990 6RPH INFORMATION RADIO Assembly Funding 2572 A ABBOTT, MS BARBARA See “Government Departments and Agencies - Staff - Investigations” ABC LEARNING CENTRES LTD See “Community Development” ABORIGINES See also “Health”, “Indigenous Affairs, Department of”, “Native Title”, “Reserves (Reserves 43131) Bill 2003” and “Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody” Assembly Aboriginal Customary Law Project - Grievance 1683 Aboriginal Education and Training Council - Chairperson - Credit Card 14308 Aboriginal Housing Infrastructure Council - Chairperson 11563, 11679 Aboriginal Lands Trust - Review 2521, 4169 Abused and Neglected Children 4673 Albany, City of - Aboriginal Accord - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 5978 Antisocial and Criminal Behaviour - Premier’s Comments 10282 Brookton Aboriginal Reserve - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 7658 CALM Mentored Aboriginal Training and Employment Scheme - Statement by Minister for the Environment 13773 Child Protection Workers - Placement 11628 Children in Foster Care 4673 Cultural Awareness Training in Education System 12818 Disability Services Initiatives - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 377 Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School, Bunbury 9420 Employment Initiatives 10496 Family Violence Prevention Support Service - North West 3570 Gordon Inquiry Comments by Member for Hillarys 2167 Documents 3778 Evidence 3777 Funding Allocations 2270 Government’s Response 11815; Statement by Premier 9081 Implementation of Recommendations 9086, 10053 New Allegations or Evidence 1462 Statements Minister for Community Development 274 Premier 171, 3774 Heritage and Culture Grant Scheme - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 746 Housing - North West 2717 Indigenous Women’s Congress - Statement by Minister for Community Development 11897 Kiwirrkurra Community - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 1176 Martu People - Rudall River National Park 10030 Mining Lease No 36/7 - Heritage Site 689 Ministerial Council on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 1973 Mullewa - Antisocial Behaviour 12460 Murchison Region Aboriginal Corporation - Funding 11140 National Parks and Nature Reserves - Transfer to Aboriginal Groups 11257 Ngaanyatjarra Lands - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 4817 North West 4166, 9747 Nyoongah Youth Centre, Busselton - Statement by Member for Vasse 7878 Onslow - Protection of Children and Women 8178 Penny, Ms Neila - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 5080 Pia Wadjarri Remote Community School - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 8581 Reconciliation Grants Scheme - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 4554 Sport and Recreation Facilities - Improvement 5085 2 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ABORIGINES (continued) Assembly (continued) Swan Valley Nyungah Community Appointment of Administrator 8726 Claims of Oppression, Abuse and Intimidation 8001 Closure 13608; Statement by Premier 7655 Police Guard or Patrol 14486 Role of Department of Indigenous Affairs 8174 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 1972 Status of Land 10636 Council Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act - Rate Exemptions 13065 Aboriginal Cultural Materials Committee Appointments and Turnover of Registrars 6604 Chairperson - Conflict of Interest 13165 Portman Iron Ore Ltd - Koolyanobbing Mine Expansion 6604 Recommendations on Sacred Sites at Yakabindie Nickel Project 6603 Section 18 Applications 4945, 5659, 5665, 9649 Aboriginal Heritage Act Prosecutions 5438 Review 945 Section 16 Excavations 7179, 7450 Sites of Significance - Protection 6085, 6457 Aboriginal Heritage Sites Register - Broome - Registration of Names 5957 Aboriginal Housing Development Authority Funds Allocated 4937 Unacquitted Grant 5026 Aboriginal Housing Infrastructure Council 3868, 12005 Aboriginal Justice Council 4937, 10150 Aboriginal Visitors Scheme in Prisons 712, 4937 Affirmative Action on Public Employment - Legislation 3612 Alcohol on Community Lands - Prohibition 2867 Belang Aboriginal Corporation - Living Area Excision in Shire of Murchison 14710 Bringing them Home Report - Implementation of Recommendations 9193, 9648, 9656 Broome - Heritage Consultants 8423 Bungalbin, Windarling, Boondine Hill and Mt Jackson - Sites of Cultural Significance 5317 Cheeditha Community - Complaint about Forging of Signatures of Community Development Employment Project Recipients 9022 Child Protection Workers - Placement 9357, 9362, 11481, 12924 Personal Explanation by Hon Derrick Tomlinson 11484 Child Sexual Abuse - Statistics on Communities 8367, 8566, 8678, 8679, 9566, 9567 Conservation Reserves - Transferring of Ownership 13349 Council of Aboriginal Elders - Abolition 9633 Dampier Public Wharf - Engravings 10262 Electricity Supply Cost - Remote Communities 8422 Family Violence Prevention Support Service - North West 11481 Personal Explanation by Hon Derrick Tomlinson 11484 Gordon Inquiry Additional Child Protection Workers 3875 Costs 2910 Interim Report 8 Recommendation No 187 4257 Recommendations - Cost 12163 Record-keeping Plan 4532, 14838 Report - Statement by Leader of the House 130 Retention and Disposal Schedule 13470 Secret Evidence 6953 Government Programs 7014-7017, 7509, 7511, 7654, 7841-7846, 8402, 8407 Heritage Issues - Aboriginal Heritage Sites 9552 Homelessness 1263, 2157 Housing - Construction Program 12005 Inalienable Freehold Title to parts of Conservation Estate 11830, 11831 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 3

ABORIGINES (continued) Council (continued) Mt Henry Bridge - Aboriginal Site Clearance 9651 Mungullah Community Aboriginal Corporation - Chairperson 6281 Newton Moore Senior High - Absentee Rates 10362 Ngaanyatjarra Council (Aboriginal Corporation) College - Funding 5974 Ngaanyatjarra Lands School 5973 Ngalia People - Yakabindie Nickel Project 6604 Ninga Mia Village - Relocation 4052, 4053, 4363 North West - Programs 8401 Pastoral Leases - Number Held 14214 Reserve 24574 Drilling Activity 4300, 6331, 6999, 8430, 9363, 9377, 10381 Dumping of Waste Rocks up to Boundaries 4301, 6122 Relocation Costs 4064, 7838 Road Safety Directions for Aboriginal Road Users Document 6302 Rock Art Burrup Peninsula Assessment of Impact of Emissions 4298, 4527, 7014 Disturbance and Loss 6303, 6460, 6584, 7512 Evaluation 10931 Legislative Protection 7847 Minimisation of Emissions 7203 Monitoring Committee 8576, 8688 Murujuga Rock Art Estate 2766, 6584 Petition 6289 - Vandalism 9080 Roebourne - Neglected Children 4448, 4452 Saunders Street Settlement - Statement by Hon Derrick Tomlinson 8683 Sites of Significance Assessment and Deletion from Register 11832 Cities of and South Perth 7478 Dunsborough Centrepoint Shopping Centre 13005 Excavation Applications 7450 Heritage of WA Act 12146, 12965 Perth Urban Rail Development 7647, 8362, 9192, 9356 Protection 6085, 6457, 7019, 12006 Sorry Day - Statement by Hon Giz Watson 8570 Southern Rail Link - Heritage Sites 11054, 12045 State Forests - Transfer of Ownership to Aboriginal Groups 11172 Support Workers - Placement, Experience and Training 9357, 9362 Swan Valley Nyungah Community Access 4946 Ancestors’ Remains 4946 Audit 4393 Bropho, Mr Robert 554, 9022 Closure 7643, 7825 Government Contact 4946 Meetings 13079 Memorandum of Understanding 4945 Number at Henley Brook Camp 9024 Raid 4253 Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 9198 Tjalka Boorda Aboriginal Community - Sewage Treatment Ponds 5960 Urban Settlements - Closure 9360 ACCESS 31 See “Arts and Culture” ACTS AMENDMENT AND REPEAL (COMPETITION POLICY) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3482 Second Reading 3482, 6501, 6503 Returned 3215, 13422 Council’s Amendment 13828, 13829, 13980 4 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ACTS AMENDMENT AND REPEAL (COMPETITION POLICY) BILL 2002 (continued) Council Receipt and First Reading 6596 Second Reading 6596, 12516, 12523, 12645; Ruling by Deputy President (Hon George Cash) 12645 Instruction to Committee of the Whole 12650 Committee 12651-12654, 12919-12921, 12928-12951, 12968-12981 Report 13030 Third Reading 13088 Assembly’s Message 14154 ACTS AMENDMENT AND REPEAL (COURTS AND LEGAL PRACTICE) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2256 Second Reading 2256, 4601 Appropriations 2525 Consideration in Detail 4725, 8987-8991 Third Reading 8992 Council’s Amendments 13545 Assent 14896 Council Receipt and First Reading 9159 Second Reading 9159 Cognate Debate 13104 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 13129, 13135 Committee 13154-13163 Ruling by the Chairman 13155 Instruction to the Committee 13155 Report 13163 Third Reading 13163 Assembly’s Message 13575 Assent 14574 ACTS AMENDMENT (CARBON RIGHTS AND TREE PLANTATION AGREEMENTS) BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Cognate Debate 2276 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 2276 Second Reading 2308 Consideration in Detail 2308, 2309 Third Reading 2361 Returned 6188 Council’s Amendments 9135-9137 Council’s Message12470 Assent 12864 Council Receipt and First Reading 2341 Second Reading 2341 Cognate Debate 5658 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5658, 5770, 5780 Committee 5930, 6044-6050 Report 6051 Third Reading 6052 Assembly’s Message 9157, 12393 Assent 12911 ACTS AMENDMENT (EQUALITY OF STATUS) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 746 Second Reading 746, 3960 Appropriations 753 Consideration in Detail 3963-3967 Third Reading 3967 Returned 6496 Council’s Amendments 7388-7390 Assent 8021 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 5

ACTS AMENDMENT (EQUALITY OF STATUS) BILL 2002 (continued) Council Receipt and First Reading 4291 Second Reading 4291, 6242, 6306 Committee 6308-6313 Report 6314 Third Reading 6314 Assembly’s Message 7409 Assent 8347 ACTS AMENDMENT (RESERVES AND RESERVE BOARDS) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 8875 Second Reading 8875, 10185 Third Reading 10190 Returned 14896 Council Receipt and First Reading 10327 Second Reading 10756, 14580 ACTS AMENDMENT (STUDENT GUILDS AND ASSOCIATIONS) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 180 Second Reading 180, 2525 Consideration in Detail 2561-2567, 2793-2811, 2833-2840, 2942-2973 Third Reading 2974 Returned 4591 Assent 4591 Reaction 3498 Council Receipt and First Reading 3057 Second Reading 3057, 4233, 4271, 4346, 4468, 4480 Discharge from Notice Paper and Referral to Legislation Committee 4222-4231 Committee 4503-4523 Report 4524 Third Reading 4524 Assent 4887 Draft Statutes 3733 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT Council Partially Proclaimed 14788-14798, 14851 ADAMS, MS BRENDA Assembly Condolences to Member for Avon 8436 ADDRESS-IN-REPLY Assembly Motion 16, 73, 102, 183, 294, 413, 1906, 2184, 3842, 3968 Amendments to Motion Health Services 106 Water Shortages 214, 289 Presentation to Governor 4110 Council Motion 10, 51, 140, 149, 238, 248, 353, 449, 555, 715, 837, 999, 1009, 1146, 1240, 1424, 1535, 1644, 1809, 1935, 2127, 2233, 2331, 2487 Deputy President’s Ruling 1937 Amendment to Motion - Government’s Failure in Administering the State 2493, 2598, 2607, 2738, 2861, 3019, 3030, 3163, 3431, 3442, 3584, 3720, 3864, 3875, 4004, 4191, 4249, 4259, 4319, 4387, 4443, 4454 Motion, as Amended 4457, 4497 Presentation to Governor 4500; Acknowledgment 4887 ADJOURNMENTS OF THE HOUSE Assembly Complimentary Remarks 4147, 9465, 9466, 14301 Special 535,1726, 2418,3256, 4147, 4885,5752, 6935, 7922,9465,10700, 11813,12880,14301,14916 6 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ADJOURNMENTS OF THE HOUSE (continued) Council Complimentary Remarks 4538, 14846 Special 472, 1668, 2350, 4538, 6589, 7966; Adjournment Debate 3190 Standing Orders Suspension 5666 ADOPTION Assembly Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Children - Foster Care and Abuse 4673 Adoptions Regulations 1995 - Statement by Minister for Community Development 8692 Budget Allocation 9494 Carer and Relative Inter-country Inquiries 4674, 5175 Gay and Lesbian Couples 10566 Health Assessment of Applicants 5174 Inquiries for Carer Adoption 4674 Laws - Petition 1970 Overweight Applicants 7107 Procedures for Birth Parents to Make Inquiries 4673 Council Laws - Petition 4181 ADOPTION AMENDMENT BILL (No. 2) 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 99 Second Reading 99, 1853-1863, 1870-1880, 1891-1899 Appropriations 436 Consideration in Detail 3081-3087, 3093-3104, 3205-3223, 3236-3244, 3357-3402 Third Reading 3557 Returned 5465 Council’s Amendments 5727-5733 Assent 5998 Council Receipt and First Reading 3761 Second Reading 3761, 5206, 5299 Committee 5304-5309 Report 5309 Third Reading 5309 Assembly’s Message 5669 Assent 6044 AGENT GENERAL OF WESTERN Assembly Fisher, Mr Robert - Statement by Premier 11378 AGREEMENT ACTS See “Industrial Development” AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES (DISPUTES) ACT 1995 Council Report - Statement by Minister for Agriculture 4378 AGRICULTURE See also “Water Resources - Farm Dams” Assembly Agricultural Protection Funding - North West 3410 Agricultural Shows - Statements Member for Greenough 12197 Memb er for Merredin 2000 Agriculture Protection Board - Select Committee - Motion 7238, 7691 Atrazine - Use in 4172 Chicken, Meat and Egg Industry - Protection from Infectious Bursal Disease Virus 11436 Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd - Merger with Grain Pool of WA - Statement by Treasurer 596 Compacted Soil and/or Subsoil Zones 1124 Dairy Industry Milk Prices - Grievance 8280 Select Committee Appointment of Members 9258 Establishment - Motion 8614, 9246; Amendment to Motion 9247; Motion, as Amended 9257 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 7

AGRICULTURE (continued) Assembly (continued) Department Bushland Covenanting Scheme 14968 Closure of Offices or Facilities 3404 Horticulture/Viticulture Specialist at Waroona 1124 Locust Control Campaign Award 914 Nannup and Busselton - Staff and Buildings 4696 Select Committee - Motion 7238, 7691 South Perth - Valuation 4701 Dogs, Wild - Control - Shire of Collie - Petition 6608 Drought Assistance Dalwallinu 25 Exceptional Circumstances Aid 3779 Farm Water Grants - Statement by Minister for the Environment 4816 Government Package 2270, 2927 North West 3570, 5513 Northern and Eastern Wheatbelt 1198, 1199; Grievance 1681 Nungarin Business Community 3090 State Budget Initiatives 9788 Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 2654 Economic Impact 3930 Electricity Charges - Reduction 3931 Elevated Work Platforms - Safety Regulations 10166 Flower Industry - Postal Poll - Accuracy of Eligible Producers List 13841 Muster, Carnarvon - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11898 Geographe Wine District - Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 3669 Gnowangerup Agricultural School 14524; Statement by Minister for Education and Training 14056 Grain Licensing Authority - Statement by Member for Ningaloo 12196 Grain Pool of Western Australia - Merger with Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd - Statement by Treasurer 596 Hay Bales - Transport Regulations 7928, 13674 Landcare Facilitators and Coordinators - Funding 208, 209 Midland Saleyards 3707, 14884 Neglected Orchards Working Group Hills Area - Statement by Member for Roleystone 7356 Oil Mallee Company of Australia Ltd - Funding 775 Ovine Johne’s Disease 14148 Pastoral Industry Working Groups - Development Reports Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11682 Poison 10 80 691, 9309 Soil Phosphorus Levels and Fertiliser Application Rates 9311 State Budget Initiatives 9787 State Weed Plan - Funding 14981 Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease - Inspections 14984 Wagin Electorate - Agricultural Shows and Festivals - Statement by Member for Wagin 13807 Wanneroo Agricultural Show - Statement by Member for Wanneroo 13807 Waroona, Harvey and Brunswick Agricultural Societies - Statement by Member for Murray Wellington 12603 Council Agriculture Protection Board Animal Pest Management - Feral Pigs and Emus 2872 Chemical Use Kimberley Armstrong Report 13118 Compensation 2122, 2604; Petition 9517; Statement by Minister for Agriculture 9544 Harper Report - Herbicide Spraying 861 Herbicide Drums Buried 8 Interim Report of Expert Medical Panel - Statement by Minister for Agriculture 5285 8 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

AGRICULTURE (continued) Council (continued) Agriculture Protection Board (continued) Chemical Use (continued) Kimberley (continued) Report 12287, 13146, 13592; Statements by Minister for Agriculture 1630, 12662, 13105 Status of Review 11364 Terms of Reference of Medical Panel 3435 Weed Control Chemicals and Equipment 14045 Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs Inquiry; Motion 10900; Amendment to Motion 10906, 12001; Motion, as Amended 12002 Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement - ALP’s Stance 10363 Bananas - Imports 12666 Cattle and Sheep Saleyards - Location 4902 Chemicals - Aerial Spraying - Legislation 12967 Chicken Meat Industry Act - Proposed Changes 10111 Climate Risk Management - Statement by Minister for Agriculture 13554 Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd Ability to Handle Record Grain Crop 11044 Impact of Changes to Transport Legislation 2870 Merger with Grain Pool of Western Australia 6 Narrakine Storage Facility - Road Safety 11206 Cotton Industry, West Kimberley 9195, 9970; Petition 8756 Dairy Industry Crisis - Ministerial Inquiry 9552 Deregulation 7644 European Dairy Farmers in Western Australia 2121 Overseas Farmers and Investors 2126 Re-regulation 10918 Damara Sheep - Environmental Impact 10781 Department Economic Analysis Capability 11599 Eucla, Ravensthorpe and Esperance Offices 5193 Full-time Equivalents 1742 Functional Review Committee Review 5412 Institutional Biosafety Committee 593 Land Conservation Officers 3872 Merredin - Staffing and Funding 5534 Staff Appointments of Level 5 and Above 1739 Dogs, Wild Culling 5314, 5664 Increase in Pastoral Regions 2123 Review 5533, 10248 Statements Hon Kim Chance 6094, 7182 Hon Paddy Embry 5962 Hon John Fischer 7182 Drought Assistance Breakdown of Expenditure 1951 Exceptional Circumstances Aid 2764, 3442, 4258, 4394; Adjournment Debate 3900 Statement by Minister for Agriculture 5397 Government Package 2602 Northern and Eastern Wheatbelt 1532 Payroll Tax Reductions and Stamp Duty Exemptions 2868 Statements by Minister for Agriculture 2467, 5759, 13112, 13585 Supplementary Information 2120 Economic Impact 3729 Dwellingup - Chemicals Dump 8 Egg Industry - Deregulation Asset Value of Golden Egg Farms 14837 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 9

AGRICULTURE (continued) Council (continued) Egg Industry - Deregulation (continued) Egg Marketing Board 6281, 9847, 10251 National Competition Council Submission 13117 Elevated Work Platforms - Legislation 7824 Employment of Underage Children on Farms 12270 Environmental Protection Act Draft Regulations - Consultation 11838 Exceptional Circumstances Claims 11176 FarmBis Western Australia - Funding 9584 Farmers - Compensation - Petition 8639 Flatulence Tax on Livestock in Western Australia 9196 Flower Levy 11041 Food Irradiation - Quarantine Phytosanitary Measures 11602 Foxes Control Program - Adjournment Debates 580, 583 Increase in Pastoral Regions 2123 Gascoyne-Murchison Region - Shearing Numbers 6122 Genetically Modified Canola 6457, 11478, 12140, 12960 Genetically Modified Crops Adjournment Debate 1036 Gene Technology Agreement 466 Gene Technology Interdepartmental Committee 1661 Gene Technology Legislation - Adjournment Debate 1836 Introduction 2603 Marketing Strategy 10481 Office of the Gene Technology Regulator 161, 245 Trials 161, 11833, 12927 Genetically Modified Foods - Dispensing of Medicines and Vaccines 1006 Genetically Modified Organisms 6279, 7824 Grain Carting - Shortage of Drivers 12004 Grain Licensing Authority Grain Producer Members 5957 Statement by Minister for Agriculture 11565 Third Party Exporters 14713 Grain Marketing Legislation - Reform 862 Grain Pool of Western Australia - Merger with Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd 6 Harper Report - Herbicide Spraying 861 Harvest Yields - Exceptional Circumstances Funding 3029 Hemp, Industrial - Legalisation 7177 Herbicides 2 4 5-T - Kimberley - Statement by Hon Robin Chapple 7321 Drums in Dwellingup Area 2346 Roundup - Environmental Guidelines for Use 10814 Horticultural Industry - Use of Chicken Litter 12670 Hydroponic Industry 9556, 11604 Indonesia and Singapore - Trade Potential - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 830 Institutional Biosafety Committee - Membership 40 Lactanz Dairy Farm - Waste Water Discharge into D’Entrecasteaux National Park 4057 Lamb - Definitions of Lamb Meat 7450 Landcare Facilitators and Coordinators 161, 241, 352 Land, Water and Wool Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands Subprogram 12558 Live Sheep Export - Statement by Hon John Fischer 6595 Livestock Transport - Regulations 6459, 7477, 11599, 11603 Meat Processing Industry - Statement by Minister for Agriculture 229; Motion 10077 Mediterranean Fruit Fly - Quarantine Checkpoint 10091 Merredin - Evaporation Ponds 4341 Mesquite - Control Policy 594 Midland Saleyards 160, 2873, 3732, 4204, 8366 Milk Prices 9971, 10480 Muchea Saleyards 10117, 13143 10 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

AGRICULTURE (continued) Council (continued) Multi Peril Crop Insurance Taskforce Report - Statement by Minister for Agriculture 4948 Northern Emu Barrier Fence 551 Noxious Weeds - Kalgoorlie-WA Border Railway Track - Control 11365 Onion Weed - Declaration as Noxious Weed 12141 Operation Minotaur - Adjournment Debate 583 Muster - Statement by Hon John Fischer 8572 Stage 2 - Interim Joint Proponents 2869, 3288 Overwidth Loads of Hay and Straw - Restrictions on Travel 5051 Ovine Johne’s Disease 551, 14029 Parkeston Stockyards 11207, 11479 Pastoral Industry Working Groups 2481 Persons Under 18 Years Operating Harvesting and Carting Machinery on Private Property - Regulations 12556 Pest Management - Inspections and Bounty 2872 Potato Marketing in Western Australia 5021, 9971; Statement by Minister for Agriculture 10882 Rabbit Control 14195 Saleyard Facilities - Development 10481 Scott Coastal Plain - Water Allocation 14777 Single Desk System - Statements Hon Paddy Embry 11489 Hon Frank Hough 11487 Skeleton Weed Eradication Program 711, 1533, 3177, 14839; Statements by Minister for Agriculture 538, 11598, 12252, 12654 Strainer Posts and Fencing Posts - Cutting by Farmers for Own Use 14839 Three-horned Bedstraw - Eradication Funding 12141 Wanneroo-Carabooda Area 4342, 4345, 4400 Western Agricultural Industries - Memorandum of Understanding 11039 Western Australian Export Grain Transportation and Handling Agreement 10154 Wheat Exports to Iraq 7 Impact on Crops of Snow in the Stirling Ranges 11043 Marketing - Single-desk Arrangement - Statements Hon Kim Chance 6462 Hon Frank Hough 6461 Outstanding Payments - Statements Hon Kim Chance 6094 Hon Frank Hough 6091 Variety WAWHT2248 - Release by Department of Agriculture 3872 Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus 8365 AIMS CORPORATION See “Courts - Court Security and Custodial Services Contract” ALBANY CEMETERY Council Funeral Services 11057 ALBANY CITY BAND Assembly Statement by Member for Albany 11530 ALBERTA, CANADA Assembly Oil and Gas Royalties - State-operated Investment Fund 1586 Tax Rates 1587 ALCOA WORLD ALUMINA AUSTRALIA Assembly Galton-Fenzi, Dr Brian - Conflict of Interest 987 Noise Regulation 27 Application 3003 Wagerup Alumina Refinery Emissions 3676 Noise Levels 822 Operation within EPA Environmental Conditions 9804 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 11

ALCOA WORLD ALUMINA AUSTRALIA (continued) Assembly (continued) Wagerup Alumina Refinery (continued) Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 8723 Use of Oil on Red Mud Lakes 8870 Council Wagerup Alumina Refinery Future Tripartite Group 13006 Licence Conditions 12558 Monitoring of Health of Wagerup Community 9566 Operating Licence No 6217/7 12924 Output Expansion 7479 Waste Oil as a Dust Suppressant 5959 Water Allocation at Wagerup and Pinjarra Refineries 12434 ALINTAGAS Assembly Albany - Fee to Find Gas Line 14969 Full Retail Contestability in the Gas Market - Statement by Minister for Energy 745 Geraldton and Greenough - Availability of Natural Gas 6788 Sale - Allocation of Funds to Salinity 8276 South Busselton - Reticulated Gas - Statement by Member for Vasse 5362 ALLEN, MR FRANK See “Employment and Training - Training - Western Australian Group Training Scheme” ALLNUT, MR IAN Council Public Service Medal - Statement by President 8368 ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE See “Health” AMANDA YOUNG FOUNDATION Assembly Statement by Member for Southern River 7355 AMBULANCES See “Hospitals” AMCOR CONTAMINATED SITE See “Pollution” AMITY HOUSE See “Education” ANDREWS, MR RON See “Health - Dental” ANIMAL WELFARE Assembly Act - Appointment of Scientific Inspectors 8871 Dogs Docking of Tails - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 2920 Wild - Control - Shire of Collie - Petition 6608 RSPCA Officer, South West - Petition 11497 Council Dogs - Docking of Tails 2479 Petition 2851 Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 2851 Inspectors - Appointment 6299, 6460 Local Government Laws Controlling the Welfare of Cats 6467 Unit - Membership 7012 ANIMAL WELFARE BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 2992 Assent 3355 Council Second Reading 2756, 2766 Committee 2774, 2775, 2876-2890 Report 2890 Third Reading 2890 Assent 3269 Order of Business Motion 2590, 2722 Amendment to Motion 2723 12 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMISSION See also “Joint Standing Committee on the Anti-Corruption Commission” Assembly Appointment of Chairman and Members 205 Premier’s Meeting with Mr T.E. O’Connor 1759 Staff Job Offers with the CCC and Redundancies 7112 Permanency and Entitlements 12739 Council Future Employment of Current Employees - Statement by Leader of the House 14725 Monitoring of Compliance with Code of Ethics 9063 Staff - Job Offers with the CCC and Redundancies 10789 ANWYL, MS MEGAN See “Lobbyists” and “Ports and Harbours - Esperance Port Authority” ANZAC DAY AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 8162 Second Reading 8162, 9129 Declaration as Urgent 9129 Remaining Stages 9130 Returned 13422 Assent 13928 Council Receipt and First Reading 9321 Second Reading 9321, 13339 Remaining Stages 13340 Assent 13843 ANZAC DAY REVIEW COMMITTEE Assembly Statement by Premier 11680 AOT CONSULTING PTY LTD See “Government Contracts” APPRENTICES See “Employment and Training” APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 1) 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 2) 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 3) 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2252 Second Reading 2252, 4097, 4112 Appropriations 2525 Remaining Stages 4138 Returned 7069 Assent 8021 Council Receipt and First Reading 4235 Second Reading 4235, 6246, 6950 Committee 6960 Report 6961 Third Reading 6961 Assent 8347 APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 4) 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2252 Second Reading 2252, 4139 Appropriations 2525 Remaining Stages 4139 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 13

APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 4) 2002 (continued) Assembly (continued) Returned 7069 Assent 8021 Council Receipt and First Reading 4235 Second Reading 4235, 6258 Committee 6961 Report 6963 Third Reading 6963 Assent 8347 APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 1) 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7362 Second Reading 7363 Appropriations 7524 Decla ration as Urgent 7527 Cognate Debate 7527 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 7527, 7543, 7660, 7689, 7706, 7865, 7912 Estimates Committees A and B Reports and Minutes - Presentation and Adoption 8459 Third Reading 8466, 8583 Returned 9671 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 8682 Second Reading 8682, 9521 Committee 9530-9535 Report 9535 Third Reading 9535 Assent 9569 APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 2) 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7376 Second Reading 7376, 7921 Appropriations 7524 Declaration as Urgent 7527 Cognate Debate 7527 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 7527, 7543, 7660, 7689, 7706, 7865, 7912 Estimates Committees A and B Reports and Minutes - Presentation and Adoption 8459 Third Reading 8590 Returned 9671 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 8683 Second Reading 8683, 9536 Remaining Stages 9544 Assent 9569 APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 5) 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14294 Second Reading 14294 APPROPRIATION (CONSOLIDATED FUND) BILL (No. 6) 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14294 Second Reading 14294 AQ2 PTY LTD See “Water Resources” ARCHITECTS BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 13679 Second Reading 13679 Appropriations 13816 AREA 1 NIGHT CLUB See “Police - Crowd Control Licences” 14 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ARMSTRONG REPORT See “Agriculture - Agriculture Protection Board - Kimberley - Chemical Use Review” ARTICLED CLERKS Council Employment 13591 ARTS AND CULTURE Assembly Australia Business Arts Foundation Awards - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 9989 Business Sponsorship - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 478 City Entertainers Community Concert Group - Statement by Member for Wanneroo 11776 Contemporary Music Initiatives for Young People - Statement by Minister for Seniors and Youth 10945 Contemporary Music Task Force - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 4070 Cultural Ministers Council Meeting - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 6132 Entertainment-culture Centres - Bunbury, Mandurah, Kalgoorlie and Geraldton 3008 “Essentially Ellington” Event - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 479 North West - Building Programs 5515 Schools Fest 2003 - Statement by Member for Mandurah 12603 State Arts Sponsorship Scheme Awards - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 13193 “Unhiding Visibility” Project - Statement by Member for Albany 2812 Visual Arts - Achievements and Developments - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 1853 Western Australian Symphony Orchestra - Year of the Outback Regional Tour 7782 Council Arts Awards - Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 10928 Arts Events - Value Adding 4964 Arts Centre - Review 10115, 10479 His Majesty’s Theatre - Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 14618 Palaeontologic Objects and Other Fossils - Protection from Removal from Western Australia 5773, 6582 Performing Arts Centre - Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 10484 Perth Entertainment Centre 39, 3733, 4934, 13011 ScreenWest - Screen Industry Partnership Fund 5777 Small to Medium Performing Arts Companies - Review 10922 Visual Arts - Myer Report 10751 WA Academy of Performing Arts 2914, 2915 WA Ballet and WA Opera - Merger 10478 WA Conservatorium of Music - Reorganisation 2914 WA Institute of Music - Reorganisation 2914 Year 12 Perspectives Program - Regional Tour 10092 ASBESTOS See “Health” ASCOT WATERS See “Environment” ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT Council Membership Provisions - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 3010 ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION AMENDMENT REGULATIONS (No. 2) 2003 Council Disallowance - Order Discharged 12104 ASYMPTOTE CONSULTING See “Railways - Southern Rail Link - Tabled Paper” ATLAS WASTE See “Waste Disposal” ATRAZINE See “Agriculture” ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER See “Health” ATTORNEY GENERAL See “Ministers of the Crown” ATWELL SOUTH See “LandCorp” AUBREY, MR RUSSELL Assembly Personal Explanation by Member for Murdoch 4828 AUDITOR GENERAL, OFFICE OF Assembly Budget - Motion 11715 Funding Allocation 11107 Matter of Public Interest 12327 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 15

AUSTRALIA AND ITS PEOPLE Assembly Statement by Member for Peel 913 AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND FOOD STANDARDS SYSTEM See “Health” AUSTRALIA POST Council Bulbs and other Plant Species 12266 AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION Assembly Broadcasting Studio, Wagin - Statement by Member for Wagin 10021 Funding Cuts - Statement by Member for Roleystone 11105 AUSTRALIAN COMPETITION AND CONSUMER COMMISSION Council Samuel, Mr Graeme 3289, 4396 AUSTRALIAN CRIME COMMISSION (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) BILL 2003 Council Introduction and First Reading 14149 Second Reading 14149 AUSTRALIAN FLAG Assembly Legislation to Outlaw Desecration 2518 AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY Assembly Deregulation of Trading Hours - Policy 8503 Election Policy - Regional WA 10028 Lawrence, Dr Carmen - Election to Federal Presidency 13202 Western Australian Labour Advisory Council - Establishment 7948 Council Brochures Outlining the Outlook for Western Australia - Cost 2225 Energy Platform - Variations to Alumina Agreements 12027 Northbridge Retailers - Donations 10365 Nuclear-powered Warships - Policy 4957 Western Australian Aboriginal Native Title Working Group - Attendance at ALP State Conference 43, 164 Western Australian State Conference 11883, 12026 AUSTRALIAN SENATE Assembly Expiry of Notice of Motion - Statement by Speaker 13203 AUSTRALIAN WILDLIFE CONSERVANCY Council Ningaloo Development Adjournment Debate 4354 Briefing 5811-5817, 5971-5973, 6276, 6286 Correspondence with the Premier 4251, 4525 Decision 4338 Meetings 6080 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 6591 Wilson, Dr Barry Conflict of Interest 1002, 1257, 1454, 1657, 3026, 3433, 3434, 3440, 4198, 5019, 5048, 5190, 6952 Directorship 349, 350, 462 AUSTRALIAN YOUNG RURAL AMBASSADOR Assembly Suckling, Mr Karl - Statement by Member for Greenough 2812 B BALI BOMBINGS Assembly Anniversary Personal Explanation by Member for Kingsley 11894; Speaker’s Ruling 11894; Standing Orders Suspension 11894 16 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

BALI BOMBINGS (continued) Assembly (continued) Anniversary (continued) Statements Member for Kingsley 11895 Speaker 11892 Assistance and Support - Statement by Minister for Community Development 2251 Assistance to Western Australians 1865 Busselton Senior High School - Bali Bombings 2007 Condolence Motion 1747 Official Day of Mourning 2002 Statement by Speaker 1747 Victims Condolence Book - Statement by Speaker 2930 Council Condolence Motion 1731 Memorial Service - Statement by Hon Ray Halligan 12153 Offer by Private Organisation to Evacuate Australians 3866 Statements Hon Frank Hough 11179 President 1731 BANKS Assembly Branch Closures - Petition 744 Community - Stamp Duty Concessions for Patrons 2573 Council Manual Slide Credit Card Facilities 12435 BARMAH FOREST VIRUS See “Health” BARROW ISLAND See “Environment” and “Industrial Development - Gorgon Project” BARROW ISLAND BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 11272 Second Reading 11272, 11921, 11930 Appropriations 11629 Consideration in Detail 12050-12060, 12070-12195, 12207-12217 Standing Orders Suspension 12217 Third Reading 12217 Returned 13215 Assent 13667 Council Receipt and First Reading 12250 Second Reading 12250, 12985, 13030, 13073 Order Discharged and Referral to Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and General Purposes 12982 Committee 13089-13103 Report 13103 Third Reading 13103 Assent 13554 BARTLE, MR JOHN See “Environment - Mallee Seed” BATEMAN, MR THOMAS HENRY MLA Assembly Condolence Motion 11892 BAUDIN, COMMANDER NICOLAS Council Bicentenary of Expedition to Australia - Statements Hon Barry House 11367, 11368 Hon Peter Foss 11369 BAXTER, HON NORMAN ERIC Council Condolence Motion 13313 BEACHSIDE CAFÉ, ALBANY See “Industrial Relations” BEACH TAVERN, MULLALOO See “Liquor” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 17

BEAMISH, MR DARRYL See “Justice, Department of” BECK, MR TINSLEY MANNING Council Petition for Relief - Motion 4949, 4965 BELLEVUE COMMUNITY CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE See “Waste Disposal” BELLEVUE HAZARDOUS WASTE FIRE INQUIRY See “Waste Disposal - Hazardous Waste Solutions” BENCH WARRANTS See “Courts” BENLATE SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDE See “Health” BENNETT, MR MICHAEL See “Environment - Law Reform Program” BENSON, MS MELISSA Assembly Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 4555 BENTLEY, MR AND MRS See “Caravan Park - Ludlow Proposal” BEST BEGINNINGS PROGRAM See “Community Development” BETTING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 BEY APARTMENTS See “Consumer and Employment Protection” BGC (AUSTRALIA) LTD See “Building Industry”, “Mining” and “Planning - Town Planning Appeal Tribunal” BHPB BRIQUETTE SHIPLOADER See “Environment” BHP BILLITON LTD See “Housing” and “Industrial Development” BIALA PSYCHIATRIC HOSTEL See “Health” BICYCLES See “Transport” BIKIE GANGS See “Police” BILLS, LAPSED Assembly Restoration to Notice Paper 70-73, 211 Council’s Message 1387, 1511 Motion 379; Amendment to Motion 389, 404; Motion, as Amended 407 Council Restoration to Notice Paper Revision of Procedures - Assembly’s Messages 446, 1158-1162, 1246 BIO-GENE BIOPROSPECTING LTD See “Environment” BLAIR FOX GENERATION WA PTY LTD See “Environment” BLAKE DAWSON WALDRON See “Fuel and Energy - Electricity - Reform” BLUE LIGHT EVENTS Assembly North West 2720 BOAB INN See “Liquor” BOARDS, REVIEWS, COMMITTEES, INQUIRIES AND TASK FORCES Assembly Establishment 14308, 14311-14315, 14321, 14324, 14327, 14336, 14339, 14340, 14343, 14346, 14921, 14924, 14936 Welker, Mr - Appointment 5511, 13547, 14544-14551, 14967 BOAT MOORINGS Council South of Bunbury - Registration Regulations 3867 BOAT TORQUE CRUISES See “ - Authority” BODY BAGS See “Fire and Emergency Services” BOWLER REPORT See “Mining” BOXING CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 6482 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 6318 Remaining Stages 6320 Assent 6943 BP REFINERY, KWINANA See “Environment” 18 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

BRAZIER, MR MICHAEL Council Forfeited Surety 8677 BREASTFEEDING WELCOME HERE PROJECT See “Health” BRINGO MOTOCROSS TRACK See “Environment” BROAD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES PTY LTD See “Hospitals - Geraldton Regional” BROMELL, MR ROSS Assembly Geographe Primary School - Grievance 1277 Council Personal Explanation by Hon Adele Farina - Grievance 1263 BROMLEY, MR STUART See “Consumer and Employment Protection” BROOKDALE LIQUID WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY See “Waste Disposal” BROOMETIME LODGE See “Health” BROPHO, MR ROBERT See “Aborigines - Swan Valley Nyungah Community” BROWNING, MR PAUL See “Indigenous Affairs, Department of” BROWNLIE TOWERS Council Statement by Hon Kate Doust 14784 BROWN, MR RAY Council Adjournment Debate 869 BROWN, MRS HAZEL Council Adjournment Debate 4237 BROWN, SENATOR Council Statement by Hon Bruce Donaldson 12670 BRUNSWICK TUNNEL Assembly Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 8307 BUDGET See “State Budget” BUEGGE, MR BOB Council Adjournment Debate 5669 BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING FUND AND LEVY COLLECTION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 11379 Second Reading 11379, 12624 Consideration in Detail 12625-12629 Third Reading 12766 Council Receipt and First Reading 12981 Second Reading 12981 BUILDING INDUSTRY See also “Industrial Relations - Cole Royal Commission into the Building Industry” Assembly BGC (Australia) Ltd - Preferential Treatment by Court Government 5446 Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Board Composition 9803 New Board - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 9856 Building and Construction Site Inspections and Reports 5177 Building Code of Conduct - Code Monitoring Committee 1761 Building Industry and Special Projects Directorate Complaints by Union Officials 11819; Personal Explanation by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 11894 Criticism 400 Draft Memorandum of Understanding with Police Service 1761 Effectiveness 7945 Building Trades - Licensing 13985 Commonwealth Legislation - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 12573 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 19

BUILDING INDUSTRY (continued) Assembly (continued) Complaints Against Unions 3847 Concrete Construction Methods - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 3068 Construction Skills Training Centre - Funding 7887 Crane Accidents Corner of Milligan and Hay Streets - Investigation 11956 Operator Training 5173, 11562 Crane Industry Review - Industries Covered 11562 Crane Safety Standards Working Group Causes of Incidents Leading to Establishment 4698 New Regulations - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 11746 Government Construction Contracts - Limit on Number and Value of Contracts Awarded 9230, 9418 Home Indemnity Insurance Albany - Grievance 885 Mutual Fund 14251, 14252 Protests by Builders, Subcontractors and Building Suppliers 1464, 1465 Interim National Building Industry Task Force - Establishment 400 Safety Rules, New 11676 Standard Working Week - Reduction 4155 Working Days Lost through Industrial Disputes 3674 Workplace Health and Safety in the Building and Construction Industry Discussion Paper- Submissions 1767 Workplace Safety 10818, 10967 Council BGC Construction - Government Contracts 7645 Builders’ Registration Amendment Regulations 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 13431 Builders Registration Board and Building Disputes Tribunal 14716, 14776 Building and Construction Industry Training Fund 12008, 12145, 12291 Government Construction Contracts Limit on Number and Value of Contracts Awarded Advice 7642 Cabinet Discussion 9552 Consultation 6956, 7165, 9193 Exemptions 7825 Letter to Director General of Department of Housing and Works 6953 Newspaper Report 7826 Premier’s Directive 7822 Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 6944, 9315 Urgency Motion 7293, 7316 Requirement for CFMEU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 9555, 10751 Statement by Hon Sue Ellery 7319 Home Building Contracts Act 1991 - Section 21 Remedies 8365 Industry Construction Panel - Nominations Selection and Remuneration 2651 Registered Builders - Qualifications 13861 BULK HANDLING ACT AMENDMENT REGULATIONS 2003 Council Order Discharged 13431 BULK HANDLING AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 759 Second Reading 759, 1725 Cognate Debate 1496 Declaration as Urgent 1496 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 1496, 1503-1509, 1574-1578 Returned 2172 Assent 2525 Council Receipt and First Reading 1668 Second Reading 1668, 1816 Cognate Debate 1816 20 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

BULK HANDLING AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Committee 1962 Report 1962 Third Reading 1963 Assent 2467 BUNBURY PATHWAYS See “Health” BUNBURY TOWER See “Government Departments and Agencies” BURKE, MR BRIAN See “Lobbyists” and “Taxation - Payroll Tax - Amnesty” BURMA STAR ASSOCIATION Assembly Statement by Member for Wanneroo 10414 BURROWS, MR IAN See “Police - Multanovas” BURRUP FERTILISERS PTY LTD See “Industrial Development - Burrup Peninsula” BURRUP PENINSULA See “Industrial Development” BURRUP PENINSULA (CROWN LAND) BILL 2002 Council Introduction and First Reading 4502 Second Reading 4502 BURSWOOD PROPERTY TRUST See “Gambling” BUSHPLAN-BUSH FOREVER See “Planning” BUSH, PRESIDENT See “United States of America” BUSINESS NAMES AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 10266 Second Reading 10266, 11510, 11517 Consideration in Detail 11522-11526 Third Reading 11527 Returned 13526 Assent 13928 Council Receipt and First Reading 11580 Second Reading 11580, 13316 Committee 13322-13325 Report 13325 Third Reading 13431 Assent 13843 BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE Assembly Closing Days of Session - Standing Orders Suspension - Motion 13678 Management 1468 Motion 3071, 8614 Notices of Motion Amendment 12691 Expiry - Statements by Speaker 11114, 12742 Removal from Notice Paper - Statements Deputy Speaker 8797, 13614 Speaker 5560, 8163, 8278, 8692, 8874, 8931, 11499, 12047, 13816 Order of Business 91, 1176 Private Members’ Business Notices of Motion - Removal from Notice Paper - Statements Acting Speaker (Mr P.W. Andrews) 5282 Acting Speaker (Mr A.P. O’Gorman) 10200 Precedence 1853; Standing Orders Suspension 6791 Speaker’s Ruling - Amendment out of Order 1313 Standing Orders Suspension 7659, 14078 Standing Orders Suspension 9238 Council Afternoon Tea Suspension - Adjournment Debate 372 Legislative Assembly Messages - Sessional Orders Suspension 6587 Members’ Statements 6088 Messages - Revision of Procedures - Statement by President 446 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 21

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE (continued) Council (continued) Motion No 17 - Minister for Housing and Works to Table Documents Relating to Western Power and Mr David Eiszele - Discharge from Notice Paper 12409 Order of Business 1639, 1640, 2860, 4500, 5636, 6305, 6414, 7828, 14626, 14804, 14820 Adjournment Debates 1035, 1166, 1266, 1553 Animal Welfare Bill 2001 2590 Motion 2722 Amendment to Motion 2723 Consumer Credit Legislation 9029 Motions 3270, 5285, 6242, 8525, 11442, 12104, 12227, 12411 President’s Ruling 2861 Standing Orders Suspension 3584 Statements by Leader of the House 3584, 7416, 11320 Orders of the Day Nos 51(2), 51(3) and 51(4) - Progress 5639 Personal Explanation by Leader of the House 14804 Sessional Orders Suspension 14804 Orders of the Day 10238 Reserves (Reserve 43131) Bill 2003 7965 Standing Orders Suspension 10233 Statements Leader of the House 9926, 10327, 10379, 14204, 14726 Hon Norman Moore 6284 BUSINESS TAX REVIEW (ASSESSMENT) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5222 Second Reading 5222 Cognate Debate 6381 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6381, 6387 Consideration in Detail 6391, 6392 Third Reading 6482, 6493 Returned 9128 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 6587 Second Reading 6587 Cognate Debate 6963 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6963, 8774 Committee 9016 Report 9020 Third Reading 9020, 9028 Assent 9569 BUSINESS TAX REVIEW (ASSESSMENT) BILL (No. 2) 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9238 Second Reading 9238 Cognate Debate 10200 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 10200 Consideration in Detail 10405-10413, 10429, 10430 Third Reading 10563 Returned 12706, 13626 Council’s Amendments 13829 Council’s Message 13214 Assent 14896 Council Receipt and First Reading 10738 Second Reading 10738 Cognate Debate 12530 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 12530, 12559, 12641 Committee 12642-12644 Order Discharged 12919 22 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

BUSINESS TAX REVIEW (ASSESSMENT) BILL (No. 2) 2003 (continued) Council (continued) Restoration to Notice Paper - Assembly’s Message 13316 Report 13431 Third Reading 13555 Assembly’s Message 13849 Assent 14623 BUSINESS TAX REVIEW (TAXING) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5224 Second Reading 5224, 6393 Cognate Debate 6381 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6381 Consideration in Detail 6393, 6394 Third Reading 6496 Returned 9128 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 6590 Second Reading 6590 Cognate Debate 6963 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6963-6967, 8774 Committee 9018 Report 9020 Third Reading 9020 Assent 9569 BUSINESS TAX REVIEW (TAXING) BILL (No. 2) 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9240 Second Reading 9240, 10205 Cognate Debate10200 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 10200 Consideration in Detail 10430 Third Reading 10563 Returned 12706, 13626 Council’s Message 13214, 13215 Assent 13928 Council Receipt and First Reading 10739 Second Reading 10740 Cognate Debate 12530 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 12530, 12559, 12641, 12642 Committee 12645 Order Discharged 12919 Restoration to Notice Paper - Assembly’s Message 13316 Report 13431 Third Reading 13555 Assent 13843 BUSSELTON JETTY Assembly Interpretive Centre and Underwater Observatory 14254 Jarrah Logs for Use as Piles 8522 MarineCam - Statement by Member for Vasse 3668 BUTTON, MR JOHN See “Justice, Department of” BUY LOCAL POLICY See “Regional Development” C CABINET Assembly Anwyl, Ms Megan - Briefing 6677 Directive Banning Meetings with Mr Brian Burke and Mr 6644, 6645, 6678, 6679 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 23

CABINET (continued) Assembly (continued) Meetings Attendance of Cabinet Secretary 5516 Government’s Election Promise - Motion 6009 Informal Discussions 6541 Regional Subcommittee 4656, 4657, 12065 Reshuffle 8438 Secretary - Cabinet Minutes 5373 Council Meetings - Confidentiality of Discussions 10380 CABLE SANDS (WA) PTY LTD See “Mining - Ludlow Mineral Sand Mining” CADCOM PROJECT See “Police” CADET PROGRAMS See “Schools” CALDWELL, MR DAVID See “Disability Services” CANCER FOUNDATION OF WA Assembly Relay for Life, Geraldton - Statement by Member for Geraldton 6180 CANDLE WICKS See “Health” CANNABIS CONTROL BILL 2003 See also “Drugs - Cannabis” Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5694 Second Reading 5694, 6618, 6650, 6688 Appropriations 6188 Consideration in Detail 6750-6764, 6772-6775, 6792-6807, 6848-6863, 6867-6881, 6887-6894, 6901 6915 Adjournments of Debate 6756, 6760, 6856 Deputy Speaker’s Ruling 6894; Dissent from Deputy Speaker’s Ruling 6895; Question to be Put 6899 Question to be Put 6755, 6771, 6851, 6863, 6868, 6877, 6900, 6906, 6908, 6916 Referral to Joint Select Committee 6764; Question to be Put 6770 Standing Orders Suspension 6864, 6881 As to Question to be Put 6866 Question to be Put 6867, 6887 Third Reading 6917 Returned 11433 Council’s Amendments 11659-11669 Assent 11909 Abuse by Drug Dealers 6486 Debate - Absence of Premier 6812 Protection of Children who Experiment with Cannabis 6485 Refusal of Minister for Police and Minister for Community Development to Speak 6812 Statement by Minister for Health 7208 Council Receipt and First Reading 7135 Second Reading 7135, 7606, 7790, 7792, 7828, 7829, 7960, 9029, 9052, 9574, 9588, 9813, 9930, 10059 Committee 10065-10075, 10740-10745, 10752-10770, 10883-10900, 11008-11025 As to Report 11025 Report 11142 Third Reading 11331 Assembly’s Message 11823 Assent 11821 Analysis of Seized Cannabis by a Qualified Chemist - Cost 10094 Hydroponic Equipment Policy 9023, 9556 See “Water Resources” CAPEL Assembly Statement by Member for Vasse 5713 24 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Council Offenders Convicted of Heinous Crimes Motion 12986, 13333 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 13352 CARAVAN PARK Assembly Ludlow Proposal - Grievance 9991 CARBON RIGHTS BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Cognate Debate 2276 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 2276 Consideration in Detail 2283 Third Reading 2361 Returned 6188 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 2338 Second Reading 2338 Cognate Debate 5658 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5658, 5770, 5780 Committee 5928-5930 Report 6051 Third Reading 6051 Assent 9569 CAREW-HOPKINS, MR DEREK See “Planning - Mauds Landing - Coral Coast Marina Development Pty Ltd” CARMODY, MR LAURIE See “Conservation and Land Management, Department of - Prosecution of Landholders” CARNAC ISLAND SEA LION COLONY See “Environment” CARNARVON Council Carnarvon Gascoyne Flood Mitigation Plan - Statement by Hon John Fischer 9370 Surge Wall Project 163 CASINO (BURSWOOD ISLAND) AGREEMENT AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9241 Second Reading 9241, 9859 Consideration in Detail 9870, 9880-9999 Third Reading 9999 Returned 10500 Assent 10826 Council Receipt and First Reading 9946 Second Reading 9946, 10459 Remaining Stages 10465 Assent 10735 CAT BILL 2003 Council Introduction and First Reading 14753 Second Reading 14753 CENSORSHIP Assembly Access to Child Pornography on the Internet 10964 Film Classifications - Grievance 11077 CENSORSHIP AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 6667 Council’s Amendment 7390 Assent 8021 Council Second Reading 6554 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 25

CENSORSHIP AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Committee 6557, 6558 Report 6558 Third Reading 6558 Assembly’s Message 7409 Assent 8347 CENTENARY OF FEDERATION Assembly Funding - North West 2719 CENTENARY OF FLIGHT 2003 AIR SHOW See “Transport - Air” CENTRAL PARK PLAZA Council Sale of Half Ownership 12665 CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE Assembly Government Support 1307 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF WA Assembly Funding 3574, 3712, 3848-3851, 3987, 4170-4172, 4679 CHARACTER FIRST Council Adjournment Debate 3468 CHARTER VEHICLES See “Transport” CHATLEY, BOB AND COLLEEN See “Police - Stock Stealing Squad” CHATTEL SECURITIES AMENDMENT REGULATIONS 2003 Council Disallowance - Order Discharged 12104 CHEMICAL STORAGE FACILITIES See “Pollution” CHEMICAL USE IN THE KIMBERLEY See “Agriculture - Kimberley” CHEMISTRY CENTRE (WA) Council Future 7825, 8675 Resignations 14636 CHERAX ROTUNDUS See “Fisheries” CHEVRONTEXACO See “Environment - Barrow Island” and “Industrial Development - Gorgon Project” CHILD ABUSE See “Community Development” CHILD CARE CENTRES See “Community Development” CHILD DEATH REVIEW COMMITTEE See “Community Development” CHILD RAPIST See “Prisons” CHILD SEX OFFENDERS See “Justice, Department of” CHILD SUPPORT (ADOPTION OF LAWS) AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 3692 Council’s Amendments 3694 Assent 4591 Council Second Reading 3463 As to Committee Stage 3591 Committee 3591 Report 3591 Third Reading 3591 Assembly’s Message 3720 Assent 4240 CHILD WELFARE AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 609 Assent 596 Council Second Reading 470 Third Reading 471 Assent 537 26 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CHILDREN AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14244 Second Reading 14244, 14259 CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S POLICY, OFFICE OF See “Community Development” CHINA See “Commerce and Trade” and “Industrial Development - North West Shelf Project” CHIROPRACTORS See “Health” CITIZENSCAPE WEB SITE Assembly Statement by Premier 376 CITIZENSHIP AND MULTICULTURAL INTERESTS Assembly WA Harmony Week - Statement by Premier 5330 CITY CENTRE FITNESS CLUB See “Government Departments and Agencies” CITY ENTERTAINERS COMMUNITY CONCERT GROUP See “Arts and Culture” CIVIL JUDGMENTS ENFORCEMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14278 Second Reading 14278 CIVIL LIABILITY BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 94 Second Reading 94, 1069, 1076 Referral to Economics and Industry Standing Committee 1093, 1096; Question to be Put 1097 Consideration in Detail 1984-1999, 2032-2036, 2172-2184 Third Reading 2361 Returned 3235 Assent 3355 Ramifications for Claimants 2007 Council Receipt and First Reading 2342 Second Reading 2342, 2895 Committee 3038-3042 Third Reading 3037 Assent 3269 CIVIL LIABILITY AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5691 Second Reading 5691, 7235 Consideration in Detail 7352-7354, 7376-7387, 8735-8754, 8992-9003 Adjournment of Debate 8751 Third Reading 9135 Returned 12207 Council’s Amendments 12589-12598 Assent 13214 Council Receipt and First Reading 9321 Second Reading 9321, 10238, 10449, 11484 Instruction to the Committee of the Whole House 11485, 11824 Committee 11825-11830, 11839-11859 Report 11961 Third Reading 12104 Assembly’s Message 12634 Assent 12911 Application of Standing Order No 230A - Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 10055 Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 12277 CLIFTON CONEY STEVENS (WA) PTY LTD See “Railways - Southern Rail Link” CLUNE FAMILY See “Heritage” COASTAL ZONE COUNCIL See “Planning” COCKATOOS Assembly Baudin’s White-tailed and the Forest Red-tailed Black - Research into Conservation 1396 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 27

COCKBURN CEMENT LTD See “Industrial Development” COCKBURN SHOPPING CENTRE Assembly Hamilton Hill - Ownership 9309 COCKBURN SOUND Assembly Environmental Protection Policy - Revised Draft - Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 3774 Council Cockburn Sound Management Council - Establishment 6464 Dolphin Population - Studies 3024 Draft Environmental Protection Policy - Implementation 6465 Environmental Protection Policy - Completion 6123 COLE ROYAL COMMISSION INTO THE BUILDING INDUSTRY See “Industrial Relations” COLLEGES OF TAFE Assembly Class Sizes and Workload of Lecturers 3709, 5628 Corporate Services -Centralisation 3780 Full-time Positions 4749 Governing Council of Central TAFE - Chairperson - Mobile Telephone 14307 Help in Pregnancy Program - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 11897 Hospitality Youth Showcase - Statement by Member for Joondalup 9416 Lecturers Certified Agreement 14486 - Amalgamation 12812-12815 Retention of 15 to 19-year-olds in Education in Training 12859 TAFEWA Training Program - Skill up for the Burrup - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 10816 West Coast College of TAFE Carine Campus Closure 1768, 1776, 5516; Petition 1970 Hospitality Training Centre 4702 Housing Density of R80 and Above 4687 Sale 1728, 4638 Hospitality Training Centre - Statement by Minister for Training 2352 Joondalup Campus - Tender for Works 1782 Council Eastern Pilbara - Accounting Controls 10367 Joondalup Regional Performing Arts Centre and Hospitality Training Centre - Collocation 9358 Kimberley - Budgeted Student Contact Hours 14045 Performance De livery Agreements - Tabling 592 Pilbara Hedland Campus - Downsizing 14870, 14871 Pundulmurra Campus - Selection Process for Manager 3773, 11478 Places in 2004 13862 Staff - Teaching of Schoolchildren 10365 Student-teacher Ratios 592 Teaching Loads and Class Sizes 1259 Training and Assessment - Competency-based System 14714 West Coast College of TAFE Carine Campus - Sale 7822 Hospitality Training Centre 12270 COLLIEFIELDS HOTEL Council Suspension of Licence 4526 COMMERCE AND TRADE Assembly Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement - Discussions 14075 China 12682, 12686-12688 Free Trade Agreement - Discussions between Governments of Australia and USA 10587 Live Sheep Export - Cormo Express - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 11898 Trade Mission to India - Statement by Minister for State Development 4069 Western Australia’s Export Performance 9660 28 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

COMMERCE AND TRADE (continued) Council Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement 10363, 12015, 12288; Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 14721 General Agreement on Trade in Services 5052 Live Sheep Export Ban on Export of Ewes 10090 Cormo Express 11175, 11821, 11838, 12292, 12553, 12664 James Point Facility 2763 Market Cultural and Religious Factors 12666 Petition 12634 Replacement with New Processed Meat Markets 11890 Sabotage of Feed 13473, 13593 Statement by Hon John Fischer 6595 South Korea - WA Trade Office Closure 1415 United States Free Trade Agreement - Statements Hon Paddy Embry 11489 Hon Frank Hough 11487 COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Assembly Appointments Details 11531, 11560 Tabling of Boards and Committees Register 11787 Members - Mobile Telephones, Pagers, Vehicles and Credit Cards 7751-7756, 7929-7931, 8078 Review - Appeals Tribunal - Establishment 683 Council Appointments - Women 2512 COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE Assembly Appointment 70 Confidentiality - Statement by Speaker 1714 Council Reports - Consideration President’s Ruling 3143 Standing Orders Suspension 2735; Amendment to Motion 2736 COMMITTEES, TASK FORCES, REVIEWS AND ADVISORY GROUPS Assembly Number Established 4786, 8307 COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT Council Policies and Legislative Approach - Motion 6562 COMMONWEALTH POWERS (DE FACTO RELATIONSHIPS) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12450 Second Reading 12450, 14065, 14079 Third Reading 14079 Council Receipt and First Reading 14154 Second Reading 14154 COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Assembly Cost of Consultancy 14391-14398 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT See also “Aborigines”, “Select Committee into Child Abuse in Western Australia” and “Volunteers” Assembly Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Children - Foster Care and Abuse 4673 Advisory Council on the Prevention of Deaths of Children and Young People 8600 Best Beginnings Program, Midland - Statement by Minister for Community Development 6132 Bunbury Parenting Information Centre - Petition 11261 Campaign to Warn of the Dangers of Parents Shaking their Babies Statement by Minister for Community Development 7657 Care and Protection Orders 12739, 13840 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 29

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) Carers’ Counselling Line - Statement by Minister for Community Development 10569 Child Abuse Child Sex Offenders Register 2820 Government Action 11109; Matter of Public Interest 9091 Investigation of Allegations 3230 Mandatory Reporting - Statement by Minister for Community Development 171 Petition 11909 Procurement of Children for Sexual Acts by Electronic Means - Grievance 11079 Select Committee - Establishment Motion 1880, 2289 Amendment to Motion 1890, 2285 Statement by Acting Speaker (Mr P.W. Andrews) 2301 Sexual Abuse - Petition 12572 Child Card - Funding 9085 Child Death Review Committee 5174, 5175, 6037, 6240; Statement by Minister for Community Development 11247 Child Pornography - Access on the Internet 10964 Child Protection Appointment of Officers in Aboriginal Communities 11628, 12610, 14955 Under-resourcing 9090 Children and Young People’s Policy, Office of Establishment - Statement by Minister for Community Development 2251 Funding Cut 7523 Children in Care - Allegations of Abuse while in Care 8180 Children in Need of Care and Protection - Halls Creek and South Hedland 8141, 8143 Children Placed in Out-of-home and Alternative Care - Number 13840 Commissioner for Children - Appointment 8603, 9090 Community Service Industry Awards - Statement by Minister for Community Development 3341, 13604 CREATE Foundation Funding - North West 4167 Department Child Abuse Allegations 8182 Child Protection Workers 14955 Esperance Office - Staff 6042 Funerals 9512 Halls Creek 7597, 8144 Neagu, Ms - Vehicle Use 4686 South Hedland 7597, 8140 Staff Morale 13668 Donovan Village Hostel Playgroup - Statement by Minister for Community Development 6609 Early Years Strategy - Statement by Minister for Community Development 12314 Family Strength Programs - North West 4670, 4672, 8521 Family Violence - Police Reports 9089 Foster Carers Statement by Minister for Community Development 6335 Subsidy Increase 7028 Grandparents as Primary Carers Assistance in North West 5514 Grievance 9995 Statements by Minister for Community Development 5221, 12447, 12742, 13677 Mandurah Forum Family and Children’s Facility - Closure 1519 Men’s Emergency Accommodation Service 5395; Statement by Minister for Community Development 173 Mullewa - Resourcing 12460 National Carers Week - Statement by Minister for Community Development 2162 National Child Protection Week - Statement by Minister for Community Development 10816 North West Aboriginal Family Counselling 4166 Caring for the Carers Program 9476 Child and Family Sexual Abuse Counselling 8114 30 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) North West (continued) Homelessness and Social Exclusion Programs 5514 Social Exclusion Programs 8867 Out of School Care - Regulations - Statement by Minister for Community Development 1276, 10639 Parkerville Children’s Home - Centenary - Statement by Minister for Community Development 5681 Peel Visiting Community Mothers Program - Statement by Member for Mandurah 10413 Red Cross, Australian - Kalgoorlie-Boulder Soup Patrol 3572; Grievance 9384 Wanslea Family Services - Statement by Minister for Community Development 11617 Wards of the State - Powers of Department 11742 Westview Hostel, Sunset, Geraldton 11957 Council ABC Learning Centres Ltd - Child-care Centre, Hilton 1006 Child-care Centres Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 6594 Supervision and Breaches of Regulations 12268 Child Care Services Board Dismantling 10249 Role and Changes 6959 Child Abuse Aboriginal Communities 8367, 8566, 8678, 8679, 9566, 9567 Child Abuse and Maltreatment Notifications 11042, 12007 Child Death Review Committee - Reporting Process 11042 Child Protection Appointment of Officers in Aboriginal Communities 12924 “Caring Well - Protecting Well’ Investing in Systemic Responses to Protect Children in WA” Project Brief 12924 Children’s Advocate 6299, 6581 Unit - Funding 12557 Children and Young People’s Policy, Office of 2483, 4454 Children in Care - Placement Breakdowns 6300 Children’s Week - Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 12564 Commissioner for Children - Appointment 2483; Adjournment Debate 474 Custody of Children - Legal Representation for Both Parents 12292 Department Derby - Staff 12955 Marble Bar 592 Officers - Physical Threats 8361, 9028, 9190, 9654 Early Childhood - National Consultation Document - WA Submission 13145, 13148 Employment Project - Complaint about Forging of Signatures 11478 Families in Need of Support - Assessment 9617 Foster Carers - Shortage 166 Kids Cove Child Care Centre, Mandurah 6581 Kids Help Line 9027, 9847, 9974 National Child Protection Week - Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 11050, 11180 Out of School Care - Regulations 1137 Paedophiles - Protection of Children 9624 Roebourne - Initiatives to Assist Young People 4395 SafeCare Referral of Sex Offenders 4392, 4901 Reports on Intra-familial Sex Abuse 4452 Social Workers and Graduate Welfare Officers - Cannington, Mirrabooka and Armadale Offices 7822 Wards of the State - Government Responsibility 5024 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND JUSTICE STANDING COMMITTEE Assembly Annual Report 2001-02 1685-1690 Annual Report 2002-03 - Tabling 14217 Emergency Services Legislation in Western Australia Response to Recommendations and Report - Statement by Acting Speaker 4591 Second Report 2790, 2792 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 31

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND JUSTICE STANDING COMMITTEE (continued) Assembly (continued) Inquiries into the Arts and Rehabilitation in Prisons - Statement by Acting Speaker (Mr A.D. McRae) 3691 COMMUNITY SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL See “Crime” COMPANIES (CO-OPERATIVE) ACT 1943 Council Amendments 7011 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION See “Water Corporation” CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT ACT Council Amendment - Ecologically Sustainable Forest Management Provisions 1801 CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 3826 Assent 4591 Council Second Reading 3464, 3604 Chairman’s Ruling - Committee 3725 Committee 3606, 3607, 3619, 3734-3744 Report 3744 Third Reading 3744 Assent 4304 Division Number - Correction - Adjournment Debate 3629 CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF See also “Forests and Forestry” Assembly Annual Report 2002-03 - Corrections - Statement by Speaker 12864 Budget Papers - Reduction of 400 000 Hectares in Forest Area Managed 2843 Bunbury Office - Wildlife Officer 2844 Busselton District Office - Positions Vacant 9794 Coral Bay - Turtle Conservation 1629, 14982 Denny Road - Maintenance 13307 Management Costs for all Major Land Categories 3001 Mentored Aboriginal Training and Employment Scheme Statement by Minister for the Environment 13773 Mowen Road - Maintenance 13307 Prescribed Burning Program 3089, 5509, 8965, 9007, 13813, 14883 Prosecution of Landholders 13923, 13924, 14071 Council Budget for Containment of Introduced Species 4048 Kimberley - Charter Flights 9373 Prescribed Burning Program 3615, 4341, 7204, 9619, 10813, 14641 Prosecution of Landholders - Cost 14774 Whales and Marine Mammals - Fee for Films and Photographs 2605, 3474 Yandle, Mr Alan - Sea Groatt Reserve 12146, 12438 CONSERVATION COUNCIL OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Council Dunlop, Mr Nic 9843 Funding 9969 CONSTITUTION ACTS AMENDMENT ACT Council Premier’s View on Referendum for Change 3022 CONSTITUTION ACTS AMENDMENT (VOTING ABILITY IN THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2259 Second Reading 2284, 3104 Declaration as Urgent 3104 CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Council Introduction and First Reading 2335 32 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Second Reading 2335; Ruling - Deputy President (Hon George Cash) 2337 CONSULTANTS Assembly Expertise 1397 Government’s Failure to Achieve Promised Cut in Expenditure 3087 Michael, Dr Ken - Ministerial Advice 7225 Report - Tabling 2820 Welker Environmental Consultancy 5511, 13547, 14544-14551, 14967 Council Adjournment Debate 5435 Change in Policy 11599 Six-monthly Returns 8674, 10091 CONSUMER AND EMPLOYMENT PROTECTION Assembly Bromley, Mr Stuart - Breach of Travel Agents Act 3492 Community Education Program 1791 Consumer Credit Grants 8177 Consumer Justice Strategy - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 4068 Consumer Protection Boards and Committees - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 9382 Department Media Statement - Photocopying of Legal Tender 9148 Property Investment Seminar 12765 Extended Working Hours Review Panel - Membership and Terms of Reference 11950 Fair Trading Legislation 11908 Ferguson, Mr Peter - 5 Columba Street, Bunbury 9803, 10326, 14985 Financial Counsellors Association of WA Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 11247 FuelWatch - Quantifiable Benefits for Consumers 13926 Illegal Retail Trading from a Residential Home in East Perth - Grievance 9993 Itinerant Salesmen - Sale of Stereo Speakers from the Back of Vans 10825 Kaye Group - National Investment Institute 13815 Mezzanine Financing 283, 5372; Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 7656 Motor Vehicle Industry - Corrosion Detectors - Petition 65 Prestige Coatings and Restorations - Grievance 5335 Reference No 0211682 - Number of Complaints 1769 Soft Furnishings Businesses - Backyard Operators 9802 Solar Eclipse Sunglasses 3780 Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 3069 Strata Management Industry Report - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 11896 Wealth Creation Seminars - Property Investment Adviser Regulations 11627 Council Bey Apartments, East Perth - Strata Management 12963 Community Development Employment Project, Roebourne - Complaint about Forging of Signatures 9022 Complaint PE36898 - Application for Leave to Appeal 1139 Department Adjournment Debate 1165 Motor Vehicle Industry - Not Guilty Appeals 1005 Staff 553 Ford, Ms Jan - Compla ints about Sale of Properties in Port Hedland 14868 Home Building Contracts Act 1991 - Section 21 Remedies 8365 Walker, Mr Pat 3289 CONSUMER CREDIT (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3913 Second Reading 3913, 4609, 4617 Consideration in Detail 4845-4853, 5488, 5489, 5506, 5507 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 33

CONSUMER CREDIT (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Assembly (continued) Referral to Select Committee 5490 Third Reading 5591, 5698 Returned 9238, 9292 Council’s Amendments 9292 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 6052 Second Reading 6052, 7139, 9039 Committee 9041-9045 Report 9045 Third Reading 9045 Assembly’s Message 9320 Assent 9569 CONTAMINATED SITES See “Pollution” CONTAMINATED SITES BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3479 Second Reading 3479, 5104, 5110 Appropriations 4080 Consideration in Detail 5564-5573, 5586-5590, 5701-5713, 5724-5726, 5979-5992, 6191-6203 Third Reading 6504, 6667 Returned 12630 Council’s Amendments 12767-12769 Assent 13214 Council Receipt and First Reading 6597 Second Reading 6597, 11046, 11335, 11437 Committee 11584-11586, 12386-12392 Report 12392 Third Reading 12511 Assembly’s Message 12915 Assent 12911 Personal Explanation by Hon Bill Stretch 12227 CONTE, MR VIC Assembly Statement by Member for Warren-Blackwood 4101 CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE Assembly Budget and Timing 1781 Liquor Licence Application - Statement by Attorney General 12446 Council Completion Date 6298, 6304 COOKE REVIEW See “Mineral and Petroleum Resources, Department of - Incorrect Information” COOKSLEY, MS JANICE See “Disability Services” CO-OPERATIVE BULK HANDLING LTD See “Agriculture” CORAL BAY See also “Planning - Mauds Landing Development” Assembly Bills Bay - Protection of Environment 818 CALM Rangers - Number 816 Commercial Marine Nature-based Tourism Licences 815 Land Vested in CALM 816 Leach Drains and Sewerage Ponds - Impact 1395 Marine Parks and Reserves Authority Responsibility 818 Moorings 817 Ningaloo Reef Damage from Mooring and Anchoring Activities 819 Future Directions - Statement by Premier 11499 Pastoral Release Exclusions 3677 Public Meeting and Fish and Coral Deaths 820 34 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CORAL BAY (continued) Assembly (continued) Rehabilitation 820 Rubbish Dump, Sewerage Outlets and Community Fishing Tables 820 Turtle Conservation - CALM Management 1629, 5583 Visit by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 819 Council Ningaloo Reef Adjournment Debate 4354 Ningaloo Station Briefing on Tourist Accommodation 5811-5817, 5971-5973, 6120, 6121, 6286 Ecotourism Facility 6276 Permanent Dive Site Moorings 11879 Rally - Adjournment Debate 3768, 3770 Save Ningaloo Reef Campaign Disclosure of Contributions 4446 Financial Contributions 4392 Meetings 4392, 6080 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 6591 Tourism Development Proposals for Coast 10088 CORAL COAST MARINA DEVELOPMENT PTY LTD See “Planning - Mauds Landing” CORMO EXPRESS See “Commerce and Trade - Live Sheep Export” CORONERS AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 6396 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 6061, 6086 Committee 6305 Report 6306 Third Reading 6306 Assent 6943 CORPORAL PUNISHMENT Council Convicted Offenders Motion 8558, 9183, 9825, 10225 Deputy President’s Ruling 10233 Amendment to Motion 10227 Statement by Hon Frank Hough 10485 Statement by Hon Giz Watson 10256 CORPORATIONS (CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS) BILL (No. 2) 2001 Assembly Returned 5889 Council’s Amendments 6497, 6499 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 5428 Committee 5762-5765 Report 5765 Third Reading 5765 Assembly’s Message 6544 Assent 6943 CORPORATIONS (CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS) BILL (No. 3) 2001 Assembly Council’s Amendments 6499, 6500 Returned 5889 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 5765, 5768 Committee 5768, 5769 Report 5770 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 35

CORPORATIONS (CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS) BILL (No. 3) 2001 (continued) Council (continued) Third Reading 5770 Assembly’s Message 6544 Assent 6943 CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISSION Assembly Legislation 7519, 8964 Council Anti-Corruption Commission Staff - Job Offers with the CCC and Redundancies 10789 CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISSION AMENDMENT AND REPEAL BILL 2003 Assembly Receipt 14896 Speaker’s Ruling 14896 Standing Orders Suspension 14896 Motion 14898 First Reading 14908 Appropriations 14908 Second Reading 14908 Third Reading 14912 Council Committee 14754-14769, 14779-14782, 14826-14832 Further Report 14826, 14832 Further Recommittal 14826 Third Reading 14832 CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISSION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Council Referral to Committee of the Whole House - Motion 14666 Co mmittee 14734-14751, 14751-14753 Report 14751 Recommittal 14751 CORRUPTION AND CRIME COMMISSION BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7861 Second Reading 7861, 8061, 8164, 8183 Adjournment of Debate 8070 Appropriations 8021 Declaration as Urgent 8061 Pro Forma Amendments 8191 Standing Orders Suspension 8288 Consideration in Detail 8288-8305, 8316-8335 Recommittal 8336, 8337 Third Reading 8337 Council’s Amendments 9453-9456 Council’s Amendments, as Corrected 9456, 9458 Assent 9668 Delay 11781 Council Receipt and First Reading 8356 Second Reading 8356, 9367 Instruction to Committee of the Whole 9367, 9368 Committee 9368 Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 9369 Report 9369 Third Reading 9370 Assembly’s Message 9521 Assent 9569 COUNTRY ALLIANCE Assembly Matter of Privilege - Information Divulged - Motion 1172 Dissent from Speaker’s Ruling 1188 Question to be Put 1187 36 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

COUNTRY PATHWAYS SCHEME See “Transport” COURT HOTEL See “Heritage” COURTS See also “Justice, Department of” and “Sentencing Legislation” Assembly Albany - New Complex 7881 Bench Warrants - Number Outstanding 9798 Court Security and Custodial Services Contract 12855; Statement by Attorney General 478 Courts of Petty Sessions - Convictions, Suspended Jail Terms, Fines and Community-based Orders 678 Family Court Duvall, Mr David and Ms Debbie 4703 Petition 13485 Kalgoorlie Court of Petty Sessions 675, 678 Pinjarra Courthouse - Closure 3234 Port Hedland Magistrate - Transfer to Kalgoorlie 4860 Council Children’s Court - Rights of Representation - Petition 13843 Local Court Amendment Rules (No. 2) 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 7271 Preliminary Hearings - Abolition - Adjournment Debate 730 COURTS LEGISLATION AMENDMENT AND REPEAL BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14292 Second Reading 14293 COXALL, MADDISON See “Hospitals - Bunbury Regional” CRANE, MR ALBERT VICTOR Assembly Condolence Motion 10155 Council Statement by Hon Paddy Embry CRANES HAULAGE See “Ports and Harbours - Esperance Port Authority” CREMATORIUMS Assembly Legislation, Number and Location 14145 CRIME See also “Police” Assembly Australian Crime Commission - Creation 209 Burglary Rates 8308 Strategies to Reduce 11785 Cannabis - Link to Criminal Offending 5995 Child Offenders - Esperance - Petition 5329 CityNEX Camera Surveillance System 11396 Clearance Rates 13611 “Crime and Justice Statistics for Western Australia: 2002” Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 14874 Crime Prevention Structures Review Report 8599, 8728; Statement by Member for Wagin 8961 Crime Stoppers - Advertisement on Drug Dealer Phone-in Day 4558, 4559 Curfew Juveniles in Northbridge 6678, 6808, 6809, 8439, 8440, 8888, 8965, 9872, 12198, 12321, 12683, 12684 Statewide 8888, 8889 Forfeiture of Cash and Property - Statement by Attorney General 3478 Fremantle - Statistics 12685 Goldfields-Esperance Region - Statistics 14074 Gosnells Area - Police and Local Government Initiatives 5368 Government Initiatives 8442 Halls Creek and South Hedland 6680, 6681 Home Burglaries - Convictions 11814 Links between Drug Use and Crime - Grievance 8936 Motor Vehicle Break-ins 8076, 12374 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 37

CRIME (continued) Assembly (continued) Neighbourhood Watch Committees and Projects 9796 Geraldton - Statement by Member for Geraldton 1305 North West - Youth-related Crime and Antisocial Behaviour Programs 8272 Northbridge Curfew for Juveniles 6678,6808,6809,8439,8440,8888,8965,9872,12198,12321,12683,12684 Security 8598 Statistics 14917 Police Success in Combating 8891 Prevention and Emerging Trends 10871 Prevention Programs - North West 3006, 3416 Railway Stations - Motor Vehicles Stolen, Damaged or Burgled 11698, 11700 Reported Offence and Clearance Statistics - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 11244 Safer WA Albany, Mandurah and Rockingham 1782 Axing 12682 Bayswater and Swan, Cities of 1783 Committees and Projects 9796 Downgrading 8071 Funding Allocation 8599, 14986 Gosnells, City of 3009 Perth, City of 2573 Leonora 1787 Review 9745 Transfer of Responsibility to Local Government 4855 Statistics 1513, 8076, 8077, 9422; Statements by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 3069, 5079, 14874 Council Burglary - Charges Laid 10941 Car Theft - Three-strikes Law 7475 Community Safety and Crime Prevention Council - Funding Allocation 12289 Curfew for Juveniles in Northbridge 7175, 9849, 9974, 10365, 10923, 10939 Homicides - Number of Charges 2510 House Break-ins 14852-14867 Kalgoorlie - Burglary Charges 4302 Murchison Region - Adjournment Debate 2508 North West Metropolitan Police District - Statistics 11174 Perth Station - Children Apprehended 10940 Railway Stations - Motor Vehicles Stolen, Damaged or Burgled 9618 Safer WA 3871, 12289, 13594, 14027; Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 11491 Theft from Vehicles - Preventive Measures 5049 CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 6151 Standing Orders Suspension Motion 6151; Question to be Put 6157 Amendment to Motion 6154; Question to be Put 6154 Second Reading 6158, 10827, 10946 Division of Bill Motion 10955 Statement by Acting Speaker (Mr A.P. O’Gorman) 10956 Consideration in Detail 10956-10960, 11127-11139 Third Reading 11560 Statement by Deputy Speaker 11127 Council Receipt and First Reading 11582 Second Reading 11582, 14729 Referral to Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and General Purposes Ruling by Deputy President (Hon Simon O’Brien) 11598 38 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENT BILL (No. 2) 2003 Assembly Division of Bill 10955 Consideration in Detail 14263-14271 Third Reading 14272 Council Receipt and First Reading 14625 Second Reading 14625 CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENT BILL (No. 3) 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14065 Second Reading 14087 CRIMINAL CODE AMENDMENT (CORRUPTION PENALTIES) BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION Council Act - Amendments 13348 Maximum Amount 9969, 10089 Statement by Hon Peter Foss 10095 CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9858 Second Reading 9890 CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 11682 Second Reading 11682, 12352 Appropriations 11909 Consideration in Detail 12354-12373 Third Reading 12599 Returned 14057 Council’s Amendments 14262, 14263 Council Receipt and First Reading 12634 Second Reading 12634, 13325, 13332, 13867 Committee 13870-13872 Report 13873 Third Reading 13873 Assembly’s Message 14199 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (EXCEPTIONAL POWERS) AND FORTIFICATION REMOVAL ACT 2002 Council Appointment of Special Commissioners 5412 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION (EXCEPTIONAL POWERS) AND FORTIFICATION REMOVAL BILL 2001 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 CRIMINAL LAW (PROCEDURE) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 1285 Council’s Amendments 1387-1389 Assent 1677 Council Second Reading 1014, 1154 Committee 1154-1157 Report 1157 Third Reading 1157 Assembly’s Message 1444 Assent 1630 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 39

CRIMINAL PROPERTY CONFISCATION ACT Assembly Ruling by Court of Criminal Appeal - Statement by Attorney General 10156 Council Contravention of the Bill of Rights 1689 12966 CROOK, MR IAN See “Disability Services” CROWN SOLICITOR Assembly Appointment - Statement by Attorney General 11246 CULLEN, MS DI Council Adjournment Debate 4930 CUNDERDIN AVIATION EXPO COMMITTEE Assembly Statement by Member for Merredin 7879 CUNNINGHAM, MR EDWARD JOSEPH Assembly Condolence Motion 13176 CURFEW IN NORTHBRIDGE See “Crime” CYCLEWAYS See “Transport D DAFFODIL DAY See “Health” DAIRY INDUSTRY See “Agriculture” DANGEROUS GOODS SAFETY BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3915 Second Reading 3915, 8812 Appropriations 5452 Consideration in Detail 8818-8822 Third Reading 8877 Council Receipt and First Reading 9047 Second Reading 9047 DAUBE, MR MIKE See “Health - Health Administrative Review Committee” DAVIS, MR WINSTON See “Disability Services” DAWESVILLE ELECTORATE Assembly Suburb of Falcon - Statement by Member for Dawesville 11777 DAWSON, MR PETER Assembly WAIS Athlete of the Year - Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 2919 DEATH IN CUSTODY See “Prisons” DEBITS TAX ASSESSMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Second Reading 3760 Cognate Debate 3760 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 4268 Third Reading 4268 Assent 5759 DEBITS TAX BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Second Reading 3760 Cognate Debate 3760 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 4268 40 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

DEBITS TAX BILL 2001 (continued) Council (continued) Third Reading 4268 Assent 5759 DEER, FERAL Assembly Gidgegannup, Greenough, Chapman Valley and Northampton 5896 DEERY, MR ADEN See “Disability Services” DEFAMATION AND LIBEL LAWS Assembly Grievance 3198, 3199 Statement by Attorney General 13486 DEFENCE FORCES See also “Iraq War” and “United States of America - United States Navy” Assembly Armidale-class Patrol Boats - Tender 9417 Army Museum of WA - Motion 10983; Amendment to Motion 10994; Amendment on the Amendment 10997 Fremantle Artillery Barracks Motion 10983; Amendment to Motion 10994; Amendment on the Amendment 10997 Statement by Premier 11376 Transfer to State Government 8311, 11785 Fremantle-class Patrol Boats - Contract 766; Statement by Member for Rockingham 3224 Military Heritage - School Students 14255 Premier’s Message of Support for Personnel in Gulf Region 5716 Services Joblink - Petition 477 Council Army Vehicles - Accidents with Civilian Vehicles 14030; Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 14038 B Squadron No 3 - 4th Cavalry Unit - Adjournment Debate 582 Fremantle Artillery Barracks - Statement by Hon Jim Scott 12440 Lancelin Defence Training Area Adjournment Debate 473 Delegation to the United States Military 1847 Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact 12162, 13081, 14841 Extension 865 Fire 5778, 7450, 9057 Permissive Occupancy Arrangement 1803, 14715 Proclamation 11039 Public Environmental Review 554, 11207 Statement by Hon Frank Hough 9851, 10096 Training Activities 13070 Military Flights - Perth International 12160 Military Strategies of Federal Government - Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 14721 Nuclear-powered Warships - Labor Party Policy 4957 Support for Service Men and Women - Adjournment Debate 5673 Thirtyniners’ Association of Australia - Adjournment Debate 582 DELEGATED LEGISLATION COMMITTEE See “Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation” DENMARK PEDESTRIAN ACCESS WAY See “Planning” DENTAL PROSTHETISTS AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 13681 Second Reading 13722 DETENTION CENTRES See also “Immigration” Assembly Banksia Hill 5757 Council Security Concerns 4940 DIALOGUE WITH THE CITY See “Planning” DIAMOND TREE SKY LIFT See “Tourism” DICHLORVOS See “Health” DIERMAJER, MR AARON See “Disability Services” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 41

DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS, OFFICE OF Council Establishment 5808 DISABILITY SERVICES Assembly 990 6RPH Information Radio - Funding 2572 Access for People with Disabilities to Government Information Services and Facilities - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 8693 Access to Public and Private Sector Organisations - Grievance 11502 Accommodation Support - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 4554 Autism - Early Intervention Programs 14554 Bennett Brook Arts and Training Pilot Project - Statement by Minister for Community Development 12681 Caldwell, Mr David - Petition 9380 Carer Training Program - North West 6783 Commission Budget 6411 Cleaning Services 5520, 5721, 6341, 6411 Funding 6341 Health Resource and Consultancy Team - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 5824 Health Services 13278 Commonwealth Assistance 7521 Commonwealth-State-Territory Disability Agreement - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 2353, 8161 Cooksley, Ms Janice - Petition 5836 Crook, Mr Ian - Petition 6129 Davis, Mr Winston - Petition 6686 Deery, Mr Aden - Petition 5328 Diermajer, Mr Aaron - Petition 4588 Disability Services Act 1993 - Tenth Anniversary - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 14875 Domestic Violence - Women with Disabilities - Statement by Minister for Community Development 14056 Doust, Mr Bradley - Petition 5092 Drury,Mr Matthew - Petition 5453 Edgar,Mr Kenneth - Petition 14051 Evans,Mr Shaun - Petition 4708 Ewers,Mr Ken - Petition 9669 Farina,Ms Judith - Petition 5328 Franceschini-Piil, Daniel - Petition 14215 Holton, Ms Leah - Petition 7525 House, Ms Melinda - Petition 4708 Indigenous People - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 377 International Day of People with a DisAbility - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 3775 Local Area Coordination Program - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 9082 Making a Difference Awards - Statement by Minister for Community Development 598 Martin, Ms Ruth - Petition 4814 Miller, Ms Coral - Petition 10169 Murphy, Mr Garth - Petition 9668 Netherway, Ms Donna - Petition 9226 North West Emergency Support Programs 7598 Funding 6784, 8151 Nylander, Mr Owen - Petition 5452 Palmer, Mr Nathan - Petition 14052 Parliamentary Adoption Scheme - Statement by Member for Carine 3224 Paterson, Fraser - Petition 10264 People with Intellectual Disabilities - Petitions 9381 Post-school Options Program - Funding in North West 2848 Pryce, Ms Jacinta - Petition 11261 Read, Ms Annette - Petition 10171 Recreational Arts Activities - Access 7228 42 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

DISABILITY SERVICES (continued) Assembly (continued) Residential Accommodation Services - Drop in Places 4745, 4746 Respite Initiatives - North West 3414 Richards, Mr Robert - Petition 14052 Robinson, Ms Sally Anne - Petitions 6346, 7030 Ryback, Mr Wilfred - Petition 12572 Seniors Card - Extension of Benefits - Statement by Member for Rockingham 6642 Sexton, Mr Peter - Petition 6468 Shurmer, Ms Sarah - Petition 8011 Stathy, Ms Raelene - Petition 5834 Stewart, Ms Amanda - Petition 4813 Sullivan, Mr Rick - Petition 4589 Supporting our Seniors and Disabled - Statement by Member for Mandurah 2811 Therapy and Professional Services Funding - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 2655 Turpin, Mr Boris - Petition 10168 “Unhiding Visibility” Project - Statement by Member for Albany 2812 United Nations International Day of People with a DisAbility - Statement by Minister for Community Development 14054 Women on Wellness Conference, Perth - Statement by Minister for Community Development, Women’s Interests, Seniors and Youth 3070 Council Accommodation Support - Applications 11044 Alternatives to Employment Funding 6280 Commission Budget Increase 165 Cleaning Services 5663 Residential Accommodation 5318, 5959 Committees, Working Parties and Reviews 6096 Funding - Budget Measures 6960 Industrial Relations Reform Legislation - Impact on People with Disabilities 6585, 12266 Labour Relations Reforms - Impact 467 Miller, Ms Coral - Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 10252 Paterson, Fraser - Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 10370 Read, Ms Annette - Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 10252 Residential Accommodation Services - Number Accommodated 5023 Turpin, Mr Boris - Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 11050 Whale Watching Augusta and Dunsborough - Facilities for the Disabled 4062 DISSENTS FROM RULINGS Assembly Acting Speaker (Mr A.D. McRae) Code of Coduct for Members of the Legislative Assembly - Amendment to Motion, as Amended 10660 Acting Speaker (Mr A.J. Dean) - Swan River - Matter of Public Interest - Amendment to Motion 8806 Deputy Speaker - Cannabis Control Bill 2003 - Consideration in Detail 6895 Speaker - Matter of Privilege - Public Accounts Committee - Motion 1188 DIVE WRECKS See “Fisheries” DIVISIONS Assembly Privacy of Documents - Statement by Speaker 6493 DMR CONSULTING PTY LTD See “Police” DNA TESTING See “Police” DOGS See “Agriculture” and “Animal Welfare” DOLBY, MR AIDEN Assembly Statement by Member for Kimberley 8722 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Assembly Domestic Violence Advocacy Support Central 11703 Evans, Mrs Sue - Statement by Member for Geraldton 10414 Family and Domestic Violence - Statements by Minister for Community Development 274, 3196 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 43

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (continued) Assembly (continued) Freedom from Fear Campaign - Cancellation 280 Government Action 11109 Grievance 9389 Indigenous Family Violence Prevention Support Service - North West 3570 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Statement by Minister for Community Development, Women’s Interests, Seniors and Youth 13603 Involvement of Children - Police Reports 9089 Regional Domestic Violence Committees - Statement by Minister for Community Development 1044 Statement by Minister for Community Development 4711 Warren-Blackwood Area 3350 Women’s Refuge Group Funding - North West 4167 Women with Disabilities - Statement by Minister for Community Development 14056 Council Appointment of Eight Specialist Police Officers 12924 Joondalup - Reduction in Numbers at Domestic Violence Unit 2873, 3175 DONALDSON AND WARN See “Planning” DORIC CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD See “Housing” DOUBLE JEOPARDY LAW Assembly Statement by Attorney General 13487 DOUST, MR BRADLEY See “Disability Services” DOUST WATER BRAKE See “Water Resources” DRAKE-BROCKMAN, MR FRED Assembly Statement by Member for Collie 7880 DRINK-DRIVING See “Police” DRIVER TRAINING AND EDUCATION CENTRE Assembly Perth International Airport 9138 DRIVERS LICENCES See also “Transport - Licensing Centres” Assembly Replacement Licences - Fee 10565 Council Fatal Accident - Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 7456 Funding for Young People to Learn to Drive 8411 DROUGHT ASSISTANCE See “Agriculture” DRUGS See also “Cannabis Control Bill 2003” Assembly Alcohol - Western Australian Drug and Alcohol Strategy 2002-05 - Statement by Minister for Health 175 Cannabis Convictions 7108 Crime Stoppers Advertisement on Drug Dealer Phone-in Day 4558, 4559 Decriminalisation Cultivation of up to Two Cannabis Plants 5829, 6646, 7671, 7880 Dependence and Mental Illness 7882 Experience in Other States 5715 Limit on Number of Cautions Issued 5716 Matter of Public Interest 6347 Minister for Health’s Position 5718 Petitions 6470, 7033, 9225, 9855, 10171 Education Classes and Health Campaigns 1197 Export to Finance Purchase of Harder Drugs 6336 Fawcett, Mrs Julie - Invitation to Appear at Bar of the House - Standing Orders Suspension 7680 Link to Criminal Offending 5995 Offences - Statistics 8514 44 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

DRUGS (continued) Assembly (continued) Cannabis (continued) Personal Explanation by Member for Murdoch 6675 Youth Suicide 6815 Detoxification and Respite Centres - North West 3268, 6785, 6787, 8520 Illegal Drug Laboratories - Introduction of Legislation 8596 Interstate and International Travel by Government Employees 10876 Life Education Preventive Health Program - Funding Cut 12757, 12761 Links between Drug Use and Crime - Grievance 8936 Next Step Drug Addiction Program - Number of Clients 5176 North West 3005, 3268, 6785, 6787, 8520 Perth Drug Court - Evaluation - Statement by Attorney General 13486 Record Drug Bust 5088 Regional Areas - Drug Teams 8893 Use Analysis 8789 Western Australian Drug and Alcohol Strategy 2002-05 - Statement by Minister for Health 175 Wheatbelt Community Drug Service Team 6647, 6648 Council Alcohol - Derby - Alcohol-related Medical Treatment 12435 Alcohol and Drug Authority Funding 14047 McCotter, Dr Denzil 13004, 13072, 13121, 13143, 13352, 13864 Buprenorphine 12958, 13082, 14609 Cannabis CANNA Range of Fertilisers 13121 Changes to Legislation 1167 Charges and Cautions 7309 Convictions 7309 Custodial Sentences for Convictions 9976, 10942 Decriminalisation - Plant Material Demonstration 7826 Funding for Education 8686 Minor Offences - Legislation 4451 Student Information 7449 Drug and Alcohol, Office of - Annual Report Correction - Tabling 14623 Drug and Alcohol Strategy 244; Urgency Motion 230 Law Enforcement 7448 Mirrabooka - Report of Drug Dealing 7180 School Education Program - Funding 12928, 13912, 14642 Sobering-up Centres - Funding 9362, 9653 Tetrahydrocannabinol - Taxi and Bus Drivers 7178 WA Drug Abuse Strategy Office - Funding 14047 DRURY, MR MATTHEW See “Disability Services” DUNCRAIG HOUSE See “Heritage” DUNLOP, MR NIC See “Fisheries - Department” DUNSBOROUGH CENTREPOINT SHOPPING CENTRE Council Cessation of Work 13005 DUVALL, MR DAVID AND MS DEBBIE See “Courts - Family Court” E EAST PERTH POWER STATION SITE Assembly Funding 13812 Future Use 5245, 13610 Ministerial Council Meetings 7679, 9312 Sale of Surrounding Land 8896 Council Expressions of Interest - Future Plans 13011 Future Use 1167 Scitech Proposal 1168, 1169 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 45

EASTERN GOLDFIELDS TRANSPORT BOARD ACT 1984 Council Machinery of Government Report 10930 ECONOMIC REGULATION AUTHORITY Council Community Consultation 5316, 6330 Establishment 5534 ECONOMIC REGULATION AUTHORITY BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3911 Second Reading 3911, 5122, 5130 Appropriations 4080 Consideration in Detail 5225-5235, 5246-5254, 5348-5361, 5374-5391 Third Reading 5392 Returned 13215 Council’s Amendments 13824-13828 Assent 14896 Council Receipt and First Reading 5432 Second Reading 5432, 9806, 9947, 9977, 10444, 11859, 11961 Order Discharged and Referred to Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance 6545 Committee 11963-11979, 12148, 12278-12285, 12293-12312, 12511-12516 Report 12641 Third Reading 12918 Assembly’s Message 13849 ECONOMIC REGULATION AUTHORITY BILL 2003 Council Assent 14623 ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRY STANDING COMMITTEE Assembly Annual Report 2001-02 - Tabling 493, 494 Annual Report 2002-03 - Tabling 12830, 12832 Declaration of Pecuniary Interests - Strata Management Inquiry - Statement by Deputy Speaker 1628 Inquiry into the WA Strata Management Industry - Report 4829, 9397-9399 Interim Report on the Sustainability of the Dairy Industry - Report No 6 10648 Report - Statement by Speaker 11114 Sustainability of the Dairy Industry in WA - Eighth Report 14231, 14233; Statement by Speaker 14886 Terms of Reference 1592 ECONOMY Assembly Forecasts and Reports 11252 New Projects 85 Western Australian Forecasts 3087, 10421 China - Benefit to State of Economic Ties 12686 Government’s Management 2164 Impact of Industrial Relations Reforms 5451 Indicators and Forecasts 21, 4556 Strength 5085, 10818, 13194, 14071 Council Western Australian - Sustainability - Motion 11454, 11468 ECOSCAPE (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD See “Housing and Works, Department of” EDGAR, MR KENNETH See “Disability Services” EDUCATION See also “Colleges of TAFE”, “Schools” and “Universities” Assembly Aboriginal Education and Training Council - Chairperson - Credit Card 14308 Albany District Education Awards - Statement by Member for Albany 12603 Amity House, Albany 5756, 8130 Australian Education Union - Pay Demand 11253 Budget - Increase 7025 46 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

EDUCATION (continued) Assembly (continued) Children’s Book Week - Statement by Member for Bunbury 11530 China - Development of Educational Services with China 12687 Clontarf Aboriginal College - Location 1309 College of Teaching - Interim Board - Statement by Minister for Education 68 Compulsory Schooling for Years 11 and 12 9784, 13815 Conferences and Seminars by School Executive Organisations 7936 Cultural Awareness Training 12818 Curriculum Council - Amalgamation with Department of Education and Training 5242 Curriculum Guides 11742 Department Amalgamation with Department of Training 5242, 11948 Statement by Minister for Education and Training 4553 Appointment of Directors - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 4816 Budget 11780, 11781, 13918 Capital Works Budget 8894, 8895 Central Office - Positions Abolished 14355 Complaints Management Unit 14353 District Offices - Staff 9478 Evaluation of Students at Educational Risk Program 14957 Funding Cuts 13813, 13918 Internet Bandwidth Cost 11947 Internet Use by Students - Policy 11947 Internet Web Site 9712 Mills, Ms Sally - Grievance 1281 Officers at Level 9 and Above 5625 Staff - Compulsory Criminal Records Checks - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 14053 Director General - Advice to and Approval of Minister when Meeting Members of Parliament 2846, 2847 “Do you Hear what I Hear?” Resource Kit - Statement by Minister for Education 274 Duty of Care for Students Policy 14485 Education and Training Initiatives - Training System Plans 6342 Education Innovation Awards - Statement by Minister for Education 3342 Ethnic Job Study Grant 14500 Functional Review Taskforce - Recommendations 12463, 12465 Geraldton Region - Statement by Minister for Education 13192 Government Policies - Impact on Start of School Year 4564 Harvey Agricultural College 683, 5510 Hearing Impaired Children - Funding 8134 Help in Pregnancy Program - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 11897 Lake Joondalup Baptist College Skill Centre - Statement by Member for Joondalup 10022 Language Development Centres 4169, 14530 Languages other than English Program - Grievance 7331 Literacy and Numeracy Programs 3004, 7229 Midvale Multi-agency Service Centre - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 12315 Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs - Statement by Minister for Education 174 Mott Inquiry - Report 5627 North West - Land Packages for Educational Institutions 3411 Phoenix - Proposed Workshop 8792 Port Hedland Education Partnership - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 11377 Read Write Now - Termination of Contracts 3419, 3420 Review of Education and Training - Statement by Minister for Education 4068 Rockingham - New Initiatives 10027 Secondary Graduation Certificates - Number 5518 Standards and Outcomes - Improvement 5905 State Budget Initiatives 9783 Students at Educational Risk Program - Evaluation 4176 Teachers 400 New Teachers for 2003 1784 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 47

EDUCATION (continued) Assembly (continued) Teachers (continued) Complaints of Physical and Sexual Abuse of Students 1774, 5625 Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 9664, 9878 High Schools - Number of Teachers and Male Teachers 1786 Language-other-than-English 6339 Laptop Computers 691, 2584 Level 3 - Appointment 8130 LOTE, Technology and Enterprise, Science and Mathematics 14966 Numbers 5624, 8125, 8126, 9468 Pay Rise 7026, 10821, 11250, 11253, 11706, 11707, 12863, 13197, 13198, 14883 Matter of Public Interest 10967 Motion 11415 Permanency 11396; Grievance 3197 Placement Process 4176 Potential Teachers Available to Rejoin Profession 1783 Predicted Shortage 11537 Primary Male-Female Ratio 8131 Number of Teachers and Male Teachers 1785, 1786 Projected Number of Retirements 1784 Recruitment 1048, 1783, 5332 Relief Teachers in Country Schools 11703 Retirements 1784-1786 Resignations 1784-1786, 8125, 8126 Scholarships and Recruitment - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 5332 Secondary - Male/Female Ratio 8131 Strike Action 11250, 13197, 13198 Stress Leave 5624 Student Scholarships - North West 3004 Teacher of the Year Award 7029 Temby, Mrs Therese - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 9659 Tertiary - Statement by Member for Girrawheen 5362 VacSwim Program - Cost and Number Enrolled 8127 Vocational Education and Training Expansion of Programs 11743 Statement by Minister for Education and Training 11681 Wanneroo - New Initiatives 2387 Westfield Premier’s Education Scholarship - Statement by Premier 3196 Council Amity House, Albany Adjournment Debate 5672 Funding - Petition 8525 Redevelopment 5536, 7477 Central Reserve Area - Costs 13142 Children with Special Needs - Educational Aides 3439 Curriculum Council - Amalgamation with Department of Education and Training 5411 Department $19 Million Gain 12667 Amalgamation with Department of Training 4906, 5026, 5053, 5313, 11837, 12143 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 6284 Buy Local Policy 1258 Central Office Structure - Reform 594 Early Childhood Education - Training and Experience of Personnel 246 Early Development Survey - Joondalup, West Coast and Swan Education Districts 14195, 14802 Joondalup Hospitality Training Institute - Cost Blow-up 12927 Joondalup Regional Performing Arts Centre and Hospitality Training Centre - Collocation 9358 Local Learning and Employment Partnership Program - Joondalup Pilot Project 6458 Ngaanyatjarra Council (Aboriginal Corporation) College - Funding 5974 Pilot Course Program - Changes 8678 Post-compulsory Courses of Study - Support Materials 7474 48 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

EDUCATION (continued) Council (continued) Public Education Endowment Trust - Grant Applications 14044 Robson Report - Recommendations 164, 594 Teachers Appointments to Non-teaching Positions 14717 Criminal Records Checks - Statement by Hon Alan Cadby 14204 Long Service Leave 12669 Pay Rise - Appointment of Conciliator 14798 Primary - Professional Development in Mathematics and Science 5775 Professional Development for New Upper School Courses 3178 Remedial 13859 Specialist Teachers for Students with Special Needs 2346 Strike Action 11483 Training in Aboriginal Culture 9026 Unqualified 10923 Tertiary Entrance Examination - Statistics 14838 Upper School Courses, New - Funding and Professional Development 3178, 3615 Vacswim Program - Cost and Number Enrolled 12925, 14620 Vocational Education and Training - Review 12556 Year 11 and 12 Courses 10112 EDUCATION AND HEALTH STANDING COMMITTEE Assembly Annual Report 2001-02 - Tabling 489 Annual Report 2002-03 - Report No 4 10649 Leave to Sit when House is Sitting 1691 The Role and Interaction of Health Professionals in the WA Public Health System: Report on International Travel - Fifth Report 11754 Trip to Canada and the United Kingdom - Statement by Member for Murdoch 8702 EDUCATION AND TRAINING, DEPARTMENT OF See “Education” EGERTON ESTATE, ELLENBROOK See “Planning” EISZELE, MR DAVID See “Western Power” ELECTORAL Assembly Legislation - Supreme Court Decision 1865, 1866, 2921, 2922, 2927 One Vote, One Value Petition 5559 Statement by Member for Mitchell 14249 Overriding of State Laws 7023 Political Parties - Funding 12862 Reform 2005; Statement by Attorney General 6676 Council Legislation - Supreme Court Decision 11361; Urgency Motion 1792, 1808 One Vote, One Value - Mid West 1807 Reform - Adjournment Debate 1835 ELECTORAL AND CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 13495 Second Reading 13496 Appropriations 13928 ELECTORAL LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12744 Second Reading 12744 Order Discharged 13397 Political Parties Funding 12862 ELECTORAL REFORM BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2257 Second Reading 2257 Appropriations 2525 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 49

ELECTORATE OFFICES See “Members of Parliament” ELECTRICITY See Fuel and Energy” and “Western Power” ELECTRICITY CORPORATIONS BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12836 Second Reading 12836 Appropriations 13214 Declaration as Urgent 13215-13218 Cognate Debate 13626 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 13626 Referral to Economics and Industry Standing Committee Motion 13702-13711, 13726, 13727 Amendment to Motion 13710 Consideration in Detail 13728-13733 Third Reading 13734 Council Receipt and First Reading 13844 Second Reading 13844 Cognate Debate 14649 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 14649, 14669, 14804 As to Committee 14820 ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12833 Second Reading 12833, 13219, 13368, 13391, 13499 Appropriations 13214 Declaration as Urgent 13215 Consideration in Detail 13504-13515, 13528-13541, 13683-13692 Third Reading 13702 Council Receipt and First Reading 13851 Second Reading 13851 Cognate Debate 14649 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 14649, 14669, 14804 Order of the Day 14820 Committee 14832-14835; Deputy Chairman’s Ruling 14833 ELECTRICITY LEGISLATION (AMENDMENTS AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12838 Second Reading 12838, 13667 Appropriations 13214 Declaration as Urgent 13215 Cognate Debate 13626 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 13626 Third Reading 13738 Council Receipt and First Reading 13846 Second Reading 13846 Cognate Debate 14649 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 14649, 14669, 14804 As to Committee 14820 ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 5374 Assent 5834 Council Second Reading 5198 Remaining Stages 5200 Assent 5759 ELLENSBROOK PRECINCT See “Heritage” EL QUESTRO STATION See “Pastoral Leases” ELSEGOOD, MR JOHN See “Justices of the Peace” 50 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ELWOOD, MR TONY See “Environment” EMERGENCY SERVICES LEVY BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 1572 Second Reading 1573, 2193, 2414 Cognate Debate 2192 Returned 3557 Assent 4591 Council Receipt and First Reading 2507 Second Reading 3047, 3462 Third Reading 3463 Assent 4181 EMPIRE GAMES VILLAGE PRECINCT See “Heritage” EMPLOYMENT ADVOCATE, OFFICE OF THE Assembly Workplace Agreements - Interpretation of No-disadvantage Test 3932 Council Wage Decisions - Government Action 5818 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING See also “Education - Department” Assembly Aborigines - New Initiatives 10496 Apprentices - Transfield Services 2671 Burrup Resource Development Projects - Karratha School Students 5994 Business Grow - North West 3413 CALM Mentored Aboriginal Training and Employment Scheme - Statement by Minister for the Environment 13773 Employment Directions Initiative 4697 Enterprise Options Program - North West 3413 Hospitality Training Centre, Joondalup - Establishment 4702 Hospitality Youth Showcase - Statement by Member for Joondalup 9416 Read Write Now - Termination of Contracts 3419, 3420 Regional Areas - Employment Initiatives 9232 Review of Education and Training - Statement by Minister for Education 4068 Technology and Training Centres - North West 3414 Training Budget 7025 Bunbury Automotive Training Facility - Minister’s Visit - Morning Tea 1728 Burrup Skills Task Force - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 477, 5563 Construction Skills Training Centre - Funding 7887 Crane Operators - Accredited Trainers 11562 Department Amalgamation with Department of Education 5242, 11948 Statement by Minister for Education and Training 4553 Budget 11780, 11781, 13918 Capital Works Budget 8894, 8895 District Offices - Staff 9478 Funding Cuts 13813 Officers at Level 9 and Above 5625 Staff - Compulsory Criminal Records Checks Statement by Minister for Education and Training 14053 Development of Training Services with China 12687 Evaluation of Students at Educational Risk Program 14957 Excellence Awards - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 10944 Internet Skills Training - Advertising Campaign 1709 Lake Joondalup Baptist College Skill Centre - Statement by Member for Joondalup 10022 Qatar Training Program - Statement by Minister for Training 273 Rockingham 10027 Services Joblink - Petition 477 Skill up for the Burrup 12606; Statement by Minister for Education and Training 10816 Training System Plans 6342 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 51

EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING (continued) Assembly (continued) Training (continued) Vocational Education and Training Programs 11743 Statement by Minister for Education and Training 11681 Western Australian Group Training Scheme 4174 Grievance 7853 Personal Explanation by Member for Peel 7857 Unemployment Rate 1770, 4743, 8788 Statistics 2814, 5364, 6644, 8724 Council Apprentices - Financial Incentive for Ongoing Training 5773 Local Learning and Employment Partnership Program - Joondalup Pilot Program 6458 Training Department $19 million Gain 12667 Amalgamation with Department of Education 4906, 5026, 5053, 5313, 11837, 12143; Statement by Hon Norman Moore 6284 Farm Forestry Training 1450 Industry Training Advisory Bodies - Funding 1661, 2127 Joondalup Hospitality Training Institute - Cost Blow-up 12927 Vocational Education and Training Amendment Regulations 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 2591 Courses and Support Materials 7474 Review 12556 ENERGY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9401 Second Reading 9401, 9703 Appropriations 9668 As to Third Reading 9711 Third Reading 9859 Returned 11559 Council’s Amendments 11774, 11787 Assent 11909 Council Receipt and First Reading 9927 Second Reading 9927, 11442 Committee 11450, 11451 Report 11451 Third Reading 11451 Assembly’s Message 11824 Assent 11821 ENERGY OPERATORS AND WATER AGENCIES (POWERS) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5225 Second Reading 5254, 6032, 6505 Declaration as Urgent 6031 ENOCH, MR JEFF See “Justice, Department of” ENRIGHT, MR NICK Assembly Death 7597 Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 6132 Council Statement by Hon Giz Watson 6283 ENTERPRISE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS See “Industrial Relations” ENVIRONMENT See also “Cockburn Sound”, “Industrial Development”, “Pollution” and “Waste Disposal” Assembly Acid Sulfate Soils - Management Strategy 13519 Appeals to the Minister - Number and Processing 7268 52 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ENVIRONMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) Biodiversity Conservation Act Consultation Paper 8138 Bioprospect Ltd - Licence to Assess and Commercially Exploit Chemicals in WA’s Plants and Animals 14983 Carnac Island Sea Lion Colony - Statement by Member for Rockingham 5363 Catchment Management - Responsible Agency and Funding 14543 China - Environmental Benefits and Opportunities 12688 Coastal Erosion - Grievance 5337 Coastwest Grants Program - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 9990 Container Deposit Legislation 8794; Grievance 1279 Development Proposals - Geoheritage Issues 13312 Elwood, Mr Tony - Quarry at Red Hill 8315, 12069; Grievance 6609, 6611 Environmental Enforcement Unit 4857, 5910, 6936 Environmental Protection Policies - Cockburn Sound Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 3774 Erosion Programs - North West 4670 Flooded Gums - Defoliation by Insects 2843 Florida, Bouvard and Melros - Sand Dune Degradation - Grievance 6139; Petitions 5977, 7033, 9090 Friends of the Porongurup Range Inc - Assistance to Purchase Farming Property 2845 Geographe Bay - Removal of Seagrass Wrack from Beach 7117 Geraldton Junior and Senior Motocross Club - Grievance 2782 Gnangara Concept Plan - Delay 2843 Greenhouse Gas Emissions “Draft Western Australian Greenhouse Strategy” Statement by Minister for the Environment 14875 Reduction by Government Departments and Agencies 685 Indigenous Plant Species - Statistics on Diversity 3404 International Sustainability Events - University of Notre Dame Australia Statement by Minister for the Environment 10568 Kalgan Queen Scenic Cruises and Wildlife Interpretation - Grievance 11748 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Golf Course - Site Pollution 1401 Keep Australia Beautiful Council - Funding 4863 Lake Bryde Conservation Reserve 6813 Landcare Conference - Statement by Member for Wagin 12197 Law Reform Program - Bennett, Mr Michael 688 Legislation - Complaints of Non-compliance 7100 Litter Regulations 10590 Manganese Levels 9785 Native Wildlife - Smuggling 12319 Natural Heritage Trust 208, 209, 8869, 9086 North West - Environmental Improvement Initiative Programs 5182 Peel-Harvey Estuarine System - Nutrients 13675 Peel Waterways - Economic and Development and Recreation Management Plan 9793 Plastic Bags 8445, 10495 Port Geographe - Groyne Field - Grievance 5337 Prescribed Burning 11110 Quokka - Muddy Lake Wetland System, Bunbury 6532 Regional Herbarium Project 3002, 6397, 7596 Reilly, Ms Bobbie - Environmental Achievement Award - Statement by Member for Merredin 12855 Sand Pile, Lot 2000 Pearson St, Churchlands 7751 Shopping Trolleys - Abandoned - Grievance 1680 Snake Creek Diversion - Grievance 12169 State Agreements - Exemptions from Act 11315 State Budget Initiatives 9785-9788 State Reference Network Gauging Stations - Closure 981 State Weed Plan - Funding 14981 Tremaine, Mr Gary - Sale of Property - Grievances 6135, 10645 Two Rocks - Seagrass Management - Statement by Member for Wanneroo 5714 Underwood Avenue Bushland - Protection from Development 7116 Urban Nature Program - Budget and Staff 9800 WA Coastlines Document - Cost, Distribution, Purpose and Funding 11318 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 53

ENVIRONMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) WA Environmental Awards 2003 - Cost 9800 Western Swamp Tortoise 7115. 8275 Wetlands - Stirling Estate 1757 Wilderness Discovery Centre - Costs 14551 Wilderness in Western Australia - Liberal Party Position 12858, 12859 Woodcrest Rise, College Grove, Bunbury - Petition 11260 World Summit on Sustainable Development Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 2517 Council Acid Sulfate Soils 1560, 4056 Approval Process - Transparency 9207 Ascot Waters Development 11836, 11839, 14048; Adjournment Debate 4484 Barrow Island Building Demolition - Asbestos Disposal 10482 ChevronTexaco - Breach of DEP Licence Conditions 14042 Demolition Work - Waste Disposal 12016 Fauna Road Kills 9626 Gorgon Gas Development 10483 Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material 10367; Statement by Hon Robin Chapple 10378 BHPB Briquette Shiploader - Boodarrie Iron HBI-DRI Plant - Notification of Incident 4433 Bio-Gene Bioprospecting Ltd 13118, 14211 Blair Fox Generation WA Pty Ltd - Poultry Litter-fired Electricity Plant, Muchea 4398 BP Kwinana Refinery 12037, 12145 Brickworks Emissions - Consultant’s Report 9630 Bringo Motocross Track - Relocation 1262 Burns Beach Property Trust - Appeal 1567 Burrup Peninsula Archaeological and Ethnographic Surveys 7996 West Intercourse Island - Impediments to Development 5779 Bushland Management - Adjournment Debate 4986 Chittering - Application for Planning Consent for Water Supply System 9635 Coastal Region between Abrolhos Islands and Fremantle - Declaration 13590 Conservation Estate - Grazing Impacts 9845 Craft Wood - Exemption for Use of Trees from Private Properties 12008, 12291 Statement by Hon Robyn McSweeney 12150 Damara Sheep - Environmental Impact 10781 Dampier Public Wharf Expansion - Impact 463 Domestic Fires - Burning of Painted Wood 10801 Draft Wilderness Policy 11476 Dwellingup - Drums Containing Herbicides 2346 East Kimberley Nature Reserves - Stock Incursions 10362 Environmental Approval Process - Transparency 10774, 10776 Environmental Education Discussion Paper - Cabinet Endorsement 4239 Environmental Enforcement Unit - Establishment 7006 Environmental Health Foundation - Establishment 11177, 11205 Environmental Health Standards 10782 Environmental Protection Act - Regulations 11838, 13145 Environmental Protection Policies - Completion 2779 Environmental Recovery Services Ltd 2347, 3337 Firewood Draft Regulations 11211 Legal Collection 9976 Public Firewood Areas 10094 South West 10382, 10923 Supplies and Collection 10806 Flora and Fauna - Rare and Presumed Extinct - South West 11890 Four-wheel-drive Vehicles - Advertising Depicting Damage to Environment 1140, 1848 Gnangara Land Use and Water Management Strategy 1742, 1844 Gnangara Park Management Plan - Finalisation 1743 Gnangara Water Mound - Threatened Species and Ecological Communities 1845, 6302 54 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ENVIRONMENT (continued) Council (continued) Goats, Feral - Damage to Conservation Estate 12016 Government Departments and Agencies - Annual Environmental Performance Reporting 12036 Green Stamp Program - Accreditation 2913 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Adjournment Debates 1038, 1669, 4295 Kyoto Protocol 1134, 1261; Adjournment Debate 4294 Reduction 12042 State Government Stand - Urgency Motion 991 State Strategy - Completion 11374 “Western Australia and Greenhouse” Issues Paper 4450, 4942 Heinrich, Mr and Mrs - Compensation for Loss of Earnings 14030, 14639 Industrial Projects - Post-approval Monitoring 11889 Introduced Species - Budget for Containment 4048 James Point Live Sheep Export Facility - Odour Modelling 2763 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community and Industry Reference Committee 10258, 11373 Kalgoorlie Cement Works Acoustic Consultant and Stormwater Run-off 7837 Adjournment Debate 1836 Breaches of Occupational Safety and Health Legislation 9378 Compliance with Departmental Instruction 7507 Document Improvement Notice 5807, 5808 Dust Complaints 5970, 9652 E-mail about Dangerous and Unsafe Work Practices 9643 E-mail with Photographic Evidence 9375 Improvement Notices 5076, 5077 Letter from Acting Minister for the Environment and Heritage 9646 Licensing under the Environmental Protection Act 9632 Noise Levels 469, 5676, 7003, 9649 Non-compliance with Department of Environmental Protection Orders 5678 Occupational Safety and Health Legislation Breaches 8433 Petition 1403 Soil Contamination and Toxic Dust 13015 Trailers - Roadworthiness 9616 Unlicensed Forklift on Wilson Street 9616 Unsafe Work Practices 9376, 9377 Verbal Directions on Safety Issues 8430 Vexatious Complaints 7653 Video of Worker Spraying a Diesel-engine Oil Aerosol Solution 4903 Web Site - Investigations 5677 WorkSafe Improvement Notices 6466 Kimberley Prawn Farm 1531, 1806 Kwinana International Motorplex - Impact of Noise on Hope Valley Residents 14770 Lancelin Defence Training Area - Environmental Impact 12162 Leschenault Estuary - Development - Petition 13554 Mallee Seed 13864, 14031, 14196, 14206, 14607 Mid West and Murchison Rangelands - Management 4943 Midland Railway Workshop Site - Soil Stockpiles and Air Monitoring 2483, 3903, 7008 Estuary Development - Petition 8347 Mt Gibson Station - Field Report on Endangered Flora 11879 Narembeen Deep Drainage Project 551, 1741, 3336 Natural Heritage Trust 161, 241, 352 Nelson Locations 12889 and 12890 - Forest Conservation Area 9844 - High Conservation Value Land 14713 Plant and Animal Extinctions in Australia - Statement by Hon Robin Chapple 13596 Plastic Bags - Levy 1804, 3335 Regional Coastal and Marine Facilitator - South Coast Region - Funding 10089 Regional Herbarium Project 3023, 4431, 6084 Rural Sector, Controls - Motion 12531, 12541 Ship-blasting Abrasive High Pressure - Environmental Impact 1842 Smoky Vehicle Reporting Program 11889 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 55

ENVIRONMENT (continued) Council (continued) South Beach Urban Redevelopment, South Fremantle 735, 7009, 7010, 12313 Spoil Bank, Port Hedland - Vehicle Access 3470 Swan Coastal Plain Lakes Environmental Protection Policy - Completion 11886 Thomsons Lake and Lake Kogolup - Swans 12040 Timber Fellers - Wildlife Conservation Act - Section 23D Exemptions 12925 Waste Discharge into Marine Environment 6460, 13024 Wetlands Nominations under Ramsar Convention 12036 Protection - Funding 9637 Whitlock Creek - Dredge Spoil 12038 ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE See “Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs” ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Second Reading 499, 505, 529, 1469 Referral to Legislation Committee 1487; Appointment of Members 1488 Report of Legislation Committee 2414 Third Reading 2567 Returned 11639 Council’s Amendments 11788, 11794-11805 Assent 12326 Grievance 12574 Council Receipt and First Reading 2637 Second Reading 2637, 4916, 4966, 4976, 5008, 5010, 5015, 5027 Discharge from Notice Paper and Referral to Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance 4907 Ruling by Deputy President 5026 Order Discharged and Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 6414 Committee 10128-10141, 10207-10225, 10329-10360, 10368, 11142-11159, 11196-11204, 11212 11235, 11320-11330 Chairman’s Ruling 11330 Report 11437 Third Reading 11566 Assembly’s Message 11824 Assent 12277 Clearing Regulations 6583, 7311, 14615; Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 7320 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY See also “Planning - Mauds Landing Development” Assembly Advisory Council - Membership 13311 Board Membership Changes 4746 Qualifications of Potential Members 823 Council Consultants - Number and Cost 3440 Formal Assessment Process 8420 LeProvost, Mr Ian - Conflict of Interest 1271 Project Development Proposals - Assessment and Approval 5818, 7848 Regulations - Draft Exemptions 14195 Reports - Use of Appeal Committees in Appeals 13913 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF Assembly Chief Executive Officer - Appointment 13809 Payne, Mr Roger 4556, 4742, 4743 Pollution Response Squad - Training 12612 Review 6648 Staff 8856, 13810 Council Air Quality Branch - Senior Staff Resignations 2511 56 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF (continued) Council (continued) Cockburn Cement Ltd - Review of Audit Findings 737 Code of Conduct and Public Sector Code of Ethics 7992 Hine, Mr Phillip - Alleged Breach of Code of Ethics 595 Industrial Pollution Monitoring - Budget 10805 Kalgoorlie Regional Office 8782, 9653 Keating, Ms Fiona - Employment Details 14192 Mistakes 7003 Waste Control Fire in Bellevue - Review of Audit Findings 737 Water and Catchment Protection - Records of Decisions and Actions 9062 EPIC ENERGY See “Fuel and Energy” EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION WA Council Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers - Appointment 13595 “ESSENTIALLY ELLINGTON” EVENT See “Arts and Culture” ESTIMATES COMMITTEES Assembly Procedure and Privileges Committee’s Report - Statement by Leader of the House 2917 Report of Management Committee 7706 Standing Orders Suspension 7390 Statement by Leader of the House 6608 Council Appointment Motion 7143 Amendment to Motion 7146 Motion, as Amended 7150 Correction to Answer Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 8756 Water and Rivers Commission 9027 ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Council Consideration of Tabled Papers 7288, 7599, 7783, 7949, 8348, 8526, 8639, 8756, 9011, 9150 Standing Orders Suspension 7287 Tabling of Budget Papers 7287 EUTHANASIA Council Voluntary - Petitions 1521, 5636 EVANS, MR SHAUN See “Disability Services” EVANS, MRS SUE See “Domestic Violence” EWERS, MR KEN See “Disability Services” EXCELL, MR See “Prisons” EXMOUTH MARINA VILLAGE See “Planning” EXPORTS See “Commerce and Trade” EXTENDED WORKING HOURS REVIEW PANEL See “Consumer and Employment Protection” F FAIRBRIDGE Assembly Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 4854 FAMILY COURT AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Leave to Consider 930 Returned 930 Council’s Amendments 979 Assent 1677 Council Second Reading 155, 167, 721 Committee 723-729 Report 729 Third Reading 729 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 57

FAMILY COURT AMENDMENT BILL 2001 (continued) Council (continued) Assembly’s Message 999 Assent 1630 FARINA, MS JUDITH See “Disability Services” FARMBIS WESTERN AUSTRALIA See “Agriculture” FAWCETT, MRS JULIE See “Drugs - Cannabis” FEDERAL BUDGET Assembly Impact on State’s Health Portfolio 7674 Road Funding 7677 State Government’s Expectations 7518 State Government’s Response 7672 FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION Assembly Legislation - Grievance 3202 FERGUSON, MR PETER See “Consumer and Employment Protection” FESTIVALS IN NORTH OF STATE Assembly Statement by Member for Ningaloo 10673 FILM CLASSIFICATION See “Censorship” FINANCE BROKERS CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14062 Second Reading 14062 FINANCE BROKING INDUSTRY Assembly Finance Brokers Scandal - Charges and Convictions 8155 Part Repeal of Act - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 1971 Council Finance Brokers Control Act - Repeal 7476, 8426 FINES ENFORCEMENT REGISTRY See “Justice, Department of” FINES, PENALTIES AND INFRINGEMENT NOTICES ENFORCEMENT AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2253 Second Reading 2253, 3959 Returned 6396 Assent 7034 Council Receipt and First Reading 4037 Second Reading 4037, 6253 Remaining Stages 6258 Assent 6943 FINN, MR SHANE See “Prisons” FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES Assembly Authority - Defence Force National Employer Support Award Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 1852 Bushfire Risk 2384, 2385, 2519, 13813 Combined Ladder Platform Appliance - North West 2587 Emergency Helicopter Service - Elvis Helicopters 1707 Emergency Services - Community Development and Justice Standing Committee Report Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 5220 Fire Hazard Alarms - Petition 66 Fire Hydrant Installation 14348 Fire Management in the Western Australian Environment Motion 2702 Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 7330 Firefighting Aircraft 1046, 7117 Firefighting in the USA and Canada - WA Contribution 10678 House Fires - Smoke Alarms and Causes of Fires 9729 58 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES (continued) Assembly (continued) Levy City of Wanneroo 10161 Insurance Companies - Charges on Notices 11435 Introduction 8313 Matter of Public Interest 10172 Amendment to Motion 10179 Amendment on the Amendment 10182 Motion, as Amended 10184 Rebates 12378 Revenue 14487 Manjimup - Petition 3908 New South Wales Bushfires - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 2782 North West 5180, 5756 Prescribed Burning 11110 Regional - Removal of Front-line Emergency Response Crews 5241 State Security - Up-to-date Plans 1864 Council Authority Advertis ing 10114 Charter Flights in the Kimberley 9621 Fires on Derby Highway 9623 Prescribed Burns - Incendiary Devices 9623 Backpacker Hostels - Fire Safety 1260 Body Bags Purchase 11208 Chemical Fires - Emergency Response Plan 11040 Communications Systems 12433 Coronial Inquiry into Fire at Lancelin - Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 7455 Emergency Call System for Medical Emergencies - Changes 2347 Emergency Helicopter Service - Funding 1042 Gingin, Shire of - Firebreak Order - Swan Location 7807, East Lancelin 4432 Kimberley - Permits to Burn 10149, 10154 Lancelin Defence Training Area - Fire 5778 Levy 590, 591, 2916, 13166, 14867 Military Emergency or Retaliatory Attack - Essential Services 5022 Northam Fire Station - Staffing 7177 Nuclear Accidents 4397, 4526 Prescribed Burning - Target 14641 Regional Airports - Removal of Front-line Emergency Response Crews - Statement by Hon John Fischer 6090 Risk Management Training 8415 Swan Location 7807 - Seven-day Firebreak Order 3291 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Assent 3355 Council’s Amendments 3235, 3236 Council Second Reading 1026, 1253, 1431 Committee 1434-1441, 3042, 3043 Report 3044 Third Reading 3044 Assembly’s Message 3190 Assent 3269 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEGISLATION (EMERGENCY SERVICES LEVY) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 1570 Second Reading 1570, 2193 Appropriations 1850 Cognate Debate 2192 Consideration in Detail 2259, 2269, 2361-2382, 2401-2411; Adjournment of Debate 2363 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 59

FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES LEGISLATION (EMERGENCY SERVICES LEVY) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Assembly (continued) Referral to Community Development and Justice Standing Committee 2259-2262, 2267, 2268 Third Reading 2411 Returned 3704 Council’s Amendments 3826-3833 Assent 4591 Council Receipt and First Reading 2507 Second Reading 3044, 3446, 3456, 3592; Deputy President’s Ruling 3447 Committee 3596-3602 Report 3602 Third Reading 3602 Assembly’s Message 3761 Assent 4304 FIREARMS Assembly Antique and Curio - Legislation 2997 Unlicensed Hand Guns - Use in Criminal Activities - Grievance 5687 Council Act - Amendments 10364 Licences - Proof of Identity for Renewal 1137 Rifle Clubs - Rents - Adjournment Debates 2605, 2777 FIREARMS AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 13385 Second Reading 13385 Appropriations 13928 FIREWOOD See “Environment” FIRST HOME OWNER GRANT AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 5998 Council’s Amendment 6188 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 5404 Committee 5920 Report 5920 Third Reading 5920 Assembly’s Message 6088 Assent 6943 FISHER, MR ROBERT See “Agent General of Western Australia” FISHERIES Assembly Aquaculture - North West 3415 Cherax Rotundus - Introduction 690 Commercial - Management Plans 671 Cottesloe Reef - Recreational Fishing - Petition 5977 Crayfish - Restrictions on Pots 2214 Dive Wrecks - Number and Fishing Exclusion Zone 12819 Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 8) 2003 - Motion for Disallowance 13406 Fishing Industry Council Awards - Statement by Member for Greenough 2812 Geographe Bay - Restrictions on Commercial Fishing 682 GG Fish - Statement by Member for Dawesville 8722 Mandurah and Peel Region - Fisheries Inspectors - Grievance 1678 North West - Strategic Research Fund for the Marine Environment 4166 Palmer, Jeff and Gail - High Court Appeal Case 2929 Pink Snapper - Effects of Trawl Fishery - Statistical Confidence Levels of Analyses 14147 Research and Community Education Programs - North West 3411 South West Bait, Herring, Salmon and Shark Fisheries - Sustainable Annual Catch 12506-12509 60 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FISHERIES (continued) Assembly (continued) Swan River - Ban on Recreational Fishing 8787 WA Fishing Industry Council - Seafood Cocktail Forum - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 3344 Council Abalone Farm, Bremer Bay - Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 9371 Coastal Region between Abrolhos Islands and Fremantle - Declaration 13590 Commercial - Licences to Trap Herring on South Coast 6955 Cottesloe Reef - Fish Habitat Protection Area 10812, 12666 Crayfish - Operators and Licences 2124 Dampier Archipelago - Coral and Live Rock Collection Licences 11600, 12957 Department - Dunlop, Mr Nic 9843 Dolphins - James Point, Cockburn Sound 3024 Dusky Whaler Sharks - Conservation Status 1843, 3439 Finfish and Mackerel Reviews 12959 Fish Habitat Protection Area - Volunteer Program - Funding 10812 Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 6) 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 11007 Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 8) 2002 - Clause 5 - Disallowance 1641 Statement by Minister for Forestry and Fisheries 1640 Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 8) 2003 - Disallowance 14581 Gascoyne and West Coast - Recreational Fishing Regulations 5958 Houtman Abrolhos - Green Paper 3286 Indonesia and Singapore - Trade Potential - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 830 Kimberley Prawn Farm 1531, 1806 Kimberley Prawn Fishery Management Plan Amendment 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 1631 Lobster Pots - Number 9586, 10808 Management Report - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 4240 Marron and Yabbies - Penalties for Stealing 5411, 8566 Master Class 5 Ticket - Changes 11834 Palmer, Jeff and Gail Prosecution 1841, 3028 Statements Hon Kim Chance 12567 Hon John Fischer 12565 Pearl Farm Lease - Paspaley Pearling Company Pty Ltd, Encounter Cove, Kimberley 8421 Recreational - GST Contribution 12960 Recreational Fishing Survey - Estimates of Catch 12959 - Prawn Trawling Fleet 10781 Shark Fishing 8675, 13120 Tuna - Article in Magazine - Statement by Hon Bruce Donaldson 7453 Turtle Exclusion Devices on Vessels 11041 West Coast Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan Amendment 2003 - Disallowance 12105 Western Rock Lobster Fishery Crisis 7647 Exemptions for Input Restrictions 11600 Licences 1006, 1140 Price Fluctuations 7314 Tariff Concessions - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 12277 Whales and Marine Mammals - Fee for Films and Photographs 2605, 3474 Wyndham Prawn Farm 10787 FLAGS PROTECTION BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 6792 Second Reading 6825, 8205, 8922 FLORA See “Environment” FLY IN, FLY OUT EMPLOYEES See “Industrial Relations” FOLSOM PRISON Council Statement by Hon Frank Hough 7649 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 61

FOODBANK WA Assembly Geraldton - Statement by Member for Geraldton 11106 FORD, MS ERINNA Council Statement by Hon Jon Ford 13014 FORD, MS JAN See “Consumer and Employment Protection” FOREST HILL VINEYARD See “Western Power” FORESTS AND FORESTRY See also “Conservation and Land Management, Department of” Assembly Buckingham near Collie - Impact of Logging 7780 Community Forest Inspection Program 5451 Diamond Tree Sky Lift 745, 5584, 9879 Draft Forest Management Plan 209, 210, 1048, 1049, 6533 Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 172 Flooded Gums - Defoliation by Insects 2843 Forest Management Plans Assessment by EPA 4690 Implementation 24 Sustained Yield - Ferguson Report Recommendations 13553, 14529 Forest Products Commission Board Members - Credit Cards 11141 Personal Explanation by Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 7230 Plantation Forestry - Strategic Afforestation in Agricultural Zone 9788 Sawn Timber Recovery Data 4688 Treasury Performance Indicators 5622 Forests Round Table - Membership 13429 Gnangara Pine Plantation - Harvesting 5623 Greater Preston National Park - Illegal Tree Felling 8344 Infinitree Plantation Program 8438 Jarrah Allocation of 130 000 metres 9420 First and Second-grade - Implications of Opposition’s Policy for Annual Yield 9663 Imbalance in Numbers of Marri 6205 Third Grade - Sawn Timber Recovery Rate 3000 Total Quota Request 5892 Karri Forest Explorer Self-guided Drive, Pemberton 8344 Total Quota Request 5892 Logging Perth Hills - Statement by Member for Swan Hills 10020 Roads - Traffic Rules 8501 Ludlow Tuart Forest Arum Lily Control 5897 Harvest Statistics 13276, 14145 Mining 11620, 13275 Petition 3354 Personal Explanation by Member for Vasse 3354 Manjimup - Furniture Industry 8600, 9420 Marri - Total Quota Request 5892 Mature and Intact Forest - Increase in Percentage Retained 1396 Old-growth Forest Commonwealth Government Commitment 4860 Government’s Policy 11256, 11257 Leader of the Opposition’s Comment 5240 Logging in South West 8601, 10424 Timber Industry Restructure Package 1587 Pinetec Pty Ltd 6397, 13924 Plantation Timber Industries in South West - Commonwealth Government Funding 398 Sky Jetty Project 745, 5584, 9879 62 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FORESTS AND FORESTRY (continued) Assembly (continued) Social and Economic Impact of WA Forests Report - Alterations 5622 South West Area and Logging 9744 Nesting Hollows in Trees - Scientific Papers 1399 State Forests No 56 - Partial Revocation of Dedication - Motions 12174, 12588; Request for Council’s Concurrence 12615 Tabling of Paper 11930 Nos 15, 39 and 64 - Partial Revocation of Dedication - Motions 13774, 14084; Request for Council’s Concurrence 14086 Nos 7, 14, 16, 28, 32, 33 and 58 - Partial Revocation of Dedication - Motion 13681, 14083; Request for Council’s Concurrence 14084 Sustainable Forest Management Output - 400 000 Hectare Reduction in Forest Area Managed 2843 Timber Allocations - Announcement 8600 Tree Farming - Timber Volumes 3848 Tuart Ecosystems - Swan Coastal Plain 1200 Tuart Forests - Conservation and Protection 7111 Warrup, Corbal, Mersea, Dudijup and Kingston Blocks 13770 Wellington Discovery Forest 7406, 8146 Woodchip Mill 2522, 3561 Council Alco, Yornup and Thornton Forest Blocks - Post-logging Audit 13008, 14620 Australian Forestry Standard - Certification 2761 Butler Forest, Nannup - Hot Regeneration Burn - Monitoring 4049 Craft Wood Licensing System 1954 Diamond Tree Sky Lift 6585, 13008; Statement by Hon Robyn McSweeney 14037 Draft Forest Management Plan Amendments to Conservation and Land Management Act 1801 Bole Logs Allocation 1008 First and Second Grade Log Allocation 351 Minister’s Submission 1658 Statements by Leader of the House 169, 10468, 10471, 11168, 11586 Motion 10080 Sessional Orders Suspension 10472 Farm Forestry Training - Departmental Responsibility and Fees 1450 Forest Management Plans - Area for Logging 12571 Forest Products Commission Request for Tender No 2655 703, 9647, 9648, 10261 Sale of Marri Woodchips to Overseas Companies 9654 Sawlogs from Mine Sites 4958, 5776, 5956 State Native Forest - Claiming as an Asset 9203 Gnangara Pine Plantation Logging 713, 4448, 4991 Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1407; Motion 12263, 12660, 13105 Volume of Timber Supplied 14800 Greenbushes Timber Mill - Conditions on Allocation of Resources 1840, 9055 Hacketts Gully - Logging 13858 Infinitree Plantation Program 9360, 14714 Jarrah and Karri Logging Statistics 2902, 8413, 10483 Personal Explanation by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 6960 Request for Proposals - Stage B 2225, 2481 Sawlog Volumes 11182, 12960, 14799 Jarrah, Karri and Wandoo Production Forest 1561, 1562 Kojonup Location 9212 - Amendment of Class A Reserve 1736; Motion for Disallowance 14020 Log Prices - Review 1533 Logging Area and Volume 1560, 9619 Buffers Review - List of References 3473 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 63

FORESTS AND FORESTRY (continued) Council (continued) Logging (continued) Karri and Jarrah 2902; Personal Explanation by Minister for Forestry and Fisheries 6960 Meetings with Former Burke Government Ministers 6958, 7175, 8418, 9203 Recording in Forest Product Commission’s Accounts 5025 Timber Residue - Access for Craft Wood Industry 7323 Ludlow Tuart Forest Inclusion on the Endangered Places List 3475 Mining 10746, 12668, 14715; Petition 11960 Tabling of Agreement 5076 Manjimup 2874, 9357 Marri Clear-felling and Gap Creation 2228, 3473 Woodchips 7323, 9358 Nannup Timber Mill - Conditions on Allocation of Resources 1840, 9055 Native Forest and Plantation Stumpages 11206 Nelson Locations 12889 and 12890 - Forest Conservation Area 9844 Old-growth Forest Government’s Policy 7166 Mills Seeking Business Exit Assistance 705 Social and Economic Impact of Policy - Urgency Motion 540 Pentarch Forest Products Pty Ltd - Stumpage Rates and Log Specifications 5662 Pinetec Pty Ltd 710, 1262, 1743, 9191, 11173, 13018 Pinjar Pine Plantations - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1407 Motion 12263, 12660, 13105 Regional Forest Agreement - Mapping - Old-growth Area and Logging 12155 Richardson, Mr Trevor - Native Forest Log Sales Contracts 8676, 9628 Sawlogs from Mine Sites 6286, 6287 Sawmills - Registration - Number and Type 3772 Sky Jetty Project 6585, 13008; Statement by Hon Robyn McSweeney 14037 South West Area Burnt in Wildfires 13023 Sawmills - Resource Security Commitment 14776 State Forests Land Swap - Petition 13122 No 56 - Partial Revocation - Assembly’s Resolution 12637; Motion to Concur 13029 Nos 15, 39 and 64 - Partial Revocation of Dedication - Assembly’s Resolution 14156, 14592 Nos 7, 14, 16, 28, 32, 33 and 58 - Partial Revocation of Dedication - Assembly’s Resolution 14156, 14591 Transfer of Ownership to Aboriginal Groups 11172 Timber Contracts - Financial Security Beyond the Forest Management Plan 13860, 14198 Timber Fellers - Wildlife Conservation Act - Section 23D Exemptions 12925 Timber Industry Restructure Plan 6277 Timber Industry Worker Assistance Package - Funding 3611 Timber Mills - Business Exit Assistance 43 Timber Allocations - Final Recommendations 8565 Tuart Trees South of Mandurah - Decline and Death - Impact of Bauxite Mining 13915 Warren Forest Region - Logging Roads 8413 Wesbeam Pty Ltd - Timber Resource 1262; Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1407 Wespine Industries Pty Ltd - Pine Sawlogs 6282 Wood Cutters, Sellers and Collectors - Goldfields - Licences 9646 Wood Processing (WESFI) Agreement Act 2000 - Schedule H 3028 Wood Sellers - Unlicensed 9647 Woodchip Mill - Donnybrook 41, 1269 Woodchips - Transport - Manjimup-Bunbury Railway Line 13351 Yanchep Pine Plantations - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1407 Motion 12263, 12660, 13105 FORREST NURSERY PTY LTD See “Environment - Mallee Seed” FOX CONTROL PROGRAM See “Agriculture” FRANCESCHINI-PIIL, DANIEL See “Disability Services” 64 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Assembly Government’s Accountability Policy 12197 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Receipt and First Reading 11313 Second Reading 12482 Council Introduction and First Reading 9319 Second Reading 9319, 11025 Co mmittee 11029, 11030 Report 11031 Third Reading 11031 FREMANTLE ARTILLERY BARRACKS See “Defence Forces” FREMANTLE CEMETERY Assembly Amalgamation of Board with Metropolitan Cemeteries Board 8730, 8929; Motion 8907 Council Transfer of Management to the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board 8366 Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance Inquiry Motion 10910, 11338; Amendment to Motion 11339; Motion, as Amended 11339 FREYCINET COLLECTION Assembly Auction 1711 Exhibiting of Items Purchased 2675 Council Auction - Adjournment Debate 1037 FRIENDS OF THE PORONGURUP RANGE INC See “Environment” FRONTIER ECONOMICS PTY LTD See “Fuel and Energy - Electricity - Reform” FUEL AND ENERGY See also “AlintaGas” and “Western Power” Assembly Albany Wind Farm 6788, 10880, 10881 Bottled Gas - Petitions 5559, 6128, 8012, 8278, 8447, 12821 Coal-fired Electricity Generation - Coal 21 Initiative 14882, 14883 Cockburn Gas-fired Power Station 9663, 9664; Statement by Minister for Energy 13191 Collie Power Station Privatisation 12463, 12758 Statement by Member for Collie 9415 Dampier-Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline Motion 6827 Amendment to Motion 6837 Maintenance - Power Blackout Warnings 10286, 10287 Sale 8002 Director of Energy Safety - Report on Electricity Network - Statement by Minister for Energy 8161 Electricity Adeline Area of Kalgoorlie-Boulder - Statement by Minister for Energy 66 Country Power Supplies 5449 Deregulated Market 1199 Developments in the Industry - Grievance 1976 Drought Areas - Reduction of Charges 3931 East Kimberley 9232 Lower Prices 1868 Prices Guarantee 13517, 13518, 13701 Reform Election Platform 3776 Electricity Prices 13196 Implementation 10497 Legal Work 10590, 10679 Privatisation of Government-owned Power Stations 3348 Rural and Regional Areas 4675 Support 26 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 65

FUEL AND ENERGY (continued) Assembly (continued) Electricity (continued) Reform (continued) WA Power Conference Support 11783 Simcoa Operations Pty Ltd 13517 South West Interconnected System 4680 Southern Rail Link Usage 10879 Windy Harbour - Petitions 284, 879, 1053 Energy in WA Conference - Address by Minister for Energy 8155 Energy Smart Government Program 14077; Statement by Minister for Energy 13917 Epic Energy 6492, 7518-7521 Fuel Prices Differential between City and Country 1052 Government’s Policy - ACCC Letter 772 Maximum Wholesale Price System 3000 Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection’s Lack of Action - Matter of Public Interest 919 Terminal Gate Price - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 1974 FuelWatch 7885, 10681, 13926 Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) Act - Review - Statement by Minister for Energy 12821 Goldfields Gas Pipeline 9425, 11958 Independent Gas Pipelines Access Regulator 6492, 7225, 7226, 7230, 7518, 10163 Kemerton Peak-load Gas Turbines 12765 Manganese Levels in Liquid Fuels 9785 Ministerial Council on Energy, Brisbane - Statement by Minister for Energy 3910 Mumbida Wind Farm Proposal - Delay in Approval 8793, 9236, 9237 Narrogin Electricity Generation Station - Oil Mallee Waste 8138 Poultry Litter-fired Electricity Plant, Muchea 5283, 7114 Power Stations - Minimum Buffer 986 Solar Hot Water Systems 9506; Statement by Member for Vasse 7356 United States Energy Market - Potential for WA Economy 13809 Waste-to-energy Projects 1866; Statement by Member for Roleystone 2000 Wellington Dam - Hydro-electric Power Generator 2577 Wind Power Great Southern 11958 Peppermint Grove Beach 685 Windy Harbour - Statement by Member for Warren-Blackwood 11106 Council Barrow Island - Oil Production Facilities 9557, 9566 Dampier-Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline 4448, 9373 East-west Infrastructure Corridor - Mt Margaret-Geraldton - Land Acquisitions 2158 Electricity Aboriginal Communities 8422 Cost of Generation 13861, 13866 Council of Australian Governments Agreement 3029 Country Power Supplies 4960; Adjournment Debate 5074 Gnowangerup, Jerramungup and Ravensthorpe Areas 12923 Reform Adjournment Debate 4985 Blake, Dawson, Waldron - Advice 12143 Electricity Reform Implementation Committee - Frontier Economics Report - Tabling 13339 Motion 12411; Amendment to Motion 12427, 13336 Implementation 5019 Tabling of Frontier Economics Pty Ltd Study 8567 Report on Options for Development in Western Australia 1662, 2482, 2511; Personal Explanation 2485 South West Interconnected System 13347 Tariff Reduction 10092 Windy Harbour - Petition 1919 Energy Reduction Targets 10366 66 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

FUEL AND ENERGY (continued) Council (continued) Field Use and Unaccounted for Gas - Emissions 12952 Fuel Prices 10921 Adjournment Debate 373 Statement by Hon Frank Hough 10926 International Hydrogen Conference, Broome - Funding 6123, 6328 Kwinana Power Station 13065, 13119 Mains Power Cable - Cost to Reconnect when Broken by a Storm 4939 Mumbida Wind Farm Proposal - Request to Proceed 11372 Narrogin Integrated Wood Processing Plant 14712 Oil and Gas Resources - Future Use 1660 Petrol Ethanol 4527 Legislative Requirements in WA 12035 Petroleum Resource Rent Tax 10745 Poultry Litter-fired Electricity Plant, Muchea 4398 Renewable Energy Access Regime - Introduction 9374, 13349 Projects 712; Adjournment Debate 579 Rural Areas - Reduction 12042 Sector - Statement by Hon Robin Chapple 13596 Waste-to-energy Projects - Maddington 2765 Waterloo-Busselton Transmission Line - Route 1009 West Kimberley Power Project 14608, 14777 Wyndham - Power Failures 3286 G GALLOP LABOR GOVERNMENT Assembly Approval Rating among Businesses 3671 Failure to Govern - Motion 3511, 3947 Performance in 2002 3925 GALTON-FENZI, DR BRIAN See “Alcoa World Alumina Australia” GAMBLING Assembly Burswood International Resort Casino Additional 200 Gaming Machines 1584 Burswood Dome - Retention 1706, 2008 Share Price 1707 Gaming Machines “Australia’s Gambling Industry” Recommendations 1708 Western Australian Clubs 1127 Council Burswood International Resort Casino Additional 200 Gaming Machines 1529 Mr Graham Richardson’s Meeting with Minister 1659 Tax Changes 1419 Burswood Property Trust - Statements by Minister for Racing and Gaming 1404, 12263, 12660, 13104 Casino Tax - Shortfall 10808 Gaming Machines - Rate of Return for Punters 2125 SuperStar Leo and Superstar Virgo 7166 GARLAND INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD See “Planning” GAS AND ELECTRICITY SAFETY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 10392 Second Reading 10392, 12706 Appropriations 11909 Council Receipt and First Reading 12912 Second Reading 12912 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 67

GAS PIPELINES ACCESS (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) ACT Assembly Review - Statement by Minister for Energy 12821 GAS PIPELINES ACCESS (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) (REVIEWS) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Receipt 7912 First Reading 8163 Second Reading 8163, 9130 Declaration as Urgent 9130 Remaining Stages 9134 Assent 9667 Briefing by Office of Energy - Tabling 9383 Council Introduction and First Reading 5205 Second Reading 5205, 7790 Remaining Stages 7792 Returned 9157 Assent 9569 GAY LAW REFORM See “Homosexuality” GENERAL PRACTITIONERS See “Health” GENE TECHNOLOGY AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Council Referral to Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs 49 Second Reading 10059 GENE TECHNOLOGY BILL 2001 Council Referral to Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs 49 Second Reading 10056 GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS See “Agriculture” GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS FREE AREAS BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7208 Second Reading 7208, 8828 Appropriations 7524 Consideration in Detail 8841-8846 Third Reading 9003 Returned 14912 Council’s Amendments 14912-14915 Council Receipt and First Reading 9050 Second Reading 9050, 14159, 14200, 14594 Committee 14626-14633, 14643-14649 Report 14669 As to Third Reading 14726 Third Reading 14727 GEORGE, MS KATE See “Justice, Department of” GG FISH See “Fisheries” GILBERT’S POTOROO Assembly Statement by Member for Albany 4854 GLOBAL OLIVINE WASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANT See “Waste Disposal” GLOCK PISTOLS See “Police” GLUYAS, MS BRIDGID Assembly Payment to Judgment Creditor 11436 GOATS, FERAL See “Environment” GOLDEN PIPELINE HERITAGE TRAIL Assembly Statement by Member for Merredin 5362 GOODS AND SERVICES TAX See “Taxation” 68 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

GORDON INQUIRY See “Aborigines” GORGON PROJECT See “Industrial Development” GOVERNMENT ADVERTISING Assembly Expenditure 5905, 6217, 6218, 6398, 6534, 6778, 7094, 7765, 7766, 8096 Open Letter to the Prime Minister from the Premier - Cost 10637 Radio Advertisements - Budget 7357 Council Budget - Government’s Self-promotion Campaign 8433 Cost of Campaigns 11366 Expenditure 9065 GOVERNMENT ARCHITECT Assembly Appointment 12226 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS See also “Government Departments and Agencies” Assembly Buy Local Policy - Australian and New Zealand Government Procurement Agreement 13269 Centralisation of Procurement Process in Perth 14254 Construction Contracts - Limit on Number and Value of Contracts Awarded Discussions 9418 Legal Action 9230 Ethnic Community Council 14500 Occupational Safety and Health Policies 9773 Preference to Quality Assured Tenderers 1125 Statistics 6221-6223, 6398, 6535, 6536, 6779, 6936, 7094, 7095, 7263, 7767, 7768 Tendering Process - Impropriety under Previous Government 9234 Council AOT Consulting Pty Ltd 12165 Buy Local Policy 1258, 2650; Statement by Hon John Fischer 14785 Cemetery Records System - Tender Details 13071, 13122 Construction Contracts Limit on Number and Value of Contracts Awarded Cabinet Consideration 9552 Consultation 6956, 7165, 9193 Exemptions 7825 Letter to Director General of Department of Housing and Works 6953 Newspaper Report 7826 Premier’s Directive 7822 Statements by Minister for Housing and Works 6944, 9315 Urgency Motion 7293, 7316 Requirement for CFMEU Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 9555 Statement by Hon Sue Ellery 7319 Court Complex, Hay Street, Perth - Tender Process 11480 In Excess of $50 000 9059 Panel Contracts - Number and Cost 12966, 13025-13028, 13083-13086, 13126, 13167-13174, 13361-13365, 13482, 13483, 13891, 13892 Tender No 12603 - Stationery Contracts for Government Agencies 14197, 14607 Tender No 26526 - Results on Government’s Web Site 11210 Tendering Process Government’s Web Site 10251, 11210 Procurement Policy Review 10477 Union Agreements 10751 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES See also “Government Contracts” and “Government Vehicles” Assembly Access for People with Disabilities to Information Services and Facilities - Statement by Minister for Disability Services 8693 Auditor General’s Report - Breaches of Privacy by Agencies 3926 Bad Debts Written Off 14441-14453 Bunbury Tower - Lease Agreement 8274 Call Centres 5178, 9732 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 69

GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (continued) Assembly (continued) Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA - Funding 3574,3712,3848-3851, 3987,4170-4172, 4679 Chief Executive Officers - Names and Contracts 11955 City Centre Fitness Club Program 9514, 11677 Cleaning Services 6406-6410, 7101, 7102, 8270, 8503, 13764-13770 Club/Association Memberships Payment 7393, 7394, 7397-7400, 7587-7590, 7932, 8086, 8087, 8851, 9426; Personal Explanation 13526 Written Policy on Payment of Fees 9773-9779, 10206, 10702, 10703 Computers and Mobile Phones - Lost or Stolen 12385, 13296-13301, 13549, 13673, 14141, 14510 14517, 14560-14564, 14970, 14971 Conferences and Seminars - Cost 6233, 6234, 6400, 6539, 6782, 7098, 7772, 7940, 8106 Consultants 1397, 3705 Credit Cards Answers to Questions 14070 Details 6219, 6220, 6535, 6778, 7094, 7262, 7403, 7766, 8100, 11677 Expenditure Details 12631 Statements - Checking 12385, 12740, 14501-14509, 14956, 14957 Creditors Amount and Number 9752-9756, 9760-9770, 10052 Payment of Invoices 6207-6209, 6397, 6533, 7092, 7758, 7931, 8079 Employment Contracts 6534, 6672, 6776, 7093, 7261, 7587, 7758, 8083 Fixed-term Contracts - Management 3986; Statement by Premier 2160 Funding Cuts 7223, 11619 Government Employees’ Home Ownership Scheme - Applications 10326 Government Intellectual Property Policy 8731 Grants - Number, Value and Acquittals of Funding 12881-12908, 13263, 13264 Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Reduction 685 Indigenous People - Number, Classification and Redundancies 5160-5170 Internet Payments 11004 Interpreting Services for Hearing Impaired People 6236, 6237, 6412, 6789, 6936, 7104, 7105, 7265, 8506, 8507 Key and Card Entry - Number and Procedures 14564-14570, 14973-14978 Leave Liability 5152-5160 Legal Advice - Expenditure 14365-14388, 14943, 14945 Leschenault Estuary - Management 5911, 5912, 6039-6041, 6238, 6672, 8135, 8136, 8270, 8341, 8511, 8512 Machinery of Government Taskforce - Reform Recommendations Statement by Minister for Public Sector Management 3775 Management-initiated Redundancies 5179, 6402-6406, 7595, 8122 North West - Staff and Programs 2577, 2579, 2713, 2714, 2844, 3002, 3405, 3409, 3568, 3981, 4160, 4163, 4658 Paid Parental Leave 1918, 4704; Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 6334 Pay Dispute 13808, 13810, 14076 Plants and Flowers - Cost of Hiring or Purchasing 10704-10713, 10871 Printed Information 5177 Privacy Protection - Legislation 3927 Privatisation - Government’s Position 12461, 12465-12469 Public Affairs, Public Relations and Media Liaison Sections - Employee Numbers 7772-7777, 7941, 7942, 8124 Public Sector Management Act 1994 - Review Statement by Minister Assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management 11376 Public Service Functional Review - Report 4155, 7749 Qantas Club or Other Airline Membership Programs - Payment of Membership Fees 14398, 14399, 14402-14426 Record Keeping Statement by Minister for Community Development, Women’s Interests, Seniors and Youth 13485 Reform - Statement by Minister for Public Sector Management 4552 Right of Entry to Private Property - Statutes 14455-14461, 14470-14483, 14954 70 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (continued) Assembly (continued) Sale of Assets Valued at over $500 000 7758-7764, 7932, 8083, 8245, 8246 SARS Virus - Action Plan 7779 Significant and Major Incidents Reported - Tabling of List 1788 Staff “Attached List” 336, 669, 670, 821, 982, 1395, 2310, 3258, 3847 Investigations Conducted by Ms Barbara Abbott 14531-14540, 14964, 14965 Redundancy Packages 694 Seconded from Unions WA or Individual Unions 7118-7120, 7778, 8139, 9139, 9470 Senior and Executive Service Positions 5913 Sick Leave 12811 Unfilled and Acting Positions 335, 666, 1232, 1755, 1756, 3132, 3257, 3561 Travel Expenditure 2575, 2576 Unions WA or Individual Unions - Grants 8857-8865, 9138, 9469, 9716-9718 Wage Policy 14307 Web Sites - Online Payments 10720-10731, 11316, 11318 Welker, Mr Charlie 5511, 13547, 14544-14551, 14967 Council Aborigines Affirmative Action on Employment - Legislation 3612 Programs 7014-7017, 7509, 7511, 7654, 7841-7846, 8401, 8402, 8407 Annual Environmental Performance Reporting 12036 Budget Revenue 4527 Budget Savings - Schedule of Cost Reductions 9984-9986, 10153, 10260, 10380 Bunbury Tower 7308, 7473 Buy Local Policy - Exemptions 13146 Chief Executive Officers Inaccurate or Misleading Information to the Minister 8434, 9629, 10258, 11495 Resignations and Termination Packages 4962, 5019 Common Boundaries - Adjournment Debate 474 Consultants - Six-monthly Returns 8674 Court Action or Litigation 7184-7202, 7325, 7453, 7459, 7460, 12289 Directors General - Salary Packages 873 Energy Reduction Targets 10366 Functional Review Taskforce Savings - Schedule of Cost Reductions 9984,10151,10152,10259,10260 Grants, Loans and Financial Assistance 9067 Leave Liability 12431, 12552 Management-initiated Redundancies 6124 Media Advisers 12158 Partnerships 9555 Procurement Reform Process 12922, 12923, 13065 Public Relations-Community Awareness Expenditure11057-11070, 11178, 11183-11191, 11862 11868, 11874-11877, 12014, 13481 Public Sector Management Administrative Instruction 728 - Tabling 12023 Recycled Products - Purchase 11887 Register of Intellectual Property 5412, 6101-6119, 6325-6327, 6987, 6988, 7458, 7459 Salaries - Increase 11838 Schedule of Levies and Revenue 7010, 7327 Staff - Recruitment Procedures 4058 Voluntary Severance Schemes 7308 Waste Disposal Policy 6098, 12040 Wilson, Dr Barry - Positions Held 349 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES HOUSING AUTHORITY Assembly Busselton 692-694, 987-989, 1125, 1126, 1400, 1515, 1759, 3132, 3562 Council Failure to Provide Housing in Regional Areas 554 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SUPERANNUATION BOARD Assembly Members - Credit Cards 11677 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 71

GOVERNMENT JET Council Use on 12 and 13 October 2002 3609, 3727 GOVERNMENT MEDIA OFFICE Assembly Budget and Staff 2996, 6036 Corporate Credit Cards 5904 Preparation of Material for Labor Backbenchers 8173 Strategic Communications and Community Liaison Units 8173 Council Recipients of Media Summaries and Transcripts 11878 GOVERNMENT OPENNESS AND ACCOUNTABILITY Assembly Accountability Watchdogs - Underfunding - Matter of Public Interest 12327 GOVERNMENT VEHICLES Assembly Audible Security Alarms 13308 Home Garaging 6229-6231, 6399, 6538, 6781, 7097, 7593, 7770, 7771, 8104 Liquid Petroleum Gas-powered 6228, 6229, 6399, 6537, 6538, 6780, 7097, 7593, 7770, 8102 Motorcycles - Statistics 6224, 6225, 6398, 6536, 6780, 7095, 7096, 7263, 7768 Privately Plated 6226, 6227, 6399, 6537, 6780, 7096, 7769, 7936 Council Executive Vehicle Scheme 11192 Liquid Petroleum Gas-powered - Conversion Policy 12162 GOVERNOR’S SPEECH Assembly Distribution of Copies 16 Council Delivery 1 Distribution of Copies 10 GRAFFITI Assembly Removal Programs - North West 9006 Statement by Member for Rockingham 4855 GRAIN MARKETING BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 751 Second Reading 751 Appropriations 1098 Declaration as Urgent 1496 Cognate Debate 1496 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 1496, 1503, 1574 Consideration in Detail 1580-1583, 1693-1704, 1714-1721 Third Reading 1722 Returned 2172 Council’s Amendments 2191, 2192 Assent 2525 Council Receipt and First Reading 1666 Second Reading 1666, 1816 Cognate Debate 1816 Committee 1831, 1945-1948, 1956-1962 Recommittal 1962 Report 1963 Third Reading 1963 Assembly’s Message 2136 Assent 2467 GRAIN POOL OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA See “Agriculture” GRAYDEN, MR DAVID Assembly Condolence Motion 8785 72 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS See “Environment” GREEN STAMP PROGRAM See “Environment” GREENS (WA) Council Protest in Federal Parliament - Statements Hon Bruce Donaldson 12670 Hon Jim Scott 12673 Resources - Statement by Hon Robin Chapple 9201 Salary Increases - Adjournment Debate 580, 871 GREER, MR ARTHUR See “Police” GRILL, MR JULIAN See “Lobbyists” GROVES, MS VICKI See “Justice, Department of - Parole” GTL RESOURCES PLC See “Industrial Development” GUARDIANSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION BOARD Assembly Applications - Number 4705 Location 5754 H HACKETT, MR WINTHROP See “Universities - University of Western Australia” HAIRDRESSERS REGISTRATION BOARD Assembly Annual Report 2002 7779 HALDEN, HON JOHN Assembly Meetings with Minister for Housing and Works and Ministerial Staff 6043 HAMELIN BAY Assembly Access Road and Boat Ramp 3420 HANCOCK, MR DON See “Justice, Department of” HANCOCK, MR LANG Assembly Development of Iron Ore Industry - Statements Leader of the National Party 4111 Leader of the Opposition 4111 Inquiry into Death 9801 HARDING, MR RICHARD See “Prisons” HARPER REPORT See “Agriculture” HARRISON, MS NICOLE Assembly Statement by Member for Dawesville 4853 HARVEY ITALIAN SHRINE COMMITTEE Assembly Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 1706 HARVEY NORMAN See “Retail Trading” HATT, MR DAVID See “Water Resources - Strategic Management Unit” HAWKER BRITTON Assembly Cost of Consultancy 14391-14398 HAWKER, MR BRUCE See “Lobbyists” HEALTH See also “Drugs” and “Hospitals” Assembly Aborigines Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Western Australian Former Minister for Health’s Failure to Take Action 9660, 9665; Matter of Public Interest 9671 Select Committee 10418 Motion 10301 Amendment to Motion 10324, 10608 Motion, as Amended 10615 Statement by Minister for Health 9658 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 73

HEALTH (continued) Assembly (continued) Aborigines (continued) Aboriginal Health, Office of - Houston, Mr Edward Shane 6236, 14138 Health Statistics - Derby Regional Hospital 83 Kimberley 8310 Mental Health Services - Funding Cuts 11905 Aged Care Kununurra 5722 Respite Accommodation 8518, 8519 State Aged Care Plan for WA 2003 to 2008 - Statement by Minister for Health 9382 Young People in Aged Care Accommodation - Statement by Member for Kingsley 9415 Alzheimer’s Disease - McCusker Foundation - Statement by Member for Joondalup 4100 Asbestos - Buildings on Corner of William and Murray Streets, Perth 1767, 4705, 4879 Asbestosis - Vitamin A Program 11140 Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill - Funding 11254 Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Drug-free Attention Deficit Support - Statements by Member for Roleystone 1705, 8961, 12197 Petition 4066 Referral to Education and Health Standing Committee Motion 6844 Appointment of Co-opted Member 6848 Subsidised Medication 9491 Audiology Services - Statistics 14138 Auditor General’s Report - Stroke Management 10168 Autism 13312, 14144, 14554 Barmah Forest Virus - South West 9472 Breastfeeding Welcome Here Project - Statement by Member for Mandurah 6180 Broome Nursing Home - Agreement with the Ribibi 8182 Budget - Spending Levels 5172 Bulk-billing Grievance 6611 Impact of Decline 3495 Petitions 4589, 5837, 8008 Proposed Changes 5829 Bunbury Health Task Force - Report 14571 Candle Wicks Containing Lead - Ban on Importation Production and Sale 7946 Cardiac Recovery and Intervention Programs - Funding 14146 Centre for Mental Health Services Research - Funding 8523 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic - Patient Numbers, Staff and Funding 6209 Child Development Services - Funding Cuts 13699 Chinese Herbal Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists - Petitions 3783, 5454 Chiropractors 2039, 2040. 14144 Chlorination of Drinking Water - Changes to Ovarian Function 8147, 8520 Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia - Statement by Member for Cockburn 1305 Clinical Psychologists - University Places and Number Trained and Employed 6777 Commonwealth-State Health Care Agreement Commonwealth Government’s Advertisement 10417 Funding Cuts 3778 Negotiations 7026 Shortfall 7678, 7679 Signing 10673, 10674 Community-based Health Services - Funding Cuts - Matter of Public Interest 11910 Conservation and Land Management, Department of - Health Impacts of Prescribed Burning Program 5509 Continence Aids - Government Funding 13309 Corrigin Medical Trauma Training Weekend - Statement by Member for Merredin 5714 Council of Australian Governments Meeting 10160, 10589 Country Health Services Review 9501, 13195 Crisis and Emergency Services - Funding 14140 74 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HEALTH (continued) Assembly (continued) Crisis in System 10824, 11400; Matter of Public Interest 5093 Daffodil Day - Statement by Member for Girrawheen 506 Dental Aged-care Oral Health Program 3265, 7360 Andrews, Mr Ron 1311, 1312, 3261 Bunbury Clinic 5830, 5831 Craigie Dental Therapy Centre 12857 Dental Board of Western Australia 1589, 1590 Funding for Dental Health Programs - Grievance 1980 North West - Funding 3266 Regional Services - Waiting Lists 11702 Seniors - Subsidy Scheme 278 Department Annual Reporting Procedures - Investigation 7360, 8595 Annual Reports and Auditor General’s Qualified Audit Opinion 13274 Auditor General’s Report 8725 Holden Statesman Sedans - Number and Cost 6240 Human Resource Standards Inquiry - Statement by Premier 10491 Key Performance Indicators and Annual Reports 5086 Reviews, Committees, Inquiries and Task Forces - Allocation of Funds 4704 Staff and Salaries Increases 14256 Thornton, Ms Jean Allegations 9661-9667, 9871-9875 Letter to the Premier 10022, 10023, 10287, 10587 Response to Matters Raised in a Letter - Statement by Premier 9658 Derby Health Summit - Statement by Minister for Health 275 Dichlorvos - Approval for Use 2038 District Health Advisory Councils 1309, 6490; Statement by Minister for Health 9383 DNA Analysis - Staff Numbers 11677 Duncraig House - Proceeds from Sale 11909 East Pilbara Health Service - Budget Allocation 3264 Eastern States Consultants - Hiring 10593 Escalating Crisis - Matter of Public Interest 3786 Esperance Doctor to Provide Services to Norseman - Budget Allocation 9503 Family Early Intervention Program - Funding Cuts 12739 Full-time Equivalent Employees - Number 14572 Funding Cuts 11621, 11622, 11959, 12611, 13700 Impact of Federal Budget 7674 Increase 5235, 5236, 5373 Matter of Public Interest 14886 Statement by Minister for Health 11244 Superannuation and Capital User Charges 8723, 8724 General Practitioner Services - Wanneroo - Grievance 11752 Health Administrative Review Committee - Daube, Mr Mike 7091 Health Practitioner Legislation - Statement by Minister for Health 7999 Health Reform Committee 9501 Health Review, Office of - Statement by Minister for Health 2919, 14258 Hearing “Do you Hear what I Hear?” Resource Kit - Statement by Minister for Education 274 Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program 11778 Improved Services - Government’s Commitment 1313-1318, 1322, 1323 Incontinence Pads - Petitions 5835, 6469 Independent Living Program - Expansion - Request for Quotation 14986 Insurance Funds - Premiums - Increase 916 IVF Programs 4174, 9493 Kalamunda Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service - Closure 3985 Kalgoorlie and Eyre - Funding Cuts 14143 Kimberley Capital Works Moneys 1201 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 75

HEALTH (continued) Assembly (continued) Kimberley (continued) Health Status of Residents 6812 Lady Brand Lodge - Closure 12860 Lead Concentrations in Human Blood - Guidelines 7946 Life Education Preventive Health Program - Funding Cut 12757, 12761 Mammography Service - Kalgoorlie-Boulder - Petitions 7033, 8009, 8158, 8796, 8873, 9226 Management of Health System - Matter of Public Interest 11629; Standing Orders Suspension 11629 Manjimup - Petition 3908 McCallum, Dr Barney - Government Payments 10877 Medical Act Reforms 4177; Statement by Minister for Health 8786 Review 5240 Medical Indemnity Tort Law Reform 6184 Medical Services Agreement - Signing 7923 Medical Students - Increase in Number of University Places - Grievance 6136 Mental Health System Aboriginal Services - Funding Cuts 11905 Accommodation Services - Funding 13280 Adult Inpatient Facilities - Funding 13286 Bed Closures 13274 Carer Respite Programs - Funding 13279 Clinical Outcomes 11903 Community Services - Funding 13290 Funding 10822, 10823, 11533, 12205, 12612, 12613 Matter of Public Interest 11262 Amendment to Motion 11269 Motion, as Amended 11272 Petitions 11910, 12166, 12444, 13928; Statement by Speaker 12047 Health Consumers’ Council of WA - Funding Cuts 12203 Older Adult Psychiatry Services - Funding 13283 Report on Review of Mental Health Act 11901 Mental Health Web Site 8967 Metropolitan Health Service - Report 2001-02 5993, 5994 Midwives 4106, 8179 Mundaring Medical Centre - X-ray Licence - Petition 6687 Murray Districts Multipurpose Health Service 11436 Neurotrauma Research Program - Petitions 6344, 6468, 6469, 6608; Personal Explanation 6472 North Metropolitan Population Health Division - Funding Cut 12688 North West Capital Works Programs 6786, 7099 Child Health Nurses - Enhanced Home Visiting Program 9476 Dialysis Units 6783 Funding 3267, 4667, 7099 Medical Equipment Funding 3982 Medical Professionals - Packages 3263 Mental Health Services for Children 6235 Nullagine Health Clinic - Construction of Replacement 4179 Nurse Practitioners - Progress 6645 Nurses Additional Positions 7676 Aged Care - Statement by Member for Alfred Cove 2383 Agency 204, 205, 2821, 5581, 11951, 12462, 12817 Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 3776 “National Review of Nursing Education 2002” 1044, 1045 Motion 1206 Amendment to Motion 1230; Speaker’s Ruling 1313 Number 7924, 7942, 7943, 12817 Nurse-Link Initiative 604, 7923, 8725 NurseWest 9515, 11670 Prisons - Pay Commitment 3344, 3496 76 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HEALTH (continued) Assembly (continued) Nurses (continued) Recruitment Campaign 1312, 2167, 2672; Grievance 2788 Resignations 7942, 7943 Retirements and Resignations 4159 Statements by Minister for Health 69, 1459 Stress Leave 7924 Use of Personal Care Assistants 1313 Wage Parity 2821 Workloads - Exceptional Matters Order 2002 1711 Obesity in Children - Grievance 10647 Obstetric Services Review - Implementation of Recommendations 6649 Opposition’s Report Card 4747 Organ Donation 6491 Osteopathic Profession - Competition Review of Health Provider Legislation 14144 Pain Management Centre, Bunbury - Funding 13309 Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialists - Grievance 12579 Patient Assisted Travel Scheme 3264, 3265 Peel District Health Advisory Council - Membership 7925 Peel Region - Specialist Services for Women 211 Phoenix Audit Report - Statement by Minister for Health 8279 Proposed Workshop 8792 Physical Activity Taskforce - Recommendations 4156 Pilbara 3262, 4178 Pit Stop Program - Albany 3262 Pneumococcal Disease - Immunisation Program - Grievance 8696; Petition 13929 Police Background Checks on those Looking after Children 2048 Priority Issues - Matter of Public Interest 6815 Psychiatrists - Number Trained 6216 Radiotherapy Treatment 13700; Grievance 9386 Reform Committee 10495, 13921 Regional Areas 2273, 3263, 4165, 5242, 8791, 8792, 9503 Renal Dialysis Services Geraldton 1462 Kimberley 2389 Restaurants - Unwrapped Complimentary Mints 13305 Reviews, Committees, Inquiries and Task Forces 2040 Rockingham - Recreational Social Centre for People with Mental Illness - Petition 6686 Ross River Virus 2054, 9472 Royal Flying Doctor Service Fundraising 13383; Statement by Member for Geraldton 8307 Government Assistance to Replace Aircraft 8965 Rural and Regional Services - Budget Allocation 9497, 9503, 9504 SARS Virus 6343, 6340, 7027, 7779 Selby Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Petition 8446 Statement by Minister for Health 173 Seniors General Practitioner Access 6185 Physiotherapy and Mobility Classes - Funding Cuts 11623 Sexually Transmitted Infections - Statement by Minister Health 10265 Skin Cancer Awareness Week - Statement by Member for Girrawheen 3223 Smoking Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Workplace 9146, 9793 Playgrounds and Schools 7027, 7028 Public Places - Statement by Minister for Health 4069 Regulations - Review Response - Statement by Minister for Health 9228 Tabling 8896 Smoke-free Enclosed Public Places - Review 7886, 7887 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 77

HEALTH (continued) Assembly (continued) South West District Health Advisory Committee 3979 South West Health Service 1125, 11111 South West Mental Health Service - Staffing Levels and Expenditure 14146 Stroke Strategy Plan 1466, 3979 Telehealth Initiatives - Budget 4176 Telemedicine Programs - Nature, Location and Cost 4175 Tetrahydrocannabinol - Acceptable Level of Impairment in the Workplace 9792 Ultrafine Airborne Particles - Impact on Health 4173 Vasse Leeuwin Health Service - Budget 1125 Victoria Park Pharmacy - Statement by Minister for Health 9989 Visiting Medical Practitioners 6206; Statement by Minister for Health 5081 Vitamin A Program - Funding 3985 Warburton Medical Clinic - Dialysis Services 10876 Warren Blackwood Health Service - Petition 2171 Western Australian Drug and Alcohol Strategy 2002-05 - Statement by Minister for Health 175 Wheatbelt District Health Advisory Council - Meetings - Reimbursement of Costs 12065 Council Aborigines Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Western Australian - Funding - Select Committee - Motion 14007; Amendments to Motion 14017; Motion, as Amended 14018 Aboriginal Health, Office of Budget and Expenditure 2647 Funding Cut 4345 Houston, Mr Edward Shane 9356 Management Review 2779 Statement by Hon Giz Watson 10098 Xanthis, Mr Colin - Legal Fees 1659, 2484, 9583 Building Solid Families Program - Funding 163 Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service - Closure 12008 Services Purchased by Department - Payments 10790 Act - Amending Legislation 9562 Agencies - Statutory Reporting Deadlines 9194 Allied Health Taskforce - Work Force Issues Report 5412, 5536, 5778, 10482 Asbestos BHP Billiton Ltd Housing in Port and South Hedland 1003 Kingstown Barracks Rottnest Island 1008; Adjournment Debates 1163, 1555 Australia-New Zealand Food Standards System 13470; Statement by Hon John Fischer 13076 Autism - Statistical Occurrences 10801 Benlate Systemic Fungicide 11479 Biala Psychiatric Hostel - Licensing 9 BreastScreen WA 9557, 9568 Brookdale Community Health Centre - Community Nurse 9561 Broometime Lodge 5660, 13007, 14029; Statement by Hon John Fischer 9980 Bunbury Health System - Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 13353 Bunbury Health Task Force - Report 4904 Bunbury Pain Management Centre - Funding 12552 Bunbury Pathways Program - Funding 11476 Cancer-related Illnesses - Statistical Data on Patients 14621 Carer Support Programs - Funding 11476 Chemical Fires - Emergency Response Plan 11040 Chiropractors - Workers Compensation 12966 Clinic Plane Based at Kununurra - Use by Medical Practitioners 10787 Commonwealth-State Health Care Agreement 11477, 12270 Community Child Health Team - Full-time Equivalents 13593 Cue Nursing Post 1136 Dental - City of Cockburn 10797 Department - Thornton, Ms Jean - Letter to the Premier 9848 Derby - Alcohol-related Medical Treatment 12435 Domestic Fires - Burning of Painted Wood 10801 78 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HEALTH (continued) Council (continued) Early Development Survey - Joondalup, West Coast and Swan Education Districts 14195 Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 14619 Environmental Health Foundation - Establishment 11177, 11205 Environmental Health Standards 10782 Family Early Intervention Program - Closure 11482 Food Irradiation - Regulatory Controls 9555 Green Head - Palliative Care Services 9023 HIV Strategy - Implementation 8415 Iatrogenic Illnesses and Deaths 14640, 14775; Statement by Hon Frank Hough 14782 Joondalup Child Development Centre - Waiting List for Therapy 14608, 14637 Kimberley - Dialysis Centre 5192 Laverton - Agency Nurses - Expenditure 7007 Medical Emergency Helicopter 8671 Medical Personnel - Negligence Claims - Limitation Period 10262 Medical Practitioners - Spinal Manipulation - Qualifications 14198 Medical Practitioners who Deliver Infants - Negligence Claims Limitation 9568 Medicines and Vaccines - Dispensing Via Genetically Modified Foods 1006 Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine - Adjournment Debate 474 Men’s Advisory Network - Funding 13072 Men’s Health - Funding in Rural Areas 13592 Mental Health Nurses 4202, 4990 Mental Health System Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service - Closure 12008 Funding 11601, 11836, 12434, 12438, 13086; Petitions 11960, 12103, 13088, 14040 Government Commitment 10093 Office of Mental Health - South West and Lower Great Southern Carer Program 11362 Review 9564 Midwives - Community Midwifery Program 4048 Petition 14724 Statement by Hon Giz Watson 14035 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - Petition 229 Mustac, Dr - Medical Assessment Panel 14711 National Maternity Action Plan - Adjournment Debates 1446-1449 Non-government Health Organisations - Review 13350 North Metropolitan Health Service Survey 13860, 14032 Not-for-profit Organisations - Funding Cuts 12142, 12290, 13143 Nurses Crisis in Public Hospitals - Adjournment Debate 1267 Prisons 3610; Adjournment Debate 3767 Security in Remote Areas 8365, 9565 Occupational Therapists 2123, 3194 Organ Donation - Pre-transplant Testing 14049 Palliative Care Specialist Support - Partnership with Non-government Sector 1955 Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialists - Funding 14607 Patient Assis ted Travel Scheme 2126, 13008 Phoenix 8363; Statement by Hon Giz Watson 9198 Prisoners - Transfer of Responsibility 4398, 4447 Psychiatrists 4202, 4990 Q Fever - Number of Cases 10250 Repatriation Private Patient Scheme 7449 Sexual Health - Funding 11603 Smoking Cost to Health System of Smoking-related Diseases 9565 Enclosed Public Spaces 9359, 10747, 11837, 12965 NOHSC Guidance Note on the Elimination of Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Workplace 12269 Regulations Cabarets, Nightclubs, Hotels and Bars 14211 Exemptions - WorkSafe Code of Practice 11242 Market Place Inequity 10815 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 79

HEALTH (continued) Council (continued) Smoking (continued) Regulations (continued) Review 8679, 9565, 9567, 10381, 10481 Smoking in Proximity to Entrances and Exits of Enclosed Public Places 11075 Smoke-free Workplaces 10790 South West Mental Health Service 4343, 4397, 4959, 5025 Spinal Manipulation - Statement by Hon Frank Hough 14782 Statement by Hon Barry House 7648 Tetrahydrocannabinol 6958, 7178, 7453 Thimerosol - Use as a Preservative in Vaccines 10801 War Widows - Treatment as Private Patients 7449 Warren Blackwood Health Service - Podiatrist 5776 HEALTH (SMOKING IN ENCLOSED PUBLIC PLACES) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7659 Second Reading 7691 HEATHCOTE HOSPITAL SITE (RESERVATION) BILL 2001 Assembly Restoration to Notice Paper 183 HEATHCOTE SITE See “Planning” HEINRICH, MR AND MRS See “Environment” HEIRISSON ROTARY CLUB Assembly Principal of the Year Award 2002 - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 5823 HELP IN PREGNANCY PROGRAM See “Education” HEMP See “Agriculture” HERBICIDES See “Agriculture” HERITAGE Assembly Assessments - Number 10869, 10967 Claremont Teachers College, Former - Heritage Listing 13276 Clune Family, Newmarracarra Homestead, Greenough - Funding Assistance 13309 Court Hotel - Petition 10169 Duncraig House - Sale 512, 513, 11909; Petitions 65 Empire Games Village Precinct 9876, 13275; Petition 9855, 10264 Family Homes and Precincts Nominated and Listed for Heritage Assessment 12385 Great Fingal Mine Office, Cue - Roof Replacement 13309 Greenough Hamlet Interpretive and Visitor Centre - Statement by Member for Greenough 10672 Heritage Council of WA Assessment Program - Backlog 11951 Resignation of Ms Wallace 9237 Staff 6940 Hillview Hospital Site - Future Use 2311 Municipal Inventories - Standard Policy 3562 North West - History Projects - Funding 9477 Rights of Landowners - Matter of Public Interest 518 WA Heritage Council - Raffles Hotel Site - Unlawful Actions 6186 WA Heritage Icons - Statement by Member for Vasse 12853 WA Register of Heritage Places - Number of Places Listed 7107 William and Wellington Streets Precinct Motion 120 Amendment to Motion 12083 Amendment on the Amendment 12095 Recommendation to Minister 11319 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 12047 Council Act Aboriginal Sites of Significance 12146, 12965 Review 738 80 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HERITAGE (continued) Council (continued) Duncraig House - Sale 467, 11483; Petition 537 Ellensbrook Precinct 3174 Fund and Register 11877 Legislation - Introduction 14840 Midland Inn 11172 Payment for Work Undertaken within Government Departments 4431 Places and Projects - Priorities 2762 Projects, New and Continuing - Funding 875 Rawlinna Precinct - Funding 12288 Shark Bay World Heritage Interpretive Centre - Delays 11052 Subiaco, City of - Petition 2590 WA Heritage Council - Development Applications - Negotiation and Approval 4432 HERITAGE BILL 2002 Assembly Status of Draft 2311 HIGH-RISK OFFENDERS See “Justice, Department of” HIGH, WIDE-LOAD CORRIDORS See “Roads” HIGHER EDUCATION BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7044 Second Reading 7044, 8846 Appropriations 7207 Remaining Stages 8850 Council Receipt and First Reading 9045 Second Reading 9045 HIH INSURANCE See “Insurance” HILLARYS BOAT HARBOUR See “Ports and Harbours” HILLVIEW HOSPITAL SITE See “Planning” HIS MAJESTY’S THEATRE See “Arts and Culture” HISMELT CORPORATION PTY LTD See “Industrial Development” HMAS ANZAC Assembly Statement by Member for Rockingham 6181 HMAS DARWIN Assembly Statement by Member for Rockingham 6181 HMAS ORION Council Dive Site - Location 3288 HOAD, MR MICHAEL See “Real Estate and Business Agents Supervisory Board” HOFFMAN, MR JOSHUA See “Molecular Inventory Systems Pty Ltd” HOLTON, MS LEAH See “Disability Services” HOME BUILDING CONTRACTS AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Reinstatement on Notice Paper 275 - Council’s Message Motion 379 Amendment to Motion 389, 404 Motion, as Amended 407 Council’s Message 1387, 1511; Motion 1489 Returned 2842 Council’s Amendments 3074 Assent 3355 Council Assembly’s Message 446, 1445; President’s Ruling 1445 Reinstatement on Notice Paper - Assembly’s Message - Cognate Debate 1158, 1246 Assembly’s Message 1445; President’s Ruling 1445 Receipt and First Reading 1446 Second Reading 1834, 2144, 2240 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 81

HOME BUILDING CONTRACTS AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Committee 2746 Report 2746 Third Reading 2746 Assembly’s Message 3059 Assent 3269 HOME DETENTION ORDERS See “Justice, Department of” HOMELESSNESS See “Housing” HOMESWEST See “Housing and Works, Department of” HOMICIDE VICTIMS SUPPORT GROUP Council Funding 3866 Grant 3728, 3730; Adjournment Debate 4043 HOMOSEXUALITY Council Discrimination - Community Education 13473, 14608, 14610 Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers at Equal Opportunity Commission - Appointment 13595 Lesbian and Gay Law Reform 13473, 14608, 14610 HOOCHERY, THE Council Kununurra - Statement by Hon John Fischer 11368 HOPMAN CUP See “Sport and Recreation” HOSPITALS See also “Health” Assembly Admissions - Percentage from Regional Areas 9511 Agency Nurses - Excessive Use 204, 205 Albany Regional - Surgeons 3262, 3985 Ambulances Bypass and Ramping 397, 4158, 5371, 7925, 10823, 10825, 10963, 11399, 11400 Drivers - Number and Stress Leave 7091 Free Service for Pensioners 11397 Improvement of Services in Metropolitan Area - Motion 12485 Northern Suburbs 14143 Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial - High Dependency Care Unit 5448 Bed Crisis 9422 Budget Overrun 3493 Bunbury Regional Coxall, Maddison 10165, 10284 General Surgeons Roster 1308 Intensive Care Unit 12063, 12064 Specialist Surgeon Shortage 10675 Theatre Facilities Upgrade 10166 Capital Works Funding 7359, 11532, 11533, 11538; Personal Explanation by Minister for Health 11560 Collie 1783; Statement by Member for Collie 1306 Complaints of Physical or Sexual Abuse by Staff 2048 Country Closure or Downgrading 4862, 4863 Improved Facilities 9087 Derby Regional - Relocation to Broome Regional Hospital 83, 2164; Petition 65 Directors of Nursing-Health Service Managers - Meetings in South West District 7110 Drug and Property Theft 2042 Dumbleyung District Memorial 13521, 13698 Elective Surgery - Waiting Times 14879; Matter of Public Interest 14886 Emergency Departments Ambulance Bypasses 397, 4158, 5371, 7925, 10823, 10825, 10963, 11399, 11400 Campaign to Ease Pressure 8602 Number Treated 2047 Statement by Minister for Health 10265 Upgrades 11532, 11533, 11538 82 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HOSPITALS (continued) Assembly (continued) Fremantle 209, 775, 3261, 11704; Statement by Minister for Health 4818 Geraldton Regional Costs 13523, 13610 Due Diligence Reports 13200 Redevelopment Contract 9416, 9417, 12857, 13199 Government’s Promise 5089 Graylands 2051, 6240 Halls Creek 1307, 4178, 5722 Harvey - Budget for Future Planning 11676 Hollywood Functional Rehabilitation Clinic - Statement by Member for Nedlands 10413 Joondalup Health Campus 7925; Grievance 2786, Joondalup Private Hospital - Sale 12469 Kalamunda District Community - Redevelopment 919, 13927; Motion 13399 Kalgoorlie Regional - Nurse Shortage 2675 King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women Medical Legal Actions - Cost 5172 Roberman, Dr Brian - Petitions 8011, 9670 Statements by Minister for Health 1677, 3910, 6472, 8874 Kununurra - Aged Care Facility 5722 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology - Progress 2165 Merredin District 2166, 2273, 2389, 2673; Grievance 2357 Moora District 13193-13195 Grievance 6614 Matter of Public Interest 13203 Morawa - Multipurpose Service Hospital - Grievance 13490 Murray District - Future 3263 North West 4692, 4693, 6782-6787, 7947 Northam District - Anaesthetist 2273 Northampton District 10963, 11624; Grievance 11750 Osborne Park - Upgrade 11907 Peel Health Campus 205, 206, 2009, 3263, 3979; Petition 284 Pemberton - Statistics 14553 Personal Care Assistants - Use 1313 Port Hedland 14881 Princess Margaret Hospital for Children 3980, 5172, 9088, 9471, 14249 Quality and Safety Accreditation 8963 Regional Areas - Downgrading for Redevelopments 13519 Rockingham-Kwinana District 6681; Statement by Member for Rockingham 2001 Royal Perth Ambulance Ramping 11399 Norrish, Mrs Sanchia - Death - Motion 13723 Shenton Park Rehabilitation 14558, 14559 Sir Charles Gairdner - Radiation Therapy 5238 St John Ambulance - Response Times 4748, 4749 Staff - Violent Attacks 12062, 12063 Teaching Funding 11540 Limit on Number of New Patients 8442 Trust Accounts - Indemnity for Doctors 14249 Waiting Lists - Purchase of Surgery from Non-public Hospitals 2817 Warren District 2271, 2272, 3784, 11110 Wheatbelt - Fundraising Proceeds 14075 Yarloop 4165, 10424, 11676 Petition 12445 Statement by Minister for Health 9990 Council Albany Regional 864, 5055 Ambulance Bypass 2779, 4057 Breast Reconstructive Surgery - Waiting Time 11073 Broome District 38, 10813 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 83

HOSPITALS (continued) Council (continued) Bunbury Regional 2780, 8777, 14028 Busselton District - Bed Numbers 14028 Colonoscopies - Waiting Time 10812 Cost-care Centres - South West and Country Health Services 6582 Country - Budgets for Hospitals 8684 Country Hospital Medical Advisory Committees - Remuneration of Chairmen 5956 Derby Regional Medical and Financial Positions and Patient Transfers 10813 Nurse Numbers 465 Record Keeping 11614 Specialist Staff - Relocation to Broome District Hospital 35, 42, 1419, 3194, 4205 Staffing Arrangements 1419 Dumbleyung District Memorial - Statements Hon Kim Chance 13597 Hon Paddy Embry 13596 Elective Surgery - Waiting Times 11073 Elective Surgery Cutbacks 10811 Emergency Departments 2779, 4057. 11615 Fremantle - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner 2780; Petition 337 Geraldton Regional Broad Construction Services Pty Ltd - Expression of Interest Documentation 14197, 14615 Construction Contract 13010, 13474; Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 14624 Cost Blow-out 13859 Medical Services Agreement 14193 Project Cost 13121 Tenders 12433, 13865, 14033 Graylands 13072, 14046 Gynaecological Surgeons 10750 King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women - Suits for Negligence 1041 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology - Additional Funding 5410 12266; Statement by Hon Barry House 12439 Medical and Surgical Registrars - Impaired Performance Risk 5051 Metropolitan Teaching - Recurrent Allocations 4256 Moora District - Brick - Request for Tabling 13129 Multipurpose Health Service Country Hospitals - Elderly Permanent Care Patients 4344, 4399 Northampton District - Services 10747 Paraburdoo - Future Plans 4063 Princess Margaret Hospital for Children Child Protection Unit - Additional Funding 11039 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner 2780, 2916, 4058, 13082; Petition 337 Radioisotopes Usage 10794 South West 5313, 8684 Teaching - Overspending 4345 Waiting Lists 1137 Wyndham District 159, 12004, 12555 HOSPITALS AND HEALTH SERVICES AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 HOUGHTON, MR COLIN Council Adjournment Debate 3467 HOUSE, MS MELINDA See “Disability Services” HOUSING See also “Government Employees Housing Authority” and “Housing and Works, Department of” Assembly Affordable - Grievance 2355 BHP Billiton Ltd - Port Hedland and Newman 10963 Gosnells - Tenders for Six Town Houses 1787 84 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

HOUSING (continued) Assembly (continued) Government Employees’ Home Ownership Scheme - Applications 10326 Homelessness Mandurah 1867 North West Programs 8867 Programs in North West 5514 Strategy to Prevent 2275 Youth - Funding 9791 Landstart Development Division - Joint Venture Developments in North West 5515 Mia-Mia Flats, Modena Place, Balga - Petition 2652 New Living Program 2718, 5284, 6042 North West Aborigines and Torres Strait Islander People 2717, 8152 Country Housing Authority Programs 8151 Funding 8123, 8273 Seniors - North West 6036, 6037 Smoke Alarms Program - North West 2718 State Housing Commission - Chairperson 11563, 11679 Supported Housing Assistance Program - North West 5396 Sustainable Housing Design Competition - Restriction to House Designs for Broome Region 826 Urban Renewal Programs - North West 2720 Woodrise Estate, Albany - Joint Venture Developments in North West 5515 Council Aboriginal Housing Development Authority 4937, 5026 Aboriginal Housing Infrastructure Council 3868 Albion Town, Henley Brook - Development 5661 Backpacker Hostels - Fire Safety 1260 BHP Billiton Ltd - Port and South Hedland - Asbestos Sheeting 1003 Broometime Lodge 5660, 13007, 14029; Statement by Hon John Fischer 9980 Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement 10117 Doric Constructions Pty Ltd - Contract for Mindarie High School 159 Hilton - Redevelopment 13144 Homelessness Indigenous Prisoners 1263, 2157 Task Force Strategy - Extra Units for Mentally Ill 14048 Kimberley Dialysis Centre - Location 5192 Maniana - Aircraft Noise Restrictions 863 Northbridge Railway Line, Sinking - Allocation of Land to Parks and Affordable Housing 10803 People Who Care - Government Support 1138 Public Housing in the Western Suburbs of Perth - Tabling of List 1662 Regional Areas - Government’s Failure to Provide 554 Supported Housing Assistance Program - Criteria 6279 Swanbourne Senior High School Site - Public Housing 3613 HOUSING AND WORKS, DEPARTMENT OF Assembly Albany - Security Doors 8146 Broome - Purchase of Hostel 5395 Carnarvon - Antisocial Behaviour - Petition 12445 Collie - Maintenance Budget 7778 Construction Contracts Policy - Limit on Number and Value of Contracts Awarded 9230, 9418 Director General - Joyce, Mr Greg - Discussions with Premier 9418 Public Housing Tenants - Behaviour - Notice of Motion 8459 Right to Buy Scheme - Number of Properties Sold 13296 Tenants - Antisocial Behaviour Motion 8616 Amendment to Motion 8623 Amendment on the Amendment 8636 Motion, as Amended 8637 Yarloop - Property Sales 3853 Council 6 Farr Avenue, North Perth - Renovation 2227 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 85

HOUSING AND WORKS, DEPARTMENT OF (continued) Council (continued) 28 and 30 Phoenix Place, Kalgoorlie - Completion 7476 Aborigines - Rental Homes 9849 Better Risk Management and Best Practice Contracting - Policy Framework 6953, 6956 Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 6944 Bogle Way, Geraldton - Fence Height 5195 Broometime Lodge 5660, 14029; Statement by Hon John Fischer 9980 Brownlie Towers - Resolution of Issues 1422 Buckland Hill Properties - Undertaking to Purchase Properties 3338 Chief Executive Officer - Salary Package 552 Construction Contracts Policy Advice 7642 Limit on Number and Value of Contracts Awarded 7822, 7825, 7826, 9193, 9552 Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 9315 Statement by Hon Sue Ellery 7319 Urgency Motion 7293, 7316 Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union - Requirement for Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 9555 Director General - Joyce, Mr Greg - Statement - Tabling 10116 Discrimination Complaints 866, 3772 Ecoscape (Australia) Pty Ltd - Albion Town Development Environmental Assessment 9844, 12143 Fremantle Eastern Bypass and Roe Highway Stage 8 - Land Reservations 10366, 10367 Hamilton Hill Town House Construction - Eligibility to Tender 8368 Heritage Work - Payment 4431 Kalgoorlie - Antisocial Behaviour 5054, 7476 Kununurra - Inspections of Rental Accommodation 10785 Lot 587 Herbert Street, Broome - Lodgment of Expression of Interest 13064 Manjimup - Low-income Families 2874 New Living Program 12668 Non-residential Building Budget - BGC Construction Contracts 7645 Plants - Type and Quantity 7475 Pre-qualified Contractors 9195 Register of Intellectual Property Assets 4907 Rental Stock and New Construction - Expenditure 5974 Seniors - Fire Alarms, Security Screens and External Lighting 5975 Solar Hot Water Heaters - Installation 6303 Transfer of Properties to Community Housing Providers 5975 Warren-Blackwood Call Centre 3617 HOUSTON, MR EDWARD SHANE See “Health - Aborigines - Aboriginal Health - Office of” HOUTMAN ABROLHOS See “Fisheries” HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9404 Second Reading 9404, 11640, 11641, 11686, 11708, 11754 Division of Bill - Motion 11768 Pro Forma Amendments - Motion 11770 Consideration in Detail 12724-12737, 12749-12757, 12769-12775, 12840-12847, 12864-12874 Standing Orders Suspension 12874 Third Reading 12875 Council Receipt and First Reading 12915 Second Reading 12915 HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY AMENDMENT (PROHIBITION OF HUMAN CLONING) BILL 2003 Assembly Consideration in Detail 12876-12878 Third Reading 12878 Council Receipt and First Reading 12917 Second Reading 12917 86 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

I IMMIGRATION Assembly Baxter Detention Centre - Letter from Inmates - Statement by Member for Riverton 10673 Business Migration 6684 Zimbabwean Farmers - Statement by Member for Ningaloo 1305 Council Detention Centres - Release of Children 9656 Port Hedland Detention Centre - Visit by Girls from Mandurah Catholic College 14771 Refugees - Unaccompanied Minors - Memorandum of Understanding 9026 INDIGENOUS AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF See also “Aborigines” Assembly Browning, Mr Paul - Appointment 3782, 3783 Bunbury Office - Closure - Petition 8277 Mandurah Office - Closure 1233 Regional Offices - Closure 8005 Swan Valley Nyungah Community - Role 8174 Council Broome - Heritage Consultants 6459, 7312 Browning, Mr Paul - Appointment 4453 Bunbury Office - Closure 7310 Goldfields Office - Regional Manager 4024 Kalgoorlie Office - Regional Manager 4341 Offices - Closure Relocations 14639 Regional Offices - Closure 6580 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT See also “Alcoa World Alumina Australia” and “Environment - Barrow Island” Assembly Agreement Acts - Variations Approved Rejected Amended or Withdrawn 14528 Australian Marine Complex - Fabrication Precinct - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13485 BHP Billiton - Purchase of Tugboats 13611 “Building Future Prosperity: Creating Jobs and Wealth through Industry Development” Statement by Minister for State Development 10491 Burrup Peninsula Ammonia Plant 7884 Burrup Skills Task Force - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 477, 5563 Comments by Leader of the Opposition 5579 Development 23, 917, 918 Industrial Action 2523, 2670, 3988 Media Comments on Major Projects 8597 Native Title Agreement 10026, 10027 Protection of Investments - Emergency Response 8791 Training and Employment Opportunities for Karratha School Students 5994 Cockburn Cement Ltd - Dongara Lime Plant - Grievance 5689 Delta Electricity and Access Economics Investment Monitor 7222 Gorgon Project 8892, 11959, 12684 HIsmelt Corporation Pty Ltd Government Assistance 5906, 9304, 9305 Kwinana Plant 402, 1051; Petition 1175, 1276 Leader of the Opposition’s Comments 3670 Industrial Sites Review - Geraldton 14257 James Point Development - Environmental Protection Authority Assessment 4699 Kwinana Buffer Zone - Grievance 2784 Noise Monitoring 3419 Methanex Corporation - Failure of Project to Proceed 11908 Monro’s Plantation Tea Rooms - Closure 3670 New Projects 85 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 87

INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) North West Downstream Processing Projects 10164 Land Acquisition for Industry 4668 North West Shelf Project - China - LNG Contract 13, 2004, 5577; Statements by Premier 1175, 1850 Projects at Risk Due to Southern Rail Link Budget Blow-out 917, 918 Projects in Western Australia - Strength 13194 Raytheon Australia Pty Ltd 13812 Rockingham Area - Noise Monitoring 3419 Seed Capital for New Products and Services 1713 State Agreements - Exemptions from Environmental Protection Act 1986 11315 Whicher Range Gas Resource - Drilling Program 13198 Council Barrow Island - Motion 4246, 4305, 4435, 4490 Bauxite Deposit - Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley 14837 BHP Billiton Port Hedland - Iron Ore Dust Contamination 14198 Radioactive Material Disposal 10115 BP Kwinana Refinery - Diesel Fuel Leak 12037 Brickworks Industry - Monitoring of Stack Emissions 737 “Building Future Prosperity: Creating Jobs and Wealth Through Industry Development” Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 10207 Burrup Fertilisers - Commencement of Operations 10935 Burrup Peninsula Adjournment Debate 4988 Archaeological and Ethnographic Surveys 7996 Burrup Fertilisers Pty Ltd - Ammonia-urea Plant 4532 Correspondence with His Royal Highness Prince Charles 3613 Development 10930 Infrastructure Funding - Breakdown 4366 Murujuga Region - Tabling of Federal Minister’s Letter 6584 Native Title Affidavits 2480 Agreement 5771, 6304, 9585, 9846, 13124, 13141 Approvals 549, 3171, 9020 Preservation - Petition 4 Projects and Map of Locations 3609 Rock Art Assessment of Impact of Emissions 4298, 4527 Disturbance and Loss 6303, 6460, 7512 Evaluation 10931 Legislative Protection 7847 Minimisation of Emissions 7203 Monitoring Committee 2766, 7014, 8576, 8688 Petition 6289 Service Corridors 10773 Use of Intercourse Islands or Maitland for Industrial Purposes 4299 Water Supply 8361 West Intercourse Island 5779, 6584 Woodside Petroleum Ltd - LNG Plant - Emissions 8420 Cockburn Cement Ltd Air Quality Monitoring Stations 2601, 4050, 13471 Breach of Licence Conditions 11882 Community Consultative Committee 13066 Department of Environmental Protection Licences 162 Environmental Audit and Review 7, 737 Licence Noncompliance 4901 Sulfur Dioxide Emissions 9583 Draft Wilderness Policy 11476 Drilling Platforms - Radioactive Material 37, 162 East-west Infrastructure Corridor - Mt Margaret-Geraldton - Land Acquisitions 2158 88 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued) Council (continued) Environmental Approval of Projects - Post-approval Monitoring 11889 Funding - Budget Breakdown 12017 Gorgon Project Carbon Sequestration Program - Monitoring 13019 ChevronTexaco - Breach of DEP Licence Conditions 14042 Conservation Projects Contribution 10919 Date of Development Advice 13020 Development 9975, 10483 Dupuy Aquifer 12921 Environmental Approval 13024 Environmental Evaluation 13020 Environmental Safeguards 10918, 11038 Environmental Social and Economic Review 11884 Tabling of Correspondence 10918 GTL Resources PLC - Methanol Proposal - Environmental Assessment 1271 Industry Assistance - Grant and Subsidy Programs and Loan Assistance 2511, 2649 Industry Construction Panel - Nominations, Selection and Remuneration 2651 Jervoise Bay Development Breakdown of Expenditure on Infrastructure 12027 Dolphin Population 3024 Heavy Fabrication Facility 1417, 3065, 4964; Adjournment Debate 1673 Karratha - PKK Environment and Infrastructure Pty Ltd - Report 10935 Karratha - Motion 4246, 4305, 4435, 4490 Kwinana Air Quality Buffer - Review 1738 Cumulative Risk Study 711, 1136, 2872, 3613 Adjournment Debate 3632 Statements by Parliamentary Secretary 3421, 3990, 4181 Emission Scrubbing Devices - Bypass Incidents 1744 Methanex Corporation - Development on Burrup Peninsula 1531 Mungari Industrial Estate 4931 North West Shelf Project China - LNG Contract - Motion 438, 696, 714, 830, 1131, 1141, 1235 Royalties Agreement 12144 Pilbara - Protection from Terrorist Attack 5533 Project Development Proposals - EPA Approval 5818 Resource Exploration - Native Title Act - Impediment to Land Access 2760 Resource Projects - Funding - Breakdown 12020 Shark Lake Industrial Site, Esperance 11209 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd - Harris River Dam Water Allocation 4905 INDUSTRIAL HEMP See “Agriculture - Hemp” INDUSTRIAL HEMP BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 13680 Second Reading 13680, 14080 Appropriations 13928 Declaration as Urgent 14080 Remaining Stages 14983 Council Receipt and First Reading 14154 Second Reading 14155 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS See also “Environment - Kalgoorlie Cement Works”, “Workers Compensation” and “WorkSafe Western Australia” Assembly Adult Minimum Wage - Statement by Premier 8874 Australian Education Union - Pay Demand 11253 Beachside Cafe, Albany - Investigation 2169 Cole Royal Commission into the Building Industry Findings about Rule of Law 5826; Matter of Public Interest 5838 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 89

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (continued) Assembly (continued) Cole Royal Commission into the Building Industry (continued) Government Support 1233 Report - Criminal Matters 11537 Compulsory Bargaining Services Fees - Government Support 5996 Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union 36-hour Working Week Campaign 401, 4155 Action on Burrup Peninsula 2523, 2670, 3988 BGC Construction Correspondence 4700 Claims by Hon Tony Abbott in the Sunday Times 8729 Deal Struck with Building and Construction Companies 3351, 3352 Intimidatory Tactics 3853 Log of Claims 4170 Membership - Pressure Tactics 9730 Pattern Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 5827, 9743 Right-of-entry Privileges - Abuse 3853 Safety Complaints 1467 Targeting of Safety Issues on Building Sites 10594 Workplace Safety 8638, 10818, 10967 Construction Industry - Working Days Lost through Industrial Disputes 3674 Crane Safety Standards Report - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 14 Drug and Alcohol Testing of Employees - Union’s Position 5913 Employer-employee Agreements Number Registered 8127, 14523 Registrar’s Determinations 8755 Registration 5910, 5911, 6682, 7944 Enterprise Bargaining Agreements - Publication 6790, 7597 Fly in, Fly out Employees - Grievance 9997 Freedom of Association Rules - Federal Court Case 1770 Government Action on Disputes 13613, 13693, 13808, 14076 Government Employees - Pay Dispute 13808 Government Leadership - Matter of Public Interest 10967 Hours of Work for Employees 11399 Industrial Disputes - Number 12325 Industrial Relations Commission - Role in Resolving Teachers Industrial Dispute 14883 Legislation Advertisements - Small Business Development Corporation 4699 Advertising Costs 687, 3854 Schapper, Mr Derek - Drafting 1766 Small Business 8126 Tourism Industry 1590; Motion 1603 Transition Period 1770 Longer Working Hours - Review - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 8278 Minimum Conditions of Employment Act - Accrued Sick Leave Payments 5827 National Wage Case 6683; Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 7021, 8580 Paid Parental Leave - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 6334 Pilbara Mine Workers Union - Registration 9715, 11818 Prosecutions for Breaches of Workplace Laws 1762 Reforms Level of Disputation 10817 Southern Rail Link 4648 Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 376 Western Australian Economy 5451 Right of Entry List of Authorised Union Representatives - WA Industrial Relations Commission Web Site 1201 Shops and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail Shops) State Award 1977 - Impact of Introduction 1763 State Wage Case Decision - Impact on Minimum Wages for Adult Apprentices 9233 Tracey, Mr Will - Union Entry Permit 3848 Unfair Dismissal Laws - Impact on Small and Medium Businesses 4678 90 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (continued) Assembly (continued) Unions Building Industry 400 Complaints by Construction Firms 3847 Compulsory Charges 1768 Deregistration of State-based Unions 87, 88 Exemption under Act from Access to Medical Information 1768, 1769, 2042 Government Grants 8857-8865, 9138 Provision under which to take Action for Disclosure of Employee’s Private Details 1769 Right of Entry to Work Sites 4701 Western Australian Labour Advisory Council - Establishment 7948 Workers’ Minimum Standards - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 1851 Workplace Agreements Abolition 11113 Back Paying of Employees 11392 Date for Cessation 1763 Grievance 2359 Minimum Legal Standards for AWAs 5995 No-disadvantage Test - Interpretation by Office of the Employment Advocate 3932 Workplace Bullying - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 5682 Workplace Health and Safety Building and Construction Industry Discussion Paper - Submissions 1767 ILO Convention 155 - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 6472 Council Cole Royal Commission into the Building Industry - Statement by Hon Ljiljanna Ravlich 11605 Community and Public Sector Union - Wages and Conditions Bargaining 14770 Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union - Enterprise Bargaining Agreements 10751 Doric Constructions Pty Ltd - Mr Kevin Reynolds 159 Industrial Relations Commission Amendment Regulations (No.2) 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 2591, 3423 Kwinana Power Station - Picket Line 13591 Legislation 4; Adjournment Debate 59 Prisons - Industrial Disputes 4028 Reforms Impact on Agencies 467 Impact on People with Disabilities 6585, 12266 Wage Decisions - Government Action 5818 INDUSTRY AND RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF Council Advice to Magistrates - Statement Hon Ken Travers 7319 Hon Robin Chapple 7182, 8683 Political Recommendations by Officers - 12023 Records of Decisions and Actions 10143 INFINITREE PLANTATION PROGRAM See “Forests and Forestry” INFORMATION COMMISSIONER Assembly Amalgamation with Office of the Ombudsman 12199, 12318, 12319 Matter of Public Interest 12327 Wookey, Ms Darryl - Appointment in Acting Position 12197 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Assembly Computer Literacy - North West - Funding 3983 Council Government Information Technology Contracting and Purchasing - Compliance Reviews Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 1403; Motion 12260 INQUIRIES, TASK FORCES, COMMITTEES, SUMMITS, SYMPOSIUMS AND REVIEWS Assembly Number 8225 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 91

INSPECTOR OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 11685 Second Reading 11685, 12707 Appropriations 11740 Consideration in Detail 12715-12718 Returned 14896 Third Reading 12718 Council Receipt and First Reading 12914 Second Reading 12914, 14575, 14578, 14579, 14580 INSURANCE Assembly Employers Indemnity Supplementation Fund Surcharge Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 5681 Fire Service Levy Charge on Notices - Insurance Companies - Charges on Notices 11435 HIH Insurance Collapse - Costs to the State 5171 Home Indemnity Insurance 1464, 1465, 14251, 14252; Grievance 885 Ministerial Summit 6182 No-fault Compensation - Report 12225 Public Liability Affordable Cover 1049 Legislation 275 Premiums - Petition 477 Relief Package - Public Benefits 5717 Statements by Premier 3195, 8436 Taxis 4663 Western Australia’s Response 3227 Regulation of Industry 1308 Small Business - Costs 10024, 10025 Council Claim of Blackmail by the Premier - Threshold on Claims 2480 Claims - 30 per cent Threshold 2761 Manipulation of Profits by Companies 2231, 2347, 2602 Multi Peril Crop Insurance Taskforce Report - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 4948 Royal Life Saving Society of WA - Public Liability Cover 1005 Supplementation Fund Levy - Reduction 240 INSURANCE COMMISSION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Assembly Chairperson of Board of Commissioners - Mobile Telephone and Credit Card 11678 Land between 125 and 137 St Georges Terrace, Perth 1779, 5510 INSURANCE COMMISSION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 98 Second Reading 98, 609 Appropriations 436 Consideration in Detail 638-663, 1098-1120 Referral to Public Accounts Committee 1121 Third Reading1390 Returned 3235 Assent 3355 Council Receipt and First Reading 1444 Second Reading 1444, 2890, 3034 Third Reading 3037 Assent 3269 INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Council Statement by Hon Giz Watson 14719 INTERNATIONAL HYDROGEN CONFERENCE See “Fuel and Energy” 92 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

IRAQ WAR See also “Defence Forces” and “United States of America” Assembly Prime Minister’s Statement 3932 Impact on Tourism 6343 Premier’s Message of Support for Australian Defence Force Personnel 5716 Support for Australian Defence Personnel Standing Orders Suspension 5440 Motion 5440 Amendment to Motion 5443 Support to School Students 5996 Council Australia’s Support for United States Military Action Adjournment Debate 5215 Motion 2591, 2729, 2852, 3010, 3134, 3423, 3575, 3582, 3713, 3992, 4190, 4241 Opposition - Urgency Motion 5037 Unilateral Military Action - Adjournment Debate 1672 United Nations Processes - Adjournment Debates 1164, 1266 Collateral Damage - Adjournment Debate 5322 Effect on Iraqi People - Adjournment Debate 5215 Justification - Adjourn ment Debates 5325, 5436, 5554-5557, 5673 March in Esperance - Statement by Hon Frank Hough 5964 Opposition - Adjournment Debates 5031, 5434, 5435, 5557, 5670, 5675 Student Rally - Adjournment Debates 5031, 5034 IRON ORE PROCESSING (MINERALOGY PTY. LTD.) AGREEMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 1098 Assent 1568 Council Second Reading 574, 843, 866 Discharge of Order of the Day and Referral to the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs - Motion 851 Third Reading 1013 Assent 1521 IRON ORE (YANDICOOGINA) AGREEMENT ACT 1996 Assembly Amendment - Statement by Minister for State Development 2160 Council Amendment - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 2108 IVIS TECHNOLOGY See “Police” J JEFFERY, MAJOR GENERAL MICHAEL AC MC Council Governor General of Australia Motion 9318 Statement by President 11046 JERROLD, MR KENNY Council Statement by Hon Robin Chapple 13011 JERVOISE BAY DEVELOPMENT See “Industrial Development” JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON DELEGATED LEGISLATION Assembly Melville, City of - Local Law Relating to Signs, Hoardings and Billposting - Report - Tabling 4115 Membership Change 9857 Perth, City of - Code of Conduct Local Law - Fourth Report 1725, 1726 Powers of Entry and Powers to Make Local Laws that Affect Private Land under the Local Government Act 1995 - Seventh Report 7859 Sessional Report - 28 June 2001 to 9 August 2002 - Sixth Report 5691 Council Melville, City of - Local Law Relating to Signs, Hoardings and Billposting - Report 4318, 4011 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 93

JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON DELEGATED LEGISLATION (continued) Council (continued) Membership Change Assembly’s Message 9929 Perth, City of - Code of Conduct Local Law - Fourth Report 1639, 3998 Powers of Entry and Powers to Make Local Laws that Affect Private Land under the Local Government Act 1995 - Seventh Report 7783, 11159 Sessional Report - 28 June 2001 to 9 August 2002 - Sixth Report 5636, 7444, 10077 JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON THE ANTI-CORRUPTION COMMISSION Assembly Annual Report 2001-02 1982 Annual Report 2002-03 11085 Government’s Response to Report No 2 - Tabling 5560 Hearing with the Anti-Corruption Commission - Reports 6932, 12582 Integrity within the Public Sector - Third Report 6141 Membership Change 13679 National Conference of Parliamentary Oversight Committees of Anti-Corruption-Crime Bodies 2003 - Report 14239 Council Annual Report 2001-02 1920, 4318 Annual Report 2002-03 11007; Motion 11586 Hearing with the Anti-Corruption Commission on 25 August 2003 - Reports 6943, 10465, 12511, 12654 Integrity within the Public Sector - Reports 4490, 6044, 7444, 10076 National Conference of Parliamentary Oversight Committees of Anti-Corruption-Crime Bodies 2003 - Report 14149 JOLLIFFE, MR TED Assembly The Samaritans - Statement by Member for Nedlands 11106 JOONDALUP BLUE LIGHT DRAGS Council Funding 4451 JOPPEK, MR PHIL Council My Explanation - Adjournment Debate 4929 JOYCE, MR GREG See “Housing and Works, Department of - Director General” JUDGE, MS PETRICE See “National Competition Council” JURIES AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 4713 Second Reading 4713, 5999 Consideration in Detail 6008, 6009, 6189-6191 Third Reading 6496 Returned 7069 Assent 8021 Council Receipt and First Reading 6544 Second Reading 6544, 6945 Committee 6949 Report 6950 Third Reading 6950 Assent 8347 JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF See also “Courts”, “Prisons” and “Sentencing Legislation” Assembly Annual Report - Correction - Statement by Speaker 3355 Charges against Australian Citizens by People from Overseas 5757 Court Security and Custodial Services Contract - Statement by Attorney General 478 Criminal Law - Joinder of Offences - Grievance 482 Employees Drink-driving in Government Car 7121 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Actions 7115 94 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF (continued) Assembly (continued) Employees (continued) Theft of Plants 7121 Enoch, Mr Jeff 7269, 7885, 7886 Fines Enforcement Registry - Outstanding Fines 9505 Hancock, Mr Don - Murder Trial - Jury Decision 12763 Home Detention Orders - Number and Breaches 12374, 12812 Imprisonment Rates - Statement by Attorney General 4710 Lewis, Mr Lou - Murder Trial - Jury Decision 12763 North Fremantle Bail Hostel - Use 1309 Offender Management - Improvements 14253 Parole Board Matters - Portfolio Responsibility 14073, 14074 Breaches 10283, 10415, 12608 Correction to Previous Answer 10493 Details 10282 High-risk Offenders - Review of Management Practices 12605-12608 Statements by Minister for Justice 11899, 12574 Mitchell, Mr Russell James 10416, 10494, 10495 Parolees, High-risk - Motion 11408 System - Reforms 10493 People in Custody - Escapes, Deaths and Suicides 9491 Reduced Imprisonment Strategy 12606 Reid, Ms Rhonda 7121 Serious Offenders 10415-10417 Council Beamish, Mr Darryl - Cost of Appeal 4531 Button, Mr John - Cost of Appeal 4531 Child Sex Offenders - Names 12570 Community Orders - Completion - Statement by Hon Peter Foss 10253 Convicted Criminals - Right to Compensation 9194 Early Release Orders - Administrative Instructions on Breaches 5048 George, Ms Kate 4938 Juvenile Justice Teams 8432, 8671 Kanpa Bail Facility 5314 Leech, Mr Tony - Overseas Tour 3609 Ministerial Councils for Corrective Services 11831, 12265 Parole System Conditions 10361, 10362 Number of Offenders, Classification and Breaches 13167 Prisoner F - Parole Board’s Decision 3434, 4026 Pre-release, Parole and Home Leave Programs 5530 Preliminary Hearings - Abolition - Adjournment Debate 730 Royal Association of Justices - Assistance to Produce Magazine 1744 SafeCare - Referral of Sex Offenders 4901 Tie Line between Attorney General’s Office and Department of Justice 9633 Warrants of Commitment - Number and Classification of Offenders 13482 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Assembly Age of Termination of Commissions 7945 Elsegood, Mr John 9396; Grievance 480 Females - Number 689 Motherway, Mr Liam - Statement by Attorney General 10568 Council Retirement 7651, 9375 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14289 Second Reading 14289 JUVENILE JUSTICE TEAMS See “Justice, Department of” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 95

K KALGAN QUEEN SCENIC CRUISES See “Environment” KALGOORLIE-BOULDER COMMUNITY AND INDUSTRY REFERENCE GROUP Council Chairperson 10804 KALGOORLIE CEMENT WORKS See “Environment” KALGOORLIE-BOULDER GOLF COURSE See “Environment” KAYE GROUP See “Consumer and Employment Protection” KEATING, MR PAUL STEPHEN See “Prisons” KEATING, MS FIONA See “Environmental Protection, Department of” KEEP AUSTRALIA BEAUTIFUL COUNCIL See “Environment” KELLY, HON GARRY KENNETH Council Condolence Motion 28 KENNEDY ROYAL COMMISSION See “Royal Commission Into Whether There Has Been Any Corrupt or Criminal Conduct by Western Australian Police Officers” KIDS COVE CHILD CARE CENTRE See “Community Development” KIDS HELP LINE See “Community Development” KIERATH, MR GRAHAM Assembly BGC (Australia) Ltd - Preferential Treatment 5446 KIMBERLEY CHEMICAL USE REVIEW See “Agriculture” KINDERGARTENS See “Schools” KINGS PARK Assembly Parking Fees 10283 Western Power Parkland - Funding 8343 Council Inalienable Freehold Title to Aboriginal Groups 11831 KNOWLES, MR BARRY See “Building Industry - Builders Registration Board” KOKODA TRAIL Council Adjournment Debate 170 KWINANA INTERNATIONAL MOTORPLEX See “Sport and Recreation” KYOTO PROTOCOL See “Environment - Greenhouse Gas Emissions” L LABOUR RELATIONS REFORM BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Proclamation - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 882 Council Assent 28 Impact on Agencies 467 LACTANZ DAIRY FARM See “Agriculture” LADY BRAND LODGE See “Health” LAKE NAVARINO FOREST RESORT See “Water Corporation” LAND See also “Native Title” Assembly Acquisition - Valuations of CBD Buildings 8871 Clearing 304 Badgerup Road, Gnangara 8345, 8521, 11140, 13295, 13429 Binnu - Grievance 888 Member for Warren-Blackwood - Personal Explanation 892 South West - Remnant Native Vegetation on Private Land 9772 Crown Land Surrounding Sussex Location 4443, Scott River - Management 14552 Land between 125 and 137 St Georges Terrace, Perth 1779, 5510 North West - Purchases 4669 Council Certificate of Title Volume 1138 Folio 74 - Temopolous Family 1839 96 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

LAND (continued) Council (continued) Clearing Block CG 3819 North of Old Plain Road 8417 Bush Rural Land 1801, 1949 Derby-West Kimberley Shire 10789 Gingin - Native Vegetation Clearing 10749 Guidelines - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 13554 Liveringa Station, Camballin 11044, 11210 Regulations 6583, 7311; Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 7320 Remnant Native Vegetation 2345 Road Verge Vegetation 3336 Satellite Imagery 8364 Statistics 8679, 8688 Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 12442 Swan Location 6845 3873, 4255 Crossing Falls - Land Development for Lifestyle Lots 1452 Lots 246 and 257 Lights Road, Denmark - Status 39 Lots 5 and 49 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont 7176, 8409 Margaret River - Land Swap 1135; Petition - Adjournment Debate 1670 LAND ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF Assembly Document Lodgments - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 9230 Restructure - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 3070 Council Deposited Plans 194089, 194090 and 194091 - Tabling 1838 Government Trading Enterprise 2604, 8412 Restructure - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 3010 Revenue Sharing Arrangements 11053 LAND TAX ASSESSMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Cognate Debate 4268 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 4268 Third Reading 4269 Assent 5759 LAND TAX BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Cognate Debate 4268 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 4268 Third Reading 4269 Assent 5759 LANDCORP Assembly Atwell South - Statement by Member for Vasse 506 Hope Valley - Property Purchases 4682 North West 4668, 4669 Stakehill Wetlands Precinct and Baldivis 10566 Wattleup - Property Purchases 4681 Council Allegation of Bias in Dealings with Licensed Real Estate Agents 9058 Land Clearing - Spearwood 2345 LAUDER, MS JAN See “Seniors - Mandurah City Senior Citizens Centre” LAW AND ORDER Assembly Matter of Public Interest 3679 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 97

LAW AND ORDER (continued) Council Adjournment Debates 731, 870 LAW REFORM COMMISSION, WESTERN AUSTRALIAN Assembly Aboriginal Customary Law Project - Grievance 1683 Recommendations on Joinder of Criminal Offences - Grievance 482 LAW REFORM (CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE AND TORTFEASORS’ CONTRIBUTION) AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 6482 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 6316 Remaining Stages 6318 Assent 6943 LAWRENCE, DR CARMEN See :Australian Labor Party: LAWRENCE, DR PETER See “Railways - Perth Urban Rail Development - Tabled Paper” LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION See “Members of Parliament” LEECE, MR KEITH Assembly Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 10022 LEDGE POINT GOLF CLUB See “Sport and Recreation” LEECH, MR TONY See “Justice, Department of” LEEMAN BOAT RAMP Assembly Petition 7330 LEGAL AID Assembly Albany 1519 Guidelines - Statement by Attorney General 3909 LEGAL PRACTICE BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2254 Second Reading 2254, 4591 Appropriations 2525 Consideration in Detail 4717, 5733-5752, 8887, 8888, 8897-8904, 8959-8961, 8969-8983 Third Reading 9135 Returned 13422 Council’s Amendments 13542 Assent 14896 Council Receipt and First Reading 9157 Second Reading 9157 Cognate Debate 13104 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 13129, 13135 Committee 13138, 13148-13154 As to Report 13163 Report 13163 Third Reading 13163 Assembly’s Message 13575 Assent 14574 LEGAL PRACTICE BOARD Assembly Personal Explanation by Member for Innaloo 7068 LEGAL PRACTITIONERS ACT Council Section 13(3) Directions - Statement by Hon Peter Foss 13600 LEGAL PRACTITIONERS DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL Assembly Matter of Privilege 12690; Statements by Speaker 12705, 12804, 13202 98 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

LEGISLATION COMMITTEE See “Standing Committee on Legislation” LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Assembly Acting Speakers - Appointment 19; Statement by Speaker 1714 Code of Conduct for Members Notice of Motion 9242; Postponement of Debate 9682, 9683 Motion 10511 Amendment to Motion 10523, 10551 Acting Speaker’s Ruling 10552 Standing Orders Suspension 10553 Motion, as Amended 10556, 10571, 10595, 10663, 10688 Amendments to Motion, as Amended 10596, 10652, 10669, 10682 Acting Speaker’s Ruling 10660 Dissent from Acting Speaker’s Ruling 10660 Statement by Speaker 10817 Committees - Use of Videoconferencing - Motion 9399 Conscience or Free Votes - Recording of Pairs in Hansard - Statement by Speaker 12742 Daily Business Program on the Internet - Statement by Speaker 5079 Laptops - Volume - Statement by Speaker 2518 Members’ Private Documents on Desks in the Chamber - Statement by Speaker 14286 Record-keeping Plan - Statement by Speaker 2171 Sittings in 2004 10676; Statement by Leader of the House 10383 Speaker Deliberative Vote 2814 Entrance into Chamber - Statement 11531 Standards of Behaviour of Members - Statement by Speaker 9426 Unparliamentary Use of the Word “Corrupt” - Statements Acting Speaker (Mr P.W. Andrews) 11774 Speaker 11778 Council Pairing Arrangements - Adjournment Debate 2149 President and Speaker - Deliberative Vote 1948, 1949 Recurrent Funding 14774 Second Reading Speeches - Interjections - Adjournment Debate 3061 Sittings 4198, 4203, 4400 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Assembly President - Deliberative Vote 2001-2003, 2813 Matter of Public Interest 2010 Standing Orders Suspension 2010 Council Attorney General’s Remarks 4392; Urgency Motion 4378 Clerks Assistant and Usher of the Black Rod - Appointments - Statement by President 1919 Inaccuracy of Hourglass - Statement by President 12912 Members - Electorate Offices 9587 President - Deliberative Vote 1948, 1949, 2119, 2344, 2600, 3022 President’s Ruling 2600 Statement by President 2478 Record-keeping Plan - Statement by President 4182 Recurrent Funding 14774 Refurbished Chamber - Statement by President 11607 Ringing of the Bells - Statement by President 11823 Sitting Arrangements - Statement by President 14726 Sitting Hours - Statements Hon Kim Chance 13014 Hon Peter Foss 7834 Sub Judice Rule - Statement by President 12568 Temporary Chamber Photographs - Statement by President 10735, 11007 Statements Hon Bruce Donaldson 9982 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 99

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL (continued) Council (continued) Temporary Chamber (continued) Statements (continued) Hon Peter Foss 5963, 7834, 9980 President 4887, 5761, 9926 Hon Christine Sharp 7836 Temporary Change of Seating for Hon Peter Foss and Hon Barry House - Statement by President 12278 LENDICH, MR VLADIMIR See “Planning” LESBIAN AND GAY PRIDE PARADE See “Police” LESBIAN LAW REFORM See “Homosexuality” LEWANDOWSKI, MR ANTHONY See “Mickelberg Case” LEWIS, MR LOU See “Justice, Department of” LIBRARIES Assembly Programs in North West 3416 LIFELINE WA Assembly Annual Appeal - Statement by Member for Vasse 8306 LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN OF COURAGE AWARDS Assembly Statement by Member for Southern River 8306 LIQUOR Assembly Beach Tavern, Mullaloo Grievance 4821 Petitions 4709, 5091, 5454, 6128, 6470 Deregulation of Industry - National Competition Policy Payments 11784 Licensing Changes to Laws Matter of Public Interest 12692 Amendment to Motion 12698 Motion, as Amended 12704 Petitions 12326, 12327 Convention and Exhibition Centre - Statement by Attorney General 12446 National Competition Policy 13524 Liquor Stores - Seven Days a Week Trading - Petitions 12572, 12691, 12821, 13367 Sales in Restaurants - Petitions 13614, 13676, 13773, 13928, 14053, 14215 Council Boab Inn, Derby - Extension of Trading Hours 11613 Deregulation of Industry 11477, 11832 Licensing Authority - Review 5820 Changes to Laws 12140, 12293, 12922, 13117, 13147 Consultation on Policy Changes to Laws 12003 National Competition Policy 4956, 5408, 13070, 13346 Licensing Bulletin - Purpose, Cost, Staff and Dis tribution 2513 Liquor Stores - Seven Days a Week Trading 8565, 10745; Petitions 14623, 14724 Rugby World Cup - Extended Hours for Liquor Outlets 10246, 10252, 10807 Summary of Transactions Annual Return 11204 LIVE SHEEP EXPORT See “Commerce and Trade” LOAN BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 8162 Second Reading 8162, 10430, 10693, 10837, 10977, 11101, 11119, 11805, 12848, 12878, 13981, 14299 Appropriations 8183 Council Receipt and First Reading 14590 Second Reading 14590 100 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

LOBBYING DISCLOSURE AND ACCOUNTABILITY BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 8583 Second Reading 8612 LOBBYISTS Assembly Anwyl, Ms Megan - Briefing to Cabinet 6677 Burke, Mr Brian Cabinet Directive 6644, 6645, 6678, 6679 Labor Party Preselections 6186 Meetings with Ministers of Crown and Ministerial Staff 7270, 7779, 7946, 8145, 8146, 8343, 8518, 8638, 9140, 9306 Meetings with Premier and Ministerial Staff 6789 Payroll Tax Amnesty 5445, 5446, 5723, 5724, 6338, 6339, 6642, 6643 Premier’s Instruction 5992, 6182 Privileged Access to Labor Government 5364 Racing and Wagering Western Australia - Board Composition 5363 Taxi Industry Decision 10162, 10285 Grill, Mr Julian Cabinet Directive 6645, 6678, 6679 Labor Party Preselections 6186 Meetings with Ministers of Crown and Ministerial Staff 7270, 7779, 7946, 8145, 8146, 8343, 8518, 8638, 9140, 9306 Meetings with Premier and Ministerial Staff 6789 Meetings with Premier and Ministerial Staff - Personal Explanation 6807 Payroll Tax Amnesty 5445, 5446, 5723, 5724, 6338, 6339, 6642, 6643 Premier’s Instruction 5992, 6182 Council Adjournment Debate 5435 Burke, Mr Brian - Payroll Tax Amnesty 4524; Personal Explanation by Minister for Racing and Gaming 6086 Former Burke Government Ministers - Meetings on Logging 6958, 7175, 9203 Grill, Mr Julian - Payroll Tax Amnesty 4524 Hawker, Mr Bruce - Meetings with Premier 6957 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Assembly Albany, City of - Aboriginal Accord - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 5978 Belmont, City of - Inquiry 11113 Broome, Shire of - Renal Dialysis Outpatient Hostel in Residential Area 8074 Coastal Planning and Land Use Strategies 13308 Fire and Emergency Services Levy - Rebate 12378 Fire Hydrant Installation 14348 Fremantle, City of - Curfew on Freight Routes 14256 Gosnells, City of Crime Initiatives 5368 Inquiry - Petition 2930 Safer WA Community Security Program 3009 Heritage Areas - Rights of Landowners - Matter of Public Interest 518 Joondalup, City of Government’s Position 14250 Petition 4066 Main Street Program - North West 2717, 7781 Mandurah Cinema Complex - Non-compliance with Building Code 1778 Melville, City of - Sale of Primary School Land 9423; Statement by Member for Alfred Cove 11777 Mindarie Regional Council - Waste Disposal Plant - Grievance 5683 Mundijong Town Site - Town Planning Scheme Amendment - Personal Explanation by Member for Vasse 5091 Municipal Inventories - Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 67 Murrah, Shire of - Town Planning Scheme No 4, Amendment No 157 8074 Outer Metropolitan Councils - Resourcing Levels - Statement by Member for Swan Hills 14249 Rates Gross Rental Value and Unimproved Land Value Methods 5395 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 101

LOCAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) Rates (continued) Pensioner Cardholders Concessions 13552, 14524 Seniors Concessions 13548, 13551, 13552; Grievance 5333 Record Keeping - Statement by Minister for Community Development, Women’s Interests, Seniors and Youth 13485 Regional Collocation Scheme - North West 2719, 2721 Roads Funding 10874; Statement by Member for Kingsley 13806 Safer WA Funding 14986 Transfer of Responsibility 4855 South West Land Division - Private Ownership of Land 10564 Springfield Retirement Village - Rates Rebates 5508 Stirling, City of - Resource Recovery Rebate Scheme 11741 Swan, City of - Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 14056 Wanneroo, City of - Employment and Management Practices 13277, 14984 Council Act Definition of Emergency 7177 Review 13470 Amalgamations - Financial Assistance Grants 12437 Amendment Bill - Introduction 11602 Appeals - Delays 6606 Belmont, City of Authorised Person’s Report of Inquiry 10920 Chief Executive Officer - Resignation 12267 Inquiry 41, 553, 2762, 4257, 9553, 13474 Statements Hon Jim Scott 8569, 9557, 11048, 12566 Minister for Housing and Works 6543 Investigation of Complaints 10750 Legal Work 11363 Lots 5 and 49 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont 7176 Boddington, Shire of - Health Local Laws 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 13431 Bunbury, City of - Local Law Relating to Advertising Devices - Disallowance - Order Discharged 9319 Bus Stop Infrastructure - Grants 14209 Busselton, Shire of - Legal Costs - Disputed Planning and Development Matters 9657 Chief Executive Officers - Use of Discretionary Accounts 4256 Dampier - Swimming Pool - Statement by Hon Norman Moore 7831 Derby-West Kimberley, Shire of Pastoral Lease Exclusions 11053 Permits to Clear or Maintain Road Verges 10789 Donnybrook-Balingup, Shire of - Local Law - Eating Areas in Streets and Other Places - Disallowance - Order Discharged 2591 Dumbleyung, Shire of - Health Local Laws 2001 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 13431 East Fremantle, Town of - Urban Environment and Nuisance Local Law - Disallowance - Order Discharged 4949 East Pilbara, Shire of - Boundary Change 13467, 14801 Elections - Ward Representation 6585 Executive Officers - Guidelines for Employment 4534 Fremantle, City of - Prevention and Abatement of Sand Drift Local Law - Disallowance - Order Discharged 4949 Gingin, Shire of - Firebreak Order - Swan Location 7807, East Lancelin 4432 Joondalup, City of Chief Executive 4344, 6583, 7478 Adjournment Debates 4293, 4483 Statement by Hon Ken Travers 6592 Mayoral Chain 13594 Meeting - Police Presence 14194 102 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Council (continued) Joondalup, City of (continued) Report of Governance 14193 Suspension 13858, 14718; Statement by Minister for Local Government and Regional Development 14574 Kojonup, Shire of Regional Investment Fund Applications 468 Valuation of Land 713 Kwinana, Town of - Urban Environment and Nuisance Local Law - Disallowance - Order Discharged 13555 Laws Controlling the Welfare of Cats 6467 Leonora - Swimming Pool - Statement by Hon Norman Moore 7831 Melville, City of Local Law Relating to Signs, Hoardings and Billposting - Disallowance - Order Discharged 3423 Lot Sizes 12558 Reduction in Councillor Numbers 349 Mundaring, Shire of Clause 2.4.13(2) Standing Orders Local Law - Disallowance - Order Discharged 11007 Health Local Laws 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 11008 New Nullarbor Shire - Establishment 11834 One Vote, One Value - Mid West 1807 Perth, City of Aboriginal Sites 7478 Amendments to Perth Parking Local Law 1999 - Disallowance - Notice Discharged 8525 Pingelly, Shire of - Health Local Laws 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 13029 Port Hedland, Town of - Boundary Change 13467, 14801 Rates - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 13065 Rating System and Distribution of Funds - Referral to Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance Motion 10234, 11344, 11352, 11979 Amendment to Motion 11986 Amendment on the Amendment 11992 Motion, as Amended 12000 Regional Road Group Funding Grants - Funding 5660 Revaluations of Properties - Payments to Valuer General 10381 Roads Funding 10942 Rockingham City Council Height Restriction Policy 4200 Ramada Development 4200 Roebourne, Shire of Correspondence from Mrs Weightman 11362 Local Laws Relating to Fencing - Disallowance - Order Discharged 13029 Save Our Suburbs Advertisements - Use of Discretionary Accounts 4256 South Perth, City of Aboriginal Sites 7478 Council Elections 3733 Inquiry - Statements by Minister for Local Government and Regional Development 2722, 13587 Stirling, City of Domestic Waste Contract 9848 Resource Recovery Rebate Scheme 9625 Waste Diverted to Atlas Calingiri Farm 13120 Waste Management System 12003 Subiaco, City of - Heritage Act - Petition 2590 Swan ,City of - Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No 1048/33 - Addition to Urban Zoning, West Parade, South Guildford - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 14149 Swimming Pools - Subsidies 5053 Unauthorised Demolition of Buildings - Upgrading of Powers 9633 Valuations - Removal of Subsidy 10251 Vincent Town Council - Inquiry 1806 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 103

LOCAL GOVERNMENT (continued) Council (continued) Wanneroo, City of - Mayoral Chain 13594 Western Australian Local Government Superannuation Plan - Investment in Cedar Property Group 593 Westonia, Shire of - Yilgarn Location 162 - Sale - Councillors’ Disclosure of Interests 14028 Wyndham-East Kimberley, Shire of Reserve 41812 - Lakeside Resort Development 13028, 13895 Town Reserves 740 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Council Introduction and First Reading 13988 Second Reading 13988 Reference to Committee Inquiry in Second Reading Speech - Ruling by President 14199 Drafting 2605 Personal Explanation - Minister for Local Government and Regional Development 14034 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF Assembly Corporate Membership of City Centre Fitness Club - Payment 11677 LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12839 Second Reading 12839, 14272, 14273, 14274 Appropriations 13214 Remaining Stages 14275 Council Receipt and First Reading 14574 Second Reading 14574 LOCAL GOVERNMENT (OFFICIAL CONDUCT) AMENDMENT BILL Council Statement by Minister for Local Government and Regional Development 14725 LOONGANA LIME See “Mining” LORD, DR DAVID See “Health - South West Mental Health Service” LOTTERYWEST Assembly Chairperson - Government Car 11563 Federation Walkway - Cost of Advertisement 13306 Heritage-listed Buildings or Properties - Grants 2845 Council Community Service Outlet - Cost 13863 Increase in Price of Lotto Tickets 549 Name Change of Lotteries Commission to Lotterywest 6954 Ruah Community Services Grant 2780 Safer WA - Grants 14027 LOVELL, MR AVON See “Royal Commission Into Whether There Has Been Any Corrupt or Criminal Conduct by Western Australian Police Officers LUISINI WINERY Assembly Petition 14885 M MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14260 Second Reading 14260 MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT TASKFORCE See “Government Departments and Agencies” MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT (WATER RESOURCES) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12747 Second Reading 12747 Appropriations 13214 Cognate Debate 13943 104 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT (WATER RESOURCES) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 (continued) Assembly (continued) Consideration in Detail 13969-13973 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 13943 Third Reading 13973 Council Receipt and First Reading 14152 Second Reading 14152 MACQUARIE BANK LTD See “Taxis - Plate Buyback Scheme” MAGISTRATES COURT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14275 Second Reading 14275 MAGISTRATES COURT (CIVIL PROCEEDINGS) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14277 Second Reading 14277 MAIN ROADS WESTERN AUSTRALIA See also “Roads” Assembly 10-year Plan for Road Construction Projects 4695 Expenditure 13295, 13429 Council Contract Superintendents 1740 Employees - Complaints by Member for Armadale 4201 Roadside Tree Removal Policy 8408 MALLEE FOWL Council Interpretive and Visitor Centre, Ongerup 11601 MALLEE SEED See “Environment” MANDURAH Assembly Cancer Fundraising Association - Statement by Member for Mandurah 8962 Cinema Complex - Non-compliance with Building Code 1778 City Choral Society - Statement by Member for Mandurah 8962 Concert Band - Statement by Member for Mandurah 11531 Historical Society - Statement by Member for Mandurah 8305 MANGLES BAY See “Planning” MANJIMUP Assembly Cherry Harmony Festival - Statement by Member for Warren-Blackwood 3669 Council Premier’s Visit to Manjimup and Pemberton 4399 Relocation of Families 3618 MANTRAPS Assembly Serpentine-Jarrahdale Hills 1587 MARITIME MUSEUM Council Opening 3441; Adjournment Debate 3630 MARKET EQUITY PTY LTD See “Water Corporation” MARKETING OF POTATOES ACT 1946 Council Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 10882 MARTIN, MS RUTH See “Disability Services” MASON, SHARON See “Police” MATHEWS, J.B. See “Water Resources” MATTERS OF PRIVILEGE Assembly Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal 12690; Statement by Speaker 12705, 12804 Public Accounts Committee - Information Divulged - Motion 1172, 1178 Ruling by Speaker 1178 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 105

MATTERS OF PRIVILEGE (continued) Assembly (continued) Public Accounts Committee - Information Divulged - Motion (continued) Question to be Put 1187 Dissent from Speaker’s Ruling 1188 MATTHEWS, FREDERICK NOEL Assembly Statement by Member for Wagin 14248 MAUDS LANDING DEVELOPMENT See “Planning” MAYLANDS BOATYARD PTY LTD See “Planning” McCALLUM, DR BARNEY See “Health” McCARTHY, MR BRENDAN See “Workers Compensation” McCOTTER, DR DENZIL See “Drugs - Alcohol and Drug Authority” McCUSKER FOUNDATION See “Health - Alzheimer’s Disease” McGOWAN, MR PETER See “Planning - Town Planning Appeal Tribunal” McGOWAN, MR TED Assembly Statement by Member for Joondalup 13517 McILVEEN, MR WATSON Assembly Grievance 8282 MEAT PROCESSING INDUSTRY See “Agriculture” MEDICAL ACT 1894 Assembly Reforms 4177; Statement by Minister for Health 8786 Review 5240 MEDICARE See “Health” MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY See “Agriculture” MEEHAN, MR JOHN See “St Vincent de Paul Society” MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT Assembly Chamber of Minerals and Energy - Tour for Opposition Members - Statement by Member for Ningaloo 6642 Code of Conduct for Members of the Legislative Assembly Notice of Motion 9242; Postponement of Debate 9682, 9683 Motion 10511 Amendment to Motion 10523, 10551 Acting Speaker’s Ruling 10552 Standing Orders Suspension 10553 Motion, as Amended 10556, 10571, 10595, 10663, 10688 Amendments to Motion, as Amended 10596, 10652, 10669, 10682 Acting Speaker’s Ruling 10660 Dissent from Acting Speaker’s Ruling 10660 Statement by Speaker 10817 Disclosure Standards 1046, 1047 Driver Fatigue Due to Sitting Hours 6813 Leader of the Opposition Censure Motion 4866; Standing Orders Suspension 4864; Amendment to Motion 4865; Speaker’s Ruling 4870 Comments on Burrup Development 5579 Stirling House Hostel - Alcohol 3347; Personal Explanation 3476 Travel Allowance 13694 Meetings with Director General of Education 2846, 2847 Member for Avon Leave of Absence 8875 Personal Explanation - Matters Appearing in Hansard 6934 Member for Ballajura - Leave of Absence 8875 Member for Bunbury Electorate Office Activities 5576, 5577 Personal Explanation - Correction of Error 11077 Member for Hillarys - Personal Explanation - Fraudulent Behaviour by Members of Parliament 9393 106 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) Member for Innaloo - Personal Explanations Evidence given at the Police Royal Commission 10031 Legal Practice Board 7068 Member for Kingsley - Personal Explanation - Unparliamentary Language 2821, 2822 Member for Moore - Leave of Absence 7659, 9857 Member for Murdoch - Personal Explanations Aubrey, Mr Russell 4828 Cannabis Smoking Implements 6675 Member for Nedlands - Personal Explanations Fraudulent Behaviour by Members of Parliament 9395 Member for Perth’s Comments 9426, 9442 Member for Peel - Personal Explanation - Western Australian Group Training Scheme 7857 Member for Perth - Personal Explanation - Withdrawal of Comment 9434 Member for Pilbara - Leave of Absence 746 Member for Riverton - Personal Explanation - Neurotrauma Research Program Petition 6472 Member for Rockingham - United States of America Visit - Statement 507 Member for Roleystone - Behaviour 12206; Personal Explanation 12315 Member for Stirling - Leave of Absence 8288 Member for Swan Hills Leave of Absence 746 Thanks for Support - Statement 5361 Member for Vasse - Personal Explanations Ludlow Mining 3354 Mundijong Town Site - Town Planning Scheme Amendment 5091 Member for Warren-Blackwood Personal Explanations Land Clearing 892 Remarks to Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 8280 Suspension from the House 210, 6341 Opposition Members - Statements - Standing Orders Suspension 4110 Parliamentary Privilege - Statement by Speaker 5082 Private Documents on Desks in the Chamber - Statement by Speaker 14286 Standards of Behaviour - Statements Member for Kimberley 3669 Speaker 9426 Stephens, Hon Tom - Carnarvon Electorate Office - Statement by Member for Ningaloo 7880 Travelling Entitlements - Review 4160 Vehicles - Audible Security Alarms 13308

Council Cash, Hon George - Leave of Absence 10883 Criddle, Hon Murray - Personal Explanation - Terrorism (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2002 3860 Electorate Offices 8424 Farina, Hon Adele - Personal Explanation - Mr Ross Bromell 1263 Fischer, Hon John - Leave of Absence 10883 Foss, Hon Peter Personal Explanations Comments by Attorney General 3421; President’s Ruling 3422 Perth Urban Rail Development - Comment by Parliamentary Secretary 3057 Staff - Attorney General’s Attack - Adjournment Debate 3629 Giffard, Hon Graham Leave of Absence 11437, 11960, 12278, 12912 Personal Explanations Commonwealth Road Funding 6436 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No 1055/33 - Fremantle Eastern Bypass 2861 Greens (WA) - Salary Increases - Adjournment Debate 580, 871, 1672 Member for Riverton - Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 14205 Moore, Hon Norman - Personal Explanation - Coral Coast Marina Development Pty Ltd Proposal 12103 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 107

MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (continued) Council (continued) O’Brien, Hon Simon - Personal Explanation - Fremantle Eastern Bypass 1639 Scott, Hon Barbara Overseas Travel 4202, 4528; Personal Explanation 4241 Fremantle Eastern Bypass - Personal Explanation 1639 Sharp, Hon Christine - Leave of Absence 4241 Stephens, Hon Tom Betrayal - Adjournment Debate 4986 Personal Explanation - Eiszele, Mr David - Contract of Employment 4889 Stretch, Hon Bill - Personal Explanation - Contaminated Sites Bill 2002 12227 Tomlinson, Hon Derrick - Personal Explanations Access to Police Files 8394 Question without Notice on the Gordon Report Implementation Group 11484 Watson, Hon Giz - Leave of Absence 2111 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (FINANCIAL INTERESTS) ACT 1992 Assembly Review 2575 MENEGOLA, MR JOE Assembly Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 7657 MEN’S ADVISORY NETWORK See “Health” MESQUITE See “Agriculture” METHANEX CORPORATION See “Industrial Development” METROPOLITAN CEMETERIES BOARD Council Funeral Fall - Compensation Payment 12923 MEZZANINE FINANCING See “Consumer and Employment Protection” MICHAEL, DR KEN See “Consultants” MICKELBERG CASE Assembly Appeal - Minister for Health - Evidence 2009, 2010, 2276 Legal Expenses - Statement by Attorney General 10157 Lewandowski Affidavit Attorney General Breach of Criminal Code 765, 766 Documents Given to Minister for Health 600, 602, 913 Media Statement 13918 Distribution of Copies - Minister for Health 88, 89 Formal Request for Further Documents 22 Government Discussions 516 Letter from the Director of Public Prosecutions to Raymond Mickelberg 913, 914 Minister for Health Allegations 1310, 1311 Discussions with and Copies to Staff 1306 Evidence on Involvement 1866 Ministerial Appointments Diary 2165 Use of Ministerial Office 1312 Minister for Police and Emergency Services - Advice and Discussions 1515 Minister for Tourism - Standing Aside 13919, 13920 Reassessment by Special Interagency Unit 7029 Minister for Health - Investigation by Police Royal Commission 4109 Police Royal Commission - Reopening of Investigation 767, 769 Council Lewandowski Affidavit Attorney General Documents Given to Minister for Health 549, 1005, 1422, 1528 Late-night Telephone Discussion with Premier 160, 166 Meetings with Solicitor General 344 Receipt of Documents from Solicitor General 462, 464, 550, 860 Solicitor General’s Advice 1529 108 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MICKELBERG CASE (continued) Council (continued) Lewandowski Affidavit (continued) Attorney General (continued) Tape of Channel 7 Interview 9021, 12286 Transcript of Assistant Commissioner Kucera’s Transcript of Evidence and Affidavit-in-chief 36 Copy to The West Australian 1003 Government Media Personnel 241 Minister for Health - Allegations 1136, 12966 Number of Copies and Source of Leaked Copy 345 Revocation of Mr Lewandowski’s Indemnity 1802, 1950 Tape of Interview by Alison Fan with Mr Lewandowski 8564, 8671, 13141 Petition - Handing Over on Front Steps of Parliament 344 MID WEST REGION Assembly Projects - Funding 9140 MIDLAND RAILWAY WORKSHOP SITE See “Railways” MIDLAND SALEYARDS See “Agriculture” MILLER, MS CORAL See “Disability Services” MILLS, MS SALLY See “Education - Department” MINDARIE MARINA See “Planning” MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF Council Breaches of Mining Act - Non-prosecution Policy 4370, 7652, 9207, 10142, 10774, 13911 Director General - Letter to Editor 10146, 10147 Incorrect Information 4933; Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 3270 Inspections and Prosecutions 12954 Records of Decisions and Actions 8430, 10144 MINERALS AND ENERGY, CHAMBER OF Assembly Tour for Opposition Members of Parliament - Statement by Member for Ningaloo 6642 MINES SAFETY AND INSPECTION AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 MINING See also “Alcoa World Alumina Australia” Assembly BGC (Australia) Ltd - Open-cut Mining at the Lakes 12860 Bores - Water Users’ Charge 7883 Eastern Goldfields Transport Board - Mine Site Charter Transport 10875 Exploration Expenditure Figures 2214 Goldfields Mining Expo - Statement by Member for Eyre 12604 Greenfields Mineral Exploration Inquiry - Exploration Expenditure Figures 2214 Iluka Resources - Mining Permit - Statement by Member for Roleystone 2383 Iron Ore (Hamersley Range) Agreement - Secondary Processing Obligations 9304 Lease No 36/7 - Aboriginal Heritage Site 689 Lease No 37/30 and Miscellaneous Licence No 27/83 - Seepage Management Plan 984 Lennard Shelf Zinc and Lead Mines - Closure 11904 Ludlow Mineral Sand Mining 11620, 13275, 13276, 14145 Petition 3354; Personal Explanation by Member for Vasse 3354 Mineral Titles - Auditor General’s Report - Statement by Minister for State Development 1972 Newcrest Mining Ltd - Expansion of Telfer Goldmine 5827 Portman Iron Ore Ltd - Koolyanobbing Mine 6183 Grievance 4819 Petitions 4813, 5330, 5559 Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd - Iron Ore Processing 5908, 5909 South West - Government Revenue 6941 WA Limestone - Petition 10170 Windimurra Vanadium Mine - Royalties 10881 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 109

MINING (continued) Council 12-hour Shifts - Review 4936 Aboriginal Sacred Sites - Protection 12006 Answers to Questions on Notice - Breach of Standing Orders 6998, 7000, 7013 Australian Prospectors and Miners Hall of Fame - Access Road 6998, 9206, 10775, 10936 Bauxite Deposit - Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley 14837 Beenup Mineral Sands Mine - Acid Sulfate Ground Water Plume 735 BGC (Australia) Ltd - Open-cut Mining at the Lakes - Impact on Water Resources 584 Big Bell Mine - Tailings Storage Facility 1674 Bowler Report into Mineral Exploration - Government’s Response 3284, 11240 Bulong Nickel Mine 4053, 4361 Coalition Government’s Policy Paper - Treatment of Prospectors’ Ore 4368 Croesus Shaft Site Visit 8399, 8400, 10143 Dallhold Resources Management Pty Ltd - Tailings Dam - Monitoring Bores 4369 Delays in Projects - Statement by Hon John Fischer 12273, 12672 Drilling Platforms - Radioactive Material 37, 162 East-west Infrastructure Corridor - Mt Margaret-Geraldton - Land Acquisitions 2158 Exploration and Mining Tenement Holders - Expenditure Exemptions 9562 Exploration and Mining Title Applications 873, 7474, 8426 Exploration, Prospecting and Mining Licences - Number Surrendered 14801 Fimiston Site Contamination of Water 9077 Depth Width and Length of Super Pit 6332 EPA Service Unit Investigation 10809, 10810 Increase in Capacity 13017 Licence Conditions 1269, 1270, 1556, 5021, 5819, 8780 Monitoring 1272 Pollution Leakage and Seepage 10777 Seepage 13906-13910 Unconditional Performance Bond 4369, 6122 Works Approval 652 12955 Gidgi Site 1269, 1270, 1272, 1556 Gnangara - Status of Applications 3023, 3906 Goldfields Ltd - Kundana Gold Mine 7839, 13900-13902, 13898, 13899 Greenfields Mineral Exploration Guidelines 8435, 10144 Inquiry 2153, 4374-4376, 6607 Hazards of Old Workings 7328 Inalienable Freehold Title to Aboriginal Groups to parts of Conservation Estate 11830, 11831 Iron Ore (Yandicoogina) Agreement Act 1996 - Tabled Variation Agreement - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary - Motion 13107 Jangardup Mineral Sands Mine 735, 736, 739, 1042, 1560, 2156, 14641 Jubilee Gold Mine - Licence Conditions 1269, 6466, 9651 Jundee Gold Mine - Licence Conditions 1556 Kalgoorlie - Town Site Boundaries 1559 Kalgoorlie-Boulder - Review of Impact of Mining 1565 Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd Acoustic Noise Consultant 9647 Asbestos in Open Pit 4056, 7001 Blast Hole Drill Rigs 1557 Breaches of Licence Conditions 1273, 1454, 4054, 4055, 10794, 10808, 13015 Breaches of Mining Act 1564, 3905 Closure Plan for Mt Charlotte Mine 1558 Cooke Revie w - Submissions 4364 Environmental Bond 8429, 10142 Fimiston Tailings Dams - Seepage 13906-13910 Licence Conditions 7508, 7993 Mr B. Hounslow’s Complaints 1557 Ninga Mia Village 4052, 4053, 4363 Prospecting Licence No 26/2665 4362 Realignment of Eastern Bypass Road 4301, 4360, 4373, 4546; Petition 4052 110 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MINING (continued) Council (continued) Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Pty Ltd (continued) Rehabilitation of Tenements 4361, 7203 Relocation of Railway Line 3904 Removal of “Cyanide” from Licence Conditions 8780 Super Pit Mining Operations 1273, 1564, 1566, 4051, 5806, 7000 Waste Dump Proposal - Environmental Bond 4368 Lake Yellowdine - Discharges 13902 Lease No 26/261 - Reserve No 24574 4064, 4300, 4301, 6122, 6331, 6999, 7838, 8430, 9363, 9377, 10381 Lease No 26/353 - Complaints 12022, 13905 Lease No 26/383 - Conditions 10936, 10938 Lease No 36/7 - Mining Operations 7328, 7838, 9062, 9206, 10773 Lease Nos 24/352, 24/390, 24/39, 24/40 and 24/41 - Original Owners 10772, 12953 Lease Nos 25/32, 25/19 and Prospecting Licence 25/525 - Original Owners 10774, 12953 Lease Nos M25/19 and M25/32 - Clearing of Vegetation 1558 Leases - Standard No Mining Condition - Validity 4367 Lennard Shelf Zinc and Lead Mines - Closure 12265 Loongana Lime Breaches of Licence Conditions 11881 Burning of Waste Oil 7995 Complaints 7005, 13016 Kiln Temperature Readings 9631 Licence Conditions 7005, 8431, 8777, 8779 Ludlow Mineral Sand Mining Letter from Cable Sands 10746 Licence 14715 Ministerial Conditions Statement 12269 Petition 11960 Removal of Pinus Pinaster 12668 Mineral and Gold Deposits - Determination of Economic Viability 3905 Minerals Environment Liaison Committee - Membership 7329 Mines Safety and Inspection Amendment Regulations 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 3423 Mining Amendment Regulations 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 12104 Mt Charlotte-Fimiston Overland Conveyor - Approval to Build 1559 Mt Charlotte Site 4371-4374, 10148, 10149, 12024 Mt Gibson Integrated Iron Ore Deposit - Photographs of Exploration or Drill Pad Lines 10932 Mt Percy Open Pits - Relocation of Railway Line 4363 Mt Pleasant Gold Mine - Licence Conditions 1270, 7000 Open Pit - Calculation of Bonds 3905 Optimum Resources 6959, 9208 Oroya Tailings Dam 5801-5805, 7652, 8780, 8781 Parks and Reserves - Prohibition on Mineral and Petroleum Exploration and Mining 11883, 12025 Portman Iron Ore Ltd Cockatoo Island - Breach of Licence Conditions 9620 Koolyanobbing Mine 5317, 5659, 6604, 8423, 9585 Statement by Hon John Fischer 14202 Windarling and Jackson Ore Deposits - Archaeological Survey Report 5665, 13009 Portman-HWE Iron Ore Operations, Cockatoo Island - Breach of Tenement Conditions 8678 Prospecting Licence P25/525 - Clearing of Vegetation 1558 Regulation - Answers to Questions 8429 Resource Exploration - Native Title Act - Impediment to Land Access 2760 Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd - Lease No 45/ 695 4992 Sawlogs from Mine Sites - Forest Products Commission Role 4958 Tailings Dams Kalgoorlie and Geraldton - PVC Plastic Liners 6999 Review 2511 Tenements P26/1848 and P26/1858 - Dangerous and Unsafe Working Conditions 11241, 12952 Tuart Trees South of Mandurah - Decline and Death - Impact of Bauxite Mining 13915 Uranium Applications to Convert Leases into Mining Tenements 7012 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 111

MINING (continued) Council (continued) Uranium (continued) Mining Leases 5663, 5775 Petition 6289 Yeelirrie 242, 3729; Petition 6289 Western Metals Export Facility, Derby 1137, 12265, 1423 White Foil Project 11236-11239 Williamstown 1675, 4932, 7203 Windarling Range - Portman Mining Ltd - Conditions 13009 Windimurra Vanadium M ine 7651, 9554, 11880, 12021; Adjournment Debate 2643 Yakabindie Nickel Project 4530, 6603, 6604 MINING AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 MINISTERS OF THE CROWN See also “Mickelberg Case” Assembly Absence from Parliamentary Sittings 1713 Accountability - Standing Orders Suspension 11114; Question to be Put 11118 Attorney General Coffee-making Machine in Ministerial Office 5756 Decisions on Matters Involving Allegations of Criminal Behaviour by Cabinet Members - Motion 785 Visits to the United Kingdom and Europe - Statement 494 Credit Cards 6219, 6220, 9467, 13427, 14069, 14070, 14078 Cultural Ministers Council Meeting - Statement by Minister for Culture and the Arts 6132 Former Minister for Health - Portfolio Change 10167 Lobbying - Premier’s Instruction 5992 Meetings with Mr Brian Burke and Mr Julian Grill 7270, 7408, 7597, 7779, 7946, 8145, 8146, 8343, 8518, 8638, 9140, 9306, 9742 Minister for Community Development - Halls Creek and South Hedland Visit 9470 Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection Lack of Action on Fuel Prices - Matter of Public Interest 919 Personal Explanation - Building Industry and Special Projects Directorate 11894 Minister for Education and Training - South Africa, Mozambique and Mauritius Trip - Statement 4818 Minister for Health Cannabis Decriminalisation 5718 Investigation by Police Royal Commission 4109 Personal Explanations Hospitals - Capital Works 11560 Newspaper Comment 5081 Private Health Insurance 917 Statement - Standing Orders Suspension 14258 Support for Southern Rail Link 917 Thornton, Ms Jean - Allegations Against Former Minister for Health 9661-9667, 9871, 9875, 10022, 10023 Minister for Housing and Works Allegations of Ministerial Impropriety - Standing Orders Suspension 9210 Speaker’s Ruling 9214 Question to be Put 9223 Breach of Code of Conduct 599 Meetings with Hon John Halden 6043 Public Tender Process 9230, 9416, 9417 Minister for Peel and the South West - Visit to South West 11539 Minister for Planning and Infrastructure Expenditure on Parliamentary Refreshments 5831; Personal Explanation 5833 Personal Explanations Member for Warren-Blackwood 8280 112 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MINISTERS OF THE CROWN (continued) Assembly (continued) Minister for Planning and Infrastructure (continued) Personal Explanations (continued) Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 535 Question on Notice - Government Contracts 10827 Planning Ministers’ Conference, Adelaide - Statement 6334 Singapore and Malaysia Visit - Statement 10946 Visit to Europe and United Arab Emirates 9383 Minister for Police and Emergency Services Government Credit Card - Meals, Drinks and Expenses 9742, 13426 Parliamentary Questions - Motion 12775 Parliamentary Refreshments Expenditure 5831 Response to Recommendations and Report of the Standing Committee on Community Development and Justice - Statement by Acting Speaker 4591 Restaurant Expenditure 5997, 9744 Staff - Use of Government-owned Credit Cards 14955 Minister for Racing and Gaming Air Travel to Albany Cup 7270 Breach of Code of Conduct 599, 766 Charter Flight Cost 8871 Minister for State Development Business Mission to Germany, The Netherlands and the UK - Statement 8692 Failure to Attend In Unison Conference 11906; Personal Explanation 11909 Ministerial Mission to Hyogo-Kansai, Japan - Statement 14216 Overseas Trips 2056 Singapore and China Visit - Statement 1460 Vis it to Indonesia - Statement 12449 Minister for the Environment and Heritage No-confidence Motion 4565; Standing Orders Suspension 4565 Personal Explanations Auditor General’s Draft Report on Water Resource Management 11313 Correction to Question on Notice 14259 Government Departments and Agencies - Club-Association Memberships - Payment 13526 Total Waste Management Pty Ltd Licence 9464 Minister for Tourism - Attendance at Tourism Functions 3928, 3929 Minister for Training - Delegation to China - Statement 4070 Minister for Water Resources - Appointment 3573 Ministerial Code of Conduct 599, 5831 Mobile Phones - Use 4180-4809 Parliamentary Secretaries Appointment - Statement by Premier 9855 Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Personal Explanation - Forest Products Commission Information 7230 Ministerial Code of Conduct - Expenditure 5833 Plants and Flowers - Cost of Hiring or Purchasing 10714-10717 Portfolio Changes - Statement by Premier 9855 Premier Accountability - Standing Orders Suspension 11114; Question to be Put 11118 Chief of Staff - Meeting with Mr Brian Burke 5723, 5724 Comments on Privatisation 12316 Meetings with Mr Brian Burke and Mr Julian Grill 6789 Move into Federal Politics 12060 Personal Explanations Correction to Answer to Question on Notice 9426 Meetings with Mr Julian Grill 6807 Number of Employees Classified at Level 9 or Higher in Department of the Premier and Cabinet 8159 Travel China - Statement by Premier 1850 China and Korea - Statement by Premier 10492 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 113

MINISTERS OF THE CROWN (continued) Assembly (continued) Premier (continued) Travel (continued) Japan and Korea - Statement by Premier 273 Malaysia - Statement by Premier 8931 United Arab Emirates 2162; Statement by Premier 2917 United States of America 12317 United States of America and Mexico - Statement 14873 Warren-Blackwood Area - Visit - Petitions 2652, 2930, 3785 Wiese, Ms Barbara 13811 Royal Commission Into Whether There Has Been Any Corrupt or Criminal Conduct by Western Australian Police Officers - Naming of Cabinet Ministers 4750, 5083, 5084 Staff Contracts, Vehicles, Mobile Telephones and Credit Cards 14428-14441 Corporate Credit Cards 7934, 8246-8265, 9919-9925, 11314, 12102, 12382, 12506, 12510, 12631, 13272, 13985, 14360, 14361, 14365, 14531, 14940 Memberships of Clubs/Associations/Unions - Payment of Fees 9780-9782, 10206, 10704 Presents and Social Functions - Funding 4180, 4809-4812 Seconded from Unions WA or Individual Unions 7118-7120, 7778 Vehicles - Privately Plated 6231, 6232, 6539, 6781, 6782, 7097, 7098, 7265, 7771, 7939 Vehicles, Mobile Phones, Pagers and Credit Cards 4179, 5141-5152, 5173 Statements - Time Allotted - Statement by Speaker 11619 Treasurer Chief of Staff - Meetings with Mr Brian Burke and Mr Julian Grill 6642, 6643 Meetings with Mr Brian Burke and Mr Julian Grill 6338, 6339 Overseas Travel - Statement 880 Vehicles - Audible Security Alarms 13308 Council Air Charter Flights 7013, 7165 Attorney General Alleged Offences 14033 Facsimile Application of Signature 4956, 5020 Interview with Bob Maumill 1258 Legal Practitioner Qualifications 13468, 13591 Meetings with Solicitor General 344, 464 Policy for Announcing Early Release of Prisoners 4200 Posing with the Director of Public Prosecutions on Harley Davidson Motorbike 344 Receipt of Documents from Solicitor General 462 Resignation from the Position of Leader of the Opposition 14634 Tie Line between Attorney General’s Office and the Department of Justice 9633 Visit by Journalists to Ministerial Office 1135 Excessive Workload 2868 Government Vehicles - Accidents 11192 Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - Personal Explanation - Karri and Jarrah Logging Statistics 6960 Minister for Culture and the Arts - Art Purchases 7479 Minister for Disability Services - Employment of People with Disabilities 14801 Minister for Education and Training Answers to Questions - Statements Hon Alan Cadby 13012 Hon Kim Chance 13013 Hon Barbara Scott 13012 Motion 6062 Minister for Government Enterprises - Restaurant Expenses 12677 Minister for Health - Recipient of Fax Sent to the WA Christian Community 1949, 1955 Minister for Housing and Works Administrative Staff 5659 Cost of Faxing 1801 Deferral of Cabinet Reshuffle Decision 9191 Personal Explanation - Question without Notice 2485 Reprimand by the Premier 702 114 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MINISTERS OF THE CROWN (continued) Council (continued) Minister for Local Government and Regional Development Air Charter 1800 Personal Explanation - Local Government Amendment Bill 2003 14034 Minister for Planning and Infrastructure Absence 6277 Power to Direct WA Planning Commission 11478 Minister for Racing and Gaming - Personal Explanation - Mr Brian Burke - Payroll Tax Amnesty 6086 Minister for State Development Letter from Mr K. Bartle, Kalgoorlie - Response 3907 Overseas Trips 1969 Visits to South Korea 1969 Minister for the Environment and Heritage - Standard of Answers to Questions - Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 8574 Minister for the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne Christmas Wish List 14778 Office Budget 865 Office Location and Refurbishment and Staff 2902-2909, 3063-3065, 3192, 3193, 3334, 3335, 3633 Parliamentary Secretaries Minister for Community Development, Women’s Interests, Seniors and Youth - Visit to Croatia - Statement 437 Minister for Planning and Infrastructure - Visit to China - Statement 2108 Visit to Croatia - Statement 11588, 11589, 11594, 11595 Portfolio Changes - Statements Leader of the House 9544 Minister for Housing and Works 9518 Minister for Local Government and Regional Development 9517 Premier Travel China 1800; Statements 13108, 13576 Japan - Meeting with Marubeni Corporation 3868 Manjimup, Pemberton and Bridgetown 4399, 4529 South Korea 2650 Workload 2868 Questions without Notice - Attendance in Chamber 3171 Staff - Temporary 3906 Staff, Vehicles, Mobile Phones, Pagers, Credit Cards, Fax Machines, Business Cards and Home Internet Access 4060 Statutory Obligations - Power of Minister to Direct 11478 MIRRABOOKA MOSQUE Assembly Interfaith Service - Statement by Member for Girrawheen 8721 MISUSE OF DRUGS AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 8582 Second Reading 8582, 10190 Consideration in Detail 10196-10199 Third Reading 10200 Council Receipt and First Reading 10327 Second Reading 10327 MITCHELL CORPORATION See “Transport” MITCHELL, MR RUSSELL JAMES See “Justice, Department of - Parole” MOBILE TELEPHONES See “Telecommunications” MOLECULAR INVENTORY SYSTEMS PTY LTD Council Dealings with Department 6081 MONRO’S PLANTATION TEA ROOMS See “Tearooms” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 115

MOSQUITOES Assembly Mandurah 2053, 3260, 9514 Peel Region 14552 MOTHERWAY, MR LIAM See “Justices of the Peace” MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS AMENDMENT BILL (No.2) 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 4079 Second Reading 4080, 8956 Appropriations 5452 Cognate Debate 5465 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5465 Consideration in Detail 5475-487, 8957-8959 Third Reading 9135 Returned 14106, 14137 Council’s Amendment 14137 Council Receipt and First Reading 9520 Second Reading 9520, 13994 Third Reading 13996 Committee 13995, 13996 Report 13996 Assembly’s Message 14156 MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIRERS BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 4078 Second Reading 4078 Cognate Debate 5465 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5465 Consideration in Detail 5475-5487, 8941-8956 Third Reading 9135 Returned 14057 Assent 14896 Council Receipt and First Reading 9519 Second Reading 9519, 13340, 13873 Remaining Stages 13878 Assent 14724 MOTOR VEHICLES Assembly Break-ins 8076, 12374 Car Rental Industry - Review 5583 Caravans, Mobile - Licence Classifications 9797 Company Cars - Accidents 9138 DVD-Television Players - Statement by Member for Rockingham 11777 Industry - Corrosion Detectors - Petition 65 Loud Music - Police Powers to Control 9743 Noisy and Smoky Vehicles 5755, 8077, 9796 Unlicensed Dealers 10497 Council Four-wheel-drives - Advertising Depicting Damage to Environment 1140, 1848 Industry - Not Guilty Appeals 1005 LPG Conversion Policy - Conversion Policy 12162 Motor Bike Licensing - Restriction of Times 8411 Motor Vehicle Dealers Licence - Adjournment Debate 2507 Smoky Vehicle Reporting Program 11889 Stamp Duty - Petition 696 Theft Railway Stations 9618 Three-strikes Law 7475 MOTT INQUIRY See “Education” 116 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

MOZAMBIQUE RULE Council Abolition 6300, 6459 Effectiveness in WA 13352 MT GIBSON PTY LTD See “Ports and Harbours - Geraldton Port Authority” MT ROMANCE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Assembly Statement by Member for Albany 12853 MULLEWA Assembly Aboriginal Children’s Behaviour - Resourcing 12460 Council Breaking and Entering and Vandalism Incidents - Crime Statistics 12291 Statement by Hon Frank Hough 12152 MULTANOVAS See “Police” MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY see “Health” MURPHY INTEREST Council Petition 537 MURPHY, MR GARTH See “Disability Services” MUSARRI, MR See “Royal Commission Into Whether There Has Been Any Corrupt or Criminal Conduct by Western Australian Police Officers MUSEUMS Assembly North West - Funding 5514, 5515 Regional Social History Museum, Bunbury - Grievance 8938 WA Museum 6038, 8147; Statement by Member for Kingsley 8306 Council WA Museum 5052, 8362, 8674 MUSTAC, DR See “Health” MY EXPLANATION See “Joppek, Mr Phil” N NARROWS BRIDGE See “Roads” NATHAN DREW MEMORIAL TRUST FOR COASTAL SAFETY Assembly Statement by Member for Albany 13515 NATIONAL COMPETITION COUNCIL Assembly Deregulation of Hours 8503, 12689 Liquor Licensing Act Review 13524 Proposed Penalty - Statement by Premier 12679 Tabling of Documents 12615 Threat to Payments 12061, 12204 Standing Orders Suspension 12470; Question to be Put 12472 Motion 12472 Council Council of Australian Governments Communique 11175 Directive - Non-compliance 4200 Judge, Ms Petrice 14635 Legislative Reviews 12014 Liquor Licensing Guidelines 4956, 5408, 13346 Policy Agreements - Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 11608 Potato Marketing in Western Australia - Funding Implications 5021 Role and Implementation of Policy 4395 Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 10926 NATIONAL PARTY Assembly New MetroRail - Cost Claims 8005 NATIONAL WAGE CASE See “Industrial Relations” NATIVE TITLE See also “Aborigines” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 117

NATIVE TITLE (continued) Assembly Abolition - Implications 281 Agreements and Litigation 4102 Applications - South West Region - Statement by Treasurer 5331 Burrup Peninsula - Agreement Details 10026, 10027 Combined Metropolitan Working Group’s Application - Statement by Deputy Premier 9083 Martu Determination 10030; Statement by Acting Premier 1458 Metropolitan Area and South West - Statement by Deputy Premier 4815 Mining Tenements - Validity 401 Miriuwung-Gajerrong People - Statement by Deputy Premier 5824 Representative Bodies Funding - Statement by Treasurer 5561 Pressure to Deliver Results 2271 Technical Task Force - Cost 9311 Wongatha Native Title Application - Statement by Deputy Premier 9229 Council Act Impediment to Land Access 2760 Review 2478, 2915 Burrup Peninsula Affidavits 2480 Agreement Details 9585, 9846, 13124, 13141 Approvals 549, 3171 Assessment of Impact of Emissions 4298 Management Plan for Non-industrial Land 8671, 9020 Native Title Claimants 6282 Tabling of Agreement 5771, 6304 Use of Intercourse Islands or Maitland for Industrial Purposes 4299 West Intercourse Island - Impediments to Development 5779 Claims - Statistics 1736 Combined Metropolitan Working Group’s Application - Mediation 10803 Derby-West Kimberley Shire 10788 Exploration and Mining Title Applications - Heritage Surveys and Agreements 873 Kununurra - Claims 10785 Legislation - Amendments 548 Litigation 1043, 2510 Mindi Mindi Aboriginal Corporation - Bungle Bungle National Park Decision 1004 Office of Budget 241, 348; Adjournment Debate 269 Funding 462, 860 Pilbara - Alcohol Consumption 4448, 4452 Pilbara Termination of Proceedings in National Native Title Tribunal 8671, 9020 Up-front Payment 8395 Portman Iron Ore Ltd - Statement by Hon John Fischer 14202 Wand Report - Recommendations 4028 Western Australian Aboriginal Native Title Working Group - Attendance at ALP State Conference 43, 164 Yaburarra and Mardudhunera Claim 9847 NATURAL HERITAGE TRUST See “Environment” NEAGU, MS See “Community Development - Department” NEESHAM, MR HARRY See “Workers Compensation - WorkCover WA” NEGO KIM Assembly State Coroner’s Finding - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11378 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH COMMITTEES See “Crime” NEIL, MR JACK Assembly Statement by Member for Eyre 11777 NETHERWAY, MS DONNA See “Disability Services” 118 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

NETTLES, SENATOR Council Statement by Hon Bruce Donaldson 12670 NEWCREST MINING LTD See “Mining” NEWDEGATE AND DOWERIN FIELD DAYS Council Adjournment Debate 731, 870, 1036 NILGIN SERVICE CO LTD See “Water Resources” NINGALOO REEF See “Coral Bay” NOALIMBA RECREATION CAMP See “Sport and Recreation” NORRISH, MRS SANCHIA See “Hospitals - Royal Perth” NORTHBRIDGE CURFEW See “Crime” NORTHBRIDGE TUNNEL See “Roads” NORTH WEST SHELF PROJECT See “Industrial Development” NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS Council Response Measures 4397, 4526 NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES (PROHIBITION) BILL 2002 Council Introduction and First Reading 1144 Second Reading 1144, 7807 Enactment - Petition 6289 Impact on Mining and Exploration Leases 4367 Introduction and Purpose 246 Mining of Uranium 1563 Prohibition on Uranium Mining from Leases 350 Statement by Hon Giz Watson 7833 NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS Council Prohibition Legislation 164 Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 7835 NUCLEAR WASTE Assembly Importation into Western Australia - Petitions 879, 12327 Storage Facility - Petition 1053 NUCLEAR WASTE STORAGE (PROHIBITION) ACT Council Loopholes in Legislation 42 NUCLEAR WASTE STORAGE (PROHIBITION) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9857 Second Reading 9857, 12338 Consideration in Detail 12346-12451, 12601, 12602, 12615-12623 Referral to Select Committee 12451, 12482, 12600 Amendment to Motion 12458, 12482 Question to be Put 12481 Third Reading 12629 Council Receipt and First Reading 12637 Second Reading 12637 NUFARM LTD See “Waste Disposal” NUNGARIN BUSINESS COMMUNITY Assembly Letter to Minister for State Development 3090 NURSES See “Health” NURSES AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 2655 Second Reading 2655, 3484, 3501, 3510, 3798 Appropriations 3476 Consideration in Detail 3803-3823 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 119

NURSES AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Assembly (continued) Third Reading 3824 Returned 5847 Council’s Amendments 5889-5891 Assent 6608 Council Receipt and First Reading 3896 Second Reading 3897, 5639 Committee 5652-5657 Report 5658 Third Reading 5658 Assembly’s Message 5928 Assent 6543 NYLANDER, MR OWEN See “Disability Services” O OATHS, AFFIDAVITS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14290 Second Reading 14290 OATHS, AFFIDAVITS AND STATUTORY DECLARATIONS (CONSEQUENTIAL PROVISIONS) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 14291 Second Reading 14291 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Assembly Alcohol and Other Drugs in the Workplace - Guidance Note 14984 Building Industry - New Safety Rules 11676 Crane Industry Review - Industries Covered 11562 Elevated Work Platforms - Safety Regulations 10166 Environmental Tobacco Smoke in Workplace 9146, 9793 Government Contracts 9773; Personal Explanation by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 10827 Longer Working Hours - Review - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 8278 “Safetyline” Magazine 9143 Seating in Workplaces - Statement by Member for Rockingham 4101 Smoke-free Enclosed Public Places - Review 7886, 7887 Tetrahydrocannabinol - Acceptable Level of Impairment in the Workplace 9792 Work-related Deaths Number 8522 Brookton - Record Fine 11535 Work-related Injuries - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 6675 Workplace Bullying - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 5682 Council Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2003 - Disallowance 10101, 10118 Smoke-free Workplaces - Government’s Policy 9628 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT 1984 Assembly Review - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 3477 Council Parliament House 11208 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 4591 Assent 4591 Council Second Reading 4534 Third Reading 4537 Assent 4887 120 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

OCEAN GARDENS (INC.) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12743 Second Reading 12743, 13816 Third Reading 13823 Council Receipt and First Reading 13847 Second Reading 13847 O’CONNOR, MR JOHN See “Building Industry - Builders Registration Board” O’DONNELL, MRS ANNE Assembly Churchill Scholarship - Statement by Member for Wagin 9416 OFFSHORE MINERALS BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 6035 Council’s Amendments 6203 Assent 7034 Council Cognate Debate 5921 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5921 Committee 5924-5927 Report 5928 Third Reading 5928 Assembly’s Message 6088 Assent 6943 OFFSHORE MINERALS (CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENTS) BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 6035 Assent 7034 Council Cognate Debate 5921 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5921 Committee 5928 Report 5928 Third Reading 5928 Assent 6943 OFFSHORE MINERALS (REGISTRATION FEES) BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 6035 Assent 7034 Council Cognate Debate 5921 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5921 Committee 5928 Report 5928 Third Reading 5928 Assent 6943 OIL MALLEE COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA LTD See “Agriculture” OKELY, MRS RONA Assembly Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 3635 OLYMPIC GAMES See “Sport and Recreation” OMBUDSMAN, OFFICE OF THE See “Parliamentary Commissioner for Administrative Investigations” OMEX SITE See “Pollution” ONION WEED See “Agriculture” ONSLOW SEAWALL Council Reconstruction 3292 OPERATION MINOTAUR See “Agriculture” OPTIMUM RESOURCES See “Mining” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 121

ORD RIVER See “Agriculture” OVINE JOHNE’S DISEASE See “Agriculture” OWEN, MR RAYMOND CECIL, MLA Assembly Condolence Motion 4549 P PAEDOPHILES See “Community Development” PALMER, JEFF AND GAIL See “Fisheries” PALMER, MR NATHAN See “Disability Services” PANIZZA, MR DARRELL See “Sport and Recreation” PARKER, HON JUSTICE KEVIN Assembly Statement by Attorney General 13487 PARKER, MR RON Council Australian Interaction Consultants - Ethnographic Survey 14636, 14712 PARKERVILLE CHILDREN’S HOME See “Community Development” PARKS AND RESERVES Assembly Alfred Cove - Reserves Sold or Leased 228 Beeliar Regional Park Management Plan 14980 Roe Highway Construction 4561 Bold Park - Capital Funding Allocations and Operational Budget 1758 Canning National Park - Statement by Member for Roleystone 14249 - Turtle Conservation Licence 14982 Crown Land Surrounding Sussex Location 4443, Scott River - Management 14552 Drummond Nature Reserve - Freshwater Claypan Wetlands 13201 National Park - Controlled Camp Fires - Petition 2171 Freshwater and Marine Fish and Crustaceans - Definition as Wildlife 14542 Greater Preston National Park - Illegal Tree Felling 8344 Ludlow National Park - Arum Lily Control 5897 Management Plans - Agency Responsible 14555 Mt Sandiman Station - Incorporation of Section into National Park 14571 National Parks and Nature Reserves Commitment to Spend $25 Million 5896 Transfer to Aboriginal Groups 11257 Ningaloo Marine Park CALM’s Responsibility 815 Damage from Mooring and Anchoring Activities 819 Turtle Conservation Licence 5583, 14982 Peel Regional - Management 2993 Pickering Brook National Park - Statement by Member for Roleystone 14249 Regional Parks - Small Grants Program 3231 - Inclusion of Wellington Discovery Forest 7406 - Controlled Burning 10637 Yellagonga Regional Park - Final Management Plan 824 Council Beeliar Regional Park - Management Plan 11888 Bungle Bungle National Park - Mindi Mindi Aboriginal Corporation 1004 - Fires 3339 Conservation Reserves - Transferring Ownership to Indigenous Persons 13349 D’Entrecasteaux National Park - Waste Water Discharge from Lactanz Dairy Farm 4057 East Kimberley Nature Reserves - Stray Livestock 11494 Gascoyne-Murchison Region - Goats - Damage 12016 Jurien Bay Marine Park Order 2003 - Motion for Disallowance 14663 Karijini National Park Vandalism of Indigenous Rock Art at Cathedral Pool 9080 Yampire Gorge Road 4366 Kojonup Location 9212 - Amendment of Class A Reserve 1736 - Motion for Disallowance 14020, 14689 122 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PARKS AND RESERVES (continued) Council (continued) Marine Parks and Reserves Authority Advice to Government 7184 Dr Barry Wilson - Conflict of Interest 350, 462, 702, 1002, 1257, 1454, 1657, 3026, 3434, 3440, 4198, 5019, 5048, 5190, 6952, 7448 Minutes of Meeting 3433 Neerabup National Park Acquisition of Privately-owned Land 6299, 8398, 8414, 8579 Bush Forever Site 383 8578 Point Spring Nature Reserve - Fencing of Boundaries 12922, 13912 Prohibition on Mineral and Petroleum Exploration and Mining 11883, 12025 Scott River National Park - Inclusion of Reserves 13858 Tuart Forest National Park - Management Plan 4364 Wyndham-East Kimberley, Shire of - Town Reserves 740 PARLIAMENT Assembly Premises Rented or Leased 6041 Prorogation - Statement by Leader of the House 9227 Regional - Albany Sitting - Motion 14057 Sitting Hours 1468 Staff - Driver Fatigue Due to Sitting Hours 6813 Council Opening - Visitors Welcomed 1 Parliamentary Services Department - Record-keeping Plan - Statement by President 4182 Prorogation - Statement by Leader of the House 9149 PARLIAMENT HOUSE Assembly Allocation of Smoking Room 12909 Centenary Celebrations 7516 Council Bropho, Mr Robert - Removal from Front of Building 9022 Northern Elevation and Ext ensions - Plans - Statement by President 2315 Occupational Safety and Health Act 11208 Security Upgrade - Statement by Hon Christine Sharp 10255 Smoking Locations - Statements Hon Dee Margetts 12272 President 12386 PARLIAMENTARY ADOPTION SCHEME See “Disability Services” PARLIAMENTARY COMMISSIONER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATIONS Assembly Amalgamation with Office of the Information Commissioner 12199, 12318, 12319 Matter of Public Interest 12327 Recommendation on Compensation - Rejection by Attorney General 8602 PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL’S OFFICE Council Legislative Drafting Professionals 14637 PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGE See “Members of Parliament” PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES See “Ministers of the Crown” PARLIAMENTARY SERVICES COMMITTEE Council Membership - Assembly’s Message 445 PAROLE SYSTEM See “Justice, Department of” PASPALEY PEARLING COMPANY PTY LTD See “Fisheries - Pearl Farm Lease” PASTORAL LEASES Assembly Gascoyne Muster, Carnarvon - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11898 Improvements 10880 Mt Sandiman Station - Incorporation of Section into National Park 14571 Pastoral Lands Board Membership 10880 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 123

PASTORAL LEASES (continued) Assembly (continued) Pastoral Lands Board (continued) Robson, Professor Alan - Chairman - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 8580 Reorganisation - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 3343 Council Aboriginal Interests - Number Held 14214 Aboriginal Living Areas - Establishment 6600 Aboriginal Pastoral Properties in Kimberley Region - Statement by Hon John Fischer 6460 Adjournment Debate 4484 Amendments to Exclusion Document 13024 Bulka - Excision of Land 6600 Derby-West Kimberley, Shire of - Pastoral Lease Exclusions 11053 El Questro Station - Excisions 10934 Excisions 6600, 6601, 6997 Exclusions - Freehold Land 10934 Feral Goats 4944, 11612 International Agreements and Covenants - Impact 13164 Kimberley - Sheep 710 Land Management Conditions 4944 Liveringa Station, Camballin - Land Clearing 11044, 11210 Livestock Straying onto East Kimberley Nature Reserves 11494 Meetings of Pastoral Working Groups - Pastoralists and Graziers Association Representative 6601 Mt Barnett Station 4024 Mt Gibson Station - Field Report on Endangered Flora 11879 Pastoral Industry Working Groups 2481 Rangeland Reports 12015 Reorganisation 3437; Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 3270 Windimurra Correspondence with Pastoral Lands Board 11372 Mining Leases and Exploration and Miscellaneous Licences 1806 Purchase by CALM 11880 Zadow, Mr Dale 5192, 5532, 7013, 8398, 11613 Working Groups - Members and Meetings 6602 Youanmi Downs Sandstone - Status 11602 PATERSON, FRASER See “Disability Services” PAYNE, MR ROGER See “Environmental Protection, Department of” PAY-ROLL TAX ASSESSMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Cognate Debate 3759 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 3760, 4268 Third Reading 4268 Assent 5759 PAY-ROLL TAX BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Cognate Debate 3759 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 3760, 4268 Third Reading 4268 Assent 5759 PC COP SYSTEM See “Police” PEMBERTON TRAMWAY COMPANY See “Roads” PENNY, MS NEILA See “Aborigines” PENTARCH FOREST PRODUCTS PTY LTD See “Forests and Forestry” PEOPLE WHO CARE See “Housing” 124 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PERTH AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN See “Pollution - Air” PERTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT See “Transport - Air” PERTH ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE See “Arts and Culture” PERTH INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR APPLICATION OF SOLAR ENERGY AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 4712 Second Reading 4712, 6143 Appropriations 5093 Consideration in Detail 6179, 6188 Third Reading 6188 Council Receipt and First Reading 6262 Second Reading 6263, 6968 Statement by Hon Robin Chapple 7321 PERTH-MANDURAH RAILWAY See “Railways - Southern Rail Link” PETERS AND BROWNES GROUP See “Agriculture - Milk Prices” PETITIONS Council President’s Ruling 337 PHOENIX See “Health” PHYSICAL ACTIVITY TASKFORCE See “Health” PICKETT, MR ALLISTAIR See “” PIG, POTATO AND POULTRY INDUSTRIES (COMPENSATION LEGISLATION) REPEAL BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 13497 Second Reading 13498 PINETEC PTY LTD See “Forests and Forestry” PIT STOP PROGRAM See “Health” PKK ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE PTY LTD See “Industrial Development - Karratha” PLANNING See also “Coral Bay”, “Heritage - Duncraig House” and “Port Kennedy” Assembly Appeals Meetings - Number, Time Limit and Cancellation 4683 Baldivis - Property Purchases 13549 Broome, Shire of - Renal Dialysis Outpatient Hostel in Residential Area 8074 Bunbury, City of - Town Planning Scheme - Delay in Approval 4645 Burns Beach Lot 2 6541; Petition 2524 Bushplan-Bush Forever 4655, 4666 Busselton - Old Court House Complex 8077 Canning Highway - Reservation on Southern Side between Causeway and Canning Bridge 9715 Coastal Erosion - Grievance 5337 Coastal Planning - Community Involvement 4687 Coastal Planning and Land Use Strategies 13308 Coastal Zone Council - Independent Chairperson 4688 Coastwest Grants Program - Funding 13308 Commission Maylands Boatyard Pty Ltd - Lease 1764-1766, 4630-4635, 8072 Raffles Hotel Site - Unlawful Actions 6186 Dawesville Channel - Sand Bypass System 8502 Dialogue with the City 11111, 11255; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 8436 Donaldson and Warn - Report on Study into Creation of Civic Square 10565 East Perth Redevelopment Authority 12379; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13192 Exmouth Marina Village - Impact of Government Investment on Ningaloo Reef Resort 2997 Greater Bunbury Region Scheme - Grievance 12170 Heathcote Site 512, 513, 7103. 13839; Petition 65 Hillview Hospital Site - Future Use 2311 Industrial Sites Review - Geraldton 14257 Karel Avenue Bushland - Grievance 11083 Kwinana Town Planning Scheme Amendment No 76 - Delays 12377 Leighton Beach Development - Expansion - Community Consultation 12810 Location 413 Smiths Beach - Tourism and Residential Development 4642 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 125

PLANNING (continued) Assembly (continued) Lot 30231 Canning Location 32 - Petition 2525 Mabel Talbot Park and Henderson Park Reserves - Grievance 3200 Maddington and Kenwick - Urban Renewal Partnership - Statement by Member for Roleystone 13807 Major and Minor Amendments - Criteria for Determination 4691 Mauds Landing Development Coral Coast Marina Development Pty Ltd Government Announcement - Travel Costs of Ministerial Staff 12225 Legality of Decision 11700, 11779, 11902, 12202 Future Directions - Statement by Premier 11499 Impact of Government Investment in Exmouth Marina Village 2997 Minis ter’s Biased View 4103 Ningaloo Advertising Campaign 9877 Petition 5091 Rejection Decision - Motion 9895 Maylands Boatyard Pty Ltd 1764-1766, 4630-4635, 8072 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendments Clarkson-Butler Amendment - Statement by Min ister for Planning and Infrastructure 11617 Fremantle Eastern Bypass Fremantle Land Resumptions 13697 Hearings Committee Report 13606 History of Project 402 Matter of Public Interest 13614; Amendment to Motion 13621 Motion 413 Motion for Disallowance 14108 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13367 Traffic Management 13525 Gnangara Water Mound - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13605 No 5 - South East District Omnibus - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 1459 No 1016/33 - Western Suburbs Omnibus Amendment No 3 - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 2163 No 1019/33 - Townsites in Stoneville and Parkerville - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 2654 No 1037/33 - North West Districts Omnibus Amendment No 5 - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 2161 No 1038/33 - Thomsons Lake Regional Centre - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 1460 No 1039/33 - Victoria Quay, Port of Fremantle - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 15 No 1040/33 - Tapper Road, Banjup - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 67 No 1041/33 - South West Districts Omnibus (No 5) - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 68 Nos 1043/33, 1044/33 and 1049/33 - Statement by Leader of the House on behalf of Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 12822 No 1054/33 - Western Power Depot, Belmont - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5823 No 1055/33 - Fremantle Eastern Bypass - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 2918 No 1060/33A - Railway Works within a Road Reservation 915, 916, 9305 Swan, City of - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 14056 Southern Rail Link 511, 605, 606; Personal Explanation by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 535 Mid West Region - Town Planning Schemes 10878 Mindarie Marina 2997; Grievance 12172 Mundijong Town Site - Town Planning Scheme Amendment 4560; Grievance 5339 Murrah, Shire of - Town Planning Scheme No 4 Amendment No 157 8074 Newman - Community Dialogue Planning Initiative 10963 North East Corridor Extension Strategy - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 10640 126 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PLANNING (continued) Assembly (continued) North West Groyne Construction Programs 8123 Marina Programs 8113 Navigational Aids and Nautical Charts - Funding 8123 River Foreshore Development Programs 7265, 8114 Peel Region Scheme Changes 4644 Disallowance 4087, 4141 Statements Member for Mandurah 4853 Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 2352 Planning Appeals and Scheme Amendments - Number to be Determined 2385, 2386 Planning Ministers’ Conference, Adelaide - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 6334 Port Geographe - Groyne Field 9712; Grievance 5337 Port Hedland - Community Dialogue Planning Initiative 10963 Public Access Ways - Grievance 7851 Raffles Hotel Site Artist’s Impression 3353, 3500, 4110; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 3679 Construction of 17-storey Building 1051, 3092 Grievance 7335 Heritage Council and WA Planning Commission - Unlawful Actions 6186 Impact on Social Value 7103 Meeting 5090 Multiplex’s Drawings - Accuracy 4691 Petitions 4815, 8157 Redevelopment 4563 Residential Codes 5584, 5585 Rockingham Planning and Development Task Force - Staff and Costs 7948 Scarborough Senior High School Site 2275, 8728 Siesta Park - Coastal Erosion - Grievance 8932 Signature of Minister’s Delegate on Assignment of Lease Documents - Delay 14557 Stakehill Wetlands Precinct - Property Purchases 13549 Subiaco Redevelopment Authority - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13192 Sunset Hospital, Nedlands 1196, 11140; Petitions 6345, 7206, 8931, 9669, 11259 Swan River Foreshore - Petition 8157 Swanbourne Senior High School Site - Consultation 3229 Tourism Planning Task Force Report - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 9856 Media Release - Security Measures 3352 Town Planning Appeal Tribunal - Statements by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5221, 7656, 12314 Town Planning Scheme Amendments - Backlog 10677 WA Coastlines Document - Cost, Distribution, Purpose and Funding 11318 Wireless Hill Park Excision from Class A Reserve 29813 - Motion for Disallowance 14086, 14106, 14295 Grievance 11081 Petitions 10826, 11260, 11497, 13676 Woodcrest Rise, College Grove, Bunbury - Petition 11260 Council Absolon Street, Palmyra - Closure at Both Ends 13147 Ascot Waters Development, Belmont Environmental Approval 11836, 11839 Water Monitoring 14048 Augusta-Walpole Coastal Strategy - Consultancy Tender 12147 Beaches - South Metropolitan Area - Impact of Population Growth 3470 Burns Beach Lot 2 5956, 6082, 7837, 8414, 8412; Statement by Hon Giz Watson 6089 Burns Beach Property Trust - Appeal 1567 Bushplan-Bush Forever 1737, 1839, 6327 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 127

PLANNING (continued) Council (continued) Canal Rocks Pty Ltd versus Shire of Busselton - Consultation 10488 Certificate of Title Volume 1138, Folio 74 - Temopolous Family 1839 Clontarf Hill - Transfer of Management to City of Fremantle 10814 Denmark - Pedestrian Access Way 552 Developer Contributions to Infrastructure Costs Associated with Land Development 12553 Dialogue with the City - Statement by Hon Louise Pratt 11371 Egerton Estate, Ellenbrook - Boundary Extension 1966 Fitzroy Crossing 10788, 11054 Fremantle-Rockingham Controlled Access Highway - Beeliar Regional Park, Cockburn 42 Garland International Pty Ltd Report 9360 Gingin Coast Structure Plan 12926 Hampton Location 135, Kalgoorlie - Granting of Freehold Title 4299 Heathcote Site 467, 2152, 4202, 4257, 4343, 4432, 6325; Petition 537 Hope Valley-Wattleup Redevelopment 5958, 7313, 10778 Kalgoorlie-Boulder - Freehold Lots 2154 Karratha - PKK Environment and Infrastructure Pty Ltd - Report 10935 Kununurra 1452, 10784, 10933 Land in Certificate of Title Volume 1138, Folio 74 - Purchase by WA Planning Commission 348 Leeuwin-Naturaliste Statement of Planning Policy - Smiths Beach 2601 Lendich, Mr Vladimir - Bullsbrook Land 11054 Lennard Brook Easement, Gingin 9972 Lot 502 Sudlow and Phoenix Roads, Bibra Lake - Subdivision 2910 Lot 587 Herbert Street, Broome 13004 Lot 1409 Huntingdale Road, Huntingdale - Rezoning 1453 Lots 293 to 296 Eedle Tce, Bridgetown 3438 Lots 595 and 596 Stakehill Swamp 11177 Mangles Bay, Rockingham - Marina Proposal 4905 Margaret River - WA Planning Commission’s Inquiry by Design 36 Mauds Landing Development Adjournment Debate 4237 Advertising Campaign 9581, 10117 Advice to Government 5529, 7184 Appeals Process 11598 Australian Wildlife Conservancy 4251, 4338; Adjournment Debate 4354 Commercial Conflicts of Interest 4392, 4446 Coral Coast Marina Development Pty Ltd Advice Prior to Crown Solicitor’s Advice 12265, 12429 Appeals Committee Composition 11045 Agreement with Government 1675 Carew-Hopkins, Mr Derek 3726, 3866, 4023, 4198 Crown Solicitor’s Advice 12002, 12551; Personal Explanation by Hon Norman Moore 12103 Solicitor’s Advice - Statement by Leader of the House 12103 Economic and Social Benefits of Proposal 10745, 11204, 12161, 12569, 14769 Environmental Protection Authority’s Advice 10111, 12551, 13166, 13913, 13914 Environmental Risks and Management Needs 11038, 12569 Legality of Decision 12285, 12286, 12430 Letter from EPA 10246, 10360 Meetings 4392, 4446, 4525 Minister’s Appeal 3284 Premier’s Decision on Appeals 12140, 12430 Request for Reports on Appeals 12921 Statements by Hon Norman Moore 12149, 12271 Viability 4024 Gascoyne Development Commission 2601 Meetings 4392, 4398, 4525, 6080 Minister’s Biased View 3433, 3440, 3608, 4434 Minister’s Support 2479 Ningaloo Advertising Campaign 9843 Premier’s Open Letter 9581, 10263 128 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PLANNING (continued) Council (continued) Mauds Landing Development (continued) Premier’s Trip to Coral Bay 9968 Rejection Decision 9842 Motion 9949 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 10094 Statements by Hon Norman Moore 6591, 11604, 12010, 12012 Urgency Motion 4182 Viability 4024 Wilson, Dr Barry 349, 350, 462, 702, 1002, 1257, 1454, 1657, 3026, 3433, 3434, 4198, 5019, 5048, 5190, 6952, 7448 Written Decision 9969 Maylands Boatyard Pty Ltd 1138, 5314 Melville, City of - Lot Sizes 12558 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendments Clarkson-Butler Amendment - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 11822 Fremantle Eastern Bypass - Correction of Answer 14779 No 5 - South East District Omnibus - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 1405 No 992/33 - Clarkson-Butler - Disallowance 14820 No 992/33 - Lot 2 Burns Beach 1533 No 1016/33 - Western Suburbs Omnibus Amendment No 3 - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 2109 No 1019/33 - Townsites in Stoneville and Parkerville Disallowance 5789 Postponement of Consideration 5761 Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 2590 No 1020/33 - Egerton Estate, Ellenbrook 553 No 1028/33 - South East Districts Omnibus (No 5) - Disallowance 4457 No 1037/33 - North West Districts Omnibus Amendment No 5 - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 2110 No 1038/33 - Thomsons Lake Regional Centre - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 1406 No 1039/33 - Victoria Quay, Port of Fremantle - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 33, 10076 No 1040/33 - Tapper Road, Banjup - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 32 No 1041/33 - South West Districts Omnibus (No 5) - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 32 No 1043/33 - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 12911 No 1044/33 - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 12911 No 1048/33 - Addition to Urban Zoning West Parade, South Guildford - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 14149 No 1049/33 - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 12911 No 1054/33 - Western Power Depot, Belmont - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 5761 No 1055/33 - Fremantle Eastern Bypass 5055 Deletion 865 Personal Explanation 2861 Statements Leader of the House 13331 Parliamentary Secretary 2851 Hon Ken Travers 13355 Submission Period 5196 Tabling of Documents 13350, 14194, 14195 Opposition 6325 Roe Highway Stage 8 865 Southern Rail Link 1415, 1805 Mindarie Marina - Zoning 2249 Moore River Estuary Development 12006; Petition 8347 Nicholson and Thornlie Roads Railway Station Precincts - Study of Land Use and Transport Integration 464 Peel Region Scheme Adjournment Debate 5558 Disallowance 5537 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 129

PLANNING (continued) Council (continued) Peel Region Scheme (continued) Statements by Minister for Racing and Gaming 2315, 13109, 13576 Perth Airport - Aircraft Noise Forecasts - Maniana 863 Planning Control Area No 75 - Lot 7 Absolon Street and Stock Road, Palmyra - Upgrading 12926 Port Catherine Project 2153, 8396, 9560, 12039 Port Hedland - Coastal Management Plan 2911 Public Open Space - New Residential Developments 1169 Pyrton Site 8363, 9624 Railway Reserves - Reclassification under MRS 5969 Riverslea Gardens, Margaret River - Subdivision Approval 3292 Rockingham Foreshore - Height Restrictions on Buildings 863 Rockingham Marina - Government’s Support 14609 Scarborough Senior High School Site - Future Use 14775 Separation Point Marine Precinct 8577, 9634 Shark Lake Industrial Site, Esperance 11209 Smiths Beach Development - Number of Units and Sites Approved 13357 South Beach Urban Development Cockburn-Fremantle Buffer Zone 12046 Landfill 8413, 8576 Methane Gas Trap 9622 Petition 11960 Remediation of Off-site Contamination 9625 Site Remediation and Validation Report 8425, 13366 South West Metropolitan Corridor - Recreational Needs 7458 Stakehill Rural Landowners Group - Land in Baldivis 10247, 11208 Sunset Hospital, Nedlands Future 552 Petitions 3713, 7271 Return from Development 1007 Steering Committee 3471, 3472 Telephone Survey 10246 Zoning 466 Sussex Locations 2143, 2144, 2149, 2150, 2153 and Lots 14 and 15 Margaret River - Rezoning 3177 Swanbourne Senior High School Site - Public Housing 3613 Tourism Planning Task Force Report - Statement by Hon Adele Farina 9850 Town Planning and Development (Appeal) Regulations 2003 - Schedule 1 of the Fees - Disallowance - Order Discharged 11007 Town Planning Appeal Tribunal - BGC (Australia) Pty Ltd - Hearing Process 13081 Town Planning Scheme Amendments - Kununurra and Environs 10783 WA Planning Commission Membership 7453, 7461, 13862 Power of Minister to Direct 11478 Wattleup - Reduction of Population 10939 William Street Bridge - Demolition 9846, 9975 Wireless Hill Park Excision from Class A Reserve 29813 - Motion for Disallowance 14706 Land Excision 9973, 10363, 10748, 10922, 12437, 12669 Petitions 9926, 10055, 10327, 10735, 12634, 12968 Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 11320 Redevelopment 9584 Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 12013 Tabling of Document 11045 Woodman Point-South Fremantle Coastline - Zoning 3633 Wyndham-East Kimberley, Shire of - Reserve 41812 Planning Approvals Inconsistent with Town Planning Scheme 13028, 13895 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE, DEPARTMENT FOR Assembly Auditor General’s Report - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 12681 Enforcement of Lease Conditions 8074 130 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE, DEPARTMENT FOR (continued) Assembly (continued) Recognition by the Planning Institute of Australia - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 6676 Road Transport Section Investigations - Fuel Tanker Truck Rollover Accidents 9308 Web Site - Updating 10873 Council International Hydrogen Conference, Broome - Funding 6328 PLANNING APPEALS AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 609 Council’s Amendments 753-759 Assent 1568 Council Committee 253-268, 360-372, 456-461, 469; Deputy Chairman’s Rulings 254, 458 Report 470 Third Reading 470 Assembly’s Message 837 Assent 1521 Adjournment Debate 268 PLANT PESTS AND DISEASES (ERADICATION FUNDS) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 894 Second Reading 895, 1904 Appropriations 1202 Remaining Stages 1906 Returned 2361 Assent 2525 Council Receipt and First Reading 1835 Second Reading 2243; Deputy President’s Ruling 2244 Third Reading 2246 Assent 2467 PLANT PESTS AND DISEASES (ERADICATION FUNDS) AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 11380 Second Reading 11380, 12175 Remaining Stages 12178 Returned 12706 Assent 12864 Council Receipt and First Reading 12147 Second Reading 12147, 12638 Remaining Stages 12641 Assent 12911 PLASTIC BAGS See “Environment” POISON 10,80 See “Agriculture” POLICE See also “Crime”, “Mickelberg Case” and “Royal Commission Into Whether There Has Been Any Corrupt or Criminal Conduct by Western Australian Police Officers” Assembly 48 Positions Available for Redeployment 4644 Accidental Shooting of Maintenance Worker 13268 Act - Review 982 Albany - New Complex 7881 Attendance at the Gathering of the Eagles 14522 Audit of Training Procedures and Equipment 12811 Australind Station - Upgrade - Petition 3785 Ballajura Station - Petitions 3909, 6791 Belmont Station - Number of Officers 1629 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 131

POLICE (continued) Assembly (continued) Bikie Gangs DNA Profiling - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 879 Failure to Wear Helmets 3781 Budget - Breakdown of Items 14527 Building Industry Special Projects Inspectorate - Draft Memorandum of Understanding with Police Service 1761 Bunbury Rapid Response Squad 12609, 12610 CADCOM Project - Abandonment of Part of System 4637 Carnarvon - Antisocial Behaviour - Petition 12445 Child Sex Offenders Register - National Approach 2820 CityNEX Camera Surveillance System 11396 Civilian Police Service Employees - Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 3093 Clairvoyants - Use 3987 Claremont Station - Closure 14349 Clarkson Station - Closure 11783 Clearance Fees - Waiving in Cases of Hardship 9715 Community Operations - Motion 4758 Coolgardie Station - APLO Numbers 11434, 14485 Crime Fighting Success 8891 Crime Stoppers - Advertisement on Drug Dealer Phone-in Day 4558, 4559 Crowd Control Licences 4665, 13270 Custody Escapes, Deaths and Suicides 10701 Number of Escapees 6235 DMR Consulting Pty Ltd - Cost 13267 DNA Testing Back-capture Program 918 Home Burglary and Sexual Assault 4859 National Approach 2820 Number and Dates of Samples 14919 Outlaw Bikie Gangs - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 879 Processing of Samples 13261 Sex and Drug Offenders 26 Staff Nu mbers 11677 Success of Program 7679 Dog Squads - Number and Cost 13423 Drink-driving - Christmas Anti-drink Driving Campaign - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 2918 Driving Offences - Confiscation of Motor Vehicles 9746 Drug-impaired Drivers 13523 Drug Bust 5088 Family Violence - Reports to Department for Community Development 9089 Firearms - Number 9713 Flying Squads - Establishment 666 Fremantle Officer Numbers 9794, 11561 Staff 12685 Full-time Equivalents - Shortfall 13425 Functional Review Taskforce - Cancellation of AIMS Contract 4744 Gang Violence - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 7514 Glock Pistols Accidental Discharges 6337, 8313, 8315, 9750, 11001 Instructions for Use and Storage 13259 Goldfields-Esperance - Budget 1513, 13259 Government’s Pre-election Promises - Motion 14089 Great Northern Highway between Muchea and Wubin - Patrols 12375 Informants - Number 4156 IVIS Technology - Use 8517 Joondalup 3986, 14500, 14501, 14521 Kalgoorlie-Boulder Station 1513, 2994, 3711, 13259, 11434, 14485 132 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

POLICE (continued) Assembly (continued) Kensington Police Complex - Flags Displayed 1514 Kiara Station - Services and Opening Times 7596 Laverton and Warburton Stations 12378 Lost Man-hours Due to Changes in Court Times and Cancellation of Cases 8073, 12379 Loud Music from Motor Vehicles - Noise Abatement Powers 9743 Major Sporting Events - Allocation of Resources 9743 Menzies Station - Petitions 5835, 5977, 6131, 6791, 7032 Metropolitan Railway System 11434 Midland Station 10031, 12881, 13269, 13426 Moora Visit - Brick Presentations to Premier 13193, 13194 Motorists - Testing for Drugs 12326 Mullewa Station - 44-hour Week 3847 Multanovas Burrows, Mr Ian 664 Country Roads 8001 Locations 4623, 9720 Revenue - Road Safety Initiatives 7028, 7361, 8000 Review of Placement Criteria - Motion 13421 Tabling of List of Expenditure of Revenue 7028 National Automated Fingerprint Identification System 12608 Newman Station - Replacement 9875 North Metropolitan District - RADAR Model 4160 Northam Station - Grievance 5685 Numbers - Increase 12808 Occupational Safety and Health Audit 12376 Offence and Clearance Statistics - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 14054 Officers Charges of Assaulting 686 Legal Representation 1712 Number 1515, 3711, 3712, 4660, 13424; Matter of Public Interest 7887 Overtime Payments 8500 Pay Claim 10588 Private Firearm Ownership 7595 Rates of Pay 10498 Recruitment 7361 Regional and Remote Locations 12066 Stress Leave 3984 Unprofessional Conduct - Penalties 5723 Overtime - Cost 10680 Owner-onus Legislation - Proclamation 8117 Pay Dispute Enterprise Bargaining Negotiations - Statement by Premier 11497 Matter of Public Interest 10967 Newspaper Advertisement 10961, 10962 Opposition’s Pay Offer 11108 Petition 11259 Premier’s Comments 10960 Resolution 10820, 10821 Porter, Mr Kingsley, Deputy Commissioner (Administration), APM - Retirement - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 1458 Prosecutions - Reassessment by Special Interagency Unit 7029 Records of Occupations of People Arrested 7596 Recruits - Number and Duties 13262 Red-light Cameras 7028, 7361, 11005 Redundancies for Civilian Administration Positions 3091 Regional and Remote Areas 11905 Reid Highway-Altone Road, Beechboro - Fatal Accident - Failure of Traffic Lights 5830 Response Times for Priority Offences 12377 Royal Commission Legal Representation for Police Officers 1712 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 133

POLICE (continued) Assembly (continued) Royal Commission (continued) Mr Lewandowski’s Evidence 1866 Sworn Officers Stood Down 8929 Scarborough Beach Car Park - Grievance 12829; Statement by Member for Innaloo 12602 School Crossing Attendants - Travel Allowance 10051 School Crossing and Traffic Wardens - Review 4107, 4108 School Truants - Powers 3711 Section 8 Dismissals - Reform 88 Speeding Offenders - Confiscation of Vehicles 10591 Squads and Units - Names and Purposes 14958 Staff Resignations, Retirements and Dismissals 14969 Stations Closure or Downgrading 4560 Notice of Motion - Removal from Notice Paper - Statement by Deputy Speaker 13614 Interview Rooms and Holding Cells 1514 Number of Stations and Holding Cells 3710 Officer Numbers 3709, 11625, 11627 Percentage Operating Below Authorised Strength 11696, 11697, 11782, 11783 Swan Valley Nyungah Community - Guard or Patrol 14486 Tactical Response Group - Transport by Aircraft 3980 Telephone Calls to Police Stations 8968 Terrorist Threat - Lack of Resources 3345, 3346 Traffic Accidents - Criterion for Reporting to Police 8854 Traffic Management and Road Safety Budget - Underspending 8003, 8183 Vehicle Pursuits - Guidelines 14522 Vehicle Searches - Legislative Authority 9751 Vehicles Prohibition on Officers Taking Vehicles Home 3708 Purchase from States and Territories 3989 Vio lence Restraining Orders - Enforcement - Seizure of Firearms 10719 Volunteers - Checks at Reduced Rates 10962 Warburton 12810 Warnbro Shooting Incident 10280-10282; Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 10158 Warren-Blackwood Stations - Petitions 7207, 7525, 8008, 8277 Western Australia-Northern Territory Agreement - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 12446 Yalgoo, Shire of - Aboriginal Police Liaison Officer 2391 Council Aircraft - Authority to Carry Dangerous Goods 1418 Anti-terrorist Measures - Additional Staff 4254 Augusta Station - Staffing 12286, 12430 CADCOM Project - Adverse Report by Auditor General 12555 Cannabis Charges and Cautions 7309 Custodial Sentences for Convictions 10942 Child Protection and Family Violence Officers - Appointment 12924 Corporate Assistance 10771 Cue, Mt Magnet and Meekatharra - Staffing Levels 6082 Cyclists Riding on Roads Adjacent to Shared cycleways 10380 Derby 12552, 13018 DNA Testing - Budget Allocation 877 Drugs - Law Enforcement 7448 East Perth Station - Infringement Notice Booklets 3434 Firearms - Number 10249 Forrestfield Station 13010, 13119 Geraldton - Hours Worked by Officers 4933 Great Northern Highway Roadblock between Broome and Wilare Bridge 9972 Statement by Hon John Fischer 10377 134 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

POLICE (continued) Council (continued) Greer, Mr Arthur 2227, 3436, 6083, 7202 Joondalup - Police Presence at Council Meeting 14194 Kalamunda Station 13010, 13119 Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade - Officers Marching in Uniform 12432 Mason, Sharon - Murder 2227, 3436, 3731, 6083 Metropolitan Area 872, 4365 Mirrabooka - Report of Drug Dealing 7180 Mounted and Canine Sections - Funding 13117 Mullewa Station - Crime Statistics 12291 Multanovas Adjournment Debate 3060 Revenue - Road Safety Initiatives 3435 Speeding Fine Revenue and Road Deaths 3873, 4935 Multi-function Police Sites 14836 Non-metropolitan Districts - Staffing Levels 12432 North West Metropolitan District - Statistics 1804, 11174 Numbers South West 245 Western Australia 6283, 6958 Officers Active Duty - Number 13471; Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 13477 Annual and Long Service Leave 3066 Attrition Rate 13070 Hours Worked 4933 Number 4023 Recruitment 10938 Retiring - Annual and Long Service Leave 9056, 10771 Pay Dispute - Newspaper Advertisement 11038, 11173 PC Cop System 878 Pilbara District Police Office - Letter about Break-in at Cheeditha Community Aboriginal Group 9622 Plant Material Demonstration in Legislative Assembly - Inquiry 7826 Radar Detectors - Adjournment Debate 3060 Recruits - Number 6958 Red-light Cameras - Revenue - Road Safety Initiatives 3435 Resources - Number 4023 Royal Commission 14638, 14836; Adjournment Debates 1039, 2149 Scott, Detective Frank - Corruption Allegations 4957, 5050 Speakers’ Steps, Forrest Place - Recording of Information 5023 Stations - Unmanned 13010 Stock Stealing Squad 1417, 3024 Swan Valley Nyungah Community - Raid 4253 Teachers - Criminal Records Checks - Statement by Hon Alan Cadby 14204 Theft from Vehicles - Preventive Measures 5049 Traffic Accidents - Infringement Notices 7452 United States Warships - Protection - Cost 5969 POLICE AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3072 Second Reading 3072, 3916, 3933 Appropriations 3476 Consideration in Detail 3941-3946, 4080-4086 Third Reading 4086 Returned 5724 Assent 5834 Council Receipt and First Reading 4038 Second Reading 4038, 5421 Committee 5552, 5553 Report 5553 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 135

POLICE AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Third Reading 5553 Assent 5759 POLLUTION See also “Alcoa World Alumina Australia”, “Environment”, “Industrial Development” and “Waste Disposal” Assembly Acid Sulfate Soil Problems 10442 Air HIsmelt Corporation Pty Ltd 402, 1051; Petition 1175 Meeting of Environment Protection and Heritage Council 8311 Noisy and Smoky Motor Vehicles 5755 Perth Air Quality Management Plan 824, 4173 Report on Perth’s Air Quality - Implementation 6532 Smoke Haze 2816 Toxic Pollutants - Levels of Exposure 10960 Airborne Mercury 9792 Chemicals - Quantities, Storage, Transportation and Disposal 12808 Heavy Industry - Obligations 9877 Pollution Response Squad - Training 12612 Toodyay - Phenol Contamination of Properties 823 Two Rocks Marina - Fuel Contamination 8137, 8139 Uduc Road, Harvey 1401 Wesfarmers CSBP Ltd - Ashfield Site - Ground Water Monitoring Data 6183 Council Air Perth Air Quality Management Plan - Development 11887 Wood Smoke Problems 11887 Amcor Contaminated Site, Bibra Lake 1951, 3338 Brickworks Industry - Monitoring of Stack Emissions 737 Chemical Storage Facilities, High Risk - Completion of Inspections 2156 Contaminated Sites BHP Billiton, Newman 8367 Proposed Legislation 1746 Domestic Smoke - Amending Legislation 9562 National Pollutant Inventory - Pollution Emission Figures 7019, 8410 Omex Site - Remediation Costs 3176, 5819 Port Coogee - Remediation of Contamination 9080 Port Hedland - Iron Ore Dust Contamination 14198 Two Rocks Marina - Fuel Contamination 3437 Wesfarmers CSBP Ltd Ashfield Site - Pollution Abatement Notice 6082 Kwinana - Water Licensing Exemption 7179 PORT KENNEDY Assembly Port Kennedy Development Project 4639-4642, 4697 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 479, 9228 Port Kennedy Resorts Pty Ltd - Bond-Guarantee 1780 WA Beach and Golf Resort Pty Ltd - Conditions 10877 Council Port Kennedy Development Project Agreement Act - Tabling of Variations 1968 Costs 1966 Deed of Covenant 4341 Environmental Impact 1842 Facilities Consultation and Residential Housing 6329 Funding and Public Consultation 2151 Ownership of Freehold Lots 1968 Priority Public Works 9560 Port Kennedy Golf Course - Ground Water Use 3172, 4062 PORTER, MR KINGSLEY See “Police” PORTMAN IRON ORE LTD See “Mining” 136 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PORTS AND HARBOURS Assembly Albany Port Authority - Advertising of Positions on Board 4680 Broome 3495, 3496, 10423, 12863; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5826 Dampier Port Authority - Port Control Closure - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11378 Esperance - Port of the Year - Statement by Member for Roe 12855 Esperance Port Authority 3561, 8269; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 12447 Fremantle 4856, 4857; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5562 Geraldton Port Authority Dredging Operations 12205 Mt Gibson Pty Ltd Project 508, 509 Port Upgrade 4104 Resignation of Chairman and Board Member 394 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 377 Tabling of Documents 396 Hillarys Boat Harbour 2997, 10819, 11112 Kimberley Port - Location 12381 North West Boat Harbour Projects 9919 Improvement Programs 4668, 4670 Port Authority Boards - Diversification of Membership 5090 Port Authority Governance 5582 Port Hedland Port Authority - Chairman 10419 Regional Port Authorities - Appointments 10494 Small Boat Harbours - Boat Pen Space - Cost 12376 Council Black Rocks, King Sound - Port Development 11372 Broome 6586, 8400, 8684, 8688 Bunbury - Fees Paid 866 Dampier Public Wharf Expansion 463, 10262 Fremantle - Freight Trains Leaving Port 14717 Geraldton Port Authority Data from Seagrass Monitoring Sites 11889, 13145 Dredging Operations 8567, 9195, 9845, 10089, 10116, 11363 Photosynthetic Active Radiation 9022, 9986 Port Upgrade 1005, 2156, 9588, 9849 Hillarys Boat Harbour Cross-subsidisation of Operating Costs 14212 Department of Fisheries Building 9025 Jetties 13474 Pen Fees 13144, 13595, 14034 Wave Attenuator and Breakwater Extension 13351 Mangles Bay Marina - Feasibility and Impact Statement 13473 Pen Fees - Income 13144 Port Authority Boards - Members’ Names and Places of Residence 12030 Port Authorities Amendment Regulations 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 7271 Port Hedland Port Authority - Spoil Bank - Vehicle Access 3470 Rockingham Marina - Government’s Support 14609, 14643 Wyndham 162, 1452, 10933 PORTS AND MARINE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 4830 Second Reading 4830, 8809 Remaining Stages 8812 Returned 14106 Council Receipt and First Reading 9518 Second Reading 9518, 12236 Committee 13991-13994 Report 13994 Third Reading 13994 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 137

PPK ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE See “Water and Rivers Commission” PREMIER See “Ministers of the Crown” PREMIER AND CABINET, DEPARTMENT OF THE Assembly Hospitality Accounts 8271 Officers Classified at Level 9 or Higher 7261; Personal Explanation 8159 Policy Office - Corporate Credit Cards 5898 Staff, Vehicles, Mobile Telephones and Credit Cards 13271 Council Duty Media Adviser - Weekend of 7 and 8 June 2002 1745 International Hydrogen Conference, Broome - Funding 6328 Office of Premier - New Position for Former Media Adviser 11478 Policy Office - Staff 11042 Vehicle Speeding Fines 9973 PREPRIMARIES See “Schools” PRESTIGE COATINGS AND RESTORATIONS See “Consumer and Employment Protection” PRISONS See also “Justice, Department of” Assembly Acacia 2576, 6487, 6489, 12856; Statement by Minister for Justice and Legal Affairs 9384 Albany Regional - Night Shift Security Procedures 3008 Bandyup 5913, 6487, 6489; Grievance 7337 Broome Regional 13815 Child Rapist - Parole Denial 3232 Court Security and Custodial Services Contract 12855; Statement by Attorney General 478 Drugs 9494, 9495 Eastern Goldfields Regional - Tabling of Report 608 Finn, Mr Shane - Limited Work Release and Home Leave Order - Statement by Attorney General 3477 Golf Lessons for Prisoners 10029 Hakea 6487, 6489, 6683, 7885, 7886 Harding, Mr Richard - Report 2576 HIV and Hepatitis C Programs 9495 Imprisonment Rates - Statement by Attorney General 4710 Nurses - Pay Commitment 3344, 3496 Nyandi-Longmore Site 9509, 9510 Nyandi Prison Redevelopment 2351, 5580; Motion 5276, 5593 Officers - Number, Workers Compensation and Overtime 6239 Paroled Prisoners 3232, 3233 Policy to Reduce Prison Population - Risk to Community - Matter of Public Interest 10500 Prisoners Colour Television Sets and other Recreational Equipment 1517 Complaints of Abuse 1518, 2051, 2052 Escapes from Custody 9139 Regional - Closures 4858, 4859 Riverbank Remand Centre - Missing Electronic Equipment and Whitegoods 7121 Video Games - Review - Motion 11408 Wilful Damage - Cost 1516 Council Aboriginal Visitors Scheme 712, 4937 Albany Regional 2483; Adjournment Debate 2644 Arts Programs 5809 Bandyup - Restraints on Prisoners Attending Medical Appointments 7311 Banksia Hill - Staff and Detainee Numbers 7008 Biometric Identification System Trial 7011 Bunbury Regional - Adjournment Debate 5032 Child Rapist - Adjournment Debate 3190 Cost per Prisoner - Saving from Reduced Prisoner Numbers 2514 Death in Custody 7451 Excell, Mr - Pre-release Program 3285 Finn, Mr Shane - Announcement of Early Release 4200 Fires Lit by Prisoners in Cells 4938 138 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PRISONS (continued) Council (continued) Hakea - Sick Leave 3616 Indigenous Prisoners - Homelessness 1263 Industrial Disputes 4028 Inspector of Custodial Services 3172, 5313 Juvenile Sex Offender and Murderer B - Pre-release Program 3285 Keating, Mr Paul Stephen - Urinalysis 7013 Location of Proposed Women’s Prison - Petition 10101 Nurses Adjournment Debate 3767 Industrial Action 3610 Nyandi - Aboriginal Women 10940 Nyandi-Longmore Site - Redevelopment 10116 Pre-release Parole and Home Leave Programs 5530 Prisoners Health - Transfer of Responsibility 4398, 4447 Payment of Funeral Expenses 10778 Prisoner F - Parole Board’s Decision 3434, 4026, 4200 Release Programs 3024 Sentenced to Two Years or Less 1456 Rangeview Remand Centre 7008, 10935 Roebourne Regional - Inspector of Custodial Services Report 5313 Security Concerns 4940 Thursday Prison Census - Tabling 5955 Wimbridge, Prisoner - Sex Offender Treatment Program 4199 PRISONS AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 6396 Council’s Amendment 6500, 6501 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 6054, 6290 Committee 6293-6296 Report 6297 Third Reading 6297 Assembly’s Message 6544 Assent 6943 PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS Council Protection - Petition 8639 PROCEDURE AND PRIVILEGES COMMITTEE See also “Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges” Assembly Changes to Prorogation and Extended Sessions - Report 12584, 12587 Code of Conduct for Members of the Legislative Assembly - Report 4879-4884 Membership 11921 Report on Minor Adjustments to the Standing Orders Statement by Speaker 66 Motion 893, 1984 Review of Government’s Response to Report on Estimates Committees 2001 and Review of Estimates Committees 2002 5691 Use of Videoconferencing by Legislative Assembly Committees - Second Report 8939 PROSTITUTION Assembly Control Board - Costs 7227 Legislation - Petitions 8691, 9381, 13614 Number of Prostitutes and Offences 8092 Soliciting in Public Places 7362 Council Children - Adjournment Debate 5030 Soliciting in Public Places - Fremantle 7648 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 139

PROSTITUTION AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 PROSTITUTION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 6007 Second Reading 6007, 7069 Consideration in Detail 7073, 7074 Third Reading 7074 Returned 8809 Assent 9101 Council Receipt and First Reading 7142 Second Reading 7142, 8763 Third Reading 8774 Assent 9011 PROSTITUTION CONTROL BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 6003 Second Reading 6003, 7045, 8199, 8590, 8594, 8604, 8703, 8731 Appropriations 7034 Standing Orders Suspension 9242 Consideration in Detail 9245, 9246, 9262-9292, 9405-9414, 9427-9442; Question to be Put 9268 Third Reading 9444 Public Consultation - Statement by Minister for Police and Emergency Services 3478 Council Receipt and First Reading 9569 Second Reading 9569 Consultation 4027 PRYCE, MS JACINTA See “Disability Services” PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE Assembly Annual Report 2001-02 - Tabling 488, 489 Annual Report 2002-03 9999 Auditor General’s Annual Report 2001-02 Review 7857, 7859 Statement by Deputy Speaker 5838 Inquiry into Hospital Trust Accounts - Report Statement by Minister for Health 14873 Tabling of Papers 14218-14226; Standing Orders Suspension 14221 International Conference Paper - Statement by Member for Ballajura 7585 Matter of Privilege - Information Divulged - Motion 1172, 1178 Speaker’s Ruling 1178 Question to be Put 1187 Dissent from Speaker’s Ruling 1188 Membership 12832 New Inquiries - Statement by Speaker 12166 Port Coogee Development - Sixth Report 14228-14231 Report - Statement by Acting Speaker (Mr A.P. O’Gorman) 7392 Statement by Speaker 2653 Visiting Medical Practitioners - Tabling of Papers 4071-4077 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE STANDING COMMITTEE See “Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance" PUBLIC INTEREST DISCLOSURE AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 10946 Second Reading 10979 PUBLIC INTEREST DISCLOSURE BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 5374 140 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

PUBLIC INTEREST DISCLOSURE BILL 2002 (continued) Assembly (continued) Council’s Amendments 5573-5576, 5585, 7260 Assent 8021 Council Second Reading 1027, 1032, 1264, 5045, 5056 Committee 5065-5073, 5200-5205; Ruling by Deputy Chairman (Hon Simon O’Brien) 5201 Report 5205 Third Reading 5205 Assembly’s Message 5537, 5915-5918, 7123-7126; Progress 5919 Assent 8347 PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT 1994 Assembly Review - Statement by Minister Assisting the Minister for Public Sector Management 11376 PUBLIC SECTOR STANDARDS, COMMISSIONER FOR Council Anti-Corruption Commission - Monitoring of Compliance with Code of Ethics 9063 Hine, Mr Phillip - Alleged Breach of Code of Ethics 595 PUBLIC SERVICE See “Government Departments and Agencies” PUBLIC TRANSPORT AUTHORITY BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 4751 Second Reading 4751, 5847 Appropriations 5093 Consideration in Detail 5875-5889, 6394-6396 Third Reading 6475 Returned 7912 Council’s Amendment 7921 Assent 8021 Council Receipt and First Reading 6560 Second Reading 6560, 6587, 6977, 7127, 7138, 7271 Committee 7277-7286 Recommittal 7287, 7828 Third Reading 7828 Assembly’s Message 7954 Assent 8347 Correction to Second Reading Speech - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 6944 PYRTON SITE See “Planning” Q QANTAS See “Transport - Air” QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Assembly Answers 8007, 8008, 11258, 11259, 14885 Government’s Failure to Provide 11394 Motion 12775, 12786, 12787, 12794, 12800, 12801, 12803, 12804 Statement by Speaker 11375 Generic Answers 10720 Government Expenditure - Failure to Answer 12758 Statement by Premier 10816 Unanswered 3353 Council Answers 1141, 1807, 1956, 2875, 3030, 4205, 4345, 4534, 5961, 6086,6122, 6304, 6305, 6587, 7180, 7315, 7453, 8569, 9028, 10252, 11178, 11179, 11484, 12147, 12271, 12438, 13911, 14778, 14841 Breach of Standing Orders 6998, 7000, 7013 Minister for Education and Training - Statements Hon Alan Cadby 13012 Hon Barbara Scott 13012 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 141

QUESTIONS ON NOTICE (continued) Council (continued) Answers (continued) Minister for Education and Training - Statements (continued) Hon Kim Chance 13013 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 7180 Tabling with Production of Documents - Motion 12409, 12410 Tabling with Production of Documents - Motion - Deputy President (Hon Adele Farina) - Ruling 12410 Tabling with Production of Documents - Withdrawal of Motion 12986 Relevance - Provision of Answers 4301 Standard of Answers from Minister for the Environment and Heritage - Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 8574 Unanswered 10924 Premier’s Pledge 11891 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE Assembly Member for Alfred Cove - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 3679 Standing Orders Suspension 13388; Question to be Put 13390 Council Answers 1965, 4026, 11176; Adjournment Debates 1964, 5029 No 1514 - Changes to Prepared Answer 5 President of the Legislative Council - Deliberative Vote - Statement by President 2478 Standard of Answers from Minister for the Environment and Heritage - Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 8574 QUOKKAS See “Rottnest Island” R RABBITS See “Agriculture” RACING See also “Totalisator Agency Board” Assembly Bookmakers - Telephone and Internet Betting Limits 6541, 7269 Bunbury Trotting and Race Clubs - Turnover and Dividends 2588 Great Southern - Government Assistance 2314 Kalgoorlie - Statement by Member for Eyre 912 Racing and Wagering Western Australia - Board Composition 5363 Racing Radio Collie - Establishment 2215 Kambalda - Establishment 2215 Council Betting Exchanges on Australian Racing 9582 Betting Transactions - Minimum Levels 4900 Bookmakers - Telephone Betting Limits 2760 British Gambling Exchanges - Impact 6580 Country Race Clubs and Country Racing Reduction in Number of Meetings 1257 Statement by Minister for Racing and Gaming 2107; Motion 13106 Toodyay Picnic Race Day 2229 Cox Plate 2348 Cross-border Betting - Report 4025 Golden Mile Trotting Club - Notification from City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 743 Lark Hill Racing Complex 2348, 2349 Racing and Wagering Western Australia 2512, 2513, 5191, 5312 Racing Restriction Act - Relocation of Race Meetings - Statement by Minister for Racing and Gaming 13106 Racing Radio - Programming Format Change 10807 Radio Stations - Reception Upgrade 5773 Rules of Harness Racing 1999 - Amendment - Adjournment Debate 1836 Western Australian Trotting Association - Consultation 2345 Western Australian Turf Club - Van Heemst, Mr Ted 1003 142 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

RACING AND GAMBLING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT AND REPEAL BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5345 Second Reading 5345, 7221 Appropriations 5452 Cognate Debate 6356 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6356 Remaining Stages 7221 Returned 8850 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 7409 Second Reading 7409 Cognate Debate 7955 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 7955, 8532, 8647 Committee 8650 Report 8680 Third Reading 8681 Assent 9517 RACING AND WAGERING WESTERN AUSTRALIA BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5341 Second Reading 5341 Appropriations 5452 Cognate Debate 6356 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6356 Consideration in Detail 7074-7090, 7210-7220 Third Reading 7390 Returned 8850 Council’s Amendments 8904-8907, 9003 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 7412 Second Reading 7413 Cognate Debate 7955 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 7955, 8532, 8647 Committee 8650-8670, 8679 Recommittal 8680, 8681 Report 8681 Third Reading 8681 Assembly’s Message 9050 Assent 9517 RACING AND WAGERING WESTERN AUSTRALIA TAX BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5348 Second Reading 5348, 7221 Cognate Debate 6356 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6356 Consideration in Detail 7221, 7231-7233 Third Reading 7234 Returned 8850 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 7412 Second Reading 7412 Cognate Debate 7955 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 7955, 8532, 8647 Committee 8650 Report 8680 Third Reading 8681 Assent 9517 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 143

RACING, GAMING AND LIQUOR, DEPARTMENT OF Assembly Report - Correction 14915 Council Appeals to Supreme Court 7996 Staff with Legal Qualifications 5820 RACING RESTRICTION BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 5347 Second Reading 5347, 7221 Cognate Debate 6356 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 6356 Remaining Stages 7221 Returned 8850 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 7411 Second Reading 7412 Cognate Debate 7955 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 7955, 8532, 8647 Committee 8650 Report 8680 Third Reading 8681 Assent 9517 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL See “Mining” RADIO LOLLIPOP Assembly Statement by Member for Hillarys 11107 RAFFLES HOTEL SITE See “Planning” RAILWAY (JANDAKOT TO PERTH) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 92 Second Reading 92, 760, 777, 895, 930, 959, 1054, 1062 Appropriations 477 Referral to Joint Select Committee 1068, 1177, 1202, 1285; Question to be Put 1324 Standing Orders Suspension 1325 Consideration in Detail 1336-1369 Question to be Put 1365, 1368 Standing Orders Suspension 1367 Returned 3501 Council’s Amendments 3505-3509; Speaker’s Ruling 3678 Third Reading 1369 Assent 4591 Urgent Bill 514, 515 Council Receipt and First Reading 1442 Second Reading 1442, 3168, 3179, 3271, 3293 Discharge of Order of the Day and Referral to Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance 2136, 2246, 2494, 2504, 2633, 2900, 3048 Adjournment of Debate 2143; Deputy President’s Ruling 2143 Standing Orders Suspension 3271 Committee 3318-3332; Statement by Chairman 3317 Report 3333 Third Reading 3333 Assembly’s Message 3604 Assent 4181 Notice of Motion 2852; Statement by President 3019 Statement by Hon Peter Foss 3167 RAILWAYS Assembly Albany - Grain and Woodchip Transport - Grievance 13494 Argyle Street Crossing, Herne Hill - Risk Assessment 9751 144 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

RAILWAYS (continued) Assembly (continued) Armadale-CBD - Sunday Service 9797 Australind 2994, 4665, 9306; Petition 8009 Crossings - Rumble Strips - Installation 8121 Currambine Line 8117, 8122 Female Passengers - Statistics on Safety at Night 4664 Freight Increase 9084 Trains - Safety Issues - Petition 5330 Goongoongup Bridge - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 4817 Greenwood Station - Completion 8505 Integrated Rail Transport Planning Report - Market Research Survey 2994 Joondalup - Special Events Train Services 9727 Loch and Grant Streets Stations - Partial Closure 776, 4626 Grievance 883 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 598 Midland-Fremantle Service - Petition 8796 New MetroRail 8005, 12860, 12861; Statements by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 7999, 8437 North West - Programs 4668, 9748 Northern Suburbs Rail Service 3090; Statement by Member for Wanneroo 3668 Operational Subsidies 4628 Pemberton-Northcliffe Tramway - Traffic Rules 8501 Perth-Bunbury - Freight Rail Track 6339 Perth Urban Rail Development 6941, 8118, 10636 Police Officers Rostered for Duty 11434 Quinns Road-Hester Avenue 4629, 8116, 8517 Rail Safety - Expenditure 10717 Safety Mechanisms on Locomotives and Rail Crossings - Petition 6471 Security Barriers - Installation 4628 Security Guards 9728 South West Metropolitan Railway - Road Reserve 14920 South West Passenger Rail Committee - Recommendations 12378 Southern Rail Link Air Quality Benefits 402 Architectural Heritage Survey 6187, 8855, 9426 Brochures - Number, Cost and Distribution 8121 Budget Blow-out 14878-14880 Budget Details 7358, 9874, 12320, 14876, 14877 Buildings on William and Wellington Streets - Heritage Value 9008 Bus Services - Kwinana Freeway 2999 City Rail Development Project - Demolition of Buildings 4677 City Section 7883 Commencement and Completion 9746 Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union - Impact of Activities on Costs 3351, 3352 Cost and Annual Value of Community Service Obligation 399, 400 Cost Blow-out 12067, 12068, 12201, 12207, 12320, 12324, 12325, 13922 Matter of Public Interest 13930 Amendment to Motion 13937 Motion, as Amended 13943 Cost Comparisons 10163 Cost Estimates 2168, 7223, 7224 Cost Savings 10025 Debt Servicing Cost 2387 Dedicated Busway 4646 Electricity Usage 4645, 10879, 11957 Feeder Bus Routes 8504 Foreshore Opportunities 6489 Funding by Debt 3225 Industrial Relations Laws - Impact on Costs 4648 Kwinana Freeway Route - Cost 4622 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 145

RAILWAYS (continued) Assembly (continued) Southern Rail Link (continued) Land Resumptions - Cost 280 Leader of the Opposition’s Policy 14072 Leasing Contracts 11625 Master Plan - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 14 Matter of Public Interest 2931 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 511, 605, 606, 8072 Personal Explanation by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 535 Metropolitan Regional Improvement Fund - Allocation of Funds 4624 Minister for Health’s Support 917 Ongoing Recurrent Cost Estimate of $47million 2391 Openness and Accountability - Matter of Public Interest 1592 Opposition’s Attitude 2519, 2670 Opposition’s Policy 11900 Opposition’s Transport Spokesperson’s Report 2924 Passenger Numbers and Travel Times 3677, 13920 Patronage Forecasts - Tabling of Paper 4565 Perth Heritage Buildings - Impact 7407 Petitions 1568, 1971, 6128 Premier’s Support 14877 Project Cost 20 Railcars - Maximum Number of Passengers 8120 Ramps and Noise Bunds - Cost 4647 Rockingham-Perth Travel Times 4624 Rockingham Residents - Consultation 11702 Rockingham Transit System 13925, 13926 Rolling Stock 279, 280 Sinking Under the Perth CBD 4635, 8893, 10499 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 12679 Soil Testing 5450 South Perth Station 2815, 2924 South West Suburbs Railway Component - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 14874 State Debt Structure 917, 918 Survey of Support for Changed Route 8116 Tabling of Cost Estimates 19 Timetable for Completion 14879 Toilet Facilities on Trains - Cost 4626 Transit Guards 8120 Tunnel under Fremantle Road, Mandurah 8340 Under Treasurer’s Warnings 3226 Urban Enhancements and Streetscape Improvements 5833 Wellington and Murray Streets, Perth - Acquisition of Land - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5560 William and Wellington Streets Heritage Precinct Motion 12077 Amendment to Motion 12083 Amendment on the Amendment 12095 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 12047 Buildings 1050, 1051 9802 Traffic Bridge - Removal 10680 Stations - Car Stealing and Burglary 11698, 11700 Transit Guards 2995, 11315 Upgrade - Federal Funding 606 Urban Rail Development Acquisition of Property 604, 605, 1465, 1588 Enhanced Travel Demand Modelling 2523, 2672 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 10384 Supplementary Master Plan 2522 146 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

RAILWAYS (continued) Assembly (continued) WA Government Railways Commission - Coach Contracts - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 597 Warwick Station - Parking Bays 8137 Westrail Freight Network - Privatisation 12465 Whitfords and Warwick Stations - Vehicle Theft from Car Parks 8071 Council Arrests - Number 872 Derailed Locomotives - Adjournment Debate 3191 Discontinuance Legislation - Delay in Introduction 3440 Doodlakine Station - Closure 9361, 10093, 10811 Freight Network Review - Fremantle Eastern Bypass 36 Fremantle Freight Trains Leaving Port 14717 Reduction of Service 4939 Kalgoorlie - Relocation of Line for Mining Purposes 3904 Loch and Grant Streets Stations - Partial Closure 10749 Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 539; Motion 12252 Loopline Tourist Railway, Boulder-Kalgoorlie 1274, 4360 Manjimup-Bunbury Line - Woodchips Transport 13351 Narrows Rail Link - Infrastructure Costs 4959 Nicholson Road and Thornlie Road Railway Station Precincts - Study of Land Use and Transport Integration 464 Northbridge Railway Line - Sinking - Allocation of Land to Parks and Affordable Housing 10803 Northern Suburbs Rail Service - Clarkson Extension 4239, 4359 Noxious Weeds - Kalgoorlie-WA Border Railway Track - Control 11365 Perth-Albany Line - Reintroduction 13071, 13147 Perth Station - Children Apprehended 10940 Perth Urban Rail Development Aboriginal Sites 7647, 8362 Tabled Paper No 468 Author 5318 Lawrence, Dr Peter 6298, 6455 Tabled Papers Nos 468 and 841 - Author 5771 Tabling of Questions and Referral to Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance Motion 5197, 5521, 5933, 6432 Amendment to Motion 5946 Motion, as Amended 6434 Statements by President 5933, 5935 Pine Sawlogs - Amount of Unused Resource 9627 Reserves - Reclassification under MRS 5969 Safety at Night 9626 Safety Mechanisms on Locomotives and Rail Crossings - Petition 2217 Security Personnel - Number 13021 Southern Rail Link Aboriginal Heritage Sites 8673, 9192, 9356, 9552, 11054, 12045, 13011 Annual Cost of Operation 7645 Capital Costs and Items of Expenditure 2226, 3734, 4358 Clifton Coney Stevens (WA) Pty Ltd 7821, 8569 Cost Details 1659, 4297, 13358 Expenditure 2348 Horseshoe Bridge 10150 Interpeak Lay-off 9373 Journey Times 5955 Kwinana Freeway Route - Impact of Construction 6095 Lots 595 and 596 Stakehill Swamp - Acquisition 11177 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1415, 1805 Modelling of Patronage Forecasts 5779, 6580 Murdoch to CBD Bus Service 4297 Murray and Wellington Streets Land Resumptions 11210 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 147

RAILWAYS (continued) Council (continued) Southern Rail Link (continued) Passenger Numbers and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 11610 Patronage Forecasts 1416 Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 4888 Tabling of Paper 3179 Petitions 537, 1919 Risk Assessment Reports - Tabled Papers - Motion 11604 Rockingham High-tech Local Transit System 1952 Soil Testing 5410 South Perth Station 3026 Stakehill Rural Landowners Group - Land in Baldivis 10247 Statement by Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 31 Tabled Paper No 785 - Asymptote Consulting 5312 Traffic Delays on Roads Caused by Construction 5413 Travel Time Saving 1416 Wentworth Hotel - Closure 4255 William Street Tunnel - Risk Analysis 4446, 6096, 7651 South West Metropolitan Railway Master Plan - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary - Motion 6271, 7439 Stations - Car Parking Spaces, Car Stealing and Burglary 11042, 11193, 11209 Urban Rail Development Cost 1416 Personal Explanation by Hon Peter Foss 3057 Tabling of Questions and Referral to Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance - Motion 4994, 5183 Vehicles Stolen, Damaged or Burgled at Stations 9618 WA Government Railways Commission Coach Contracts - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 539; Motion 12254 Manjimup and Donnybrook Subdivisions 3634 Wubin Rail Line 9848 RAINBOW LORIKEETS Assembly Threat to Native Species 5897 RALLY AUSTRALIA Assembly Agreement to Stay in Western Australia 4561, 6187 New Contract 4861, 4862, 7267 RAYTHEON AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See “Industrial Development” REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS AGENTS SUPERVISORY BOARD Assembly Chairperson - Credit Card 11319 Hoad, Mr Michael 3491, 3492 RECREATIONAL BOATING FACILITIES SCHEME See “Transport” RECYCLING See “Waste Disposal” REFUGEES See “Immigration” REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT See also “Commerce and Trade” Assembly Buy Local Policy - Australian and New Zealand Government Procurement Agreement 13269 Centralisation of Procurement Process in Perth 14254 Commissions Act Division 2, Section 23(1)(e), Breaches 1789, 2054, 2055, 2312, 3563 Review 3001 Gascoyne Region Government Policy 4655 Government Services 4685, 4686 Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission - Chairperson - Credit Card 11819 Government Policy 4652 Government’s Policy 512, 3573, 4648 148 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT (continued) Assembly (continued) Government Services 3988, 3989 Great Southern Development Commission - Wages and Achievements 13276 Government Policy and Services 4651, 4684, 4685 Kimberley - Government Policy and Services 4649, 4650, 4685, 4686 Mid West Region - Government Policy and Services 4652, 4653, 4684, 4685 North West Beachfront Recreation Areas 8268 Programs 8150, 8151 Regional Events Scheme 5909 Regional Infrastructure Funding Programs 9749 Rural and Regional Marketing Assistance Scheme 6400, 6401 Peel Development Commission 14488; Grievance 11746 Peel Region - Government Policy and Services 4654, 4684, 4685 Pilbara - Government Policy and Services 4649, 4685, 4686 Projects and Services - Matter of Public Interest 13203 Regional Collocation Scheme - North West 2719, 2721 Regional Investment Fund - Statement by Premier 5822 Regional Policy Statement for Western Australia - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 3341 Regional Telecommunications Inquiry - Terms of Reference 278 South West - Government Policy and Services 4650, 4651, 4684, 4685 South West Development Commission Chief Executive Officer - Mobile Telephone and Government Vehicle 11563 Wages and Achievements 14488 Vasse - Expenditure 10564 Wheatbelt Development Commission - Wages and Achievements 13276 Wheatbelt Region - Government Policy and Services 4653, 4654, 4684, 4685 Council Buy Local Policy 2650; Statement by Hon John Fischer 14785 Commissions - Board Members - Na mes and Places of Residence 11884 Financial Assistance Schemes - Double-dipping by State Government Agencies 10113 Fremantle, City of - Prevention and Abatement of Sand Drift Local Law - Order Discharged 4949 Fund Applications and Distribution of Fund 243, 584 Kojonup Shire 468 Gascoyne Development Commission - Mauds Landing Development 2601 Implementation of Government’s Policy 3589 Regional Economic Perspectives - Cost of Production and Distribution 13069 Regional Headworks Scheme - Review 3287 Regional Policy Statement for Western Australia - Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 3269 Rural Towns Project - Merredin 4341 Western Australian Regional Manufacturers - Web Site Development 555 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONS AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Leave to Introduce 16 Introduction and First Reading 16 Appropriations 102 Second Reading 498, 2658, 4139 Remaining Stages 4141 Returned 5465 Assent 5834 Council Receipt and First Reading 4236 Second Reading 4236, 5309, 5319 Remaining Stages 5320 Assent 5759 REGIONAL HERBARIUM PROJECT See “Environment” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 149

REGIONAL INVESTMENT FUND BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 REGULATIONS - DISALLOWANCE Assembly Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 8) 2003 - Motion13406 Fremantle Eastern Bypass - Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 14108 Peel Region Scheme 4087, 4141 Wireless Hill Park - Excision from Class A Reserve 29813 - Motion 14086, 14106, 14295 Council Associations Incorporation Amendment Regulations (No. 2) - Order Discharged 12104 Boddington, Shire of - Health Local Laws 2003 - Order Discharged 13431 Builders’ Registration Amendment Regulations 2003 - Order Discharged 13431 Bulk Handling Act Amendment Regulations 2003 - Order Discharged 13431 Bunbury, City of - Local Law Relating to Advertising Devices - Order Discharged 9319 Chattel Securities Amendment Regulations 2003 - Order Discharged 12104 Donnybrook-Balingup, Shire of - Local Law - Eating Areas in Streets and Other Public Places - Order Discharged 2591 Dumbleyung, Shire of - Health Local Laws 2001 - Order Discharged 13431 East Fremantle, Town of - Urban Environment and Nuisance Local Law - Order Discharged 4949 Fish Management Amendment Regulations (No 8) 2002 Clause 5 1644 Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 6) 2003 - Order Discharged 11007 Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 8) 2002 Clause 5 1641 Fish Resources Management Amendment Regulations (No 8) 2003 - Motion 14581 Industrial Relations Commission Amendment Regulations (No. 2) 2002 - Order Discharged 3423 Industrial Relations (Employer-Employee Agreements) Regulations 2002 - Order Discharged 2591 Industrial Relations (WA Industrial Appeal Court) Amendment Regulations 2002 - Order Discharged 2591 Jurien Bay Marine Park Order 2003 14663 Kimberley Prawn Fishery Management Plan Amendment 2002 - Order Discharged 1631 Kojonup Location 9212 - Amendment of Class A Reserve 1736 14020, 14689 Kwinana, Town of - Urban Environment and Nuisance Local Law - Order Discharged 13555 Local Court Amendment Rules (No. 2) 2002 - Order Discharged 7271 Melville, City of - Local Law Relating to Signs, Hoardings and Billposting - Order Discharged 3423 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No 992/33 - Clarkson-Butler 14820 Mines Safety and Inspection Amendment Regulations 2002 - Order Discharged 3423 Mining Amendment Regulations 2003 - Order Discharged 12104 Mundaring, Shire of Clause 2.4.13(2) Standing Orders Local Law - Order Discharged 11007 Health Local Laws 2002 - Order Discharged 11008 Occupational Safety and Health Amendment Regulations (No. 3) 2003 - Motion 10101, 10118 Peel Region Scheme 5537 Perth, City of - Amendments to Perth Parking Local Law 1999 - Notice Discharged 8525 Perth (Passenger) Transport Regulations 2002 Regulation 29 - Order Discharged 1631 Pingelly, Shire of - Health Local Laws 2003 - Order Discharged 13029 Port Authorities Amendment Regulations 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 7271 Public Transport Authority Regulations 2003 - Order Discharged 12104 Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2002 - Order Discharged 2217 Roebourne, Shire of - Local Laws Relating to Fencing - Order Discharged 13029 South East Districts Omnibus (No 5) 4457 State Superannuation Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2002 - Order Discharged 2591 Town Planning and Development (Appeal) Regulations 2003 - Schedule 1 of the Fees - Order Discharged 11007 Townsite Developments in Stoneville and Parkerville 5789 University of Western Australia - Amending Statute No 3 of 2002 - Order Discharged 7271 Vocational Education and Training Amendment Regulations 2002 - Order Discharged 2591 West Coast Rock Lobster Fishery Management Plan Amendment 2003 12105 Wireless Hill Park - Excision from Class A Reserve 29813 - Motion 14706 REID, MS RHONDA See “Justice, Department of” REILLY, MS BOBBIE See “Environment” 150 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Assembly Microchip Test Facility - Edith Cowan University 510 North West 4667 RESERVES (DAMPIER TO BUNBURY NATURAL GAS PIPELINE CORRIDOR) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 1573 Second Reading 1573, 3834 Consideration in Detail 3838-3841; Deputy Speaker’s Ruling 3841 Third Reading 3842 Returned 6667 Assent 7034 Council Receipt and First Reading 3899 Second Reading 3899, 6320, 6427, 6547 Committee 6550-6554 Report 6554 Third Reading 6554 Assent 6943 RESERVES (RESERVE 43131) BILL 2003 See also “Select Committee on the Reserves (Reserves 43131) Act 2003” Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7896 Appropriations 7896 Second Reading 7896 Declaration as Urgent 7897 Consideration in Detail 7904-7912 Third Reading 7912 Returned 8021 Council’s Amendments 8021-8060 Council’s Message 8581 Assent 8809 Council Receipt and First Reading 7949 Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension 7949, 7966 Standing Orders Suspension - Second and Third Reading Stages - Time Management 7966 Second Reading 7967 Amendments to be Put Before Sessional Order Invoked 7978 Committee 7978-7990 Third Reading 7990 Assembly’s Message 8358-8360, 8368, 8392; Personal Explanation by Hon Derrick Tomlinson 8394 Assent 9011 Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation - Motion 9171; Amendment to Motion 9177; Motion, as Amended 9183 RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ACT 1987 Assembly Review - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 881 Council Review 3027 RETAIL SHOPS AND FAIR TRADING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12047 Second Reading 12047, 13739, 13775 Consideration in Detail 13794-13806, 13830-13837 Third Reading 13837 Council Receipt and First Reading 13849 Second Reading 13849 RETAIL TRADING See also “Liquor - Liquor Stores” Assembly Current Hours Regime - Legality 8889 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 151

RETAIL TRADING (continued) Assembly (continued) Deregulation of Hours Anti-competitive Behaviour 8312 Change in Government’s Decision 9662 Competition Policy Guidelines 5366, 5368, 5720, 5721 Federal Government Funding 9231, 9232 Forum 11392 Government’s Position 5244 Grievance 6616 Impact of Inflexible Industrial Relations Laws 5997 Implications for Competition 9419 Legislation 11908 Matter of Public Interest 8447 National Competition Council Threat 8503, 9471, 12689 Opposition’s Assertion 7523 Penalty Rates 7358 Petitions 5835, 6128, 6608, 6687, 7849 Premier’s Announcement 9083 Public Interest Test 8504 Review 6487, 10967 Small Business Development Corporation Submission 8179, 8180, 8309, 8310, 8441 Standing Orders Suspension 8451, 8453, 8456, 8458; Question to be Put 8458 Harvey Norman - Sunday Trading 8968 Illegal - East Perth Residential Home - Grievance 9993 Review of Hours - Opposition Submission 5447 Council Australia Day - Extended Trading Permits 5049, 5819 Current Hours Regime - Legality 9020 Deregulation of Hours 4396; Adjournment Debate 4484 Statement by Hon Frank Hough 8572 Statement by Hon Peter Foss 13478 RETAIL TRADING HOURS AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 8875 Second Reading 8907 RETIREES WA INC Assembly Administration Concerns 9008 REVIEWS, COMMITTEES, INQUIRIES AND TASK FORCES Assembly Deputy Premier 2999 Establishment 5893; Personal Explanation by Minister for the Environment 14259 Minister for Health - Refusal to Provide Information 2040 Number Membership and Cost 11671 RICHARDS, MR ROBERT See “Disability Services” RICHARDSON, MR TREVOR See “Forests and Forestry” RIGHTS IN WATER AND IRRIGATION ACT 1914 Assembly Petition 12691 RIO TINTO EXPLORATION PTY LTD See “Mining” RIPLEY, MR JULIAN Assembly Further Information on Conviction 25, 86, 282 Letter from Mr Rupert Gerritsen 2926 Reassessment of Prosecution by Special Interagency Unit 7029 ROAD SAFETY See “Roads” ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 11639 Second Reading 11639, 12718 Remaining Stages 12724 152 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ROAD TRAFFIC AMENDMENT BILL 2003 (continued) Council Receipt and First Reading 12915 Second Reading 12915 ROADS Assembly Albany Highway - Overtaking Lanes 9307 Albany Road System - Impact of Grain and Woodchip Trucks - Grievance 13494 Bednall Road Bridge - Petition 7849 Brand Highway - Overtaking Lanes 9307 Bridge and Road Construction - Expenditure 9310 Collie-Darkan and Corrigin-Hyden - Safety Concerns - Grievance 12167 Construction Projects - South West 4643 Country - Multanova Use 8001 Denny Road - Maintenance 13307 Freight Networks - Statement by Member for Riverton 3669 Fremantle Eastern Bypass Deletion from Metropolitan Region Scheme 13525 Matter of Public Interest 13614; Amendment to Motion 13621 Motion 413 Motion for Dis allowance 14108 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13367 Expenditure on Advertising Publications and Consultation 9728 Hearings Committee Report 13606 Inclusion in Metropolitan Region Scheme 402 Liberal Land Resumptions 13697 Member for Murdoch’s Pledge 2272 Minister’s Position 4106 Opposition’s Campaign 3493 Petitions 3785, 5093, 6471 Rezoning of Land 12818 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 2918, 5220 Submission Form 4105 Fremantle Port 4856, 4857, 14256 Funding Cuts 7224, 7522 Funding - Federal and State 3350, 7677 Great Northern Highway - Overtaking Lanes 9307 Great Southern Region - Expenditure 4676 Greening Freeways - Statement by Member for Carine 8962 Gubinge Road, Broome - Sealing - Petition 66 Hepburn Avenue-Glengarry Drive Roundabout - Statement by Member for Carine 13516 Kwinana Freeway Bus Lanes 3708, 4623 Emergency Services 8118 Extension - Commencement and Completion 9746 Interchange Resurfacing - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5682 Multanova Use 8000 Railway Reserve 3708 Lane Width Reductions - Narrows Bridge 3233 Leach Highway and South Street - Reclassification - Petitions 2170, 2653, 3195, 4590, 6471, 7525 Local Government - Funding 10874; Statement by Member for Kingsley 13806 Logging Roads - Traffic Rules 8501 Mandurah Bypass - Statement by Member for Mandurah 7355 Mandurah - Funding to Seal Road - Grievance 484 Marmion Avenue-Reid Highway-North Beach Road Intersection - Grievance 2354 Matilda Street, Huntingdale - Grievance 486 Mel Maria Catholic Primary - Traffic Zone - Petition 1276 Melville Parade - Concrete Barrier/Fence 8271 Mitchell Freeway - Railway Reserve 3708 Mowen Road - Maintenance 13307 Murdoch Drive, Leach Highway and South Street - Petition 744 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 153

ROADS (continued) Assembly (continued) Northbridge Tunnel - Settlement of Claims - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 4555 North West Bridge Refurbishment 8866 Funding 4671 Programs 4668, 8111, 8113, 8866, 8868, 9748 Ocean Reef Road-Trappers Drive - Traffic Lights - Petition 13773 Old Coast Road, Mandurah Grievance 10384 Petitions 1970, 2171, 2652, 3784, 4813, 5837, 7031, 8691, 9380, 12444 South of Dawesville - Removal of Trees 14556 Parking Offenders - Statement by Member for Perth 5713 Peel Deviation Commencement and Completion 9746 Commonwealth Government’s View 6679 Federal Funds 2169, 2170 Grievances 8698, 13492 Land Acquisition 9471, 9473 Progress 12069 Statement by Member for Dawesville 9415 Pemberton Tramway Company - Collision on Privately-owned Logging Road 7778 Preprimaries - 40 km/h School Zones - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11498 Regional Road Groups - Wheatbelt North Group Funding Allocation 9303 Regional Roads Program - Cutbacks in Funding 10678, 10679 Reid Highway-Altone Road - Traffic Accident - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 6335 Road Projects - Commencement and Completion Dates 3562 Road Safety Accidents - Company Cars 9138 Australasian Spinal Research Trust - Funding 3348 Black Spots Funding 9089 Confiscation of Vehicles 10591 Council - Regional Representation 8005 Double Demerit Point System 11624 Driver Fatigue - Parliamentary Sitting Hours 6813 Drug-impaired Drivers 13523 Duncraig 8115 DVD-Television Players in Motor Vehicles - Statement by Member for Rockingham 11777 Expenditure 10717 Implementation of Strategy 8002 Leader of the National Party - Claims 515 Resources - Matter of Public Interest 8013 Road Aware Program 1463 Road Safety Priority Planners 2003 - Number Printed and Distributed 5508 School Areas 1868 Speed and Red Light Cameras - Revenue 7361 Speed Campaign 10280 Speed Limits on Local Government Roads - Grievance 8700 Test of Motorists for Drugs 12326 Underspending of Budget 8003, 8183 Roads of National Importance - Federal Funding 3088, 3089 Roe Highway Stage 4 3672; Statement by Member for Roleystone 4101 Stage 6 3929; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 1569 Stage 7 3929 Statement by Member for Riverton 3669 Statements by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5079, 10266, 12449 Stage 8 2272, 4561 Seminole Avenue and Gordon Road Intersection - Petition 2351 154 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ROADS (continued) Assembly (continued) South Western Highway Donnybrook-Greenbushes 9303 Harvey - Petition 6346 Overtaking Lanes 9307 Weir Road-Uduc Road Intersection - Study 9306 Southern Suburbs - Mixing Passenger Traffic and Heavy Freight Vehicles 8176 Speed Limits - Increase - Remote Areas 403, 517 Stephenson Highway Road Reserves - Retention - Statement by Memb er for Innaloo 2382 Sticks Boulevard-Old Coast Road, Mandurah - Petitions 8008, 8157 Tonkin Highway Extension - “Building the Highway” Publication 7940 Toodyay Bypass - Environmental Survey 8114 Traffic Accidents - Criterion for Reporting to Police 8854 Traffic Noise - Dawesville Petition - Statement by Member for Dawesville 1704 West Coast Highway, Scarborough - Statement by Member for Innaloo 2000 Council Albany Highway - Mt Barker Bypass 11835, 12007 Statement by Hon Kim Chance 6094 Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 6092 Australian Prospectors and Miners Hall of Fame 6998, 9206, 10775, 10936 Brookton Highway Corrigin-Hyden Section 4254 Kondinin-Corrigin Section 14771 Bussell Highway Cattle Crossing at Cowaramup3617 Upgrade 704 Busselton Bypass and Strelly Street Intersection - Traffic Lights 3727 Cape Leveque Road East of Broome to One Arm Point Community 11055 Causeway - Vehicle Numbers 2913 Certificate of Title Volume 1138, Folio 74 - Purchase by WA Planning Commission 348 Co-operative Bulk Handling Ltd - Narrakine Storage Facility - Road Safety Concerns 11206 Fatal Accident - Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 7456 Fremantle-Rockingham Controlled Access Highway - Beeliar Regional Park Cockburn 42, 10748 Fremantle Eastern Bypass Adjournment Debates 4042, 5320, 5324 Community Newspaper Advertisements 3290, 3614, 4533 Deletion from Metropolitan Region Scheme 865, 8686-8690, 14779 Statement by Hon Ken Travers 13355 Tabling of Documents 13350, 14194, 14195 High Street, Fremantle - Widening 4027, 4343 Land Reservations 10366, 10367 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No 1055/33 5055 Personal Explanation by Hon Simon O’Brien 1639 Personal Explanation by Hon Barbara Scott 1639 Private Properties or Residences Acquired 4449 Sale of Land 10114 Select Committee Motion 1522, 1534, 1631, 1920, 2478, 2485 Amendment to Motion 1925, 2111, 2232, 2317, 2474 Statement by Leader of the House 13331 Submission Period - Extension 4029, 5196 Urgency Motion 4890 Value of Highway Reserve 12044 Funding Commonwealth - Personal Explanation by Hon Graham Giffard 6436 Condemnation of Government - Motion 9339; Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 9557 Local Government 10942 Mining and Pastoral Region 10248 Garratt Road Bridge - Vehicle Numbers 10939 Geraldton Primary North-south Road Alignment Study - Petition 4435 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 155

ROADS (continued) Council (continued) Gibbs Street, Boyup Brook - Road Alignment 7475 Goldfields Highway - Wiluna-Meekatharra 8568 Great Eastern Highway, Ascot - Traffic Volume 13483 Hepburn Avenue - Extension 1007 High Street, Fremantle 2229, 3176, 4027, 4343 High Street-Stirling Highway, Fremantle - Turning Lanes 10938 High, Wide-load Corridors 1803, 1840, 4025 Hodges Drive-Karrinyup Road - Traffic Congestion 7461 Hospital Road - Upgrading 6606 Indian Ocean Drive 7825, 8568 Kalgoorlie Eastern Bypass Road - Realignment 4301, 4360, 4373, 4546, 7328 Petition 4052 Kwinana Freeway - Railway Construction 6095 Lake Raeside Crossing Upgrade - Funding 7651 Leach Highway-Stock Road Intersection 12926, 13024, 13147 Lennard Road Easement, Gingin - Paving 8673 Lime Sands Route 2 - Cost of Consultation Process 1740 Mandurah Bypass Road, Coodanup - Pedestrian Crossing - Petition 10882 Meekatharra - Bypass Road 5409 Mitchell Freeway - Exit to Riverside Drive - Closure 14211 Mt Henry Bridge - Aboriginal Site Clearance 9651 Narrogin-Wagin Link Road - Completion 5534 Narrows Bridge - Vehicle Nu mbers 14046 Native Vegetation Cleared for Road Works 8412 Northampton-Port Gregory-Kalbarri 12288 Northbridge Tunnel 2913, 5679, 10154 Old Perth Road, Bassendean - Reopening 13125 Orrong Road - Traffic Volume 3875, 4358 Peel Deviation - N1.5 and N3 Routes 4252, 4339; Adjournment Debate 5558 Regional Road Groups - Funding 5050, 5660 Urgency Motion 5397 Riverside Drive - Vehicle Numbers 2913 Road Safety - Aboriginal Road Users 6302 Road Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 2217 Road Verge Vegetation - Applications to Clear 3336 Roe Highway Extension - Route 12275 Stage 4 4027 Stage 7 4365, 11176 Stage 8 Cost 4027 Deletion from Metropolitan Region Scheme 865, 12009 Infrastructure Costs 4959 Land Reservations 10366, 10367 Private Properties or Residences Acquired 4449 Remarks by Member for Riverton - Statement by Hon Simon O’Brien 14205 Route 12041 Rural Areas - Expenditure 11177 Shepperton Road, Causeway, Victoria Park - Vehicle Numbers 8413 South Street, Melville-Fremantle - Coordinated Traffic Lights 10939 South Western Highway - Shelving of Upgrade 1259 Speed Limits 246, 350 Stephenson Highway Road Reserves 3612, 3871, 4935 Tom Price-Karratha - Funding of Upgrade 10788 Tonkin Highway Extension - Tenders 7820 Wellington Street - Vehicle Numbers 2913 William Street - Reduction in Lanes 14211 Yampire Gorge Road - Closure 4366 ROBERMAN, DR BRIAN See “Hospitals - King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women” 156 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

ROBINS, MR DAVID NOEL Assembly Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 8160 ROBINSON, MS SALLY ANNE see “Disability Services” ROBSON, PROFESSOR ALAN See “Pastoral Leases - Pastoral Lands Board” ROBSON REPORT See “Education” ROCKINGHAM Assembly Government Achievements - Statement by Member for Rockingham 11106 ROEBUCK ARTEFACTS Assembly Return to Western Australia 664 ROO GULLY WILDLIFE SANCTUARY Assembly Statement by Member for Collie 10672 ROSS RIVER VIRUS See “Health” ROTTNEST ISLAND Assembly Accommodation Costs 4102 Accommodation Upgrade and Repair 13608; Motion 13712 Auditor General’s Report 13695 Budget Details 2053 Longreach Units - Maintenance 14554 Management Plan - Implementation of Recommendations 13696, 13697 New Year’s Eve 7362 Quokkas - Statement by Minister for Tourism 13190 School Leavers Week 3091 Storm Damage - Repair Work 11536 Task Force - Role 13607 Council Authority Boat Torque Cruises - Outstanding Landing Charges 3727 Funding 4023, 7820 Boating Community - Grey and Black Water Disposal 13069 Funding - Motion 14171, 14183 Kingstown Barracks - Asbestos Roofing 1008 Adjournment Debates 1163, 1555 Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 6462 Rottnest Hotel - Leasing Arrangements 4023 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 7831 ROYAL COMMISSION INTO ABORIGINAL DEATHS IN CUSTODY Council Recommendations - Implementation 9633 ROYAL COMMISSION INTO WHETHER THERE HAS BEEN ANY CORRUPT OR CRIMINAL CONDUCT BY WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE OFFICERS See also “Mickelberg Case” and “Police - Royal Commission” Assembly Cabinet Ministers - Naming 4750, 5083, 5084 Government’s Pre-election Commitment 3494 Historical Terms of Reference 688, 2214 Interim Report Allegations Against Ministers of the Crown 5086 Statement by Premier 4551 Member for Innaloo - Personal Explanation 10031 Mickelberg Case - Reopening of Investigation 767, 769 Minister for Health - Investigation 4109 Police Officers Named - Standing Down 5088, 8929 Council Interim Report - Statement by Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 4888 Lack of Evidence 2227 Lovell, Mr Avon - Prosecution for Failure to Cooperate 4938 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 157

ROYAL COMMISSION INTO WHETHER THERE HAS BEEN ANY CORRUPT OR CRIMINAL CONDUCT BY WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE OFFICERS (continued) Council (continued) Musarri, Mr - Failure to Cooperate 4938 Submissions by Police Personnel - Restrictions 14638, 14836 ROYAL COMMISSION (POLICE) BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 ROYAL COMMISSIONS AND INQUIRIES Assembly Keeping of Records 10638 ROYAL FLYING DOCTOR SERVICE See “Health” ROYAL LIFE SAVING SOCIETY OF WA Council Public Liability Cover 1005 RSPCA See “Animal Welfare” RULINGS Assembly Acting Speaker (Mr A.J. Dean) - Swan River - Matter of Public Interest - Amendment to Motion 8805 Acting Speaker (Mr A.D. McRae) Code of Conduct for Members of the Assembly - Amendment to Motion, as Amended 10660 Acting Speaker (Mr A.P. O’Gorman) Code of Conduct for Members of the Assembly - Amendment to Motion 10552 Deputy Speaker Cannabis Control Bill 2003 - Consideration in Detail 6894 Reserves (Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline Corridor) Bill 2002 - Consideration in Detail 3841 Speaker Bali Bombings - Anniversary 11894 Corruption and Crime Commission Amendment and Repeal Bill 2003 14896 Leader of the Opposition - Censure Motion 4870 Matter of Privilege - Public Accounts Committee 1178 Minister for Housing Works - Allegations of Ministerial Impropriety - Standing Orders Suspension 9214 National Review of Nursing Education 2002 - Amendment to Motion 1313 Petition 8691 Railway (Jandakot to Perth) Bill 2002 - Council’s Amendments 3678 Standing Order No 279 14217 Swan River - Matter of Public Interest - Amendment to Motion 8807 Council Chairman Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Bill 2002 - Committee 13155 Conservation and Land Management Amendment Bill 2002 - Committee 3726 Corporations (Consequential Amendments) Bill (No. 2) 2001 - Committee 5762 Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2002 - Committee 11329, 11330 Deputy Chairman (Hon Kate Doust) - Electricity Industry Bill 2003 - Committee 14833 Deputy Chairman (Hon Jon Ford) - Planning Appeals Amendment Bill 2001 - Committee 254, 458 Deputy Chairman (Hon Simon O’Brien) - Public Interest Disclosure Bill 2002 5201 Deputy President (Hon George Cash) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Competition Policy) Bill 2002 - Second Reading 12645 Address-in-Reply - Motion 1937, 1938 Constitution Amendment Bill 2002 2337 Fire and Emergency Services Legislation (Emergency Services Levy) Amendment Bill 2002 3447 Fremantle Eastern Bypass - Adjournment Debate 4042 Railway (Jandakot to Perth) Bill 2002 - Discharge of Order of the Day and Referral to Standing Committee on Public Administration and Finance - Adjournment of Debate 2143 Sittings of the House - Extended after 6.00 pm 2752 Deputy President (Hon Kate Doust) - Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2002 5026 158 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

RULINGS (continued) Council (continued) Deputy President (Hon Adele Farina) Corporal Punishment - Convicted Offenders - Motion 10233 Plant Pests and Diseases (Eradication Funds) Amendment Bill 2002 - Second Reading 2244 Questions on Notice - Answers - Tabling with Production of Documents - Motion 12410 Select Committee into Water Services - Establishment - Amendment to Motion 8544 Deputy President (Hon Simon O’Brien) Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2003 - Referral to Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and General Purposes 11598 President Committees of the House - Reports - Consideration 2735, 3143 Order of Business 2861 Personal Explanation by Hon Peter Foss 3422 Petitions 337 President of the Legislative Council - Deliberative Vote 2600 Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs - Proposal to Travel - Motion 4495 Standing Order No 328 - Reference to Committee Inquiry in Second Reading Speech 14199 Yallingup Foreshore Land Bill 2002, Volunteers (Protection from Liability) Bill 2002 and Home Building Contracts Amendment Bill 2002 - Lapsed - Restoration to Notice Paper 1445 RYBACK, MR WILFRED See “Disability Services” S SAFECARE See “Community Development” SAFER WA COMMUNITY SECURITY PROGRAM See “Crime” SALINITY See also “Water Resources” Assembly Bilateral Agreement with the Commonwealth Government 7228, 7229 Buckingham near Collie - Impact of Logging 7780 Collie Catchment Area - Water Quality 6485 Engineering Projects - Funding 8599 Funding 4661, 6336, 6342, 12063 Infinitree Plantation Program 8438 National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality Bilateral Agreement - Signing 2928 Budget Allocation 7885 Funding 3231, 3232, 6184, 6808, 11536 Motion 6514 Rural Communities - Funding 1867 Signing 9876 Statement by Premier 3342 North West - Funding for Programs 7099 Oil Mallee Company of Australia Ltd - Funding 775 Steering Committee to Evaluate Engineering Projects - Establishment 517 Council Beacon River Valley - Deep Drainage Project Funding 4450 Budget Allocation 7827 Drainage Systems - Review 5536 Engineering Evaluation Initiative Projects - Funding 11480, 12435 Funding 9637, 12009 Infinitree Plantation Program 9360, 14714 Land, Water and Wool Sustainable Grazing on Saline Lands Subprogram - Funding 12558 Methods to Reduce Escalating Problems - Motion 13450; Statement by Deputy President 13464 National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality 5662, 7451 Ord Irrigation Area 11882 Packsaddle Plain 9079 Research - Funding 11365 State Salinity Action Plan - Incentive Schemes for Farmers to Improve Remnant Vegetation Management 9638 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 159

SALINITY (continued) Council (continued) WA Channel Management Group - Funding 10795 Wallatin Creek Catchment Project, Doodlakine 13142 SAMUEL, MR GRAEME See “Australian Competition and Consumer Commission” SANDOVER MEDAL Assembly Pickett, Mr Allistair - Statement by Member for Dawesville 911 SARS See “Health” SBS RADIO Assembly Grievance 6132 SCARBOROUGH BEACH Assembly Car Park - Antisocial Behaviour Grievance 12829 Statement by Member for Innaloo 12602 Development Limits - Petition 13929 SCARBOROUGH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SITE see “Planning” SCHAPPER, MR DEREK See “Industrial Relations - Legislation” SCHOOLS See also “Education” and “Transport - Buses - School Bus Service” Assembly Administrators - Briefing Sessions - Acceptance of Hospitality 14530 Albany - Allegations of Sexual Abuse 9235 Albany Primary - Albany Primary Telegraph - Statement by Member for Albany 7879 Albany Senior High - Bali Schools Education Initiative - Statement by Member for Albany 10671 Allendale Primary - Waterwise School Accreditation - Statement by Member for Geraldton 14248 Annual Reports 11744 Beaumaris Primary - Petition 2351 Behaviour Management and Discipline Strategy 601, 828, 10964, 11744 Belridge Senior High - Rock Eisteddfod - Statement by Member for Joondalup 12604 Broadband Rollout - Benefits 8966 Bullsbrook District High - Upgrade of Toilets 2716 Bunbury High - Principal 825 Busselton Senior High Bali Bombings 2007 Grievance 12826 Petitions 12690, 13202 Cadet Programs Activities outside School Premises 1053 Funding 3089, 3090, 3228, 4690 Canning Vale High - Implementation Committee - Statement by Member for Southern River 507 Canteens - Guidelines for the Sale of Foodstuffs 11953 Chaplaincy Program 7940, 14530 Children’s Crossings and Traffic Wardens - Review 4107, 4108 Christmas Carol Singing 2314 City Beach High - Special Education Unit - Grievance 11499 Class Sizes 6039, 9470, 9477 Cleaning Contracts 283, 1762, 9423, 9424 Complaints of Physical and Sexual Abuse of Students 1774, 1775 Computers - Policy on Leasing or Buying 2998 Connection through Telstra - North West 3412 Cost per Student - Formula for Determining - Review 1127 Country High School Hostels - Fees 3675, 4702 Cross-boundary Enrolments 9478 Crossing Attendants - Travel Allowance 10051 Dalyellup Primary - Design 9751 Darkan District High - Vision Day - Statement by Member for Wagin 6180 Dawesville Bridge South - New Middle School 1779 District High - Review 5582 District Offices - Cost 14354 160 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SCHOOLS (continued) Assembly (continued) Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School, Bunbury 9420 Duncraig Senior High - Special Education Unit 4168 Eastern Hills Senior High - Music Program - Petition 14885 Education Assistance Fund - Schools Assisted 672, 2572, 4703 Enrolments - Years 8 to 12 5632 Fees Collection Rates - Years 8 to 10 14354 Impact of Policy 4108, 5365 Level of Collection 770, 772, 3673 Statement by Member for Kingsley 508 Full-service Schools - M idvale Multi-agency Service Centre 12323 Funding 1781, 11744 Geographe Primary - Grievance 1277 Girrawheen Senior High - Behaviour Management and Discipline Strategy 601 Gnowangerup Agricultural School 14524; Statement by Minister for Education and Training 14056 Goods and Services Purchasing Policy 14541 Governor Stirling Senior High - Music Program 14541 Great Mates Program - Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 10415 H Index - Vasse Electorate 14519 Halls Head Community College - New Year 8 Students 1778 Harvey Primary - Repairs and Refurbishment 14488 High Schools Bank Account Balances 8127 Painting and Floor Covering Replacement Program 8130 Improvement Program - North West 2584 Inclusivity Program 4177 Information Technology Plan 2586, 13606 Internet Filtering Mechanisms 11947, 12202 Junior High School Students - Out of School Care - Grievance 8934 Kalgoorlie-Boulder - Truancy Officers 2583 Karratha - Training and Employment Opportunities from Burrup Resource Development Projects 5994 Kindergartens - School Enrolment Criteria - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 11680 Koorabye - Remote Community School 2817 Kwinana Senior High - Major Capital Works - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 13917 Level 3 - Staffing Formula Changes 773 Level 6 Principals - Appointment 14353 Lutheran College, Dalyellup - Statement by Member for Vasse 912 Maintenance 5622, 8130, 14348; Grievance 7333 Mandurah - Environment Projects - Statement by Member for Mandurah 912 Margaret River Primary - Education Resources and Support - Grievance 8694 Mel Maria Catholic Primary - Traffic Zone - Petition 1276; Statement by Member for Alfred Cove 1306 Melville Primary - Sale of Land 9423, 9665; Petition 13676 Midvale Primary-Midvale Multi-agency Service Centre 12323 Statement by Minister for Education and Training 12315 Military Heritage - Preservation 14255 Mt Magnet District High - Second Deputy Principal 5722 Mullaloo Heights Primary - Petition 6129 Newton Moore High 825, 985, 14487 Non-government Criteria for Re-registration 11948 Funding Petitions 3784, 3908, 4590, 5092, 5454, 6130, 6344, 6345, 6685, 7206, 7524, 7655, 8012, 8158 Reduction 5578 Reorganisation 11786 Review 11949 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 161

SCHOOLS (continued) Assembly (continued) Non-government (continued) Registration Criteria 11949 Student Numbers 9467 North Beach Primary - Pedestrian Overpass - Statement by Member for Carine 2811 North West Admin istration Area Upgrades 9747 Automatic Irrigation Programs 9474 Capital Works Program 5629 Construction Projects 9746 Covered Assembly Program 5628 Expenditure 5511 Facilities for Students with Intellectual Disabilities 5628 Information and Communications Technology Programs 5630 Libraries - Expenditure 5630 Maintenance Programs 9475 New Facilities 5517 Operation Refresh Program 9474 Performing Arts Programs 5512 Refurbishment Programs 5517 Upgrading Programs 5517 Ocean Reef Primary - Statement by Member for Joondalup 2812 Out of School Care - Regulations - Statement by Minister for Community Development 1276, 10639 Pastoral Care and Extracurricular Activities 11743 PEAC Classes 3259 Peel Schools Fest 2003 - Statement by Member for Mandurah 12603 Pia Wadjarri Remote Community School - Statement by Minister for Indigenous Affairs 8581 Police Background Checks of Employees 1773 Preprimaries 40 Kilometre an Hour School Zones - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11498 Class Sizes 682 School Enrolment Criteria - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 11680 Students Receiving Literacy and Numeracy Assistance 1775 Primary Administration Upgrades 5630 Library Upgrades 5518 Number and Staffing 1779 Students Receiving Literacy and Numeracy Assistance 1775 Toilet Upgrades 5633 Principals - Male and Female 5625 Program Maintenance Works Funds - Cuts 4106 Refurbishment - Funding 14348 Regional Areas 5369, 11703 Retention Rates 2672 River Valley Primary - Bus Service for Students from Roelands 1777 Road Safety 1868 Roleystone District High - Statement by Member for Roleystone 10021 School Grant for Rural Schools - Component for Travel to Ext racurricular Activities 14485 Serpentine Primary - Petition 2524; Statement by Member for Roleystone 3225 Staff 14349, 14354 Student Numbers 3259, 9467 Support to Students on War in Iraq 5996 Technology Upgrades 3781 Truants - Police Powers 3711 Upper Swan Primary - Completion of Renovations 14486 Vandalism 2928 Vasse Primary - Security System 5755 Vocational Education and Training - Expansion of Programs 11743 Wanneroo Primary and Junior Primary 5237 162 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SCHOOLS (continued) Assembly (continued) Wilful Damage - Cost 1771 Willetton Senior High - Statement by Member for Riverton 1706 Year 10 Students 8132 Year 11 Students - Students Studying a Language Other Than English 14355 Year Levels Repeated and Skipped 1776 Yealering Primary - Statement by Member for Wagin 4100 Years 11 and 12 - Compulsory School Years 4559 Council Armadale Primary - Structural Faults 3290 Breakfast Clubs 9557 Busselton Senior High - Fast Track Program 5196 Cadet Programs 9021; Adjournment Debate 2775 Carine Senior High - Bullying 4396 Carnarvon - New Private School 3173 Catholic - Government Funding - Adjournment Debate 60 Class Sizes 1660 Coolbellup - Closure of Primary Schools 10797 Country Areas - Remedial Teachers 13859 Craigie Senior High - Sale 7822 Dandaragan Primary Class Sizes and Classrooms 12038, 13007, 13861 Four-year-olds 2871, 3178, 3731, 4340 Drug Education Program - Funding 7449, 12928, 13912, 14642 Duncraig Primary - Sale of Land 14049 East Hamersley Primary - Staffing Levels 861 Enrolments - Statistics 14771 Esperance Senior High - Funding 6083 Expenditure 592 Fees - Sanctions on Students for Non-payment 4939 Flinders Park Primary, Albany - Septic Tank Overflow 6081 Fremantle Primary 5194, 5409 Funding Average Per Student Funding 14606 Petition 3855 Geographe Primary - Personal Explanation 1263 Girrawheen Senior High - Adjournment Debate 475; Statement by Hon Ray Halligan 10371 Hand Washing that Includes the Use of Soap - WorkSafe Guidance Notes 14838 Islamic 3730, 5810 Kindergartens Class Sizes 12668, 13009, 13067, 14723 Early Childhood Teachers 13009 Rural Areas - Early Childhood Support Officer 3025 Kingstown Barracks Rottnest Island - Asbestos Roofing 1008; Adjournment Debate 1163 Kununurra Primary - Deterioration of Buildings 6582 Lockridge Senior High - Fees - Access to School Ball 7643, 9078 Mandurah Catholic College - Visit by Girls to Port Hedland Detention Centre 14771 Margaret River Senior High 4063, 8673, 9567 Melville High and Melville Primary - Sale 4259 Mindarie High - Doric Constructions Pty Ltd Contract 159, 1423 Newton Moore Senior High - Aboriginal Children 3610, 10362, 14635 Ngaanyatjarra Lands School 5973 Non-government - Funding - Petitions 3990, 4181, 4240, 4304, 4377, 4435, 4490, 4887, 7122, 7599, 8525 Non-profit Private Country School - Water Efficiency Rebate 6298 Out of School Care - Regulations 1137 Preprimaries - Class Sizes 2229, 2763 Primary Class Sizes 2229, 2763 Four-year-olds 2871, 3178, 3731, 4340 Pupil-free Days - Death of 12-year-old in High Speed Vehicle Collision 10365 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 163

SCHOOLS (continued) Council (continued) Roebourne Primary - Statement by Hon John Fischer 9200 Secret Harbour Middle - Construction 7479 South Fremantle Senior High - Music Centre Funding 351, 7179 South Hedland Primary - Roof and Ceiling Repairs 7476 St Cecilia’s Catholic School, Port Hedland - Closure 2870 Staff - Inappropriate Behaviour or Relationships with Children 14642, 14711, 14802 Statement by Hon Alan Cadby 14720 Wattleup Primary - Student Numbers 10798 Woodbridge Primary - Temporary Relocation 5774 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Assembly Innovation Fund Projects - North West 3413 New Science Programs 276 Premier’s Science Awards - Statement by Premier 2516 Research in Western Australia - Statement by Premier 13603 Science Initiatives 10023 SCOTT, DETECTIVE FRANK See “Police” SCOTT, MR ALLIE See “Seniors” SCREENWEST See “Arts and Culture” SELECT COMMITTEE INTO CHILD ABUSE IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA Assembly Establishment Motion 1880, 2289 Amendment to Motion 1890, 2285; Statement by Acting Speaker (Mr P.W. Andrews) 2301 SELECT COMMITTEE INTO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURE PROTECTION BOARD Assembly Motion 7238, 7691 SELECT COMMITTEE INTO THE DAIRY INDUSTRY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA Assembly Establishment Motion 8614, 9246 Amendment to Motion 9247 Motion, as Amended 9257 Appointment of Members 9258 SELECT COMMITTEE INTO THE FREMANTLE EASTERN BYPASS Council Motion 1522, 1534, 1631, 1920, 2478, 2485 Amendment to Motion 1925, 2111, 2217, 2232, 2317, 2474 SELECT COMMITTEE INTO THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY CONTROLLED HEALTH ORGANISATION Assembly Motion 10301 Amendment to Motion 10324, 10608 Motion, as Amended 10615 SELECT COMMITTEE INTO WATER SERVICES Council Establishment Motion 6436 Amendment to Motion 6452, 7151, 8543; Deputy President’s Ruling 8544 Substituted Motion 8544 Amendment to Substituted Motion 8544 Substituted Motion, as Amended 8545 SELECT COMMITTEE ON ADVOCACY FOR CHILDREN (APPOINTMENT OF A COMMISSIONER FOR CHILDREN) Council Establishment Motion 7623 Amendment to Motion 7639, 8546 Motion, as Amended 8551 164 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SELECT COMMITTEE ON ADVOCACY FOR CHILDREN (APPOINTMENT OF A COMMISSIONER FOR CHILDREN) (continued) Council (continued) Appointment of Members 9319 Membership 13844 Proposal to Travel - Special Report 13844 SELECT COMMITTEE ON RULES, ORDERS AND USAGE OF THE HOUSE Council Leave to Move Motion 3990 Establishment 3990 Appointment of Members 3991 Interim Report 4976 Special Report - Extension of Time 4948 Final Report 5200, 5286, 5636 Adoption of Proposed Orders 5285 SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE INFILL SEWERAGE SCHEME Assembly Establishment - Motion 2301, 2687 SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE RESERVES (RESERVE 43131) ACT 2003 See also “Reserves (Reserves 43131) Act 2003 - Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation” Council Appointment of Members 9518 SENIORS Assembly Active Ageing Task Force 1196; Statement by Minister for Seniors and Youth 8280 Aged-care Oral Health Program - North West 3265 Bottled Gas Rebate - Petitions 5559, 6128, 7031, 8012, 8278, 8447 Card - Extension of Benefits to People with Disabilities - Statement by Member for Rockingham 6642 Council Rebates - Grievance 5333 Dental Subsidy Scheme 278 Elder Abuse - Statement by Minister for Seniors 3068 Fare Concessions Interstate 6038 General Practitioners - Home or Hostel Visits 6185 International Federation on Ageing Sixth Global Conference - Statements by Minister for Seniors 1569, 2517 Lifetime Links Grants - North West 3414 Local Government and Water Rates Concessions 13548, 13551, 13552 Mandurah City Senior Citizens Centre - Lauder, Ms Jan - Statement by Member for Mandurah 13806 North West 5514, 6036, 6037 Physiotherapy and Mobility Classes - Funding Cuts 11623 Riverton Seniors Awards - Statement by Member for Riverton 12854 Safety Inspections of Homes 3852 Seniors Awards - Statement by Minister for Seniors 12680 Supporting our Seniors and Disabled - Statement by Member for Mandurah 2811 Council Geraldton - Airconditioning Rebate 864 Scott, Mr Allie - Southern Senior of the Year - Adjournment Debate 1447 SENTENCE ADMINISTRATION BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 175 Second Reading 175, 2664, 2686, 2981 As to Cognate Debate 2664 Consideration in Detail 2988, 3245-3256, 3635-3668, 3692 Third Reading 3694 Appropriations 4080 Returned 9461 Council’s Amendments 9461-9464 Assent 9668 Council Receipt and First Reading 4036 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 165

SENTENCE ADMINISTRATION BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Second Reading 4036 Second Reading Discharged and Referral to Legislation Committee 4501 Cognate Debate 9159 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 9160 Committee 9338, 9339, 9363-9367 Report 9367 Third Reading 9367 Assembly’s Message 9521 Assent 9569 SENTENCING LEGISLATION Assembly Changes - Improvements 14253 Child Offenders - Esperance - Petition 5329 Criminal Offences - Maximum Jail Term of Six Months or Less 1760 Six-year Sentences - Parole 2674 Council Inequities - Adjournment Debate 3467 SENTENCING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT AND REPEAL BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 177 Second Reading 177, 2665, 2676 Consideration in Detail 2979, 3635, 3695-3702 Third Reading 3703 Returned 9458 Council’s Amendments 9458-9460 Assent 9668 Council Receipt and First Reading 3763 Second Reading 3764 Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 4500, 4501 Cognate Debate 9159 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 9160, 9166, 9168 Committee 9169-9171, 9335-9339; Statement by Deputy Chairman (Hon Simon O’Brien) 9169 Report 9367 Third Reading 9367 Assembly’s Messages 9521 Assent 9569 SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Assembly Anniversary - Statement by Speaker 11077 Commemoration - Statement by Speaker 744 Council Adjournment Debate 732 Commemoration - Statement by President 696 SERONG, BRIGADIER FRANCIS PHILIP Council Death - Adjournment Debate 2150 SERPENTINE RIVER Assembly Guide Poles 7924 SERVICE STATIONS Assembly Use of Mobile Phones while Refuelling Motor Vehicles 11314 SERVICES JOBLINK See “Employment and Training - Training” SESSIONAL ORDERS Council Continuation and Amendment - Motion 14842 Suspension 9549, 14592, 14842 SEVERE ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYNDROME See “Health - SARS” 166 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SEWERAGE See also “Waste Disposal” Assembly Capel - Treatment Plant and Infill Program 1781 Commercial Properties - Connection to Reticulated Systems 8155 Conlon Street, Waterford 8153, 8154 Falcon - Petition 4709 Infill Sewerage Program Busselton 2215 Cannington 9A and 9C 10442 Criteria for Determining Priority 9147 Grievance 4823 North West 5178 Petition 744 Select Committee - Establishment - Motion 2301, 2687 Statement by Member for Dawesville 5361 Murray and Serpentine Rivers - Leakage from Septic Tanks 8155, 9006 North West - Waste Water Treatment Plants - Expenditure 5181 Ravenswood Hotel - Deep Sewerage Connection 14542 Sewage Spills 12380, 14983 Timewell Road Treatment Plant, Albany 13985 Walpole Waste Water Treatment Plant - Effluent Overflow 5754 Waterford 9147 Council Beenyup Waste Water Treatment Plant - Noise Complaints 11204 Busselton Waste Water Treatment Plant - Industrial Liquid Waste 5319 Canning River - Leakage 12037 Flinders Park Primary School, Albany 6081 Gnarabup Waste Water Treatment Plant - Petition 337 Heseltine Park Pumping Station, Busselton - Petition 337 Infill Sewerage Program 2875, 11614 Kwinana Waste Water Recycling Plant - Cost 1263, 1420 Lancelin - Infrastructure 6955, 8417 Port Hedland Sewage Treatment Ponds - Tjalka Boorda Aboriginal Community 5960 Rottnest Island - Boating Community 13069 Shark Bay 10780 Subiaco Waste Water Treatment Plant - Sewage Outfall at Swanbourne Beach 1456 Walpole Waste Water Treatment Plant - Audit Report 10811 Waste Water - Use 2121 Waste Water Treatment Plants - Industrial Liquid Waste 6607 SEXTON, MR PETER See “Disability Services” SHARED-USE PATH, EAST PERTH-MAYLANDS See “Transport - Cycleways” SHARK PATROL Assembly Extension to Mandurah - Grievance 1978 Grievance 12822 SHIPPING INDUSTRY Assembly Coastal Shipping - Federal Government Actions 4863 Royal Australian Navy - Patrol Boat Tender 766, 9417; Statement by Member for Rockingham 3224 SHOPPING TROLLEYS See “Environment” SHURMER, MS SARAH See “Disability Services” SIMCOA OPERATIONS PTY LTD See “Fuel and Energy - Electricity” SIMPSON, DONNA AND VIKKI Assembly Statement by Member for Albany 6641 SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE Assembly Days and Hours 19 Sitting Dates for 2003 - Statement by Leader of the House 1677 Council Adjournment Debate 4041, 4046 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 167

SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE (continued) Council (continued) Days and Hours 1809 Motion 2468 Amendment to Motion 2471 Extended Hours 471, 3270, 8391 Motion 2751; Amendment to Motion 2754 Deputy President’s Ruling 2752 New Sitting Arrangements - Adjournment Debate 5670 Sessional Orders Suspension 7960, 9367 Sitting Dates for 2003 - Statement by Leader of the House 3269 SKATE PARKS See “Youth” SKILL UP FOR THE BURRUP See “Employment and Training - Training” SKIN CANCER See “Health” SKINNER REPORT See “Justice, Department of - High-risk Offenders - Review of Management Practices” SKIPPERS AVIATION PTY LTD See “Transport - Air” SKY JETTY PROJECT “See “Forest sand Forestry” SMALL BUSINESS Assembly Beachside Cafe, Albany - Investigation 2169 Business Enterprise Centres - Closure 10420 Business Migration Program - Statement by Minister for Small Business 10640 Commercial Tenancy Rights 775 Electricity Prices - Reduction 13518 Energy Reforms 12760, 12764 First Steps Online Program 1197, 1198 Goods and Services Tax - Impact 5998 Government’s Approval Rating 3671 Government Consultation 8180 Home-based Business Forum 6648 Insurance Costs 10024, 10025 November Sensis Business Index - Small and Medium Enterprises 13609 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13605 Penalty Rates - Impact - Government Assistance 11818 Review of Government Services 11561 Small Business Matters Article 914 Stamp Duty - Rental Businesses - Grievance 890 Tax on Hire Items 6941 Unfair Dismissal Laws - Impact 4678 Council Improvement Program - Closure 6278 Manual Slide Credit Card Facilities 12435 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Assembly Industrial Relations Legislation - Advertisements 4699 Submission on Deregulation of Retail Trading Hours 8179, 8180, 8309, 8310, 8441 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ACT Assembly Review 5892; Statement by Minister for Small Business 597 SMITH, MR DENIS IAN See “Local Government - Joondalup, City of - Chief Executive Officer” SMITH, MR GRAEME Assembly Principal of the Year Award 2002 - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 5823 SMOKE-FREE WORKPLACES See “Occupational Safety and Health” SMOKING See “Health” SOLAR ECLIPSE SUNGLASSES See “Consumer and Employment Protection” SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEMS See “Fuel and Energy” SORRY DAY See “Aborigines” SOUTH WEST 24 See “Health - South West Mental Health Service” SOUTH WEST METROPOLITAN RAILWAY See “Railways - Southern Rail Link” 168 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

SOUTHERN BRUSH-TAILED PHASCOGALES Council Mortalities 1260, 2124 SPEAKERS’ STEPS Council Forrest Place - Police Activity 5023 SPEED LIMITS See “Roads” SPORT AND RECREATION Assembly Albany Surf Life Saving Club - Statement by Member for Albany 8722 Australian Football League Funds for Football Development in WA 6814 Recognition of Grassroots Football - Statement by Member for Wagin 8721 Statement by Member for Albany 9414 Televising of Matches - Statement by Member for Wagin 4854 Australian Surf Life Saving Association - Annual Championship 2007-09 8004 Avon Descent - Funding 2848 Barbagallo Raceway, Wanneroo - Grievance 12824 Burswood Dome - Future 2008 Carey Park Football Club - Statement by Member for Bunbury 12854 Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund Program - Grants 2588 Country Sport Enrichment Scheme 5512 East - Grand Final - Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 912 Edith Cowan University Joondalup Soccer Club - Statement by Member for Dawesville 1704 Events in the North West - Funding 2848 Geraldton Junior and Senior Motocross Club - Grievance 2782 Grants for Elite Sportspeople 9493 Hall of Champions - Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 2919 Hills Football Association - Benefits from Government’s Commitment to Junior Football 7779 Hopman Cup - Venue 1200, 3980 Indian National Sports Plan - Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 13367 Indigenous Population - Improvement of Facilities 5085 Junior Football - Government’s Commitment 7779 Multi-sports Stadiums - North West 3006 Narrogin Leisure Centre - Statement by Member for Wagin 1705 National Basketball League Game, Kalgoorlie 12614 Noalimba Recreation Camp 827, 2818, 3000 North West Country Sport Enrichment Scheme 5512 Funding 2847, 3411, 9474 Multicultural Leisure and Sporting Programs 9006 Programs 7947 Safety Standards in Outdoor Recreational Industry 9476 Sporting Redevelopment Programs 5629 Walking Trails - Expenditure 5182 Olympic Games - Government Assistance to Athletes 6681 Panizza, Mr Darrell - Statement by Member for Wagin 11776 Peel Region Athletic Scholarship Awards - Statement by Member for Dawesville 7355 Peel Thunder Football Club - Statement by Member for Dawesville 4099, 10021, 14248 2819, 3003, 8794 Rockingham - Recreational Social Centre for People with Mental Illness - Petition 6686 Rugby World Cup - Benefits 10499, 13524 Soccer Restructuring of Administration in WA - Grievance 11505 Sports Stadium at Perth Oval 8794 State Government Assistance 8006 Sporting Facilities - Priority List 1519 Sporting Hall of Fame - North West 3005 State Sporting Associations Grants - North West 3005 Strategic Directions for Western Australian Sport and Recreation 2003-2005 - Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 5561 Surf-lifesaving Clubs - Statement by Member for Innaloo 6642 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 169

SPORT AND RECREATION (continued) Assembly (continued) Swan IC Soccer Club - Statement by Member for Swan Hills 11529 Tennis Stadium - Location 4159 Trailswest 828, 2587 Travel Costs for Sportspeople - Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 11379 WA Little Athletics - - Grievance 1283 Walking Trails - Improvement 828 Warren Area - Petition 4066 - Premiership - Statement by Member for Joondalup 12196 Western Australian Institute of Sport Athlete of the Year - Statement by Minister for Sport and Recreation 2919 World Peace Soccer Game - Statement by Member for Innaloo 13516 Council Boxwood Hill Sporting Complex 14031; Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 14038 “De-dorking” Sport and Recreation Organisations 2225 Hopman Cup - Funding 14836 Kwinana International Motorplex - Impact of Noise on Hope Valley Residents 14770 Ledge Point Golf Club - Government Funding - Adjournment Debate 1554 Noalimba Recreation Camp 38, 554, 11361 Pemberton Sports Club - Government Property Purchase 11194 Rugby World Cup - Extended Hours for Liquor Outlets 10246, 10252, 10807 Speedway Commission Western Australian - Statutory Authority 5023, 5410 - Statement by Hon Norman Moore 9197 Tom Hoad Cup - Statement by Hon Ljiljanna Ravlich 14786 Wanneroo Basketball Association - Relocation 5194 Water Polo - State Under 20s Team 4453 SPRINGFIELD RETIREMENT VILLAGE See “Local Government” ST ANDREWS IDEA PROJECT Assembly Previous Government’s Involvement 2572 ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Assembly Meahan, Mr John - New National President - Statement by Member for Girrawheen 8962 STALLARD FAMILY Assembly Statement by Member for Bunbury 7879 STAMP AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Recommittal 1691, 1692 Consideration in Detail 1692, 1693 Third Reading 1904 Returned 4591 Council’s Amendment 4726, 4727 Assent 5834 Council Receipt and First Reading 1835 Second Reading 3603, 3758, 4267 Committee 4267 Report 4267 Third Reading 4267 Assembly’s Message 4899 Assent 5759 STAMP AMENDMENT (BUDGET) BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 STAMP AMENDMENT (BUDGET) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 7526 170 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

STAMP AMENDMENT (BUDGET) BILL 2003 (continued) Assembly (continued) Second Reading 7526, 8479 Consideration in Detail 8496-8498 Third Reading 8498 Returned 9426 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 8681 Second Reading 8681, 9324 Committee 9334 Report 9334 Third Reading 9334 Assent 9569 STAMP DUTY See “State Finance” STANDING COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS Council Gene Technology Bill 2001 and Gene Technology Amendment Bill 2001 Extension of Time 9011 Motion 1663, 4497 Proposal to Travel Motion 4493; President’s Ruling 4495 Report 4011, 4318, 4490 Petition Opposing the Gnarabup Waste Water Treatment Plant - Third Report 1792, 4313 Petition Presented by Mr Barry Granville Waller Seventh Report Motions 8756, 9550, 10076, 10087, 10368, 14156 Amendment to Motion 14158 Motion, as Amended 14159 Special Report 3991, 4035 Sessional Report on Inquiries and Petitions - Second Report 1521, 1930, 2326, 3998 Sewage Pumping Station in Heseltine Park, Glenlea Road, Busselton - Establishment - Petition - Fourth Report 4378, 5001; Addendum 4490 Swimming Pool Fencing Adjournment Debate 4986 Sixth Report 4378, 5005, 6264, 7435; Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 4889 STANDING COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATION Council Corruption and Crime Commission Act 2003 and Corruption and Crime Commission Amendment Bill 2003;Twenty-first Report - Tabling 14623 Criminal Investigation (Exceptional Powers) and Fortification Removal Bill 2001 - Government’s Response to Report 4524 Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2002 - Report - Extension of Time 7464 Overview of the Committee’s Operations for the First Session of the Thirty-sixth Parliament - Seventeenth Report 2111, 4318 Sentencing Bills - Report - Extension of Time 4994, 6944, 7464 State Administrative Tribunal Bills - Extension of Time 11821, 13843 Statutes (Repeals and Minor Amendments) Bill 2001 - Extension of Time 6944; Report 8348 Taxation Bills - Sixteenth Report 1792 STANDING COMMITTEE ON PROCEDURE AND PRIVILEGES See also “Procedure and Privileges Committee” Council Fourth Report - Part I 1542;Parts I and II 1929 Standing Order No 230(b) - Motion 2316, 2317 Standing Order No 61A - Consideration of Committee Reports - Sixth Report 3034, 3582 Standing Order No 73 - Time Limits on Speeches - Fifth Report Motion 1666, 2732, 3143, 3151, 3998, 4318, 7443; President’s Ruling 2735; Progress 2735 Order Discharged and Referral to Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges - Motion 9548; Amendment to Motion 9549; Motion, as Amended 9549 STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Council Appointment of Electoral Commissioner - Motion 33, 43 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 171

STANDING COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE (continued) Council (continued) Economic Regulation Authority Bill 2002 - Report - Extension of Time 7464 Local Government Act 1995 - Sixth Report 14825 Local Government Rating System and Distribution of Funds - Motion 10234 Petition on Western Power’s Underground Power Policy - Fifth Report 14779 Sessional Overview of the Committee’s Operation - Second Report 1663, 3998 Transfer of Management of the Fremantle Cemetery to the Metropolitan Cemeteries Board Extension of Reporting Time 12911 Fourth Report 14669 STANDING COMMITTEE ON UNIFORM LEGISLATION AND GENERAL PURPOSES Council Acts Amendment and Repeal (Competition Policy) Bill 2002 Extension of Time 6943 Report 8348 Censorship Amendment Bill 2002 Extension of Time 337 Third Report 1919 Commonwealth Powers (De Facto Relationships) Bill 2003 - Extension of Reporting Time 14623 Consumer Credit (Western Australia) Amendment Bill 2002 - Ninth Report 6943 Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2003 Extension of Time 11821, 12911 Twelfth Report 13843 Gas Pipelines Access (Western Australia) (Reviews) Amendment Bill 2003 - Eighth Report 6543 Higher Education Bill 2003 Extension of Time 9569 Eleventh Report 11195 Special Report - Addendum to the Eleventh Report 11437 Human Reproductive Technology Bills - Thirteenth Report 14710 National Crime Authority (State Provisions) Amendment Bill 2002 Extension of Time 338, 3134 Report 3618 Terrorism (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2002 - Sixth Report 4304 Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Western Australia) Bill 2002 Extension of Time 338 Fourth Report 1919 Unclaimed Money (Superannuation and RSA Providers) Bill 2002 - Seventh Report 5915 Work of the Committee in the First Session of the Thirty-sixth Parliament - Second Report 338, 446 STANDING ORDERS See also “Procedure and Privileges Committee” and “Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges” Assembly Amendments - Statement by Leader of the House 597 No 90 - Suspension - Motion 893, 1984 No 279 - Ruling by Speaker 14217 Suspension - Completion of Matter of Public Interest 1602 Council No 72 - Suspension 1792 No 73 - Amendment - Motion 130, 132; Amendment to Question 140, 338 Nos 208 and 209 - Amendment - Motion 5666 No 230 - Amendment - Motion 14691 No 328 - Reference to Committee Inquiry in Second Reading Speech - Ruling by President 14199 Suspension Adjournment of the House 5666 Orders of the Day Nos 184 and 199 9536 Sessional Order Amended and Continued, and Other Matters 14842 STARLING, MS ERICA Assembly Statement by Member for Greenough 6181 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL Assembly Establishment 6205 Office Space 5753 172 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

STATE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL (continued) Assembly (continued) Staff 6776 Council Statement by Hon Barry House 10924 Task Force Report 3874 Veterinary Surgeons - Complaints 10789 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9102 Second Reading 9102 Appropriations 9668 Cognate Debate 9683 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 9683, 10002 Consideration in Detail 10008-10020, 10032-10049 Third Reading 10428 Council Receipt and First Reading 10736 Second Reading 10736 Order Discharged and Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 11195 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL (CONFERRAL OF JURISDICTION) AMENDMENT AND REPEAL BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9104 Second Reading 9104, 10394 Appropriations 9668 Cognate Debate 9683 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 9683, 10002 Consideration in Detail 10268-10280, 10289-10299, 10395-10404 Standing Orders Suspension 10424 Third Reading 10425 Statement by Deputy Speaker 10394 Council Receipt and First Reading 10735 Second Reading 10735 Order Discharged and Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 11195 STATE BOATING COUNCIL Assembly Appointment of Chairman - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11246 STATE BUDGET Assembly Agriculture, Forestry and Salinity 9313 Agriculture Initiatives 9787 Education Initiatives 9783 Environment Initiatives 9785-9788 Funding Cuts 7223 Leader of the Opposition’s Comment 1585 Presentation - Statement by Speaker 7034 Radio Advertisements 7357 Road Funding - Cut 7522 State Debt - Comments by Leader of the Opposition 6811 Surplus 1710, 6811, 11619 Underlying Position of State’s Finances 7024 Water Resources - Payout Ratio 8871 Council Cash Deficits 9361 Estimates for 2004-05 589 Government’s Self-promotion Campaign 8433 Recurrent Expenditure and Capital Works Programs - Deferment or Cancellation 6988-6997, 7184 Revenue Estimates 12268 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 173

STATE FINANCE See also “Taxation” Assembly Capital Spending 3225 Commonwealth Grants Commission Funding Cut 4744, 4747, 7022 Payments 6685 Delta Electricity and Access Economics Investment Monitor 7222 Federal Budget Weaknesses - Implications for Western Australia 5719 Government Financial Results Report 2001-02 1586; Statement by Treasurer 1568 Government Financial Results Report 2002-03 - Statement by Treasurer 11618 Government Spending in 2002-03 11697 Moody’s Investors Service Credit Rating 11533 Oil and Gas Royalties - State-operated Investment Fund 1586 Revised Government Financial Strategy Statement - Statement by Treasurer 2516 Stamp Duty Community Banks - Concessions 2573 Grievances 890, 8286 Lot 131 The Cutting, Mosman Park 14541 State Accounts Figures 599 State Debt 770, 7022, 7516, 7524, 7672, 7673 Taxes and Charges Business Insurance Premiums 10024, 10025 Claim by Federal Minister 2385 Increases 8440; Matter of Public Interest 7034 Pre-election Promise 7221 Tobacco Franchise Fees - High Court Decision 512 Treasurers Conference - Outcome 5828 Council Burswood International Resort Casino - Impact of Tax Changes 1419 Consolidated Fund - Balance 1008 Drought - Economic Impact 3729 Financial Assistance or Incentives to Companies 3029, 3066 Government Financial Results Report 2001-02 2911; Statement by Minister for Racing and Gaming 1521 Interest Rates 9064 Land Tax - New Assessments 2483 Revenue - Increases 5218 Revised Government Financial Strategy Statement - Statement by Leader of the House 2468 Stamp Duty Commercial Goods Bought through Hire Purchase Agreements 12004 De Facto Relationships 6280 Exemptions for Drought-affected Farmers 2868 Motor Vehicles - Petition 696 Property Purchases 12043 Unbudgeted Capital Loan Repayments 9064 STATE GOVERNMENT INSURANCE OFFICE Assembly Media Release 12467, 12468 Privatisation - Government’s Position 12469 STATE LAW PUBLISHER Assembly Internet Site - Petition 1053; Statement by Member for Warren-Blackwood 1305 STATE RECORDS OFFICE Assembly Assessment of Official Records - WA Inc 9798 STATE REVENUE, OFFICE OF Assembly Building Companies Audited 13304 Companies Audited 13304 Emp loyment Agency Classification - Payroll Tax 13305 Reclassification of Contractors as Employees 13304 STATHY, MS RAELENE See “Disability Services” 174 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

STATUTES (REPEALS AND MINOR AMENDMENTS) BILL 2001 Assembly Receipt and First Reading 12806 Second Reading 12806, 14279 Consideration in Detail 14284-14289 Third Reading 14289 Council Restoration to Notice Paper - Motion 344 Order Discharged and Bill Referred to the Standing Committee on Legislation 5320 Second Reading 12243, 12395 Committee 12396-12405 Report 12511 Third Reading 12638 Returned 14575 STEPHENSON AND WARD BIOMEDICAL INCINERATOR See “Waste Disposal” STEWART, MS AMANDA See “Disability Services” STIRLING HOUSE HOSTEL Assembly Alcohol Consumption - Leader of the Opposition 3347; Personal Explanation 3476 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Council Membership - Meetings and Role 5821 SUCCESSION LAW Assembly Reform 11954 Council Reform 11835 SUCKLING, MR KARL See “Australian Young Rural Ambassador” SULLIVAN, MR RICK See “Disability Services” SUNSET HOSPITAL SITE See “Planning” SUPERANNUATION Assembly Changes - Increased Compliance Costs for Business 1588 Council State Superannuation Amendment Regulations (No 2) 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 2591 Western Australian Local Government Superannuation Plan - Investment in Cedar Property Group 593 SUPERSTAR LEO AND SUPERSTAR VIRGO See “Gambling” SURF LIFESAVING See “Sport and Recreation” SUSPENSION OF MEMBER Assembly Member for Warren-Blackwood 211, 6341 SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY Assembly Advertising Campaign 11249 Agencies 11253 Focus and Advertising 11248 Printing, Designing and Advertising Costs 11395, 11909 Salinity and Algal Bloom Crises 11536 Statement by Premier 11375 Swan River 11398 SWANBOURNE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SITE See “Planning” SWAN RIVER Assembly Ban on Recreational Fishing 8787 Environmental Health - Motion 9259 Fish Deaths 8004, 8181, 8182 Great Gardens Initiative 11398 Matter of Public Interest 8797; Amendment to Motion 8805; Ruling by Acting Speaker (Mr A.J. Dean) 8805; Dissent from Ruling 8806; Ruling by Speaker 8807 Petition 8157 Regulation of Drainage Water and Pollutants 14542 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 175

SWAN RIVER (continued) Assembly (continued) Riverplan 8788, 8789, 8890, 8968 Sewage Discharge from Boats - Monitoring 10879 Sustainability Strategy 11398 Urban Drainage - Impact - Statement by Minister for the Environment 14055 Walls Adjacent to Sir James Mitchell Park - Damage 9799 Council Fish Deaths - Autopsy and Chemical Analysis Report 13358 Licences to Discharge Waste 13024 Water Quality Investigation - Elevated Levels of Contaminants 10800 SWAN RIVER COLONY Assembly One Hundred and Seventy-fifth Anniversary - Celebrations 7516 SWAN RIVER TRUST Assembly Budget Cut 8004 Scientific Patrol Boat 14077 Council Development Applications - Number 9634 Management Program 9553, 10247 SWAN VALLEY PLANNING ACT 1995 Assembly Review 8854 Council Review 13860 SWAN VILLAGE OF CARE Assembly Nyandi Prison Redevelopment 5580; Motion 5593; Petition 2351 SWERF See “Waste Disposal - Waste-to-energy Projects” SWIMMING POOLS Assembly Dampier - Grievance 9391 Council Isolation Fencing Adjournment Debate 4986 Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs - Report - Statement by Minister for Housing and Works 4889 Leonora - Government Funding 2764 Statement by Hon Norman Moore 7831 Subsidies to Local Government 5053 T TABLED PAPERS Assembly No 1450 - Error - Statements Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11499 Speaker 11629 Council No 1450 - Error - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 11566 TAXATION See also “State Finance” Assembly Goods and Services Tax 5998, 10674 Increase - Impact on Average Worker 6239 Land Tax 13310 Payroll Tax Applications for Information about Assessments - Refusals 13551 Assessments of Employee-like Contractors 3499, 3500 Back Taxes, Fines and Penalties and Revenue 13305 Employment Agency Classification 13305 Relief - Mr Burke and Mr Grill 5445, 5446, 5723, 5724, 6642, 6643 176 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TAXATION (continued) Assembly (continued) Payroll Tax (continued) Revenue 13303 Tobacco Tax Windfall 1708 Council Casino Tax - Shortfall 10808 Land Tax Exemptions - Residential Building Delays 11366 Payroll Tax Amnesty - Mr Brian Burke 4524; Personal Explanation by Minister for Racing and Gaming 6086 Changes 589, 4906, 4957 Reductions for Drought-affected Farmers 2868 Reform - Tax-free Threshold 5316, 5662 Petroleum Resource Rent Tax 10745 TAXATION ADMINISTRATION BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 4591 Council’s Amendments 4727, 4734-4742, 4752-4758, 4838-4843 Assent 5834 Council Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 49 Cognate Debate 3745 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 3745, 3878 Committee 3880-3882, 4011-4022, 4030-4035, 4206-4222 Recommittal 3884-3896 Report 3884, 4266 Third Reading 4266 Assembly’s Message 4899 Assent 5759 Government Response to Report of the Standing Co mmittee on Legislation 2349 TAXATION ADMINISTRATION (CONSEQUENTIAL PROVISIONS) BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 49 Cognate Debate 3745 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 3745, 3878 Committee 3883 Report 3884, 4266 Third Reading 4267 Assent 5759 TAXATION ADMINISTRATION (CONSEQUENTIAL PROVISIONS) (TAXING) BILL 2001 Assembly Returned 4591 Assent 5834 Council Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 49 Cognate Debate 3745 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 3745, 3878 Committee 3883 Report 3884, 4266 Third Reading 4267 Assent 5759 TAXES AND CHARGES See “State Finance” TAXI AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 10184 Second Reading 10184, 11381, 11401 Consideration in Detail 11402-11406 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 177

TAXI AMENDMENT BILL 2003 (continued) Assembly (continued) Third Reading 11520 Returned 14241 Council’s Amendments 14241, 14243 Council Receipt and First Reading 11579 Second Reading 11579, 12408, 13431 Committee 13441-13450, 13475-13477, 13555-13574 Recommittal 13855, 13856 As to Remaining Stages 13990 Report 13990 Third Reading 13990 Assembly’s Message 14199 TAXIS Assembly Burke, Mr Brian - Lobbying Activity 10162, 10285 Country Taxi Industry Review - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13677 Demerit Point Penalty System 4672 Industry Reform - Motion 10622 Multipurpose - Seatbelts 8120 Multipurpose Taxi Customer Service Charter 8115 Plate Allocation - Busselton and Dunsborough 8868 Plate Buyback Program 5365, 10566 Plate Leases - Level of Interest 14257 Public Liability Insurance - Review 4663, 4672 Restructuring of Industry - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 9659 Survey on Deregulation of Industry 8597 Taxi Industry Forum - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 4553 Council Additional Plates - Increases in Categories 9843 Country Taxi Plates - Annual Renewable Licence 3173 Deregulation of Industry 10260; Statement by Hon Peter Foss 13478 Fares - CPI Increase 3173 Northern Territory - Deregulation 6080 Restructuring of Industry 3291 Tetrahydrocannabinol - Maximum Amount for Drivers 7178 TEACHERS See “Education” TELECOMMUNICATIONS See also “Telstra” Assembly Infrastructure in Regional Areas 11622 Mobile Telephones - Use while Refuelling Motor Vehicles 11314 Mullaloo Mobile Telephone Facility - Petition 285 Network WA National Communications Fund Project - Statement by Premier 12680 Networking the Nation Program - North West 3572 Regional Telecommunications Inquiry 278, 1466, 2386 Rural Areas - Statement by Member for Vasse 13516 Statewide Telecommunications Enhancement Program - North West 3571 Council Mobile Telephones - Coverage in Western Australia 244; Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 6093 Needs Assessment 12267 Security Arrangements for Infrastructure 13164 TELLER AND ASSOCIATES Council Dealings with Department 6081 TELSTRA Assembly Electronic Dividend Payments 8869 Privatisation 9425, 11622 Council Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 9371 178 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TEMBY, MRS THERESE See “Education” TERRORISM See also “Bali Bombings” and “September 11, 2001” Council Pilbara - Protection from Attack 5533 TERRORISM (COMMONWEALTH POWERS) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3355 Standing Orders Suspension 3355 Second Reading 3356, 3524 Consideration in Detail 3549-3556 Third Reading 3556 Returned 4591 Assent 4591 Council Receipt and First Reading 3627 Second Reading 3627, 4324 Report of Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and General Purposes Motion 3855; Amendment to Motion 3856; Personal Explanation - Hon Murray Criddle 3860; Motion, as Amended 3862 Standing Orders Suspension 3863, 4304, 4313 Third Reading 4345 Assent 4887 Cumulative Risk Study - Adjournment Debate 3632 TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL See “Health” THE WEST AUSTRALIAN Council Kununurra Delivery 1452 THIRTYNINERS’ ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA See “Defence Forces” THORNTON, MS JEAN See “Health - Department” THREE-HORNED BEDSTRAW See “Agriculture” TOM HOAD CUP See “Sport and Recreation” TONKIN, PREMIER JOHN Council Infrastructure and Landmarks Named After 4546 TORR, MS JOAN Council Adjournment Debate 4930 TOTALISATOR AGENCY BOARD Assembly Sports Betting Account and Fixed Odds Betting 8149 Council Bonus Payment 5531 Funds - Distribution - Adjournment Debate 5554 Turnover Tax 5772 TOTALISATOR AGENCY BOARD BETTING (MODIFICATION OF OPERATION) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 TOTAL WASTE MANAGEMENT See “Waste Disposal” TOURISM See also “Coral Bay” and “Planning - Mauds Landing Development” Assembly $5 million Crisis Funding - Statement by Minister for Tourism 5822 10-year Plan 6412 Australian Surf Life Saving Association’s Annual Championship 2007-09 - Hosting by WA 8004 Budget Allocations 9496 Busselton Interpretive Centre Jetty and Underwater Observatory 14254 Commission Chairperson - Credit Card 12506 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 179

TOURISM (continued) Assembly (continued) Commission (continued) Offshore Marketing Budget - Cuts 3927 Conventions and Exhibitions 9236 Coral Bay - Licences 815 Crisis Marketing Funds 9310 Diamond Tree Sky Lift 745, 5584, 9879 Downturn - Impact on Casual Employees 9512 Economic and Employment Value - Education of the Community 9087 Election Commitment 5993, 7517 Event Tourism - Future Economic Benefits 13520 Federal Government’s White Paper 13612 Golden Heartland Tourism Awards - Statement by Member for Merredin 10414 Heartlands Regional Tourism Awards - Statement by Member for Wagin 507, 10672 International Travel Downturn - Government Assistance 8273 International Visitors - Emirates Services 6412 Iraq War - Impact 6343 Lack of Government Support - Motion 1603 Lake Argyle Tourist Village - Redevelopment - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 8000 Nature-based - Revenue 986 New Concept for State Tourism Strategy - Grievance 13488 North West - Funding of Programs 6406, 6540 Pathways Forward: Strategic Plan 2003-2008 - Statement by Minister for Tourism 10944 Pemberton Visitors Centre - Tourist Bureau - Petition 4067 Perth Hills Area - Statement by Member for Roleystone 6181 Portfolio - Elevation of Status - Matter of Public Interest 2822 Professionalism in Industry 7405 SARS - Impact 6343, 7027 Sky Jetty Project - Petition 745 Slowdown - International Visitors 7267 State Tourism Strategy 9666 Tourism Planning Task Force Report 3352; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 9856 US Navy Sea-swap Operations 2926 Workplace Relations Legislation 1590; Motion 1603 Council Aircraft, Long-range - Perth Stopovers 2484 Bunbury Regional Events Unit 9970 Diamond Tree Sky Lift 6586, 13008; Statement by Hon Robyn McSweeney 14037 Lake Kununurra and Ord River - Landing Rights 12031 Loopline Tourist Railway, Boulder-Kalgoorlie 1274, 4360 Ningaloo Station - Briefing 5811-5817, 5971-5973, 6120, 6121 Northcliffe - Unsealed Roads 13469 Regional Investment Fund - Infrastructure Funded 13022 Tourism Planning Task Force Report - Statement by Hon Adele Farina 9850 United States Servicepersons - Figures of Dollar Worth 10921 Whale Watching, Augusta and Dunsborough - Facilities for the Disabled 4062 Wildlife Interaction Permits - Number Issued 1840 TOX FREE SOLUTIONS See “Waste Disposal” TRACEY, MR WILL See “Industrial Relations” TRADE PRACTICES ACT Assembly Commonwealth - Criminal Sanctions 2523 Review - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 172 TRAINING See “Employment and Training” TRANSFIELD SERVICES See “Employment and Training - Apprentices” TRANS-TASMAN MUTUAL RECOGNITION (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) BILL 2002 Council Leave to Introduce 10 Introduction and First Reading 10 180 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TRANS-TASMAN MUTUAL RECOGNITION (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Second Reading 3602, 12406 TRANSFER OF LAND AMENDMENT BILL 2001 Assembly Appropriations 102 Returned 5681 Assent 5834 Council Second Reading 5406, 5414 Committee 5418-5421 Report 5421 Third Reading 5421 Assent 5759 TRANSPORT See also “Railways”, “Roads” and “Taxis” Assembly Air Ansett Australia Ltd - Levy 6646 Broome Airport - Statement by Mr Dick Smith 10591 Centenary of Flight 2003 Air Show - Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 13808 Fly In, Fly Out Charter Services - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 7515 Kimberley Airfreight Service - Petition 10639 National Airspace System 8443; Statements by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11681, 12742 North West 4657 Regional Airports New Services 10823 Removal of Front-line Emergency Response Crews 5241 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 10158 Safety - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 10491 Skippers Aviation Pty Ltd - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 8160 Western Australian Services - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 5332 AusLink Proposal 1590 Australian Transport Council - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 882 Ballajura - Improvements 4644 Bicycle Bells - Compulsory Use - Statement by Member for Albany 5714 Boat Driver Training - Compulsory Course 13200 Buses Armadale-CBD 9797 Bunbury - Grievance 10390 Bus and Omnibus Licences - Grievance 1975 Busselton Town Bus Service - Petition 4590 Canning Bridge-CBD 4646 Drivers - Number and Stress Leave 8075 Kalamu nda - Reduction in Number of Drivers 4636 Kwinana Freeway Bus Service - Cancellation 3925 Mandurah-Dawesville - New Buses and Terminal 4639 Perth-Mandurah Petitions 7031, 8580, 8691, 9380 Statement by Member for Dawesville 6641 Rockingham-Fremantle Bus Transit System 4625 Route Changes and City Bus Stop Relocations - Advertising 8341 School Bus Service Contract Finalisation 8444 Lesmurdie and Kalamunda Schools - Grievance 12577 Minister’s Refusal to Grant Rolling Leases to Operators 13382, 13383 River Valley Primary 1777 Subsidy - Statement by Member for Vasse 2382 Southern Coast Transit 2168 Special Licence Operators - Safety Regulations 8865 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 181

TRANSPORT (continued) Assembly (continued) Buses (continued) Transit Guards 9307 Charter Vehicles 4676 Concessional Fares - Changes 9730 Country - Funding 4802 Country Pathways Scheme - North West 8112 Cycleways Infrastructure Funding 5450 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 8786 Cycling Infrastructure - North West 8112 Cyclists - Use of Bells 8513 Department - Telephone Service - Waiting Times 9714 Eastern Goldfields Grievance 10643 Transport Board - Mine Site Charter Transport 10875 Freight Coastal Shipping and Rail Freight 9084 Network Reform - Grievance 12580 Planning - South Metropolitan Corridor 1467 Fuel Tanker Trucks - Rollover Accidents 8148, 9308 Geraldton - Southern Transport Corridor Project 4104 Geraldton and the Mid West - Infrastructure 86 Hay Bales 7928, 13674 Heavy Haulage Transport Units - Kalgoorlie-Coolgardie 2993 Heavy Vehicle Advisory Group - Membership 4629 Licensing Centres EFTPOS Facilities 9772 Metropolitan - Staff, Funding and Practical Tests for New Drivers Licences 8075 Performance - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 9082 Replacement Licences - Fee 10565 Shenton Park - Closure - Grievance 10641 South West 12381 Waiting Time for Practical Test 8075, 10878 Metropolitan - Funding 4802 Mobile Caravan Licences - Classifications 9797 North West Expenditure 5179 Improvements in Accessibility for People with Disabilities 8269 Infrastructure Programs 8339 Passenger Transport 4671 Services Upgrade 4668 Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme 2995; Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 9990 Regional Areas - Audits 9731 Road Coaches - Purchase - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 597 Rockingham Central City Transit Service - Steering Committee 4622 Seniors Cardholders - Access to Fare Concessions Interstate 6038 Shared-use Paths - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 8786 South Metropolitan Region 5369; Grievance 4825 Subsidies - Cost 8119 Transperth Mandurah 11392 Transit Guards 9307 Unrestricted Travel Passes for Disabled Voluntary Community Workers - Petition 9226 TravelSmart Grievance 7855 Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 11077 Council Air Intrastate Air Services - Review 3874 182 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TRANSPORT (continued) Council (continued) Air (continued) Long-range Aircraft - Perth Stopovers 2484 National Airspace System - Federal Government Changes - Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 13477 Onslow Airfield - Statement by Hon John Fischer 5963 Perth-Broome Air Freight Service - Petition 9149 Perth International Airport Aircraft Noise Restrictions - Maniana 863 High Conservation Value Land 14713 Military Flights - Statistics 12160 Qantas Air Services Freight Capacity into the North of Western Australia 4340 -Broome - Statement by Minister for Local Government and Regional Development 3575 Regional Airports - Removal of Front-line Emergency Response Crews - Statement by Hon John Fischer 6090 Shark Bay Airport - Power Supplies 11862 Skywest Airlines Pty Ltd Fokker F100 Jet 4446, 4525, 4530 Laverton Air Service 5414 Travel Costs - Statements Hon John Fischer 11488 Hon Ken Travers 11607 Bicycle Helmets - Medical Exemptions 2153 Buses Contract - Review 13469 Drivers - Cannabis Use 7178, 7481 Gas-fuelled Vehicles and Fuel Cell Trials 6464 Kwinana Freeway Bus Service - Passenger Numbers 1838 Local Government Grants for Bus Stop Infrastructure 14209 Murdoch-CBD Service 4297 School Bus Service Adjournment Debate 1671 Augusta Students - Fare Concessions 8673, 9567 Busselton-Yallingup Steiner School Bus Route - Replacement Bus 4447 Composite Rate Model 4029 Contract - Review 13469 Contractors’ Back Pay Arrangements 13357 Fare Concessions for Country Students 7821; Petition 10055 Garaging Allowance 7643 Marble Bar 4531 Replacement of Old Buses 4905 Subsidy - Petition 10055 Student Concessions - South West - Adjournment Debate 5322 Cycleways Country Areas 468 Cyclists Riding on Roads Adjacent to Shared Cycleways 10380 East Perth-Maylands 165, 346, 1740, 2151, 13359 Perth Bicycle Network - Completion 8414 Perth City 468 Cyclists - Number and Accidents 2250 Department 1995 Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 1170 Winzer, Mr Neil 1954, 14636 Driver Fatigue 9588, 12556 Eastern Goldfields Transport Board Act - Machinery of Government Report 10930 Document Tabling - Statement by Minister for Government Enterprises 13129 Heavy Haulage Transport Units Audits 2482 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 183

TRANSPORT (continued) Council (continued) Heavy Haulage Transport Units (continued) Enforcement of Road Detours 10250 Escort Pilots 12029, 13078, 13079 Shortage of Drivers for Grain Carting 12004 Licensing Centres Graduated Driver Training and Licensing System 1736, 7175, 9055 Motor Bike Licensing - Restriction of Times 8411 Waiting Time for Practical Test 8685, 13080 Livestock - Fatigue Management Regulations 6459, 7477, 11603 Mitchell Corporation - Road Trains 12028, 12029 Narrogin - Road Train Traffic 5534 Nullarbor Plain - Road-rail Service 346 Oversize Permits 2762 Overwidth Loads of Hay and Straw - Restrictions on Travel 5051 Perth (Passenger) Transport Regulations 2002 Regulation 29 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 1631 Public Transport Authority Regulations 2003 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 12104 Road Coaches - Purchase - Statement by Parliamentary Secretary 539 Rockingham Central City Transit Service - Steering Committee 3175 Safety at Night 9626 South Metropolitan Region - Local Impacts Committee 4399 Southern Suburbs - Adjournment Debate 4928 Transperth Cannabis Policy for Bus Drivers 7481 Unrestricted Travel Passes for Disabled Voluntary Community Workers - Petition 9011 TravelSmart - Budget Allocation 5970 Extension to New Metropolitan Areas 9563 Funding and Operation 2249 Western Australian Export Grain Transportation and Handling Agreement 10154 TREASURER See “Ministers of the Crown” TREASURER’S ADVANCE AUTHORISATION BILL 2002 Assembly Assent 13 Council Assent 28 TREASURER’S ADVANCE AUTHORISATION BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 8162 Second Reading 8162, 9105 Appropriations 8183 Declaration as Urgent 9105 Remaining Stages 9128 Returned 9671 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 9320 Second Reading 9320, 9545 Remaining Stages 9548 Assent 9569 TREASURY AND FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF Council Tender No 221/2003 - Political and Public Administration Services 4903 TREE PLANTATION AGREEMENTS BILL 2002 Assembly Cognate Debate 2276 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 2276 Consideration in Detail 2283, 2284 Second Reading 2283 Third Reading 2361 184 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

TREE PLANTATION AGREEMENTS BILL 2002 (continued) Assembly (continued) Returned 6188 Assent 9667 Council Receipt and First Reading 2340 Second Reading 2340 Cognate Debate 5658 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 5658, 5770, 5780 Committee 5930 Report 6051 Third Reading 6051 Assent 9569 TREMAINE, MR GARY See “Environment” TROWBRIDGE, REAR ADMIRAL SIR RICHARD JOHN Assembly Condolence Motion 7514 Council Condolence Motion 7463 TRUSTEES OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA LIMITED (TRANSFER OF BUSINESS) BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 6667 Assent 7034 Council Second Reading 6322 Remaining Stages 6324 Assent 6943 TRY, MR JOHN ERIC Council Statement by Hon Kate Doust 14036 TS BROOME Assembly Petition 14215 TURPIN, MR BORIS See “Disability Services” TWO ROCKS Assembly Marina 7113, 8137, 8139 Seagrass Management - Statement by Member for Wanneroo 5714 Council Two Rocks Marina - Fuel Contamination 3437 U UNCLAIMED MONEY (SUPERANNUATION AND RSA PROVIDERS) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3912 Second Reading 3912, 4843 Appropriations 3947 Third Reading 4845 Returned 6482 Assent 7034 Council Receipt and First Reading 4899 Second Reading 4899, 6418 Remaining Stages 6427 Assent 6943 UNEMPLOYMENT See “Employment and Training” UNHIDING VISIBILITY PROJECT See “Arts and Culture” UNIFIED BUDDHIST CHURCH OF VIETNAM Assembly Petition 12326 UNIFORM LEGISLATION AND GENERAL PURPOSES STANDING COMMITTEE See “Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and General Purposes” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 185

UNIONS See “Industrial Relations” UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Assembly Trade Mission - Statement by Premier 4710 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA See also “Defence Forces” and “Iraq War” Assembly Anniversary of Terrorist Attack - Statement by Speake r 11077 Energy Market - Potential for W Economy 13809 Support for Military - Prime Minister’s Statement 3932 United States Navy Sea-swap Operations 2926; Petition 5559 Visit by Member for Rockingham - Statement 507 Council Australia’s Support for Military Action in Iraq Adjournment Debate 5215 Motion 2591, 2729, 2852, 3010, 3134, 3423, 3575, 3713, 3992, 4190, 4241 Bush, President - Visit to Australia Behaviour of Senators Brown and Nettles - Statements Hon Bruce Donaldson 12670 Hon Jim Scott 12673 Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 12563 Nuclear-powered Warships - Labor Party Policy 4957 Opposition to Proposed War on Iraq - Urgency Motion 5037 Servicepersons’ Worth to Economy of WA 10921 Support for Military - Urgency Motion 1407 Unilateral Military Action - Adjournment Debate 1672 United States Navy Australian Marine Complex 12160, 12161 Discussions with Local Officials and Politicians 12158 Discussions with Washington Consultants 12275 HMAS Stirling Ammunition Facility - Nuclear Weapons 12569 Investigations into Ability of Australian Marine Complex to Meet Needs 12158 Sea-swap Operations Community Consultation 4528 Coordination 12275 Correspondence with US Government 6282 Evaluation of Trial 5024 Impact on Ecologically Sustainable Development 9986 Infrastructure 12159 Minister’s Visit to US 9193 Nature and Volume of Freight Transports 11884 Petitions 4377, 8347, 9149, 14669 Tabling of Correspondence 5537, 8397, 9556 Task Force 12159 Warships - Cost of Police Protection 5969 UNIVERSITIES Assembly Curtin University of Technology Centre of Excellence in Applied Organic Geochemistry - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 12448 Podiatry Course - Grievance 10388 Sarawak Campus - Statement by Minister for Education 1974 Edith Cowan University Joondalup Soccer Club - Statement by Member for Dawesville 1704 Microchip Test Facility 510 Fees - Increase 7673 Funding - Impact of Federal Government’s Approach 10288 Graduates Maths, Science, LOTE and Information Technology 2574 Teaching Qualifications 2574 Guild Fees Allocation 2520, 2521 186 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

UNIVERSITIES (continued) Assembly (continued) Guild Fees (continued) Compulsory - Petitions 2782, 2930 Murdoch - Pilbara - Study Funding 8142 Services and Amenities Fee - 206, 207, 5447 University of Notre Dame Australia - International Sustainability Events - Statement by Minister for the Environment 10568 University of Western Australia Centre of Excellence in Applied Organic Geochemistry - Statement by Minister for Education and Training 12448 National Union of Students - Contribution 2521 Pathfinder Fund 1713 Underwood Avenue Bushland 7116 Council Student Places - Adjournment Debate 3060 University of Western Australia Amending Statute No.3 of 2002 - Disallowance - Order Discharged 7271 Hackett, Mr Winthrop - Bequest 1738 V VACSWIM See “Education” VAN DER MYE, DR STEPHEN See “Western Power - Managing Director” VAN HEEMST, MR TED See “Racing - Western Australian Turf Club” VETERINARY PREPARATIONS AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Council Introduction and First Reading 7122 Second Reading 7122 VETERINARY SURGEONS BOARD Council Comp laints 10789 VEXATIOUS PROCEEDINGS RESTRICTION BILL 2002 Assembly Returned 663 Assent 1285 Charges against Australian Citizens by People from Overseas 5757 Council Second Reading 571, 573, 574 Third Reading 574 Assent 1235 VICTIMS OF CRIME AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 4714 Second Reading 4715, 9295, 11085 Consideration in Detail 11087-11100 Third Reading 11407, 11508 Council Receipt and First Reading 11485 Second Reading 11485 VICTORIA PARK PHARMACY See ‘Health” VINNICOMBE, DR PATRICIA Assembly Statement by Minister for State Development 5825 Council Statements Hon Robin Chapple 5962 Parliamentary Secretary 5760 VIRULENT INFECTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE See “Agriculture” VITAMIN A PROGRAM see “Health” VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA BILL 2002 Council Introduction and First Reading 1128 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 187

VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA BILL 2002 (continued) Council (continued) Referral to Standing Committee on Uniform Legislation and General Purposes 1128 Second Reading 1128 Statement by President 1441 VOLUNTEERS Assembly Consultation on Government Policy Decisions 11900 National Volunteer Week - Statement by Minister for Community Development 7658 Peel Volunteer Resource Centre - Statement by Member for Mandurah 12195 Police Checks - Reduced Rates 10962 Statement by Minister for Community Development 14216 Thank a Volunteer Day - Statement by Minister for Community Development 4067 Volunteer Resource Centres - Grants - Statement by Minister for Community Development 881 Volunteering Compact - Rural and Remote Western Australia 206 Volunteering WA - Student Community Involvement Program 4168, 5445 Council Not-for-profit Health Organisations - Funding Cuts 12142, 12290, 13143 VOLUNTEERS (PROTECTION FROM LIABILITY) BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Reinstatement on Notice Paper - Council’s Message - Motion 379; Amendment to Motion 389, 404; Motion, Amended 407 Council’s Message 1387, 1511; Motion 1489 Council’s Amendments 2840, 2841 Returned 2793 Assent 3355 Reintroduction 275 Council Assembly’s Message 446, 1445; President’s Ruling 1445 Receipt and First Reading 1446 Reinstatement on Notice Paper - Assembly’s Message - Cognate Debate 1158, 1246 Second Reading 1831, 2616 Committee 2628-2632 Report 2632 Third Reading 2632 Assembly’s Message 2775 Assent 3269 W WAGERUP ALUMINA REFINERY See “Alcoa World Alumina Australia” WAGIN HISTORICAL VILLAGE Assembly Statement by Member for Wagin 2001 WA HARMONY WEEK See “Citizenship and Multicultural Interests” WALKER, MR PAT See “Consumer and Employment Protection” WALKLEY AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM Assembly Spagnolo, Mr Joe - Statement by Member for Bunbury 2383 WALLER, MR BARRY GRANVILLE Council False Allegation - Petition 537 WAMBENGERS Council Mortalities 1260, 2124 WANDERING FESTIVAL Assembly Statement by Member for Wagin 7356 WAND REPORT See “Native Title” WANNEROO AGRICULTURAL SHOW See “Agriculture” WANSLEA FAMILY SERVICES See “Community Development 188 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WARD, MR TOM Assembly Community Service Record - Statement by Member for Greenough 3225 WARDS OF THE STATE See “Community Development” WARREN-BLACKWOOD AREA Assembly Impact of Government Policies - Petitions 2652, 2930, 3785 Council Call Centre - Housing and Works Department of 3617 WASTE DISPOSAL See also “Sewerage” Assembly Atlas Waste - Licence Conditions for Mirrabooka Landfill and Recycling Site 13273 Batteries, Motor Oils and Tyres 13273 Bellevue Community Consultative Committee - Membership, Meetings and Remuneration 826 Brookdale Community Reference Group - Reconvening 8790, 8791 Brookdale Liquid Waste Treatment Facility 4557, 4558, 4562, 4563, 5831, 14253 Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 4551 Hazardous Waste - Management and Regulation - Statement by Minister for the Environment 13604 Hazardous Waste Solutions Site, Bellevue - Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 1850 Mindarie Regional Council Waste Disposal Plant - Grievance 5683 Perth Metropolitan Area - Total Tonnage 12819 Recycling Legislation - Manufacturers’ Waste Product Packaging 14525 Pot Recyclers, Midvale 13699 Resource Recovery Rebate Scheme - 11741 Total Waste Management, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Motion 5255; Question to be Put 5270 Personal Explanation by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 9464 Petitions 5837, 5978, 6130, 6345, 6469, 6686, 7031, 7207, 7330, 8010, 8159, 8795, 8873, 9225 Toxic Waste Dumping - Reporting Requirements 5087 Trucks - Wash-out Facilities 7406 Waste Management and Recycling Fund - North West 3007 Waste Management Board - Chairperson - Credit Card 12380 Waste-to-energy Projects 1866; Statement by Member for Roleystone 2000 Council Atlas Waste Calingiri - Ground Water 3613, 4547 City of Stirling 9848, 12003, 13120 Noranda - Planning Permission for Digester 8676 Planning Permission for Digester 11182 Weighbridge Dockets for Waste Delivery to Tamala Park Landfill 734, 1738 Weight of Water and Contaminants 1563 Barrow Island - Incinerator 9359 Brookdale Community Reference Group 9023, 9645, 9983, 11880 Brookdale Liquid Waste Treatment Facility Department of Environmental Protection 5219, 7003 Fugitive Emissions 6279 Graffiti at Community Health Centre 9561 Grease Trap Waste 9059 Inventory and Site Inspection Report 9987 Records of Toxic Materials 5049 Reviews 5535 Waste Taken without Approvals and Closure 5315, 6605 Cardup, Shale Road Landfill Tip 1847, 10795, 10796 Cleanaway Technical Services - Brookdale Facility 5196 Compost Trials - South Metropolitan Regional Council 8428 Discharge into Marine Environment 6460, 7018, 13024 Global Olivine Waste-to-energy Plant, Kwinana - Joint Venture 734 Government Departments and Agencies - Targets for Waste Reduction and Recycling 12040 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 189

WASTE DISPOSAL (continued) Council (continued) Government Policy 6098 Hazardous Waste Solutions Site, Bellevue - Environmental Audit and Review 737 Henderson Landfill Facility - Ground Water Monitoring and Landfill Liner 13358 Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Yarri Road Waste Disposal Ponds and Tip Facility - Licence Conditions 4053 Kalgoorlie Liquid Waste Disposal Companies - Breach of Licence Conditions 5678 Marine Environment - Licences to Discharge Waste 10798 Mungari Industrial Estate - Waste-to-energy Plant 4931, 7996 No 5 Greenfield Street, South Hedland Rural Estate - Licence for Waste Disposal 9643 No 972 Leehey Street, Wedgefield, Port Hedland - Licence for Waste Disposal 9622 Nufarm Ltd - Licence for Disposal of Chemicals 13896 Resource Recovery Rebate Scheme 6301; Report No 7 - Tabling 7848 Stephenson and Ward Biomedical Incinerator - Emission Scrubbing Devices - Bypass Incidents 1846 Stirling, City of - Waste Management System 9848, 12003, 13120 Thomas Road Waste Mound - Expansion 3289 Total Waste Management, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Depth to Ground Water 9650 Enforcement of Licence Conditions 7002 Evaporation Ponds 7823 Licence Agreement 4959 Licence Conditions 11071, 12953 Monitoring Bores 7001 Odours 7840 Solid Waste Treatment 9060 Toxic Waste from Brookdale Waste Facility 7002 Tox Free Solutions - Waste Processor at Kwinana 246, 13348 Truck Tyres - Reuse as Lawn Top Dressing 1274 Waste-to-landfill Levy - Review 8428 Waste Control Pty Ltd, Bellevue - Breaches of Dangerous Goods Regulations 13903, 13904 Waste Management and Recycling Fund 247, 2226, 8427 Waste Management Authority - Establishment 8429 Waste-to-energy Projects - Maddington 2765 Waste Tyres - Disposal and Recycling 5679 WASTE MANAGEMENT BILL Council Introduction 2159 WATER AND RIVERS COMMISSION Assembly Funding Increase 11704 PPK Environment and Infrastructure 13771 Review 6648 Council Budget 2002-03 - Unspent Moneys 9642 Discretionary Powers 5194 Estimates Committee - Correction to Answer 9027 Ground Water Management Areas - Target for Excess Use 9640 Improving Rivers and Estuaries - Partnerships 9638 Major Initiatives for 2003-04 9636 National Action Plan-Natural Heritage Trust - Budget 9640 Penalties for Breaches of Licence Conditions 9644 Policy for Public Drinking Water Source Areas 9642 Report of Mr Carew-Hopkins - Tabling 11360 Rural Water Supply Assistance Budget 9638 Water Allocation Policies - Unspent Money 9643 Yarragadee Aquifer - Advice 6297 WATER BOARDS AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 3204 Second Reading 3204, 5117 Remaining Stages 5122 Returned 6667 190 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WATER BOARDS AMENDMENT BILL 2002 (continued) Assembly (continued) Assent 7034 Council Receipt and First Reading 5215 Second Reading 5215, 6558 Third Reading 6560 Assent 6943 WATER CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 10268 Second Reading 10299 WATER CORPORATION Assembly Advertising Campaign 8272 Computer Sciences Corporation - Information Technology Contract 2269 Dividend - Payout Ratio 8871 Forecast Dividend 87 Karrinyup - Sale of Land 9508 Significant and Major Incidents Reported - Tabling of List 1788 Subdivision of Residential Lots - New Water Main to Complete the Loop - Grievance 11504 Council Answers to Questions 14610 Burrup Water Supply - Water Supply 8361 Computer Sciences Corporation - Information Technology Contract 859, 1003, 1140 Desalination of Water - Hydraulic Head Pressure 862 Dividend - Increase 7308; Statement by Minister for Government Enterprises 8348 Lake Navarino Forest Resort - Water Supply 14030 Market Equity Pty Ltd Public Figures Test 5664 Survey Inclusion of Premier’s Name 5770, 5954; Statement by Hon Norman Moore 5961 Results 4900, 4955, 4956, 5048, 5197 Market Surveys - Details 5801 Ministerial Responsibility 5407 Mount Eliza House - Renovation for Corporate Entertainment 2230 Newdegate Rifle Range 2605; Adjournment Debate 2777 Recurrent and Capital Works Programs 4205, 4936 Revenue Estimates 6579, 7448 Tender No MN-02-10963 - Welding Repairs to Greater Southern Towns Water Supply Pipelines 1662 Water Meters - Accuracy 13118 Water Shortage - Misleading Information 10088 WATER RESOURCES See also “Salinity”, “Select Committee into Water Services” and “Swan River” Assembly Albany and Great Southern - Expenditure on Infrastructure 10880 AQ2 Pty Ltd - Awards for Excellence - Statement by Member for Wagin 3224 Bores - Water Users’ Charge 7675, 7676, 7883 Busselton Water Board - Renewal of Appointments 983 Canning River Great Gardens Initiative 11398 Regulation of Drainage Water and Pollutants 14542 Sewage Discharge from Boats - Monitoring 10879 Urban Drainage - Impact - Statement by Minister for the Environment 14055 Catchment Areas Controlled Burns and Clearing 692 Forest Management Plan 1048, 1049 Management - Responsible Agency and Funding 14543 Chemicals - Data 13986 Chlorination - Changes to Ovarian Function 8147, 8520 Collie Catchment Area - Water Quality 6485 Community Water Forums - Advertisement for Hon Adele Farina 1461, 1462, 1469 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 191

WATER RESOURCES (continued) Assembly (continued) Dandalup-Karnet Water Mound - Gazettal 984 Dunsborough - Fluoride Levels of Bores 8149 Farm Dams - Management Charges 7883 Motion 7693, 8200 Petitions 10170, 10383 Farm Water Grants 2849; Statement by Minister for the Environment and Heritage 4816 Farm Water Supplies - Petition 9671 Farms and Mines - Management Fee 7675, 7676 Gnangara Water Mound Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 13605 Pine Plantation Harvesting 5623 Goldfields Report on Alternative Water Source 607 Water Strategy 2038 Great Gardens Initiative 11398 Ground Water Exploration and Monitoring 13267 Regional Areas 3349, 3350 Swan Coastal Plain - Monitoring Program 1787 Harris River Dam - Removal of Additional Water 5753 Harvey Dam - Use for Perth Water Supplies 2005 Inquiry - Statement by Member for Eyre 8963 Jandakot Structure Plan - Water Resource Management Strategy 13772 Kalgoorlie-Boulder - Conservation Initiatives 12384 Laverton - Water Treatment Plant 10881 Lefroy Brook - Petitions 8012, 8157 Leonora - Water Treatment Plant 10881 Management Auditor General’s Report 11252; Personal Explanation 11313 Charges - Motion 7693, 8200 Expiry of Notice of Motion - Statement by Speaker 13368 Matter of Public Interest 2391 Manjimup and Nannup Shires - Petitions 9091, 9224 Minister for Water Resources - Appointment 3573 Murray River - Degradation - Petition 2931 North West - Funding for Programs 2419, 2420, 5518, 7781 Peel Waterways Economic Development and Recreation Management Plan 9793, 12226 Power Boats - Number 14553 Peel-Harvey Estuarine System - Nutrients 13675 Pipeline - Kimberley-Perth 2716 Preston Beach 685; Grievance 7849; Petition 8159 Rates - Seniors’ and Pensioners’ Concessions 13548, 13551, 13552, 14524 Regional Western Australia - Sustainable Water Supply - Motion 3950 Serpentine River Degradation - Petition 2931 Guide Poles 7924 South West District from the Shire of Waroona including Capel - Total Annual Water Allocation 12906 South West Drainage Division - Pipehead Storage and Drinking Water Supply Sites 985 Southern-Wongong River - Water Flow 981 Springfield Retirement Village - Rates Rebates 5508 State Reference Network Gauging Stations - Closure 981 Toodyay - Phenol Contamination 823 Underground Water - Use 692 Water Efficiency Incentives - Consumption Levels 8094 Water Forums 3417, 3418 Water Restrictions - Manjimup - Statement by Member for Warren-Blackwood 2000 192 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WATER RESOURCES (continued) Assembly (continued) Water Services Coordination Act - Review - Statement by Leader of the House on behalf of Minister for the Environment 12445 Water Shortage - Dam Storage Levels 397 Water Symposium 3417; Statement by Premier 2653 Water Tanks - Incentives to Install 3417 Waterwise Rebate Program 4855 Wellington Dam 2420, 6812 Wokalup and Samson Brook Dams - Connection to the Stirling Dam to Perth Pipe 5510 Yarragadee Aquifer 3008, 7092, 7524, 8444, 8445 Petitions 7032, 8010, 8277, 8446, 9670 Council 155 Kilolitres per Annum Consumption Target 5191 Adjournment Debate 3770 Advertising Campaign - Costs 5311 Alcoa - Wagerup and Pinjarra Refineries 12434 Aquifers - Extraction Rate 4251, 4344 Avon River - Tamarix Parviflora 10778, 10779 Bores 4339, 6083, 7477, 7642, 13122 Canning Dam - Catchment Area 14615 Canning River 12037, 13024 Catchment Areas - Protection 2765 Champion Lakes Recreational Facility 6276 Charges 2760, 2872 Chittering - Application for Planning Consent for Water Supply System 9635 Class 1 Regional Towns - Increased Prices 7480 Community Water Forums 1446, 4433 Consumption Figures 5311 Deep Drainage - Assessment of Downstream Impact 1418 Desalinated Seawater - Piping from Esperance to Kalgoorlie-Boulder 13066, 13593 Doust Water Brake - Evaluation 4203 Farm Dams - Management Charges 7642, 10112, 10477; Statement by Hon Barry House 10483 Farm Water Grants Scheme 6456, 6458 Front-loading Washing Machines - Water Consumption 4904 Gascoyne 1261; Statement by Hon John Fischer 9558 - Tamarix Aphylla 10778, 10779 Gnangara Land Use and Water Management Strategy 1742, 1844, 6304 Gnangara Mound Extraction Rates 4991 Impact of Pine Plantation Clearing 4448, 4991, 8416 Protection Policy 14026, 14034 Threatened Species 6302 Gnangara Park Management Plan 1743, 3023, 3906 Goldfields - Report on Alternative Water Source 1657 Ground Water 900 Rockingham Road, Henderson 12431 Applications to Increase Extraction 5676, 5801, 14027, 14605, 14606, 14610 Bore Fields Developed 1455 Development Options 6085 Extraction - Environmental Problems 6586 Extraction and Replenishment Rate 4199 Hydrocarbon Contamination 1848 Perth Region 13003, 13346, 14192 Supply Bores Turned Off 13346, 13352; Statement by Hon Norman Moore 13352 Sustainable Yield - Perth Region 13071 Hamilton Hill Area - Water Quality 12926 Harris River Dam 734, 3436, 4905 Harvey Dam 10245, 10476 Harvey Water - Offer of Extra Three Gigalitres for Perth Market 10361, 13010 Hough Brook 345, 1139, 1745 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 193

WATER RESOURCES (continued) Council (continued) Integrated Water Supply Scheme - Increase in Water from Ground Water and Surface Water Sources 5407 Kalgoorlie 7450, 12665, 14049 Kimberley Pipeline Project - Petition 4887 Kununurra 10364, 10786, 10787, 14633 Lake Kununurra and Ord River - Control Maintenance and Management 12031 Laverton - Water Quality 5817 Lefroy Brook - Contamination Prevention 5774 Legislation - Review 465 Manjimup, Shire of - Statement by Hon Barry House 9199 Marine Environment - Licences to Discharge Waste 10798 Mathews, J.B. - Ground Water Area Well Licence 1421 Merredin - Evaporation Ponds 4341 Metropolitan Area - Supplementation of Supplies 11837 Mines - Management Fee 7642 Mundaring Weir - Catchment Area 14615 Murray River - Water Quality 9057 Nannup, Shire of - Statement by Hon Barry House 9199 Narembeen-Avon Drainage Works - Soil Conservation Notice 1950 Narembeen Deep Drainage Project 551, 1741, 3336 Newman - Ground Water Contamination 8367, 11174 Nilgin Service Co Ltd - Licensing of Employees 4940 Non-profit Private Country School - Water Efficiency Rebate 6298 Perth’s Dams - Water Volume 4252 Perth Households - Annual Water Consumption 1746 Perth Integrated Water Supply Scheme 13116, 13140, 13467 Planning for Future Water Supplies for WA - Motion 12136 Port Gregory 6084 Port Kennedy Golf Course - Ground Water Use 3172, 4062 Price Increases - Protection of Large Families 5191 Quinninup 13125 Rainwater Tanks - Installation 40 Rebate - Number and Value of Cash Rebates 8564 Samson Brook Dam - Expansion 13915 Scott Coastal Plain 14769, 14777 Scott River Basin - Ground Water 6 Secret Harbour Golf Course - Ground Water Use 3172, 4062 Serpentine River - Water Quality 9057 Shark Bay Cemetery - Pipeline Charges 10780 State Water Strategy 5407, 5530, 13857 Statements Hon Nick Griffiths 14617 Hon Norman Moore 14616 Strategic Management Unit - Hatt, Mr David 872 Strategy Developments 1134 Stream and River Logging Buffers - Review 3473 Wallatin Creek Catchment Project, Doodlakine 13142 Waste Water - Use 2121 Water-saving Devices - Evaluations 4203 Water and Energy-efficient Homes - Environmental Building Code 40 Water Flows into Dams 12669 Water Management District Committees 9357, 9655 Water Regulation, Office of 9639-9641 Water Restrictions 1839, 9551, 11837, 13003, 13064, 14634 Water Royalty 4204, 4205 Water Services Coordination Act - Review 8368, 12667, 13006 Tabling by Leader of the House - Motion 12411; Amendment to Motion 12427, 13336 Water Shortage - Tabling of Documents 6454 Wellington Dam 9637, 12144 Whitlock Creek - Dredge Spoil 12038 194 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WATER RESOURCES (continued) Council (continued) Yarragadee Aquifer Champion Lakes Water-based Recreation Facility 6276 City Supply 7312 Development 6080, 6085 Drilling of Additional Bores 2121 Extraction Rate 10798-10800, 10922, 12044, 12162, 14615 Metropolitan Southern Bores 8563 South West Annual Recharge 14769 Water Extraction 9192, 12010, 12961, 12962, 14711 Testing 5659, 7324 Three New Bores 5327 Water and Rivers Commission Advice 6297 Yenyening Lakes System 9974 Yuna Chapman Valley Water Pipeline 4531 WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (ADMINISTRATION) BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 12748 Second Reading 12748, 13975 Appropriations 13214 Cognate Debate 13943 Second Reading - Cognate Debate 13943 Consideration in Detail 13975-13979 Third Reading 13979 Council Receipt and First Reading 14153 Second Reading 14153 WATKINS, CHRISTIE Council Death - Adjournment Debate 272 WEALTH CREATION SEMINARS See “Consumer and Employment Protection” WEDGE-TAILED EAGLES Council Number 9026 WELKER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANCY See “Consultants” WELKER, MR CHARLIE See “Government Departments and Agencies” WELLINGTON SURPLUS STORES Assembly Sale of Knives - Statement by Member for Nedlands 5713 WENTWORTH HOTEL Council Closure for Construction of Southern Rail Link 4255 WESBEAM PTY LTD See “Forests and Forestry” WESFARMERS CSBP LTD See “Pollution” WESPINE INDUSTRIES PTY LTD See “Forests and Forestry” WESTERN AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES See “Agriculture - Cotton Industry West Kimberley” WESTERN AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF TEACHING BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 9858 Second Reading 9858, 11278 Appropriations 9918 Consideration in Detail 11406, 11407, 11528, 11529, 11540-11559 Third Reading 11771, 11774 Council Receipt and First Reading 11823 Second Reading 11823, 13885, 13996 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LAND AUTHORITY AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 6473 Second Reading 6473, 8823 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 195

WESTERN AUSTRALIAN LAND AUTHORITY AMENDMENT BILL 2003 (continued) Assembly (continued) Appropriations 6497 Consideration in Detail 8983 Third Reading 8984 Council Receipt and First Reading 9048 Second Reading 9048 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MEAT MARKETING CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED (SHARES) BILL 2002 Assembly Receipt 4591 First Reading 4716 Second Reading 4716, 5393 Remaining Stages 5394 Assent 5834 Council Introduction and First Reading 715 Second Reading 715, 4537 Third Reading 4538 Returned 5404 Assent 5759 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 10569 Second Reading 10569, 12349 Appropriations 11629 Remaining Stages 12352 Returned 14057 Assent 14896 Council Receipt and First Reading 12405 Second Reading 12405, 13574 Remaining Stages 13885 Assent 14724 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL MANUFACTURERS See “Regional Development” WESTERN AUSTRALIAN RIFLE ASSOCIATION Council Newdegate Rifle Range - Lease Charges 2605; Adjournment Debate 2777 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TOURISM COMMISSION AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 6142 Second Reading 6142, 8877 Appropriations 6188 Remaining Stages 8884 Returned 12326 Assent 12572 Council Receipt and First Reading 9048 Second Reading 9048, 12227 Remaining Stages 12236 Assent 12511 WESTERN METALS See “Mining” WESTERN POWER See also “Fuel and Energy” Assembly Albany 4691, 10875 Bowey Property, Kulin - Cost of Power Connection 10028 Bremer Bay - Power Supplies 12200, 12321, 12323, 12466 Broadband Telecommunications Network Trial, Victoria Park 9234 Budget Allocations 9506 Carlotta - Power Outages - Statement by Member for Warren-Blackwood 11529 196 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WESTERN POWER (continued) Assembly (continued) Chairman Credit Card 13270 Letter to Minister for Energy - Tabling 10441 Complaints - Grievance 8284 Denmark - Reconnections 10875 Disaggregation Benefits to Small Business 12760 Electricity Prices 2390, 12760, 12764 Fall in Value 1868, 1869 Kemerton Peak-load Gas Turbines 12765 Electricity Generation - Transmission and Distribution Efficiencies 14520 Electricity Maintenance Program - Statement by Minister for Energy 10157 Electricity Outage - Darlington-Mundaring Area 6411 Electricity Prices - Reduction 13200, 13201, 13518 Electricity Supplies - Contingency Arrangements 12686, 12687 Electricity Supply to Regional Western Australia - Matter of Public Interest 5455 Inquiry into Infrastructure and Customer Service - Motion 12492 Kalbarri - Maintenance 12614; Statement by Member for Greenough 11530 Katanning - Reconnections 10875 Kings Park Parkland - Funding 8343 Managing Director Conditions of Employment 10029, 10965, 11109, 11249, 11258, 11393, 11954 Directorships and Board Memberships 10161 Limousine Service Account 10423 Statements by Minister for Energy 10050, 10492, 11248 Trips to Melbourne 10158, 10159, 10421, 12816 Mid West Facilities 12614 Grievance 5689 Mt Barker - Reconnections 10875 Pensioner Rebates 1760 Power Poles - Rural and Regional Areas 5509 Privatisation 2922, 12759 Regional Power Connections - Grievance 10386 Traffic Accident - Reid Highway-Altone Road - Statement by Minister for Planning and Infrastructure 6335 Wheatbelt - Power Supplies 12200, 12321, 12323, 12466 Council Access Requirements Regulations for Entry to Grid 3874, 4030, 5772 Average Unit Cost - Publication 4303 Boxwood Hill Sporting Complex 14031; Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 14038 Disaggregation 10809, 12025 Eiszele, Mr David - Employment Contracts 4201, 4448, 4533, 5050 Personal Explanation by Hon Tom Stephens 4889 Tabling of Papers 5397; Motion Discharged from Notice Paper 12409 Electricity Tariff Reduction 10092 Emergency Line - Inquiries - Time Limit to Respond 14668 Forest Hill Vineyard - Electricity Supply 4025, 4030, 8579 Kwinana Power Station - Industrial Dispute 13591, 14616 Kyoto Protocol - Impact 1261 Shark Bay Airport - Power Supplies 11862 Statement by Hon Paddy Embry 9371 Underground Power - Petition 696 Waterloo-Busselton Electricity Transmission Line - Petition 337 Wyndham - Electricity Meter Readings 4902, 5438 WESTERN SWAMP TORTOISE See “Environment” WESTFIELD PREMIER’S EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP see “Education” WHEELER, MS KYLIE Assembly Statement by Speaker 596 WIESE, MS BARBARA See “Ministers of the Crown - Premier” [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 197

WILD DOGS See “Agriculture” WILDLIFE CONSERVATION (FAUNA PROTECTION) AMENDMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Petition 7207 Council Introduction and First Reading 3159 Second Reading 3159, 7471, 7481, 7805 WILDLIFE INTERACTION PERMITS See “Tourism” WILSON, DR BARRY See “Planning - Mauds Landing Development” WIMBRIDGE, PRISONER See “Prisons” WINZER, MR NEIL See “Transport - Department” WIRELESS HILL PARK See “Planning” WITTENOOM Council Clean-up Operations 6278 Purchase of Properties 3471 WOMEN’S INTERESTS Assembly International Women’s Day - Statement by Minister for Women’s Interests, Seniors and Youth 5080 Women’s Refuge Group - Funding - North West 4167 Women on Wellness Conference - Statement by Minister for Women’s Interests, Seniors and Youth 3070 Council International Women’s Day - Adjournment Debate 5034 Wonthella House, Geraldton - Extension 1953 WOOD PROCESSING (WESBEAM) AGREEMENT BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 285 Second Reading 285, 940 Third Reading 959 Assent 1850 Council Receipt and First Reading 1033 Second Reading 1033, 1543, 1650, 1663 Third Reading 1665 Assent 1792 WOOD PROCESSING (WESFI) AGREEMENT ACT 2000 See “Forests and Forestry” WOODSIDE PETROLEUM LTD See “Industrial Development - Burrup Peninsula” WOOKEY, MS DARRYL See “Information Commissioner” WORKCOVER See “Workers Compensation” WORKERS COMPENSATION See also “Industrial Relations” and “WorkSafe Western Australia” Assembly Assessment of Injured Workers - Use of American Guide 4178 Employers Indemnity Supplementation Fund Surcharge - Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 5681 Legislation - Time Limit for and Access to Common Law Claims 1763 Outstanding Claims - Cost 3932 Referral for Treatment - Four-week Time Limit 8891, 8892 Reform 3931, 4700 WorkCover WA - Conciliation and Review Directorate - Determination of Degree of Disability 9144 Council Amendments to Legislation - Common Law Rights of Workers 2231 Chiropractic Profession 12966 Degree of Disability 12033 Legislation - Support for Changes 2347 McCarthy, Mr Brendan - Evidence to Committee 2602 Validity of Claims 2606 WorkCover WA Deadline to Lodge Common Law Claim 2228, 3027, 3178 Review of Legislation - Motion 12125 198 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS]

WORKERS’ COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION (ACTS OF TERRORISM) BILL 2002 Assembly Introduction and First Reading 378 Second Reading 378, 1511 Appropriations 477 Remaining Stages 1512 Returned 3235 Assent 3355 Council Receipt and First Reading 1446 Second Reading 2768, 3047 Third Reading 3048 Assent 3269 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION COMMISSION Assembly Report - Correction 14915 WORKPLACE AGREEMENTS See “Industrial Relations” WORKPLACE RELATIONS AMENDMENT (TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT) BILL 2002 Assembly Rejection by Senate - State Government’s Reaction 10593 WORKSAFE WESTERN AUSTRALIA See also “Industrial Relations” and “Workers Compensation” Assembly Building and Construction Site Inspections and Reports 5177 Buildings on the Corner of William and Murray Streets, Perth - Asbestos 1767, 4879 Crane Accidents 5173, 11956 Crane Safety Standards Working Group 4698 Statement by Minister for Consumer and Employment Protection 11746 Grants for Training 5177 Inspectors - Number 7224 Safety Complaints - Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union 1467 Safetyline Magazine 9143 Warning Notices to Builder - CFMEU Involvement 10594 Workplace Death, Brookton - Record Fine 11535 Council Driver Fatigue Regulations and Codes - Review 12556 Elevated Work Platforms - Legislation 7824 Guidance Note - Hand Washing that Includes the Use of Soap 14838 Improvement Notices Issued to Anti-Corruption Commission 8431 Inquiry into Fire at Lancelin - Statement by Hon Dee Margetts 7455 WORSLEY ALUMINA PTY LTD See “Industrial Development” WYALKATCHEM Assembly Australian Tidy Towns Competition Winner - Statement by Member for Merredin 6641 X XANTHIS, MR COLIN See “Aborigines - Aboriginal Health, Office of” Y YALLINGUP FORESHORE LAND BILL 2002 Assembly Appropriations 102 Reinstatement on Notice Paper - Council’s Message Motion 379; Amendment to Motion 389, 404; Motion, as Amended 407 Council’s Message 1387, 1511; Motion 1489 Council Assembly’s Message 445, 1445; President’s Ruling 1445 Reinstatement on Notice Paper - Assembly’s Message - Cognate Debate 1158, 1246 Receipt and First Reading 1446 Second Reading 4269, 7417, 7428, 7464 Order Discharged and Referral to Standing Committee on Legislation 7471 [INDEX TO SUBJECTS] 199

YANCHEP Assembly Locality Name - Petition 3354 YANDLE, MR ALAN See “Conservation and Land Management, Department of” YEAR OF THE OUTBACK Assembly Cost 4706 YMCA YOUTH PARLIAMENT Council Adjournment Debate 1964 YOUNG, AMANDA See “Amanda Young Foundation" YOUNG OFFENDERS AMENDMENT BILL 2003 Council Introduction and First Reading 14170 Second Reading 14170 YOUTH See also “Community Development” Assembly Children’s Week - Statement by Minister for Seniors and Youth 2161 Contemporary Music Initiatives for Young People - Statement by Minister for Youth 10945 Curfew for Juveniles in Northbridge - Youth Affairs Council Legal Challenge 9872 Debt - Government Assistance 10420 Detoxification and Respite Centres - North West 3268 Development Officer, Geraldton 10567 Funding of Programs 6490 Halls Creek and South Hedland 6680, 6681 Homelessness - Funding 9791 Kimberley - Facilities and Activities 13696 Mandurah Funding of Services 1867 Youth on Health Fest - Statement by Member for Murray-Wellington 13515 National Youth Week 6490 North West - Programs 5513, 6787, 8272, 8867 Skate Parks - Funding 11677, 13295 Suicide - Cannabis Use 6815 WA Youth Awards Showcase - Statement by Minister for Youth 6677 Young People in Aged Care Accommodation - Statement by Member for Kingsley 9415 Youth Development Holiday Program - Unsuccessful Applications 8133 Youth Grants Western Australia - Expenditure in North West 2848 Youthspaces and Facilities Fund - Statement by Minister for Youth 7021 Council Children’s Week Statement by Hon Barbara Scott 12564, 12675 Great Southern Community Youth Committee 3615 Roebourne - Establishment 4395 Z ZADOW, MR DALE See “Pastoral Leases - Windimurra” ZIMBABWEAN FARMERS See “Immigration” ______