September • 2011

Ireland and the Union Jack... Page 9 Home to Mayo... Page 16 Good Bye Summer Out & About Ohio Events... Pages 18-19 Photo “Conor & Rua” by Brian Blarney 2 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

Fields of Glory… the nation, and the diaspora —author unknown abroad. Your chance to see it I was born in a country live from Ireland is Sunday, where people admire September 18th ~ PJ McIn- Their great sporting heroes tyre’s in Cleveland carries it and how they aspire live, and I am sure many oth- To stand upon mountains ers do as well. DO NOT miss and always be winners this spectacular day of song And never give less and sport. The speed, grace than their all and power of Gaelic Football and Hurling will take your I once met an old man breath away. who told me great stories There are a few other cel- Of legends of old John O’Brien, Jr. ebrations this month as well. who played hard for the The Pittsburgh, Muskegon glory and Indy Fests are all in September. Ak- Of lifting the cup ron has a new Irish festival as well. Pitts- in that moment of triumph burgh has been especially supportive of His memory’s kept me enthralled the OhIAN and of my writing and I will On the fields, the fields of glory be premiering a new cultural presenta- On the fields where boys become men tion at Pittsburgh Irish Fest. What Color On the fields, the fields of glory is your Irish – The Poets Know will be at May the best team win, win in the end 2:00 each day during the Festival ~ a mix of Irish, folk and world verse and poetry. I Supporting our team hope you can stop by for a great fest and a with a true sense of place little cultural presentation as well. Are the handfuls of people, Cleveland fun spot The Treehouse cel- the pride on their faces ebrates its 15th Anniversary this month. They come from the townlands, BIG Congrats to the Leneghan’s, Paul the parish, the village, Jones and the staff at the Treehouse. West Their banners they proudly unfurl Park Station celebrates its 5th Anniversary An anthem of hope is the song and PJ McIntyre’s celebrates its 4th Anni- they’re singing, versary as well – all three locations have There’s a whistle it sounds been fantastic supporters of the Irish and and the game it begins we are delighted to celebrate with them. And the roar of the crowd In Ireland, the Annual Oyster Festival echoes up to the heavens is a huge celebration each year. Our own It sends out a clarion call Cathal Liam has written about the mad fun and fantastic fresh food the Oyster Fest On the fields, the fields of glory brings in Ireland each year. Bringing even On the fields where boys become men more of Ireland home to Cleveland, Stone On the fields, the fields of glory Mad just announced their 1st Annual Oys- May the best team win, win in the end ter Festival on September 18th. So look- I’m dreamin’ of Ireland ing forward to Stone Mad’s own Operation in fine summer weather Oyster. See the ad elsewhere in this issue. A crowd of young lads Hope your summer has been grande play’n football together and your winter will be short and sweet. All hoping that someday We have a few exciting new events com- the call they will answer ing up, so keep your eyes on the OhIAN To play for the place they were born for all the details. If you lose us, you can always check our webpage, all issues are On the fields, the fields of glory archived – Don’t for- On the fields where boys become men get to pick up your Greater Cleveland On the fields, the fields of glory Irish Directory as well – my website May the best team win, win in the end carries it, as The High Kings version of the song is does Casey’s Irish Imports. amazing – I will always see people shoul- Thanks for your support of the OhIAN, der to shoulder, Irish County flags waving, the fest and all the other projects we waves of people, flag and song sweeping launched this year. across Croke Park as the GAA ALL- Now, on to those Fields of Glory… Ireland Football and Hurling Finals grip John

*,,,, September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 3

is the lack of conveniences. But I doubt that I would be always the helped me understand my life here. was convinced the trade-off was outsider, ‘the Derry wan.’ I seek out what I think I’m missing worth it. Before coming to Chicago, I on the internet, trawling through Becoming starved of Internet lived in Buncrana for two years and Irish newspaper sites to get a sense connectivity was beginning to show. during that time I found myself with of home. And while I enjoy the oc- By the second week as my trips into a foot in either camp. The beauty of casional encounter with a fellow the city became more frequent. the Inishshowen peninsula, the in- countryman/woman, or the more When finally the man came to set credible beauty of south Donegal, elaborate Irish fest, I am aware of me up with my lifeline link to the and comforting sense of isolation the dangers of becoming an ex-pat A Foot In Either Camp greater cyber community, he greet- was all mine, but it was not enough. with a thirst for sentimentalism. Since I began living in the of Shadows. This was the holiday ed me with these words. ‘What on I was at home, but not quite. But still it offers me a sense of United States less than a decade spot for my family. It held precious under God brought you to this hell Half my time was spent visiting being at home. And there are times ago, I have been intrigued with memories of playing on the beach hole!’ I wondered if he could see the friends and family in Derry, return- when the whole celebration of be- the process of feeling at home, and eating a stick of rock (candy). disappointment in my face. ing in the evening along the shores ing Irish diminishes my sense of and yet not quite. Moving to Chi- And, if I needed the impressions of Inside, I was trying desperately of the Swilly. As time when on, I connection since it seems exagger- cago was a great decision. I love the city, Derry was only fourteen to stick my finger in the hole in the knew that what I was experiencing ated. What I have discovered is that the city, the people are friendly, miles away. I could have the best of dam, hoping to stall the inevitable was simply the longing for the grass the feeling of being at home, but not and it has great theatre. The draw- both worlds. deluge. It was no use, I could see on the other side. quite is with us wherever we are. It’s back in living in such an urban My first few days in Buncrana the cracks in my quest for utopia be- In some ways the experience has a part of our human condition. centre, however, (apart from the were busy with unpacking, get- ginning to show. This local began to cold winters) is the difficulty of ting acquainted with living in the tell me about how mean spirited my getting beyond the borders of , as opposed to neighbours were, warned me about the concrete sprawl and into the a British Northern Ireland. It was trusting any of them, and offer his countryside. quite exciting, and I was enthusias- sagely wisdom as to how to survive Since I don’t have ready access tic about this new phase in my life. living in a hell hole. to a car, I look forward to the op- Getting a broadband connection Faced with such cynicism, I portunities to visit friends, or trav- installed in the house would give tried re-constructing my nostalgic, el back to Ireland. I hanker after me access to email etc. The first somewhat romantic reminiscences the isolation of Donegal when the week passed by quickly. There was of this childhood haven, but it was interminable high-pitched sounds a lot to do, and even though I hadn’t no good. There was something in of emergency vehicles remind me walked along the banks of the his rubbing my nose in his grubby that I’m in the third largest city of Swilly, I would, once my life settled reality that was really getting up my the U.S. And yet, at other times, I down. One of the disadvantages of nostrils. The people in the town did find these discordant sounds com- moving from a more populous area appear quite cliquish. There was no forting. As I have slowly assimilated to the American way of life, my Michael Londra: Beyond Celtic – On PBS views of belonging seem to be This month your local PBS sta- in a state of flux. There are times tion is featuring a wonderful new when both feet are firmly ground- show from one of Ireland’s most ed on North American soil, while beloved performers, Michael Lon- at other times, the complexities dra. Beyond Celtic is a brilliant, live and differences of both Ireland musical spectacular that recreates and the U.S struggle for dominan- sounds from around the world with cy. None of us like to live with in- a unique Celtic twist. Michael Lon- ner turmoil, and we all seek to si- dra was the featured singer in Riv- lence the inner voices that trouble erdance’s Broadway show in New us, since the ideal is to be at peace York, before embarking on exten- with oneself. I say ‘ideal,’ but in sive touring on his own, throughout reality, I’m inclined to think that the world and the United States. this is a myth. Different from any Irish musical For when I was living in Ire- performance released in the past, land, I was at home, but not quite. Michael Londra: Beyond Celtic I moved from Derry, a population features Londra’s 16-piece Orches- of just over 100,000, to Buncrana, tra, Irish Legend Frankie Gavin and on Public Television in September a small seaside town in Donegal. his Celtic “supergroup” De Dan- (check local listings). The special The idea presented itself to me nan, the musical O’Leary sisters of has already captured the hearts of that it was time to retreat from the Sephira and some of the top Irish US audiences. Beyond Celtic is city and into the comforting arms dancers in the world. These pas- Michael Londra’s first PBS special of the environs of Lough Swilly. sionate talents ignite the audience and he will be touring this amaz- I had had enough of city life on a full-force Celtic journey into ing new show throughout the US in and now it was time to become the heart of Irish culture. the fall of 2011 and spring of 2012. one with the harmonious tones Michael Londra: Beyond Celtic Michael Londra: Beyond Celtic of nature. Before I moved, I had is part of special programming will be released on DVD and CD planned to walk every day along that premiered on PBS stations on October 11th 2001 on the Razor the beautiful banks of the Lake in August and is continuing to air & Tie record label. 4 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

granddaughter page with her beloved’s memory. History from perusing travels and comes alive within the pages of some antique well-loved books. tome. With en- In the spring, my son and I visited my dearment, she husband’s cousin, a professor at complained that Trinity College. She gave us a tour of the books were hard university’s campus. Filled with interesting to maintain, but anecdotes about the traditions and super- she kept them stitions of the school, the cousin soon had September 2011 Vol. 5 Issue 9 A Page From a Tale all the same. both my attention and that of my ten-year- Publisher-Cliff Carlson Among some of my most treasured pos- old son. Co-Publisher/Editor-John O’Brien Jr. My grandmother’s eyesight started to dete- sessions are books that Mim had given me At one point she warned us about a par- Art Director/Editorial Asst.-Joyce Edwards riorate as she approached her one-hundredth throughout the years. They are not popular ticular arched tower called Campanile. If an Advertising Sales-John O’Brien, Jr. year. Next to her family, Mim’s love of books novels, but rather books that have stayed unsuspecting student should happen to stand Sales: New Accts,. Cleveland-Mark Donnelly flowed like blood through her mind and heart. within our family. One of my favorites is beneath the tower “whilst a bell rings,” he or Sales: Corp., Cleveland-John Patterson My grandmother died just shy of her one hun- Under the Lilacs by Louisa May Alcott. I she could risk failure of his or her exams. Website-Cathy Curry dred and second birthday. When I was a girl, am not sure if I loved the tale as much as the What does my daredevil son do, but make a Mim always told me that there were never history held within the pages of the book. beeline for the arches. With haste, I grabbed Columnists enough years in your life to read all the good This particular novel was given to my him back. I am certain he hadn’t learned the Blowin’ In ... Susan Mangan books in the world. She died trying. mother in 1943. The title page reads “To entire alphabet until the end of first grade, Behind the Hedge ... John O’Brien, Jr. As a young mother of five children and Catherine, with love from Aunt Florence, so I wasn’t about to take any chances with Crossword Puzzle ... Linda Fulton Burke the matriarch of a working farm, Mim hardly Xmas 1943.” Years later, I stashed my senior his future education! Illuminations ... J. Michael Finn had the time to read, but somehow she made prom corsage within the pages of this book. With a hushed reverence, we made our Inner View … John O’Brien, Jr. time for books. My mother fondly recalls Though shriveled and dried, the flowers still way through throngs of people into Trin- Legal Ease … Michael O’Shea the kitchen in a vast state of disorder: biscuit mark the same spot. Their color has faded, ity’s Long Room. Built between 1712 and Letter From Ireland ... Cathal Liam flour covering the counter like fluff from so but the book remains, as does a memory of 1732, the Long Room is the main chamber Off the Shelf … Terry Kenneally many dandelion seeds, a plucked chicken youth that has lasted for three generations. of the Old Library. This is in fact the oldest On This Day in Irish History … Terry Kenneally soaking in the sink, and children tugging at I have always been drawn to old books. surviving portion of the building. Spanning Out of the Mailbag … John O’Brien, Jr. her skirts. Amid the chaos, Mim would be Recently, during a steamy hot July day, I at- nearly 65 meters in length, the Long Room Owens Sports ... Mark Owens standing at the counter reading a book. tended an antique fair hosted by our com- holds around 200,000 of the library’s oldest Real Ireland ...Rachel Gaffney Whether in the garden, henhouse, or munity’s historical society. Outside on the books. This is only a portion of the roughly Stories From the Corner Bard ... Sean McCabe field, my mother and aunt would scurry be- grounds of a Victorian estate turned mu- three million volumes of text housed in the Terry From Derry … Terry Boyle hind their mother as she worked, reciting to seum, peddlers came to sell their vintage entire library. Walk Down an Irish Lane ... Terry Reilly them verse committed to heart from Robert and antique wares. Cicadas whistled in The height of the arched ceiling and the IAN Ohio Inc. is published monthly (12 issues Louis Stevenson’s A Child’s Garden of Vers- the background and the air was fragrant stacks of books that line every wall is stag- a year) on the first day of each month. es. My mother’s only aunt, Florence, gave with the odor of mown grass and mildew. gering. The cousin and I both inhaled deeply Subscription is by first class mail. this book to her in 1936, when she was just Strangely nostalgic, the scent reminded me as we stepped through the doors to the Long One year $25, two years at $45. three years old. The book now rests in my of Mim’s parlor and her books. In the heat Room. As a scholar, the cousin appreciates To subscribe go online at, or antique secretary. My mother could not read of July, the room was stifling, but the scent the smell of mildew, antique wood, and old Email us at [email protected], or call us at 708- at the tender age of three, but I am willing to of old furniture and yellowed pages of print books as much as I do. 445-0700 or mail to address below. wager that she had all the verses memorized was comforting. The Long Room not only holds a vast IAN Ohio is available for free at over 240 by the time she could. After looking through piles of vintage collection of rare books, but also contains locations throughout Ohio. For information Mim was a teacher and self-made schol- jewelry, I stumbled upon “Ye Olde Book” glass case after case of fascinating antiquat- on the locations go to and ar. A well-worn copy of The Oxford Eng- tent. A lady and I struck up a conversation ed medical equipment. Antique forceps and click on the Ohio Distribution button. lish Dictionary sat on a brass music stand when the book she found, a fifty-year old amputation saws lie next to written placards Contact: IAN Ohio Inc. in her parlor. White-washed wooden book- copy of The Bobsey Twins, held a prayer detailing folk remedies for every ailment PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW PHONE shelves filled with books flanked a marble card from that time period. Finding a token from the mumps to love sickness. Fasci- NUMBER: 216.647.1144 fireplace. The oldest books dated back a from another person’s life is like finding nated by the cures and the models of human e-mail: [email protected] hundred years. Dust mites and spiders made treasure buried beneath the sand. I couldn’t skeletons that hung from the walls, my son or mail to: IAN OHIO INC their homes within the walls of these books. help but wonder if a grandmother had read 7115 W North Ave #327, Oak Park, IL 60302 That never deterred Mim or her precocious the tale to her grandchildren and marked the Continued on Page 6… 708-445-0700 e-mail: [email protected] Subscriptions: [email protected] On the Internet ohioirishamericannews PUBLISHERS STATEMENT The opinions and statements expressed in this newspaper are entirely those of the authors, and do not reflect in any way the opinions of IAN Ohio. Circulation: 7,500-For a list of distribution points, go to and click on the word “Distribution.” September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 5

priests, and his the Cliffs of Moher in the N7W campaign. The Quiet Man (1952). popularity has Meanwhile, visitors are flocking to those The Irish America Hall of Fame celebrates soared. Once magnificent cliffs on the west coast of Ireland. the lives, works and achievements of noted Irish not so very long individuals such as President John F. Kennedy ago for a poli- Maureen Still Turning Heads and the Kennedys, Henry Ford, Donald Ke- tician to have You just have to hand it to that great old Hol- ough and President Clinton; and now Maureen done so would lywood trooper Maureen O’Hara, who, at 91, is O’Hara. have been a still making the news, still turning heads. For certain kiss of she has been formally inducted into the Irish Money Matters death to his or America Hall of Fame at the newly renovated I don’t know how the world economy is per- Irish Prime Minister her career. Dunbrody visitor center, in New Ross, Co. Wex- forming as you read this column, but it is fair to ford. She was, of course, one of the stars of the say that we don’t know what financial stuff is com- Rounds on Vatican Wonder of Cliffs of Moher classic The Quiet Man shot in the West of Ire- ing down the road. But it now appears little Ireland Yes, how times have changed in Ireland and Clare publican Gerry O’Brien is on a cru- land in the early 1950’s by John Ford. is only in the ha’penny place compared to America its relationship with the Vatican. Can you imag- sade to get the Cliffs of Moher listed as one of President of Ireland Mary McAleese and for- and your massive fifteen trillion dollar deficit. ine Eamon de Valera or Sean Lemass or Garret the new seven wonders of nature—basing his mer U.S. President Bill Clinton celebrated the Economists here have been estimating that FitzGerald standing up in the Irish Parliament in campaign from his pub in ’s Notting event with letters of good wishes. “Despite her the six billion people on this planet, men, wom- holy, Catholic Ireland and launching a broadside Hill Gate. The Cliffs are currently on a short- worldwide success and popularity, Maureen has en and children, would have to stump up 2,000 at the Holy See? list of twenty-eight locations from around the never lost her strong connection with Ireland dollars each to clear the US debt. Our debt is You can’t! No, because it did not happen. But world and O’Brien has started a British-based and has always made us very proud to claim her standing at 107 billion euro, which, for a small it has now. And from an unlikely source, Taoise- campaign for inclusion in the new ratings. as ‘one of our own,” the President said. nation of 4 million people, is a huge burden. ach Enda Kenny, who has launched a broadside “Being from Clare, I had to get involved,” Dubbed “The Queen of Technicolor,” cour- Now, if we could only get the world’s six billion on Rome, accusing it of “dysfunction, discon- he said. “There were originally 180 entries and tesy of that famous flaming red hair and those population to give us a hand out that would only nection and elitism” in its failure to tackle cleri- that’s down to 28 now. Wouldn’t it be fantas- green eyes, Maureen will be forever remem- cost us all on Mother Earth about twenty dollars cal child sex abuse. tic if the Cliffs could make the final seven? We bered for such classic movies as How Green Was each! Nice thought. Ah well, it’s fun to dream! Kenny’s unexpected and hard-hitting com- have gotten the local community in Notting My Valley (1939), The Black Swan (1942), Rio Till next time, slan. [email protected] ments came in a parliamentary debate on a re- Hill involved. Barclays Bank down the road Grande (1950) and the enduring John Ford gem, port which accused the Roman Catholic Church have circulated a mail to their staff asking them of failings in its handling of abuse allegations to vote and Fullers, our brewery, they are back- against nineteen clerics in the diocese of Cloyne, ing the campaign by circulating a similar mail southern Ireland. Mayoman Kenny said that as a to thousands of their staff. I’m hoping that we practising Catholic, he did not find it easy to be can make a difference and get it voted in from so critical of the Church authorities, but said the Britain.” revelations in the Cloyne report were of a “dif- The Cliffs of Moher is the only Irish loca- ferent order” to previous reports detailing abuse. tion to make the shortlist of twenty-eight. Vot- “Because for the first time in Ireland, a ing has now entered its final phase, but people report into child sexual abuse exposes an at- can continue casting until November 10. The tempt by the Holy See to frustrate an inquiry winners will be announced on November 11, in a sovereign, democratic republic as little 2011. as three years ago, not three decades ago,” “The Cliffs of Moher visitor centre have he told the Dail, the lower house of parlia- given me full backing from our base in Lon- ment. “And in doing so, the Cloyne report don,” said O’Brien. “We have DVDs of the excavates the dysfunction, disconnection, Cliffs showing in the pub and we can guarantee elitism, the narcissism, that dominate the hundreds and hundreds of votes. It’s the only culture of the Vatican to this day. The rape site from Ireland in the running, so it’s impor- and torture of children were downplayed or tant people from all over Ireland and anyone ‘managed’ to uphold instead the primacy of with an Irish connection votes.” the institution, its power, standing and ‘repu- The new 7 Natural Wonders of Nature will tation.’” be chosen by an estimated 1 billion votes. Box- Kenny’s attack was widely welcomed in er Barry McGuigan and director Jim Sheridan Ireland, not alone by the laity, but by many are just some of the high profile names backing 6 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

ally and eventual foe at the time of in order to regain its foothold on Blowin’ In independence and civil war, lived, the world stage. It must at the same …Continued from Page 4 Ireland might have achieved earlier time develop a “smart” economy, success in the global economy.” by making full use of its human felt like he left Ireland and arrived By 1994, Ireland found itself in resources and high-tech innovation. at Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School the right place at the right time: low It may take a little while to achieve library. corporate tax rate, highly educated, these goals, but the Irish people are For too brief a moment, I was English-speaking population, and willing to take the necessary steps able to capture my son’s interest location between North America to move the country forward. in the far distant past. The Long Celtic Revival? The Rise, Fall, and Europe. All of these factors led The author, Sean Kay, is a pro- Room is not interactive. There are to the creation of the Celtic Tiger. fessor of Politics and Government no games to play and technology and Renewal of Global Ireland As we all know, however, pros- at Ohio Wesleyan University. I rate has never seemed more distant. I By Sean Kay perity did not last and through a this book a TOP SHELF read. reveled in the smell of the books, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers 2011 ISBN 978-1-4422-1109-4 ;246 pp. combination of unscrupulous bank- *Terrence J. Kenneally is the the excitement of delving into the ers, greedy property developers, and president of Terrence J. Kenneally past, a world so different, so re- Over the past several years this unethical governmental officials, & Associates Co. in Fairview Park, mote, and yet so much less com- column has reviewed a spate of the Tiger was eventually slain. Ohio. His practice consists of rep- plicated than the world in which books dealing with the current Irish One of the notable aspects of resenting insured’s and insurance my son will reach maturity. economic quandary. These have this most compelling book is the companies in insurance defense For just a minute, I wished that included Fintan O’Toole’s, Ship author’s conversations he had with litigation throughout the state of my son had never seen a television of Fools and David Lynch’s When so many of the people in Ireland to- Ohio. He is presently pursuing a or laid his hands on the controller the Luck of the Irish Ran Out. This day who share with him their views Masters Degree in Irish Studies at of some inane video game. For just months Off the Shelf selection has on topics as diverse as politics, the John Carroll University. He may be a minute more, I wished that chil- similarities to the above mentioned plight of the working man, the de- reached at [email protected]. dren could fall permanently into books but, as the author explains, mise of the Catholic Church, and the intrigue and lore that one can “explores major changes that took the on-going struggles in Northern only find in the pages of a book. place before, during, and after the Ireland, despite the cessation of the Rating Legend: [Source consulted: A Guide for Celtic Tiger” era, the era when the fighting. Top Shelf Visitors – Trinity College Dublin.] Irish economy flourished and the Lest one think that the author is Get it. A good story or recording, en- Susan holds a Master’s Degree tertaining, an authentic setting and/or good Irish people prospered. pessimistic about Ireland’s future educational content. in English from John Carroll Uni- While discussing the pre-Tiger in light of its current economic Middle Shelf versity and a Master’s Degree in years, in the 1980’s when the ghost troubles, he concludes his book on Worth a read or a listen if this particular Education from Baldwin-Wallace of Eamon de Valera still haunted this writer strongly agrees with, a positive, optimistic note by point- subject/area/person is of interest to you. College. She may be contacted at Ireland, the author makes a point “Had Michael Collins, de Valera’s ing out that Ireland must go global [email protected]. September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 7

Safe in the Hands of a New Generation By Sally Murphy Pallante Over the past eleven years, the Brigid of Ireland, patron saint of the ects, the Juniors spend considerable Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians time learning Irish history, with par- Junior Division in Mahoning County and their Irish heritage. ticular emphasis on their culture and traditions. The Juniors have studied Ireland’s Saints and Scholars, Ire- lands Four Provinces and the 32 Counties. In their cultural experience the girls learned how to knit Aran Island stitches and to play the tin whistle, which they did annually as part of their participa- tion in the outdoor Mass at the local Gathering of the Irish Clans Irish Festival, where they also presented the Offertory gifts and sang Our Lady of Knock, the closing li- (L-R) Back row: Rachel Kepley, Ashley Thompson, Alexis Jacobs, Audra Pesko, turgical hymn. Middle row: Christine Kerrigan, Erin Loomis, Brianna Thompson, Isabel Stoeber, The members of National LAOH Front row: Vice-President Maureen Shelton, Kerra Loomis, Kristen Eckman, LAOH Junior Division receive their medals. 6, Golden Rose Queen of Ireland Mahoning has grown from a small core group The girls express their commit- County, Ohio are proud of their Irish of three to a dynamic, enthusiastic ment to their community as well as heritage and its traditions of faith one numbering 20 girls, ages six to that to friendship and Christian char- and family so richly expressed in the seventeen. Junior LAOH Division 6 ity in a variety of ways. For example, songs and stories of Ireland. Through members have conscientiously de- the members of Junior Division 6 their membership in the Juniors, the voted their time and energy to mak- Mahoning County Ohio entertained young women will become the chan- ing the motto a living document and residents of local rest homes as well nels through which the culture, tradi- have demonstrated their commitment as distributing hand-made lap robes, tions and love of Irish heritage will to the LAOH Mission in numerous and members of the Juniors per- flow to future generations. ways and in the process have regis- formed Irish Step Dances in the Ma- tered many achievements. honing Valley Ulster Project Talent Their motto is “Friendship, Unity Show. and Christian Charity.” As a way of As a way of being part of this fulfilling this motto the Junior Divi- world community, the Juniors have sion embraces the Mission of the been pen pals with girls in Belfast, NI, LAOH, which states, “While practic- and served as guides for the Omagh ing Friendship, Unity and Christian Choir on a tour of their Ohio com- Charity, we will work to strengthen munity. The girls packed and shipped our Roman Catholic Faith, our Coun- care packages to overseas military try and our Communities; and perpet- personnel as a way of showing them uate the religion, history, culture and that they, too, are remembered and traditions of our Irish heritage.” appreciated. One of the most outstanding was This past May 14-15, many Ju- winning First Place in the 2010 LAOH niors participated in the Boardman, National Scrapbook competition. The Ohio Relay For Life as members scrapbook, a major two-year endeav- of the Burke School of Irish Dance or, memorializes the Junior’s activi- Team, The team, which raised more ties in pictures and text, highlighting than $8,300 to fight the dreaded dis- all of the girls projects pursued in ease that has touched all of our lives fulfillment of their motto. The $200 in some way, won first place in its first place prize the Juniors received division for dollars raised as well as in recognition of their achievement winning the Best Relay Theme and was used to purchase the newly mint- Most Spirited and Advocacy Awards. ed Junior St. Brigid’s Cross LAOH The Team also placed first in the cate- medals, allowing them to be the very gory of most donations raised online. first Junior Division to possess these In addition to being vitally in- cherished symbols of their faith in St. volved in their many outreach proj- 8 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

er in years, it has never waned. at The Lodge of Doonbeg, with Their five year old son is So when I peered into this new panoramic views of the Atlantic growing up in a world that is world or in this case, someone Ocean. This was going to be a combining the comforts of else’s new world, my childlike fun and interesting lunch. past traditions in early farming wonder was re-awakened. I wondered what was differ- Ireland and modern technol- This Modern Farmette, is ent about her modern day farm- ogy. They innately understand Imen McDonnell, who grew er husband, so I asked. the importance of preserving up in Minneapolis, Minnesota, “Today, most farmers are col- and cherishing the past. In fact worked in TV and film produc- lege educated and into diversifi- they have embarked on a period tion in New York City, Los An- cation. [My husband] has a B.A restoration of a centuries old A Modern Farmette geles and Minneapolis, traveled in philosophy and is planning thatched farmhouse and there Some time back, I came the diminutive prompted me to extensively, and is now living to go back for an MBA. Educa- is a possibility that it may even across the name ‘A Modern wonder if the farm was tiny. in an eighteenth century farm- tion is absolutely necessary to be used for farm stays and tra- Farmette’ on Twitter, and knew One of my favorite books as house, miles away from her I needed to look further to see a child was The Secret Garden nearest neighbors in rural Ire- what this lady’s definition of a by Frances Hodgson Burnett. land. Modern Farmette was. I was When Mary entered this world it My most recent trip home to curious, to say the least. Was held many promises, much po- Ireland was last June. My travels it simply the fact that this lady tential and even healing powers. took me to the beautiful region was a farmer in 2011? Was she This childlike wonder is a spe- of County Clare. By now Imen indeed a farmer? The use of cial thing and although I am old- and I had been in contact with each other for several weeks, so it seemed only natural for us modern day pen pals to meet in person. Imen lives in rural Limerick and I was staying at The Lodge at Doonbeg, Co. Clare, perched at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. It was a Sunday and we were Imen McDonnell and Rachel Gaffney meeting for lunch. Imen was be successful in farming these ditional cookery classes. If they taking the ferry around the coast days. No longer are the profit- do, then I plan on being their and driving the remainder of the able days of dairy, poultry, veg- first guest… anyone else want way. Cell phone service can be etables and cattle alone; farming to join me? sparse at best, but somehow, we is a business and diversification http://marriedanirishfarmer. were able to stay connected via is key. Our farm also specializes com/ social media sites. in alternative energies, i.e wind Follow Rachel on Twitter: @ Imen McDonnell exuded en- power and biogas” (a biogas is Rachelgaffney, Facebook: Ra- ergy and charm. We were seated an anaerobic digester that treats chel Gaffney. www.Rachelgaff- by the window in Darby’s Bar farm waste). September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 9

England. tion. colonial empire as well as the coun- The Cross of St. Andrew – The By combining these three sym- try itself. Flag of Scotland, called The Saltire bolic ensigns, the resulting flag has The British have been good about of St. Andrew, is a blue field with a come to be known as the Union Jack borrowing national symbols as the white saltire (a saltire is a symbol in (the term Jack refers only to a flag Empire gobbled up various countries. heraldry in the form of a diagonal flown aboard a ship, but the name The misappropriation of Irish sym- X cross). According to tradition, it Union Jack has come to identify the bols seems to have begun in 1534, represents Saint Andrew, who was British flag wherever it is flown). The when Henry VIII added a crowned crucified on a cross of that form. St. flag has come to represent England’s Continued on Page 14… Ireland and the Union Jack Andrew is the patron saint of Scot- land. Reportedly, it is the oldest con- The Act of Union became effec- knights were granted the red cross on tinuously used sovereign flag in the tive on January 1, 1801. The act ef- white. English knights complained world, having been in use since 832 fectively joined the governments of about this, since they considered AD. England and Ireland. Through brib- In 1707, Scotland and England ery and false promises of economic were united in the first Act of Union advantage the English convinced the that created the United Kingdom. A Ascendency parliament of Ireland to flag was designed to represent that dissolve, allowing the British Parlia- union by combining the Cross of St. ment to pass the Act of Union. As George and the Cross of St. Andrew. readers of this column know, the act The resulting flag, or Union Jack, brought only misery and economic was used until the 1801 Act of Union hardship to Ireland. Without a doubt, with Ireland. it was one of the chief causes of the A good view of the original union Great Hunger that inflicted Ireland in flag can be found in the movie titled 1845. Last of the Mohicans (1992). The film One effect of the Act of Union takes place in 1757. In one scene, the was that it caused England to change British forces have surrendered Fort its flag, known as the Union Jack. William Henry to the French and are Sadly, Ireland is still represented vacating the fort. A large Union Jack in the flag of England, only now it in its pre-1801 form can be seen be- represents Northern Ireland instead ing carried before the troops leaving of the entire country. But what will the fort. happen to the flag if Northern Ire- The Cross of St. Patrick – This land separates from the Union or if was added to the the people vote to be reunited with Union Jack in the Republic? Probably nothing. The 1801 to represent government of the United Kingdom the Act of Union is full of borrowed or misappropri- that joined Eng- ated Irish symbolism. land and Ireland. All national flags are symbolic It is a flag with a representations of the country. Our white field and own flag has fifty stars representing a red saltire in the fifty states and thirteen stripes the form of a di- representing the thirteen original agonal X cross. colonies. The Union Jack seems on This is allegedly first glance to be a confusing merger an Irish flag, al- of colors and stripes. To find out what though there is it all means, we have to separate its this to be their St. George’s cross. no record of such pieces. In 1188, the French King, Philip II, a flag ever being The British flag is actually com- accepted the claim of the English to flown in Ireland. posed of three symbolic flags laid the red cross on white, and the Eng- It is also known one of top of the other. These flags as the Saltire are: of St. Patrick. The Cross of St. George – The Historically, the Cross of St. George is a red cross on saltire is given to a white background used as a sym- represent a mar- bolic reference to Saint George, who tyred saint, and is the patron saint of England. The as we all know, red cross on white has been associ- St. Patrick was ated with St. George from medieval lish and French officially exchanged not martyred. times. crosses. However by this time, the red The flag as a During the first Crusade, the Pope cross on white had become a typical symbol of Ire- decided that knights of different na- crusader symbol. From about 1277, land is generally tionalities should be distinguished St. George’s cross officially became considered to be by different colors of cross. French recognized as the national flag of a British inven- 10 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

worker for Wimbley Construction, also a big part. and traveled the world for work. “Over the last ten years, after Rip In Australia, Tom met Mary Ange- Reilly’s direction, the parade orga- la (called Angela) O’Dempsey, from nization became more defined. The Tipperary. They married, and contin- delegation of duties became more ued to travel. Pat is the 3rd oldest of defined, thanks to the efforts of Bon- eight, two boys and six girls. His old- nie McNally and others. Work was Dworken & Bernstein Co, LPA organizational responsibilities. “I est sister was born in Darwin, Austra- spread out to more leaders. Processes Patrick T. Murphy, Esq. joined the firm in 1988. They wanted lia, and his older sister was born in are established now, we follow that, me to start on St. Patrick’s Day, but London. Pat was born in Achill and then strive to improve.” 60 South Park Place 950 Illuminating Bldg we were able to work it out to start the the rest of his siblings were born in The 144th United Irish Societ- Painesville, Ohio 44077 55 Public Square Saturday before, instead,” Pat remem- Cleveland. ies Cleveland St. Patrick’s Day Pa- (440) 352-3391 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 bered with a smile. Pat grew up in the West Side Irish rade was held March 17th, 2011. (216) 861-4211 The passion for helping others American Club (WSIA), and played The Cleveland parade is always held launched, OhioLawyersGiveBack. with Jr. Pipes & Drums and Sr. Pipes on St. Patrick’s Day, unless weather org a program of planned contribu- & Drums. He went to Kent State Uni- forces a rescheduling. An estimated The Ohio Irish American News is the heart. tions from lawsuit settlements that go versity and spent his last semester 300,000 saw the parade this year, about to celebrate its 5th Anniversary. Dworken & Bernstein Co, LPA. to charities. “Cy Pres” is a legal doc- in Washington working for Senator made up of 110 units and over 14,000 The first issue appeared in January, cover all aspects of law—personal in- trine of how to deal with unclaimed participants. 2007. One of the very first to sup- jury litigation, commercial work, real funds. It’s literal translation is “as The Cleveland parade is the 5th port our efforts was Attorney Patrick estate, bankruptcy, worker’s compen- near as possible” for use of funds as oldest in the country. It takes approxi- T. Murphy, partner in the law firm of sation and class action work. They they were intended. In a Class Action mately $25,000.00 a year to run the Dworken & Bernstein Co., LPA. Pat are a firm of twenty-seven lawyers in lawsuit, when Dworken & Berstein parade. Most of that money is raised is also the Executive Director of the their staff of sixty-five, with two lo- obtain judgment in a case, they dedi- through sponsors of a Shamrock Pin United Irish Societies St. Patrick’s cations, in Painesville and downtown cate the funds to insure they reach the ($10), or as a Guarantor ($25), which Day Parade. Advertiser support is at Cleveland. victims. allows you to march in the Parade. the heart of the OhIAN, and as you Pat made partner in 1997. Today, But there are always some funds “Memories are really what it will see, Pat’s work, his play, his fam- his duties are equivalent to the CFO that remain unclaimed, which would makes it special,” said Pat. “Grow- ily and his fundraising, all come from of a firm, overseeing financials and normally go back to the company ing up in the community, to see the paying them out. contributions, to see the honorees and Dworken & Bern- how they enjoy the festivities is what stein insist in the I most enjoy. The thing that make me settlement that a smile the most this year was seeing portion of the un- Sheila Murphy Crawford smile, she claimed funds go just lit up, when the Murphy Irish to charity. “It is a Arts Center float and units walked lot of extra work,” by.” said Pat, “but we Sheila Murphy Crawford is the make sure it goes founder and visionary behind Mur- to charity. My phy Irish Arts, which includes the roots and family Murphy School of Dance. She was have taught me to Patrick T. Murphy, Esq. honored by the United Irish Societies give, to do what I Edward Feighan. Marshall School of at this year’s Parade. can to help others. Law followed. Pat is also a member of Cleve- My work and other “I got more active in the WSIA af- land Celtic Supporters Club (Glas- activities allow me ter college; bartending, as a trustee, cow Celtic Football), which has their to help others, and then Membership Secretary. In 1984, home at PJ McIntyre’s Irish Pub in I love that.” In this (WSIA President) Helen Malloy West Park. He has been a member cause, OLBG has asked me to be the WSIA representa- of many Irish organizations over the now topped $22.5 tive to the United Irish Societies St. years, including the Mayo Society. “I million in dona- Patrick’s Day Parade. Steve Mulloy like to golf, travel, read. I love Terry tions to charities was Director at the time. I served as Kenneally’s Off the Shelf Book Re- since 1993. a Delegate for sixteen years, then was view column in the OhIAN. Since I Many of Pat’s appointed to Deputy Director, where am on the road so much, I listen to a other activities I served for twelve years. In 2010, I lot of audio books.” are rooted in the became Director, which is a three Pat and his wife Carlene (nee heritage he loves year term. Walkup) have been married for twen- as well. Pat was “I loved the idea of the parade ty-one years. They met at Irish insti- born in Polranny, being an independent body of the tution Castlebar Inn. The Murphy’s Achill Parish, Co. Irish community. I love being able have three children and two grand- Mayo, IRL. He and to showcase the Irish community to children. his family came to the city of Cleveland. The main func- A lifetime of giving; the contribu- Cleveland when Pat tion of the Director is fundraising for tions—financial, seeding or of time was just over a year putting on the parade. Unit invites, and effort, that Pat has made a daily old. Pat’s dad, Tom, organizing publicity and organizing part of his life, are at the Heart of the was a construction the city interactions and functions are Issue. September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 11

Irish Volunteers in 1913 to today’s Colthurst ordered his men to shoot tioned but horrific British Easter- military missions of national defence the hostage if they were attacked by Week atrocity and cover-up. and its continued support of United the insurgents. Suddenly, realising it’s late, I must Nations’ peacekeeping operations. While on the prowl, the captain retire. One of my favourite parts of One highlight of our hour-long tour had his troopers destroy a building, the weekend is approaching… Sun- was holding Michael Collins’s .45 thinking it belonged to a pro-Irish day-morning, outdoor Mass. It’ll be automatic pistol, a weapon the Big sympathiser. With the business in held under the trees, staged from an Fella often carried. flames, the enraged British officer old wooden gazebo. Having Mass History came alive when we shot and killed several men flee- said there reminds me of Ireland dur- It’s you again and I’m delighted. this year. June and July have been visited the detention cell of Francis ing the shop. Skeffington witnessed ing the 18th-century Penal Law times. So many of you make my heart sing fresh with lots of cloud and showery Sheehy-Skeffington. Nicknamed these murders. Tomorrow, however, there’ll be more with your comments about this news- days. But if you dress right, it’s just Skeffy, the writer, suffragist, Early the following morning, officiating and music than there was paper. Now, with the celebratory at- fine. pacifist and Home-Rule advocate Bowen-Colthurst had Sheehy-Skeff- back then. The gathering will enjoy mosphere of the Cleveland Irish Cul- Oh yes, one thing I must correct. walked into Dublin Town on Tues- ington and two other captives placed the harp playing and vocals of Den- tural Festival surrounding me, I’m Back not too long ago, I wrote you day evening of Easter-Week, 25 against the wall of the red-bricked nis Doyle, a friend, teacher and enter- taking notes as I walk the midway. with the news that Irish petrol prices April 1916. Hoping to organise a exercise yard and shot. tainer from southern California. From my last letter, I’ve travelled were $6 a gallon. I should’ve said €6 citizen’s militia to stop mobs from Upon reporting the killings to his So with the strains of Turlough some 3,000-plus miles just to be or $8.65/gallon for unleaded… still looting, the diminutive bearded higher ups, the barracks commander O’Carolan’s music and the singing here. Thanks to thousands of hours on a par with European fuel prices. man, who opposed the Volunteers’ was relieved of his responsibilities of “Our Lady of Knock” swirling of volunteer labour coupled with the While in Dublin last month, my military attempt to end British rule and was soon drummed out of the around in my head, I bid you adieu. O’Brien family’s hard work, the 29th friend Ronnie Daly arranged for the in Ireland, was arrested and taken army. As for Bowen-Colthurst, he But sure there are still a good few annual version of Ireland in Ohio is two of us, along with his son Lorcan, to Portobello Barracks, later re- was eventually charged with murder, Irish festivals from now on into the finally underway. Sure I didn’t want to visit the newly opened military named Cathal Brugha Barracks in but pleaded insanity due to battle autumn. Hoping to see you at one, I to miss a minute of it. museum in Cathal Brugha Barracks. 1952. stress. He spent several months in an leave you… reporting from the Berea John Jr. and his father invited me to Presently, it consists of two rooms Though held without charge, asylum and then was transferred to a Fairgrounds. Is Mise, Cathal bring along my new book for signing. filled with fascinating memorabilia Captain J. C. Bowen-Colthurst of Canadian hospital for treatment. In *Cathal is a freelance writer and Ah, I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t plus four holding cells and a small the Royal Irish Rifles ordered Sk- less than two years, he was deemed the author of Consumed in Freedom’s important to me, but that’s only half walled prisoner exercise yard… but effy’s hands tied behind his back and ‘cured’ and given a military pension. Flame, Forever Green, and Blood the story. It’s great to meet so many of more about that in a moment. marched out into the street, ahead of Peter De Rosa in his book Rebels: on the Shamrock. His new book, you, to hear your news and listen to The brainchild of Commandant his British raiding party who were The Irish Rising of 1916 gives a de- Fear Not the Storm, was released in your comments about this wee news- John O’Loghlen, plans are afoot on the hunt for Irish rebels. Bowen- tailed account of this seldom-men- March. paper that John O’Brien, Jr. puts to- to expand the museum to include a gether each month… for almost five large, adjacent space and to open it years running now. There was even to the public. I’ll keep you posted as one young man, a Deputy Sheriff to when you can visit… hopefully who works with John, who knew he soon. helped direct the festival, but had no Comdt. O’Loghlen took great 2011 Midwest GAA Football and Hurling Schedule idea he co-published and edited the pains assembling a wonderful tribute Date Visitor Home Team Venue Ohio Irish American News. to the history of the Irish Defence Labor Day Weekend National Playoffs San Francisco As much as I look forward to this Forces from its inception with the September (TBC) St Pat’s Men Select Buffalo Fenians Buffalo festival, the good Lord is being less than kind this year. A soft economy plus very hot weather, muggy air and scattered showers are making things difficult for all concerned, but most are managing. Oh, the vagaries of putting on such an extravaganza. But thanks to vendors Patrick, Tim and Pat Fallon of Irish Imports Interna- tional and their four life-saving floor fans, I’m doing well… keeping cool- ish and the bright side out. Happily, Mary Singer’s cherry cake is as won- derful as ever and the Guinness tastes like Arthur served it up himself. Later on Saturday evening, while still wide awake, I’ve decided to fin- ish this off. Tomorrow is scheduled to be sunny and not quite as hot. Great! It should be a wonderful end to a grand weekend. Sitting here, I was just thinking back to my last visit ‘home.’ The weather in Ireland hasn’t been all that great either. As I may have men- tioned, we had our summer in April 12 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

person before me, I was curious to of quiet. They could have fooled is still fairly strong nationwide in check out New York; maybe stay for me! the US. six months or a year, validate my Woodside was thriving. Most I have played all the bars in green card in case I should want to of the Irish bars were doing decent Woodside, and have seen the names come again down the road, work a business, and had crowds most change above the doors of some of little bit, travel a little bit, and then nights. Still, I heard people say this them three or four times; in fact you go home. But one adventure led to was nothing compared to the eight- know when you see a bar change another and I ended up being a New ies, when bars were mobbed seven names for the fourth or fifth time Yorker for about twelve years. nights a week. There were bands in that you’re probably due a change When I came, I had the tele- them every single night. of scenery yourself. Woodside phone number of a second cousin One musician told me that he Especially when a lot of the of mine whom I had never spoken was so busy in the eighties that his newer names are Spanish… I don’t For a long time, Woodside was It was my first destination point to in my life, nor even known about. body was constantly screaming for think they’d want to be hearing too one of the main hubs of Irish life when I landed in New York in the Her number had been given to me a night off. He had worked three much of the ‘Wild Rover’ in such in New York. A lot of Irish peo- mid-nineties. I was a recipient of by my father the night before I left, months straight without a break, places. ple, after they first landed at JFK, one of the Morrisson Visas the U.S. with the words: ‘maybe you should with often two gigs a day. But times change, neighbour- would head directly for this Queens government was offering by the give your cousin a call.’ When I heard that, I understood hoods change, and it was good to neighbourhood, a mere fifteen min- thousands at that time to the Irish I stayed with her for six weeks, where The Beatles got the title for be in Woodside when it was strong- utes subway ride as Woodsiders people. which was how long it took me to their song ‘Eight Days A Week.’ ly Irish. There was, when all is said will happily tell you, from Times I had no intention of staying for get a job and my own place to stay. And, as one mandolin player I and done, a sense of community Square. the long haul, but, like many’s the If I hadn’t had my ‘Woodside’ con- used to work with was fond of say- there, and you could almost feel nection, my trip to America would ing during setup, even The Beatles at home walking up a street hear- have probably lasted a fortnight. started off in pubs! ing Irish accents all around you, One’s funds dwindle very quickly These days it tends to be the seeing pubs with shamrocks twin- in New York. other way around for Irish bands kling invitingly in their windows, There are heaps of Irish who playing on the New York scene. The and knowing that you could go to started off in the Big Apple in this work is just not there for bands any- the local diner for a nice Irish fry way. And Woodside in the eighties more, except for a handful of well- to cure the hangover. And there and nineties certainly had the pubs established outfits that make their was always a cousin or a neighbour to show for it. My cousin gave me a living primarily from weddings and from home that you could rely on tour of these pubs, advising me that festivals. This is, of course, thanks for a little help to get started. this was the best way to get a job. to the permanent seeming recession Isn’t that what life is all about! Just talk to the people in the bars. that has fallen upon us. That sense, at street level anyhow, Let them know you’re looking for Even if New York was coming that we were in it together, was work! out of a recession, and things were present in Woodside. You’d nearly I had aspirations to be involved a bit slower than they should have miss it, sometimes. in theatre, and carried a play or two been, there was still a great Irish Seam McCabe also writes for (now lost, alas!) in my bags, which scene. And there were still plenty Ireland’s Own magazine and cur- I intended to hawk around to the of bands doing the rounds. A few rently resides in sunny Sweden. various theatre companies. But in of the more prominent bands on His novels are available at mcca- the meantime, any kind of work the scene in the mid to late nine- would do; bar work, construction ties included Black 47 (still going work: I was equal to the task. strong), Four To The Bar (now de- My cousin introduced me to a funct), Gorman & O’Kane (now de- We Welcome few bar owners that were from her funct), The Whole Shabang (They home county, Cavan. They all knew still play the odd gig) and The Tain Our Newest who my family was—another indi- (now defunct). Advertisers! cation of how small the Irish world As for me, I stayed on, remain- was and is—but no one had any ing for twelve years. I ended up  Akron Irish Fest work. Times were tough; America borrowing a guitar from my cous-  Comhaltas Ceoltóirí was just coming out of a recession, in’s friend and learned my first few they said. People weren’t spending chords, only to become a singer Eireann money therefore the bars were kind myself on the Irish circuit, which  Croagh Patrick’s  Guinness They make the OHIAN possible! Let them know you saw them in the Ohio Irish American News! September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 13

All-Ireland Football Final – Live Coverage At press time, the final two teams for this year’s All-Ireland Football final had yet to be decided. It will be- tween the winner of Mayo-Kerry and Dublin-Donegal. Either way, it is sure to be a great game. A big question I Football – World Cup Brazil 2014 get this time of the year is when is the final? Who is showing it? Well if you Even though the current players to goals from current players Robbie are reading this prior to September and staff of the Republic of Ireland Keane and , as well as a 18th, then you are in luck, if you are squad will tell you they are 100% goal from out of favour player, Liam reading this after the 18th… Game’s focused on the current job at hand— Miller. In fact, Ireland’s last ‘com- Over—What took you so long? qualifying for Euro 2012, they will In the Cleveland area, long time be forgiven for taking their eye of the advertiser with the Ohio Irish Amer- ball recently. Just a few weeks ago ican News, PJ McIntyre’s Irish Pub, the draw was made for the qualify- will be showing both the minor final ing rounds for World Cup 2014 in and the men’s senior football final. Brazil. Games will start around 9am and To be quite honest the Irish didn’t the pints will be flowing early, along get the perfect draw, they have been with one of the finest Irish break- drawn to play 3-time World Cup win- fasts you’ll get this side of the At- ners, Germany, who will start as not lantic. There will be a nominal cover only favourites to win the group, but charge for admission. will also be one of the favourites to Local Gaelic football club, Cleve- win the actual World Cup. The oth- land St. Pat’s GFC will also be hold- er teams in Ireland’s group include ing a 50/50 drawing at half-time, Sweden, Austria, the Faroe Islands along with a chance to win a signed and Kazakhstan. It would be safe to petitive’ game with the Swedes was Mayo jersey. Let’s hope Mayo make say that the Irish, the Swede’s and almost forty years ago, when in 1970, it to the final for one heck of a crowd. the Austrian’s will be fighting it out they lost to Sweden in a qualifying For more details be sure to check out for the coveted runners up spot in the game in Malmo. closer to the group. You have to go back almost sixteen game for details, or just show up at I am sure that the current man in years to find the last time the Republic 9am on Sunday September 18th, pull charge of the Boys in Green, manager of Ireland played Austria in any type up a bar stool and order yourself a Giovanni Trappatoni, will say he feels of game. On that occasion, it was for fine pint of Guinness, for it’s never they have a good shot at taking the back-to-back qualifying games for too early. group, but let’s get real, the German’s Euro ’96. Ireland failed to qualify for mean business. When it comes to the 1996 Finals that were held in Eng- Trivia World Cup qualifying, it is a national land. This was ironically was near the First last month’s question: One requirement that they make it to the end of the marvelous Irish manage- for the Celtic (football) history buffs; finals; in Ireland it is usually a case rial career of . Who was the first Irish born player of if we get there great, if not there’s In another twist of fate, the min- to pull on a Celtic shirt? The answer always next time. nows of the Faroe Islands are one of is Charlie McEleny. The Donegal- In European qualifying, the win- Ireland’s other opponents, the twist born center-half made his debut for ning team from each group qualifies being they are currently managed the Hoops on November 4th 1893 in automatically for the finals, then the by former Irish manager Brian Kerr, a 3-1 victory over Dundee United. top eight runners are paired into four who was the Irish manager the last This month’s question: The Re- home-and-away play-offs, the win- time Ireland played the Faroe Islands. public of Ireland will begin their ners of each one booking their tickets Ireland won both games back in campaign for the 2014 World Cup to Rio. 2004/2005 by 2-0 score lines. late next summer. When was the Ireland has not played the Ger- As for Kazakhstan, there are no last time the national team actually man’s since drawing 0-0 at Croke records of Ireland ever playing them. played in a World Cup and who was Park in October of 2007. This was Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country their last game against? part of the Euro ’08 Qualifying cam- in the world and is currently ranked *Mark Owens is originally from paign, which Ireland did not qualify 126th in the world of football rank- Derry City, Ireland and has resided for (they lost to France with the in- ings. Ireland in case you are wonder- in the Cleveland area since 2001, famous handball-goal in a play-off). ing, are currently at 33rd. where he is employed by State Farm Sweden was last an opponent for the The qualifying games for the 2014 Insurance Companies, having pre- Irish way back in March of 2006, in World Cup will commence in August viously spent time studying at John an international friendly, a match that or September next year. Let’s hope Carroll University. Send questions, incidentally was ’s first the boys will be dancing the samba comments or suggestions for future in charge of the national team. once the series of qualifying games articles to Mark at: markowens@ire- Ireland won that evening, thanks are all set and done. 14 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

Illuminations …Continued from Page 9

On This Day harp (the harp being the most ancient symbol of Ireland) to Anglo-Irish coinage, known as in Irish the silver Groat. You will find the harp many Joe and Cheryl Casey, of Brunswick, OH, at their 29th Wedding Anniversary History places in British symbolism. celebration at Sheraton Station Square in The Royal Standard of the United Kingdom Pittsburgh. Joe is a member of the AOH is a flag used by British monarchs in their ca- Irish Brigade-Medina County and AOH Irish Trivia pacity as Sovereign of the United Kingdom and Ohio State President. Congratulations! September 2011 its overseas territories. The flag is flown when the monarch is in residence in one of the royal Sept. 1, 1830 - Dublin-born residences and on the monarch’s car on official John Donohue (AKA Jack journeys. It may also be flown on any building, Duggan) is shot dead in official or private, during a visit by the Queen. Australia. Celebrated in the The standard is divided into four sections. song, “The Wild Colonial The first and fourth sections represents the Boy,” he was transported Kingdom of England and contain three gold li- from Ireland in 1824 and ons on a red field; the second section represents became a bush-ranger and the Kingdom of Scotland and contains a red criminal. lion on a gold field; the third section represents the Kingdom of Ireland and contains a version Sept. 3, 1513 - Death of Ger- of the gold harp on a blue field. The inclusion of ald Mor Fitzgerald, the the harp in the Royal Standard remains an issue most authoritative figure for some in Ireland. In 1937 Taoiseach Eamon in the English Lordship of Ireland, from his accession de Valera asked Dominions Minister Malcolm to Earl in 1478 to his death MacDonald if the harp quarter could be re- in 1513. moved from the Royal Standard on the grounds that the Irish people had not given their consent Sept. 9, 1845 - The arrival of to the Irish emblem being included. Of course, the potato blight is report- the request was denied and the harp remains. ed in the Dublin Evening If you watched the most recent royal wed- Post. ding you may have noticed that Prince William wore a red military coat with a shamrock on Sept. 11, 1649 - Siege of either side of the collar. This is the uniform of , in which Crom- the Irish Guards, a British military guard unit well captured the town and that is chocked full of misappropriated Irish killed nearly 4,000 people. symbolism. Prince William serves as an honor- ary colonel in the unit. Sept. 16, 1701 - Death of The dress of the Irish Guards is a scarlet tu- James III in France, in ex- nic and tall bearskin hat (a hat stolen from the ile, where he lived follow- French, by the way). The collar is adorned with ing his disastrous military a shamrock on either side. campaign at The Boyne, Officers also traditionally carry a blackthorn July 1690. walking stick. The Irish Guards are known throughout the Army as “the Micks.” The term Sept. 18, 1964 - Death of Sean “Micks,” a derogatory term, is apparently toler- O’Casey, dramatist whose ated if used within the Army. Since 1902, an works include, The Shadow Irish wolfhound has been the mascot to the reg- of a Gunman, Juno and iment. The first mascot was named Brian Boru. The Paycock, and The Yes, most of the members of the Irish Guards Plough and the Stars. are British, not Irish. Now you know several ways that the sym- Sept. 20, 1803 - Robert Em- bols and history of Ireland are represented in mett, United Irishman, is the symbolism of England. We could ask for hanged. that they be returned, but my guess is the an- swer would still be no. Sept. 22, 2006 - Ryder Cup *J. Michael Finn is the Ohio State Histo- officially opens at The K rian for the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Club in Co. Kildare—the first time golf’s Premier Division Historian for the Patrick Pearse Di- Team Tournament comes vision in Columbus, Ohio. He is also Chair- to Ireland. man of the Catholic Record Society for the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. He writes on Irish *Source: Terrence J. Kenneally, and Irish-American history; Ohio history and The Encyclopedia of Ireland Ohio Catholic history. You may contact him at [email protected]. September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 15

Celtic Thunder’s Storm and Fall Tour Filmed and recorded prior to the already re- leased and successful Heritage, Celtic Thunder’s vibrant and enthralling new release Storm delves into a different aspect of the past, the struggle for land and security and acceptance. The magnitude of the show’s set combined with the creative mu- sical arrangements and engaging choreography make for a compelling experience all around. Both the new CD and DVD will be available everywhere September 20th on Decca.

Check out our new website: In support of their previous release Heritage with new features, feeds, stories, and Public Television Special of the same name, resources and ads! this acclaimed show will crisscross the U.S. en- thralling fans in 45 cities this Fall. The tour kicks off September 21st in Buffalo and takes the show through the Christmas holiday. For tour dates and more information visit Storm is a turbulent, raucous battle between the darkness of gypsies and the resolution of the settlers, both fighting for the same piece of land. The gypsies have inhabited the land for genera- tions and the settlers are looking to put down roots and build their community. Irish culture and tradition permeate throughout the stage. Midwest Tour Dates Oct 06, 2011 Cincinnati, OH Taft Theatre Oct 18, 2011 Kansas City, KS Midland Theater Oct 20, 2011 St. Louis, MO Fox Theatre Oct 22, 2011 Denver, CO The Paramount Dec 06, 2011 Cleveland, OH Palace Theatre Dec 07, 2011 Detriot, MI Fox Theatre Dec 09, 2011 Kalamazoo, MI Miller Auditorium Dec 10, 2011 Minneapolis, MN State Theatre Dec 11, 2011 Chicago, IL Rosemont (Matinee Show Only) Dec 13, 2011 Duluth, MN Event Centre Dec 15, 2011 Bloomington, IL Bloomington Performing Arts Center. www.deccarecords-us. com. 16 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

Home to Mayo - Cleveland Irish Roots Forging Anew A group of students and faculty whereas they’re from a city and we do at home and we were just ed his reconnection and learning economic and cultural develop- from Walsh Jesuit, St. Ignatius and will have an urban view. It will be very warmly welcomed. I didn’t about those roots. For the last few ment of the Parish of Achill, also Holy Name High Schools visited an interesting exchange.” know that Achill had so many ties months, the students have been additional support of other agen- Achill Island, County Mayo, getting to know each other cies from County Mayo and gen- Ireland, a Twinned city with through a special Facebook erous donations from local res- Cleveland, Ohio. Sixteen stu- page set up for the exchange taurants and business on Achill dents from Walsh Jesuit and and also through Skype calls Island and Walsh Jesuit and St. St. Ignatius began their pro- back and forth. “We’ve al- Ignatius. The Mayo Society of gram five weeks ago at Walsh ready been introduced but Greater Cleveland and the Achill- Jesuit. Three weeks ago they for the four days they’re here Cleveland Twinning committee transitioned to Northern Ire- we’ll get to know each other also participated in this experi- land, where they began an a lot better. We’re even hop- ence. This is one of the latest in a intensive experiential educa- ing to teach them some Irish number of initiatives designed to tional program delivered in slang,” he joked. strengthen links between Achill conjunction with Queens Uni- The American visitors are and Cleveland, which were of- versity Department of Irish completely enjoying their ficially twinned in 2003 and will Studies about peace, politics, experience and connec- celebrate the 10th anniversary of literature, religion and cul- tions, according to teacher the Twinning in 2013. For more ture. Holy Name High School Dan Bizga from Walsh Je- information on the Twinning go is looking to add this experi- suit, “They’ve had a fantas- to ence for their students in the tic time in Northern Ireland The Cleveland students have near future. and we’ve also spent some been keeping a diary of their Achill Island has only time in Dublin, but Achill adventures in Ireland and it can 2,500 residents. Over 200,000 has been a totally different be viewed at www.belfastdiary. Irish in North East Ohio claim experience and they’re see- roots to County Mayo, locat- ing a very different side of ed in the North West corner Irish life. There has been Famine Memorial Mass of the Emerald Isle. The American Claire McNamara of Achill to Cleveland and that it was so im- conversation exchanged, many students were paired up with Irish stated, “My grandfather was born portant, but now that I’m here I see outdoor activities and excursions. students for this four day event. in Cleveland and went to St Ig- that the communities, even though As an educator, I am excited for One of the Irish students, Cil- natius, so I’ve always been aware they’re an ocean apart, are very them to get a taste of rural Ire- lian McNamara, had the opportu- of the connection with Cleveland. closely linked due to emigration.” land and build relationships with nity to travel to Cleveland in 2007 “When I heard about it [the ex- Walsh Jesuit’s Morgan Wajda, their peers,” he said. “The life on with the Dookinella Pipe Band change] I definitely wanted to take “The students here have taught Achill is even unique in terms of to perform at the Cleveland Irish part, there was no doubt about it. I me to be thankful for what I have. Ireland.” Cultural Festival in Berea. Eigh- was signing my name up straight What we take for granted they The students went surfing in teen-year-old Cillian stated, “The away. It’s been even better than I don’t and what they take for grant- the Atlantic Ocean, bicycled on visit of the Cleveland students will expected; we’ve made such great ed we don’t. I think they would the new Mayo Green Way through give us a better idea of what life friends and we will definitely stay like Cleveland a lot and it would the amazing countryside, ferried is like there for people our age. I in contact.” be good to show them all the things over to Clare Island and culmi- think there’s a lot we will be able Another Cleveland student, Ste- we take for granted – the Rock ‘n’ nated with a mass. American and to learn from them and they will phen Sigmier, from St. Ignatius, Roll Hall of Fame, the football Irish students joined together in be able to learn from us. Our lives stated, “I was surprised when we museum and the zoo”. a church where there is a plaque here revolve around agricultural came because everyone had put up Cleveland student, Bill Malley recognizing the donations for the life and country living generally, American flags. We saw more than from St. Ignatius knows he has church’s construction from Cleve- Irish roots from this area and would land exiles. like to know more about his Irish The student exchange was or- County Mayo ancestry, especially ganized by Comhlacht Forbartha as the Clan Maile or O’Malley is Áitiúil Acla (CFAA), whose mis- one of the largest from this region sion is to promote and support the of the country. This visit has start- sustainable and inclusive social,

Sept 17th… The 12th An- nual Famine Memorial Mass will be held at 5:30pm, at the Famine Stone, on the banks of the Cuyahoga River (on the river boardwalk, across from Flat Iron Cafe). All are welcome as we offer thanks for the sacrifices of those who came to Cleveland and prayers for the repose of the souls of those lost in the Famine. September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 17

Jack Kahl Named as 2011 Mayo Person of The Year The Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland the United States and the people of Ireland, lic charities in the United States that have a is proud to announce that Jack Kahl is the with particular emphasis on County Mayo, link to County Mayo or to Ireland, to public 2011 Mayo Person of the Year. Kahl has charities in Ireland or for temporary emer- been recognized globally for his innovative gency relief to indigent Irish nationals in approach to business. He was named one of the United States who are in urgent need of “America’s Most Admired CEOs” by Indus- medical attention, are victims of crime or try Week magazine in 1993. Inc. Magazine victims of man-made or natural disasters. honored him as one of three CEOs in Amer- This is made possible with funds raised ica to benchmark leadership practices, and each year at the Mayo Society Annual Char- Cleveland Magazine named him the “Best ity Banquet and Ball. Boss in Town” in 1996 and 2000. Kahl will be honored at the Greater Cleve- Jack earned these accolades as an entre- land Mayo Society Annual Charity Banquet preneur and the creator of Duck® Tape. He and Ball on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at used servant leadership and a caring culture the Embassy Suites in Independence, Ohio. to grow his company, Manco, Inc. from a More than 500 are expected to attend the small industrial tape distributor into a lead- event, including officials from Ohio, New ing global consumer products company. He York and Ireland. For more information bought Manco with $10,000 cash and an including but not limited to research into about the event and annual raffle, see www. $182,000 loan in 1971, and sold the busi- the life and times of Irish immigration to or call 216/210-3055. ness to the Henkel Group nearly three de- America and cades later when sales topped $180 million. the study August Crossword Puzzle Answers The Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland of Irish and was founded in 2004 as a not-for-profit cor- Irish-Amer- Golf Ireland poration to provide a forum for information ican history. and activities of interest to individuals of The So- Irish descent, particularly those with ances- ciety makes tral ties to County Mayo. Its mission is to contribu- promote exchanges between the people of tions to pub- 18 ianOHIO irish american news • September 2011

Avon Lake Columbus Lakewood Ahern Banquet Center Byrne’s Pub Beck Center for the Arts Ahern Banquet Center is book- Sept… 10th-the Kells; 15th- Sept…1st-Westfield Mall Kids’ ing weddings and special events. Mickey Finns; 17th-Ladies of Club; 6th-Fall classes begin; 15th- Call Tony Ahern / Lucy Balser @ Longford; 22nd-Enter the Hag- Early Childhood ABC; 16th-30th-The 440-933-9500. 726 Avon Belden Rd; gis; 24th-Mossy Moran. 1248 Marvelous Wonderettes.17801 Detroit Avon Lake 44012. www.aherncater- West 3rd Ave., 43212. www. Ave., Lakewood, 44107. 216-521- 2540. Cleveland (cont’d) Cleveland (cont’d) Irish Heritage Club Shamrock Club Events Sullivans Irish 9th-Brent Kirby; 10th-Chris Allen; the cobblestone parking lot. Live En- Sept… 10th-Patio Party with Sept… 11th-General Meet- Restaurant & Pub 14th-$100.00 Trio; 16th-Kristine& Jack- tertainment on the Guinness stage all ing; 17th-Halfway to St. Patrick’s Sept… 17th-New Barleycorn. Morrison & McCarthy, 12th-Gen. day to include: The Boys From County son; 17th-Fior Gael; 21st-Lonesome Day Run and Party. Happy Hour 13368 Madison Ave., Lakewood, Mtg.; 17th-Halfway to St. Patrick’s Hell / The Portersharks / Holleran Stars; 28th-$100.00 Trio. 4408 Detroit every Friday from 5-7pm! 60 44107. Day Party and Golf Tournament, Pot traditional Irish session / and another Road, 44113 W. Castle Rd. Columbus 43207 216-529-8969. Luck Mondays, Ladies Nite Thurs- band TBD. Oyster Shucking contest. days, Every Friday Happy Hour in PJ McIntyre’s Live music entertainment every Fri- the PUB. 726 Avon Belden Rd. (440) Sept… 3rd-Charlie In The Box; 7th- day, Saturday and Sunday. Traditional 933-3413. Pub Quiz Hosted by Miked 7pm. 9th- Irish Session 1st Sunday of ea/month, Cincinnati Skys The Limit; 10th-Hang The DJ; Happy Hour Monday-Friday 4-7pm. 1306 West 65th Irish Heritage Center St., Cleveland, 44102. 216-281- Sept… 10th-Brock McGuire Band 6500. in Concert, 6:30pm. 513-533-0100. Treehouse Library by appointment/ Genealogy Sept… 4th- for members. Tea Room by reserva- Treehouse 15th Mary’s Lane tion. Irish Language Classes, Tuesdays Anniversary Par- 7pm / Irish History Classes, Thursdays 614-491-4449 www.shamrock- ty! Mary’s Lane Medina 6:30pm/ Saturday Art Classes / Chil- 5pm; 11th-Chris dren’s Saturday, Adult Tuesday Irish Allen 9pm; 18th- Dance Classes. Irish Heritage Center, Euclid Sully’s Greg Harper 9pm; Sept… 2nd-The Other Broth- 3905 Eastern Ave. 513-533-0100. 25th-Oktoberfest Irish American ers; 3rd-Jim Gill; 9th-Craic Broth- Brock McGuire Band w/DJ Kishka on Club East Side ers; 10th-Pompous Ass; 16th-The patio 5pm. 820 PUB: 7:30-10:30. Sept… 9th- Cleveland 11th-Searson; 16th-Cruisin; 17th-That New Barleycorn; 17th-Marys Lane; 80’S Band and Our 4th Anniversary College Ave., Cleveland, 44113. www. Kevin McCarthy; 16th-Wally Franz; 23rd-Mossy Moran; 24th-Callahan Famine Memorial Mass Party; 18th-GAA All-Ireland Gaelic 17th-(UPPER HALL) Half Way & O’Connor; 30th-Marys Lane; Oct. Football Final 10am; 23rd-Waynes West Park Station Party with Dulahan 8-12 ($10/$5 w 1st-The Kreellers. Come Visit our New Sept 17th… The 12th Annual student ID); 23rd-One More Pint; Famine Memorial Mass will be held World Band; 24th-Velvetshake; 30th- Sept… 2nd-Jim & Quinn HH and Patio! Every Tuesday 6-8pm, Magician Top Dog Band. 17119 Lorain Ave., 30th-Craic Brothers. IACES 22770 Paul Gallagher performs tableside. 117 at 5:30pm, at the Famine Stone, on DJ Destro; 3rd-Faction 10pm; 8th-Jim Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid, 44123. the banks of the Cuyahoga River (on 44111. & Eroc HH; 10th-The Sellouts 10pm; West Liberty, Medina, 44256. www. 216.731.4003 www.irishamerican- the river boardwalk, across from Flat Rhythms of Ireland 12th-18th: WPS 5 Year Anniversary Iron Cafe). All are welcome as we offer & Customer Appreciation Week; with Leneghan Mentor/Willoughby thanks for the sacrifices of those who Academy of Irish Dance 15th-Italian Night; 16th-American Findlay came to Cleveland and prayers for the Night; 17th-Irish Night with Half Sept… 24th-Magnificat High Croagh Patrick’s repose of the souls of those lost in the Way To St. Patrick’s Day Party & Logan’s Irish Pub School’s Center for Performing Arts. Famine. Burke School of Irish Dance & Sept… 3rd & 4th – ½ Way to St. 6pm. Sept… 10th-Vinegar Hill; 16th- Trailer Park Ninjas 10pm; 22nd-Billy Patrick’s Day Weekend Bash. The The Harp Mossy Moran; 21st-Trad Session; Willoughby Eagles Hall on Euclid Sept… 2nd-Walking Cane; 3rd- Stone Mad & Brooks HH; 24th-UFC 135 & DJ 30th-Highland Reign. 44 South Sept… 18th-Stone Mad Pub’s 1st Ave. just next to Panini’s. Outdoor Porter Sharks; 7th-Lonesome Stars; Ace of Spades; 29th-Jackson Rohn Main St., Findlay, 45840. 419- Annual Oyster Festival! 1pm-7pm, On HH; 30th-DJ Ice Cold from Cincin- Party Celebration with Tent, stage, beer 619-6826. www.logansirishpub- truck, grilled food, Irish dancers, Musi- nati 10pm. EVERY TUESDAY IS ROLL CALL-drink specials for cians, Bagpipers, Irish gift store, Irish Toasts, giveaways and more! Croagh Safety Forces-Most Co-workers from Hiram House, Unit or Station win a FREE Patrick’s is at 4857 Robinhood Drive Party the 1st Tuesday of following Sean Moore Memorial Willoughby, 44094 (440) 946-8250. Month! Thursday Ladies Night, Psy- Sessions at Hiram College chic Carrie doing Reading; also DJ Sept… 11th-2 Learn tunes, 3 Hooley House Destro! Wednesday Station Karaoke Open session. All welcome. Tea pro- Sept… 2nd-Matt Johnson-Piano Challenge! Sunday Magic Man Paul vided, potluck refreshments Frohring Man; 3rd-Itex; 9th-Big in Japan; 16th- Gallagher from 6-8pm and MINUTE Music Hall, 11746 Dean St., Hiram Halfway to St Patrick’s Day Party w/ TO WIN IT, 7pm. 17015 Lorain Ave., See Hiram College web page for di- Nick Zuber 5-8pm; Brigid’s Cross @ Cleveland, 44111. www.westparksta- rections. Information: dreisbachts@ 9:30pm; 23rd-Richie Reece Show; 216-476-2000. 24th-UFC 135; 30th-Blackfire. Every September 2011 • irish american news ianOHIO 19

Mentor/Willoughby (cont’d) Ongoing Traditional Irish Sessiúns Tuesday-Open Mic w Nick Zuber, Every Wednesday-Trivia Night. 7861 Reynolds Rd., Mentor. 440-942-6611. Bring your instruments and play along! Akron Hibernian’s Ceili Band Sessions, Wed. 7:30pm. Olmsted Township The Akron AOH Mark Heffernan Div 2 Hall, 2000 Brown St., Akron, OH. 330-724-2083. Beginner to intermediate. Mullarkey’s Croagh Patrick’s-2nd Tues. every month, 8-10pm. Sept… 3rd-Kevin McCarthy; 10th-The Terriers; 17th-One More Bardic Circle at The Shamrock Club of Columbus- Pint; 24th-Donal O’Shaughnessy. Karaoke Wednesdays. Thursday Beginner-friendly, intermediate-level Irish session meeting Ladies Night w/ D.J. 4110 Erie St. every other Thurs. 8-11pm. West Side Irish American Club Claddagh Irish Pub, Legacy Village, Lyndhurst 6-9pm. Every Friday, Food & Music in the Pub 5:30pm to ? Sept… Wooster Street Center, 1124 E. Wooster St., Bowling 17th-Annual Clambake. WSIA Club 8559 Jennings Rd. 44138. The Sandcarvers Green, OH-2nd & 4th Mon.,7-8pm. 440-235-5868. Blarney Pub-Toledo, 1st Sat. of the month 5-8 pm. Put-In-Bay Hooligan’s Festivals in September Sept… 24th-Halfway to St. Pat’s All Day Party, 2pm: Halfway to September 2-4: 9th Annual Kansas City Irish Fest St. Paddy’s Day Parade with the Irish Heritage Pipe Band, 3-6pm- Featuring: the Elders, Gaelic Storm, Scythian, The Prodigals, The Killdares, Kila, Eddie Delahunt and Friends, Kelly, O’Riada Porch Party with The Sandcarvers, 10pm: The Sandcarvers on Irish Dance Academy, Comedy Stage, and many more. Plus: Children’s areas and activities, Irish Marketplace, Catholic Mass the Hooli Stage. 421 County Rd. 215, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456. 9:30am. Sunday, Art in the Park, The Snug, Crown Center Square – Downtown Kansas City: 419-285-8000. September 9-11: 21st Annual Pittsburgh Irish Festival Featuring: Gaelic Storm, Makem and Spain Brothers, Screaming Orphans, David Kincaid, Goitse, Dennis Doyle, Cahal Dunne, BBI, Bell School of Irish Dance, Burke Conroy School of Irish Dance, Callan, Matthew Craig and Kerry Tipper, Corned Beef and Curry, Guaranteed Irish, Mike Gallagher, Terry Griffith, Patrick Regan, Pittsburgh Ceili Club, Pittsburgh Irish Reelers, Pittsburgh Police Pipes and Drums (Emerald Society), Red Hand Paddy, Shovlin Academy of Irish Dance, and more. Visit www.pghirishfest. org for info. September 16-18: Michigan Irish Music Festival Featuring: Slide IE, Beoga, and Goitse, Scythian, Old Blind Dogs, Makem & Spain Brothers, Seamus Kennedy, Blackthorn, The Kreellers, Kennedy’s Kitchen, Lawrence Nugent, An Dro and much more. Irish & Celtic music on three covered stages. In ad- dition to continuous live music, the Celtic Kitchen and Bob & Bernie’s Pub serve up authentic Irish food and drink. Irish Market- place, children’s activities, cultural center, and session tent. A popular highlight on Saturday is the Michigan Feis, an Irish dance competition. Sunday morning, a Catholic Mass will be held at 9 am followed by a traditional Irish breakfast.. Located at Heritage Landing in downtown Muskegon. Sept 16-17: Akron Irish Cultural Festival Featuring: Red Rebel County, Maidens IV AND Dropkick Murphy’s/Flogging Molly Cover Band and more! Lots of Irish fun, Including Step Dancers & Bagpipers, Irish Food Court & Irish Market Place. Celebrate 1/2 Way to St. Patrick’s Day with the Akron Hibernians; 200 S. Main St, Downtown Akron; Sept 16th, 4-11pm; Sept 17th, 2-11pm. Located at LOCK 3, Akron. Free Admission and Free Parking.