Henrietta Szold's Ser~ the Following Three Profiles of American Ment." in That Article, the Author Informed the - Bility to the Public
, ' ..' " ., , . , ,. , , '.' " _ ... ,~" .. ~. "'~--,."'-~ .."".,-' ,-'.-. Thursday, September 27, 11&2 THE JBWISI!I :POST Page Twenty-three THE. JEWISH POST Thursday, September 27, 19&2 and especially of a pioneer of public health. It . was extraordinary how well she understood health problems without herself having had a medical ·THREE ZIONISTRISHONIMIN AMERICA Henrietta education. Her concentration on her tasks was Szold the equivalent of study, research' and consulta movement. But these brave spirits, though promi for the Russian Jew who sought a haven in Amer tion. She did not go to Palestine with the Ameri nent locally, lacked the standing Ricb,ard Gottheil ica~ the quiet fervor with which she served youth . can Zionist Medical Unit in 1918 because respon- enjoyed in the overall American community. Aliyah, draining for it the last measure of her sibilities in connection with its organization kept As early as 1899, the North American Review, T was a source ·of personal regret to Henrietta _ strength, were of one piece. "Consistency and her chained to her desk in America. The formid the foremost intellectual periodical of that day, able logistics of this undertaking in time of war I Szold herself that her husy life, its cQmmand- constancy were the hallmarks of her life. .' < published Dr. Gottheil's essay "The Zionist Move completely cleared from her desk, she left f(}r the , , ing duties, her own compulsive sense of responsi- . In the second phase of Henrietta Szold's ser~ The following three profiles of American ment." In that article, the author Informed the - bility to the public. weal did not permit· her to .
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