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•--•••.V ' BARUCH COLLEG! % ^f Student Government Elections Roster of the Candidates Elections will be held October 26-28 alphabetical-order. ^ 919 (Tues., Weds, and Thurs.). Ea£h student must submit bursar^car m SEMENTS Electijpps will be conducted at tables (na/ne and social security number) to The following are the endorse^pents of ^student is already involved in activities which 4fill be near the auditorium. checker, who will in turn issue ballot When TICKER. They were* made by the/Editor-in- which would fall under the position which he The computer Center will provide the ballot is completed it will be placed in a box* Chief in conjunction with a committee of is seeking. print-out of-the Day Session universe which keys to which will be held by the Student four students representing various interests B.C.C.C.- may be divided into^^four vsections in Activities Office. in Baruch. Monte Montanez (Raul) CHAIRMAN JUNIOR PRESIDENT The four students and the Editor based / Neil Manas Alan Elnick Aka "Ding" their opinions upon the platforms submitted Allan Goldberg Allan Goldberg and voluntary interviews. Evelyn Jackson Mona Sandler Barbara Duvdevani Marilyn F*uhrman CHAIRMAN ~ Bruce Rosen Roberto Rodriquez has the necessary Of all the candidates for this position these Alan R. Shark four would be able to represent the day Steve Hornberger Joseph Aquiar strength (backbone) for the job. He also Roberto Rodriquez appears willing enough to work hard. session; and would be able to work well with faculty members. =-• JR. VICE-PRESIDENT VICE CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN Neil Manas is aware of the problems TICKER ASSOCIATION Anita Haberman^. J facing Baruch and should be able to work John Sekorohod Qf all the people presently in Baruch no Jesus Arzuaga Evelyn Jackson well with students and faculty. T Neil Manus TREASURER '__ one has a greater knowledge of the need of JR. REPS '/ Ticket Association and Ticker than John Vernal Hoston Larry Grief _baT~~an outstanding un­ Mario Vigil derstanding of the operating procedures of Sekorohod. . Donna Sullo Baruch. The most impartial of the TREAS. ACTIVITY FEES Stuart Sharpe canidates, Larry has the know how, the • REPRESENTATIVES AT LARGE Marvin Friedman experience (he was SCAC bursar) and the Juan De Jesus Gerald Greenberg Mary Marooney honest will to handle one of Council's har­ Christopher Rodriquez Barry Goldstein Leigh Meyerowitz - dest iobs. "Frank Lopez Larry Grief Daniel Flax COOBDWAJOR, CAMPUS AFFAIRS Of the candidates running, the three Mitch Greenstein Barry Iftoffni an " v* named have been recognized as having the COORDINATOR CAMPUS AFFAIRS


1 :P'-::^:- jr.y indorsements were given to the persons YOU MAY ONLYVVOTE FOR THE .• Linda Ma tula named above for the Coordinator positions CANTDATE IN YOU^ CLASS. VOTING Fredie Greenblatt "i with the firm belief that these people satisfy FOR ANYONE OUTSIDE OF YOUR OWN Cheryl Howard the requirements of each position. Each CLASS MAKES YOUR BALLOT INVALID. COORDINATOR POLITTCAL^AFFAIRS " SOPHOMORE REPRESENTATIVES -s Publicity Requirement destroyed. (Please be concerned for the John Schorohoc Michael Agranoff college environment — Don't litter!) BCCC Roger Rothman 1. Posters and fliers must be no larger than 5. All posters and fliers must be removed Gwen Yutkowitz a maximum of 8Vfe by 11 inches. within 48 hours after the election. Austin Acocella Christine Znak 2. Posters and fliers must be placed only on 6. All problems concerning these policies Monte Montanez (Raul) Irene Siegel bulletin boards and cork boards about the should4je discussed, with Miss Alice Hyman Leon Yancey Angelo Esposito college. in Rooin*il of the Student Centei\,i5he will Neil Manus Geary GREENIDGE 3. Fliers and posters may not be placed on -then convey^thesejnatters to the elections Juan De Jesus Marvin Wolf walls, doors, or elevators whatsoever. committee. '""" "~ Jo Rieben Steven Harwood 4. Posters and fliers may not be willfully Allan Goldberg Sol Deutsche liberal Arts Symposium Begins Mitch Greenstein FRESHMAN PRESIDENT STEIGERWALT TO PLAY by Rob Muhlrad Evelyn Jackson A series, of lectures and discussions TICKER ASSOCIATION Jay Hochfelsen sponsored ,4>y the School of Liberal -Arts, Nelson Vazquez entitled "Liberal Arts Symposium," will Monte Montanez (Raul) Peter JL Buchta Kenneth Aaron CE-) begin on October 28th, according to Prof. John Sekorohod -&•. Thomas Frazier. George Fisher FRESHMEN VICE-PRESIDENT Prof. Frazier, who is Acting Associate Larry Latour Dean, School of Liberal Arts, stated that the symposium will be amonthly feature. The HEPS-AT-LARGS John Smith first program in the series will be a panel Rosemary De Persia discussion on "Nixon's New Economic Juan De Jesus Abe Maslransky Policy" with members of the Economics Christopher Rodriquez Stanley Stevenson •Department and~an~outside-econonxist"-as- Frank-Lopez .. Marilyn Knispel participants. This discussion will occur on Roberto Rodriquez Thursday, October 28th, at 12 in Room 131, FRESHMAN REPRESENTATIVES in the 24th St. Building. SENIOR PRESIDENT _ Upcoming. Jbppics, in the symposium in­ Robert Acosta Described as. a young virtuoso, clude. "Urban Problems in an. Election Leon Yancey ' . Allyson Goldstein Steigerwalt will give a piano concert in the Year," a lecture by Professor Richard Frank Brennen Eddie Brochin Oak Lounge on Tuesday, October 27, 1S71 at. Wade;and "The; 50th Anniversay of Irish , Geheviexei Jones. _ NT . Robin Epler I2:3av- 1:30 and again on Monday, Independence," Prof. Frazier SENIOR VICE-PIT November 1, 1971, 5:15 -6; 15. Presently an suggested that students who have any ideas ~Catliy"Ptearra Carlos Valentin Maureen Nolan award scholarship studept: at. Juillard, Mr. for future topics; should contact him. Neal Charles Steigerwalt was: the 1371 finaBst in the The" Acting Dean, who is also a member of SENIOR REPS George Gardosh Mason and Hairrtin Piano Competition and the. History Department believes that Connie De La Cruz received first: JianoraMe. mention:: in the Baruch needs more.'intellectual programs Rosaline - Guarino Kosciusko Cho^^Scb^laislnpr^iiapetitionr such"'as the Liberal Arts Symposium. He A. Scott Harris James Steffen Paul Joseph in New York -l»yt>Jujae.He Jjas performed took part in last week's Faculty Debate Hannah' Shuman recently in Alice TuHy Hall, Trinity Church Series. He strongly -urged all students and Kathy Vovou Paul Aronson Keith West series (Wall Street) and has-concerts up­ -faculty ' niembers to attend the various James Peltoir sessions of the Liberal Arts Symposium Karol Berch coming in Carnejgie Recital Hall and at Alan Tisser -.. Jose Colon-Morales January Congres^of Piano Teachers in New which will ia most cases be on topics of Bernard Matos York. current interests. Ronald Lustig

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...... :1 ••-.;'••:•'••'-'!?•'";>• * •-—:-'..-- - ~ r-*i Student Center Activities ' V/- : "V ... . _ :-**- ."•'•-.' . * jjgfi^^-Pa^ Ri^^^ Calendar of Events—- H - :•-.-*'-. ^1Ff c : •-.:"'..'•••.••-.. ••:.':.••' ,' >V;^ W^^^^m^T^ pir^e^arK, :._ ^is7f^t22ndStreet il • JH L ^^^Tmer B«l£e** ftnreaa" Is "^^J*^' ^ ^ ^ % D^ng^r^rhe Black Community* J^W^^S? Classes ^ ^r T s 6 71 Thursday Oct.28 —12:00noon — Rm.926 . ^ ^' ^tJ ^^ -"•,VAA „ 2* „ ' Jigging 1 "i. *3*^ Csr^-^v^--*^ ^^-!jai?^^^^.Ti^br;r,^r-; ; _..^*-,.,-;, ^, .;:.-.^.-.-:.:.• - -~ Qafc Lounge -^a H:': ~#i3StodemU Dfcafr f B a, y ®^tf ^? tl? ^ 2? Accounting Society Guest Speaker business irpn^Sto# I>r^^ Jfai.; 613, Aux. Gym <^ ^terff Meetm^? il^OoTlOO P M^ - Cheerleaders win be bekton Wednesday, 7.30 _ 3.31310 1p a.Mee. —n Oak Lounge vniyour iwneckk , nimcompe AMsee> us in rooroomm 420 SSCT . Ourr - ' „ NortP^-^-ph 'Lounge» " e a..w ^wr.JVL . 'hw^tare: ' :*J3|aHK 3E^t&NNY OF^ISNfiSS^ ; wssswse r^-fXS-.^eeS Graduate Students Assn. Meeting — »:00,- ' • i»i* ^WaHi^-a ifr-^B»»fB^rin»i^ Dr. 10:00 T*M- —- Norm Lounge ggl£:^^ \" of Student Personel continues a series of of^- K. y»« are Thursday, Oct. 28, at 12:15 Concert^ l*fantst" Gary Steigerwald — or want to become one, * • IRm^sos — ALL INVtfEI> 12:30-1:30 P.M: ^ Oak Lounge ..".•• & discussions. We invite you to join us. w&Mm Con temporary Music Club Halloween -??&g&=2J?sg3S (I'TA-V HOlei Party ;— 7:00r- 10:30 P.M. —Oak Lounge «^^;„^ P^resideat^Wmgfield 4tf Baruch College T^nrsdayv Oct. 28^ 1971 Plastic covers for the Bursar's *w^RrL wm be^he guest speaker at Hillel Thursday, ^Statisticar Soe. &Statistica l Dept. SB&2& *?1JS^P^1*;S25^ Mee^^ 5i00P7:©0 P.MT— Oak Lounge : ^^^^ J^^^SS^^^^ w^besiBn^.Tfegiiestlurich^ Evening Session Informal Coffee Hou WA»Tr _ Ltotfar*. ^iidente•• are urged to avail ^j. ^ *»-„<>&: Themiest luncheons at Iffltel T^TATn*, a^cir^ T«fnr^r,ai rvifr^ r—. *T«dt; ^«^^^^biwder^to protectthe .ftat^^^^ been an e»Jitmg experience, 5:30 - 7:» PJtf,W- Marble Lounge S^ y thin pink slips until n> cards^re issued. M are uivfted: HBlel is located at 144 ESast Koromantee Guest Speaker — 12:00 -2:00 : : : ; : : : 401 v ^-^-:\^-tr ®;^^ -r^ ^"'^ - "K-''-' " 2 Street, v ^••"•i^ •-':V,-.-,'.;-V "----'--. liberal AJ^ Symposium — 12:00-2:00, ARTS & CRAFTS Iv ^^^^^#^^?^ !^f ^ The F\B;i: ^^^aiJsWefc fieW^ nations P.M.-^ 24th Sfc Audita • B^gctec^n^^te J^ Friday. Oct. 29; 1971 Candlemaking INNER SEARCH SERIES Wednesday, October 17, at 3 or 4 P.M. See discus^^„^s joi^bh ^nnnrtimiHopportunities^ ^ • S:P.S.Staff Meeting —2:00-4:00 PjJUf.-^ A. SENSORY AWARENESS come to ^^ «rtauhstem. North Lounge Sculpture ol WORKSHOP 27, at Editor's "Note: ; In last week's edition of Party for Freshmen ^-7:30-10:00 PCM. —r Pottery Depa rtment of Student v ? Any student interested™ .working on the !fjcker^ we inadvertantly; pmitted<=iTJartjof North Lounge be er ^dve^lsmg^^ff please contact Just Thoughts by Steven Harwood. We Film: Wild in the Streets 8:00-10:00 Whole Earth Knot ffyihg Personnel Services Invites Ski 11 groups, body awareness, >&P|wge: 477^7730: apologize for the error. P.M. —Auditorium. You to: Group Dynamics, Discussions on Batiking Sensitivity Training PcVlntmg The Inner Search Series & vMacrame w Evenings of Se>f & Social This Week: M|hJ,Lab,-f- Thurs, 12-5• : "•>-.'-- "•»•• zfi Discovery — Friday EvenTrigs '*<••->««^-* •JK * $tS~-~. t :v "*'^-*..-.1 7 1/Vfeelc: WoodcUTtfrig Workshop RM.>^ Student Center 2j[2^- :^VV ,.•.», -^.v....-•-:. -.•:.-..-,• • . •..•_••...... "^ Printing from^Original MON A'SM ASOUH R A «y^" ^ •x ^^ mfc f*olicy^ C0LLEG€ STUDENTS Woodblocks AAortyAAintz—Ron Bruse -

•'-•••* Fri., Oct. 29, 12-4 In the AAarble Lounge

^.^••;- M This Wednesday ^Slih DAY OR EVENING ^^T^at 7:00b PJ«; .•^rcij^.: '««.'--.'.^.•0->-4 «!~4£f "SESSION ?

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party of^flie season. $3.00 per hour start4- e^.SK.^^ r?*S ^^^^Ssl^! E^'?jfe\-: HoiIpweeh costume PHOTOGRAPHY ^^ : COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKSHOP ~HjlAZZ WORKSHOP ^•^«-.c^--' ^*'' '""""" ~"""''"""' Ihlfiftite laitl Music by Omax Dip; ^i-<"-*t^.. GontactAAr. Shooting ••;•.*.*-> -r >, 'n' Giggles tool andier A workshop designed for those Jam with Jazz enthusiasts 3 Prlntiri^^ayouts students who intend to work in the* Thurs., 72:00 Display urban community as social workers, In the North Lounge 5'.5j^.^.w,.._iJ-^.„r:'. ,-.4t' COME! This Week: psychologists, public health workers, ; : : s i: - :.^ ^^ ";:^^ ^;fei?r t^;^^*-; -^^ -fwhen qualified Learning the camera, start of etc. lam with jazz enthusiasts Thurs projects. . # ^ ^ !:00 in the North Lounge. £*i0&.:. Building Thurs.', 12-2:00 —T^oom 403 Nov. 1,2:00 - 4;00 ; : : ";-.-v"..-.- , :' -• '->-'^2v^^'.^ ^'^•'. "'.'-''v V''. & :& ^ Main Bui Id frig In the Oak Lounge -(f-~ '^ -*•»j>—

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2» THEATRE RAP ON R EVOLUTION & SOCIAL cheerleader for the Baruch CHANGE improvisations, theatre games, the preparation of the ACTOR conducted Wed. 27,3 - 5 P.M. in tKe North Lounge 5 i mm SJ ^_>^- ? § &: ,4B 9^9 with Lee Strasberg & Stella Adler. ; firiiI^ir"flTifllTWaffri'Tif r- -- -——•>- ••<"— -••-••• a- •• a --<^Jrm " FV' •

Start^Trig f ?r^Twejetf< Th Nov. -*'*V53waj Watch For It

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WAKE UP FOOL BARUCHIANS OPEN LETTER TO THE^T^DENT BODY For thiepast two years, I, Hke most of you^ There is and always win be some people wasn't interested enough to bother staying who believe that everything someone does is More notes on the Merrill Tribble Affair: dependency that the group has on the leader wrong. It seems as though there is a per- ~" Apparently Tribble was allowed to continue further increases the difficulty. after classes were over. I didn't realize what was happening then, and no,w I am ex­ sonal attack on my personage by some of the his involvement with the Coalition so that Most of the activities that are planned by people at this college. The attack seems to the administration would know what they the Student Personnel Staff are group ac­ pressing my sincere shock at the conditions . .,^. I am "sure that the vast majority of the of student government and student The "Coalition" be unwarranted because as Chairman of the were up to. tivities. Indeed, many of them, such as student body here* at Baruch want a fair, A Response Student Government at The Bernard M. Student Personnel Dept take note: The playing with clay, knot tying, etc., may be representation. And, feHew^Baruchians, it representatives-student government. I am student reaction to my column of last week all circles around one po^trca^gzar, namely Baruch College I believe I did a reasonably "nwrffdrfc no heroes, no vSla&ts, no considered to be mentally regressive, that J c ^onp of these students and there are a few good job under the circumstances. Some has been favorable—all of the students that is, one reverts- back to childhood when Leon YaBcey. • " ^ ^ occurances I would like to bring up which I Why is it that open letters denouncing the ,.-:-- good guys, no bad guy s^ The world is people will disagree with that statement but spoke to me questioned the value of Merrill engaged in said activity, and, since they are .Let us first realize that we are responsible feel we all have an interest in.~ "Coalition" came .from people like Fred these are probably the same people who •• more compticeted than that." Tribble to the student body. conducted u> the primitivegroup form, one for present conditions. While we -were honme> ^ First'of all there is the matter of a student Greenblatt and John Sckorohod? Are they watching television, Yancey's friends were were unwilling to do the job themselves. - Jides Feiffer is encouraged to express feelings: rather running for more tahnone office. The mere students who are worried about this school, One of the things I did as Chairman of the Paternalism at Baruch than use the mind. The staff members, as making his name known. When we were argument that the student can or cannot or are these two, who are running unop­ downing Aladin burgers, his pals were Student Government is appoint myself to the ROBERT BARRETT .. ,.. Editor-in-chief It being psychologically the nature of man' the group leaders, are all fine people and fit handle two posts at once is not really a t issue posed, worried about their elections. Search Committee for the Dean of the to find it difficult to rebel against one's the role of the ideal leader for the types of voting for him..If he appears to you to be an here, what is the issue is can this situarion LEON YANCEY •.. v- V. .7... Executive Editor overpowering monster, it is because • we Sdkordhod said last week that Mr. Merrill School of Liberal Arts. My reasons for parents, logically it then can be assumed groups they conduct. Thus, the members of contribute to a more representative Tribble is a member of the "Coalition". a'pointing myself is that I am a student _ JOHN SALADYGA . .News and Feature Editor that to control a person or group of people, the grou^ become dependent upon the group made him one. We have continually fed his government? I am sure you realize my. ego by electing his name. This however does John, you're really mixed up. If you knew majoring in Liberal Arts and that I have STEVE ^RIEDBERG .... Photography Editor one can place oneself in loco parentis, thus leader and look to him, and in a larger pointy served on previous search committees. I >,*.-.-;.„ ,,-,.. not change things. Intolerable conditions making criticism and rebellion difficult. sense, to the Student Personnel Staff, for ond of all there is the matter of the what you were talking about, you would / served on the Presidential Search Com­ ^BMUKLRAlK. .Associate Editor For purposes of simplicity, I shall classify planning their recreational activities. still exist and I, for one, am no longer willing oalitibn which was set up recently by a know that there are 23 voting members on to sit and watch the deterioration. mittee of The Board of Higher Education EEN BALCH Literary Editor groups into two categories": organized What are the consequences of this? First, number of student organizations. Just think the "Coalition"—the 21 member groups plus and the Search Committees for the last two LARRY KUSHNER...... Business Manager groups, which are more or less permanent since these "groups deal with feelings, any Last year, I, and the other members of an / a minute on what the word Coalition means. 2 at large votes. ; Dean of Students. On the other hand I will bodies with a definite structure, and Ad Hoc committee approached Mr. Yancey LINDA MAT U LA ...... Advertising Manager anger that they may have about a situation It is a temporary alliance^ factions (in this It was also implied in last week's/Ticker" relinquish said position if deemed necessary unorganized groups, which are transitory in at the college will be channeled instead of in connection with our independent efforts case the clubs involved), each of which have Ly the incoming Senate. nature and are without a definite structure. on behalf of course and teacher evaluation. that Student Personnel Services was JOHN SCKOROHOD...... ;.. Editor Emeritus action into a painting. Furthermore, since the same basic ideas and goals, which are working in collusion with "Coalition", so i In the Spring 1971 term as Chairman of the SARAH BAILEY, SAMUEL KONIGSBERGT In this article, I will be concerned with the group member forms a "friendly" tie He didn't even bother to look up from his banded together for a specific purpose - in Student Government I tried to involve unorganized groups, which shall be referred with the staff member, and will associate deck of cards. We then attended a student this, case, a more representative govern­ that SPS codld possibly gain a foothold in DENISE MICHELSON, LYLE ROSE. student government. That, too, is pure Senate members in moving towards to as>primitive groups. him with administrators, he will be reluc­ council meeting, so that we could ment. When tiiey endorse a candidate, they programs that would help students at What psychological changes occur in the tant to challenge the administration, fearing legitimately make our efforts known. The are not tellingyou that you have to vote their BULL. SPS had more than just a foothold in Baruch College. It seemed as though individual who is a member of a primitive that,he would harm his "friend". Then, meeting was cancelled because Mr. Yancey way. What they are asking is that you student government last year. The members of the Senate and most other in­ Published weekly during the school term by the Ticker Association of Thr group? He- (or she) » ". . .is subjected there is the possibility that, these students did not show up. I suddenly realized that carefully consider these endorsed can­ "Coalition" is trying to bring student terested persons were only interested in-one Barnard M. Baruch College. The City University of New York, Address a! throughputs, influence to what is often a can be manipulated to serve administrative Leon Yancey was making a fool out of didates along with their qualifications the government back into the hands of the thing, money. The first budget meeting communications to Ticker, Box 9C 137 East 22nd Street, New York, N.Y. profoundalteration in his mental endsr and, there is most important the students. same as you would consider the advise given students. there were between 50-100 people present KXTIO— Room 307F Student Center, Telephones 477-7730 or Oregon 3-770C His liability to affect bee* pioblem of dependency:—----. If my knowledge is correct there is no you by a friend of yours. After all, isn't the including Senate members. The first Ext. 247. student government so far this semester. „ Sckorohod also questioned the financial traordinarily mtensinted, while ^s students, become dependent Coalition a group, of people with similar resources of "Coalition". Our total ex­ meeting after the conclusions of budget tellectual ability is markedly reduced, dmmistration to plan our Yet, Mr. Yancey, as chairman of student opinions, therefore one large student with a meeting there were between 13-16 memberT^ Editorial opinions do not necessarily represent those of the entire Ticker government, took it upon himself to appoint penditures amounted to $3.80. Individual - processes being evidently ifl the. direction gjis, the*a it is highly probable relevent opinion? contributions -easily covered such a small present ami that included Senate members. .Staff provisory Board the College or the Univaeifr. Options contained In jrvari ^proxknatioh to the ler individuals, hi "the day session representative to the Search Tickef~sfeerns to be working along these ^>«= *v. ^ ome dependent upon "them to vamount, ^ --'• ->v ~ . ^ - You, t&e^ stuja^nVTiday;^tiraw your^ -own IDmnsarrmose oi Jhe author* and not necessarily thosfi of Ticker. '.>the group; - and" mis ;ult.can pniyH Gommitteeifor the dean of the liberal^arts lines also." Ticker seems fo be working.a long =&f- ^3r" "g^erjr^rjerprotebt our rights, and so on. conclusions -for the "members you. elected. .-*. reachedJbythe removal of ain children. school. An|d who did tie appoint? None'other these lines also. They^are not tellmgjanyone The leadership; (?) of last year's student JDo hot allow this tcAiappen ag%in;^v*ote only upon his instincts which are than Leon Yancey. He represents the 5,000 how to vote, but rather they are suggesting government was^pjBPoached by^mei^bers of ^ for those people that yware certain that individual, and by his^. day\ session students. As a student I accept who they feel are the best candidates along the day session "com naunity, who. had, ^^ witt w^ai^fcM^goals that you wantA " ee«^er T«ust foe a-- person wfioac per- not need t6 exert mysefrri do hot -fi'tfvg any -. Stutlents doserve answer^" to these 1971) Leon Yancey hap been (quoted as If the "Coalition'' succeeds in bginftvng- ^tittimafcely wnatlwAUvbe Judged on and not wasted if there are less than 2,000 votes (ap- soriaftty is pleasing to^giat-of the group, a need to thinkV if I can pay, others will take questions and should take "appropriate stating1. v'the administration corrupts and I abbut new government or not, -we- have remarks made on my; character. proxfmatef^I? person who the group^w^l have faith in, and over the tedious job for me. The guardians action. have been corrupted". Let's not aHow this to accomplished something. This is the first a person that has a will strong enough so who have kindly undertaken the supervision So you see what our attitudes have happen to nexlt terrri's ^government. Leon Yancey LasTyear the voting was done during class timeTthis that the group will respect him. In other will see to it that by far the largest part of time, in a long time that students are getting year it is to be done during the students tree time, and it created. Sensible students will realize their Remember that every \ member of the involved in the future of Baruch. Chairman words, a father figure. mankind, . . . should consider the step into responsibility and vote on October 26, 27, student body is equally responsible for who But most important, VOTE. Baruch Student Senate is wondered it Baruch students care enough to use some With the father figure, who is usually an maturity, net only as difficult, but as very and 28. And they should vote for a new runs student government at Baruch. Baruch Student Executive Committee of that time to vote. ideal one, it becomes extremely difficult for dangerous." student government. A concerned student. Mitch Greenstein For the term January 1971, September a member of the group to rebel or criticize. it the students do not elect their own representatives, Students, think carefully about these —Austin Acocella Larry Latour President of House Plan Association 1971 He not only faces the wrath of theTleader, but wordsr "Have the courage to use your own the ad ministration of the college will appoint students to also that of the other group members- The intelligence!" represent the student body. V ,+ is extremely important that each* student takes the time to vote. one small voice To The Editor oy Noreen Balch Dear Bob: guys. The world is more complicated than Will You Have Pride in Who You Elect? overlooked or conveniently forgotten. that." I would hope that this^ew of our or. The Economics of Power He has a responsibility to all of us to keep Ever increasing numbers of letters, complex universe is generally shared. his own subjective intentions under the statements, articles and editorials with are you voting for? Will he represent table. - TICKER are devoted to the Fall 1971 Day Artifical issues, unfortunately, were you, most of the students, some of _ the He must be able to deal with all kinds of Session Student^GovernmentElection. I am raised with issues of substance. Concern for students, or only his pet group? people, tactfully, honestly, and with some impressed with, and somewhat gratified by money, for example, and the resultant in­ Election equals-Power equals $$$ III amount of decorum in cases of hostility. concerns expressed by myriad students and terpretation that student activities' money Whose money is the man in charge ap­ He must not intimidate those people he- s^fffe"* organizations, vis-a-vis some of the was not forthcoming as a disciplinary propriating? Yours andmine! When you put imojKs^fo Tje^overwhelmed by his authority, eHtieal issues and procedures germane to measure did>not take into consideration him in that chair, be sure he will be ob­ v ; TB this case he can craftily manipulate a this electron. \ . specific - -Article XV Education) provisions and, similarly, did voicing a legitimate opinionjeontfairy to his _I am most singularly impressed with the not take into account the Day Session poisonous than the manipulator who Has Ma ideas. repeated demands for disclosure and Student Government Constitutuion voted up own special people to push for, to the ex­ openness; principles so central to the health The man must be able to unify ALL-the last spring. Similarly, several of us upon the clusion of all others, whose funds he happens members of Council and more important, he of .an alive participatory democracy, "firing line" here inNtoe Student Activities to be toying with. ^believe the Election Committee's must WANT to. If he wishes only to see and Group Work Office have been The majority of the student body must be solidarity in his select dozen it resembles qeeisioa to postpone the Fall 1971 election questioned as to the level, nature and represented and must not be divided from- 'fl&"-. something l|ke a conspiracy against Those demonstrated the wffiingness to ""work purpose of our participation with students in meirihers of clubs. mm the. achievement of key principles who have no one to be solid with. this vital area - free and open elections. Separate^but equal is no longer valid- There is a myth that says: ''Whether •^n»oy of us hold to be quite sacred; and, Regrettably, it is extremely difficult to^ Do you want your dollars to paj^for extra- *i^a»»*apd.:Jhose _ students, and those you're right or wrong as long as you're separate the fact from the fiction and, I eurricular activities ALL the students can strong you're right." organizations whose concerns created would urge for the recognition that the partake in, or do you want a small select •*:-:• needed change in the conduct of Student group to have an exclusive blast at your * Don't allow one man to dictate policy to affairs. _« achievement of a common goal - in this case thousands of misrepresented individuals a free and open election - is a most complex, expense? . whose misrepresentatives have left Ihe ^^^^^WfitM-'hape That the/student- hiyfeitn- and involved task, and that it is all too easy What qualities must the man on top ranks of Student Council to join "His-Own to throw brickbats and initiate witch hunts. ? tiiat reform is both hard work and possess? First he must be strong enough not Club 0>unci| \^_^ to be compromised by power group If a man- smtleirat you and says vote for cestho^fLjnost concerned with I have no question, but'that all of us - domination. He must not bend to the wishes rable positions. Moreover, I studens, faculty and staff - will enter into me, check out his eyes and see if they aire of one pressure clique. He should realize at also smiling or are there daggers there? that the student body ap- common cause to do our share to make all times that the people on Council are the that such reform is a terribly Baruch a better place in which to be. Beware the polihcain who kisses babies and f.;JJn your Editorial" Page you democratically elected xepresentatives of turns his head away only to disgustedly rub 4 Warm regards, the entire Baruch Community. " ^er,^wlK>saysv 'There^areno v . the con tarn ination front his lips. . RonBruse He cannot lose sight y of the fact that . Po^verd^ju^fc^fhe people, not some of the oo vOiains, no good, guys, no bad Coordinator of Student Activities unheard voices nTusf^ not 'be casually people. *' --.•-••—-.•-•—..

j TVE^Am 0^J^B^2^imt TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1971

i*& 5*L-.-.-... ^i^gZ&Z. W: *>'-

Fror.i Dr. Willard G. Adams; Education Department, Barch College Declaration of Human Rights. A pamphlet ecology and you of the society reads: "Death is both a friend Graduate Students in Ed. 9733 will hear and an enemy. We have a basic human right Vm writing this article with the optimistic in certain circumstances to decide for view that this plea will reach somp^p^—^he- _Mr. Peter Heap, Deputy Dircetor-General or -ouiselves when it is one moie Ihan^lhe plea is in the maeof ecology so therefore it is British Information Services in New' York other." The Society's president tells AN MI *a& AN iftft in your name as well. " You remember on October 28. His topic will be "Education inquirers, '"What I am most interested in is -by Gary Frank ecology, that old cliche. Something about in Britain'-'. Mr. Heap has been a member of how death can be made an honorable estate rEven as Iwrite this for my friends, Mr. music, which I may or iriay not write about. saving our environment. You remember the the diplomatic service since 1959 and has like matrimony." and his friends are playing on .Columbia dont give out no Roland Kirk T- "in" thing to talk about. Unfortunately the had a wide range of experiences in Dublin, channel thirteen and with beautiful Claudia L problem of pollution is not cliche it will not Ottawa and-Colombo. S}^ir&*>.~So to start why dont you try out one of The Society in the past 18 months has filled dancing there making it some kind of a in- the records. . This is southern pass in time it will always be worsening and This course in Comparative Education joke pubic television service. I've missed we will be deteriorating as long as apathy is introduces to Baruch graduate students high 20,000request-- and they come in^tihp ptP church stuff, twingea , but mostly stuff of 50 a day-for copies of its Living Will (free half the show but the music is so good even to see you thru and make ya feel good. our solution. level representatives from other countries Rowan and Martin and Lucy and the pink I'm trying to make a committment which in which changes in traditional patterns of from 250 W. 57th St., N.Y.C.). The will's pad must be digging it across the dial. Really like the Living by the Days, by Don isn't the easiest thing for me to do. I'm education are taking place, m addition, signer makes known to his doctor and Last night someone gave me a test Nix. All of Leon Russells friends help out on C an dice Bergen and Peter Boyle Tommy Berggren, as Joe Hill, hoping you will make a commitment which representatives from Australia, India and family his desire, when no reasonable pressing of fee new Van Morrison, record this one. ..But.despite this asset, there's so in T.R. Baskin. is prepared for his execution - won't be ttie easiest thing for you to do. Japan will speak about current education recovery can be expected from physical or Tupelo Honey, then Michael called to tell me much going on. Between the church and the \Maybe we/can make this thing grow. Maybe changes in their respective countries during WOLF mental illness, to "be allowed to die and not he was engaged, make that officially. Could Mason-Dixon line, which has nothing to do iye can live up to a constructive ideal. the term. HGKT8 RESERVB3 BY be kept alive by artificial means or heroic there possibly be a cdhnection? Is this stuff with Traffic, comes this kind of music, Titerested? measures." The will adds, '"I do not fear Sunday songs. This music provides much better than a regular review? Contack Jo-Jo in room 212 student center. Psychology Today polled some 10,000 of its death as much as Jfear the indignity of In other news: An Eye for an Ear, that's the same vibrations as the private moments Leave your name on the Ecology box I'll readers with a 101-question survey on sex deterioration, dependence, and hopeless of The Band, or Aretha, or James Cleveland pain." Though the will isn't legally binding us, are negotiating with various parties at for that matter. There is a common soul to reach you. attitudes. Th<* respondents eree about various parties to present one excellent jazz I ijy Steven Kohnl Jo-Jo UeAmicis equally divided among male and female anywhere yet, it could be of great advantageh guitarist and one excellent folk guitarist,; if bluegrass, to country, and to black married and single;they tended to beunder- to a doctor or family who does what they american blues; a factor of which (among ^^T.R. Baskin (A Paramount Picture);. There will be a meeting of the "think best even when the community doesn't it comes off this^will be a free concert here others, of course) is uniquely American. I Joe Hill (A Paramount Release in the 30 college graduates who earn more than at Baruch andjvill feature Vanguard artists Produced by~>eter Hyams. Directed by Western Hemisphere). Written, produced $10,000 a year, and were scattered.across think so. The Florida legislature is con­ don^want to get too academic, but its in­ Herbert Ross. Written by Peter Hyams. TICKER ASSOCIATION on sidering a "right to die with dignity" bffl- Larry Coryell and Sandy Bull. If it dosen't teresting. and directed by Bo. Widerberg the political and religious spectrums and the come off... we're trying. Director of photography, Gerald Hirschfeld, Photography by Petter Davidsson and Wed., Oct. 27 at 4:00 in the U.S. Less than 28 per cent believe that love which would make the Living WilL^a legal <$ A.S.C. Music scored and conducted by Jack instrument there. y_ - just appeared on the T.V. All good church-rock has a inspiring choir Jorgen Persson. Music played and com­ TICKER office is necessary for the enjoyment of sex. And r show with Leon and Don Nix. Lewis is an behind it, joining Don are , Elliott. Starring: Candice Bergen, Peter posed by Stefan Grossman. Starring: •Z^J THEiNEW the sample, as a wholepstrongly believes it One Society director tells^fa, doctor he old, black, bluesman which explains, two Kathi McDonald, and the same voices as on Boyle, Marcia Rodd and James- Caan. Thommy Berggren. is possible to sincerely love more than one knows who leaves this ultimate decision up out of three of these qualifications do at "My Sweet Lord." In fact, if God is indeed "T.R. Baskin" which opened at the I must admit that I was surprised by "Joe S£gr ALCHEMY person at a time. to the patient. The doctor places three pills . least, why you've nerver heard of him. Don alive, he must dwell within this kind of Loew's State I and Tower East Theatres last Hill." Having recently seen "Sacco and Researchers at the University of Cin­ on the bedside table of a suffering terminal Nix, Leon Russell's longtime friend,, has week is the story of a young girl who comes i " SAUL-PAUL SIRAG patient and says, "Take one of these every music. Oh, and by the way, I spoke to him Vanzetti", I "was prepared for another T cinnati Medical Center say a toxic metal brought him put of relative rock'n'roll - last week and he told me-to tell you all he to the Big City (Chicago). 'Future Shock' session of subjective diatribe. Tire only thing RIGHTS RESERVED ALTERNATfVE found in tobacco smoWe—cadmium— is four hours, rf you take tham all at once,- obscurity long enough to help.out on Nix's likes the Flying Burritos better than the rapidly sets in. Th^mecfi^nized, impersonal,• thatrffiexlwo films have in- common are FEATURES SERVICE inhaled from the air by/both smokers and they will kill you." (no...relation to our president) own two -New Riders. If you're not concerned about and over-crowded^^, of^the Windy Cjty lovely title songs sung by Joan Baez. As it non-smSfeers.In large ^oses, it can cause albams. Nix himself has enough obscurity ge records, or godfearing, dr mad at; creates a char/a/fter Ifaalr-b^ introverted, turns out, "Joe Hill" is a thoughtful and acute poisoning; in ^smaller doses, it has to go around. This first record was on .a caustic though fr^u«5gy~~lfc*morous and ACCOUNTING AND anyone, ft-might do you-well to check out ,Xthought-prpvoking fijm^that has been ar-' / been implicated in hypertension, bronchitis Shelter, the newer one is on Elektra. Don Nix and Living>y The Days on Elektra; totally ahentateoV T.K^askjih, thejantK tistically executedA>y director Bo Wider- and emphysema.- j FSNANCE MAJORS ^Si^Knd the Family Stone, , Elton or even his earlier sermon In God We Trust heroine of the story, is supposed to move iis John/ Santana, Ten Years Afta, Crap bergr- ^ -^ -"-. _ -v.* FLASH GORDO] DISCOVERS IN- Another-Suspicion-Conf irmed Dept. : Let us help you: \ on Shelter^See the light and start stomping. into realizing the effects produced by our TERFERON Charles Glock and Rodney Stark, sociologist Stevens. There you go. machine-oriented culture. We're also Joe HiHstrom was a Swedish immigrant to PLAN AHEAD the UnitedSStaies in reiO. After a brief and authors of a three-volume series on religious It may not be a whole lot important to you Other recepmnrended reading this week is supposed to feel for the character and Before most biologists-' had heard of it, commitment (American Piety), say that all, but these particular musicians are in the the two-part feature on "Brian Wilson in last sympathize with her plight. unsuccessful attempt to establish himself in Bob & Rob wii: tell of their I To Become a CPA ' New York Joe set out for New Jersey in interferon-an animal cell protein that in­ among both Protestant and Catholics the THE BECKER particular position of providing sweet but and next week's Rolling Stone. For^the most Although the film is entertaining it lacks terferes with viruses-was knocking out more a church member is committed to secular funky music. Jdon't mean the part it is an efficient and revealing piece on search of his brother. His travels eventually adventures in Texas on CPA REVIEW COURSE that extra ounce of 'oomph' to push it out of took him to the West Coast and half way enemy viruses in, a Flash Gordon comic ethicalism-that is, placing importance on I above...Imean the above the above. the ordeals and creative processes which quasi-mediccrity into the realm of un- strip. The development of interferon and Friday, Oct. 23th, at 4:00, in 'loving thy neighbor' and 'doing good for result from the experiences of Brian Wilson. back again. LONG INLAND 516 5383176 Despite these devices there are no such selfconscious and disciplined motion pic­ interferon inducers has been almost as the Ticker office, 307F, S.C. others' - the less likely he is to give money NEWARK 201 622-1313 hypes to the likes of new records by Don Mix, All of which makes for increadible reading tures. This combined with the kookie In the course of his travels he met a group of young people who journeyed from state to dramatic as that Flash Gordon episode. to his church. The best contributors are NEW YORK 212 7514643 and Jeanne Greene. Also if you're conciously able to afford Mr. character of Baskin herself does nothing to No one knows exactly how interferon A" are invited-to attend. those with unwavering orthodoxy and the WHITE PbUNS 914 428-8317 _^Van ^orrisorv. et&. Wilson any artistic creedence or zeppelin at hejp us identify with anything in the film. state advocating the formation of unions «tt--"Xwx're^sofmia ^>e the last 'Labor create srfl Seems to me that regular rocknroll wealth. All wealth should gS tdlabS^VJoe doesn't iness with the already replicatir-.g petitioned the UN to ask that the "Right tc + get into this soon. Ahe characterization, is less Miss Bergen's virus, but goes off to nearby uninvadeerceHs Die" be included ir, the "Universal heaviness just hurts. Now Idont mine a h" ^« fault than screenwriter Peter Hvarr'« was taken by their ideas and joined them in 1(5 OF USA pain, but I know I'm thru intense Here, in this column, tnere is soon going :c : and sparks the production of more IT.- appear the best ever event, a super-soeciai --:eroer: i-toss oirection is obvious and lacks spite o: tne oeri" snd £nta.^o- s"- he "-—---- •; o~"-~ — adolescence identity crises an 'don; need £ 0 r -ra:efu. Dead contest resplendent w-'dr -T~ °dy ouality necessar;- to ±rz\v us "- have to/ace: In Salt "ike City" Utahhe was _n;s interferon *.*iII keen an*' "srop'e^** ^" any more. Did you know that Wavne #ide angle shots of the Big Citv a^d accusec of robbery and murder. He was T_v- Newton has an album on Cap?'to" e^itle^" prizes and stuff, just the wav v0u alwavs t--£.t Jirst invading virus from rsoiica^ing in :nought it touid be. First Z have >c ^e" ^e frequent police sire-s :r. the background s?s .nee, convicted and executed befo-e a ™~e tnese neighbouring cells, while the first 'ne Baruch College 'Oaii'ciOi.' aiuer -<^s J"C. _ "How : Got This Way." simpiy not enough. ' squad. & nany canidates prizes and that takes some doing"" a ; t :nvacec cell, of course, is. doomed. :c:cer:ng me '.W - just write and play and I lack ire Deadheads dont mind taking someth:n^"o- What it aZZ boils down to is that I -eal>-- 3c Wicerbers has snc^' e^ -»c\ HEAR MR. DAVID HUFF—j Pmdlav, Ohio. — eciion. atrange-y enough Widerbers'<= any virus, this seems feasible, except that Day. And we ask you to ask you friends tcjoloi 31! S 8 TRACK I fc contemporary style creates no dichotomy"^ the same. xy only human interferon works on humans, so Affairs recreating this particular oeribd ir our it's hard to make enough of it. Already, CLASS PRESIDENTS - . rr.ay ncv va^ as "ancy as my nistory nor does it distract "s bv ca";>-c vs:-- ws Ticker afforded by the doses tried so far. Then, too, JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE Twelve noon, Room 926 I Room 1312, Tues.,Thurs., | HOUSE PLAN ASSOCIATION for TREASURER // some p e o p 1 e / ROLE IN THE F.B.I. BUSINESS COMMUNITY get a lever from poly IC and there may be ASIAN STUDENTS 4. I will personally go'to'all SEARCH PLEASE CON­ problems with an autoimmune reaction at a SIGMA ALPHA MU Presented by The certain dosage. So the bugs need to be JEWISH STUDENT UNION organizations tc find out their TACT LINDA MATULA IN worked out of poly IC, or interferon DRAFT COUNSELING desires — IT'S TIME FOR A VAanagement Society production in the test tube needs to be MEDITATION CLUB DATE: Thursday, Oct. 28th ROOM 307F^AS SOON AS HILLEL CHANGE *- Friday: 9:45 stepped'up, or another inducer needs to be DANTE I YOU POSSIBLY CAN found. • TIME: *12:15 P.M. Linus Pauling suggests, in his book, ACCOUNTING SOCIETY Room 1420, I PLACE: Room 402, Maiii Vitamin C and the Common Cold, that TAU EPSILON PHI f ^ 1 vitamin C may have its anti-viral effect of HOUR HOUSE I Building * catalyzing the production of interferon. ACCOUNTING FORUM AAon.^ed. : 8:45 I Maybe Linus Pauling is the real * Flash MARTTAL ARTS I IV Gordon. L :-_ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 TICKER TICKER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1971 —T l*ir



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