Understanding Multiple Jatropha Discourses in Zimbabwe
Understanding Multiple Jatropha Discourses in Zimbabwe: A Case of the National Oil Company of Zimbabwe (NOCZIM) Jatropha Outgrower Scheme and Nyahondo Small-scale Commercial Farmers, Mutoko A Research Paper presented by: Confidence Tendai Zibo Zimbabwe in partial fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining the degree of MASTERS OF ARTS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES Specialization: Environment and Sustainable Development ESD Members of the Examining Committee: Ingrid Nelson Carol Hunsberger The Hague, The Netherlands December 2012 Acknowledgements I wish to extend my most sincere gratitude to my supervisor and second reader, Ingrid and Carol. Thank you for all the support and mentorship during the duration of my studies, most of all during the finalisation of this paper. Thank you, I am truly grateful. My ESD Convenor, Dr. M. Arsel, your leadership during the Master Pro- gramme is much appreciated. Thank you. To all the WWF Zimbabwe, Environment Africa, Ministry of Energy staff- Ministry of Energy staff in Zimbabwe who assisted with the collection of data during my field research, thank you. Your assistance was valuable. To the ESD 2011-2012 Batch, and my ISS Family, Brenda Habasonda, Lynn Muwi, Josephine Kaserera, Helen Venganai and Yvonne Juwaki, we did it it!!! My family from home, Alice and Erchins Zhou, Pardon, Jellister, Jennifer, Daniel, Hazel, Primrose, God bless you!! Last, but not least, I wish to extend my most sincere gratitude to the Dutch Government for funding my studies through the Dutch Higher Education Programme, Nuffic. Thank you for this great opportunity. Above all I thank God for His guidance. ii Contents Acknowledgements ii List of Tables v List of Figures v List of Acronyms vi Abstract vii Chapter 1 : Introduction 1 1.1 An Anecdote 1 1.2 Biofuels Vs Agrofuels 1 1.2.1 The Agrofuels Debate 2 1.3 History and Uses of Jatropha 3 1.3.1.
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