Editors' e Disntissal I Possible Volume 22 No.2 U(SD Friday, April 5, 1974 'by Chris Rauber Editorial Boardmember Ron Roberts opened an emergency triton times I~:-~~= I meeting of the Communications Board Wednesday by Re: 'April Fool' moving. thPt the editor-iD-c hief of the Triton Times and those responsible for the first page of the April 2 Triton The front page of Tuesday's issue of the Triton Shockley Appointed Ti mes be dismissed. Times was an attempt at ironic satire about several The special meeting was called in response to the iss~es faCing the University today. Irony, as we see Provost at Third explosive reaction of the campus community to satirical it, IS an attempt at political criticism by the articles featured on the paper's special April Fools Day exaggeration of current situations to the pOint where page. the situation seems ludicrous. This is what we tried to do with the articles on constuctions of third More than fifty people crowded into the conference college, the provost of Third College and Af- ,'oom to participate in an emotional, tension-packed, firmative Action. ' hour-long discussion . The Triton Tim es was charged The intent of our articles was apparently wi th racism, insensitivity to minorities, and a bias misinterpreted by many people on campus. Our agai nst Third College. r:leo Malone, Muir College intended positions,respectively were : outrage over Res ident Dean, said that the articles in question the attempt to belittle and destroy Third College by promoted racial tension and disunity. He demanded not constructing any buildings which would give it a that "such attempts at humor be redirected." sense of permanence ; outrage over the ad­ Th e Triton Times, represented by Editor-in-<:hief ministration's and to some extent the faculty's David Buchbinder, took the position that the front page treatment of Th ird College students as second class was intended as a satirical attack on the insensitivity citizens (hence the choice of Shockley) ; and also and institutional racism of the university,. and not as an outrage and disgust over the hypocritical and in­ attack against Third College or any minority group. sincere handling of affirmitive action by the whole University community. The editorial of the same A large number of Third College students participated issue criticizing the University's handling of af­ In the discussion . ()ne student labeled the paper as firmative action should land credence that this was "Tasteless shit" and claimed that it defamed and the intent. degraded Third College. Another said she "didn't think it We deeply regret that we apparently failed to was funny. These thinRs happen over and over .. this isn't many people in our attempts at irony. We realize the first time." It w as sugges ted that the staff members that these misjudgements are indicative of our lack responsible be fired and that the standing of the Triton of solidarity with several groups on campus. This Times as the official student newspaper be revoked and situation must change , and will change. This is our Its funding redistributed to other student newspapers . intent for the future. "This trash shouldn't be published as the official All comments pro or con should be directed to the studE; nt newspaper," one student contended. Student Affairs Office at 250 Matthews Campus to Michael Weiss, Mark Bookman , or any other Th e mood of the assembled students was summed up member of the Communications Board before 3 by a woman who argued that the front page " couldn't PM Monday. be taken as irony because its too close to the truth." A decision on the matter was postponed, due to Editor Buchbinder' s contention th at the by-laws of the · Communication Board's constitution had not been More Money for Assistantships followed in the meeting's procedure, until Monday, April 8 at 3 o'clock. by Philip Protter ployed less than 50 per cent time will have their The Regents have authorized what they call a "salary "supplemenation" pro-rated. supplement" for the following: TA's , RA's, OA's, LA's, The first check will come through payroll, and ap­ Teaching Fellows, Physical Activiti!" Assistants, and parent ly is expected at any time It will be the sup­ Libertarian Nursery School Assistants . It is retroactively effective plementation for the first quarter only. The check for with th e fall quarter, 1973. Wh ile t he amount of the the spring quarter is expected about June 15 "salary supplementation" is based o n the educational According to Dean Pierce (Dean of Graduate Hospers Assails fee, and it is independent of the source of the em­ Studies), the Regents asked for a salary increase in order ployee's funding, it wou ld appear that this is a rebate of to make the assistantships more competitive with other the student's educational fee . In this case, of course, the leading universities. This was approved by the Government money would not be taxed . However, as a "sa lary legislature, but blue-penciled out of the budget su pplementation" the money will be subject to someplace along the line. Consequently the Regents by James G. Sofo withholding tax. Th e reporter can only conclude that have used their "Opportunity funds" to make the th e notion that the recipients are being taxed on a supplementation possible. These funds are non-state refund of th eir own money is just an illusion. funds obtained by overhead charges from contracts and Jo hn Ho s p e r s , person has the right to do The educational fee is one hundred twenty dollars per grants. As far as Dean Pierce knows, thiS is a perm anent gubanatorial candidate for what they want without quarter. For those students employed as above in a half­ sa lary supplement. At any rate, It will conti nue next the libertarian party in impinging on other peoples time capacity, the "supplementation" will be sixty year. The delay in disbu sement of the money is at­ Ca lifornia, said Tuesday rights; and that no person dollars each quarter, less taxes . Those who are em- tributed to the bureaucracy of University Hall ni ght at Revelle College should initiate the use of that "government is the fo rce against another legalized use of force and person ." wields a monopoly in the Hospers believes the legalized use of force". major violators of these The Great Watertank Controversy precepts are not individuals Dr . Hospers is t he by Jerry Schneider chairman of the philosophy but rather government. These liberties are lost to facu lty art studio had ~tlldent voting member .. department at the Th defaced exterior ut Renaissance art, tated two means, crimes against already rece ived one coat who rontrol physlrJI University of Southern th e old water tower bet­ Harrison persons and crimes against of beige pa in t before it was " It wa!> not a cious developmpnts on campu\ California and was the ween Revelle and Matthews property. defaced sometime in the at," h said of the onglnal Harrison <lnd the drt Li bertarian party' s ca n-· campus is likely to remain When asked whether he first week of M arch. roverup of the mural " 1 fa lIlty dpcldt·d on Iht> didate for Pres ident in 1972. an eyesore, at least until was a conservative, liberal, This initia l coat of paint uppo that artist are b(,lgf' paint that \'><1\ lIspd Hospers attracted more this summer. or middle of the roader covered up a ix year-old more asual than othf'rs ThPrt' wpr no ta( ulh attention after the election Dr. Newton Harrison, Hospers laughed and said mural, and purred ad­ when It comes to the fate of obwrllom to thl' action when one of the Virginia chai rman of the Visual Arts .. he didn't know how to mierer of the mural to outdoor art ," th(' chairman (Hclrmon added Ihat 'lnll' el ectors pledged to Departmen t, now in the answer that question and complain to University added Ih(' bllddlng " primarily tor Presi dent Nixon cast his process of movi ng eight said that " people conside' planners about the a tion "As an artist, whf'n I do taliity r<' ('arch hp pollpd vote in the el ectoral college vis ual · art faculty into libertarians conservative if To coverup th black and art In d publl<. place, I know only the f dCulty) 'for H John Hosper studios in the re nnovated eco'lomic liberties an( building, and Robert Davis, brown pai nt now spla hed It won't la t fo r v r I don't ' A~ artists moving Into a Hospers was at UCSD to liberal in matters of civil ass istant to the campus on the walls wou ld require ass ume th ai 11 0 on will new sl tliatlon, Wf' wa ntE'd to be the first speaker in liberties. architect, each made this at least two more coats of com along and r over It .. tart Wi th ,I ( I('a n 'latE' ." Extension Economic lecture Hospers said "the state sam e dec isi on without paint. With funds already up " Harmon .. aid seri es about Libertarian and should first be a protector, conferring with each other. sca rce , both HlI rrison Thi s attitudf' diff r from By Ja n 2, '<}74, th(' epe Conservative economic and then a referee . He Work on the 30 year-old andDavi expr ed their that to wards o th r art ha d re IVf'd wr I t ten philosophy.
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