ALCo FA1 / FA2 for Simulator 2019 Owner´s Manual

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 1 Index A Little Bit of History...... 3 Controls...... 4 Keyboard Controls...... 5 How to Drive...... 5 Included Career Scenarios...... 6 How to Use in Your Own Scenario...... 8 Included Rolling Stock...... 10

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 2 A Little Bit of History The ALCO FA was a family of B-B diesel designed to haul freight . The locomo- tives were built by a partnership of ALCO and General Electric in Schenectady, New York, between January 1946 and May 1959. They were of a design, and both cab-equipped lead () FA and cabless booster (B unit) FB models were built. A dual passenger-freight version, the FPA/ FPB, was also offered. It was equipped with a steam generator for heating passenger cars.

Externally, the FA and FB models looked very similar to the ALCO PA models produced in the same period. Both the FA and PA models were styled by General Electric’s Ray Patten. They shared many of the same characteristics both aesthetically and mechanically. It was the locomo- tive’s mechanical qualities (the ALCO 244 V-12 prime mover) and newer models from both General Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD) and General Electric (the partnership with ALCO was dissolved in 1953) that ultimately led to the retirement of the FA/FB locomotive model from revenue service. Several examples of FAs and FBs have been preserved in railroad muse- ums, a few of them in operational status on such lines as the and the . ALCO’s designation of F marks these locomotives as being geared primarily for freight use, whereas the P designation of the PA sets indicates that they were geared for higher speeds and passenger use. However, beyond this their design was largely similar - aside from the PA/PB’s both being larger A1A-A1A types with an even more striking nose - and many railroads used FA and PA locomotives for both freight and passenger service.

Source: Wikipedia.

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 3 Cab Controls Cab doors and windows can be opened with the mouse.

1) Headlights 2) Cablight 3) Gauge Light 4) Wipers 5) Class Light 6) Numberboard Light 7) Horn 8) Ammeter 9) Dyn Brake / Slip Lights 10) Speed Recorder 11) Air Gauges 12) Loco Brake 13) Train Brake 14) Bell 15) Sander 16) Reverser 17) Throttle 18) Selector 19) Emergency Brake Valve 20) Engine Start/Stop 21) Radiator Fan Control

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 4 Keyboard Controls

W/S = Reverser A/D = Throttle ´/; = Train Brake / = Handbrake [/] = Locomotive Brake Z = Start Up / Shut Down B = Bell H = Headlights V = Wipers Backspace = Emergency Brake Space Bar = Horn X = Sander N = Front Numberboard Lights L = Cablight

How to Drive The ALCo FA is very easy to drive. Once in game the engine is On by default. To start moving it do the following steps: 1) Set the Reverser forewards or backwards. 2) Release Loco brake if the locomotive is light or Train brake if the locomotive is coupled to a consist. 3) Move up the Throttle. Depending on the consist it might need more power to move the train. 4) Use brakes levers to stop the train. Loco brake if you are operating a light engine or Train brake if you are operating a consist.

To operate the train with simple controls is even easier. You only have to worry about two controls. Reverser button and Throttle/brake lever. Reverser is usually set to forewards and can be changed with a single click on it. To move the train just move up the Throttle/Brake lever from the brake area, the bot- tom half, to the power area, the top half. Move it down to the brake area to stop the train.

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 5 Included Career Scenarios

All included scenarios are for PRR Horse Shoe Curve route.

01 - Westbound Manifest

Your task today is taking this manifest train westbound to Lilly. The task should be simple. There isn´t much traffic and the weather is nice. Have a nice trip!

02 - Stock to Altoona

This evening you must drive your ALCos FA2 to Altoona carrying a loaded stock train. You have a 3% grade ahead so the use of dynamic brake is vital to keep the train under control. Be very care- ful.

03 - A Dangerous Trip

You have a dangerous mission tonight. You have to drive a train loaded with Hazardous substances all the way from Johnstown to Alttona. Also keep in mind that there is a little detour at Portage due a problem with the track. Good luck!

04 - The Army Train

The US Army has requested PRR´s services to take a consist with military equipment to Altoona. Later another crew will take it to the port at Philadelphia where they will be shipped abroad. Good luck!

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 6 © 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 7 How to Use This in Your Own Scenario 1) Open your desired route. 2) Press Esc key. 3) Click on World editor from the pop up menu.

4) Go to the Tool Box panel. 5) Click on the Scenario icon. 6) Click yes from the warning pop up.

7) Go to the Browser panel. 8) Click on the Object Set Filter icon.

9) Go to the Browser Panel at the right of the screen. 10) Click the roll out menu. 11) From the roll out menu click on DTM.

12) Click the ALCo FA1-PRR checkbox.

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 8 13) Return to the Browser panel. 14) Click on Engines & Tenders icon. 15) Click the any of the ALCo FA1/FA2 unit. 16) Click on the track to place it.

17) Return to the Tool Box panel. 18) Click the Driver icon. 19) Click on the engine.

20) Click the Play icon. 21) Save the changes in your scenario. 22) Drive your locomotive.

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 9 Included Rolling Stock

ALCo FA1 and FB1 (with and without cab crew)

ALCo FA2 and FB2 (with and without cab crew) © 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 10 X - 50 Boxcar

K9_Stock_Car © 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 11 H30_Hopper in 3 different paint schemes.

Flatcar F-41 with 4 different loads. © 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 12 N5b Caboose.

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 13 Pennsylvania mark used under license

Thanks to: Ricardo Rivera Gary Dolzall Dovetail Team

Instagram @digitaltrainmodel

© 2019 Digital Train Model (DTM), All rights reserved Page 14