(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.284.609 B2 Tomlins Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.284.609 B2 Tomlins Et Al USOO9284609B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.284.609 B2 Tomlins et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 15, 2016 (54) RECURRENT GENE FUSIONS IN PROSTATE 4,683, 195 A 7, 1987 Mullis et al. CANCER 4,683.202 A 7, 1987 Mullis et al. 4,800,159 A 1/1989 Mullis et al. 4,873,191 A 10/1989 Wagner et al. (75) Inventors: Scott Tomlins, Ann Arbor, MI (US); 4,965,188 A 10/1990 Mullis et al. Daniel Rhodes, Ann Arbor, MI (US); 4,968,103 A 1 1/1990 McNab et al. Arul Chinnaiyan, Ann Arbor, MI (US); 5,130,238 A 7, 1992 Malek et al. Rohit Mehra, Ann Arbor, MI (US); 5,225,326 A 7/1993 Bresser 5,270,184 A 12/1993 Walker et al. Mark Rubin New York, NY (US); 5,283,174. A 2/1994 Arnold, Jr. et al. Xiao-Wei Sun, New York, NY (US); 5,283,317. A 2/1994 Saifer et al. Sven Perner, Ellwaugen (DE); Charles 5,399,491 A 3, 1995 Kacian et al. 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