Exhibitors' Forum Schedule

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Exhibitors' Forum Schedule p47-55 Exhibitor Forum_Layout 1 4/23/2019 9:51 AM Page 47 Exhibitors’ Forum Schedule TuesDay, May 14, execuTive BallrooM session F1: Display Design anD ManuFacTuring 11:00 am – 12:45 pm F1.1: enabling Display innovations Through new Developments in open (11:00) industry standards Craig Wiley, Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), San Jose, CA Booth 641 The Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) will present new advancements in VESA display standards that push resolutions beyond 8K and enable life-like AR/VR. Also featured are high-dynamic-range (HDR) certification fFo1r .m2: o n iptoirxse iln-gclruaddineg lOoLcEaDl aDnidm nmotienbgo ofoksr, Hhiigghhe rD dyinspalmayi icn rtearfnagce c o m p r e s s i o n r a t e s , a n d n e w e f f o r t s (fo1r1 h:1ig5h)- r e s o l u t i o Mn ianugt Cohmeont,i BveO Edi Tspeclahynso. logy Group Co, Ltd., Beijing, China Booth 808 An ultra-high-definition display incorporating high dynamic range (HDR) and 5G content-delivery provides a great viewing experience. This presentation will introduce the HDR technology trend and describe future requirements for display devices to fulfill the HDR standard. Black Diamond is a technology that uses two LCD cells together to achieve a pixel-grade local-dimming approach that will highly improve the contrast detail for LCD devices. AF1 co.3m: p a lriasomni wnaillt iboen m aaduet oamoantgio cnu rarenndt minatiengstrraetaimon H D R t e c h n o l o g i e s , i n c l u d i n g B l a c k - D i a m o n d , m i n i L E (D1, 1O:L3E0D) , e t c . T e c h Rnaoylomgoyn add Wvainlecye, sS aund-T emca, Srkcoetitnsdga slter, aAtZeg i e s f o r B l a c k D i a m o n d w i l l b e p r e s e n t e d i n d e t a i l . Booth 1039 Factors such as rising labor costs and skilled-labor shortages are driving the demand for more automation in manu - fFa1ct.4ur: i n gB lrineeask atrhoruonud gthe T weocrhldn.o Tlhoigs yp rfeosre notpateionn D ceovfercst sh orwe pauatiorm a t i o n i s b e i n g u s e d t o o f f - s e t t h o s e f a (c1to1r:s4 f5o)r t h e l a m i nFailtiipo nG rparnoecke,s XsT, aPnLd S w.Ah., aWt rdoicslpalway, Danoldy nmsalatsekr,i aPlo tleacnhdn o l o g i e s a r e s h a p i n g f u t u r e a u t o m a t i o n . Booth 431 Printing a wide range of nanomaterials while making the process scalable is a central problem for industries that are shaping the technological landscape of the twenty-first century. In this regard, XTPL’s technology can help transform the display industry. XTPL’s presentation focuses mainly on three key aspects: repair of open defects, fabrication of transparent conductive films (TCFs), and deposition of quantum dots, all of which offer tremendous advantages to additive manufacturing. (continued) 2019 Display Week 47 p47-55 Exhibitor Forum_Layout 1 4/23/2019 9:51 AM Page 48 TuesDay, May 14, execuTive BallrooM session F1: Display Design anD ManuFacTuring 11:00 am – 12:45 pm F1.5: creating new applications with next-generation e-paper (12:00) Flora Yang, CLEARink Displays, Fremont, CA Booth 539 Reflective displays have been sought after for their low power and sunlight-readable attributes, but affordable color and video have been elusive until “e-Paper 2.0.” This talk will review the progress of a novel reflective display tech - nology with video speeds and high luminance that can be manufactured in an LCD factory. CLEARink Displays is a Silicon Valley startup that was spun out of the University of British Columbia. The technology is based on total in - ternal reflection (TIR) and electrophoresis. The displays were first shown at SID’s Display Week 2017, where they wF1o.n6 a: B esxt pina nShdoiwng a twhaer du. nAicvceormspea onyf ienlge tchtirso pprhesoernettaitcio Dn iwspill abye plilvaet dfoisrpmlasy d e m o s t h a t f e a t u r e 8 0 - p(1er2c:e1n5t+) w h i t e - s t aMteic rheafelel cMtacnCcrea arnyd, E v Iidneko C rourpn.n, Binigll earti coav,e Mr A30 f r a m e s p e r s e c o n d ( f p s ) . Booth 616 E Ink electrophoretic display (EPD) technology is widely known for its broad use in reflective displays such as those in electronic readers and, more recently, in electronic shelf labels, signage, wearables, and architecture. In addition, demonstrated E Ink technology platforms now also include flexible, no-CFA Advanced Color e-Paper (ACeP), mF1a.g7n: e t i ceanllay bwlrinitega Dblies pinlka y(J ussytsWtermites) , a n d v a r i a b l e - t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d v a r i a b l e - o p a c i t y w i n d o w f i l m s . T h(e1s2e: n3e0w ) t e c h n o l o Jgaimese as nHde nthrey,i rD pigoitteanl tViaiel wa,p Mploicrgataino nHsi lwl, iCllA b e d e s c r i b e d a l o n g w i t h p i c t u r e s a n d v i d e o s o f t h e d iBspoolatyhs 1. 622 Many of today’s mainstream applications for displays started as small-volume niches. Digital View has been helping companies with new display applications for nearly 25 years. This presentation will explore the development of new markets and uses for displays. www.displayweek.org 48 p47-55 Exhibitor Forum_Layout 1 4/23/2019 9:51 AM Page 49 TuesDay, May 14, execuTive BallrooM session F2: Display MeTrology 2:00 – 2:30 pm F2.1: augmented and Mixed-reality Display Metrology for r&D and production (2:00) Quality assurance Sonika Obheroi, Gamma Scientific, San Diego, CA Booth 1434 Proper display metrology for AR and MR displays that yields repeatable and reproducible color, luminance, resolution, field curvature, binocular convergence, and distortion correlating to eye perception is difficult to achieve. TFh2e.2 G: a m nmeaw Spcrieongtrifeics-spivatee nTteecdh nHoiRloesgNicEaDlc ianms trteulemsceonptes- beansaebdl esy esvteamlusa wtiiotnh oauf tvorfo/caurs a n d s u b - a r c (m2i:n1u5te) resolutioann mda ckue rthvesde omleeasDu rsecmrenetnss routine. Randy Klimek, Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Ramsey, NJ Booth 1528 Konica Minolta Sensing Americas presents breakthrough technology for evaluating increasingly sophisticated modern display applications such as VR/AR and curved OLED screens. Come join the company as it introduces its Spectroradiometer CS-2000A, optimized for measuring absolute spectrums of virtual images. In addition, the discussion will include Konica’s Color Analyzer CA-410, which is used for high-speed measurement of precise luminance, chromaticity, and flicker of HDR displays including curved OLED screens. session F3: ToucH TecHnology 2:30 – 3:00 pm F3.1: advanced infrared interaction sensors (2:30) Richard Berglind, Neonode, Inc., San Jose, CA Booth 742 Neonode provides infrared sensor modules suitable for a wide variety of interaction technology, ranging from touch tFo3 m.2i:d - a ior nco-cnetrlol lTs.o Tuhceh o p t i c a l t e c h n o l o g y b e h i n d t h e s e n s o r s m a k e s t h e m s u i t a b l e n o t o n l y f o r f l a t s u r f a (c2es:4 b5u)t a l s o f o r cSytlrianidgrhitc aLliluy, cJMonOc aDviesp sluaryf, aSciensg,a wpohrice h m a k e s i t p o s s i b l e t o a d d t o u c h t o c u r v e d o r r o l l a b l e d i s p l a yBso. oth 340 JMO’s overview presentation will include a discussion of the company’s milestones with regard to on-cell products; on-cell technology compared to G+G CTP; general advantages of on-cell technology; and a description of the different product models available. 2019 Display Week 49 p47-55 Exhibitor Forum_Layout 1 4/23/2019 9:51 AM Page 50 WeDnesDay, May 15, execuTive BallrooM session F4: Display coMponenTs 10:45 am – 12:00 pm F4.1: glass for the growing oxide Market (10:45) Po-Hua (PH) Su, Corning, Inc., Corning, NY Booth 1119 The oxide display market continues to emerge as an important opportunity for the industry. In this presentation, CFo4r.n2i: n g eFxTaom,i nae Bs uoniled viniegw B olfo thcek m foark Tert ands pteacrhennolto eglye, acntrdo snhaicress o hno wg lCaosrsn i n g d i s p l a y g l a s s f u l f i l l s a n d ( 1ex1c:e0e0d)s g l a s s r e q Nueiriel mMceSnptso rfroarn o, xPiidlkei pnagntoenls N. orth America, Toledo, OH Booth 1640 Although indium tin oxide (ITO) is the most well-known transparent conductive coating, fluorine-doped tin-oxide (FF4T.O3): i s Tuesesdt ainn ldar vgae lviodlautmioens uTnedcehr nthiqe uberasn fdo nr aamdev NanSGc eTdE CD.
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