. ~ 37904 4G 1(87) P -( -5) W.HP -(-5) -( 10+) -( -5)

      131. ~ IO()590 157X(2XX) P,M PHC.FPC. W.HP PO.PHONE -(5-10) BS CHW

      132. ~~ 391 () 1 4X5(X2) P -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      133. ~ 22-l.25 532(82) P -(-5) W.HP -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      134. fl 205 59 50()(X~) P -( -5) HP.R -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      135. 0m~ XlU(,

      136. iW®rr 472.15 7,)4(128) p -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5) ~m

      137. ~ 57.34 I 13( ]9) -( -5) -( -5) W -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5) , , - " '

      YILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land lise Pawai C. D. Block

      ~mn Land U~e (31,w, ~ ~

      -TI- 12 I) 14 is II, Ii \b 2

      FP-7 P;l\\ai-7 ED 2<)290 77 47 63,1(, Badhera Kalan

      Unll1habited 52.54 77.47 (,3.1 () Selina

      KR-4 Amanga nl-15 ED.EO W(I f;Oy. X2X ()I) 250.14 75.S9 Tai 0(5,11)

      KR-5 Amanganj-15 EA R(34 17) 3IXJ(, 189.50 41.52 Budheda

      KR-5 Amanganj-15 ED GC(2('. 74) (,4.10 17.24 3('.39 Ihirmila

      KR-5 Pawai-12 ED GC(51.72) 15UO 88.41 87.71 Chaumukha

      KR-4 P;I\\;}1-7 ED.EO GC(I07 GI) 7:142() 70,33 1)058 Murachh

      PR-O Pawai-5 ED 2<)341 51.14 4(, .4(' Hinauta Baish

      PR-O Pawai-3 ED 17522 15.85 33.18 Umaria

      FP-II P;}wal-ll ED.EAG GC(I).3(') IGO,7] 15.84 19.(,8 Nargi

      UIlJl1habl(cd 77 37 (,.09 4.1)() Usar Kheda

      KR-lJ Pawai-9 ED OP(S.S7) 3)\3 ())\ 57.10 26.10 Simariya Gulabsingh

      KR-7 Pawai-7 EAG WE(3 14) W24 0.84 389 Banwar 3 3 B

      1JT1l f4 {~I Cfi I \iFf ~~ ~ ~ Jq4t~1


      .·\\11c\\ltlcS Avali.\hk tIl \\ot Avallahl~ wlthm th~ Vin,,!;~. a d,d\ (-) IS shown in the colllllU\ ,I\\d \\e\1 10 It III hracket,. th" dIStanCe 111 hroad Lmg"s VIZ - 5 klns. 5·1\! kms &101· kIm 01 the 11"",,,,t place where the 1:\l'Iilty I' """liahle. IS

      gl\'~n )


      Locatloll Nalll~ \1j Total Area Total Popu. rdllcatlon ld",ilcal Drinking Po,t & f),lyor Comll1UnatiOll Code 01 VIiLIgc of the latlon and water Telegnph days 01 (Bll' Stop RaIl Village Yillage (1\1 !\umh"r 01 (Potahk) the ",{arlet way StatIOn Hectare') hOllsehollh HaL if any Water way)

      2 '1 ~ :'\ X (j ()


      139. ~ 283.()5 33S(52) P -( -5) WHP -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      140. '1Rlllol3>'] 7G3.S9 1326(259) P.M RP W,HP PO -(S-IO) -( -S)

      141. ~ 93.69 321(62) -(-S) -( -S) W,HP -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      142. ~ IOS.S7 211(37) -(-S) -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -(5-10) -( -S)

      143. ~ 78.17 309(52) -( -S) -( -5) W,R -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      144. ~qm]' 7W.2S 160(J(323) PM.O PHS. FPC, W.HP PTO -(S-IO) -( -S) CHW

      145. m mcfiT( Hll.12 S03(159) P -( -S) W,HP -( -5) -(5-10) -( -S)

      146. ~ 151.lJ2 79(11) -( -5) -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      147. ~ 1)6..+3 113(19) -( -5) -( -S) W -( -5) -( -S) -(-5)

      148. 'l'JW 293.11 266(51) -( -S) -( -S) W -( -5) -( -S) -(-5)

      149. ~ .j(jlJ.3g 25S4(~(j9) P(2),M CHW W.HP -( -5) -( -5) BS 110

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land l'se Pawai C. O. Block

      ~~ Land lJ~c (:w.f8w!~cf.\~~~~~~~~~i\ m~) (1 e are~l under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      ~~ ~'11R ~ ~ 1lRT mfi1fuJ m~~ m~1Bi't ~

      - -~- II 12 l_> 1.+ 1:1 It) I~ -1 KR-() Pawai-7 EA WE(21.20). 2207(, 12.87 2X 81 Bandha O(12.IG)

      KR-lol Pawai-lol ED.EAG WE(2.00). nu)O 5.55 19.+5 Kaithi R(l2.(,5)

      KR-7 Pawai-7 EA WE«(' (0). 5~5 () 1 108.71 96.11 Narayanpura R( 17.1 (I)

      KR-7 Pawai-7 ED XO 48 1.10 10.11 Manki

      KR-7 Pawai-8 ED.EAG WE(2S0). X:l ')4 4.77 779 JU1l11111i 0(057)

      KR-8 Pawal-Il ED R(O XX) ()798 0.70 X(d Khara

      PR-O Pawal-ll EA R(400) ('()7 83 55.38 93 ().+ Padaria Kalan

      KR-3 P;l\vai-8 EA On (0) JXX 55 14.09 3H8 Deori sarkar

      KR-5 P;mal-5 ED 72 35 ()7 .04 12.53 Rampur

      KR-5 Pawai-6 ED 86.S2 2.34 7.57 Pairothi

      KR-3 Pawai-7 ED GC(l ().(i4) 247.29 0.94 28.24 Marda

      PR-O Pawai-S EA (jee83.79) 332 85 13.81 39.53 K;lrhi 340

      lJTlf PI (f~I4l1 \iFf (jfcf~ ~ ~ Jql(j"1


      AmellllIes AVaIlable (If not Available within the Village. a ,tlsh (-) is shown III the column and next to It in hrackels. the distance in hro,ld rallg~s viz - 5 h.ms. 5-10 bm & I 0+ h.ms of the nearest place where the laclhty is av,.. lahk is


      1IJl'I'IiT'!}Ol' 'fiB~ ~~ ~ ~CfiT ~m ~ fmc CfiT ti'IR ~ ~ -c;

      2 3 .+ .5 () S 'J 10

      150. fmfuT 73.05 32S(6() P -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -( -5) -(-5)

      15l ~ 74.15 220(4.+) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      152. mu~ 62.12

      153. ~~ 110.90

      154. ~ 54.07 199(41) P -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      155. ~ 347.64 856(172) P -(-5) HP,R' -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      156. ~ 1955.94 595(113) P -(5-10) HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      157. ~ 3934.31 138(23) P -(5-10) HP,R -(-5) -(5-1 () -(-5)

      158. ~ 2148.7S 107(20) -( -5) -(5-10) HP,R -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      159. f.lm 1026.18 %(21) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      160. ~ 2432.59 399(71) P -(5-10) TK,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      161. ~ICflI{T'1 1601. () 1 334(67) P -( -5) W,HP PO -(5-lO) BS

      162. UW! 651.59 19(7) -( -5) -( -5) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      163. ~~ 420.00

      164. ~ 985.45 781(l67) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 3~1

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~.~~ctT~~~ mr~-if~~~It.-i't) 3ll'ffil (mm: 3ffi ~ -mta) Approach :\~arest Power Forest Irregated Unirr- Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available \",llage D"tance Sources (includmg for (111 km~) gauchar & Cultivation groves.

      II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 Is 2

      KR-2 Pawai-S ED GC(lS.58) 4S.00 5.18 4.29 Chhirraha

      KR-3 Pawai-S ED 67.31 1.90 4.94 Katia

      Uninhabited GC(l4.16) 33.72 7.92 6.32 Tighra Khurd

      Uninhabited GC(86,48) 9.18 6.62 8.62 Badkhera Khurd

      KR?1 Pawai-5 ED GC(29.29) 9.86 10.79 4.13 Khatwar

      KR-6 Pawai-6 ED 41.51 130.31 74.46 101.36 Juhi

      KR-7 Pawai-7 ED 19.13 9S.74 226.13 1614.94 Hada

      KR-7 Pawal-15 59.73 19.15 142.79 3712.64 Kutarhia

      KR-7 Pawai-12 54.40 22,41 154.86 1917.11 Talgaon

      KR-7 Pawai-IO 67.76 7,43 13.94 937.05 Birha

      KR-8 Pawai-ll ED 101.76 4S.52 371.42 1910.89 Mohadia

      PR-O -12 ED 19437 GC(4.31) 60.27 181.10 1160.96 Shikarpura

      PR-l PawaI-13 565.02 2.30 49.62 34.65 Dhamoo

      Uninhabited 0.S5 404.12 15.03 Karahia Kheda

      KR-5 Pawai-l() ED,EO 574.55 TK(10.54) 199.52 172,41 2S.43 Dhesai 3112

      "IDll ~~~I411 \iFf tjfcf~ ~ ~ \3q4).1

      ~ 'iPf -wn:mi (iifu m'1 'i¥ "Wful\i ~ :;jij ~ ~ ~ 'i¥ (-) ~ "BlJTlIT

      Alll~llltles Available (ifnotAvailable within the Village, a dash (-) is shOlm III the culumn and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kim &10+ klns of the nearest pl'lce where the hlcility is available, is

      g""~n ) m'1 q;r 1J1'1 q;r iITiTIR Imc q;r

      ~ ~ ~/

      Location Nam~ of Total Ar"a Total Popu­ Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of \,illag~ urthe lation and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Villag~ \'I1I,lge (in Number of (Potable) the Markdi way Station Hectares) households Hat, if any Water way)

      , .J. - 6 X <) 10

      165. ~~ 1793.17 1640(330) P,M PHC,CHW, T,W,HP PTO.PHONE -(10+) BS RP

      166. ~ 388.95 747(148) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

      167. ~ 1756.S7 574(129) P -(-5) W,TK -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      168. ~ 1159.26 796(152) P,M -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      169. ~ 1611.64 280(56) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      170. ~ 152464 196(39) -(-5) -(-5) R -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      171. fitqftlrr zy, 420.9.J. 545(111) P -( -5) R -( -5) -(10+) -(10+)

      172. fulm~ 74421 465(77) P -( -5) HP,R -( -5) -(10+) -(10+)

      173. -.rom 444.54 549(99) P -( -5) HP,R -( -5) -(10+) -(10+)

      174. ~ 36654 952(191) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(10+) -(-5)

      175. ~ 531.25 64(14) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -( -5)

      176. f.l

      177. wur 549.59 14]

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      'If'1~ Land Usc (~ 'If'1 ~ ;fuit m-r 'liT 'Wi ~

      U. 13 I~ \) 16 't\ 2

      PR-O Pawai-]O ED,EO 418.46 ·HJ6.1S 331.75 436.78 Tlkana Dcori

      PR-O Pawai-22 ED 48.74 22l.79 51.53 26.89 Kharmora

      KR-8 Pawai-23 425.47 115.63 109.06 1106.71 Magarpura

      KR-ll Pawai-26 700.80 354.58 38.95 64.93 Jhar~ll£ll

      KR-12 Pawai-26 890.09 136.69 124.74 460.12 Deori

      KR-4 Pawai-2S 564.40 97.40 56.98 805.86 Ghairi

      KR-6 Pawai-16 ED,EO 9454 187.38 46.20 92.82 Plpariya don

      KR-6 Pawai-16 ED,EO 96 13 231.19 14.78 402.11 Sill1ra Bahadur

      KR-7 Pawai-16 ED,EO 13.97 226.29 14.46 189.82 Baraho

      KR-4 Pawai-16 ED,EO 6568 W(2.51), 141.25 69.47 82.63 Intay TK(5.00)

      KR-3 Pawai-14 ED 256.87 32.20 240.60 1.58 Chaupra

      PR-O Pawai-9 ED,EAG ]9.42 W(4.25), 323.94 3.67 271.62 Birsinghpur R(4.25), TK(27.62)

      Uninhabited 802 TK.(2.81) 113.48 134.14 291.14 Surdha 344

      -wJ PI~~ICfiI ~ (jfcr~ ~ ~ \3q~"1

      ~ ii1"[ -~tm; ("!ifu <;IFf 1:1 Wftm; ~ :;m t mCfoTB1l 1:1 ( -) "hi ('fI'IJ



      ~~ ~ ~'lfiT 5JCfi3IT<

      3 -\. :'l 8 !) () 178. ~ 306.80 137(28) -( -5) -( -5) HP -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      179. ~ 784.23 3-\.6(53) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -(-5) -( -5)

      180. ~ -121.55 11-\,(20) -(-5) -( -5) HP -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

      181. ~ 810.45 818(184) P -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) BS 182. ~ 1049.61 333(73) P -( -5) W,TK,HP -( -5) -(-5) -( -5)

      183. lJ1'I~~lg'J 387.29 800(143) P,O -( -5) W,HP -(-5) -( -5) BS

      184. ~ 397.70 536(110) P -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      18S. ~ (frt;RT) 97.15 3-14(58) P,O -( -5) W.HP -( -5) -( -5) -( -5)

      186. ~ 1275.80 2860(538) P(2),M ,PHSCHW. W.TK,HP PTO FRI BS 0(5) RP

      187. ~ 3()3.08 691(134) P -( -5) W,HP -( -5) -( -5) -(-5)

      188. iB

      189. ~ 267.58 616(119) P -( -5) W,HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      190. *m 306.44 553(lOO) P -( -5) W,HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -( -5)

      191. WR1R 62.58 88(13) -( -5) -( -5) HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -(-5) 345

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (.wfu ~~

      12 13 1.+ 1) 8 KR'-5 Pawai-12 ED 218.53 54.72 25.49 8.06 Konda

      KR-6 Pawai-12 ED 665.33 101.38 1.78 15.74 Naradpur

      KR-5 Pawai-12 17.55 373.S4 30.16 Sigada

      KR-O Pawai-S ED 171.15 0(4.21) 172.48 46.53 416.08 Sunehi

      KR-8 Pawai-15 ED 60S.06 87.44 51.96 302.17 Kaimuria

      KR-O Pawai-8 ED,EO 0.41 GC(182.07) 73.n 4.00 126.89 Jagdishpura

      KR-2 Pawai-8 ED GC(22.25) 32(J.26 26.11 29.08 Urdani

      KR-3 Pawai-9 ED 91.()4 1.55 4.56 Tilli (Tilni)

      KR-O Pawai-13 EA 1.65 W(3.81) 1157.93 34.39 78.02 Krislmgarh

      KR-5 Pawai-l0 ED,EO W(5.57) 245.56 25.47 26.48 Kamta

      KR-4 Pawai-19 ED,EO R(7.97) 161.33 29.78 30.01 Singhasar

      KR-2 Pawai-14 ED R(0.S3) 211.60 28.63 26.52 Umrahat

      KR-4 Pawai-15 EA l.00 199.67 62.79 42.98 Mainha

      KR-6 Pawai-16 ED 42.47 12.11 8.00 Ramnagar 346

      ~ f.l~flICfiI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ \3 q4)

      ~ 'il'f-~ (* W1"# ~ ~:;m t "ffi~"# (-) hi WIl'lT lf1lTi3ffi:~ 'lfGm ~->rlJl+f-fr~~'1{ ~~* ~ i1R CR

      given.) lJl+f 'fiT W1'fiT lJl+f'fiT'!i\'I '!i\'I ~ ~~ ~ ~'fiT ~ 3ffi:

      2 3 .j. 5 6 7 8 '.) lO

      192. ~ 2547.64 3691(735) P(2).M CHW,RP HP,R PTO FRI, BS



      196. ~ 233.31 31(5) -(-5) -(-5) HP,R -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

      197. ~ 1014.99 453(85) P -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      198. ~ 6'.)3.20 35(7) -( -5) -( -5) R -(-5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      199. ~ 385.05 729(161) P.O -( -5) W -( -5) -( -5) -(5-10)

      200. ~3fT 146.65 134(26) -( -5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      201. tJ1RT 503.34 1332(283) . P,O -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      202. ~ 103.62 303(54) P -(5-10) W,TK -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

      203. ~oRRr 133.00 202(32) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) " 204. ~~ 88.41 209(36) P -(10+) R -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      205. ~ 222.84 394(73) P CHW TK -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      206. ~ 28.43 221(53) -( -5) -(-5) TK -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 3-l7

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~

      11 12 13 l-l 15 l() IX

      KR-O Pawai-16 EA 150.00 W(7.64), 148X on 185.00 705.()O Mudwari R(12.00)

      KR-3 Pawai-15 ED,EO W(4.12) 315.00 54.00 49.00 Kupna

      KR-4 Pawai-16 ED,EO W(5.17) 543.00 183.00 98.00 Sunwari

      KR-6 Pawai-17 ED 6-l60 11.00 8.00 Boda

      KR-3 Pawai-22 ED 167.64 37.90 16.24 11.53 Ghudsar

      KR-8 Pawai-21 ED 268.11 91.47 59.23 596.18 Bikaura

      KR-o Pawai-20 ED 362.50 3969 15.90 275.05 Bhadar

      KR-7 Pawai-24 E- 10.10 2-l9 12 1.65 124.18 Murkuchhu

      KR-8 Pawai-25 ED 0.12 8581 23.12 37.60 Amua

      KR-3 Pawai-25 ED 0.02 295.14 24.31 183.87 Sagra

      KR-4 Pawai-21 ED 70.71 30.29 2.62 Jaitupura

      KR-4 Pawai-18 0.44 62.31 48.42 21.83 Kutmi bandora

      KR-4 Pawai-21 41.94 39.94 6.53 Kakari Kachhar

      KR-6 Pmvai-18 76.37 103.05 32.35 10.47 Bachhaun

      KR·g Pawai-l() 23.19 4.06 1.18 . Harduwa 348

      -w:r PI ~nl Cfi I \iFf ~~ ~ ~ Jq41~1


      Am"llllIes AvaIlabk (If not AvaIlable mtlun the Village. a dash (-) is ShOWll111 the column and ne,,1 to it in brackets. the distance in broad ranges viz - 5 J..ms, 5-10 kms & 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is avallahle. IS

      gIven.) lJl+f

      2 3 ) () ~ ') ()

      207. ~ 46.88

      208. ~ ')9.53 74(15) -( -5) -(-5) R -( -5) -(5-10) -( -5)

      209. TcPRt 55.35 246(41 ) -( -5) -(-5) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      210. ~ 132.59 404(79) P -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      211. ~~ 358.44 1436(276) P -(-5) HP,R -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      212. '¥.T 4532 296(49) P -( -5) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      213. P 63.16 439(89) P CHW TK,HP -(10+) -(HI+) -(5-!O)

      214. ~ 92.88 126(31) -( -5) -( -5) HP,R -(l()+) -(10+) -C5-l0)

      215. ~ 78 82 258(55) -(-5) -(-5) R -(10+) -(1(1+) -(5-10)

      216. ~ 22608 307(58) -( -5) -(-5) R -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) ~

      217. ~ 3659 55(7) -(-5) -(-5) W,R -(10+) -(10+) -(Hl+)

      218. ~ 9865 124(21) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(10+) -( -5) -( 10+)

      219. ~ 74.97 82(17) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -( -5) -(10+) 220. 3fl1&¥ 4051 cfur;:r 3-1-9 . VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~mn

      Wi (fCfi ~..,-;rr ~ CFf BlBID

      11 12 13 14 15 1(J U, 2

      Uninhabited 28.49 16.03 2.36 Lilwar

      KR-4 Pawai-21 1.61 38.15 4.30 5.47 Diya

      KR-12 Pawai-21 37.30 11.57 6.48 Khamri

      KR-12 Pawai-21 78.87 45.21 8.51 Gurji

      KR-10 Pawai-35 6.97 258.40 7.15 85.92 Bhitii mutmuru

      KR-8 Pawai-32 35.46 8.00 1.86 Juda

      KR-6 Pawai-35 41.16 16.15 5.85 Ghutehi

      KR-6 Pawai-32 8.11 5144 25.28 8.05 Janpura

      KR-5 Pawai-32 9.92 53.76 12.68 2.46 Birwahi

      KR-o Maihar-24 74.87 134.25 16.96 Bijaduha Khilsari

      KR-4 Maihar-20 12.79 22.35 1.35 Sonai

      KR-6 Maihar-20 37.75 54.80 6.10 Magarda

      KR-7 Maihar-28 21.40 36.07 14.14 3.36 Gubarda

      Uninhabited 17.45 28.25 0.81 AmraiKhurd 350

      1J"Ff ~ if~J Cfl J \WJ ~~ ~ '!f4 Jq41~J

      ~ ;;l'HfciUii (iifu

      given.) w:r q;r lJT'f q;r ~~ ~ ~q;r 5T'Ii&ff\

      .:.. 3 -+ ) () g ') 10

      221. ~ 307.11 263(50) P -(-5) HP -( -5) -(-5) -(10+)

      222. ~ 15.19 11(2) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      223.~~ 439.26 812(121) P,O -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      224. ~ 28.83 78(12) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      225. ~ 455.74 1078(225) P,M,PUC,O D,CHW W,HP PTO WED, -(10+)

      226. +fSC'Til\;r 148.61 322(66) P -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      ~qrr~ 127782.40 127353(24272) (-5)fi!t, (-5)1 fifi, T(4), (-5)1(;2, (-5)1114, (-5)97, P(145), (5-10)9, W(15S), (5-lO)9, (5-10)-4S, (5-10)55, M(25), (lII+)l,MH TK(9), (10+)17, (1!1+)"l (10+)29, PUC(5), PHC(2), HP(lfi2), POe'}), 8S(19) AC(2S), PHS(5), R(57) PTO(13), 0(15) D(3), PHONE(10) FPC(5), CHW(23), RP(6) m:- ~ctCfiRUT~W~ ~~~.m~ I ~~ct~'IDl1 ~{~I

      VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Pawai C. D.·Block

      ~~ Lantl Use (3f'lfu ~ ~


      11 12 15 18 2'

      KR-6 Maihar-25 53.02 106.35 139,85 7.89 Saktara

      KR-8 Maihar-23 11,89 2,93 0.37 Phudwani

      KR-4 Maihar-24 5.52 183. 98 167.42 82.34 Muhli Dharampura

      KR-6 Maihar-24 19.73 6.39 2.71 Amajhor

      KR-4 Maihar-27 17.50 166.12 47.66 224.46 Kalda

      KR-5 Maihar-30 8.89 111.42 22.95 5.35 Mahua Dol

      PR-(32), ED(105)24706.75 W(234.66), 55()86.11 16675.83 28956.44 Total for Blocli KR-(158), EAG(16) WE(125.45) FP(II1) EO(36), GC(825.22), EA(27) R(757.40), TK(76.67),

      Note: Due to the shortage of space the abbreviations have been given only in English, For bilin!,'lIal purpose Hindi abbrevia­ tions may be seen in the Notes Explaining the codes used in the village directory. (page No. 136 - 139),


      qUI8:~~Cfi ~

      1991 iiI"i"I u,.." 1981 iiI"i",oH'

      "ii. l1fq CfiT -;wr ~~~lIH~ m. ~qrr ~qrr cfiT. -;wr -;w:r

      ~T Cfi;:'4 c::{ '" 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ fqCflIt1{qUs (ar) ~~ .wrrt wmm 13/9/5/138 13/09/0050/ 0138 432 ~ -q;:;:rr

      2 ~ 13/9/5/ 72 13/09/0050/0072 34 ~ -q;:;:rr 3 wm: InFcl""G~(1 13/9/5/ 34 13/09/0050/0034 96 ~ -q;:;:rr 4 ~ 13/9/5/ 46 13/09/0050/0046 108 ~ -q;:;:rr 5 w=r& Cf.;:;ri 13/9/5/187 13/0910050/ 0187 334 ~ -q;:;:rr 6 3fTIT 13/9/5/243 13/09/0050/0243 401 ~ lFIT 7 ~ 13/9/5/ 22 13/09/0050/0022' 84 ~ 1FIT 8 3R2IT{ 13/9/5/139 13/09/0050/ 0139 433 ~ 1FIT 9 ~ 13/9/5/ 51 13/09/0050/ 0051 113 ~ 1FIT (3fT)

      10 wRY 13/9/5/ 11 13 /09/0050/ 0011 73 ~ lFIT 11 aw:rr 13/9/5/169 13/09/0050/ 0169 463 m lRf ("{)

      12 ~ 13/9/5/ 83 13/09/0050/0083 144 lJCf{ lFIT 13 ~ 13/9/5/ 71 13/09/0050/ 0071 133 m 1FIT

      14 ~ 13/9/5/108 13/09/0050/ 0108 402 lJCf{ 1FIT (,,)

      15 ~ 13/9/5/145 13/09/0050/ 0145 439 lJCf{ 1FU

      16 ~ 13/9/5/ 53 13/09/0050/0053 115 -qqf 1FU

      17 ~ n:n

      18 ~"¢ 13/9/5/162 13/09/0050/ 0162 456 ~ lFIT (\n)

      19 ~ 13/9/5/251 13/09/0050/ 0251 ~ ~

      20 ~ 13/9/5/ 31 13/09/0050/ 0031 93 m lFIT 21 ~ 13/9/5/ 171 13/09/0050/ 0171 465 m lFIT 22 ~ 13/9/5/ 93 13/09/0050/0093 155 m lFIT 23 Cfl?5{ 13/9/5/249 13/09/0050/0249 397 ~ lF1T


      qOlfjSflf$JCfi ~ ctt ~

      1991 \rFI~luHI 1981 \l'("1.l ol'il

      ~. lTfq 'liT -;nll ~ ~ct1:1I'i ~ ~l ~'liT ~!fiT

      ~~T CfjJ'9_C( 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ i4ifiFH(ClOi; ~~

      49 fir~ 13/9/5/168 13/09/0050/ 0168 462 ~ ~

      50 ~ ITlfc1 r c:g{) 13/9/5/ 2 13/09/0050/0002 63 ~ ~ (q) 51 ~ 13/9/5/ 48 13/09/0050/ 0048 110 (TT)

      52 ~lICT 13/9/5/155 13/09/0050/ 0155 449 ~ ~

      53 ~ 13/9/5/125 13/09/0050/ 0125 420 ~. ~.

      54 ~ 13/9/5/ 38 13/09/0050/0038 100 ~ ~

      55 ~ 13/9/5/217 13/09/0050/ 0217 367 ~ ~

      56 ~ 13/9/51 30 13/09/0050/0030 92 ~ ~

      57 ~ 13/9/5/ 13/09/0050/ 0001 65 ~ ~ 58 ~~ 13/9/5/ 87 13/09/005010087 149 ~ "'FiT 59 ~ 13/9/5/135 13/09/0050/ 0135 429 1icr{ "'FiT 60 "TfTIT 13/9/5/129 13/09/0050/ 0129 175 1icr{ "'FiT 61

      62 ~ 13/9/5/ 117 13/09/0050/ 0117 412 1icr{ "'FiT


      63 ~ 13/9/5/204 13/09/0050/0204 353 1icr{ "'FiT

      64 ~~ 13/9/5/ 39 13/09/0050/0039 101 1icr{ -q-;:;:rr (qr)

      65 i1fli?T 13/9/5/221 13/09/0050/ 0221 371 1icr{ "'FiT 66 ~ 13/9/5/ 67 13/09/0050/0067 129 ~ -q-;:;:rr 67 ~ 13/9/5/ 82 13/09/0050/0082 145 1icr{ -q-;:;:rr

      68 ~~ 13/9/5/ 70 13/09/0050/0070 132 1icr{ "'FiT

      59 ~ 13/9/5/164 13/09100501 0164 458 1icr{ "'FiT 70 ~ 13/9/5/227 13/09/00501 0227 376 1icr{ -q-;:;:rr .71 ~ 13/9/5/ 8 13/09/0050/ 0008 70 ~ -q-;:;:rr 356

      q uIf:!Qi ~ Cfi "IDlll tfiT trfi

      1991 1l"1"'141 ul'1 I 1981 1l"1"'1

      ~\>.T CflJOQj CO{ '" 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ I4CflIt1{qug ~~

      72 ~ 13/9/5/ 47 13/09/0050/0047 109 (If) 73 ~ 13/9/5/100 13/09/0050/0100 163 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr 74 ~Cj)f{l:jlql~ 13/9/5/ 109 13/09/0050/ 0109 403 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr

      75 ~G1crr 13/9/5/126 13/09/0050/ 0126 421 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr

      76 ~~ 13/9/5/214 13/09/0050/ 0214 363 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr

      77 ~~ 13/9/5/222 13/09/0050/0222 372 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr Cc)

      78 fV:nft 13/9/5/ 4 13/09/0050/ 0004 64 -qq-{ ~

      79 tl"!iM41°~ 13/9/5/189 13/09/0050/ 0189 338 -qq-{ ~

      80 ~ 13/9/5/144 13/09/0050/ 0144 438 -qq-{ ~ (o) 0 81 ~ 13 19/51 121 13/09/0050/ 0121 416 -qq-{ ~

      82 ~ 1319 IS 1120 13/09/0G501 0120 415 -qq-{ ~ (6") 83 ~ 13/915/173 13/09/0050 I 0173 467 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr 84 ~ 13/9/5/ 211 13/09/0050/ 0211 360 1N{ ~

      85 ~ 13/9/5/132 13/09/0050/ 0132 426 -qq-{ ~ 86 ~ 13/9/51 66 13/09/005010066 128 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr

      87 iisr 13/915/228 13/09/0050 10228 377 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr

      88 ~~ 13/9/51 96 13/09/0050 I 0096 159 1N{ -q;:;:rr ta)

      89 ~ 13/9/51 50 13/09/005010050 112 1N{ -q;:;:rr

      90 ~ 13/915/226 13/09/0050/0226 375 1N{ -q;:;:rr

      91 ~ 13/9/5/ 167 13'/09/0050/ 0167 461 1N{ ~ 92 ~ 13/9/5/ 86 13/09/0050/0086 148 -qq-{ -q;:;:rr

      93 ~ 013/9151 131 13/09/0050/ 0131 425 ~ -q;:;:rr 357

      q ulf1~P1 if] m' cfit ~

      1991 "iHJIOHI 1981 \i1'1 JloHr q;. 7ffq

      ~ f


      95 ~ 13/9/5/142 13/09/0050/ 0142 436 ~ -q;:;rr 96 WI{ 13/9/5/198 13 109 10050/ 0198 347 ~ -q;:;rr 97 ~ 13/9/5/235 13/09/0050 10235 384 ~ -q;:;rr 98 tern CfiMT 13/9/5/231 13/09100501 0231 380 ~ -q;:;rr

      99 tern 13/9/5/ 9 13/09/0050/0009 71 ~ ~

      100 tern 13/9/5/208 13/09/0050 10208 357 ~ ~

      101 tern 3WlT 13/9/5 I 172 13/09/0050 I 0172 466 ~ ~ (u)

      102 ~~ 13/9/5/ 44 13/09/0050/0044 106 ~ ~

      103 URl 13/9/5/225 13/09/0050/0225 374 -qq{ 11"11 104 ~ 13/9/5/194 13/09/0050/ 0194 343 m -q;:;:rr 105 ~ 13/9/5/233 13/09/0050/02:13 382 m -q;:;:rr (Of) 106 ~ 13/9/5/ 16 13/09/0050/ 0016 78 m -q;:;:rr 107 ~ 13 /9/5/184 13/09/0050/ 0184 331 ~ -q;:;:rr

      108 -;:n<; ~ 13/9/5/133 13/09/0050/ 0133 427 ~ ~

      109 ~ 13/9/5/ 5 13 /09/0050/ 0005 67 ~ lFIT

      110 :f!l1R 13/9/5/236 13/09/0OS0/0236 385 ~ ~ ('1')

      111 -q1Rf ~ 1.3/9/5/ 112 13/09/0050/ 0112 407 ~ 'FIT 112 lllrtt 13/9/5/159 13/09/0050/ OlS9 4S3 ~ 'FIT 113 -qc;:rr 13/9/S/ 81 13/09/00S0/0081 143 ~ 'FIT 114 W

      qOI8>~f&tCfi lJT1it. qft (fft

      1991 \iI ..... lol ... 1 1981 \"1'1'1°1 ... 1

      91. 7Jiq "ifiT ~ ~ ~~"H ctits ~l ~qjJ ~ QiT

      ~~T Cfl I"Qj c::< '" 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ f4Cf1It1(t1U~ ~1I6"1"((~

      117 Wt

      135 ~ 13/9/51 85 13/09/0050/0085 147 m tF1T

      136 ~~ 13/9/5/ 52 13/09/0050/0052 114 ~ tF1T 137 ~~ 13/9/5/ 59 13/09/0050/0059 121 m tF1T 138 ~ 13/9/51 32 13/09/0050/0032 94 ~ tF1T 139 ~ 13/9/5/219 13/0910050/ 0219 369 m tF1T 140 ~ 13/9151 80 13/09/0050/0080 142 m 1F'IT 141 ~mffi;rr 13/9151 60 13/09/0050/0060 122 m 1F'IT :l5')

      ~UIf:!SflfitCfi 7Jl1ll ctt ~

      1991 ,1'F1 4IUHI 1961 \TH 4Iul"1l

      ~. -..Tfq CfiT -;wT ~ ctl cf1 :tH "Cfils ~. ~ «liT ~«liT cnl. .WfT1l WWf ~~T CflJ:utc< 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ f4Cfllij~Ui; ~~ 142 ~ 13/9/5/ 20 13/09/0050/0020 82 ~ 1:J"U 143 -.m'fRT ( oll \111 <~ 'ill ) 1.3/9/51 141 13109/00501 0141 435 ~ 1:J"U 144 01(61(.11'11 13/9/5 1190 13/09/00501 0190 339 ~ 1:J"U 145 omit 13/9/5 I 179 13/09/00501 0179 473 ~ 1:J"U 146 .mro 13/9/5 1210 13/09/0050 I 0210 359 ~ lFlT 147 mft 13/9/51 40 13/09/0050 10040 102 'icf{ lFlT

      14tl ~ B 19 /5 / 15 13/09/0050/ G015 77 ~ 1:J"U 149 ~ 13/9/51 106 13/09/00501 0106 170 'icf{ lFlT 150 f.mAT 13/9/5/244 13/09/0050/0244 392 ~ 1F1T lSI ~ 13/9/5 I 28 13/09/0050/0028 90 ~ 1F1T 152 ~ 13/9/5/234 13/09/0050/0234 383 ~ lFlT 153 ~ lllTRT 13/9/5/136 13/09/0050/ 0136 430 ~ 1F1T 154 ~ 13/915/ 61 13/09/00501 0061 123 ~ 1AT 155 ~\i1R~~1 13/9/5/140 13/09/00501 0140 434 ~ 1AT 156 ~ 13/9/51 88 13/0910050 10088 150 ~ 1AT 157 ~t$- 13/9/5/ 110 13/09/00501 0110 405 ~ 1AT 158 ¥¥!T 13/9/5/ 69 13/09/0050/0069 131 ~ 1FIT 159 ~ 13/9/5/202 13/09 10050 I 0202 351 m 1FIT 160 iRr 13/9/5/209 13/09/0050/0209 358 m 1FlT 161 oiRt 13/9/5/124 13/0910050/ 0124 419 m 1FlT ("T ) 162 ~ 13/9/51 17 13/09/0050/ 0017 79 m 1FlT 163 'WT 13/9/5/158 13/09/0050/ 0158 452 m 1FlT

      164 ~ 13/9/5/ 14 13/09/0050 I 0014 76 "([q{ 1FlT

      165 ~ 13/9/5/ 191 13/09/0050/ 0191 340 ~ 1FIT 166 \ffiffiT 13/9/5/ 45 13/09/0050/0045 107 ~ 1FIT

      167 ~ 13/9151 79 13/09/0050/ 0079 141 1Ff{ 1:J"U 360

      it OIf1al fllCfi lJ11ll ~ ~

      1991 \1'1'1 410 1"11 1981 \lN 4101'11

      \fl. 7Jiq CfiT "'1T1f ~ ~tf1~H !fiT6 -ffi. ~CfiT ~ CfiT Cfll. "'1'fIl "'1T1l

      ~¥.T Cfl JCClf c::< '" 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~"il~"i( ~ifiltl(qOS :t1l6'1~1(~

      168 ~ 13/9/5/ 43 13/09/0050/0043 105 '1

      169 ~ 13/9/5/203 13/09/0050/0203 352 '1

      170 ~ 13/9/5/174 13/09/0050/ 0174 468 '1


      171 TfCFf; ~ 13/9/5/ 101 13/09/0050/ 0101 164 '1

      172 ~~ 13/9/5/103 13/09100501 0103 166 '1

      175 ~ 13/9/5/229 13/09/0050/ 0229 378 '1

      176 ~ 13/9/5/ 26 13/09/0050/0026 88 ~ -q;:;:rr 177 ~ 13/9/51 23 13/09/0050/0023 85 ~ -q;:;:rr 176 .~ 13/9/5/ 33 13/09/0050/0033 95 ~ -q-.:;u 179 ~ 13/9/5/ 55 13/09/0050/0055 117 ~ -q;:;:rr 180 ~ 13/9/5/ 54 13/09/0050/0054 116 ~ ll"'IT 181 +mT 13/9/5/232 13/09/0050/0232 381 ~ -q;:;:rr

      182 ~ 13/9/5/ 130 13/09/0050/ 0130 424 m '!"'IT 183 4161(1\111(\11 13/9/5/ 10 13/09/0050/ 0010 72 ~ -q;:;:rr 184 41§:'IR~?1 13/9/5/237 13/09/0050/ 0237 386 ~ -q;:;:rr 185 41f%cltlRI 13/9/5/146 13/09/0050 I 0146 440 1N{ -q;:;:rr

      166 ~ 13/9/5/123 13/09/0050 I 0123 418 lJCf{ -q;;:rr 167 ~ 13/9/5/ 74 13/09/0050/0074 136 m -q;:;:rr 188 ~~ 13/9/5/149 13/09/00501 0149 443 m -q;:;:rr 189 ~~ 13/9/5/143 13/09100501 0143 437 m -q;;:rr 190 ~

      qOlf1~~Cfl 1JFfl cfiT ~

      1991 \if""l~loFfl 1981 \if ..... lo 1'1 I

      Sfl. ~ C?iT WWf ~ cl)~:tH m m. ~C?iT ~ q)f

      ~~T i'fj","Qj cot '" 2 3 4 5 6 7

      :Ulti"f11{ i4CflI(1tqog ~~ 194 ~ 13/9/5/ 78 13/09/0050/0078 140 ~ IF'1T 195 ~ 13/9/5/192 13/0910050/ 0192 341 m IF'1T 196 ~ 13/9/5/205 13/09/0050/0205 354 m IF'1T (r)

      197 ~ 13/9/5/156 13/09/0050/ 0156 450 ~ IF'1T

      198 ~ 13/9/5/240 13/09/0050/0240 389 m IF'1T

      199 ~ 13/9/5/213 13/09100;:;0/ 0213 362 'T

      209 ~ 13/9/5/ 3 13/09/0050! 0003 62 ~ ~

      210 1lm 13/9/5/ 178 13/09/0050/ 017B 472 ~ ~


      211 i¥Rm 13/9/5/154 13/09/0050/ 0154 448 ~ ~

      212 C'lIWf411J 13/9/5/ 42 13/09/0050/0042 104 ~ ~

      213 ~ 13/9/5/183 13/09/0050/ 0183 477 ~ ~ (w)

      214 ~ 13/9/5/215 13/09/0050/ 0215 364 m ~

      215 ~ 13/9/5/150 13/09/0050' 0150 444 ~ ~

      216 ~ 13/9/5/165 13/09/0050/ 0165 459 m ~

      217 ~ Cfi"C11 13/9/5/245 13/09/0050/0245 393 ~ ~ 1991 ll1"'1 01 loHI 1981 \'11"'1 01 10 1'11 m. ~.

      ~~T Cfl+=Clj c:{ '" 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ f4CflI~(qUi5 ~~

      218 ~W 13/9/5/246 13/09/0050/0246 394 ("ff) 219 ~ 13/9/5/ 58 13/09/0050/0058 120 m lFlT 220 ~ 13/9/5/ 27 13/09/0050/0027 89 m IF'IT 221 "ffi!mJ 13/9/5/247 13/09/0050/ 0247 395 m lFlT 222 ~~ 13/9/5/186 13/09/00501 0186 333 m IF'IT 223 m{~ 13/9/5/107 13/09/00501 0107 171 m IF'IT 224 mY 13/9/5/212 13/09/0050/ 0212 361 m IF'IT 225 mY~ 13/9/5/230 13/09/0050/0230 379 m IF'IT 226 ~ 13 /9 /5 /242 13/09/0050/0242 391 m lFlT 227 ~~ 13/9/5/122 13/09/0050/ 0122 417 m lFff 228 ~"Wlffi 13/9/5/ 99 13/09/0050/0099 161 m lFlT 229 ~"Wlffi 13/9/5/224 13/09/0050/0224 373 m lFff 230 ~ 13/9/5/220 13/09/0050/0220 370 m lFff 231 Rf£J'1:t

      233 iWRT~ 13/9/51 13 13/09100501 0013 75 -qq{ "IF'1T

      234 1WRt 13/9/5/152 13/09/0050/ 0152 446 1l

      ~~T (flA21 c{ Co 2 3 4 5 6 7

      ~ f4


      243 ~ 13/9/5/206 13/09/0050/0206 3S5 m If"1T 244 ~~ 13/9/5/ 97 13/09/0050/0097 lS9 -qq{ If"1T 245 ~~ 13/915/ 6 13/09/0050/0006 68 m If"1T 246 ~~~ 13/915/ 119 13/09/00501 0119 414 m If"1T 247 ~~ 13/9/5/157 13/09/0050/ 0157 451 m If"1T 248 ~WJl 13/9/S/ 76 13/09/0050/0076 138 m If"1T 249 ~~ 13/9/SI 94 13/09/0050/0094 lS6 m If"1T 250 ~ 13/9/51 lS1 13 /09/00S0 1 0151 445 m If"1T 251 ~~ 13/9/5/128 13/09/0050/ 0128 423 -qq{ If"1T 364 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer code Name N;::me

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Shahnagar C.D. Block A Shahnagar Tahsil Adhrand 1~/9/)172 1~/09/0050/0072 134 ('awaJ Pann:t 2 Alonl 13/9/5/51 13109/005010051 113 l'awaJ Panna l Am.1 13/9151169 13109/005010169 463 !'awaJ Panna 4 Amdar Govindpura 13/9/5/34 13/091005010034 96 l'awai Panna ,) Amdariya 13/9/5/46 13109/0050/0046 IOX l'awaJ Panna (1 Amrai kalan 13/91511117 1310910050/0187 334 PawaJ Panna 7 Amuwa 13/9/5/24~ 13/091005010243 401 l'awaJ Panna X Anwan 13/9/5111 13/091005010011 73 Pawai Panna I) Arjunpura 13/9/5/'22 13/091005010022- 84 Pawai Panna III Arthai 13/915/139 13/09/005010139 433 l'aWaI Panna II Atarhai 13/91'i1l ~x I V09/o05010138 432 l'aw~1l Panna B 12 Bad Khera 13/9/'iIXO 13109/0050/0080 142 I'aw;u Panna 13 Badag.aon Sarsela 13/9/5160 13/09/0050/0060 122 Pawai PaIma 14 Baghwar Kalan 13/915152 13/09/0050/0052 114 Pawai Panna 15 Haghwar Khurd 13/9/5/59 13/091005010059 121 Pawai Panna 16 Hagrod 13/915/85 13/09/005010085 147 Pawai Panna 17 Haijai 13/9151202 13/091005010202 351 PfiWaI Panna IX HaInhori 13/91S/20 13/0910050/0020 82 Pawai Panna 19 Hanjari 13/9/5/219 13109/005010219 369 Pawai Panna 2[) Hanj aria 13/91S132 13/09/00S010032 94 Pawai Panna 21 Baraho 13/9/5/179 13109/00S0/0 179 473 l'awaI Panna ')1 Harhatola 13/9/S/IlJ() 13/()9/()()SO/0 190 339 I'"w;u Panna

      23 Han 13/9/5/-l! J 13!0910050/OD40 102 l';lw;U Panna 2-l H;u-(ala (Bljakheda) 1319/5/141 13109/00S0/0141 4~S !'aw;u Panna

      2:'i Ha~aura 1319/512 j() 13/09/0050/0210 359 I'awai Panna 2h Bhadpura 1319/S114 131091005010014 }6 flaw;u Panna 27 Hhadra 1319/511 'ill 13/09/0(lSOlO 158 452 I'aw;u Panna 2X Hha]iya 13/9/S/17 13/09/0050/0017 79 I'aw;u Panna

      21) Bhamka 13/915/1 (j I 13109/0U50/0 191 340 I'aw;u Panna 30 Hhartala 13/'J/'i/-l5 13/0910050/0045 107 I'aw;u Panna j I Hharw;u~l 13ICJ/517<) 131O'J/OO5010079 141 I'aw;u Panna

      ~2 Hhau~ar 1W)/)/I74 I ] 109/00 5Of() 174 46X I'aw;u Panna 33 Bhilauni 131<)15143 13/09/0U50/0043 105 I'aw;u Panna 34 Bhop;u- 13/9/51203 13/09/0050/0203 352 l'aWaI Panna 365 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location code Location Tahsil Distnc~

      Manual Computer code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7 Shahnagar C.D.B1ock Shahnagar Tahsil

      ~~ Blhana Memari 11,/9N11,6 11,/0<>/0050/011,6 41,0 I';tWiU Pann:,

      .~6 Hihanya 13(915(234 13f09(OO5(J(0234 3~1, l'awai Paulw

      ~7 Bih;u-w;u'a 11,/91512X 11,109/005010028 9(l I'aw~u Panll,' ~X Bip Kheda 11,/9/5/61 11,/09/005010061 123 PawiU Panna

      V) Bip Klleua 11,/9/51140 111091005010140 41,4 I'aw;u Pall!!,! 40 Bi,wcu' I1,/9/5/15 11,/09/0050/0015 77 PawiU Pann;. 41 Bllpura 11,/9/5/106 11,/()9/0050/0106 170 Pawru Panll,' 42 Blf:unpura 13/9/51'13)1, 13/09/0050/0088 150 f'

      4:1 BI~:UlI 1319/51244 13109/0050/0244 392 raw~u Panll: 44 BOlla 13/9/51209 13/()9/005010209 35g Pawai I'anll:' :I~ Bon 1'1,/9/"/124 1?,!09/o050/o124 419 1':lwai I'am

      :16 Blluhrod 13/9/~1l1O 11,/09/0050/0110 405 Pawal P:UIIl

      47 Bllihuia 13/9/5/69 13/0910050/0069 131 1~lw:u P:UI!I C 4X ( 'hak:lfhhat.a 13/915/155 13/09/0050/0155 449 Pawru Pallll;' 4<) ('hakra 13/9/5/125 13109/005010125 420 Pawai P:l: 50 ( 'hahll 13/9/5/135 13/0910050/0135 429 (lawai Panr", 51 Chamarhiya Kheda 13/9/5/87 13/09/0050/0087 149 Pawru Paun:' 52 ('hanona 13/9/5/30 13/0910050/0030 92 Pawai PaUli:, 51, Chandrawa} 13/9/5/1 13/0910050/0001 65 Pawai Pann; 54 ( 'hallgeri 13/9f5/38 13/091005010038 100 Pawai Panll; 5~ ( 'haupra 13/9f5/160 13/09/o050f0160 454 Pawai Pann. :'ih ( 'haunl 11,19/51 ( 17 (31()9/0050f() j j 7 :t12 !);lW~U Pal1l1 .,7 ('hhaloul 13/9/5/'2( 14 13/09/0050/0204 353 Pawai Pam:.

      .,X ('hhenla Kalan 13/9/5/3lJ 13/09/0050!O039 101 l'aw~ Pan II , ~'! ( 'hIlllan 11,/9/'5/217 13/09/0050f0217 367 Pawai PalllL

      60· ( 'hulI_gulIJ 13/9/51129 1310910050/0129 175 Pawai Pall II , . I> 61 I ladora 13/9151142 13/0910050fOl42 436 l'aw(U Panll 6~ Darw;1I 13/91."/198 131OCJ/0050/o 1CJ8 347 Paw;u 1':11111 6:1 I lema Kalan 13/9/5/231 13/0910050/0231 3g0 I'aw:u Pallll

      64 Ikon 13/9/519 13/09/0050/0009 71 I'aw;u Pall II 65 Ikon 1319/512118 13/09JOO50/()208 357 1';lw;u Pam! 66 i)eon (AMA) 13/9/5/172 13/091005010 172 466 I'aw;u P:lIlil 6) Dhaukhan 13/9/5/194 13109/005010194 343 I'awai Pallll 366 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S.No Name of Village Location ccx1e Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7 Shahnagar c.n. Block Shahllagar Tahsil

      6X Dhauna 13/9/5/225 13/09/( )()5()/()225 374 I'aw;u Panna

      6() , )hauwapura 13/9/5/233 13/09/005010233 382 I'aw~u Panna 711 f)hawa(h Kbeda 13/9/5/44 13/09/005010044 1()6 I)a\\'(u Panna 71 Dohha Baghnarwa 13/9/5/96 13/09/005010096 158 "awal Panna 72 I)ollh 13/9/5/66 13/0910050/()066 12X l'awaI Panna n Donda 13/9151228 13/09/0050/0228 377 I'aw~u Panna 74 nugarawan 13/9/5/173 13/0910050/0173 467 1';\W

      77 Du~ianpura 13/915/235 13/0910050/0235 384 I'awai Panna F

      IX Fatepur 13/9/5/41 13109/0050/0041 III 3 I'aw~u Panna (; 7() ( iajantla 13/9/5/134 13/09/0050/0134 428 I'awai Panna xn ( ianj 13/9/5/62 13/09/0050/0062 124 Pawru Panna 81 Cihulehi 13/9/5148 13/091005010048 110 Pawai Panna 82 (iidhauda 13/9/5/168 131091005010168 462 Pawai Panna 83 Ciurkhai (Govindpura) 13/9/5/2 1310910050/0002 63 l'awai Panna H 84 Harhanshpura 13/9/5/151 13/0910050/0151 445 I'aw

      (n Imaliya I31CJ15171 13109/005010071 133 I'awal Panna

      ()4 Imahya 1319/511 ()~ 13109/0050/0 I 08 402 I'aw;u Panna

      95 !taw';t 13/9/5/~3 13!O9/()050/0083 144 "aw;u Panna .J % Jaitupura 13/9/5/'15 13/0910050/0008 70 I'awai Panna 97 Jamda 13/9/5/221 13/09/005010221 371 l'awai Panna ~


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7 Shahnagar C.O. Block Shahnagar Tahsil

      (jX lunundad 13/9/':1/70 13/09/0050/0070 n2 l';twaJ Panna (j(j J,ununw 13/0910050/0067 129 l'awaJ Panna 13/9/':1/67 • 100 .l;u·gawan 13/9/5/82 13/0910050/0082 145 I'awal Palma 1111 lhaladumn 13/9/51100 13/09/0050/0 I 00 163 I'awai Panna 102 .I hlnaharc hand 1319/5/222 13109/0050/0222 372 I'awai Panna 1113 .Ih in adllan sin gh 13/9/5/214 131091005010214 363 I'awai Panna 1114 Jhinniiadauwa 13/9/5/212 13109/0050/0212 421 Pawai Panna 1115 Jhtnullakari yapani 13/9/51109 13/09/0050/0109 403 Pawai Panna 106 JOlpur 13/9/5/47 13/09/00S0/0047 JO() Pawai Panna ~ 1117 ( iugarwara 13/9/51164 13/0<)fOOSO/O 164 45X Pawai Panna

      IIIX JUNll~h 13/9/5/227 13109/()() 5(1/1122 7 37(1 I';twal, Panna K IO() Kachaw·J 13/9/51171 13109/0050/0171 465 I'awai P

      124 Khu~ra 13/9/5/6-5 13/09/0050/0065 127 Pawal Panna 125 KJ,hull Palan 13f


      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location code Location Tahsil District

      Manual Computer code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7 Shah nagar C.D.B1ock Shahnagar Tahsil

      I) I KU~11lI 13/91S/199 13/09/00S()1O ]99 34~ Pawru Panna 1~1.'- Kutaralll ya I :.t9ISI2()() 13/09/00.'iO/U200 34() Pawai Panna I)) Kutllli Khurd 13/9ISI216 13/09/00S0/0216 365 Pawai Panna

      1,-+ Kutrahlya 13/9/S/2I~ I 3/09/00S0102 I ~ 36~ PaWal Panna I)) Kuwankheda 13/91S168 13/09/00S0/0068 no Pawai Palma L IV) Lakhanchaun 13/9/SI42 13 1091OU.'i 0/0042 104 p;)wai Panna 117 I.;unt,u:l 13/9/SIIS4 13/09/00S01O IS4 44~ Pawai Panna

      I,X I.utlhgawan 13/9/SIl~3 13/09/00.'iO/0 183 477 Pawai Panna 1\1 Il() MaJhl~a 13/9/S123 13/09/00S0/0023 85 Pawai Panna 14(i MaJhupura 13/9/S/74 13/09/00S0/0074 B6 Pawai Panna 141 Madwa 13/9/S126 13/0()/OO:iU/0026 88 Pawai Panna 1-12 Mahar;lJganj 13/9/SI10 13/09/00S0/OO 10 72 Pawai Panna I-D Mahewa 13/9/51123 13/09/00S0/0 123 418 Pawai Panna 144 Mahilwara 13/9/5/146 13/09/00S010 146 440 Pawai Palma 145 Mahuwa Kheda 13/9/5/237 13/09/0050/0237 386 Pawai Panna 146 Mamaha (Menha) 13/9/5/192 13/09/005010192 341 Pawai Panna 147 Majhgawan 13/9/5/229 13/09/00S0/0229 378 Pawai Panna I-1X Majhgawan Dauwa 13/9/5/37 13109/00S0/o037 99 Pawai Panna 1-1 (I M'llhgawan Kheda 13/9/5/103 13/09/0050/0103 166 Pawai Panna l'ill M;lJhgawan Mem;u- 13/9/S/12 13/()9/()OSOIOO 12 74 Pawai Panna l'i I MakkL:pala 13/9/511 () 1 13/()91O(lSO/O I () I 164 Pawai Panna 1'i2 Malgilan 13/9/5/130 13/()9/()(I.'iO/O 130 424 Pawai Panna l'i, Mangawan 13/9/5154 13/IN/O()50/0054 116 Pawai Panna 154 Mankl 13/9/S/33 13/091005010033 9S Pawai Panna 155 Mankora 13/9/5/55 13109/()OSO/(lOS5 117 Pawai Panna 15(1 Marlw 13/9/S1232 13109/(H)'\O!0232 381 Pawai Panna ~ 1:'7 Mlhtlawa 13/9/S119 13/09/0().'iO/O 19 81 Pawm Panna 15X Mighawan Baraho 13/9/S120 1 131O

      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location ccxle Location Tahsil Distnct

      Manual Computer code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7 Shah nagar cn. Block Shahnagar Tahsil

      I()-I Murta I ~/9/"IX9 131()')I()()50/(1089 151 Pawai Panna N

      I()" Nadall I ~/9/5/'i I ~/O()/( ~O50/()OO5 67 PaWlli Panna 166 Nandchand 13/9/5/1:13 13/09/0050/0133 427 I'awai Panna 167 Nay .. Kheda 13/9/5/16 13/09/0050/0016 n l'awai Panna !()X Naya~a()n 13/9/5/1X4 13/()9/()O5()1O~184 331 I'awai Panna 1i)1) Nunag;u'.. 13/9/5/236 13/09/0050/0236 385 Paw:l1 Panna 1711 !'auanya Klmrd 13/9/5125 13{1)')/O()50/0025 87 I'aw

      PI I PII ra 111:1 13/9/5/177 13/()9/()050!O 177 471 Paw[u Panna

      1'12 I'll ra 111 13/9/5/64 13/(}9/0050/0064 126 l'awai Panna R pn Racllhapar 13/9/5/213 I 3/09/()()50/02 13 362 l'awal Panna

      1'14 Ragol! 13/9/5/156 I ~/()<)f()050/(U 56 450 I'aw

    1. 1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location code Location Tahsil Dlstnct

      Manual Computer code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Shahnagar C.D.Block Shahnagar. Tahsil

      1'16 1{;llPUt;! n/9/,,/77 13/09/00'\0/1 }On 139 I';!W~U Panna 197 Ral\ a,ala 13/9/513 13f09/00,\O/I}{)03 62 1\lw~u Panna l(jll Ramgarha 13/9/S1240 13/09/00S0/o240 389 )laWaI Panna IqC) R;unplil 13/9/51193 13f09/00S0/0 193 342 l'aWaI Panna :;00 R;lIllrur (KhaJuri) 13/91S1163 13/(19/00S0/(} 163 457 I'aw;u Panna :;01 Ranipura 13/9/S/29 13109/00S0/(}029 91 I'aw;u Panna ::02 RallJpura 13/9/5/'\6 13/()9/00SII/I}(}56 118 I'aw;u Panna 2m Rohalll 13 19/5 II 95 13109/0051 l/(} 195 344 I'awiu Panna 204 Roh;lIllya 13/9/S1239 131O!')/O(}5()10239 388 I'awiu PaIlUa 205 RooPllm 13/9/5/61, 13/()9 lOll 5I I/(iO(l1, 125 P;\wm Panna 2116 I{O';II 13/lJ/51l7X 13(()9((l1151}((I17X 472 l'aw;u Panna S 207 Sagolll 1?,/lJ(5/5X 13f09(OO50/0058 120 l'awiu Panna 211X Sa!;llya 13/9/S/242 13/()<)/OOSI }/()242 391 l'awiu Panlla 2()() Sa!;l1ya (Pheransingb) 13/9/5/122 13/09/00S{)/(j 122 417 PawaI Panna 210 Salalya SaInari 13/9/5/99 13/09/00S0/0099 161 Pawai Panna 211 Salalya SaInari 13/9IS/224 13/09/00S0/0224 373 Pawai Panna 212 Sankull Plparia 13/91S1186 13/09/0()SOJO 186 333 PaWiU Panna 21) Saral Kheda 13/9/51107 I3Inq/()()SO/O I 07 171 ['awiU Panna 214 Sarangruf 13/91S1220 131091O()SO/0220 370 Pawai Panna 215 S;UTa 13/91S1212 I3109/005(}f0212 361 I'aw;u Panna .:' I () S;ula Klled:t 13/()/5/230 13/(}9 IO( 151 I/O:' j () 379 I'aw;u Panna 217 \ahh;ua 13/()ISI247 13109/0050/():'47 395 I'aw;u Panna 21X \:11\\:1 13/9/SI27 I V()9/0050/(}(127 89 l'aw;lI Panna 2 Jl) Shalllla_!Car I 3/9/5fl S() 13/()9/()050/(~IS() 444 l'aw;lI Panna 220 Shahpllr 13/9/5/165 13!09/()()'i()/() I6S 459 I'awai Panna 221 SIMhpliI Kalan 13/9/5/245 13/()()/(I(}5(}/()24'i 393 l'aw,lI Panna "I"I'j Sh'lhpur Khurd 13{<)/5(246 13/09(()(l 5(l/02 46 394 I'aw;u Panna 22~ Shvll\~1r1 13/9/5(2IS l3109((I050/02IS 364 I'aw;u Panna 22~ SlJahll 13/9/SI24X 13!09/(}050/024X 396 l'aw;u Panna 225 Slinanplllllh 1319/S191 13/1)9/( )OS()/(}()9I IS3 !';tW,U Panna 226 SlIlln J 3/9/S/I.'I2 13109J()050/()()52 446 l'awai Panna 2::7 SlInn Kalan 13/9IS113 13109/()()'iO/()il 13 7S I':tWill Panna 22X SlIlghanpurpati 13/91S/I02 13/09/00S0/0 102 165 I'awai Panna 371 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

      1991 Census 1981 Census

      S No Name of Village Location code Location Tahsil Distnct

      Manual Computer code Name Name

      2 3 4 5 6 7

      Shahna~ar CD. Block

      Shahna~ar Tahsil

      ~~q \onlllau Kalan U/()/.'\/l ().'\ 13/( )()/O().'\O/() 10.'\ 16l) I';.,\\';u Panna ~ Ii I SOlllllau Khurd UIl)f.'\/1 04 13!(}9 /00'5010 104 168 I'aw,ll Panna 2q Sullor 13/91S1147 13109/(10S0/0 147 441 I'aw;u Panna

      :~~ Sungarha 13/9/S/ 1~() 13/09/00'50/0180 474 I'aw;ll Panna 211 Sunrura 13/915/114 13/09/0050/0114 409 I'aw:u Panna 234 Surra 13/9/5/9'5 13109/0050/0095 157 Pawai P;uma 2"''' SUITO 13/9/.'\/223 13/09/00'50/0223 289 l'aw,u P;uma T 2\(1 Takhori 13/9/5/50 13109/0050/0050 112 l'awal Panna

      i\7 rala 1 \/CJ/~/22(; [l/O9/()()5010226 175 1';1\\';11 Palllw 2"'X Tharka 13/9/51121 13/09/0050/0121 416 I'aw;u Panna ~\l) Thera 13/9/.'\1120 13/09/0050/0120 415 I'aw;u P;mna ]·W TltlUIll 1319/."'1167 1310910050/0167 461 I'aw:u Panna 2~1 TlkulpoUtll 13/9/5/1W) 13109/005010 ISg 338 I'awm Panna 2~2 Tlpari 13/9/5/4 13/0910050/0004 64 Paw:u Panna 2·n Titurapani 13/9/5/86 13/09/0050/0'"086 148 Pawai Panna 244 Tulia 13/9/5/Dl 13/09/0050/0131 425 £lawai Panna 24.'\ TulIa 13/9/5/14g 13/0910050/0148 442 I'aw:u Panna 2.t6 Tunda 13/9/5/144 13109/0050/0 144 438 I'awm Panna U

      2~7 llm,uia 1319/5/51 13/09/005()/OO53 115 I'aw,u Panna

      2..tX ( llIlana~yawar 13/9/5/241 13f09/005()10241 390 I'aw,u Panna 2..t1) IIm,u'iatlunol \3/9/5/162 13/09/O()50/0162 456 I'aw,u Panna

      2~() IIm,U1;lla lWJ/.'i1l45 I 3/09 IO{) 5 WO 145 439 1':lwal Panna

      2~1 (lnella 1319/5/2.'\ I I J/OQ/o{)5()/025I 0 I'aw,u Panna 372 "ID1f PlifalCfiI \iH ~~ ~ ~ \3q~"1

      ~ ii'R - iJ'fuiiiii ("!iff 1)llf "i¥ ~ ~ ""1M t "aT ~"i¥ ( -) "hi 0f7IIm l'J!lTt~~ '!Rtf ~-i(1)llfil~~'R ~'3'mlUt -.nz

      Nll<11l\]O' .\\\lilablc (If not Available within tho Vlllag~. a d"h (-) IS shown in the columll .md ne:-.1 to it in hrackets, th< distanc< in hrond ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5·lll kll1' <'< 10+ kll1' of the nearest place where the t:,cility is available. is


      1lT'1 cr.r m+r cr.r ~mvrcn ftl'fumn ~cr.r mn3ffi'

      2 4

      951.16 1426 (268) P,M -(-5) W,HP,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      265(56) P -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      3 'hrrmcr 1127.64 1845(395) P(3) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(+10)

      4 fVlRT 80.34

      • 5 ~ 1024.70 936(207) P,M -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      G ~~ 204.78 1255(241) P,M,H D(2) W,HP PO SUN, -(10+)

      7 ~ 323.18 10 13(186) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      8 ~ 153.92 5(2) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

      9 ~ 390.10 1(1) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

      10 "ft\F(l4(il1 244.37 1120(247) P,M,PUC -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(10+)

      )l 3fiqfr 227.81

      12 ~~ 263.73 358(67) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 173 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      ~Mll Land Usc (;wffi1 ?r ~ q\'t ~ ~

      II 12 13 14 ]) [6 ii Is 2

      KR-5 Amanganj 50 ED,EAG R(6.86) 794.62 41.87 107.81 Chandrawal

      KR-5 Amanganj 49 ED W(1.78) 156.17 5.38 15.03 Gurkhai (Govindpura)

      KR-14 Pawai 39 EA 144.42 W(6.20), 608.52 158.03 117.41 Raiyasata GC(86.64), R(4.11), TK(2.31) Uninhabited GCCI7.64) 55.50 0.52 6.6S Tipari

      KR-14 Pawa! 42 ED,EAG 613.00 GC(IO.40) 250.11 90.19 61.00 Nadan

      KR-15 PawaI 46 ED,EAG 0(5.46) 171.87 II.lO 16.35 Harduwa Patel

      KR-15 PawaI 47 EA W(3.75) 296.09 1.36 21.9S Khamaria

      KR-18' Pawai 45 146.28 7.64 Jaitupura

      KR-17 Pawai 50 118.54 186.30 15.66 69.-0 Dean

      KR-15 Amanganj 83 ED 218.58 4.82 20.97 Maharajganj

      Uninhabited 211.26 2.14 14.41 Anwari

      KR-16 Amanganj 55 181.22 58.54 23.97 Majhgawan Memar ~ f.li~ICfiI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ Jq~"1

      ~ ;n;r -wnmt (iM lJI"[ 11' ~ ~:;m hf ~ 11' ( ) "hi B1TF1T 7fm t J1r< -:m

      Amelllties Availahle (If not AvaIlable wIthin the Village. a dash (-) IS shown 111 the column and ne),'l to it 111 brackets, the distance in broad ranges VIZ - 5 kms. 5-10 kms & I 0+ killS of the ncarest place where the t:1Clltty IS a\'allahle, IS



      2 4 ::> 8 9

      13 1Wm

      14 ~ 233,75 590(128) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      15 ~ 311.27 231(33) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      16 ~ 115.24 46(11) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

      17 ~ 272.15 334(56) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      18 ~ 371.10 552(95) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP,R -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+)

      19 ~ 248.45 217(39) P -(5-10) w,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      20 ~ 971.76 94S(lSO) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      21 ~ 154.49 102(25) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      22 ~ 75.73 20(4) -(-5) -(-5) W -(S-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      23 ~ 192.86 372(67) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      24 ~ 66.50 <1RR

      25 ~~ 283.16 334(64) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      2G +gqf 20GG.34 802(1 I) P.M -(-5) W PO -(5-10) -(-10+) 175 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      ~~ Land USC (W.JB '!fir ~ q';r ~ fuwlt ~ ~ mm- ~ ~ ~ ~ it m~) (I e area under different types of land use in hectares rounded up to two decimal places)

      "lIllf~ ~"Ofm: ~ mi:RT -m:~ ~~~ ~~~ 1)"1>1 CfiT"'IFf ~CfiT <:'!~I?t eft fufu-'l "3"'Tc'l'U -.rm ~ -;ml (~.~) ~ (lJhR ~ ~ ~) Approach N~ar~~t Power Forest It r~gat

      grov~ ...

      I I 12 I"i 14 l:i I() 17 Is 2

      KR-l6 Amanganj 55 225.~2 17.74 35.89 SimriKalan

      KR-18 Amanganj 51 EA W(O 17) 205.~2 8.<)4 19.22 Bhadpura

      KR-9 Amanganj 62 EDEAG 240.68 31.50 39.09 Bijwar

      KR-9 Amanganj 63 ED W(O.12) 56.93 3970 18.49 Naya Khcda

      KR-lO Amanganj 58 W(1.76) 22145 32.63 16.31 Bhajiya

      KR-l8 Amanganj 62 315.10 13.51 42.49 Muhara

      KR-8 Amanganj 63 8) W(O.19) 21284 18.29 1713 Mihdawa

      KR-5 Amanganj 40 ED,EAG l-U3 W(6.29) 285.12 ().9Ci 659.26 Bamhori

      KR-9 Amanganj 55 ED W(O.28) 13858 6.09 9.54 Pauniya

      KR-8 Amanganj 49 ED 72 .()') 0.54 3.10 AIjunpura

      KR-5 Amanganj 54 ED 175.59 5.09 12.1S Madhiya

      Uninhabited 63 18 (l.S9 2.43 Karanpura

      KR-9 Amanganj 52 69.12 W(O.28) 196.13 10.25 7.38 Padariya Khnrd

      KR-25 Amanganj 56 ()52 15 41882 75.53 919 8~ Madw:l "Wf ~~~ICfiI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ aqq)",

      ~ -;;;or -~ ~ W'l"4 ~ ~ "'iiI'i om q;JWl"4 ( - ) hi WJ1!IT 1'fQT t 3lIT ~ 'IlG -tT ~ ~ 1W'I it ~ 13t"'R ~ ~ t ~ m.- "'R ~ c:3t WIT ~ ')% -qr 10 +~.

      Am0111tres AI'aliahle (If 1101 Availahle lI'ilhlll the Village. a d:l,h (-) i.< ,"olVn III the colullln and ne~1 to it In hrad.ets. the di,tance III hroad ranges VIZ - 5 kms, 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the nearest place where the facillty is availahk. is


      "!1l"I'ifiJ 'lWl Q;f 'lWlq;]tJFf tJFf~ -,1~ ~ ~W WF.3lIT

      0 2 _) 4 6 8 0

      27 ~ 218 X() 468(89) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      28 f.rmm 59.16 130(25) -(-5) -(5-lO) 0 -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

      29 ~ 217.(l4 225(36) -(-5) -(5-10) 0 -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

      30 ~ 132.08 114(20) P -(-5) 0 -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

      31 q;qm 297.96 334(63) -(-5) -(5-10) 0 -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

      32 ~ 112.95 16(4) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

      33 ~ 326.18 320(55) P -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(lO+) -(10+)

      34 3llW 4T\ Fci "{ 3<1 1163.18 243(46) -(5-10) -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      35 ~ q;ffi 220.79 282(46) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      36 mw 67.48 211(32) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

      37 ~ GTcrr 57.66 173(29) -(5-10) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      38 ~ 33477 363(63) -(5-10) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(Hl+) -(10+)

      19 ~~ J(ill 72 271(40) -(-5) -(10+) w,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) :'77 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      'rfir~ L,md Use (~~~

      1W!"ijCfi ~'17R ~ m1lRT -m~ -ffiltcf;~ -ffiltcf;~ IW!

      I 1 Ii 13 14 15 16 17 1& 2

      KR-30 l\I11ang;ll~j 50 l')() R9 12.69 <) 28 Sat",a

      KR-30 Amang3I~ 56 0.47 42.52 12.94 3.23 Bihanvara

      KR-30 Amang3Ilj 50 ED 0(5.32) 158.52 32.54 20.66 Ranipura

      KR-30 Amanganj 50 ED n.05 6&.47 56.57 6.99 Chandna

      KR-30 Arnanganj 30 ED 14.71 0(5.20) 204.55 62.33 11.17 Kakra

      KR-30 Amanganj 45 24.02 34.87 11.10 42.% Banjaria

      KR-30 Amanganj 70 ED,EAG 0.13 W(2.42), In.89 23.15 14.77 Manki GC(60.82), 0(46.00) KR-20 Amanganj 70 73.53 GC(4.l6) 107.63 152.09 825.77 Amdar Govindpura

      KR-20 Amanganj 70 24.56 0(4.82) 158.37 23.98 9.06 PatiKalan

      KR-20 Amanganj 72 TK.(12.19) 45.55 4.93 4.&1 Pati Khurd

      KR-20 Amanganj 72 42.44 9.04 6.18 Majhgawan Dauwa

      KR-20 Amanganj 73 2.62 0(11.62) 256.23 29.19 35.11 Changeri

      KR-20 Amanganj 76 ,0 51 GC(lI.63) &701 12.10 5.40 Chheola Kalan "IDlf f.l4"rll ifll \TFf ~~ ~ ~ ;:jq~~1

      ~ ~ -"ifiUiii' «ifb;J11 if "ifiUiii' ~ :;;m -hit

      Alllcnll]," Av,"lanle (Ifnol Available wIthin the Village, a d",h (-) IS shO\\11 111 the Cl,lullln and ne;.;t to It ill brackets, the distance Itl hroad ranges viz - 5 Iuns. 5-[0 1..111s &[0+ kms of the nearest plJce where the 1acility is availahle, IS



      2 4 ) 8 9 ()

      40 orRT 555.08 711(111) P -(10+) WHP -(5-10) --(10+) -(10+)

      41 ~ 965.51 142(30) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      42 cl[(cH41~ 942.38 177(34) P -(5-10) W.HP -(5-10) -(5-lO) -(5)

      43 ~ 559.96 66(9) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) --(5-10) -(-5)

      44 ~~ 318.04 ~

      45 ~ 387.32 ~

      46 ~ 538.-l2 ~

      47 ~ 1640.84 ~

      48 -qm 822.00 199(39) -(oS) --(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-lO) -(5-lO)

      49 ~1lTR 547.27 343(67) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      50 ~ 312.66 283(55) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) --(-5)

      51 ~ 749.68 132(24) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP --(-5) --(5-10) --(5-10)

      52 ~ Cfi\'If 802.27 1630(314) P(2),M,H D W,HP PO SUN, BS 379 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shah nagar C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (m~~

      II 12 n Iii I5 Iii 17 18 L

      KR-20 Amanganj 70 374.76 131.45 48.87 Bari

      KR-20 Murward 70 870.67 TK(6.13) 68.95 61.94 27.82 Fatepur (Katni) KR-5 Murward 70 808.64 TK(4.20) 53.93 65.28 Ill.3] Lakhanchauri (Katni) KR-5 Murwara 70 514.34 TK(lJO) 22.02 12.68 9.62 Bhilauni (Katni) Un-Inhabited 236.00 6.72 57.74 17.58 DhawadiKheda

      Un-Inhabited 248.01 W(1.50) 49.13 69.89 18.79 Bhartala

      Un-Inhabited 506.65 30.87 090 Amdariya

      Un-Inhabited 160.92 2.88 21.33 1455.71 Jotpur

      KR-8 Murwara 70 675.37 65.58 62.00 19.05 Ghurtehi (Katni) KR-9 Murwara 69 181.79 TK(15.68) 226.l1 75.24 48.45 Kishun P;ltan (Katni) KR-4 Murwara 67 147.90 79.20 51.57 33.99 Takhori (Katni) KR-6 Murward 72 64.91 TK(2.00) 64.52 27.11 591.14 Aloni (Katni) KR-6 Murwam 60 EA 78.52 433.99 37.33 152.43 Baghwar Kalan (Katni) 3XO ~ f.'l{'~ICflI \iFf (jfcr~ ~ ~ 3Q4)",

      ~I ;n;; -iffiIUiii «rihlT"f 'i1' ~ ~ :;m -bT

      Amenllle\ .'\v,lIlahlc (If not Avallahk within the Vt1lage. a dash (-) i, sl10\\,11 in the c"lumn and ne)\t to It In hrackets. the distance in broad ranges viz. - 5 kms,

      5-1 {) kms & 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available, IS



      4 )

      53 ~ 212.03 151(30) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      54 ~ 381.44 414(88) P -(-5) w,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      55 ~ 267.93 471(92) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      56 ~ 117.49 250( 49) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      57 ~~ 705.36 1603(332) P,M -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      58 ~ 1243.05 182(34) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      59 orqcrn:W 5G5 31 415(84) P -(-5) WHP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      GO 0l9T lTfq ~ 2G31 65 1228(242) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

      G1 iSlI\T1I(~~1 251.83 459(102) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      62 1J'i;:r 692.45 481(107) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      63 ~ 327.99 971(213) P -(-5) W,HP -{-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      64 ~ 456.91 621(112) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      65 wm 209.67 234(42) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -{-5) l81 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. BI6Ck

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~ !RTMo) (i c. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded lip to two decimal places) ~

      W1Mo ~0fl'R ~ ~lmT mfuNa' ~

      II 12 Ij 14 15 Ii) 17 1& 2:

      KR-4 Murward 58 EA 0(1.35) 1.49.10 49.45 12.13 Umaria. (Kalni) KR-O ['v1m\\' ara 58 260.75 102.85 17.84 Mangawan (Katni) KR-O Murwara 60 EA 2J3.1D 19.77 14.99 Mankora (Katni) KR-4 Murwara (1() ED W(4.79) 105.07 2.21 5.42 Ranipura (KatRi) KR-8 Murwara 60 ED 39.11 GC(l9.74) 4l7.06 110.09 99.34 Pipariya Kalan (Katni) KR-9 Murward 68 ED 1076.01 59.66 96.90 10.48 Sagoni (Katni) KR-8 Murwara 60 ED 401.68 120.06 31 ()(i 12.51 Baghwar Khurd (Katni) KR-12 MlIIwara 61 ED 280.16 GC(l51 (iO), 239.84 9775 1858.93 Badagaon Sarsela (Katlli) TK(3.37) KR-12 Murward 62 ED 13.65 TK(20.43) 1(i8.95 32.31 16.49 Bija Kheda (Katlli) KR-12 Murward 61 ED 42.84 0(21.90) 280.55 54.95 292.21 Ganj (Katni) KR-6 Murward 59 ED 247.08 52.% 27.95 Roopjhir (Katni) KR-4 Murwaf'd 62 ED 1.23 0(56.27) 296.08 68.11 35.22 Puraini (Katni) KR-4 Murward 60 26.86 135.20 30.78 16.83 Khusf'd (Katni) "IDlf - Fl4U, (fi I \iR ~~ ~ ~ \3q4l~1

      ~ \il"'! - "Wi~ (i& 1)111 "i\' ~ ~ :;rtT :fiif Cf,ffilf ~ ( - ) iii B11'1'm 7f'IT t Jff<: ~ "iIR tl' ~ 'il' 1)F1 it ~ ~ 'R ~ ~ t .nt

      Amelllhes Avallahle (If not Availahle wltl1l11 the Village. a d,ISh (-) I' ,holVn in the column and next 10 II in brad.el~, Ihe distance 111 hroad range, viz - 5 km~,

      5-1 (J killS & 10+ kms of the nearest place where the t:'ciltty I' :"'''lldhl,,_ IS

      given.) lIJ>1 q;[ JlR cnr '!JT+!q;['f?' ~~ ~~ fuf:rr ~'cffihT -;j'f(1'''IT'l~) Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Code of Village afthe latlOn and water Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Village Village (Ill Number of (Potable) the Market/ way Station Hectares) households Hat, if any Water way)

      :1 4 ) S ()

      66 ~ 145410 415(80) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      67 ~ 906.99 505(80) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      68 ~~ 37().20 172(31) -(-5) -(5-10) w,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

      69 ~ 1207.01

      70 ~-m- 761.64 441(104) P -(10+) w,HP -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+)

      71 ~ 377.57 272(49) -(-5) -(-5) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      72 ~ 742.18 1118(237) P -(-5) w,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -( -5)

      73 ~ 382.75 447(76) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5 )

      74 ~ 1186.67 199(35) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      75 ~ 232.83

      76 ~W\ll 458.63 771(161) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      77 ~ 1720.49 3793(780) P(5),M,H,PUC H W,HP,R PO WED, BS JX3 VILEACE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shuhnagar C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (:}f<1fu ~ "3'1lWr 'lit ~ ~

      1W1 (fCfi f.N;cwr -.pn: ~ timER! m~ -ffitcfifFm -ffitcfifFm W'f$lOJlll' ~q;r ~'3Wf.t¥ eft Rnr-! ~~ ~ lWT (~.11) 3ll1ffl (llhR ;;IT< ~ 00) Approach Nearest Power Forest Irregaled lJllIrr- Culturahle Area not Name of village to Town and supply hy igatcd Waste Availahle Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves.

      1 I 12 i3 14 15 16 I' Is 2

      KR·9 Murwara W 1108.41 0(6.31) 167.12 152.29 19.97 Dohli O-':'aIlU) KR·8 MUlWara 60 706.32 161.35 27.10 12.22 lamullia (Katni) KR·18 MUlWara 58 ED 254.65 63.83 43.90 7.83 KuwanKheda (Katni) Uninhabited 1169.31 38.20 Bulbula

      KR·13 Murwara 63 500.07 TK(2.ll) 124.48 123.45 11.53 lamundad (Katni) KR·5 Munvara 55 240.16 0(3.29) 86.21 36.84 11.07 Imaliya . (Katni) KR·4 Munvara 60 ED 19.98 R(gO.l7) 260.22 53.44 328.37 Adhrand (Katni) KR·4 Munyara 54 ED 22.50 R(l9.95) 90.17 6.32 243.81 PatiKheda (Kallli) KR·4 Munvara 58 ED 77.54 R(4.87) 97.52 29.91 976.83 Madhopura (Katni) Uninhabited 26.48 R(4.61) 77.90 11.15 112.69 Padrehi

      KR-5 Munvara 59 ED R(14.19) 185.39 53.53 205.52 Harduwa Ralioo Katni) KR·O Munvard 53 EA 39.48 W(4.29), 843.12 306.89 326.81 (Katni) GC(lS,44). R(lSS.28), TK(10.56). 0(1)-;,62) 384 lJF1 ~"(f~1 Cfi J ~ ~~ ~ ~ \3Q41.,

      ~ "W1-~ ("iiR \WIlt ifciUiii ;rnr;u "iitY t #t Cfi1Wi It ( - ) hi wrrm 7f!lTt3W:~ 'lTC:'tt ~~Wl~~~'R ~~t *~'R

      Amel1llles ,'wadable (ifllot Available wlthll1 th~ Village. a da,h (-) is shOWlIltl the column and ne~1 (0 (( in b(ackel~, the distance 111 hroad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kms &10+ kms or the nearest place where the facility is available. is


      1W! q;r 'llT'1' q;r WlCf,l'¥l '¥l~ i~ ~ ~q;r Wf;3ffi:

      4 6 8 9 0

      78 ~ 177,26 584(120) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      79 'RCfRT 1337.96 1236(251) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      80 ~ 201.19 14(3) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      81 '1lc-IT 252.25 319(56) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      82 ;;wrqi 685.79 1118(2l9) P,M -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      83 ¢U 421.96 580(99) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) . -(5-10) -(5-10)

      84 ~ 290.95 495(97) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      85 ~ l375.31 1496(322) P,M -( 5-lO) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      86 ~ 609.25

      87 ~~ 259.23

      88 ~ 1133.12 518(87) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      89 ~ 420.95 409(83) P -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      90 ~W 366,20 567(104) P -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 3X5 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagal' C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (3Mfu~~

      W1 Ocfi ~'1ll\ ~ ~mr m~ ~~~ ~~~ Wll

      II 12 13 ILl 13 Ii) 17 Is :2

      KR-3 Murwara 57 ED,EAG W(4.41), 147.99 2.45 12.95 Moolp~lfa (Kall1l) TK(9.-l6) KR-3 Murwara 59 ED,EAG 256.28 W(10.62). 550.77 107.99 379.30 Bharwara (Katni) 0(33.00) KR-6 MUlwara 59 86.39 0(3.10) 65.73 39.64 6.33 Bad Khera (Katni) KR-5 Murward 56 ED 53.24 TK(20.19) 108.33 50.25 20.24 Patna (Katni) KR-6 Murwara 50 EA R(36.66) 481.92 106.19 61.02 Jargawan (Katni) KR-6 Murwara 52 ED R(40.23) 257.94 68.98 54.81 Itaurd (Katni) KR-8 Murwara 48 ED R(32.23) 197.77 33.28 27.67 Kuda (Katni) KR-4 Murwara 65 ED 222.97 W(2.93), 488.92 511.88 126.19 Bagrod (Katni) 0(22.42) Uninhabited 0(6.82) 7.57 594.45 0.41 Titllrpalli

      Uninhabited 194.24 1.63 54.47 8.S9 Chamarhiya

      KR-8 Murwara 60 ED 108.42 R(l3.22) 124.00 103.70 783.78 Birampura (Katni) KR-9 Murwara 60 ED 17.21 0(2.87) 95.09 254.24 51.54 Murta (Katni) KR-8 Murwara 70 ED 0(6.33) 229.41 92.00 38.46 Pipariya Klmrd (Katui) lJllf Pt4'ruICflI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ \344).1

      ~1iR-~ (*Wl"4~~:;mhrrCfi"R'!l'l"4 (-)hTMTJ1'IT 1"fQTt3h~


      "W'11f;T Wl1f;T "$~ ~ ~1f;T Slq)m

      91 fu;RT ~ 376.24 601(122) P -(5-10) WJW -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      92 ~ 1036.95 1150(215) P -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      93 ~ 215.82 306(52) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(lO+)

      94 ~~ 1-1-23.82 334(53) P -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      95 wi 937.24 223( 41) -(-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      96 ir.rr~ 766.98 308(54) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      97 ~ lfurR 366.83 145(23) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(lO+)

      98 ~ 442.21 92(14) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      99 awmt 973.73 290(64) P -(10+) 0 -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      100 $II 1.'1 I1Jj{l 130.54 238(60) P,M -(10+) 0 -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      101 Jj'f<;fi411.'11 1038.71 317(59) -(-5) -(10+) R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      102 I{ftl"l:ro4 [I 141.35

      103~~ 122.()2

      ~~ L:md Usc (~~~q';t~~cfier-.~~~~cfi~ m


      1 I 12 IJ I4 15 I{) 17 Is 2

      KR-4 Murwara 4S ED 1.47 R(20.37) 250.31 75.47 28.62 Simari Pandi (Katm) KR-4 Murwara 50 31.49 R(51.30) 517.39 377.87 58.90 Pondi (Katni) KR-12 Munvara 52 0(32.19) 127.29 45.55 10.79 Kajgawan (Katni) KR-16 Munvara 66 ED 940.14 142.49 114.13 227.06 Hardua Sarasbahu (Katni) KR-20 Murwara 66 ED 845.86 56.88 }O,38 24.12 Surra (Katni) KR-19 Murwara 67 ED 549.10 144.42 44,22 29.24 Dobha Baghnarwa (Katni) KR-18 MUlwara 67 ED 264.49 R(200) 52.62 36.44 11.28 Harduwa Gijar (Katni) KR-20 Murn'ara 69 340.24 R(12.97) 39.63 26.07 23.30 Pateriya (Katni) KR-13 Murn'ara 56 649.18 R(2D.89) 165.89 44.34 93.43 Salaiya Samari (Katni) KR-30 Murwara 70 13.61 R(11.63) 77.32 17.98 10.00 lhaladumri (Katni) KR-28 Murward 68 154.27 R(IO.21) 162.10 38.52 673.61 Makkepala (Katni) Uninhabited 137,50 3.85 Singhanpurpati

      _ Uninhabited 122.02 Majhgawan Kheda ~ ~4"flICflI \iFf ~~ ~ ~ Jq41~1

      ~ "'O'R -"ljffiimi (1ifu lJ11l "it ~ ~ "'liT t "ilT ~ 'if ( - ) hi B11f!IT 1JtITt ~~ 'lTGtt ~~lJ11l.r~~'R ~~t "*"ill<: 'R qo ¥ M ~ 9'fiR ~

      5-10 killS &W+ kms of the nearest place where the facility IS available, is


      'Wl' 'ifiI Wl'ifil lJ11l'ifil~ ~~ ~em ~ -qR'ifiI m

      Location Name of Total Area Total Popu- Education Medical Drinking Post & Day or Communation Telegrph days of (Bus Stop Rail Code of Villa~" of the lalioll and water way Station Village Village (Ill Number of (Potable) the Market! Hectares) households Hat, if any Water way)

      3 4 ) S 9. 104~W 998.00 363(70) -(-5) -(10+) 0 -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      105~'Cfi'\11' 905.14 389(86) P -(10+) R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      106~ 3022.89 671(122) P,M -(10+) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      107 w{ ir?T 1701.47 179(31) P -(10+) R -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

      108~ 809.69 826(167) P -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      109 ~ iflRln4t;f) 777.43 556(106) P -(-5) \V,HP . -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      110 ~ 549.40 579(122) P,M -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      III ~ 735.60 1017(220) P -(5-10) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      112 '47RJ 'W'fl 473.26 20(5) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      113 fT.tqf{trr ~ 66l.S5 301(58) P -(5-lO) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      -(5-10) -(5-10) 114~ 1367.77 307(69) -(5-10) -(5-10) R -(5-10)

      115 \CRT 358.21 369(73) P -(-5) HP,C -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      116 'IRRlt 569.06 445(86) P -(5-10) HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      117 'lffi X-1-1 (i(, 117(27) -(-5) -(5-10) w,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5) ,x') VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (Of'ncr ~ ~

      1JT'l n

      Approach :'\ l2ar~\l Pow~r I III ~\t IlIeg,,[Cd lIllll r· Cllitur,lhle Area not Name 01 VIllage to 1'0\\,11 allt! ,up ply hv Igakd Waste Available Village Di,tanc'< SOLIn:;\!.., (l11dlldlng for (Ill hill') g,H1Ch.lf & Cultlvallo11


      12 13 -l 15 I () 18 2

      KR-23 Munv

      KR-5 Pawai 30 2(,S.·n 181 l)5 30-U3 22.82 Jh.imlila Kariyapani KR-lO Pawai 30 5352 W(tUO). IX56-l 281.12 1617 Budhrcd R(\2.SS) KR-lO Pawai 32 13.n W(O 70). 2702') \75.98 28.83 Raigwan 0(-1-(1.33) KR-5 Pawai 30 3-1-2.l)-l 0(2.81 ) 35 l)3 80.12 11.4G Pagra Surbhum

      KR-8 Pawai 28 40) 72 W(0.20). II] .07 121. 77 18.28 Pipariya 0(281) Raghunath KR-IO Pawai 32 IIS-l.78 81.l)<) 83Jl) 47.Gl Sunpura

      KR-6 Pawai 50 2461 0(U.66) 11441 190.42 14.11 KlIarra

      KR-5 Munvara 50 401.63 X4.9l ·B.2G 39.26 Parasi (Katni) KR-J MUlIIara )-l I('() ), .1, -l7 2.23 -lSA3 Chaura (Katni) 390 "IDlJ f.) (f~1 Cfi I \iFf ~~ ~ ~ Jq4)41

      ~~-"ifoMi (1&R c:;ff lt., 5 -10 ~. m 10 +flt. Ame11llte, Availahle (If not Available within the \'dlage. a d,lSh (-) is shown In the column and ne:\1 to It in brackets, the distance 111 hroad r,lIlg'" viz - 5 klllS. 5-10 killS &10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is availahle, is



      4 ()

      118~ 1264.32 505(100) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      119~~ 359.69 ~

      120 -5llT 667.93 887(194) P -(Hl+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) 8S

      121 ~ 637.50 708(143) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) 8S

      122 ~ (~) 690.51 492(104) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      123 ~ 632.30 959(190) P -(-5) w,HP -(-5) -(10+) 8S

      124 -.nt 47l.50 1571(345) P.M,PUC D.RP W,HP PO Wed. 8S

      125 ~ 483.06 348(66) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      126~~ 972.07 191(28) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      127~W 529.00 ~

      128~~ 226.70 ~

      129~ 1858.79 373(62) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

      130~ 1956.33 1690(321) P,M -(-5) W PO -(5-10) BS 31) I VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (J1>.lfu ~ ~ q\t ~ fcr.<;i)' ~ ~ ~ -it ~ ~ ~ it m

      11 12 [j 14 b 16 1'7 [g 2

      KR.-l Murwara 54 184.09 171.21 674.74 234.28 Kanmndi (Katni)

      Uninhabited 4&.01 0(10.36) 69.27 209.26 22.79 Hardua Belkhedi

      KR-O Murwara 42 ED 1.38 256.89 382.13 27.53 Thepa (KalIu) KR-l Murwara 42 ED 212.90 268.10 156.50 Tharka (Katni) KR-5 Murwara 43 ED 106.94 0(16.52) 292.32 225.92 48.81 SaJaiya (Katl1i) (Pheransingh) KR-O Murwara 42 ED 101.40 W(l.OO), 278.59 219.92 29.12 Mahewa (Katni) 0(2.27) KR-O Murwara 45 ED 100.35 0(6.99) 246.84 88.90 28.42 Bari (Katni) KR-8 Murwara 47 ED 230.47 R(3.98) 122.36 93.41 32.84 Chakra (KalIli) KR-5 Murwara 45 ED 724.30 98.55 54.74 93.88 lhirnlila Dauwa (Kalni) Uninhabited 282.05 0(7.22) 81.72 140.59 17.42 Khajuri Khurd

      Uninhabited 50.85 82.80 82.77 10.28 Hinauti Kheda

      KR-I0 Murwan! 60 394.26 R(lO.37) 141.63 53.77 1258.76 Chullb'Una (Katni) KR-O Murwara 56 ED,EAG 149.76 R(21.53) 445.07 1265.87 74.10 Malghan (Kallll) 392 "Wi PiJ~ICflI \i'fWf ~~ ~ ~ \jq4l

      ~ 'J'R -~ 0ifbm"if ~ ~ "'liT :hhr.TMlP¥ ( - ) hi ('I111

      . \menities .\vailahle (if not Availahle within the Village, a dash (-) " shown in the column and ne~:t to It in brackets, the distance In broad ranges viz. - 5 kms, 5-10 kms &10+ kms of the near~st place whcr~ the facility is avallahle. IS


      "lI1'1 CfiT "lI1'1 CfiT jJl1fCfiT"'!jC'f 'Wf~ ~1l!fUr.ll ~ WtCfiT sr

      3 4 .) 8 ()

      131~ 5~2 X7 358«(j4) P -(-5) HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      132~ H2·U12 c1RR

      133~ 268.56 527(106) P -(-5) HP,R PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      134~ 1048.69 918(182) P -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      135 ~ 986.72 366(70) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      136~~ 841.21 263(42) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      137~ 1525.52 1626(325) P,M -(5-10) W,HP PO -(-5) -(5-10)

      138 ~ IO(jS.54 1321(259) P -(S-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      139 3R~ 616.42 769(156) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      140~ 1078.31 1267(251) P -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      141~(~) 282.08 357(63) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-Hl)

      142 ~ 163.(j3 ~

      143~~ 336.27 692(139) P -(-5) TW,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      '!fl1'~ Land Usc (3f<1B~~

      ~~~ ~~ (~ 3fl<

      KR-O Mmwara 57 280.57 R«().27) 149AO 55.03 -lUi) Tulia Katni) Uninhabited 566.52 14.37 218.31 25.62 Dugariya

      KR-O Murward 10 ED 14.83 R(ll 35) 165.02 50.49 2G.87 Nalldchand Katni) KR-5 Murwara 49 ED 415.25 R(30JO). 261.78 193.90 139.46 Gajanda Katni) 0(8.0D) KR-8 Murwara 50 189.68 R(20.15). 206.89 336.55 207.83 Chalni Katni) 0(25.62) KR-7 Mmwara 50 451.19 0(5.15) 199.32 169.91 15.64 Biharia Memari Katni) KR-8 Murwara 47 W(5.35) 695.34 579.31 245.52 Khatnharia Katni) KR-I0 Murwara 50 ED 18.17 W(15.51) 754.22 70.86 206.78 Atarchai Katni) KR-lO Murwara 29 69.7& 0(13.90) 266.34 135.21 131.19 Artlmi Katni) KR-JO Murwara 30 0(120.09) 262.11 290.46 405.65 Bija Kheda Katni) KR-8 Murwara 30 69.69 147.67 64.72 Bartala Katni) (Bija Kheda) Uninhabited 101.77 35.64 26.22 Dadora

      KR-S Munvara 21 ED GC(26.94). 1S9 .12 42.60 IOO.2() Mihgawan Tilia Kalm) R(7Al) 39.J. "ID1J PI {~I Cfi I ~~~~~dq~~1

      ~01"I-Wi!..ffi?' (i&Wl"i¥~~:;mtm

      . IJl\cmtles Avadahk (if not Availahlc within the Village, a d'ish (-) IS ShOl111 III the ,olllllln MJd nex1 to it in brackds. the di,1ance in broad ranges VIZ - 5 kms. 5-\ 0 killS & I 0+ ],.IllS or the nearest place where the t:1cility is available. is


      1Il'l C!iT lIJ11

      3 4 ) 8 0

      144 ~ 496.49 1284(271) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-lO)

      1.J.5~ 3~n.02 cfuA'

      146 i1~I'1ClI~ 613.35 865(167) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      147 ~ 1282.82 2336( 445) P.M -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

      148 ~ 79.18

      149~~ 469.91 806(176) P -(-5) w.HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      15()~ .J.8G.95 3717(784) P(-l).M(4), H.HC,RP T PO, MON, BS PUC.O(2) PHONE 151 ~ 537.00 244(44) -(-5) -(5-10) HP,R -(-5) -(5-10) BS

      152 ~ 250.18

      153 ~ G51.33

      154 WRRT 1380.06 1566(313) P,M -(10+) 0 PO TUE, BS

      155 ~\OO 672.30 461(79) P -(10+) w,HP -(-5) -(-5) BS

      156 ~ 616.89 1229(2(j2) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-lO) ]95 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (~~~

      WiCllfi ~'>fm ~ ~;mr <1"

      1I [2 [j 14 15 [(; ['7 Is i

      KR-7 Murwara 23 ill R(12.53) 371.40 10.66 95.l)() Tunda (Katni) Uninhabited 6.56 R(l7.39) 112.36 130.61 120 In Umartala

      KR-7 Murward 23 ED 0(21.48) 353.45 60.00 178.42 Mahilwara (Katni) KR-5 Mmwara 26 ED W(2.13). 759.14 195.59 176.78 Sudor (Katni) G(7 1. 29), R(77.89) Uninhabited 76.67 0.27 2.24 TulIa

      FP-5 Murwara 26 ED,EAG R(IO.OO), 330.69 52.02 75.20 Mihgawan (Katni) 0(2.00) Chhakka KR-O Murwara 20 EA R(lO.OO). 370.51 45.06 61>.18 Shahnagar (Katni) 0(1.20) FP-5 Murwara 26 ED 134.81 301.4(} 10.79 Harbanshpura (KaUli) Uninhabited 10.04 0(17.00) 160.95 38.23 23.96 Simri

      Uninhabited 313.47 180.12 140.30 17.44 Kudai

      KR-O MUlwara 32 ED,EAG W(6.0l) 439.95 740.55 193.55 Lamtara (Katni) KR-O Murwara 38 ED 299.03 157.74 201.82 13.71 Chakarbhata (Katni) KR-o Mumma 50 108.62 0(15.64) 197.00 259.78 35.85 Ragoli (Katni) llTlf Pl (fIlJ Cfi J \iFf ~ ~ ~ \jQ4}OI,

      ~ \TR WitIT\' ("ilk lJP1 "it W'fuiii ~ :;m t m~"it ( ) "hi ~ lJZ!T t .mr ~ "iI'lO it ~ if lJP1 il fu1

      Amonlti~s A\"lIlahle (If not Avatlahle within th~ VIi\.lg~. ,I d,,,h (-) " shown in the column and next to it III hrack~ts. the dlstanc~ in hro,ld ranges viz - 5 k111s.

      5-1 () knl' & 10 I !-m, of the 1l~'If,,"1 place where Ihe f.'''lilly " avallahk, is


      lJP1q;r<[JR <[JR~ ~~ ~ 1jf.tq;r ~m ~/~q;r

      .J 4 ) ':) ()

      157 ~~ 1073.92 903(12) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

      158 ~ %021 ]9-1-(-11) -(-5) -( 5-1 0) WHP -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      159 m 479.78 420(71) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

      160 ~ 1423.22 1091(195) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(lO+) BS

      161 rffifi 1606.15 396(74) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

      162~~ 629.l4 646(132) P -(05) W,HP -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

      163 ~ (~) 1105.80 1893(366) P -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5)

      164~ 755.93 479(83) P -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      HiS ~ 269.98 45(7) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(5-l0) -(-5)

      166~ 621.90 1544(321) P,M -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      167 ~ 866.31 815(154) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      168 Ft~ 1047.20 607(107) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      169 3WU 957.47 1616(331) P -(-5) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5)

      170 fiMR'IiT ~ 454.71 193(32) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) , l)7 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land lIse Shahnaga.· C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Usc (}f'WJ ~ ~ of.\ f$Fl ~

      "W"I ~ ~"'lm ~ m1mT -il<~ m

      1 J 12 I') 1-[ IS X

      KR-9 Munvara -[2 5-l21 0(1231 ) 2')1.92 S37.0S 17&.-l:1 Harduwa iv,Ieman t f-",Iilll) KR-S Mun\'ara SO 2 33 J1530 133 39 &9 19 Bhadfa (Katni) KR-& Munvara -[I 0(400) 119 S() 2-[1.3-[ 114.&8 Pagri (Katl1i)

      KR-O Pawai 40 ED (m6S :180.58 30K09 36.90 Chaupra

      KR·3 Pawai -l2 EAG 23 35 318 80 1089.50 174.5() Pousi

      KR-5 Pawai 24 ED.EO lOS.83 282.13 220.76 17.-[8 Umariadundi

      KR -)- [);ma I 2() ED.EO 39 -[5 W(523) ()l)9 -1A 178.65 IS303 Rampur (Khajun)

      KR-S MUfwara 30 EA.G 0(5 D) 2H.6& -[6&.29 37 &] Juganvara (Katni) KR-S Munvara 33 3.68 00.82) 123.15 108.33 33.0() Shahpur (Katni) KR-5 Munvara 30 ED.EO R(722) 17944 71.6 J 163.(13 Khmntara (Kalni) KR-5 Mllfwar;l :10 ED 200.70 37() 76 106_(J9 18&.IG Tldulll (Katni) KR-S Mlirwara 32 ED 594.9& 0(2 :12) 260 55 131.48 S7.87 Gldhauda (Katni) . KR-5 Mllfwara 23 ED.EAG R(54.77) 571 22 243.90 87.5g Ama (Katni) KR-3 l'vIlirwara 21 ED 41.94 29X.21 8S.7() 25.S0 Plpanya Jyotlslu (Katni) ]98 ~ -~{fllifil \iFf Wit~ ~ ~ aqqh,

      ~ -.;01 ~ ('!i* 1J1'1"ii' ffiiil1i ~ "'itT t ~ ~ 1:f ( ) hi m 1J1:lT t 3IT< _ ,lTdt ~ -iT 1J1'1 ~ ~ ~ '" ~ "3'''1<{,d ~ em: '

      Amentli" /wallahle (If nol AvaiLlillc withlll the VIllage. a dash (-) " sho\\'n 111 the (olumn .md ne)<.1 10 It 111 hr.lC~d'. th~ ,hstan(e 111 broad rang~' VIZ - 5 kIllS.

      5-10 J..ms &IU+ kms orthe nea"st pla(c where the facility IS available. IS


      ~Cf,J ~/mcCf,J trilI\ Ci:J

      ) 0

      -(-5) -( -5) 171 ~ X() 1 9(, Il'I70(42I) P -(-5) w.e PO

      -(-5) 172 ~ (3f1llT) 441.20 988(199) P -(-5) WHP -(-5) -(-5)

      -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 173 ~ 252.46 313(60) -(-5)

      174 ~ 319,48 95(14) -(-~) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(5-to)

      175 ~ 91.93 cfuR

      176 ~ 329.39 449(71) P -(-5) WHP -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      177 ~ 1660.3] 2258(443) P(2).M D,RP WHP PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      178 itm 13702 cfuR

      179 ~ 156.47 cfuR

      180 Wrm 588.84 1574(323) P -(-5) W,HP PO -(5-10) BS

      181 ~ 206.31 404(66) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      182 ~ 225.85 73(12) -(-5) -(10+) WHP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      183 wPJCri 449.50 586(125) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 391) VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Usc Shah nagar C. D. Block

      'Jfit~ Land Usc (JMTn~~q'it~~~~~ii~~cfiGT m

      ~~~ ~~ (~~ ~ ~) Approach ;..J eare\t Power Forest Irregated Hlllrr­ Culturable Area not Name of village to Town and supply by igated Waste Available Village Distance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves.

      11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 2

      KR-5 Muruara ill EA (J3.-+l:i -m.m 2<)5.5') 65.20 Kacltaun (Katni) KR-4 Murwara 19 ED,EAG 277.00 88.16 76.04 Deori (Ama) (Katni) KR-2 Murwara 18 ED,EAG 16.49 189.75 25.51 20.71 Dugargawan (Katni) KR-6 Murwara 22 ED,EAG 137.61 R(25.l6) 52.58 46.59 57.54 Bhausar (Katni) Uninhabited 31.76 54.95 1.93 3.29 Kudwa

      KR-4 Murwara 22 ED,EAG R(13.26) 94.23 82.S2 139.0S Pandcri (Katni) KR-O Murwara 2() EA 593.01 R(20.1O) 648.20 138.43 260.59 Puraina (Katni) Uninhabited 80.10 44.33 12.59 Rosar

      Uninhabited 0.60 104.03 40.13 11.71 Baraho

      PR-O Murwam 1(; EA 95.47 WE(55.24), 184.93 47.48 110.70 Sungarha (Katni) GC(95.02) KR-3 Murwara 14 ED 1.74 R(22.49) 98.01 15.67 68.40 ParaswarJ (Katni) KR-7 Murwara 19 ED 84.40 R(l5.80) 47.90 64.12 13.63 Karodia (Katni) KR-5 MurwarJ 20 4.14 WE(2.00), 264.71 71.32 98.70 Ludhgawan (Katm) R(S.63) 400 "IDlJ -f.:'l{~lcm \iFf ~ ~ ~ aq<4llJ

      ;rn;rar ~ -iifiiUIii (ilk l)l1l 'if ifciiilii ~ "iitf t "cit CfiTC'TI1 'if ( -) hi {'J1'1J


      1Il'1 'Iil W'l' 'Iil W'l''Iil'§B '§B~ it~ ~ ~'Iil ~m ~/mc

      2 3 4 :> (j 8 I) 0

      184 ~ 206.95 259(43) P -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      185 ~~ 177.38 178(23) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP,R -(-5) -(-5) -00+)

      186 ~~ 64.67 249(41) P -(-5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

      187 WR{ q;-ffi 65.94 41(6) -(-5) -(-5) HP,C -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

      188 ~ q;-ffi 134.27 557(97) P -(-5) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

      -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 189 ~~'" . 117.16 383(88) P W'

      190 <1m il'i1T 21.77 70(15) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      191 \flfcliT 89.30 152(26) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      192 *m 45.23 254(60) P,M,H -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      193 ~ 26.96 165(35) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      194 UR<:!R 149.51 55( 14) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      195 ~ 53.07 187(33) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      196 ~ 1R5R' 66.21 135(23) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      197 wffi

      ';!f'r~ Land Usc (3J>.lfu '?r ~ q\t ~ ~ q;. ~ tf) ~ (mm 3ffi: ~ ~) Approach Nearest Power Forest Irregated linirr- Culturahle Area not Name of village to TOlVn and supply hy 19ated Waste Availahle VIllage DIstance Sources (including for (in kms) gauchar & Cultivation groves.

      II J 2 13 [4 15 16 Ii 18 2

      KR-20 Maihar 30 126.49 63.39 17.07 Nayagaon

      KR-23 Maihar 37 7l.80 98.42 7. Hi Khamriya'Badi

      KR-26 Maihar 29 2.81 44.87 12.90 4.09 Sankuti Piparia

      KR-27 Maihar 27 3.69 38.62 19.72 3.91 AmraiKalan

      KR-12 Maihar 35 '0.07 111.86 13.75 8.59 Pondi Kalan

      KR-IO Maihar 35 29.38 66.72 15.77 5.29 Tikul Pondi

      KR-I0 Maihar 35 17.88 3.35 0.54 Barhatola

      KR-lO Maihar 35 43.20 30.02 11.00 5.08 Bhamka

      KR-8 Maihar 35 2.67 0(4.25) 27.08 5.18 6.05 Mainaha(Menha)

      KR-8 Maihar 35 22.30 2.02 2.64 Rampur

      KR-8 Maihar 38 115.79 18.08 12.25 3.39 Dhaukhan

      KR-8 Maihar 33 35.73 12.96 4.38 Rohania

      KR-9 Maihar 35 52.07 7.40 6.74 Pipariya Pathar

      Uninhabited 532.23 4.12 14.24 9.99 Khamaria Baraho -l02 "IDlT Pl4'~ICfiI \TR ~~ ~ ~ dq41~1

      ~ "'Ff -~ «iff 1J11l"it ~ ~ "'liT t "ilt CfiIi'I11"it ( - ) hi 0fl1TIlT "lJ!lft3ffi:~ ~tT ~iilJ11lit~~'R Wcr~~~ ~

      .-\In''I1II1,,, .\vadablo (If not Available II'IUlin tbe Village. a d,lSh (-) IS ,hown 111 the column and nc)'i to It in hracket" the ,lIstallce in hroad ranges VIZ - 5 lim. 5-10 kms &10+ kim ofille neare,t pl,lce where the j,wlilty" available. IS

      g"'Cll. ) - W'l IT ~ 'W1 ~ ~~cfit fi em: w.r/

      2 :l S 0

      198 ~ 11.96 70(13) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

      199 ~ 251.66 131(27) 9-(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      200 ~ 74.03

      201 ~~ 392.42 294( 47) p -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      202 W 365.95 293(53 ) -(-5) -(-5)' W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      203 ~ 292.02 238(49 ) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      204 ~ 5S.S0 211(42 ) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

      205 ~ 393.27 99(16) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5- 10) -(-5)

      206 ~ 445.40

      207 ~ 468.55

      208 ~ 39.05

      209 -.Jm 105.68

      210. ortitu 2361.58 104(23) -(-5) -«5) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

      211 ~ -lll.(i

      '1i1'"3'lilm Land Usc (~ 'lJlf ~


      0 II 12 1.' 14 15 [6 17 n~ 2

      KR-10 Maihar 35 9.04 2.77 {U5 Darwai

      KR-15 Maihar ]G 152.29 (i177 30.98 (i (i2 Kusmi

      Uninhabited 59.23 11.08 2.35 1.37 Kutarahiya

      KR-5 Maihar 30 235.52 79.34 68.13 9.43 Mihgawa Baraho

      KR-5 Maihar 35 268.40 70.47 16.23 10.85 Baijai

      KR-5 Murwara 35 220.47 50.39 18.56 2.GO Bhopar (Katni) KR-5 Murwaril 35 {U2 49.72 G.17 2.59 Chhatoul (Katni) KR·5 Murward 35 318.91 3().8G 37.77 5.72 Mouhari (Katni) Uninhabited 425.30 0.45 6.47 I3.IO Harduwa

      Uninhabited 458.65 9.90 Kumhedan

      Uninhabited 4.66 9.64 23.12 I.G3 Deori

      Uninhabited 89.06 8.25 6.84 1.53 Boda

      KR-20 Maihar 23 458.29 30.85 56.67 1815.77 Basaura

      Uninhabited 15134 1194 44.50 1 XX Dugana ·W4 lJT4f - Pl4'~1 Cfi I \iFf ~~ ~ ~ \jq41~1

      ~~-#f~ ("!&W'1l¥~~"'itTt"iiT~l¥ (-) "hTt'!lTltIT lTl:[ft3ffi:~ ~tT ~~W'1it~~'R ~~t ~ BIT'R qo ~ WlT -nJ 'J1f.R ~"&it If{ t -5~., 5 -10 ~ "QT 10 +~ .

      .. \.1l1elllti~, Avallahle (If not Availahle II'ltllln the Village. ,\ d,,,h (.) is shown in the column and n",1 to It III brackets. the dIStance in broad r,lIlg'" Vl7 • 5 I-.ms. 5·1 () kms & I 0+ kill' or the neare,t place where the facilIty is avail,lhlc. is


      1JT'!Cf,!'!?'f '!'r~ ~ ~ ~Cf,! ~3ffi: 'Il\i'Il\/~

      2 3 4 ) 8 9 ()

      212 mT I19,O-l 5-l0(I08) P.M -(5-10) WHP.R -(5- lO) -(5-10) -( [()+)

      213. rrmm: 149,79 39(6) -(-5) -(5-10) W,HP,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5- lO)

      214. ~ ~M'1ffl6 739.91 35(8) -(-5) -(-5) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

      215. SllJ41PlR' 1544.72 378(77) P DW,TK,HP,O -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      216. ~~ 34.40 152(26) P -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      217. ~ 803.01

      218. ~ 25.52

      219. ~ 118.(i5 273(42) P -(-5) W,R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      220. ~ 839.50 825(164) P,M -(10+) W,R PO -(10+) -(10+)

      221. ~ 2309.73 358(83) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      222. ~WR 870.83 192(46) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP,R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      223. '¥ 511.10 200(40) P -(10+) W,R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      224. ~W1Rt 2326.26 530(93) P -(10+) W,R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+) ·lOS VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahllagar C. D. Block

      ~~ Land Use (~~~

      'lIR Cf

      11 12 13 1~ 13 16 I7 18 2

      KR-20 Murwara 59 7158 54.29 lLl7 Sarm (Katlll)

      KR-]9 Murwara 59 120m n~.l)5 7.12 4.60 Rachhapar (Katlli) KR-37 Murwara 56 615.91 11.69 102.07 10.24 Jiria Dilansingh (Katlli) KR-13 MUlwara 53 1164.48 7(1.04 288.21 21.99 Shyamglri (Katlli) KR-14 Murwara 56 24.76 7.33 2.31 Kutmi Khurd (Katni) Uninhabited 2.76 0.78 799.47 Chithari

      UnInhabited 246 1288 (i 13 4.05 Kutrahiya

      KR-15 Murwara ·Hl 25.01 59.23 14.07 20.34 Banjari (Katlli) KR-15 Murwara 60 393.10 179.29 182.03 85.08 Sarangpur (Katlli) KR-23 Murwara 63 97.53 200.41 2011.79 Jamda (Katni) KR-12 Murwara 62 21.08 100 10 51.40 704.25 Jhiria Harchand (Katni) KR-20 MUlwara 60 8.90 71 91 10.31 419.98 Surroo (Katni) KR-20 Murwara 60 2.82 130.58 242.75 1950.11 -Salaiya Samari (Katni) ·WG -ml1 f."l Jffll ttl I \Wf tjfcf~ ~ ~ Jq4)41

      ~ "\i'A' -"lffiiiffii (mb)]lpf~f~Uiii ~ :;my t "ilt CfiT<'l'1"il' ( -) iii wnm w:rr~~~ ~m ~~Wlit~~'R ~~t ~ ~ 'R

      AIll~nlllcs Available (.1' not Avallahle Wlthlll the Vdlage. a da.,h (-) IS shown in the column and next to it in orad.ets. the distance III hroad ranges VIZ. - 5 kros, 5-1 (j Kms & I (j, Kms of the nearest pldc" where the tilcllity " availahle. "

      gi\'en. )


      .) 4 8 ()

      225. U);n- 75682 133(23 ) -(-5) -(10+) W,R -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

      22() ~ Y2-U)() 759(142) P -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      227.~ 1725.86 323(52) P -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      228. iT?r 1028.85 61(12) -(-5) -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

      229.~ 1223.87 351(70) P -(10+) R -(1O+) -(10+) -(10+)

      230. mT~ 805.-H 196(36) -(-5) -(10+) R -(10+) . -(10+) -(10+)

      23 1. t

      232.~ 3356.37 485(85) P -(10+) HP,R -(5-10) -(10+) -( 10+)

      233.~ I1G2.51 631 (lO3) P -(10+) W,HP -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

      234. ~ 171.87 337(50) -(-5) -(10+) W,HP,R -(-5) -(5-lO) -(10+)

      235. ~ 153.G() ~

      236. "f'l11T\ 42514 818(172) P -(5-10) W,HP,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      237.~~ 1518.07 365(71) P -(5-10) R -(-S) -(5-1O) -(5-10)

      Dg.~ 753 18 158(32) -(-5) -( -5) R -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5) '" ·Wi VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use Shahnagar C. D. Block

      'J!ii~ Land Usc (3f'.18 ~~


      11 12: IJ 14 15 If) 17 Is 1

      KR-21 Murwara 61 120.99 128.77 507.06 Dhauna (Kdtlli) KR-16 Murwara 51 258.81 170.63 234.65 259.91 Tala (Katni) - KR-16 Murwara 51 972.08 133.11 83.56 537.11 Jursingh (Katni) KR-17 Murwara 53 938.48 23.68 43.98 22.71 Donda (Katni) KR-15 Munvara 52 ' 101.51 162.72 79,21 880.43 Majhgawan (Katni) KR-13 Murwara 53 66.40 3l.08 707,93 Sarra Kheda (Katni) KR-15 Munyara 53 985.57 307.09 255,12 975.62 DeoraKalan (Katni) KR-15 Munvara 55 92,97 14389 122,88 29<)6,63 Marha (Katlli) KR-15 Murwara 55 901.46 169,91 55,98 35,16 Dhauwapura (Katni) KR-16 Murwara 46 15,67 83.40 12,71 6(),()9 Bihariya (Katni) Unmhabited 15.40 33,06 29.44 75,70 Durjanpura

      ](R-lO Murwara 50 3.89 R(O.58) 311 43 65.65 43,59 Nunagar (Katni) KR-Il Murwam 31 51.71 R(3,74) 181.29 220,56 1060.77 Mahuwa Kheda (Katni) KR-12 Munv;lW 31 65 <)7 ll() 53 10(l.]] 470,57 Kunia (Katni) ·HlR "IDlf f.l (f~1 Cfi I \WT ~~ ~ ~ Jql().1

      "3'"ffi'U ~ -Wfuii' (iiff llT"I 'i1' ijffiiiii ~ 'ift¥ t 'ill ~ 'i1' ( - ) 'hi ('IlTItll 1"f<:ITt 3lR-:m

      Amcnitlc, Avall.lllk \11' not Avallahle II'Ithin the Village. a da,h (.) is shown in

      th~ ~D1uml\ and n~\.1 to It il\ hrad,l.!h, \h~ \:h~tancc in hroad r

      given.) l.W1 Cf,T l.W1 Cf,T l)r+rCf,T~ <[<'T~ ~~ ~ <\MCf,T SJq;'3lR

      3 4 ) 8 0

      239. ~ 575.64 1104(197) P,M -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

      240. ~ 127447 785(151) P -(5-10) R -(-5) -(10+ ) -(5-10)

      241. ~ 'R:!T<'R 2148.65 610(107) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5- 10)

      242. m

      243. ~ 173.68 356(64) P -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

      244. f.mAt 1557.52 2906(547) P(3),M,H, D W,HP PO, TUE, BS PUC,O PHONE

      245. ~ 'Cfi(1T 1559.94 739(142) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      246. ~W 1550.59 569(113) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      247. ~ 1367.44 595(114) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      248. ~ 1075.52 402(68) P -(10+) W,HP -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+)

      249. ~ 744.80 205(29) P -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

      2S0. ~ 49().40 179(37) -(-5) -(10+) N -(10+) -(SolO) -(10+) 409 VILEAGE DIRECTORY Amenities And Land Use ShahnagaJ' C. D. Block

      '!Jlf~ Land Use (3Pffir '!fi1 ~

      "lJll'IMo ~"flT< ~ ~mu m~ -mrcii"~ ~cii"~ l)1+T

      II 12 13 14 l5 16 17 Is 2:

      KR-5 MurwarJ 32 ED 30.44 0(3309) 322. 84.53 105.52 Rohaniya (Katni) KR-12 MurwarJ 15 R(R71) 272.63 145.48 847.(i3 Ramgarha (Katni) KR-3 Murwara 40 968.46 194.54 369.98 615.67 Umaria Gyawar (Katni) KR-7 Murwam 40 536.68 98.32 162.26 H).(l2 Salaiya (Katni) KR-5 Murwam 1S ED l.04 142.75 22.80 7.09 Amuwa' (Katni) KR-S MurwarJ 40 EA 383.3 5 W(6.50), 677.84 416.88 72.71 Bisani (Katni) 0(0.24)

      KR-lO Murwara 50 ED 763.85 248.55 76.60 470.94- Shahpur Kalan (Katni) KR-10 tyiurwarJ 50 ED 364.l 0 262.29 161.09 763.11 Shahpur Khurd (Katni) KR-IO MurwarJ 50 ED 993.76 217.05 102.15 54:48 Satdhara (Katni) KR-12 MurwarJ 4S 20.32 157.70 92.41 805.09 Sijahati (Katni) KR-8 MurwarJ 50 239.19 66.78 129.36 309.47 Kathai (Katni) KR-12 Murwara 50 17.38 74.36 47.39 351.27 Kandheli (Katni) 410 lWf ~~~ICflI ~ ~~ ~ ~ \344).,

      "3"'8'U i1R -~ (iiibTI':PT ~ ~PIiY hIT 1f;TffI1 'it ( -) bT "i'flTTQT 1F1lt ~~ ~tt ~ij'"lWf~~~'R ~"3"'8'U-t

      Amemties Available (if not Avallahle wIthin the VIllage, a d,.~h (.) i~ ,hown in the column and next to It in brackds. the distance in hroad rang"s VIZ . 5 k.ms,

      5-1 [J kills &10+ kJm of the nearest place wher" th" I"clltty i, aV;lIlahk IS



      2 4 8 I) 0 251. '3'i'm 872.70 lO30(199) P,M -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)

      __ 1fiTm.r 16.j6lj2.tI 123896(H26lj) (-5)6X, (-5)911, T,W(llH) ( -5)119, (-5)52, (-5)61. (5-1\1)7, (5-10)6!!. TK.TW (5-10)61, (5-111)1111. (5-111)67.

      P(154), (10+)511, HP(141) (10+)11, (10+)56. (111+)69, M(30), H(2).He R(36), PO(25), BS(19)

      H(5), D(7), C(3),N, PHONE(2) PUC(5), RP(3) 0(9)


      m:- ~

      ~~ Land Use (~~~cf.t~~

      \]llT d


      11 12 13 14 b 16 17 Is 2

      KR-14 Pawai 42 EDEAG 20.30 0(11.53) 730.10 70.64 40.13 Uncha

      PR, ED(H3),46152.49 \\'(9.tH1), 4-t39.37 26728.85 44841.19 Tot"l fur B1uck

      KR(2l3), EAG,(19) WE(57.24), FP(2) EO(3), GC(59U2),

      EA(14) R(979.47), TK(lU9.93), 0(735.34),


      Note: Due to the shortage of space the abbreviations have been given only in English. For bilingual Purpo'se Hindi abbreviations may be seen in the Notes Explaining the codes used in the village Directory (Page No. 136 - 139). 41l

      ~ I""f PJ~l~1 Cfi I cfi- qRrul'sc Appendices to Village Directory

      414 -qRfll~ - I

      APPENDIX - I

      ~t ~r&lffil ~ 3fril ~aiY qjJ ~q}lfl(Ct'gql{ "flR

      C.D. Block wise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other amenities

      ~ EDUCATIONAL $1f ~QiT""IJl'f ri¥i ~ ~1~Cf)jhl'1, ~ iiJUifl'i"ii, I1GII~(JI(1'l 1jj# fuelT, 3RT 1jJC! ffi'iif ~ ~ ~ ~ "11. '! tlt. (~am- (j)elT/~ ~~ ~ ~'c:(fSlg)~c:, ~ 3lfuq;) .~WIm ~~ ~ "ltT t SI No. Nam~ ofC.D. Pnmary Middle Matnculahon, Higher Secondary College - Adult OthdS Villages Block School School Secondary P.ll.C'. Inter (Graduate literacy with no School medlatd JUnior and Classl tducatlonal College above) Centers faclhtles

      l}TI1" ~ l}TI1" ~ l}TI1" ~ l}TI1"~ l}TI1" ~ l}TI1" ~ l}TI1" ~ Vill- InstItu VIII- InstItu ViII- InstIlu VIII- Instllu Vill- Institu Vill- Inslltu VlIl- Instltl!

      ages lions ages lIons ages lions ages tions age.. lIons ages lions age"l tIOll,~

      2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 l. ~ 96 107 25 25 5 5 2 2 23 26 21 Ajaigmh

      2. -q;:;:;r 120 133 23 23 3 3 4 4 65 Panna

      3, ~ 147 165 25 27 2 2 74 Gunnor

      4, ~ 132 145 23 25 5 5 24 25 11 15 68 Pawai

      5, ~ 141 154 27 30 5 5 5 5 2 3 75 Shah nagar

      ;u"ij'Total 636 704 123 130 17 17 12 12 52 56 14 19 303 4t~ 'ffifipsc - I

      ,\PPENDIX - I

      ~~ , filf&lctiJ "I0f 3PT ~3IT 1fiT ~iflJt1(<:"g<1J( fIR

      C. D. Block wise A h"tract of Educational, Medical and other amenities

      ~ MEOICAL

      W'RR ~t::"Ifm] 'JPM

      ('hll~ W(llaJ CO ( ('1\(1.,', ( '(Iller l)Il1' ~ lJ1ll w.lR 1JT1'I "f!"!'IR 1Wl

      Viii- Ill\luu Viii I'l'tllu Viii Inqllli Viii 111,111 1 , Vill- InSIIIU Viii· )nS(I(1l V,II- 1,,\(II11 \ ill lll'llltli

      ,I~l'''' tll1Jl' ,I~," 111111' .'gl'" (ilill" ,l~, ' II II' ,\gco;; tlOns ag~' lion, ages {Inn" .I~l'" til)!}'

      18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

      6 6 3 3 2 2 105

      5 2 2 176

      3 3 2 2 4 8 212

      ::I 3 2 2 5 5 5 5 23 23 6 6 176

      6 7 2 2 3 3 208

      11 12 8 8 7 7 11 11 7 7 8 B 25 25 14 18 877 416 qRftJIS( - I

      APPENDIX - I

      ~~, ~~ctiJ ,1(f 3Rf ~f

      ( '. D. Block wist' A bstrart of Educational, Medical and other amenities

      ~Cf)l'lRt DRINKIN

      I!il1 ~(f;l~ 'WI C!]3ff '1Ii'1'TdJ ~ "'it) TRI ~ :}Rl ~ -A 3ffiFf; mq flRi¥ /if.1li ~ r.iTi! ~ ct.l ~

      SI,\;" '~un~' tIt ( I) 1,,1' W"II 1.\1,. 11Ih~' KI'-I,._'r rOllotalo <--,m.d nllll'l\ Mur~' th.\II Vtll,I~'-" Vo,lh

      HI,l .. k \-1.',11 (lIll' 'tHlh~' 1141 drll\klll~ w.Her tacilJl) III .IIIY t)lh'

      2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

      1. ~ 12 104 AJ:ugarh

      2 -q;:;:rr 2 28 3 9 142

      I '

      3 ~ 107 6 7 98 (,lllllllll

      4 ~ 13 2 17 4 164 Paw;1l

      5 ~ 41 15 13 146 Shahnagar

      1d1i 4 201 3 4 32 7 33 654 Total APPENDIX - I

      m~,filf4ii"'Hr ~ '1F~ ~3rt' q)T fc1Cf1r(i{q'~cm ~

      (·.D. Block wi"c ,\bstract of Educational, Medical and other amenities

      STtf, q rw Rq[7 f.t;;:r.;1t q';1 ~ 1'( is I' AND n I 1< iJ< \1'11 (.( iMMl INi< 'ATI( iNS 1'< iWU< Sl 11'1'1 Y

      VW "I17'm l!

      45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

      18 2 5 23 83 34

      19 3 4 45 104 81

      24 3 81 162 5Q

      B 9 19 138 62

      23 2 19 98 118

      ,--- 92 12 12 9 187 585 354 41X


      ~ "1~HqlfBCfiI ~' (1J1"1~IUI"1I ""1'lR) .t' \f?f ~ tROt ~ Land Utilisation data in respect of Non-Municipal Towns (Census Towns)

      ~ ~ (3flffiJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -,f 3fA

      111. '11R/~ q;r ~ mu~hf lk M"itf¥RT '" "fl OWl" ~it ~ ~ mf

      No, /TahsIl With Area gated waslt~ aVaIlahle III bracket., includlllg for cultivation (gauchar & grove~)

      f.Rq:; Nil 419 qR~lfiC - III


      1WlT' ~ ~ Cfl m~ U!;clJ( ~ ~i ~~, ~ I1fH'fll, 6fifl q OR, "ifT\ilR Imc

      ~ ~ 1JT ~. cfi ~, ~ Cfl1l f~ ctt 3fTl[ftt ctt ~ ~ ~ t

      C. D. Blork wise list of villages whl'rt.' no Educational. Medical, Post and Telegraph.

      [)a~ or Days of Market/Hat. Communication and Power supply facilities are available.

      ~ ~ lIT<'I' q;] o:rr+l man ~., ~., Sl No Name of Village SL No. L.e. No. Name of Village

      Ajaigarh C.D. Block

      ~ Mohan 2 6 ~(~) Malhgawah (KOll:il \ ,\ 36 f';.,11f1 ~ l1anmat DallllI 43 ~ Bahadurpur 5 46 ~ R,unpur 6 64 ~ Chunaha 7 72 ~ Biladl 8 80 ~ Bharatpur

      9 84 ~ Kadraha 10 94 ~ KaJlpur 11 96 ~ KeshawpUf 12 107 ~ Kcwatpur 110 ~ kholtya

      14 III ~ Sukwaha 420

      qfU~ltiC - III


      lJFfl ~ ~Cfilfl(qo~'m ~ ~ ~, ~fcllct1l, 5']ql q ~, ifl\TfR IQlC

      ct ~ 111 ~. ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qft ~ ~ -;:nft t

      Blockwise list of villages where no Edllcational, Medical, Postand Telegraph,

      [)a~ or Day.., of MarkeUHat. COllllllllnicatillIl and Power supply facilities are available.

      iIi'1 P::{Afu "l']l"q' CflI ~ Ifl"l ~ "l']l"q' CflI ~ "ffiCXll

      1Ji'OfT ~ Cfil6(qoa

      Panna C.D. Block

      3 ~ SuraJPur 25 76 cil6'klcll Kothitola 2 4 1J'lf3) (;agau 26 78 ~~ Naiguwan Chouhly,m .3 II

      5 23 ~ Mad;uya 29 92 ~ Pukhra

      6 27 "3'lRTCR llrnrawan 3D 98 ~~ Sukwaha Kalan

      7 30 ~ K,UTI :\ I 99 ~ Shahpur 8 31 q,ldqli'l)~( Kotwalipur 32 100 ~"3'i~ Babupur Alias RaJapur 9 36 ~ Kudralya 33 116 .wm{ Amhal 10 38 ~ Sarkoha 34 129 ~ Katriya 11 39 ~ SlIma 35 139 ~ Jhalai

      12 41 IR'

      15 45 0f11M1 Ban~la 39 162 ~~ Jrunin Pralap Smgh 16 47 ~ Palt 40 185 ~W Jamunhm Khurd 17 49 ~ Khlrwa 41 190 ~ Govindpur 18 52 \f+lCfiT Bh:unka 42 200 «flT

      19 56 ~ Akla 43 206 ~ Pipariya

      20 61 ~ Panan 44 210 ~ Am~il 21 65 ~ SlIlghpur 22 67 ~ Kunwarpur 23 71 ~ llt1;upur

      24 75 ~ lhallll:i 421 qRfllllC - 1lI


      lJFl). qft ~ Cfilft{Cl 0 ~Cfl< ~ iilm' -it~ ,ftffq) ffil, 6JCh q "ijR, "ilT\TIR Imc

      cfi ~ 1IT ~. ~ -;rri{, ~ Cf1.fT ~ -qft ~- cfit ~ ~cU ~ t

      B10ckwise list of villages where no Educational. Medical, Postand Telegraph,

      Da) or Days of Market/Hat. (·ommunication and Power supply facilities are available.

      if1TI ~. 1jfq ('f;1 ~ If)+{ ~ 1jfq ('f;1 ~ nm:n m.,

      ~ ~C'filfl(qoa

      Gunnor C.D. Block

      ~ Khamn 20 122 ~ Salgadha 2 2 +fm Marha 21 125 ~ Rakulah

      11 62 ~ Ma.liad\\,111 30 1]1 ~ Nlhllan 12 71 mit Slro 31 174 ~ I Jdkl 13 86 ~ Cil(Wahl 32 175 ~ TeLlha 14 87 ~<¥ Palka i


      "1)Tli)' ~ ~(filff~o~,m ~ ~il~,~Pctlct1I, 6TCfI "if Cffi, ~/mc

      ct ~ -qJ ~. ct OWl, ~ Cll.fI ~ qft ~ Ch't ~ ~ rrtT t Blockwise list of villages where no Educational, Medical, Postand Telegraph. Day or Da)'s of MarkeUHat. Communication and Power supply facilities are available.

      Ifil'! ~ 1JlCf CfIT ~ \fll1 ~ 1JlCf 'i.fiT ~ ma:n ~~ ~.,

      'Ifif{ ~q)16~Oa

      (lawai C.D. Block

      10 lWm<¥ SlIma Khun! 22 102 ~"', Kudgawall 2 21 ~ Banhh;lI 23 122 mffiu Sarsela 3 22 '1whi1JI'if Maharal galll 24 123 ~~ Mahu

      <1 23 ~ MaJIl 25 158 ~ 'J'algallll

      5 35 ~ Tahanga 26 159 f.tm Birha

      6 36 'If'RU Malra 27 162 UJ1!~ Dhamoo 7 51 ~ Dhllnan 28 169 ffit Deari 8 53 fmt RlChhl 29 170 ~ Ghalfl 9 S4 fWRt~ Sllnan Khurll 30 180 ~ SllIgalia 10 60 ~ Pagn 31 203 ~GR1u.., KUUnI Bundora

      11 62 ~ Tlkanya 3~ '206 ~ liarduwa 12 64 ¥T~ (iuda Ciauraha 33 208 n Dlya 13 67 mRJit Adhratll 34 209 ~ Kh;unn

      14 68 'l'fWlCl'T 'IlmS MaJhgawah !'a.had 35 214 ~ Janpura 15 69 ~ IkldahaI 36 215 ~ Blrwalll

      16 73 fiMT "11{11101~1:J Plpra Narayallpul a 37 216 ~~ Blladuha Kllll~arl 17 78 ~ Klima 38 217 ~ SOli,\!

      18 85 f>11ql~'1 i larduwaken 39 218 ~ Mag:mla 19 91 ~ SOllpura 40 219 ~ (iubarda 20 92 mmr Rangla 41 222 ~ Phutlw;tni

      21 93 ~ Bhatpura 42 224 .wm1R Amalhor 423 q~ - III

      .\I'PENDIX III

      lWfl' ctft fcl

      ~ ~ ?if ~. ~ ~, ~ (fifr ~ ctft 3JT11fil ctft ~. ~..v ;rtf t

      Hlockwi"e Ihl (If \illage~ where no Educational, Medical, Postand Telegraph,

      na~ Of Days of \larh.etlHat. Communication and Power supply facilities are availahle.

      q:;-., ~ 7T1i{ q:;j "W1' IP'f "RiRfu m'q Cf>l -;:w{ 7lTcl1T ~

      ~ ~'M1(qOi!

      Shahnagar CD. Block

      i11hana Meman 8 *ITn 1.\lllJPUI.\ 28 136 ~~ 2 9 M I )eon 29 141 om'fi1T (~) Hartala (BIJ,tkheda) 3 17 ~ r)h;lJly d 30 158 \f3\I Hhaura .,\h·ahrur 4 18 ~ Muhara 31 165 ~ ~ 27 Been \,I[\\,;I 32 185 ~iIit Ktwlllana Balli 6 28 ~ Hlilarw,u:\ 33 187 ~ CfiMT Aun;\! KaJ;\Il 7 32 ~ H;ulj;tna 34 190 ~ Barh;l(ola B 34 :wR< In~;;:;-;~ll Amucr (,ovlIlupura 35 193 ~ Rampur 9 35 ~ Pal! Kalan 36 194 ~ Dhaukhan 10 36 m~ Pall Khun! 37 195 ~ Rohallla, 11 37 1{WTqf ~ Malhgawan Dauwa 38 196 ~'QOR Pipariya Pathilr ;2 38 ..mtT ('!lauj!,cn 39 I'M ~ [)arw,ll 13 39 ~ q;;;[[ ('hhcola Kalan 40 199 ~ KUHnl 14 43 ~ Bhtlau!ll 41 202 ~ [-\,\1.1<11 15 48 ~ ( ; 1\\1 II.' hi 42 204 ~ ( 'l1halolll IIlOlli!.\! \ 16 ~O ~ I ;\~1111I \ 43 205 ~ 17 5\ ~ .'\111I11 44 210 ~ 1{;h,U1L\ 18 71 ~ 11ll;!llya 45 213 WPf l{;lChhapur IllIrla i)i1all Slllgh 19 flO ornim 1\'ld~hl'l:l 46 214 ~ 'fuRfm; .Ihlfla Ilarchand 20 93 ~ K'II,~av.;1l1 47 222 ~~ 21 98 ~ Palen),a 48 225 Won 1)haun

      W{1J 1i191«'~1 -it' ~ ~' ~ ~ 1i1'11i1,R1~' ct ~ ~ Q',i1«1< 1JT1'i)'

      Cfl - 3f1~~d ~ A - Scheduled Castes

      3fj~"&'it ,"91 «'(0£11 cfi" ~

      3r~ ~(CfV5 Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      001 .mmt Mohan 11-15 010 ~ Salalya

      006 ~ (~) M;lIhgawan (Kodal) 032 ~ Udatpur 012 ~ I )llgarahl 040 ~ Kh;unanya 023 wmt Dhawan 042 ~ Harselll 026 'QTOT Patha 068 -rnt Hardt 029 111 ~ S hat 079 ~ Laula~ 035 ~ Simarda 092 ~ Bhakhun 058 f

      ~ M;qg;\l11I 020 16 -20 003 ~ (;umanganJ OJ9 ~ Hilulwal 009 ~ Bhapalpur ~ KlIfImyan 061 Cf,<><1101~( Kalyanpllr .., 013 ~~ Banhan Kalan 064 ~ CiIllnaha 014 ~ Hanumatpur 084 ~ K;l(lrah;1 017 m~ Dewra 085 ~ Hllllla Bhapatpur SlInra Khurd 094 ~ KaJlPur 022 ~~ 031 Rarkola Khurd 099 Cficit Kalan ~<¥ 051 ~ B;lrayrpur 104 .wm1t AmarcllJ 060 ~ (mt) R;unpur( Hardl) 109 m Khora 065 twy Ihrapur 110 ~ Ichohya 425 qRfll1Sl - IV


      ff1l1J lil'1fl{OQ' -if ~ ~ ~ ~ lil'1ii1,fd4f

      Cfl - 3i1~d ~ A - Scheduled Castes

      311~~ ~~ 3Ffffif 'liT em (~) Ralli!" ,,1 \chedukd L to No N~une of Village Rant!e of Scheduled LC. ND Ca"ll'\ P"PUJatltlll C1,le> Populalloll (PerCeIlLlt!e) , Percentage)

      ~ ~~ Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      069 ~ Makhanpur 083 ~ Bihmpurwa 074 ~ Champatpur 066 ~ 1",ldll,lpurwa 077 ~ Bahirwara 087 ~ .Jig.m 088


      List 01' \ iIIages according to the Proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population b)' ranges.

      q) - 3i 'j)~ a \i'fl'fcr A - Scheduled Castes

      Mj"ifTfuii't"ii Mj~~ ~

      ~ fcrcfi'RJ ~ Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      31+ 056 ~ PartappUf 062 ~ ktl,maha 066 ~ ( 'hatailli 067 • Baveru 070 1CffiI1 Nawa~la 076 ~ Shahpura 080 ~ Hh:u;)tplIr 081 i!llsHl(Qf{q1 Biharsukhanya 097 ~ Manipur 102 ~ N,uU

      Note :- Exclude~ Village~ with no Scheduled Castes Population 427 qrU~11IC - IV APPENDTX . IV

      wro "1"1 ti{OQ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1i1"11i11~

      q} - 3t1~d umcr A - Scheduled Castes

      Mj. ~"ltf Mj~"if ~[e~ Populatloll ( Percentage) (Percentage) ,

      1FfT ~ (q1JS Panna C. D. Block ~ 0-5 002 ~ Ptpartola 172 ~ Dubkt 005 ~qmf Badgadi Kalan 182 ~ 911141#5 Jaminpratapsin!!h 007 Wffi'~ JIJaiar Kbamariya 213 ~~ It wan tilha 010 ~f.R;rw Kathan Bilhata 6 -10 029 ~ Kudar 015 EmlT Han.a 032 ~..,. Kudan 016 -.mT Nahri 068 <"1I{q~1 Ramkhiriya 020 ~ Manor 085 ~ Luharhai 026 ~ Hinota 093 ~ Darnchuwa 034 ~ Ranipur 094 U"1TIi1T Dhanoja 035 ~ , Khajuri 095 ~(~) Dhar:unpu r{ I)hailOja) '" 049 ftlRqr Khirwa 096 1J\i'AT Gajlla 074 ~ Shahpura 106 ~ 1lff'fI' Itwa Kha<; 081 ~ Jamunha 110 ~ Bilkbura 084 ~ Kudakpur 112 ~.m (~) Harduwa (Bilha) 091 ~ [ lalupuf 153 ~ Kohlll 103 ~ Sarangpur 155 ~~ Ludhgwall Barachh 104 ~ Ahirguwan 191 ~ <.ti'OR.., Makari Kuthar 109 ~ Rakseha 208 ~~ Golhigadhiya 122 :!~tflR1"1:!< Purushottam pur 11-15 044 ~ Rahuniya 127 ~ Bador 076 ril6)21~1 Kothitola 129 ~ Katriya 082 ~ Umari 132 \ffitWu(~) Jardhooa (lndragarh) 086 d~ Pahadi Khm 140 ~ Talgaon 120 W(~) Pati (8ajariya) 144 m:-rn (iahdara 23 wmr Sunara 145 ~ Kudan 156 mu (~) Ciaura tBarha~pur) 165 ~ Mohallpura 161 ~ Bakhtari 166 ~ Murachh 193 iffi{ Ra~ai 196 ~~ Mutwa Kalan 428


      WPJ ;;;Flti~1 ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ \J1'1\J1lfdt.if ~ ~ ~ q1lfj(1I< 1JP1T ~ ~ List of villaf!es according to the Proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population hy ranges.

      CfI - 3iit1!i.(d \i'{{fc{ A - Scheduled Castes

      ~~"iti 3t1~~ ~ct \J1"1fl{DqI ct 3fjG"R CflT cnf ~ CflT cnf (~) (~) R.lIl.'!e qf I.,chedll Jt>d L (' Nll N3Ine I)f Vdbge R~llge of Scheduled LC No N.llne lIf Village (:hte, l'\lpUlallOn Caste, Population I Pelcent3~e) (Percell t3g e) ,

      lFIT ~~ Panna C. D. Block 16 -20 001 ~ Lalar 115 ~ Laxlmpur 033 ~fi Dablan Chaukl 117 ~ TIlguwan 058 ~ Slin ariva 119 ~ JilllalpuJ 069

      073 fffiru

      056 ~ Akla

      075 ~ Jhanda 079 f{<:rr Dlya

      114 ~ Cfl('4'IJ'~( Kri~hna Kalyanpur 429

      ~~ -IV \ "PENDIX - IY

      WflJ 'l1"HH0[jl -t ~ ~ ~ ~ iii'i'l11R1l41

      311~"if.t 3f1~'iti ~$ ~

      (,!,>[e\ PlIPULtlll'li (·:\.,>Ie, l\lpU 1:IIIUII

      ( PI.·r LL·tll.l~l· I .. ~~~ Palilia C. D. Block

      01.1 ~ lLI~llIlll.l 209 N;;m-m Bhtl,;I\ 031 Ch1iFIIAI4/, KOIW,LlIpul 210 wrfffi;r Am:--r1 036 ~ Kllllf

      Wf1J 'i'I"1('i'~, ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ 'i'I"1'i'1,fi)4'f ~ ~ ~ q.,fjttl{ "'JT~iY ctT ~ List of \'illa~es acrording to the Proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      Cfl - 3i1~a ~ A - Srheduled Castes

      ~~"itf ~~ 310fffil cfiT

      l_FfR ~~ Gunnor C. D. Block

      0-5 004 ~ R:unpUi 115 ~ Sill 081 -.mT<¥ Barl!.1 khurd 130 ~ Sanaura 109 ~ HlIha 146 Wu Bandhaura 119 ~ ( ;ulloaura 159 ~ MarllOWd 134 ~ KaciJn( 1 017 -mT I>wan 108 Kakarhal:1 116 ( iunnor 070 ~ Balllurha ~ 127 (;hal Slln, .106 ~ Kachnara tITC~ 113 ~ Kakarhal 129 1-rr (~) Pura1l1a ( (-q;:;n ) (panna) 137 ~ Kh;unra 163 wrm Sugarha 431 qf{~11I( - IV APPENDIX - IV

      wro 1il·H1(Ol11 ll' ~ ~' ~ ~Cf lii'1IilIRt

      Cfl - 3i1~d ~ A - Scheduled Castes Jf1~"it't.. ~cf; ~ q:;y cnf (~) Rangl'

      ~ fclqjffi \CfV6 Gunnor C. D. Block 16-20 177 +41'1(~I~1 Sy:unan1antla 084 ~ Btha0-rr 185 ~ Bamurlllya aBB ~ Khalrum 197 \ffVn Bh;IlI\,\ 096 ~ Satwa

      2UlJ ~ ,\!.IL I1l1arl1,1 097 ~ I JI1:u;u npl,lfa 206 Ku,hetlar ~." 101 ~ 1-L1nlwaJu 208 ~ Bhal:Ulwara 105 ~ Bilghatll 209 ~~ Bllha Khurtl Il7 ~ Naclmaura

      214 'ffim Saleha no ~ Majwaha 219 ( lanl 1I'Iil' n2 ~ SunL'lha 221 "f'l!'I'4l'1CI Nayagaon 123 1:Jc-I CfWIi ~Ula Kalan

      21-30 011 ifRt Sm 132 ~ Madha 015 ~~ Btkramrur Patlhar 133 ~ Sarwara 021 ~ I'1p;uwah 135 ti ('hallkl 027 tART S

      066 ~ Kllka!tl 201

      qf{~ltz - IV ,\PPENDIX - IV

      wro "1'1f1·(Oq1 -,t. ~ ~. ~ 3fOj~ iOl1'1\11IRtQr ~ ~ ~ Q'lf"jt1J( m·

      Cfl - 3l~ct ~ A - Scheduled Castes-

      WJ~it ~ 1l\c( (f;1 ;w:l WJ·~it ~ 1{"{q Cfi1 ~ ~~ m";f ~~ ~"";f ~ Cfi1 q1f ~ CfiT q1f (~) (~) K311ge of ~..:h"dulccl l. (" No Name Ilf Vlilage Range of Scheduled L.C' No. N.1me L1f Village (·ast", P"pulallon Castes Population [PClcclltagc) (Pen:entage)

      1J"IR ~~ Gunnar C. D. Block

      31 + 009 l1WT4l' ~ Ma_lhgawan Shekh 064 mrs- Torah

      014 'rlffil"'i1~(1 J;l\w:lntrura 068 iNr Dobha 069 1ffl(1 ~ Pagra Chhola 019 ~ Mahgawan 022 ftcrrcn Khlrwa 071 m{r Slro 023 ~ llillaull 076 lftn~ (,aura Khurd 025 ~ C!)(1l M:ttlhlya Kalan 080 fWRt~ Slmri Sural 029 ~ Kanchnaura 086 ~ Glrwahl 030 mRcR Ciadokhar 087 ~~ Palka Khurd 089 Tikanya 038 ~ Dhararnpura ~ (~) (Kullwarpur) 090 ~~ Palka Krulll 040 tcm~ Deon Purohl! 091 ~ Suhjani 093 "QCrIT Hinauti Patna 042 ~ Kuthuwa ~ 043 ~~ Padanya Khurd 094 ~ Beli 047 ~ Bamhon 095 ~ Pall 048 ~ Bhal~wahl 098 ~ Barshobha 099 Suhgl 050 ~ Kudra ~ 051 ~ Sapl:uya 102 ~ Basaura 053 ~mcrn- Plpariya Sarkar 103 3fiiRr Akona 054 ~ IUlun III 3l"'i1{falRlll Antarbidiya 055 ~mq)R Ma_lhgaw

      "WfIJ ,JFHi'(bCI1 -it. ~ ~. ~ ~ \i1Of\i1IRt

      q; ~'j)~ (j \rITfu .\ - Sdleduled Castes

      . ~--~-1TFcl q)J ~. l11 ~ #.t 311. ;mw "ilt ~c:f; q;TI "! ~~

      9%1 q)J cn1 ~'"1.fiT CfI1 (~) (~) R.m_ee of Scheduled !{:lJlge of Scheduled L (" No Name (If Villa~e I .!)Ie, PUpUI.Ul(l1l (·;l.~te~ PuPUbllOIl (Percent:!ge) (Percent:!ge)

      ~~~ Gunnor C. D. Block

      31+ 136 "R~ Salhalllya

      147 w:MI '\';111111

      148 '1~ \1.11Id.dll) .1

      150 ~ Il,IWd 155 fllj"gMqH\ Sa.l1JI wara 156 ~ Dlghaura 157 ~ (iahhaura 160 ~ (~) Karhlya (ltwa)

      164 ~ l,uhargaoll 165 ~ Ma,hyan 168 ~ Sullaull 172 ~ Selha 178 tWTl ( 'hallpa 179 ~ l'Hlullhal 181 fr1mT ~ f"1 !!hr:1hlllur~ lB6 ~ Mad.lu~a 190 ~ Ma,hyan

      191 Mcrft lIitll,U 1 192 ~ Hhaurha 193 ~ KatJlwanya 195 ~ rurkltaJ 217 ~ fcl'm] M:1l11krur BI~hllu

      -t\q :- f;i:R wn ~ ~ ~ "$t ~ om t, ~~~1fQ1t Note;- ExcluJe~ VIllage, Wllh HO Sciledukd ( ·.I,IL" Population 434 qRflltiC - IV APPENDIX - IV

      Wf1J \J1'1tltcql ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ \J1'1\J1lffiq)' ~ ~ ~ ~ l}lJtT'

      Cfl - 3f1~d \ifTftr A - Scheduled Castes

      3f1~~ ~ mq q)[ '~Fl 3f1~m BlRfli mq q)[ ;n11 JHmO':n ~ m~ ~~ m';J

      ~ q)[ cnl ~

      m ~~ Pawai C. D. Block _ 205 0-5 008 ~ Sura_lPura -.roR [lachhaull 221 ~ Sakwa 066 ~ Damutya 223 MuhlI Dharampura 130 ~ ( 'haumukha ~~ .ltmala 161 ~ Shlkarrllr~ 11-15 005 fWm 166 ~ Kharmora 013 ~ SIN 015 ~ lldla 167 ~ Magarplira 170 ~ ( ;ham 025 ~ KlIlliwa 182 ~ KallnllllOi 026

      qR~11IC - IV APPENDIX - IV

      ffll1J 'i1'1fi'(6q1 -il ~ ~' ~ ~ \Oi.,\i1IR1q)" ~ ~ ~ ~ ffl' ctt ~ Li~t of villages according to the Proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      CfI .- 3i~d ~ A - Scheduled Castes

      Hl~"iti ~ '~cfi - ~~ ~ ifiT q1f (~) Ral1~' "I \clll'duictl I ( 1\" k,lllgC uf Scheduled I. (' N,) N,Ulle ,I[ Vdl.l)2c Ca.,t", l'''I'Lll.llllll1 (':l>tcs Populatlull (Pel CCllt:t~l' I I Percentage)

      m -~~ Pawai, C. D. Block

      16 -20 074 ~ AWJhal 050 ~ R:IJpur 076 ~ J);u'Ut!a 052 ~ Badkhl'l;t 101 fR;m ~ Suma Kalan 055 ~ Balloll 111 '11WJ1'q' Nayagaoll 065 q;'Mt KOlili 133 ~ Umanya 071 ~~ Kunwarpur 134 ~ Na!)!,1 075 ~ Gudmallla 156 nr Hada 079 ~ K;uta 183 11141~Slg(1 Jagdlshpura 082 ~ lJman Denra 186 ~ Knshn!!,arh 090 ~ PUralll

      042 ~ I)anw;lra 143 ~ Kilala 045 troT Iltrapur 144 ~ &i'ffi Pa!i:U'la Kalan 43() qRlllt><: - IV APPENDIX - IV

      Wt1J \l1"1fltiql -it- ~ ~ ~ ~ \l1'1\l1IR1qr

      CJl - 3f •.WJ~d ~ A - Scheduled Castes

      3FJ~"&\t 3fj~"itt ~~ ~~ ~ q;r

      1fif{ ~~ Pawai C. D. Block 21-30 145 ~ m<: - IV APPENDIX - IV

      WRJ il1'1ft(dlJ ll' ~ ~' ~ ~ il1'1\i1IRtrir ~ 3fOj1ffif-~ q'lf"jtfl( ~ ctl' ~ List of villages according to the Proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      q) - 3i 'i~ d "\iflftr A - Scheduled Castes

      3f1 ~'~ 3fj~~ '1Rma:tlcfi ~~ ~ 'fil cnl ~ q;r cnl (~) (~) R:U1!!l' "I \dll'dulcd N:une 01 Vrli:J!," R,II'!,(" of Scheduled I.e No C:l,{e' PU{,UI.'{'(l11 (,,,(t!S Populaholl (PercclI(a~C) (Ptn;t!111ag,e)

      "16'1 JI< fcfCflrn ~ Shah nagar C. D. Block

      0-5 018 ~ Mullara 6 -10 013 ~~ Simri Kalan 028 ~ BII1:LrW;u.1 019 ~ MlhLlawa 033 ~ Mankl 069 ~ Murt~1 094 Harduasarasbabu 070 ~ Jamullliad wcrr~ 097 ~~ Harduwa (ilia! 099 ~wmt Salmya Saman 105 ~~ Sonmau Kalan 130 ~ Malghan 106 ~ Bilpura 133 ~ Nandchand 116 m Parasl 135 ~ Chalni 120 ~ Thera 137 ~ Kbamharia 121 0\

      184 'flIT"lllq Naya~a(1!l 015 ~ BlJwar 188 mtCfi<=ll POlldl Kal;\l\ 017 ~ Rhajlya 189 ~mt llkllll'ulIlh 020 ~ B,unhnfl 192 *m Mamaha(MallliJa) 032 ~ Banjana 196 ~-qQR Plpaflya Palhar 064 ~ Purailll 219 ~ Ball Iarl 066 ~ Dohli 229 ifWlCfT MaJhgawall OB8 ~ Hmunpura 232 1'fm Marl1a 090 ~~ Pipariya Khllrd Pond 1 24.1 'WflT AlI1l1w;1 092 ~ 248 ~ SiJhatl 093 ~ Kag~awall ~ 313 qR1l11IC - IV APPENDIX - IV

      wru "1 "1tf(64 I ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ "1"1"11R14Y ~ 3r-j1ffiI" ~ q1ltjtm ~" c$\ ~ List of ,iIlag,cs according to the Proportion of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      (fl - 3(~d ~ A - Scheduled Castes

      K.ln)!e 01 :-'chcdllbl I. (' No Range l)f Schedu led LC No N.lll1e "f Vdlat!c (."Ie\ 1'''PlII.IIII III Castes Population (I'ell elll.I)!" I ( Percentage)

      lIll6'1 J,< ~~ Shah nagar C. D. Block

      11 -15 095 Surra wr 055~ Mankora 108 lmallya ~ 060 ~ mffi;rr Badaagaon SarseJa 123 ~ Mahewa 067~ J,unuIlla 125 ~ ( "hakra 071~ Imaliya 134 1T\TRl CiaJanda 072 ~ Adhrand 138 AWIh;u ~ 073 m~ Pau Kbeda 140 -.fum mr I\lJa Kheda 083 ~ ltaura 144 'lunda ~ 096iM"~ Dobha Baghnarwa 163 Ram pur( Khajuri) WIS\ (~) 115 ~ Kbarra 164 Jugarwara ~ 124 ~ Bori 172 (3WTI) Ikon (Ama) tent 149 ~ ~ Mihgawan Cbhakk, 180 ~ Sungarha 150 mrrm Shahnagar 201 ~ . - 1\

      "ffJfIJ "1"1fH"'lI ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ iJ1'1"1Ii?ltir ~ 3fTlTcl' ~ llllf'jf1I( ffl'

      Cfl - ~1~ d \ilTfir A - Scheduled Castes

      31-!~"ii Mj.~"EIi1 ~cfi ~~

      "i"H en cni ~ q:;j cn1 (~) (~) 1< Hl~~ S,heQllkcl ,'f Ibll~e of Scheduled 1.(' No I ,Ne' J\'ruI.1u",' ('a<;le\ P"I'UI:IIHI!\

      I !Jell.cnla~t:) (Pelcent.\~e)

      ~lJtFHI{ ~ \

      21-30 062 1Gf ( ,;\111 31+ 002 ~ (~nf4r<;~(I) Gurkha! (( illvllujpura) 063 ~ i{ooPlhlf 025 ~~ Pauan),;1 Kllul d 074 ~ M.ldhllPlJl:1 027 'RC.C!T Satwa q;qm 076 ~TNl 031 Kakra -> ~ II,utlU\\,1 1{,IJJllll 077 ~ J{;lIpUr;1 038 ~ (:hangen 078 ~ Moolpara 049 ~~ Kishun Palan 079 lRCWI Kharwara 052 "l'tfCI'R ~ BaJllw,u' K,d,1I1 082 ~ Jargawan 054 ~ Mangawan 084 'D1 Kuua 057 ~q;ffi Pipariya K;i1an 085 onrm Bagrllu 06B ~~ Kuwan Kheda 091 ~~ Sunn POlldi 100 ~ Jhaladumri 104 ~~ Sonmau Khurd 109 ~ CfiIV:!IQI41 Jhinnila Kariyapani 110 ~ Rudhrod 111 ~ Rai gwall 118 ~ Karaunul 113 ~~ Pipariya R;1~htln;1lh 139 3IT'4li Artl\:11 126 ~~ Jhmmla I )aU\\;l 146 ~ Mallliwara 167 ~ Tldul1l 147 ~ Sudnf 183 ~ Luuilga\\,11l 157 ~~ Ilarduwa M('man 226 'ffiMT 'Llla Ibh fntiM ( Ildll.llIll.l 239 ~ Rohan! ya

      169 3fTl11 Alll;! 171 ~ K:IL'h;11111 195 ~ Rohalll,1 224 ~W!Rt Sala!)'a \;Ull,U'!

      236 'f1T1T7 NUIl'\b,LI 240 111ml I{:ungarha ~ :- ftR ~ ~ ~ 'fflfa ott ~ "1tt t, 246 ~<¥ Shah[lllra Khurd ~~~1flfIt 251 J)qT lillcha Note ;- I.;.xdude~ Vlllagl!., Wllh Ill) Scht;lIukd ( a'lc~ Population 440

      qf~ - IV 1\ I'PENDIX IV

      WllJ \if~ -4' ~j~Cf ~' "'0i' ~"j~Cf ,iH\i1IR'tljr ~ ~ ~ Cl4Ifj'Hl( 1Wll' ctT ~

      List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      (q - ~'i~d 1iI'11i11R1 B Scheduled Tribes

      ~ 1l1"1ll1lfdiiY ~ ~ 1l1"1ti{~1

      ~ ~~ Ajaigarh C. D. Block 0-5 003 ~ (;uman~afll 090 ta 108 ~ Harnampur Khora 048 ~ Deogaon 109 • Icholiya 050 mw Gadarpur 110 ~ 112 Rajapur 052 Salalya ~ 113 Madarka 053 •~ Klshunpur ~ 117 ~ Majhgawan 055 ~ Singhpur ~ Kalinjar 060 ~(~) R:unpur (Hardl) 121 Dbarampur 065 ~ I [Irapur ~ 021 Kunwapur 066 ~ ( 'halallll 6 -15 ~ 026 1I'TOT Patha 068 ~ Ilardi 027 Bhanpur 070 ~ Nawa~la ~ 028 omr~ Bara Kagreka 071 ffiuT Smdhpul 030 ilUnM

      ,\I'I'E~OIX 1\

      List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      ~ - 3f1~d \i1'1\i1IR) B Scheduled Tribes , ~ \TH;jj,fAli) ~ 1JTC1 q;-r ~ ~\ii''M,fAlj) F4Rfii 1f['q' QlT ~ q';1 ~ cf; ~~ q';1 ~ cf; ~~ ~

      ~ ~~ Ajaigarh C. D. Block

      16 - 25 007 ~~ Harlarpur Bhumlyall 013 ~ q:;;;rr l1:illhan Kalan 054 fuMt 'LliOll1 057 ,WWl"l'TfJ /\r:IIIli!.:lIlJ 098 ~ Kt'~hawrur 103 ~ Tulapur 26 -35 009 ~~ Hhapatpur Kunniyan 011 BAT 1hmna 017 ~~ l>ewra Bbapatpur 020 ~ Majgoan 36 - 50 014 ~ 11:I11um:llpur 023 ~ Dhawari 029 ~ 5mbai 059 ~ HhllJWal 51+ 001 ~ Mohan 006 "I1"WJCTI i~) M'lfh):!:IW:W (Kollnll 010 ~ Salmya 012 ~ Dugaraha 024 ~<¥ Ballhari Khurd 025 11"l1f }{,lIplIl 058 fu~ VI,hl:lI11galll

      063 ~ Bha\utfa 072 fu;;n1t Bllalh

      Note;. Excludes VJlla)!e~ wl!lI 110 Scllcduled Caste..\ Population 442 qRflltiC - 1\ -\PPENDIX 1\

      WllJ \THfI~' ~. 3f:!~ ~. \[Cl' ~ \J1'1\J1J~q)' ~ ~ ~ cPJYjflJ< ~. ct1 trft

      List of \lllage according (o the p()pulali"ll of Scheduled casle ... alld ""dlt.'cilllecl Tribe ... to the lolal jl"jllJiatioll 1)\ range ....

      ~ - ~d \J1.,\i1IRl B SclH'dulcd Tribe,"

      ~ ~illf,tlll . - ~ Ji'1JiIR'\dJ ~

      Range 01 Scheduler! 1 ( 'J( 1 Range 01 Scheduled I (. :';,) Tnhe~ Populallon Tnbes Population (i>ercemag,e) (Percentage)

      -q;:;rr fcrcflffi ~ Panna C. D. Block

      0-5 Cl]L q;-wt i-o.\ld.lll 157 if11": IlaraLllf1 ~- 16:\ ~l ilhagcpul C1S:1 fHrR!1'Ki \I! \\\ ,tiLl 170 'l1t1 ~ (;a[hl Padanya 076 i@tTitMT KlllllllOld 193 ~ 1);1\,11 G8t, Tn'T~ icm 1';liladl KilL I" 199 (;\lU1dur CIQ '\ ~ I l,lllll flu\\ d ~ 204 T~ I'hulv. ,l[ 1 l(l~ ~ I, IJ1lullll;1I 16 - 25 014 1f1im i)ag,onlli' 10<1 ~ !{.Lk ... eha 024 ~ . Mallia 141 llWl1rnl M;m]ha 159 (r1c!ITl Ranwaha 037 Sarkoha 162 ~ I leon 038 ~ 044 RiLhunIVil 167 1'fJ'lR1 \amana ~ 073 SJlclhara 181 ifWT]q Iladagaon fffin.m Hardwahl 183 fWrt\~ Sunan Duhe 080 -mm (~) (Bhawanlpur) 205 ~ "undara 081 lalllllllha 711 f,~ 11~ILllId ~I 082 ~ limn 21Q hrG 1<,lIg,111l [)y~ r I )h,Lr;unrul 6 -15 ,)In ~"l7 rcMnIl 111.11,11 Kl1dIILIfI\;j u l1tfl ItRtJ'flI I I )llallll]CI I 057 ~«0 Il.ld)2.,Idl Kllllld 104 Ahlrguwan n6° mm ( ;;1111 ,I ~ 110 Hilkl1ura L17l1 ID),;rp1 \11.111[11J1,' ~ III ~ (fu;.{lifl I llilhdlllilklllllal 'ik 7 ,;·itn II,III!.\ 114 'j'WT1 'l,;-.J-lI'TT'r KII\IIII

      I? (l qn ( or;-ilrnn ) Patl I BaJa!1 ya) 149 $jTq;CIl ill,ukllllV, ,I 443 qR1l11IC - IV APPENDIX IV

      "ffSf1J \i1'1t1(OQ1 -.1' 3ii~d ~' ~ 3i~d \i1'1\itIFd~' ~ ~ ~ <1~lfi<1l< 1)111)' qft ~

      List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      ~ - ~\'I \T1C1\liIRl B Scheduled Tribes

      ~ Gi'1,,:nl¥i'l ~ mel q){ ~ ~ ;n.,Gilfu4\ ~ 11TG Cfil ~ ctt ~ ct- ;~';{ ctt ~ ct- ~"'1 ~ Cfi1 em ~ q;r em (~) (~) Range of Scheduled I C. No. Name 01 Village Range of Scheduled L.c. No. Name of Village Tnbc~ PopulatIOn Tnbes Population (Percentage) (Percentage)

      'tF'IT ~~ Panna C. D. Block

      16-25 122 ~~ Purushotlampur 124 ~ Jaruwapuf 36 -50 001 ~ LaJar 131 W"lf~ Aru]hmya 021 mr Dare~a 152 ~J 'Cfi(11 Itwan Kalan 026 ~ Hinota - 156 '$r(~) (iaura (Barhaspur) 035 ~ Kbajun ill 036 ~ Kudraiya 160 Cfiif." , Kulhuwa .., 161 ~..m Bakhtan 043 ~ Gujar 166 1Jm Murachh 056 ~ Alda 26-35 031 , chl c1illJ! ~< KotwaJipur 075 ~ Jbanda 040 %5l Pallia 078 ~(~) Naigawan 079 ~ Dlya (Chaubiyan) 100 ~r~

      106 ~ «m1 ]twa kha~ 094 ~ Dbanoja 112 ~(~) Harduwa (Rllha) 098 ~~ Sukwaba kaJan 116 3fl1F~ Amhm 123 WfRT Sunara 117 ~ T1Iguwan 132 ~(~) Jardhoba (lndragarb) 150 01FUt 'Cfi(11 Bandhl kalan 140 ~ Talgaon 155 ~qoo Ludhgawan Barachh Mohanpura 184 'Itu Bahera 165 ~ 186 ~ Sakariya 196 "F'IT 'Cfi(11 Mutwa kalan 195 ~~ Jamunhcu kaJan 213 ~~ ltwa tilha 444 qR~Iti( - IV APPENDIX IV

      ~~ \i1'1tf{Oq1 ~ 3ii~~ ~. ~ 3ii~a \J1'1\J1IR141' cfi ~ cfi q4lf1flt{ -wn' Cffi ~

      I.i<;t of village :Ic('orciing to the populatioll of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Trihes to the total population hy ranges.

      ~ - 31jf1",~i:1 ,yFI\i1IRt B Schcdulrll Tribes wPfh-~ ).Fj 1! fuCl ,iFFJ11 PI Ji :;:;;m

      ~~~ Panna C. D. Block

      SJ~ 002 ~ 1'lflqIOI~( KaJyanpur 003 ~ SuraJPura 126 ~ Janwar 005 ~~ 1\:ld~;ldl l-...tI.111 127 ~ BwJor 010 ~~ Ka111:m htlh;Il:1 129 ~ Katriya 011 m KOIll 130 ~ Manki 013 ~ Ma.lhllll 144 ~ Gahdara 015 m1T Harsa 145 ~ Kudan 016 ~ Nahri 158 ~ DbangarbJ 020 ~ Manor 185 ~W Jumunbai kburd 023 ~ Madaiya 188 ~ Chopra 027 ~ t Jmrawan 190 ~ Govindpur 029 ~.., Kudar 191 ~~ Makri kuthar 034 ~., Ralllplil 192 ~ RiUnpura 039 ~ Sllnra 198 ~ Rajapur 042 1J?m ( ;udall:! 047 '<81 I 'all 049 Rcmn KJurwa os: :I7B'f Ilh:ll:llllPlll 067 ~ Kunwarpur 068 ~ R:unkhiriya 072 ;;n>q] «hi .lharuwa khed:J

      084 ~ Kudakpur 085 ~ !.uh:u·h:u <>t\lf:- ~~~~~$T ~~t, 089 ~ Bhasuda ~~~1fmt 092 '!f

      wro iif01ft(&l1 ~. 3i"!~d ~. ~ 3i~d iif01iiflfBq:1' ct1 ~ ct1 ~4Ir"!tll( ~. qft ~

      List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      ~ - 3i~d iif'1\i1lfa B Scheduled Tribes

      ~;:;H<11lm41 ~ 7fiqCf1T~ ~i1 <11'1G1lf¥i1 ~ 1fiqQ;Y'Wl $t~ cf; em ~ q;r ,jA"ffiCiQT cf; m~ • "&iT

      ~ ~ 'ttf06 Gunnor C. D. Block 0-5 016 ~ Durauha 6 -15 014 'i1tW:~~{1 Jaswantpura

      023 w.MT I1maull 032 ~ Kamtana 030 ~ (iadokhar 066 'C'fi"CCm Katkaha 033 CfiCfiU Kakra 077 ~ Pawaiya 040 Dean purohit ~~ 130 "WIffi San aura 047 ~ Bcunhon 132 om Madha 050 Kudra ~ 135 ~ Chauki 061 Mukeha ~ 141 ~ (m

      "fPPJ \J1'1ti"(041 ~' 311~d ~' ~ 311~d \J1'1\J11R1tfl' ct 31:I1ffif ct cPlf"j)(1J{ m' qft ~ List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population IlJ ranges.

      ~ - 31"j)~d \J1'1\J1IRt B Scheduled Trihes

      Jj ;::Fill Pi

      Rall~l' (II Scheduled 1.(' Nu ~:t111l' 01 VJila~l' RaJ1~(' Uf Scheduled L,C, No Name of Village l'nh!:\ 1'o(lulallOIl 1nhL'\ 1'()pulallOIl "'cICCIII I~,'J lI\'llL'IJI:I_ge)

      ~ ~~ Gunnor C. D. Block 36 -50 004 WT R,unpur 012 ~ .lallupura 013 -;:::n::m? T.lln~,lrll 117 mffi ~ Slwla [ iunaur 142 fuI;Wr ( 'hhqora 151 ~., LUIIku\ll 153 ~ VV

      144 ~~ l\tlll,1 K,I!I~,t11 220 "f

      "itq ,- f-tH ~ ~ ~ ~ cf.l 3fT011fI ~ ~. ~~~1fl11~ Noll':- Excludes Villnge~ WII11 110 SChl'lllllt'd Tf\he~ 1'opulallllll 447 qRfll1lC - IV APPENDIX IV

      wro \i1'1fl'{041 of' 3tj~Cl ~. ~. 31j~Cl \l1'1\i1IR1~' ~ 3Ffffif ~ i1~lfjfll( 1J11i)' ~ ~ List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      ~- 3i~Cl \l1 '1 \iiI R1 B Scheduled Tribes

      ~ 'rl'1'rlll('\iI) ~ mq CfiT rwl ~ 'rl"1\TtlRlil)' ~ lfiqq;r""1'm cfit ~ ct 'fils";f cfit ~ ct ~";f ~ CfiT q

      m fcrCfim ~ Pawai C. D. Block *0 -:, 003 mu~ Dhorra Khllnl 144 ~~ Padana kalall 009 ~~ SUllwalll kalan 149 ~ Karhl 013 R1ffit Slr~! 165 ~~ Tlkana 1)eO!} 019 -am Rolla 186 ~ Krishngarh 026 cmr~ Kolkanlrya 188 i#mm Singbasar 030 ~ (ianyan 192 ~ Mudwari 031 ~1ltT Stlnanya (iarhr 193 ~ Kuplla 032 ~ N1Wafl 6-15 008 ~ Surajpura 042 ~ Oanwara 012 ~W Surunani Khurd 045 ~ l'[Jrapur 014 ~ RaigUW;Ul 046 ~ Ludllni 027 tcrtt Deon 049 ~ (ihut

      140 .,1(Il~OIg<1 NaraycUlpura 174 ~ Imay 176 fil

      ~ \J1"1f1'(OQ1 l)' ~jfiP·1\1 ~. ~. ~j~d \J1'1\i1IRt4r ~ 3qqffi ~ q~lfjf1H 1)11l)' cfiT ~

      List of village according to thl:' population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges,

      ~ - ~'i~d \l1'1\l1!R) B Scheduled Tribes

      ~ \J1'1\l1lf¥ii ~ cfi1 ~ $ ci'ts "1 ~

      m fcfq;ffi ~ Pawai C. D. Block 26-35 015 ~ Ildl;, 178 cirn Komia 061 fulTqm S\I\~hwara 179 ~ Naradpur 130 ~ ( 'halllllllkha 180 ~ Sigaua 147 ~ 1';111"111111 182 ~ Kaimuria 170 ~ ( ih,Ufl J96 ~ ( ihU(,har 172 fuJ:m ~ SlIlIfa Bahadur 197 ~ Bikaura 36 -50 065 ~ KOIll, 199 ~ Murkuchhu 123 ~~ Mahua ('aharela 202 Jaitupura ~ ~ J45 'fmfiR 203 ~iiART Kuum Random ~ I leon Sarkar " 156 rn Hada 204 q;q;ft ~ Kakari Kachhar 158 'iffi11TlCI 'LtI~,'(lll 205 oroR Rnchhawn 160 ~ Muhallia 206 ~ Harduwa 161 ftrCfiR1fJ Slllkarpura 208 ~ Diya 168 5!BI7 Ih,lIllh;u 209 ~ Khamri 181 ¥ft SUIIl'hl 210 ~ ( iurji 183 \l111cf1~19(l Jagdlshpura 212 ~ Juda 198 \JW Hhadar 213 ~ ( ;hulehl 211 ~~ Hil,In MUIllluru 214 ~ .lanpum 51+ 062 ftq;fnn I'll:m;1 215 ~ Birwahl 216 ~ ~ BIJaLluha Klllb;Ul 066 ~ l),ulltllya 067 m.miI AtllHillh 217 -ffi;:r{ Sona! 069 ~ Ikhl,lhuf 51+ 216 ~ Magarda (iuha nla 070 q:;~ Kadhna 219 1Jaml 118 ~ I"pana 221 ~ Saktara 222 ~ Phuuwalll 154 ~ Kh:Hwar '" Muhli DhariUlIpura 155 ~ .lulu 223 ~tWWT Amajhor 157 ~ KUlarllw 224 ~ 159 f.tm 1111"11,1 225 ~ Kaltla 162 W1l 1)11;111100 226 ~i)~ Mahua Dul 166 ~ Kh;u'mora -tN:-~~~~~

      ~ \il'1fi"@:I1 <1' 3i1~G ~. ~. 3i1~G \iI'1\i1lfdllY ~ ~ ~ q~If.rt11< 1JT1il' ctt ~ List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      ~ - 3i1~d ,iFIIJ'IIfd B Scheduled Tribes

      ~J"l"l\iilfuii'\ ~ l]"Tq q:;y ~ ~ J"l'1\iilfuiil ~ mq q:;y ~ ctT ~ cf. m., ctT ~ cfi m.,. ~ q:;y q4f ~ CfiT em (~) (%rna) Rang~ 01 Scheduled Le. No. N:une of Village Range of Scheduled L.C. No. Name of Village Tnhe<, PopulaLIon Tribes Populauon (Percentage) (Percentage)

      lTltr«{ ~~ Shah nagar C. D. Block

      0-5 007 ~ Khamana 063 ~ Roopjhr OlD ij51(1J"l~(J"l MaharaJganl 072 3ftR'I? Adhrand 012 llWTCIT *m MaJhgaw:m Mernar 073 W~ Pall Kbeda 014 ~ Bhadpura 093 ~ Kajgawan 052 ~~ Baghuwar Kalan 123 ~ Mahewa 062 1i\n (,ani 124 <1m Bori 077 ~ Ralpura 133 ~ Nandchand 082 -;;mrqj Jargawan 158 ~ Bhadra 083 ~ ltaura 167 ~ Tiduni Deori (Ama) 084 ~ Kuda 172 t.:Rt (3fI1'II' ) 090 ~~ Piparlya Khurd 160 ~ Sungraha 109 ~ CfilvouQI41 lhinmla Kariyapani 251 ~ Uncha

      125 ~ Chakra 16 -25 005 "'1lG'1' Nandan Muhara 131 ~ Tulia 018 ~ 150 ~ Shahna,!!:u 026 ~ Madwa 169 3fFfT A.lIla 058 ~ Sagoni mffi;rr Badagaon 236 ~ Nllnag.ar 060 ~ 239 ~ RohaDlya Sarsela 6 -15 006 ~~ Haniuwa Patel 061 .Ql\TjR~?1 Bija Kheda 015 ~ Hllwar 074 ~ Madhopura 017 ~ BhaJlya 079 'R

      Wf1J \T1"1ti(CQ1 -if 3t~a ~ ~ 3t1~a \T1'1\T1IRl~· q1 ~ q1 Q41foFil( M qft ~ List of village according to the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

      ~ - 3t1~a \T1'1'l1IR1 B Scheduled Tribes

      ~ i:i1"1i:i1I!§iiy ~ lTJ'q

      :tIlEi'141( - ~ ~ Shah nagar, C. D. Block III m Raigwan 104 ~W Sonmau Khurd 113 ~~ Pipariya Raghunath 105 ~~ Sonmau Kalan 26-35 003 ~ Raiyw,ata I1S -rot Kharra 029 Ranipura ~ 122 ~(~) Salaiya 031 q:;-cnu Kakra (Pheransingh) 049 I<\i :y'1q IC '1 Kishunpatan 130 ~ Malghan 065 ~ Khusra 134 ~ Gajanda 067 Jamunia ~ 135 ~ Chalni 108 ~ Imaliya 137 ~ Khamharia 110 Budhrod ~~ 140 oll"1R~~1 BijaKheda 117 'tI1u Chaura 155 ~ Chakarbhata 120 c51U Thepa 157 ~~ Harduwa 121 ~ Tharka Memari 146 "1~clql

      t\ I'PENDIX IV

      ~ ,iHfI~l 'l)' 31"1~C1 ~' l0i 3f~I~~ \i1'1\11II1)~' cfi ~ 16 q4If"1f1H -wn' ct\ ~

      List of \ illage according t() the population of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges,

      (if - ~1~C1 \11"1\11111) B Scheduled Tribes


      lIlIti'1~I< ~~ Shah nagar C. D. Block

      51+ 021 ~ I'aulllya 151 ~ Ilarvanshpura 034 ~ 1~~;::e~(1 Amdar (iOvlIlllpura 159 m Pagn 040 offit ILln 161 111m POU~I 042 MlfcHJlfl I,akhanchaun 170 fiNRm~ Ptpanya JYOllshl 043 ~ HhtloOi 174 ~ Bhausar 048 ~ ( ihulehl 181 ~ Paraswara 050 ~ ('akhon 182 ~ Karodia 051 ~ Alon! 184 "flITljjq Nayagaon 066 -m-Rt Dohh 185 ~~ Khamaria Badi 080 ~ !)adkhera 186 ~~ Sunkuti Pipria

      081 ~ Patna 187 WRf~ Amrai Kalan 088 ~ Blrampura 188 ~~ Pondi Kalan 189 ~~ Tiku! Pondi 089 ~ Murta .., 095 ~ Surra 190 ermm Barhato!a 096 ~~ I>obha Baghnarwa 192 *rn Mainaha (Menha) 097 ~~ Ilanluwa Gij;u 193 ~ Rampur 098 ~ I'alt:nya 194 ~ Dhaukhan 101 if~%11 Makkcpala 195 ~ Rohama )06 ~ lIt1pura 196 ~lfOR Plpanya PaUlar 107 m{mr 'iar;u Khcdll 198 ~ [)arwal 199 Kusml 114 ~ Sunpura ~ 116 -qml\ l'ara ... 1 201 ~orrm Mlhgawan Baraho 118 ~ Karaunol 203 ~ Bhopor 204 ~ Chhataul 129 ~ ( 'hunguna 136 ~~ Ikhana MClllan 205 ~ Mauhan 138 ~ !\(arh:u 210 ~ Basaura 139 3mt1{ ArUlal 213 mrnR -Racbhapar 141 ~ (~irll(~~1 ) Bartala (Bija kbeda) 214 ~ g)i1'1~'E1 Jiria Dilansingh 452 qR~11SC - IV APPENDIX IV

      U,r of rillage :tccording to the populatioll of Scheduled castes and Scheduled Tribes to the to!;ll P()(lUI:ltillll hy range<;,

      ~ - 3l1~d ,i"F"I\ifIRl I) Scheduled Tribes

      ~ Ji'1'J1lklq) .,Oifui 1JTCl Q;] ~ ~ 'J1'1'J1lklQ'I ~ 1JTq Cfi1 ";fI11 ~ . CIi1 ~l

      ~mH~I{ fcrcfim ~ Shahnagar C. D. Block 51 215 ~ Shv;unglfl 216 ~rc¥ KutJl11 Khunl 219 ~ ll;lIl1.lfI 221 Jfl1?1 1.1111".1 227 ~ IUI'"lgh 228 mt I )(llIda 229 l'fW]'q] M;lIllgawall 230 ml~ S;u-ra Khella

      232 ~ M;u'lla 234 ~ , Blhanya 237 ~~ Mahuwa Kheda 238 ~_, KUllla 242 ~ Sal;uya 247 "Rum \,II,III.tr.l 248 ~ Sliallatt 249 ~ Kaillal 250 ~ Kalldllelt

      -tN :- ~ 1JT+lt ~ ~ ~ ctt ~ "1tl t, Trt f.tcm!f~m mn ~

      fl,oll::. l:)\ciudl"' V11I.lgl" II 1I1l1111 \dlnlukd Tnhl" l'0plllatllill 453

      ~ -II "'~I( ~~flltfil SECTION - II TOWN DIRECTORY


      ~ ~ Pt~~ICtiI ti aq4l 41 ~ ~ ~ qft attl$4ICitC$ ~

      ~ ~ ~ t- 'OllTtc ~ 'WI if tmf ~ 'tf;JCIi t. ~ ~ 1 q;T ~ ~'~ ~

      W~~ifotTRqft~~~~~~~f~ ;;ftfci~~-m:'tR~f. ~ ~.~ (~-2) if ~ otTR'~ lfIf Olf "PR 'Cift 1991

      ,iiHti&Ol1 Cf1f ., 1,00,000 3tTi ~ I 50,000 ~ 99,999 II . 20,000 " 49,999 m 10,000 ~ 19,999 IV '5,000 1) 9,999 V 5,000 1) Cfi11 VI .

      .. ~ .:.- '( 4a,._ I • ~ ~-' _ . , 1~O~~'""PR~~~cti!~~\fi~1lqJt.. "~-;pJ{~'~~~~~ . ~ t, t' ~ ~Y.~~~ ~ ~'d t. ~ tm' 'W{ ~ ~t" em. 't.).-qr ,,~ ..~ snttc4i(Oli~ 1$ '1PT t 'lH. ~ lJ'fi ~ ~ R ,,~ orR" (~. or.) ~ lflU t. ,~

      OijII(qlf~CflI ~ or. 'tJ. ~11lt m. .n. ~~lIflmr ~. ~"~' . ' 'WI~ lIT•• -q. ~~,>~~.'


      . ('CfIR'jtf':'6)}' ~:.(?fIt"11Ii."}m..... lf~'\~ '~;;m ~. ('CfIR'jtf";7)" .~~~ f~rtn:tlijGlfqCfl ~ ~ llil~ (199,. \11,11 014. if ~ 11ifr.~'_) ~~t. 456

      ~ flmvr 'tIR it ~ ~ 'fiT ~~ ~-~ ,'fti ~ 1Jl« t. (~-3) it ~ ~ t" ~ ~ -;pf{ ~ bRl ~, 'i-~, WRf llRR ~ '5mf ~ f. (~ 4 w! 5) ~ 'ffi'

      .. ~ \ ~ fliim ~ ~ % ~ ~ "ffi'tI11R 11; ~ ~ ~ 7fiT atmr'~; ~ mqijR '%''tWr q;T' ~ *¥a Wif 7fiT \W[ ~ 'tf( f.ittiR;n ~ t ~ t" afimr 'ffi\l11Fi ~

      (~-6 ~,12) -q fciilfi fcmti ~ 'ifiT ;uq ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !1t§!I1~l4,,_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '1 ~ ~.~ ~ <:tffi f-tifi_f!M ';fIR ~ ~'~ '$A, ~:ffif;_~ ~~.( "~ ,~ fin. 1ft. ~ ~ m) 1lft ~ ~ f

      1imur ~ m "I.,(QlffolCiI ~ 1989 .

      (~-12) if ~ ~ tm "FlCfilflilul '% aTa'lt1 Ictl"l '1<4 ~ ... +t IActll,(1 O

      (~8. 911!i 10) ~ F:if\r-J qftiUwff t- fiR v:ci ~ ~·ctt \ilFIifiIfr ~ f.fcrip;Jf ~ ~ Cfi\ 1R¥ qft l'Tf t. M ~ Wi til$tt~q;: WI.:q184f C6t ~ t.

      (Ciil@l11) ~ ~ f.fq;m ~ ~ ~ m f.p::J ~ if ~ ~ f. ~ ~ ~ ~ -q;:fu ~ if ~ 11l ••• Cfj): W~ aq;:. ~""{m ~ t \1J) ~ ~.~ ~ a:rq;nf 11l ~ % Stili' if ~ 1J?t t:-

      ftR'tR~n fa ~~~m -a. -qfttn ~ 'f. 't1l ~~~ -at. 1l8-~ 11. .~ 1T."If. OR* at

      .. • 'lr' ~ (~ 12 'ItCi 13) if ~ ~.'CIiT ~ ~ em- t" attt- (1ijl1t!I' q;Tgq; if ~ t) ~ ~ ~ f.rI:;r ~ if~~·lltt.~llRtt-~-Q-~~tl;jf~~·~~~t-~f.l~~~~~· 'Pl ~ ctt ~ ~ 01T\11t' 'tR ~ w- aq; ~ -mt'11l t:- -

      (~-12) ~ '-¥. owr~w ';f.."qL : ~ ?fiT lIFil"­ ~''1t WCfiFW 't_ .'qf~


      ~~-q*WfJ~~t~'('CSt~-14)ifulIn'~~1FUt. ~~·'q(~~t~' PlCSWt 0fIR'tttr '"1Jq" afR ~ ~ if (fiK 'iit) if ~ 11{ t: ..._ _- - _ ... ,_... ~-~. ,

      ~'lS-19) ~ ~ ~ t- ~ if ~ ~ (15).. 31\tlIfilCb (16).. cU(OilUtiCS (17),· ~ 1Ilti1W (18). "Q!f aF1 (19) ~ ~ ~-amtT ~ 1J?t t. . . 458 ~'qS(15-IV (15) adtl~ ~ _"if ~1.'f aftlIr~ «f'iill( 1,.9

      llf~~llf'R,.,m'llit 1991 'l'ffi~t- ~~ 50,000" ~t~~~~,~m ~~~ aR ~\fIatllfit~~1pftt. (~-7~ 11) ~~~IV~ '1iftf~l&T~~ 1JlU t.

      llf ~ ~1l~, ~, ~ ~.iji~ftI

    2. ~ 01.' ~ ~~~~ ~oq~~~~ ~~~ li. Cfi. t'. 'it. 1ft. ~ it. 1ft.

      "1'. 'fr.,. 01.

      M \ft lI

      ~ (~ ~) 'l'ffi'_ ~ i(

      OII~ifi ~ "wi! ~f'lifi

      • .I ,,..~' .- .... ~.\..)'(-l' i(Ml~1t41fi ~ ~ ~ " • ~ ~. "'" t. (~-4) "if ~ ~fM;'i 1fi) Olfi ~i!c~;'~ 1llU t. ~~ ~ 1mI1n 1JtU t. 01 (~ 1, 2) at ('(\11-2, '1-1). ~ 'tR 01. (~. 1,2) 'ifiT ~ t ~ 0If9 3itt ~ i{l'il~fitlfl,~.. t. ~ (~ 2,1, 'i-1) .~ ~ t, i i)wi!~~, l .. i(~~f'lq;L~',·i 'lfIFfi .~qqIM9Jt,t•

      . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~ t Wt ~ ~ ~?fiT ~ (-qj l1( ~ ~ t ~ W ~. lit.) ~ ~:rJIn t. (~-s) ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _lit m ~.t. ' , 459

      (~-6)·~ ~ ~ ~ 1;m ~ mGl:I~H fm,'1lf ~ ~ ~ Tit ~ ~. ~ lFfI t:-

      ~~ ~. ~~ ~. ~~ en. ~ ~cll~~R ~. Ri. ~,~~~ qi.~. ~.

      ~mf.i ~ c;;t'ff qrr. ~~cjP4tm."1l1 ~.

      ~ 31.

      ('Cfi'R1tl-7, 8 ~ 9) lIil ~ \fr ~ ~ .. ~ -;m )tzyt rR i{ 'fitt ~~i ~ -;;if t m~ t" m ~ 'R ~ ~ t ~ ~ (fci;.lit.) # .. TJt t.

      (~-10) if ~ ~ \fi ~ ~ ~ -;m ~ lflfi t. ~ 0f'R ~. if; titcn ~ cfi'rt ~ futi" t ~ ot1 ~ -;pr{ ~ ~ lfR ~ f. ~ ~ tm t.; 'Q,Cii ~ ~ ~ f m~

      ~ w. ·lI(q(14fl<1 "

      ~ ~ ~ 64lcHilf~q; ~,,~.~ q'lfq'li~fI, .afr1iN f.:rqtuJ ~ 'ieffqClI~fI, ~ ~ lI\!lfqCIICM, ~ ~ ~, ~~,' qR~lnq;1 ~ ~ onR: ~ f. ~ "OR" ~ ~ ~"

      \ffi ~ 0fl'R if ~ \fi~ ctt ~ ~~~ ~t~ ~ -em; *~CJiJ':fPJ~~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ (Ni. "4t.) if~"ltt t. '

      '(~-16) if '3rtrt ~ ~ t, ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ift 1imr lfit ~ ~ 1'Jlfr t. ~ ~

      (~-17) if ~ l.f.T ~ l{'t ~ ~ ~ ~ t.

      (~-18) if ~ if ~ ~ ctft ~ 1ft ~ t.

      (~-19) if~, ~ ~ ~·tli~fMl ~ lift ~ ~~ i. 460

      (~-20) if ql'411t'1tif ~ m ~ ~ ~ lift ~ ~ 1pft~. ~ ~ ~ if f.J;:J ~ 'lfiT ~ ~~t.

      ~1$if.tCfl :i~CflIW:t m.~. ~q ai. ~.

      ("I.fim11-3 ~ 11) -q ~ -:rm:.q oR affiI' ~ ~3lT $ owmf, wmr ~ f.rqTui Cfft ~ W¥"IfillT1ft t. 1W ~ ~ ~ f.Iciiw ~ ~ ~ lJ{ f. m:gaif ~ ~ 7f;T Jill ~ lffiU ~ ~ t. ~ ~ q;) 1fofA ~ ~ ~ ~

      T't ~ if ";fll\ if ~ CR{i~ ~ ~ ~ '1 ~ ~1ii{ aw:mr (fi{ ~ f.tGfu t%;tu '5lreT t, ~ ;if fiFft lJ{ t ~~ ~~ \i1)'tIm"~~ -Q~in~-Q~ ~t ~ ~m <1il ~lfIT~ ~~ om l1RTlT'Ut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ "ffi{~t~'fl'R~ ~iffr~ ~~ t ~~~~~ Cfil: ~ 1:lT m1TR -q 'lim t

      ~11s~f.I .... PlIiIf+-2S-8-98-7,SOO. 461

      ~OTES EXPLAINING THE CODES USED IN THE TWO DIRECTORY The to\\ n directory as a part of the District Census Hand Book (DCHB) contains seven statements. Barring Statement-I, which gives census data, all uther statements furnish non-census data, as furnished by the State Agencies, in respect of towns in the districts. The definition adopted in the 1991 census for treating a place as 'Urban', has already been discussed in detail in para 2.1.3.(a) (b) of the 'Notes and Explanations' given at the beginning of the DeHB. The concept of 'Urban Agglemeration' and Urban Outgrowth, has also been discussed in para 22 and para 22 I respectively, of the 'Notes and Explanations'. In the case of Urban Outgrowths, the Town Directory particulars have net been shown separately. Towns having such 'Outgrowth' have been indicated by an asterisk (*), on the right, against their names, and the particulars relating to the 'Outgrowth(s)' have been merged with referrent Town. The data on other aspects, has been presented in codes for want of space The details of Statement presented in the Town Directory 1991 and the codes used, are given below:- STATEMENT-I' STATUS AND GROWTH HISTORY This Statement provides some basic data in respect of the growth of the town, based on the Primary Census Abstract (PC A). In column 2 of the Statement, the class of the town based on the 1991 census population of the Individual TO\\/n has been indicated as follows POPULATION CLASS

      1.00.noo and above 1 50,000 -99,999 11 20,000-49,999 III 10,000-19,999 IV 5,000-9,999 V Below-5,OOO VI The civic administration status of the town, as in 1990, has also been indicated. For a census town which does not have a 'Statutory Urban Body' the civic status has been shown separately. In case, it has a Gram Panchayat (GP) or, it is part of SADA, and in all other cases, it has been shown as a Census Town (CT). The following abbreviations has been used to denote the civic status of the town: Municipal Corporation Me Municipal Committee/Municipality M Contenment Board CB Notified Area Committee MAC Gram Panchayat GP Special Area Development Authority SADA Census Town CT Column 6 : Area (sq.km.) as supplied by the Local Bodies. Column 7 : Name of the community development (CD) BLOCK (New Column added for 1991 census) has been given for the Census Towns. STATEMENT - II : ¥HYSICAL ASPECTS AND LOCATION OF TOWNS. This statement gives the physical aspects and the location of each town. The rainfall data presented in col. 3 has been obtained by the concerned Town Officer from the Commissioner Land Records of the State Government. The temperature data given in col 48 5 has been calculated in the department based on the data obtained from, the Regional Meterorological Department of Govt. of India, Nagpur. In case the. 462

      Rain gauge station alld OhSl'l \ atm\' ar~ Iwt located III till' Ic!crr~llt town, the data presented relates to the nearest Rain g~lugC statloll \)h~l'r\dtlll\' III case \11' IH)lhl\ailahdlt\, particular t\)\\ll, the information per­ taining to th~ Ill'arest to\\ n ila~ been giwll; alld ag

      Cellt Ic. N agpu r IS bas~d \)11 till' \\ cr

      In column 6 to 12 the name of the particular place and its read distance in km. shown within brackets from the State Headquarters, District Headquarters Sub-[)i\'1(1 ional headquarters,Tahsil headquarters, nearest city with a population of 0 1 lac and above, Rail" ay Station, Bus Route, NaVigable River/Canal (if within 10 km) have been presented If the name of the panicular place mentioned in these columns, is the same as the rerenent to\\ n itself, th dl"tance has been recmdcd ~I\ 'i)' (Zero) In case the railway station (col 10) or bus route (col II) is not a\'ailable for the referrent t eJ\\ 11 the name of the nearest place where the facility is available with the distance in kms, tI'om the referrent to\\ n, has been presented If a navigable river/canal is passing within a distance u!' 10 kl11s from the retcrrent town, the name of the river/canal. with distance, has been presented III column j 2 The abbre\'latlon IZ (Il)Ll C, stand for River and Canal respectively,

      STATE:\IENT-IlI: MUl\ICI PAL FINANCE - 1988-89

      The data for this statement has been collected flom the concerned Local Body,. However, informa­ tion has been presented separately in respect of'Statu(ory' and 'Non-Statutory'Bodies, managing the civic administration of the town, "" herever they have separatt: budgets and accounts of their own, Where Civic Body is not a composite one with jurisdiction over the city as a whole, (for instance, if a part of the town is a Railway colony whose civic amenities are governed by the Railways, but a portion is under the local municipal body), the data has been presented in the same statement, independly for each body,

      Under column 12, the expenditure incurred by the Civic Authority on 'public safety' includes such items as lighting and maintenace of public streets, places and building, removing of rubbish/night soil, fire fighting services, rescue operations during floods and 1~\irs etc. Likewise, column 15 includes expenditure incurred on education, cultural/religious and social Institutions eg maintenance of schools, colleges and other institutions, like public libraries museums etc The exact items covered, may however, vary from town to town, which would depend on the practice followed in this regard by each Local authority.


      This statement is based on the information supplied by the local body in respect of civic amenities Information under column 6 represents Pucca and/or I(utt:cha roads, for which the abbreviations used are PR and KR, respectively, with the total length of the road in kill The information about roads maintained by the Local Bodies, Public works department and any other Departments, have not been shown separately In column 7, the various types of sewage/draingge systems existini in the town, have been presented with the following abbreviations This IIlformalinl1s restricted to two systems, wherever more than 2 systems are in operations, on the basis of major prcvalence indicated by the Local Body, Sewer S Opcn surtilcc drains OSD Box surface drains BSD 463

      Sylk Drains SD Cesspool Method CD Pit System PT Other o In column B,9 and 10 lI1formation collected 11-om the respective Local Bodies, regarding different types of latrines and their number, has been presented It includes public, as well as, private latrines. In column II, the abbre\'iations used for the various prevalent methods of disposal of night soil are given below Where more than one method is used, the presentation of information is restricted to two methods only, in order of their major prevalance in the town as indicated by the Local Body. Head Loads HL Baskets B Wheel Barrows WB Septic tank latrine ST Sewerage S Pit system Pt Othes 0 In column 12 and 13 the sources of protected water supply and the sytem of storage (with capacity, shown within brackets) have been presented with the following abbreviations. Where more than·one source, or more than one system of storage exists. the information is restricted to two major s01.}rces/systems on the basis of information given by the local body Column 12: Tube well water/hand pump TW Tap Water T Well Water W Tank Water TK Column 13 : Overhead Tank OHT Service reserveir SR River infiltration gallery IG Borewell pumping system BWP Pressure Tank PT In case of availability of fire fighting service in a town 'yes' has been indicated in column 14, other­ . wise, the name of the nearest place where this serviceis available (with the distance in km. shown within brackets) has been indicated. Column 15-19 :- The information about use of electricity has been given separately about domestic (15), industrial (I6) commercial (I 7) road lighting (18) and others (19)

      STATEMENT -IV (A): CIVIC AND OTHER AMENITIES IN NOTIFIED SLUMS 1989 This statement gives the information relating to Civic and other amenties in respect of slum areas of towns, where the population exceeds 50,000 as per 191 census. The codes used in col. 7 & 11 are the same as for statement IV 464

      STATEMENT - V MEDICAL EDUCATIONAL RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITIES, 1989. This statement provides the information relating to Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilties.

      In col. 4 the information provided by the concerned local town authorities has been presented. The medica! institutions run by private dectors have not been 1l1c!uded The information is limited to those institutions as are nll1 by er, aided by Government/Semi-Governemtn/Local Bodies and charitable institu­ tions or Social Service agen~ies, like Missionaires etc. Where the family planning centres are attached to hospitals or maternity and child welfare centres or primary health centres, these have been treated as independent units, and presented separately. The maternity and child welfare centres, veneral disease clin­ ics, chest clinics, leprosy clinics, etc, have not been shown separately These have been indicted along with other medical institutions in column 4. The following abbreviations have been used·

      Hospital H Dispensary D Health CentrelPrimary Health o Centre/Primary Health Sub Centre! HC Primary Health Unit etc. Family Plannl11g Centre FPC I.B. Clinic TB Nursing Home NH Others o If there are more than one institutions of any type, tye number of such institutions has been indicated within brackets e.g. dispensaries (2). Nursing Home (4) etc. Also the type of Insitutition (hospital/dispensary etc.) whether Allopathic or Ayurvadic or Unani or Homeopathic has been indicated within brackets using the following abbreviations :_

      Ayurvedic A Unani U Homeopathic H Ifno medical facility is available in the referrent town, the name of the nearest town (with distance in km. where this facility exists) has been given. In column 5 the number of beds in different type ofInsitutions has been indicated.

      In column 6, the information regarding educational institutions by subject provided by the concerned Local Body has been presented with the following abbreviations:

      Arts only A Science only S Commerce only C Arts and Science only AS Arts and Commerce only AC Combined for all categories Arts, Science and Commerce ASC Law L 465

      University u Others o

      If there is more than one Institution of a type, the total number has been given against C,llAl, in brackets For columns 7,'8.,9 the information have also been provided by the concerned Town Authority. The number of institutions has been shown in these columns If no facility is available in the referrent town, the name of the nearest town (with distance in kl11) where this tacility exists, has been shown. The information provided in column lOis als by the concerned Town Authority. Where the Institutions are found to be located justbeyond the boundaries of the referrent town, these are considered as belonging to the referrent town only. If there is more than one Institutions of such type, the number has been given against each brackets. The following abbreviations have been used :- Shorthand SH Typewriting Tyupe Shorthand & Typewriting SH Type others a The vocational institutions like Wne Arts College, Pharmacy college, Regional College of Educa­ tIon, Teacher'S Traimng institutions, MuslC/OanClJ1g School, Nursing School etc. have been covered under'other' However, the type ofInsitutitions included under 'other' have been described in the introduc­ tory note. The information for column 11 to 14 provided by the concerned Town Authority ColumR 15 shows the name of the centre and the number of Adult literacy classes within bracket. If an educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place where the facility is available (with 'distance in km) from the referrent town, has been shown. Column 16 indicates where this facility exists alongwith the total number of seats available. Similarly column 17 indicates the location of the facility and its total number. Column 18 provides the information on the number of Cinema halls in the town. Information on Auditorium/Drama/Community halls have been given in column 19., , Column 20 indicates information about Libraries and Reading Rooms. The following abbreviations have been used in presenting them :- Public Library PL Reading Room RR STATEMENT-VI: TRADE, COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND BANKING 1989. Columns 3 to 1J depict information relating to the three most important commodities imported, exported and manufactured in relating to the referrent town. The information has been provided by the Town Authorities. The commodities have been mentioned in order of volume. Raw materials imprted for' processing of any product, have been included under the column pertaining to commodities imported. In these columns, commodities for which the town serves as a transmission centre, by importing them exporting elsewherewithout any processing, have not been taken into account. For example, if agri­ cultural produce is brought from the neighbouring villages with this objective, it has not been considered as a commodity imported On the otherhand commodities brought from outside and processed in the town or in its area of influence and, then, either locally consumed or exported elsewhere, have been included under the category of exported commodity, depending upon their volume. Information relating to the number of banks, number of agricultural and non-agricultural societies, has also be(;!n reflected on the basis 'of data furnished byt he concenred Town Authorities Credit socieites, consumer co-operative societies etc. run by different employees associations, have also been included. f4

      ~ ~ "if\f ll)1JTI, ~ Cf~ ~ iiri"Ifu q;r I&CfllfW'lOij q;r ~ ~ iiR '!fIfuRY Uffu

      ~~~ ciTil- ~ ~ ('l1f f

      IV ~ (.,.lU.) ~ Ajaigarh (M) 91I Ajaigarh 14.42 2222

      2 V~ (.,.lU.) ~ Amanganj (M) 9fV Gunnor 17.44 1471

      3 IV ~ ~ (.,:qr.) -q;:;:rr Deyendra Nagar (M) 91III Panna 25.46 2068

      4 V~ (.,.lU.) -q;:;:rr Kakarhati (M) 9/IV Panna 26.85 1126

      5 lFfT (.,.lU.) lFU'fl'f{~~ Panna (M) - See Panna urban agglomeration

      lFfT (.,.'R.) Panna (UA)* 2.10 7780

      1II lFfT (.,.lU.) -q;:;:rr Panna eM) 9/II Panna 1.37 6957

      6 IV -qq{ (3f. ef.) m Pawai (NA) 9IIV Pawai 52.96 1980 -Hi 7

      ~ 1f?JCfl - I STATEMENT- I ~ aih- ~ CfiT ~Rt6Jtt STATUS AND GROWTH HISTORY

      t:RC'Cf FA1111ql<"1 (\iJ'iIIUI'i1 1991) Population and Gro\\1h rale of the town at the Density Sex - ratio Census of (1991 Census) 1971 1981 1991 1901 1911 1')21 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 Census Census Census

      g 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

      ~ G 3863 4279 4746 3561 Declassi 6095 8367 12283 852 874 851 849 (+10 77) (+1091) (-24.97) Fied (+37.28)(+46.80)

      ~ G 1695 Declassl 8252 473 873 fied

      1976 Declassi ll110 436 904 fied

      5909 220 869

      11346 10756 10106 10913 13375 12244 16737 24367 3367442547 20260 885 860 8(i5 (-5.20) (-6.04) (+7.99) (+22.56)(-8.46)(+36.70) (+45.59) (+38.20)(+26.35)

      11346 10756 10106 10913 13375 12244 16737 22316 30.38938.110 27818 887 854 868 (-5.20) (-6.04) (+7.99) (+22.56)(-8.46)(+36.70) (+33.33) (+36.18)(+25.41)

      ~ 2621 Declassi 9476 179 867 fied

      ~:- OflRcfi"tlN ~ m * ~0flR~~~~ ~cfi" ~qIT~ ~ t I Note :- The asterisk mark shown against the town represents the data of constituent town with out growth. ·HiS


      91CflRitflc;. ~ CMT ~ qft ~ 1989 PHYSICAL ASPECTS AND LOCATION OF TOWNS 1989

      l11T -it ~ -;Rt ~ (fipfi.) aITffir aITffir ~ II ~ it ~ I~ "3

      SI Cia,s and Rain fall Temperature State Dlstnct Sub-Divi· Nearest city with From Bus Navigahle river No. name of in mm (m centigrade) BeJd Head sion TallSll population of one Railway ROllte canal if (within Town Average Average Qrs. Qrs Head quer- lakh & more Station 10 Kms) Maximum Minimum

      2 3 4 6 II

      IV~ 3RRt("3".y.) ~ Aidigarh + 'Bhopal Via D,lmoh Panna Aplg,lrh Satna Atri (UP.) Ajalgarh Panna 1422.9531.4 11<.5 (445) (32) (0) (104) (60) (0)

      2 V~ 'FlT/~ ~(:wmr)~ Amanganj + * Bhopal Panna Panna/Gunnor Murwara Katm(Murwara)Amanganj Panna 1422953I 4 IX 5 (374, (39) 39 . (25) (90) (90) (0)

      3 III~ 'FlT "ffiRT Dewndra Nagar + * Bhopal Panna Panna Satna Satna Devendra Nagar Palma 14229531.4 18.5 (437) (24) (24) (48) (48) (0)

      4 V~ "ffiRT Kakarhati + * * Bhopal Panna Panna Satno Satn. Kakarhati Panna 1422.9531.4 18.5 (438) (25) (25) (68) (68) (0)

      5 III 'l"'lT 'FlT"'flT<~~ Panna See Panna Urban Agglomeraton 'FlT (;;:<'f.) ~~~ Pamla (U.A) See Constituent Unit

      6 III'l"'lT ~ 'FlT "ffiRT "ffiRT Pannd Bhopal Panna Pam1a Satlta Satna Panna 1422.9531.4 18.5 (43) (0) (0) (72) (72) (U)

      7 V~ ~ (:wmr) 'FlT Pawal * Bhopal Panna Pawal Murwara Katni (Murwara) Panna 1708.9 31.4 18.5 (382) (62) (0) (62) (62) (62)

      m : ~ 3, 6 il 12 - ~ 'i'iR cf.r "'flT< f.t

      fcfcRuT ~ - III STATEMENT - III -;pf{ ttl RiCfl I ~ 1988 -89 MUNICIPAL FINANCE 1988-89 mit ~ ~ 3IJl< itiil' (,00) l¥ ~ ~ m (,00) l¥ >}u\t\"i ~ Roc'el t (in Rs (0) ExpendLture ILl Rs, (,00) "Wf #Bt q;i\ ~ <'f7\TUR

      ~ 3 4 6 , II ~ 10 II Ii I~ 14 13 I~ 17

      ~ "'I'TI IV Ajaigarh ~! 114, 416 2241 45 301 414(. 2404 3(,5 491 xc. 422 :176& ~ 'l'TI. V Amanganj \1 24(,X 44' 2J79 1:12 51i24 24m 521 999 2255 IX XW) 715 !

      ~ "I'."IT III Devendra nagar ld 5762 79 1227 44 161 7273 3334 300 &94 1264 3l< 684 6514

      ~ "I'''IT V Kakarhati M 290 79 1415 724 2508 1358 107 144 358 68 2035

      'FlT 'FlT"f1T{~~ Panna See Panna Urban Agglomeration 'FlT '111. ~~~ Panna (U A) See Constituent Unit

      'FlT ('1.'11 ) III-Panna M 24664 1867 4339 2000 1887 34757 9769 3308 13361 6046 217634660 'l'

    3. 2 V~ (-;;.1U. ) PR OHT (5.00) OSD (80000) Alllanganj (M) KR ST. T. BWP 8252 1914 (6.00) PT. 197 55 65 W. TW.

      3 III ~~"S:'1ll( (-;;.1U. ) PR OHT (9.60) (5000) Devendranagar (M) KR OSD BWP (9.80) PT ST. T. 11100 2603 121 175 96 WB. TW,

      4 V~ (-;;.1U. ) PR ST T. OHT KR Kakarhati (M) 5909 2114 (16.00) OSD 150 200 120 WB TW (2000)

      5 Ill-q;:;:n (-;;:qr. ) -q;:;:n"l1R~~ Panna (M) See Panna Urban Agglomeration -q;:;:n (-;;:H) PR OHT (39.00) (1659275) KR Panna (U.A.)* 42547 5818 (20.00) 326 1651 238

      -q;:;:rr (-;;.1U. ) PR CD HL T. OHT (39.00) (1659275) KR OSD ST III Panna (M) 38110 4591 (20.00) 326 1651 238

      () V~ (3f. ~.) PR OHT (I8.00) (133000) KR OSD WB T Pawai (N.A.) 9476 3459 (I6.00) 269 204 HL TW

      ~:-~-;;rR~ ~ : - ~ 14 - ~ M -;;m: Tj 1fi;" itqr ~ om i err -;ffit ~ ~ PI&lc('Pi ~ CfiT "'1"f1f

      fcrcRuT ~ - IV STATEMENT-IV '11~IRq} alk 3Pi ~ - 1969 CIVIC AND OTHER AMENITIES 1989

      ~ 3FZf Fire fighting Oomestlce Industrial Commercial Road Lighting, Others Service (No. of Points)

      14 15 16 17 18 19

      -q;:;:rr Panna 757 29 204 353 1() (32)

      -q;:;:rr Panna 445 14 174 201 34 (34)

      -q;:;:rr Panna 533 20 164 235 101 (24)

      -q;:;:rr Panna 300 5 150 170 25 (25)

      m 3512 76 822 821 51 Yes 3512 76 822 821 51

      -q;:;:rr Panna 537 178 61 324 2 (62)

      Source:-Local body of the respective town. Note :- Column 14 - In case this service is not available in the town the name of the nearest place in the same district or the name of nearest district in the same State or other State where this service is available along with distance in Kms. in bracket have been re­ ported. The asterisk mark shown agamst the town represents the data of constituent town with outgrowth. -172

      ~~ - IV q) STATEMENT - IV A ~ ~ ~ ~ "i1~IRq) ~ 3A ~ - 1989 CIVTC AND OTHER AMENITIES IN NOTIFIED SLUMS 1989

      111. "iiihffiit * ~~ "i"lt t1. IJHfl

      Sl. Class Name of Area of Population Paved System No. and slum slum of slum roads of name (in Sq Kms) (approximate) in Kms.) Sewerage of town

      2 4

      f.'R'q;­ NIL fcr;wrr ~ - IV Ifi STATE\IENT - IV A ~ "lRft ~. It '1IIIRCfl ~ ~ ~ - 1969 CIVIC AND OTHER Al\lEMTlES IN NOTlFIED SLUMS 1989

      ~ . !~;q(1)

      Number of Latrines ComlllU Method No. of tap Electrification (No of connections) Water Service Others nity of points/ Domestic Road Others borne disposal of public Lighting night soll hyaraints (points) .installed for Supply of protected water 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

      ~ NIL 474

      ~~ - V STATEMENT- V Rlfcbctll, ~~, Jt.o('iV1Ii;+1Cfl ~ tilWif"dCfl ~-1989 Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities -1989 ~ m* \it"! fI'"dJ I lilfch\'f11 ~ ~~fUICIi~ ~~ 3Iffil8 "fclAT 'l. 4 ~/fctw-1 ~ ~ qlJl2f

      V 3fllRlfcrr 00 00 "IFIT "IFIT Amanganj 8252 H.C. (i) 30 A (i) Rewa Rewa Panna Panna (143) (143) (34) (34)

      I114~"'5:"!ll{ 00 00 "IFIT "IFIT Devendra llllO H.C. (i) 6 A (i) Rewa Rewa Panna Panna nagar FPC(i) o (i) (98) (98) (24) (24)

      V~ ~~~S:,,!ll{ "CJ"'IT 00 00 1F1T 'F"!T Kakarhati 5909 Devendranagar Panna Rewa Rewa Panna Panna (25) (118) (118) (25) (25)

      III-q;:;:rr -q;:;:rr0jlT{~~ Panna See Panna Urban Agglomeration

      lFiT ('l.tf.) Panna (U.A.)*42547 H (i) 112 A (i) o (I) . D (A-i) ASC (i) TB. (i) L (i) FPC. (i)

      III -q;:;:rr 00 ~ Panna 38110 H (i) 112 A (i) Rewa Nowgaon 0(1) D (A-i) ASC (i) 123 (92) TE. (i) L (i) F.PC. (i)

      V~ ~ ~ 'l"U lFU Pawai 9476 H.C. (i) (, ASC (i) JabaJpur JabaJpur Panna Panna F.PC. (i) (158) (158) (02) (62) 475


      Educational Facilities Number of recreational and Cultural Facilities Higher Secondary Junior Primary Adult Working Stadium Cinema Auditorial Public Secondary matri­ Secondaty School literacy women's video Dfmna/ Library Inter­ culation and classes Hostel House Community including mediate middle centres! with Halls reading PUC Schools other number of room (pre-university, (specify) Seats college Junior level II 12 13 14 [5 16 17 2() ~ 2 3 8 Singhpur (5) ,

      ~ 2 4 Hinoti (3) ~ 2 2 4 8 Madaiyall (5)

      "W'RT 3 Samana (5)

      3 . 3 10 11 2

      CfiC:\T 3 10 11 Katra 2 (7)

      fcrcffoT ~ - VI STATEMENT- VI 0I:JJ11R, ql~I\TLI, ~ 3ih

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ffimT ~ ~ ~

      IV~ ,J.RT;i[ f

      2 V~ ~ WB~ ~ fi.,f; ~ ~.,f; ~ ~.,f; .,f;~~ 'ifiR .,f;~ ~ ~ ~ .-\manganl [(cd \ lHdt.; Steel. ['I "'he I3r.", I ,c •• tiler LII1hcll Cloth Bf

      3IV~ twiT !.Ir'f ~ mmCfiT '"IJCI"\'I 1){ ~$~ -k ~CfiT m:r ~ Devendra Mustered Paddy Sugar Mustered Rice Wheat Earthen Bricks Wooden 2 2 Nagar Oil Pots Furniture

      4 V~ ~ -ffim f

      III 'FIT 'FIT~ -~~ Palma See Panna Urhan Agglomeration 'FIT ("'l~.) ~~~ Palma (U.A )* See Constituent Umt '"F1T ~ 'ffim mC!'it ~ fur '1<"l1:~ ~ ttZq\l q-~

      6 V~ a-rm "i1'1I \1l) ~ ~$ ~CfiT ~ ~$ mCfiT

      *The asterisk mark shown against the data of the constituent town with outgrowth. ~:-~o:rm~ Local body oj" the lespccitl'e town 477

      W1~1( Pt4'~ICfiI cfi" q R~I6C Appendices to Town Directory 478

      qR~ltsc I - APPENDIX-I

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ({Ttl" \i1'1ti(Olu Towns Showing their Outgrowths with Population

      ~ -;::nR CfiT -;w:r "f~ -;::nR~ ~~ ~~ -man ciT5 -;f. cf. "ffi~ 'J1'1tl{dJl 'J1 '1 tiM I SI. No. Name of Twon Population of Outgrowth Population of with Location Code core Town outgrowth 2 3 4 5

      1FIT (-;r.1iT.) 38110 1FIT~ 4437 29/II Panna (M) 38110 Panna Gird 4437 29/II ~79

      qR~llsc - II Appendix-II ftrc?t cfi ~ ~ ~ &II ~ Lil cfi ~ C! t;llq ~~ Places of Tourist Interest in The Town of the District

      Sfil1lCfl ~CfiT~ ~~ S.No. Name of District Places of Tourist Interest

      -qnrr f-ffi;rr - P anna District

      1. ~ 1 ~ ~ fcfwrr 1000 lfitc ~ 'lR ~ t I Ajaigarh Orchological AjaipaJ Fort situated on Top of a hill. 2 w~~iJltCfiT~ Shri Saraswati Deviji Ka Mandir. '\~~ Old Temples.

      2. ~ w~~ Amanganj Shri BaJaji Temple.

      3. 4

      4. W 'B~'1I{1l!u1 ~ Kakarhati Shri Laxmi Narayan Temple.

      5. lm~~ Panna District Orchoiogical Musium 2 ~~,~~ Jail Building, Hindupat Mahal. 3 lIIt~~ Shri BaJdeoji Mandir. 4l11t~~ Shri Pran Natl~i Ka Mandir. 5 lilt '1llclfClliih ~ CfiT ~ Temple of Shri Jugal Kishorji. 6 lilt Wj\Jil'1<$) ~ Shri Ram Janki Temple. 7 lIIt~CfiT~ Temple of Shri Jagannathji. 8 lilt ~f

      q i{fflllsc: - II Appendix-II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~IFl~' ~ ~ ~ "f~ Places of Tourist Interest in The Town of the District

      ~ fulBWrwf ~~ S.No. Name of District Places of Tourist Interest

      10 ~~*r~ Shri Digambar Jain Temple. 11 * \fCf'1 Mahendra Building. 12 ~ ~3ft ctt ri

      13 ~~-~ Kund Water-fall 14 tft ctt ~ Diamond Mines. 15~~~ Old Hindu Temple.

      6 1 ~~CfiT~ Pawai Shri Kalehiji Ka Mandir. 2 ~~~ Shri Hanuman Bhata. 3 flit~q("1I>.f ~ (15 ~.) Sarweshwarnath Temple (Distance 15 km.) {qog - ~ Part - B

      91 %I Pl Cfi \it ;1'11 0 1911 '"fIR Primary Census Abstract 482


      fu'ffiT IfcfciRl TWT ~ 3fTOIl"G :qjfcffi)' ~ "!Ff \if '1ffidi I CfiB \T1'1moql ~ '" ~ ~/'11R/ ~ cnf ~ -mcm (~ 3fk~an-i'l ;mg 0-6 qq ~ -;pp- ~ Tfllil

      ~ ~ "ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

      9 1J"fC ~ ~ T 7135.00 125892 128349 687945 362727 325218 142922 73359 69563 1JT R 6995.77 109816 111702 598378 314800 283578 126054 114658 613% ., U 13'.1.23 16076 16647 89567 47927 41640 16868 8701 8167

      ~ fclCflltl{CjOs m T 603.20 16961 17336 103901 55676 48225 21595 11]03 10492 1JT R 60320 16961 17331) 10390] 55676 4)\225 21595 1110) 10492 ., U

      2 -q;:;:rr ~ (q1JS" -zn T 1351.20 21165 21351 114740 60695 54045 24464 12473 11991 1JT R 1350.47 20362 20528 110303 58287 52016 23564 11979 11585 ., U 73 803 823 4437 2408 2029 900 494 406 1RT ~ (OfT. ~.) 73 803 823 4437 2408 2029 900 494 406

      3 ~~"@lS -znT 967.58 24770 25298 132925 69401 63524 28314 14399 13915 1JTR 967.58 24770 25298 132925 69401 63524 28314 14399 13915 .,U

      4 m~(Cf1TS"

      5 ~mm-"@lS

      ~~ ~ \T1'1\T1IR1lli "fflm fuffi /f

      Nclll1e of District/Block.! U.A.lCityrrown

      ~ ~ ~ <'lJfiR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

      13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      140374 74396 65978 102520 52632 49888 183558 133936 49622 PANNA DISTRICT 125494 66447 59047 98089 50320 47769 138247 105250 32997

      14880 ~~4') ('931 ·Wl 2312 21I'J 45311 2868(, 1(\625

      21542 11615 9927 8890 4684 4206 21784 17511 4273 Ajaigarh Dev. Block 21542 11615 9927 8S90 46S4 42()6 21784 17511 4273

      22268 11862 10406 24810 12900 11910 28091 20692 7399 Panna Dev- Block 21930 11671 10259 23921 12425 11496 26450 19587 6863 338 191 147 889 475 414 1641 1105 536 338 191 147 889 475 414 1641 1105 536 Pannagird (O.G.)

      32152 16894 15258 12056 6136 5920 33000 24824 8176 Gunnor Dev. Block 32152 16894 15258 12056 6136 5920 33000 24824 8176

      28989 15350 13639 17683 8981 8702 28987 21905 7082 Pawai Dev. Block 28989 15350 13639 17683 8981 8702 28987 21905 7082

      20881 10917 9964 35539 18094 17445 28026 21423 6603 Shahnagar Dev. Block 20881 10917 9964 35539 18094 17445 28026 21423 6603 484

      ~ CfiT "9T~ ~ qj \TI~~IIJI~I "flR

      ~ "furnr/~1

      ~ ~ ffi ~ ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

      9 1FIT~ ~T 242893 189720 53173 134674 114063 20611 65520 39389 26131 "WR 217101 Hi7744 49357 129780 109643 20137 61563 36730 24833 Of U 25792 21976 3816 4894 4420 474 31)57 2(51) 1298

      1 ~~~ <11T 38866 29602 9264 27187 21473 5714 8514 5310 3204 1JTR 38866 29602 9264 27187 21473 5714 8514 5310 3204 .,U

      2 "IF1T~~

      3 ~~~

      4 m~~

      5 ~ fcrCflR:r ~


      ~,CR~,~~, "WFr q ~ qIR'HR

      ~ i'W1

      (III) (IV) (Va)

      o:WRr ~ a ~ ~ a ~ ~ -at

      Pen;ons Male~ Females Per~ons Mak~ Females Pen;ons Males Females 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

      4'.170 381)-1 1076 ·Wl 3630 781 5468 3%8 1500 PANNA DISTRICT 3909 2%8 941 3686 2967 719 4648 3356 1292 1116 t 92(, 135 725 (ili3 62 82!l 612 2118

      456 437 19 109 63 46 670 517 153 Ajaigarh Dey. Block 456 437 19 109 63 46 670 517 153

      1443 954 489 2405 1953 452 959 648 311 Panna Dev- Block l363 911 452 2258 1810 448 945 641 304 80 43 37 147 143 4 14 7 7 80 43 37 147 143 4 14 7 7 Pannagird (O.G.)

      794 635 159 34 34 1158 831 327 Gunnor Dey. Block 794 635 159 34 34 1158 831 327

      708 5J4 194 1069 866 203 1046 807 239 Pawai Dey. Block 708 514 194 1069 866 203 1046 807 239

      588 471 117 216 194 22 829 560 269 Shahnagar Dey. Block 588 471 117 216 194 22 829 560 269 486

      ~ CfiT 91"1~Cfi \TI"l~lul"l1 "ffl{ ~ ffiill/f

      ~ ~ F.lt ~ ~ F.lt ~ ~ F.lt Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 , 9 1FJT~ 3142 2792 350 2165 1954 211 7231 6621 610 :~ 1596 1430 166 1028 953 75 3359 3013 346 ';fU 1546 1362 184 1137 1001 136 3872 3608 264

      ~ i

      2 'tFIT fcfcfim' ~

      3 ~fct

      4 m f

      5 m

      DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ljWlctJll~~~ ~ lI}U'if Industrial Category of Main Workers

      ~,~ 3AWmt ~ Cfi111 ~ CJTB CfiF,., ~ CJTB iiffi;rr Imm 3ffi: ~ \CfUS /'flR /'flR W!5 Transport Storage Ot her Sernces Marginal Workers Non-Workers Name ofllle and COllllllunication DistrilBlockfUAJ Cily(fown

      (VJiI) (IAJ ~ ffi ~ ~ ffi Ci':Ifcffi ~ ffi ~ ~ W Persons• Males Females Persons M~jles Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 49 50 51 52. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

      1625 IGCl(l 25 13687 11809 1878 43308 325-1 -10054 401744 169753 231991 PANNA DISTRICT 545 533 12 (i987 (i151 836 41633 2999 38634 339644 144057 195587 1080 111G7 13 (i70(l 5658 1042 1675 255 1·120 (i2tOO 256% 3r.-I"4

      75 75 942 889 53 8023 564 7459 57012 25510 31502 Ajaigarh Dev. Block 75 75 942 889 53 8023 564 7459 57012 25510 31502

      127 122 5 2019 1701 318 6787 704 6083 65024 27778 37246 Panna Dev- Block 110 1117 3 1557 1370 187 6723 695 6028 62098 26498 35600 17 15 2 462 331 131 64 9 55 2926 1280 1646 17 15 2 462 331 131 64 9 55 2926 1780 1646 Pannagird (O.G.)

      116 112 4 1842 1525 317 8473 583 7890 75300 31905 43395 Gunnar Dev. Block Jl6 112 4 1842 1525 317 8473 583 7890 75300 31905 43395

      118 114 4 1421 1218 203 8098 549 7549 74421 31097 43324 Pawai Dev. Block 118 J J4 4 J421 1218 203 8098 549 7549 74421 31097 43324

      126 125 1225 1149 76 10316 608 9708 70813 29047 4J766 Shailnagar Dev. Block 126 125 1225 1149 76 10316 608 9708 70813 "29047 41766 4!1g

      ~ CfiT ~ 17101",0'"1' tfR

      ~ ffi"ffi Ifcfuiffi "lWT ~ 3fT

      ~ -;prr ~ ~ fcFi.~ ~~ wt qffi ~ -m%n) -it man- Location Name of Total! Area in No. of No. of Total population (including Total Population Code DistrictlBlock Rural/ sq.kms occupied Households Institutional and In the age group Number fU.A./City/ Urban Residential Houseless Population) (O-G) Town Houses

      ~ ~ ~ 0!lf

      2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

      ~~ 139.23 16076 166-17 89567 47927 -11640 16868 8701 8167

      ~ (". llT.) 14.42 2092 2222 12283 6642 5641 2338 1217 1121

      'F1T (".~.) 2.10 7468 7780 42547 22813 ]9734 769] 3932 3759

      (i ) 1:f"'IT (". llT.) 1.37 6665 6957 38110 20405 17705 679] 3438 3353

      (ii)lAT ~ (err. ~.) .73 803 823 4437 2408 2029 900 494 406

      ?~ri;rill( (rr. w.) 25.46 2013 2068 11100 5831 5269 2123 1044 lO79

      ~ (rr. w.) 26.85 1115 1I26 5909 3161 2748 ll55 632 523

      ~ (rr. w.) 17.44 1470 1471 8252 4405 3847 1617 846 771

      wf ( ar. i'r.) 52.96 1918 1980 9476 5075 4401 1944 1030 914 DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      3fJ~Bfu;,~ ~\li'i\jllRp::i1 mw fffi;rr Ifctcnrn I Scheduled castes Scheduled Tribes LIterates ~ /'llR /-;::rm: ~

      Name of DistrictIBlock.l U.A.lCityrrown

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -rn ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

      13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      1.t88() 7949 6937 .t.t31 2312 2119 45311 28686 16625 TOTAL URBAN:

      2293 125(j 1037 1110 572 538 5·H7 3542 1875 Ajaigarh (M.)

      .t541 2434 2107 1277 680 597 2H54 15057 9397 Panna (UA)

      .t203 2243 1960 388 205 183 22~m l3952 8861 (i) Panna (M.)

      388 191 147 889 475 414 1641 1105 536 (ii) Panna Gird (O.G.)

      2066 107-1 992 537 266 271 5256 3-121 1835 Develldra Nagar (M.)

      161-1 H7H 736 500 260 2-10 2042 1399 643 Kakarhati (M.)

      1638 H7(! 760 276 144 132 3872 2-151 /-121 An/aI/gail) (M)

      2278 1-129 1299 731 390 341 4270 2816 1454 Pawai (N.A.) 490

      ~ qjf 91~~ijj \ilrJ~IQlrJl tfR

      ~ fuR;rr/mml ~_, ~

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

      ~ 0f1Tfrq- 25792 21976 3816 4894 4420 474 3957 2659 1298 ~ (";f. 'IT.) 3623 3083 540 791 711 80 745 479 266

      lF1T (";f. (1.) 11587 10021 1566 935 819 116 606 447 159

      (i) 1FfT (";f. 'IT.) 10140 8902 1238 561 507 54 383 284 99

      (ii) 1FfT i1r

      ~h;"1"'( (rr.w.) 3464 2809 655 lU33 890 143 997 661 336

      ~ (rr.w.) 1937 1610 327 765 734 31 574 371 203

      ~ (rr.w.) 2263 2017 246 578 563 15 509 352 157

      rrqf (Jr. if.) 2918 2436 482 792 703 89 526 349 177 -l91


      ~ q;r:r ~ :;m;rr "ih'f ~ lIMt fufiiiT /fcfcfiffi Industrial Category of Main Workers ~/"f11'\/ ~, q;:f iWT, ~ ~, ~q~ q iI«i I ifctl irihT if "Jj]\q C!il -;::rm- ~ ~~, ~, ~ 3ffi: ~,mm~3ffi: Name of

      ~ cW1Cfl 1'1 I q ~ District/Block! Livcstock. Forcstry. Fishing. Mining and Manufacturing, Processing. U A.lCity Hunting and Plantations. Quarrying ServIcing and Repairs in Town Orchards and allied activities . Household Industries

      (III) (IV) (Va) ~ 'Ff ~ ~ 'Ff F:\\ ~ 'Ff ~ Persons Males Females P~rsons Males F~males Persons Males Females 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 2

      ltI61 926 135 725 663 62 820 612 208 TOTAL URBAN:

      128 118 10 75 60 15 Ajaigarh eM.)

      622 563 59 662 619 43 312 216 96 Panna (UA)

      542 520 22 515 476 39 298 209 89 (i) Panna (M,)

      80 43 37 147 143 4 14 7 7 (ii) Panna Gird (O.G,)

      60 58 2 91 51 40 Devendra Nagar (M.)

      52 37 15 111 79 32 Kakarhllti (M.)

      56 56 138 135 3 Amangllnj (M)

      143 94 49 59 40 19 93 71 22 PlIwlIi (N.A.J 492

      ~ CJiT ~¥.l~qj ;iFI~lul"'l1 "fIR ~ ~/mm "!ff ~'flTll~~~ ~ a ~ ~/~I lJTIltur Industrial Category of Main Workers ~~ ~ qlR'clIRctl ~ ct m f.r1:ifuT ~~~ ~1"ffimR,~ Constmction Trade and Commerce ~~ Location Name of Total Manufacturing. Processing. Code DistrictIBlock Rural Servicing and Repairs in other No. fU.A'/City/ Urban than Household Industries Town (Vb) (VI) (VII)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females . 2 3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

      ~~ 1546 1362 184 1137 1001 136 3872 3608 264

      ~(.,.T.IT.) 221 205 16 112 104 8 543 494 49

      1RT (.,:tl.) 934 800 134 770 671 99 1874 1707 107

      (i) 1RT (.,. T.IT.) 870 756 114 750 654 96 1828 1723 105

      (ii) 1RT ~ (

      ~C1~S:"'JJ( (rr. r:rr.) 176 160 16 45 45 512 471 41

      ~ (rr. w.) 40 38 2 13 12 172 149 23

      Jr1fFPfrn (rr. w.) 69 69 35 33 2 384 366 18

      TFff ( J[ ~) 106 90 16 162 136 26 387 361 26

      ~:- 1981 iTI"'IIIOI"'l1 -if ~ ~ ~ cr?r fct 1991 -if ~ 'fIR -.,R Wt t ~ -zylf am- ~ (*) GWrr 1flIT t 2 1991 ~ iTI'iIIOI"'l1 -if '9'~ ~ .,.m cit ~ -if m1CfiI 3f.~ ~~ lbi.-qJ. -

      'fIR~ ~$ DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ q)J11 iB a ~ ~ ~)1fjj Industrial Categorv of Main Workers

      ~, tfmt;uT ~/filq;m

      Jffi fhIR ~ /'fm /'fm ~ Transport Storage Other Services MarginalWorkers Non-Workers Name of the and COlllmunicatIon Distri/BlocklUA} City/Town

      (VIII) (IX)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fllfcRf ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

      1080 1067 13 6700 5658 1042 1675 255 1420 62100 25696 36404 TOTAL URBAN:

      174 172 -" I."SO' TN 94 111'; 10 l/S 8555 3549 5006 Ajaigarh (M )

      695 684 II 4077 3435 742 331 79 252 30629 12713 17916 Panna (U.A.)

      678 669 9 3715 3104 611 267 70 197 27703 11433 16270 (i) Panna (M.)

      17 15 2 462 331 131 64 9 55 2926 1280 1646 (ii) Panna 'Gild (O.G.)

      89 89 ~6() 383 77 267 48 219 7369 2974 4395 Devendra Nagar (M.)

      1J 11 198 173 20 600 .J9 551 3372 1502 1870 Kakarhali (M.)

      51 51 442 391 51 lO() 33 67 5889 2355 3534 Amallgani (M)

      60 60 590 532 58 272 36 236 6286 2603 3683 Fawa; (N.A.)

      Towns treated as such for the first time in 1981 Census which continue as town in 1991 census have been shown with an asterisk (*) on its right. 2 Towns treated as such for the first time in 1991 census are printed in italics. 3 The total area figure given for the district is provisional "Geographical Area" as supplied by the surveyor general of india . 4 The urban area figures are those supplied by the local bodies. 5 The mral area of the district has been derived by subtracting the urban area figures supplied by the local bodies from the total area figure of the district. 6 Total area figures of tahsil area according to village papers as supplied by the Commissioner, Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 7 The following abbreviation have been used to denote the civic status of towns. : M.C - Municipal Corporation M Municipality N.A - Notified Area N.M - Non-Municipal Cantt. - Cantonment U.A - Urban Agglomeration O.G - Urban Outgrowth 494

      '!!"f~ (hi 3if{ m3ff~ ~ qrn) ~~)

      Location N

      Males Females Pe",ons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      9 'lilT 7135.110 125892 1283~9 687945 362727 325218 142922 73359 69563 "YIR 6995.77 109816 1117112 598378 314800 283578 126054 6465R 61396 -rU 139.23 16076 166~7 89567 47927 41640 16868 8701 8167

      617.62 19053 19558 116184 62318 53866 23933 12320 11613 60320 16961 17336 103901 55676 48225 21595 11103 10492 1442 2092 2222 12183 6642 5641 2338 1217 1121 ~(.,.'lT.) 14.42 2092 2222 12283 6642 5641 2338 1217 1121

      2 tF'IT ~ >itT 1404.88 30958 31502 169859 90092 79767 34533 17587 16946 1)IR 1350.47 20362 20528 110303 58287 52016 23564 11979 11585 1\T ~441 10596 10974 59556 31805 27751 10969 560& 5361 ( I) '1"'lT (.,<1.) 210 746& 7780 42547 22813 19734 7691 3932 3759 (II) '1"'lT fu€ ('IT.~.) 1.37 6665 6957 38110 20405 17705 6791 343& 3353 .73 803 823 4437 240& 2029 900 494 406 ~ (.,.'IT.) 2546 2013 2068 11100 5831 5269 2123 1044 1079 ~(.,.'lT.). 26.85 1115 1126 5909 3161 2748 1155 632 523

      :Fffi ~ >itT 985.02 26240 26769 141177 73806 67371 29931 15245 146&6 1)IR %7.58 24770 2529X 132925 69401 63524 28314 14399 13915 1U 17.44 1470 1471 8252 4405 3847 1617 &46 771 ~ (.,.'IT.) 17.44 1470 1471 8252 4405 3&47 1617 846 771

      4 >itT 1330.78 25740 26252 136829 72090 64739 29112 15026 14086 1)IR 1277.82 23822 24272 127353 67015 60338 27161< 13996 13172 1U 52.96 1918 Ino 9476 5075 4401 1944 1030 914 52.96 1918 1980 9476 5075. 4401 1944 1030 914

      5 >itT 1646.82 23901 24268 123896 64421 59475 25413 131&1 12232 1)IR 1646.82 23901 24268 123896 64421 59475 25413 13181 12232 1U ftal'u1t :- 1981 \fR1T1JRT -it ~ ~ ';[1f{ ~ f

      "11R ~ ~ffi 495


      ~ ~ tITeR ~~ ftwrr/~ -:nffi; ~

      ~ ~ :rm ~ :rm ~, :rm ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fe,males 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      74396 6597S 52632 49888 133936 49622 1897211 53173 1141163 W6ll PANNA DISTRICf 66447 591147 51132(1 47769 105250 32997 167744 49357 1096.13 211137 7949 6931 2312 2119 28686 16625 21976 3S16 4420 474

      12871 10'164 5256 4744 21053 6148 32685 n04 22184 5794 A,jaigarh Tahsil 11615 9927 4(,84 4206 17511 4273 29602 9264 21473 5714 12~6 ][J]7 '72 538 3542 IX75 30X3 54(J 711 XO 1256 1037 572 538 3542 IX75 30X3 54() 711 8U Alaigarh (\1 )

      16057 14U94 1)631 12604 39464 IX73X 45534 1293(, 20058 4224 Pann" Tall'll 11671 10259 12425 11496 195X7 6863 31094 10388 17615 3934 43X6 3X35 1206 I lOS In77 11X75 14440 2548 2443 290 2434 211i7 ()xo 5~7 15057 ~.ln IOU21 15u(, XI') IIG 1'.H1n" (I, A) 2243 1960 205 183 13952 8861 8902 1238 507 54 (1) Panna Grid (0 t;,) 191 147 475 414 1105 536 1119 328 312 62 Devcl1dra \agar (M.) 1074 992 266 271 3421 IX35 2809 655 X90 143 Kakarhah (:\1.) xn 736 260 240 1399 643 1610 327 734 31

      17772 160lX 62~0 6052 27275 9597 38930 12485 23643 3956 Gunnor Tahsil 16X94 15258 6136 5920 24824 8176 36913 12239 23080 3941 878 760 144 132 2451 1421 2017 246 563 15 878 760 144 132 2451 1421 2017 246 563 15 Amanganj (M.l

      16779 1493X 9371 9043 24721 8536 37805 9947 23369 3488 PawaiTal1'l1 15350 13639 8981 8702 21905 7082 35369 9465 22666 3399 1429 1299 390 341 2816 1454 2436 41<2 703 1<9 1429 1299 390 341 2XI6 1454 2436 41<2 703 1<9 Pawai(N A)

      10917 9964 18094 17445 21423 6603 34766 8001 24809 3139 Shahnagar Tahsil 10917 9964 IX(J94 17445 21423 6603 34766 8001 24X09 3139

      Towns treated as such for the first time in 1981 Census which contll1ue as town in 1991 census have been shown with an astersisk (*) on its right. 2 Towns treated as such for the first tune in 1991 census arc printed in italics. 3 The total area figure given for the district is provisional "Geographical Area" as supplied by the surveyor general of india. 4 The urban area figures are those supplied by the local bodies. 5 The rural area of the district has been derived by subtracting the urban area figures supplied by the local bodies from the total area figure of the district. 6 Total area figures of tahsil area according to village papers as supplied by the Commissioner, Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 7 The following abbreviation have been used to denote the civic status of towns. : M.C - Municipal Corporation M Municipality N.A Notified Area N.M - Non-Municipal Cantt. - Cantonment U.A Urban AgglomeratIOn O.G Urban Outgrowth 4%

      ~ C6T 91~~(fi \TFf~lolo:tl ~

      ~ fu{T;~ "l1)Tf; ~ CWl iB a ~ 3ifuWii 5.}1Jlf C!ils ~/~~ ~/ Jndustrial Category of Main Workers ~ ~m- ~ Location Name of Totall Code DlstnctJra]\sll Rural/ fUA/CitylTown/DG Urban (II} (HI} (nO (Va} (Vb} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      9 '1'"lT ~ .nT 39389 26131 389~ 1076 363fi 781 3968 1500 2792 35U 1}TR 3673(1 24!i33 2968 941 2967 719 3356 1292 1430 166 ... U 2659 1298 926 135 663 62 612 20S 1362 184

      ~~ mT 5n9 3470 555 29 64 46 577 IGk 419 2G 1)1R 531(J 3204 437 19 63 46 517 I5:l ZI4 to ... 0 479 2GG I 18 10 I 60 15 205 IG 479 2G6 m 10 60 15 205 IG ~(-.r."lT.)

      2 1FfT~ mT 90~1 55% 1569 52~ 2431 491 987 472 IlXI 201 1)1R 7(,()Z 4Xn 911 452 IS ][) 44X 641 ,()4 2Xl 49 " (J 1479 mx 65X 76 (,21 4J 34G IGk 99)< 152 9(, X(JO (I) 1FfT (-.r.<'l.) 447 159 56J 59 GI9 43 216 134 2X4 ')~ 52U 22 476 39 209 X9 75(, 114 ( ,,) 1FfT 1lli (orr &I. ) 163 Gf) 43 37 143 4 7 7 44 2{J ~(-.r."lT.) GGI 336 58 2 I 51 40 IGU IG ~(-.r."lT.) 371 203 37 15 79 32 :IX 2

      3 rffi~ mT 9n4 74% 691 159 35 966 :no 453 42 lIIR 9432 7339 635 159 34 831 327 ))(4 42 "'IU 352 157 56 135 3 69 ~(-.r."lT.) 352 157 56 135 3 69

      4 m~ mT 8529 5281 608 243 906 222 878 261 360 53 lIR !(J!(Q 5104 514 194 &66 203 807 239 270 37 "'IU 349 177 94 49 40 19 71 22 90 16 m (3f.er.) 349 177 94 49 40 19 71 22 90 16

      42)(8 471 5 ~~ mT 6206 117 194 22 560 269 279 2)( ') R 6206 4288 471 117 194 22 560 269 279 28



      Industnal Categon of Malll Workers Non-workers ~/~~ 1\1arglllal Name of Workers Disrt ictffahsi llU N CityTowll

      VlIl IX ~~

      Mab Females Males r

      195~ 211 6621 6111 IMU) 25 US09 1878 325~ 411()5~ 169753 231991 PANNA DISTRICT 953 75 31113 3~6 533 12 6151 S36 2999 3S634 1441157 195587 1001 136 36(1S 264 11167 13 5658 ltl~2 255 1420 25696 36404

      260 21 962 101 247 2 1628 147 574 7554 29059 36508 Ajaigarh Tahsil 156 13 46l< 52 75 889 53 564 7459 25510 31502 Ajaigarh (M") 104 X 494 -19 172 2 739 94 10 95 3549 5006 104 X 494 49 172 2 739 94 10 95 3549 5006

      1003 135 2X67 249 l<91 14 5366 1026 7()50 43687 59181 Panna Tahsil :7' :15 "lI;U 1(17 1:\'" 1"~ (,(I=', :,(,~n 1 '(,(If) 721< IO() 231<7 171 7il4 II 3996 X39 176 1022 17189 24lXI 671 99 1767 107 Gl<4 II 3435 742 79 252 12713 17916 Panna (UA) 654 % 1723 lOS (,G9 9 3104 Gil 70 197 11433 16270 (I) Panna Gnd (0 G.) 17 3 -14 2 IS 2 331 !31 ') 55 1280 IG46 Devendra Nagar (M.) 45 471 41 89 383 77 4X 219 2974 4395 Kakarhati (M") 12 149 21 II In 20 -II) 551 1502 liOO

      185 7 1094 123 163 4 1916 36l< GI6 7957 34260 46929 Gunnor TahSil 152 72R 105 112 4 1525 317 510 7890 31905 43395 33 2 36G IX 51 391 51 33 G7 2355 3534 33 2 36G IX 51 391 51 33 67 2355 3534 Amanganj (M")

      23~ 45 993 ~9 174 4 1750 261 585 7785 33700 47007 Pawai Tahsil 102 19 632 63 114 4 1218 203 549 7549 31097 43324 l36 26 361 26 60 532 58 36 236 2603 3683 136 26 361 26 60 532 58 36 236 2603 3683 Pawai (NA)

      268 3 705 4i< 125 1149 76 G08 9708 2 9()4 7 41766 Shalmagar Tahsil 268 3 705 4X 125 1149 76 G08 9708 29047 4176G 1]']'q.rr~it-wt~ ~ "'fll'"\/cnt 1t "4' Locallon Name 01 C () rot.1i \re" of Village No. of )\>() 01 Total POpUI.ltlon (Inclmhng Total I'OPUI.ltWll Code B1ock'Clt\' T""n [(,Il.11 111 lIeel.lrc, and Octupled 110"'''­ Institutional .lI1d Houschs ltl the age group l\umhcr \·tll.lge 1Jrlun of Town/W.lrd [(esllkntlJI hold, PopulatIOn) (O-G)

      III S'I KIllS Ilou,e,

      , Persons Males Females Persom Males Female, 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11

      m. 603.20 16961 17336 103901 55676 48225 21595 11103 10492 lJT. 60320.44 16961 17336 103901 55676 48225 21595 11103 10492 ,,[,

      1. mrnr 149,57 57 57 302 157 145 47 23 24 2 mTtt 419,84 120 120 776 400 376 162 72 90 3, ~ 70109 230 230 1196 661 535 206 117 89 4 fu;rtt cm:ri 308.61 80 80 434 250 184 99 58 41 5 'fi¢ 315.30 70 70 342 165 177 57 25 32 6 ~ !

      14. ~ 543.42 134 134 889 461 428 181 85 96 i5, ~ 1418.59 221 221 1242 639 603 261 123 138

      16. ~ 219.86 274 274 1279 698 581 273 146 127 17. ~~ 607.03 342 342 1972 1046 926 409 216 193 18. ~ 148.06 ~

      19. ~ 183.35 ~ 20. ~ 1763.46 351 351 2136 1151 985 495 261 234 21. ~ 747.66 243 243 1346 727 619 279 129 150 22. fu>:m <¥ 185.20 43 43 306 168 138 78 49 29 23, tr

      27. ~ 728.32 118 118 783 409 374 161 84 77 28. ~~ 817.55 147 147 967 541 426 204 121 83 29. ft'r;mf 260,30 102 102 522 287 235 132 70 62 30. ~ 82.97 21 21 184 102 82 43 21 22 31. ~<¥ 848.40 230 236 1453 804 649 356 198 158 32. ~ 983,53 209 209 1292 699 593 282 145 137

      33. ~ 525.82 143 143 832 441 391 160 81 79 34. ~ 308,20 100 100 570 295 275 126 57 69 35. Wrm 587.80 74 74 489 252 237 117 60 57 36. ~-mr 61.24 2 1 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


      "'l1R Iffl ?fiT ~

      SelH:dllbl Castes Indllstllal categnrv or ~ Name of C.D. 111,11ll workers LocatIon Blnd.,City/Town Code Number VIllage (I-IX) (I) :rm '@ Males Females Males Females Males Fell1ales Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      11615 9927 4684 4206 17511 4273 29602 9264 21473 5714 T Ajaigarh C.D. Block 11615 9927 4684 4206 17511 4273 29602 9264 21473 5714. R U

      5 5 105 101 14 5 98 50 63 33 Mohari 98 89 87 14 234 26 186 15 Bilahi 114 101 10 9 90 11 401 106 263 67 Glimanganj 70 57 46 12 144 4 71 Simra Kalan 37 34 6 3 44 14 107 20 49 5 Kudai 45 3'1 26 6 f\Lljllg;1\I;Jn (Kodai) 202 168 168 159 283 75 446 112 217 53 7 Baryarpur Bhumiyan 155 143 8 13 204 40 398 101 298 61 Sabduwa 170 172 338 309 280 53 698 235 288 4 9 Bhapalpur Kurmiyan 59 52 362 340 55 5 297 97 270 13 10 SaJaiya 3~ 26 140 140 127 24 300 12 228 5 11 lllinna 3 4 101 101 15 3 125 63 12 Dugarallo 257 213 258 207 160 51 788 90 694 17 13 Banhari Kalan 76 62 177 . . ' 177 136 45 288 172 170 124 14 Hanumatpur 156 155 5 184 23 337 59 249 22 15 Mohacha 144 125 212 51 325 14 215 5 16 Padraha 192 151 282 280 207 30 532 344 327 25 17 .Dewra Bhapatpur ---- UnInhabited ------18 Naharpur ---- UnInhabited 19 Barhapllr 127 95 379 361 225 66 675 9 458 5 20 Majgaoll 242 214 38 37 201 44 410 23 285 13 21 KUl1warpur 29 27 17 3 89 35 69 25 22 Simra Khurd 8 12 92 84 58 15 140 27 118 18 23 Dhawari 184 150 33 6 90 6 76 5 24 Banhari Kilurd 99 74 11 62 12 40 4 25 Raipur 20 17 49 48 5 258 2 258 2 26 Patha 128 107 36 28 96 17 222 11 186 27 Bhanpllr 231 187 32 27 98 10 284 6 199 28 Bara Kagreka 143 117 55 14 155 58 125 29 Sinhai 25 18 12 11 27 8 54 26 51 30 Baradandeka (' 160 124 50 47 181 25 405 106 241 72 31 Barkola Khurd 89 79 7 3 207 32 408 252 385 238 32 Udaipur 96 76 5 4 191 86 232 59 205 13 33 Farswaha 139 124 83 21 163 42 106 8 Jl Sanguraiya 5 5 26 6 139 1 136 35 Simarda 1 36 Hanmat Dandi 50!)

      "JJiq lJM PI q:) \TI"1 4Iol"'l1 "ffit

      ~ Thiffi ~I ~ CWf iB ~ "itt 3ifu1fiT"ifi ;l}ilff qi)s rrm: 1"lJl'1 CfiT 'Wf rncillslrial Cllegory of M;]lll Workers ~ Name ofC D. Location Block/City/Townl Code Village (ll) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ nt ~ nt ~ nt ~ ffi ~ ffi

      Maks F~mak, Maks Females ~!ales F~lUaks Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      37 ~ Pc!q;itl(qO:S 1lT 5310 3204 437 19 63 46 517 153 214 10 1]1' 5310 3204 437 19 63 46 517 153 214 10 Of.

      1. W 34 17 2. ~ 24 11 2 12 3. ~ 119 39 2 1 3 4. W'Cf:'ffi 26 4 24 2 9 5. ~ 29 16 14 2 1 6 ~ 7. ~~ 109 41 9 2 18 3 4 8. ~ 70 37 10 2 9. 'lJ11ey~ 330 226 5 27 3 8 10. a 20 82 3 2 11. R 46 6 8 10 12. ~ 121 63 13. 1iRrlt q;i'fi 37 60 4 23 11 3 14. ~ 45 29 39 7 5 12 6 5 15. ~ 69 34 2 4 16. ~ 48 6 5 16 :I 17. ~ 'lI'Fl']< 151 316 3 12 18. ~ ~ 19 . . ~ ~ 20. ~ 152 3 11 4 2 21. ~ 26 55 15 3 22. ftI;m~ 17 10 2 23. uqR'J 17 9 24. 1iRrlt~ 3 8 25. ~ 15 8 4 26. '!ffi5T 27. ~ 29 11 6 28. ~~ 60 8 6 4 29. ~ 16 47 2 30. ~ 2 26 31. ~<¥ 128 31 9 4 32. ~ 15 11 4 3 33. ~ 17 46 7 34. ~ 40 28 13 6 35. ~ 36. ~mt 501


      ~ CWT ~ m"ffi itt ~ S>Mt ~ fci"i'i"ffi ~ Industrial Category or Main WOIkers NOli-workers

      32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      156 13 468 52 75 889 53 564 7459 25510 31502 T Ajlli~"rh C.D. Block

      156 13 468 52 75 889 53 564 7459 25510 31502 R U

      2 39 57 56 Mohari 6 3 166 350 2 Bilaht 5 8 2 149 258 280 3 Gut11anganj 8 4 84 106 96 4 Sirnm Kalan 11 2 58 57 99 5 Klidai 2 23 42 () Ma,hgawan(Kodal) 50 8 17 2 21 2 59 369 519 7 Baryat;pur Bhumiyan 10 6 9 75 322 415 II Sabdllwa 2 20 2 2 16 201 474 573 ') Bhapatpur Kurmiyan 2 2 3 148 225 239 10 Salaiya 6 164 249 307 II Jhinna 2 76 120 12 Dugaraho ·9 18 247 512 747 13 Banhari Kalan 7 4 4 6 62 167 194 14 Hanumat"pur 2 3 2 6 39 296 505 15 Moilacha 10 3 2 26 23 48 350 519 16 Padraha 8 2 29 2 8 16 506 566 17 Dcwra Bhapatpur UnInhabited ------18 Naharpur UnInhabited ------19 Barhapur 11 3 34 181 475 795 20 Majgaol1 3 8 4 11 19 187 298 409 21 Klinwarpur 3 3 n 100 22 Simra Khurd 2 8 104 178 _.,'J' Dhawan 8 73 91 73 24 Banhari Khurd 6 35 71 60 25 Raipur 188 379 26 I'atha 3 2 184 361 27 Bhanpur 6 257 420 21\ Bara Kagreka 10 2 132 177 2') Sinlwi 48 56 30 Barad:i11deka 9 2 12 2 399 541 31 BHrkola Khurd 3 2 291 339 32 Udaipur 3 5 80 208 252 33 Far~waha 2 2 10 130 223 34 Sanguraiya 3 17 136 96 100 35 Simarda 1 36 "Hanmat Dandi 502

      ~~ (hi3m' ~on -q 'WI qn;j) ~W

      Lo,',\[lon Nam" oj C D Total Ar"" of \'tllag" l\o of Nll of Total Population (Includlllg Total PopulatlOll Cod" Block/City, Town RULli' III Jlectares and OCCUpied House· InstttutlOnaI and Hou,cle" in the age group Number \Ttllagc \ lrban of Town/Ward Residential holds Populatton) (0.(,) m Sq. 1\.11Is Hou"s

      Persons Mab Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      37, 613,90, 115 131 805 427 378 159 74 85 38, •1f!O'T 254,44 70 70 381 203 178 66 29 37 39 ~ 215,78 60 60 387 200 187 70 38 32 40 ~ 195.75 72 88 538 298 240 101 50 51 41. W 127.99 54 56 336 180 156 69 39 30 42 ~ 274,96 61 61 392 213 179 109 55 54 43. ~ 34.71 21 21 120 65 55 31 17 14 44, fffiWrr 47.24 27 27 162 87 75 24 13 11 45. m~ 926,76 55 55 361 195 166 68 30 38 'Wl'J' 10264 36 37 260 141 119 67 34 ·33 47, fimr 1513,70 349 368 2228 1263 965 404 207 197 48 ~ 306.94 151 164 1032 534 498 233 112 121 49, ~ 232,17 58 58 400 214 186 79 44 35 50, ~ 309,97 43 43 268 154 114 47 27 20 51. ~ 297,86 132 132 889 471 418 164 72 92 52. 524,99 61 72 494 249 245 103 55 48 53, •~ 300,20 59 63 418 219 199 74 40 34 54, ~ 339,20 222 222 1330 740 590 254 140 114 55, ~ 558,80 530 530 3012 1615 1397 604 304 300 56, ~ 261.82 108 138 848 460 388 170 88 82 57, 3I1WI1i;n 23,35 11 11 49 28 21 6 3 3 58, f


      ~I om< /1JPJ 'fiT "'lPf

      Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tnbes Literates Illdustrial category of ~ Nalllc of CD lllall1 wor"crs Location Block/City/Town Code Number Village (I-IX) (I)

      ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 A.illigarh CD. Block

      123 105 91 11 240 14 231 14 37 Jaitupur 103 88 63 30 100 :) 93 3 38 Sunahara 45 41 62 16 95 3 92 2 39 Laincha 36 35 15 8 72 14 140 15 117 13 40 Khamariya 55 39 80 9 91 13 64 11 41 Pairaha 27 26 28 126 40 91 42 Har~etl1 12 34 14 27 43 B

      ~ f$iilB ~I ~

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ W

      ~laks Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ I4Cfilfl(Ctuil

      37 ~ 3 38. ~ 6 39. "ffilr.IT 2 40. ~ 14 2 3 41.

      ~ CfiTJ'f "i"0 ~ it 3iTiiffiti l>}il1t ~CW1 CfiTJf ~ iB ~ ~ f$fiffi ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers ~qffi Non-workers ern ~ 1'Wl CfiT -;:w:r Marginal ~ Name ofC.D. Workers Location Block/City/Town! Code Village Number VI VI] VIll ---lX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ Mal", F~ll1ak' M,i1~s F~1l1.lk, Maks F~lnal~, Males F~nlales Males F~maks Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      Ajai~arh c.n. Block 4 187 364 37 Juitupur 7Y )U3 96 38 Sunahara 3 67 102 117 38 Laincha 6 2 )17 156 138 40 Khamariya • 4 3 6.] 89 79 41 Pnirahn 71 87 68 42 Hnrseni 25 31 16 43 Bahadurpur 15 10 41 54 44 Silona 26 68 59 48 45 Khora Majhpatia 62 53 46 Rampur 7 15 22 30 49 563 827 47 Pista I 3 g 36 234 191 48 Deogaon 12 28 115 87 70 49 Bimtaha 4 34 77 45 50 Gadarpur 6 10 250 219 157 51 Baryarpur 5 3 2 66 118 169 52 Salaiya 6 5 2 5 61 98 94 53 Kishunpur 5 11 3 21 341 473 54 Taroni 8 55 10 10 36 6 2 30 800 1046 55 Singhpur 4 2 41 213 137 56 Partappur 3 13 15 57 Aramganj 5 3 2 8 222 258 58 Vishramganj 4 5 2 14 5 175 270 59 Bhujwai , U) 128 60 Ram pur (Hardi) 3 103 96 61 Kalyanpur (, :; 6 9 7'i 423 432 62 Bhairaha 2 29 145 175 63 Bhasuda 17 16 64 Chunaha 1 79 76 65 Hirapur 3 4 184 176 66 Chataini 3 40 78 67 Baveru 4 13 3 16 2 121 368 349 68 Bardi I 14 116 141 69 Makhanpur 4 154 159 70 Nawastu 9 51 415 370 71 Sidhpur 10 2 72 Biladi 8 16 3 38 3 61 426 'i08 1026 73 Nayagaon 2 6 61 55 27 74 Champatpur 7 71 103 98 75 Nandanpur S()(,


      Persons Males Females P"rsons Males F"males 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      76. ~ 787.47 176 176 1242 667 575 239 133 106 77. .rrmm 333.92 236 237 1527 820 707 330 178 152 78. ~ 358.11 79 85 586 309 277 132 65 67 79. ~ 552.70 205 205 1227 662 565 208 108 100 80. ~ 25.75 59 59 353 199 154 77 48 29 81. ~ m

      105 ~ 204.94 50 50 355 174 181 81 33 48 106 • 482.60 107 107 665 343 322 107 39 68 107 cf.



      Sch~dllkd Tllbcs Lltcraks indllstllal category of ~ Name of C.D rna 111 workers Location Block/CIty/Town Code Number Village (I-IX) (I)

      ~ t-.lales FCl\l~l\CS Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      Ajaigarh C.D. Blocl,

      252 198 218 93 339 241 310 188 76 Shahpura 124 118 329 52 383 195 275 171 77 Bahirwara 14 13 2 2 109 7 1:18 133 78 Imlahat 82 82 231 25 398 17 336 79 Laulas 88 71 27 3 119 88 76 62 gO Bharatpur 220 198 138 13 364 163 271 77 gl BlilHrsakhanya 463 391 12 12 572 154 823 121 468 38 g2 Beera 101 20 159 123 88 66 X3 Biharpllrwa. 11 9 43 4 77 53 71 51 ),;4 Kadraha 22 21 86 13 205 202 200 199 X5 I3hma' 80 59 1:1:1 39 151 128 116 107 xc, Lodhapurwa 175 149 291 74 290 239 182 150 X7 Jlglll 136 118 4 8 348 57 435 309 327 256 XX Chandaura 89 65 9 3 216 43 285 123 209 69 89 Kharolll 186 131 6 6 402 259 452 97 321 32 9U Barauh 151 114 218 62 226 142 114 36 91 Ramnai 54 50 225 20 263 209 235 193 92 Bhakhuri 146 117 2 3 212 28 27(; 9 196 1 93 Makari 10 11 29 75 5 54 94 Kajipur 2 3 53 21 52 9 30 95 Kathgaon UnInhabited 96 Rajpur 108 88 128 35 162 127 97 Manipur 6 2 15 3 10 9 'IX Keshawpur 40 31 5 81 15 289 2 276 2 99 Katana 25 19 2 26 2 123 87 117 87 100 Maukach 63 56 30 5 158 129 158 129 lUI Dewalpur 364 336 19 22 493 154 519 81 356 66 102 Nardaha 32 22 38 26 50 14 94 3 77 103 Tulapur 74 53 184 36 361 13 337 13 lO4 Amarchi 36 37 38 10 99 3 76 2 lOS Chandrawal 59 59 11 113 28 243 33 243 33 106 Bhadaiyan 55 132 114 107 Kcwatpur 93 76 2 2 64 4 164 3 116 3 108 Harnampur 179 143 16 13 926 133 1115 283 964 262 109 Khora 13 9 40 3 110 106 110 kholiya 20 44 44 III Sukwaha 142 125 11 294 33 499 48 325 39 112 Rajapur 18 16 2 130 20 157 148 113 Madarka 53 8 57 65 54 63 114 Kalyanpur (Khora) 511R -m

      ~ :m;m: ~/ ~

      ~ t=:lT ~ 'Rr ~ t=:lT ~ t=:lT ~ t=:lT Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females M.. Ie, Female, 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ~ f4ifiI8{i"l oa

      76 ~ 11 52 4 77. ~ 54 23 3 6 11 78. ~ 4 79 ~ 44 16 3 3 4 80. ~ 35 25 81. W~ 81 86 3 2 82. oIro 307 81 5 4 83 ~ 65 57 2 84 ~ 2 2 85. 'IlRr 4 3 86. ~ 26 21 5 87. ~ 84 87 2 88 ~ 52 52 8 5 89. ~ 66 54 90. .mRT 87 61 5 3 91. wi# 93 104 2 92. ~ 2 6 15 9 93. ~ 55 4 5 94. ~ 21 5 95. q;Ql!J'q 21 4 96. ~ ~ 97. ~ 19 5 98 ~ 99 '1f.Cit 10 100 ~ 101 ~ 102. ~ 98 9 2 15 3 4 103. ~ 15 2 104 ~ 14

      105. ~ 20 106. ~ 107 ~ 18 2 108 ~ 44 2 109. m 46 20 2 4 15 110. ~ 111. ~ 112. ~ 106 6 6 12 12 :2 113 ~ 7 114. ~(m) 2 )() ')


      :Fl CW1 q;f.\ C!Rl ~ iifu'tfuii I')lf1T CfiTll ., ~"ci8 ~WWi fifuiiii ~ Illdw;[ 11:11 C;l[l'~l)r\ 01 r-lalll \Vorkcr~ NOIl-\\orkers

      1\ brgmil ~ Namc of CD Workers Location Block/CiI\/TO\\ III \ 'illa!!c Number

      VI \'11 VIII :rw -;jr:rw ~

      32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 A.iaigarh CD. Block

      ') 7(, SIJaIJplll:1 4-'7 511 77 Bahlr\\'al,1 .' 171 274 7R lllliahat 22') 7') I.a lilas SII XI) Ilh

      "tJiq~ \TI'1 JluHI ~

      ~ ~I "ii\Ti 1']'jq q;J etii'i"i'i' 3-fTiIj"(!' ;m:m ~ ~ ($.Ii 3ft{ ~~ m 'llTI 1lJ1lf q;J ~ (~-il) 3IJCII"ffiq cf.\

      ~ ~ Blt ~ ~ ~ Persolls Males Females Pa,oll' Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      ~ l'4ifll6«tug

      115 ~ 258.47 87 87 544 271 273 140 65 75 116 ~ 599.01 262 274 1593 832 761 349 187 162 117 ~~ 218.53 74 74 467 237 230 103 50 53 118 ~ 235.78 87 90 550 286 264 103 64 39 119 "1 Gim


      ~ ~ meR '¥l~~mqrffi ~ ~I ~ ~ q';j ~?)1J'it

      Scheduled Castes Scht:dukd Tnhcs Literates Industnal category or ~ Name or C n milin "orkers Locatloll Block/Clty/Towll Code Numbcr Village (I-IX) (1)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Ajaigllrh C.D. Block

      41 30 134 30 124 134 95 127 115 Nizampur 243 210 295 45 402 59 305 33 116 Kiratpur 35 25 8 103 19 132 112 117 Ma_jhj!:awlin Kalinjar 104 102 138 55 141 6 97 2 118 Naravanrur UnInhabited 119 Jahangirabad Uninhabited 120 Ramnagar 356 321 2 946 225 1184 199 622 115 121 Dharampur 38 26 9 9 58 8 80 74 2 122 Kudra 512

      "1Jiq 91"1Pti'fl 1i'I'1 4Iul'1l ~

      ~ mm=~/ ~CfiF1if.f~~ ~ Sl}1l'if q;)s ';f1R /~ CfiT

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ~ f4if1l6{qUiS

      115 ~ 15 6 3 116. ~ 61 20 10 3 3 117. ~~ 8 6 1 118. ~ 31 3 4 119. ~ ~ 120. "WR1l< ~ 121. ~ 158 56 54 2 25 8 15 3 122. ~ 3 2 513 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      ~ CliFf ~ ~ #it 3ifuWni ;l}iJ1f ~ CfiT1f CfiT1f Of iB "il8 ~ f


      2 9 146 138 lIS Nizampur 7 15 2 59 411 371 291 116 Kiratpur 5 14 157 91 72 117 Majhgawan Kalinjar 4 4 5 92 140 166 118 Narayanpur UnInhabited 119 Jahangirabad UnInhabited 120 Ramnagar 2 37 8 4 67 20 240 1087 1531 121 Dharampur 1 45 79 79 122 Kudra 514

      'l1"'l" q;r I!h'i"R ~ <[R ~ (iiR 3i\i (OO~) ~ tWn;m ~ m- qffi) 3ffi" "'flR;

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 .n. 1350.47 21165 21351 114740 60695 54045 24464 12473 11991 "W. 135046.50 20362 20528 110303 58287 52016 23564 11979 11585 ";f. .73 803 823 4437 2408 2029 900 494 406

      ~ 3380.02 176 176 934 502 432 166 80 86 2 ~ 1012.22 36 36 215 115 100 26 9 17

      3 ~ 392.01 25 25 119 62 57 35 18 17 4 1J1T3'i 2457.52 13 13 51 29 22 13 6 7 5 ~~ 2805.61 27 27 94 48 46 19 8 11 6 ~~ 1179.51 ~ 7 ~~ 3282.43 28 28 164 92 72 30 16 14

      8 ~ 275.19 ~ 9 ~ 634.36 ~ 10 ~~ 1533.50 60 63 293 153 140 51 29 22 11 CfMt 949.51 64 64 375 194 181 114 54 60 12 ~ 315.26 clRrJ 13. 700.10 28 28 161 88 73 33 20 13 14 • 267.54 30 30 192 110 82 30 21 9

      15 ~ 164.14 54 54 307 172 135 69 38 31 16 -.mr 145.79 24 24 189 101 88 36 22 14 17 ~ 333.29

      27 ~ 44.00 33 33 170 83 87 40 16 24 28 mtJt 17.98



      "'1l'1l: /l)1'l1

      ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 2 11862 10406 12900 11910 20692 739932213 10716 17927 3996 T 2 Panna C.D. Block 11671 10259 12425 11496 19567 686331094 10388 17615 3934 R 191 147 475 414 1105 536 1119 328 312 62 U

      97 72 242 223 144 49 302 78 110 21 Lalar 2 69 59 12 73 23 2 Pipartola 59 54 6 38 18 35 3 Surajpura 11 19 4 15 4 Gagau 26 27 19 15 34 13 15 5 Badgadi Kalan UnInhabited 6 Bhada'r Kushwani 2 9 11 42 10 58 4 51 4 7 lhalar Khamariya UnInhabited 8 Sakra UnInhabited 9 Imaliya 3 3 148 135 6 84 7 80 6 10 Kathari Bilhata 194 181 109 33 107 25 11 Koni UnInhabited 12 Dondi 88 73 50 31 49 30 13 Majholi 38 21 20 20 38 11 55 13 14 1 14 Bagonha 7 6 89 78 38 6 90 31 36 15 Harsa 2 73 59 22 56 12 29 16 Nahri UnInhabited 17 Basariya UnInhabited 18 Mihguwan 10 19 8 19 Bakchur 11 5 139 121 39 13 169 77 44 7 20 Manor 46 38 89 86 45 18 91 65 36 7 21 Darera UnInhabited 22 Bandlli Khurd 78 77 12 5 51 19 22 10 23 Madaiya 227 210 212 229 351 130 525 74 59 14 24 Madia UnInhabited 25 Babupur Kalan 37 24 286 249 258 67 328 105 90 19 26 Hinota 83 87 6 54 42 12 2 27 Umrdwan UnInhabited 28 Chhapar 23 15 238 195 57 10 206 27 85 29 Kudar 30 Karri 516

      m mPlCfi \i1"'Fll ul"'ll tlR

      ~ fu"ii"fi \Cf11S / ~ CfiFf ~ ill"ffi 'itt 3l'fuWl"i ;}1l\t ern 'flrr /Wl Cfil -;w:r Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name of C.D. Location Block/City/Town/ Code Yillage (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      ~Iales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      2 "1F'lT ~

      mrR 182 57 2 2 ~ 48 2 3 ~ 18 2 4 l]"lf;3'i" 3 2 5 ~~ 10 13 3 2 6 ~~ ~ 7 ~~ 5 8 "flCfi\T ~ 9 ~ ~ 10 ~f.ffirn 3 11 ~ 2 8 12 ~ ~ 13 ~ 14 onOO 36 12 4 15 -mIT 48 31 2 3 16 ~ 22 12 3 17 ~ ~ 18 ~ ~ 19 ~ 3 20 ~ 11 5 45 57 43 4 3 21 mr 2 49 56 2 2 22 -.rrur~ ~ 23 +$IT 27 9 24 ~ 235 30 55 17 8 23 25 ~~ ~ 26 ft;ffirr 62 54 30 9 49 6 5 2

      27 ~ 42 40 28 -mG\ ~ 29 C§R 118 25 30 CfitY 517



      Marginal ~ Name of C.D. Workers Location Block/City/Town! Code Village Number VI VII VIII IX ~ "cit ~ "cit ~ "cit ~ "cit ~ "cit ~ "cit Males Female, Males Female, Males Females I\lalcs Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      292 38 524 80 122 5 1701 318 704 6083 27778 37246 T 2 Panna C.D. Block 275 35 480 78 107 3 1370 187 695 6028 26498 35600 R 17 3 44 2 15 2 331 131 9 55 1280 1646 U

      2 6 200 353 Lalar 42 100 2 Pipartola 24 39 3 Surajpura 10 18 4 Gagau 4 14 33 5 Badgadi Kalan UnInhabited 6 Bhadar Kushwani 2 5 21 29 47 7 Jhalar Khamariya UnInhabited 8 Sakra UnInhabited 9 Imaliya 8 58 61 75 10 Kathari Bilhata 85 148 11 Koni UnInhabited 12 Dondi 38 42 13 Majholi 2 55 67 14 Bagonha 82 104 15 Harsa 45 76 16 Nahri UnInhabited 17 Basariya UnInhabited 18 Mihguwan 5 18 29 19 Bakchur 9 4 10 2 97 147 20 Manor 1 2 88 104 21 Darera UnInhabited 22 Bandhi Khurd 2 3 31 59 23 Madaiya 13 3 54 10 6 61 8 3 412 730 24 Madia UnInhabited 25 Babupur Kalan 25 15 18 47 22 34 303 338 26 Hinota 29 45 27 Umrawan UnInhabited 28 Chhapar 2 11 181 260 29 Kudar 30 Karri 51S


      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


      41 1ttf~ 66.10 12 12 54 27 27 14 6 8

      42 ~ 208.95 18 18 III 65 46 33 21 12 43 ~ 288.75 32 32 175 95 80 44 23 21 44 ~ 413.32 44 44 241 135 106 70 42 28 45 ~ 269.10 16 16 76 42 34 12 9 3 46 <1u 1467.91 c1'twf 47 1lRT 43.38 15 15 88 50 38 24 13 11 48 ~ 27.61 c1'twf 49 ~ 412.99 57 57 309 158 151 77 38 39 50 -.:rmr 7.06 c1'twf 51 ~ 460.49 ~

      52 ~ 195.51 29 29 173 91 82 51 25 26

      53 ~ 323.08 78 78 338 172 166 66 30 36 54 ~ 31.66 c1'twf 55 fu-G:

      56 3{Cf;'ffi 191.60 8 8 43 25 18 n 5 6 57 ~~ 217.06 104 108 548 285 263 135 66 69 58 ~ 86.31 18 18 104 58 46 27 14 13 59 ~ 1314.39

      63 ~ 559.71


      "IlR /7JTl'1 'fiT "lIlT Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tnbes Literates Industrial category of Name ofC.D. 1l1<111l workers LOC

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Panna c.n. Block

      16 16 14 15 6 32 13 31 7 31 Kotwalipur 4 11 21 10 8 3 32 Kudari 86 55 90 87 107 15 229 42 88 14 33 Dahlan Chauki 6 3 82 83 36 10 98 26 88 18 34 Ranipur 9 4 86 76 18 2 122 10 108 8 35 Khajuri 1 36 Kudraiya 22 12 13 40 22 14 9 37 Manjha 5 6 7 25 13 7 6 38 Sarkoha 22 20 14 1 6 39 'Simra 60 49 66 17 116 32 86 16 40 Patha 3 17 1 17 1 41 PaIthara 65 46 44 32 33 5 42 Gudaha 47 40 27 3 49 8 40 3 43 Gujar 18 14 31 29 47 9 75 26 64 10 44 Rahuniya 5 32 - 2 32 2 45 BangIa UnInhabited 46 Maira 29 23 2 7 35 23 8 47 Pali UnInhabited 48 Bijwara 7 3 120 130 2 109 38 12 49 Khirwa UnInhabited 50 Pahamwa UnInhabited 51 Raipani 90 82 2 58 30 15 52 Bhamka 157 154 24 4 103 39 70 53 Dharaunpur UnInhabited 54 Karondi 312 243 16 15 114 40 256 137 164 105 55 Sirswaha 6 4 11 8 5 15 12 56 Akla 21 25 135 46 134 26 92 6 57 Badgadi Khurd 12 8 14 2 34 34 S8 Simariya UnInhabited 59 Karoia UnInhabited 60 Chopra 3 48 7 48 7 61 Panari 27 3 43 32 62 Imloniya UnInhabited 63 Damchuwa UnInhabited 64 Pathariya 520

      liJq 91~~Cfi \ilo:j~lulo:jl ~

      ~ "Fcl"iiffi ~ / ~ CfiFf ~ "i.iiiiT ~ 3lfu1"fuii lI.WIT q:;fs -;:nR /1)111 CfiT '1fl1 Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name ofC.D. Location Block/City/Town/ Code Village (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1FtT ~ Cfi 1t1(c{g 31 chl d q IJI~j;< 6 32 ~ 7 33 ~fi 55 9 11 34 10 15 9 2 34 ~ 5 6 35 ~ 4 8 36 ~ 37 22 11 2 2 38 •~ 3 4 4 7 2 39 ftpm 8 40 1TIOT 30 16

      41 ~ 42 ~ 11 27 - 43 "¥'R 9 5 44 ~ 8 13 3 3 45 ~ 46 "4u

      50 ~

      52 ~ 43 30 53 ~ 33 39 ·54 ~

      56 ~ 3 57 ~~ 32 18 58 ~ 59 ~


      ~ CWl ~ ~ ~ ~ lI}1iIf ~ Cfi111 CfiTJf ~ i"i-¥ "iirif ~ %iffi \Cm Industrial Category of Main Workers cnf.t qffi Non-workers em- -.:rm-/'JllJ q;y -;w:r Marginal ~ Name of C.D. Workers Location Block/City/Town) Code Village Number VI vn VIII IX ~ Bt ~ ~ ~ Bt ~ ~ ~ t'ft ~ ~ Mal" Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Panna C.D. Block

      9 21 26 31 Kotwalipur 4 3 32 Kudari 4 4 6 8 4 31 212 305 33 Dah1an Chauki 2 52 71 67 34 Ranipur 95 85 69 35 Khajuri 2 36 Kudraiya 41 42 37 MaI~ha 2 13 17 38 Sarkoha 10 20 39 Simra 36 70 87 40 Patha 10 9 16 41 Palthara 21 13 42 Gudaha 23 46 49 43 Gujar 8 60 72 44 Rahuniya 5 10 27 45 BangIa UnInhabited 46 Maira 15 15 47 Pali Un Inhabited 48 Bijwara 49 113 49 Khirwa Uninhabited 50 Paharuwa Uninhabited 51 Raipani 33 52 52 Bhamka 7 69 127 53 Dhammpur UnInhabited 54 Karondi 2 5 2 3 199 232 55 Sirswaha 4 10 14 56 Akla 4 3 2 29 151 208 57 Badgadi Khurd 28 24 17 58 Simariya UnInhabited 59 Karola59 UnInhabited 60 Chopra 30 25 25 61 Panari 61 17 34 13 15 62 lmloniya UnInhabited 63 Damchuwa UnInhabited 64 Pathariya 522

      lWI'IiT ~ '!j

      111 S'l "-'11S. Houses

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      65 ~ 169.61 10 10 63 36 27 14 5 9 66 ~ 753.52


      ~/ "'fIR /<;IJ+! q;r ;w;

      Scheduled C,\stes Scheduled Tribes Literates lnd lIstrial category of ~ Name of CD. mall1 workers Location Block/City/Town Code Number Village (I-IX) (1)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Panna CD. Block

      36 27 5 24 7 24 7 6S Sillghpur UnInhabited 66 Sa1aiya 40 43 5 34 4 15 67 KUl1warpur 27 18 243 219 94 58 205 89 87 68 Ramkhiriya 51 45 44 32 80 6 172 55 69 Gahra UnInhabited 70 Shaukarpur 6 9 9 71 Udaipur 43 35 5 23 3 10 72 JarU\\"Cl Kheda 115 101 171 159 249 52 401 114 232 60 73 Sildhara 2 3 14 17 68 2 115 33 98 26 74 Shahpura 20 14 30 27 12 43 12 37 11 75 Jhanda 24 15 3 3 42 87 48 84 48 76 Kothitola UnInhabited 77 Naigllwan 83 66 39 8 84 48 78 Naiguwan (Chaubiyan) 88 86 116 108 147 60 238 151 138 70 79 Diya 23 21 17 20 23 62 60 1 80 Hardwahl (Bhawanipur) 11 10 45 38 79 22 147 137 108 38 81 Jamunha 70 58 113 92 138 23 260 138 185 89 82 Umari 35 36 79 65 52 27 111 74 60 19 83 Bhawanipur 6 6 197 180 19 7 121 40 91 28 84 Kudakplir 19 20 219 224 65 8 195 93 31 4 85 Kuharhai 120 100 22 17 429 194 461 47 262 10 86 Pahadi Khera 9 11 66 31 77 53 50 45 87 Itaura 235 191 77 3 131 110 111 96 88 Hirapur 78 65 217 219 92 29 278 136 181 26 89 Bhasuda 197 152 104 95 698 374 565 53 230 11 90 Brijpur 9 7 90 91 56 26 122 59 35 8 91 Hatupur 18 29 4 2 20 3 6 92 Pukhra 32 24 9 9 218 116 209 14 148 93 Damchuwa 38 9 140 109 238 42 113 53 35 94 Dhanoja 24 27 80 74 110 31 172 17 138 8 95 Dharampur (Dhanoja) 27 24 224 195 55 16 216 82 157 9 96 Gajna 13 12 29 5 73 6 70 6 97 Badera 20 17 2 34 19 28 5 98 Sukwaha Kalan 98 93 31 3 105 62 64 36 99 Shahpur 524

      -mcr 91?:j~Cfl '1"1"1 01 10 (011 'ffit

      ~ ~\CfOS1 ~ q;jl{ "iif.t ~ ~ 3ifu1fiii ~ ~ "'f1R 1lJFl" 'fiT 'WI" Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name ofC.D. Location Block/City/Town) Code Village (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bit ~ Bit ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lF1T [4 cti 1t1(cfg 65 ~ 66 ~ 5 63 ~ 43 55 2 64 ~ 28 30 85 ~ 13 15 2 123 56 7 11 4 66 ~ 36 15 8 5 29 12 13 67 ~ 4 7 5 2 66 ~ 18 14 69 \It@T 75 109 11 90 ~ 79 29 a 31 48 25 91 ~ 12 11 10 60 36 92 ~ 8 3 2 93 ~ 25 7 2 12 3 4 94 ~ 62 46 95 ~(~) 24 6 4 3 96 ~ 59 73 97 -.$I 3 98 ~~ 6 14 99 ~ 20 16 3 14 10 525



      1JT'f'1.l)[ ~ 31JOl'R

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      100 ~~~ 405.57 86 86 478 251 227 126 65 61 101 ~ 128.23

      J06 ~ '@B' 3653.71 257 257 1528 818 710 291 144 147 107 ~ 788.10

      114 ~ <:tI1.41 01T' 238.10 75 75 429 231 198 88 42 46 115 ~~ 381.36 120 121 663 349 314 122 60 62 116 ~ 143.03 21 21 136 65 71 25 12 13 117 ~ 1650.27 304 305 1673 863 810 394 197 187 118 ~~ 132.97 35 35 246 121 125 53 32 21

      119 ~ 832.29 289 292 1498 805 693 331 190 141 120 W(~) 474.15 66 66 370 195 175 77 36 41 121 <:tI 1.41'1 j< 48.68 67 67 382 194 188 101 44 57 122 :!*,~R14'j 741.93 125 129 607 329 278 127 67 60 123 'WOO 992.43 161 161 818 428 390 185 88 97 124 ~ 934.28 106 J06 624 327 297 171 94 77 125 1AT fi'lt 8094.43

      126 ~ 2789.39 120 120 580 307 273 174 101 73 127 iIiR' 568.88 130 134 620 330 290 121 57 64

      128 ~ 454.99

      S~hcJukJ Castcs S~hedulcd Tnbes Literates Tndustnal catcgory of ~ Namc of C.D. main workers LncatlOl1 Block/CIty/Town Code Number Vill"ge (I-IX) (I)

      ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Panna C.D. Block 67 67 39 11 135 8 53 2 100 8abupur Alias Rajapur Un Inhabited 10 I Khamariya 14 12 151 77 161 18 126 13 102 lamunhai 6 4 17 2 70 54 103 Saranb'Pur 12 12 168 172 314 123 461 155 317 79 1()4 Ahirb'll\\'an Un Inhabited 105 Um3ljhala 56 49 223 211 274 96 452 191 212 40 106 Itwa Khas Un Inhabited 107 Kharguwan 105 90 84 '!>7 m 32 66 B lll~ Malhli 16 9 8 10 246 106 199 23 61 3 109 Rakseha 64 53 108 98 89 35 345 168 250 115 liD Bilkhura 50 48 86 21 144 60 104 26 III Bilha (Bilkhura) 26 24 140 124 188 88 210 118 100 41 112 Harduwa (Bilha) 70 26 105 28 50 9 113 Udki 57 52 44 36 90 24 128 40 60 9 114 Krishna Kalyanpur 100 81 61 71 186 114 192 128 90 69 115 Laxmipur 23 19 33 16 42 35 28 24 116 Amllai 205 183 280 280 180 71 492 199 322 144 117 Til!,'Uwan 22 25 37 20 60 44 118 Vikrampur Kalan 182 149 192 165 295 114 432 117 77 4 119 Janakpur 30 26 37 35 55 16 108 28 41 5 120 Pati (Bajariya) 146 143 18 2 108 62 31 3 121 Kalayanpur 13 10 55 41 133 53 163 42 45 10 122 Purushottampur 51 42 179 161 130 52 244 3 112 123 Sunara 76 66 134 67 163 31 111 6 124 Jaruwapur Un Inhabited 125 Panna Gird 214 197 24 6 160 105 25 5 126 Janwar 4 2 239 217 63 14 211 131 44 42 127 Bador Un Inhabited 128 Umarjhala 42 43 11 5 40 11 9 2 129 Katriya 227 226 4 133 30 105 19 130 Manki 19 21 10 6 47 24 13 1 Amjhiriya . 17 19 194 182 213 80 240 54 163 22 132 lardhoba (Indragarh) lS 10 12 2 13 7 133 Kaimasan 52H

      l1iq 9l"1~qj \Jl"l~lul"l1 ~

      ~ fcIiffi (cfITS / lj(clT CfiTl1 ~ ~ "itT ~ IliOit ~ "'f1R /1_Wr

      ~ ~ ~ 'ffi ~ 'ffi ~ 'ffi ~ 'ffi Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1:f"1T [4 cti Itf(c.(~

      100 ~~~ 9 2 42 3 2 101 ~ ~ 102 ~ 20 5 2 103 ~ 6 2 104 ~ 101 74 105 ~

      106 'R'rr~ 190 101 10 2 2 3 107 ~

      126 ~ 9 9 Bl 91 127 oriR 13 9 24 5 117 75 4

      128 ~



      I\\arginal ~ Name of CD. Workers Location Block/CitylTown! Code Village Number VI VII VIII ---IX ~ ~ ~ B't ~ B't ~ 'cit ~ 'cit ~ ~ Mab F~maks Males F~lllak, Males Females Males Females IIlaks Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Panna c.n. Block

      24 4 3 86 113 133 100 Babupur Alias Rajapur Un Inhabited 101 Khamariya 5 2 3 17 '153 138 123 102 Iamunhai 6 30 44 57 ]03 Sarangpur 8 4 2 26 2 13 243 376 397 104 Ahir!,'llwan Un Inhabited 105 Umarjhala 5 29 48 - 366 519 ]00 Itwa khas Un Inhabited 107 Kharguwan 45 89 102 108 MathIi 25 5 6 59 14 5 195 331 109 Rakseha 10 2 8 4 12 50 230 321 110 Bilk.hura 4 27 109 156 III Bilha (Bilkhura) 2 4 31 18 34 190 221 112 Harduwa (Billla) 3 82 137 113 Udki 2 5 7 103 158 114 Krishna kalyanpur 3 3 3 19 3 157 185 115 Laxmipur 23 36 116 Amhai 14 3 9 371 611 117 Tilguwan 61 124 118 Vikrampur kalan 8 12 3 4 22 2 4 89 369 487 Il9 Janakpur 5 2 5 85 142 120 Pati (Bajariya) 1 86 126 121 Kalayanpur 7 2 11 2 7 39 4 3 5 163 231 122 Purusllottampur 4 27 42 184 345 123 Sunara 4 1 16.1 265 124 Iaruwapur Un Inhabited 125 Panna Gird 27 7 9 147 167 126 lanwar 4 4 118 158 127 Bador Un Inhabited 128 Umarjhala 4 19 27 36 129 Katriya 108 208 130 Manki 5 2 1 38 55 131 Amjhiriya 5 9 11 97 199 260 132 lardhoba (Indragarh) 3 11 11 133 Kaimasan 530

      mer CfiT efii1"iiii ~~ (hi 3ifi (00 it) mo.rr~ it al1 of Town/Ward Residential holds Population) (0-6)

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      134 CfiroT 467.40 135 ("ii~3q

      136 ~ 81.98 137 W~ 359.22 138 ~ 1438.21 24 25 99 50 49 13 6 7 139 _ 1903.46 22 22 108 62 46 38 24 14 140 ~ 2999.66 80 83 380 203 177 85 38 47 141 'ilWTCIf lFIT 296.75 517 517 2745 1442 1303 416 200 216 142 'lfWfCn ~ 25.42

      144 ~ 454.83 97 97 497 275 222 109 59 50

      145 ~ 98.33 61 61 252 134 118 66 36 30 146 imI'v 446.48

      147 ~ 39.32

      148 'ijRf 508.46 167 167 845 441 404 191 94 97

      149 ~ 1565.99 647 652 3604 1892 1712 753 377 376 150 'OfFUT ~ 783.09 217 217 1120 574 546 201 102 99

      151 ~ 599.27 243 243 1213 624 589 278 144 134 152 ~~ 6014.72 719 727 3890 2035 1855 820 408 412 153 ~ 381.38 94 94 601 332 269 142 83 59 154 ~ 281.35 91 91 457 261 196 80 41 39 155 ~ iRre" 209.84 38 38 282 152 130 48 22 26 156 lftu (~) 778.22 220 220 1171 610 561 256 130 126 157 iRre" 1505.60 544 544 2676 1388 1288 572 262 310

      158 ~ 482.98 34 34 167 84 83 37 17 20

      159 ~ 562.81 160 160 825 416 409 148 74 74

      160 ~ 296.68 91 100 551 281 270 136 61 77 161 ~ 416.92 196 198 1104 572 532 228 97 131 162 ~ 487.84 239 239 1298 693 605 269 144 125 163 ~ 313.80 56 56 302 156 146 72 36 36 164 ~ 101.54 50 50 280 141 139 60 30 30 165 ~ 1938.03 77 77 437 226 211 120 54 66

      166 ~ 304.14 102 102 670 357 313 180 94 86 167 'WlAT 534.50 76 76 -520 276 244 109 53 56 531 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT



      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Panna C.D. Block

      Un Inhabited 134 Kachha Un Inhabited 135 Khonchiupka Un Inhabited 136 Amder Un Inhabited 137 Kota Mahli 13 19 6 9 14 3 33 7 3 138 Akola 6 2 27 20 2 139 Ihalai 6 2 81 66 61 4 108 90 140 Talgaon 360 308 45 35 955 608 529 74 4 141 Majh,gawan Panna Un Inhabited 142 M ajg:wen charkhari Un Inhabited 143 Badagaon 3 198 167 42 10 113 5 74 144 Gahdara 128 ll3 1 73 59 66 29 145 Kudan Un Inhabited 146 Ihirata Un Inhabited 147 Kandawaha 100 95 34 31 131 67 230 52 174 29 148 Tara 437 398 199 184 621 218 1003 402 560 170 149 Iharkuwa 97 81 168 164 113 32 356 255 204 40 150 Bandhi Kalan 300 282 25 21 178 61 334 126 230 77 151 Barbaspura 351 347 430 362 752 235 1118 640 635 351 152 It wan Kalan 23 16 43 15 151 III 153 Kohni 89 64 94 27 135 47 124 37 154 Pipri 10 9 51 41 67 35 89 52 42 18 155 Ludhgawanbamchh 88 81 124 99 243 83 303 64 186 10 156 Gaura (Barbaspur) 300 296 126 117 528 176 750 101 470 22 157 Bamchh 22 18' 56 61 2 50 43 6 4 158 Dhangarh 137 127 4 4 159 21 250 7 168 159 Ranwaha 98 84 52 47 92 9 148 12 104 160 Kulhuwa 84 66 87 98 161 42 278 37 167 7 161 Bakhtari 238 203 19 18 203 29 378 96 255 45 162 Deori 43 34 20 18 18 4 88 11 64 4 163 Bhagepur 42 33 28 2 80 14 53 4 164 Ghatari 4 4 98 83 59 14 108 73 93 61 165 Mohanpura 19 16 87 69 73 17 200 73 196 57 166 Murachh ll8 113 106 31 131 65 70 35 167 Samana 532


      ~ mrn \.}1fif ~ -;;m: /lJI11

      ~ tm ~ tm ~ "B1t ~ "B1t ~ "B1t Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -q;:;:rr ~ Cfi ItI (cl ~

      134 Cfilm

      141 ~-q;::;:rr 8 6 8 464 48 4 3 7 142 ~ "IF'IT ~ 143 ~

      147 ~ cl'RA" 148 tI"RT 42 23 2 149 ~ 244 179 25 9 18 7 38 9 7 150 ~ Cfi""ffi 144 214 3 151 ~ 66 36 3 19 11 152 ~ Cfi""ffi 354 270 22 5 23 3 6 2 153 ~ 39 154 ~ 11 10 155 ~~ 47 34 156 ~(~) 88 50 11 157 iRN 178 74 4 4 9 158 ~ 44 39 159 ~ 48 7 23 160 ~ 35 12 161 ~ 77 26 7 162 m 70 40 18 10 7 163 ~ 24 7 164 -qafr 27 10 165 ~ 13 12 2 166 ~ 1 16 167 WfAT 44 29 2 8 533


      ~ ~ ii-t :;;m;rr ~ 3ifuWti" !»1J'ft Wlfui CfiTli CfiFl Of "ii-f ifR?f "f4f.Wi mm~ Industrial Category of Main Workers ~~ Non-workers em- "i'jlf{ IlJTll q;r "'fTlf /l,largll1al ~ Name ofC.D. Workers Location Block/City/Town] Code Village Number VI VII VIII ---IX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males F~l11ales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Panna C.D. Block

      Un Inhabited 134 Kachha Un Inhabited 135 Khonchiupka Un Inhabited 136 Amber Un Inhabited 137 Kota Mahli 4 18 13 24 138 Akola 2 35 24 139 Jhalai 12 75 83 102 140 Talgaon 5 5 3 26 11 1 :I 912 1226 141 Majhgawan panna Un Inhabited 142 Majhgawan charkhari Un Inhabited 143 Badagaon 162 217 144 Gahdara 5 61 54 145 Kudan Un Inhabited 146 Jhirata . Un Inhabited 147 Kandawaha 4 5 3 38 211 314 148 Tara 14 26 13 3 68 15 54 146 835 1164 149 Jharkuwa 3 2 217 289 150 Bandhi kalan 14 2 10 132 280 331 151 Barbaspura 5 12 4 2 59 4 77 206 840 1009 152 Itwan kalan 7 21 181 248 153 Kolmi 126 149 154 Pipri n 17 52 61 155 Ludhgawanbarachh 4 3 12 3 107 304 390 156 Gaura (Barbaspur) -1 21 3 60 4 17 179 621 1008 157 Barachh 34 40 158 Dhangarh 2 7 205 166 197 159 Ranwaha 2 6 87 133 171 160 Kulhuwa 5 6 14 14 115 280 380 161 Bakhtari 4 22 175 315 334 162 Deori 28 68 107 163 Bhagepur 46 61 79 164 Ghatari 5 32 113 106 165 Mohanpunl 2 12 82 145 ly8 166 Murachh 2 5 19 79 126 100 167 Samana 534

      lJ]q 'fiT Ilh"i"R ;m. ~. -i1' ~ma:n Lo~ation ]l:ame of C.D Totall Area of Village No. of No. of Total Population (Including Total Population Code BlockJCltyrrO\\,ll Rural/ in Hectares and OcclIpied House­ Institutional and HOllsdess 111 the age group Number Vill'lge lil hall or Town/Ward Re,,,klllial holds Population) (0-6) In Sq. Kms HOllses

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      168 ~ 361.58 158 162 801 407 394 169 77 92 169 l'RCRf 109.43 65 65 287 159 128 56 27 29 170 7$~ 1126.62 531 544 2806 1464 1342 551 255 296 171 ~(~~) 1173.36 324 324 1799 966 633 398 215 183 172 ~ 110.09 25 25 179 92 B7 34 IB 16 173 ~ 264.44 83 83 462 251 211 101 54 47 174 ~ 217.94 45 45 302 153 149 64 25 39 175 f.Rcrrtt 342.71 256 256 1503 804 699 305 160 145 176 ~ 84.82 5 5 47 23 24 11 3 8 177 ~ 210.65 45 45 255 135 120 42 2B 14 178 ~ 79.12 61 65 313 169 144 6B 33 35 179 399.76 119 119 767 402 365 169 84 85 180 507.59 110 110 557 306 251 112 64 48 181 ~ 1848.38 556 558 3283 1711 1572 679 360 319 182 ~~ 34.63 111 111 603 325 278 128 58 70 183 ~~ 386.23 99 99 593 302 291 125 55 70 184 ~ 55.84 25 25 144 77 67 27 11 16 185 ~-w' 982.82 27 27 121 69 52 32 21 11 186 ~ 140.21 85 85 524 273 251 126 62 64 187 ~ 516.33

      192 ~ 9.52 69 69 351 189 162 85 48 37 193 ~ 571.72 93 93 640 344 296 116 50 66 194 ~ 187.18


      Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial category of "'l"iI< Namc ()f C.D. 111<1111 workcrs Location Block/City/Town Code NlIlnhc:r Village (I-IX) (I)

      ~ "R)' ;rm ~. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Panna C.D. Block 123 125 161 74 201 82 131 6 168 Ranipur 97 78 64 20 65 54 16~ MakllIa 396 369 171 159 430 104 766 220 512 95 170 Garhi Padariya 271 241 311 80 506 105 292 58 171 Deori (Gadhl padariya) 50 7 50 4 47 3 172 Dubki 122 102 113 37 124 80 173 Karahiya 94 49 79 60 174 Bangia 410 335 282 87 398 21 339 10 175 Birwahi 8 8 7 12 7 176 Untan' 50 41 68 36 63 4 31 177 Bamurahiya 129 115 76 33 86 40 29 178 Hinota 63 57 183 34 220 160 176 124 179 Khaptaha III 87 135 56 165 74 87 22 180 Dadwariya 395 372 74 72 614 239 892 396 542 120 181 Badagaon 2 4 .139 21 154 23 6 182 lamin pratap singh 62 64 3 6 104 24 164 41 119 6 183 SlInari Dube 27 18 22 1 40 8 10 184 Bahcra 53 40 3 42 8 21 185 Jamullhai Khurd 135 121 61 28 125 39 25 4 186 Sakariya Un Inhabited 187 Sonai 109 135 20 8 63 38 34 188 Chopra Un Inhabited 189 Dcopur 73 70 38 35 10 190 Govindpur 41 35 333 309 96 32 318 203 280 167 1~ 1 Makerikuthar 65 54 96 89 22 3 98 82 72 192 Rampura 32 38 50 35 48 22 216 73 82 20 193 Basai Un Inhabited 194 VikrJlI1pur 84 77 29 6 115 75 75 41 195 lamunhai Kalan 32 33 93 82 78 7 181 107 127 65 196 Mutwa Kalan Un Inhabited 197 Modhoi 169 156 408 399 141 13 565 311 285 28 198 Rajapur 137 122 79 97 201 35 419 149 211 32 199 Gukhaur 22 32 26 30 24 200 'Ratgawan 108 97 73 31 88 18 69 201 Dubahiya 53()

      m 91"1fI1Cfi \il~~lul~1 tfR

      ~ fcfcfiR:l ~ / ~ Mf q;)-g 'fIR /lJTl1

      ~ ~ ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -q;:;:rr Pc! Cfi ItI'(cig 168 ~ 64 76 169 ORERT 10 170 ~~ 195 121 3 11 2 171 ~ (1$~) 172 47 4 15 172 ¥cfit 2 173 ~ 25 4 2 2 174 ~ 2 2 2 175 ~ 33 7 6 2 3 176 ~ 3 2 177 ~ 16 4 2 178 ~ 37 22 18 18 179 -m-m 13 21 16 12 180 ~ 62 51 5 161 ~ 207 219 26 9 6 4 16 10 34 23 182 \WlR~ 50 14 28 7 5 1 183 1WRT¥ 37 35 6 184 mr 18 2 9 6 185 ~1¥ 13 3 8 5 186 ~ 43 B 18 21 23 5 187 ~


      ~ CWf "iiR "iiTffi it iffuTfuii ;)iJif ~CfiPf Cfi1l1 Of "iiR ~ ~ fciiR"f ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers ~q8 Non-workers ~ -;:pf{ /l)ll'l q;y 'fl'1

      Marglllal ~ Name of CD. Workers Location Block/Ci ty/Town/ Code Vi Ii <1 ge Number VI VII VIII IX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bt ~ 'Rr ~ 'Rr ~ ~ Maks Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Panna C.D. Block 2 4 206 312 168 Ranipur 3 42 91 86 169 Makhra 3 7 33 2 87 698 1035 170 Garhi Padariya 3 19 5 81 455 647 171 Dcori (Gadtll padariya) 1 4 42 79 172 Dubki 10 127 210 173 Karahiya 3 10 74 148 174 BangIa 2 2 12 2 8 58 398 620 175 Birwahi 7 11 17 176 Untan 3 4 7 3 10 69 106 177 Barnurahiya 1 8 82 96 178 Hinota 14 3 12 182 193 179 Khaptaha 9 1 26 65 115 112 ISO Dadwariya 3 13 5 4 39 6 19 69 800 1107 181 ~adagaon 104 171 151 182 lamin pratap singll 6 138 244 183 Simari Dube 2 2 36 57 184 Bahera 18 27 26 185 lamunhai khurd 9 2 3 12 28 136 184 186 Sakariya Un Inhabited 187 Sonai 24 58 79 188 Chopra Un Inhabited 189 Deopur 35 35 190 Govindpur 201' 26) 191 Makerikutl18f 2 5 91 75 192 Rampura 4 5 5 123 218 193 Basai Un Inhabited 194 Vikrdmpur 102 126 195 Iamunhai kalan 141 186 196 Mutwa kalan Un Inhabited 197 Mod hoi 4 191 275 246 198 Raja pur 3 6 211 400 400 199 Gukhaur 33 48 200 Ratgawan 7 83 134 201 Dubahiya 538

      "JJlq 91"1 flJ ttl \1'1'1 4IUI'11 lfR

      ~ ~/ "ilhl l)'"fqq;J ~ 3fIOIT1:' 'lffiim '§R ~ (iiii 3ifi 'WI~ m "flR /1}11f 1' ~ 3ffi "flR /qrt q;J +r

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      1f"IT ~ cti 1('1«:(6 202 ~~ 320.43 80 80 403 229 174 70 40 30 203 ~ 311.62 64 64 355 190 165 70 35 35 204 ~ 196.51 91 91 596 310 286 137 69 68 205 WGU 493.10 122 122 618 336 282 120 61 59 206 ~ 39.44 6 6 28 13 15 2 2 207 ~1:"~qIM; 297.68 74 74 368 202 166 67 42 25 208 M~ 161.08 26 26 111 61 50 17 8 9 209 ~ 1199.90 345 356 1951 1041 910 399 208 191 210 ~ 134.39 45 46 300 158 142 60 28 32 211 ~ 743.74 237 237 1283 655 628 284 147 137 212 ~ 246.54 68 68 385 202 183 77 39 38 213 'SVfT~ 218.93 67 67 380 188 192 79 34 45 214 \{ffi" ~ 159.87 88 88 431 223 208 85 44 41 215 \{ffi" \;fur 220.71 64 64 407 202 205 86 40 46 216 ~(~) 296.58 85 85 533 287 246 116 63 53 217 M~ 393.45 75 75 408 198 210 74 37 37 218 WIT~ 290.48 102 105 507 268 239 98 42 56 219 ~ 767.27 167 167 972 491 481 176 91 85 220 fittqm 880.03 179 179 970 510 460 190 100 90 221 ~~ 203.65 46 46 255 134 121 54 28 26 222 ~ 159.37 15 18 103 53 50 16 5 11 223 fm;mt 405.38 204 211 1147 588 559 263 141 122


      ~ ~ "fileR ~'j?I~~"

      ~ ~ ~ 'cit ~ 'cit ~ ~ ~ 'cit Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Panna C.D. Block

      89 67 no 53 120 27 40 202 Simari Baishya 81 72 105 32 106 66 60 10 203 Phuldari 209 195 43 44 166 53 138 82 204 Phuldari 180 155 13 12 180 51 179 72 89 18 205 SlIndara 3 3 11 6 8 9 6 3 20G Pipariya 77 73 96 28 90 11 44 207 Golhipathak 3 4 18 3 37 5 27 208 Golhigadhiya 379 321 498 219 484 75 265 9 209 Bhilsay 71 65 62 12 81 13 43 3 210 Amsil 237 215 273 115 352 28 167 6 211 Jigdaha 154 141 90 28 94 9 46 1 212 Nunahi 2 4 68 68 70 34 98 15 56 213 Itwan tilha 98 103 96 32 118 28 80 19 214 Bhathar megha 139 153 112 46 110 5 101 4 215 Bhathmjit 88 80 149 71 140 81 78 9 21G i'uraina (Devendra nagar) 34 36 78 16 124 149 95 81 217 Golhimudiya 231 203 140 33 143 73 87 23 218 Itwanmahgu 249 227 17 14 202 84 246 26 158 1 '219 Raigarh 195 162 232 106 251 116 177 86 220 Girwara 46 7 75 38 69 36 221 Dharampur Amsil 8 9 7 33 14 27 12 222 Patiya 133 127 239 64 283 153 137 66 223 Silgi Un Inhabited 540

      1Jlcl 91"1j)fctl \if+"uHI ~

      ~ fcf.iffi ~/ ~ .)1ii'i ~ -.:rm: /<'w{ q;r ";:fJ+( Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name of c.o. Location Block/Ci(y/Townl Code Village OJ) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      1Jm -at ~ 'ffi 1Jm 'ffi ~ 'ffi ~ -at Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;)0 ;)1 lFfT f4ctllt1(ci~

      202 fttlRt ~ 68 27 203 ~ 35 39 5 16 " 204 ~ 29 2 1 205 WGU 64 46 1 8 7 206 ~ 6 207 ~j)\,,~qIM=' 35 3 11 208 .~~ 8 5 209 ~ 128 50 2 45 10 2 210 ~ 34 4 3 6 211 ~ 151 22 4 3 212 ~ 44 7 213 Wff fffi;m 42 14 214 ~iIm 35 9 215 \lrn~ 216 ~ (4&'1l'1~1<) 44 72 3 217 ~~ 28 68 218 Wff~ 38 36 9 14 219 ~ 61 25 9 220 ~ 46 28 2 221 ~~ 3 2 3 222 -qftqr 5 2 223 ~ 58 46 32 5 22 33 6 3


      ~ CWT ~ ~ "tf 3ifu)fuii Il}JiT ~CWT CWTOf ~ mit ~ fcfciffi ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers cnB~ Non-workers ~ -;pf{ /l)Fl 'liT ~

      Marginal ~ Name of C.D. Workers Location Block/City/Townl Code Village Number IX

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Panna C.D. Block

      4 7 109 146 202 Simari Baishya 3 84 99 203 Phuldari 3 20 172 285 20~ Phuldari 3 3 2 9 157 209 205 Sundara 5 6 206 Pipariya 8 112 155 207 Golhipatilak 2 24 45 208 Golhigadhiya 7 3 2 33 3 13 93 544 742 209 Bhilsay 77 129 210 Amsil 26 5 2 298 598 211 Jigdaha 3 3 56 105 118 212 Nunahi '6 44 84 133 213 Itwan tilha 3 105 180 214 Bhathar megha 2 6 92 200 215 BhathaIjit 2 12 147 165 216 Puraina(Devendra nagar) 1 74 61 217 Golhimudiya 2 5 4 50 121 116 218 It\~almlahgu 6 11 1 244 455 219 Raigarh 4 19 2 12 80 247 264 220 GiIWara 23 58 60 221 Dhan'llllpur Amsil 20 36 222 Patiya 4 2 22 6 187 299 219 223 Sitgi Un Inhabited 542


      Persons Males Females Persons .Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      3 ~ f4CflI«(CfO~

      wRT 812.01 50 50 265 141 124 46 28 18 2 'llUIT 1822.18 34 37 233 113 120 68 28 40 3 ~ 476.83 c1RR 4 ~ 3962.60 238 238 1192 644 548 236 122 114 5 m 1309.47 72 72 456 220 236 147 72 75 6 ~ 1818.77 cl'RR 7 ~:m-mT 386.40 92 92 512 264 248 122 63 59 8 CjH4101~{1 76.20 7 7 36 18 18 9 4 5 9 ~iRcf 206.85 78 78 429 225 204 102 51 51

      10 ~ 418.61 118 118 670 353 317 173 93 80 11 imt 1828.41 359 395 2075 1092 983 474 244 230 12 ~ 372.76 183 183 906 472 434 207 no 97 13 ~ 226.54 47 47 258 135 123 63 35 28 14 \l1t1Cj"d~1 1789.81 574 589 3101 1597 1504 697 336 361 15 ~~ 974.65 177 177 935 499 436 210 104 106 16 ~ 379.15 107 108 636 337 299 126 60 66 17 -mt 1285.91 544 556 3022 1543 1479 680 326 354 18 ~ 109.62 59 67 314 168 146 73 36 37 19 ~ 167.39 78 78 374 188 186 85 38 47 20 ~ 234.54 22 22 135 73 62 34 17 17 21 ~ 824.32 174 174 1099 572 527 247 134 113 22 iffiqr 112.74 39 39 272 139 133 66 32 34 23 ~ 854.31 274 292 1439 762 677 289 141 148 24 fu1:R'r (wro) 88.70 19 19 112 59 53 31 20 11 25 ~~ 210.85 63 72 404 212 192 89 41 48 26 ~¥ 134.84 19 26 157 78 79 36 20 16 27 ~ 268.59 44 47 253 127 126 46 27 19 28 RFtmr 603.94 137 137 653 321 332 150 67 83 29 ~ 238.10 41 41 209 117 92 56 32 24 30 ~ 541.67 195 240 1223 641 582 285 151 134 543


      Scheduled Casles Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial category of ~ Naille of CD.. mam workers Location B1ock/Citv/Town Code Number Village (I-IX) (I)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      16694 15256 6136 5920 24824 8176 36913 12239 23080 3941 T Gunnor C. D. Block 3 16894 15258 6136 5920 24824 8176 36913 12239 23080 3941 R U

      141 124 94 19 68 Khamri 91 103 63 16 49 2 2 Marha Un Inhabited 3 Kachnari 19 14 281 237 175 79 354 136 180 5 4 Rampur 220 236 3 123 103 63 5 Baraunha Un Inhabited 6 RajPUT

      fchtiliT ~/ ~ Cfill1 i"R ~ "it 3lfuWT"ii ~ ~ 1"Wf <'fiT -;w:r Industrial CatcgOlY of Main Workers Name ofC.D. Location Block/City/Town} Code Village (II) (1lI) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      9432 7339 635 159 34 831 327 384 42 9432 7339 635 159 34 631 327 364 42

      wRT 17 12 7 4 2 'l'lm 4 4 1 3 ~

      8 Cfl~I01:f1 9~m 16 39

      10 ~ 105 87 10 3 11 ~ 51 49 86 33 38 5 28 2 12 ~ 8 13 2 3 1 13 ~ 2 3 14 iiltl(F'd~<1 176 162 20 2 10 15 ~~ 82 30 16 ~ 22 4 4 5 2 17 &Rt 265 174 15 6 2 2 18 ~ 50 16 19 ~ 36 33 7 5 6 20 'l?R 24 19 3 21 'fiTtr

      -pcx:r q)P1 ~ ~ ~ 3itiiTfui S<}1lif ~ <.fiTJf q)P1 'f =iiB ~ "f'4Afii f$liffi ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers ~~ Non-workers Cfi15 'f1R /Wl 'fiT -;w:r

      MargInal ~ Name of CD. Workers Location Block/Cily/Town/ Code Village Number VI VII VIn ---IX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Blr l\lales Fcmaks Males F ~maks Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      152 5 728 105 112 4 1525 317 583 7890 3190543395 T Gunnor C. D. Block 3 152 5 728 105 112 4 1525 317 583 7890 31905 43395 R U

      2 3 51 47 54 Khamri 2 7 10 2 42 48 62 2 Marha Un Inhabied 3 Kachnari 4 6 11 3 10 90 280 322 4 Rampur 9 97 124 5 Baraunha Un Inhabited 6 Rajpura 2 3 18 67 112 155 7 Malmwadando 11 17 8 Kalyanmpura 16 92 102 9 Majhgawa Shekh 9 4 3 17 94 138 123 10 Balgaha10 5 2 32 2 10 174 526 691 11 Siri 2 2 25 40 196 221 12 Jaitupura 6 52 51 62 13 Tamgarh 6 39 6 3 23 4 13 751 1261 14 Jaswantpura 230 393 15 Bllorampur Podhar 11 179 291 16 Durallha 26 5 49 8 5 165 778 1117 17 Dwari 1 1 46 68 79 18 Ratanpura 3 3 28 84 86 19 Mahguwan 37 43 20 Bhadar 6 4 15 2 35 288 311 21 Piparwah 4 34 61 90 22 Kbirwa 6 9 5 8 2 12 271 354 334 23 Hinauti 29 53 24 Simari (Jbagra) 14 94 178 25 Madhiya Kalan 6 6 44 73 26 Hinauta Dube 2 38 57 88 27 Sana lira 4 144 269 28 Singballfa 53 78 29 Kanchallra 4 3 16 2 9 72 299 366 30 Gadokhar 546

      1JTq' CfoT e&iiiT ~ ~ ("ifui 3i\i (m~) ma:rr~ ~ qrffi Wt 0flT{ I~ CfoT ~~)

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      31 ~ 383.32 86 98 532 276 256 130 56 74 32

      33 ~ 538.83 89 89 442 225 217 96 47 49 34 ~ 118.73 30 30 128 74 54 22 13 9 35 ~m 84.63 22 22 106 62 44 17 9 6 36 mWrrw 156.51 33 33 213 117 96 39 17 22 37 ~ 61.01 4 4 34 16 16 7 3 4 38 ~(~) 187.52 71 71 375 191 164 75 31 44 39 wm 305.19 62 62 369 194 175 83 37 46 40 ~~ 151.48 30 30 191 III 80 59 39 20 41 G(~) 279.32 116 116 527 290 237 105 58 47 42 ~ 117.69 11 11 68 40 28 14 10 4 43 ~w 144.10 67 67 309 163 146 64 39 25 44 ~ (1l1RT) 284.73 41 41 224 112 112 54 27 27 45 ~ 47.83



      'l1R /-m-r <'fiT Ofl>f Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Lltcwtes Industrml c,ltegory of Name ofC.D. malll workers LOCHtioll Block/City/Town Code Number Village (I-IX) (1)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Gunnor C. D. BIod.

      77 81 119 40 141 47 88 7 31 Jijgaon 368 354 198 184 587 247 904 462 505 185 32 Kamtana 35 34 3 67 32 127 91 70 8 33 Kakra 13 13 22 5 40 31 24 16 34 Saptai 30 3 32 4 32 2 35 Madhiya Rao 31 3 69 10 69 6 3(, PipariyCl Kllllrd 10 4 9 3 9 3 37 ltaura 65 57 24 3 115 36 115 20 38 DharaJJ.lpura Kunwarpur) 60 48 64 8 105 87 39 Jhagra. 37 26 3 20 55 13 55 8 40 Deari Purohit 77 50 114 34 163 29 118 10 41 Bilha (Dhamlpur) 13 11 17 2 25 4 25 4 42 Kulhuwa 58 37 29 41 4 94 53 62 19 43 Padariya Khurd 9 9 25 11 66 6 51 2 44 Judi (pagra) Un Inhabited . 45 Dharampati 272 258 362 145 571 64 437 8 46 Pagra Bada 284 234 6 2 159 26 452 243 379 144 47 Bamhori 81 70 64 23 121 50 89 13 48 Bhainswahi 31 34 59 29 61 20 58 49 Dagdha 167 165 17 12 87 17 171 73 130 39 50 Kudra 40 17 28 6 21 4 5 51 Saptaiya 89 82 150 57 221 2 186 2 52 Jharkuwa (Khurd) 23 16 7 12 2 9 53 Pipariyasarkar 105 95 III 33 142 45 119 3 54 Itauri 128 135 99 24 191 19 157 12 55 Majhgawansarkar 51 36 31 4 70 28 52 15 56 Karhiya (Ghatari) 46 38 33 14 39 19 16 57 Madhiya Siristedar 14 12 20 5 6 58 Hillauta Misar 59 44 64 4 154 50 111 33 59 Daharra 121 117 112 25 211 92 108 3 60 Ghatari(Amanganj) 103 95 7 8 115 36 151 11 99 61 Mukeha 111 91 23 4 76 10 67 6 62 Mahadwa . 52 49 51 19 68 8 56 1 63 Tunna 548

      "tJiq 9T?4f1iCfi \1"1'1.1 0 1'11 ~

      ~ f$f.ffi ~I ~ ~ ~ "iiffiT itt 3ifuWli ~ ~ "PR I~ CfiT 'W1 Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name of C.D. Location Block/City/Townl Code Village (II) (TIl) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ ~Cfiltl(qug

      31 ~ 30 36 10 3 4 32 Cfil'RIAT 294 249 3 23 15 15 33

      ~ CfiT11 ~ ~ ~ 3ifu)fu"ifi" Il}1fr) ~ CfiT11 CfiT11 rr "iif.¥ ~ ~ f


      ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males F~maks Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Gunnor C. D. Block

      2 7 16 135 193 31 Jijgaon 3 19 4 6 36 8 6 25 687 1028 32 Kamtana 3 98 126 33 Kakra 3 34 23 34 Saptai 30 40 35 Madhiya Rao 48 86 36 Pipariya Khurd 9 13 37 Itaura 76 148 38 Dharampura(I<;.unwarpur) 89 175 39 Jhagra 56 67 40 Deori Purohit 14 96 113 112 41 Bilha (Dhamlpur) 15 24 42 Kulhuwa 69 93 43 Padariya Khurd 3 46 106 44 Judi (pagra) Un Inhabited 45 Dharampati 2 5 2 22 5 5 493 914 46 Pagra Bada 4 3 8 3 33 160 318 336 47 Bamhori 5 98 157 48 Bhainswahi 80 104 49 Dagdha 4 30 34 129 197 50 Kudra 4 1 25 16 51 Saptaiya 2 8 199 177 205 52 Jharkuwa(Khurd) 11 13 53 Pipariyasarkar 2 3 103 184 54 Itauri 8 2 3 11 8 161 300 55 Majhgawansarkar 51 81 56 Karhiya( Ghatari) 9 4 52 65 57 Madhiya Siristedar 13 23 58 Hinauta Misar 111 177 59 Daharra 2 4 12 2 197 280 60 Ghatari (Amanganj) 2 19 151 257 61 Mukeha 2 31 83 78 65 62 Mal~dwa 2 5 34 50 90 G3 Tunna 550

      mq'!!il'~ ~~ ($i{3ili (OO~) ~M~~"CfTffi ~ 0flT{ 1

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 n

      64 "i1w 497.50 163 163 891 459 432 191 94 97 65 q;Jtt 390.98 63 63 349 179 170 76 35 41 66 ~. 231.24 116 116 561 292 269 101 49 52 67 ~~ 271.30 62 63 346 176 170 73 33 40 68 ~ 558.79 94 101 559 286 273 119 54 65 59 -q7J"\J mer 240.96 73 73 374 195 179 75 30 45 70 ~ 391.68 124 124 710 374 336 167 90 77 71 -mir 146.97 32 38 176 98 78 38 15 23 72 filCfH161{ 496.85 118 124 624 353 271 110 63 47 73 ~ 321.49 97 120 589 :no 279 141 86 55 74



      "'fll'\ 1lJ1'f CfoT 0fl1'I Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial category of Name of CD. malll workers Location BlockfCity([own Code Number Village (I-IX) (I)

      ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Gunnor C. D. Blocl< 148 135 J39 42 250 22 188 64 Torah 46 42 89 52 83 28 41 65 Kanti 86 75 21 16 120 56 139 91 71 45 66 Katkaha 35 29 48 7 101 45 71 32 67 Hinauta Bhed 90 93 118 56 164 59 103 11 68 Dobha 67 62 67 35 90 25 29 69 Pagra Chhota 54 51 2 2 146 47 211 148 181 131 70 Bamurha 61 51 31 2 56 33 23 7 71 Siro. 104 85 136 35 188 53 126 2 72 Chikalh~i 70 62 110 23 161 42 101 3 73 Jamuniya 83 74 193 75 205 162 134 120 74 Barha Kalan 632 582 995 407 1308 597 652 89 75 Maheba 58 85 129 53 115 28 41 1 76 Gaura Khurd 33 27 21 21 42 4 102 2 67 77 Pawaiya . 64.' .' 3 90 87 78 Khamaiiya 83 61 2 2 168 52 194 27 127 5 79 Kot 48 54 86 20 77 29 68 21 80 Simri Surat 1 45 9 70 33 61 31 81 BarhaKhurd 7 7 33 3 53, 19 49 15 82 Chauda 34 36 23 109 26 108 26 83 Hirapur 99 89 168 39 283 185 112 13 84 Biharsir 22 15 3 109 37 139 129 133 125 85 Juditap Maheba 11 9 18 4 8 86 Girwahi 34 29 11 57 13 38 87 Palka Khurd 59 46 68 22 94 10 51 88 Khalpura 161 152 121 22 180 32 104 4 89 Tikariya 60 55 61 5 86 75 65 52 90 Palka Kalan 64 59 48 11 87 65 59 39 91 Sul~ani 10 13 27 44 49 36 40 92 Antarbidiya 107 101 112 18 169 86 95 38 93 Hinauti Patna 142 127 85 15 178 85 127 52 94 Beli 169 147 143 45 247 19 229 5 95 Oaku 47 34 66 20 109 1 83 96 Satwa 40 38 87 91 10 78 22 97 Dharampura 552

      1Jiq 9(11.f~Cfl \l1"'1~lol"'11 ~

      ~ ~~I :Ifclf

      ~ "6lT ~ "6lT ~ ~ ~ "6lT ~ ~ Males Females Males Fem'ales Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ f.lCfiI6{qua

      (.64 itm 59 22 65 "CfittT 20 21 5 2 2

      66 ~ 58 43 5 3 67 ~~ 25 15 4 68 ~ 54 48 69 -qlRf ~ 47 23 3 70 ~ 24 17 3 71 ~ 33 26 _' 72 F:!CficlE;l{ 50 49 2 2 73 ~ • 41 38 10 74 -.rm

      ~ ~ ii.t ~ "itt 3ifuffiiii ;}1lft ~CfiT1f ~ Of if-him ~ mm:~ IndustrIal Category of Main Workers ~~ Non-workers ~ "f1T{ 1m+!' CfiT rrl"l1

      Marginal ~ Name of C.D. Workers Location Block/Ci ty/TownJ Code Village Number VI VII VIIl IX ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ "ffi ~ ~ Male~ Females Maks F~ll1ak~ MaksFemales Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 GUIlllor C. D. Blocl{

      2 209 410 G4 Torah 2 11 4 96 142 G5 Kanti 2 153 178 6(1 Katkaha 7 75 118 67 Hinauta Bhed 2 4 122 214 68 Dobha 2 8 27 84 78 70 69 Pagra Chhota 3 163 188 70 Bamurha 42 45 71 Siro 2 6 3 165 215 72 Chikalhai 2 7 149 237 73 Jamuniya 4 1 7 2 5 23 196 177 74 Barha Kalan 10 83 16 5 4 142 24 25 276 1075 1345 75 Maheba 5 8 2 10 28 131 138 76 Gaura Klmrd 79 184 77 Pawaiya 2 81 159 78 Khamariya 2 162 277 79 Kot 1 70 95 80 Simri Surat 3 64 75 81 BarhaKhurd 37 68 82 Chauda 7S 146 83 Hirapur 2 2 4 2 160 234 84 Biharsir 2 6 92 69 85 Juditap Maheba 11 22 86 Girwahi 42 7l 87 Palka Khurd 11 99 162 88 Khalpura 2 4 14 168 301 89 Tikariya 3 4 13 81 78 90 Palka Kalan 3 14 64 68 91 Suhjani 1 4 37 28 92 Antarbidiya 5 2 93 131 99 93 Hinauti Patna 2 5 66 122 147 94 Beli 2 117 215 286 95 Oaku -, 2 77 62 62 96 Satwa 70 59 69 97 Dharampura 554


      Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      98 468.84 119 119 632 344 288 120 72 48 99 499.87 147 147 688 365 323 120 68 52 100 434.99 140 145 705 359 346 157 74 83 101 516.34 119 122 633 346 287 119 57 62 102 458.83 141 141 713 372 341 135 68 67 103 124.03 33 33 152 76 76 26 10 16 104 164.00 33 33 232 106 126 54 18 36 105 1239.42 267 287 1652 854 798 349 179 170 106 244.79 39 39 208 114 94 38 21 17 107 734.69 187 215 1070 564 506 212 99 113

      108 ~ 815.63 155 155 844 436 408 150 72 78 109 ~ 968.31 157 157 928 479 449 203 101 102

      110 ~ 174.14 46 46 228 118 110 42 18 24 111 ~~ 112.33 27 27 204 105 99 38 15 23 112 'WGtT 157.46 90 90 584 289 295 135 69 66 113 ~ (q;:;:rr) 174.42 40 40 229 109 120 41 17 24 114 ~ 822.72 245 245 1305 683 622 261 139 122 115 ~ 798.10 267 270 1228 663 565 257 138 119 116 ~ 1163.91 631 645 3216 1709 1507 676 352 324 117 ~~ 145.76 4 4 23 12 11 6 3 3 118 ~~ 301.04 45 45 248 132 116 50 22 28 119 ~ 314.43 44 44 267 128 139 48 22 26 120 WfCI 719.54 135 135 683 350 333 156 70 86 121 1W'rr W 420.79 33 41 188 88 100 39 14 25 122 ~ 198.29 60 61 321 173 148 67 40 27 123 1W'rr ~ 944.93 214 225 1108 582 526 226 113 113 124 ~~ 300.67 105 105 515 271 244 116 57 59 125 380.01 18 18 114 63 51 26 15 11 126 ~ 1006.83 100 100 558 288 270 117 63 54 127 UR~ 281.19 156 156 740 398 342 151 78 73 128 ~(UR~) 141.52 28 28 163 88 75 29 12 17 129 ~(~) 956.31 169 175 814 433 361 154 79 75 130 a 473.24 86 86 414 211 203 99 44 55 131 ~ 99.11 43 43 195 106 89 48 27 21 555 VILLAGE PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      men ~I

      "'ill1/lJT'1 "if;! 'lJ11 Schcdllkd Castes Scheduled Tnbcs Literates Indllstn:11 category of Name of C.D. mam workers Localioll Block/City/Town Code Number Village (I-IX) (I)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Gunnor C. D, Block 157 118 2 5 126 24 175 33 91 98 Barshobha 139 127 146 45 208 3 138 99 Suhgi 72 65 75 8 222 209 167 170 100 Deogaon 99 81 169 61 153 37 74 14 101 Hardwahi 127 105 70 16 242 182 158 120 ]02 Basaura 29 31 11 4 51 23 16 ]03 Akona 35 2 57 1 52 104 Madhiya 225 205 338 120 435 99 334 15 105 Bilghadi 15 10 50 21 55 4 48 106 Kaell'nara 170 148 269 81 285 86 147 8 107 Naehnaura 93 79 184 41 247 64 156 34 108 Kakarhata 26 24 232 33 260 67 194 56 109 Bilha 31 31 57 16 59 46 37 26 110 Ma.iwaha 33 34 41 49 50 40 40 III Antarbidiya(Majwaha) 61 74 91 26 163 44 106 7 112 Surdaha 14 14 26 65 25 49 9 113 Kakarhai (Panna) 211 193 262 62 355 136 280 129 114 Paderi 76 92 3 2 320 128 335 18 203 4 115 Sili 290 267 13 12 821 418 825 194 295 31 116 Gunaur 5 4 6 8 4 4 117 Shala Gunaur 42 45 55 19 7S 22 32 118 Imaliya Mallju 4 4 15 3 81 3 80 1 119 Gundaura 127 121 4 2 58 10 222 16 177 11 120 Jhumta 35 47 22 3 54 49 36 31 121 Patna Khurd 67 55 49 15 99 84 56 49 122 . Salgadha 166 150 220 64 326 192 228 109 123 Patna Kalan 133 121 115 33 146 80 104 42 124 Imaliya Bhurekha 22 4 36 20 36 20 125 Bakulaha 120 110 127 55 142 65 62 126 Singhasar 78 71 126 41 228 42 145 127 Ghat Simariya 35 9 47 46 128 Naih'Uwan(Gharsimariy 79 62 85 12 257 26 205 16 129 Puraina (Gunnaur) 27 30 19 19 70 10 98 6 69 130 Sanaura 14 3 60 3 54 2 131 Majhuari 556

      l'Jlq 9ltt~ifl \11 ...... loHI m

      ~ fciiffi ~I ~ CfiPT ii-f :mm "itt 3ifWffi"1i !\Mt q;g rJlR 11Wf q;r 0fJl'f Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name ofC.D. Location Block/City/Town/ Code Village (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31

      ~ f4q}I~(i'fUi$

      96 ~ 63 24 2 7 3 99 ~ 74 3 1 100 ~ 35 32 5 6 4 101 mrtT 64 21 5 1 102 omRr 34 30 32 26 6 103 wiRr 28 22 5 104 ~ 4 105 ~ 65 71 4 5 6 106 'CfltRRT 6 3 107 ~ 107 70 2 8 3 2 108 ~ 64 27 3 109 f.tRrr 44 9 7

      110 ~ 14 10 6 10 111 3RR~ 8 10 112 WGU 50 32 4 3 113 ~ (1AT) 15 15 114 ~ 35 5 5 7 115 fu


      ~ Cfil+f "iR iiiilT "if 3l1ilTf¥i ;l)ii1i ~ Cfil+f Cfil+f -;r i"i-¥ 'iffil ~ fciim~ Industrial Categol)' of Main Workers m qffi- Non-workers em -;:m( /"W{

      2 2 7 3 22 152 147 103 98 Barshobha 1 1 208 156 112 99 Suhgi 3 7 137 137 100 Deogaon 2 4 5 39 188 211 101 Hardwahi 11 5 26 130 133 102 Basaura 12 25 41 103 Akona 103 49 124 104 Madhiya 6 5 14 7 84 419 615 105 Bilghadi 2 13 57 77 106 Kaclmara 3 16 5 279 420 107 Nachnaura 2 11 10 110 189 234 108 Kakarhata 10 2 2 152 217 230 109 Bilha 2 59 64 llO Majwaha 3 56 46 111 Antarbidiya(Majwaha) 3 2 136 126 115 112 Surdaha 1 1 52 44 43 113 Kakarhai (panna) 10 17 2 3 234 325 252 114 Paderi 7 10 3 66 11 193 328 354 115 Sili 5 122 3 14 111 19 7 56 877 1257 110 Gunaur 2 4 5 117 Shala Gunaur B 57 86 118 Imaliya Mallju 2 47 134 119 Gundaura 2 2 199 128 118 120 Jhurnta 2 34 49 121 PatnaKhurd 2 3 2 73 64 122 Salgadha 4 11 - 256 334 123 PatnaKalan 4 125 160 124 lmaliya Bhurekha 27 31 125 Bakulaha 4 146 205 126 Singhasar .4 3 2 170 300 127 Ghat Simariya 41 75 128 Naiguwan(Ghatsimariya) 3 7 176 346 129 Puraina (Gunnaur) 5 4 3 113 197 130 Sanaura 46 85 131 Majhuari 558

      "l'JTlT3rr -?t TA '1'K'Il 3ffi -;;m l

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ~ fC\ifiI6{qU6 132 276.12 80 80 447 241 206 105 59 46 133 271.96 130 130 582 299 283 137 70 67

      134 ~ 468.11 126 126 637 320 317 119 47 72 135 ~ 179.11 96 96 507 256 251 100 52 48 13 6 ~Uf."I

      140 ~ 234.43 26 28 143 70 73 32 16 16 141 ~ ('EJ"{qf{f) 444.09 48 52 334 178 156 92 44 48 142 ~ 27106 216 216 1102 580 522 239 127 112 143 ~ 23168 21 21 155 82 73 49 28 21 144 ~~ 70.62 84 84 494 251 243 102 49 53 145 "N-'IT ~ 44.27 1 1 3 2 1 146 ~ 634_07 177 202 988 494 494 210 100 110 147 ~ 123.41 87 90 432 217 215 85 46 39 148 ~ 105.08 11 11 61 40 21 15 11 4

      149 .... ~liRl"1:!{ 199.48 36 41 254 131 123 39 18 21

      150 ~ 229.68 91 91 461 241 220 100 49 51

      151 ~ 120.35 18 18 98 49 49 24 11 13 152 ~ 101.16

      158 ~ 540.23 111 111 620 330 290 132~ 69 63 159 ~ 434.66 36 36 218 121 97 53 29 24 160 ~ (~) 347.01 101 101 499 262 237 112 58 54 161 wiRr 179.58 54 54 269 130 139 48 16 32 162 ~ 473.82 197 197 914 473 441 191 89 102 163 1969.34 482 502 2615 1373 1242 510 271 239 164 682.13 290 290 1410 750 660 265 139 126 165 177.87 9 9 43 24 19 7 5 2 559 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


      ~ IlJI'T (f;T 0!P1 Scheduled Castes SlOhcduled Tnhcs Literates IndustrIal category of Name of C.D. mil 111 workers Locatloll Block/City/Town Code Numher Vi II ag.e (I-IX) (l) :p;q Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Gunnor C. D. Block 53 51 30 22 96 40 115 10 49 3 132 Madha 72 69 129 45 171 66 111 3 133 Sarwara 6 7 164 38 260 18 160 12 134 Kaclmara 77 71 35 36 121 55 137 41 71 2 135 Chauki 182 163 215 69 209 24 172 5 136 Sathaniya 50 44 128 65 135 109 137 Khamra 248 197 248 250 164 29 409 142 241 39 13 8 Dlullwara 4 3 61 26 60 5 54 139 Pipariya 22 26 32 10 34 13 14 140 Roondh 2 3 21 28 63 10 89 12 74 141 ludi(Dharwara) 3 4 246 249 87 31 309 129 211 52 142 Chhijora 56 44 20 16 41 26 12 143 Matewara 181 179 13 2 149 89 48 5 144 Bilha Kangali 2 2 145 Ramna Karimat 77 68 158 163 163 51 270 114 129 5 146 Bandhaura 217 215 63 22 95 117 155 6 147 Asauni 40 21 2 17 4 148 Mandahiya 36 32 86 35 66 19 49 149 Mahalrampur 112 102 131 60 102 7 41 150 Itawa 22 20 21 19 21 3 151 Lamkush Un Inhabited 152 lshwara 29 27 30 14 32 3 2 153 Vyauhari 6 6 158 35 179 175 154 Mahuwa Khera 122 112 215 72 188 5 170 3 155 Sahilwara 37 35 22 7 46 46 156 Dighaura 79 63 2 2 67 17 140 140 157 Gabhaura 72 69 120 98 85 31 165 59 100 4 158 Chhigamma 16 8 55 15 49 11 27 159 Mahidwa(richhouri) 94 75 34 36 81 36 129 30 86 12 160 Karhiya (!twa) 11 10 34 20 79 4 70 3 161 Pataura 111 99 2 2 164 53 268 56 146 5 162 Richhauda 283. 250 2 425 142 726 186 463 65 163 Sugarha 289 255 282 79 428 222 193 13 164 Luhargaon 15 9 5 7 15 6 12 3 165 Majhyari 560

      "Jliq 91ti~Cfl \iI"'i"lul"'i1 "ffi'{

      ~ f

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -F.ft Io.fales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ ~qilt1(.qU6

      132 llGT 54 7 3 133 mqro 52 63

      134 ~ 44 5 135 fi 51 37 2 2 2 136 ~ 91 18 3

      137 ~ 23 138 mqro 134 79 21 23 2 139 ~ 6 4

      140 ~ 20 13 141 ~ (mcoo) 15 12 142 ~ 5 5 3 2 2 143 ~ 29 26 144 ~~ 101 84 145 "{i'Rf~ 146 ~ 126 105 9 4 147 affiMT 33 109 148 ~ 16 4 149 Jj !?('RI "':!{ 6 19 2 150 ~ 50 5 3 2 151 ~ \8 152 fffir

      162 ~ 92 48 15 163 ~ 186 111 7 22 6 8 164 ~ 148 184 1 31 15 4 165 ~ 3 3 5(,] VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      ~ CfiTJl i"{il ~ "i.f'if 3ifu1t¥i ;;rJjf ~CWf

      Marglllal ~ Name orC.D. Workers Location Block/City/Town! Code Village Number Vl VII VlII IX "ffi "ffi --- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ "ffi Males Females ldalo, Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Gunnor C. D. Block

      6 29 126 167 132 Madha 3 5 128 217 133 Sarwara 2 96 113 203 134 Kachnanl 11 119 209 135 Chauki 7 2 14 10 251 448 136 SatJJalliya 3 113 219 137 Khamra 9 84 377 479 138 Dharwara 56 63 64 139 Pipariya 26 36 34 140 Roondh 75 89 69 141 Judi (Dharwara) 87 69 1 271 392 142 Chhijora 41 47 143 Matewara lQ2 154 144 Bilha Kangali 145 Ramna Karimat 4 4 141 220 239 146 Bandhaura 5 2 11 122 87 147 Asauni 10 23 7 148 Mandahiya 8 43 65 61 149 Mahalrampur 6 139 213 150 Hawa 28 49 lSI Lamkush Un Inhabitd 152 Ishwara 38 52 153 Vyauhari 3 56 163 278 154 Mahuwa Khera 2 6 .1 182 321 155 Sahilwara 26 40 74 156 Dighaura 41 107 153 157 Gabhaura 3 49 165 182 158 Chhigamma 2 72 86 159 Mahidwa (richhouri) 2 4 51 129 156 160 Karhiya (Itwa) 60 51 75 161 Pataura 5 8 2 8 32 197 353 162 Richhauda 6 3 6 25 4 16 74 631 982 163 Sugarha 6 28 6 3 14 3 45 322 393 164 Luhargaon 2 8 11 165 Majhyari

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      166 ~ 382.84 96 96 659 333 326 152 69 83 167 ~ 344.06 26 26 149 77 72 30 15 15 168 ~ 532.34 160 160 767 418 349 171 99 62 169 ~ 94.54 4 6 54 28 26 11 6 5 170 uriRcR 531.49 91 91 561 293 268 159 86 73 171 f.r.mT 108.30 20 20 195 96 99 37 14 23 172 ~ 279.56 75 75 486 252 234 102 54 48 173 ~ 250.23 91 92 432 237 195 84 SO 34 174 ~ 103.65 17 T7 103 46 57 17 6 11 175 ~ 130.27 53 53 260 127 133 46 20 26 176 ~ 365.01 81 81 466 250 216 99 52 47 177 ~&m 612.78 211 211 1175 615 560 213 110 103 178 'f[qT 222.60 72 72 345 181 164 63 34 29 179 ~ 600.77 153 156 808 425 383 167 85 82 180 ~ 813.75 5 5 22 10 12 2 181 ~~ 275.35 83 83 507 246 261 118 52 66 182 ~ 305.33 42 42 230 125 105 42 22 20 183

      Schcdukd C,lstcs Scheduled Tribes LIterates Industrial category of ~ Name of CD. main workers LocatIOn Block/Cltv/Town Codc Number Village (I-IX) (1)

      Males Feinales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Gunnor C. D. Blocl.

      63 73 101 40 196 90 173 65 166 Amari 13 7 20 11 48 5 38 1 167 Pathradi 166 137 5 113 18 230 26 138 13 168 Sithauli 8 16 16 169 Ihiriya 81 60 6 83 19 152 39 112 26 170 Dhanokhar 26 1 56 2 55 1 171 Nibhari 79 83 92 26 137 33 81 8 172 Seilla 66 56 71 9 142 90 80 30 173 BhQtgawan 7 6 35 21 23 4 18 2 174 Udki 35 38 56 9 80 15 57 10 175 Tedha 34 29 140 40 142 63 113 36 176 Sarhaja 110 92 330 159 339 47 154 7 177 Syamardanda 140 125 66 27 101 65 34 178 Chanpa 239 215 79 16 260 24 149 6 179 Tidunhai 9 3 5 3 180 Supantha 134 149 103 51 126 67 90 28 lSI Tighrabujurg 9 7 30 3 75 8 68 3 182 Tilhadi 27 22 82 18 87 85 183 Kartariya 35 54 41 41 184 Bilhai 31 23 2 63 32 72 16 32 185 Bamurhiya 66 86 58 14 113 19 61 186 Madausa 65 62 124 34 126 28 76 60 187 Mangraiia Khurd 10 11 82 40 91 48 55 25 188 Mangraila Kalan 17 11 125 56 123 46 67 189 Manipur Kalan 19 27 2 15 11 5 190 Majhiyari 177 164 99 36 139 29 73 191 Bhitari 63 55 66 32 79 26 47 2 192 Bhaurha 346 313 469 122 535 103 340 4 193 Kathwariya 41 46 177 76 146 46 116 6 194 Malhan 51 36 13 45 28 30 195 Turkital 28 2 58 26 46 196 Simri Bahadursingh 93 73 224 88 242 32 61 19] Bhatiya 68 75 221 240 178 42 276 166 174 23 198 Selha 43 49 5 100 54 87 52 56 22 199 Bachharwara 564

      -mer 9M ~ if) \it "I'll 0 H I trR

      ~ fifciffi ~/ ~ Cfi1ll iR ~ ~ 3ifuWlii lIMT em- 'flIT /1Jll1 'fiT

      ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi ~[ales FI.'Il' ,1~, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ f4

      166 3!'lRt • 21 25 167 ~ 10 4 168 ~ 77 12 4 169 ~ - 170 tRIm 28 11 4 171 f.'t;ffiT 1 1 172 ~ 51 24 2 173 ~ 55 53 2 4 2 2 174 ~ 3 1 175 ~ 22 5 176 ~ 18 21 8 6 177 ~sisr 132 29 3 2 3 178

      ~ Cfi1<1 i"i¥ ~ "itt ~ i;iU'ii ~ CfiTl'f Cfi1<1 ., i"{"if "iffi¥ ~ friiffi ~ Industrial Cltegory of Main Workers ~qffi Non-workers ems rrm /"Wl q)f "fJ1l Marginal -;p:;iR Name ofC.D. Workers Location Block/City/Town! Code Village Number VI VII Vlll IX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Maks Fcmaks Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Gunnor C. D. Block

      2 6 68 131 168 l()() Aman 23 29 44 107 Pathradi 4 4 3 34 188 289 168 Sithauli 21 11 5 169 Jhiriya 7 2 58 141 171 170 Dhanokhar 61 40 36 171 Nibhari 121 115 80 172 Seilla 35 95 70 173 Bhatgawan 2 26 23 27 174 Udki 70 47 48 175 Tedha 3 11 61 97 92 176 Sarhaja 9' 35 10 8 276 505 177 Syamardanda 2 4 22 76 77 178 Chanpa 7 4 4 '229 161 130 179 Tidunhai 2 2 8 3 1 180 Supantha 3 1 8 37 106 83 88 181 Tighrabujurg 49 50 48 182 Tilhadi 2 69 79 83 183 Kartariya 14 31 21 184 Bilhai 8 16 65 97 185 Bamurhiya 2 62 85 104 186 Madausa 5 3 13 97 138 122 187 Mangraila Khurd 9 3 3 44 99 78 188 Mangraila Kalan 4 3 5 4 4 7 127 175 189 Manipur Kalan 8 19 190 Majhiyari 2 2 77 112 118 191 Bhitari 2 1 20 70 79 192 Bhaurha 11 12 2 - 560 929 193 Kathwariya 1 6 2 4 178 241 194 Malhan 3 48 59 195 Turkital 78 94 196 Simri Bahadursingh 5 3 4 9 94 277 345 197 Bhatiya 3 2 1 24 206 295 198 ScIha 2 85 119 199 Bachharwara 566

      mq CfiI e&ii'T ~ '!iB ~ ~ 3iIi (~~) ~ m~~~qrffi ~ "'l1Tt l

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      200 '+fmm' 75.Qo 3 3 5 2 3 201 ~ (~4'"1i'i.1<) 117.12 13 13 66 34 32 6 2 4 202 ~ 177.60 27 27 161 97 84 28 15 13 203 ~ 152.78 49 49 260 153 127 59 33 26 204 '¥iT 173.15 38 38 216 109 107 54 26 28 205 ~ (ERJ,rr) 101.16 22 22 113 59 54 27 10 17 206 ~ 349.71 136 136 764 421 343 152 89 63 '" 207 ERJ,rr 382.79 183 183 963 506 457 219 106 111

      208 ~ 516.88 156 158 758 396 362 152 71 81 209 ~~ 217.77 35 35 184 98 86 32 19 13 210 ~ 219.20 49 49 269 152 117 47 25 22 211 wmlro 456.24 134 134 722 376 346 143 79 67

      212 ~ 548.32 115 117 623 326 297 130 72 58 213 CJi1cr 247.51 1 1 2 1 1 214 ~ 718.34 521 521 2516 1328 1188 502 268 234 215


      ~ ~ mm ~~Cfill1~

      Scheduled Castes ~chedilled Tribes LIterates Indllstrlal category or ~ Name ore.D, main workers Locatioll mock/City/Town (odc Number VIllage (I-IX) (1)

      1Jm BT ~ ~ 1Jm -at ~ -at ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Gunnor C. D. Block

      2 1 2 2 200 Machharha 10 7 29 19 15 13 13 10 201 Bamurha(Devendranagar) 6 2 63 32 52 21 29 9 202 MBhulgawan 105 51 67 35 33 15 203 Ujnehi 12 10 65 31 48 23 33 12 204 Looka 43 14 24 6 19 3 205 Umari (HJararia) 86 61 123 13 227 13 181 7 206 Kushedar 114 86 229 16 259 156 190 17 207 Harira 71 66 146 40 235 10 127 208 Bhatanwara 16 21 34 1 61 36 41 24 209 Bilha Khurd 93 29 71 40 62 35 210 Palhari 93 87 128 31 212 133 141 44 211 Chhaparwara 51 42 3 9 129 59 179 60 81 8 212 Bandhur 213 Kota 242 221 725 391 662 215 310 107 214 Salcha 138 123 267 91 325 104 140 5 215 Katra 11 6 7 4 6 216 Bamhaur 156 135 45 5 94 60 26 217 Manikpur Bishnu 227 206 194 199 435 123 497 205 177 14 218 Jamrai 169 160 201 191 302 85 466 141 190 25 219 Ganj 1 473 464 56 4 284 187 106 6 220 Nachnc 84 75 35 29 245 102 241 71 84 6 221 Nayagaon 245 208 197 191 803 247 801 260 530 26 222 Patna 483 475 44 8 307 176 91 13 223 Madaiya Kulgawan Un Inhabited 224 Kachhgawan 4 8 8 225 Mudiya 2 3 226 Gangota 568

      l'Jiq 91 to! P1 Cfi \if "141 u1 "11 "flR

      ~ "ffciffi ~/ lj"{O!l CliJlT ~ ~ ~ 3ifuTf1li lI}1l1f em- ~ /lJIll

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -at ~ ~ ~ -at Males Females Males Females .Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      l,FIR (4Cf1If(~Oa

      200 ~ 201 ~ (~4'i:'1l){) 2 3 202 ~ 16 9 203 ~ 29 19 204 ~ 12 10 205 ~ (m'ro) 4 3 206 ~ 31 5 7 207 mRr 57 136 8 3 2

      208 ~ 81 7 2 16 209 ~~ 18 12 2 210 ~ 4 3

      211 ~ 56 66 6 2 212 ~ 79 46 2 4 213 W 214 ~ 119 83 13 9 7 24

      215 ~ 100 66 21 10 39 21 6 216 ~ 4 1 217 ~ fct1I1lJ 64 58 2 218 \ifI1UlT 183 167 40 4 17 5 5 219 7J';;:r 129 102 16 45 12 17 220 m 164 81 3 221 ~ 64 59 64 1 2 222 ~ 162 225 7 20 2 4 223 ~~ 211 163 224 CfiWTCIi ~ 225 ~ 226 mITer 3 SG')


      ~ CfiFI" ii-¥ "iiTffi if ~ ;j1JTt ~ CfiT1l CfiT1l "l "ii.f ~ ~ mm\Cm" Industrial Category of Main Workers cnf.t q8 Non-workers -m "l1R /Wl'f q)f ~

      Margll1al ~ Name of C.D.

      IIUII, .... .lL'I LUlrt..dlHJl1 Block/City/Town/ Code Village Number VI VII VIII IX ~ B't ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B1t ~ ~ Males Females l\laks, F~maks Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Gunnor C. D. Block

      200 Machharha 19 19 201 Bamurha (Devendranagar) 2 3 2- 45 63 202 MBhulgawan 4 1 86 92 203 Ujnehi 3 61 84 204 Looka 35 48 205 Umari (Hararia) 3 3 22 156 172 174 206 Kushedar 2 247 301 207 Harira 3 4 2 7 176 154 176 208 Bhatanwara 37 50 209 BilhaKhurd 2 2 2 81 77 210 Palhari 3 4 2 1 13 164 200 211 Chhapanvara 5 2 7 2 147 237 212 Bandhur 1 213 Kota 3 62 2 4 118 15 666 972 214 Saleha 2 3 2 11 44 276 394 215 Katra 5 10 216 Bamhaur 89 103 217 ManikpurBishnu 26 18 3 41 11 62 489 651 218 Jamrai 34 35 2 37 393 618 219 Ganj 2 7 285 344 220 Nachne 2 11 12 4 3 273 390 221 Nayagaon 20 55 7 36 65 811 1140 222 Patna 3 2 129 214 215 223 Madaiya Kulgawan Un Inhabited 224 Kachhgawan 9 5 6 225 Mudiya 2 226 Gangota 570

      "lJTitq)T ~ 3IR!TG ~~ (itR3ili (tcm~) ~ m3lt~ m-Cffi'I) 3ffi: "I'1R 1

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      4 m t4q,JtI{q'a ~. 1277.82 23822 24272 127353 67015 603382716813996 13172 m. 127782.44 23822 24272 127353 67015 603382716813996 13172 "if.

      ~ 1411.76 88 88 548 297 251 121 62 59 2 ~ 233.61 114 114 624 330 294 106 43 63 3 tMW 488.31 97 97 537 287 250 93 43 50 4 ~ 397.66 81 81 414 229 185 86 42 44 5 Wrcr 541.36 131 131 682 365 317 122 64 58 6 tM CfiMi 166.58


      ~ ~I $ 0flT< 1lJ1+[ 'liT "WI

      Scheduled Casks Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial category of ~ Name of C.D. main workers LocatIon Block/City/Town Code Number Village (l-IX) (1)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . 20 21 2

      15350 13639 8981 8702 21905 7082 35369 9465 22666 3399 T Pawai C.D. Block 4 15350 13639 8981 8702 21905 7082 35369 9465 22666 3399 R U

      71 52 99 35 109 3 61 Khajrut 143 128 121 34 185 78 130 2 2 Madhpura 61 56 5 3 177 62 163 15 125 3 3 DhorraKhurd 66 55 69 16 127 47 87 17 ~ Kh~Iloll 48 45 152 37 208 6 174 2 5· Jhirata UnInhabited 6 Dhorra Kalan 121 110 313 74 407 170 231 83 7 Garhi Karahiya 4 5 17 15 111 36 112 60 54 6 8 Sur;tipura 350 289 3 4 576 249 618 130 270 35 9 Sunwani Kalan 11 7 15 35 8 22 1 10 Simra Khurd 26 26 66 39 68 21 41 1 11 Simra Kalan 16 18 33 30 108 29 122 31 87 2 12 Sunwani Khurd 40 32 150 38 150 80 78 45 13 Sirsi 101 81 31 41 128 26 237 20 184 14 Raih'Uwan 69 59 183 175 202 77 312 142 171 29 15 Udla 96 66 117 52 146 1 101 16 Patna Kalan 190 148 277 90 380 138 176 27 17 Sata Budhasingh 201 184 206 57 303 14 207 2 18 Koni 194 160 27 18 227 55 334 83 196 34 19 Boda 80 74 68 28 141 30 116 3 20 Gudha 2 3 1 2 21 Banbhai 24 13 19 16 22 Maharajganj 6 24 8 20 6 23 Madli 43 32 80 23 114 8 85 4 24 Pagra 19 21 22 95 2 82 25 KuIuwa 77 69 13 13 177 28 363 109 281 26 Kolkardiya 94 83 52 54 142 54 228 64 121 3 27 Deori no 103 160 24 247 2 142 1 28 Raikara Un Inhabited 29 Rataru 221 180 67 4 287 195 241 186 30 Ganyari 572

      ~ mm~1 ~ cnr=r iii-t ~ "#it ~ ;}1iif cfi1s "I1'R 1lJTl'r CfiT ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name ofC.D. Location Block/City/Townl Code Village (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ Bit ~ Bit ~ Bit ~ Bit ~ Bit /dales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      4 m ~

      ~ 24 9 13 2 2 ~ 42 7S 4 3 tMW 19 12 17 4 ~ 36 30 5 ~ 21 4 6 6 UMqmj ~ 7 ~~ 153 80 6 3 2 8 ~ 54 54 9 ~ jCflffi 163 74 16 28 2 15 10 fWm.~ 12 7 11 fWmqmj 26 20 12 ~W 31 27 13 fuffir 42 21 10 9 14 ~ 38 18 3 9 IS ~ 112 70 12 38 7 2 16 -.::rc-rr ~ 28 14 17 mcr~ 166 104 14 4 18 CfMT· 77 12 S 4 19 oim 113 47 4 8 20 '@T 24 26 21 ~ 1 22 "161<1 \11 J 1\11 2 23 ~ 3 2 24 lJ1TU 23 4 3 25 ~ 12 1 26 ~~ 64 109 12 27 tern 79 S4 9 5 3 28 ~ 69 6 2 29 ~ ~ 30 ~ 28 5 IS 3 573 . V1LLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      ~ Cfi""Pl ~ ~ *i ~ S>}1JTI ~ Cfi""Pl Cfi""Pl-;:r ~~ ~ f$iffi ~ Industnal Category of Main Workers Cfi"f.t

      Marginal ~ Name ofC.D. Workers Location Block/City/Townl Code Village Number VI VII VIII IX 1JW B't 1JW B't 1JW B't ~ B't 1JW B't ~ -ro Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      102 19 632 63 114 4 1218 203 549 7549 3109743324 T Pawai C. D. Block 4 102 19 632 63 114 4 1218 203 549 7549 3109743324 R U

      2 32 17 156 231 Khajrut 4 5 145 215 2 Madhpura 2 124 235 3 Dhorra Khurd 4 3 102 135 4 Khalon 6 6 7 151 304 5 Jhirata Un Inhabited 6 Oharra Kalan 4 11 4 17 191 352 309 7 Garhi Karahiya 2 3 90 93 8 Surajpura 14 9 42 3 2 68 7 5 147 559 709 9 Sunwani Kalan 31 35 10 SimraKhurd 4 8 69 96 11 SimraKaian 3 2 128 188 12 Sunwani Klmrd 5 11 5 6 30 124 133 13 Sirsi 2 170 134 138 14 Raiguwan 9 3 13 276 349 15 Udla 2 78 103 121 16 Patna Kalan 10 2 14 340 495 17 Sata Blldhasingh 3 7 17 288 510 18 Koni 5 8 163 290 269 19 Boda 2 29 119 181 20 Glldha 1 6 21 Banbhai 16 41 22 Maharajganj 13 31 23 Madli 2 92 106 97 24 Pagra 1 63 146 25 Kuluwa 5 60 226 330 26 Kolkardiya 2 11 2 94 175 235 27 Deori 6 22 30 173 203 256 28 Raikara Un Inhabited 29 Rataru 3 3 281 287 30 Ganyari 574

      ~ ~ (ihii 3iti (tcm ~) ~3IT ~ rA

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      -qq{ f4CfiI'ti(qUg 31 1000.34 578 589 3090 1638 1452 684 341 343 32 476.46 48 48 281 143 138 67 33 34 33 112.49 ~ 34 807.30 217 217 1066 559 507 200 103 97 35 TI"I1lT 184.85 53 53 291 162 129 59 33 26 36 lWm 150.28 16 21 116 52 64 26 11 15 37 'l'"Cr!T ~ 220.36 ~ 38 F..lm:Fr 418.27 95 95 519 262 257 114 52 62 39 ~ 517.44 118 118 654 346 308 107 56 51

      40 ~ 698.73 109 109 614 323 291 129 67 62 41 ~~ 791.88 306 306 1593 842 751 335 173 162

      42 ~ 1152.92 256 256 1212 625 587 279 135 144 43 ~ 189.57 ~ 44 ~ 158.20 ~ 45 ~ . 1239.87 233 234 1149 595 554 246 124 122 46 wAr 536.14 182 184 981 517 464 229 120 109 47 3fTJI"tll"C 523.82 39 39 210 110 100 38 19 19

      48 ~~ 282.35 91 94 513 265 248 103 58 45 49 ~ 334.34 63 63 275 155 120 43 24 19

      50 ~ 493.91 109 109 533 284 249 121 66 55 51 N 176.76 58 58 275 147 128 57 30 27 52 ~ 528.84 246 246 1220 636 584 239 127 112 53 'fuft 77.29 49 49 275 142 133 60 32 28 54 ft.pffi W 178.70 20 20 92 51 41 13 7 6 55 ~ 1648.78 510 510 2330 1198 1132 467 217 250

      56 ~ 284.99 112 112 602 332 270 116 67 49 57 lJ1TU 426.59 ~ 58 ~ 101.86 37 37 181 96 85 31 13 18 59 ~ 244.54 45 45 296 153 143 70 37 33 60 ~ 97.51 18 18 121 64 57 26 14 12 61 ~ 1947.88 264 264 1352 739 613 356 175 181 62 ~ 1141.75 30 30 130 75 55 28 13 15

      63 ~ 2546.40 1143 1151 6326 3316 3010 1317 623 694 575


      Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Industrial category of ~ Name oCCD. mam workers LocatIOn l3lock/City/Town Code Number Villuge (I-IX) (1)

      ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      Pawai C.D. BIod, 489 402 15 8 672 342 810 285 310 87 31 Simariya Garhi 25 24 6 6 38 6 81 2 73 32 Niwari Un Inhabited 33 Garlaga 179 170 113 55 311 35 277 12 34 Chikhla 82 62 25 3 90 25 70 35 Tahanga 18 20 8 1 23 2 20 36 Majra Un Inhabited 37 Patna Khurd 73 71 108 31 145 7 123 2 38 Birasan 80 75 139 33 189 125 137 74 39 Golahi 93 82 68 52 179 1 169 40 Chadra 302 273 256 48 366 60 233 7 41 Padaria Kalan 164 147 27 24 215 40 375 301 216 183 42 Dallwara Un Inhabited 43 Lidri Un Inhabited 44 Khajuri 129 120 7 6 185 62 312 67 210 12 45 Hirapur 244 224 6 3 183 92 226 48 141 15 46 Ludhlli 18 16 13 13 38 22 66 S 37 47 Amghat 36 34 72 12 131 18 92 2 48 Harduwa Byarma 54 39 45 11 86 39 32 49 Ghutariya 73 62 79 17 152 41 100 11 50 Rajpur 16 20 43 12 73 13 60 9 51 Dhimari 147 140 144 36 369 90 257 55 52 Badkhera 40 5 79 26 79 26 53 Richhi 46 37 6 28 13 7 1 54 Simri Klmrd 250 254 39 43 419 179 685 170 412 80 55 Banoli 60 50 2 73 13 209 173 187 167 56 Padwar Un Inhabited 57 Pagra 96 85 15 3 61 7 49 58 Khairi 24 18 37 5 74 2 66 59 Thungri 30 23 20 5 41 31 23 23 60 Pagri 77 54 243 224 198 21 389 172 210 15 61 Singwara 74 55 2 41 32 37 32 62 Tikaria 454 442 164 169 1409 705 1579 232 837 39 63 Muhandara 576

      "1Jiq '.ill 'LI ~ Cfi \TI~·lol~J "'flR

      ~ f

      ~ -rn ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ ~Cflle~Ui5

      31 ~~ 212 162 9 26 14 19 32 ~ 6 2 33 1ffiJ1TT ~ 34 fiRcm;rr 21 23 3 3 35 ClR"1IT 15 19 3 6 36 "lWRT 2 1 r 37 -qc;uW

      40 ~ 41 ~qmj 90 52 10 8

      42 ~ 122 109 17 8 5 43 fRGft

      48 ~~ 30 14 5 49 ~ 37 27 13 10 50 ~ 39 30 5 3 51 ~ 4 3 4 2 52 ~ 75 29 2 6 4 5 53 ~ 54 ~W 21 12 55 ~ 188 80 3 18 6 56 ~ 4 5 14 57 1FRT ~ 58 ~ 11 6 59 ~ 7 2 60 "tflRt 16 8 61 fWr


      ~ q;p:f ~ ~ "if ~ !\WIT ~ 'CfiF1 'CfiF1 ";f "iA ~ ~ fcfciffi ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers ~gffi Non-workers ~ ~ IWl q)J" rw'f

      Marginal ~ Name of C.D. Workers Location Block/City/Town/ Code Village Number

      VI VII VIII ---IX ~ Bt :rm Bt :rm Bt :rm Bt :rm ~ ~ Bt Males Femaks Males Females Maks Females Males F emaks Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 36 39 40 41 42 43 2

      Pawai C.D. Block

      13 93 4 5 123 17 3 2 625 1165 31 Simariya Garhi 1 4 62 132 32 Niwari Un Inhabited 33 Garlaga 6 2 246 470 34 Chikhla 72 104 35 Tahanga 29 62 36 Majra Un Inhabited 37 Patna lChurd 2 2 117 246 38 Birasan 2 2 34 157 149 39 Golahi 4 4 1 8 144 262 40 Chadra 2 12 11 476 691 41 Padaria Kalan 4 1 10 250 266 42 Danwara Un Inhabited 43 Lidri Un Inhabited 44 Khajuri 4 2 9 3 34 283 453 45 Hirapur 7 2 9 5 7 77 284 339 46 Ludhni 1 44 95 47 Amghat 3 134 230 48 Harduwa Byarma 2 1 69 61 49 Ghutariya 2 2 7 132 201 50 Raj pur 3 1 74 114 51 Dhimari 5 2 17 6 267 486 52 Badkhera 14 63 93 53 Richhi ~ . 23 27 54 SimriKhurd 12 2 4 41 7 2 22 511 940 55 Banoli 3 123 97 56 Padwar Un Inhabited 57 Pagra 35 78 58 Khairi 78 141 59 Thungri 23 26 60 Pagri 2 16 350 440 61 Singwara 34 23 62 Tikaria 13 66 8 4 105 25 4 1718 2774 63 Muhandara 578

      mq Cf>T ef-.itiR

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      -qqf f.\q}I«~ug 64 660.17 1 2 2 65 3750,83 110 111 541 275 266 139 61 78 66 1716.81 36 36 243 140 103 46 22 24 67 1146.28 49 49 288 144 144 72 37 35 68 1053.50 59 59 294 157 137 76 37 39 69 306.55 42 42 172 82 90 45 20 25

      70 ~ 3201.96 89 89 471 237 234 113 53 60 71... ~ 1364.42 350 350 1869 969 900 421 2B 208 72 ~ 323.77 80 80 433 231 202 101 53 48 73 1iffir~ 329.55 76 76 398 212 186 72 38 34 74 ~ 607.32 168 168 940 485 455 236 131 105 75 ~ 387.57 104 104 529 284 245 107 50 57 76 ~ 542.63 73 73 409 197 212 102 46 56 77 1WfT~ 906.61 230 230 1218 666 552 257 144 113 78 ~ 355.04 6 6 29 17 12 6 4 2 79 Cf®n 930,37 349 349 1805 952 853 409 201 208 80 ~ 321.09 41 41 226 113 113 51 22 ·29 81 ~ 263.51 97 97 568 305 263 152 81 71 ! 82 ~ 582.30 180 180 977 526 451 228 120 108 83 'RImr 1517.20 212 221 1246 649 597 305 163 142 84 ~ 74.34 c1RR 85 ~~ 216.64 55 55 336 208 128 76 51 25 86 mY 122.09 c1RR 87 ~ 86.78 50 50 237 127 110 38 20 18 88 ~Wu 39.49 c1RR 89 ~~ 196.79 c1RR 90 t


      Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Literates Indu,triHI category of """"' Name of C.D main workers Locahon Block/City/Town Code Numher Village (I-IX) (I)

      Males Females Males Fem;Jles Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Pawai C.D. Blocl< 2 64 Guda Gauraha 53 58 124 124 61 23 154 18 80 5 65 Kothi 2 4 J34 94 76 7 56 51 66 Damuiya 11 7 133 137 28 2 80 79 67 Adhradi 94 84 J 35 4 80 76 68 Majhgawan Pahad 82 90 44 38 5 2 69 Beldabar 237 234 60 10 117 105 90 78 70 Kadhna 246 245 109 93 340 124 469 131 345 65 71 Kunwarpur 44 43 67 22 JIO 27 68 J2 72 Rampura 18 17 69 22 112 15 96 11 73 Pipra Narayanpura 91 85 91 40 230 23 151 10 74 Atarhai 83 75 143 49 105 1 90 75 Gudmania 34 37 43 57 49 11 94 65 67 20 7(-, 13artala 329 273 121 29 347 88 228 5 77 Patna Kalan 8 6 8 1 78 Kinna 238 221 5 11 336 81 511 179 329 80 79 Karia 47 56 22 3 62 6 48 80 Mania 105 72 73 11 155 3 118 81 Palohi 141 125 177 14 286 12 250 5 82 Umri 276 276 157 62 328 89 288 58 83 Tighra Un Inhabited 84 Pondi 21 13 23 13 86 14 101 30 71 5 85 Harduwaken Un Inhabited 86 Sarra 13 11 47 11 73 37 56 21 87 Purwa Un Inhabited 88 Majhgawan Khera Un Inhabited 89 Chheola Khurd 117 95 2 237 100 209 16 98 3 90 Deora 16 11 9 9 1 91 Sotipura 22 21 3 3 27 9 27 9 92 Rangia 8 5 16 6 15 6 93 Bhatpura Un Inhabited 94 Tedha 34 29 26 13 51 13 51 12 95 Bairgarha 169 ISS 245 71 318 57 218 5 96 Puaina 266 233 8 5 302 128 479 53 332 4 97 Mahod Kalan 580

      "IJiq 1)1¥.ffiltfi \l1'1 Jlul'1l W\

      ~ fuii"iT# I_q1JS / ~ CfiTll ifit ~ "it ~ ;}1fIT ~ 'IlT{ /'JfIl CfiT OWl Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name orC.D. Location Block/City/Town! Code Village

      (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Jm ~ ~ :ffi Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31

      1Jqf f<\ q;lfI~oiS 64 ~~ 65 "iTcft 54 10 18 2 66 ~ 67 ~ 68 ~~ 69 ~ 39 36 70 ~ 26 26 71 ~ 66 66 3 4 72 ~ 37 14 73 1iM-u '1RlqQI~ 14 4 74 ~ 60 12 6 75 ~ 3 1 7 76 0RmlT 27 45 77 1fi:.=IT i1i 113 83 78 ~ 5 79 ~ 104 81 10 19 10 6 80 ~ 9 6 4 61 ~ 26 5 82 ~ 27 5 5 2 fuqu 83 31 26 3 84 ~ cfu:R 65 ~~ 29 25 66 W cfu:R 87 ~ 11 16 68 ~mr cfu:R 89 ~W ~ 90 ~ 84 11 3 91 ~ 92 00r 93 \fcyT 94 ~ cfu:R 95 ~ 96 ~ 71 39 5 12 97 ~~ 119 48 7 5S1 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      ~ q;]'lf"iB~~ ~ 9.)1fIT ~ CI'i"Fl cwr ., "iB 'iri# ~ m;m:~ Industria 1 Category of Malll Workers cnRG8 Non-workers CliTs rrm: 1

      Marg1l1al ~ Name ofC.O. Workers Location Block/City/Townl Code Village Number VI VII VlII IX ~ ~ T!l ~ ~ ~ ~ -at ~. ~ T!l ~ Males rem"ks Males Females Males Females Males Females IIlales Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 Pawai C.D. Block

      2 64 Guda Gauraha 121 248 65 Kothi 5 59 84 44 66 Damuiya 87 64 57 67 Adhradi 4 71 77 66 68 Majhgawan Pahad 38 52 69 Beldabar 120 129 70 Kadhna 4 12 2 13 5 70 495 699 71 Kunwarpur 4 121 175 72 Rampura 1 100 171 73 Pipra Narayanpura 9 - 255 432 74 Atarhai 3 2 3 13 176 231 75 Gudmania 103 147 76 Bartala 4 2 319 462 77 PatnaKalan 9 6 78 Kinna 21 5 2 20 2 7 168 434 506 79 Karia 51 106 80 Mania 2 3 8 150 252 81 Palohi 2 4 240 435 82 Umri 2 3 3 3 321 505 83 Tighra Un Inhabited 84 Pondi 7 106 91 85 Harduwaken Un Inhabited 86 Sarra 4 54 73 87 Purwa Un Inhabited 88 Majhgawan Khera Un Inhabited 89 Chheola Khurd 2 2 18 183 324 90 Deora 15 24 91 Sotipura 16 39 92 Rangia 11 20 93 Bhatpura Un Inhabited 94 Tedha 45 71 95- Bairgarha 9 13 - 298 464 96 Puraina 16 3 135 391 611 97 MahodKalan 582

      "liii If,I m; ~ WIffl&IT (iER SiR ~~} ~3lT ~ ~ 1ffffi .~1lri1f;l ~~) .t fttt, >to ~ Location Name ofC,!), Tl!W/ Area of Village No. of No, of Total Population (Including Code Block/Clty,Town Total Population lundl in He<1ares and occupied How'~· Institutional and Houselc" in the age group Numher Villag~ Ulban of TowwWard ResidentIal holds Population) (0-6) mSq. Kms. Houses

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11

      96 ~ 452.85 134 143 701 389 312 124 68 56 99 Rscr 795.86 196 196 1039 572 467 182 101 81 100 'fWm¥ 2647.57 253 253 1221 641 560 274 134 140 101 ~~ 731.70 269 282 1462 763 699 329 165 164 102 ~ 282.92 2 2 16 10 6 I I 103 ~ 22'42.57 330 342 1661 887 774 360 186 174 104 ~ 57.65



      -;:rm 1m

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Pawai C.D. Block 41 20 91 76 128 41 201 107 149 66 98 Kumahari 157 1.31 167 34 324 24 258 99 Rihuta 88 62 98 88 119 .38 357 126 262 5 100 Simra Klmrd 158 131 49 47 294 118 388 33 321 4 101 Simra Kalan 4 4 4 102 Kudgawan 218 194 147 138 282 68 484 76 355 50 103 Hathkuri Un Inhabited 104 Itwan 60 38 51 8 90 23 56 2 105 Pipariya Tiwari Un Inhabited 106 Beda 102 96 74 59 141 30 245 58 149 25 107 Patori 14 10 3 6 31 10 28 27 108 Budha 120 100 68 15 104 77 109 Simri 220 189 134 lJ6 136 36 353 182 254 114 1I0 Khamariya 10 8 26 15 26 3 22 3 III Nayagaon 30 25 .61 22 61 3 52 112 Ganeshganj 27 25 18 12 60 10 162 107 148 97 113 lmalia Un Inhabited 114 Muhli Un Inhabited 115 Pati Un Inhabited 116 Kolo Un Inhabited 117 Harduwa 47 .36 75 74 36 10 91 62 21 2 118 Piparia 21 25 16 9 40 8 38 7 119 Rakseha 85 74 15 16 131 50 204 11 138 5 120 Mihgawan Kalan 14 13 20 17 110 56 102 17 74 121 Bilha 46 44 26 13 71 3 42 122 Sarsela 3 3 3 2 2 123 Mahua chapela 108 103 69 25 124 21 77 124 Chandanpur 106 93 3 3 120 80 161 14 105 125 Badkhera Kalan Un Inhabited 126 Sakra 168 158 214 56 384 44 289 3 127 Tai 102 90 2 3 76 23 153 21 115 128 Budheda 98 101 76 20 102 22 61 5 129 Ihirmila ", 2 81 76 57 13 127 26 64 4 130 Chaumukha 194 159 354 107 44.3 123 279 35 131 Murachh 5~~

      l'Jiq ~ \l1'1 110HI "fIR

      BiRtIl ffcf.R:f (cf1J3 / ~CWTi.Bri~~M

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -F.lt ~ ~ ~ -F.lt \["1,,, fcmaks Males F,m,l!" M"k, Femaks Mal"s Females ~l.l!es Femal-.!R 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      m f4CfiIt1«1Us

      98 ~ 48 20 99 ~ 64 22 100 iWm~ 87 121 2 101 fu1W CT.MT 50 26 3 2 102 ~ 103 Q~ 35 14 8 30 6 '" 104 ~ <1RR 105 fiMW:rr fuqffi 20 19 3 3 2 106 ihT


      .~ CW1 i"A "iTIiii "i}ff Jjfu)flFci ~)1JTi ~ <1i1'1 CfiT11 ~ "iif.t ~ i'4Afu fiiim ~ Industrial CategorY of Malll Workcls ~~ Non-workers Cflls -.;m /W'l

      t--brgll\al ~ Name of CO Workers LocatIOn Block/City/Town! Code Village Number

      \1 VII VIII IX

      ~ -at 'Fl -at ~ -at 'JVf -at ~ -at ~ -at Males F,·m.ti", \Iak, Fem.tic, ~I,\k, Femelle, ~Ia I", Femal", )lInk, F"maks 1\1."", Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      Pawai C.D. Blod,

      2 8 188 197 9X KUlllahari 3 35 245 408 99 Rihuta 5 6 189 278 265 100 SlIma Khllrd 11 2 2 35 273 631 101 SlIma Kalan 6 6 102 KlIdgawan 2 20 2, 2, 30 2 8 403 690 103 Hathkun UnInhabited 104 ltwan 2 5 83 108 105 Pipilriya TIwari Un Inhabited lOG Beda 6 23 58 197 294 107 Patori 32 53 109 Budha 4 111 169 109 Simri 7 6 37 270 342 110 Khalllariya 2 35 48 III Nayagaon 66 104 Il2 Ganeshganj 19 49 125 118 113 lmalia Un Inhabited 114 Muhli Un Inhabited 115 Pati Un Inhabited IIG Kola Un Inhabited 117 Harduwa 66 75 118 Pipana 33 58 119 Rakselw 2 6 174 339 120 Mihgawan Kalan 6 3 123 177 121 Bilha 2 3 68 119 122 Sarsela 5 5 123 Mahua chapela 86 184 124 Chandanpur 2 5 175 303 125 Badkhera Kalan Un Inhabited 126 Sakra 9 2 2 21 9 336 588 127 Tai 13 8 4 2 107 191 128 Budheda 2 12 84 144 129 Jhirmila 29 120 159 130 ChaulI1ukha 7 10 2 17 2 3 163 419 427 131 Murachh fui'imiii / m q,r ~&iil

      I,j)eatH)!l \'.I!llL' or C I) r,'I.d \,,,., \)1 \',11.,;:" I\\) 01 • '0 01 Tn(al Popula(1011 (Incl"dlllg T\)(all'ol''''''('''11 C",k BI(',l (',(,/"1.,\111 [llU\I...·_ RUI,d III 1ll.'LLm.':-' ,wd ()LLLlplcd I 111,l!(u(lOnal and 1l11",,,k,, "' (h" "!;" !;"H'l' Numh~l \'IlLIgc \ ,h.1Il ,,( 1'\)"'11 \\.lItl R"'llkn(J:l1 hnllh 1'1lpula(H'n) (o-(»)

      111 Sq h:lll" IllHI\L'\

      Males 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11

      132 Wffin mr 391.01 82 82 485 256 229 102 57 45 133 ~ 224.25 82 82 532 273 259 118 66 52 134 "fITU 205.59 88 88 506 246 260 129 63 66 135 ~ 88.36 ~ 136 ~~ 472.15 128 128 794 413 381 176 87 89

      137 ~ 57.34 19 19 113 53 60 24 11 13 138 WUT 295.80 41 41 258 138 120 62 37 25 139 rt.«lt 28365 48 52 335 170 165 60 27 33 140 '1 I1JL11J11<1 763.59 259 259 1326 715 611 288 140 148 141 ~ 93.69 61 62 321 159 162 75 37 38 142 ~ 105.57 37 37 211 107 104 46 20 26 143 (cffiT 78.17 51 52 309 154 155 75 44 31 144 ~~ 76025 320 323 1600 827 773 358 188 170 145 ~ tRCfiR 440.12 158 159 803 424 379 172 95 77

      146 ~ 15192 11 11 79 37 42 16 6 10 147 m 96.43 19 19 113 58 55 24 11 13 148 l1W 293.11 50 51 266 138 128 49 20 29 149 ~ 469.38 443 469 2554 1329 1225 523 276 247 150 ~ nos 60 60 328 180 148 70 40 30 151 'fifV:rr 74.15 44 44 220 119 101 37 24 13 152 "fu>:Rr W 6212 cffiA 153 orsicffi W 110.90 cffiA 154 ~ 54.07 41 41 199 99 100 53 23 30 155 ~ 347.64 172 172 856 420 436 241 119 122 156 ~ 1955.94 112 113 595 311 284 152 72 80 157 ~ 3934.31 23 23 138 70 68 27 12 15 158 ~ 2148.78 20 20 107 55 52 24 14 10 159 f.tm 1026.18 21 21 96 50 46 31 15 16 160 ~ 2432.39 70 71 339 188 151 70 38 32 161 ~ 1601.01 66 67 334 189 145 60 34 26 162 Ul1! 651.59 7 7 19 13 6 163 ~mr 420.00



      S~h~dukd Tllbes Industnal <:atcgory or Name or CD mam \\'olkel' Locall(ll1 IlI0d.rCI\\ TO\\,I1 Code NUlIlhc-r Village (I-IX) (1)

      Males Females Males Females 1\1ales Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Pawai cn. Bloc!.:

      73 67 3 2 96 36 117 31 88 5 132 Hinallta 8,\1sh 48 46 2 2 82 14 143 35 107 6 Umana 43 43 28 18 121 118 Nargl Un Inhabited Usar Khcda 93 79 169 58 219 3 181 D() SllnanYii liu\ahslligh 19 5 30 15 28 3 137 Banwar 95 80 66 24 67 8 37 13S Bandh,l 38 35 2 98 38 87 12 61 139 Kaitlll 238 208 2 2 165 45 398 306 140 Narayanpllf;l 79 76 42 11 101 79 61 37 141 Mankl 25 50 49 142 Jamllni 36 31 53 10 75 24 63 143 Khara 178 169 3 3 343 91 396 151 211 70 144 Padaria Kalan 88 80 160 140 123 24 197 74 82 B 145 Dean Sarkar 28 13 16 15 146 Rampur 15 14 25 6 25 6 18 147 Pairatlu 54 54 45 10 76 13 51 14S Marda 412 377 44 34 569 236 677 170 428 27 149 Karchl 53 38 84 25 88 86 ISO Chhimha 32 30 36 3 74 74 lSI katia Un Inhabited 152 Tighra Khurd Un Inhabited 153 8adkhcra Khurd 99 99 14 6 52 24 52 154 Khat",ar 243 270 89 18 225 66 97 2 155 Juhi 54 49 119 125 43 18 173 75 100 42 156 Hada 65 67 47 22 47 22 157 Kutarhia 24 30 27 9 25 9 ISS Talgaan 50 46 27 4 7 4 159 Birha 12 12 69 65 47 19 110 46 46 20 160 Mohadia 2 78 68 72 28 93 11 39 161 Shikarpura 8 6 4 12 1 8 )62 Dhamoo Un Inhabited 163 Karahia Khcda 34 34 92 95 144 36 217 2 163 164 Dhcsai 270 272 38 36 216 72 455 153 265 107 1(,) Tlkana Dean 5){X


      BlRfu "Rlim ~/ -pal CfiFf ~ ~ if iifu)flli" lI.)ifjf

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \1" Ie, Females i\laks Females Males Females Males Females Males Fenl.lIes 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      m f4

      140 '1Rlqol~(1 79 1 2 141 ~ 27 42 6 142 ~ 143 WU 12 24 144 ~q;Bf 109 67 4 20 9 6 145 ~mcm 100 64 2 2 146 ~ 147 ~ 6 6 146 0Rm 19 13 149 crnT 167 134 3 5 7 24 2 6 ISO mm 2 151 q;ftqr 152 fatmW cfur;r 153 ~W cfur;r 154 ~ 24 155 ~ 4 26 51 93 12 156 ~ 6 14 60 5 6 13 157 ~ 158 ~ 2 159 foRm 20 160 ~ 14 9 2 40 16 2 161 ~ 19 4 1 27 6 162 Uf1! 4 163 ~~ cfur;r 164 ~ 9 2 16 4 2 165 ~tcro 7 4 7 26 5 5 45 25 5)\9


      ~ CJ1Tll ~ a' if ~ 5.Mt ~ CfiTl1 CfiTl1 'f iB ~ ~ fuW~ !lldllsln:1i C:llcgOl\ or f\.1:1in \Vori-.Cls ~~ Non-workers 'fiTs 'l111: 1"Wl 'fiT ~

      1\ larglIlal ~ Name of CO \\'orkers Loc:l1lOn Block/CIty/Town} Code Village NUllIber VI VII VIII IX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_, -rn ~ ~

      Male., F"tll

      Pawai C.D. Block

      5 2 15 83 124 115 132 Hinauta Baish 2 6 7 130 217 133 Umaria 2 125 259 1:\-1- Nargi Un inhabited US Usar Kheda 7 3 72 194 306 I3r, Simariya Gulabsingh 23 45 137 Banwar 2 5 34 71 78 US Bandha 7 8 83 45 139 Kaithi 5 5 97 317 513 1-1-0 Narayanpura 6 58 82 141 Manki 57 103 142 lamuni 12 79 1\9 I ..D Khara 17 3 3 26 17 78 414 544 144 Padaria Kalan 2 7 2 37 148 190 157 14S Deori Sarkar 21 42 14r, Rampur 33 49 147 Pairothi 5 62 114 148 Marda 9 3 30 2 26 248 626 807 149 Karchi 20 92 127 ISO Chhirraha 14 45 86 lSI Kalia Un Inhabited 152 Tighra Khurd Un Inhabited 153 Badkhera Khurd 20 47 56 154 Khatwar 4 15 168 180 202 ISS Juhi 5 80 133 129 15r, Hada 10 23 36 157 Kutarhia 20 27 23 158 Talgaon 14 23 28 159 Birha 2 2 4 9 74 96 Ir,O Mohadia 6 1 7 13 89 121 1(>1 Shikarpura 4 1()2 Oha1l100 Un Inhabited 163 K,irahia Kheda 10 10 2 6 191 166 199 1M Dhesai 3 32 5 40 25 5 20 282 630 I()S Tikaria Deori 590

      N.\)ii fuil"ffii'ii I '!?1 ~ «1m 3it< em ;pj( IlJPl <'f,j (~1l) T"t.ti \le,1 01 \'lllago \'ll llj \io or '1(11al l'uP1l1,llton (lnd1ldlllg Total 1'01'111,111011 ("',ic Hl"Ck ('11\:1 ()\\'n 1~ lit ,tI 111 I h-'l'LLr~\ and (k'lllpl..:'li ! {OU\C­ In'tltutl011

      Persons Males 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      166 388.95 148 148 747 374 373 154 72 82 167 1756.87 129 129 574 304 270 134 71 63 168 1159.26 148 152 796 422 374 190 108 82 169 1611.64 56 56 280 132 148 52 25 27 170 1524,64 39 39 196 105 91 48 23 25 171 42094 110 111 545 281 264 131 66 65

      172 hi'"!<1 01"13,( 744.21 77 465 248 217 116 64 52 173 omit 444.54 99 99 549 280 269 121 61 60

      174 ~ 366.54 190 191 952 492 460 209 113 96 175 ~ 531.25 14 14 64 33 31 9 6 3 176 ~ 654.77 223 223 1169 600 569 313 170 143 177 wur 549.59

      186 ~ 1275.80 511 538 2860 1493 1367 609 304 305 187 303.08 117 134 691 366 325 123 64 59 188 229,09 89 89 474 252 222 106 66 42 189 267.58 119 119 616 327 289 133 77 56 190 306.44 100 100 553 286 265 119 66 53 191 62,58 13 13 86 45 43 18 9 9 192 2547.64 731 735 3691 1957 1734 605 431 374 193 422.12 269 295 1455 768 687 309 155 154 194 629.17 118 131 640 331 309 133 70 63 195 83.60 10 10 56 30 26 18 10 8 196 233.31 5 5 31 18 13 10 8 2 197 1014.99 85 65 453 236 217 91 53 38 198 69320 7 7 35 20 15 11 6 5 199 385.05 161 161 729 378 351 168 101 67 VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


      Indllslt lOll c<1\egor\ "I' ""Il'lR Name or CD nWlll \\ orkcrs Loca\tOll IllockICltl"ToWIl Codc Numbcl Vill,lgc (l-IX) 0)

      Males FCll\aks Malcs Fcmalcs Males Fcmalcs Males Females Malcs Fcmales 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      Pawai C.D. Blod,

      234 234 102 25 232 60 108 2 I (,() Kharmora 12 5 145 151 B7 29 176 78 38 1(,7 Magarpura 48 37 140 148 128 24 232 23 49 2 1(,8 Jhanlhar 127 145 9 76 17 28 1(,9 Dean 6 35 28 11 4 59 37 47 22 170 Ghairi 161 31 30 86 18 143 96 68 40 171 Pipariya Don 24 70 lS 1,,)2 110 90 172 SllIlI;a Bahadur 39 23 24 102 41 164 74 113 42 173 Baraho 143 103 103 128 27 241 63 160 36 17-l Inlav 23 24 4 22 10 6 4 175 Chaupra 89 79 138 150 187 47 291 186 127 46 l7G BirsinghpUf Un Inhabited 177 Surdha 63 67 35 31 18 12 178 Kanda 155 179 61 18 88 15 45 1 179 Naradpur 63 51 36 24 4 3 180 SIg

      lJiq 'Jr~ fli q) \i1 '1 J IU I'11 tffi

      ~ fciiffi ~/ ~CfiTlliR~"ci':'i~~ cits -;:p]( /W1 CfiT -;w:r Industnal Category of Main Workers ~ Name of CD LocatIon Block/CIty/Towill Code Village (II) (Ill) (IV) (\'a) (Vb)

      ~ ~ ~ "F.lt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l.llc, Female, h!ale, Felll,lle, Male, Females Male, Females Males Fem.lles 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      m 14

      174 ~ 74 25 2 2 2 175 ~ 16 6 176 ~ 142 136 3 2 177 wm

      199 ~ 93 31 2 59,


      ~ CWf ~ "ciTffi "#t iifuWTi ;;;t11lt iWffi"ii CW1 Cfi111 ., ~ i"iTB ~ WiTH~ Indllstna\ Catcgorv or Mall1 Workcls ~q8 Non-workers ~ ~ /l,JT

      Pawai C.D. Block 17 III 125 202 166 Khannora 4 3 2 4 13 124 179 167 Magarpura 5 7 2 8 82 182 269 168 Jhanjhar 27 55 104 169 Deori 1 5 45 49 170 Ghain 4 16 2 4 20 134 148 171 Pipariya Don 2 4 106 103 172 Simra Bahadur 3 2 16 64 100 131 173 Baraho 17 151 234 246 17-l Inlay 11 21 175 Cilaupra 2 12 4 22 309 361 176 Birsinghpuf Un Inhabited 177 Surdha 33 38 178 Kanda 2 98 73 72 179 Naradpur 17 27 10 180 Sigada 2 2 3 2 49 195 261 lSI Sunehi 4 110 57 39 182 Kaimuria 9 178 265 183 Jagdishpura 2 2 96 129 143 184 Urdani 80 72 \65 185 Tilli (Tilni) 2 12 11 3 30 5 94 720 1119 186 Krishngarh 4 5 2 4 20B 272 187 Kamta 2 3 3 44 123 174 188 Singhasar 5 2 12 113 147 113 189 Umrdhat 5 2 2 59 137 161 190 Mainha 2 1 26 42 191 Ramnagar 2 63 5 2 27 5 24 587 665 946 192 Mudwari 2 3 2 85 3154 353 193 Kupna 2 5 137 194 194 Sunwari 16 13 195 Boda 11 13 196 Ghudsar 2 131 199 197 Bikaura 10 12 }98 Bhadar 3 166 164 133 199 MlIrkuchha ~ ~I 'B" ~ (f'ii: 3if{ m "'I1R 11)1'1 t) fW-!I,* if m- t

      1 ()c.li H)1l '\ .l11lL' ~)f C \) 1-"t,tI \1(.1 (11 VdLlgc No nl '\0 01 Total Popul,ltllln (Incllllhng Total Population end ..' J\)'\c~ L 11\ J [1\\l) l?l!1.!l IlJ 11I..'L!,lIl" .1I1t) l )Ll !lplt Ii 111,>11tul!olJ.ll ,Int.! 1L'lhL·k ...... III lilL' ,lgL' !~lllUl' Numher \-111.1,'" I Ih,1Il "r I,mn \'-,nel l(csld"ntldl I'opul.ttlon)

      P"",,rSOll(\ Males remales Persons ~Iales Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      200 ~31T 146_65 26 26 134 69 65 25 10 15 201 wm 503.34 283 283 1332 693 639 272 146 126 202 ~ 103.62 41 54 303 153 150 83 39 44 203 ~~ 133.00 32 32 202 104 98 42 20 22 204 ~~ 88.41 36 36 209 98 III 42 12 30 205 OI~ 222.84 73 73 394 207 187 91 46 45

      206 ~ 28.43 50 53 221 115 106 24 12 12 207 fffi;rcw 46.88 cWR 208 ~ 99.53 10 15 74 45 29 21 17 4 209 wm- 55.35 41 41 246 192 117 50 24 26 210 ~ 132.59 74 79 404 210 194 100 37 63 211 ~~ 358.44 276 276 1436 754 682 302 147 155 212 45.32 49 49 296 156 140 85 48 37 213 63.16 89 89 439 234 205 112 61 51 214 92.88 28 31 126 69 57 31 19 12 215 78.82 53 55 258 143 115 74 40 34 216 226.08 57 58 307 159 148 80 39 41 217 36.49 7 7 55 30 25 13 9 4 218 98.65 21 21 124 68 56 38 21 17 219 74.97 17 17 82 44 38 24 15 9 220 46.51 cfuR 221 307.11 50 50 263 143 120 48 29 19 222 15.19 2 2 11 5 6 3 1 2 223 439.26 114 121 812 417 395 211 100 11l 224 28.83 12 12 78 44 34 5 6 225 455.74 202 225 1078 569 509 224 116 108 226 148.61 66 66 322 161 161 70 34 36 VILLAGE PRII\IARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      ~"'f"'l~mqrffi ~/ :tu'i\ 'lm 1lJT'l q;r 'WI Schcduled Tnbes 1,lterates Industllal category of Namc of CD IHain \\'orlcrs I,ocatlon Blod./Cltv, To\\ n Coue Nurnkl Village ( I-IX) (1)

      M~lles Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 Pawai cn. Block

      55 47 27 7 38 21 36 20 200 Anula 306 278 255 83 383 60 197 3 201 Sagra 12 18 141 132 67 25 67 20 58 15 202 Jaitupura 96 92 13 68 13 67 6 20:1 Kutnll Bandora 98 III 40 9 50 3 46 2 20-l Kakari Kachhar 21 16 174 158 28 3 117 102 41 44 205 Bachhaull 69 70 2 83 69 14 20() Harduwa Un InhabIted 207 Lil~\'ar 41 29 2 23 15 19 12 20S Dlya 18 9 102 99 13 79 56 31 209 Khamfl 170 166 34 8 99 3 42 4 210 GUI:ji 33 27 323 339 135 23 432 188 179 31 211 Bhitn Mutllluree 6 2 127 121 29 9 77 13 48 10 212 Juda 139 121 45 13 115 13 28 213 Ghutehi 11 10 58 47 8 42 1 20 214 Janpura 139 115 6 78 10 34 215 Birwahi 5 2 102 99 20 84 8 65 216 Bijaduha Khilsari 30 25 3 16 13 217 Sonai 20 13 48 43 8 31 5 21S Magarda 44 38 25 3 211) Gubarda Un Inhabited 220 Amfill Khurd 10 5 107 93 43 10 72 6 22 221 Saktara 5 6 3 3 222 Phudwani 37 28 371 360 136 21 255 56 204 26 223 Muhli Dharampura 44 34 26 26 224 Amajhor 83 85 294 273 202 60 291 16 160 2 225 Kalda 159 161 38 16 76 60 22() Malula Dol 5%

      ~ 91~Plifl \y1"'141 11 1"11 (iT{

      i4Afu fc'tifim Tc'm' I ~

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Female, Males Females Males Females Males Females Male, Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      m I'4Cflltt<:

      200 WJ3tT 1 201 wro 89 24 33 21 34 9 12 202 ~ 6 5 2 203 ~oRm 7 204 CfiCJiit C'f.NR 205 ~ 69 55 3 206 ~ 69 68 207 fffi;rcm: <1RFr 208 ~ 4 3 209 "fcflRt 45 56 210 ~ 53 26 211 ~~ 211 153 3 3 212 ~ 28 3 213 P 60 10 2 3 214 ~ 12 I 6 4 215 ~ 10 6 2 32 4 216 ~~ 6 4 9 3 217 ~ 3 218 "iflTm 26

      219 ~ 22 220 WRtW ~ 221 tfCIliRT 46 5 222 ~ 223 ~~ 26 26 3 2 8 224 ~ 225 ~ 74 II 12 8 226 ~-m- 11 3 5<)7


      ~ "tfiTB ~ "iililt it ~ l>FIit ~ "tfiTB CfiTll ";j' ¥if.l ~ ~ l$.fiffi ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers m qffi Non-workers em- 0f1R /l)TJf

      Pawai C.D. Block

      3 10 28 34 200 Amua 2 3 12 3 2 212 308 367 201 Sagra 1 5 44 81 86 202 Jaitupura 5 36 80 203 Kutmi Bandora 3 2 35 46 73 204 Kakari Kachhar 3 3 3 90 82 205 Bachllaun 32 37 206 Hardt)wa Un Inhabited 207 Lilwar 22 14 208 Diya 3 50 61 209 Khamri 4 40 70 71 94 201 Gurji 35 3 117 322 377 211 Bhitri Mutmuree 49 78 78 212 Juda 2 3 49 116 143 213 Ghutehi 37 27 19 214 Jal1pura 2 57 63 48 215 BiIWahi 2 5 80 70 60 216 Bijaduha Khilsari 17 14 8 217 Sonai 3 32 34 24 218 Magarda 24 19 14 219 Gubarda Un Inhabited 220 AmraiKhurd 2 2 73 71 41 221 Saktara 3 2 3 222 Phudwani 5 7 2 171 162 168 223 Muhli Dharampura 8 18 26 224 Amajhor 6 3 27 3 30 193 248 300 225 Kalda 85 161 226 Malma Dol 598


      Persons Males Females Persons ~!ales Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      5 1646.82 23901 24268 123896 64421 59475 25413 1318112232 lJT. 164682.01 23901 24268 123896 64421 59475 25413 1318112232 'i[

      ~ 991.16 268 268 1426 748 678 258 138 120 2 ~ (,iWlrqg{l) 178.36 55 56 265 143 122 50 25 25 3 ~ 1127.64 395 395 1845 957 888 364 184 180 4 'fl-qffi 80.34 ~ 5 1024.70 205 207 936 507 429 187 109 78 6 204.78 239 241 1255 668 5B7 273 152 121 7 323.18 185 186 1013 537 476 213 109 104 8 153.92 2 2 5 2 3 9 390.10 1 1 10 244.37 247 247 1120 582 538 220 108 112 11 3fiqft 227.81 ~ 12 ~*m: 263.73 67 67 358 186 172 65 33 32 13 iWRt~ 279.45 58 58 384 200 184 60 35 25 14 ~ 233.75 128 128 590 310 280 100 48 52 15 ~ 311.27 33 33 231 112 119 46 23 23 16 ~ 115.24 11 11 46 21 25 11 4 7 17 ~ 272.15 56 56 334 172 162 77 37 40 18 ~ 371.10 95 95 552 287 265 107 57 50 19 ~ 248.45 39 39 217 117 100 4B 26 22 20 ~ 971.76 178 180 945 495 450 196 101 95 21 ~ 154.49 24 25 102 55 47 26 13 13 22 ~ 75.73 4 4 20 17 3 1 23 192.86 64 67 372 193 179 81 42 39 24 • 66.50 ~ ~ 25 ~ 283.16 58 64 334 180 154 63 36 27 26 ~ 2066.34 171 171 802 809 393 189 94 95 27 m


      Scllcduled Tnbes Literates Industllal category of ~ N;unc of C D. nlafll wnrKcrs Loc~tion l3locl.;!Clty/TOIVII Code NUlllbcI Village (I-IX) (1)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      10917 9964 18094 17445 21423 6603 34766 BOOl 24809 3149 T Shahnagar C.D. Block 5 10917 9964 18094 17445 21423 6603 34766 BOO1 24809 3149 R U 133 114 323 133 400 159 286 77 I Chandrawal 52 44 47 14 78 69 38 29 2 Gurkhal(Govindpura) 164 123 263 283 324 110 560 25 521 3 3 Ralya Sata Un Inhabited 4 Tipari 126 92 90 85 176 49 259 41 206 40 5 Nadan • 124 103 46 40 240 108 353 28 151 (j Harduwa Patel 80 72 24 15 239 85 257 5 186 2 7 Khamaria 1 2 2 8 Jaitupura 1 1 9 Deori 91 93 7 4 301 112 350 44 240 7 10 MaharaJganj Un Inhabited II Anwari 22 21 101 35 95 55 65 31 12 Majhgawan Memar 19 19 62 27 102 15 81 14 13 Simri Kalan 75 68 8 9 64 33 178 161 14 Bhadpura 13 17 12 10 40 31 47 10 32 15 Bijwar 12 10 12 7 1(i Naya Kheda 21 16 14 14 24 6 99 46 80 3 17 Bhajiya 10 5 70 63 43 11 144 25 107 3 18 Muhara 11 8 27 11 53 6 48 19 Mihdawa 60 54 53 43 143 45 277 89 223 59 20 Bamhori 55 47 32 21 Pauniya 12 7 7 22 Arjunpura 27 36 14 10 92 52 88 72 23 Madhiya Un Inhabited 24 Karanpura 113 91 45 25 93 77 25 Padariya Khurd 89 90 85 78 119 48 218 26 119 9 26 Madwa 127 105 31 6 142 29 105 12 27 Satwa 2 5 24 4 43 13 36 6 28 Biharwara 22 30 37 39 17 5 65 12 54 2 29 Ranipura 7 33 33 30 Chandna GOO

      "1Jiq 9T%lPl Cfl \11'1<11 0 1'11 fJR

      ~ "fu"iffi ~/ ~ q;J11 ~ :m"ffi "#if 3ifu)fu"ii ;.)1l'If C!iE '11R 1'.JT1l CJiT -;wr Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name of CD. Location B1ock/City/Town/ Code Village (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ tit ~ tit ~ ~ ~ tit ~ ~ ~lak, F~males Males Femdles Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      5 m;JlR 144iltl«tug 6206 4288 471 117 194 22 560 269 279 28 6206 4288 471 117 194 22 560 269 279 28

      ~ 86 79 10 2 2 ~ (mfcl·i!~(l) 39 40 3 ~ 33 22 4 "IVlRt clRA"

      5 ~ 35 2 2 6 ~~ 115 20 13 4 8 2 6 7 ~ 40 3 8 8 ~ 9 tcm 10 +i5R1iJi'liJi 63 31 3 8 3 11 H

      18 ~ 27 22 3 19 ~. 2 5 20 ~ 42 29 2 3 3 21 ~ 32 22 ~ 23 ~ 16 24 ~



      Marglllai ~ Name of CD. Workers Location Block/City/Town! Code Village Number VI ---VII VIII ---IX ~ 'f'ft ~ 'f'ft ~ 'f'ft ~ 'f'ft ~ 'f'ft ~ 'f'ft Males Femaks Males F~males I\'lales Females Males Females Males F~males Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      268 3 705 48 125 1149 76 608 970829047 41766 T Shllhnagar C. D. Block 5 268 3 705 48 125 1149 76 608 970829047 41766 R U 2 5 11 348 519 Chandrawal 65 53 2 Gurkhai (Govindpura) 2 4 91 397 772 ] Raiya Sata un Inhabited -t Tipari 2 11 5 164 243 224 5 Nadan 4 32 2 22 9 194 306 365 6 Harduwa Patel 9 12 18 204 262 267 7 Khamaria 2 1 8 Jaitupura 9 Deori 2 4 2 28 259 232 235 10 Maharajganj Un Inhabited 11 Anwari 1 91 117 12 Majhgawan Memar 2 84 98 85 13 Simri Kalan 5 164 132 115 14 Bhadpura 9 65 100 15 Bijwar 5 3 9 22 16 Naya Kheda 73 116 17 Bhajiya 4 2 10 113 133 127 IX Muhara 2 64 94 19 Mihdawa 2 2 6 152 212 209 20 Bamhori 2 25 21 22 21 Pauniya 9 2 22 A~unpura 12 57 93 122 23 Madhiya Un Inhabited 24 Karanpura 3 66 84 87 25 Padariya Khurd 3 4 5 2 191 367 26 Madwa 4 105 188 27 Satwa27 25 49 28 Biharwani 49 99 29 Ranipura 29 35 17 30 Chandna 1JFf

      Pen;ons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      31 CfiCfi

      Scheduled Casks Scheduled Tn bes Literates IIllills11iai category of ~ Namc of CD. mall1 workers Location Hlnck/CI1y/Town Code Number Village (I -IX) (I)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Shahnagar C. D. Block 85 74 42 50 52 30 97 68 64 36 31 Kakra 6 4 6 4 32 Banjaria 2 1 12 14 12 8 93 46 33 Manki 25 27 73 59 3 72 33 34 Amdar Govindpura 34 24 10 88 62 54 25 35 Pati Kalan 18 25 23 3 62 28 50 15 36 Pati Khurd 12 45 14 45 14 37 Majhgawan Dauwa 109 97 29 25 58 8 118 92 106 84 38 Changen 62 70 20 1 98 47 95 47 39 Chheol Kalan 78 58 233 207 88 21 161 91 116 33 40 Bari 15 8 37 34 23 40 35 33 18 41 Fatepur 102 74 9 50 38 50 7 42 Lakhanchauri 37 29 20 13 43 Bhilaul1l Un Inhabited 44 Dhawadikheda Un Inhabited 45 Bhartala Un Inhabited 46 Amdariya Un Inhabited 47 Jotpur 70 73 10 56 43 56 25 48 Ghutehi 52 53 50 54 24 2 99 82 69 49 Kishun Patan 98 113 2 79 70 47 16 SO Takhori 67 65 41 33 22 51 Aloni 330 288 4 362 163 488 93 338 20 52 Baghwar Kalan 14 15 19 2 48 43 53 Umaria 80 50 73 17 126 6 99 5 54 Mangawan 34 49 28 22 120 47 124 47 87 11 55 Mankora 29 5 79 38 64 5 56 Ranipura 256 234 272 58 480 301 362 226 57 Pipariya Kalan 23 16 10 58 9 42 1 58 Sagoni 90 97 79 30 139 24 102 6 59 Baghwar Khurd 129 110 154 118 221 72 344 157 209 4 60 Badagaon Sarsela 51 52 49 56 60 27 134 123 61 Bija Kheda 70 62 63 7 143 3 138 2 62 Q~nj 109 100 36 34 157 40 265 83 220 63 Roopjhir 46 46 163 53 164 2 156 64 Puraim (,04

      ~ 91¥

      ~ f$i"ffi ~I ~cwr~"il1"ffi"itf~~ q;fg -;:rm: I~ CfiT -;:rr:; Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Namc of CD. Location Block/CIty/Townl Code Villagc til) (111 ) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ Bt Fl ~ Fl ~ Fl ~ Fl ~ Male, Females Males Femaks Male~ Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ ~q;IfI(1"jU6 31 q;qw 29 31 1 32 ~ 33 ~ 23 20 34 ~~'ffl" 38 '" 35 W~ 34 37 36 W~ 12 13 37 ~ Gl!!!'14IC'1 23 81 50 ~ 27 54 51 ~ 19 32

      52 ~CfiMT 76 68 5 2 17 3 53 ~ 4 1 54 ~ 19 7 55 ~ 18 34 3 56 ~ 13 33 57 ~"CJmi 90 71 3 2 4 58 wMt 15 8 59 ~~ 25 17 60 ~~ 88 153 2 39 61 ofum~ 62 1I'iil 63 ~ 17 65 2 7 16 3 64 ~ 1 ()O.5


      ~ CfiTJl i8 ~ "itt ~ ~ "ffii"ii'ii CfiFf CfiFf~ ~ ~ ~ f1fcfim ~ Industrial Category or Main Workers ~qffi Non-workers r.ifg 'flR 1"Wl CfiT "l"Fl

      Marginal ~ Name of C.D. Workers Location Block/City/Townl Code Village Number VI VII VIII IX ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi ~ ~ ~ ffi ~ "cit ]\Iak, hm,'ks M"I~, F~male, Males Females 1'vla los Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      Shahnllgar C. D. Block 3 1 79 89 31 Kakra 5 21 Banjaria 2 62 165 33 Manki 61 110 14 Amdar Govindpura 58 74 3.5 Pati Kalan 46 75 36 Pati khurd 21 40 52 37 Majhgawan Dauwa 83 70 38 C hangeri 39 87 39 Chheol kaian 3 13 59 203 184 40 Bari 36 31 41 Fatepur 53 36 42 Lakhanchauri 17 29 43 Bhilauni Un Inhabited 44 Dhawadikheda Un Inhabited 45 Bhartala Un Inhabited 46 Amdariya Un Inhabited 47 Jotpur 43 57 48 Ghutehi 3 3 79 83 49 Kishun Patan 5 52 82 50 Takhori 26 32 51 Aloni 12 36 2 13 357 678 52 Baghwar Kalan 26 77 53 Umaria 98 184 54 Mangawan 11 4 2 116 182 55 Mankora 2 49 84 56 Ranipura 6 2 14 28 81 328 385 57 Pipariya Kalan 40 75 58 Sagoni 3 72 180 59 Baghwar Khurd 4 3 54 312 358 60 Badagaon Sarsela 9 57 101 167 61 Bija Kheda 2 3 8 101 226 62 Ganj • 3 1 12 2 3 246 372 63 Roopjhir 2 3 7 104 148 196 64 Puraini GO(J


      Locat IOn ",1I1l~ llf l' J) Tot" I1 AI ~,I of Village No of 1'\0 or Tot.11 PopulatIOn (Indlldll1g To(al Population Cod~ Blnd"Clt\' Town Rural' III I kct."~, and Occupied 1I0u,e­ Instttutional and IIl)u,~I~" in (h< age group

      !\'lIll1he, \'''I,,~c' 1',11,111 (11 '(tHn \\',trd Rc"'ld~nli

      tn Sq Kms Ilous",

      Pemons Males Females Per.;oll' Males females 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11

      65 209.67 42 42 234 127 107 41 22 19 66 1454.10 79 80 415 225 190 71 38 33 67 906.99 80 80 505 263 242 103 44 59 68 370.20 31 31 172 88 84 39 21 18 69 1207.51

      84 ~ 290.95 97 97 495 258 237 93 46 47 85 ~ 1375.31 321 322 1496 777 719 296 158 138 86 ~ 609.25 ~ 87 ~~ 259.23 ~ 88 ~ 1133.12 85 87 518 262 256 126 69 57 89 ~ 420.95 82 83 409 212 197 86 45 41 90 ~W 366.20 104 104 567 282 285 98 43 55 91 fWRt~ 376.24 122 122 601 304 297 111 53 58 92 ~ 1036.95 215 215 1150 583 567 281 148 133 93 ~ 215.62 52 52 306 163 143 62 41 21 94 1423.62 53 53 334 188 146 58 39 19 95 937.24 41 41 223 109 114 40 21 19 96 766.98 54 54 308 170 138 70 40 30 97 366.63 23 23 145 77 68 38 19 19 98 44221 14 14 92 44 48 28 14 14 G07


      'fiB~q;r:{~mffi ~I -,f.\ ~ iiHiT Scheduled Tnbcs Literates lnduslflai category of Name 01 CD

      m:llll WOI kers Localtoll Block/Clty'To\\ 1\ Cod.: Number Village (I-IX) (I)

      Males Fem;lles Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Shah nagar C. D. Blocl;.

      35 33 34 5 73 55 65 Khusra 27 21 156 134 69 29 105 2 89 2 M) Dohli 52 43 77 85 24 170 101 G7 Jamunia 55 52 22 7 45 18 36 G8 Kuwan Khcda Un Inhabited GlJ Bulbula 5 3 no 107 99 31 129 2 88 70 lamundad 29 22 33 7 93 93 71 Imaliya 95 97 38 38 193 61 295 188 168 138 72 Adhrand 39 44 17 14 104 22 128 16 108 9 73 Pati Kheda 31 26 26 22 39 14 58 4 37 1 74 Madhopura Un Inhabited 75 Padrchi 85 86 136 140 121 38 235 29 173 21 76 Harduwa Raijoo 550 488 19 23 1056 491 1005 46 543 10 77 Raipura 71 79 114 28 177 170 78 Moolpara 139 127 100 105 111 20 367 52 292 11 79 Bharwara 4 6 5 4 80 Bad Khera 159 160 38 32 83 12 80 8 81 Patna 124 122 27 20 288 68 326 1 277 82 Jargawan 52 54 7 7 126 47 155 13 132 7 83 ltaura 68 66 5 9 87 38 145 91 109 63 84 Kuda 174 144 186 172 381 141 419 101 204 14 85 Bagrod Un Inhabited 86 Titurpani Un Inhabited 87 Chamarhiya Kheda 47 33 143 166 114 59 126 5 89 88 Birampura 22 18 176 165 53 16 100 83 89 Murta 33 33 14 14 101 35 169 34 122 90 Pipariya Khurd 69 62 78 64 114 49 183 105 106 36 91 Simari Pondi 81 80 89 95 190 53 323 20 271 92 Pondi 16 17 12 10 39 5 BB 14 59 93 Kajgawan 16 11 43 29 66 21 92 12 68 94 Hardua Sarasbahu 15 19 69 70 27 5 55 48 40 16 95 Surra 39 23 116 102 37 11 79 71 % Dobha Baghnanva 4 3 41 35 17 38 10 14 97 'Garduwa Gijar 25 30 3 21 20 l)X Patcnya (lOX

      l'Jiq 9J"'I~q) \ii"'f ~I uI 011 tm

      -f'ii.lfu fcfcfi"R"f ~ I ~ CfiJlf ii.t a "it 3ifu)fui Sl}1fjf m ~ 1"l)'R CfiT "'1FI lndustnal Category of Main Workers ~ Name of C.D. Location Block/City/Town! Code VIllage (II) (1Il ) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ B1t ~ B1t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B1t Males Females Males Females Males F~males Males Females Mal~s Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ fctctllfl{qOa 65 -wm 12 66 ~ 10 67 ~ 57 4 3 68 ~.., 8 18 69 ~

      81 ~ 3 82 ~ 24 4 83 ~ 15 3 5 3 84 ~ 31 28 85 ~ 107 66 8 27 15 5 86 ~


      Shahnagar C. D. Block

      3 2 54 106 (i5 Khusra 3 6 99 114 89 (i6 Dohli 2 93 242 67 Jamunia 17 43 49 (i8 Kuwan Kheda Un Inhabited (i9 Bulbula 23 10 102 110 97 70 Jamundad 57 122 71 Imaliya 37 2 8 21 68 260 286 72 Adhrand' 13 2 117 95 91 73 Pati Kheda 1 52 50 35 74 Madhopura Un Inhabited 75 Padrehi 3 1 4 226 156 121 76 Harduwa Rajjoo 9 144 8 10 133 14 63 1020 1659 77 Raipura 3 117 289 78 MooJpara 4 1 280 537 79 Bharwara 8 80 Bad Khera 2 55 75 93 81 Patna 5 3 11 254 536 82 Jargawan 8 5 131 268 83 ltaura 2 2 113 146 84 Kuda 18 23 3 2 25 2 4 354 617 85 Bagrod Un Inhabited 86 Titurpani Un Inhabited 87 Chamarhiya Kheda 2 4 3 73 133 178 88 Birampura 7 45 III 151 89 Murta 4 3 113 251 90 Pipariya Khurd 10 3 4 120 192 91 Simari Pondi 5 3 2 6 145 260 402 92 Pondi 15 75 114 93 Kajgawan 7 96 127 94 Hardua Sarasbahu 54 66 95 Surra 6 91 131 96 'Dobha Baghnarwa . 2 6 39 52 97 Garduwa Gijar 23 46 98 Pateriya GID

      ~ f¥i.Ri"icii / 1lT'f lIT ~h'i'iii' "fiB ~ (ifui 3if{ m "'" /l)1l'I f fir.. -,n ~

      Location r\am~ ",t C D 1',,\:1(' AI"" o( \',lIage No l)\ No.ot T,,\a( POl'u(ation (Ind\llling Tot.Ii Populal,on Code Bloc", (',(\ :!()\\'Il Rur.11 111 H"l'tal c, and OccupIed 1I01I'c­ [nsl1\u(IOIl,,1 and [lousd"s' 111 (ile age group Numher \'tll.l~e ('rhan 01 TowII Ward Rc,idcnlial Iwlds I'npulation) «(J-G)

      111 Sq. hill,. Hou~es

      Pen;ons Males Females Persolls Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      99 ~wmr 973.73 63 64 290 157 133 68 32 36 100 ~ 130.54 59 60 238 123 115 44 21 23 101 ...,cffi 4'C'I I 1038.71 56 59 317 160 157 76 42 34 102 Iff'i1'1~{q,8 141.35


      Schcd 1I1cd Castes Sch,dllied Tribes Literates Industrial category of '1"iR Name or C D 111<1111 worlers Lllca(iol\ 13Ioel/CltyITt>\~1l Code Number Village (I-IX) (I)

      Males Fcmales Males FCIn;]lcs Males Females Males Females Males Femalcs 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Shahnagar C. D. Blod,

      13 14 58 11 73 61 99 Salaiya Samari 54 42 30 29 50 14 64 12 50 8 100 lhaladumri 157 154 23 76 8 70 7 lOl Makkepala Un Inhabited 102 Singhanpurpatl Un Inhabited 103 Majhgawan Kheda 47 35 77 74 25 91 73 104 SOllmau Khurd 5 8 99 91 18 10 107 61 44 27 105 SOllmau Kalan 6 ;) 276 301 117 41 163 150 lOG Bilpur<1 75 76 5 2 49 48 107 Sarai Kheda 59 46 134 136 129 17 268 87 268 17 108 [maliya 101 115 6 6 63 6 160 2 150 1 109 Jhlrmila Kanyapani 72 68 93 80 138 60 163 41 143 18 110 Blldrhod 273 254 115 96 119 42 333 24 285 24 III Raigwan 3 6 6 1 112 Pagra Surbhum 55 51 25 28 69 13 84 8 71 4 113 I'ipariya Raghunath 84 79 27 16 89 53 32 11 114 SlInpura 43 30 72 74 59 22 87 44 53 22 115 Kharra 8 3 206 179 51 19 124 3 49 2 116 Parasi 20 21 4 42 11 42 10 117 Chaura 70 56 138 132 76 22 141 48 91 7 11 S Karallndi Un Inhabited 119 Hardua Bikhedi 21 25 156 114 165 18 278 2 . 264 120 Thepa 2 '6 112 95 129 14 209 90 131 30 121 Tharka 13 11 114 109 96 44 120 15 47 2 122 Salaiya(Pheransingh) 71 66 59 61 152 18 299 71 113 13 123 Mahewa 152 164 119 112 332 95 457 191 262 64 124 Bari 19 20 :3 3 37 4 95 92 125 Chakra 39 36 10 55 54 126 Ihirmila Dauwa Un Inhabited 127 Khajuri Khurd Un Inhabited 128 Hinauti Kheda 168 192 29 2 103 1 102 129 Chllllgulla 58 52 312 302 188 48 531 253 389 181 130 , Malgban 4 3 4 130 129 131 Tulla Un Inhabited )]2 Dllgariya (d 2

      l1iq 911q~iji \TI~~IQI~I "fIR

      ~ fcfcfiffi ~ / ~ CfiTlJ "ii.t ~ "itT 3ifu)fuii ~

      ~ cit ~ cit ~ ~ ~ "cit ~ cit Males F~males Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ f4

      99 ~wffiT 10 100 ~ 3 4 2 101 l1~qlcll 2 2 102 ifi"l'1:pQlil cWR 103 '1WfCli im cWR 104 ~~ 18 105 ~~ 59 34 106 ~ 4 107 mt~ 108 ~ 70 109 ~ 'flR1lIQloil 4 2 110 ~ 14 23 III trrcrr 37 112 1:[1RT W¥ 113 ~~ 3 5 114 ~ 57 42 115 mY 29 20 116 m 7 2 64 117 qffi 118 ~ 37 31 13 10 119 ~~

      ~ }1Jlt ~

      Shahnagar C. D. Block

      2 9 8 75 125 99 Salaiya Samari 4 59 103 100 Ihaladumri 84 149 1O1 Makkepala Un Inhabited 102 Singhanpurpati Un Inhabited 103 Majhgawan Kheda 101 171 104 Sonmau Khurd 4 93 127 105 Sonmau kalan 9 2 168 338 100 Bitpura 41 89 107 Sanli Kheda 157 314 108 Imaliya 3 136 111 146 109 Ihirmila Kariyapani 5 142 233 110 Budrhod 2 3 4 22 205 433 III Raigwan 6 112 112 Pagra Surbhum 5 2 4 70 135 113 Pipariya Raghunath 75 90 114 Sunpura 3 9 106 123 115 Kharra 1 3 113 203 116 Parasi 24 40 117 Cllaura 127 189 118 Karaundi Un Inhabited 119 Hardll

      l)Tq"if,) e~ '!fR ~ (hi ;;m: (tcm-i'l) ~3iT -i'l ~

      Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      133 -.,K~ 268.56 106 106 527 266 261 141 75 66 134 lJ'if.'<:T 1048.69 182 482 918 468 450 199 101 98 135 ~ 986.72 70 70 366 178 188 61 25 36 136 ~~ 841.21 42 42 263 133 130 62 31 31 137 ~ 1525.52 288 325 1626 816 810 353 174 179 138 ~ 1065.54 259 259 1321 695 626 239 142 97 139 ~ 616.42 156 156 769 387 382 163 80 83 140 ~~ 1078.31 250 251 1267 635 632 264 125 139 141 ~(~) 282.08 54 63 357 177 180 80 41 39 142 • 163.63 ~ 143 ~~ 336.27 139 139 692 350 342 144 76 68 144 ~ 496.49 271 271 1284 652 632 271 139 132 145 ~ 387.02 ~ 146 ~l%l'1qRI 613.35 167 167 865 417 448 176 67 109 147 ~ 1282.82 445 445 2336 1182 1154 442 222 220 148 ~ 79.18 ~ 149 ~WFfiT 469.91 171 176 806 429 377 168 96 72

      150 ~ 486.95 763 784 3717 1990 1727 730 385 345 151 ~ 537.00 44 44 244 132 112 57 33 24 152 1WRt 250.18 ~ 153 ~ 651.33

      155 ~ 672.30 79 79 461 220 221 87 43 44 156 ~ 616.89 262 262 1229 622 607 253 107 146 157 ~~ 1073.92 150 172 903 473 430 163 84 79 158 \ffif 360.21 41 41 194 109 85 37 24 13 159 ~ 479.78 70 71 420 209 211 98 45 53 160 ~ 1423.22 195 195 1091 563 528 285 157 128 161 rMt 1606.15 73 74 396 198 198 91 41 50 162 ~~ 629.14 132 132 646 315 331 132 59 73 163 ~(~) 1105.80 349 366 1893 980 913 379 210 169 164 iiPRCIRT 755.93 83 83 479 242 237 101 54 47 165 ~ 269.98 7 7 45 22 23 13 7 6 166 W10U 621.90 316 321 1544 827 717 299 166 133 (>1 5



      "fTI<: /"lWf

      Scheduled CIS(CS Scheduled Tribes Literates Industnal category of Name of C.D malll \\ (lrkcrs Location Bloc!'" City/Town Code Number Village (I-IX) (1)

      Males Females Males Females Males Fcmales Males Females Malcs Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Shahnagar C. D. Block

      12 18 42 34 10 158 7 154 7 133 Nandchand 67 68 168 160 61 5 287 66 263 23 134 Gajanda 13 15 81 88 68 18 101 41 79 36 135 Chalni 69 73 48 15 60 48 38 27 136 Biharia mameri 75 85 298 310 190 24 477 196 403 152 137 Khamharia 80 72 356 316 187 56 356 89 199 39 138 Atarhai 95 101 200 192 123 43 188 19 139 7 139 Arthai 76 63 254 248 255 54 348 53 272 44 140. Bija Kheda 133 129 59 15 88 5 49 141 Bartala(Blp Kheda) Un Inhabited 142 Dadora 27 19 85 80 182 92 188 59 137 29 143 Mihgawan Tilia 78 84 119 136 258 III 383 11 370 10 144 Tunda Un Inhabited 145 Umartala 121 109 113 148 199 80 242 31 134 9 146 Mahilwara 301 304 223 247 461 113 664 164 400 25 147 Sud~r Un Inhabited 148 Tulia 77 59 123 109 211 75 206 59 124 12 149 Mihgawan Chhaka 344 285 46 42 1191 569 971 116 404 37 150 Shahnagar 120 102 33 2 60 56 151 Harbanshpura Un InhabIted 152 Simri Un Inhabited 151 Kudai 29 33 277 273 179 33 436 164 396 136 154 Lamtara 2 87 86 48 143 48 133 44 155 Chakarbiiata 120 108 140 150 214 29 371 124 339 115 156 Rogoli 141 121 208 209 176 14 252 '3 78 1 157 Hardua memari 11 18 28 7 63 1 55 1 158 Bhadra 209 211 87 15 105 88 159 Pagri 20 19 267 257 179 48 308 24 262 160 Chaupra 128 134 74 15 108 11 80 4 161 Pousi 53 65 152 170 112 30 194 18 108 6 162 Umari Adundi 138 142 437 432 335 83 525 52 357 12 163 Rampur (Kjajuri) 31 23 110 113 93 14 131 7 120 2 164 Jugarwara 6 b 2 8 8 165 Shahpur ~, 137 132 187 180 314 52 440 49 309 22 16G Khamtara GIG

      l'fiq 9Ft:! Pl q) ,;:1"1 'II UHI "flR

      ~ f.fcfiffi ~ I ~ q)fll ~ "i"iRT ~ 3ifu)fuii PMt cifg '1'1R Il,:IP1

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -at ~ ~ Males Femaks Males Females Males Females ~!a]es Females Males Femaks 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ f4

      133 ~ "'ilR 1

      134 ~ 14 39 7 3 135 ~ 11 5 136 mwn~ 21 21 137 ~ 51 43 2 138 ~ 124 50 3 4 139 ~ 47 10 2 140 ~ 45 9 2 6 2 141 ~(~) 5 1 31 4 142 ~

      150 ~ 132 33 33 55 11 34 8 151 ~ 152 fu-Rt

      155 ~ 9 4 156 ~ 26 9 157 ~~ 162 2 2 158 \mT 7 159 -q-mJ 6 4 160 W 20 23 2 18 161 'l'Mt 27 7 162 ~~ 41 5 19 4 8 3 6 3 163 ~(~) 114 39 2 3 164 ~ 9 5 165 ~ 166 ~ 85 22 3 2 4 10 (d 7


      ~ ~ ~ "ciRT "itf ~ l#IT ~

      Marginal ~ Name of CD. Workers Location Block/City/Townl Code Village Number VI VII VIII IX :rm ffi :rm ffi ~ ffi ~ ffi :rm ffi ~ W t-laks F ~ma Ies Mal~s Females I-laks Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      Shahnagal' C. D. Block

      2 147 108 107 133 Nandchalld 2 126 181 258 134 Gajanda 9 2 9 63 68 84 135 Chalni 5 20 68 62 \3G Biharia mameri 7 6 3 4 5 200 334 414 137 Khamharia 10 6 9 10 219 329 318 138 Atarhai 2 30 120 169 243 139 Arthai 17 3 6 139 281 440 140 Bija Kheda 1 1 89 175 141 Bartala(Bija Kheda) Un Inhabited 142 Dadora 3 4 2 83 162 200 143 Mihgawan Tilla 5 359 269 262 144 Tunda Un Inhabited 145 Umartala 183 175 234 146 Mahilwara 10 2 18 2 149 518 841 147 Sudor Un Inhabited 148 Tulla 5 7 3 223 315 149 Mihgawan Chhakka 10 101 8 10 191 19 7 99 1012 1512 150 Shahnagar 2 17 72 94 151 Harbanshpura Un Inhabited 152 Simri Un Inhabited 153 Kudai 2 3 5 4 15 190 343 418 154 Lamtara 1 18 97 155 155 Chakarbhata 3 114 250 369 156 Rogoli 8 4 221 423 157 Hardua memari 24 46 60 158 Bhadra 3 3 104 210 159 Pagri 4 3 47 252 457 160 Chaupra 10 106 80 81 161 Pousi 2 3 4 56 120 257 162 Umari Adundi 4 3 42 7 232 448 629 163 Rampur(Kjajuri) 2 122 111 108 164 Jugarwara 11 14 12 165 Shahpur 5 2 21 20 373 367 29 166 Khamtara (il);

      TJ]q'liT ~ ~ IWRf(&lT (iiR 3ifi

      (~it) 'ffio.!rMit~~ 0-6~~ ,.m- '1IT1: I'lli q;r ~~)

      qr] Wo . .n -it Location N,Im< of C.D Tntal Alc" oj" Village No of No of Total Populatton (Includlllg Total POPUlatlOll Code Illod..lCltyJTo\\'n lil".,1 III 1kct.lres and Occupied I lou,,,· Inslltutiollal and Housel

      Persons Males Females Persons Male, Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      167 866.31 154 154 815 401 414 185 86 99 168 1047.20 107 107 607 320 287 131 68 63 169 957.47 310 331 1616 834 782 349 173 176 170 454.71 32 32 193 95 98 37 19 18 171 861.96 421 421 1870 982 888 375 196 179 172 441.20 194 199 988 528 460 210 121 89 173 252.46 60 60 313 172 141 70 40 30 174 319.48 14 14 95 48 47 23 9 14

      175 ~ 91.93

      191 ~ 89.30 26 26 152 66 86 39 12 27 192 ~ 45.23 57 60 254 134 120 61 30 31 193 ~ 26.96 35 35 165 92 73 34 19 15 194 ~ 149.51 14 14 55 28 27 12 9 3 195 -mm 53.07 33 33 187 96 91 49 21 28 196 ~'llOR 66.21 23 23 135 70 65 22 14 8 197 ~mm 560.68


      ~~Cf,J+l~qffit ~ ~/ Mt m "fll1:/1JT"I l "ll"I

      Schedilled Trihe" Tndu,tnal l':I\c'Q()[\' of 'fI'if1: Name of C]) mam workers Location Block/City/Town Code Numher Village (I-IX) (I)

      ~ Males Fcmales Males Fcmales Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Shahnagar C. D. Bluck

      131 155 60 57 145 24 222 8 193 8 167 Tiduni 98 78 102 91 137 46 146 50 79 6 168 Gidhuda 255 237 35 38 340 132 433 213 374 186 169 Ama 60 67 41 13 44 32 170 Pipariya Jyotishi 270 241 194 179 267 78 557 125 421 84 171 Kachauri 85 68 52 44 257 109 275 15 135 172 Deori (Ama) 64 66 74 14 79 11 43 4 173 D~g(}rgawan 48 47 8 28 2 15 174 Bhausar Un InhabIted 175 Kudwa 24 19 57 56 72 10 123 116 176 Panderi 227 191 263 262 555 201 642 363 430 87 177 Puraina UnInhabited 178 Rosar Un Inhabited 179 Baraha 91 86 57 40 270 19 468 191 274 27 180 Sangarha 108 117 78 8 104 79 181 Paraswara 21 30 8 21 7 15 182 karodia 158 162 125 133 105 23 159 40 124 3 183 Ludhgawan 114 85 25 8 81 43 14 5 184 Nayagaon 90 88 24 4 41 28 26 185 Khamaria Badi 117 114 44 23 60 18 28 186 Sankuti Piparia 17 22 6 4 11 5 6 187 Amrai Kalan B 7 232 212 106 31 155 99 95 35 188 Pondi Kalan 3 6 203 171 65 17 129 70 39 15 189 Tikul Pondi 33 31 26 15 25 12 18 7 190 Barhatola 22 29 28 11 40 32 16 191 Bhamka 122 113 57 18 84 56 31 11 192 Mainaha(Menha) 80 67 27 8 S2 27 20 193 Rmapur 28 27 17 22 3 2 194 Dhaukhan 23 25 73 66 24 51 23 34 14 195 Rohania 1 68 65 28 S 43 19 20 10 196 Pipariya Pathar Un Inhabited 197 Khamaria Baraha 35 35 10 15 13 7 198 Darwai 69 55 22 36 19 27 9 199 Kusmi 620

      l'Jiq '~H~ ~ Cfi \TIo:t~llJlo:tl lIR

      ~ fciiRT \

      ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi

      ~[aks Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      lJTAlR f4Cfiltl{

      167 ~ 6 2 168 i1r~ 58 44 2 169 3IJ1'IT 24 27 13 2 170 mRtrr~ 8 171 ~ 101 38 2 6 172 tcm (3W1T) 71 10 10 21 3 4 173 ~ 20 7 2 '" 174 ~ 13 2 175 ~



      Marginal ~ Name of C.D." Workers Location BlockJCi ty/Town! Code Village Number VI VII VlIl ---IX ~ "Rt ~ "Rt ~ W ~ W ~ W ~ ffi ".lale, F.;mal~, Male, Females )',[ales F"lI1al~s Males Females Maks Females Males Fema[es 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      Shahnagar C. D. Block

      14 6 226 179 180 Hi7 Tiduni 1 4 21 121 153 116 IG8 Gidhuda 2 2 14 401 568 169 Ama 4 6 51 92 170 Pipariya Jyotishi 3 8 2 14 137 425 626 171 Kachauri 2 7 3 22 106 252 339 172 Deori(Ama) 9 4 3 70 90 60 173 Dug?rgawan 22 20 23 174 Bhausar Un Inhabited 175 Budwa 42 113 171 176 Panderi 8 7 9 23 16 275 531 431 177 Pllraina Un Inhabited 178 Rosar Un Inhabited 179 Baraho 2 14 2 4 5 2 3 169 326 417 180 Sangarha 94 202 181 paraswara 17 9 19 182 Karodia 2 2 134 127 126 183 Ludhgawan 69 66 184 Nayagaon 49 59 185 Khamaria Badi 66 105 186 Sankuti Piparia 7 18 187 Amraikalan 2 7 134 162 188 Pondi kalan 2 77 107 189 Tikul Pondi 11 22 190 Barhato1a 26 54 191 Bharnka 10 50 64 192 Mainaha (Menha) 40 46 193 Rampur 11 5 194 Dhaukhan 3 45 65 195 Rohania 2 27 46 196 Pipariya Pathar Un Inhabited 197 Khamaria Baraho 20 22 198 Darwai 36 40 199 Kllsmi 622

      lJIlJM it ~ qrffi "m

      in S" NilS Houses

      Persons Males Females Persons M,i1es Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      200 ~ 74.03 tlRFr 201 ~onrit 292.42 47 47 294 156 138 63 38 25 202 ~ 365.95 53 53 293 157 136 70 38 32 203 ft 292.02 49 49 238 119 119 54 31 23 204 ~ 58.80 42 42 211 110 101 38 17 21 205 ~ 393.27 16 16 99 50 49 30 11 19

      206 ~ 445.40

      221 ~ 2309.73 83 83 358 187 171 81 39 42 222 rnRm wR 876.83 46 46 192 98 94 29 11 18 223 WT 511.10 40 40 200. 111 89 41 25 16 224 .~ 2326.26 93 93 530 279 251 115 55 60 225 tft;u 756.82 23 23 133 73 60 28 17 11

      226 CI1(1T 924.00 142 142 759 399 360 150 85 65 227 ~ 1725.86 52 52 323 174 149 60 32 28 228 mr 1028.85 12 12 61 29 32 20 10 10 229 ~ 1223.87 70 70 351 192 159 70 40 30 230 W 1hr 805.41 36 36 196 98 98 57 26 31 231 ~~ 2523.40 178 178 905 468 437 187 88 99

      232 ~ 3356.37 85 85 485 240 245 108 50 58 233 ~ 1162.51 103 103 631 332 299 185 89 96 613


      mer.: ~/

      Scheduled Cast.:s Scheduled Tribes Litclatcs Indllstnal category of Name orc D. main workers Location Blnd.IClly/Town Code Number Vtllage (I-IX) (I)

      Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Shahnagar C. D. Block Un Inhabited 200 KUlarailiya 21 15 84 84 28 10 77 68 15 6 201 Mihgawan Baraho 60 60 7 84 60 21 4 202 BaiJai 98 103 11 7 71 54 16 2 203 Bhopar 86 82 26 3 57 25 55 4 204 Chhatoul 34 37 13 23 21 n 205 Mouhari Un Inhabited 20G ,Harduwa Un Inhabited 207 Kumhedan Un Inhabited 208 Deon Un Inhabited 209 Boda 34 37 11 2 34 22 29 3 210 Basaura Un Inhabited 211 Dugaria 39 35 130 114 96 12 155 46 101 9 212 Sarra 20 19 2 2 9 9 7 213 Rachhapar 19 16 6 2 8 4 8 2 214 Jhiria Dilansingh 29 35 140 158 77 37 53 60 44 6 215 Shyamgiri 84 68 38 13 34 11 32 2 216 Kutmi Khurd Un Inhabited 217 Chithari Un Inhabited 218 Kutrahiya 3 136 133 40 58 12 45 5 219 Banjari 70 55 197 155 113 25 218 45 148 7 220 Sarangpur 96 85 49 2 98 21 81 2 221 Jamda 21 24 20 3 65 20 47 222 Jhiria Harchand 24 24 24 7 56 23 33 223 Surro 64 59 75 68 46 6 147 40 31 224 Salaiya Samari 14 11 6 31 5 26 225 Dhauna 154 123 139 144 51 7 182 7 86 226 Tala 113 97 31 2 89 37 72 2 227 Jursingh 22 28 15 12 228 Donda 129 111 7 124 48 59 5 229 Majhgawan 98 98 3 51 37 51 18 230 Sarra Kheda 41 44 196 181 81 6 284 6 254 231 Deora Kalan 1 214 218 39 3 124 2 120 2 232 Marha 51 45 83 77 34 2 179 60 134 7 233 Dhauwapura 624

      "1Jiq gJ"'Ifllifi \l1""1

      ~ fuiR"f Tcm" / ~ Cflfl1 iR ~ ~ 3lfu)fuii lI}J'jf ~ ~ /W'l CfiT -;:wr Industrial Category of Main Workers ~ Name of C.D. Location Block/City/Town/ Code Village (II) (1lI) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      :rm w :rm w :rm w ~ ffi :rm W Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      ~ 14


      ~ "

      Marglllal ~ Name ofC.D. Workers LocatIOn Block/Ci ty/Town/ Code Village :\\lI\lbcr VI VII Vlll IX ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mal", F

      Shahnagar C. D. Blocl{ Un Inhabited 200 Kutarahiya 4 78 66 201 Mihgawan Baraho 2 72 74 202 Baijai 48 65 203 Bhopar 10 38 43 38 204 Chhatoul 27 28 205 Mouhari Uninhabited 206 HardU\ya Un Inhabited 207 Kumhedan Un Inhabited 208 Deori Un Inhabited 209 Boda209 2 8 19 19 210 Basaura Un Inhabited 211 Dugaria 3 3 '12 III 115 101 212 Sarra 11 10 213 Raehhapar 11 12 214 Jhiria Dilansingh 2 5 89 136 215 Shyamgiri 50 57 21G Kutmi Khurd Un Inhabited 217 Chithari Un Inhabited 218 Kutrahiya 2 8 51 74 70 219 Banjari 6 9 7 236 318 220 Sarangpur 9 42 80 108 221 Jamda 1 1 33 73 222 Jhiria Harchand 2 1 3 2 52 64 223 Surro 5 132 211 224 Salaiya Samari 11 22 31 33 225 Dhauna 4 4 217 353 226 Tala 3 2 2 83 110 227 Jursingh 14 31 228 Donda 68 111 229 Majhgawan 47 61 23Q Sarra Kheda 2 184 429 231 Deora kalan 2 3 116 240 232 Marha 153 239 233 Dhauwapura (,2(,

      ~ 91¥.fPlCfi \11'1 4Iu I'll "flR

      ~ ~I "!lTii 1]fq 1 ~ W<- "'f1R 1'lTi It ~

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      ~ fil'filfl{qod 234 ~ 171.87 50 50 337 174 163 61 31 30 235 ~ 153.60

      240 ~ 1274.47 lSI 151 785 409 376 184 100 84 241 ~ 1!flCf( 2148.65 104 107 610 327 283 130 71 59 242 807.28 4 4 21 13 8 3 3 • 64 64 356 187 169 94 59 35 243 Wj


      ~ ~ men 'lFf'J{&TCf>T"lmcnm ~ ~I ~ ~

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 Shahnagar C. D. Block 174 163 34 90 11 66 234 Bihariya Un Inhabited 235 DUIjanpura 101 79 14 13 143 7 234 4 216 3 236 Nunagar 25 21 151 145 53 8 100 3 95 3 237 Mahuwa Kheda 84 74 22 2 36 32 238 Kunia 183 161 4 B 191 49 322 7 241 239 Rohaniya 94 85 112 102 64 7 266 9 217 5 240 Ramgarha 57 51 117 llO 102 26 158 147 241 Umana Gyawar 10 6 9 2 5 5 242 . Sa!,llya 10 7 53 84 57 21 84 5 57 243 Amuwa 289 254 366 348 691 277 653 83 384 12 244 Bisani 51 49 124 105 129 29 224 71 162 3 245 Shahpur Kalan 66 60 124 113 lOB 40 157 41 120 10 246 Shahpur Khurd 158 158 91 16 150 2 146 247 Satdhara 2 186 129 45 11 117 115 248 Sijahati 109 96 20 3 56 55 24~ Kathai 78 88 20 4 39 30 250 Kandheli 114 127 60 56 192 74 254 20 123 5 251 Uncha o2S "Jflq lJ I ""I f)J Cfi \ij"'I"1 u1 ... 1 "flR

      ~ fciiffi ~/ ~ CfirT m ~ it ~ 1lJ1llT

      ~ "ffi ~ "ffi ~ "cit ~ "ffi ~ "ffi Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      1J'TAlR I4CfiI6(C1 ag

      234 ~ 22 10 235 ~ ~ 236 ~ 5 4 2 237 ~ictsr 238 ~ 3 239 ~ 64 4 7 3 240 ~ 8 4 241 ~TIfJCR 6 242 ~ 243 ~ 7 3 3 11 244 f.mRt 301 57 21 4 19 3 8 245 ~ Cfi\1T 46 68 5 246 ~~ 15 23 19 8 247 "ffitUIU 3 248 fffim 249 ~ 250 ~ 8 251 iiIT 105 14 2 6 (,2 ') VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

      ~ CfiTl1 ~ ~ itt ~ ijifjf ~ CfiTl1 Cfil11 4" iB iiR ~ fcfcfm ~ Industrial Category of Main Workers ~~ Non-workers qi)-g -;:p]\ /~ CfiT "'IJ11

      Margin;ll ~ Name of CD. Workers Location Block/City/Town} Code Village Number

      VI VII Vlli I~ ;it ~ nT :rm -Rr ~ ~ ~ :rm ~ ~ ~ ~!ak' F~lna k' t\ ttI~" FL"m.t1\.!<.; ~Iak..., F~male'i Maks rem,d", Mal", F~l1lales M<.lles Female.., 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      Shahnagar C. D. Block

      84 152 234- Bihariya Un Inhabited 235 Du~anpura 5 R ln6 190 276 2% Nunagar 4 90 171 237 Mahuwa Kheda 1 48 74 238 Kunia 2 2 5 22 257 496 239 Rohaniya 4 37 179 330 240 Ramgarha 2 169 281 241 Umaria Gyawar. 8 8 242 Salaiya 2 3 103 164 243 Amuw 3 26 2 5 80 7 108 134 791 1137 244 Bisani 4 7 1 6 173 264 245 Shahpur kalan 3 139 232 246 Shahpur Khurd 150 292 247 Satdhara 2 63 96 126 248 Sijahati 53 96 249 Katllai/ 44 96 250 Kandheli 4 13 40 274 215 227 251 Unella "fI]'"q

      III \lJ K.1ll' IInU"l"

      2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      09/1 ~ (.,.lIT.) 14.42 2092 2222 12283 6642 5641 2338 1217 1121 09/11 ~ mUr"i'fri 185 223 1269 692 577 266 153 113 2 o)-p; "i'fri 190 198 1008 545 463 149 88 61 3 ~qrf 163 186 970 484 486 134 64 70

      4 ~ ~ Cfi(1f11 3f\i1R

      09 / II -q;:;rr (Pf. ~.) 2.10 7468 7780 42547 22813 19734 7691 3932 3759 n 'FR (Pf. 'IT.) 1.37 6665 6957 38110 20405 17705 6791 3438 3353 09/11/1 ~ qrf 379 459 2373 1270 1103 399 188 211 2 $l1li1l9f11<: ~



      !llllu,"-{(\,\1 ~.\le~nly ~l( "J,IIl1C "I (' I)

      111,1111 \\ lilkel'" LI1~atlllll 111"d)(',I\'iltl\\1l ('"dt! Numhcl \' ill.l~" iI-L\)

      :rm -M\ ~ .at 111.11e, h'lIlak~ liLlie" remalt', Felllall'~ Male, Female~ 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      1256 1037 572 538 3542 1875 3083 540 711 80 0911 Ajaigarh (M) 204 158 2 2 400 22 d 294 22 28 85 O(J/1 Mah,lltll.l (;;lIldht Ward 84 77 410 251 235 27 16 2 Nehru Ward 9 6 403 320 220 19 26 3 Sha,ln Ward 4 B 309 199 183 22 20 4 2 375 220 230 26 30 5 Shivail W;ml 9 5 388 224 248 12 19 6 Indira (iandlll Ward 233 185 484 446 139 16 420 168 135 11 7 Amhl'lIk;lr Wanl 50 37 14 17 322 116 335 59 66 76 Ii Nt:la]l ~lIhha,h Ward 458 384 64 64 517 202 684 152 296 25 <) Sarswall J)\:Vl Ward 201 175 7 5 279 103 234 33 75 9 10 Dr. R;IIL'lIdr:1 1'1 a,ad \\';u d

      2434 2107 680 597 15057 9397 10021 1566 819 116 09111 Palllw (ll. .\.1 2243 1960 205 183 13952 8861 8902 1238 507 54 II Panna \ 1\'1.) 89 85 16 11 961 607 532 78 21 2 (j(J/IIII Villllhvachal Ward 222 197 7 6 981 568 653 90 29 341 286 389 189 318 49 16 2 3 Bhag:lt ~lIlgh Ward 6 5 2 2 583 410 318 43 13 4 R;un~;11l1 Wart! 658 466 337 31 32 2 5 PraJlII;lth Wanl 655 495 :317 39 21 6 PadmaW;111 'Wanl 76 77 688 518 422 51 34 7 Shivajl Ward 409 341 4 2 603 346 538 125 93 16 II Viyngl Han Ward 54 54 509 310 406 36 20 3 9 Suhha,l! Ward 45 22 16 11 701 344 437 26 38 3 10 Raghal\'lHlra Wanl 152 140 36 31 862 515 537 41 16 II (iandh I Ward 125 122 37 36 833 475 622 93 8 2 12 (,hltatl :1,;iI Wanl 94 93 4 7 999 678 565 92 12 11 Lat Baludur Sa,huOt Ward 26 13 11 693 453 495 49 64 14 Batde(l W;ud 231 221 49 54 1016 564 696 136 8 8 IS, (i(lvmtl Ward 156 136 14 16 526 268 374 48 22 16 Nehru \Val d 90 92 496 302 331 62 16 17 Matw.. 11 Ward 11 7 666 558 351 50 7 18 Ki~h()ll' (iall) Ward 525 388 2BB 33 1\ 19 Mah;U-;illi l,axlIJlBalWard 115 79 7 6 608 407 365 66 29 11 20 YadVl'ndr;1 Wanl 191 147 475 414 1105 536 1119 328 312 62 (ii) I'

      ~ CW1 ~ ~ "itt ~ ;;Mi (lIt1u~lfia( Calegory of Mall\ Worker~ Nallll' ill TowlI 1,()CalulIl Code (Ill) (IV) (Vh)

      2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 11

      .>1"l'i'j~ \.,. '11.) 479 266 118 10 60 15 205 16 09/1/1 ~ lJlUl ~ 4 3 4 20 2 2 ~~ 3 12 9 2 27 6 3 "51TBlt em 8 8 12 4 ~~~ 13 3 14 5 ~c:ni 3 2 3 9 3 24 6 ~ 1TTUT ~ 13 3 19 7 ~c:ni 198 142 5 14 5 23 8 ~~~ 91 20 12 3 3 20 9 ~tmcnt 142 92 27 3 31 5 10 sf~~~ 24 9 32 7 7 3 15 09/11 ~ (Of.~.) 447 159 563 59 619 43 216 96 800 134 II ~ (Of. "Ill.) 284 99 520 22 476 39 209 89 756 114 09/11/1 ~mt 8 7 39 2 42 4 30 7 2 94ISlI!H"IIi! ~ ~ 3 3 37 3 92 11 10 6 61 4 3 ~c:ni 44 9 13 24 14 4 23 9 4 ~c:ni 11 14 22 13 5 ~c:ni 2 15 9 39 6 ~c:ni 21 I 3 17 7 ~em 5 14 18 15 7 38 3 8 ~~

      13 {'{1M ~ "51TBlt mt 41 9 61 5 14 ~~ 60 13 8 59 10 15 mf



      (VI) (VII) (VlII) (IX) ~ tit ~t"ft ~Bl \1aln F

      104 6 494 49 112 2 739 94 10 95 3549 5006 09/1 Ajaigarh (M.) 30 69 4 18 98 10 398 555 09/IJI Mahatma Gandhi Ward 3 43 15 107 17 6 309 430 2 Nehru Ward 4 41 8 113 18 264 467 3 Shastri Ward 5 20 3 10 97 17 225 353 4 Maulana Abul kalam AzadWard 2 86 12 18 55 6 3 5 295 413 5 Shivaji Ward 7 77 2 21 89 10 290 444 6 Indira Gandhi Ward 11 9 2 2 23 7 4 82 379 456 7 Ambedkar Ward 9 2 55 5 29 50 2 1 367 522 6 Nek'lji Subba.. h Ward 30 5 63 19 39 52 5 2 737 1000 9 Sar~wati Devi Ward 3 11 12 2 55 2 285 366 10 Dr. Rajelldra Prasad Ward 671 99 1767 107 684 11 3435 742 79 252 12713 17916 09ffi Panna (U.A.) 654 96 1723 105 669 9 3104 611 70 197 11433 16270 n (i) Panna (M.) 39 4 61 3 33 2 255 50 10 21 728 1004 O9IIIIl Villdhyachal Ward 70 11 104 6 31 216 46 5 35 838 1120 2 Sbyam Prasad Mukhelji Ward 74 9 26 3 13 71 13 4 407 553 3 Bbagat Singb Ward 6 108 5 13 116 36 9 4 404 599 4 Ramganj Ward 12 55 4 166 27 522 684 5 Pranllath Waid 19 93 7 15 120 30 508 706 6 Padmawati Ward 47 11 60 2 36 155 27 8 512 815 7 Sbiv<\ii Ward 55 10 42 15 123 13 3 552 834 8 Viyogi l-L.'Ifi Ward 19 64 5 27 106 16 503 786 9 Subhasb Ward 25 5 81 5 57 128 12 7 14 656 842 10 Raghavelldra Ward 45 5 76 60 249 34 746 1048 11 Gandhi Ward 78 14 78 8 76 2 202 38 2 24 670 993 12 Chhatrasal Ward 22 120 9 47 252 75 9 6 804 lll8 13 La.l Bahadur SasbtJi Ward 20 102 2 35 133 36 6 38 515 724 14 Baldeo Ward 41 9 109 8 61 247 38 1 916 1299 15 Govind Ward 32 5 121 11 32 106 8 22 523 734 16 Nehru Ward 20 8 142 14 36 67 9 4 381 562 17 Mahavir Ward

      5 135 5 17 ~28 40 4 3 455 706 18 Kishore Ganj Ward 8 65 3 23 110 25 2 368 524 19 Maharani Laxmi Bai Ward 15 2 61 6 38 152 38 15 10 425 619 20 Yadvelldra Ward 17 3 44 2 15 2 331 131 9 55 1280 1646 Urban out Growth 17 3 44 2 15 2 331 131 9 55 1280 1646 (ii) Panna Gird (O.G.) 634

      mq q;j IifiiYi"i'i CfFI ~ (hi 3m' (t

      Area llf Vllla~c No 01 Total Population (lncludlmg Total PopulatIOn ('mit" In Ikct~re, 01 I kcuplcd lIome- InstItutIOnal and Iiouseless In tJlC age group Nmnht'" TownfWard R<''Identl3l hold, PopulatIon) (0-6)

      In Sq. KIll\ 11011.\",

      Persons Males Females Per",", Male, hmale' 2 3 6 7 B 9 10 11

      09/ III ~ Wf1R (Wf.'tIT.) 25.46 2013 2068 11100 5831 5269 2123 1044 1079 ~~mi 176 171, WJn 471 208 311 320 1477 775 702 308 150 158 3 ~mt 152 152 884 449 435 173 76 97 4 ~mt 152 152 762 377 385 146 61 85 5 \Jifmt 268 269 1501 786 715 291 149 142 6 ~-qrg 204 217 1074 539 535 211 101 110 7 ~qJi 182 197 1044 551 493 201 107 94 8 ~cut 141 146 925 487 436 175 82 93 9 ~mt 174 185 1086 581 505 186 98 88 10 ~ cut 253 254 1337 747 590 224 121 103 09/ IV 4lCfi(6tl (wr. -qr) 26.85 1115 1126 5909 3161 2748 1155 632 523 I'i~m 109 110 613 331 282 139 84 55 2 ~cut 96 96 578 299 279 107 57 50 3 mur cut 120 120 612 304 306 120 50 70 4 ~~

      \(ilctiulcd Tnhl" LIICI.IIC, Il1liu,lll.lI c,IIC."(1IY (11 1\,11 Ill' (11 (' J)

      1n.1I1l \\(\[~cr" LnC:llH'1l Hj."hl( 1I\'/I'()\\'11 C,,(1c Nllmhl'l \'''J.l~l' (I-IX)

      12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      1074 992 266 771 3421 1835 2809 655 890 143 091111 D~\'endra Nagar 105 97 271 64 267 55 185 9 Bh()pal \llIgll 'Wanl 350 329 417 194 389 1,37 89 30 2 (iallLlhi Wanl 10 16 25 29 284 181 217 24 87 10 3 Devendra Ward 12 15 197 205 115 50 219 154 55 32 4 Palel Ward

      69 61 2 517 339 361 30 80 5 ~ Ram \\':u'Cl

      105 103 30 31 268 lOB 266 98 134 ~ 37 6 ('hhalr;\~al Ward 261 239 2 4 268 119 273 63 100 8 7 Nnhedk;u' Ward 291 146 236 19 97 2 8 Suhha,h \V;ml 45 46 5 2 438 311 266 33 36 7 9 Sha~tn W;u'd 117 86 5 552 323 115 42 27 3 11) Sania) \\/;ml 878 736 260 240 1399 643 1610 327 734 31 09IIV Kak:lrhati '(M) 47 35 ISO 123 55 23 163 38 79 6 KaXlIII :--.Jarayall Ward 4 21 170 99 140 11 76 4 2 Mahanr Sw;unJ Ward ' 124 114 109 117 71 34 177 104 83 6 3 (landhl Ward

      100 95 139 50 162 15 93 4 Ja&dl~h Swami Ward 133 106 176 45 208 34 131 .) Nnhedkar Ward 119 97 160 83 151 31 71 8 6 Suhha,h Ward 222 179 124 57 158 50 46 7 Indira Ward 108 89 111 62 161 13 71 4 8 Azad W;ud 204 102 153 23 41 2 9 ChaturhhuJ W;ud 21 189 88 137 8 43 10 Ravida~ Ward 878 760 144 132 2451 1421 2017 246 563 15 09N Amallgallj (M ~

      7 7 277 192 178 7 I 52 Bhag,lI Smgh Ward 132 106 137 125 181 74 207 25 34 Suhh;j,ll W;ml 54 55 327 197 233 16 42 2 3 Azad \Vanl 353 245 201 16 36 4 GandhI Ward 7 6 7 7 274 189 175 8 15 5 Sanjay W~ull llli 122 223 113 190 10 56 6 Kastufha Wanl 6 3 277 189 166 9 2S 2 7 Nehru Ward 377 325 73 31 226 117 66 9 8 Amhl'dkar W;ml 110 111 260 100 241 3 124 9 Patel Ward

      24 25 2q6 91 200 35 113 )() Sha~lfI Wanl 636 -;m{ 91t:tP-lCfl 1iI"'1 410 1"'11 fi

      ~ "'f1R T ~ ~ ~ "iif.¥ i.ITirr ~ ~ ;}1fr) em- Industnal Category of Main Workers ~ Name of 'I()\\ 1\ [,oration Colic (II) (III) (IV) (Va) (Vb)

      ~ -rn ~ ~ ~ -rn ~ -rn ~ +il Male Fenl.lk Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

      09/m ~"ffl"{ (wr.'tIT.) 661 336 58 2 51 40 160 16 I ~im'em 52 38 2 5 4 3 4 2 mUt

      ~ CWl CWl-;:r"iiR ~ ~

      Ind\l~IJlal (';lIq~()1 \' 01 Malll W()ft,t' I , ~ ~ N(ln-workcr~ ~

      T\r !l111' f d , "\ 11

      ('Olle Numhc

      IV!) (VII) (VIII) (IX) ~ -qr ~ -AT 'J'V'l ~

      32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2

      45 471 41 89 383 77 48 219 2974 4395 09/m Devendranagar (M) 3 10 7 8 271 408 Bhopal SllIgh W;u'd 10 48 5 16 41 23 10 46 376 519 2 Gandhi Ward 51 4 6 14 5 28 232 383 3 Devendra Ward 6 10 158 221 4 Palel Ward 10 132 7 20 60 9 12 21 413 664 5 R,Ull Ward 2 17 5 18 2 18 39 255 398 6 ('hhatra~al W;ml 31 2 12 277 418 7 Ambedkar Ward 2 14 4 51 5 47 251 372 8 Suhhash WaHl 8 104 8 23 59 11 6 7 309 465 9 Sha~tri Ward 10 95 16 15 96 20 1 432 547 10 Sanjay W;ml 12 149 23 11 168 20 49 551 1502 1870 091IV Kakarhati (M) 4 3 4 26 43 142 201 1 Laxmi N;u'ayan W,ml 23 3 19 3 158 268 2 Mahavlf SW;Ulll Ward 5 3 I 5 2 127 204 3 GandhI W;ud 2 5 12 67 133 177 4 Jagdish SW,UIll Ward 8 8 22 3 5 124 160 132 5 Amhedkar Wanl 5 5 26 12 81 160 185 6 Subhash Ward 10 13 3 55 169 173 7 Indra Ward 24 2 3 5 107 129 116 8 Azad W;ud 42 5 2 29 35 193 249 9 ChalurhhuJ W;u"ll 23 43 7 3 39 131 165 10 Ravitla~ W;ud 33 2 366 18 51 391 51 33 67 2355 3534 09N Amanganj (M) 2 53 4 43 7 18 19 248 373 Bhagat SlIlgh W;ml 3 22 5 17 78 9 35 239 337 2 Suhha~h Wanl 8 2 47 4 2 55 5 302 471 3 Azatl Ward 9 81 5 5 39 10 2 260 351 4 Gandhi W;ml 4 50 2 12 39 5 5 4 229 358 5 Sanjay Wanl 4 23 28 7 228 354 6 Kasturha Ward 45 2 3 32 3 2 4 197 302 7 Nehru Ward 11 11 226 282 S Amhcdk;u' Ward 17 3 37 2 6 3 238 417 9 Pmel Ward 17 4 29 3 188 289 10 Sha~tri Wanl 638

      ";flf{ 91 ~ ~ Cfi \iFI~IQI~1 "fIT'

      PB our;

      1\\\,\1\,11\ \...\IH,' \11 1\\\\\\ Ah'.1 1\1 \lIIL\~~' '\.n ,\, :\1.) ,\1 L ILd p\)l'\Il~\h\)n (l\ld\ld 1I\1~ !\\LIII\\l'ul.lllun ( ~ Ilk ~Il I it-ct.lrl·' nl lhllllllt'd H(1l11;(, 11l'llttllllln.tI ,lilt! Hnll"c-k" .... In Illl ,It'\' ~IOUp 'Ullll'("r ltlWIIM.lfl; k,"ldl'llli,ll hnlo, }'OPUiatIO[l) I ()~ (»)

      III ")tl Kill" Ilotl ... t· ...

      ~ ~ Bi ~ 'I"" Bi

      Pc-r"lnS Male' Fl'nl.lk" 1\'1"\\11" :1.1.11," r~<'IJl.lles 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

      09/VI -qqf (3r. el) 52.96 1918 1980 9476 5075 440 1944 1030 914 09/VIlI ~ 'CI'li 182 182 889 469 420 210 95 115 2 ~m-cni 114 128 667 361 306 139 80 59 3 ~ 'CI'li 140 143 723 376 347 155 78 77 4 "iI1RA fun qri 190 197 1007 526 481 225 120 105 5 ~qri 302 302 1360 745 615 307 154 153 6 "ifl'~ -cni 186 202 906 520 386 183 105 78 7 ~ mm


      ~ ~ "fIlW ~

      J1'J"R ~ q';)~>Ml =r q;y '!T'1

      \cilcelllkd I ,1 .... lt'._, \chcdll kd 'lillie, Literate, Il1dll,III.11 L,ltC)!(lI\ "I' ~ N,lIllc' "I' ( ]) m:1I11 ""Ikel' I.\)UI\()\I 111"c',,;( Ilyn\)\\ II ('oele Numhcl \ 1I1:I!,c (I-IX) (I)

      11TQ' -qr -qr BY Bt ~-qr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ivLtlL" FL'mak, Male, Female, Mab Femalc~ Male, Female, Males Female, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2

      1429 1299 390 341 2816 1454 2436 482 703 89 09fVI Pawai (N.A.) 38 34 257 108 234 89 46 3 09NI/I Jaganpura Wanl 56 46 3 3 222 102 158 19 68 3 2 Nanhl PawaI Ward 208 201 155 41 194 22 97 5 3 Amhedk;u- Ward 325 292 138 138 187 76 267 83 209 45 4 Ragran Tola Ward 218 187 13 10 419 232 341 15 65 ) Ru, Stand Ward 78 69' 24 12 369 199 233 20 37 6 Maa Kaleill Ward 113 112 2 238 123 207 29 48 4 7 Mahatma (landhl Ward 224 200 4 2 483 324 368 75 72 24 X Rapr Ward

      1n? Od 202 15 0 100 01 38 9 1 alor(\ ~I Ward 67 64 206 176 194 90 235 99 23 2 10 Su,n:ldar Wanl 640

      Offl{ 1Jf~ \i("1~luI'11 ~

      .,.:{Rfii ;p]7 Cf\T '1Jll ~ q;pf i"#t ~ 'itt 3lfu)fui ~

      ~ -rtt ~ -rtt ~ -rtt ~ ~ ~ TIt

      Mat~ F~nuk v!.lk F~U1.lk ~!ak ['em.lte M.lk h' 111.1 h' M.lk FellUI,. 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28' 29 30 31

      09/\-, m (3I: ~.) 349 177 94 49 40 19 71 22 90 16 09/VI/l ~em 89 72 12 ~2 4 7 2 'fott~em 31 8 9 8 5 3 ~em 64 14 10 2 3

      4 ~ fun' em 27 35 2 3 ~1 5 ~em' 5 12 2 8 18 6 .n~


      w~ \iFt~ IOFtI t=IR cfi q RfiIIS( Appendices to Prirnary Census Abstract

      645 qRIlIt><: I Appendix I ~ d6itlcll ~ 3JR ~ f4Cfi't1~'sT CfiT fcrcRvr Information of Development Block under various Tahsils

      ~ ~

      If"fT ~ .mr ~Ir 602,815 317,208285,607497,937 259,614238,: Panna District Total mfR 598,378 314,800 283,578 497,337 259,614238,: ';flU 4,437 2,408 2,029

      ~ ~ ~lr 103,901 55,676 48,225 80,969 43,109 37,1 Apigarh Ajaigarh m/R 103,901 55,676 48,225 80,969 43,109 37,1 .,/U

      2 1:FIT 1:FIT mIT 114,740 60,695 54,045 94,586 49,720 44,1 Panna Panna m/R 110,303 58,287 52,016 94.586 49,720 44,1 .,/U 4,437 2,408 2,029

      3 ~ ~ mIT 132,925 69,401 63,524 117 ,012 60,858 56, (,unnor GUllnor mlR 132,925 69,401 63,524 117,012 60,858 56, -;:rIU

      4 -qqf ~ mIT 127,353 ,&],105 60,338 108,088 56,018 52,1 Pawai Pawai "ID/R 127,353 &7,105 60,338 108.088 56,018 52,1 -;:r1U

      5 m;J1R m;J1R mIT 123,896 64,421 59,475 97.282 49,909 47 ,~

      Shahnagar Shahnagar mlR 123,896 64,421 59,475 97.282 49.909 47 ,~ .,/11 (,-H, qrU4lti~ - II Appendix II ~ 91"tPllfl \11<1.'UJ01I m\ URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3ii~d ~ ~ 3{iti~d \J1<1\J111"a ctt \iH(f(O'OlI-~ (iiil."tICfiCH() Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      ~ q;"[ ~ TfUA1 ~ iiTfu ~~

      I (),;t[JOIl cni/~~ ~ TOlal Population Scheduled (-aSle~ Scheduietl Tnht'~ ( 'odL' N;UIle ot TOWIl 'f Ward/lirhan Bloc"- 1- B No 6

      9/1 ~ (Of,lIT,) 12283 2293 1110

      Ajaygarh (M.l 9fl/l ~mlft cni 1269 362 4 Mahatma Gandhi Ward ~ IBlock 1 466 246 4

      ~ 1 mock 2 803 116

      9f112 mlri 1008 161 Nehru Ward ~ 1 Block 3 520 62

      ~ 1 Block <1 488 99

      9f113 1JTat cni 970 15 Sha~Ul Ward ~ IBlock 5 512 12

      ~/Block 6 458 3

      783 12 Maulana Abul Kaiam Azad Ward ~/Block 7 379 5

      ~/Block 8 404 7

      Wl/5 972 6 Sillvall Ward ~/Block 9 544

      ~/Block 10 428 6

      9fl/6 ~~lri 994 14 IlIlltra (,allllhi Ward ~/Block 11 545 12

      ~/Block 12 449 2 647 qRllilSC II Appendix II ~ 91ttPwQi 1.11"'1~lul"'11 lJR URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3t~d ~ 0ttT 3t~d 1.11"'1I.11IRt qft 1.11"'1(i(CqI-~ (iIi1IQiql<) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tiibes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      , -ilT."iiT ~

      LocatIOn m/~~ ~ Total PopulatIon Scheduled Castes Scheduled Trihe~ Code Name of Town "'{. Ward/Urban Block E.B. No.

      9/117 ~qrf 1509 418 930 AmbedkerWard 'iiffi<.Ii / Block 13 500 315 109

      'iiffi<.Ii / Block 14 437 28 370

      'iiffi<.Ii / Block lS 572 75 451

      91118 ~~cnf 1284 87 ' 31 NetaJI Subha.,b Ward 'iiffi<.Ii / Block 16 485 46 5

      ~/Block 17 486 5 26

      ~/Block 18 313 36

      91119 ~t4tcnf 2575 842 132 Saraswati Devi Ward 'iiffi<.Ii / Block 19 624 124 5

      'iiffi<.Ii / Block 20 438 270 7

      ~/Block 21 487 68 10

      ~/Block 22 523 (,18 110

      ~/Block 23 503 282

      911110 u~~cof 919 376 12 Dr. Rajendra Prasad Ward ~/Block 24 431 180

      ~/Block 25 488 196 12 648 qR1l115(! II Appendix II ~ 91"f~Cfi \11"1:aloHI m\ URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3ij;qRId ~ OY.IT 3ij;qRId 1i1~Ii1IRl qft li1~ti(CQ1 ~ (~Ithql() Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      , m~ 0{1R q;r OW{ "lfURT

      9nI -q;:;n 'if1R ~ 42547 4541 1277 Panna (U.A) (i) -q;:;n (Of. 1JJ.) 38110 4203 388 Panna (M) 9IWI fc\iqlq(Oj 1Qi 2373 174 27 Vindhyachal Ward

      ~/Block 1 695 92 3

      ~/Block 2 733 44 24

      ~/Block 3 617 38

      ~/Block 4 328 9l1li2 l41'119t11< ~ 1Qi 2741 419 13 Sbyama prasad Mukberji Ward

      ~/Block 5 769 73

      ~/Block6 571 5

      ~/Block7 541 105 3

      ~/Block8 486 105

      ~/Block9 374 135 5 911113 '14ldRili cni 1331 627 Bbagatsingb Ward

      ~/Block 10 502 288

      ~/Block 11 498 275

      ~/Block 12 331 64 9flI14 ~cnf 1377 11 4 Ramganj Ward

      ~/Block 13 506 ~/BIock 14 473 II

      ~/BIock 15 398 4 649

      qRtll1SC II Appendix II ~ 91"1P1Cfi \11"'1~I01'"11 ~ URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 31~d ~ ~ 31~d \11"'1\11111'1 qft \11"'1ti(Qq1 ~ (~ICfi~j{) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise) itt~ "fIR OGILHlll qJi/~~ ~ Total Populalloll Scheduled Ca~tc~ Scheduled Tribe~ ('ode Name of Town "'1'. WardlUrban Block E.B. No. 6 911115 VIVJin'f cnt 1574 Prannath Ward ~/Block 16 525 ~/Block 17 385 ~/Block 18 664

      911IJ6 q'("lq~ cnt 1570 1 Padmawati Ward ~/Block 19 533 ~/Block 20 524 ~/Block 21 513

      9111J7 fttcrnift' cnt 1808 153 2 Shivaji Ward ~/Block 22 651 26 2 ~/Block 23 576 125 ~/Block 24 581 2

      9fW8 ~q)4\tift 2052 750 6 Vi yogi Hari Ward 25 510 ·68 26 596 241 6 27 497 325 2~ 449 116

      911119 "WIN cot 1731 108 Subhash Ward ~/Block 29 582 100 ~/Block 30 653 8 ~/Block 31 496 650 -

      Qiml6C II Appendix II -;;rrtTlr 91 ¥.t flI ttl \T1"'iII'J Him URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3t~d \ilTftJ ~ 3t1~d \T1"'i\i1IR) qft \T1"'iti(Clq1 ~ (~ICfiql{) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      , -in "iiT. "I1R

      9111110 ~

      91II112 ~

      9111113 ~~~ 2594 187 11 Lal Bahadur Sashtri Ward ~/Block 45 854 135 II

      ~/Block 46 491 ~/Block 47 1249 52

      9111114 ~

      qfU~ICSC II Appendix II ~ "91'tPtCfi \TI"i4Iijl~1 ~ lJRBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3f~d \i'JTftl ~ 3f~d Uf"iUfIRl qft \TI"ifi(Olf1 ~ (~ICfi~J() Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      1l'lRT ~ \l'1"1tR041 ~~ ~~

      [ ,ocatlOll ~ Total PopulatlOlI Scheduled Ca!-.te~ Scheduled Tnhc, ('ode N;unc of Town "'f. WanlftJrban Block E.B. No. 6

      91IIJ15 ~cri 3048 452 103 (;ovind Ward ~/B[ock 51 614 42 ~/B1ock 52 591 94 ~/Block 53 5<)7 142 ~/B1ock 54 579 126 103 ~/Block 55 667 48

      9fTIll () m

      ~/Block 58 567 138 3D

      9/D/17 ~cri 1340 182 Mahavir Ward ~/Block 59 482 ~/Block 60 443 53

      ~/B1ock 61 415 129

      9fIII18 ~~CfIt 1569 18 Kishore Ganj Ward ~/Block 62 564 ~/Block 63 466

      ~/Block 64 539 18

      9fIII19 ~ "~.iI{-.m 490 1 Maharani Laxmi Bai Ward ~/Block 65 316 ~/Block 66 409

      ~/Hlock 67 1215 652

      qrU~lril I I Appendix II ~ 1Jlltlflttfl \;1""'1°1011 "flR URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3f~ij \ilTftr ~ 3f~ij 'iH\i1IR1 qtt \i1'1tl(CQ1 ~ (iI?Iliflql{) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled rubes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      , ~=iit 'f1R cnr 0frIl l'J"l'F!T ~ \i1.,ti«41 ~~ ~~

      I ,()CatlOn qJi/~~ ~ Total PopulatIon Schedulelt Castes Scheduled Tnhes ( 'ode Name of Town ., Ward/Urban Block E.B. No.

      WIII20 ~~ 1500 194 13 Yadvendra Ward ~/Block 68 410 3 ~/Block 69 378 10 ~/Block 70 349 176 ~/Block 71 363 17

      (ii) 1FfT ~ (~~) 4437 338 889 Panna Gird (O.G.)

      ~-r-tT 593 9S 291

      Purana Panna ~/Block 72 593 95 291

      ~~ 1110 40 50 Moban Niwas

      ~/Block 73 672 35 46

      ~/Block 74 438 5. 4

      1fro 812 5 369 Gahra

      ~/Block 75 462 165

      ~/Block 76 350 S 204

      ~ 1038 10 Kunjwan

      ~/Block 77 553 2

      ~/Block 78 485 8

      ~(vm) 579 178 111

      Ranibagb(Tagra) ~/Block 79 579 178 III qR~lt>(O II \ppcndix II ~ "91~ \i1'1 110 HI "fIR l,lUHN PRII\l:\RY CENSllS ABSTRACT ~ 3t1~d ~ ~ 311~d \i1'1\i1IRt ~ \i1'1iiffll-~ (~ICflcm:) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduil'd Trihes Population - llrhan (Block wise)

      'f;'" ~ 1 Ill, 111111} ., 1 \ .1.t1 I'opu 1:111. \ll W;ud/l 'rhan Block F B. No

      305 10 68

      N.M .D.C.Colony ~ / Block XO ]0

      WIll· 11100 2066 537

      Develldra Nagar (M)

      ()II I III 1010 202

      ~/BI()ck I 7'6

      ~/BI()ck :: 124

      ()/1II/2 1477 679 (ialldlll Ward

      ~/Block 3 411 94

      ~/Block 4 450

      ~/Rlock 5 616 237 l)/IIIIl 884 26

      [kVl'llllra Ward

      ~/BIl)ck 6 26

      ~/Block 7 442 l)flll/4 762 27 402 PaId Ward

      ~/Block K

      ~/Block CJ 27 654 -

      'iR~JtiC II Appendix II ~ 91ttfllifl irl~"'QJOiI ~ URBAN PRIMARY CENSlJS ABSTRACT ~ 31~d ~ dlIT 3f~d \i1'i\i1JR1 qft \Ji'iti"(OQ1 ~ (~ICflql{) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      -::r1J< q;r -;wr ¥ ::n~

      I I)l ,II J( 111

      !J/lll/) 1501 130 2

      R;un Ward

      ~/Block IO 619 126

      ~/Block 11 454 4

      ~/Block 12 42); 9Jllll(1 1074 208 61 ('hhatrasal Ward

      ~/B1ock 13 s:n 137 61

      ~/Bl()ck 14 537 71 (1/1lln 1044 500 6 Amhedkar Ward

      ~/BIl)ck 15 618 403 6

      ~/Block 16 426 97 (I/Ill I'd 925

      Subhasb Ward

      ~/Block 17 444

      ~/Block IX 481

      (Jill)/,) 1086 91 7

      Shastri Ward

      ~/Block 19 517 50

      ~/Block 20 41 7 q/I 1lI 1() 1337 203 5 Sanjay Ward

      ~/BI(lck 21 574 71

      ~/Bl\lck 22 763 132 qf{lll~ II

      t\ (l (ll' Ildi X II ~ ~ \iI~JIOI"'i1 "fiR llRBAN I)RIi\lA RY CENSllS ABSTRACT ~ 3ii~ ct \Tt'Tfa 0?1T 3iiW~ ct \1'1"'1 \ill fa qft \iI"'ifi(dl I ~ (~ I ttl em ) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - II rhan (Block ,\ isc)

      ~iil '17T, Cfi1 ~ 7Jl1R1 ~ Ji'1flMI ~~ ~~ i (ll,lll(lIl cn?pr~ ~ '7Ol1 ;J i (>I,d 1'0[1IJlall< III \L'iInlllkd ( ',I'll" \llll'dllkd Illi)("

      ( (Illl' \:,llllL' (I! [ll\,ll 'OJ

      \\',lnlJllrhan Hlllck. I:,B N(J ()

      9/1 \' Cfi Cf)(I!;i) (-or.lIT. ) 5909 1614 SOO K,lka,rhatl \M) 613 &2 273

      (lIIVI] ~'1I

      LaXll1lOarayan Ward 578 25

      (l/IV Ii: ~~qJi <8TCfI / Block :2 57R 2"

      MaJlanr SwamI Ward 612 238 226

      (l/IV (l, l'TiUT ~ ~/Bi()d( j 612 2lX l~(,

      C;andhl Ward 554 195 iJ/IV/4 Jill~hlfcH4\ qJi ~/H!()ck 4 554 195

      Jagdlshsw;uTII Ward 663 239 lJ11V/5 ~qJi . ~/B!l)ck 'i 663 239

      Arnbedkar Ward 620 216

      !J(IV (6 ~qrt ~/Block 6 620 216

      Suhhash Ward 605 401

      LJIIV 17 ~qJi ~/BI()ck 7 60S 401

      Indra Ward 527 197

      'J/IV/X ~cm ~/BI()ck X 'i27 1<)7

      Azad Ward 654

      'J/lV II) ~qrt ~/Block (J 6'i4

      ( 'haturhhuJ Ward 483 21

      IJ/lV/!O ~

      Ravidas Ward 656

      qR~ICSC II Appendix Il ~ 1) pqftt ifl ,;:'1"'1 ~I ol"'fl (lR URBAN I·RIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 34~C1 ~ ~ 3i1~lr.qij ,lVi\liIRi ctt \i'Fn\~1 ~ (iiclltfiC4l<) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population. Urban (Block wise)

      ~:;mfu ~~ ! ~(lCal1[)1l Total POrUI;1(ioIl Scheduled ('a~lc~ Schellllkd TnllL'~

      Colle Name of Town ~

      W;tnlllirhan Block l~.B. No. 6

      9fV ~ (Of.1fT.) 8252 1638 276 Amllilganj (M) 843 14

      9N/I ~err! ~/Block 1 843 14 BhagaL-;ingh Ward 844 238 262

      {)!Y12 ~~ ~/Block 2 43(i 197 Suhhash Ward ~/Bl()ck 3 408 41

      1022 ()IV 13 3f1'i'lR ~ ~/Block 4 S02 Azad Ward ~/Block 5 520

      831 9!Y/4 1Tiili err! ~/Block 6 424 Gandhi Ward ~/Block 7 407

      779 14 9!YI5 ~err! ~/BI(lck 8 421 6 Salljay Ward ~/Block 9 358 4 8

      782 283 9!Y/6 ~err! ~/Block 10 :ns 71 Ka).turha Ward ~/Block II 467 212

      680 9 91V/7 ~ err! ~/Block 12 680 9 Nehru Ward 85] 702 91V1't3 ~err! ~/Block 13 851 702 Ambedkar Ward 908 221

      712 49 l)N/IO ~err! ~/Block 16 712 49 Shastri Ward 657

      qR~ltsC II Appendix II ~ 9Ittf}jCf) \11"1'11 0 1"'11 "flR URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3i~ct \i'fTfc{ Cf'.U 3i~ct \1101 \111 fa ctt \11 01 ii"(df I ~ (iiiclIQiql{) Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise)

      7f1JRT ~~ ~~ i ,()C,IIHlll ~ Total POrUlalloll Scheduled (';t\tt'\ Schedukd Tnhc\ ( 'ode N;une of Town Of WanlllJrban Block E,8, No, 6

      9/vI m (3f.U.) Pawai (N.A.) 9476 2728 731 889 72 9IVIIl ~qg ~/8Iock 456 56 Jaganpura Ward ~/Rlock 2 433 16

      667 102 6 CJNlf2 ~~qg ~/Blnck 3 667 102 6 Nallhi Paw;u Wanl 723 409

      1360 405 23 9NI/5

      906 147 36 9NI/6 ~~em ~/Block to 496 102 6 Maa KaJehi Ward ~/Block 11 410 45 30

      753 225 2 (J/vIn ~/Block 12 453 121 Mahatma C,andhi Ward ~ I Block 13 300 104 2

      1437 424 6 9/vIIX ~qJi ~/Hlock 14 404 71 5 Bazar Ward ~/Block 15 506 343 ~/Block 16 527 10 658

      qRilllSC II Appendix n ~ 91tfPlCfi \11"1"1 0 1"11 ~ URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT ~ 3i~d \iJlftr "ij"tfT 3i~d \rl'1\rlIRt ~ \Tj'1;t1(OC1I-~ (iI\'1l&iQI() Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban (Block wise) m. "iil.

      Location ~/~~ ~ Total Population Scheduled Castes Scheduled Trihc:-. ('ode Name of Town Of. Ward/Urban Block E.B.No.

      811 196

      9NII9 ~/Block. 17 407 143

      Latoriya Ward ~/Block 18 404 53

      923 131 382

      9NIIIO ~/Block 19 499 104 1

      Sunadar Ward ~/BIock 20 424 27 381 659

      a:t "j)f1~ tf \YfTfu ~ a:t"j)fi~ tf 1;1"1 \TJ' fa CfiT ~ \TJ~"lol"'11 ~ Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 660

      3l:rtt~a ~ CfiT '9l~ \i'i~~'o,~, "f{R nn~ f;;wn/mm .~JllR Q:;M ~ Tltll " -, < .,) 0" C!fi ~ "it> -'l 7Cf

      ;m7 ,~ ~ ' IIHlp Ii I-I,' \' \ (·11\ /1{1\\1l

      --_------_------. "4h;:; T~ ~ oqfu-.., '1_m •iT

      Pl'I"(lfl \1.11" Fl'Illak Pl'I'\111l 1\1"k } "{ll,dc' 2 :l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      9 1Fl1 fuffi ~ 27809 140374 74396 65978 30422 15658 14764 lJT 25021 125494 66447 59047 27249 14003 13246 ';:f 2788 14880 7949 6931 3173 1655 1518

      ~~m m 3908 21542 11615 9927 4578 2360 2209 lJl 3908 21542 11615 9927 4578 2360 2209


      tF'11 f

      ~~m m 6599 32152 16894 15258 6905 3497 3408 1)1 6599 32152 16894 15258 6905 3497 3408


      qq{~m m 5927 28989 15350 13639 6512 3349 3163 lJT 5927 28989 15350 13639 6512 3349 3163




      ~~ 2788 14880 7949 6931 3173 1655 1518

      ~ (~1lT) 400 2293 1256 1037 526 285 241 ~ (~ "ff) 833 4541 2434 2107' 950 481 469 ~ (~ 'QJ) 757 4203 2243 1960 889 449 440 1F1T fut ("IT ar) 76 338 191 147 61 32 29 ~(~,r:rr) 434 2066 1074 992 425 207 218 ~(~r:rr) 314 1614 878 736 303 174 729 ~(~r:rr) 286 1638 878 760 J71 188 183 TNt (Jr er) 52/ 2728 /429 1299 598 320 278 66-!- PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED CASTES

      -row ~ CW{ "ii-l ~ q;r ~ ~ fuiIT/~~/ 1.lIcul.:, Indu'>lrt;t1 ('aIC.'!"! I':' III Malll WOlker... ~/~~ Namc' "I 't.lIdl)l\ll'lLl/ ~~CW{CfIf.t~ CflUClCflI< CIl Ilh·dJI !1\/cllyrr()wll TOlal main wocke:... ( 'ulliv.ltl'l'- (I-IX) (I)


      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rural PCI '''11.- Male FCln:l!e Pcr,oll Male Femaic Persoll Male Female lhb.1l1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

      211408 13731 3677 55309 40117 15192 22628 18791 3837 T Panna District 16540 13896 2644 50239 36222 14017 21600 17878 3722 R ~ 3868 2835 1033 5070 3895 1175 1028 913 115 U

      ~642 2~57 285 8770 6~41 2429 4524 3455 1069 T Ajaigarh Dev. Block 2642 n57 2li5 li770 6341 2429 4524 3455 1069 R U

      3!)67 1315 752 8854 6256 2598 3523 2769 754 T Panna J lev. Block 1890 ~157 7~~ X691 6150 2541 3507 2757 750 R 77 58 J<) 163 106 ')7 16 12 4 l! 77 'IX If) 16~ 106 57 16 12 4 Panna (i1H1 «l.G.) 4040 3340 706 13995 9441 4554 4896 4110 78j T Ciunnor lJev. Block -W46 ~34() 706 13995 9441 454 4896 4110 7:·6 R LJ

      1112 2611 50l IDtS 8362 2956 4651 3996 655 T Pawai Dev. Block 3112 2611 SOl 11318 8362 2956 4651 3996 655 R lJ

      2850 24~1 41() 7465 5928 1537 4022 3560 462 T Shahnagar Dev. Block 2850 24~1 41<) 7465 5928 1537 4022 3560 462 R U " J868 2835 1033 5070 3895 1175 1028 913 115 TOTAL URIJAN

      ~8-l W~ 91 751 580 171 146 131 15 Ajalgarh (M,) 1'184 11152 492 1444 1147 297 54 43 11 Panna ({LA,) 1'1117 1104 473 1281 1041 240 38 31 .7 (i) Panna (M.) 77 58 1<) 163 106 57 16 12 4 (ii) Panna «).( i,) 583 425 158 781 542 23Y 152 118 34 Devendra Nagar (M.) 21(} 174 42 (}28 481 147 23X 225 13 Kakar/ial i (M. J 2(}1 2JJ 51 578 435 143 142 131 11 Amangan! (M.) 73lJ 5411 1

      ~ Cfi11t ~ "iilii¥

      lndustnal ('ategoll~~ \If M;]Ul Workers ~ ~ lfi.t

      ~ ~ iit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PerSI..\l1 Male Female Person Male Female Person Mille Female 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 lFU ftffi;rr -q) 9 25107 15476 9631 423 386 37 299 350 49 lJT 23480 14411 9069 347 318 29 283 243 38 OJ 1627 1065 562 76 68 8 116 105 11


      ~~~ -m 7917 4470 3447 77 73 4 8 8 m 7917 4470 3447 77 73 4 8 8 rr


      ~~~ m 2594 1679 915 15 50 5 5 4 m 2594 1679 915 15 50 5 5 4 " ~~ 1627 1065 562 76 68 8 116 105 11

      ~ (".1U.) 223 144 79 15 13 2 1 1 ~ (rr. tT.) 112 80 32 30 28 2 no 99 11 lRT ("f. lH.) 97 66 31 26 25 98 89 9 lRT FTt ( ~ it 1'ffi'I"

      3592 2137 1055 639 515 124 660 561 99 T Panna District 2884 1921 963 324 265 59 263 239 24 R 308 216 92 315 250 65 397 322 75 U

      465 323 142 75 66 9 38 37 1 T Ajaigarh Dev. Block 465 323 142 75 66 9 38 37 1 R U

      533 317 216 116 76 40 48 45 3 T Panna Dev. Block 531 316 215 86 62 24 48 45 3 R 2 I 30 14 16 U 2 1 30 14 16 Panna Gird (O.G.)

      683 423 260 63 46 17 70 66 4 T Gunnor Dey. Block 683 423 260 63 46 17 70 66 4 R U

      736 516 220 37 31 6 67 53 14 T Pawai Dey. Block 736 516 220 37 31 6 67 53 14 R U

      469 343 126 63 60 3 40 38 2 T Shahnagar Dey. Block 469 343 126 63 60 3 40 38 2 R U

      308 216 92 31S 250 6S 397 322 7S TOTAL URBAN

      43 32 11 71 60 11 51 46 5 Ajaigarb (M.) 101 75 26 178 139 39 219 171 48 Panna (U.A.) 99 74 25 148 125 23 219 171 48 (i) Panna (M.) 2 1 1 30 14 16 (ii) Panna (O.G.) 54 24 38 25 22 3 22 22 Devendra Nagar (M.) 26 16 5 6 5 1 5 4 1 Kakarhati (M.J 33 33 2 2 3 .3 Amanganj (M.) 56 36 20 33 22 11 97 76 21 Pawai (N.A.) 664 ~:l~a ~ qrr 9Iq~C'fi \iI~~lql~1 tm

      ~ ~ i"i-t ;:m:n CfiT ~ ~

      InduslJ \31 C3te~l\nC' llf Ma\\\ WlIrker\ ~ fu1ffi Ifc\q:;rn I $-r ~~~ ~,~3W~ 3Rf~

      L(\c:1lloll ;:pr{ ~ ~ Comll1l1lllcall\ lI\ Service~ ( 'ode Name of

      NUlIlher Slale/I)i~lriclJ CD RlockflJA/ CltyfTowll Il III IV

      ~ ~ "fit ~ ~ "fit ~ ~ ~ Per'llll Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

      9 1l'"n fifi;rr -q) 508 423 85 199 182 17 1554 1296 258 1JT 200 172 28 54 47 7 804 726 78 Of 308 251 57 145 135 10 750 570 180





      ~ f

      ~~ 308 251 57 145 135 10 750 570 180

      ~ (.,.lU.) 78 60 18 20 18 2 103 75 28 1A[ (rr. ~.) 139 121 18 94 66 8 407 305 102 1A[ (rr. lU.) 139 118 18 94 86 8 326 256 70 1A[ fu§ (lir. et.) 3 3 81 49 32 ~ ('1. fiT.) ]0 10 8 ]] ]] 72 46 26 ~('1.Tff.) 16 10 6 27 22 5 ~('if.Tff.) 9 8 1 2 2 47 39 8 f1


      (.[) 1I"":I.JI 1A/('lty(fOWIl

      Total ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rural I'cr"'11 Male Female Person Mole Femol Orhan 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

      ')1X.~ 648 8535 75882 33631 42251 T Panna District 8630 597 8033 66625 29628 26997 R 553 51 502 9257 4003 5254 U

      1464 In 1351 11308 5161 6147 T Ajaig:u'h Dev. Block 1464 113 1351 11308 5161 6147 R U

      1271! 117 1162 12135 54Xi! 6646 T Panna I>ev. Blnck 1~77 117 1160 11962 5404 6558 R -") 2 173 X5 88 lJ ~ 2 173 X5 88 Panna (iml (O.G.)

      ~156 1')5 lQ61 16001 7258 8743 T GUllnor Dey. Block ~I"(l 195 1961 16001 725)1 8743 R U

      I InC) '17 1882 15692 6891 8801 T Pawai Dev. Block 1()79 ()7 1882 15692 6891 8801 R U

      17"4 75 167() 11662 4CJI4 6748 T Shahnagar Dev. Block 17S4 75 1679 11662 4fJI4 6748 R U

      55.' 5] 502 9257 4003 5254 TOTAL URBAN

      1'} 5 17 1520 671 849 Ajaigarh (M.l 47 3 44 3050 12X4 1766 Panna (lJ .A. l -15 :I 42 2877 II I)() 167l) (i) Panna (M.l -') 2 173 X5 8l) (ii) Panna « ).( i.) 55 I) 46 1230 523 707 Devendra NII'.<{/1 (M.) 2M~ /5 253 718 3!Q 33() Kakarliati (M.) 14 J /3 /046 442 608 AmallgtLllj (M ) 147 /8 121) /693 7()] l)1)2 Pawai (N.A.) - 666 a:t1tt.~a \i1Of\i1I~ CfiT 91"1~~ \i1Of~loIOfI lIR -NRfu ffim ;f$Iiffi 7rt1T; ~~ ~~ ~~\iR citsOf -m 10fll1' I ~I

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ffi Person Male Female Person Male Female 2 3 <1 5 6 7 8 9 10

      9 ~~ 1it 20117 102520 52632 49888 24293 12350 11943 19224 50320 4J769 23291 11836 11455 ~ 98089 'if 893 4431 2312 2119 1002 514 488

      ~mmm m 1572 8890 .(684 4206 1910 976 934 lJT 1572 8890 4684 4206 1910 976 934 Of , q;;n fctq;m m -QT 4975 24810 12900 11910 6147 3178 2969 lJT 4802 23921 12425 11496 5955 3065 2890 Of 173 889 475 414 192 113 79 1RT ~ (otT. ~.) 173 889 475 414 192 113 79 1539 ~~m m 2468 12056 6136 5920 3074 1535 1539 lJT 2468 12056 6136 5920 3074 1535 Of m f


      ~~ 893 4431 2312 2119 1002 514 488

      ~ (Of. lIT.) 203 1110 572 538 230 116 114 1RT (Of. ~.) 264 1277 660 597 284 155 129 1RT (Of. 'qT.) 91 388 205 183 92 42 50 ~ fiR ("ij[ ~.) 173 689 475 414 192 113 79 ~iH'1Jf( (or. fIT.) 125 537 266 271 118 48 70 ~ (Of. fIT.) 95 500 260 240 127 63 64 JPfR1t.n (or. fIT.) 47 276 144 132 60 27 33 wi (Jr. ir.) 169 731 390 341 183 105 78 (,(,7 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES

      fileR ~

      I lleLllc, lntllhlll.ll C.llc~()IlC\ ,)1 MaUl Will ke" 0flR/0flR ~

      Name III SWlc/DISlflCll ~ ~ q.,l~ ~ ~ Cfiffi1

      Total I-ij) ~ ~ a:Mn 11::T.I ~ ~ ~ ~ Rural 1\~J"ll(l M3k It 1I1.lIe 1\~1 '\\ll) ~l",' I CHI.dc I'cr,"11 M.!Ic 1cmalt: Urban 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

      SS(l5 7152 1()53 425')4 2X')(\') 1_~625 16091 13482 2609 T Panna District S420 6845 1575 40729 277:17 12992 15751 13203 2548 R 3XS 3()7 78 IS65 1232 633 340 279 61 U

      71)2 6~4 lOX 194') 2(JX'i 1260 1902 1542 360 T Ajrugarh Dev. Block 7()2 684 lOX 194') 26X~ 1260 1902 1542 360 R U

      140l) 1m 278 1140l 7142 40')lJ 3490 2767 723 T Panna Dev. Block 1287 1O~7 2'iO 11060 711(1 19')0 3466 2748 710 R 122 94 ~X 141 212 109 24 19 5 U 1~2 94 2X ~41 2,2 IUt) 24 19 5 Panna GIrd (O.G.)

      IX3 3D 7() 'i617 :l44X 21~9 1274 Ion 201 T (,unnor Dev. Block 3X1 3n 70 'i(117 '\441\ 21 X') 1274 Ion 201 R U

      14XI 1187 2'14 71

      4477 3624 X\l 12897 95117 3110 6777 5946 831 T Shah nagar Dev. Block 4477 3624 X.~~ 12897 95X7 Dill 6777 5946 831 R U

      385 387 7X 1865 1232 633 340 279 61 TOTAL URBAN

      44 40 ~ 451 .114 119 149 139 10 Ajaigarh (M.) 217 163 . ~~ 4% '\'\1) 146 25 20 5 Panna ell.A.) I)~ fit) 2fl 15~ II X 37 I (j) Panna (M.) 122 l}4 2X 141 232 109 24 19 5 (ji) Panna (O.G.) I.) I.) 21.)() IV, 134 8 5 3 Devendra Nagar (M.) 15 13 211.) 14.1 77 15 lS Kakarhatt (M.J 18 15 I 74 (,8 (J 13 n Amangallj (M.) 82 (j7 1 ) 333 ~II': 131 130 87 43 Pawai (N.A.) 668 3I~ d \11 ... \111 Rt CfiT "91 tfflICfi \l1"1~lol"'l ~

      ~ ctrl "iii-t ~ q;r iliJ)fjfci ~ Industrial CategOries of Main Workers ~ ~/f

      ~ 1jW ~ ~ ~ "fit ~ ~ ffi Person Male Female Person Male Female Person Male Female 2 :3 20 21 22 23. 24 25 26 27 28

      9 1Ffr~ -qf 21358 12044 9314 1227 505 722 2526 1890 636 "VT 20423 11490 8922 1107 464 643 2346 1779 597 , or 935 554 381 120 41 79 150 111 39


      'FlT fcI<:f;ffi m


      mmmm m 3689 2175 1514 187 61 126 879 688 191 m 3689 2175 1514 . 187 61 126 879 688 191 Of


      ~~ 935 554 381 120 41 79 150 111 39

      ~ (Of. lIT.) 279 153 126 5 4 ~ (Of. "6.) 77 55 22 51 19 32 107 86 21 ~ (Of. ~.) 15 13 2 4 4 48 28 20 ~ ~ (iIT. ~.) 62 42 20 47 15 32 59 58 1 eiH..,I/< ('if. '11:) 279 149 /30 ~ (or. '11:) 199 123 76 4 3 ~ (rr. fIT.) 14 10 4 6 6 vqf (ar. if.) 87 64 23 54 9 45 43 25 18 (III \)


      ~ CfiT>'I i""A :;m:rt ;llq~t"IC' tit MalO Workers "I1R /Ofln: WJ!"

      Name 01 Slale/D1Slll~U q I f{ct I R'ch ~ -it +ffi'l q;y q II(q I f{q; ::roT1l ~ JffiTCIT ~ CD B lockfUAfCllyrrown ~,~,~ ~, -mm.R, <1fcffi'nl 3l1< ~~ ,~~ Manulatunng. Plll(l'~~lllg. Manulatuflllg, l'roL'l"'lllg. Constructloll

      Sl:rvlung ;ul(j Rqxur, III Scrvlcmg .u1d Rcpall' 111 OthCI IllllJ~ch(lld Indu\{ry thcn lIou,clwld Indu,lry (Va) (Vh) (VI) Total ~ ~ Til ~ ~ 1":lt ~ clt Rural l'cl'tln M;lil' I em,lit: P~I'tln M:tlc h~Ill,Iit: •Person Male I>~male llrhan 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

      24 11 IJ 122 96 26 195 155 40 T Panna District 24 11 13 116 91 25 163 131 32 H 6 5 32 24 8 l

      II 6 5 6 6 28 21 7 T Ajaigarb Dey. Block 11 6 5 6 6 28 21 7 R lJ

      3 2 45 30 15 77 53 24 T Panna Dey. Block 3 2 44 29 15 75 53 23 R 2 U 2 Panna Gird (O.G.)

      3 2 28 26 2 5 5 T Gunnor Dev. Block 3 2 28 26 2 5 5 R U

      2 2 3 3 2 T Pawai Dev. Block 2 2 3 3 2 R U

      5 4 35 27 6 53 52 T Shahnagar Dey. Block 5 4 35 27 8 53 52 R U

      6 5 32 24 8 TOTAL URBAN

      2 7 7 AJaigarb (M.) 4 4 24 16 6 Panna (U.A.) :3 3 22 15 7 (i) Panna eM.) 2 (ii) Panna (O.G.) Devendra Nagar (M.) Kakarhali (M.) Amanganj (M.) Pawai (N.A.) 670 3f~d \l1'1\i1IRt CfiT 91ttfltcti \11'1'101'11 1fR ~CWf~~q;y ~~ Industrial Categoncs of Maw Workers ~ fuMT/~1

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Person Male Female Persoll Male Female PerSOll Male Female 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

      lFfT~ :ql 173 110 63 64 63 814 613 201

      ~ 144 87 57 41 41 584 440 144 Of 29 23 6 23 22 230 173 57

      23 12 11 3 52 47 5 3f\iWIG~~ 'lit , 23 m 23 12 11 3 3 52 47 5 OJ

      1F'fT~~ ciT 60 40 20 10 10 278 175 105 m 46 27 19 10 10 146 90 56 OJ 14 13 1 132 83 49 ~ ~ ("i1I tH.) 14 13 132 83 49

      ~~~ ciT 36 15 • 21 188 114 74 lIT 36 15 21 188 114 74 "i



      fl 0fJJtllJ 29 23 6 23 22 230 173 57

      ~ (OJ. ~.) 2 2 8 7 -q;;rr (Of. tf.) 19 17 2 11 10 17B 123 55 -q;;rr (Of. ~.) 5 4 11 10 46 40 6 -q;;rr ~ (~. tH.) 14 13 132 83 49 ?H'1JII' (or. w.) I 2 2 ~ (or. w.) ~ (or. w.) J 2 1 11 11 27 26 wi (ar. il) 4 2 2 15 15 671


      ~ /'I$fiiii ~ / OFR/OflR~ Name of StateIDbtnctl 'CD Blockl\JAfCltyrrOwn

      Margmal Worker~ Nl1l1-workers

      Total cxt%r ~ W ~ ~ ~ Rural Person Male Female Person Male Fernal Urban 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

      7286 649 6637 52640 23014 29626 T Panna District 7149 635 6514 50211 21948 28263 R 137 14 123 2429 1066 1363 U

      491 27 464 4454 1972 2482 T Ajaigarh Dev. Block 4()1 27 464 4454 1972 2482 R U

      1065 i42 923 12344 5416 6928 T Panna Dev. Block 1064 141 923 11797 5174 6623 R 547 242 305 U 547 242 305 Panna Gird (O.G.)

      698 55 643 5721 2633 3088 T Gunnor Dev. Block

      696 55 64~ 5721 2633 3088 R U

      2008 161 1847 8485 3913 4572 T Pawai Dev. Block 2008 161 1847 6485 3913 4572 R U

      2886 251 2637 19754 6256 11496 T Shahnagar Dev. Block 2888 251 2637 19754 8256 11496 R U

      137 14 123 2429 1066 1363 TOTAL URBAN

      57 57 -600 258 342 Ajaigarb (M.) 3 2 768 329 449 Panna (U.A.) 2 2 231 87 144 (i) Panna (M.) 547 242 305 (ii) Panna (O.G.) 15 15 232 110 122 Del'entira NaKar (M.) 38 13 25 243 105 138 Kakarluzli (M.) 12 12 190 76 114 Amllnganj (M.) 12 12 386 188 198 Pawai (N.A.)