[3255] OF (Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m .) No. 73j PERTH : FRIDAY, 12 OCTOBER [1984 Legal Aid Commission Amendment Act 1984 . Parole Orders. (Transfer) Act 1984 . PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA )By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Governor WESTERN AUSTRALIA ]BY His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Governor GORDON REID, fin and over the State of Western Australia and GORDON REID, fin and over the State of Western Australia and Governor. its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia . Governor . its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia . [L .S .] [L .S .] PURSUANT to section 2 of the Legal Aid Commission PURSUANT to section 2 of the Parole Orders (Trans- Amendment Act 1984, I, the Governor, acting with the fer) Act 1984, I, the Governor, acting with the advice advice and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby and consent of the Executive Council, do hereby fix fix the day on which this proclamation is published in 12 October 1984 as the day on which the provisions of the Government Gazette as the day on which the Legal the Parole Orders (Transfer) Act 1984 shall come Aid Commission Amendment Act 1984 shall come into into operation. operation . Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said State, at Perth, on 9 October 1984 . said State, at Perth, on 9th October, 1984 . By His Excellency's Command, By His Excellency's Command, I. M. BERINSON, J. M. BERINSON, Attorney General. Attorney General. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! otece to As "Government Gazette" (No.
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