LIGHTS OUT is an invitation to everyone to turn off their lights from 10pm- 11pm on 4th August leaving on a single light or candle for a shared moment of reflection to remember those Commonwealth service men and women who lost their lives in the First World War

(Photograph by Janet Fletcher) August 2014


Cambridge Street, St Neots, Tel 07894 238782 OPEN 24/7/365 Plus sandwiches, rolls, pasta salads etc Freshly made by Tara every day Tara’s buffet service – we can cater for any occasion 3 ------

Clarke Midgley

PAINTING DECORATING AIRLESS & HVLP SPRAYING TILING PAPWORTH LIBRARY FRIENDS COVING The Friends is a group of people who are Call 01480-880593 or 07904-585963or email concerned about the risk of further reduction [email protected] in our local library service & want to encourage greater use of this excellent facility in Papworth Everard. Although our library is not at risk of closure at the moment, the service has already suffered a reduction in staff & opening hours/times & we cannot afford to be complacent. Library usage is judged by footfall, i.e. the number of visits made using a library card & UNIT 11 HARLEY IND. PARK pin number to borrow books, magazines etc or to use the computers. Calling in does not PAXTON HILL, ST NEOTS, CAMBS PE19 6TA ►MOT’s ►REPAIRS ►TYRES count. ►SERVICING ►EXHAUSTS ►BRAKES The Friends want you to know what is ►CLUTCHES ►BATTERIES ►RECOVERY available for you at your local library. Did you ►WINDSCREENS ►CAR SALES ►AIR CONDITIONING know you can borrow magazines? There are

WHICH magazines for reference purposes as 01480 17806 well as an information point with many leaflets Email: [email protected] for local and not so local events. You can also “We offer a quality professional service in a clean, well equipped workshop for all your motor engineering browse the Cambridge Evening News! needs”. EngAGE is a computer buddy scheme to help beginner or nervous computer users. The internet is free at the library & is a great source of information so you don’t need your own computer to use Google! Sometimes there are speakers and these meetings are


Those of you of a certain age may have come across something called Colossal Cave. It was a very early computer game, played entirely by typing instructions and reading the results – no graphics at all. The aim was to explore a set of caverns which contained a wide variety of things, some wonderful, some terrible, some confusing.

In one area of these caverns, you received the message “You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike” – and almost whichever way you went, you would get the same message! The trick was to periodically drop an item out of the ones you were carrying. It was then possible to map the maze and find the way through.

Sometimes, life feels like a cave filled with wonderful, terrible, and confusing things. Just this week, the wonderful has included the deciding to allow women to become bishops, and the terrible has included the news of fighting and atrocities in the Middle East.

The confusing has included the news that the Papworth Team Churches will be saying goodbye to Revd. as she becomes Archdeacon in Diocese: wonderful for the recognition of Fiona’s talents, and the blessing she will be in her new post; terrible in the loss it will be for the Papworth Team.

Sometimes life feels like a maze of twisty passages all alike, with no map and no obvious way through to better times.

For me, the answer is to “drop things” – to put markers in to life to remind me where I am and what I’m about. These are simple, even trivial, things like going for a swim, finding an hour to read a novel, finding just a moment to look at the trees, buying some flowers for my wife – things that remind me there’s a wider aspect to life. And of course, taking time to pray to remind myself of my ultimate direction, and that I am loved by God.

If life feels like a maze of twisty passage to you right now, how might you “drop things” to remind you of your value – to yourself, to others, and to God?


What can I say – for those unfortunate enough to miss it, the Eltisley Feast Week, Fete and Donkey Derby was not just a resounding success, it was absolutely FANTASTIC! The concerts, the evening events, the cricket, and the all important Saturday were carefully planned and executed and I am sure Eltisley has never before seen anything like it!

The sun shone, the crowds arrived, the Ox sizzled, the donkeys were – well - donkeys! And the aerial display had everyone gasping. It really was a great day and a very well done to all those who worked so hard and particularly the organizers for the careful planning.

We had a very busy PC meeting this month which was also our AGM. I was elected Chairman - no don’t say “not again”! – and John Pettifor Vice Chairman. We carried out the annual business such as approving committees and representatives on outside bodies and went on to discuss quotations from arborists for the Village tree survey, progress with the sale of the Village Institute, signage on the Green and repairs to the Village Pump and Bus Shelter. Other items discussed were the damage to the Green by the Old House and the overhanging branches and broken branch by the Institute, a working party to tidy the Institute grounds (watch this space), damage to the Green and verges by the contractors installing new street lights, the outstanding issue of the sludge from the outfall from the Pumping Station in Caxton End, and ‘Beware of the Ducks’ signs!

Members reports included the successful grant award of £200.00 towards planting Bluebells around the Pocket Park and Woodland Walk, the PC working party to trim the lower branches on the limes forming the Row of Honour, Police Speed Patrols have been active in the Village and checking illegal parking on the yellow lines outside the School, and progress on affordable housing in the Village included a tour of completed sites in South Cambs together with a proposed meeting with the Planning Department.

We noted a report from the School, the RoSPA inspection of the Play Equipment, the Bank reconciliation and Budget Report and a report from the Cade Management Committee. The monthly accounts were approved for payment, we received the Councils Financial Regulations and adopted the General Powers of Competence. We noted that the application to build an Eco dwelling in Potton End had been refused by SCDC and approved tree works to be carried out at Lennox House. The Clerk left the room whilst we approved her Annual Appraisal and we finished at 9.15pm phew!

The PC Meeting was followed by a meeting of the Village Green Trust where we approved the Bank reconciliation and the payment of a grant to the Parish Council for the Tree Survey and Grass Cutting, and up to £500.00 to the Parochial Church Council for repairs to the Lych Gate. Changes to the Trust’s Charifund Investments were noted along with clarification that Right of Access to the Institute was not required across the Green. A busy but productive evening.

Finally, a reminder that heavy machinery will be moving about this summer during the harvest period. Take extra care with your families and pets, it’s great to see the children playing and riding their bikes along Caxton End but do ensure they realise the dangers, and remember, the concrete road branching to the right of the Bridleway to Caxton is a private farm road.

Our next PC meeting will be on Tuesday 9th September at The Cade at 7.30pm and as always praise or problems to me at 45 Caxton End or on 01480 880122 or [email protected] or our Clerk Jane Bowd on 01480 468451 or [email protected]. Have a super summer. Roger Pinner, Chairman, Eltisley PC CADE PAVILION NEWS

Bar Opening Times: Fri: 8pm-11pm and Sun: 12pm-2pm (For bookings/hire contact Anne: 07974 082 604)

July saw The Cade at the heart of the action and it was great to see the new facility being used to its full potential.

We have a new activity taking place on Tuesday mornings, 9am-9.45am, please come along and join in the ‘Stretch & Relax’ exercise sessions – suitable for all ages and abilities.

Following the recent success of the Coffee Mornings held during Feast Week, it has been decided to continue these on a regular basis – see noticeboard on the green for details.

Cade Marquee Hire: We now have a 12m x 6m marquee including seating, lighting, crockery and cutlery for 100 people for hire. Contact Anne for details.

Our Beer Festival has been moved to November to avoid clashing with a couple of local events – more details to follow.


What a fabulous Feast Week! Many thanks to everyone involved in all the different events - a great team effort. At the church our particular thanks go to Barbara Boddington who masterminded the beautiful Flower Festival, Anne Pettifor who organised the wonderful “Summer Soiree” concert and the Eltisley History Society who produced such a beautiful and poignant display about the Eltisley men who died in the First World War as well as the “Tribute to our Tommies” evening on the final Sunday of Feast Week.

There is more to look forward to this month with the Rendezvous Holiday Week for over 65s from 19th-22nd August and our monthly St Pandionia’s Cafe taking place on Friday 15th August. Please note the revised time of 10-11.30am.

Looking ahead there are some dates to put in your diary for September. For the energetic there is the annual Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust “Ride and Stride” on Saturday 13th September. Cycle or walk around as many of our local churches as you can and help raise funds for this local charity which does so much to support churches like ours around the county.

After the wonderful Feast Week concerts, we have another musical evening to look forward to - the Ely Cathedral Choristers will be giving a concert in the church on Friday 19th September at 7.30pm. It promises to be a fantastic evening. Tickets are £10 (£8 concessions) including an interval drink and canapes. For tickets and more information please contact Sarah (880214), Sue (880922) or Nichola (880285).

Also in September, we will be very sadly saying goodbye to Rev Fiona Windsor who will be leaving the Papworth Team Ministry as she has been appointed as an Archdeacon in the Chichester Diocese. Many congratulations to Fiona on her new appointment but she will be hugely missed. A farewell party is being planned - contact Nichola (880285) for more details.

Finally, a few less services in August (see back of the newsletter) but the church will be open as usual - all day every day for everyone. The Eltisley History Society meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Cade Pavilion, 7.45 for 8pm. Visitors (over 11 years old) always welcome, £2 per meeting, or enrol as a member. Interesting speakers.

August 27th: Mike Petty – Fenland Floods, When, Where, Why?

A return visit from a popular speaker

ELTISLEY FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Friendship Club will meet on Wednesday 13th August at 2pm in The Cade Pavilion. Our speaker will be Carol Ridge talking to us about her ‘Travels to India’. Refreshments and raffle as usual. All welcome.

THANK YOU this month from the Newsletter must go to the Friends of Papworth St Agnes Church for their kind donation.


As the fields are harvested it is easier for burglars to enter the rear of properties and make their getaway.

A suspicious character in a white car has been spotted in the village again. Ring the Police if you see anything unusual. BE VIGILANT Suspicious activity: Dial 101 Criminal activity: Dial 999 Speedwatch Volunteers required, ring Roger on 01480 880122 TOSELAND Village website:

"On June 21, almost 70 people gathered in the garden of Blue Ball House, Toseland, for Toseland Parish Council's Annual Summer BBQ. It was a balmy Midsummer's evening and everyone enjoyed some lovely food and great entertainment. A big thank you to all those who supported the event and a special thank you to Jeff and Ann Tossell for being such generous and welcoming hosts. The profit of £344.00 from the evening was donated to St Michael's Church, Toseland, to help fund improvements."

PAPWORTH GUIDE UNIT One fantastic, fun adventurous person wanted!! If you have a couple of hours to spare on a Monday evening to become a Guide Leader we need you! Papworth is the only village with a Rainbow, Brownie and Guide Unit. However, this is soon to change as our trained guide leader is leaving guiding at the end of this term and we have no-one to lead the unit. This is a great shame as the unit is full, with a waiting list to join.

Training is provided and help is available whenever it is needed. If you can help us please email: [email protected]

ELTISLEY & YELLING CRICKET fixtures for August: Eltisley Lodgers Home Twenty20 Fixture: Friday 8th August: Eltisley Lodgers v Eltisley, 6pm

Yelling Cricket Club, League Fixtures for August: 02.08.14: Cokenach (Away) 13.30 23.08.14 Newport (Home) 13.30 09.08.14: Barley (Home) 13.30 30.08.14: Barrington (Away) 13.30 16.08.14: Camden II (Away) 13.30

What a fantastic week, culminating in a great Donkey Derby and Fete on Saturday 12th. It was great to see all the village groups pulling out the stops organizing their activities and with 2 new events held in the Church, it really was a fun-packed week.

The organizing committee have met and are pleased to announce that we have raised in the region of £10,000 for the village. It will, of course, take a few weeks to collect and collate all the revenue and costs but we thought you all would like to know the approximate figure. As in previous years there will be an open meeting to be held at The Cade Pavilion on 3rd October, 7.30pm, at which the organizing committee will run through the details and seek views as to the distribution of the monies raised.

Finally, a very big ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed to making the 2014 Feast Week a week to be remembered. Without the support of the whole village this event would not have been possible.

John Pettifor, Eltisley Feast Week Organising Committe

GRAVELEY & PAPWORTH ST AGNES Correspondents: Dee & Ken Munday Tel 830612 [email protected]

“Please see the village website for Neighbourhood Watch news”.



Tuesday Lunchtime Special: 2 courses for £7 Tuesday Evening – Friday Lunch: 2 courses for £10

Monday Quiz Night: 4th and 18th August Thursday Night: Homemade Curry Night: £7.99 Sunday Lunches: Only £8.99

Society bookings taken Outdoor table tennis


"We welcome Andrew Carver to the Parish Council joining Keith McConnell, Stephen Peck, Vanessa Peck and Carl Pereira as your parish councillors, with Tess Rogers, Parish Clerk.

Our Speedwatch team are looking for more volunteers. Please email our Parish Clerk if you may be able to help.

The PC utilised grants from the Cotton Farm Community Benefit Fund to have maintenance and tree work completed on the ponds and also to purchase materials and equipment for villagers to carry out various projects to improve the village setting. We hope to continue with such projects and welcome any suggestions - email [email protected]"

GRAVELEY & PAPWORTH ST AGNES Correspondents: Dee & Ken Munday Tel 830612 [email protected] “Please see the village website for Neighbourhood Watch news”.


A very big ‘thank you’ to the volunteers who took on the work improving the shelters and railings in Graveley. The flower baskets and boxes look splendid and the whole effect has been to brighten everything up. It was all very well done. And a big thank you, too, for the folk who are going to keep the flowers watered!

GRAVELEY GARAGE TEST CENTRE LTD MOT WHILE U WAIT, CLASS 1 2 3 4 5 7 Servicing to all makes of vehicles Free courtesy cars Comfortable waiting area with free tea/coffee Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Tel 01480 830462/831058 HIGH STREET, GRAVELEY, ST NEOTS PE19 6PL [email protected] Produce this advert to get £4 off the current price of your MOT

Cambourne Self Storage  Cost effective, secure, convenient self storage  Various size units to suit household & business storage  CCTV monitored site with access at your convenience  NEW SITE AT BOURN AIRFIELD

 Your personal unit  Store your goods, lock up, keep the key 5 min from Cambourne Tel: 01767 676189

YELLING Correspondent: Elly Peal 880412 Yelling's free e-newsletter – email [email protected] for village news, events, diaries and items wanted or for sale. Visit: for news & info

YELLING VILLAGE HALL: Facilities include: a refurbished kitchen with dishwasher, oven, hob, fridge and freezer. Enclosed patio and garden with barbeque as well as a large flexible hall space. Perfect for parties, meetings, dance and fitness classes – any type of get together. Available for hire - £7 per hour. See website

YELLING AND DISTRICT WI We're having our usual break from WI activities in August, but we'll be back in September with a hands-on craft evening - full details in next month's Newsletter.

The 'District' part of our name covers Toseland, Graveley and Papworth St Agnes and we are always pleased to see visitors from these (and other) villages. We pride ourselves on being a lighthearted, friendly and welcoming group - come to one of our meetings (third Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm in Yelling Village Hall), meet our members and discover for yourself the many advantages of belonging to the WI. Information about each month's meeting appears in this Newsletter. If you would like a member to accompany you to a meeting, please ring Susan on 01480 880014. We look forward to seeing you.

AccessArt Loom Band Sculpture Project AccessArt is a UK charity which inspires and enables visual arts exploration. The Loom Band Project aims to inspire children to make by encouraging them to send in their loomband creations to AccessArt. Artists will then weave all the creations we receive into one sculpture which will develop over the next three months. You can find out more at



invite you to an


Sunday, 31st August 2014

A circular walk to Papworth St Agnes and back

Start from Yelling Church at 2.30pm, walk the footpaths to Papworth St Agnes Church (open for a comfort stop) and return to Yelling for tea. I-Spy competition en route. Lifts to or from Papworth St Agnes for those wishing to take a shorter stroll. Dogs on leads welcome.

Individual Ticket £3, Family Ticket £10 (includes Afternoon Tea) From Susan (880014) Jean (880777) Pauline (880606)

In aid of Yelling Church Restoration Fund

THE SIX VILLAGES NEWSLETTER Editor & adverts: Anne Pettifor, Tel: 07974 082604, email: [email protected] Treasurer: Angela Weldon, Tel 880303

Printed by: Mission Computers, Manor Farm, Bourn Correspondents: Croxton (Vacancy), Eltisley: Anne Pettifor (as above), Graveley & Papworth St. Agnes; Dee & Ken Munday, 830612 [email protected], Yelling: Elly Peal 880412 Toseland: Wendy O’Brien [email protected]; Distributed by Christine Farrugia (Croxton), Anne Pettifor (Eltisley), Dee Munday (Graveley & Papworth St. Agnes), Wendy O’Brien Toseland), Elly Peal (Yelling) and helpers in each village. Deadline for SEPTEMBER issue – 15th AUGUST. Many thanks to all who help with the production and distribution – everyone a volunteer. The Newsletter is funded by Parish & Parochial Church Councils & advertising. Community / charitable advertising is free. Opinions expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or correspondents. All advertisements are accepted in good faith. The quality and reliability of the goods and services advertised in the Newsletter cannot be guaranteed by the editor or staff.

Confirmation Course – starting September If you are interested, or know someone who is, in attending confirmation classes please contact a member of clergy. We hope to hold courses for both adults and young people. Thank you.

JACKY’S BEAUTY Manicures, Pedicures, Facials, Massage, Waxing, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candles, Spray Tanning Paul Braybrooke And Inch Loss Wraps Gift Vouchers Available OIL FIRED BOILER Come and Spoil yourself Based in Hilton ENGINEER Call Jacky for further details Boiler servicing 01480 831184 Breakdown service Answer phone when busy or closed. Please leave a message Commissions Phone 01353 777788 Tank Replacements 07946 735691

Wave Café Church

RESTARTS Wednesday 3rd September at the 'Abantu' coffee shop in Bourn, 7.45 for 8pm until 9pm. For those who are interested in exploring Christianity in a relaxed and informal way with DVDs, quizzes and discussions over coffee, tea and cake. For more information contact Fiona Windsor (01954) 267535 or Ruth Terrell on 01954 718575.

A short, prayerful service of Holy Communion in Bourn Church

RESTARTS AFTER THE SUMMER: Wednesday 10th September at midday in Bourn Church

Anyone from around the Team or beyond is welcome to attend

If you have particular prayer requests, please contact Revd Dr Alexandra Clarke (01954 710426 [email protected]. Wheelchair access provided

Home Communion

If you are a regular worshipper and become housebound we still want to share in the life of your Christian community. If you are having difficulty getting to church, but a lift would make that possible please contact the team office on 01954 719718 and we will be able to help. If you cannot get out and would like to receive Holy Communion at home please let the office know and we will arrange for the sacrament to

be brought to you on a regular basis. This also applies to those who are seriously ill and bed bound.

The Revd Canon Fiona Windsor, Team Rector of the Papworth Team Ministry and Bishop’s Adviser for Women’s Ministry, has been appointed Archdeacon of in the .

Fiona was appointed Team Vicar of Papworth in 2004 following her curacy in the Guildford Diocese and was appointed Team Rector in 2008. In 2012 Fiona was appointed Bishop’s Adviser to Women’s Ministry and installed as an Honorary Canon of Ely Cathedral.

The date of Fiona’s last Sunday and collation date will be announced in due course.

Papworth Team Ministry

Team Evening Service NO SERVICE IN AUGUST

RESTARTS Sunday 21st September 2014 6pm at St Andrew’s, Caxton

Praise, Prayer, Teaching

For information dates for the rest of the year are: th th 19 October, 16 November

REGULAR MEETINGS in the 6 Villages: WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets during term time fortnightly on Fridays, 10.30am, at Oaktree House, Potton End, Eltisley - Contact Sarah on 880214. HOPE BIBLE STUDY: Every Wednesday during term time at 8pm - call 880409 for details. LADIES CIRCLE For women up to the age of 45. We meet 2 Tuesday evenings a month with a varied programme. For info contact Nicky on

880114. YELLING ART GROUP meets In Yelling Village Hall on Thursday mornings. We are a small, friendly group. Interested? Please ring Joyce on 477045 or Prema on 474157.

Anglican: Church Team Rector: Revd Fiona Contact: Rev’d Stephen Day, Windsor 01954 267535 The Rectory, 1, Barons Way, Services Papworth Everard, Cambridge CB23 2QJ Team administrator 01480 831915 Ruth Guildersleve [email protected] Tel 01954 719718

CHURCH ROTAS Ss John & Pandionia, Eltisley: 3rd & 10th August: Anne Hodgetts and Angela Weldon, 17th & 24th August: Marzena, 31st August: Sylvia McSweeney.

Yelling: 10th August: Mrs M Cathie, 28th August: Mrs V Tack

Graveley, with Papworth St Agnes. Church Flowers: August 10th: Mrs Susie Gordon. Church Cleaning: for August, Mrs Jo George and Mrs Dee Munday; and for September, Mrs Sharon McConnell and Mrs Judy Picking.