The Issue 20: 9 March 2018 Rougemont Review The snow may have postponed the Eisteddfod celebrati ons last week, but the pupils were Caradog not deterred and provided some amazing displays of talent in their respecti ve School ������ ����������� Hall, Malpas Road, Newport, NP20 6QB �� �� 01633 820800 @RougemontSchoolEisteddfodau this week. Well done to everyone who took part and congratulati ons to Gwnog the winning houses. Dyfrig

Year 1 & 2 children had a fantasti c trip to Caerphilly this week, exploring lots of acti viti es such as looking for parts of a castle, using the castle’s app to fi nd dragons Year 5 were wonderful hosts at our annual using augmented Fairtrade Coff ee Morning. Parents turned out reality on the iPad, in force to enjoy some tasty refreshments and making crowns, were entertained by performances from pupils. doing observati onal What a lovely way to end the week. Caerphilly drawings of diff erent Castle parts of the castle, 1 WEEK TO GO! Trip such as the leaning Rougemont Runners tower. Great fun was Year 1 & 2 are raring to go had by all! despite the 2 week Students from Years 7& 8 took part in the Schools Challenge Quiz this delay on the Newport Half week. They won against Howell’s but narrowly missed a place in the semi fi nals. A great eff ort though from Taylor, Isabelle, Mimi and Aayan. Marathon. Sponsorship can sti ll In Juniors, our Wildlife Wizards have made it through to the next round. be made via our Just Giving Page. Well done! Search for Rougemont Runners. SENIOR STORIES PREPWelsh Fever Finally Hits! TALK The chilly end to last week saw several key school events postponed, including Aft er the snowfall of last week, we fi nally the much anti cipated Eisteddfod; however this week brought a warm glow back welcomed Spring, with our Junior and Infant into the school as Houses were fi nally able to compete for the coveted trophy. Eisteddfodau. With Annabelle setti ng the tone for Incredible performances from across the Houses and Year groups gave the judges our fabulous Junior Eisteddfod, we marked the a diffi cult task, but in the end (by the narrowest of margins!) Dyfrig were crowned morning with the Welsh Nati onal Anthem. winners! Congratulati ons to them, and to all who took part - it was a fantasti c aft ernoon. In other news this week, the Year 9 conference evening was extremely busy, and thanks to all who made the evening so producti ve, both academically and pastorally.

To fi nd out more read Mrs Pritchard’s weekly blog on the School website. Year 6 hosted a beauti ful Mother’s Well done to Jackson in Y12 who We celebrated World Book Day tea this aft ernoon has been selected to run as part of Day a litt le later than at School. More the Welsh team in the Mini originally planned, due to pictures to follow. Marathon this April. He has also been last week’s snow. Our theme selected to represent following for the event this year was his success at this week’s Welsh Year 8 learn Welsh literature and poetry about traditi onal Schools Nati onal Cross Country Championships. and Chef Iain baked us some Christi an Weddings delicious Welsh cakes and in RE bara brith to celebrate the day. The competi ti ons and puzzle table proved to be a popular att racti on as did the Year 7 got creati ve with their French photobooth! There are lots homework this week! They made wonderful of prizes to be had so don’t clocks to practi se ti me telling, the topic they forget to drop your World are studying this week! Some of them were Book Day competi ti on entries in cake form, others were actual working back into us in the LRC by next clock faces! Amazing, Year 7. Monday in order to be in with a chance! Congratulati ons to Y12 pupil and cycling star, Happy Zach, who has been Mother’s Day THE WEEK AHEAD... shortlisted for the Young Sports Personality of the To all the Monday - Revision Conference Y12 & 13 - Bristol Year Award at the South Rougemont Mums Wales Argus Sports Tuesday - Year 3 Trip to Roman Museum and wonderful Year 6 Police Liaison Talk - Be Cyber Safe Awards on 14 March. Percussion Ensemble CD Recording Good luck Zach and well female role models done! our pupils have in Wednesday - Whole School Open Morning their lives - we wish Year 13 Parents’ Evening you a lovely day Thursday - Year 5 Parents’ Evening on Sunday. Friday - Junior House Competition - Rougemont’s Got Talent Sunday - : Rougemont Runners - ALL SUPPORT WELCOME!

@RougemontSchool @RougemontSchool

Rougemont School, Llantarnam Hall, Malpas Road, Newport NP20 6QB t: 01633 820800