KEYNOTES June 2020 60p THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST PETER’S, WEST BLATCHINGTON Rector The Reverend Tim Gage The Rectory 23 Windmill Close Hove, BN3 7LJ Tel : 07910 938810 Email:
[email protected] Friday is ordinarily the Rector’s rest day; however please do not hesitate to contact him in the event of a pastoral emergency. Please refer all other urgent matters to the Churchwardens. CHURCHWARDENS Jonathan Cooke Tel: 563178 David Keeling Tel: 501504 HON. TREASURER Mandy Gander Tel: 271982 CENTRE BOOKINGS Richard Delacour Tel: 07968 227639 PASTORAL CARE Sick Visiting Carol Gander Tel: 555414 KEYNOTES EDITORIAL TEAM William Holden Tel: 706482 David Keeling Tel: 501504 Jane Cummings Tel: 880274 Michael Evans Tel: 567399 Charlie Flackhill Tel: 965122 Mandy Gander Tel: 271982 Maggie Holden Tel: 706482 E-mail:
[email protected] Church website : EDITORIAL We live in extraordinary times and as the Queen said recently in her VE Day message to the nation, “Never Give Up, Never Despair” which is exactly what our religious teaching has always been about through the love of God. At the time of writing there are exciting changes coming with the feeling that the rules of lockdown just may be able to be relaxed a little as we try get back to normal. The peak of infection may have passed but when might we be able to meet again in church? As most people will know, our new incumbent Rev’d Tim Gage is to be licensed in the next week which will mark a turning point in the life of our church.