Fascism 2 (2013) 1–17 brill.com/fasc ‘Fascism… but with an open mind.’ Reflections on the Contemporary Far Right in (Western) Europe First Lecture on Fascism – Amsterdam – 25 April 2013 Nigel Copsey Professor of Modern History, Teesside University (UK)
[email protected] Abstract The political science community would have us believe that since the 1980s something entirely detached from historical or neo-fascism has emerged in (Western) Europe - a populist radical- ization of mainstream concerns - a novel form of ‘radical right-wing populism.’ Yet the concept of ‘radical right-wing populism’ is deeply problematic because it suggests that (Western) Europe’s contemporary far right has become essentially different from forms of right-wing extremism that preceded it, and from forms of right-wing extremism that continue to exist alongside it. Such an approach, as this First Lecture on Fascism argues, fails to appreciate the critical role that neo-fascism has played, and still plays, in adapting Europe’s contemporary far right to the norms and realities of multi-ethnic, liberal-democratic society. Political scientists should fixate less on novelty and the quest for neat typologies, and instead engage far more seriously with (neo) fascism studies. Keywords radical right-wing populism; fascism; neo-fascism; neo-fascist thesis; Nouvelle Droite; French New Right; European New Right Introduction First let me explain the origins of the title for this lecture: ‘Fascism… but with an open mind.’ I recently received this apparent oxymoron in an email from a * Due to obvious limitations of space/time, the scope of this lecture is restricted to Western Europe; and the survey of scholarship is restricted to works published in the English language.