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J^>^\iuS^,J^n^^qg^,^T ^s^S^^^^T^i)a,r ^^^^Q^q^ ^^j;:^ ^'^ THE

AND Unit^ed States Calendar For the Year of ouh LORD * 18^ a, aad Forty-seventh of j^msricai/ /NDBPEAfOENCE. coNTAiariwG I Civil, Judicial, Eccl'fsiastical and Military Lisfs in MASSACHUSETTS; Associations, and Corporatk Institutions for literary^ agricultural^ and charitable Purposes.

A List 'if Po&T-TowNS n Massachusetts, titith f/ic| Names o^ the Post-Masters.

CITY OFFICERS IIS" BOSTON. also, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT,

With its several Departments and Establishments Times of the Sittings of the several Courts;

Governors in each State ;

And a Variety of other interesting Articles.

BOSTON PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, AND RICHARDSON^ 8c LORD. Soldwholesale and retail, at their Book-stores, Comhil ECLIPSES FOR'1823.

There will be nolens than six Eclipses this year, four will be of the Suri^ and two of the Moon^ in the follow- ing order, v iz.

I. Thefirstwill be of the Sun, January 12(hday,4h.l0m. morning, consequently invisible. Moon's lat. i° 24' N. II. The second will be of the Moon, January 26th day, Oh. 27m. evening, of course invisible. III. The third will be of the Sun» February 10th day, lOh. 21ni. evening-, likewise invisible. IV. The fourth will be of the Sun, July 8lh day, near 2h. morning, also invisible. V. The iiCth will be a total Eclipse of the Moon, begin- ning July 22d, and ending on the 23d, visible, as follows: Beginning, July 22d, 8h. 46in. \ Beginning of total darkness, 9 52 f Appar. time Middle, 19 42 ^ e\ ening. End of total darkness,' 11 30 ) End^ 38 App. time morn. Daratbn, 3 52 Digits eclipsed, \^^ nearly from N. side of Earth's shadow. VI. The sixth and last will be of the Sun, August 6th 9h. 9m. in the morning, but in- i.^ible, m coii^equ€nce of the Moon's great soutijern latitude, viz. T 25 ii.

VOTES FOR GOVERNOR— 77/r&z^^/i6w/Mc State, Tor Mr. Strong, 18C0 19,^30 < For Mr. Gerry, ie,«58

J. or do. 1801 25,452 \ For do. iO,l(it> Yor do. 1802 2y.983 -> For do. ig.584 yor do, 1803 29,l9y \ For do. ll,b3o Jor d«. 18C4 30,011 i For Mr. SuUivau, 2i,'J79 For do. 1805 35,204 ? For do. 33,250 For do. 1806 3(>,433 1 For do. 36.031 For do. 1807 39,224 t For do. 41,954 For Mr. Gore, 1808 39,643 ,- For do. 41,is^i For do. Ifi09 47,9i6 i For Mr. l/mco!n, 45,il8 For do. IS 10 44,272 For Mr. Gtny, 4n,54l For do. ISU 40,142 • For do. 43,328 For Mr. Strong, 1312 52,696 $ For do. 5l,32(> For do. 1813 56,754 i For Mr. Varmim, 42,789 For do. 1:^14 56,374 > For Mr. Dexter, 45,053 For do. 1815 50,'<21 * For do. 43,93& For Mr. Brooks, 1816 49,573 t For do. 47,384 38,129 For do. 1S17 46,160 f For Mr. Dearlwni, For do. 1818 39,*3;{ i For Mr. Crowninsh^el.l, 30.041 For do. 1819 42,875 \ For do. 35,271 For do. 1820 31.072 \ For Mr. Euslis, 22,213 For do. 1821 28,487 *. For do. 21,117 Boston, 1821, Mr. Brooks, 3114 ^ For do W2l PA V-/

FEBRUARY, 1823, begins on Saturd^ Last Quarter 2d da\, 5h. 50ni. evening. New Moon 10th day, lOb. 21m. evening.

First Quarter I8th. day, 6h. 1 8m. morning. Ful] Moon 25th. day, Oh. 2*^m. morning. MIW Observable Days, b'c. |r. s. jr. # 6. jF. Sea. t^ery fine 7 6 5 morn. 3 34 Sexag.S.P.V.M.orCAND. 4 5 13 4 20 except bein<^ cold, 3 5 1 17 5 6 7*s set 2h. morn. 3 d 9 a 5 2 19 5 56 lAga. Moderates [Dapog. I 5 3 13 6 45 5 Fed.Con.rat.byMas. '88. ° -5 4 8 7 35 t > I'jot very high sets 10 50 3 'Sbrcve. Tuts. Sharp 6 53 6 6 11 34 ^4 jAshU'ed.orLENT. d> $ 6 52 6 7 5 ev. 17 b 3 jCold Friday 1817. air 6 JO 6 8 10 I I 146 Valentine Day. -M«c>6 6 49 6 9 18 1 44 [finer (with 6 48 6 10 28 2 32 16 E 1st Sun. in ^i 6 Lent D 4 46 6 11 39 3 22 172 Tr. with G. B. rat. by Con. 6 45 6 morn. 4 16 8. C. Deci. J. JalUng 6 44 6 o 53 5 14 set ih. f> l'.4 7*8 morn, d 6 $? 4z a 6 6 15 iA^iddling tides 6 ,^ >per. 41 3 ^3 7 18 gjo to the end ^weather. 6 I 40 6 4 II 8 19 iV\ ASHiNGTON gs>'7 bor. 1732 6 38 6 4 58 9 17 5.[E 'i'd Sun. in Lent. Very cola. ^ 37 6 5 47 10 17 p^,'2 C.P.Lenox. St. Matt. 35 6 8iii 5 of 95:3 the month. 6 34 6!Crisetii 53 -' Changes to p5!4 fine Jor ^33 6; 7 4ijmorn gj 5 7*s set oh. 28m. the 6 31 6' 8 49' o 40 08 6 4eajon.6 6' 30 9 57 1 26

Venus will be evening star till 10th of October; tnrnce mcrninjr star tf) the end of the ye-^r. Jupi- TLR will be niorning star till 10th of June; thence tvcrinK ^tar U. the end ot the ye^ir.

MARCH, J 823, begins on Saturday. APRIL, 1823, begins on Tuesday.

MAY, 1823, begins on Thursday. JUNE, 1823, begins on Sunday.

JULY, 1823, begins on Tuesday. AUGUST, 182J3, begins on Friday.

OCTOBiiR, 1823, begins on Wednesday. I New Moon 4?th day, 3h. 57m. morning.

First Quarter 1 ItU day, 9h. 23m. evenmg, Full Moon lytli day, 5h. -Aim. evening. Last Quarter 26tli day, 3h. Om. evening.

Iffc. r. s. r.#s. IF. Sea. Observable Days, | Q Re mi. Becomes 6 11 6 2 58 8 50 much finer, 6 1% 6 4 12 9 40 7*s sou. 3h. mor. 6 14 6 5 ^4 10 3Q Cooler 15 6 isets i» . 0^46 18 19th. 6 6 8 Sun. past Trin. with 17 6 eve 7 some rain. 6 18 6 6 40 57 S.J. C. L. T. Camb. UP. 6 20 6 7 16 1 49 •84 Fine days [& S. Bost. 6 21 6 8 o 2 4] St. Dennis. but cool 6 23 6 ^ 49 3 34 io'6 24 6 9 44 4 25 Low tides. «5 > H t) 25 6110 43 J »5 2E 20th. Sun. past Trin. > apo. ^ 27 6|ii 44 6 2 132 C, S. Nant. Pkoiant ^ 28 6 morn. 6 48 «43 S.J.C.L.T.PIym.C.S.Newp. ^ 30 6| o 48 7 32 154 31 ^1 1 51 8 ij 65 season. ^ 32 6 2 54 8 57 Ethel. 6 6 Burgoyne sur. *77. 34 3 57i 9 41 St. Luke. Th' 6 18I7 clouds ZS 5 5 al^o 27 .9E 2ist. Sun. past Trin. 6 36 6 ^riseii 16 20 z denote 6f^^^ 38 6 5 24 morn. S. 6 J.C. L.T. Dedh. a 39 ^ 6 5 storm is near. 6 41 6 651 Colum. dis. Amer. 1492. 6 42 7 58 Sirius rises 11 h. 40m. 6 9 8 Crispm. xMid. tides. > 1^ 6 to 2l J 45 5 Z2d Su '. past Trin. per. 6 6 II _) 46 38 C. P. LenoK. Cool winds 6 47 « morn, S.J.C.L. T.Salem, w/th 6 49 6 o 52 6 51 failing weaiher. 6 50 6 2 4 7 41 Pres. Adams born, 1735. 6 3 16 8 a8 7*s ih. sou. lom. c^ C ? ^ 53 6 4 26: 9 16

NOVEMBER, 1823, begins on Saturday. | DECEMBER, 18:>;3, begins on Moaday.

New Moon -^d day, 8h. 52m. monnng. First Quarter l6th day, 2h. 1 2m. evening. Fall Moon l7th day, 5h. 6m. evening. Last Quarter 24't!i day 8h. 54m. morning.

Observable Days ir.0 8. |r.®s. F. b ea.

2 Middling tides. 6owf 20 3!^ io ia rfl;« i/' 7 26 >sets II 13 L, rises 7h. eve. not 27 aa eve 3 Y'd. 7 5 5 snow, H. o 4 d 1 7 27 57 othemvi^e 28 i 5 Co/^, 7 46 Nichol. pleasant. 8 19 2 3i 6|7 7 319 20 7E 2d. Sun. in Ad. > apog. 7 29 9 3 »5 C. P. Cam. Wor. & rauii.7 30 10 21 3 57 Low tides. Clouds 11 21 9|3 7 30 4 l^ fore'.el a mom 7 31 j storm Gov. Sail. di. 1 808. 7 31 22I ^ ^ 126 zj «^tfr. 7 32 * 23 6 44 '^ z '3^7 Lucy. Grows 6 % 1 32 29 7 3 i4E 3d Sun. in Ad. Wash. a '99. 7 32 3 3^ 8 22 C. P. Ips.& Dedh. finer. 7 3j 4 49 9 18 163 7*s sou. loh. eve. 7 33 b o 10 2C 174 Quite high Changeable 7 33 <^rise 11 24 185 weathtr-, 6 }% 7 33 morn, 19-6 perig. 7 33 12 » 30 2l|£ 4th. Sun. in Adv. St. Tiio. 7 33 9 29; 2 2 22' Pleasant for the 0^7 33 10 42, I» 23 Alexander bo. 1777. ^euon. 7 33 ii 8 ^4 Peace sig.at Ghent, i8i4. 7 S3 morn. 55 1 o 5 Christmas Day. A storm 7 '66 41 26 St. Stepacii. IS near. 7 33 2 8 28 27 St. John iV/ore comfo' tabic. 7 33 3 14 16 28 1st. S. past Cf:. Inn. ^ v^ J^ 7 33 4 22 5 29 7*3 sou. 9h. eve. 7 cJ2 5 19 56 30 C''o/ «;?// 7 32 b 13 47 bluster m .7 7 II 10 38'^ r



Governors of Plymouth^ chmen annually by t/i- People^ 1620 John Car' er 1644 Edward VVinslow 1631 ^Vi'li.mBriidford 1643 Will- am Bradford l6'^3 Ed".-ard Wiiis'ow 16,57 Thorn?* Prince

1634 Thon^.as prince 167 \ J")sias Wir.s'ow 1635 Wil'iam Biadford 1680 Thomas F-Iiiickley,?yj4

Governors of Massachusetts tindtr the First Charter^ chosen annually by the People.* 1630 Tohn VVlnrh'op 1645 Thomas Dudley 1634 Thomas Dudley 1646 John Winthrop 163,5 John Haynes 1649 John Endicott 1^36 Kenry Vane 1654 Richard Beiiingham 163-' [(jhn Vinthrop 1655 John Endicott

1640 T'-'O nas Dudley 1665 1^'chard Bellinfiham , ifiji Richard Bi-Dingham 1673 John I,ev<"rett 1^42 John Winthrop 1679 Siraori Bradstrcet. ' 1644 John Endicott

After the diswltition. of the First Charter.

16S6 Joseph Dudif-y, Prest.\ M«• profyle, and Simon Brad-

1687 Sir Ecimiind Andros, I streer elected President^ who Govrrtor. in 1691 was chon'jn Gov- [ 1689 Sir EdtMund

Governors of Massachusetts under the So^ond Charter^ appoint^ ed by the Kinpr.

1^9^ Si-- William Phips II (69')Sci7ooEarl ofBel'amont

if>94 Williin Sroa>^hton, 11 1700 'Villi^m Srou^;hton,

L euUnant Gwe^nor. jj Lieulenant Gove nor.

* In 16-28, tho Coinpany in En^lan;! for sjttling >fassachiisetts Bay, chose Matthfw Cradock, Governor, and TIiorHas GofFa, Lieutenaut- €\"veraor, but they iwver came to Aaieiica. 1

1 6 Civil Government of Massachusetts.

1702 Ma\, The Council. 1741 William vShirley Joseph Ducllev. 1749 Spencer Phips, Lieu- 1714 Feb. The Council. tenant Governor March, foscph Dud- '753 William Shrley ley. 756 Spencer Phips, Lien^ 1715 Willlavn TA\\^:r,Lieu- tenant'Gove* nor, tcvant Gwc icr. 1757 .4r>riL The Councii \j\ 6 Samuel Shute Thomas P >wnal 1723 William Dummer,Z,^ 1760 Thomas Huichinson, 'governor. Li''utenant Governor, 1728 William Burnet F .uc;s Bernard 1729 William Dumvaer, Lt. 1770 rhonas Hutchinson, Governor, Lieut tnant Governor. 1730 Wm. Tailer, Lt. Gov. 1771 Thom is HutchiDsoa Jonathan Belcher 1774 Thomas Gage.

Since the Revolution, 1774 October. A Provincial Congress. 1775 July. The Council.

Unde r the New Constitution^ chosen annually by the People* Governors. Lieutenant Governors. 1780 John Hancock, to 1785 1780 Thomas Cushmg 1785 Ta.nesBowdoin, 2 yrars 1788 Benjamin Lmcoln 1787 John Hancock, to 1793 1789 S^m'l Adams, to 1794 1794 Samuel A-dams, 3yr;vs 1794 Moses Gill, to 1800 1797 IncreaseSum.ner.tot790 1 80 Samuel Phillips, 1800 Caleb Strong, fo 180- 1802 Ed. H.R.obb.ns,to 1806 1807 James SiiUivan,toi^oo ?8o7 Levi Lmcoln, to 1809 1809 Chnsto. Gore, to 1810 i^oQ David Cobb, to 1810 iRjo Eibrid Gerry, to 1812 18 lo William Gray, to 1812 1812 Caleb Strong, to 1816 1812 Wm. Phillips, to 1825 i8i6 , to 1823

Civil Government in Massachusetts. For the Political Year commencina^ Mmj^^ lt)22,

and ending May., 1 823.

His Excellency JOHN BROOKS, Esq. LL.D. Govf:rnor. His Honor William Phillips, Esq. Lieutenant Governor. Civil Government of Massaciiusetts. 17


Hon. Samuel Crocker, I Hon. Samuel Porter, Sullivan, Abraham Hohues, Richard |

Thomas Greenleaf, I Jo?eph Locke,

Daniel Noble, I . William Reed, | Secretary cf Coaunonweallh, Alden Bradford, Esa. Chief Clerk, Edward iVPLane, Esq. Clerk, Samuel Austin.

Trrastirtr of Cfntimonrjealth y Hon. Nahnm Mitchell. Joseph Foster. 1st Clerk. J. L Linzee, ^d Clerk. Ollices in New State-House.

SENATE. Hon. JoH^f Phjlmps, Prfnident. Sujfolk, VToii. John Phillipp, Thomas H. Perkinp, Jona- than Hunewell, Lemuel Shuw, Joseph T ildeii, Benja- min Rus?el]. lissex, Hon. Nathaniel Hooper, Robert Rantoul, John Glen King, Ilobart Clark, Benjamin Osgood, Edward S Rand. . AlifhfiffieXf Hon. William Austin, Joel Cranston, Levi lliaxttr, John Abbot, I'iino'.by Walker. rivwctith. Hon. Cushifie: Otis, Nathaniel M. Davis. Bdrnstahle, Hon. Ehjah Cobb. JsTv/olk., Hon. Beujauiin Reynolds, John Rug-gles, Lew-

jp Fisher. EriHol and Dvket<'^ County^ Hon. Oliver Starkweather, Thomas Rotch, Jethro Dos:?et, ^'"oTi'uckett Hon. Walter Folger, Jun. IVorceyrer., Hon. Aaron Tufts, Salem Town, jr. Benja- min Adams. Natl-.aniel Jones, Stephen P. Gardner. J1aipfif,hire, Hon.. Lewis Strong, Joseph Strons;, jr. Berkshire Hon. Lemuel MoiTit, Jonathan Allen. JHainpden., Hon. Jonathan Dwight, jr. Janiee Fowler. Franklin, Hon. Eliliu Hojt, Thomas Longlej* Samuel F. L3'man, Esq. Clerk. John Farrie, jr. Esq. Andstanc CUrk. Rev. James Walker, Chaplain. B 2 y

18 Representatives—Suffolk... .Essex. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Hon. Levi Lincoln, S/ieaken Pelham W. Warren, CVcrXr. Rev. William Jenks, C/ia/ilain,

[0:^?" The first column denotes the year of incorpora-

tion ; the second, the Census of 1810, the third, the Census of 1820. Figures at the ends of lines denote the distance of miles from Boston.]

Inc. 1643, May 10. SUFFOLK. Inc. Cens. Cens, Boston, Lynde Walter, John ^^ 1630 1810 1820 Cott-n, Gedney King, Enoch Sils- g^

bv, (ieorge W. Otis, Johat'aan «J° 33250 43298 Phillips, Heman Lincoln, Francis ^ C. Gray, Theodore Lyman, jr. 3 Henry Bass, Francis J. Oliver, ca , Saml. L. Knapp, S Jesse Putnam, Thomas L. Win- § * throp, Samuel Billings, Jacob Hail, Ous Everett, Nathaniel P. Has- seil.^/V^illiam Goddard, Joseph Jen- kins, PUny Cutler, Sam). T. Arm- stro'.ig, Gtxnge W. Brimmer, Jo- seph H. Adanis. 594 642 Chelsta. 2- Inc. 1643, May 10. ESSEX. 16^ 1261; 12731 Salem, Joseph Peab'jdy, Jrhn Os- good, Samuel Endicott, Stephen Philiips, Leverett Saltonstailj John Andrews, Michsel Webb, John Derby, jr. Joseph Howard, Theo- dore Eames. 13| 1664 3569 255o Ifiswich^ 27 35 5176 3671 M.iwhury^ Jnsiah Little. .32 37 40S7 3299 Lynn^ Ezra Mu 'ge. 9 39 ,)9'43 6384 Gloucester, William W. Parrott. 30 39 1682 1825' Rowley 28 40 2047 2006. Salisbury^ Ephraim Morrill. 40 43 554 572| VVeJiham, 21

45 1137 1201 1 Manchester, 23 45 2682 3070, Haverhill, Moses Wingate. 30 46 3164 3889' Mdover, ?.Q Representatives.. ..Middlesex. 19

Inc. Miles ficm Boston. Marblehcad^ John Prince, Ben- jamin Knight. 16 Tofisjield, 21 Amesbury^ David Lowell. 40 ^t'i;/'r/z/, Thomas Davis. 17 Bradford^ Jesse Kimball, jr. 28 R oxford, 24 Mrt'/iuen, Stephen Barker. 30 Mlddieton, 28 Danverst William Sutton. 18 Newbukyport. Abner Wood, Stephen W. Marston. 38 Lynn/itld, 12 Hamitton^ 23

JVesi jYcwburi/f

Inc. 1643, May 10, MIDDLESEX. 20 Representatives... .Hampshire.

I 1810. 1320. Inc. I Miles from Bostou. 1715 1J45 1655 HofikmioTif Joseph Vaieaiine. 32 24 9byj 1042 25 467 613 Siofithatn^ 10 29 lo30 1409 Wefitjord, 28 29 592 64b Bedford, 18 30 716 786 Wilmington, 16 32 1246 148^ Toiuiuei.d^ 45' 34 943 1008 I^ivksduryy Jesse TrulU 24 35 865 1047 ActoTiy 24f 37 1014 167/ IValfJiam, Luke Fisk. 11 53 814 922 Shirley, 41 5 1333 1439 P'lfitrdl, 40 54 713 706 Lincoln, 16 67 1103 1188 .^6-/26e/, 50 80 824 962 A'as/t Sudbury, Micah M. Rutter, 17 81 766 849 89 704 808 Tyngsborought 99 471 508 BurLingto7i^ 1805 672 681 Cu! listi. 7 O08 702 Brighton, Nathaniel Charapney, 7 97 1064 IViat Cambridge^ 12 South Reading,

Inc. 1662, May 7. HAMPSHIRE. 1654 26a Northampton, Nathl. Fo 61 Had/ey, Charles P. Pnelps. 70 Na.^field, 42 Fdhajn, 53 53 54 59 61 61 62 68 68 71i 931 79| 72j 81 831 Representatives. ..PI^mouth.-Bristol. 21

1810. 1820. Inc. I I I Miles fiom Boston. 1807 Plainfield, 110 Easihatnfitoriy Thaddeus Clap, 90 Enfitld, Inc.

Repressentadves.... Worcester. lac 24 Representatives.. .Berkshire. ..Norfolk.

Inc Representatives. ..Franklin. 2J

Inc. 1810. 1820. Miles from Boston. 1640 1350 1466 Braintreey Minot Thayer. 8 51 7«b 1440 JMcJield and Dover, 17 62 1^2f)4 1502 .Vliitoriy Barney Smith. 7 73 2478 2801 Wrentham, Josiah J. Fiske. 24 1705 784 900 Brookiine, John Ko'oiiison. 6 II 1097 122r jYred/inmf 12 13 1-223 1523 Mffdivuy, George Earlier, jr. 20 19 766 1034 B- Uingham^ 26 24 1098 1366 WaljiolCy 18 26 1134 1313 Sioughtoiiy 17 6a 1000 lOlO S/mroUy 18 70 994 1099 Coll asstfty 20 78 1393 1630 Franklin^ 26 78 870 1004 Foxborough^ 24 84 548 548 Dovr^ 16 92 1281 1623 Quincy, 8 93 1170 I54t Randolfihy 15 9 1353 1268 Canton^ 14

Inc . 1811, Jane 24. FRANlvLIN. 1682 1570 1868 Deerfield, 98 1713 12 1« 1584 Xorthfidd, 94 18 651 597 Siinderinidy 90 53 1165 1361 Gre^7.'>?f/f/, Solomon Smead. 95 53 2167 2146 Vew Salem, Varney Pearce. 80 63 934 1074 Montaifue, 87 2016 1961 Coltrahy, Samuel Pierce. 105 939 1026 Skutcsbriry, 82 62 811 912 Berm-dston, 96 63 1227 12^6 JVar-rjkk, 80 64 1809 1748 A^hfif'fd, 105 65 987 1081 Ch'irl'inont, 110 67 1784 1705 Con'V'Hf 100 68 961 1022 .9/2 iHirne 100 71 891 1076 IVhatehjy 92 74 76S 857 J^everett, 85 79 1097 1037 Buckland^ 105 81 983 958 IVcndelly 80 83 764 8^ 9 Oran^e^ 73

8 839 85 1 Row^, Solomon Read. 130 «o 917 1122 f/rath, 125 »2i 1031 108'^ Hawley, 120 93 762 800 Gili, 90 C 26 Joint Standing Committees. Miles from Boston. Inc. Committees of the House. 27

On Tncor/ioration of Tovjns. Of the Senate, Hen, Messrs. (Jtrdner, Cobb. Of the House, Messrs. K.iapp, of Boston, Wingate, Hiiverhitl, Whiting, Billerica. On Banks and Banking, Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs K .ig, Cranstr.n. Of the H'^use, M-ssrs. Wiiithrop, of Boston, Parrott, Gloucester, Li coin, New-B dford. On JtifilicatioJisfrjm Sick and Wounded Soldiers, Of the Sen 'e, Hon. Messrs. Hunt^well. Ruggies. Of the House, Messrs. Server, of Roxbury, Pearce, New-Silem, Vaher. Boston. On Turnfnkts, Btids^cs, and Canals. Of the Senate, Hon. Vlessrs. l\ifts, M 'ffit. Of the House, Messrs. Spngue, Duxbury, Hobart, Leicester, Fowle, Northampton. Oyi I-terior Fhheiies, Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Frlger, Starkweather. Of the House, Messrs. Rutter, • f East-Sudbury, HO' " bart, Hanson, Anthony, Dartmouth. On Che Incor/wration of Parishes, Of the Stnate, Hon. Mes-rs. Reyn' Ids, (Jtis. Of the House, Messrs. Endicott, ofSdem, Richardsoh, Hingham, Lujroln, Ho tm. On Ministerial Lands. Of the Senate, Hon. Messrs. Jones, ,\llen. Of th.- Hous", Messis. H Inard, of Cambridge, Train, Fi-ammghani, PhiJips, Pi'Ston. On .Yew Trials. Of fhe Senate, Hon. Messrs. Shaw, Strong. Liawrence, of Gn^tcn, Taft, Of the H us , Messrs. Vx- bridge, Fiste, VVrentham. On Manufactorirs. Of 'he Senate, Hon. Messrs", (lark, Tho.xter. Of tiie H ruse, Messrs. Jenkins, of Boston, Knowles, Charlestown, Mills, Wortbington.

COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE. On County Kschnates. Messrs. Smead, of Grreen- field, Jackson, Plymouth, Fi..4d, Brookfield, 28 Courts in Boston.

On the Pay Roll. Messrs. Cotton, of Boston, Fiske, VVaitham, Suttoa, Qanvers.

On Finance, Messrs. ; ledge, of Plvmouth, Wade, Woourn, Silsby, Boston, Washburn, Taunton, Ensign, Sheffield. On Leave of Absence. Messrs. Burnell, cf Nan- tucket, Stebbins» Gnmville, Hobart, Hanson. On Engrossed Bills. Messrs. Gr

SUPRE.viE JUDICIAL COURT. Jusrices. Hon. Isaac Parker, LL D. of Boston, Chief Justice. Hon, George Thacher, of Newburyport. Hon. Charies Jackson, LL.D of Boston. Hon. Samuel Putnam, of Salem. Hon. Samuel Sumner Wi!de,LL.D. of Newburyport. Attorney General, Hon. Perez Morton, of Dorchester. Solicitor General, Hon. Daniel Davis, of Boston. Refiorter ofDecisions, Octavius Pickering Esq. Boston. " COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Hon. , Chief Justice. Associate Justices, Hon. , Leominster, Hon. John M. WilUitms, Taunton, Hon. Samuel Howe, Northampton,

MUNICIPAL COURT IN BOSTON. Hon. Josiah Quincv, Judge. Joseph H. Pierce, Clerk. James T. Austin, Attorney. Stephen Badlam, Crier, Courts of Sessions, 29

POLICE COURT IN BOSTON. Benjamin Whitman, William Simn.ons, ^ Justices. Henry Oi ne, Clerky Thomas Power.

jissutant Clerky William Knapp.

The Police Court sits every day, at 9 o'clock, A. m. and at 3 p. m. for the trial of criminal causes. The same is also a Justices Court for the trial of civil causes under 20 dollars, and is held every Wednesday and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, A.M. The Salaries of the Justices and of the Clerk, are 1500 dollars each.

COURTS OF SESSIONS. ESSEX. Nehemiah Cleaveland, Chief Justice. Joha Punchard, Hobart Clark, Associrite Justices, Hohert Rantoul, of Bever'y, ) ^P^ciai^^.. Jubtices.T.^^tices Steph. M. Marsron, Newburypt \ MIDDLESEX. Joseph Lock'*. Chef Justice. Abiel Heywood, Isaac Fiske, Associate Justices. Abner B.rt'etc of Me.f.rd. > ^ ^^1 j^^^j^^^^ Jacob Reeves, of ^juabury, S HAMPSHIRE. Jonathan H. Lvman, Chief Justice, Joseph Br;da:man, Simuel Porter, x\>sociate Jastices. Thaddeus Clap. Easthampton, q__:„i \ Jusaces.t,,v,Vps Israel Billings, Hatfield, \ ^P^"^'^^ PLYMOUTH. N. M. Davis, Chief Justice. Elisha Ruggies, John Thomas, Associate Justices. William Bourne, Micldleboro*, > c..«^- it .• ^P^^'^^ J^'^^^^^^' Thomas Hobart, Hanson. \ 'BRISTOL. Laban Wlie-iton, Chief Justice. Setb Washburn, Apollos Tobey, Associate Justices*, Jonathan Ingell, Taunton, ? c ^ i t .• ^P^^^^^^ Justices. Eiihu Slocum, Dartmouth, \ BARNSTABLE. Samuel P. Crosweli, of Falmouth, Chief Justice. C % 30 Courts ia Massachusetts,

Elijah Cobb, of Brewster, ) AssociateAoc«^:«f« Justices.t. o*;^«o EUsha Doane. of Yarmouth. \

Melatiah Bourne, Sandwich, ) ^„_-. , i^P^cm^ Justices.i„.tire

Hon. William Coffin, Chief Justice. , Josiah Hussey, Zaccheus Hussey, Associate Justices, WORCESTER. Scth Hastings, Chief Justice. Benjamin Kmball, Aaron Tufts, Associate Justices.

Jonas Kendall, Leominster, } c-,p„:„i ^ Justices.justires , Sutton, S BERKSHIRE. William P. Walker, Chief Justice. Joseph Whiton, Wolcott Hubbell, Associate Justices. M<«es Honkins, Grt. Barrin^ton, ) sl^^,^:^] Justices.J„stirps Douglas W.Sloane,WUliamstown,PP^^'^^ NORFOLK. Jairus Ware, Chief Justice. Daniel Adams, Samuel P Loud, Associate Justices* FRANKLIN. Elijah P .ine. Chief Justice.. Joshua Green, Asa Stebbins, Associ.ite Justices.

Elihu Hoyt. Deerfteld, ) . ^^^'^"^'^3 ^ juanv.j^^^^^^^^a. boloiiion amead, Greenfield, S HAMPDEN. Stephen Pvnc!

Specia. Justices. ^:^lXgr^^.a"^"- I

Calendar of the Supreme Jitdtcial Courts, LAW TERMS. Suffolk and JVantucket. —Boston, first Tuesday in March. £es''x,—Sa em, on the 5th Tuesday n^xt after the 4th Tuesiay in S'^pten ler. Middlesfix Caniuridg?^, on the 2d Tuesday next, after the 4tU Tuesday in September. Courts in Massachusetts, 31

Bristol, Plymouth, Barnstable, and Dukes County. Plymouth and Taunton, alternately, on the 3d Tues- day next after the 4th Tuesday of September. Worcester.—Wc^rcester, on the 1st Tuesday next af- ter the 4th Tuesday in September. Berkshire.—\^e.nQKy on the 2d Tuesday in Septe.^nber. JVb//b/j(r.—Dedham, on the 4th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday of September. Hamfishire, Hamfiden, and i^rawit/m.—Northamp- ton, on the 4th Tuesday in Septemljer. NISI PRIUS TJIRMS. Suffolk and Nantucket —Boston, 6th Tuesday next after the 4th Tuesday in Septenr.ber. Ussex and Worcester — At Ipswich, for Esspx coun- ty, and at Worcester, for Worcester county, 6th Tues- day next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Middles ex.--'\\. Concord, on the 4th Monday in March JVorfolk.'^M Dedham, on the 3d Tues. in February. Berkshire and Plymouth.—At Lenox, for Berkshire county, and at Plymouth, for Plymouth county, on the Tuesday next after the Is't in 10th Tuesday March ; also at Lenox, on the week preceding the la^ term in September. Hampshire —At Northampton, on the 8th Tuesday next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Hampden^ "Barnstable, and Dukes Connty, ^—At Springfield, for Hampden county, and at Barnstable, for Barnstable and Dukes' counties, on the 9th Tues- day next after the 1st Tuesday in March. Franklin and Bristol —At Greenfield, for Franklin county, and at Tau .ton, for Bristol county, on the Tth Tuesday next afte*' the 1st Tuesday in March.

Caleiuhr of Courts of Common Pleas, SnffrAk.— Boston, 1st I'uesdays in January, April, July, and October. Essex.—Ipswich, on the 3d Monday of March, and 3d Monday of December,—Salem, 3d Monday of June, —Newhur* nort, 3d Monday of September. Mddle fsx—ConzovA, 2d Monday in Sept. 2d Mon- day in M .rch, and 2d Monday of June.-^Cambridge ad Monday in December. .

32 Couils in Massachusett?.

Hamfishire.—Northampton, 4th Monday iti March, 3d Monday in August, and 5d Monday in November. Plymouth.— VXymo^Mhy 2d Monday in April, 2d Mon- day in August, and 3d Monday in November. ^rnroA-—Taunton, 2d Mondays in March, June, Sep- tember and December. Barnstable —Barnstable, 3d Tuesday in April, and 1st Tuesday i-' September. Dukes —Edgarton, 3d Monday in May, and 2d Mon- day in >iovember. 'Mintucket. —Nantucket, 2d Monday in May, aud 1st Monday in N..\eniber. Worcester.—Worcester, 2d Monday in March, 3d Monday in June, Monday next afier the 4th Monday in August, and 2d Monday next after the 4th Monday in November. Brrkihire.—'LzuoK, 4th Monday of February, June, and Oc'ober. Korfolk.—Dedham, 4th Monday in April, 3d Mon- day i'^ September, and 3d Monday in December.

i?'ra77^/«>2.—Green '^ eld, on the Tuesday of the next •week after the 4th Monday in March, 2d Monday in AuGcust, and 2d Monday in November. Hamfiden —Springfield, 3d Monday in March, 4th Monday in August, and 4th Monday in November.

Calendar of Coifrts of Sessions. Kssex.—lp^'w'

Salem, on the 2d Tuesday of July ; and at Newbury-

port, on the 2 ^ Tuesday of O'tober. iV/?f/t//r.s<"x.—Cambridge, on the 1st Tuesday of Jan- uary, and at Concord, on the 2d Tuesday in May, and on the 3a Tuesday in September. Hampshire. —Northampton, nn the 1st Tuesday in September, and rn the 1st Tuesday in Marcli. P4'?no?*//A—Plymouth, on the 3d Tuesday in March, and on the Is Tuesday in August. ^m^o/.—Taunton, on the 4th Tuesday in March, and on the 4th Tuesday in September. Z?ary;s;o6/V.—Barnstable, on tb.e last Tuesday in March, and on the 3d Tuesday in September. Probate Courts ia Massachusetts. 33

Diikea County.—Edgirton, on the Wednesday next after the 3d Monday in May, and on the Wednesday next after the 2d Monday in Novenibef- MiKtucktt.— Nantucket, 3d Monday of April, and 2d Monday of October. Won lovember. //awy2(/f'2.—Sprmgfield, on the 4Th Tuesday in March, and on the Tuesday next precedieg the 4th Monday in August.


SUFFOLK. At the Probate Office in Court Street, Boston, every Monday in the year. ESSEX.

At the Probate Office in Ipswich, on the first Tues- day in February, M rch. May, Juiie, August, Septem- bti\ November, and Decemb -r ; except when the ' S. J. C. sits at Sal ^m, firsil a-.-sci in November, Prob- ate Court at Ipswich, Tu sdav preceding.—At Salem, first Tu^vd-fV in Janu -.ry, April, July and Octob'-r, and the 3d Tuesday in Fi^bruary, May, August and No- vember.— x\t Newburyporr, on the last Tuesday in March, June, Septem'T-r and December. — Ar Haver- hill, on the 3d Tuesdays in April and October. —At Gloucester, the 3d Tuesday in January and July.—At M. rblehead, oo Wednesdays following the first Tues» ^ays in April and October. MIDDLESEX. At Cambridge, 2d Tuesday of January, 2d Tuesday of August, and 2d Tuesday of November ; first Tues- day of March, 3d Tuesday of May, and Tuesday next 34 Probate Courts in Massachusetts.

recfeding 2d Monday of December.—At Concord, 2d

?"uessday of Februarv , 2d Tuesday of Apri!, Tuesdhy

next precedin,^ 2d Monday of June ; liiesday next preceding 2d Monday of Septembt r, 3d Tuesday of N(^vennber—At Gr^ton, first Tuesday of M-iy, last Tuesday of September, and la^f Tues'iay -f December. -?-At CharlestoA'n, Sd Tmsday f Feb.unry, and 3d Tuesday of August — At Framingham, last Tuesday of June, and 1 .st I'uesday of Octobe;- —At VVobuiK, 4tii TueRriay of April.—At Chelmbford, first Tuesday of October. HAMPSHIRE. At Northampton, on the Is^ Tuesday of each month in the year, exci j-tiBg the months of June, August and October, at the house of Flie idore Lyman.— At Am- herst, on the 3(1 Tuesda«- s in April, June and October, at the house of S. D. Ward.— At Chesterfiein, on the 2d Tuesdays in May and August, at the house of E. Clap. PLYMOUTH. At Scifuate, the 1st Tu-sdav in March, June, Sep- tember ^nd December.—At Plymptoo, ois the l-st Mon-r day of Januaiy.— ^t East Biid'gewat r. the 1st Tues-

days m Ayr! , July an i Ocfober.— At Middleborough, the Is' Tuesdays in No- ember May and August —At Rochester, the ^Vednesday next after the 1st Tuesday in May. — In Plymoutli, at the Probate Office, on the 3d Monday of every month, except April and August, and then on the 2d Mor.day. BRISTOL. The first Tuesdavs in each month, as follows :— At

Taunton, in Janu rv, March a'ld April ; at Noiton, in

July and N^-venber; at Kehoboth, in April ; at Digh- ton, in June and December, and first Fjiday after first

Tuesday in every month exc^^pt June and December ; at New- Bedford, in May and October ; at Freetown, in February ; at Seekonk in September. (Corrected August, 1819 ) BARNSTABLE. Barnstable, 2d Tuesday in Aoril, May, June, Sep- tember.—Great Marshes, 2d Tuesday of January, Feb- ruary, July, December.—Yarmouth, 2d Tuestlay of ——

Probate Courts in Massachusetts. 35

August.—Siindwich, 2d Tuesday of November.—Fdl- mouih, the day ^tcer tiie court is held in Sandwich. Brewster 3d Tuesday ot Alaich, and 2d Tuesday of October.—Har^^ich, the day before each time las« mentioned.—Eisthain, the Wednesday next foiiovving 3d Tuesday in March, and 2d Tuesday in October. Weifleet, the day after each last mentioned time. WORCESTER. At the Probate Omoe in iht^ Court-house in Wor- cester, on the Isi; luesday in every month ; at the house of Mr. xV right, ini.holder in i'empleton, on the Thursday next after the 3d Fuesday in May, and on the 3d Puesday in Ob;obc;r; at the house of Captain Hitchcock, innholder in the west Parish in Brookfield, on the 2d Tuesday in April, and 4ta in October; at the liouse of Mr. Rand, jr. innholderin Lancaster, on

the 3d Tuesd iy in May and November ; at the house ot Mr. A. Chapin, innhosder in Uxbridge, on the 4th Tuesdays in May and November ; and at Barre, on 3d Tuesdays of August anJ January annu^illy. BERKSHIRE. At the cfffee-house ai Lenox, the 1st Tuesday of ev- ery month,—At R. B.xon's, in Great Harrington, and at R. Hah's, in Lanesboro', alternately, en the Thurs- day next af.er the 1st Tuesday in eveiy month, viz. at Laoesboro', in Janu'iry, March, May, July, September

and November ; and at Great Ban ington, in February, April, June, August, October and December. NORFOLK.

' At Dedham, the fijst Tuesday in each month. Qaincy, 2d Tuesdays in Ftbtuary, May, August and Niwember.—Wrentham, last Fuesdays in March and December, and 3d in x\ugust!. FRANKLIN.

At Greenfield, eight tiaies a year ; at Charlemont, Wendell, and C«Miway, twice a year ; at such limes and places as the Judge shall ippoint. HA'.IPDEW.

At Springfield, nine tiojes ; at Westfield, twice ; and at Moaso.i, twice in each year, at sp.cii places and times i-. said terms as the Judge shall appoint. (i'as§-

ed June 14th, 1815 j 36 Justices throu^fhout the State.

Justices throughout the Coinmontvealthy arranged ac- cording to the dates of fhtir commissions, George Cabot Boston Nat. Mortonjr. Freetown " ' 'i'im. Pickering Wtnham oseph Story iSalem, Thomas U;iwes Boaton George Biake Boston John Coffin Jones do, Charles Turner Scituate Nathan Dane Beverly Sam. &. Wilde Kewbryfit, Bezaleel Tatt Uxbridge Thos. B. Adams Quincy Jonathan Mason Boston Charles Jackson Boston Edward H.RobbihsA/i/ron William Davis Plymouth Dwight Foster Brookjield George Bliss Sfiringjield Christoph. Gore WAtham Nahum Miichtli Bridgew. Baza Hay ward Plym,outh S imuel Putnam Salem Benjamit^ Pickman Salem- Joseph Allen Worcester William Phillips Bo.

SUFFOLK. Judge of Probate^ Thomas Dawes, Boston. Register of Probate^ John Heard, jr. do. Register of Deeds, Henry Alline, do. County .4norney^ ' James T. Austin, do. Qerks of S. J. Court, and Court of Common Pleas, John Tucker, and John Callendar, of Boston. Justices of the Peace in Boston. 37

Jun'ices of the Peace and of the Quorum in Boston. StephenHigginson James Allen Joseph Pierce William Donnison Jooa. Hunewell Isaac Rand William Wetmore Peter O. Thacher Joseph Head John Tucker Warren Button Thomas Perkins Rufus G. Amory Wm. H. Sumner Samuel Cobb Sarnuel Bio^n James T. Austin Timo. Williams Stephen Gor'iam Samuel H. Walley Daniel D. llogers Jona; L. Austin Samuel J. Prescott Thomas Melvill Joseph May Joseph fi. Pierce John Heard, jr. William Little David Townsend George Sullivan Edward Jones Stephen Codman Samuel Blagge Alden Bradford William Minot Andr.Cunningham Thos H. Perkins John Knapp James Savage Benjamin Parsons Stephen Hooper Jonathan Phillips William Spooner Loammi Baldwin Edward M'Lane Israel Thorndike Benia. Whitman Wm. D. Sohier Arnold Welles Gardiner Greene John T. Apthorp Wm. Stevenson William Parsons William Sullivan John Parker Edmund Dwight T. L. Winthrop Lemuel Shaw Daniel Webster Samuel Hubbard Andrew Brimmer John Callender Samuel Parkman

Alifiointed to qualify Civil Officers, William Donnison, John L. Austin, Daniel Sargent, Al- den Bradford, Edward McLane. JUSTICES OF THE PE\CE IN BOSTON. William Taylor Israel Munroe Saml. F.M'Cleary James Robinson William R. Gray John Williams Saml M. Thayer Richard D. Harris Wm. C. Aylwin Russell Sturgis John Brazer J no. W. Ha V ward Benjamin Welles Henry Gray Wm. Simmons Henry Cabot W P. Whiting Benjamin Guild Jonathan Hastings Joseph E. Smith Samuel Gore

John W. Folsom George Burroughs Thomas Dennie ' Alex. Townsend Jesse Putnam Saml. K. Williams Wm. S. Shaw Tristram Barnard James Phillips Andrew Ritchie Amos Binney Bejija. WhitweJJ Benjamin Pollard Joseph N. HI owe Augustus Peabody Samuel D. Parker Edw. Tuckerman Francis J. Oliver Thomas Welsh, jr. Thomas Clark D u Justices of the Peace in Boston.

John Stuart Francis Green Francis Welch Francis Games David Sears Samuel May Thomas Pay&on Samuel L. Knapp Jacob Hall Joseph Woodward James Hall Daniel Messinger Nathan Hale Turner Phillips John Tappan Charles Bradbnrj Joseph Lovering George Ticknor Nathl. P. Russell Joseph W. Revere Eliphalet Williams Wm. Payne John McLean Saml. P. Gardner Henry Codman David Hinckley Edward Cruft William Tudor Samuel B. Barrell Henry J. Oliver Zach- G.Whitman Henry N. Rogers George Morey, jr* William Wells Francis Bassett Henry H. Fuller Benjamin Russell Francis C. Gray John C. Gray Ebenezer Oliver Samuel Swett Edward Brooks Red ford Webster Samuel Fisher Franklin Dexter Benjamin Greene OctaviusP'ckering Bradford Sumner Joseph Tilden Joseph Sewall Samuel A. Wells Joseph Coolidgfe William Sturgis Thomas Welsh Samuel Snelling CTiarles P. Curtis Francis Gardiner William Mackay Thomas Power Richard Fletcher Benjamin "West George Gay Thos. J. Eck% Eben. Withington IIarrisonG.Ofis,jp David W. Child Phineas Blair J. W. Davis Josiah P. Cooke Thomas A. Dexter John Cotton Abraham Wild William P. Mason Willard Phillips Abra. W. Fuller Horatio M. Willis Wm. J. Spooner William Parker Alexander Bliss Benjamin Rand Benj. L. Weld Henry Warren Elijah Morse Bryant P. Tildea A. A. Dame Henry Sargent Elifiha Clap Andrew Dunlap James C. Merrill Geo. W. Brimmer J. R. Adan Samuel D. Ward Josiah Salisbury Ezekiel Little Thos. Stevenson George Storer Theod. Lyman, jr. Henry Orne Charles Hay ward Benj.T. Pickman Dav. S,Townsend Nath. G. Snelling Henry Alline Caleb Loring Ebenezer Francis J.J. Loring Cyrus Alden David A. Simmons Samue- D Harris - Saniuel Andrews Saml.Frothingham Henderson Inches Edward Phillips Isaac Winslow Walter Channing Zebetiee Cook George E. Head James Bowdoin John C. Warren Charles G. Loring Thos. W. Phillips James Jackson William Gale Josiah Bradlee George W. CofSn Benjamin Rich Edmund Kimball Counsellors at Law in Boston. S9

John HuBbard Thomas W. W?.rd Joseph Austin Thaddeus Page Samuel Hammond Henry Bass WiUiam Tileston Gedney King Thomas Wetmore Samuel G.Perkins William P.Green? John G, Rogers George Bond Isaac Osgood

Justices of the Peace in Chettiea. Samuel Low, William Harris, Joseph Stowers.

JVotariea Fubl'C in Boston. WilliamStevenson Saml. J. Prescott Charles Hayward Samuel Biagge Stephen Codman

Counsellors at Laiv in Boston. Rufus G. Amory Samuel Hubbard Henry Orne Daniel Davis Joseph E, Smith Samuel D Ward William Prescott Augustus Peabody Abraham Wild Benjji. Whitman Samuel L. Knapp Lucius M. Sargent George Blake Sam. F.M-Cleary David Towsend John Phillips Saml K. Williams Jam^s C. Merrill Benjamin Parsons Wm. C. Aylwin J^amuel B Barrel! Benja WhitwelJ Wm. P. Whiting Stephen Hooper Joseph Rowe George Sulli\au Samuel Fisher William Sullivan Benjamin Guild Francis Basset John Wilhams John Stickney Da^id A. Simmons John Heard, jr. J. W. Hayward Ocla iusPickering Peter O.Thacher Joseph Harrington Francis C. Gray Benjamin Gorham Thomson Miller William Gale James Allen Thomas J. Eckley William P. Mason Wm H. Sumner William Simmons Horatio M. Willis Warren Uutton William D. Sohier Charles P. Curtis John Knapp Phineas Blair Benjamin L. Weld Israel Munroe Thomas Power William Parker Samuel l>. Parker George W. Bo^le Thomas A Dexter

Thos. Welsh, jr. Nathan Hale Moses I 'raper William Austin Josiah P. Cooke H. G. Otis, jr. Zach G.Whitman Henry H. Fuller Lemuel Shaw Cyrus Alden George E. Head Daniel Webster Sherman Leland Charles G. Loring Andrew Ritchie Beiijamiri Rand Geo. Morej,jr. Alex.Townsend Abr'a. W Fuller Richard Fletcher James T. Austin Henry Codman John C. Gray William Minot Elijah Morse Edward Brooks Jaxnes Savage George Gay Franklin Dexter 4jp Justices of the Peace in Essex.

Willard Phillips Francis Gardiner John G. Rogers Alexander Bliss Bradford Sumner Isaac Osgood William J. Spooner H. B Smith Wm. P. Greene John R Adan Edmund Kimball Jona. B, Porter Andrew Dunlap Thos. W. Phillips Henrj Warren James Bowdoin Joseph Bartlett Abraham A. Dame Thomas Wetmore Mtorneya at the Su/ireme Judicial Court in Boston. Wm. T. Andrews Wm. A. Warner Theoph. Parsons Mark Moore JohnT. W^inthrop John F'arrie, jr. John P. Bigelow Wald oFlint \Vm, H. Gardiner W ijliam H. Eliot William Page W. R.P.Washburn John M. Fiske Attorneys at the Common Pleas in Boston, Benja. D. Greene Hen.H.Huggeford Fred. A. Farley Henry J. Tudor John Walsh Francis Brinley,jr. Asa W. Paine Samuel E. Sewall Wm. F. Apthorp William Little, jr. John B. Davis Wm. T. hadduck Francis E.Putnam Sidney Bartlett Thos. Stephenson Francis P. Smith E. Ritchie Dorr C3* For Additions and Corrections, see Appendix.

Sheriffs Joseph Hall, Esq. of Boston. Deputy Sherijf'sy Bradish Billings, Luke Baldwin, Charles P. Sumner, John S. Williams, of Boston. Offi- ces Court-street, - Coroners.

Bo.'iton^ Thomas Badger, Chelsea^ David Floyd, Daniel Carney, Joseph Ste- Joseph Stowers. vens, Thomas Stevenson """" ESSEX. Judge of Probate, DsLniei A. White, of Salem. Begister of Probate^ Nathaniel Lord, jr. Ipswich. agister of Deeds. h.vc\os,C\iOZXe,oi^2i\QVCi. County Treasurer^ Nathaniel Wade, of Ipswich. County Attorney^ John Pickerini?, of Salem. Cier/c of the Courts^ Ichabod Tucker, of Salem. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. ^ jindover, John Kneeland, Clark, Samuel Merrill Mark Newman, Hobart Beverly Joshua Fisher, Justices o[ (he Peace in Kssex, 41

Thomas Stephens, Robert Nelson Rantoul Eowlcy Pr.rker Cleave" Boxford Thomas Perley laiid Gloucester Henry Phelps, Salem Edward A. Holy- Lonson Nash oke, Jacob Ashton, John Haverhill Israel Bartlett, Punchard, Jos. E.Sprague, Stephen Minot, John Var- Moses Townsend, John num Prince, jr. Ichabod Tuck- Jjiswich John Heard, Asa er, Ezekiel Savage, Ben- Andrews, Nathl. Wade jamin Merrill, Leverett Lynn James Gardner,Rob- Saltonstall, Daniel A. ert W. Trevett White, Amos Choate,Wil- Manchester VVm. Tuck lard Peele, Benjamin Marblehead Nathan Bow- Pieice, D. L. Pickman, en, Jo'i»n Prince, Ralph H. Amos Hovey, John G, French, Nathl. Hooper King, John Saunders Mtthuen Benjamin Osgood Salisbury Samuel Nye, Ja- J^> wdwri/EbenezerMarch cob Brown, Edward Dorr J^envburyfiort Oliver Pres- Tofisjicld Nehem. Cleave^ cott, James Prince, Jacob land Gerrish, William Woart, JVe?iham Daniel Kilham Jonathan Gage, Jeremiah ^^/2poi?ited to qualify Civil Officers. Ebenezer March, Nathan Dane, , Johr^ Punchard, John Saunders, John Prince, , Leverett Saltonsta'll, Ichabod Tucker, John Picker- ing, Daniel A. White, Wm.Woari, Nathaniel Wade, Asa Andrews, Amos Choate, O. Prescott, W. B. Banister, , Charles White, Lonson Nash, Henry Phelps, Nathaniel Lord, jr. Justices of the Peace. Amesbury Thomas Hoy t, bury, jr. William Burley, Robert Patten, Nathan Thomas Stephens, jr. Long, Oliver Stearns, i^c.r/orf/StephenPeabody, Christopher Sargent, John J. Foster, jr. Parker Spaf- Morse, Eliphalet Graves ford, Jonathan Foster, Mo- Avdover John L. Abbot, ses Donuan Frederick Frye, (ieorge Z^ra(y/brf/Thomas Savory, Osgood, fSamiiel Merrill, William Greenough, Jo- John Adams, Nathaniel seph Chad wick, Jesse Swift. Amos SpttLlding Kimball, Daniel Stickney, Beverly Thomas Da vis, Jesse Kimball, jr. Aaron Jona, Smith, Isaac Wood- Parker, Moses Parkei'» 42 Justices of the Peace in Essex.

Benjamin Parker, Jona- MancheHer David Colby than Kimball, E'iphalet Marblckead Josh. Prentiss, Kimba^l,FrederirkParker NathanB.Martin JohnBai- Danvers Eles zer Putnam, ley, Asa Hooper, William Gide. FosterJoseph Shed, Story, Geo. Barker, Josh- Benjamin Crowniiishield, ua Prentiss, jr. John G. ZerubbabelPorter,Nath an Hroper,Robert Hooper.jr. Felton, \ndrew Nichols, John Hooper, E. F. W^al- George O&good, John W. lace Proctor Methuen Stephen Parker, Kssex John Choate, Jona- John L. Bod well, Altred than Story.George Choate Ingals, John Russ, Jona- Gloucester iohi\ Manning, than Currier jr Wiliiam Pearson, Isaac Middleton Asa Howe, Elwell. William Pearce, Daniel Fuller John Prentiss, Joseph B. Neni'burij Moses Little, Manning, James Apple* Silas Little, Josiah Little, tor., James Goss DanielHale,ThomasHale, BamrM 072Evoch Fanlkner, Samuel Newman, Richard Joshna Giddins, John Saf- Pike, Nathaniel Moody ford, Matthew Whipple JMenvburyp-ort Jona- Havej'hillheonard White, than Marsh, Jnsiah Smith, Ephraini Corlis, Moses William Cross, William Wingate, James Ayer, B. Banister, Ebenezer jr. James Smiley, Oliver Moseley, John Fitz, Wil- Morse,Charles White,Da- liam Bajtlet, John Pet- vid How, Nathaniel Ladd, tingel, Moses Brown, Ste- Isaac R. How, Moses Mer- phen Howard,JohnGreen- rill, James H. Duncan, E- leaf, Isaac Adams, Thom- noch Foote, John Inger" as M. Clark, Joshua Car- soil, Ebenezer Gnge ter, John Soott, Samuel Jfisivich Asa Smith, Jabez Tenney, Asa W. Wildes, Farley, Nathaniel Lord, Andrew Frothingh am .Ste- jr. Joseph Farley, Joseph phen W. Marston,Edward Lord, Thomas Manning, S. Rand, , ^ohn William Conant, jr. Gee. Greenleaf W. Heard Rowley Benjamin Proctor, I.ynn Aaron Lummus, Moody Spafford, Joshua E'ijah Downing, John Jewett, Benjamin Little, Mudge, Richard Hazel- Thomas Ga^e, Asa Nel* tine, John Lummus, Ja- son, Joshua Pickard cob Ingalls, jr. Salem Benjamin R. Nich- J.ynnjield Daniel Need- ols, Dav. Cummings, Hen- hnm, Asa T, Newhall ry Elkins,William K» Lee, Counsellors at Law, kc. in Essex. 43

Joshua Ward, G.SJohon- Salisbury Samuel March, net, John Hathorne.Joseph Jonathan Smith, Samuel Winn, , Walton, Ephraim Morrill John Hathorne, jr. Samuel SaugusJoseph Eames,Ab- Ropes, Joseph Peabody, ner Cheever John Dei by, E. H. Derby, Tofisfield Thomas Per- John G. King, Larkin kins, Jacob Town, jr. W. Thorndike, John Osgood, N. Cleaveland JonathanHodges.JohnPed- Wenham John Dodge rick, 3d. Theo. Eames,Jon- West Nenvhury Daniel athan P.SaunderSjSoloinon Emery, Thomas Hills,Ed- S. Whipple, John Foster, mund Hills Frederick Howes Notaries Publick. Beverly Robert Rantoul JSTewburyport John Fitz, Gloucester John Rogers Samuel Tenney, John Por- Havtrhill Charles White ter, Wm. Woart Jfiswich Jabez Farley Salem Ichabod Tucker, Lynn James Gardner John Prince, jr. Ezekicl Alarbieliead Nathan Savage, John Punchard Bowen Salisbury Samuel Nye Counsellors at Lanv. Ameahury Oliver Stee/ns JVtwburyfiort Eben.Mose- Andover Hobart Clark, ley, Jacob Gerrish, John Samuel Merrill, Amos Scott, Steph. W. Marston, Spaulding Asa W. Wildes Beverly Nathan Dane, Sakmio]\n Pickering.John Thomas Stephens, jr. Prince, jr. Leverett Salton- Gloucester Lonson Nash, stall, Benjamin R. Nichols, Joseph B. Manning BenJRmin Merrill, Joseph Haverhill John Varnum, E.Sprague, David Cum- James H. Duncan, Ste- mings, JnhnG King, Fred. phen Minot, J. R. How Howes,Larkir'Thorndike, Ifiswich Asa Andrews Benjamin L. Oliver, The- J^ynn Robert W. Trevett odore Eames, Solomon S. Marblehead R. H. French Whipple, John Foster Attorneys at the Sujireme Judicial Court. Danvers John W. Proctor JVewburyfiort Eben. Shillaber Attorneys at the Common Picas. Newburyfiort Cal.Cushing E. H. D.rJv% John W.-ilsh, Salem Joseph G. Waters, Benj. VVLcatoi;, i-f, i'ciuce 44 Deputy-Sheriffs, &c. in Esses.

Sheriff, , of Haverhill. Defiuty Sheriffs. Amesbury Daniel Long Marblehead Henry Rea Andover Moody Bridges Nenvburyfiort Philip Bag- Danvera John Upton, jr. ley, Oilman White Gloucester Elias C lough Salem William Mansfield, J/iswick Theodore An- Daniel Dutch, Amrai drews, Michael Brown Brown Lynn William Chadwell Prison ITee/iers, Ifiswich Michael Brown Salem Ammi Brown Newburyfi. Philip Bagley Coroners, Amesbury Ichabod B. C Richardson Sargent Lywificld John Upton Andover Putnam Ingals, Marblehead Isaac Mans- John Adams, jr. field, Nathan Bowen Boxford Lemuel Wood, M^thuen John Sareent, jr. Daniel Adams Amos Barker, Jonathan Bradford Eiipha. Rollins, Merrill Benjamin Kimball, jr. Jon- Ncwbury^ Orlando B. Mer- athan Kimball, jr. rill, David Little, Daniel Danvers SylvesterProctor Adams, 3d Essex Joshua Giddings JSfewburyfiort Oilman Gloucester Wm. Pearson, White John Rogers» Wm. Dane, W. M'e'vobury William Elias Clough, James Goss Pilsbury Haverhill James Smiley, Rowley Joseph Pike EnochBradley,Ohv.Morse Salem William Lang.John Enoch Foot, Nathl. Hills, Punchard, B. Blanchard John Marsh Salisbury Jonathan Smith Jfisv}ich Michael Brown, Tofts field Daniel Bixby, William F. Wade J. Town, jr. JLynn William Rhodes, Wenfiam Jonathan Porter Amos Rhodes, Eleazer MIDDLESEX.

Judge of Probate y S t^nuel P. P. Fay, of Cambridge, Pei(ister of Probate, Isaac Fiske, of Weston. Rei^ister of Deeds, William F. Stone, of Cimbridge* County Treasure), John Keyes, of Concord. County Attorney^ Asahe! Stearns, of Cambridge.

Clerk ofthe Courts ^ Abraham J^i^lo-^ of do. »

Justices of the Peace in Middlesex. 45

Justices of the Peace and of the Quorwn. Ashby John Locke Nathaniel Hall, Abner Billerica Joseph Locke Bartlett ^roo^/iweGorham Parsons Newton John Richardson Cambridge William Win- Pe/ifiereU Joseph Heald, throp, Abraham Biglow, John Walton , Tiniothy Beading James Bancroft Fuller, Abraham Hilliard Sherburne Calvin Sanger Charlestoivn John Soley, South Beading John Hart William Austin, Joseph Stoiv Rufus Hcsmer Hurd, Rufus Wyman Teivksbiiry Edward St. Concord Abiel Heywood, Loe Livermore William Parkman, Joseph Waltham .Theodore Ly- Barrett, Samuel Honr, jr. man Dracut Parker Varnum Watertonvn Levi Thaxter,- Framingham Jona. May- Nathaniel R. Whitney, nard Nathaniel Bemis, Tyler Groton James Prescott, Bigelow Samuel Lawrence, Luther West Cambridge William Lawrence Whittemore Littleton David Lawrence Westford John Abbot Marlborough Samuel Gib- Wilmington V> iiliamBlan- bons, Joil Cranston, Ben- chard, Wm.Blanchaixl.jr. jamin Rice Weston Ebenezer Hobbs, Medford Samuel Swan, Isaac Fiske Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Abraham Biglow, James Prescott, Sanmel Hoar, Jo- seph Heald, William Winthrop, JosephHurd, Joseph Barrett, Abiel Heywood, Joseph Locke, Rufus Wy- man, Amos Bancroft, Isaac Fiske, Josiah Adams, John Trowbridge. Justices of the Peace Actm Jonas Brooks, John Preston Robbins Boxboro* Oliver T.Davis, Ashby Alexander T. Wil- Joseph Stone lard, Amos Willington Brighton Gorham Par- Bedford AmariahPreston, sons, Edward Sparhawk, Elijah Stearns, Thomp- Francis Moore son Bacon, William Web- Burlington Abiel Winn, ber WMUiam Winn Billerica Blaney Abbot, Cambridge John Mellen, Jos.Crosby,jr. JohnParker, Levi Hedge, Edmund SamuelWhiting, Marshall T. Dana, John Williams^ 46 Justices of the Peace in Middlesex.

John M>xall, Richard H. Fairbanks, Elihu Cutler, Dana, VViliiam Hitliard, Levi Adams

VVilliim I. Whipple, J. P. HofikiiitonW aW-^Y M*Far- Chaplin, Peter Tufts, jr. land, Moses Chamberlain, William F. Stone Jos. \A\ Vaientjiie, Thomas Cartide Asa Parlin Buck, in, Fislier Metcalf, Charletitoivn Oliver Hol- Ensha Fairbanks, Nathan den, David Goodwin, Hen- Pnipps ry Ad^ms, Elias Phiiiney, Lexi7igto7iSdL\h2iii Chand- Jctseph Tufts, jr. G imaliel ler.! .s.Fiske, Jonas Bridge, Bradford, Leonard M. joim Mu liken, I^aac Has- Parker, Timothy Walk- tings, Ames Muzzey, j", er. Isaac Warren, Thorn • Lincoln , « as Harris Joshui Brooks, Elijah Chelmsford Wm. Adams, Fiske, Charles Wheeler Joel Adams, J jnathan Per- Littleton John Manning, ham, Cyrus Baldwin, Na- Simon Hart well, Benj.Dix thaniel Wright Maiden Bernard (i-eene, Concord Nathan Barrett, Beniamin Blaney, Henry Tiliy JMerrick.JohnKeyes, Gardner,jr. CharlesLewis Thaddeus Biood, Nathan Marlboro^ SilasFelton,John Brooks Loring, William Draper, JOMwsraZ)/eMicahEldridge, Willi: im Barnes Jonathan Bennet Medford Jonathan Porter, Dracut Daniel Varnum, Nathan Adams, Dudley Israel Hildreth, SimonCo- Hall, Wm. Ward, Turell burn, JamesVarnum, Ben- Tufts jamin F. Varnum Ml ticA John Fiske, Heze. Eant Sudbury William Broad, WilliamGoodenow, Bridge, William Johnson, John Atikins Othniel Tyler, Jacob JVeiuton John Kenrick, Reeves, William Sherman Samuf:! Murdock, Josiah Framingham Josiah Ad- Bacon, Samuel Stimson, ams.JohnTrowbridge, Ab- Josiah Fuller, Ebenezer ner Wheeler, Luther Bel- Starr, Amos Allen, Joseph knap Jackson Groton Amos Bancroft, Pefifierell Lemuel Parker, James Lewis, Willii^mNut- James Lewis, jr. Abel ting, Joseph Mansfield, Jewett Caleb Butler, Stuart J. Reading Benjamin Upton, Park John Weston, DanielFliut, Holliston John Mellen, David Upton, Timothy Kphraim Littlefteld, John Wakefield, Edmund Par- ,

Counsellors at Law in Middlesex. 47 ker, Daniel Chute, Joshua well, jr. Asa Butterfield Prescott, Jacob Goodwin Waltham David Town- Sherburne Joshua Ware, send, Jonathan Coolicige, John Bullard Abner Sanderson, John Shirley Thomas VVhitritsi^ Clark, John Bright, Luke Benjamin Hartweil, Juhn Fiske Edgarton, lanies Parker, Wateriown Thos. Clark, Stephen Longley, Nathan- Jonas White, Moses Cool- iel Holdcn idge, Seth Bemis, Luke South -Reading William Bemis, Amos Livermore> Nichols jr. Abijah White, M. B, Sioneham Daniel Gould, Spring Peter Hay, 2d West- Cambridgelednthun Stow Aug istus Tower, Wellington, Wm.Whitte- Moses VVhitnev more, Thomas Russell, Sudbury EbenezerPlymp- Benjamin Lock, James ton, Ashbel Kidder, Wil- Russell liam Hunt, Aoel Wheeler, Westford Thnmas Fletch- Asher Goodei^ow er, Benjamin Stone, Isaiah Teivksbury Wm. Brown, Leighton, Beiija. Osgood

Samuel Worceste. , fosiah JVesion John Slack.Joseph Brown, William Roger- Russell, Ira Draper, Al- Toivnsend Uaniei Adams, pheus Bigelow, jr.

Isaac Mu I liken, Josiah Wilmington Saml. Jaque?, Richardson, Saml. Brouks, San ue! Eames Aaron VVarten licburn J( sephLawrence, 7]/^/^,s6or'/Eben.Bdncrof Bill Kusseli, Sylvanus jr. Robert Brisdey, Daniel Plymptn, John Wade, Rich<»rdsr.t.., Calvin 1' o- Frai.cis Br^bcock.Wyman mas. Josj?i.h Dante ith, J;)S- Richardson eph Butteiheid, John Far- JVotaries Public.

Cambridge Wm. J . Wnip- Concord Nathan Brooks ple Groton Caleb Butler Charlestown John Soley Wutertown Nathl. Bemis Counsellors at Laiv. Ashhy John Locke CharlestoTjn Wm. Aiistin, Biilerica Joseph Locke Henry Adams, Elia*"; Phin- Cambridge Ahrat^nm ney, Joseph 1 ufts, jr. Hilliard, Timothv Fu^^cr, Leonard M. Parker, Wil- William J Whipple, Asa- liam Gordon hel Stearns, Richaixl H. Chrimsfcrd Joel Adams, Dana Nathaniel Wright 48 Deputy-Sheriffs, &c. in Middlesex.

Concord Samuel Hoar, jr. Medford Abner Bartlett John Keyes, Nathan JVewton Amos Allen Brooks Pefifierell James Lewis Dracut Nathaniel Wright Reading Jc«hua Prebcott E.Sudbury Othniel Tyler S» Reading Wm. Nichols Framingham EU BuUard, Stoiv Rufus Hosmer Josiah Adams Tyngsboro^ Daniel Rich- Groton James Prescott, ardson, John Farwell, jr. Luther Lawrence, Caleb Watertoton I yier Bigeiow, Butler Levi Th^xter Hofikinton Elisha Fair- Wesffurd John Abbot banks, Abraham Harring- W si-Cambridge James ton Russell Maiden Charles Lewis Wi'ston AlpheusBigelowJr. Marlboro* William Dra- Woburn Wyman Rich- Der ardson jittorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Billerka Marsliall Preston worth Groton Samuel Farns- Townsend Elisha Glidden Attorneys at the Common Pleas* Brighton /Vbr. Edwards Kingsbury Cambridge Saml.F.Lvinan Marlboro' Richard Farwell C/^ar/("s/o7ynJohnM.Fiske, Townsend Simeon S^un- Paul Willard derson» Aaron Keyes,Abel Framingham Lawson Conant Sheriffs Nathaniel Austin, of Charlestown. Defiuty Sheriffs, Billerica Joseph Parker E Sudbury M. M. Rutter Cambridge Isaac Train FraminghamHiih\sBi wer

Charlestown Joseph Hun- Groton S3 i! I son W nds ewell ToivnsrndWn\ A.Uancvoft Chelmsford James Pitts Tung;

Chariestonvn Joth. Johnson Mcdford Nathan Wait Chelmsford Ebenr. Parker Natick Oliver Bacon Concord Jonas Buttrick, J^eivton Joseph Jackson,jr. Abel Moore Benjamin Fuller Dracut Israel Hildreth, Pepfierell John Bullardjr. David Blood, jr. Jos. Heald.jr. Abel Adams Dunstable Leonard Park- Reading John Temple, jr. hurst, Edmund Page, Sherburne James Bullard, James Swallow John Bulla rd K.Sudbury CollinsDamon South Reading Jeremiah FraTningham Aaron Bul- Bryant lard, Rufus Brewer Shirley Stephen Longley Groton Abel Famsworth, Stow Phineas Conant,John Jacob L. Parker, Amos Patch • Lawrence, Benj. Moors, Tewksbury ThomasClark David Childs Town«f7?c?Wm. A. Bancroft HoUiston John Steadman, Tyngsboro* Ezra Biodget, Loammi Litchfield Dav. Gould ,Jo8.F.Bancroft Hojikinton Joseph Valen- West Cambridge }^dMi\i\xi\ tine, Nathan Phipps Wellington Littleton Jona. W hetcomb Wcsiford Jonathan Keyes, Maiden Eberezer Wade John Leighton Marlborough Silas Gates, Weston Nathan Fiske Isaac T. Stevens Wilmington Joel Jenkins HAMPSHIRE.

Judge of Probate ^ Samuel Hinckley, of Northamptan. Register of Probate^ Isaac C. Bates, of do. Register of Deeds , Levi Lyman, of do. Coimty Treasurer^ Daniel Stebbins, of do. County Attorney, Jonathan H. Lyman, of do. Clerk ofthe Courts^ Solomon Stoddard, jr. of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Amherst Sam, F.Dickinson LeviLyman, Sol.Stoddard, Belcherton Jos. Bridgman, Jno. Breck, Lewis Strong, Eiakim Phelps, Mark Elijah H. Mills, Solomon Doolittle Stoddard, jr. Jonathan H. Hadley Charles P. Phelps, Lyman, Isaac C. Bates Samuel Porter Norwich Erastus Lyman Halfeld Benjamin Smith Westham/it. Sylvest. Judd Northampton Samuel Williamsburg Asa White Kjnckley, Daniel Wr'ght. Worthington Elisha Mack E 50 Justices of the Peace in Hampshire.

Afijiointcd to qualify Civil Officers. Joseph Lyman, Daniel Wright, Levi Lyman, Noah Webster, Rutus Graves, Solomon Stoddard, jr.

Justices cj' the Peace,

Amherst , David Mack,Erastus Ing- Simeon Strong, Heze. VV. ham, Joshua Dickson Strong, Gide.Stetson, John J^orthamfiton AsahelPom- Strong, Kufus Graves, eroy, CharlesStarkweath- Ithamar Conkey, Timothy er, John Taylor, Benjamin J. Gridley, C. F. Bates Tappan, Ebenezer Hunt, Belchertan Mason Shaw, Samuel Howe, Dan. Steb- EstesHowe.EUdadPariions, bins, Feidinand H.Wright Justus Forward, Justus JVornoich John Ellis, Aa- Dwight, Philo. Dickinson ron Hall, S. Kirkland Chesterfield Spencer Felham Henry Kingman, Piielps, '1 had. Baker, A. John Conkey, Isaac Aber- Rice, Isaac King, Alanson crombie, Barna. Brighana, Anderson, Dyer Bancroft, John Rankin, jr. Timothy A. Phelps Plainfieid JruuesR rchards, Cummington Nehe. Rich- John H

Notaries PubUck. Bclcherton Mark Doo- C/;f.vrfrAfWDyerBancroft little Nonhamp. DaiuelStebbins Counsellors at Law, Amherst ?s2im\.Y.T>\<:\i\n- Greentvich Laban Marcy son, Simeon Strong, Heze- Hadl'-y Giles C. Kellogg kiah W. Strong, Ithamar Hatfifld Israel Billings Conkey, Lucius Boltwood JVbrMam/z/onSaml.Hinck- Btlcherton Joseph Bridg- ley, Solomon Stoddard, jr. man, jr. Mark DooUttle, Elijah H. Mills, Isaac C. Mason Shaw B.ues Jonatnan H.Lyman, Chrsterfield Dyer Ban- John Taylor, Lewis Stixing croft 5. //ac?/ri/Wm.Bowdoin,jr. Enfield Elihu Lyman Worthington ElishaMack Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court, Mrthampton Charles C. Bates Forbes, Tim. C. Cooley Williamsburg Elisha Hub- Southamfiton Charles F. bard, jr. Attorneys at the Common Pleas, Amherst Jona. Eastman Plainfield Horatio Bying- Granby Epaphrns Clark ton, Cyrus Joy Northamfiton John H. rTor/Am^-^onHoraceSmitU Ashmun Sherijfy Joseph Lyman, of Northampton. Defiuty-Sherifs, Amherst ZebinaDickinson, Ware William Page, jr. Chester Dickinson Northamfiton AustinSmith Belcherton SimeouD wight 5. Hadley Joel Millar Pelham Isaac Abercrom- Plainjield Josiah Shaw, 2d. bie, jr. W^orMzVzg-f. Abraham Ed*^ Enfield Rufus Powers wards Dcfiuty-Gaoler^ Cephas Clapp, Northampton. Critr of Courts^ William Bolter. Coroners, Amherst Solomon Keyes Greenwich AldenLathrop Eastman, Asahcl Thayer Northampton Thomas ^e/cA^r^on Elihu Sandford Wright, Abner Hunt, Cummington Bela Norton Austin Smith Enfidd Rufus Powers Pelham Isaac Abercrom- Goshen Ambrose Stone bie, jr. 32 Justices of the Peace in Plymouth.

S. Hadley Josiah Bardwell Worthington Josiah Mills, 5bw?Aam/z^owAsahelChap- Elisha Brewster man ^ PLYMOUTH. Judge of Probate^ Wilkes Wood, of Middleborough. Register of Hrobaie^ Bezd Hayward, of Plymouth. Register of Deeds^ Rosseter Cotton, of do. County Treasurer^ Rosseter Cotton, of do. County Attorney^ Kilborn Whitman, of Pembroke. Clerk of the Courts^ John B. Thomas, of Plymouth. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Ahington Samuel Norton Plymouth Henry Warren, BridgeivQter Bartholo- Zaccheus Bartiett, Wm. mew Brown Jackson, Zabdiel Sampson, Duxbury Seth Sprague, N. M. Davis, Jno. B. Judah Alden Thomas Hanover Day.Stockbridge Plymfiton Elijah Bisbee Hingham Ebenezer Gay /?oc/^eyrer Abrah.HMines, Kingston John Themas Charles J. Holmes, E*isha Middlebord* WilkesWood, Ruggles Abiel Washburn ScUuate Cushing Otis, l^orth Bridg water Caleb Elijah Turtier Howard, H'.ward Carey West Bridgewater Daniel Pembroke Kilborn Whit- Howard, man Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers, Daniel Howard Beza Hayward, Charles Turner, Henry Warren, , Zabdiel Sampson, Wilkes Wood, Abr. Holmes, Elisha Ruggles, Kilborn Whitman, Hector Orr, Elijah Turner, William Bay- lies, Nathaniel M. Davis, Joim B. Thomas, Ebenezer Gay, Thomas Loring, jr. C. J. Holmes. Justices of Che Peace. Abington Nathan Gur- Mitchell, Daniel Mitchell,

nev, ' Daniel Lane, jr. Nathan Lazell, Nathan Benjamin Hebart, Ja- Alden, Ezra Kingman, red Whitman, Micah Daniel Crane, Noah Fear- Pool ing, Benjamin Pope, Syl- Jiridgewater Hector vanus Lazell Orr, James Thomas, Sol- Carver Nehe. Cobb, Ben- omon Alden, jr. Nathan jamin Ellis, Joseph Clark, Notaries Public ia Plymouth. 63

Thomas Hammond Hooper, Levi Pierce, Seth Duxbtiry WilliamLoring, Eaton Ezra Weston, Samuel A. North Bridgeiuater Gide- Frazer on Howard, Abel King- Halifax JosiahThompson, manjjonathitn Snow,Lem- Dbadiah L} on, Nathaniel uelPackard,JosephSylves- Morton, Zebad.Thompson ter, Eiiab Whitman, Silas Hanover HoT&tio Gushing, Packard,Lemuel Packard Snow Curtis, Reuben Cur- Pembroke Alden Briggs, tis, , Mel- W^iUiam Torrey, Nathan- zar Curtis iel Smith Hanson Charles Cushing, Plymouth RosseterCottoK, Oliver Whitten, Nathan- Barnabas Hedge, Nathan- iel Cushing, Thomas Ho- iel Spooner,NathanielRus- bart sell, Samuel Da,vis, Ben- fTingham Daniel Shute, jamin Bramhall, Benja- jotham Lincoln, jr. Solo- min M. Watson, Joseph mon Jones. Robert Gould, Bartlett, jr. Caleb Thaxter, Martin Plijmpton Isaac Wright, X^incoln, JosephWilder, jr. Zenas Biyant, jr. Jerome Cushing Rochester George King, Hull Samuel Loring, jr. James Ruggles, Nathaniel Kingston Seth Drew, Jedi- Ruggles, , diah Holmes. James Sever, jr. Caleb Briggs, Elijah Thomas P. Beal, Nathan- Willis, Thomas Bassett, iel Thomas, John Se- Joseph Meigs ver Scituale Hayward Pierce, Marshjield Eiisha Phillips, Jesse Dunbar, Edward Joseph Ciift, jr. Constant F.Jacnbs, John Collamore, Oakman, Luke Wads- W m .Haven, J. B. Turner, worth,JohnThcmas, Chas. Wm. Hammatt Macombcr, Thos.Dingley, Wareham Israel Fearing, Francis G. Ford R, Leonard, Benjamin M'dcilcboo* David Rich- Fearing, John Fearing, mond, Saml.Pickcns, John Beiijamin Bourne, William Tinkham, Zechariah Ed- Fearing dy, Martin Keith, Thomas Ifest Bridgeiuater Abie- Weston, Seth Miller, Wil- zer Alger, Jonathan Cope- liam Canedy, Jacob Ben- land, jr. John E. Howard, nett, Thomas Sturtevant, George W. Perkins Wiil'am Bourne, Charles J\/'otaries Publick. PlymcVfth John'lhoinas,jr. X^ttxdwri/StudleySampson E 2 54 Deputy-Sheriffs, &c. in Plymouth.

Scituate Jesse Dunbar Wareham Benj. Fearing Hingham Jerome Gushing Middleboro* Wilkes Wood Rochester Nath. Ruggles Counsellors at Lanv. Abington Jared Whitman, M)rth Bridgeivater EUab Benjamin Hobart Whitman Brtdgeiua(erBB.rtho\omevr Pembroke Kilborn Whit- Brown man Hanover Aaron Hobart Plymouth Nat. M. Davis, Hingham Eben^zer Gay John Thomas Kingston Thomas P Beal, Rochester Abrah.HoImes, William R. Seaver Charles J. Holmes Middleboro' WilkesWood, West Bridgewater, Wm. Zech. Eddy, Isaac Stevens Baylies Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Plymouth John Thomas, Scituate^ John Thaxter William Thomas Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Halifax Welcome Young Rochester David Bacott Hanover Alex. Wood Sheriffs Nathan Hayward, of Plymouth. Dejiuty Sheriffs. Bridgewater Edw. Vinton jamin Kingman //a7zov(!'r Horalio Cashing Pembroke Dav. Oldham Hanson Nathaniel CoUa- Plymouth Thos. Spooner more Plymfiton Thomas B. Hingham Seth Cushrng.jr. Harrub Kingston George Adams Rochester Nathaniel Has- Marshjield Jedediah Little kell McfaVe/^oro' Lemuel Bviggs, Scituate Nathaniel Clapp Nathaniel Wilder, jr. rK(?5/5rif/g-ew.FiskeAmes jYorth Jiridgenvatcr Ben- Critr of the Courts^ Nathaniel Wilder, of Middleboro'.

Gaoler ^ Coomer Weston. Cojuinissioners of Wrecks, William Davis, jr. Plym- outh, Paul Merritt, Scituate. Coroners. Abington Lebbeus Gurney Canter Nelson Barrows Bridgewater Lot Whit- Duxbury^&x\]2Lxm\\W^^\x^ marsh Studley Sampson J^tices of the Peace in Bristol. 66

Halifax Cyrus Richmond Wi«les, jr. Thos. Packard JJanovtr Josial. Siuith. jr. Pembroke Charles Litile, Ebenczcr N. Chadclock Nithaniel Loiing, Peter Hanson Nachl. C( llamore Salmondjr. Is. Barkcrjr. Hingham Job Loiing, jr. Plymouth Be'^j. Drew Sam.HobMt.jHS Stevenson PlymfiQu Elia? Ciiurchill Kir.g.^tan Jededi. Holmes, Thomas B. H:iirub jr. Joh. Gjs.y Rochester Nath.niel Has- JV/(7rv' ^fr/c/V ^il liamLe wis, kell, Davki Pi-ckh: m,jr. James D>i\j;ley Sciiuate Lemuel Turner, Middltb.jro* Samuel Samuel \A'^aterm'in, John Thomp


Judge of Probate^ H r'ij .h Baylies, of Digbton. JRrg/.ter oj Prob:.te, David W. G. Cobb, of Taunton. Jiel^is:- of t) (ds, Aiffed v\ illiams, of Taunton. County Treasur r. Sanvaei Crocker, of Taunton. County Attornty, James Eliis, of Taunton. Cltrk of the Courta^ James Sproat, jr. of Taunton. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Be-kley Samue' Tobey, A^orton L^iban VVheaton» A[)ollos Tobey Ephr

Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers, Samuel T- bev, Lemuel WilUanis, TS'Athaniel Morton, David Perry, James Sproat, Jrhn W Seabury, Jo- seph Tisdale, Marcus Mortdi, John Nye, John M. waiams, Asa Danforth, Lemuf^' M scomber, James £Uis, Hercules Cushman, Samuel Crocker. 66 Justices of the Peace ia Bristol.

Justices of the Peace, Auleborough Joel Read, ham Barker, James How- Jacob Balcom, Israel land, 2d. Thomas Rotch, Hatch, Ebenezer Dagget, Samuel Rodman, Timo- Noah Claflinjr. Lem. May thy G. Coffin, Benjamin Berkley Simeon Chase, Li:icoln,Thomas Keniipion Ezra Dean, Levi BYench, A'br/onJohn Hall, Wilham jr. Barzillai Crane, Adoni- Burt, Silas Cobb, Thomas ram Crane Danforth, 2d. Daniel Par- Dartmouth ^br^^m Tuck- ker, Isaac Hodges, Samu- er, Oliver Alden, Holder el Morey 8locum, jr. Z. A. Macom- Raynham Nathaniel Bri- ber, Joseph Ciifford, Thos. ton, Israel Washburn, Jo- Almy, Jeptha Ashley, siah Deane, John GiU Benja.R. Tucker, Labau more Thacher Rehoboth Sabrey LawtoHj^ Dighton . William Wood, Jos. Wheaton, ^. Lemuel Nathaniel Williams, John Macomber, jr/ George W. Hathaway, Caleb Chase Peck, Ezra E^liss, ^liomas^ Easton Elijah Howard, Carpenter,2d|. Jas.Bliss,2d. John Pool.Shepherd Leach, Barnard Wl^eeler, Sim- Calvin Brett, Rowland uel Bullock, 2d. Israel Howard, David Manley, Nichols Joshua Giim ore. John Tis- Seekonk Collins Darling, dale, Cyrus Lathrop Allen Hunt,Ji)hn Mi?dbury, Fairhaven Nathaniel S. Calvin Martin, Danl. Car- Spooner, Kellry Elbridge, penter, Elkanah French, James Taberjoseph Trip, Thos. Kinnecut, Apollos Ansel Gibbs, Johii Hawes, Cushman, Ebenezer Buck- Rounsevil Spooner, Levi lin, Moses Sanford, Benja- Jenney min Couzens, jr. Freetoivn Ephr.Winslow, Somerset Francis Borland, Benjamin Weaver, Job William Reed, David An- Morton, Ebenezer Pierce, thony, Mason Buffington, H. Cushman, Earl Samp- David Gray, Elisha Siade, son, Rufus Bacon jr. Hanan Wilbour Mannfield David Gilbert, Swanzey Jatnes Luther, Rowland Green, Solomon Thomas Peck, Danl. Hale, Pratt, Mason Cobb, Ben- John Mason William Ma- jamin Billings son, Henry Gardner, John .Yeiv Brdford William Wins low Rotch, jr. E. Haskell. J. Taunton Benjamin Wil- Nye,Roger HaskeU,Abra- liams, Jonathan logell, Counsellors, Attorneys, &c. in Bristol. 67

G'deon Wilsiams, Joseph ham Bowen» David Terry, Ti.sdaie, Altied WiUianis, James Ford Simeon fisdale, William WrUington San-ucl W. HotJges, 2

Thomas l.incoh , 1). ^i, Baylies, Joseph Gooding W» C(bb, James L. Hodg- Westfiort William W hite, es, Abiathar Ingcil, Na- 2c!. Peleg Sisson, Sylvester llian Kuit;, ( nailes Rich- Browiiell,Aljner B.Giftbrd, mond, Piiuy Menick Anselm Bassett, Nathan Trou Joseph E. Read, C. Brownell W ilham B. Canedy, Abra- JVbtarze< Public, Dartmouth Zebedee A. Coffin, l^homas Kemptcn, Macomber Lenuiel Williams Ijighton Tho.B Richmond Westfiort Abner Brownell Fairhaven Nathaniel 8. Seehonk Apoilos Cushman Sp(K)t,er, Levi Jenney Somerset David Gray J^eijo Bedford limothy G. Taunton Jonathan Ingell Counsellors at Law, Maston Cyrus Lothrop, Moses Sanford, Benjamin D;iniel Wheatoa Couzens,jr.Collins Darling Fairhaven^ nt.\) .S.Spooner Taunton Marcus iMorton, Freetown Hercules Cush- Francis Baylies, Jas. Ellis, man, Rutus Bacon D. G. W. Cobb, Pliny Mansfi Id David Gilbert Merrick J^eno Bedford Lemuel Troy James Ford Williams, jr. John Ny e Wellington bamuel W. Morton Baylies Scekonk ApollosCushmin, Wetitfiort Ansehn Bassett Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court Mw Bedford T.ruo^hy Cr. Setkonk Peter B. Hunt Coffin, C harles H. ^A• arren Swanzey Wm. A.F.Sproat Fretiotun Hezek. Battelle Attorneys at the Common Pleas, Attleborough Everett Laban M. Wheaton Bo-'lcom Taunton James Sproat, A'ew Bedford John Rus- jr. Jacob Chapin seU Troy John Lindsey, jr. Mrton Earl P. White» 58 Deputj-Sheriffs & Coroners in Bristol.

Shcrijfy Horatio Leonard, of Raynham.

Defiuty Sheriff's. Ai'tlehcrough\^Ydt!tUldX.z\\y X'orton Daniel Smith, 2d. jr. Elisha May Geo^-ge Clapp Berkley Dean Burt Rehoboth Cromwell Bliss, Dartmouth Kussell Shear- James Nichols man, Samuel Barker Somerset Benj. Anthony Dighton Dariiel Smith Sw mzey Royal Chase Jiaefon Elijah \A iiliams Seekonk Church Gray Fairhaven'^ illiamGnrdon Troy John C. Borden Freitoion John H. Pi. rce Taww^OTzJamesWoodward Man.^JieLd Chrirles Day WdlingtGnC rocker Babbit J\ew Bedford Peleg Jen- Westfiort Adam Gilford ney, Edward Pope Gaoler^ Abiezer Dean, of Taunton. Cyier of ike Courts^ Oliver Soper, of Taunton. Jnsfi. of Fire Jrms, Remember Carpenter, Attleboro*. Commissioners of Wrecks^ ilfc. , of New-Bedford, ApoUos Fobey, of Berkley, Coroners. Attleboro^ Peter Thacher, Read,Israel Drown,Crom- Walter Tyier.Samuel Ty- well Bliss, J

John D. Bangs, A. Hinck- Crowell, Henry Thatclier ley Welfleet William Cole, YarmouthGiyvh.2Lm Lovell, Josiah Whiiman, Reuben Joseph Hawes, James Arey A'otaries Publick. Jlarnstahle David Crocker Welficet Sainl. Waterman Brewster Isaac Foster, jr. Yarmouth Jumes Croweil C/fa^Aaw Richard Sears,jr. Provincftown Orsamus -fia' ;(/^a w Harding' Know les Thomas Falmouth Sam. P.Croswell Harwich Isaiah Chase Sandwich Russel Freeman Counsellors at Law, Barnstable Nymphas Seth F. Nye Marston Yarmouth John Reed Sandwich Russel Freeman, Attorneys at the ^mpreme Judicial Court. Barnstable John W. Brewster Geo. Copeland Whitman Orleans John Doane Attorney at the Common Pleas. Caleb Re id, of Ya- mouth. Sheri^, Wendell Davis, of Sandwich.

Deputy Sherijf'fi. Barnstable JLzr?L Crocker^ Orleans William Mmck John Bursley, jr. Sandwich Sliadrach Free- Brewster Benjamin Berry man, Stwall Fessenden Falmouth Davis Hatch Yarmouth Charles Sears Gaoler^ Robert Lothrop, of Barnstable. Commissioners of Wrecks, ^c, Thomas Fish, Falmouth, Richard Sears, jr. Chatham. Melatiah Tobey, Sand- wich,Joshua SmaU, Truro, Daniel Comings, Orleans, Obadiah Doane, Eastham. Coroners, Barnstable Isaiah Parker, /^a/mowMConsider Hatch, H lar.d T. Crocker, Asa Samuel Bourne, jr. Seth Y Mjng Hamlin Brewstrr William Cr^-sby Orleans Henry Knowles Chatham Samuel Nve Provincetown Jonathan I'ennis S^th Tobey Nickerson Fast/mm Michael Collins, Sandxcich Lemuel Pope, Timothy Cole lie man Touey, Lewir. Justices of the Peace, &c. in Dukes. 61 f'ope Welfleet Josiah Whitman, Truro Levi Stevens, Jonas Jeremiah Newcomb Stevens Yarmouth Joseph Hawes Overseers of the Marshfiee and Herringfiond Indians^ Nymphas Marston, Gideon Hawley, Kilborn Whitman. ^ dukes! Judge of Probate^ George Athearn, of Tisbur}^ Resrister ofTrobate^ Cornelius Marchant, of Edgarton, R^gistct ofDe^ds, Samuel Str.ith, of do. County Treasurer, William Jerregan, of do. County Attorney, Thomas Dunham, of Tisbury. Clerk of the Courts^ Cornelius Marchant, of Edgartoiv. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Chibnark Mathew May- Elijah Stewart, Williara hew, Ebenezer Skiff Mayhew Edgarton W. Jerncgan, Tilbury John Davis, Geo. Athearn

Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers, George Athearn, of Tisboty, William Jernegan, and Thomas Cook, of Edgarton, Justices of the Peace. Chibnark Allen Mayhew, Samuel Whelden, Daniel ^ John Hancock, Simon Fellows, jr. Jethro Dag- Mayhew gett Edgarton Cornelius Mar- Tsbunj ThomasDunham, chant, Ichabod Norton, Benjamin Allen

Attorneys at C. P.—Ebenezer Skiff, Chilmark ; Thos. Dunham, Tisbury ; Theod. G. Mayhew, Edgarton. J^otaries Pubtick. Chilmark Henry Allen chant Edgarton Cornelius Mar- Tisbury William Cottle Sheriff, Isaiah D. Pease, of Edgarton. Deputy Sheriffs Chilmark Thomas Nick- ^t/^a**ron Nathan Jernegan erson Tisbury El j^h Hillnmn Guardian to Indian and Mulatto Proprietors, Gay Head, Tristram Allen, Chilmark- Guardians to the Indians of Chapfiaquiddick^ Thomas Cooke, Elijah Stewart* F 62 Officers in Nantucket & Worcester.

Commissioners of Wrecks, klfc. Ebenezer Skiff, Chil- mark, Jethro Worth* Edgarton. Coroners. Chilmark Tristram Allen Tiabury James Cottle Edgarton Peter Pease, jr. NANTUCKET.

Judge of Probate and County Attorney ^ Isaac Coffio* Register of Probate, Josiah Hussey, Mrgister of Deeds, Latham Gardner^ County Treasurer^ Robert Folger Clerk of (he Courts^ Benjamin Gardner. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Isaac Coffin, Samuel Bigelow, Walter Folger, jr. Jo- siah Hussey, Daniel Coffin, Isaac W. Whitman, William Coffin, Albert Gardiner, Zaccheus Hussey, Benjamin (Gardner

Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers, Isaac Coffin, Zaccheus Hussey, Albert Gardiner, Josl'^ ah Hussey. Justices of the Peace. Joseph Swain, Georeje Cannon, Martin T. Morton^ . ^Votaries Publick. JVantutket, Benjamin Gardner, Zaccheus Hussey. Counsellors at Laiv, Josiah Hussey.Isaac W.Whitman. Attorney at the Court of Common Pleas, Isaac Coffin.

Sheriff', Uriah Gardner.

Physicians, Oliver C. Bartlett, Rowland Gelston, Mar- tinT. Morton,Paul Swift, RcubenMacy.EdmundGale.

Comynissioner of Wrecks^ iJfc. Jeremiah Lawrence. Coroners, Benjamin Glover, David Allen. WORCESTER. Judge of Probate^ Nathaniel Paine, of Worcester. Register of Probate^ Theophilus Wheeler, of do. Register of Deeds ^ Artemas Ward, of do. County Treasurer , Samuel Allen, of do. County Attorney, Rejoice Newtcn, of do. Clerks of (he Courts, Ahijah F)gtic\v,of do. Justices of the Peace in Worcester. 63

Jufitices of the Peace and ofthe Quorum^ jishburnham Joseph Jew- Oxford Jonathan Davis ett Oakham W id .C ra w f( )rd,jr. jithoi James Humphreys Petersham H..tchins Bar'e Nathaniel Jones, Hcipgood, Eleazer James /^ri/;cei^77VVarciN.Bo\ 1st n Bolton Stephen P.Gardner Rudand Kafus Potntim Btvokjicld Tilly Rice ShreiVibury J. Henshaw, Charlton Salem T(«wn, jr. Jon ih ti we Dudl.y Aaron Taits Sterling John Robbins, Pitchbu'g JohuShcpley, i'homas H. Biood Joseph Fox button Jonas Sibley Hardwick Siml Eastman Uxbridge Benj. Adams Harvard Benj. Kimball WefUboro^ Nathan Fisher Lancaster Samuel Ward, Western Danf^rth Keyes Timothy Whiting. Moses Westminster Michael Gill Smith, Wm. Stedman Worcester N^thl. Paine, Leicester Nathl. P.Denny Theophilus Wheeler, Ab- Leominsier Jonas Kendall, raham Lincol.% Isaiah Solomon Strong Thomas, Daniel Clap, Xu«tf«6Mr^//Edm.Gushing Levi Linco n, Daniel A/e«(/on , VVitldo, ,

Spth H stings Edwar ' D. Bangs, Re- Milbury Aaron Pierce joice Newton Mr. Brookjield Thos.Hale Afipointed to (juaVfy Civil Officers. Dwight Foster, Sakm Town, Joseph Allen, Nathaniel P.iine, Olivtr Fiske, Theopliilus Wheeler, , Timothy Whiting, Jonathan Davis, Wiiliam Stedman, Seth 'lasri gs, Ridiard Gtiorge, James Humphreys, Moses Smith. Justices of the Pface, Jlshburnham Abrah. Low, Berlin Amos Johnson, George R. Gushing, St i)h- Solomon How en Corev. Ivers Jfwett Bolton Jonat-h. Whitcomb, A: hoi Joseph Pierce, Geo. Natiil. Longley,Amos Par- Fitts ker, Caleb Moore Barre Asa Walker. Elijah Boylston James Longley, Caldwell, Simeon Metcalf, Aaron WhUe, Sam. Brig- Seth Lee, Nathnl. Hough- ham, Jotham Rush ton, Samuel Lee, jr. Eph- Brookjield Elisha Ham- raim Wilson mond, Simeon Draper, 6 4 Justices of the Peace in Worcester.

Thomas Bond, jr. Seth Bigelow , David Knight Field, Jesse Bliss, Joseph Leominster Wm, Nichols, W. Harnikoti JohnGardnerJoel Crosby, Charlton WilUam P. Ri- Bezaleel Lawrence, David der, Isaiah Rider, John Wilder, Joseph G. Ken- Sparr. Zephaniah Brown, dall, William Perry John l),ivis, jr. Lunenburg EsekWhiting, Dana Apollos Johnson, Thos. St«arns,Eph.M .Cun- Stephen Johnson ningham, Charles Cushing Douglas Benj. Wallis,jr. Mendon Richard George,

Ben j a ruin Craggin Nathan Very, Jos. Adams, Dudley Amasa Nichols, Warren Rawson, Elijah Jeplha Bacon, Allen Han- Thayer, Esek Pitts, Daniel cock Thurber Fitchburg Calvin Wiilard, MUlbury Josiah Stiles, Ca- Peter Snow, William leb Burbank, Amasa Bra- Cunningham man, Asa Waters Gardntr Simeon Leland, Milford PerlyHunt,Adam Smyrna Glazier, William Chapin, John Claflin, jr. Whitney Gustavus Peck Gra/iiowNathaniel Adams, JVeiv-Braintree Jos. Bow- Benjamin Goddard, VVm. man, Henry Penniman, Lamb, Amasa Roberts, Jonathan Nye, Samuel Jonathan Wheeler Mixter, Charles Allen Hardtoick John Hastings, Ncrthboro* Nahum Fay, Daniel Ruggles, vVilliam Isaac Davis, Seth Grout, Cutler, Jason Mixter, Stephen Williams, James Thomas Wheeler Keyes Harvard Isaac Whit- JVorr/rdr/rfg-fPaulWhiting, ney, Jacob Haskell, Eph- Adolphus Spring, Wel- raiiii Hinds come Whipple Holden William Drury, North Brookfield Daniel Lemuel Davis, James Eas- Gilbert, Benjamin Adams, terbrook, Ebenezer Eas- Jason Bigelow terbrook, Ethan Davis Oakham Washington Al- HubbardstonW\\Xv2iTaM2i' len, William Crawford, jr. rean, Asa Wheeler, S. Joel Jones, James Allen Swan, D. Woodward, Oxford SylvanusLearned, Henry Prentiss Abijah Davis, Samuel JjincaHer Josiah Flagg, Hartwell, Abisliai Lamed

JacobFisher, Benj . Wy man, Petersham Nathl. Chand- Edward Goodwin, Jonas ler, Henry Ward, William Lane Parkhurst, JaredWeed Leicester A. Flint, Abijah Paxton Nathl. Crocker, Justices of the Peace in Worcester. 65

Jonathan Hubbard, Brad- Tourtellott, Jonas L. Sib- dyll Livermore ley Fh7ili/isionlthsim2irWsir6, Templeton Josiah Howe, Elijah Gould, Abel Piper, Ephraim Stone, Benjamin Oliver Powers Brown, Samuel Cutting, Princeton v\^illiam Dodds, Lovell Walker, Moses Jonas Brooks, Charles Wright Mirick Ufiton Ezra Wood, Royahton Joseph Easter- Elisha Bradish brook, Steph.Bacheldor.jr. Ux bridge Bezaleel Taft, Andr. Kendall, Solo. God- jr. Samuel Read, Freder- dard, Thomas J. Lee ick 1 aft Riitlarid Jonas Howe, Ward Joseph Stone, John DanielWalker, TiUyFlint, Clark, Solomon Sibley Jnel Davis IVcstborough^BhMm Har- ^Shrewsbury Andrew H. rington, Breck Parkman, Ward, SamuelHaven, Na- Mos. Grout, Lovel Peters than How, Jonah How IVfSt-Boylston Robert B, Soutliborou^h Peter Fay, Thomas, Joseph Hinds, Willard Kewton, Jonas Barnabas Davis Ball, Benjamin Champney Western Jacob Mansfield, Southdridge Timo. Paige, Harvey Sessions, Reuben Frederick VV. Bottom, Cutler Calvin Ammidown, Cier- Westminster Abel W^ood, shom P'.ympton, Jas. Wol- Jonas Whitney, jr, Alex-, cott, Luther Ammidown ander Dustin, Edward Sfiencer Benjamin Drury, Kendall Jon;ts Bemis, James Dra- rf7nc*^e^rfo7?EnochKidder, per, jr, Sardina Muzzey, Daniel Henshaw, Samuel Frederick Howe Prentiss, Ephraim Mur- Sterling Moses Thomas, dock Isaac Goodwin, Jas. Wil- Worcester Nathaniel der, Sam. Sawyer Macarty, James Wilson, SturbridgeO\\v.?\yrc^\.ow^ Samuel Brazier, Samuel John Phillips, Eph. Morey, M. Burnside. Wiiham E. Thos.Upham, AbelMason, Greene, Samuel Jennison, Jabez Harding', John Hol- Wm. Jennison, J. Trum- brook, Samuel Freeman, bull, Stephen Salisbury, George Davis, Saml. New- John Davies, John W. ell, Jared Lamb Stiles, Samuel Flagg, John Sutton Sumner Barstow, W. Hubbard, Artemas Stephen Munroe, Jona- Ward, Austin Denny than Leland, Daniel F 2 6§ Counsellors at Law id Worcester,

N'otaries Publick. Brookfield Seth Field Sterling Isaac Goodwia Mendon Joseph Adams W^orceiifrTheo.Wheeler Petersham NathLChandler Counsellors at Ldnu. Barre El'^azer James,Seth Jared Weed Lee, Nathaniel Houghton, Rutland Rufus Putnam Luk.e Eastman Shrewsbury And.H.Ward Brookfield Dwight Foster, Sterling Isaac Goodwin Elisha Hammond, Jesse Southbridge FrederickW. Bliss Bottom Charlton John Davis, jr. Sturbridge George Davis Fitchburg Calvin Willard, Sutton Sumner Bastow, John Shepley Jonas L. Sibley Grafton Harry Wood Temfileton LoveUWalker> Ha rfi^wzc^Samuel Eastman Samuel Cutting Harvard Ephraim Hinds Uxbridge Benjamin Ad- Hubbardston SamuelSwan ams, Bezaleel Taft, jr. Lancaster Moses Smith, W^ifsr^oro^Nah.Harrin^ton WiUiam Steadman Western Jacob Mansheld Leicester Nathaniel P. Westminster Alexander Denny, Daniel Knight Dustin Zeowzws^erWilliamPerry, Winchtndon Daniel Hen- Joseph G. Kendall sh-w Lunenburg Ephraim M. Worcester Nathl. Paine, Cunningham William E.Greene, Levi Mendon , Lincoln, Samuel M. Burn- Richard George, Warren side, Rejoice Newton, Ed- Rawson ward D. Bangs, John Da- JVew Braintree Chs. Allen vis, John W. Hubbard, Petersham Lewis Bigelow, Austin Denny

Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court,

Boylston Matthew Dav- JVorth Brookfield, Daniel enport Gilbert Brookjield HemanStebbins Uxbridge Geo. Wheaton Dudley Thomas Pope Westminster Simeon Ijxncaster Joseph Willard Saunderson Mendon Wm. S. Hastings Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Athol Clough R. Miles Dudley George A. Tufts Brookjidd Amos Crosby Leicester JEmory Washburn Bcputy-Sheriffs, &c. in Worcester. 67


.:///^o/ Joseph PierceJames Isaac W. Wood Oliver, Daniel Eilenwood Harvard Aaron Whitney Barre Seth Caldwell Hardivick Lemuel Har- Bolton Joseph Sawyer, jr. rington Boylston ^Levi Pierce Holden Henry BuUard, Brookfield SimeonDraper, William Drun\ jr. John Muzzey, Matt. Wood Habbardston David Ben- Charlton AaronWheelock nett, jr. Budky Jabez Day, Wil- Lancaster Benj. Wymani Uapfi Robinson Richard Haven 68 Justices of the Peace in Bershire.

Leicester Daniel Upham Shre%vsbury}osS\ivM\e.Vy]v . Leominster Abel Carter, Soiithboro* Dexter Ball Daniel Newhall Sfiencer Sardina Muzzy, Lunenburg- Peter Brown Walton Livermore Mendon Caleb Thayer, Sterling Moses Thomas, AndrewPenniman Ebenezer Pope, jr. Milford Samuel Penni- Sturbridge Simeon Fiske, man, Clark Ellis Edward Phillips Milbury Reuben Barton SuUon Thos. Harback, jr. J\teiv-Braintree Jona. Barr Temiileton John E.Newton J\r. Brookfitld MosesBond, Ufiton Daniel Fis^ke, jr. Rufus Dodt!;e Uxbridgt Phineas Chapin Oakham Fred. A. Presho, Ward John Rice Thomas Riuley Westboro* Love! Peters Oxford L'larris^L.Crane, Western Josiah Putnam Rut'usHarris, Jam.Farwell Westminster Jonas Miles, Petersham Asa Pond, Luke Bigelow Eber Hapgood Winchendon Saml. Noyes, Princeton John Dodd Obadiah Walker Royalston Daniel Wood- Worcester Silas Brooks, bury, Jonathan Pierce William Eaton, Sewall Rutland Calvin Howe Hamilton BERKSHIRE. Judge of probate, William Waiker, of Lenox. Register of Probate, Nathaniel Bishop, of Richmond. County Attorney, John Whiting, of Great Barringtnn. Clerk of the Courts, Charles Sedgwick, of Stockbridge, Registers of Deeds. South em -District, Moses Hopkins, ot Great-Barrington. Middle District, Joseph Tucker, of Lenox. Northern-District, Luther Washburn, of Lanesborough. County Treasurer, Joseph Tucker, of Lenox. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Adams J. Q. Robinson Joseph Tucker, Wm. P. Becket George Conant Walker, Daniel Williams, Great Barrington Moses Cal. Hyde.Jas. W.Rtbbins Hopkins, John Whiting JVeiv- Marlborough Benn Hinsdale Thomas Alien jamm Sheldon Lanef^boro' Gid. Wheeler, Pittsfeld JoshuaDanforth, Wolcott Hubbell Nathan Willis, William Lee Joseph Whiton C. Jarvis, H. Hubbard lenox William Walker, Richmond Nathh Bishop ,

Justices of the Peace in Berkshire. ^9

Sheffiddl'Ai^a. Lee,Robert VV. Dwight f. Barnard, Eli Ensign finest StocAbridgeRcbbms Stockbridg-e J -seph Wood- Kellogg l>ridge, Thadvteus Pame« WiUiunifito^vn Wm.Stark- roy, Samuel Jones, Henry weather,DouglasW.Sk)ane Atifiointcd to quidify Civil Officers. Nathaniel Bishop, Wm. Walker, Joseph Woodbridge, Joshua Danforth, Moses Hopkius, Samuel H. Whee- ler, Lyman Hall, William P. W«ilker, Joseph Tuck- er, Daniel Noble, Douglas W. Sloane, Ezra Kelloggj '^ John Whiting, John C. Williams Jared Curtis. Justices of the Peace. Adams Israel Jofics, John with, Caleb Stanley, Jacob Waterman, James Cum- H. Van Dusen, James A mings, Thomas Robinson, Hyde, BenjaiViin Rogers, Nathan Putnam, Luther William C. Bryant, 1. L. Bartlett.Isaac Brown ,Jona. V. Dusen Richardson, R. Brown Hancock Gideon Martin, Alford Elihu Lester, Rodn-.an Hazaid, Augustus J^orman Lester,Elij. Fitch Stanton, V\ illet Gardner, Bechet Seth Wadsworth, Griffin Eldridge, John Benj.C. Perkins, Asa Baird Gardner Cheshire John Welles, Hinsdale Nathl. Tracy, Warren Southworth, Eb- Artemas Thomson €ne2erCole,Daniel Brown, Lanesboro* Peter B. Cur- Ethan A. Rix, Francis tis, Lyman Hall, Luther Fisk, Moses Wolcott Washburn,Timothy Whit- Clarksburg Samuel Clark ney, Calvin Hubbell, Gid- Daifon John Chamberlain, eon Wheeler, Calvin Hub- Abraham Porter, Thomas bell, jun. Henry Shaw Greene, Gideon Deming, Lee William Sturgis, John Henry Marsh,Ashley Wil- Nye, James Whiton, Ste- liams phen Thacher, John B. Egremont Seneca TuUer, Perry, Abijah Merrill, jr. James Baldwin, Andrew Nathaniel Tremain, jr. Bacon, Wilbur Curtis,John William Porter, jr. Hollenbeck, Moses Loomis Lenox Charles Worth- Florida Jesse King, Na- ington, A. Sedgwick than Drury Mount WashingtonCh^rles G. 5arri/2^;onMilesAvery Patterson, Merritt Smith David Wainwright, Lucius J\r, Ashford Keyler Kent King, David Leavenworth, JVeiv Marlborough Isaac E?ra Kellog, Geo, Beck- Turner, Joseph Fitch,Ben- 70 Counsellors at Law in Berkshire. jamin Wheeler, Jason Sheffield Moses Hubbard, Warner, Edward Stevens, Stephen Dewey, Silas Kel- Ebeiu zer Hyde logg, Moses Su ckingsSam- Otis Paul Carkom, Rod- uei Sneavs, Andrew An- crick Norton, Lester Fil- drus, Jared Canfield, Az- ley, Ardon j udd ariah R(X)t, Minor Owen, Peru Cyrus Stowell, Wm. William Ashley ' Frizell, Thomas Frizeil Stockdridife Henry W.

Pitt • field Orriu Goodrich, D wight, Jared Curiis, Eii- Th mas Gold, Joseph sha Brown, Elijah Brown, Shearer, Oliver Root, John Charles Sedgwick, Joab B. Root, Jonathan Allen, Plumb, George Whitney, Charges Gootlrich,Thomas Cyrus Williams B. Strong, Butler Good- Tyringham Elnathan rich, Theo^. Hinsdale, Jos. Pratt, John Garfield, Sam- Mernck,Tho.A.Gold,Cal- uel Tibbets, jr. vin Mardn, Daniel B.Bush, Washington William G. Pnineas Allen, Jas, D.Coit, Ballantine Trumbull Dnrrance, Lem- W. StocAbridge Chris- uelPomeroy,JohnCiiurchill topher French, Lemuel Pichmond7jechdr\3h Pier- Moffit, Sylvanus Tobey, son, Noah Rosseier, John Amasa Spencer, jr. J. C. B icon, Wm. S. Leadbetter, Deming N. Reddington Williamstoivn Deodatus Savoy Sneilum Babbitt, Jos. Noble,Saml. Kellogg^ Reu- Willi i^ns, Edward Mason ben YouTig, Nathan Rosset- Sa7idisficld J^)hn Cantield, er,Chailes A,Dewpy,D ml, Eliakim Hull, Erastus F'jster, Timotliy Whitman Beach, William Bettis, Windsor Robert Walker, Daniel Sears, Lyman Dennison Robinson, Asa- Brown, Jabez Bosworth, hel Wright, Noah Green, George Hull E. Baldwin J^''otaries Publick. G.flamng'/.Thos.Hopkins Sandi^Jield George Hull Pitt^Jield James Buell Stockbridge^^Q.^N\\iW\^y Counsellors at Laiv. jidams Thomas Robinson, burn, Calvin Hubbell, jr. N^ithan Putnam Lee William Porter, jr. Grea t- Ba rrington John Lenox V\ illiam P.Walker Whiting, James A. Hyde, A^e'iV'Marlboro\ Benjamin Williarn C. Bryant Shelden Binsdale Thomas Allen Otifi Lester Filley Lanesbord* Luther Wash- Pittsfdd Thomas Gold, Deputy-Sheriffs, kc. in Berkshire. 71

Thomas A. Gold, William Henry W. Dwight, George C. Jarvis, Daniel B. Bush, Whitney Calvin Martin, H.Hubbard W^at-Stockbridge Robbins Sandi yield Fhos. Twini5)g Kellogg Sh'ffie'd Kobt. F. Barnard Wdliamstcwn Daniel No- Siockbrid^e Samuel Junes, ble, Charles A. Dewey Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Jdams George N. Briggs Stockbridge Lawson D^ Dalton Henry Marsh, jr. Bidwell Attorneys at the Common Pleas* Adams Daniel D. Robin- Richmond Henry W.. son Bishop Egremont Charles Leav- iiheffieldE^wsLvd F.Ensign enworth Stockbridge Theodore So Lenox Joseph Tucker Pomeroy Pittsfield Matthias R. Wdliamstown Homer Lanckton Bartlett Sheriff, Henry C. Brown, of Pittsfield.

Defiuty Sheriff's. 4dams^ So. Villa.^e Rob- Patsfitld Theodore Hins- ert R. Briggs dale Alford W. B. Fenn Richmond Miles Lymaix Dalton Israel D. Root Sandis/ield Stephen Bos- Egremont John Sanford worth Great Barrington Ezra Sht'ffeld Albert A. Root Kellogg Stockbridge Alanson Ben- Hancock John Gordon nett Hinsdale Wm. Pierce, jr. TVilliamstown Solomon Xanesdoro'Lyman Hall, jr. Bulkley l^e Nathaniel Backus We&t-Stockbridge Erastus Lenox David Osborn Crocker Otis Daniel Bartlett Gaoler, Benjamin W. Cook, of Lenox. Crier of the Courts, Daniel Williams. Coroners, Adams Jere. Colesgrove, Great- Barrington Samuel David Jenks Rosseter, Ezra Kellogg Cheshire Minning BroAvn Himdile William Chap- Dalton Henry Marsh, pell, jr. Oliver Por!.er Lanc.soo^ou[rh Bnckley Egfcmont Elijah Willanl Kutchms.Srodd uctHubbefl ^

72 Justices of the Peace in Norfolk.

JLee Daniel Couch 5Af^f/6?AndrewAndrewSy Lenox Alvah Morrell, Edwin Sheers, Norman Asher Sedgwick Kellogg Otis Samuel Picket Stockbridge Justus D. Peru Eli Pierce Lynch Pittsfield Theodore Hins- West-Scockbridge John C. dale, James Mc Knight, Deming John Pomeroy Jfilliamstovjn Eli North- Richmond Abner Sears urn, Solomon Bulkley Sandisfield Erastus Rice NORFOLK. Judge qfProbate^ Edward H. Robbins, of Milton.

Register of Probate y Samuel Haven, of Dedham. Register of Deeds County Treasurer^ John Bullard, of Dedham. County Attorfiey, , of do. Clerk of the Courts^ Horatio Townsend, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Bellingham Eliab Wight Quincy Peter B. Ad-' Braintree Minot Thayer ams Canton Joseph Be mis Randolfih SamueV Bass Dedham Samuel Haven, Roxbury David S. Gree- Horatio Tov/nsend, Eben- nnugh, Tliomas Williams, ezer Fisher, James Riclt- Joseph Harrington, Jo- ardscn, Jabez Chickering seph Heath, Ebenezer Dorchester Samuel P. Seaver, D.S.Greenough,jr. Loud Sharon Benjamin Reynolds Foxbord' Ebenezer War- Weymouth Eliphalet Loud ren Wrentham Cornelius Kol- Medfield John Baxter, Icck, Jairus Ware Daniel Adams Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Ebenezer Warren, Horatio Townsend, Ebenezer Fish- er, Samuel Haven, Lewis Fisher, James Richardson, Jairus Ware, Thomas Williams, Joseph Harrington. Justices of the Peace. BflliTigham John Bates, Thayer, jr. Gideon L, Stephen Metcalf, Benjamin Thayer, Solomon Thayer Hall, Elias Cook ^roo^^mffjoseph Gtxldard, Braintree Daniel Fogg, Oliver White, Charles Jauics Holbrook, Nathl. Wild, BcBjamia Goddard Counsellors at Law in Norfolk. 73

Canton Wm. Dunbar, Ad- Joseph Rowe,Asaph Chur- am Kinsley, Thomas Tol- chill, Jeremiah S. Boies, roan Barney Smith, John Rug- Cohasset Elisha Doane, gles, jr. Thomas Bourne, James JVeedham En(x:h Fiske, C. Doane Peter Lyon, Daniel Ware, Dedham Wjllard Gay, Benjamin Slack Samuel H. Dean, John En- Quincy Edward Miller, dicott, Erastus Worthing- Lemuel Brackett ton, Theron Metcalf, Sam- Randolfih Seth Turner, uel Swett, George Ellis Micah White, John King, Dorchester Thos. Tileston, jr. Isaac Thayer, Barna- Amasa Stetson, Thomas bas Clark, Joseph Lynn- Moseley, Jam. Humphrey, field, Jonathan Wales, jr. Benj. Fuller, Abel Gushing, Benjamin Richards Mather Withington, James Roxbury John Parker, White, Henry Gardner, Abijah Draper, Williana Edward Sharp Heath, Nathaniel S. Pren- Dover Jesse Draper, Hez- tiss, John Prince, Samuel ekiah Allen J. Gardiner, Joseph Cur- Foxborough Seth Boyden, tis, Charles Davis, Sher- Aaron Everett, Elias Na- man Lei and, Peter G. Rob- son, Abijah Pratt, Melati- bins, John Bartlett ah Everett, Noah Hobart, Sharon William Savage, Joseph Warren Nathaniel Gould Franklin Lew. Fisher, EU- Stoughto7i Peter Adams, hu Pond, James Adams, Benjamin Richards,Robert Joseph Bacon, William Swan, Elijah Atherton Makepeace TFa/^o/eDanielKingsbury, Medfield Elijah Adams, Phineas Ellis Moses B. Harding, Wil- Weymouth Samoel Bailey, liam Peters, John B. Derby Cotton Tufts, Christopher Medivay Joseph L. Rich- Webb, Lemuel Humphrey ardson, Thaddeus Lover- IVrenthamDav. Holbrook. ing, John Ellis. Seneca Bar- Josiah J. Fiske, Rufus ber, Luther Metcalf Mann, Samuel Druce, S« Milton Isaac Davenport, Bugbee J\^otaries Publick. Braintree Eben F.Thayer Dfdham Eben. Fisher, jr. Cohasset Thomas Bourne Roxbury Sherman Lelai.d Ccunstllors at Laiv. jBramrrce Gide.L.Thayer, Canton William Dunbar Ebenezer F. Thayer Thomas Tolman G 74 Deputy-Sheriffs & Coroners in Norfolk.

Dedham Horatio Town- John B. Derby send, Samuel Haven, J^is. Milton Asaph Churchill Richardson, Jabez Chick- Randolfih John King ering, Theron Metcalf, Roxbury Thos. Williams, Erastus Worthington Joseph Harrington,SQmuel Dorchester Saml. P. Loud J. Gardner Foxborough Melatiah Weymouth Christo. Webb Everett Wrentham Josiah J. Fiske Medjield Daniel Adams, Attorneys at the Sufireme Judicial Court. Dedham John W. Ames Randolph Aaron Prescott Attorneys at the Co77imon Pleat. Braintree Ezra W.Samp- MrdwayW^iTYtuhcixermg son Quincy Edward Miller Dedham Jonathan H.Cobb J^Fr^w^/^a/nLewisW.Fisher Medfeld i. Bishop Sheriff, Elijah Crane, Canton Defiuiy Sheriffs. BeUingham Elias Cook Elisha Ford Braintree Caleb Frer.ch Medfield Lem.K. Brastow Canton Thomas Kollock Med'ivay James Fisher Cohasset Laban Warrick Xevdham William Builard Dedham John Guild, John Roxbury Luther Newell Baker,jr. T.P.Whitney, Randolph Thos. Howard John Williams Stoughion Lemuel Gay Dorchester l(hxi F. Pierce, Wrentham Saml. Brastow Coroners. BeUmgham Calvin Fair- Mednvay John Richardson, Bui- bf\nks Aaron Adams, Ralph Braintree Caleb French, lard, Z-^chariah Loveii Asa French /Vf?VfonPhii)e;is Davenport, Canton Samuel Blackman Samuel Mardin Cohasset Thomas Bourne N'eedham Enoch Fuller, Dedham John Baker, jr. David Smith, Danl. Ware Mace Smith Quincy Daniel Spear- Dorchester E.Withington, Roxbury Joshua Seaver, 3d. Oiiver Billings Aaron Kingsbury Dover Jonathan Battle Sharon Elijah Hewins, jr. Foxboro' Shubael Pratt Stoughton Luther Swan Franklin Amasa Richard- Wrentham Paul Fisher, son, Preston Metcalf James Whiting, Nathaniel Midjield Henry Adanns W'are, jr. Justices of the Peace in Franklin. 75 FRANKLIN. Judge of Probate, Richard E. Newcomb, Greenfield. Register of Probate, Elijah Alvord, of do. County Treaaurer and Register of Deedsy Hooker Leavitt,ueaviit, ofor ureenneia.Greenfield. County Attorney, George Grennell, jr. of Greenfii :ld. Clerk'of the Courts , Elijah Alvord, of do. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum, Ashfield Elijah Paine, len Ephrriim Wiliianis Haivlvy Edmund Longley, Bt-rnardston Job Goodnle Thomas Longlty Conway Elisha Billings JSTewSalnn VarneyPearce Greenfield. Jona. Leavitt, Xorthfeld Obadiah Dick- Solomon Smead, Jerome inson Ripley, Richard E. New- Orange Joseph Metcalf combi Elijah Alvord .Hook- Wendell Joshua Green er Leavitt, Samuel C. Al- Whately Thos. Sanderson Afifiointed to qualify Civil Officers. Jonathan Leavitt, Richard E. Newcomb, Elijah Paine, Elisha Biiline:s, Joshua Green, Samuel C. Allen, Eli- jah AivorJ, Varney Pearce, Abel Wilder, Sylvester Maxwell. Justices of the Peace. Ashfield Levi Cook, Enos Convjay Joseph Rice, John Sinith, Hv^nry Bassett, Arms, John Williams, ThfMTias White William Billings, David B.-'rnard.ston John Hamil- Childs ton, Polycarpus L. Cush- Deerfield William S. Wil- man, Jonathan Alen, Ca- liams, Pliny Arms, EVihu leb Chapin Hoyt, Asa Stebb'ms, Eben. Buckland Samuel Taylor, H. Williams, Elisha Bogue, Japheth Chapin, Levi Samuel E. Field, Stephen White Whitney, R. Saxton Charlemont Abel Wild.-r, Erving's Grant Asaph Svlvcster M ixwelURobtit White Williams, Eben. Wilhams Gill Seth S. Hov/land, Coiraine Russel Avery, James G nld, Joel Lyon Clark Chandler, John Dm- Greenfield Eliel Gilbert, ry. Diniel Willis, David George Grennell, jr. Eli- Smith, Calvin Smitn, Rob- sha Root, Asaph Smead, ert L. Mr/Lellan Franklin Ripley, Daniel .76 Counsellors & Attorneys in Franklin.

Wells, David Brigham, Ora n^-eJosiah Cobb, Amos Samuel Pickett, David Wood ward, Perley Barton, Willard, Saml. Wells, jr. Thomas Cobb Hawley Hezekiah Warri- Ronve John Cheney, Wil- ncr, Wm. Sanford,Edmund liamTaylor,Solom'^n Read, Longley, jr. Zenas Bangs Ebenezer Merrill Heath Benjamin Maxwell, Shelburne Aaron Skinner, jr. Medad Dickinson,Rog- Stephen Taylor, William er Leavitt, Ephraim Has- Wells, D. Long, jr. tings, Ebenezer Tucker Shuteshuru Wm. Ward, JLeverett Roswell Field John Conkey, jr. Abner JLeyden Hezekiah New- Smith comb, Peleg Bibcock, Eli- Sunderland Saml Church, sha Chapin, Geo. Mowry Caleb Hubbard, Nathaniel Montague • Benjamin S. Smith Wells, Jonathan Hartwell Warwick Caleb Mayo, JVew- Salem William Jonathan Blake, jr. Justus Whitaker, Jonathan Greg- Rtissell, Henry Barnard, ory, Norman Smith Ashbel Ward JVorthfield Medad Alex- Wendell David U'hitaker ander John Nevers, H. G. Whatdy John White, Si- Newcomb las Tracy Kotaries Publick. Grffw/JfWGeo Grennell,jr. Deerjidd Aaron Arms

Counsellors at Law. Adifidd Elijah Paine Leavitt, George Grennell, Charlemont Sylvester jr. Samuel C. Allen, Dan- Maxwell iel Wells, David Brigham Conway William Billings A' Salem Normond Smith D e- field PUny Arms J^orthfield John Nevers, G/-e(°/y?r/(iR.E.Newcomb, Horatio G. Newcomb Elijah Alvord, Hooker Shutesbury'W\\X\?iUi Ward Attorneys at the Sup. reme Judicial Court, GrcenJieldDavid Willard, Warwick Henry Barnard , jr. Attorneys at the Common Pleas. Colraine Isaac B. Barber, Gill Benjamin Brainard Jo in Drarv Montague Jona. Hartwell CharlemontJoseph P.Allen Su7iderland Horatio W. Dre^-Jield Jona. A. Saxton, Taft • Aaron Arms Whatdy Justin W. Clark Justices of the Peace in Hampden. ?7

SheriffTy Epaphras Hoyt, of Greenfield. Deputy -SheriJJs. Bernai'daton iietsel Pur- Heath David Thayer ple Leverett Alpheus Field Colrainc Beriah W. Smith Montague Keiija. S. Weils Conway Henry P. Billings Ne-iU-Saiem NahumBryant DeerJieM David Wni^ht Orange Abijah Hill Gree'tjicld Thomas Gil- «S«7i(/e?-/anrfSimeonhallard bert John Mason, of Greenfield, Deputy-Gaoler. Crier of the Courts^ Thomas Gilbert of Greenfield, Coroners, Charlemont ConsiderScott bum, Daniel Putnam Conway ChristopherArras J\/orthfield Richard Colton Colraine Levi S. M'Gee Orange DavidCleav eland, Greenfield Lucius Dickin- Abijaii Hill son Sunderland William Leverett Sylvanus Field Delano J^'ew- 5a/e;«Samuel Wood- IVetidcll Samuel Brewer Insfiector of Fire Arms, Roswell Field, Leverett. HAMPDEN. Judge of Probate, John Hooker, of Springfield. Register of Probate^ Oliver B. Morris, of do. Jitrg. of Deeds, and C. T^tfas. Ed ward Pynchon, of do. County Attorney, Oliver B. Morris, of Springfield. Clerk of the Courts ^ John Ingersoll, of do. Justices of the Peace and ofthe Quorum. Blandford Alanson Knnx 5/2 mz^^t/^ John Hooker, Brimfield Abn-r Morgan, Chauncy Brewer, Joha Stephen Pynchon Ingersoll, Edward Pyn- Chester SylvesterEmmons chon, Jonathan D wight, jr. JLongmeadow Gideon Oliver B. Morris Burt, Ethan Ely IVest S/iringfield Samuel Palmer Amos Hamilton Lathrop, Heman Dav Southwick Enos Foote Westfield Elijah Bates

Afifwinted to qualify Civil Officers. John Hooker, George Bliss, , Samuel Fo.vler, John Ingersoll, Elijah Bates. -G 2 3^8 Counsellors at Law in Hampden.

JusP'ces of the Peace. Blandford David Boies, Sfiringfield Jona. Dwight Reuben Boies,Saml. Knox Moses Chapin, Joshua Brimjield Philemon War- Frost, Daniel Lombtird, ren, John Wyles, William Bezale^I Howard, Robert W. Thompson Emery, Samuel Orne, Jus- Chester Asahel Wright, tice Willard, Jacob Bliss, William Wade, Martin John Howard, Jos. Pease, Phelps Daniel Lumbard, Benja^ Granville Israel Parsons, min Day, John Hooker, jr. James Cooley, Patrick I. E. Trask Boies, James Barlow, He- Tolland Abrah. Granger, zekiah Robinson, Elihu William More,TituaFowl- Stow, Asa Seymour er, Eleazer Slocum, Wil- ^o//rtnrf David Wallis,Ez- liam Twining, jr. ra Webber, Luther Brown Westjield Jedediah Taylor, Longmeadow Gad Col- William Blair,lsaacWells, ton, Joseph W. Cooley Augustus Collins, William Ludlow Geo. Wilkinson, Moseley, James Fcwler, Benjamin Sikes W. Atwater, E. B. Ham- Monson Jacob Thompson, ilton, Azariah Moseley Ede Whitaker, Joel Nor- fV. Sfiringjield Eliphalet cross,Rufus Flint, Deodatiis Leonard, Pelatiah Bliss, Button, Geo. Bliss, J. Hall Roland Burbank, Charles Montgouiery AaronParks, Ball, Gad Warriner, Elias M-^ses Hatch Leonard, Timothy Horton, Palmer Jonathan Shearer, JustinEly, AmosWorthing- James Stebbins ton.Theod. Ely.Solo. Loth- Rusfiell Isaac Palmer, rop, Luke Parsons, Al- John Gould fred Flower, Caleb Rice 5. Brimjield William W. Wilbraham Abel Bliss, Thompson, Jas. L. Wales Robert Sessions, Augustus Southwick Jos. Forward, Sisscn, Walter Stebbins, Gideon Root, Saul Fcwler, Samuel F. Merrick, Wil- John Mills JVbtaries Publick. Weat-Stiringfidd Just.Ely Sfirini'Jieid John Howard, Justice Willard Counsellors at Law. Blondford Alanson Knox Samuel Jdinson Brimfield Abner Morgan, Granville Patrick Boies, Stephen Pynchon James Cooley Chester Asahel Wright, Monson Deodatus Dutton Table of Foreiga Coins. 79

George Bliss, j r. Frederick A. Packard Palmer James Stebbins Wilbraham Wm. Knight Southunck John Mills Westfield Elijah Bates, Sfiringfield Gerrge Bliss, William Blair, Augustus Jona. Dwight, jr. Oliver B. Collins, Alfred Stearns Morris, John Howard. Jus- West- Sfinngfield Samuel liceWillard, Samuel Orne, Lathrop, Caleb Rice JttO'Tieys at the Supreme Judicial Court. Brirnfield John B. Cooiey Eli B. Hamilton, Alfred Sfiririgfield BenjaminDay, Steams William B. Calhoon West S/iringJieid ^lomon Westfield James Fowler, Lothrop Attorney at the Common Pleas. Wilbraham Asa Olmsted.

Sheriff, John Phel[>s, of Springfield. Defiuty Sheriff's* Brimjidd Daniel F. Lee ^r.5/zrz72;g;;?^/rfRodneyDay Cheater Horace Smith Westjield David H. Mer- Paimer Asa Ward win Sfiringjield Wm.H.Foster Wilbraham Abel Caulkins

Ebenezer Russell, jr. of Springfield, Deputy- Gaoler. Henry Brewer, of Springiield, Crier of C. Com. Pleas. Coroners. Blandford Rufus Blair Palmer John Frink Brimfield Daniel Burt -Syinnio^^^f/rf John Pynchon, Chester William W;ide John Bliss Mojison Joel Norcross W.SfirinqJieldHem2ii:\Dsiy l^ongmeadoiv Alex. Field ?fV/6roAc/m WilliamClark Prover of Fire Arms, Thomas Warner, of Springfield.

A Table ofvarious Foreign Coins^ ip'c. with the value in Federal Money, g cts ra « cti m Real plate of Spain, - - lO 9 The Tale of China, - - 148 An English sixpence, - - OHl The Pagoda of India, - - 184 TheLivieTournoisof France,0 18 S A Frtnch Pistole, - - - 3 66 7 The Franc of France, - - 18 7 A Spanish Pistole, - . - 3 77 3 An English Shilling, - - 22 2 The Pound of Ireland, -. 4 10 O 'IheMark.Banct)ofHamburg,0 Sterling of 23 The Pound > 4 44 o The Florin or Guelder of 7« Great-Britain, 3 ^".„ "n the United Netherlands,}" A French Guinea, - - - 4 60 The Rapee of Bengal, -0500 An English Guinea - - 4657 TheRix-DolIacof Denmark,! 00 A Moidore, ----- 6 00 8 The Rix-Dolbi- of Sweden, 100 Half Johannes, - - - - 8 00 O The Rouble of Rus-sia, - 1 00 5 A Doubloon, 14 93 4 The aiilrea of Portugal, • 1 24 A Jobinoes, 16 00 )

80 Churches and Ministers in Boston.


N. B. C stands for Congregationalist ; E for Episcopalian ; P for

Piesbyterian ; B for Baptist ; M for M«thodist ; F for Friends ; U for Universalist; Unit, for Unitarian. Boston. SUFFOLK. First Church, Summer-St. jYat/tamel L.Frothing'ham, C Second Church, Middle-Street, Henry Ware. C First Baptist Church, Back-St. ^jr. B Old-South Church, Marlboro'-St. Benj. B. Wisner C Stone-Chapel, School-St. James Freeman^ d. d. Unit. Church in Brafte-Street, John Gorham Palfrey. C Friends' Meeting-House, Congress-Street. New North Church, North-Street, Francis Parkman, C New South Church, Suraraer-Street. C Christ Church, Salem-Street, Asa Eaton. E Church in Federal-Street, Wm. E. Channing^ d.d. C Church in Hollis-Street, John Pierfiont. C Trinity Church, Summer-St. Jo/^n S.J Gardiner^ d.d. E West Church, Lynde-Street, Charles Loivell. C Second BaptistChurch, Back-St. Thomas Baldwin, b.b.B First Universalist Church, Bennett-St. Paul DeuJi. U

Church of the Holy Cross, Franklin- Street, ) j^ Right Rev. John CheveruSy Bishop.. > ^ Win. Taylor, a.m. Rector. Patr. /^i/ me, Curate.

. First Methodist Chapel, Methodist Alley.* M African Baptist Society, Beiknap-St. Thomas Paul. B Second Methodist Chapel, Bromfield's Lane.* M- Society in Pond-Street, Simon Clough. B Third Baptist Society, Charles-Street, Daniel Sharfi. B Church in Park-Street, Serena Edwards Dmght, C

fc pcond Universalist Church, School-St. Rosea BallouM St. Matthew's Chapel, South-Boston. E NewJerusalemCh. Boylston-Hall, TViO^nas Worcester. St. Augustin's Chapel, So. Boston, Paul McQuade. R.C, Church in Essex-Street. C Mariners' Church, Central wharf, William Jenks. C St. PauPs Church, Common-Street, Samuel F. Jar- vis^ D. D. Rector. E Church in South Boston. C Third Universalist Church, Rlias Smith. U C urchkin Buttolph-Street, William Jenks. C Cielsea, Joseph Tuckerman. C » Rev. Elijah Hedding, and Epbraim Wiley, are the present official- ing minister}, Churches and Ministers in Essex. 81

Ministen who officiate at the Public Lecture in Boston, on Thursdays, at the First Church in Chauncey Place, arranged according to seniority.

Doct. Porter Doct. Pierce Mr. Pierpont Mr. Ware Doct. Harris Doct. Channing Mr. Parkman Mr. "Walker Doct. Richmond Mr. Tuckerman Mr. Frothingham Mr. Palfrey Mr. Gray Mr. Lowell ESSEX.

Amesbury Benj. Sawyer C Lynn E Moses Welch C Lynnjield C Andover Bailey Loring C Ma7ic/2csr.S.M.Emerson C Justin Edwards C AfarWf/i^af/rSamuelDanaC ^ra(//brrf Jonathan Allen C John Bartlett C Gardner B. Perry C Lot Jones E B Isaac Story B Beverly AbielAbbot,D.D.C M Methuen J. W. Eastman C David Oliphant C Cliarles O. Kiinbail B

Nathl. W. Williams B ik/zV/o'/ef onEbe n . H ubbardC Boxford Isaac Briggs C Ktwbury L.Withington C Peter Eaton, d. d. C James Miltimore Z>fl«ir.B.Wadsworth,D.D.C Elijah Parish, d. d. Samuel Walker C Arthur Drinkwater B JVewburyfiort John An- Essex Robert Crowell C drews C Gloucester C James Morss E Daniel Fuller C Luther F. Dimmick C Ezra Leonard C C. W. Milton C David Jewett C Samuel Portef Williams P Thomas Jones U John Giles P James A. Buswell B B //am2//onM.Cutler,LL.D.C West Mivbury C /favd-r/)//^ Joshua Dodge C Elijah Demond C Isaac Tompkins C i^ow/ez/Willar.HolbrookC George Keely B Isaac Braman C Simeon Chamberlain B //2SW. David T. Kimball C Salem John Prince, ll.d.C Joseph Dana, d. d. C John Brazer C B E Lynn Otis Rockwood C Elias Cornelius C Phinehas Peck > M Brown Emerson C Shapleigh Wilson \ James Flint C Ebenezer Nelson, jr. B Lucius BoUes B F William Williams P 3

82 Churches and Ministers in Middlesex.

Salem Barzillai StreeterU Wiiliam O. Grant B F& B Sau^ua Joseph Emerson C St. Mary's Ch. Paul Mc Tofi^field Rodney G. Quade RC Dennis C Salisbury C H''en//awEben.P.Sperry C C MIDDLESEX. Jrton Marsb.all Shed C Hofikinton Nathl. Howe C Aslibij EzekielL.BascomC E John M Putnam C i

John Parkhurst B Jacob Wood . U C?7Zforf/EzraRip1ey, D.D.C S. Reading Reuben Em- Dracut Joseph Merrill C erson C

Reuben Sears P Gustavus F. Davis . B Z)unso'(i.Sam!.HT^olman C Stoneham J. H. Stevens C B Stovj Jonathan Newell C E.SudburyM\n'^.\N\^\i\.C Sudbury Rufus Hurlbut C

Framing-h. 1 )av. Kellogg C 7V7y^'v/;«ryJacobCoggin C Charles Train B Toivyisend'Da.x'vl PalmerC Gro/o7zDan.Chaplin,D.D.C Tyngsboro*^ ,\u2LVfrQVize C P B HolUatoTi Joseps. Wh^atonC Walt/mm SamuelRipley C C

Ministers, &c. in Hampshire... Plymouth. 8i

rj^^/zamSewellHarding C Weston Joseph Field C Wattr:. ConversFrancisC M&B West-C.imb ridge Thad- Wilmington F Reynolds C deiis Fiske, d.d. C Woburn Joseph Bennett C Benjamin C. Grafton B Job Seainans B ^•^{/brf/ Caleb Blake C HAMPSHIRE. ^m//(?rs?Daniel. A.Clark C Hatfield^, Lvman, d.d.C Nathan Perkins, jr. C Middlrfield ]ondi.'^-^i\\ C ^t/c/2tT?07?Exper.Portci-C Isa;ic Child B Thomas Marshall B .Yortham/it. S. Williams C Cheaterfield Isd. Waters C Alrwich B. Woodbridge C Paul Hinds B /'c/Aa.^AVinthrop Bai ey C B C Cummirif^ton Jas. Briggs /VGz;;/f6'/a'MosesHallock C E Hampton P.Williston C Prcscott C Enfield lushua 'Crosby C Southa??i/i. VinsonGould C Go<,hm Joel Wright C Soiah- HadleyioelH^'es C Granby Elijah Gridley C Ware Samuel Ware C C West- Ham/It.'EnochH-AleC Greenwich Jos. Blodget C Williu /;2ff5z/r§-Htn.Lord C Hadlty Jno. Woodbridge C Wjrthingt J. L.Pomeroy C PLYMOUTH. Abington C Charles Brooks C Samuel W". Colburn C Hrdl . B Daniel Thomas C A'zXg'-s^o^zZephaniAVillisC B Samuel Glover B J3nV/§-f-Tyc/.R.M.Hoclges C Ma r.s-lifield M art inParrisC Benjamin Fessenden C Thooi.^s Conant B E Elijah Leonard C B E Carver C M James Parsons B Middleborough C Duxbury} \mh.\\sTi^Ti.T) C John Shaw C Halifax Abtri Richmond C Philip Colby C Hanover Seth Chapiu C Silas Hsll B Jolin Butler B Isaac Kimball B Calvin Wolcott E B Hamon George BarstowC Ebenezer Brie-gs B Joseph Torrey, jr. B .V. ^nV/g-.Dan.HuritingtonC Hingharnlos. RichardsonC Pembroke Morrill Alien C Nicholas B. Whitney C 84 Ministers &c. in Bristol.. .Barnstable.

P/vmoM^AJatnesKendall C Oliver Cobb C Harvey Bushnell C B Willi im T. Torrey C Scituate Samuel Deane C Benjamin VVhittemore C Nehen'.iah Thomas C Stephen S. Nelson B Joshua Flagg U U IVareh.D. Hemmenway C Flymfiton^Wiah Dexter C W.Bridgew.hRQed,D,j). C RochesterLm.hGBa.iTon C BRISTOL. Attlffboro' John Wilder C Raynham Stephen Hull C Joiin Ferguson C B B /?MoAorAOtisThompson C U Sylvester Round B 5er^/^z/Thomas Andros C Preserved Pearse B Dartmouth Daniel Hix B B C Seekonk B Arnold Bliss B C F Somerset C & B Di^chton Abrah. Gushee C MScF B Sivanzey B Easton Luther Sheldon C Benjamin Taylor B M B Easthani M M Fairhaven Paul Jewett C Philip Slade B Moses How B Thomas 1'. Tucker M i^'refrowwJohnLawrence B C C T'aMKronLuth.Hamilton C Philip Hathaway B C FScB E Mansfield Rich*d.Briggs C Alvan Cobb C M B N. Bedford Sylv. Holmes C Danl. Brewer Sandem.&cB Jonathan Whitaker C Troy Job Borden B James Barnaby B C RC Wellington C F&B Westfiort C Mrton Pitt Clark C BARNSTABLE. Barnstable* C ^rfws^er John SimpkinsC Enoch Pratt C C7/a

£as/AamPhilanderShawC Provmce/onNathl .Stone C Falmouth F & M M Henry Lincoln ") p Sandwich DavidL.Hunn C Whiting S Ezra S. Goodwin C ;?ilas Shores C F&M Harivich N. Underwcod C Truro Jude t)amon C B M M WdlfltetTimQihY Davis C Marshfiee B M Phineas Fish C Farmoz^M Tim. Alden ) ^p. Orleans Daniel Johnson C Nathl. Cogswell J M • Methodists. DUKES. C/zz/marHonathanSmith C B Edgarton Jos. Thaxter (Z Tisbury Josi.Henderson C Frederick Bayhes.Missi.C Wiiiiarii Hubbard B Gayhead Z.Howooswee C NANTUCKET. Nantucket Abner Morse C J\lantucket Friends and Seth F.Swift C Methodists WORCESTER. »/^S)^6Mrn.Jno,CushingDD.C Gardner C M Grafton John Miles C Athol Joseph Esterbrook C B jBarre James Thompson C Zephaniah Lathe U Berlin Reub. Puffer,D.D. C Hardwick W.B.Wesson C Bolton Isaac Allen C Ebenezer Burt B BoyIston Ward Cotton C M Brookjield Ehak.Phelps C //«rz;cfr£/George Fisher C Micah Stone C Abisha Samson B John Chase B Shakers & U John Bisbee U Holden C Charlton C John Walker B James Boomer B Hubbardston'^7im\. Gay C M JLG72ca.s?erNT'hayer,DD.C Dana Jacob W- hippie C Leicester John Nelson C Douglas David HolmanC F B B Dudley Abiel Williams C F-lias Megregory B Esek Brown B Leominster Abel Conant C ! itchbur^k Wm. Eat-n C lAme7iburg Dav.Damon C M& B Mcndon Simeon Doggett C H J

86 Ministers, &c. in Berkshire.

Mendon Otis Converse C Le Favor B B Sterling Peter Osgood C Milbury Joseph Goffe C Sturbridge A Ivan Bond C Milford David Lon;j; C Zenas L. Leonard B U JVbrMAoro' Joseph Allen C fiutton Edmund Mills C ^orr/i6nc(§YJ.Crane,D. D C Samuel Waters B I> Job B. Boomer B a: 5roo^y?^/(/ Thos.SnellC 7V??2/i/e/onC.WeHington C Oa/t/iamDanl.TomlinsonC Charles Phippen B 0:r/bn/DavidBatcheiderC Ufit on Benjamin Wood C Uxbridge Saml. Judson C PhillifistJcs. Chickering C F Paxt'jn (raius Conant C Ward Enoch Pond C rttr-rsha. LutherWilson C Isaac Dwinell B Princeton Saml. Clark C fri?6/ic/.EliiihaRockwoodC Alonzo Phillips P B Royalnton Eben.Perkins C^ Wcst-Boylston John Boardman C Rutland Josiah Clark C B Shrews. J. Sumner, d. d. C ^ej?iV?MunsonCGaylordC B W^f.i;wm6-re/-CyrusMann C U Levi Briggs I 5owM^6ro*Jarfbo,ParkerC W^>ic/^e?2£^.EberL.Clark C Soutlihridge Jason Park C IVorcest, Aretius B.Huli C George Xng^l B Aaron Bancroft, u. d. C Sfiencer Joseph Pope > q Jonatlian Going B Stephen Crosby C BERKSHIRE. Adams Savery B ^m*f/fl/^Wm. A.Hawley C M Abraham Jackson B Alford C Lee Aivan Hyde, d. d. C Becket loseph L. Mills C M

Cheshire Samuel Bloss B LencorSam.Shepard , d . d .C B B Dalton Ebenez Jennings C M&E Egrem GardnerHayden C iMnesb. Noah Sheldon C E ElishaD. Hu})bell B W. Washington M. G. Barring. — Blakeslv E Js''ew-Ashford M Eliiah Wheeler ' C JS/eiv- Marlborough Ja- Jonn Nichols B cob Cailin C Hancock B SvlYcster Burt C d C

Ministers, S:c. in Norfolk. 87

O^is Jonathan Lee C Tyringhatn Jos. W. Dow C M B J°€ru Roswell Hawkcs C M Pittsfield Heman Hum- Washington C phrey C B M&B M i^/<:A;72,EdwinW.DwightC West Stockb ridge Na- Sandis/ield Levi WiiiLe C than Shaw C E B B Williamstoivn Ralph W. Israel Keach B Gridiey C Savoy C Erastus Dotey B •S/ie^c/^ JamesBradford C M M&B Windsor G. Dorrance C 5/cc^ir/f/fi^eDav.D.FieldC B B NORFOLK. Bellingham Abial Fisher B Milton Samuel Gile C Brainiree Rich.S. Storrs C J^eedham Wm. Ritchie C Jonas Perkins C Thomas Noyes C ^r(;oi(-/?>2ffJno.Pierce,D. D.C M Canton Benja. Huntoon C Quincy Peter Whitney C B Benjamin C. Cutler E Cohasset Jacob Flint C jRorz(io//?ACal.HitchcockC Dedham Alvan Lamson C David Brigham C WUIiam Cogswell \C Joel Briggs B John White C B Ebenezer Burgess C Boxbury E. Porter,D.D. C Isaac Boyle E John Bradford C William (iammeH B Thomas Ciray C Dorch. T.M.Harris,D.D. C Joseph Elliot B John Codman, d. d. C Hosea Ballon, 2d U

Edward Richmond, d. . iS/jarowSaml.BrimblecomC Dover Ralph Sanger C Joseph B. Felt C Foxboro* C Thomas Barret B Warren Bird B Stouf^hton C

Frankli.'^ . Emmons, d . d .C Waifiole George Morey C Medfield Daniel C. San- Weyinouth JacobNorton B ders, D. D. C William Tyler C William Gammell B Wrentham ElishaFiskeC Medway Luther Bailey C C Jacob Ide C William Williams B U 88 Ministers, &c. in Franklin and Hampden. FRANKLIN. Aahfield Thos. Shepard C Leyden Asa Hibberd B Lcverett C Enob Smith B U BarnardfitonT.F.Ro^tv^C Elijah Montague B B Montague Aaron Gates C BucUavd Josi.Spaulding C E Cha^Umoiit J> seph Field C jVeiV'Salem A. Harding C Is-.T:i iniel Ricr B Calvin Cruft B CoLrairie P -A 'br^^y?6'/af Thos. Mason C Ea ward Davenport B Orange M B \-» Cowzyaz/JohnEmerson > p Rowe Preserved Snnith C Edward Hitchcock 5/ie//^wr72eTheo.PackardC B David Long B Dcer/idd9,:Am\. Willard C 6'/7W?es6wrt/Jos.SmaUidgeB Ber.j imin Kice C John Taylor C Gi/i Josiat) W. Cannon C Sunderland Jas. Taylor C Gr^tn/ield CnasJci^kins C Warwick Pres.Smith, jr.C Sylvester Wo()rlbr!(.-;:e C B Tiivis Strong E Wendell C Hawley Jonathan Gi out C David Goddard B " Heatii Moses Miller C f'FAa^r/t/ Rufus Wells ) q Arud Hall B Lemuel P. Bates \ HAMPDEN. Blandford Palmer C Russell C Brimfield Joseph Vaill C B Chesler B iS'o./Ir/7n/?eWE. Codding B Rufiis Pomeroy C Southvjick Calvin Foot C (iraninlle I'im.M.CooleyC 6/jrm^c/

JVrst Sfiringfield M Alvan Bcnnet B

Wilbrah, Moses WarrenC , M Ebenezer Brown C

(XT* Pews and Rights in Houses of Public Worship are deemed in law to be Rt-al Estate, except in Boston, wbere they are to be eonsidered as Personal Estate. BISHOPS. Protestant Efiiscofial Church in the . Date of Consecration. Residence. Feb. 4,1787. Right Rev. William White, D.D.ofPeoTi*. Philadelphia. May 29, 1811. Right Rev. John H. Hobait, D.D. of NeTi-7'ork, New Y. May 29, 1811. Right Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, D.D. of the Eastern Diocess, Bristol, R. I.

May 18, 1814. Right Rev. Richard C. Moore, D.D. of Virg. Richmond.

Sept. 1, 1814. RightRev. James Kemp, D.D. of i\f«7j/Zoaf/, . Nov. 19, 1815. Right Rev. John Croes, D.D. oT , New Bruns. t^ct. 8,1818. Right Rev. Nath. Bowen, D.D. of 5.Caro/J7ia,Charleston. Feb. 11, 1819. Right Rev. Philander Chase, D.D. of , Worthington. Oct. 22, 1819. Right Rev. Thos. C. Brownell, D. U. LL. D. Conn. Hartf. In the British Colonics. Right Rev. Jacob Mountain, D.D. - - - Quebeck. Right Rer. Stanley, D. D. - Halifax, Nova-Scotia. Methodist Bishops. Right Rev. William M'Kendree, Right Rev. Enoch George, and Right Rev. Robert R. Roberts.

Roman Catholic Bishofis in the United States.

Most Rev. Ambrose Mareshall, Archbishop, . - - Baltimore. Right Rev. John Cbeverus, - ... - - Boston. Right Rev. .Toteph B. Flaget, ... Bardstown, (Kentucky.) Right Rev. John Connelly, Neu-Tork. Right Rev. William Dubourg, - - Nerv Orleans & Louisiatut. Right Rev. John David, Coadjutor to Bishop Flaget, . Vincennet.

Right Rev. John England, - - . Charleston, South Caiolina. Right Rev. Henry Conwell, Philadelphia. Right Rev. Edward Fenwjck, .... Cincinnati, Ohio.

In the British Colonies. Right Rev. Joseph O. Plessis, *> n f, le Right Rev. Claud. B. Panet, his Coadjutor. . t'^' Alexander McDowell, Upper Canada, John Jarves Lartigue, - ^ B. A. McEachern, Prince Edv.'ard's Island.' H 2 90 Convention of Ministers.

The Convention of the Congregational Ministers in, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Is a voluntary Association, embracing all the Congrega- tional Clergy of the Commonwealth, bat vested with no particular authority or control over the churches. Their meeting is holden in Boston, in the afternoon of

the I ist Wednesday in May, or day of Election annual- ly, at 5, P.M. and the following day at eleven, a.m. After transacting the usual business of the Convention, a ser- mon is delivered in public before them, and a collection made for the charitable purpose of relieving the indi- gent Widows of Congregational Clergymen. Difficulties having otten arisen in determining, what widows are the proper objects of the charity of this Con- vention,!! was voted June 1, 18 15,-That a standing Com- mittee be appointed, five of whom shall be chosen cen-

trally ; and the renjainder in different parts of the State. The five, with the Scribe and Treasurer, shall act as a Reporting Committee^ to receive from the other Members of the Committee applications and state- ments of facts in behalf of persons who may be subjects

of the charity of the Convention ; and having considered the same, shall judge of the persons to be relieved, and the proportion to be given to each, and make report to the Convention, on the first day of their meeting, annu-

ally ; further, that the names of said Committee shall be annually published in the Massachusetts Register. STANDING COMMITTEE. Rev. John T. Kirkland, d. d. Rev. Eliphalet Porter, D. D. Rev. Abiel Holmes, d. d. Rev. John Pierce, d. d. Rev. Charles Lowell, Rev. John Codman, o. d. Rev, Francis Parkman, are the Reporting Committee,

Suffolk. JVorfolk, Rev. William E. Chan- Rev. Elisha Fiske. ning, D. D. Plymouth. Essex. Rev. James Kendall. Rev. Peter Eaton, d. d. Rev, Daniel Huntington. Rev, Brown Emerson Bristol. Middlesex. Rev. Pitt Clark. Rev, Ezra Ripley, o. d. Barnstable. Rev. Sylvester F. Bucklin. Rev. . .

^ General Association in Massaciisetts. 91

Rev. Ezra Goodwin. Hamfiahire. Worcester. Rev. Joseph Lyman, d.d. ,Rev. John Gushing, d. d. Franklin. Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d.o. ^^^ g^^^^l VVillard. John Fiske. iRev. _, , , * Hampden, Berkshire. Rev. Isaac Knapp. Rev. Alvan Hyde, d.d. Accordingly, when the widow of any Congregational Clergyman is considered an object of the charity of the Convention, it is desired, that answers to the following questions be ^iven by one of the Standing Committee, by the first of May in each year, to be communicated to the Reporting Committee, that they may possess the documents for making a correct report to the Convention. J. What is her age ? 2. What are the number, the sex, the ages, and the circumstances of her children ? 3. What is a fair estimate of her property ? 4. What is her ability to help herself? 5. What connexions has she, who are bound to afford ber assistance ? And in what way do they assist her ? 6. What is her income ? 7. What peculiar circumstances render her an ob- ject of charity ; or make it desirable, that she sliould have aid this year ? The Standing Committee are also desired to give no- tice to the Scribe, whenever an alteration takes place in the circumstances of the widows,who are objects of char- ity. Rev Francis Parkman, of Boston, Treasurer. Rev. John Codman, of Dorchester, Scribe of the Con- vention. Rev. Leonard Woods, d. d. first Preacher. Rev. Thomas bnell, second Preacher. The Convention earnestly recommend to all young gentlemen who design to devote themselves to the work of the ministry, to spend that portion of time in the study of divinity which learned and judicious advisers shall think necessary to qualify them tor public teachers.

General Association in Massachusetts.

This body was organized in June, 1805. In 1814, »t consisted of Delegates from 12 Associations in M^a^ 92 Post-Offices and Post-Masters. sachusetts Proper. Its members " admit, as articles ot taith, the doctrines of Cnristianitv, as they are gen- erally expressed in the Assembly's ^shorter Catechism," and consider these doctrines, which have been general- ly embraced by the churches of New-England, as the *' basis of their union,'' This body wholy disclaims ecclesiastical power wr authority over the Churches, or the opinions of individuals. The essential objects, as expressed m their Constitution, are '* to promote broth- erly intercourse and harmory, and their mutual anima- tion, assistance, and usefulness as ministers of Christ." Ccf- x\nnual meetings last Wednesday in June.

POST-OFFICES in Mas SACHUSETTS and , with the Post-,Mast rs* Names,

Abingtoriy E.ihu Hobart Belfast, 31 Acton BethcL Moses Mason, ]v, Adams^ William P. Briggs Beverly, John Builey Albany, Asa Cummings Billerica, Jonathan Bowers Alfred, M.* lere. Goodwin Blandford, Orrin Sage Alna^M. Josiah StefJliit.s Bhomfitid^-yi JosephLocke Amesbury, Jonath. M<:rriil Bluehdl.u Andr. Witham Amherst,, Kufus Kellogg Bolton, Amos Parker Andover, Isaac Af:»!>ot Bo'jthhay^ m Edm. Wilson Anson^ m James Collins Boston, Aaron Hill Ashburnham^ Ives Jewett B'Tjdoin,^! Moses Starbird Arhbv, Alex. T. Willard Bovjdoijih. M S. Gardiner AshfiekU Levi Cook Boxfhrd, Parker Spafford AiiHonet^ Robert Strobridge ^rrtf/Z-rr/, Wm.Greenough .^zfy^o/.Nathl.C.Esterbrooks Brewrr^ M Charles Rice Attlcboro' Israel Hatch Breivster, Jtjseph Samson Augusta, M Hobt. C. Vose Biidgton, M Nathl. Howe Baldwin^ m Richard Fitch Bridgewater, S.L. Mirchell Bangor, m Royal Clark (S. parish) Mitchell Keith Bamardston, Gid'nRyther /'?rz>'/j<'o?7 , Noah Worcester Barnstable, M itthewCobb Brimfield, Steph. Pynchon IVest Barns. Saml. Bassett Bristol, M Aaron Blaney Barre, Ezra Baker Brook/icld. Abrah.Skinner Bath, M David Stinson Brownfield, m Jos. Howard Bucket^ Asa Baird Bruns-ir?r'r,u JothamStone Bclchertony Henrv Mellen Buckfeld, m B. Spanldinj? * M signifies Main€. Bucklandy Joseph Hubbard Post-Offices and Post-jyTasters. 93

Sushfiort^ M Henry Little Douglas, Paul Dudley Burlmgton^ John Walker Doughfy^s Falls, N.Hcbbs Buxtotiy M Samuel Cutts Dracui, John Blanchard Calaisy m George Downes Dresden, m Thos. Johnson Cambridge^ JosepbS.Kead Mills, Daniel Cote Camden, m Benj. CushjuE^ Dudley, Amasa Nichols Canaan^ m Isaac Adams Duxbury^ I'hos. Windsor Canton^ Tlmmas Tolman Eastham, Joseph Mayo Carmely m Israel Johnson Kaston, D iniel Wheaton Carver, James Ellis (do.turnpike) IsraeJ Alger Castine, M iieui. Hook Eastfiori, M John Burgin C/iariemont A.n^onMayhe\v East Medivay, N. J^nesjr. Charlestown, Paul Willard East S74dbuiy ,^?it.Ree\es Charlton, Wm. P. Rider EddvgLOn, m j ohn W biting Chatham, Ezra Crowell Edgarton, Timo. Ccffinjr. Chelmfiford, Joel Adams Edgcco?nb,m Step.Parsons Chert 2{/?fW,Joseph Adams Egrtmont, Josiah Webb

Cheshire. "is obleK VV olcott Ellsworth, M Alf.Langdon C^esrrr.SyivesterEmmons Essex, John Choate, jr. Chc^te>Jidd, Dyar Bancroft Fairfax, m JoelWelUi-gton Chesterville^ M J. B. Lowell F''air/ield, nKbn.hiiwrence China, m Jap.C. Washburn Falmouth, Richard Wood Clinton m Gershom Flagg MFalmouth. EbenezNye Cohassetf Joel Wilcut Fally's rca£/*Jes.Farnham Colraine, SS. Cool id ge farmington,MT'y Johnson Columbia,isi Thos.Ruggles Fayette, M Solo. Bates, jr. Corrcordy John Keyes Feeding Hills, AllFlov/ers Conway, Christo. Armes Fitchburg^ Calvin Willard Corinth, m Isaac Hodsdon Foxboro\ Noah Hobart Cotuet, Rowl. T. Crocker /VflTnzV/^g-^^.Jonat.Maynard Danville, m Moses Rowe Frankfon, m Archi. Jones Dalton, J.Chamberlain, jr. Franklin, EU Richardson Dartmouth, Abr. T»xker Freedom, m John Comings Dedham^ Jer.Shuttleworth /'rce//or/,MSaml.Holbrook Deerfeld, Seth Nims i^r^eiown, Abraham Braley (So. parish) Russell Cooley Fryeburg, m Judah Dana Denmark, m Elias Perry Gardiner, m Seth Gay Dennysville, m Wm. Kiiby Garland, M Wm. Godin Dennis, Nathan Stone, jr. Gloucester, Isaac Elwell Dennis, (So.) M. Whelden Goldsboro' M Dexter, m Isaac Farrar Gorham,^.! Alex.M'Lellan Dighton, John Hathaway Goshen, John Williams Dixmonty m Benj. Butman Grafion, \\'iUiam LaJiib Q4 Post-OSices and Post-Master's,

Granville y Oliver Parsons Joy^ M Josiah Mitchell Gray:, m Joseph M'Lellan irfnnc'^«n/4,MBar*sPalmer G. Barrhiffton, M.Hopkins Kingston^ Seth Drew Green,", m Luther Robbins Kntery,tA Daniel Pierce GreeuJield,A.Tnbro&ii Ames Lancaster, Timo. Whiting Greenwic/i^ Amos Howe iMnfsbor. JohnsonHubbell Grotan^ James Lew^s Lebanon, m Daniel Wood Hadlcy^ Eras; us Smith Lee, Hubbard Bartlett Halifax, O. Lyon Leicester^ Henry Sargent Haiionvell.M Josh. Wingate Lenox, Wm. P. Walker —cross rouls, J. Robinson Leatnin^tcT, JohnGardiner He milton, Israel Brown Levant, m Moses Hodsdoa Hampd. m Levereit, Jonathan Conant Hanock, Joshua Lapham Lenviston, m Daniel Reed Hancock,'Yhom^^CY2i\\^to\\ Lexington, Rufus Meriam Hanover^ Robert Eels Limerick, m James Kettell //a«s';w. Nathl. Coilaraore Limington,yL James Frost Hardnoick, Saml. F. Cutler Lincotnville, m G. Ulmer HanfordyU Arvi. Hayford Litchf. M NewAV.Stevens Harvard, EbenezerBridge Littlttm Thomas Reed Harivichy EbenezerBrooks Z-zr^rTworeMBenj. Bradford

Hatfield, Daniel White Lovell, M John Swan ; Haverhill^ Nathan Burrill Lubec, M Moses Fuller '\

HawUy, Joshua Longley -Lon^g- iT/(?ac?OTy , D anl.G ates Heath, Sylvanus Maxwell Lovt-l.M. Andr. Woodbury Hebron, m Benj. Chandler Zwne;i A wrg", Edm. C ushing Cragit^'s Mills^ C. Shaw Lyman^ Thomas Sarnds v Hingham, Thomas Loud Zz/n^, Jonathan Bachelder Hinsdale, Solomon VV.Colt Machias, m [ere. O'Brien Hiram,-M. Marshall Spring TioE. Falla, Joh nC. Talbot Holden, Benjamin Davis Maiden, John Sargent Holland, Benj. Church Manchefiter^ D.L.Bingham Holliaton, Oliver Leland Mansfield, Solomon Piatt /ro//72d's'i/o/e',The.Parsons Marblthead^ Rich. Prince Hofie, \Vade Swectland Marlboro', Saml. Chandler Hofikinton, Ab.Harrinejt^n Marshfield, Jabez Hatch Hubbardston, Clark VV'itt M(df,eld, J. Bishop Hynnnis, Lev>Ms Thacher Midway, William Felt Industry^^i Jnn.Gucdridge Mcdford, William Rogers Ijiswichy Ammi Smith Mendon, Wm. S. Hastings Jay^ James Starr, jr. Mcthuen^ Moses Howe

Jeffer&on, m ElishaJ.Ford Middlebord* , Levi Pierce

Jonesboro\ m AnselTupper Middlrfield. David.M ack ,j r Post-Offices and Post-Maslers. 95

Af/tf. Granvi. Reuben Hills Orlando M. A. Craig Milbury, Sim. Farnsworth Orleansy Daniel Johnson Milford, Samuel Leeds, jr. Orrington,M Benj. Nourse MiltQTit Nathan C. Martin Ot?6', Basil Seymore Minot. M Will. Woodbury Oxford, Andr.^ Sigourney Kast-Minot, Oliv. Pollard Oy.s/'f J r/Z/if, Retire Crocker Morimout. m J. A. Chandler Faiervio, m John Marden Monson, Artemas Wis wall Palmtr^ Amos Hamilton

Montague t Jona. Hart well Paris, M Russell Hubbard Moiitville^ M Cyrus Davis Parsonff. Rufus M'Intire ^f^ Temon, M Saml. Thing Pawtuc. Br, Nat. Wright Mintuckety Thos. Macy Paxton, Tyler Goddard JVaraguugus^ m J- Adams P^;w(^rO!^

Xorthboro. Beni . M unroe Quincy, SaiT>uel Savel MMiddleboro\\^-A-3iC Pratt Pandalphy Jonathan Spear J\rBridgcrjat. C. Packard Raymojidy m Eli Longley JV:i°/i/?n/: ^ori.Eben.Lobdell Peadfieldy m Sam. Currier Ao7'th-Yarmcut/}^M David Reading.^ John Weston Mitchell Rehohoth., Rufus Rounds Xorton, Earl P. l^liite /^ir/fmonrfjCvprian Branch ^Vor7yrtz/, M Wm. Reed Rochester. M H. Rucjglcs Oakham^ Joseph Fobes —fMatf.afLolsett.€,J Gide- Orange^ Chas. Wheelock on Barstow, jr. 96 Post-Offices and Post-Masters.

Royals ton, J.Easterbrooks Sturbridge. Dav. K.Porter JRobinaton, m John Brewer Sullivan, im P. D. Sargent Rowley^ ' James Smith Swiderland, VVm. Delano Rumford, Nathm Adams Swrry, M Edward S. Jarvis Rutland^ Rufus Pucnam Sutton, Jacob Marsh Sacarafifia^ u Lutli. Fitch Swanzey, John Mason SacOy M John Cleaves Sumner, m S. Bartlett, jr. Saltiiiy Joseph E. S;)r;:gue Siveden.M And. WocKlbury Salisbury, SeLli Ciark 'Taunton, James L.Hodges Sandisfield, George Hull Templeton, Lipha.French Sandwich, Wni Fessenden. Teivksbury, Jacob Coggin Sandford, m Elisha Allen Thomaston,M Heze.Priihce R, Sandwic/i Jnsefih Mall 'J'isbury, Theodos.Parsons Savoy, Reuben Bourne Tolland, John Rogers Scarbor\i Ben. MiUik.en,jr. To*ifi/it:ld,^.yvnsL^,\x\T\v[{v\^

Sedg-wick'^si Dan. Beckford Toifnse?id, \V . /\. Bancroft Scouhegan FHls^w J.Locke Trenton, m Abner Lee Scituate^ Auc;ustusCla|>p Troy, Charl'.'S Pitman Seekonk^ Allen Munroe Truro, Daniel Paine Shafddgh, m John IVafton Turner, m AkU^n Blossom

Sharon, Jonathan Cobb Tiingsbo . \hm]. Richardson Sherfj.scot, M AwW. Peters Union, M El)enezer Alden Sh Jfi^id, Nath;in'l Preston Unity, M Danl. Whitmore Sherburne^ Cahin Sanger Ut'ton^ Da iel Fisk Shirk:/, Thomas Whirney Uxbriige, Samuet Head

Sid?iey, ]\i St;p'n. Spi inger V-iSsalbo.-s\ LathropChase Shutesbury, Jotin Taylor Vienna, m Elisha Johnson Shrewfiburyt C alv. R.Stone Waldoboro' ,m John Head Somerset, I^^-^ac Pie;'ce Waifvjl(\ Da\'id Morse^jr. S.Bcrwiclr, M J V\'.Seavtr /'J^a/?/;a//.',Sami.Townsend Southboro', Francis B. Fay Ware, Timothy Rabcock S.Hadley, D ivid Ch mcUer iVarehcim^ Benja. Fearing So.H.Ca'nal, Wm.Bowdoin Warren, M Jesse Page Southwick, John Milles Wartv'ck, Wm. Cobb, jr. SoiUhamfit. Jas. K.Sheldon Waterboro\yi Hum.Chad- S/iencer, Isaac lenks, jr. bourne 5/2?vw,§'/ff/(^,l)an.Lpmbard Waterford^ M Dan'l Brown

Sta7idish, M Wnj. Lowell IVciertoivn , Pet erC ock ran Sierliyig, John Robbins Watcrvdl-y M .-\sa Dalton Steuhen,y\ JacobTownsley Wavne, M Eilis Sweet Stochhridge, Edw. ButraU W-Ufleet, Josl'vh VVhitn^an Stoughton, Aaron Gay Wellington^ Jos. CTOodwin Stow, PhiiRs^ib Co!;ant ffV//*, M Matthew Liadsc-y Rates of Postage, &c. 07

IVenham, J. T. Dodge Hliiiamstown, Gershom Westboro* Silas Wesson Bulkeley West- Boylet. Pet. Holmes Wilton^ Svlvest.Strickland W, Bridgew G W.Ferkins Winchendon West Brook^eld.JoaCar&y Windh, M Charies Johnson fF.Gzm.AmusWhittemore Winslo-xo, M Fred. R. Paine W. Mivbury, Thos, Hills Winthrofi,u SilasLambert Western^ Dan*l Hitchcock Wiscasset, mO rch a rd Cook Westfields James FowI^t IVoburn, Ber.ja. Wood 2d. Westford^ John Abbot I'VoodstockM Sam.Stevtns Westminster^ Dan.Bartlett IVookuic/iyM Robert White W?s;o;z,Abrah'mHewes,jr WorceitfTy James Wilson Wesfiort^ Isaac Howland IVort/iiK'^ton, Wm. Ward IV. Sfirin^ftdd, S. Palmer Wrentham^ David Fisher W.Stockbridge^ A.Spencer South do. Sirnu*^! Druce IVeymouth, Cotton Tufts Y"nnouf.h. Joshua Hamlin Whately, Elijah Ellis South do. Th imas Aikin Whiteficld, M Ab. Choate York^ M Nathan'l Sargent lVil[iamsbu.T\\os.^l?Ly\\G\v

Salary of the Post-Master in Boston, §2000.

Rates of Postage of evertj single Letter by Land, Miles. Cents. Miles. Cents. 30 6 400 18| 80 10 over 400 25 150 12|

Double letters, to pay double those rates ; triple let- ters, triple those rates ; packets or leffers composed of 4 or more pieces of paper or other articles, weighing; oz. avoirdupois, 1 quadruple those rates : and in that proportion for all greater weight. Shi/i Letters, 6 cents.

J^Teivsfiafiprs—not over 100 miles, 1 cent ; over 100 miles, 1-| cents ; to any distance in the same State where printed, 1 cent. Magazines and Pomfi/dets—not over 60 miles, 1 cent; if over 50 and not 100 miles, 1| cents ; over iOO miles, 2 cents.

Population of Great-Biitain in 1S21.— Enciand, 11,260,555; Wales, 717,103 Scotland, ; 2,092,014 ; Ireland, 6,846,949.—Total, 20,916,626. The increase of population in Englftad, Scotlani!, aud Wales, the |ast twenty yeari is 3,437,031.

1 98 List of Turnpikes in Massachusetts,

LIST OF TURNPIIJES IN THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. 'AM£S. FROM A\D TO VVHAT TOWNS. Alfoi'd and E^remont, New-York line, to IZth, M. T. Andovei- and Medfurd, Andover to Medford. Asliby, N. Hampshire line, to Townsend Plain. Becket, Within town of Becket, Berkshire co. Belchertown to Greenwich, Belchertown and Greenwich. > North Parish n>eeting house. 3 Blaiidford and Russell, Weitfifiid, through Russell to Blandford. Bluihill, Randolph meeting house to Swift's cor- ner, Milton. Boston and Haverhill, Haverhill Bridge to Maiden Bridge.

Quincy meet . h. to Queen Ann's corner. Braiiitreeeaud Weymouth, 7 Borders of Hing;ham and Scituate. 5 Brush Hill, Davenport's corner in Milton, to 4 mile stone^ Roxbury. Cambridge and Concord, Cambndge to Concord meeting house. Chester Hinsdale to Chester. Dorchester, Milton Bridge, to Nook Point, Boston. Essex. N.Hampshire line,fo Reading & Danven. Haitford and Dedham, from 9th in Mendon, to Norfolk and Bristol, in Dedham. .Housatonic River, New-York lines, to Le». Ipswich, Beverly to Newburyport. Massachusetts, 1st. Western, to Palmer and Wilbraham. " 2d, Charlemont to Adams, name altered to WorthJngton. «« 3d, Northampton to Hanedck. « 5th, Northfield to Leominster, & from Greenf. to Athol, and N. H. line, at Richmond. « 6lb, Amherst to Shrewsbury. •• 8th, from line between Westfield & Russell, to Pittsfield. " Olh, Connect, line ia Douglas, to Bellingbam. « 10th, " near Farminpton River, to Lee. « lUh, Mass. so. line, to 8th Mas.Turn. in Becket. " 12th, Sheffield, to Hudson Turnpike road. *« 13th, Corn, line, near Holme's Mill, to Loudon. •» 14th, Grtenfield, to East end of 2d M. T. W. lint* of Hampshire county. " 15th, Southfield, to south line of Stockbridge. " 16th, West line of W. Springfield, to Sl>effield. Medford, Medford to Charlestowu.near Chn. neck. Middlesex, New Hampshire line, to Medford & Bed» ford, to Cambridge. New-Bedford & Bridgewatei-, Middieboro',to Q.Ann's comer,Hingham. Newbuvyport, Newburyport to Maiden Bridge. Kew Hampshire 3d, Extended from N. H. line, into Town- send, near Goss' Bridge^ 4 miles. Norfolk and Bristol, Dedham to Pawtucket Bridge, and Ded- ham to Roxbury. North Branch, New Hampshire line, at Wjnchendon, to 5th Mass. Turnpike in Fitchburg. Norton, Warren, R. I. to Canton. Petersham and Mouson, From 5th Mass. T. in Athol, to Stafford. Plumb Island, Newbury to Plumb IsJai>d- Salem, Salem to Charles' River Bndge. Salem aad Chelmsford, Salem to Chelmsford. List of Turnpikes io Massachustetts. 90

NAMES. FROM AND TO WHAT TOWNS. I Sheffield and TyringhAra, From 13th M. T. Conuecticut line, to Tyringham. Spring[fie]d & Longmeadow, Springfield to Longraeadow. Taunton and New-Bedfovd, 1 aunton to N. Bedtbrd, tbra' Freetown. Tyringham and Lee, Tyringham to Leo. Union, Cttncord to Leominster. Warwick and Irvin's Gore, Warwick to south braiich of 5th Mast. T. Williamsburg; and Windsor, East line of Williamsburg, to Cheshire East line. WilliamstowD, Adams, to We&t line of Massachusetts. Winsoket, Massachusetts south line, near Winioket Falls, to Dedham. Worcejter, Roxbury to Worcester. Worcester and Fitzwilliam, Worcester to Fitzwilliam, N. H. Worcester and Stafford, Worcester to Stafford, Conu. Wrentham and Walpole, Wrentham to Walpole. Lancaster and Bolton, Lancaster to Bulton. Stoughton, Canton to Kaston. Taunton aad South Boston, Taunton to Blue Hill Turnpike. Lancaster, Fitchburg to Sudbury. C Stockbridge S. line, to Lee, West line, Stockbridge, i connecting Hous. river T. to 15th M.T. Sheffield & Gt. BarringtoD, Sheffield So. line, to West Stockbridge. liethlehein and Tyringhain, From 10th Massaachusettt in Bethlehenif to Great Barrington. Westford and Lexington, Westford to Lexington. Marshapog, Norton to Canton. Sturbridge and Western, line, to Western. Alford and West Stockbridge, New-York line, to Stockbiidge. Dalton, Eiist line of Pittsfield, to Middleficld. Kashua, Concord to N. H. line, near Watatie Hill. Hingham and Quincy, Hingham to Quincy. Dartmouth and New-Bedford, New-Bedford to Dartmouth, (Aponegan- »ett village.) Middleboro' & New-Bedford, Middleborough to New-Bedford. Providence and Northampton. From Providence road, on Connecticut iint, to Northampton. Brookfield and Charlton, Allum Pond. R. I. to Brookfield. Douglas, Sutton, and Oxford, Douglas to Oxford. Hudson, xvesl Stockbridge to New-York line. Groton and Pepperell, Groton to New-Hampshire line. Granville, Connecticut line, to Planford. Boston Neck, Suffolk St. to Wait's Mills, Roxbury. Worcester and Sutton, Sinton to Worcester. Wobuin, and Dracut Bridge, Woburn, to New Hampshire line. Tyringham and Sandisfield, Lee to Sandis&eld. Great Harrington and Alford, Great Barrington to line. Worcester and Leicester, Worcester to Leicester. Taunton and Dighton, Taunton to line. Worthington. Northampton to Hancock, same as 3d M. Wrentham and Attleborough, Wrentham to R. I. line, in Cumbciland. Granville and I'olland, West Springfield to Sandisfield. West Stockbridge and Alford, Egremont to West Stockbridge. Barre, Barre to Princeton. Chester, Chester to Btcket, two of this namf. Wilbr»ham, Wilbraham to Connecticut line. 100 Manufactories ia Massacbuseltts.


Names. I Manufactories in Massachusetts. 101

Names. Location. \Inc.\CapitaL Gay Cotton, 102 Massachusetts State Tax.

Name. Location. [lnc.\Capital. Massachusetts Slate Tax. 103 104 Massachusetts State Tax.

Prop, of Prop, of Represents. jg75,«oo Rfpresents. g75,ooo Troy, 38 119 25 Fairbaven, 66 256 AO Wcstporf, 38 20Q 25 Daitmoiuh, 182 261 00 Total, 1,404 3,681 00 New-Bedford, 244 780 00 BARNSTABLE. Barnstable, Massachiisetis State Tax. 105 —

106 Massachusetts Militia.


[Revised by tKe Adjutant-General, November, 1822.] His Excellency, JOHiN BROOKS, COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Aida-de-camfi, Saml. Swett, Benj. T. Pickman, and Theodore Lyman, jr. of Boston. Rank of Lieutenant-Colonels. Adjutant-General^ and acting Quarter- Master- Gen- eral^ W'Uiam H. Sumner, of Boston. Rank of Brigadier-General. Quarter- Ma8ter»Genera/^ Amaia Davie, of Boston, Rank of Brigadier-General. [The Adjutant and Acting Quarter Master-GeneraPa Office, is kept in the North-West corner of the State- House, and is open from 9 A, M. to 1 P. M. and from 3 to 6 P. M. excepting Saturday afteraoona.]

DIFISIOJV. jlJVD DIVISIONARY STJFF OFFICERS, FiRT DIVISION. Suffolk iJf J^orfolk. -General^ Elijah Crane, of Canton. Aid8-de-Campy Minot Thayer, of Bj-aintree, James Talbot of Dedham. Division- Insfiector^ Division Quarter- Master, George Bas«, of Boston, Judge-Advocate, Franklin Dexter, of do. SECOND DIVISION.—^««

Judge- Advocate y John KeycB, of Concord. Massachusetts Militia. 107

FOURTH DIVISION. Hafn/iJihirr^ HamfiLn, and Franklin, Major-General^ Alanson Knox, of Blandford jiias-de-Camp^ Caleb Rice, of West Springfield, John B. Cooley, of Brimfield. Division-Insfieclor^ George Bliss, jr. ofMonson. Division Quar^ Master, J as. S. D wight, jr. Springfield, Jud^e- Advocate, Daniel Wells, of Greenfield. FIFTH DIVISION. Bristol, Plymouth. Bariistable, ^c. Major-Generalf Benjamin Lincoln, of New-Bedford. Aids-de-Camp, Timothy G. Coffin, of do. and Thomaa Hedge, of Plymouth. Division- Inspector,, John M. Goodwin, of Bridgewatcr. Division Quarter- Mmter, Cushing Mitchell, of do. Judge 'Advocate^ Nathaniel M. Davis, of Plymouth. SIXTH DIVISION.— Wo»-ces^

SEVENTH DIVISION— ^^rA-s/izre Major-General, John Whiting, of Great-Barrington. AJds de-Camp, Thos. Hopkins & James L. Bacon, of do. Division^ Inspector,, Robert F. Barnard, of Sheffield. Division Quarter-Master,, Thos. A. Gold, of Pittsfield. Judge-Advocate, Charles A. Dewey, of Williamstown.

BRIGADE AND STAFF OFFICERS. FIRST DlVISrOff. 1st. r Brigadier General, Brig, y Aid-de-Camp, Brigade-Major, Alexander H. Gibb*, of Roxburya' \ Brig. Quar. Master, Henry B. Smith, of Milton. C Brigadier-General, Nathl. Guild, of Dtidham. 2d. J Aid-de-Camp, John Morse, jr. of do. Brig. J Brigade-Major, Freeman Fisher, of do. (Brig. Quarter ^^ft«te^, Alfred Allen, of Walpoje. 103 Massaqhusetts Militia.

C Brigadier-General, William Sullivan, of Boston. 8d. } Aid-de-Camp, William H. Eliot, of do. Prig. ^ Brigade-Major, Stephen Fairbanks, of do. 'Brigade-Quarter-Master, Benj. Winslow, of do. SECOND DIVISION. { Brigadier-General, James Appleton, Marblehead. Ist. 1 4id-de-Camp, Francis Peabody, Salem. Brig, j Brigade-Major, Jabez W. Barton, do. f Brigade-Quarter-Master, Benjamin Day, do. { Brigadier-Gen6i«al, Solomon Low, Boxford. 2d. ) Aid-de-Camp, Edward W. Bradlee, Haverhill. Brig, j Brigade-Major, John Scott, Newbur^rport. ( Brig. Quarter-Master, Joseph L. Low, Andover. THIRD DIVISION. { Brigadier-General, John Tarbell, of Cambridge. 1st. 1 Aid-de-Camp, Abraham Edwards, do. Brig, j Brigade-Major, Wyman Richardson, of Woburn. f Brig.Quar.Master, Jos. W. Newell of Charlestown. ( Brig. General, Micah M. Rutter, of East Sudbury. Heard, do. 2d. J Aid-de-Camp, Charles of Brig j Brigade-Major, Joseph Butterfield, Tyngsboro'. ( Brigade-Quarter-Master, S. A. Coburn, Dracut. FOURTH DIVISION.

f Brigadier-General, David Mack, jr. Middlefield. 1st. 1 Aid-de-Camp, Alexis Painter, of Westfield. Brig. ^ Brigade-Major, Elisha Edwards, Springfield. (Brig. Quar. Master, Thomas Sheldon, of Westfield. C Brigadier-General, Asa Howland, Conway. 2d. 1 Aid-de-Camp, Daniel W. Willard, Greenfield. Brig, j Brigade-Major, Thomas Gilbert, do. ( Bjrig. Quarter-Master, Alanson Clark, do. FIFTH DIVISION. I C Bri^^adier-General, Abiel Washburn, Middleboro\ 1st. ) Aid-de-Camp, William R. P. Washburn, do. Bris:. j Brigade-Major, Nathaniel Wilder, jr. do. (Brig. Qtiarter-Master, Thomas Hobart, Pembroke. r Brigadier-General, Shephard Leach, Easton. 2d. ^Aid-de-Camp, Brig, j Brigade-Major, DavidG. W. Cobb, Taunton. ( Brig. Quarter-Master, Cephas Leach, of EastoJV Field Officers oi' Infantry. 109

6 Brigadier-General, Jeremiah Mayo, Brewster. 3(3. J Aid-de-Camp, Jonathan Freeman, do. Brig, j Brigade-Major, Joseph Sampson, do. ( Brigade-Quarter- Master, SIXTH DI^ISION^ r Brigadier-General, William Crawford, Oakham, 1st. 1 Aid-de-Camp, Hollis Tidd, of New-Braintree. Brig. \ Brigade-Major, Nathan Heard, jr. Worcester. ( Brig. Quarter-Master, Skelton Felton, Oiikham, Brigadier-Gen. Nathl. C. Estabrook, of Athol. J 2d. 1 Aid-de-Camp, Clough R. Miles, of do. Brig. ^ Brig. Maj. Ephraim M. Cunningham, Lunenburg, ( Brigade-Quarter-Master, SEVENTH DIVISION. { Brigadier-General, Josiah Wolcot, of Sandisfield, let. ^ Aid-de-Camp, Stephen Bosworth, of do. Brig, j Brigade-Major, Thomas Twining, do. ( Brig.Quar.MasteT,George Whitney,of Stockbridge ( Brigadier-General, Francis Fiske, of Cheshire. 2d. 1 Aid-de-Camp, George Sexton, Adams. Brig, j Brigade-Major, Calvin Hubbell, jr. Lanesboro'. ( Brig. Qwarter-Master, Henry Taylor, Pittsfield.

FIELD OFFICERS A.YD ADJUTAJsTTS OF J'HE IJVFANTRY. FIRST DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. i , Apollos Clap, of Dorchester. 1st. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Jonathan A. Richards, Rosburyc Reg. \ Major, Asa Wyman, Roxbury. ' Adjutant, Walter Baker, Dorchester. C Colonel, Washington Cushing, Hingham. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, Newcomb Bates, Cohasset. Reg. p Major, Levi Bates, Weymouth. C Adjutant, Ned Cushing, Hingham. r Colonel, Moses Whitney, Milton. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, Royal Turner, Randolph. Reg. p Major, Nathaniel Ford, MUton. C Adjutant, Jonathan Wild, jr. Randolph. K 11^ Field Officers of Infantry.

SECOND BRIGADE. r Colonel, Josiah S. Fisher, Dedham. 1st. J Lieut Colonel, Theodore Gay, 2d. Dedham, Reg. ^ Major, Eliphalet F. Mason, do. C Adjutant, Harris Munioe, do. f Colonel, John Gay, Stoughton. 2d. j^ieut. Colonel, Reg. ^ Major, Henry Hobart, Foxboro' C Adjutant, James Bent, Canton. r Colonel, Amos Hill, Bellingham. 3d. ) Lieut. Colonel, Samuel Smith, Wrentham. Reg. S Major, Oliver Felt, do. (Adjutant, Sewall Sanford, Medway. THIRD BRIGADE. r Colonel, Thaddeus Page, Boston. 1st. ^Lieut. Colonel, Lewis Lerow, do. Reg. /Major, Samuel Aspinwall, do. C Adjutant, Colonel, Daniel L. Gibbens, Boston.

I Lieut. Colonel, Francis Southack, do.' Major, Daniel Brown, do. Adjutant, George M. Gibbens, do. Colonel, Samuel H. Parker, Boston. Lieut. Colonel, Joseph Jenkins, do. [Major, Thomas Hunting, do. Adjutant, Alfred Curtis, do. SECOND DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. Colonel, Horatio Perry, Salem, Lieut. Colonel, Joshua Chase, do. I Major, Lewis Alleai, do. I Adjutant, John Derby, 5th. do. Colonel, Isaac Dennison, Gloucester, Colonel, Elijah Haskell, do. I Lieut. Major, William Poole, do. I ^Adjutant, Daniel Rogers, jr. do. r Colonel, Amos Sheldon, Beverly, 3d. \ Lieut. Colonel, Daniel Proctor, jr. do. Reg. A Major, Samuel Goldsmith, Manchester. (Adjutant, hsael Sheldon, Beverly. CCulonel, Robert Robinson, Lynn. 4th. N Lieut. Colonel, Josiah Newhull, LynnGeW Reg. "S Major, Ebenezer Neal, Lynn. (Adjuluut, Daniel To wnsing, do. Field Officers of Infantry. Ill

( Colonel, Caleb Low, Danvers. 5th. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Amos Batchelder, Middletoivn. Reg. j Major, ( Adjutant, SECOND BRIGADE. ( Colonel, Josiah Titcomb, Newbury. 1st. y Lieut. Colonel, Benjamin L Tennej, do. Reg. 1 Major, Samuel Tenney, jr. do. ( Adjutant Stephen Adams, jr, do. i Colonel, William Andrew?, Ipswich. 2d, 1 Lieut. Colonel, Nathaniel Harris, do- Reg ^ Major, Paul Dole, jr Rowley. f Adjutant, Charles Kimball, Ipswich. (Colonel, Benjamin Abbott, Andover. 3d. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Chdrles Peabody, Boxford. Reg. j Major, Timothy Poor, Andover. V Adjutant, William Brown, Bradford. ( Colonel, Aaron Morrill, Ir. Salisbury. 4th. 1 Lieut. Colonel, Stephen Bailey, Amcsbury, Reg. \ Major, Nathaniel Dole, Salisbury. I Adjutant, John Evans, jr. do. ( Colonel, James H. Duncan, Harerhill. 5th. \ Lieut, Colonel, Benj. Osgood, Methuen. Reg. ^ Major, Daniel Merrill, do. ( Adjutant, Jesse Clement, Haverhill. BATTALION OF INFANTRY.

Bat. < Lieut. Colonel, Abraham WUHams, Newburyport. Infa, ^ xMajor, Jonathan Wood, do. THIRD DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. ("Colonel, Lusher Gay, Cambridge. 1st. 1 Lieut. Colonel, EHab W. Metcalf do. Reg. y Major, Samuel Learned, W^atertown. C Adjutant, Charles Everett, Cambridge. r Colonel, William Winn, Burlington. 2d. _j Lieut. Colonel, Leonard Thompson, Woburn. Reg. y Major, Elbridge Gerry, Stoneham. C Adjutant, William Tidd, Woburu, r Colonel, Daniel Shattuck, Concord. 3d, ^ Lieut. Colonel, John P. Merriam. Lexington. Reg. ^ Major, Daniel Weston, Lincoln. C Adjutant, Samuel Burr, Concord. 112 Field Officers of Infantrj.

( Colonel, Asa Whiting, Holliston. 4tb. ILieut. Colonel, John Bigelow, Sherburne, Reg. j Major, Samuel Murdock, Framingham. ( Adjutant, Ebenezer Mann, Sherburne. r Colonel, William Fernald, Charlestown. 5'th, ) Lieut. Colonel, Joseph S. Porter, do. Reg. ^ Major, John M. Fiske, do. (Adjutant, Guj C. Haynes, do. SECOND BRIGADE. (Colonel, Artemas Conant, Stow. Ist. ^ Lieut. Colonel, William Baldwin, East-Sbudbury. Reg. y Major, Drury Fairbanks, Sudburj. C Adjutant, Francis Conant, Stow, r Colonel, Abel Tarbell, Groton. 2d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Samuel Wright, jr. Westford. Reg. y Major, William Buttrick, Pepperell. Adjutant, William A Bancroft, Townsend. Colonel, Joseph Bowers, Chelmsford. Lieut. Colonel, John Baldwin, Billerica. Major, Luke Thomson, Chelmsford, Adjutant, Charles Blood, Dracut. FOURTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. ^Colonel, Harvey Chapin, Springfield. 1st. N Lieut. Colonel, George Colton, do. Reg i Major, William Burt, Longmeadow. (.Adjutant, Chester W. Chapin, Springfield. f Colonel, Joseph M. Forward, Southwick. 2d. ^ Lieut. Colonel, Elias Winchell, West-Springfield. Reg. S Major, Linus Bagg, do. ( Adjutant, Robert Forward, Southwick. ^Colonel, Zebina Dickinson, Amherst, 3d, \ Lieut. Colonel, Sj'Ivester Goodman, Hadley. Reg. "S Major, Ephraira Smith, do. (Adjutant, John Hubbard, Amherst. Colonel, Israel Cannon, Blandford, Lieut. Colonel, Eli Pease, do. Major, , Chester. Adjutant, Logan Crosby, Blandford. Colonel, Abner Brown, Brirafield. Lieut. Colonel, Benjairin Page, Ware. Major, Robert Andrews, Brinifield. Adjutant, Asa Lincoln, do. Field Officers of Infantry. i i:

SECOND BRIGADE. f Colonel, Elisha Edwards, jr. Southampton. 1st \ Lieut Colonel, Thomas Pomroy, rsorthampton. Reg. \ Najj>r, Jonathan Porter, jr. Hatfield, /Adjutant William W. Partridge, ^orthamptcn. /Colonel, Theodore D. Lyman, GrcenfickL 2d. \ Lieut. Colonel, George Eels, Colraine. Reg \ Major, Russell Hastings, Greenfield, / Adjutant, John C. Hoyt, Gill. ^ Colonel, Spencer Root, Montague. 3d. NLieut. Colonel. Abner Goodell, Warwick, Heg.'N Major, Nahum Bryant, New Salem. (Adjutant, Clark Goss, Montague. /Colonel, xAlvan Kice, Chestertield. 4th. N Lieut. Colonel, William Rice, Worthington^ J^^g^ fV'ajor, Josiah Shaw, jr. Plainlield. ( Adjutant, Asahel RiiJings, Goslien. ("Colonel, Solomon Reed, Rowe. 5th. > Lieut Colonel. Noah Wells, do. I^egy Major, Nehemiah Hathaway, Ashfield. C Adjutant, Amos Shepherd, Bucklaud. riFTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. C Colonel, 1st. jLieut. Colonel, Bartlett Murdock, WarehaiK. Reg, ^ Major, Benjamin Ward, Carver. C Adjutant, Isaac L. Hedge, Plymouth. f Colonel, John Collamore, Scituate. 2d. jLietit. Colonel, Reg/^ Major, Jesse Reed, Hanover. ^Adjutant Horace Collamore, PembrokCo r Colonel, Salmon Fobes, Bridgewater. 3d, S Lieut. Colonel, Jonathan Chamberlain, do. Reg K Major, Daniel Perry, Abin^ton. (Adjutant, Hector Orr, Bridgewater. rColoneJ, Ephraim Ward, Middleborough. 4th. \ Lieut. Colonel, Peter H. Pierce, ^o. Reg.^ Major, Branch Harlow, do. (Adjutant, Arad Thompson, do. SECOND BRIGADE. (Colonel, Rufus V. Barrows, Rehoboth. 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, Hail Wood, Sv/ansea. Reg. ^ Mai or, Noah Read, Seekonk. C Adjutant, Jonathan ^Yheaton, 'r. Rehobotlv- K 2 114 Field Officers of Infantry.

r Colonel, Nathaniel Nelson, New-Bedford. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, Reg. ^ Major, C Adjutant, Henry Taylor, New-Bedforel. r Colonel, Adoniram Crane, Berkley. 3d. J Lieut. Colonel, Cromwell Washburn, Taunton. Reg. ^ Major, Nathan Kin^, do. C Adjutant, George B. Atwood, do. Colonel, Elkanah Briggs, Attleborough Lieut. Colonel, Joseph Lane, jr. Mansfield. Major, John Gilmore, Easton. I Adjiitant, David Cobb, jr. Mansfield. Colonel, Herc«les Cushraan, Freetown,

I Lieut. Colonel, Lynde Hathaway, do. Major, Elisha Slade, jr. Somerset.

(. Adjutant, Philip P. Hathaway, Freetown. THIRD BRIGADE. /"Colonel, Obed B. Nye, Sandwich.

J St. \ Lieut. Colonel, Nathan B. Gibbs, do. Reg. S Major, Joshua Nye, Falmouth. ^Adjutant, Sewall Fessenden, Sandwich. r Colonel, 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, Isaiah Bray, Yarmouth, Reg. y Major, Allen Nickerson, Chatham. V Adjutant, Joseph Hamblin, Yarmputh. ^Colonel, Joshua Small, Truro, 3d V'Jeut. Colonel, i Reg.i Ma or, Joel Snow, Eastham. C Adjutant, Michael Collings, ^o. SIXTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. Colonel, Lamb. Spencer. f AKan 1st. J Lieut. Colonel, William Livermore, do. Reg. ^ Maior, Abel Bartlet, Leicester. C Adjutant. Leonard Carey, Ward. r Colonel, Daniel R. Newhall, Mendon. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, John Carpenter, Uxbridge. Reg. ^ Major, Lebbens Gaskell, Mendon. C A'ljTitant, Caeb Hayward, do, r Colonel, William Adams, Norlh-Brookfield. .3d. ^ Lieut. Colone), F.lbridge Cutler, Hardwick. Reg, 5 Major, Roswell Conver=, New-Braintree ( Adjutant, David H. Field, Oakham Field Officers of Infantry. 115

/-Colonel, David Lathe, Charlton. 4th. S Lieut. Colonel, John Fitts, jr. do. Reg ) Major, Jacob Upham, do, (Adjutant, James Wollcot. jr. Southbridge. ••Colonel, Jason Waters, Sutton. 5th. N Lieut. Colonel, John F. Barton, Milbury. jr. Reg. "5 Major, Reuben Waters, Sutton. (Adjutant, Joseph W, Wright, Milbury. (Colonel, Merrill Davis, Holden. 6th. N Lieut. Colonel, Luther Johnson, Worcester. Reg i Major, Joseph A. Reed, Princeton. C Adjutant, Jones Estabrook, Holden. SECOND BRIGADE. ^Colonel, John B. Pratt, Sterling. 1st. \ Lieut. Colonel, John G. Davis, Princeton. Reg. s Major, Amory Holraan, Bolton. (Adjutant, Solon Whiting, Lancaster. /-Colonel, Joshua W. Leland, Grafton. 2d. \ Lieut. Colonel, Franois B. Fay, Southborough,. Reg. "S Major, Daniel Harrington, Shrewsbury. (Adjutant, Hollowell Bailey, Northborough. (-Colonel, Moses Greenwood, jr. Hubbardston, 3d. \ Lieut. Colonel, Josiah Wheeler, Petersham. Reg, \ Major, Warner Hinds, Dana. ( Adjutant, Josiah Miles, Petersham. (Colonel, Hosea Stone, Ashburnham. 4th. > Lieut. Colonel, Charles Barrett, do. Reg. y Major, Ephraim Jones, Lunenburg. C Adjutant. Benjamin Barrett, Ashburnham. f Colonel, Franklin Gregory, Royahton. 5th. J Lieut. Colonel, Willard Newton, do. Reg /Major, ArtemasLee, Templeton. V. Adjutant, Nathan Bryant, jr. do. SEVENTH DIVISION. FIRST BRIGADE. (Colonel, Ira Owen, Sheffield. Ist. N Lieut. Colonel, Jedediah Burrill, do. Reg. J Major, Darius Mason, do. (Adjutant, Albert A. Root, do. ( Colonel, Joseph B. Hill, West Stockbridge. 2d. J Lieut. Colonel, Darius Perkins, Becket. Reg.^ Major, William Williams, Stockbridge. ( Adjutant, David P. Ingerson, do. UG Officers of Cavalry,

C Colonel, Samuel Picket, Otis. 3d. 1 Lieut. Colonel, George Marvin, SandisfieW. Reg. j Major, Harvey Wolcot, do.

(Adjutant, Timothy Jones, Otis. , SECOND BRIGADE. ^Colonel, Jabez Hall, Lanesburough. Lieut. Colonel, Kiler Kent, New-Ashford. Major, Joel Harrison, Williamstown. Adjutant, Stoddard Hubbell, Lanesborough. Colonel, Daniel Collins, Lenox. Lieut. Colonel, Ethan Jones, Pittsfield. Major, Josiah Butler, do. Adjutant, Thomas Egliston, Lenox. Colonel, Levi Pierce, jr. Peru. Ueut. Colonel, Daniel Coman, jr. Cheshire. Major, Ichabod Emmons, Hinsdale. Adjutant, Simeon W. Right, Dalton.

OFFICERS OF CAVALRY. FIRST DIVISION. Second Brigade, 1 Battalion, Major, Lemuel Gay, Stou^hton. Adjutant, Joseph Torrey, Wrentham, Captain, Elisha A. Jones, Medwa}-. Captain, John Sliumway, Dover. Captain,

Third Brigade^ 1 Comfiany. Captain, Luke Richardson, Boston. SECOND DIVISION. First Bri^de, 1 Battalion, Major, Benjamin Wheeler, Danvers. Adjutant, Stephen Upton, do. Captain, Andrew Dodge, Beverly. Captain, George Appleton, Hamilton.

Second Br'gade, 1 Regiment. Colonel, Moses Newell, Parsons. Lieut. Colonel, Samuel Brown, Bradford. Major, Moody Brid^fs, Andover. Adjutant, Sa'AUr-I Thompson, Newburyport. Captain, David W. Boyulon, Rowley. Officers of Cavalry. 117

Captain^ John Pearson, Newbury, Captain, Theoron Johnson, Andover. Captain, Porter Bradstreet, Topsfield. THIRD DIVISION. First Brigade. Major, Sewall Winn, Sonth Readincc. Adjutant, John B. H Fuller, Newton. Captain, Silas Eaton, Framingham. ^ Captain, Jonas Parker, ir. j<;eading. Captain, Asa Trowbridge, Newton.

Second Brigade, 3 Companies* Captain, William Harrington, Marlborough. Captain, Josiah Fletcher, Chelmsford. Captain, FOURTH DIVISION. First Brigade^ 1 Regiment. Colonel, Job Dickenson, Granby. Lieut. Colonel, Dennison Parsons, Granville^ Major, Adjutant, Earl Bishop, South Hadley. Captain, Erastus Chapin, Springfield, Captain, Captain, Captain, Captain, Lebbeus Chapin, Palmer. Captain, Pliny Forward, South wick. Second Brigade, 1 Regiment. Colonel, Elihu Niras, Shelburne, Lieut. Colonel, Salmon Sheldon, Leyden. Major, David Dennison. jr. Colrain. Adjutant, David Wright, Deerfield. Captain, Erastus Clark, Greenfield. Captain, Luther Stone, Goshen. Captain, Silas Harding, New Salem. Captain, William Pomeroy, Williamsburg. Captain, Austin Rice, Conway.

^ FIFTH DIVISION. Fir&t Brigade^ 1 Battalion. Major, Adjutant, Seranus Shaw, Bridgewater. 118 Officers of Cavalry.

Captain, Nehenwah Leonard, Middleborough. Captain, Seth Allen, Halifax.

Second Brii(ade^ 1 Battalion, Major, Allen Hunt, Seekonk. Adjutant, Jesse Hartshorn, Taunton. Captain, Lemuel Leonard, do. Captain, Reuel White, Mansfield. Captain, SIXTH DIVISION.

First Brigade^ 1 Regiment.

Colonel, George Mower, "V^'orcf-'^ter. Lieut. Colonel, Simon Plympton, V\ est Bojlston. Major, Hiram Wheelock, Sturbridjre. Adjutant, Samuel Tucker, Charlton. Captain, Lewis Chapin, Worcester. Captain, Warner Lincoln, Western. Captain, John Hill, jr Charlton. Captain, Joseph B. Chapin, Upton. Second Brigade, 1 Regiment. Colonel, Thomas Wright, Sterling. Lieut. Colonel, Josiah Brigham, Westboreugh. Major, Nathan Nickerson, Athol. Adjutant, Charles Bridge, Lancaster, Captain, Silas Sibley, Westborough. Captain, Jonathan Howe, Rutland, Captain, Hollis Bruce, Lancaster. Captttiu. Jonathan Baldwin, 2d. Templeton.. Captain, Benjamin Harrington, W'estminster. SEVENTH DIVISION. First Brigade, 1 Battalion, Major, Allen Smith, Stockbridge. Adjutant, William B. Sexton, Sheffield, Captain, Sewall Sargent, Stockbridge. Captain, Calvin Stevens, New-Marlborougb. Captain, Clement Ray, Great-Barrington. Second Brigade, 1 Battalion, Major, Alva Merrill, Lenox. Adjutant, Chancy Hamlin, Lanesboro%h, Captain, Harvey Smedley, Williamstown. Captain. Officers of Artillery. 119 OFFICERS OF ARTILLERY. FIRST ©IVISION. First Brigade^ 1 Battalion^ Major, Robert Stetson, Dorchester. Adjutant Thomas M. Moseley, do. Captain, Joseph May, Roxbury. Captain, John Vinson, 3d. Weymouth^ Captain,

Second Brigade^ 1 Battalion. Major. Willctrd Sayles, Wrentham. Adjutant, Calvin Fisher, jr. Wrentham.

Captain, Samuel Hartshorn, jr. Walpole. . Captain, Cyrus Adams, Medway. Captain,

Third Brigade^ 1 Battalion, Jilajor, Joseph E. Smith, Boston. Adjutant, Charles H. Hammatt, do. Captain, Francis Jackson, do. Captain, Isaac Fo'vle, do. Captain, Thomas I. LobdeD, do, Boston Sea Fencibks^ Captain, Russell Glover, Boston. SECOND DIVISION. First Brigade^ 1 Reg. 1 Batt. Regimettt. Colonel, William Beach, Gloucester* Lieut. Colonel, Warren Porter, Danvers. - Ma'or, Francis Peabody, Saiem. Adjutant, John Towne, do. Captaia, John Nichols, Lynn. Captain, Jacob Oo-jty, Lynnfield. Captain, William Center, jr. Gloucester. Captain, Adam Nesmith, Salem,

Battalion. Major, John Trail, Marblehead. Ad utant, Joseph W Oteen, do. Captain, John S. Rhodes, do. Captain, James P. Smith, do. Marblehiad Light Infintrtj. Captain, Joseph Gregory, jr. jilarblehead- 180 Officers of Artillery.

S'-cond Bri((ade, 1 Battalion^ Major, Benjamin Gleason, Andover, Adjutant, Pascal Abbot, do. Captain, John Colby, jr. Amesbury. Captain, Ebenezer Bradbury, Newburyport. Captain, Abel Abbot, Andover. THIRD DIVISION. First Brigade^ 1 Regiment. Colonel, Thomas Learned, Watertown. Lieut, Colonel, John Hunting, do. Major, Timothy M. Baker, Charlestown. Adjutant, Josiah Clark, Watertown. Captain, John Johnson, Medford. Captain, Eli Brown, Concord. Captain, Captain, Samuel Somes, Watertown. Captain, Sylvius Holbrook, Shelburne.

Second Brigade^ 1 Battalion. Major, William Dalrymple, Groton. Adjutant, Daniel Tuck, Chelmsford, Captain, Henry Baldwin, Billerica. Captain, Aaron Brown, Groton. FOLTRTH DIVISION.

First Brigade y 1 Regiment. Colonel, Horatio Fitch, Monson. Lieut. Colonel, Simeon Pwigbt, Belchertown. Major, Joseph Washburn, do. Adjutant, Ebenezer R. Eaton, Monson, Captain, Joel Tucker, do. Captain, Henry Sargent, Springfield, Captain, Hezekiah Walker, jr. Belchertown. Captain, Zebina Fowler, Westfield.

Second Brigade^ 1 Regiment. Colonel, Elijah Mattoon, jr. Norlhfield. Lieut. Colonel, Ansel Phelps, Greenfield. Major, John Tobey, Hawley. Adjutant, Captain, King Harris, Northfield. Captain, William Joy, Plainfield. Captain, Captain, Nahum Adams, Greenfield. Captain. Samuel Williams, I^orthamptoD. Officers of Artill2r3% 121

FIFTH DIVISION. First Brigade^ 1 Battaliojit MajxDr, Micah White, Rochester. A.

Third Brigade^ 1 Battalion, Major, Nathaniel Shivrick, Falmouth. Adjutant, Ezekiel H. Higgins, Brewster. Captain, Jesse Noble, Falmouth. Captain, Freeman Hi§:gins, Brewster. SIXTH DIVISION. First Brigade, 1 Battalion. Major, Joel Gleason, Worcester. Adjutant, Moses Brigham, do. Caj>tain, Lv man Morse, Sturbridge. Captain, Clark Ellis, Milford. Captain, Leonard Clark, Worcester.

Second Brigi:d'\ 1 Battalion, Major, Hannibal Laughton, Lancaster. Adjutant, Henry Allen, Leominster. Captain, Captain, Captain, Frederick Wm. Jone?, Leominster. SEVENTH DIVISION. Firsf. Brigade, 1 Battalion, Major, Cliarles Taylor, Great-Barrington. Adjutant, Avicrustus Hitchcock, do. Captain, Coonrod Burghfirdt, do» Cfiptain, Loring G. Robbins, W'estStockbridge. Captain, Second Brigade, \ BattaUon. Major, William Acocks, Hancock. Adjutant, Ezekiel R. Colt, Pittsiield. Captain, William Lynn, Lanesborough.

?.. aptain, Thomas Ensign, riltsfiold. 122 Officers of the Thira BrigaJe. DIVISIONARY CORPS OF IKDRPEMDEMT CADETS.

Captain^ Lieut Colonel Harrison G. Otis, jr. Litutcnunt^ Major Marshal B. Spring. Eruiiffn., Major Thomas C. Amory. adjutant., Captain John Gray Kogers. Surgeon, John C. NVarren, m. d.

ANCIENT AND HONOURABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY. Incorporated 1638. Captain.^ Lieut. Colonel Theodore Lyman, jr. \st. IAm tenant, Lieut, Colonel Lusher Gay. 2d. Lieutenatktt Captain Nathaniel i-{ichards. od. Li€utt7iant^ Colonel Saniuel H. Parker. \(it, Seriixant.^ Captain Benjamin Darling. 2f/. Sergeant, L\^-Mit\va.nX B. M Nevers. 3t/. Sergeant, Ensign Brewster Reynolds. Ath. Sergeant, Captain Nathan Hobbs. Treasurer, Jacob Hall, Esq. Clerk, Ensign Henry ii. Huggeford. Annourer., Davifi W. iiradlee, Esq.

OFFICERS IN THE THIRD BRIGADE FIRST DIVISION, (iricinding Boston and Chelsea,) in com- mission, November, 1822.

Brigadier General, William Sullivan. Brigjdr-Major uJid Innjiector, Stephen Fairbanks, Brii^ads- Quarter- Master, Benjaarui VVinslow. Aid-de-Camp, William H. Eliot. FIRST REGIMENT.

Colonel, Thnddeus Page. Lieutenant -Colonel. Lewis Lerow. ivi'jjor. Scimuel Aspinwall.

Adjutant, Chafdain, Rev. D. Sharp, Quaier-Master^ Andrew Surgron, Willicim la- .Allen. eails, m. d. l^crfh Msistvr, Rarnuir. Fiu'ld Surg.Mate, 8. A. Shurtleir, Officers of the Third Brigade. 123

Ca/i tains, IJfjutenant ft. Jos. N. Howe, jr. William Butler James Henry Silas Pierce Chas. M. Domett Joshua C. Bates Kathan Hobbs Silas Stewart Francis Green, jr. John Simmons Edmund Longley vacant. Richard Bracket Joshua H. Pratt James Stowers Lyman Robiii5on Walter Frost Wm Treadwell John R. Bradford Solomon Loud Rufus Rice Henry Fowle,jr. Genet Holbrook Reub. Carver, jr. John Gale Henry S. K.(^nt Del mot Locke John Elliot Wilham Hooton Elisha Whislow SECOND REGIMENT. Colonel^ Danif.i L. Gibbens. IJeut. C.'lonel. Francis Southack, Major, Daniel Brown. ^rf/«^an;,Geo.M. Gibbens Chipluin, P^.ul Dean Q. Mister, Eclw. Watson 6'Mrf>-(?&7z,GeorgeParkman Pay- Master, Reuben Vose Surg. Mate, Geo. B. Doane Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. PeterM'Intosh,jr. John T.Winthrop Jos. Coolidge, jr. Robert French Jos. Wheelwright Justus Lincoln • Lewis Dennis Asa Clark Elias Kingsbury Matthias Leach George Stearns vacant. Elias Davis Henry H. Barton John Pierce Amos B. Parker William Howe Amos G. Smith John Muzzy Amos H. Haskett Charles Hubbard vacant. Chas. G. Loring Lorenzo Draper P. R.L.Stone A. H. Stevtns Joshua Wyman Artemas Young WilliamWales,jr. Calvin Hatch THIRD REGlxMENT. Colonel, Samuel H. Parker. Lieutenant Colonel, Joseph Jenkins. Majory Thomas Hunting. Adjutant, Alfred Curtis Chaplain^ Quarter- Master, Suygeo?i, Asa Buck man Paz/ Mastery G.W.Thayer 6\ Mate, Chandler Robbins Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. Daniel Hastings William SHawse Willard Partridge Joshua Simmons John F. Bannister Benjan.in True Cushing Fearing Joseph Head, jr. Darius V.'lapp vacant. Benj. M. Nevers Brewst. Reynolds 124 UniversUy at Cambridge.

Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. Martin Brimmer Geo. A. Hodges Horace Gray John Park Edmund White John T. Diugley Ephreiim Dodge James Harris Stephen Foot Benjamin D:)rllng Saml. L. Abbot John Farrie, jr. Pientiss Hobbs Jos. L. C. Ainee Daniel Webber Ruel Baker James (Garland Thom'isHowland John S. Tyler VV A.Dickerman H. H. Huvigeford James Sharp Eddy Fairbanks Sumner Fuller Battalion of Artilkry. Majo\ ; Joseph E, Smith. Jdjutant, CtH.Hammatt Qr. Manttr, J. A. G. Otis Suj-gcon, J;.'hn Jeffries, jr.

Co/itams. Ist. Lieutenants. 2d. Lieutenants. Isaac Fowle John Wade M. A. Taylor Francis Jackson Jedediah Tuttle Sanmel Lvndes ' Thos. J. Lobdell W^m. L. Smith Jason D. Battles Light Dragoons, Cafitain. Lieutenants. Cornet. Luke Richardson f^S^vTs""^ Luther Parker SEA FENCIBLES. Captain^ Russell Glover. First Lieutcnanty William Smith. Second LifUtenanty Edward L. Scott. Ensign, Joseph W. Lewis. Brigade Band. Asa Fillebrown, Master. 1 homas G. Killiek. Daniel Simpson, Hen- ry Niebuhr, Jo'ah Campbell, Lemuel Clark, William Crombie, George \V. Foster, Seth Bates, James K. Kendali, John Bartlett, Moses Mann, Asa Warren, Privates.

UJVlVERSirY AT CAMBRIDGE^ OR HJR- VARD COLLEGE. Inducted. presidents. Died or Resigned. 1610 Rev. Henrv Dauster, i654. 1654 Rev. Chcirles Chauncy, s. t. b. 1672 1672 Rev. Leonard Hoar» m.d. 1675 1675 Rev. Uriah O^kes, a. m. 1681 1682 Doct. John Rogers, A. m. 1684 1685 ReV. Increase' Mather, D. d. IT'OI 1701 Rev. Samuel Willard, A.M. Tice Prf*. 1707 University at Cambridge. 125

Inducted. Died or Resigned, 1708 Hon. John I.everett, a. m. f. r. s. 172^ 1725 Rev. Benjaiuin Wf^dsworth, a. m. 1737 17o7 Rev. EdwanI Hclyoke, a. m. 1769 1770 Rev. Samuel Locke, d. d. 1773 3774 l^ev. Samuel Laugdon, d. d. 1780 1781 Rev Josepli VViilard, d. d. ll> d. 1804 1806 Rev. Samuel Webber, D.D. 1810 1810 Rev. John T. Kirkland, d. d. l l. d. BOARD OF OVERSEERS. His Excellencj' tlie (iovernor. His Honor the Lieutenant Governor. The Honorable ihe Council, and Senate. The Speaker of the House ot Representatives. Tlie Piesident ot" the University, ex ojfficus ; togeth- er with the toUuwiiig persons, elected tor the purpose, t" (excepting those who were miwisters « the six neigh- bouring towns m the year 1810,) vacaricits among whom aie filled by the Board. His Honor Wm Piiillips Rev. John Bradford. Hon. Thomas Dawes Eliphaiei Porter, i).n. Wm. S]jo<;'ner, m. d. Abiel Holmes, d. d. John Wtlles John Foster, d. d. Iiarris<;nG.Otis,LL.D. Th

Secretarij of the Board, Rev. John Pierce, d.d. CORPORATION. President, Rev. John Thoviiton Kirkland, d.d. ll.e. FilloivSy Rev. Eliphakt Porter, d. d. Hon. William ^'Mscott, LL. D. John Loueli, E-q. l l. d. Hon. Johi) riilips. Rev. Willi:im E. Chani/mg, d d. Treasurer, Hon. John ])avis, LL. n.

'";/-r«?i, Stephen Higginson, jr, Esq. L 2 126 University at Cambridge.


Aaron Dexter, m. d. Erving Professor of C/iemisCry Emeritus. Masf, Professor of JWitural History.

Rev. Henry vVare, d.d. HoUis Professor of Theology ^ and Registrar. Hon. Isaac Parker, ll.d. Royall Professor of Laiv, Levi Hedge, a. m. College Prof, ofLog. and Metaph. Rev. John S. Popkin, dd. College Professor of Greek, James Jnckson, m. d. Hersey Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physick. Hon. Asdhel Stearns, a. m. University Prof, of Law.. John C. Warren, m. d. Hersey Professor^of Anatomy and Surgery. Sidney Wiila'-d, a. m. Hancock Professor of Hebrew and other Oriental Languages. Joim Gorham, m. d. Erving Professor of Chemistry, Alford Proff. of JVat. Religion, Moral Pkilosofihy, and Civil Polity. John Farrar, a. m. Hollis Prof of Math. l!f Xat. Phil Andrews Norton, a. m. Dtxter Prof of Sacred Litert. Jacob Bigelow, m.d. Rumford Professor and Professor of Materia Midica. Joseph Green Cogswell, a. m.p. d. Professor of Min-

eralogy and Geology ; and Librarian. George Tickaor, a m. Smith Professor of Prench and Sjianish Languages and Literature^ and Professor of Belles Lcttrcs. Walter Channing, m. d. Professor of Obstetricks and Medical Juri^firudence. Edward T. Chamiing, a. M. Boylslon Professor of Rhetorick and Oratory. Rev. , a. m p d. Elliot Professor of Greek Literature. Charles Folsom, a. m. Tutor in Latin. Rev. George Otis, a. m. Tutor in Latin. George Bancroft, a.m. p. d. Tutor in Greek. James Haywai'd, a. m. Tutor in Alat hematicks and Natural Philosophy. Solomon P. Miles, a. m. Tutor in Mathcmaticks a?td JVatural Philosofihy. George R. Noyes, a. m. Proctor. John Fesseuden, a. m. Regent. Theological Education Society. 127

John Porter, a. m . jiasistant Librarian. "Francis Sales, Esq. Instructor in Fretichand Sfianish. The College Library contains about 26,000 volumes. The Boylstcn Medical Library, exceeding 600 vol- umes, is distinct from the public Library of the Univer- sity. The usual time of examination for the freshman class is the Friday next after Commencemenit The time oi residence of undergraduates at the Uni- versity, except for those, who enter at an advanced standing, is four years. Vacations. First, four weeks and two days (rom Commencement. Second, seven weeks from the 4th Friday in December. Thirds two weeks from the 3d Friday in May. Commencement on the last Wednesday in August. Public Exhibitions of the Students are in the Univer- sity Chapel on the last Tuesday in October, the last Tuesday in April, and the Thursday preceding Com- mencement, beginning at eleven o'clock, a. m. The Medical Lectures commence in Boston on the 3d Wednesday in November. A course is given at tlie College between the first oi April and the last of July.

Societyfor Promoting Theological Education in Har- vard University. President, Rev. John T. Kirk'and, d. d. ll. d. Vice-President, Samuel P-.rkman, Esq. Hon Israel Thorndike, Hon. Peter C Brc(;ks. Corresponding Sec^ry, Rev. Nathl. L. Frothinghara. Recording Sec*ry, Rev. Francis Parkman. Treasurer., Lemuel Shaw, Esq. Directors, Rev. E.Porter, d. d Hon. D. A. White, Professor S. Willatd, J. seph Hurd, Esq. John Howe, Jonathan l^hillips, Jair-es Savage, George Bond, and Stephen Higginson, Esqrs. Auditors, Thomas Wigglesworth, Samuel May, Is- rael Munson, Esqrs. Trustees, Hon. B. Pickman, Hon. J. Llovd, Hon. J. Quincy, And"ew Ritchie, Esq, Peter O. Thkcher, Esq. 128 .

PHI BETA KAPPA. Alpha of Massachusetts, Anniversary at Cambridge, day after Commencement. Presiderity Hon. J iseph Story. Vice-President^ Rev Edward Everett. Corresponding & Rec, Sec'ry, Prof. Jos. G. Cdgswell.

t Williams College* Irxorporated June 22, 1793. Ajifiomted. Presidents. Died or Resigned, 1793. Ebenezer Fiich, d. i>. 1«15 1815. Zephaiiiah Swifi Moore, D.D. 1821 1821. Edward Dorr Griffin, d.d. Vice-President, Rev. Alvan Hyde, d.d. Treasurer, Hon. Daniel Noble, Esq, Secretary^ Charles A, Dewey, Esq. Professor of Oivinity, Edward D. Griffin, d.d. Prof. MatliimatickSf JVat. Philosophy^ and Lecturer in Chemistry^ Chester Dewey, a.m. Professor of Languages., Ebenezer Kello.eg. a. m. Tutors, Geo. VV. Benedict, a. m. Alvan Wheeler,A. b. board of trustees. Rev.EdwardD.Giiffin d.d. Joseph VVoodbridge, E'^q. Rev. Alvan Hyde, d.d. Levi Glezen, Esq. Rev.Samiiel Shcj)ard, d.d. Thaddeus Ponieroy, Esq. Rev, Theophilus Packard Rev. Heman Humphrey Rev, Timothy M. Cooley Hon. George Bli.ss Rev. Thomas SneU P*.ev. Nathaniel S. Prime Hon. Ezva Stnrk\yeather Rev. Isaac Knapp Hon. Daniel Noble Joseph Battle, Esq. Hon. Joseph Lyman Vacations. First, 4 weeks from CommenremenN Second, 6 weeks from tne Wednesday succeeding; the 4th Wednesday in December. Third, 3 weeks from the third Wednesday in May. Commeiicement, first Wednesday in September.

Five thousand dollars have been given to this College, by the late Woodi>fid);e Little. Esq. the interest of which is to be applifd t-D the education of pijus yonni; men (who have not the means of obtaining a li'xr education) for the miniitr/. Williams College. 129

COURSE OF STUDIES AT WILLIAMS COLLEGE. The requisites for admission into the Freshman Class, are a kno\vledg;e of the Englsh, Latin, and Greek

Grammars ; an ability to constiue and parse any part of Virgil, Cicero's Select Orations, Cesar's Commen- taries, the Greek Testament, and Dalzel's Collectanea

Grseca Minoi-^, and to write true Latin in prose ; a

knowledge of Arithmetic, and Cum mings*s Geography ; and testimonials of good character. FRESHMEN. First Term. Livy, Dalzel's Grseca Majora, Ist vol.

Neilsoh's Greek Exercises ; Adam*s Roman Antiquities, Second Term. Livy continued, Murray's linglish Grammar, Webber's Arithmetic, Graeca Majora con- tinued, Day's Algebra, American Geography, (Morse 1 vol. 8vo.) lliwd Term. Horace through the Odes, Algebra continued, American Geography continued, Grasca Majora and Neilson's Greek Exercises continued. Declamation daily through the year. Translations daily from Latin to English during the first half of the year, and from Enghsh to Latin the last half of the year. Compositions daily during the 3d Term. SOPHOMORES. First Term. Walker's Elements of Elocution, Hor- ace continued, Euclid, Eastern Geography, Blairs Lec- tures, (1st vol.) Second Term. Horace and Walker's Elocution con- tinued. Hedge's Logic, Euclid continued, Day's Loga- rithms and Trigonometry, Geography continued, Blair's Lectures, (2d vol.) Greek Testament. y^hird Term. Tytler's Elements of History, Gracca Majora, Cicero de Oi-atore. Declamation daily through the year. Translations daily the First Term from Latin to En- glish, Second Term from Greek to Latin, Third Term from Greek to English. Composition daily through the year. JUNIORS. First Term. Day's Mensuration, Levelling. Sur-

veying and Navigation ; Gra^ca Majora, (2d vol.) Chem- istry, Enlield's Natural Philosophy. —

130 Williams College.

Second Tcr?n, Excerpta Latina, Paley's Evidences of ReveJed Religion, Day's Mathematics continued, Enfield cnuiinued, Gr?£ca Majora, (2d vol.) continued. Third T rm. Excerpta Latina continued, Enfield continued. Analytic Geometry, comprisini^ Plane and Spheric?! 1 rigonometry and Conic Sections, Chemistry. Declamaiion daily through the year. Dsputalions and Themes alternately by divisions, weekly do'ing the First and Second Terms. Composi ions on Philosophical subjects the 3d Term. SENIORS, Firht Term Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric, Stewart's Elements otTntel'ectual Philosophy. Second Tei~m. A r atom v, Paley's Natural Theology, Leslie's Letters on Di ism, Paley's Moral Philosophy. Third Tcnn, Paiey's Political Philosophy, Vattel's Law of Nations. Vincert on the Catechism every Saturday forenoon, A critical exercise in Composition every Friday fore- noon. Disputations, Themes, or Half Themes, weekly in divisions. Declamations, or exercises in reading, weekly in divisions, &c. 8cc. Chemical Lectures given to the Juniors and Seniors, in the First and Third Terms, and Lectures in Natural Philosophy to the Juniors as they progress in Enfield. Occasional Lectures in the Chapel by the Professors of N-iturai Philosophy, and of Languages. Instruction in Hebrew by the Professot- of Languages given to such as wish it. Lectures in Mineralogy and Botany to select classes. The tuition for each term is seven dollars and fifty cents. The term bills, including tuition, room rt-nt, li- brary charges, ordinary repairs, &c. amount to about thirty dollars a year. The price of board is from one dollar, to one dollar thirty -four cents. Wood is one dollar fifty cents a cord. From twelve to seventeen cents a week is paid for washing. The income of the charity funds is stifficient to pay the term bills of twenty-five students, and is applied to the payment of them in whole or in part according to

the necessities of students : Half of this is alike appli-

cable t( all indigent youne: men of' merit, whether de- signed for the Christian ministry or not. Bowdoin Collcg-e. 131

Bowdoin College, at Brunsivick. Incor. June 24, 1794. Inducted. Presidents. Died» 1802 Rev. Joseph M^Ceen, D.D. 1807 1807 Rev. Jesse Appleton, D.D. 1819 1820 Rev. William Allen, d.d. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Presidtnt, Rev. William Allen, d.d. Vice-President, Rev. Hezekiah Packard, d.d. Secretary^ Hon. Benjamin Orr. Rev, I'homas Lancaster, Rev. Elijah K-rllogg, Hon. Samuel S. Wilde, l l. d. Hon.Prer.iiss Mellen, Hon. Josiah Stebbii:S, Rev. Eliphalet Giliet, John Abbot, Esq. Rev. Ichabod Niciiols, Hun. Stephen Longfel- low, jr. BOARD OF OVERSEERS. President, Hon. Jeremiah Bailey. Vice- President, Robert H.Gardiner, Esq. Secretary, Joseph M'Kecn, Esq. IWasnrcr^ John Abbot, Esq. Whole number 45, including the President of the^ College, and the Secretary of the Trustees. PROFESSORS, TUTORS, & LIBRARIAN. Prof, of Math, and Nat. Philoso. and Lecturer on Clieird^try and Mineralogy^ and Materia Medica, Parker Cleaveland, a. m. Prfes^or of Languwses, Samuel P. Newman, a. m. Pr'feasor of Theory and Practice of Physic ^ ^i^^' gery, Nathan Smith, m. d. of New Haven. ProftsHOr ofjnatomij ^'/^/iy.§2o/o^^z/,JohnD.Wells,M. p. Tutor in the Latin and Greek Languages, Benjamiin Hale, A. M.

Tutor in Geometry , ijfc, .\lpheus S. Packard, a. m. Tutor of La?iguuges and Metafihysics^ Alpheus S. Packard, a. m. Tutor jf Mathtmaticks and Natural Philosofiy^ Wil- liam McDnugall. Libraiian^ John Abbot, a. m. The Library contains about 6000 vols. The Society Libraries about 2400. The gallery of paintings con- tains 72 pieces, many of which are the works of the uuiat cekbratcd artists. 132 ,

Vacations. Firsty 4 weeks from Commencement. Second, 6 weeks from the first Wednesday in January, Thirds 3 weeks from the first Wedt/esday after the third Monday of May. Commencement is on the 1st Wednesday in September^

Yale College at JVeiv-Haven, Founded, A. D. 1700. jipfiointed. presidents. Died or resigned, 1701 Rev. Abraham Pearson, 1707 1719 Rev. , D.D. 1722 1727 Rev. Elisha 'Williams, 1739 1739 Rev. , 1766 1766 Rev. NaplualiDavjget, D.D. 1777 1777 Rev. Ezra Siiles, d. d. ll. d. 1795 1795 Rev. Timotliy Dwighr, d. d. ll.d. 1817 1817 Rev. Jeremiah Day, ll.d. FELLOWS. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and six senior State Senators, toeetber with the follovv'ing Clergy- men, viz. Andrew Lee, d.d. Joseph Sirnnt^, u.d. Be- noiii Upson, d.d. Amos Bassett, d. d. Jdin lL,lliott,D.D. Elrjaii Parsons, Daniel Smith, Andrew Elhot, Rev; Moses C. Welsh, d.d. PROFKSSORS.

Professor of Chemistry iJf Mineralogy ^ Benjamin Sil- liman. Pr'fcsiior of Oriental Lanj^niages. James Luce Kingsly.

Pruftssor of Divin. Rev . Eleazer Thompson Fitch, a.m. /'n./es-so/- o/'i?Ae^or/c;J, Re v.Chauncey A.Goodrich, A.M. Professor of Mathematicks iJf A^aiural P/iiloao/i/nj, Matthew Ric*- Durton, a. m. Dwight Professor of didactic Theology, Nathaniel W. Taylor, a. m. Tutors, Wil!iam C. Fowler, Edward Bull, Lvman Coleman, Henry Button, Sylvester Hovey, John.H. Lathrop. Treasurer^ Hon. James Hillhnuse. Sieivard, Stephen Twining, Esq. medical ESTABLISHMENT. Materia Medico & Botany, Eneas Munso.n, m.d. F^Ii IveP, M.D. .Adjunct, '

Brown University, 133

Theory & Practice of Medicine^ Surgery & Obstetrics, Nathan Smith, m.o.f.r.s. Anatomy and Fhyniology, Jonathan Knight. $j^ The Library contains about 6000 volumes. VACATIONS. Firsts 6 weeks from Commencement. Second, 2 weeks from the id Wednesday in January. Thirdy from the 1st Wednesday in May, 4 weeks. Commencement is on the 2d W^ednesday in Sept.

Phi Beta Kafifia. Alfiha of Connecticut. Anniversary the day before Commencement at Yale College. Hon. David Daggett, President.

Broivn University at Providence^ R. J. Founded by Charter, 1764. Organized at Warren, 1665. First Commencement (at Warren) 1769. Re- moved to Providence. 1770. Occupied as a hospital from 1776 to 1782. Received its present designation, 1804. Medical school commenced, 1810. PRESIDENTS. 1765 Rev. , d.d. Died 1791 1792 Rev. Jonathan Maxcy, d.d. Resigned 1802 1802 Rev. , s.t. d ll. d. The Corporation is composed of 12 Fellows, and o6 Trustees. The fornier have exclusively the power of conferring degrees In ^il other acts, the two bodies have co.icurrent jurisdiction. PHESENT FELLOWS. Rev. Asa M-ssf.«. d d. ll. d. President, q-x. officio. Hoi. David Hovveil. ll. d. Solomon Drown, m. d Rob- ert Rogers, fc; q James Brown, Esq. Rev. Her-ry Wight, fJev. rh."rta=-. Baldwin, d. d. Samuel Eddy, ll D. Nathaniel Searle, jr. Esq. Rev. Henrv Edes, Rev. Nathan R. ;:rocker, Rev. Lucius Bolles. Trustees, Right Rev. Alexander V. Griswold, d. d. Chancellor^ and 35 others. PROFESSORS. Professor of Imtj Hon. David Howell, ll.d. Prof, of Moral Philos.^ Mr-ia/z/^.Rev.CalvinPark.s.T.D. Prof, nf Materia Medica ^Botany, Solomon Drown,M.D. ProJ, of Anatomy & Surgery, \\ iHiani Ingalls, m. o. Adjunct Prof, of Co, do. Usher Parsons, m. d. M 134 Dartmouth College.

Prof, of Theory & Practice ofMed. Levi Wheaton, m.d. Prx)f of Oratory & Belles Lettres^ Hon. Tristram Burgess, a. m.

Profpsfior of Chemistry y John D'Wolfe, a. m. Prof of Mathematicks S^ Mttural PhUosofihy^ Jasper Adams, a. m.

Tutory Enoch Sanford, a.b. Tutpr and Librarian, I. S. Smitii, A.B. Pre'cefitor ofthe Gra?n7nar School, Issi^c Davis, A. B. Commencement is on the 1st Wadnesday in September. Medical Lectures commence on the 3d Wednesday of Novembtr. VACATIONS, First, 3 weeks from Commencement. Second, 8 w ;eks from the last Wednesday in December. Thirdf 2 weeks from the 3d Wednesday in May.

Damnouth College, at Hanover^ JST. H.

Founded in 1769. President, Rev. Bennet Tyler, A. m. PROFESSORS. Phiiiifis Prof f Theology, Rev. RoswellShurtIeff,A.\f. Prof of Math. £t Nat.Philos, Ebenezer Adams, a. m. Professor of Languages, Wm. Chamberlain, A.iM.. Prof ofChem. Min. Sec. J. F. Dana, m.d. Prof of Surg. Obst. & Leg, Med. R. D. Mussey, m.d. Prof of fhp'ory and Prac. of Physic ^ Mat. Med, & Bot- any, Danie' Oliver, m.d. Prfjfof.4natomy & Physiology, Usher Parsons, m. d. Professor of Rhctonck and Oratory, Charles B. Had- duCk, A.M. Twror*, John Aiken, a. m. Orramel StrongHinckley,A.M. ConuTieiiCement is on the Wednesday precediug the last Wednesd. V in August. VACATIONS. First, 4 weeks from Commencement. —From the first Monday in J^ nuarv, 7 weeks—And from the Thursday next preeedmgthe last Wednesday in May, two and a halt weeks. ^' The Libraries cjntain about 12000 volumes. Aloors Charity School connected ivith the College,

President, Rev. Bei.net Tyler, a . m. Preceptor, Archelaus Fuller Putnam, a.m. Middlebury and Princeton Collpge. 135

Phi Beta Kafifii. Alp.ha of Ne'io-Hamjishire. President^ Hon. Daniel Webster. Anniversary at Hanover, the day pi'eceding Com- mencement.

University at Vermont. Established at Burlington, 1791. President^ Hev. Daniel Haskell, a.m. Prof. ofMith & Ac/. Phil. James G. Deane, a.m. Professor ofLanguages, Lucas Hubbeil, a. m.

Middlebury College, ( Vermont.) Incor.Nc v. 1, 1800. President, Rev. Joshua Bates, d.d. Professor of Laiv, Nathaniel Chipman, lld. Pr:fc^ior of Math & Nat Phdosojihy, FreJ. Hall, a.m. Professor of Divinity, Rev. John Hough, a. m. Professor of Learned Languages, Robert B Patton,A.B. Professor of Chemistry , Reuben D. Mussey, m.d. Tutors, Jonathan C. Southmayd, Heman Rood. vacations. First, 4 weeks from Commencempnt. Second, 7 weeks from the first Wednesday in January. Third, 2 weeks from 3d Wednesday in May. Commencement is on the 3d Wednesday in August.

Princeton College, JVew Jersey, Founded A. D, 1738, and called Nassau-Hall. Inducted. presidents. Died or Pesigned* 1746 Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, a.m. 1747 1748 Rev. , AM. 1757 17 .7 Rev. Jonathan Edwards, A.M. 1758 1759 Rev. Samuel Davies, A.M. 1761 1761 Rev. Samuel Finlev, d.d. 1766 1768 Rev. John Witherspoon, d.d. ll.d. 1795 1795 Rev. Saml. Stanhope Smith, D.D. ll.d. 1812 1812 Rev. Ashbel Green, D.D. LL.D. 1822

\ 1822 Rev. John H. Rice, d.d. Presidentelect. Prof, of Lang & Belles Letti'es, Pliilip Lindsiy, a.m. Professor of Matheiruiticks, Henry Vethake, a.m. Professor cj Chemistry, Exp. Phil, arid Nat. Hist, Jacob Green, a.m. The (Commencement is on the last Wednesday in September. 136 Theological Institution, Andover.

VACATIONS. From Commencement six weeks, and in the spring, four weeks, immediately preceding the eleventh of May.

South- Carolina College, Prpsident^ Thomas Cooper, a.m. Profesnor of Languages^ Thomas Park, a.m. Professor of Logic and Moral PkiloHOfihi/t Rev. Ben- jamin K. Montgomery.

Ha7niUon College y Clinton ^ Oneida County ^ (N*Y.J Founfled 1812. Rev. Henry Davis, d.d. President. Prof, of Math, & Mit. Philos. Theodore Strong, a. m. Professor of Languages, Seth Norton, a. m. Prof, of Chemistry ^ Mineralogy, Josiah Noyes, m.d. Commencement, fourth Wednesday in August. VAC AT I o N s. Firsts 6 weeks from Commei cement*

Secondy 3 weeks from 2d Wednesday in January. Thirds 4 weeks from the 2d Wednesday in May.

Union College^ Schenectady, fJV. Y.J Eliphalet Nott, d.d. President. Prof of Logic, & Moral Philosofihi/, AndrewYates, d.d. Professor of Languages, Robert rroudfit, a. m. Prof ofMath. & JVat. Philos., Rev. Alonzo Potter, a. m. Professor of Chemistry 8c Mineralogy, Joel B. Nott, a.m. Commencement 4th Wednesday in July. V AC atio N s. First, 7 weeks from Commencement. Second, 3 weeks in Decemb. Third, 3 weeks in April.

Phi Beta Kafipa. President., Thomas McAuley, ll. d. Corresfionding-Secretary., Andrew Yates, d.d. Register, Giles F. Yates. Secretary, Joel B. Nott.

Theological Institution, Andover. Founded A.D. 18pr. BOARD OF TRUSTEES.

President, Rev. Eliph<

Treasurer^ Samuel Farrar> Esq. His Honor William Phillips, Rev. Jedediah Morse,

D. D . Hon. John Pliillips, of Boston, Hon. Josiah Quncy, Rev. Daniel Dana, D.t). Rev, Abiel Holmes, d.d. John Adams, a.m. Samuel H Walley, Esq. Jonathan Phil- lips, Esq. Rev. Justin Edwards. BOARD OF VISITORS. President, William Bartlet, Esq. Secretary, Moses Brown, Esq. Hon. George Bliss, Rev. Calvin Chapin, d.d. PROFESSORS. Bartlet Prof of Sac. Bht tone, Rev. 'Ebtn. Porter, d.d. Abbot Prof. Christian 7%(?o/o. Rev.LeonardWoods,D.D. Assoc. Prof. Sacred LUeraiure, Rev. Moses Stuart, Brown Prof, of Sac, Rhet. Rev. Jimes Murdock, d.d,

v AC AT 1 o N s. First, 6 weeks from the first Thurs- day in May. Sicond, 6 weeks from the 4th Thursday in September.

Amherst Collegiate Charity Institution. President, Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, d.d. Prof, oj Math. 6c Mit Philos. Rev.GamalJelS.01ds,A.Af. Professor of Languages, Joseph Easterbrcok, a.m. Prof of the Oriertai Languages^ Rev. Jonas King, a.m. Treasurer, John Leland, Esq, pinanciery Rufus Graves, Esq. Chapty fund, §50,000. OVERSEERS OF SAID FUND. Henry Gray, Esq. of Boston. Gen. Salem Town, jr. of Charlton. H. Wright Strong, Esq. of Amherst. Rev. Heman Humphrey, of Pittsfield. Rev. Theophilus Packard, of Shelburne. Rev. Thomas Snell, of Nortli-Brookfieid, Rev. Luther Sheldon, of Easton.

American Education Society. Instituted August 29, 1815. President, His Honor William Phiilips. Vice-President, Hon. William Bartlet. .

138 Massachusetts; Medical Society.

Clerks Rev. Asa Eaton.

,. Treasurer, A. P. Cleveland, Esq. Auditor^ Pliny Cutler, Esq. Directors, Zev. Abiel Holmes,, d. d. Rev Ebenezer Porter, d.d. Rev. L. Woods, d.d. Rev. Asa Eaton, Rev. Mr. Fay, Rev. Mr. Storrs, Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner.

Ajnerican Academy of Arts and Sciences. Incorporated Mav 5, 1780. Yearly meeting for choice of officers, 4th Tues. in May. President^ Hon. , Vict'-Fresident^ John T. Kirkland, d.d. ll.d. Recording- Secretary, John Farrar, a.m. Prof. Math. C(\rresfiondmg- Secretary^ Hon. Josiah Quincy. Treasurer^ Thomas L. VVinthrop, Esq, Vice-Treasurer^ Jacob Bigelow, m.d. Librarian, William S. Shaw, Esq. Cabinet-Keefiery John Gorham, m.d. Counsellors^ Hon. George Cabot, Rev. James Free- man, D. D. Aaron Dexter, m.d Hon. John Davis, ll.d. Rev. Henry Ware, d. d. Hon. Thomas Dawes, Hon. Josiah Quincy, Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, Hon. John Pickering, Committee of Publication^ Rev. Dr. Kirkland, Rev. Dr. Freeman, Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, Professors Willard and Farrar.

Massachusiuts Medical Society.

Incorporated November 1, 1781.

Annual meeting held in Boston, on the 1st Wed. in June Officers elected in June 1822. President, Joshua Fisher, m. d. Vice-President, Thomas Welsh, m.d* Corresfionding-Sec^ry, John Dixwell, m. d. Recording- SecWy^ Jair.es P. Chaplin, M. d. Treusur r, John Gorham, M. o. Librarian, Walter Channing, m.d. Censor for the Society at large, and for the first Medical District of the State. James Jackson, m. d. John Dixwell, m. d, John G, Massachusetts Medical Society. 139

Coffin, M. D. James P. Cbaplin, m. d. Rufus Wyman, M. D. Censors for the second Medical District, Hon. Oliver Fiske, Austin Flint, John Green, Abra- ham Haskell, jr. John Romans, m. d.

Censors for the third Medical District, Elihu Dwight, William Hooker, Joseph H. Flint, Stephen W. Williams, David Hunt.

Censors for the fourth Medical District. Asa Burbank, Bt-njamin Rogers, Henry H. Childs, John Delamatre, Charles Worthington. The Censors for the Society at large, and for the first Medical District, meet in the City of Boston, for the examination of candif^ates for the practice of medi- cine, surgeiy, and midwifery, on the Thursday nex^ preceding the annual meeting of the Fellows of the So- ciety, as provided in the Act of Incorporation ; and on the last Wednesdays of January and July. Those for the sicond Medical District, in Worcester, on the Wednesday following tlie third Monday in June. Those for the third Medical District, in NorthamptoUi on the Wednesday following the third Tuesday in Sep- tember. Those for the fourth Medical District, in Lenox, on the Wednesday following the second Tues- day in September annually. By an Act of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, passed February 19, 1819, it is provided. That no per- son entering upon the practice of Physic or Surgcrv, after the first day of July, 1819, shall be entitled to the benefit of law for the recovery of any debt or fee ac- cruing from his prnfessional services, unless he shall, previously to rendering thrse services, have been li- censed by one of the foregoing Boards ci Censors, or shall have been graduated a Doctor of Medicine in . Counsellors of the Society. Suffolk^ Drs. David Townsend, Thomas Welsh, Aaron Dfxter, William Spooner, Asa Bullard, John G, Coffin, John Dixwell, James Jackson, John C. Warren, John Gorham, Johu Randall, Thomas J* Parker, G^o« 140 Massachusetts Historical Society.

C. Shattac^, Horace Bean, John B. Brown, m. d. Wal- ter Channing, m. d. Esftex, Drs. Edward A. Holyoke, Joshua Fisher, Benjamin L. Oliver, John D. Treadwell, Oliver Pres- cott, James Gardner, Nehemiah Cleaveland, Nathan- iel Br;tdstreet, Richard Hazehine. Middlefs^Xy Drs. Isaac Hurd, Amos Bancroft, Calvin Thomas, Abiel Heywood, Rufus Wyman, James P. Chaplin, Thomas Bucklin, Samuel Manning, John Wal- ton, M. D. Worcester^ Drs. Oliver Fiske, Abraham Haskell, Austin Flint, Stephen Bacheller, jr. John Green, Dan- iel Thurber, Jacob Holmes. Hamfishire, Drs. Eliliu Dwight, Enos Smith, Will- iam Hooker, Jc*- j)h H. Flint, Seth Lathrop, Alpheua F. Stone, Stephen W. Williams. Berkshire^ Drs. Asa Burbank, Daniel Collins, Benj. Roe< rs, Henry H Childs, William H. Tyler. Korfolky Drs. Amos Holbrook, John Bartlett, Na- thaniei Miller, Robert Tliaxter, bamuel Bugbee. Plymouth, Drs. Hector Orr, Cuslling Otis, Nathan Hay ward, Bristol, Drs. Benjamin Billings, George Leonard, Al- exander Reed.

Officers of Worcester District Society, Annual meeting for choice of Officers held in Wor- cester, on Wedncs. next succeeding 3d Mond. in June, Freddent, Abraham Haskell, m. d. of Lunenburg. Vice-President, Austin Flinv, ot Leicester. Secretary^ John Green, of Worcester. Treasurer^ Oliver Fiske, of do,

Masscichusetts Historical Society. Instituted at Boston, Jan. 179L Incorp. Feb. 19, 1794. Statute Meetings, last Thursdays of January, April, and Oct. and the day before Commenc. at Harvard Col, President^ Hon. John Davis, ll.d. PecordiTiif Secretary, kev. Charles Lowell. Correspotidifig Secretary, Abiel Holmes, dd. 'jTreus. James Savage, Esq. Librarian, Elisha Clap,A,M, Cabinet Keeper, Redtord Webster, Escj, «

Americaa Antiquariaa Society. 14

Standing Committee^ Thomas L. W'mthrop, Esq. James Freeman, d. d. Rev. John Pierce, d. d. William Tudor, Esq. Francis Gray, Esq. Essex Historical Society, President, Edward A. Holyoke, m. d. ll. d. Vice-President, Hon. Joseph Stoiy, ll. d. Corresjionding Sec*ry^ Benjamin R. Nichols, Esq, Recording Sec*ry, Jolm W. Treadwell, Esq. Treasurer, Stephen VVhite, Etq. Librarian & Cabinet Keeper, Charles C. Clark, Esq- Trusters, Hon. John Pickering, ll.d.Hqd. Nathan- iel Silsi)ee, Hon.Nathl. Bovrditch, ll. d. Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, Ichabod Tucker, Esq. Hon. John G. King, William Gibbs. Esq.

American Antiquarian Society. Incorporated October 24th, 1812. Yearly meeting tor the choice of Officers, &c. 23d of October, (the day on which Columbus first discovered America,) and when the same shall fail oii Sundayj, then on the Monday foUowing. At this meeting a pub- lic address is delivered President, UdLiah ThomRs, ll.d, Worcester. Mass.

Vice- Presidents, Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d . d. Wor- cester, His Excellency DeWitt Clinton, N. Y. Librarian & Cabinet Keeper^ Samuel Jenrison, Esq. Recording Secretary, Rejoice Newton, Esq. Wore. Assistant Recodring Secretary, James C. Merrill, Esq. of Boston. Corresponding Secretaries, Rev. Thaddeus M. Har-

ris, D. o. Dorchester, Rev. Abiel Hoime >, d. d. Cam- bridge, Samuel M. Burnside, Esq. \\ cict ster. Treasurer, Nathaniel Maccai ty, Esq. Wore. Committeefor Publication, Rev. Aaron Bancroft. d.b. Rev. Willinm Jenks, Sanmel M. Burnside, Esq Edw. D. Bangs, Esq. Samuel jennison, Esq.

Addison Literary Society of Methuen. Instituted Sept. 9, 1822. President, Hon. Benjamin Osgood. Vice -President, Stephen Btrker, E&q. Secretary, Col. Benjamin Osarood. 13* Librarian Treasurer^ Joseph W. Carlton. 142 Academies in Massachusetts.

Boston Debating" Society. President^ Hon. Stephen Hooper. Vice-President^ Samuel Fisher, jr. Esq. Secretary^ Mr. William Hayden, jr. Treaaurer^ Mr. Samuel Dana. Directors, Mr. Charles Sprague» Maj. Stephen Fair- banks, Mr, Lewis Tappan, Mr Aipheus Cary, Mr. Lynde M. Walter.


PhiWfia •Academy ^ at Andover. Incorp. Oct 4, 1780, TRUSTEhiS. President, Rev. Eliphalet Pearson, ll.d. of Andover. Clerk, Mark Newman, Esq. of And.'ver. Treasurer, Samuel Farrar, Esq. of Andover.

His Honor William Phillips, Boston ; Rev. , d.d.; Hon. John Phillips, Boston; Hon. Josiah

Quincy, Boston ; Rev. Daniel Dana, d. d. Londondcr-

Ty ; Rev, Abiel Holmes, d. d Cambridge; John Ad- ams, A.M. Andover ; Samuel H. Walley, Esq, Boston ; Jonatban Phillips, Esq. Boston ; Rev. Justin Edwards, AndoveTo INSTRUCTORS. Princifial, John Adams, a. m. Assistants^ Jonathan Clement, a. b. Samuel Phil- lips, A. B.

Teacher of Penmanshifi^ James Howe, i* . a. Teacher of Sacred Musick, Ralph Cushman, a. b. Dummer Academy at Xeivbury^ Preceptor, 'Hehezni' ah Cleaveland, a. m, JVewburyfiort Academy. Precefitor, James Vose. Precejitress, Lydia E. E, Green. Amherst Academy. President, Rev. Zephaniah S. Moore, d. o. Vice-President, Rev. Daniel A. Clark. Sp e:aruy Rufas Graves, Esq.

Treasure ry Dr. Rutus Cowls. Princitial Instructor^ Zenas Clapp, a. e. Academies in Massachusetts. 14^

jtssistant Instructors, Mr. Ebenezer S. ^^ell, Mr. Elijah Paine. Frecefitress, Mrs. Sarah Sophia Strong. Salem Street Jcademy, Boatan. President^ Rev. Asa Eaton. Trustees^ John Rice, The. Clark, Benj.Sroith.Esqrs. * Secretary^ John Rice. Treasurer^ Thomas Clark. Frecefitor^ Silas BlaisdelL Hofikins, at Hadiey, Dr. Oliver S. Taylor, a.m. Prec Giles C. Kellogg, Assistant. Mar)^ W. Fiske, Preceptress. Monson^ Rev. Simeon Colton, Preceptor. Westfield, Emerson Davis, Preceptor. Uxbridge, Abijah Kendall, Preceptor. Alilton, Joseph B. Hill. Preceptor. Amesbury, William Withington, Preceptor. Lenox, Levi Glezen, a. m. Preceptor. Stockbridge, Jared Curtis, a. m. Preceptor. Lexington, Caleb Stetson, Preceptor. Sandwich Academy. President, Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin. Treasurer, Melatiah Bourne, Esq. Secretary^ Seth F. Nye, Esq. Precefitor, Luther B. Lincoln. Preceptress^ Miss Sarah Shaw. Taunton, John Goldsbury, Preceptor. Joanna Tillinghast, Preceptress. Billerica, John F. Tilton, Preceptor. Wrenthaniy Day's, Elisha Andrews, Preceptor. Bridgewater, Rev. Benjamin F. Farnsworth, Precept. Augusta Female. Founded 1815, by Hon. Daniel Cony, Derby Acad- my, at Hingham. Rev. Daniel Kimball, a. m. Preceptor. Miss Hene, Preceptress. Leicester Academy, at Leicester. Flhds, §11,000. President, Rev. Aaron Bancroft, d.d of Worceater. Secrttary^ Rev. John Nelson, Leicester. Treasurer^ Hon. Abijah Bigelow, ot Worcester. Princijial Instructor^ John Richardson, a. m. Precefittjr of the English department, Alonzo HilJ. arl^. fifteen Trustees. 144 Humane Societies.

Deerfidd Academy^ President, Rev, S;imuel Willard. Secretary & Treasurer^ William S. Williams, Esq. Prccefitor, Heniy P. Kendall. Preceptress, Miss Sarah Goodhu. This Academy is furnished with a considerable Phi- losophical apparatus, imported from London, by Rev. John Prince, l.l. d. of Salem, Mass. and also a Library for the use of the students. Also a mineralogical col- lection, and other curiosities.

Linnean Society ofNevj-England. Instituted 1814 Incorporated June, 1819. President^ Jacob Bigelow, m. d. Vice-President^ Francis C. (iray. Esq. Corresfionding Secretary, J. W. Webster, m. d. Pecording Secretary, Enoch Hale, m, d. Cabinet Keeper^ John Jeffries, m.d. This Society is instituted for the cultivation of Nat- ural History. Their M.iscum is extensive, and kept in a Hall over Boylston M -rket. Gt^ntlemen through- out the country are informed that any specimens left with the keeper at Boylston Hall, Boston, will be thank- fully received and duly pi'eserved.

Massachusetts Humane Society at Boston. Urccrporated Feb. 23, 1791. Officers chosen 2d Tues- day in December. President^ Aaron Dexter, Esq. m. d. First Vice-President., Hon. Thomas Dawes. Second Vice- President^ Hon. Wm. Spooner, m. d. Treasurer, Ephraim Eliot. Corresponding Sec'ry, Rev. Charles Lowell. Recording Sec^ry-, Francis J. Oliver. Trustees, Samuel Parkman, Esq. Captain Benjamin R'lch, Jonatl\|n Amory, jr. Esq. John C. Warren, m.d. Bryant P. 1 nden, Samuel Cobb. Merrimack Hiimajie Society at .Yeivburyport-

Instituted in 1802. Incorporated March 7, 1804. Officers annually chosen on the 1st Tuesday in Septem. Presidentt Wiliiam Bartlet, Esq, Marine Societies. 146

Vice-President, Thomas M. Clavk, Esq. Treasurer, Jonathan Gage, Esq. Recording; Sec'ri^, Jereauah P. Toppan. Corres/iondini^ 6VcVz/, Rev. James Morss.

Boston Marine Society. Instituted 1742. Incorporated 1754. Offioers elected on the 1st Tuesday in November. Nehemiah Parsons, Pr;:-sid. Joseph Tiiden.Treasurer.- William Sturgis, Vice do. Thomas English, Sec'ry. Trustees^ John Wood, Jonathan Chapman, Benja* Smith, Benjamin Rich, Winslow Lew s, Joseph Ripley, William Lander, James Freeman, Thomas W. Ward, Dixey Wild. Port Wardens, Benjamin Smith, John Cruft. Committee of Relief. Nathaniel Curtis. Benjamin Swift, John Cruft, Joseph West, Joshua Blake.

Committee of Observation , William Sturgis, Thomas W. Ward, Benjamin Smith- .Committee to regulate Pilots^ John Holland, Benja, Smith, WiUiam Sturgis. d^ommittee of Accounts^ George Bethune, Edward Gruft, WiUiam Shimmin. Wardens ^ Stewards, Nathan Bridge, Charles Bradbury, Zebedee Cook, jr.

Salem Marine Society. Instituted March 25, 1766. Incorporated in 1771. Officers elected on the last Thursday in October. Master, Captain Peter Lander. Treasurer, Gideon Tucker. Clerk, Nathaniel Knight. Salem East India Marine Society.

Instituted in Nov. 1799. Incorporated March 3, 1801. Officers elected on the 1st Wednesday in January. President, Nathaniel Bowditch. Insfiector of the Journals^ George Cleaveland. Secretary, Peter Lander.

JVeivhuryfiort Marine Society. Instituted Nov. 13, 1772. Incorporated Oct. 11, 1777. Officers elected on the last Thursday in November. P^esirfffTz;, Nicholas Johnson. N 146 Bible Sodetiei.

Vice-President, Abraham Wheelwright. Secretary, Petei Lebreton. Marblehtad Marine Society. Incovp. Feb. M, 1799. President, John Bailey, Esq. Secretary. Isa^c Ala isiicld, Esq.

Bibl- Sorifty of Massachusetts. Instituted July, 1809. Preaidfnf, His Honor William Phillips. Vict-Prenidcnt^ Rev. Job T. Kirkland, d.d.ll.d. Currcsfionding Secretary, Htv. Francis Parkman, Recording Scr, tary. Rev. John Pierce, d.d. Treasurer, 2vlr. Joiui T -pi^an. jissistam Treasurer, i)ea. Edvrard Phillips. Trustees, Rev. Ihomas Bq. Rev. Wil- liam Jenks, Jonathat* Piiillips. Esq. Samuel Mav, Esq. Ex -cutfve Committee, to whm applications are to be made tor Bibles, Rev. Benjamin B. Wisner, Rev. Henrv Ware, jr. Edw ird Tuckei man, Esq. Annual meetitig, 2d Vhursday ^^itei Oeneral Elec- tion, when a sermon is preached at 11 am. and a col- lection made lo aid tl.e objecis of i)^^ Society. Bible Society of Maine. Instituted in 1809. President, Rev. Wilham Allen, n.D. Elijah K ell.gg. Kjcr'-y-'resff/^n^ Rev. , Uncording Secrtiary, WovKloj-y Storer, jun. Esq. Correnondinir Secretary, Uc. Edward Payson. Trea:urer, Hon. S^mmel Fieema.u Auxiliary Bible S.xicty in Worcester County, Org-HUizedSepiember/, 1815. bept - Thursday in Officers anvmaily lerted on the 2d president, Rev. Aaron B.ncrolt, d.d. Vicii 'rsidrnt. Hen. Jonas Kendall. Stcrrtary, Rev. J.-sei>l\ All' i». Treasurer^ William Jennibon, Esq. » o

Bible Societies. 14?

Merrimack Bible Society^ Mivburyfiort. Incorporated 1810. President^ Rev. John Andrews. Vice-Prcftidrnt. kev James Morss. Correftfiondins^ S cretary. Rev Luther F. Dimmick. Recording Secretary, S H. Currier. Treasurer^ Richard Pike, Esq. Salem Bible Translation and Foreign Mission Society* Instituted 1812. President, Rev. Lucius Boll s. ^^^'' le'-emiah Chaplin, Vice-Presidents,iTi^^ A»^*o,^-,«^« S } Rev. N.W. Williams.

Treasurer y John Moriartv. Recording Secretary M';. Michael Webb, Jr. Qorresfionding Secretary, Mr. Michael Shepard, Bible Society of Salem and Vicinity Incorporated Feb. 26, 1811. President^ Hon. Benjamin Pickman, Esq. Franklin Bible Society, President, Rev. Theophilus Packard. Vic^- President, David Ripley. Esq. Treasurer, Jerome Riplev, E«q. Secretary, Samuel Wells, jr. Esq. Hamfishire Auxiliary Bible Society, President, Rev. Nathan Perkins. Vice-President, Hon. Joseph Lyman. Secretary, Isaac C. Bates, Esq. Treasurer, Ebenezer Hunt, Esq.

Marine Bible Society of Boston and its vicinity Instituted September, 1820. President, Hon. William Gray, Esq. Vice-Presidents, Jonathan Amory.jr. Samuel Hub*- bard, Esq, Treasurer^ Ebenezer Parker, Esq. Corresfionding Sec*ry, Rev William Jenks. Recording Sec*ry, Mr- William Marston. Directors, Mr. Chester Adams, Col. James H. Ad- ams, Mr. William Brown, Mr. Matthew Bridpe, Capt. Nathl. Curtis, Mr. Josi-^hCaleif, Rev. Warren Fav, Mr. L, P. Grosvenor.Mr. Henry Homes, Benjamin Howard, 148 Missiotiary Societies.

Tobias Lord, Rev. Charles Lciwell, Capt. Abraham Mil- let, Mr. Geo OdiorPf. Rev Fr-mcis I'arkii an, Dr. Ab- ner Phelps, Mr. Wm. R.;pes, Mr. Samuel Train, Mr. Thorn s Vose, Rev. B. B. Wisncr, Rev. Henry Ware, Capt. John Woof, Mr. F-aucis Waits. Executive Commi'teCy Rev. Mr. Jenks, Mr. Ebene- zer Parker, Mr. Tiionias Vose. Marine Bible Society for the District of Salem and Beverly, instituted Sept. 1820. President, WiHiam R. Lee, Esq. Vice- Pre idmt, Dea. jan\es Brown.

Treasurer ^ Joseph Howard. Cor^enfiQj-.ding Sec^ry^ Rev. Abiel Abbot, d.d. Recording Stc'ry^ Rev. 'liiomas Carhle. JVantucket Marine Bible Society* President^ Hon. Josiah Hussey. Irensurer^ Wdh mi Coffin, Esq. Corresfionding Sec*ry, Rev. Seth F. Swifh

Rhode-Island Bible Society. Vice-Presidents^ Alexander V. Gnswold, d. d. Rev. Wm. Patten, d.d. Freeborn Sisson, William Reynolds, James Helme, Esqrs. Secretary^ Thomas Burgess, Esq.

Society for firofiagating the Gospel among the and others in North 'yi7nerica. Incor. Kov. 16, 1797, Yearly choice of Officers day after General Election* Presidmt, His Honor Wiliiam Philfips. Vice-President^ Eliphalet Porter, d. d.

Secretary y Abiel Holmes, d. d. Assistant Secretary, Rev. William E. Chai\ning,D.D. Treasurer, Samuel H. Walley, Esq. Vice- Treasurer^ Josiah Salisbury, Esq. Select Committee, Hon. Thomas Dav. es, Alden Brad- ford, Esq. Rev. Charles Lowell, James W liite, and Josiah Saiisbuiy

AmericaJL Board of CommissionersJar Foreign Missions' Incorporated Ftb. 1812. President, Hon. jobs. Trer-u we'l. ll. d. Vice-Pres/dtnt, Rev. lostph Lvman, d.d.

Corresponding Secretary ^ Jeremiah Lvarts, Esq. MissioDary Societies. Hi)

Recording Secretary » Rev. Calvin Chapin, d.d. Treasurer^ Henry Hill, Es^. i^wfi^^^or, Chester Adams, Esq. Prudmtial Commiuee^ Hon. w illiam Reed, Jeremiah EvoFts, Esq Leonard Wo(xls, d.d. Samuel Hubbard, Esq. Rev. Wan en Fay, Rev. B. 3. Wisner. Board o* Coinmimioners oft/re Society in Scotland for firomoting Christian Knowledge. Formed 1787. President, ti\s Ho-ior William Phillips. Vice- President,^^\ph^\et Porter, d.d. Treasurer, James While, Esq. Secretary, Rev, John Codmau, d.d, Assistant Secretary^ Rev. John Pierce, d.d. Evangelical Missionary Society in Massachusctta, president, Hon. Chief Justice Parker, ll. d. Vice- President, Rev. Aaron Bancroft, D. P. Secretary, Rev. Francis Parkman. Treasurer, Benjamin Guild, Esq. Trustees, Rev. N Thayer.D.o. Rev, John Fo5ter,D.». Moses Coolidge, Esq S Higginson, Esq. Ichabr.d Tuck" er, Esq. Rev, Charles Lowell, Alden Bradford, Esq. Rev. James Kendall, Samuel Parkman, Esq. Rev. Sam*- uel Ripley, Rev. Henry Ware, Lewis Tappan, Esq. Executive Committee, Rev. Mr, Lowell, Alden Brad^ ford, and S. Higginson, jr. Esqrs. Massachufittts Rfiiscofml Missionary Society 8c Trusr teen of the Massachusetts Episcofial Prayer Book and I'ract Society, President, Right Rev. Bishop Griswold, ex officio. First Vice-President, Rev. Asa Eaton. 2d do, do. Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis, D. d, 2d do, do. Stephen Codman, Esq. Treasurer, Mr. Benjamin Howard. Corresfionding Sec'ry, Dr. Enoch Hale.

Recording Sec'ry. John 'J'. Winthrop, Directors, John Jordon, Dr. J. C. Warren, Francis Wilby, James C. Merrill, Esq. Merrimack Mission Sc Translation Scciety, Mwdury/i^ Prrsid^nt, Thomas M. Clark, Esq. Vice-President, John Pearson, Esq. Secretary^ M ody Pe irson, Esq. Treasurert Samuel Tenaey. Esq. N 2 }50 Missionary Societies.

Masmch Society for firomoting Christian K7ioivledget, lostituted Srpt 1803. Incorporated Feb. 20, 1807. Yearly choice ot Officers in May, President^ Vice-Frestdnit^ Abiel Holmes, d-Di.

Treasurer, J mes P. Chaplin, m.d. Clerk, Rev William Jenks. Secretary, Rev. Samuel Stearns, Librarian^ Samuel T. Armstrong. Societyfor firomoting Christian Knowledge^ Piety and Charify. Established May 29, 1805. Annual meeting the day before General Election, President, Eliphalet Porter, d.d. Vice-President^ Samuel Parkman, Esq, Secretary, Rev. Henry Colman. Treasurer, Elisha Clap, a.m.

Boston Bafitist Foreign Mission Society^ Instituted 1813. President^ Thomas B:ildvvin, d.d. Vic- President, Rev. Joseph Grafton. Recording Secretary, Ensign Lincoln. Corre-sfionding Secretary, Rev. Daniel Sharp. Treasurer, James Loring, Foreign Mission Society of Boston and vicinitif* President, His Honor William Phillips. Vice-President, Dea. Jnsiah Salisbury. Sr-cretary,'Rev. William Jenks. Treasurer, Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. Bafitist Missionary Society of Massachusetts* Instituted Mav 26, 1802. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1808. Yearly choice of Officers, last Wednesday in May. President, Thomas Baldwin, d.d. Vice- President, Rev. Joseph Grafton, Secretary, Rev. Daniel Sharp. Treasurer^ Mr. Ensign Lincoln,

Masso.chuaetts Missionary Society. Instituted May 28, 1799. IncnrprrUed Feb. 9, 1809. Yearlv choice of Officers, last Tuesday in May. President,

Secretary J Rev. ^amuel Walker, Education Societies. ]51

Treasurer^ John Punchard, Esq. of Salem. Trvstees, I'he President and Secretary, ex officio^ Elijah Parish, D d Henry Gray» Esq. Deacon Isaac Warren, Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. Rev. Otis Thompson, Hev Samuel Walker, Rev. Brown Emerson, Rev. Warren Fay, Rev. R. S. Storrs, Rev. Justin Edwards.

JVbrfolk ^Missionary Society. President, Rev. Joseph Grafton. Fice-P'-esident, Rev. William Gammell. Corresfionding Secretary, Rev. Charles Train. Recording Secretary, Rev. Bela Jacobs.

Treasurer y Mr. Benjamin Colburn. Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society, County ofFranklin, President^ George Grennell, jr. Esq. Vice-President, Gen. Asa Howland. Treasurer.^ Jerome Ripley, Esq. Secretary^ Rev. Charles Jenkins.

J^ew. Hamjishire Missionary Society. President^ Rev. Asa MTarland, d. p. Concord, Secretary, Rev. Abraham Burnham, Pembroke. Treasurer, Mr. Nithaniel Abbot, Cnncnrd. Trustees, Hon. David L Morr'.ll, Croffstown, Rer. Walter Harris, Dunbarton, Rev. William F. Rowland, Exeter, Rev. Moses Brac^ford, Francistown, Rt v. Sam- uel Hidden, Tamwor^h, Rev Roswell Shiirtlcff Phil. Prof. Theo. Dart. Col Rev. Eli Smith, Hollis. Rev. Jo- seph Rowell, Cornish, Rev. Jonathan Curtis. Epsom Auditors, Samuel Fletcher, Esq. and Mr. Asaph Evans, Concord. Dojuestic and Foreign Mission Society of Plymouth County and Vicinity. President^ Rev. Samuel (ilover. Vice- President, Rev. Ebenezer Briggs. Secretary, Joseph Torrey, jr. Treasurer, Levi Pierce, Esq.

Auxiliary Education Society of Young Men of Boston. President, Rev. Samuel F. Jarvis, d.d. Treasurer, James Coverly, jr. Secretary, Bradfqtd Sumner, Es(^. »

152 Peace Societies.

Massachusetts Bafitist Education Society. Instituted Sept. 22, 1814. Chairman^ Thomas Baldwin, d.d.

Secretary y Rev. Nathaniel \V. Williams. Treaaurery Mr. Ensign Lincoln. Berkshire Auxiliary Education Society President^ Rev. 2>phaniah Swifr Mwre, d»d. Vice-President, I'seph Woodbridgt-, Esq. Secretary, Rw. Heman Humph ey. Treasurer, James W. Robbins, Esq. Evangelical Tact Society, Instituted Mdy, 1812. President, Thomas Baldwin, d.d. Secretary, Ensign Lincoln. Treasurer, Heman Lincoln.

Massachusetts Peace Society. President, His Honor WiHiam Piiillips. Fice- President, Hon. Thomsis Dawes. Treasurer, Joshua P. BUnchard, Esq. Recording Secretary, Rev.!'. M. Harris, d.d. Corresfionding Sec'y, Rev. Noah W Tcester, d.d. 2rf Cor es/ionding Sec'ry, Rev. John Foster, d. d. Executive Committer, Rev N. Worcester, d.d. Rev, John Foster, d.d. Rev. E. Ripley, d.d. Rev John Pierce, d.d. Hon. Saml. Haven, Joh'> Tappan, Esq. Mr. ihos. Vose, Eliphalet Kimball, Esq. Jonathan Phillips, Esq. Peace Society of Maine. President, Hon. Samuel Freeman. Vice- Pre.sidenty Matthew Cobb. Esq, Treasurer, Stephen Longfellow, jr. Esq. Corresfionding Secretary, Simon Grecnleaf, E^q. Recording Secretary, Charles S. Davis, Esq. Rhode-Island Peace Society, President, Vice-Preniden's, Thomas Buffum, Esq. Rev. Presi- dent Messer, William D'Wolf, Esq, Corresfionding Secretary, Rev, Barnabns Bates. Recording Secretary, George Benson, Esq. Tre

Massachusetts Congregational Charitable Society. Annual meeting on the Montiay preceding the Cren- eral Election.

[This Society was incorporated 24th of March, 1786 ; *' for the huntane and benevoleit purpt se of affording relief and support to the wido\^.s i^nd childttn ct de- ceased ministers. The members may nui cxcetd thir- ty of the clergy and laity in equal proportion."] President^ His Honor Wi!ti.um Phillips. VicC'P^eudent, Rev. David Os.^ood, d. d. Treasurer. Eiiphalet Foiter, d.d. Secretary, Levi Hedge, Esq. Masaachusetts Charitable Society. Founded September 6, 1762. Incf^rp March 15, 17S0. Annual meeting for choice of Officers the first Mond^-y m September. • Presid'-nt, Dea, John Simpkins. Vicf'Prevident, Thomas Melvill, Esq. Trtasurer^ Samuel Hewes.

Secretary ^ George Homer. Tru.

Treasurer , Gideon Snow, Esq. St^cretary, Consulting /^/;i/6/c- C Aaron Dexter, m.b. iana. (.William Spooner, m.d.

Visiting Physicians

i Wilham B.White,S<.uthern D-st. TerenceWakefield F.ust'rnDist. Jifiothecaries./n.nfh..^^;.. ) ^ ^^^^^^^ Fermelly, Northern Dist. ( DanielHenchman,W estern Dist. Managers, Hon. William Phillips, He\-. Thomas

Baldwin, d.d. Samuel Snelling, Joseph Coolidge , Sam- 154 Charitable Societies. uel H. Walley, Edward Tuckerman, Benjamin West. Edward Phillips, Isaac Winslow, Juseph Tilden, Rev. He nry Ware, Thomas W. Phillips. The Managers meet quarterly, on the 2d Friday in January, April, July, and October, at the Hall of the Massachusetts Bank. Mass. Charitable Mechanic Association^ at Boston. Instituted March 15, 1795. Incorporated Mar. 8, 1806' Officers elected October 3, 1821, for three years. President, John Cotton. Vic '-/^resident, Fhonnas W. Sumner. Treasurer, Joseph Lovering. Trustees, Ephraim Marsh, Benjamin Russell, Joseph Jenkins, Francis Jackson, George Darracott, George Domet, Samuel T. Armstrong, Francis Southac, Na- Hianiel Faxon. Charitable Irish Society^ at Boston, Insiituted M.^rch, 1737. Incorporated Feb. 23, 1809. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, 17th of March. President anises Magee, Esq. .^ J Vice' t^resident. John McNamara. Treasurer, Walter Welch. Keefier of the iSilver Key, A. Dunlap, Esq. Secretary^ Francis McKenner.

Boston EfiitiCofial Charitable Society. Instituted 1724. Incorporated Feb. 12, 1784 President., Joseph Head. Vice-President, Rev Asa Eaton. Treasurer, Josei>h Foster. Secretary, Joseph Head, jr. Trustees^ John Amory, Gardiner Greene, Jon- athan Amory, Rev. J. S.J.Gardiner, d.d. Joseph Til- den, George Brinley.

Female Samaritan Society in Boston, Instituted Nov. 29, 1817. President^ Mrs. Mary W. Clark. Vice-President^ Mrs. Mary V- azie. Secretary, Mrs. R^chael Ve izie. Treasurer, Mrs. Rebecca Reading. Trusteesy Mrs. Phebe Adams, Mrs. Martha Merrit, Mrs. Mary Bent, Mrs. Catharine Burkis, Miss Susan Charitable Societiesu 15i

Howe, Miss Maria Bates, Miss Cynthia C. French, Miss Elizabeth Richardson. Council, Rev. Paul Dean, Deacon P. Hall, J. Em- mons, N. Emmes. Boston Society for the Religious and Moral Instruc tion of the Poor, Incorporated 1820. President, Josiah Srilisbury, Esq. Vice-President^ Samuel Hubbard, Esq.

Secretary ^ Rev. William Jenks. Treasurer, Josiah Vinton, jr. Managers, Mr. Samuel T. Armstrong, Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. Mr. Henry Homer, Dea. John C. Proc- tor, Mr. ir*liny Cutler, Mr. Josiah Vinton, jr. Mr. Charles Cleaveland, Mr. Samuel Train.

Roxbunj Charitable Society. Instituted Jan. \79A. Incorporated Feb. 26, 1799. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, 2d Wedn

Recording Secretary ^ Miss Abby L.Frothingham. Collecting do. Miss P. L. Frothingham. J7" The Asylum is kept in Essex street. Boston Asylumfor Boys. Incorporated Feb. 24, 1814. President, Vice-President, Jonathan Amory, 156 Charitable Societies.

Treasurer, W. H. Eliot. Secretary, Robert Lash. ManagcrSi Joseph Austin, , Wil- liam Biowa, Rev. Charles Lowell, Israel Munson, WiUiam H Prescott, G ideon Snow, Benjamin West, EdwanI Ptiillips. The Board meet 2d Monday in every mor.th. streets. (J:f- Asylum corner of Salem and Charter Provident Institution for Savings in the City of Boston, Incorporated December 13, 1816. Office in Scollay's Buildings. Open only every Wed- nesday from 9 to 1 o'clock. President, His Honor William Phillips. Vice-Presidents^ John Phillips, Samuel Parkman, John Davis, John Lowell, Joseph Head, Josiah Quincy, Gardner Greene, Thomas L. Winthrop, Redford Webster, Daniel D. Rogers, Joseph Coolidge. Trustees, Jesse Putnam, John Richards, Rev. Dr. Baldwin, John D. Williams, John Bellows, Samuel Sneihng, William Little, John Dorr, Samut^l H. Wal- ley, William Ropes, Joseph Tiiden, Gideon Snow, James T. Austin, Samuel May, Gedney Km?, Thom- as Motley, James Savaf?;e, Thomas VV. Ward, >Ja- than Appleton, Abi^l C'andler, Robert Waterston,. George Bond, Lewi- Tappan. Ireasurerj Gardner G reene Sec*ry, James Savage. Salem Institution for Savmgs. Open every Wedne:> from 12 oV.lock w 1 o'clock, p.m. President^ Edward A. Holvoke. Treasurer, F ter Lniuler. jv. Secretary, John W. Tieadwell.

Institution for Savings, Mivburyfiort. Open everv W dnesdav from 11 to 12 o'clock. P-'esidrnty ^^ 'lliam B Bmister. Tr-'-a-^urer, Peter L** Breton.

• Secretary, Samuel Tenney. Boston Fuel Savrngs In^titutio?!, Incon^orated lune, 18*21. President, H^n. Jf-JMh Quincy. Vice ^President, John Tappan. * Charitable Societies. 157

IVeafiUrer, Dea. M(5ses Grant. Secntury, J. P. Bianchard.

Wards. Wards. 1 H.^nry J. Oliver. 8 Edward Phillips, Esq. 2 C-pt, Josei>h Lewis. 9 .John Baker. 3 Jo I'l D. Dyer. 10 Kt. Rev. Bishop Chev- 4 Dr. Joiin Ware. erus. 5 Dta. Joshiri Emmons. 11 M:ajor Henry Purkitt. 6 Capt. Thomas H-iwe. El)er. Parker. Capt. William Howe. 12 Jostah Stedman. 7 Be; jamin Guild. ^ •Trustees of the Franklin Donation. The Selectmen of Boston, Rev. James Freeman, d. d. and Rev Nathaniel L Frothingham. Trusti'cs of John Boyls-ton's Charitable Donations for th'' hentf.i and HUfiport ofa^-.dUoor Persons, and of Orphans and dcsencd Childreji. The Overseers of the Poor of the City of Boston. locorporated Frb. 3, 1803. Massa. Charitable Fire Society. Incor. J/me 25, 1794.

All ual meeting, 2vl Friday in October. Semi-annual meeting, 2d Friday in ApriU Prrsident^ Tiiomas K. Jones, E->q. Vice-Fresidiv.ty James White, Esq. Recording Secretary, James W. Burditt. C orre.'.fionding Secretary^ Hon. Jfjhn Phillips, Treasurer^ Joseph Levering. Esq. Trustees, Arnold Wells, Esq. Rev. Thomas Baldwin,

D.D. Lvnde Walter, Esq. Francis J. Oliver, Esq James Pliillips, Esq John Heard, jr. Esq. Joseph Callender, Esq. Joseph Ccolidge, Esq. Board of Trustees of Donanms to the Protestant Episcofiol Church. Incorporated by the State of Massachusetts, 1810, Presidtm, Thomas L Winthrop. Vice-Presidents. Gardner G»een, Anson G. Sperry, Tl.omas L. Halsey, Nathaniel Adams. Vice-Treasurer, Joseph Tilden, Esq. Corre

Managers, Rev. Dr. Gardiner, Jonathan Amory, jr. Joseph Head, Lynde Walter, Geor§eBnnley,JohuOdm. Massa, Society for the Sufifiression of Intemfierarice. Instituted Feb. 1813. President, Hon. Chief Justice Parker, ll.d. Vice- P residents y Eiiphalet Porter, d.d. Hon.William Prescott, LL.D. Co7 renfionding Sec'ry, Rev. Henry Ware. Massachusetts Society for the Sufifiression of the Slave Trade. Instituted Sept. 4, 1822. President, Hon. Daniel Webster. Vice-President, George B ake, Esq. Corre^fionding S'C*7-y^ Rev, Samuel F. Jarvis, d.d. ' Treasurer, Samuel H. Walley, Esq. Managers, Richard Sullivan, Esq. William Stur- gia,Esq. Bradford Sumner, Esq. E. Hale, jr. m.d. John Tappan, Esq.

Massachusetts General Hosfiital Corfioration, Incorporated Feb. 25, 1811.* Annual meeting of the Corportion, 3d Tues. in Jan. Visitors, The Governor, Lieut. Governnr, Presi- dent of ihe Senate, Speaker of the House of Repres uit- ativr^s, with the Chaplain of both Houses for the time being. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION^ President. His Honor Witliarn Phillips, Esq. Vice- PresideiU, Treasurer, N. P. Russell, Esq. Secretary^ Henry Codman, h>>q. Trustees, Joseph May, Richard Sullivan, Gam. Bradford, Jonathan Phillios, Joseph Coolidj^e,. Ebea. Francis, Joseuh Heid, Tlnmas W. W.^rd, Sanuiel Applet )n, John Bdknap, Dan. P. Parker, & Theodure Lyman.jr. Esqrs. of whom 4 are appointed by the Board of Visitors, a>*d 8 by the Co 'fioration, • Any person who hns piven, or shall ^ive, to the Institution, or to ei- ther department thereof,one hiinclre

Consulting Physicians, Isaac Rand, m.d. David Townsend, m.d. Aaron Dexter, m. d. Thomas Welsh, M D. Wni. Spooner, M.P. J;Tnes Mann, m.d. Joshua Fiske, M.D. & Amos H-.ibrook, m. u. TWO DEPAR IMENTS. ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE IN CHARLESTOWN. Physician iSf Su/i rintenda?u% Rufus Wyman, M. D. House Afiithccary^ Henry Lane. a.b. A Connmittpe of the Trustees ^isit the Asylum every Tucndiy P. M. (formerly Monday) to admit and dis- charge Boarders, and instiect the establishment. It" necess^n-, Bo. rders may be admitted or discharged at other times and hs any Trustee. Ev ry application for admission must be in writing, and accomp p/ied with 1. A ceitificate, that the candidate is insane and free from contagir^us disease. 2. A certificate of his or her property and of any friends liable for his or her maintenance. 3. A certificate of the abilitv of the persons proposed as principal and surety in the obligation for payment of Baird. 4. A history of the case from its commencement, and the medical treatment. No visitors are admitted en any part of the Lord's dav. No Boarders can be visiteil except by near relatives or by others at their request m writing. See printed ruies and regulations. THE HOSPITAL IN BOSTON. Acting Phxisician, James Jr ckson, m.d. Acting Surgeon, John C. Warren, m.d. Hmse Afiothecary, J-^mes M. Whittemorc; Sufierintenda7it, Capt Nathaniel Fletcher.^ A Committee of the Trustees visit the Hospital every Friday, P. M. (formerly Thursday.)

Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts. Founded A D. 1783. Incorporated A. D. 1805. Officers elected July 4, annuallv. President, His Excellency John Brooks, LL.d, Vice-President^ Dr. David Townsend. Secretary, John Callender, Esq. 160 - Musical Societies.

Assistant Secretary, Thomas Jacksoa, Treasurer, Cipt Robert Williams. Assistant Treasurer^ Capt. Adams B-iiley.

Pilgrim Society. Incorporated January 24, 1820. Officers elecrtd on the last Monday in May annually. President, Johii VV'utson, Esq. Vice- ''re^iden'..^ Wi'liam Dnns, Esq. Recording' Si crttury., B. M. Watson, Esq. Corres^ionding- Secretary, Samuel Davis Esq. Treasurer, B-za Hayward, Esq.

Celebration of the Lmding of the Pilgrims, at Plym- out! , De^e^T-b^r 92d

Hoivard Benevolent Society. President, Dea. John Proctor. Secretary, Ezra H::sk.ell. Treasurer, Dea. Moses Gr^nt. Standing' Committee, S illma'' Lothrop, lames Clap, Israel Alger, Joseph Urtnn. Wm. Adams, Edward Smith, Matthias Crocker, Dexter G'lbert, Aaroa Wo' dman, Josiah F. Bum.stead, Otis Tileston, Benj. How ifd, Wm. G. Lamben, EJward Parsons.

Handel and Haydn Society in Boston. I: stituted April, 1815. Incorporated 1816. This Society was instituted for the purpose of associ- ating together the admirers of th great masters whose names they have adopted, for practice and improve- ment in the performance of Sarrt d Musick. The periodical meetings of the society are monthly. President, \masH Wii Chester. Vice-Pr'sident, John Dodd. _ Treasurer, Ebenpzer Frothingham. Secretary, Joseph Lewis. Librarian^ Mr Bird. Philliarmonic Society. President, Gotlieb Graupner. Vice-President^ Bryant P. Tilden. - J

AtheDeums....Librarie8. 161

Secretary, William Coffin, jr. Treasurer, Matthew S. Parker. T'rustees^ John Dodd. William Rowson, Thomas Granger, Amasa Winchester, Ebcntzer Frothingham. Bethoven Musical Socvty at Foriland. Instuu'ed 1819. president, Edward Howe, Esq. Vice-President, Oliver Evereit. Srcreiary ^ Treasurer, Chnrles Merris.

' > ' ——— « Boston Atheneum. Inc( rporated Feb. 13, 1807. Annual m> etmg for choice oz Officers, 1st Mon.in Jan, Preddent^ Hon. J'^siah Quincy. V:Ct -Pre ident, Jolm Richards, Treasurer, Natlian Appieton, Esq. Secretary, William S Shaw, Esq. jissistant Librarian, Joseph B ckus. Trtistees, Peter (). Thacher, Joseph Tilden, David Sears, Theodore Lyman, Esqrs. Prof. E Everett, F. C. Gray, Amos Lawreice, Hon. Charles Jackson. SaUm Athrneum (Proprietors of the) Yearly choice of Officers last Wedns. but one in May. President, Edward A. Holyoke, M. d.ll.d. Clerk, Hon. John Glen King. Treasurer^ Gtorge Cleaveland, Esq. Librarian, Henry K. Oliver, Esq. Trustees^ Edward A. Holycke, m. d.ll.d. John D. Treadwell,M.D. B.Lynde Ohver, M.D.Hon. Joseph Sto- ry, LL.D. Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, ll»d f.r.s. Hon. Nathaniel Silsbee, Hon.John,Pickering, Hon. John Glen King, Mr. Charles C. Clarke.

J^fewburyfiort Atheneum. Incorporated Feb. 24, 1801. President, Rev. John Andrews. Secretary, Librarian and Treasurer, Stephen W. Marston.

Boston Library, fFranklin Place. Incorporated June 17, 1794. Yearly meeting for choice of Officers, 2d Friday in June, Librarian, Charles Callendar. Treasurer, Charles Ham matt.

Secretary i Nathan Webb. 2 162 Libraries. ...Canal Corporation.

Trusteesy Redfnrd Webster, Esq. Francis J. Oliver, Esq. Aue;ustus Peabody, Esq. Dr. Ephraim Eliot, Wiiliam Minot, Esq. Lemuel Sh.iw, Esq. Dr. John Park, John Gorham, Jonathan Phillips. Esq.

Theological Library. Incorporated Tune 1, ISOr.

Annual meet in - on the fir^t Thursday in July. Preddeni., James F -eeman, d. d. Treasurer 5c Db^arian^ Rev. Nathl. L. Frothingham. S'^crrtary, Rev. John G. Pa fre3% The Library is kept in the Vestry of the first Church, Chauncey Place. Social La^a Library. Ye^rlv meeting for choice of Officers 3d Wedn.in Oct. P'-esid

Boston Medical Library. Instituted July 1, 1805. Librariana^ [nan Randall, m. d W. Channing, m.d» Treasurer, Cieor^i- Ha> ward, m. d. Clerk, Enoch Hale, m. d. Trufttees: Jacob Bige;ow, John Randall, George Hay- ward, Enoch Hale, John Ware.

Social Library in A'antuckpt. Institued Jan. 2, 1815. President, John Hussey, Esq. Portland Law Library. Trfaaurer Isf Lihrnrian^ Horatio Southgate, Esq. Secretary, Charles S. D:ivis, Esq.


Vice- President y Benjamin Joy. . Agricultural Society. 163

Director!), William Payne, Jonathan Amorv, Joseph Coolif^tre, Jo-m Piullips, VViUiam Sullivan, Ebenezer T Andrews, Beniamin Guild, Edward Cruft, Dudley- Hall, Tames F. Baldwin. Su/terintrndant, James F. Baldwin. Locks and Canals a( Pawtiicket Falls. President, Hon Dudley A. Tyng. of Newburyport.

Vice-President. Ebenezer Appleton. Esq . of Boston. Clerk ^ Trcafiurn'^ Kirk Boot. Esq. of Boston. Essex Merrimack Bridge.

John Pettingel, Presi't. I And. Frothingham, Vice-Pres. Joseph S. Pike, Trens. SamuplTenney,Proprie.Clerk. | Plumb Island Turn/like Cor/ioration.

John Pettingel. Pres't. | Daniel Balch, Clerk & Treas. Boston jiqueduct Corfioration. Tncorp. Feb. 27, 1795,

Yearly meeting; fnr choice of Officers, 1st Sat. in May ; quarrerlv. 1st Saturday in Feb. May, August and Nov, president^ Aaron Dexter. Esq. Vice-Presidents Daniel D. Rogers, Esq. Secretary, Thomas A. Dexter Esq, Treasurer, Henry Codvnan, Esq.

Slate- Prison at Charlestoivn. Directors^ Elias Phinney, John Soley, James T. Ausnn, Esqrs. Salary, !g;"00 each per annum. Warden, Gamaliel Bradford, Esq. 1500 dols. do. Chafilain, Rev. William Collier. - 250 dols. do. Physibian 8c -Sur^.B R.Thompson, m,d.250 dols. do. Wm. H.Lane, Clerk, S950. Wm. Going,Keeper,S500.

Massachusetts Society for firomoting .Agriculture, Incorporated March 7, 1792. Annual meeting 2d Wednesday in June. President, Aaron Dexter, E^q. First Vice-President^ Samuel W. Pomeroy, Esq. * Second do. Thomas L.Winthrop, Esq. Trrasurer, John Prince, Esq. Corresponding Sec*ry^ John Lowell, Esq. Recording Sec'ry, Rfchard Sullivan. Esq. Assistant Rec. Sec^ry, Benjamin Guild, Esq. Trustees, Josiah Quincy, E. De^-by, S. G Perkins, Gorham Parsons, John Welles, Peter C. Brooks, Esqrs. y

164 - Agricultural Societiei.

Essex Agricultural Society. President, Hon. . Vice-Presidents^ Hon. John Heard, Ichabod Tucker, Be^amin Parker, Joshua Cirter. Trea-iurer, Hon Daniel A. White. Cor, ^ Rec. Secrrtary^ John W. Proctor.

Berkshire Agricultural Society. President, Hoa. Henry vV. D wight. Co-r-esfi. & Recording Secretary, EzekielR. Colt,.

Treasurer ^ Samuel D. Colt.

Farmers Association in Deerjield. president, Epaphras Hoyt. Recording S:c*ry & Treasurer, Orlando Ware, Corresfionding St-c*ry, Elihu Hoyt.

Worcester County Agricultural Society., Presidc-nt, 'ion. Da.niel W- Ido. First Vice-Pesident, Stj p-'en Williams. Second do. Jonathan Kussell. Trea urer, Theopb.iius Wheeler. Corresfionding Ser^ry, Hon. L vi Wheeler. Recording Sec^ry, Edward D. Bangs* Ham/ishtrey F'ankiin, and Hanfidm Agricultural Society. Pnsident, Hon Joseph Lyman. Vice- presid'Ws, Hui.Stmne' Lathrop, Gen. Epaph-

ras Hoyt, Charles P P < ips, Esq. CorrcsfiOJiding "iec'rtj, Hon. Jonathan H, Lyman. Recording Sec^ry^ Joseph Strong, Esq. Treasurer, J. D. Whitney. Plymouth County Agricultural Society. President, Daniel Howard, Esq, Vtce-PresidentSy Rev, Morrii Allen, Gen. Abiel Washburn. Recording Sec^n/, Bartholomew Brown, Esq. Corresfionding Sec'ry, Kilborn Whitman, Esq. Treasure r^ WiiliHm Davis, Esq. Society of Middles^^x Hxisbandmen and Manufacturers Presidmt. D .vid La^vrence. Treasurer. Daniel Shattuck, Secretary, Cypus Baldwin. Masonic Societies. 165

General Grand Encamfiment of Knights Temfilars in the United States, M W 8c Hon. De Witt Clinton, of Albany, State of New- York, G. G. Master. Sir Henry Fowle, Esq. Boston, Mass. D.G.G. Master. Sir John Snow, VVorthington, Ohio. G.G. Generalissimo, Sir Ezra Ames, Esq. Albany. N. Y. G. G. Ca/it. Gen, Rev. Paul Dean, Boston, Mass. G. G. Prtlate. Sir Martin Hoffman, Esq of the City and State of New York, G. G. Senior Warden, Sir John Carlisle, Esq. Providence, R. I. G. G. Junior IVarden. Sir Peter (Jrinnell, Esq. Prov. R.I. G. G.Treasurer. Sir J<,hn J. Loring. Esq. Boston, Mass. G. G. Recorder. Sii- ThomHs Lowndes, Esq. of the City and State of New-York, G G. Warden. &r Jonathan Shicffelin, Esq. of the City and State of N?w-York, G G. Sta7idard Bearer. Sir Ebenezer Wadsworth, Esq. Nassau, N. Y. G. G. Sword Bearer. Next Septennial meeting of the G. G Encampment will be held in the City of New York, on the second Thursday in September, 1826. Grand Encamfiment of Massachusetts and Rhode LJand. Meet annually. M W Sir Henry Fowle, Esq. of Boston, G. Master, Sh- John Ct-rlisle. Esq. Providence, D, G. Masttr. Sir Pete r Grinntll, Esq do, G. Generalissimo. Sir Henry Puvkit, of Boston, Mass. G Capt. General. Rev. PaulD.-an, of do. do. Grand Prelate, Sir Robert Lash, Esq^. do. do. G. 5. Warden. Si'- Jriin V\ hitaker, Esq. Providence, G. J. Warden. Sir Moses Richarr^son, Esq. do. G Treasurer. Rev. John M Cotting:, of Boston, G. Recorder. Sir John J.Lorint^, Esq. of do. G. Warden. Sir Charles C. "Nichols, G. Standard Bearer. Sir Samuel Hnwe, Esq. of Boston, G. Snvord Bearer, Encampments under the Jurisdiction. Boston Encamfiment. Stated meetings .n the Wednesday subsequent to the full Moon i»i March, June, September, and December. Sir Henry Fowie, M, E, Grand Commander. 166 Masonic Societies.

Sir Robert Lash, Generalissimo. Sir Wiiliam Barry, Cafitam General, Encampmeut a\ Newhuryport. do. at P'.nliind. do. at Newport.

General Grand Royal Arch Chafiter of United Statesi will hold thei next sS^pU')nial meeting at New' York, in S<'p:e'>..ber, 1826 M E & Hon. De. Witt Clmtpo, E q, of Albany, State of New-York, G G High Priest. M E H

M E David G.Cowai , Keni^ut ky, G. G. fviarshall. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Masaachunetts. Stated ineetings in June. September, and December. Officers electee! ir September. M E Jonathan Gsee, Esq. of Newburyport, G.H. P» E & Rev Paul De^^n, « f Boston, D. G. H. Priest. E Caleb Butler, Esq. of Groton, G, King. E Roswell Ler, Esq. of S-rine:field, G. Scribe. E Thomas P. Jackson, Esq of Ponton, GTrcasurer, E Jf hn J. Loring, Eq. ot Bo^ston, G. Secretary. M'ist Worshipful Grand l.odgr. of Xlassachusetts. Quarterly communications eifl on the 2d M'^nday in Decei liber, March, June, and September. M W John Dixwfll, m. d. of R<^ston, Grand Mister, R W John Abbot. Esq. Westf r^l. Off>. Grand Master. R W Thomas Cole, Salem, Senior Grand Warden. R \V Elijah Crane, Esq. Canton, Jtin>or G-, WT-den. R W Elijah Morse, Esq. Boston, Grand Treasurer. R W Thomas Power, Esq. Boston Grund Sec'ry. R W Asa BuUard, m.d. Boston, Cor G. Secretary. R W Wm. Coss^vell, Dedham, ) ^^ Chaplains./^a^^/„;^„ R W Jos. Richardson, Hingham, < R W John J. Lnri g, Boston, Grand Warshal. R W Samuel Thaxter, Boston. Sew'or Gr Deacon. R W Benj. Whipple, Charlestown »/M;zyor Gr, Deacipn. Masonic Societies. 107

Benjamin B. Appleton, Boston, R W J Dickson, f R VV James A. do. ^^ o/^„.„^ . ^'^' ^^^'^^^ds, R W Michael R( ulst. ne. do. ( R VV Daniel Baxter, do. ) R VV Thomas I. Goodwin, Charlestown, G. Sword B, R VV Benjamm Huntioeton, > ^ '. o ^ ^'^"^ Purmivants, R VV Jc«eph Eveleth. ^ R VV William Eaton, Grand TyUr, The following Right Worshipful Brethren are Deputy Grand Masters for the several Districts of the Common- wealth, and styled District Deputj Grand Masters. R W' & Rev. Paul Dean, Boston, 1st Dist, R W Jonathun G Johnson, m.d Newburyport, 2d do R W Studley Sampson, Esq. Duxbury, 3d do R W Josiah J. Fiske, Esq. VVrentham, 4.h do R W Abraham Ha^keil, jr. Leominster, 5th do R VV Joseph Thayer, Uxbridge, 6tu do R W Cc. Rev. Alpheus Harding, New-Salem, Ttli do R VV Joseph C. Denuni;^, Esq. W.Stockbridge,8Ln do R W James Russell. Esq. West Cair.bridge, 9ih do R W Oliver B. Morris, Esq. Springfitld, 10th do R W Sylvester Baker, E^q. Barnstable, 11th do R W Ehsha Starbuck, ^lantucket, 12th do Commiitee of Chanty, R W Ferdinand E White. R VV Benjannn B. Appleton. RW John B.Bradford. R W Davik Parker. B W Elias Haskell.

Boston Council of SeUct^ Boyal and Sufier-excel'

lent Masters . Meetings last Tuesday in each month.

Rev. Paul Dean, ^. j. ^. Abraham A. Dame, Esq. T. I. ^\. William J. Whipple, Esq. I. /^.

LODGED IN BOSTON. Sc. Joh7i*s Lodge. R W^ Ferdinand E. White, Master, Stated meeting the first Tuesday in every month. 168 City OiHcers in Boston,

S:. Andrcw^s Lodge. R W Ddvid Parker, Master. Stated nxeeting the second Thursciay in every month,

Massachum tts LodRC. R W' Michael Roulstoner Master. Stated meeting ttie last Friday in every month, Columbian Lodge. R W Samuel Smidi, Master. Stated meeting the first Thursday in every month. Moiint Lebanoji Lodge. R W Charles Wells, Master. Stated meeting the hist M-^i.day in every month. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, Hon. JOHN PHILLIPS. Office Ne^v Ccart-HcusL. ALDERMEN. Samuel Billings, Eph> aim E.ot, Jacob Hal), Joseph Head, Joseph Jenkins, Joseph Levering, Nathaniel P. Russell, Bryant P. TUflen. COMMON COUNCILMEN. Ward 1. William Bar y Ti'aun -us Page, Charles Welis, Simon WilkiiiS n Ward 2. Mj tin Bates, Benjamin Lamson, Her.! y (^rne, Joseph Stodder. Ward 3. 'v\ iiiiam B. Bradf

City Clerk, Samuel F. M'Cleary. Clerk of Common Council^ and Ansistant City Clerks Thomas Clark. Messengery Johnson Colby, City Treasurery William Mackay. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Thomas Badger, Henry Bass, Pliny Cutler, John D. Dyer, Thomas Jackson, Heman Lincoln, Samuel May, William Mackay, Edward Phillips, Gideon Snow, Red- ford Webster, Daniel Wild. Master of the Alms House^ James Phillips, Leverett-st. Physician to do, Edward Reynolds, jr. Atkinson- street, SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Francis Bassett, Horace Bean, Elisha Clap, William Dall, Warren Diatton, Asa Eaton, William Jenks, Wil- iiann Little, Charles Lowell, , John Pierpont, Wiilinm Wells. Instructors in the Public Schools. Lat.Gram.Master,Benj.Apthorp Ciould, Centre School. English Classical School, Geo. B. Emerson, Derne St. f1 homas Payson, Franklin Sch. 8. D Emerson, Adams Sch. I English Grammar J Stickney, Roylston Sch. J Masters, \ Nathanief Storrs, Eliot Sch. H ill J. Keliy, MayhewSch. I'Ahriihm. Andrews,DerneSt.Sch. f Kiifus Webb, Frraiklin Sch. Joiia. SncHing, Adams Sch. I ^'^'^"* ^- ^"-^'"' B ylston Sch. Writlno-Wnung Masters,Mastpr? J ^ Ei^g^a Web),* EUiot Sch. Btnjamin Holt, Mayhew Sch. I 11. H* Belcher, Derne St. Sch.

* John Tileston is nominally Writing Mastev in the Eliot School. FIREWARDS. Joseph H. Adams, K .-bert Bacon, Daniel Bollard, Levi Brigham, Noaii Brooks, Stephen Codir\an, Benja- min Coomey, Benjamin D:rl;ng, James Davis, jabez Ellis, Jeremiah Fitch, Leach Harris, Genet Holbrook, Thomas J ickson, Joseph Jones, Jared Lincoin, Ste- phen Lock, Ja'Ties M^,g6e, Thomas Melville, Daniel Messinger, John Minot, George W. Otis, John L. Phil- lips, Eleazer Pratt, Luke Richardscn, Joel Shipley, Ja- 170 City Officers in Boston.

Jonathan Thaxter, S. M. Thayer, Wil- , seph Stone, liam Tileston, J F. Truman, William Tucker, John H. Wheeler, Samuel S. Wheeler, Jonathan Whitney, John D. Williams.


No. 1. Thomas Badger, Warden.—Lewis Lerow, Clerk, Inspectors.—Samuel Aspinwall, John Elliot, Seth Grammer, John SneUing, Joseph Wheeler. No. 2. Ezra E^ton, Warden.—Reuben Carver, jr. Clerk. Inspectors. — Benjamin Abrahams, Clark Brewer, Matthias Crocker, Eleazer Howard, Jesse Kingsbury. No. 3. Barzillai Hudson, Warden. —Caleb H. Snow, Clerk. Innfitctors.—WilUam D. Bell, Thomas Gould, Fred- erick Gould, Daniel Hersey, Eli Vezie. No. 4. Samuel Parkman, Warden.^S. F. McCleary, Clerk. //3«^ecfor6.— Benajah Brigham, William B. Callen- der, Benjamin Loring, John Hayner, Henry Williams. No. 5. Turner Phillips, Warden,— Andr.Cunningham,jr.C/(?rX-. Inspectors.—Eliphalet P. Hlartshorn, Ward Jackson, Geoi a:e Lane, John S. Perkins, Jonathan Thaxter. No. 6. William Minot, Warden.—Thomas W.Phillips, Clerk. Inspectors.—John A. Bacon, Adams Bailey, jr. Lu- ther Farwell, Thomas Howe. Joel Prouty. No. 7. Artemas Ward, Warden.—Charles P. Curtis, Clerk. Inspectors.—William Beais, Jonathan Howard, Wil- liam Lawrence, William Tileston, Isaac Waters. No. 8. Saml. P. Gardner, Warden.—Franklin Dexter, Clerk* Inspectors.—Samuel L. Abbot, Andrew Morton, Sol- omon Piper, Nathan Rice, Samuel A. Shed. No. 9. Samuel Dorr, Warden.—Samuel K. Williams, Clerk. Inspectors.— George G. Channing, Joseph H. Dorr, Jeffrey Richardson, James Sargent, I.ot Wheelwright. City Officers in Boston. 171

No. 10. Daniel Messinger, Warden.—Geo. W. Thayer, Cirrk, Ins/iectors.—E'Uvard Gray, Luke Uichardson, Jon- athan bimonds, Fiich Tutts, Tlioinas B. Wales.

No. 11. John T. Aptorp, Warden.— \ndrew Bradshaw, Clerk. Insflectora,—Daiiicl Baxtt-r, jr. Otis Everett, Payson

Perrin, Daniel Rhodes, ji . Josiah Stednian.

No. 12. William Dall, Warden.--lohn Dill, Clerk. Inspeciora.—Stephen Child, Oliver Fisher, I'homas Haskins, Thomas Hunting, Nathaniel Whittemore.

Committee of F'mancr.—Peter C. Brooks, Enoch Silsby, Isaac Winslow, and George W. Brimmer. Auditors of City Accounts.—Samuel Billings, Bry- ant P. Tilden, Moses Williams, Joseph Stoddard, arid Robert G. Shaw. Assay Master.—John Wells, Clerk & Insfiector of the Market, Nathaniel Meriam. Police Officer, Caleb Hay ward. Surveyors of Highways, Ephraim Marsh, Abram Bahcock, John Cotton. Hayivards and Hos^reeves. Joseph Cabot, William Andrews, Royal Oliver. Hayiveighcr, Samuel Phillips. Insp.ectorfi of Stone Lime., Francis James, Michael Homer. Si^muel Sprague. Pence Viewers.—Nathaniel Bradlee, Rolun Harts- horn, Romanus Emerson, Abel Hewnis, and John Howe, jr. Weigher of Beeffor South Boston, Lemuel Spear. Sumeyora of Boards and other Lumber, Nathaniel Bradlee, Thomas B; rry, William Clnustr.n, Noah Doggett, Th'ma'; Christie, \\'t'liam Greene, Richard Thayer, Nathaniel Glover, ne City Officers in Boston.

John Howe, jr. William Mills, Eleazer Homer Roluii Hartshorn. Edward J. Robbins, Allen Bowker, Henry Blake, Moses E lyres, jr. Charles Tuttle, Oliver Mills. Samuel Ellison, Perez Loring.

Cullers of Dry Fish. Nathaniel Howe, John F. Bannister, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Owen, Charles Pook, James Brown, William Spear, Jacob Barstow* Ebenezer Perry.

Cullers of Hoofis and Staves. Henry Purkitt, Nathaniel Howe, Benjamin Clark, Benjamin Owen, Charles Pook, James Brown. Surveyors ofHcmfi^ Samuel Emmons, John A. Shaw. Surveyors of Wheats Thomas Howe, John Tucker- man. Sealer of Weights and Measures^ Samuel Beals. Pound Ktefiersy Anthony Rowe and Thomas Ham- mond. City Crier^ James Wilson, Congress square.

Health Commissioners, President^ Benjamin Whitman. Secretary, John Winslow. Ward 1 George Darracot Ward 7 Henry Williams 2 Joseph Lewis 8 Benja. Whitman 3Thomas Howe 9 Berj;4min Darling 4 R. Kichards, jr. 10 Samuel Sanger 5 Benjamin French 11 John Thompson 6 John Cotton 12 Benjamin Stevens Princifial Physician^ Aaron Dexer, m. d. Assistant Physician, Thomas Welsh, m. d. Messenger ofthe Board, Humphrey Clark. [Health-Office in Faneuil-Hall] Assessors of Taxes, Francis Green, Nathan Webb, Samuel M. Thayer, City Officers in Boston, 173

Assistant Assessors, Henry G» Rice,_Frt^side?it, Caleb Eddy, Secretary, Ward 1 Kobert Fennelly 7J.ntUh;n Howard Caleb Eddy Elijah Morse 2 Benjamin Clark 8 Henry Chapman Samuel Penniman Joseph P. B» adlec 3 Thomas Gould 9 Edward Cruft Wm Sprague Henry Si g ourhey 4 Benj. Humphrey 10 Moses Wheeler Abel Adams Wm. H. Prentiss 5 Thomas Tilden 11 Jonith. Harrington William Simrnds Danl. Baxter, jr. 6 Henrv G Rice J2 Francis J-^ckson Joel Prouty Ohver Fisher Siiperv undcint of Ruryinff Grmnda^ Samuel H, Hewes, Office Faiieuii Hall. Undertakers. , Lynn street, James Hutchinson, back 27 Newbury street. Thi-mas Southwor^h, Short street. Martin Smith, Prospect street. John F. Newton, 29 Charter street. Ebenezer Claflen, Beach street. Nathaniel E, Bell, 19 Middle street, John Low, Lynde street. Z'-a. Skiilmore, Nassau street. Joseph Wiicutt, Sea street. Comfori Claflen, 30 Middle street, Thomas Murray, CatViolic Church, Constables afifiointed for one ypar to July, 1823. Eli^ha Copeland, 7 Pleas!st F.iis.'V, Glover, N.AIIen-st Solo. Twist, 4N.Russfcll-st Thos. Wallace, 8 Prince-st James Perkl s,29 North-st Jason Braman, Boylstcn-st Jona Prescott, Mill Pond. Ebenr. Shute, 49 Ship-st Wm. Dinsmore,37TudGr's GecrgeRobinson. Salem -st Buildirgs Jumes F\irce, Hawkins-st Thos. Holden, 32 North-st Jcded.,Sa wtell, Belknap st Wen.R Barker, Buttolph -St Asa Proutv.25Pinckney-st Georg. Reed, (Jcrrgt-st Abd Wheelock, 60 Myr-st Andr. Sanborn, P.splar-st Mite Linrou., 13 Btck-st Josiah Baldwin, Unity -st Michael Riley, Pinckney-st Horatin Bass, S. Bernett-st Ebenezer Hil!, Essex-st Job Drew, Btattle-str^et NeddyjCurtis, Sout.Boston, P 2 —

It4 Physicians and Surgeons in Boston.

Auctioneers. Licensed to July, 1823. Samuel L. Abbot Samuel Dana Luther Parks Henr.P. Andrews RichardEdwards Elisha Parks David Alby Charks Edwards John M. Parker George Bond David Forsaith Benjamin Poor Lemuel Blake Mosts Rogers John A. Bacon Silas Field Eliphalet Rogers James Bourguin Wm. Grjdley,jr. Leonard Rogers Theodore Barton Joseph W. Geyer John Roulstone Samuel Blagge Daniel Hersey Frink Stratton William Brooks Caleb Hayward Benjamin Seaver Geo. G.Channing Samuel Henshaw Augustus Story Derastus Clap Timo Hathaway Benjamin Tucker Saral.F. Coolidge Darius Holbrook John Tyler Chas D.Coolidge David Hale, jr. S. Whitwell, jr. J.L. Cunningham WilliamHartwell Charles Willis.jr. Thomas Clark Thomas K Jones Francis Wilby Martin Clap David Jones Henry White Charles Chester Ephraim Lock Ftrl. E.White Enos Cobb AbrahamLnnsing Sam I.G.Williams William Dehon David Marston Ephr. Whitney George L. Deblos George Noble Samuel Wolcott P. P.E.DeGrand Jacob Peabody Benja. Winslow

Committee of the City on the &ubj'ct of Pau/ierism, and a House of Industry in the City of Boston.

Messrs. James Savage, Henry J. Oliver, Francis Welsh, Thomas Howe, Abram Babcock, Samuel A. Wells, Benjamin Rich, John Beliows, David W. Child, John French, George Darracott. Hon. Josiah Quincy, Chairman. ———i—p——»—^——i———1——— PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, PRACTISING IN BOSTON. * Samuel Danforth, m. d. 3 Green street. * Isaac Rand, m d. Atkinson street. * David Townsend, m. d. Boylston street. * Thomas Weish, m. d Hancock street. * Aaron Dexter, m, d. Milk street. * Wi'l m Spoonev, m. d. Court street. * Wk1>. m Tp.galls, M. d. Common strvet, * Asa BuUflird, m. d. 84 Orange street. Physicians and Surgeons in Boston, 175

* John G. Coffin, m. d. Central court. * Jacob Gates, 13 Franklin street. * John Dixwell, m d. huHnch street. * James Jrtckson, m d 26 Sum nner street. * Benjamin ShurtI ff, M. d. 18 Hanover street* * John C. Warren, m. d. 7 Park street. * Horace Bean, a m. 24 Back street. * John (loiham. m. d. Common street. * Tiiomas I. Parker, m. d. Franklin street, * John Randall, m d. 5 Winter-street. * George C. bhattuck, m. d. Cambridge street, * John B Br'^wn, m. n. Common street. * Jacob Bigelow, m. d. Summer street. * Waiter Channing, m. d. B^ny street. * George Haywatd, m. d 66 Newbury street", * Gc-orpe Parkman, m. d. Cambridge street, * Amos Farnswor'h, m, d. Hanover street. * Ezekiel D. Cashing, m. d. Derne-street. * Asit Bucknam, a. m. Bedford street. * Theodore Dexter a.m. Middle street. * Williams. Bradford, m, d. Green street. * James Mann, m. n. Newbury street, * Abner Phelps, m. u. i'ongress street. * Samuel Clark, m. d. Cornhill. Zabdiel R. Adams, m. d. Congress streQ^. * 9olom»Sn D. Townsend, m.d. Middlecot street. * John Ware, m. d. 4 Sudbury street. * David Osgood, m. d. School street. * Nathaniel Ni!es, m.d. School street. Samuel A, ShurtlelT, m. d. Pemberton*s hilL * Enoch Hale, m. d. West street. * Samuel Adams, m.d. School street. * John W, Webster, m, d. CMmmon street. Edward Reynolds, a. m. Atkinson street, Woodbridge Strong m. d. Water street. John Jeffriejs, m d. Franklin street.

Thome's W Parsons, m . d. Winter street. * Josi?ih F. Flagg, m. d. Winter street. Shelometh S. Whipple, m. d. Summer street, (ieorge B. Dnane, m, d. Court street. Chand'er Robbins, m. d. Summer street John ?. Spooler, m. d. Court street. Caleb H. Snow, m. d. 10 Middle street, 17$' Banks in Massachusetts,

[The •boTe are the members of the Boston Medical Associfilion, arraBC' ed according t« seniority. Thoie with this mai'k * are fellows of tht lyiassachusem Medical Society.] Rufus L. Rarrus, Middle street. Dr. Hall, Ann street. John Dwight Court street. Surgeons Dentist^ W. P. Greenwood, Prrtland street. Thomas W. Parsons, Winter street, Thomas Barnes, 15 Hanover street. Moses F. Randall, Summer street.

BANKS IN MASSACHUSETTS AND MAINE,. Branch of United States Bank^ at Boston.

Wm.Gray, President. I Samuel Frothingham, Ca«Ai

Steph, Codm^in, JsTotary Public. \ G?o. Blake, Solicitor. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday. Massacnusetts Ba^ik, at Boston. Capital, §800,000.

Incorporated June 23, 1812, to continue till Oct. 1831. Officers elected on the 1st Wednesday in January.

William Phillips, Piestdent. \ Samuel Payson, Cafthicr^ Directors, Joseph Head, Aaron Dexter, William Parsons, Samuel H. Walley, Joseph Tilden, Edward Tuckerman, John Parker, jr. William D. Sohier, William Phillips, Isaac Winslow. Paying Teller, Edward Sharp. Receiving Teller, Thomas Hooper. First Book-Keefier, Nathaniel H. FurnejK. SccQnd Book'jKee/ifT, James Dodd. Banks in Massachusetts. 177

DincGunt Clerk, John FI. Bowes.

Messenger, J siah WiPard. j Porter, Maurice BugheCi Discount Days—Moodav and Thursday. Union Rank^ at Boston. Incorporated June 23, 1812, to con inue till Oct. 1831. [Capital, §800,000.] Directors elecied on the Isi Monday in October.

Thomas L.Wit"hrop,/^rm j vlhester Adams. C'«/2/(?r. Directors, John Odm, James Freeman, William De- hon, Benjamin M. Watson, Samuel Fales, WiHiam Loverip? jr. Jonathan Amory, jr. Rbem zer Pa rker, George Bunoue:hs, Jeremia'. Fitch, Benjamin West. Pa ifig and Receiving Teller, Samuel Parker. /'Vrs/' 8ook-Kee/ier, NHthaniel Emmons. Second do. Johnson Jackson. Discount Cierky William Furaess.

Messenger, Jon. than Trott j Porter, Benjam, White, Discount Days^Tuesday ajid Fi iday. Boston Bank.

Incorporated June 23, 1812. Charter to continue tjii the first Monday in October, 1831. [Capit^vl ggOO.OOO.] Officers elecied on the Isi Monday in October.

John T. Apthorp, President | Jos^ ph Chapman, Cash. Directors^ Nathan Appleton, Josiah Bradlee, Wil- liam Pratt, Paschal P.Pope, Isaac C. Pray, John Rich- ards, Robert G. Shaw, Richard D. Tucker, Thomas Wigtlesworth, Timothy Willrams. Solicitor for Loans on Bonds ^ Mortgages, W .SriWivan. First Teller, Robert Lash. SecoTid do. E. L. Frothingham. Pirst Book-Keeper, James L. Parker. Second do. James C, Wild. Discount Clerk, Thomys Powers. Messenger, Alexander Bowers. Porter, George Breckenridge. Discount Days—Tuesday and Friday. State Bank, at Boston, Capital 1,800,000 dels. Incorp. June 27, 1811- Chatter to continue 20 years. Officers elected on the 1st Monday h. Ortohpr^i

William Ward President^ \ George Homer, Cashier^ 178 Banks In Massachusetts.

Directors^ Jolm Brazer, Samuel Billings, Benjamin Bangs. E. A. Bourne, David W. Child, David Ellis, George Halkt, Charles Howard, W illiam Shimmin, Thomas K. Thomas. S(jI cit r Jam'^s T. Austin. Faying Teller, Chai les Sprague. Receiving I eller^ John Comerais, Fir,^t Book-Keefier^ Jonathan Call. Second do. William E. Vincent. Discf'un' CUrk, Gurdon Steele. MenstTigrry Thomas Pitts. Porter^ John | White.

(jirf- Discount Days, Monday and Thursday*

^^>nv- England Bank^ at Boston* [Capita!, one million dols.]

Nathl.Goddard,fr(?*M/ewr. | Eben.Froihingham,Cc«//. Directors^ Nathanitl Godd^rd, Samuel Dorr, John D. Williams, George Trott, , Lem- uel Shaw, Otis Everett, Htury Gasseit. Jesiah Mar- slia!!, Francis Stanton, R. Rogerson, B. Humphrey. Faying TvUer^ Charles Nichols. Receiving Ttllcr, Willard Williams. First Book-Keefier.Johu'i^nzro. Second do, Samuel Brewer. Discount Clerk, Gershom Ccbb. Assistant CUrk John D'll. Foreign Money Clerk, C. J. S.Co^'lcw. Forter^ AarcnBurbank. Messer.grr, Beia Huntins.. | i/^ Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday. Manufacturers and Mcchanicks Bank^ at Boston, [Capital, g750.000.]

John Phillips, Presiden. \ James Dalton, Cashier. Directors^ Jchn Phillips, Ebenezer T. Andrews, Thomas D. Braf'lee, Robert M. Barnard, Nathaniel Curtis, Jerentiah Gore, John Houston, Jonathan Hune- well, Tobias Lfrd, Israel Munson, Isaac Stevens, Tmiothy Walker.

Feller ^ Sirrnn E. Greene. Book-Keefitr^ Nathaniel Clapp, 3d. Discount Clerk, Martin Lane. Messenger Ist Porter, Charles Steams, jr. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday. Banks in Massachusettf. 119

Suffolk Bank, at Boston. Incorpotated Feb. 10. 1818. Cashier^ Eben .Francis, Prcii^/cw?. | Matthew ^.P^rker, Directors, Ebeii, Francis, Siml Appleton, Joseph Baker, Aaron Baldwin, John Beiknap, George Bond, Ebcn. Breed, S imuel Hubljard, VVilham L. mder, Wil- liam Lawr ;nce, John A. Lviwell, N. P. Russell. Teller, Nathl. H. Farness, jr. Book-Ke^jier, J. B. M'Cleary. Messenger Isf Forter, Natnaniei Freeman, jr. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturday. Eagle Bank, at Boston, [Capital, §500,000.]

Titus Welles, President. | H ctiry B. Stone, Cashier. Directors, Beniamia French, Wm. G'jddard, Henry Hall, Augustus Peabo ly, Enoch 6ilsby, John Skinner, William B. Swett, Benjamin Thomp>ion, Robert VVa- terston, Thomas West, John Wiilidms- Teller, F^enry Jaques Book-Keefier^ Joshua P. Blanchard. Messenger, Thomas L. Hutchinson. Discount Days, Wednesday and Saturday.

City Bank, at Boston. Incorporated Feb. 23, 1822. Charter to continue till the first Monday in October, 1831. [Ccipital, S500,000.]

Barney Smith, President, j John Pic:K.ens, jr. Cashier, Directors, Joseph H. Adams, Cieorge Brinley, Tho. Cordis, Pliny Cutler, Luther Faulkner, Phinthas Fos- ter> Jesse Putnam, Barney rjmiih, Josiah Sicdmao, Eliphalet Williams, S. K. Williams. Boston Money Teller, Elijah Davenport. Foreign Money Tdlcr, N ithaniei H. Stevenson. Book'Keefier, Benjamin Dodd. Messenger ^ Porter, Andrew Johonnot. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.

Columbian Bank, at Boston. Capital, §500,000. William Sturgis, Prenident. | William Coffiji,jr. Cas/i» Directors, William Appleton, Thomas Motley, Edmund Dwight, Amos Lawrence, Ebenezer Apple- ton, Samuel Whit well, jr. Phineas Upham, Warren Dutton, William H. Elliot, Augustus Thorndikej D. L. Pickman. 180 Banks in Massachusetts.

Teller, Thomas Swan. Book-Keefier^ Genrge Gushing.

Messenger y El>enezer Wild. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.

Mechanicks Bank in J^Teivburyfiort, Capital, §200,000. Discount day, Monday.

Incorporated June 23, 1812 ; to continue till Oct. 1831, Officers elected 1st Monday in October

John Pettingei, President } John R. Hudson, Cashier. Pherdx Danky Kantucket, Capital, §200.000 Incorporated Feb. 27, 1795. Charter rei\ewed to the 1st Monday in Oct-iber, 1831.'

Joseph Chase, President. } Philip H. Folger, Cashier. Nantucket Pacific Bank Capital, §200 000.

Officers elected on the 1st Monday in July. President, Aaron Mitchell, j James A.theari), Cashier. Newburyfiort Bank. Capital, §210 OCO. Officers elecied on th«- 1st Monday in Oct( ber.

William Bartlet, President j S-tUil Mulhkin, Cashier. Cumberland Bank, at Portland. C; nital, §200,000. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in June.

Albert Newhail, President. | Joseph Swift, Cashier. Bank of Portland. Capital, g.OO.OOO.

ArthurM'Lellan.President. | Alford Kichardson,Cashr. Salem Bank. Capital, §200,000. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in October. President. Moriarty, Cashier. Joseph Peabodv, | John Directors, John Derbv, John Osgood. Ichabod Nich- ols, Jonathan Hedges, Gideon Tucker, Stephen Phillips. Discount Davs, Monday and Phur^day. Merchants Bank at Salem. Capital, §200,000. incorporated June 1811. Charter to continue 20 years from the 1st Monday in October, 1811. Officers elected first Monclay in October, annually.

Joseph Storv, President. | J. W. Trtadwell, Cashier. Directors, Joseph Ropes, Joseph Winn, William Silsbee, Stephen White. E Iwanl Southwick, Tucker Deland, Nathan W. Neal, Jeremiah Bviggs. Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday, Banks in Massachusetts* 181

Commercial Bank at Salem. Capital §300,000. Nathl L. Rogers, Wiilard Peele, President. | Cashier. Directors, William Fcityplace, Pickedng Dodge, Oid .on Barstow, Robert Stone, Zechariah F. Siisbee, William Sutton, Edward Lander, John H. Andrews. Discount Days, Monday and Thursday.

G/oMce«^er, (Cape Ann) Bank. Capital, S 120.000. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in October annually.

President. | Joseph Alien, jr. Ca-iier. Beverly Bank. Capital, §100.000. Officers elected on the first Mo.Klay in October. Joshua Fisher, President. | A. rh< r'ndilce, Cashier. Bedford Coimnercial Bnnk., at A^ew-Btdford, Capiial, SlGO.GOO. Geo. Howland, President. Joseph Ricketson, | Cashier. Plymouth Bank\ Capital, §100,000.

Incorporated June 23. 1812 ; to continue till Oct. 1, 1831. Orticers elected on the first Mondav in January. William Davis, William Goodwin, Cashier. President. |

Saco Bank. Capita!, §120,000. Incorporated Jnne 23, 1812; and to continue to the first Monday in October, 1831. Officers elected on the first Mondav in October. T. G Thornton, President. | Samuel Pierson, Cashier. Kennebeck Bank, at HallonvelL Capital, §100 000. Incorporated June 23, 1812; to continue from October 1, 1812, to October 1, 1831. Eben. T. Warren, President. | Jesse Robinson, Cashier, Worcester Bank. Capital, ^200.000. Incorporated June 23, 1812 ; to continue 19 years from the first Monday in October, 1812. Officers elected on the first W^dnc^day in October. Daniel Waldo, President. | Samuel Jennison, Cashier. Taunton Bank, at Taunton, Capital, §100,000.

Incorporated June 23, 1812 ; to continue till Oct. 1, 1831. Jonathan Ingell, President, James \,. Hodges, Cashier, i Directors, Jonathan Ingell, Thomas S. Baylies, Sam uel Crocker, John West, Job Godfrey, , Fr4ncic Baylies, (ialen Hicks, Hoa.'Lab.m Wheutoq. Q 182 Banks in Massachusetts.

Marblehead Bank, Capital, glSO.OOO.

Incorporated June 23, 1812 ; to continue to Oct. 1, 1831. Officers elected or> the first Monday in October. Cashier. Katlianiel Hooper, President. | John Russell, Kennebunk Batik. Incorporated June 16, 1813. Joseph Moody, President. | Henry Clark, Cashier. Hawpshire Bank, at JVorthamfiton. Incor.June 16,1813. President, F. Cashier. Joseph Lyman, j H. Wright, Lincoln Bank^ at Bath. Incorporated June 16, 1813i President. Seth Trufant, Cashier. Samuel Davis, | Bath Bank. Incorporated June 16, 1813. President. Thos.D.Robinson,Ca6h. Joshua Wingate,jr. | Dedham Bank. Capital, §100,000. Incorporated Feb. 1814; to continue till Oct. 1831.

Willa?4 Gay, President. | Jabez Chickering, Cashier^ (ly* Discount Day, Fj iday. Augusta. Incorporated Jan. 21,18 14. Augusta^ Bank^ at Capital, SIOO.OOO. Crosby, Cashier. James Bridge, President. | Georg

Waterville Bank, at Waterville, Capital, jg 100^000. Incorporated February 12. 1814. President. Asa Redington, Cashier. Nathl. Gillman, I Gardner Banh, at Gardner. Capital, SlOO.OOO. Incorporated January 31, 1814. President. Sandtord Kings'mry, Cashier. Peter Grant, | Lynn Mechanicks Bank, Capital, 875,000. Incorporated Feb. 28, 1814. Oliver, Cashier. John Mudge, President. [ Benjamin S/iringJield Bank. Capits^l, §150 000. President. Howard, Cashier. John Hooker, | John AE!Ttcultural Bank, at Pittsfield, Capital, 'SlOO.OOO. Incorporated July, 18 18. Ezekiel R. Colt, Cashier. Thomas Gold, President. | Directors., Thonms Gold, Josiah Bissell, Henry C, Brown, Samuel D. Colt, Nathan Willis. Solicitor t Thomas A. Gold. Franklin Bank.

Jona. Lcavitt, President. ] Franklin Ripley, Cashier, Insurance Companies in Boston. 183

Bangor Bunk. Eliashib Adams, Cashier. Saml. E. Button, President. | Directors^ Saml. E Dutton, Eliashib Adams, Joseph Leavitt, Thomas A. Hill, John Barker. Pawtucket Bank. Capital, gSO.OOO. Oliver weather,Pres. Amos Tillinghast, Cash. Stark | A Incorporated June 14, 1814. Merrimack Bank, at Havtrhill. Capital, Sl50,000. David How, President. L. White, | Cashier. Incorporated June 14, 1814. Falmouth Bank. Capital, SlOO,000. Elijah Swift, Pn-sident. Sdmuel P Croswell, | Cashier. Bank of Passamaquoddy^ at Eaatfi&rt, Capital, SlOO.OOO. Incorporated June 19, 1819.

Jahez Mowry, President. | John Woodman, Cashier

" ' ' ' _ «» Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance Company, at Boston. Capital, jS400,000. Incorporated (originally, Jure 25, 1795) Feb. 13, 1799. Ofhccts elected on the last Wednesday in August. Snelling, President. Nathl. G. J Jacob Rust, Secretary. Directors, Jonathan Amory, Benjamin Bussey, Jonathan Chapman, Samuel Ccbh, David Ellis, Joseph Head, Joseph Hurd, Samuel Hamniond, Beniamin Joy, Jonathan Mason, Harrison G. Otis, Samuel Parkmah. Samuel Pakman, jr. David Sears, John Welles, Ar- nold Welles, Esqrs. Messenger, Moses B. Foster. Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Company^ at Boston. Funds, §300.000. Officers elected on the 1st Tuesdays in June. Incorporated March 1, 1798. Jonathan Hunewell, Pres, Andrew Cunningham, | Sec. Directors^ James White, John Phillips, Daniel Mes- singer, Redford W^ebster, Tumer Phillips. Thomas Dennie, Joseph Coolidge, ^oseph Tilden, Joseph Lov- ering, Eben. T. Andrews, Samuel Grre, Joseph Aus- tin, John D. Williams, Isaac Warren, (of Charles* town) Jonathan Phillips. Messenger^ George Humphries. 184^ Insurance Companies in Boston.

Boston Marine Insurance Company. Capital, §300,000. Incorporated Feb, 13, 1799, and to continue 40 years. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in January. George Cabot, President. Joseph May, | Secretary. Directors^ Joseph Coolirlge, Jonathan Davis, Francis Lee, Thonnas Parsons, William Prat':, John Prince, Daniel Savgent, Timuthy VViliiams, Thomas W. Ward, Thorrfas Wiggiesworth, George Cabot.

Messengery John Holbrook, jr. JVetV'England Murine Insurance Company^ at Boston, Capital, §300,000. Incorporated March 5, 1803; and to continue 20 years.

Officf rs electtd on the 1st Monday it, January.

James Hail, President. | John Waters, Secretary. Directors., P ter C. Broi^ks, Josiah Bradlee, James H .11, (iardner Greene, John Holl-md, Nehemiah Par- sons, Richar'j D Tucker, Joseph Tilden, Thomas L. Winthrop, Samuel H. W alley, Joseph Saunders, Beu- jamiii T. Pick man. Mesaenger^ George Golding.

Union Insurance Company y at Boston. C 'p\tal, S300,000. Incorporated March 28, 1804 ; a:)d to continue 20 jears. Offic rs elected on the 2d Monday lu January, Th^.mos Perkins, President. Samuel King, Secretary. | Directors.', Thomas Deniie, Edward Crutt, Wm. Shimmin, Samuel vSi elling, J. D. Williams. Mciisenger,^ Henry Pemberton.

Suffolk: Insurance Company^ at Boston. Incorporated 1818, for 20 years. Capital, 8300,000. John T.Apthorp, President. | William Hales, Secretary, Directors, John Belknap, Samuel Cabot, William Lander, Henry Lunt, Israel Munson, Henry Hubbard,* Enoch Silsby, Charles C. Parsons, J. W. Boot, Wil-' liam Ropes, George Searle. Messenger^ Stephen Withington. Merchants Insurance Company, Office, No. 74^ State Street. Capital, §300,000.

Incorporated Dec, 5, 1816 ; tor 20 years.

Joseph Balch, President. | Moses L. Hale, Secretary. Insurance Companies. 18^

Directors^ Nathaniel Curtis, William Goddard, Hen- ry Gray, Henry Hail, Abbot Lawrence, Josiah Mar- shall, Benjamin Thompssn, Titus Welles, Joshua Blake, Elijah Loring, Isaac Stevens, Charles VV. Cartwright jimerican Insurance Company. Capital, §300,000.

Francis J. OHver. President. ) George Hunt, Secretary. Direceorsy Samuel Appleton, William H. Boardman, Ebenezer Farley, Horace Gray, John Heard, jr. James Lloyd, Caleb Loring, P. P. Pope, Benjamin Rich, Rob^ ert G. Shaw, Isaac Winslow, Lot Wheelwright. Eagle Insurance Company, Office No. 74, State Street, Capital, §100,000* Incorporated June 16, 1820; for 20 years. Zebedee Cook, jr. President. Charles Stimpson.SecV)'. J Directors^ John Binney, William Dehon, Francis Watts, Tobias Lord, Ezra Bourne, Thomas B. Wales, Jesse Putnam. Columbian Insurance Company. Incorpornted Feb. 22, 1820. Capital, §300,000. Charles Bradbury, President. Thos. VVoobridge, J Sec» Directors, Beiij. P. Homer, N. P. Russell, Nathaniel Goddard, Charles Bradbury, Eben. F-.-ancis, Henry Signumey, Thomas H. Perkins, jr. William J. Loring, Samuel C. Gray. P/ianix Insurance Cotnpany. Joseph Otis, Agent. Office, No. 1, Congress Street. Private Insurance Offices in Boston.^ Lemuel Pope, jr. No. 72 State Street-^Charles Brad- bury, No. 16 State Street. Salem Marine Insurance Com/iany. Capital, §200,000. Incorporated June 9, 1800. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in July. Jacob Ashton, President. | Benj. Blanchard, jr. Sec, Commercial Insurayice Company^ Salem, Capital, §100,000. Incorporated June 12, 1818. Officers elected 2>) Monday in January. Gsorg« Cleaveland, President Benj. Rqpesjr. Sec'rj% J 186 Insurance Companies.

Merrimack Insurance Comfiany, Capital, SI 00 000, Officers elected on the 1st Tuesday in January.

Eben.Wiieelwnght,Pi esident. ) c^amuel Tenney,bec*ry.

E^sex Fire and Marine Insurance Company at Salem, Capital, S300 000. Incorporated March 7, 1803; to continue 20 years. Offici,TS el cted on the 1st Monday in July.

Nathl. Bowditch, President. | Benja. Pitman, i?ec'ry. Union Marine Insurance Comfiany, at Salem, Capital, §200,000. Incorp irated Feb. 24, 1804; to continue 20 years. Officers elected on the 2d Monday in April. Moses Townsend, President, Henry E. Mason, Sec'ry. | Beverly Marine Insurance Company, Capital, §100,000.

Incorporated June 20, 1809 ; to continue 20 years. Officers elected on tne 4th Monday in July. Robert Kantoul, President. \ Isuac Flagg, Secretary. Lincoln and Ktnnebeck Marine Insurance Company at Wi&casset,

Incorporated Feb. 12, 1803; to continue 20 years. Officers elected on the first Tuesday in March. Marblehead Insurance Company.

Incorpo'-ated March 8, 18^03; to continue 20 years. Officers elected on the first Monday in January.

Robert Hooper, President, j John Tretry, Secretary^ Marblehead Social Insurance Company, Incorporated June 17, 1809. President, John Sparhawk, Nicholas Bartlett, j Sec*ry. Gloucester Marine Insurance Company, Incorporated Jnne 22, 1803; to continue 20 years. Officers elected on the 1st Monday in May.

M'illiAna Pearce, President, j Wm. Saville, Secretary. Bedford Marine Insurance Company,

Incorporated Feb. 11, 1805 ;] to continue 20 years. Officers elected on the 2d Monday in April.

Joseph Ricketson, Pres't. | George Rowland, Seojretary^ .

Governors in the several Stales. 187

Phctnix Insurance Comfiany at Nantucket.

Incurp rated June 12, 1818 ; to cr5ntinue 20 years. Officers tlectecl 2d Monday in January. Capitcil, SlOO,000.

Hezekiah Bai*nard, Pres. | Daniel Coffin, Secretary.

Union Marine Insurance Comfiany at JVantucket,

Incorpuratcd June 21, 1804 ; to continue 20 years. Capital, S 100,000. William Coffin, Jalin Secretary. Pres. ) Cartwright,


Albion K. Paris, Maine. Samael Bell, New-Hampshire. John Brooks, Massachusetts, William C. Gibbs, Rhode-Island, Oliver Wolctt, Connecticut. Richard Skinner, Vermont. Joseph C. Yates, New-York Isaac H. Williamson, New-Jersey. Joseph Hiester, . Joseph H tslet, . Saiinuei S:evens, jr. Maiylaud. James Pleasants, jr. Virginia. Gabriel Holmes, North-Carolina. South-Caroiina, . John Adair, Kentucky. WiLiam Crrroll, Tennessee, Jeremiah Morrow, Ohio. Thomas B, Robrrtson, Louisiana. Walter Lertke, Missisippi. Wiiliam Hendricks, Indiana. Edward Coles, Illinois. Israel Pickeiis, Alabama. Alexander M'Nair, Missouri. TERRITORIES. Lewis Cass, Michigan. James Miller, Arkansas. William P. Duval, Floridas. mniten states Calendar*


JAMES MONROE, l l. d. President.

Daniel D, Tompkins, Vice-President. SENATE. Terms expire. Terms expire. Afamejohn Chandler, 1623 John Holmes, 1827 JV. Hampshire^ David John F. Parrott 1825 L. Morrill, 18 3 Maa9, James Lloyd, 1823 Elijah H. Mills. 1827 i?./.Neh.R. Knight, 1823 James D'Wolf, 1827 Con. JHnies Lanman, 1825 Elijah Boardman, 1827 Ver Wm. A.Palmer, 1825 Horatio Seymour, 1827 X. r. Rufus King, 1825 M.rtin Van Buren, 1827 NJ. Mah. Dickerson,1823 Samuel L. Southard, 1827 /'fnn. Walter Lowrie,1825 William Findlay, 1827 DtL Nich Van Dyke, 1823 Cesar A Rodney, 1827 Mar. Edward Lloyd, 1825 Samuel Smith, 1827 Virginia. 1823 James Barbour, 1827 A:C., 1823 Nathaniel Macon, 1825 5. C. Robt. Y. Hayne,1823 J. Gaillard. 1825 Geo. Nicholas Ware, 1823 John Elliott, 1825 ivVn.Rich.M. Johnson, 1823 Ishara Talbot, 1825 Ten. John Williams, 1823 John H. Eaton, 1827 0/izo,Ethan A Brown, 1825 benjamin Ruggles, 1827 L

Misii. T.H . Williams, 182 3 David Holmes, 1827 Illin. Jesse B Thomas, 1823 Ninian Edwards, 1825 Alab. Wm. R. King, 1823 John W. Walker, 1825 M«so. David Barton. 1825 Thomas H. Benton, 1827

Charles Catts, Secretary.

President's Salary, §25,000. Vice-President's, S5,000.

• By the Constitutiqn, the Vice-Piesidtnt is President of tbe Senate; l^ut has no voice, unless the Senate is equally div'ded. Each State is allowed the game number of Electors of Presidei t and Vice-President »i tbeir ivholc atunber of Senatori a&4 Repreienti^tiYei io Con|r«Hf Seventeenth Congress. 189 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Philip P. Baibour, of Virg.nia, Speaker. MAiNii sends 7. ^ Ebenez«^rHerrick * *J.sephD;ine *MarkL.Hiil W.D.Williamson Mark Harris NEW HAMPSHIRE 6. *Josiah Butler A r n Matson *Nathl. Upham Matthew Hirvey *Wm Piuiuerjr. Thos.Whipple,jr. VKRMONT 6. Samuel C Crafts *l

John Findlay James M'Sherry *ThomsJ •Rogers Thomas Forrest James S. Mitchell *John Sergeant Walter Forward Thos. Murray, jr. Andrew Stewart *.Samuel Gross *Thos. Patterson John Tod *JosepH Hemphill John Phillips 1 vacancy; Sami. D. Ingham George Plumer

DELAWARE 2. *Loais M*Lane Daniel Rodney

MARYLAND 9. *Thomas Bayly Raphael Neal Samuel Smith Joseph Kent John Nelson Hen.R.Warfield *Peter Little Philip Reed Robert Wright VIRGINIA 23. ^Mark Alexander James Jones Arthur Smith Wm. S. Archer Jabez Leftwich William Smith *Wm. L. Ball William M'Coy Alexand. Smyth *Phiiip P.Barbour *Chas. F. Mercer James Stevenson Burwell Bassett Thos, L, Moore Andr'w Stevenson *John Floyd Hugh Neison * George Tucker RobertS.Garnett *Thomas Newton Jared Williams •Edwa.B.Jackson *John Randolph 13. *W.S.Blackledge Thomas H. Hall Romulus Sanders H. G. Burton *Charles Hooks Lemuel Sawyer Henry Conner John Long Felix Walker Josiah Crudup ArchibaldM'Neill *Lewis Williams *Wel.N.Edwards

SOUTH-CAROLINA 9. John Carter George M'Duffie *Sterling Tucker Joseph Gist Thos. R. Mitchell John Wilson Andrew R.Govan Joel R. Poinsett Jas. Hamilton, jr.

GEORGIA 6. Feel Abbot George R. Gilmer Edw. F. Tattnall Robert R. Reid Wiley Thompson

KENTUCKY 10. Benja. Hardin T. Montgomery David Trimble Francis Johnson Anthony New Sa ml. H. Woodson John T. Johnson John S. Smith J.D»Breckenridgf Thos. Metcalfe Eighteenth Congrew. 191

TENNESSEE 6. Robert Allen *Newton Cannon *Francis Jones *Henry H. Bryan *John Cocke •John Rhea OHIO 6. Levi Barber David Chambers *John Sloane *Jno.W.Campbell Thos. R. Ross Joseph Vance LOUISIANA 1. Josiuh S. Johnston. INDIANA 1. . Missisippi 1. *Christopher Rankin. ILLINOIS 1. *Daniel P. Cook. ALABAMA 1. Gabriel Moore, MISSOURI 1. *John Scott. DELEGATES OF TERRITOaiES. MICHIGAN 1. *Solomon Sibley, ARKANSAW 1. James W. Bates. FLORIDA 1. Joseph M. Hernandez. Matthew St. Clair Clc»rk, Clerk,

EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. SENATE. Ne'^ii- Hampshire^ Samuel Bell. Kentucky^ Richard M. Johnson, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. NEW HAMPSHIRE SCnds 6. Ichabod Bartlett *Aaron Matson *rhs.Whipple»jr. *Matth, Harvey *Wm. Plumerjr. one vacancy. VERMONT 5. tWm. C. Bradlee *SamuelC.Crafts *Charles Rich D. A. A. Buck *Rol. C. Mallary

RHODE-ISLAND 2. Job Darfee *Samuel Eddy NEW-YORK 34. John W. Cady Jas. L. Hogebtom i James Strong C.C.Cambreleng Lenuel Jenkins *Jf hn W. Tavlor Ldt Clarke *John J. M.r^an *S V.^nRensselaer Hect r Craig Dcivid Hussell *W.\V.Van\Ayck Lewis Eaton P t(>r Shurpe *Silas v^^ood entries A. Foote fHeiiry R. Storrs dec. 6cc. &c. John Herkimer

• Membws of 17th Conpresi. t Members of some former Congi-es »^ 192 Eighteenth Congress.

NKW-JERSEY 6. *George Cassedy D:iniel Garrison *James Matlack Lewis Condict *George Holcomb ^Samuel Swan PENNSYLVANIA 26. James Allison Robert Harris *George Plumer Samuel B^eck *Joseph Hemphill *ThomasJ.Rogers *J' jhn Brown *Saml. D. Ingham Andrew Stewart *Jas. Baciiannan Ge« rge Kreamer *John Tod *S tmuel E 'wards Snmnel M'Kean fDaniel Udree Wiiliam C. Elis Philip S. Markley Isaac Wayne Patrick F .rreliy Daniel H Miller Henry Wilson John F'lullay JamesS.Mitchell James Wilson *WalterForward Thos. Patterson

DELAWARE 1. Louis M'Lane MARYLAND 9. Wm.HaywardJr. Peter Little Samuel Smith Josepn Kent Geo. E. Mitchell John S. Spence John Lee Raphael Neale *H. R. Warfield

GEORGIA 7. *Jo2l Abbot Alfred Cuthbert Edw. F. Tatnall George Gary jJohn Forsyth WileyThompson tThos. W. Cobb KENTUCKY 12. Ricli'd.A.Bnckner John T. Johnson Philip Thompson fHenry Clay Robt.P. Letchler David Trimble Robert P. Henry * Thos. Metcalfe David White ^Francis Johnson Thomas P. Moore Chas. A.Wickliffe OHIO 14. Mordecai Bartlett William M'Lean S?^muel F. Vinton fPhilem. Beecher John Patterson Elisha Whittlesey J. W. Campbell Thomas R. Ross William Wilson Jas. W. Ciazlay John Sloane John C. Wright Dunc:inM'Arthur,*Joseph Vance

LOUISIANA 3. William L. Brent Henry H. Gurley Edw. Livingston

INDIANA 3. Jonathan Jennings William Prince John Test MissisiPPi I. Christopher Rankin. ILLINOIS 1. Daniel P. Cook. MISSOURI 1. John Scott. Secretaries of Departments of U.S. Govt. 193 SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS. State, John Q. Adams, (Mass.) Salary, §6000 C7iuf Clerk, Daniel Brent. Treaaury, \\ illiam H Crawford, (Geo.) 6000 C/iie/ Clerk', Edward Jones. War, John C. Calhoun, (S. C.) 6000 C/ii'J Cltrk, Ctiristopher Vandeventert Kavy, Smith 1 hompson, of New- York. 6000 Lhitf Cierk, Benjamin Homans. TREASURY OFFICERS.

First Comptroller, Joseph Anderson, (Ten ) 3500 Second do. Richard Cults, (Maine.) 3000 First Auditor, Richard Harrison, (Vug.) 3000

Second do. William Lee, (Mass ) 30OO Third do. Peter Hagner, (Penn.) 3000 Fourth do. Constant Freeman, (Mass.) 3000 Fifth do. Stephen PleasoDtou, (Del.) 3000 Treasurer, Thomas T. Tuck-r, (S. C.) 3oOO Ffg7ster^ Jv-seph Nourse. (Virg.) 3000 Com?nistioner*8 Land Office, John M'Lean,(Ohio) 3000 GENERAL POST OFFICE.

Post-Master Gen, Return J. Meigs, jr. (Ohio.) 4000 Assistant do. Abraham Bradlee, (Conn.) 2500 Bo. do, Phineas Bradiee, (Conn.) 2300 MINT. Director, Robeit Patterson. 2000 Treasurer, James Rush. 1200

Salaries of sundry Officers in Massachusetts Gov- ernment,

Governor, jg3666,67 Litutenant-Govevnpr, -.-...,. 53'<,33 Chief Justice of tbe S. J. Court, ---..-. 3600,00 Four other Justices of S. J. Court, each .... - 3000,00 TreasurtT, ----..-.... 2000,00 Secretary, 2000,00 Rcpoiter of Decisions in S.J. Court, . . . - . 1000,00 Adjutant-Geneial, ----..-.. 2000,00 Auorney-Ger!-iai, 2000,00 Solititor-Gei.t'p.l, 2000,00 Cy.inseilors, Senators, and Representatives, two dollars each for each s da) ntttntlai.ct . ar.d two dollars for every ten milts navel.—President of ihe Senate and Speaker of the House, four dollars per day for each day's attendance. R 194 of U. S. and District Officers.


John Marshall, Firg. ChiefJustice. Salary JgSOOO.

jls^Qciate Judges. Salary, §4500 each. Brockholst Livingston,7V!/. Thomas Todd, Kentucky, Bushrod Washington, Vir. Gabriel DuvalUAfary/anrf. William Johnson, S.Caro. Joseph Story, Massachus. Attorney General, William Wirt, of Virginia. Salary, §35 00. Refiorter of Decisions, Htmy Wheaton, (N.Y.) glOOO, Clerks Elias B. Caldwell, Delaware. DISTRICT OFFICERS.

Maine, Ashur Ware, Judge. Ether Shepley, Attor- ney. Thomas G. Thornton, Marshal. John Mussey, jr. Clerk. JVeiV' Hampshire, John S. Sherburne, Judge. Daniel Humphreys, Attorney. Michael M'Cleary, Marshal. P. R Freeman, Clerk. Massachusetts, John Davis, Judge. George Blake, Attorney. Samuel 1). Harris, Marsihal. Horatio Bass, Deputy Marshtl. Marshars Office, Old Court-House, Court-strcet.- John W. Davis, District Clerk. Office Old Court- House, Court Street. Rhode- Island, David Howell, Judge. , Attorney. Ebenezer K. Dexter, Marshal. Benjamia Cowell, Clerk. Connecticut, Pierpont Edwards, Judge. Hezekiah Huntington, Attorney. Andrew Hull, jr. Marshal. Vermont, Elijah Paine, Judge. William A. Gris- wold, Attorney. Heman Allen, Marshal. A'eiv-Tork, South District, Wihiam P. Van Ness, Judge. Robert Tillotson, Attorney. Thomas Morris, Marshal. James Dill, Clerk. North District, Roger Skinner. Judge. Jacob Sutherland, Attorney. J .lin W. Livingston, Ma.rshal. JVewJersey, Wm. S. Pennington, Judge. Joseph M'lllvaiue, Attorney. Oliver W. Ogden, Marshal. .

Judiciary of U. S. and District Officers. 195

Pennsylvania^ J Richaid Peters, Judge. . (East Charles J. Inget soil, Attorney. John Conard, Mar^haL Pennsylvania^ ( West) Jo! athan H. W alker, Judge. Alexander Brackenbndge, Attorney. Hugh Davis,

Marsh:. I. Delaivare^ John Fisher, Judge. George Keed, jr. Attorney. James Brobson. Marshal. A/a ^/uwrf, TheMo,rick Bland, Judge. Elias Glenn, Attorney'. Paul BentaUm, M^ rshal. Virgcnia (EastJ St. Ge- rge Tucker, Judge. Rob- ert Stanard, Attorney. John Pfgram, Marshal. Virginia, ( WestJ John G. Jackson, Judge. Jacob Beesori, Attorney. Benjamin Reeder, Marshal.

J^orth- Carolina y Henry Potter, Judge. Thomas P. D. vereux, Attorney. Beverly Daniel, Marshal. South- Carolina, Judge. John Gads- den, AUnrney. Morton A. Waring, Marshal. James Jewev, Clerk. Giorgia^ Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge. Richard W. Habersham, Attorney. John H. Morel, Marshal. Kentucky^ Robert Trimble, Judge. George M. Bibb, Attorney. John T Mason, Marshal. East-T nnesse, John M'N iry, Judge of both Dis- tricts. Prio- Lea, Attorney. Charles J. Porter, Marshal; West-Tennessee, Henry Crabb, Attorney. Robert Purdv, Marshal. Ohio^ Charles \V. Bird, Judge. John C. Wright, Attorney. W.lliam Doi'ghertv, Marshal. LouifiUina, John R Dick, Judge. John W. Smith, Attorney. J: 1m Nicnols<;n, Marshal* Indiana, Benji^min Parke, Judge. Charles Dewey,

Attorney. John Va wter, ^la • sha i Mif!sisif-ifiU William B. Shields, Judge. William B* Griffith, Attorney. V\ .IterM. Leak, Marshal. Illinois, Nathaniel Pope, Judge. Jepthah Hardin, Atton ey. Henry Coner, Marshal. Mabama , Judge. William Crawford,

Attorney. . Talliaftrio Livingston, Marshal. Dist. Co/wm. Wm Cranch, Chief Judge. Buckner Thruston, and James S. Morsell, Assistant Judges, Thomas Swann, Attorney. Te* ch Ringgold, Marshal. Missouri, James H. Peck, Judge. Joshua Barton, Attorney. Henry Podge, Marshal, 196 Sittings of the Federal Courts.

SITTI^GS OF THE FeDERAL CoURTS. SUPREME COURT. At the seat of Government, the first Monday in Feb- ruary annually. CIRCUIT COURTS.

"When any of the following: days happen on Sunday, the Court is to be holden on the Monday following. FIRST CIRCUIT. In J\ftm-Hawpshm ^ <\\. Portsmouth, on the first of

May ; and at Exeer on t e first of October. \\\ Hhodc-Idand; at Providence, on the 15th day of November ; and at Newport, on the 15th day of June. In Massachufi^tts. at Boston, May 15. and'Oct. 15th.

In yfaine, at P rtland, 8th of May ; and at Wiscas- sett, 8th of October. SECOND CIRCUIT. In Connecticut, at Nt- ".ILi' ui, on the 13th day of April; and at Hanford, on the I7th of September. In Vermont, at Windsor, on the 1st day of May, and at Rutland, >n the 3d dav of October. In JS^fw-York, :it Nen-York, April 1, and Sept. 1.

DISTRIC i COURTS. In Maine, at Portland the first Tuesday in June, and

^he 1st Tuesday in December ; and at Wiscasset, the I'^st Tuesdav in February, and 2d Tuesday in Sept. In JSTeio-Hamfishire^ at Portsmouth, 3ri Tuesday in

March antl September ; and at Exeter, 3d in June and Decern ber. In Vermont, at Windsor and Rutland, 1st Monday in Februiirv and August, and 2d Monday in May and November. In Massachusetts, at Boston, 3d Tuesday in March, and 4th in June, second in September, and first in De- cember. In Rhode- Island^ at Newport and Providence, first M rtidays in February and August, and 1st Mondays in May and November. In Connecticut, at New-Haven, 3d Tuesdays in Feb- ruarv and August ; at Hartford, 3d Tuesdays in May and N; vember. Exclusive of the above-mentioned stated Courts, the Population of London, &c. 187

District Judges have po-s^er to hold special Courts, in their respective Districts at their discretion.

Counsellors and Mt^meys in the Circuit Court, Massachusetts District. Rufus G. Amory Henry- Cnbot Samuel D. Ward E. S Livermore Samuel Hubbard Samuel E. Smith Haf-rison (i. Otis Lemuel Shaw Octav. Pickering William Prescott Jo^. E. Sprague William Gale Thos. Williams August, Peabody Fra cis Basset Horat. Fownsend D vid Cummings Stephen Hooper John Phillips VVm. D Sohier Wm. P. M ison George Blake Johr Stuart Harrison(l.()tis,]r Benja. Whitman D SGreenough,ir. Dav. A. Simmons John Callendar Benjamin Guild Kilborn Whitman Josiah Quincy Sam K. WilHams Loammi Baldwin Samuel Haven Phineas Blair William Parker Joseph Rowe Saml. L. K!.^;pp Elijah F.Wallace Eb nf'zer Gay William A. Fales John Pickering William Sullivan Benja. Gorham Benj. R. Nichols John Heard, ir. Alex. Townsend Wm. Simmons Wm P. Whiting Lever. Saltonstall Charles P. Curtis Peter O.Thacher Josiah P. Co ke Francis C. Gray Warren Outton William Minot James C. Merrill Saml. D. Parker John Knapp Thomas Power Thos. Welch, jr. Ebenez. Moseley Cyrus \lden James T. Au sin William \ustin Wm. J.Spooner Wm.C. Avlwin Elijah Morse Charles G. Loring Saml.F M'Cleary Sh^'rman Leland Alexander Bliss Joseph E. Smith Samuel B. Barrell 2[/echariah Eddy George Sullivan Henry Orne

Pofiulatton^ kc. of London, Xumber Meetings and Dissenting: Do. Servants at all times out of Chapels, 360 place, 10,000 Do. Chapels for Foreigneri, 43 Do. annual depredations, /2,000,000 Do. Synagogues, 6 Annual Charities in London and Do. Asylums for the Indigent, 123 vicinity, 750,000 Do. do. for the sick and lame, 24 The poor rate expenditure for Do. Friendly Societies, 704 the year 1816, /716,813 Do. Dispensaries for the Posr, 13 Bank of England note, in circu- Do. Persons cununitted annually lation, /18,000,000 for trial, 2,500 Of these, in l\ & 12 notes, 5,500,000 Do. of Persons who rise evei-y The yearly produce of landed morning without knowing how property as stated in the House to subsist during the day, 20,000 of CommoBs liy Mr Kinir. 11^76, Do. Ak Houjes, "Sj^Sl \ 13,000,000 R 2 198 Navy Officers of the Uaited States. J^AVF REGISTER.

Corrected at the Navy Department, Washington^ October, 1822. COMMISSIONERS OF THE NAVAL BOARD. John Rogers, President. Isaac Chauncey. Salary $3,500 each. J. K, Pauldiwg, Secretary. Salarj, $2000. CAPTAINS. John Rogers Samuel Evans Chas. G. !lidgely James Barron Jacob Jones Robert T. Spence VVm. BaiRbridge Charles Morris D^nl.T.Pattersoa Thomas Tingey Arthur Sinclair Samuel Angus C vdiies Stewart Ttis.Macdoaough M. T. Woolsey Isaac Hull Lew. Warri.igton John O.Creighton Isaac Chauncey J sephBainbridge Edw. Treichard John Shaw Wm. M. Crane John Downes John H. Dc-nt Jas. T. Leonard John D. Henley David Porter James Biddle Jesse D. Elliot MASTERS COMMANDANT. Robert Henley Geo. W. Rogers Jesse Wilkinson Stephen Cassin George C. Read George Baud James Renshaw Henry E. Ballard Thus. A. C. Jones David Deacon William Carter Jos. S. M'Phersoa Lewis Alexis Jos. J Nicholson John Porter Sidney Smith WolcotChauncey William B. Finch Thomas Brown Edm. P. Keni.edy Wm. B. Shubrick Saml. Woodhouse Alexin. J.Dallas Benj.W. Booth C.C.B.Thompson John B. Nicholson Alexand. Claxton A. S. Wadsworth B. V. Hoffman Chs. W. Morgan LIEUTENANTS. FrancisJ.Mitchell David Connor Wm. H. Cocke RaymondHPsrry John Gallagher MatthewC.Perry Lawren. Kearney Thos. H, Stevens Chas.W. Skinner Wm. H. Watson Hen. S. Newcomb Joseph Wragg Foxhall A.Parker James P. Oellers Saml. W. Adams Edw. R. M'Call Wm. M. Hunter Fred. W. Smith Daniel Turner John D. Sloat Otho Norris Navy Officers of the United States. 199

John T. Newton WilliamV.Taylor J. D. Williamson Samue! Henley Mervine P. Mix Uriah P. Levy Joseph Smith Bladen Dul'-»ny Enoch H. Johns Lawren Rousseau James M*Gowan C harles Lacy GeorgeW. Storei* SilasH.Stringham Clem.W. Stevens Joseph Cassin N.L.Montgomery Charles Boarman Robert M. Rose VV.\.C.Farragut French Forrest Beverly Kennon Geo.B.M'Culloh Edgar Freeman Edw. R.Shubiick Steph. Champlin W.E.M'Kenney Charles A. Budd William Lowe William J. Belt Fran. H. Gregory R. G. Edwards Chas. H.Caldwell John M Maury Isa .c Mayo William Jameson Robert Spedden Wm. K. Latimer James W. H. Ray John H. Clack William Mervine William Boeruni Philip F. Vorhees Thomas Crabb Cs. L.Williamsoti Benjamin Cooper Edw. B. Babbit Charlf^s Gaunt Wm. L. Gordon G. W. Plamersley Wm. W. Ramsay Silas Duncan ThomasPaineJr. Ralph Vorhees James Ramage JamesArmstrong Alexan Eskridge Dulany Forrest Joseph Smoot Eben, Ridgeway John I'ayioe, jr. Robt. B.Randolph Thos. A.Conover David Geissinger William Berry Arch .S.Campbell RobertF.Stockton Saml. L. Breeze William Taylor T.S.Cunningham John Evans John C. Long Isaac M'Keever Benj. Page, jr. Henrv R.Warner J. P. Zlantzinger John T. Ritchie Jiiin H. Graham Chas. E. Crowley John A. Wish Nathl. Carter, jr. Henry Gilliam John Gwinn Henry Ward William D.Salter Wm. A. Weaver H^nry Henry Chs. S. M'Cawley Thos.W.Wyman Sam. W .Downing John H. Bell James L. Morris Rich. S. Hunter Thos. M. Newell AndrewFitzhugh Wm. Pottengep Elie A. F.V alette Wm.M.Caldwell Henry W. Ogden Wm. A. Spencer John K. Carter John H. Lee F) ancisB.Gamble Joseph Cross Walter Abbott Wm. L^ughton Abr. S. Ten Kick Jhs. M. M'Intosh Kelson Webster T. S. Hamersley Josiah Tatnall Richard Dashiel John White- William Temple Thomas T.Webb Wm. M. Robins Geo. M 'Caw ley John Percival Robert Field Hugh N. Page John H. Aulick Hiram Paulding John A. Cock 200 Navy Officers of the United States.

William Inmaa James E. Legare Fred.G.Wolbert Joel Abbot Joshua R. Sands WalterNewcomb Lewis E. Simonds Allen Griffin Toseph R Jarvis John M. Dale Richd. M. Potter Thos.W. Freeloti Har, H. Cocke John L. Cumings Pard.M. Whipple William H. Mott Fred. S. G.bbon James Williams Wrn. J.M'Cluney John Jay Young S. W. Le Compte Albert G. Wall Charles H. Bell Charles T. Piatt Eph.D.Wh:tlock Abraham Bigtelow W.MArmstrong James F. Curtis Olho.Stall ings Wm. F. Shields James Good rum Zach~ W. Nixon G F. Pendergrast J. B. Montgomery Henry C. Newton N C. Nicholson Hor xe B Sawyer Frank EHery James B. Cooper Corn. K. Stribli.ig Freder. Varnum Jno.W.Sherburne

SURGEONS. Edward Cutbush Hyde Riy William Swift Saml.R, Marshall VV. B. Buchanan Richd.K.Hoftman Lewis Hee; !>.an Charles Cotton Thomas B Salter Jos.G. T Hunt Gerard Davers Wm Barnwel),jr. Jonathan Cowdiy Robert R. Barton Peter Christie Samuel D. Heap Benja. P. Kissam Chas, M. Reese Robert L. Thorn John A. Kearney Samuel Jnckson Wm. P.C. Barton Richard C. Edgar Andrew B. Cook George Loran B lily VVashini!;ton John H. Gordon Amos A. Evans G^ o. T. Ken n on Leonard Osborne Robt. S. Kearney Walter W. New Thos. Williamson James Page Robt.C. Randolph John Dix Thomas Harris Chas. B Hamilton Geo. S. Sproston William Turk Usher Parsons Elnathan Judson

SURGEONS' MAT ES. John Harrison James Norris Davids. Edvvards Pvlanuel Philios Beiiajah Fickner Mordecai Morgan JohnDArmstrong Chirles Chase Francis S Beattie Benjamin Austin T.V.VVeisenthal Joseph Kenz John W. Peaco Wm. Birchmore James Cornick A.M Montgomery John S. Wiley Rob.F. Dandrdge OUv.LeChevalier James R. Boyce Wm. Williamson Benj. A. Welles Richard Stevens Wm. D, Babbitt Wm. D. Conway John Fitzhugh, jr Navy Officers of the United States. 201

PURSERS. Isaac Garretson James M. Halsey Timothy Winn Clements. Hunt Edw F-tzgMald William M Sands Gwinn Hams Alex P. Darrah Joseph H Terry John H. Carr Wm. S. Rogers Thomas Breese Nathaniel Lvde Samuel P. Todd Gardner Thomas Saml. Hambleton Gcvirge Beale, jr. A. Y. Humphreys Rol^t. C. Ludlow JamtisH Clark John Debree J. B. Tinnberlake Jcisfph VVilhon, jr. Charles O.Handy Thomas I. Chew Jos. b. Wilkinson Silas Butler Thomas Shields Ben. F. B; urne Edward N. Cox Richtl. C Archer William Sinclair Nathl. H. Perry Lewis Deblois Matth.C.Attwood J.N Hambleton, act Georg' S Wise John N. Todd Joseph Watson'* Fran. A.Thornton CHAPLAINS. Andrew Hunter Nathl. Andrews James Everett Davzd P. Adams John Ireland Addison Searle John Cooke James Brooks M.B.Chase, Actg. Cheever Felch NAVY AGENTS. John L. Storer, Pordand, Maine. Enoch G. Parrott, Portsmouth, N. H. Amos Binney, Boston, Mass. Joseph Hull, Midciietown, Conn. Robert Swartwout, New York. George Harrison, Philadelphia. James Riddle, New Castle, Del, James Beatty, BJtim&re. John Randall, Annapolis, Md. Mdes King, Norfolk, Va. John Robertson, Charleston, S. C. John P Hf-nry, Srivarnah, Gea Joseph H. Hawkins, New-Orleans. Richard M'Call, Mediterranean. Baring, Brothers, & Co. London. Note. Navy Assents receive one per. cent.' on their expenditure*, not to exceed two tiiousaud doUan.

N.WAL STORE KEEPERS. John P. Decatur, New York, Tunis Craven, Ports- mouth, N. H. George Bates, Charlestown, Mass. Rob- 202 Navy Officers of the United States. crc Knnedv, Philadelphia, Edward W.DaVall, Wash- ington City, rhoT^as Dulton, Gosport, Va. Samuel T. Anderson, New Orleans. NAVAL CONSTRUCTORS. William Douglitv, Washington City, John Floyd, New Y<.rk, S muel Humphreys, Philadelphia, Francis Gnce, Gosport, Va. NAVY YARDS. At Washingron. Thomas Ti)gey, captain com- Cassin, master mandant an i navy i gent,—Stephen com.—James Owner, heat! carpenter.—J hn Davis, of A')el, ,>lumber and blacksmith.—WiUiam Santord,head S3.]) m<\lct*T* At Philaddfihia. Wil i im Bdnbridge. captain com. A^ Vo folic, Wm. M. Crane, caotain comnjandant. A' Yew-York Saumel Evms, capt. commandant. At (7iu-lestown, Ma.^s. Isaac Hull, captain com.


Richard Y. Auchmuty Thomas B. Barton

James iidelin G • ge Vs W aiker P. G. How e, A. & I. Chi isitopner C. Floyd Riciiarci i). Gieea Chailts Grynics E iiah J. Weed George D. Brewerton Josepii C Hiiil Ward MarsLdP Wi lum W. Uuiany Charles C. Tupper Tliomas S. English Augujtus A. Nicholsai Henry W. Gardner SECOND LIEUTENANTS. James M 'Caw ley, jr. Richira Uouj^lass Benjamin Macomber Job G. W iliiams George Cooper Charles F. Spering Abraliarn N. Bre-^vort Alvm Edson Samuel S. C(^jeman Marcel us M Little Andrew Ross Horatio N. Crabb Stephen M. Rogers John Locory Wiliinm A. Boodgocxi

VESSELS OF WAR OF THE UNITED STAIES. LINE OF EATTEE SHIPS. CORVETTES. Independence, 74 John Adams, 24 Washington, 74 Cyane, 24 Fr.inkhn, 74 Coiumbus, 74 SLOOPS OF WAR, Ohio, 74 Hornet, IS 18 North Carolina, 74 Ontario, Delaware, 74 Erie, IS Chippewa, 74 Peacock, 18 New Orleans, 74 Alert, ciore ship, FRIGATES FIRST CLASS. BRIGS. Crristitution, 44 Enterprise, 12 United States, 44 Spark, 12 Guerriere, 44 SCHOONERS. Java, 44 Nonsuch, 6 Paiomac, 44 Grampus, 12 -FRIGATES SECOND CLASS. Dolphin, 12 Congress, 36 Shark, 12 Constellation, 36 Porpoise, 12 M-'.cedui.ian, 36 Asp, receiving vessel. Fulton Steam Frigate, 30 Lady of the Lake, GUN BOATS. Numbers 95. 8, 72, 76, 358, 168.— 1 gun each. 204 Pay, &c. United States Navy.


Qf the Pay and Subsistence allowed to Officers in the JVavy of the United States.


Captain of a vessel of 32 guns and upwards, Captain of a vessel 20, and under 32 guns, - - Master Commandant, - Lieutenant Commanding, Lieutenant, - - _ _ Chaplain, - - - - - Surgeon, - - - _ - Surgeon's Mate, - - - Sailing Master, - - - Purser, ----__ School Master, - - - Boatswain, - - _ - Gunner, - - - > _ Sail Maker, - - - -

Carpenter, - - - _ . Midshipmen, - - - - Master's Mate, - - - Captain's Clerk, - - - Boatswain's Mate, - - Carpenter's Mate, - - Cockswain, - - « _ Quarter Gunner, - - - Quartermaster, - - - Master at Arms, - - _ Armourer, - - - . _ Steward, - - - _ - Cooper, - - - _ Cook, Army of the United States. 205 ARMY REGISTER.

Corrected at the Adjutant-General*s Office at Washington^ Nov. 1822. GENERAL STAFF. Jacob Brown, Major-General. Etlmund F. Gaines, Brig. Gen. Major-General . Winfield Scott, do. do. Thos. S. Jesup, Brig. General & Quarter Mast. General, Adj. General. John E. Wool, Inspector-General, Colonel. S. B. Archer, do. do. William Linnard, Quarter-Master, Major. Henry Stanton, do. do. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTx'klENT.

Colonel^ Georg^e Gibson, com. gen. subsist. Col. Staff. PORCHASINO DEPARTMENT. Callender Irvine, com. of pur. PAY DEPARTMENT. Colonel N. Townson, Paymaster General. Thomas Wright, Paymaster, Captain^ Asher Phillips, do. ^06 Army of the United States.

ji'isistanc Surgeons, Geo. W. Maupia Geo. C. Clitherall C. A. Finley Jo.-^ojn Goodhae/ Squire Lea Chas. AiCndenhail Ja ji^x H. >argent Joseph P. Russell R. M. Coleraaa S\lv-slerDay Rich. Weightman Benjamin King Williaai Turner I. P. C. Macmahon A. P. Meirill Huason ' 'atlett Wm. Beaumont H. F. Hall Foster Swift Wm. H. NicoU Prestley H. Craij Freuch T. I C. Monroe Robert John Jackson Sa .»uel B. Smith James Cutbush John A. Bpereton James '/lano W. S. Comstock Henr> Stevenson J. Wallace Richard Randall Mordecai Hale William Stewart Geo. B. M^Knight Rich. S. Satterlee Joseph Eaton Lyman Foot Zina Pitcher B. Delavan Thomas P, Hall W. E. Lane:don Robert Archer S. H. Littlejohn Robert McMillan

KlTGlNEEtl DEFARTMENT. Cor/is of Engineers. Alexander Macomb, Chief Engineer, Maj. Gen. brevet. General Simon Bernard, Assistant Engineer. Lieutenant-Colonel, Charles Gratiot,

Aiajors. i J. G. Totten, Lt. Col. br. Samuel Babcock.

Ca/iCains. Sylvester Thayer, Maj. br. T W. Maurice R. E De Rus?ey, br. Hipol Dumas Frederick Lewis John L. Smith First Lieutenants, Hor. C. Story, br. George Blaney. Thomas I. Leslie, William H. Chase, Richard Delafield Andrew Talcott. S-cond Li'-utenantfi, William \. Eliason, Frederick A Underbill, Cornelius A. O^den, Henry Brewerton, Ste- phen Tattle, br. Edw. H. Courtenay, George DuttoD. br. Joseph Mansfield, br. TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS. Majors. John Anderson James Kearney Isaac Roherdeau Stephen H. Long John J. Abert P. H. Perrault .

Army of the United States. 20?


Cafitains. Hugh Youngs John Le Conte William Tell Poussin Hartman Bnche FIRST REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Colonel^ James House. ^ Lieutenant Cjlon^l, G. Bomford, brevet. MujoTy John B. Walbach, Lieut. Colonel, brevet.

Cafitaim, J. B. Crane, maj br W. J. Worth, maj br A. S. Brooks, maj br Mil© Mason J L. Eastman Hy. Whiting, br. A. Q. M, James Dalliba, maj br F. Whiting S. Churchill D. T. Welch First Lieutenants H. Saunders, A. C. S. H.^nry W. Griswold Ed. Kirby, aid to G. Brown Wm. S. Harne/ P. Melendy A. C. S. W. Smith, A. C. S. R. i\l. Kirby, maj st. adj Henry F. Evans N. G. Dapa, A. C. S. J. Simonson John S. Pierce Wm. G. McNeill Timothy Greea, A. C. S. John Syoiinston J. J. Davis M. A. Patrick, A. C.S. W. T. Willard Second Lii^utenants. Andrew M^ntire, A. C. S. H. I. Feltus Giles Porter G. D. Ramsay George Webb Wm. T. W. Tone J. Howard Hugh P Welch D. Van Ness Jona. Prescott Justin Dimick Charles Dimmock Daniel Tyler Wash. Wheelwright J. M. Fd wards J H. Cooke, br W. H Swift Aug. Canfield, br. Lemue*. Gates David H. Vinton, br D, D. Tompkins SECOND REGIMENT OF ARILLERT. Colonel. Lieutenant Colonel., Abram Eustis, brevet,

Major ^ Jacob Hindman, Colonel brevet. 208 Army of the United States.

Cafitains* Wm. Gates Chs. J. Nourse, maj staff A. C. W. Fanning, maj br Fras. S. Belton, naaj staff I. Roach, jr. Rd. A. Zantzinger, brevet J. F. Heileman J. Mountfort, brevet Geo. Talcott, ordnance Th. C Legate First Lieutenants. N. Baden John S. Abeel, brevet Elijah Lion, ACS Robert L. Armstrong, adj Richard Bache, br A C S H. S. Mallory Gustavus S. Drane James Spencer G. W. Gardiner, ACS W. Wells, ACS C. S. Merchant, ACS John A. Webber, ACS Chs. Mellon, ACS F. L. Griffith Allen Lowd, ACS CM. Eakin H. W. Fitzhugh, ACS Samuel Cooper Second Lieutenants* W. E. Williams Thos. P. Ridgeley Samuel M'Kenzie W. C. De Hart Ed Harding James A. Chambers James Green,capt st A Q M Joshua Barney Abm. G. Fowler W. S. Maitland Martin Thomas P. Morrison George W. Whistler James Grier L S. Hepburn Thomas P. Ingalls Jacob A. Dumest W. C. Young, brevet Henry Gilbert John J. Schuler, brevet THIRD REGIMENT OE ARTILLERY. Colonel, Walker K. Armistead. Lieutenant Colonel^ Wm. Lindsay.

Major ^ James Bankhead. Cafitaint. Roger Jones, It col br col st Wm. Laval, maj br S. B Archer, col staff Mann P. Lomax John A. Burd, maj br Rufus L. Baker Th. Stockton, maj br Felix Ansart Henry K. Craig S. Spotts, brevet

First Lieutenants. Eneas Mackay, br JohnA.Dix,aid to G.Brovrn J. W. Thompson Lewis G. De Russey Jos. P. Taylor, A C S br Thomas Childs, ACS Army of the United States. 209

G. S. Wilkins Jas. D. Graham C. VT. rhruston, adj J. R. Vinton Thomas J. Baird, ACS R. B. Lee Upton S. Frazer, ACS S. S.Smith Thomas VV. Lendrum,A C Samuel Ringgold J. W. Phillips Second Lieutenants. George W. Corprew J. H. Winder W. S. Newton Rawl. Lowndes W. B. Davidson John M. Tufts Clif. Wharton W. H. Kerr Z. I. D. Kinsley Charles Thomas John L'Engle, ACS John F. Scott A. Brockenbrough Charles G. Smith L. A. Rigail, AC S Walter Gwynn, br John Smith Campbell Graham, br H. Garner Isaac Trimble, br Fs. N. Barbarin FOURTH REGIM£NT OP ARTILLERY. Colonel, J. R. Fenwick, brevet. Lieutenant Colonel^ Wm Macrea, brevet Major, Wm. Wilson, brevet. Cafitains. E. Humphreys, maj br Wm. F. Hobart B. K. Peirce G. N. Morris M. M. Paine John Erving JohnR. Bell Abm. L. Sands William Wade, ordnance L. Whiting Firat Lieutenants. M. S. Massey \. A. Adam^ Wm. L. M'Clintock, ACS Charles Despenville I.L.Gardner, cap st A Q M John C Kirk Ji)hn Monroe, ACS L M. Washington Jac. Schmuck, br W. Wright J. W. Ripley Harvey Brown, ACS Hugh K, Mead, ACS Joseph N. Chambers Patrick H. Gait Joseph Strong Second Lieutenants. Charles Ward Ethan C. Sickles Henry A Thompson James R. Blaney Ww. Turnbull George C. Hutter S 2 210 Army of the United States.

Wm. H. Bell John B. Scott E. G. W. Uiitler Horace Bliss S. B. Dusenbury William Cook E. R. Albert! William Rose Clark Bardine Thompson B, Wheelock, br William W Wells John Pickell, br J. C. Holland Henry H. Gird, br Edward C R-oss FIRST REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. ColoneU T Ohambers. Lieutenant Colonel, Z. Taylor. Major, R. Whartenbury, brevet. Ca/itains* D. E. Twiggs, mai br T F. Smith Stephen W. Kearney R. B Mason James H. Gale Wm. H Ker W. V. Cobbs Garston Powell G. Loomis George C. ^Spencer First Ueutenants. E. A. Hitchcock Const. Pierce Rt. C. Brent E. Davis W. R. Joiiett Alfred Mitchell Samuel L. Isett E. J. Lambert Thomas Barker, ACS W. Malcelm Second Lieutenants. J.Mackenzie Thomas P. Gwynne Jasper Strong Jeiferson Vail Thomas J. Ayres, adj W. M Boyce Mart. Burke George A. M'Call Samuel M'Ree John J. Abercrombie, br William Day SECOND REGIMENT OF IJfEANTRY. Colonel^ Hugh Brady. Lieutenant Colonely W. Lawrence, brevet.

Major ^ Enos Cutler, brevet. Cahtaina, Alexander R. Thompson,br W. Hoffman Newman S. Clark, br J. H. Wilkins E. Boardman, br G. Dearborn J. H. Ballard T. Staniford T. J, Be^ll, bx Dc Curti? Army of the United States, 211

First Lieutenants. B. A. Boynton Seth Johnson Owen Ransom Joshua B. Brant, cap st A James Young, ACS Q M br Walter Bicker, jr. ACS John Clitz, adj K. M. Harrison, cap st E. K. Barnum C. F. Morton, A Q M Second Lieutenants, Henry Smith J. B. Pendleton Edwin V. Sumner J. S, Gallagher Edmund B. Griswold Benjamin B. Wright Samnel L. Russel Thompson Morris David Brooks George W. Folger, br Carlos A. Waite THIRD REGIMENT OE INFANTRY. Colonel^ N. Pinkncy. Lieutenant Cr.lonel^ John M'Neal, jr. Colonel brevet, Major^ D. Baker, brevet.

Cafitains* William Whistler J. Garland John Bliss W. Browning, br Benjamin Watson, maj br J S. Nelson, br Hez. Bradley S. H. Webb John Green W. G. Belknap First Lieutenants. John B. Clark, ACS James Dean, adj Ed. E. Brooks A. Musser Andrew Lewis, ACS Hor. Webster T. J. Harrison Hy. H. Loring R. C. Pomeroy Samuel W. Hunt Second Lieutenants. U. N. Baker, ACS Otis Wheeler James W. Webb Hy. Bainbridge Benjamin Walkec Georee Wright L. N. Morris John D. Hopson Stewart Cowan Allen M. Wright ,br James B. Allen FOURTH REGI3IENT OF IWpANTRY, Colonels D. L. Clinch. JAtutenant Colonel^ G. M. Brooke, Colonel breYct, Myor^ Williatq Bradford, 2\t Army of the United States,

Cafitain.9. Saunders Donoho Philip Waerer James H, Hook Henry Wilson J. S M-Intosh R. M. Sands Janaes M. Glassel, maj st F. W. Brady Francis L Dade H. R. Dulany

Fi7's£ Lieutenants. Wm. Lear E. Webb Jer. Yancey Wm. M. Graham G. W. Allen Edw. Alexander J. Page Thomas Johnson Lee Slaughter Jos. B. Shaw Second Lieutenants. W. H. Mann T. Burk Arthur W. Thornton, ACS Edward N. Dulany John J. Jackson, adj Westwood Lacey Geo. Mount2 Eustace Trenor J. B Triplet Samuel Wragg, br Wm. Martin FIFTH REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. Colonel^ Josiah Snelling. Lieutenant Coloru'l, VVilloudrhby Morgan.

Major y J. H. Vose, brevet. Cafitains. C. Larrabee, mai br Matthew I. Magee S. Burbank, maj br Charles L Cass Georee Bender, A Q M T. F. Hunt, AQM M. Marston, maj br J. Plympton J. Fowle, jr. D. Wilcox First Lieutenants. Rt, A. M'Cabe, br G. Lowe JNathan Clark, ACS P. R. Green, adj T. Hunt, ACS C. Burbridge, ACS J. M'llvain J. B. F. Russell, ACS M. Scott C. C. Hobart Second Lieutenants. Jos. M. Baxley St. Clair Denny W. E. Crugcr David Hunter Phineas Andrews Albert Lincoln W. Alexander John R Wilcox Seth M. Capron Henry Clark, hr Julius A. d'Lagncl Army of the United States. 213

SIXTH REG11VIEI9T OF INFAWrRT- Colonel, Henry Atkinson, Brigadier General brevet. Lieutenant Colonel, Henry Leavenworth, Col. brevet- Malory Alexander Cumniings. Cafitains, W. S. Foster, maj br Woa. Armstrong Dan. Ketchum, maj br Beanet Riley Th. Haaailton Ja.nes S. Gray W. iVIartin Ephraim Shaylor Wm. Haile J. Clark, jr. First Lieutenants. John Gantt Samuel Shannon Gab. Field Zalmon C. Palmer, ACS C. Pentland, adj W. D. M'Cray Thbs. W. Kavanaugh Wm. N. Wickliffe Jacob Brown, ACS Jno. Bradley Second Lieutenants N. I. Cruger W. W."^aillard Thos. Noel Jason Rogers W. \V. Morris D. M. Porter Joseph Pentland David Moniac, br SEVENTH REGIMENT OK INFANTRY.

Colon,' It Matthew Arbuckle. Lieutenant Colonel, J. B. Many. Major, A. R. Woolley. Cafitaina. W. Davenport Nathaniel Young John Jones G. Leftwich J. S. Allison TrumanCross, A Q M maj st George Birch Daniel E. Burch R. B. Hyde First Lieutenants. H. Berryman Wm. N. Bronaugh G. Murdock Rich. Wash J. Wheelock B L. E, Bonneville Jno. Philbrick, ACS J B. Hobkirk N. G. Wilkinson Pierce Butler Second Lieutenants. John Stewart Alexander H. Morton W. S. Colquhoun Francis Lee W. W. Outlaw J. R. Stephenson Edgar S, Hawkins Thomas Johnson

R. D. A. Wade ^ Thomas M^Namara, br James Dawson, adj 214 Consuls, Agfent?, &c.

INTERCOURSE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS. DIPLOMATIC DEPARTMENT. Ministers Plenifiotentiary, 89000 each. Sec^rys^%20QO. Emeland^ Richard Rush, John A. Smith, Fvince, Albert Gallatin, Daniel Shddon. Bussta, Henry Middleton, Charles Pinkney. S/iaiU: John Forsyth, John J. Appleton. Portugal, , Thomas L. L. Brent. Charge d' Jljfaires, Netherlands^ Alexander H. Everett. Sweden, Christopher Hughes, jr. Consuls of the United States in foreign Countries. In Great Britain and Ireland. Thomas \spinwall, Consul, London. Javics M ury, — Liverpool. Herman Vi'ger, — Bristol. Kathaniel G. Ingraham, jr. — Plymouth. Robert W Fox, — Falmouth. Wiiiiam Davy, — Kingston up.HulI Thorn: IS .^uidjo, —-r-f- Cowes. Joel Hart, — Leith. H:irvv Strong, -^-^— Glasgow. Thomas E-glish, — Dublin. J cob Mark, —>— Cork.

Samuel Luke, —. Belfast. Bernard Henry, — Gibraltar. Martin Birkman, — Isle of France. T^iomas Wvnns, — Turk's Islands. Wiiiiam R Higjnbotham, Agent, Bernmda, John Storr, — Nassau, N. P. In Russia. Abraham P Gibson, Consul, St. Petersburg, In Sweden and JVbrway. David Erskine, Consul, Stockholm. C. A. Murray, Gothenburg. Henry Ja'.son,jr. Christiansand. Robert M. Harrison, St.Bartholomews. In Denmark. John Rainals, Consul, Copenhagen. Robert Jacques, I. St. Cruz. Nathan Levy, Agent, 1. St. Thomass Consuls, Ageats, &c. 215

In Germany. Edward Wyer, Consul, Hamburg. Frederick J. Wichelhausen, — Bremen. John G. Boker, — Remscheid. In the Netherlands. John W. Parker, 2f6 Consuls, Agents, &c.

George Theodore Ladico, Minorca, John O'Sullivan, I. Teneriife. George W. Hubbell, I. Manilla. John Warner, Agent, Havanna. D.miel Giraud, St. JagodeCubao Judah Lord, Pcrto Rico. Jonn W. M'Fadon, Matanzas, JtiGob B. Comegys, Trinidad de Cuba. In Tuscany Sardinia^ Austria. .^ Thomas Appleton, Consul, Leghorn. Robert Campbell, — Genoa. Victor A. Sasstrno, — Nice.. George Moore, — Trieste. In ihe Kingdom of the two Sicilies, Alexander Hnmrnett, Consul, Naples, H-nry Preble. — Palermo. John Broadbent. — Messina. In the Barba^y States. William Shaler, foreign Ministers, &c. in the U. States. 217

In Chili. Michael Hogan, Agent, Valparaiso*

Agents for Claims^ Isfc. London, TtiOcn..s Aspinwall. FartSy Isnac Cox B irnet. Chilis kS'c. John !i. P'-evost. Buenos Ayres^ ijfc. John M, Forbes. Venezuela^ i^c. Charles b. Todd.

MINISTERS, CONSUL:^. AND COMMISbAKlEA OF FOREIGN POWERS. REEIDENT IN THE UNITED STATES. From France. Count «^e Menou, Charge d* Affaires. M. Laborie, attached to the Legatiitn. M. Petry, Consul General to the United States, at Washington. M. de la Forest, Consul, Philadelphia. M. De Valnais, Consul, Boston. M. Le C-mpte D'EsinnvlUe, Consul at New-York. M. Le Marquis de Fo-.geres, Consul, Charleston. M. Thierry, Consul ad interim, B xitimore. M Guillemin, Cousi-l, at New Orleans. M. Conteaux, Vice-Consul, at Norfolk. M. Lagan. Vice-r.onsul, at Portsmouth, N. H. M. Thomasson, Vice-Consul, at Savannah. From Great Britain, The Rt. Honourable Straiford Cannhjg, Envoy Extra* ordinnry, and Minister Plenipotentiary. Gibbs C. Antrobus, Esq. Secretary of Legation—absent; Henry Parish, Esq. Private Secretary. Foley Wjjmot, Esq attached to the Legation. Anthony St. John Baker, Esq. Consul General, Wash- ington,—absent. James Baker, Esq. Secretary, now actuig Consul Gen. James Buchanan, Esq. Consul tor the City and State of New -York. George Manners, Esq. Consul for Massaoh. at Boston. Donnald Mackintosh, Consul, N. Haivpshi.efic Maine. John Crawford, Jisq. Consul fcrMaryland, Baltimore. T S}0 ForeigD Ministers, &c. in the U. States.

William Gray, Esq. Consul for Virginia, Norfolk. Benjamin Mnodie, Esq. Consu' for North and , and Georgia, Chtr.eston. Anthony Mcilan, E>q. V c—Consul, Wilmington, N.Co Jonn Diividson, E>q Conaul for Louisiana, N. Orleans. Jam. s Stewatt, Consul, New-London, Jonn Bernard Gilpin, Esq. do. Newport, R. I. Gilbert Ri^rtson, Consul, Philadelphia. Jatnes Patton, Esq. dctmg Vice-Con. Alexandria,D.Csul General, Philadelphia. Alexis Eusraphieve, Consul, Boston. T. Swif , Vice-Consul, Alexandra. I. G. Bogert. Vice-C<)nsul, New-York. Edw rd Hollander, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans, Ch ides Pindar, Vice-Consul, Pensacola. Edward J. C le, Agent, Baltimore. Fortescue Whitde, A^ent, Norfolk. John Prince, Agent, Salem. Ebenezer Mayo, Agent, Portland. From Spain, His Excellency Den J aquin de Anduaga, Envoy Ex- traordin^ry and Miaistfr Pleiapitentiary from the King of Sp^in, at Washington. Don Hilario de Rivas y Sal u on, Secretary of Legation. Don Bartoleme Kenguenet, Consul, Philadelphia Don Thomas Stougi'ton, Consul, New-York. Don UHymandoChacon.Consulfor N. Hampshire, Mas- sac). usetis. Connecticut, Vermont, 6c R. I. Boston, Don Bernardo Mab.gamba, Vice-Consul at Providence, Rnovk- Island. Don Pablo Chacon, Consul, Norfolk. Don Antociio Argotte Vilialobos, Consul for Louisiana. Don Carlos Molvey, Vice-Consul, Savannah.

Don Jua ; Baptista Bernabeau, Cor»sul, Baltimore. Don Joaquin Zamorano, Consul, Alexandria. Don Diego Morphy, Vice-Consul, Natchcs. Foreign Ministers, kc. in the U. States. 2|9

Don Felix Trude-iu, Vice-Consul, Nttchitoches. Den Juan Galbertc Ortega, Vice-Con&u], St. Louis. From Portugal.

Cheval er Con^tancio, Charge cl* Affaires. Henry W. ^schmidt, attached to the Legation. J. B. Pereira. Consul General, for Pennsylvania, Dela- ware, and District Colun bia. F. V. Spinoza da Cam; ra Perestrello, Consul General for Mnssuchusetts and New-Hampshire—'Hoston. D. M. Gallard, Consul General, tor Coast of Gulf of Mexico.—New-OrJeans. •J. J. R. Zuzhrte, Consul Gen. for Maryland, Baltimore* E. A. Lobatro. Consul (ieneral for New-York and East Jersey —New-York. From Prussia. His Excellency Frederick Greuhm, Minister Resi- dent.—Absent, Ralph B. Forbes, Consul, Boston. Jacob Sperry, Consul, Philadelphia. Louis Trapman, Consul, Charlestons J. W. Schmidt, Consul N*-w-York. Vincent Nolte, Consul, New-Orleans. J. P. Kraft, Consul, Baltimore.

From the Netherlands. Viscount de Quabeck, Charj^e d* Aff^ii-es.—Absent. J. C. Zimmerman, Consul, New-York. P. G. Lechleitner, Consul, Philadelphia. Jonathan Swift, Consul, Alexandria. Moses Myers, Consul, Norf Ik, Jacob R. Valk, Consul, Charleston. F. Wright, Consul, Savannah. From Denmark. Chev. Peter Pederson, Minister Resident and Consul General, Philadelphia. John Bohlen, Vice-Consul, Philadelphia.

George Hammeken, Consul, New-York. , Charles W. Greene, Vice-Consul, Boston. Henry G Jacobsen, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Jonathan Swift, Vice-Consul, Alexandria. Moses Myers, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Hanson Kelly, Vice-Consul, Wilmington, N. C. t20 Foreign Mioistcrs, &c. in the U. States,

James H. Ladson, Vice-Consul, Charleston, S. C. WiHiam Wyer» Vice-Consul, New-Orleans.

Nicholas M. Petersen, Vice-Consul, f« r Georgia and East Fl rid:^ Savann h. From Sweden and Norway. Baron De Stackelberg, Charge d' Affaires. Severin Lorich, Consul General. Philf«delphia. John P. Frodin^, Boston, Vice-Consul for Massachu- setts, Vermont, New-Hampshire, and Maine. J. Swift, Vice-Consul, Alexandria, D. C. J. F. Breue, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Wi'liam W. f^o(Jm;in, Vice-Consul, Washington and Newbern, N. C. Edmund B"d5e,jr. Commerc. ARent.Wilmington.N.C. James C. Bur-ill, Vice-Cot.sul, for North Carolina, and Sou'h-Ca oin- —Chariest n. Charles Wcstfeldt, Vice-Consul, Savannah. John A. Mrrlc, do. New-Orleans. From Hamburg, Charles N. Buck, Consul G«»neral, Philadelphia. John W. Schmidt. Vice-Cwsul, N^ w-York. Fretlcick Charles Gr;^f, Vice Cofhsul, Baltimore. Anthonv Charles Cazmove, Vic**-Consul, Alexandria. Jacob Wulf, Vice-Consul, Charleston. From Ttiscany, Baron de Lederer, Consul for New-York, New-Jersey Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. John F. Mansony, Consul, N Engiand States, at Boston. From Austria. Baron de Lederer, Consul, New-York. From Sardinia, Gaspare Deabbate, Constd General, Philadelphia. S. V. Bnuland, Vice-Consul, New-York. TeofiloF. Dougherry, Vice-Consul, Baltimore. Giulio F. Bretre, Vice-Consul, Norfolk. Henry J. Oliver, Vice-Consul. Boston. F. D Petit de Villers, Vice-Consul, Savannah. J. D. Viel, Vice-Consul, Charleston, S. C. P. F. Dubour?, Vice-Consul, New-Orleans. From Bremen ^ Lubec. H. D. Wichelhausen, Cousul General, Baltimore. Custom House Officers, &c. 22 i

CUSTOM HOUSE, FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOS- TON AND CHARLESTOWN. The Custom House opeas in the summer season at 9 o'clock, A.M. and shuts at 2 o'clock, p.m. In the win-o ter season it opens at 10 o'clock, A. m. and shuts at 2 o'clock, P. M. Collector's Drfiartment, Collector^ HeiiF) A. S. Dearb(.rn. J^hval Officer, Thomas Melville. Deputy Jsi'aval Officer^ Sanmel Parker. Debenture L'ttrk, Samuel Parker. -Iwright, John Biugham, > John Whe cierAs, VVilliam Palfrey, > Defiuty Collector's Department, Deputy Collector^ Nathaniel Tracy. Adams Baiiev,jr John Howe, ) ^/.^t, '-^^'^'^' Robert Farley, Ezra Davis, S Coastwise Clearance Department, Johnson, William Rowson, > John Qi^^f^^ Joseph Stevens, J Surveyors, Elbridge Gerry. Deputy, John Skinner. Insfiectora in Boston and Charlestonvn. John Popkip.s G. Johnson G. Durant Joseph W.Homer Charles Lincoln Thomas Welles Darius Boardman John Minot Henry Harris J. F. Barber A. W . Thaxter FrancisG.DebloIs EDenezer Clough John N. Welsh Daniel Rhodes, jr. R. B. Hewes Nathan Fisk HoraceH.Waisoi Jotham Lincoln, jr. Hingham. Joel Wilcut, Cohasaet, Weighers and Guagers, Boston & Charlestown, W. R. Lee, jr. Joseph Loring James S. Lovell John Champney Louis Deblois Mariner of Teas^ and Prover of Spirits, Samuel Draper. Publick Appraisers. William Little, Isaac Waters A. H. Gibbs, Clerk, Measurers of Salt and Coal. Thaddeus Page Joseph Grafton L. H, CsgODd J, L. Tracy James Ridgway T % £22 Custom House Officers in Massachuaets.

Boarding Offict^ of the Customs* Joseph W. Homer. Commander of the Revenue Cutter, Samuel H. Trevett. Lewis Girdler, Ffst Lieutenant. Pern T. wnsend, fi^cond Lieutenant,


Pilotsfor On nvard Dn>, Port and Harbour of Boston^ Josiah Avres, Lenael Ayres, luVin Sargent. Inward Div. R. Coombs, John Wilson, Robert Knox.


William R ynrtn ri Lee John HRwes.Yriv-Bedford Sa-em Klf Brverly. J.^mes Prince JVeivhur-fi, B. Crowninsbield Martleh. StephenThacherPa.s^ffwy. Wm.»'earre,jt. G/^.wc^«r.°r Daniel Lane Belfast V, i-yhL.G eeriBa^mtable Josiah Hook Penobscot Jos'^ph F. Wii'srate Bath ZabdielSampsonP/ymow/A N th» Wiliams Di^hton Isaac r^ley, jr. Portland Th'^s Cook, jr. Edirorton Daniel (Granger Suco 'E.'^J&vx'is Frenchman*s B. DenE>y M'Cobb Waldobo, Asa \nflrews Ifisivich Francis Cook Wiscos et Joseph St'jrer Kcnnebunk Jeremiah Bradbury York Martin r .Morton^Vanrt^c/t.

J\raval OfHcers* ^^^"'^^ S^^"' JVewburyfi, Henry' Elkins, \ l^^'"" ^ * \ Beverly, Surveyors and Inspectors, liezek\^h?rmceThamas!n John Saunders, ' \ f^'"",^ I Beverly. , ,, , ^ •. 5 Portland ^^^'^ ^^^^^^ Josnua Prentiss Marbleh. I Falmouth Wm. Cross Meivbury/iort Isaac Carter jiugu.Ha Ebenezer Dale Gloucester Nathan Fiske Cambr*fiort Pilots. Gloucester, James Sayward, and William Sayward. ' '1 -*B" APPEJ^DIX.


Page. 37 Dele Benjamin Greene, J. P. Boston, ddceased. 40 Insert as Counsellors at Law John Stuart, Wm, T. Andrews, Mark Moore, John P. Bigelow, John M, Fiske, Russell Jarvis, Joljn T. Uin- throp, and dek the same as Att -n eys at S. 3. C:, 43 Attorneys at C. P. for Benjamin V\hcaton, read Benj '.min Wheatland, and for H. Prince, read Joseph H. Prince.

45 Dele Joseph St<^ne, J. P. Boxboro', deceased. 5?> Dele Lerou 1 Packard, N. BridgewatvT, deceased. 54 Insert as Attorneys at S. J. C. Welcome. Young, of Halifax, and Alexander Wood, of Hanover. Omit them from C P. Omit John Thou. as from S. J. C. his name being correctly inserted as Counsellor at Law, 55 Insert jun. after the name of James Sproat, Clerk of the Courts. 68 Read Charles Sedgwick, Lenox, not Strckbridge. 69 Dele Luther Bartlett, J. P. Adams, and insert at Williamstown. ro Insert Robert F. Barnard, Notary Publick, at Sheffield. 72 Insert Enos Foord, Register of Deeds, Norfolk. 82 Dele David ()sgo«d. d. d. Medforr!, deceased. 86 Dele David BatcheKer, Oxford, deceased. 122 De'ie Brigadier Gen. William Sullivan, resigned. 174 Dele Isaac Rand, m. d. deceased. 187 Insert John L Wilson, Governor of S. Carolina.

** Associated Infitrucfor^- of Youth in the City of Boston and elscivhtre .** Incorporated January 27, 1818. President^ Thomas Pay son, Esq. a. m. Secrtta-nf, Isra»-1 Alger, jr. a. m. Treasurer, H .11 J Kelly, a. m. Lfb'-anan. Ephraitn H. Farrar. Trustees, E')enezpr Pemherton, ll.d. and Messrs. BcDJamia Holt, aod Jonathan SnelliDg. — —

SIJ4 Courts in Maioe, [Appendix. SITTINGS OF THE COURTS IN MAINE. Hufireme Judicial Court, SPRING CIRCUIT. York, at York, last Tuesday in April^Cumberlandt Portland, 1st Tuesday in May.—Zinco/n, Wiscassett, 3d Tuesday m May. Kennebeck, Augusta, 4th Tues- day in May.-^5om d, P .ris, last Tuesday cf February, and third Tuesday of August Lincoln, Warren, 4thTuesday of December.—W'ls^ casset, 4th Tuesday of April .-^Topsham, 4th Tues- of August. day * . .. . Kennebeck, Augusta, 2d Tuesdays of April, August, and December • Somerset, Norridgewock , 2d Tuesdav of March, last Tuesday of June, and 1st Tuesday of November. Hancock, Castine, 3d Tuesday of March, 2d Tues- day of Ju'y, and 3d Tuesday of November. P€n>bftcot, Bangor, 1st Tuesday of January, and 3d Tu'-sda\ of June. Washinf^ton, Machias. 1st Tuesday of March> and 34 Tuesday iu September. Appendix,] List of Stages. 225


27te houarg at v'htch they fiut v/i . and day/i and hourt on which they leave find return to JBoaton,

Albanv mail by N- rt' an pton, ft( rr EarU 's, 24 Han- over-st. Mon. \\'< d. and FrJ. 2 morn Anrves Tutsd. ThuTS. & Sn. r P M.—B bpringficld, leaves Ej rle's, 24i

Haiiov!"r-st. Tuev. Tlmr . and SM. at 2 am Ai . Mf n. Wed. 8c Fri. at 7 p.m.—Rv Brattjeboro*. from Sh^ter's 22 Hanover-st. Mot.. Wed. & Fri. at 2 a.m. Ar. T ues. Thurs. & Sat. at ^ past 8 p.m. Amherst, V\indsor & Burlington, from Riley's Back- st, Mon. Wed & Fri. at 7 a.m. Arrives Tues, Thurs. and Saturday at 4 p.m. Andover, throup,h Reading, from D^^venp' rt's, \nn- •t. every dav, (Sun. excepted) at 3 p.m. Anives same days, at 10 a, M. bridgewater and New Bedford mail, from Boyden's, c ty tavern. Mend. Wed. & Frid. at 5 mom. Arrives TiiesripytThnrj-dav a* C S^turd. y t venlng. Erirlc* wa e & i^^ ndoly h, frm- Ac ms and Balch's, Indian Queen, Bn mfield ?ane, Tues Thurs. & Sat. at 12 noon. Arrives Men. Wid- & Fri. at 12 noon. Cambridge, leaves Eagle Tav. Tvemont-st. ev. day at 12 8c 6. Ar Ives 9 morn, anc half p^.st 2 evening. Canton, from Barnard's, Elm-st Tues. Thurs. and Sat at 3 even. Arrives same days at 10 morn Concord Hanover 8c Burlington, n ail pilot, over Lon- donderry turnpike from Barnard's:, 9 Elni-st. Monday, Wed 8c Fri. at 7 mom. Arrives Tues. Thursday, 8c Saturday, at 2 eve. Concord, (Mass) Groton 8c Lunenburg, front S'ater's 22 Hanover-st, Tues. 8c Thurs. at 8 motn Su.toWin- chendon 8c Wf^stford, at 5 morn. Arrives Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 6 everiing. Concord and Keo e, leaves Slater's, H^-nover-st. in summer, on Sun 8c V\'ed, at 4 morn. 8c on Fri. 2 mom. Arr. Mond. Thurs. 8c Sat. at 7 even. In winter, leaves Mond. Wed. and Fri''. at 4 mom. Arrives I'uesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 evenirg. Conro'd 8c Plynrouth, (IS.H.) expedition line, leaves Barnard's, E'm-st. Tues. Thur.s, 8c Sat. at 3 morn, and arrives Mond* Wed. and Fri. at 8 evening. ^€6 List of Stages. [Appendix.

Concord, N.H. from Davenport's, Ann-st. Mon. Wed. anH Fri 4 morn. Arrives Tues I'hurs & Sit. 4 even, Dedham, leaves Cobb s, Brcmfield lane, Mon. Thur. and Sat at 5 even. Arrives same days at 9 mom. Dedham, from B irnani's every day, (^un. excepted) at 4 even. Arrives same days at 10 morning. Dorchester & Milton, from Patterson's, Elm-st. ev- ery day (Sun. exc.) at 5 morn, in summer, and 4 even, in winter. Arrives 10 morning every day. Eastern mail, from Davenport's, Annst. every day, at 2 morn. Arrives every day at 10 evening. Framingham, leaves Slater's Hanover-st. on Wed. 6 Sat. at 2 even. Arrives Tues. & Fri. at 10 morn. Gloucester & Cape Ann, leaves Hamilton's, Elm-st. every day (Sun. cx.j half past 11 morn. Arrives every day, at 1 even. Haverhill, Exeter & Dover, (by the upper road) from Davenport's, Ann-st. on Tu. Th. and and Sat. iA 7 morn. Arrive Mon Wed. & Fri. at 6 even. Haverhill, froni Davenport's, Ann-st. Tu. Th- & Sat. at 10 mom. Arrives Mon. Wed & Fri. at 1 even. Haverhill & Concord, Riley's, Back-st. Mon. Wed. & Fri. at 4 morn. Arrives Tu. Th. & Sat. at 4 even. Hingham, from Barnard's, Mbq. Th. & Sat. at 4 even. Arrives at 10 morn, same days. Marshfield and Duxbury, from Boy^en's city tavenr, Wcl. & Sat at 8 morn. Arrives Tu &: Fri. at 6 even. Marblehead, from Boyden's, city tavern, e*ery day, (Sun. ex.) at 5 even. Arrives at 10 mori^. Medford, from Patterson's, Mon. Tu. Th, & Fri. at 1 ev?n. Wed. & Sat, at half past 12, and 6 evening. Arrives every day at 9 morn. (Sun. except.) Medway, from Adams', Lamb Tav. Newbury-st. leaves Tu. and Sat. at 3 even. Arrives Mon. & Fri. at 11 morn. New York Commercial mail, by Worcester, Staf- ford & Hnrtford, from Earle's daily at 1 morn. Arrives at 12 night.—Middle Line from Earle*s, Hanover-st. Tu. Th. & Sun. at 7 mora. Arrives Mon. Wed. & Fri. it 6 even. Newburyport, Exeter & Portsmouth accommoda- tion, from D?*v€nport's, Ann-st. every day, (Sun. ex.) at 8 morn. Arrives at 5 even. Appendix.] List of Stages. 227

Newburyport, Exeter & Dover accommodation, from Davenport's, Aimst. every day, (Sun. ex) 8 mom. Arrives every dii^ at 7 evening. Newbury port, from Davenport's, Ann-st. every day, (feun. ex.) ..t 12 mom. Arrives at 1 even. Newport, Taunton and New Bedford, from Adams & B.lch's, Biomlieid lane, Tu. Th. & Sat. 5 morn. Arrives Mon. Wed. & Fri, at 6 even. Newport, Taunton, Bnstoi & N. Bedford, over Taunton turnpike, from Adams and B&lch's, Indian Queen, Bromtieid lane, Mon. Wed. & Fri. 5 morn. Arrives Tu. Th. & Sat at 6 even. Needhara & Newton from Barnard's, Mon. Tu. Wedns. Thur. & Sat at 4 eve. Arrives at 10 morning same days. Plymouth, Sandwich & Falmouth, from Boyden's, city tavern, Tu. Th. & Sat. at 4 morir. Armes Wed, Fri & Mon. at 4 even. Plymouth and East Bridgewatf'r, leaves Pettes & Hamilton's, Mon. Wed. & Fri. %t § A. M. Returns Tu, Th. &Sat. at5 f.M. Providence mail, from Bgyden's, city tav. Mon.Wed. & Fri. at half pa?t 7 morn. Arrives same days at 5 ev. Leaves again Fu. & Fri. at 1 ^ven. meets steam boat at ProvWence, Wed. & Sat. at 7 morn, leaves Sun. Tu. Th. & Sat. at 9 mom Arrives every day at 5 even. Quincy, from Barnard's, Elm-st. Mon. Tu. Th. & Sat. at 4 even. Arrives at 10 iporn. same day. Salem, from Boyden's, city tav. every day at 9 morn. Arrives at 5 even. Salem mail, from Boyden's, every day, (Sun. ex.) at 4 even. Arrives at 9 morn. Salem & Beverly, from Bovden's every day, (Sun.ex.) at 5 even. Arrives at 10 morn. Salem & Gloucester, from do. every day, (Sun. ex.) at half past 11 morn. Arrives at 1 even. Salem, leaves do. every day, 6 even. Arrives at half past 9 morn.

Waltham, from Patterson's Elm-st every day, at Ci even. Arrives at 10 morn. (Sun. ex.> 228 Table of Interest. [^Appmdix^

A TABLE of SI VIPLE INTEREST, at Six per Cent.

princi- 1 i i montli. week. ; j

', pal. 1 d. c. m. d. c. m. | Afifiendix.'] GOLD TABLES. 22r

TABLES of the Value of the Gold Coins of Great- Britain, France, and Spain, according to theAct of Con- gress of April 29. 1816. GREAT BRITAIN AND PORTUG.M..

f(rf{. 83Cr Rates of Dockage, &c. [Appendix,

Rates of Dockage, Wharfage, and Storage, as estab^ lUhtd at the Boston Fiery or Long Wharfs DOCKAGE. Vessels under 50 tons - - - 25 cents per day. Vessels fr':tn 50 to 100 tons, - - J3 Vessels from 100 to 150 tons, - 45 Vessels fmm 150 to 20G t.ns, - 55 Vessels from 200 to 300 tons, - 6/ Vessels from 300 to 400 to. is, - 88 Vessels from 400 to 500 tons, - 110 Vessels from 500 to 600 tons, - 133 Vessels from 600 to 800 tons, - 188 Larger vessels in proportion. Double the above rate of iJockai^e, is to be paid by all vessels coming to the north aide of the whart, above the T— whether lying next the whar^ or making fast to a vessel, lying at the wharf. WHARFAGE. Anchors, 50 cents per hun. Anvils, ----- 2 each Barrels, - - - - - 4 Half barrels, kegs, firkins, - - 2 Bags of Hops, - - - - 10 Bags of Coffee, Cocoa, Pimenta, bugar, Pepper, &c. - - 3 Bales of Cotton, - - - 10

Baies of Goods, - - - - 12^ Boards, Staves, and Hoops, - - 25 per tn. Boxes Cigars, - - - - 1 Boxes of Chocoiate, Candles, Lem- ons, (rlass, and Soap, - - 3 each Boxes of Ha V anna Sugar, - - 7 Boxes of Tea, - - - - 2 Boxes tf Brazil Sugar, - - 30 per ton B -xes of R iisins, - - - leach Boxes of Cards, - - - - 5 Boxes of Pipes, - - - - 6 B.xes of Wine and Cider, - - 2 ner dozen Boxes and Packages of Goods, - 12^ each Biiadles of Suovels i.td Pan?, - 4 eacii bundle Baits from 100 to IjO gadous, - Ij each

Bricks, - - . - - - 23 per m. Appendix,] Rates of Wharfage, &c. 231

Cofft e in bulk, - - - 30 per ton *' Much i in sacks - - 6 Chests of B-hea Tea, . - - 12^ Half Chests, do. - - - 6| QuTter Chests, da - - - 3 Hyson and Souchong Teas, - 3 Cases, crates, and trunks, - - 12^ Coals, 30 per chaldron Cordage and Hemp, - - - 30 per ton Clapboads, - - - - 20 per m, Camho ses and Stoves, - - 10 each Casks ot Nails, - - - 4 Cheats of Oil, - - - - 2 Cannon, - - - - - 25 Ch>irs, 2 Duck, (Russia J - - - - 1 per bolt •* (Ravensj - - - - ^ Flour, - - ... 2 Fish, ------2 per quintal Grain ot all kinds, - - - l per bushel Hampers of Bottles. - - - 12^ each Hngsheads and Pipes, - - 10 Hides, - - - - - 1 Hay, ------12 per bundle Hoops, ----- 25 per m. Hemp, 30 per ton Ja'rs of 0\\ Olives, and R-isins, - 1 each Iron and Iron Hoops, - - 30 per ton Ke^s of Cracker.^, small, - - 1 each Laths, ----- 6^ Lead at. d Shot, - - - - 30 per ton Mahf ftany. - - - - 3o per ton 480 feet Kirkins, - - - - - 2 per loops. Onions, ----- 4 per 100 bun. Plaster of Paris and Stone, - - 25 per ton Packages rf Good*?, - - - 12^ Reams of P^iper, - - - i Sscks ot Almonds and Feathers, 4 to 10 each Staves, 5 per m. fehooks (hhd. and pipe) - - 2 each Skins, (eoatj ... - 10 per 100 skins Salt. 6iperhhd. Shingles, ----- 6i per m. each Tierces, - - - .i ' 7 -

232 Rates of Wharfage, &c. [Appendixt

Trunks of Goods, - - - I2f Timber, - - - - - 25 per ton " (ranging) - - - - 25 per 100 feet Wond and B trk, - - - 25 p r cord Empt. Casts, - - - - half price.

All merchandize shipped qff'th^ whurf. to pay the same as for I'lnding. excepting such gO'd& an ha-m- fluid for landing, (md not having been carried off the whurfj are put on board vessels, within one month aftf r t hey are landed. Goods t.'ken in iignters, or otherwise by watrr^ from on board any vessel lyinj;: at the wharf, or goo( s taken from lighters or otherwise, by water on board any ves- sel lying at the wharf, to pay one half as much as for landing; the said half wharfage to be p.iid by the ves- sel lying at the wharf The wharfage of goods anded, to be paid by the sel- ler, or person landing the same, except nvopd and lumber, which is t" be paid by the purchaser. Goods receive ' from, or lo (ded on board coasters, to be paid for bv the captains of coasters ; unless the same are shipped or received by persons b* longing to Boston, and a return thereof to be made by the master of the coaster to the wharfinger. Goods broueht on the wharf, by trucks or otherwise, for public sale, to pay the same wharfage, as if landed thereon Vessels hauling to the wharf, are expected to have their jibs, spanker-bwjms, an'i spvitsail-yards rigged topped, in ; and on the north side, to huve their yards and to accommodc:te oilier vesst Is as much as possible. No bo.-\ts are to be pur on the wharf; n.r sand, grav- el or other baii^st, to Hp larded without permission of the wharfingf-r; nor are t)ie dirt or sweep* .rs of the hold, or cth- r articles whirh dr vot float, under any pretence whateve- , to be t^irov/n into the dock No fire is allowed to be kept on board any vessel lying at the north side of the wh-^rf, above, the V. Vessels con)>ng to the n< nb ^ide of the wharf, above the T. are to be allowe.l rw o d'^ys orlv to discharge or pro- load ; and, it rase the birth be t' en wanted bv the prietor or occupant of the neighbouring store, the ves- sel, that has laid that time, must remove if requested^ '

Appendix.] Presidents, &c. tJ. S. Bank. J33 STORAGE PER MONTH. Bales of Coffee, Cocoa, &c. 4 cents e^ch Bales of Cotton, and Bags of Hops, 25 Bales, Cases, Crates, & Trunks, - 25 Barrels, - - - - - 10 Boxes of Glass, - - - - 4 Boxes of Lemons, , - - 6i Boxes of Sugar, - - - - 20 Butts, frofii 50 to 200 gallons. 50 Casks of Raisins, - - - - 4 Chests of Bht a Tea, - - - 25 Coals, ------60 per chaldron Cordage, , . - - - 33^ per ton Russia Duck, - , - - 2 per bolt Fish, 5 per quintal Grin, 2 per bushel H?'mp, - - - - - 100 per ton Hides, - . - - - 3 cents Hogsheads and Pipes, - - - 33f each Iron, - 25 D*-r ton ^At .----, 12^ per hhd. Tit'ces, - , - _ . 20 each

Presidents and Cashiers of the Branches of United States Bank.

Philadelphia^ President. 'I homas Wilson. Cashier. John Andrews, Assistant C. Alexander I. Miller, Transfer Ueptitment. Portyineiith, Edward Cutts, President. Eben. Wentworth. Cashier. Boston, Wiiiiar. Gray, Prtsid«^nt. Samuel Frothinghan:. Cashier. fmirlenre, Seth Wht»ton. President. Nathan Waterman jr. Ci:shier. Jdiddietor, Enoch Parscns, Presi«Unt. J. P. Kumhani,Cashier,pro tetn- Jfeiv-Ti'rk, Abraham Lav reiice. Pvest. M. Robii^son. Cashier. Baltimore. John Donnell, President. James White, Cashier. Jrp.rWwjrtt^,Ge«irg;e Graham, President. Bichard Smith, Cashier. Bichmcni, M. C. Nichols. President. Chailes I. Nicholas, Cashier. Viyrfolk, George Newton, President. Luke V heeler. Cashier. CharleUon^ Josfph Johnson, President. Peter Bacot, Cashier. Savannah^ John Cummiag, President. James Hunter, Cashier. Toyetteville, JoIhi Huske, f'resient. Charles West, Cashier. JJrw-Orleam, William Nott, President. Charles S. West, Cashi«r. Leuiiville, S. Ormsby, Pre»ident. lid ward Shippen, Cashiers ChiUcothe, William Creiphton, jr. Pres. A. G. Claypolt, Cashier. Tittsburph, A. Tannehill. President. James Correy, Cifbier. Lexwgtcflf James Morrison, Preudent* V 2 234 Population of the U. States. {Jippendix. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STA FES. FOR 1790, 1800, 1810, and 1820.

Statet. 1790. dppendix.] Census of Towns and Cities. 235

CENSUS OF TOWNS AND CITIES. 1800 Bangor Hallowell Balh Portland Portsmouth Concord Newburyport Salem Boston Nantucket Newport ProvidcT'ce Hartford New-Haven Albany New-York Trenton Newark Phila(l<^lphia Lancaster Harrjeburg Pit1sbur< Bahur:ore Washington Lexington Louraviile Columbus Cincinnati Richmond Alexandria Norfolk "Wilmington Raleigh Charleston Savannah Milledgeville Saini Louis New Orleans Saint Augustin Census of the 18 and ends at 23G Census of Maint. [Appendix.


YORK COUNTY. Towns. Topulation. Freeport 3,184 Saco 2,532 North Yarmouth 3,679 Hollis 1,762 Mint 2,524 Biddeford 1,738 Poland 1,353 Arunriel 2,478 Thompson Pond Plan- Kennebunk 2,145 tation 180 Wells 2,660 Danville l,085f York 3,224 Bridgton 1,16Q Kiteiy 1,886 Harrison 78% Eliot 1,679 Cape 52 South Berwick 1,475 Baldwin 1,12Q Berwick 2,736 Otisfi^ld, 1.107 Lebmnn 2,^223 Raytno id 1,388 Sandford 1,831 New-Gloucester 1,658 Alfred 1,271 Falmouth 1673 Shapleigh 2,815 C .rnish 1,088 In 1810, 31,245. 49.445 Limerick 1.377 LINCOLN. To-wm. Population,. Newfie d 1,147 Wiscasset 2,i38 Parsonsfield 2,355 Alna 978 Lyman 1,387 Whilefield 1,429 Waterborough 1.762 Edgecomb 1,629 Buxton 2..590 Jtfferson 1,577 Limington 2.122 Georgetown 1,165 In 1810, 41,877. 46.283 Woolwich 1,330 CUMBERLAND. Dresden 1,338 Towns. Population. Bath 3,026 Portland 8,jS3 Phippsburg 1,119 Scarborough 2,232 Topsham 1,429 Cape Elizabeth 1,6.^8 B(^wdoinham 2,259 Westbrook 2,50 J Bowdoin 1.777 Standish 1,619 Litchfield 2,12Q Gnrhain 2y795 Lisbon 2,240 Grav 1.479 Lewiston 1,312 Win J ham 1,793 Wales 515 Harpswell 1,253 Waldoborough 2,449 Brunswick 2,9 >l Bristol 2,946 Durhatn 1,562 NobleboroQgh 1,583 Pownal 1,058 Newcastle 1.24S 1

Appendix,'] Census of Maine. 23f

Boothbav 1,950 Brooksville 972 Manhegin, Island 68 Castire 975 Warren 1,825 Deer Isle 1,842 St George 1,325 Edeu 764 Thomaston 2,65 Ellsworth 892 CHindcn 1,825 Goldsb rough 560 Union 1.391 Isleborough 639 Hope 1.179 Mouiit Desert 1,349 Appleton, Plantation 511 Orland 610 Cashing 600 Penobscot 1,009 Friendship 587 Sedgwick 1,420 Palermo 1,056 Slurry 428 Montville 1,266 Sullivan 872 Plant ticn Montville 409 Trenton 639 Putnam 652 Vinalhaven 1,308 Patrick lown 292 Plantation No. 7. 82 PJaiitation No. 8. 173 In 1810, 42,992. 53,189 Piantati(-n No. 9, 133 HANCOCK. Plantation No. 14. Town*. Pi^ulation. 67 Pb^ntrttion No. Belt' St 2,026 15. 41 Du' k Isl .nd Waldo Si45 18 Brooks 318 Mati( i us Island 103 Butter Is! Swan villa 503 nd 11 Ea^le Island Prospect 1,771 8 Great Spt uce Island Lirc'inville 1,^:94 14 Beimont 675 Little S] ruce Island 5 INorUjport 939 Heach Is'ar d 8 S^arsmont 675 Hog Island 5 Kn.x 560 Mark Isiand 7 Mat^h.l'b Fr.:.kfort 2,129 Island 7 M'flroe 732 Bur t Coat Island 218 Jackson 385 Placenti ^ Island 39 Thumdike 543 Loi g Island 19 Black Island Bucksport 1,658 9 Pond Isiaiid 10 T(»wnship No. 8. 98 Township No. 1. 49 In 1810 30,031. 31,^90 Townshiu N-s. i'9 38. KENNEBECK. Township Na 33. 14 Townt. Population, Ti.wijship No. 21. 15 Ciinton l,oji6 Towriship No. 20. 200 Winslow 935 Township No 27. 47 VassHiborough 2,434 Township No. 26. 103 Augusta 2,457 BluehiU 957 U^UoweU 2.919 238 Census of Maine. [Jlppendix^

Pittston 1.337 Robbinston Gardiner 2 053 Sidney 1,890 M)unt Vernon 1,293 Vf^nna 665 Rome 533 B '.grade 1,121 De-irb rn 463 Cleesterfield 612 W'ilon 1,1-5 T u>p!e 6i5 New Sliaron 1,219 Farmiiigton 1,938 Waterville 1.7 '9 China 894 Fairfax 1,204 Freedom 788 Harlem 860 Joy 505 Malta 1,054 Unity 978 25 Mile Pond Planta. 202 PI ice adjoining Fairfax 26 Moi.mouth 1,.^90 L-eds 1,5 H Grene l.."09 Winthrop 1,619

Readfield 1,51 J Fayette 8 4 Wayne 1051

In 1810, 32564. 42, n.^3 WASHINGTON. Totvns- Popvlctitn. MacMiaF 2,0j3 Jonesbovough 675 Cohimbia 537 Addison 5l9 HaninG:ton 7<;3 ClierrvfitM 241 Township ^&. 19 34 Steuben 7fi0 Township No. 23. 70 Calais 418 Jppendix.] Census of Maine. 239

Buckfield 240 Census of New-Hampshire. {Appendix,

Harmony 584 Anson 948 Hartland 411 Mercer 743 Northhill 482 Strong 862 Solon 468 Nv Portland 8i7 St. Albans Sri Phillips 634 Ripley 325 Avon 450 Ringham 336 Industry 796 Moscow 286 Kmgfit'ld 464 Warsaw 315 Eviibden 664 No. 7. 7th range 44 New V)neyard 591 Parkman 255 Freeman 517 No. 5. Chandlerville 155 East Pond Plantation 144 No. 1, 3d range 41 Mount Abraham 37 Town North, No. 1, 3d r. 1 Plifita. No. 1. 3d range 27 Million Acres, N. Har- do. No. 2, 2d range 28 mony 90 do. Na 2, 1st range 98 No. 9, 8th range 73 No. 1, 1st range 2jO No. 3, 3d range 20 No. 1, 2d range 66 No. 2, East of Moscow 19 Norridgewock 1,454 In 1810, 12,910. 21,787 Fairfield 1,609 Whole Tot.Maine,298,135 Starks 1,053 In 1810, 228,705

CENSUS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. TtmiM. Greenland 634 Hampstead 751 Hampton 1,098 Hairpton Falls 572 Hawke 421 Kensi'gton 709 Kingston 847 Londonderry 3,127 Loudon 1^94 Newcastle 932 Newington 541 New Market 1,083 Newtown 477 Nonhfield 1,304 North Hampton 764 North wood 1,260 ilSppendix.] CeDSus of New-Hampshire. 241

Kottingham 1.120 Sanbornton 3,329 Pel hum 1,040 Sandwich 2.368 Pembroke 1,256 Som-^Tsworth 841 Piitsfield 1,178 Tarn worth 1,442 Piaistow 492 Straffi^rd 2,144 Poplin 453 TuttcV.boro* 1,232 Portsmouth 7,327 Wakefield 1,518 Ray mond 961 Woltboro* 1,794 Rye 1,127 Salem 1,311 In 1810. 41,595 51,li7 Sandown 527 HILLSBOROUGH. Seabrook 885 ToTDHt. Population. Southampton 416 Amherst 1,622 Stratham 892 Andover 1,642 Windham 889 Antrim 1,330 Bedford 1,375 In 181C, 50,175. 55,246 Boscawen 2,113 STRATFORD. Brooklir.e 592 Towns, Population- Bradford 1,318 Alton 2,058 Deeriiig 1,415 Barnstead 1,805 Dunbarton 1,450 Barrington 1,610 Dunstable 1,142 Brooktitld 690 Fisiiersfield 874 Burton 209 Fra'icestown 1,479 Centre Harbour 486 G off-town 2,173 Conway 1,365 Gi-eenfield 974 Dover 2,871 Hancock 1,178 Durham 1,538 Heuniker 1,900 Eaton 1,071 Hillsborough 1,982 Effingham 1,368 Holies 1,543 Farmington 1,716 Hopkinton 2,437 Oilmantown 3,527 Lyndeborough 1,168 Guilford 1,816 Litchfield 465 Lte 1,224 Manchester 761 Madbury 559 Mason 1,313 Meredith 2,416 Merrimack 1,162 Middlecon 482 Milfurd 1,243 Milton 1,232 Mount Vern'>»i 729 M'Uitenborough 1,279 New -Boston 1,686 New Durham 1,168 New-Ipswich 1 278 New Hampton 1,500 New-London 924 Ossipee 1,793 Nottingham West 1,227 Ossipee Gore 195 Peterborough 1,500 Rochester W 2,471 Salisbury 2,010 242 Census of New-Hampshire. [Jlppendix,

Sharon appendix.] Bill of Mortality, Boston. e43

Thornton 837 Wanen 544 Weni worth 807 Giliis' & Foss' Grant 16

In 1810, 28,462. 244 Bill of Mortality, Boston. [Appendix.

The number of Deaths above, include those io the Alms-House, and TowD^ Poor ;—and were caused by Diseases and Casualities, as follow :— Abscess - - - 2 Gravel - - - Accidental - - 1 Angina Pectovis - 1 Apoplexy - - - 7 Asthma - - - 1 Burns - - - 13 Cancer - - - 3 Calcerated Uterus - 1 Casualty - - - 17 Cholera Infantum • 6 " Morbus - 9 Chronic Diarrhea - 9 *' Dysentery - 4 Consumption - - 192 Cynaache Tracialis - 3 Croup - - - 11 Diseases of the Heart 4 Diseases unknown - 243 Diseased Scapula - 1 Debility - - - 8 Derilium Tremens - 5 Dropsy - - - 32 Drowned - - - 19

Drunkenness - - 1 Dysentery - - 60 Dyspepsia - - 3 Enteritis - - - 10 Epilepsy - - - 1 Fever - - - 8 " Bilious - - 10 Fever Inflammatory - 2 '* Nervous - - l *' Puerperal - 7 " Pulmonic - 31 " Rheumatic - 6 " Scarlatina - I " Typhus - - 42 Appendix.] Roads from Boston. 245 ROADS FROM BOSTON, WITH THE NAMES OF INNKEEPERS, ANB DibTANCES. CORRECTED FOR THIS REGISTER.

To Hin^ham and Tohasset. Line, ove, Blue Hill Dorcliester Eaton 4 Turnpike. Nepoi.sct Bridge uttit- 6 Nash & T Dorchester Mill 6 Quiucy Savel 9 Milton Tucker 9 Weyni'iuth BnJpe 10 Stout^hion bwan 16 Hin^ham Wilder 15 & Lewis Hridgv water Howard 23 Scituate Tunier, Alack Pi^rc , Taunton Atwood's Hotel, Kost & r 23 Wilmarth, Porter 33 To Flymouth & Cape Cod. Wellington 38 Dorchester Eaton 4 Freetown Assonnett 40 Weymouth Thayer 11 Troy Stratton 48 Scituate D Wli ton 21 Tiverton Stone Bridge Fair* Hanover Stetson 22 banks 54 Pembroke Bar* tow 23 Newport lownserd 66 Duxbury Guiitner 27 To Warren & Pji?lr>l, K. 1. Kingston Baitiett Taunton AtwooiiV Hotel 31 & Kenne ly 32 Dii^hion hathawa>,Joties Plymouth Hollis, Nkhoisou, andFehon 40 Old Colony Hotel Bartlttt 36 Somerset Davis 44 Sandwich F.liis 47 Swarsey Gray, Luther 47 Nye, SN*ifr 32 Warren Cole 50 Newcomb, Gibbs, Fessenden 54 Pi'K* Bourne, Norton 53 Barnstable Howiand 62 Bristol ff-hi<'M)n Sheldon 44 Thayer 11 Scituate Kiske Abiugton 56 King 18 Coventry McGregor 68 Brown ai^d Dy«'r 18 Piaij.liLld Eaton 71 Bridge water (East Parish) Ji-MiijCity Johnson 78 Cronibie 23 N'ji„icli Kenny 86 South Parish Keith 26 MolMmn. Houglitoji 93 Middicbfj-ough Sampson 36 Nev-i.ondon Fnn!- 100 Hew Bedferd Nelson 52 A iM.Ke road to Hartlord. To Newport, commercial Dedhain Stnith 9 W 2 "

246 Roads from Boston. [Appendix,

Medfield Johnson 17 Horaesburgh 215 Medway Jone» 22 Frankford 290 Be iiitghara Smith 26 Fhiladtlpbia M«nsion^House 29$ Mcndon Childs 32 Darby 302 Uxbridge Spring 38 Chester 310 Douglas Dudley 43 Wilmington Huggins 329 Thompson Dwight 51 Christiana Bridge Hamnund 332 Poiutret Sabin 57 Elktowi) Richardson 349 Ashford piark 68 Charlestown 350 'Wilouogton Ma icy 72 Havre de Grace Sears 358 Sl^isfield Dunham 73 Joppa Bradford 370 Covc-ufy Kimball 82 Rt-d Lion 378 Hariford Bennet 97 Bird River Barney 383 To Washington City, by Baltimore Ga4*by 39S Kk ridge 403 Worcester [ urnpike and M.Kuys 408 Stafford Springs Rossburgh Ross 42S Eoxbury (Punch Bowl) Washington Post-Office 436 Lau^hton 4 Stage Road fiom Provi- Brooklyii Rich; rds 6 Ntwtown VisHUil 8 dence to Worcester. Framiughani Han)ili«n 19 1-2 Smithtii id Mann Wesi.borough Wesson 2!} Afiiricb IS >VorcesteB Sik.» 38 Uxondge Spring 22 Charlton Rider 51 Nortl.bridg^ Taft 27 Sturbiidge Porter 57 Milbui> Chase 33 Jiolaiid Mawty 68 Worcester Sikes 80 Wait 73 Stafford Old Road to Hartford. Smith 80 ^oiiand 3 Vernon 86 Cambridge Porter, Baltium Wartertown Stratton, Smith f Jiast Hartford Buckie? 97 Miles l4 Hartford Bennet 100 Waltham Weston Wood 15 Weathersfield light 104 W Sudbury Stone 22 Woilbiugton Uiley 113 Noi thbtH-ough Munro sr Meridian Robinson H» Shrtwsbuj-y|'armenter,Haven 41 Wailingford Tyler 123 Kelly North Haven Ives 127 Worcester Sikes 44 Butler U4 do. New-Haven 50 MUford Clark 144 I^eicester Mi>r«e Spencer Jenks 5t Stratford Ferry 146 Brookfield Rice 58 Stratford Lovejoy 148 VVestuu Lumbard 64 Fairfield Pennifield 158 Palmer Frink, Ward, Sedg- Greenfarmt Possell 166 Norwalk Heed 170 wick ^^ Wilbraham Saunders 76 Stamford Davenport 175 Riissel 86 Greenwich Knapp 183 Sprii.gficld Goodrivb, ^ Sikes 96 Rye Quintord 189 Suffiefd Windsor Picket 102 Marnaronek 191 Hartford Morgan Rochelle Williams 195 Chester Gyon 198 From Springfield through Harlem Bridge 203 Nev.-York 210 Stockbrige to Albany. Jersey City 211 West-Springfield Ely and Newark QifTord 219 Col ton 89 g£iizabethtowa Ljou 2::3 Westfield Palmer & Morgan 97 Brill gtton 226 Kussel Hawity 106 Ne.v-Brumwi<>k Drnke 240 Chester Village Collins 110 iprinceton Gifford 256 do. Ferry 11« Trenton Davis, tterbt;it 266 Becket Bairds 12f BriHtil 270 Let Dilli»gb«m m Jippendix.] Reads from Boston. 247

Stockb'-idee His 135 PhilHpstown Gould 65 Wett-Stockbritigs Brockway 140 Atliol Field 67 New Canaan 148 To Greenfield. Chathiim Hoacr 156 The same as to Athol 67 Union Village lo2 Hall Orang-^ Ward 73 Greet ibusb ns Irviiigs Grant Alford 77 Albany Moody 174 Muntaffue Gunn 82 From Sprinjrfield through Greenfield (village) Goode- Granville to Sheffield. nough ik Gilbert 89 Orange 72 From Boston ro Springfield 86 Whitney West-Spriugfield ;,Palmer 5 Warwick Draper 76 8S Southvnck French 10 Winchester Linkfield Hinsdale Granville Curtis 16 £vans 8g Middle Granville Curtb 20 Brattleborough Blake 94 Tolland Rogtrs 24 To Dartmouth College, SanJisfield Palmer 28 do. BoBworth 32 through Keene, N. H. New Marlborough 37 Concord M'IntosIi 17 8h;.'ffield Ensign 46 Acton White 24 Littleton Kidder 27 To Albany over Worcester Groton Hall 35 Turnpike. Pepperell Brown 38 Worcester Howard S8 Townsend Loring 44 Heard, Sikei, Hathaway, N. Ipswich Batchelder 5& Stearns, Burt, Stephens, JaftVey Pierce f.5 Eager 43 MarlboroHglj Haskell 71 Leicester Hobart 47 Keene Gorham 76 Spencer Jenks 52 Sumner 81 Walpole BttKjkfield Rice 55 Carpenter 90 Western Lombard 60 Village Southard 94 W&ie Rt^d 66 Bellows' Falls Wightman 98 Chai-lcstowu Belchertown Clapp 73 Hunt 102 Villape Hadley Warner 82 Shepley 10ft Northampton Lyman 90 Wearheftfield, Vt, Copeland 114 Chesterfield Clapp 102 Windsor Village Wovthington Pehce 108 Pettes 123 Hartford Peru 116 137 Hanover Dewy 141 Hinsdale Moody 1 IQ Pitistield Morgnii 123 To Dartmouth Coll. thro» Hancock Broad 133 New Lebanon Betts 135 Concord, Is. H. Canaan Jones 1^7 Medford ' Nayhew s Steventown Bush 141 Reading Newell li Schoodick Strong 155 Nichols 14 Albany 164 Andover Locke 19 From Albany to Niagara Foster 20 Falls 316 miles. Haverhill White 30 Kendall 30 To Brattleborough. Chase 30 West-Cambridge WUittenjore 5 Atkinson Dow 35 Lexin|;tun Munroe 9 Hampi>tead Gould 4t Lincoln Earle 14 Chester Sweetser 46 Concord M'lntosh 16 Richardson 46 Stow Wtider 24 Candia Anderson 5S Bolton Woodbury 31 Turnpike Hotel Sawjjer 55 Lancaster Rand 35 Pembroke Fisk 60 Leominster Bascom 41 Concord Stickney 66 WesfT, inster Doty, Penniman Barker 60 Epierbon 51 Gale 66 Templeton French 99 Boscawen 09k^ ts 248 Roads from Boston. [Appendix,

Salisbury Pettingill 83 Waterbury Turner 181 Andover Thompson 89 Boltou Whitcomb 189 "Wilmot Gav 94 Kichmoud Spicer & Howard 191 iprn fieid Sticknejr 99 Wiiliston Parker 200 Enfield Wilis 106 Turlington Baiter 208 l.ebanan Beuton 114 Colchtster Biit^s 214 Hanover Fuller 119 Milton Piatt 222 ^ewy 119 Georgia Mtrrit 230 To Burling:ton through St. Albam Keith 234 Swanton Stearns 243 Vergfnnes. Caldail's Manor Nichols 253 Waipole Village Southard 94 South River Lampman 269 Hoeki'.j^liam \Vebb 103 Vaiigham 209 Clifst'^r Foisom 110 St, Johns Bingham 277 Cavendish Stiles 199 Half-way House Ames 28« Ludlow Denni>on IJi Lapraie Stearns 295 Mount Holly Green 132 Montreal 322 Clark 135 Repientigne 322 Shrewsbury Tinney 140 Benhiere 354 Clarendon Pa.ker \4% Riviere de Loup 376 Brswn 152 Trois Rivierts 403 Rutland Gould 155 St. Ann's 425 Pittsfoid Keiida.l 163 Jacques Cariier 455 Brandon Goss 172 St. Augustine 476 Leict'ster Woodward 175 Cape Ruugti 479 Sa isbury Johnson 177 Qu( b ck 488 Middlebury 180 "Verg-^nnes Painter 198 To Portsmouth through Fei-aisburg Taylor 203 Haverhill. Banis 209 Charlotte Medford Mayo 5 Sherburne Parsons 215 Reading Parker 13 j^uilington Howard 220 And'tver L' eke 2Q 29 To iVTontreal and Quebeck. Haverhill , Kendall Plastow Sawyer 36 Jaquis S M^dford Kingston PeaSley 39 Waburn Hill 10 Sandboin 42 Bowers i9 Bilierica Exeter Emery 48 23 Chelmsford Stratham Keniuston 53 Swallow Tings'njvougH 30 Greenland Huse 55 Dunstable Pollard 36 Portsmouth Wildes 60 Merrimack Patterson 42 Amherst Eaton 46 To Pa^samaquoddy over m. b. Converse 49 Newburjport Turnpike Mount V^moB Ray 52 Francistown Lally 61 through Portsmouth. Gibson 64 Charl'Sio\vn King 2 Hillsborough M'Niel 72 Maiden 4 "Washington Farnswwrth 81 Lynnfield Hote? Cummings 12 Lempster Brianaid 88 lopsfield Hotel Wildes 21 Clarement Chase 100 Newburyport Gilnian 33 Windsor, Vt. Petles 109 Merrimack Bridge P' arson 3d Woodstock Taylor 123 Hampton Langmaid 43 Barnard Aikin 131 Greenland Huie 54 Hoyalton Smith & Fox 137 Portsmouth Wildes 58 Randolph Hoime* l-ie Kittery Rice 59

Brookfield ' Edsoq 152 York Wilcox 67 Aiusworth 156 Welles MBXCjr 76 WilHamstown Jones' 160 Kennebunk Jefferds 85 Montpelier Davis, Eaton & Saco Clevct 95 Houghton 170 Scarboroughj Noble 108 MoretowD Cobb 177 Portland Coburn 110 Jippendix,^ Roads from Boston. 249

Falmouth Knipht 113 Augusta Pollard 175 BucKiuan 116 Vassal borough Brown 181 N. Yarmouth Mitchell 122 Cliina Washburn 197 Frceport Codmau 1-^8 Fairfax Heywood 201 Brunswick How 136 Ui#Ty Binnham 210 Bath Tmiipike Matticws 145 Joy Bagley 216 Henidell's Feiiy Ricker 147 Dixmont Butman 221 Woolwich White 149 No. 2, Range 1 Gilniore 229 Wiscasset Hiuon 1*7 Hampden Vose, Kinsley 287 Sbeepscot Rouiidift 161 Ban^'or Hatch 300 Nobieborouph Bryant 166 New Post road from Baugor Wairtoborough Barnard 176 Wairen Page 184 to Dexter and NorxKlge- ThoiiUk*ton Gleiwon 190 wock-. Camden E-gei- 202 Jackson Plantation Bunkni- g Lincolnvilie 210 Levant Hodsdon S Belfast Cunningham 2<20 Corinth Fleshman S Over the bay to Castine, Prescott 4 Perkins 232 Garland Gudin 10 BluehUl Witham 240 D^-xter Faner 5 Suvry 256 Palnyra Lancey 5 EllsworA Langdon 261 BkK mfield Lock 20 Tfejitoai

Crosby PI. Friend 16 Piscataqua Bridge Frink 58 Newport Bnrnet 21 DoTer Rollins 70 do. Stewart and Shaw 52 Soraersworth 74 To Norridgewock. Berwick Hayes, Garland 75 Falls Hobbs 82 Vassalborough Biowu 1§0 Dousrhty's 76 "Winsiow 190 South Berwick Frost Littlefield, Lindsay 85 Clinton 196 Wdls Canaan Locke 206 Kennebunk Jeffl^rds 95 Saco Cleaves Mfiody 105 Nomdgewock Sawtel 212 & Strofidwater March 106 To iSorridg;ewock through Portland Burnham, FoUom, Oxford. Tiiton, M'Lellan, Cobum 112 Falmouth Lambert 115 From Portland through Gn>y Cobb 125 Nt'iv Gloucester 132 Fryeburgh and White Poland 139 Hills to Lancaster, N.H. Minot Perkins 143 GoihaiH Phinney 10 Turner Leavilt 150 Staii'/wjch Thompson 17 Livejiiiore Munroe 162 BaUlw-in Fitch 29 Jay Frost 162 Hiram Spring 36 Farmin^tou Rujt 184 Bro^vnfield Stickney 40 Merccsttr Arnold 192 Fr^bur^ Eastman 47 St.irks Ciii-by 197 Conway, N. H. Qggodd 49 Norndsewock Danfuith 204 Bartlett Hall 65 From Brunswick to Hal- Hart's Location T. Gate 72 78 lo well, (old road.) Notch of White Hills Hartf ,vd Beyond Notch Rosebj-ook 84 Topsham Grtjen 1 Jefferson F laisted 93 vdoidham Baker 15 Bo Lancastt r Wilson 103 Xitchlieid 22 Haliowell Smith 29 To Newburyport through From Portland to Hal- Salem. lowell, through New Salem Potter Baker Gloucester. Bererly Wtnham Porier Portland 118 Hamilton Brown Grav 136 Ipswich Treadwell Hew Gloucester 142 Rowley Smith Lewistown 152 Newburyport Gilman Gre<-n 458 MonmOuth 166 To Gloucester. •Winthrop 172 Beverly Baker Hallowell Smith 182 Manchester Thompson Xo Portland over Piscata- Gloucester Low qua Bridge. 1 o Marblehead. Hanpton Falls Lanjjmaid 43 Lynn Hotel Greenland Dearborn 52 Marblehead Ray

Distances fro/n Boston to the Principal Toivns in the United States. Miles. Miles. Trom Boston to ProAidence, to Portsmouth, N. H. 60 tt. I. 41 to York, Maiiie 67 «_. to New London, Con. 100 to Saco 95 .— to New Haven, Con. 134 to Portland 110 <—— to Sprin8:fieUl 86 to North Yarmouth 127 —- to Hatford. Con. 100 to Brunswick 136 —- to New York 210 to Bath 145 .— to Philadelphia 205 to Wiscawet 157 — to Baltimore 395 to Feifast 220 *— to Washington City 436 to Bucksport 251 to Salem 14 to Machins East Falls 320 «—. to New buryport 39 to EastiKMTt 350 INDEX.

Academy Arts & Sciencrs 138 Congress, 18th 191 Academies in .vlvjss-achuseiU 142 Consult, American 314 Additions and Cunectium 223 Consuls, foreign in U. S- 217 Agents, Consuls 214, 217 Cincinnati in Ma»s .chuaettt 159 Agiicultiirai Societies 163 City Oiiicers in Boston 168 Antiquai-iaii Society 141 Cong. Charitable Society 153 Ancient and Hun. Artillery 122 Conrention Cong. .>iinister> 99 Anduver Institution 136 Council, Massachusetts 17 Appendix 223 Custom House Otflcers 221 Ar.uy of the United States 205 Dispensary, Medical 15i Aitiilery of Massachusetts 119 District Officers of U: S. 194 Asylums 155 Divisionary Start' Officers 106 Attoineys in Boston 40 Dukes' County Justices, &c. 61 Attorneys, Civ. Court, U. S. 197 Dartmouth College 134 Atheni urns 161 Eclipses 3 Attorney-Gen- of Massachusetts 23 Essex Comity Justices, &c. 40 Auctioneers in Boitoa 174 Education Societies 137, 151 Assessors 173 Federal Courts, Sitiings of 196 Attorneys in Essex 43 Female Samaritan Society 154

Aqueduct Corpor-ition . 163 Field Officer* of Infantry 109 Banks in Massachusetts 176 Franklin Donation 157 Barnstable Justices, &c. 59 Firewards in Boston 169 Berkshire Justices, Stc. 68 Franklin County Justices, &c. 75 Bible Societies 146 Guid iabi.s 229 Biil of Mortality, Boston 243, 244 General C mrt 16 Bishops in America 89 General Staif Officers 106 Banks, Suv.naji 156 Governmeiit of United States 188 B.igadeSiaif Officers 107 Governors of Massachusetts 15, 15 Bii^ade in Bo>to.i, 3d 122 Do. of ilie several States 187 Bristol Justices, &c. 55 Hami^shire Justices, &c. 49 133 Hatidei & Haydn Society I60 Boston Fuel Savings Institution l36 Health Commissioners, boston 172 Bowdoin CoLege 131 Humane Socitties 144 Boylston Donation 157 Hampden Justic s, &c. 77 Branches U. S. Bank 233 Ilaivard UniversJly 124 Census of Massachusetts, 18 ta 26 Historical Societies 140 Do. Uniletl Stat Hospital Corporation 158 Do. Towns and Cities, Howard Bene> olent Society 160 Do. of Maine, Instructors, Associated 223 Do. of New-Hampshire, Infantry, Field Officers of 109 Charitable Societies Inspettojs, State 221 Churches and Ministers Insurance Companies 18S City OfRceit, Boston Interest i able S,^. Common Councilinen Justices in Boston 37 Court, Counsellors, Cir. U. S. Judiciary of Massachttsetts 28 " • " Common Pleas Judiciary of United States 194 — Circuit U. S. Attorney* 197 Justices through the State 36 - S, J. Massachusetts 28 Letters, postage of 97 S. J. Calender of 30 Law Social I-ibiary 162 Common Pleat 31 Libra, y Societies 161, 162 — Sessions 29 Linnean Society 144 Probate 33 List of i'urnpik«3 98 — Sessions 32 Manufactories in Massachusetts 100 —— of United States 196 Marine Societies 145 Couru in Maina 224 Masonic Societies 165 Constables in Boston 173 Mayor & Aldermen 168 Coins, Foreign 79, 229 Massac}iusett8 State Tax 102 Counsellors, &c. in Boston 39 Middlesex Justices, &c. 45 Cadets, Independent 122 Mill Corporation 163 Colleges 124> Musical Societies 160 <^>ngTes». 17fh Militia AfMaisachusetts "Ui^ «52 INDEX.

Ministers and Churches 81 School Committse, do.^ Mini4tei-s ot U. S. in Foreign Senate of Massachusetts Countries 214 do. United Sutes Ministers foreig-n in U. S. 217 Societies, Charitable, gcc Medical Society of Mass. 138 Soiicitoi-Generai of Mass. Mi»si'>uary Soeieties. 148—152 Su(.c Prison, Officei-s of Mnn)cipat Cou>-t Suffolk County Justices, &c. Medical Disptnsary 153 Supienif Court, Massachusetts Middlesex Canal 162 Sijpreu.e Court of U. States 196 Nantucket Co. Justices^&e. 62 Sui-geoiu> aiid Physicians 174 .Kaval Board 198 Sessivjis Courts 32 Jiavirl Force of U. States 303 Secretary of Massachusetts 17 Nnvy Agents, &c. 201 Secretaries of Departments 193 Nav V of United States 198 Sutfoik Justices, gic. 37 Nos-folk C;>U'.tj Justices, &c. 72 Savings E^nk, Boston, &o. 156 Kotarici Publirk in Boston. 39 South Carolina College 136 i. 43 . in Essex ShtriffsiuBosum 40 ia Middlesex. 47 —^ Essex 44 I in Hampshire 51 Middlesex 4S - iDPI>n>uiith 53 Norfolk 74 —— in Bristol 57 Plymouth 54 .1 in Barnstable 60 Bristol 58 —— in Dukes 61 B istuble 60 in Nantucket 62 .Oukt^s 61 in Worcester 66 ^>antucket 62 — .. in Berkshire 70 Wo.cfcster 67

in Noifolk 73 • Hampden 79 ——— in Franklin 76 Haiti pshirc » —— in Hampden 78 Iraiiklin 77 Overseers of Poor, BostoB 169 Btikshire 71 Physicians in Boston 174 Statifcs fruui Boston 22.; Police Court in Busion 29 Tabic* 79,204, 228, 22sJ Probate Courts 33 Treasurer of Massachasetu 17 PopMlatwa efthe United States 234 Thtoi gieai Library 16?. Postage 97 TheuioKieai and Education Pniiceton College, N. J. 135 S«ciet; 158 92 173 Post I owns & Port Masters Uiidevtakeis in Boston Peace Societies 152 United States Arniy 20* Reporter Decisions, Mass. 28 Ujiited Sutes Calendar 18» Bjcpresentati^ei i^'iassi-chusett* i8 Universities 124, 13i do^ United States 189 Vermont Cbikges 135 Ro»d»,L.stof 245 Votts for Gtivi rnof - Roniaii Catholic Bishops 89 Wihiams College 13? Rates of Dockage, &c. 230 Wtireester County Justices, &c. 6» Sa;ari.s 193,194 \ale College 132 Schools Puhlic, Boston 169

0^5=- CoBiity Attornejs, Judg** of Probate, Register! Attorni=:y8»,
