Washington, Wednesday, July 21, 1954 TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE
FEDERAL EGISTER 9 ^ 1 9 3 4 ¿ y VOLUME 19 NUMBER 140 Washington, Wednesday, July 21, 1954 Authority: §§ 524.375 to 524.388 issued CONTENTS TITLE 5— ADMINISTRATIVE under sec. 32, 49 Stat. 774, as amended; PERSONNEL 7 U. S. C- 612c. Agricultural Marketing Service Page § 524.375 General statement, (a) In Proposed rule making: Chapter I— Civil Service Commission order to encourage the exportation to Handling: Part 6—Exceptions F rom the eligible countries of honey produced in Milk in Central West Texas— 4499 Competitive Service the continental United States, the Sec Prunes, dried, produced in retary of Agriculture, pursuant to the California_______________ 4503 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR authority conferred by section 32 of Rules and regulations: Public Law 320, 74th Congress, as Honey Export Program VMX In Federal Register Document No. 54- 66a (1954 marketing season) _ 4491 5051, filed July 1, 1954, (19 F. R. 4011) amended, offers to make payments to the word “Appeals” was omitted in sub- exporters of such honey, subject to the Agriculture Department paragraph (1) of § 6.113 (b). Effective terms and conditions set forth in this See Agricultural Marketing Serv upon publication in the F ederal R egis subpart. ice; Commodity Credit Corpora (b) Information pertaining to this ter, subparagraph (1) of § 6.113 (b) is tion; Commodity Stabilization subpart and forms prescribed for use Service; Forest Service. amended to read as follows: under this subpart may be obtained from § 6.113 Department of Labor. * * * Alien Property Office the following: Notices: " (b) Office of the Secretary. Erwin M. Graham, Fruit and Vegetable Vested property, intention to (1) Chairman and two Members, EmDivision, Agricultural Marketing Service, return: ployees’ Compensation Appeals Board.
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