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MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION The Mississippi River Commission (MRC) was improvements to include levees, headwater reservoirs, created by an act of Congress on June 28, 1879. The and pumping stations that maximize the benefits Flood Control Act of May 15, 1928, authorized the realized on the main stem by expanding flood Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries protection coverage and improving drainage into (MR&T) Project. The Commission consists of three adjacent areas within the alluvial valley. officers of the Corps of Engineers, one from the former Coast and Geodetic Survey (presently the National Since its initiation, the MR&T project has brought Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and three an unprecedented degree of flood protection to the civilians, two of whom must be civil engineers. All approximate 4 million people living in the members are appointed by the President with the advice 35,000-square-mile project area within the lower and consent of the Senate. Mississippi Valley. The Nation has contributed more than $13 billion toward the planning, construction, The MRC has a proud heritage that dates back to operation, and maintenance of the project. To date, the June 28, 1879. Congress established the seven-member Nation has received a 27 to 1 return on that investment, presidential Commission with the mission to transform including $360 billion in flood damages prevented. the Mississippi River into a reliable commercial artery, while protecting adjacent towns and fertile agricultural The MRC continued its 130-year process of lands from destructive floods. The 1879 legislation that listening to the concerns of partners and stakeholders in created MRC granted the body extensive planning the Mississippi valley, inspecting the challenges posed authority and jurisdiction on the Mississippi River by the river, and partnering to find sustainable stretching from its headwaters at Lake Itasca to the engineering solutions to those challenges through the Head of Passes, near its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico.
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