This Type of Cannon, the 1.65" Hotchkiss Mountain Gun. Was Used in the Battles Ot Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890
! This type of cannon, the 1.65" Hotchkiss Mountain Gun. was used in the Battles ot Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890. and Bear Paw Mountain. Montana. in 1877. This exalnple. seriai G number 34, manufactured in 1885, is now in the collections of the Wyoming State Museum. ACROSS THE PLAINS 1N 1864 WI1'I-I GEORGE FOEMAN ............ 5 A TraveIer's Account Edited by T. A. Larson INDEPENDENCE ROCK AND DEVIL'S GATE ..................... - .....-............ 23 Robert L. Munkres THE JOHN "PORTUGEE" PHILLIPS LEGENDS, A STUDY IN WYOMING FOLKLORE ............... ........ ......................... ,.........--.. 41 Robert A. Murray POPULFSM IN WYOMING ................................................................ 57 David B. Griffiths BUILDING THE TOWN OF CODY: GEORGE T. BECK, 1894-1943 ........ ............................- .....- ....,,.. .. 73 James D. McLaird POYNT OF ROCKS-SOUTH PASS CITY FREIGHT ROAD TREK .. I07 Trek No. 18 of the Ristoricd Trail Treks Con~piledby Maurine Carley WYOMTNG STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ...................................... 128 President's Message by Adrian Reynolds Minutes of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting, September 9-10, 1967 BOOK R EVIEM'S Gressley, Thc Anlericnn West: A Reorientation .,...........,..,.......-..-+. 139 Hyde, A Life of George Bent, Written from His htters .................. 140 Kussell, Firmrms, Trrrps & Tools of the Mort~~trrinMen .................. I41 Stands In Timber and Liberty, Cheye~t~~eMemories ..................... ... 542 Karolevitz, Docfo~sof ti~eOld West ...............................................143
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