THE DUTCH ENGAGEMENT IN URUZGAN: 2006 to 2010 A TLO socio-political assessment The Tirin Kot–Chora Road / GTZ August 2010 1 © 2010, The Liaison Office. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be re - produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher, The Liaison Office. Permission can be obtained by emailing
[email protected] Acknowledgements This report builds upon five years of TLO work in Southern Afghanistan. TLO would like to emphasize its commitment to independent and impartial re - search. Findings in this report are the sole opinion of TLO and do not neces - sarily reflect the views and position of the Dutch government. The authors would like to thank all community and shura members, district and provincial officials, and key informants who spent time with the research team, and the staff in the Uruzgan office who assisted with the practical mat - ters associated with fieldwork in Uruzgan. Finally, the authors would like to thank TLO colleagues for their invaluable comments and assistance. About The Liaison Office (TLO) The Liaison Office (TLO) is an independent Afghan non-governmental organ - ization seeking to improve local governance, stability and security through systematic and institutionalized engagement with customary structures, local communities, and civil society groups. TLO’s mission is to facilitate the formal integration of communities and their traditional governance structures within Afghanistan’s newly emerging peace, governance and reconstruction frame - work. TLO main areas of activity are Research/Analysis using the do-no harm ap - proach; Dialogue facilitation/Peacebuilding, and Natural Resource Manage - ment.