vSwit m •i iii ii m Mta. ' LcwIh Banden la on the alok Hal — Mr. aud: Mn.'Chaa. Brunk of Lealle :'IIni.'a«<t. Joiiaa iHOii tbe:Kalii.—Mta. vlaltud at A. Dubuta' Friday.—D«- Bobert DIH and. lira: Nathen Boae of Witt OuHola^whu' Hiaa beeu taaublng :RIvtw TutNulay.—Harrle Fox waa: lir aolionl near Parma; la homo again.— ;Batou Ranlda nn hnHlneiw laHt week. Ma«Kle Barr, who'liaa Juat returned J. N. SMITH —LuriiarJ Oawitt vli>lted hia awn In from Dakota, and Beitlia Rumory are Mills Dry fioods Company. 'jMkauii Friday.—Jamea Oardiier and vlaitlUKlii tbia vIoliilty.-Tbe anoial Wishes to call your atten- wife or nMi> Bunkerlilll vlalted M. al Jaa.llarr'a waa a aueoeaa, 810.90 be­ Ji Bowdlab Friday.-JaniM Naah re* ing ralaed wblcli will be uaed to get a this week to his SPECIAL Mutty hurt btahiind at Pottcr'a mill globe fur tbe aebuol. SALE of iotliatlie lalald III* fora few dava.-^ Tb« party Blveu by Irvln Hadly at VOL. XXXV.-NO. 3. Fllehbarg. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19. 1893. WHOLE NO. 1776. Nortb I>a1lt Hotel Friday evening waa well attended. There will be an* Cliaa. Pnxann and wife are visiting WHAT IS QOINQ ON PANTS otber one there Friday aveuing, Jan. at II. R. Puxaun'a.—Meinhera nf the grange are preiiarlng a play for tbe IS. All aiecoKllallyliiviied. Supper THIS WEEK AT M. D. Q. O'S. Lard wanted at the bakery In the Warm ineala SO cents. At near future.—Tlianka totlie NBWBfor Sixty pair of $6.50 Pants roatau VUI'I* ABD VMITttBS- will beeerved at U. J. BowdlahV- BROWNE'S BOOK STORE. Paddock block. *p rant in Paddock bloox. Xt la reported bare that Bert Haabrouch Evangeline. We aball try the New to be sold at $5.50. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Wllliarii , R. H. Qulloy of Detroit .was In town Satur­ of. all In. IMvt-nlim:Klranli-l«IMt ITulUn who went weat two year* ago la mar­ Year to merit the oumpllineiiU of tbe The severe winter weather we are day. Leverett, January 13, a daughter. HUtMOovaruiUHiit Fnotl Ketort. ried. Cougratulatinua Bert—Neiaon Nbwb again.—Mra. MIrole and Mra. having is quite a record breaker. > ROYAi.BAKiNn f>nwnicnCn.,ti« Wall8t..N.Y. Wright aUrteil Friday to Join tbeir ..ExSherin Paddock was In town lust FrI- Cbiric and family vlalted Mra. This is a Big Bargain, nnd We regret to say that A. O. Ball's ««.y. biiNbunda who lately bought lariiia near Please call and settle up this month, Olark'a brothem Jobn. Bagaia, Sun­ dry g(M)d8 store Is closed this morning. Mantun. We wish them aueoeaa.— We expect each year during tbe would like to have you call Wall Paper and Window Shades. what you owe. F.W.Webb. Elmer Hawley of Lansing spent Sunday In day.—Roy Falrohlld and wife vlalted Eddy Bros, of this city have secured town. atM. Faircblld'a Suuday.-Mra. Jef­ John Loyd from near Boyaii Falla in and look the goods over. The W. H. M. aoolety of tlio M. E. was vlaltlng relatlvea here, also look­ OUR NEW 1803 GOODS ARE NOW ON SALE. tho contract for the wiring and Hxturea church will send their box next Satur­ I P. O. AnnlslWBB In Maion last Monday ferson Hill waaiu LanaingTueaday.— These goods are all wool of the Holllster block at Lansing. buying horses. Waruie Small of Leelie called ou ing for a elianue to buy a draft team.— day. The Sunday school baa been re-organ* month of January to reduce our They will put In 325 Incandiscent Miss Liura Raynarof Leslie visited In Ma­ frianda here recently.—Tom Woodrow and trimmed in first-class VVcureucknowledged leaders in our line—wc believe wc arc lights. J. N. Smith announces u great re­ son last Saturday. Tfe«nil*r. Januar/ IS. 1898. loat a valuable borae recently.-A Ized with jTesale Upton as Huderlntend- ent; John Curtis, aaslataut sunt.; Seo„ shape, and a good fit gu.ir- entitled to the distinction. duction in the price of all winter Frank lllrney oriAnslusspenta few days MASKS crnivd of our young (leople attended A wholesale druir company has been la town last week. Carrie Havens; treaa., Wm. MoCreery; goods. See his ad. Invham County Farmers'. Club. the anoial given Iw the Maecaheea at nntcec. No party will oc organlssed ut Lansing with a capital llbrariun, Beuiile Devey; orgaiilat, stock. In order to do this it goes DON'T BE TALKED stock of $10,000. They expect to man­ Mr. BlebardB of Sparta called on tho Mis­ Club Roost, Jidi. 7,1883. Geo. Laberteaux Wedneadav evening allowed to purchiise more Fred Lewis is again working for the ses Barohart loat Tuesday. and reiwrt a good time.—Ellie Jllen, Mra. Bell Lawrence.—Mra. John Mil­ Into buying until you have seen our line. We don't buy any ufacture and handle divers drugs and Rogers Maniifaturing Company for i ler la Btill on the alck list.—Sedwiok Mra. Linda Hitchcock, of Alma, vlalted Market reportH <tia not bring any formerlv a teacher here, vlalted at J. than on* pair. second cl.iss goods in order to gut them chc.-ip. remedies. time. He may conclude to stay. Irlends In town this week. AT uew tiling lo view. W. Wllcox'a last week. Leece will build u stock shed this aprlng.—E. R.Uawlev is preparing to without saying we must make Respectfully yours, A. J. Shurger has returned from the Kalherine Rober will appear in Bart Mr. Young, once our city maraball, has I HogHure way up and getting liiKlier. Tsvms OMdak. been among his Irlenda^ere thIa week. Beef nud mutton are cheap um eoni- build a large abed in tbe s|>riug.—Tlie west where he bus been traveling in ley Campbell's "A Heroine in Rags," hunters are doing a rushing hualueas CHAS. W. BROWNE. the interests ofj. J. Deal & Son of at Ruyiier opera houso this evening. Mr. £..8. Beat of Lansing was In town last pared with luHt year. Some wonder AlaledoB tU HerldUn Liae. Satin day. the gueat or hla friend, Ml>a Mana* WHS uxpruxHed thai het>f and mutton hunting rabblu,—The Grange lias J.N. SMITH, Tailor. Joiiusville, Mich., and reports u suc­ Miss Rober is a famous actress Held. FORD'S There will be a night cap aoclal at did nui syniputltize wliii pork. elected nnd enstalled the following special prices and lose money. Bntered at the Poatofflce at Maton ai cessful trip. H. C. Guile's Thursday evening for ofllcers for the year 1893: Muster, K. B, The Teachers' Reading Circle will Mrs. c. O.Carveth ol Chicago rec|Uesla ns to S<ioond-eta.u matter. siste that sickness has delayed her visit In- The seuM'luiy nuwh' u verbal re|ioi t. the benellt of the library.—Tiuinan Dewey; overseer, F. Brown; lecturer, Installation ot ofllcers nt both lodges meet at the usual place ut the usual The troiMurer reporte*!. Casli reoelvwl definitely. Heilger la quite siok. Tlie grangers Mrs. Jennie Parinan; steward, Roy PaattiSRBD Evaar THnKfin<t.Y, By of Maccabees took place at their lialis timo Saturday, Jan. 21. Let those in lKi)2 jHtS.ST, and e.xpeiidi-d in aud neighbors will have u wood bee for McCreery; assistant steward, Lewis last Tuesday evening, after wliieli the who are behind endeuvorto be present. Mr. anil Mra. R. O. Bishop of Leslie apent BAZAAR. f2Q.88. But in losing money we make J. T. CAMPBELL. ladles served lunch and a very pleas­ last Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Q. B. hini in the near future.- Obrry San- Curtis; chaplain,John Miller; treaa.,) At the annuul ineediig of tbeRogers Sanders uf this city. On mullon the report of In-aHiirer NBWa NOTES. ant time was had. dera and wife 8|ient Sunday at his John Creig; Sec,, Carrie Havens; gate j VKXaSUfilB: Muiuifacturing Company the oinuers Wtta iionept<>d and udojited. Mrs, Abbott ol Fremont county, Ohio, an father's.—Alaledon gratige January 7, keeper, Tlioinas Leece; cerles, Mrs. yMr, 11.25 i six months, 6S csnta; thrsa and directors were all re-elected. The uuutorUrn.A. R. Hardy, came to Mason to On nkollon the elub prnvcedcd to Tliu (lays Rrow perceptibly lunger. An Albion man, Mr. .Tames 1883. Called to order by master Ban- Jennie McCreery; pomona, Al/.lna •aeatlis, 3S santa—la advanoa. company is running full blast with visit her nieco Mra. Hardy, on Wednesday of the eleellon of olllueis tor the ensiiInK friends. This has been our]2eus- Reed had a stroke of paralysis and this week. Mr. tmd Mrs. Hardy were at Pine dew, music, prayer by Mrs. 8. R. Dewey; flora, Mrs. Joliii Crelg; ludy The colt] weuther Is deut'ii to quails. the usual amount of word. year with the rullowtiii; result: Presi­ ADVERTISINQ RATES. froze to death while on bis way from Lake and Mr. J. M. Pulver took Mrs. Abbott King. Thia being the night for in- assistant, Grace Crelg. Marsluill to Albion on foot last week u> her rrleuda there. dent, Amos F. Wood; Ist vine presi­ Take Notice! Oar.dv.rtlalna rates made known aiofllce* Will. Iluyner began ctittlnu; Ico lust Always tell your folks that Mason is atalatioii, A. T. Stevens proceedetl to BoalDMSoarda 91 a, line per year. Sounds like Dakota. dent, An(;uH Tenipletoii; 2iid vice Install theofllcera. When through he BoslneM locals dye oenta per line each and Moixluy. tbe best place on earth.
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