317.3M31 H41 AIICHIVM H^*' Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston littp://www.arcliive.org/details/pocketalmanackfo1823amer : ;; J^>^\iuS^,J^n^^qg^,^T ^s^S^^^^T^i)a,r ^^^^Q^q^ ^^j;:^ ^'^ THE MASSACHUSETTS AND Unit^ed States Calendar For the Year of ouh LORD * 18^ a, aad Forty-seventh of j^msricai/ /NDBPEAfOENCE. coNTAiariwG I Civil, Judicial, Eccl'fsiastical and Military Lisfs in MASSACHUSETTS; Associations, and Corporatk Institutions for literary^ agricultural^ and charitable Purposes. A List 'if Po&T-TowNS n Massachusetts, titith f/ic| Names o^ the Post-Masters. CITY OFFICERS IIS" BOSTON. also, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its several Departments and Establishments Times of the Sittings of the several Courts; Governors in each State ; And a Variety of other interesting Articles. BOSTON PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, AND RICHARDSON^ 8c LORD. Soldwholesale and retail, at their Book-stores, Comhil ECLIPSES FOR'1823. There will be nolens than six Eclipses this year, four will be of the Suri^ and two of the Moon^ in the follow- ing order, v iz. I. Thefirstwill be of the Sun, January 12(hday,4h.l0m. morning, consequently invisible. Moon's lat. i° 24' N. II. The second will be of the Moon, January 26th day, Oh. 27m. evening, of course invisible. III. The third will be of the Sun» February 10th day, lOh. 21ni. evening-, likewise invisible. IV. The fourth will be of the Sun, July 8lh day, near 2h. morning, also invisible. V. The iiCth will be a total Eclipse of the Moon, begin- ning July 22d, and ending on the 23d, visible, as follows: Beginning, July 22d, 8h. 46in. \ Beginning of total darkness, 9 52 f Appar. time Middle, 19 42 ^ e\ ening. End of total darkness,' 11 30 ) End^ 38 App. time morn. Daratbn, 3 52 Digits eclipsed, \^^ nearly from N. side of Earth's shadow. VI. The sixth and last will be of the Sun, August 6th 9h. 9m. in the morning, but in- i.^ible, m coii^equ€nce of the Moon's great soutijern latitude, viz. T 25 ii. VOTES FOR GOVERNOR— 77/r&z^^/i6w/Mc State, Tor Mr. Strong, 18C0 19,^30 < For Mr. Gerry, ie,«58 J. or do. 1801 25,452 \ For do. iO,l(it> Yor do. 1802 2y.983 -> For do. ig.584 yor do, 1803 29,l9y \ For do. ll,b3o Jor d«. 18C4 30,011 i For Mr. SuUivau, 2i,'J79 For do. 1805 35,204 ? For do. 33,250 For do. 1806 3(>,433 1 For do. 36.031 For do. 1807 39,224 t For do. 41,954 For Mr. Gore, 1808 39,643 ,- For do. 41,is^i For do. Ifi09 47,9i6 i For Mr. l/mco!n, 45,il8 For do. IS 10 44,272 For Mr. Gtny, 4n,54l For do. ISU 40,142 • For do. 43,328 For Mr. Strong, 1312 52,696 $ For do. 5l,32(> For do. 1813 56,754 i For Mr. Varmim, 42,789 For do. 1:^14 56,374 > For Mr. Dexter, 45,053 For do. 1815 50,'<21 * For do. 43,93& For Mr. Brooks, 1816 49,573 t For do. 47,384 38,129 For do. 1S17 46,160 f For Mr. Dearlwni, For do. 1818 39,*3;{ i For Mr. Crowninsh^el.l, 30.041 For do. 1819 42,875 \ For do. 35,271 For do. 1820 31.072 \ For Mr. Euslis, 22,213 For do. 1821 28,487 *. For do. 21,117 Boston, 1821, Mr. Brooks, 3114 ^ For do W2l PA V-/ FEBRUARY, 1823, begins on Saturd^ Last Quarter 2d da\, 5h. 50ni. evening. New Moon 10th day, lOb. 21m. evening. First Quarter I8th. day, 6h. 1 8m. morning. Ful] Moon 25th. day, Oh. 2*^m. morning. MIW Observable Days, b'c. |r. s. jr. # 6. jF. Sea. t^ery fine 7 6 5 morn. 3 34 Sexag.S.P.V.M.orCAND. 4 5 13 4 20 except bein<^ cold, 3 5 1 17 5 6 7*s set 2h. morn. 3 d 9 a 5 2 19 5 56 lAga. Moderates [Dapog. I 5 3 13 6 45 5 Fed.Con.rat.byMas. '88. ° -5 4 8 7 35 t > I'jot very high <vuith 6 j8 6 4 52 8 24 tides. 7 \ jnonv. 6 57 6 5 30 9 15 E jQuinqua. Sun. Cooler and 6 56 6 6 1 10 3 2 brisk fivinds. j Qed.invis. 6 54 6 >sets 10 50 3 'Sbrcve. Tuts. Sharp 6 53 6 6 11 34 ^4 jAshU'ed.orLENT. d> $ 6 52 6 7 5 ev. 17 b 3 jCold Friday 1817. air 6 JO 6 8 10 I I 146 Valentine Day. -M«c>6 6 49 6 9 18 1 44 [finer (with 6 48 6 10 28 2 32 16 E 1st Sun. in ^i 6 Lent D 4 46 6 11 39 3 22 172 Tr. with G. B. rat. by Con. 6 45 6 morn. 4 16 8. C. Deci. J. JalUng 6 44 6 o 53 5 14 set ih. f> l'.4 7*8 morn, d 6 $? 4z a 6 6 15 iA^iddling tides 6 ,^ >per. 41 3 ^3 7 18 gjo to the end ^weather. 6 I 40 6 4 II 8 19 iV\ ASHiNGTON gs>'7 bor. 1732 6 38 6 4 58 9 17 5.[E 'i'd Sun. in Lent. Very cola. ^ 37 6 5 47 10 17 p^,'2 C.P.Lenox. St. Matt. 35 6 8iii 5 of 95:3 the month. 6 34 6!Crisetii 53 -' Changes to p5!4 fine Jor ^33 6; 7 4ijmorn gj 5 7*s set oh. 28m. the 6 31 6' 8 49' o 40 08 6 4eajon.6 6' 30 9 57 1 26 Venus will be evening star till 10th of October; tnrnce mcrninjr star tf) the end of the ye-^r. Jupi- TLR will be niorning star till 10th of June; thence tvcrinK ^tar U. the end ot the ye^ir. MARCH, J 823, begins on Saturday. APRIL, 1823, begins on Tuesday. MAY, 1823, begins on Thursday. JUNE, 1823, begins on Sunday. JULY, 1823, begins on Tuesday. AUGUST, 182J3, begins on Friday. OCTOBiiR, 1823, begins on Wednesday. I New Moon 4?th day, 3h. 57m. morning. First Quarter 1 ItU day, 9h. 23m. evenmg, Full Moon lytli day, 5h. -Aim. evening. Last Quarter 26tli day, 3h. Om. evening. Iffc. r. s. r.#s. IF. Sea. Observable Days, | Q Re mi. Becomes 6 11 6 2 58 8 50 much finer, 6 1% 6 4 12 9 40 7*s sou. 3h. mor. 6 14 6 5 ^4 10 3Q Cooler 15 6 isets i» . 0^46 18 19th. 6 6 8 Sun. past Trin. with 17 6 eve 7 some rain. 6 18 6 6 40 57 S.J. C. L. T. Camb. UP. 6 20 6 7 16 1 49 •84 Fine days [& S. Bost. 6 21 6 8 o 2 4] St. Dennis. but cool 6 23 6 ^ 49 3 34 io'6 24 6 9 44 4 25 Low tides. «5 > H t) 25 6110 43 J »5 2E 20th. Sun. past Trin. > apo. ^ 27 6|ii 44 6 2 132 C, S. Nant. Pkoiant ^ 28 6 morn. 6 48 «43 S.J.C.L.T.PIym.C.S.Newp. ^ 30 6| o 48 7 32 154 31 ^1 1 51 8 ij 65 season. ^ 32 6 2 54 8 57 Ethel. 6 6 Burgoyne sur. *77. 34 3 57i 9 41 St. Luke. Th' 6 18I7 clouds ZS 5 5 al^o 27 .9E 2ist. Sun. past Trin. 6 36 6 ^riseii 16 20 z denote 6f^^^ 38 6 5 24 morn. S. 6 J.C. L.T. Dedh. a 39 ^ 6 5 storm is near. 6 41 6 651 Colum. dis. Amer. 1492. 6 42 7 58 Sirius rises 11 h. 40m. 6 9 8 Crispm. xMid. tides. > 1^ 6 to 2l J 45 5 Z2d Su '. past Trin. per. 6 6 II _) 46 38 C. P. LenoK. Cool winds 6 47 « morn, S.J.C.L. T.Salem, w/th 6 49 6 o 52 6 51 failing weaiher. 6 50 6 2 4 7 41 Pres. Adams born, 1735. 6 3 16 8 a8 7*s ih. sou. lom. c^ C ? ^ 53 6 4 26: 9 16 NOVEMBER, 1823, begins on Saturday. | DECEMBER, 18:>;3, begins on Moaday. New Moon -^d day, 8h. 52m. monnng. First Quarter l6th day, 2h. 1 2m. evening. Fall Moon l7th day, 5h. 6m. evening. Last Quarter 24't!i day 8h. 54m. morning. Observable Days ir.0 8. |r.®s. F. b ea. 2 Middling tides. 6owf 20 3!^ io ia rfl;« i/' 7 26 >sets II 13 L, rises 7h. eve. not 27 aa eve 3 Y'd. 7 5 5 snow, H. o 4 d 1 7 27 57 othemvi^e 28 i 5 Co/^, 7 46 Nichol. pleasant. 8 19 2 3i 6|7 7 319 20 7E 2d. Sun. in Ad. > apog. 7 29 9 3 »5 C. P. Cam. Wor. & rauii.7 30 10 21 3 57 Low tides. Clouds 11 21 9|3 7 30 4 l^ fore'.el a mom 7 31 j storm Gov. Sail. di. 1 808. 7 31 22I ^ ^ 126 zj «^tfr. 7 32 * 23 6 44 '^ z '3^7 Lucy. Grows 6 % 1 32 29 7 3 i4E 3d Sun. in Ad. Wash. a '99. 7 32 3 3^ 8 22 C.
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