User’s Requirement for 7 of 4-car City Line Sets ตามเอกสารการประกวดราคาซื้อด้วยวิธีการทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ ข้อ ๑.๑ (๑)

รายการละเอียด คุณลักษณะเฉพาะ รถไฟฟ้าธรรมดา (City Line Airport Rail Link) General & technical Specification User’s Requirement for 7 of 4-car City Line Train Sets

รายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ ตามเอกสารประกวดราคาซื้อด้วยวิธีการทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ ข้อ ๑.๑

การซื้อ รถไฟฟ้าธรรมดา (City Line Airport Rail Link) จ านวน ๗ ขบวน พร้อมเครื่องอะไหล่ เลขที่ บฟ.อ./๕๗๐๐๐๔

ข้อที่ จ านวน รายการละเอียด ๑. 7 City Line Train Sets and Spare parts Sets as per S.R.T. electrified Train Co.,Ltd. General & Technical Specification User’s Requirement for 7 of 4-car City Line train sets for Standard gauge track (1,435 mm) operating on a 25 kV AC System. With maximum speed not less than 160 km/h. ------ก าหนดความต้องการของ ๑) ผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคาต้องแจ้งแหล่งก าเนิดและประเทศผู้ผลิต (Original Country) ให้ทราบโดยชัดเจน พร้อมแนบหนังสือรับรองดังนี้ ๑.๑) กรณีผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคาเป็นผู้แทนจ าหน่ายโดยตรง ให้แนบหนังสือรับรอง จากผู้ผลิต (Manufacturer) ให้ผู้เสนอราคาเป็นผู้แทนจ าหน่าย ๑.๒) กรณีผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคามิได้เป็นผู้แทนจ าหน่ายโดยตรง ให้แนบหนังสือ รับรองจากผู้แทนจ าหน่ายให้เป็นผู้ยื่นข้อเสนอ พร้อมหนังสือแต่งตั้งผู้แทนจ าหน่าย ตามข้อ ๑.๑) ๒) ผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคาต้องจัดส่ง แคตตาล็อก และ/หรือ แบบรูปรายการละเอียด คุณลักษณะเฉพาะ (Specification) ของรถไฟฟ้าที่เสนอ, คู่มือ การใช้/ การบ ารุงรักษา และรายการเครื่องอะไหล่ ส่วนประกอบของผลิตภัณฑ์ที่เสนอด้วย ทั้งนี้ แบบรูปรายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะของรถไฟฟ้าที่เสนอ ต้องบันทึกลงแผ่นบันทึกข้อมูล (CD or DVD) ในรูปแบบ File Electric ชนิด PDF จ านวน ๒ แผ่น และรูปแบบ Microsoft Word จ านวน ๒ แผ่น ด้วย ๓) การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทยประสงค์จะจัดซื้อเครื่องอะไหล่ส าหรับใช้ในการซ่อมบ ารุง ขบวนรถไฟฟ้าธรรมดา จ านวน ๗ ขบวน ที่จัดซื้อในครั้งนี้ ตามรายการใน Appendix 7 Minimum Spare Part and Consumables List จึงให้ผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคาเสนอแบบรูปรายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ (Specification), ยี่ห้อ และประเทศผู้ผลิต พร้อมราคา ที่รวมภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม และภาษีอื่นๆ (ถ้ามี) รวมค่าใช้จ่ายทั้งปวงไว้ด้วยแล้ว ส่งมอบ ณ ศูนย์ซ่อมบ ารุง ที่คลองตัน กรุงเทพมหานคร โดยต้องเสนอก าหนดส่งมอบไม่เกิน ๒๔ เดือน นับถัดจาก วันลงนามในสัญญาซื้อขาย และต้องยืนยันราคาเครื่องอะไหล่ ไม่น้อยกว่า ๒๔ เดือน นับแต่วันที่เปิดซองใบเสนอราคา ตามแบบใบเสนอราคาเครื่องอะไหล่ ในข้อ ๑.๑ (๔)

รายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ ตามเอกสารประกวดราคาซื้อด้วยวิธีการทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ ข้อ 1.1 - ๒ -

ข้อที่ จ านวน รายการละเอียด

รฟท. จะพิจารณาจัดซื้อเครื่องอะไหล่ตามความจ าเป็นและความต้องการ ในมูลค่ารวมไม่เกินร้อยละสิบ (๑๐) ของราคารถไฟฟ้าธรรมดา จ านวน ๗ ขบวน โดยคณะกรรมการประกวดราคาตามโครงการจะท าการเปิดซองเสนอราคา เฉพาะผู้มีสิทธิเสนอราคาที่ชนะการประกวดราคาซื้อด้วยวิธีการทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์เท่านั้น ๔) การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทย มีแผนจะด าเนินการจัดจ้างซ่อมบ ารุงขบวนรถไฟฟ้าธรรมดา จ านวน ๗ ขบวน ที่จัดซื้อในครั้งนี้ ในระยะเวลาการจ้าง ๕ ปี จึงให้ผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคา เสนอแผนการรับจ้างซ่อมบ ารุงขบวนรถไฟฟ้าธรรมดาดังกล่าว โดยให้เสนอรายละเอียด การซ่อมบ ารุง พร้อมราคาเครื่องอะไหล่ที่ใช้ในการซ่อมบ ารุง, ภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม และภาษี อื่นๆ (ถ้ามี) และรวมค่าใช้จ่ายอื่นทั้งปวงไว้ด้วย ซึ่งการรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทยจะใช้เป็น ข้อมูลประกอบการพิจารณาขออนุมัติด าเนินการต่อไป ๕) การรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทยมีแผนจะจัดซื้อเครื่องมือพิเศษ (Special Tools) ส าหรับใช้ ในการซ่อมบ ารุงขบวนรถไฟฟ้าธรรมดา จ านวน ๗ ขบวน ที่จัดซื้อในครั้งนี้ ตามรายการ ใน Appendix 8 Special tools List and Maintenance Support Facilities จึงให้ผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคาเสนอแบบรูปรายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ (Specification), ยี่ห้อ และประเทศผู้ผลิต พร้อมราคา ที่รวมภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม และภาษีอื่นๆ (ถ้ามี) รวมค่าใช้จ่ายทั้งปวงไว้ด้วยแล้ว ส่งมอบ ณ ศูนย์ซ่อมบ ารุง ที่คลองตัน กรุงเทพมหานคร ซึ่งการรถไฟแห่งประเทศไทยจะใช้เป็นข้อมูลประกอบการพิจารณา ขออนุมัติด าเนินการต่อไป ในการเสนอราคา ผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคาต้องปิดผนึกซองให้เรียบร้อยจ่าหน้าซอง ถึง ประธานคณะกรรมการประกวดราคาตามโครงการ โดยระบุไว้ที่หน้าซองแต่ละซองว่า “ซองเสนอราคาเครื่องอะไหล่” / “ซองเสนอราคาเครื่องมือพิเศษ (Special Tools)” / “ซองเสนอราคาซ่อมบ ารุงรักษาในระบบ Full Service” พร้อมชื่อผู้ประสงค์จะเสนอราคา

การเสนอราคาเครื่องอะไหล่ / การซ่อมบ ารุงรักษาฯ / เครื่องมือพิเศษ ดังกล่าว ไม่ถือเป็นข้อผูกพันว่าการรถไฟฯ จะต้องซื้อเครื่องอะไหล่ / จ้างซ่อมบ ารุงรักษาฯ หรือซื้อเครื่องมือพิเศษ ดังกล่าวแต่อย่างใด

รายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ ตามเอกสารประกวดราคาซื้อด้วยวิธีการทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ ข้อ 1.1 - ๓ -

ข้อที่ จ านวน รายการละเอียด

การตรวจสอบการผลิต ณ แหล่งผลิต การรถไฟฯ จะแต่งตั้งวิศวกรของการรถไฟฯ และเจ้าหน้าที่ผู้เกี่ยวข้อง เป็นคณะวิศวกรตรวจ เพื่อท าการตรวจรถไฟฟ้าธรรมดา ให้เป็นไปตามรายการ ละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะและสัญญาซื้อขาย ณ โรงงานของผู้ผลิต โดยการรถไฟฯ เป็นผู้จ่ายเงินค่าเดินทาง ค่าที่พัก ค่าอาหาร และค่าใช้จ่ายส่วนตัวของคณะวิศวกรตรวจ และผู้ขายสัญญาว่าจะอ านวยความสะดวกในการเข้าและออกจากโรงงานของผู้ผลิต ได้ทุกโอกาสที่เหมาะสม และยินยอมให้ตรวจด้วยดี ตลอดจนจัดสถานที่ เครื่องมือ เครื่องใช้ ส าหรับการตรวจตามความจ าเป็นให้แก่คณะวิศวกรตรวจด้วย คณะวิศวกรตรวจมีอ านาจไม่เห็นชอบในส่วนหนึ่งส่วนใดหรือทั้งหมด ของรถไฟฟ้าที่ตรวจก็ได้ หากเห็นว่าไม่เป็นไปตามเงื่อนไขของการผลิตตามที่ผู้ขาย ได้เสนอไว้ ในกรณีเช่นนี้ผู้ขายจะต้องเปลี่ยนให้โดยไม่ชักช้า และถึงแม้จะได้มี การตรวจดังกล่าวแล้ว ผู้ขายยังต้องรับผิดชอบต่อการที่จะต้องส่งมอบรถไฟฟ้าให้แก่ผู้ซื้อ ในสภาพเรียบร้อยถูกต้องตามแผนผังและรายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ ทุกประการ ปราศจากความช ารุดใด ๆ และส่งทันตามก าหนดเวลา เมื่อวิศวกรตรวจประสงค์จะทราบแหล่งผลิต แคตตาล็อก และ/หรือ แผนผังของชิ้นส่วนใด ๆ ที่ใช้ประกอบการสร้างรถไฟฟ้า ผู้ขายจะต้องจัดให้ ตามความประสงค์นั้น ๆ ด้วย การตรวจของคณะวิศวกรตรวจที่โรงงานผู้ผลิตให้ถือเป็นการตรวจเบื้องต้น ต่อจากนั้น จะต้องมีการตรวจจ านวน สภาพ และทดสอบการขับเคลื่อนและทดสอบ สมรรถนะในประเทศไทยอีกครั้งหนึ่ง โดยคณะกรรมการตรวจรับพัสดุ ซึ่งการรถไฟฯ จะได้แต่งตั้งขึ้น หากปรากฏว่าเป็นไปไม่ถูกต้องตามรายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ ทางเทคนิค ผู้ขายจะต้องจัดการเปลี่ยนแปลงแก้ไขให้ถูกต้องเรียบร้อยเสียก่อน โดย ผู้ขายเป็นผู้เสียค่าใช้จ่ายในการนี้เองทั้งสิ้น เมื่อคณะกรรมการตรวจรับพัสดุดังกล่าว ตรวจรับแล้ว และการรถไฟฯ เห็นชอบด้วย จึงจะถือว่าเป็นการตรวจรับที่สมบูรณ์ ก าหนดเวลาส่งรถไฟฟ้าให้ใหม่ หรือการแก้ไขดังกล่าวในวรรคก่อน จะต้องอยู่ในก าหนดระยะเวลาที่ผู้ขายเสนอไว้ตามใบยื่นข้อเสนอฯ หากพ้นก าหนดเวลา ดังกล่าว ผู้ขายยินยอมให้การรถไฟฯ ปรับเป็นรายวันในอัตราร้อยละ ๐.๑๕ ของราคา รถไฟฟ้าที่ยังไม่ส่ง

รายการละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะ ตามเอกสารประกวดราคาซื้อด้วยวิธีการทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ ข้อ 1.1 - ๔ -

ข้อที่ จ านวน รายการละเอียด

ในระหว่างที่คณะกรรมการตรวจรับพัสดุซึ่งการรถไฟฯ แต่งตั้ง ด าเนินการ ตรวจรับรถไฟฟ้าอยู่นั้น ผู้ขายยอมให้กรรมการตรวจรับพัสดุและการรถไฟฯ ด าเนินการ ตรวจทดลองและใช้รถไฟฟ้าได้เต็มที่ โดยการรถไฟฯ เป็นผู้เสียค่าใช้จ่ายเองทั้งสิ้น และจะไม่อ้างเหตุนี้ ให้การรถไฟฯ เสียประโยชน์ใด ๆ ทั้งสิ้น เครื่องมือเครื่องใช้ใด ๆ ที่ผู้ขายได้น าเข้ามาในประเทศไทยในนามของ การรถไฟฯ เพื่อใช้ในกิจการตามสัญญานี้ให้ถือว่าเป็นสมบัติของการรถไฟฯ ผู้ขายจะต้องจัดส่งใบรับรองการตรวจสอบของวิศวกรตรวจ ณ โรงงานผลิต ไปให้แก่คณะกรรมการตรวจรับพัสดุเมื่อส่งมอบของด้วย


S.R.T. Electrified Train Co., Ltd.

Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link & City Air Terminal

General & Technical Specification

User’s Requirement for 7 of 4-car City Line train sets

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Date Author



Deputy Project Date

Manager Signature


Date Project Manager


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1 SCOPE OF WORKS ...... 9 1.1 Obligations of the Bidders ...... 9 1.2 Project Phases and Documents ...... 10 1.3 Tendering Requirements ...... 12

2 Qualification of Manufacturers ...... 15 2.1 References ...... 15 2.2 Certificates ...... 16

3 Basic System Description ...... 16 3.1 Features and System Layout ...... 16 3.2 Suvarnabhumi Airport Express service ...... 18 3.3 Suvarnabhumi Airport City Line service ...... 19 3.4 Train Configuration ...... 19

4 Operations Concept ...... 19 4.1 Start-up...... 19 4.2 Train Departure from Depot ...... 20 4.3 Reversing ...... 21 4.4 Multiple Units operation ...... 21 4.5 Train Access for Operations Staff ...... 22 4.6 Rigging-up, Shut-down and Stabling of ...... 22 4.7 Depot Operation ...... 23 4.8 Improvement of the Train Service Capacity ...... 23 4.9 Emergency Management Concept and Degraded Operations ...... 23 4.9.1 Basic Features ...... 23 4.9.2 Safety of Passengers ...... 24 4.9.3 Safety Concept and Risk Analysis ...... 24 4.9.4 Fire Protection ...... 25 4.9.5 Trouble-Shooting ...... 27 4.9.6 Emergency Power Supply ...... 27 4.9.7 Train Rescue ...... 28

5 Design Requirements ...... 29 5.1 Fundamental Design Concept ...... 29 5.2 Main Objectives...... 29 5.3 Design Criteria and Standards ...... 29 5.4 Environmental Conditions ...... 32 5.4.1 Local Environment Data ...... 32 5.4.2 Noise Level ...... 33 5.5 Basic Design Concept...... 35

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6 Performance Requirements ...... 41 6.1 Basic Design Requirements ...... 41 6.2 Engineering Calculation ...... 42 6.3 Crashworthiness ...... 43 6.4 Interfaces ...... 44 6.5 Prevention of Vandalism ...... 46 6.6 Loads and Jerk Limits ...... 46 6.7 Car Body ...... 47 6.8 Driver’s ...... 48 6.9 Train Access and Doors ...... 50 6.9.1 Train Access ...... 50 6.9.2 Safety and Risk Assessment for Doors ...... 51 6.9.3 Safety Integrity Level (SIL) ...... 52 6.9.4 Mechanical Requirements for Doors ...... 52 6.9.5 Passenger Door Control...... 54 6.9.6 Door Opening and Closing Times ...... 56 6.9.7 Door Operation Criteria ...... 56 6.9.8 Audio Visual Indications during Door Opening and Closing ...... 57 6.9.9 Door Interfaces ...... 58 6.9.10 Internal Emergency Egress Device (IEED) ...... 58 6.9.11 External Emergency Access Device (EEAD) ...... 59 6.9.12 Driver’s Cab Doors ...... 59 6.10 Passenger Compartment ...... 60 6.10.1 Layout ...... 60 6.10.2 Compartment Features ...... 61 Passenger Seats ...... 61 Stanchions and Handholds ...... 62 6.10.3 Passenger Comfort ...... 62 6.10.4 Train Passage ...... 63 6.10.5 Space for Wheelchairs/Handicapped People and Multi-purpose Space ...... 63 6.10.6 Interior Lighting ...... 64 6.11 Air Conditioning and Ventilation ...... 64 6.11.1 Air Conditioning System for Passenger’s Saloon ...... 65 6.11.2 Air Conditioning System of Driver’s Cab ...... 68 6.11.3 Emergency Ventilation ...... 69 6.12 Windows ...... 69 6.12.1 Windscreens ...... 69 6.12.2 Side Windows ...... 69 6.12.3 Door Windows ...... 70 6.13 Passenger Information System ...... 70

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7 Construction Requirements ...... 90 7.1 Basic Design ...... 90 7.2 Adhesive Bonded Joints and Screwed Fastening ...... 92 7.2.1 Adhesive Bonding Joints ...... 92 7.2.2 Screw Fastening and Bolting ...... 93 7.2.3 Welding ...... 94 7.3 Corrosion Protection ...... 95 7.4 Vehicle Dynamics ...... 96 7.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ...... 97 7.6 and WheelSets...... 97 7.6.1 main technical data ...... 97 7.6.2 Bogie Frame ...... 98 7.6.3 sets ...... 99 7.6.4 Wheel set Bearings ...... 99 7.6.5 Primary Suspension ...... 99 7.6.6 Secondary Suspension ...... 100 7.6.7 Pneumatic Brake Assembly ...... 100 7.6.8 Pneumatic Piping Assembly ...... 100 7.6.9 Wheel Flange Lubrication ...... 101 7.6.10 Tests and Certificates ...... 101 7.6.11 Running Behaviour ...... 107 7.7. Shock and Vibration ...... 108 7.8. Brake System ...... 109 7.8.1 Main Features ...... 109 7.8.2 Service Brake ...... 110 7.8.3 Parking Brake ...... 111 7.8.4 Mechanical Elements ...... 112 7.8.5 Sanding Equipment ...... 113 7.8.6 Air Supply ...... 113 7.8.7 Brake Control Unit ...... 114 7.8.8 Brake Test ...... 115 7.8.9 Passenger Emergency Release (PER) ...... 116 7.8.10 Wheel Slip/Slide Protection ...... 117 7.9 Propulsion System and Power Supply ...... 118 7.9.1 Traction System and control ...... 118 7.9.2 On-board Supply System ...... 124 7.9.3 Power Electronics...... 125 7.9.4 Brake Resistor ...... 125 7.9.5 Control Equipment ...... 125 7.9.6 Cables ...... 126 7.9.7 Labelling ...... 126

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7.10 Central Control Unit (CCU) ...... 127 7.10.1 Train Communication Network...... 127 7.10.2 Train Control and Management System ...... 128 7.10.3 Driving and brake control ...... 130 7.10.4 On-train Monitoring Recorder (OTMR) ...... 131 7.11 Couplings and Draft Gear ...... 132 7.12 Auxiliary Power Supply ...... 134 7.12.1 Auxiliary Converter Unit ...... 134 7.12.2 Input Variables ...... 135 7.12.3 Output Variables...... 135 7.12.4 Standby Power ...... 138 7.12.5 Battery ...... 139 7.12.6 On-board power supply network, battery charger ...... 140 7.13 Train Signals ...... 140 7.14 Signalling System ...... 141 7.14.1 Bidding for Signalling Components ...... 141 7.14.2 Sub-System Features of the Existing System ...... 142 ATP (vital part) ...... 143 Automatic Train Operation (ATO), (non-vital part) ...... 144 Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), (non-vital part) ...... 144 7.14.3 Operation Modes and Speeds ...... 145 Automatic Train Operation Mode (ATO) ...... 145 Supervised Manual Mode (SM) ...... 146 Restricted Manual Mode (RM/RM 1) ...... 146 ATO Isolated Mode ...... 147 Wash Mode, (WM) ...... 147 7.15 Communication Systems ...... 148 7.16 Safety Requirements ...... 148 7.16.1 Safety Devices ...... 148 7.17 RAMS Requirements ...... 149

7.18 Reliability ...... 149

7.18.1 Reliability Requirements ...... 149 7.18.2 Reliability Program Plan ...... 149 7.18.3 Reliability Targets ...... 150 7.18.4 Car Reliability Requirements ...... 150 7.18.5 Component Reliability Requirements ...... 150 7.18.6 Product History and Experience ...... 151 7.18.7 Failure Analysis ...... 151 7.18.9 Software Error ...... 151 7.18.10 Reliability Demonstration Program ...... 151

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7.18.11 Reliability Program Objectives ...... 152 7.18.12 Reliability Demonstration Program Duration ...... 152 7.18.13 Reliability Calculations ...... 153 7.18.14 Reliability Improvement Modifications ...... 153 7.18.14 Expenditures of Improve Reliability ...... 153 7.18.15 Extension of Reliability Demonstration Period ...... 153 7.18.16 Reliability Demonstration Procedures...... 154 7.18.17 Reliability Database ...... 155

7.19 Availability ...... 155 7.19.1 Train Availability Target...... 155 7.19.2 Mean Time between Wheel Profiling ...... 155

7.20 Spares required to achieved high train availability ...... 155 7.20.1 Turnaround Spares ...... 155 7.20.2 Contingency Spares ...... 156

7.21 Maintainability ...... 156 7.21.1 Maintainability Plan ...... 157 7.21.2 Preventive Maintenance...... 158 7.21.3 Mean Time to Repair Requirements ...... 158

7.21.4 Maintainability Demonstration...... 158 7.21.5 Demonstration on Duration to Exchange Equipment ...... 159 7.21.6 Demonstration on Wheel Reprofiling ...... 160

8 SRTET Staff Training ...... 160

8.1 Operator Training ...... 161

8.1.1 Course Plan for Train Operator ...... 161

8.2 Maintenance Training ...... 163

8.2.1 Design Concept and Train Features ...... 163

8.2.2 Running Maintenance – Cleaning, Trouble Shooting and LRU ...... 164

8.2.3 Mechanic Equipment – Repair and Overhaul ...... 165

8.2.4 Power Equipment – Repair and Overhaul ...... 166

8.2.5 Control and Electronic Equipment – Diagnosis and Repair ...... 166

9 Testing and Commissioning ...... 166

10 Maintenance...... 168 10.1 Operation Manual ...... 168 10.2 Spare Parts and Special Tools ...... 172

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10.3 Main Components and Line Replaceable Units (LRU) ...... 173 10.4 Cleaning ...... 173 10.5 Diagnostics and Revisions ...... 174 10.6 Software ...... 177

11 Energy Consumption ...... 179

12 Management of Obsolescence ...... 179

13 Occupational Safety ...... 179

14 Decommissioning and Disposal ...... 180 Appendix 1 Wheelchair Space ...... 181 Appendix 2 Clearance Envelope and Structure Gauge...... 182 Appendix 3 Arrangement of Lifting Points ...... 186 Appendix 4 Load Cases ...... 187 Appendix 5 Explanation of Terms/Definitions ...... 188 Appendix 6 List of Abbreviations ...... 189 Appendix 7 Minimum Spare Part and Consumables List ...... 193 Appendix 8 Special tools List and Maintenance support facilities ...... 195

List of Figures

Figure 1 Route Map of the Airport Rail Link ...... 18

Figure 2 General Design of a MC and T - Car ...... 35


Appendix 1 Wheelchair Space ...... 181 Appendix 2 Clearance Envelope and Structure Gauge ...... 182 Appendix 3 Arrangement of Lifting Points...... 186 Appendix 4 Load Cases ...... 187

Appendix 5 Explanation of Terms/Definitions ...... 188

Appendix 6 List of Abbreviations ...... 189

Appendix 7 Minimum Spare Part and Consumables List ...... 193

Appendix 8 Special tools List and Maintenance support facilities ...... 195

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1.1 Obligations of the Bidders

The technical specification respectively terms of reference (TOR) states operational and technical requirements for the additional rolling stock of the Client (SRTET) and indicates to the manufacturer, in this context the “Manufacturer”, technical norms, standards or other technical specifications to be applied. Prior to contracting the term “Manufacturer” is valid for all potential bidders.

Quoted official requirements of independent checkers or regulatory authorities are done without any claim to completeness and accuracy. The manufacturer has full responsibility for correct interpretation of standards and regulations.

The offer of the manufacturer contains a “Clause-by-Clause” (CbC) evaluation and annotation as well as a detailed technical description of the train. The expected content of the train description is specified in this TOR.

The term “Info” incorporates additional information not to be evaluated or addressed by the Bidders for explanation. Info can be part of the System description, specify additional information or local requirements, or outline details for evaluation for a better component description and better understanding.

The term “shall” comprises a mandatory requirement to be commented CbC by the Bidders. The Bidders shall strictly fulfil the requirement as stated or provide an even better solution. A potential enhancement should also be outlined for the benefit of the relevant Bidder.

The term “should” comprises a requirement that the manufacturer can offer but is not essential for the bid to be commented CbC by the Bidders.

Requirements quoted with “should” can be fulfilled and help to improve the tender offer for the manufacturer. Other statements are for information only. The manufacturer shall always consider possible “options” based on improvements or enhanced technology. In case an option is stated in the TOR the manufacturer is requested to provide a segregated description and give an individual price for this portion. Such options described in detail should follow the basic requirements given in the TOR but may always be enhanced for better technology or price reduction.

The manufacturer confirms that he has assessed the requirements of the TOR and that he will manufacture, deliver and test the trains in accordance with the functional requirements.

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Solution-oriented specifications contained in the TOR do not exonerate the manufacturer from the obligation to review the guidelines to determine whether they are suitable to fulfil the purpose of the contract, especially if they are true, complete and sufficient. The manufacturer is obliged to notify the Client in writing immediately upon the requirements of the specifications, which is deemed not suitable to meet the contractual obligations.

The manufacturer shall offer an alternative and comment respectively in case it is considered a preferable cost-effective feasible solution.

The requirements for the trains specified in this TOR are considering all relevant regulations, policies, design standards, laws and recommendations on the state of the art technology. The manufacturer shall comply with the accepted rules of technology to manufacture, and then deliver a fully functional product. In case of discrepancies the manufacturer shall immediately advise the Client accordingly.

As part of the procurement and contracting activities the Client evaluates the technical proposal in technical meetings with the manufacturer on the basis of CbC commentary of the specifications and a description of the train resulting in a so called “joint attachment to the offer”.

If there is any change or changes of the design of not complying with this specification, complete and detailed information, comments or data in respect of such change or changes must be furnished by the Bidder to prove that such change or changes contribute to the improvement.

1.2 Project Phases and Documents

Post Notice To Proceed (NTP) the project will follow the following steps:

1. Design Review: Substantive examination of the document submitted by the manufacturer to design. The mandatory requirement specifications are reviewed by the project management of the Client with respect to their consistency with the specifications and contract. The manufacturer shall closely liaise with the Client management for time frame, locations and processes. 2. Final Design: Representation of all technical solutions, provision of essential design drawings and the results of the agreed evidence. Submission of all trade-

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related mandatory requirement specifications (staggered according to project schedule). 3. Design Freeze: Representation of all technical solutions, supply of essential design drawings and the results of the agreed evidence. The compulsory submission of all trade-related issues. Substantive examination of the documents submitted by the manufacturer to the final design. The schedule must be coordinated with the Clients management. Any deviation to the signed off design at design freeze has to be agreed with the client and follow a design change approval and implementation process.

In addition to the requirements of these specifications the manufacturer shall use the agreed valid standards, regulations and codes of practice. Main objectives of the application of quoted and referred to standards and guidelines are that the train is fully operational and fit for approval certification. An independent organisation will evaluate and signoff the manufactured product so Authorising for Placing Into Service (APIS).

All required documents listed in the performance specification shall be submitted electronically according to their ID (pictures in TIFF, jpeg or similar format, others in PDF and MS-Office format) or to be editable. The manufacturer shall submit a complete product dossier including all test results and change request documents facilitate the Client’s process for approval for entering into service.

The manufacturer shall submit the following flowcharts with Operator actions and frequency:

 Strengths  Weaknesses  Jerk limits  Coupling of trains  Uncoupling of trains  Reversing

The manufacturer shall deliver the following drawings:

 Train floor plan  Side and front view  Exterior dimensions  Door widths and heights

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 Clear passage height  Train sketch indicating the dimensioning of the seat arrangement and dimensions  Platform edge and stepping distance

The manufacturer must attach an updated version brochure for the train. The manufacturer shall submit a train description detailing and addressing all components and interfaces related to.

The manufacturer shall attach:

 Three dimensional isometric images in oblique projection from the front  Three dimensional isometric images of the entrance area  Three dimensional isometric images of the driver’s cab

1.3 Tendering Requirements

1.1 The biddershall be an EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) manufacturer(s) of international repute, who has had prolonged and extensive experience in this particular field. The manufacturer shall have significant experience in design, manufacturing and supply of EMUs operating on a 25 kV AC System, with maximum speed not less than 160 km/h.

In addition the manufacturer(s) shall have experiences in design, manufacturing and supply of any EMU not less than 500 (Five hundred) cars within 10 (Ten) years and EMU not less than 200 (Two hundreds) cars within 10 (Ten) years for operating on a 25 kV AC System, with maximum speed not less than 160 km/h and standard gauge track (1,435 mm).

The bidder shall have experience in supplying EMU operating under the circumstances similar to, those referred to in the General & Technical Specification.

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The bidder shall submit adequate and detailed data and information as specified in clause 1.1 and clause 4 in the form of documents and legalised by The Royal Thai Embassy or The Royal Thai Consulate General at the country of manufacturer.

1.2 The Bidder shall bear in mind that this tender specification is a general one and his offer with only a general statement such as "We complied or will comply", or "We acknowledged" or the like will not be sufficient in the case of parts thereof where full details including maker, brand, type or model, detailed specifications are needed to check whether the offer meets the SRT requirements technically.

1.3The Bidder shall furnish at the time of his offer with all complete detailed information, comments, data, necessary relevant specifications, pamphlets, catalogues, diagrams, drawings or illustrations, in order that the technical details of his offer will be entirely complete and clear, thus allowing satisfactory evaluation, comparison and adjudication of his offer can be carried out. Additional documents shall not be accepted after tender opening, except they are requested by the SRT.

1.4 After tender opening, the Bidder shall not assume that any information or data supplied by him to the SRT at any time and for whatever purpose is still available to the SRT and shall not consequently make any reference to such information in his response to this specification.

1.5 The technical offers shall be complete since they shall be considered as important documents which if accepted by the SRT shall bind the successful Bidder with whom the order is placed and the contract specification is made accordingly.

IMPORTANT: Failure to complete fully and properly with any of the foregoing requirements of clauses 1.1 to 1.5 and 4 may result in such a tender not being considered for adjudication. 2. Tender documentation shall be completed, signed and forwarded together with all relevant correspondence, technical offers and documents.

2.1 Each consignment shall consist of all materials necessary for the assembly of complete EMU, otherwise they shall be considered as undelivered.

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2.2 Sub-contractors: Bidder shall indicate name and address of the manufacturers (or sub- contractors) from whom he proposes to order the equipment and parts of the EMU. Each supplier shall be of high standing in the rail business. In judging the tender, the name of makers of these parts given by Bidder will be taken into consideration.

3. Spare Parts and Testing Equipment

Bidder is requested to submit a list with itemised prices of recommended spare parts necessary to maintain the EMU for a period to be stipulated by the Bidder, as well as testing equipment of the sub-assembly part of the EMU. The spare parts prices and testing equipment prices are to be submitted separately. Spare parts shall be completely finished and fitted ready for use, except when allowance is required to be left for fitting in Thailand. Spare parts shall be warranted for a period of 3 (Three) years from the actual date of delivery in Bangkok, except complete bogie, bogie frame, and set and journal bearings, axle, gearwheel, gearbox, traction motor, traction inverter and Microprocessor unit (MPU) control system, which shall be warranted for 6(Six) years after the actual date of delivery in Bangkok.

4. Bidder shall submit a supply record of the Bidder's (or manufacturer's) previous accomplishment of any EMU not less than 500 (Five hundred) cars within 10 (Ten) years and EMU not less than 200 (Two hundreds) cars within 10 (Ten) years for operating on a 25 kV AC System, with maximum speed not less than 160 km/h and standard gauge track (1,435 mm), stating the name of the said railway, quantity supplied, type of electric transmission and year of supply.

The data shall be at the SRT discretion to decide the capability of the Bidder to execute the work.

5. Bidder shall submit the document in form of Customer Satisfaction Statement. It shall be completed and signed by the President, Director, CEO or Authorised Executive of railway operator and legalised by the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate at the country of the railway operator.

The mentioned document shall state the quality of EMUs follows to The Bidding Documents 1.1 (3) The mentioned EMU shall be produced by manufacturers for operating

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on a 25 kV AC System with maximum speed not less than 160 km/h and standard gauge track (1,435 mm). The total number of operated EMUs are not less than 7 (Seven) train sets and have put in operation for more than 3 (Three) years.

6. Bidders are requested to verify that the manufacturers of EMU and/or main components have the EMU and/or main component supply record with the tender document for SRT approval. Main line operating record shall be also submitted with the tender document. Bidders shall bear in mind that the responsibility for EMU including all components is of the main contractor which cannot refuse to accept this responsibility.

7. Tender having alterations or erasures or deletions therein is liable to rejection. Should the correction be found necessary, they shall be initialled or made on a separate sheet for correction or errata, clearly explained and signed by the Bidder.

8. To maintain the standardisation of equipment and spare parts, SRT reserves the right to select and purchase the equipment or spare parts which are compatible with the existing equipment or the SRT approved products.

9. English language shall be used throughout for the proposal and any document thereof. If not, the tender is liable to rejection.

2 Qualification of Manufacturers

2.1 References

The manufacturer shall incorporate a list of references from former projects or the project with trains running under similar operation and environmental conditions as the ARL system detailing amongst others:

 Number of trains delivered and period in operation  Brief description of the train use respectively basic system features  Delivery period  Date and Location  Mileage of trains

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 Maintenance data  Revision periods

2.2 Certificates

The manufacturer shall hand over a copy of the authorisation and documentation of all test reports for both newly developed and for trains already in service. During the development of a train the manufacturer shall submit all documents driving the technical design and operational calculations latest within 3 months after NTP. The manufacturer shall clearly define which documents and certificates he will provide during the design period for approval by the Client. The manufacturer shall submit a submittal plan latest 3 months after NTP. All documents must be handed over at the latest prior to acceptance by SRTET.

As long as the manufacturer has not submitted all relevant documents awarding of the contract is not granted.

3 Basic System Description

3.1 Features and System Layout

The Airport Rail Link (also known as Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link) provides a fast rail link between the central city areas to Suvarnabhumi Airport (SA), also named Second Bangkok International Airport and to provide a suburban rapid transit service for the commuters in the eastern corridor of Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR).

The ARL operates on dedicated tracks within the eastern Red Line corridor of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) parallel to the existing SRT rail services with passenger and freight trains. There are several designated SRT stations for regional train services. Lat Krabang is also location of a SRT container terminal. The ARL is owned by State Railway of Thailand (SRT) and operated by SRT subsidiary S.R.T. Electrified Train Company Limited (SRTET). The system was opened on August 23, 2010.

The ARL has a total length of approximately 28.8 km in the initial stage. The station platform length is 210 m and enables the use of multiple coupled train sets. Reversing of trains is performed at the platform tracks. Currently the design of the platform and system design is according to design features originating from United Kingdom including the limited width of the

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trains of 2.79 m, which by no means is according to international standards and interoperability features. The Operator intends to change the structural gauge in a form that at least design specifications of the TSI can be met. The manufacturer shall point out, which changes shall be considered and support SRTET to upgrade the System accordingly. In addition the manufacturer shall propose an adaptation of the existing fleet with respect to the platform gap and stepping distance and quote separately.

The System has a double track standard gauge of 1,435 mm layout, which is a prerequisite for a reliable operation at a maximum speed of 160 km/h. The System has been equipped with an Overhead Catenary System (OCS) supplying traction power with a voltage of 25 kV AC and a frequency of 50 Hz. The Traction Power Substation, located next to the railway line near the Ramkhamhaeng station, energises the OCS and the neutral section (de-energised zone) 10 m length between Ramkhamhaeng and Huamak station. Please refer to below overview.

The nominal height of the OCS is 4.90 m but limited to 4.70 m in one specific area, and up to 5.00 m in the rest of the System.

The System is controlled by means of a continuous automatic train control system (ATC). Three interlocking systems are located along the Main Line and are monitored and controlled from a central Operations Control Centre located in the Khlong Ton Depot.

During Normal Operation, the trains run on the left side of the Line. The signalling system allows bi-directional operations. The left hand track towards the airport is called the eastbound track (EB) and is used regularly by trains running towards the airport. The right hand track towards the airport is called westbound track (WB) and is used regularly by trains running from the airport towards the city centre of Bangkok.

The ARL concept consists of two different services:

 Suvarnabhumi Airport (SA) Express  Suvarnabhumi Airport (SA) City Line.

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Figure 1 Route Map of the Airport Rail Link

The ARL Fare Collection System is a closed automatic ticketing system, segregating paid and unpaid areas.

The ARL is considered as the first stage of a new modern rapid transportation network for the Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR). The SA City Line as a commuter service is the basis for a future suburban Rapid Transit System within the BMR.

3.2 Suvarnabhumi Airport Express service

The SA Express operates between the City Air Terminal (CAT) at the Makkasan area and the SA (Suvarnabhumi) Terminal.

The CAT station of SA Express has check-in facilities for airport passengers, including baggage handling facilities. Baggage transportation takes place only from CAT to the airport.

The Express trains are configured as a four car train.

MC (baggage car) – T – T – MC.

Additionally, the T - car is equipped with a toilet, which is accessible for handicapped people.

MC – Motor car with driver’s Cab

T – Trailer car.

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3.3 Suvarnabhumi Airport City Line service

The SA City Line operates between the Phaya Thai station and the SA Terminal servicing 6 intermediate stations. In principle, the trip time accounts for 28 minutes. Terminal Station nominal dwell-time shall be 60 seconds. Intermediate stations have a nominal dwell time of 30 seconds.

Additional stations may be added in the future beyond Phaya Thai and LatKrabang. A potential extension is under investigation and in discussion.

The City trains are configured as three car trains.

MC – T – MC.

This train configuration is designed for 745 passengers.

MC – Motor car with driver’s Cab

T – Trailer car.

3.4 Train Configuration

The Ridership performance is based on different train set configurations, ranging from existing 3-car units (SA City Line) and existing 4-car units (SA Express Line) in the initial stage to 10-car trains in the final configuration. The existing trains are coupled 3 and 4 cars. This configuration enables the units adjustment of the units to the required capacity, e.g., by operating 4-car trains during the night.

4 Operations Concept

4.1 Start-up

Overnight during the night-break when system operations has been terminated trains are normally stabled for maintenance purposes in the depot or workshop area. Train drivers gain

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access to stabled trains by their specific keys enabling to switch to the various modes to be applied. The train driver will be informed prior to any shunting movement being carried out:

 Train number and present location of train  Final destination  Information about failures or malfunctions of the train

Train movements on tracks within the workshop are not considered as shunting movement and will be done under the responsibility of the maintenance supervisor in charge.

The train driver has to key in the train and trip number and will be allowed access to the line. The signalling system is checking the numbers and alerts the driver if necessary.

4.2 Train Departure from Depot

The order to depart follows a technical or verbal Approval to Proceed from the Depot Controller.

Currently the driver shall observe the alighting and boarding process of passengers providing additional safety. The train design shall reflect this procedure and allow for easy access and observation of the boarding by the driver.

The manufacturer shall reflect a dwell-time of 30 seconds respectively the time between stopping movement and initial start-up movement.

The manufacturer verifies that the door closing operation and door lock operation follow predetermined values without further time-consuming check of the fault-free state. The manufacturer shall comply with reference timetable. The minimum stopping covering the complete departure procedure is decisive.

The manufacturer shall specify the exact passenger transfer times for the Client’s review.

Trains are generally operated from the leading cab enabling the driver’s main duty of observation of the line during the train run. Normally the driver is the only operations staff member on-board a train.

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In case the driver must leave the train for trouble-shooting on the line, he can open the cab doors independently while keeping the passengers doors locked. The manufacturer must minimise the time frame for train departure.

4.3 Reversing

Train reversing is possible with one or two drivers, e.g., at terminal stations. With regard to short turnaround times the co-operation between the incoming and the departing driver is possible. A reliable communication link between the front-end and rear-end driving cab must be provided.

Reversing respectively technical direction change without a commuting driver, enabling a simultaneous cab change without changing the configuration of the train shall be completed within 240 seconds at a maximum. The manufacturer shall detail the time frame for the necessary procedures and Operator actions required.

4.4 Multiple Units operation

Trains normally have a 4-car configuration. As part of the procurement of the new trains it shall be ensured that the Client can operate multiple unit 8-car configurations with fully mechanic, pneumatic and electrical connection covering all brake, door, signalling, communication and control means required. Currently it is the intention to operate a new 4-car train coupled with new 4-car train on basis. The normal service configuration a new 4-car train should be 4-car and 8-car train as required by operation plan. A train is a group of semi-permanently units in a MC - T - T - MC and MC - T - T -MC configuration respectively. Multiple units operation from the leading cab shall be possible without restrictions.

Train coupling shall be possible at a speed of ≤ 3 km/h without incurring any damage. Automatic coupling of train units shall be possible. The coupling of train units shall be completed within 180 seconds at a maximum. The manufacturer shall detail the time frame for the necessary Operator procedures and actions required for coupling operations.

Train segregation (uncoupling) shall be possible within a timeframe of 60 seconds maximum from the beginning of the uncoupling process up to the train about to depart. The manufacturer shall detail the time frame for the necessary Operator procedures and actions required for uncoupling operations.

During coupling passengers shall be able to board and alight the train when at standstill.

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4.5 Train Access for Operations Staff

The door locking concept shall be agreed with the Client after notice to proceed (NTP). All interior flaps and hatches and the cab door have cylinder locks.

The locking concept shall have three different levels as follows:

1. Workshop staff access 2. Train driver’s access 3. Access for cleaning staff

Locks and keys consistent with Railway safety processes shall be used.

4.6 Rigging-up, Shut-down and Stabling of Trains

Principally outdoor stabling of trains shall be possible. This may be required for future System extensions or a change of operations strategy. For specific conditions please refer to UIC leaflet 533.

The train equipment and devices shall be designed in a way that the train can be switched on without personnel, e.g., for pre-cooling prior to start of operations. Train can be connected to an external power supply facility in case of recharge the battery power only. Passenger compartment and driver’s cab shall be maintained at a temperature of 25°C (± 2 °C) in the System’s temperature range. Stabling of trains for a longer period of time shall be possible without local power sources. Stabling of trains shall be possible in 90 minutes as a minimum. Passenger compartment and driver’s cab shall isolated from ambient temperature and be pre- ventilated and/or pre-cooled.

Stabling of a rigged-up train with an optimised energy-saving concept shall be possible. The manufacturer shall outline the concept in the offer and specify any additional cost.

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4.7 Depot Operation

The Depot is the stabling facility of the System and the facility for light and heavy maintenance. The speed in the Depot is limited to 25 km/h except for the wash mode of 1-3 km/h in the washing facility next to the Depot entrance and to the underfloor wheel-lathe. In addition service train without supervision by the signalling system operate in this area without additional procedures such as track possession.

In the Depot, trains are operated by both drivers and maintenance staff.

4.8 Improvement of the Train Service Capacity

SRTET intends to expand the fleet of the existing system by 7 additional train sets. The new EMUs shall be designed according to the existing City Line Trains, but configured as 4 car trains.

4.9 Emergency Management Concept and Degraded Operations

4.9.1 Basic Features

The manufacturer shall specify features of the Emergency Concept of the train for the Client to be used as a template for an “operating leaflet”, in a way that a fast and efficient access to trains to facilitate detrainment in case of an emergency is given to emergency services. This is the basis for an application data sheet for the safety management of the Client. The template covers all train-specific information, which is necessary for the safety of the emergency services in cases of an emergency.

Emergency exits, emergency opening of doors and windows shall be clearly marked/labelled and shall be operated from the outside (track-side opening). All train doors shall be equipped with emergency equipment, e.g., by activation of the passenger alarm unit (PAU) an un- interrupted intercom to the driver in door areas is activated as well as at the location for wheelchairs. The location for handicapped people shall be designed to cover the needs and circumstances of wheelchair users.

After activation of the PAU an optic and acoustic alarm is triggered in the driver’s cab and the driver can accept or reject the call from the passenger. The location of the activated PAU is displayed to the driver.

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All train doors shall be equipped with emergency equipment for outside application. External door release must have key lock with cover.

Auxiliary equipment for emergency scenarios shall be placed in a way for easy and quick access for drivers as well as emergency and workshop staff.

4.9.2 Safety of Passengers

The exterior of trains shall be designed in a way that no passengers can jump on a train, hold- on to a train or get caught by a train or its components after the doors have been closed and locked.

Train design shall enable a quick, easy and safe boarding and alighting of trains. Train design shall ensure a safe presence and movements of passengers while the train is moving.

Train design and arrangement of components shall prevent injuries to passengers caused by sharp edges of components and equipment. Toxic materials and components potentially leading to hazards, e.g. by cracking shall be eliminated. No materials shall be used, which interfere with the present state of the art health or harassing act, e.g., by odours from unpleasant evaporation.

The manufacturer shall attach a labelling concept similar to the labelling in place for the System for the Client’s approval. Emergency labelling shall be phosphorescent. In case of degraded situations doors shall remain locked. This applies especially during power failures. A door can be opened from the inside or outside from the locked state.

In addition the trains shall have standard safety features such as driver vigilance device and speed-control as well as door-loop function and safety-loop preventing any movement with non-controlled or open doors. Nonetheless drivers shall be able to mechanically lock and label doors as out-of-service which takes doors out of the safety-loop (door-loop bypass).

4.9.3 Safety Concept and Risk Analysis

The manufacturer shall describe how product safety is achieved. The manufacturer shall incorporate a state of the art safety concept in the offer taking into account the requirements of local authorities and as stated in the safety case of the ARL System.

The manufacturer shall immediately advise the Client in case of contradictions.

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The manufacturer shall conduct a risk analysis to evaluate the safety and derive from thereof safety requirements for the overall system according to BS EN 50126.

The manufacturer shall assess passenger safety, emergency concept, trouble-shooting, work safety and environmental safety for the trains operating in the existing ARL System.

In case of specific requirements originating from the safety certificate from the local Approval Authority The manufacturer immediately shall inform the Client. A single fault in hardware and software of the train and subsystem control shall not lead to loss of train in respective to a stalled train status.

The manufacturer shall perform hazard identification and risk analysis for each function of the train, besides software and shall give a qualitative evaluation. In case of a potential risk or hazard the manufacturer shall specify how this risk or hazard can be dealt with by technical means.

4.9.4 Fire Protection

The manufacturer shall provide a fire protection plan, which considers the operational and organisational rules and procedures of SRTET. The manufacturer shall state the minimum level of fire safety according to international standards.

Materials and components shall comply with the fire safety requirements of the EN45545 (2013). The electrical equipment shall comply with the requirements of the EN 45545 (2013).

The manufacturer shall incorporate thermal calculations or technical testing evidence for enclosures with high voltage circuit installations according to EN 45545 (2013).

The manufacturer shall provide a documentation of the implementation of the fire protection program and fire safety verification in accordance with EN 45545 (2013) prior to delivery of the first train.

The manufacturer shall at least use halogen-free cables for on-board power supply and control cables. Other cables may comply with EN 45545 (2013).

The manufacturer shall provide the respective valid certificates that the material used for the technical equipment on-board trains including electrical equipment have the required proof of safety documented according to international fire protection standards.

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The manufacturer shall confirm other fire protection measures as defined in EN 45545 (2013). The manufacturer shall establish a fire protection plan, evacuation concept and technical documentation for emergency access to the train.

Detail and specification requirements shall be described in a document that will be released in the formal tender document with the following subject heading in table below:

1 INTRODUCTION 5.4.1 Barriers separating cavity 6.5.2 Smoke Emission 2 STANDARDS/REFERENCE 5.4.2 5m barrier 6.5.3 Toxic Fume Emission 2.1 INTERNATIONAL 5.4.3 30 minutes integrity 7 TESTING REQUIREMENTS STANDARDS 5.4.4 Intumescent protection 7.1 SURFACES 3 DEFINITIONS / 7.2 CABLES ABBREVIATIONS 5.4.5 Design and materials 7.3 SEATS 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Approval 7.4 MINOR MATERIALS 4.1 SCOPE 5.2 EQUIPMENT CUBICLE 8 SYSTEM ENGINEERING 4.2 LOCATION OF MATERIALS INTERFACE WITH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4.3 ENCLOSED MATERIALS SALOON OR CAB (SEMS) 4.4 MINOR MATERIALS 5.5 SEAT SHELL (BACK & 8.1 SEMP STAGE 1 4.4.1 Material weight BASE) 8.2 SEMP STAGE 2 4.4.2 Criteria for testing 5.5.1 Seat shell (back and base) 8.2.1 Predictions on fire power 4.5 FURTHER TESTING protecting the seat trim output and calculations 5 FIRE RESISTANCE 5.5.2 10 minutes integrity 8.2.2 Evaluate the fire load REQUIREMENTS 6 REACTION TO FIRE reduction measures 5.1 FLOOR METHODS 8.2.3 Certification of readily tested 5.1.1 30 minutes integrity 6.1 SURFACES materials 5.1.2 Floor sample 6.1.1 Flame Retardancy 8.3 SEMP STAGE 3 5.1.3 Insulation 6.1.2 Smoke Emission 8.3.1 Fire tests 5.1.4 Average temperature limits 6.1.3 Toxic Fume Emission 8.3.2 Revision of fire prediction 5.1.5 Spreading of fire from 6.2 CABLES 8.3.3 Certification of tested underbody to saloon 6.3 UPHOLSTERED SEAT materials 5.1.6 Smoke or toxic fume FACES 8.4 SEMP STAGE 4 5.2.1 20 minutes integrity 6.3.1 Flame Retardancy 8.4.1 Revisions on fire power output 5.2.2 Avoiding spurious effects 6.3.2 Smoke Emission 8.4.2 Explanation/justification 5.3 SALOON/ CAB PARTITION 6.3.3 Toxic Fume Emission 8.4.3 Remedial measures INTERFACE 6.4 SEAT SHELL BACK & SEAT 8.5 SEMP STAGE 5 5.3.1 20 minutes integrity BASE 8.5.1 Final assessment/ calculations 5.3.2 Avoiding spurious effects 6.4.1 Flame Retardancy 8.5.2 Test and inspection reports 5.4 CAVITIES 6.4.2 Smoke Emission 6.4.3 Toxic Fume Emission 6.5 MINOR MATERIALS 6.5.1 Flame Retardancy

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The manufacturer shall provide a fire safety report recording all the implemented fire safety measures in accordance with EN 45545 (2013) prior to the delivery of the first train.

4.9.5 Trouble-Shooting

The manufacturer shall provide a concept for trouble-shooting in compliance with the operational procedures. A degraded operation for removal of trains from the line shall be possible managing the maximum gradients in the System.

The manufacturer shall provide a concept for removal of trains by a multiple unit, e.g., by pushing in context with the installed signalling system for approval by the Client.

4.9.6 Emergency Power Supply

The manufacturer shall provide a concept for emergency power supply in case of power loss of the OCS or failure of the generator voltages.

At least the following equipment shall be supplied from the battery for at least 90 minutes:

 Emergency lighting in the passenger compartment at a minimum for 90 minutes  Exterior train signals  Cab light  Door control for opening and closing  Application of electrical brakes to 5 km/h  Train control  Communication system  Onboard intercom and PA system  Ventilation for cab and saloon at least 90 minutes

The manufacturer shall indicate the corresponding times in an emergency shutdown concept. Emergency lighting shall be available even when the main circuit breaker is switched off. The manufacturer must optimise standby times.

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In case of power loss and loss of regular illumination the illumination of door areas and emergency exits shall be available according to EN 13272.

4.9.7 Train Rescue Pushing/Pulling of Trains

The manufacturer shall provide procedures how to remove stalled trains from the line. These shall be reflected in the emergency concept. Removal of trains shall be possible either way with the existing fleet as well as additional trains and vice versa.

The manufacturer shall specify in detail how a stalled train and the rescue train can be coupled in order to prevent potential interference with the signalling system, e.g., by mechanical and pneumatic coupling only. The brakes must be operable on both trains. Otherwise special operating procedures will be required for the movement of a train without brakes.

The manufacturer shall provide a concept how to detrain respectively evacuate a train. The removal of occupied trains with passengers by another train shall be possible. The manufacturer shall point out limitations and restrictions originating from the train design. Re-railing

Re-railing shall be possible with standard re-railing equipment, e.g., Lukas currently used by the rescue team, Hegenscheidt, Robel or similar. The manufacturer shall add a concept for the equipment to be used and the procedure for re-railing to the offer.

The position to lift a train shall be clearly marked on the train. Lifting positions shall be located in front of the leading bogie, i.e., first in driving direction, behind the subsequent bogie and for the bogie itself. Lifting of a train on one, e.g., the leading, bogie only by use of the other bogie shall be possible up to a height of 350 mm from top of rail.

Lifting of an entire car (single-car) by use of lifting equipment at both ends shall be possible. There are lifting pads/jacks as is used in the workshop and jacking pads for re-railing. These must be accessible without removing other items from the underframe.

The manufacturer liaises with the respective maintenance department (rescue team) to organise and execute a re-railing exercise with the additional trains. The contract shall provide training for the lifting of the trains by re-railing equipment.

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5 Design Requirements

5.1 Fundamental Design Concept

The overall image of the train shall be open and friendly. All interior fittings such as ceiling, floor, wall and interior lining shall meet the aesthetic, fire resistance and insulation requirements and shall be made of non-splintering materials.

The seating arrangement shall meet the requirements for high capacity transportation. Seats shall withstand adequate loads in service without damage or permanent deformation.

Special areas for wheelchair users and priority seating shall be considered.

Interior outfits are to be arranged in a way that passengers do not to feel “cramped”, but to meet the requirements for high capacity transportation. A modular system concept shall ensure a safe, comfortable and ecological train design with optimised life cycle costs.

5.2 Main Objectives

The objectives are summarised as follows:

- Maximise passenger comfort

- Single seats

- Service-proven technology

- Shortest delivery dates can be met

- Design and engineering are synchronised

- High availability at long maintenance intervals

5.3 Design Criteria and Standards

Amongst others as listed or addressed in the specific paragraphs the manufacturer shall comply with the following design criteria and standards.

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No Structure - RST Standard Description / Title

1 Ride quality EN 14363, Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of UIC 518 railway trains

2 Train envelope EN 15273-2 Railway applications - Structure gauge

3 Train bodies EN 15227 Railway applications - Crashworthiness requirements for railway train bodies

4 Train bodies EN 12663 Railway applications - Structural requirements of railway

5 Doors EN 14752 Railway applications - Body side entrance systems

6 Air conditioning EN 14813 Railway applications - Air conditioning for driving cabs

7 Air conditioning EN 14750 Railway applications - Air conditioning for urban and suburban rolling stock

8 Fire protection EN 45545 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway trains

9 Train complete EN 50121-3 Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 3: Rolling stock

10 Train complete EN 50126 Railway applications - The specification and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)

11 Train complete EN 50128 Railway applications - Communications, signalling and processing systems -

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Software for railway control and protection systems

12 Train complete EN 50129 Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signalling

13 Load conditions and EN 15663 Railway applications - weighted mass Definition of train reference masses

14 Noise level EN ISO 3095 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise emitted by rail bound


15 Noise level EN ISO 3381 Railway applications - Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside rail bound


16 Train system EN 61373 Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Shock and vibration tests

17 Train system EN 50124-1 Railway applications - Insulation coordination - Part 1: Basic requirements -

Clearances and creep age distances for all electrical and electronic equipment

18 Train system EN 50125-1 Railway applications - Environmental conditions for equipment - Part 1: Equipment on board rolling stock

19 Train system EN 50155 Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock

20 Train system EN 13272 Railway applications - Electrical lighting for rolling stock in public transport systems

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21 Train system IEC 61133 Railway applications - Commissioning of railway trains

22 Train system IEC 61375 Railway applications – Train communication network

23 Fire protection BS 6853 or Railway applications - Code of practice for DIN5110 fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains

24 Driver’s Cab UIC 651 Railway applications - Layout of driver´s cabs in locomotives, railcars, multiple-unit trains and driving trailers

25 Windscreen EN 15152:2007 Railway applications. Front windscreens for train cabs

26 Train system EN61000 Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Environment. Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems

5.4 Environmental Conditions

5.4.1 Local Environment Data

Environmental friendliness shall be achieved by the combination of lightweight train design with state-of-the-art traction technology.

The three-phase AC traction equipment and motor provide the highest efficiency and produces significant savings compared with other propulsion technologies. The manufacturer shall make a proposal and describe each technology to be applied in detail. The manufacturer must add potential optimisation and enhanced technology and price it.

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The electro-dynamic brake system decelerates the train to almost 5 km/h during normal operation. Brake energy shall be recuperative. Brake energy shall be fed back into the grid via the OCS.

All materials used for manufacturing shall be environmentally-friendly, halogen-free and asbestos-free.

The train shall be able of operating in an outdoor ambient temperature range of 10°C to 45°C measured in the shade without restriction. Temperature originating from the track, near the train and train-borne temperatures shall be taken into account.

Environmental and operating conditions such as sunlight, wind, heavy rain and relative humidity up to 100%, oil, grease, brake dust, pollen etc., shall not lead to restrictions in achieving compliance to the requirements of the TOR.

Trains shall permanently be sealed against the ingress of water to prevent functional fault or failure.

Conditions Value

Ambient Temperature 10°C to45°C

Humidity 40% - 95%

Average annual rainfall 1,392 – 1,949mm

Maximum daily rainfall 167 mm

Average wind velocity 2.4 – 4.5m/s

Maximum wind velocity 32.5 m/s

5.4.2 Noise Level

Trains shall be designed to provide passengers with a quiet and comfortable atmosphere according to the standards ISO 3095 and ISO 3381. The manufacturer shall present an acoustic concept during the design phases and shall verify the defined parameters during the test and commissioning of trains according to the requirements listed below.

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Location and Conditions Noise Levels [dB(A)]

Inside, passenger compartment; standstill air conditioning ≤ 65 working at maximum normal power

Inside, passenger compartment, moving at 160 km/h constant ≤ 76 speed, 1.5 m above car floor, air conditioning working at maximum normal power

Inside cab at standstill air conditioning working at maximum ≤ 65 normal power

Inside cab, at 80 km/h air conditioning working at maximum ≤74 normal power

Outside, Standstill, driver’s air conditioning and saloon air ≤ 70 conditioning working at maximum normal power

Outside, 160 km/h, driver’s air conditioning and saloon air ≤ 89 conditioning working at maximum normal power

Inside cab at standstill air conditioning working at maximum ≤78 normal power during door-closing operation with 2 m distance to the doors

The conditions and limits for indoor and outdoor noise in the technical specification for interoperability relating to the subsystem “Rolling stock -Noise” of the Trans-European Conventional Rail System (TSI CR Noise, 2006/66/EC) of electric multiple units shall be fully respected.

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5.5 Basic Design Concept

Figure 2 General Design of a MC and T - Car

Basic Concept – Main Data

The following criteria are mandatory as a basic minimum. The manufacturer shall comply with capacity data but also propose potential improvements and indicate increase data in the offer for the Client’s assessment.

Description Characteristic

A. Line

Alignment (1st stage) Underground (ramp included): 0.9km at-grade/elevated: 27.9km total: 28.8km

Rail gauge 1,435 mm

Maximum speed (Design) 176 km/h

(Main line) ≥ 160 km/h

(Depot ) 25 km/h

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(Washing plant, actual) 3 km/h

Track work Viaducts and tunnels: slab track Depot : ballasted track

Maximum possible gradient 4 %

Existing maximum gradient 3.5 %

Rail profile UIC 60

Wheel profile S1002

B. Passenger Demand

Year 2012 Daily (working day): app. 48,000 pass. peak hour: app. 4,200 pphpd (peak load)

Year 2017 (prognostic) Daily: app. 96,600 pass. peak hour: 22,800 pphpd (peak load)

Hours of operation per day (actual) 20 hours

(prognostic) 24 hours

C. Stations

Number of stations : underground: 1 on viaduct (elevated): 7 total: 8

Kind of platforms at stations side platforms: 5

island platforms: 3

Station platform length 210 m

Station platform height 1,100mm above TOR

Platform Screen Doors (PSD) 1 station (Suvarnabhumi Airport)

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D. E & M

Power supply to trains 25kVAC ; 50Hz; OCL

Voltage Range 19 – 30kV

Signalling: ATP, ATS, ATO, AR at train, must be VICOS OC 501-compatible)

System & Train Control by SCADA / from OCC (VICOS OC 501)

E. Capacity of the existing System

Existing Trains fleet configuration:

. 5 x City line Train MC - T - MC

. 4 x Express Train MC(baggage car) - T - T - MC

Capacity: City Train Express Train

. Seats 150 170

. Standing places 6 persons/m² 595 343

. Total 745 513

Minimum headway (designed) 7.5 minutes

F. Environment Conditions

Ambient Temperature 10°C to 45°C

Humidity 40% - 95%

Average annual rainfall 1,392 to 1,949mm

Maximum daily rainfall 167 mm

Average wind velocity 2.4 - 4.5m/s

Maximum wind velocity 32.5 m/s

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G. Rolling Stock – Requirements to the New EMUs

Train Configuration MC - T - T -MC

Length of MC and T car, existing (over coupling) 20.339m

Length of 4 car train 81.4m

Width of train 2.796m


. Seats Min. 200

. Standing places 6 persons/m² Min. 600

Total Min. 800

Train height 4,200 mm with retracted pantograph

Height of floor above TOR (unloaded) 1,157mm

Structure Gauge UIC 505-1,

See Appendix 3

Height of Coupling 925mm

(horizontal centre line above TOR)

Automatic Coupling Interoperability to the existing “Dellner” coupling shall be guaranteed for the

- mechanical coupling for pushing/pulling of trains

- pneumatic connection

Semi-permanent Coupling The manufacturer shall incorporate a proposal for interoperability with the existing fleet.

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Wheel diameter new / worn 850 /786 mm (or equivalent wear life)

Existing cars 2 passenger’s doors per side per car

Pitch of the passengers doors per car 8,780mm per car

Pitch between adjacent doors of different cars 11,559mm

Height of passenger’s doors 1,900 mm

Clear door opening width (minimum) 1,300 mm

Design speed in ATO mode and SM 176 km/h

Operating speed in ATO mode and SM ≥ 160 km/h

Restricted Mode in the Depot and on Line by 25 km/h Driving on Sight

Wash Mode / Low speed Mode 1-3 km/h (Adjustable)

The supplier shall calculate and design the Traction performance traction performance according to the existing track and profile alignment.

Service acceleration 0.6 – 1.1 m/s²

Maximum jerk rate 0.8 m/s³

Maximum service brake rate

The train shall be decelerated electrically until 5 0.7 – 1.0 m/s² km/h

Maximum emergency brake rate 1.1m/s²

Axle load at AW4, exceptional load (all seats 16.0t occupied and 10 persons/m2

Maximum Axle load 16.5 t

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Maximum Weight per car (AW0) 43.4t

Load Cases See Appendix 5

40% Main Line and Depot Requested gradient 180m Main Line Minimum Horizontal curve radius 100m Depot

Arrangement of the Lifting Points See Appendix 4

Availability of the trains >99.7%

Average annual mileage per train 350,000 km ±30%

Designed Life Time >30 years

MDBF of fleet delay > 5 minutes Not less than 35,000 km

Reference of Standards See 5.3

Warranty period after the issuance of Provisional ≥ 3 years Acceptance Certificate.

Life Circle Costs The Manufacturer shall comprise and compile all components in a LCC-Plan. The LCC-data shall be verified during the warranty period.

Overhaul maintenance interval ≥1.2 million km

Availability of the Spare Parts 30 years

H. Signalling

Existing Installed Signalling System LZB 700 (ATP) controlled by


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Time Table Planning Tool FALKO

Update of the system Siemens

I. Communication

Radio system Digital Radio System based on DTS

J. Depot & Workshop

Location: Khlong Ton Depot

Tasks of Depot & Workshop: Inspections, Light and Heavy Maintenance, stabling of train fleet

K. Additional operational aspects The manufacturer shall investigate and state the following items

Multiple Unit Operation Alternative multiple unit operation is to be recommended by the manufacturer, however the new 4 car train coupled with existing 3, 4 car train would be preferable.

Alternative solutions Recommendation by The manufacturer

Delivery Time within24 months

Time for onsite implementation and Indication by The manufacturer commissioning

6 Performance Requirements

6.1 Basic Design Requirements

The manufacturer shall comply with international standards as well as the SRTET’s internal design requirements for the system.

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The manufacturer shall provide a design and construction proposal for the train with tender documents. The design and construction process is agreed in the contract negotiations between SRTET and The manufacturer. During this process SRTET and The manufacturer liaise for the exterior and interior design, colour and material appearance.

The manufacturer must provide a presentation for the various design options based on meaningful drawings, photos, isometric drawings, computer images (rendering), scale models of the exterior and interior and scaled ground plan representations, meaningful component drawings and dimensioned cross and longitudinal sections of all the important areas for SRTET approval.

The manufacturer shall specify type of painting, other coating and insulation materials available.

SRTET evaluates the location and design of the pictograms. Advertising on trains is permitted only by SRTET’s yet to be defined surfaces.

The trains shall be designed and equipped that an intended, unrestricted and unlimited operational use in the applications listed above over the entire useful life of 30 years with a scheduled annual mileage of 350,000 km ± 30% runs is ensured and guaranteed by the manufacturer at a minimum. In the offer the manufacturer shall provide a comprehensive plan for the train showing the arrangement of the main components, the windows and doors (layout and design), seat and handrail assembly and a preliminary weight balance. The manufacturer shall specify design features of car body, chassis, including propulsion system.

The maximum operating speed of 160 km/h shall also be achieved with wheels wear down to the minimum tolerance. The axle load shall be kept to a minimum.

6.2 Engineering Calculation

The manufacturer shall submit a summary of all stress calculations of the car and bogie structures that show the stresses and factors of safety for all specified load conditions prior to the car body test. The manufacturer shall submit these calculations indicating the following as a minimum but not limited to:

 Structural diagram of the car body showing all elements  Diagram displaying externally applied loads to the car body  Stress distribution by colour shading images

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 Stress analysis from the coupling to the underframe  Worst case diagrams of calculated deflections of the car body under AW4 and combined vertical and longitudinal loads  Calculated rates of the car body under each of specified vertical loading conditions

The manufacturer shall submit an analysis of the car body structure under the re-railing loading:

1. The manufacturer shall indicate the maximum stress scenario of the car body structure with AW0 weight and with the motor bogie lifted and the frame supported by lifting jacks located on the car body-end. 2. The manufacturer shall indicate any of the basic frame elements not exceeding 90% of the material’s guaranteed minimum yield point. 3. The manufacturer shall provide an analysis of the car body structure under torsional load of 40kNm at a body bolster and reaction support at other body bolster. Under this condition the maximum stress in any of the principal frame elements shall not exceed 90% of the material’s guaranteed minimum yield point. The manufacturer shall provide a torsional analysis of the car body structure by diagonal jacking. 4. The manufacturer shall provide an analysis for the car body structure, loaded equal to its AW0 weight supported at 4 jacking points. One shall be gradually lowered until zero loads. Under this condition the maximum stress in any of the principal frame elements shall not exceed 90% of the material’s guaranteed minimum yield point.

The Employer reserves the right to require submittal of relevant detail stress analysis calculations prior to its approval of the production of structural drawings, if in its opinion the structural adequacy of the proposed construction is questionable.

6.3 Crashworthiness

A car shall, in the event of a crash or major impact, offer protection to passengers’ onboard trains by limiting the deceleration rate experienced by the occupants.

Compliance with standard EN 15227 “Railway applications - Crashworthiness requirements for railway car bodies” is mandatory.

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These requirements are in addition to the car body structural requirements specified herein. As a result thereof the manufacturer shall apply additional safety measures for the installations inside the passenger compartment particularly against falling objects and fixation of equipment to the body structure.

The manufacturer shall expressively provide relevant calculations and test result for various speed scenarios reflecting impact to onboard equipment and potential stress scenarios.

The front-/rear-end of each cab shall include at least two absorption posts, two collision posts and an anti-climbing device engineered to prevent overriding and penetration into the passenger compartment in the event of collision.

The ends shall be easy to repair or replace in case a collision has caused structural damage to the front-/rear-end area. A single end frame is favoured including an underframe section that can be replaced as in the event of collision damage.

The car structure and supplemental energy absorption devices shall be engineered to minimise decelerations transmitted to passengers by absorbing collision energy without overriding or telescoping.

The cars shall meet the following requirements for a collision involving a consist of any possible length in this specification, loaded to AW0 plus 100 passengers per car moving at speed “V”, on level tangent track, impacting a stationary consist of the same length, with brakes applied and, loaded at AW0 plus 100 passengers per car.

(a) For V = 3 km/h or less, there shall be no damage to or loss of serviceability of any car or equipment. There shall be no activation of any sacrificial-type energy-absorption element.

(b) For V = 5 km/h or less, there shall be no damage to any car or equipment, except for any covers or shrouds at the point of impact.

Anti-climbers shall be provided at the front-/rear-end of each car with at least three ribs that will engage with ribs of similar anti-climbers to assist in preventing override.

A vertical load of 300kN acting upward or downward on the centreline of the anti-climber, with only two ribs engaged, shall not cause any yielding of the anti-climber structure.

6.4 Interfaces

The new rolling stock shall comply with the following features. The rail gauge is 1,435 mm. 0.9 km of the alignment including the ramp to the Depot is underground particularly the ramp

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area and station at the Suvarnabhumi Airport. At grade or elevated are 27.9 km with slab track in the elevated and tunnel area. The Depot has ballast track. The rail-profile is UIC 60. The manufacturer shall attach a wheel-rail study to the offer.

The manufacturer shall ensure a safe and comfortable operation in context with the rail-wheel contact in 1/40 and must comply with 1/20 of inclined rails geometry. Trains shall be able to run versine in the range over the entire speed range without limit of large amplitudes of the bogie-side movements and/or major horizontal and/or vertical movements of the car body. Versine is the lateral movement of the centre of the axis between the bogie centres of a train from the track centre line, when a train passes a curve.

The manufacturer shall assume a strong road-, pollen-and dust-polluted air with metal bearing wear.

The stations have side or island platforms. The manufacturer shall enclose appropriate drawings indicating the static and kinematic envelope particularly the stepping distance between train step and platform edge.

At Suvarnabhumi Airport terminal station Platform Screen Doors (PSD) are installed. Train doors shall have an interface for a simultaneous door opening of both PSD and train doors. In additional, the manufacturer shall put the PSD door drive system for support 8 to 10-car train configuration.

In addition the interface between pantograph and Overhead Catenary System shall be pointed out. The manufacturer shall provide a carbon strip which grade or quality should be equal or better than the existing carbon stripspure carbons grade CY280.

The trains shall have the appropriate interface to the existing interlocking system. In this context the respective braking distances at the maximum possible slippery rails and steepest gradients shall be managed.

The manufacturer shall provide a detailed description of the coupling particularly the interface to the existing fleet incorporating all mechanical coupling for rescue, push and pull in emergency case only. The manufacturer shall add relevant drawings as well as photographic images as required for assessment of SRTET.

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6.5 Prevention of Vandalism

The manufacturer shall reflect great importance for the design of the train interior with respect to durability and resistance against wilful damaging, e.g., vandalism, removal/theft of parts, scratching, and on easy cleaning also of scribbling. Robust, resistant and easy to clean material shall be used under consideration of fire protection aspects. Chosen materials shall prevent wilful destruction.

The manufacturer shall specify the different options to substantially prevent damage and unusual defacing, e.g. by indoor and outdoor graffiti.

The manufacturer shall make a proposal for a potential graffiti protection for the outside, without limitation of the warranty of the painting. The manufacturer shall specify material to be used for graffiti protection.

All windows and glass surfaces in the interior, except in the cabs shall have interior approvable scratch protection film. These films can easily be changed during maintenance. The manufacturer shall take into account that windows are used as emergency exits in accordance with the emergency concept, when applying such scratch protection film.

The framing, panelling and body shall form an integrated structure capable of resisting, without permanent deformation or undue wear, the buffing and other stresses inherent in the type of service for which the cars are intended.

6.6 Loads and Jerk Limits

The strength of the primary structural components of the car body shall meet or exceed the values specified below:

(1) Horizontal loads to car end at coupling height shall be 1500 kN.

(2) Compression load applied horizontally and parallel from the longitudinal centre line of the car-body to the centre reaction point of the coupling pivot shall not result in yielding of the body structure.

(3) A fully equipped body shall carry its own dead weight in addition to an exceptional load of AW4, distributed uniformly along passenger saloon length. Stress limits shall not exceed 80% of the guaranteed minimum yield strength published by the manufacturer of the used material.

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(4) All load conditions and end compression load, applied longitudinally at the coupling centre, shall not exceed 1500 kN.

Calculated stress in structure elements shall not be greater than guaranteed minimum yield point published by the manufacturer of the materials. A 0.2% offset yield method shall be used for materials whose yield point is not clearly defined.

5) Definition of train loading:

Load level Description Explanation

AW0 Tare load Empty train, ready to run

AWs All seats occupied

AW2 Average load AWs + 5 persons/m2

AW3 Over load AWs + 8 persons/m2

AW4 Exceptional load AWs + 10 persons/m2

Trains shall offer a maximum passenger capacity for peak hours combined with sufficient seating capacity for off-peak hours. The following table requests the minimum seating and standing capacity. The manufacturer shall propose optimisation alternatives for the best seat and standing arrangement. The seat width shall be 450 mm. The average weight of a passenger is assumed as 60 kg. A full-loaded (AW 4) train shall reach the maximum operational speed of 160 km/h, fully equipped considering all potential environmental and operational situations in order to constantly comply with the reference time schedule.

In case a condition cannot be fulfilled the manufacturer shall point out deviations in detail and give the respective reasons.

6.7 Car Body

The manufacturer shall state the type of material used for the car body on the offer. The shell shall be designed that damaged structures of the body can be repaired by straightening or removing and re-inserting.

The frame shall be made of corrosion-resistant material of repair-friendly design.

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The side-wall panels must be made of a robust material. The side-wall panels shall range from the cant rail until raised in the lower side-wall area at the floor. The transition of the side-walls to the windows, pillars and roof rounding must be smooth. Side-walls shall be flush with the outer cladding, appliances and doors.

Haunch cabinets comprising electric components and diagnostics interfaces must have lockable haunch flaps.

The manufacturer shall submit a locking concept for the Client’s assessment and acceptance.

Folding hinges or fasteners shall be made of stainless material. Any hinge panels and/or covers shall fit to the side-wall panels in colour and shape.

Rotary angles between the joints and the individual car parts shall be designed that they are easily accessible and squeaking and creaking is eliminated during rotational movements.

The bellows joint must be covered at the inter-car gangway such that no person can be jammed while a train is passing curves. The connections between bellows and car body shall be sealed against the ingress of dust, rain and washing water.

All areas, switches and valves that staff must operate in the event of a malfunction shall be ergonomically optimised.

6.8 Driver’s Cab

The manufacturer shall submit a concept for the design of the workplace of the driver for evaluation by the SRTET.

The occupational health and safety (OSH) directives shall be obeyed.

With the offer the manufacturer shall submit the design- plan for the cab-interior to the Client for evaluation reflecting:

 Access to the cab  Cab dimensions  Escape or Emergency exit  Driver’s panel layout and design  Display screens

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The cab shall meet the requirements of UIC651.

The train must have an ergonomically designed driver's desk with required equipment and displays for the operation and information of the driver.

The control and information facilities shall be organised and arranged from a logical point of view and easily accessible from the normal position of the driver.

The driver’s seat shall be ergonomically designed, adjustable and cushioned. Optionally the manufacturer shall propose an air-cushioned driver’s seat and quote for the SRTET’s acceptance.

The noise level in the cab shall be less than 74 dB (A).

The segregation of the driver's cab from the passenger compartment shall be designed by an integrated centre-aisle door with a window. The driver shall be able to open the door towards the passenger compartment. The driver shall be able to lock the door without vibration in the closed and open position. The driver’s door into the passenger compartment shall be burst through to facilitate the driver’s escape route in the event of an incident.

There shall be no impairment of the driver’s sight due to glare from the passenger compartment or reflecting of light in the windshield. If necessary, the driver shall be able to cover-off the passenger compartment, e.g., by a blind or curtain.

There shall be no reflections from the display elements, indicators or from the passenger compartment interior lighting on the windshield. The windshield and side windows shall be protected by devices against steaming-up.

The windows in the cab shall allow for an unobstructed view of the driver to the track and on the track-sides.

The manufacturer must offer a system for the protection against direct sunlight, to cover the glass window width and height with no gap to the frame.

All control and alarm elements in the driver’s cabs shall be anti-glare and reflection free. All control and alarm systems shall be equipped with a search and functional lighting.

Lighting shall be by multiple LED only in exceptional cases. The search light of all operating and alarm equipment shall automatically be switched on with the parking lights. The driver shall be able to perform a switch-on or illuminate display indications.

The instrument panel in the dashboard shall be running glare-free and dimmable.

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The illumination of the passenger compartment must have a dimmer switch in the cab, which has two fixed levels for switching on and off the passenger compartment lights.

The driver’s cab shall have individual cab-lighting, which can be switched on or off even a train that is shut-down.

The driver’s cab and exterior door lighting shall be turned off delayed-in-time by a separate button in the instrument panel.

By opening a cab-door the driver’s cab illumination must be switched on immediately and switched off delayed-in-time, provided that the train is not rigged-up.

By opening a cab-door or shut-down of the train the interior lights of the driver’s cab and lighting of the passenger compartment must be switched-off in a 1 second to 30 second timeframe to be adjusted by the SETET’ staff. Each cab shall have a display for train operation, train data input as well as diagnosis and monitoring purposes.

The speedometer and mileage indicator shall be mounted in the centre of the driver’s console.

The driver cabs shall have a mushroom shaped emergency-off button for dangerous situations, which initiates an immediate emergency braking activated by the driver during operation. The emergency stop function shall directly be wired and also work with disruption of the train bus at a multiple unit. The mushroom-button shall be a self-latching button. By twisting the mushroom button it is released.

Acknowledgement shall be possible at stand-still only. A train data check shall also be possible during a trip. The input of train data such as train/trip number, driver number etc. shall be possible on both cabs of a train.

Driver cabs shall be equipped with a first-aid kit. The manufacturer must submit a cab concept for the Client’s evaluation.

The safe storage of personal items such as bags, bottles, clothes etc. shall be possible.

6.9 Train Access and Doors

6.9.1 Train Access

Access to trains shall be without restrictions. The gap between platform-edge and door entrance must be reduced to the minimum. The door level shall be at the same height as the platform level considering wear of wheels.

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Door width and height shall match the given values in the image and paragraph below but as well reflect NFPA requirements. The manufacturer shall specify the values of the clearance width and the door opening width in the offer.

The entrance space in the passenger compartment shall have stanchions. The entrance design and access area shall be designed in a way that the clear width of doors in the entrance area is not restricted by obstructions such as stanchions, side handrails or segregation walls.

Train doors shall have an External Emergency Access Device (EEAD) on the exterior of the train at a height easy to reach from the viaduct respectively track. The EEAD shall be labelled accordingly to inform emergency services for quick access.

6.9.2 Safety and Risk Assessment for Doors

The manufacturer shall present the offered door system including functions, noise levels during opening and closing as well as the diagnosis system in use prior to implementation to SRTET for assessment.

The manufacturer shall produce a FMEA and an analysis in case of faulty operation.

The manufacturer shall consider all potential external and internal failure scenarios of access doors at a speed greater than 5 km/hand shall grant that at least two failures must occur before a door can accidentally be opened.

All failures affecting safety of passengers shall be detected by the safeguarding software and immediately be transmitted to the driver. The driver shall be alerted by a red failure indicator and receive a relevant message from the failure and diagnosis management. No single failure shall cause an injury to passengers.

A major door failure, loss of a door requiring locking and putting out-of-service, shall not occur in less than 300,000 door operating cycles. The manufacturer shall provide failure rates of door loss, in the offer.

Regular and abnormal door operation shall not affect the doors and all associated equipment during the life-cycle of doors.

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6.9.3 Safety Integrity Level (SIL)

The manufacturer shall provide the minimum SIL 2 according to EN 50126 for the following safety functions specified as follows:

 Door close and lock signal  Prevention of unintended door-release  Prevention of wrong side failure  Internal and external emergency door opening  Obstruction detection

6.9.4 Mechanical Requirements for Doors

Doors shall conform to EN 14752. Open doors shall be in parallel to the exterior wall of a car. The manufacturer shall specify adjustment values and specific tools required in the offer. Specific tools and software shall be part of the offer.

No part of any door, door installation, door control system or any other components shall cause injury to passengers or personnel as a result of door operation. Particular attention shall be paid to detection of trapped obstacles in the passenger doors.

No spurious electrical signal shall cause any door unintentionally released or opened, particularly when the train is in motion. The manufacturer shall provide a comprehensive Safety Audit to prove this feature for the SRTET’ satisfaction.

All door operations respectively movements considering all power supply conditions shall be smooth, controlled and devoid of jerks or any hazards. Doors shall not slam after removal of an obstruction or when the power supply is lost, removed or interrupted.

The momentary maximum noise level during door closing shall not exceed 80dB,the average noise level during door closing shall not exceed 70dB.The manufacturer must also propose other solutions to reduce the noise level to the minimum.

No element or component of passenger doors, door installations, door-control systems shall be damaged by, or have its service life shortened by repeated or continuous stalling or pushing back of the doors.

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All passenger door components and systems, including all rollers, racks, gears and pinions not intended for passenger use or access, shall be adequately protected against passenger intrusion and vandal proof at all times particularly during the passenger door operating cycle.

No electrical or electronic equipment shall be mounted on any door leaf panel. The closing force of the passenger doors shall be adjusted according to the standard EN 14752.

To open the unlatched passenger door when no power supply is available, the required force applied by a person onboard a train or standing at track level shall not exceed 150 N.

Sheet metal shall be adequate to provide strength and rigidity. The manufacturer shall specify the values in the offer.

The installation of the doors shall be carried out so that a penetration of spray with the doors closed is safely prevented. Joints and edges shall be thoroughly sealed against ingress of moisture with drain holes located at the bottom of the doors to allow drainage of condensate. The water tightness of the door shall be tested as per the relevant clause 4.10.2 of EN 14752.

In closed position the sealing shall ensure that the doors do not permit draughts, dirt, or water to enter the train either in service or when undergoing washing operations. Train doors shall resist mechanical cleaning in the wash plant. The manufacturer can ask for further details of the wash plant if necessary.

Ingress of water or dirt with open doors shall be handled by rapid draining takes place with no surrounding equipment or systems affected.

Each car side shall have a minimum of two pairs of externally sliding bi-plug doors on both sides of the train fitted with durable electro-mechanical drives.

The arrangement and pitch of the doors per car is defined with 8.78 m. The pitch for the existing fleet between adjacent doors of different cars is designed at 11.55 m.

The clear door opening width of each door pair shall be a minimum of 1,300 mm and a clear height of at least 1,900 mm.

A lamp protected against tampering shall be provided on each side of each train to indicate whether any passenger door is not fully closed, latched and safeguarded or a manual emergency release device has been operated.

All passenger doors shall have a mechanical latch, which automatically safeguards the passenger door in fully closed position. The latch shall prevent door operation by normal

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means. The mechanical latch shall be released automatically when the passenger door-open control is normally operated or when the local emergency door release is triggered.

When closed, door leaves shall be capable of withstanding loads imposed by passengers leaning on them under crush loading conditions. The doors shall be designed and tested such that the door leaves sustain such pressure with no permanent deformation. The doors shall be tested as per the relevant clause of EN 14752.

6.9.5 Passenger Door Control

The doors shall be designed for cab-controlled operation and operated at 24VDC ±30%. Control commands and status reports shall be transmitted to the leading cab only.

The control circuit shall be hardwired. Either an ATO command or manual operation automatically shall trigger all the doors on either side. Trains shall have indoor and outdoor door-opening buttons for manual operation. Manual operation is indicated by an acoustic and visual display to the passenger.

All doors shall have the same following safety features:

 Infrared Safety Grid  Jamming Control  Electrical force control and torque monitoring with jamming protection during closing and opening  Obstruction Detection

Doors shall operate at train standstill and safeguarded door-release status only. Door control shall be individually switched off by a key-switch next to the passenger doors.

In ATO mode, the automatic door-open command may be overridden by an operating a switch. Preferably this switch shall be provided next to the switch-board at the back of the driver’s cab. The MMI-system monitors the operation of this switch.

The door control pushbuttons shall be illuminated with distinct colour lights. The details and schematic shall be provided for review by SRTET.

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The opening and closing of doors shall only be possible from an active cab. The door control shall be placed in the driver‘s console and also near each cab side-window.

All door control panels in the driver‘s cab shall have an identical layout and shall be physically interchangeable.

Doors shall have an infrared control grid to prevent jamming. The manufacturer shall adjust the grid in a position that all boarding and alighting passengers are supervised. Adaptations shall easily be made with a regular PC interface.

The door controls shall be interlocked with the train’s zero speed circuitry in a way that the doors cannot be opened until the train has stopped. The train shall not be able to move unless all the saloon doors are proved closed and locked. The train line circuit performing this interlock shall be a fail-safe, double break circuit to provide maximum protection against erroneous door locked signals.

A sealed disconnect-switch in each cab shall be provided to bypass the interlock, to enable a train to be taken to the next station for passenger alighting prior to removal from service, in order to attend to the defective door. Disconnecting shall be recorded by the MMI-system.

All door control circuits for one side of a car shall be separate and distinct from those for the other side of the car. There shall be no shared component unless specifically called herein.

The ATP shall interlock the opening of the saloon doors. In ATP mode, it shall not be possible to energise the door open circuit if the train has not stopped in the correct location or if the car side adjacent to the platform has not been selected.

A centralised door blocking system shall prevent door opening starting at a speed approximately of 2.5 km/h.

It shall be possible to operate any or both side doors where ATP-protection is not available. This shall also be used to flush out hot air from a train in the depot before being transferred to passenger service.

At the exterior as well as interior area near each door suitable LED indication lamps shall be provided to indicate the door status including the isolated state. The lamp shall flash during opening/closing and shall be in ON-position during open/isolated condition. The manufacturer shall provide suitable samples or pictures plus description in the offer for the Client’s review.

A flap-type handle, the passenger emergency release, shall stop a train in case of an emergency at a speed less than 5 km/h. If the speed is more than 5 km/h an emergency brake

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is applied, which the driver can override in order to continue the trip to the next station or out of a potential hazardous area such as tunnel sections.

6.9.6 Door Opening and Closing Times

The door opening and closing time of passenger doors shall be adjustable in the range of 2.0 to 5 seconds. The end of the door-closing operation shall be damped to minimise potential hazards.

All doors shall fully open within 2.5 to 3.5 seconds after triggering the door-open-command. All doors shall fully close within 2.5 to 3.5 seconds after triggering the door-close-command.

All doors shall holding in fully open position within 3 minutes.

The doors shall not lock and release a door-closed indication if an obstruction is detected. The obstruction detection feature shall not permit the doors to lock either when a 15 mm wide by 100 mm deep flat plate is held between the door-leafs, or when a 19 mm diameter bar is held between the door panels.

If an obstruction is detected, the door shall stop. The mechanical closing force of the obstructed door shall be removed. The door shall re-open by 100 mm, respectively at a minimum 50 mm each door leaf when an obstruction is detected.

After a specified delay, which shall be adjustable between 0 and 5 sec, the door shall attempt to close again. If an obstruction persists, each door leaf shall stop again and the closing force of the obstructed door shall be removed. After the specified delay, the door shall attempt to close again. If the obstruction is still present the door shall re-open by 50 mm, respectively at a minimum of 25 mm each door leaf and remain stationary, reporting a fault to the MMI-system.

A successful mechanical closing and locking shall be electrically interlocked to safeguard the closed position of each door leaf.

The above time assumptions are notional, and are adjustable for operational purposes. The manufacturer shall state the initial settings and confirm during commissioning.

6.9.7 Door Operation Criteria

The reliability and intrinsic safety of the doors of all high capacity metro trains are of paramount importance. One door failure often has the effect of disrupting the service, and usually causes more than a two minute delay. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that the

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door scheme shall be designed with all necessary safeguarding means against potential failure. The door operation shall remain reliable under all operating conditions from tare to overload.

Each saloon door shall be fitted with the means of isolating and locking both door leaves. The isolation shall require the use of a key at a location normally accessible from the platform. The keyhole location shall be subject to review by the SRTET. The driver shall also be able to isolate any closed and locked door from the cab, preferably using the MMI interface.

When the isolation is activated, the door shall be mechanically locked in closed position. Manually isolated doors shall be indicated on TCMS display in the driver’s cab.

In case a door opens while the train is in motion, an audio visual alarm shall alert the driver. The opening of the door shall also be indicated on the TCMS display. The CCTV shall focus on the door which has opened. It shall be possible for the driver to continue the trip to the next station at a restricted speed. This speed limit shall be reviewed during the design phase. The driver shall not be able to continue the trip after stopping the train, without isolating the door.

The driver shall have a button for a “forced door-closing” command. In this case the infrared grid shall be inactive.

Additionally, For the Passenger Emergency Release (PER) the train shall be equipped with Passenger Alarm Unit (PAU) and Internal Emergency Egress Device (IEED) triggering an emergency braking unless the driver aborts the braking because of an un-safe location, e.g., tunnel section or viaduct.

6.9.8 Audio Visual Indications during Door Opening and Closing

An audio visual alarm shall be provided inside and outside to warn the passengers regarding the opening and closing of passenger saloon doors as per Clause and of EN 14752, 2005. An on-line passenger announcement shall be triggered to provide the necessary audio announcement onboard a train.

Locked doors shall be indicated to the passengers. In this case the door shall not have a door release indication. A faulty door can be reset by switching on/off the door concerned.

The on-line passenger announcement shall also inform of the side on which the doors shall open. The visual alarm inside the saloon shall be illuminated on the side on which the doors will open.

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The driver shall receive a visual indication and an acoustic alert-signal in the cab as soon as the “green-loop” (safety loop) is safeguarded. As long as the safety loop is not available propulsion power is cut-off. In case the indication is faulty the driver shall have the option to by-pass the loop as a safety critical command, which is documented in the TCMS display. The switch shall be sealed.

6.9.9 Door Interfaces

The door system shall trigger the following interfaces:

 ATP/ATO  PA-system  PIS  Platform Screen Door System  MMI-system

The door controller unit shall have a communication link to the TCMS. The TCMS shall also be interfaced with the related circuits and interlocks so that all door related status and commands are logged.

The train doors shall have an interface to the PSD at Suvarnabhumi Airport terminal station ensuring a simultaneous and safe door opening.

6.9.10 Internal Emergency Egress Device (IEED)

Each door shall be equipped with an emergency egress device as per relevant clause 4.3.2 of the EN 14752. Please refer also to PER in Chapter 7.8.9.

The emergency door opening device shall be placed near each door at a height of approximately 1,800 mm and be protected from improper use by passengers by appropriate design, e.g., behind a transparent cover.

For emergency egress through the passenger saloon door, simplicity of operation is imperative. Instructions shall be displayed to enable passengers, unfamiliar with the equipment to operate the door, in emergency condition, when the train driver is incapacitated.

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6.9.11 External Emergency Access Device (EEAD)

The emergency access device shall be provided as per the relevant clause 4.3.3 of EN 14752.

On each exterior side of each car two devices shall be provided close to the passenger’s doors.

This device shall be operable from outside the train from platform-level and track-side level. Operation of this device shall release the locking mechanism of the door related to.

Manual emergency release devices shall be unobtrusive, flushed with, or recessed into, the car side, but immediately available in case of an emergency. The manual emergency release device shall be provided with spring loaded covers to ensure water tightness. Any operation of the emergency egress devices shall be indicated to the train driver along with the door open or closed indication.

6.9.12 Driver’s Cab Doors

Exterior cab doors shall provide an easy access and egress for the train drivers even with passenger doors in locked position.

This is of prime objective for passenger safety during irregularities with a train stalled or stopped on line between stations. The manufacturer shall provide a safeguarded locking system independently from the regular ARL signalling system, described as safety-loop or green loop.

The key-system shall provide various access possibilities as described above. All cab doors shall be lockable against unauthorised access.

6.9.13 Interior Doors

The train shall have 2 types of the interior door as following:

 Cab back wall door located between the train driver’s cab and passenger saloon.  Body end door located between the inter-car gangways on each car.

The door system is designed to be a fire barrier. It is has to be ensured that the door closes in case of power supply failure.

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The cab back wall door and the body end door comprise of the following equipment with the described functionality's:

 Both doors are designed to function as a fire barrier for approximately 30 minute.  Two simultaneously and contrary moving door leaves.  Normal door position is closed.  Automatic opening and closing (The lock mechanism by special key in closed position).  Closing by spring applied force.  Locking device for locking the door in open position or deactivating it in closed position (door can be moved manually).  Indirect connection to the multifunctional vehicle bus (MVB) via Door control unit (DCU) and the internal RS485-bus to Central door control unit (CDCU).

Additional the cab back wall door comprises of the following equipment and functionality: a) The door is locked in closed position to prevent passenger access to the cab. b) The train driver can access from saloon side. On saloon side unlocking and opening is possible only by means of the special key. c) The door can be opened from cab side at any time by pushbutton or the emergency brake active. In case of electrical system failure, manual opening is possible.

6.10 Passenger Compartment

6.10.1 Layout

The train concept shall provide a splitting of the passenger compartment into different areas. The major part is intended for standing passengers with a fixed seat arrangement along the windows and potential additional foldable seats for pure standing areas. The manufacturer shall provide a design proposal for the Client’s review and acceptance. The manufacturer shall attach top-view layout with dimensions to the offer. The manufacturer must incorporate 3-D images for the interior design in his proposal. In principle, the passenger compartment shall be transparent and allow for a free view through the train.

Trains and passenger compartment shall be continuously accessible. Trains shall have storage space for hand luggage.

For the arrangement of equipment components cabinets in the cab or in the passenger compartment can be used as well as space on the roof.

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6.10.2 Compartment Features

The ceiling panels shall include the diffusers to evenly distribute conditioned air throughout the passenger saloon. The ceiling of all trains shall be identical. The assembly shall allow for interchange ability with a tolerance between two adjacent panels not exceeding 3 mm including car body tolerance. The ceiling shall not distort. Lighting fixtures, air diffusers and other flush mounted elements shall allow for being inspection and removal without requiring disassembly of the ceiling. Drop straps shall be provided to assure that when any panel becomes detached it will not injure the occupants.

The seating area next to the entrance area shall be separated by glass partitions with holding elements. Transparent walls shall be made of laminated safety glass.

Above each door between portal areas shall be available for Passenger Information Display (Type 3) refers to 6.13 Passenger Information System (PIS). The manufacturer shall provide a proposal in the offer for the Client’s review and approval particularly in terms of size and location.

Disabled spaces shall be marked. The manufacturer shall submit a proposal for placement of the icons in front of the customers for evaluation. Passenger Seats

The seats shall have an ergonomic design that shall provide a comfortable ride for passengers. The seats shall be of either metallic or synthetic material. Synthetic material shall comply with local and international fire standards, e.g., NFPA or EN45545-2. Seats shall be arranged longitudinally on the side structure, designed as “cantilever-seats” without a seat substructure attached to the floor to facilitate easy access for cleaning.

Passenger seats shall be designed similar to individual seats no benches providing a minimum of hold and preventing too close contact to other passengers.

The manufacturer shall attach suitable images etc. for the SRTET’s evaluation and approval. The manufacturer shall also state seat dimension, i.e. height, width etc. in the offer.

Page 61 of 195 Stanchions and Handholds

The passenger compartment of a train shall have a sufficient number of stanchions and handholds placed in a way that all standing passengers have the possibility of a secure grip during the trip.

Each passenger compartment shall have various types of stanchions and handholds for standing passengers, such as:

 Vertical handrails adjacent the door posts  Lateral handrails with handholds  Horizontal handrails with handholds

Any other type of handhold may be acceptable, subject to the approval by SRTET. Handholds shall be fixed to the handrails preventing shifting.

Handholds and handrails shall be placed at a height above floor-height. Stanchions and handrails shall not affect the free space of the gangway. The manufacturer shall attach suitable images etc. for the Client’s evaluation and approval.

6.10.3 Passenger Comfort

Additional trains shall provide enhanced passenger comfort to attract passengers and help to maximise ridership in a competitive environment beside optimised energy consumption and reduced wear to maximise the Client’s profit.

 Passenger-oriented interior design shall combine high passenger comfort with high passenger capacity in peak hours.  Comfortable, ergonomically shaped seats shall provide good lateral support, especially during the acceleration and braking phase, also for passengers on longitudinally mounted seats.  The design of the stanchions shall underline the aesthetics of the interior and provide optimised support for standing passengers.  Two lighting strips are integrated in the ceiling and provide smooth and dazzle-free light.

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 The manufacturer shall arrange a place for a wheel chair in each car. Please also refer to Appendix 1.

6.10.4 Train Passage

The train’s passenger compartment shall have a gangway with 1,900 mm minimum clear height and a clear width greater than 550 mm to connect adjacent car-ends within the train consist. The manufacturer shall submit the gangway design for Client’s approval. The gangway shall offer sufficient thermal and acoustical insulation. Materials used shall conform to the fire performance specification.

The gangway shall provide a safe passage for the passengers free of dangerous gaps.

The gangway design shall prevent any water ingress into the gangway area for the service-life of the rubber bellows. Support of the gangway on the coupling is acceptable.

Bellow design shall allow for curves on the line and in the depot (75 m) without negative impact on service-life of the bellow.

Design of the gangway floor shall allow for curves during service an even passing of the gangway. The bridge plates shall allow easy access for inspection or cleaning.

The interior of the gangway shall provide a smooth and aesthetically pleasing surface avoiding potential finger or dirt traps. Colour shall match with the overall interior colour scheme. The manufacturer shall attach a design proposal for the Client’s acceptance.

Locking devices shall be designed to prevent unauthorised access.

6.10.5 Space for Wheelchairs/Handicapped People and Multi-purpose Space

According to Appendix 1 Wheelchair Space, trains shall have space for wheelchair users next to the passenger doors. The space for wheelchairs shall be designed according to TSI PRM.

Next to the space for wheelchair users a place for an accompanying person shall be arranged.

A multi-purpose area mainly for wheelchair users shall be foreseen next to the entrance area. The train design shall comply with international standards for handicapped people (TSI PRM) for a smooth access and safe riding conditions.

The location shall be equipped with PAU.

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In addition to this, specific seats shall be labelled as reserved for handicapped persons such as monks, children and pregnant women.

The space for wheel-chairs or additional space shall be reserved for wheelchairs, strollers and parking of larger pieces of luggage.

The manufacturer shall incorporate such room in his design and attach specific documents as stated in the chapter “Project Phases and Documents”.

Such “multi-purpose space”may be equipped with foldable seats. Preference for wheelchair users shall be marked clearly.

6.10.6 Interior Lighting

The interior lighting shall be use LED technology for environment and energy saving concerned,which shall be used for railway application only. The design for life time of LED should be over 200,000 hours. The lighting shall ensure direct and indirect glare free illumination of the passenger compartment. Flicker and stroboscopic effects shall not occur. The covers of the light strips shall be resistant against vandalism. Workshop personnel only shall be able to disassemble and clean the interior of the light strips.

The overall lighting level shall be min. 250 lux at 1.2 m above floor level. This level shall not vary by more than 50 lux at any point of the surface of the car at 1.2 m above floor level. The lighting fixture shall be easily accessible for maintenance and replacement. The LED lamps shall be available in Thailand.

In case of power supply failure, some of the lighting fixtures at the vestibules shall be fed from the batteries to provide emergency lighting. The manufacturer shall incorporate a proposal how many lights will be maintained for emergency lighting.

6.11 Air Conditioning and Ventilation

The climatic conditions in Thailand are as stated below. The design of Rolling Stock shall allow for 5% tolerance in the values for ambient temperature and humidity.


Design-temperature, winter: 17°C (dry bulb)

Design-temperature, summer: 35°C * (dry bulb)

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28°C * (wet bulb)

* 1% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence

Max. Temperature: 45 °C

Rainfall, average annual: 1,392-1,949 mm

Maximum daily rainfall: 167 mm/24 hours

Max hourly wind speed: 32.5 m/s (117 km/h)

Relative Humidity:

Maximum Average daily: 92.1%

Minimum Average daily: 58.8%

6.11.1 Air Conditioning System for Passenger’s Saloon

The fresh air at a rate of not less than 9.0 m3/h/person at AW2 loading and re-circulating air flow shall be provided to evenly distributed the cooling energy throughout the passenger saloon and avoid stratification. The special temperature variation in each car shall not exceed ±2˚C from the mean saloon temperature from that car.

The saloon shall have a mean interior temperature of 25˚C and a relative humidity of 60% or less under the following conditions:

 Exterior conditions at up to 35˚C dry bulb and 75% relative humidity  Daylight hours with full solar load  Passenger load of AW2

The saloon shall have an average interior temperature of less than 25˚C and a relative humidity of 60% under the following conditions.

 Condenser inlet temperature of 45˚C dry bulb and 38% relative humidity in tunnel conditions.  Passenger load AW2.

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All saloon air conditioning units shall be of the self-contained package type. Split air conditioning systems are not allowed.

 Design shall comply with the requirements of EN 14750 Railway applications – Air Conditioning for urban and suburban rolling stock as far as applicable. (Optional)  Each car shall be equipped with a sufficiently rated Air-Conditioning (AC) system, with ventilation function according to the climatic conditions of Bangkok, Thailand.

The air conditioning unit shall continue to operate at maximum capacity at condenser inlet temperatures up to 45 ˚C.

All roof-mounted saloon units shall be identical and interchangeable.

All units shall be easily removed by lifting without need to break any connections in the refrigeration circuit.

All units shall be easily and reliably sealed against water and wind when reinstalled on the car, and shall do so without the need of special tools or procedures.

All refrigerant shall have a zero ozone depletion potential index in compliance with the Montreal protocol and EN378 for the full life cycle of the vehicle.

All motors shall be driven by an AC 400-440V, 50 Hz, three phase. Brushless DC motors may be accepted for emergency ventilation. The manufacturer should submit for SRTET approval. Refrigerant piping, fittings and materials shall meet the recommendations of ASHRAE as a minimum.

All air conditioning shall be controlled such that adequate cooling is provided to meet the requirements specified herein, but energy is saved at low load periods by automatically reducing the air conditioning capacity on the car.

All air conditioning units shall be fitted with limited heating capability to be used for humidity control.

All refrigerant used shall be odourless, non-toxic and harmless to human being.

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The air conditioning unit shall be in light weight design to meet the target of 21Kg per KW cooling capacity for stainless steel casing.

The interior noise level inside any car at 1.2 m above floor level, when car is stationary with any or all auxiliary equipment operating at normal conditions, shall not exceed 67 dB(A).

The air conditioning shall cool down the saloon to 25˚C within 15 minutes, after soaking for 8 hours with the exterior conditions at 32˚C dry bulb and 90% relative humidity, during daylight hours with full solar load.

At each station stop after the doors have been open for 30 seconds and then closed, the system shall be capable of bringing the mean interior temperature of the car back to 25˚C within one minute when loaded to AW3.

In the event of failure in the saloon air conditioning system, the fresh air circulation shall be available.

Air distribution ducts shall be engineered such that cooled air from any refrigerant circuit/subsystem can be used to cool the entire length of the car.

All air entering the saloon via the air conditioning system shall be filtered. Each filter shall be easily accessible from the saloon interior and shall not require replacement or cleaning more frequent than once a month.

Each car shall have two independently functioning mechanical control devices but technically identical equipment for air conditioning.

The ventilation and air conditioning system of the passenger compartment shall be made in compliance with the requirements of EN 14750-1 and designed for the applicable climate zone.

For determination of the necessary electrical cooling capacity for the cars following difficulties shall be observed:

 Door opening at service stops  Various solar conditions during a trip  Varying passenger concentration at peak and off-peak hours  Different and at times high humidity especially by boarding passengers in rain-soaked clothes

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Uniform temperature throughout the passenger compartment shall be granted. Automatic and manual setting of the temperature shall be possible.

The manufacturer shall provide a proposal for energy saving measures (cost / benefit). The air-conditioning system shall be environmentally friendly.

The default values for outdoor air-flow rate and system performance shall be independent of speed, direction of travel and crosswind condition.

An outdoor air-flow rate ≥1,130 m3/h shall be possible up to the maximum due date for change of filters. Filter change shall not be required in less than 800 hours. The manufacturer shall state the required timeframe in the offer.

The air-conditioning component shall be an environmental friendly refrigerant medium according to class 1 of EN 378, which is approved for the full life-cycle of the train.

The MTBF-value of 40,000 hours suggesting 30 years and up to 18 hours of daily use according EN 50126 shall be assured.

This shall be the value for a total loss of the air conditioning equipment but a strict adherence to preventive maintenance.

The manufacturer shall assure that a refill of refrigerant medium shall not be required prior to major maintenance intervals. The manufacturer shall state the required period in the offer.

A maintenance-free operation of the compressor according to state-of-the-art technology shall be granted.

The emergency ventilation is designed for 90 minutes at a minimum. The manufacturer shall state the value in the offer.

6.11.2 Air Conditioning System of Driver’s Cab

The air-conditioning of the driver’s cab shall work independently from the passenger compartments.

The air-conditioning of the driver’s cab shall be designed according to EN 14813 category B for the relevant climatic zone.

The train driver’s cab should be maintaining the cab at less than 25˚C and 60% humidity. Fresh air shall be supplied at a rate of not less than 60 m3/h. The temperature shall be easily adjusted by the train operator.

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Air flow into the cab shall be manually adjustable and capable being shut off. In the event of cab air conditioning failure it shall be possible for the saloon air conditioning to supply air to the cab.

Air diffusers with adjustable louvers shall be provided on the driving console to direct the conditioned air towards a seated driver, in addition to other air outlets within the cab.

6.11.3 Emergency Ventilation

The emergency ventilation shall be designed at a minimum of 90 minutes. The manufacturer shall state the value in the offer.

The emergency ventilation shall be designed in a way to prevent the CO2 to exceed the value of 5,000 ppm at 100% occupancy of the seats and standing respectively peak-occupation is safely prevented.

6.12 Windows

6.12.1 Windscreens

Windscreen glazing shall be made of laminated safety glass. The manufacturer shall guarantee the optical transmission ratio to be at least equal to 80%, without altering the colour of the signal aspects. The manufacturer shall define dimensions, shape and aspect.

The windscreen shall be designed such that it cannot be penetrated by a firearm projectile (22 LR bullets) or a 1 kg stone when the train is travelling at a speed of 70 km/h. The windscreen pane shall remain in place even when pierced or splintered and provide sufficient visibility to enable the driver to continue the trip.

The windscreen seals shall be fastened securely to the structure. The installation of the windscreen frame shall ensure perfect water-tightness and proper mechanical resistance.

6.12.2 Side Windows

Side Windows must not allow opening for ventilation purposes. The closed type is requested, because all cars shall be equipped with air conditioners. The windows shall be placed in the side-wall structure such that sitting and standing passengers have an unobstructed view.

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Side saloon windows shall be provided and be mounted flush with the exterior of the car body. Tinted and closed windows shall be made of laminated safety glass shall be provided.

Two tempered laminated knock-out glass windows per car shall be provided for emergency escape. The glass shall also allow quick access for emergency services either by breaking with standard tools of rescue services in Bangkok or a quick removal function. The manufacturer shall describe the functionality and provide a drawing for assessment by emergency services. The manufacturer shall also address potential hazards of the loss of a complete side window at the height of the viaduct.

Replacement shall be possible without removal of the interior linings.

In case of specific life-threatening emergencies passengers shall be able to egress by climbing through windows. The passenger compartment shall have “emergency hammers” to break laminated glass.

6.12.3 Door Windows

The window of side and end doors shall be glazed with single tinted and laminated glass with moulding rubber or another appropriate fixing.

6.13 Passenger Information System

The train shall be equipped with a Train Communication and Passenger Information system comprising of the following systems:

6.13.1Public Announcement System (PA)

The PA shall allow acoustic announcements by the driver or from the OCC via train radio. It shall be possible for the OCC controllers, drivers or the Automatic Train Control to initiate the play-back of pre-recorded acoustic announcements. The manufacturer shall provide and hand over the software for the pre-defined routes in a way that the Operator can update and modify later changes independently by himself.

The PA shall at least have the following features:

- Automatic announcements both Thai and English

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- Internal and external announcements by the driver

- Announcements from the OCC

- Internal communication from driver to driver in different cabs

- Announcements for stations, terminal stations

- Potential additional information, e.g., for Suvarnabhumi airport

- Noise dependent volume control

- Digital fixation of the most important settings, e.g., as volume, pitch.

The System shall be able to record and evaluate noise levels up to 70 dB (A).The driver shall have a handset for his announcements. The driver shall be able to switch off standardised announcements. The speaker system shall have internal speakers and weatherproof outdoor speakers next to each passenger door. For special cases of operation the maximum volume value shall be set to 100 dB (A).

In case of an emergency, e.g., fire in the passenger compartment the PA shall remain active that the driver is able to make passenger announcements and/or can trigger automatic announcements. Redundant design shall guarantee the PA system’s availability.

6.13.2 Passenger Emergency Communication System, Passenger Alarm Unit (PAU)

The PAU, so-called passenger alarm unit, shall allow the communication between passenger and driver in case of an emergency. Each car shall be equipped with two PAU units for semi- duplex communication between passengers and driver and/or OCC. One unit shall be installed per entrance area alternating left and right. Each PAU shall have an integrated microphone and a loudspeaker, a call-request button and LED indicators for “Wait”, “Listen” and “Speak” status. In case the driver does not respond after 30seconds, the OCC shall receive a signal and may address the passengers directly.

6.13.3 Passenger Information Display (PID):Type 1

Each car shall be equipped with 20 inches high definition (1920x1080) LED Electronic Information Displays. Alternatively, this system shall be integrated into the Passenger

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Information System. Particularly in areas for wheelchairs, information displays or acoustic announcement shall be included in the technical design.

The interior indications shall have LED displays. Displays shall not be restricting the passage height.

The interior displays shall include destination, alternating with date/time, outside & inside temperature, train speed and next stop. The minimum indications shall provide information on the next train stop, exit side if required for centre and side platforms and alphanumeric symbols/signs displayed at about 2 minutes prior to arrival.

At least one display shall be seen unobstructed from each seat. The use of LED displays shall be used for full readability.

6.13.4 Passenger Information Display (PID): Type 2

Each car shall be equipped with 20 inches high definition (1920x1080) LED Dynamic Information Displays. The Dynamic Information Displays shall show the media content, direction of the trip, the train’s current location and the next station. All information shall be displayed in both Thai and English. PID type 2 shall be integrated into the Passenger Information System.

Four passenger’s information displays (PID) type 2 shall be installed per car as a minimum. The locations to be installed shall be designed as required by Client.

SRTET shall be able to change indications or include or exclude all media content, text, message, information, theme as required. All media content should be store in the internal memory which have the capacity at least 2 Terabytes. The manufacturer shall providethe terminal for upgrade in the future, for example the function for automaticallyupdated all media content or transfer data via wireless network between train and based stations, which located at terminal station on the main line and Depot. The manufacturer shall submit the required software tools and access codes for updated and modified as required by SRTET.

6.13.5 Passenger Information Display (PID): Type 3

Each car shall be equipped with high definition (1920x1080) LED Dynamic Information Displays. The Dynamic Information Displays shall show the route map, station information, direction of the trip, side of door open and close, the train’s current location and the next

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station. All information shall be displayed in both Thai and English. PID type 3 shall be integrated into the Passenger Information System.

One passenger’s information displays (PID) type 3 shall be installed above each door portal area as a minimum.

6.13.6 Exterior Destination Display

The manufacturer shall provide the individual modules, data interfaces by appropriate documentation and description. The external train destination signs respectively the front- and side-displays shall include the destinations and arbitrary alphanumeric characters, including Thai script and/or symbols. SRTET shall be able to change symbols and texts. The display shall be installed at each entrance door or one external display per one door.

The side displays shall be placed near the entrances and shall be able to be read while the doors open. All exterior destination displays shall have automatic contrast and brightness adjustment function during both day time and night time for easy to visibility and legibility.

6.14 Train Borne Communication (TBC)

Train Borne Radio must be compatible with the existing system (TETRA) train borne radio. The characteristic of the voice transmission quality shall be greater than 0.65STI according to IEC60268-16. The train radio shall offer voice communication between driver and OCC.

The train radio sub-rack (TRS) is a standard 19-inch sub-rack and is located in the main rack within the driving cabs of a train (two per train). The sub rack provides the driver of the train with the permitted voice functionality of the TETRA radio system and supports passenger announcements from controllers to the passengers on the train. The TRS also supports the data transfer between the train and the OCC, additionally for train related data. The data transfer is based on the short data service (SDS of the TETRA system).

6.14.1 Train borne Radio

The main elements of the train borne equipment are a radio transceiver, associated interfacing printed circuit boards (PCB) and power supply unit (PSU), housed together in a ruggedly manufactured box for protection against the harsh electromechanical environment of the train. The train driver’s handset and loudspeaker are located in the driver’s cab. The train driver

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using a special purpose control head mounted in the driving cab remotely operates the radio equipment. The communication link will be via the train radio antenna, which provides an RF link to the radiating cables, or the antenna network. The equipment’s main functions are as follows:

 To provide a voice and data communication link between the train driver and the Line or Depot Controller.  To pass radio telegrams (status messages) between the train and the Line or Depot Controller.  To allow the Line Controller to make announcements to the passengers on the train via the Train borne public announcement system  To pass positive train identification (PTI) data from the ATO on the train to the signalling system located at the OCC.

6.14.2 Mechanical and Fixing Details

All interfaces of the sub rack are accessible via the front panel of the unit. The layout of the front panel is shown in Figure 3.

The TRS is assembled into the main rack of the train and secured by four 6 mm screws. The earthling of the TRS must be secured by an earth connection to the 6 mm earth bolt. The TRS-500 is a standard 19-inch sub-rack (3HE, 449 mm x 255 mm x 128.5 mm) and is EMC shock tested according to railway standards EN 50121 and EN 50155.

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Figure 3 TRS front panel layout

The TRS has the following interfaces to:  TCH (Train Control Head)  PAE (PA Equipment)  DSD (Driver’s Safety Device, on PAE connector)  LSP (Loudspeaker)  ANT (Antenna)  ATO (Automatic Train Operation)  CAB (Cab Active)  LAN  Service

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Figure 4 Block diagram of the TRS

6.14.3 Internal Interfaces

 Internal Interface The CTC, the Gateway Computer and the Controller system communicate via the TETRA network with the TRS. The main components of the TRS are the Radio Transceiver and the processor system.

 PEI-Interface The MOPS and the Radio Transceiver are connected to each other via the PEI-interface. It is realised as a serial RS232/V.24 interface. The communication between the processor system and the radio is based on AT commands via the PEI interface.


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The purpose of the communications link for PTI data is to convey information regarding the composition and position of trains. The link is non-vital. The radio system adds no information to the data transmitted. PTI data is provided by the on-train ATO equipment and is transmitted to OCC. The PTI data is passed from the train ATO equipment to the radio system and delivered to the CTC equipment via the radio gateway at the OCC communications equipment room The PTI Interface for train PTI data will be in the form of a 9 wire 15-pin SUB-D connector input from the ATO train system into the train radio PTI Interface.

Note: The radio system will act as a “transparent” bearer for the PTI data, the radio system will have no knowledge of its structure, and will not use the data that is transferred.

 TRS Norms The TRS will conform to rail standards/norms. The basic norm should comply with EN 50121 and EN 50155.

6.14.4 External Interfaces

 Status I/O interface (signal/cab active) Cab active signalling determines the non-active TRS, which will transmit the ATO data. Active TRS will be used only for the audio communication. The Cab active signalling from the ZRG system in the train.

 110V DC Power Supply The TRS receives power (110V DC) via this connector which is the only power source for the TRS. This power-supply is converted to the required input voltage for the TRS (12V) by a DC- DC converter fitted within the TRS sub-rack. Connector type: Hirschmann GSE 2000 N4, Male Designation: 110V DC.

 Earthing connector The TRS is equipped with an earthling connector. Connector type: M6 bolt, Length 20mm and 18mm of it in the front.

 LAN (Ethernet) interface This LAN interface is used for TRS maintenance.

 ANT (Antenna Interface) Antenna connector is used for TETRA radio, which is a part of the TRS. Connector type: Connector at TRS-side: BNC, 50 Ohm, female (at cable side BNC, 50 Ohm, male)Antenna type: Radom, connector at the antenna: N-female (at cable side N-male) Cable type:

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Huber&Suhner GX07272D-04.

 PA interface (Passenger Announcements) – (PAE) Connector type: 25 Pin Sub D male, metal housing with cable outlet bent down Cable: FlamexTwinax 100 Ohm 4x2x0, 5mmConnector at PA side: PAE – DCO – X5 / 9 PIN SUB D Male, metal housing.

 Loudspeaker Loudspeaker is an audio output from the TETRA radio. The loudspeaker will be installed in the cab. The loudspeaker output must work with accordance of the requirements described in the PA interface. The outputs minimum load impedance is 4 Ohm. Connector type: Sub-D, 9 pin, Female.

 ATO RS 422 interface.

Connector type: 15 Pin Sub D female, metal housing with cable outlet bent down.

Connector (ATO side): HAN Quintax Modul (EN07 known).

Cable: WTB-Cable Halogen-less HEW – YHCXVH-Cu vz 2xAWG 20.

 Tetra Control Head (TCH) – TETRA mobile radio console interface The TCH and the TRS are connected via this cable. Therefore the proprietary Interface (12V power for console, audio, control signalling) is extended for signals to controller PTT and Hook of the handset. This is necessary to prevent the train driver from interrupting PA calls. The handset and the TCH are connected with the standard cable.

Note: This cable looks the same from outside but is internally wired in a different way to allow the TRS to directly control PTT and Hook of the handset.

 TRS-TCH interface Connector type: 15 PIN D-Sub Connector Male metal housing with cable outlet bent down Connector pinning on TCH interface at TRS.

6.14.5 Passenger Announcement Calls

The mobile radio on the train provides an audio interface and relay switch for Public Announcement on the train.

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The Audio Interface for radio part of the train borne communications system will be in the form of a 4 wire 25-pin SUB-D connector input from the PA system into the Train Radio Audio Interface.

A Public Announcement call is automatically switched to the PA system from the Line Controller or Chief Supervisor to the passengers in one or several trains. The Line Controller or Chief Supervisor can initiate a Public Announcement to the selected Express or City line passenger trains. This call is established as a one way call. In order to prepare for the PA-call, the TRS first receives a short data message SDS-PA-on from the Line Controller or Chief Supervisor, and then switches the voice announcement directly to the train passenger area and confirms back to the CAD server SDS-PA-on-quit If the PA call is established to several trains, SDS-PA-on-quit is expected to be received from each train. In other case, the PA call will be established only in the trains from which the acknowledgment was received. (Functionality of CAD server)The HOOK signal and PTT signal from the train driver will be suppressed during the PA-call, so the train driver cannot interrupt the communication from the Line Controller or Chief Supervisor. During audio output from the PA interface, the loudspeaker output in the train driver cab should be deactivated (as well as handset) and vice- versa. The end of the PA call will be indicated by another message SDS PA_Off_Quit.

Figure 5 Public announcement call (Broadcast Call)

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6.15 Driver’s Control Head The driver’s radio control head will be mounted on the driver’s console in a suitably shaped cut out. Sealing and vibration isolation is provided by a purpose made neoprene gasket, which is supplied with the unit. The driver’s radio control heads a self-contained module mounted in the train driver’s cab. It provides the control interface between the train driver and the radio system via a keypad and an alphanumeric display. The audio path to the handset and loudspeaker is connected directly to the radio system. The adjustment to the level of volume will be controlled by the volume knob fitted to the radio head, a predefined minimum level will be programmed in to the control head to prevent the user from reducing the volume to an inaudible level.

Figure 6 Drivers Control Head

6.15.1 Train Radio Communication Data Table

Air interface protocols ETSI TS 100-300 392-15, EN 303 035-1 Continuous Transmission Mode

Channel separation 25 kHz

Power Source 13.8 VDC / 3A single slot

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Operation Temperature -20°C to +55°C

Storage Temperature -40°C to +55°C

Relative humidity 20% to 75%

Shock & Vibration ETS 300 019-2-5

Protection Class IP 54 / IEC 529

6.15.2 Receiver

Frequency band 440 – 473 MHz Sensitivity (reference) -112 dBm static Audio Output 8W max.

6.15.3 Transmitter

Frequency band 440 – 473 MHz RF-carrier power 30 mW up to 10 W into 50 Ohms (handheld up to 3 W into 50 Ohms)

6.15.4 Data and voice communication in the train

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Figure 7 Data and voice communication in the train

TRS 1 in the leading cab (where the train driver is located) is activated and only delivers voice and status messages generated by the train driver when initiating call (status message to the LC for call back request). The ATO 1 in the leading cab and the ATO 2 in the trailing cab are interconnected over an ATO internal bus. ATO 1 automatically sends the PTI Information over this bus to the other ATO 2, which automatically forwards the information to The TRS 2. Then the data is sent over the TETRA radio network to the ATS system. Any input from ATO 1 to the TRS 1 is discarded as the input from LZB system indicates that TRS 1 is used for voice and TRS 2 for data. On the other side it has to be secured that in a case of voice call initiated from the LC, the LC will always reach the train driver via the appropriate TRS unit. As the trains can be coupled indifferent arrangement there is no fixed relationship between certain trains. Therefore a dedicated signal for the TRS in the leading (or trailing) cab is necessary to distinguish between the voice and the data terminal. This is achieved by using the I/O status information sent to the Gateway

6.16 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

CCTV shall use Ethernet based technology with all components connected to Ethernet IP backbone. One car shall be equipped with more Ethernet switches building a fast Ethernet backbone in ring topology for redundant the connectivity in case of failure of one cable. Train driver shall be able to monitor the interior of the cars.

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Figure 8 CCTV system structure in the train

Ethernet switch shall support the TTDPProtocol (Train coupling control protocol) and train coupling control, which allows creating one logical Ethernet ring, in case of coupled between two trains or multiple units operation.

CCTV solution is based in a number of cameras installed in all train along with a TFD display in each driver’s cabinet as show in Figure 8. The two CCTV interior cameras will be installed in each MC and T car, for a total of 8 interior cameras for monitoring security of passengers and two more cameras will be installed at the driver’s cab, one to monitor driver’s security and a front camera for railway track monitoring. All cameras support PoE protocol, which allows powering them through the same Ethernet cable, eliminating the needs of power points next to the cameras and reducing the wiring. Image recording will be defined and configured to allow a recording capacity at least 30 days.

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6.16.1 Railway Standards

UNE‐EN 50155, Railway applications ‐ Electronic equipment used on rolling stock.

IEC 61375,Railway applications ‐Train Communication Network (TCN protocol).

6.16.2 System Functional Description CCTV Cameras

Two different types of cameras will be installed in the train unit, CCTV Interior cameras and CCTV Front cameras. Both type of cameras present different technical characteristics in terms of image and light sensibility, minimum illumination and auto focusing functionality.

 CCTV Interior Cameras

Interior Camera is specially designed for mobile video surveillance in trains, with a protection cage against dust and water, and can withstand tough conditions such as vibrations, shocks, bumps and temperature fluctuations. The active tampering alarm can detect tampering attempts such as blocking or spray‐painting. This camera supports SVGA streaming at full frame rate for a high quality image recording. The camera is specially adapted to respond quickly to changes in light levels, ensuring that high image quality is maintained. The use of progressive scan also produces clearer images of moving objects. The pixel counter helps verify that the pixel resolution of an object or face meets regulatory or specific customer requirements.

 CCTV Front Cameras

Front camera is a 3‐megapixel day and night network camera that offers outstanding video performance, including full frame rate HDTV 1080p (1920x1080) in compliance with the SMPTE 274Mstandard in resolution, colour representation, 16:9 aspect ratio and frame rate. It supports multiple H.264 and Motion JPEG streams simultaneously, additionally supports digital pan/tilt/zoom and multi‐view streaming, where the full view and several areas cropped from the full view can be streamed simultaneously. Front camera provides precise iris control system that provides optimal image quality in all lighting conditions. It provides images with better contrast, clarity, resolution and depth of field. Having good depth of field where objects at different distances from the camera are in focus simultaneously is important in the video monitoring when required a superb image detail.

 On screen Image Display

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The cameras images shall be shown in sequential mode (single or split 2x2) allowing the visualization of all the cameras of the unit, and also the cameras of the coupled unit. In the sequential mode, the images of all the cameras will be shown in a time period of 2 minutes. This time value can be configured according to later specifications. The cameras images will have an “active image indicator” and will be named in the display for an easy identification.

Also CCTV system can be configured for the train driver to select manually the camera to be displayed. Recording

Images from the interior cameras are stored continuously on the recorder provided the train is powered‐up. The recording will be done fully automatic without the need of an action of the driver. CCTV will have the capacity to record at least 30 days, although is configurable depending on the quality of the image recorded. Two different quality of images will be recorded, one for the interior cameras and one for the front cameras. The quality of images recorded is as follows:

 Interior cameras

VGA equivalent digital resolution instead of 4CIF analogical resolution, at 4fps in normal recording and 12 fps when trigger by an alarm. This feature requires of the additional integration with external systems.

 Front cameras

2MPX at 12 fps, Due to the high data flow required for the front camera, and the necessary store capacity, front camera will have a dedicated video network recorder. Additionally front cameras will generate two different data flows:

. High resolution: To the recording in the dedicated NVR . Lower Resolution: To show the front camera images on the HMI

All recording parameters will be adjustable by maintenance staff using a software tool. These parameters shall include:

. Frame rate during normal and special alarm recording . Image resolution . Duration of alarm recording

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The recorded images can be accompanied with information about time and location of the train. This data has to be provided via bus (TCN), so connectivity to the MVB bus has to be granted if this feature is implemented.

6.16.3Data Image integrity

The recorded data will be protected against unauthorized access and manipulation. This will be done in three steps:

 Proprietary secured video format, to guarantee that in case of image stolen cannot be visualized by anyone.  Digital signature based on RSA encryption 2048 bits, to ensure images have not been manipulated.  Hardware protection of hard drive.

6.16.4Recording based on events and alarms

CCTV system is based in a continuing image recording since the time the train unit has been powered up. As stated previously interior cameras are configured for recording at a frame rate of 4fps.When CCTV integrated with the MVB bus, recording can be trigged also by any external signals defined by the user, as emergency brake applied, passenger emergency communication activation, etc. Under this event, instead of normal recording at 4fps, high quality recording can be done (12fps). This is called Emergency Recording. Following the triggered event, CCTV shall continue recording the location for 10 minutes (configurable by maintenance staff) after the event has disappeared. Emergency recording image will become marked and protected against overwriting and will be stored and secured for a minimum of three weeks (period time configurable by the customer).

6.16.5 Image Recording download

Access to recorded CCTV images in different ways:

 By manually removing the hard disk from the recorder.  By downloading the recording information from the recorder to a server via a directly connected to the Ethernet network with a laptop If the hard disk is removed, is will be possible

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to analyse the recordings at an office PC using the evaluation software that is part of the scope of supply. An only software license will be part of the scope.

6.16.6 Connectivity Description General Topology description

The CCTV system is based on the Ethernet Network, and a CCTV solution is based in IP Video surveillance System (CCTV).The solution described is based in a Fast Ethernet network in a ring topology for redundancy.

Figure 9 Ring Topology for redundancy

This topology provides a double Fast Ethernet link between cabinets, so in case of any cable failure connectivity is always granted and the cameras display always available for both drivers’ displays.

All equipment installed is IP complaint, so they are directly connected to Ethernet network via Ethernet ports, cameras, image recorders and displays. requirements

Ethernet backbone is formed by Fast Ethernet technology with a maximum of 100 Mbps as capacity. This capacity is more than enough to guarantee the broadcast of all cameras at the same time without degrading the quality. Maximum transmission rate per camera at highest quality would be 3 Mbps (best case), and with 10 cameras installed, the maximum bandwidth used is 30 Mbps, less than40% of the maximum bandwidth available on the backbone, 100 Mbps.

Page 87 of 195 Coupling Support

Each train unit has got a unique ring Ethernet, where all equipment is connected to. When two trains are coupled together, physically we will have two different rings, one per train. But these two trains have to run like unique entity train with a unique ring topology. This is where Train coupling control protocol (TTDP) takes place.

Figure 10Train coupling functionality

Due to TTDP protocol, these two Fast Ethernet network are merged when two trains are coupled, converting the two rings into one logical ring and at the same time controlling all the IP addressing of all devices automatically without the need of additional reconfiguration. The support of the TTDP protocol for Train Coupling Control, along with ETB port Bypass technology and NAT (Network Address Translation), the two different rings can be merged automatically into one logical ring.

Figure 11Merged into the one logical ring Communications Support

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The CCTV solutions is a solution ready system to allow adding additionally communications by plugging into the car body or chassis with different new types of communication as WIFI, 3G, 4G LTE, GPRS, GPS, etc. Communication capabilities are based in a router module with different available combinations of ports, to add the future communications to the current CCTV solution.

Figure 12Communication and network terminals

Router communication system provides the on-board Ethernet network with wireless interfaces providing remote access to the various items connected to the network. This equipment consists of various modules, with are scalable and highly available. The communications system covers train‐land connectivity, independently of the technology to be used, including technologies such as GSM, LTE, GPRS, UMTS, HSPA, and local area WIFI (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n), with scalability to greater capacity future technologies.

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7 Construction Requirements

7.1 Basic Design

Trains including all components and elements as well as fixations shall be designed for a permanent and typical railway stress according to EN 12663 and UIC-Leaflet 566. Rivets shall not be used and will not be accepted.

Windows shall not be glued into the body construction. The window shall be positively secured to the car body window pane with long life sealant or any approved material applied to seal off the ingress of rainwater into the saloon. Thermal bridges and agglomeration of water condensation shall be eliminated. Exchange of windows shall be possible within 180 minutes. Laminated safety glass sheets shall be permanently sealed against detachment and penetration of foreign substances on the outside. Gaskets and clamping frames shall be light, crack, corrosion and age resistant.

The life-cycle of the body construction shall be 15 years without requiring any maintenance. The penetration of moisture into the interior and into the body structures shall be effectively and sustainable prevented over the entire life of the car.

Moisture, e.g., moisture and mud entered by passengers, cleaning solvents, etc. permanently must not accumulate in the car.

All components of the car shall be completely sealed to the flooring that even an intensive wet cleaning can be carried out easily. The intrusion of moisture and cleaning detergents into the floor and the area underneath the floor shall be prevented. Joints are permanently sealed against the ingress of moisture and cleaning detergents.

The floor coverings shall ensure the R9-slip-resistance class according to international standards, e.g., GUV-R 181, UL 410, ANSI/NFSI etc. and shall comply at least with the following:

 Permanent slip resistance  High durability to cope with heavy footfall stress  Lightweight material and structure  Low fire, smoke and toxic risk  Easy cleaning and maintenance

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The manufacturer shall specify the standard and values to be applied for his design in the offer and point out constructive measures and design features of the proposed rolling stock. Special attention shall be paid to the environmental impact in Thailand such as heavy rain. Exterior and underfloor equipment shall be in closed boxes or cabinets according to IP 54 besides other requirements stated for the relevant equipment in this Tender specification.

Floor edges shall be permanently slip-resistant and wear-resistant. Maintenance hatches in the car-floor have the same characteristics as the rest of the floor.

PVC shall not be used. The floor shall be trough-shaped and pulled up to the side walls in order to ensure easy cleaning of the seat floor areas. Treads shall be slip resistant according to DIN 51130.

Water collection boxes or drain pipes shall be made of stainless steel and have water strainers to prevent plugging, e.g., by leaves. Water collection boxes shall be easy to reach and manageable with standard equipment of SRTET. The manufacturer shall specify what equipment and procedures is required for the Client’s assessment and clarify potential solutions to the Client’s satisfaction.

Train equipment such as air-conditioning equipment etc. shall be placed in a way that maintenance staff can reach the equipment easily and is not hindered in performing maintenance work. Underfloor train equipment and equipment placed on the roof shall be installed in water-proof containers. Condensed water shall not accumulate inside the containers.

Flaps shall be lockable in the open position and shall also be individually removable by 2 persons. In case equipment of roof containers containing components of a weight of more than 15 kg must be replaced by crane, the flaps shall open wide to enable a simple exchange.

Structural parts of the car shall be protected against high contact voltages and shall be grounded (25 kV) in accordance with VDE regulations.

Underneath seats there shall be no equipment boxes for housing of electrical equipment. In case housing of electrical equipment in tackle boxes under the seats is absolutely necessary the manufacturer shall request for the approval of the Client.

Components in roof haunches, which have to be frequently operated respectively maintained such as haunches containing fuses or service interfaces shall be placed in high-floor areas to enable easy access even for smaller people without ladders.

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Clamping units shall be located in the lower area of the cab rear wall in order to enable a quick exchange of clamping units by short cables. This area shall not belong to any removable part of the train but to the fixed parts of the car. Preferably plug-in-connectors between car body and sockets shall be provided.

Hatches of haunches shall

 Have a key lock to be approved by SRTET  Be secured in the open position and locked against falling.  Not come loose in the locked state by pushing or pulling  Be easily removable

Components in haunches shall be dust-free, condensation free and have free accessibility. In principle, the component assembly shall have short-line routing.

Note: All safety devices shall be uniquely assigned and shall not influence each other.

The driver shall have the respective safety device within “reach area” and be clearly indicated. Safety devices shall be integrated easy to use by the driver.

An error or an incorrect operation always shall lead to a safe operating condition. The manufacturer shall submit all respective proposals for the Client’s approval.

Moving elements and especially cables shall not be chafed by projecting components.

7.2 Adhesive Bonded Joints and Screwed Fastening

7.2.1 Adhesive Bonding Joints

The manufacturer shall provide evidence for durability and reparability of adhesive bonds and seals on the basis of DIN 6701-2, the DVS leaflet 1618, and the DVS guideline 3311 of the DIN German - DVS Guidelines of the German Society for Welding Collection, taking into account cleaning detergents and Graffiti removal detergents used in railway applications for internal and external cleaning or equal standard. The manufacturer shall list the valid standards to be applied.

The manufacturer shall submit maintenance instructions for all sealants and adhesive bonds. These instructions shall contain all information required for repair, e.g., criteria for replacement

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of a bond or seal, intervals, measures of coats, etc. These instructions shall enable the Client to thoroughly understand the respective maintenance work and processes required. No additional inquiry with the manufacturer shall be required for such maintenance purposes of trains in operation.

Subsequent damages as a result of failing seals shall be taken into account.

The repair concept shall effectively prevent damage to the train and train components. The manufacturer shall prove the qualification of subcontractors for bonding on the basis of DIN 6701-2.

At least two adhesive systems for all adhesives and sealants used shall be released, which can be used for maintenance.

At least three or more adhesive systems for all adhesives and sealants used must be provided, which can be used for maintenance.

The manufacturer shall indicate the availability of the required materials, i.e., adhesives, coatings, pre-treatment materials, etc.

7.2.2 Screw Fastening and Bolting

Removable connections shall be of stainless materials. The manufacturer shall provide a calculation for all screw connections with the risk class H and the risk class M, only bracing cases 2 and 3 according to DIN 25201.

Bolted connections shall be designed such that they can be removed without special tools.

Easy accessibility to the screw connections for mounting assemblies and components shall be ensured. All bolt connections, which leave to be loosened on a regular basis, must easily be accessible.

The screws must have a minimum strength class 8.8 EN ISO 898-1, the nuts at least strength class 8 according to DIN EN 20 898 Part 2.

Preferably, the manufacturer shall use the strength class 8.8 for screws and 8 for nuts. Higher strength classes must be provided in exceptional cases only.

Screws made of stainless steel shall be have a strength class A 2-70 according to DIN EN ISO 3506-1 at a minimum, nuts of stainless steel, of a strength class A 2-70 and at least according to DIN EN ISO 3506-2.

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For the use of washer components the manufacturer shall follow DIN 25 201depending on risk class and stress case.

All individual bolted connections shall have screws and nuts of the same strength class. Welding of nuts and screws is not allowed.

Surface protection of carbon steel or alloy steel screws and nuts shall be made with either galvanic zinc plating A 3 (P), gloss-level according to DIN EN ISO 4042 or non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings according to DIN EN ISO 10683.

Preferably zinc flake coatings in Geomet VL 321 plus or Delta Protekt Kl 100 + Delta Protekt VH 300 GZ shall be used.

Only in exceptional cases other coatings shall be allowed if approved by the SRTET.

The friction coefficient of all coatings shall be according to DIN 25201-02. Furthermore, the manufacturer shall incorporate the friction coefficient in the screw calculation.

Fixation of screws shall be without adhesives. Where in exceptional cases the use of adhesives for securing screws is required, the manufacturer shall provide design details in the assembly drawings as per the minimum information required by DIN 25201.

In case drawings do not provide such information in plain text, but with reference to internal manufacturing regulations/procedures, the manufacturer shall add the complete editable rules & instructions to the train-documentation.

7.2.3 Welding

Manufacturing companies, which perform welding in the production of rail cars, their components and parts certification according to certification levels CL 1 or CL in accordance with EN 15085-2, shall have the appropriate certification as a welding company according to EN 15085-2.

The manufacturer, respectively sub-contractor, shall be in possession of a valid certification EN 15085-2 and comply with the requirements of the EN 15085 series of standards for the development, production and acceptance of welded rail cars and their components.

The area and field of application of the certification according to EN 15085-2 shall match the order and apply to the entire period of the contract. The manufacturer shall resolve discrepancies in the design and production documentation, e.g., drawings, which do not

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correspond to the current state of standards, prior to start of the production in close liaison with the Client.

In addition, the requirements of EN 15085-1 to -5 for the new construction, remodelling and replacement part manufacturing shall be followed.

For the awarding of welding work to sub-contractors, the requirements of EN 15085-5, Section 8, shall be followed.

Note: The audit reports shall not be older than 6 months.

The manufacturer shall forward valid certificates for train components of the certification level CL 1 according to EN 15085-2. The manufacturer shall invite SRTET specialists to participate in the relevant tests at the production line or location of sub-contractors. The manufacturer shall provide the following certificates for train components of certification level CL 1 according to EN 15085-2:

 Proof of Construction Characteristics  Proof of the proper Implementation of the Welding Processes and Quality Assurance

7.3 Corrosion Protection


Abrasive blasting shall be performed according to the technical data sheets and production conditions 918301 respectively for steel according to DIN EN ISO 12944-4. Preparation grade shall be Sa 2 ½. Thin metal sheets or other surfaces do not allow such a treatment. The manufacturer shall apply a similar proven treatment, which shall satisfy the environmental conditions of Thailand.

Coating materials and Coating system:

The use of coating materials and coating system shall be suitable for railway application according to the 2K-coating for interior and exterior coating. Coating shall follow technical specifications, application procedures and requirements of the manufacturer of the coating material as well as the particular specifications of the Technical Production Standard. The manufacturer shall specify the coating material and coating system to be applied and provide

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the relevant technical data sheets in the offer. The manufacturer shall point out the coating thickness, number of layers and shelf-life for the internal and external coating as well as the one for frame and bogies. The manufacturer shall also list the technical standards he will apply and provide a test evaluation for application in Thailand.

The manufacturer shall specify the top-coat respectively outer coating superstructure and the base-coat/clear-coat material and point out if water or water-2K topcoat with high resistance shall be used.

The manufacturer shall specify and provide samples of smoothness of the outer coating particularly for welding seams.

The outdoor surfaces shall be carried out in non-spatula rub-out method. The manufacturer shall provide detailed drawings specifying flatness, potential spatula use and maximum total dry film thicknesses.

Hollow sections and spaces shall be welded tightly. If this is not possible, overlaps and voids in the interior and exterior shall be effectively and permanently sealed and have permanent protection from corrosion.

The design and performance shall eliminate construction-related signs of corrosion.

The corrosion protection of the edges shall be ensured. There shall be no edge radii < 4 mm unless protected by special measures. The manufacturer specifies the potential protective measures if any would be required.

Galvanic corrosion due to the different materials for example with screws or rivets shall be prevented. The manufacturer shall submit the specific coating measures used for the individual modules and train components as well as the procedures including the principle application methods for evaluation by the Client. The manufacturer shall attach painting, foil- coating and labelling images to the offer.

7.4 Vehicle Dynamics

The manufacturer shall perform an analysis for roll stiffness of a train’s stabilityand provide the results of the development process up to the complete proof of conformity with all characteristics.

The manufacturer shall determine the characteristic wind curves for the train. The characteristic wind curves meet the requirements according to EN 14467-2 in all respects.

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Exterior doors shall withstand the maximum forces arising from aerodynamic change of air- pressure originating from trains in the opposite direction at a speed of 160 km/h.

Requirements for windows according to UIC 566 shall be applied accordingly.

Openings for air-circulation and air-supply shall be arranged in such a way that a constant airflow and the functionality of the ventilation and air-conditioning equipment is ensured at all speeds and independently of the driving direction.

7.5 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

The manufacturer shall provide an EMC-Concept assigning an EMC responsible person resolving all EMC-related matters regarding electrical and structural equipment of the car, including the measures required to comply with the EMC requirements and the applicable standards, e.g., CENELEC EMC 50121.

The manufacturer shall provide an EMC-plan reflecting all EMC-relevant data and evaluation data. The EMC-plan shall provide all arrangements made for compliance with the EMC - Directive 89/336/EEC and EMC (radio technology) as well as for signalling and telecom equipment.

The manufacturer shall ensure that neither signalling nor telecommunications equipment will be unduly influenced by the train. This principle shall be valid not only for proper operation of the train, but also in cases of failure.

The guidelines of EMC EN 50121 shall be applied for single cars as well as for a complete train.

7.6 Bogies and WheelSets

7.6.1 Bogie main technical data

The modular bolster or bolster-less bogie preferable type SF5000 a twin axle air sprung bogie. Thebogie shall be used in electric and EMU trains up to a maximum operational speed of 160 km/h.

A detailed description of the bogie components is given in the following table.

Main data unit Bogie details

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Motor Bogie Trailer Bogie

Configuration Bo’ 2’

Max. operating speed km/h 160

Wheel base mm 2,600

Max. static passenger load on bolster kg 7,200 8,200

Bogie mass ready-to-run kg Approx. 9,550 Approx. 6,790

Bogie bolster mass (traverse + pivot) kg Approx. 1,060

Primary spring - type Steel spring/radial arm

Secondary spring - type Air spring

Run stabilisation Yaw damper

Longitudinal & lateral force transmission Centre pivot with traction rods

bogie/car body

Bogie height above TOR mm 935 (upper face of bolster)

Primary Motor unit suspension suspended - (frame mounted)

Traction power continuous per axle kW Approx. 250 -

Partially - Gearbox unit suspension suspended

7.6.2 Bogie Frame

The bogie frame shall be made of a welded steel structure and consists of two longitudinal side frames, which are welded together by a centre transom. The material used is structural steel S355J2G1W (1.8963 to EN 10155) or S355J2G3C (1.0589 to EN 10125) or similar. The structural design follows the Railway Group Standard GM/RT2149 and the relevant parts of UIC 615-4 and DIN15018.

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7.6.3 Wheel sets

The wheel sets are equipped with monobloc wheels, which are manufactured with a diameter of 850 mm. The wheels are pressed onto the . To facilitate easier maintenance, wheels will be equipped for hydraulically assisted wheel removal. The wheel and axle must be from the same supplier.

7.6.4 Wheel set Bearings

The wheel set bearings make the connection between the wheels and the primary suspension. The wheel set bearings have quasi-static and dynamic strengths in vertical and horizontal directions. The housings are made of cast iron EN-GJS-400-15 and are electrically isolated against the bogie frame to protect the bearings. The wheel set bearings must be design for maintenance free and life time should be over 1,200,000 km.

The wheel set bearing shall be included sensor solution is a flexible platform for railway vehicles and railway application, that can be installed in axle box bearing units or axle box front covers, and can be easily incorporated with TCMS for supervision. This sensor shall provide multiple options for detecting operational parameters for Automatic Train Protection (ATP), brake control and condition monitoring systems, for example bearing temperature monitoring, vibration monitoring, axle speed etc.

7.6.5 Primary Suspension

The axle guiding system is responsible for the connection of the axle with the bogie frame. This is carried out through one radial arm bush per axle box, which joins the radial arm with the frame. The longitudinal and lateral stiffness of the bush is turned to optimal running stability, low wear and lowest possible wheel/ track forces.

The primary springs (steel coil springs) are located above the wheel set bearings. Acoustical and Electrical isolation against the bogie frame is achieved by rubber elements between the springs and the bogie frame.

One hydraulic damper per axle box is arranged parallel to the springs to dampen the vertical and pitching movements of the bogie. All dampers must be from the same supplier.

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7.6.6 Secondary Suspension

Air spring bellows in combination with a pneumatic two point levelling valve system, lateral buffers and hydraulic dampers give static and dynamic comfort. The car body is supported by two air bags per bogie. The air bags include integral rubber spring elements as an emergency suspension system. If for any reason, the pneumatic system fails, the train can continue to operate at maximum operating speeds and reduced comfort levels without any safety risk.

The pneumatic levelling valve system compensates for the different load conditions. An anti- rollbar allows the static setting of the car body in terms of roll and also reduces the dynamic tilting of the car body in curves and through switches.

The car body is supported on the secondary suspension.

By providing the bogie with a bolster or bolster-less, it forms a closed unit. It can be easily mounted under the car body with inexpensive connections and therefore contributes to a low maintenance effort.

Two anti-yaw dampers per bogie are provided to improve the stability of the vehicles. All dampers must be from the same supplier.

7.6.7 Pneumatic Brake Assembly

In all bogies (Motor Bogie, Trailer Bogie) the mechanical elements for the braking equipment are the same. The brake cylinders are a combination of an air-powered service brake cylinder having a built-in, single-acting slack adjuster, and a spring-actuated cylinder positioned right angled for the parking brake. During normal operation the spring-actuated cylinder is released with compressed air, but in an emergency case it can also be unloaded quickly and manually by hand. The brake linings are simple to change.

7.6.8 Pneumatic Piping Assembly

For the pneumatic piping assembly stainless unvarnished tubes from the material X5CrNi18101.4301) according to DIN EN ISO 1127 are used. For the screwed connections cutting-ring-screwed connections according to DIN 2353 from the material steel are used, yellow zinc coated. Collars according to DIN 3015. Sheathed Flexible Cable with swaged fitting after DIN 20078 part 2 form A.

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7.6.9 Wheel Flange Lubrication

The manufacturer shall propose wheel flange lubrication to each of the first two wheels in each direction and shall provide a description of the flange lubrication system offered. The manufacturer shall specify the number and wheel-sets lubricated.

The flange lubrication shall conform to the existing equipment of graphite sticks. Graphite stick application shall be foreseen on both flanges of the wheel.

Maintenance of the wheel-flange lubrication system shall be possible without dismantling components.

7.6.10 Tests and Certificates

The manufacturer shall use proven motor and trailer bogies. The manufacturer shall provide wheel-sets equipped with the S1002 wheel-profile and compliant with the UIC 60 rails profile of the ARL system including a valid rail-wheel interface study. The rail-wheel study shall be verified by an on-site dynamic-running-behaviour test according to UIC and IEC. He shall specify in detail the design of the axle-bearing and wheel-location and detail maintenance intervals and life cycle.

The manufacturer shall specify the relevant international standards for axle, wheel sets and bogies as well as the respective wheel profile. In addition, the manufacturer shall provide the relevant reference lists for comparable projects in the past.

A scheduled replacement of components such as springs and shock absorbers between maintenance intervals respectively bogie revisions must not be required.

The manufacturer shall submit limit values and dimensions for wheel sets, shock absorbers and the secondary suspension dampers.

Brake discs and wheel discs shall have a minimum of 3 mm wear reserve at each fastening. Mechanical components shall have a clearance to fixed and mobile components in all wear situations of at least 20 mm. The life time of brake disc must be over 1,000,000 km.

Deviations shall be permitted in exceptional cases only. The manufacturer shall then provide an analysis of risk potentials.

The maintenance intervals of brake cylinders shall at least correspond to the revision intervals of trains.

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Brakes pads shall be preventing discs surface from concave wear pattern. Permissible limits for diagonal wear of worn pad surfaces are 5 mm for the composite material. The life time of pads must be over 200,000 km.

The composition of the brake pad materials shall be selected so that the best compromise is ensured between:

 The technical characteristics of the brake  The wear and service life of the pads  Aggressiveness to the brake disc  Limiting the noise emission

Visual inspection of discs and pads shall be possible for maintenance staff.

The brake discs shall resist the stress originating from train operation in a way that the entire wear stock of the friction ring can be used up without undue cracking in accordance with DIN 27205 Part 3 or 4. Brake pads shall be asbestos free.

The trains shall have split type brake discs.

The centering shall remain safely in place from the assembly of the friction ring until its dismantling. The manufacturer shall specify how maintenance staff can ensure control measures and measuring.

Brake discs on wheel shall comply with the requirements for strength according to EN 15734-1 at the time of the tender submission and be sufficiently dimensioned to the stresses of the braking forces and the impact forces from dynamic-driving environmental conditions in accordance with the installation location according to EN 13749, 2005 Annexes C and D.

The mounting of wheel brake discs to the wheel disc shall be durable under consideration of static, dynamic and thermal stress.

The calculation of the connection and fastening elements between the wheel disc and wheel brake discs shall be performed with vertical and lateral acceleration of 70 g. The calculation of the bolted connections and screws of the connection between the divided split type brake discs shall be according to DIN 25201.

The calculation of the axle shall be according to EN 13103/13104.

The axle load shall be determined at 0,x t - rounded up to the next higher value incorporating an additional safety reserve of 10% in the strength calculation according to EN 13103/13104.

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The axles must principally be made of materialsEA4T or better. The manufacturer shall submit deviation values to the SRTET for review.

Bogie and wheel sets shall have full acceptance of running characteristics according to EN 14363.

The manufacturer shall provide a proof-of-safety against derailing in accordance to EN 14363 and DIN 27201-5.

The manufacturer shall present and provide sufficient information whether a non-destructive testing of the installed wheel sets is necessary and possible. The manufacturer shall specify intervals in km and test equipment required. The test shall be possible on built-in wheelsets.

All bogie components must permanently endure stress-loads occurring during operation and for the agreed life-time. Accordingly, the theoretical fatigue design and practical proof shall permanently cope with the expected stress-loads, e.g., size, number of cycles, frequencies, etc. as realistic as possible.

These stress-load assumptions shall be confirmed by trail tests.

The manufacturer shall provide theoretical and practical evidence of strength and durability for all safety and security related components.

After consultation of the SRTET, proven standard elements may be the exception, e.g., sets of wheels, if their strength analysis has been determined under comparable operating conditions.

Info: The manufacturer shall submit all theoretical assumptions and values for the train/bogie as there are but not limited to:

 Weight of the car bodies  Centres of gravity and moments of inertia of the car-bodies  Weight of bogies  Calculation of mass and moments of inertia of the sprung mass and non- suspended bogies

The manufacturer shall provide evidence of compliance with the axle load.

The manufacturer shall provide design calculations and statements about:

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 Stiffness and damping of the individual spring levels  Position of the articulation points of the spring and damper elements  Traction force and brake force transmission  Parameters including the spatial arrangement of rotational stabilisation  Expected stress loads of safety relevant components

The manufacturer shall perform a proof of driving simulation. The manufacturer shall perform a calculation of gauge limitations according to UIC 505 and incorporate in the offer.

The manufacturer shall incorporate life-time and functional tests for the following components, as far as installed, and submit to SRTET:

 Wheelset bearings  Wheel set, axles and wheel discs  Bogie frame  Trusses  Anti-roll suspension including bearings  Suspension systems including rubber elements and rubber/metal elements  Damper system  Coupling elements and connection points on the car-body  Gear and drive units

The manufacturer shall carry out tests according to the respective test procedure for the various components according to DIN, EN, UIC or the appropriate module of the Tender specification.

The manufacturer shall carry out tests in close liaison with SRTET for such components, which do not explicitly refer to such standards in dependence on these instructions and in accordance with the specifications of the bogie engineers.

The manufacturer shall perform such tests on his own test plant in presence of the SRTETs experts, which shall have appropriately equipped test stands and in the System on site of SRTET. The manufacturer shall apply such tests on the SRTET’s System premises according to SRTET operational procedures and perform such tests under participation of the SRTET.

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The manufacturer shall perform static tests:

 Measurement of the contact forces of wheels  Torsion test with and without air suspension  Proof-of-safety against derailing when running on twisted tracks  Primary and secondary lateral pressure tests  Determination of the slope coefficient  Imbalance tests with and without rotational stabilisation  Examination of the lateral movements with curve-dependent lateral-movement control

The manufacturer shall perform line-side tests as there are but not limited to:

 Tests with regard to driving and safety behaviour of the train/bogies in relation to the requirements stated in this Tender specification.  Compilation tests of driving and technical data recording required for final certification  Verification of load assumptions

The manufacturer shall forward the following documents latest at the time of the Design Freeze:

 All essential component drawings  Technical specifications and test instructions  Results of the strength calculations/strength tests  Results of the proof of life time  Results of the proof of reliability  Results of the kinematic and quasi-static tests  Results of the mass calculations and balances with respect to

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. Location and size of the individual masses . Calculation of the position of the principal axes of inertia . Proof of compliance with permissible axle load . Results and proof of model data of dynamic tests . Maintenance concept and maintainability of bogies

By end of the design phase the manufacturer shall submit the following documents:

 A complete set of drawings with parts lists and measurement sheets down to the smallest detail drawings of economically replaceable units, smallest repairable units (SRU).  For welded components such as trusses etc. a complete set of detailed drawings  Furthermore, any additional drawings that are required for operation and maintenance of the bogie according to the SRTET’s requirements  A copied paper version, maximum print size DIN A3  An electronic version on CD/DVD in the TIFF and DXF or DWG formats  Full technical specifications and test instructions of all components that can be manufactured and tested not only according to the drawing details  A detailed description of technical functions  Evidence of practical tests on components and subsystems  An FMEA in terms of safety with all components attached

The manufacturer shall submit work instructions describing the work to be performed in detail including full overhaul. The work instructions shall provide accurate information but not limited to:

 Bogie assembly including motor and brake components  Bogie disassembly including motor and brake components  Placing and adjustment of the car body onto the bogie

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 Functional checks required  Bogie adjustments required  Maintenance details and intervals  Replacement of worn parts such as rubber-metal elements including details of wear and life time limits  Exchange of wheel sets including lifting and/or support of the car body and bogie  Height compensation of springs with respect to equal load distribution  Troubleshooting and failure management/elimination

All work instructions including sub-supplier instructions shall be given in a separate documentation and assigned to the respective maintenance levels based on mileage or equipment specific intervals. The manufacturer shall specify further details for the SRTET’s assessment in this offer.

7.6.11 Running Behaviour

The bogies respectively the vehicles have been designed with respect to minimum possible wheel/rail forces and minimum accelerations in the car body and on the components. The design of stiffness and damping characteristics is optimised with special attention to factors of stability and ride quality. This is especially considered by minimising of the unsprung masses and the provision of low rotational resistance between bogie and car body. Running behaviour is performed according to requirements of UIC 518 simplified method.

Running stability is considered according to the following requirement as per UIC 515: On all track sections that are conform to UIC 518, the boundary conditions regarding running stability are to be met according to UIC 515. The above mentioned boundary conditions are measured at the maximum operating speed plus 10% of 160 km/h, which means at a maximum test speed of 176 km/h.

Criteria of track forces are considered according to the following requirement as per UIC 518: On all track sections that are conform to UIC 518, the boundary conditions regarding track forces (i.e. vertical and lateral loads on the track work) are to be met according to UIC 518. These boundary conditions are to be met at the maximum operating speed, which means 160 km/h.

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Riding quality is generally influenced by the relationship between track work, bogies and car body. The natural frequencies of the elastic car body in completely assembled condition are carefully adjusted against each other as well as to the natural frequencies of the bogies, in order to avoid the resonance. On all track section are conform to UIC 518, the boundary conditions regarding ride quality according to DIN 5550 are met. These boundary conditions can be met at the maximum operating speed, which means 160 km/h.

7.7. Shock and Vibration

In order to pass the type test for the suspension system the manufacturer shall submit the following documents but not limited to:

 Assembly drawing and parts list of the spring system with all connections and measuring details, e.g., drawing of the coil spring assembly, drawing of the air suspension system  Detailed drawings of all system components used in the spring, e.g., drawing of the helical compression springs, spring seats, inserts, air spring plate, clamping ring, bellows including definition of the interfaces, skid plate, skid plate mounting, anti-roll- bar, spherical bearing of arms, springs shim, bush  All equipment documentation required for testing, adjustment, installation and maintenance such specification, component descriptions, service and maintenance instructions as well as test procedures used for the suspension system components provided that the required information cannot be extracted from the information provided by the respective drawings  Documentation of standard tests of at least 10 spring systems  Characteristic diagrams of at least three spring systems. The manufacturer shall submit the required test parameters to the SRTET for review.  Endurance tests of at least two spring systems, including subsequent examination of the spring characteristic diagrams  Proof of the settlement of springs  Proof of the technical strength of the spring system by the manufacturer

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The manufacturer shall arrange an exemplary dismantling of the spring system in presence of SRTET experts.

The manufacturer shall provide proof of compliance with DIN EN 15085-1 to DIN EN 15085-5 for “Welding of rail-cars and train-components”.

7.8. Brake System

7.8.1 Main Features

The modular bogie based brake control system preferable Knorr Bremse. The most of the brake components used in the existing train is the product of Knorr Bremse. Then it is reasonable to give the preference to the said product for the standardization, ease of maintenance and less of inventory.

The brake system shall be used in electric and EMU trains up to a maximum operational speed of 160 km/h. The manufacturer shall submit and supply the following items but not limited to:

 Overview diagram of the braking system  Functional description and calculation details  System description of the braking system including blending control, overview of electric and electronic components, electro-dynamic and electro-pneumatic brake power, brake control design, control and behaviour of the dynamic brake, slip-slide- protection, brake testing, pneumatic diagram, brake distance testing  Thermal analysis considering two successive emergency brake applications  Safety certificates and proof of safety  Spare parts list  Spare parts recommended  Maintenance and Overhaul training  BCU Test benches (see appendix 8)

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7.8.2 Service Brake

Each train shall be fitted with independent electric and friction brake system with cross blending interface. The brake demand shall be controlled and generated by the Traction Brake Controller.

The electric brake shall regenerate to the overhead line with priority. Rheostatic braking shall be used for backup. Electric brake fade out shall not occur above 5 km/h. The use of electric brake shall be maximized in all service braking modes.

The friction brake system shall be capable of achieving all the deceleration and jerk requirements in this specification. In case of without the addition of electric braking the friction braking shall be rated for and have sufficient thermal capacity to operate at 50% degraded mode when loaded at AW3, for a period of 1 hour with no electric braking available.

All service braking shall include wheel slide protection. The wheel slide protection equipment shall not degrade the brake performance under normal or fault conditions. The wheel slide protection shall be self-checking and disengage if control is not re-established within a safe period. The detection of wheel slide shall be indicated to the train operator.

The friction brake system shall comply with the following safety integrity levels (EN50129, EN50128, EN50126):

Service Brake function: SIL2

This must be certified by an independent notified body during the design stage.

The service brake, respectively the dynamic brake, shall provide a uniform deceleration and brake-curve under all circumstances. Electro-dynamic brake application is triggered to all motor bogies for both service and emergency braking in dependence of the load. The brake system shall be included dragging-brake supervision as well as roll-back supervision and axle speed different supervision.

The use of adhesion between wheel and rail on the motor axles shall be maximise regardless of the loading condition of the train both in emergency braking as well as service braking. Service brake application primarily shall use the dynamic brake re-generating the braking power to the OCS.

The brake resistors shall be designed such that they are capable of dissipating the maximum power and the maximum current generated by the electro-dynamic brake without time restriction (100% duty cycle).

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If the capacity is less than 100% only that reduced capacity can be regarded in the brake calculation.

An automatic protection of the resistors against thermal overload or overcurrent may be incorporated into the design.

The manufacturer shall submit a proposal for the brake concept for SRTET’s approval pointing out the main components, layout, technical data, brake values and maintenance intervals particularly for mechanical components. The manufacturer shall verify the stated values during testing and commissioning including verification of the maintenance intervals as well as accessibility and maintainability of the brake system.

The manufacturer shall demonstrate compliance at fully developed braking force for the smallest permissible wheel diameter in all loading conditions according to EN 15663 for all speeds higher than 30 km/h during emergency braking.

The instantaneous deceleration of the train at full braking shall be at least 0.7-1.0 m/s2 for service-brake application and 1.1 m/s2 emergency brake application.

In regular condition the traction equipment including all associated peripherals shall allow electrical braking except for v ≤ 5km/h. The manufacturer shall consider these values also for the propulsion system design. The manufacturer shall indicate potential deviations in the offer.

Brake application shall be linked to the train control equipment and the relevant brake statuses shall be indicated on the cab display to the driver. The signalling for the driver shall be unambiguous.

In case of an air supply failure and even after a longer period various brake releases and brake applications shall be possible.

The parking-brake shall be a mechanical, e.g. spring-brake, fail-safe brake system, which can be disconnected for maintenance purposes.

7.8.3 Parking Brake

Each consist shall be fitted with a parking brake system that can hold the train loaded to AW3 on a 3.5-4% gradient. The parking brake shall be able to hold an unpowered train indefinitely. The brake system shall be included dragging-parking brake supervision. An unintended application of the parking brake shall be indicated to the train driver.

Loss of air pressure shall result in the automatic application of the train parking brakes.

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It shall be possible to release the parking brake without the use of electrical energy for the rescuing purposes.

The parking brake shall reset automatically when it is next released using the normal method, e.g. by filling the release pipe with compressed air.

The parking brake shall be accessible, so that it can be manually released, and this should be from both sides of the train.

In the event of system failure it shall be possible to quickly manually release individual parking brakes from the side of the bogie without need of special tools.

7.8.4 Mechanical Elements

The brake linkage shall be designed for high endurance for all operational conditions occurring during braking.

The mounting of the friction brake components to the wheel disc is designed for high endurance in consideration of static, dynamic and thermal loads.

The life of the wheel-brake discs shall correspond to the wheel life. The manufacturer shall identify a measurable time frame and intervals as well as warranty periods.

The brake disc temperature during brake application does not exceed maximum temperature values of brake with exceptions according to the manufacturer’s data sheet for the following scenario. Brake application of the mechanical brake only, at technical maximum mass DIN 25008 for brake application with two consecutive emergency brake applications at top speed.

The brake pads shall meet the criteria of UIC leaflet 541-3, or an alternative design with better wear performance will be considered. The tolerance gap for brake pads in total for both sides shall be together 2 to 4 mm.

In case train and brake-system design deviate from of the criteria of the test programs from the UIC leaflet 541-3, the requirements shall be met with the adjusted test programs according to the new train data.

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7.8.5 Sanding Equipment

The trains must have provision for installation of a sanding system, which might be used for future extensions. The manufacturer shall quote this additional feature separately for the SRTET’s acceptance.

7.8.6 Air Supply

The piston type main air compressors shall be free of oil and lubricant. Duty cycle management and usage levelling shall be applied to ensure maximum compressor life and reliability. The compressor shall be driven by an AC motor, 400-440V 3-phase. A compact- type air-drier with integrated condensation separator and automatic water-drainage shall be installed at a position subsequent to the compressor. Hoses in the brake system shall be only at locations, where connections are exposed to vibration. Disconnection switches shall have a safe end-position and have a de-compression valve on the hose-pipe side.

Each individual brake system and air supply, i.e., for a train car shall have individual disconnection switches. Switches and valves shall be easily accessible for operations staff. Safety-relevant switches and valves shall be electronically monitored.

Loss of air pressure without active consumers shall be less than 3.5 bars within 3 hours. The

Contractor shall minimise these values as much as possible and verify the stated values on site after delivery of the first train unit.

The train air supply and distribution system shall be arranged such that any single point failure can be readily isolated such that full performance capabilities are maintained.

All failures and/or degradation of the air supply system shall be indicated to the train operator.

The air supply shall be suitably dried, with air dryers sized with regard to the humidity conditions in Bangkok, Thailand.

The auxiliary compressor shall be free of oil and lubricant. An auxiliary compressor shall be driven by piston type with integrated condensation separator and automatic water-drainage. The air from auxiliary compressor shall be suitably dried and clean with filter and water separator for pantograph drive and switchgear operated mechanism. The compressor shall be driven by a DC motor, 100-110V.

The auxiliary pneumatic equipment shall include:

 Switchgear operating mechanisms

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 Pantograph drive  Horn

All pressurized systems shall be provided with efficient limiting devices to control pressures within the safe operating parameters of the system.

All pressurized systems shall have a safe means of discharging the pressure under foreseeable service conditions and during maintenance.

Air reservoir must be comply with EN286-A.

7.8.7 Brake Control Unit

The train brake system shall include an electronically controlled electro dynamic brake and a friction brake system. The manufacturer shall point out the feed-back potential of the dynamic brake in context with the propulsion system and specify reduction of wear on brake pads in detail in the offer for the SRTET’s assessment.

Priority in service braking shall always be given to the electro dynamic brake application up to the maximum available adhesion of each motor car. The electro dynamic brake application shall take priority over friction braking from 160 km/h down to 5 km/h or less for the purpose of minimizing the wear of the friction brake. The manufacturer shall strongly commit the values provided in the offer and verify the values during testing and commissioning in endurance- tests.

In case a higher braking force is demanded the lack of braking force shall be supplemented by continuously controlled brake application of the friction brake (blending).

The control of the dynamic brake equipment on the motor cars must be installed separately from the friction (pneumatic brake) system, but both shall receive brake demand from Traction Brake controller or by the ATO equipment whichever is active. The equipment shall be arranged to provide continuous blending between dynamic and friction brakes, giving preference to the dynamic brake up to the limit of its capacity without the friction brake being applied. If the brake demand exceeds the dynamic brake capability then the equipment may add friction brake as appropriate to complement the dynamic brake.

Thus the continuous blending feature shall allow the pressure in the brake cylinders to be varied such that the sum of dynamic and friction braking effort on a train shall be equivalent to the brake demand.

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The control of the pneumatic brake equipment with respect to each bogie shall be provided in separate units and carried out the control independently, so as to ensure that no single point failure can result in a lower than demanded brake force being achieved or loss of braking effort on more than one bogie in the train simultaneously.

Each bogie brake control unit shall be integrated with both electronics and pneumatic control. Each unit shall be installed close to the bogie it controls.

The electronics of brake control units for different bogies shall not be packed together and shall not be housed with the electronics of other systems to minimize the effect of EMC interference.

The various safety systems, e.g., of the signalling system automatically correspond to the brake system triggering the required brake force application. Such automatic response shall be indicated on the cab display for the driver.

The parking-brake shall be a permanent spring brake. In case an indirect active brake system would be installed, this shall be permanently active and the driver shall have an operation facility on board the driver’s cab. In case of, the manufacturer proposes such a brake system he shall detail failure response options, e.g., for pulling of trains.

Direct transfer from service braking to emergency braking shall not have any reduction or interruption of brake force application.

Trains shall have automatic load sensing equipment, which is guaranteeing consistent braking curves according to the loading condition and brake control. The automatic load controlled braking shall be tested on site by SRTET.

The pneumatic brake control unit and the bogie brake equipment system shall be from the same manufacturer and must be designed to minimize brake wear.

7.8.8 Brake Test

The maintenance staff shall be able to perform an automatic brake test at any time. An automatic control and monitoring of the proper functioning shall be recorded. The maintenance staff shall be able to monitor the function test by means of service terminal or TCMS display.

The brake test shall to the extent possible in static conditions:

 Confirm that all brake subsystem is configured correctly and that they are communicating.

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 Verify the continuity of the brake, using the brake pipe and any other form of continuous element of the brake system.  Confirm the correct function of the brakes throughout the entire train, which means the correct application and release function.  Confirm the correct function of the entire command chain.

The brake test shall address all functions and list all properly working elements and brakes including test of the correct brake and release-process. The relevant data shall be available respectively recorded for at least 48 hours.

The manufacturer shall indicate the required time for the brake test included in the morning start-up test and/or as a separate value.

The brake function test must be automatically performed. During these tests the individual components of the braking system shall be checked, i.e., functions of the brake equipment units, driver's cab components and indication in the display according to the brake system status.

The brake test shall be part of the component test and shall ensure the availability of the braking system. The functions of the brake test shall be defined by the brake supplier. During the automatic brake test the system shall ensure that the train unit does not roll off.

The result of the brake test shall be recorded and indicated to the driver’s MMI or TCMS display. Differentiated according to the severity of the braking defect faults shall be transmitted to the driver’s alert popping-up on the display in the occupied driving cab to inform the driver about dangerous statuses.

7.8.9 Passenger Emergency Release (PER)

The manufacturer shall receive an approval from SRTET for his design of an emergency brake application by means of the PER. After consulting the Authority, the manufacturer shall address for SRTET acceptance.

PER in ARL system shall consist of Passenger Alarm Unit (PAU) and Internal Emergency Egress Device (IEED). Each PER shall have a reset function. The activation of a PER shall acoustically and visually alert the driver in the driver’s cab. This alert shall also indicate the location and door where the PER has been activated.

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The manual release switch shall enable passengers to open the door manually in case of an emergency. Once actuated, emergency braking shall be applied and the switch shall remain locked in a locked position.

After activation of the PER an optic and acoustic alarm shall be triggered in the driver’s cab and the driver can accept or reject the call from the passenger. The location of the activated PER is displayed to the driver.

Additionally the PER shall trigger an emergency braking unless by-passed by the driver because of an un-safe location, e.g., tunnel section or viaduct without proper evacuation means.

7.8.10 Wheel Slip/Slide Protection

All braked axles must have a wheel slip/slide prevention consisting of electro pneumatic and electro dynamic (for motor car only) wheel slide prevention systems each in respectively separate traction control units and brake pneumatic control units with independent power supply and self-generated reference speed.

In case of error, the smallest independent unit shall be designed to be switched off separately. Any failure in the wheel slip/slide protection in emergency braking shall result in the application of full brake force and deactivation of the wheel slip/slide prevention system. The wheel slip/slide prevention control shall be high performance per axle control.

In combined slip and anti-skid braking operation the elements of the dynamic brake and mechanical brake, e.g., compressed air brake shall operate together.

In sliding mode initially the dynamic brake shall be active. If sliding cannot be eliminated within a pre-defined time, then the dynamic brake shall be switched off and taken over by mechanical brake with its sliding protection operation. After the sliding process, the dynamic brake force shall be rebuilt without any additional measures.

The diagnosis-electronics shall detect a fault or failure as well as an implausible signal early enough to prevent an unjustified brake-release. A permanent self-diagnosis of the slip/slide- protection shall be performed during start-up and operation.

In case of failure, error messages and corrective texts for drivers and maintenance personnel shall be provided that allow error limitation to the smallest replaceable unit.

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The driver’s cab shall be equipped with a well-noticeable device for the fault and error messages. This must be either a separate indicator or an error indicator on the diagnostic terminal.

The slip/slide protection system must provide the information for maintenance staff clearly identifying all individual wheel-slide prevention element and components.

The manufacturer shall specify a diagnosis interface for the SRTET’s assessment and acceptance.

The size of the data recorder shall be designed such that the operating data of the slip and skid control with a sample rate of 20 samples/second can be recorded for at least 2 weeks of operation before they are overwritten for capacity reasons.

The wheel slip/slide prevention system shall comply with the following safety integrity levels (EN50129, EN50128, and EN50126):

Wheel Slide Prevention System (Electronics) SIL3

Wheel Slide Prevention System (Software) SIL2

This must be certified by an independent notified body during the design stage.

7.9 Propulsion System and Power Supply

7.9.1 Traction System and control

The propulsion system includes power collection and modulation devices, traction motors, drive gear units, control logic, wheel spin/slide correction, circuit protection devices, and all accessories necessary to meet the specified requirements of propulsion and dynamic braking.

The core of the propulsion system shall be AC converter/inverter (here after called AC inverter) drive. Each traction converter shall consist of an input converter and a variable voltage, variable frequency, (VVVF) inverter. The equipment shall be of a proven design at least in 3 years revenue service and 2,000,000 km revenue service. Propulsion system configuration

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Power modulation in both propulsion and dynamic braking shall be accomplished by microprocessor-controlled, solid state AC inverters. The drive unit for the AC inverter shall be based on insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) technology.

An independent inverter drive unit shall be provided, one for each motor car. The drive unit for each car shall perform its functions, including propulsion, dynamic braking, and wheel spin- slide correction, even if the other motor car drive unit is not functioning. The inverter unit shall be identical and interchangeable between cars.

The traction motor shall drive its associated axle through a gear drive, the arrangement shall minimize un-sprung weight on the driven axles, all motors, gears and couplings shall be interchangeable between motor bogies from axle to axle. Pantograph, High Voltage Power Collection, HV Protection and Distribution

The pantograph shall be able to cope with the various OCS heights in the SRTET System preferable Brecknell Willis. All lowered pantographs shall be grounded. In case of a failure a driver shall be able to lower/rise a defective pantograph.

Pantographs shall be installed in a manner that lateral movements due to inclination related to the centre of tracks shall be limited to the minimum. The manufacturer shall point out the values in the offer. Maintenance staff shall be able to change contact strips. Multiple unit operation shall be possible.

The pantograph shall be capable of sustained operation over the full range of contact wire height, the full range of overhead line voltage, and all operating speeds specified. Pantograph controls shall be configured in the cab car such that any one or all pantographs can be raised or lowered. When all pantographs are raised, there shall be a time delay function such that the instantaneous line current demand peak and inrush current characteristic are reduced to less than the operating limit of the traction power and overhead line system.

The operating range of the pantograph shall not be less than 2,600 mm and the current correction range of the pantograph shall not be less than 2,400 mm.

A detailed description of the ARL pantograph is given in the following table.

Main data Details

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Pantograph electrical thickness 390 mm

Housed height with 250mm electrical clearance 640 mm

Maximum pantograph extension from housed Up to 2,600 mm

Current carrying max capacity, standstill (plain carbon) 50 A

Current carrying max capacity, running (plain carbon) 400 A

Minimum supply pressure to raise 4.5 bar

Minimum supply pressure to operate normally 6.5 bar

Maximum supply pressure 10 bar

Operating temperature range -15°C to +50°C

Total weight per pantograph installation 212 kg

The pantograph shall be capable of Over-height Detection Device with manual reset or automatic reset function and Automatic Drop Detection Device (ADD) also call Auto-drop device.

Full traction and braking performance shall be available at traction supply voltages from 19 kV to 30 kV. In the event that the traction supply voltage is further reduced to less than 19 kV current drawn from the traction supply shall not increase and the traction performance shall diminish gradually. The control system shall prevent line voltage oscillation and instability of the traction equipment.

The traction equipment shall be able to accept intermittent catenary traction supply voltage without any damage. In case of the maximum working voltage (27.5 kV) of the overhead wire is exceeded slightly and for a short time, e.g. 30 kV for 5 minutes this must not lead to any damage to the train. In this case, this does not need to be regarded as normal operation condition, i.e. if necessary, the traction can be blocked. For full electric braking power, the voltage limit can be reduced below 24 kV.

The traction equipment must satisfy the requirement for 50% redundancy when one MC of the MC-T-T-MC fails and shuts down automatically. For maintenance and repair work, ease of access to the individual components shall be ensured.

A roof-mounted main circuit breaker shall be provided in each HV circuit, located close to the pantograph. The main circuit breaker shall be protected from damage due to flying debris.

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The enclosure and termination of the HV distribution cable shall be protected against flex and wear of the cable. In the event of breakdown of the cable insulation or its termination, there shall be no risk of injury or other hazards to persons inside or outside the cars.

A switch shall be provided, operable from inside the car, enabling each HV circuit to be earthed during maintenance. This switch shall be interlocked with the pantograph to prevent the pantograph being raised while the HV circuit is earthed and to prevent the HV circuit from being earthed while the pantograph is raised. The switch shall be capable of being padlocked in the earthed position.

All roof mounted HV equipment and the car itself shall be protected against lightning strikes, such that a lightning strike does not damage any electrical equipment and does not cause a shutdown of the propulsion system. Main Transformer

The main transformer shall have a design life at least 30 years and design for underfloor mounting type. The transformer system engineering shall minimize the maintenance requirement.

Measures shall be included to monitor for and protect against traction transformer failure and leakage. The engineering shall minimize the fire load of the transformer.

Silicone oil coolant shall be the minimum acceptable standard for fire load reduction. Other coolants may be used if they offer improved fire safety over silicone oil.

Specific attention shall be given to the very high humidity in Bangkok, Thailand. Measures shall be taken to mitigate the risks associated with moisture build up in transformers. Drive Control System

All power control circuits shall respond appropriately and consistently to demand for traction or braking effort, and other demand related signals, initiated by the train operator, the ATP/ATO or other equipment.

The response of the propulsion system shall be smooth at all speeds, in all operating modes, with the demand produced by any allowable equipment as specified.

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The propulsion control system shall be capable of performance calibration during commissioning, to achieve the desired operating performance. Inadvertent change of parameters shall be prevented.

In case of multiple units operated length up to a 10-car train. There may be occasions when the train will be formed with sets of different percentage of motor cars. In this event, the traction performance of the sets having a higher than normal percentage of motor cars, shall be adjusted to match with the performance of the sets having the normal percentage of motor cars. The normal percentage of motor cars shall be defined as the percentage of motor cars for the sets forming up to a 10-car consist.

Means shall be provided on all cars to prevent wheel slip for each single axle.

Means shall be also provided on all cars to prevent wheel slide for the two wheel sets in the same bogie.

This shall operate at all times and ensure maximum use of the available adhesion.

The propulsion equipment shall withstand condition without damage and without allowed roll- back distance.

The failures of traction system shall be informed to the driver through TCMS and logged enough to analyse the faults by the maintenance staff via MMI.

The train operator shall be able to isolate any defective propulsion equipment from the cab. Automatic Power Control

An automatic power control (APC) system shall be included which smoothly reduced the power demand on approach to overhead line neutral sections, and smoothly increases the power demand immediately after the neutral section. Power Conditioning

Suitable protection shall be included in the power conditioning circuits to protect from high frequency voltages, earth faults, overvoltage and overcurrent. The Contactors shall be rated for maximum current capacity and overload interruption capability.

Capacitor discharge devices shall ensure that capacitor terminal voltage is less than 50 volts within 3 minutes of removal of primary power in worst case, and shall provide positive

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indication of such to maintenance staff. Inductors shall be mounted and shielded to minimize inductive coupling with track equipment and magnetic fields in the car, consistent with electromagnetic interference (EMI) to such an enough low level as not to interfere train system operation or environment all along the track.

In addition, the propulsion system shall be engineered to operate in an environment of high ambient electrical noise. Such electrical noise could be self-generated, generated by other car systems, and generated off-car. Drive Transmission System

All traction motors shall be AC and engineered for a 30 years life with periodical maintenance. Traction motors shall be thermally rated to meet all normal and abnormal duty cycles.

Traction gearboxes preferable IGW or ZF, but IGW traction gearbox currently used on existing train. The design of traction gearboxes and gearbox bearings shall be engineered such thatmaintenance inspection intervals specified in the maintenance requirement. Gearbox shall have a light weight design and gearbox bearing shall have designed life greater than 2,400,000 km before major overhaul.

Lubrication of motor and gearbox bearings shall be accessible without the need for equipment removal, and shall be engineered to prevent overfilling or leakage from seals. Engineering Requirements

Equipment assemblies shall be functionally grouped and universal modularly mounted, to reduce replacement time and to simply repair. Assemblies with identical function shall be interchangeable. The modules must be installed such that can be replaced easily.

The traction converters shall be designed such that scheduled servicing and maintenance is reduced to a minimum.

Access for monitoring control circuit logic shall be possible during the propulsion system operation. It shall be possible to inject signals for testing purposes to test the response of the equipment when the train is running.

All power conditioning equipment shall be easily accessible for inspection, testing and maintenance.

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Earth faults in the DC link circuit shall be detected prior to circuit breaker operation. Detection shall not automatically cause a propulsion system shutdown.

7.9.2 On-board Supply System

Start-up operations of electrical consumers shall have no debilitating, negative repercussions on the respective voltage network, individual power supplies or other electrical appliances.

All electrical equipment shall be designed for the maximum available ambient air temperature.

The manufacturer shall not use PCB-containing material. The requirements, specified in “RoHs-Directive/2011/65/EU”, directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances for electrical and electronic equipment shall be strictly obeyed.

Basic safety regulations and standards for railway application, particularly principal prevention, safety of electrical installations and equipment and noise shall be observed.

In-operation grounding and protection grounding shall be considered with the maximum short- circuit currents of fixed installations.

Grounding means shall be provided for all circuits that require a protection against touch- voltage. This shall affect at least the voltage ranges III and IV according to EN 50153.

Grounding means shall be provided for all circuits, which have capacitors in the voltage ranges III and IV according to EN 50153.

Each grounding device shall be operable without life touching parts. The earthing devices shall be designed to be remotely operated without opening the cabinets for electrical equipment.

The ground facilities of the high voltage system shall be protected against operating errors by a key system. In the grounded position, protection shall be provided against unintentional restart. The grounded position shall securely be locked by at least 3 padlocks.

The mandatory warning labels shall be mounted and permanently legible.

Train borne overcurrent during the separation of the train from the OCS shall occur without damage to the train borne equipment.

Sounds with disruptive and annoying frequencies shall not occur.

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7.9.3 Power Electronics

Inspection and cleaning of power electronics shall have service intervals not less than the regular revision periods. In between no additional service shall be required.

The life-cycle of power electronics shall be half of the life-cycle of the trains as a minimum.

Safe de-energising of power electronics components must be possible within 5 minutes at a maximum.

Power outputs of power electronics shall be protected against short-circuits, overcurrent and open-circuit proof.

Energy efficiency per frequency transformation shall be for half capacity rating at least 95%. In case the proposed equipment cannot fulfil this requirement, the manufacturer shall point out the values for his equipment.

Indoor power electronics equipment onboard trains shall be installed in closed boxes or cabinets of at least IP 51. Outdoor and under trains power electronics equipment must be installed in closed boxes or cabinets of at least IP 65.

7.9.4 Brake Resistor

a) The braking resistors shall comply with IEC 60322: 2001.

b) The resistors shall be provided with over-temperature protection.

c) The resistor groups shall be double insulated and adequately protected against wheel splash, flying ballast/debris.

d) The braking resistor shall be installed so as to prevent over-heating of adjacent equipment, wiring or underframe structure.

e) An earthed cover shall be provided for the braking resistor bank.

f) Thermal insulation shall be provided between the resistor enclosure and the underframe.

7.9.5 Control Equipment

Failures of the onboard control equipment shall always be fail-safe. All individual elements of the propulsion system shall have their individual overload protection switch.

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Installed overload protection switches or circuit breakers or overcurrent trips shall be safeguarded against unintentional switching-on for maintenance purposes.

Installed overload protection switches or circuit breakers or overcurrent trips shall be easily reached from the drivers’ position in the driver’s cab.

7.9.6 Cables

The cables shall fulfil all the criteria of TSI EN 45545, the highest European Safety Standard.

Inter-car jumper cable connections may require exemption from above mentioned, and in such case conditions apply as follow:

 All documentation for jumper cables shall be according to TSI ALARP risk assessment standards  The moved cables shall be aramid fibre reinforced for an extended long life time in tropical climatic conditions  All jumper cable connections need stress released through grommet clamp proofing  All jumper cable system must be flood water tight

7.9.7 Labelling

All safety-relevant screw joints and bolting shall have a paint mark to enable staff to immediately detect an unintended loosening.

All electrical equipment, terminal block and plug boards, clamping strips etc. shall have an unambiguous permanent and easy to read label when in place, the labelling shall be resistant to all detergents.

The labelling shall be consistent with the design drawings, connection schemes and circuit diagrams.

The labelling shall not be changed by exchange of components and equipment.

All cables and wiring shall have a label at each end according to the labelling scheme. All components and units shall have fully furnished identification plates, serial numbers and markers for the as-constructed status.

Breakers and switches shall additionally have a clear-word labelling.

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All labelling shall last and be easy-to-read throughout the life-cycle of the trains at a minimum. Covers and doors of electrical and electronic equipment shall be incorporated in the master- key system. Staff shall not be endangered from touch-voltage by opening such covers.

Doors of electrical equipment or cabinet shall open at least 180º. Covers and doors shall have an option to be fixed in open position. Staff shall be able to remove covers and doors without tools.

The manufacturer shall provide a proposal for labelling and incorporation of covers and doors of electrical and electronic equipment for the SRTET’s assessment and acceptance.

7.10 Central Control Unit (CCU)

The monitoring system consist of a distributed intelligent system composed of Master Unit (MU), Secondary Unit (SU) and TCMS Display Unit for the use of monitoring and gathering data, data analysis and transmission of information, to provide status information and currently situation; Provide a MU and a DSP in each cab car and a SU in each middle car to ensure that the health of all items of the equipment are monitored so that fault information is provided the driver with guidance if necessary for the correct recovery of the failed equipment or train, and also to ensure that the interactive fault finding information is provided to guide maintenance personnel on the train system; and Store train performance and fault histories for transmission to maintenance support systems to allow such data to be used to enhance the performance and operation of the train. Be available to connect with the different train through each MU on the cab and disconnect automatically with such as the head car condition of the train.

7.10.1 Train Communication Network

The vehicle instrumentation and control shall be divided into following control levels:

 Train control  Vehicle control  Traction control

Clear structuring in function-specific subsystems must be a characteristic of the instrumentation and control system. The individual systems, even where these have many units, may only be controlled from the attended driver’s cab.

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A control system incorporating a bus and fault recording system shall be installed for the control and monitoring equipment.

The train bus shall provide a reliable means of monitoring whether the relevant train configuration is complete.

The purpose of the vehicle bus shall connect the internal vehicle components such as the drive control with the train control system. The purpose of the train bus is to connect one or several trains to each other. The train bus must be implemented using stage-of-the-art bus systems. Both bus systems shall be set up as MVB (for the vehicle bus) and WTB (for the train bus).The control electronics should be integrated to as high a level as necessary.

All components of electronic devices must be fully functional at the prevailing operating temperatures and be installed in a dust-proof way.

The electronic components shall be designed such that the over voltages, switching over voltages and voltage peaks which occur during operation do not cause any damage.

 Train Data Bus

Train data bus shall be used for connecting the communication port of MU between two train sets and SU of the middle car. The transmission speed shall be enough (for example, 100 kHz or more) to transmit data on the train for monitoring displaying the information, recording and downloading the logged data of each equipment on the cab through a MU by connecting a PC. The protocol utilized shall be devised from a recognized standard and shall already be service proven in the railway environment under the similar environment conditions.

 Vehicle Bus

MVB, shall be applied between the unit and the distributed intelligence unit for train data bus. Data communication shall be executes between MU or SU and traction inverter, brake control unit, static inverter, ATP/ATO, destination indicator etc. through single shielded and twisted pair wire. ISO 4335 HDLC shall be adopted for MVB communication for the availability of the large data communication.

7.10.2 Train Control and Management System

 System Structure

The data gathered from the equipment on the vehicle to either MU or SU through vehicle bus shall be distributed to the MU.

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The TCMS shall ensure that corruption or loss of data or failure to an unsafe or undesirable condition does not occur. Faulty subsystems shall be detected and prevented from causing unsafe or undesirable condition.

The TCMS shall accommodate all future train length up to 10-car MU. Through vehicle bus shall be distributed to the MU and shall include the ability to be expanded for additional functions and facilities, such as data storage.

 System Software and Engineering

Software associated with monitoring and diagnostics shall be capable of refinement from commissioning onwards. The TCMS manufacturer shall agree to give full assistance with customized software changes of enhancements to meet the particular requirements of further developments from the initial system. A validation of the TCMS and associated subsystem software shall be undertaken. Provision shall be made to enable increase in capacity of inputs and outputs, data bits, memory, and software capability to cater for future expansion of the systems on the train (up to 10-car).

 System Requirements

(a) Monitoring

TCMS shall monitor the status of sub-system such as driver’s cab, lighting system, HVAC comfort system, doors, auxiliary AC power system, traction power system, CCTV and brake system, etc. on board. These monitoring displays shall be used for the operation and maintenance.

(b) Failure record and Generate alarms

TCMS shall analyses the input and outputs and determine whether fault or failure conditions exist. Once TCMS recognizes a failure, then the failure shall be displayed on the TCMS display screen, and audible warning is alerted to the train driver.

(c) Remedial action guidance

The guidance for remedial action shall be displayed on the display when the failure occurs.

(d) Store history of Faults

TCMS shall record the fault equipment status including operational data such as speed, Propulsion/braking commands, line voltage, distance etc. before 7 seconds, after 3 seconds. The memorized data shall be read out with a notebook computer through 10 base-T Ethernet

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or wireless connection. The fault logging data of each equipment or sub system shall be able to be real time monitoring or downloaded through TCMS by a maintenance laptop.

(e) Performance record

TCMS shall record the test running status for up to 60 minutes also real time monitoring and record all data as brake performance, brake distance test, energy consumption during standstill and running, traction performance and door cycle test.

(f) Set-up

The set-up of the vehicle data such as car number, wheel compensation, wheel diameter, running kilometre, date and time, lighting control, HVAC control etc. shall be able to be implemented by the authorized person with ID and password.

 TCMS Display Unit

The TCMS shall be of the high resolution TFT colour display combined with the touch sensitive screen and hard keys panel and is taken into consideration for the visibility in the installation from the sunshine on the cab.

7.10.3 Driving and brake control

The tractive and electrical braking efforts shall be controlled by suitable algorithms such as Trans vector control. An accurate signal of the train speed shall be available from the axles. Drive control shall be an integral part of the drive system.

The reference values for the drive/braking efforts and the command to switch on the auxiliary and other equipment as well as feedback on the status of the individual sub-systems shall merge in the overlaying train control and shall be further processed into set values and switching commands.

The execution of the commands shall be monitored and irregularities in the control sequence shall be saved as error messages in the non-volatile memory of the Central Control unit, including the diagnosis result from the sub-system, for evaluation at a later stage.

The basic functions of the traction converter-related control and monitoring system shall be arranged on the lower level.

The essential functions of drive control are as follows:

 Processing of specified set points,

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 Jerk limitation while travelling,  Effective electrical wheel slip/slide protection,  Limitation of power consumption from the mains,  Preparation of impulses to activate the power semi-conductor units in 4QC and the inverter,  Monitoring of the control function and the set/actual values,  Drive system protection, error recording (self-diagnosis), error storage and display, and transfer of diagnostic results or parts thereof to the vehicle control, where required.

Interferences in the control system must take effect towards the safe side.

It must be possible to check and adjust the power and control electronics including electrical brakes when idle.

The systems shall be arranged such that they are maintenance free.

The tractive or braking effort set by the vehicle driver shall be kept constant to the greatest possible extent over the entire speed interval up to the characteristic curve. The rise/fall of the tractive/braking effort to the required level shall be adjusted such that the jerk is limited to 0.8 m/s3.

It must be possible to switch off an individual faulty drive system; the train however must still be controllable from any driver’s cab.

Depot mode driving must be possible from any driver’s cab, in both directions without need for the driver to change cab.

7.10.4 On-train Monitoring Recorder (OTMR)

The function of the OTMR is to monitor and record vehicle data from a number of inputs, which have been configured to match the vehicle hardware. Inputs can typically be digital, analogue, frequency, pulse width modulation or serial communications. Low current DC power supply outputs can also be made available to feed, for example, vehicle sensors.

Data is stored on a crash protected solid state device referred to as the secure storage memory. It can be later downloaded for analysis on a suitable PC running the suite of software for analyses all stored events.

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The fitting of an OTMR is a mandatory requirement according to Railway Group Standards. These standards will specify the minimum number of signals which must be monitored and a certain number of operating parameters in order to determine the circumstances surrounding any future incidents.

OTMRs are a modular device available with any number of channels from the group standard minimum for that particular design of vehicle up to approximately 115 channels. An OTMR will be designed to suit both the customer’s requirements and the functions of the vehicle. All vehicles of the same class and fleet will then typically be fitted with the same design of OTMR. An OTMR can interface with GPS module via an appropriate antenna mounted on the exterior of the vehicle, accurate positional data can be determined and logged by the OTMR. Logging of the position data is performed regularly, both after a specific time interval has elapsed or after a set distance has been travelled, whichever occurs first.

The OTMR is a “Dumb” logger. It will simply log data from all channels which have been connected to it. It does not know the meaning of these signals and can make minimal decisions upon their status. It is only once the data is downloaded and analyses on a PC computer.

The OTMR is capable of directly recording a large number of vehicle signals, such as digital levels or voltages. Along with a suitable sensor or transducer the OTMR can also record a wide variety of physical or environmental signals, such as temperature, speed, brake pressure, brake application, brake release, emergency brake, fluid level and vehicle direction.

7.11 Couplings and Draft Gear

The most of the coupler used in the existing train is the product of Dellner. Then it is reasonable to give the preference to the said product for the standardization, ease of maintenance and less of inventory. Trains shall have an automatic coupling at each end of a train set. Inter-train connections between coupled cars shall be performed as semi-permanent couplings. The manufacturer shall provide a detailed description and point out possible interfaces and adaptive solutions to the existing fleet. This information shall be provided during the design stage. The coupling shall be self-centring.

The automatic and semi-permanent couplings and draft gears shall be capable of operating over all track conditions without permanent deformation.

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The automatic and semi-permanent couplings shall allow for change of cars, as a result of permissible wheel wear, uneven loading, suspension failure without permanent deformation.

The automatic and semi-permanent couplings and draft gears shall withstand all forces originating from the longest train set or train composition intended to operate in the System. Any possible length as specified in this specification shall be possible, loaded at AW3, coupling at up to 1-3 km/h approach speed, with a stationary train set of the same length and loaded at AW3 without permanent deformation.

Automatic and semi-permanent mountings shall be engineered such that shock and collision energy can be absorbed by the mountings and shall not result in permanent deformation of the automatic and semi-permanent couplings.

The coupling shafts shall prevent the couplings from swinging transversely when not coupled.

The automatic and semi-permanent couplings, draft gear and anchorages shall have sufficient capacity to perform train rescue.

Semi-permanent couplings shall be capable of being connected or disconnected in less than 60 minutes by one person on a maintenance track in the Depot.

The mounting arrangement for all couplings and semi-permanent couplings shall be identical to allow either a semi-permanent or mechanical coupling to be fitted.

The jumpers at the mid positions on train sets shall enable one person to connect or disconnect a train set safely in less than 10 minutes, without the need of tools or access to a maintenance track.

The high voltage jumper cable shall incorporate an interlock or pilot wire to disconnect the high voltage power supply, in case the jumper cables is disconnected but the circuit is still live.

An automatic connection of all signal- and data cable shall be incorporated.

Greasing of couplings shall be possible with the regular maintenance tools available in SRTET. Couplings shall have an availability of > 98%.

The manufacturer shall list the time required for the change of the coupling-heads by two staff. For two staff the time required for a change of the coupling-heads shall be less than 60 minutes.

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7.12 Auxiliary Power Supply

7.12.1 Auxiliary Converter Unit

The auxiliary converter unit or auxiliary power supply system shall be configured such that it performs reliably for all operating train consists. The auxiliary converter unit shall take input power directly from the traction transformer, such that it is independent of the propulsion power conditioning equipment.

The transformer shall transform the AC25kV to the following equipment requirement:

 Traction Converter Unit  Auxiliary Converter Unit

The ACU converts and distributes the electrical energy (3AC 400V, 50Hz) to the auxiliary loads. The following loads are supplied by the inverters: e.g. air compressor, air conditioning, equipment ventilation.

The DC 110V output is for supplying the DC consumers (e.g. lights, control devices, train control line) and for charging the battery.

The Auxiliary Converter Unit has been designed in such a way that it is attached to the underneath of the vehicle (underfloor mounting type). It is housed in a weatherproof steel container. It is connected to the car by means of support lugs. The Auxiliary Converter Unit comprises switching and protection components, various monitoring devices and the power modules. The container is modular in design. The modules, protection devices and power modules can be replaced quickly without any need for special tools.

The failures of auxiliary power supply system shall be informed to the driver through TCMS and logged enough to analyse the faults by the maintenance’ staff.

The general details of Auxiliary Converter Unit are in the following table.

Main data Details

Overall dimensions (L x W x H) 3,301mm x 2,164mm x 605mm

Weight 1,920 kg

Degree of protection ventilated compartment IP 21 per IEC 60529

Degree of protection unventilated compartment IP 54 per IEC 60529

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Field of application Multiple unit, underfloor

Ambient temperature range +17°C to +40°C

Max. operating altitude ≤ 1,400 m

Type of cooling forced air cooling

Paint finish 2-layer paintwork, smooth

External paintwork RAL 7012 basalt grey

7.12.2 Input Variables

Requirement Details Remark

Number of ACU windings 3 Optional 4

System frequency 50 Hz (48Hz-51.5Hz)

Nominal voltage, primary 25 kV 19 kV-30 kV

Nominal voltage, secondary in no-load operation (UACUnom) 359 V

Rated power of one ACU winding 80 kVA

Leakage inductance in relation to the secondary side 0.4 mH (±20%)

Ohmic equivalent resistance in relation to the secondary 51 mΩ side

Input filter EMC filter

Connection of the ACU winding to vehicle’s ground No grounded

Fundamental-wave displacement factor (cos φ) for the >0.97 System sided whole range of rated voltage

Maximum input current 340 A

7.12.3 Output Variables

All outputs are resistant to idling overload and short-circuit. The outputs are not grounded and have a permanent ground-fault detector. If a simple ground fault occurs, it is possible to continue operating the Auxiliary Converter Unit at full power.

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The ACU outputs are given in the following details below.

 Output 3AC 400V, 50Hz

Requirement Details Remark

Output frequency 50 Hz ±1 Hz

Output voltage 3AC 400V

Static tolerance of output voltage ± 5% for switch on higher loads (e.g. main air


Dynamic tolerance of the output voltage ± 15% for switch on higher loads (e.g. main air


Max. voltage rise of the output voltage < 10V/μs

Total harmonic distortion < 8%

Output filter EMC filter/Sine filter

Output nominal power 3 (optional 4) x85 kVA for cosφ = 0.9

Output power on down-time operation 2 (optional 3) x105 kVA sum approx. 1 week

(cosφ< 0.85) per 30 years

Load unbalance ≤ 10% of the rated power

Maximum admissible output 280 Aeff for 10 ms

current per module 200 Aeff for 10 s

151 Aeff down-time operation

122 Aeff continuous

Current limiting per module 200 A

Output contactors Three-pole Switched per internal controller

 Output DC 110V

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Requirement Details Remark

Nominal voltage DC 110V (Battery characteristic)

Voltage limits +25%, -30% lower tolerance depend on lower voltage protection

Battery capacity ≥220 Ah

Output characteristic NiCd with IUoU With temperature characteristic compensation

Output nominal power 2x12 kW separated in 3 lines:

(per ACU) BN (connected)

BD (connected)

Battery Absolute Direct (BAD)

Max output current(continuous) 181 A Separated in 3 lines:

(Total current per ACU) BN (connected)

BD (connected)

BAD (for max. load of the

separated lines)

Down-time operation 11.44 kW

(summated power) 104 A

Control accuracy of battery voltage ± 1.5% (in the recording point of the voltage)

Control accuracy of current limitation ± 5%

Ripple content of output voltage < 1%RMS for nominal current and nominal voltage

Output filter EMC filter

Connected loads Battery The charging current of the

charging, On- battery is controlled board power

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7.12.4 Standby Power

The standby power supply battery shall be provided:

 Maintain full DC loads when the train runs over neutral section of the overhead line.  Supply emergency load for at least 90 minutes, which the full lighting load, when the primary power is lost or partial failure of auxiliary power supply system, with the battery charged to 80% of its full capacity. The Operation with 110V DC battery voltage (Emergency Ventilation) as following:

Input DC 110 V

Output 3AC 400 V 50 Hz

Output power ACU for emergency 6.5 kVA/6kW

ventilation (power consumption for emergency fans in the air conditioner)

Emergency loads shall include:

 Emergency lighting  All exterior lights  Emergency Ventilation fans, but not air conditioning  Communication systems including public address, emergency help points and train radio  Propulsion and brake control  Door controls  TCMS  Cab console indicators, lighting and interlocking  ATP/ATO train-borne equipment  Horn  Safety providing circuit  Train number indicator

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7.12.5 Battery

The battery shall be of the nickel cadmium (NiCd) type with stainless cell casing. It shall meet the IEC 623 and IEC 993 requirements.

Under normal operation, the battery shall be charged from the auxiliary power supply system. Recharging from fully discharged to 50% shall take less than 2 hours. The charging profile selected shall be optimized for the battery installed, duty cycle encountered and life expectancy. Battery charging shall be provided with constant current and constant voltage charging.

Adequate circuit protection shall be provided to ensure the battery load shall be disconnected when the battery voltage has dropped below 70% of the nominal voltage and when auxiliary load is re-connected, the initial battery load shall not cause the battery output to oscillate.

The battery shall be engineered for a minimum 6 years operation with no maintenance required, in the operating environment in Thailand. The battery shall be provided with over- temperature and over-current protection.

The battery tray and box shall be constructed of stainless steel; SUS304.The battery box shall be adequately ventilated to prevent the build-up of any gases. All the live parts such as the terminals and connection bars shall be covered by insulated materials.

The battery cell shall be secured in the battery tray and the tray shall be secured inside the battery box. A sliding mechanism shall be provided for the battery tray to allow sliding in and out of the tray to and from the battery box by one maintenance staff. The tray shall be provided with a quick release locking mechanism that can securely restrain the battery tray in its normal position. The activation and release of the locking mechanism shall not require the use of any tool.

The battery shall be connected to the auxiliary supply circuit by means of a plug and socket type connector. This connector shall disconnect automatically with the battery tray is being slide out from the battery box, and vice versa. The connector shall not have any exposed electrical parts which pose a hazard to the maintenance staff.

Each battery shall be fitted with a charging socket for the connection of an external charging device to charge up the batteries.

Each Battery tray and box can easily remove from the train by one forklift with not any obstruct mechanism shall not require to use of any fixture or support.

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7.12.6 On-board power supply network, battery charger

The mains voltage of the DC on-board power supply shall be 110 VDC. The power of the charger shall be rated such that all 110 V loads can be supplied by the charger and that also sufficient charging current is available to charge any flat batteries.

It must be ensured that in case a battery charger fails no damage occurs in the DC on-board power supply network. The charger shall be electrically isolated.

The set points for voltage and current must be adjustable and stable within the permitted fluctuations of the overhead wire supply.

The batteries charging characteristic which, shall be used in the train are NiCd batteries with a nominal voltage of DC 110V. The load program corresponds to a temperature compensated IUoU-characteristic.

 Battery capacity 220Ah  Maximum device current 2x91A  Maximum battery charging current 1.5xI5= 66 A  U1: 1.58 V/cell (126.40 V) fast charge default value at 20°C (Adjustable: 1.70-1.505 V/cell, 136.00 V-120.40 V)  Temperature compensated at -0.003 V/°C/cell  U2: 1.48 V/cell (118.40 V) maintain load default value at 20°C (Adjustable: 1.60-1.36 V/cell, 128.00 V-108.80 V)  Number of cells = 80 cells  Temperature sensor: NTC 10 kOhm (25°C), the temperature sensor is attached directly to the battery and connected to the charger via control lines.

7.13 Train Signals

The exterior lighting respectively train signals shall meet the following requirements:

 Each end shall be fitted with a light unit comprising a red taillight with night light, a white headlight and a white long-distance light for bi-directional operation.

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 The illumination and colour of the lights shall be controlled automatically by the running direction command in a way that the front of the train is indicated by white headlights (front- end-signal) and the rear by red taillights and night lights (rear-end-signal).  Illumination of the long-distance light shall be controlled by a switch. When the train at inactive (stabled train), the night lights shall be available at both ends of the train for 72 hours at least. On both sides a device accessible from track level shall enable staff to extinguish the night lights locally. This device shall not be accessible to passengers.

The lamps shall be arranged in a separate housing. The manufacturer must use LED light for the end-signal.

The ingress of water and the formation of condensation on the inside of the glass-cover and the interior lights (reflector, LED module)shall be prevented according to protection-class IP 65 according to EN 60529.

The manufacturer shall state the lifetime of the bulbs.

Individual components with limited lifetime shall enable at least 100 times exchange without the risk of connector- and light fixtures wear or malfunction.

The service time of each individual component of the light components shall be at least 10 years. This must not be valid for replacement components diffusers, reflectors and conventional light sources such as incandescent, LED and halogen lamps.

A colour shift out of range “White A” and “Red E” shall not occur in the course of service life.

7.14 Signalling System

7.14.1 Bidding for Signalling Components

The Bidders for the new rolling stock have the following requirement for the bidding process. According to the subsequent paragraphs are to be understood as environmental information for a better understanding what kind of signalling components may be required on-board trains and what space for signalling cabinets and other equipment fixed underneath the body is to be installed. The new rolling stock shall be run in ATO according to timetable program (FALKO). The stopping point, PSD interface and CTC system shall be used for 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 cars configuration required by operation plan.

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The Bidders can incorporate to respective signalling equipment according to SRTET’s requirement which is rolling stock equipped the existing system (LZB 700 M) and additionally provisions for space and wiring in order to upgrade with ETCS Level 2 features in the future.

7.14.2 Sub-System Features of the Existing System

The actual LZB 700 M in place is a modularly structured and highly flexible system, in which driverless train reverse operation is included.

Trains shall have the necessary train protection systems, e.g., ATP etc. The train signalling system shall be fully compliant with the existing signalling system of SRTET. The train signalling shall have the most recent version at the time of delivery of the trains.

The manufacturer shall submit the concepts for process control including architectural design, functional design, control design, display design, operational concept, redundancy concept, failure concept, concept dome for the SRTET’s tender evaluation.

The Automatic Train Control System LZB 700 M ensures the safe passage of trains and optimised line operation. LZB 700 M is ensures both the signalling safety and high reliability at the same time. By means of the AF track circuits (FTGS) data are transmitted inductively to the train.

The Automatic Train Control system (ATC) covers the technical equipment for supervising, operating, controlling and safeguarding train operation.

The ATC is generally made up of the following basic functions:

 Automatic Train Protection (ATP)  Automatic Train Operation (ATO)  Automatic Train Supervision (ATS)

The ATC consists of ATS, ATO, LZB 700 M (ATP), interlocking and track vacancy detection. The LZB 700 M continuous automatic train control system generally covers train protection within the function of ATP supported by the interlocking (safety level) and train control within the functions of ATO (control level). The track vacancy detection system is used by the interlocking as well as the automatic train control.

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When trackside or train-borne ATP/ATO equipment are switched on, a power-on test is carried out to check the correct functioning of the system. The ATP trackside equipment is loaded with the interlocking data and the current track-occupation information. While carrying out the power-on test the ATP-trackside unit controlled area is locked. For the on-board equipment, the ATP and ATO on-board computers, the receiving units including the train antennas, the odometer pulse generator, the emergency brake initiation, power supply and the cut-off unit are tested as well. The ATP equipment will only be available after the power-on test has been passed. ATP (vital part)

The Automatic Train Protection (ATP) covers the following vital tasks:

 Track vacancy detection by means of track circuits  Determination and supervision of speed  Emergency Brake application  Spacing of train sequence  Standstill control in the target area of a station  Prevention of rolling backward  Door control and release  PSD synchronisation, release and control  Input, monitoring and cancelling speed restriction sections  Provision of data for on-board MMI/cab-display  Control of driverless reversing

Train detection is provided by so-called “FTGS”, remote-fed joint-less audio frequency track circuits. A short-circuit of rails by axles triggers a “track-occupancy” indication in the interlocking by track-side telegrams and subsequently that no other train can enter an occupied section. The actual speed and distances passed are continuously generated respectively determined by means of odometer pulse generators and transmitted to the driver. In parallel the actual train speed is regulated according to the maximum permitted speed or temporary line-side speed restrictions. Accordingly, braking-curves are permanently calculated, evaluated and applied to the train-borne brakes.

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In addition, the LZB 700 M has an interface from the ATO to the on-board telephone-unit for positive train identification.

The ATP incorporates an overlap control ensuring a safe braking and preventing an overrunning of danger points by an additional reserve beyond stopping points for potential irregularities while stopping. Automatic Train Operation (ATO), (non-vital part)

The Automatic Train Operation (ATO) covers additional functions, such as automatic start-up of trains, speed regulation, target braking as well as triggering the door-opening. There are no safety requirements for the ATO equipment, because ATO is always operating under the safe control of ATP.

The automatic train operation ATO covers additional functions:

• Automatic starting of trains after pushing ATO start button

• Speed regulation of trains

• Target braking of trains

• Initiating the opening of doors (door control)

• Coasting / Cruising

• Transmitting data to the ATS Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), (non-vital part)

The Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) provides for traffic control and supervision. The ATS makes the current timetable available to the ATO, monitors the operational processes and reacts on deviations from the timetable. The Automatic Train Regulation (ATR) is part of ATS. The ATR provides the necessary driving time for the ATO automatically according to the timetable. The task of the ATS - system is supported by the Positive Train Identification (PTI).

The ATS provide following data to the ATO

• Dwell time at the station

• Running time between two stations

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• Train and trip number (Positive Train Identification, PTI)

The ATS receives the data from the ATO

• Driver identification number (PTI)

• Fault indication

• Emergency break indication

7.14.3 Operation Modes and Speeds

The signalling system shall allow the trains to operate in the following modes and speeds:

 Automatic Train Operation Mode (ATO), 160 km/h  Supervised Manual Mode (SM), 160 km/h  Restricted Manual Mode (RM/RM 1), 25 km/h maximum  Automatic Train Reverse Operation Mode (AR)  ATO Isolated Mode, 25km/h maximum  Depot Mode, (DM), 25 km/h  Wash Mode, (WM), 1-3km/h (Adjustable)  Dead-end sections, 40 km/h, valid for approximately 200 m from the buffer stops Automatic Train Operation Mode (ATO)

This mode enables the automatic train run, initiated by the driver. The main tasks of the driver are as follows:

 Close the train doors by means of the relevant button,  Start the train run by pushing the ATO start button,  Observe the line and the technical functioning of the train during the movement.

The ATO controls the train during the run to the next station from starting, accelerating and coasting to braking following a designed speed profile. The ATO will also automatically open

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the doors respectively release the door opening (SA City Line trains) on arrival at the next station. The ATP ensures the safety of the automatic run at all times when running in this mode. Supervised Manual Mode (SM)

In SM mode the train driver has to operate the train manually following the actual and the recommended train speeds.

The main tasks of the train driver are:

 To close the train doors by means of the relevant button,  To keep the actual speed close to the recommended one in order to keep the calculated running time,  To stop the trains at the defined stopping points (stopping accuracy is especially required at the stations with PSD),  To open the train doors by means of the relevant button  To observe the line and the technical functioning of the train during the movement.

The Regular Operation Mode includes the Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system which controls and prevents the train from safety risks due to driver's inaccurate actions. Governed by the conditions of the signalling and control system this mode allows a maximum speed of 160 km/h on the line. In this system trains always run in safeguarded sections automatically determined by the signalling equipment. The section will be automatically occupied and released by route selection, setting, locking and clearing based on track circuit data.

A certain tolerance to the recommended speed limits shall be allowed before an audible and visual warning will alert the train driver. If the speed is more than the admissible tolerance above the permitted speed a service brake will be automatically applied to bring down the train to the permitted speed. Restricted Manual Mode (RM/RM 1)

The RM mode shall only be used on the line if the trackside ATP is not functioning and train runs will be performed under manual control according to line-side signals or “Approval-to-

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proceed” verbally issued by the line controller. In situations when train runs take place under manual control and without a fully functioning ATP System the driver shall replaces signalling safeguarding functions by additional safeguarding measures at a restricted speed. The speed for train runs under RM is restricted to a maximum speed of 25 km/h.

The driver is responsible for observing line-side signals, regulating the speed of the train and braking the train to a safe standstill within the signalling distance.

This mode is also known as RM 1. ATO Isolated Mode

The ATP Isolated Mode will be applied if the trackside ATP functions are not available or cannot be used for any reason, e.g., when pushing a stalled train.

The change to AIM is possible only at standstill of the train. After the respective authorisation by the line controller the driver has to operate a sealed ATP - isolated switch. Wash Mode, (WM)

The Wash Mode (WM) allows a maximum speed of 1-3 km/h which could be adjustable by SRTET and is the regular mode for:

 Train movements through the wash plant  Trains passing the underfloor wheel-lathe  Coupling of train units

More detailed documentation about existing ATC System will be made available to bidders upon request or at Tendering Information Meetings.

Safety of the LZB 700 M system is established according to the “Signalling Proof of Safety”, which is embedded in a “System Safety Plan”.

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7.15 Communication Systems

The trains shall have the necessary communication equipment as listed above in 6.13“Passenger Information Systems” and communication equipment for the driver.

The communication system shall be fully compliant with regulatory authorities, other specifications and in the version required at the time of delivery of the trains.

The actual system for communication between drivers and controllers at the OCC shall be a digital radio system (DRS). The DRS shall handle all features of a trunked radio network like call groups, direct calls and emergency calls under priority setting.

Each cab shall have fixed equipment installed. All communications shall be stored on the multi-channel digital voice recorder.

7.16 Safety Requirements

7.16.1 Safety Devices

The train shall have an alarm device (PAU) on each side of the car that opens a two-way communication link to the driver. Once actuated, the alarm device shall remain locked in its position, which makes it easy to identify the location. An exterior device shall enable the driver to localise the car where the alarm device has been actuated.

The driver shall be able to locally reset the PAU with a key-switch. The alarm switch shall be protected by a breakable glass window.

Passenger doors shall have a manual release (IEED, EEAD).The manual release switch shall enable passengers to open the door manually in case of an emergency. Once actuated, emergency brake shall be applied and the switch remains locked in a position.

Resetting shall be made locally by the driver with a key-switch. The alarm switch shall be protected by a window with breakable glass.

The trains shall have fire extinguishers sprayed water, nozzle-type fire extinguishers, with a capacity of 6 litres in each car. Fire extinguishers shall be installed in a recess, closed by a vandal-proof transparent panel or placed underneath seats. The manufacturer shall propose various options for approval by SRTET. Passengers shall be able to break a seal to access the extinguisher. The recess shall be accessible by a service key without breaking the seal.

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7.17 RAMS Requirements

The manufacturer shall provide a full RAMS (EN 50126) concept for the proposed train fleet including interfaces, e.g., for coupling with the existing rolling stock.

The manufacturer shall outline the various RAMS values for the projected life-cycle reflecting the environmental data, i.e., mileage per year which approximates 350,000 - 400,000 km at a minimum under the condition that the relevant maintenance intervals stated by the manufacturer for the various components including the recommended maintenance procedures and consumables are observed.

7.18 Reliability

7.18.1 Reliability Requirements

Every complete car, as well as each constituent component, assembly, subsystem and system element shall be designed in such a manner as to perform its function reliably in revenue service. Each car under all system operating conditions shall operate with a failure rate not exceeding that defined in the Construction Specifications.

7.18.2 Reliability Program Plan The manufacturer shall prepare and submit a Reliability Program for no objection by SRTET. The Reliability Program Plan shall contain the following:

a) Reliability program schedule b) Methodology to be used in reliability analyses c) CV of the reliability engineer responsible for managing the reliability program d) Controls for activities of subcontractors and equipment suppliers to assure compliance with reliability program methods and objectives e) When calculations and analyses are inconclusive, or when past performance records are incomplete or unavailable, the manufacturer shall submit a Preliminary Reliability Demonstration testing plan to verify the safety compliance f) Reliability Demonstration Program g) Reliability Demonstration Procedures

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h) Reliability Database to be input to the Computerised Maintenance Management Information system (CMMIS).

7.18.3 Reliability Targets The manufacturer shall provide reliability targets that identify the Train km run between failure and the Mean Distance Between component Failure (MDBF) performance levels to be met for its car design to the Customer for No Objection. The reliability of the cars shall be consistent with the requirements of this specification and the manufacturer’s maintenance plan.

7.18.4 Car Reliability Requirements The car shall achieve a car Train km run between failures of at least 250,000 km. A train delay shall be defined as a car-related failure causing a train in service to be:

• More than 15 minutes late at its destination terminal;

• Cancelled either at its originating point or en route; or

• Reduced in size or revenue capacity due to requiring a failed car to be removed from the train.

7.18.5 Component Reliability Requirements Providing that the manufacturer’s specified routine maintenance is performed on the various car sub-systems and components, the following reliability (MDBCF) requirements shall be met:

No. System Mean Distance Between Component Failure

(Million km)

1 Brake System 0.5

2 Passenger Doors 0.5

3 Air Conditioning Units (Saloon) 1.2

4 PA 1

5 Auxiliary Power Systems 0.6

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6 Saloon Lights 1.5

7 Traction and brake 0.5

8 Cab Control Systems 0.5

7.18.6 Product History and Experience The manufacturer shall provide records illustrating the product history and experience of existing systems and system components to verify that the specified MDBCF requirements are achievable.

7.18.7 Failure Analysis Where historical records of equipment performance, detailing equipment operations, have not yet been established, analyses shall be performed to identify weaknesses within the system hardware and software design. The analyses shall provide detailed information for the system designs for theoretical circuit behaviour, random component failures, electrical interference, systematic component failures and software errors in software-based logic. The reliability analysis shall be submitted for approval and updated periodically.

7.18.9 Software Error Reliability of microprocessor software shall be assessed from previous experience with similar software in railroad and rail transit revenue service, or by reliability evaluation methodology based upon the number of errors detected in each phase of the software development cycle. The improvement in operational reliability provided by fault tolerance features shall be quantified.

7.18.10 Reliability Demonstration Program The manufacturer shall prepare a detailed reliability demonstration program identifying all quantitative requirements, to demonstrate that design reliability concepts and guideline objectives are in compliance with the analysis. The program shall contain failure accounting ground rules, accept-reject criteria, number of test cars, test locations, environmental conditions, planned starting dates and test duration. The reliability demonstration plan shall be

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submitted to SRTET at the preliminary design review. The program shall provide a constant review of failure rate sources, de-rating policies, items with critical shelf life and prediction methods and shall identify planned actions in instances where prediction methods indicate non-compliance with the specified requirement. The program shall provide for compliance with all guidelines and provide that prohibited parts/materials are not utilized.

7.18.11 Reliability Program Objectives The program objectives shall include:

a) Reliability program organization, showing personnel and their responsibilities over the entire program.

b) Reliability demonstration schedule.

c) Specific tasks shall be identified for schedule development with start and completion dates, illustrating integration with major program milestones for design, manufacturing and testing.

d) Reliability requirements compliance methodology to be used in reliability analyses for success-failure criteria measuring MDBF values for individual equipment items and subsystems under demonstration.

e) Reliability program controls, methods and objectives to provide compliance and change control procedures for implementing design changes during the demonstration program, for failures, identifying the cause and need for corrective action.

f) Establishment of a joint Contractor/Customer failure review board to classify failures, identify cause and propose corrective action, if required.

g) Reliability demonstration procedures and forms for recording and submitting data, showing format, test logs, data records and date and location of test records.

7.18.12 Reliability Demonstration Program Duration The reliability demonstration program shall commence upon the conditional acceptance of the first car of the base order and shall continue to the end of warranty period of the last accepted car. The reliability demonstration program plan shall be submitted for SRTET approval.

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During the demonstration, the cars shall be maintained by qualified maintenance personnel according to the maintenance plan and maintenance manuals provided by the manufacturer.

7.18.13 Reliability Calculations Reliability calculations will be performed using a 12 months moving window. All equipment failures during car run-in shall be reported and recorded, but not counted in establishing MDBF values. Determination of pass or fail criteria will be assessed only at the end of the reliability demonstration.

7.18.14 Reliability Improvement Modifications The manufacturer shall make necessary modifications during the reliability demonstration program in order to achieve the MDBF requirements. The manufacturer shall submit all requests for such design changes within 60 days of the end of the reliability demonstration using the Engineering Change Request (ECR) system and shall gain SRTET approval prior to the implementation of any change. All reliability-related modifications defined during the reliability demonstration program shall be implemented on all cars and spare parts within 180 days of the date of approval of the modifications by the SRTET.

7.18.14 Expenditures of Improve Reliability If at the end of the reliability demonstration it cannot be determined that all specified MDBF reliability requirements have been met, the manufacturer shall re-design and modify or replace all such systems, subsystems, components, parts or equipment as needed to achieve acceptable reliability, at the Contractor’s expense, regardless of whether these items have exhibited the defect or failure and regardless of the warranty status. Should such modifications not be completed within this time, SRTET shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to perform any necessary engineering or studies, and to correct the defect or failure. All costs incurred by SRTET for such engineering and corrective work shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

7.18.15 Extension of Reliability Demonstration Period Cars so modified shall undertake a further reliability demonstration of at least 6 months duration to prove reliability. Modifications shall continue at the Contractor’s expense until the specified MDBF reliability levels are met.

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7.18.16 Reliability Demonstration Procedures The manufacturer shall provide a set of procedures to be followed in the reliability demonstration.

These procedures shall, as a minimum, contain the following:

a) Method for all equipment failures to be reported during reliability testing, including forms and reliability database.

b) The reliability program shall utilize failure data collected through the warranty failure tracking process.

c) Details of the burn-in period for each car. All equipment failures during the burn-in shall be reported and recorded, but not counted in establishing MDBCF values.

d) Procedure for corrective action when necessary to meet reliability requirements. This shall include proposed reliability demonstration restart procedures, proposed changes, and appropriate supporting data. The proposed plan shall clearly identify a specific method for verifying the effectiveness of change(s). Credit may not be taken for time from previous failed tests, and the specified performance and other required characteristics of the equipment shall not be changed to achieve reliability requirements.

e) Method for recording all relevant data necessary to calculate MDBCF values for the car and major systems and to verify successful demonstration of the MDBCF requirements.

f) All parts or material returned to the manufacturer for repair or replacement shall be accompanied by a failure analysis report form. This form shall clearly identify the part by description and part number; identify the car and service mileage of that car, date of failure and the nature and probable cause of failure. The manufacturer shall comment on the cause and proposed action (if any) sections of this report and return it to SRTET within 60 days of the failed item or system.

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7.18.17 Reliability Database The manufacturer shall establish a computer-based reliability database that shall be utilized for the following tasks:

a) Monitoring of overall car reliability on both a car and a component level

b) Tracking of all component failures and identification of epidemic failures

c) Tracking of all warranty claims

d) Maintaining a configuration record for each car

7.19 Availability

7.19.1 Train Availability Target The new train will have a high availability if the total down time for maintenance, both preventive (including overhaul) and corrective maintenance Turnaround Spares are low. The manufacturer shall calculate the lowest availability in the future (when bogies are removed for overhaul) for a weekday will not be lower than 96%.

7.19.2 Mean Time between Wheel Profiling Wheels and axles shall an average mileage of 1,200,000 km before heavy maintenance is required. Re-profiling must not be required before 80,000 km. The manufacturer shall specify the respective values in the offer.

7.20 Spares required to achieved high train availability

7.20.1 Turnaround Spares The manufacturer shall propose a set of turnaround spares for SRTET to maintain the fleet with high train availability. There are additional requirements for turnaround spares to cater for random failures as experienced by the manufacturer in recent train supply projects.

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7.20.2 Contingency Spares The manufacturer shall contingency spares to cater for rare failures. Items such as cast motor housing shall be provided as contract spares for contingency use.

7.21 Maintainability

The car shall be designed and built so as to minimize maintenance and repair time and overall costs over the car life. The following shall be considered good practice in designing for maintainability and shall be utilized in the car design:

a) All systems and components serviced as part of periodic preventive maintenance shall be readily accessible for service and inspection.

b) Removal or physical movement of components unrelated to the specific maintenance and repair tasks involved shall not be required.

c) Relative accessibility of components, measured in time to gain access, shall be inversely proportional to frequency of maintenance and repair of the components. (Items requiring more frequent maintenance shall be easier to access).

d) Assemblies and components that are physically interchangeable shall be functionally interchangeable.

e) Modular or plug-in assemblies and components that are not functionally interchangeable shall not be physically interchangeable.

f) Systematic fault isolation procedures shall be developed for inclusion in the maintenance manuals.

g) Local built-in test points and fault/status indicators shall be provided and clearly marked for all major systems including friction braking, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Passenger doors, Auxiliary power, battery charger, Public Announcement (PA).

h) All test points, fault indicators, modules, wire terminations, piping, tubes, wires, etc., shall be identified by name plates, colour coding, number coding or other means to assist the maintenance personnel.

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i) Component placements in equipment cabinets, enclosures or confined places shall give the most accessible positions to those items requiring the most frequent maintenance or adjustment.

j) Door panels and openings shall be of sufficient quantity, size and placement to permit ready access from normal work areas.

k) Standard, commercially available components and hardware shall be used wherever possible.

l) Captive fasteners shall be used on covers and access panels where periodic maintenance and inspection are to be carried out. The required for special tools for removal shall be avoided.

m) Access shall be provided, to the greatest extent possible, to structural components to allow inspection for cracks and corrosion.

n) Major components shall be designed for ease of removal. Handles and lifting eyes shall be provided as applicable, on heavy equipment and components not readily accessible.

o) Means shall be provided to verify the operability of redundant hardware components, and their switching devices, during maintenance, troubleshooting and testing.

p) Requirements for special tools and fixtures shall be minimized.

7.21.1 Maintainability Plan The manufacturer shall prepare and submit for review at the PDR, a maintainability program plan utilizing design standards that minimize Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), cleaning and maintenance costs throughout the car’s intended useful life.

The plan shall include the system MTTRs and car goal for the proposed car. An overall quantitative maintainability requirement goal for the car’s corrective maintenance shall be the weighted average of the MTTR (mean time to repair) of the key system elements. Diagnostic and set-up time shall be included in the MTTR.

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7.21.2 Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance is defined as the maintenance tasks performed to minimize the possibility of future equipment failure, reduce or minimize wear rates, replace consumable parts, and satisfy warranty requirements. The elapsed time required to perform preventive maintenance (exclusive of servicing) on the car shall be demonstrated.

The objectives of the maintainability program, including corrective and preventive maintenance, shall provide for:

a) Maximization of car availability

b) Minimization of maintenance costs, including cleaning

c) Minimization of car down time

d) Minimization of special and high skill levels for maintenance

e) Minimization of special tools and fixtures

Components and sub-assemblies requiring occasional removal shall be plug-in units, adequately identified and secured and keyed to prevent misapplication.

The need for adjustments shall be avoided wherever possible. Adjustment points shall be readily accessible, adequately identified and self-locking to prevent inadvertent operation and drift.

7.21.3 Mean Time to Repair Requirements The MTTR a car fault and restore the car to operational readiness shall not average more than 2 hours including diagnostic and set-up time. This shall be the weighted average of the MTTR values for the subsystem elements.

7.21.4 Maintainability Demonstration

The adequacy of the car design for maintainability shall be evaluated to the satisfaction of SRTET using product components and equipment, and actual cars during the design, production and acceptance phases. If necessary, SRTET may request for mock-ups to demonstrate that access to equipment will not be blocked.

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This demonstration shall include a shop exercise including troubleshooting, change out of components, corrective maintenance, and the use of the manufacturer supplied special tools and equipment.

7.21.5 Demonstration on Duration to Exchange Equipment The maintainability of following systems shall, as a minimum, be demonstrated:

• Bogies


• Brakes

• Pantograph

• Wheels and axles

• Auxiliary electric equipment (including battery charger and battery)

• Side and end doors

• Couplers

• PA and intercoms

• Emergency equipment and lighting

• Cab control equipment

a) The manufacturer shall prepare and submit a maintainability demonstration plan for SRTET approval at the PDR.

b) During the demonstration, the cars shall be maintained according to the maintenance plan and maintenance manuals provided by the manufacturer.

c) If at the end of the demonstration it cannot be determined that all specified maintainability requirements have been met, the manufacturer shall re- design and modify or replace elements as needed to achieve acceptable maintainability at the Contractor’s expense. Cars so modified shall undertake a further maintainability demonstration to prove maintainability.

d) The trains shall be designed to ensure a time-and cost-optimised maintenance over the entire life-cycle.

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e) The manufacturer shall provide a maintenance concept to ensure unlimited and un-restricted use of the trains. The shortest interval shall be 25,000 km. The manufacturer shall detail, which components shall be designed for an unlimited and un-restricted use of the trains over the full life-cycle taking the respective measures of the maintenance plan into account.

f) The main components shall be changed respectively maintained within a 2- hour timeframe. Components and equipment on the roof of the trains shall be easy to handle and allow for a quick change of main components and line-replaceable units.

g) The bogies shall have a device to ensure safe lifting that maintenance staff is able to work underneath according to health and safety regulations.

h) Maintenance staff shall be allowed to walk on cable ducts and conduits in case these are installed within walkways and are not covered by protective covers.

7.21.6 Demonstration on Wheel Reprofiling The manufacturer shall demonstrate that wheels can be profiled using an Underfloor Wheel Lathe at a rate of no longer than 1 hour per wheelset. If longer time is required, the axle boxes hold down and parking brake release arrangement shall be modified to reduce set up time.

8 SRTET Staff Training

There are two groups of people to be trained for future operation and maintenance. One group is the operations staff concerned respectively the drivers and upon request managerial key staff concerned.

The second group is the maintenance staff belonging to the various maintenance teams of the sub-systems concerned, e.g., Rolling stock and upon request the managerial key staff concerned.

The maintenance training course must be trained directly from OEM of each sub-system e.g. bogie, brake, traction, coupler, HVAC, pantograph etc. All maintenance training course must be covered running maintenance, component exchange, overhaul, trouble shooting and fault finding.

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The manufacturer shall attach a detailed description to what extent and what period of time intends to perform SRTET staff training. The manufacturer shall outline his performances of training in the offer and attach a training plan for acceptance by SRTET. The manufacturer shall also incorporate a list of qualified trainers to perform SRTET training with respective certificates and a reference list where the assigned trainers have performed training. The training plan shall address training methods, content and timeframe as well as tests and certificates corresponding with the sub-system related training. The training plan shall be assessed and agreed taking changes by SRTET latest one month after notice to proceed into account.

The manufacturer shall point out what training tools, materials, models and/or samples will be applied and submit these to SRTET trainers after completion of initial training. The application of modern training methods and moderation capabilities shall have prime importance.

8.1 Operator Training 8.1.1 Course Plan for Train Operator

This training course is a compulsory training course for all Train Operator Trainee before he/she is allowed to join the Train Operator in the driving cab to observe train operations.

Course Plan for Train Operator

Duration (hours) Module Key Topics Class Room Field

Depot Operation  Power up  Preparation of train  Brake test  Door test  Wind screen wiper  Lights  Switching on HVAC units  Communication with OCC  Motoring to Departure Track  Return to Stabling

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Duration (hours) Module Key Topics Class Room Field

Train washing  Train washing

Line Operation  Communication with OCC  Motoring and braking  ATC operation  Door opening and closing  Making PA  Returning to Depot Degraded Operation  Fault handling  Restricted mode operation  Individual door isolation  Door safety loop isolation  Traction converter failure  Auxiliary converter failure  Service brake failure  Emergency brake applications  Release of parking brake  Air conditioning unit failure  Saloon light failure  PA failure  Mechanical Coupling  Train towing Emergency and  Train stalled, recovery by an Recovery Operation assisting train  Train stalled, detrainment to an adjacent track  Smoke in electrical compartment  Train on fire, detrainment to track  Signal passed at danger  Train split a point  Train derailed

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Duration (hours) Module Key Topics Class Room Field

 Train divided  Train collision with buffer stop  Train to train collision (Emergency escape from cab)

8.2 Maintenance Training 8.2.1 Design Concept and Train Features

The manufacturer shall deliver a training course to explain the design concept and features of the trains being delivered to SRTET. The training course shall be delivered with overhead projection slides in concise bullet points to explain the following topics:

a) Basic Train Configuration

 Passenger Load Cases  Body shell material and coating  Car body life, bogie fatigue life, axle load, axle bearing life  Axle load

b) Safety Concept and Risk Analysis; FMECA; c) Earthing concept and protection arrangement for maintenance d) Drivers vigilance device; Passenger safety; Door isolation e) Train Operation

 Start-up  Gaining access  Train Departure from Depot  Reversing  Multiple Units operation  Degraded Operations

f) Fire Protection

 Enclosures with high voltage circuit installations  Halogen-free cables

g) Maintainability; Least Replaceable Units (LRU’s)

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h) Reliability; Mean Distance Between Failure (MDBF); Trouble-Shooting i) Ride Quality; acoustic absorption; noise; passenger door panel gap j) Motoring and Braking

 Operating speed of 160 km/h; round Trip Time; coasting  Overspeed Detection  Load Weighing; Service Brake Blending; Emergency Braking  Wheel Slip/Slide Protection  Jerk Limit k) Emergency and Rescue  Emergency Power Supply  Emergency lighting  Push-in and Pull-Out  Re-railing after de-railed

8.2.2 Running Maintenance – Cleaning, Trouble Shooting and LRU

The manufacturer shall deliver a training course to depot running maintenance personnel to perform safety tests and the issue of Fit-for-Service certificates. The course shall include the renewal of wear parts such as brake pad, carbon strip, air filters and the cleaning of radiators and condenser coils. The course shall include logical trouble shooting guides based on failure symptoms and possible failure scenarios to identify the defective item. The course shall include the site demonstration of the replacement of all LRU’s (Line Replaceable Units).

The following classification of faults can be applied:

a) Red Fault (Top Priority) - Immediate removal from the line to depot.

b) Yellow Fault (High Priority) - Removal of the train at the end of service.

c) Blue Fault (Low Priority) - To be corrected in maintenance intervention.

d) White Fault (Observation) - To be attended in next preventive maintenance.

The training course plan can be shown as follows:

Course Plan for Running Maintenance

Course Name Key Topics Duration (hours)

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Class Room Field

Fit-for-Service  Safety functions  Door opening and closing  Brake Test Monthly Inspection  Underframe security  Pan carbon inspection  Brake pad inspection  Wheel inspection  Door inspection Half-yearly Service  Heat exchanger cleaning  Filter renewal  Adjustment and retightening Trouble Shoot (various  Data download systems)  In-situ measurements  Root cause analysis Assembly Exchange (various  Removal assemblies)  Re-installation

8.2.3 Mechanic Equipment – Repair and Overhaul

The manufacturer shall deliver maintenance training courses for the following mechanical equipment, with workshop demonstration as far as practical, the disassembly and reassembly procedures, and on-bench testing procedures to assure correct performance of the repaired or overhauled equipment:

a) Fasteners and torque tightening

b) Bogie, wheelset, gearbox, dampers

c) Coupler

d) Air Compressor

e) Traction Motor, fan motor

f) Brake Control Unit; Brake Actuator

g) Pantograph

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8.2.4 Power Equipment – Repair and Overhaul

The manufacturer shall deliver maintenance training courses for the following power equipment:

a) Main Transformer

b) Traction Converter Unit

c) Auxiliary Converter Unit

8.2.5 Control and Electronic Equipment – Diagnosis and Repair

The manufacturer shall deliver maintenance training courses for the following control and electronic equipment:

The training course plan can be shown as follows:

Course Plan for Equipment Fault Diagnosis and Repair

Duration (hours) Course Name Key Topics Class Room Field

Test Rack Operation (various  Input/output tests PCB’s)  Logic tests

Fault diagnosis  Handling of warranty repair  Diagnosis Repair  Renewal of miniature

transformer  Renewal of components on PCB (button batteries, IC, resistors, capacitors)

9 Testing and Commissioning

The success of testing and commissioning depends on proper subsystem integration and test planning. The manufacturer shall submit a test plan including system integration tests as well

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as a proposal of the related test documentation latest two month after NTP. In addition, the manufacturer shall propose an Organisation Chart of the test organisation for SRTET acceptance.

This testing and commissioning plan shall comply with the agreed contract. The manufacturer shall liaise with the responsible representatives of the other lots/subsystems concerned and resolve interface and installation problems. The testing and commissioning plan shall indicate the installation and testing dates for all subsystem equipment.

Due to the limited number of train sets no mock-up version will be available. In this context the manufacturer shall invite the representatives of SRTET to attend the various tests from the beginning.

All tests shall have individual test reports, reflected in a test monitoring tool with full access for SRTET’s staff reflecting the test results, open items and a punch list for resolution of problems.

The manufacturer shall provide the detailed testing procedures, which follow the quality management system principles existing within each of the manufacturer’s organisational entities. This is to ensure “routine” inspection and testing activities conducted by the subsystems, either at the place of manufacture/production or at one of the manufacturer’s work sites (On-site system integration tests). All testing and commissioning activities shall be properly performed and documented. Test reports shall be created, filed and made available for review. Audits shall be performed according to International Quality Procedures.

Factory Acceptance Tests, Final Inspection and/or Production Verification Tests shall be conducted at the end of the manufacturing process intended to ensure that the product is compliant with all production/manufacturing/assembly specifications. This shall include production in accordance with accepted industry practice and workmanship standards.

Installation Tests shall be in-process acceptance tests conducted at the subsystem or element level during the installation of each element. These tests shall confirm that installation shall be in accordance with the approved design and that the quality of installation shall be in accordance with accepted workmanship standards.

Interface Tests shall reflect the area where two or more subsystems related to each other, which are necessary for the proper functioning. The Interface Description Form shall be the document the interfaces will be documented. The contents and handling shall be defined in the Interface Management Procedure.

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Static Testing/Commissioning shall be defined as inspections and tests of the System Assets, after installation verification is complete and prior to dynamic testing. These tests shall be performed on site and their “certified” completion shall be the pre-requisite to the Integration Tests.

Examples of static tests are, i.e., the functioning tests between the on-board signalling equipment and track-side equipment.

A detail listing identifying what testing/commissioning activity will be conducted shall be found in a “test-log”. Additionally, the test-log state who will conduct the test/commissioning and where will it be conducted. Each subsystem shall contribute to the development and maintenance of the Test Log. Test information shall be collected in the Test Log Database.

The next step shall be a “hot-slide” to check compliance with on-site system installations followed-up by sub-system integration tests as far as not already part of tests within the manufacturer’s facilities. The overall System integration shall complete this test sector to verify that the trains are ready for trial operation resulting in acceptance certificate for operation.

The manufacturer shall closely liaise with SRTET’s staff during these test phases and openly assess potential problems. All testing shall be performed according to international standards and procedures and provide the relevant documents related to in a timely manner to SRTET for response and acceptance.

The manufacturer shall apply for test periods in the system (ARL) in due time prior to the tests at a minimum 4 weeks prior to the tests.

In case of a discrepancy between the test results predicted in the Test and Commissioning Procedure and the actual results, the manufacturer shall propose solutions for acceptance and summarise all in a “Variance Log” as well as record of accepted variances.

The manufacturer shall apply for a system acceptance certificate for the new trains as advised by SRTET during the contracting period.

10 Maintenance

10.1 Operation Manual

10.1.1 Depot Operation Manual

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This manual describe the operation steps to operate a train from a stabling track to the running line via the departure track and the operation steps to operate a train from a reception track to the stabling track via the arrival track.

10.1.2 Line Operation Manual

This manual describes the normal operation steps to operate a train from a station to the next station in the running line.

10.1.3 Degraded Operation Manual

This manual describes the degraded operation steps to operate a train with partial shut-down of equipment modules, scenarios, including the followings:

 On-board ATC fails, driving in Restricted Mode  Passenger door (one side) fail to close, isolation procedure  Passenger door fail to close (one door), isolation procedure  Traction equipment failure, 50% traction power lost  Brake equipment failure  PA failure  Air Conditioning Unit failure  Saloon light failure

10.1.4 Emergency and Recovery Operation Manual

This manual describes the emergency operation steps to operate a train under various emergency scenarios, including the followings:

 Train stalled, recovery by an assisting train  Train stalled, detrainment to an adjacent track  Train on fire, detrainment to track  Train derailed, re-railed back on track  Train divided  Train collision

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10.2 Maintenance Manual

10.2.1 Preventive Maintenance and Overhaul Plan

This manual describes the time based preventive maintenance. The time-based overhaul plan for rubber parts shall be based on 3 years, 6 years and 9 years periodicity. The mileage-based overhaul plan for traction motor, bearings and axle bearing re-lubrication shall be based on de- bogie opportunities at 1,200,000 and 2,400,000 kilometre and so on.

10.2.2 Running Preventive Maintenance Manual

This manual describes the preventive maintenance plan for depot maintenance of trains based on monthly schedules for inspection, cleaning, adjustment, re-lubrication condition monitoring activities.

10.2.3 Corrective Maintenance Manual

This manual describes the trouble shooting and corrective actions to identity the defective assembly or component and the exchange of the defective assembly or component.

10.2.4 Workshop Repair/Overhaul Manual

This manual describes the repair and overhaul actions in workshops.

The manufacturer shall provide a maintenance concept covering:

 Main components  List of spare parts and line replaceable units  List of recommend spare part from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)  Maintenance procedures  Maintenance standards  Local repair in the workshop  Revision periods and mileages  Turnaround spares, spare parts required during absence of components for revision and maintenance  Tools, equipment and special tools required for each maintenance task  Time frames in case of overseas revisions and maintenance

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 Electronic spare parts catalogue  Illustrated spare part catalogue  Original Supplier Spare Part Number Classification  Interoperability with the existing SAP-System  Manuals and procedures for preventive, corrective maintenance, refurbish and overhaul  Manual from Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)  List of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and location or contact details  Bill of Material (BOM)  List of Material required for each maintenance task  Safety and Risk assessment for each maintenance task  List of Calibration tools or equipment with certificate  Drawings for all maintenance activities  Maintenance software including electronic guides for all maintenance activities

The manufacturer shall provide an earthing concept for the grounding of electrical equipment for maintenance activities.

The design of all equipment shall enable maintenance staff to loosen panels, seats and valves.

The trains shall be designed to ensure a time-and cost-optimised maintenance over the entire life-cycle.

The manufacturer shall provide a maintenance concept to ensure unlimited and un-restricted use of the trains. The shortest interval shall be 25,000 km. The manufacturer shall detail, which components shall be designed for an unlimited and un-restricted use of the trains over the full life-cycle taking the respective measures of the maintenance plan into account.

The main components shall be changed respectively maintained within a 6-hour timeframe. Components and equipment on the roof of the trains shall be easy to handle and allow for a quick change of main components and line-replaceable units.

Wheels and axles shall an average mileage of 1,200,000 km before heavy maintenance is required. Re-profiling must not be required before 80,000 km. The manufacturer shall specify the respective values in the offer.

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The bogies shall have a device to ensure safe lifting that maintenance staff is able to work underneath according to health and safety regulations.

Maintenance staff shall be allowed to walk on cable ducts and conduits in case these are installed within walkways and are not covered by protective covers.

10.2 Spare Parts and Special Tools

The manufacturer shall submit a report for the additional train units for corrective and preventive maintenance as well as a proposal for the overhaul of the trains. In addition, the manufacturer shall attach a proposal for the rolling stock and describe the required spare parts, special tools as well as line-replaceable units in order to enable SRTET to reduce operational and maintenance reserves.

The manufacturer shall quote for such tools, equipment and spare parts at a minimum according to the list to be found in

Appendix 7 Minimum Spare Part and Consumables List, but may also address additional options or improvements for the existing fleet.

The manufacturer shall submit a full maintenance proposal to enable SRTET to handle line- replaceable units, quick response to failures and exchange of line-replaceable units as well as processes for effective maintenance of line-replaceable units. This shall incorporate training how the proposed process shall be incorporated in the existing SAP software. If adaptation or conversion will be required the manufacturer shall indicate in the offer how he intends to enable SRTET to integrate the new processes and procedures as well as equipment related to in the existing system and processes.

The manufacturer shall specify special tools and state a quotation. The manufacturer shall provide a first set with the first train delivered. The manufacturer shall quote further equipment required.

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10.3 Main Components and Line Replaceable Units (LRU)

A single failure of hardware or software of trains shall not lead to a stalled train. Equipment and components able to endanger System safety and safe operation shall be designed in such a way that a single failure or a sequence of failures does not lead to a safety risk.

The manufacturer shall provide a list of Line Replaceable Units (LRU). LRU’s shall allow for quick maintenance response and return of trains to service. LRU’s are also intended to reduce repair time and simplify maintenance processes. The manufacturer shall specify his LRU concept, detail the maintenance processes for the SRTET’s assessment.

This is of prime importance for equipment and components, which cannot be maintained locally. The manufacturer shall also provide a list of delivery items, respectively turnaround times for main components from overseas for the SRTET’s evaluation. Turnaround times, including those originating from sub-contractors, shall be considered for determination of spares.

10.4 Cleaning

All materials used shall be easy to clean. The materials used including paint, rubber, plastic and other non-metallic materials shall be permanently resistant to the detergents used by SRTET. The materials shall not get deteriorate their appearance and operability.

The exterior of the train shall be designed such that cleaning and dirty water can drain properly and completely to prevent corrosion.

Exterior washing of trains shall be possible in the existing wash-plant on a weekly basis without damage or wear of the trains or equipment.

The sub-structure and the bogies shall allow for cleaning by high-pressure devices with a pressure of up to 200 bar, using hot water and alkaline detergents without damage and no special precautions necessary.

Appropriate design prevents ingress of spray water especially into electrical cabinets, bearings, gears and motors.

The drying time of carpets and upholstery shall be less than 24 hours after wet-cleaning.

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Smooth, non-sensitive and colour insensitive surfaces prevent be smearing and damage and facilitate maintenance work.

To reduce waste left behind and for the safe disposal there shall be no hidden spaces but storage areas for waste.

Each passenger compartment shall have at leastone230V multi-plug socket for internal cleaning at each car-end.

10.5 Diagnostics and Revisions

The manufacturer shall outline the train-diagnostics concept and detail as following:

 Type and structure of the diagnostics recorder  Operation and possibility to sort  The way how data are selected in the HMI  Data reading and recording  Priorities  Environmental and additional data recorded  Failure protocols  Fault tree

The manufacturer shall incorporate the description in the offer for SRETE’s assessment. The diagnosis system shall have a recording feature for the smallest-replaceable-units (SRU).

The system shall differentiate between failure diagnosis and protocol records. The system shall distinguish between faults and failures. SRTET’s maintenance staff shall be able to read and evaluate the recorded data. If necessary the respective training shall be provided.

The system shall record all data between service intervals at a minimum. All tools and licenses required for evaluation of diagnosis data by SRTET’s maintenance staff. An adapter for a standard laptop with Windows interfaces and software at the time of delivery shall be included. The manufacturer shall provide the relevant details in the offer for the SRTET’s assessment.

Any a train failure while stabled with the potential of a major defect, e.g., a stalling on line, shall trigger an alarm at the next rigging-up procedure.

The failure criteria shall have the following priorities:

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Failure Priority 1 (Red colour):

A failure requiring an immediate removal from the line to the workshop.

Fault Priority 2 (Yellow colour):

A fault requiring removal of the train at the end of service.

Fault Priority 3 (Blue colour):

A fault, which can be corrected at the next maintenance interval.

Fault Priority 4 (White colour):

A fault, which can be corrected at the next higher maintenance level.

In addition to failure and fault recording the following information shall be recorded for the evaluation:

 Log data respectively log messages  Operating data  Environmental information

The diagnosis data shall be shown on the MMI or TCMS display in the driver’s cab. The MMI or TCMS display shall indicate the relevant error or log-messages of the train in service as well as of the coupled trains.

A distinction shall be made between remedies for the driver at standstill and remedies during a trip: Remedies for action at standstill shall be displayed after the “v = 0”key-switch.Remedies to be handled during the trip shall be displayed by pressing the “v>0”key-switch.

The fault list for the driver with the actual errors shall contain one line for each error:

 Date  Pop-up time  Fault  Priority

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 Train set concerned  Car concerned  Failure short text

Maintenance staff shall additionally have an overview of all current and volatile errors and log messages of the train. In maintenance mode the diagnosis-log shall have the following information but be not limited to the following log-messages for each fault or failure:

 Failure short text  Long text and potential cause  Failure location  Train set concerned  Car concerned  Sub-system or component concerned  Priority  Popping-up time  Time in case the failure disappeared  Remedy actions  Potential maintenance activity to simulate a non-destructive simulation of the error.

Plain-text messages shall indicate tailor-made information for the target group, driver or maintenance personnel. Plain-text messages of remedies shall have the following information but be not limited to:

 Unambiguous text messages  Equipment and components, which require maintenance activity, e.g., circuit breaker xx located in yy  The location information may be omitted in case it is in the driver-desk operating and display devices  The reference terms used in the documentation shall have uniform notation and application of terms.

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 Abbreviations shall not be used.

The manufacturer shall design the displayed text messages for suitability to the target group, the driver or maintenance personnel and provide the result for the SRTET’s review. If necessary the manufacturer shall make adaptations.

The manufacturer shall provide a software solution that SRTET can suitably and efficiently evaluate. Details shall be clarified between SRTET and the manufacturer.

Faults on-board a train without a driver’s corrective response required and without impact to the trip shall not be displayed to the driver.

The essential signals for fault diagnosis shall be available as analogue and digital values.

The system shall take into account the operating conditions and shall be approved by the licensing authorities.

10.6 Software

Software updates shall be compatible to the earlier versions. Multiple units having different on- board software versions shall be operable without restrictions.

The manufacturer shall propose a software concept for the software itself as well as for service software and state the respective quotation. The software concept shall comprise the following but be not limited to:

 A list of the software modules combined with the respective service software  Software provider  Software requirements to the hardware  Software install/uninstall and Software update  Software manual  Software license  Operation system and interfaces for the train  Potential parameterisation  Functional features of the service software  Access to train interfaces

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 Relevant norms and standards per software-module

SRTET or an assigned company shall be allowed to perform audits at any time. The manufacturer shall then make all processes available for the audit team.

The required functions such as inter alia:

 Show software version  Installation and Download software or reset  Read diagnostic data  Change of parameters  Trouble shooting for train maintenance

Control by service software shall not lead to negative re-percussions or damage to train components, computer services or persons.

The manufacturer shall provide hardware-independent multi-licences for an unlimited number of users without time limitation for each service-software.

Train-borne service software shall have an Ethernet interface (RJ-45), which is connected via a standard straight-through Ethernet cable to communicate with the service computer.

All interfaces on-board trains shall be accessible within 5 minutes.

The reliability, respectively functional safety, operating protection and security of the software of train components shall be ensured.

The manufacturer shall compare the desired state of the software on subsystem level is for all security related software modules with the actual state of the software on the train. In case of deviations, an error message shall be generated and displayed with the highest priority.

All texts shall be in Thai and English. Safety and non-safety-relevant software modules shall be segregated from one another.

The manufacturer shall submit any software and hardware for programming as well as all software or configuration maps to SRTET and store one copy of software source code under ESCROW agreement and to be kept in Thailand. All expenses related to this matter shall be bonded by the contractor.

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11 Energy Consumption

The manufacturer shall submit a concept for the energy consumption measurement system with particular statements of the accuracy together with the offer for evaluation by SRTET.

The system for recording energy consumption shall be calibration.

The data of a train over the entire consumed and re-generated energy, distance travelled with date (yy:mm:dd) and time (hh:mm:ss) shall be stored after each shut-down of a train.

12 Management of Obsolescence

Obsolescence is essential to achieve optimal cost-effectiveness over the entire life-cycle product. Obsolescence is defined as the case, when a component or as a consequence thereof, a complete assembly is no longer available.

As a priority the manufacturer shall use components and equipment already in service with SRTET or other systems in Thailand. The manufacturer shall provide a list of parts already in use with regard to parts in terms of wear and spare parts.

Components those are only available for a limited life-cycle compared to the train’s life-cycle on the market shall be modular and shall reflect industry standard.

Train modules, line-replaceable units and components shall be freely exchangeable among all trains.

13 Occupational Safety

The train operator shall have easy access to circuit breakers and cut-off valves without need for tools and without a request to block the set route.

The operating and control elements and other devices to be used for regular and degraded operations shall be ergonomically arranged such that the driver can handle them with ease.

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14 Decommissioning and Disposal

The rolling stock shall allow for easy and cost-effective dismantling. Environmentally friendly re-cycling shall be possible by segregation of the various material used as well as disposal.

The materials used shall clearly be identified by marking or labelling in the parts lists.

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Appendix 1 Wheelchair Space

This is the potential wheelchair area between access door and gangway. The manufacturer must add alternative solutions in the offer and shall submit the design of Wheelchair space for the SRTET’s approval. The design shall follow and act according to the related Ministerial regulation of the Ministry of Transportation year 2013 volume 130, clause 31.

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Appendix 2 Clearance Envelope and Structure Gauge

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Appendix 3 Arrangement of Lifting Points

Distance between centre of car to outside edge of Lifting Pad (Y): 1105 mm.

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Appendix 4 Load Cases

Load level Description Explanation

AW0 Tare load Empty train, ready to run

AWs All seats occupied

AW2 Average load AWs + 5 persons/m2

AW3 Over load AWs + 8 persons/m2

AW4 Exceptional load AWs + 10 persons/m2

Trains shall offer high passenger capacity during peak hours combined with sufficient seating capacity for off-peak hours. The following table indicates the minimum seating and standing capacity. The seat width shall be 450 mm. The average weight of a passenger shall be taken as 60 kg.

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Appendix 5 Explanation of Terms/Definitions

Car Single-car as an element of train composition defined as Mc-car and T-car, means one single car, which can be separated from its neighbouring cars, usually but not necessarily, mounted on two bogies.

Client SRTET

Manufacturer Supplier of the E&M Equipment respectively trains.

Info The term “Info” incorporates additional information not to be evaluated or addressed by the Bidders for explanation or System description and better understanding.

Must The term “must”means a requirement that The manufacturer may offer but is not essential for the bid to be commented CbC by the Bidders.

Operator SRTET

Option The manufacturermay describe alternatives to the proposed item of the performance specification but shall quote separetely from the offer. This may incorporate a potential technical enhancement. An Option can be incorporated up to the Bidders.

Shall The term “shall”means a mandatory requirement to be commented CbC by the Bidders.

System Overall System of SRTET in contrast to system (sub-system).

Train Semi-permanently-coupled unit of cars composed, e.g., three-car or four-car unit that operates as a unit.

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Appendix 6 List of Abbreviations

AC Alternative Current AR Automatic Train Reverse Operation Mode ADD Automatic Drop Detection Device AIM ATO Isolated Mode, also called RM 2 mode APC Automatic Power Control ARL Airport Rail Link (Bangkok) ATC Automatic Train Control ATO Automatic Train Operation Mode ATS Automatic Train Supervision ATP Automatic Train Protection BAD Battery Absolute Direct BD Battery Direct BN Battery Normal BMR Bangkok Metropolitan Region CAD Computer Aided Dispatcher (telecommunication system) CAT City Air Terminal CbC Clause-by-Clause evaluation and comments of the various requirements. CBTC Communications-Based Train Control CCR Central Control Room CCTV Closed Circuit Television CEN CENELEC, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation CL Certified Level DC Direct Current DIN Deutsche Industrie norm, German Technical Standard DM Depot Mode DRS Digital Radio System DTO Driverless Train Operation DVS Deutsche Vereinigungfuer Schweissen , German Union for Welding DWG Drawing EB Eastbound EDR Emergency Door Release EEAD External Emergency Access Device

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EEIG European Economic Interest Group (ing) EMI Electromagnetic Impact EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMU Electrical Multiple Unit EN European Norm ERA European Railway Authority ERTMS European Railway Traffic Management System ETB Trains Backbone Network ETCS European Train Control System FTGS Remote-fed audio-frequency track circuits GoA Grade of Automation GSM-R Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway HV High Voltage IEC International Electro technical Commission IEED Internal Emergency Egress Device IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor IP Ingress Protection Rating Class IMU Inductive Transmission System ISO International Organisation for Standardisation IUoU Output characteristic - battery charging voltage as a function of the temperature JRU Juridical Recorder Unit Km Unit: kilometre km/h Unit: kilometre per hour LED (Semi-conductor) Light Emitting Diode LMA Limit of Movement Authority LRU Line Replaceable Units LUX Unit: lux (lx), 1 lux = 1 lumen/m2 MA Movement Authority MC Motor car MMI Man-Machine Interface, also HMI Human-Machine Interface MVB Multifunction Vehicle Bus NFPA National Fire Protection Association NTP Notice to Proceed OBC On-board Computer

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OCC Operation Control Centre OCL Overhead Catenary Line OCS Overhead Catenary System OSH Occupational Health and Safety PA Public Announcement System PAU Passenger Alarm Unit PCB Polychlorinated Bi-phenyls PER Passenger Emergency Release PID Passenger Information Displays PIS Passenger Information System PRM TSI PRM, Technical Specification for Persons with restricted Mobility PSD Platform Screen Doors RAMS Reliability Availability Maintainability Study RM Restricted Manual Mode, also called RM 1 mode RSSB Railway Safety and Standards Board Limited SA Suvarnabhumi Airport SDS Short Data Service SIL Safety Integrity Level SM Supervised Manual Mode SRT State Railway of Thailand SRTET S.R.T. Electrified Train Company Limited, operator of Airport Rail Link SRU Smallest Replaceable Units STO Semi-automated Operation Mode TC Trailer car TCMS Train Control and Management System TCN Train Communication Network TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio THR Tolerable Hazard Rate TOR Terms of Reference TOR Top of Rail TRS Train Radio Sub rack TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability UIC Union International Chemin de Fer, International Railway Union UTO Unattended Train Operation

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VDU Visual Display Unit VVVF Variable Voltage Variable Frequency WB Westbound WM Wash Mode WTB Wire Train Bus 3-D Three-dimensional

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Appendix 7 Minimum Spare Part and Consumables List

1. Spare Part List Line Replaceable Unit items to be provided at a minimum for future maintenance.

Spare part Quantity

Motor Bogie 4set

Trailer Bogie 4set

Pantograph complete 1 set

HVAC Saloon Unit 1train set

HVAC Cab Unit 1 train set

Battery Box complete 1 set

Brake Control Unit 2 train set

Main air compressor with air drier 1 train set

Auxiliary compressor 1 set

Vacuum Circuit Breaker 1 set

Motor Wheel set complete 8 set

Axle end earth return unit 1 train set

Central Control Unit complete 1 set

Traction Control Unit Container complete 1 set

Auxiliary Converter Unit Container complete 1 set

Door Control Unit 1 train set

Train Radio complete 1 train set

PIS complete 1 train set

Master Controller 1 train set

Automatic Coupler 1 set

Driver’s desk equipment 2 set

Passenger Door leaf complete 2 set

Driver Door leaf complete 2 set

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Interior Door 2 set

PAU 1 train set

Cab Window 4 set

Saloon Window 4 set

Windshield 1 train set

TCMS Display 2 set

CCTV complete 1 train set

Driver Vigilance Device 1 train set

OTMR 2 set

2. Consumables list to be provided for 2 years maintenance.

Consumables Quantity Brake Pads Minimum for 2 years maintenance Brake discs Minimum for 2 years maintenance Wheels Minimum for 2 years maintenance Motor Axle Minimum for 2 years maintenance Trailer Axle Minimum for 2 years maintenance Pantograph carbon strips Minimum for 2 years maintenance Wheel flange lubrication sticks Minimum for 2 years maintenance Battery Backup for CCU, TCU and ACU Minimum for 2 years maintenance HVAC filter complete Minimum for 2 years maintenance Axle Earth Grounding sticks Minimum for 2 years maintenance Exterior Lighting Minimum for 2 years maintenance Interior Lighting Minimum for 2 years maintenance Axle Bearing Box complete Minimum for 2 years maintenance Tapered Bearing Unit complete Minimum for 2 years maintenance

3. Other spare part or recommended spare list which recommended by the manufacturer provided with a detail description, recommended quantity, part number and price list for Client.

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Appendix 8 Special tools List and Maintenance support facilities

Special tools List and maintenance support facilities which recommended by the manufacturer provided with a detail description and price list for Client.

Special Tools Quantity

BCU Test Bench 1 set

Bogie special tool 1 set

Brake equipment special tool 1 set

Pantograph special tool 1 set

Main transformer special tool 1 set

PIS/PA special tool 1 set

HVAC special tool 1 set

TCU/ACU special tool 1 set

Coupler special tool 1 set

Door system special tool 1 set

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