Auteur: Charles Boyle Aantal pagina's: 127 pagina's Verschijningsdatum: 2009-01-01 Uitgever: Intertaal EAN: 9780230732582 Taal: nl Link: Download hier

Janwillem van de Wetering

Friendship always wins. There has never been a Buddhist war. His many travels and his experiences in a Buddhist monastery and as a member of the Amsterdam Special Constabulary "being a policeman in one's spare time" as he phrased it in his introduction to Outsider in Amsterdam lent authenticity to his works of fiction and nonfiction. Janwillem van de Wetering was particularly noted for his detective fiction , his most popular creations being Grijpstra and de Gier , a pair of Amsterdam police officers who figure in a lengthy series of novels and short stories. Most of the mysteries are rich with images from Amsterdam, where most of them take place; some also feature a cat: in earlier novels, one named Oliver; in later novels, a female named Tabriz. He also wrote stories for children and nonfiction works. He usually wrote in Dutch and then in English; the two versions often differ considerably. Adjutant-Detective Henk Grijpstra and Detective-Sergeant Rinus de Gier , along with their never-named elderly superior, the commissaris , are the most popular creations of Janwillem van de Wetering. They are police detectives in the Murder Brigade of the Amsterdam Municipal Police, and are featured in more than a dozen detective novels and several short stories published in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine. Grijpstra, heavy, middle-aged, and less-than-happily married, is the senior partner of the team. He is a Frisian from Friesland, a northern area of the Netherlands who in his youth dreamed of being a jazz musician or a painter; when a set of drums mysteriously appeared in police headquarters he appropriated them. De Gier, younger and attractive with deep brown eyes and curly hair and most-often sporting a tasteful denim suit, is single, handsome, and very successful with women. Despite his womanizing, he is an avowed bachelor, and most dedicated to his cats. He is a dreamer and deep thinker, with discursive pondering about "the void," Zen, and life. A native of Rotterdam , de Gier is, like Grijpstra, an amateur musician. He often carries a small flute, and in odd moments he and Grijpstra improvise together in their office, where Grijpstra has his set of drums. The commissaris, small, elderly, and often nearly incapacitated by chronic rheumatism, supervises the partners' field investigations. Intelligent and broadly experienced, he often provides key insights into his juniors' cases, not to mention insightful philosophical commentary. A Frisian like Grijpstra, the commissaris is fond of jenever and small cigars; only his first name, Jan, is ever given. Grijpstra, de Gier, and the commissaris first appeared in the novel Outsider in Amsterdam. Publication date: February 7, February 7, This book answers two questions: what is the relationship between the European Council and the other EU institutions and what are the various roles of the European Council in the EU decision-making process? Storme , Evelyne Terryn. Publication date: February 1, February 1, The Draft Common Frame of Reference is the result of more than 25 years of academic research on European private law, and was published in October Against this background, this book presents and critically analyses the DCFR, and situates it in relation to current Belgian and European private law. Meurkens , Emily Nordin. Publication date: January 3, January 3, In their search for better ways to enforce private and public legal rules, prevent damage, and compensate victims of grave wrongdoing, European legal scholars and policy makers show an increased interest in this particular private law remedy. The twenty-two authors of this book reflect on the pros and cons, applicability, aims and limitations of punitive damages in terms of different legal themes. Publication date: December 12, December 12, This books pays attention to the developments in European law and the effects these have on legal education in general as well as in other fields. Drawing from their own experiences, the authors describe the current state of law, offer perspectives on future developments and explain how they translate these developments in the law school curriculum. All the contributions in this book have in common that each author seeks to better prepare stud Does Law Matter? Michael Faure , Jan M. To what extent can differences in economic development among countries be explained by differing law and institutions. This volume takes stock of this debate and offers an integrated approach that not only takes into account the insights of economics, but also of comparative law and empirics. The social security position of irregular migrant workers Klaus Kapuy. Publication date: October 6, October 6, How should a State treat an irregular migrant worker who is confronted with the realisation of a social risk such as becoming incapacitated for work due to a labour accident? Should he be treated like any other worker and qualify for income replacement benefits, medical benefits and labour-market reintegration measures? Or should he be denied these benefits? This book addresses these questions and sets out proposals on how irregular migrant wo Publication date: August 4, August 4, Legislatures sometimes adopt laws that create a special legal regime for a particular case rather than general rules for an indefinite number of situations or persons. These ad hoc laws are controversial. The purpose of this first in-depth comparative study in the fields of constitutional law and legislative studies is to clarify the use and existence of ad hoc laws and to place them within a constitutional framework of the rule of law. It is The effect of a change of circumstances on the binding force of contracts Rodrigo Momberg Uribe. This book studies the situation where unexpected circumstances render the performance of a contract much more difficult or onerous and those which frustrate the purpose of the transaction. It includes a comparative analysis of European and Latin American jurisdictions as well as American contract law. The Costanzo Obligation Maartje Verhoeven. Publication date: May 21, May 21, National administrative authorities are obliged to leave provisions of national law unapplied when these are incompatible with EU law. This raises questions of both European Union law and national constitutional law, particularly with regard to The present volume deals with recent developments in the legal profession in Europe and in the United States of America from a comparative and historical perspective. Apart from discussing the legal profession in general, specific attention is paid to the Latin Notary, the Advocates, the Rechtspfleger, the State Attorney, court experts, and mediators and arbitrators. Everybody who is arrested or questioned by the police on suspicion of involvement in a criminal activity has certain rights, such as the right to remain silent or to consult a lawyer. This book gathers information on the way suspects in the EU Member States are informed in writing of their rights in criminal proceedings. Subsequently a normative framework has been developed based on the jurisprudence of the ECtHR to establish standards and a l Evolutie van de basisbeginselen van het contractenrecht Ilse Samoy. Publication date: November 12, November 12, Van egoïsme via paternalisme naar fraternalisme? Doorheen de bijdragen wordt aangetoond dat anno samenwerking en flexibiliteit de nieuwe codewoorden zijn van het contractenrecht. Publication date: November 10, November 10, Recidive in België en Nederland Martine Dams. De introductie van de recidive als rechtsfiguur vormt een eerste reactie van de wetgever op het bredere maatschappelijke fenomeen van herhaald delinquent gedrag. Dit boek geeft een analyse van jaar rechtspraak en rechtsleer. Publication date: October 14, October 14, This book discusses and compares the different legal and economic aspects of the regulation of architects in Belgium and the Netherlands. It also discusses EU legislation and case law on the free movement of architects in and to the European Union. This book provides a comparative analysis of the process of fact-finding in the litigation process. It offers theoretical insights on the distinctive features of the fact-finding arrangements in civil cases andt also examines the empirical data that shed light on the operation of procedural rules in legal practice. Publication date: June 22, June 22, Every year, millions of people across Europe — innocent and guilty - are arrested and detained by the police. Publication date: May 31, May 31, This book provides an overview of the role of the independent administrative authorities assigned to the oversight of financial markets, by outlining both the historic and economic background, the warp and the weft of the European system, and where these authorities have emerged and now operate. Publication date: May 26, May 26, Even though apartments are the dominant form of housing in China, they are still largely poorly regulated. This book addresses the legal deficiency of condominium law and seeks to map out an academically rigorous approach to understanding and formalizing it with a critical comparative analysis. Enforcement and Enforceability C. Publication date: May 10, May 10, This book supplies a number of perspectives on the development of enforcement of court judgments and other enforceable documents in Europe. The articles are written by experts from legal academia and professionals involved in enforcement practice. New trends are highlighted. Publication date: February 11, February 11, By presenting historical materials, this volume elucidates the quandary of the law of obligations when it has to answer the question what a creditor eventually will acquire: damages or specific performance? Derden in het contractenrecht Ilse Samoy. Publication date: November 24, November 24, Dit boek over derden in het contractenrecht bewijst eens te meer dat het leerstuk van de derde in het contractenrecht aanleiding geeft tot complexe, uiteenlopende en vooral verrassende vraagstukken. Rechtsbescherming en overheidsovereenkomsten Kris Wauters. Publication date: September 11, September 11, Centraal thema in dit boek is de mogelijke rechtsbescherming bij de gunning van overheidsovereenkomsten. Publication date: June 11, June 11, It adds to the comments already made in the legal literature by dealing with key aspects of the SPE Proposal in an extensive way and by including, where relevant, the amendments adopted by the European Parliament in March Publication date: April 22, April 22, In a time when an ever growing demand for justice meets economic crisis and shrinking resources, innovative approaches to access to justice are urgently needed. The present volume discusses a variety of such approaches from across Europe and beyond , all united by their significance in contemporary trends in legal and judicial reform. In order to develop a framework, which can form the basis for the development of a European property law this book seeks to provide a comparative analysis of property law from the perspective of four European legal systems, and of European law, focusing on the numerus clausus principle. The book offers theoretical insights on how substantive property law, European law, and, to a certain extent, private international law intersect. This book focuses on the relationship between the two instruments for transnational co-operation in the field of evidence gathering, namely mutual assistance in administrative matters and mutual assistance in criminal matters. This volume not only contains an analysis of the relevant rules on transnational law enforcement co-operation, but also the results of a comparative study into the nature and organisation of national law enforcement in t Publication date: May 15, May 15, For a long time, civil justice was considered to be a purely national, conservative, and slow-changing topic. The texts collected in this book supply proof that this is not the case anymore. These papers discuss civil justice from a European angle, concentrating on the age-old dichotomy between quality and efficiency. Publication date: January 24, January 24, The present volume addresses judicial case management and issues of efficiency in civil litigation. Apart from France, the focus is on these issues in three comparatively small jurisdictions which are often ignored in the international legal debate: Scotland, Belgium and the Netherlands. Smits , Daniel Haas , Geerte Hesen. Publication date: January 23, January 23, This book intends to deepen our understanding of the right to specific performance in contract law. It brings together sixteen contributions on various aspects of this important action and on its place in the system of contractual remedies. Publication date: December 30, December 30, Dit boek heeft tot doel om een overzicht te bieden van de veelheid aan regels die toepasselijk zijn op ondergrondse constructies. De optimale inrichting van de verkeersboete in België en Nederland vanuit een strafrechtelijk en bestuursrechtelijk Liesbet Deben. Dit werk beoogt een dieper inzicht in de aard en de natuur van de bestuurlijke boete en haar verhouding met de strafrechtelijke boete. Publication date: December 20, December 20, This book examines the harmonisation of environmental liability rules in a federal system from a law and economics perspective. Throughout the book, soil pollution is used as an example. Vennootschappelijke beleidsbepaling in geval van financiële moeilijkheden Mieke Olaerts. Publication date: October 23, October 23, Het belangenconflict tussen de aandeelhouders en bestuurders enerzijds en de crediteuren van de vennootschap anderzijds, staat in dit boek centraal. This book explores the mentality underlying Nordic law and seeks to explain its relationship with both long-term cultural tradition and the forces that account for its historical continuity. How was Nordic law transformed into a vehicle of social change, progress and instrumentalism? Publication date: May 8, May 8, This book provides an insight into the investigative stage of the criminal process and, in particular, the legal protection of persons suspected of crime, in a number of EU countries: Belgium, England and Wales, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. Publication date: February 13, February 13, The choice of countries is intended to shed light on the different ways in which European systems of food safety regulation have been affected by major food scares. It provides insights into how the various actors perceive the practical functioning of Publication date: December 14, December 14, This book examines the emerging principle of equality in EC law on the basis of a multi-layered comparison. Publication date: September 1, September 1, This book also contains a theoretical component that draws insights and inspiration from autonomy- based theories of contract, law and economics, notions of fairness and socio-legal perspectives to establish why contracting parties leave gaps in their contracts, whether intervention is justified and, if so, how gaps in contracts should be filled. Towards a Unified System of Land Burdens? Sjef van Erp , Bram Akkermans. Publication date: August 8, August 8, The leading theme was whether civil law systems can learn from the Anglo-American experience. Grensoverschrijdend recht M. Peeters , Michael Faure. Deze bundel heeft als centrale vraag de wijze waarop het recht omgaat met grensoverschrijdende situaties. European Integration and Law Deirdre M. Curtin , André Klip , Jan M. Smits , Joseph A. Publication date: May 2, May 2, Gehuwd of niet: maakt het iets uit? Caroline Forder , Alain Laurent Verbeke. Dit boek, dat een intensieve Neder-Belgische rechtsvergelijking bevat, is bovendien intra- en interdisciplinair. De problematiek wordt niet alleen benaderd vanuit diverse juridische disciplines, gaande van ouder-kindrelaties, recht op levensonderhoud en alimentatie, over vermogensrecht en erfrecht tot sociale zekerheid en fiscaliteit, maar ook vanuit de demografie en de sociologie. European Traditions in Civil Procedure C. The contributors to this book seek to further the harmonisation debate by exploring some of the main trends in the development of civil procedural law during the last two centuries in several European countries Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, England and Wales, The Netherlands and Belgium. Two of the central issues that are addressed by the contributors are the extent to which the various procedural models have influenced each other a Publication date: July 25, July 25, In the Dutch literature, the terms law-finding and law-making are often used interchangeably. From a legal point of view, however, it makes quite a difference to the position of the court whether law-finding or law-making is meant. Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen J. Publication date: May 3, May 3, Deze bundel bevat rechtsvergelijkende opstellen over juridische aspecten van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen MVO , ook wel aangeduid als corporate social responsibility CSR en is het resultaat van een congres dat rond dit thema. Publication date: April 12, April 12, During the last decades, a better understanding of the influence of genetic factors on the onset of illness and disease has evolved. In many states, as well as on the international level, there is an ongoing debate about the balance that should be struck between the protection of the individual against misuse of genetic information and the interests of social actors and genetic research institutes, and about the policy options that are at hand Smits , Sophie Stijns. Dit boek geeft een uitgebreid overzicht van de inhoud en werking van overeenkomsten naar Belgisch en Nederlands recht. Curtin , A. Ramses Wessel. Publication date: March 8, March 8, This book approaches the notion of good governance from three different angles. First it establishes whether it is a meaningful notion at all by taking a closer look at the parameters of good governance. Secondly, the authors look at the institutional translation of the criteria of good governance. In a third dimension, the concept may be analysed in relation to a number of substantive issues. Risico en voorzorg in de rechtsmaatschappij Ellen Vos. Publication date: August 11, August 11, Sonja A. Publication date: April 15, April 15, The UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods unifies the law governing the rights and obligations arising from a contract for the international sale of goods for the seller and the buyer. One of the main obligations for the seller under the Convention is to deliver goods which are in conformity with the contract art. With respect to this particular obligation, a number of questions have arisen. This book c This book examines the regulation of pharmacists in the Netherlands and Belgium from the perspective of law and economics. Publication date: October 2, October 2, Dit boek behandelt actuele ontwikkelingen in het Nederlands, Belgisch en Zuid- Afrikaans recht, niet alleen vanuit een privaatrechtelijk maar ook vanuit een grondwettelijk perspectief. Belangrijke thema's zoals contractenrecht, goederenrecht, grondrechten en procesrecht worden geplaatst tegen de achtergrond van een Europese juridische eenwording. Aansprakelijkheid, risico en onderneming Michael Faure. Wat zijn de gevolgen van 11 september op de verschillende rechtstakken? This book analyses the role played by agencies in several countries. This book enables readers with a tax background to place taxation in the perspective of trade subsidy regulation. Smits , Hildegard Schneider. Publication date: October 28, October 28, This book is devoted to the growing internationalization of the legal disciplines from both a scholarly and an educational perspective. Totstandkoming van de overeenkomst naar Belgisch en Nederlands recht Jan M. Publication date: September 5, September 5, Dit boek is gewijd aan de totstandkoming van de overeenkomst naar Belgisch en Nederlands recht tegen de achtergrond van eenmaking van het privaatrecht in Europa. Publication date: July 2, July 2, This book brings together a number of essays on the contribution that the so-called mixed legal systems can make to the emergence of a European private law. Strafbare overheden Chantal Kuypers. Dit boek is het resultaat van een onderzoek naar de strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van overheden voor milieuverstoring. De concrete aanleiding voor deze studie is de rechtspraak van de Hoge Raad. Seerden , Kurt Deketelaere. Publication date: February 21, February 21, English for Law Enforcement Student book and CD-ROM Pack

The interesting and thought-provoking topics in the Student's Book are based on actual facts and real-life events that students can find out more about at home. The lively and attractive design combined with cutting edge content and integrated video and audio material will appeal to digital, media aware and tech-savvy Drawing on. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach. He is a dreamer and deep thinker, with discursive pondering about "the void," Zen, and life. A native of Rotterdam , de Gier is, like Grijpstra, an amateur musician. He often carries a small flute, and in odd moments he and Grijpstra improvise together in their office, where Grijpstra has his set of drums. The commissaris, small, elderly, and often nearly incapacitated by chronic rheumatism, supervises the partners' field investigations. Intelligent and broadly experienced, he often provides key insights into his juniors' cases, not to mention insightful philosophical commentary. A Frisian like Grijpstra, the commissaris is fond of jenever and small cigars; only his first name, Jan, is ever given. Grijpstra, de Gier, and the commissaris first appeared in the novel Outsider in Amsterdam. The novels in internal chronological order are as follows:. Media related to Janwillem van de Wetering at Wikimedia Commons. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dutch writer. Main articles. Zen lineage charts Zen ranks and hierarchy Zen organisation and institutions . English for Law Enforcement covers the full range of essential law enforcement situations including vehicle identification, stop and search, crowd control and issuing statements. Overige kenmerken Extra groot lettertype Nee Gewicht g Verpakking breedte mm Verpakking hoogte 9 mm Verpakking lengte mm. Toon meer Toon minder. Reviews Schrijf een review. Aantal reviews: 1. Isaa 10 oktober Vond je dit een nuttige review? Editie: 1. Bindwijze: Onbekend. Uiterlijk 12 december in huis Levertijd We doen er alles aan om dit artikel op tijd te bezorgen. Verkoop door bol. In winkelwagen Op verlanglijstje. Gratis verzending door bol. [About the series

July 9, The book contains a comparative analysis of mutual recognition in the internal market and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. It assesses mutual recognition in the context of the aims of both areas, the principles of European law and norms laid down in primary and secondary EU law. Publication date: May 18, May 18, This volume tackles contemporary problems of legal accommodation of diversity in Europe and recent developments in the area in diverse European legal regimes. Legal discussions reflect a crisis when it comes to matters of migration, accommodation of minorities and dealing with the growing heterogeneity of European societies. Who does What? Publication date: May 1, May 1, There is an increasing debate on the way in which the EU has developed and what it must look like in the future. This debate includes a discussion on one of the core aspects of European integration: at which level should the rules be set and who decides where the authority to do so should lie? Private law has an important role to play in this discussion. Many private law rules touch on the core of the internal market as they serve to foster tr Publication date: March 20, March 20, One of the main objectives of this research is to examine this influence and more specifically the influence of EU law on cooperation between public authorities. This book offers an interesting selection of recent developments in the broad field of property law, including contributions on constitutional property law, national private property law and European and comparative property law. Viktoria Harsagi , C. Publication date: November 7, November 7, The story of collective redress in the European Union up to the present day may be qualified as a story of missed opportunities and small steps forward. The editors of the present volume hope that the future of collective redress in Europe will be brighter than the past. They hope that the volume will further the discussion on collective redress in Europe by providing the most up-to-date information in the field, and that this will lead to the Publication date: October 16, October 16, This book aims to provide stakeholders — students, but also academics, practitioners, civil servants, and consumers - with a better knowledge of the EU rules on public procurement and State aid. By treating these two legal fields in one volume, the book also intends to draw attention to the largely unexplored links and interfaces between public procurement and State aid rules. Publication date: October 3, October 3, Publication date: May 14, May 14, In our contemporary days the shades of national law slowly melt away, and we imagine a future where new common laws will continue to take shape. Nobody's Perfect Alan Uzelac , C. Publication date: May 5, May 5, Public confidence in the justice system depends on the belief that decisions made in the judicial processes are reasonably correct and accurate. This book focuses on the systems of appellate control of court judgments. The editors explore the relationship between the different approaches to appeals in national civil justice systems and their impact on the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the legal protection of individual rights. Legal Evolution and Hybridisation Matteo Solinas. Publication date: April 24, April 24, This is a book on comparative law and legal change. With a focus on corporate law and the law of personal property, it reviews the current state of the comparative debate on the evolution of law and seeks to establish new perspectives to explain the mechanism of legal reception. Publication date: April 2, April 2, Coordinating Ombudsmen and the Judiciary Milan Remac. Publication date: March 28, March 28, This can potentially lead to conflicts between the two institutions and can affect their relations, and therefore needs coordination. Loos , Ilse Samoy. Publication date: March 3, March 3, Differences in contract law and the additional transaction costs and complexity they generate in cross-border transactions dissuade a considerable number SMEs from expanding into markets of other Member States. These differences are also said to limit competition in the internal market. Publication date: December 5, December 5, This empirical study focuses on three procedural rights — the right to interpretation and translation, the right to information and the letter of rights, and the right to legal assistance before and during police interrogation — in four EU jurisdictions — France, Scotland, the Netherlands and England and Wales. This Training Framework is based on the empirical study of the procedural rights of suspects in England and Wales, France, the Netherlands and Scotland. Its objective is to enhance the knowledge, understanding and skills of criminal justice practitioners — police officers and defence lawyers — in respect of the procedural rights of suspects in police detention. It includes contributions on a wide variety of topics, including Economic and Monetary Union, Union citizenship, fundamental rights, foreign affairs and defence policy, educational policy and environmental policy. Publication date: October 18, October 18, This book offers new perspectives on property theory, constitutional property law, and private law-property law. Under these headings, young and renowned property law scholars present their current research and offer an exciting look into the challenges property law faces in the 21st century. Publication date: October 17, October 17, Constitutional review is a hot topic in contemporary constitutional debate and design. However, the legal force of judicial decisions, and in particular their effect in time, is an under-studied issue in the literature. Parliamentary Immunity Sascha Hardt. Publication date: September 27, September 27, Is it necessary and just that parliamentarians are immune from legal action? If so, to what extent is such immunity justified and which purpose does it serve? These questions touch the very core of constitutional law. This book contains a comprehensive study of parliamentary immunity in the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. Motive Matters! Martijn van Kogelenberg. Publication date: September 12, September 12, This book argues that motive in committing breach of contract should matter in the application of remedies in contract. Legal Education Aalt Willem Heringa. Publication date: June 26, June 26, This book on Legal Education was written based upon many of the author's experiences as professor and dean. It focuses on many issues such as teaching itself, employability, mission and focus of law schools, the future of law schools in this age of internationalisation, student intake, the link with the labour markets and many other issues. Compensating Ecological Damage Jing Liu. This book focuses on the damage to private natural resources which have an ecological value in excess of their market value and the damage to public natural resources. Its aim is to design a compensation system, taking into account the interaction between regulation, liability rules and compensation mechanisms, to both prevent and compensate for ecological damage. Publication date: May 28, May 28, This study provides an overview of the existing acquis communautaire in property law, and presents a proposal for the future development of this field of law. Publication date: March 27, March 27, In this book, the authors analyse the ambiguity of the notion of security and its tendency to expand and affect simultaneously different fields of law. More specifically, they address the militarisation of the fight against terrorism, the distinction between administrative and penal sanctions, the limits of intelligence activities and the scope of criminalisation. Truth and Efficiency in Civil Litigation C. Publication date: December 10, December 10, In the pursuit of justice, truth always plays a prominent role. In most legal systems, elaborate rules on the taking of evidence try to guarantee that an accurate, factual basis is used for the application of the law. Such rules are the core of most methods of adjudication and they are the main theme of the present volume, which focuses specifically on the rules of evidence within the context of efficiency in civil proceedings. This book assesses the role of EU agencies and networks of regulators from a legal perspective, thus linking the role of law to the debates on network governance. Two case studies form the core of the research: EU energy and electronic communications regulation. Publication date: November 5, November 5, This volume provides a critical examination of the normative, empirical and contextual aspects of such judicial conversations. I between the CJ Publication date: October 26, October 26, This book examines the enforcement of occupational health and safety OHS regulation from the perspective of law and economics. It starts with an extensive survey of the economic literature on regulation and enforcement and subsequently provides an overview of the international legal framework for OHS enforcement.. Publication date: July 27, July 27, This book discusses new developments in property law that challenge traditional property law theory. Although it deals with various aspects of property law, such as virtual property, prescription, and EU property law, all topics share a vision on how to give shape to the property law of the 21st century. Publication date: July 19, July 19, Both instruments aim at improving the internal market. Publication date: May 16, May 16, Modern society is full of linked contracts: a plurality of separately concluded contracts that are somehow interrelated. However, contract law is still primarily centred on traditional contractual relations between just two parties. This book therefore explores the legal consequences of the existence of linked contracts. It thereby provides insights for practice and academia in this new phenomenon. Publication date: February 7, February 7, This book answers two questions: what is the relationship between the European Council and the other EU institutions and what are the various roles of the European Council in the EU decision-making process? Storme , Evelyne Terryn. Publication date: February 1, February 1, The Draft Common Frame of Reference is the result of more than 25 years of academic research on European private law, and was published in October Against this background, this book presents and critically analyses the DCFR, and situates it in relation to current Belgian and European private law. Meurkens , Emily Nordin. Publication date: January 3, January 3, In their search for better ways to enforce private and public legal rules, prevent damage, and compensate victims of grave wrongdoing, European legal scholars and policy makers show an increased interest in this particular private law remedy. The twenty-two authors of this book reflect on the pros and cons, applicability, aims and limitations of punitive damages in terms of different legal themes. Publication date: December 12, December 12, This books pays attention to the developments in European law and the effects these have on legal education in general as well as in other fields. Drawing from their own experiences, the authors describe the current state of law, offer perspectives on future developments and explain how they translate these developments in the law school curriculum. All the contributions in this book have in common that each author seeks to better prepare stud Does Law Matter? Michael Faure , Jan M. To what extent can differences in economic development among countries be explained by differing law and institutions. This volume takes stock of this debate and offers an integrated approach that not only takes into account the insights of economics, but also of comparative law and empirics. The social security position of irregular migrant workers Klaus Kapuy. Publication date: October 6, October 6, How should a State treat an irregular migrant worker who is confronted with the realisation of a social risk such as becoming incapacitated for work due to a labour accident? Should he be treated like any other worker and qualify for income replacement benefits, medical benefits and labour-market reintegration measures? Or should he be denied these benefits? This book addresses these questions and sets out proposals on how irregular migrant wo Publication date: August 4, August 4, Legislatures sometimes adopt laws that create a special legal regime for a particular case rather than general rules for an indefinite number of situations or persons. These ad hoc laws are controversial. The purpose of this first in-depth comparative study in the fields of constitutional law and legislative studies is to clarify the use and existence of ad hoc laws and to place them within a constitutional framework of the rule of law. It is The effect of a change of circumstances on the binding force of contracts Rodrigo Momberg Uribe. This book studies the situation where unexpected circumstances render the performance of a contract much more difficult or onerous and those which frustrate the purpose of the transaction. It includes a comparative analysis of European and Latin American jurisdictions as well as American contract law. The Costanzo Obligation Maartje Verhoeven. Publication date: May 21, May 21, National administrative authorities are obliged to leave provisions of national law unapplied when these are incompatible with EU law. This raises questions of both European Union law and national constitutional law, particularly with regard to The present volume deals with recent developments in the legal profession in Europe and in the United States of America from a comparative and historical perspective. Apart from discussing the legal profession in general, specific attention is paid to the Latin Notary, the Advocates, the Rechtspfleger, the State Attorney, court experts, and mediators and arbitrators. Everybody who is arrested or questioned by the police on suspicion of involvement in a criminal activity has certain rights, such as the right to remain silent or to consult a lawyer. This book gathers information on the way suspects in the EU Member States are informed in writing of their rights in criminal proceedings. Subsequently a normative framework has been developed based on the jurisprudence of the ECtHR to establish standards and a l Evolutie van de basisbeginselen van het contractenrecht Ilse Samoy. Publication date: November 12, November 12, Van egoïsme via paternalisme naar fraternalisme? Doorheen de bijdragen wordt aangetoond dat anno samenwerking en flexibiliteit de nieuwe codewoorden zijn van het contractenrecht. Publication date: November 10, November 10, Recidive in België en Nederland Martine Dams. De introductie van de recidive als rechtsfiguur vormt een eerste reactie van de wetgever op het bredere maatschappelijke fenomeen van herhaald delinquent gedrag. Dit boek geeft een analyse van jaar rechtspraak en rechtsleer. Publication date: October 14, October 14, This book discusses and compares the different legal and economic aspects of the regulation of architects in Belgium and the Netherlands. It also discusses EU legislation and case law on the free movement of architects in and to the European Union. This book provides a comparative analysis of the process of fact-finding in the litigation process. It offers theoretical insights on the distinctive features of the fact-finding arrangements in civil cases andt also examines the empirical data that shed light on the operation of procedural rules in legal practice. Publication date: June 22, June 22, Every year, millions of people across Europe — innocent and guilty - are arrested and detained by the police. Publication date: May 31, May 31, This book provides an overview of the role of the independent administrative authorities assigned to the oversight of financial markets, by outlining both the historic and economic background, the warp and the weft of the European system, and where these authorities have emerged and now operate. Publication date: May 26, May 26, Even though apartments are the dominant form of housing in China, they are still largely poorly regulated. This book addresses the legal deficiency of condominium law and seeks to map out an academically rigorous approach to understanding and formalizing it with a critical comparative analysis. Enforcement and Enforceability C. Publication date: May 10, May 10, This book supplies a number of perspectives on the development of enforcement of court judgments and other enforceable documents in Europe. The articles are written by experts from legal academia and professionals involved in enforcement practice. New trends are highlighted. Publication date: February 11, February 11, By presenting historical materials, this volume elucidates the quandary of the law of obligations when it has to answer the question what a creditor eventually will acquire: damages or specific performance? Derden in het contractenrecht Ilse Samoy. Publication date: November 24, November 24, Dit boek over derden in het contractenrecht bewijst eens te meer dat het leerstuk van de derde in het contractenrecht aanleiding geeft tot complexe, uiteenlopende en vooral verrassende vraagstukken. Rechtsbescherming en overheidsovereenkomsten Kris Wauters. Publication date: September 11, September 11, Centraal thema in dit boek is de mogelijke rechtsbescherming bij de gunning van overheidsovereenkomsten. Publication date: June 11, June 11, It adds to the comments already made in the legal literature by dealing with key aspects of the SPE Proposal in an extensive way and by including, where relevant, the amendments adopted by the European Parliament in March Publication date: April 22, April 22, In a time when an ever growing demand for justice meets economic crisis and shrinking resources, innovative approaches to access to justice are urgently needed. The present volume discusses a variety of such approaches from across Europe and beyond , all united by their significance in contemporary trends in legal and judicial reform. He is a Frisian from Friesland, a northern area of the Netherlands who in his youth dreamed of being a jazz musician or a painter; when a set of drums mysteriously appeared in police headquarters he appropriated them. De Gier, younger and attractive with deep brown eyes and curly hair and most-often sporting a tasteful denim suit, is single, handsome, and very successful with women. Despite his womanizing, he is an avowed bachelor, and most dedicated to his cats. He is a dreamer and deep thinker, with discursive pondering about "the void," Zen, and life. A native of Rotterdam , de Gier is, like Grijpstra, an amateur musician. He often carries a small flute, and in odd moments he and Grijpstra improvise together in their office, where Grijpstra has his set of drums. The commissaris, small, elderly, and often nearly incapacitated by chronic rheumatism, supervises the partners' field investigations. Intelligent and broadly experienced, he often provides key insights into his juniors' cases, not to mention insightful philosophical commentary. A Frisian like Grijpstra, the commissaris is fond of jenever and small cigars; only his first name, Jan, is ever given. Grijpstra, de Gier, and the commissaris first appeared in the novel Outsider in Amsterdam. The novels in internal chronological order are as follows:. Media related to Janwillem van de Wetering at Wikimedia Commons. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dutch writer. Main articles. Dharma transmission Zen lineage charts Zen ranks and hierarchy Zen organisation and institutions Zen Narratives. Kenshō Sudden Enlightenment . Related schools. Retrieved Categories : births deaths 20th-century American essayists 20th-century American male writers 20th-century American novelists 20th-century translators 21st-century American essayists 21st-century American male writers 20th-century Dutch novelists 21st-century Dutch writers American children's writers American male novelists American mystery writers American translators American people of Dutch descent American people of Frisian descent Dutch children's writers Dutch essayists Dutch emigrants to the United States Dutch mystery writers Dutch police officers Dutch translators Nyenrode Business University alumni Writers from Rotterdam Dutch thriller writers English—Dutch translators French—Dutch translators French—English translators Novelists from Maine Dutch crime fiction writers American male essayists People from Surry, Maine Dutch male novelists Zen Buddhism writers.

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