West Mediterranean – Caribbean / Mexico / North America West Coast | MCPS

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West Mediterranean – Caribbean / Mexico / North America West Coast | MCPS West Mediterranean – Caribbean / Mexico / North America West Coast | MCPS EASTBOUND SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS n Broad coverage of major hubs in Mediterranean n Direct and fast service to West Mediterranean ports, including transhipment connection to vast Vancouver Hamburg Süd network in East Mediterranean Seattle and Middle East n Weekly calls at Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, Genoa Fos Livorno and Vancouver Barcelona Oakland Valencia Long Beach WESTBOUND SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS Tangier n Direct link between the Mediterranean and North America West Coast, including Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, and Vancouver Manzanillo (Mexico) Puerto Quetzal n Solid, direct coverage of West Mediterranean Manzanillo ports, including East Mediterranean and Middle Eastbound (PA) Cartagena East via extensive Hamburg Süd network Westbound n Multiple possibilities to connect to Caribbean and South America ports NORTH AMERICA WEST COAST / CARIBBEAN – WEST MEDITERRANEAN EASTBOUND WEST MEDITERRANEAN – [transit time in days] CARIBBEAN / NORTH AMERICA WEST COAST WESTBOUND [transit time in days] TO ManzanilloCartagena (PA) Tangier Valencia Livorno Genoa Fos Barcelona FROM Wed Sat Wed Fri Thu Sat Mon Wed TO CartagenaPuerto QuetzalManzanillo Long (Mexico) BeachOakland Seattle Vancouver Seattle Thu 20 23 34 36 42 44 46 48 FROM Sat Fri Mon Fri Sun Wed Fri Vancouver Sat 18 21 32 34 40 42 44 46 Livorno Fri 22 28 31 35 37 40 42 Oakland Thu 13 16 27 29 35 37 39 41 Genoa Sun 20 26 29 33 35 38 40 Long Beach Sat 11 14 25 27 33 35 37 39 Fos Mon 19 25 28 32 34 37 39 Manzanillo (MX) Wed 7 10 21 23 29 31 33 35 Barcelona Thu 16 22 25 29 31 34 36 Manzanillo (PA) Thu - 2 13 15 21 23 25 27 Valencia Sat 14 20 23 27 29 32 34 Cartagena Sun - - 10 12 18 20 22 24 Updated: 11 July 2019 www.hamburgsud.com West Mediterranean – Caribbean / Mexico / North America West Coast | MCPS PORT ROTATION Valencia Barcelona Fos Genoa Livorno Valencia Tangier Cartagena Cartagena Puerto Quetzal Manzanillo (Mexico)Long Beach Oakland Seattle Vancouver Oakland Long Beach Manzanillo (Mexico)Manzanillo (PA) RECEIVING / DELIVERY ADDRESSES CANADA / Vancouver, B.C. GUATEMALA / Puerto Quetzal MEXICO / Manzanillo SPAIN / Barcelona USA / Long Beach Fraser Surrey Dock Terminal de Contenedores Quetzal SSA Mexico TCB – Terminal de Contenidors de SSA Terminals 11060 Elevator Road Zona 1 KM 102.37 Autopista San Carretera Manzanillo-Santiago S/N Barcelona, S.L. 700 Pier A Plaza Surrey, V3V 2R7 BC Jose, Escuintla Terminal Especializada CTRA. de Circumval Long Beach CA 90813 Guatemala de Contenedores Lacio, Tramo 4.°, Moll Sud, (562) 491 4000 COLOMBIA / Cartagena Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico 28200 Edifici T.C.B. Terminal de Contenedores de ITALY / Genoa Port de Barcelona USA / Oakland Cartagena S.A. (CONTECAR) Spinelli S.R.L. Genoa Port Terminal MOROCCO / Tangier E - 08039 Barcelona Oakland International Container Terminal Mamonal Km. 1 Calata Ignazio Inglese Eurogate Tanger S.A. Espana 1717 Middle Harbor Rd. Cartagena de Indias Palazzo Ufficine Zone Franche de Ksar Al Majaz, Oakland, CA 94607 D.T.H. y C., Colombia 16149 Genoa (GE) Quad R‘mel, Commune Anjra, SPAIN / Valencia USA Italy Route Fnideq Terminal de Contenedores Valencia FRANCE / Fos 90000 Tangier / Morocco Muelle de Levante, s/n USA / Seattle Seayard ITALY / Livorno 46024 Valencia, Spain SSA Terminals – Terminal 18 Terminal A Conteneurs Terminal Darsena Toscana PANAMA / Manzanillo 2400-2900 11th Avenue, S.W. Darse 2, Mole Graveleau Porto Industriale, 57125 Livorno, Italy Manzanillo International Terminal Seattle, Washington 98134 Port Saint Louis Coco Solo Sur, Moulten Avenue FIRMs Code: X117 Fos-Sur-Mer 13516 Colon, Republic of Panama Colon Free Zone P.O. Box 0302-00239 Updated: 11 July 2019 www.hamburgsud.com West Mediterranean – North America East Coast / Mexico / US Gulf | MMGX WESTBOUND SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS n Weekly, direct service connecting Mediterranean with Gulf of Mexico, Houston, and New Orleans New La Spezia n Best-in-class transit times to Mexico Houston Orleans Barcelona Naples n Extensive coverage of West Mediterranean Valencia Miami Freeport Sines ports, including East Mediterranean and Middle Algeciras Altamira Gioia Tauro East via Hamburg Süd feeder network Veracruz EASTBOUND SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS n Direct service connecting US Gulf and East Mexico to Mediterranean n Weekly calls to Italy and Spain Westbound n Direct calls to Veracruz and Altamira as well as Eastbound Houston and New Orleans WEST MEDITERRANEAN – NORTH AMERICA EAST COAST / MEXICO / US GULF – NORTH AMERICA EAST COAST / MEXICO / US GULF WESTBOUND WEST MEDITERRANEAN EASTBOUND [transit time in days] [transit time in days] TO Freeport Miami Veracruz Altamira Houston New Orleans TO Sines Algeciras Barcelona Gioia TauroNaples La Spezia FROM Thu Fri Tue Thu Sat Tue FROM Thu Sat Mon Wed Fri Mon Gioia Tauro Thu 21 22 26 28 30 33 Veracruz Wed 22 24 26 28 30 33 Naples Sat 19 20 24 26 28 31 Altamira Fri 20 22 24 26 28 31 La Spezia Wed 15 16 20 22 24 27 Houston Mon 17 19 21 23 25 28 Barcelona Thu 14 15 19 21 23 26 New Orleans Thu 14 16 18 20 22 25 Valencia Fri 13 14 18 20 22 25 Miami Sun 11 13 15 17 19 22 Algeciras Mon 10 11 15 17 19 22 Freeport Tue 9 11 13 15 17 20 Sines Wed 8 9 13 15 17 20 Sines Fri – 1 3 5 7 10 Freeport Fri – 1 4 6 8 11 Algeciras Sat – – 2 4 6 9 Miami Sat – – 3 5 7 10 Barcelona Mon – – – 2 4 7 Updated: 13 November 2018 www.hamburgsud.com West Mediterranean – North America East Coast / Mexico / US Gulf | MMGX PORT ROTATION Sines Algeciras Valencia Barcelona La Spezia Naples Gioia Tauro Barcelona Freeport Algeciras Miami Sines Veracruz Altamira Houston New Orleans Miami Freeport RECEIVING / DELIVERY ADDRESSES ITALY / Gioia Tauro MEXICO / Altamira PORTUGAL / Sines SPAIN / Barcelona USA / Houston Medcenter Container Terminal Mct Altamira Terminal Portuaria S.A. Sines Terminal Portugal Best (Terminal Catalunya) Barbours Cut Container Terminal Area Porto Terminal Contenitori Terminal de Usos Multiples 1 Terminal De Contentores De Sines Av./Ports D‘america S/N Port of Houston Authority Gioia Tauro 89013 Puerto Industrial de Altamira Apartado 195 El Prat De Llobregat 08020 1819 Barbours Cut Blvd. Altamira, Tamaulipas. MX 896001 Sines 7520-903 Laporte, TX 77571 ITALY / La Spezia SPAIN / Valencia LSCT - La Spezia Container Terminal MEXICO / Veracruz SPAIN / Algeciras Noatum Container Terminal Valencia USA / New Orleans Viale San Bartolomeo 20 ICAVE Container Terminal APM Terminals Algeciras Muelle Principe Felipe S/N Napolean Avenue Terminal 19126 La Spezia International de Contenedores Muelle Juan Carlos I Valencia 46024 Ports America Inc. Asociados de Veracruz, S.A. de C.V. 12011 - Algeciras, 5901 Terminal Road ITALY / Naples Interior del Recinto Portuario Zona II Spain New Orleans, LA 70115 CO.NA.TE.CO S.p.A. Veracruz, Mexico Zona Granili - Interno Porto 80133 Napoli Updated: 13 November 2018 www.hamburgsud.com South America West Coast / Central America – Mediterranean | ECUMED Northbound NORTHBOUND SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS Southbound n Direct sailings from Ecuador to Eastern Europe in transhipment Yuzhny Vado Ligure Novorossiysk and Western Asia New York Civitavecchia Naples Ambarli n Dedicated Feeder to Italy and main Western Eu- Salerno Piraeus Izmit Korfezi rope ports through Tangier Algeciras Tangier SOUTHBOUND SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS n Best in class all water product from East Mediter- ranean and Black Sea to the Caribbean basin and the important South America West Coast market Ecuador with best transit times in the market Manzanillo (PA) n Extensive network connections via hub ports Balboa Manzanillo and Balboa to Central America, West Buenaventura Coast South America, Caribbean, North Amer- Guayaquil ica West Coast and Oceania, including various Puerto Bolivar transshipment connection possibilities from West Mediterranean ports via Algeciras SOUTH AMERICA WEST COAST / CARIBBEAN – MEDITERRANEAN NORTHBOUND MEDITERRANEAN – CARIBBEAN / SOUTH AMERICA WEST COAST SOUTHBOUND [transit time in days] [transit time in days] TO Tangier AlgecirasVado Ligure*Civitavecchia* Naples* Salerno* Piraeus Izmit KorfeziAmbarli Yuzhny Port Novorossiysk TO New York ManzanilloBuenaventura (PA) Puerto BolivarGuayaquil Balboa FROM Tue Tue Sat Mon Tue Thu Mon Wed Thu Sun Tue FROM Fri Fri Sun Wed Fri Wed Buenaventura Mon 22 23 27 29 30 32 28 31 31 34 36 Yuzhny Mon 25 31 33 36 38 43 Guayaquil Sun 15 16 20 22 23 25 21 24 25 28 30 Novorossiysk Wed 24 30 32 35 37 42 Puerto Bolivar Mon 14 15 19 21 22 24 20 23 24 27 29 Ambarli Port Sun 20 26 28 31 33 38 Balboa Wed 12 13 17 19 20 22 18 20 21 24 26 Izmit Korfezi Mon 19 25 27 30 32 37 Manzanillo (PA) Fri 11 12 16 18 19 21 17 19 20 23 25 Vado Ligure** Sun 20 26 28 31 33 38 *in transhipment via Tangier Civitavecchia** Tue 18 24 26 29 31 36 Naples** Wed 17 23 25 28 30 35 Salerno** Thu 16 22 24 27 29 34 Algeciras Tue 11 17 19 22 24 29 **in transhipment via Algeciras Updated: 27 November 2019 www.hamburgsud.com South America West Coast / Central America – Mediterranean | ECUMED PORT ROTATION Manzanillo (PA) Balboa Puerto Bolivar Guayaquil Puerto Bolivar Buenaventura Manzanillo (PA) New York Tangier Vado Ligure Civitavecchia Naples Salerno Algeciras Algeciras Piraeus Izmit Korfezi Ambarli Port Yuzhny Novorossiysk Ambarli Port Izmit Korfezi RECEIVING / DELIVERY ADDRESSES COLOMBIA / Buenaventura MOROCCO / Tanger Med PANAMA / Manzanillo TURKEY / Ambarli Port UKRAINE / Yuzhnyi SP Terminal de Contenedores de APM Terminals Tangier S.A. Manzanillo International Terminal Marport Terminal - Ambarli TIS Container Terminal Buenaventura, “TCBUEN S.A.” Bp216 Route De Fnideq Coco Solo Sur, Moulten Avenue Marmara Mahallesi, Liman Cd., 60 Chapaeva Street VIZIRKA, 67543 Carrera 28A # 7 - 152 Commune Anjra Route De Fenideq Colon, Republic of Panama 34524 Beylikdüzü/netu, Ukraine Buenaventura, Colombia Tanger 94125 Colon Free Zone Turkey P.O.
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