Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 1 Geologic Time What period of the Paleozoic era was named after Devonshire, England?

Devonian period 2 Inspirations An account of a 500-pound marlin caught off Bimini was said to have inspired Ernest Hemingway to begin what novel?

The Old Man and the Sea 3 Algebraic Factoring Factor 6q - 2pq.

2q(3-p) 4 Mining These were early mining towns in what future U.S. state? Hangtown, Weaverville, Shasta, Yreka

California 5 Territories These are territories of what country? Jarvis Island, Kingman Reef, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, Johnston Atoll, Wake Island

United States Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 6 Meetings Name the sequence of items to be addressed in a meeting based on the organization's order of business.

agenda 7 Intensifiers What are the two intensifiers in this line from Poe's "The Black Cat"? Nervous, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am, but why will you say that I am mad?

very, dreadfully 8 Hydrozoans With a name like that of the only mortal Gorgon, what is the term for the sexual stage of hydrozoans?

medusa 9 Medieval Jobs During the Middle ages, these jobs all related to what imposing structures? carters, castellans, minstrels, porters, watchmen, ladies-in-waiting, chambermaids

castles 10 Asian Architecture What famous tomb is said to be "the jewel of Muslim art in India"?

Taj Mahal Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 11 Novels These works all fit into what general category of novels? The Other Boleyn Girl The Book Thief The Name of the Rose The Three Musketeers The Grapes of Wrath The Scarlet Letter

historical novel (historical fiction) 12 Phobias Scottie Ferguson, the central character is Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "Vertigo," suffers from what phobia?

acrophobia 13 Thomas Paine The name of what season follows shortly in this quotation by Thomas Paine? These are the times that try men's souls.

summer 14 Chemical Compounds What is shared between atoms in a covalent bond?

electrons 15 Light When an object is traveling toward Earth at a high rate of speed, its light waves are shortened and the object appears to take on a greater degree of what hue?

blue Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 16 Spasms Painful, involuntary muscle spasms that are usually associated with heavy exercise in hot environments are known as what kind of cramps?

heat cramps 17 Skin Secretions Consisting largely of fat and keratin, name the natural oily substance found in skin.

sebum 18 Namesakes The huge German airship that fell from the sky in a ball of flame in New Jersey in 1937 was named for what president of the Weimar Republic?

(Paul von) Hindenburg 19 Crimes What kind of crime is based on schemes involving the postal system?

mail fraud 20 Literary Forms What is the literary term for a sermon or religious discourse?

homily Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 21 Hemispheres The surface area of a hemisphere is calculated by multiplying pi times the radius squared times what constant?

2 22 Oaths of Office Judge Sarah T. Hughes, a federal district court judge in the Northern District of Texas, administered the oath of office to what U.S. president?

Lyndon Johnson 23 Mountain Ranges The highest peak of what mountain range that extends from northern California through western Oregon and Washington into British Columbia is Mount Rainier?

Cascade Range (Cascades) 24 Controversial Trades The five Taliban prisoners who were traded in 2014 for Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl had been held in what American detention center?

Guantanamo Bay 25 Law Enforcement The NWMP provided law enforcement and collected custom duties brought over the Chilkoot Pass by prospectors heading to the Klondike. What does that abbreviation mean?

North West Mounted Police Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 26 Symbols What kind of materials are internationally indicated by a symbol consisting of a black or magenta trefoil on a yellow background?

radioactive materials 27 Eskimo Treats Name the traditional food of Eskimos that is usually eaten raw and made from the skin and blubber of certain whales.

muktuk 28 Landforms Also known as a wash, what term is used, especially in the American Southwest, for the channel of a flat-floored ephemeral stream with steep, nearly vertical banks?

arroyo 29 Points of View What adjective indicates the third person point of view in which the narrator is all knowing and able to convey what is in the minds of all the characters?

omniscient 30 Octagons If the length of one side of a regular octagon is X and that of another is 2X, the area of the larger figure is how many times that of the smaller one?

4 times Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 31 Disasters Who was the U.S. president when the earthquake destroyed about four square miles of the city and left as many as 3000 people dead or missing?

Theodore Roosevelt 32 Mottos Translate this Latin motto. Nihil sine Deo.

Nothing without God 33 Acting Obligations What is the name for the specified time individual actors are expected to arrive at a theater prior to a performance?

call times 34 Physiology Gastric acid is produced by cells lining what organ?

stomach 35 Bays Baffin Bay is an arm of what ocean?

Atlantic Ocean Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 36 Learning Complete this thought by George Bernard Shaw. We learn from history that we learn nothing from ...

history 37 Epidemics While an epidemic may be restricted to a single area, if it spreads to other countries or continents, it may be given what broader name?

pandemic 38 Literary Techniques What literary technique is used in this line? Chocolate was her Achilles heel.

allusion 39 Radical Addition What is the sum of five times the cube root of seven plus three times the cube root of seven?

eight times the cube root of seven 40 Early Governors Until his death in 1793, John Hancock served as the governor of what state?

Massachusetts Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 41 Solutions What process involves either the spraying of a solution in air or the bubbling of air through the solution?

aeration 42 Loanwords These words came into the English language from what continent? budgerigar, jarrah, quandong, kookaburra, kurrajong, wallaroo, wallaby, dingo

Australia 43 Fossils What is the term for fossilized feces?

coprolite 44 Legislative Metaphors Some provision in a piece of proposed legislation that makes it politically unacceptable is called what kind of pill?

poison pill (wrecking or killer amendment) 45 Wars The Cold War involved a political rivalry between NATO countries and what coalition of Eastern Bloc nations?

Warsaw Pact Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Mideast Islands Abadan Island is part of what Mideast country?

Iran *Alt Commandments In "Animal Farm," the original fourth commandment was that "No animal shall sleep in a bed." Later, however, what phrase was added to it?

with sheets *Alt Water Processing What is the general term for the process of removing salt and other minerals from ocean water?

desalination (desalinization, desalting) *Alt Colonial Conflicts This is about a region that later became what New England state? In the late 1670s, after a militia force destroyed a fortified Narragansett village, the Wampanoag tribe under "King Philip" burned several towns in the area including Providence.

Rhode Island *Alt Money-Saving Moms Since he was born, Morty's mother has put one dollar in a can on each of his birthdays for his age in months. There is now $1440 in the can. In years, how old is Morty?

15 Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt The Zodiac What constellation named for a hollow-horned, bearded ruminant is between Sagittarius and Aquarius?

Capricorn (Capricornus) *Alt Squids Name the structure in squids that consists primarily of chitin.

beak Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 1 Lyrics These lyrics are from a song in what opera? Summertime, and the livin' is easy; Fish are jumpin' and the cotton is high. Your daddy's rich and your ma is good lookin' So hush little baby, don't you cry.

Porgy and Bess 2 Railroads In 1883, what railroad began service from Paris to Istanbul?

Orient Express 3 Clipped Words Which kind of clipping produced these clipped words? bot, chute, phone, roach, gator

fore-clipping 4 Novel Collaborations While preparing to write "In Cold Blood," Truman Capote painstakingly researched the case with assistance from what friend and successful author of "To Kill a Mockingbird"?

Harper Lee 5 Functions What equation provides the rule for a two-column table in which the values of the x column are 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the values of the f(x) column are 0, 1, 2, and 3?

f(x) = x-1 Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 6 Native Americans Name the largest recognized tribe of Native Americans in the U.S.

Navajo 7 Astronomy History In 1967, Susan Burnell discovered the existence of what kind of heavenly bodies described as rapidly spinning neutron stars that emit energy in rhythmical throbs?

pulsars 8 Fungi The morel is what kind of fungus?

mushroom 9 Greek Myths Name the Greek god of medicine and healing.

Asclepius 10 Investment Income Dividing the income earned on an investment in a year by the amount of the original investment is the way to calculate the annual percentage yield or the annual rate of what?

return Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 11 Pilgrimages People of what major religion are often involved in pilgrimages to such sites as Chartaradam, Badrinath, Dwarka, Rameswaram, Puri, and Pandharpur?

Hindu 12 Muslim Countries While Saudi Arabia is, geographically, the world's second-largest Arab nation, what African country is the largest?

Algeria 13 Nonce Words Edward Lear invented what adjective to describe the spoon with which the owl and the pussycat dined on mince and slices of quince?

runcible 14 Radians (3 pi)/10 radians equal how many degrees?

54 15 Civil Rights In 1957, President Eisenhower sent federal troops to what Arkansas city to enforce integration of black students at Central High School?

Little Rock Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 16 Anagrams The name of what mythical goddess completes this anagram? Claire McCleethy = They Call Me ...

Circe 17 Radioactive Elements Actinides such as uranium and thorium are unstable and undergo radioactive what?

decay 18 Seamounts With its peak at 13,803 feet, what volcano is the highest point in the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain?

Mauna Kea 19 Taxation Progressive taxation in the U.S. became legal resulting from the ratification of what constitutional amendment?

16th Amendment 20 European Periods In European history, another name for the Enlightenment is the Age of what?

Reason Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 21 State Songs These songs are directly related to what U.S. state? Rocky Top Smoky Mountain Rain

Tennessee 22 Short Stories In Poe's "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," what is the Rue Morgue?

a street (in Paris) 23 Polygon Angles What is the measure of an exterior angle of a dodecagon?

30 degrees 24 Battles In 1811, what Indiana territorial governor led the American troops that defeated the forces of Shawnee leader Tecumseh in the Battle of Tippecanoe?

William Harrison 25 Architecture In 1957, Jorn Utzon won the international competition for the design of an opera house at Bennelong Point in what Australian city?

Sydney Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 26 Mideast Turmoil What is the acronym for the radical forces that overwhelmed major Iraqi cities in 2014?

ISIS (or ISIL, IS, DAISH) 27 Lenses What kind of lens has one planar surface and one inwardly curved surface?

plano-concave 28 Short Stories This is the ending of what O. Henry short story? Look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn't you wonder why it never fluttered or moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it's Behrman's masterpiece. He painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.

The Last Leaf 29 African Leaders The Boer statesman, Louis Botha, was the first prime minister of what African country?

South Africa 30 Navigation What kind of non-magnetic compass has these two advantages over magnetic ones? -It locates true north as determined by Earth's rotation. -It is unaffected by ferromagnetic materials like a ship's hull.

gyrocompass Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 31 Charactonyms What man in the story of Little Orphan Annie has a charactonym indicating a tycoon in the munitions business?

Daddy Warbucks 32 Factorials If X factorial equals 720, what is X?

6 33 Memorials The Arlington House in Virginia is a memorial to what Confederate general?

Robert E. Lee 34 Ducks Instead of diving underwater, what kind of ducks principally feed on the surface or on shallow bottoms?

dabbling ducks 35 Phobias This one-liner illustrates the fear of what? Living with agoraphobia isn't a walk in the park, you know.

open (public) places Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 36 Ocean Currents The two major Atlantic currents that converge near Cape Hatteras include the warm Gulf Stream and what southerly-flowing cold water current?

Labrador Current 37 American Legislation The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was designed to enforce the rights guaranteed by two amendments to the Constitution. What ordinal numbers correspond to either of those amendments?

14th, 15th 38 International Crises In the Suez Crisis of 1956, Egypt opposed Britain, France, and what Mideast country?

Israel 39 Plurals What are the two plural forms of "fungus"?

funguses, fungi 40 Arthropod Authors What Austrian is especially known for his tale about a man who turns into an insect of unusual size?

Franz Kafka Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 41 Numbers What is the largest positive integer x such that 1+2+3+ .... + x is less than 1000?

44 42 Political Factions What name did Republicans give to the group of northern Democrats who opposed the war against the Confederacy?

Copperheads 43 Islands Named for a famous ship, Bounty Bay is found on the northeast coast of what Pacific island?

Pitcairn 44 Reflection The incident ray and reflected ray are on opposite sides of a perpendicular line called the what?

normal 45 Architecture Designed by William Lamb, name the tallest and most famous art deco structure in New York City.

Empire State Building Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Groups What is the name for each of these groups of connected items? earth-sea-sky beginning-middle-end heaven-earth-hell childhood-adulthood-old age heart-mind-body

triad *Alt Asian Historical Novels Salman Rushdie's novel, "Midnight's Children," is about two boys born at midnight on the day in 1947 that what Asian country declared its independence?

India *Alt A Brood of Babies What is the term for a newly emerged group of creatures such as mayflies or pheasants?

hatch *Alt Compromises In establishing the U.S. Constitution, the Great Compromise of 1787 laid out a plan for the House of Representatives and the Senate. What was the other name for this plan?

Connecticut Compromise *Alt Pressure What is the abbreviation for the unit of pressure equal to the total weight of the air on the Earth's surface at sea level per square meter?

atm Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Functions Given that f(x) equals 4 to the x power, what is f(1)?

4 *Alt Mideast History What is the name of the country on the Arabian Peninsula indicated in this passage? In the late 15th century, the Portuguese arrived there, occupied Muscat, and built a fortress as an outpost to protect their sea lanes.

Oman Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 1 Oxidation Oxidation can produce atoms or molecules that are highly reactive. These are called free what?

free radicals 2 Buddhism According to Buddhist tradition, what was the original surname of the man revered as "the enlightened one"?

Gautama 3 Health Malapropisms What should be the last word in this line? He's suffering from a detached rectum.

retina 4 Rationalizing Rationalize the denominator of this expression. 1/(cube root of x)

(cube root of x squared)/x 5 Political Diatribe In reference to a nation's fallen or to some past injustice, in criticizing opponents, some politicians are said to wave what kind of shirt?

bloody shirt Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 6 Poets What was the actual last name of the poets whose works appeared in this collection? Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell

Bronte 7 Civil War Commanders In 1864, Ulysses Grant appointed Philip who as the commander of the Army of the Shenandoah?

Philip Sheridan 8 Parabolas What is this parabola's axis of symmetry? y = (x+3)squared + 4

the line x = -3 9 Animal Classification Based on their number of limbs, reptiles, birds, amphibians, and mammals belong to what superclass of vertebrates?

Tetrapoda (tetrapod) 10 Mountains Located in the Yukon, what is the second-highest peak in North America?

Mount Logan Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 11 Historic Battles In the year 378, the Visigoths decisively defeated the Roman army in the Battle of Adrianople. That battle site is located in what modern country?

Turkey 12 Plurals Give any example of an uninflected plural.

any word with a plural the same as the 13 Constellations From the North Pole, all the constellations north of what equator are circumpolar constellations?

celestial equator 14 Scientific Devices What kind of shallow glass tank of water is used to demonstrate the basic properties of small waves?

ripple tank 15 Orwell What number completes this opening line of Orwell's "1984"? It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking ...

thirteen Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 16 American Wars Red Cloud's War, also known as the Powder River War, pitted U.S. forces against three tribes of Native Americans. Name any of them.

Lakota (Sioux), Cheyenne, Arapaho 17 Scientific Notation 4 times 10 to the minus 5th power equals what?

0.00004 18 British Architecture One of London's most recognizable architectural landmarks is what domed cathedral located on Ludgate Hill, the highest point in that city?

St. Paul's Cathedral 19 Presidential Pacts The U.S. president can make what kind of binding International agreements that carry the force of law but do not require Senate consent?

executive agreements 20 Pillars The obelisks of ancient Egypt symbolized what Sun god?

Ra Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 21 Surgery Name the surgical procedure by which the internal structure of a joint is examined using a tube-like viewing instrument.

arthroscopy 22 Skin Substances Red hair results from a form of what pigment in the skin?

(pheo-) melanin 23 Figures of Speech Since the following is an example of asyndeton, what part of speech does not appear in the line? We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardships, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.

conjunction 24 College Courses The numbers for lower-level courses in college usually fall within what numerical range?

100-299 25 Monuments A 567-foot column in Harris County, Texas, was named for and commemorates the site of the decisive battle of the Texas Revolution. Name this monument.

San Jacinto Monument Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 26 Trigonometry What whole number corresponds to the tangent of 225 degrees?

1 27 Deserts What expansive desert covers most of Kuwait?

Arabian Desert 28 Organic Acids What organic acid is commonly used in pickling vegetables?

acetic (ethanoic) acid 29 Nuclear Tests In 1974, what country conducted nuclear weapon tests under the codename, Operation Smiling Buddha?

India 30 National Leaders In 2014, the German Bundeskanzlerin was Angela who?

Merkel Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 31 Impacts The largest impact on Earth in recorded history occurred in 1908 in Russia. It has come to be known as what event?

Tunguska event 32 Legal Testimony Testimony in a court of law is a form of evidence made by oath under the penalty of what?

perjury 33 Ancient Poetry These lines are from what poem by Virgil? Arms, and the man I sing, who, forc'd by fate, And haughty Juno's unrelenting hate, Expell'd and exil'd, left the Trojan shore. Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore, And in doubtful war, before he won The Latian realm, and built the destin'd town.

The Aeneid 34 Bridge Namesakes A bridge over the entrance to New York Harbor was named for what 16th-century explorer of the Narragansett Bay and New York Bay?

Verrazano 35 Reflection Name the kind of surface found in every home and automobile that exhibits specular reflection.

mirror Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 36 Shortened Titles While radar, laser, and scuba are acronyms, USMC, AAA, and VIP are examples of what kind of "isms"?

alphabetisms (initialisms) 37 Marine Life Foraminiferans and radiolarians are among the important forms of what broad category of plankton?

zooplankton 38 Contact In 1741, the Aleut people first encountered colonizers from what distant land?

Russia 39 Operas Benjamin Britten composed the music for the opera, "Billy Budd," based on a short story by what American author?

Herman Melville 40 Metallurgy Name the heat treatment that alters the microstructure of a material, inducing changes in properties such as strength, hardness, and ductility.

annealing Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 41 Deserts Most of the Atacama Desert is located in what Latin American country?

Chile 42 Dickens What character in "David Copperfield" makes this observation? Annual income: twenty pounds, annual expenditure: nineteen pounds nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income: twenty pounds, annual expenditure: twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.

Micawber 43 Signatories Name either of the two Virginia brothers who signed the Declaration of Independence.

Richard Henry Lee, Francis Lightfoot Lee 44 Imaginary Numbers 3i is the square root of what number?

-9 45 Satellites Named for a mythical Greek nymph, Amalthea is the reddest heavenly object in our solar system and the third-closest moon to what planet?

Jupiter Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Presidents During whose administration were some 50,000 Native Americans relocated to lands west of the Mississippi?

Andrew Jackson's *Alt The Barbary War The sultanate of Morocco and three North African Ottoman provinces opposed the United States in the First Barbary War. Name any two of those provinces.

Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis *Alt Books These works were originally all written in what language? The Bhagavad Gita The Upanishads The Ramayana The Rig Veda

Sanskrit *Alt Congressional Districts Oddly shaped congressional districts are usually the result of what political practice?

gerrymandering *Alt Parasitic Plants What common parasitic plant flourishes on many different trees, bears evergreen leaves that carry out some photosynthesis, but derives its water and minerals from the host?

mistletoe Round # 3 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Vaccines Bacterial vaccines are used for such diseases as anthrax, cholera, and tetanus. What corresponding category of vaccines are used to prevent measles, mumps, polio, and rabies?

viral vaccines *Alt Writing Errors What error is illustrated in this sentence? Whenever D'Artagnan would meet with the other musketeers, he brought his tights.

shift in tense Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 1 Pyramids What is the shape of the lateral faces of a truncated pyramid?

trapezoid 2 Metals Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium react with water to form strongly alkaline hydroxide solutions. Collectively these elements are known as what metals?

alkali metals 3 Electoral College What kind of majority of electoral votes is required to elect a president?

absolute majority 4 The Nuclear Club What is the only nation to develop nuclear weapons and then dismantle them all?

South Africa 5 Linguistics Catalonia is a region and autonomous community of what European country?

Spain Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 6 Neurons The cochlear nerve carries impulses from what organ directly to the brain?

ear (inner ear, cochlea) 7 Physiology What noun indicates a straightening movement that increases the angle between two body parts such as what happens with the lower and upper legs when you stand up?

extension 8 Authors Three novels by what American author begin with these lines? -Ling Tan lifted his head. -Wang Lung lay dying. -It was Wang Lung's marriage day.

Pearl Buck 9 Spies In 1985, the retired U.S. Navy warrant officer and communications specialist, John Walker, was judged guilty of espionage for what country?

Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) 10 Coin Flipping When you flip a coin six times, what is the probability that six tails will come up?

1 in 64 Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 11 Sentence Analysis Grammatically speaking, what is the function of the last word in these sentences? -In the horserace, Silky Sullivan was the leader. -To the , Sterling is an embarrassment. -We are the world.

predicate nominative 12 Music Name the process of rewriting a piece of music in a different key.

transposition 13 Surrenders A second atomic bomb was used when Japanese officials refused, after the Hiroshima bombing, to accept the unconditional surrender terms drawn up at what Allied conference held in northeast Germany?

Potsdam Conference 14 Eye Problems Any intense exposure to what kind of light can lead to photokeratitis?

ultraviolet 15 Chemistry History In the late 18th century, what French scientist and founder of modern chemistry demonstrated the law of conservation of mass?

Antoine Lavoisier Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 16 Crime Characters Generally, the law refers to the main actor in a crime as the principal and to anyone who intentionally assists the principal as what?

accomplices 17 Settings Set in Puritan Boston in the mid-17th century, what is considered to be the "magnum opus" of Nathaniel Hawthorne?

The Scarlet Letter 18 Mining Mining in Minnesota flourished following discoveries of what metal in the Cuyuna, Vermillion, and Mesabi Ranges?

iron 19 Areas To the nearest whole number, what is the area of a semicircle with a diameter of 40 centimeters?

628 square centimeters 20 Canada What Canadian territory includes part of mainland Canada, most of the Arctic islands, and all of the islands in Hudson Bay?

Nunavut Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 21 Predators What adjective indicates those predators that, as adults, have no natural predators in their ecosystems?

apex (top) 22 Scandinavian Archaeology Archaeologically speaking, many tales of the Viking Age are commemorated on what kind of stones?

runestones 23 Conjunctions What kind of conjunctions are these examples? no sooner - than scarcely - when just as - so rather - than not only - but also

correlative conjunctions 24 Planetary Moons With a diameter of 3200 miles, what satellite of Saturn is the only moon known to have an atmosphere?

Titan 25 United Nations Actions In 2014, the UN General Assembly approved a resolution declaring as illegal the referendum that led to Russia's annexation of what region?

Crimea Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 26 Figurative Language What figure of speech is used repeatedly in this line? Pyongyang has been ramping up its rhetoric against Seoul and Washington since Obama and Park met in Seoul.

metonymy 27 Anagrams This is an anagram for what motion picture studio? A Turnip Cures Elvis

Universal Pictures 28 Cube Root Given that it is an integer between 30 and 40, what is the cube root of 35937?

33 29 Chemical Antonyms What is the antonym of aliphatic?

aromatic 30 Musical Instruments What instrument played by a keyboard is the heaviest of all musical instruments, mainly because it consists of a large number of cast bells?

carillon Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 31 Ancient History What ancient people that inhabited the western coast of the Fertile Crescent were famed as the "traders in purple"?

Phoenicians 32 Pandemics Some 75 million people died worldwide as the result of what pandemic disease between 1918 and 1920?

influenza 33 International Relations Under what practice and international law are ambassadors and other diplomats not subject to the laws of the nation or state in which they are working?

diplomatic immunity 34 Great Lakes Which of the Great Lakes has the shortest average water residence time?

Lake Erie 35 Short Stories What story by Ambrose Bierce begins with this? A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama, looking down into the swift water twenty feet below. The man's hands were behind his back, the wrists bound with a cord. A rope closely encircled his neck.

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 36 Presidential Addresses These lines are from whose second inaugural address? -to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace -to care for him who shall have borne the battle -to bind up the nation's wounds

Abraham Lincoln's 37 Operations with Radicals Simplify this expression 4 times the square root of 7 plus 6 times the square root of 7

10 times the square root of 7 38 Nautical Idioms Complete this idiom that means to remain in a calm and untroubled state? keep on an even ----

keel 39 Alkanes What is the eighth member of the alkane series?

octane 40 Medieval Occupations A medieval glazier worked with what material?

glass Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 41 Extinct Vertebrates Pterosaurs are the earliest vertebrates known to have evolved what capability?

flight (powered flight) 42 Astronomy History The American physicist who discovered the doughnut-shaped belts of radiation encircling the Earth was James who?

Van Allen 43 Special Laws What is another term for admiralty law, that body of law applicable to navigation and commerce on the high seas?

maritime law 44 Poems What American poet begins one of her more popular extended metaphors with this verse? Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all.

Emily Dickinson 45 Conventions The first women's rights convention in the U.S. was held in 1848 at Seneca Falls in what state?

New York Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Radioactive Decay The high-speed electrons emitted from atomic nuclei during radioactive decay that can be stopped by a thin sheet of plastic or glass are described as what type of particles?

beta particles *Alt Typography What is another name for the obelisk used in printing that usually indicates a footnote?

dagger *Alt Fluid Problems A liquid flows into a beaker at six ounces per minute and drains out at two ounces per minute. If the beaker holds 180 ounces, how many minutes does it take to fill the originally empty beaker?

45 minutes *Alt Landforms Kwajalein is what kind of landform?

atoll *Alt Fractures What adjective indicates a fracture in which a bone is broken in two or more places?

comminuted (butterfly, segmental) Round # 4 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Vocal Music These performers illustrate what male singing voice? Billy Idol, Michael Buble, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Bing Crosby, Randy Travis, Trent Reznor, Frank Sinatra

baritone *Alt Alchemy Which of the four elements of medieval alchemy was said to be cold and dry?

earth Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 1 Parodies This is a parody of a book by what American author? The Zombies of Lake Woebegotten

Garrison Keillor 2 Aleutian Islands Campaign After U.S. forces recaptured the Aleutian island of Attu in 1943, 35,000 troops, backed by 95 ships and 163 aircraft, landed on what other island that had been abandoned by the Japanese two weeks earlier?

Kiska 3 Solids Name the regular geometric solid composed of eight equilateral triangles.

octahedron 4 Whales The two main functions of whale blubber are food storage and what else?

insulation 5 Let There Be Light The first light in the universe occurred millions of years after what colossal cosmic event?

big bang Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 6 Disastrous Accidents Name the site in the Ukraine where a catastrophic accident occurred which was many times more serious than a similar accident in the U.S. at Three Mile Island.

Chernobyl 7 A Prince of a Fellow Name the Duke of Edinburgh who has been a prince of the United Kingdom since 1957.

Philip 8 Presidents What adjective reminiscent of empires describes presidents who dominate the government's political and legislative agenda?

imperial 9 Banking Users of checking accounts may keep track of the checks they have written on a form that is usually included with the checkbook. Name this form.

check register 10 African Settings These books are set in what African country? A House in Fez A Year in Marrakesh Casablanca

Morocco Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 11 Mangled Mottos What was the actual ending of this fanciful motto of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II? The difficult we do immediately. The impossible, we don't.

takes a little longer 12 Multiplying Binomials Multiply (2H + 3) by (2H + 2).

4H squared + 10H + 6 13 Punctuation When an adjunct is at the beginning of a sentence, and especially when it consists of more than one word, what punctuation mark is generally required?

comma 14 State Islands These are the largest islands in what New England state? Aquidneck, Conanicut, Prudence

Rhode Island 15 Disunity Which of the two eastern Asian countries that were divided into separate nations after World War II remains divided?

Korea (South and North Korea) Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 16 Personal Care Products What is the general effect of emollients?

softening 17 Radiation Protection Sounding like a piece of medieval armor, what is the collective name for any material or obstruction that absorbs ionizing radiation and protects people or equipment from its effects?

shielding (shield) 18 Solar Phenomena Huge bursts of solar wind produced by the Sun are called CMEs, which stands for coronal mass what?

ejections 19 American Authors In contrast to his pen name, what was the actual name of the author of short stories collected in volumes such as "The Four Million" and "Cabbages and Kings"?

William Sydney Porter 20 Chief Joseph In an attempt to reach political asylum, Chief Joseph led his people toward Canada where he hoped to join forces with what famous Sioux chief?

Sitting Bull Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 21 Geometry Vocabulary What is the name for the center of a circle circumscribed about a polygon?

circumcenter 22 Museums The famed Acropolis Museum is in what city?

Athens 23 Testimony What is the legal term for court testimony in which the witness has no direct knowledge of an asserted fact, but knows it only indirectly by having been told by somebody?

hearsay 24 Executions Imre Nagy was tried and executed on charges of treason in 1958. He was the former head of what country that was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1956?

Hungary 25 Clauses These are examples of what kind of clause? -which dangled from the bathroom towel -who preferred golf to work -that bit me on the nose last night -which is home to the Cauliflower Museum -that hang on the studio wall

relative (dependent, subortinate) clause Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 26 Nutrients Of the seven micronutrients required by plants, name one that begins with the letter "c."

chlorine, copper 27 South American Islands The western part of the big island of Tierra del Fuego belongs to what country?

Chile 28 Verse This example from "Hamlet" illustrates what unit of verse? The time is out of joint, O cursed spite That ever I was born to set it right.

couplet 29 Proclamations It was shortly after the end of what war that the British prohibited American colonists from settling west of the Appalachians?

Seven Years (French and Indian) War 30 Lenses What is the unit of refractive power of a lens?

diopter Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 31 Saturn's Satellites Which of the many moons of Saturn was named for a Greek god with a human torso and head but with the legs, horns, and ears of a goat?

Pan 32 Big Brains What kind of whale has the largest brain of any modern or extinct animal?

sperm whale 33 Nobility In England, what is the title of those occupying the lowest rank of the nobility?

baron 34 Political Donations Donations made to a specific candidate's campaign and regulated by the Federal Election Commission are known as what kind of money?

hard money 35 Canadians in the News In 2014, Rob Ford was much in the news because of his controversial behavior and use of controlled substances. At the time, he was mayor of what Canadian city?

Toronto Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 36 Kennings What is the usual kenning for the wife of the U.S. president?

first lady 37 Verb Tense What is the present perfect of the verb, "to dream"?

am (are) dreaming 38 Military Officers In 1943, American forces under what U.S. general entered the Sicilian town of Messina a few hours before British troops commanded by Bernard Montgomery arrived there?

George Patton 39 Plant Leaves These are variations of what characteristic of plant leaves? toothed, serrate, dentate, crenate

leaf margins (edges) 40 Disease What structures in the body are affected by vascular disorders?

blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries) Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS 41 Folklore The wampus cat of American folklore is supposed to be an especially fearsome creature resembling what feline?

cougar (mountain lion) 42 Atlantic Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands consist of a main island and several smaller ones in the South Atlantic. They are a territory of what European country?

United Kingdom (Great Britain) 43 Acids What acid is used to synthesize ammonium nitrate for fertilizers and in the manufacture of explosives, dyes, and pharmaceuticals?

nitric acid 44 Solar System Phenomena Astronomers can see phenomena called granules on the surface of which body in the solar system?

Sun 45 Mixed Proverbs How should this misstated proverb end? You are biting the hand that rocks the cradle.

that feeds you Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt Geologic Time What period of the Paleozoic era is named after the Roman name for Wales?

Cambrian *Alt Pyroclastics What is the name for larger masses of molten rock globs ejected during a volcanic eruption that harden before they reach the ground?

volcanic bombs *Alt Territorial Acquisitions As a result of a treaty with Great Britain and Germany, the U.S. acquired what Pacific Island in 1899?

American Samoa *Alt Operas What traditional ceremony is central to Mozart's opera about Figaro?

wedding *Alt The Judicial Branch The power shared by state and federal courts to hear certain cases is known as what kind of jurisdiction?

concurrent jurisdiction Round # 5 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #378 HS *Alt World-Changing Flights The famous flight of the Enola Gay began on what island in the northern Marianas?

Tinian *Alt Latin Numbers This Latin phrase about a star indicates what ordinal number? stella quarta decima
