Red Bank Register Volume Lxvl, No

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Red Bank Register Volume Lxvl, No RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVL, NO. 48. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 18,1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Plan Day Nursery For Lieut. Commander Parish Dinner Eatontown Award Red Cross Annual 4 Tendered Little Resurfacing Jobs Meeting May 24 Suing Gas Company Red Bank Children Silver Rector To Fred McDowell George M. Bodman For Death Of Woman Principal Speaker Reception For Is Low Bidder for Public Meeting At "Y" George M. Bodman of Middle- Mrs. Anna J. Seddig Lost Her Rev. and Mrs. Road Improvements town township, who recently House Tomorrow Night returned from England, where he Robert Anderson In That Borough was working with the American Life In River Plaza Explosion Flans axe underway, for the A reception and parish dinner in Fred McDowell of Neptune, sub- Testimony will continue at Free- establishment of a day nursery for honor of Rev. and Mrs. Robert' H. mittlng the lower of two bids for hold today and tomorrow in a $50,' Red Bank children between 2 and 6 Graduated From Anderson, Jr., was given by St. the resurfacing df Grant avenue 000 suit brought against the Capt. Van Note years old. In order to explain.the John's guild of Little Silver Wed- and for similar improvements to County Gas company of Atlantic project further, a , public meeting Temple School nesday evening of last week at the other streets in Eatontown, was Highlands by the survivors of Mrs. will ba held tomorrow night at the parish house. Following the din- awarded the two contracts on the Anna J. Seddig, 65-year-old River In Charge Of "Y" house on Riverside avenue. ner speeches were made by Rev. recommendation of Engineer O. W, Plaza woman who was killed Representatives of women's clubs, Of Theology Morton A. Barnes and V. Parker Morris at a regular meeting last March 29, 1943, when three ex War Prisoners civic groups and service organiza- Wilkinson. On behalf of the mem- Friday night of the mayor and plosions followed by fire wrecked tions have been Invited to attend. bers of St. John's chapel and other council of the borough. her home at 55 Foster street. The .meeting lg in charge of Mrs. Rev. John M. Long of friends, Mr. Wilkinson presented a MoDowell's bid for the Grant Mrs. Seddtg died less than four Red Bank Army Lee Wood Taylor, who has been wedding gift to Mrs. Anderson In avenue job was $1,733.40 and for hours after the tragedy. Sh« had making a child care survey In Red Highlands Church the form of a puree. the resurfacing of various other been dragged from the cellar of Officer Home. Bank. The survey, not yet com- LT. COMDR. COPPERTHWAITE Later in the evening the guests streets in the borough, $2,989.45. her home by two men after the pldted, to date shows there la a Receives Degree were entertained by colored slide The other bids, submitted by Con- first of the three explosions and For Two Weeks need for a day nursery in Red Lieut. Harry J. Copperthwaite of pictures. Some were local scenes over and Sutphen of Freehold, were was taken to Rivervlew hospital Bank. The nursery would be open Rev. John M. Long, pastor of Lake avenue, who Is stationed at which had been photographed by $1,822.50 and $3,281.78, respectively. where emergency treatment was Capt. Harry T. VanNote, Jr, 12 hours a day, and would be for Highlands Methodist church, was Quantlco, Virginia, after two years' Edward McCIellan, Jr. An ordinance providing for the given before the Red Bank am- children of both working and non- United States Army, son of Deputy graduated this morning from sea duty In the U. S. Navy, has Present besides those mentioned laying of sidewalks and curbing on bulance took her to Fitkin hos- Police Chief and Mrs. Harry T. working parents. The nursery Temple School of Theology, Phila- been promoted to the rank of lieu- were Rev. C, M. Burck, Mrs. Hoff- Broad street from White's corner pital. would be staffed by a trained paid VanNota _ of PInckney road, haa delphia, with the degree of bache- tenant commander. His wife, the ner, Mrs. Sprague, Miss Lillian to Husky brook was introduced and Suit in Mrs. Seddlg's name was instructor, and a corps of volun- been spending a 14-day leave of al>- lor of sacred theology. former Marlon Hogalh, will leave Bates, Mr. and Mrs. John Bates, passed on first reading. The ordi- brought by her son, Herman, Jr., teers. A nominal fee would be sence from the Prisoner of War tomorrow to Join him. Comdr. Joseph White, Mr. and Mre. Fred nance appears elsewhere in this is- who Is now overseas with the charged. The young minister received the camp at Opellka, Alabama, whera degree of bachelor of science in ed- Copperthwaite Is the son of Mr. L. Ayere, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben sue. army. Another son, George, Is he is assistant commander of head- and Mrs. Harry Copperthwaite of The project Is endorsed by the ucation upon htj graduation from Taylor, Mrs. Frank Giles, Avery The annual Insurance report (or also In the army and was Tuesday's quarters detachment and officer in Red Bank Chamber of Commerce, Pearl street. Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Marks, principal witness. He Is a corporal. Temple university and while pur- 1943 waB submitted by Councilman GEORGE M. BODMAN charge of the guarding of prisoner* the USO Travelers aid, the Amal- suing the theological courses the Mr. and Mre. Edward Worthley. Frederick B. Phllipp, who also an- The plaintiffs are represented by of war. agamated Clothing Workers of Miss Mildred Moore, Miss Harriet nounced the completion of the Red Cross, will be the speaker at Theodore J. Labrecque, Red Bank, America and the Bendix corpora- Moore, Mrs. Lois Hardiman, Dr. Rumson Students shrubbery planting In the park. the annual meeting of Monmouth and the company, a subsidiary of tion here. and Mrs. Milton Ross, Miss Mar- Much favorable comment has been Red. Cross _ chapter Wednesday the Publio Service corporation, by Through members of the Cham- garet Fahey, Miss Florence Fahey, heard over this Improvement night next week at Dave's Blue Henry J; Sorensoni Newark. ber of Commerce, the child care Mrs. Jessie Spencer, Mrs. V. Park- Assume Roles Of Council voted its annual contri- Room, Ocean avenue, West End. The plaintiffs contend that faulty survey questionnaire has been dis- er Wilkinson, Capt. and Mre. W. bution of $15 to Theodore Roose- Bernard L. 3eiple of Allenhurst, Installation and maintenance of the tributed by Red Bank business N. Rae, Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, velt camp 23, Spanish War Veter- chapter chairman, will preside. gas supply line into the cellar of firms as to how children of work- Borough Officials MrB. Gertrude Davis, Miss Fannie ans, of Long Branch, for the Annual reports of all the corps' their home was responsible for con- ing parents are cared for and If Davis, Robert Sickles, Miss Char- camp's decorating of the graves of ditions which led to the explosions non-working mothers would take lotte Sickles, Mrs. Edward McClel- will be distributed in book form. war veterans Memorial day. The entire staff of officers and ex- and lire. This the company denies defense or volunteer Jobs if their Observe Operation lan, Jr., Parker McCIellan, Barbara and Mr. Sorenson told the Jury children could be properly cared McCIellan, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Fifteen recommendations by the ecutive committee members will be Youth Good Government officials nominated and elected. Jacob Herr there were two acetelyene tanks, for during their working hours. Of Departments of Kienk, Dorothy and James Klenk, two sulphur dioxide tanks, a 35- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Germond, were received and read at the of Long Branch la nominations Mrs. Mary Ryan of the USO council session. They were out- chairman. gallon drum used to store motor Travelers aid reports that It Is dif- The Municipality Peter and Jerry Germond, Atiss oil, a five-gallon kerosene can, and Julia Parker, Douglas Parker, lined in the May 4 Issue of the Red ficult to find people In Red Bank Bank Register. a small electrlo motor in the eel willing to take In a serviceman's A double aet of officials function- Stanley Parker, Mr. and Mrs. John lar. The attorney has also drag Speeding on the Improved Pine wife and small- child. Of the 1,. ed at tho meeting of the Rumson Borden, Nancy Lee Borden, Phyl- ged In the plpeless furnace as a Brook road, chiefly by government Amend Zoning 500 listings, registered, only 110 mayor and council last Thursday lis Wright, Patricia Pound, Mr. and possible cause for the blast. cars and trucks, has created a haz- will take servicemen's families. night. Sitting beside the mayor MrB. Edward Da vies, Marshall Van- ard particularly to residents of The sulphur dioxide tanks, the She pointed out that If resident*, and each member of the council Winkle, Marshall VanWinkle, Jr., Ordinance In Lewis street, Councilman Spencer motor and a compressor attached who rent rooms knew their ten- and the borough clerk were Rum- Mrs. W. J. T. Getty, Jackie Water- M. Patterson reported. Efforts will to It were used to operate a home- ants' children were at nursery son students elected by their fellow [bury, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Wel- be made to remedy the situation. Middletown Twp. made electric refrigerator assembl- school most of the day, they would students under the youth govern- ] gand, Mr. and Mrs.
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