ANNUAL Introduction | 2 REPORT Practice | 4 Deepen | 18

Financials | 27 2017 - 2018 Partners & Supporters | 28

The Laundromat Project 1 INTRODUCTION


How might we build an arts organization that moves with WHO WE ARE intention? How might we collaborate with artists and neighbors to facilitate lasting change? The Laundromat Project advances artists and Asking heartfelt questions, and listening deeply to voices in our community was especially gratifying in 2017 and neighbors as change agents 2018, years of transition to a new strategic vision at The Laundromat Project (The LP). Insights from our commu- in their own communities. nities in , Harlem, and the South Bronx informed our people-powered process as well.

As the world around us shifts, we need to engage change. When the communities where we live and work are experiencing pronounced uncertainty around citi- zenship, race, and belonging, we need to reflect upon our work and reconsider our practices. We are obliged We envision a world in to ask what it means to be an organization that centers on people of color. We must interrogate our approaches which artists and neighbors to art and community as catalysts for change. Through in communities of color rigorously practicing and deepening our work, we better understand how to shape a world in which members feel work together to unleash truly connected and have the ability to influence their the power of creativity to communities in creative and effective ways. transform lives. This is where strategic visioning comes in. During this generative period, artists, neighbors, peer organizations, supporters, staff, and board weighed in on how The LP should evolve as an organization. The conversations were both intensely collaborative and propelled by love, which we value as a radical and essential act of power.

We are excited about the stories we share and the lega- cies we uphold because of your support. We look forward VALUES to the next stages of our organizational development with • Nurture Creativity you as our partner and remain forever grateful. Thank you for making art, building community, and creating change • Be POC-Centered with us. • Create Change

In Light and Love, • Value Place • Write Our Own Histories • Be Propelled by Love

Curtis Young, Board Chair Kemi Ilesanmi, Executive Director

2 The Laundromat Project The News newsstand. We Participant reads zine from Lizania Cruz’s The Laundromat Project 3 PRACTICE

Create Change

Residents participate in Storyfolks: Storytelling for Self and Community Care, organized by Abby Dobson and Candace Williams, 2017 Bed-Stuy Fellows. Neighbors create self portraits during 2017 Artist-in-Residence Ahmed Tijay Mohammed Ubuntu workshop. CREATE CHANGE

In our flagship artist development program, Create Change, we challenged applicants to “Throughout this program, I realized address sanctuary, an issue of heightened concern in that this is my passion work, being The LP community and in the nation and the world at able to bridge organizing, community, large. It was our first-ever focal theme. and arts and culture together in my own city. I believe in this work, and The 39 members of the 2017 and 2018 Create I am excited to envision how to dig Change cohorts—two commissioned artists, ten roots deeper into the ground and how artists-in-residence, and 27 fellows—proved that a we will expand into the sky. compelling theme can galvanize artists working for Ingrid Romero, 2017 social justice. These artists taught us that sanctuary is Create Change Fellow. a practice, not just a space, and that creating sanc- tuary exposes complexities and tensions that merit sustained consideration.

4 The Laundromat Project Housing Not Warehousing! neighborhood walk with Picture the Homeless and Rude Mechanical Orchestra. Harlem Field-Day, 2017. The Laundromat Project 5 PRACTICE

2017 Commissions Projects

Olaronke Akinmowo Black August Cocoon (Bed-Stuy)

Black August Cocoon honored Black August—an annual celebration of the African revolutionary struggle in the Americas—via month-long trainings and rituals. Over the course of the month, Black women, femmes and gender nonconforming people gathered together to grow, create, connect and find peace and safety within their own body. Community members partook in weekly self-defense, body positive and self-affirmation classes that incorporated art making, book discussions, writing, and zine making. Community Partner: Brooklyn Movement Center.

The Black School Presents: The Bandanna Quite Performance. Harlem Field Day, 2017.


COMMISSIONS, RESIDENCIES & FELLOWSHIP Sue Jeong Ka ID Shop: Round Robin More resources—in the form of increased artist (Chinatown) stipends, production budgets, and enhanced The Create Change Program changed training curricula—deepen the impact an art- “the way I see myself as an artist. It ID Shop: Round Robin was a partnership ist-development program has on the participating with Hamilton-Madison House/Alfred allowed me to believe and see that my E. Smith Houses in Two Bridges/ artists as well as the communities with which practice can have an impact on shaping Chinatown (), to create– artists collaborate. better spaces for our community. alongside local residents–the first ever trilingual newspaper (Chinese, Spanish, Lizania Cruz, 2017 Create Change and English). The project began as a Depth over breadth in engagement also shines a Artist-in-Residence. series of hands-on zine workshops for light on the dynamism and diversity of artists of teens, and culminated in Round Robin color who practice community-based art. That’s a Newspaper, a publication featuring wonderful thing. It enables The LP to power-up its local artists, workshop participants, scholars, and workers from the Houses. investment in multiracial, multigenerational, and The community-focused newspaper multidisciplinary art making, community building, project created a civic forum that and leadership development. brought together participants from the neighborhood to discuss shared cross- racial issues of concern such as the state of public housing and immigration. Community Partner: Hamilton- Madison House. 6 The Laundromat Project The Laundromat Project 7 PRACTICE

2017 Residency Projects 2018 Residency Projects

Joseph Cuillier Zeelie Brown The Black School Rose Petal Refuge: Mental Wellness (Harlem) Workshops for Queer & Trans* People of Color Inspired by community-run schools (Harlem) founded throughout Black American history, The Black School: Harlem In Rose Petal Refuge, Soulscapes is an experimental art school that act as spaces of sanctuary for queer combines art-making workshops with and trans* people of color, upholding presentations and group discussions on spirit, self-love and emotional wellness. radical Black political theory. During the During the course of the project, healing Create Change residency, The Black and mental wellness workshops took School: Harlem took up residence in place inside each installation and Brotherhood/Sister Sol where visiting incorporated sensory experiences using artists taught art-making techniques herbs, aromatherapy, taste, and guided such as creative writing, screen printing, meditation. In addition, each Soulscape collage, photography, and other forms featured pairings of bleach paintings– of image-making. Community Partner: serving as subtle delineations of space Brotherhood/Sister Sol. for collective engagement and action– along with custom-made music to set the intimacy of each workshop. Community Partners: Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, Swale.

Ahmed Tijay Mohammed Sal Muñoz Ubuntu – I am because we are Yes, Femme! A Community Space for (Hunts Point/Longwood) Femmes of Color (Brooklyn) The African proverb “ubuntu (uu- boon-tuu, Nguni-Bantu),” meaning Yes, Femme! A Community Space humanity towards others, serves as for Femmes of Color, is an extension the cornerstone for Tijay Mohammed’s of Sal’s ongoing multifaceted series, residency project, Ubuntu – I am The FEMME Project, which features because we are. Anchored in West photographs and interviews with femmes African culture and traditions, the project of color. The body of work confronts the focused attention on the South Bronx erasure of trans and cis femmes of color connection to migration and created a while giving them space to articulate their gathering space to celebrate women, identity in their own words. The project particularly those living within the included a convening of femmes of color community. Primarily using African wax throughout to celebrate fabric and incorporating other assorted femininity via interactive activities materials and objects, participants and a curated meal. The launch of an created mixed-media portraits in tribute exhibition of The FEMME Project at to loved ones, neighbors and other Mayday Space (Brooklyn) complemented women in their lives. Community the convenings and shared private Partners: Mothers on The Move, community-building experiences with the African Life Center & ArchCare Senior greater public. Community Partners: Life. Brooklyn Museum, Mayday Space. The Laundromat Project 9 PRACTICE

2018 Residency Projects (cont’d)

Leslie Jimenez A World Inside Drawing (Harlem)

Throughout the course of her LP residency, versions of the drawings, as interpreted Leslie facilitated a series of collaborative by the artist. A World Inside Drawing art-making workshops with families in the celebrates community members and Sugar Hill section of Harlem. During the familial neighborhood spaces, and it acts gatherings, community members created as a sanctuary, where neighbors can illustrated books of drawings inspired literally see themselves inside their own by memories and experiences in their creations. Community Partners: Sugar Hill neighborhood. The workshops culminated Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling, in a large-scale interactive installation Sugar Hill Museum Preschool. featuring the illustrated book drawings and larger than life, diorama-like

10 The Laundromat Project Inside Drawing diorama. World A Leslie Jimenez The Laundromat Project 11 PRACTICE

YEAR-LONG RESIDENCIES Year-Long Residencies 2018 - 2020 / Chinatown Art Brigade Here to Stay: Housing for the People Mapping Project (Chinatown)

During their year-long residency at The LP––a continuation of their previous 6-month engagement–– Chinatown Art Brigade will launch a collaborative, critical mapping project that centers on placekeeping efforts in Chinatown and the Lower East Side. The long-term goal of the project will be to protect and preserve these historic neighborhoods. Here to Stay: Housing for the People Mapping Project will be a bilingual multimedia project featuring short video and audio testimonials from tenants who are directly impacted by displacement. Community Partner: CAAAV, Chinatown Tenants Union.

2017 - 2019 / Lizania Cruz We the News (Brooklyn) Lizania Cruz’s We the News is a newsstand that dis- tributes immigrant-focused publications and products. It features zines that archive stories and conversations by Black immigrants from the Caribbean and Africa, and first-generation Black Americans, collected during a series of private story circles. This project was originally commis- sioned by The LP in 2017, then it was expanded through 2018 as part of our first one-year residency. Major sup- port was provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The project includes story circles in collaboration with BAJI and African Services in Harlem, as well as a series of programing in which the public engages directly with the publications on the newstand. Community Partners: African Services, Angela’s, a Caribbean Restaurant, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, Word Up Community Bookstore.

12 The Laundromat Project PRACTICE

2017 / FELLOWS 2018 / FELLOWS

Stephanie Alvarado Zain Alam Nikomeh Anderson Mattie Brice Goussy Celéstin Pelenakeke (Keke) Brown Abby Dobson Jasmine Cintron Kearra Gopee Amanda Everich Emilio Martinez Poppe Ashleigh Goh Hua

2017 Fellow Nikomeh Anderson facilitates workshop during the 2017 Kelly Street block party. 2018 Hunts-Point/Longwood 2018 Fellow Arielle Knight takes portraits during Cultivate Alejandra Nasser Fellows’ wellness zine. Project Harmony: Bloom Where You Are Planted. Malanya Graham Alethea Pace Lee Jimenez Makeba Rainey Arielle Knight Ingrid Romero Nadine Nelson Elizabeth Rossi Dionis Ortiz Nayo Sasaki-Picou Jaime Sunwoo Candace Williams Cievel Xicohtencatl Yidan Zeng





14 The Laundromat Project The Laundromat Project 15 PRACTICE

CREATE CHANGE 2017 - 2018 By the Numbers

39 400+ Artists advanced Hours committed to as change agents in trainings and direct their own engagement within communities. communities.

Create Change Fellowship Community Partners

Banana Kelly Community The Joseph Daniel Wilson Improvement Association Memorial Garden Concord Baptist Freedom Kelly Street Garden School Picture The Homeless 16 Concord Nursing Home and The Point Community Rehabilitation Center Development Corporation Community-attuned Hancock Community Garden Project Harmony Heath Gallery projects across HYDE Leadership Charter STooPS Weaving Hand New York City. School Workforce Housing Group

The LP Faculty

Art Work Practice (Nayantara Michael Premo + Rachel Falcone Sen, Tammy Johnson) Sady Sullivan Casitas Wisdom (Myrna Caban Shamilia Mcbean Lezcano) STooPS (Kendra Ross) 5,700 Elvira Clayton Julien A. Terrell New Yorkers engaged. Walter Cruz Urban Bush Women (Paloma Fernanda Espinosa McGregor, Chanon Judson) Ebony Noelle Golden Betty Yu NOCD-NY (Gonzalo Casals) Art making during 2017 Bed-Stuy Field Day workshop Weaving 16 The Laundromat Project Histories: Mapping Our Journey to Sanctuary. DEEPEN

Kelly Street Collaborative Resources

Portrait from 2015 Commissions project StoryBlock by Alison Kibbe and Sasha Phyars-Burgess. Acquired by Bronx Community College Archives and installed in the Kelly Street Garden during 2017 Hunts-Point/Longwood Field Day.

KELLY STREET COLLABORATIVE Programs Workshops At the Bronx-based Kelly Street Collaborative, The community-designed hub becomes home to neighbors share knowledge and tools to foster year-round skill-building creative workshops, com- community resilience through art. Established munity-responsive exhibitions, and resource and in partnership with Workforce Housing Group, wellness sharing. Kelly Street Garden, and Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, Kelly In addition, as part of our work on Kelly Street, The Street is a cultural as well as physical space. LP offers studio space for up to one year for Bronx- It functions as a living environment for holding based artists of color. During their time with us, ourselves accountable to an anchor community. artists continue to develop their work, hold open studios and host monthly public programming.

“The Laundromat Project showed me that art is not just about putting paint on a canvas. It’s a mental challenge. Some people don’t think they have the technique and drawing skills, but you put your hand down and use your just let yourself flow. Lil Sput, Kelly Street Resident and hip-hop dance legend.

18 The Laundromat Project DEEPEN


2017 / Walter Cruz 2017-2018 Kelly Street Artist-in-Residence, Walter Cruz is a creator, collaborator and dreamer who seeks to cre- ate moments of critical thinking through his artwork and designs.

A Create Change Fellowship alum, Walter’s culminat- ing residency exhibition, “In Case of Negativity,” turned bare white walls into a space filled with an abundance of affirmations.

“This is the first studio residency I’ve done, so it’s nice to have a space that’s only dedicated to cre- ating, and it’s nice that it’s only 20 minutes away from where I live. That’s a plus because it’s really hard to get space to make art period, let alone in the Bronx, so that’s really cool. Walter Cruz

2018 / Designing the We, The Big Rethink In November 2017, The Laundromat Project novel approaches to reclaiming their neighbor- launched our Community Artist Residency. Out of hoods and public space, especially in the context our Kelly Street Collaborative space, Bronx-based of City Council’s recent approval of the Bronx’s artists and collectives can engage with Hunts Jerome Avenue, and ongoing issues with New York Point/Longwood residents through 3-month, inter- City Housing Authority (NYCHA). active projects. Our inaugural artists-in-residence were Designing the We, a for-benefit design studio with members based in the Bronx. They installed It was great to hear the youth share an exhibition “The Big Rethink” in our Kelly Street “their different perspectives, and Collaborative space. The project was designed to more importantly, how they have the challenge local residents and visitors to imagine power to control narrative through documentation and archiving. April de Simone, Desiging the We

20 The Laundromat Project DEEPEN

RESIDENCIES 2018 / Gina Goico Our third Kelly Street Artist-in-Residence, Gina Goico is a Bronx-based interdisciplinary artist, educator and activist. Her work focuses on identity and woman- hood in the Dominican Republic and its diasporas, the self, community, and healing.

“Having a residency that encourages social practice and community engagement and provides support for one’s projects is what I’ve been dreaming of for quite a while. The even ‘cooler’ thing about this is that I am still in my borough… close to home, close to work–– an artist’s dream. Having this [studio] space to host my creative session and new performances and cre- ate new textile art and installations. Gina Goico

22 The Laundromat Project The Laundromat Project 23 DEEPEN

KELLY STREET COLLABORATIVE 2017 - 2018 By the Numbers

100 Community arts education workshops.

Kelly Street Collaborative Partners

Banana Kelly Community The Point Community Improvement Association Development Corporation HYDE Leadership Charter Workforce Housing Group School 100 Kelly Street Garden Community-responsive Kelly Street Workshop Facilitators public programs.

Damali Abrams Ayana Evans Tijay Mohammed Fay Bonas Isabel Figueroa Emilio Montilla BUFU Gina Goico Antonia Perez Alix Camacho Rossemary Shani Peters Jasmine Cintron Gomez Uptown Vinyl Walter Cruz Alicia Grullon Bruce Zeines 4,000 Joseph Cuillier Leslie Jimenez Dennis Redmoon Ron Kavanaugh Members of the Darkeem Jessica Lagunas Nicolás Dumit Shaun Leonardo South Bronx community Estévez Raful Emily Mock engaged.

2017 Greening the City Festival. The Laundromat Project 25 FINANCIALS

Funds That Fuel Us 2017 2018

Foundations Individals Foundations Individals $684,279 $98,012 $963,075 $77,499 Government Government $51,650 $59,115 Special Events Special Events $63,246 $57,572 Corporate Corporate $6,114 $24,590 Other Other $69,266 $50,667

To t a l To t a l $972,567 $1,232,518

Where the Funds Go 2017 2018

Programs Fundraising Programs Fundraising $591,426 $89,101 $558,270 $67,634 General General $86,291 $168,919

To t a l To t a l $766,818 $794,823

Our Approach to Sustainability The Laundromat Project is committed to building our- We take a community approach to support, with 100% selves as a sustainable institution. We have operated of our board members giving each year as well as in the black consistently since our inception in 2005, ongoing support from artist alumni, neighbors, and while simultaneously increasing our budget over time. friends. In 2018, we set the strategic groundwork Surpluses from unrestricted donations are applied to for long-term financial health by retaining Rebecca future programming and building our operational re- Thomas and Associates (formerly of Nonprofit Finance serve. Each year, we add to our operating reserve with Fund) to help us fully articulate a rigorous financial the intention of having 4-6 months of operating costs projection model through 2022, including a laser focus on hand for a rainy day. on growing our individual fundraising base over the next few years.

The Laundromat Project: Sanctuary at Lincoln Center. Featuring LP alumni Salome Asega, Rasu Jilani, Salvador The Laundromat Project 27 Muñoz, Nontsikelelo Mutiti, Kameelah Janan Rasheed, and Katherine Toukhy. Moderated by Saeed Jones. SUPPORTERS SUPPORTERS

Imagine More Fund Institutional Supporters Individual Supporters Gavin Brown Andy Warhol Foundation Muriel Pollia Foundation Sharon Abbott Amy Carroll Teresita Fernandez Daonne Huff Lola Libre Gala Narezo Al Saint Jean derson* Sara Abdullah* Lorie Caval Mark Fifer Erica Hunt Brad Lichenstein Nadine Nelson* Obe Salahuddin Trisha Tchume Tresell Davis Annenberg Foundation New York Community Trust / Race Forward Erin Abraham Aaron Cedolia* Rajeeyah Finnie-Myers Natsumi Iimura Michael Lidgus Mariana Newhard Cheryl Salahuddin Alexin Tenefrancia The Bay & Paul Foundations New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Jennifer Abrams Robin Cembalest Deborah Fisher Olukemi Ilesanmi* Janet Liff Laura Nicoll Mary Saliani Tatyana Tenenbaum Stephanie Dinkins ACRE* Ranjani Chakraborty Alexandra Fisher Tolawo Ilesanmi Toya Lillard Al Nkulu Leslie Sanderson Selly Thiam Marcus Ellington Berk Foundation in partnership with the City Council Nancy Agabian Beth Champ Havanna Fisher-Newby* Betsy Imershein Lauraberth Lima* Alison Novak Ruth Santana Tiana Thomas Common Practice New York NYC Councilmember Rafael Salamanca, Jr. John Ahearn Aimee Chang Alison Fleminger George Ingalls Terza Lima-Neves Vivian Ohtake-Urizar Trish Santini Laura Marie Thompson Janlori Goldman & Katherine Franke Nancy Ahn Alexandra Chang William Floyd Gayle Isa Emerald Lin beluvid ola-jendai Kate Scelsa David Thomson Kemi Ilesanmi Distracted Globe Foundation The New York State Council on the Arts Chitra Aiyar Solana Chehtman Douglas Fogle Michelle Isenberg Edward Lin Mary Olsen Ellen Schall The Roy and Niuta Titus Caruso Foundation Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Zahra Alabanza Donna Chin The Tecovas Foundation Erica Itzkowitz Justin Lioi Busayo Olupona Virginia Schirrmeister Foundation, Inc. George Ingalls (The Tecovas Foundaiton) Abimbola Alade Amy Chu Korones Family Foun- Samuel Jackson Romon Lipscomb Sheryl Oring Paul Schmelzer Ti m To m p k i n s Colleen Keegan Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation Marie Alexander Jaime Coan dation DeVon Jackson Franck Litzler Dionis Ortiz* Schneider Family Cynthia Tobar* Ford Foundation Stavros Niarchos Foundation Fayetta Alexander Taylor Cohen Lisa Frank Groffrey Jackson Scott* Frances Liu Zahra Osman Foundatino Katherine Toukhy Glenn Ligon Sallishah Ali* Dionne Coleby Barbara Frank Bronwyn James Feifei Liu Emma Osore Nina Schulman Nabila Toukhy Tait Sye The Hyde and Watson Foundation Surdna Foundation Persephone Allen Jennifer Cook Annette Friedlein Ganessa James Laura Liu Pepon Osorio Sarah Schultz Kirya Traber The Jerome Foundation Tecovas Foundation Catherine Almonte Cesar Cornejo Frank Fristensky Smiley Jammer Melissa Liu* Edwin Pagan Leslie Schultz Agnieszka Trojniak Nari Ward J Bob Alotta Marissa Corwin Nadia Fristensky* Caitlin Jans Ann Lonsdale Matt Patrick Deborah Schwartz Fa r r a Tromp e t e r Thomas Wong Kickstarter, PBC The W Trust Dorice Ambroise Mary Cosme Victoria Fristensky Eileen Jeng Lynch Javier Lonsdale Amy Paul Nadia Schwartz Tykulsker Articia Troy Lambent Foundation The Theo Westenberger Estate Hally Ammons Mary Costa Boo Froebel Haesoo Jeong* Rosalba Lopez Ramirez Katie Pearl Leslie Selden Ela Troyano Alea Woodlee Akwe Amosu Amy Costandi Jessica Fulena Anna Lise Jensen Hannah Lucal Judy Peel Shain Selzer Brynna K Tucker Curtis Young Lincoln Center Cultural Innovation Fund The William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust Ivelyse Andino Kimberleigh Costanzo Miriam Gabriel Mary Jeys Mei Lum Judith Peel Dan Selzer Latasha Tucker Materials for the Arts Charleen Ang Donna Costello Ivan Gaete* Rasu Jilani* Matthew Lyons Kurt Peloquin Paul Mpagi Sepuya Kathryn Tully Tomie Arai* Shannon Coughlin Charles Gaines Lee Jimemez Clarinda Mac Low Meropi Peponides Paul Sepuya Wendy Twardzik The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Janice Arakaki Michael Cousins Colette Gaiter Ayana Johnson Shalewa Mackall Stephanie Pereira Ruth Sergel Scott Tyler Mertz Gilmore Foundation Sherry Archer Sarita Covington Chitra Ganesh Terrence Johnson Erskin Mackall Frances Perez Gwen Cyrkiel & Seth Annisah Um’rani Melanie Armer Joy Crowe Sandra Garner Saeed Jones Betsy MacLean Andrew Peters Borgos Jiny Ung Peg Armstrong Carol Crump Christine Gaspar Steve Jones Sarah Madigan Craig Peterson Lauren Shadford Katharine Uva Bill Arning Lizania Cruz Joseph Gauntlett Victor Jones Patricia Maher Giovannah Philippeaux Fayemi Shakur Mark Valdez Mark Aronson Walter Cruz Joan Gaylord Ladi’Sasha Jones* Maureen Mahon & Brian Marie Philippeaux Michael Shea Michelle Valentina Salome Asega Maura Cuffie Mathew Geller Russell Jones Ta t e Ariel Phillips John Sheffield Petra Valentova Caron Atlas* Erlene Curry Kacy George* Eungie Joo Olutoyin Malomo Erica Phillips david Sheinkopf Sarah Van Arsdale Hossannah Asuncion* Bonnie Cushing Ian Gerson Melanie Joseph Fernando Maneca Meredith Phillips Minnie Shen Viviana Vargas Yona Backer Richel Cuyler Shawnee Gibson Isha Joshi Jaiwantie Manni Almeida Toby Sheppard Bloch Diya Vij Nandini Bagchee Ricky DaCosta Arianna Gieringer Kirk Hudson Eric Marcus Job Piston Risa Shoup Rachael Wagner SOAPBOX Deborah Baker Cassidy Daley Connie Gieringer Julia Kaganskiy Emilio Martinez Poppe Marika Plater David Shrobe Jasmine Wahi Nisha Baliga Cathy Dang Joel Gil Kate Kahan Jessica Massart Anna Poe-Kest Denise Shu Mei Stephanie Wakeham Oxiris Barbot Tara Daniels Jenny Gill Michael Kamber Robert Master JP Polak Anona Shugart Walker Andreas Wald- Annual Benefit Lindsay Barenz Dennis Darkeem John Gilpatrick Stephan Kammerer Devin Mathis PJ Policarpio Georgia Siampalioti burg-Wolfegg Allison Barlow Kimberly Darling Njoki Gitahi Prithi Kanakamedala Shamilia McBean* Anne Pollack Romauli Sianipar Anona Shugart Walker Bridget Bartolini Kristina Davies Di Glazer Amy Kantrowitz Donald McBride Sheetal Prajapati Noel Sidford Robyne Walker Duncan Barton Damien Davis Erin Gleason Samara Karasyk Laurie McCants Rita Prajapati Susan Siegel Nari Ward Teresa Basilio Sonia Davis Ebony Golden Anna Kats Amy McClure Michael Premo Maat Silin Robyne Walker Murphy 2017 Chloe Bass* Dene Davis Mindy Gold Ron Kavanaugh Larry McGee Bonnie Premo Jasmine Simmons Susie Walter Maria Bauman Tresell Davis* Anne Goldrach Richard Kazis Paloma McGregor Anne Preston Dashaun Simmons Meredith Walters HONOREES BENEFIT COMMITTEE Alicia Bauman-Morales Raquel De Anda Ali Goldstein Norup* Colleen Keegan Maureen McGoorty Rebecca Pristoop Julie Simon Thomas Warner Suhaly Bautista-Car- Claro de los Reyes Lynn Goldstein Michael Keegan Miriam McGurl Michelle Proffit Kira Simon-Kennedy Patrice Washington Dr. Deborah Willis & SPONSORS olina* Thomas DeFrantz Mara Goodman Margaret Keet Caitlin McIntyre Matthew Putorti Gloria Simon Carl-Anthony Watson Hank Willis Thomas Affinity Health Plan Agnes Gund Thomas J. Lax Antwaun Sargent Naomi Beckwith Rachel DeGuzman Amy Grandov Alisa Keiser Tiffany McKenzie Kevin Rabsatt Ashley Simone Tiana Webb Evans Sharon Behnke Cat Del Buono Maggie Greenfield Megan Kendzior Marci McLendon Susan Rae-Reeves Stephanie Skaff Laurie Weisman Kameelah Janan Rasheed Gonzalo Casals Catherine Gund Glenn Ligon Sarah Schultz Catherine Behrend Dudley del Balso Tamara Greenfield Carol Kennelly Rodney McMillian Laura Raicovich Jennifer Small Nico Wheadon Tahnia Belle Aurelio del Muro Paul Griffin Jim Kennelly* Doris McMillon Kavita Rajanna* Naylano Shawn Smith Daniel White Katie Dixon Kathy Halbreich Franck Jean Litzler Tito’s Handmade Vodka Gabrielle Bendiner- Susan Delvalle CJ Grimes Michael Kennelly* Adeline Medeiros Betty Ramirez Michael Smith Tanisha Whiting HONORARY CHAIRS Viani* Frederick Dennin Stephanie Gromek Franny Kent Jill Medvedow Yvette Ramirez* Anthony Snowden Maya Wiley Kimberly Drew Alex & Paul Herzan Ray A. Llanos Eddie Torres Sandra Berec Ryan Dennis Molly Gross Jennifer Kern Lisa Middag Frances Ramos Mikhaile Solomon Ayesha Williams Terestia Fernandez John E. Ellis, M.D. Kirk Hudson Adam MacLean Eugenie Tsai Annaber Berg Heather DeStefano Michael Grossman Martin & Ruth Kest Meg Miles Hatuey Ramos-Fermin* Paul Sonn Jules Williams Lauren Burke Chris DeTora Funda Gul Steve Kest* Angela Miles Daniel Ranells Michelle Soto Moira Williams Saeed Jones EmcArts Joan Mitchell Foundation Maureen Mahon Nicola Vassell Valerie Berlin David DeVaughn Christine Habib Mona Khalidi Margaret Miles Jessica Rankin & Julie Mary South Kim Williams Betsy Berne Marit Dewhurst Alana Hairston Alison Kibbe Scott Millstein Mehretu Priscilla Stadler* Nathaniel Williams Richard Flood Colleen Keegan & Brian Tate WABC-TV Emily Berry Melissa Dibble Kathy Halbreich Chet Kincaid* Jared Minsk Robert Ransick Carol Stakenas Kadri Williams PRINT ARTIST Gavin Brown’s enterprise Steve Kest Larry Ossei-Mensah Tiana Webb Evans Tamiko Beyer Matthew Dicken Ronald Hall Candace King Weir Emily Mock* Mel Raoul Diana Stan Molly Williams Viviana Bianchi Xenia Diente Alvin Hall Inbar Kishoni William Mock Kameelah Janan Jane Stanford Camilla Williams Saya Woolfalk GCJ Management Nefertari Kirkman-Bey Shelley & Donald Rubin Merele Williams Adkins Debby Bielak Latasha Diggs Brittny Hall Arielle Knight Elizabeth Mogel Rasheed Rachel Steinberg Candisse Williamson Jennifer Bills Dylana Dillon Jonathan Halsey Audee Kochiyama-Hol- Valeria Mogilevich Emily Rasmussen Deborah Steinglass Deborah Willis Susan & Chris Gifford Lagunitas Brewing Foundation Risë Wilson Bethany Bingham Dmitry Diment Daniell Hamby man Mariana Mogilevich Laura Ravn Akiva Steinmetz-Silber* Elizabeth Wilson Thelma Golden Company Shonali Saha Katherine Wilson-Milne Chris Black Stephanie Dinkins* Richard Hamilton Sarah Konner Ahmed Tijay Moham- Ama Redd Javaka Steptoe Rise Wilson Stephanie Bok Katie Dixon Kayla Hamilton Korones Family Foun- med* Prerana Reddy Rabih Stevenson Katie Wilson-Milne Aliya Bonar Chris Doucette Caleb Hammons dation Mary-Ann Monforton Sam Reisman Brandi Stewart Adrienne Wong Wade Bonds Tanicea Douglas Joseph Harrell Susan Korones Gifford El Monroe Allison Relihan Christa Stone Tennesha Wood Carmen Boon Kimberly Drew Lindsay Harris Kate Korroch Lyra Monteiro Lincoln Restler Fran Streich Caroline Woolard Alicia Boone Alec Duffy Diedra Harris-Kelley Adrianne Koteen Erick Montes Maya Reyes* Marcus Strickland Cindy & Haja Worley 2018 David Borgonjon Dare Dukes Anna Harsanyi Aurelia Kotlarewski Marion Montgomery Charles Rice-Gonzalez Dawn Strickland* Sacha Wynne BENEFIT COMMITTEE Seth Borgos Sean Dunbar Hyatt Hasegawa Bailey Justin Krajeski Maxine Montilus Christopher Robbins Todd & Sharon Suchotliff Ling Xuan HONOREES Jill Borrero Sheryll Durrant Tenasia E Hatch Lillian Kwong Justin Moore Lenisha Roberts Nancy Stuka Cievel Xicohtencatl & SPONSORS Linda Bottallo Selena Edelen John Hatfield Lawrence Lally Jason & Alicia Hall Jacob Robichaux Karen Stults Lisa Yancey Elia Alba Erick Boustead & Nadia Glory Edim Janine Hausif Carolyn Lambert Moran Esther Robinson Sarah Sullivan Chin Chih Yang Rinku Sen Affirmation Arts Catherine Gund Race Forward Mohamed Jean Egger Lena Hayes Aaron Landsman Marin Moran Desiree Robinson David Sundell Stephanie Yazgi Melissa Branfman Kathryn Einerson Saundra Heath Juanita Lanzo Deborah Morris Autumn Robinson Jaime Sunwoo Tendaji Ya’Ukuu Ta t t f oo Ta n Gonzalo Casals Joan Mitchell Foundation Jeffrey & Marjorie Rosen Kelsey Brinkman Ellen Eisenman Pablo Helgueta Corina Larkin Melissa Morrone Heather Robles Andrew Suseno Curtis Young* CBS Colleen Keegan Show Strategy, Inc. Suzanne Broughel* Barbara Elam Naomi Hersson-Ring- Mary Lassen Sydnie Mosley Sari C Roboff Craig Sutherland* Betty Yu* Jennifer Broughel Kristin Ellington skog Ed Lederman Vanessa Motley Colleen Roche Jessica Svenson Laura Zabel Katie Dixon Steve Kest Tito’s Handmade Vodka Gavin Brown Marcus Ellington* Alexandra Herzan Do Lee Kicy Motley Katy Rogers Sonia Swanson Claudia Zamora HONORARY CHAIRS Denise Brown John Ellis Devin Heyward Jr Lee Simon Moushabeck Patrick Rosal Kaitlyn Swearingen Sara Zatz Ruth Carter O-T Fagbenle Noel Kirnon Wine & Spirits Magazine Adrienne Brown Rebecca Elmquist Ally Hickson Dorothy Leech Melissa Mowery John Rosenberg Tait Sye Mary Zuiderveen Richard Flood Lagunitas Brewing Company Workforce Housing Group Kiyama Brown Nicky Enright Patton Hindle Elizabeth Leonard Paul Mullins Lesley Rosenthal Lena Sze Sara Zuiderveen* Merele Williams Adkins Hana Bruce Miriam Eusebio James Hirschfeld Shaun Leonardo Sal Munoz* Kendra Ross Leila Tamari Janlori Goldman & Katherine Glenn Ligon Ernest Bryant Andre Evans Tracy Hobson Ruby Lerner Michael Mut Ebony Ross Leslie Tamaribuchi Lauren Burke Tiana Evans Barbara Hoffman Susana Leval Nontsikelelo Mutiti Joan Rothfuss Ta t t f oo Tan * PRINT ARTIST Franke Maureen Mahon & Brian Tate Berverly Byrd Rachel Falcone* Aimee Hoffner Melissa Levin Suzy Myers Jackson Sarah Rowe Jacqueline Taylor Caitlin Cahill YH Fan Simone Holden Emily Ahn Levy Darrell Myles Katy Rubin Julia Taylor Tatyana Fazlalizadeh Agnes Gund Open Society Foundations Daryl Cannon Chris Fanjul Kellie Honeycutt Ned Levy Shoba Nahappan Colin W Rusch Flora Taylor Adalky Capellan Mary Farley Traci Horgen Ray Lewis Meera Nair Duhirwe Rushemeza Brianna Taylor Tracey Capers Roderick Ferguson Zoe Hudson Philip Li Jon Napolitano Martina Russial Michele Taylor-Hen-

The Laundromat Project 29 *Indicates People-Powered Challenge People Movers WHO WE ARE

STAFF BOARD Moncho Alvarado, Operations Associate Naomi Beckwith Amelia Brod, Development Manager Aaron Cedolia Destinee Forbes, Storytelling Fellow Tresell Davis Ladi’Sasha Jones, Artist Engagement Manager Suzy Delvalle Kemi Ilesanmi, Executive Director Marcus Ellington Hatuey Ramos-Fermín, Director of Programs Dr. Erika Faust Ayesha Williams, Deputy Director Ali Goldstein-Norup Cievel Xicohtencatl, Community Rasu Jilani Engagement Manager George Suttles Tendaji Ubunifu Ya’Ukuu, Kelly Street Fellow Curtis Young

FOUNDER KEY CONSULTANTS Risë Wilson Artspool, HR & Finance Ebony Golden, Cultural Organizer NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD ORGANIZATIONAL Erin Barnes PARTNERS Teresita Fernandez Banana Kelly Community Sonia Guiñansaca Improvement Association Thomas Lax Bronx Cultural Collective Susana Torruella Leval Denniston Hill Glenn Ligon Kelly Street Garden Larry Ossei-Mensah Laundry Pro Katy Rogers NOCD-NY Nelini Stamp The New School Eugenie Tsai OF/BY/FOR ALL Javier Valdes Workforce Housing Group Tiana Webb Evans Dr. Deborah Willis Merele Williams Adkins

CATALYST CIRCLE Ariel Adkins Novella Ford Prerana Reddy Tomie Arai Sunanda Ghosh Katy Rubin Salome Asega Tamara Greenfield Xaviera Simmons Suhaly Bautista Cat Gund Julie Simon Leenda Bonilla Elizabeth Hamby Paula Smith Gonzalo Casals Kathy Halbreich Priscilla Stadler Glenn Charles, Jr. Lindsay Harris Akiva Steinmetz-Silber Robin Clark Steven Hudson Alexandra Sullivan Elvira Clayton Kameelah Janan Rasheed Sady (Sarah) Sullivan Elena Conte Colleen Keegan Brian Tate & Maureen Mahon Walter Cruz Steve Kest Michele Taylor-Henderson Xenia Diente Chet Kincaid Diya Vij Stephanie Dinkins Nefertari Kirkman-Bey Pross Meredith Walters Katie Dixon Emily Krell Caroline Woolard Kimberly Drew Solana Chehtman Tracee Worley Sean Elwood Paul Limperopulos DeeArah Wright Fernanda Espinosa Scott Millstein Joanne Wright Olivia Fagon Suzy Myers Jackson Betty Yu Richard Flood Sheetal Prajapati Sara Zuiderveen

A special thank you to former staff, interns, consultants, and volunteers! The Laundromat Project The Laundromat Project advances artists and neighbors 127 West 127th St as change agents in their own communities. Suite 434 New York, NY 10027