vSwit m •i iii ii

m Mta. ' LcwIh Banden la on the alok Hal — Mr. aud: Mn.'Chaa. Brunk of Lealle :'IIni.'a«lted hia awn In from Dakota, and Beitlia Rumory are Mills Dry fioods Company. 'jMkauii Friday.—Jamea Oardiier and vlaitlUKlii tbia vIoliilty.-Tbe anoial Wishes to call your atten- wife or nMi> Bunkerlilll vlalted M. al Jaa.llarr'a waa a aueoeaa, 810.90 be­ Ji Bowdlab Friday.-JaniM Naah re* ing ralaed wblcli will be uaed to get a this week to his SPECIAL Mutty hurt btahiind at Pottcr'a mill globe fur tbe aebuol. SALE of iotliatlie lalald III* fora few dava.-^ Tb« party Blveu by Irvln Hadly at VOL. XXXV.-NO. 3. Fllehbarg. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19. 1893. WHOLE NO. 1776. Nortb I>a1lt Hotel Friday evening waa well attended. There will be an* Cliaa. Pnxann and wife are visiting WHAT IS QOINQ ON PANTS otber one there Friday aveuing, Jan. at II. R. Puxaun'a.—Meinhera nf the grange are preiiarlng a play for tbe IS. All aiecoKllallyliiviied. Supper THIS WEEK AT M. D. Q. O'S. Lard wanted at the bakery In the Warm ineala SO cents. At near future.—Tlianka totlie NBWBfor Sixty pair of $6.50 Pants roatau VUI'I* ABD VMITttBS- will beeerved at U. J. BowdlahV- BROWNE'S BOOK STORE. Paddock block. *p rant in Paddock bloox. Xt la reported bare that Bert Haabrouch Evangeline. We aball try the New to be sold at $5.50. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Wllliarii , R. H. Qulloy of Detroit .was In town Satur­ of. all In. IMvt-nlim:Klranli-l«IMt ITulUn who went weat two year* ago la mar­ Year to merit the oumpllineiiU of tbe The severe winter weather we are day. Leverett, January 13, a daughter. HUtMOovaruiUHiit Fnotl Ketort. ried. Cougratulatinua Bert—Neiaon Nbwb again.—Mra. MIrole and Mra. having is quite a record breaker. > ROYAi.BAKiNn f>nwnicnCn.,ti« Wall8t..N.Y. Wright aUrteil Friday to Join tbeir ..ExSherin Paddock was In town lust FrI- Cbiric and family vlalted Mra. This is a Big Bargain, nnd We regret to say that A. O. Ball's ««.y. biiNbunda who lately bought lariiia near Please call and settle up this month, Olark'a brothem Jobn. Bagaia, Sun­ dry g(M)d8 store Is closed this morning. Mantun. We wish them aueoeaa.— We expect each year during tbe would like to have you call Wall Paper and Window Shades. what you owe. F.W.Webb. Elmer Hawley of Lansing spent Sunday In day.—Roy Falrohlld and wife vlalted Eddy Bros, of this city have secured town. atM. Faircblld'a Suuday.-Mra. Jef­ John Loyd from near Boyaii Falla in and look the goods over. The W. H. M. aoolety of tlio M. E. was vlaltlng relatlvea here, also look­ OUR NEW 1803 GOODS ARE NOW ON SALE. tho contract for the wiring and Hxturea church will send their box next Satur­ I P. O. AnnlslWBB In Maion last Monday ferson Hill waaiu LanaingTueaday.— These goods are all wool of the Holllster block at Lansing. buying horses. Waruie Small of Leelie called ou ing for a elianue to buy a draft team.— day. The Sunday school baa been re-organ* month of January to reduce our They will put In 325 Incandiscent Miss Liura Raynarof Leslie visited In Ma­ frianda here recently.—Tom Woodrow and trimmed in first-class VVcureucknowledged leaders in our line—wc believe wc arc lights. J. N. Smith announces u great re­ son last Saturday. Tfe«nil*r. Januar/ IS. 1898. loat a valuable borae recently.-A Ized with jTesale Upton as Huderlntend- ent; John Curtis, aaslataut sunt.; Seo„ shape, and a good fit gu.ir- entitled to the distinction. duction in the price of all winter Frank lllrney oriAnslusspenta few days MASKS crnivd of our young (leople attended A wholesale druir company has been la town last week. Carrie Havens; treaa., Wm. MoCreery; goods. See his ad. Invham County Farmers'. Club. the anoial given Iw the Maecaheea at nntcec. No party will oc organlssed ut Lansing with a capital llbrariun, Beuiile Devey; orgaiilat, stock. In order to do this it goes DON'T BE TALKED stock of $10,000. They expect to man­ Mr. BlebardB of Sparta called on tho Mis­ Club Roost, Jidi. 7,1883. Geo. Laberteaux Wedneadav evening allowed to purchiise more Fred Lewis is again working for the ses Barohart loat Tuesday. and reiwrt a good time.—Ellie Jllen, Mra. Bell Lawrence.—Mra. John Mil­ Into buying until you have seen our line. We don't buy any ufacture and handle divers drugs and Rogers Maniifaturing Company for i ler la Btill on the alck list.—Sedwiok Mra. Linda Hitchcock, of Alma, vlalted Market reportH riug.—Tlie west where he bus been traveling in ley Campbell's "A Heroine in Rags," hunters are doing a rushing hualueas CHAS. W. BROWNE. the interests ofj. J. Deal & Son of at Ruyiier opera houso this evening. Mr. £..8. Beat of Lansing was In town last pared with luHt year. Some wonder AlaledoB tU HerldUn Liae. Satin day. the gueat or hla friend, Ml>a Mana* WHS uxpruxHed thai het>f and mutton hunting rabblu,—The Grange lias J.N. SMITH, Tailor. Joiiusville, Mich., and reports u suc­ Miss Rober is a famous actress Held. FORD'S There will be a night cap aoclal at did nui syniputltize wliii pork. elected nnd enstalled the following special prices and lose money. Bntered at the Poatofflce at Maton ai cessful trip. H. C. Guile's Thursday evening for ofllcers for the year 1893: Muster, K. B, The Teachers' Reading Circle will Mrs. c. O.Carveth ol Chicago rec|Uesla ns to Sd and udojited. . Mrs, Abbott ol Fremont county, Ohio, an father's.—Alaledon gratige January 7, keeper, Tlioinas Leece; cerles, Mrs. yMr, 11.25 i six months, 6S csnta; thrsa and directors were all re-elected. The uuutorUrn.A. R. Hardy, came to Mason to On nkollon the elub prnvcedcd to Tliu (lays Rrow perceptibly lunger. An Albion man, Mr. .Tames 1883. Called to order by master Ban- Jennie McCreery; pomona, Al/.lna •aeatlis, 3S santa—la advanoa. company is running full blast with visit her nieco Mra. Hardy, on Wednesday of the eleellon of olllueis tor the ensiiInK friends. This has been our]2eus- Reed had a stroke of paralysis and this week. Mr. tmd Mrs. Hardy were at Pine dew, music, prayer by Mrs. 8. R. Dewey; flora, Mrs. Joliii Crelg; ludy The colt] weuther Is deut'ii to quails. the usual amount of word. year with the rullowtiii; result: Presi­ ADVERTISINQ RATES. froze to death while on bis way from Lake and Mr. J. M. Pulver took Mrs. Abbott King. Thia being the night for in- assistant, Grace Crelg. Marsluill to Albion on foot last week u> her rrleuda there. dent, Amos F. Wood; Ist vine presi­ Take Notice! Oar.dv.rtlalna rates made known aiofllce* Will. Iluyner began ctittlnu; Ico lust Always tell your folks that Mason is atalatioii, A. T. Stevens proceedetl to BoalDMSoarda 91 a, line per year. Sounds like Dakota. dent, An(;uH Tenipletoii; 2iid vice Install theofllcera. When through he BoslneM locals dye oenta per line each and Moixluy. tbe best place on earth. \ou will tom for years. The fact is, we not;iETieM, mocialm astd bvppebs. jirefiideiit, W. A. Melloiij Meeretivry, invited all itresent lo partake uf the School Ueport. «vary Insertion. All accounts owing to Fuy & Collier tlius promulgate an liiiport. for We are the people who are •T. G. Dean pays 7 cents for live must settle their uflulrs. If you owe, necessities of life. Smotlier the man W. A. Melton eiitUd iitteiilion of the and what am I living for." Nearly the moiiili ending Jan. b. Those feel obliged to do so. We will cliicUens. this is Important to you. 74w4 who speaks ill of your hometown. There will be a shadow social at tbe resi­ Belling Business Cards. dence ot Wni. Ezner. Delhi, on Friday even­ club to the feea uiid sulurk-s of ouuiity everyone respiinueu as ineir names marked with a star not absent, those ing, Jan. 27. Tlie proceeds are to bo lor the with a dagger not absent. Both star \VHere iH llie Iteiui who prophesied In the Graphic, Chicago, for January At ihe business ineelingortlie C. L. ofllcera. were calUd. The general opinion S. C. the following ofllcers were elect­ bfluedtor Ihe Lott school district No. 4. AU and dagger neither absent nor tardy. ATTOBMEYil." ~ an open winter? 14, Mr. George H. Wilson, Secretary are Invited. TLequi'ationofiini'llaineiitui'y usaues was that "Life Is real," "Life is earn­ ed: Pres.. f^ora M. Neely; Rec. Sec.. not carry old stock if selling at a LAWTON T. HEMANS, of the Bureau of Music, has un excel in and by the uluh, uud the i)UhsiIi>ii est," "Life Is duty lo my God and all No. oil the roll ut eloseof month HI Weeks' livery stock Is now In the Carrie B. Taylor; press sec, Mrs. Ida There will ba a donation at the residence or of suiurles uiid fees uf county offluers, niankind," and that we ure living Tutul unmber of tardy marks „1 •GROCERIES CHEAPtI 4 TTOUNEY AND COUN8ELOU AT Auieriuun hotel burn. lent uiid coiiiprehensive article on Mrs. Cynllia Itoweil. onobull "mile east of " diiyHabaence H McDonuld; critic. Mrs.vMurv Stroud. the DuUols shoul house Friday evening, Jan. were then tuken up uitd U¥N1VIAMM. Aiiie, till) biirber, over Wllliiiiiis cash and getting discount, we ar«« AVlieeler Huyiies wits In town over Lenellen Howe reading, Wni. A. Olds K«i*l KNinie VrHumsrii. we advertise. Lutheran church in Charlotte. vention at file court house in this city Sunday .—Mrs. Geo. Monroe Is on the essay. • 6. QHEEfr."Sr."o"^ drtif; Sftore, cuts hiiir for 15 cents. on Saturday, Jan. 28, at 10 o'clock n. Tlie followng is tlie list of transfera, iX. Office lu Polar Ulooli. up-stnlrs. Hcsl- Hendi'iHon & Huntington are put' Oil. able to sell you Cofiee .-it the old sick list.—Win. Conktln wu» lit Mason Deep snow stops the Ijiuisiiii: street m. for the purpose of nominating, del­ for one week ending Jan. 7, 1803, dence Urst dour eimt of Presbyterian Cliurcli. liiij: wild iiiicu to a new purpose I to^uy on business.—liev. E.. J. Brad- CHI'S uiid travelers tuku hiioks or go on egates to the state conveiitioii aud r. .v. where the conslderutiuii is}l300 orover: when shelves are stuffed full of •Wll IIMIsil'lv'i'.s'.'.'.' price. Try our Blend Media and uer coniiiienuea tipeuial services here Eden. W. W. ROOT, m". D.7 foot. They have captiifed several spry little transabtingi^uuh other business as may :ir> m Henry M. Crill to George W. Prine loU „ Bring your IJHVSIOIAN ANIJ SURGEON. OFFICE fellows and pliiced tliem in llieirsliow this weeU.—E. B. Trelry and Alice Fred Marquedant of Rlyes visited jiroperiy come before the convention. m Ui ID.') Inclunlve LaDBlug • 3 OUO L hours from one to two, and from HIX to More Light. i^Tava. Wo want all the fresh-m;ide Barnittii were ut Riven yeaienluy.—- J. M- Collier Weilnesday.—F. M. An attuok ( f facial irysipcliis has window to run complicated uiuchiiiery. Robert Down Ui Qeorge Down w ptor a SHvenP. M. On Wednefdny evening, January Prescoli VttiiMurter has none to Jack­ Childs has a new Portland cutter.- plofseoSOBunkerhTll 1 000 Butter AND Eggs! given Daisy .Suarle an iiiiweluuiiic vu- Upon tile electric light question tlie old ones. We promised four years Ciiliuu. Thos. Laseiiby and R. Kellowsship 25, lit 0 o'clook sluirp the K. O, T. M. roll Butter we c.nh get. Briiig it son for II loud t)f tile.-Riice TImIr is Mamie and Nettle HInes of Mason Qaorge Down to Robert Down n>i uf ue A. J. THOMSON, M. D.. council of this city Ims been seeking ^urHevSU nud 3D acres ou n pi ol ftl a loud of sheep IIud ho]^s from Orund and L. O. T. M. will assemble at L. O. fltopniiigut Henry Fieneli's HKalii.— silent Sunday at W. H. Hor'.oii'8.— HYSICIAN AND StJHGEON. OFFICE more ligiit for several weeks, and if Huo m Itiiukerlilll 1 000 Just the same as CASH. over H. JI. Williams' druK store, .Masou. G. E. Gifliii-d of Etttoii riapicts will Ledge this week, where tliey ure buy­ T. M. hall, hence they will take a along and get 3'our cash. " Fred Monroe, wife and ulilldren from Frank Bishop of Onondaga is buying Geo. Besle to J. Prederluk Scliullx lAi of , P they have received it for some reason Kesldenceoppn.Hlte PrCBbyterliin cliuroh. also sing at tlie World's Fjilr. Salary ing sloek. They reiiort boijs as very slelgli ride to tbe residence of J. W. Indiana are visiting relatives here. pressed hoy and shipping it from bere. wUnflolflblk IttLnusIng -ISO it does not get out to any great extent. Nelife Holbert lo.lohn Sleaduiau e^i of . ago when we moved our stock to $'J0 per week. scarce, but it takes lots of money to Hill and family where they wilis|)eiid —W. H. Horton was the only one that Tours truly, miNiiKi, (.AarKovK. It isquite difllcult to learn why three 8W i^ofseuZS Wheatneid t. 1 200 buy wliiitthey find—,*i7.()0per huntired the evening. Refreshments will be VANDERGOOK & RICE. went from here to Lansing on the ex- Hlmm RlxSr. to HHrrlet Emma lllz iU _ D. C. Smith isuKalii on our slreets, vote one way and three another uiid " F ARME^BS'ImUTO AL ~ live weight. aerved. OkeuiON. curalon.-J. P. Converse and family HO oft u end of w'/4 of neJi ofseo 8 Leroy 363 after being conHiied to his tmnie lor to know just what the dissatisfaction J. Hoiiry Moorcs u> Jumes Appleyard . , , mCRE tN.SURANCK COMPANY OK INQ. several weeks. Last week Monday Dr. X. J. Tliym- is. Towns all over thestute liuve been Okeoios flouring mill propeity has visltrd at Geo. Douitluss' lust week.— IntZUblk -2 Hull's add I.niixlnir 1 ICO W. M. PRATT. r liam county. Sai'e.st, cheapest, best. For "A Heroine in Rags" drew two large Mason to keep a fresh and desira­ aim was cullt'd lo St. Thomas, Caiiudu, wrilten by tiie mayor, and from all again cliuiiged hands.' John Salt- Mr. Baker and fanlily uf Tompkins Hubert R. Pratt to Arthur D. Prosier lot _ (tiformatlon svrite toO. F. Miller, secretary, SberlfV McEiien lias piii-ciiiiKed n uudiences to Harris' yesterday after­ uiarah now owns a twotldidH Interest spent Sunday at R. A. Fay's.—Robert S tilk lltil LuuBldg 2800 Mason. R.J. Ilullen, President, Mason. to attend the funeral of Mis, A. J. noon und night and a big l.>usiness for the information acquired It appears Jerome Cuxhnian loJoMepli Snyder bw new uprljfht piano of W. S. Holmes beyond dispute thut tbe proposition!! having liought out J. A. Allen and Laxton and wife spent the week at I4 oflie'^ ofneo 26 Wllllatnstui 1 3S0 & Co. of Lansing. Campbell, who died tbe previous .Sat tbe week is assured. The star of tbe Frank Sinilli. Mr. Hugadorn still re­ Dexter.—Alvin Uolte and wife went Nelanii Urudley to Ulureiice Li. and Mat- urday, utter an illnifss of only nn lioiii (jomjiuny is Miss Kutberine Rober, an of Puddock & Henderson ure fair. ble assortment. Our clearing sales JKWKI.KK. tains hla liilere8t.-Okemo,i Is represent­ to Albion to spend the winter Willi lie Pratt pt of lot 8 bik II Or^en Ouk Frederick Gorden. u disorderly, was Deceased was the wile of a brothei of aiare.-M of ability und 'beauty. The Nobody claims that tiie price is unfair add [.aiislng 1150 I.-1I.IAS CULVER, dealer In watches, clocks, given ten days In jail liy .liistice Fer­ Ihe lute Dr. Ciimiibell and leaves u when compared with prices paid liy ed in the legislature again this winter their daughter, Mrs. W. M. Bray.— Wm. E. Mayuard uiid M. H. aud Albur- V« jewelry,8Uvcrwaro,otc. RepalrlnB'lone. pliiy went wiib u vim und won tbe In tlie person of c;. A. Torrance who is Geo. Douglass started early Monday UueM. Hnhreerto8iirah M. Monroe e guson lust Smurduy. lirsband and livesmiiil cliildren. lii'urty applause of tiie audimute. Miss oilier towns. Upon u moonlight H.r.TlCKlTBR morning lor Jackson with a load of % ol lot 15 of While's sub Lansing 2 SOO schedule the lights were run lust year asalstiiiit liiiiitor.—The Olceinos liund 0. L. CASTERLIN, J. D. VniiElleii has S(ilrlne to John O, KImme Sr. Mr. Strickland of Alaledon found Haines arrested but nut until consider­ Good slolghiiig now.—Mary Sloan loU 151,155 nnd lauKudner's sub Lans­ BlokB«aMh.aaa MllmaU UmImoHm ITCH & R.\Y.MOND, Dealers In ceneral their husbands were invited to u liun- run about 1,134 hours for $02.16; guns, saws, bells, etc., but not enough. Mrs. C. C. Casterlln's gold watch and able damage was dime to tbe building. apeiitSuiiduy in Holt.—The box social ing 600 dMit to ablUow •tot.of tb. t|f.t«a.i Fhardwnro, paints, oils, iind farmers'sup­ qiiet given lust Friday evening by the this year the company has made pro­ So about 00 of them returned the plies. Main street, .Mason, Midi. 1730yl. promptly returned it to her. It belongs to C. C. Rolfe und wus In­ Teeth KxtrnoteU WUIioiit l>niii. ut Lewie Walters' last Friday night B. L. RusECRANCR, Register. L. O. T. M. of Lansing, They accept­ sured in one of Mr. Bristol's coni- positions which sliow less In price. next night with more umuiiitlon, but w^hat we are doing and profit '^•»'"*'i&iSsrssrvs'sa^ ed. Mrs. Johnson of Suginuw and Dr. M. E. Btoir of ^ V^^^ tltnorvo Medical was weir attended and a good time the honored gentleman, Mr. Benja­ f A. RAIINES,NOTARY. Loan, Insnranoe Albert Butler is hauling alt his tim­ lianies. Hud tbe hydrants been froz­ The time for lighting is calculated Uulvorsliy, Clev^iand, 0.', "will "bo^aVHotel Mrs. Walker of Muskegon were pres­ , Mas ... was had. They netted «0 20—S. M. min, did not appear. Bncklen*B Aruica Salre. .1 .and Collo.Ulon Aicent. Afresh supply of ber to Lansing. Yesterday morning en us has recently been the case in at from half an hour after sun­ Horton, Mason, Mich., .donUuy, Tui-sdiiyund Walt and wife spent Sunday at James moiioy U> loan. Office at residence. ent, and the Mason contingent were Wednesday, Jan; ffl. 24 and 25, Wr tho purpose The Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, he sent fourteen loads there. several towns we would have seen a set till 12 o'clock each night and the of extracting. Uieih without pnin or sioep. Mutton's.—Frank Thomas who cut highly pleased with their reception. uimflugrutioii. By the way, it should number of nighta at 300 each year, Bruises, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Bbeum- thereby. SICK ^ONEY TO LOAN, in THE^ REAL ES- Mr. F. HInes has lately built an ice Sj'Iil'.f feTO""'"' tcoUi patients are endow­ . bia foot with an ax Is Improving.—A Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, tuto A^reiit, John Donshack. be seen to thut hydrants do not freeze making a dlflereiice of over 500 hours ed with all their aonses uud are pcrleolly con- Jiaiisvllle. Vtm noaan house and ia tilling it with excellent The Erosophian society met at Ihe aislous. Tho doctor Is tho invoii tor anu iiatoii- surprise party was given to Emma and Cbilblalna, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ .qotUyvdatUalapor-" residence of Col. L. H. Ives Inst Tues­ during the zero weatlier. per year that lights are proposed to be TenUBf ttU.anoytM-— oittlaasi>dp» M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, ice from the brick yard jioiid. tee or thIa process. Don't lull to seo hlni. Florence Biiteniun lust Saturday night Our hotel and meat market men are tions, aud pueitlvely cures Piles, or no . makes collections. At Farmers'Bank, day evening. After an liitereslliig kept going longer than laat year. For Hortioi? ilato. Jan. 23,21 and 28; Hotel where all had a good time. Kefresh- eomcrsUdltoidonMtb.i hauling in their Ice.—Kute Hendricks pay required. It is guaranteed to give UtitfuSnii^ Mrs. C. H. Smith and Mrs. H. and profitable literary program titui Lust October the committee on 300 nights each year the company meuta were served.—Some ot the ilTY BAKERY.—FRE.SH BRE/i D, PIES who has been sick Is better.—Miles perfect satiafaction or money refunded. Now here are some prices: We Wright of North Aurellus ure con­ been rendered, warm sugar and pop­ county salaries mude a mistake in the wants $70 per lignt on a five-years' Siiawl I.o.(. church people were out sleighing In eoiM 0 and cakes. Mason, Mich. Pulling Is working In Geo. Main'a Price 25 cents per box. For sale by H. valescing from their recent iil.-iess. corn were served. All declareil It one wording of their report to the biiord contract; on a three-years' contract (72 their buggies Sunday.—The Presbv- Jan. 10, on streols of Maion. Colored' harness shop.—The nice plants of the M. Wllllama. Mason, and F. H. Field, EC. A. EARLE. DEALER IN HEAVY of the most pleasant lueeiings the of supervisors fixing the salary of the per light. Or, they have ottered terlun Sunday school comiueiices the , HEAD and Shelf Hardware. Maple St., Mason. C. C. Custerlin has sold his black IhisoflJce Btrlpcfl. Finder rolurnio teachers and scholars at the achool Dansville. society hus ever enjoyed. county treasurer and Instead of reconi- to run the present lights for an inde­ year 1S03 with 135 scholars iu good all froze during she vacation.—P. B. pacing mare to his brother J). A. of mendiiigutn annual salary of $1,500, finite time at 25 cents each per night offer 50c and 65c Dress Goods at ai^rSraiai^dlstnssloaeomplstiUt baUorhi* B.-WORDEN, ponslonerattornoy, offlclat- Mrs. L.F. Alton hna opened drcsNmakloE stand lug. arrived here last week from UUI7 UMltgoodB«i.doe.notendhen,uidtfaoM .tneiiA u.sunl In all pension matters, office Charlotte. It took $2(H) to get her. A little girl living near the brick us intenilld, they recommended the until the council can decide Just what rooms in^lhe houso belonging to Mra. Bow- Buy Dullani'a Great uerman 15 J they want to do. Or, they go further dish on Muple street uud solicits your patron­ Kalamazoo.—Chester Granger's horse who ono. try tlwm viU find thiM UlUA puis vshi. over Wllllam.s' druK store,Mason, Mich. 1671. Tiie quarterly meeting of the Ing­ yard bad lier hands frozen wlille go­ sum of $1,500 for two yeurs. There- broke looee from In front of F. H. sent Liver Pills, 40 in each package, sAatolnsonumr wsntbsttlisy wlU sot ba.wll- ng to the M. E. eluiich hist Sunday port was adopted by the bourd, not and say they will leave the value of age. 7Swa .ItBgtodowiUwattbem. Bai.(tir.U.lieklMt4 ham County Farmers' Alliance was South Leroy. Field's store and ran east as far as A. at O. W. Halstead & Soii'a and F. H. morning. The child hud nothing to noticing tho mistake in a word, and tlieir plant to appraisers and let the t'.rin to Kent. Fleid'a. • 35c per yard. All ladies' cloaks, held in G. A. R. hull last Tuesday. P. M. Brown and wife returned Densmore's where be was stopped. irotect lier hands from the cold, but now according to the opinion of Judge city have the full use and control of . ^^.."."i"!!*"* part of IijghamTp. M}^ acres Thursday from their visit to Henrietta The cart and harness were damaged.— Buy Dullara's Great German 25 cent Stephen S. Durfee of FowlervlUe that oould not keep her from Sunday Persoiii only a salary of $750 per year it by paying them seven per cent, per for 2J5 dollars per aero, itiis. Lbowa llAitn. Michigan (TENTRai nnd JiicUson and started Saturday Diphtheria Is reported In the family Cough Cure at O. W. Halstead & ACHE has recently been appointed commis­ schiiol. She went home rejoicing in a can be drawn. It comes far short of annum upon said appraised value. of Will Wilson eustoftown.—A. Sum­ pair of new mitlens given by u young paying tbe treasurer's expenses and After talking with Mr. Paddock and Vareiule. with Wm. Putter and wife for Detroit Sou"s and F.H. Field's. * including plushes, from;i-4 to 1-2 lbtli.b4iM.t loinany Utm tlut henliwhara "The Niagara Falls Route." sioner of schools for Livingston county. mon's team ran away the other day ireaakioarBiestbout. OarpiUsQUMltwhllo geiillemiiii. should bo'amended us soon as possible, Mayor Hemana the News Is about House and lot, with barn-lot 0, block 20. lo spend New Year's.—Marhin Swan Apron check ginghams (1 cents, at Enquire of O. W. Halstead. 76tf with no serious results.—Dance at the Buy Dullam's Great German 15 cent OlhM. do DOl. SOUTHWARD. by extra session If no otiier way. It convinced tliat the company is en­ of Isabella Co. is visiting relatives in Hull & DiiKois'. * Ingham and Wheatfleld for a few rink Friday night.—Fred Huston, a Liver Pills, 40 in each package at, O. CtrUfs Uttl. Itver FUli m wy inult ud The report of Superintendent Farn- looks us though another day's work by deavoring to do all it can uflbrd to and :. Blaolcanllk'*'JToolB fur Sal*). - vary Miy to take. OneortwoplUsmsksadoio. ning of tbe school for tbe blind at days.—Garrison Stockwether hud his son of Dr. Huston of Leroy, was W. Halstead & Son's nnd F. H. Field. Tbey srailrloHy TegeUblasnd do not gripe or a. in. a. m. p. in. p. m. The temperature of last Saturday the bourd would be necessary soon. is making offers eminently fair. We Ihaveacpmpletoset of blaokHinllh's tobla i burled here Sunday, Rev. Lamb less than former prices. Shawls Hasoti . 8:2;) 0:48 4:24 10:5S night was sucli us to put an end to Lansing shows that tbe average at­ iinpe tlie question us to whether or which I will sell cheap for cuMi or unproved thumb bit by a hog lust week while pnrg^ but by tholr gentle action pleaao all who ..Tackson , 0:10 10:40 5:20 11:45 offlolatlng —E. B. Gaylord has pur- nsalbtm. XaviaUiat as cents t flvaforlL Said many valuable house plants in the tendance of the institution during the The new Fort street uniou station, not Musiiii should have electric lights, note. Inquire of A. Q. Mirtkhain, Edon, butchering.—Kate Pennock spent the by diosglfts ensynlian, 01 lont by mall. p. m. a m Mloh. , • . 74W1 ' •holidiiya in WilliainWuii.--Pi..:;il,\ oi vj. j.\I. Rice's'house. This is a (lily. past year was 85 of whom 51 were 11 Detroit, which Is to be opened on udmits of no disagreement, und we ^ OARTKR MIDIOINB CO., New York. . 'Chlcaijo . 3:35 4:30 7:55 mules and 84 females. Tha school Puliiud Olilnna. 8I10W New,Year's for the young people go.—C. M. Rice has purchased the Ootrolt , 10:58 7:00 10:45 7:10 Chapiii pays cash for fur, pelts, the 2'2ndof January, is for tbe Joint believe tiie people want them. That SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SHALLPRICE property Inventories at $221,485.71. nud naany enjoyed it Sunday night.— hardware stock of M. V. Jessop of Gillett'; 1- 4 off. Bed spreads 55c to $1.40. p. m. n. m. p. m. poultry, game butter and eggs, sells use of tiie Canadian Pacitlc, Flint & being tbe case, tlie question Is, upon H.'li. Parker has' one very. lino inalo and \ 10:45 Vlusicisoue of the chief branches of : Fortyco Swuu lost a valuable cow Willlttiuston and an 'inventory is be­ .St.Thomas..,, , 8:4u l:oS 10:20 oil ut 7 cents, and tlour and salt way Pete Marquette, Detroit, Lansing & the price, and if Puddock & Hender­ ing taken.—.\ donation for the bene­ a. m. Instruction. Northern and Wubosh railways. It son ure making otters conceded to be lately.—Richard Martin is much Im­ Niagara Falls. .. 7:25 2:14 6:,S0 1:47 down. 73tf llt of Rev, C. W. Austin will be held embruses. of course, ah modern ideaa fair tl>ere is no question at all. We ; I.iir« Peultry Wnnteil. proved In health.—Fred Huston died Tbe heavy door of the steel safe in at his residence on Thursday evening These are agents' samples, slight­ Six hundred cars were blockaded nt for the comfort and convenience of should iiuve the lights ut Once. The. By Simeon Rolfe, Mason. lUt .- Thursday night from the effects of NORTHWARD. the State and Savings Bunk has re­ of this week.—The sport last Saturday Jackson Juucllon lust Saturday, con­ passengers. It is on the grundest moonlight schedule I'ollowed lust year: ' typhoid fever which he had last suni- turned from Detroit where it lias been •lOB.r toXoan was not so BUcceBsruI as the Saturday sequently trains were late along all avenue in Detroit, u few blocks from was not entirely satisfactory. There ; iner. Funeral services Sunday at 10 a.m. u. m. P. m. p.m. for repairs, and is again upon its Onre«t^Mtot.at the offlcoof J. M. »reM.i before, The dogs would not run the . Masoii 4:6.''. 10:50 5:80 0:55 the lines. the center Of the city, convenient of were times wiieii lights were out to the j o'clock ut the brick school house.— hinges. It is u lino piece of mechan­ atthe Farmew bank. 9Btt track, only two making the circuit 5:25 11:13 5:55 10:15 access from all parts thereof by street annoyauee of many, 'rhree-liundred ! Friday night the social at George ly damaged. These sell for about Lansing.... p. m. Prosecuting Attorney Gardner will ism and was billed ut l.UOO pounds in and they had to be put on the track cur system. It is only one short block iiigbta trom sunset to midnight would Barker ACo'B Price*. iJaokson'a was not largely attended. O wonso B:0? A)'. 12:10 7:11 Lansl'g meet tbe people of Mason und vicinity weight. The improvements upon the two or tiiree times. Tom Hanna's •.WLU p. m. distant from the Michigan Central be inncli more satisfactory. If the ^/The reason we will not'mako tlio longer •They netted $2.10. There will be an­ at G. E. Sanders' oHlce on Thursday door cost $S25. Even tlie banking that they are, long enongh now, 15of th. ': other at the Cady acliool house the dog got the first prize and ISd.Glllam's a.m. D'l 2:25 Aoc'n. station, so that tiic transfer between company cannot supply the street Bay City 8;lo 4:35 of each week. business bus its expenses, a rod, and. preaout prices make bu" ilStb to elect a bulldinir committee. second. The sport wound up by form­ QuicHest 'ffiSIOilAIIIIE 0:65 9:25 the two stations for passengers la en­ lights for the city they will have to smal. l esxpense.ai s fottows: 2- 3 real prices. Embroideries 1-3 Oladwln p. 111. a.m. iThe trustees were elected Wednesday. ing a ring of men and boys and one of .Mackinaw 7:0O Miss Temple has discontinued lier tirely uiioiijectloiiable. The building stop the commercial lights also,) and V/i Inch hto oo«tperi,000, .19,00 ; 7:20 A. J. Burtlett was examined before 11J,«0 ihe foxes was let loose but owners of NERVINE. visits to Mason und will go to New the probate judge at Charlotte on itself cost almost $200,000. we will grope again. A inuii without ...... I...,.! •\-r.'\ • . . 44 '.44. - 44 1T.IS0, the dogs let them start too soon, catch­ ran O. W.RUGGLEB, York and resume her studies in the Tuesday as to his sanity. Mr. Burt­ au opinion is u chump; the same Is 25,00' I : CouHldorslfahoosshold nocesHlty." Mr. A. ing the foxes before tiiey hud got 10 Gen' I Pass. and Ticket Ageu t. OhIcago. art of painting. The Portland Observer, commenting true of a newspaper. So we are gliid; :J, WliUluit, Nuwton, KaimuB, oncentuateN lilii off. Fancy goods 1-4 off. Ladies' iBottli M. J. .MURBAY.Ticket Agent, Mason. lett is Mie veteran painter of this City. rods from the liox. One fox was sold It was decided thi^t ho was not in bis on the Alien-Whltaore oases, that toliavean opinion upon this subject iuplnlou tuua: "I have used Dr. Oull'a Cousli At Iron Mountain lust week tbe UAUKHK AOO. : ;Hyruplu my family for the luit eUht years at auction for $1.60. right mind and was taken to the Kal- have been laid awuy for good says: und tbe privilege to express It. We thermometers wero registering !io be­ :, Vaokaon'atone Ilrnin Tile aud couHlder It u houiebold nccesally. amazo asylum on Wednesday. Jt is 'Tills decision will ease the minds of believe tliut a contract can be. itiade low zero while liera they were only AndlMwarjQine of all Miios.on hand and' hoped tliut the careful treatment tlieie many people who were awfully afraid with Paddook:& Henderson for from 26 wool skirts, full sizes, all reduced about 10 below. •ale by , uml .J >y.'3HAf i». Eden, Mloh, Tb« ONLY may speedily restore liiiii.—Eaton they would bo drawn into tlie vortex to S5 lights, three years, 800 nighta each year, light at proper hours,: at (70 for. i, I Prostration. Milton Beaubiei) of Lansing Is Rapids Journal. Mr, Burtlett was of publicity sliould the cases all come , '••.•;:'. HoH.o to Rent. ;'' each light peir yeai*; and on: the Other YEAST traveTj^pTIblic! spending tiO days in jail. He canie once a resident of Mason. to trial. Mrs. Whitucre is now the . Inqujra qf Saal; Wordoii, • C8tl hand we believe such a contract would trom P. H. Dolaii's court and Is a trusted employee of a Pueblo, Colo. be tt good one for the city; If the The mail route trom Dansville to Maaou drunk and disorderly. Thirty-two years ago three boys walk­ Insurance iirm, .one of the leading to $1.00 each. All 35c^and 40c Diu renra, MOS •iiianefl, Norvons '.'laving beeu discontinued, tho subsorlbors common council shouldmake such al DrnMk.oBMi. •'or.; nnbl ed to school from two to three miles, to ones of the kind in the state,'at u Poaiiiv.i'r.Ciiro^^^ will herealter run a vehicle ovor the road Last Tliul-sdiiy F. G. Annia pur­ contract we. would think it a good Job; ,Drank«naeM.etp., are cor«a dally (Sundays aud the 4th of July excepted) tbe village of Vermontyille; later one sular.v of $75 per niohtli. A letter . . toe Dr.Rnlnc*'C)»lHa powdop, which can It does not eonu n opiates. Mrs. 6oi)hli o! and frelcht, at reasonable rates, leaving Dans. hontas Prince mare formerly owned Ann Arbor. His friends said hia that clt,y u sliort time ago says she is less cost,' of ooiirae that 'will he better; hetlvan tn^a glaaaof boer.aoupof rolleo oi ladies' wool hose 29c. /So it goes BrowDl«fl.n.U»id, ns..%nnirad wiun^piepiy vlUeat!) o'clock A. M, and arriving at Mason by A. McDonald, for $150. but under'the existing.: olrcumatahoea ,t«wor,.lft fooiil' win^ for U yean and teitiaos io . eomplelo ouro"Jooob at or before 10 o'clock A. K., returning at such mother was spoiling a good farmer to very much thought of in Pueblo tHfjPaUBUt.': It InfabAplutaly hnrmlesH, nnd ' PotTO, BUa,,0Teaan, bad been anOoHng wlt& Menr-' times each day as shall best promote th make a poor lawyer, because he could among her acquaintances; Let us we: see uo-'rieaaiin. why, tbeliU WiUf.flfbot a perntanont and speedy cure, ousProatrallen top four Tears, could bblHalp, eonvenlouceof the public, The Aiilericari House and Its barn not talk us fluently as some, but the liope, for her family and her own sake should not shine aaB(M>ii;:aai,thiey.-^oa wh«tli.fr(h«pMlenti Is amoderuKi drinker or ; ^ins heln^lm until uied Dr. MIIm"S|£ are now the property of W. A. and be put up. Perhapa we can cfet lil an.8l(»UoUo wreok,,t.lt has bcflii In thonsi! Preveots CEORCE P.CLYWW. first olTlclttl signature of GoverUor that the lesson taught and the exper- Edward Perriii, they having traded Rich appointed Clement Smith aa leiioe.; bought in this case may be with a Bwaller.\nui9berCuf lightly ofioaaM. and.ln every InsKince a porfeoti right through our stoelk. I their home west of the creek for it. liaa.vioUowwi.;^ It u«v«r Tails; Tbe < Biiy Dullam's Great German 15 cent Judge of this circuit, and we most profited by, and that the young lady -I'onoo ImprMnateii with tho snooino; it »n«i Cures >w> -«urviu.j.iT«r, aw., .10. Liver Pills, 40 In each package. For Hall i DuBola are oloslng out wln- heartily congratulate our boyhood may be what nature fitted her for—a iMan:utt«r Impossibility for tho liquor'' Dr. MIlea' Medlml Oo.,nkhart,lnd. • V^povA^^ Powder>-NoAnifflonia; No Alum. sale by O. W. Halstead & Son and F. ter goods atprlces that will sell (hem. neighbor and schoolmate.—DImondale '^^•^-^SiCVfJ^riaan^aili^;!'^ MILLS DRY/GOOD$ CO. «UAi. Bonus nuu. Kow la your ohanoe. News. • ia H. Field. ' * :»8a<:iBae. •J.ils Used in Millions of Homei—40 Yean the Sundard. •OLD BV I.0N0VKAR SROS. ij^^ihi'^i'ViVinTj^'V m Am lago neai^ji', alutr /aara afo n w Uw* Ivrttljin'tbe I4^E0 8YTHE POPE. THE OOilD WAVE. H^irrod'.to ihejn tmvs n and aoMIer vwaa aa ««• jb - dtiy oi! January' poulblv f'u^Rjllo jroung fflrla. .Mgr. flaiolM^aVe Permanent Papatv istered au below .uro, the coldest in telttlreut it was a great people would bo the best policy on all waterfall, I also had iTwas reported that a glRantlo lum­ Jr.; of Troy, for United States senator. ••ltOMR,,Jan.'l4.-^'nto,apoBtoUy lletroit Tribune, a newspaper printed in the city rection 1,128 78 llycuHli Iiutn abstract nllicc , '25 (HI mlJItla was considered. vA; hill was favorably terests of tlie country/ republicans and the populists having given of it, with Ibe statement that Mgr. the supply of thia city, which comes of Uetrolt.tlireo weeks iirevlous to llie hearing To cash paid for school examiners' fees 1,:17S IS) lly casli rrnm ap|irii|ii'lull(iii uf linnril nl' 'I of celebrating the pie and tho public welfare; it linsinany SatolU had absolved from censure nnd recon­ January Ses8ion-l893, of such application, all nf whicli apiiears by To cash paid for Kalnma/.no asylum.... supervisors :i.'l,2.''iO (lo iich became so gdn- appoiutments to mako, some itiiportant' reported for the cstabUshment ol a national Tub westbound MaysvUle accommo­ organized independently, of each other. through a pipe line !iO miles in length, Hood's S Ciif^ iilllilavils or piibliealioii made and llled with the 2,707 s;i ^uAruntlne. ciled Dr. McGlynnby special iiower forthe 'I'n cash paid for witness and Jury fees, liy cash renin a|i|ii'n|ii'altlnii.rnr Jail.... 1,750 o) :bs according ,to. the dation: train collided with' a freight Lewis Bakeb died suddenly at his purpose reaueated from and granted by - the was.shutoft about ll,,o'cloiik, .Sunday clerk nf this boai'to »ll."'i''OEo; 'W. train at Dover, Ky., killing this ^ en­ home in'Poughlceepsie. N. Y., in the holy father; und moreover that the absolution' morning with the; tlicirmpraotisr]'is de- M,\KON, Mil UIKI AN, ) ttemlniAl, Tliat the prayer of said potitioiier bo To cash INild for Kngllsli sparrow or Ity cash rium county piiitiiiii (lelliii|iieiit formulate.' How favorable the oppor* , the senate on the 10th, against the anti-option had been given.beeauae Dr. McQlynn had wil­ OoOk, St.:'Johnsbury, Vtl ; i and liereby is grautcd, nud that he have full leave ders 2,152 (10 tax anil sales l,4l.'l in tunlty for it to adopt us its motto the 1)111, The quurantine bill was dlasUBsed....In gineer, fireman and six passengers., : iOlst year of his age. He leaves three arroes below' zero.' ' Tltisre • waaVgroiit' .luniiury 2, im. )' und uiitliurity to construct ami luaintahi a dam laid fur school of blind By cash from county portion charged ; this year may have lingly accepted the conditions laid down by the The lioard ot mtiiurvlsarii ot Inghiuu couuty across Uraiitf Itlvcr at the iMilut Indicated in ills To cash Ihe houuo a joint resolution providing that the , The .National Bicycle Association of sons—Alexander,, aged SO; Nicholas, auifering among the people. Church HOOD'a PILL8 euro ConaUpatlon by reatotlnr To cosh lald for school deaf and diiinb u;» back tiixes 22 7(i le to the fact that the principle: A strict I'cgiird for tho public holy father as necessary and suinelont. , Ibe perlitaltio aoUon ot the allmsutary canal. met ut tho court liouiio lu the city of Atiison, lu lietltlon, provided the same shall ho cinistnictoil To cash laid on deliniincnt returns... I'24 '22 Byi'iisli rrmn aiiiniinMivcrilran'ii....,.. 18,124 41) now oongrofia ahull take hold the January fol­ America"Wiis formed in Philadelphia. aged 77, and Cyrus,' aged 73. services': were discontinued: and most' said county, and wax called to order, ut eleven wllliiu two .years friiiii anil after tliu piusago of 844 W IJabbuth. but more welfare and for principle is the ibest • lowing Iho November aleotioaat which It was o'clock li. III. by the cholriniin, Hon. M. .1. Fnllok, 'i'ueusli riuisferriHl to Heron creek ftiiid It, is allied with baseball and ; its pur­ Upon canvassing the returns of the of the population wont to bed to keep this renoliition. III SII7,0.'K) 0.'! r fact that the demo- policy. This is just what it has prom­ Ghonon and oh&hging the time of ioauguratina "This Intonniitlon so expressed should have siipervlBor froiii the towuHlilp of Wheatllold. ' And, provliliHl further, that nothing contained tho president frbni Marob'l ta'AprU W wss"re> pose is to.give regular bicycle meetings election'on [November S'^ in Arkansas sulUced to satisfy everyone with the rceonclll- warm. The supply came on again at 8 ftoll called und the tollowlUK members aiiswer- $il7,o;io 5: ' ipied just now with ised and for which it has so long pro« i-d to their names : MessrH. Beiiient, lleers, In this rcsuliillnn shall he construed as granting leetodby avot(sbf,lSlt«i«.L^' :r-~t. S i . . with cash prizes. it was sliown that the amendment to atlen carried out by authority specially dele­ o'clock. ,, ,. tlm riitlit to overllnw or nlherwlse damage the nil. I'OOI! I'lJMl. Cit. . ae future, to , the ox- fCBsedl.y sought nn opportunity. Xiuttho i ivivert, Onslor, Diinckel, lllinelbei'i;er, Vuii- laiiils (if any iHM'snn. SiNATon ICknka'b death was announced A FIBB in the heart of tho retail dis­ tho constitution requiring .an elector to gated by tho holy father and with tho condi­ EvANsviLLE, Ind., Jan. 10.—The Ohio Itllier, r/ickwood. 1*. McIiityrc.Ueo.ll. Aleliilyre To amount nvenliawn In l.'toi $ siKi w By cash I'rnin siiiicHiileiiilonls or pnnr.. 27 piiblichavo for uU positions to bo filled tions called tor by the holy father. Then it ia Wlilull was also referred to the cninmittee nn By casli aiiiniiiit it|i|ii'niirlali*(l hy Iioaril liniscent. Wltiy burn after the reading ot the lournsl la-the senate trict of Kansas City, Mo., caused a loss exhibit a poll tax receipt before he can river is frozen completely over at this nnd Chnlnnan Follok. drains. Tn cash paid liir nnlci's 4,l'28 '17 nr snpervlsors 2,W.O Oft by appointment incn whoso;oharactep • on tho nth and.the usual reaolutjonswere, pre-' well to make several rofleotiona: 'I'liH cimlrman nunounced no iiiiorniii. irine of what is in of 8345,000. vote at an election was adopted. lly cash aiiiniinM'ai.si'il hy liiwiis l,'.'llll 1)4 and ability will at once coinmend their , . acntod and adopted, and then, as a furtheriaarli ••1. Thataa soon lis it was understood that point and river truffle is.entiroly closed. (Ml motion ot Mr. Iloiuetit the houril udjniiriiod ALLOWANCE OK CLAIMS. yi// CUKU titiinuiil ni'friti'iiiru Wit 112 kncient history when ;: «t roapoot, the aenata adjourned.,.';Ths"h6uBe' WILL; BaowN, aged 18 years, and Dr. Samuel Logan, aged 63, one of these conditions were complied with every sln- This is tho first time In fourteen yeors to hnir-imsl one o'clock, p. m, Tlio following chtims were rciiortad hack from jr to inaugurate gov- selection. Let the legislation bo only cbro Catholic should ut once have felt himself their respective cummittees and allowed us fol­ I also adjourned wltbout doing any buaineas out Alice Smith, a 15-year-old girl, sur­ the Oldest and most prominent physi­ that tho river has been frozen over, V AFTRUNOOJI SESSION. .'?5,0'24 IKI $r>,5 Sio »-, rn nmoiint paid (or liislltiitc held at By balance on hand jke complete control higlitfst public policy., Let there bo an ; j itheisth owing tdthefiineriiVaorvideaover;the S. I-. Cook I,"; no III no Mason .'..• 24,'I45 282 22 apportionment of the state into logis" '. : : Tcmnlna of tho late Senator'Kenna....In'ithe Two HBOBOBS, Ed and Dick Moorman The official canvass of the vote cast "i. That the selection ot the proper time and therinomoter registet-ing i5 degrees be­ " I am Post Master here and keep- Moved uud austnined that the rcadiiiu of the .1 nn 5i(f<(;i« nil liniiil Dl 55 By cash nom Inslltiile riiml government at Wash- the manner tn give public Inrormntion of tho October lournal be dispensed with. Which itiotioii S. I,. Clink r. (10 latlvo and congressional districts in ac­ house « hlll'wns Introduced Increaaing from one (brothers), were hanged by a mob at in Nebraska; at the recent election low zero at 7 a. in. From Nowburgh, a Store; Ihave kept August Flower ureviilled. .lames Hanley ',! 15 :i ir> {1S15, grows diih as : to two dollars per barrel the Internal revenue conditions belonged to tho authority of tho W, C.Tiibhs r. 0(1 .«a;i5 nu $336 l.'O cordance, us noarly ns possible, with Gaston, Ky., for murdering and robbing showed that the .republican governor church anil when the holy father should llnd It 13 miles above here, to Henderson, 13 for sale for some time. I think it i» Mrs. ,1, K. Mattison presented a petition to tlie !i (N> in the effulgence of ; tax on formoiitcd.llauors. ^recess was taken board, praying to have a certain drain tax set W. W. Mniiu 5 INI n mi Ult. DKLINQIJEST TA.V FUND. Oil constitutional requiretnonts'. Lot there - a farmer. and other state officers were elected opportune after tlie i-ecoptiouof thodoouments, below, thore is a solid gorge Of ice, in aside. After carefully looking the matter u|) V. C. Weiilworth •20 75 •Jii 7r, , ! to attend tho funeral of the late Senator Kenna. a splentJid medicine." E. A. Bond, To cash paid town treasurers isio.niit go Bybalatico in fund .S 4,1103 (u; be such educational legislation as the ; In tlio.Bohato a bill, was introduced on vtho An avalanche swept down the motin- and Gov. OrounsC was duly inaugu­ which wore ImmeUliiioly forwarded. some i>Vnees piled several feet high. and with the aid of Deputy County Treasurer H. II. nartlett 5 IKI 5 to To taxes nnd iiitcrest enllccled here By casli from dellnriuent taxes 'of public congratula- rated. "H. Everyone could see that tho Immoaiato P. M., Pavilion Centre, N.Y. LoiiBvear, it was decided to bo a matter that V. K. liockwcll 80 00 - credited state 601 (12 By cash from state bids sold anil ilecil- 411 best eitizenslilp requires, and an entire 13ih to oxtond to the North Puciac ocean the tain side in Salzso, Wash., and buried JoLKT, 111., .Tan. 10.—The ,city is sliniild be broiiKht before tho board at its next Kdwai'd 11.1'erriii 80 no III «l tn'ocratic party has at nrovlalons of the statutes for tho protection ot publication ot tlioao conditions was for pruden­ The. stomach is the ;-reservoir. in 50 To taxes collected for county trniisfcrr- ed by comity treasurer 114 03 absence of any regard for class or na­ two miners, Jamea Switiser and Mar­ William H. Wickham, mayor of tlireatened with a coal famine. Freight October session and hence this board had nn S. 1>. Xecly 17 7-1 ('(I to cnntingent fund I,4l.'l to By cash fruiu redoniplions slate bills... 112 11 king backward, and : fur BOiilfl nnd other fur-bearing onlmalB. A tial reasons omtttea to avoid tnlk that might Jiii'isdictlon In the matter. A. C. Manly 1r7. 75 tin Flaherty, under 160 feet of snow. New York, city during 1875 and 1870, onpcso tho good done by doinf away with trains On all tlie roads have been If it fails, everything' fails. The 1 n nn miniice. ill fiiiiil 1 :i,it'7 48 By cash from .sales nf I8.si) 1,037 51 ly Taylor, would ex- tional prejudice. ! resolution was adopted calling on the secretary On iiintlon ot Mr. VanRiper tho board ad- .lames A. Park 2 no I "r. By cash Ironi state sales 542 14 All tbls may bo beyond the capacity of , of tho trenuury for a copy of tbe opinion o{ the An ice bridge of frozen foam was died in that city, aged 05 years. the calamity which hasao long weighed upon u abandoned because of the snow Ijloclc- j liver, the kidneyis; the luugs, the JiHiriicd niilll nlue o'clock to-morrow mortiluy. llilinir Urns. &]i:verard 00 CIS {to see what prepara- priest by rctonelllliiK him with mother ehui-ob. By cash credited stato on pari paid ! law.onioor ot the department under which he la formed at Niagara Falls and frozen so Jeremiah Harvev, known through­ ado. and the supply is nearly exiiaitsted. heart, the head, the blbod.therien'es S. H.Thlllips 4 l!l7ii ; 4 -11 lauds l"07 111 jmake for rising." If the party newly come into power, but it: : Ulahurolnff tho 6,000,000 sonvenir coins in aid of If this result had not been obtainod.and if XUESDAV, .lau.3, t8fl,1. Sec. B. W. W. Mason city 12 lo 12 10 By couuty and local taxes collected at is not beyond its professions. Itisonly solid that a number of persons crossed out Indiana as the oldest odd fellow in this wiso silence haa been uuucceptable to any­ For nearly a week dealers have been ' all go wrong. If you feel wrong, Ferry & Butts 40 00 40 00 > that up it may get i i tho Columbian exposition, condltlancd on Sun- 'I'he board met pursuant to adjouriiinent and Aiidltur fieneral's for year ending, in necordorioo with the homply'truth ut' it- This was the first time in 100 years tho state and the founder otthe first one. It must be ascribed simply to premature doling out coal to liieir customers in [ look to the, stomach first., Put that was called to order hy the cliairiuuii. • M. J. & B. M. Buck 40 no 40 00 Sept. 30,1892 2,7(13 211 ernicious and paral,yz- : (flay closing....In tho house flllhustorlng A. A. I.uiiibard 4» lo 41) 10 tho head of this article,.arid tlio public • i i against tho consldorotlon of tho private war that these boiling waters had frozen newspaper in Grant county, died at exaction. small quantities, hoping to be able, to Uoll called and the following meiiihers By redeinptioiis cnllccteil at Auditor ( The eye which is , right at once by using August O. IC. Paddock M" 7n tiencral's ! claims bill resulted in nothing holug accom- over. Marion at tho age of 88 years. "Tho conditions wore lu this form: Dr. Mc- replenish their stocks soon, but the oiit- answered to their names : Messrs. Abfalter, F. P. Dean » ;iti 1):«! 317 00 has been .repeatedl.y assured that tho Glynn bus prosentoaa brief statement of his Flower. It assures a good appetite llemeiit, J. 8. Bennett, V. C. Ilemiett, Beers, past can see nothing iplishcd, All but one of the 150 rare manu­ loolc is just now very dubious. Covert, easier, Dtinckle, HlmelborKer,f.ockwoo; vestorday read, corrected and ap- li. n. llairl.s 1,'( OS 1(1 ICJ Dll. STUANGEll DKCEASEI). Cl!. (party to another, and , C, iary goods dealer, failed for S200,000. British museum experts. inagistrtite, a poclcotbnok in wliich he •Keruin Novurum.' Also it is here­ I FIT 0 10 511 Vi OS Tn t'lish itn hdiul S 3 30 I By cash from Coroner Howard .? 3 30 mouths, that.iji lias been tnade the vie- , by publicly nuido known that Dr., Mc- degrees below zero mark. In fact Sat- ,'• V,' .. ,las. Blaekmore UI m irty to feel that it has \ Flajhss in the stores, of Berliner, Icept notes concerning the relations of 'i'he Best Cough Bj-rup. I A, It. I/. Covert. 10 •.•« Dn. AONES FKEEMAN ESTATE. Cit. tlm of a cniei'coufldenco gamo?—Chi­ The trial of Hugh Dcmpsey, district Glynn,"" boaldos professing his ndher- urda.y niglit was the coldest.in this city llUites Oood. Una In tUne.1 \ ort.iN's .kvp nKsoi.urioNS. Oco. Duuckel i;i ;i2 1(1 20 ;h should be progress- : Strauss & Danzor, and Altman, Sum- the Panama Canal company to many eiicu' 10 all the doctrines and loaehlngs of tho years i;i 32 To muh on hiiuil §, 88 00 I By cash from ,1. B. Hunter ,ss ml cago Journal. 1, master workman of the Knights of in eight years. Saturday tho coal sup­ Isold by Driigglsta. lly \,\: mill 'IVvr; •:• • .1. P. I.nckwood 7 HO ^niei" & Co., neolcwear manufacturers in public men. It shows conclusively the Catholic church, 1ms expressed his roBrot, say­ SViiKuiov. t'n^- in.-'iints anil voiiclicrs for P. Vanlllper 7 80 Dll. noa TAX FOND. Oil. Labor, .T. -M. Davidson and Robert Beat- ply of both Cliiinipaign and Urbana voiri 11 iv > 2,S3 70 ty, charged with poisoning non-union liny act or word of his that may have seemud was cxiiausted, and a great miiiiy fam­ •imntv ti'.MS'ii'i'r < .irlc. t.iKiii;-M' umch of tho Krank .Seely....; !I'o hiiltiixe oil liiiiiil J5 never in all its long RKBrnENTS of the state of Washington worlcmen in the Homestead steel mill, ties witli the illegal operations of tlie •('iliilre.l SjiKM lor jii'i-s.-iii ii-i-.': llhTelore, be it M. .1. Poll" "lo. k II <24 tl 24 4 20 Vodonlublo Proof of AVlso ICeiiublloun ; IncUinKlnlho respect duo to ccclcslasticuluu- ilies are suffering on account of lack of found one of your Piso's (.•.;<.)/i'r,(, llv tHe h 111'I it s i • in'is irs tint llie 15 Mi 15 ai d a single statcsigan 'are protesting- against the use of Wasli. company. tliorlty, and ho tliureby Intends lorupiilr, us far Tlininas Patrick $ 283 76 Lnglslutlon. began at I'ittsburgh. fuel, e Hinty tro.n ii'jr be a 11 N li-r,! iv m-itnicti'd to K. P. Loranger i 7 (18 7 (» m .inspiration. There 'Its (in abbreviation for the name of the, Amid royal pomp and splendor nnd as ho can, uny oflense which may liuve been destroy all siicli iicc m iti nn l I'lrielnu's iiii In 12 84 12 84 Dll. COUNTV DKAIN FUND. Cu. The annual reports of tho business TnitBE was considerable excitement GiiRir.NsnuKO, Pa., Jan. 10.—A little Cure for Gonsumption 1'. .1. .\lifalter to 80 (statesmen undgenuine [atate. Wn. is sugffested-as more dig- surrounded by European sovereigns or given, to Catholics.: .liuiiiary Ist, ISji, w.iuM ji iiiiti.i' .>t fi. I". O. Ituiinctt 10 811 To cash paid for nrilei's ..83,073 48 By cash on hand 5 .'',5 failures iu the. United States for 18B'J in Jaclcson over reports of outrages child of Dttyid SlcCraclcen, of Login's IleniicttwasunanliitJiiisly alo.iie.;. 7 80 7 80 3,(i;i5 IH) ;e part.y—men whose riifled and satisfactory. ' their representatives Princess Mario, "PinuIIy Dr. McGlynn has, of his own free wrappers when I was lly Mr. Porter: lien. W. I'-rary 10 80 10 80 To credit county treasurer for ilelliuiiicnt liyi^isli from Imvii licasiiii-i's grandly indorse wise republican legls-' committed by white caps ngninj.t will, declared and promised that within tho Ferry, was frozen to detith Saturdtis'. .1. Iliinii Vi 80 lu 80 taxes 0 Of. j in higli esteem, but of Edinburg, was married at Signiarin- WiiK.itKAS, Itappears that tho vaiiil'i i, iiic Ins. \. I'lini To IHIUUIIX on hiimt 08 01 iation in general and the IMcKinloy Judge Laturop, of the supreml wp/}3,yiv.Je_jvsjLa.sautliern Mississipjil limits of a not long period of time ho will go to The baby was 3 months old. Mrs. Mc- going to work. I had a noiiuty clerk's olllce have bccuiue so llllel iiii III 80 la 80 j to the height of in- gen to Prince Ferdinand, crown prince with certlHcittes ot couvlctiou, elnims alloweii, K. W. (.•lark 10 81) ' 10 8U tariff in particular. Even tho subsi- court in Boston, ordered that the Fivi Prngrain Jan. 14, 18Hc(r~oV"i.v.»'"iiiQ Home In tho spirit nnd Intention which aro be­ CracUen, wrapping the child up, started M. .1. Ilnwiiril .?3,(140 65 $3,(140 55 jreat rffonn, nor, for of Roumania. coming to a good Catholic uud u priest. liU'tlis, deaths and marriage returns, receipts, 10 80 10 80 dized free trade organs aro astonished Year Benefit order, one of the largei ballance, Btrllia True essay, Htnij to walk to Parnassus, a distance o: 9 boy at home with a bad stub order books, resolutions and motions made C. S. LimniK 10 S'l 10 80 Dn. LIQUOR TAX FUND. Cll. J minor one either, was endowment orders in tlie country, bL.p Boyle reading, Grace Olda recitatici The French ministry resigned and "Then it is well to note how deplorable it'ls before the board as to necessluto the buUitliii; Wllliuin «• ('nimiT , to 89 10 80 over the uncleniable proof that the that this reconciliation should have been dis­ miles,' Wli'on she arrived there the To cash paid cor|)oi'utlons $13,344 30 By niiinimt on linnil $ 1,550 ivt ;irigin and accomplisli- President Carnot immediately charged cold. I turned back, pur­ nf more store room or destroy them; therefore, 1,. a. Kn-iler : .so 180 To cash transf'd to cont'g't fund, less total mimbor of failures in 1803 only placed in the lx,ands of a receiver. Lenelleii Uuwe reading. Win. A. cussed us it has been in newspapers, in such babe was frozen stiff. be It .1. 'I'. CaniiiiiiMi I 12 To cash from (li-alci's 33,825 14 ' rd is btirren of all such M. Ribot with the duty of forming a Morns A. lloiniMii !i 12 ; |ii Trcas, fees Il,7»3 45 aggregated 10,801, ngtnnst 112,878 failures Tub jury at Pittsburgh in the case o[„„ essay. . manner that private and lay persons have JfAscouTAir, III., Jan. 10.—The re­ chased a bottle of the Uimolml, That tlio county clerk bo instructed 1" I.' To cash li'casiirer's fees 238 27 IS stood in the way of new cabinet, which was done. dared to pass upon It harsh reproach nnd 111- tn destroy tho old papers and documents above E. C. Diirlinjr. !! j IJ ( Ot" in 1891—a decrease of'J,039, or noiirlyi-. the ten Duquesne strikers chargeui]. ports from St. Clair, Washington, Clin­ iiiRiitloned up to aud Including the year I88fi. (ico. W. Itilsto mi 051 59 1,(188 35 annot chtinge his spots The persecution of the Jews con scandalous. llces nnd lall and that the clerk bo and Is hereby Win. II. McKiiolly I By cash from Hues with ,$180,000,000 for 1801—a decrease Cnltcd States have formed a syodicat^ destroyed by fire, tho loss being 8100i- has been badly injured by the Decem­ satisfied with the change ' VJ I is stripes. It will take tinues at Moscow, and has assumed a "Tho action of tho church and of tho holy see instructed to draw an order upon tho county C. p. I/!8lior Si , 81,483 75 $1,483 of 885,000,000, or nearly two-fifths! with a capital of $7,000,000 to contro:| 000. William Baudrc and Charles Pre# ber drought and tho exceeding cold treasurer,-upon tho sliorllt's certlllcato in pay- Harry Bower..... 5, however, than forget- new form, the police having called in In tho thlnga that belong to it is superior to I had seen take place. I PUIMAKY SCHOOL FUND. Cu. The number of failures was loss in- the production of fine grades of silk in ton, railroad men, perished in the every man-made boundary universal and proper weather of tho last two weeks. An ineiit for tlio satno. ICohert Thitrmau :son day and the cod- house porters to their aid in hunting Which resolution was adopted by 15 yeas aud Herbert Whipple 1 00 I'.' 'a^'i 'I .own treasurers.. $19,160 14 By cash on hand $3,«79 5o 1893 than in any year sinco 1883, oxcopt this country. flames. to every country in which thore may bo Cath­ accurate estimate of tho damage ci^H' Since that time, my home Bert Colo.....: 1 !15 •-'•I ,1,(1 I Ifi OH liaiul IJGoorgeism before elec- down Jews who remain in Moscow olics. For which reason it seems to us exceed- 022 32 By casli from State treasurer 10,374 liii 1SS7. Only one in every ono hundred Ed. B. GistBEnsoN, a liveryman at EiGiiTKEN persons were badly injured not be made at this time. Tho ther­ On iiiotion of Mr, Coaler the board adjoitriied J. W. Oleminetit e'the cOuntr,y that the liigly opportune to recommend due respect in Dnvld Sutton 820,073 4« and thirteen traders in tho United Omaha, Neb., committed suicide after by the telescoping of a Chicago & East­ contrary to the recent decree. mometer registered » degrees below has never been without until halt past one o'clock, this afternoon. $20,072 40 every Cuso" to ecclesiastical authority, and be­ H. H. Bartlett _ _^ ^ ^. not still tho party of States succumbed in , 1893, aa: fatiiUy shooting Mrs. Nellie Beach. ern Illinois accoifamodiition train by A BODY of federal cavalry attacked fore all to that holy see, as well as to thut of zero here Sunday, the coldest in yours. At-a'RnNOojr session. Piso's Cure. I hare rec­ •,Mdfe-vria-oi~tncir• 1 nonesty;" raossback bourbonism.—Chicago Inter against one in every ninety-throe in Jealousy was the cause. tlie Chicago & Erie express at Fifty' the rebels at Stmotomc, in tho ArgeU' tho council of Baltimore, Inasmuch as It is for­ Cape Charles, Va., Jan. l(J,—Snow — Human hair varies in thickness from LpoM-am Ocean. 1801, and one in every one hundred anrl Simon Goldman, paying teller of the fifth street in Chicago. tine republic, and.dislodged them from bidden to treat ecclosiustk-al matters and foil early Sunday morning, covering ommended it to numer­ *rotai r «:i;k-i questions through tho medium of journalism. by lusti'ucied tlihirriiiv Tfffe o"r Hues re|>orted to the proseciiliiig at- •.ooiiils. In payment for services asjunltor during the failures in tho past year was $11,- ' was . missing, and his shortage was Monroe connty, Ark., on account of the both ecclesiastics and luymon (who wish to uii- Tlio morcury is at 10 degrees. It was tiiriiey n'oiii umouuts paUl to the eoiiiity treasurer. the present session uf thu libard of siipervlHors. js Adopted Iiy tlio Dom- A LAW passed by the Colombian con­ 000, being the lowest average reported thought to be somewhere between 810,- Atkinson murder at Cotton Plant pcurus sincerely Cutliollc), inako hud uae ot tho coldest day since 18.17. Steamers all greatly pleased with W« fail to llnd wlioru any Hues were paid to Wlilcli resolution was adopted bV the lolhiw- >resldent-Kloet. gress decrees ample funds for the the eoimly treasurer from the justices ciI the iDg vole: Yeas, Messrs. AbfHltbr.Benient,.I. .S. sinco 1878. Tho Bradstrcot's commor- [. 000 nnd 830,000. The four negroes named Charles Journalism with violent and . mendacious at­ between Capo Ciiarles and Norfolic aro ; Cleveland's opposition gradual exchange of paper money for tacks, beyond ull hounds of respecianU charity, village of NVilliamstou. , Bennett, F. C. Bennett, Beers, Covert, Caster, cial ogeney sums up its annual state- • TnE Sttite , Agricultural society of Brooks, Frisby Oomegys, Fletcher making tlieir trips with muchdiiticulty its results. lly the showing made iu this reimrttlie Justices Dunnkol. Harris, Hiinelberger. Hinne, {.oekwiNNl, of Murphy as senator silver. ngulnst venerable prclutos, whoso virtue aiul ill the coiiiity, as a rule, are hiiiiiil to be careless Ilun did not prevail. f.ayliii,l'. Melntyro, Geo. H. Mclntyre, Flail, ment thus strikingly: "While in,1888, • Minnesota has decided that on account Williams and Moses Brown were learning, whose reelltudo of charuetcr and un­ on account of tho ice. At Smith's \. I), ri'dsser 25 III 25 IKI llvGuo. II. Mclnlyre- is the current topic of A HAND of brigands made a descent ill making letiirns ot lines to the county treiisurer. Seely, IJniuhnrt, YatiRlper. Warner. Winters ami out of 855,000 busiuoss firms and cor­ of tho Columbian exposition to be held lianged at Chestertown, Md., for tlic questioned und unquestionable love toward the island ice extends a mile aud a half FRANK J..DARCY, Therefiiie, we woidil lecoiiimeud that the pro.s- Ford & Kii'hy 3 4s 3 l.s WiiKUi'US, there seems to be an inclination hy Cliatrmau Pollok—'22; iiiiyH—o. ilitical circles in the upon a church at Pego, Spain, killed a churcii and the supremo iiontiff, never unaccom­ Till', licmr hiivliig airlveil as tlic. spi«:lul order this boaril to illsrcgard the statutes hi regard to By Mr. Hlmelherger- porations 10,300 failed, in 1803, out of in Chicago no state fair would be held murder of Dr. James H. Hill April 2."5, into the ocean, eciitliig ult4ii'iiey be Instructed lo look after the fur the cniiHldt'iallitii of the iietllinn iit Mntlicb raising iilllcers' salaries iliirlug their tcrni ot iian Dolllver, of Iowa, priest named Suarez und one of his panied by sincere love ot country, make them 17 rfeligious St. 'matter iu Ihe future aud see that the Jiistlccs are ilcnelct'if. That .lames Blaekmore be ullnweil 1,085,000 business concorns, , only 10,- this year. 1892. Three of them were 10 ond one Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 10.—Sunday iiKire iitiinipt lu iittending to this very linpnrUinl Leailley. Ihe clialriiiaii aiiiiiiiinci.'il the .same as olllcn, anil tn i'«-liiiliiirsc said nflicurs for extra (publican view by say- assistants, and then stole tho altar destrvedly the subjects of tlie special predilec­ tiie special nrilornf hiisiuess. servlciiclaiiiicil tn have been purturmcilj there- the Slim nf thirty dollars for his services as clerU 370 failed." These reports are from A FIRE that started in the wool store 13 years of age. tion of tho holy fattier and of universal esteem." was bitterly cold. Tlie Cumborlaiui is NEW flIlt.GjtK$, IA.. Feb. lu, 1892. iniitol their duty. , , , , ,. rore, lie it of this Imard, diirlug this session and U> fiiruisli id will be absolute dic- o^f Hccht Bros. & Co. in Boston caused service. frozen from bank to banlc and during 'I'he aiiioimt o( lines returned trnm the chciiit I'K'rirto.N, the printers a copy of the proceedings, uud Unit non-partisan sources. They aro pre­ HiiiNRY Sar(3knt Con.>rAN, landscape New York, .Ian. 10.—On the an­ ciiiirt (luring llie year was S.''i.';2.17. Tit till. IIiKiVit nf Siitii'rvttiOrs of IIHOIIIIII Coimtii:ItcKolml, That a new rule bu aililcil lo tho he draw his order on tho county treasurer I'nr and that he will in- a loss of 91,500,000. The emigrants who left Gorman tlio day was visited by tiiousimds look­ rules gnvernhig this bnnrd. to be kiinwn atui pared for tho uso of business men of ortist of tlie World's Columbian expo nouncement that tlie pope hud estab­ I hnd Catarrh for three years, being, unable to iSlgneili .1. S. BKNNK'l'-r, Vniir pMItlnncr, (liulleb l.eailh'y nf l.iin.slng, iiuiiibereil as Kiile No. 32 and to ri^ail as lollows: thu same. ' irlal contests in other ports for the United States inl893 num­ tiEO.II.MclNrvuK, In suld cniiiily. ri'siicciriilly shows : tsl, that Which resnlutlou was adopted by the follntv- all parties, and they demonstrato'that! Konnuna wrecked a fast train on the sition, died suddenly at.St. Luke's hos­ lished a porraanunt delegation in the ing at the unusual sight. Ponds near breathe through my no.so. After using Plso'.t liiii.K 32.—When the board or siipcrvlsnrs shall V York and elect sena- bered 108,830. .1. N. llAIIKIS, liraiiil liver Is a navlgahh^ sireiiiii. rising In have llxeil tliii sahiry of any county olllcer as iiig vote: Yeas, Abfaller, Belnent. J. 8. Ben­ tho McKinley tariff was just what was , Illinois Central road near Beauregord, pital in Chicago. United States and liiicl named Jlgr. the city have been crowded with Kemedy for Catarrh for one month I found .liu'.ksim cniinly auil riiimiiig Mieiice Ihroiigli llm nett, F. C. Biinnctti Beers, Covert, Campbell, iponsive to his wishes. greiit relief, and now, after using six paclnigos, Coinmittep. provided by statute, no change shall be made .needed to establish- busiuoss stability, Miss., and tho engineer, fireman and In a railway wreck near Minshiill, Salolli the first delegate, Ai-clibishop skaters, a stene rarely seen here. enmities of Kauiii, Ingham, Olliiinn, Ionia anil therein either boforu, during, nr alter tho close easier, Unnckel, Harris, Hiniellierger, l.ockwoiNl, I thing to imperialism LATER. at nn outliiy ot f,3.00, I am ourod. I had previ­ 1)11 iiintlnn uf .Mr. Alifaltor the hoard adjoiirneil Ottawa, III Lake Michigan. 2, that he Is the Laylln, P. Mclntyre, O. H. 'Mclntyre, Park, employ American labor and insure tho express ugent were badly hurt. The Ind., George Stith, engineer, and Will­ Corrignn prepared a statement wliich Baltimore, Md., Jan. 10.—Dispatches lint 11 hall past one o'clock this afternoon. of the two years tor which such salary has been I'latl, Steely, llniiihart, VnuKliwr, Warner, over seen. In the United States senate on the ously spent SIM.00 with one doctor, tryiiiEf to got nwiier nf ull that part nf the southwest fractinniil so tlxeil, unless change In statute la Ihu iiiean- uuequalod genorol prosperity: that robbers fled witiiout any 'booty. iam Warren, fireman, were Icilled. his secretary. Father Conolly, gave to to the Sun from allpartsof Maryland cured.—T. E. FuLLEa, Ppmpton Liiltc'j, N. J., AI'TKIINOON .SKSSION. (liiai'ler of sectlnn nliicleeu, (19) tinvii (4) north tlme shall rciiiilre change In this rule. Winters ami Chairman Pollok—'2:1: nays-0. Ireland was nominated l4Ui the Niuiiniguu ship canal question 'I'he board met pursuant to adjoiiruiiieiii and of range twn i.2> west, lying between Grand river came to every portion of the United Tub methods of smuggling opium An engine with a snow-plow in front tlie press. The statement siiys among' show that tlie mercury marks below July 11, 1802. ^' , ' iemocratic party knew was discussed. In the house :i bill to was •(red,' By the board of sii|)ervisors, of tlie llniiertlicrctoro, liasaciinireil from thu owners 1 OS 18 oa th(5 Bhelvca of stores in Jefferson. The drowned in tho river at Pittsburgh, home a branch. of the supreme ecclesias­ below zero and in Siberia to 79 de­ county of Ingham, that the county clerk bo and nf thu land nn either side of .said river, where I.K1SII0 President iocratic states. The appreciate the honor of a nomination leged that tlie two were criminally in­ the pi'oiiosed dam is tn bu cniislriicteil, llie right I.,l, tho linai'il uil- killing two unknown passengers and America, is one of the brightest urally iiiclduiit thereto, 4tli, said dam to be Ib times and occasions opposition worked hardest, but it still ? • An explosion in a coal mine at King, Mexican war, died at Carthage, Mo., tigrade, and in Con.stantinople tram Cinipnnlci—UTO ccntt-nls ot Ono Pottlo, It not »dd- (If thu cniiiniltlee, made a verbal I'oiMirt In behalf wnnil Jonrned sine die. iniuring fatally Rev. Mr. Miller, of of Albany's young men. It elltcU, Di'ui^b'lxti v'lU rottiiul you thu prluo paid. of the cnmiiiltteo, to the olfcct that the parties constructed of siilllcleiit height tn raise the ' MVROS .1. l'OLI/)K. iinds his stato ttvrayod remains as one of tho bright ativrs in Col.', Icilled twenty-one Italians, one aged 04 years. cars and cabs liavo stopped running claiming any interest iu said clalni, had asslgncil water lu said river at the (him not to exceed six Chnirman of the Board of Siiporvisors, Wayland, Iii.; Elmer Recce, of Morning was in this city that he .It I3rUi;(;'SKtN, COe. Size, $1.00 filjM. feet above low water mark. Said dam to bu eou- lident, and then what the republican galaxy.—N.Y. Mail:- (Scotchman r.ndtvro Americans. A train on tlio Congo roilwcy col­ and snow has bloelced all, traffic in tho *lnvAlidB* Guldo to Health" froo—Consultation frocw their several interests to the said Madden, and On motion, the slierlir was instriictcil to sell Sun, la., and E. S. Drummer, of Wyo received his preliminary ; educa­ riuther represented that Innstnncli ns he. Mad­ slrncled after tho following plan, to wit: The .lAMKN HLAOKMOHK, I he to abandon his al- and Express. .:' lided with a wagon loaded iwitli dyna­ suburbs. Even telogrupliio communi­ Dll. KlUllBR Se Co., BlNQlIAMTON, N. Y. dam pi'opiM' In lio biillt by drlvlug wlittu cak llic old privy and 1111 np the Viiult as soon as tlie It was stated that the coal raagtiates ming. 111. tion. Ho was born iu New York den, had received ten dollars, that he woulil con­ new line Is rcaily for use iinil In pay the proceeds Clerk or the Board ot Supervisors, stato and become tho , i^"Cleveland'8 hatred of IIjU must mite near Miitiidi, un'explosion fol­ cation in Turkey is generally inter­ sent to have that amount taken from the claim. piles about live feet apart across tin; slrcnni ux- of Peunsylvivnia, acting with the cit.y in ISUl and removed here with his k president? If so we b(3 ver.y intense^. Not even ,Whitno,y,r lowed and fifty persons wore killed. rupted. Many deaths from cold have Canadian Pacific railway, had about PERSONAL AND POLITICAL parents eight years later. Ho gradu­ bur constitution and his ohiof lieutenant, could - prevent;} coucliidcd a deal by^ which almost the W. M. Fine, one of the most noted Miss Sarah Heiirino, diinghter of ated in the public seliools of tliia city. been reported. • n of government, for Orovor's coming out against Uill'a < pet, entire' 'coal fields of Nova Scotia were sports in tlic southern, stotes, died in Attorney General Herring, is the first Jsenato the president Murphy, in tho soriatoriul fight.; Many : Ro.ME, .Tan. 111.—Pope Loo is said to ChleuKo I k Conios Illfrh. to puss under their control. Charleston, S. C. woman itdmittcd to tho bar in Arizona, Halifax, N. S., .Tan. IB,—Chicngo ibe called empororand democrats are beginning to doubt tho;' The country residence of W. C. Har­ be greatly interested in tho situation iFiKE destroyed John .York's dry The presidential electors chosen last pork has advanced tvitliin the lust , B> 'b'S'dbno with , it as to bear tho title of sincerity of Mr.. Clevoliind's anti-olec-'; rison near Philadelphia was burned in America and desirou.s of putting an ...^ .ov 44*« ljuaacan—ii-l—\vill—tno VOlO see," no said,,ofterlmnding 'tlio paper g'oodsi'xlothing tind'furniture store in November met in the capitals of tlie three weeks in Halifax from S7 to SO ;T;pi||^||i|rJ:J^ forth. Most of them do that, however^ presiclcnt arid' at' the sanie time, oxorr tion declaration to the effect, that "Ii: with its contents, tiie loss being S135,- end to the ecclesiiistical dilTcroncos ex­ cnfess her face. "1 thiiik you strangely to Eric, arid, throwing himself into a Cliieugo, causing a loss 6f,$38.'5,000. various states and cast, their votes us per barrel to .«il3.50 and S1S..'J0. I'rimo that marks whore it once boat. Am I not else imperial povverkr-Siiii Prtincisop am d doinocrati" for a true dfimoorak- 000. isting there. V/iih this purpose in miserable!'! ho affirmed. Then, lower­ chair at his friend's side, , "my royal down'my way."—y. Y. Advertiser.. : Fi.AMU8' at Cliatenugay, N. Y., de- follows: Cleveland nnd Stevenson, 378; mess is wortli .'5'IS..'J» and is scarce at right? Answer mo, Kathleen; iim 1 Chronlclo. •'" • ' • •••'''•"•' •,,••-'•,.:; sw.nllowS' every thing democratic with- view the pope m preparing an en­ ing his voltjo a little, ond leaning ncOTer command for the stoto biUl has actually ' ''An"Enthusiast.".; •• ' '' Btroyod almost the entire business por­ Harrison and Ricd, 14-1; Weaver ivnd J. N. Mittleiieroer, treasurer of St. that. Alosa is quoted as high ns SIO. not right?" biit-'d-^scowl 'or shudder.—Cloveland-- cyclical to tlie American episcopate, Dr. Bull's Cougii Syiiip JouUTrSref to her: "I can't but wonder if you aro come." Fritz—Have you seen my latest moshT POI^ICY' SitlQGESTED;^ tion of the town. Loss, n75,000. Field, S3. The popular vote for presi­ Charles county. Mo., vvns said to' be Fresh pork has advanced iu the .same She burst into a passion of tears, Leader.'';; ' -, ;' / •-*,•'; •;"'.';• ;-f;:5Vv;lvS': 810.000 short; in his accounts. advising harmony uud union. Incurably so." "•yes! ycsl I ;daro not lio to you. If Erie inorely glanced at the paper. Korlr-Atoll girl with black hair and /X'liK wife and daughter of Jacob dent und vice president, cost November line from 0 to 8^comple.sion?, llingger, a farmer near -Alma, Wis., 8, wr..s: Cleveland and Stevenson, 5,570,- Because told that he must go to you wore not so good .and fine I—I '•;•.••; ,.',.,.,.,,••,','to",A'«lni>»;. ..',„:', with Novemboi' lasi'-'t'l'io'total value of-' Dentil of Gun. Itnl'iiH liiRnlls. wistful ardor of; denial. "It is too bad "•Whivt^'Vtjiieriod Aloniso... ;'\Vereyoii "Yes; .and hasn^t she got a perfect died'lroin eating di.soasod porlc. 7.S4; Harrison and Ried, 5,141,40(1; work Thomas Kildoy fatally shot his might lie. but you tear the truth from , Tho ;oidj'a^nget' . ?fHontJsty is,the host linpb)\t(3d drticlosVwiia'/,8805,700,081, 'of.y KANSAS PHILOSOPHY. New York-, Jan. lU.-i,-Geii. Rufus Tn- that you should think this. You 'said- not invitoii till now?" . llgi»ro'niid^face?"r.','v';::i^;;i5'KlKV: v^^ . 1 Anothish consignment of world's fair Weaver and Field, 1,010,059; BidwoU father, mother and sister in Philadel­ "nOTHER^S mol You saw my pain, my undying policy^" is of; broader signifioanco than wlil<^|v,r'tliq'a6\,;\HulijC!Ct<3d to duly?. gall.s. United States army, retired, died sbmetUing of tho same sort yesterday. "No, It was that.horrible prlhcesv 't'l noticed that her teothtvereblaok.'; souvenir half dollars was received at nndCranfil, 388,801. phia. memory; you. taxed mo with thom; politicians arid oflatsinls seein to under: amoun^oi,.'.^b;'?l|5adoV08'r^^^ and those- Love laughs at locksmiths, but you Sunday in the Grand liotel. Gen. In- |9S But you are wrong—wrong. ••I. BtUl Clarimond has boon letting her have hor . "Wolli don't black toothimatch black; the sub-tretisury luCliicago, inaVzing in ^ Mas. Annie T. Florknce, widow of Fire destroyed the Neiufeld manu­ you insisted that they haimted mo, and stand. It Is the summary of a practi- entt?i'oii:';f^^^^^ f-lfiO,(183,280. ' bet it doesn't laugh at plumbcr.'s. galls was retired from t(ie army at lii.s have It great deal'tO live for.'j';';.;'' head.'.ljut'the other night he pulled her hoip and a dark JcOmpleiioii?"r-^TexM «U1,SOO,000 thus far received: the noted actor, W. .T. Florence, was facturing coinpiiny's builditjg in Chi­ I—I confessed that you wero'npt wrong. cal'system of 1 philosophy.- For the ben- That lis,..yflrj5'.;inuo1v.inorp l\\u.xt^ half of,; ';11an8 Andeiiso.v, aged U years, who Assure a man that tho punishment ia own request on .Vuly l, l^SSS, ho lioing Is ft scientifically propaTod Linimonfc "StiiU I And yoii 807,r ,thnt in the early np with; a ahort^roin.',', I hear that she's Siftings.;-v-^:''''''^'''"'~V---.-'-'^{;:'''^ married m New Yorlc to- Howard cago, tho loss being 8100,000. But I,am willing to.bo yoijr,. wife—will­ ,eat'Oftlie»'.gulldl just;mbntioncd'ilet it aJVb^nNKiroportsfjOwn^s! In,^ frco^,,' a month off and there are few things he and harmless; ovory ingredient ia of murdered Itliireus IXomorfeldt, an old Covenoy. an'actor. •> : . In a quarrel tit Dallas, Tex., Albert tlicn quartermaster gunoral of tho glow (Sfyolir maidenhood! Still!,' 'It'is ing.;,. Oh, hoar;mc, monsievici i' I nninot, now huinilityj ItsDlt V ttim nattirally '-••' I,! ,'• .,j:.'.:.-,;'KBtl»iBr Singular. 5;hfa,willybo tV.rbytJVatipntovoiynianyi:^^^^^^ rocogniaed'valuQ and iu constant uso bS>i)'ut.in'thi»'<4ormv' "A'Striot'/regurd mini, near. Ogcmii,' Wis.', wassentunood ; John E. Kenna, United States sena­ Grunt shot Funnio Howard and then would hesitate to do. arni.y. lie was born in De imark, Me., amazi.ug. ;(,0r, ino;;!it'->iB'nVtv^^ absurd to'^phrase it vliktj that;; Only, it; dclighted."''r.yo'seen lit .coming, Lonz, '=;'Thor'tcU6vv;s'. (ijueor,";^^ by the medical prof e.ssion. It ehort- ;for the'public weMitre''lB* the, bestptJlf .wli^jUlriiwiiigY-t^^^ to impribonincn!; for life. '.: ,^, , . | killed himself. When a man misses a train ho is ver.y on August 33, 1830, and wi s graduated all; it IS tlioroughly ox-plainablo. There. is best to bo truthful. You, who aro but ot course'• I couiil say riothing to f or's'new offlboboy;- ..•'..'. ' 'xi'^LW ''•'(r'.r tor from West Virginia,;died in Wash­ ons Labor, Lessons Pain, Dimini-shos lcy,":nud:it may then; p^^ :f ruoHtrddu .'iilrelos.Wh'n:vo ,„Tuit liuiiUli officer reportsithattliere from the United States military licad- Is something you want I wonder if I BO sincere yourself, will understand, theklog." ' *'Wliiit'makes-.you thlxlk »oV" artied ington; aged 45 years. His terih of State Senatoh Fred nbarr, tlto anxious to catch, the people say: "That mil Danger to hto of Mother nnd Child. •Igniflcance. ; • : -'^'^::::-'y'-'!i: were W,OXfl deaths; from oliolcra In emy in 18i.«. eoultl get it for you." "And yon will go to the ball?" said the typewriter. ; service would have expired March 8, oldest member of' the Wisconsin legis­ is a good joke on you." Book '-To Mothers" mailed froo, con­ will pardon. If I had never known him Public servaiits and tlioselw^ li/itnburg. in xm, and iSd.DSS. deaths She shook hor bead quickly ond then it would have boon so diflcrcnt! I could Alonzo, slowly. "Why, he hain't deaf, and yet ha toU 1805 J lature,' died lit his homo'inCedarburg Whether a girl lilcos cigar smoke or J'imt; Olllce Iluli) taining valuablo information and most nctivisi;;in ataklng^^t ftoin all onuatfl bail •tared down at the hands which \ay like have loved you then with nil my soul! "Go? Vcsi Itwill bo groat fun to fler boss he wanted •'. btMriag.'MrMai Gkn; Ubnjamin: p. BlTTLBB died aud? at tlio age of 77 ,^ears. Uohud served not depends upon whether it is her iKyiNOTON. N. Y., .Tan. Icf-Tlie post voluntary testimonials. t, Wi'Ai IHV Fa.mor Jtidcl, of Tyrone, denly of heart disease at his residence in tlie legislature almost constantly for two falo curled feathon in her lap I nan imagiua lowe good woman loving •e« the haughty old Brindisl dame d»>; .tl^fhftfyB^ •mrae.sho wuntaiiiuah Ahuurlagef ,^lui* . cannot go, Erie." ' Fbr'the illnit time wltt^n t^^^ A^Bllopln'i a-trattln!ora-hltoblD'.BcrMralowi . ..,._rrad; to; tiiS|nWi^ Wfelto sum has iMahuas'bout tbo atylao' doeUa* ; ' BoncoeptRd heir reply aa • mmodar. •other would noi? I myself Ain prbttA -''••Not go;'Lena? Batyodmutl" -,«f .th'e;llving thai .8th diiiy.vol J^iiuiiry •pp8sn>i.f',f.u'"^IBj^)?,^^^ •v. o' tbo lull, • 'She jva* a: aorirowar,; after alh' and .tl» «Bbe your wifosbnly there la Uwtothw: : .WiM.^BJlbMred to'pass unobserved by tlio Aa' otbors liko MUt (bar this or noat week' • tliV6u{fli.,'.-.•'•an .•; , sililo' ^dcl .•.•''.hoi)..uvr feinta of: her assertion to nc; uutio'n':' by-: u;'t!fl-f agreelne to take ninety do liirs, which should he tending from tho cribs on cither bnnU, as hore- Aa' othora like to hurtj, liir they've never had been admittedly futile.. .. wiser to lotyou. know this? You can't day in the year 1815 thatithe battle ol Ihe ruiiniug extii'iHes of siild olllce In extra in desorlbcd. .Upou the top of sucli p Ics will bo '"Servant," struck in Alonzo, bitterly. of the ''Ibnjiiiottt ability - and. intetj•'. clerk hire; llieretoi't*. be It . • • , In full for aU claims for suld reward. . lerhedtowalt ' : In the silence that now followed they, blame mo. I see now in your eyes that' New Orleans was fought' atid 'the one Mr. Park then moved tlmtllin claim hoallnwod bolted with Iron Oolts a 10x12 siiuiirp limber. On "AbsurdI Ho of. all ,'men>'would hate rlty, and ii/.promotloh; of what KMolvtd, By the board ot siipetylsors of Iiig- the up stream side the plli'.s will bn plankwl ta a chap who Btan'B aoooidla* to tbo olo mar'a both;lo9ki3d'lorth' upon the lncompara-| you do not bla,me me. I've never asked brilliant land viotdry ol theseciindwar hamcoiiHty, tliut tho clerk be, and is lioreby in- lit one Imiidrcd dollars. . • ,, , with two Inch phiiik swiinUy spiked, ami SEiilust lerger. I,ii.-kwoo(l. I.n5'lla. J". f?i„9.2^', • .gait.; ; , ^ y,'.,. that word ol yourxt' Listen; I know is unmistakably the good of .th'e whola TOWIng a loaa of ^ htructert IIIiliiiw nil niderou tlin loniily liciis- Mr. .WariM'r orili'reil an aiiuMidiaont whlHi ble valley, flankedby its mighty moim- yen if ho has spoken of me; I've never with England achieved^ It was' not pn^valli'il Ihiii till! I'laliii he nllowi'd at iiUii'ly siiith plaiiklai: loose sl.ino ami earth will be Mernlyro. P all, Hco y., Ilriiuliurl. \ anKJri'' everything that ppssed between you. I people-would!TO the bijst. policy,oii;.all ^ The News Condensed. It waa reported] ; ilier lor Iho siiia of Iw.o hnudri'd dolliirs lo iiom- hunkfil to tho top ami sUipliiK Uji sMcaiii for tiui Will mir. Winters and O.haliiimii PoIlok-17; nays, •ha aorfor ambles oasy-llkeadown' the vlllaffs tains, ofer-scattcred by its ethereal vil­ wanted to know; ' It's quite over be­ much of a battle but it was a. great iHtnwite liliii for siinh rn'rvk'nn us ho has iM-rforui- feci or moro. us shall he iicecssaiy. Ii',»,fi'i>t rtessrs, Ahfaller, llccrs, Caster, llarrl8-4. think, on tho whole; that: you behaved accotinta.! it is true that not allths. tier combine / hii ' 'ul, iMiliiK thii sniUH servliie Unit the iticonjiiiK TlH-iaaliii was Hum iiiil miou Its piissiiKO ami lan'o,:' , • las, crowned, accentuated, dignified by tween us. There, that la all. I go victory, and proved to bo of very great iH-luw Uio plllUB Imfrtve nicnllmwd, will lie A-abahlD' o' biiir quarters wl' no tonshun oa tba very well." people appreciate suchnOrylcoin publlai Important - tlie city of Uuslug to flit vacancy canted by thu A-eorter growta* wobbley, like her master fice. His voice waa quite faint (though Suppose I hod never said a word about It Is idle to speculate upon the course lii.'iiv thn(lonutothnallvet auspenaloa the great lakes and thi iKiiiiliil lluif.iiiiiily (illlccr.s i;lci:t iiiul ropml l\ Umber 1(1 llioollur Will oxiemi two Inch pliiiik Tn Ihe Hiiumahk-nunri i>f Siipevi'luorii: Clarimond, however, apologized." proprliito obscurity. !! I trlot of Oohimbla appropriation bill was pasaad McMsrs. l.criiuil llanis. liig.havlng an lucllmdloii of uot loss lliuii thirty, gait. ' "I have thought of offering you thia have done that. Almost eveiy other the organizer of the democratic piirty, the commercial biM Iluiuoliiinor Mr. llliiiclbciKor the Imaril ail- iliilil li'li ii'riiifk 111- miw iiiiiriiliii,'. awl not cvceiiitliiK forty-live degrees, sorving as "Yes; a king's apology." A parly has come into power with ' and ihO; bill to promote the efflolenoy of tba Jiiuriied until UXi'i'lock to-iiioii'uw niurniiig. (iK.si'i.K.MKN:-^ Vmir iioiuiiilltee un iirlnllni; for a home." woman inthe world would have done its lather as no one man was' ever the ' mmtiawasconBlUcted. A blU waalavorably .terests of tlile oouri ' Kiiii>.\v,.Iaii, mil, 180;!. uu uprou, exlemiriw ut least tlihly feet from tlui would resiiectfullyrciiiimnendlhatthB P«o<;»f»l- Vo'vo got beyond the burrylD* an* Boamperla* ••My dear Lohz, you're sulky." great pretensions to regard i[or prtnol- I low waliM' murk. Into llie bunksimellliftr sldHiif Ingsof lb s.lanuary se.islon be piiblliiheaineach to git . She did not make the slightest sign of it But I'm not vaunting my virtues. lather ol nn.y great pdrt.y in the conn-' I reported lor the eatabllahment ot a nattoDal Tiiuiisii.vv. .Tauiiiiiy r,, lsii.!. Iliiai'il incl iMii'siiiintloailJiMiniiai'iil, ami was Alonzo repeated his laugh. "Wliat a pie and tho public woUure; it has many :; Thb westbound The liiiarti iiiKl piii'.siiuiit to iiilJoiirnnK'iil iiiiil caliril I •ilc'iliyChaliiiiaii fcilloU. llie river will be wliiKSof eilb work, four feet of the weekly paiwMS publlslicd lu this connty at Down to tho wire fust o' all; for easy Is the bit reply. Ho saw tho color leave her try. The custom ol celebrating the «uuantlne. : wiiliMMiiisliiieleiliif iilaiik and .siiuaii; llmlipr, the ride one ami MllOfl dnilurs for each one liuii- I'm simply making a clean breast of queerly wrong kind of word from you, datioH train colli WHM ••ull'-il I'l mili'i' liy Challiiiftii I'ollnli. Itiill ••alli'il ami IIh' fiilldWluKiiii'iiilii-is uhswim'- and siiiili far eiiniiKli ImiIow the level uf tlu; Imf,- Vhat rattles round among tho atubs o' ono that's cheeks and the light greaten in her day of his glory which became so gen­ appointments to mako, somo important ' SRNAion Vii/AB concluded his argument In IMIII iillcd anil Ulll fiillowliM iim'IiiIhmsiiiiswfti- I'll lu llH^lr nil s; Ali'ssis. Alifalln-, lli'im-iit, ilred cireuiatlon in this county, said proceedings things—don't you seo? You do seo; yon Eric, who usually pride yourself on the train at Dover, B tdiii 01 the river lo prevent sumo froin boliig o ho published im or before tlio llrst week lu bu'n a colt, > legislation to cffitct and a polic,y to the Honate on thi) lOtli against the antl-optlon ed lo llK'lr iiaiiiiiH : Messrs, Abfiillcr, lliinieiit, ,1 S lli'iiimlt. I''. C lirnm'll, I'-netv, Cuvi'lt, umlerinlned by cinbs lUid jmiskrirts, and at least eyes. But she did not turn her look to mustl Thero—I dure say I'll bo a wor­ eral in the party was accordliig .to the , 1)111 l'ho auarantlne bUl was dlaeUBBea...,In gineer; fireman am .1. «. Iluimull, F. C. Iluniiott, lleers. Covert, Who's got a crcakin' In hur bones, though once motjuite.'" formulate. Ho'iv favorable tho oppor- tour feet iibovo tho banks, such cribs to bo lllloi *^ We fWer recommend tliatTthe clerk'of; lliis she used to Jolt wards his. Now her breath came vis­ thy wife to you, monsieur, and I'm cer­ fitness ol things. the house a joint reaoluttoa providing that the Tub,National Bic Caster, »uucklu. llarrU. IlhuclberBcr, Hiiuic, witli stone. To such wings thn iiuilu duiii shall Eric smiled. "There is a great deal tuuit.y lor it to adopt as its motto tho : LockwoiMl, Ijiyllu, P. Mclutyie, «1. Mclnlyrc. tward fiirnlsli a copy ol tlie Journal to tlie printer A taklu' stride along tbo way—'twas 'tore we ibly quicker, pulsing tho spray ol lace tain that I'll be a very faithful and de­ Tho omission of this year may have I now congress shall lake bold the January fol­ he suiairely aiiehorcd by heavy Umbers securely for publication ami draw orders far the paymeiit ot talk about the right word in the right principle; A strict regard for tlio public Amorlca'wos formi Park, Porter, rteely, Urqulmrt, Vaulllipor. linltcd .llh. It is pro|i08Cd to construct a simto larned to wait; at her throat. Soon he saw her delicate voted one. As for a queen (and she been somewhat due to the fact lliatthe lowing tho November election at which It waa Waruor, Wliilurs uud CImlriiiaii PolloU. of suld publication upon the ntlng of proper iini- But now wo both are sateslled wi' jlst a slowtn' place, but it has always seemed to mo welfare and for principle is the best ohonen and changing the time of Inauguratlnc It is allied with ba ' Jo'miiid (it yesteiday read ami iipprnvcd. III said dam for llie passage of hiKs aud Umber. davits or elreuhUlon. „ „ _... hands flutter, a little there in her lap htughed wildly through her tears), I day fell on the Sabbath, but more pose Is togivo r'egiil .Imiriiiil ol yeslevdtiy read, coriotlcil uud ap­ Suld shulB to be roiirl4H-n feet wide. th(] opening (Signed) Prank Srrlv, gait. • that there should ba in all caaes at least policy. ' This is just what It has prom-, tho president from'Muroh'4 (o^AprU W/WM;re- proved. .M.I.OWA.VCH or (M..VI.MS. 10 lie at li;ast two Iiwt lower than the general Uke fallen flowers that a breeze blows may fail at that. It Is such an un- ]ikel,y, to tlie larger fact that the demo- jested by a vote of;-l2l laiA^-j,;- E \S i . . with cash prizes. ,I.T. Campbki.I., five words to choose from; otherwise ised and for which it has so long pro Ily Mr. Bi'ineiit: , , , Clalmanl. <'1".'.''J'''I- '''"iT'^\ siiilmi!of Ihe dam. The lintUini of the simte Sur pcdorgree It reaches back to Lady Thorn, a over and vaguely unsettles. But that dreamcd-ol part for me to playt But erotio mind is occupied just now with SiNAion Kknha's death was announced shall he .nnslraeU'il of four liieh iihink, resting .lOMN ilLMKLHIfHOKR, queen language becomes a pauper, and expres­ fcssedl.y sought an opportunit.y. Let tho • A FIRB in the hea , ISiwAiril, Ily llio lioardof siipnrvlsiirsof Ing- M. A. licmciil 'fir.m .-il.} «o upun limlier placed upon top of piles driven In was all. I'll try. I'll try hard, strengthened-by the present and the future, to 'the ex­ after the reading of the Journal In. the senate haiii I'oiinly, thai a cement or coiicirlii wall;, Cuninilllcp. Who nked the Bcollupa olT the cabo a-trotUn* sion 01 mere joiner's mechanisinl"' ' pUblic'httvo lor all positions to be filled .1 1 on the nth and the usual resolut|oDa were pre-' trlct of Kansas Citj A. M.-Miiiaii •• <«i •:; (he luamierlieKnn lietoic ilcser bed, and shal Whieii reeomniemlntion was adpiiled by Ihe "Yes," he went on, "I have thought your helpl" clusion ol the reminiscent. Why burn li;u rent ill width, ami e.\tcmllii.'< from tlio w<'st have ill) liicllniilluiiuf uot loss tluin llility and following vote: Yeas. Messrs.. Aliliillor,,.I. s. ilonn tho green; ^ Alonzo tossed his head "This burst 'by appointment men whoso character •ontod and adopted, and then, usa further mark of $345,000. j diKir of llii! I'ouit lioiiBfi to the slrncl hi fionl, lt> A. McMillan -'. '"i *« Eur blood was red wbcn she waa young, hot of asking you to dwell there with mo­ Incense > at the shrine ol what is in Im coastructi'd In a llrstcliiss, Kiilislaiitlal ami IC. l)..N(.rili .;'»} ..•''",' not cxis'ediuK rorl.v-llve degrijiw. illh, there Ilciiiielt, neers. Covert, caster, nunnkel, HIik'- The tears were glistening on her of brilliancy," he said, somberly, "leads : : «t respect, the senate adjourned...';Th*'house' Will BaowN, at sliall be placed a IliHid gille ill suld dilui, sii cou- bergcr, P. Melutyre, lieo. H. RIcliitvrn, llirk, now It's gittin' gray os rtiji wile." American annals ancient histor,y when and ability will atonco commend their also adjourned without doing any busiaess out workinaiillku way. The coustructloii of Iho .1. P. Itdiisi- Ill II "111 slriicted as to make It (losslhle to let oil the cheeks as she put forth both hands to to-" Alice Smith, a 15 same to be let to the lowest rcsiKinslblc bidder, Itunmioml & liaekiis i;!-;lii l-i W Plait, Seely. llniuhuit, Warner, Winters and WP years that come an' years that go an' ycara At once she turned and met his gaze busy getting ready to inaugurate gov­ selection. Let the legislation'bo only . I of respect to the dead senator. Clotty ll«is "1 21 (.1 -M watijr from the ikiikI when necessary without In- Chairman I'ollok—16; nays-o. that slip away. him. Ho took them, kissing them both, "Another word in which to define your prised their friends] aud that the HlierllT of this county is lieicby lii- lurvlo Ihe dam. 7lh, iitlho ninth end ot the with great directness. ernors here and there in states hither­ what is needed, and that prepared with In the Hcnato no business was transaoted on Hlriicted to procure bids thurcuu. Said walk to M..I, IMIlok ,';•,".' diiiii shall be constructed a sliuitlng bridco so ar­ iiKronr ok committkr on noMns ok Fur what she's bo'n an' what she's done when and then, still holding them, he said: present mood—jealous." the greatest care upon the linos ol the by eloping and gettt ho constructed us soon us practicable In thu .lohn Hluiollierticr V.''' '.m < ~ aba was 'counted great, "You—have had this thought, mon­ to impregnable lortresses ol republic­ Ihe is th owing to the funeral services over the ranged with rollers that a row limit or skill cun COUNrV OKPIORBS. "Kathleen, you are a very noble and Alonzo gave a great start. Then he l.i remains of tho late Senator Kehna.i..Infthe TWOKBQBOES, Ed spring of IBiw, ami tho clerk of this county Is .ramus ItlacUiiiori' !(• li. 20 lie passed over the dam at any stage of water. Bbe'B jlst a rigflt to jog along accordtn* to hur sieur?" anism, and to take complete control highest public policy., Lot thoro bo an Imrehy instructed to draw his order therefore, To Ihc HnnnrahU Board of Suptrmm: brave girl. I thank you sincerely lor tried to lai),gh, for the third time, and j ; ; houso a blUwtts Introduced increasiiig from one (brothers), were h on the county tieaauror, iiiwn the cenlllcate of iiKSOi.mioNs. (Signed) (iooni.oii Lkaolkv. Your committee lo whom waa referred the gait. "It Ir. my wish—my request—my en­ once more ol the government at Wash­ apportionment ol the stato Into legis­ , • to two dollars per barrel the Internal revouue offlclal bonds of the county officers beg leave lo what you have told me. One easily lamely failed. "Oh, that's cruel of you!" lative and congressional districts in ac- ' Gaston, Ky., for mut the shcriir lo the pi'U|>cr iierfnriiianco o( the '*'fitwiw<'" liy tlio board of supervisors of lutt- Which iielllion was granted by the (ullowlug She used to yank tbo purses at tbe county fairs treaty." ington? Jantinry, 1815, grows dim as i tttion lorraoiitcd llnuors. A recess was taken hnm cmmty, that the law ou llui statiiK'. kiiiiiyii vole; Yeas. Messrs. AhfaUe", Itemciit, .1. 8. make the (oUowlng retiort: „ multiplies words. You will understaiid Here his brow,clouded. "Andif Iam cordunce, as nearly, as possible,; with : ; ! to attend the funeral of the late Senator Kehna a farmer. ""vii'ich resolution was adopted by the following as the "ICiiKlish sparrow lioiinty law," sliould be We And tho followlna county officers have exe- wbcn Shu "Your wile?" she repeated; and he well OS distant in the effulgence ol neiinett, I''. C. lieunelt, lleers, Covert, Cnmiihell, culed their lionds with llie proper siirntles as just how grateful 1 feel. Tho evening jealous of a man like'that!" ] ;, .In tho^aonato a btll.was introduced on'.iho An avalanche swe vote: Vcas, Messrs. AbfiiUor. llonieiit, .. S. repealed, us wulicllcvi! after a fair trial "f tlic easier, Diinekel, Harris, I lliiicllicrKor, llnine, Wat limber In hur noshuns, when hur J'ints saw that she was deeply perturbed. November, 1893. constitutional requiromeutsi Lot there - Kmiiiett. Hciirs, Covert, Casler, Hiirrla, Hlmel- siinie lulls lo k'ssi-ii or (ixluiniiiiati' llieso birds Loekwood, Ijiyllii, P. Melnlyre.lJ. H. Mcliit.yie, provided by the statute and recoininnnd tlieir they was free. ol the ball is so near that a press of af­ "A very noble and exceptional man, be such educational legislation as the ' , 13th to oxlond to the North Faciflo ocean tbe tain side in Salzso, boraer, Hume, l/ickwood, l.iiylln, 1'. Mclntyie, as the law inleudi^l, thus limili-niui; Ihc tax pa.v- ttiijiroval.vi/.: "My queen," he continued. "I want It is a matter ol public congratula­ ' ; nrovlslona of the statutes for the protection of (1. .Mclntyre, Park, Porter, Seely, Ur<|iiliart, Viiu- Park, Plait, I'orier, Sfi^ly, Uriiiihart, ViinUlper, Monmouth I. Covert, as coroner. She used to fool tho smartlca wl' tho sleepy you to share my throne and crown with fairs may keep me from seeing you till rememberl" best citizenship requires, and an entire two miners, James | ers of the slalu willialax fioiii wlilcli no (tooi Warner, Winters and Chairman pullok-2.->; imys look she wore, tion that the democratic part,y has at :,; lur BCttls and other fur-bearing animals. A Itlper, Wariinr iinil Pollok-'-'fl. Nays, DuucUel rcsiiUs, and that ii copy of siilil rosiiliiUoi) sliiill Kdwln 8. Butts, 118 coroner. ^ , , me, such as they are. I have never then. But (as I said to yon yesterday, "Oh, yes. But a man whose immense absence ol any regard for class or na­ resolution was odoptcd calling on the secretary tin Flaherty, under 1 no Klveii lo onr rcpr(«i'iiliillvy In Iho slate IckIs- William A. Krnser, circuit court commissioner. But she trotted to the nnlsh an' she always led last stopped looking backward, and if I mistake not), my carriage will be rank compromises Kathleen by the fact ol •; ; of tho tronaury for a copy of tho opinion of the An ico bridge ofg latiiio for his liiuodiictloii to that honoiiihlo Harris K. Thoinus, " ,", " tbe score. asked any woman to do this until now. is, as old . Jerern.y Taylor, would ex­ tional prejudice. : law.onioer ot the dopartmoht under which he la ''^m/lm'"'Uy tho board of supervisors of Iiig- "\vi'iKiiKA"."lly resolution of this hnnrd,passed .lames Illiickmore, county clerk, O'course that WBB afore aha lamed liko me to I have never asked any woman, lor the here at the hour named to conduct your his being in love with her!" Eric ployed All thia may bo beyond the Capacity of formed at Niagara F, haiii county that the bond of Horatio ,1. Itoml us '"'iv^lilcli ivsoliillon prfivalk'd. on the nth diiv of .lanuary, iss4, iiernilsston wus llcrt L. Kosecriiucc, register of deeds. press it, "curious to see what prepara­ • dlahurslng the 6,000,000 sonvenir coins In aid of On motion of .Mr. Lock wood llie vol^liy wlilcli Krimtcillo.l. M. lluiumoiidto cunstruct a dam Iloi'iitlo tkind, county traasurcr. rest and wait. simplest of reasons. Need I tell yon mother and yourself to the palace. Au for a moment with an ivory poper cut­ the piirty newly come into power, but it- solid that a number < county ireiisuver be fixed at the immuiI sum ut An' long afore she settled to this eosy-soln* gait. tion the sun doth make lor rising." II i ' tho Columbian exposition, conditioned on Sun- sixty thousand dollars. the rcsolulloii U) amend rule No. 211, olleieil by across (iraiid river at a point llfty roils west of Prank c. McKuen. aherltl. , , that reason?" He reached his hand for­ revoir. Let everything riast undeter­ ter which hod lain on the desk near is not beyond its professions. It Is only it. This was the firs; ,\lr. Harris ycsluiday was lost, was icscimlcd and tlio east iiiiarter iiost of seetion twenty (20), town All of which is most resi»eclfiilly siibmlltnil. it will only keep that up it may get : day closing....In tho bouse flllhuaterlng vVhlcli resolution prcvallcil. tour (4) mirth of liiiiKe two (2) west, liighnin She'a twcnty-ono tbla sidnmer.aa' aho'sgood ward and took her ha;nd, lilting it to mined, please, until we meet ogain." which his friend hod discovered him in accordance with thii homol.y'truth at ; against tho oonatdoratlon of tho private war that these boiling v Ihe iiisoliillmi amended and atjain olleied. over some ol its pernicious andparal,yz- AI.I.OW.tXOK OK UI..\l>IS, eouiily, Michigan, u|ioii eertain terms ami enndi. ;l;i:&r"' . lur thlrty-slx. his lips. It had grown cold—plteously She felt his lips touch her hand, and while deep in the solution of some new the head of this article,,niid the public : claims bill resulted In nothing being aocom- over. j .\llO\VC(l. ''^(fWiY<'l;'''r'liat rule No. 20, lie aiiiemled bv lions recited iu Ihe resolution of this Hoard grant- iug bourbonism. The eye which is Claimant. OlaiiHLMl. p. VANKirKH, . She nibbles Id the olover, an' hur feed I grind architectural problem. : pushed. All but one ol th Nelson Ituuse . m w «14 ir, addiiiK llierelo, llie foUowiii);: "The lecord sliuU hii! such leave; and , . , an' mix riveted on the past can see nothing has been .repeatedl,y assured that tho Kdwln S. liatus . lil M lil m show, and vole Iw taken on the following i|U(.'S- \ViiKiiK,\H, None of tiie things rcrpilred of Coinniitlee. , "How do you know the king is in love democratic pr,rt.y is founded on truth, scripts presented to! Which rccominendalloii was unanimously ap­ Jlst like you would a pusson's who Is tootbloas, new. Since the American people have domestIc! P. A. Ituy & Co 8 IHI S IK) lions by a yea aiKl nay vole, viz : llesoliitions, said llamiiiniid to be done have been iierformed, with her?" he suddenly asked. New York by Banker , 2S .111 2.S m Appioprliilious, Hills laken rioiii the taldc. All nor any dam constructed in accnrilanen with proved, old and gray- made up their minds that it is better the constitution and great moral prln- . , F. W. TaoRNTON, of Fayetteville, N. KdwanI Perriu Fur, to teU you tact, hur grinders, like my own, havo been pronouncec .laimis K. KeiKUSiiH 7 Nl 7 so inauer liiid over for future oonsldeiations," and siKdi resoliitluii or otherwise; therefore, he It Clalniaiit.AI.I.OWANC , K OKChiiineil CLAIMS. . Allowed. "Bah!" grumbled Alonzo. "How do I ciples. Sliall tho confiding public bo. 'C, ary goods dealer, failed for $200,000. 7 1(1 also tlie vole of any paitleiilar claim when so lta>nlml. That the iTsoliitlou granting suci » Id uu havo passed away. on the whole to transler the reins of British museum expt C. W. Iliowno 7 10 Klchiumid & Backus $ i(i on know I am I, you ore you?" compelled to cr.y out, niter a low ' Flames in tho stores of Berliner, .Mary Piallck rt m r, Ml iciiuesK'd by I luce "i' more iiH^mliois of the leiivu be and the siiinc Is hereby reselndcd am UseiirC. i'ost '247 W) 247 m Thar, take hur as bIio'b atandln', I love hur power Irom one party to another, and The trial of Hugh ;: K.l". Loningcr 7 M board, iiml each iiieiiiher shall lie nicorded as the leave and authority grunted said Hammond Peter Mclntyre « im though she's loto, "Well, granted that he is. Come now, months, th(it,ili has been made the vic­ Strauss & Danzor, und Altman, Sum­ 7 m volliiK ywi or iiay, unless excused from voliiii! as Is hereby annulled. , , „ not allow nn.y part.y to leel that it has master workman of . Hi 2.-1 10 25 A.S.HyaU.. 10(10 10 (Kl Fur we're growln' ole together an' I fashion to Lonz, you've known him long enough to tim of a cruel. bonfldenco game?—Chi­ mer & Co., neckwear tnanufncturers in W. It. McKalii.'ii.'.'.'.'ii.'.'i." . 22,1 !IJ The iiliove resolution prevailed by tho follow- ,liis.Hurns.. ,.,7(i ,7(1 a sure thing, both should be progress­ Labor, .T. -M. Davidsoii •-'•i'l 7« ''"wlildi resoiiitiuii asaniemlcd was iiiiaiiliiioiisly Ing vole; Yeas, Messrs. Abtaltcr, .1. S. Ilennctt, . . hur gait. leel, 11 not also to know, that he's a cago Journal. - . 8 8(i « 8U A. W, Parkhurst 43 or. 4;i or. —H. S, Keller, In Judge. ive. i'jKpw 'Sorlc. caused a loss of §250.000. UIO'OUT OK SI'KCIAI. CO.MMin'KK. V. C. lleniielt, IJecrs, Covert, Campbell, Cuslcr, lieo. A. Kiirlc 28 ic. 2« in man who would scorn to treat any pure ty, charged with pois ''on'^inollon of .Mr. Ur(iiiliait the boiiid ad- Diuickel, Harris, lllinelberger. Iliiine, Loekwood, It is a remarltable lact that the dem­ WHAT THE RECORDS SHOW. t' • KissmisNTsof the state of Washinpton Til Ihe. liimmtihle Itiimil nf Sui>crvhi,rn nf the 8. H. Culver J «• 7 «> woman—well," Erie went on, alter a workmen in the Home JiHiriied lo half piusl one o'eliiek this iil'li;nioon. Liiyllu, P. Mclntyre.. li. II. Mclntyre. 'mk, Piatt O. C. Post 12 (Kl 12 (K) ocratic part.y hus never in all its long ;laro protestintf against the use of Wiish. Cnmiltinf liHllKiiii: pause and a gesture, "to treat any pure Undonlublo Proof of -Wise Itepubllonn began at Pittsburgh, i .M'TIOUNdO.V Si;.SSI()N. Poller, seely, llr(niliait, VaiiKipei', Warner—22; A. n. Hardy •-' w 2 7.1 history produced a single stotcsigan • as tin abt)revia,tlon for the name of thp IjKNTi.K.MKN';—Thespeelalemnmitlei; apimlnt- Hoard mot imrsiianl lo iulJiMiniiiieiil and Wiis C. L. Caslerllu 4 (»l 4 Oil woman as kings have tooolten done." L,«glaIntloii. There was considei oil at last OcUilicr session to Imiulic how iinicli "on imitloii Ihc hoard adjourned iinlll Ifln'elnek whose name is an .inspiration. Tlibre ; atate. Wn, is suggested ds more .dig- called lo order l>v llie eliairniaii. C. K. Paddock 317 IH 317 is Alonzo gnawed his lip. "What on , The annual reports of the business in Jacltson over repc mouuy was palil to the coiiuly treiisiiror durliiK lioll ealle.l and (|iioiiiiii iiiesent. li>-mori'(iw morning. have been great statesmen andgemiino riificd nnd satisfactory. llicvcurby thuscvcnd Jiislicus of the peace re­ On iiintion the board uiljouraed niitil two failures iu tho - United States for ISO'J' committed by whiti .M.l.OW.VNi'K III' i:i.,M.M«. o'clo(!k this ultenioon. earth will ho do, then, Eric? Ho is in patriots in tlie party—men whoso JuDOE LAtubop, of the supremo port us follows; SA'ruiiiiAv, .riiimary 7tli, isai. love with her." grandl.y indorse wise ropublicau lepia-' , Ymi^\ Jsjvsan. siuti Claimant. (.Maimed. Allowed. Itoard met piirsiiiint to adjoiirumeut ami wiis APTEKNOON 8K8SION. names nro held in high esteem, but court in Boston, ordered that the Fivd C. P. Lcsher of City nt LansiliK, SU.'. 00 KltehS: Itaymoiid .WHi im mi lation in general nnd tho IMoKinloy Program Jan. 14, 1 •-'.•10 00 (Mlled to order by Chairman Piillok. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment, tind wiis "Every man is. I am. I've only seen nono who rise to tho lieight of in- Year Benefit order, ono of the Inrge^ P. H. Dolan 10 IK) H. o. Call II' i«i 0" Itoll (riilled and the following liieinbers answer­ callwl to order by Chairman Pollok. hor tho least little bit and yet—" i,ariffl in particular. Even tho subsi­ ballance. Bertha Ti W. II. Plnckney " ' C. AlsdnifS .'Son n a ;•; spration. No groat roform. nor, for endowment orders in tho country, b, no Ml ed to Ihitlr namcs! Messrs. Abtaltcr. Keliieiit, lioll called-ipiorum present. (fePYRIGHT. /est dized free trade organs aro astonished Boyle reading, Oruci O. A. Clark " .. l!4 00 N. A.-MH(hleii I i«> 1 "0 ,1. S. Ileiiiielt, P. C. Ilennctt, Jkiirs, Covcrl, THE AumoRS/illANCa, "Oh, seriously! Ho can't marry her!" that matter, an.y minor one either, was placed in the l\,ands of a receiver. ,1. K. Ferguson " .Masiui 2r. (10 Ceo. W. Oliambers 2 m (i'iimpbell, easier. Diincluil, Harris, llliiielbergcr, ItKI'OHTOK SI-KCIAL COMMlrrKK, over tho undeniable proof that the Lenellen Howe read! GKNTi.KMEN;—Your committee on rccaiiilidi;- "Can't he!" democratic in origin and accomplish­ S. W. llauiiaoud " " 20 (Kl .rallies P. Ilorloii •"•j lliiliie, l.oekwood, l.aylln, P. Meliityie, ti. II. total number of failures iti 1893 only TUK jury at Pittsburgh in the ease o„„ essay. '•. V. IC. Paildoek " " (ill Ml I. ydia IIiMlon Melntvre. Park, I'liUt, Porter, Seely, Uniuhurt. tlnnot elulmsheg leave lo make the following CHAPTER XI.—CoNTisnED, "What do you mean?" cried Alonzo, ment. Its record is barren ol all such the ten Duquesne strikers charges, A. W. I'lirklmrsl " " r> 00 nr> VaiiKi'per, Warner, Winters and Clialrniiin Pol- jumping up from his chair as though aggregated 10,89-1, agannst 13,878 failures Clia.s. IMllllmry K.. nr, TJIifaiiinunt paid on constable claims...» 1770 si "Scandalous?" he said, with swiftly- fruitage. It iias stood in the way of with riot found them guilty. The put^re Edei .1. N. Harris ri m duo. Moslier in 1891—a decrease of 3,039, or nearly A. .1. Miller • (I oa S.-I Tho amount paid on Justice claims tfnr, iki ehangirig manner. "Wliat a 'jiame to something had stung him. progress. Should it change its policy Ishment is two years in jail. (ice tii'o. I), (ireeii S' 1 .10 ".limrnal of yesterday read and ou motion of 'The aniouut imld on printing claims...... mm one-sixth! Tlio liabilities also show n Fred Marquedunt; S. K. PiunslHiigh it (Ml .rohii C. Miiiders I C. lleniielt the niiuiites ot the procffediugs of oall lionesty by!" "Ah," said Eric, v/ith a voice cool and i;.nd become the torch-bearer of somo TmiEE of tho largest silk mills in thji? Wm. 11. Palmer 1 no .lanuary tilli are aiiieiided so as to read us folRiwa: The amount paUl• oinn printinprint In g in iiows- remarltablo decrease-, being only $114,- hotel ever built in "Du| 20 Oil pVaHkW.'w.il.b li;;; 1 .Kl m r.i "Ohl I am not so honest, I assure you." incisive, "I thought you had forever new and great idea it wonld show that A. A. I.unibard After the copy of the iictlllon of OoUleb l.^.ttilley. 000,000 for the year 1803 as compared United States have formed a syndica^' destroyed by fire, tho 1 K. C. Uiissell I WI 1 rii>eople d Into such record, Insert the words ''Which tA'c miw'uiii'paiil on exiwnse of county "Theretyou confessed that you are. broken with her. How, then, can it if the leopard cannot change his spots with a capital of $7,000,000 to control ToUil as per treasurer's hooks Sma !*> S. 11. .Neely ' ?! 1 r*> peilllon was grunted by the adoption of the nre- canvassers ;hi7 iw with ,ii 2 2", tlie third il;iy of .laiumry and apiMiarliig hi tim claims *m 0(1 icrently." tho queen ol Saltravia?" sometliing more, however, than forget- In most ciisus the aniouiits of lines reimrtcd .riiUKW Millard 2 4 M The amouiit paid on Insane at kalaiiinxnti 'Sm S'l Tho number of failures was loss in this country. flames. lliercUi do not conesiKiml with tlie abovu II. C. Heilpw.. 4 r,(l r.;eor.•> nays us follows: Yeas, Jlessrs. Abfalter, Iteliient, The aiiioni t paid on general claims...... ;i062 ni 1802 than in any year since 188S, o.\copt Ed. E. Gimukhson, a liveryman nt EiQHTKEN persons we: amounts taken Iroin the treasurer's hooks. W. 1,.Clark SiCii l.s t... 7 (I.-, The amount paid on coroner's claims ISi irj "Well, yes," he assented, Alonzo, pale and visibly distressed. dling ol Henry Georgeism before elec­ 1 We llml aiauuuts reiimliil us lolliiws; .1. k Bennett. P. C. lieunelt. Beers,Covert. Cam|i- 1887. Only one in every ono hundred Omaha, Neb,, committed suicide after by the telescoping ol at W.ll.lilldail • Ol (i IK) bell, easier, Diuiskel. Harris, Ilhiielberger.Huino, The aniouiit paht un Jury and witne.ss "And othclr women, when they talk THE KINO SLOWLY LIFTED UlS-HAND AND-POINTED TO THAT PALE AND • [to be continued.] tion to convince the countr,y that tlie ;:".P. usher, ..p. . STOOO jkV. II. MiiKali)..... 2-j claims 30'02 and thirteen traders in tho United fatally shooting Mrs. Nellie Beach. ern Illinois accoihmodiui'o.i ,,i.».i.n.i ,I(dinA. Carr "i m J^'hr,"i!!^.>6he.-e'"o»J?»^^^^ with you, mchsieur, are anxiou^to con- BEAUTEOUS EDIFICE. democracy is not still the party ol ,1^;;" I fore UirtO lilatholy's'ce, us well us'\o th-ii't'lit'] V.V.«irs.,.|,jij|j^^>H.,:J.>>-pi...... ;i:.;M Mlnuto AVondors of Nature. States succumbed in . 1893, as Jealous.v was the cause. the Chicago & Erie exnrnss at. Vift.^^tljS rebels^^^^ •vince you of 'Uieir honesty." mossbaclt bourbonism.—Chicago Inter ... sr, To dellnGMlt stato returns of Iblil B7(i 31 By amoiuitot charged back taxes, less Human hair varies in thickness from against ono in every ninot.y-three in i Simon .GoLBMAN, paying teller ol the fifth street in Chicago. urder ot•*. busines • *--s on -Frida "-' "y at *-tw txtrrko o'lJIoc rk*ii\j\nlrk p. m., i\O , •>F« . Alleni.» * it-... 2 2.1 2 2r. To cash from tuxes cidlccted at amlltur county portion and returns .K.T 43 "Well, yes.• cold, and the kisses that he gave it wero then in tho twinkling of an eye, before Ocean. German national banlc at Denver, Col., and offered the following preamble and resolu­ K. A. Blair 2 2,1 2 2.1 general's olllce 2,703 20 By amount credit from contingent fund somehow bestowed with tho compas- sho could even bo sure that he meaut to the 350th to the OOOth part ol an inch. 1891, nnd one in every ono hundred and Three more negroes \ tion in conneatinn therewith. To cash from redemptions 317 00 tor school ot dear nnd dumb Kathleen (teemed to muse a little, was '. missing, nnd his shortage was Fannie Henderson «) M 124 22 sionato tenderness which implied that leave her, he had vanished Irom the The fiber ol the very coarsest wool ia CLEVELAND AS DICTATOR. two in 18m The avcraga liability of Monroe eount.y. Ark., oi By F. 0. Bennett: Oeo. S. Miickic...; .Kl r.u To lutliiiire nn hnttti 2,43.1 (iO By anuniut credit from contingent fund alowly shakit;g her head. "That is bo- thought to be somcwlicrC between $10,- fur school for blind he sought to reawaken its natural only tho BOOth part ol nn inch in di the failures in tho past yoar was ,811,- Atkinson murder at Cot WiiGRRAs, Gotlieb Leadley of r.iiiising, Ing­ Kate Cole wi .10 C«uso you are you." room. Ulotatorlul Tactics Adopted by tlio Dom- OOO and $80,000. ham county, Michigan, has presented a petition E. 8. Leonard M no By lax and interest colleeteil for slate warmtli. amctcr, wliile in some species of the 000, being the lowest average reported The four negroes i to the board ot sujiervlsors of said county for at county ti'easiirer's olUee Ho made an impatient gesture. "It She sank into a chair. Her heart was ooratlo Proflldent-£lect. C. S. Hulbeit 2 2.1 2 2.1 5111 02 "Your queen—your queen," sho said, sheep it takes 1.500 ol their hairs laid since 1878. Tho Bradstreot's commer­ The Stato Agricultural society of Brooks, Frisby Comi leave to construct and maintain a dam iicross W. H. Porter 8.1 • 8,1 is so conducive to feminine deception, throbbing and her head swam a little President-elect Cleveland's opposition Minnesota has decided that on account Ornnd rivor at a point- between tho northwest .1. IC. Daniels 2 2.1 2 2.1 m;iM 4s .?;i4,.rii -19 nnd withdrew her hand, not rudely, and side by side to cover andnch on the rule. cial agenc.y sums up its annual state­ Williams and Moses' fra(;tlanal quarter and the southwest fractional Chen, tills being I, as you put it?" nnd, as she leaned it backward. In a lew to the election ol Murphy as senator Ed. Blair 2 -.'.l • 2 2.1 Dr. UECAPITULATIOX Clt. yet with firmness. The color came back The silk worm's web is only tho 5,S00th ment thus strikingly: "While in 1883, of tlic Columbian exposition to be held hanged at Cliestertowt • luarter ot section twoiity-ono (21), town four (4), .loseph Craig 2-.'.l •_> 2.1 without waiting for her to respond, ho more seconds her mother shot into hor Irom New York is the current topic ol iinrlli of rangu two (2) west. In said county, Toeonlingeiil fiiml oveiilr;iwii S18,I24 M By ain't In teachers' Insl Itiite fund.... $ 91 .1-1 to her checks. As ho watched ker lace part ol on inch in thickness, and somo out of 855,000 business firms and cor­ in Chicago no state fair would be held murder of Dr. James II .r 2-1 2 2.1 To iHior hinil uverilrawii OCl (I2 By ain't In Lizzie Waiin estate 7 110 went on: "What made mo in tho first presence by another door. discussion in political circles in the where Pino street lu the city of Uinsing, If con­ .lohu Broad 2 2.1 2 2.1 it seemed liko a tea-rose in some delight- ol the spiders spin a web so minute porations 10,390 failed, in 1893, out of : this year. 1892. Three of them w tinued south, would cross said river; and To stale aiiiliMmnly tax fiiml overdrawn ri,r.8l 18 By ain't in Agues Freeman estate 88 (H) placo like you so much, mademoiselle, "KatlUeen!" east. Congressman Dollivor, ol Iowa, Chiis. Elliott 2 2,1 2 2,1 To hithnuT tut httnit 2,723 110 By ain't In Win. Wrightmaii estate 3 "Al lul process ol revivification, laint yet that it would take 00,000 ol them to 1,085,000 business concerns, . only 10,- A riiiE that started In the wool store 13 years ol age. WiiERBAS, The Bald Lcadley has sot forth In A. (.1. Ball 18 L'.i disidlowed was your charitable lorgctfulnoss of "Well, mammal" expresses tho republican view by say­ Ills said petition tho purposo, location, height Ity am't In primary school fund 922 :12 distinct. lorm a rope an inch in diameter. A 370 failed." These reports aro from • of Hccht Bros. & Co. in Boston caused Hk.nrv Barqknt Con and description of such dam; nnd Tluicoinmlttneoii sottlomuut with the cmintv By iim't in llb)nry fund CM .19 who I really am." "You've been crying! You'ro in tears ing that Cleveland will be absolute dic­ treasurer iiiiulc the following report ; By lUD't In dog fund 4 20 pound's weight ol spider's web ol this non-partisan sources. They aro pro- a, loss of 81,500,000. artist ol the World's C WiiRRKAS, It has been made to appear to "That is what I said," ho answered, yet! Wlwt has happened? Is it ar­ tator ol his party, and that he will in­ tills board that notice of siicli application, slgnc d CO.MMn'TKK UKI'OltT. By am't in county drain fund 58 III "I didn't forget it in the least, how­ size would reach around the world and pared for tho uso of business men of Eohdeiis wrecked a fast train on the sition, died suddenly at. By am't In temporary loan fund lo.iiis m "and that is what I mean." ranged?" terfere in senatorial contests in other ever. I cultivated mysoU into seeming then leave enough to reach from New all parties, and they demonstrate>tliat Illinois Central road near Beauregard pital in Chicago. By mii't lu delinquent tax fund ;i,!i27 -is Ho watched lier struggle with her ag­ "No; nothing is arranged. That is, il Mr.Chairman:-!ourcoimiilttce onsottlemont \vllh the County Treasurer would icspoetfullv By am't In Stale of .Michigan tiind 2,435 02 •s if I did." York to San Fronoisco. A single grain states than Now Yoric and oloet sona' Miss., and the engineer, fireman and siibnilt tho following statcineut, as tho result ot their iuvestlKiUUHi, ami declare the same to be ii itation. It seemed to him cruel tluat he you mean—" tho McKlnley tariff was just what wits In a niilway wreck true and correct transcript, aa appears by the records and llles in said olllce, for the year ending "Ah! you're bent on disappointingmo." of musk has been known to perfume a tors who are responsive to his wishes. express ugent were badly hurt. Tiie $27,391 'J? should do this, and yet? it gave him a .needed to establish- business stability, Ind., George Stith, enpi December 15,1802, to wit: > j h .«3r,3l)l 27 "No, monsieur, only on tellingyou tho "Giod gracious! I hope you haven't room lor twenty yeaas. At the lowest It is tho nearest thing to imperialism robbers fled without any iiooty. curious pleasure just as il sho wero employ American labor and insure the iam Warren, fireman, w Your eniiiiiilttce has earefiilly exiiiiilued the Circuit Court liceord in reference tn the iiiiiouiit of •truth." quarreled!" computation that grain ol musk must this country has ever seen. The methods of smuggling opium Dr. S. H. PHILLIPS IN ACCOUNT WITH INGHAM COUNTY. some oddly bcautilul bird that revealed uuequaled general prosperity that An engine with a sno' Cu. lines, costs and court fees, ending Deucmber 31, 1892, iind llnd as follows; "The truth from people never disap- "Wo haven't quarreled." have been divided into 820,000,000,000,- When Mr. Cleveland was nominated and Chinese into California from Brit­ To cash ou hiitid Dec, 10.1801 8 ^ KB! y cash for misccllaueous orders t24,240 01 Fines - « 515 110 somo touch ol iridescent splendor be­ came to ever.y portion ol the United dashed into the rear o |>oints me." "Thank heaven!" Mrs. Kennnird 000 particles, each ol them capable of at Chicago the democratic party knew ish Columbia were revealed by the con­ To cash trom taxes ot isiil received here ffii.f.'l) Ol Ity cas 1 for witness scrip orders 820 no Costs KM (10 neath its wings every timo they were States during 1893. Pacts and figures, Noi-thwestern train at S To dellmiiieiit returns ot 1891 i,44ii 72 By ens 1 tor Jury scrip orders 7,788 30 Court fees 484 00 "Are you bo sure?" she murmured, a dropped at her daughter's leot, in a col affecting tho olfactory organs. The what it might expect if he were elect­ fession of five sailors ol the steamer To ciish from county drain ;),t,-.)5 SM fluttered. will be the certain death of Ireo trade , injuring twenty-one pe! Byciisi tor house (it correction....; 1,128 78 Jittle vaguely, not meeting his look. lapse oddly picturesque, considering her human skin is perforated by at least ed. A man who was strong enough to Louis Olson, who were under arrest. To delliKiuent returns county drain n u« By ciis I for school examiners' fees 1,37s (W Total .• $1,103 0(1 But at length Kathleen, so to speak, and tho democratic party, and they ing no one. To cash IromI primarp y. school fund 10,374 iki This luuouiii; li;is been Uiiid lo the Coiimy Tii^iisiirer iis the law dlreels. size and weight. But alter all sho was 1,000 holes in the space ol each s«;uare force his nomination upon the conven­ By ciis 1 for Kiilamazoo asylum '_',707 ,s:i Ho gave a slight start. "Not quite fluttered her wings once more. "Mon­ will bo forthcoming during tho two • AxEvansvillc, Ind., Mrs.'Will Crump In the United States d To cash Irnni dellnipicnt tuxes and iii- By eas 1 for Jiisllee court witness and .lOHN lIlMELBlCBGElt, a woman who never dealt awkwardly inch. For tho sake ol argumenty say tion against the solid vote ol the dele­ leresl collected at Aud. lien's olllce.., 4,903 05 .lAMES BLACIiMOlSE, •are, not quite sure—in your case. . . sieur," she said, with a kind ol pathetic years' joint rule of tho conscript and (colored), 17 years old, had both hands days ended on tho 131,' Jury oi'ders...... , 1,2,13 58 with her avoirdupois, though just now there aro exactly M,000 ol these littlo gation ol his own state would natural- To cash tram olllce charges and eollec- By Ciish for English spiirrows 2,1,12 (») M. .r. I'OLLOK, . . For example, it diA disappoint me tranquillity, "thero is—your mother." copperhead adralnlstratiou and tho shot oft at tlie wrists by her husband failures numbered .S00,| llon tecs 244 03 By cash for comity poor orders 1,128 47 Comnilllcp. carried away by an emotion which drain ditches to each square inch of l.y come to believe tliat he imperson­ To cash from circuit court fees I7rt 00 to learn that you nro unhappy." rebel congress.—Iowa State Eeglster. ' in a quarrel. previous week nnd SSi By Ciish fur county ilriiln orders 3,,i7;i 48 Mr Ciisler moved that tl-ie report ot the eoin- The lime having arrived to which the Madden "My mother will bo no obstacle. I might well havo imperiled gracclulncss. skin surlace. Now estimate the skin ated tho wisdom and policy ol th» To cash from costs 104 m By cash paid townships tor deliuniient mUteo appolntiMl to sellle with the treasurer lie claim was pustponed. Its cnnsldernliou was re­ She would not admit thatshohad ever can nnd will prevent her from being surlace ol tho averaged-sized man at Paul Scnuoos and Henry Allen, who spending timo last yenrj •|'o cash from siibpicua charges 121 54 taxes 10,001 CO "KatlUeen! Kathleen! TeU mo, my party and that his will should be law. aecepleil anil adoiited, which motion iirevalled, sumed. After iicing discussed at .somo leiigili confessed this to him during their pre­ ono." sixteen square feet and wo find that he CURRENT rcolVIMENT. murdered, robbed and then burned The national deep \j To cash from old Iron •< MB y cash paid corporations un liquor Ou niutlon of .Sir. Loekwood tim hoard iUl- it was nioviHl that the claim be allowed. Where­ darliiig. You can't be unkind enongh II Mr. Cleveland is swollen up with his Tu cash trom abstract ollloc 'js ixi tiixes, including ices 13,582 0:1 upon Mr. Park ottered us a substitute, vious talks, and for a good while they Sho hesitated a moment. "Then there has 3,804,000 pores.—Clilcago Herald. Kube Atkinson, his liouGekccpcr, and vention in Washington Tn ciish from delimiiient taxes ot lasii.. 2,131 '24 Joiirned until ten o'clock to-morrow inornliig mt to tell me! Did he mention it? Did own importance it is the democratic BS^Blgger presidents than Cliiveland By cash paid teachers' Institute orders 243 45 lliMilml, That a eomniittce nf three ho iip- gently battled with ono another con­ aro—thoro are—(how shall I put it) lior little daughter near Cotton Plant, manent organization an To cash from dolln(|iient taxes uf ISM).. 2,0.11 52 By Ciish paid library fund orders 82!i 10 WkiiNksha V, .Ian. 4tli, lS9;i. poliited by the chair to confer with Mr. Madden he say ono single word about it? Now, party which has blown tlio bellows ever will bo wero doleutod in attempt­ 'focasli from dcUiHiuonttaxes«t is'.il... 2,ii»2 73 cerning what human hax^piness truly your traditions." Ark,, were taken from jail by a mob By cash paid primary sehiKil fiindni'ders 10,iriO 14 eonceriilng the security he oll'ered to give lo my child, consider how I suffer. Don't ' His Valet. ing to dictate the ohoico of ofilcors: in \ 'I'liE steamer Jolin Wu Tucush trum redemptions. iiia im By cash jiald state treasurer on taxes of The board met pursuant to adjoiirhinent. secure the county agiunst any and all loss it means, until Clarimond at last said, thiit has puffed him out to such exag­ nnd hanged. a flue at Chattanooga, ti To cash from rcdcinpliuns of stiitu bids 92 14 Itoll called, and the tdlluwlng members an­ "I've trampled oa a good many of torture me. Let mo know everytUingJ" A young southerner who recently states. This is a sort ol iutorlorijnce,' v ,1891 ;•. 20,832 00 swered to their namcs: Messrs. Abfalter, might sustain, caused by any other inlen^sted with an nocont ol mUd irritation: gerated dimensions. A DISTINCT shook of earthquake was To cash trom state bids soUl and deed­ piirly 111 tills claim, provhled the board voted lo them, as it is. Come now, mademoi­ visited New York brought with him as in local concerns which the piioploTof hands, and twelve othei ed at county treas 114 93 IlBy eacass 1 paid state treasurer gen. ace'l 415 .Ki Beinuiit, .1. S. Bennett, F. C. Bennett, Biiors, "For a man or wom.an ol reasonable Kathleen regarded her mother lor a It is very amusing, though, to seo the felt in tho western part of Frederick 1 pad delinquent tiixcs relurned 040 51 Covert, easier, Dunikel, Harris, Hluielbergei', pay said eliiim lu Mr. Madden, selle," ho pursued, with a gruffnoss that his valet a huge negro, six feet four more or less seriously. ' To cash from county poor farm ;kI3 27 By cas pa (I expenses ot sale 2(12 SII •Which subaUtiile pieviilliHl. age there is but one perfect kind ol hai>- moment, and then slipped both arms party ol states' riglits and anti-contral- no community would tolerate from an.y,,; county, Md. Goods were thrown from To cash trom liquor tax fund 23,825 14 By cash pa Hume. l.uekwuoil, Luyllii, P. Mclntyre. Geo. II. 'riiu chair appoliued as such cominlllee: would havo frightened her il ii had not Inches In height and ol- tho richest Irene Fawcett, d d lor dog tax fund orders... 270 .Ki Mclntyre, Park, Piatt, Porter, Seely, Ur(iiiliait, round her nock. "M.amma," she said, ization Icotowing to a president-elect president.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat.' 1 thci shelves of.stores in Jcfforson. The To cash trom teaehors' institute fiiiiil... 282 22 By cash p. a d bank on tenipurary loan Messrs.Park, Diiiicklo and l-ockwood, and or­ piness. The hcsirt is a mill, whoso ended in a smile. "You'ra jfoing to mahogany in color. The black was drowned in the river ; To cash trom library fund, from lines.. 1,088 35 iind overdrafts 27,751 24 Vail Iti pur, Warner, Winters anil Cliairinau dered to report at threo o'clock to-morrow. with a doeoit born ol pity, nnd also ol and permitting him to name tho sena­ BSTDoubtless Mr. Cleveland, would,., elibcks lasted five to ten seconds. I'ollok. wheel should always turn in a lull throw me ovor—you'ro going' to reject gigantic, though beautiluUy propor­ Pa., while trying to savi 'I'd cash from exiienses ot sale 151 00 By credit tor stiile dulhKiuent returns.. 570 34 that lovo which all tho icy ambition, all tors Irom democratic states. The appreciate the honor of a uomiuatibh' , Tucxsh from sales ot laS'J 1,037 51 By credit tor dcllmpienl returns charg­ •loiiriinl of vesterday read and approved, The claim ot .Tnliii W. .Tones ot Ouomhiga, tor stream and grind lorth golden grain. mo—to (what is tho right phrase?) send tioned, silent, imperturbablij and well- In a runaway ut Alton. Kan., Frank sister Bella, who bad fa! 'I'o Ciish trom stato sales 542 14 'The follnwlng claims were rcportiid liiiuk from work us special drain conimlssloiier for iSVJii.M tho worldly striving, all tho hard, time was when a democratic senator, for a third term, but his record sliows' ed county Including chavgud buck re- was then taken up tor consideration and upon The soul, liko a wealthy miller, must mo about my business!" bred. His manners and decorum would Nelson, a merchatit,, and Mrs. Webb hole in the lee. To cash from deceased stranger 3 30 the several eomnillKHis and allowed as follows: harsh, American push ol her parent representing a sovereign state, askcil that ho is, too smai-t a politician to To cash from instate ot Au'iies Frei'imin 88 IK) tlllllS 870 38 Clalmunt. Claimed. Allowed. tlie rccommcndidlon ot Kx-Prosecuting Attoriiev buoyant and gladsome at tho labor "No, noi" sho exclaimed. Imme­ put to shame many a "Jeemes,"' whoso SJ'.'oss received fatal injuries. '. TwENiyr-FivE persons 25,000 00 By credit lor delliiqiieiit drain tax re­ Pressor, was allowed by tho vote of 17 veas and had never served to annul, "there is no odds ol nn.ybody, whether tho pres­ think of trying forit. Mr.Cleveland will ,' To cash from teiiipoiary loan turns charged drain tax tiind 0 00 P. H. Dolan »284 25 !284 25 5 nays, Messrs. Park, Harris luid P. Sicliilyi-e performed; the deeper ho is covered diately then sho roso and stretched out whislccrs aro generally his only stock "Dii." W. H. HAi.E, aliac John Mur­ capcd death from asph; Andrew .1. Smith 2821 2x21 really nothing for you to Imow except ident of the United States or anyone let somobod.y else tako tho - whipping' lill rti.-|ueiit reliirns or 'ill .McKcrnnn and the rojiort nt Kx-Proseeutliig sum ot one hundred dollars in favor ot e. IC. with him. Aud yot he's good enough alone in New York, but elsewhere, it of siiporvlsnrs (or stato tax 20,832 00 Paddock for expenses hicurroil hi care ut euimiy leen, as tho speaker paused, "who can hor lips, lier eyes, her look (he could did servant ho is, Although ho is a into complete and absolute control; In Gov. LewEllisg, of Kansas, has in­ A PASSENOEK train on tax 1.440 72 Attorney Prosscr aud uttiu:hed thereto, and the buildings and property tor thn year I8I12. to insist that I will get through all seems to bo a special recommenda­ To amount apiiroprlated by hoard of flu ninniiiil nf in-i:rilnifl ri,.i.si 18 merits of the. claim discussed until noon, when be both king and poet in ono short life." not for his life have told just what) big lellow he is as deft and clover about Minnesota, leaving tlio populist; arid';; dicated that it is his intention to en­ tral was derailed near 1 supervisors for county tax ;i3|2,lfl 00 on motion It Wiis imstiioned until half past one Which resohillun prevailed by 24 yeas and uu right. He—" tion for a senatorial candidate that Mr. democratic combine far in the- roar. Tn amount iippropiiated for jail 1,750 00 nays. "Aroyou now satirical,mademoiselle?" made him put her away at arm's length, my room or in waiting at table as any force the State prohibition laws. killing two unknown j o'clock p. III. By Mr. Loekwood : "All right!" cried Mrs. Kennaird, re­ Cleveland wants him to bo elected. This is ono of tho sttvtes in which-tho To aiuuunl appropriated tor eouiily Atuve(l by Mr. Hliuelborger to iuijourn until "No, noi But I am skeptical. Thero intently scan her features aud then ro- French valet. Ho can make a mint An explosion in a coal mine at King, injiiring latally Rev. 3 poor 2,.KK) (HI liiill past uiic o'clock this p. 111. WiiKRKAS, Under tho new lux law llioommly aro so fow hearts I like that— Mine, I coil several stops, touching hor no gaining her foot with a phenomenal alac­ julip that would open your eyes. With There m&,y ho times aud occasions opposition worked hardest, but it still,:.:; Col.', Itilled twenty-one Italians, one Wayland, la.; Elmer Re! To aiiimiiit raised by towns tor cninily treasiiror has boon coinpolled to execute liix pour I,2(K) 04 ArrKR.NOON HUSSION. fear, is an idle mill wheel above an longer. rity. "Tbci'o won't be a woman in tho whon a senator finds his stato arrayed remains as oiib ol the bright: stars in.ff^Siivl- JScotcliman r.nd two Americans. . Sun, la., und E. S. Druii deeds and other documents, bringing Into the horses he is excellent. Then he is such To amount (Oiarged liaek tax 415 01 Tho bniird met pursuant tn adjournment and county treasury four hundred (Inilars ol' over, empty stream-bed I" "Your heart isn't in it!" ho ex­ bialli-oom who can hold a candle to you." against the president, and then what tho republican galaxy.—N. Y^ Mail' ' '" It was stated that the coul magnates ming. 111. was called lo order by Chiilriiiiiii I'ulloii. • largely Increasing thn work In his olUcn, in ex- a splepdid looking lellow. Notice his "Yet one whoso waters havo been claimed. "Y'ou'to giving yourself to At this same timo, as it happened, is ho to do? Is he to abandon his al­ and Express. - ' '•; of Pennsylvania, acting with the ¥70,150 01 .t;' ; Tub wife and daughter of Jacob dent and vice president, east November »1«,000 short in his accounts. advising harmony and union. Fresh poric has udvnncod iti tho same A POLICY SUGGESTED, lino from 0 to 8^ cents per pound. .. Incurably so." VYesl ycsl 1 daro not lio to you. II Eric merely glanced nt the paper. Karl—A tall girl with black hair and Leadoi. ' , ' > UiugRcr, a farmer near.Alma, Wis.,; 8, wks: Cievolund and Stevenson, 5,570,- Because told that he must go to "Iam not miserable," sho said, with you wero not so good and fluo I—I "Mine has just eomo, too," he said. ddr!loomploxion? Ona That tlie Uenioeracy Would Do 'Well IBS'"During tlio eleven montlia^ending '". f- died from eating diseased pork, 7S4; Harrison tmd Ried, 5,14I,4U(); work Thomas ICilday latally shot his Death of Gnu. Ilul'iiH logiills. wistful ardor ol' deuLaL "It is too bad might lio, but yoU tear tho truth from "What?;' queried Alonzo.. "Were you Yes; and hasn't she got a perfect to Adopt. with Novombox'.last tho total valiio ol i'j A'notuhu consignment of world's fair Weaver and .Field, 1,010,059; Bidwell lather, mother arid sister in Philadel­ KANSAS PHILOSOPHY. New Yoric, Jan. 10.-,-«on. Rntus In- "nOTHERS that you should think tliis. You 'said mcl You saw my pain, my undying not invited till now?"' '-1,'.- • figure and laeo?" The old udngc: .VHonesty is .the best imported articles was $805,750,081, ol" • BOuyouir half dollars was received at nnd Cranfll, 388,801. phia. gall.s, Unitud .States ariii.y, retired, died Boinething of the same sort yesterday. memory; you taxed mo with them; "No. It was that horrible princess. ';i noticed that hor teeth were blank." policy,"-is ol- broader.significance than which those.. sub-jiictod .to-'!''dv\tyjv:';.*i-,;-)' tljo; sub-treasur.v in Cliicagb, inalting in JIiis, Annie T. Florence, widow, of Fire destroyed tho Nonleld manu­ Love laughs at locksmiths, but you Sunday in the Griind hotel. Gen. In- But you are wrong—wrong. I, still you insisted that thoy hauntcid mo, and Clarimond has been letting her havo her "Welh don't black tooth match block politicians and oillcials seem to under­ amounted -toi iljaoOj087,855, ,nndi,-;thbso',{;;^ nil l,aoo,000 thus far received. •'• the noted actor, W. .T. Florence, was facturing company's buildiiig in Chi­ bet it doesn't laugh at plumbers. galls was retired from tim army at his FRIEND" have a great deal'to live for."'' •'• I—I confessed that you wero not wrong. head,'but'tlio other night he. pulled her hair ond- a dark;complexion?"—Texaa stand. It is tho summary of a practi­ cnteiod fico of, duty to tHIH5^fid^,•«SfK•;V;%|5 i.iil'xm: Anijbii.so.v, aged'.U years, who married in New York to; Howard cago, tho loss being 8100,000. Assure a man that tho punishment is own request on July 1, X,SSS, ho being Is a soicntiflcaliy prepared Liniment "StillI , And you say that in the early But I urn willing, to bp yoi)r, wil(j—wil^- up with a shqrt.reiai I hear that she's Siftings cal -system of philosopliy; '-Fortheben- That is,,-vpvy niuch-^moro than; l>o}f'{oi;5^^^ jnui'derpd' Jlurcus ,;Horaorfeldt, an old Coveney, an-actor. ,, ; - > . In a quarrel nt Dallas, Tox., Albert a month olE and there are fow things ho then quiirlcrmastor gouoral of tlio and harmless; every ingredient ia o£ glow (31 j-oUr maidenhpodl StiUi: Ifis ing..,- Oh, hoarmc, mon.siei,u;l'|' I, nm'not, now hiimilityl itselt. i f/iiih'naturally , i:, Katlior SiugulaF. , .-: ., e&t'ol tho'-gnlld just mentioned-'lot It ii^Vfiur vimporls, (COfno-i Jn,;dut.y:,.'fi;cc;!^^ n^ati, noav.Ogeina;• Wis,, was sentenced : John E. Kknna, United States,senai Grant shot Fannio Howard and tiion would hesitate to do. arni.y. Jlo was born in De recognized value and in constant uso imark. Mo., ainazl.ua-.,,,0r, 1 no;Jt;ls'ii'.t';airiazing at absurd to'phrase it .like that; • Only- it- delighted. * I'.y'e' seen iit -.coming, Lonz, •^^'That fellow's queer," said the law bo;put in-this 'form:,' "A ;strict'Tegtird ThiBwill bo urovelationto vory;mt =•. . :'/,aJitJ! Jicalth olllcei'; reportis; thiit: there' ' State Senator Fbed H6rn, tire anxious to catch, tho people say; "That from tho Unitud States m litar,y aoad- BO sinccro yourself, will understand, icy, "and it may then possess' a new frco: ;:trudo . .elrcl(}H,vHia'vo idmbibQ'di Hha* i!'!^^^ service would huvci expired March'8i Danger to life of Mother and.Child. Is something you want. I wonder if I the king." *'Whot'makes",you think so'/" asked were •io.nin deiitlis • froin^ 'cholera; in oldest member of ' the' Wiscohsln legis­ is n good joko on you." emy in 1801. will pardon. II I had never known him significance. idoa''ilia••• t niiaily, irif, noti ,.;..JA.-..--l.!'.!-—!''(juito fe'reryij^g^, U.'^Xfi^ ' lb05 Book 'ToMothers" mailed free, conl oould get it lor you." "And you will go to tho ball?" said the typewriter. Iljjmbttri,'-lu 1803, and 38,823 deaths lature, died at bis homo inOedarburg it would havo been so diflcrcnt! -I could WiiETiiEii a girl likes cigar smoke or J'ost Olllt'O Itolibad tulnlng valuable Information and Sho shook her head quickly and then Alonzo, slow>y. "Why, he hafn't deaf, and yet be toU Public servants und those who are thing impnitod ;.payp what ft Pin all cnusL'fl •OKtii BB.VJAMrN P. BUTLBB died 8Udf at the age of 77 .years. He hud served have loved you then with all my soul! not dopomls upon whether it is her JRVINOTON, N. Y, .Tan. 10.f-r-Tho post voluntary testimonials. Stared down at tho hands which lay like "Go? Yes. It win be great fun to dor boss he wo&tedtt ht«riBff."-~'r«xM most active in making, them are, for oulls a tax to 'Un^le :Sum I Wjcamhi- Fui'inor Judd, of T,yrone, denlyol heart disease at his residence in the legislature almost constantly for I o«n Imaghsa lotus good woman loving brother or., some; other: girl's. brother oflluo at this placo, was mterod by two jpalo curled feathers in her lap see the haughty old Brlndisi dame d»' «litings. the moat parti inoculated with tho id** Journal. , JiCimonrns.Uio loss of a hired 'ti'ttinti; In^ Washington, aged '74' years, •: 'Hla forty-ave years,, kavlngibeen elected'to' •tpra^oS'^c^'CJl^f ""'Pft who docs the Bmoking.-^Atohiion burglars at un early hour Si tnrdivy and pifoo und a shotgun. , ^ ' . , career aince his graduationi'^ fraia. oOU tb«:firsiratatea«Dat«iBlM& ' Globe. ;: rpbbcd 0.1 SUOO iu bills and ^tamps. BRAOFIELO REQUCATOR CO.. Allantl. Gi. •• floiabyaUdmBBlsUi? '

mm SSSiaiiBifeRa^iB^iaiBWB Im m Mov.»,mi, - ViMkrtoriM UhinIi iJwlTcnwnr* DKTROIT« Tblrty-four yearn ago iMt BundMy m mm lillii tba-Preabyteriuu church of MaMiu was LANSING k NOBTHEBN B. B. organiied, and -|aat: Sunduy; evening, ra natiioiT.' '•"tiW:;'Sf3;ampwr.> Tkandajrt JaBnary.lo* l|)9t.: iU auniversary :wttB. observed ; at the iiMt vain • m l>n» p m pm liwtltlitidaydedl- WHBATjrslsoied-.... regular hour of service. CORNipei hundrtd.i..i...n.».» Saturday to yesterday. Not much to 6 2ii cLosiNldr to,->inatlng:vMrdi,' should' ti« '•;;:: '.,7^ of :OniCAao, with aBronch Office and laboratory at HILLSDALE, HIGH. OLOVBR aBBD, per bnitaai...... flve-mlnutes' address in wnluli. ihe rllOMDSTHOI'r., •••.'•.• " biMj." for United e:^^»fcaf. Tariy to report this weett. •IHike of the early work of the church, ^ wanted D. J. CttiiipHU. An%Tiey Iwra tlie.day-honored by bia name. > : : TIMOTHY' 8BBD,per bttsliel...... West • in a 111 p m p m p.m : That: it should coniiiiemorate the an­ HMVItlled Southern Mlchl|[an_ for; the part Tear,- and during these vWt» haa examined and prescribed for nyeper buibel. —... KatlierlnaBober. the brilliant and telling how seven faithful oiiesi Allen : charged ngatnat'BeiiutorvBtocltbrldKe: i hundreds, anaeffected someofthe mort Wonderful Cures ever made In the State. ' xnoBLLAiiaoua. and Ellxubeth Howe, Mrs, Mury Leave Detroit.,...;,,., Tfio •1 »5 5 86 * II 10 FOR CASH BUYERS. cient Roman ;reaHt8 of Lupercalla on •-75.. versatile actress, will appear at Bayner .8 10 I Is tlint he itt ttV'uioifey huge.^^^Collal•t• BALT.Saglnaw, per barrel.;,.-....;.... Uowe,Mr. and Mrs. Huron Bristol, Arrive LanMing,....!.,, 10 itt ',215 •il « .•8 so ent (?) agulii. February fourteenth, is more in liar- BBAMB.unploked, per busbel_...... tMl ii*. opera house this evening. The com­ Kiony with lie tenor. Lupercus was ... that has not hsd the MiH. Amanda Barnes and Mis. C. TO oiiAMn UArins. from death and restored POTATOEB. perbusneU .. • eo pany Is guaranteed and Maiager Cul­ Lv. Lansing , ..lO^r.ain'SlOpm 8 iMpm A Golden Opportunity which happens once in a the. Xatlngod of: fertlluy and the do.uot fail toooniult.tbii EQOB, fresh, pordoien Uuyden Uay, thirty-four years ugo Phtl Akmouu, Hcoording to tlie niMt omluoDt phvsiplan and surseou.' AU oxumlaatlous. cotuiultatlniia und advUio I'roo. ver guarantees them a good house. Ar,Gr Itaplda , ..\2in pm*5 irt pm lo 20 pin uiari'luiteable .young men and muldeus .LARD, per pound.... Tickets on sale at the usual (lace.. met and founded the church. Rev. :^ChieaKoiittperti,'iitaiuliundred dollars BUTTER, per pound ~ givm iniANU lui'ins. celebrated the fete day with rapturous Mr. Ilout was its tirst pustor, who re­ ,.,7 loam 'I '.;.)pm& 10pm •life time.. JTake advantage of our [ 1 placed; on ills desk every niuriiiiig; At Hudson Honso, Lansing, JAN. 18; at Donnelly House, Mason, Thursday, JAN. 18. APPLES.drlad, per pound..... 10 Lv.OrHnplds . lee. They decked their homes wllli OHBRRIES, dried, per poniMl What'or TItese 1 mained about one year. Then came Ar. Lansing ..0 oggni «8 ('Mim717 p m I! .1 which he diatrlbtites In obarityduring! g loS Vi the Rev. Mr. Kittiedge, Jan. 1, 18U0, the coiiiMo of the duy. These accursed oily and ivy, aud (ii Kent, England, PEACHES,dried, per pounit. , 7& Marriage licenses during the past ta AMU ritoM IONIA AND llOWAmi CITY. great sale ^n (tiatmQheV/if| for many years, a part of the regular ' 'Bsamltwtlon tree to AH. ONIONB, per bushel.,. often releried to us "P'uthcr Klt- nillllonnlreH do occaaloually do sonie^ Ohronlo Ulieoiei, AORIODLTURAL SALT, psr ton.. to week ; Lv, Lansing,.., ..,..,10 .(Sain 2 15pni Hlopm frolic was for the girls to make and , Although the doctor Is in many cosoa The doctor treats nu acute dtseascB, but de­ .00 tredge," who led the ilock for several Ar. LniiBlng..., 8 liO a m a 80 pm 7 47 pm V; .cuuig: wiUtili lettdHttoasuispiuion that LAND PLASTER, per ton SDO ' lianner L. Moore, Lansing ^.;..;..,.41 years und by whose labors .the mem­ I' Ihey have some right tn live; after alL bum a holly boy, and for the boys in eompollod to ubo, expensive 'inatrumonts votes his wholeftiono to the treatment of HAY, perton..V. Parlor cars on all day trains to .Grand Kapids and chemloala 'in making analyaea. roloro- ohronlo nnd long standing and eurgloBl dis­ LenaE.Attlesca, Lansing i „23 bership liiurcased to 40 or 50. turn to sacratlee to the god a girl of eases; oaaea given up by other dootora and pro- WVE STOCK AK» MBATS, and on express trains toDiitrolt. • , .ivy.'.:..: sooplo and other Bolentlflo oxamlnatlohn, CATTLE, per 100 pounds...... 2 M»t 00 Hormnn Koort, Lanalng , ,..;.itS Direct connections at Ilowcll Junction on DRY GOODS The Litiialiig Journal aiid Ingham nouncctt Inourable, no moat doalrca to see,- Dr. 47 00 Of theorgunizers two ure still living, morning train for Toledo and at Detroit with all Walks were taken In the early morn yet he makes no charges to anyone, bollov' Humphrey has had nearly 11,000 ourea in the HOGB, per 10(1 pounda.. Mary SobwarykoU, Lanalng 23 state of MIohtgan, while lil« patients all told In PORK,dreued,per 100 pounds.., .,S 25aB 00 Mis. Elizabeth Rowe and Mrs. Ainuii- lines fnr the iSast and Nuath alid withsteim- before the sun hud peeped uliove the .ing it to bo a part of tho pbyalolail's duty MInnoaots, WTsoonaln, Illinois, Alabama, Ton- HAMB, perpoiind .. SW 8 > Geo. F. Holland, White Oak 22 du Barnes. nrfl for Clovoland. At Howard City lor Uppor horizon, while the birds were singing to aaocrtaln tho patient's true condition nosseo. Georgia, Ohio and Indiana, have been CHICKENS, per pound, dreased.., ., 8r# 10 Ponlnsnla and Ihu Northwest. At Grand Rapids Anna M. Young, White Oak ;.,....„,2a Rev. Geo. W. Barlow succeeded with tho their niui'iiing song to the birdliiig of 'without expense to the sufferer. When­ fully flvo tlmca thutnunibcr; nearly two-thirds CHICKENS, per pound, alive ;';Ex?Govoriror Luce, uiid 'vtis glud to: of tiicac sufferers were given up oa hopeless TURKEYS,per pound,alive ;. Wm. O. Murdy, Lansing .„...; :..25 Rev. Kittridge und lemiilned nearly CHIOAQO & WEST MICHIGAN B'V., their choice, while the dew was at its ever and wherever Or. Humphrey doctdelt Invalids, some to he blind, aome deaf, and DUCKS, per pound, all ve 12 years, bulluing the present chnrcli : :,llhd' liluiseir in liiirinuiiy .with innny to locate a monthly ylsit otowds flock to LydlaKolb. AlalodoiLanalng i tirango. 20 for Benton Ilaibar, St. Joseph, Maskogun, Big frecihesl and heuvleHt on the grass and others a proy to scrofula, chronio kldiioy dls- DUCKS,per pound,dreHsed building early in his pastorale. The jtaplds, Ladlnirton, Maiiiflteo, Travcriiu City to J,j,of:'hl8:; winatiUients -^^^^ shrub; the beauty of the year lay In aeo bim. nnd no wondiir, for by tho first ox. caso, conau niptlon, dcstrueUvo female troubles. BUILDINO UATRKIAL. ' Called to order by Miiater Sanderson, Millinery f:;!: Wliich exjilullis liIs vote for thut es- Among othera, hundreds or olilldron hopeless­ evciila since then aro remembered by Chiirliivolx. and'Potoskoy. , the cluap of. eiicli rouiidetl dewdrop,. amtnatlon, and often without osking a ly dcl'ormcd, Ilut behold how many of them WATER LIME, per barrel. 91 GO MUHlc, Prayer by the chaplain. Some many, so iio uttempt, was made to • Thofavorlto lluu fnr all, points In ,Western v^/:|{teenie(l gentlcnimn question, ho tolla tho Invnltd what tho sDo and hear, while nearly all are rapidly CALCINED PLASTER, per barrel 93 no •Mlchlsan. Trains leave Or.niid Rnpids; and applied to the face, neck uiiil LIME, per barrel ; 75 needed rcpuira were ordered to be give the coniplele church history, and hands, direct from the leaves, would trouble Is; and the prospect of s euro, and being cured, • . inude on the hail, and arrangements iiolugnorth 7 30 am. .5 35 > . which will be sold at original cost prices at the Si'oimMjjN whohavesuiiplled tliem- PLASTERING HAIR, per buabel .-. « »0 the pasKu' concluded with, remarks Going snath 8 50am 1 pm •ll.'Bpni / give a complexion thut would.rival most wonderful of all ho values hla first Tho doctor ia surrounded with tho finest and BHINGLES.per thousand... ,...] 0004 00 1: were partly made for thu entertain- '',1 'fa selvta wlih iiiiy i.r i lie new nitro pow- most oxtonslvo cnlleotion of inatrumcnta ever upon the suliject of the "Siiuccssl'ul "I'lvory day. Olliur trains week daya only. the rare tints of Veiiua, Large leaves Impression and llrat look at a patient more LATH, per .Nlleoi... .4U0iaG 00 ment of Pdinona Graiitre, January 27 'derfor use in. their: HiiotKUiis should linporlcd to this cnuntry for examining and Chnrch." Pnll informaUou, intus iiud ticliuls on applica­ Great Closing Out Sale of were greatly gathered so not lo break then all else, nnd Dr. Humphrey Is never treating all forms of ohronlo nllmenta of tho hiid 28, Till.' organ coiniiiittee was in­ tion to GI30. DuU.AVKN !i: take notice of ilie l'iu:t tliui It has Just ,• Prayer was o/rured by Elders Mills the globules, and the precious heaven mlBlukon In his diagnosis In any daso, head, inco. oyo, ear, thioiit;. cheat, lungs, heart, as.ao—Nliiiilon'H V. N. Lnwyern* ninry structed to purchase tin drgan before Gen'l Pass'r. Aitent, ':;ibeen found out lo the cost of sundry stomach, liver, spleen, kldnoya, bowels, repro­ Hiul Uiilo Book. und A^mOatrnnd, ami then Elder Grand Uiipide. given drops were laid against the face The doctor's methods differ markedly that lime if possiblii. Tlio program '•^;'y;:i^,A'i;i,J'j : iEuroiieuii s|)ort8ineii that such pow- ductive organs, iirliuirv organs, brain and Howard inudo very intereslingr and and pressed on from the leaves. How from the frenorni practitioner in all ra- norvoua ayslem, jiaralysls, growths, joint dla- Nov. 24,1892. WiiH tlii'ii titUen up as followa: Essa.y, i, ders aresulijeet to u clieiiilcal change sneota. Followhig the plan of St. George's Thu LAW 1)I.\RV AND nULE BOOK haa be­ feeling remarks upon ihe early life of much morednliiiy and loiiiantlc, than casCR, plies, hip diseases, aohitica, akin disonsea, "The Houseivil'i.''» (Jarca." Il was an THE S^JLJJR. :i.':',sonie tliiie iil'ier uurlrlilges have been Hoapital or Ixindon, no rcglslora ovory ulcers nnd every form ot wcaknoss ot cither come a necessity in thu law olllco us evidenced the churcii aa he saw it. He spoke of sleeping In a musk, or steuiiiing one's partioulnr aa to tho patient's pliysinni con­ by the (ioo to TOO lawyers in this State who have nble article and allowed lhat tlio y ':'] loaded, which inuUes them exceedlu;- male or fcinalc. _^ the work of Rev, Biirlow and his aids. face through a funiiel shaped face dition and mental state. The condition of ordered, and every lawyer needs something of 'writer haa not lie<»n idly dreaming. SHERMAN BLOCU rVJASON, WIICH. ' r ly danKcrou.-j to use. each organ, location of any and all dia- The doctor s apeclllo niediclnes go straight to thu kind. Itcuntnliia a revieinn of all lh« rnle.i, They worked liaid to get into the new cover, utluched liy u tube to the kit­ eased parta. nnd whether eymputhotio or time for nntieinK for trial and mailing nntleeii. Select rending, "Uccdetl u Guufdluii," Oldcstand Strongesi.Slnlc and Savings organic, together with tho amount and the dlBcaseil organ, and can bo plainly felt nt church by Jan. 1, 1809, and us soon as chen teakettle t If the early rising work in tho disenacd parts, very shortly after Ihu new cnuiity and SInte olUr.ers, and the list of by Ktiiiier Boyle, aniuaiiig und In­ lliat was aucom|)llshed begun a rovl- ' Hank. I ; :: 'AF'rKii; all, furinerH are iiiiicli like and active exerciae deaerved the credit nature of the dIsoaHo. In this way tho en­ thciruse Is begun. Tlioy are pleasant to take, lawyers wiio uro subBcrlhers Kcudy for dollvcTj' structive. Ksatiy. "i don't care," by ii; other men. In the club they eoin- tire amount of vital energies aro readily mild but Bcarohing In action, yet agree with December 10. Order nt once, if y«u want yonr val which soon added 40 to tlieir mem- i given lotlie dew, let it pass; It Is the computed and tho restoring power of the the most delicate lady or child, do not reduce nnine on the list,' Deliver for ii SO. Will. A. Olils. Wo should care for liership. In 1873another revival was. plain of high salaries. In nIHce tliey way of the world today, to neglect the body measured against tho force nnd en­ those Hiiiull ihiiigH, tor if iufc lu theni- CAPITALi" $76,000. ergy nnd doatrnotivo oapabiUUoa of the dls- tho strength, nnd can bo used while nt tho ELilliR IC. STANTON, AMornoynt Law. held. Rev. Barlow bulng the moving i want tliehi higher. We hope, If It true, and give unlimited praise where usual occnpntioii, oh many patients still able Law Ilooks and BiinpliCB. Grand Rapids Mlcli. selvcH, may prove lo be llie starting J ; Would not lie disuHtroiis, lb some duy cnso. Thus knowing the aotiml condition fur hard work nnd oloao nttcnlion to business 1779 spirit, and Fullier Klttrudge doing his theliuiinrlH not due!—Ke/lub Shel- of tho tisauea and tho effect of apeoiflc are often slowly, surely, yot uneonseioualy jioliit cf the grealesl diaHHtera. Idvisly I i ace the pi^ople make a register of deeds, medicines upon every struoturo of tbo lust work therein. It lusted from M. D. CHATTERTON. - President toii. In the Chatuuquan for Februaryi dying, knowing thonisolvca HI, yot deoolvod ~ OKTGAGK SALK. Default hnvliifi Tieen ulaciissioiia Ibllowed cucii article. Too March () to April and bought 60 r:pi'oaeaulUig attorney, clerk or treasur­ body, unliko most doctors, ho ia enabled to into a fnlao seourlty. thoy proorastlnato nnd L. C. WEBB, ' Vice-President Bay positively whether any given oaae la M made in the conditions ol a eerinin inorlr much apnce woiiii! bu reijtilreii to give new members into the church. Tlic er out of a niriii who thinks Ingliain ouranle or not, and can also give the ap­ put off tlie matter until tho case la rendered gage, whercDy the power therein conlulnt'd io it. B. C. Pea body: "1 am glad to J. M. DRESSER, Cashier • county's Eulurk's are twice too liigh. KenI Bmaie 'rrnunlerii. proximate time and exponso of treatment, Inourable. The dootor earnestly requests nil soli has become nperutlvo. executed hy Wllllnin meitibei'sliip was soon up to 233. These Hall <& DuBois nnd would here point out tho utter de­ poraons under treatment to write him often, aa A.McKlbblnto .lohu McKibbIn of Jjolroll, in see tlio.seyoung people taking advan­ curly recollections were very ullecling •: It will have one of threeellfects: either The followng is the list of. transfers, advico way bo necessary week at'tor week In the statu of Jllchigiui, bearing date the third day tage of the opportniiitlcs oit'ered by the save the people lots of money, wreck lusion cherished oy many patients that order to push any given case on na rapidly as lo all who listened to Mr. Uowiird. for one week ending Jan. 14. 1803, thoy ought to get well In a few days or . of Fehrnnry, A. 1). cluhtucn hundred and ctghly- grange. Wc have some here, who !sM?aid on Tine Cerlifle&tn'of fietoni Wish to announce to the people of Mason und vivmity, th:U the ofltce, or iiiiulsh untold amuse- where the consideration Is $300 or over: weeks, notwithstanding the fact that thoy possible, and a good common-sense statement i one, and recorded iu the oBlcc of the register of have suffered for veal's, ' on the part of tho patient by mail is tho next dueOB for tho coanty of Ingham, in snid state of two years ago, would not stand before Mr. L. E. Huwiey followed with Money to lioan. Call and See Us. ; ment m seeing the ninn go back ou Mellius Lee IPntnam by helra to May Cures alter all others Fail. thing to a personal ooneultatlon. Michigan, on the ilrst duy of March, A. 1). clglit- at cuiiipaiiy and read, apeak or any­ very happy remarks upon the needed they Jire selling goods at greatly reduced prices, in order to hla formerself.. Whioli, think ye? Futnam-Furker iu:ae ott Ihe aw>4 uf een hundred and eighty-one. In liher IJT nf mort­ seoSLeroy t 350 gages on pngo 112. and default having been made thing of the kind. Now they can do condition of the church thut wIiih and Meliaim Lee Putnam by (lelra to Qllbert Delay* Are Dangerous. Facts for Men of All Ages. hi the condliians of a certain olher nioilgate. «kll thut und more. The grunge has keeps young converts, und then Judge DrnEOTona—L. O. Webb, D, P. Whltmore icduce thijir stock. ^iullluurll chivuiry. O. Putnam lU HC ore aide or wU ot e>A Many diseasoa are so deceptive that hundreds aro ailing with wliurchy the power tlieroin contaiiien to retl han done it and let the good work go on. Bristol, ill un interesting way, gave G. W. Brlatol. J, K. Elmer, Harper Reed, U, of H\fi/i at aeo 8 Leroy 3S0 dangerous, yet Insidious, maladies, all unoonsvloua of their truo lly reason of false modesty tho youth of our land aro kept la become operative, e.xeciilcd by llio said William M. Wllliama, M. D. Chulterton, J. .M. Dresser. ' Quite, recently a well-known lady Melltma Lee Putnam by heir to Ricliard condition. They know they nro not well, butaro entirely Ignorant Ignorance of tho serious results which certain solitary and Indiaorcot A.Mclvibbin tothesald JohnMcKil>hln,hourlnK The following la the piugrani for Jan. some of Ills recollections. He told of 0. G. Huntington locturer.of fluwell received u pressing of the deadly I'anga fastening upon some vital organ, which must practices produce. Those vlcca it persisted in eventually undermine 21: Opening, music, prayer by the the time when the church held Its H. PutQuin lUac ufl the HV/'4 ot see ;S tho constitution. Induce nervous doblllty nnd early decay, organic date Ihe twenty-cighlh day of Oclober, A. D. iilvltutlun to deliver a series of tein- Leroy 850 sooner or later utterly destroy them unless resoncd hy a aklllcd eighteen hundred aud eighty-two and recorded chaplain, qneatioii, "what is the best services In the old frume court house MellNNu Leo Putnam by hilrN to JudKO hand. Aro you aililotcd? Vonr case may bocasllyournblo now, but weakness, proinaturo loss ot tho ninnly powers, involuntary loss of In thu olllce of tho aaid register of deeds, on ihe ieruiicc lectures in Alubuinu. She ia remember, every moment of neglect brings you nearer tho day vital tlnlda, general prostration, and oftentinica Imbeollity and niulh day of November, A, D. eighteen hnndrcrt cdncatloii lor furiiiers' sons und daugh­ until the building look lire once or All Winter Goods Must be Sold L. Putnam 10 uo off the w aide ote'A ot clirenio optlcpsy. Of nil inaladica nfllicting mankind there ia leijply liitere.sle.lin temperance work swUoraeeSLeroy ; 350 when an inourable stage may aiinerveno. when tho most skillful and eighty-two, iu liher 60 ol mortgages on page ters, who Intend to remain on the twice and the board of supervisors for- J physician can render you no aeaisiance. Tho present Is ours. Tho probably none about which tlio common family dootor in general 3113, npon which inortgngcB there is claimed lobe and waa inclined to accept the urgent Theodore nnd Mabel A. WUIIainn hy practice knowB BO littlo, yot no suircrors need tho attention of tho farm'?" Essay on the above by Ber- iiade their holding further meetings K 0. MEAD :nardlnn lo George A. and Nellie future may bo too late. due,ai thu date of this notice, the sum of uifihtecn ' nice True, lilNauy on the above by there. This pointed to the necessity REGARDLESS OF COST. cull. i<'urllier correspondence, how­ '20 oxpcrlcnecd spcclaliat more than these, and hero wo have to minister hundred and clghty-fiiur dollars (SlSS'l.'JO) and no ?tnwe2-5or nn ucra on aee Htoek- to a diseased body, a diseased mind, nnd Imaginations filled with Mrs. Clara True. DIscusaioiis to fol­ of a new building. He has ol'ssrved ever, developed the I'uct thut attached brldge l a09 A I.iro of Experience and Opportunity. suit orproceudlnga ntlaw having been Instituted Is in line with all kinds of YOU KNOW im morbid dcairea nnd fearful npnrehonsions. Dr. Humphrey's un- to recover the fame or any part thereof, notice low each essay. inuch good dune by the church since to the Invitation there was u string. Gilbert 0. Putnam byKUiudiun to Rich Dr. Humphrey's entire life hna been devoted to tho study and work parallnlcilBUcccsa with these unfortunates arises not only from the nrd H. Putiiuin wJ.i;ore ',i of HW'A of is lliereforo hereby given, that on Tnesday, Iho its foundation. While anxious to secure her services of his profession, and is rich in practical experience in hoapital, dls- fact of tho moat sclentiflo nnd apecliic mcH Omucil l'r»cecdinu;». Respectfully, Dr. Hnmplirey is the only physician who iiroper function of said organ and tlnally weakness iinil nervous debility, also for pros-f God willing, I aliall close my ministry 'tub uariieat in her work to accept nn nnd 17 blk S", Ma.son 1 600 latitis, vnricooelo and all orivato diseases,! lo Mary AlcKilihiii by Clinrles T. IJerky ami.wife (O|.'l,'t0IAI.,J Goods, Etc., Eio. invitatibn coupled with audi teriiis. Fianeea W. WUoox lo Frank C. Jlilsbln has bad the special advantage of Kiu'opcan break down the actual striietiiro itself. Jaiinury 2d, lii.'io, the Cdiiveyniicu thereof huirg among you at the expiration of my sec­ w 22 ft of lot 1 blk 1(17 Lanslnir a 000 liospital studios in mierosoony of tho liiood Even in snmo cases when this has happened whether from iniprndont habits of youth ore recorded iu siiiii reglslcr'a olllcu in liber 17 ol Mason, Jan. IG, 1893. M. O. XOiAS. Jha Best and Purest WledJ.cr)io| Where i.s the boaated chivalry of the nnd tissues, who carries with tilin a full lino of tiiiiisKuJ «/.•((! may stop the ilestriiotivo oper­ ee.xiiiil oxcoRsea in mature years, or any eausoB ond piiidorul yt'iir—Sunday, May 14, Frederick Sharp to Frederick W. ;siiarp that debilitates tho sexual functions, speedllyl duL'ds at pngc 5S2. 'i'liu said snlu will bu made Council met aud was called to order EVER MADE. I south, that will rudely treat a lady eUof aJ4 ofKeoai sioeUbrldgo ;.. D 000. instrnmcnta and apparatus lor milking striot- ation, stay tbo inroads of tlio disease, and Hulijeci tu piiyiiiunt of principal and iiiterevl due 1893. When I came I hoped lo slay in by Mayor HemaiiH. iy soiontifioe.vaniiiiatlons nf tho various text­ give tho patient a cnml'ortAblo and useful nnd pcrmnncntlv cured. Consultation frcol on IL curtain other mort(;a|:u ninile liy thu said ,. yonr iilciwaiil little city several years I /."^ TtwlUdrlvothonumorfromjuiiirl because, foisootli, she gives public ex- Wllllain A. Rowo ot, ai lo I'orter L. nnd strictly cniitldential. AbsoUitoeuresguar-f , I'l'esent, Aid. Brown, Drew, Mill- Huntly and wlf«5ao on nM ofnwli of ures and secretions of tholmdy, ns tho urine, life. Otlior cases, if neglcotcd, after passing William A. MciCibbln to the said .riihii McKib- at least, kiniwiii!,' tliat .shiu'l pautorutea ''^^'HoCsys em nnd innl'^l'-Hj;.?!'! I pi'eHHion to views not in accordance blood, discharges of any kind, catarrhal se­ a eertaln stiigc, dio In spite of all thut sklli anieed. No risk incurred. blii, dated July 10, ]87.'i. aud ri.'Cordud in said bury, Smith, Thorburn and VaiiSlyke. The prices wcinalcc'arc lower than the goods ha-oe ever been •t'^'",^<^t.cleau and Bmoothi. Tl oa«l nw'/i ot NPC 8 Vcvny .* ,125 cretions, etc., etc., which examinations are now cun do. Ilcnee it is nut only ilangoroiis lo do- ure tinpleaBuiit to iiiiuiHtcra, and, as a with tlieir own?—Republican. Frank WellH lo ChiiH. M. Hllllard pt of rui^istur's olllcu Ir, llltor 37 of iiiortgiigOB at page Miimtea of Inst meeting read I % "'•n'V^lLvlmv^os luul Bloteliesj iolH 8 and fl bllt iM Lansliij- 1 150 cnnBldercd inflisponsablo to a correct diagnosis lay, hutotttiinescriminal, forniostall ofiis KplloiiHy or Fits solentlllenlly treated nnd 2lK. ,T01IN MciClllBlN. Mortgngcu. rule, adviu'di^ lo oluircliea. IDiiriug the sold ibr. It is greatly to your interest to invcsligatc this -!!- o/, '/y ^^fejwldch mav your beaiityf in all forms of obsouro and chronio diseases. livo for those wo lovo, far more than for pusllivety cured by a novcr-fuiling method. and approved. / fy'^-r^f^^ma cnuseil by Inipiiie' Soo the Wurld's Fair for Fifteen Cents. George J. CharleH lo Jiiiiios I). E»te.s lots As very few doctors outside the large oitlcs aro oiirsolvos, nnil it is a orlnic against tho.ie to past few moiitliH however, tliouglitH of ^•»', "^V •55-^^^blood, and.cnu-b(;l IB to 23 liiclnslvo nnd lots 35 to 11 inclu­ thus prciiared witli costly outllt of liilcroseopic PersonH iiiisUIUfully treated by ignorant I'csigniiig iiiive (iccasionaHy entered i{|':poiit.s of (.'OMMX'rrKi'M. Take Notice! matter, if you are iutevested in getting goods for less than I ,•'b,/^J„^'^•,*5&^fe^vcHlOVO(llua6llol't| sive kiidner'nad LioiRlni; 1 SCO neglect ourselves until premature dentil piotonilers who keep trilling with tlioai month Ilnted il.iniii'.ry 4,1803. 7'lwiS Upon rt'ceipL of your address and and other essential iiiNtruments for making a closes the scone. my mind—on .scyiiij; tlie lacU of results Ceorue W. WrlKlit lo Oliver W. Halstead strictly lirst-class diagnosis In many cases, tho after niontli, giving polBonoiis nnd injurious Tlie linancecommittee reported back they arc worth. We can save you money dining this sale, llfteeii cents in postage staiiips, we w-lOttoof nw!4 ofi)ec'A5 Vevny 1 100 alllicted would do well to call upon tho doctor DiseuHCH of Women, compounds, should call and see the doctor. UAIiniAN SALE, lly virtue of a license which I L'iiri»esil,v dt'sireii nnd felt I tho following claims, lecommi^ndiiig will mall you prepaid our souvenir Jnlla A. Rnbhiijon mill Martha N. Itiul- und get ills opinion and learn whether tlio snch n.s hnvo lialllnd tho skill of all other G loniu ;;raniuil, on lliu 'JSlh day uf N -veTii- iiiigliD ri'iiH.iiiiilily e.'cpecL. Some time their .'illowunce us follows-: and you make a mistake to let this opportiitiity pass unnotic­ n»rd to rioorise K. WIIIoiIk IoIh 0 blk doors of hope are yet open or forever closed physicians and their remeilles. Dr. Iliiinph- AVoiidorfiil Cures hy my improved method ber, 1'S!)3, by George \\'. llrlstol. jiidu'e of probate portrolio of the World's Columbian of Irontmont accomplished in nervous debility, ago one nf your iitiiiiiier rei^limnieniled D. Sont.lnviek 7 nights on street 0 1,5 173 Lanslnt 2 51'0 against tliem. re.v quickly cures, ruiicors. tiiiiiors, fibroid promuluroilceliiioof manly powers.and kindred of iliu County of lni!hani,und Stnto of Michigan, ISxpoaltloii, the regular jirice ia fifty Hornllo G. Pioolor In John W. aud Miu'v and polypoid growths cured without tho 1 slinll sell at public nuctlon. on Uiu Illli day of mo lo witii fur tlic New Year, which .1. C. l''liigerlo wood foreiiulno rnoiii .1 35 Wo are the people -who are ed. Wc are closing out all grades of aU'eotloiis, wliloh have beoii ncgleetert or uu- 2 50 cents, but as we want ynu to have (Id ^GROCERIES CHEAPj) AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE IT. In liiglieat style of art. If iiolautiafied living from im'h to four ouncelecss io f iho Ilrst urluo passed in tho innniliig for e.xiuiiiniiiioii. Wlillo lir. nuinplirey's perinaiiont aildre.ss is county, MU'.hl:;nii, It. Trufry, iicr pt lot, 1 blk SU7 l.nnslnL' 10000 C'lik'Ugi), 111., owing to Ilio liirgurgeo iiiiiiiher (if pupiitloiut s In Moiithorn .Mleliigaii and Norilieiistcrn liiilluna aiul Ohio, ho has looarcd a brunch (iiiardinn of snid Wllllun llenrv Town. die tiKist t'lKMiiini.ijin,'; litis come titiil Geoi Acker work at engine rnoiu 2 61) with It, after you get, it, we will re­ .lolin iJeinoreRI. to .lescpli W. Ilalley v/'i oHleeunn ilisiieiiBury at Ulllsiliilo, Mlohlcan, where all leiloi',s fniiii iliis section can bo addresseil. Cor. North and llrond Sts. I5ated Nov, 29,1602. ITSOivTp gotic wliiliinil. pi'cMciiiills' tliot^c liiiils .Moved und .mipport^'d lliat lliu re­ fund the stamp.s and let you keep the , of 10123 lilk 11 Wlilte's.snli f.iiiiRinn...;.'. 800 Willis HimlliiK 01 III lo Wither K nnil of pi'dtiiisc f feel ('oiiHiruincd to tiilto port of conimillee lie !i(;(iepleil ami or­ Hoods, Faoiiiiators, Fasrs, iid Mitms, book. Addre.sH, H. E. Bucklen it Myra fj. Johiisiiii se!4 of no'i of kco 0 {i«5"'..lll U'l.lei'rt Ineldslng Ntiiuip for postage ansivtsrcil free. .VI1 (toi'i'cspondence iiiid (^oiisiiinLtiiiii in slrletost colllldenec. linKROFl'UilLK^ATION. ,stMtonf Mlch- tilia painful step, imiyiiij'- I'nit I iiiuy iunii. circuit conn lor thu County of ing- ders drawn for Hiiiiii;. Ciu'rieil. Yeas, Co., Chicago, III. 4 .SIoekbrldKO 'i:7^wTPs^iir-<.';ri''''TCm»r;iffiffi!B!^^ O lie direclcii to u. lu'iiiiic lo wikiiii Islmll Kanl.son Cro,ss to Isiiiifi Viindorbeeli s'i 750 liniii. in Chuucury. Mury ifowlcr. com|iIninant, Aid. Brown, Millluiry, .Stnilli, Tiior- We do not quote prices. , Call AT PRICES BELOW COST. ofswJi of KPi.i sec 20 .-Vnreltus vs. Oaiilel l{ohiiisoii,.lr., (luiViidnut, Suit iiunti- tie Of gt't-iir.er Ht-rvii'e nnil that'"riial burn. Drew and VanSlylio. 1,000 Ing 111 till! circuit cdurt for tlio Counry of Ing- ...» -iskW'' "'f » A Woiidcrfiil Slateiiieiit. Ch'.irles M. Hleo to ISIiner P. Gayloiil Great Slieplicnl of liie Srilieeii," liy The (iimncc conitniUee i'(>ported at our Store and we will parcel oflaiid on i\y. of no'4 ot see 22 Buy niilliitii'a Great Gernmii 15 cent K01I.\TK ORUEIt. rtl.iit.j of Mlchiu'Un. liuui. In l.'linucury. nt t,liuCItynf Mnsdn in said sninll—oiilyatca^v^'&L. ^ .„ Proprietors of Dullani'a Great Ger- - —THE- iininily of I ii^Iiiim, t^H. .i\t n HCHsion oi ilit* cnuiity, ou tliu20ili day of Novuiiibur. A, 1). 18112. .some other under shepherd, may more back the f iiieiit, iiujcle liyKlgiii wiitcli conipuiiy, Ir. Ilie liiKi yi>/ii'.> I told lier I did not know. On n^iulin;' tuuj ll)ln;rll)u petilioii, duly vuri* niipunninco, he cnnso his luisiver to the com- ol(1 age, use SULVUUli Bl'T'i'EUS ai'lly relieved. Someofiny friends per­ best. Kept by llod, «)f K. Loiini*I)ury pniyiiiK UiIn court KininiiO, lined o 150 an excellent titno keopt'r, which ctiii To (liieMirs I have paid nothing, iiiiii live pluliiniit's bill nf complaint In this cnnse to he Patrick Kerns 2 78 Thoy never fail to cure: suaded nie to try your Great Qorinaii ilollurs' worth iii Sulphur UlMers liiis kept to udjndiaiiu hiid duUirmInu who, wnrc at tlio lUud, nnd a copy tbii'.eof to be survud ou the Some of ynu litive iK.'Cunic specially Jackson Corsets for 50c, be liad cheap for cash or .sciiaoiiLHi lime uf lii^ duntli the lo^jiil lit'ii'H nf'iiiiid dticeuHtul Wm. H. llayner 32 88 Bring your Eeniedy for tiie Blood, Bliunacli and iiciKtli 111 (lur I'liinily. L. Anpiikw.s, 12 liow- nnd uiirtMud hy.Um Iuw'h of ihis Rtatu lo iiilicrlL riOiiiplnliiant's solliillor within twuuty davs nftcr dear to me'in Clirist ,leaii.s—yon liavo Wiiltor.S, Itoot , 6 78 beech and maple wood. tf dfllu street, UiisKiii. 75w2 serylcD ol a sniil copy nf enid bill niid a notice of "oft refreshed me," ami oonci.'rning Send S 2-ceut sUinips to A. r. Ordwiiy & Co.; ' Kidneys and lo niy surpri.se after us­ FRAZEL & THORBURN. liiH i-LMil cfilaU! nnd tlie hIuhu oi portion of uach. thlsorilor: and Hint In defuult Iheruol the said Kaldwlii SItta 1 1« Beaver Shawls from $1.50 upward, BoBCou, llasa,, for hoct medical work inibliehqUif, Thtsroiinon it ordurud, tlial Miu Siivcntli (7Mi) thechni'Cli in tlic ugKrcgate I cmior,se Aaii I. Barber 13 S7 BUTTER AND EGGS ! ing three bottles I felt like a new iiiaii. day of Ft'briuiry m-'xt, at tun o'clock in thu foro bill bo taken ns coiil'essod by Ihe auld Uefundiuit. If you desire you can u.so niy iiaine in School ]tt>]iort. -•Vnd it is fullior ordered. That wilhin twenty the loyiiig words of dear old Siiinuel, Moved und supported that thfl re­ J. llCy always Iccep the v cry ChoiC- ! ihkui, he iis..i1i;immI fertile luiarlngnl said pctl ilnys the saidcnmpliiluant cause this order lobe Just the same as CASH. Cloaks from $1.50 upward. •School report anil avenino Hliindint'of the •...Tt rtTTll l-!,Trlc/^f • tloii, niKl lluu the liiiirs a*, liiw of Biild ilecunsed, published In the Iniiiiam Coun'I'v Nkwb, ii "God forbid that I should sin a.i^ainst port be accepted. Carried. Y'eas, rlnt or by reference in any of tlie pnplls Indlslrlei, No. fi, Vcvuy, for tho term tbi Ol .111 Kinus OI III,,) 1,11 ,,i|„,|. porfoiiB ialei'esied in siilii usiiile, the Lord in ceasing to pray for you." rand Rapids, Miclii«aii, papers, or pnperpiibllslied nnd printed In snid county, and Aid. Brown, Drew, Milibury, Smith, S cnminonclnB Seiu. 5 and enillni! lioe. 23. lire riqulrud Ui nppe.'ir nt a session of Hild court, that said publication bu continued oucu in each Y''oui's in tiie spirit of Joliii Fawcet'a Respectfully, liny other papers in tlie states, to con­ Tho.ie marked with a star neither abseiit:nor then In lie liiilili'ii III the priilmiii nlllci!, In the week for six weeks Iu auccotsloii, or Hint hii Thorburn and VunSlyke, Yours truly, vince the utnictcd that it ia tlie best tardy. city of Musoii, and Blmw Riiiisu, if any llii-'vii la;, cnusc a copy of this orderto be persouallv sun.'e(l hymn (Blost be tho tie that binds). On motion , couiiuil adjourned for Fresh& Salt Meats wliyilic pi'iiycr (if the petillener Hliimlil not bu on snid dcfonibiiit. al least twenty dnyii hcfori: Nai'oi.I'MN Smith, one week. Blood, Liver and Kidney medicine Arthur Diamond, Nettie lllamond S7.'•Fro- Ki'iuileil; .-Mid It Is liiitlicr ordered, tliiil siiiil Ihe time prescriheU for his nnpuarnncu. on eartli. I feci like a new iimii. dlo Aseltlii1o0 siiSO,, fti.vnieM.vrMe AseMineABeltlne, Marv GongaGnnua.- lieilii(iiiur;,'ive notice lo Uie peisoiiB Inttu'csled „, ,. , 'JOHN C. sfiuiuns. Mason, Michigan. John C. FingkulI':, City Clerk. ware 87, Slaliiy Hawkins, 81'" , Geni" e Aseltlne, POULTRY AND CAfViE. Have lived hero over 40 years.—$1 a *l']|isa Cent.it.rci , 'SCIimud Hall 03. *Doi'a Hall, iu siilil estiiti'. uf till! pendency of siilil petition, January 11, 1S93. HALL & Dubois iiiid the lieai'liig tliereef, liy eiiufim; n copy of Pbyslclana' prescriptions linvo failed to bottle. .L M. LiviNG.STON, "'Harry Hallill., WliiiileHearlo. . , , Linda Northrup, tlii,i oi'iicr 10 III! piibllstieil In the Iniiita:!! Circuit Court Comnilssionerlnglinin Coiinly. The above was read to the congrega­ I'Cnrrlo Shatluok, *Ida HnlineH 00. Illiinclie Cash Paid for Hides and Pelts CnUN'rv Nkwk, ii piiper pi-intud iiiiil uiruiiliueil A. I'l. Cowi.Ks, Coinplainiiiit's Solicitor. tion on Sunday morning Jan. 15. roach many cases of rlioumatlsm known to Grand Rapida, Mich. Shnttnek. Mati'ii': B. jEWErr. Teacher. Attest—A true copy ofrocoid. havo been anbsequenlly cured by (jalviitlou have .used Dr. Bull!sf For sale by O. W. Halstead & Bon in siiid conntv, three siicoiisslvo weeks iiryvtous •John F, Rousk, The (diui'cli and congregation met nt oil. That is Uie reason why the popular 10 said duy ol lieiiritii,'. (..V truo couv.1 iteglsterlii Chnncory, I'lilhvO the close of the service and deferred voicu I.s practically unanimous in its favor, and F. H. Field. 3 Ulieiiiiinti.siii Cured in a liny. Cough Syrup in our family < UfAMTBn A REPRESENTATIVE for A. M. COWLI';s, iiiiul action till the next covenant 25 cents. "Mystic Cure" for rlieiinintis'tn and O. ,r. lloou. Judge (if i'roliiue. IVAn I Clll. our FAMILY TREASURY, the i OIlTGAGI': SALK. WiiKUBAR, nolanll has meeting, which will occur on Feb, 4. # for years and find it to be < School lleport. iii'iiral.i,'ia radically cures in 1 to 3 (^reaiesi. book over otrered to the pulille. I'nibiito licslBter. rswl M been mudu in the cnnditlniin of piiymuiit Buy Dullam's Great German 25 cent FollowiUL' is tlio report of tlie days, Il.s uctioii upon tlie syBteiii is Our conpiiii sysloin, wlileb wo use in selling nl a curtain reul eatntc niortgngo, dntud tliu2ud Cough Cure, rat O. W. Halstead & 5 the best remedy for croup^ this greiil worK, eiiitlileN each iiurehaser lo 1IANCI3RY SAt.i':. In pursnnnce nnd by dny of ,luly, A. 1) , l,Sfl2, u.iucuted by ,'jiisnn D. Son's nnd F. H. Field'?. * school in tlistrict No. 3, Wlieatflold, reniarkulile und iiiysterioiis. It re­ get t.lio liools FREE, so everyone imrebiises. C- virtue o- f nil nrdiir nnd duci'uo of (hu clr hllclilcr of Mnson, iMIcliignn, tn Dnnlel O. ainy Very Much Surprised. I and cough.. We have'iised < for the month eiidiiiii: December iiO, moves at once the cause and the dis­ For.lils llrat weok's work oiieiigent's profit emit court for Iliu riiuiity of Iii)^Iiaiii In cliiuic.ury of thu towushlii of Alniudou, lughniu county, I have been aflHicted with neuralgia 1892. These iiirirkcd with a star were In tloa.OO. AiKiMier $130.00. A LADY has iu the ijlnle nf MIelilgnii lunilu niul dnlt'd ou Iliu MIcliignn, which snid mortunge was rucorrted in r it for our children who are;l ease immediately f;^v nianehard 07, '•Irvin Campbell • 01, '•Ei.ile lioreudniiis. llvu Uollurs stipulated lor lu said luortgiiuo aiid Signed, A, B. Snell, OFFERS Must toilet prupui'aliuii.s ruin the IF YOU USE no suit or proceeding's nt law linviiig bcuii insti- Glclilleaattelioand rellovoall thottonUeii too?- Tobias ll.5,'»L'eL'll Pollolt l)S,'JnnicN Kent 01. liiCf. Bozodora doen not. It is guar­ Notice is heieliv given Hint I slinll sell nt iMib' tiilud to I'uuovur thu debt now reinniiiing secnr- Hamilton, Mich., April 11,1891. flant to nbllloua Btatoot tho Byr.tom.euoh at) •• : Gneontai:N.''Y;'#i.af'' Jerry Kent w,, Kred 8(inlroN So. •Nellie He auction to the highest bidder nt Mic Iront dour ml li.v siiifl morlgiiiju, nr any pan tliereiii, where­ For sale by O. W. Halstead & Son Sls2ino3u, NauBoa. Drowalnoaa, Dlstroaa after; 4^'«i/«i/?a''%/ia/tai/«A^^ Blnnoliard 1)7.'I'i'll.hcl I'olink 05, •Addle Kent anteed to remove freckhs, tan, siiii- of Ihu court house In Iliu cllv of JIiisoii nnd eating. Pain In tho Bide, to. While tholr mcaS 'Ella I'oUolc 05, ••Ablilo Pollnlc Oj, *Ivii Kini? GILLETT'S Act on a now pitnclplo— comity of inglinm, l\lich!)!nn, being tho pijco fur by the [lower of snlu coiilnliied In snid mort- and F. H. Field. * GREAT REDUCTION CH£W. IWJEJS PLUGS, Tho Groat 1fobacco:|'j:t:'r, biirn nnd blotclii's of all kinds, leaving giige Iins liucnme opcrailvu. ^amatkablo euccoaa hafl boon anonu la cuans . Cl WVflnlWola 1-PfIco 10 CIS. M all dealer*.' rOs,; 01, "Q ladys 111 liK 0(1, 'Kd I 111 Cam pbe 11 (17, • VI ntha e face u iiutnriil white, and Impart­ legalata the Uver, etotacch holding tho cliciiir coiiit for said county, ou CORK SOLE SHOES, ARCTICS, Mleadmiui UD, •Iluri-.v ViinOnniii 00, Leo Mav antt bowels through (ha rrlflii.V ili<> 'riili'il llii.v »r .tinreli. A, I> Now, therefore, iiotluu Is liuruby given, thut by 00, *gorllo .Sqnli'e.s (i5, 'ISslolla Polar 07, •Penrl ing a youthful delicacy and softness to ntrvet. Im. MiLBs'Fmca <;iKlileun hiiudied ninety three alOo'clocl! In virtue ol said power of snlu, nnd In piirsuunco All Free. IN PRICES ON • VnnCampCT, iciora Steel 00, Alnui FolnrSS, ewv blllonsneei^ tho foruiioon all nf the following described par. the skin. Thousands of ladles have of thu statute ill such cusu mado nnd provided Tli'ose who liai'e used Dr. King's SICK STORM SLIPPERS—Fleece Lined, Boopiid Grade.—•Uonjinin Polhilt, •Zelina used >t for years and would not be MAGIC cul of land, to wit: Lot one In block one In thu thu snid niorigngu will bo foreclosud by a sale of „.„ AiSiSHit viilngo nf Okemos, Ingliimi county, Michigan, tho.prenilsus liercluuftor described, at public New Discovery know its vuluo, and CUSTOM MADE Pollnlc, •n.inina lllmiohard,*Huzle Vanl.'ainp, witliout It. If iheie is no agent in lo rnlso the nmouiit duu to Iho said complnliiunl IScaSaebe. yet Oartot'a Uttia ttrse Sffll tar ill !P.';V,','5\?' 'oi'i'l'Idlth «leol,*N<(r'ii8toiidnmii for Interest nnd cost in Uiia cause, in nccnrdniico nuciloiilothe highest bidder, nt the front floor those will) iiave not, have now the STOCKINGS AND RUBBERS; '•Millie PolloU,«'Almu Follok, liBtlior Pollok. your locality, send 75 cents to the nf thu cniirt house In tlio city of Mnsoji, In said .opporttiniry to try it free. Call on the llozodoraCo., Buiitli Bend, Ind., fora with thu terms of said dcuno, county (if lughaiu, (thut being thu plnce where OVERCOATS •. :;vi'.v;! Dutcd Lansing Michigan .Tununrv llkh 1603, advertised druggl.st and get a trial Jlvorandtesuiatethaboinlf. STentttberool; huge bottle sent In a pluiu wrapper. WM. A.I'RASKIi, tliecli'Ciiit coiiit of aaid connty Is liolden) on the . FELTS AND RUBBERS, I'lirsiclaiigOutdoiio. YEAST SOLD BY LONGYEAR BROS. Sih day of ApiII next, nt 2o'clock in Uiu after­ Jmttle free, Send your name and nd- .\genl8 wanted. PURB Circuit Oourt Comviisiif IhnlUuy; which said piumlsns aru dus wlS stores. 4 am'sOroHt German Female Uterine count, and that I have appointed the sixth day fi'oni now until Jan. 1st, .It '''':'^'-,^y-&: • puSUg b/kaoUso glron Xree ot ohorga In (!•« j 1 i Tonic: nnd Dulluni's Great German perfect satisfaction or money refunded. of Koliriiary next, at 10 o'clnck In tho forunnun, . • . FOR THE Prlee 25 cents per box. Forsale by H. at Ihn iirnbRtu oflico in said connty, us tho time foil lid D«fi, I'rop,. no Grand 9t N. body will bs ieot en%% loimedlRtely.-Oto, bers from $1.50 up. ' ' t:~, ! Oomoieroial. J.N. SMITH, Tailor. I .^curiwueuimiMurcga a. p, i-AHJIW. ^ safer a^g,m«3as tf draoMi mqr«>MC% «c Mat by maO., AABTCM Mmemi OO.. N«w.V( SlULLPtLSIMaDOSE.

.tv'.' •ri|l,(.:i m •CiS.~r.':.' i M ' OfTAVE OHARQEa lUdHmN'STATE NE^s: MIOMIOAW I.BQWLATUB1. i -5i*^Nl«.'.-.'.^^^^i'./*'fc|.-;;rfw,'.-'.-.>.t.-....il!'>a;ifl^>a^*.'v».,...... nomloent'lliibdr Uwdan'Ptaead «n Ttlalall T ABOUT WHEAT CULTURfc^^ Beware of Ointments'for Catarrh That LASitao, Miol>.t'Jan. tl.-aoTMU«lk'sentika AGRICULTURALHINTS. ,_,__HlBfi.»'*o«k.,., ^•aaslona. siffhlthar, iMaqm ^heavjKl •J'.; 'Oaavtolioa'orait;.IaBac«nt:lfaa>^.t:' at rittaburab, Acouaad of Uompllolt, ra ' Ooatain Merourjr, • - iinh^W^it!.^-(y'ii'i-|'''''ij-)l>iwi'i: loUowtag nominations (atbesenate yesterdar: A Crop That r-aavea Little Kxoapt BocMry as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of ,„ „ ., :lo'".. the.!.'^ioi^ttliifl«. M wa lay ..upon it, ttha stok plfhto Oeorge' Bossenbergar was iound tha'Polauuint 'or Mon-Vnloa :'Maa at •/iUi)]i'l •irii'.!'. "yiiJ'.lu'nn.i It; Bailroad CommlBBlonen BUneoa B. BilUagi. of FOR POULTRY iffAfKHf. T i-.V, :. r-r.].v .•a«.-,Uapletea,IMI.:> •,..,, snoll and couiplotoly derange the whnia a( a 'eoopb and^ he oriea ontt HPVh*' when she watahod .na loaf'aftw'avary guilty on otroumstantial cvidenca by a OeaeaiM!' Commlsaionerot. Miaeial statlsttoa, ' Homaatead. • ayst*Bi;whea;.^aatcrlnir It.'through the m»~ '""^hr.to m»y farmers ij^ntlni* to these that fly as doves ta ana was tired out hut God and harself. •juryiln the recorder's court at Detroit! James B.KnIgbt ot .DlekUiBapi Adjutant jQea* PiTTSBunoH, Pa., Jan. J8.-rTho trial • A Device for FiMdlBti-|l)fiie^v>C<>SJk ,IHid' ecus surfaces, iliuoh^articles.fshould never •ral, Obarles I* Eaton, oi Van Burent WHsrfor- bausad exespt^cn prMcrlpUons from re- their windowa?"<^ DaTi4,, with Saul Her life-blood beats'onionr heart and of: murder in the first degree for tha 'Wheat to'^ffiikjl.,-.'^-^-'!! -ni; ;Rj»y^l Baking Powder. a TillWui All th* Oom> tenaastor Qenoral, Qeorge It. Devlin, of Jock- of 'Hugh Dompsey, district master «^liltv»{pe^lLs''ttS^nilUCOT^^ putabM pliyaiclans, astbn damage, they; will after htm,, and flylnr' from^^caT* herimage lives in our faca. : That man killing of William Knaok. Affidavits A self-feeder,- '.iDr<7.f««dlng cracked: 00 ts'.tan fold.to tbe good you can posaibly. t:st Ingiaiid aoino a(th»:«SM»k«ra« ion; iDBiieotorGieneral, P.; J. Haynes, of St. Workman of the Knights; of La.bor, J, only exi^ntn on the theory thatthey do Stove po?,^? , TrIbM, who PniM Hh* : ' «rn to, cavern, compares himself to ia graceless as a cannibal who ill-treats In support of a motion for a new trial Clair; members ot tbe State MUltary Board, corn and wheat to young chicks, la derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cur& M- Diivldaon and Robert Boatty, not know Its cost, do not take the manufactured byV. J. Cheney.& Co., To- r floatlnwUr. a desert partridge, a hird whleh espa^ hla parents, and he who hegrndges them were filed by the attorney for the de­ W. D, Qrcone, ol Wayne, and FredB.NoTen)Ba, charged with poisoning non-union given In tins issue, being tho design of THE GOVERNMENT TESTS' uu HOT R UEwclVcD ^MBV^VBiMi* ot Menominee; . Salt iDspootor, Qeorge. .W. trouble to think {^al)6ufr^»j"br thl| they: : lado,p.'i eonuins no/merauryj'^nnd is taken with'PRii(«s,-.aoiinel«, and.Palnts whlcU etally hanata roebiy plaioea; land hoys' dally bread and blothes them hutshalv- fendant, from which it appears that workmen in the homestead steel mill Mr. A. P. Luce, New York. It can be lnter)iaflyv-'heliiig' directly ^urfen the blood tlio aandn.lnlure the Irnn: and burn atr, .••. BUI, of Sugtnaw. AU tbe nominations were keep on sowing with something'of thjr ESTABLISH ITS ABSOLUTjB' SUPERIORITY, . Tlin.uinln/BunHtoval'olliihlii imillnnt, aind hunters,-to thia day .take after it hUy, may God have patience with him; Bossenberger is Innocent and that Otto oontlTrood. 'J'he chairmen are: . during last August, began hero made of half-Inch boards. Fig. 1 ahows and mucous aurfaces ol the system. In lets. Durable, and tbe oonnnnor iiayi tur Tho following dtMoume, in oonttnuiv gambler's trust In the"turn of luek," •with; atloksi :"fbr • the pirtridge runs I can not I heard a man once say: "I Sohulthers Is guilty. IToung Schul- AgrlouUural College, Crane; Agrloulturol In­ Thursday In. a crowded,! courtroom. the feeder:itrendy-for tuse. Hlis the buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got oralaMjiiMikiHH, wltli oTcrrpHrolittiw. tion of tho BQrloBoinf'God EverywheiOi^ a bopa.;i,that favorlBBf^iiBiiBaitlonsi will thCigehulne.'Jt'ia token lntoraBlly,'.and' v;\,\Data/romthel«teitOfficial U. S.Governtnenf Report ok Baking rather, than .flies!' Davldr chased, and now have my old motheron my handa" thera, who is a nephew of Boasen- terest, Qarvollnh; Asylum for Criminal Inaane, Boatty la accused of having,., ar­ hopper, two: feet long, fife Inches deep, WRs dellvoroa liy Bar. T, UeWHt Tal- Crane; Asylum for Insane, Sabin; Banks and neTct aeasim.anable tham^jto/reap a made in 'Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.'.Choasy ft clubbed; and harried of purauers, aaya; Ye storks on your way wlthfoodto berger, haa confessed to having com: ranged with Davidson ond other cooka four mches wide at, the .'.top and one- Co,< Tostimonmls free. |. .'• ". \: ',; PowdertiDtpartment o/> Agriculture, Bulletin is, page S99.\ i: tnngo in the Brooklyn VtaberhaoUfrota Corporations, Steele; Cities and VIllageB, mnoh.largpr, VloUl;thaii thoy havaany "I am hunted aa a partridge on the youraged parents, shame himt mitted the murder for which his unci* at the mill to adinlniater tha poison fourth of an Inch wide at the bottom. It . QTSoia bz DruKgista, price T5o^-per bottVi.! ,.>-••••--. c. '/.: :;. • ;•': •••• .•,:.. - • , • . • • THE FIRST FLIGHT, the text! Weiss; Claims and Public Aocoanta, Jewell; reason to expect, or * that great failure mquntaine." Speakincr of hla forlorn 'But we can not stop here. From a ia now serving a life sentence. Bossen­ Constitutional Amendmoats, Clapp; Fisberles, Which, it is alleged,' Dompsey fur­ holds from two to three quarts of feed. BoholiI tbs fbwii ot tha Ur.r-Uftttow Ti., ail In some part of tlie world will ao ad­ TEAonsa (to the class in chemistry)— "Royal is placed first of the cream of tartar "-A Complete lllnftratcd NoVel',''|by,::' ' , condition, ho says! "I am like apell- tall cliff banging over the sea I hear berger will probably be released. Qtbson; Qeologtoal Survey, Poico; Horticul­ nished. The charge of having procured It may be, wider at tho bottom, how- Thoro is •tlence 'now in all our! Janu« ture, Jewell; House of Correotlon at Mar- vance prices that even thClFlBantir' -Kwhat dliiw)sea-water contain besides tba JUniAN GORDON,, oan of the wlldorneas." Describing the eagle calling unto the tempeat and and disbursed tho money used in the I sodium chloride that we have ciontlonodl*' powders, actual strength,'16.6;6 .cubic i^^^^ Author of "A Diplomat's Diary," oto„ ;«ry forests, except aa the wind whlatlea auette, Pasco; Immigration, F.aTle; Indus­ product.majr afford some,prpfit. The hla lonelineas, he says; "I am a lifting its wing to smite the whirl­ Baporta to tha UcaUb Board. furtherance of tha scheme is also puf BtJbby Hmlth—»Flah, Bir.'l-- iB contained In. .:• ; through the bare branbhea. Our trial Home tor Qlrli, Barnard; Institution irbVerQm'etrt''r« port, places leavening gas per ounce of powder. swallow on a housetop." Rezekiah, in wind. Moses, Jeremiah, Hosea and Sixty-seven obiiervera In various lo­ for Doat and Dumb, Crane; Insurance, upon Dempsey. sorthorn wooda tkro deserted Concert yield of wheat of the United States for it Traval' wlt^ a-Vrlend ,•,•'• IiIPPlHCOTT'S |«R6flZiJlE III theamaolatlon of hla siekness, com­ Habakkuk at times, in their writings, calities in tbe state say that during the Earle; Judiciary, McKinley; Labor Interests, ': jEvery other powder tested exhibited ;a much The cases grew out of the numerous 18i93 at IS baahelS per acre; the averagis , IFhoyrtllprotect ,vou'from dhoao enemlai lialiB.' Tlio oriran loftain the temple ol pares himself to a crane, thin and take their pen from the eagle's wing. week ended January 7 cholera mor­ Clapp; Liquor Trafllo, Barnard; Lumber Inter- lor FEBRUARY (puWIflhod January SO), .., eats, Crane; Counties and Townships, French; cases of illness among the workmen in by.states Is given ot from OK to saJi —nausea, indigostiott, malaria and tbo siok- ulao, •••,••, .••-.;•':: nature aro hymnless. Treea wUich Waated.; Jobhad ao much trouble! he It is a bird with fierceness in Its eye. bus, pneumonia and typhoid fever have ncsB producodf by racking on tho wavoa, Icjwer strength than the Royal, the average Bducallon and Public Schools, Hopkins; Execu­ the Homestead mill. At first those , bushels. Nearly one hundred. Kansas HEN WHO REIQNBD; Dennett, arceley, R«y»-: ; , Were full of carol add chirp and chant could nbtslebpnights, and he describes Its feet armed with olawa of Iron, increased, and cholera Infaritum, dys­ tive Business, Garvelink; Federal Relations, j ^aad.'sometimea by inland traveling over tbo •nand.PrcnllcOiPornoy. (Journalist Sorloti.^ j; stricken with the siekness showed all farmers report yields of considerable rough beds of Ul laid railroads. Buoli a being 33 per cent. less. !•;,,,., , / V' (Portraits). ByHon.JOHN UusSBLt.'jroimo.; . I- «ronow waitinir for the coming back his Insomnia by saying: "lam a com­ and Its head with a dreaded beak. entery, consumption, diphtheria, meiii^^ McLauglln; Finance and. Appropriations, Fox; Meohaulcal Interests, French; Milltory ARairs, the symptoms of typhoid fever ! and areas, rouging all the way from 80 friend is Hostotter's ..Btoinach Bitters. JOSIAH'S ALARM. By JOBIAII At.L]IN>»W«ril,. • tich plumoa and warblingr •bices, panion to owls.". Isaiah compares the Two or three of them can fill tha branons croup, typho-malarial fever ;'Ocean'mariuora,' yuobtsmon, cotnmorcial Every other powder likewise showed the WRBSTLINQ. (Alblotlo SurlcB.) auustriuca.). : 'aolos, duets,' quartettes, cantatas and Mears; Mining School and Mining Interests, were treated by the physicians for bushels to as high as 05 per acre, quite By HEaMANii', wotrif. ' i; desolations of banished Israel to an heavens with clangor. But general­ and^iaflammation of the bOwels de­ QarvelInU; Normal School, Pierce; Printing, and theatrical agents and' tourists testify To Dennis. But the Blblo Isfull of that disease. But, after the first ti large proportion running above 40 to tlio protective potency of this effective presence of alum or sulphuric acid.' THE RUSSIAN APPROACH TO INDIA. By owl and bittern and cormorant among ly this monster of the air is creased in area of prevalence. Diph­ Sawyer; Publlc^.BulldlnKS,Earle; PubltoHeallh, .ICAIILBMND. liirds'at'all seasons, and prophets nnd few days, the typhoid chiiractbr- bushels. Now, at 80 to 40 bushels per safeguard, which conquers also rheumatism, a city's ruins. Jeremiah, describing alone nnd unaccompanied, forthe roa- theria was reported at forty-five Subln; Publio Improveme'nts, Steele: Publio nervousness and biliousness. The claim that this report" shbws any other powder of su­ NEW PHILADELPHIA. (lUuatratod.) Bf; ;: patriachs und apostles and evanffelista Lands, Posco; Kailronds, Plesheim; State istics disappeared and tho doctors oere there miiy bo,o fair return to the CnAiiLKS Monius. the cruelty of parents toward children, aon that its habits are so predaceous it places, scarlet fever at sixty-five, • . , • - perior strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood THE FIRST-BORN OP THE ORCHARD; Iljr .1 and Christ Himself employ them for Library, Sawyer; State Prison, Earle: State were unable to diagnose tho cases fdrtner on ch'etip land'at even 00 cents -People aro so inconsistent. They will comparea thoni to the ostrich, who requires Ave or ten miles of aerial or typhoid fever at twenty-eight and Public School, Sabin; Supplies and Expenses, FiiANCis Wilson. other than "poisoning from impure per btishel;' but, at 13 bushels and be­ speak in complimentary terms of tho minis­ by the Government officers who made the testa. moral and religious purposes. My text leaves its eggs In the sand.uncnrcd for, earthly dominion all for itself. The measles at nineteen places. French; University, McLaughlin; Rules and ever, and an opening of one-quarter of RECOLLECTIONSOPSEWARDANDLINCOLN., , 'Ja an extract from the Sermon on tho drinking water," Numbers of the sick low; what can there- be, even at 80 ter's slow delivery while thoy swear at the (Portrait,! By James Matlaok acoviu .. crying: "Tha daughter of my people black-brown of its back, and the white Joint Rules, Sabin; Saline IntcTCsts, McGIn* an inch made In the'bottom,'so aa to , moBsengor boy's. —YonkerS Btatcsman. . SEVENTH-COMMANDMENT NOVELS. By Mount, and perhaps It wos at a mo­ ley; School for the Blind, McLaughlin; workmen were brought to Pittsburgh allow the feed to fall through. . D D are cents a bushel? At 80 cents 13 bushels Is become like the ostriches of the wil- of its lower feathers, and the fire of its Teachers Kleot umeeri. ' Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift MIIIIAM Coi.Es HAiinia. ' , . '. ment when a flock of birds flew past Soldiers' Home, Barnard; State Affairs, Barn­ hospitals, where they were treated by the ends of the hopper, and G|C.are two bring only $10.40. How well will that I Ipiouson "God Everywhere," I preach manna and they had quails—quails on the rock, something never to ba for­ tute instructors. Officers were chosen the hopper up half an inch from the phuric acid, and renderthe food unwholesome. JvuMiiKtiiElnoaiiow fiubllniiuU. rorimlo by ttllnowoMn* lin yesterday gave notice of the Introduction ot Carnegie Steel company pnt their de­ ket? Added to this, tliere is interest notto Novelty Co., 183 Wabash avenue, Chi- bookUuiilurti. tttuKlu nuntboi*.Toibr cDUtairnlo ib ypurnnntiin»i ull nownMnil.X- 'to you this third aormon ooncernib(r for breakfast, quaila for dinner, gotten. Scattered about its eyrie of al- as follows: bottom of the trough, to allow the cago,'Ill. • .ll&CDiitiii purnnmiin^iX ' a iolnt resolution proposing an amendment to tectives at work to sift the matter to or rent of land—not loss than S3 per UmwcOJPT'S SUGAZmK, rhIladolpWo. •the "Ornithology of the Bible, or Qod quails for supper, and thoy died of titudinouB solitude are the bonoi PraHldent, Walter H. Cbeever, of lianslng; the constitution relative to the employment feed to run down, ns shown in Fig. 1. the bottom. The result of tho detect- acre. Then there is another factor of I When men have their dinners of state ..Ainonpr tho Birds. quaila The Bible refers to the migra­ of its * conquests. But while nrst vice proaldent, F. E. Converse, of Pontlao; of convicts and tho use of machinery in tho E is the trough where tho chicks eat. Ives' work was the unearthing of un cost that I don't believe ono farmer in they always toast tho Indies. When women "I WAST," said an astronomer, "an in- How to Visit the World'a Fair. I Most of the other aoiencca you may tory habits of the birds, and says: "The tho beak and tho elawa of the seoonU vice preaiaent, F. D. Davla, of Ncgaunco; prisons of the state. The change proposed It ia twenty-five inches long and two banquet together thoy always roast the treasurer, S. 13. Laird, ot Doivuglao; members Is that no machinery except hand tools alleged plot to poison the non-union ten ever stops, seriously, to think of— sc'.'iptlon lor my now teloacopo which shall This is the title ot an illustrated "folder" •atudy or not as you ploase. Use your stock knoweth her appointed time and eagle are the terror of all tho nnd one-half inches \'\^ide, inside meas- meu.—N. O. Picuyuua, bo in tho nature of an address to tho stars." issued by the Chicago, Milwaukeo & St. ot executive commltto, C. H. Ournoy, ot Hills­ may be used and that prisoners may bo- men. Tho indictment under which namely, tlio value of tho plant-food •own Judgment, 'exercise your own tho turtle ond the crane and the swal travelers of tho air, the mother eagle dale; MlMS Edna Havens, ot Owobso, and £. M. conflnod for crimes committed within tha uro, and ono and one-qutirtor inches Tlio Most Flensant Way "Bow would 'Hero's looking at you' do?"— Paul Railway lor tho bonellt of all Western Bcatty is being tried cliarges tliut Sold witli the wheat. This plant-food Buffalo Express. pooplo.who intend to visit Chicago Ironi -taete. But about this science of ornl- low tha time of their going, but my is most kind and gentle to her young. Plunkett, of Ovid. state only. Tbe latter provision Is aimed at deep, outside measure. Tlie sides of . Of provonting tho grippe, colda, headaches, tbe Detroit house of correction, which has for Beatty administered deadly poison to is: really tho farmer's capital—his in­ May to October, 1893. ; 'thoiogy wo have no option. The Divine jioople know not tho judgments of tho God compares His treatment of His k ^ * the trough are beveled on thc'inside 1 and fevers ia lo uao the liquid laxative rom- years kept a large number of federal prisoners W. E. Griffiths, an employe of the vestment. Remove the plant-food, the "That unvlvallod complexion," said a It tolls tlio cost ol getting there and bow .command is positive when It aay a in my :jord." Would the prophet Illustrate people to the eagle's care of tho eaglets. Minora Kleot Omcers. , edy, Syriip of Pigs, whenever tho Byslem prominent Now Yorker, alluding to a lady to go. It tells what to do about baggage, sent from various territories. Notice was also Homestead mill, his purpose being to life, the fertility, from tlife soil and ; needs a gentle, yet; effective clecnslng. To : text; "Behold the fowls of the alrl" the fate of fraud, ho points to a failure Deuteronomy xxxii, 11: "As an eagle The Michigan Millers' association, given of a joint resolution providing for the elec- ucquainlanco, "was the result of using Gar­ about places lo out and sleep; how to get to murder Griffiths. The murder of what is the' remainder worth? Noth­ ' bo bonofltod one must get tho truo remedy field Tea." Send for free sample to 318 tho Pair grounds, and It gives many other , That is, study their habits. Examine of incubation and says: "As a par­ stirreth up her nest, fluttereth oyer her which represents mills with a total tion of United States senators by the people. I mauuluotured by tho Calilornla Fig Syrup Charles Glosser Is also ineludod. ing but to wear the life out ot the Wes;> 45Ui Street, Now York City. items of uselul inlormaUou. tholr colors. Notice their ispeed. See tridge sittoth on eggs and hatclietb young, spreading abroad her wings, capacity of 15,0.'j0 barrels of flour daily, Lansing, MIoh., Jan. 18.—In the senate yer Co. only. For sale by all druggists in 50c. Bond your address with a two-cont stamp terday bills wore Introduced to regulate tha farmer witiiout return for his toil. and H bottles. the hand of God in their construction. them not, so he that getteth riches and taketh tliem, beareth them on her held its anaual meeting in Lansing antl The trial itself, so far as it went for It has novor yet been decided by compe­ and ask for a "World's Fair Folder." Geo. charges of express companies; to provide fot When that is gone ho might as well It is easy for mo to obey the command not by right shall IcaVB them in the wings, so the Lord alone did lead." elected the following officers: the intermediate sentence for criminals; to tbe day, did not reveal much if any­ YouNO man, don't become addicted to tho tent authorities whether snoring is vocal or H. HEAfFonD, Gon'lPuss. Agent, Chicago. abandon his farm, unless he has •ot tho text, for I was brouffh t up amony midst of his days, nnd at his end shall The old eagle first shoves oho out of Pro3lclont,. W. B. Knickerbocker, Albion;: amend tho law in reference t<> the appointment thing not already known to the public. bottlol lt^ is a vial habit.—Biughamton instruinoutal music. Calling it "sheet this race of wings, and from boyhood vica prealdent, C. .T. Deroo, Holland; ancrctary of privati! aecrotury and executive clerk by the But that tliere is a lurge^^sized surprise sconcvy to sell. Leaiior. ; music" doesn't settle tho matter' at ull.— "TnEiiE goes a man who never has been Guarnntacd to euro IHItoiio AttacK'Q, Sldr^ be a fool." The partridge, the most the nest in ordor to make it fly, and and treasurer, M. A. Hoynolds, Lansing; oi- Concord Monitor. known to disugree with his wife." Oobaon Heiidacho and Con»tlpAlion* '10 In ouob ; 'heard their matins at sunrise and their governor; to amend tho general election Liw ol In the background the counsel' for tho A hu.shel of wheat takes from Wniitofi, SIoii iiuil Wonioji careless of all birds in choice of its then takes it on her back und flies with ocutlvo committee, C. P. Chattlold, Bay City; isai; amendlag the law for Inspection of il­ —"How does ho mnnngo?'! "Easy enough. bottle, Pi'Ico JJ5c. For uulo by dnieststo. •vespers at' sunSct. Their nests have pliioo of nest, building it on the ground it, and shakes it off in the air, and if it F. W. Ward, Battle' Crcelt; P. L. Colby, Dow- luminating oils and raising tho test prosecution and a htilf dozen doctors the soil about 1.35 lb. of nitrogen, Who suffer with Hciulache or Neuralgia tn "Wmt aro you thinking about!" ho She does all tho talking."—Inter-Ocean. Picture "7,17, 70" aud sample doao fryoi try Richard III. Tablets. Will euro when all t)cen to mo a fascination, and my satis- and often near a frequented road, or in seems like falling, quickly flies under il ngliio; member of National association, W. A. trom liO to 150 degrees; to prohibil and e-xpert chemists know. It .IWlb. of potasliBtind .47 lb. of phos­ aslted.W"! was wondering," replied tho Coombs, Coldwator. others fall. Sent by mull on receipt of'J5o. preciselgirlprecisoM-' ' , "whethe" -r "th o jplura' tf ofXoot•• - - "But what will wo do with Thompson ot J. F. SMITH & CO.. Pr:mhton. NEW-YORK..' faotlou is that I never robbed one of a slight depression of ground, without nnd takes it on her wing again. So •entcnclng United States prisoners to the De­ was thought that the wit­ phoric acid. These at market prices our banquetl Ho can't do anythhig hut tell troit house of correction. A bill providing foi Boescnroth, Obenunmi Med. Co., Clark & ball bhocloiili d not bo leolballs.''—Wasliiugtcn thom,any more than I woiild steal a child reference to sal'oty, and soon a hoof or God does with us. Disaster, failure in StHrtlliifc Turn In a Murder Case. ness through whom this' mine is for chemicals atnount to about '.i4 Kiiizio St8.,Cliicago. 0 lot of clieslnutty old suiries." " Uuko hiin nn additional appropriation of J.'-*,000 for tha Star. »oast-maBtor, of course."-Buffalo Express. gaiiiHaaaa fromacvacl.le,.for a bird is a child of a scythe or a cart wheel ends all. So The trial of Charles Wightman for to bo exploded would bo on the cents a bushel. At this rate, in selling business, disappointment, bereave­ Michigan oxltlbit at the world's fair and the ap­ "IwiLt now proceed to diviir the color the sky, and its nest is the cradle. Th3y says tho prophet, a man who gathers ment, is only God's way ol the murder of Walter Carr lust Septem­ pointing of iwo aadltlonivl commlssionors by stand, but this fe.-tture was Anally post­ 10 bushels of wheat per acre §'J.40 of The man who erects o largo building on a nnd outside of the liopper nt . the line," snld the bookkeeper whoa ho seized • • are almost human, for thoy have their under hira dishonest dollars will hatch shaking us out of our comfortable nest ber begun at Harrisville. Carr's widow Gov. Rich waB referred to the eommittco on poned until to-day. This witness is no . your receipts would be for tlie cream ills rod ink peu.-Sparks. Some pooplo sing ••Ta-ra-ra, Boom-de-ny" vor.y smuU lor. does so because ho is short- lluunce and upl'roprlatlons. bottom, to allow tho chicks to feed. A sited.—Hoohostor Deinocrat._ loves and hates, .nfHnities and antipa­ out of them no peace, no satisfaction, in order that wo may learn how to fly. testified tliat her evidence against other thun Capt. Hunt, the well-known ot your soil; -JO bushels per acre would because thoy liuvo this strain in their iieuds Lansing, Mich., Jim. 11—A resolution in ttte is the cover of the hopper. By this If you havo no omployniont, or are being and there is no rooai for anything else.— thies, understand joy and grief, liave no happiness, no security. What vivid You who are complaining that you Wightman at tho preliniiiiary exami­ analyticiil chemist. He lijis been en­ tsiko S-l.SO, 30 bushels per acre §7.30 and A YODxo ludy docs not exactly have an ."lenuto yesterday Instructing the committee on arrangement the food can bo kept poorly paid for tha work you arc doing, Galveston, News. xsonjugal and maternal instinct, wage siniilitudol Tlio quickest way to amass have no faith or courage or Cliristian. nation was fal.se, and that she had been fedonil relations to report u joint resolution di­ gaged for some time, at the instance of 40 bushels 50.110. Now a farmer is not thon write to B. P. Jolinson & Co., of Rich­ "Yes; Jim's protty far down. He's con­ option on a young man: but 11 ho proposes whore tho chicks can help tliomsolves she has the refusal of him.—Picayune. •wars and entertain jealousies, liavo a a fortune is by iniquity, but the trouble zeal, have had it too easy. You never intimidated into swearing to it by the rected to congress asking it to Bubnvll ua the proseeution.iii searching for poisons farming cooriomicallj'', judiciously, un­ mond, Va., and thoy will show you how lo nected with tho logialuiuro now." "Ia ho a transform Miss-fortuno into Madumo-for- —^—• — Cures Conanniptlon, Coug:liii) Croup, (torn- 'language of their own and powers of prosecuting iittornoy. Then slio told ainondment to tho coiistltutlou of iho UultccI in tho remains of soversil Hoinostoud at any time.—Farm and Fireside. less lie is able to return to his farm, in meinl)or?",V "O, no; it's not an bad us that, i Throat. Sold by all DruEKiiits on a Gujirnnlco, is about keeping it. Every liour of will lonrn to fly in that comfortable Stivtes providing tor tho oluotiou of Uultod tuno. Tryit. He's a conAittee cleric."—Buffalo Express. GiiEAT Wit may bo allied to madness, but -association. Thank God for birds .ind iui entirely new story, completely ex­ worlcmen wlio had died under sus­ some form, the plant-food lio sells in tho stupid man need not brug of his superior every day some such partridge is nest. Ijiiie an eagle, Christ bus carried Stutoa Hftnalors Ijy tho puoplo was rcfoiTed lo ".'Bkown\| BiiON-oiiLVL TnooiiES' are ox- -Bkies full of them. It is useless to ex- onerating Wightman. picious circumstances since lust USE SMALL TILE. his crops and still have left a balance MoVlcker's, Chloaco. sanity—Puck. driven oflE tho nest. Panics are ns on His back. At times we have been tbo committee. Adjmirnuil until Monday, cellontlor Me relief ol Hoarseness or Sore DON'T COUGH.. ipoct to understand the Bible unless wo only a flutter of partidges. It is too iiousi-:. suramar. Of course he refused to ro- ••' A Leaf fruiii tliu Jilxperlonco of a New suflieicnt to pay all cost of crop, includ­ Thursday, January 19, Miss Walnwright Throat. Tlijk''aro oxceodiiigly effective."- shaken off. and when we were about t^j will produce hor now comedv-drama of • The police justice generally speaks of a tUtudy natural history. Pivo hundred •Ifiauary Crop ICoport. ijiMstNn, MIcli., Jun. 11.—Tbe tolluwlng Im­ veal anything,, as to the results ol his York Htnte Furnier, ing interest on the value of tlie land. Christian Ww'l'li London, Eng. man us lie lines him.—Biiighumtoa Loader. tedious work to become rich in the fall, lie came under us again and portant m'oiisures, among others, were Iniro- New York Life, "Tlio BoclulBwbn." and ninety-three times does tho Uible Tho Michig.an crop report for Janu­ examination, but it vtras learned from How can a stop be put to the great old-fashioned waj', and if a man can by brought us ont of the gloomy Valley to ducod in Iho Uouso yosterauy: Bill providing I would not put down horseshoe tile You'll say, " How can I help it alUido to the facts of natural history, ary is ns follows: an authoritative soureo that arsenic in loss thrbugh producing each year more A CYCLONE is all thut is necessary to one falsehood malje as much as by ton tho sunny mountain. Never nn oiigle for cniiltiil punishment by hiiii£ingv and tluit If it was given me. If ono has watched rniao a barn in the west.—Lowell Courier. and I. do not wonder that it makes so years of hard laboi", why not tell it"? brooded with sucli love and caro over 'J'ho toiul number of bu.?l'.cl9 ot wheat THAT-•when n verdict of murder In iho llrst dcgrcu considerable quantities wa.s found in the sand burs form in a littlo creek be wheat than the world will buy at re- You don't suppose that I cough for many allusions ornitholoffioal. The Ueted by f.irinors In nccorabor wii.s l,;i7l.llB bM been found muo ot the jury may be aunl- one stomach at least, traces of eroton inuiierating prices? Farmers will not Beegoam's Fills cure bilious and nervous PROMPT, GOOD WORK. and if one counterfeit cheek will bring her young as God's wings have been elenl lo lliul tho penalty by hunglDc;; all exa- can judge juot how they work in horse- fun?" No,.we don't think .that,j,ou-.- bu.sbels, luul ibo loUil number of bushels imir- oil in :inothcr and traces ol Jirsenic and combine to reduce the acreage sown. Illness. Boecham's Pills sell woU because ekicB and the caverns of Palestine aro the dollars ns easily a genuine issue, over U.S. Across whn.t oceans of trouble U^ted in iho llvu months /rom August to Do- cutlons lo toko iilace at tho state prison at ahoe tile. If round tile is used the water tbey cure. 35 coats a boxa friendly to the winged crcaturew', and why not make it? Ono year's fraud wo havo gone in safety upon the Al­ cembor wus 8,111.Ol.'i, or 7.'i8,0;e loss thun for tbo Ju'Jltson. BUI providing for bounties to other mineral poisons in other bodies is confined to a straight and narrow Low as the price was at seeding time do, but every time you cough ycjuiiri-^ mo many fly aud roost and ncsC nnd will bo equal to half a lifetime's sweat. mighty's wings. From what mountains sumo period Inat your, 'i'lio uveraRO price ot jioldlers ot the war of the rebellion. It will ro- exhumed. Way at tho bottoraof tlie.tile nnd any lost autumn, the great wheat states wlio.1t Jiinuury 1 wiis Cli coiius per bushel, of quiru if 1,70.5,01)0 to pay these. A joint resolii- Mr. Wlllct F. Cook, Conajoliarle, N. Y., writes: " Awoke one tatethe small blood vessels in...yourt. .'hiiceli in that region that inspired Why not live solely by one's wits? A of sin wo havo been carried and at Tlio evidence of Dr. Cooper was sediment getting in rolls along to the have extended rather than contracted THE MARKETS. momInK with excru<;iatlnK pains in iriy shoulder. Tried various corn IJ cents, of oats :il ooat» aud of bay uon was introduced providing for iho submis­ relicts for auddrti pains without effect; went te my oflice j the pain •-writers do not havo far to go to cjt or- fortune thus built •\vill bo firm and times have been borne far up above protty tJositive as to, the poisoning by , end. Every high water slushes it out their ureas sown. Every intolllgent throat and lungs and if you are'riot, per ton. _ sion of a coiistitiitional •amoudmout llxlng the New TfoRK, Jan. became insufierable i wont home at ii o'clock nnd used ST. -nithological ilhistratlon of Divino tJuth. everlasting. Will it? Ha! build your tho gunshot of the world and the arrow compensailon ot members of tho Icglslaluru at araenio of ono of tlie men who worked unless it is prevented by the foolish farmer con settle tho matter forihimself m JACOBS oil; effect magical,pain ceased, and at X o'clock went LIVE STOCK—Cattle 1.190 ® fi 45 to work; cure permanent."- careful some day you. will rupture one "Tliei'o are over forty species of birds house on a volcano's crater: go to sloop of the devil. When our time on earth Short Jlut Kuwuy Items. S.'>k)Uoach. without regard to iho leiigili of the at Homeste:id. Dr. Coofier said after - practice of some putting in, in addi­ individually. Ho caii resolve to cut Sheep » 00 (is 5 50 session. Speaker Tatoum announced the stand, •rocogaized iu tlio Scriptures. Oh, What on the bosom of an avalanche. Tho Michigan's murder roll far 1893 is the hp left the^stand that he had no donbt tion to tbe tile, a mess of stones. Then down the are a.of :h is sowing one-half. Hogs 7 OJ f* 7 OU of them and bring on a hemorrhage.! ^ is closed on these groat wings of God ing couimtitees. Tbo chialrmenaro: FLOUR-Pair to Fancy 2 fa & 3 75 a variety of wings in Palestine. The largest in the state's history. He can then resolve to put the manure volcano -ivill blaze and the avalanche we sliall speed with infinite quickness Agricultural College, Place; AgrlculturSi. nt all that the man Spayde, whom lie tbe water instead of being forced Minnesota Patents •I 2.') iii 4 75 Get a bottle of Reid's Gei'man Cough !• dove, tho robin, the eagle, the cor- will thunder. There are estates which from earth's mountains to Heaven's Daniel Corrj', formerly superintend­ had treated, had been dosed with through the tiio runs down on the out­ usually spread tliiii oyer two acres on WHEAT—t^o. a Rod aM/.a soy LfrrLii Rapids, Wis. Church; Eastern Asylum, Weeks: Education, Ungraded Rod 7r> ® My iJift tnorant or plunging bird, hurling itself havo been coming together from age to ent of tho Menominee River Lumber Kedfcrn; Engrossment and Enroilmoutr Riiy- arsenic. side as woU and the diteli is in danger. one, and as much of the labor as may 77 ., . --- jfe 8uffe-'«Kl with such Intense neuralgic pains in the face, she thought she and Kidney Cure and take it freely. hills, and as from tho eagle's circuit CORN—No. a SIJjW 52 Jourliourel. ^''1anShit d head-with 8T. JACOBS OIL, and it cured her la ^trom sky to wave, and with long beak company, died at Menominee, aged 09 mondr EI(!oilons,McKmley: Federal Relations, be necessary to put his reduced urea Ungraded Mixed 49 (Iti .ago. Many years ago that estate under the sun men on the ground seem Another danger is in using too large This will not only stop your coughi -Tjlntohing its prey, the thrush, wblch Ewing; Fisheries, Smith: Goologlcal .Survey, into first-rate tiltli. Then he will be OATS—Mixed Western misa 40 CaRL SCHEIBE. started in a husband's industry and a small and insignificant as lizards.on a years. Sherman; Harbors. Waguor; Horilculturo, Ea­ CYCUING'S NEW FIELD. tile. The smaller the tile the narrow­ BYE—Western 50 ospacially dislilces a crowd; the par- W. W. Lee began suit in Grand Rap­ prepared probably to meet whatever . D8 & but it will prevent you from taking: wife's economy. .It grew from genera­ rock, BO all earthly things shall dwindle ton: Immigration, nart;']nsuraaco,,Moor«; In­ er is the stream. *Tbo large tile worlcs PORK—Mea.s, Now 18 50 1^18 75 A Ji-idge, tlio hawk, bold and ruthless, tion to generation by good habits and into a speck, and the raging river of ids against the Grand Rapids & In­ ternal Improvomonts, HiigL'ott; Judiciary, It .Is Allloti ta JIuaeball—A Nntlnnul 4lr- on the same principle us horseshoe tile. outcome tho next harvest may bring. LAUD—Western Steam 11 15 (tilll •M BUTTER—Western Creamery. cold so easily next time. If your.- hovoring head to windward, while high-minded enterprise. Old-fashioned diana railroad for 330,000 for personal Gordon;. Labor Interests, Amlurson;. LI.|vix loan homo ception of tlio plot. 'J-'hat partridge, is rent and craclced under the swift various ball grounds. The season Feeders 2 00 la a 710 uiCB. -you don't wout loliidulBoln Act HI., you »o •bours in succession, tho heron, the Miss .May Loomis, of Shepherd, ia W.OOO; fisheries exhibits, 8.1,000; woman's the necessity for spraying' Irhit' trees, HOG„ . S- . 40 ^_ 7. 0I5 swift disaster will shoot it down, aud rush of days add months and years and work exhibits; SI.IKK); eouslructlon of alata will last twenty-six wooka. There quail, tho peacock, tho ostrich, the dead. -Christian science did not save bei:ries . and even vegetables.' ; Spray­ SHEEP ; 3 W S» 5 DO Uwlo nloly kj tbo norolty Dept.,- Atlsi TMk Coni'a. the higher it flies tho harder it falls. ages. "Swift ns an eagle that hastoth building, es.OOO; contingent fund, SIO.OIIO. Bills will • bo two meetings each - «=•'-« $3 SH!OE oA. lark, tlio crow, tlie kite, the bat, tho lier. Slio Wiis ill for many weeks, but ing Is ns iniperativo ns goptl manur­ Tho prophet saw, as you and I have to its prey." Behold tlie fowls of tho were Introduced making an appropriation for tveek. Each city will havo at A sewed shoethat.will not rip; Calf, blackbird and many others, with all would take little medicine. the pureliiiso of booka hi the state library for ing •a.nd good cultivation.'—Farm Jour­ •' •-ISK/'K'^^l^uMr';~-».."- often seen, the awful mistake of part­ air. Havo yon considered that they least two meetings of two or three seatiiless, smooth inside, more comfortable, -colors, all sounds, all styles of flight, Dr. J, H. Thomas, of Highland, N. ISSW-I; to amend the law iirovldlng for oleellon nal. FOR 8ALC EVERVWHERC: ridges. have as you nnd I havo not the power of priialdeiilial oJeciors; lo prohibit tbo uao ol d;iy.s' duration during thosoasoii. Each . ^ • stylish nnd durable than any other shoe ever :all habits, all architooture of nests, Y,, who in October last was chosen machinery In the cinplnymout of Iho luuuvles -SwEKT croain butter is becoming sold at tbe price. Everystyle. Equola custom- But from tlio top of a Bibla flr troo I to change their eyosso tliat ono minuto diiy of a mooting there will bo thvoa bishop of the upper peninsula dioccso of prisons and refonjiatorlos. races—novice, handicap and free-for-all very popular in certain quarters and made shoes costing .from I4 to JS5. • leaving iiotlnng wanting in suggestive- hear tho shrill cry of tho stork. ,Tob, thoy may be telescopic and tho next of the Protestant Episcopal cliurch, LAK.siNd, Mich., .Tail. I'l.—Tho houao yester­ events. The cash dispensed in prizes cominauds fancy, prices. As a general i;M1II rnu.i 11 'The foUowlns are of the same high atoadoid o( . ..ncss. Tlioy were at the creation placed Ezokiel, Jeremiah spealt of it. David microscopic. Now seeing something a day elocH-'d Charles \V. Monro (rop.), ol* De­ declined the position. will amount to Sl,.'')0O for each meeting, rule, bo.wevcr,":..butter, from, ripened I ;.merit: ii Jiall around on the rocks and in tho cries out: "As for tho stork, the flr troo mile away, aud by telescopic eyeslglit, troit, speaker ])ro teiii. by a vole of 114 to :J7 for Tho largest pumping plant in tho gutiranteed by the ball club on cream finds ..tno6t:,fn.ypr:.:among thoso A LONO PROCESSIOIf. .f .00 nud $s>ao Fine Calf, Hand-Sewed. \-;'!K;''i*' vti^een and on tho ground to serenade is her house." This large white Biblo and tlieu dropping to its :Eood on tho Thomas 13. Bnrkworih (Dcm.). Mr, Wngnor, A inoHt nutrltloufl.nnd dlgcatlblo Food, for j,mi™.,- ., United States was placed in operation of Marquotlo, oITorod a eoneurront resolution whoso grounds the meeting is being who bti'y tW gilt-edged;articl!e':'---Ainor- IIIIIImill II •1 1 oi disonses start from a torpid liver nnd im­ j.oo Hand-Sewed, \ fSJL )ld, sick and •woU. Pnclcnau, poatpnid, ailo;'. ViwxiSi:. ':• .Adam's arrival. They took their places bird is supposed without alighting ground, able to see it closo by, and $a..So and a.op Donsola; { LADib3« Mfree. Addrcua, Grauma'Co.J DMBnua!N:j^.:; at the Chapin mines in Iron Mountain. auiborlzlng tlio committee or the upper peiilii- held. At the end of ovor.y season there ican Farmer.:;;;!;/'!. •!;••!,:.' 'a pure blood. Dr. Piorce's Goldon Medical Dis­ 'on Friday as the first man was mado sometimes to wing its way from tho with inieroscopio eyesight. uular prison at Marquutto to employ an form, as it were, broad shelves around covery cures ovory ono of thorn. It prevents It has a capacity of 4,000,000 gallons in will bo an international meeting hold Tiii'i bestwostern'corn weighs more on fjaturday. Whatever elso ho had or region of the Bliino to Africa. As win­ But what a senseless passage of urchltect to make plana and estimates upon three sides of the ha.y shed. thom, too. Tal:oit, as yon ouEht, wlienyou IT IB A HUT? yaa ow. voDrislt m twenty-four hours. ihepmpoalllon lo iranslorm tho Institution under the auspices of this assooia- per biisliel' in'the oar tlian' does tho feel tlio first symptoms (languor, loss ol np- to got tbo boat valu. .£» todt m FOLKS REDOCEp did 'hot havo he should have music. ter comes all the storks' fly to warmer Scripture tli:it is, until you know tho Upon tho stable side of this main en­ -lonoy.. BooDomlzo In yoar .J(ltoMlb(i.nornioatlibylinrmloml|i.Tt»|. V Thomas Rodinnn. of Milan, claims to Into an asylum foi-lhc Insane. Bills were Intro­ tion, at wliieh large purses^ will castor.iii^plant. The Dent corns havo pbtito,'dullness,-depression) and you'll save 'ftSs"--;?;' Thoflrstsound that struck tho human climes, and tho last one of their num- fact, which says: "Tho sparrow hath trance the eaves oonio down to witliin yourself from aoraotbing serious. : , lootwoat by puroUaWlng W. ' ( Iromodlou. Kotitnrvina.nolnQonronlunuq.. have been tho first man drafted from duced approprla.tlng .fi.l.OOO aa u working capi­ bo given, tho money dcop''iceriiels. They aro not iio .solid as Zi. DoDglaa Bhooa, which „ _. „-,-")"' "obndollootn,8trlotlrconlldontlid.i -; ear viros a bird's voice. . . ler that arrives at the spot to which found a house and the swallow a resi tal for the eastern liisano asylum, lo extend aid being 'raised 0 or 8 foot of the ground, lyhile on tlio , III building up nocdctl flesh and strength, Monroe county during tho civil war. from a fund formed by lliiit,.'•'tind .tho!slieliod grain does not leptosenttba beitvaluo o^pSt&'i^ia'tei%''iriM'i'ib'S'. d^^^ i Yea, Chi'istinh geology (for you know hey migrate is killed' by thom, .What for • herself,. whore she may lay hei to Iho Michigan Agricultural society, and to tho payment other side, owing to the sloping nature nnd to purify and enrich tbo blood, nothing at tba prtoee advotUsed f The will of ex-Governor and ox-.Sen- provide an aaslstaui prosecuting altoruey for during tlitj season into tho treas­ weigh' so lijcjiiuly, hut it is loss liable can equal tho "Discovery." It iiivigoriitos ae tboaaonds can tes- .»jr.iA.Mi:•tuiiir*riiK,„t,,iiu.,.uwrit* . •,, . .^•'"~);.. • • !thero is a Christian geology as well as havoc it would maka in our spocles if yoiing, even thine altars, 0, Lord of of tho ground, tho height of the outer tUy.. So yon wear ator H. P. Baldwin, of Detroit, gives Muskegon county. -A. bill was noticed to pro­ ury of tho association ot a certain per­ for that reiison to injure stoclc. tho liver and kidnoya, promotes all tho bodily .WI^J^.v^f^IFAOTiiIlR ^ •* f ;ah Infidol .geology), Christian geology those men were killed w'lo are always hosts, my King and my God." Wliat hibit the s'alo of liquors from "bum- wall to tho caves is over 10 feet. As lunctioiia, and brings back health mid vigor. tbom? BORE over .=530,000 to ciiarlty. centage from tho gate receipts of tho A'r this season mtiiiy faraiers neglect ! comes id-and holps tho Bible sho'\v,. behind. In orlontalcitios tho-stork is has tho swallow to do with tlio altars bouts" ott Ibe waters of the groat the barn is built somewhat on a slight For Dyspopsia, "Livor Complaint," Bilious­ DRILL BEST MACHINERY} various meetings. The local and salting :b6ws, tliinlfing they need salt ness, and nil Scrofulous, Skin, ond ScnlpDis- ttmrTOOLS 111 tbo -world. Uollablo ivorK iKisiircd;.. ;:;.wlmt wo owe to the bird oreatlpn. Be- domesticated. and walks ftbout .on; the ot. tho • tomplo,, at, .Terusalem? Alil A Detroit, Tjansing & Northern train lakes. A concurrent resolution pro­ slopo this eiiiibles the roof to bo car­ OataioKuo Free. 1.00MI8 iSs.NVMASf, Tufi'iN, oiiioii' •:!•.'•-:;•.?„•••; 1.-: viding tor the appolnimento' a eoii.mitico, con­ schedule race moots may bo held on less thiin when atj pasture. There is oasos, it is tlio only ronicdy that's guaranteed •itoiro'the human, race camo into the street, ancV will follow'its keopet-.' -In ybu kii'ow that'swnllbws are all the struck a sleighload of people at Sun- ried oh over tho 10 feet forming ono •«ri(AjiiiMiiiPAn;n«f«tju««uninii6. ••.•••' ••'' .•' sisting of ti'.'o senators aud two roprcsunta- Sundays wherever local laws and cus­ not a week ,!wheri !eiittle will not cat to lionont or euro, in every caao, or thu money world tho world was ocouplod by rep- the city of Ephesus I savsr a long.rpw oi "world .3ver very tamo, and in summer field and Mrs. ..Tohu*Schafer and Mrs. lives, to servo without pay and look, after ond of the cow shed, otherwise the ia refunded. _WIII Elvo,o.ioliinlvo (inlo,toBuoe denlors and Konoral morctannto whore Thave no toms permit. Races may also bo held sbm« salt if they can get it, and if ,;*UoB, and by: all'kinds'.of desthictivo pillars; on the top of fciiiBli pillar a*stbrk's :limb"tlioy used to fly into the windows (vecirgb.bsmun were killed and Mr. Os- Michigan's Inierest at tbo world's fair, was laid caves would come too Ibw over the on- nBon» V. Writo for euinioirup. II not fotvmuIo In your pinco noud illrucc to Faccorr, otatinc at night by electric light. tliey have a supply .before thom all the About Cntiirrh.: No iiuittor what you've kinfa) eizo and wliil.tli wanted. PoHtduu Ij'roe. W. L. Uouirlne, ilrocktoai lUnBU. aoII.NtSON & CO., aiWVJJ-Hl-b Main, ; imonatprs, millions of. erea'tures loath- nest But the word"stork" ordinarily and doors of tho temple at Jersualom, mun.was'fiitally hurt. over under tho rules, ' ' • '- • tranco IJ for the cows to enter. In .. 0-HA9IS TUUi rAl'IU intt lima 7SU1IIIIllNrl^t,,ltlcUniOU(l,V»AA - -;•: jf-.^^^ time thoy will be less likely to take too tried and found wanting, you can bo cured .i.adtnd nno|iow Is Out. eiiso it sliould bo desirid lo build such with Dr. Sngo's Catarrh Remedy. Tlio'pro- ni.iich. '•blrda to clear the earth, of these, ;crea- fact that this bird was, disthiguished priests wore offering, sacrifices. Thoso found his dau'giitor in Jackson 'resort. DOINGS OF THE NO!3iUTY. New YonK, Jjiii. is.—Tho annual tl barn on a level the roof over the pro­ priotora ol tlila niodiclno cgreo to euro you, Moi'illilhu X-iiiblt'Curod'lit' jIO- 1 or thoy'U pay you $500 iu cash. ' TRACTION AND PORTABLE tuMtf Uayi)I, N" o imy till; otitoil..; ,.•,-•;:•:••'.f!'. '>;..•• I'turos bdCdrc Adam-and. Evo'wcfo cro- for' its groat love to its parents. It swallows bronglit leaves and sticks and She agireed fto''notioiiiipaiiy her fathev election ot the Union Loiiguo club, :Both very young and very old ani­ jection ottlic .shed couUl be pitched at iDlt.J. S'l'Kl' ! J it ted. , T^^ never forsakes thom, and oven after fashioned nests on the altars of tho home. (!!:••;?'':>.. .1^ • !L;ERI^'•CI3.'38' TiiEnESA, sister of Prince which occurred Monda.v evening, was mals thrive bettor if their food is made a less incline or even a nesirly flat tin . taPKAJUC TOIH I'AUu CT«I7 «m jcutirIM easy ol digestion. . Cut clover cooked ' f'boojir'f6u'rid!iriibeddc!d/ih!!tiioi'rbdlti^^ tbey become feeble protects and pro- temple, and hatched tlie yonng It i.s W fact not'prenerally'known thai, Regent Luitpold, of Bavaria, was a very quiot\ a-|V'uir.. Tliere was only roof put on. 's Oream B sparrows .oln.'j .tlipseir; nests, and 'chosen horibrary'meinbor of the ;Municl> and nnxod witli grain meal is more di- In building such a barn one would' l-iskolotoh of.bne,.ca;jle.has.beo.n found •videsfor.:.them;i> Insiuigratm|r tii^ aldf tlie laH.legisl.atur'b^^^^^^ entirti one ticket in tlio flcid, Tho nowl.y- \v-ZLSi OWJtB iitv'vcrity.feet ini'lioight: ;an'd "flft^ iStibiitsS lean ?lthbipi' ,nock«,=i|<|n .D»iid hdd# sm| •v,,#Uo}'; ijFioung lav; tiusiiig''dogs,'riie''rc'poiiling,^tiol acadeniyof sciences at i'ts last session elected'officers arc: President, Horace gostiblo than the grain alone. Asinall naturally suggest soino iraprovcmontS; Timshers and Horse Powers. quantity of the clover is enough to pre­ i.iij\jiir.ai,v;u..irt...ii._ji iJii.^'"*.r .•...•i.. •'^'I'v'.jV'.^' :;|-.Wb)ntil'p ol-W'oi'ff'tb'Mp.'b young,; fltoWc.s.J, aMj when ^Allic/.' qjd^ •^irds pioki,ng5, tl»eir;j jjajr out ';of;wtho iniiy be"'found''"iir'''.1;ho'!'pubile acts of In recogfnition of her works on Russia ,Pq'rtor'; •vice presi^*!^nd5.tbis more heartithanS we., Biessodl is (that; lows or.t(iejy,oungis)yfvll,o,\y;3.;and David versos once, lorigngo', tind OS she sent •;Wlietfthe;'r,osult had been •. announced a return is aspuriigu.s. Aim to get need not bo turned out. Tho boards' BlA' imoa..ft1^\Vii.rronat.,N.V. I HSr NAMS Tilts PAl'UA wrT tlm* youirrltk . , ..-..-..WPlSiiii and sclenceTiaiid table; at which an old; father and burst out in' rhapsody,'.saying: "Tlie ;frtrin.i vHy.jw^St'i.M'^dv.nly stmekonjw.ith ^thon» tp ...a* pitblisj^er ui^dw a^ non^. do :',Cbii.u.n''«onsao- tonod with S-inch ; strips of spruce, I'liOc.;; jK^T,- Ji!!lU(Jlllll;o,•>^orp)i1^p^i,'^^^ »a(iao!tbo\yorld made the Biblb^ which an olfi fatlibr ond mother kneel. whore she mtvy lay her young, oven hiding place ol the money, antl. so far one of the delicious sensations of life in utive years, doUvcrcd an intcroating nured soil. I'lant deep. Why? ,1. The liomldck or pine. No windows. are, Write jforiiill inform nnii'oiraulars to'. ;;..A}*o,' hero •;come 'a. whole flockof Whatitlatj Tbino altars, O, Lonl ol Hwts, my Kin|r the moat diligent search ^as failed to having the work promptly returned •valedictory. whofe ground can bo cultivated I'iglit shown ond' no'tioors in the stable or. pure \ijic)c riciulnclio.HcfltorcaConij ^""'-fftW! BUIa Sampltsfruo, OAnriBLnTiu loxlon.BaToii DuotoT /jiiovca-^.rbclf-dovca,; aad ntf Qodll" , find il> : "with thanks " over tVto roots without injuring them. implement room, which could: be lo­ National Electropoise Co.! iJ., The pliiiitsendure droughtbetter, i. cated to suit one's cohveuiencb.'—Farm' at aonro.si., oiiit«»oi «»iiMii4:*:*M««r(i;Biiiiii'fc:ii.i I'he beds last longer. and Howe. Cures Constipation «rJu,»a THIS »'Ai.iiBi„^,^uj„«nm,'°

SiiSliliiliiii'iil ' '' ' /i:;fi'--'.'''

ounibeiit' waa .lUuohvRiore than'; thi average iotttieii' imiigined. : Thought •Ixhuiidrtd, dollars about the fair VOL. XXXV.-NO. 4. res for: ;prniieoutiiig attorney aud MASON. MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1898. K iier yrar. Believed the offices WHOLE NO. 1777. oould be filled as acceptably as now at' those flgurea. : Probate register ought to receive about 1)25.00 a month. ^^Born, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. H. '!'. ^Tabby kittens, 2 for 5c ut Hall & VIBl'I'B AUfP'VIWirmtM- The regitter'a office isaald to be worth BRdWWE^S BOOK STORE, Meyers on Sunday lust. Weight 10 DuBoLs.' • # to the register, at least (2,500 per year. pounds. ,Mrs. Q. J. Charles was III, town last week. Xorenmol mrtiir.bnblns powder.-'HI^IibHt S. il. Muddcn sold u fine driving LViUUn- leuvculiiK vtieaxth—Latost'Uiilleil In It wcrib It to the people ?" The Fair —' " ' Miss Carry Curry Is visiting at I,aiislng this still oflers you great hi' horse to Juines Deyo yesterday. .Men Qovnrniiiimt Food Iti John . Marshall"I have become ducements. WCGIC* ••'flio'IfAr.BAKtiJoPowubkCi-), WKllSll.S.Y; ; Do not forget to :read convinced that it isn't a popular thing THIS S2TTZRE their ad. Mrs. G. J. CI miles bus been quite p-fj'^A. Baker of Lansing wiis In town last to find fault, nar does it take any great Paper and Window Sh^ Remember, this Is the lust week of sick this week ut the home of U«r amount of abllit.v, but It dora take Mills Dry Goods Co'h. clearing aale. futher, S. A. Padtiock. An attack of j^MOTdBines Ford uud Kliby spout Tuesday ability and "aand" to chainplou the OUR NEW 1893 GOOOS ARE NOW ON SALE. See their ad. tonsllitis right and stand by It because it ia heyot^lsfe? Polo-'-'y visited friends right. Bererring to the recent action N. Templer und Juines Sliufer ^ TheKiilghtsof Pythins will nicetut or the.board of supervisors in voting . Wii .nre acknow!c(l'>ed leaders in our Hue—we believe we arc shipped u cur loud of sheep to Buffalo Custle hall ne. 66c» 60c, at 36c per yard. Into buy injf until yon h.ive seen our Ihic. We don't biiy any Wntch for it. . telegram yesterday culling her home Windsor Ties will please ybu: /We-' • tax payers of the county through their MISS Clara Osborii visited reliitlvca In town ?' }ri:v 'It'wna exactly Iwo o'olocU iiy tlio There were 210,000 leas buriels of on uccuunt ot the sickneaa of her tbo llrst of tbe week. proper representatives, thesunervlHois, second class goods in order to get them clicap. .»9L''.''S'.'.?*i""V''l'J wife of WoUboiTlllo have just received a big nssortment ' ; i ; alindow on Ihe wall wlitn the piesl- suit inunufucturvd In MIchigun this niother. Her|ii'lmury depurttnent is spent Suudny In Mason. certainly showed appreciation. Ue Dress G-oods. Wool, 70c, 75c, 80c, 90c, - at 69c per yard. Respectfully yours, clo.sed for the week. of Tinware, Tea Kettles, Tea :nmi'^^^^i il "dent entered the room, ami wlilmnt had no doubt that the supper was yeur thun lust. Fred M, Peek Ik visiting his parents uud i j i wultlng to tliaw tlie frost riimi , liis other frlouds In tho city. Coffee Pots, &e. &c. It al^ynys p4'sKv•' worth all It cost. CHAS. W. BROWNE. Tho Indies aid society of Eden will Webb & Whitihun, the lIveelothiHis, jVi! •whifllsurs, reached I'or. Ills offleialulniir, Mrs. CliHS. Spencer of Lauslug visited Dress Goods worth 26c and 30c, - - at 21c per yard. meet with Mrs. Hurvey Crowl Wed- ure going to remodel their store, but friends lu Masou Tiio.sday, youto,go'to ''••'''•'-•;'-•:,-•;•'^ 1 i; I and asked : "IS Ihero iinytrilng new in Mr. HImelberger reviewed the ac­ tion of the board in flxiiig salaries, nesduy, Feb. 1. before doing so the will give the pub­ MlHS Hrudl of Mursellus Is vlsltliiK hor • >', the luuriiel to interest uiiyoiieV" L. lic a benilit of another SO-duya 1 off cousin, Miss Grace Ilradl., '; : 1 W. Buker: "Pork is good for »'.) aiiy- and seemed satisfied himself, ut least A huge und lively eoninuny enjoyed the masquerade ut tho ojitru houso lust sale. See their ad. .S'"" !" "i> probate FORD^S I ' : •wa.vi" Col. Sliiiulioii: ".MiJlhiii und that everything was all lovely, us the court bu.slui'Hs last Tuesday, Fiiduy evening. ; ,: ' iieef diiii't tieein to liuvuany syiniiutliy uctliiii wus uertuiiily non-partisan. A A shopping bug and contents were Miss Sadie Wandpl ol_St. John's Is n guest question from Mr. Sliafer brought out BAZAAR i':,' witli pork iind I don't uiKlerdliuul il. Great 1-4 Off Sale For Gash lost and soon afterward picked up at K. J. Moore's of Alatedon,, the fact that the county lieastirer re­ Seventy-nine students ure enrolled : i Wo liuvo been tuilglit lliat wli«ii one NOTICE THIS LIST. for the winter term of the mining near Webb & Whitniun's lust Thurs­ Prosecuting Attorney Gardner was In tho ceived In fees from the liquor' lax, ut city on busiuoss last Friday. We have a few remn.mts in Wnii : urtU'.le or illet whh Miurce, otiieiv uvjuid BEGINNING JAN. 28 AND ENDING FEB. 28. 189i3. school ut Houghton. duy evening. Finder cun huve rewuid least$240 per yeur. Referring lo Mr. by leu vlng same at this olllce. * Miss Kate llaker of T.iinsiug visited her Paper to sell cheap. Our new siipck i ' : bo eHbiiteil li.y it. It don't hi'i?1!i lo bo Hitvelbergcr's remarks toucliliig the for 76 cents, irleiid, Eva Uarllng, last Frlduy. , ' ao in this i;use." Choice of all $1.00 Underwear Four cuses of anmll-pox ure reported will soon be here, -j^.; non-pariisun uctloii of the board of at PiitHrield. WuHhlenuw county, Tho sidewalk snow plow muy be a Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Whltmore visited Char­ lotte friends the llrst of tlie week. Mr. Billion: "Do you suppiwe it is supervisors, Mr. 'i'enipleton wus not riiut Is near Ann Arbor. good thing where iioboily will clean for 37 1-2 cents, MissesPlorenco Bishop and Iva Halsload of ' : ^n actual sliortugo that Iuih givaii pork ubie to see it In Unit light. It might Choice of all 60-cent Underwear his own walk, but after u fellow bus FORD AKIRBY. To Our Many Friends and Patrons:— The meeting !ik' for- Choice of all 35-cent Underwear wus u very successful one. :-eign'reatrlcllona have' been rciipn-i'd. 'couiits. He w:is Inclined to think being necessary for us to remove our entire stock to another building while umiuble. E. B. Curry Is wrestling with the rheuma­ Beef und mutton sfeiii to alny wlierc thut tiie uctiun of the bourd of super­ The Methodist chui'cji ut Concord tism under Dr. Culver's inanageiuent. visors in voting uwuy two hundred having the cliangc mtidc, and iiaving also found that our stock must 'be Next Siinduy afternoon ut 3 o'clock C. B. Uuutlngtnn nnd sou Proscott of Shon- ; l;iioy are at." I\lr. Uullen reliKwl ilie burned Sunday ufteriioon, Jun. 15. there will be u bpeclul service for men herd ore aiuong friends lu this vicinity. dollars of the public funds und the reduced bcfcie removing; we therefore take pleasure in giving j'ou, one Loss 3i2,500, insured for $2,000. ojcpei'ieiicu of a tuan who Toil wiiwit '.b nnd boys at the Presbyterian church. Rev. and Mrs. Clough are vlslUiig Mr. ' to bis hogs, and with cuiet'til IumI, banquet given hy the recipient to the dotiiiis, so soon thereafter, wus justly :ind all, J. W. Klink of Aurelius lius pur- Rev. Mr. Morey will address them. nnd Mrs. Hawley at Willow Spring farm. found that at dcts live wcii^lit, his _Mrs. H. H. Teiwllllgop and daughter of entitled to the un favorable criticism It ALSO, NOTICE THIS LIST. oliHsed eggs iit the rute of COO doisena All men und boys are earnestly invited > wheat would bring him 00 ectits [wr Montague arrived In MiiKon last Friday. hnd received from the tux imyers. per week during the luat year. to be present. ':' bushel. One of the Grandest Opporiunilies Mrs.G. K.MItleornf 8tor.ltbridge bus liceu Mr. Bulleii thouglit if there wus uny for 29 ceiits. Mr. Russell C. Oatruiider^uiid Miss vlHitlng Mrs. 0. W. VaiiSlylto this wooU. • , • At preaont prices wheat was said In fault ill regard to e.vcessive saturies it Choice ck all 36-cent Hose Norman Snow, of Juckson, uged 18, be as cheap feed I'or iiorses us omIh. to buy Clothing (at almost your own i^rice) cvcrolTercd in Ingh-im county was uccidentully shot while hniitliig Lou S. Duvis, both of Lunsing, were L. B. HuiillnRton of Ealou llaplds was In luy with the people. TCo man ought murrled by Rev. W. H, Osborne lust tiwn last week Thursday, returning Friday, ; More care is rciiuired in reeiling. lobe asked to serve the public atu loss for 21 cents, lust Saturday nnd bnsslnce died. Mrs. John Lamb has returned-to her old > Some thouglit it better for fiitteiiliig Choice of all 25-ceht and 30-cent Hose Tuesday. Mr. Ostraiuter is wtdl to himself Mr. Murshall asked wliut A LaiisiMg pup chewed a box of car­ homo and will live among Mason friends • purpoBCi. Thus dosed tlie (lincussiiiii known und highly respected as one of ed'ect the niurriuge liceiiMe luw hud tridges, and us he Ikw through space of the luurUets. for 10 cents. the leudliig ultorncya of the state. Miss Esther Ruth llowdlsh of New York upon Ihe sulary of the clerk. Hud it Choice of 15-cent Hose spectators thought It was u comet. City Is vlsltlug her mother and other friends Pres. Wood read tiie I'lilliiwiug re­ been raised by reaaoii of the extra An Elegant Line of Suits and Overcoats Dwight Cole wus In Muson last Sat­ In Mason. view of tiio record of tlie i.-liib with The Slute Democrat has been sold BEE EIVE! labor required or had it been lowered That must go at One-Half their v:iluc. urduy culling attention to the new Misses Carrlo and Emma Wolf of Lansing practical suggestions for liie I'liriire ; • Iiy rcnson of the fees, 75 cents for each to Meaaifl. H. F. Baker und C. E. hotel "The South Shore," near the wore In the city lust week nnd attended the Dodge who took poasesaioii Wcdiios- raasquorailo. GENTLKMEN OP THE Ci.uii: license. .Mr. lletKlerson remarked Ittke front, Chicugo. It; ollera good PRICES ON CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, CHENILLE SPREADS. duy. Mcsdames Waruorund llognis nonlemplalo CofTces arc higher, but.by pitying - In reviewing the work (lout- iiy ilie that imiN'mucli as there had been nn About SO Suits, sold at $7.50, $8 and $9, Inducements to guests during the ex­ leaving lor Ihoir hunios In tlie West the last recent strikes among our county olll- Mrs. Mary E. Tlokufi'.of Linden, position. .Mr. Cole's oHIco. is 111 ol this week. rngbam Couuty Farineia' Club, I Our price during this sale, Otllf/ $o.00 each. Come cash and getting discount;, wc arp' find It was organized Jan. iiT, \S~2. cei'.s, lie wus led to conclude that the Genesee count.y, now makes her home SVushiiigtoii A.ve. N., Lunsing. Mr. and Mrs, Culver. Mr. nnd Mrs. Murray salaries and peiquiaites were reusou- cari}' and secure tiiesc bargains before the sizes :irc broken. with her son H, F. TIckiier in this aud Mrs. Linda Ultcheoelt visited Lau.sing and so we can culubrate our lilss birth­ Muuda Hickey, a Lansing school people lufit .Monday. ^ .^ble to sell you Ccflce at the; old i day a weeiv from next Friiluy. During ably Huiisfuctory to the purtles coit- SPECfALF== city. cerned. There liiid not been u time ttnichur, und George I), liuriiion, of Mrs. Glddlni's, wile of the nontenant gov­ the lii'Bt two years we hail iVirry-ii ve A Larger Stock of Underwear Cliupin pays ca.sli for fnr, peltw, Port Huron, were billed to be niarried ernor nnd sislor of Hon, O 0. Fltoh, Is visit- price. Try our Blend Mocha anil member.s, aiul about. one-Uiini of llio.^e I'or st^vcrai years that he would not |)oulliy, game butter and- egijs, sells Ing her brother's people here. ' liavu liecii willing to accept almost Than we ever had at this time of the ye.nr, and it must l.ie iist Thursday evening. Wliuii tlie htjvedeiiarted tills life, and wv too iire DEDUCTION PRICES ON ALL CLOAKS CONTINUED. oil at 7 ooiits, and Hour and salt way eereiiiouy wua tobe performed tlie of- Mr. and Mrs. O. .T. Lewis of Alaledon are Java. We want all the fresli-mnde • traveling toward our riitiire iKuue, and any olllce under discussion for the down. 73tf visiting their sou Jiiy at. Walfrs and other iuiiuir and privileges it carried with it, sold. We cannot jifTord to move it, and in this department li(:iatiiig minister aniiounoed that lie relatives in other parts of tlieatute. our days iiere for tisefiilliius.s tuu .short, had privulciy wedded llie couple u .1. J. 'feall and (laughter of llils olty and W. roll Butter we can get. Bring it and' -we ought never to be -mLi.sHed independent of the salary. Mr. Vaughn 'special ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR PUR TRIMMED JACKETS. especially, if you do not need for present use, it will pay you A liime tlove iitlucked tlie infant reiiienilieied lo iuivesceii tliat the new yeur ugo, n. 'ToHll and Avlfo of Vevay latendod Mrs, until we liavo Irled to do our be.st. to buy for future wear. child of A. Fulrclillds, of Fallasburg, Woleolt'H funeral nt Owosso last Monday. tax laws were worlli in fees to sherlll along and get your cash. .: ^ '. •; Many of the surviving (iiie.s :;re .siill and picked one eye so badly the sight lutei'csting uud euriiest levivul Mrs. Anna Cuplo will lead a raolhors' meet- tiotive.iii the orguiiizatioii, iiiiw re- to clerU iJlilOil iiiid to otherscoiisld- is ruined, mectliig.v ure being held at the Pics- iiignt the W. 0. T. V. rooms Friday, J.ui. 27, I'liililu siiiii.s. Mr.'Wiurteld wanted to Our Heckwear, Mufflers, Winter Caps, at.l p. in. All mothers esneclally liivlled. drulta have been luided yeai-iy, imLil LLS DRY GOODS OO. Mrs. Arthur Brtier of Lanalng byleriun cliurch. Rev. H. W. Morey our ineiiibei-Ehip llio paslytiir was one know lidw iiiiiiiy present would be of Yiisilanti preaches eyer.y evening. A Hlelgh load of young married people &RICE. willing to aaoiilice thumselyes as And in fact evcrytldng in our Gent's Furnisliin Depart- bougliteorn aiiive ofa peddler, u|)|plied HpeulhiKl Monday at tho linnie nf Mr. iiiiU of the Uilgest. -i'lie object, of lliis it, lind illod from Um effects. Blood CliiUlren and young people's meeting Mrs. Frank Whipple near Dansville. A Jolly dub waa to assist tboao interested in cMiiinty olliuers at llie present stilaries. ment v/as never rriorc complete than :it the present time, W iicid every ul'teriiooii ut 4 o'clock. llnio Is reported. , befori; tiie propoHition wus half made poisoning. general iiuproveiiient, It has gener­ Ellon ?0. The licst opportuniiy aro on their way lo California, tlie order of the day.—Minnie Slm|t- Overalls, Lined Jackets, Hunting Jackets, Leather Goats, Somi'bociy steals Lansing dwga. meetings, plculca nnd iiistitiiU'ri, wlieii- he intends to trude f land. sleigh riding.—Annu Wellmuii mude —Minnie McArllinr eniertalned her you ever bad to get ull Ihe news for so Mrs. Fred Stroud -and Mrs. A. McDonald soii Is tiie guest of Bessie Doolittle.— There is also ft man in Mason whose ever consislent. I believe iiie result Col. Shannon ollored the following; H. E. Howe, oui liacksmith, has a purty for her Sunday school class friend, Kate Luiidfuir nf Ypslluiiti, And our stock of Trunks and "Valises is tho largost in the III tie money. oiiterti'Inedalargo cninpauyof lady friends Mrs. Clias. Hiiiitlngton of Shepherd liuuaeliold Is made up largely of dogs yesierduy al'lernoon In honor of Mrs. B. J, lilts been more tliaiiuppreciiitfil, many wlili'ii was adopted without a dis- rented the old Wet l/l farm, ;i miles lust Frlduy evening und a gtiod time tills wcelc.—Ferris Itumsey und wife is visiting her brothers and sisters city. Wo arc also the largest dealers in A Detroit man says tliut his motto, and who has them tu sell. 'One who Rogers and Mrs. I. U. Warnor, of US'have improved in tiiu initiiiior y while Mr. uud Thomson, which cuiiilrmed their of Detroit areHslting thelrsister, Mrs. A new meat market in town. Geo. Harvey ure drawing logs to Stock- uud Luusiiig people. fairs are ot old origin and wherever utlendunce on thut body ut Muson lust the mill. WEBB 6u WHITMAN. Blaekmore Is uctliig us cVinty clerk. ojiltilon thut her deulh wus the result A.O. Mlller.l! . „, Suruto has rented the buzuur building bridge. These men are ulwuys busy. will Hull or'I'liuio. , held tho most extensive, you Viiill lind week. John Stcadinan has bought the M. The Lansing Creuniery Association ij)f chronic cyatltis. During her life John Chuseils preparing to build a for two years and will start a meat —Mrs. Ellztt Webb was a Muson visit­ The Lai-gest Dealers in Clothing in Ingham County. A McGlnty soclul wilf-be held ut the moat improvement. Farmers' G. K. MIttcer is in Muson uttending Hobert 40 acres of land which he In­ has let the contruct for Its new build allie wua very active und often promi­ '""'"0 uud tAvo lota, corner 11 barn. f market. George Is a straigh t-forward, or last Tuesduy.--Mrs. S. Wilson has the home of S. Tonilinsoii, Vevuy, and Mill stropta, cheap; or will trade for furm cluba, local nnd county socleiies, uie court. tends to make his future home. ing, niucliiiiery, etc., lo Duvis & Ran­ nent in church und temperuiice work. James Whiilon who has been sick go-ahead young man and deserves a the diphtlieria.—Fred Pulling speut tomorrow evening. Remember the propoity. 77tf 11.1 llE.NiiBuijow. aa eaaontiai to the larger district, state Dr. Williams will locute ut Cheboy­ Guy Phelps has bought John's inter­ kin ofClilcugo, und work will be com­ The records of the Iiighum county W, Is out again. ^ _ goodly portion of the trade. He is Sunday In St. Johns,—O. Phelps and pluce, 21 miles southwest of Eden, und and world fairs, mb cur common schools gan. Muy success attend hlin. est in the Gratiot farm and intends to menced ut the curliest moment possi­ C. T. U. bear evidence of her sincerity, 'rvsna Hnaaie, llrldlv iiiiil isimrn. Rough an^ peady of the Democrat building a large ice house. wlfii of Missouri are visiting in this go. ure'to higli achuols, collegt^a and uni­ Bert Holmes fell und broke his nrm move there soon. Michigan Hentral ble. The plant will be equipped with and aho will be aeriously misHeii ijy made us a pljuaunt cull. vicinity.—Frank Graves and A; Lath- For sale by J.' It. MoKnIgUl, DaiiBVlllu; 77w6p versities. I would recommend with one duy last week. He is a poor man The Diphtheria cuses are nil well. The Presbyterian Sunday school ^The next eiitertulnineiit of Culver's II puteni Bopurutor, with a cupuclty of muiiy coworkers. Mr. Hull und his The Fitoli'iiirg Dramatic Club play­ touchers are us follows: Mrs. Moore, rop are In Waterloo cutting wooil.— "The Niagara Falls Route." VvrNnle. the work of this club the coming year, uud can't uttord such luck. The mumps nre again visiting us, Mrs. Clara Hall is home from Webber- lecture eoiirso will lie on the evening of aepurutltig thecreuiii from 0,000 pounds litllo duughter Winnie receive much that wo make urrungemeuts uud hold About forty of the young people one ed Under Cie Laurels laat Saturday causing some of the boys to look L. W. Baker, A. J. Thorburn, J. B. SOUTHWARD. - Februrury 7. It will be u lecture by of milk per hour. A lurge number of sympathy In their lots. Her remaiuH li-^mfiSS^f",? biiru-lolO, block SO.: night to afcrowded house. It was Thorburn. Frank Lott, Mrs. L. W. vllle for a few dtiys.—Mias Runiel of NEWS NOTES. Enqulreof O, W. HulHloud. 1611 uu exhibit of various kinds, of live evening of liuit week surprised Ed, like the little chipmunk with its Detroit is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. a.m. a. in. u.tn. p.m. Henry VV. Tewksliuiy, one of the bust Ingham county furmers ure Interested rest In the city cemetery. We append stock, products tif the soil, mechanical Farmer and wife ut their home, eustof well apprecitted. Baker, Alma Aldrlch and Mrs. Byron MnHon 8:23 0:1S 1:21 10:55 on the ])lutl'orm. uiroblluury written by her jiastor: cheeks full of nuts. Hurst.—Mr. Dell nnd wife of St. Johns Jaekson B;10 10:40 S;20 11:-15 .Illnokninllh'n XuuIh fur Nnip, and household articles. I see no rea­ town. Ed. Bogii-dus slipped and fell on his Wilcox. How do you enjoy theoyster famine'.' There will appear in tbe North Gen. B. Haskell is teaching his and Miss Dell Parks of Wllllamston a. m. Geo. McCoiiuelly, formerly foromuii The lute Mrs. Eunice Cutiiurine H''? »,e?'np.lote sot of bluoUsmlth's tools son why we should not hold an insti­ Tho fair association elected their old side hurtlHl himself quite badly. Misses Mary and Bertha Ohiinger p. in. Aiherlcnn Review for Februury, under which I_wlll sell ohoup nir cash or itiiprovca • fourth term of school in district No. visited at Geo. Puliing's Sunday. , Chicago 3:35 7:55 Mrs. James Durrow is on the sick of the News otllce, wua taken duiiger- Hull, wife of Ailicrt J. Hull, passed uoto. tute, as usual of late years, und close onieinls. President, Dan. Watts; Twonio?eof A.C. Lawrence's deer 3 with prospects of success. gave a purty to their young friends 1:30 the title of "Boons und Buiies of Free luqulre of A. Q. Markliaiii ludou^ : have diedlund ho has ordered some Detroit 10:68 7:00 lO:-!,"! 7:10 list. ously ill ut Pluttsburg, Mo., lust week. awsy ill pence at 4:00 u. m. on Monday, Mich, with u banquet; und with our picnics, secretary, Wm. Nichols; treasurer, There was preaching ut the Pollok last Friday night In honor of their p, in. n. ni. p, m. Coinage," three arllcles: tiie llrst, by more fromUllnnesota. His family, who live ut Flint, were •Ian, 2{J, 1803, after a year of severe and I'olniiil Oliliinit. ; the coming summer, I think Viieshould John Farmer. school house Tuesday evening; and cousin, Ed. Keisler of Buttle Creek. St.a'horaus S:lu 10:45 l;o5 10:20 Snow shovels Hon. R. P. Blund, will be entitled, a. ni. are now useful und culled to his bedside. almost imtesniitsuiriM'ingendured with make urraugements to hold one ut the Plunk Nott Is getting along llnely Several around here are illling their every two weeks hereafter. Elder There were about 30 present and all busy. "In the Interest of Shylock"; the H.'H.Parker has ono very niic maloniia'- Agricultural College; besides viewing ice houses^A _ ^ enjoyed a good time. - yiagaruFallB... 7:25 2:14 6:!» 1:47 clieerfiti patience. She wan horn July with his broken kg. Austin does the tulkitig. All uccouiits owing to Fuy & Collier second will be by John Uarsen 2.1801, ut Union, Elgin Co., Onturio, whiit they are doing, note the experi­ Mrs. Susie Taylor of Dimniidule vis­ NORTHWARD. See notice of saddle, bridle and hiiuis Rhoudes, president uf the Greenwich Miss M. Bogers is visiting C. W. for sale. ' of Eden must be settled by Feb. 1,1893, CaiiUdu; hud lived 10 yeurs in the ments lu tiio various stages. In con- J Island Corners. ited her brother, Addison Stone, last a.m. a.m.. p.m. UB they huve dissolved purtnershlpund Savings Bank, who 1^ to write "A LlvePwiiltry Wiiiiioil. VunSlyke's folks ut Mason. HansviUc. p.m. states (four years ul Port Huron und 12 clualoii, I trust this may be a prosuer- Surprlfe parties are the order of the week. Mason 4:5.') 10:60 6:30 0:65 must settle their tilfulra. If you owe, Warning to Suvliiga Bank Deposiiors;" By Simeon Rblfo, Mason. 78lf Geo. BtevenS' uud Frank Sharp are LauBlng 6:75 11:13 Mrs. Seymour DeCump Is still seri- yearn al Mason); was married in June, ous year und that it may be our for-: day. Oiie was given to Mr. and Mrs. The G. A. R. had ah oyster supper Orson Wright is getting out timber 5:66 10:16 ously ill. this Is Impurtunt tu you. 74W'l und u third by u depositor In u Savings the jurors from this town at the com­ Morton ^ their former neighbors, on p. in. l,SS3, to Mr. Hull, wlioiii, with u little • MOHoy to Loan tune to enjoy the many blessings that at A. L. Crossmuu'a last week. for a new burn. Ar. 12:10 Bunk, who will consider the question ing term of circuit court. Thursdu; evening. A quilt and hang­ Owoaao... 6:07 7:11 Lansl'g J. G. Deun aughler of 71 yeuia, she leaves lo hold On real estate at tbo omooof T. M, Drniei • await ua. A. F. Wood, Pres. Mrs. M. Curry has returned from Ye scribe is attending school at p. ni. pays 7 cents for live Prof Irish of Juckson will be ut the from "A Depositor's Point of View." atthcFarmcni'bttuk. oiti "j«:iw« Elmer Season and wife have re­ ing lunip were left as mementos of a.m. chickens. her iiieniory dear. She was converted Coiorado. D't 2:25 Aoo'n. 7.'U'4 MuHou IM uaicul Academy to-morrow turned from their wedding trip. their vsit. The same evening the Bay City 8:10 4:36 for tbe purpoae of organizing a cluso Wllllnmstun sufl'ers u great loas. It ill December, 1881, und was buptlzed . Barker inuny frienda during his.long and Muliy thanks for the book of poems. Mrs. John Suruto's Sutnrday netted r ^tonK*"^*?'^'," Owosso last week of wheut were destroyed with il. Tha AndHoworjolhe of^ftllHlzbs on band and Meetings are being held at the Bap­ $2,80. The mall route trom Dansville lo Manou for J9.05 per hundred. popular meeting thun thutof ilie firm- litavy trial and will not be forgotten PrK- Pattenglll of Lansing is ex- having boon discontinued, the subHorlbert ers' Institute held nniiually. This fire la thought to have been the work to give a lecture next Monday tist churcli this week. Mrs. S. M. Walt is better. ART will bereattor run a vehlele over the road 6fHn incendlury. ill this hour of sore bereayembnt. Set'-: Frank Wright of Plnckney, former­ dally (Sundays nud the 4th of Jul.y ezoepted) 'rbere ure now 85 pupljs hi the year it will be held Februury 10 and vices were conducted at the house by Hoiisn toItont..' ^ ar tor the oonveyanoe of pamengera, express state school for the blind. The name Of the representative from Pastor Najjoleon Smith oil Tuesday luqulro oCSonl Wordon. sstiv; gaveu pleusunt entertuliimetu ut the Arm.aborc Dreatli, Ci|>,>ri:Kil<>n, Asthma, and frolnbt, nt reasonable rates, loavliig Dans­ already bcliig mude, lieat Collins is on the sick list, ?!135 wus tbe amount taken In at the M. E. church Friday night. Reuelpis •wollen Ankles. WooH and Braot!iorln« ville nt 8 o'olook A. M, and arriving at Ma«oD Ford & Klrby, the bnzanr men, have the second diatrictof Ingham county alternoon. • v ^ osed his school in consequence. donutlon for Rev. C. W. Austin. $6.10. BpclD.IlpaiiB]r,, Wind In Btomncta, etc.. nro at or before 10 o'clock A. >r,,roturnlngnt8uab wiks among the list uf those to be cured by oA. MILES' NEW/ HEART CURE. times each day ns shall host promote th u ohuiige of ud. this week. ' Frank E.Pugh, son of H. D. Pugh l•oslUv«ly:«||rcllJ^v A B. Parker's youngest child Is Lust Friday night a surprise party The K. O. T. M. of Holt held u pub­ reprimanded by the speaker for iion- IntTltr. ftnlneii'OolOeii •^itfolllo. siek with Inilammutlon of the Anowdlscovery by tbo eminent Indiana Crooial' flonvenlence of the public. of Lunsing, Is under arrest for embez­ Of Interest toi tlio Jloys. - ;; took possession of G. D. Main's house. lic installution of their olllcers Mon- tot. A. P. Davis, silver creeK, Nob..crtor ,\' •• Prof. H Hopkins of Hllladule has zlement from tlie North Molltor ulloiiduuce ut last Suturduy's session It is manufuotviroU nfl a' powder; w|ilolic«u - four bottles ot aUXXW aVRh foli LoVlor 7. CEORCE P. CLYNN. Ull nd. in the News. Read it. Ss. Dr. Shttw nnd Shumway of Wllllam­ duv night. Greut Commander Atkins ^uitaehndrortwolTO yearo. "For thirty yi-cm Mnnf'g Compniiy by whom he wus of the legislature und being ubsent Agent wanted for the, Elmlra' Tele­ gram in Muson. Greutcst family tea, or In food" .Wlllioutl 10 Ifuowledire ol ' f. and Mrs. Mclntyre have gone ston were in town Tuesduy. of'Flint wus present. The following doubled ir th ITcnrt DBonnai two bottles of The people's party hold their state employed. Ills stolen money foots up without leave.—-Bemoorut. The edi­ ">?, ViMeat. It Is nbsoUitfli; i,,, r liw, una DR. MIIJE8' HEART CURE cuVod no.-L>Tl Could Not Keo|> paper on>0artli. Blxteoii' pugesi Ad­ Cagle and Portland for a visit. A. J. Miller had bad luck going to are the oflloers: P. C, John Hhuel- in.Dueiionon, MIoh." H. B. Stutnon, tvws convention at lonlu February 0. to quite un amount. ' tor (if the News is receiving a gotid S pprmanoiit and speedy oSmI ;ind Mrs. Staley to liake Odessa. tho oyster supper at A. L. Crossman's, berger; C. 8. W. Mayer; L. C. .Thoa. - hiw taken DR. MILES* rtEaWr Shop without thorn, i consider .vonrsulphur deal of free udvei'tlsing by the Demo­ dress Elmlra Telegram,, Elmlra, N.Y. hitlers a remarlrablo blood purltier. I know The republlcun newspaper men of i[4e , Wcsleyaii church sooloty of tipping over twice. Black; R.,K.,Elmer Bhelton; F. K., of several people, whose eases wore eonslder- B'l'rT"'i'i* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. crat Just now, f«n' which .thanks!-but an vuioohoUo wrpok. II. ins bflciiilnthon*^'! ildlan meets with W. O. Foote and H. J. Bond; Chap., Harvey Wilson; cd liopoless, that have boon entirely cured Fret! Lewis of Lniialng la eick with Michigan meet In conlerence at Lunis- we respectfully usk that paper to quote. The Rreatoat woriri destroyer on' hyyour medlolne. The sale of sulpiiur bit­ scarlet fever. : • • ' Je on Wednesday. A ronord of unlnt«rraptod cures for nearly P., Dr. J. F. Ohiinger: S. A., Bert Ing Februury 1 and 2. A business Its' authority coiicerhing the .'above twrth Is Dullum's olrent German jWurm Hyniera onos improgimteii wltli the npeolho. U' hal..„.f. a centurury has oon vfnoed BBnalWe pnople •dl pains left bort constant uto euiod her. ters Is so large hero that. I could not keep BysteraonofllmproBimteii Willi tho" p Prof. Pattenglll of Lansing gave a Hllliard; S., Wm. Wilson; R. B., *^9P„„^J,t»>«"" ^' 8. Vatks, Pharma­ meeting und a banquet are on the pro- meiVtioned ''reprimand.''. The''reprl- LozeugM, only. 26 bents per boXfU that Dr- . BulP"nlPa OoURh SyruByrnpi Is the best lu the & DuBoll!^'* «'>»'et!"B4p at Hall appetite l« exist. Cures niiarniitood,''' „ ""I^ I iture on Monda,v evening at the marketwarUet.. Why., try new tl._tlilngB_ , whe, n i y.qu Win. Bickett: S., George Welch; P., cist, UD Essex street, Lawreuoe, Mass, 77wa -rain. Every republican editor In inand" Is a false emitiatiou of a repor- sale by 0,W.Hal8tead*;eon ftiiid; F. know that you havo wliot you need, Ilclilgun should be th^re, fhool hoilse entitled, My / trip to the A.MiOllver. •OLD BY LONaVCAR BROS. .ellowstone Park. •r\v.^:-:---^-: •fWUlile.;, ,.'.•-;•;-..; .:

itiBiliiliiiiiil^^ iiiiiiiiliiftiiiiB