Croatas Y Eslovenos Period0 1925 - 1960

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Croatas Y Eslovenos Period0 1925 - 1960 Listado de 10s Ciudadanos del Reino de 10s Serbios - Croatas y Eslovenos Period0 1925 - 1960 Recopilaci6n realizada por la Dra. Elsie IvanciC Dunin Profesora de Folklor 1 UCLA Mayo 1985 Gentileza del Sr. Dane MataiC Ex - Consul Embajada en Chile 1988 - 1992 REGISTAR ANTOFAGASTA: "A" last names name date yr.Ch origln * Abjanic V. Drago 1893 1923 lmotska. Vrbanjo? 701 Agnic D. Ivan 1903 1927 B. Hilna 510 Alebic Uatija - 1927 Sinj. Hrvaca 1,112 Ancic M. Stjepan 1887 1927 Slnj. Turljaci? 782 Andl-euci Jerk0 - I93 1 B. Supeter 1,469 Alldreuci de Peric Jaktca 1894 19 13 6. Nerezisca 1,585 Anic C. Ivo 1902 1928 Knin. Vrpol je 953 Anticevic Kazimir 1906 1930 B. Loztsca 1,286 Anticevic K. Jakov 1902 1924 Biograd. Banj 264 Anticevic L. Stjepan 1895 1914 B. Pucisca 733 Anticevic L jubic Ivan 1897 1919 6. ~uclsca 1,407 Allticevic 5. Matija 1890 1925 6. Lozisca 340 Antizin Vice - 1929 Preko 1,153 Antotljevic I'latija -. 192 1 Novo Selo? 1,483 Antunovic Antun 1903 1929 Du. Orkorusno? 1,164 Antunax.!i~: C. Spiro 1887 1905 Hakarska 287 Antullovic R. Stjepan 1897 1927 DU. ~skot&usno 826 Aras Mandinic Jerko 1879 1900 B. Hilna 1,444 Arcic [Aracic] Franjo - 1905 6. Milna 1,126 Arcic [Aracicl Marica 1891 1911 B.Povlja 1,173 Aristic I-lilenko 1879 1906 St-b. Uzice 1,015 Arnic Petar 1898 1930 Hrv. Slsak.Cenicimc1 ,280 Arsic [Hrzicl Stjepanov Petar 1905 1920 8.Pucisce 1,562 Arzic [Hrzic] D. Franjo 1885 1908 B. Supetar 117 Arzic [Hrzicl D. Ivan 1877 1901 6. Supetar 165 krzic [Hrzicl D. Harko 1879 1906 B. Supetar 760 Arzic [Hr-zicl de Bocic Petronila 1904 1904 Argentina. B.A. 1,257 Arzic iHrzicl Trebotic Fralljo 1987 1903 B. flilna 693 Arzic [Hrzicl Vicka Bruno 1915 19 18 B. Supetar 1,734 Atanisl jevic 0. Ruzica--. 1898 1924 Srb. Sebac 66 1 Avialli Luko 1882 1907 B. llilna 862 Aviani Nikola 1873 1893 6.Milna 1,638 REGISTAR ANTOFAGASTA: "B" lost nomes - name date yr.Ch oriqin Babarovic Bosko 1896 1923 8.Milna me Bsbarovic Ferrucio 1899 1928 8.Milna Beharovic S. Prosper 1873 1890 B. Plillse Babic K. Ivan 1900 1925 Herc. Slivno Racic l<ravosac Juro 1906 1930 K. Blato Bacic F. Nikola 1887 1930 K. Blatc! Rakovic Flegdalene - 19 12 B. Nel-ezisca Bakovic Petar 1912 - B. Nerezisca fiakovic de Bezrnalinovic Katica 1904 19 13 8. Nerezisca - Bakovic Franulic Vicenta - 1905 8. Nerezisca Bakovic K. l van 1879 19 10 0. Nerezisca Bakovic Platin Nikola 19 14 193 1 B. Nerezisca Rakovic 0. Ivan 1888 1908 B. Nerezisca Bakovic P. Ivan 1896 1908 B. Nerezisca ' Bakovic Pavulj de Alvarado Blanka 1908 1913 0. Nerezisca Bakovic R. lvatl 188 1 1908 8. Nerezisca Bakovic R. Ivan 1880 190 1 6. Nereziscs Bakovic S. Frano 1898 1920 0. Net-ezisca Bakovic 5. Luci j 1896 19 12 B. Nerezisca Bakulic Juraj 1900 19 18 B. Mil-ca Bakulic B. Merko 1886 1925 B. Flii-ca Bakulic Bartulov Nikola 1908 - 6. Mirca BaRulic de Bakulic I<atica 1908 1954 B. Plirca 6akulic Josipa Nikola 1939 1954 Split Bakulic K. Josip 1854 1925 B. Mirca Rakulic L. Fabijan 1898 1920 B. Mirce Bskulic V. Jakov 1891 1925 B. Mirca Balar-in Pavla Ivan 1876 1890 B. Net-ezisca Balic INikola 1888 1929 5. Lozisca Halzsr-ino Dragutin 1896 1930 Zegreb Hat-bit- G. Pasko 1883 1928 Opuzell ,- Baresic G. Nikola 1895 1924 Nin. Diklo? Bsrhanovic K. Mate 1898 1925 B. Bol - Raric Ivano\~ lvarl 1897 193 1 Ul jan. Sv.Funia7 Barisa Gavrin 1898 1927 Sinj. Kazekasce? Barisic Pavao 191 1 1929 8. Lozisca B6ri:kovic S. Dujmo 1892 1922 Split 1st-' t~cevic V. Filip 1884 1920 B. Sopeter Basic Narsiz 1907 1929 Hurter Basic B. Jerko 1001 1025 Sib. Plurt~r -. Bes\c eozikou Jeronirn 1901 1925 l"1Wter Peeic: Lukin Si me 1913 1936 Tijeenn. Pllrrter 9/5/86 REGISTAR ANTOFAGASTA: "8" t lost nnmes - name date gr.Ch oriqin Basic V. ldikola 1896 1926 Sinj. Utok i39 Batitiica S. Stjepari 1898 1926 sib: Sibenil: 749 fiaus Sitne Petar 190 1 1929 Tijesno. Zlosela 1,582 Relemecic G. Antun 1902 1925 Du. Duht-avice 297 6elic Rlanka - 1930 ?Skr~lncane 1,343 Belic Drag6 - 1930 ?Skrancane 1,350 Belic lvali - 1930 ?Skrancane 1,349 Belic Ljuba - 1930 ?Skraticane 1,346 Gelic Plasa - 1930 Hilhouse 1,348 Belic Milos - 1930 ?Skrancatie 1,344 Gelic Stjepan - 1930 ?Skl-ancane 1,342 Relic Teresa - 1930 ?Skrancat~e 1,347 Belic Vera - 1930 ?Skrencane 1,345 Belli PI. Franj o 1870 1906 Vis 774 fiencic Krsto 1900 1921 8. Skrip 629 Bendekovic Janko 1904 1925 Karlovac 1,316 Eietlusic PI. Juraj 1894 1912 B.Se1c.a 646 Belxrsic llosic Antun 1904 1926 8. Selcs I,451 Beuvic IVEIII I527 c Ch. Atit0 1,497 Eieuvic Vestia 1930 c Ch. Atit@ 1,498 Beovic G. Nikola 1897 1520 6. Supetar 248 Geuvic lvatl Marinko 1932 C Ch Antu 1,523 Beovic P. Juraj 1 (?07 1925 B. Supetar 836 Beuvic P. Hate 1892 1919 0. Supetar 131 Gerkovic Lovro 1908 1930 K. Vela lukn 1,276 Bet-os Antin Jut-a j 1895 1907 0. Nerezisea 1,702 Bei-os Antin Stjepati 1915 1931 H. Zastl-azisce 1,523 Reros G. Fridri I; 1899 1908 B. Net-ezisca 330 fieros K. Frarijo I88 l 1904 6. Planice 372 Eel-us II. Antun 1865 1900 8. Net-ezisca 752 Rezrilalinovic de Rajevic Marija 1899 1925 0. Net-ezisca 1,205 Bezmalinovic G. Juraj 1887 1907 0. Nerezisca 121 fieznialinovic K. lvan 1882 1908 R. Nitvoselo 203 Rezlnslinovic P. Dihko 1902 1928 0. Nerezisca 1,034 Bezlnalitic~vicP. lvon 1894 1913 R. Net-ezisca 62 Bilernisa 0. Ivo 1902 1925 Du. Ljuta 478 Bilodjeric P. lvan 1889 1928 Sinj. Glavice 984 Biskupovic Antuti 1902 I927 8. Lozisca 1,083 Eiskupovic Juraj 1891 1914 6. Lozisca 1,199 Biskupovic Juras Plarko 1895 1927 0. Lozisca 814 Biskupovic Jut-ja Luka 1910 1927 B. Lozisca 1,578 Biskupovic Ljubetic Plarko 1900 1924 6. Sutivan 480 9/5/86 REGISTAR ANTOFAGASTA: "8" ' last names name date y.Ch oriqin = Boskovic Kljenak Vlade - C Ch. Atito 1,418 Bosnic Gavranic Ante I(. Blato 1,317 Bosnic R. Frano K. Korcula 938 Bosnjak Ivatl Herc. Sovucna? 1,120 Bosnjak Tomislav Herc. Crnac 1,058 Bosnjak B. Filip Sinj. Cirab? 823 Rosnjak P. Antun Sinj. Hrvaca 913 Bradanu\ric Nil:ola Colulnbia:Kali 1,387 Bt-adatiovi c K. Ante Vis 230 Gradanovic Kuzrrianic Antun Vis 1,056 61-adasic lvan 8. Lozisca 857 Brajcic R. Anastasia Vis 943 Brajcic R. Jakov Vis 183 Braj kovic Pliho Iz veliki 1,577 Brajovic D. Rasko Rijeka 725 Bralic A. Lj. Nino Du. Dilbl-uvnik 682 Bralic L. Ivo Du. Dubt-ovtiik 1,043 Gralic L. Nitioslav Anto 683 Eraskic P. Plari jan Sol ta 244 Brcic H. Stipan Sinj. Otol; 970 Brcic V. Jose Iz veli 1,044 61-eskovic Antuka B. lqerezisca 1,233 Breskovic G. Jerko 8. Nerezisua 426 Breskovic K. Petar 8. 801 270 Breskovic Restovic Antica B. Nel-ezisca 1,424 Brkljaca Joze Mato Klis.Kotijsko? 1,627 Brkovic N. Nikola 8. Sutivan 11 81-kovic N. Vicko B. Sutivan 326 Broz Rade Zagreb 91 6 Eirticevic Luce B. Mirca 1,067 Eit-ticevic de Vice B. Supetar 1,100 61-ticevic Roscevic lvan 6. Plirca 1,433 Budinic PI. Plartin Sinj. Trvijaci? * 801 Bujak Valjalo lvo Du. Slar10 1,370 Eiujas R. Albert Sib. Sibenik 290 Buljal: M. Franjo Sinj. H~rvacice 844 El11jan B. Ante Herc. Metkovic 960 Buljati Vukovic I'lato Sinj. Bitalic G. 899 Hi11jevic G. Stjepan 8. Pustira 1,048 Buljevic Giavinic Jakov B. Postira 726 Hi11jevic PI. Atidri ja B. Postii-a 307 Ellljevic 5. Franjo B. Postira 391 REGISTAR ANTOFAGASTA: "8" last names name date qr.Ch origin Buljevic S. Jakov 188 1 1899 8. Postira But-deles C,. Gjuro 1900 1925 Du. Kuna fiut-ica Josip - 1929 Split. GI-ohote Eiutkovic R. Ivan 1873 189 1 Srb. Kraljevica Eiutorovic Rade Roki 1908 1925 Vis Rutorilvic U. Luka 189 1 1907 8. Plilna Buzolic Antun 1907 1929 8. Milna Buzolic 6. Stjepan 1881 1902 8.Milna REG ISTAR ANTCIFAGASTA: "C" last names name date yr.Ch origin 0 Cagalj Niko 19 12 1929 Du. Pridvorje 1,524 Cagal j Joziti Pli ho 19 12 1941 Herc. Imot. Zag,dvozd? 1,730 4 Caglevic 8. Lovro 19 10 192 1 8. Supetar 1,134 Caglevic 81-kljaca Grgin Ivan 1919 1536 B. Supetar 1,723 Caglevic de Zuvic Antonija 1876 1910 6. Supetar 1,174 Caqlevic S. Atitu~i 1897 192 1 8. Supetat- 385 Caglevic S. GI-go 1887 1920 6. Sitpetat- 443 Caglevic S. Ivan 1884 19 10 B. Supetar 48 Car Ucovic Plarko 1902 1926 Du. Konsvle 815 Cat-evic V. Andri ja 1889 1906 8. Selca 414 Cat-ic M. Luka 1908 1927 H. Dol 843 Casat-~egraPI. Torna 1888 1920 Budva. Przno 353 Cassorla A. Josip 1909 1909 Monastir 252 CEIsSOT15 5. Ploise 1916 1924 Monastir 466 Catkovic 8. Jure 1910 1924 8. Pucisca 461 ~eqaT. Doro 1887 19 12 Du. Dubrovnik 175 ~ekalovic Juraj - 1928 B. Lozisca 1,111 Cekalo\lic P. Antu~i 1890 1925 B. Lozisca 526 Cekalovic P. Toma 150 1 1926 B. Lozisca 521 Cekalovic Stjepanov Ante 1906 1937 8. Lozisca 1,704 Celic Mile Petar 1887 1902 tledak. Raduc? 1,675 Celinic Kunjan Bozo 1905 1930 K. Blato 1,233 Cesareo Dinko 1896 1924 Vis. Komize 1,790 Cetinic Atidrije Ante. 1896 1930 K. 6lato 1,733 Cetinic 6.
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