Hike Edward's Purchases of Printed Books And'manustflpts
APPENDIX [hike Edward's Purchases of Printed Books and'ManustflPts: 'Books Mentioned in SomesSurviVing'Accounts. (a) SCRO D64111/3/7a (1503-4) 1 quinque libris vocatis French bokes iij s.' 'pro iii libris vocatis saulter bokes viii s.' 'iiij primers Possibly all these were acquired for educative purposes. (b) SCRO D641/1/3/9 (15T6-17) •xx libri inpressis, (corrected to xvii) videlicet 1. "Blasinge de armys" : Possibly Le Blason de toutes armes et ecutz, etc., printed P. le Carron (Paris, 1495) or Le Blason des Armes, printed C. Nourry (Lyon, 1503)? (Graesse, I, 438) 2. "Ffloure de comaundementes" : Probably Floure of the Commaundements of God, printed W. de Worde (London, 1505) (STC 23875.1). 3. "Regule de Troye" : Probably, either Caxton's edition of Le Fevre's Le Recueil des histoires de Troyes (Bruges, 1475-6), or Caxton's translation, The Recuyell of the historves of Troye (Bruges, 1473-4; also printed by W. de Worde, London, 1505). (STC 15375). 4. "Sege de Troye" : Possibly The hystorye, sege and destrucyon of Troye (Lydgate's Troy Book), printed Pynson, (London, 1513)? • (STC 5579). 5. "lyve well & dye well" : Probably The Crafte to lyue well and 302 to dye well, printed W. de Worde (London, 1505) (STC 792-3), 6. "Oryson & Valartyne" : Probably The History of Valentine and Orson, printed W. de Worde (London, 1510?) (STC 24571.3). 7. "partonope" No edition known to me at present, exceptvthe Spanish edition of Arnao Guillen de Brocas (1513). (Graesse, V, 143). 8. "Kinge Richarde Cor de lyoun" : Probably W. de Worde's <matt Rycharde cuer de lyon (London, 1509) (STC 21007).
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