Editors' e Disntissal I Possible Volume 22 No.2 U(SD Friday, April 5, 1974 'by Chris Rauber Editorial Boardmember Ron Roberts opened an emergency triton times I~:-~~= I meeting of the Communications Board Wednesday by Re: 'April Fool' moving. thPt the editor-iD-c hief of the Triton Times and those responsible for the first page of the April 2 Triton The front page of Tuesday's issue of the Triton Shockley Appointed Ti mes be dismissed. Times was an attempt at ironic satire about several The special meeting was called in response to the iss~es faCing the University today. Irony, as we see Provost at Third explosive reaction of the campus community to satirical it, IS an attempt at political criticism by the articles featured on the paper's special April Fools Day exaggeration of current situations to the pOint where page. the situation seems ludicrous. This is what we tried to do with the articles on constuctions of third More than fifty people crowded into the conference college, the provost of Third College and Af- ,'oom to participate in an emotional, tension-packed, firmative Action. ' hour-long discussion . The Triton Tim es was charged The intent of our articles was apparently wi th racism, insensitivity to minorities, and a bias misinterpreted by many people on campus. Our agai nst Third College. r:leo Malone, Muir College intended positions,respectively were : outrage over Res ident Dean, said that the articles in question the attempt to belittle and destroy Third College by promoted racial tension and disunity. He demanded not constructing any buildings which would give it a that "such attempts at humor be redirected." sense of permanence ; outrage over the ad­ Th e Triton Times, represented by Editor-in-<:hief ministration's and to some extent the faculty's David Buchbinder, took the position that the front page treatment of Th ird College students as second class was intended as a satirical attack on the insensitivity citizens (hence the choice of Shockley) ; and also and institutional racism of the university,. and not as an outrage and disgust over the hypocritical and in­ attack against Third College or any minority group. sincere handling of affirmitive action by the whole University community. The editorial of the same A large number of Third College students participated issue criticizing the University's handling of af­ In the discussion . ()ne student labeled the paper as firmative action should land credence that this was "Tasteless shit" and claimed that it defamed and the intent. degraded Third College. Another said she "didn't think it We deeply regret that we apparently failed to was funny. These thinRs happen over and over .. this isn't many people in our attempts at irony. We realize the first time." It w as sugges ted that the staff members that these misjudgements are indicative of our lack responsible be fired and that the standing of the Triton of solidarity with several groups on campus. This Times as the official student newspaper be revoked and situation must change , and will change. This is our Its funding redistributed to other student newspapers . intent for the future. "This trash shouldn't be published as the official All comments pro or con should be directed to the studE; nt newspaper," one student contended. Student Affairs Office at 250 Matthews Campus to Michael Weiss, Mark Bookman , or any other Th e mood of the assembled students was summed up member of the Communications Board before 3 by a woman who argued that the front page " couldn't PM Monday. be taken as irony because its too close to the truth." A decision on the matter was postponed, due to Editor Buchbinder' s contention th at the by-laws of the · Communication Board's constitution had not been More Money for Assistantships followed in the meeting's procedure, until Monday, April 8 at 3 o'clock. by Philip Protter ployed less than 50 per cent time will have their The Regents have authorized what they call a "salary "supplemenation" pro-rated. supplement" for the following: TA's , RA's, OA's, LA's, The first check will come through payroll, and ap­ Teaching Fellows, Physical Activiti!" Assistants, and parent ly is expected at any time It will be the sup­ Libertarian Nursery School Assistants . It is retroactively effective plementation for the first quarter only. The check for with th e fall quarter, 1973. Wh ile t he amount of the the spring quarter is expected about June 15 "salary supplementation" is based o n the educational According to Dean Pierce (Dean of Graduate Hospers Assails fee, and it is independent of the source of the em­ Studies), the Regents asked for a salary increase in order ployee's funding, it wou ld appear that this is a rebate of to make the assistantships more competitive with other the student's educational fee . In this case, of course, the leading universities. This was approved by the Government money would not be taxed . However, as a "sa lary legislature, but blue-penciled out of the budget su pplementation" the money will be subject to someplace along the line. Consequently the Regents by James G. Sofo withholding tax. Th e reporter can only conclude that have used their "Opportunity funds" to make the th e notion that the recipients are being taxed on a supplementation possible. These funds are non-state refund of th eir own money is just an illusion. funds obtained by overhead charges from contracts and Jo hn Ho s p e r s , person has the right to do The educational fee is one hundred twenty dollars per grants. As far as Dean Pierce knows, thiS is a perm anent gubanatorial candidate for what they want without quarter. For those students employed as above in a half­ sa lary supplement. At any rate, It will conti nue next the libertarian party in impinging on other peoples time capacity, the "supplementation" will be sixty year. The delay in disbu sement of the money is at­ Ca lifornia, said Tuesday rights; and that no person dollars each quarter, less taxes . Those who are em- tributed to the bureaucracy of University Hall ni ght at Revelle College should initiate the use of that "government is the fo rce against another legalized use of force and person ." wields a monopoly in the Hospers believes the legalized use of force". major violators of these The Great Watertank Controversy precepts are not individuals Dr . Hospers is t he by Jerry Schneider chairman of the philosophy but rather government. These liberties are lost to facu lty art studio had ~tlldent voting member .. department at the Th defaced exterior ut Renaissance art, tated two means, crimes against already rece ived one coat who rontrol physlrJI University of Southern th e old water tower bet­ Harrison persons and crimes against of beige pa in t before it was " It wa!> not a cious developmpnts on campu\ California and was the ween Revelle and Matthews property. defaced sometime in the at," h said of the onglnal Harrison didate for Pres ident in 1972. an eyesore, at least until was a conservative, liberal, This initia l coat of paint uppo that artist are b(,lgf' paint that \'><1\ lIspd Hospers attracted more this summer. or middle of the roader covered up a ix year-old more asual than othf'rs ThPrt' wpr no ta( ulh attention after the election Dr. Newton Harrison, Hospers laughed and said mural, and purred ad­ when It comes to the fate of obwrllom to thl' action when one of the Virginia chai rman of the Visual Arts .. he didn't know how to mierer of the mural to outdoor art ," th(' chairman (Hclrmon added Ihat 'lnll' el ectors pledged to Departmen t, now in the answer that question and complain to University added Ih(' bllddlng " primarily tor Presi dent Nixon cast his process of movi ng eight said that " people conside' planners about the a tion "As an artist, whf'n I do taliity r<' ('arch hp pollpd vote in the el ectoral college vis ual · art faculty into libertarians conservative if To coverup th black and art In d publl<. place, I know only the f dCulty) 'for H John Hosper studios in the re nnovated eco'lomic liberties an( building, and Robert Davis, brown pai nt now spla hed It won't la t fo r v r I don't ' A~ artists moving Into a Hospers was at UCSD to liberal in matters of civil ass istant to the campus on the walls wou ld require ass ume th ai 11 0 on will new sl tliatlon, Wf' wa ntE'd to be the first speaker in liberties. architect, each made this at least two more coats of com along and r over It .. tart Wi th ,I ( I('a n 'latE' ." Extension Economic lecture Hospers said "the state sam e dec isi on without paint. With funds already up " Harmon .. aid seri es about Libertarian and should first be a protector, conferring with each other. sca rce , both HlI rrison Thi s attitudf' diff r from By Ja n 2, '<}74, th(' epe Conservative economic and then a referee . . . He Work on the 30 year-old andDavi expr ed their that to wards o th r art ha d re IVf'd wr I t ten philosophy. The lecture continued by calling water tank I nea rly unwi llingn s to waste form s, uch a a painting, roncu rren from Ham on series is chaired by Dr . governmental subsidies are completed. The on e empty money repai n'ing the he plained." 0 on on th b Igf' olor to be Daniel ()rr professor of not more than robbery. tank has been filled with exterior, to have It poi led expe ct a palntln J to be lIsed The lob wa com­ f' onomics here at UCSD Hospers emphasized at walls and wires and is now agai n. rovered LIP " pi E't d <;e v ~ r a l ~ eek af­ dnd wi ll later in th quarter the end of his lecture that roofed to accomodate eight Before the wa ll of the Robert D.wi , a si tant to t('rward have M . Stanton [vans of he believes that without Visual art fac ulty ach With fac ulty art tudio w re th e rampus ar hllelt, B('for paint ov r thE' old the N ational ReVi ew, economic freedoms the their own studiO for di figur d , Harri o n ('xplalned Ihe prOf f'dllre mllral had c'rl f'd a pa ir of .lngr , I ud() nt ~ \tormro Into AmPri an Constitutional other freedoms will not last research pecul ated that a new whi ch led to the original Union, and roitor of the very long. Ham on stated that hi mural or de ign might b painting ov r th mllr,li On thl' offl l ' of Ih ' Ar hll 'tl Indianapo lis News The response of the department will do nothing don , and that wi thin six De 1 , 1973, th(' ( ,lmpliS ,l nd 1 n L! ln!'l'r, I 1\ audience was enthusiastic about repainting the e ­ month stud nt and fa ulty Planning Commlttl'E' " P rI" pon\lhll' lor th(· fir Hospers said, that the with Hospers talk was often tenor el t the pre ('nt tim If ~cu l ptur(' wou ld dot op n proved a ~olld ( olor for thl' I hlll'( tur.ll cI(,\I~n of two major points in interrupted by laughter in more fu nds become spac(' surround In ' the new bu ilding subwct to th(' r('nnova l l'Ci I.lnk '-,lmilM (omplain t\ 10 .1\/<. 1 Li bertarian philosophy as response to his generally avallel ble this ~ um mN , th ta Ility Vi sual art d<,ptHtmt' nt's bei ng that "you are the witty talk. ck>partmt> nt mely (onslder Tht' (y Ie of painting ,lgre mE'nt upon tl (olor lollowl'd I rlton 11m", rp( Plv('d ,(·\:('r.11 l .. tH·r, owner of your life, that no Approximately 75 people repairing the ouh lde wall murtll on top of mural, on Ttw {p( 1\ lompowcl 01 dl'plonn..: Ilw .I( lion one owns you, and ~ach attended the talk Davi nott>d that the new lop of mural IS refl('cted In . ddmlnl IrdtIV', t.\lull y dnd " Aw, bug off, Moses Your god doesn't sc.are m e" " So be it!" thundered Moses. " Tomorrow this land will be plagued by beetles" And he and Marcus left New Bus Routes Ea rly the ne)(t morning, the sound of small engines Coast Cruiser Lo~ could be heard in the east, right in the hea(f of a dust Women's Center cloud moving west. Soon they could be seen : millions Th e transportation. T hen It would t,1k!' In of Volkwagens, each the size of a small cat. As soon as Changes Blcnvs situation at UCSD improved terstate ~ to the I rOllt 'itr('PI they reached the city of Memphis, they broke out of over the Spring recess and FXlt In San DiE'go Thu\ It Plans Activities their orderly columns and scattered in every direction I Iw ( oast ( nl i'iN o Ill' 01 t 11(' prohipill" th ell may become ellen better If would gr£'a tly short!'n th .. wishe~ but back . to ,I nnmlnce that hE'a.:innin g ha, a l~o (ontributpd to th(' S. D. Transit adopts pre~ent presently low trip into th .. aaclCheap As if by prior arrangement, asquadron of eight million Monday, April 15, thl' bu~ latem' ,~ of the Coast Cru ",pr plans. S ity This se rvi cr " " Beyond The Mystique" the University's Muir or so beetles made a great slicing manuever aimed at Will be ru nmng on a ,lightly has been the inclination of Durin g the quart er break sc heduled to begIn 111 lu'" is the theme women at Campus. In addition to the byEdw",dSi_ Shots the granaries in the heart of the city. After a Maginotic d ~ ferent ~chroule for ~ome people to be wa iting a new student-run bus 1974 . University of California, San scientific lectures - films, defense, the granaries fell to the invaders, who could be of its This shoukl anywhere to gE't on and to se rvice was begun to se rv e Another bus line wou lei Diego have chosen for a discussions, and artistic, rlln~ seen eating grain as if there were no tomorrow. a o;k the driver to ~top Ocean Beach and PacifiC aid those people livinll til month of activities being musical and dramatic aleviate ~oml' of the a nywhere to let them off. Tomorrow looked ~k indeed to Pharaoh. He was Beach students, faculty and Cia ire mont who want to gf't held April 5-May {, in E!'oIents wi II take place. laIPness problems and the plOblem of meeting the Wf' a~k that passengers bathing in the Styx when thousands of little buzzing staff. The new bus, dubbed to La Jolla The line woukl connection with the According to Belinda The Top Ten l would please wait at and beetles ran into the water and made a bee-line for his the " South Sa-eaker ", will go from Mesa College to opening of their new Brav, one of several train on the 7AM run The get off at only th e Pharosity. Deep Heet dove under and made the coast continue to make 7 runs a Girard Avenue in La lolla by students active in founding nl'w sc h edulPs will be Women's Center d esignatro bll~ ~tops . It is unscathed. He stood looking at them as he gathered his day, Monday throu gh way of Clairemont Mf'~a the Women's Center, all ilvailablt> in the libraries, Three nationally the drivers' choice, of robes about him. "Ye gods!" he cried . " The damnable Boulevard and Ardath road "women's month" activities ca fl'tPrias, ~DNA , and the ~tilr Friday, except on sc hool prominent women will cour.;e, to stop for others if things float .'~ holidays. This route is planned to are free and open to the r oll ege cleans' offices speak at the University time nnd ~afety rermit. The South Streaker will public. The Center will starting Monday April 8 . during the month as guest One week later, Moses approached Deep Heet and go as far so uth as continued on p. 11 function as an ongoing lecturers on the "Women Rook HI bade him to reconsider. Narragansett Street in resource and referral Scientists Speak Out" Correction "I bid YOU , reconsider." Ocean Beach and yet it 1'.111 Vets: Return Your "C ert s " facility, and a meeting Moses and Aurelius found their trip across the desert portion of the prOlram. The A few iclarifications must In addition the com­ " No," said Pharaoh , "a thousand times nol" be fast enough to make the place for both pl.,ned and more to their liking this time. They sold the sheep and three will report on current be made on my article of mittee has not made any " Eight more will be suffiCient, thank you . But si nce trip to UCSD in less than 40 informal gatherinas. took a movie flight. The movie, incidentally, was " If The Veterans Administration has timely advice for research findings of March 16 on the problems conclusions at this time and you persist in th is pig-headed attitude, I say unto you : minutes. This new route is A partial listing of these This is the Sabbath, Then it Must Be the Day of Rest." one million veterans studying at colleges and univer­ significance to women's of UC libraries. Although I will make a report latet' this the waters of Egypt shall be turned into cold oatmea l! " an e)(press ru n, but it will activities are below. More They disembarked at Rameses International. sities under the G. I. Bill: struggle for equality. Dates stated the Library Policy month. And Moses left. also wind through part of will be forthcoming. " Moses," Marcus said, "it occurs to me that I don't Return those "cert" cards promptly to insure payment of these major addresses are Task Force has accepted a I apologize to Dr. jackson By the second day, the Egyptians had run out of sugar Pacific Beach to pick up Friday, the fifth; Open know how we're going to get our p eople out of Mogen." of education allowances for the final month of training. April 12, April 18, and lV1ay report from UCSD Librarian and the library Policy Task for the oatmeal. By the fifth day there was a shortage of passengers before it u es House, 2-4pm at the Fish­ You 'll excuse me if I don't get too worked up about it, Officials e)(plained that the certification of at­ 6. Mel Voight, this was an Force if any misun­ fuel an d they had to eat it cold. At week's end, the I nte rsta te 5 bowl. 8pm jazz concert at tendance card the veteran receives with the ne)(t to final Observation of the error on my part. Voight's derstandings have arisen Marcus. You know as much as I ." Egyptians were sick at the very m ntion of oatmea l, T he South Streaker will Winzer Commons with Marcus glanced suspiciously at Moses. "Are you check should be filled out; signed and returned to the month begi ns this Friday has not been accepted by from my article. which explains why to this day there are no Quakers in not accept cash, because it Diane Gallas. VA regional office. Otherwise, the agency can't prepare (April 5) with a 2-4 p.m. the committee on this time. james C . Soto trving to insult me?" . Egypt IS being run by Aztec Bus Monday, the eighth; a final check for the current school year. open house in the new The two hopefu l Hebrews checked into th e S Lwe Then the Lord said to Moses, "Let's hit 'em With L n es Passengers must use For most veterans, final months of training are lV1ay or Center's headquarters on continued on paae 11 Hilton After a refreshing mud bath, the two se ttled II1to campus unrest! " And Mo es aid unto the Lord, "OK." one-ride tick ts or monthly june, and most "cert" cards will be mailed in April. the l3itter Suite. Memphis University became a seething hotbed of passes In order to ride the Forms already have been mailed to veterans whose "Too bad there aren't any burning bushes around here revolution, and other colleges followed suit. It got so line. The cost will be 25 1~"iM_.~M~M~1 enrollment periods end earlier, howE!'oler. to tell us what to do, eh Moses?" that a student couldn't even throw a shadow without cents per ride or $6/ month The officials cited another reason veterans should Moses smiled. " Ah , but there you're wrong, Marc." He being pummeled by the Praetorian Guard. Pharaoh told for students and $10/ month return their "cert" cards promptly: reached into his pocket and withdrew a plastiC ba g that Moses to take the Hebrew , bu.trefused again after the for faculty and staff. Tickets 11M1illi&ijlllliilliIilMII... 11 "If the cards are not returned at the end of the current con tained an alfalfa-like substance. " I brought some of students were quiet. - and bus schedules can be semester," they stressed, "the veterans cannot Faculty Discusses Bargaining the bush with me. Set up the incense burner, Marcus." Moses went again to Pharaoh with instructions from pi:ked up in the Urey Hall F. tIItussi., IlIrti... Iy , 1114, automatically be enrolled for upcoming summer or fall Moses took a few pinches of the leaf and stuffed it the lord. " Pharaoh, thus says the Lord : let my people Box office or the Cash iers E.r .... IliH ISsist ~.IIIIi" A_- sessions, if they plan to continue." into the burner. He pulled out his lighter and put the go or you'll be sorry. A sickness shall descend upon office o n Mathews campus ie •• st ....ts i. Ilinilll a'.issie. flame to the weed . This time it was consumed. Moses you." But Pharaoh would not listen . And there The South Streaker will t. nUI,ill' nl,. .., ••IIc.1 cupped his hands (two, you'll remember) over his K ..... U lA political sc ience allow collective bargaining into " groups of common bargaining bill woulel be descended upon the people of Egypt a plague of be limited tl this route mouth and nose and opened them just enough to admit professor David Wilson told only if the majority of the interest." from the point of view of hemorrhoids, and when the supply of Preparation H ran because p resent pia ns ca II AM ""', jasl tilt ..,illlll , ma nagement. the top of the burner. He took a great whiff and held it a Sine. Ih. I...... h" I.. , ...t iM« the UCSD Academic. Senate instructors at the sc hool out the Egyptians were sorely beset to be seated . for an expanded bus service The professor further Sbe said administration w hile. the ,,,pendtr.t. diff icult, In s"ccud .. Wednesday that instructors voted for it. The bill is a As you've no doubt guessed by now, Pharaoh Deep to UCSD from the San Study Exorcism commented that any lobbyists are working for "Ah," he e)(haled finally, " yeah." in. at , fort ll" Ic.hool. thl (r"tfonwd should begin to prepare for redraft of a proposal from Heet still wouldn't let the Hebrews go . A s a matter of Diego Transit Corporation . ,raef,," "10 Il'tCludtl ,n inttnsi.e faculty group would have to thE' "best interests of the Marcus was puzzled. fact , even after nine plagues had taken place, Deep 12-16 __ 01" .•• 1 llId c.... , ..• The personally troubling and objectively interesting the eventual granting of Sen . George Moscone that These plans ca ll fo r not only choose the proper agent of univer ity administration" " Here, " Moses offered, " try it." Heet stili wouldn 't change his mind. So Moses and the more express buses to 11 ....1 11ft,.,.,. tour.. , ...... " lor questions arising from The . Exorcist . have moved a collective bargaining rights was votoed last year by .11 ._nh. Fiye hours dlil,. $ '1l'S representation. H E' men- in any proposed or passed Marcus took the burner hesitantly but tried it. Lord decided to have a summit conference. The summit former jesuit priest to organize an eight-week s~~lng to academic personnel. Gov. Reagan. At that time, UCSD, but more routes as po ..... (12·16 .....) Ih. ,ou, .. I. tioned the American bill. She said good bi'lI from " Wow!" he commented. " It sure doesn't taste like in question being that of Mt. Aerowax ... ._ In til. c ... olcy whor. til ••t,,"ol course on "E)(orcism, Possession, and the Occult. Wilson, who is chairman Reaga n sa id that the we ll ; beginning this Asso iiltion of U niversity th e pOint o t view of ad­ tomato juice." will .UI. ",Hie.' school. john Crillo, who became a cou~selor after .Ieavlng the of the UCLA Academic collective bargaining bill " Lord, I just don't understand it. This g uy's country is summer. Professors, th e i\m(>fica n min istration would r('strict " Now leave me," Moses commanded, "me and the in a shambles and still he refu ses to come t o terms." In HditiOft , (",rom" providfs stu· . thood thinks ignoring sprlt ual and Intellectual S nate, said that collective would not "address its If to One of these proposed '.01. wilh • IN& .01lInt... I •• cUI ­ pries , k d ., rederation of Teac hers, the bargainin g to ISsm's such ,IS Big Man have things to discuss ." " Well, I had a hand in it. Deep Heet was willing to let issues brought into focus by the boo an movie IS a bargaining would come to the welfar!.' or educational routes would go from UCSD lu,.1 .,i.. I.l iOll 'r .. '... . willi MI,,­ needs of our childr!'n," hut N J t ion a I I d u ( at ion sa la ry and bent'fih, ,mel you go after Plague V, but I changed his mind," the lord to Fashion Valley by way of Ie... .I.... nll now llueI,lo, ....i . i•• serious mistake. . I campuses " in two years at A"'Ol iat lon, of c1 newly· would ('xclLide ~cJd('mi( explained. Clairemont and University in thlt ..,Ucu l" country "'Yin, ., "You cannot play it down," he says . "The senslb e the outside" HI' ~did In­ that It only ,prved the need, eO.H'Otl. formC'd Indl'p<'nclent group 1~\Ues from the r('alm of So it was tliat Moses and Marcus went to the Palace " But if that's so, then why-" thing to do is to give people information, so that ,~ hey st ructor'> \hould dpt(>fm I nf' of fatuity mC'mb r, City. Because it will go In Bprkpl('y a, PO\~I bdltlP~ la (ulty bargain In~ POWf'( of Ete rnal Time-Motion Studies and came face-to-face "WhaU " shouted the lord. " And miss a chance to try down Genesee Avenue: this Iftl" "If...... , ca n make better judgements than they can now now hoth whether or not Wilson prt'dl tlll'Y IVdnt thc' POWN, ,mel aclVl'r\dfY r!.' I.ltlon\hlp route will allow students II.... II ~ 111l1li1 ..... rt'rllM"', LJ( VICp rrpwl!'nt lIrllv('r\ltv ,hould hdV~' ,III Moses approached Pharaoh and winked at his wife-or chuckled, " I rather enjoyed it. It's lonely at the top, "HlI 11\ thrc;ul.h lurH' h, l' 'pon'orl'cI hI' L'( '>[) I hm\ thp\, \\111 nll'lIliOnl'd ,1 hill 110'\ <11 r~lIn, nt" that \.\ould '" ,.,.., York Stete ~ : commanded, "Bring the receipt for Mogen." be exact), and annihilated a universe. All in fun, of Another route would be "r('port 01' mu( h v!'nfipd information ,IS \\f' can ,lbolJt (516) 746-2310 "Wait!" cried Moses. " It won't be necessary; for my course . Incidents rplated to l'~orCI~m, formulut(' rplt'vdnt an " R Express " to follow sta ff is better than yours." He took his staff and (liang? " What's it to be? Moses questioned. " Soap operas? que,tlons dnd If 1M' (annat rrovlde ,,",w('r, thc'n appro)(imately the same or write. flought?) flung it to the floor whereupon it turned into a )rovld!' bNter ways of (Opll1g With th.{' question'" d~d Came shows? Dentists? .. " route as the present R bus. snake. "Wait a minute," said the lord. He paged through His It wouid make ap­ ~rlng to light the various POll1ts of view-ways 01 111- E._III, Lill. "Oh yeah?" Deep Heet snarled " Well, my staff's pretty book, makin~ a sound like .. .thunder? " Let's' see, uh ... Iet plOximately f!Very fourth '7.... c..cry .... terpr tlng the da ta " good, too. Kissingerl Haldeman! Erlichman! Front and stop until it got to Grand ...... ,U.lI ..' The course was created after the ~~tlonwlde su rge ~f continued on paae ~ 1 Hewlett-Packard presents a small ~Ie: center!" The three aides ran up the steps and stood Avenue in Pacific Beach . interest In the movie based on William Peter Blatty s before Pharaoh. He rose from his chair, pushed them book and was too late to be included In the spring the HP-65 fully ~Ie pocket-sized onto the floor and pointed to them. "Alright, clowns, Expl~re catalog. A leaflet describing . the course. IS make like snakes!" available and, according to the ExtenSion registration The three slithered and ~rithered on the floor, hissing office, will be mailed to interested persons. To request a computer calculator.$795. LQW PRICES and darting their tongues to and fro. But Moses' snake MEXICOY HIGH TRADE-INS lenflet , please t('1 phone 41)-2000, ('xt. 2061 ate them. RENTALS "Goddammit!" Pharaoh muttered. LA FRONTERA " I that a request?" Marcus asked. PROI-ESSIONAl & American Indian " I warn you, Pharaoh, either let the Hebrews go or (Lecture in English) INDUST RIAL Come in and try it Cod will plague you ." DEALERSHIPS • The HP·65 ,s the only fully program· Speaker: Professor Romeo Flores Medical School mabie pocket-Sized computer calculator 111 the world that lets you write, edl l. BOZ SCAGGS/SLOW Caballero EI CoIegio de Mexico The American Indian needs help from the nation's and record your programs on coli ges The I'sue IS health Our " flrs.t Americans" are magnetic cards including: the first to die, their life expectancy IS 47 years vs 71 • The Hp·65 also lets you use hundreds I Got YourNurnber/Sail On WhIte Moon years for other mericans. Their incidence of TB, for of pre-recorded programs from You Make" So Herd (To Say No) Sponsored the ('x,lmpl(', I~ 14 tlmp, Ih(' national i\V('raL:l' . Hewlett·Packard. Each comes with Let" Happen/PaIn Of low Although the U S. Indian population IS nea r . the easy-to·follow instructions . by Department million figure, here are only two full-blooded American • And, the HP·65 is a powerfu l of Indian phy~i(I ,' ns and one d nll,t 10 OVPf( on~(' . \~c~ III keyboard·opera ted calculalor with 5) pre·programmed helath statistic " the I ndians have td kt:Io a n~"" 'ntttat~ \I.f . funclions and operations. History They are builtii'1g the first American Indian Medical Sc hool, where t he output will not o nly be phYSICians, but nurses, dentists, medical technlclar\s and t'mergency mt'dtcal teams . The cost of he new medical school, to be lo cat~ '" the Navajo Natron, Arizona, but open to all Ameri can Indians, will l>e more than $30,000,000. MilliOns have UnlV£RSiT'f Date: Thursday, April 11, 1974 already been raised by the Navajo Health Aut~ority, but additional help is needed, both in fund-rai Sing and Time: 3:00 p.m. 2402 publicity . Place: APM The Amencan Indian Prol cts Foundation, a tax­ I'xempt private foundation, now asks the college fREE VAlIOJlTEO PARKING \tudents of Amprira to form AIPF chapters on campus s OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2356564 with It\ Inilial prowCl thl' AmpfI(.an Indian M ~ical MA TTHEWS CAMPUS E)(tension 1360 ,>chool 1ngine in favor such blatant propaganda as Jerome Katsell's last article? of electri :ifY and go back to the horse and buggy, if Why do they not look about their own environs for Learn to Sky Soil ...... necessar) ." Solzhenitsyn stands agai nst the universal "human rights" to protect, for persecuted dissidents ..._ - trend of li berating women from their exploited roles as here in the U. S. to rally around? Need they look farther In five fun-I... ona . tor only tIi.OO per I... on ... and servants of men and raisers of fami lies . But it is not only than Ocean Be-ach or Alameda County? How about ABORTION COMMUNITY apply them all. If you wlah to the pure h... of your very own Sky SIIli women he does not want to liberate Revealing his lack Coachella Valley, Minneapolis, or New York? Where ALTERNATIVES BLOOD BANK of any ~.Iobal social responsibility towards the op­ were they when Ri chard Nixon and Bobby Kennedy 327 F. Street Sky SeIling I..... 111'. _yl It'. htmlly funl LA ..n how pressed peoples of the world he writes: "(Liberate were McCarthy's henchmen? Where are they now? PRO-LIre - now - from QUllllfied. pro .....on.1 In_ucto.. 1 women from) the crowbar and the shovel. To save them Fr_Fllght of Satn Diego I. the I_e.t Sky '..,Ing PAYS DONORS achoolln the Co... ty "" but enrolment I. IImltedl C•• from this humi liation, who would not abandon the Obviously, the difference is that Solzhenitsyn is an 24 HRS . forsenke nowl subsidization of South American revolutionaries?" anticommunist, bourgeois, elitist and so are they. They Mon.-Sat. 583-54JJ For ....".lnformetIon on A ...... • .... _.rowInti .• are not against the violation of "human rights", but 8:45-5:30 _onlllOlt Who, indeed? proponents of the maintenance of priviledge. They are Closed Sun. th comical tools of the ruling class of this country, as free speakers Dial 2Q7 -1218 Nowl In fact, Solzh nillyn reveals himself at the sam e time they have been throughout the cold war. let them find available 233-5481 ...... NowforY_W.... -Ind ~on ,,_,...., .. 1In oe..o. a-1G22. ... D"o to be both not a communist and not a patriot. In his people more worthy than Solzhenitsyn of saving, and ".0. letter to the Soviet leaders, he urges them to abandon dissent more worthy of not being crushed. .". Pa. S Triton fime, April 5, 191. PaRe 4 Triton Times, April S, 1974 Children's Records: Larry Deck.~ Concert Notes: "The Band That Drove, fhe Musical N ~ Art-Vark . Rats Out of Munford Theatre Lil 101141 MU5eum of Art- EGGSI! Don't miss the Seals change over the Doobies is If you're a rock and roll few. His latest album C:arol Sue Ferrante, a Unborn Child - Mel Crofts exhibition entitled SURFACE OF AN EGG, which opens Warner BIOS. higher consciousness of fan, then, Tuesday the 9th "Hobos, Heros, and Street former Miss Tennessee and this Saturday in the Museum's upstairs galleries. The Auditions Hurrah. Seals and Crofts have The Giant Rilt of Is . The Doobies have will be your night to rock Corner Clowns" is a airline stewardess jOined exhibition includes approximately 150 eggs designed wound up back on the ground Firesian The ...,. had good vocal quality, out and party ... the UCSD collection of songs mostly the Highsteppers band in Well, the Firesign and painted by Sybil Edwards . Included will be ostrich Auditions for the UCSD iIIain. After the success of latest tunes take more Campus Program Board and based on personal ex ­ 1972. The rhythmiC section eggs , quail eggs, cassowary eggs, and various types of Children's Theatre Players "Summer Breeze", the dyanmic back together apin and of this than ever KSDT are presenting a rock periences. of the Highsteppers is plastic eggs and wooden and glass nest eggs. Her Spring production "The duo seemed to have of temporary split which . Harmonies abound, and and roll show you'll never com prised of Rocky vision~ designs are brilliantly colored in numerous geometric Toe-tappin' music is a Prince Who Wouldn't superstardom in the heads, and claimed never happened a pseudo-Beach Boys forget. Stomp in' into the Barretta and Bill Marshall ~ed to hurt them a . 10 section crops up in patterns. Also at the Museum is an exhibit of recent mainstay of the current Grow" wi II be held Saturday "Diamond Girl" seemed 50 Gym for the evening will be who have played together paintings and drawings by American minimal painter, music scene. With Nix, will afternoon, April 6, ift 201 pushy, so trying to be. latest offering is taste in "Black Water." the Don Nix-larry Rasp­ for seven years and have Me (next to the bookstore) most commercial Robert Mangold, who has just recently been discovered . berry and the Highsteppers be larry Raspberry and made appearances with Z. at 1:00 p.m. With "Unborn Child" Seals date. Unlike past firesign This album has a different Mangold's work combines geometric shapes and subtle Review . Highsteppers, an in- Z. Top and Joe Walsh prior Eleven parts ire available and Crofts have relax~ back the Giant Rat offers a feel from their past arrangements of color, eliminating all concern with The band, numbering 13 to joining larry. Greg in this clownish comedy into their music, and even layed linear story line to follow to keep a Doobie fan illusions of space or painterliness. The exhibit is in the or so in membership, is a " Fingers" Taylor, the dealing with a kingdom's back for what seems to be their the majority of their ing it right off the downstairs galleries, and should prove quite interesting . blending of numerous harmonica player, has solutions to the prob lem of most ballady album yet. This is always transversed. It at first, but it quickly musical styles and worked with Jimmy Buf­ Triild Gilliery-Catch Richard Colby's exhibit of a prince who just won't not in any way meant to say the reminiscent of the Nick itself as a very finely backgrounds, including fette. And roundi ng out the collection of tunes. sculpture. Other artist's works are on display as well. grow. Various members of album is fluffy, but rather, that sequence of long ago, in Mississippi! delta , I: ~ nd , are the two most The address is 3701 India Street, San Diego. the social strata attempt to it has a relaxed poetic air to it, a simple story receives their Braodway musicals, and recent enl is t ees -Jerr y solve this perplexing which negates a more rocky than simple treatment. ••• down-home Memphis style McKinney and Joe problem including a prime tendancy that some of their To Peruse: Billboil Piltk Fine Arts GalierY-"California-Hawaii rock. Mulherin-making up the minister, a bumbling earlier work seemed to be Here it's Hemlock WeI!, everyone's going to see III," ~ juried exhibition of paintings, sculpture, and The "Cast of Characters" "horn" section. magician, a quack doctor, a possibly headed for. Great Defective, and his e Exorcist, and everyone's graphiCS by practicing artists of California and Hawaii. includes the near-legendary With the people men­ misinformed school companion and biographer to cash in. There's a Also gallery exhibit of Persian Miniature Paintings, from Don Nix. Nix has long been tioned above and t he Seals and Croft continue to Flotsom who romp their porno version called 10 a.m . to 5 p.m . daily except Mondays. teacher, and a military blend their vocal harmonies a vaguely familiar figure addition of many others to "Ascent of Man" general. through the typical blend Sexorcist, and now a film Saturday intrinSically with the /­ lurking on the edges of the the current tour, the Don Fftms "The play lends itself Firesign humor. Heavy on is coming forth with Billboa Piltk Museum of Man-"Year of the Days" music world. Heavily in­ Ni)(-larry Raspberry and the mandolin riffs to their best most sophisticated puns laxorcist. On the musical exhibit highlighting seasonal festivals from around the quite readily to a sort of advantage. Working from both fluenced by bluesmen such Highsteppers Review has The Campus Program Board will present two films by stylized Commedia found, this album is the Warner Bros . is releaSing world; Early Man film this Sunday at 1, 2, arid 3 p.m., as , and Sleepy been tearing apart the the German Director, Fritz la~g . "M" and "Destiny" will Professor Joseph Kraut of ends, the following "Dr. Leaky and the Dawn of Man" in conjunction with del'Arte/Circus Clown type accessible one they've soundtrack to the Exorcist, John Estes, Nix has worked country. The varied in­ the Chemistry Department vocals in "Big Mac", and the be shown in USB2722 Saturday, April 6 as part of the presentation" says Director produced. The humour is it's supposed to be as scary the museum's Early Man exhibit, focusing on man's as a singer, producer, dividual talents, combined has secured a grant from vocals chasing neatly along the Saturday Film Series. Peter lorre portrays a psychotic Larry Deckel. "It will be the same, with gems like fi lm . As for Tubular Bells, earliest ancestors and his relation to other primates, composer and musician. Don Nix into a single dynamic force the National Endowment lines of the guitar riff in the sex criminal in "M " , a tense thriller and pathological brightly costumed, with an without your clothes is now advertised as the "Nutrition-The Appetite of Man," nine cultures seen As a singer-musician, Nix promises one o f the most for the Humanities for the album's best cut "Dance by the study of individual and mob crime. The film was made outlook towards broad, naked Miss Dudley" or from The Exorcist, damn through food, nutrition, and health; Prehispanic Faces was an origianl member of exc iting and fun shows ever in 19;30. presentation of the film light of the Moon." broad playing, with huge the mouth on that of Tubular made its way exhibit, consisting of figurines, masks, and photos up to the classic Memphis group credible combination of to come to the UCSD series " The Ascent of Man". " Destiny" was Fritz lang's first important film and props, and a sense of Th~ album is slightly marred but the plot is the film, which inCidently, 2, years old; Molas exhibit, 20th century Cuna Indian The Mar-Keys (with Steve an ex-a irline stewardess, a campus. of the first German films to win international acclaim. It The series of th irteen applique work; from 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. daily. buffonery." The Show is with a bit of poetic drivel, in simpler and lacks matter how good it is, is still Cropper, Duck Dunn and members of a OO's popular So, come join the fun was made in 1921 and is silent. outstanding films, co­ being built to travel easily which recitation is placed the disappointment Grade-B horror movie. Wayne Jackson); a par­ band (The GentrysJ, with "The Band That Drove produced by Time-Life Billboa PiI,k Nilturill History Museum - Grab-bag and These films are the first in an outstanding series of and tentative plans include against instrumental (which just Firesign fans) the tici pant in the Concert for Broadway musIcians ... in the Rats Out of Munford", Films and the B.B.C., Rock Sale, Sunday 1-4:30 p.m. in museum; plants, films to be presented each Saturday. Others include outdoor performances in doesn't seem to work anywhere variations and levels that Magazine recently Bangladesh ; and a member short, a group of rock and Tuesday night, April 9th at 8 presents the ideas of Dr. animals, and minerals from today and ages past are Fellini's satyricon, Andy Warhol's "Trash", Kurt Von­ parks and .so forth." today no matter how well­ previously seen . up on the wrong bush of the Alabama State roll stampers. larry pm in the UCSD gym . Jacob Bronowski, eminent di~played from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. Also, there is negut's "Happy Birthday Wanda June", Cocteau's The play has an appeal to intentioned it may be) and the they called on Fanny to Troupers road show a few Raspberry, described as the Tickets are ONLY S1.50 for philosopher, mathemati­ For pure humour sake a live honey bee exhibit. classic "Beauty and the Beast" and will also feature children at all age levels, sociological implications of title themselves. "We'll pose years back . Nix is also the "Master of Ceremonies", UCSD students and S2 .50 cian, and Senior Fellow at solid as anything they've directors Ingmar Bergman and louis Bunuel. and the production will cut "Unbord Child" are liable to when Hugh Hefner poses composer of " Goin' Down" the H ighsteppers' founder, for the general the Salk Institute. and should even make The series will conclude with Yves Robert's " Tall offer UCSD students a rare insult some liberated souls with the centerfold with a hard- Billboa Pilrk Serril Museum-" Past to Present, " the which has been recorded at lead singer, guitarist, pianist public ... available at the The first two segments listening ~ for people Blond Man With One Black Shoe", an uproarious opportunity to work with a its anti-abortion sentiments, but " sa id Jean Millington. At first annual designer's showcase focusing attention on least twenty-one times. As a and "resident Mouth" has Urey Hall Box Office, comedy to cap out the year. "Lower Than Angels': and found Firesign too u ...... " child audience. Production all in all, the album remains a that's the story as I heard it - the Inerit of historic structures in San Diego, featuring producer, Nix, has been around the music Tuesdays through Fridays "The Harvest of the past. I might add in Tickets are S1 .00 for each Saturday'S showing and are dates are scheduled the pleasant, melodic distraction in Warner Bros . Circular two turn-of-the-century structures in the Golden Hill produced albums for John scene for quite some time­ n00n-4:30 ... "ROCK AND available either as the Urey Hall Box Office or at the Seasons", will be presented that for Sherlock Holmes week of May 11 through 19. the midst of all the oppressive area of San Diego in addition to the Villa Montezuma. Mayall, , Delaney including stints with the ROLL WILL MAKE YOU door. Monday, April 8th in USB- it's a must, the in-jokes Auditions are completely pop music of today. Shows:ase will demonstrate aesthetic and economic and Bonnie (who he Gentrys (of "Keep on RANT AND RAVE / IT'll 2722 at 7:30 p.m.The don't stop. Ears been bothering you open to the UCSD com­ feasibility of restoring historical and architecturally discovered), , Dancing" fame) and with SEND YOU TO AN EARLY remaining films in the series Dr. Joseph M. Bishtowish munity, and new-comers ••• significant buildings for modern use-call 239-1154 for , Charlie Alamo, another Memphis GRAVE/ BUP OH-WHA T A wi II be presented on ••• noise and air are encouraged to attend. Rock n Roll Animill - Lou Reed ticket and tour infor"'~tion . Musselwhite, to name a group. LOVELY WAY TO GO ... !!!" consecutive Monday nights RCA tests at a recent "Black Positions are also available in USB-2722 at the same nsas" performance and for those interested in Well nobody seems abre to time. Warner the noise level during technical work in all fields. catch Lou Reed getting into a In th is series, Dr. This fourth album by concert was 115 decibels, far For further information, rut. From "Velvet Un­ Bronowski traces and Doobies, following on the safe level of 80 "'"e April 13, 1974 - 8:00 pm contact larry Deckel at 453- derground," to "Transformer," Drama 000 explores Man's complex coattails of their very The doctor said ex­ 9045 or X1016. to his epic Berlin, lou Reed now and often precarious ascent takes yet another turn and "Toulouse Street" and exposure to noise in the MAIN GYM - UCSD of his earliest form and becomes a "Rock n Roll Captain and Me," marks a decibel range could per­ Auditions • abilities. Included are Animal." And the attack is with change in the Doobie y damage a person's UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA, segments dealing with more vengence that the Velvet The instrumental end The UCSD Drama Club is holding auditions for the mystical searchings leading Underground ever had. third annual "!", a one act festival, this Sunday at 1:30 SAN DIEGO to the beginnings of things has taken a .And speaking of noise, What makes this album so complex turn, and ad(lltl()n pm in the International Center following the club's chemistry, an outline of the runk's latest LP " Shinin' TRITON TIMES good is that Reed has got just an and there of piano, general meeting at 1. There are four plays bein g development of music , featuri ng 3-D cover, and hit incredible band playing for him. arrangements, a little ped al cosmblogy, relativity, Ie Loco-Motion headlines produced for the evenings, Jun e ':I and iO~ They are The PRESENTS Steve Hunter' s intro and guitar at the hands of upcoming tour. For the Apollo of Bellilc by Jean Glraudoux, Masks of Angels by evolution, physi cs and the prologue to Reed's entrance and Dan's Jeff " skunk" Baxter, , Gra nd Funk's film "We're N . Peryalis, The Circus from Burning Bright by John dilemma of scientific "Sweet Jane" is just as fluid and even Arlo Guthrie on American Band " will be Steinbeck, and The Informer by Bertolt Brecht. For morality. crisp as e lectri c guitars can get. adds all sorts of new elements in 25 mm along with a further information call 270-1069 or 452-8375 . The Chemistry Depart­ The album is just in no way the Doobies 2 guitars, ilmed fi reworks opening. A ment and the Campus apologetic. It's direct dynamic drummers, and 1 bassist. ilmed train-smash will also be !luDi! Program Board are pleased rock 'n roll, with lou Reed at the during performan·.e of to be able to present this front of it all.lt's not that he's But beyond the lO(,o-nlotl ." (Did you know important series without got such a hot voice, but it's an dimension of the instru ...... ~ t tune was written by dear charge. album that just reeks with quality, (which while a UCSD Gym 7S at door Ie Ki ng??). Funk's concert • * « charisma.The builds and ex­ addition actually is 0 « . OPEN AND NEW CLASSES « ltlt~ iaurtll lighting at 56,000 watts tickets available at Urey Hall Box Office tensions herein, particuliarly on trimming on the cake, and « « nd system output of " Heroin" make this as a easily be disposed of at « VA 10 « excitin~ watts. Watt will they gut rock album as has been seen titanic loss for the SATURDAY up with next? • Introduction to Art - D. Antin THIS CLASS « in a while. live performance I suspect), • WILL FULFILL THE FINE ARTS REQUIREMENT « ' nf~puiu 2 Fritz Lang Films PHOTO « Lecture - T, Th 2:]0-]:50 HSS 2250 [Sections • « ~~l • « • EQUIPMENT « VA 15C • mUUer QInmp IN LA JOLLA u C S D THEATRE. • The Art Course "European Art History • gen'l admission 12.50 • [Baroque I" - D. Fienga • « lecture - T, Th 1:00-2:30 HSS 2250 [ Sections • « also) • UCSD students '1.50 Moliere I S comic masterpiece · •« VA 105A • « Drawing [Beginning] , Staff • « M, W 10:00-12:50 TBA[Call Xl9951 • « • tartuf « VA t06A • « Pilinting [Beginning] - Stilff • COLOR PROtESStMG BV EMTMAN lODN<. « M, W 2:00-4:50 MC 101 • Directed by « • SALES. REP"IRS. TRADES « VA 125 • Eric Christmas DISCOUNT PRICIS « Advilnced Art of India - D. Sanford • toPI:C' ... L/srs 'N CANON PIIOTO&R"PHIC ~Y'T&M$ « T, Th 2:00-3:30 HSS 1305 • ON~ 01' TH" ~AIf~ST UtAtTlON 0,0/I'III1< MOM « • raUln"ENT .,,,0 lUHUrs - ,eATualNe /Will\/<. « VA 189 • ",fffl>6If.AH/C.M-.s TICKET SALES I'ClW OPEN TO UCSO « The Director's Series - Manny Farber • • Lecture - W 7:00-9:50 USB 2722 [Section • I 458-'955 I (W ILL OPEN TO GEl'ERAL « Thursday & Friday] «• BOB DAVIS CAMERA SHOP AVAILABLE IN DRAMA CFFICE • SCHEDULE CHANGES • 1 717 F"'Y ~,,£ . IFrot Pa r k ing In n.t Reo. , LA. ~OLL " « « "M" and DESTINY « 15C T, Th 1:00-2:10 HSS 22 <;0 • • 1&7A M, W 10 : 00-12 :~ 0 HL 145'1 « USB 2722 7: 30 pm s1.00 «••••••••••••••••••••••••• P,II\C 7 Tri ton l im!'" pril 'i, 1'1 74 r'lIe (, Iriton Times, April 5, 1974 Spring Has Sprung 1M News Surf Team Good Guys Lose Two

Looking for .., In Volleyball Happening Spring Sports People, Waves III UNTITLED I by Eric Ra isters The new wild bunch is Intramural soccer Coed Floor Hockey-a forming at UCSD . Sign up Unknown to most UCSD playoffs are finally coming wild game designed to bring now for the spring quarter students, although quite up this weekend. The guys and girls together in a with. the intercollegiate Surf well publicized in the San week of hard living. lake, Chino, Davis, Chico: schedule. There are a Diego commu nity, The Besides, old Eric has a low tresno, gosh, I can't go on). couple of ways to do this playoff pairings are as variety of fun-filled ways. Team . follows : Bookend (fi rst Games will be played in the This quarter's events United States Volleyball tolerance level (were not Alas, too many others have but the UT staff is con­ Association sponsored one The Staff trusts that speaking of beer here, but forgotten what spring vinced that everyone, even place Hawk) vs. Kickbacks Rec Gym on Wednesday include intercollegiate surf everyone of you lan­ (first place Turkey) at 1 nites. Form your team contests, two surf trips to of the top women's don't tell hIm I sa,d so, he quarter should really be the freshmen have adroit volleyball teams in the ' dlubbers had a great has a very low tolerance like. The UT staff is pushing methods of getting around p.m.; winner of the Contact now ... this is one 1M activity Mexico, team party, beer vacation. It sure is a vs. Pegasus (Hawk second you won't want to miss. drinking, surf contest, surf world to play one of the top level there also) about what for the eradication of the the system . A few simple amateur women's teams in touching gesture of the goes on in his hallowed all-too-common lament suggestions might be in place) vs. Chargers Captain's meeting Friday, movies, morning and glass­ Regents to allow the (Chicken first place) at April 12, 5 :00 pm in Rec off surf togethers plus team the U. S., the LA Renegades, sports page. "Sure, I go to UCSD, sure order though for the more before a highly volleyball­ student a whole entire week Spring quarter is a unique it's in la Jolla, very close to naiveandinnocentthinking. noon. The winners of these Gym Conference Room. meetings and great in which to vacation (Praise matches will meet on discounts on new surf oriented San Diego' Crowd. experience here at UCSD . the beach. You know how The simplest road to The feature game was the LordI) In any case, the The staff has decided to many times I've been down freedom is to take 8, 12, or Sunday to play for the Now all you Chris Evert's equipment. UT staff could go on for championship at 1 p .m. on and Stan Smith's can show It's all scheduled and prece jed by a warm-up drop a few hints on how to to the beach meathead???? 14 units, Another . game featuring the Old pages about the madcap set yours up. Too many Once, all year I've been the Muir field. The winner what you can do on the ready to go. See Gary or misadventures of Chet and of this game will also get to tenn is court. Intramural Margie in the in ­ Mission Beach Athletic freshmen are new here and down there just on­ possibility for the vast Club (OMBAC) and none Shawnovich as they suc­ majority of Revelle go to UC Santa Cruz for the Coed Tennis Leagues are tercollegiate PE office or have yet to experience their ce... sob ... sobl" listen here other than our own UCSD cessfully endeavored to Students (some Muir, some AII-Cal Intramural Festival. now being formed . come to the next meeting first spring la Jolla sen­ you bozos, this kind of Voilleyball Team. Although compress 6 months of Third) that have a com­ In the men's playoffs, the Competition will consist of Wednesday at 7 p .m. in the satiom (especially fresh­ attitude has got to stop. in an earlier meeting this enjoyment, drinking, and pulsive urge to take at.Jeast pairings will be as follows : mixed doubles, played on PE Classroom. men from such God­ Ergo, the first step for year, OMBAC had bested carousing around into one 18 units, if not 22 or 24, is to Blacks Beach vs. Rats at 2 Tuesday and Thursday There will be a men's and forsaken places as China spring is to take a light the Triton spikers in four assimilate some less p.m. on tomorrow and Rat nights from 7-10 pm . There women's team . All in­ sets, they were in for a fight demanding classes into Poison vs. Warthogs at 3 will be two divisions to terested persons are this time. your schedule, perhaps p.m. also tomorrow. The accommodate the different welcome to join. So put In the first game, UCSD Fingerpainting l-A or Championships will be held levels of play. However, some fun into your spring Tritons Beat Selves; led by Bruce Cazden and Basketweaving 121 . There next week. members of the Men's and get it together with the All games will take place Intercollegiate Varsity surf team. Tim Myrick's hitting kept are a plethora of creative OMBAC within two points tallest player on the team is tough three out of five thinkers out there who can on the Muir field at the Team are ineligible. So find r------, Lose to USD Nine throughout the whole Tim Myrick, who is 6'3") 15- battle between the Korean initiate separate methods designated times and all yourself a partner and come game. Then, disaster struck 10. National Women's team (One mentioned to me is to interested students are to the meeting Thursday, Announcements and the second one was pitch was not allowed to go as UCSD blew two passes, In the deciding game, the and the LA Renegades, The ambitious sport­ sign up for 20 units and welcome to come and April 11 in the Rec . Con­ F'aculty Whips scored on a wild pitch after to first and another runner their usual mode of losing Tri tons passing again fell beefed up with a variety of swriter, in his drive to be then take'F's in two of the watch the top teams in this ference Room at 4:00 pm. two men were out. was called . out after Jeff games, and lost a close one apart as they were not able U.S ., OlympiC stars such as the next Jim Murray, must classes-what a brave and school play for that trip to For information call 755- learn several things in order Simon was called for Due to a number of 15-13. to manage any sort of 30 year old Nancy Owens In the bottom of the third courqeous individuall) Santa Cruz. 5738. running out of the base complaints, the PE I n the second game offense against the height and San Diego State's own to become a great jour­ the Tritons tied the score Now that you have your Varsity Netters with two runs of their own. path, this call completing a Department asks that UCSD overpowered of the OMBAC players. Laurel Brassie. nalist. He must learn to 12 units, the next step is go They loaded the bases, then double play. clothes be worn in the OMBAC, despite the Tritons Final score was 15-10. For those who are not write. He must have a out and have some fun, and general, if not in depth, Curt Jenkins worked the On the season the Tritons Sauna Room . Also, for the acute lack of height (the The feature game was a that familiar with national Tuesday afternoo" 6-2. The volleying was the prospects lOok &ood knowledge of most sports. are 5-9 but playing well next few weeks, student volleyball, Ms. Brassie is the members of the UCSD staff steady throughout the pitcher for a walk to force already. Mother Nature is And finally he must be able in one run. Bill Goddard according to coach lyle I D's and Recreation first woman ever to play, were challenged by the games. out trying to figure out the to find the stadium or arena drove in the other run while Olsen. Olsen said that the 1m Captain's Privilege Cards will be and is in fact one of the men's tennis team. Out of The fourth and final difference between butter in which a given sports grounding in to a double main problem with the checked and those without starting setters for, San the four matches played, all match was a tough victory and margarine while Father event is to take place. play. team is a definite lack of cards will not be permitted Diego State's I n­ of which were doubles, the for the varsity team, run­ Nature is getting hish on meetings In the course of covering scoring. He said that the to 'use the Sauna. tercollegiate Volleyball varsity players took only ning into a tie breaker in the The last three USD runs something, leaving La jolla the UCSD Baseball team were also unearned. In the pitching was excellent and This coming Tuesday Team. one. Despite the final staff last game, with final scores to take care of itself with victory, the members of the of 6-3,6-7, 5-2, Tony lopez the latter requirement sixth inning the Toreros has kept them in most of SPORT TIME night, from 7:30 to 10 p.m., The Korean women some nice sand and sun. team proved to be good and Jack Tawfik outplayed might be a stumbling block loaded the bases with two their games. roller skate FREE at the Tri­ showed why they were an But, besides the beach Men'. Sohball Fri. 3pm competition. a fellow team member Tony to the budding sportswriter. buts. The hitter then Olsen also said that the City roller Rink in Solana international and Olympic there's old Lee Johnson and Coed Softball Fri. 4 pm In the first doubles Skip Pena and staff member Or so I found out when I popped up in foul territory, team has no real stars, the Beach. Transportation will caliber team as they handily his troops doing their thing. Coed Volleybell W.d. 3 pm was assigned to do this only to get a reprieve at the team plays well together, be provided at no charge to disposed of the Renegades, Schenk and Shack Fischer Harry Bloom. Taking a look at the lineup -of the varsity opposed John' Overall, the team has story on the baseball team. plate when third baseman with different players taking Coed Tennl. Thure, 4 pm Revelle students at a first­ 15-11, 15-8, 15-2. Although for spring, why you just Yoemans and Manley been improving with more The game itself, played Jeff Simon collided with tums in having excellent Coed W.t.rpalo Fri. 4 pm (April 12' call, first-serve basis, while the victories were not quite gotta get on a softball team Young; with a final score for speed than their coach had on Tuesday, was a disap­ catcher Randy Sena, the days. Hocke.,. Frl. Ii pm (April 121 all others must provide their as easy as the scores reflect, and what's this I hear about the faculty of 5-7, 6-0, 6-2. anticipated at the begin­ pointment as the Tritons ball falling untouched. In The pitching staff is own transportation . To the Korean women kept hockey in the gym? What dropped a tough game to the ninth inning USD got composed of Peter Yockey, reserve a seat on the bus, their cool and were able to Nationally ranked John ning of the season. Un­ will they think of next? Yoemans has won tour- dfunted by their schedule the University of San Diego another unearned run as a Randy Miller, Bob come to the Rec Office and pull both of the close games So, spring quarter is here All c.pt.ln,· meetings w ill be held naments up and down the of strong opponents, these by the score of 5-2 . It was a man tripled then scored on loutgren, Jeff Wiederholt, In the Rae gym conference room. sign up as soon as possible. out before they were really and its about time people game that could have gone an error at first with two and Mark Farrar. All five For more information, call pressed. state; Manley Young is a men are shooting for the started acting like they go Hawaiian champion. championship. either way, but went the outs. have pitched well this year Harry at ext. 2285. Although the UCSD way of USD on a couple of The Tritons attempted to to school by the beach. We crowd was sparse, probably The staff took the second For those of you in- but have lost a little of their suggest a light load with defensive lapses on the part make the Kctme exciting in because of the high prtce of doubles 6-7, 7-6, 6-3 with terested in tennis, there will touch over the finals and heavy emphasis on sun, of the Tritons. the bottom of the ninth, but spring break layoff . As the admission, the crowd was alumnus John Savage and be three upcoming home sand, and surf and get that The game started slowly, their rally was snuffed by team gets back into the nonetheless large, and Sidney Glass representing. matches in the next week. tan so you can go home and with the pitchers keeping some timely and somewhat groove you can look for­ highly partisan The varsity players were Tomorrow the Tritons impress your friends. Nick White and Bill Duke. oppose USIU at 1:00; next the hitters in check for the indecisive calls by the ward to some exciting With a warm-up USVBA Coach Tad Yamaguchi Tuesday, April 9, they are first two innings. In the top umpires. The Tritons loaded tournament coming up thiS and Jack Douglas beat up against Point lorna at of the third USD erupted for the bases with no one out ..... weekend, the Tritons will be continued on pale 11 ,----- able to tryout some new Richard Freer and Kurt 4:00; and Saturday, April two runs, the first earned but were unable to score a~ Fristrup with scores of 7-5, 13, UCSD will host Oc- one batter who was hit by a tricks after the week long cidental at 1 :00. layoff for vacation, before RADUATE resuming Single matches :...... ···········t ...... ------....----- ...... ----- ...... against UC Riverside. April 12, and San Bernardino ••• It's time to rock and roll Memphis style! Valley JC, April 19. Both ! Sports This Week i STUDENTS matche will be held on the • • home court. : UCSD Campus Program Board and KSDT present: ·:I)AY SPORT OPPONENT LOCATION TIME : SPORTS "rl Golf UC Irvine Pendleton 12 :30 • : MIn', Tennl, So. CII. College Muir Cta 2:00 • • Men', Tennl, USIU Muir Ct. 1:00 : THE DON NIX·LARRY ffASPBERRY AND tHE HIGHSTEPPERS REVIEW set Cr_ SO Crew Clenlc Minion BlY 8:00 1m • : $un V Soccer Club BoliVina Robb Fld noon . CARS • JV Socc.r Club Coronado Robb Fld 2:00 • UCSD BUSES • M,n', TI", I. Point Lome Muir Ct. 4:00 • "The Baud That Drove the - :!u.. B.. 4II>." Azu,a Plclflc Dlemond 3:30 • iIIrl Volleyboll UC Riv.rslde Meln gym 7:00 : The,.'. no ..., w., for Ch.,11e Hel.on to become Dr. Melson. • Golf Point Lome Pendleton 12:30 • REDUCED Anlonlo the National Naval Mechcal Center ,n But there IS a way 10 make It somewhat easier Or Rats Out nf Munford" Our way . The A, med forces Heallh P,olesslons Bethesda, Maryland, recognll~ worldWIde tor Its : ...... •.•...... •.... Scholarship Program. II won't solten Ihe demands worl< In Med Ical ResearCh , And If you've read thiS far, you may be Interested OB-PB CLAIREmONT of your professors. Of those you make upon yourself & - but It may free you from those flnanclill problems In the detads Jusl send In the coupon and we'll Tuesday, April 9th UCSD GYM 8:00 pm RATES wn lcn. understandably. can put a cflmp In your supply Ihem concentration # 3212 GOVERNOR DR. If YQu Qualify. our scholarShip program Will cover ------,:~'!'t' r Of(.~ Sc.hoI.I'll\'CUI :loCH ..... 7 Round Trips A Day At: 7,8,9 am 12,3,4:45,10 pm the COSIS of your medical education. More, you'll Un,wt'loIl CII, Teaol) 1'148 receIve a good monlhly allowance all th,ough you, SAN DIEGO 92 122 I ~$Ir. ,nIQrm.:t11Ofl IOf trw lotao...na PfOlfGm Arm,. E schocllnl. Phone: 453· 7250 But whal happens afler you Iraduate' ~~1,I~~'~ '" (f~11~e~>C~I,,:r=:~~tl~1 Then, a5 a ~alth care officer ,n the military $1.S0-UCSD StUdents branch 01 your chOIce you enter a profeSSIonal ...,me -- -(Pte.u. ~lntJ --- APRIL PASSES Only $4 Students s8 Staff 25' Daily Soc sec II ______enYlronment that IS challen&lng. Ilimulating and sahsfy.nl An environment whiCh keeps you In contact With STATI FARM prKllcally all medical specIaltIes Wh ,ch l,ves you C I I~ ______the time to observe and learn betore you deCide on 52.S0-General Public )'OUr SPeCIally WhICh may presenl the 0pPOriunoly $'.'1 __ __ _ z.P (Passes Needed Starting April 8th) to 'rain in that specl.lty. And to pfKtlce It You may liso "nd some 01 lhe most advanCed med,CI' achievements happenlnl "Ihl where you TOI',)d",altln_ __ trnot'lllhl (~-, I~'" IIIIO

Pale 8 Triton Times, April 5, 1974 paRe' Triton Times, Much 5, 1'74 "WI' part th(' Wf't )('.1"

Low Blows l UCR Prof Receives USSR Science Honor Feces "lust Iikl' thdt . huh 'I'Mt thl' W,'I ,>p" \\1'11 h()\~I ' Baseball ... "Use yo ur hl', Iht> Oh, by the way, if you are recentlv become the third American ho me training. scientist in history to be elected an improve man's life on this planet." we are! Are you ready for thiS Moses?" wat · rs drew apart Th n he got an insplrdtion and r ai~('(1 wondering how to get to the To the Triton Times, Your his arms. Further sti ll the waters receded Now the Honorary Foreign Member of the En­ An internationally recoanized expert next article should be about baseball diamond .. .. go out tomological 'Society of the Union of "What, Lord? " people were surprised. The water was only divided for d Miramar Rd . just past the in his specialty, he has, ewer last 30 years, all the perverted white folks mile or so . As usual, the lord bailed Israel out With a Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). "Wayne Newton, " the Lord ~aid smugly. entrance to Scripps introduced to the U.S. more than 40 who get thrills out of "Here. try my brand," a colossal comb appt>ared which Selected for this unique scientific beneficial insects that did not exist here Hospital and turn right on running across campus Moses shook hi s head in bewilderment. the Lord used to part the Wet Se~ . honor was Dr. Paul DeBach, professor of previously. without clothes, or how the the dirt road. Follow the dirt biological control at UCR and associate cooks in the Muir cafeteria "Don't worry, Moses. Soon enough you'll know him The nation of Israel surged across the bed of the Wet road and if you're lucky you Editor of t~ classic work in his field will come across the field . director of the International Center for dry the dishes on their too well. A few days of this guy and even I couldn't Sea until it got to the other side, where there was no bed Another Russian Threat Biological Control-located on the Biological Control of Insect Pest and Next home game is Tuesday asses, or the odor of the convice Deep Heet to keep you," He slammed the book to surge across . After the last of the Hebrews made it Riverside and Berkeley campuses of the Weeds-which in 1968 was translated white students rooms on shut and Atlantis fell into the ~ea . "Just tell the Hebrews across, the white tornado turned into Big Wally and at 3:30 · University of California. He is one of the into Russian-DeBach has visited vir­ WASHINGTON - "A truly massive effort" in Soviet missile development will soon Revelle, or that Revelle and to stuff virgin lamb's wool into their ears and they'll be walked away. Now it was the Egyptians' turn 10 surge world's foremost authorities in biological tually every major country in the world pose a dirKt threat to the U S. landbased missile force, says Defense Secretary James Muir aren't feces. Since you safe. Also, get ready to leave. Now, go." control, the science of controlling insect during the cOl.lrse of his work. R. Schlesinger. want to screw up It was a big day for surges. pests by using other insects which are DeBach believes that control of pests Moses said, "Hokay, boss," and left the lord alone on your Relore the end of the decade. Schlesinger said, the 1,000 Minuteman missiles ready something, screw up the Pharaoh's Lambretta troops poured down IhE' banks IMPROVE natural enemies of the pests. by their natural enemies is superior to the peak of Mt . Aerowax, saying something about tor launch in underground si los will be threatened by an increasingly accurate and whole damn campus. Why and into the wate ry corridor that lay gaping before The other American scientists so controls by insecticides, which can often saving Newton for another age. ABILITIES th'ru growing torce of Russian mi ssi les should you be the only one them. But Moses was too smart for them He waited till honored in the past were Dr. Curtis W . cause envirorvnental harm. "The natural The defense secretary set out his fears in a 237-page annual stateme nt , detailing the entirety of Pharaoh's minions was in the corridor HYPNOSIS Sabrosky, director of the U. S. predators we collect," he explained, "are screwed up? US. mil itary goals over the next few years . Triton Times, get your Agriculture Department's Systematic carefully screened so that they attack Briefly put, here's what haDoened. Waynl before he put his arms down . The state key to Sc hlesigner's worries is four new Russian missiles designed to carry stuff together or we're going Newton camt', saw, and disgusted millions. Those who DICK RAKOW between tour and ix highly accurate warheads, each capable of being aimed at Entomology laboratory in Washington, only harmful insects and do not ad­ One of the last things the captain of the Lambretta D.C., and the late Dr. E. A. Steinhaus versely affect the environment in other to put you off campus. heard him despaired of life and committed suicide. separate targets. David M. Cassidy Corps noticed was that the air had suddenl y turned professor of pathobiology and director of ways." Those who merly saw him had to be content with losi ng While an advantage In mi ssile payload or destructive throw-weight has been Qu ite humid ... concE'clecl to the Soviets, relative equality ha s been achieve because the United States the Center for Pathobiology at UC Irvine. DeBach's work is generally credited t~eir last meal. Commenting on his election, De Bach On their side of the ea, Moses and th Israelites ~a n g has had separatelv targetaQle missiles (MIRVs) fo r more than five years with saving millions of dollars to farmers Womens' By the end of the first day of Newton. Egypt was said, " I was both surprised and extremely in this country and abroad. "Th. thro\\-\\ eigllt. combined with increased accuracy and MIR Vs could give the brougpt to her knees. This time Pharaoh donned a this song: o \lets on the order of 7. 000 one-to-two mega ton warh eads in their ICBM force yermulka and visited Moses. alone." the defense secretary said Center 'I will si ng to the Lord : Pentagon offi Cials ay the Russians are expected to begin plaCing MIRTV missiles in "Take the Hebrews-please l " he pleaded. ror He really made life miserable for the rgyptians ' their arsenal sometime during 1975, with most of the older missile force replaced by continued from pale ] The people of Israel were divided by tribes ; Levi , farah, I3enjamin , Franklin, Zebulon, Pike, etc., and SPORTS & FOREIG about 1980 " Rape" , Myths and loaded on the five-thirteen express to the Wet Sea . CAR SE RVI CE Realities, by Donna Stewart and from Rape Crisis Center, Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Deep Heet was having 3:30pm, Women's Center. sKond thoughts. He wrestled with his consc ience that AUTO UPHOLSTERY Tuesday, the ninth; moming and after getting it in a full nelson. dKided he For All Cars Virus Hunt Under Heavy SeCurity "Women ilnd ' Nutrition" wanted the Hebrews back. Quickly, he got the army with Sue Martin, 7pm, together. Women's Center. New Bus Routes CONSIDERATION Wednesday, the tenth; "Quickly," he yelled to his vizier, "get the army TO STUDENTS 'Women and the law", together!" continued from page 1 lOS ANGELES-In an unusual' new tum, a highly contained human tumor discussion with women in As luck would have it, the five-thirteen lost both 7638 FAY AVENUE laboratory at the UCLA School of 't.!.ssue culture area. There, also, in the law, 3pm, Revelle Formal hamsters and the Hebrews had to hoof it. They were just begin operating in Sep­ detail s about proposed INTHE REAR Medicine secured by elaborate airlocks "red area," laboratory materials are Lounge. Self-Defense a mile or so from the shores of the Wet Sea when tembert 1974 plans can be obtained hy and mantles of sterile air, human cells decontaminated. Workshop, SDPD someone spotted a dust cloud in the west-in the I n a II, 32 new routes or contacting the Planning LA PL:.A, CALI F including cancerous ones that may Policewomen, &pm Hl Aud . express routes are bein g a nd S heduling J)epart· To date no one has positively iden­ direction of Me mphis. Moses quickly realized it was 454-1920 harbor hazardous viruses, are being caused by Pharaoh's troops. pia nned for th e San Diego ment. San Diego Tra n ~it tified a human cancer virus, though Corpora tion. 100 I, ixtet>nth cultivated and probed. human warts, which are benign tumors, Tra nsit System for the fisca I "Uh-oh ," he grimaced, "someone counted the year, 1974-197<; . rurther St eel in SanDiE'go Th is is the Human Cell Containment are caused by a papilloma virus, points ilverware" He whipped the four a se pulling his cart laboratory of the division of surgical out Dr. Wendell Winters, who heads one ARCHITECTS' RENDERING OF NEW Sl.7-MILLION MARINE BIOLOGY BUILDING ilt to hurry them O ne of th m got fed up and went 10 find oncology. Scientists are studying these of the laboratory research teams. Virus-· Scripps Ins~itution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, shows how family In no uncertain he told where human cells to determine the process by hi~ t e rm ~, Mo se~ like particles' have been observed in str~c~ure w~1I set back from the Pacific into bluffs over-looking ocean at liI lolla. New he could put the GrE'a t Pyramid. Moses repli ed With an which such cells are malignantly tran­ about three percent of the human solid bUilding Will permit better coordination and interaction between scientists and a~ tutl' ob~e r vation on the man '~ lin age, adcllng that he sformed. A special thrust of the tumor material examined in the students and more efficient use of classrooms and laboratory facilities, now scattered (ould "\\hlstle for hiS mother " Laboratory is in pursuit of the elusive laboratory. There is no evidence to show throughout Scripps. Groundbreilking for structure was held Milrch 20 1974' com­ human cancer virus, which many believe whether they are involved in malignant pletion is scheduled in late 1975. La lolla firm of Weston, Liebhardt, ~nd F~rester II \\,l,tldav lor h,lr,h \\ord, 1J1I' l<;r.1plitl'<; hdd gotten exists, and has a key role in this tran­ transformation or merely stowaways in a AlA, were architects for building. ' to thl' \\,IIf>r '> l'clll(' tlncl no\\ h.ul nowl,..rp to ~o \\Of\(, sformation. cell unrelated to the cancer process. \ \'I , l)(o"pll.,,'t ,1IHI tilt' C.1llg h,1(lll,,1 m,ld(' I Ill' '( PrJ" Oil This thrust is the basis of the elaborate The research team has _developed a tlll'lr l,lInilrptt,l , ()\ ,lOr! \\t'''' thn',ll"llin~ to 111,11,,' security measures installed in the laboratory model of malignant tran­ 1 11\,'" ""'Illllg (,I t laboratory. The system of airlocks, areas sformation of human cells. When first I hl'n ,I rlIJr,lC II' h,IPIH'n,"" I hI' I mel pul ,Ill O[hl,I ol nd tht' lord tll1l1' to work '>onll'thlllg out laboratory workers but to prevent proliferating more rapidly and piling up CAPE CAt>. , VERAl (UPI) "The whole concept of scientific instruments into contamination of the tumor tissue with in clumps-a malignant transformation. "Okay. what nt>xti" ol'>ked a harn('d Mosl's. - As space travel moves the shuttle is different. The orbit. outside viruses, Dr. Donald Morton, chief OccaSionally virus-like particles similar from the discovery era to whole premise of making it of the surgical oncology division.,POints to thos~ seen in the original tumors, the "bus driving" decade, work is unheroic. It's sort of out. appear In the cellular clumps. "If there is any sense in Since viruses are prime suspects as a the Kennedy Space Center like driving a bus," Neilan having a (manned) space cause of cancer, they must be considered A number of viruses have been will advance from boom­ said in an interview. program ... the shuttle is the associated with human cancers. These and-bust to stable em­ a risk to persons working with the tumor only way to go," Cray said. It's a lot easier than having to include herpes viruses, which are im­ ployement. . Construction of a 15,()()(). ''We don't have anything A lot easier. tissue. he says. And on the other hand, You know that taking care of use 4 different solutions. virus contamination of the tissue could plicated in such infections as cold sores, foot runway for the orbiting else for manned launches genital disorders and mononucleosis .. your contact lenses can be a real And every time you buy Total­ cause confounding, if not embarrassing That's the prediction of Si>ace shuttle landings is to except the Apollo hard­ you get a free, fresh lens case. But none has been shown to be the John I. Neilan, director of begin this month. And ware. It's (the Apollo hassle. ex perimental results. You have to use a solution for We 're so certain you111ike new actual cause of cancer. A definite ·link unmanned launch contracts have been let for The Human Cell Containment equipment) very costly, it's wetting. Another one for soaking, Total&that we'lI give you your between animal viruses and animal oPerations at the center. the two solid-fuel booster not reusable, it's money laboratory is entered through a double cancer has been established and some of Still another one for cleaning. And second bottle free . Just send one Total· air-lock system into an intermediate or He expects no repetition rockets which will be down the drain." boxtop with your name and the human viruses can induce cancer in strapped to the shuttle's maybe even another one for "clean area." Office and laboratory space of the alternating periods of addre to Total, experimental animals. What this all main engine to blast it into cushioni ng. of minimal containment is located here. frantic recruiting and Gray said the shuttle is THE SENATE But now there's ABergan Pharmaceuticals, means in terms of human cancer may massive layoHs which were low orbit. Through another set of airlocked doors is "reusable and it's intended Total ~ The new all·in­ 2525 Dupont Drive. Irvine, eventually emerge from concentrated the pattern of the 1960's, as a "red area" th'it is under "negative research eHorts such as those in the to be cheap." one contact lens California 92664 . W ;)I the center's space shuttle Although some critics Total- I available at pressure." There kers must don steri Ie Human Cell Containment laboratory at solution that wets, soaks, • gowns, caps, mas~ s, gloves and shoe development and in ­ have called the project an cleans and cushions. the Campus Bookstore covers before entering the in ner sanc- UCLA . creasing unmanned satellite expensive folly, Robert or your local drugstore. launchings take over from Gray, manager of the the gl amour missions of the shuttle program, said he Apollo and Skylab projects . thinks the project will more than pay for itself. He said the major parts can be used over agai n for up to 40 space shuttle flights a year, .CURE "TERM PAPER FRIGHT" each capable of carrying as ~ much as 26,000 pounds of ",_, "·"t. __ "'W!l~.. , ......

Learn HHOW TO EXORCISE THE DEVIL". T AT YOUR ERRORITE • CAMPUS STORE IOW'MAIfU'" ...... 0111& Mail '3 to DAD Associates 4536 Part Blvd. UCSD BOOKSTORE ---- _.. WITH ERRORITE! San Diego, Calif. 92116 Dept. PT

PaRe 10 Tritun Tim e~ , April ~ 1" 74 P ,IK" 11 Triton 1 im('\, April Ii , 1974 ~--~+------~------~~------~nnounr •• m •• n~t----~--

P"m 'undey. "-r 1: c.thoIIc R.v.11e Gu_t In R ••ld.no. Attlentlon Reoorder Pieyere: A In conjunction with ... other len Anyone lne.r_ted In etIendIne 11 •. m.• R__ • Fonnel frid., _.t Committee .. ...-ortne • __ - clwmller millie .roup .. )1 ••0 .r.. Coil.... .ne! .... Laeu.. Art Feetlwl on July Lounee 14111 dey trtp to ... Anee 101'810 formIne In Le JoIle. Further Info JnI-.ItIee. the U,..,.,.•• 11th. July 11th. July MIlt or D..... TIw trip wli be Bet Apr 13. cell ~I. l41li 'tudent Council of UcaD .. Aueuet 4th cen contlHt Heny et AT ROSEN )0' FRIDAY Auclltl_ for 0_ Clube Jrd lu. will .... UNY H .., ot • 80m. CoIIeee Nleht for ... Ext.'" Hurry ... __ "lmhlld. IW" ....~~L VAWY FlO. IT OF • Annuel "I" One Act FeetJveI 1:. epo-me. • nd retum by • p.m. Ceet ...1 . PAOIIE ...... teem on April •• 14/11 Pili to ., Jet.., IE THERE 'un. Apr 11n the Intern! Ctr. 14/11 D,... for _..... ond IIrtne • THE CHRISTIAN 8CIENCE 1".. Dlecount ttcUte for ..... lunch .. __. ltudente. feoulty COlUGE ORGANIZAnON ..... _te will ... _I...... et the UNY IRIDGE TOURNAMENT8111 • nd eteff or.welcome. 81gn up In Thu,. Il8ko Conf Rm ,. ALL Hell lox OffIce until ThU,.. Apr •• JUDAICA LECTURE 'UIEI.. nl.ht Dr. J n. J.ok.on Irt.. fNequ. end .ddlote will tho R.v.II. R.. ld_t D •• n·. • nd tlw price for • tloket .. only RebIII an- Chernw wli ..... IC~""'t_.. will on .. R...... WELCOME 14111 epee. rtlloice to find out tlwt _ ....In OffIce by Apr 11th. 14111 .1 •. The ..me wli .... dynemlo ellout ~. "From 8Ievery to R.v.". Formol Irlel.. toumemente wIn be held P,.· ....on .pect.oul.r wIth Freedom" on Thure _. Apr 11. 1:. P.M. ()pon to tlw on 'une .t 1:00 PM In ... Rev.... Phllllclelphle .nd will ... p'-¥ed In Dr. John Co_no Prof_oor of •• p.m .. HL 1D. 14111 14111 N. DInIng H.II. R.(r•• h. ThIrd CoIIoeo Provoet IpooIoI the len 01,,0 8tedlum. 141111 men.. ... P...,lne ... 21 oent8... For Th.or.tlool Ilology ot tho .tu... Dept. offen • oouroo .• Info · lerry . ,...,.. 14111 Unlvonlty of CNooeo. Thu.... "-r TCProvoot •• L.AT/GRE ot P.M. "I. TIwre saturday 11. 1".. 4:00 Pr.porotlon .. durlnll 'prtng Attention V.toron•• V.t.rono· P ..tldty In ... VIouoI cortur' Quo'" J4. Couroo ...... ned for Eom 4 unite of o~ .. on OASIS D.p.ndonto ond Friend. of T.tro Ploy.,. will win ... tho ouIIIoct. R_ 1. of tutor. If you quollfy. _ nood your otudento who 0,. unfemllior with V..... ne: If you _lit be In­ ouclltlone for "The Prince tlw ..I end follow·up dlec on monday .nd unproctlced In toklne notl_1 oorvIcoo ... tutor In the 1_ ...... In portIoIPIItIne In • WOUldn't Grow" on Sat. Apr Apr 12. .t 10:00 A.M .. In the D.. n·. hl.h·p_.r.d •• I.otlon t ••t • . , dlvtelon. core eou,.. moth ond meI_m celllllO.... to __,... et 1:00 In" MC. 14111 Conf_ Room ...I open to oolene. ooqu_. CoIl oxt. 1. CALPIRG MEET Mon. 7:00 PM. PREREQUIIITE8: JunIor . or ooner... to p... .t,ong.r tIw publio. 14111 or como to room _ 20 MuIr end ...... on for hIehor votoro.. • REGRETFUUY DUKE ELLINGTON Muir Flohll_l. will dlecu .. _ SenIor Itondlne. Thoro will 110 .011 for Borbo,. for moro Info. ~. oomo to ... Vetorono NOT BE HERE THIS SAT. .nd old projocto .nd oIectIono. contlnuou.... me throuehout tlw couroo. ThI. couroo will II ...froo .. 1114/121 Aflol,. OffIce. 214 M.C.. before CONCERT HAS BEEN N_ POOP" welcom•. 14/11 TIw UeBD Modrlgol SIn• .,. win of credlte .nd tho lnetruotor will Aprl1Oth. 14111 , ...., .... "'u..o:u. (4111 proaent 0 progrom of 11th- 11tt1 be Prof_ Nolon E. Penn. .nd 20th ·c.ntury mu.le. TIw Applcotl_ .r. now boIne 00· Ce- will moot Tu... 12.1:311 prOll,.m will'" on Apr 11. c.ptod for Rovoll. Coli••• general Thu,.. p.m .. 24GZ. 2A; lee 1 end 2 will sunday .t 12:. PM In the .ummor cummer ...... tIon Iood ..... Eleht Mlotor Aneue Fletcher. outhor of meet on let. otonlne .t 1:30 •. m .• Audltortum .t Icrtp,.. Free 14/11 atudonte will be oppoInted. They AnnouncIng Wor.hlp S.rvlc•• SEX CLINIC: Wed. U pm. Revello 2202 2A .nd 2103. Blolo,y wi. toll. pon In opedol trolnln, Durlne Holy Wool! .nd E... ., Coun ••lor. Offlc. In •• r tho lulklng. 14/12) ....._ durtne ....prlne torm "THE AQUARIAN MEDITAnON oponoored by tlw Luthoron .nd ProvOtt OffIcel. Info .. Coun­ ond follow up moettn.. durtng tho D!~!!!I~~~~;;Iiil~!liijL Cothollc communltloo et UCSD: ..lin. on _u.. problem.. Judy AND METAPHYSICAL SOCIETY" foil term. In eddltlon to con- .t It-m. 8orvtcoe .t Unlvorolty Lutlwren Jorgenoon M.D.; Hu.h P.... Ph.. win m ..t ooch w_k on Tu. ductlne _ .nd two dey orion- Rovel .. Formel Loune•. Everyone Church. _ Lo Jol.. Sh_ 0 . 14111 ....Innlne 7:311 P.M. "-r 2. 1m. et • R.. dlng Groupo M·W 10:00 .m totlon ~_ durtne the aum. I. cordlolly Invited to ottond. 14111 Drfvo ••t North Torroy Plnot Roed. 1122 Mldcloton loff Mt. Soledod Nototoklne M 11:00 om Study .klll mor. Th_ Int_ted ohould on the wlOtOm ed" of Rovel .. Roed In Peclflc looch. Speeker: W 11:00 .m For Informetlon cell contect tlw Itudont employment To be onnounood 'ullJ.or: In- OA818 at. 13DI 2d MuIr Ith fl. Col..... oro oohodulocl .. foll_: FInd out whot tIw wortd of offIoo for a ...... rol. 14111 P.lm 8undoy. Apr 1: C.t""lc medlclno I. roolly 11110. PAR· formel dlec d_lne with tIw Rm. - Ip4/Il GYMNASTII WORKOUTS .:» .".. ot 1:311 80m. ond I 110m. nCIPATE ••nd ... voluoll .. flret _rch for truth In Uf. Non-Profit 1:311 pm '0. IALCONY. NO EXPR· Protootent """c. .t 10:C10 •. m. O,..nlDtlon 1P4111 Iwnd aporlonco. The Vetoreno Tho UC 'tudent Lobby wIll moot NCE NEEDED. ALL WELCM. Good FridoY. Apr 12: Protoltont Admlnlotretlon Hoopl ..1 '- • Tho Fourth Col.... wli hold .n OLYMP~ FILM. FRII4I1I Tenollroo et 7:311 p.m .. foll_od by every THURS. Eve .t • PM th.. f.llulou. progrom tlwt _II_ open moot for In..... ed UcaD tIw film. "StoIked." E.... r VIeII. 'tudente who ",ned up for quor1ior. Topioo fo, dlec thI. Thu,. YOU to becomo • pon of tlw voet Sd_ 3C Summer COUI'M: Evon otudento on Tu.. Apr Ith ot 3:JII win be tIw Intom Proerom In Apr 13. 11:311 p. m.. with Lutlwren hcepftol notwortl.... volunteer. thou.h th.r. w.r. .nou,h In tho RovoIIo Infonnol Loungo. leerom..,. - _ oro 10000Ine for All L.D.'. MORMON .nd C.thollc choir.. E.. t.r Anond tIw opoc:lol moot for ttud.nto for tho cl.... un. Tho Provoot win dloc tlw IIrMdth • 'ummer Intern- .nd Co/IoctIvo STUDENTS'" Thoro .. on lnotituto Sund.y. Apr 14: Cothollc m•• ot I otuden.. who would 11110 to oton fortunetoly no profoooo, will 110 roQulrmonte .nd .....,.. pleno for B.r.olnln, .mon,· 'tud.nt ..... every Tu. ot ?PM ot 1127 Le p. m. Protootont folk moo ••t 10:00 till. quorter. on Apr ••t ot the 1:. _I...... to tooch It thro .ummer. next veer. All etudonte Intoroetod Employ_. Remember• • PM In Jol .. Forme Rd. P ..... corn•• nd S.rvlc.. .ch.dul.d on V.A. Hoop~1 For furtlwr Info 0011 'ony.~tdwnbfort~l~ In opply/ne for trenofor oro on­ tho T_VO 3rd fI_ .....Inor IIrln •• friend. For Info coli .nd oIe_Iwro Includ.: Alon .t 14/11 m· 412'- 14111 couroelld to .ttencI. 14111 r-.nll114ll1 '-14111

,----advertisements for ourselves,-~------_

FREEl 1 yr old mel. cock., • W.nted: uoed lIook on Dlff_ntl.1 Studontt. Foculty•• nd Steff In­ for sale poodl• • w/.h... & roela. very Equ.tlon. oth.r th.n .m.II t_ted In .Icllng tho form.llon of housing 1 or 2 roo mot.. to .lwro Duplex In fr"ndly. cell 27I.-:t (4/11 Thome. for M.th 2D Coli .....,. • Roth for Governor CommIttee Corclff. Cr-to cru"". Coli Rick• MWF lifter 4PM 14/11 on CompUi .hould contoet Millo 713-3173 14111 Odg. V.n. _va. Auto. Air. .4 C.rat DIAMONDS 30% off S_me .t tIw Triton Tim .. offlc. 1 BEDROOM HOUSE. LARGE .pprel.ed volu. I.. ve number. Bed Crpted. 8Trk. ma,.. 4 .xcl Model. nooded by fllmm.ker for or _" .xt. 101.. 1011. Any YARD IN USD AREA. RENTING G.,men t_her wIn rent room to m ....g. 711-3121 14/61 Ir • • 26.000 mi. 270.·3373 ev.. . (4/ 91 Spring .kllng movl.. Int.,... In _I.tonc. will b. gr ..tly .p. APRIL 8. 111 CALL m-8OI1 14/11 G.,m.n acheng. etudent. R.nt: .klln, pref.rred. Inqulrl...... 1. prool.ted. 14/61 ..,month .. ,rodlng poporo. FAR OUT GENUINE JAMAICAN MUST SELL Orl.ntol Rug. Ev ... 1p4/181 N•• d ,.ra,./rm under no W/DM coli __7112 ottor 2:. P.M. 14/11 ..k.nd. Call 76&-3783 1p4/61 CONGA DRUM MO. DAN 711-Il020 before 4/14. DOlI OK? C.mll.. 413- 14/11 W.nted: Lohnln•• r . Don't m.k. loot .nd found u ••11 p.y .18.. . J.n. 711-2t63 1110. L•• v. m ....'. . und.r MALE ROOMATE WANTED TO TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Good Loot: Mon. 4/1 Dark ,r.on cor· 14/11 w.nted .nd hou.ln,? 14/11 SHARE 2 BDR DUPLEX IN EN- Volvo 1982 544 cherry cond MOO ev• . ond. 30 plu. mpg 7fi6.8l18 (4/61 duroy J.oket; roodNnn.r pin on CINITAS • MONTH. 713-21210 8034 La Jolla Sho,.. Drlv • . (4111 Iopol. Return to Robin. 1030 BSI WANTED: loed .Ing., m.le or FOR RENT: 2 BEDRM; WALK TO ERNIE 14/11 BOOK FOR SALE - Blocheml.try. pi .... 11/" . CAMPUS; OCEAN VIEW; t2OO; L.mmlnger... PhY!lical Chemlnry. FOR SALE: TICKETS TO fom.l. & mu"cI.,. to form jeu· 41i8-4814; PM. (4/11 W.·r. look In, for. roomm.to for Ca.t"l.n. leava numb.r 76&-31121 " CALIFORNIA JAM" SUPER· rock typo bond 270 .. 14111 REWARD" For ratum of br_n a hou .. ln Enclnlto •. • / mo & utll (4/91 CONCERT (ONTARIO SPEED· duffel b.g loot Mar. 24. C.II Su'" WAY . THIS SATI. SEE BOB OR Own room in lor,. hou.. with 753-0lI0 (4111 40-8122 or 231-2117 14/11 two oth.,• . • 75/mo & utll. No FENDER TELECASTER . Mapl. PAUL. 2430· C MAYER HALL. personals LEAVE MESSAGE. (4/61 CI,.ron... T.rrl 278-0817 14/11 MOdern 1 Bdrm.. portly fum. htd. neck • • '75. GIBSON ES·330. old 413 Whoever etol. my w.llot I.t. pool. A.G.ml270-21. or 214-3S14 • 225. 488·1163 after 11 :00 a.m. 4/2 pl_ r.tum It to MuIr P. O. Shere 3 belrm hou.. In C.rdlff (4111 • (1)4/61 04tml·glve .w.v P.no.onlc I-trk. Box 81101 or T.T. It he. Important Kork..,. It'. nIce to h.ve you bock. w AM/FM p.ck. co...... pock Woo"y 14111 With 2 Otlwra .•100 Incl. utll. C.II .tuff In It II... poHportl J.nn. 7U·2718. (p4/61 N.. d m.l • .rmmt. to .her. .pt. Hatchcover•• limited .upply. $22 Excel condo• .00 . 412 .... Kevin NI ....n (4/91 Own room. N.. r booch & bu ...70 doller. cash. M.rgaret - fi86.«JOO. 14121 No RIck and Lorry " Record Show" announcem.nt thl. wook. W. (1)4/191 I KNOW tho Lord heipa t~m who lo Jolla- by owner 5404 Cor.1 Roof .... 14/11 Mu.t Sellr 81 Mom. Mini Need holp thom.. I", •• but will h. who don't know whet'. goln, on. 14111 Av.. . 4 belr, 2 b.th on 1 ocr. 2 Fo noodod 2 ID 2 B th coah for .chool. .. 30 mpg. BO SE 901 Dir.ct/ Refiectlng holped hlmoolf to my w.tch on .72.&00. 274-Mie 1'4/'" B.OU~ ~nhou,. . P.B. ot Speaker Sy.tem. $290. Write John burn. oil 40-8737 David (4/51 Mon 3/18 In tho gym wa.hroom Socoro. Aunque no t. oocrtto .Igo :a 21plu. P ..... Jan 2'14-4B 14111 M.xwell 5110 Winthrop St.• SO. pi.... turn It In at the c.g. or p.n.ondo .ntl. T... treno y tI R_.rd .21 for Info. W.nt 3-11 Br 92117 (4/9) ..tlmo. Lov. RIcherd. (4/51 ploc. Dill Mar .r.. et.rtfne Juno FREEl 10 mo. old cock.r·poodle con.. ct M.rk 463-8836 1114 / 91 or Sept. 1-12 mo ...... mox ront w /.hob & lise. m.I• • v.ry frl.ndly for .ele· Fundamental. of phy.lc. I w.nt a electrIc gult.r w.h·wah HEY BENNI JUBBLES WHEN'. .100/Br/mo. If I toke tho p"ce YOU C.II 278-8063 (4/61 services by Halliday & Re.nick (4/ 91 In good cond pl •••• c.1I M.rco THE NEXT DING DANG DO? I'M point out. t2Ii I. youra. Poter. 0464-6831 (4/91 JAMMED UP & JELLY nGHT· X1033. or 7I3-«M3 11)4/11 BSR Mcdonald 310 turntable. 1 DYNNE LYANE(4/51 PEUGOT UO·8. 23" 1()'Speed New If you would Ilk. to cel.brot•• yeer old. MO C.II 463-9219 ..k for cond, w/ extral. $106. Call 756-3510 NEEDED : Thoma.' C.lculu. Book F to .h.re w/ •• m. nlc. 2 bedroom po ..ov., ..d., with I f.mlly Tim or I.. va m ..Hg •. (4/61 EVilS . (4/ 91 Elthor Edition. Can .all b.ck In CALAMITY JANE: Happy Ona-th beach apartm.nt In Ocean B•• ch . pIN.. c ..1 Joyc. Klrach. 211-4118 JUnt. Cilil Anlt. 2al-6838. (4/91 MO. coli 463-7387 1'4/91 Annlveraeryll THE GALACTIC ,14111 Motorcycle for .ale. 660 cc. xlnt MICROPHONE AKG D200E N.w OVERLORD · SCOURGE OF THE mech. cond, 5" exten.lon. Phone with c ... and cord · t60 ~ WANTED : L.hning.r ~PACEWAYS (4 /6) (4/61 EMERGENCY · F.m .tu w.nteel to TYPIST: F_t." cen... PO ... C.II 753·9187 (4/91 Bloch.mlatry. Call 756·7764 40-1272 14111 bttwHn 10:30 pm and 11 :00 pm. To a BASICALLY n.at Gezorb .her. Irll 4 bdrm hou.. In Sierre DIIlgn. down parka nllllY CI.lr.mont. own rm 273·fiOIl SCUBA GEAR. complete. In d.bt. (4/91 th.rk. 4 week. Itte from 3 BRUCE CONDRA'S TYPING AND blue. I.rgo. brand new Itoo big for (P4/121 helpl ~5003 (4/61 BASICALLY .tok.d w.t.r EDtnNG. You ... tlw boot In me l M2 711&-Ge2 (4/61 Want.d: On. f.lrly I.rg. ch.. t of nympha (4/6) ..NIce . 4D-I34I. 14/11 Sony Trlnltron. 12" color TV • • xc .. drawer. for und., .20.00; pi .... ROOMMATE WANTED. own W.nted: UHd "olapy Tod.y. SH room In G.n.... Hlghl.nd. condo reliable• • 196; ••• c. w.lnut d ..k call 463-1i2118 morn. or ev'• . (4/91 C.B.: with a glggl. In h.r t.lk .nd HANG · GLIDING LES.ONS $66. 756-8016 (4/91 K.thy In TT offIc. or call 271-0030. a WIGGLE In her w.lk. ooh IIoby .7&1 m. furnl.hed. M.rk 4&3-l13lI or (4/61 xt 1141 (P4/11 LEARN HOW ON SAND DUNEII. USED 140B Lab book by Rollo,.. th.t·. whot I Ilk •. R.B. (4/61 HOURSI GD 715-1131 14/11 '70 V.W. BUG. $1500. LOVE Intro Mod. Exp. OCh.m. C.II WATERBED. KING. U6} MINOLTA H.nrl; 766~ ev". 14/11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETTEDAVISI W.nt.d F.m. Gred Student .It 2 SRT-101 • • 200. Del I ~ar R m. $96. wanted BETTE CAVIS FANS OF THE flv. yr old boyo .xoh.n.. for 7&6-8180 (4/91 WANTED: U ..d Hlllld.y .nd WORLD UNITEIIIII rmlbd no, cempllt. Tel. 413-1711 Rllnlck PHYSICS book • PLEASEI 1114/121 lost & found 1920'. v.nlty. .xc.. lI. condo 2 I will buy your PHYSICS. Vol. 2. by Call Lourl. 462·" . (4/91 L.k.nookl· Funny I.U.r but d.cor.t.d chelr• . /fi2.1Z. 14111 FORD 766-0041 or4OOOC USB Andy untrue. Would Ilk. to ,et In touch. 14/ 1i) Clnton.... p ..klng tour guld.. . A f.m.l. of U.C.S.D. P.O. Box Rm for ront 1 ml" from oompu.. D.vld ..relt plok up IOtt 10 .t SKIIS FOR SALE 190 cm Dyn.".r Short r ..um. to M.. N.k.mura 1211 14111 Kitchen prtvoled... own beth. Trtton n_ oftIoo. 14111 MV2t120 n_ Look. '!8-1.. (4/61 C.... tt •• found 3114 in Rev.U. L.t·. Go 1m Comlno del Rio So. 100/mo ..1212 14111 porklng lot. Owner Id.ntify. 463- S.D. (4/11 HAPPY 23RD BIRTHDAY FREDI L.,... for Nikon; 2'"", .nd 200 7a 14/91 FROM YOUR HAIRY. HOLE AVAIL FOR lEASE AT PLAYMOR mm. AI.o .IIVlr Gel2en trump.t W.nt.d. CI ...lc.1 & Mod.rn MOLESTERS. 14/11 LA JOLLA. BRAND NEW 3 BED % coli 2110-.. for Inh . 64/91 Found: Sp ••do b.thln, .uit. Phy.ICI. vol. 2 by Ford 464-1747 lATH TOWNHOU8E. •.00 . ... k ..p trying (4/91 1213. 14111 Id.ntlfy slz•• nd color• . C.U C.rol EUROPE . ISRAEL . AFRICA "Fartl •• Prof... i onal" organ Ind ~(4/91 To P.ttI Lou- You kno_. lov. AP11I: 1 .2 IIdrm• . In PB op.n 'tudent FI...... oil yeor round. Leali. Imp. UNb ..tab.. price. WANTED: Bloch.ml.try by CONTACT: IlCA _ UnIvoroIty Phonl 463-0140. or drop by Q·10 In you. H.ppy blrthdoy Ind h.ppy ...IInll. boIcony ••z to .chool nlc. FOUND . Brown Cord. co.t I.ft L.hnlng.r. for MI.: Fundamanta'. Avo ...11 '.n D",o. CoIN. IZ'I. tho Muir Apt .. (4/9) down .t ScrlpPl on Set. nit. of - hou.. ... SO .. CR . 14/11 quiet nor,hboro m ·2117 14/11 of Physic. by H.IHdly & R.. nlck TEL: 11141 317-1D1O 12111 ..... fino". Fred'.? 463-a.8 (4/91 (4/11 HEY. PING PONG PLAYER: I Iwv. (p4m 1973 Hond. 460. 2400 ml. exc. your ponto from Lon, I_ch but condo tIOO firm 272·4287 (4/ 91 FOUND' Blue Levi. Jlcket .nd Am Intet_ted In buyln, a Nat Sci leet your number. CALL • • _ Eo.y 1101"- turf.r typo noodo • ,,,,, ANNUAL JET FLIGHTS al.o 2 T·.hlrt.. Call 462·11&2. ~1I1 20 t.xt from loot qtr. Nood .1O? 14111 ploco to otoy In N. County. to TayoUt Corono. cl ..n . axc G..... _ (4/11 Europe;. from .. rouM ./mo. Pot. "1117. 14/11 Jopon: From ...... c.a,. cond .• 26 mpg. 46000 mi. good (WANTED) Port.bl. T.V.. Black/. CON GRATa JEFF AND DELILAH tlr ... Hlg ....t off. c.1I Bjorn 222 Whlta. UHF. Good Condo C.II 462. Ira...... R... _,., .. Want.d: Hum. 4 book. for ON GEmNG ENGAGED I WON'T roo~et. _Mod • .lOImOflth 11113 (4/11 0373 (4/1) Overlend Avo.. Dept. I. Cuhor Sevll.. ·• cl_. Rita CHIlI 14/11 TELL A SOUL ..EeB 14111 deI_ 1414 __ 14111 CIty.IPlm

P ,l~~ 11 Trilllll Tlnw, . "-" M{I. ,; I"-~