SCIENCE DIPLOMACY REVIEW Vol. 3 | No. 1 | April 2021 EDITORIAL ARTICLES From Securing the State to Safeguarding the Atom: The Relevance of History to Nuclear Diplomacy Maria Rentetzi The Speedy Transmission of Corona Infections – Rebooting Science Diplomacy Trithesh Nandan A New Generation of Trainings on Science Diplomacy for Global Challenges: Insights from two European Projects Nadia Meyer, Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Natalia Czajkowska, Elke Dall, Ana Elorza, Maria Josten, Pascal Griset, Izaskun Lacunza, Lorenzo Melchor, Andreas P. Müller, Daniella Palmberg, Claire Mays PERSPECTIVES Circulation of Science Diplomacy: Exploring the Motion of Ideas Zane Šime 5th Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) 2021 and United Nations Multilateral Standard-Setting Bodies: A Perspective Basir Ahmed Standing on the Shoulders of Our Giants: Science Diplomacy for the Future Scientific Progress Archana Sharma Science Diplomacy Beyond Politics M. Anandakrishnan (Continued on outside back cover) Science Diplomacy Review Editors Sachin Chaturvedi Director General, RIS Bhaskar Balakrishnan Science Diplomacy Fellow, RIS Krishna Ravi Srinivas Consultant, RIS Associate Editor Kapil Patil Research Associate, RIS The editorial correspondence should be addressed to the Editor, Science Diplomacy Review, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), Core IV-B, Fourth Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, India. Phone: +91-11-24682177-80, Fax: +91-11-24682173-74. Email:
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[email protected]. © RIS, 2021. RNI Registration No. DELENG/2021/79753. The views expressed in science diplomacy review are those of authors and not necessarily those of the RIS or the organizations they belong to. SCIENCE DIPLOMACY REVIEW Vol. 3 | No.