Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Eyeball Compendium Sex & Horror. Art & Exploitation by Eyeball Compendium: Sex & Horror. Art & Exploitation by Stephen Thrower. Title: Eyeball Compendium. Author: Stephen Thrower. Publisher: FAB Press. Media: Book. Reviewer: James Marriott. Hot on the heels of the FAB Compendium, reviewed elsewhere on this site, comes this collection of high points from Eyeball magazine. Eyeball was probably my favourite film magazine during its erratic run: during a recent house move they were the only film magazines I took out of storage. Nowhere else would you be likely to find references to Foucault, Fellini and Fulci on the same page, the magazine marrying a love of exploitation and art cinema that probably alienated many readers. Not that editor Stephen Thrower - an ex-member of Coil, and currently half of Cyclobe - appeared to care: running three pieces on Andrzej Zulawski, director of the mind-reaming Possession , in three consecutive issues demonstrated that the magazine's obsessions weren't about to be compromised by issues of popularity or accessibility. The book contains pretty much all the material from the magazines, save for Fulci and Argento-related essays that have found their way into other FAB books, and also comes with a few new pieces, notably an interview with Gaspar Noe ( Seul Contre Tous , Irreversible ) and a handful of Stephen Thrower's reviews from Delirium magazine and Shock Xpress. The accent is on the European and fairly marginal - it's not that easy to see the films of Pupi Avati or Juraj Herz in the UK, after all - and the writing tends towards a more academic tone than you'd find in most other genre magazines, but if you expect more from fan writing than slavish drooling over some Italian gut-munching zombie epic, this will probably come as a welcome change. Actually, given that Thrower has written an entire book on Lucio Fulci (a mystifying obsession to my mind), maybe that's not such a good example … As with the FAB Compendium, it's handy to have the content of the magazines in book form - it'll last longer, for a start - but I have to say that I prefer the look of the original magazines, not least because of the impeccably designed covers. I also preferred the mixture of interviews, features and reviews in the magazines themselves, something lost in the book as it lumps all the interviews etc together. And it's sad that this should be the swan song for the magazine - I'd far rather have seen another issue of all-new material. Maybe the editor can be coerced into doing an Eyeball book every few years or so, although given the speed psychosis he tells us accompanied some of the original run, it might not be an area he's keen to go back to. Still, given that the publication of this book probably means that the magazines themselves won't be reprinted again, if you haven't seen Eyeball before, like intelligent film writing and see no reason why you can't like Performance , Tenebrae and Don't Go in the House , it's an essential item. Stephen Thrower. Stephen Thrower (* 9. December 1963 in Ashton-Under-Lyne , Greater Manchester as Andrew Stephens ) is an English musician and author who since mid-1980 lives in the London area. contents. Musical development. Raised by adoptive parents from the age of one, Thrower lived in Yorkshire for much of his youth . Early on he was enthusiastic about various forms of artistic expression, especially music and film. In 1980 he founded the underground group Possession together with Victor Watkins and Anna Virginia War (alias Tiny, now a member of Ultrasound), of which a single album was released in 1984 under the sweeping title “The Thin White Arms, Obtusely Angled At The Elbow, Methodically Dipping And Emerging ”appeared. During his time with Possession, which he left in 1987, he joined the later well-known electronic band Coil in 1984 , in whose recordings he was almost completely involved in the 80s. Satin Chickens, Put Put, Identical and Skullflower were other formations in which Thrower was temporarily involved - in the avant-garde band Put Put, which played with jazz elements, he played saxophone and clarinet , and Identical also played a crossover of jazz and electronica . The latter accompanied works by the performance artist Franko B and the controversial film “Cling” by Anna Thew . Thrower ended his membership with Coil in 1992. His current music project is the experimental group Cyclobe , a band he runs with his partner . Her first two albums "Luminous Darkness" and "The Visitors" were released on the British label Phantomcode, her collaboration with , entitled "Paraparaparallelogrammatica", was released on the US label Beta Lactam . Thrower is a guest musician with the groups Matmos , CoH and Amal Gamal Ensemble . His latest band project is UnicaZürn together with David Knight. Film journalism. Film journalism has been his second mainstay since the late 1980s. Thrower is a recognized specialist in horror cinema and non-mainstream films in general. From 1987 to 1989 he wrote for the fanzine "Shock Xpress", whose editorial team consisted largely of post-industrial musicians in addition to Thrower . After the dissolution of Shock Xpress, Thrower published his own film magazine under the title "Eyeball: The European Sex and Horror Review" until 2003. In this magazine, which Thrower named after a film by Umberto Lenzis , reports and interviews with directors as diverse as Alejandro Jodorowsky , Paul Morrissey , Joe D'Amato , Andrzej Żuławski , Dario Argento , Alain Robbe-Grillet , Pupi Avati and Jean- Luc Godard . In 2003 all 14 issues appeared in book form under the title "The Eyeball Compendium". Thrower's other book publications are “Beyond Terror: The Films of Lucio Fulci ” from 1999 and “Nightmare USA: The Untold Story of the Exploitation Independents” from 2007. For the near future, a second part of Nightmare USA and the overview work “Sadomania! A Guide To The Films of Jess Franco ”. All of Thrower's standalone fonts appear on FAB Press. Thrower always endeavored to merge his two main interests into an intermedia total work of art. In addition to the above He recorded collaborations with Coil on the soundtrack for the film " Hellraiser - Das Tor zur Hölle " by Clive Barker , as well as the music for 's " The Angelic Conversation " (not used because of the rejection by the production company) . Thrower was friends with Jarman and worked as an extra in his films “ Imagining October ”, “ The Last of England ” and “ Caravaggio ”. With Cyclobe he composed the theme music for George Barry's " Death Bed: The Bed That Eats ", most recently for the first Pakistani horror film "Zibarkhana". Killeens. Damn ! This hot summer weather is killing me. The following list is my collection of film books, I wrote this list up thinking it might be useful for anyone wishing to read about their favourite movies, director etc. All the links will bring you to Amazon. Silent Cinema Hollywood and American Cinema Director Biographies Part 1 (Hollywood, Classic cinema) Directors Biogs Part 2 (World Cinema, Classic Cinema continued) Directors Biogs Part 3 (Cult Cinema) Actors, Producers Biogs Japanese Cinema Cult Film Writing (Horror, Exploitation, Sci-fi) Books About Individual Films. ************************************************************* Silent Cinema (see also Directors, Actors section) ************************************************************* THE PARADE’S GONE BY- Kevin Browlow ADVENTURES WITH D.W. GRIFFITH – Karl Brown 1/qid=1152970715/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books] THE GENIUS OF THE SYSTEM : Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era - Thomas Shatz CITY OF NETS - A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940's - Otto Friedrich 1/qid=1152970329/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8. INSIDE WARNER BROS. (1935 – 1951) - Rudy Behlmer 1/qid=1152970952/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. TENDER COMRADES : A Backstory of the Hollywood Blacklist - Patrick McGilligan and Paul Buhle "YOU AIN'T HEARD NOTHIN' YET" : The American Talking Film History and Memory 1927-1949 – Andrew Sarris THE WHOLE EQUATION : A History of Hollywood - David Thomson THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE – Robert Evans 1/qid=1152972135/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. EASY RIDERS, RAGING BULLS: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood – Peter Biskind DOWN AND DIRTY PICTURES : Miramax, Sundance, and the Rise of Independent Film - Peter Biskind HOLLYWOOD BABYLON : The Legendary Underground Classic of Hollywood's Darkest and Best Kept Secrets – Kenneth Anger HOLLYWOOD BABYLON 2 – Kenneth Anger 1/qid=1152971892/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. D.W. GRIFFITH : An American Life - Richard Schickel 1/qid=1152981828/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. CHAPLIN: His Life and Art - David Robinson 8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. CHARLES CHAPLIN: My Autobiography - Charlie Chaplin 3/qid=1152982107/ref=pd_bbs_3/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. SEARCHING FOR JOHN FORD: A LIFE - Joseph McBride 2/qid=1152982402/ref=pd_bbs_2/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. ABOUT JOHN FORD – Lindsay Anderson 8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. THE DARK SIDE OF GENIUS: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock - Donald Spoto 1/qid=1152986795/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. ALFRED HITCHCOCK : A Life in Darkness and Light - Patrick McGilligan 1/qid=1152986920/ref=sr_1_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. HITCHCOCK'S NOTEBOOKS: An Authorized And Illustrated Look Inside The Creative Mind Of Alfred Hitchcock - Dan Auiler THE HITCHCOCK MURDERS - Peter Conrad 1/qid=1152987083/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. HITCHCOCK - Francois Truffaut, Helen G. Scott 1/qid=1153288353/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. GEORGE CUKOR: A DOUBLE LIFE : A Biography of the Gentleman Director - Patrick McGilligan FRANK CAPRA: The Castastrophe of Success - Joseph McBride 2/qid=1152982736/ref=pd_bbs_2/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. FRITZ LANG: The Nature of the Beast - Patrick McGilligan 4/qid=1152982772/ref=sr_1_4/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. DESPITE THE SYSTEM : Orson Welles Versus the Hollywood Studios - Clinton Heylin THIS IS ORSON WELLES - Orson Welles, Peter Bogdanovich 8601186-9696036?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155. SIRK ON SIRK: Interviews with Jon Halliday v=glance&n=266239. ON SUNSET BOULEVARD : The Life and Times of Billy Wilder - Ed Sikov 2/qid=1152983201/ref=pd_bbs_2/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. KAZAN ON KAZAN - Elia Kazan, Jeff Young Can’t find a good link for this excellent book, but its part of Faber’s essential Director On Director series, taking the same format as SCORSESE ON SCORSESE etc 1/qid=1152983332/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. ELIA KAZAN: A Life - Elia Kazan 9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. NICHOLAS RAY : An American Life - Bernard Eisenschitz, Tom Milne 3/qid=1153253261/ref=pd_bbs_3/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. A THIRD FACE : My Tale of Writing, Fighting and Filmmaking - Sam Fuller 1/qid=1152986515/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. A SIEGEL FILM: An Autobiography - Don Siegel 1/qid=1152987355/ref=pd_bbs_1/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. CASSAVETES ON CASSAVETES - John Cassavetes, Ray Carney 2/qid=1152983744/ref=pd_bbs_2/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. STANLEY KUBRICK: A Biography - Vincent Lobrutto 4/qid=1152987181/ref=sr_1_4/002-8601186-9696036?ie=UTF8&s=books. JOESPH LOSEY: A Revenge on Life - David Caute 2/qid=1153253756/ref=pd_bbs_2/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. SAM PECKINPAH: If They Move. Kill 'em! - David Weddle v=glance&n=266239&s=gateway&v=glance. SCORSESE ON SCORSESE – Martin Scorsese v=glance&n=266239. SCRADER ON SCRADER – Paul Scrader FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA: A Filmmaker's Life - Michael Schumacher 1/qid=1153254126/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. COPPOLA: A Biography - Peter Cowie 9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. GEORGE LUCAS – John Baxter 9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. STEVEN SPIELBERG – Joseph McBride 9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. STONE: A Biography of Oliver Stone - James Riordan 1/qid=1153254554/ref=sr_1_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. WOODY ALLEN ON WOODY ALLEN - Woody Allen v=glance&n=266239. THE EMPEROR AND THE WOLF: The Lives and Films of Akira Kurosawa and Toshiro Mifune - Stuart Galbraith INGMAR BERGMAN: A Critical Biography - Peter Cowie 1/qid=1153255538/ref=sr_1_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. PASOLINI REQUIEM - Barth David Schwartz 5196320-5988004?s=books&v=glance&n=283155. COCTEAU: A Biography - Francis Steegmuller 1/qid=1153255723/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. JACQUES TATI: His Life and Art - David Bellos 1/qid=1153255814/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. GODARD ON GODARD: Critical Writings by Jean-Luc Godard - Jean-Luc Godard 1/qid=1153255878/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. LETTERS – Jean Renoir Not a very useful link I’m afraid, but my copy is a Faber hardback from 1994. LETTERS – Francois Truffaut TIME WITHIN TIME: DIARIES, 1970-86 - Andrei Tarkovsky v=glance&n=266239. SCULPTING IN TIME: Reflections on the Cinema - Andrei Tarkovsky 6987604?v=glance&n=266239. DAVID LEAN: A Biography - Kevin Brownlow v=glance&n=266239. A LIFE IN MOVIES - Michael Powell EMERIC PRESSBURGER: The Life and Death of a Screenwriter - Kevin Macdonald 6778108-6987604?v=glance&n=266239. ADVENTURES OF A SUBURBAN BOY - John Boorman v=glance&n=266239&s=gateway&v=glance. MALLE ON MALLE - Louis Malle, Philip French (Editor) 1/qid=1153256427/ref=sr_1_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. KIESLOWSKI ON KIESLOWSKI - Krzysztof Kieslowski v=glance&n=266239. ROMAN BY POLANSKI - Roman Polanski v=glance&n=266239. SERGIO LEONE - Something to Do With Death - Christopher Frayling 2/qid=1153256493/ref=pd_bbs_2/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. HERZOG ON HERZOG – Wener Herzog PAUL VERHOEVEN - Rob Van Scheers ALTERED STATES: The Autobiography of Ken Russell - Ken Russell 1/qid=1153257328/ref=sr_1_1/104-9684255-9755955?ie=UTF8&s=books. CRONENBERG ON CRONENBERG – David Cronenberg v=glance&n=266239. LYNCH ON LYNCH – David Lynch THE ZOMBIES THAT ATE PITTSBURGH: The Films of George A. Romero - Paul R. Gagne BROKEN MIRRORS/BROKEN MINDS: The Dark Dreams of Dario Argento - Maitland McDonagh ART OF DARKNESS: The Cinema of Dario Argento - Chris John Gallant 6987604?v=glance&n=266239. PROFONDO ARGENTO - Alan Jones FANTASY FILM MEMORY: Directed By Dario Argento – John Martin No link for this I’m afraid, it’s a 1991 English language French publication, (there’s a Franco one too). Eyeball Compendium: Sex & Horror. Art & Exploitation by Stephen Thrower. Monsters in the Movies John Landis A lushly illustrated guide to all the best mummies, vampires, werewolves, zombies, mad scientists, ghosts and more from throughout the world history of film. An unparalleled guide to all things nasty in the cinema. Hardcover, 340 pp. $45.00. Shock Value Jason Zinoman The classic horror films of the 1970s conquered both the multiplex and the art house, and they have taught us what to be afraid of. Drawing on interviews with hundreds of the most important artists in horror, Shock Value is an enormously entertaining account of a hugely influential golden age in American film. Hardcover, 275 pp. $30.00. Hammer Films: The Unsung Heroes Wayne Kinsey This is the story of the creative team behind the legendary production company. Wayne Kinsey presents an oral history, detailing the fascinating biographies of Hammer's key players, many telling their stories for the first time in all new interviews specially commissioned for this book. The book is filled with 1000 rare, behind-the-scenes photos. Softcover, 484 pp. $45.95. The Vampire Film Alain Silver & James Ursini In this volume with nearly 800 colour illustrations and a filmography of over 700 titles, you will discover why the 21st-century undead are thirsty for more than blood. For this fourth edition, editors Alain Silver and James Ursini has compiled the definitve encyclopedia of vampires in film and tv. Softcover, 488 pp. $32.95. Horror Movie Freak Don Sumner You'll scream with delight while reading this fun and engaging book that discusses all of the classics of the horror genre. The movies themselves have been divided into various categories including Asian horror, homicidal slashers, supernatural thrillers, and zombie invasion. Softcover, 255 pp. $23.99. Horror Zone Ian Conrich Horror is still immensely popular but its assimilation into our culture continues apace. In Horror Zone , leading international writers on horror take horror into the world outside cinema screens to explore the interconnections between the films and modern media and entertainment industries, economies of production practices, cultural and political forums, spectators and fans. Softcover, 306 pp. $37.50. Hammer Glamour: Classic Images from the Archive of Hammer Films Marcus Hearn Bursting at the seams with an astounding collection of rare and previously unpublished photographs from Hammer's archive and private collections worldwide, and featuring many exclusive new interviews, Hammer Glamour is both a lavish celebration of Hammer's female stars and a fascinating insight into a bygone era of movie publicity. Hardcover, 160 pp. $37.00. Monsters: A Celebration of the Classics from Universal Studios Jennifer Osborne With today's fantasy and horror films ruling the box office--and special-edition DVDs available of Universal's masterpieces--Monsters is an invaluable guide for a new generation. It shows where the "creature feature" began, from the twenties silent classic The Phantom of the Opera to fifties favorite Creature from the Black Lagoon . Frightening and fun, this splendid volume is perfect for monster fans of any age. Hardcover, $39.95. Hammer Films: A Life in Pictures Wayne Kinsey Through rare and mostly previously unseen images, many from original Hammer negatives in the BFI National Archive, Hammer Films: A Life in Pictures tells the visual story of Hammer's output. This book explores the wider and fascinating side of one of the British film industry's greatest success stories, showing once and for all that Hammer was not just a purveyor of cheap horror pictures. Hardcover, $65.99. Beyond Hammer: British Horror Cinema Since 1970 James Rose Critically neglected after the decline of Hammer Studios, the British horror film remains a significant -- and popular -- body of work within a nationally grounded cinema. These 'post-Hammer' films move beyond their predecessor's Gothic traditions by situating their threats within contemporary Britain. Beyond Hammer provides new critical readings of several classic, contemporary, and lesser seen films from this period. Softcover, 173 pp. $33.95. Introduction to Japanese Horror Film Colette Balmain This book is a major historical and cultural overview of an increasingly popular genre. Starting with the cultural phenomenon of Godzilla, it explores the evolution of Japanese horror from the 1950s through to contemporary classics of Japanese horror cinema such as Ringu and The Grudge . Divided thematically, the book examines key motifs, situating them within traditional japanese mythology and folk tales. Softcover, 214 pp. $38.95. 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die Steven Jay Schneider Fascinating and disturbing, horror films expose our most primal fears: our nightmares, our terrors, our vulnerability and revulsion, our terror of the unknown, and our fear of sex, death, or loss of identity. With insight from critics, historians, and academics, this book explores and illuminates the enduring popularity of this genre. Softcover, 415 pp. $17.99. Dark Places: The Haunted House in Film Barry Curtis Horror films revel in taking viewers into shadowy places where evil resides. Whether a house, a graveyard or a disused hospital, these mysterious spaces foment the terror at the heart of horror movies, empowering the ghastly creatures that emerge from them. In Dark Places , Barry Curtis leads us deep inside these haunted spaces to explore them - and the monstrous revenants who dwell there. Softcover, 240 pp. $20.00. Horror Films James Marriott From the slick horror of Alien , Scream and The Ring and the cult classics Dracula, Frankenstein and The Mummy to the slasher icons Jason, Freddy and Leatherface, horror just won't stay dead. James Marriott gives an incisive account of the definitive works of the genre over the last 80 years - from silent Expressionist classics to Japanese wraiths. Softcover, 341 pp. $14.95. The Hammer Story: The Authorised History of Hammer Films Alan Barnes & Marcus Hearn The Hammer Story is the definitive, authorised history of Hammer Films, and the company has provided unlimited access to its archives. The crypt doors have been thrown wide open, revealing a treasure chest of nearly 500 rare posters, photographs, press books, clippings and even ticket stubs. Hardcover, 192 pp. $44.00. Zombiemania: 80 Movies to Die For Arnold T. Blumberg & Andrew Hershberger Zombiemania takes an in-depth look at one of the most popular horror film categories of all time. What is it that makes us so scared of and yet so intrigued by the living dead? Why is it that shambling corpses with a taste for brains, or mindless automatons controlled by a voodoo master still retain such relentless power? This book is illustrated with many still photographs from films of this genre, some published for the first time. Softcover, 497 pp. $29.95. The Curse of the Werewolf: Fantasy, Horror and the Beast Within Chantal Bourgault du Coudray Embodying our primal fears, the werewolf has revealed in its various lupine guises radically shifting attitudes to the human psyche. Tracing the werewolf's 'use' by anthropologists and criminologists and shifting interpretations of the figure - from the 'scientific' to the mythological and psychological - Bourgault du Coudray also sees the werewolf in Freud's 'wolf-man' case and the sinister use of wolf imagery in Nazism. The Curse of the Werewolf looks finally at the werewolf's revival in contemporary fantasy, finding in this supposedly conservative genre a fascinating new model of the human's relationship to nature. Softcover, 224 pp. $31.95. Pretend We're Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture Annalee Newitz In Pretend We're Dead , Annalee Newitz argues that the slimy zombies and goresoaked murderers who have stormed through American film and literature over the past century embody the violent contradictions of capitalism. Newitz looks at representations of serial killers, mad doctors, the undead, cyborgs, and unfortunates mutated by their involvement with the mass media industry. Pretend We're Dead shows that as literature and film tell it, the story of American capitalism since the late nineteenth century is a tale of body-mangling, soul-crushing horror. Softcover, 224 pp. $28.95. Book of the Dead: The Complete History of Zombie Cinema Jamie Russell Covering hundreds of movies, from America, Europe, and Asia, this exhaustive history chronicles the zombie's on-screen evolution from Caribbean bogeyman to flesh-eating corpse. Along the way, Book of the Dead takes in Bela Lugosi, B-movies, Italian gore films, blind monk movies, shot-on-video backyard epics, and genre classics like Night of the Living Dead . Complete with hundreds of stills and artwork including 64 stunning pages of colour illustrations, and an exhaustive filmography, this is the ultimate zombie movie resource. Softcover, 319 pp. $38.95. Eyeball Compendium Stephen Thrower Culled from the pages of Eyeball Magazine this omnibus of interviews, essays and reviews focuses on the very best of cinematic sex, horror, art, and exploitation -- everthing from Argento to Zulawski. Fans of off-beat genre films will appreciate this brilliantly written and generously illustrated volume. Softcover, 395 pp. $38.99. Creeping Flesh: The Horror Fastasy Film Book, Volume 2 Creeping Flesh takes horror and fantasy cinema from around the globe and combines it into one thrilling volume. Compiled into a zine-like book, it takes a focused look at obscure and vilified horror movies, the discovery of "lost" films, and American and British exploitation. Softcover, 159 pp. $26.95. Godzilla on My Mind: Fifty Years of the King of Monsters William Tsutsui In November of 1954, Godzilla crawled out of his radioactive birthplace onto the silver screen and into our imaginations. Today Godzilla stands as a pop icon of Japan -- the third most recognizable Japanese celebrity, according to a New York Times poll. In this short reflection on Godzilla, William Tsutsui, a life-long fan and professional historian, gives us a light-hearted look at 50 years of the big, green, radioactive lizard. Softcover, 240 pp. $18.95. The Lure of the Vampire: Gender, Fiction and Fandom from Bram Stoker to Buffy Milly Williamson Over one hundred years after Bram Stoker's influencial novel was published, the vampire is as ubiquitous as ever in popular culture. The Lure of the Vampire explores the enduring myth of Dracula and vampires and just why it has remained so popular for so long. Milly Williamson examines several movies and television shows in this stimulating volume. Softcover, 213 pp. $33.95. Shocking Representation Adam Lowenstein In this imaginative new work, Adam Lowenstein explores the ways in which a group of groundbreaking horror films engaged the haunting social conflicts left in the wake of World War II, Hiroshima, and the Vietnam War. Lowenstein centers Shocking Representation around readings of films by George Franju, Michael Powell, Shindo Kaneto, Wes Craven, and David Cronenberg. Softcover, 255 pp. $31.95. A Vault of Horror Keith Topping From Night of the Demon to House of Whipcord , this book profiles 80 British horror films which collectively made a lasting impression on the psyche of a nation. Author Keith Topping examines the films which shaped his childhood, taking a wry and often irreverent look at their triumphs and failings, their stars, their continuity blunders and impact on the genre as a whole. Illustrated with many rare colour and black and white photographs, this is one film guide guaranteed to raise a smile as we take you back to the terrors of yesteryear. Softcover, 427 pp. $24.95. Japanese Cinema Encyclopedia Horror / Fantasy / Science Fiction Thomas Weisser & Yuko Mihara Weisser Within the pages of this exhaustively researched text you'll find expertly written reviews of Japanese genre films -- horror, fantasy, and science fiction -- post-1950. Remarkably, this is only the first volume of the co-authors' life-long project to chronicle the entire canon of modern Japanese cinema by genre. No cult film aficionado will want to be without this remarkable encyclopedia. Softcover, 327 pp. $29.95. Fangoria's 101 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen Adam Lukeman Fans of horror films will scream with delight over this movie guide of 101 lesser-known horror classics. Inside you'll find everything from foreign gems and box-office disappointments, to straight-to-video sleepers and under-appreciated works by genre directors. Whether you like low-budget slasher films, tales of the supernatural, stylish giallos, or wall-to-wall splatter-fests, this book will guarantee you 101 sleepless nights. Softcover, 270 pp. $20.00. The Rough Guide To Horror Movies Alan Jones The Rough Guide to Horror Movies is a comprehensive guide to the world's scariest films. Conjuring up vampires, monsters, ghosts and zombies, it tells the stories behind the movies that have frightened us from the birth of cinema to the present day. Softcover, 277 pp. $21.99. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Interaction Joshua David Bellin This academic volume reconsiders the cultural significance of this storytelling mode by investigating how films which are seemingly divorced from reality are actually encoded with the social practices and beliefs of their era of production. Golden era classics like King Kong and The Wizard of Oz, are discussed alongside contemporary classics such as Jurassic Park, Edward Scissorhands, and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Softcover, 240 pp. $49.50. Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film Revised Edition Barry Keith Grant & Christopher Sharrott The original edition of Planks of Reason was the first academic critical anthology on horror films: a book that explored the genre with a rare degree of understanding. This revised edition retains the spirit of the original, but also offers new takes on rediscovered classics and recent developments in the genre. Robin Wood, Steven Neale, and Noel Carroll are amongst the contributors included in this valuable volume. Softcover, 416 pp. $67.95. Horror Film: Creating & Marketing Fear Edited by Steffen Hantke In this exciting anthology, a wide variety of critical approaches are used to discuss how film technology, marketing, and distribution effectively create the aesthetics and reception of horror films. Nosferatu, The Blair Witch Project, The Exorcist, Peeping Tom and several other seminal horror films are examined in these previously unpublished essays. Hardcover, 261 pp. $76.50. The Horror Film Stephen Prince In this volume, Stephen Prince has collected essays reviewing the history of the horror film and the psychological reasons for its persistent appeal, as well as the discussions of the developmental responses of young adult viewers and children to the genre. This well-balanced collection will appeal to anyone interested in serious scholarship about horror cinema. Softcover, 272 pp. $37.95. Legacy of Blood: A Comprehensive Guide To Slasher Movies Jim Harper The "slasher" movie is the bloodiest incarnation of the modern horror film. Although reviled by most critics -- objecting, particulary, to the apparent misogyny -- the genre has nevertheless had enduring appeal. Legacy of Blood is a serious attempt to identify and explain the essential traits of the genre and to provide a historical context in which to view its evolution. This book is also the most exhaustive catalogue of the genre, boasting more than 200 astute film reviews. Softcover, 192 pp. $26.95. The Astounding B Monster Marty Baumann Based upon the award-winning website of the same name, this priceless compendium of personality profiles, interviews and reviews, will delight B-movie fans of all ages. This nostalgic collection features interviews with Beverly Garland, Bruce Campbell, Pamela Duncan, Anne Robinson, James Arness, Robert Clarke, Jack Hill, and several others. Softcover, 239 pp. $19.99. Letterboxd — Your life in film. '77-'84: 7 Years of Perfect Aesthetics. I always state that my favorite time period for films is '77-'84, so here's my favorites from those seven years.… Jonathan Rosenbaum's Film: The Front Line 1983. From the back of the book: Film: The Front Line is an annual publication. Each volume will treat approximately 20… Sun-Drenched Fever Dreams: Franco's Golden International Pictures Films. The height of affective experimentation The height of trance states The height of Ricardo Bofill's architecture The height of gorgeous… Sitges Award Winners, '77-'84. Sitges - Catalonian International Film Festival Info taken from IMDb. Year & Awards listed in notes. Only '77-'84 as those are… Flesh & Blood Compendium Reviews. Reviews at the end of the Flesh & Blood Compendium, ed. by Harvey Fenton. Les Femmes Erotiques (Andrew Blake, 1993) Ian… Cinema & Sensation: French Film and the Art of Transgression. This list is culled from the filmography at the end of Martine Beugnet's Cinema and Sensation: French Film and the… 100 European Horror Films. From the BFI Screen Guides book edited by Steven Jay Schneider in 2007. There's another version of this list on… Stephen Thrower's EYEBALL COMPENDIUM. EYEBALL was a 90s genre magazine I never saw individual issues of, but I have been enjoying the glorious EYEBALL… Top 50 Films Towards a Theory of 'Post-Genre' Cinema. Started as my own top-50 movie list around 2008, ended up travelling around the internet bearing the text "Top 50… Peter Tscherkassky's Preferred Films, Vienna 2004. En 2004, à l'initiative du critique Stefan Grissemann, le magazine autrichien Profil organisa un referendum international et demanda à nombre… EYEBALL was a 90s genre magazine I never saw individual issues of, but I have been enjoying the glorious EYEBALL COMPENDIUM book for years. The mag proclaims its interests as SEX & HORROR, ART & EXPLOITATION, which is fantastic. It was one of the first places I saw any attention paid to the prophetic genius of Andrzej Zulawski, and features an excellent interview and several excellent reviews of his films! EYEBALL COMPENDIUM. First edition published October 2003 by FAB Press. FAB Press 7 Farleigh Ramsden Road Codaiming Surrey GU71QE England, U.K. FAB. PRESS. in memory of Jeff Hildreth, whose love and support made the first three issues of Eyeball possible. The interview with Gaspar Noe first appeared in Post Script. The interview with George Barry first appeared on the Lightsfade website. Eyeball Compendium. Release on 2003 | by Stephen Thrower. Editor of one of the smartest and most stylish magazines on alternative, cult and art cinema since 1989, Stephen Thrower now brings readers a complete collection of every issue of the hugely influential EYEBALL - plus a vast amount of new ... Books about An Analytical Compendium of the Various Branches of Medical Science Language: en Pages: 224. The Illustrated Compendium of Ugly English Words. Eyeball Compendium book. Read 3 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Start by marking “Eyeball Compendium: Sex & Horror. Art & Exploitation†​ as Want to Read: Want to Read saving…