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NEBRASKA BLUE BOOK,1915. in Second District- James L a ird, 1883-August 18, 1889. Gilbert L. Laws, 1889-1891. Elected to fill vacancy. W . A. McKeighan, ,1891-1893. D. H. Mercer, 1893-1903. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, 1903-1905, 1909-1911. John L. Kennedy, 1905-1907. C. O. Lobeck, 1911 to date. · Third Distrlct- E . K. Valentine, 1883-1885. G. W. E . Dorsey, 1885-1891. O. M. Kem, 1891-1893. Geo. D. Meiklejohn, 1893-1897. Samuel Ma..,well, 1897-1899. John S. Robinson, 1899-1903. J . J. McCarthy, 1903-1907. J . F. Boyd, 1907-1909. '1 James ~. Latta, 1909-1913. Dan V. Stephens, 1913 to date. Fourt h District- E. J. H a iner, 1893-1897. William L. Stark, 1897-1903. Edmund H. Hinsha w, 1903-1909. C. H. Sloan, 1911 to date. Fifth District- W. A. McKeighan, 1893-1895. W. E . Andrews, 1895-1897. R. D. Sutherland, 1897-1901. A. C. Sha llenberger, 1901-1903. G. W . Norris, 1903-1913. Silas R. Barton, 1913 to ] 915. Sixth District- O. M. Kem, 1893 -1897. William L. Green, 1899-1901. William Neville, 1901-1903. Moses P . Kinkaid, 1903 to date. TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURES. FIRST LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Regular Session, 185;;. Convened at Omaha J a nuary 16, 1855, a nd adjourned March ] 6, ] 855. Council. President-J. L . Sharp, of Richardson. Secretary-G. F. Miller. Sergeant-at-Arms-S. A . Lewis. Doorkeep er-N. R Folsom. Burt-B. R. Folsom. Washington-J. C. Mitche,ll. Dodge-M. H. Cla rk. Douglas-T. G. Goodwill, A. D . Jones, O. D. Richa rdson, S. E. Rogel , Cass- L. Nuckolls. Pierce-H . Bradford, H . P. Benn et, C. H . Cowles. Forney- Richard Brown. House. Speaker-A. J. Hanscom, of Douglas. Chief Clerk-J. oW. Paddock. Sergeant-at-Arms-J. L . Gibbs. Doorkeeper-B. B. Thompson. Douglas- W. N. Byers, Wm. Clancy, F. Davidson, Thos. Davis, A. D. Goyer, A . J. Poppleton, Robert B. Whitted. 22 NEBRASKA BLUE BOOK,1915. Burt~J. B. Robertson, A. C. P urple. Washington-A. Arnold, A . J. Smith. Dodge-E. R. Doyle, J. ""V. Richardson. Cass-J. M. L a tham, W m. Kempton, J . D. N. Thompson. Pierce-G. B ennet , .T. H. Cowles, J. H. Deck er, W. B. H a il, VITm. Maddox. Forney-W. A. Finney, J . M. Wood. Richardson-D. M. Johnston, J. A. Singleton. Councilmen , 1 ~; r epresenta tives, 26. SECOND LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Regula r Session, 1855. Convened a t Oma ha December 18, 1855, and a djourned Janua r y 26, 1856 . Council. , President-B. R. Folsom, of B u rt. Secreta ry-Eo G. McNeely . Se rgeant-at-Arms-C. ' 'Y. Pie rce. Richardson-J. L . Sharp. Dodge--John Eva ns. Otoe--A. A . Bradford, H. Bra dford, C. H . Cowles. Cass-S. M. Kirkpa trick. W ashington-J. C. Mitch ell. Douglas- T. G. Goodwill, A . D . J on es, O. D. Richardson, S. E. Rogers. Nemaha-Richard Brown: House. Speaker- Po C. SulJivan, of ·Washington. Chief Clerk- H. C. Anderson. Sergeant-a t-Arms-A. S. Bishop. Doorkeeper-E. B. Chinn. Richardson-A. D. Kirk. Nemaha a nd Richardson-J. Hoover. P awn ee and Richardson-Cha rles McDonald. Nemaha- W. A. Finney, S . .A . Chambers. Otoe-James H. Decker, M. W. Riden, J. Sterling Morton, Wm. B . Hail, J . C. Campbell, John Boulware. Cass and Otoe-A. M. Rose. Cass-.John F. B u ck , Wm. L a ird, J. M.cF. Hagood. Douglas-Geo. L. Miller, Wm. Larimer, Jr., Levi Harsh, W. E. Moore, Alexander Davis, Leavitt L. B owen , Alonzo F . Salisbury . Wm. Clancy. Washington a nd Burt-''Yilliam B. Beck. Dodge-Thomas Gibson. Councilmen, 13; representa tives, 26. THIRD LEGISLATIVE ASSIEMBLY Regular Session, 1857. Conven ed a t Oma h a , Janua ry 5, 1857, a nd adjourned February 13, 1857. Council. President-L. L . ' Bowen, of DouglaS. Secretary-O. F . Lake. Sergeant-at-A rms-Samuel A. Lewis. Doorkeeper-P. McDonough. Douglas- A. F. Salisbury, Geo. L. Mlller, S. E. Rogers. W ashington, Bur t, Cuming, Douglas-J. A. Allen. Otoe- A. A. B ra dford, M. S. Reeves. Cas~-S . M. Kirkpa trick. N emaha-·-R. W. Furnas. W ashington-Wm. Clancy. Richardson, Pawnee-Ch a rles McDonald. Dodge, Cas>!, Otoe-Jacob Safford. D a kota-A. ''Y. Puett. NEBRASKA BLUE BOOK ,1915. 23 House. Speak er-I. L~ Gibbs, of O toe. Chief Clerk- J : H . B rown. Ser geant-a t-Arms-P. L acomb. Doorkeep er- J . Campbell. Richardson-A. F . Cromwell, N. J. Sharp. Nema ha-W. A. Finley, I. C. L a w ren ce, S. A . Ch a mbers . Otoe-H. P. Dow n s, J. D . White, H . C. Cowles, J . C. Ellis, I. L. Gibbs, W . B . H a il. Richa rdson, P a wnee-J. A. Singleton. Cass-'V. M. Sla u ghter, H . C. 'Volph, B road Cole. L a n caster, Clay, Cass-J . A. Cardwell. p o u g l a~- S . A. S trickla n d, Joseph Dyson, C. T. Holloway, J ohn Finney, W. E . Moore, H. Johnson, J . A. Steinberger, M. Mur phy, R. K imba ll, J. Seely, ·A. J. Han scom, Geo. Armstrong. Dodge. Pla tte-Sila s E. Seeley. Washington-'-J. S. Stewa rt, Wm. Connor, E. P . Stout. Burt, Cuming- G. M. Chilcott. Dakota-S. F. W a tts, E. C. Jones. Councilmen , 13 ; representa tives, 35. FOURTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBL Y. R egula r Session, 185 7. Con vened at Oma h a , December S, 1857 , a nd a djourned J a nua r y 16, 1858. Council. Presiden t- Geo. L . Miller , of Douglas. Secreta ry- Washburn Safford. Serg ean t-a t-Arm s-John Reck. Doorkeeper-J. R . Cromwell. Doug las-L. L . B owen , A. F . Sa lisbury, S. E . Rogers. W ashington, B urt, Douglas, Cuming-J. A. Allen. Otoe-A. A . B r a dford, M. S. R eev es. Cass-S. M. Kirkpa trick . N em a ha-R. 'w . F urnas. Washington-Wm. Clancy. Richa rdson, P a wnee-Cha rles McDona ld. Dodge, Cass, Otoe-Jacob Sa fford. Dakota-A.. W . Puett. H ouse. Spea ker-J. H. Decker, of Otoe. Chief Clerk-So M. Curra n. Sergeant-a t-Arms-A. Mathia s. Doorkeeper-Isaac Fish er. Richa rdson, P a wnee-A. F. Cromwell, Wingate King, P. M. Rogers . Nema ha , Johnson-A. J. B enedict, J. S. Minick, S, A . Cha mbers. Otoe-J. Sterling Morton, J. C. Campbell, J. G. Abbey, D. B. Robb, W. B. H a il. Cass, Cla y, L a n caster, Ga ge- E. A. Donelan, '.r. M. Marquett, L. Sheldon, Joseph Va n Horn. Sarpy-So A. Strickla nd, C. T. Holla w ay, Jas. Davidson, Amos Gates. Dougla s-George Armstrong, J. A. Steinberger, Geo. Clays, J. A. S tewa rt, M. Murphy, A. J. Popple ton, W . R. Thra ll, J. W. Pad·dock. Washington-J. S. Ste.w art, A. Perkins, P. G. Cooper. Burt, Cuming-WiJlia m B. Beck. Dakota, Cedar, L 'Eall qui Court-W. G. Cra wford, E. C. Jones. Dodge, Platte-J. M. Taggart. Councilmen, 13'; representatives, 35. FIFTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Extra Session, 1858. Convened a t Omaha, September 21, 1858, and adjourned ovember 4, 1858. Council. President-L. L. Bowen, of Sarpy. Secretary-So M. Curran. Sergeant-at-Arms-John McA. Campbell. Doorkeeper- Jno. Reck. Cass-E. A. Donela n . I 24 NEBRASKA BLUE BOOK,1915. Richardson, Pawnee-E. S. Dundy. Nema h a-R. W. Furnas. Otoe-Mills S. Reeves, W. H. Taylor. Cass, Otoe, Dodge-John H. Ch eeve.r. Douglas-G. L. Miller, W. E. Moore, John R. Por ter. Washington- Geo. E. Scott. Burt,. Wasl1ington, Sarpy-Geo. W . Doa ne. Dakota-W . G. Crawford. House. Speaker-H. P . Benne t, of O toe. Chief Clerk-E. G. McNeely. Sergeant-at- Arms-J. D. N. Thompson. Doorkeeper-E. H. Rogers; Richardson, Pawnee-W. C. Fleming, A. C. Dean, J. D. Ramsey. Nemah a, Johnson-M. F. 'Clark, J esse Noel, S. G. Daily. Otoe-John Cassell, O. P. Mason, Geo. F. L ee, W. B. Hail, J . B. Wasson. Cass-Wm. R. Davis, Wm. J. Young, T. M. Marquett, R. G. Doom. Sarpy-Chas. C. Norwood, Steph~n H . Wattles, B. P . Rankin, M. J. Shields. Douglae-Jas. H. Sey mour, Clinton Briggs, R. W . Steele, Aug ustus Roeder, Jas. Stewart, Wm. A. Gwyer, Jno. A. Steinberger, Geo. Clayes. Dodge, Platte--;-H enry W. De Puy. Washington-C. D. Davis, P. G. Cooper, L . M. Kline. B urt- David L. Collier . Dakota, Cedar, L'Eau qui Court- John Taffe, D. T . B ramble. Councilmen, 13 ; R epresentatives, 35. SIXTH LEGISLATIVE A.SSEMBLY. Regular Session, 1859. Conven ed at Omah a, December 5, 1859, and a djourned J a nuary 13, 1860. Council. President-E. A . Donela n. Secretary-So M. Curran. Sergeant-a t-Ann s-J. F. Coffman. Doorkeeper-R. R. Kirkpa trick. Sarpy-Thos. J. Boykin. Dakota-Thos. T. Collier. Douglas-W. A. Little, G. L. Miller, Jno. R. Porter. Richardson, Pawnee-E. S. Dundy. Nema h a-R. W . Furnas. Otoe-Mills S. R eeves, W. H. Taylor. Cass, Otoe, Dodge-John H. Cheever. ' Vashington- Geo. E. Scott. B urt, Washington, Sarpy-G. W. Doane. House. Speaker-Silas A. Strickland, of i:;arpy. Chief Clerk- James W . Moore. Sel'geant-at-Arms-J. W. Colem a n. Doorkeeper-N. J. Sha rp, Rich a rdson- Houston Nuckolls, J. E. Burbank, Nath a n Myers. Nemaha-Geo. Crow , W., W. K eeling, J esse Noel, Jno.