THEA 461: History of Theatre & Drama: Beginnings to 1600
The University of South Dakota THEA 461: History of Theatre & Drama: Beginnings to 1600 Concepts addressed: History, Theory and Literature Development of the theatre, including knowledge of performance architecture, technology, the relationship of theatre and society, theatre organization, conventions, and vocabulary as well as representative plays from the following periods within Western literature: origins, Greek and Roman, medieval, Renaissance When, where, what it is, importance to theatre/to the development of theatre Abydos Passion Play Ancient Greece • Hellenic period • Defeat of Persians • Peloponnesian War • Pericles (Age of) • Polis • Thespis • City Dionysia: organization, contests • Lenaia • Dithyrambic chorus • Tetralogy, trilogy • Archon • Choragus • Audience composition • Aeschylus, including plays, style, innovations Prometheus Bound, Oresteia (Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides) • Sophocles, including plays, style, innovations Oedipus the King, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus Euripides, including plays, style Hippolvtus, Medea, The Bacchae • Aristotle: Poetics, definition of tragedy, elements of tragedy (in order), complex/simple plots, anagnorisis (recognition), peripeteia (reversal), hamartia (error), hubris (excessive pride: a type of hamartia); be able to discuss plays from Aristotelian view • Structure of tragedy: prologus, parados, episodes, choral odes, exodos; be able to discuss • plays structurally • Crisis drama • Satyr plays • Old Comedy: subject matter, style, structure (prologos, parados, agon, parabasis,
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