NEBRASKA BLUE BOOK,1915. in Second District- James L a ird, 1883-August 18, 1889. Gilbert L. Laws, 1889-1891. Elected to fill vacancy. W . A. McKeighan, ,1891-1893. D. H. Mercer, 1893-1903. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, 1903-1905, 1909-1911. John L. Kennedy, 1905-1907. C. O. Lobeck, 1911 to date. · Third Distrlct- E . K. Valentine, 1883-1885. G. W. E . Dorsey, 1885-1891. O. M. Kem, 1891-1893. Geo. D. Meiklejohn, 1893-1897. Samuel Ma..,well, 1897-1899. John S. Robinson, 1899-1903. J . J. McCarthy, 1903-1907. J . F. Boyd, 1907-1909. '1 James ~. Latta, 1909-1913. Dan V. Stephens, 1913 to date. Fourt h District- E. J. H a iner, 1893-1897. William L. Stark, 1897-1903. Edmund H. Hinsha w, 1903-1909. C. H. Sloan, 1911 to date. Fifth District- W. A. McKeighan, 1893-1895. W. E . Andrews, 1895-1897. R. D. Sutherland, 1897-1901. A. C. Sha llenberger, 1901-1903. G. W . Norris, 1903-1913. Silas R. Barton, 1913 to ] 915. Sixth District- O. M. Kem, 1893 -1897. William L. Green, 1899-1901. William Neville, 1901-1903. Moses P . Kinkaid, 1903 to date. TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURES. FIRST LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Regular Session, 185;;. Convened at Omaha J a nuary 16, 1855, a nd adjourned March ] 6, ] 855. Council. President-J. L . Sharp, of Richardson. Secretary-G. F. Miller. Sergeant-at-Arms-S. A . Lewis. Doorkeep er-N. R Folsom. Burt-B. R. Folsom. Washington-J. C. Mitche,ll. Dodge-M. H. Cla rk. Douglas-T. G. Goodwill, A. D . Jones, O. D. Richa rdson, S. E.
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