The Urban Bush Telegraph Summer 2011/12

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The Urban Bush Telegraph Summer 2011/12 Summer 2011-2012 Newsletter of the Urban Bushland Council WA Inc PO Box 326, West Perth WA 6872 Email: [email protected] Bush Forever Motion Finally Debated in Legislative Council When the Bush Forever Amend- quires funding. At the mo- (Lib), Hon Ken Travers ment was finally tabled in Parlia- ment, sites that have been (ALP) and Hon Giz Watson ment it was the culmination of purchased by the Department (Greens). A number of other many years of science, policy of Planning are largely in the members interjected, not development, negotiations and process of being transferred to always in helpful ways. hard work. Unfortunately it also the Department of Environ- by no means protected each ment and Conservation for Unfortunately, at the end of and every one of the 287 Bush management – but there is no the debate every member of Forever sites to the extent that extra funding for their man- the Liberal and National Par- we would like to see. agement. ties voted against the motion and that was enough to As such the Hon Alison Xamon Management of these sites is have it defeated. MLC on behalf of the Greens required to stop deterioration moved that the Legislative of the sites due to arson, rub- It is important that the matter Council: bish dumping, off-road vehi- of protecting Bush Forever notes the finalisation of the Bush cles and the spread of weeds sites and also our remaining Forever Metropolitan Region and feral species. urban bushland not be left at Scheme Amendment and the this point. There is still an associated State Planning Policy The purpose of the Greens amendment to the Metropoli- 2.8, Bushland Policy for the motion was for the Parliament tan Region Scheme Text in Perth Metropolitan Area, and to address these concerns progress, that will define the calls on the Barnett Government and for the Government to purpose of the Bush Forever to go further and protect Perth’s acknowledge that more needs Areas marked on the Metro- unique urban bushland in perpe- to be done to protect Bush politan Region Scheme Map. tuity by - Forever sites from develop- The text amendment is cur- Guaranteeing statutory pro- ment and from deterioration. rently with the State Solici- tection for those same Bush tor’s Office to determine Forever sites; The motion did not stipulate or whether it is a minor or a Legislating, or introducing suggest any particular time major amendment. Bush Telegraph Bush Telegraph regulations, which assure an frame for progress to be made The issue of funding for appropriate standard of man- on these matters – only to management activities is agement for those sites; and acknowledge that progress critical and ongoing and will Appropriately funding that does need to be made and for need to continue to be management. the Government to make a pushed in Parliament. The commitment to keep working Ministers and the Premier Many people are surprised to on protecting and preserving need to be reminded of how find out that the Bush Forever our precious urban bushland. important our urban bush- Amendment which has been land is to the people of tabled does not actually guaran- Regulations to develop man- Perth. tee the protection of Bush For- agement plans and fund man- ever sites. agement activities are desper- ately required for those Bush Inside this issue: What it does do is recognise Forever sites that are not Bush Forever areas and mark lucky enough to have an ac- Fungi Project 3 Urban those areas on the Metropolitan tive Friends group or be for- Region Scheme map. Special mally reserved as Parks and Monash Avenue Bushland on a 4 considerations apply to develop- Recreation. Knife Edge ing in Bush Forever Areas as Groups News 8 specified in State Planning Poli- The members who spoke on cy 2.8, but there is no guarantee the motion were Hon Alison Managing for healthy forests 10 that sites cannot be developed. Xamon (Greens) as the mover Further, the value of these sites and in reply, Hon Sally Talbot New Funding Opportunities 13 can only be maintained through (ALP), Hon Lynn MacLaren The active management – which re- (Greens), Hon Helen Morton Editorial Many studies have shown what we know intuitively: Park and Bold Park recognised in Bush Forever. that having access to nature is fundamental to human This is yet another of the important linkage sites health and wellbeing. “Nature is in some fundamen- destroyed by inaction of the Environment Minister, tal way important for the human psyche, and as the EPA and DEC. There are no legally binding such it is really central to public health,” says Rog- policies or regulations in place to protect the well er Ulrich, Director of the Centre for Health Systems documented and recognised ecological linkages in and Design at Texas A&M University. the Perth-Peel region. Indeed every ward and treatment area at the new Furthermore there is no WA law or regulation in Fiona Stanley Hospital at Murdoch will have direct place that protects habitat of endangered species. access to landscaped areas with plants. It has Thus with no legal protection, the feeding and rest- been shown that patients undergoing treatment or ing habitat of Carnaby's Cockatoo and many other recovering get better quicker when their rooms species of birds, invertebrates and insects is being overlook, and have access to, trees and planted cleared patch by patch - the classic death of a outdoor areas. thousand cuts. While Minister Marmion pays lip service to the protection of the endangered Carna- Yet astoundingly the State Government has recent- by's Cockatoo, his decisions and lack of interest in ly in November destroyed the small area of Bank- the decline of this species from uncontrolled clear- sia woodland known as Monash Bushland outside ing are remarkable. the cancer treatment centre at the QEII Medical Centre in Nedlands, despite a very public cam- Thus a key objective for the UBC in 2012 is the raising paign by local residents, Friends’ groups and the of community awareness of the plight of our iconic, but Urban Bushland Council to retain it. The articles in endangered Black Cockatoos, and the urgent need for this edition tell the story. new biodiversity legislation to replace the outdated and ineffective Wildlife Conservation Act 1950, so that The Master Plan for the QEII Medical Centre these species and their habitat are protected and shows retention of the bushland, but alas in the properly managed in perpetuity. rush to start building and cram everything on the one site, this natural asset was forsaken for a tem- The generous grant from Lotterywest 2010/11 has en- porary car park to be followed by a new building for abled us to build a fantastic new website Ronald MacDonald House which is currently in with the latest facilities Subiaco. such as on-line campaigning. This tool together with new promotional materials will be invaluable aids to all The heartfelt words of cancer patient Marie Carter the local campaigns to save habitat - especially in on p6 were ignored by decision-makers in our Banksia woodlands - and to focus on the big picture health system. and the need for new biodiversity legislation before the And the Monash bushland was part of the regional- next State election in March 2013. ly significant ecological linkage between Kings LAUNCH OF THE UNITED NATIONS DECADE ON BIODIVERSITY 2010-2020 On the 17th of December 2011, in a ceremony organized sion X/2 at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the by the United Nations University, the Ministry of Environ- Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, held in ment of Japan and the Secretariat of the Conventions on October 2010, in Nagoya, Japan. Australia is one of the Biological Diversity, the United Nations Decade on Biodi- signatories to the Convention. versity was launched in Kanazawa, Japan. This new plan will be the overarching framework on bio- The United Nations Decade on Biodiversity builds on the diversity, not only for the biodiversity-related conventions, achievements of the celebration of the 2010 International but for the entire United Nations system. Year of Biodiversity. It aims at implementing the first Mr Katsukiho Yokomitsu, Senior Vice-Minister of the En- Aichi Biodiversity Target of the Strategic Plan on Biodi- vironment, Japan in his address to the Conference partic- versity 2011-2020, namely to ensure that by 2020 all the ipants said: “Given the current status of biodiversity, it is people of the world will be aware of biodiversity and its incumbent upon us to endeavor continually and unfailing- value. ly to achieve the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. To pass on to Examples of other targets are: our children the abundant natural blessings of this planet, At least halve and, where feasible, bring close to zero we must harness the collective wisdom of humanity and the rate of loss of natural habitats, including forests, begin and extend concerted efforts across the globe to Restore at least 15% of degraded areas through con- create societies that exist in harmony with nature.” servation and restoration activities , Call for active participation by all parties to the Conven- Make special efforts to reduce the pressures faced by tion and all stakeholders was made to find inclusive glob- coral reefs. al solutions to address the complex problem of biodiver- The Strategic Plan on Biodiversity 2011-2020, including sity conservation. For more information go to the Aichi Biodiversity Targets were adopted through deci- Page 2 THE URBAN BUSH TELEGRAPH New fungi project to discover the fibre-head fungi in Australia Dr Neale Bougher and Dr Brandon Matheny have recently embarked on this exciting new fungi project after being awarded a 3 year Research Grant under the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) National Taxonomy Research Grant Program.
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